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08-12-09, 00:28
The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force will do anything to justify their budget. These girls were not traffic'd. This is just an excuse to spend your tax dollars. Although I haven't been to United in about a year's time, the girls were all professionals and weren't even remotely victims. There was one named Kelly that begged you to do her in the butt. She was the sweetest little thing - skinny, crooked teeth, bad complexion but a real trooper.

United got greedy -- charging over 150 -- which is why I quit going there.

ueenie was the mamasan and Tracy before her.Gee Whiz! I wondered where those girls got all those expensive cars?

08-12-09, 00:32
I went there before I went to United Health, at #3 I got Ivy, she's too heavy and that cause me to lose interest. Nothing was offered and I didn't asked for anything. After the massage I left. When I was going out, I say a spinner type very cute about 23 years old sitting in the lobby. I wonder is that Nancy or Vivi. Have to try again next time.

Next went to United and C&C and you know what happen, so went to GG Blvd btwn Brookhurst and Euclid, on the second floor. A 40's lady collect the money and gave the massage but nothing was offered. Maybe they all heard about UH and are spooked.

08-12-09, 00:40
Gee Whiz! I wondered where those girls got all those expensive cars?
They make expensive purchases and pay taxes on them so they're doing their part to help revive the economy. God bless those unappreciated masseuse.

08-12-09, 02:05
Hey malibu,

I ment baldy cruser, hes the one that luvs that fat meaty stuff.

Hey wait! I'm not into fatties. I like a women to look like a woman, but not down with the chub.

08-12-09, 10:54
What was the total damaged?

It is $40/hh and $60/hr. Gratuity varies between $40-$60.

08-13-09, 00:29
It seems IE screwed up and one of my post last night didn't make it to the board so I'll repost it. I have a couple of notes from earlier this week:

- 440 Fair has a new office Rainbow Massage. They opened about a week or two ago. Went in but they are all busy so I have to report back later. This office faces the far parking lot.

- There is a smoking hot blonde at the front desk of Fantastic Massage. Anyone knows if she is strictly receptionist? Their sign shows they close at 9pm on weekdays but they've been closing on 7pm so I couldn't squeeze in.

- The two places I visit on Tuesday require a form to be filled out. Never had to do this before. I figure it's due to the recent bust. I went to AC #4 and MMS just said no massage, wrong place. I was about to tell her I was here last week so what are you talking about. I figure they are getting nervous as hell so I didn't want to give her problems.

Cash Value
08-13-09, 01:21
It seems IE screwed up and one of my post last night didn't make it to the board so I'll repost it. I have a couple of notes from earlier this week:

- 440 Fair has a new office Rainbow Massage. They opened about a week or two ago. Went in but they are all busy so I have to report back later. This office faces the far parking lot.

- There is a smoking hot blonde at the front desk of Fantastic Massage. Anyone knows if she is strictly receptionist? Their sign shows they close at 9pm on weekdays but they've been closing on 7pm so I couldn't squeeze in.

- The two places I visit on Tuesday require a form to be filled out. Never had to do this before. I figure it's due to the recent bust. I went to AC #4 and MMS just said no massage, wrong place. I was about to tell her I was here last week so what are you talking about. I figure they are getting nervous as hell so I didn't want to give her problems.Fantastic: that could be Kristy. Shes hot and does massage. No extras but does a good job. Got married earlier this year. Myabe its someone else but thats who was there when I went.

#4 mamason always says that to people she thinks could be trouble.

08-13-09, 06:18
Well I have been hearing about this place for sometime and finally went. Did not even have time to park and a lady was at the door trying to get me inside. A girl drove up and was about to start work and I walked her inside. I asked if I could have her since she was pretty hot and my type. I was told she had someone waiting but I could have a better one. I got Ivy who looked ok but later found out her nice ass was fake.. and her tits where also fake. I dont mind fake tits if they still have a good nipple for you to suck on. But these had nothing at all :( Over all this place is like alot of others I have been to. Mybe if that first girl was the one I got it might have been a better report.

BTW I have a low post count here but I also post on another site most of you guy visit.

08-13-09, 11:50
Allegations of human trafficking are too often used by LE to justify busts. When they do find a case, once in a blue moon, it sells newspapers, gets them funds and they can congratulate themselves (and rightfully so!). If even one in a hundred busts showed human trafficking, we'd here about it in the news.

I am sure there are places around that have trafficked women. There are a lot of private clubs around where dealers and gangsters hang out that are not open to the public and we would neither hear about them nor would we be allowed in. Where girls who have to pay off a drug dealer, an immigration smuggler, etc. would work. Over the hears, I've been told by girls of such places but never been there myself.

To generalize about the asians working in AMP's, AAMP's, CAMP's, KAMP's, etc. that you see on Craiglist, etc. Almost all of those opt for that kind of work to make quick money. Money for luxuries, to buy a house, to send home to family, or to buy a green card husband to stay here. They are away from their family so they can do whatever without bringing shame on their family.

From what I've read, the younger ones are the ones who might be here through traffickers. They would go through the private clubs first, then later move to AAMPs or AMPS as they got older.

More generalizations and stereotypes:

Mainland Chinese women are usually 30-40 plus year old divorcees who come on a tourist VISA looking for a new life in America. They usually have one (seldom two) children back home. They tend to be college educated, are overstaying their VISA's and really cannot work legitimately until they find someone for a green card marriage. With the size of China, they are committed to staying here because they probably won't get another shot at a tourist VISA.

If they have lived here for only a short time, some Chinese want to work with customers from their country. If they have lived here for awhile, many prefer to work with whites, latinos and non-Chinese asians so that there is less chance of running into someone from business at the grocery store or when out with their boyfriend is ignorant of how they really make their money.

Taiwanese women may be similar to Chinese women as described above, but there is one difference. You will find more of them who will come for a few months at a time to make as much money as they can and then go back to Taiwan because they know they can almost always get another tourist VISA to come back again.

Korean women... known only about a dozen and not well so I'll let someone else post about that.

Thai, Burmese, Malasian, Vietnamese etc.... Only seen a relative handful who have worked the AAMP scene with the Chinese and they bring business for the novelty factor. Have heard from posts and a guy married to a massage girl in Thai town that some of them do legitimate massage at work, but will make off hours appointments at apartments for more.

Anybody want to fill in the gaps about these and other women?

How in the F**K would you know? I mean seriously, I doubt you've taken the time to learn each of the girl's REAL background. Maybe they're not being trafficked, but you don't know. But face it, the vast majority of mongers couldn't give a rat's behind about the provider's personal circumstances, they just wanna get off. For all the self-righteous posturing I see in these forums, the truth is that most interactions reduce the provider to little more than "two tits, a hole and a heartbeat."

Trafficking is a problem of epic proportions around the world and it exists everywhere, even in the US. And while it's obvious that many of the girls on the street, on the net, Craigslist, Backpage, etc., are women who've elected to "participate" in the life, just as many have been pimped out or otherwise forced into selling themselves. I really doubt most men will ever understand what that's like from the girl's perspective. But do we really care?

I'd hazard a guess that significant numbers (maybe as much as 20%) of providers working in massage parlours, AAMPs, AMPs, etc., in the US have been coerced, brought to the US for this work, or otherwise indebted themselves to pimps.

I'm sure that my opinion will piss off a few of the longtime posters, but I've read so many post from mongers acting like they're doing these girls a big favor while denying that there are any victims in this "hobby." Instead of telling yourself what you gotta to rationalize your actions, be real. If these girls were trafficked, you wouldn't give it a minute's thought just like you don't if a streetwalker's being pimped out.

But then what do I know? Like they say, opinions are like assholes, we all got one...

Jon Jones
08-13-09, 12:21
A tip I got from someone in the industry a few years ago...

If all the girls show up for work in a van, there's a good chance they're trafficed.

If they complain about the lease on their new Lexus, chances are they are not. (And the great majority in OC fall into the second category. They're in the trade because the money is good.)

Quality Junk
08-13-09, 12:49
How in the F**K would you know? I mean seriously, I doubt you've taken the time to learn each of the girl's REAL background. Maybe they're not being trafficked, but you don't know. But face it, the vast majority of mongers couldn't give a rat's behind about the provider's personal circumstances, they just wanna get off. For all the self-righteous posturing I see in these forums, the truth is that most interactions reduce the provider to little more than "two tits, a hole and a heartbeat."

Trafficking is a problem of epic proportions around the world and it exists everywhere, even in the US. And while it's obvious that many of the girls on the street, on the net, Craigslist, Backpage, etc., are women who've elected to "participate" in the life, just as many have been pimped out or otherwise forced into selling themselves. I really doubt most men will ever understand what that's like from the girl's perspective. But do we really care?

I'd second on what OldBill said.

Of the "clubs" that I've heard about (never ventured into) where trafficking occurs, most of us "average mongers" with regular 9-5 jobs & SO would never even get an "invite". They are not advertising on ANY forum, C-list, BP, C-Vibe, or anywhere close to where we have our resources.

The ones I personally know about are south of the border type places where the girls are there to pay off smuggling fees (for themselves and/or members of their family), not many are there by choice. Yes, they do exist. No, I don't partake nor condone.

