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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

02-03-06, 00:14
A friend of mine called me today and told me that on Weds.morning around 11am,he was driving on Cicero Ave. near 153rd. A white red haired female waved at him,so he pulled over. She walked over and got right in.He said she was right up front and wanted 30 for a bj.He blew her off(I think he was afraid it might be some kind of a sting) then later called me and asked if I had ever picked anyone up in that area.I haven't.Has anyone out there got lucky in this area??

02-03-06, 12:48

I have never seen a SW in that area. However, it doesn't really surprise me. Areas to the east include Posen Midlo, Dixmoor, Robbins, and Harvey to name a few. i frequently explore 147th just east of I-57 to Cicero. Also, several years ago, someone posted about SW's in the woods near Midlothian. I think it was Rubio or Conkey Woods.

02-04-06, 09:19
Yea,I've gone east of that area,154th between Dixie and downtown Harvey,159th around Halsted,139,137,Clare Blvd.135th in Robbins,and of course Chicago Heights. Never anything right on Cicero though.

Did pick up Valerie thursday night on 63rd just west of Harlem. Parked in the industrial area east of Harlem at a factory that had alot of cars around. Good bbjtc for 20. She wasn't very good looking,but did a nice job.

02-24-06, 19:36
They were doing a sting in Chcago Hts on wednesday on Chicago rd between Rt. 30 and 26th st.

Champ Chump
03-02-06, 04:45
Just realized where the Heights were located. Where are the 'troolin' areas?

Boobi Fett
03-02-06, 09:33
Ok, I was in the South Burbs picking up something for a friend when I noticed a girl hitchhiking. I did not give it a second thought as I pulled into Dunkin Donuts for a drink. Well, she noticed me and hopped right in and asked for a ride. Who am I to refuse a cute blond so of course I said sure. Thirty seconds later she asked if I date. Ding Ding Ding Ding ... we have a winner. I said sure and off we went.

The girl's name is Julie and she is blond about 5'5" and I would say about 110. She was pretty cute but had a some acne (from the drugs). We went back to her place around 157th and Cicero and did a little french lesson for just over a Jackson. The french was pretty darned good but after seeing her naked I really wanted to do more. However, I was not going to do that at her place.

The only problem I had was I did not feel totally safe in her place. Of course after searching the area, locking the door and baricading myself in with a chair I felt I would be ok until we were done.

She gave me her number but since I live pretty far north I'm not sure if I will use it. However, her body was kick very good and she was enthusiastic. I did not ask her if I could give it out but for senior members I would be willing to trade.

I still can't believe how she fell into my lap but you never know where you will find a gem.

Da Fett

03-02-06, 11:34
Mostly b/sw on 14th St.(also known as Rt.30)between halsted and State. Then on Chicago Rd. south of 16th St. you can find w/sw, some black. Also try the Forest Preserves south of 26th along Ashland.

03-03-06, 08:04
From jimjames,

Which Dunkin Donuts in So. Suburbs did you find this girl?

03-03-06, 18:55
They were doing a sting in Chcago Hts on wednesday on Chicago rd between Rt. 30 and 26th st.Yeah JimJames. I was there watching that sting. Kinda sucked because one of the girls was pretty hot. But that in itself let me know something was going on. So I went to the carwash and checked things out. Noticed two undercover cars sitting behind the carwash and decided to get out of there.

03-03-06, 22:10
Be careful in the Heights. Some longtime girls I talk to told me that some of the girls are ending up in jail more often and setting up Johns for LE to get lighter sentences. The nastier ones supposedly are robbing johns. Of course, you have take some of the reports with a grain of salt because the girls are business competitors, but I have been friendly with several for a number of years and their reports are ususally pretty good.

Can Man
03-04-06, 15:38
I have been involved in the hobby for almost 8 years now. I found the forest preserves along Ashland ave 2 years ago. It has ben hit and miss lately. I remember back when I first found it, there would be a dozen girls hanging around. Now you are lucky to find 2 on any given day and I would rate them in the 2 to 4 category. Where have all the others gone to? Have not noticed any increase of LE activity on the woods. Was there on Thur 3/1 and nothing around worth stopping for.

03-05-06, 11:05
I saw the same shit. The girl on the curb and the car in the car wash stall. The cops have to do better than that. What really made me laugh is when I saw an Asian decoy out there. Now tell me, How many Asian girls you see walking up and down Chicago Rd?

Champ Chump
03-05-06, 11:07
Went cruising down Rt. 30 and spotted a bsw about 3 blks. east of Halsted. In the process of circling back around using side streets, I noticed men lurking about doing nothing (2 men, one on each corner, and another hiding in an alley). When I finally make it back to the spot where I saw her, no one in sight. After a little bit more strolling, I see her talking to one of the guys that I spotted earlier with the other guy heading back towards the alley. Definitely a sting... play safe.

Ralph Alton
03-06-06, 09:04
With all the NW Ind AMPs shut down, I came back to Crystal Spa in Matteson. Same old sh__. Hand shake only. Let me suck the fun bags while it was all going on, but that was it.

Last few trips to the groves have been disappointing. Too many tree police and too few sw.

03-12-06, 01:48
I just picked up the blonde that has been seen walking around 30 and the 394 exit ramp, her name is julie. Blonde. Said she was 21. Nice tight body. 25 for a BBBJ. Very good technique, took her time. Said she is out there all the time, no contact number.

03-13-06, 02:20
Where is this Julie? Is she on the east side or west side of I-394?

03-13-06, 14:03
Where is this Julie? Is she on the east side or west side of I-394?West side. Actually picked her up in the gas station parking lot.

03-14-06, 19:37
Thanx Wapo!

I'll be lookin' out for her.

03-15-06, 00:16
I will be in the area near the end of April. I have heard of the Asian apartments or something like that near I-355 and Downers Grove. Could someone pm me the location and normal fees?


Beaver Hunter
03-16-06, 04:28
I just picked up the blonde that has been seen walking around 30 and the 394 exit ramp, her name is julie. Blonde. Said she was 21. Nice tight body. 25 for a BBBJ. Very good technique, took her time. Said she is out there all the time, no contact number.

What time is she usually out there?

03-16-06, 14:21
I have seen that hot blonde (reports say her name is Julie) a number of time in the same area. God, she is sooo hot, but, everytime I see her, she dissapears too fast. I really wanna hook up with that one. I usually see her around rt 30 and I-394, or sometimes a little west on rt 30, never really drove around the area, but would just love to hook up with her. She would love it too I can promise you that.

03-16-06, 17:39
What time is she usually out there?I found her at night around 7 but she said she is always out there, I think she lives right around the corner, so I would just look for some decent weather.

03-16-06, 20:05
Apparently the Cook County Sheriff views this website too. I've been through Ford Heights a couple of times since the young lady was spotted and the only thing that I've seen in the area are sheriff's deputies. They were arresting some guy parked at the gas station one time, and then the next time through, another deputy dog was sitting in the funeral parlor parking lot across the street watching the gas station. I guess they might be watching for people who pump and go, but I kind of doubt it... That's an actual crime.

Can Man
03-17-06, 10:18

I also went through several times over past 2 days. I saw the same thing you did. Made me wonder if Julie exists at all? It also gave me a great idea. What if we started making up similar "Julie" alerts but coded them so we knew that were not for real. LE would be spending time in all the wrongs places. Just a thought. Only a few sitings in the woods. Nothing to call home about. Wish things would get back to the way they use to be.

03-17-06, 19:43
I've seen the big,bad sherrif out there Tuesday nite. Maybe they want to bust us all and have Julie totheir corrupt selves.

03-18-06, 16:57
Do many latinas work in the strip clubs in the South Suburbs like Harvey or even the ones in NW Indiana or it just like the other clubs in the northern part of Chicago. One or two there or here. I really wish Chicago would catch up with other major cities like NYC, L.A., Miami and Atlanta and open up some good strip clubs. I cant believe there is only 4 within the city. That is pathetic.

03-18-06, 18:28
Anyone see her around lately? Haven't seen her in months. Very freindly, great to talk to. Super tits great technique. She still around?

03-19-06, 01:12
Picked her up tonight. Absolutely no one was out. She's ok, talks a lot! Took her to my place for 1/2 n 1/2, .40 donation. she probably would've done it for less, felt bad taking her all the way back to my place. Great ass, needed a shower though. UGH. Ok effort for oral. I really miss Liz. lol

03-19-06, 10:34
Anyone see her around lately? Haven't seen her in months. Very freindly, great to talk to. Super tits great technique. She still around?

Most of the regulars from that area are spending time in lock-up... Have not specifically heard about Liz, and have not seen her since before winter...

03-19-06, 10:36
Do many latinas work in the strip clubs in the South Suburbs like Harvey or even the ones in NW Indiana or it just like the other clubs in the northern part of Chicago. One or two there or here. I really wish Chicago would catch up with other major cities like NYC, L.A., Miami and Atlanta and open up some good strip clubs. I cant believe there is only 4 within the city. That is pathetic.

Actually it is NY and LA that are catching up to chicago, we used to have a club in every area/town, but they have been trying very hard to close them down..

03-19-06, 13:06
saw in the Star that 19 people got busted. that was the end of Feb.

Can Man
04-04-06, 11:42
I have reported in the past how much this area has changed over the last several years. The lack of posts supports this view. Cruised through on Monday and found a diamond in the ruff. Angel was in need of ride, so I stopped and offered her one. About 19yo 5'-0" 34B with sandy brown hair. I would have to rate her about an 8 on the scale. Found a nice spot and spent the next 30 minutes having some fun. She was one of the best experiences I have found here yet. Only saw a couple other girls who are what I would call the regulars here. Not interested in any of them. They are either drunk or so far gone on drugs that it is not worth wasting time with. Happy hunting.

04-14-06, 09:23
This past week was on my way to work, maybe 6:20AM through F.Hts. Think I may have seen the WSW, Julie?, mentioned in earlier posts. Whenever I see a white girl walking in F.Hts, they have been working, although a relatively rare sight. There were 2 w.girls working this area months ago, maybe late last summer, but disappeared. I was running late for a meeting, so I could not check for certain. My later passes that week through this area were uneventful.

On my way home through Harvey, I actually saw 3 SW from 159th near Halsted, and then along Halsted going south. Picked up bsw Mercy and took for a .25 cbj, not bad. This was more action at this time of day than I have seen in a very long time, at this time of evening ~6PM.

Must be the nice weather.

04-22-06, 13:49
Had more action this week on 159th after work. Picked up older wsw, early 40s, still looked ok. Didn't get a name. Had bbbjcim gulp for .25.

04-27-06, 17:38
Any action in the Heights lately? Drove through last week sometime and didn't see anyone. The girls still locked up? I really am looking forward to seeing Liz out there again. Fabulous tits and great bj skills.

05-03-06, 01:45
Was on my way home tonight. Drove east from Dixie Highway towards the bus station. The first thing I noticed between Dixie and Wood was these two large spotlights on the side of the street. It lit up the whole block. So much for the drug dealers that work out of the project apartments. Drove a little further and noticed two BSW's around Wood Street. Got the look, but LEO was in site. A couple of blocks later, there was another set of spotlights just North of 154th. The lights are new, the BSW crack heads are not. Last time I plicked one up about 3 weeks ago, got a great BBBJ for 15. Would not pay much more and would not ask for anything more with these nasty hoes.

05-08-06, 23:46
Just cruising, found Keisha in front of the bank on 16th street. Said she was on the way to the bus stop to go into the city, tried to get me to take her, no way. She's a medium complexion black girl, about 5-7 or so, think, with a big ass and some big-ass titties. $20 for a bbbjcim. Kinda rushed, but since I was horny as hell, it didn't matter. Said she's out from time to time, said it's not how it used to be. I asked in terms of the cops, she said no, they're just doing their job, just, other things. Don't know what that means. Oh well. She was pretty good, and like I said, some big ass tits. Enjoy. Anyone seen Liz yet? She still locked up?

05-19-06, 01:50
Just returned from a stroll on 159th between Halstead and Park. 3 BSW walkin on and off the street. Picked up Tina, bout a 6 on SW scale. Not a crack ho. Did the LEO check and agreed .2 BBBJCUM. Very sloppy and juicy. As I was pulling out East of Park, one of Harvey's finest had a girl over on a side street and looked like he was writing a ticket not sure what that was all about, but she was fine and it did not seem that she was driving a car since there were no vehicles around. Drove back East on 159th to Halstead and a couple of girls waved as I drove by. Saw another BSW on Halstead about 170th, big girl, wavin at traffic. Looks like the girls here are not the crack heads but had to move off the side streat because of the bright lights put up by Harvey PD.

06-01-06, 07:20
Yesterday, I was out in the south suburbs early in the morning(5am) and drove over to State Line Rd. Hadn't been there in many moons. Within minutes I found Gina, a short ws/w right at Webb St.,on the Indiana side. Pulled onto Webb and she ran over to our great state and jumped in. Seem to have no regard for LE, didn/t even get the usual "Are you the cops". Great bbbjtc for 20 and did it while I was driving. She said many girls are out around midnight.

Cat Daddy #2
06-01-06, 15:37
Has anyone seen or know anything about Erica Kane?


06-02-06, 03:10
Has anyone seen or know anything about Erica Kane?

http://chicago.craigslist.org/ers/166707044.htmlShe has good rewies on ter.

06-02-06, 11:26
its this a fashion show bar ?
or what isit?
its by the airport down 47 its between i -80 and yoorville closer to i 80 on the east side
i wanted to go in but i didnt have anytime
any help would be appreciated

06-04-06, 21:29
I think I spotted a BSW on Park and 159th. She looked over and kept lookin, then went east on 159th. All about 4 - 5 pm.

06-20-06, 11:49

Was in the Heights last evening around 6 pm. Nothing on Chicago Rd and nothing in the nearby picnic groves. So much for fun in the Heights area!!

