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09-19-06, 22:49
I was wondering how most of you choose who to spend time with?

Do you plan ahead of time and go with your first choice or do you wait until you get the itch and take whatever you can get?

Sometimes I go back to someone I don't really like because that's all I can find on short notice. Afterwards I feel stupid for wasting the money.

Just curious.

Ky Guy26
09-23-06, 20:08
Stopped by the Mecca. Sign said open, but the door was locked and a sign was on the door asking to call a number. I called and no answer. Bummer.

I went to Maj's or Mirage and went in. Didn't like what I saw so I left. No luck today.

09-25-06, 16:19
Stopped by the Mecca. Sign said open, but the door was locked and a sign was on the door asking to call a number. I called and no answer. Bummer.

I went to Maj's or Mirage and went in. Didn't like what I saw so I left. No luck today.Has anybody had any experience with Rose's Spa in Clarksville behind Domino's?

10-01-06, 15:15
Hay Max, it's been too long since I've posted anything, I'm heading back to SEA in six weeks, here's a clip from a real nice Thai Resort/Spa. They have combination packages of the below items 3 hrs for $54USD. All items available with happy ending costing $7 to $12 USD Tip.

Tarawadee Thai Massage 120 mins. 600 Baht ($16 USD)

Milky Cream Massage 60/120 mins. 1,000/1,400 Baht ($27/$38 USD)

Sport Body Massage 120 mins. 1,400 Baht

Aromatherapy Oil Massage 60/120 mins. 1,000/1,400 Baht

Anti – Stress Back & Shoulder Massage 60 mins. 400 Baht ($11USD)

Relax Foot Massage 60 mins. 400 Baht

I know why I do it, I think ? :-)

Shamas O'Dognasty
Gourmet Catering &
Septic Tank Cleaning

10-04-06, 14:57
New guy here. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I was wondering if anyone has had a positive experience with Aabanas as advertised in Leo. No details, just a nod or a ney.

Plantside Dr. www.aabanas.com

By way of introduction. I've been mongering in Louisville (native) for about 20 years. Lots of SCs, mostly AMPs (when they existed), some GFEs, a couple of Leo ads some time back, and one SW experience (ecckkk).

Been bored and restless lately. Need more action.

Nocturne - Borne of the Night

10-10-06, 23:44
I will be in Louisville this weekend and would like to visit a good spa. Any recommendations would be appreciated. A PM would be fine.

10-12-06, 00:32
I guess most of you have see the paper and the tv reports regarding the sex sting yesterday.

Local Suspects Netted In Internet Sex Sting
Three local men are among seven people arrested in an Internet sex sting.

MORE DETAILS: <http://www.wlky.com/tu/5jzd8092P.html>

10-12-06, 02:52
Because this involved someone posing as a 13-year old girl, I don't see what this has to do with this board.

10-12-06, 06:00
I agree with Username. It serves no purpose to post about that. In fact, it sullies our forum to even mention the subject here.

10-12-06, 11:54
I am glad these freaks are of the street.

10-12-06, 20:23
if you are into ****d sex you are a fucking child molester and i hope you enjoy being sodomized as someones girlfriend in prison.

10-13-06, 00:04
if you are into ****d sex you are a fucking child molester and i hope you enjoy being sodomized as someones girlfriend in prison.thank god the cops are out busting real criminals in our fair city. those guys are sick and deserve any punishment that is handed to them.

anyway on to some more upbeat news. i have been cruising the past few weeks and have seen alot of serious street action down by u of l. if any senior members want to trade some info please give me a shout.

also bu is jumping for action and so is one of the tls. lots of fun still to be had in this city. stopped by the newly reopend amp on poplar don't waste your time. the service is horrible and i am very upset after having had many happy experiences there.

10-14-06, 01:28
Ahh yes there is action around, but its not cheap. In my view if you can travel to another city and have fun there for the same price it costs to stay here and do it --- its not cheap enough.

10-14-06, 10:38
I agree with Username. The quality is gone.
It is true that there is street action but the quality is horrible, and please note that I am trying not to be judgemental. If you ever look through the photo gallery you will notice the quality of the girls in other towns. Louisville has pretty girls, they just don't work.

If you ever look on Craigslist you will notice that 99 % of all postings are rip offs trying to get you to join some group.

Manut20, I am glad to hear of the action at BU. I hope it stays that way without continuing to raise prices.

A final word from me. I would like to congratulate all of the Louisville members for being fair and mature. If you notice, we don't argue much and there aren't members constantly posting pictures without any information on the girl posted. We may not have a lot of action present now but we have a great place to live.


10-15-06, 02:31
I'll elaborate a little further on my statement. I you surf around enough on this site, or travel to other cities, you find $100 is is kind of the gold standard for FS, whether its an AMP or an SC.

When I said you could fly to another city for cheaper than here, I was referencing the $180 at BU. I suppose there may be other places in town, but I would have to say they are iffy at best both in terms of the pricing and consitancy of what you can get.

Basically you can fly to st. louis for an afternoon for under $100. There, you have a choice of more than one club where you can not only get FS for a guarandamteed $100 or less, or mileage at the stage that is basically at a near best in the country level. Check the illinios/washington park board for info or PM me if you want.

This in itself has basically made me hesitant to bother with the local stuff at all, unless someone can report consistant, reasonably priced action somewhere.

10-18-06, 06:35
Yesterdays fish wrapper (Courier Journal) had an article about how the residents of the Shelby Park area (think Preston and Oak) are organizing to get rid of crime in their area. The people interviewed were especially disgusted with all the prostitution in their area. Of course, the cops are on board and will be spending a lot of extra time there.

Watch out!!

10-18-06, 22:34
Does anyone know what happened to the AMP in SHepardsville, KY south of Lou.

It is closed up tighter than a drum.

Graf 61
10-19-06, 17:25
Does anyone know what happened to the AMP in SHepardsville, KY south of Lou.

It is closed up tighter than a drum.

Which one?

Far East, no big loss.

OK, big loss.

10-19-06, 22:42
Which one?

Far East, no big loss.

OK, big loss.I believe that it was OK,

Behind the Best Western Hotel.

10-20-06, 14:43
Yesterdays fish wrapper (Courier Journal) had an article about how the residents of the Shelby Park area (think Preston and Oak) are organizing to get rid of crime in their area. The people interviewed were especially disgusted with all the prostitution in their area. Of course, the cops are on board and will be spending a lot of extra time there.

Watch out!!A buddy of mine who is a criminal justice major and i went out and watched that area the other night. He is doing a dissertation on street crimes i.e. prostitutes, drug dealers and gang activity. We saw 8 or 9 sws get picked up between 2 and 4 am. We also drove around a bit and saw lots of lmpd making stops by that club on preston street not to far from the park. The cops are all over the place, but the quality of the providers is very poor. Whatever happened to the quality service that was once provided in this city. First it was the AMPs then it was the SCs and now we are forced to rummage through the garbage pile that is the streets of downtown Louisville.

10-23-06, 16:41
"It all comes down to the age-old bargain: Women exchange sex for whatever they want.
Men exchange whatever they got for sex. Call it prostitution, or call it marriage..."

from PL@- - - .com

I never pay for sex. When we've finished having sex I want to go out with the guys and have a beer or two, she wants to go shopping and have dinner, I pay her to go away and leave me alone.

from BB@- - - .com

Two good outlooks on sex
Shamas O'dognasty

10-23-06, 16:55
I was on my way to work today Monday around 11:30 am and the cops are pulling anyone over that has a know worker in their car. I saw a guy with a blue Dodge Ram pulled over and there in his truck was a worker I have dated before and they took both of them and towed his truck. Hope it was not anyone from this board. This was on Oak street a little pass Preston Street.

10-24-06, 17:00
I was on my way to work today Monday around 11:30 am and the cops are pulling anyone over that has a know worker in their car. I saw a guy with a blue Dodge Ram pulled over and there in his truck was a worker I have dated before and they took both of them and towed his truck. Hope it was not anyone from this board. This was on Oak street a little pass Preston Street.

I can't understand how they can arrest people in this way. This is guilt by association. They are essentially saying it is a crime to be with someone they recognize as a *****. The only evidence they have is the self-incriminating comments they get from pressuring them after they are stopped.

As far as I can see, the only reason this isn't challenged is the embarrassment and humiliation and social stigmitization, (and lack of money), prevents people from going through the appeals process.

Am I right in this, or has then been challenged and upheld somewhere?

10-25-06, 02:30
There is no question in my mind there is no legal basis for this other than to harass the public. Even a PD would have no problem getting you out of it, but the kicker is your car probably still either gets held for a certain period of time, or you have to pay to get it back, even if charges are dropped. At least I think thats the case, I could have sword I heard a tactic similar to this on one of those CNN specials sometime. Thing is, this is almost certainly a directive by the mayor because the police chief could get fired under normal circumstances for something like this. What can I say folks, its election time. As long as the courts are willing to play ball with the mayor though, it may not stop. (of course all of this is just based on my own small amount of knowledge, so feel free to say I'm competely wrong if I am).

On to current SC happenings. BU is basically as expected, though apperently with some price changes. I believe it was stated before the $90 thing was still available, but it wasn't in a private enough area. Now they are selling someting for $135, that they are at least selling as a private enough area -- though they seemed unable to explain the difference between it and the $180, so maybe $135 is now the $90 --- heck I dunno maybe someody doees. Thing is they were still wanting tips on top of the $135 -- and since bottles usually have more time with them (an hour is pretty standard) perhaps thats worth it anyway.

As for the rest of the clubs --- I got no offeres at TL1. Seemed to have the same dead vibe to me it has for a few years. They dance rarely when they feel like it, thats it -- 3 or 4 girls --- though one was pretty hot.

I'm almost getting to the point where the detour to TL2 on the way to the 7th st. area is no longer worth it --- for whatever reason there are a bunch of guys hanging around there even during the day, but maybe 1 girl. Place seems to be turning into more of a bar than a strip bar.

CC -- this was somewhat interesting. Aside from the fact its boring to sit in a club with no girls who actually strip (how the hell do places like this and WC even stay in business??) --- there were some former TL2 girls there who were pretty active back in the day. Whilest I got no direct offers, I believe the vibe was there. I was also told some of the former TL2 girls are still there -- though I'll be damned if I ever see any of them there.

As for the rest of the area clubs -- FL seems to be the LE scapegoat still, saw a cop car there as I passed by. GL seems to not have as many girls, and the ones who are there are ones who kept it clean in the past --- is CL closed? Wouldn't surprise me .. perhaps they should plug an mp3 player into the wall instead of asking people to put money in a jukebox, LOL.

Well I hope that was informative people, and i hope somebody wants to debate some of these points -- been pretty quiet around here lately. -- at least in terms of SC talk

10-25-06, 10:58
Does anyone have the address for BU? Thanks.

10-25-06, 20:56
Its at 7th St. Rd. and Central ave. -- I don't know the exact street address.

10-26-06, 12:46
I believe that it was OK,

Behind the Best Western Hotel.Does anybody know if OK is really gone or did they shut down for vacation? They are still advertized in Leo as TC Pressurepoint. Or are they re-opened as TC pressurepoint? Any Info?


10-27-06, 15:11
Stopped by Roses yesterday just to check out the scene. Didn't partake as I just wanted to see what the staff was like. Two older asian ladies working there. probably in their mid to late 40's. Looked to have decent enough bodies for that age. I will give it a try when I have some extra spending money.

10-28-06, 01:47
Wow, I need to make a correction from my big message the other day. I guess it just matters what day of the week you are there, and if there actually any dancers there.

I tell ya what --- its well, almost doing it in pain sight. It seems those streamers quickly get spread out once people starting using them. The place can't last long like this --- everybody in the place knew exactly what was going on. If they were buttering up the right people like BU, then they would be allowed to have a more private area.

What do you guys think? I mean I almost wish they would get shut down, just so they would either renovate it again to be more private, or so the girls working their would go somewhere else. I really don't know what compels them to stay there.

10-28-06, 12:21
I tell ya what --- its well, almost doing it in pain sight.

TL2 has always been that way. Does anyone remember what it was before TL2? It was a place called Lil' Darlings. There was no private room, just the same sort of "private area" around the corner from the men's room that they have now. It was common to have 4 or 5 girls engaging in oral skills of some sort at the same time in that little area.
The TLs out Dixie do have their private rooms back. I suppose it's just a matter of who you are paying off.

10-30-06, 02:27
Ok I guess the dixie one still open may have used to be called 6, and the one further south that closed was 3, but I say for now we rename it 3.

Point is with this revelation it now has private rooms I have to pose the question, is it worth a special trip to go there?

When I say this I of course mean, well unless you are closer to it than the other TLs, its the furthest away. Its more than 20 minutes from tl1 and tl2, let alone how far it is from the east side of town.

I tried to go to the place only once years ago (better gas prices) and it was closed at the time for whatever reason.

10-30-06, 04:19
[QUOTE=Username]I have to pose the question, is it worth a special trip to go there?[QUOTE]

Username, in my own personal opinion, I don't think it's worth the drive. The women have always been a sure thing there because of the remote location but the downside is that they are older and, sometimes, scarier.
It really has turned into just an OK alternative if you happen to be passing through that area.

10-31-06, 18:27
Does anybody know if OK is really gone or did they shut down for vacation? They are still advertized in Leo as TC Pressurepoint. Or are they re-opened as TC pressurepoint? Any Info?

WebmanI sure hope that they are shut down for vacation. WHat a loss if they are gone. THE sign is still on and viewable from the interstate.

11-01-06, 08:18
Well fellow hobbyists, I took one for the team. I saw the ad in the Leo for Strees Relief on Preston and gave them a call, it sounded promising. I stopped by and was greeted by a mid 40's Korean lady in a very short mini skirt. And that we the high point of the visit. Stripped down and was escorted to the sauna for about 5 min then a very inispired table shower and off to the room. Once in the room she started with the light touch and sennsous touch, she did allow touching but never got the order to turn over instead got told ok time is up about 15 min early. WTF? And after complete asked if I would come back and if I wanted to tip her. Haha very funny.
Btw, I did call the old OK and they said they are open and changed their name. I am not sure if their quality improved though.

Stay safe out there.

11-02-06, 19:43

Just sent you a PM. Please excuse me for not writting back sooner, i'VE Been soooooo busy and I do mean sooooo busy.

Shamas O'Dognasty
Gourmet Catering &
Septic Tank Cleaning

11-03-06, 14:22
Was in Valley Station recently and noticed the old Thoroughbred 6? (the one furtherest out) was open as River Girls. Thought I'd check it out.

Came in and sat down. Two women came up and sat down. One immediately started playing with my dick and asking me to buy a $200 drink so that both of them could go to the private room for an hour with me ($160 for one woman). Wasn't interested in spending that much. Instead bought both a drink and talked. Most of the dancers used to work at T3, but moved here when it closed. They kept pushing for the $200 bottle. Told them I didn't have that much - all I had left was $35. They said give that to them and they'd show me a good time. Mistake.

We moved from the stage to the next row of tables. Lots of touching but no satisfaction. Once again tried to upsale - suggested that I go down the street to ATM and come back. Anyway, lots of frustration -no satisfaction.
So I left.

Dancers were on a scale of 6 -7.

Drove up to the new T3. At five the first and only dancer arrived. She was ready to dance at 5:30. Really good looking - a 9 or 10 with great tits. Went for the lap dance. She wanted to know if I liked to get spanked. Told her "No".She said ,"too bad. I'm a Dominatrix." Apparently, she practiced that at the club as she does not have her own dungeon yet. Costs $100 for 20 minutes. Asked about other services. She said, I don't do that. I'm a good girl." Not into pain, so I left - once again frustrated. If you are, I believe her name was Chelsey.

Hope you all have better luck than I!

11-04-06, 16:08
I had to run south yesterday and stopped in at the only remaining clubs on south Dixie.
Rivergirls, the place that took over the last club on the right (TL?), hasn't changed anything. Two girls from the other TL clubs were there. Both providers but it will cost you a bottle. There still is no completely private place there.
The last TL club on the left is the one that is completely closed down. This is too bad becuse this is the only one that still had a private dance room with a door.
The first club on the left is the only one still operating unde the TL banner. Three girls there yesterday afternoon. They gave a couple of lap dances and a lot of attitude to the few men that were there.
I'm sorry that I don't have much good news to report.

Graf 61
11-04-06, 18:49
Btw, I did call the old OK and they said they are open and changed their name. I am not sure if their quality improved though.

That's good to hear. Thanks for the information.

11-04-06, 22:06
That's good to hear. Thanks for the information.Is the OK behind the Best Western? That is the one that is/was closed.

11-06-06, 13:03
Well gentlemen, does anyone else try out the AMPs around here or in Southeren Indiana? Tried out Oriental Sauna and had a plesent experience. The providers are Thai not Korean, the was a nice change, not as nice as my last trip to Thailand but that's another story. Typical house fees, then a nice table shower, followed by a short stay in the dry sauna, then off to the room. There are no doors though, only a curtain. No fs, but a nice happy ending with mutual touching. All things considered not a bad time, but I perfer fs. Still on the hunt until my next Thailand trip. Btw, everyone should do Thailand at least once. Any advice on local action would be great. Take care and be safe out there.