KAMP fall into several catagories: one is the "college girls" here on student visa or visitor visa. They're here for a short stay, say 6 months or so, make some quick $$$ then get the hell out of town. No one back home would ever be the wiser. I've met several of these types. All have been very sweet, they are up front with why they're here and when they're returning home. I met one who was half Korean and half Russian, probably the prettiest by far IMHO for SoCal. She told me she was engaged to her boyfriend back in Korea, and was getting married as soon as she returned to her homeland. I had no reason to doubt anything she told me. I've done business with the Papasan for many years. I'd never saw her again, and believe me I kept asking! To this day, I still inquire if she ever returned to the states.

Type two: the "bar fly" girls, professionals, been in the industry for many years, started out testing the life style, then later found it too easy and got use to the work. Beats waitressing, folding diapers, or flipping burgers. Met many, many of these types too. They're the ones you read about here on the forum with mongers inquiring where's "fill in the name". Some of these ladies will work the Korean bar circuits, getting old Korean business men drunk on $300 bottles of scotch and what-not. Take out's available from what I was told. Some just stay with the bar circuit and never work the AMP circuit.

Are any of these ladies there against their will? Maybe. But most that I've come across are older (more than mid- 20's) and I'm sure they have choices. But they choose to stay for the easy money.

OldBill covered the Chinese ladies.

Viet ladies: I haven't figured out yet. Someone? Anyone?

08-13-09, 15:45
A tip I got from someone in the industry a few years ago...

If all the girls show up for work in a van, there's a good chance they're trafficed.

If they complain about the lease on their new Lexus, chances are they are not. (And the great majority in OC fall into the second category. They're in the trade because the money is good.)

I must agree... but it doesn't have to be a high value car. I have talked to a few girls. They were here on a student visa, were here to work for a short time, then return home. They talked about having to buy a car to commute from home to work. It stands to reason that if they were "controlled", thier handler wouldn't allow them the freedom of movement (escape) that having thier own car would give to them, nor the money to buy a car in the first place.

08-13-09, 15:52
Allegations of human trafficking are too often used by LE to justify busts.....If even one in a hundred busts showed human trafficking, we'd here about it in the news.

To generalize about the asians working in AMP's, AAMP's, CAMP's, KAMP's, etc. that you see on Craiglist, etc. Almost all of those opt for that kind of work to make quick money. Too often? C'mon, the authorities can make all kinds of accusations in the news, but you think they needed to use this to "justify" a bust of a massage parlour? Get real, LE looks at the trade as nuisance and as long as it flies under the radar, they ignore it. But when it grows noticable in conspicuious places and they get enough complaints, this is what happens. I won't be surprised if the "Animal Clinic is next.

And as far as hearing about it in the news, that ain't necessarily so. A bust is great for a story, but rarely will the media follow up on a case that could take months or years to prosecute if a deal isn't in the first place, even if they were trafficked, it could be nearly impossible to determine how they got here.

I estimated that perhap only 20% of the providers working in AAMPs, AMPs, etc., are doing so against their will, so I agree that most do so out of a desire to make "easy" money. But the gist of what I initially wrote was to suggest that the average monger doesn't have a relationship with a provider, and doesn't want it. I was trying to state that there are "victims" in this "hobby" whether we want to admit it or not and most mongers don't care. We tend to rationalize our behavior to avoid any guilt, etc.

Tiger Shark101
08-13-09, 18:38
I'd second on what OldBill said.

Of the "clubs" that I've heard about (never ventured into) where trafficking occurs, most of us "average mongers" with regular 9-5 jobs & SO would never even get an "invite". They are not advertising on ANY forum, C-list, BP, C-Vibe, or anywhere close to where we have our resources.

The ones I personally know about are south of the border type places where the girls are there to pay off smuggling fees (for themselves and/or members of their family), not many are there by choice. Yes, they do exist. No, I don't partake nor condone.

KAMP fall into several catagories: one is the "college girls" here on student visa or visitor visa. They're here for a short stay, say 6 months or so, make some quick $$$ then get the hell out of town. No one back home would ever be the wiser. I've met several of these types. All have been very sweet, they are up front with why they're here and when they're returning home. I met one who was half Korean and half Russian, probably the prettiest by far IMHO for SoCal. She told me she was engaged to her boyfriend back in Korea, and was getting married as soon as she returned to her homeland. I had no reason to doubt anything she told me. I've done business with the Papasan for many years. I'd never saw her again, and believe me I kept asking! To this day, I still inquire if she ever returned to the states.

Type two: the "bar fly" girls, professionals, been in the industry for many years, started out testing the life style, then later found it too easy and got use to the work. Beats waitressing, folding diapers, or flipping burgers. Met many, many of these types too. They're the ones you read about here on the forum with mongers inquiring where's "fill in the name". Some of these ladies will work the Korean bar circuits, getting old Korean business men drunk on $300 bottles of scotch and what-not. Take out's available from what I was told. Some just stay with the bar circuit and never work the AMP circuit.

Are any of these ladies there against their will? Maybe. But most that I've come across are older (more than mid- 20's) and I'm sure they have choices. But they choose to stay for the easy money.

OldBill covered the Chinese ladies.

Viet ladies: I haven't figured out yet. Someone? Anyone?The AMP that got busted earlier this week, the one with Viet girls, has one girl in particular that I know personally. She is definitely in it because it's quick, relatively easy money. She's also a student, so that's how she pays her tuition and she also helps out her family here. She has a modest car, not a high end luxury sedan. Another girl I personally know, also Viet, had worked at another AMP and she did it for 1 year. She's also a student at an OC community college and saved a crapload of $$$$$. She even talked to me about using some of the money for a down payment on a house. I've met a few that were supposedly here on Visas and had to go back home. Those didn't seem "forced" into the work, but I couldn't really tell.

I used to know of a Korean AAMP in Irvine back in 2004 or '05 that had the most gorgeous asian girl I'd ever had as a provider. She was here for a limited time and the MMS would always tell me she woud bring in someone better, but she never could. That place would bring new drop dead gorgeous girls every 10 days. Once they left, you would never hear of see them ever again.

08-13-09, 21:05
So, the girls got arrested, what will the law do to them. Plea bargain or confess to their crimes for reduce sentences in jail or prison. The "pimp" gets the felony charge, does the girls get the misdemeanor too. Girls on student visa might probably get deport back to their country.

Just curious.

08-13-09, 21:25
sorry guys no reports from me for a while. Money is tight so I need to pay the bills first then fun. Lately not much left for fun. I have been reading though and like many of you I have talked to a lot of girls over the years and most were here for a short time. I do remember 1 who used to fly in from San Jose every couple of weeks because the money was so good. She had a kid and would come here for 5 days and make enough to not work up in San Jose. Lost track of her though. She was full service and a real knockout.

08-13-09, 21:31
The economy has completely ruined my fun. I might have to finally meet $30 Julie. LOL.LOL. How is she? Age/look wise?

08-13-09, 21:36
It is those ones with the young cuties that rotate in and out which would make me think of traffickers and the girls move from location to location and city to city to bring high dollars as fresh meat. Because it signals organization.

I used to know of a Korean AAMP in Irvine back in 2004 or '05 that had the most gorgeous asian girl I'd ever had as a provider. She was here for a limited time and the MMS would always tell me she woud bring in someone better, but she never could. That place would bring new drop dead gorgeous girls every 10 days. Once they left, you would never hear of see them ever again.

08-14-09, 04:23
Hey OC folks, I live up in the Bay Area and am more active on a board up there (RB) but check this board occasionally when I travel. I was down in Santa Ana for a couple days on business a few weeks ago, so I thought I should file a brief report.

I didn't really do my due diligence on here before my trip, but I read a few pages of posts. Entertaining, but most of the info was oblique enough that I couldn't decipher many specifics. I thought of posting a question on here, but typically the "hey, just got to your area, please tell me what the best AMP is and how to get there! " posts aren't very welcome.

I browsed CL and rolled the dice in the early afternoon of a weekday and went to Life Day Spa on N. Tustin. I drew a modestly dressed MILF, although the ILF part of that wasn't really operable. Oh well, I thought, maybe the massage will be ok. And it was actually quite good and there was enough teasing involved that I thought there was a 50/50 shot for a HE. But I was wrong. Maybe this is the kind of place that rewards repeat visits, but I don't care to ever find out.

Several hours later I was done with my project and thought I'd try again. This time I thought I'd improve my odds a bit and opted for a place that advertises on the Adult side of CL. Its adress is listed on the ad, but in the interest of discretion I'll just say that it's on a street that runs perpendicular to N. Tustine and parallel to Chapman. I called ahead to make sure someone was available and then parked around the corner and went in.

As soon as I got into the room I thought of one of the posts on here that I had read earlier in the day.- the massage table was pushed up against the wall rather than in the middle of the room. That's usually a sign of something (though the opposite isn't always true, at least not up here in the SF area). I took a quick shower and settled in.

My RA was a late-30's/early-40's Korean with a fairly slender figure, a GND face, and large bolt-ons. She was attired in a slinky short dress. Also a sign of something. It was a much more satisfying experience than I'd had at the Life Day Spa. I doubt I would repeat on a return visit to OC, but it's good to know where at least one reliable place is in case I can't crack the code on here.