06-21-06, 13:20

Was in the Heights last evening around 6 pm. Nothing on Chicago Rd and nothing in the nearby picnic groves. So much for fun in the Heights area!!

Happy was in the groves last night... Same old same old service...

06-23-06, 13:52
I was wondering if anybody knows where their are any good fashion shows happening at the local taverns? If you don't want to post it then pm me. Thanks

06-25-06, 22:17
I went through the Hts today, Sun, about 5 pm, nothing to be found. I even hit all the groves in the woods. The only thing that looked promising was an older, white, Toyota looking this with what appeared to be 2 women in it. The grove was pretty crowded so I didn't get to spend much time in there. Anyone know if I should've stuck around? How about on Chgo Rd? I don't get out there much, but the last few times I went, nothing to be found. I really do miss Liz, she was awesome.

06-26-06, 12:35
Be very, very careful in the groves. LE is thicker than flies. it is also very possible to get robbed. One favorite is that a girl will ask to see the money. She will grab it, then run and jump into her boyfriend's car and take off. If you do the groves, the money stays hid until you are somewhere safe, by yourselves, and ready to perform the act. I would personally avoid the groves. Too much LE, too many "boyfriends" hanging around, too many infected crack heads, too many thieves.

06-26-06, 13:28
What are the groves? Is that like forest preserves?

06-26-06, 16:06
I went through the Hts today, Sun, about 5 pm, nothing to be found. I even hit all the groves in the woods. The only thing that looked promising was an older, white, Toyota looking this with what appeared to be 2 women in it. The grove was pretty crowded so I didn't get to spend much time in there. Anyone know if I should've stuck around? How about on Chgo Rd? I don't get out there much, but the last few times I went, nothing to be found. I really do miss Liz, she was awesome.

The older white car (toyota maybe) is probably Happy.. older SW been around for years...

And yeah, don't mess around in the FP unless you know what you are doing... Most of the SW's there are not to be trusted... I just go there for a place to relax make some calls and get a quick BJ

06-26-06, 18:51
I'm still looking for that julie on rt. 30 in ford hts has anybodyseen her?

06-28-06, 11:00
Utterly routine and average. Exactly at the 50th percentile of experiences. Neither unusually good nor unusually bad, nor unusual in any way.

Table shower, she asked if I would wash, and I indicated that she should. She did, without much interest.

Light massage -- which seems to indicate "get right to the point" -- was also done nicely, but without much involvement. Finish was somewhat rushed but satisfactory, with typical shirt up not off (small, but v. long nips).

Provider was Sunny, who actually did have a very sunny disposition until the time when a little personality would really have helped. Then afterwards she was again very friendly.

Go figure -- but again, par for the course.

06-28-06, 15:04
I didn't know this place was still open. I went to it a couple of years ago when my regular spot - PEKING SPA - was on a forced vacation. I don't remember too much about my experience at Crystal so it must not have been that memorable. Is it still on Rt. 30? What's the going rate ?

06-28-06, 19:36
Cruised through Harvey today on my usual daily route. Most days the pickins are pretty skanky. Today however, I had me some Peaches, a young, cute, clean bsw. I gave her back some cream. Found on Halsted.

Regarding Julie in F.Hts., I go through there every day at 6-6:30 AM and PM, and have not seen anyone in weeks. Last I saw her, she was walking briskly away from the Citgo one AM while LEO 's SUV was getting gas. Not sure if this was 'Julie', but not too many white women walking alone in that area. Have to get lucky while you can I guess.

06-29-06, 09:50
.7 door for one hour (includes ts). left .4 for tip: no requests or discussion of rates for tip.

07-01-06, 03:05
Hypodermic syringe. 9:36 a.m. Lincoln Highway and Torrence Avenue. Julia M. Geary, 20, of 9312 W. 79th Place, Schererville, was charged with possession of a hypodermic syringe and soliciting rides on the highway. Police saw her trying to flag down vehicles on Lincoln Highway and pulled over a car that stopped to give her a ride. During a search, police reportedly recovered a hypodermic needle and syringe from her pants pocket.

07-01-06, 04:25
Where did u get the 411 on Julie?

07-13-06, 16:35
I have been to this spa twice and both times it has sucked. First time was left in the room for 30 minutes I asked the mamasan for a refund and said I'll try later.

2nd time had a cute little asian tease. When the flip came she refused even though brushing by kibbles and bits. Also the massage was so hard I still hurt.

My idea is to stay away. Toftt and wasted my money

Stay away from the SW especially the black one if your not a brother. Besides being nasty I have a freind thats a cop and he tell me all the time that the harvey ho's are all diseased and will rip off a white dude at the first chance.

07-15-06, 13:35
Spotted wsw, young blond along US 30 on my way to work this past week. Would have picked up, but running late. Drat, my timing is always lousy on the rare times I see her.

07-17-06, 21:26
I have been there twice in the last few times. Not great. The first time had the old lady give me a massage. She said next time she would give me young girl. Decided to give it one more try. Gave $100 when I enter, all young girl busy, old lady gave massage again and did get a HJ, but I had to close my eyes throughout the whole experience. I did see some young girls with big titties. Don't know if I will try again.

07-18-06, 01:40
man I spent 2 hrs in the car should have went to Indiania. I traveled east on rt 30 saw 4 BSW and 1 very old WSW (she was wearing a white sox jersey and high tops) I then traveled down state street making the left on to rt 45 then at the metra statiton underpass in Richton park I saw a young WSW wearing some black teddy and flip flops walking. I worked it hard I stopped twice and she wouldnt talk. I was driving a expensive audi and I guess she would nt take the bait. Good luck happy hunting.

07-24-06, 22:50
A couple of weeks ago I picked up Patricia, Paty, Tricia, (w/but looks hispanic) she said whatever I wanted to call her. Nice body, great ass, nice tits, few tattoos, face ok. She said she was drunk, but she had to be on speed or something, totally whacked out. Gave her $40 for half/half. Well, since she was all fucked up, the bj was barely ok, and when she climbed on, (she warned me she had a big pussy....oooo you want this big pussy? It's a big pussy? U sure you want it) it was like fucking air. I mean I wasn't even rimming it. Now I know I'm not the biggest guy, but geez, I would've liked to bump a side. Got out to do it standing, coudn't get it back up. Asked for a bj to finish, licked it once or twice then i jerked off. Maybe she would be good sober, who knows, she's got the bod for it.

Then, last night coming home from Midway, picked up Linda, skinny blonde wsw on Cicero about 85th st. Just walking down the street, swung around, picked her up. So so looks, really nice, and great bbbjcim. Really good effort, made me feel great after the long flight. If I'm bored I'll definitely head back to Cicero.

Anybody see Liz back in da Heights yet? Man I miss her. Killer skills and tits to die for.

07-25-06, 01:24
I was in the Heights last night and I noticed and blond girl a little chubby in the hips and thighs walking down chicago rd. This girl I've seen her before but never dated her because I'm not so sure about trusting her. Also she wears a hat, a jacket and jeans in the middle of summer always. There are no stores around for her to steal from so why is she wearing all those clothes when everybody else is wearing shorts & t-shirts. Anybody else seen this shit? Please respond if you guys do.

07-28-06, 21:37
Picked up Rose yesterday, (chgo hts) about 6: 30 or so, during the rain storm. WSW about 5'10" heavy set, $20 bbbjcum. She was ok. Freindly, said she had just gotten thrown out of her house in s heights so she was trying to get some money together to head out. Said she was going to be around 'til Monday, so I guess she has a plan, who knows. Anything going on out there?

07-29-06, 00:00
Friday night, 9: 30, picked up the infamous Julie on chgo rd. What a bod on this girl! And a cutie! She was tired as hell, kept falling asleep in the car. Said she had been picked up 4 times for prostitution so she was paranoid about getting busted again. On her period so no sex, no contact # didn't know where she was going to be staying. Was also worried about being left in the hts, said she lived in ford hts and didn't want to get left in chgo hts. I did take her to fd hts, no biggie, dropped her and left. Did the deed, BBBJCIM, great skills on this babe. I HOPE to pick her up again. She is on drugs though, said she was supposed to go to rehab when they let her out, she didn't go, so she knows she's going to jail if and when she gets picked up again. She's definitely a nice girl, great bod, great oral skills, I hope to get fs next time. I did get some pix! Covered her face though so if LE is browsing they won't know her face. The probably know her by name, but, I'll try to help her out.

07-29-06, 05:39
Friday night, 9: 30, picked up the infamous Julie on chgo rd. What a bod on this girl! And a cutie! She was tired as hell, kept falling asleep in the car. Said she had been picked up 4 times for prostitution so she was paranoid about getting busted again. On her period so no sex, no contact # didn't know where she was going to be staying. Was also worried about being left in the hts, said she lived in ford hts and didn't want to get left in chgo hts. I did take her to fd hts, no biggie, dropped her and left. Did the deed, BBBJCIM, great skills on this babe. I HOPE to pick her up again. She is on drugs though, said she was supposed to go to rehab when they let her out, she didn't go, so she knows she's going to jail if and when she gets picked up again. She's definitely a nice girl, great bod, great oral skills, I hope to get fs next time. I did get some pix! Covered her face though so if LE is browsing they won't know her face. The probably know her by name, but, I'll try to help her out.Great pics, great report, but what the fuck is on her ass? And does she ever wash her hair? Disgusting!

07-29-06, 10:58
Great pics, great report, but what the fuck is on her ass? And does she ever wash her hair? Disgusting!LOLOL The zits? The tampon string hanging out? dude, she's on the streets becuase of a drug problem, so she's not in the right state of mind. She didn't smell though which was good. SW are not exactly going to get the most attention in a regular social situation right? LOL

07-31-06, 11:06
LOLOL The zits? The tampon string hanging out? dude, she's on the streets becuase of a drug problem, so she's not in the right state of mind. She didn't smell though which was good. SW are not exactly going to get the most attention in a regular social situation right? LOL

Ok, I just threw up in mouth a little bit.....

07-31-06, 11:26
Sunday night, about 9:30, did da Hts, nothing much going on. Did see Patricia out by the hot dog stand. She was looking pretty hot in a little grey summer dress, what a bod on that girl. Wasn't out long, got her food and picked up in like, 5 min. Did see a few LE out though. CHPD changed their logo I see. Don't have the big letters across the body, interesting. Went down Rt 30 through Ford Hts to see if I saw Julie, no luck.

Ms Lady1234
07-31-06, 15:13
"She kept falling asleep in the car"

Thats what the dopefiends call nodding off, sounds like a heroin junkie.

She needs some pro active on that ass and the fingernails look like shes been picking through dumpsters.

Other than that excellent report!!

08-01-06, 23:15
Earlier around 8:30 pm I saw Julie on Chicago rd. I picked her up at the liquor store and she agreed to half/half for $.40. We went to and undisclosed location wich is a very good spot and did the deed. She gave a good bbbj and I hit it doggy style. That's cool because most sws en up missionary. It was also cool cause she got in to it and I could've worked her more but I already popped. The only problem I had was she had swamp ass and it smelled a little funky afterwards. As I was driving to her drug spot I asked does she do greek and she said for $.60. But I probably won't do it cause the smell of that booty funk means she has shit in her ass. The next time I see her I'll just go for head.

08-01-06, 23:27
Earlier around 8:30 pm I saw Julie on Chicago rd. I picked her up at the liquor store and she agreed to half/half for $.40. We went to and undisclosed location wich is a very good spot and did the deed. She gave a good bbbj and I hit it doggy style. That's cool because most sws en up missionary. It was also cool cause she got in to it and I could've worked her more but I already popped. The only problem I had was she had swamp ass and it smelled a little funky afterwards. As I was driving to her drug spot I asked does she do greek and she said for $.60. But I probably won't do it cause the smell of that booty funk means she has shit in her ass. The next time I see her I'll just go for head.Was this earlier tonight, Tues? Its like 10:30 now and I"m thinking about heading out there. Damn, too late for her to shower though! LOL

Traveler One
08-01-06, 23:44
I was out meeting a girl from c/l the other week at a hotel. I happend on a spot that I was unaware that there was action. Can a senior member advise me how to disclose the area w/out disclosing the area? LE was present so I am sure that they are aware. I may actually be the only one not aware of this spot but I do not want to screw it up.

08-02-06, 07:04
Was this earlier tonight, Tues? Its like 10:30 now and I"m thinking about heading out there. Damn, too late for her to shower though! LOL
This was around 8:30 last night. Its 6am now Wed and I just got your message

08-02-06, 14:10
I was out meeting a girl from c/l the other week at a hotel. I happend on a spot that I was unaware that there was action. Can a senior member advise me how to disclose the area w/out disclosing the area? LE was present so I am sure that they are aware. I may actually be the only one not aware of this spot but I do not want to screw it up.just go ahead and post the major cross streets.

08-09-06, 13:28
Was out through the Hts last night, about 12: 15 am to 12: 45, two girls out. One brunette, I forget her name, didn't get picked up, she was just walking up and down with 2 buddies. The other, a blonde I've never seen before. Cute, overbite, couldn't have been out more than 2 min when the guy in front of me got her before I did. I was still excited from the Sox win and I could've used a pop! Drove around for that half hour and those were the only two out. Anything else out there?

Traveler One
08-09-06, 16:41
57 and 127th not bad lookin' BSW action but after 12:00 A.M. I went later during the the day and saw nothing. No other intel but saw this when I was visiting a CL girl at a near by hotel.

just go ahead and post the major cross streets.

08-10-06, 01:16
57 and 127th not bad lookin' BSW action but after 12:00 A.M. I went later during the the day and saw nothing. No other intel but saw this when I was visiting a CL girl at a near by hotel.Which girl from CL? Was she any good?