11-07-06, 23:45
Went to T2 recently. At least 5 dancers were there. Had a much better time than at T2 - lots of satisfaction, very little frustration. Dancers ranged from 4 to 8 - depending on what you like in a woman. The one I enjoyed most used to work at BU.

11-08-06, 14:46
Well gentlemen, does anyone else try out the AMPs around here or in Southeren Indiana? Tried out Oriental Sauna and had a plesent experience. The providers are Thai not Korean, the was a nice change, not as nice as my last trip to Thailand but that's another story. Typical house fees, then a nice table shower, followed by a short stay in the dry sauna, then off to the room. There are no doors though, only a curtain. No fs, but a nice happy ending with mutual touching. All things considered not a bad time, but I perfer fs. Still on the hunt until my next Thailand trip. Btw, everyone should do Thailand at least once. Any advice on local action would be great. Take care and be safe out there.Where is the Oriental Sauna, I have not heard of it.


11-09-06, 01:31
Went to TL2 last night. They had 5 girls working, 3 were cute. Nobody was dancing, they just sat at the end of the bar talking to each other. I had a beer and was out of there in 20 minutes.

It's funny how the different SC's operate, at some the girls won't even let you sit down before they start pushing drinks/dances others, like TL2 last night, mostly ignore you.

11-09-06, 01:35
Does anyone have any experience with this agency? Just add dot com/GFE.

They have one girl listed that looks mighty good.

El Cordobes
11-09-06, 08:30
Can anyone give me any info about Laura who advertises in the legit massage section of LEO? I've searced the archives of this forum and haven't found any mention of her.

11-09-06, 11:00

What time did you go? I usually go about 4:30 - 5:00 PM and have not had the same problem. Although, if the girls are getting a lot of action (private dances) they are less likely to dance on the stage. If that happens, I pick the one I'm interested in, go up to her, and ask if she's available for a private dance. If she is, we move away from the vrowd and discuss particulars.


[QUOTE=Amigo]Went to TL2 last night. They had 5 girls working, 3 were cute. Nobody was dancing, they just sat at the end of the bar talking to each other.

Racing Dude
11-09-06, 16:14
Can anyone give me any info about Laura who advertises in the legit massage section of LEO? I've searced the archives of this forum and haven't found any mention of her.Just change your search to Samantha. New name and location, but everything else is the same as of a few months ago. All I'll add is that I bet she was a stunner 10 years ago.

Easy Does It
11-10-06, 00:48
Is this the same Samantha that I remember from my days in Louisville? Kinda spacey, blond with HUGE bolt-ons?? If so PLEASE PM me her new #. I was a regular of hers before I moved to the deep south in '04. I'll be in town again in December and I'd love to see her again for old times sake. You are right BTW I'd have loved to have seen what she looked like at 25........she wasn't bad in '04 and I'll bet she still isn't bad now.

Just change your search to Samantha. New name and location, but everything else is the same as of a few months ago. All I'll add is that I bet she was a stunner 10 years ago.

11-10-06, 01:07

It was about 9 PM. I sort of prefer if they approach me. I've found if I make the first move they know I'm interested and generally hold out for a bigger tip.

If they approach me, I can act a bit disinterested and get a lower price.

This seems to work.

11-10-06, 01:11
Racing Dude,

What are her rates now? It's been 4-5 years since I saw her. She used to charge $60, those were the days.

11-11-06, 04:48
I can confirm at least tl3 on dixie isn't the center of activity --- no dancers on a friday afternoon. Probably not worth the trip out that way indeed, was a waste of gas.

As for TL2, I do believe the action there is day time only because tehy actually have a some managers and/or bouncers there at night usually that seem to keep things in check. I'm unsure exactly what time they show up, though the shift change is 8pm so thats probably a good guess. I should say though I think only a few girls are doing anything (only a couple that I know of) .. some others have basically scoffed at the idea or played dumb.

11-11-06, 11:22
I stopped by the TL on Poplar yesterday afternoon. Just a couple of girls there. About 10 guys so it was a sellers market. One of the regular dancers from the other TLs and CC was there. She is very worth the time if there aren't 4 or 5 guys waiting on her.

Username, as for the bouncers, if the place is dead enough they will actually help. I have had more than one watch the door for me while I have spent some one-on-one time with a girl. Once again, it has to be late night & dead.


11-12-06, 22:36
Hi everyone,

I am traveling to Ohio in a week and will stay the night in Richmond Ky.

Is there any massage places there? Off of excit 87 is where I will stay. Can someone help me out?

Guy Noir
11-13-06, 08:28
I am traveling to Ohio in a week and will stay the night in Richmond Ky.

Is there any massage places there? Off of excit 87 is where I will stay. Can someone help me out?[/QUOTE]

There is the Fuji Spa located east of exit 87, on a small side road, just south of the bypass, a short distance from the Suzuki dealer. Next exit north has Yoshiko's Spa visible just east of I-75. It would be interesting to hear a new report about the quality of service at these spas.

Good Luck

11-13-06, 20:06
Thanks Guy. After next week I will report my findings.

Wish me luck.

I am traveling to Ohio in a week and will stay the night in Richmond Ky.

Is there any massage places there? Off of excit 87 is where I will stay. Can someone help me out?

There is the Fuji Spa located east of exit 87, on a small side road, just south of the bypass, a short distance from the Suzuki dealer. Next exit north has Yoshiko's Spa visible just east of I-75. It would be interesting to hear a new report about the quality of service at these spas.

Good Luck

11-14-06, 11:01
Went to PT's recently. There were 6 dancers. They get toplesss and move their G-string around and up and down. so it's basically nude. They were having 2 for 1 drinks and private dances. Chose 1 dancer who had nic, big, real tits. Went to the back for a private dance. Additional services do not seem to be available (the DJ walks around a lot and keeps an eye on things), but there is lots of touching. Found satisfaction and was pleased with the dancer selection. I find PT's consistently has dancers that rate 8 - 10. And, someone is always dancing - I like to window show before purchasing a private dance.

11-20-06, 22:17
I had some time today so I hit a couple of the bars.

First I hit Riverdancers out Dixie. I arrived about 2 pm and there were 7 dancers there and no men. Some were the same old dancers from the TLs. There was one stunning girl about 20 that actually DID look like a cheerleader. She was hot. Went totally nude on stage. She is new to the game so no extras yet.

I went back by TL on Poplar Level. There is a "new" girl there named Misty that has a screaming body. Kiki was there as well in fine form. It looks like the girls are out looking to make money for the holidays!


11-25-06, 07:19
For those of you that have read my reports before, I always say great things about Mecca. I have been their client for 2 and 1/2 years. Things were generaly good, but thing resently turn for the worst. I called my ussual provider so that I could spend some time with her. Things went very good until it was time to pay. I paid my ussual fee, but was told that this was no longer enough. I asked how much more would be enough, and was told not to bother that things would stay the same. I latter got a text telling me that I was no longer welcome there. what a B**CH.

11-25-06, 17:04

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I had roughly the same experience there recently. I don't mind naming names though. It's Mary, and you're right, she's a stone cold b*tch. Except with me, it didn't go right whatsoever if you know what I mean. She left me laying there with no relief at all.

I'm guessing she's trying to raise rates without actually getting permission of the owner of the place.

If any of you other guys have any stories to tell, please do.

Guys please, if you normally patronize Mecca please stay away. This "provider" and her employer need to learn a lesson in customer service. If it hurts the other girl there, so be it, I'm sorry, and for all I know she's pulling the same trick (pardon the pun). But this kind of treatment can't stand or it will become the norm.

It would be really cool if this forum were to make a difference there at Mecca. That way, in the future the providers will know bad service will be reported and will immediately result in a huge slowdown in business.

Indiana Dude
11-26-06, 15:40
I've been going to Mecca for quite some time and concur that Mary is a b****. Easier to stay away from her now that she's gained some weight (and still is god awful ugly). When I first started going there I rec'd extras for free. One day (without asking me nicely for tips etc) Mary got all pissed and just left me unsatisfied. Attempted to tip but was refused. I let it simmer down a few months and went back, this time to Cynthia. She's quite heavy but is a little nicer. Problem is if Mary is asking for more Cynthia probably is too.

I was tiring of the place anyway, they had a third girl there (Ruth) whom I liked best. Nice rack, good massage, etc. However this Ruth apparently cleaned out Mecca's bank account and took off. It sounds like the girls there are getting burned out, but if they continue to let their looks and attitude go downhill they have no business at all asking for more $! I'm boycotting!

11-26-06, 19:52
I was traveling down 7th street yesterday and saw a girl right across from the TL. She has very curly hair and appears to be about 30ish. I have seen her before. She usually has sunglasses on. The problem with trying to assess her is that she usually is right around the intersection of Berry and 7th and that is way too busy for comfort. Does anyone have any information on her?

Today I stopped into the TL on Poplar and had a wonderful visit with the girl that I think, IMHO, is the hottest they have. A very happy ending. :>


11-27-06, 07:35
Has Sophie changed her name? Can someone give me her number? PM please, dont post it.


11-27-06, 10:10
If Sophie is still in business, please PM me with her info and review of last visit.


11-29-06, 20:59
Which Sophie are you seeking. I know two?


11-30-06, 09:51
I was seeking info on the one who advertises in LEO and is a massage therapist on Bardstown Road.

I'd be interested in hearing about both of yours though. Fell free to PM me if you like.

12-05-06, 17:33
Their old number is disconnected but they have a new location on Old Shep. Does anyone have the number?

Jake 4119
12-07-06, 00:46
I've been checking out Craig's list. The old "Relax Kentucky" is under new ownership. I went there in the old incarnation and nice massage but nada. Are things the same? Anyone been there?

Also, Rene. Has anyone seen her. She has great pixx but has a high rate for an outcall. She's totally gorgeous but I'd want more than a back rub.

12-07-06, 01:35
Well try as I might, despite the reports of widespread extra availability --- at least during the day, it certainly seems to be limited.

A lot of the girls won't do anything ... there are a few that consider themselves HJ specialists who will do that for about $40.

The big news though is, the days of this place being presumably cheap ($60 for FS) seem to be over. In fact, the girls who do FS seem to be offended by that though, and want $120. I actually asked why they are there and not at BU, and the consistant answer seems to be they are afraid of LE on 7th. Apperently even BU has been raided 5 or 6 times in the post april 2004 era, and they say since then, when TL2 renovated to its current configuration, they have been left alone --- no trouble with LE at all.

So if $40 for a HJ or $60 for a BJ is good enough for you, well congrats. For me though those prices are well, 1.5x more than they used to be, and I have to draw the line somewhere. I am hopeful I will be able to negotiate that FS price down in the future --- though I must say, guys we set the market. They can't ask for that much, if they're not getting it. While TL2 may be better for the girls because of lack of LE harassment, its certainly not better for us because of the lack of privacy. You just can't pay a TL2 girl in that environment, nearly the same as BU girl.

Love Datazz
12-10-06, 20:35
After reading here about a heavy set Black girl working at the Healing Gardens I decided to give it a shot. I've been in a mood for one latley and decided to settle on a good massage by one as that's all your going to get there. I got there about a quarter to four and the girl that answered the door told me she was in a session right now and closed at Five. (LEO ad said Six) She told me to call in twenty minutes to see if she could work me in. I pulled out the trusty LEO and started looking. Stress Away wasn't too far away so I decided to drive by and see if they were open. I had my heart set on a good rub down by an American and since the ad didn't say one way or the other I decided to take my chances.

I was greated at the door by an upper middle age Korean woman. I decided to give up on my dream and brave it out. (Nothing against Orientals I just had my mind on something else at this stage.) So I went in, she seemed really awekward about the whole affair and her communications skills suffered horribly. I finally figured out tha she wanted me to come in. Then she showed me the room, I went in and after a few more awkeward exchanges she finaly left with my 60 bucks for 45 minutes.

I had the "fuck it" attitude, "I'll just close my eyes and get a good massage out of it. " Then another girl walked in, Jennifer. Totaly different. Real short petite Korean with a nice body, all proportiante to her height. She had that trashy street walker look. Real short revealing dress, I liked it. Very friendly and not too bad with her English. We chit chatted for a few minutes while she waited for the water to warm up for the shower table. We finally got to the shower table and it was a very good scrub down. She asked permission before touching all the no no spots. ANd she gave those extra special attention.

After a very good toweling off I laid on the table and she started the relaxing touch. She explained that they didn't do massage just light touch. That was fine. She did a very good job, all the while working her way in and making small talk. Very friendly conversation, I held back because I didn't want to get down to business right away, but felt that I could ask for what I wanted at anytime. She worked it so my arm was around her and my hand was on her ass, so I asked if I could rub her? She nodded. I then invited her to climb up on the table with me, she hopped right up and straddeled me. We played around for a few minutes, then I finaly asked if I could get more, my time was close to being up because I had farted around so long. She said that she didn't want to get in trouble. I shook my head and said no trouble. She motioned for a HJ I nodded. She did it.

When I was getting dressed she told me to come back soon and I could do much more. I said that I would. I tipped her 40 for being so cool. It was a very pleasent little surprise to find this place. And it was nice to find one that wasn't scared of her own shadow.

Two thumbs up!

12-12-06, 14:36
I haven't seen much from you guys on Mecca since I posted we should boycott them a couple weeks ago. Anyone still going there? Anybody have any stories? Is Mary the Terrible (provider that is) still there?

I see they have a $10 off note in their Leo ad this week. That's probably nothing new, but I wonder if business has gone down lately. I'm hoping so.


12-12-06, 15:10
I went to Mecca one time and wasn't impressed. I saw someone I had seen before at VE, but she wanted a lot more money than she did at my previous trips to VE so I never went back.

She was kind of short, very tan with big fake boobs.

What name did Mary go by at VE?

12-14-06, 13:35
Where is is located?

I will be in town tomorrow and would like a good place to visit that is a sure thing. Thanks.

I should note that I would prefer an American MP but it seems they have all lost their minds. But if you have any info please let me know or PM me. Thanks.

12-14-06, 17:15
I think it is like 6128 Preston. It is south of 264 on the right across from a shopping center.

Parking sucks for a hometown boy. Everybody driving down Preston can see your car.

12-15-06, 02:01
I knew Mary at a previous job (not massage). Her coworkers called her Scary Mary! They never knew what modd she'd be in or when it would swing.

The short tan one with big boobs was Ruth. She screwed them over and left.

MECCA stands for their real names and their VE names -
Cynthia / Mariah
can not remember them all.

12-15-06, 09:49
Went by TL2 the other day about 4:00 had a "Heavenly" private dance. You practically had to stand in line for the semi - private (ha ha) area. Even the bartenders Destiny and Jesse were giving private dances!

If you're being naughty, also be nice. Merry Christmas!

12-15-06, 13:49
Took one for th team today and stopped by Stress Away. Saw "Young" who was far from it. Got a light touch "massage" and did a bit of hand roaming on her back and ass. After the flip there was nothing. "OK time up." I got quite upset but did not make a scene. Counted my losses and moved on. I did tell her it was bullshit and I would not return.

So anyway I went over to Ichiban and saw "Choe." An older lady but not bad looking. I would give her about a 5 maybe. Large tits and she got straight to the good stuff. No hassle for tip or anything but of course I gave her one. Just goes to show it's hard to beat a sure thing.

Love Datazz
12-16-06, 10:33
It was definatley different with Jennifer. Sorry you had a bad time.

12-17-06, 02:55
Wow sounds like things are changing at TL2. Just a couple weeks ago they were worried about there being too many people in the club, wanting to get busy when its empty and whatnot.

Almost sounds like they have some vote of extra confidence LE is gonna leave thema alone.

12-17-06, 10:13
Almost sounds like they have some vote of extra confidence LE is gonna leave thema alone.

I'm not sure if it's that or not. The bartenders will do dances and have drinks bought for them all day long. That is pretty much all they do, unless you want to buy them a car and adopt them. You will know these girls from other clubs. They are pretty much just bartenders.

The dancers have just assumed it is what it is and go for it. I will say that those silly dance booths do hold a certain amount of privacy. At least as much as the raised area that bottoms up used to have. They just don't have the room.


12-18-06, 12:12
Just not much privacy at TL2, but most of the girls will do HJ's at the very least. Daytime bartenders, Jessie, Robin and Destiny are all long-time former dancers for TL, and we know what used to go on there. Robin was a sure thing at BU and used to date off-site, and although Jessie and Destiny will play innocent, they've been around TL for many years; so you figure it out. : )
Stopped in the other night, all I saw was 2 fat, ugly bartenders, and 3 fat dancers. Couldn't even finish my beer; but if that's your preference, check it out. There is a hot blonde nighttime bartender named Millie, but she won't do dances. I think she's just a fill-in.

What bothers me lately is the bartenders and dancers boyfriends or dykey girlfriends that drop in there at any time. Heard a couple of dancers got into a fight last week when one of their boyfriends came in and flirted with the other girl. Makes it uncomfortable when you're trying to get extras from them, and their useless, unemployed s/o comes in. Had a close call along those lines about a month ago. Not to mention the black bikers wearing their colors who drop over from the bar next door. The old TL5 next door is being run by a married couple who used to work for TL.
It somehow has turned into a black biker hang out. Saw some harsh words and a fight brewing the other day between a couple of bikers and a customer, but nothing came of it. But, mark my words, trouble is brewing there; and with that comes LE.