08-14-09, 10:40
Julie's got her own thread.

Known for her attitude and rules.

I think the economy has to get much worse before I'd venture there.

LOL. How is she? Age/look wise?

08-14-09, 10:59
I used to AMP a lot more in Colorado and got to know many of the ladies quite well. They would travel throughout the country for several months out of the year and definitely enjoyed the "fruits" of their labor. Korean are by nature very entreprenurial and these ladies are no exception. They get to visit the US and make more money than they could ever make at home. They have expensive taste in clothes/jewelry/gambling/soju etc plus they want their families to see them doing well.

They are able to visit their families at least once a year and travel freely. The owners of the AMPs must have some kind of connection because it seems that the girls will go from CA/TX/NY/CO etc. After awhile they will find the place they like and settle down or return to see the selection of husbands that are available at home. They have a nice savings account and theri husband has a very talented wife! (they don't find that out 'til later)

Of course this is the general rule and I know there are exceptions that need to be shut down. However, there is a much greater level of gang and forced prostitution in their homeland.

Just my.02.

It is those ones with the young cuties that rotate in and out which would make me think of traffickers and the girls move from location to location and city to city to bring high dollars as fresh meat. Because it signals organization.

Jon Jones
08-14-09, 12:08
My main point once again, is that the average monger doesn't care about the personal circumstances, why or how they got here, they just wanna get off and for as little as possible.

I have no idea what the average monger cares about and I doubt you do either. Perhaps you could give us some insight on how you reached your conclusion?

I would never patronize a place that used trafficed girls and my bet is that I'm not the only one on this board that feels that way.

Cash Value
08-14-09, 13:32
Was near LFBC so I took a visit. Was trying to ger Shelly but was busy. Cindy came out to tale to mama. She was happy to see me, so I took her. I have seen her before. She did a good massage this time. It made her sweat as little, I asked if she was ok and she said she was trying to lose some weight. I told her shes perfect. Her tits and nice and big for her size. Shes not young but not old either. She does have really soft skin. She had on this tiny g-sting that was so sexy. I got her to sit on my face and she went kinda crazy. I think she bust a nut 2 times on me. She was just hot and all smiles. I got her to slip and slide on my cock till I came. She liked that too. Its safe and fun.

Member #3063
08-14-09, 14:27
I have no idea what the average monger cares about and I doubt you do either. Perhaps you could give us some insight on how you reached your conclusion?

I would never patronize a place that used trafficed girls and my bet is that I'm not the only one on this board that feels that way.

Do they have special sticker on the front window that that says"We only use non-trafficked girls here"

08-14-09, 14:41
Was near LFBC so I took a visit. Was trying to ger Shelly but was busy. Cindy came out to tale to mama. She was happy to see me, so I took her. I have seen her before. She did a good massage this time. It made her sweat as little, I asked if she was ok and she said she was trying to lose some weight. I told her shes perfect. Her tits and nice and big for her size. Shes not young but not old either. She does have really soft skin. She had on this tiny g-sting that was so sexy. I got her to sit on my face and she went kinda crazy. I think she bust a nut 2 times on me. She was just hot and all smiles. I got her to slip and slide on my cock till I came. She liked that too. Its safe and fun.Just a note of thanks!! I always appreciate your clear and accurate reports!

08-14-09, 15:59
Do they have special sticker on the front window that that says"We only use non-trafficked girls here"I always give those places an extra star on Yelp.

08-14-09, 16:55
Do they have special sticker on the front window that that says"We only use non-trafficked girls here"
Good response! Also No MSG !

Jon Jones
08-14-09, 16:57
Do they have special sticker on the front window that that says"We only use non-trafficked girls here"

No, that would be great. :)

You do make a good point. But as I wrote a couple days ago, with a little recon, it's not difficult to tell.

08-14-09, 22:56
Had business in Irvine but forgot my cellphone. Argh!

SJC was just a short drive further south. Went back to "Touch of Excellence" again in search of M, but she wasn't in. Mama-san remembered me and I asked for someone just like M and got T. I went for the 45 minute massage. 30-40 something, medium build (MILF-ish, she's probably had a kid somewhere along the way) and much taller than M so I knew she wouldn't be walking on my back.

Massage was ok, but not nearly as good as from M. The backwalking really was what made my first trip a real treat. Nice work on my aching back but no actual foot massage as from M. Things started out friendly but when it came to the end, that was it. I asked T about massaging more and I might just as well have asked her for unprotected sex. She had a shocked look on her face and whispered to me that LE was coming in everyday to check things out.

Some might diagree, but I still tipped her $30 and left, letting her know in a kindly manner, and not like an A-Hole, that I would have tipped her double. "Maybe next time." she insisted.

I'll make sure that I pack my cellphone the next time I go out to the Irvine area, but will not ask for T again. I'll insist on M before going on to SJC.

08-15-09, 00:39
How did I come to my conclusion?

Hmmm, perhaps it's from READING THE FORUMS. I think it's pretty easy to discern what the average monger cares about in spades.

Obviously there are exceptions. I never stated that ALL mongers are insensitive, self-absorbed pricks. But face it, the average monger wants one thing from the girls and it's not a personal relationship.

And as far as not patronizing establishments that traffic...what, do think they advertize how all their girls arrived? Do you ask the mamasan? What do you think she'd tell you even if they did?

I'm sure some mongers wouldn't patronize an establishment if they knew the place had trafficked girls, but I'll also bet you that if the girls were hot enough, MOST mongers would hit it without a second thought.

Take streetwalkers, mongers don't care where a girl came from, if she's a runaway that's been pimped out or trying to get away from an abusive home life or if she's in it because she's a freak looking to make some extra cash. All most really care about is that she's available, low-priced, reasonably compliant and attractive.

Just like there's no such thing as a Hooker with a Heart of Gold, there's no such thing as an altruistic monger.

I completely disagree with you. I wouldn't go near a place that I suspected of trafficking, and I don't believe most of this audience would either. As to girls trying to earn a buck for whatever reason, are we to do them a favor by denying them an income? I've seen many providers who see this as an easy way to make a living and very much enjoy their work. I respect them and am pleased to help them grow their business.

08-15-09, 00:41
Stopped by this evening (7:00) to see if I was tempted. Nobody hanging around outside. I tried #6, but the screen door was locked. Another monger tried the front door and it was locked too. Perhaps innocuous, but maybe in reaction to the UH bust. The whole place seemed to be laying low.

Ib Mike
08-15-09, 15:49
Anybody been to this place? ( 714 )775-8127

Report appreciated, otherwise I will check it out tomorrow.

08-15-09, 17:24
Anybody been to this place? ( 714 )775-8127

Report appreciated, otherwise I will check it out tomorrow.

This might be the place.


Ib Mike
08-15-09, 19:37
This might be the place.


I didn't see that post when it went up evidently. This wasn't the detail I was hoping for but it gives me a clue. Sounds like I need to get off my butt and check it out.

08-16-09, 12:14
I was in mood again early sat morning n decided to try door number 6, the viet poon. Hadn't had any good viet poon since the days of the closed down tanning parlor over on euclid/westminister.
Got in mamason had me wait in the lil waiting while another monger was busy hammering away on some cute spinner.I was saying to myself come on dude hurry up and shoot,lol. Anyway it was time to rotate, out he walks and in I go for my turn at it. Ivy walks in, now mind you this not the same fat Ivy over behind door number 3.
This Ivy is early 20's, petite, bolt on c's, n super hot viet girl. Started with CBJ then I asked and got DATY. She washed real good so no evidence of the monger before me in her luvly luv nest.
I ended up mish n did the encore with her bending over doggie.

QUOTE=B Malibu]Hey wait! I'm not into fatties. I like a women to look like a woman, but not down with the chub.[/QUOTE]

08-16-09, 16:59
Ah#5 advertises complete service in spanish in the mexican newspaper Rumores.
They tell you to speak in english when you call.

08-17-09, 05:21
I called both my ATF as well as my favorite for legit massages plus extras over the past week. Both told me to not to visit MPs for now. Too much LE activity in the OC.

08-17-09, 17:19
Went and saw Cindy and got a HH massage. She was very shy and not at all into it. Not sure what I did but it was a pretty lousy experience.

08-17-09, 21:44
So I went down to the Go Karts last Thursday and I was blown away by the chick who answered the door. Undoubtedly the hottest chick I'd seen at an AMP and definitely did not smell like cigarettes or kimchi. She asked me if I'd been there I said of course and the usual fee, .5 and a room. I got in and got ready. She comes in and I'm facing up and we skip the massage.

We go through like 6 different positions and I'm pretty sure I spent about a solid 40 minutes. Gave her the usual $ tip and left. But I have to say, I've been going there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and was sometimes disappointed with the quality. I asked her what days she works and she says Thurs-Sun and I told her I'd spread the word of her good service. Definitely will go back towards the end of the week. Oh yea, and I had a good run-in with another business guy who left smiling as well.

Good luck out there!

Cash Value
08-18-09, 00:33
Yeap got a call from a girl I know pretty good. Said LE is all over everywhere. She said they were all told to stop by mamasan for a while. Too dangerous she said. Asked if I wanted after hours massage. Of course! Had a good long talk with her, said strange people coming in asking and trying to get extras in a weird way. Told her shes just scared and should be. Guess its some kind of big crackdown. Are pay raises coming up or what?