08-10-06, 07:03
Was out through the Hts last night, about 12: 15 am to 12: 45, two girls out. One brunette, I forget her name, didn't get picked up, she was just walking up and down with 2 buddies. The other, a blonde I've never seen before. Cute, overbite, couldn't have been out more than 2 min when the guy in front of me got her before I did. I was still excited from the Sox win and I could've used a pop! Drove around for that half hour and those were the only two out. Anything else out there?
Did the blonde with the overbite had glasses on and was she skinny?

08-10-06, 18:39
Did the blonde with the overbite had glasses on and was she skinny?She didn't have glasses on, and didn't look too skinny. She looked about medium. I remember a skinny blonde with an overbite from a few years ago, but she was all cracked out with horrible teeth. This girl didn't look like that. It's Thurs, so I may head out tonight. Hopefully some action will be out, but the rain may keep them home.

08-10-06, 20:39
Cute BSW, I normally pass BSW's however this one tempted me. However, maybe too cute, if you get my drift. Hair was done, makeup, and nice clothes. Brown and Blonde hair, small b cup, and didnt look to be on anything. Once, I got the nerve to pick her up, the guy in front of me got her. Dang. I hope that I see her again. Does anyone know that discription?

08-11-06, 00:15
The BSW is the previous post was walking on Halsted near the Heights.

Also, went out tonight on Lincoln and Halsted. Saw one BSW on the corner of East End and Lincoln. Short and I mean short mini dress. Heck it if was day and not raining I am sure you could see her ass. Looked like a nice time. However, I read from a previous post here that most BSW do not like white men. Can anyone confirm that?

08-11-06, 00:24
The BSW is the previous post was walking on Halsted near the Heights.

Also, went out tonight on Lincoln and Halsted. Saw one BSW on the corner of East End and Lincoln. Short and I mean short mini dress. Heck it if was day and not raining I am sure you could see her ass. Looked like a nice time. However, I read from a previous post here that most BSW do not like white men. Can anyone confirm that?A few yrs ago there were no wsw out there, so all there was was bsw and I never had a problem with them. One or two would get nervous if you left E hts, but not problems at all. just my 2 cents

Bend It
08-11-06, 11:03
The BSW is the previous post was walking on Halsted near the Heights.

Also, went out tonight on Lincoln and Halsted. Saw one BSW on the corner of East End and Lincoln. Short and I mean short mini dress. Heck it if was day and not raining I am sure you could see her ass. Looked like a nice time. However, I read from a previous post here that most BSW do not like white men. Can anyone confirm that?

Not my experience - but YMMV!

08-12-06, 20:16
I picked up Julie again on Fri about 8 or so, she was down in S Hts by the new gas station. Don't know what she was doing down there, but I grabbed her! Turns out some guy kicked her ass a couple days ago. Took her to the woods and knocked her around. Her jaw was really swollen and she had on a ton of makeup. Anyway, got a half and half, ended up having to jerk off, couldn't keep it up in the area we were in. Went to the nature center in p. Forest, cars there, too much stress. Don't ask how we ended up over there, long story. Anyway, even with a bad jaw the girl gives great head. Just watching her is a sight to behold. I dropped her off by the pawnshop on the rd, she was getting picked up there. I also learned that she doesn't like her nipples sucked. She's got great tits but she like really cringed when I started sucking on them. Maybe too sensitive, maybe something she likes in private not while she's working. Oh well. Still a great gal. I can't believe there are guys out there who only want to hit girls. Pricks. She also said a working girl got killed a few months ago. Anyone hear about it? Be safe dudes.

08-13-06, 11:09
I picked up Julie again on Fri about 8 or so, she was down in S Hts by the new gas station. Don't know what she was doing down there, but I grabbed her! Turns out some guy kicked her ass a couple days ago. Took her to the woods and knocked her around. Her jaw was really swollen and she had on a ton of makeup. Anyway, got a half and half, ended up having to jerk off, couldn't keep it up in the area we were in. Went to the nature center in p. Forest, cars there, too much stress. Don't ask how we ended up over there, long story. Anyway, even with a bad jaw the girl gives great head. Just watching her is a sight to behold. I dropped her off by the pawnshop on the rd, she was getting picked up there. I also learned that she doesn't like her nipples sucked. She's got great tits but she like really cringed when I started sucking on them. Maybe too sensitive, maybe something she likes in private not while she's working. Oh well. Still a great gal. I can't believe there are guys out there who only want to hit girls. Pricks. She also said a working girl got killed a few months ago. Anyone hear about it? Be safe dudes.
Mybe we need to find out who this guy is so we can turn him in to the police or handle it ourselves. Guys who get off hurting girls are punks and need to have their asses kicked. They make the regular mongers look like bad peoples. I seen julie yesteray about 10:30 she walked by Nate's barber shop on Chicago Rd as I was getting a haircut. The guys were saying she's usually out earlier around 9:00. After my haircut was done I went looking for her but no luck.

08-20-06, 09:06
Hey Dude Whats this Black Girl all About??? I Monger more out in The Melrose Park/Stone Park And Chicago Area??? Where Can I Find This Black Girl With Big Juggs??? I also need info on Arnies??? I Hear That some Hot Black Babes are there But I Need More info on this place... Any info on Big Black Titties There That would be cool. Alright MAN post Back here then....Dude,

That was ages ago, I have no idea about her. She was a one time shot I guess, haven't seen her again.

08-24-06, 00:09
Has anyone been to Club 300? Just curious if its worth the time? Dress code? Cover? Etc...

Traveler One
08-24-06, 07:20
Has anyone been to Club 300? Just curious if its worth the time? Dress code? Cover? Etc...It is an ok place. I hp[ed that it would be dirtier being in West Chicago.

08-29-06, 01:02
Well what can I say, got restless and took a stroll. 159th West of Park, saw a BSW with umbrella. Took the turn and she was gone. Off to 154th street, by the liquer store downtown BSW gave the high five, made the circle and she found what she was lookin for, or I missed the whole connection. this was about 10 bells in the eve., rain and all.

08-30-06, 20:22
Drove down along chicago road Tues night while enjoying the 420. Spotted Julie I believe, but looked like she wasn't working, maybe just finished. Kept walking and disappeared. Settled for Kelly, not bad. Excellent oral skills. Did bbbj-fs-back to bbbjcim for the finish. Outstanding!

Been through here before and only saw some hard core bag ladies looking tio score, no thank you. So this was a nice surprise.

08-31-06, 09:48
Take out available?

09-08-06, 20:28
Cruised down Chi RD on the way to work this AM. Caught Dawn around the car wash. Thought it might have been Julie, but up close she was about 20 years older. Still not too bad, about a 6. Went to an undisclosed location and had a very pleasurable bbbjcim gulp for .2. Went to work happy.

09-10-06, 22:29
Found Beth Saturday night in the Heights. A 5 on the scale. Blond, skinny, claims to be just off junk and recovering. Very nice attitude and very talkative. Nice gentle action and reasonable rates. No digits obtained.

Some info: Claims most other girls are robbing johns and she warns all her clients. I know some of this is sales talk to keep her clients away from other girls or to get back at someone she is pissed at. I'm just the messenger. She also said stings are going way up, especially in the groves, so be careful. This would not surprise me at election time. Watch yourselves from now through November!

09-10-06, 22:32
I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."

09-10-06, 22:35
I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."With it being Da Heights, I wouldn't put it passed them. Then again, if someone didn't mind raising a stink, (if the got caught with a girl) they could get the cops in trouble with the state, and after what they went through a few years ago, I doubt they would want that. Still be careful gang.

09-11-06, 22:07
With it being Da Heights, I wouldn't put it passed them. Then again, if someone didn't mind raising a stink, (if the got caught with a girl) they could get the cops in trouble with the state, and after what they went through a few years ago, I doubt they would want that. Still be careful gang.

Any property used to commit an illegal act can be seized by the police... Have you seen the cars driving around with "this used to belong to a drug dealer" written on them? Same principal... So, basically, you use it and risk it, you can loose it..

09-11-06, 23:17
Any property used to commit an illegal act can be seized by the police... Have you seen the cars driving around with "this used to belong to a drug dealer" written on them? Same principal... So, basically, you use it and risk it, you can loose it..Guess I never thought of it that way. Bummer

09-12-06, 10:07
Wait, so if I have a hooker over to my house and I get busted they can take my house? Kind of scary!

Any property used to commit an illegal act can be seized by the police... Have you seen the cars driving around with "this used to belong to a drug dealer" written on them? Same principal... So, basically, you use it and risk it, you can loose it..

09-12-06, 10:47
Following that logic, never get caught with a hoe outdoors, LE will confiscate the whole Earth!

Actually, I'd think it would take a pretty serious event to lose a car. The drug stuff is largely felony level, esp. if large quantities are involved.

You'd have to be selling all the kids in a day care center to have your car taken. Now if you don't pick it up quickly, then it can revert to LE and at Chicago rates that may not take long.


09-15-06, 12:46
Saturday night at 9 pm, picked up Beth. About 5'6, blonde, so so looking. She was actually walking with 2 other W ladies who I assume were working too. Get to a spot, only asking for a bj, she says "Bidding starts at .30" so i'm sure it's up for discussion. FS was .40, but since i had my camera, i acted upset and went with the .30. Really nice girl, friendly, funny. Very soft tits, looked like she had a nice ass in those jeans. Maybe next time I"ll go fs. she did have 'stuff' on her, hid it on her person, asked me to look away. she said you know what prostitutes do, so i knew what it was. that could be a problem should le ever show up. really nice though. threw in some dirty talk, really hit the spot. anyone try her yet? no digits. said her and the girls were trying to get money for a room. made me promise not to show these pics to anyone. so i won't show them to anyone, just post them on a message board. enjoy. be safe

Benchseats Rock
09-16-06, 04:29
I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."

The police say the because we can bit to intimidate idiots - there are definitely loose cannons out there but they are the exceptions and not the rule. It doesn't mean that they're not motherfuckers and corrupt pieces of shit though...

The car seizure program is generally a self funded one - meaning that although the press will make it out like the cops will take your car if they grab you, the truth of the matter is that the car has to be worth enough money after an auction to justify expenses incurred in taking it in the first place.

Towing, inspection, paperwork, storage, administration costs - and then of course the car has to be a late enough model to actually sell. If you get towed, you've seen the laundry list of bullshit that you have to pay for - and guess what, there is no escaping a bureaucratic money making scam, not even by the gov't., the solution is simple.

Buy a $500 mongermobile. Even if they do take it, you're out $500. Big Fukcing Deal. My car is a fresh from the auction 1988 something from Chevy mass produced 2 door big enough to fuck in. It is worn out enough to blend in, and solid enough to pass inspections - when it wears out and gives up the ghost I'll put it out of it's misery with an oxy/acetalyne torch and get the scrap money out of the steel and aluminum.

The truth of the matter is that there are departmental guidelines for the seizure program, and most likely it is public record as part of the annual budget request to city hall. I'm not big on research but I am sure that there is more than one of you guys out there who could figure out where to look if you were so inclined.
The real problems arise when you're out in your Benz and you see your ATF provider on a camera free corner and LE presence is light.

Benchseats Rock

Kris Kras
09-16-06, 05:17

Nice pics, but when a girl asks you not to show the pictures, it would only be fair to make her face unrecognizable when you post them. We want respect for ourself; is it to much to show some respect to the girls who give us pleasure?

09-16-06, 14:03

Nice pics, but when a girl asks you not to show the pictures, it would only be fair to make her face unrecognizable when you post them. We want respect for ourself; is it to much to show some respect to the girls who give us pleasure?

you're right. i didn't block anything out and realized it after i posted them. hopefully anyone who picks her up next won't rat me out. She did a very good job

09-21-06, 16:47
Wow, had a real find the other night in ChiHeights... 26th street and chicago

Jennifer, a 8 on the SW scale, clean sober, and a great time... thought she was a cop, but it all checked out... get her quick... she won't last....

09-23-06, 00:45
Saw Julie earlier on Chicago Rd around 11pm. Wanted fs but she had a bad acne problem. She tried to hide it with make-up but I still saw the zits in the dark. I was turned off buy it so we agreed to bbbjcim for $.20. It was one of the best I ever had. I'm still looking for that Jenifer chick that Samry was talking about. I think I saw her the girl had drk brown hair young looking with a nice ass.

09-27-06, 03:26
I just tried to post this and my pc locked up so I don't know if it posted or not. I will repost with an extra thought.

I obviously do not want to get caught up in getting my car grabbed, so I did a little research. Now State law seems to be clear on this matter. I know that can seize your car permanently for drug offenses but this statute says that they must return your car after a fine for prostitution offenses. So unless a separate municipal law trumps this state law, they can't legally seize your car and sell it right? I am not an atty. so I don't know. If you guys know that they are seizing and selling cars for a fact and that they are entitled to do that by municipal law, I for one would like to know that. Now I know from a friend who got grabbed in a sting a number of years ago that Chicago charges $650 when they tow your car so I guess either cities can write their own rules and charge what they want or else you could challenge the amount under state law? The state law says the amount is $200 (see below)

Here are the previous posts on this topic and the state law. As the man said in Hill St. Blues, Let's be careful out there.

Originally Posted by Ump1969

I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."

Benchseats Rock wrote

The car seizure program is generally a self funded one - meaning that although the press will make it out like the cops will take your car if they grab you, the truth of the matter is that the car has to be worth enough money after an auction to justify expenses incurred in taking it in the first place.

720 ILCS 5/11 15) (from Ch. 38, par. 11 15)
Sec. 11 15. Soliciting for a prostitute.

(b) Sentence. Soliciting for a prostitute is a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this Section, is guilty of a Class 4 felony. (b 5) A person who violates this Section within 1,000 feet of real property comprising a school commits a Class 4 felony.