Guess, I'll be spending more time at BU. : )

Graf 61
12-18-06, 22:10
Stress Away wasn't too far away so I decided to drive by and see if they were open.

Location? For those of us who don't get to Louisville often.

Thanks for the report.

12-19-06, 13:30
Location? For those of us who don't get to Louisville often.

Thanks for the report.

Don't bother going, see my report below. But if you like to waste money it is on Preston across from Feeders Supply. I believe Rainbow used to be in the same building.

12-20-06, 01:04
Don't bother going, see my report below. But if you like to waste money it is on Preston across from Feeders Supply. I believe Rainbow used to be in the same building.Close, actually I think Paradise was in that building, and Rainbow about a block south, but that's neither here nor there, went this past weekend, full extras were available, but not very satisfactory. My provider, Kim, was a first class clock watcher, very unenthusiastic, and tried to up the prices.

12-20-06, 22:02
By God, lets share info on some of our favorite strip club employees etc.: Nothing too graphic unless you want, and maybe that's better in a P.M.
Might help us all find some new talent! : )

Being a TL, BU , Coconuts kinda guy mainly, here's some of mine:

Sexiest dancers: Ryen..(mid 30's) night shift at TL 1. Can't dance, but killer
KiKi...(early 40's) day shift at TL 2. Has it all.
Stacey.. (mid 20's) day shift at Foxy.. haven't been there in
awhile tho.

Sexiest bartenders: Millie.. (mid 30's) nightshift at TL 2.
Mia....(mid 20's). dayshift at TL 1.

Smartest dancer: Hmmm..... toughie; and there are some smart ones

Best lapdancer: damn, been too long since I bought one. Maybe Raven at
Coconuts this past summer. (early 30's). Very sexy when
she has a buzz going.

Best drinks: BU... day or night shift. Gotta tip good.

Biggest ripoff artist: No-one I can name recently.


12-21-06, 13:52
Went to TC's in S'ville after a long vacation. It has not changed much. Still very popular and busy. Had to wait a few min, but it was ok. Only saw two girls working. If you ever went to the old OK, it is the same fee schedule and tip are also still the same, glad to see there has been no inflation. Had a good time, all services were avail.

12-22-06, 10:14
They have moved to Bardstown Road area in the Highlands. The new place has private rooms not the curtain like the old place.

I saw some girl named Penny. Not the Penny Lane that used to be there but some girl who talked my ear off and never got close to doing anything. I have seen several girls there and only one ever did anything. She left after only a few days though. I am tiring of the light touch crap. But I think the chance that something could happen like the one time is more exciting sometimes than a sure thing at a AMP.

12-22-06, 17:18
Good Post Mike. I hope everyone will contribute on this one. My favorites are in line with yours. My experience is mainly limited to TL1 though.

Sexiest Dancer = Ryen at TL1, she's a hottie no doubt. Wish I could see her more. Guess I need to get over to TL2 and see this Kiki if she's in same league as Ryen then I'm missing out.

Sexiest Bartender = Mia at TL1, in a landslide. She'd be the sexiest dancer if she still danced. Try as I might, I could never get any extra's from her. Too bad, she could rake it in if she wanted to.

C'mon guys, let's see yours.

12-22-06, 23:25
OK. I know that I'm going to sound like an old guy that keeps bringing up people from back in the day but I have been at this longer than most.

Bartender.......There are several that have been stunning. The TL out Dixie used to have a killer blond working nights and Jesse at TL2 has a very hot box. Peaches can get me hard just by french kissing my ear but the winner has to be Stevie. She worked at the TLs as well as CC. Not only can she still hold her own with the younger girls, she has a great personality and knows exactly when I want and need company:>

As for dancers, yes I enjoy Kiki at TL (great ass) as well as Samantha at BU (soft mouth). I will have to go back a few years and say that, IMHO, the best it is a large-chested red headed beauty that went by the name of Blaze or sometimes Jazz. She worked at CL and could rock my world in every corner of that club. She can still be caught around a club occasionally where she shows once and for all that even at 43 she puts others to shame.

Club I most miss.........I was 18 and in the Air Force when I wandered in off the street into a place called the Penguin Club. The dancer was hot and grabbed me and took me upstairs to a bedroom they had! I wish I could give you guys the gift of all the action that they had back then. Very good times.


12-22-06, 23:46
Stevie..most recently a bartender?? She's a very hot 43 or 44 year old. Left CC a couple months back. Did a couple bottles with her at TL5 a few years back. Very hot lady.

Peaches can get me hard with those little ear kisses too. LOL I think she's night bartender at the only TL open on Dixie. Great dancer, knows how to work a guy up!

Jesse, at TL2. A hot box?? If we're talking about the one that works day shift there now, she plays so innocent, which I ain't buying at all.

I left a hottie dancer out of my first post: Kia; from the TL, and then CC; she died suddenly last year, just before Christmas. Hot body, pretty face, good personality, fun on a bottle.

Another hottie on a dance or bottle: Melissa at TL, went by Lisa at the TL on Dixie. Loved her ass smacked with the hand or belt, loved having her pussy/clit spat on, squirted when she came, and could go on and on. Just plain loved to screw, and smart as hell too. Haven't seen her in about 2-1/2 years.

Love Datazz
12-23-06, 10:47
They have moved to Bardstown Road area in the Highlands. The new place has private rooms not the curtain like the old place.

I saw some girl named Penny. Not the Penny Lane that used to be there but some girl who talked my ear off and never got close to doing anything. I have seen several girls there and only one ever did anything. She left after only a few days though. I am tiring of the light touch crap. But I think the chance that something could happen like the one time is more exciting sometimes than a sure thing at a AMP. I've noticed that they are pretty active on Craigslist. What actually happens in a session? Are you naked? What's she wearing? It's kind of intereesting to me. Do they expect you to self pleasure? Or do they just work you up and kick you out in the cold?

My personel feeling is that they have figured that for the long run they are better off not providing full service. Don't have to worry about LE and the customers are still lining up. I guess they are anway.

12-23-06, 12:33
Flew out of SDF to ATL, connected to Tokyo and into Bangkok with no delays and great weather all the way. ETA BKK was 10:30pm at the new airport. It was a very long distance from the unloading to the passport control but thank goodness for the moving walkways. Passport control was swift and painless, had to wait for my luggage but it showed up and I was out to the limo leaches. The new BKK airport is screwed up. You have to go down stairs to the departure area to get a taxi or you pay 3X for a "limo" on the arrivals level.

Got a good driver and was at Livingstones Lodge in half hour. Livingstones is a typical German hotel, very clean, very well managed, everything in it's place. It's a totally "all included hotel", every woman in the place from the girls at the desk,the waitress, bar girls in the sports bar and the maids are all available for P4P. Prices are preset and posted. Nice :-)

I had an incall massage then hit the sports bar. Chatted with a little minx who must have been crazy, she asked for $100 US for long time. I laughed and walked out. Oops, forgot, went back and paid for my drink. I grabbed the maid and had a good time with her.

I flew to Cambodia next. Spotted a stuningly beautiful Khmer gal on the flight. She got out of the airport ahead of me which gave me a chance to oogle her some more. Really pretty face with a body that was firm and with her thin skin tight clothes left very little to the imagination. You could see every muscle move when she walked.

The Passport control, entry and Customs in Phonm Penh is a joke, it's inteneded to take time to justify having extra people on the pay roll. What the heck.

Got to my hotel and what did my eyes behold but the same Khmer beauty checking in. :-) Yep she is built like a brick shit house and oh so pretty.

Got my room, cleaned up and went out. I was on the far end of the tourist area so I was careful not to go too far. I was tired my fist night so I used the in house massage then went out to the close by Khmer clubs.

I made arrangements for a tuk tuk driver to pick me up the next morning to haul me around

Next day my driver was waiting for me. I had lunch on the river front, did some sight seeing and wasted time till it got dark. I hit a couple of the usualy night clubs but just didn't find anything that made me perk up. My driver took me to "his" favorite MP - it's in the industrial riverport area, very dingy, low light, sheet metal shanty building, just a sheet hung on a line for privacy and butt ugly women, all for $ 1.50 to $ 2.50 for an hours massage, usual tip for hj 50 cents, FS $1.25. No Way, not even at those prices. On our way back to civilization I spotted a sharp girl walking on the far side of the street. We caught back up to her and chatted. She agreed to $5 for short time back at my hotel. I got her contact info and told her I wanted to check one last place. We went to Sakura Hotel / MP. Got a mini minx, absolutely little gal, pretty as can be, mid 20s for $10 hr and $5 tip for bbbj at the end of a great hard massage.

Next morning I ran into Miss Khmer Beauty at the internet room at 4am. Even at 4am she was incredible. We talked and I just about blew a wad chatting with her. When the restuarant opened we had breakfast. Watching her walk away was great. Her butt was strong and you could see the muscles flexing, ohhhh geeezzzzz I'm getting excited.

That night I went to "Hooters" which is the assembly point for a small club of PP travelers. I met a few members and had a fine time. The girl I wanted was waiting on her guy from the night before so I hit on the two older women behind the bar. They don't do P4P, they are the mamasan & #2 mamasan. Now I'm broken hearted.

I took off and hit a few clubs ended up not scoring that night.

Next night I grabbed the same girl from Sakura for a 2 hr session at my hotel, $12 for the 2 hrs and since the gal worked so hard for so long I tipped her $10. I'm a big tipper :-).

Next night I took a new girl from Hooters who just wouldn't stop tweeking my nipples and playing with my dick. When we got to the hotel she turned into a grumpy bitchy whinning minimal performer. She actually got snooty. The session ended early, I put her out, no tip and headed back to Hooters. I chatted with the owner who owes his business to our little net club. The girl's employment was terminated when she came back.

PP has many great P4P venues, prices are going up as the US $ is declining so fast.

Headed up to Siem Reap, stayed at the Golden Orange Hotel for a few days.

It's a great hotel, new, clean, guest friendly and western owned. The head cook does an excellent job, the food was always excellent.

I had a large AC room with refridgerator and CTV for $25 a night. Free high speed PCs on the second floor were available 7/24.

The P4P scene in Siem Reap is expensive and not very good. I ended up getting friendly with one of the waitresses who would come to my room and do a full body oil massage with bbbj ending. $12 total, tip included for 1.5 hr.

I spent the days touring the temples, never seen anything like them before, too awsome.

Headed back to Thailand and went to Pattaya. My hotel reservation the first night didn't hold, girl at the hotel didn't know how to look up a reservation and didn't know if a room was held for me. She asked if I could come back the next day and check. Duh, I'm standing here with luggage in hand, I need a room. Walked 50 yards to the Mansion One hotel, got a room for $23 a night, good AC, mini bar and CTV. I hit two MPs that were close by, passed on both, one had no AC and was dirty and dingy the other one had a mouthy fast lipped girl who pissed me off. I went to the Hippo Lounge at the Welkome Inn and grabbed a little beauty for a session at my hotel.

Next day I moved to the Dynesty Inn on soi 13, it's a really nice place, room was $35 a night, balcony, CTV, AC and mini bar. Soi 13 has mostly hotels and only 2 bars. It's nice and quiet. You can hit hundreds of bars of all types with in a 5 minute travel circle plus a few dozen MPs.

I did a "bar crawl" with a bunch of dudes on soi 6. At 2pm we hit about 15 gogo bars. I liked the Red Spot which is a blow job bar. I liked one little gal, took her for all night to my hotel. I took her a few more times during the trip, she sure did know how to suck a good dick.

Some of my Costa Rica amigos showed up a few days later and we would hit the up scale places on Walking Street. I introduced them to Soi 6 & soi 7 which surprised them as they didn't realize there were so many good places away from Walking Street.

We hit Secrets which is a new club on WS. The head go go dancer was too sharp and so pretty. I wanted to eat her on the table but she passed but did agree to go short time for $100, NO way at any price like that.

We ended up at Diamond ago go where I know the owner from my previous trip to Cambodia. When J spotted me he came over and I introduced him to the other guys. He called the mamasan and told her to get us some company. I ended up with a mini minx, she was about 4'9" great build with a babydoll cute face with chinese slanted eyes. I could hold her perfectly round butt in one hand. She told me she would go long time, bar fine included for 3000 Bt ($80), no no way too expensive, just then the mamasan came by and whispered in her ear, she smiled hugged me and said "you friend of boss, you get special price, 1400Bt, bar fine included for long time, we leave now, no wait for usual leave time" (which was still 2 hours away). Get your shit girl, we're heading to the hotel now. She came out dressed like a million dollers. Her dress covered her B/C cup tits, had a small piece of material on the left side (only) which went down to her waist where the dress went down the left leg and came up to a knot on the right hip. TOOO sexy. At the hotel the guys all stopped and watched as the mini beauty strutted her stuff.

In the room this girl was toooo good, every thing she did was great and she did everything I wanted . BBBj, rim, she barked like a greek dog, on top, in the shower on the balcony, watching MTV. Next morning she woke me up with a hot towel cleaning my dick. She did a short bbbj then put a rain coat on and jumped on top. I got her to go back to the bbbj for a finish. She had jeans and shirt in the travel bag, she wore them out that morning, we had breakfast and she was on her way.

My plan was to keep this minx for the rest of the week but as with all plans they don't always hold. There is a MP just up the soi from my hotel. They do great work but no hanky panky. I had been hitting the place daily for foot or head massages ($7 for 1.5 hr) but this day I asked the owner if I could get a girl to come to my room so I could shower and be nice and clean for a good massage. She liked me so sure I could, she told this one girl with chinese features and nice tits to get her stuff and go to the hotel with me. 1.5 massage was 400 Bhat (-$12). I offered her a 200 bt tip for a BBBJ, no no but she gave me a ball massage with hot and cold hj that lasted for another hour. I tipped her a total of 300bt., I was shot for that night, no reasons to go and get the girl from Diamond ago go.

I went to Diamond Ago go the next night and found out a guy had grabbed the little minx the night before and was going to keep her all week (good catch for him). I went back to using the girl from soi 6 and the MP girls.

The fligh home was nice, the transfer in Korea was very close. We walked from our plane and got right on the connecting flight. Connected thru ATL and back to SDF around 1pm.

Using the clock and calander it takes 32 hours and 2 days to get to Thailand, the return trip takes 12 hours and the same day. The international date line is the culprit. On the way over you stay in day light for almost 24 hrs. On the way back you go from night to day to night to day all in the same day.

Well I'm back home and seriously miss Southeast Asia. I plan on returning next year and will spend most of the time in Siem Reap and then head to Laos.

Shamas O'Dognasty
Gourmet Catering &
Septic Tank Cleaning

12-23-06, 13:22
Lex, reread my report, I have edited it since you read it.

I missed you by a week, I flew through the new airport at Inchon.

I'll PM you with some cambo info later on, I've got to get moving.

When I arrived at Pattaya there was a guy checking in at the same time. We chatted, he lives in Spain got to LOS for a vacation. I saw him almost daily and we always said hi and exchainged "notes" on places. We checked out at the same time and he noticed my UK bag. Turns out he's from Lexington and is in the US Navy, stationed in Spain.

Always find a home boy with my UK bag.

Shamas O'D

12-23-06, 16:19

Look forward to your PM. ICN is the new airport at Incheon if I'm not mistaken.



12-26-06, 11:49
Bartender-Charlie days at CC, only dances some of the time. She gives a great lapdance. I'd like to get her on a big drink, but every time I've been back she was the only bartender and couldn't.

Destiny at TL2, great ass.

Dancers-Alize at BU, Cassidy and Passion at CC

12-26-06, 11:57
I stopped by TL2 the other night and it was a scary scene. I read mike04's report and it is totally correct. The place was full of bikers wearing colors (in this case red). The thing is the parking lot wasn't full at all, so I was suprised when I walked in. Probably 15-20 bikers, and if you have been there you know that there is rarely more than 5-10 people in the place. I've been to a bunch a places in my day, but this was the first time I was truly scared.

12-26-06, 13:17

Destiny and Alizea; you must be a booty man. : ) Destiny is an absolute sweetheart; very pretty, great smile, great personality. Body is looking better, as she's been losing weight.

Bartender-Charlie days at CC, only dances some of the time. She gives a great lapdance. I'd like to get her on a big drink, but every time I've been back she was the only bartender and couldn't.

Destiny at TL2, great ass.

Dancers-Alize at BU, Cassidy and Passion at CC

12-26-06, 13:21
There's a sign out front ( or used to be ), that said "NO COLORS, NO WEAPONS". Bars post that for a damn good reason. A couple of those guys walked outside with beers last week to drink in the parking lot. That could cost TL a major fine or worse.
If TL doesn't get a handle on it, there will be trouble.

I stopped by TL2 the other night and it was a scary scene. I read mike04's report and it is totally correct. The place was full of bikers wearing colors (in this case red). The thing is the parking lot wasn't full at all, so I was suprised when I walked in. Probably 15-20 bikers, and if you have been there you know that there is rarely more than 5-10 people in the place. I've been to a bunch a places in my day, but this was the first time I was truly scared.