Member #4870
08-18-09, 01:40
Anyone frequent Lbfc recently?

Hanna still there?



Fe Maiden
08-18-09, 09:54
So I went down to the Go Karts last Thursday and I was blown away by the chick who answered the door. Undoubtedly the hottest chick I'd seen at an AMP and definitely did not smell like cigarettes or kimchi. She asked me if I'd been there I said of course and the usual fee, .5 and a room. I got in and got ready. She comes in and I'm facing up and we skip the massage.

We go through like 6 different positions and I'm pretty sure I spent about a solid 40 minutes. Gave her the usual $ tip and left. But I have to say, I've been going there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and was sometimes disappointed with the quality. I asked her what days she works and she says Thurs-Sun and I told her I'd spread the word of her good service. Definitely will go back towards the end of the week. Oh yea, and I had a good run-in with another business guy who left smiling as well.

Good luck out there!Which place as there are a couple there?

Oc Amper
08-18-09, 16:05
Yeap got a call from a girl I know pretty good. Said LE is all over everywhere. She said they were all told to stop by mamasan for a while. Too dangerous she said. Asked if I wanted after hours massage. Of course! Had a good long talk with her, said strange people coming in asking and trying to get extras in a weird way. Told her shes just scared and should be. Guess its some kind of big crackdown. Are pay raises coming up or what?

You've probably hit the nail on the head, although not pay raises per se. With all of the budget cuts it might be a way of attempting to justify headcount.

08-18-09, 17:16

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5 sentenced in forced prostitution case

Associated Press
Posted: 08/18/2009 06:20:29 AM PDT

LOS ANGELES - Five people who lured Guatemalan women to Los Angeles, where the women were beaten and forced into prostitution, have been sentenced to federal prison terms of 30 to 40 years.
The ringleader, Gladys Vasquez-Valenzuela, got 40 years in prison Monday in U.S. District Court.

Her sister and two nieces received 30 years each. One of her niece's boyfriends was sentenced to 35 years.

The five were found guilty in February of dozens of counts, including conspiracy and sex trafficking by force and fraud.

The judge said the scheme forced girls as young as 13 to prostitute themselves. Some women saw as many as 30 men per day.

Several victims testified Monday about the brutality they endured and their persistent fears.

The judge said none of the defendants showed any signs of remorse.

08-19-09, 15:18
Called a favorite from a while back. Normally I loose the #'s when they give them too me. This one I kept for some reason. Wish I kept more now after talking to her. She told me she is going to move on since she feels like le is all over the pace right now. She thinks it is from the bust that was made that everyone is talking about on here. Sad to see. She is thinking about either up north or Vegas for a long term move. Dang she was good.

Wish I kept some of those #'s now.

On the good side it does save me some money since bills are hitting me hard and money is tight for me and will be for a while. Oh well would have been nice to skip the extra payment at the door and just pay the girl the normal amount.

08-19-09, 17:39
i feel somewhat vindicated. it seems that there are many mongers who don't mind banging trafficked, **** girls.

i think these would be the ethnic resident wham-bam-thank you-next kinda places...there aren't many amps or aamps where someone would do 30 guys a day.

only thing close to that volume would be tijuana-style olympic blvd or main street in la (a long time ago) where you would score a street girl for $20 and it would be in the stairwell or abandoned gas station and they just drop their panties, bend over and tell you to hurry.

08-20-09, 04:04
Went to the runway today. Asked for T*** just in case she was there, but alas, no. Still only works Friday. So B**** is available today. Sure thing. I wait a few minutes for her, meanwhile I shower, lie down, relax a bit.


L - Face 9.6 Body 9.9 OMG HOT OMG HOT OMG HOT!
A - 10 Sweet and sexy personality. Like a kitten. That I fucked for 30 minutes.
S - 9.8 Sensual teasing. Lots of play. cbj cfs. cg was tight and erotic, great motion on her part. mish was unbelieveable. Not high mileage on GFE, but very very sensual and erotic. And did I mention the great attitude?
E - .5 + 1.0
R - My new latina ATF. What the FUCK do you think?!?

BM: This place is crazy man. Where the hell do they find the talent? I'm surprised that you would wander off anywhere else. You can't be tired of this place already!!! I've tried D***** and T***. B**** really takes the cake.


08-20-09, 11:07
Can you PM me a where "Runway" is located? I do most of my mongering in the IE and I'm looking to expand. Doesn't really sound like the OC is a good place to expand to with LE being in full force but I have a really bad itch that needs some attention.

08-20-09, 14:04
Called a favorite from a while back. Normally I loose the #'s when they give them too me. This one I kept for some reason. Wish I kept more now after talking to her. She told me she is going to move on since she feels like le is all over the pace right now. She thinks it is from the bust that was made that everyone is talking about on here. Sad to see. She is thinking about either up north or Vegas for a long term move. Dang she was good.

Wish I kept some of those #'s now.

On the good side it does save me some money since bills are hitting me hard and money is tight for me and will be for a while. Oh well would have been nice to skip the extra payment at the door and just pay the girl the normal amount.

Must agree with all the other mongers and their comments about the girls laying low for a while. I, too, get phone numbers whenever I can and have been lucky enough to keep most of them. Two of the regulars at the Animal Clinic have since stopped working there and have taken "vacations." One of the girls at the other Brookhurst location (the one not busted) has told me that she will only see the ones she knows at her hotel. Haven't partaken yet, but am tempted.

08-20-09, 14:27

I haven't tried D., but T., B., but my personal face there is J. (Wednesdays).

Best place around, IMHO.

08-20-09, 16:40

I haven't tried D., but T., B., but my personal face there is J. (Wednesdays).

Best place around, IMHO.

I asked about D., but she's moved on. New talent's a-plenty there. Ditto on "Best place around."


08-20-09, 22:39
I asked about D., but she's moved on. New talent's a-plenty there. Ditto on "Best place around."

Great info! Makes me wish I hadn't lost my Captain Marvel decoder ring years ago.

08-21-09, 01:20
Great info! Makes me wish I hadn't lost my Captain Marvel decoder ring years ago.

You're lucky I'm not posting in Apache native american indian tongue!

08-21-09, 09:27
Great info! Makes me wish I hadn't lost my Captain Marvel decoder ring years ago.I don't know you and I'm newer here but proven on another forum so maybe you've already earned everyone else's confidence, but IMHO, this place is so good I will do what I reasonably can to protect it from LE - and that included being far more selective to whom to provide info than I would someother run-of-the-mill AMP.

Joe Coodidge
08-21-09, 10:42
Went to the runway today. Asked for T*** just in case she was there, but alas, no. Still only works Friday. So B**** is available today. Sure thing. I wait a few minutes for her, meanwhile I shower, lie down, relax a bit.


Sent you a PM.



Cash Value
08-21-09, 15:32
I noticed that in SC only LFBC adn the other one in SJC are the only ones that do anything more. Lake Forest is all but dead and Laguna Hills has a few but do nothing either.

Guess I need to venture out again and find a place with a good ass massage where the girl really tries to get you hot during the whole massage.

08-21-09, 16:28
Went to the runway today. Asked for T*** just in case she was there, but alas, no. Still only works Friday. So B**** is available today. Sure thing. I wait a few minutes for her, meanwhile I shower, lie down, relax a bit.


L - Face 9.6 Body 9.9 OMG HOT OMG HOT OMG HOT!
A - 10 Sweet and sexy personality. Like a kitten. That I fucked for 30 minutes.
S - 9.8 Sensual teasing. Lots of play. cbj cfs. cg was tight and erotic, great motion on her part. mish was unbelieveable. Not high mileage on GFE, but very very sensual and erotic. And did I mention the great attitude?
E - .5 + 1.0
R - My new latina ATF. What the FUCK do you think?!?

BM: This place is crazy man. Where the hell do they find the talent? I'm surprised that you would wander off anywhere else. You can't be tired of this place already!!! I've tried D***** and T***. B**** really takes the cake.

BenderBend, tried a PM to you but your box is full. can you pm me pls. Like to try out your Latina huny this weekend.

PC out

08-22-09, 03:36

Above is th link to the article about the bust.

Well, If you charge 2.00 for a HE then karma is going to bite you in the ass. Really though, that trafficking sensationalism is a load of crap. I'm not sure who to hate more...the cops or UH.

08-22-09, 12:11
Bend, tried a PM to you but your box is full. can you pm me pls. Like to try out your Latina huny this weekend.

PC out

Yeah, my mailbox got filled up with dozens of requests for this place, mostly from guys with 0 or near 0 posts. Sorry, but my agreement with mms is personal references by phonecall only. I'll only be contacting a few senior members I know who have asked.

Again, sorry.


PS: It turns out even if you show up and say "Hey, Bender told me about this place" she'll say Ok, have him give me a call for you, and come back after he does.

08-23-09, 12:04

I'm glad I'm not the only one keeping this place on the down low. I'm sorts bummed mms got her braces off, she looked so damned cute I wanted to session with her too!