(c) A peace officer who arrests a person for a violation of this Section may impound any vehicle used by the person in the commission of the offense. The person may recover the vehicle from the impound after a minimum of 2 hours after arrest upon payment of a fee of $200. The fee shall be distributed to the unit of government whose peace officers made the arrest for a violation of this Section. This $200 fee includes the costs incurred by the unit of government to tow the vehicle to the impound. Upon the presentation of a signed court order by the defendant whose vehicle was impounded showing that the defendant has been acquitted of the offense of soliciting for a prostitute or that the charges have been dismissed against the defendant for that offense, the municipality shall refund the $200 fee to the defendant.

(Source: P.A. 91 274, eff. 1 1 00; 91 498, eff. 1 1 00; 92 16, eff. 6 28 01.)

09-27-06, 19:46
With chicago, if they catch you and tow your car your looking at something more like 1200.

At least that's what I recall happening to me ;)

I just tried to post this and my pc locked up so I don't know if it posted or not. I will repost with an extra thought.

I obviously do not want to get caught up in getting my car grabbed, so I did a little research. Now State law seems to be clear on this matter. I know that can seize your car permanently for drug offenses but this statute says that they must return your car after a fine for prostitution offenses. So unless a separate municipal law trumps this state law, they can't legally seize your car and sell it right? I am not an atty. so I don't know. If you guys know that they are seizing and selling cars for a fact and that they are entitled to do that by municipal law, I for one would like to know that. Now I know from a friend who got grabbed in a sting a number of years ago that Chicago charges $650 when they tow your car so I guess either cities can write their own rules and charge what they want or else you could challenge the amount under state law? The state law says the amount is $200 (see below)

Here are the previous posts on this topic and the state law. As the man said in Hill St. Blues, Let's be careful out there.

Originally Posted by Ump1969

I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."

Benchseats Rock wrote

The car seizure program is generally a self funded one - meaning that although the press will make it out like the cops will take your car if they grab you, the truth of the matter is that the car has to be worth enough money after an auction to justify expenses incurred in taking it in the first place.

720 ILCS 5/11 15) (from Ch. 38, par. 11 15)
Sec. 11 15. Soliciting for a prostitute.

(b) Sentence. Soliciting for a prostitute is a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this Section, is guilty of a Class 4 felony. (b 5) A person who violates this Section within 1,000 feet of real property comprising a school commits a Class 4 felony.

(c) A peace officer who arrests a person for a violation of this Section may impound any vehicle used by the person in the commission of the offense. The person may recover the vehicle from the impound after a minimum of 2 hours after arrest upon payment of a fee of $200. The fee shall be distributed to the unit of government whose peace officers made the arrest for a violation of this Section. This $200 fee includes the costs incurred by the unit of government to tow the vehicle to the impound. Upon the presentation of a signed court order by the defendant whose vehicle was impounded showing that the defendant has been acquitted of the offense of soliciting for a prostitute or that the charges have been dismissed against the defendant for that offense, the municipality shall refund the $200 fee to the defendant.

(Source: P.A. 91 274, eff. 1 1 00; 91 498, eff. 1 1 00; 92 16, eff. 6 28 01.)

09-28-06, 06:48
I'm almost certain that most, if not all of those municipalities don't use the state statute but have ordinances so they get ALL the money.What do you think they do those stings for??

09-28-06, 09:55
Sportie, I got busted at Cicero and 51st St 18 months ago and they impounded my car and the fine was $1200 to get it out (increased from $600 as of 1/1/2005). Plus $175 towing fee and $250 in old tickets, so it cost me $1625 to get it out plus $100 in cabs and $1000 for a lawyer for a total of $2,725 total. My lawyer did get me off.

I just tried to post this and my pc locked up so I don't know if it posted or not. I will repost with an extra thought.

I obviously do not want to get caught up in getting my car grabbed, so I did a little research. Now State law seems to be clear on this matter. I know that can seize your car permanently for drug offenses but this statute says that they must return your car after a fine for prostitution offenses. So unless a separate municipal law trumps this state law, they can't legally seize your car and sell it right? I am not an atty. so I don't know. If you guys know that they are seizing and selling cars for a fact and that they are entitled to do that by municipal law, I for one would like to know that. Now I know from a friend who got grabbed in a sting a number of years ago that Chicago charges $650 when they tow your car so I guess either cities can write their own rules and charge what they want or else you could challenge the amount under state law? The state law says the amount is $200 (see below)

Here are the previous posts on this topic and the state law. As the man said in Hill St. Blues, Let's be careful out there.

Originally Posted by Ump1969

I forgot she also told me that cops are taking and keeping cars, not just towing them where you pay a big fine to get them back. Anyone have more info on this? She told me she heard from the cops they are doing this "because we can."

Benchseats Rock wrote

The car seizure program is generally a self funded one - meaning that although the press will make it out like the cops will take your car if they grab you, the truth of the matter is that the car has to be worth enough money after an auction to justify expenses incurred in taking it in the first place.

720 ILCS 5/11 15) (from Ch. 38, par. 11 15)
Sec. 11 15. Soliciting for a prostitute.

(b) Sentence. Soliciting for a prostitute is a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this Section, is guilty of a Class 4 felony. (b 5) A person who violates this Section within 1,000 feet of real property comprising a school commits a Class 4 felony.

(c) A peace officer who arrests a person for a violation of this Section may impound any vehicle used by the person in the commission of the offense. The person may recover the vehicle from the impound after a minimum of 2 hours after arrest upon payment of a fee of $200. The fee shall be distributed to the unit of government whose peace officers made the arrest for a violation of this Section. This $200 fee includes the costs incurred by the unit of government to tow the vehicle to the impound. Upon the presentation of a signed court order by the defendant whose vehicle was impounded showing that the defendant has been acquitted of the offense of soliciting for a prostitute or that the charges have been dismissed against the defendant for that offense, the municipality shall refund the $200 fee to the defendant.

(Source: P.A. 91 274, eff. 1 1 00; 91 498, eff. 1 1 00; 92 16, eff. 6 28 01.)

09-28-06, 20:54
When your lawyer got you off, did you get your money back for the impounded car?

It would seem that the city has the obligation of granting you a refund for the impound fee if you were proven innocent.

09-28-06, 23:01
I was in Lyons this passed Tuesday looking for something to eat coming from the sex shop down the street I found a place called The Allstar Bar & Grill. I went inside to find only 7 guys in there and 6 other girls(from 7-10 as far as looks) ready to give lap dances. The kitchen closed at 8pm so I got a beer and checked out the scene. While I was nursing my beer I've been approaced by 5 girls for lap dance. I turned them down due to the lack of money but I may return another time. Has anyone ever been to this place? If so pm me and let me in on details and is takeout available?

09-29-06, 00:00
I was in Lyons this passed Tuesday looking for something to eat coming from the sex shop down the street I found a place called The Allstar Bar & Grill. I went inside to find only 7 guys in there and 6 other girls(from 7-10 as far as looks) ready to give lap dances. The kitchen closed at 8pm so I got a beer and checked out the scene. While I was nursing my beer I've been approaced by 5 girls for lap dance. I turned them down due to the lack of money but I may return another time. Has anyone ever been to this place? If so pm me and let me in on details and is takeout available?

No takeout available that I have ever seen. Place has been around for years, stretching back to the Lingerie show bar craze in the mid -90s. (luicanos in berwyn-how I miss thee). If you notice the girls were probably wearing panty hose and had double stick tape on the inside of their tops over the nips. Havn't been in a long time but i doubt is has changed much.

09-29-06, 11:07
No I didn't get a refund and you would be hard pressed to get a dime back from the assholes in Chicago.

When your lawyer got you off, did you get your money back for the impounded car?

It would seem that the city has the obligation of granting you a refund for the impound fee if you were proven innocent.

09-29-06, 11:09
I have seen reports that girls do occassional work Joliet Rd. in Lyons, but I've never seen them. I would love to hear if anyone has ever seen anything in this area because I live 10 minutes from there. Anyone know of any action available in this area???

No takeout available that I have ever seen. Place has been around for years, stretching back to the Lingerie show bar craze in the mid -90s. (luicanos in berwyn-how I miss thee). If you notice the girls were probably wearing panty hose and had double stick tape on the inside of their tops over the nips. Havn't been in a long time but i doubt is has changed much.

09-29-06, 15:56
Hey MWM,

Since you are in or near the area I am sure you know about the two trailer parks on Joliet Rd. I have a friend that lives in one of the trailer parks and when the wife and I visit him, I sometimes see "questionable" women. I would have investigated further, but I can risk being caught by my friend’s wife or my friend for that matter. Also there is a Skyline Motel on Joliet that seems really busy on my way home from work. I am not sure of the procedure, but I would think something fun is going on. I once did drive by a girl that had all the signs of a SW, but when I circled the block and smiled she gave me a look that suggested I was a dirty old man. How she knew that, I will never know!

Anyway, I have seen many women walking stretches of Joliet road, but I have yet to receive a nod, smile, wave, or boob flash. The problem with the area are those trailer parks. Many teen girls live in there, and many dress rather provocatively. This makes it impossible to tell the true working girls that are of age from the young girls that are just trying to find some fun. One may ask what is the difference between these two types of girls are, and to that I would say about 20 years in Statesville!

09-29-06, 16:11
I just tried to post this and my pc locked up so I don't know if it posted or not.

Think about getting a new Mac with an Intel chip. I have yet to have it freeze up or lose any info in 5 months of use. Fastest computer I have ever used.

09-30-06, 00:04
Wow, I started quite a discussion! I was simply wondering if anyone had any inside info on what the Heights cops were up to. I don't care much about the technicalities. I understand the rules as others are posting here, but as I see it, if I get busted, I am going to get a lawyer and hopefully, he will handle it properly. The other thing to keep in mind is that whatever the techicalities, the only people that are going to care whether or not we get treated legally and properly are other mongers. If any of you want to make a federal case and try to get back your goodies, I say more power to you. I hope you are successful and have understanding employers, wives, or whomever else might give a damn. Before anyone tells me that mongers are entitled to rights under the law just like anyone else, keep in mind that we are not a respected class of society and we all know the rules work better for some than others.

09-30-06, 00:31
I use to live in that area too to be exact over in Countryside. Now the trailer parks mentioned on Joliet Road are actually in Countryside across the street from the Quarry Mall of Hodgkins. I have never seen any girls working that area at all that I can remember. The only place I ever saw anyone was further in Countryside by the bowling alley. The girl I met was living out of the Wishing Well Motel which has since gone out of business.

I have no idea if some girls are actually staying over at JC's Motel in Countryside but it would be a good place for them. I have known of some escorts that worked out of the motel.

Hobby Lover
09-30-06, 15:51
I doubt he was 'proven' innocent. More than likely the DA dropped whatever charges were filed. In order to get the money for the towing back he would have to sue the city and prove that Law Enforcement acted inapproptiately.


When your lawyer got you off, did you get your money back for the impounded car?

It would seem that the city has the obligation of granting you a refund for the impound fee if you were proven innocent.

10-01-06, 15:41
Thanks for the input on Lyons gus. I know that about 2 years ago there were some reports here about that area. As I recall, one girl was working near JC's and the other near the bar a few blocks west of JC's. That may have been a random occurance, but I'll keep checking and if anyone has any info please share.

I use to live in that area too to be exact over in Countryside. Now the trailer parks mentioned on Joliet Road are actually in Countryside across the street from the Quarry Mall of Hodgkins. I have never seen any girls working that area at all that I can remember. The only place I ever saw anyone was further in Countryside by the bowling alley. The girl I met was living out of the Wishing Well Motel which has since gone out of business.

I have no idea if some girls are actually staying over at JC's Motel in Countryside but it would be a good place for them. I have known of some escorts that worked out of the motel.

Benchseats Rock
10-02-06, 05:36
Wow, I started quite a discussion! I was simply wondering if anyone had any inside info on what the Heights cops were up to. I don't care much about the technicalities. I understand the rules as others are posting here, but as I see it, if I get busted, I am going to get a lawyer and hopefully, he will handle it properly. The other thing to keep in mind is that whatever the techicalities, the only people that are going to care whether or not we get treated legally and properly are other mongers. If any of you want to make a federal case and try to get back your goodies, I say more power to you. I hope you are successful and have understanding employers, wives, or whomever else might give a damn. Before anyone tells me that mongers are entitled to rights under the law just like anyone else, keep in mind that we are not a respected class of society and we all know the rules work better for some than others.

A good lawyer will keep this part of your life more private than you could ever imagine: they are professional secret keepers and it is their duty to protect your interests, and zealously at that... I have many, many situations that would have landed me in the pokey or worse had it not been for competent legal representation.

Find yourself a lawyer who is as I term it, "my kind of scum." Sitting in a courtroom and watching them at work for a day or three usually is enough to make the first approach as a prospective client, because you are one: also, the approach itself may be considered privelaged, but caution is still the watchword here. The key to having a lawyer keeping your private life private is for them to know the broad strokes with some idea of what your potential risk exposure is, in advance so that they can draw up all standard forms etc. in anticipation of ever having to use them in your hour of need, of course they can't predict everything you could get charged with, but the advance prep. lets them expedite any process exponentially faster than it would otherwise take. As far as respect goes... you're hiring it, hire carefully.
As far as making the rules work better for us... let the lawyers do the work and concentrate your energies on this most noble of hobbies.

Like the mechanics keep telling me, "You can pay me now or you can pay me later, but either way, you're going to pay." At least this way you can keep it more on your terms than not.

Benchseats Rock

10-02-06, 12:35
I periodically post this wonderful page.


There are three basic types of encounters with the police: Conversation, Detention, and Arrest.

Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses -- usually it's just a conversation. Whenever the cops ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to say these Magic Words:

"I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."

This invokes legal rights, which protect you from interrogation. When you say this, the cops (and all other law enforcement officials) are legally required to stop asking you questions. They probably won't stop, so just repeat the Magic Words or remain silent until they catch on. If you forget your decision to remain silent and start talking to the police, you can and should re-invoke the Magic Words, then remain silent.