Two Nutts
12-26-06, 13:58
Stopped by Roses yesterday just to check out the scene. Didn't partake as I just wanted to see what the staff was like. Two older asian ladies working there. probably in their mid to late 40's. Looked to have decent enough bodies for that age. I will give it a try when I have some extra spending money.

I don't know the area that well. I do know where the xxx theater is and where bass pro is.

I have been to rose in plainfield indiana, it gets better after each vist with them.

12-27-06, 10:11
I've noticed that they are pretty active on Craigslist. What actually happens in a session? Are you naked? What's she wearing? It's kind of intereesting to me. Do they expect you to self pleasure? Or do they just work you up and kick you out in the cold?

My personel feeling is that they have figured that for the long run they are better off not providing full service. Don't have to worry about LE and the customers are still lining up. I guess they are anway.They wear like scrubs like nurses do. One girl as I said gave a HJ and let me suck her tits but she is no longer there.

12-27-06, 10:56
Anybody else remember this girl? She used to work at VE then went over to Theater X and was a peep show girl for a while. After that she had a brief stint at Healing Garden (I think that's the name) on Preston. Anyway, she had short blond hair and a killer body. If anybody knows where she is now I would really appreciate it.

12-28-06, 01:23
Visiting Louisville a weekend early January. Suggestions for clubs, bars, or more?
Arriving late Friday night for business and looking for more.


Rye Guy1800
12-28-06, 22:42
Similiar subject in post #353.

Rye Guy1800
12-28-06, 22:55
Hey guys,

I've been lurking around here for a while and thought I would submit a post. Since everyone is reminiscing about past experiences, I thought I would contribute. Does anyone remember Devon who used to work at Unique Rexlation Inc. (now known as Greenspa on Broadway)? She was a real hotty with a great body. She had long silky black hair and one hell of a rack. Her ass was tight as a drum. Too bad talent like that is hard to find nowadays. Hopefully the massage scene will pick up soon like it was in days past.

Happy Hunting!

Rye Guy1800

12-29-06, 17:22
Went out trolling yesterday. I went to Rivergirls and TL3 out Dixie as well as TL2 on Poplar.
Rivergirls showed very little talent. Very disappointing since last time I was there (before the holidays) when there was much!
TL3 had a stunner named Kelsey but there were a ton of guys from Ft Knox in there and they were all over her. Someone said that Peaches, the bartender, was running late. Damn, I would have liked one of her "kisses".
TL2 had a few girls that could make it in the NFL. The place was filled however. I think it is getting a lot of cross-traffic from the bar next door.
All in all, a disappointing early evening.

01-02-07, 21:14
I am going to be in Louisville at the beginning of Feb. and was looking for some nightly fun. I have been looking at the post and I am trying to figure out the best places to go and best ladies to see. I am not interested in SW (A little on the dangerous side). I am looking at the stripclubs and the relaxation centers. Websites would be great but any info you guys can give will really help.

Feel free to PM me with any details that could comprimise the girls.


01-03-07, 08:13
I will chime in here on SCs. Find the intersection of Berry Blvd. & 7th St. on Mapquest. Then follow 7th street north for about two miles. There are 8 clubs on that stretch. You will find something on that stretch.
Day shift girls are different than night shift girls. Late afternoon or late night is an opportune time.
I know of no websites for Louisville clubs. Our clubs are not of the "Platinum" or "Gold" type to have their own websites. :>
I used to know the AMP scene but gave it up when there were so many closing due to LE and an agressive mayor.
Any help from the ones that currently know it?

01-03-07, 14:43
Hey guys,

I will be in Louisville sun-tuesday. I am looking for a massage near the Six Flaggs / airport area. Doesn't have to be FS. Any info on a good provider/mp would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


01-05-07, 17:28
well I went out the past couple of nights and their is zilcho going on. Started out at TL2 on poplar and their where actually good looking girls working there unlike the normal crew of nfl sized lineman that usually ply their trade their. The girls where kind of standoffish though which is expected from those places. Next went to BU and it was dead, they had 3 girls working and they werent talking to anybody except for the shadiest looking characters that were there it was like that both nights I went. Cruised the streets a bit and nothing was going on it was dead. Did the unthinkable and stopped off at show and tell down by 4th street live. Actually had a good time. Pm for more info senior members only. Anyway happy hunting boys and keep it wrapped up.

01-07-07, 14:52
well I went out the past couple of nights and their is zilcho going on. Started out at TL2 on poplar and their where actually good looking girls working there unlike the normal crew of nfl sized lineman that usually ply their trade their. The girls where kind of standoffish though which is expected from those places. I stop at TL2 a couple days/nights a week; I live and work in the east end, so its the closest titty bar to home. MAN. That place has gone done hill from its glory days. A few observations from the last week or two:

Daytime bartenders are mostly [Name Deleted by Admin] and [Name Deleted by Admin]. Both have cute little bodies, and okay faces. [Name Deleted by Admin] has 5 kids, but says she's gay. She teases [Name Deleted by Admin] constantly about wanting her pussy; Actually gets damn tiring to hear about it. [Name Deleted by Admin] dykey chubby girlfriend usually shows up and hangs out awhile; apparently she lives or works nearby. They wind up playing tonsil hockey at some point. Gives me the creeps 'cause the g/f is so manly looking. :)

[Name Deleted by Admin]. I think that's her name, she's a 40sih hagged out skank, was asleep with her head on the bar, during a couple of my last visits.

[Name Deleted by Admin]. Is a great looking lady, but her worthless be/f usually shows up to hit her up for money, and he'll hang out awhile, and that keeps KiKi "off-limits".

Also heard that plainclothes LE has been there on day shift a couple times in the last two weeks. So be careful.

Other dayshifters come and go, but nobody good looking.

As for nightshift, stopped in last week, bartender was fat and butt ugly. Ugh. Oughta be a law! And unfortunately, the dancers were damn near as bad. One of the dancers had her fat, dykey g/f there visiting her, [Name Deleted by Admin] was off the clock drinking with her dyke. Thought I was in a lesbian bar. Except [Name Deleted by Admin] was drinking and making out with her young be/f. Must be 15 years younger.

None of this crap is good for business, but it seems nobody is managing the place. Only redeeming thing, is the $2 daily, bottle beer special! :)

Looks like I need to drive a little farther to BU, GL, or Coconuts. Anybody care to offer insight on those places?

Just my two cents, and maybe it's not worth that much. :)

01-07-07, 19:15
I stop at TL2 a couple days/nights a week; MAN.... that place has gone done hill.

Looks like I need to drive a little farther to BU, GL, or Coconuts.
Anybody care to offer insight on those places?

Sorry to hear the report Mike04 but I agree with you. TL2 is so bad at night that it is definitely not worth the visit. The sports bar next to it does more business. I don't think the management at the TLs has ever been accused of being functional.

BUs day crew has turned just as bad. One of the older girls that had oral "trailer hitch" skills now outweighs Jerome Bettis. The night crew is usually much better.

The last time I was in GL they were tinting the bartenders hair at the bar while she was bartending! They looked up and asked if I wanted to buy a girl a drink. Boy, do they sure know how to seduce a man.

CC is the best currently providing several Kiki type dancers. The VIP is still very nice although pricey and you need to be known to be asked.

I just find it surprising that they try so hard when the conventions come to town to act like SCs and then just don't give a **** during the rest of the year. If just one was well run and treated the girls right then I believe we would all end up being regulars there.


01-07-07, 20:08
Yes I have to agree with you guys, there should be a rule against the dancers having their dike girlfriends in the bar. It is really annoying and in my opinion drives away business from that place. I talked to cinnamon the former bartender and she said that the dikes are rude to alot of the regulars and patrons. If those retards that owned that place would start pulling their heads out of their asses they could make a killing with that bar.

01-08-07, 00:54
I agree, it's gone to hell. The only reason I keep stopping by is it's location (it's the closest to my house) and the $2 beers. I figure I'm only out $3 to stop in and take a look.

I do think Destiny the daytime bartender is hot, but lately she is the only one worth looking at in that place.

BU has had slim pickins lately, so has CC. Last week I hit BU, GL, CC and TL1 on a weeknight about 9, they were all dead. I reckon things will pick up later in the month when the bills are due.

01-08-07, 00:58
I forgot to mention last week at TL1 I saw a dancer on stage get in a screaming match with another dancer over her supposedly stealing her money. It was like the Jerry Springer show.

01-08-07, 08:50
I forgot to mention last week at TL1 I saw a dancer on stage get in a screaming match with another dancer over her supposedly stealing her money. It was like the Jerry Springer show.Sounds like the TL1 before the remodel job. I was in that place one night and two of the dancers were all in a screaming match over who "saw" a customer first. I would have paid good money if they had gotten into a fist fight. Of course, I and my buddy didn't encourage them one bit.

01-08-07, 21:44
I don't think the management at the TLs has ever been accused of being functional.

BUs day crew has turned just as bad. One of the older girls that had oral "trailer hitch" skills now outweighs Jerome Bettis. The night crew is usually much better.

CC is the best currently providing several Kiki type dancers. The VIP is still very nice although pricey and you need to be known to be asked.


Saw an early 40's BU dancer that had gained quite a bit of weight.
M*** has been there a long time; used to be lots of fun. Must be her that you're talking about.

As for CC my last visit wasn't pleasant. I was there early in the evening, there was a 40ish pony-tailed guy in a ballcap that I used to see at the TL's. Very drunk, and very loud and obnoxious like he was at the TL.s He was in some shouting match with one of the dancers. One of the dancers said: "that's just so and so, he's a regular and gets like that sometimes". It was like a three ring circus. The shouting was louder than the music. LOL
I had some money to spend, but I don't like the loud redneck drama, so I took my money elsewhere. Even spent some of it. LOL

Wouldn't Louisville be a good place to open a "mid-scale" price topless bar!! : )

01-09-07, 06:11
I can't do much more than re-iterate most of yall's points. A few months ago I thought TL2 was turning it around, but that seems to have quickly stopped. The stuff about plain clothed LE is somewhat interesting though, that can't do anything too obvious or they'll get found out. I certainly hope local LE isn't putting the type of operation in place with you know, hidden cameras, or cars parked hidden up the street with telescopes waiting for people to come out --- that would be a lot of wasted resources, but who is to say.

The only real good news I have to offer is that there a few real hot new girls working at GL during the day, one of them being peaches (not the TL peaches a new girl) -- she doesn't do FS, but you know how things go there, totally naked, long dances, with some dry hand action put in usually. Quite possibly the best non-sex I've ever had, plus it lasts longer heh. I definetly suggest checking her out if you're sick of over-paying for the older/uglier chicks in the other places.

01-10-07, 17:03
Saw a sweet late 20's girl the other night at GL, only had a chance to talk for a few minutes. Gonna head that way tonight, and also check out the other 7th st. bars. Lets hope they're better than some of the TL talent of late. Just so damn far from my house.
But I guess that's all relative. : )
Any privacy at FL?... I have seen a few lookers there from time to time.

01-10-07, 17:08
Just MHO and a cute story

Cute story first. A while back me and my amigo WB went in one of the 7th st SCs. There on the stage dancing away was his step daughter. We calmly strolled on up and said Hi "T", how ya doing, looking good :-), she screamed, tried to cover up places she didn't have and just about shit. We snickered and went to sit down. The owner came out, didn't even ask "T" what was wrong, he just asked, OK who's related to her. We waved and asked if we needed to leave. Yep, we got to finish our beers and we were on down the road to the next club. The owner said he knew from the scream someone she was related to had walked in.

I've been in strip clubs all over the world and I can't remember one that was worth a hoot. The costs were always in line with how pretty the girls were. Ugly girls, cheap booze, pretty girls, pretty high prices.

One place, the old Park Hotel in San Jose Costa Rica was pretty close to being even. They had real pretty girls and average beer prices. They also had a $12 cover charge on weekends that got you admission to the "no holds barred" sex show. I've seen guys get bbbj in full view in the bar and mi amigo NN had girls taking turns seeing which one could take the most dick from him. Only one could take all of it and she had to do that up the ole muddy. One big difference with the Park, here in the states if you touch a stripper, they want to throw you out. At the Park if you didn't touch the strippers they want to throw you out. One rule was you had to have fun.

A few places in Thailand are inexpensive but the other clubs are also very inexpensive.

I'm done

Shamas O'Dognasty

01-10-07, 19:27
You know, one thing I've noticed at some of the clubs, TL and GL especially, a lot of the girls are sitting at one end of the bar or the other with guys who are apparently regulars. But those regulars aren;t even spending any money on them.
I just don't get it. I'm there to spend a few bucks, and they're supposed to be there making bucks. Sometimes they're more like the neighborhood bar than a titty bar. I don't want them constantly pestering me, but damn, they oughta be asking for dances.

01-10-07, 20:00
You know, one thing I've noticed at some of the clubs, TL and GL especially, a lot of the girls are sitting at one end of the bar or the other with guys who are apparently regulars. But those regulars aren;t even spending any money on them.
I just don't get it. I'm there to spend a few bucks, and they're supposed to be there making bucks. Sometimes they're more like the neighborhood bar than a titty bar. I don't want them constantly pestering me, but damn, they oughta be asking for dances.

I see this comment a lot and thought I'd throw in my .02. I dated a few dancers in my younger days and heard things from the other side. Strippers sell fantasy. Some guys get so wrapped up in the fantasy that they think the girl really likes them, might date them like a regular girlfriend. You see this guy not tipping and think that she is wasting her time. She is laying the groundwork for money in the future. She acts like she really cares, "you're not like most guys that come in here...". Then after a while it's, "my kids really sick and they are going to turn off the heat, my ex boyfriend stole the rent money, etc..." So now for a little conversation the guy slips her $100 to help out and she maybe gives him a hug and kiss and it's more profitable than grinding all of the dicks in the room.

The next time you see that 'lucky" guy getting all of the "free" attention just laugh to yourself and ask the second hottest girl in the place for a dance.

01-10-07, 21:13
The next time you see that 'lucky" guy getting all of the "free" attention just laugh to yourself and ask the second hottest girl in the place for a dance.No truer words have ever been spoken on this board!

01-11-07, 00:02
She is laying the groundwork for money in the future. She acts like she really cares, "you're not like most guys that come in here...". Then after a while it's, "my kids really sick and they are going to turn off the heat, my ex boyfriend stole the rent money, etc..." So now for a little conversation the guy slips her $100 to help out and she maybe gives him a hug and kiss and it's more profitable than grinding all of the dicks in the room.

I can sort of see what you're saying, but the strippers I've gotten to know are far too short sighted for this kind of play.

One girl I know could make $200 a week off me if she could keep her cell phone turned on so I could contact her. She doesn't so I have to go elsewere.

You'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure these girls out.

01-11-07, 09:58

Good to have you back on the board. Missed your reports.

Hot Blue
01-11-07, 12:35
I always thought it was sad, how you men spent so much time in SC's. But after reading all these messages, I believe you really have reached a new level of pathetic. You should not be putting the girls names up here, they have lives and families to. Would you like it if the girls started putting names up here, we could you know seen a few credit cards. Oh yes and a scale for you to, lets see -1 to -10. We would need some abbrevations to: OFB, old fat bastard, (which most of you are), LD- Little dick, (again which most of you are), CFDWYT- Cheap fucker don't waste your time. Alot of ladies at TL seen copies of your little chat room, and it hurt alot of them, scared some because this is a little creepy, but mostly pissed them off. Please I will beg you men to get a FUCKIN LIFE and grow the fuck up.

01-11-07, 16:44
Just found out I'll be going to Indianapolis on a regular basis (once a month) to work. Won't have any time in the day, but will have a night free each visit.
Anybody have any SC club or AMP info? Will be staying on the south side.

I'll post this on the Indy board as well.


01-11-07, 16:52
Just found out I'll be going to Indianapolis on a regular basis (once a month) to work. Won't have any time in the day, but will have a night free each visit.
Anybody have any SC club or AMP info? Will be staying on the south side.

I'll post this on the Indy board as well.



My favorite is place called Hots on Morris between Senate and Capitol. The dancers are not super hot, and there are never more than two or three, but they're very friendly. There's no FS or BJ available, but you can leave quite satisfied.


01-11-07, 19:11
Wow Rick, I guess its okay to put peoples names on here. You know where I work, you picked me up before. And if I'm so manly looking why did you take me and my lesbian GF out and buy all the drinks. Yo think your a pimp in this chat room. You have no right to talk about any of those girls. Are you mad because they don't spend time with you. And how can you call someone a drug addict when you do drugs. I'm sure be glad to see you around.

01-11-07, 22:46
It isn't that bad. Some bartenders could be alot better. Mike04 just likes dogging people and places. I can't believe he put personel names and information of girls on here. His name is Rick.

01-12-07, 23:54
It isn't that bad. Some bartenders could be alot better. Mike04 just likes dogging people and places. I can't believe he put personel names and information of girls on here. His name is Rick.

This website is for men who patronize women who sell their wares. If you work in a strip club that is what you are doing. You sell them for show, but you still sell them.