08-23-09, 12:17
Yeah, my mailbox got filled up with dozens of requests for this place, mostly from guys with 0 or near 0 posts. Sorry, but my agreement with mms is personal references by phonecall only. I'll only be contacting a few senior members I know who have asked.

Again, sorry.


PS: It turns out even if you show up and say "Hey, Bender told me about this place" she'll say Ok, have him give me a call for you, and come back after he does.Bender,

No worries, we are good.

PC out

Member #5257
08-23-09, 18:48
This is my first success after many days of lurking and worrying about leo and such. Went by go karts. This is the one in the back.

Mms asked about being there earlier and I mentioned jen, paid.45 for hh. Candy came in, smelling of perfume (definitely not expensive). Maybe 5 or 6 in the face but nice small body, large tits. She gave a half decent rub on the back, asking the same q about being there earlier etc.

Flipped over and asked what I wanted. First offered HJ for.6 I asked everything for 1. Agreed. CBJ, cg, mish and finish in cg playng her nice large tits. Cleaned up with a warm towel.

She was nice and tight, said only works sun/mon. Repeatable, once I have done the rounds of other places.

Good luck

Cash Value
08-24-09, 00:04
Massage by Emily

posted: August 20, 2009, 04:46 AM

Reply: click here
Lovely, quiet masseuse. Certified. Zen environment. 80.00-hr.

Trabuco at Lake Forest dr., 92630 google map | yahoo map

• Location: Orange County

On backpage dot com

08-24-09, 01:01
Tried the one on main that opens till 2 am, was given michelle. Nice body, ok face. Barely spoke any English. With all efforts, most could get was a HJ for .6. Total damage was 1.2. Told to come back and ask for her for more extras, not sure if I'm willing to come back

08-24-09, 01:28
A place near Mile Square Park advertises in craigslist : Attention- Special New Girls - Sunday Only Special - w4m (Fountain Valley and surrounding areas).

Thought I'd try it and oops! Paid the $35 special for the 1/2 hour "massage" to a 20 something caucasian with multiple tat's and facial piercings - average body at best. Went into a room with walls 3/4 up to the ceiling (this was kind of concern) and undressed while she was standing there.

No towel on the backside - thought that might be a good sign. "Massage" started with zero skills and a lot of oil. No fewer than 10 minutes into she asks "You want a handjob?" Asked if there was anything else on the menu and she responds "Everything." How much? "$125 " I laughed and countered $100 and she accepted.

What followed was the worst definition of "everything" I have had in all my years of mongering. A quick few tugs with more oil - "Hey, I paid for more than that..." "Oh, you want to start ... ok ... you come here and stand." She then lays on the massge table, spreads her legs and has me do a standing version of the missionary." During this she assumed the "dead fish" personality. When I asked for a change of positions - "Oh no." With the 3/4 walls I chose not to make a scene and pounded until finished.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd rather screw my ex-wife than this girl again! This is one of those places that gives a bad name to AMP's and the place you kind of hope gets busted instead of a quality shop.

Be careful out there.

08-24-09, 02:35
Hey, I'm new in Oc, just having moved here from L.A.

Has anyone been to any of the parlors in Little Saigon? There's one on Bolsa called Happy Spa or something like that.

Please PM me if you don't want to post.

I can't seem to figure out the actual locations in the posts on this part of the board.

If anyone wants to exchange some intel about L.A. or TJ, let me know...



08-24-09, 02:59
A place near Mile Square Park advertises in craigslist : Attention- Special New Girls - Sunday Only Special - w4m (Fountain Valley and surrounding areas).

Thought I'd try it and oops! Paid the $35 special for the 1/2 hour "massage" to a 20 something caucasian with multiple tat's and facial piercings - average body at best. Went into a room with walls 3/4 up to the ceiling (this was kind of concern) and undressed while she was standing there.

No towel on the backside - thought that might be a good sign. "Massage" started with zero skills and a lot of oil. No fewer than 10 minutes into she asks "You want a handjob?" Asked if there was anything else on the menu and she responds "Everything." How much? "$125 " I laughed and countered $100 and she accepted.

What followed was the worst definition of "everything" I have had in all my years of mongering. A quick few tugs with more oil - "Hey, I paid for more than that..." "Oh, you want to start ... ok ... you come here and stand." She then lays on the massge table, spreads her legs and has me do a standing version of the missionary." During this she assumed the "dead fish" personality. When I asked for a change of positions - "Oh no." With the 3/4 walls I chose not to make a scene and pounded until finished.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd rather screw my ex-wife than this girl again! This is one of those places that gives a bad name to AMP's and the place you kind of hope gets busted instead of a quality shop.

Be careful out there.

I agree. The absolute worst place I've been to that actually offered extras.
If mine hadn't been so good looking, it would have been a total write off.
Sad to hear that more of the talent is the same way.

08-24-09, 16:08
Tried the one on main that opens till 2 am, was given michelle. Nice body, ok face. Barely spoke any English. With all efforts, most could get was a HJ for .6. Total damage was 1.2. Told to come back and ask for her for more extras, not sure if I'm willing to come backI went there, got my HJ for .4.

I had a Latina girl though, forgot her name but she was a 6 out of 10 at best.

Cash Value
08-24-09, 17:28
Massage by Emily

posted: August 20, 2009, 04:46 AM

Reply: click here
Lovely, quiet masseuse. Certified. Zen environment. 80.00-hr.

Trabuco at Lake Forest dr., 92630 google map | yahoo map

• Location: Orange County

On backpage dot comDamn Im going to be in Pasadena for the next few weeks. If you try this lady please msg and tell me about it. Finally find a incall in south county and Im going to be 70 miles away. If anyone wants to know about most of the places south of the 55 fwy let me know. I am always willing to share or give info.


08-24-09, 22:16
Tried Happy, not too great.

The massage wasn't that great and nothing extra was offered.

Hey, I'm new in Oc, just having moved here from L.A.

Has anyone been to any of the parlors in Little Saigon? There's one on Bolsa called Happy Spa or something like that.

Please PM me if you don't want to post.

I can't seem to figure out the actual locations in the posts on this part of the board.

If anyone wants to exchange some intel about L.A. or TJ, let me know...



08-24-09, 22:52
Damn Im going to be in Pasadena for the next few weeks. If you try this lady please msg and tell me about it. Finally find a incall in south county and Im going to be 70 miles away. If anyone wants to know about most of the places south of the 55 fwy let me know. I am always willing to share or give info.

ThanksRemember u Share info on Circle K(Kim's Spa)Costa Mesa,u said u got extra there, but I been there and many other forum member have been,but they got nothing. Totally legit place.

08-25-09, 01:55
Hey, I'm new in Oc, just having moved here from L.A.

Has anyone been to any of the parlors in Little Saigon? There's one on Bolsa called Happy Spa or something like that.

Please PM me if you don't want to post.

I can't seem to figure out the actual locations in the posts on this part of the board.

If anyone wants to exchange some intel about L.A. or TJ, let me know...


DylanNot right on Bolsa but should try this place Harmony Day Spa (714)530-7900

Enjoy & be safe!

08-25-09, 04:20
A place near Mile Square Park advertises in craigslist : Attention- Special New Girls - Sunday Only Special - w4m (Fountain Valley and surrounding areas).

Thought I'd try it and oops! Paid the $35 special for the 1/2 hour "massage" to a 20 something caucasian with multiple tat's and facial piercings - average body at best. Went into a room with walls 3/4 up to the ceiling (this was kind of concern) and undressed while she was standing there.

No towel on the backside - thought that might be a good sign. "Massage" started with zero skills and a lot of oil. No fewer than 10 minutes into she asks "You want a handjob?" Asked if there was anything else on the menu and she responds "Everything." How much? "$125 " I laughed and countered $100 and she accepted.

What followed was the worst definition of "everything" I have had in all my years of mongering. A quick few tugs with more oil - "Hey, I paid for more than that..." "Oh, you want to start ... ok ... you come here and stand." She then lays on the massge table, spreads her legs and has me do a standing version of the missionary." During this she assumed the "dead fish" personality. When I asked for a change of positions - "Oh no." With the 3/4 walls I chose not to make a scene and pounded until finished.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd rather screw my ex-wife than this girl again! This is one of those places that gives a bad name to AMP's and the place you kind of hope gets busted instead of a quality shop.

Be careful out there.If this is the place that I'm thinking of, I used to eat at the Vietnamese vegetarian restaurant next door, but they changed menu's. There's also an old school Chinese restaurant in the center, the owner has been a fixture there for decades. They serve old school dishes like egg foo young.

As for the massage, the girls there are very mechanical and kept looking at the clock. The wall doesn't go all the way to the ceiling, and there's a speaker mounted on top of the corner. Of the few times I went, I wondered if there's a hidden camera in there or something.

I did see one hot Viet girl there before with bolt-on's, but she was always busy.

Cash Value
08-25-09, 10:29
Remember u Share info on Circle K(Kim's Spa)Costa Mesa,u said u got extra there, but I been there and many other forum member have been,but they got nothing. Totally legit place.I never said I got extras there. I said the one up the street from there with Cici. Try to read the report right. I have over 500 posts so get off my back. Mera mesa is behind 7-11 off of Harblr and I got extras there. Least try to be decent about things. Its ok, cause I see you have 0 posts that are worth reading.