Read the whole page -- it's valuable stuff.

10-02-06, 16:36
I periodically post this wonderful page.


There are three basic types of encounters with the police: Conversation, Detention, and Arrest.

Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses -- usually it's just a conversation. Whenever the cops ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to say these Magic Words:

"I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."

This invokes legal rights, which protect you from interrogation. When you say this, the cops (and all other law enforcement officials) are legally required to stop asking you questions. They probably won't stop, so just repeat the Magic Words or remain silent until they catch on. If you forget your decision to remain silent and start talking to the police, you can and should re-invoke the Magic Words, then remain silent.

Read the whole page -- it's valuable stuff.

Big high five on the great info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-02-06, 19:07
I think if you say you won't talk and you want a lawyer, you can almost guarantee being taken in. I have been stopped several times, and had my car gone over with a fine toothed comb by some redneck police force.

I generally find that if you are polite and very respectful and have a reasonable and intelligent excuse (that you should have prepared in advance) that they will give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps with a "wink wink" smile, but they won't take you in 98% of the time. If you treat them like fools, have an idiot excuse, or are difficult, and I would include I want a lawyer in that category, I think you are going to spend some time with them.

If they want the girl, they probably need just enough from you to get her. I also found that Chicago at one time was keeping a book on cars they stopped. When they told you they didn't want you in the area again, it was my belief that a 2nd incident would be far more serious. These guys are out every day, they see everything, they hear every stupid excuse in the book. If you say you want a lawyer, I think you're smoked. If you have not been Miranda'ed, nothing they ask you will hold up in court. Oh, BTW, anything they make up will hold up in court.

if you are driving a car, it will almost certainly be towed.


Hell Rayser
10-02-06, 21:25
WOW. Second time in Chicago and enjoyed the first one mongering, but now I'm scared to cruise. So what are my choices?

10-03-06, 13:57
I haven't been busted, I have been stopped. The excuses worked. I've probably picked up several hundered girls all over the country and I think my batting average, while not perfect, is pretty good, thus I do feel qualified, but perhaps not further inclined, to give advice.

The time I saw the book, a high level Chicago LE officer...wearing a suit of all things...talked to me and took down the info and wrote it into a paper notebook. Of course the computers track stuff, but this was an informal log which I felt was being used by a task force working the area.


10-13-06, 18:04
A couple of weeks ago I got together with an old friend. Beautiful ebony chick that I had not seen in a few years. She suggested that her friend join us. I reluctantly agreed to a new adventure in fun. After 2 plus hours I was totally exhausted, from the kinky fun with multiple pops. Total $$$. Going for round two tomorrow, this time they are talking about 4 or 5 hours of fun and even suggested an overnight with both. Any senior members interested in the phone number, I will ask them when they come over tomorrow if it is OK to pass number and pics.

Girls are ebony princesses, about 5'7" perky B or C titties, shaved, and great booties. Definite 8-9 on the scale. Do not know about greek, but great bbbj, daty, shows, and more.

11-02-06, 15:59
I'm going on tour to make a documentary film about streetwalkers starting Jan 2nd and I'm looking for places with alot of active streetwalkers to film. Can any suggest a good location?

11-03-06, 17:21
I'm going on tour to make a documentary film about streetwalkers starting Jan 2nd and I'm looking for places with alot of active streetwalkers to film. Can any suggest a good location?

You have to f$&king be kidding us right? You ask this on your first post and expect something back? So if you aren't the Law, what is our motivation for helping you? Oh yeah, we get to have some dumb ass further exposing our illegal hobby to bring even more attention and heat to the streets of Chicago. Great, where do I sign up.

Fellow member, don't even humor this guy!

11-04-06, 00:59
I'm going on tour to make a documentary film about streetwalkers starting Jan 2nd and I'm looking for places with alot of active streetwalkers to film. Can any suggest a good location?

Ooooo, I know where you can find some great girls, 26th & California. Then again, if you're shooting in the summer, you should definitely check out 1060 W Addison. Tons of dirty ****** there. All you have to do is talk about your Beemer or your Trustfund and they will be all over you!

11-04-06, 14:11
I am with MWM. I have seen these types of documentaries on HBO. I don't understand the purpose or why girls get involved. I'm sure these girls want their faces posted so that every cop in the country can see them. You're going to pay them, right? But it's a novel idea. You can do a documentary on crack dealers. They all want their faces on national TV. right? How about bank robbers, gang bangers, and other assorted criminals? Let's just make life easier for Uncle Leo. Before taking your camera on the road, hire security and wear a flak jacket, because a few of us might not appreciate you.

11-04-06, 22:43
I'm going on tour to make a documentary film about streetwalkers starting Jan 2nd and I'm looking for places with alot of active streetwalkers to film. Can any suggest a good location?Just set your camera up on any downtown street. If it is during the week, film around lunchtime... there will be thousands of people walking on the streets. You might even catch a few jay-walkers too!

11-07-06, 20:27
I was driving down Chicago Rd. today at 5:15 PM and I saw Julie walking just south of the car wash. I turned around and picked her up on a side street. $20 for a bbbjcim she told me that she just got out of jail.

11-08-06, 11:11
Hey dudder,

Did she have digits? I know it's a long shot.

I was driving down Chicago Rd. today at 5:15 PM and I saw Julie walking just south of the car wash. I turned around and picked her up on a side street. $20 for a bbbjcim she told me that she just got out of jail.

11-09-06, 01:44
Met Amy in the groves. Large top, fleshy middle. Great smile and technique. Groves were unbelievable. It was like a fall display and sale with the number of opportunities.Get there soon because I am sure Uncle Leo will not let this continue.

Hate to leep harping on the same tune but some of my fellow mongers worry me. I read one post where a monger did an ebony duet from Madison St. I'm glad he is still in one piece and did not get robbed- or worse. I hope he does not plan a repeat performance.

Then another monger took a girl to his house. This has the potential for so many problems, I could write a book. Just a few:

-Her "boyfriend" invades and demands cash.
-Her cash demands increase- otherwise your wife, girl friend, employer, etc. find out.
-You come home one day and she has emptied out everything you own for her "boyfriend" or her crack habit.
-She brings her stash with her to visit you and you get busted with her.

Stay safe, gentlemen.

Nelson Muntz
11-29-06, 16:45
I found Amy in the groves as well. Amy is friendly and very enthusiastic, almost too enthusiastic. Offered 20, asked for more as a "tip" if I was happy. I was and she got 30, and was very happy as well. BBBJCIM.

Nice gal and didn't even ask for money up front.

Riding in maroon / burgundy sedan with a white haired older driver


11-29-06, 19:19
Where are "the groves"?

Thanks in advance. I did search back, but couldn't pin down the location.

Can Man
12-01-06, 12:30
I made a trip over to the groves before the change in the weather. I thought there would be more activity than what I found. Only saw 2 of the usual park attendants. I drove around for awhile and low and behold a new one appears. I was not sure she was even on duty. She was driving an older run down green chevy. I waited awhile and sure enough, she gets out and my jaw dropped. I could not believe what I was seeing here. Found a secluded spot in the forest. Her face was a 5 but her body was an 8. Her performance was a solid 10. Small breasts but very sensitive and was into what she was doing. Said she had only been here twice and really needed the money. I asked for digits but she was not interested. Was a great day to end the year with before the cold weather sets in.

12-01-06, 23:35
What you should not do if pulled over by a Police Officer.

12-04-06, 21:32
Was out in Matteson today. Cystal was closed. Don't know if it is closed on Mondays or just closed. Haven't seen the ad in Friday's Sun Times in a while.

Can Man
12-06-06, 19:49
I have driven by at least once a week for the past month. They have been closed since the end of October. They were not that great of a place but always would do in a pinch.

Bend It
12-07-06, 10:50
I have driven by at least once a week for the past month. They have been closed since the end of October. They were not that great of a place but always would do in a pinch.

Agreed. Sort of a loss, but not much of one.

12-08-06, 14:32
Seen an ad on CL, yah I know there is a place to post for cl, w4m s subs, called said it was in Tinley. Said on phone she does most every thing. $100 for 30 min. Get closer, call again. This dumb ass don't know how to give directions. Find the place. Nice townhouse. Clean. Go to family room in basement. I lookin at her. Said in ad 38, shit, she looks closer to 60. Smoker cough and voice. Then, are u a cop - no, are u? no. Peak at small saggy titties and looked at her alittle better, she ain't lookin to good. Said she didn't do fs. Ask her if we are alone. Said male friend upstairs. She got to be a crack head, skinny, saggy skin, kind of spaced.
Told her I was having second thoughts. She asked for some money because I backed out. Told her I would take care of her next time. Got the fuck out of there. Damn, Scary! BTW, there won't be a next time. Think I'll stick to the amps. Barney

12-10-06, 13:57
Do you have the link to her ad so we will know to avoid?

Seen an ad on CL, yah I know there is a place to post for cl, w4m s subs, called said it was in Tinley. Said on phone she does most every thing. $100 for 30 min. Get closer, call again. This dumb ass don't know how to give directions. Find the place. Nice townhouse. Clean. Go to family room in basement. I lookin at her. Said in ad 38, shit, she looks closer to 60. Smoker cough and voice. Then, are u a cop - no, are u? no. Peak at small saggy titties and looked at her alittle better, she ain't lookin to good. Said she didn't do fs. Ask her if we are alone. Said male friend upstairs. She got to be a crack head, skinny, saggy skin, kind of spaced.
Told her I was having second thoughts. She asked for some money because I backed out. Told her I would take care of her next time. Got the fuck out of there. Damn, Scary! BTW, there won't be a next time. Think I'll stick to the amps. Barney

12-10-06, 20:37
the posts are only good for about 7 days. I think it expired already. But she has a townhouse near 183rd & Oak Park. Scary lookin crack head. Barney

12-11-06, 10:19
Is she the one who advertises as a 38 y/o in south burbs. Short blonde hair and skinny?

Thanks for the feedback.

the posts are only good for about 7 days. I think it expired already. But she has a townhouse near 183rd & Oak Park. Scary lookin crack head. Barney

12-15-06, 17:21
Dear Grove Opportunists,

Had the day off today so I decided to check out the groves. Arrvied around 10:00 am this morning and was suprised to find Uncle Leo parked outside of the first grove off Ashland :(. However, on the north side of 26th st. was a wsw (a chicago road regular, although I don't know her name). She has brown hair, bod about a 8 on the 10 scale, face okay. If anyone can shed some light on who she is, it would be greatly appreciated. Seems like she's only out during the day, always on Chicago Road.

Couldn't act because of the nearby LE presence. Anyway cruised all of the groves but came up empty. Cruised Chicago Road for awhile and checked out the groves again. This time I spotted Uncle Leo with a flat tire inside the first grove south of Ashland :). He was changing the tire and strung up the cable to keep everybody out until he was finshed (wuss).

From there I headed over to the Drive-In on Sauk Trail to grab some lunch and headed back to the second grove south of 26th st. (the one with the pavilion). Sat there for a while eating my gyro, reading the paper, and watching all of my fellow mongers cruise up and down, in and out of the parking lot. Might even seen some of you today. Seemed like a car or truck every 30 seconds!! Figured with the mild weather there would be some action, but nothing to be found today. By the way, to the gentleman with glasses who drives a small car with the bike rack on the trunk, please PM me. I have a question for you. Sorry if this post is kind of lame, just wanted to offer a report on the groves.



12-15-06, 22:43
I'm around Oak Forest.

Can someone give me 411 on what groves are good.

How can I tell if SW best area out south to check out.

Thank You in Advance

12-16-06, 01:24
Sorry this is so late, but i just got home. Stay away from the Heights Friday night- Uncle Leo is running some sort of operation. I saw an unmarked by the bank ATM and another one roaming the alleys. The one provider working that I saw was never far from an escort. Stay home or go elsewher, mongers

12-16-06, 16:19
Stopped by Arnie's in Harvey Thurs. night. First time for me at this place. Wasn't sure what to expect as I had not read much in the way of details. Felt a little out of place in here being a white collar white guy coming from work, took a while to get a beer. The overall vibe was OK so I stuck around. Several nice ebony ladies, a couple very hot. One of the hotties asked me if I wanted a dance, .20 topless, .30 nude. Told her I thought .30 for a nude dance was a bit much, so settled for the .20 dance. The dance was outstanding, so I agreed for the extended dance for $ of time. I was not disappointed. Being spent of my wad of cash, I left pleased with this place.

12-16-06, 17:16
Drove through a grove today - saw a lady with two tone blonde hair sitting in a pickup with a guy - the pickup was backed in front end showing - lady watched as I drove past.

Being new I had no idea how to make sure.

What should I in the furture if this happens? What do I look for?

Can anyone offer a newbie some advice?

12-18-06, 01:14
Drove through a grove today - saw a lady with two tone blonde hair sitting in a pickup with a guy - the pickup was backed in front end showing - lady watched as I drove past.

Being new I had no idea how to make sure.

What should I in the furture if this happens? What do I look for?

Can anyone offer a newbie some advice?

I'll tell you what you find in the groves from my experience. Most women are there to make money to buy drugs. The guys are either pimping for their women or dealing in drugs. You could have probably dealt with the woman, although I personally prefer for a woman to be alone. If I were really interested, I might have parked near the truck, let her see me and walk over. If she lloks at me and stays in the truck or completely ignores me, either she is not interested in me or not looking for love. If both she and the guy approach my car, I'm gone. Maybe other mongers would like to chime in and offer opposing views.

The other possibility is a police sting, which happens frequently in the groves. Make a decision before she gets in the car if you are interested. If you are interested, see if she will get in the car before even discussing a date. If she wants to make the deal from outside the car, I'd be leery.