Men are looking for the best deal/advice/tips. The only women that are going to be hurt by this activity are the ones who offer sloth or less. If you are lesbian, why lead a man on that you have something to offer him?

Why don't you let us know who tipped you off to this site; they are just as bad as the people you blame for mentioning names.

01-13-07, 01:20
This website is for men who patronize women who sell their wares. If you work in a strip club that is what you are doing. You sell them for show, but you still sell them.

Men are looking for the best deal/advice/tips. The only women that are going to be hurt by this activity are the ones who offer sloth or less. If you are lesbian, why lead a man on that you have something to offer him?

Why don't you let us know who tipped you off to this site; they are just as bad as the people you blame for mentioning names.One of the guys on this site gave my boss a copy of all the negative things said about us. Not only did I almost loose my job, I had to explain it to my better half. It is one thing to share info it is another is use names and details about someone's life. What if your wifes new about this site. We are human too, and deserve some respect.

01-13-07, 03:16
I always thought it was sad, how you men spent so much time in SC's. But after reading all these messages, I believe you really have reached a new level of pathetic. You should not be putting the girls names up here, they have lives and families to. Would you like it if the girls started putting names up here, we could you know seen a few credit cards. Oh yes and a scale for you to, lets see -1 to -10. We would need some abbrevations to: OFB, old fat bastard, (which most of you are), LD- Little dick, (again which most of you are), CFDWYT- Cheap fucker don't waste your time. Alot of ladies at TL seen copies of your little chat room, and it hurt alot of them, scared some because this is a little creepy, but mostly pissed them off. Please I will beg you men to get a FUCKIN LIFE and grow the fuck up.

Dear Hot Blue

Let me help you a wee bit, it's not OFB, it's UFO, ugly fat & Old.

As far as being pathetic for patronizing SCs, I see many ladies at them, why are you afixed with just us guys ? It's only pathetic when the quality of the entertainer is very low, as it is with most clubs in this area. That's why we are constantly prowling and searching for the few rare gems. I've met a few, just a few.

Yep some of us are blessed with small peckers. If men were as self centered and illtempered as most women, doctors would be doing dick augmentations as often as they do breast augmentations.

We are not cheap, we will spend when the situation warrents. If you don't meet any big spenders you may not warrent the effort. I could be wrong, but then and again I may be right.

As usual with those who choose to point at other and cast dispersions on them they are in fact reflecting the same qualities in themselves.

This site is dedicated to the pleasures of the flesh, ladies are welcome, if you know any, tell them where we're at.

Shamas O'Dognasty
Gourmet Catering &
Septic Tank Cleaning

01-13-07, 03:53
Chubby Dike - You may be one of the few honest people who post here, thanks for the honesty in advertisment.

Sexmoron - Sorry got to disagree, we do not patronize women who sell their wares, we patronize women who rent their wares.

I brought one, ONCE, it's called married and it's a one word sentence.

Most of the older members do not post names and in fact it's not acceptable unless you have permission from that person. The only other time it's acceptable is when posting a warning. Some times we do have to alert the other good members to dangerous people or exceptionally poor providers.

MAX, thanks for the info, you've helped ruin me again. I tried, I liked, I tried, I liked, I tried, I liked yata yata yata yata. Yep Those bright, clear and warm days sure can perk up a UFO.

Geeze why do I carry on

Shamas O'Dognasty

01-13-07, 09:52
After seeing some of the ladies recent posts here, and reviewing some of my comments, I may have been somewhat mean spirited.
One of the new ladies posting, posted what she thinks is my real name.
My apologies to that guy and to the ladies offended.

We make comments here never thinking that the persons mentioned will see them. Shortsighted perhaps. In the future, perhaps I (and others) should be more discrete.

The Other Half
01-13-07, 19:07
You want sex at TB2 I know who you can get it from, atleast she's a little cheap **** and she will give you what you ask for.

This one time I was on a hundered dollar drink with katie and katie did not wanna do what I wanted her to do so this other linebacker named oh whats her name I don't remember it was like last year or the year before but she has long curley hair she used to wear the school girl outfit shit whats her name I been in there recently ans now she wears a little black see thru dress oh I din't know what her name is but yeah she will give you what you want, for cheap.

01-14-07, 02:14
One of the guys on this site gave my boss a copy of all the negative things said about us. Not only did I almost loose my job, I had to explain it to my better half. It is one thing to share info it is another is use names and details about someone's life. What if your wifes new about this site. We are human too, and deserve some respect.Well, if any boss of mine approached me the way he did you, I'd fire him. It's all just hearsay when presented as you allege. If that "boss" went to my spouse, I'd be seeing a lawyer. I'd also demand of my boss who the person was that gave him that information. Sometimes you have to put your own life ahead of your boss' interests; even if it does mean losing your job. I've left jobs for far less.

Given Mike04's apology, I do have to give you the benefit of the doubt. But the way your post was presented, I took it to mean that you were out to bust us. But this site is legitimate; the info is valuable.

Shamas. I stand corrected on the rent/sell issue; but as far as the names issue I have to wonder why any woman at one of those clubs would be giving out her real name.

By the way, the only time I've ever given or received personal info was through private messages.

01-19-07, 06:57
Hey Jackson,
It looks like the Louisville forum lost at least a whole page of reports.

01-21-07, 12:39
Was going to check it out one afternoon last week on my way back from E-town, but wasn't a car in the lot. This was about 2 PM. I know a lot of dancers and bartenders don't drive to work, but it looked "closed". Is it still open?

01-21-07, 15:40
Sorry to hear that Mike04,
I was there two weeks ago and it was. That is strange though. Usually there are at least 4 or 5 cars there.
They were staffed by most of the girls from the TL up the road (Sunshine & the other ladies) and Mom was the bartender. Almost exactly the same crew but they occasionally had some delightful new girls as well (most likely pulling from the Ft. Knox area).

01-21-07, 23:24
I am in town for a few weeks and I am looking for a good strip club. I was thinking about The Godfather II. I have searched the board and I cannot find any information on the place. I heard that there were some hot girls there and there may be some extras.Can anyone help me.

Also, is there a website or magizine that I can pick up with a list of local clubs and adult hot spots.


01-22-07, 10:07
LEO magazine is a good newspaper to check. It's distributed at restaurants and corner machines.

Everyone has their favorites. I like PT's for the quality of the girls. Others like Bottoms Up, Coconuts, and the Thoroughbred Lounge.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

Hell Rayser
01-22-07, 11:21
Vol here is a websight for strip clubs


Two Nutts
01-22-07, 12:02
The places that used to have them rest, gas stations etc. said they didn't think they were still publishing it. The gas station I used to get it from said "THIS IS A FAMILY ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENT" (on Preston? yeah right)
Anyway, I found one at a coner paper machine in downtown louisville.
This was new years weekend.

01-22-07, 17:53

There are numerous SC's in Lou. There is a concentration on 9th Street. In the day, extras were available at most of the 9th St. clubs. With the crackdown by MPD a few years ago, the extras dried up, but are coming back now on a limited basis. Your best bet is to be a known regular. Since that's not your situation, next best is lots of dineros.

01-22-07, 23:30

There are numerous SC's in Lou. There is a concentration on 9th Street. In the day, extras were available at most of the 9th St. clubs. With the crackdown by MPD a few years ago, the extras dried up, but are coming back now on a limited basis. Your best bet is to be a known regular. Since that's not your situation, next best is lots of dineros.

I do not wish to be argumentative and with all due respect, I just want to point out to our out-of-town friend that if he spends his time looking for SCs on 9th Street he might be out of luck! Try 7th Street instead.

01-25-07, 05:46
The places that used to have them rest, gas stations etc. said they didn't think they were still publishing it. The gas station I used to get it from said "THIS IS A FAMILY ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENT" (on Preston? yeah right)
Anyway, I found one at a coner paper machine in downtown louisville.
This was new years weekend.

I picked up a new one just yesterday at a restaurant. I also see a newspaper dispenser at Bardstown Rd & Goldsmith Ln @ Rally's drive through fast food gag & puke.

Shamas O'd

01-26-07, 06:14
I do not wish to be argumentative and with all due respect, I just want to point out to our out-of-town friend that if he spends his time looking for SCs on 9th Street he might be out of luck! Try 7th Street instead.
Enjoy!My bad. I should have said 7th St.

Lil Dyke
01-26-07, 09:24
You want sex at TB2 I know who you can get it from, atleast she's a little cheap **** and she will give you what you ask for.

This one time I was on a hundered dollar drink with katie and katie did not wanna do what I wanted her to do so this other linebacker named oh whats her name I don't remember it was like last year or the year before but she has long curley hair she used to wear the school girl outfit shit whats her name I been in there recently ans now she wears a little black see thru dress oh I din't know what her name is but yeah she will give you what you want, for cheap.This is some bullshit, half of you sick men don't even know these girls to be talking shit like this about them, and how exactly do you know they are cheap and that they will give you what you want, it just goes to show that you damn men are just sick and twisted. are you that sick and twisted you can't even find a girlfriend/partner that you have to go to every strip club to pick up girls. you know, you men that write this kinda shit about the girls you must not know them very well cause alot of them have self-respect for themselves. and for this person " the other half " I hope you don't have like an old age problem with remembering things cause there is only one girl I know that used to wear the schoolgirl outfit and now wears a little black dress and she is one of the few with self-respect. and for the rest of you sick men can't you find something else better to do than run your mouth about the girls that you get mad at cause they won't give you what you want. get over it.

01-26-07, 18:52
cause alot of them have self-respect for themselves. and for this person " the other half " I hope you don't have like an old age problem with remembering things cause there is only one girl I know that used to wear the schoolgirl outfit and now wears a little black dress and she is one of the few with self-respect.

Lil Dyke, which is it? First you say alot of them have self respect, then you say a certain girl is one of the few with self respect. I'm confused.

01-26-07, 20:32
Lil Dyke, which is it? First you say alot of them have self respect, then you say a certain girl is one of the few with self respect. I'm confused.

That's easy. The ones that let her score have self-respect. The ones that don't let her score have no self-respect. So, it depends on her string of luck.

01-26-07, 22:13
Any updates on rivergirls?

01-27-07, 10:09
That's easy. The ones that let her score have self-respect. The ones that don't let her score have no self-respect. So, it depends on her string of luck.

Well put sexmoron, well put.

It's interesting that we have 4 new members all with the same MO; unhappy females with SC experience and they can't get money from most guys. Never thought this thread would come to this, but what the heck change is the only thing that is guaranteed.

Mi amigo DallasMan has a great byline - I'm not gay but I do love lesbians.

I need to add, good looking and sociable lesbians.

Shamas O'Dognasty
Gourmet Catering &
Septic Tank Cleaning

01-28-07, 11:33
Any updates on rivergirls?I happened to be out that way last night and stopped in. It is open. There were about 8 guys in there mostly playing pool. It was shift change so there was only one or two dancers at that time.

I then moved on up the road to the TL. They had 6 dancers. Within a few minutes most of the guys from Rivergirls had found their way over. Pity. I wanted to talk to one of the dancers named Sasha but she got swept away while I was silly enough to be watching the end of the U of L game. I have mentioned her before. Very sexy. If anyone has any information please send me a message.

By the way: Peaches was not working.


Member #4921
02-01-07, 09:14
I was visiting on business for just one night and day.

I went to TL, since it was near my hotel and I wasn't able to make a ton of sense of the posts on clubs here. It was pretty empty, with 4 girls and a few guys. The girls were mostly talking to guys. I had the feeling that most were regulars, and I was surprised that I wasn't approached for a dance sooner. I'd been tipping generously at the stage. There was a heavier dancer with small but perky tits called Star (she was getting pretty drunk, and that's not my preference, however). One tiny petite girl, one with a killer body, and one named Alexis, a little heavy but with big tits and pierced nipples. Alexis's sister, I found out, is the skinny bartender. There was also another cute bartender.

I got a lap dance from Alexis, and she was pushing up my shirt and giving me a great ride, so I went for the 30 minute "drink" at $100. She took my shirt off (she told me that she was able to get away with more because hjer sister is the bartender.). She was rubbing through pants and kept telling me she's a good girl and wouldn't do extras, but she kept pushing the limits, even tough I wasn't pressuring her. She liked my reactions, saying she likes to be in control. She was careful about her recent nipple piercings, so there was little touching there. Got a hj from her, and tipped her a little extra.

The next day, I went to the Stress Spa on Preston (I'd seen it the day before). Did the sauna and a great TS, then had a rubdown. She was very suspicious at first. I understand, since I was from out of town, and well dressed, etc. She would let my hands roam, then take them away and slap them playfully. Finally, she made contact with the necessary bits, the top came down, and she gave me a handshake and a few licks on the boys. Tits were an 8, lower body a 5 (too skinny) and face a 6. I didn't get her name, but she is a little older with good sized tits (small implants) and skinny legs, short hair.

02-02-07, 00:15
I had some time to kill tonight so I wandered by BU "just for a quick drink". I met a dancer named Alize and stayed way too long. I'm still smiling.

02-04-07, 14:16
Well Gents, I took another one for the team. I had a long day, so I decided to call hot stones from the Leo. $70 for the hour, started with 5 min of sauna then half ass body wash then back in the sauna for 5 min. The stones for the massage were ok, but everytime I tried to touch her she pusher my hand away then after 10 min on the front she says times up, that's all. It was a big let down and most of the women were older. Oh well, you live and learn.

If anyone cares to share info let me know.


Two Nutts
02-04-07, 20:36
I don't want to post too many details and mess things up for you local guys. So if any of you local seniors want me to then I will, otherwise I'll pm the details. I did enjoy myself in both places.


02-05-07, 10:08
Went by there Thursday afternoon. There were a couple of girls of interest. However, there was a black girl there with a killer body - great tits and some back. Got a great private dance - smiling just thinking about it.

02-09-07, 23:45
Anyone been to Cabana Tan and Massage on Brookline? They're advertising in LEO. If so, please pm me a report.

02-10-07, 20:35
I went to stress away about noon in the middle of the week.

Was greeted by an older woman in a purple tight outfit. Not a very good face at all, but it looked like she had good chest. Asked for the 30minute, and told she would be back. She took me to the shower, and gave me a rushed and unrelaxing table shower. She then took me to the massage table. Started with a horrible quick massage, and within 5 minutes said she was done. I tried to suggest more a just a massage or anything at all, and she left the room without a word. After a few minutes I got dressed and waited for about another 5 minutes and she came back to take me to the door. She was very unfriendly and short with everything. I spent a total of about 20 minutes from entering the door to leaving the door. I've recieved good services there before, but I thought I would mention that this week's service was a disaster. I'm sure I will not be going back for quite some time, or at least until I hear that particular woman is gone.

Also, the other night, just out of boredom and knowing I wouldn't see anything, I cruised the local spots and of course, no one at all was out. I spent about 2 hours cruising for local walkers.

Has anyone had any experience this week with stress away, or was it just my dumb luck that I must have scared her in some way?

02-11-07, 12:13
They have moved again to Frankfort Ave. Went by there and saw some young girl named Penny. The whole session sucked. I think part of the thrill is trying to get something more when you dont expect to. I have only been lucky twice so far at this place.

02-11-07, 13:48
Went by there Thursday afternoon. There were a couple of girls of interest. However, there was a black girl there with a killer body - great tits and some back. Got a great private dance - smiling just thinking about it.Yes I have to agree with you she is definately worth going back for. I have noticed a lot a changes at tb2 over the last couple weeks. Couple girls missing, couple new girls, and nights are not nearly as rough. Has anyone been to gl lately? anything good there?

Two Nutts
02-12-07, 23:11
[QUOTE=KYcuriosity]I went to stress away about noon in the middle of the week.

You have posted three times, all negative. Then you end your posts with questions. Thats very COURIOUS indeed.

02-13-07, 16:44
You have posted three times, all negative. Then you end your posts with questions. Thats very COURIOUS indeed.[/QUOTE]If you have any questions or concerns about my posts then ask me directly.

I don't post often because the last two times I gave information, USS maximus gave me a private message saying my posts were not good, or gave too much information. I only asked questions because I have had a lot of trouble finding information useful to me. I don't have unlimited resources to hobby as frequently as most on here. I am a very reserved person, so unless I have something new to say, I usually just let someone else say it.

My question referred to anyone else having the same problem at this location. I've seen Jennifer there before but she was working there- at this time at least. If you haven't had any problems with the staff there, then why are you commenting on something that is not beneficial to the posting board?

(oops, ending with another question.)

02-14-07, 10:45
Stopped by Rivergirls and TL on Dixie the other day. Pleasantly surprised. Was late afternoon. One 40ish dancer, nice body, nice to talk to, (Sunshine?) and 60ish bartender at Rivergirls. Both said they used to work at TL on Dixie. Other than that, the place was empty.
TL had 3 dancers; all nice looking. Tall girl that used to bartend for TL, was on a drink. Can't remember her name. Wasn't sure if she was dancing or bartending. They were pretty dead too.

Couldn't stay long, but I'll check it out again.

Jake 4119
02-14-07, 13:48
I haven't made it to either of their new locations. They seem to get pretty girls and they advertise 'stress release' but it's just a rubdown. I once got one girl topless but she wore jeans. I mean, jeez. And in the end, nada.