08-25-09, 12:11
Column in today's Register by Yvette Cabrera on "Sex Exploitation" in the Local section. Has pictures taken during the bust. One has a monger and provider waiting to be questioned.

Hope it wasn't a lister.

Stay safe out there.


08-25-09, 14:15
Article with accompanying 40+ pictures in today's Register. Anybody recognize the rooms? the providers?


08-25-09, 14:25
Article with accompanying 40+ pictures in today's Register. Anybody recognize the rooms? the providers?


They were all wearing jeans.

08-25-09, 15:08
They were all wearing jeans.I think it was United Health Massage Parlor that got raid by police.

08-25-09, 15:43
Article with accompanying 40+ pictures in today's Register. Anybody recognize the rooms? the providers?

http://www.ocregister.com/articles/marsh-says-trafficking-2539814-victims-womenWell I stopped going to UHC along time ago because of the unfriendliness and $$$$ wanted.

The other location is I think rather new I think I saw ads starting to pop up for them on Craigslist but I never went there, but it is an old area in terms of parlors in the past.

Tiger Shark101
08-25-09, 18:34
They were all wearing jeans.Referring to the pic of the girls walking to the van in front in United, I recognize one, Jessie/Jessica, because of her hair.

Where was that other place with the number "4?"

Jon Jones
08-25-09, 18:50
In the video even the cop says it's unlikely that the girls at United were trafficed. If fact, it's unlikely that any Asian girls would be trafficed in the U.S. With thousands of girls providing FS in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bejing and countless other places for under $20 US, why would anyone be forced to come here who didn't want to come?

Article with accompanying 40+ pictures in today's Register. Anybody recognize the rooms? the providers?


Cash Value
08-25-09, 23:35
Human trafficking? Right. Thank god Bmalibu wasnt in any of those pics. I noticed none of those girls were hot enough for him LOL. Hey no pics of the mercedes or bmw's those girls drove?

08-25-09, 23:43
Well, they had to make some headlines to justify the task force. And don't forget about Australia where it is regulated and legalized. A former AAMP owner I know moved to Australia and was taking classes and studying hard to be able to open her own brothel because although the fees where less, she could operate out in the open and be busy. And it was easier to get the girls to travel there.

In the video even the cop says it's unlikely that the girls at United were trafficed. If fact, it's unlikely that any Asian girls would be trafficed in the U.S. With thousands of girls providing FS in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bejing and countless other places for under $20 US, why would anyone be forced to come here who didn't want to come?

Jon Jones
08-26-09, 12:08
Australia. If you search the International Forum you see that my trip to Sydney was what got me started in this sinful, expensive hobby.

Member #5046
08-26-09, 13:00
I was watching the video of the massage parlor busts the first place they raided looked familar but I couldn't place it where was that?

08-26-09, 13:13
Damn Im going to be in Pasadena for the next few weeks. If you try this lady please msg and tell me about it. Finally find a incall in south county and Im going to be 70 miles away. If anyone wants to know about most of the places south of the 55 fwy let me know. I am always willing to share or give info.

ThanksHey Cash,

Just sent an e mail off to her. I am waiting on a response. If it sounds good I will be trying her out. Will let you know how things go.

08-26-09, 15:21
If fact, it's unlikely that any Asian girls would be trafficed in the U.S. With thousands of girls providing FS in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bejing and countless other places for under $20 US, why would anyone be forced to come here who didn't want to come?C'mon dude, are you REALLY that naive? Or are you just trying to rationalize the dark side of mongering?

You ever been to Vietnam or HK? Travel there and then see why a girl might want to come here to work either a legit job or even in the sex trade. While none of these girls may actually be victims of trafficking, don't pretend that it doesn't exist. And frankly your comment doesn't make sense, if there are already "thousands of girls providing FS" in various third-world countries, doesn't that mean that that there's more supply than demand? That alone would make some want to go elsewhere.

08-26-09, 19:31
I am on the road most of the year as a show exhibitor and when in the garden Grove area I go do my laundry next door to UH. As Cash Value says,what about all those Mercedes and BMW's.The cars they roll up in are pretty amazing for a place with nothing going on.

Member #3063
08-26-09, 19:41
I was watching the video of the massage parlor busts the first place they raided looked familar but I couldn't place it where was that?
It was raided last year.If you are going north on Brookhurst past GG blvd just b 4 lampson on the right side .They had actual FBI agents raid them.As for this other place, I use to wash clothes right next door and these girls came and went on there own.Driving their Mercedes and Lexus,even the officer in the video said that they looked like thee weren't trafficked.Wonder if any of those mongers got out without any trouble.Police cant prove anything, I bet they sure and hell try to scare them into admitting.Just sit there with mouth shut and admit to nothing.

08-27-09, 01:11
She got back to me and quoted 100. Maybe my email address seems richer?
Unless it includes f/s, I'm losing interest.

Massage by Emily
Lovely, quiet masseuse. Certified. Zen environment. 80.00-hr.

Jon Jones
08-27-09, 12:18
"You ever been to Vietnam or HK? Travel there and then see why a girl might want to come here to work either a legit job or even in the sex trade."

If you search my posts on the International board you'll find my detailed reports on Vietnam, Hong Kong, and many other designations.

"And frankly your comment doesn't make sense, if there are already "thousands of girls providing FS" in various third-world countries, doesn't that mean that that there's more supply than demand? That alone would make some want to go elsewhere."

You make my point. If thousands of girls in VN or HK would want to come here to work, why would a trafficer force a girl to come here against her will?

"C'mon dude, are you REALLY that naive? Or are you just trying to rationalize the dark side of mongering?"

No, not at all. It clearly exists as my post from a few days ago acknowleges.

08-27-09, 19:47
It isn't common or nearly impossible to bring anyone accross the pacific ocean and have them here to work in public places such as massage / chiropractic centers. There were some rare cases in the past in the bay area, when the girls were forced to work till these girls pay all the debts that they owned to the ones who brought them here illegally. And yes, this was considered human trafficking.

My ex-gf ran a parlor in sacto & got raided. With pimping violation wasn't good enough for the LEs tasks, they went after her for for serious charges: money laundering & samething, human trafficking. The girls worked for her got detained for questioning & released the next day with misdemeanor charge (yes, that's it for prostitution if admitted). They couldn't charge my ex-gf for human trafficking because all of those girls were legal immigrants with valid green cards or passports & admited they worked with willingness. They still went after my ex for money laundry charge with stupidest evidences such as making deposits $1k cash here & there. The DA finally agreed to drop the case for lack of evidence.

The Spa was an upscale with many clients who were professionals. Some were lawyers & law officers (yes, these understand the laws well & know how to go around it. They got treated very well so they could leave the place in business). One of these identified himself during the raid as under cover but he was a happy regular client of this place for a long time. Sucks, who would trust who now?

South County
08-27-09, 19:57
Anyone been here? A girl at another place recommended it to me.

08-27-09, 23:42
I'll admit that's a good point. If there are so many that are willingly in the trade, then it's curious as to why there's a trafficking problem in the first place when you'd think they'd go willingly.

But since you acknowledge there is one, I'm confused as to your comment stating "it's unlikely that any Asian girls would be trafficed in the USA". Are you saying that there's little to no trafficking of Asian women, that it's mainly among Latinas? Or that's it exists but to lesser extent in the US as compared to other nations that turn more of a blind eye to sexual slavery and the trade. I'd accept that rational.

Anyway, I guess I've prattled on long enough about this subject, but despite the appearance of material wealth by some of the providers, I still think it's have to be a shitty way of making a living. I mean let's face it, the average monger is never gonna be confused with Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman or Denzel Washington.

Hugh Grant ?

08-28-09, 06:45
While not able to play in the OC very often, I decided to take this opportunity. Having caught up on my reading I decided on a place that offered basic service. I found a previous review of a place that fit the bill. I saw 2 girls when I entered, a brunette I didn't get acquainted with and a blond named Eva. I place both their ages in the 40s. I was led to a room, asked for the door fee and asked to undress in a more direct way. To my surprise there was no pretense of a massage at all and it appeared more was in the offering. Price seemed to be negotiable as well. $$ was requested in addition to the.45 door fee. I only had.85 remaining. I left with only lint in my pocket.

08-28-09, 17:24
Article with accompanying 40+ pictures in today's Register. Anybody recognize the rooms? the providers?


Well, there certainly isn't any trafficking going on at these places but the police need to raid something, right? I mean...how else is Westminster police Lt. Derek Marsh, co-director of the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force going to justify his position and salary. He might think that he is not being paid all that much, but its a lot more than many people are being paid at this time. Citizens, please see this non-sense for what it is...pure non-sense and a waste of taxpayers dollars for nothing.

08-28-09, 19:34
She got back to me and quoted 100. Maybe my email address seems richer?

Unless it includes f/s, I'm losing interest.She got back with me as well. Her ad is 80 for 1 hour. Her quote is 100 for 1.5 hours. I just am not able to work out the time yet but when I do I will write up a report. I have her # and will be in contact with her this next week.

Jon Jones
08-28-09, 20:18
If there's one thing we can learn from the stories is that it's probably a good idea to avoid cities that receive Federal Grant money. As was pointed out earlier, LE needs to justify the use of the money.