12-18-06, 17:45
Drove through a grove today - saw a lady with two tone blonde hair sitting in a pickup with a guy - the pickup was backed in front end showing - lady watched as I drove past.

Being new I had no idea how to make sure.

What should I in the furture if this happens? What do I look for?

Can anyone offer a newbie some advice?

The groves are easy.. Park.. if a sw is working she will walk up to you and get in... If its a cop they will not get in your car until you have talked... I would recommend going somewhere else, if she goes with you it is really not LE

Captain Stiffy
12-19-06, 04:42
I'm all about the AMPS & providers, but I appreciate the info, in case I decide to hunt.... the REAL girls will jump right in, FAST?

Benchseats Rock
12-19-06, 04:45
I'm all about the AMPS & providers, but I appreciate the info, in case I decide to hunt.... the REAL girls will jump right in, FAST?

without saying a word. If they want to talk through the window or even while the car door is open, get the fuck out of there.

12-20-06, 13:11
Crystal spa is gone. Sniff sniff. And barney who reported on the tinley park person, . It was kinda wierd when I called back on a block phone call another women answered. So I thought it was as sting. I hope in 07 brings many more smiles to everyone. Merry xmas

12-23-06, 22:31

I am giving up on the Groves. I went there today around 2 pm and this lady hopped out of this black Cadillac and looked like a linebaker that would snap my cock in half no thanks other than that its quiet out there.

12-24-06, 19:13

I just got a nice quicky got some info would share.

Merry Xmas

12-24-06, 20:27
Crystal spa is gone. Sniff sniff. And barney who reported on the tinley park person, . It was kinda wierd when I called back on a block phone call another women answered. So I thought it was as sting. I hope in 07 brings many more smiles to everyone. Merry xmas

I also tried the phone for Cystal and got no one.

12-25-06, 00:09

I just got a nice quicky got some info would share.

Merry Xmas

This post you made would of been the time to share the info. So please share with us!

Hell Rayser
12-25-06, 12:07
Yes this board is where we SHARE info with fellow mongers, To many mongers use it as a place to brag about what they got with out sharing the love.

12-26-06, 15:25

I just got a nice quicky got some info would share.

Merry Xmas

Gee Must have been reading CL and tried out Kim ?

12-27-06, 19:17
Dear fellow grove enthusiasts.

Searching for a participant who would be interested in allowing a spectator
to watch them participate with one of the local grove providers. Of course, reimbursement for any of the expenses they would incur would be provided.

PM if interested.


Antonio Cool

12-30-06, 17:43
Had nothing to do - took a ride thru the meadow saw three ladies talking - so I parked - a couple of minutes later one walks up and open the door
said her name was lisa - Blonde, Face 7. body 7 -

.25 for BJCim w/swallow

01-03-07, 12:57
Where is this so called Meadow on Pulaski?

What are the cross streets?

01-05-07, 16:51
Antoniocool- you're kidding , right? You want someone to take you along as a spectator? Just make sure you show them your badge, first.

Chicago Monger
01-05-07, 18:26
If you like to watch go to an adult theater

Dear fellow grove enthusiasts.

Searching for a participant who would be interested in allowing a spectator
to watch them participate with one of the local grove providers. Of course, reimbursement for any of the expenses they would incur would be provided.

PM if interested.


Antonio Cool

01-06-07, 13:37
If you like to watch go to an adult theater

Definately- See the Northwest Indiana Forum thread on CT's Adult Theater http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2746&page=1 Lots of voyeuristic activities possible there along with the occasional possibility of joining in and 'dancers' you can can get 'shows' /w happy endings as well.

Or check the Melrose Park forum, there's another Couples friendly adult theater (without the dancers) which has been documented there.

Chi Guy
01-06-07, 15:35
Or check the Melrose Park forum, there's another Couples friendly adult theater (without the dancers) which has been documented there.
One word to the wise with Melrose Park. It is rapidly becoming a faggot hangout. Too bad. It started out with promise. On my first visit there shortly after it was open, there was a black girl working the arcade. She popped in on me while I was checking out one of the booths. I got a very nice BBBJWS for $40. Never saw her again. Instead, now you have to deal with a bunch of faggots who don't like to take NO for an answer.

Dick Hertz
01-11-07, 22:12
Was out in the grove off of Ashland and found wendy a wsw about 20 but she had alot of clothes because of the weather so I cannot tell you about her body. Got a bbbjtccim for .2.

Jule Chrd
01-14-07, 04:08
Hey, men! Miss me? Ha, Ha! In case you haven't figured it out yet, yeah it's me, Jeweley-Jewels, Big J, AKA Baddest be*otch E Of The Mississipi. But I like it when you call me Big Ma-Ma! Most of you may knowme by just plain Julie, or my colored pals in Ford Heights like to call me Judy. I try'n tell 'em NO, J-you-L-I-E. "exactly what I said, JUDY, " was the most frequent answer, so I answer to that also! Whatever the case me be, in case you don't know me, I am Julie. Origionally from schererville Indiana. Started gettin high (hard drugs) when I was 16. Finally realized I was spending too much gas to and from the spot and realized there were so many perfectly good places I could set up shop AT the spot. You could at least see the spot from every window or hole in the board! LOL. Yeab I was homeless in Ford Heights since I was 18. Learned a few things when I was out there. Being a little 5'7 blonde hair Grn 110lbs CLEAR skin in a 97% black neighborhood, poorest city in the us, murder capital per capita you have to! Ha ha. Definately crazy experience, but I will tell you what now I can say. What a learning experience! BUSTED OUTTA THERE, ALIVE, IN HANDCUFFS! LOL, truth is, Uncle Leo picked me up EVyERY TIME HE SAW ME. They thought from the start they'd let me run around a while get to know some things and put my life at risk to make them some money. Once they realized I may look like a scared little white girl, maybe I am. I was just around long enough to realize when I threw the two scenerios on the scale Jail looked like a romantic getaway! Anyway- made it easier on the for the majority of the time I was out there. They said, "Damn, Judy- you turned Lincoln highway into a Ho Stroll! " There was an over abundance of middle aged, white men touring the neighborhood. Ha ha. There were a lot more in Chicago Heights. I'm glad they got my atss outta there! No place to eat sleep or shower. It wasn't smellin too hot, we can't have that now can we men? ! Did a little better in chi H, the woods (groves). But now guys I'm rockin out. MY FACE IS ALMOST CLEAR! Eatin, sleepin. Sorry to those of you who picked me up after I had been up a few. Paranoia sets in, I have limitations nowa days! I am here is Park Forest, BFE. First one since I've been on the street. He gives me all themoney I want but who knows maybe I will still come visit in the woods. I kinda dig some of you guys. It'll be a lot more enjoyable for it to be at my leisure though, not a necessity. I guess it never really was, but you know, when ya do drugs. Shits all seen through a pair of drunk goggles! Jumbled up you know? I'm still partyin, don't get me wrong, not as much though and I am takin care of myself now. Regardless I may hit the road just to say WHAT UP. Imsendin this I wrote a long atss report just now and my computer F-d up autnd there it went I'll write more later PEACE! Ps I'm here guys, utilize it- your secret is safe with me. Peace in the middle east, or wait, South Suburbs:) HOLLA BACK. Hopefully my punctuation and grammar is correct, but I'm not even gonna look over it can't chance this thing messin up!


01-14-07, 19:20
Hey, men! Miss me? Ha, Ha! In case you haven't figured it out yet, yeah it's me, Jeweley-Jewels, Big J, AKA Baddest be*otch E Of The Mississipi. But I like it when you call me Big Ma-Ma! Most of you may knowme by just plain Julie, or my colored pals in Ford Heights like to call me Judy. I try'n tell 'em NO, J-you-L-I-E. "exactly what I said, JUDY, " was the most frequent answer, so I answer to that also! Whatever the case me be, in case you don't know me, I am Julie. Origionally from schererville Indiana. Started gettin high (hard drugs) when I was 16. Finally realized I was spending too much gas to and from the spot and realized there were so many perfectly good places I could set up shop AT the spot. You could at least see the spot from every window or hole in the board! LOL. Yeab I was homeless in Ford Heights since I was 18. Learned a few things when I was out there. Being a little 5'7 blonde hair Grn 110lbs CLEAR skin in a 97% black neighborhood, poorest city in the us, murder capital per capita you have to! Ha ha. Definately crazy experience, but I will tell you what now I can say. What a learning experience! BUSTED OUTTA THERE, ALIVE, IN HANDCUFFS! LOL, truth is, Uncle Leo picked me up EVyERY TIME HE SAW ME. They thought from the start they'd let me run around a while get to know some things and put my life at risk to make them some money. Once they realized I may look like a scared little white girl, maybe I am. I was just around long enough to realize when I threw the two scenerios on the scale Jail looked like a romantic getaway! Anyway- made it easier on the for the majority of the time I was out there. They said, "Damn, Judy- you turned Lincoln highway into a Ho Stroll! " There was an over abundance of middle aged, white men touring the neighborhood. Ha ha. There were a lot more in Chicago Heights. I'm glad they got my atss outta there! No place to eat sleep or shower. It wasn't smellin too hot, we can't have that now can we men? ! Did a little better in chi H, the woods (groves). But now guys I'm rockin out. MY FACE IS ALMOST CLEAR! Eatin, sleepin. Sorry to those of you who picked me up after I had been up a few. Paranoia sets in, I have limitations nowa days! I am here is Park Forest, BFE. First one since I've been on the street. He gives me all themoney I want but who knows maybe I will still come visit in the woods. I kinda dig some of you guys. It'll be a lot more enjoyable for it to be at my leisure though, not a necessity. I guess it never really was, but you know, when ya do drugs. Shits all seen through a pair of drunk goggles! Jumbled up you know? I'm still partyin, don't get me wrong, not as much though and I am takin care of myself now. Regardless I may hit the road just to say WHAT UP. Imsendin this I wrote a long atss report just now and my computer F-d up autnd there it went I'll write more later PEACE! Ps I'm here guys, utilize it- your secret is safe with me. Peace in the middle east, or wait, South Suburbs:) HOLLA BACK. Hopefully my punctuation and grammar is correct, but I'm not even gonna look over it can't chance this thing messin up!


Hmmmm, nice post there Uncle Leo. Or someone with a new comp just discovered this place. Interesting.

Captain Stiffy
01-15-07, 09:37
What the fuck did I just read? Someone want to translate that into English? On second thought, don't bother.

Bend It
01-15-07, 12:38
Hey, men! Miss me? Ha, Ha! In case you haven't figured it out yet, yeah it's me, Jeweley-Jewels, Big J, AKA Baddest be*otch E Of The Mississipi . . . lots of other crap not really worth reading . . .

Hi Julie. Welcome to this little board. We had a friend up in Milwaukee who used to attend something he called a "wheel party" - it would involve you (the wh*re), a big rotating round table, and about 25 dicks pushing in and out of all of your holes until you pass out. Interested? Let us know . . .

Chi Guy
01-15-07, 12:51
Hey, men! Miss me? Ha, Ha! In case you haven't figured it out yet, yeah it's me, Jeweley-Jewels, Big J, AKA Baddest be*otch E Of The Mississipi. But I like it when you call me Big Ma-Ma! Most of you may knowme by just plain Julie, or my colored pals in Ford Heights like to call me Judy. I try'n tell 'em NO, J-you-L-I-E. "exactly what I said, JUDY, " was the most frequent answer, so I answer to that also! Whatever the case me be, in case you don't know me, I am Julie. Origionally from schererville Indiana. Started gettin high (hard drugs) when I was 16. Finally realized I was spending too much gas to and from the spot and realized there were so many perfectly good places I could set up shop AT the spot. You could at least see the spot from every window or hole in the board! LOL. Yeab I was homeless in Ford Heights since I was 18. Learned a few things when I was out there. Being a little 5'7 blonde hair Grn 110lbs CLEAR skin in a 97% black neighborhood, poorest city in the us, murder capital per capita you have to! Ha ha. Definately crazy experience, but I will tell you what now I can say. What a learning experience! BUSTED OUTTA THERE, ALIVE, IN HANDCUFFS! LOL, truth is, Uncle Leo picked me up EVyERY TIME HE SAW ME. They thought from the start they'd let me run around a while get to know some things and put my life at risk to make them some money. Once they realized I may look like a scared little white girl, maybe I am. I was just around long enough to realize when I threw the two scenerios on the scale Jail looked like a romantic getaway! Anyway- made it easier on the for the majority of the time I was out there. They said, "Damn, Judy- you turned Lincoln highway into a Ho Stroll! " There was an over abundance of middle aged, white men touring the neighborhood. Ha ha. There were a lot more in Chicago Heights. I'm glad they got my atss outta there! No place to eat sleep or shower. It wasn't smellin too hot, we can't have that now can we men? ! Did a little better in chi H, the woods (groves). But now guys I'm rockin out. MY FACE IS ALMOST CLEAR! Eatin, sleepin. Sorry to those of you who picked me up after I had been up a few. Paranoia sets in, I have limitations nowa days! I am here is Park Forest, BFE. First one since I've been on the street. He gives me all themoney I want but who knows maybe I will still come visit in the woods. I kinda dig some of you guys. It'll be a lot more enjoyable for it to be at my leisure though, not a necessity. I guess it never really was, but you know, when ya do drugs. Shits all seen through a pair of drunk goggles! Jumbled up you know? I'm still partyin, don't get me wrong, not as much though and I am takin care of myself now. Regardless I may hit the road just to say WHAT UP. Imsendin this I wrote a long atss report just now and my computer F-d up autnd there it went I'll write more later PEACE! Ps I'm here guys, utilize it- your secret is safe with me. Peace in the middle east, or wait, South Suburbs:) HOLLA BACK. Hopefully my punctuation and grammar is correct, but I'm not even gonna look over it can't chance this thing messin up!

Must've learned English from Nibu.