02-15-07, 14:36
Driving from Nashville to Detroit yesterday and saw a sign for Lakeville Spa. It is exit 117 off of I-65. It is next door to the Best Western. Walk in and a really old mamasan takes me to a room. Fairly large and clean. She asks if I want TS. Yes so she takes me to the shower and gives me a wash. Nothing special. Then back to the room. After about a 5 minute wait in walks Judy. Cute Korean with nice Cee's. She is wearing nothing but a flimsy nightgown. She comes up and hugs me. After a little groping of my ass and a lot of DFK she lays me on the table and starts softly rubbing my back. Not really a massage just a light teasing touch. I don't know what it is about my back, but everytime I go to an AMP the girls all tell me that my back feels so soft, like a baby's ass. At first I was a little embarrassed by these comments, but I have learned that it really is a compliment. Judy then says that I looked really comfortable and she wishes she could get comfortable too. I told her we can switch and I'll do her. So off comes the nightgown and she lays down. I proceed to rub her back and kissing the back of her neck and up and down her legs. She is squirming all over the place. We negotiate for extras and proceed to CBJ, Cg and mish. I finished doggy. We then lay together for a couple of minutes before she says okay done get dress. WTF I had only been there around 30 minutes and paid for an hour. Oh well I get dress and leave and tell mamasan that she was rude to rush her girls like that. Overall the experience was about a 6. Massage was non existant so a 2 for that everything else was 7 to 9 ymmv. Paid. 60 to the house + $. 20 tip. I would not mind seeing Judy again, she was smoking hot but not if I am going to be rushed like that.

Bilbo Baggins II
02-15-07, 21:06
Dang, sounds to me like you did pretty good for the price. Shit, I have paid a lot more for a lot less. In any event, thanks for the report and let us know if you find a spa that will do all that for an hour for that amount. I want to know where that is.
Bilbo Baggins II

Senior Leche
02-15-07, 23:17
By $.20 do you mean $20 (which would be a great deal) or $200?

Driving from Nashville to Detroit yesterday and saw a sign for Lakeville Spa. It is exit 117 off of I-65. It is next door to the Best Western. Walk in and a really old mamasan takes me to a room. Fairly large and clean. She asks if I want TS. Yes so she takes me to the shower and gives me a wash. Nothing special. Then back to the room. After about a 5 minute wait in walks Judy. Cute Korean with nice Cee's. She is wearing nothing but a flimsy nightgown. She comes up and hugs me. After a little groping of my ass and a lot of DFK she lays me on the table and starts softly rubbing my back. Not really a massage just a light teasing touch. I don't know what it is about my back, but everytime I go to an AMP the girls all tell me that my back feels so soft, like a baby's ass. At first I was a little embarrassed by these comments, but I have learned that it really is a compliment. Judy then says that I looked really comfortable and she wishes she could get comfortable too. I told her we can switch and I'll do her. So off comes the nightgown and she lays down. I proceed to rub her back and kissing the back of her neck and up and down her legs. She is squirming all over the place. We negotiate for extras and proceed to CBJ, Cg and mish. I finished doggy. We then lay together for a couple of minutes before she says okay done get dress. WTF I had only been there around 30 minutes and paid for an hour. Oh well I get dress and leave and tell mamasan that she was rude to rush her girls like that. Overall the experience was about a 6. Massage was non existant so a 2 for that everything else was 7 to 9 ymmv. Paid. 60 to the house + $. 20 tip. I would not mind seeing Judy again, she was smoking hot but not if I am going to be rushed like that.

02-16-07, 10:43
SL if it was two hundred I would have written it $$.

For help, look in The Abbreviations.

02-16-07, 17:41
Well I braved the cold Thursday night in hopes of some good old fashion adult entertainment. Went to BU and the parking lot was full only a couple spaces left. I thought it was odd and as soon as I walked in the place was packed. I got a seat at the bar and asked the bartender what was going on. She said it was the farm machinery show, the bartender wasn't very happy. I sat at the bar and had a couple drinks but none of the ladies would aproach me (I guess a guy wearing a nice suit w/shirt and tie is a bit much for them unlike the classy people wearing cut off shirts and saying goddamn every other word with their dale number 3 hat on) I got fed up with the noise and the music so decided to stroll on down to show and tell, guess what more farmers, so I went next door to marquise lounge and it wasn't as busy but got to talk to a few girls, but as soon as the white trash stumbled in all the girls were all over them like white on rice. I was looking to spend some cash but I guess the good people of the farmland have some magical cash (oh if they only knew what I made a year LOL) that attracts the girls. Cruised the streets and there was nothing it was dead I guess hookers don't work rain snow or shine like the post office. I stopped by PT's and talked to a couple of friends we tricked a bunch of drunk farmers into going to Connections told them that the ladies over their where having a fashion show (drag show). We could here them screaming and running out of there as soon as they realized what it was.

Anyway, till our clubs are ours again, be safe gentleman.

Senior Leche
02-18-07, 20:51
SL if it was two hundred I would have written it $$.

For help, look in The Abbreviations.I have been at this game for over 30 years and am very familiar with the abbreviations. I thought you might have made a mistake because the price you mentioned seems so low.


02-19-07, 10:34

Sorry if it sounded like I was flaming you. I wasn't.

02-20-07, 05:37
I am just starting to really get into the hobbyist lifestyle, and joined escorts.com as a vip member. I met up with a girl named Katie her handle is shmc19.

Katie is very easy to contact and is cheap. $40 for a one hour session that blew me away. First off let me tell you that she is a very experienced individual and has some mileage on her. Her looks are not hard on the eyes. She has some stretch marks, but she also has some great tatoos and a pierced tongue. OOOOHHHH that tongue is put to fantastic use. This chick loves to give head. I mean she does it like Linda Lovelace wishes she could, and she gets off on 69. Really gets off! She has a smooth sweet tasting pussy. She also readily goes for any postion or request. Except hatless.

After some doggies I popped, and after about a 5 minute break she started sucking me off again, and didn't let up until I came a second time. Which occured 20 minutes after our session was supposed to end. She is definatly not a clock watcher. I am going back Friday.

Give her a shot.

02-21-07, 07:15
Here are some pics of Katie. Guys you need to check her out.

02-21-07, 09:12
Does anyone have some details about the hobbyist lifestyle to be found at BU on 7th?

I also had a bad experience with a chick named heaven at CL. She said that we could have full service for 40 plus lap dance fee. She took me to an area that was frequented by the manager. Rushed me through the process and still after three songs, all I got was dry hump with my hat on.

I will not use this hot little black girl again, but I am intrigued by the voluptuous blonde behind the bar. Please help.

Jake 4119
02-21-07, 22:27
Funtongue, I read your review of Katie. I look at her pictures on the other site. She has large red spots, look like sores on her face. A bit frightening looking. Do you think she's safe?

02-21-07, 23:55
Yeah those pictures do not do justice. She is very clean, and absolutely will not do anything without a condom. No kissing. Will chew on and let you chew her neck.

02-22-07, 02:10
I agree I would wonder if she was not on the dope. Makes me wonder? First anyone one would be that cheap but if she was that good even bigger? IF she is not sorry but been around.

Funtongue, I read your review of Katie. I look at her pictures on the other site. She has large red spots, look like sores on her face. A bit frightening looking. Do you think she's safe?

02-22-07, 11:36
She has a website up with a few pics.


02-22-07, 13:21
I wouldn't be surprised if she was in fact on meth...I have seen users before who have picked at and scratched their faces. Her pictures look like that more than from a disease.

However, I have to believe most of the providers of services are certainly users of some type of hard drug. Certainly every sw I have encountered was at least a crack-head. It shouldn't come as any surprise to us that Katie may well be a user.

She is very enthusiastic for the one forty hour plus session. She was funny, energetic, gifted, and didn't try to rip me off. I call that a great expereince at any price.

02-23-07, 16:43
After reading the forum a while as I prepared for a trip to L'ville, I
went across the river recently to Rose's. Greeted and treated by a 30ish Kgal I think named Helen. Was surprised that no table shower was available, but fortunately had showered at hotel before going. Got an outstanding massage (a real one) and had a happy ending. All in all not what I'm looking for at the usual AMP, but given selection in Louisville....what can ya say? Ya takes what ya can get!

02-26-07, 02:48
Fellow mongers,

Be careful when you go to this spa. I was there a few weeks ago and saw Sara. She was wonderful in every way. She gave a BBBJ and we finished with covered sex. Just the other day, I notice something's not quite right "down there. " Go to the doctor, guess what? Gonorrhea. That's right. I can be 100% certain that I picked it up there as I was just tested and negative on all counts 2 weeks prior to my visit there. Further, after my (original) test, I didn't have sex with anyone until I went back to TC's. Just wanted you all to be aware of this!

02-26-07, 15:53

Friday I went and visited Katie again. Some of you were rightfully concerned about the sores in her pictures, and they were not there during either of my visits.

I highly recommend this girl. The price of $. 40 is so awesome for what she provides. She does not kiss or do any bb period. She has a pierced tongue, and is so fluent in French, deep throat at that. You soon forget the hat you are wearing. If you are a hobbyist who has some free time you need to give her a chance. This chick digs 69 and loves to slam her face down on your johnson while you give her the big O.

This time around we went for CG, and man is she tight. I spilt a big cup of cream, and after a little smoking during BJ, I was ready to go again. All during the BJ katie kept talking to my johnson like it was her lover. This was so hot I almost spilt more cream from her little girl voice telling me how big and strong he is, and how she missed him.

Please check her out, and if you need more details contact me.

Senior Leche
02-28-07, 19:11
I am an out-of-state monger who recently visited Louisville for a few days. Some random thoughts:

1. I visited Lakeview Spa based on report posted by Eagle. I had a somewhat different experience than he did. Same old Mamasan answered door, Judy not working, so I saw "Toy." Extremely attractive, late-30s K-girl with enhanced Cs and killer bod. No TS, good massage, wanted $$ for FS. I passed and went with lesser service, which still cost me $. Toy was very nice w/ great body and attitude but the price was extremely high.

2. Made a tour of local strip clubs on 7th St. strip. Started at BU at about 5:00 on a Monday. I was the only customer in the place, no dancing until everal other customers howed up. Two dancers were good looking (Toni, Jordan) but no indication extras were available.

Went to Marquesa Club. Dump, no dancers, left.

Went to a place called Green Light. One nice dancer, but overall place was not worth it.

Went to TL. Must have been a bad night, nothing happening.

3. Resumed tour Tuesday night about 11:00 pm. Started again at BU. Much more crowded, three nasty looking dancers, left.

Went to a place called Silver Slipper. Had a few drinks at bar, it was made very clear that all extras were available (in the office), but would cost in excess of $200. I passed and just gt some lap dances which were good.

Final thoughts: I cannot believe how expensive L'ville is. The Lakeview Spa was among the most expensive I have seen. I cannot believe strip bars charge $22 for a girl's drink. Also, there is a very heavy police presence near 7th St. clubs. While I was getting a very intense lap dance at Silver Slipper, two cops walked in for what I was told was a pretty regular nighly inspection. Also, when I was leaving, cops were all over the place so mongers must be careful about the drinking and driving.

02-28-07, 22:18
I'll be in town 6-7 March and would appreciate any recommendations as far the Louisville area. If you have any digits you can share, words of wisdom as to areas to stay out of, the advice would be greatly appreciated.

Get On Urknees
03-01-07, 10:24
Does no one go to TL anymore? Whats going on I need some places to go to and there is never anymore good postings for them anymore. Let me know

Two Nutts
03-01-07, 11:57
I was there in Jan. and saw sara. I guess I was lucky, but everything was coverd.

two nutts

Two Nutts
03-01-07, 12:01
Does no one go to TL anymore? Whats going on I need some places to go to and there is never anymore good postings for them anymore. Let me knowThe one on 7th st. I took the $ vip and she did everything she said she would do. I did not cum because I was so drunk, but it wasn't for lack of trying on her part. Long brown hair, great looking body don't remember name.

03-01-07, 17:00
I recently went to CL on 7th, and they were very upfront and open about the availability to hobbyists. Just be careful to negotiate! I have a two great experiences and one bad one. The bad one was because I took the other two visits for granted. Be sure to ask for the big party room. It costs about $$ for the hour and the girls there all look nice. Something for every taste. The girls behind the bar will swap out and work with the dancers. I have some experience with some local escorts too. I have had some great times in the past two weeks.

03-01-07, 17:43
Well, I have made it my goal to visit all the fantasies I've had in my life. There are some good escorts in this area if you take your time. I have posted twice about Katie.

Tuesday I visited Sandy. I found her on the escorts.com site under the name sweet and petite. I am a vip member of the site so I can view reviews and contact info. It took a little time to get in touch with her, but was I glad I did. We met in her clean house (just off 7th street), and she is hot! She looks like a hot little porn star. She reminds me of Debi Diamond in size shape and abilities. If you don't remember Debi then think of Nikki Blonde.

She is very petite, blonde, shaved, and attractive. She has some tats, but her real assets are her tight ass, face, and body. She has pierced tongue, breast, and gentials.

After some small talk we got down to business. I left the donation on her work area. She started by rubbing all over my body with hers until I got hard. Then she asked if I would stroke my johnson while she played with herself! Wow, does she get off on a guy stroking off. Her box was dripping wet and she begged me to daty. I did this enthusiastically. Never have experienced daty with genital piercing. She ground against my face until the big O. Next came BBBJ and the tongue stud sent me to new levels. After mind blowing session of oral, she said that she had to %&*$ that now! Some awesome cg followed by doggie. Finished mish cim maybe a little off the mark but spectacular finish. I guess I should say a little paint may have gotten onto her face.

Sandy is not a clock watcher, and her rates are as stated atat. 5 And she rewards those who bring candles with a little extra.

03-01-07, 19:46

First time for leaving a report. I've read and followed reports for months. Thanks to everyone for helpful info.

I noticed on Louisville Mojo under massage services a provider that her ad looks a lot like the Amanda's ad placed in Leo. There was a photo but no name. Just wondered if it's Amanda for I've never had her give me a massage.

I used to go to Mecca but ran into the same problems as many of U. I noticed their prices have dropped. I guess business has slacked up. Has anyyone ever gotten more than a HJ from Mary?

It's sad that providers have been scared off of craigslist as well as this sight. It's getting so hard to find new providers. Thank goodness there's the phone numbers of reliable providers. Anyway Guys thanks for the helpful info.

03-02-07, 00:15
Ok I don't want to sound like a flamer here, but I'll try to explain it like this. If you were an established member of a group, and a new member came up and posted something that sounds too good to be true, what would you think about it?

I'm interested what the other senior posters think.

In addition, the posted price was $40 for 2 pops, and I think the website said says $240 an hour or something like that.

03-02-07, 01:25
Hey guys, I just reported what I expereinced no more...no less. I don't understand your consternation. I have posted another report for a girl from the same site name sweet and petite .... she charges $$.5 If you read katie canary's interview she lists her price as $.4 despite what her profile page reads.

What is my motivation to mislead anyone here? You all can let me know. I have given contact information...I am a vip member of escorts.com. I am fairly new to the hobbyist lifestyle, and thought this forum was about posting our experiences.

I hope you just check it out beyond what your initial feelings are. But anyway I hope to be a valuable and friendly addition to this forum. I like the idea of helping each other out. I am 44 and have spent many a night visiting differnt clubs and cruising 18 street. I found the escort.com site, and couldn't hardly believe it myself. But ymmv. If you don't like the Katie one then check out sweet and petite.

Lets try to get along. Bygones?

03-03-07, 10:56
Got a call from Katie last night saying that she had been busted by LE.

Be careful out there guys.

Jake Longs
03-03-07, 12:15
How many of you have meet a girl.

Given a "TIP." She was very appreciative.

Later, say her listed for over twice the price.

Give the guy a break he found what we all wanted.

03-04-07, 10:57
How many of you have meet a girl.

Given a "TIP." She was very appreciative.

Later, say her listed for over twice the price.

Give the guy a break he found what we all wanted.

I'm sorry, this post is incoherent at best. Please Jake, read your post and then re-post it making some sense next time.

Jake 4119
03-05-07, 17:04
I checked out Funtongue's reviews on the other site where he is a VIP member. He has reviewed three different ladies one of whom I have seen in the past. Her name is Cyndi, aka, escortvixen and is a really good provider. She even responded to his review and his review, from my experiences with her, was right on. I think that he's new and had a good time with Katie and was excited by the experience.

Funtongue, as a couple of reference points. I know that you had a good experience with Katie and wanted to share it. Great. But you were almost too exhuberant about your experiences and probably posted more than you needed to. While I think your intentions were very good, you began to appear to be something of a shill for her. When a shill shows up, or appears to show up, people become very cautious.

Secondly, Katie called you after getting busted. As rule of thumb, most guys don't like providers calling them unless it's a return call. Lots of people will give you one piece of advice over and over again. Play carefully.

I'm not flaming you. I think that you're good guy and looking to share good information. Your enthusiasm is great, but sometimes when any of us gets overly enthusiastic about someone, it is met with caution rather than shared enthusiasm.