Well, there certainly isn't any trafficking going on at these places but the police need to raid something, right? I mean...how else is Westminster police Lt. Derek Marsh, co-director of the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force going to justify his position and salary. He might think that he is not being paid all that much, but its a lot more than many people are being paid at this time. Citizens, please see this non-sense for what it is...pure non-sense and a waste of taxpayers dollars for nothing.

Jon Jones
08-30-09, 13:31
Right, mongers are gonna check out whether or not the city they choose to play in is gettin' any grant money. Please.

In going back and reading the stories, it wouldn't have helped in this case anyway. The Task Force is based in Westminister while the busts were in Garden Grove.

08-30-09, 14:16
Any recommendations of legitimate massage parlors.

Three X
08-30-09, 15:16
Right, mongers are gonna check out whether or not the city they choose to play in is gettin' any grant money. Please.

And Onilove96, without me trying to get back on the soapbox, the point is we DON'T know for certain whether or not ANY of these girls are trafficked, but for Christ's sake, stop the whiny rhetoric about LE "justifying" their jobs and wasting of taxpayer's money, it goes with the territory.They were not trafficked!

Trafficked girl don't have cars and credit cards and shit!

you guy watch to many bad movies!

You will never see a trafficked girl

Asians only see them mostly Viets, Malay and Indonesians

The bareback all customer too condom are optional

Don;t talk about stuff you really don't know about!

Please you are spreading bullshit!

Not to mention if they say the are trafficked they get a free Green Card!

08-31-09, 01:47
Right, mongers are gonna check out whether or not the city they choose to play in is gettin' any grant money. Please.

And Onilove96, without me trying to get back on the soapbox, the point is we DON'T know for certain whether or not ANY of these girls are trafficked, but for Christ's sake, stop the whiny rhetoric about LE "justifying" their jobs and wasting of taxpayer's money, it goes with the territory.

Mr Broadjumper,

Please don't get on the soapbox but go back and have a drink with Lt Marsh. By the looks of it, you get your kicks by being disruptive and contrary. You are so busy defending the recent policing actions that I am starting to wonder your motives. If you have some inside information, please spit it out. Otherwise, the fellows and I that have been to these two places numerous times will keep on believing that these raids are bullshit and that these women are not trafficked. Increbible! these OC Republicans

08-31-09, 14:57
They were not trafficked!

Trafficked girl don't have cars and credit cards and shit!

you guy watch to many bad movies!

You will never see a trafficked girl

Asians only see them mostly Viets, Malay and Indonesians

The bareback all customer too condom are optional

Don;t talk about stuff you really don't know about!

Please you are spreading bullshit!

Not to mention if they say the are trafficked they get a free Green Card!1) They were not trafficked

I didn't say the UH girls were, God forbid you go back and read the thread. I said the "house" further down Brookhurst, might have some, but frankly no one knows, not even you, Mr. Clairvoyant. And I also said MOST mongers could care less if they were, but I'm sure you'll rationalize it no matter what.

2) Trafficked girl don't have cars and credit cards and shit!

I must've missed the part of the story that says the girls all had "credit cards and shit!"

3) you guy watch to many bad movies!

I watch plenty of movies, thank you very much, but I rarely watch those with human trafficking as it's theme, try again. As for being bad, well, that's all a matter of personal taste and opinion, now isn't it?

4) You will never see a trafficked girl

Like the song says, "I've been around the world, I've seen a million girls..." And whether I have or haven't is purely anyone's guess, that's right, a guess.

5) Asians only see them mostly Viets, Malay and Indonesians.

Hmmm, where did I say exactly state my ethnic background? Oh, right, clairvoyant...I forgot.

6) The bareback all customer too condom are optional

So too are the STDs once can assume, good luck with that.

7) Don;t talk about stuff you really don't know about!

Last I checked, this was a nation that allows free speech, even regarding subjects that one knows little of. But in any case, If you'll look back, you'll see I never made any definitive statement as to these girl's status, only that no one, including you knows what these girls backgrounds are, that most mongers didn't care one way or the other and those that claim some kind of righteous indignation were simply rationalizing their behavior. Ah, but this kind of introspection is difficult, I know...

8) Please you are spreading bullshit!

Not at all. Show me where I said they were definately trafficked. I'd suggest you re-read my posts, but you'd only claim it to be awaste of your time. Frankly I believe your comprehension to be limited in any event, so you might be right. To you I guess that even being open-minded to the most minute possibility = spreading bullshit.

9) Not to mention if they say the are trafficked they get a free Green Card!

LOL!, Attention ladies, say you're trafficked and win a free gree card! We wants all our ****** ta be legal now, ya hear? Must be an immigration law I haven't yet heard of, but it's all good huh?

Happy ho'ing

Oc Pleasure
08-31-09, 19:46
Yo yo. Drop all these arguments about LE busting already. Let's go back and post your reports. They are much more pleasant to read and enjoy. Spread the love y'all.

08-31-09, 22:07
Just met Quinnie couple days ago! UH is back at business as usual.

Is it safe to come back and visit? Any thoughts experineced senior members?


Dick Forbrains
08-31-09, 23:28
Does anyone know where you can get such a thing?

I've seen some videos that make it look real fun.

09-01-09, 01:02
1) They were not trafficked

I didn't say the UH girls were, God forbid you go back and read the thread. I said the "house" further down Brookhurst, might have some, but frankly no one knows, not even you, Mr. Clairvoyant. And I also said MOST mongers could care less if they were, but I'm sure you'll rationalize it no matter what.

2) Trafficked girl don't have cars and credit cards and shit!

I must've missed the part of the story that says the girls all had "credit cards and shit!"

3) you guy watch to many bad movies!

I watch plenty of movies, thank you very much, but I rarely watch those with human trafficking as it's theme, try again. As for being bad, well, that's all a matter of personal taste and opinion, now isn't it?

4) You will never see a trafficked girl

Like the song says, "I've been around the world, I've seen a million girls..." And whether I have or haven't is purely anyone's guess, that's right, a guess.

5) Asians only see them mostly Viets, Malay and Indonesians.

Hmmm, where did I say exactly state my ethnic background? Oh, right, clairvoyant...I forgot.

6) The bareback all customer too condom are optional

So too are the STDs once can assume, good luck with that.

7) Don;t talk about stuff you really don't know about!

Last I checked, this was a nation that allows free speech, even regarding subjects that one knows little of. But in any case, If you'll look back, you'll see I never made any definitive statement as to these girl's status, only that no one, including you knows what these girls backgrounds are, that most mongers didn't care one way or the other and those that claim some kind of righteous indignation were simply rationalizing their behavior. Ah, but this kind of introspection is difficult, I know...

8) Please you are spreading bullshit!

Not at all. Show me where I said they were definately trafficked. I'd suggest you re-read my posts, but you'd only claim it to be awaste of your time. Frankly I believe your comprehension to be limited in any event, so you might be right. To you I guess that even being open-minded to the most minute possibility = spreading bullshit.

9) Not to mention if they say the are trafficked they get a free Green Card!

LOL!, Attention ladies, say you're trafficked and win a free gree card! We wants all our ****** ta be legal now, ya hear? Must be an immigration law I haven't yet heard of, but it's all good huh?

Happy ho'ing

WTF? Please go back to m y s p a c e! U haven't posted anything useful on the board and now you start disrespecting members that have done their dues. No body is interested in you or your psychosis. Pretty soon you'll be a senior member from bashing other members!? Why don't you focus on posting something of value to the USASG community? Personally, I'm adding you to my ignore list. Weirdo!

09-01-09, 02:46
Went back for 3rds. Sweet sexy Ivy waiting at backdoor scantly dressed as I walked towards the ho house. No mamason in sight. Ivy directs me to the room, takes my $40 entry fee as i peeled it off n got ready for sum serious action.
2 min later in she walks in still in her short dress as i rub up her thigh n noticed not even a thong, jus sweet viet ass cheeks n trimmed kitty as my hands roamed in heaven.
This round she didnt miss a beat. Her hand on my meat n not long after she had my meat in her mouth. She was sucking away like a vacumn as i lay back n enjoyed the action. I raised my hips up to get sum rythem going as she was doing sum serious deep throating. I had to slow her down coz i was ready to pop.
She climbed aboard CG and rode me like a wild bull rider, again I had to slow this wide viet ho down or else I'd pop. I got her on her back n spread her luvly milky viet thighs wide open as I climbed up for the encore. I got my meat back inside her luv nest and started pounding her hard n fast as she maoned. Wasnt ;ong before I shot tons of my hot cream into her, (rubber), lol.
TE=Asain_Ucker]I was in mood again early sat morning n decided to try door number 6, the viet poon. Hadn't had any good viet poon since the days of the closed down tanning parlor over on euclid/westminister.
Got in mamason had me wait in the lil waiting while another monger was busy hammering away on some cute spinner.I was saying to myself come on dude hurry up and shoot,lol. Anyway it was time to rotate, out he walks and in I go for my turn at it. Ivy walks in, now mind you this not the same fat Ivy over behind door number 3.
This Ivy is early 20's, petite, bolt on c's, n super hot viet girl. Started with CBJ then I asked and got DATY. She washed real good so no evidence of the monger before me in her luvly luv nest.
I ended up mish n did the encore with her bending over doggie.