Bend It
01-15-07, 12:55
Must've learned English from Nibu.

LOL! Hey, what's happened to our fan of big black titties? Did he return to S. America?

01-15-07, 15:54
LOL! Hey, what's happened to our fan of big black titties? Did he return to S. America?

That's what I thought myself... but check the Melrose Park Forum, where there is a special thread: NIBU RAPHAEL IN MELROSE PARK http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=493160 :

The info I got from Jackson himself is that Nibu has been once again quarantined because of his attacks on other members.


01-15-07, 16:54
What the fuck did I just read? Someone want to translate that into English? On second thought, don't bother.My thoughts exactly.

Whigger personified!

Chi Guy
01-15-07, 20:11
Nibu's last post on the USASG was on August 20 of last year. Shortly after that, Nibu was quarantined to his own special threads, but he has chosen not to post there.

He is, however, still active on the ISG, albeit in his own threads there, too.

Ms Lady1234
01-19-07, 15:56

Complete with the list of SW who were arrested.

Police arrested 30 women on charges of prostitution after a three-night police crackdown in Chicago Heights last week.

Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart made the announcement via a news release Wednesday.

During the operation, undercover deputies posed as "Johns" and arrested the women after they made an offer of sex in exchange for money.

Each woman was charged with one count of prostitution and was required to post 10 percent of a $1,000 bond to be released. Each woman is scheduled to appear in Cook County Court next month.

The sting targeted areas along Chicago Road and 13th Street and along Chicago Road between 16th and 26th streets in the village. Chicago Heights police ran the sting operation from Jan. 11 to Jan. 13 with help from the sheriff's vice and gang crimes unit officers.

After repeated citizens' complaints of the illegal activity in town, Chicago Heights police sought assistance from the Sheriff's Department.

Thirty women were arrested for prostitution in Chicago Heights after a recent sting operation.

Ms Lady1234
01-19-07, 16:04
"We had a friend up in Milwaukee who used to attend something he called a "wheel party" - it would involve you (the wh*re), a big rotating round table, and about 25 dicks pushing in and out of all of your holes until you pass out. Interested? Let us know . . ."

I almost lost it when I read that...lol. LMFAO.
Ahh yes Lefty and the Wheel of fortune........

01-19-07, 17:19
Prostitution sting nets 29 in Chicago Heights

January 18, 2007
Nearly 30 people are facing prostitution charges after a three-day citywide sting, Chicago Heights police said.

Lt. David Basile said the operation yielded 29 charges of misdemeanor solicitation for prostitution and one charge of misdemeanor obstruction of justice.

Basile said many of those charged are repeat offenders.

The sting was a collaboration between Chicago Heights' community policing unit and the Cook County Sheriff's police vice division.

Basile said the operation was straightforward: undercover vice officers waited in their vehicles in known problem areas for prostitutes to approach them.

"We hit them at all hours," he said. "The vice guys did a remarkable job."

The highest concentrations of alleged sex workers were on Chicago Road, 15th Street and 16th Street, but Basile said they were not confined to these areas.

"People are looking for prostitutes everywhere," he said. "They more or less ran the whole gamut of the city."

According to police reports, the suspects allegedly offered to perform sex acts for between $10 and $50.

Basile said most suspects allegedly offered to perform oral sex for $20.

Cook County Sheriff's office spokesman Penny Mateck said all suspects' bond was set at $1,000 with court dates of either Feb. 1, 5, 8 or 22.

Mateck said suspects could be looking at punishments of up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine if convicted.

In spite of the sting's success, Basile said the arrests are merely "a drop in the bucket."

"If we continue to do this maybe it'll have some kind of impact," he said.

Police said the following were charged with solicitation for prostitution:

[Names deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove the names or persons who were arrested from within in the text. To avoid delays in future reports containing news stories of law enforcement actions, please overwrite or delete the names of persons who were arrested. Thanks!

Chi Guy
01-19-07, 17:35
Out of respect for providers and mongers alike, I would think it would be best not to post people's real names here. It's bad enough that LE does it. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to see my name appear anywhere here. I'm sure you all feel the same.

01-19-07, 17:50
Chi is basically right, these persons are innocent until the cops lie in court. But republishing here is just that, republishing, it's already out there.

Geeze, If they published cell phone numbers and pics, we could use that like eros for SWs. Awfully kind of the pigs to help us zero in on providers in need of funds in the coming weeks.

Just an observation,

Ms Lady1234
01-20-07, 02:50
I agree and edited my post.

Jule Chrd
01-20-07, 03:28
Hi Julie. Welcome to this little board. We had a friend up in Milwaukee who used to attend something he called a "wheel party" - it would involve you (the wh*re), a big rotating round table, and about 25 dicks pushing in and out of all of your holes until you pass out. Interested? Let us know . . .Well, Chi, pretty fuckin harsh. Its cool though guys when I read that after I saw it posted I guess that really made no sense to anyone who didn't know a little about the reason why I posted it ha ha sorry. In response to the sting a few of my girls got arrested. Yeah some were ale to post bond ut a lot of em had outstanding warrants, or also got caught with drugs so they will be in for a while. The heights are gonna be pretty quiet for a min. Glad I wasn't out on the rd.

01-20-07, 13:11
Interesting that the youngest women busted was 31 y/o and ranged in age up to 59. I guess if you are looking for as mature sw than the Heights is the place to go.

Also, I find it interesting that they busted 30 gals in 3 days. Sounds like there's lot's of action in the Heights. I don't cruise down there but I was wondering...are most of these girls black, or a mix of black and white sw's?

01-20-07, 19:16
Thirty women busted! I drive that stretch of road every other day on my way to variety video and I hardly see one sw. And I thought that when it gets cold out no sws are out there.

Bend It
01-20-07, 23:58
Well, Chi, pretty fuckin harsh.

Yes, the wheel parties are pretty harsh. That's their charm . . .

Bend It

Ms Lady1234
01-21-07, 01:47
Are you the same SW from the Heights who had her picture posted here
before by one of her clients ? A while back someone posted about a Julie on Chicago Road. The picture should be in the archives.
Except the only difference is you say you have clear skin, this girl had horrible acne on her ass or face If I remember correctly. Does anyone here remember that photo?
Just curious as to how you happened upon this board?

Stay safe, strap up


Ms Lady1234
01-22-07, 03:09
Okay I found the post I was referring to on Julie from Chg Road.

These are the pics below.

01-22-07, 11:13
Okay I found the post I was referring to on Julie from Chg Road.

These are the pics below.

Good memory Lady. Julie2 is a most attractive pose.

01-22-07, 13:36
Now I don't understand some of you posters at all! You see, I drive Chicago Road a lot. You can see the dealers out there any time of day or night. The cops have their priorties straight! People that want their illegal hit of crack or smoke shoud be able to get it whenever they want! Besides, they are too hard to find and catch, that's why I can see them and CHPD can't. But the cops are doing a great job of keeping those dangerous women from jumping in cars and raping unsuspecting men, not to mention staeling their cash! Great job, CHPD- keep it up!

Lurker X
01-22-07, 22:53
Okay I found the post I was referring to on Julie from Chg Road.

These are the pics below.That julie chick in picture 2 has a fungal infection on her ass,it is probably all over her-if you rub against her you will catch it too. Topical fungis is common on streetwalkers.

01-23-07, 07:46
All this talk about the Ch Hts has me reminiscing about a place on Halsted called Vagabond - last time I was there was '85 - anyone else remember it?

Nude dancers on stage, trips upstairs available.

01-23-07, 13:49
All this talk about the Ch Hts has me reminiscing about a place on Halsted called Vagabond - last time I was there was '85 - anyone else remember it?

Nude dancers on stage, trips upstairs available.

Yes.I spent several evenings back in the 80's there. I think it closed around 85 after a number of busts. They hade a nice stage for the dancers and the girls would take you upstairs to the bedrooms.

Bend It
01-23-07, 14:58
Okay I found the post I was referring to on Julie from Chg Road.

These are the pics below.

Good catch, Ms. Lady!

01-23-07, 18:49
All this talk about the Ch Hts has me reminiscing about a place on Halsted called Vagabond - last time I was there was '85 - anyone else remember it?

Nude dancers on stage, trips upstairs available.

Yep, the building is now used as a homeless something or another...

Ms Lady1234
01-23-07, 19:11
Ahh yes the Vagabond lounge was across the street from the Goat Club and the old Firestone. Then the Heights also had the Show club too. But the vagabond goes way way back. They boarded up the windows and painted old cars on them. I think it was going to be some sort of cultural center or other.
It was mob operated way back when, but a legend.
Chi heights has always been crawling with this type of activity.

And to Quote Jule ChRd :

"Uncle Leo picked me up EVyERY TIME HE SAW ME. They thought from the start they'd let me run around a while get to know some things and put my life at risk to make them some money. Once they realized I may look like a scared little white girl, maybe I am. I was just around long enough to realize when I threw the two scenerios on the scale Jail looked like a romantic getaway! Anyway- made it easier on the for the majority of the time I was out there. They said, "Damn, Judy- you turned Lincoln highway into a Ho Stroll! " There was an over abundance of middle aged, white men touring the neighborhood. Ha ha. There were a lot more in Chicago Heights."

Sorry to tell you Julie but,
Lincoln Highway was always a " Ho Stroll "
Long before you were even thought of. The Street girls were the ones the Mob left alone because they were too ugly or doped up to make them any money. Lincoln highway has always been known as the bone yard for Ho's. Bottom of the barrel kind.
Its the end of the line.... if you find yourself there as a provider. This dates back to the 1950's and maybe longer. That area has had SW'S, that now have great grandkids. With the corrupt history of that town, The street walker scene just barley covers the surface as to what really goes on there.

Stay safe, strap up


01-23-07, 19:29
When I first moved out here, a friend's wife had a baby, he took me out to the Show Club for my first HOE experience. I think it was about December 86. My many good times until it closed down, I think in 87 or early 88. Did my first black chick in the basement. What a great time.

01-24-07, 22:12
Yep, the building is now used as a homeless something or another...

Since it was mob run, I wonder what happened to the tapes that I know that they must have taken. They had that big mirror over the bed upstairs and I always thought that I was making movies. I was a bit younger and in better shape back then......

01-24-07, 23:14
Met a nice young lady on the road in the Heights.. 7 for looks and 6 for service. Did covered half and half. Prices reasonable. More info for senior members if asked. Getting nervous about saying too much here. Hate to sound like a nervous Nellie, but lately some great posts are followed by major busts, like the one here noted recently. Someone must have taught Uncle Leo how to read and showed him this site.

01-25-07, 00:16
I wasn't lucky enough to participate at the Vag, but I have heard several stories about the place. It's funny that the stories all start out with the same line. "I walked in a boy and walked out a man!"


Champ Chump
01-25-07, 09:51
Getting nervous about saying too much here. Hate to sound like a nervous Nellie, but lately some great posts are followed by major busts, like the one here noted recently. Someone must have taught Uncle Leo how to read and showed him this site.

I see I'm not the only one who has noticed this. At first I totally stopped posting, but thought that it wasn't fair to the people that helped me out. Now all my posts are extremely vague and any particulars are given on a need to know basis to senior members with decent posts only.

Member #1395
01-25-07, 19:06
The headliner at the Vag forever! The old-old Vagabond....In the hotel that housed 1/2 of The Heights indigents and ALL the Cockroaches! Amazing...never saw a condom in the place, no disease! Young and living dangerously!

01-25-07, 20:56
Oh Ya. I remember a Annie and Kay. I checked out several others but can't remember their names. They had regular girls that worked there and strippers that worked the circuit (sp). They would go upstairs too. They would get some pretty hot ones in there. Mob for sure. A friend acted up alittle in there and got gun put to his head and was asked to leave. He left. I was busy upstairs. "Its Shooow Time"


Ms Lady1234
01-26-07, 00:12
That place was a rite of passage for some.

Mob run and Albert Tocco was getting all the money. Or rather the "street tax" that they paid the shylocks to stay in business. If they didn't pay the electricity would be cut off until they came up with the funds.

I too heard they filmed the clients but only for security purposes. They were not taped but just monitored.

I wonder where all those women are now?

01-26-07, 09:40
The headliner at the Vag forever! The old-old Vagabond....In the hotel that housed 1/2 of The Heights indigents and ALL the Cockroaches! Amazing...never saw a condom in the place, no disease! Young and living dangerously!Yeah, but that was when a shot in the butt solved the worst STD's. Those days are long gone.

Jule Chrd
01-26-07, 13:13
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

Ms Lady1234
01-26-07, 17:56

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Captain Stiffy
01-26-07, 19:52

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Ms Lady1234
01-27-07, 05:54

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Tommy Knocker6
01-27-07, 19:28
Anyone hooked up with her?

She's near Midway


Tommy Knocker6
01-29-07, 18:35
Had a quickie with her yesterday. Calls you back using caler id.

Like her online picture--a little chunky but what's the saying--bigger the tush the easier the push. Nice natural C-D tits. No carpet.

Very friendly and acomoddating--seemed to enjoy. Got mr stiffy up with no problem. Prefers mish over cowgirl.

Goes to greece for additional fare.