Racing Dude
03-05-07, 19:03
I checked out Funtongue's reviews on the other site where he is a VIP member.

Funtongue, as a couple of reference points. I know that you had a good experience with Katie and wanted to share it. Great. But you were almost too exhuberant about your experiences and probably posted more than you needed to.Well Said Jake. I too was getting a littel curious. Any regulars that can confirm would be greatly appreciated.

I don't have much too add of late. Samantha/Laura is the the same as usually reported here. She Quite a bit thinner though.

Sara seems to be gone. If someone has good info for here please PM.


03-05-07, 22:50
I now understand your previous concerns. Upon reflection, I can see how my motives might be called into question. I am glad you enjoyed your time with cyndi. You might also check out sweet and petite.

03-06-07, 16:45
I went to Ichiban Span in New Albany last month. I was greeted at the door by an older mamasan, late 50's. She asked if I wanted 50 or 75 massage. I chose the 75, and she said that she would be right with me. I asked if there was anyone else, and she said not for 1/2 hour. So I got up to leave, and she went and brought back 19 y.o. Cambodian named Cindy. She was cute, but spoke little english. She gave me a very professional, thorough, and non-sensual massage. After the one hour session I asked if she would give me HJ. She went to mamasan and came back asking for 40. I gave it to her, and had a very happy ending.

03-08-07, 20:23
Well I spent the better part of three days, two nights in Louisville this week and I was not impressed with the Adult Night Life. I visited the 7th Street strip, i.e. TB, CC, and a couple others and there was absolutely nothing in any of those bars to drop even a single dollar tip on. I guess I'm still spoiled from the good ol' days when I was stationed at Fort Knox and $50 would get you a night to remember. I realize that was the early 80's but I can remember the worse of the worse and they looked better than what I saw the first night.

I did stroll down along the Ormsby/Preston area but LE was active enough to cause a hesitance on my part. Since I was staying at the Quality Inn practically across the expressway, I even took the time to drive through later in the evening and again the next morning. Nothing to write home about.

During the day on Wednesday I did get a tip to go to Trixie's. While not bad, I did find the ladies somewhat standoffish and considering I went in with the mentality of money wasn't an issue (I took 10$ with me), I left with most of it securely in my pocket and not for not trying. However, the night was not lost. On the way down from Columbus I had spotted a place called Racer's at Exit 57 on I-71. Since it was still early, about 9:30, I decided to make the drive and see what it held in store. I figured it couldn't be any worse than what I had found so far.

An hour after leaving Trixie's I was at Racer's. I thought I must have left the Commonwealth of Kentucky and landed in some Fantasyland. There were 9 ladies working and not one was less than a 9 appearance. I sat at the bar and finished my first brew and then decided to move up to the stage. The attitude and attention of the dancers to the customers was above and beyond what I have even experienced in Columbus.

I tipped each dancer very well and their gratitude didn't just end on the stage. They each came by afterwards and took the time to ask who I was, where I was from, etc. That little personal touch kept me there the rest of the evening and I took advantage of their shower dance with two different ladies. Definitely something they need to bring to the clubs here in Columbus.

Anyway, I got digits from two of the ladies there and called both of them today and found they were valid. I had invited both of them to come visit the clubs in Columbus with me some weekend. While I won't hold my breath waiting for the visit, I was genuinely impressed that the digits weren't bogus.

Left there around 1 a.m. and headed back to Louisville, checked out the Ormsby area again only to find it even more dead than the previous night, not even LE out shaking their asses. So headed back to the hotel and called it a night.

03-13-07, 12:21
I had some money and no purpose in life so I decided to make a run of the clubs.


I stopped in to Rivergirls about 8 PM. Three dancers were present. This included the bartender who was dancing, which is always a bad sign. I headed over to TL3 (Dixie). Peaches the bartender was there but had just sold a $ dollar drink and was heading to the private dance area. :< I then headed out to 7th street. Long story short. Went to TL1, CC & BU. Very tired dead clubs.


I decided not to give up and headed out again. I went to TL1 and found nothing. I sadly went next door to SS. If you ever meet me and can identify me, please shoot me if you ever see me heading in there again. I suppose I just have optimism that there will be new dancers somewhere.
I headed over to GL to look for Peaches the dancer. Second time in a row that I have been there only to NOT find her working. I then bounced over to WC. Had a fun time with a girl named Coco, truly a dancer that loves to kiss and s**k. I decided for dessert that I would stop by a couple of the clubs downtown to see what they had become in the last couple of years. Dancers on Chestnut had a very hot bartender but no dancers so I got to enjoy my $8.00 Absolute and cranberry. I then headed over to the reopened Gold Club. I paid a $6.00 cover and $10.25 for my drink. There were a couple of pretty dancers but not nearly enough for what they were charging, and I am positive no extras. As I left the girl at the desk joked "It'll be a $50 cover if you come back in tonight." They sure aren't far off from that. I suppose that all the clubs downtown can charge whatever they want preying upon the convention business.
Shamus.....I've got to get my ass to Pattaya.

03-16-07, 16:18
I had some money and no purpose in life so I decided to make a run of the clubs.


I stopped in to Rivergirls about 8 PM. Three dancers were present. This included the bartender who was dancing, which is always a bad sign. I headed over to TL3 (Dixie). Peaches the bartender was there but had just sold a $ dollar drink and was heading to the private dance area. :< I then headed out to 7th street. Long story short. Went to TL1, CC & BU. Very tired dead clubs.

I then headed over to the reopened Gold Club. I paid a $6.00 cover and $10.25 for my drink. There were a couple of pretty dancers but not nearly enough for what they were charging, and I am positive no extras. As I left the girl at the desk joked "It'll be a $50 cover if you come back in tonight." They sure aren't far off from that. I suppose that all the clubs downtown can charge whatever they want preying upon the convention business.
Shamus.....I've got to get my ass to Pattaya.

I've been working out of town alot, so haven't been in the clubs much lately.
When I have stopped early or late night, the clubs have been d.e.a.d.! Very few dancers at TL, CL or WC. Two pretty ones at GL the other night, but I couldn't stay.

Gold Club: I don't like the cover charges, but $6 isn't too bad if there's talent there. But..... JFC.... $10.25 for a drink??? Hope to hell it was premium liquor at least, and not a metered pour. Sounds way the hell high for Louisville. When did they re-open?

03-16-07, 17:02
Gold Club: I don't like the cover charges, but $6 isn't too bad if there's talent there. But..... JFC.... $10.25 for a drink??? Hope to hell it was premium liquor at least, and not a metered pour. Sounds way the hell high for Louisville. When did they re-open?

As far as talent, they had six very pretty girls there. Four were new that day and told me that they had just walked out on Trixies the previous day. One of them had attached herself to me before my waitress could even return with my drink. My waitress then asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. Consider me old fashioned but I actually like to have tasted my drink before I'm asked to take out a second mortgage to finance the next round of drinks. If PNC was smart they would open up a branch inside the club.

I was drinking Grand Marnier and I don't mind paying a little more for it when it is served in a snifter to enjoy, but not in a one ounce shot glass. Scores and the other big clubs in NYC don't even charge those prices!

I believe they reopened within the last few weeks. The day before I visited Angel, the bartender from the TLs, told me that she had worked over there for a while and told me that they had closed and then reopened. I don't believe it's under the same owners or that the Gold Clubs in Indy have anything to do with it anymore.


Biggie Smalls II
03-17-07, 08:33
Channel 32 did a special report on the news last night about Bullitt Co. police cracking down on the spas. They mentioned that 2 of the ladies at the OK spa in Shepherdsville were arrested in a sting.

Another reliable backup place off of the list.

I had an enjoyable experience at one of the TL's mid afternoon a few weeks back. PM me if you want details.

Also PM if you have any good info.

03-17-07, 21:29
Took a tour of the streets on Tuesday. It was so beautiful, I figured there must be some SW activity. Headed down 7th and saw a very attractive BSW with child in tow. She yelled, smiled, and waved me down, but as soon as I started to pull over. LE showed up. BASTARDS!

I tooled on down to 18th and saw a couple of very fugly BSWs. They must have hit every branch on that tree on the way down. They were very enthusiastic, but not even after a case of beer would I touch them. Headed over to 19th and saw a chubby, cute, blonde, WSW with a tramp stamp and blue halter top. She flashed me her little alps and I looked for a place to pull over. Too late though someone else coming the other way got her first. On down to 19th and main I saw a WSW milf! She waved at me and asked if I wanted to see her place which was right there on the corner. Again I started to look for a place to pull off, but LE showed up, and started following me around. So I left and headed over to Dixie and Garland. There I saw several BSW of varying looks along the different streets in a 4 block area, but the bastards were still looking at me. I got nervous and left. I guess I'm lucky they didn't pull me over and question me.

Headed back up 7th and saw the earlier BSW with kid. This time I pulled over only to have a sherriff pull up behind me. He didn't bother me, but talked to the lady and her kid.

I guess I had bad timing. They are out on very nice days. I am going to take a different vehicle next time.

Jake 4119
03-22-07, 11:42
I've noticed that all's quiet on the current front. It seems that LE is back and being aggressive again. As for myself, I think that the climate is way to risky to go out and play. I'm thinking that a lot of the regular players are either taking a break, or flying utr with old standbys until things loosen up again.

03-22-07, 14:09
Well Guys,

I crossed the river and made a trip to roses. Its a small amp, it lacks a shower which sucks when you have to leave smelling like baby oil or baby powder. The ladies are not all that attractive, little old for me. But they do give one of the best massages I have had in a while and finish off with a nice hand shake, just need to close your eyes and pretend you are in Pattaya. I really can't wait to get back there. Take care guys and be safe out there.

03-26-07, 02:12
Quiet indeed.

I have to say I was under the impression things were only hot on AMPs and escorts. I haven't heard anything yet about SCs, though somebdoy could certainly comment if I'm wrong.

03-27-07, 15:50
Called Sun's from the Leo and decided to make the drive and pay them a visit. Nice facilities, and frienly providers. Typical table shower with proper attention to all the right areas after asking for permission. Then a few min in the sauna to dry off and back to the room. Once in the room I was asked if I would like two women for $$, I had not seen the other lady so I decided against it. I would feel bad sending her away if she did not meet standard. Was given a nice massage followed by the full meal deal. I would repete if it was a little closer or if they got some new talent in. Stay safe guys.

Hoosier Man
04-01-07, 22:47
I am Back!
Been out for awhile. I had to keep a low profile. One of the ladies I was dating was so stupid and money hungry she got me into some trouble. Not over yet but I have to be low key.

Still doing the hobby but I was not sure if they can track my IP address. Still not sure about that but I think this site is safe simply because it has been around for awhile.

Anyway, this is my fishing report:
BU is doing good. Just be cool and be friendly if you are new. After awhile, you will be accepted as a regular and you would hate going there cause it costs you too much dinero. I have spent a lot of beautiful time at this place and I may be a millionaire by now if I did not. But what the heck, I can not take it with me.

TL1 still have some good fishing but you just have to time it.

TL2 is really bad. I do not even go there anymore. Too many dangerous characters. Same as Gold Club on Market. Gold was frequented by some drug dealers before it closed down and it seems that they were staking out their territory again.

CL has some action but best time is when it is slow like early afternoon. Only problem is that there may not be any girls to choose from. So it is hit or miss.

Forget about FL. Mostly eye candy. I can get some action but I consider myself very good fisherman. I can cathch some fish even when most of the fishermen are having a bad day. I think the average monger will not have fun here.

SS has lots of oldies. Could not figure out where the fishing hole was because there is no privacy but you know what? It is there.

Trixies has some nice fish available but you need two things: You need to know someone inside and at least $$$$$. That is right...5 of them. They are prettier but they all feels the same to me.

Hey fun tongue, can you give me a run down on Katie? She does have a beautiful voice. Is she 42 or 33? There is a difference on her website and her posting on Esc**ts. I called her but wants to check her out also cause I have to be careful or this might be my last posting. LOL.

Her rates are good but is she attractive enough?

Two Nutts
04-03-07, 14:59
I really missed all those informitive reports.

Somebody want to pm me the location of sun? I gots some money to spend.

Two Nutts ( a hoosier as well)

Hoosier Man
04-04-07, 23:36
I did try to catch Katie and almost hooked up. I got her on the phone and made an appointment for a massage but I had problems with my damn car and it started sputtering. I hope I just got bad gasoline or maybe a dirty fuel filter.
Anyway I called her up and cancelled and promised to call her back after I take care of this problem. I did not want to get stranded at her place.

I did talk to her but she said she raised her prices to that of her website. At that amount, I am not sure if it is worth it. I can get young and better looking girls for that amount.

I do try to save some dinero cause things got a little hard for me due to my legal problems. I had to get a high priced lawyer to get me a relatively good deal but it really took a big bite.

My trouble is from way down south in hillbilly country. Damn place gets their revenues from stopping motorists who are from out of state. I have been going there for almost 2 years that is why I could not post for awhile. They kept postponing my trial and asking for more money every time. Bunch of motions to dismissed the case till I finally said, "to hell with it". I needed to get this all behind me," slap me on the wrist for being a bad boy".

Anyway, enough of my self pity.

Katie's numbers were mostly disconnected or were not set up with voice mail. She did have a very sexy voice but I do not think she can hold conversation well. (What the heck, if I am visiting, she probably can not talk cause her mouth will be full LOL). I did get a working number from funtongue.

I did check out BU last week. Things are still the same. Best times is early evening around 6-7 pm Sun- Thurs. You get the early shift who wants to go home and may have not made any money. Night is OK too but You got a little competition for their attention. I had to wait one time from one of my regulars cause she was tied up by a guy spending lots of dough on her. This guy kept her for 2 hours. He must have been really happy to spend that much money.

The private is $.35 for 30 minutes $$.2(?) for an hour. I can not remember the price that well cause I only buy the half hour. Any tips above that is extra. Tips range from .5 to $

There is a $.90 dance but it is the first room on the right and someone sitting at the edge of the bar can see you so it is not very private. That is why I recommend daytime. Not that many people at the bar at that time.

If you want a little price break, this week is best cause most ladies are late in their rent. Tips are more reasonable.

Hoosier Man
04-04-07, 23:41
I had wrong decimal point on the cheaper private dance. it is 0.9.

Expect to spend $$-$$.30 on the average fun time. This includes a few dollars tipping the stage and drinks while doing a scouting report.

04-06-07, 17:37
Am I the only one who likes TL2? Was by there the other day and had a great time with Shai. She's a very attractive black dancer with great tits and ass. She says she works every day from noon to 8 PM. I usually see her around 4:30 or 5:00 - agreat time to play when there's very little privacy!

Be safe!

04-09-07, 08:47
Am I the only one who likes TL2? Was by there the other day and had a great time with Shai. She's a very attractive black dancer with great tits and ass. She says she works every day from noon to 8 PM. I usually see her around 4:30 or 5:00 - agreat time to play when there's very little privacy!

Be safe!

She is hot. I had a lap dance from her about two weeks ago. She had a good buzz going, and it was well worth it. I wish I would have had more time and cash.

I've been working out of town quite a bit; and will be going to Nashville monthly. Anybody have club info? I read the Nashville board, seems to be mostly streetwalker action; not my thing.

04-10-07, 18:08
Before I go into my question, I'd like to welcome Hoosier Man back to the forum. Glad to see you back bro, it's been a long time. I still owe you a beer when you get a minute.

OK, here goes: I know in the past I've said I was going to quit the SW scene, but I just can't seem to quit going out of my way to look for them. I rarely see one worth picking up even when I do see them, but that doesn't seem to matter. I guess it's just the "hunter" instinct in me, I don't know.

Anyway, if any of you guys know of a good place to cruise nowadays, please dont' post but PM me with locations. The places I know of are terrible, nothing going on at all. I know they're out there, just not where I'm looking.


04-13-07, 04:27
First of all I'd like to welcome hoosier back as well. If you are concerned there are plenty of ways to protect yourself with the IP tracking, namely using the tor network, which basically encrypts all your traffic and bounces it through a network of servers.

As for shai or shae or however its spelled, the last time I was there she was totally unreseptive. She didn't even want to be touched on a LD let alone anything else. I guess its probably safe to say she has good days and bad.

I also however saw at least 1 other girl that I had not seen their since the place was at its peak in well, 2003. So, I can only imagine the place is doing well. --- not only in terms of business, but in keeping LE away.

Hoosier Man
04-13-07, 19:37
Is Samantha still in business? I called her several times with no reply. I finally gave up on the number about 6 months ago. If anyone has her number please PM me. She was cheap compared with other massage places but the problem is that she is booked. She once told me she sees between 16-20 customers a day ( every 20 minutes) and she only spaces them with 5 minutes to give. I was bumping in into fellow hobbyists coming in and going out. Sometimes it is embarrassing to even make eye contact. LOL

04-15-07, 10:00
I had some time to kill on Friday and found myself down Dixie so I stopped into Rivergirls and TL3.

Rivergirls was the same as always. No new talent.

TL3 was dead as well. The one girl that they had on days was just waking up from her afternoon nap. I was told that the place was being sold to Carol, the same person that owns Rivergirls, and that most of the girls there would migrate up to TL1 or TL2.

I then headed up to TL2 to check out Shai. She was one of two girls there. Both girls sat at the end of the bar, where the two bartenders sit, never dancing or even trying to talk to the guys that would come and go because they had mistakenly thought it was a strip club. The bartenders were monitoring alcohol consumption by only asking customers about every 30 minutes (when they felt like it) if they wanted something.

Now I do respect the opinions of others here and I have had good times at the TLs, but it seems that the owners have shrewdly managed the clubs down from 5 clubs to 2 by playing years of "break songs". Can Derby, Farmer's and the Truck Show really keep these places that profitable? I know that there are many of us out there that would rally around even one well stocked and run club.

Once again, just my humble opinion.


04-15-07, 14:25
Both girls sat at the end of the bar, where the two bartenders sit, never dancing or even trying to talk to the guys that would come and go because they had mistakenly thought it was a strip club.

I've seen the same thing there several times, also occasionaly at BU during the day. Like they are trying hard NOT to make any money.

I've been looking at BU, TL1, TL2 and GL. The same faces, nothing new or interesting. It's been a long time since I've found any GOOD new talent.

At least I'm saving money.

04-17-07, 16:56
I must admit that I am very dissapointed with the action at the clubs these days. What happened to the good ole days of "Lively Shively?" It used to be totally hot all the way to downtown and even at the clubs on Chestnut. You could go in on any night, and find some sort of action. Strippers who knew how to work a pole, a chair, a table, and if you went in back...but I digress.

The only clubs you can go into and expect to see an actual stripper are; P.T.'s (my favorite flat out strip joint), Trixies (too high price), and Deja Vous (very sporadic action). I am tired of hitting a club only to hear bumper music and watch some chick at the bar getting too drunk to care, flirting with guys who spend an awful lot of time going back and forth to their cars, or just acting bored.

Do any of you know what is going on? They seem to act as if you are a nuisance for entering and not immediately flashing a $.

Enjoy... I am with you, either these owners have managed to rake in a fortune during those three busy points or they are using the joints to launder dirty money.

Don't get me wrong. I still love the hunt, but I am sick of the attitude of the gameskeepers. If I want to see a stripper I'll go to the places I listed above. If I want to get laid...escorts are fine, and I hope you all read my reports on SW forum about to honeys. However, there was nothing more enjoyable than going to a club and seeing a fine selection of hotties up on stage, doing their best to entertain you; then negotiating that private session with a fantasy girl.

Am I wrong here guys? Let me know how you feel.

04-18-07, 15:26
I was checking out Craigs List - Erotic Services and came upon this add.

Hello I am an Italian beauty with gorgeous green eyes and a hypnotizing smile. 5'4 110lbs 34c 24 34. I have a body that won't quit with a fun outgoing personality. Accepting donations now $200 per hour. 3175251137 Serious inqueries only. Thank you, Simone.

and these ads.

Like a cute Asian girl with a tight sexy body that just won't quit??

Come meet an exotic Asian chick with class that knows what she's doing -
and can give you just what you're looking for! This beautiful Asian girl
is available for fun and discreet sessions - NO strings attatched & NO games!
Please visit my web page to view my sexy personal photos -



FINALLY the nice weather has gotten back to the area. It's your lucky day baby, I'm in a very GIVING mood! EVERYTHING about me is the REAL DEAL. NO GAMES, NO GIMMICKS!



Come have some fun!!
I'm just the escape you need.
118 lbs beautifully proportioned at 5'5
What you like I love!!
What you want to do, we can do!!
Please be nice on the phone!

Have any of you tried these ladies? If so, what was your experience. If you'd prefer, PM me.

Hoosier Man
04-18-07, 18:15
There are actually some legit ads on craigs list but the ones you posted are obviously either phony or rip offs. Maybe it is just me but can't you tell?

Be careful about Craigs list. They are now under the radar of the LE. In fact there were several stings in St Louis. Also the legit ones stopped advertising due to the stings.

There are also legit pickups/casual encounters from girls that are either ugly or have no social life. I think if you are smart enough you can separate those bunch from the fake ones.

Hoosier Man
04-18-07, 18:23
This is old but I knew her from 2 years back. She was with this dude who is a medium size crack dealer. Not sure if they are still together since he got a good size number of girls he kept addicted to crack. One of his girls was an ex of mine so I knew a lot of the stuff going on but I could not keep her from him because of the crack. I tried but I lost to this bastard.

MAke sure if you date Shai that you rpotect yourself from being ripped off. This guy was famous for holding up people while on a date.

Hoosier Man
04-18-07, 18:40
I do not know why there are lots of complaints on the action since I have no problem whatsoever. Maybe you guys do not approach your targeted honey well?

My problem is that I spent a lot of money and the reason I stay away is because I am sure I can score (therefore spend) everytime I go. I have to cut down my trips to these places. GL, BU, CC, are sure thing (almost 100% of the girls). TL , CL, FL is maybe 50%. Trixies, PT, BS, Centerfold, GF are probably in the 20-30% activity.

The best thing to do is be friendly but be upfront. Do not be shy. They want your money more than you want action. Trust me. If I had a date with every girl I could party with at these clubs, I can party almost everyday for a year with a different girl everytime and not even repeat. There are that many trophy fish out there for the right fisherman

Member #2806
04-19-07, 11:13
Dose anyone rember the old show and tell back some 20 years ago when wanda ran the place some of the hottest dancers this city's ever seen where are they now.

04-19-07, 15:19
I do not know why there are lots of complaints on the action since I have no problem whatsoever. Maybe you guys do not approach your targeted honey well?

I do respect your experiences Hoosier Man but I think you misunderstand some of the recent postings. It's not that we have any trouble with our negotiations, it's just that a lot of us expect, and are used to, a higher level of talent. I'm sure all who post here can go to many of the clubs you mention and score with just someone but many remember times when the clubs had hot dancers that actually danced instead of sitting in one place and yelling out the question of "who is going to buy them a drink".

It is not about the money or the approach. It is about the attitude of the girls left behind when most of the talent moved on.


04-19-07, 15:23
Dose anyone rember the old show and tell back some 20 years ago when wanda ran the place some of the hottest dancers this city's ever seen where are they now.

I do remember it. It's funny to think of some of the old haunts. The Kitten House, Lil' Darlings, The Penguin Club and, of course, the Pussycat-A-Go-Go.


Hoosier Man
04-19-07, 16:14
I would not know how it used to be. I am only a hobbyist for the last 5 years. The girls always stayed at the bar sitting by themselves. However, I never had a problem approaching them and striking a conversation. I actually like it that way since I am not hustled as bad. If I like the girl, I would initiate the conversation by buying her a drink. If she is a hustler, She will be drinking that drink fast and ask you for another one. If she is a player, she would start talking about having a good time with you.

Another thing that I try is buying a lap dance from the girl of my choice. I insinuate that if she is good to me, I will buy the bottle but she has to prove that she dances good. I get good mileage from that and usually ends up a nice evening.

Actually you can tell who will play and who will not even at the stage when they dance. The ones that puts up a good show and are aggresively touching you are good candidates.

Hope that helps.

Hey funtongue , I found the place on 19th and I parked there but no action. Maybe it was just too cold for Kim to come out? It was noon when I was there.

I saw two SW but not sure if that was them . The black chick was short and husky and the white chick was short and skinny. I tried to make contact but they were gone when I turned around. They were on 13th by White Castle.

Hoosier Man
04-19-07, 16:33
Does anyone know her. She used to tend bars/dance for TL and TL2. I dated her a few times but I changed my phone and her phone also changed. She is tall (about 5'9" and about 130 lbs). Last I heard she was a CC but she may have hooked up with someone and may have retired. She was a decent date and when she fell into hard times (her BF beat her up) I was there for her and was getting it as cheap as $100/hr. She is pretty so I kinda miss her.

If you know her please PM me so I can contact her again. I am attaching a pic but I do not have any with herr face.

04-19-07, 17:28
Was in there on Monday night about 10pm. Got a $20 dance from Candy, a cute little brunette, smoking ass, flat stomach, nice disposition. She didn't push the $100 bottle, so I don't know if its avaiable from her or not. Probably so though. She's a cutie, let me know if you have her.

It's funny...a little young blonde was also there. Shes got a lot to learn. She walks past me not saying a word (I"m not going to beg her to talk to me) and goes over to this couple of young guys. They just stare when the bartender asks them to buy her a drink. They aint spending any money. Haha.

Thats when her buddy Candy came over and talked to me. The veteran girls know its the older guys that will spend the money.

04-19-07, 17:29
But haven't seen her. Good luck.

Does anyone know her. She used to tend bars/dance for TL and TL2. I dated her a few times but I changed my phone and her phone also changed. She is tall (about 5'9" and about 130 lbs). Last I heard she was a CC but she may have hooked up with someone and may have retired. She was a decent date and when she fell into hard times (her BF beat her up) I was there for her and was getting it as cheap as $100/hr. She is pretty so I kinda miss her.

If you know her please PM me so I can contact her again. I am attaching a pic but I do not have any with herr face.

04-19-07, 17:44
Yeah 2806, I remember it. It was my first strip club. Me and some buddies went there for a bachelor party. Nina Hartley was the featured dancer. In fact the club was featured in both Club and Cheri magazine. The owner had a couple of others named the same but numbered like TL's.

Anyway, we all got pretty drunk at during the party, and Nina came out doing a sensuous striptease to "Knights in White Satin." MMMMM what an ass that lady has. My brother had eaten some acid and believed that she was in love with him. After she got off the stage he grabbed her ass, and we quickly learned the main rule of a club. "Don't touch the talent!" at least not without an invitation.

The bouncers picked up my brother, and threw him out the doors and onto the sidewalk. I still laugh thinking about it.

Yeah it was a great place where you could satisfy your hobbyist needs for .75 around the world. It is where I really got into the hobby. In fact there were three clubs in one block...all of them hobbyist freindly.

04-19-07, 18:01
I agree with you Enjoy. The girls were a lot more freindly and made you feel like a friend, not some John to get drinks out of. Maybe I am naive to still look for that experience, but I prefer the old ways in many ways.

04-19-07, 19:09
The veteran girls know its the older guys that will spend the money.

You are so right. TL is a great example of this. The business girls there make fun of the young studs that come in, play pool, drink a few beers and then expect to leave with a stripper girl friend.

04-19-07, 19:50
It's not that we have any trouble with our negotiations, it's just that a lot of us expect, and are used to, a higher level of talent.

That's what I meant. A few years ago a drink in "The Back" was $80 and $50 was usually enough of a tip. Now the drink is $135 and $50 isn't usually enough of a tip for the good dancers. Now your out of pocket is $200 or more. For $250-$300 you can get a very hot escort (with a second helping) in the privacy of a hotel room.

It used to be for $300 you could have 2 fun trips to the SC, so I looked at it as a 2 for 1 in comparison to the escorts.

There doesn't seem to be much new talent in the Leo either. I've found some good ones there over the years, but not lately. If anyone knows of a good one, I'd appreciate a PM.

04-20-07, 00:16

I haven't seen those two for a week now, but when they are out it has been at night. The two girls you saw didn't sound like them. They are both skinny and attractive. If you pull up to the house in the evening, and give a light tap on the horn, someone(sometimes it is their pimp) will open the door and you can ask for them.

04-23-07, 15:34
Since I have been to Louisville, will be there tomorrow, is there any Asian fun to be had or is all of that gone? It was on it's way out when I changed jobs. Any good advice is welcome, I wll be out out Blankenbaker if someone knows of some good outcall fun.


04-23-07, 17:46
I had some luck at a place in New Albany called Ichiban Spa. Nice mamasan working with some fine young asian. $$ full service. YMMV. They have ads in the LEO.

Jeff Lowe
04-27-07, 19:01
I was checking out Craigs List - Erotic Services and came upon this add.

Hello I am an Italian beauty with gorgeous green eyes and a hypnotizing smile. 5'4 110lbs 34c 24 34. I have a body that won't quit with a fun outgoing personality. Accepting donations now $200 per hour. 3175251137 Serious inqueries only. Thank you, Simone.Trust me on this one. Simone was DEFINITELY not a ripoff or fake. I was in town two weekends ago and met her at her hotel. I don't think I've EVER seen a provider with more energy. Much, much better looking than her pictures. A bit of upsell but not much. Just bring a little more money than the posted rate. At least on par with girls I've seen from the better escort agencies around the country. (NOT one of the L'Ville agencies! I've only tried one at it was absolutely not FS.)

04-28-07, 20:10
Thanks Jeff for the report.

04-28-07, 22:54
Watch out -- "in depth reporting" is dragging out some poor souls in Louisville. On Monday Fox News at 10:00 is "getting to the heart" of the "prostitution problem" in Louisville. "Finally", I thought, "we're going to find out why Louisville has such a dearth of prostitutes." Nope. I guess they've found a few marks and are now going to banish sex from Louisville all together. Watch out!!! They are probably trying to find out your IP right now so they can come knocking at your door with cameras and ask you what you're doing online asking about girls -- What are you a heterosexual or something????

Too bad they can't do more of this "in depth" exposure to the state's politicians who stuff their pockets with our tax dollars.

04-30-07, 08:30
Watch out -- "in depth reporting" is dragging out some poor souls in Louisville. On Monday Fox News at 10:00 is "getting to the heart" of the "prostitution problem" in Louisville. "Finally", I thought, "we're going to find out why Louisville has such a dearth of prostitutes." Nope. I guess they've found a few marks and are now going to banish sex from Louisville all together. Watch out!!! They are probably trying to find out your IP right now so they can come knocking at your door with cameras and ask you what you're doing online asking about girls -- What are you a heterosexual or something????

Too bad they can't do more of this "in depth" exposure to the state's politicians who stuff their pockets with our tax dollars.

Man, thanks a lot. Now II'm gonna be paranoid for a while now. They can't do that can they? I mean find you via IP address? Just damn. Why not politicians?...cause they can/will fight back, that's why.

Indiana Dude
04-30-07, 13:58
Watch out -- "in depth reporting" is dragging out some poor souls in Louisville. On Monday Fox News at 10:00 is "getting to the heart" of the "prostitution problem" in Louisville. "Finally", I thought, "we're going to find out why Louisville has such a dearth of prostitutes." Nope. I guess they've found a few marks and are now going to banish sex from Louisville all together. Watch out!!! They are probably trying to find out your IP right now so they can come knocking at your door with cameras and ask you what you're doing online asking about girls -- What are you a heterosexual or something?

Too bad they can't do more of this "in depth" exposure to the state's politicians who stuff their pockets with our tax dollars.Well it is May sweeps time for television. Sex sells.

Batter Up
05-02-07, 15:45
I recently took one for the team with Kira who posts in CL under legit massage. She works out of an apartment setting. The session started off with her doing a lot of reading from a book which was a bit weird. She gave me an enthusiastic if amateur massage but it was with straight baby oil which is something that I hate. After the flip she gave me a HJ but it was very robotic. I left there feeling oily and 1. 5 poorer. I won't go back.

Jake 4119
05-03-07, 11:01
I hate to say this but your experience with Kira was probably better than most at the moment. Finding any sort of 'happy ending' is becoming increasingly difficult.

05-03-07, 13:58
Man, thanks a lot. Now II'm gonna be paranoid for a while now. They can't do that can they? I mean find you via IP address? Just damn. Why not politicians?...cause they can/will fight back, that's why.

Hey USS. Sorry, that was an exaggeration on the extremes the media goes to. NO worry about them hunting you down on your IP, but if you're really all that afraid, get a program called TOR (the onion router), it slows down the connection a bit, but no one can see your IP that way:

I don't think putting the URL is allowed on this site. Just go to Google and type in "the onion router".

Hoosier Man
05-05-07, 23:48
I was going on vacation two weeks ago so before I left, I went to BU. Met EVE and as usual paid $.35 plus .1 tip to bartender. She only asked for another .2 tip afterwards but I gave her .3. Good oral skills. Did not do FS since I have no jacket with me but she actually wanted it. Eve is a little chubby but not too bad. She is cute in the face.

Her oral skills is superb. I could not last long and it was unusual cause I had a previous pop an hour earlier. She was super.

05-06-07, 11:23
I usually do not go to the SCs during Derby week but decided to see what talent was in for the race. I visited four of our SCs.
TL2 on Poplar Level actually had dancers on stage! I thought that this club might be out of the way enough to have some new girls but not actually be "Derby crazy". They had about 5 girls but I didn't see anything that caught my eye so I moved on.
TL1 had the usual Derby madness going on. About 12 girls. Angel and Peaches behind the bar. They did have some very nice talent IMHO. A group of about 5 girls had come up from Bowling Green for the Derby providing some nice eye candy. I think, due to the crowd, that the girls were truly giving just lap dances and making their money in volume.
I visited CL next. They had about 10 girls. Several were dolls but men with flashlights were roaming the upstairs area so I don't suppose much was happening. The most interesting thing here was that for a $5 cover they were showing the De La Hoya/Mayweather fight. I enjoyed the fight and moved on.
It was late when I finished up with BU. They had about a dozen girls working. No one new to the club and things seemed to be working as usual. There was a line of drunk Derby bettors waiting for the back. I hope their Derby days all had happy endings!