02-09-07, 13:04
Saw ad in todays sun times. Same ad, $10. off. May go by there later today, just to scout the talent. Was there a few years ago, twice. They screened you, 20 questions. Very basic service and very plain lady.
But you never know. Singapore over in Highland was like that. An old lady ran it for several years when it first opened. Pretty basic. The Japanese lady that worked was a little fun. Then it changed hands. Got better and better. One lady that worked there a few months before it close, Jennifer, really worked me over BIG timeone Sunday evening when it was slow. Tip was .8
Was in Boise this last summer. Alot of amps there,and better prices and service for the buck there. Supply and demand. Saw a girl out there named Lisa that I saw once or twice at Singapore (IN). Didn't get a massage from her, was just scouting. But did get some good action else where. Barney

02-12-07, 19:15
Saw ad in todays sun times. Same ad, $10. off. May go by there later today, just to scout the talent. Was there a few years ago, twice. They screened you, 20 questions. Very basic service and very plain lady.
But you never know. Singapore over in Highland was like that. An old lady ran it for several years when it first opened. Pretty basic. The Japanese lady that worked was a little fun. Then it changed hands. Got better and better. One lady that worked there a few months before it close, Jennifer, really worked me over BIG timeone Sunday evening when it was slow. Tip was .8
Was in Boise this last summer. Alot of amps there,and better prices and service for the buck there. Supply and demand. Saw a girl out there named Lisa that I saw once or twice at Singapore (IN). Didn't get a massage from her, was just scouting. But did get some good action else where. Barney

Ok, Dumb question.. This the Crystal in Matteson?

02-12-07, 22:05
Yes, Matteson.

scouted it the other day. Looks like new owner. 2 ladies. Saw one. Around 35 to 40. not to bad lookin, flat chest. dressed conservitively, so I don't think any thing wild will be happening there. 70 / hr, no 1/2 hr. $10. off, Friday Sun Times. Barney

03-21-07, 08:10
This is for real! See CL ad below

I need to ride ir now - w4m - 33

Reply to: pers-297617314@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-03-20, 9:44PM CDT

Hey sexy can you cum out to the south suburbs around interstate 57 and lincoln hwy...let me get in your car in one of the hotel parking lots....i will wear a skirt with no panties...so you can touch me all over and when your ready,,,,for that ride...i want to sit on it and ride you......send me a oicture and number' I am sexy thick 150 5'3 with 36c tits to play with...and now what about you??

Bend It
03-21-07, 23:14
This is for real! See CL ad below

I need to ride ir now - w4m - 33

Reply to: pers-297617314@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-03-20, 9:44PM CDT

Hey sexy can you cum out to the south suburbs around interstate 57 and lincoln hwy...let me get in your car in one of the hotel parking lots....i will wear a skirt with no panties...so you can touch me all over and when your ready,,,,for that ride...i want to sit on it and ride you......send me a oicture and number' I am sexy thick 150 5'3 with 36c tits to play with...and now what about you??

Edone, do you know this is real because you visited this wh*re? Also, I wouldn't assume its free, unless you can report otherwise. If you did visit her, I'd love to read your report of the encounter. Best wishes,

Bend It

Bend It
03-23-07, 09:45
Edone, do you know this is real because you visited this wh*re? Also, I wouldn't assume its free, unless you can report otherwise. If you did visit her, I'd love to read your report of the encounter. Best wishes,

Bend It

Hi, Edone sent me a pm and asked if I could edit my reply (I can't, too much time has elapsed, I guess). The short of it is that Edone was not just reporting on an ad, but had partaken and had a positive experience.

03-26-07, 14:10
Same boring SW (ugly) are working the Chi-Heights forest... But watch out there was a couple of undercovers crusing last week...

03-27-07, 18:06
I saw a wsw around 11:30 today she had on a t-shirt and jeans. I didn't pick her up cause she had amean look on her face with light blue eyes. I saw few others last sunday night but they look like they'll ripp
you off.

03-27-07, 18:24
G'day Mongers,

Went out to the McD's in Olympia Fields across from the Heights. Saw a nice looker BSW, long hair, nice bod from afar. Did not pick her up! Around midnight as well. Location: IL-30 & Western Ave. Normally see chicks walkin along the road at real late hours. Plus getting a tad warmer and many are board just sittin around the house.

Happy Huntin!

04-01-07, 23:27
since the weather has been getting better I am seeing some activity on 159th near halstead. a decent looking wsw that i haven't seen before is hanging around the nearby notel.

i can't partake as this is too close to my work in south holland and i may be seen by a coworker. she is out morning and early evening - had her hair in pigtails the other day, what great handles LOL

good luck

Traveler One
04-06-07, 09:40
Went to the forest preserve on Sauk Trail. Read about this place before but never went there and just hapend to be in the area. So, I drove up and there were 3-4 cars all backed into spots. It was difficult for me to tell what was going on but it was before noon and I did not see anything going on.

Was I in the right area? The lack of egress concerned me. There was one way in and one way out.

04-06-07, 11:54
Went to the forest preserve on Sauk Trail. Read about this place before but never went there and just hapend to be in the area. So, I drove up and there were 3-4 cars all backed into spots. It was difficult for me to tell what was going on but it was before noon and I did not see anything going on.

Was I in the right area? The lack of egress concerned me. There was one way in and one way out.

Probably.. but I would be cautious LE has been real heavy lately!!!

04-25-07, 11:36
A friend of mine got scammed by a "nice white girl" and her pimp....

Gave the old, get naked to prove you are not a cop... then bang bang at the door... "Wheres my money, you stole my drugs" she runs out of the room and the guy is busy arguing with the pimp who then leaves... and the guy is out his $$ no answers to the phone after that of course....

I also found out she goes by cathy and a few other names...

Just a reminder for us all to search before you go an see someone....


Hey guys,
My name is Samantha
I'am a 23yr old 5'5 caucausion female with blonde hair, hazel eyes, I weigh 130 and am a 36c. I well have some pics up in a few hours. Also I will only be in town for a day so I hope you come and play!

C/M 651-260-7136

05-04-07, 21:21
I pass through Harvey at night when I work late. Have noticed some BSW activity on 159th between Park and Halstead. I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday, there was what I thought was a real fine BSW at the Halstead corner. She crossed the street and jumped into a small red truck who had circled around the KFC.

If she was as good looking as I thought, I am sure he was in for a treat. Most of the girls look drugged out, but every once in a while you see a young fine ebony treat.

Traveler One
05-14-07, 17:31
Anyone have a review on this girl? Please PM me.


Bend It
05-14-07, 23:06
Anyone have a review on this girl? Please PM me.


Deleted by author. Who was it?

05-16-07, 03:32
Harvey and Robbins are about the only two areas you will really find a constant flow going on when it comes to SW, although the quality is quite debateable. Every once in a while you might find a gem but most are cracked out and look much worse upon getting in your car. Usually what I do then is they tend to want to go somewhere to get their drugs and I agree to take them there cause it's close by and I dump 'em and go. The main strips around here are the downtown area and the other is of course on 159th. Good thing about this area is that if you stroll really late you can catch 'em still out. Never had much luck in the Halsted area.

Robbins also works on a small little strip where you will usually find BSW's of the drugged out variety, again on rare occassions diamonds in the rough can be found, but here is really slim on those chances. This strip is between Kedzie and Pulaski. I have found a good WSW over on 147th in Midlothian that isn't the greatest looking girl, but definitely not bad either. Usually she's got the smell of booze but that's it...average price and gives a pretty good BBBJ.

Saw an interesting site on Cicero the other day over by the Oak Forest/Midlothian border. WSW probably in upper 30's, got picked up by a truck before I could get a closer look, but you usually don't see them in such an open spot like that. Also was able to pick up a WSW by the train tracks in Oak Forest on a couple occasions by the name of Tara, she is moody though and if you don't catch her on good night she's a little unwelcoming, haven't seen her around for a while though as that area has been under Leo's gaze a bit more.

That's all I got off the top of my head...should have been posting this stuff as I went along, but I finally decided that I should stop staring and start typing since these boards are becoming deader and deader by the day it seems. Hopefully some life can be breathed back into them. More posts to come in the future hopefully.

05-17-07, 08:39
Driving a nice car in the woods is a blinking sign that you're looking. I got tailed really quickly by LE in there.

05-17-07, 15:46
Driving a nice car in the woods is a blinking sign that ur lookng . I got tailed really quickly by LE in there .

LE has been sooo heavy there lately, it would not matter if you were driving a pinto.....

05-18-07, 02:43
I was there is am and saw a real bad wsw. nice bid but bad face and hair she was walking stright up ashland and then I saw this black trans am trailing and I know he was pimping her or scaming someone. Man this sucks, no fun anymore.

05-22-07, 00:36
Was scouting today thru the Kings Woods and Chicago Rd came across some providers on the backside of the wood area opposite of ashland and I could hear her ass being pounded out. There was a pimp on the look out. I guess you just had to ask him. Chicago rd was terrible.

05-22-07, 12:44
Never go there during lunch.

Everyone there is ball watching.

Traveler One
05-23-07, 23:47
159th and West. BSW. Not bad looking at all I am out of the hobby and did not stop. But always enjoy the site.

05-25-07, 13:31
Found a white lady on CL has incall in oak lawn goes by the name Serenity

BBBJTCCIM/S 1.5 to 2.0

Not bad looking - have her number if anyone wants.

05-25-07, 17:49
Found a white lady on CL has incall in oak lawn goes by the name Serenity

BBBJTCCIM/S 1.5 to 2.0

Not bad looking - have her number if anyone wants. You must have left something out or are you actually saying 1.5 - 2.0 for a BJ even if its BB?

06-02-07, 01:18
Wow 1 out of a 10 comes to me like this.

I won't say the name f the soutyh suburb et because I wantto see this awesome chick gain ad buy her cellphon.

Butt. Anyway I was coming home from a dead night of 47 th street stollin and I took cicero home for a Just in Case ride, and I look over at a car wash at 4:00 in the mornig and theres this hot 9 out of te chick cleaningout her blazer!

I was like this can't be real so I pulled over anyway and we talked and she parked her car and we drove to the local hotel and had an awesome time!

She would have been a ten if she waent takin drugs

I just what to kno was this sear Luck or ha anyone ewlse picked her up

Rea tiht petite yung sweet ass body. Next time I'll have pics!

Chi Guy
06-02-07, 07:57
Wow 1 out of a 10 comes to me like this.

I won't say the name f the soutyh suburb et because I wantto see this awesome chick gain ad buy her cellphon.

Butt. Anyway I was coming home from a dead night of 47 th street stollin and I took cicero home for a Just in Case ride, and I look over at a car wash at 4:00 in the mornig and theres this hot 9 out of te chick cleaningout her blazer!

I was like this can't be real so I pulled over anyway and we talked and she parked her car and we drove to the local hotel and had an awesome time!

She would have been a ten if she waent takin drugs

I just what to kno was this sear Luck or ha anyone ewlse picked her up

Rea tiht petite yung sweet ass body. Next time I'll have pics!

Captain Stiffy
06-02-07, 15:20
HAHAHA! That was just packed with useful information! Just kidding. Made me laugh, though. That's not just bad spelling. Looks like drunk typing.

06-02-07, 17:58
Wow 1 out of a 10 comes to me like this.

I won't say the name f the soutyh suburb et because I wantto see this awesome chick gain ad buy her cellphon.

Butt. Anyway I was coming home from a dead night of 47 th street stollin and I took cicero home for a Just in Case ride, and I look over at a car wash at 4:00 in the mornig and theres this hot 9 out of te chick cleaningout her blazer!

I was like this can't be real so I pulled over anyway and we talked and she parked her car and we drove to the local hotel and had an awesome time!

She would have been a ten if she waent takin drugs

I just what to kno was this sear Luck or ha anyone ewlse picked her up

Rea tiht petite yung sweet ass body. Next time I'll have pics!
Could you please spell check your words before you post. We have a hard time understading what you are saying becaues you are leaving out certain letters in the words.

06-04-07, 19:56
Sorry guys I just installed one of those wireless keyboards and...

A. The reciever was to far...
B. I was drinking and...
C. I didnt have my contacts in.

It was pretty funny logging in today trying to read it myself.

06-04-07, 20:04
Wow I only pick up 1 of of 100 girls like this one

I won't say the name the south suburb where I met this chick because I want to see this awesome chick again and buy her a cellphone.

Butt. Anyway I was coming home from a dead night of 47 th street strolling and I took cicero home for a Just in Case ride, and I look over at a car wash at 4:00 in the morning and theres this hot 9 out of ten chick cleaning out her blazer!

I was like this can't be real so I pulled over anyway and we talked and she parked her car and we drove to the local hotel and had an awesome time!

She would have been a ten if she was not taking drugs

I just want to know if this was Luck or has anyone else picked her up, she said she used to be on craigsl!ist a year ago but i dont remember her

Real tight petite young sweet ass body. Next time I'll have pics!


The nuber she gave me was her actuall boyfreinds cell number. now its her ex boyfreind he actually called me up to find out what the hell she was doing.

06-04-07, 22:51
Hmmm I hope the 9 out of 10 was not a result of the same thing that caused the mistype. LOL

Good find ChiGod. Why not share? Think one of us will take her from ya? Here's a thought. If you share and she becomes more active, maybe she will stay in the aera a while.

In any case good find!

Wow 1 out of a 10 comes to me like this.

I won't say the name f the soutyh suburb et because I wantto see this awesome chick gain ad buy her cellphon.

Butt. Anyway I was coming home from a dead night of 47 th street stollin and I took cicero home for a Just in Case ride, and I look over at a car wash at 4:00 in the mornig and theres this hot 9 out of te chick cleaningout her blazer!

I was like this can't be real so I pulled over anyway and we talked and she parked her car and we drove to the local hotel and had an awesome time!

She would have been a ten if she waent takin drugs

I just what to kno was this sear Luck or ha anyone ewlse picked her up

Rea tiht petite yung sweet ass body. Next time I'll have pics!

06-08-07, 08:27
Last night I've seen at least 4 wsw and one bws around 10'ish. They looked cracked out so I didn't fuck with any of then but here was one that I thought was decent enough. I went home for the nite maybe I'll see her this coming weekend:)

Ralph Alton
06-12-07, 00:15
Crystal Spa in Matteson is open again. Saw "apple" while there. Services have (unfortunately) not changed. HS only is on the menu, it seems.

Apple (35'ish) korean (I think) said they've been open for about 6 months.

Great massage and friendly service. Happy ending, although not much on the menu!