QUOTE=B Malibu]Hey wait! I'm not into fatties. I like a women to look like a woman, but not down with the chub.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

09-01-09, 10:15
Does anyone have any Laguna Hills area news? Lake Forest and Moulton areas?
Going to be stuck there for a few and would love something new if worth the price of admission. Not looking for Playful Joy level this week.
Triton or the places on Ridge Route?
I'm done with Emerald Spa for now, Sarah showed me to a new girl last month who left me less than satisfied.
Thanks for any help guys.

09-01-09, 10:30
Does anyone know where you can get such a thing?

I've seen some videos that make it look real fun.

Sure! All over Thailand.

09-01-09, 11:17
Had a session with Julliette from HX, was done on a table rather than a mattress. Was as good as any I have had in BKK. She hasn't posted in a while. A few weeks ago, there was a posting by another provider offering soapies, but hasn't been repeated in her current postings. I've seen a couple of her girls, so I should get off my duff & email her.

If you get to BKK, try Annie's between Soi's 2 & 4 off Sukhumvit. Have had good times there in the past. Have heard that it is showing its age & YMMV. Check the International Sex Guide, you can use the tab on the home page.

You have to experience at least one soapy in your lifetime.


Migrant One
09-01-09, 12:22
Sure! All over Thailand.

And they are real fun!!!

09-01-09, 14:13
And they are real fun!!!
And Cheap by US Standards!!:D

South County
09-01-09, 16:55
Done their dues? Oh excuse me, but WTF do I owe YOU let alone anyone else? I never claimed to be the fount of monger information but if I decide to share it's my business, not yours, since I'm not ASKING anyone for info. And as far as me becoming a Sr. Member by "bashing", riiight that's my plan. That's as laughable as the rest of your comments.

You didn't have to repond to my comments in the first place, but if you can't handle an honest opinion then I'm glad you're gonna be "adding you to my ignore list", it'll put a end to at least SOME of your whining.

Oh, if you want me to post something of value, there's this: "Members, don't waste your time discussing a controversial subject with Oni, especially if you're able to see more than one side, cause that will likely make him have to think and that'll only make him mad. Cretin!This board is turning into a "random abyss".

09-01-09, 18:09
[QUOTE=Punter1]Had a session with Julliette from HX, was done on a table rather than a mattress. Was as good as any I have had in BKK. She hasn't posted in a while. A few weeks ago, there was a posting by another provider offering soapies, but hasn't been repeated in her current postings. I've seen a couple of her girls, so I should get off my duff & email her.

If you get to BKK, try Annie's between Soi's 2 & 4 off Sukhumvit. Have had good times there in the past. Have heard that it is showing its age & YMMV. Check the International Sex Guide, you can use the tab on the home page.

You have to experience at least one soapy in your lifetime.

OCPunter[/QUOTE I know this isn't the Thai board, but some may be interested; The best I have found is called COSY it is on Thanon New Phetchaburi.North and to the right up Soi Sukhumvit 39.Soy means Street.
Sits back in what looks like an alley but large and easy to find also you can walk from the sky train but a 20 minute walk.To the Point....Very large Fish Bowl.This is where the girls sit behind a glass wall waiting to be picked by the customer.Each girl wears a badge with a number.After you decide on the girl

09-01-09, 18:25
[QUOTE=Punter1]Had a session with Julliette from HX, was done on a table rather than a mattress. Was as good as any I have had in BKK. She hasn't posted in a while. A few weeks ago, there was a posting by another provider offering soapies, but hasn't been repeated in her current postings. I've seen a couple of her girls, so I should get off my duff & email her.

If you get to BKK, try Annie's between Soi's 2 & 4 off Sukhumvit. Have had good times there in the past. Have heard that it is showing its age & YMMV. Check the International Sex Guide, you can use the tab on the home page.

You have to experience at least one soapy in your lifetime.

OCPunter[/QUOTE I know this isn't the Thai board, but some may be interested; The best I have found is called COSY it is on Thanon New Phetchaburi.North and to the right up Soi Sukhumvit 39.Soy means Street.
Sits back in what looks like an alley but large and easy to find also you can walk from the sky train but a 20 minute walk.To the Point....Very large Fish Bowl.This is where the girls sit behind a glass wall waiting to be picked by the customer.Each girl wears a badge with a number.After you decide on the girl
tell the attendant her number and she will take you to a room with a large tub and get in with you. Soap you up and slide all over you then it's the large round bed. Cost for 1hr. last year was about 42.US

09-01-09, 19:26
WTF? Please go back to m y s p a c e! U haven't posted anything useful on the board and now you start disrespecting members that have done their dues. No body is interested in you or your psychosis. Pretty soon you'll be a senior member from bashing other members!? Why don't you focus on posting something of value to the USASG community? Personally, I'm adding you to my ignore list. Weirdo!Oni,

I know its hard, but try not to feed the trolls. If you ignore them they go away.
Thanks for your reports, that's what we really want to see.

Ball Washer
09-01-09, 20:32
1) They were not trafficked

I didn't say the UH girls were, God forbid you go back and read the thread. I said the "house" further down Brookhurst, might have some, but frankly no one knows, not even you, Mr. Clairvoyant. And I also said MOST mongers could care less if they were, but I'm sure you'll rationalize it no matter what.I heard from my girls that MMS is back and re-open UH, can you believe this?

09-01-09, 22:02
Does anyone know where you can get such a thing?

I've seen some videos that make it look real fun.Go check out HX,,few providers does Soapy.

09-01-09, 22:03
What is BKK?

09-01-09, 22:29
I have been to about all the countries mongering except China.Plenty of the rare asian oyster in the SF Bay Area.If your interesed in Asian girls and news about them check out the international section and the reports there.You will learn a lot over there.A couple more great places in BKK are Lolita's which is a blow job bar.(Have a beer while getting your dick sucked!) And a great Massage place on Soi 8 Called OGOTO Massage girls 18-25. Hour includes great massage followed by some of the best sex in the world. I have also been to Angeles City in the Philappines a couple times and the girls are great but it's more like Tijuana,Mx.Anyway check out the ISG section for more info.Also both Lolita"s and Ogoto have web sites with pics of the girls.

09-02-09, 01:29
What is BKK?International airport code for Bangkok International, formerly Don Muang north of town, now Swampy Boom more east of town.

Travellers and expats tend to use airport codes for the different cities.

You'll see Krung Thep used for Bangkok and LOS (Land of Smiles) for the country of Thailand.


In and Out of LOS since 1970.

09-02-09, 01:35
What is BKK?

กรุงเทพมหานคร or Bangkok, Thailand

09-02-09, 04:53
I have been to about all the countries mongering except China.Plenty of the rare asian oyster in the SF Bay Area.If your interesed in Asian girls and news about them check out the international section and the reports there.You will learn a lot over there.A couple more great places in BKK are Lolita's which is a blow job bar.(Have a beer while getting your dick sucked!) And a great Massage place on Soi 8 Called OGOTO Massage girls 18-25. Hour includes great massage followed by some of the best sex in the world. I have also been to Angeles City in the Philappines a couple times and the girls are great but it's more like Tijuana,Mx.Anyway check out the ISG section for more info.Also both Lolita"s and Ogoto have web sites with pics of the girls.

Been around the world; the best place I`ve had the privilage of visiting was Australia.
Let me tell ya. The chicks there really dig themselves some Yankey`s. I mean just walking down the street meet this speech therapist who really loved to get her freak on both day and night. A partner of mine and I got picked up by a couple of local chicks and taken to a night club far off the beaten track, had a blast.

Korea was like H-orea chicks in little huts with a bed of some straw floor covering for $10.00 a session.

Filapina chicks well the entire nation is it reminds me of fantasy Island I kid you not. The theme is love but I could`nt help but feel the need to change partners as much as possible, some folks give themm a name; LBF little brown f-ng machines.

China was cool too but you need to speak the language or find the local brothel, where Mamasan and Papasan have 1 or more little chicks in their employ.

Man you got me started!

Quality Junk
09-02-09, 10:31
Soapy in BKK sounds FANTASTIC and lots o'fun. But I can't even find a decent place in the OC with table shower and FS! Let alone some place that does soapys.

I'm sure many of you have seen the vids with Maria Ozawa doing the soapy massage on some lucky bastard. Now, that's what I'm talking about!

Side note: there's ALWAYS gonna be trolls around. I just ignore them. Everyone (even trolls) are entitled to their opinions. And just like a weed, if you don't water it, it'll wither and die (and dies faster if you pour kerosene on it...hehehe).

09-02-09, 11:35
Soapy in BKK sounds FANTASTIC and lots o'fun. But I can't even find a decent place in the OC with table shower and FS! Let alone some place that does soapys.

I'm sure many of you have seen the vids with Maria Ozawa doing the soapy massage on some lucky bastard. Now, that's what I'm talking about!

Side note: there's ALWAYS gonna be trolls around. I just ignore them. Everyone (even trolls) are entitled to their opinions. And just like a weed, if you don't water it, it'll wither and die (and dies faster if you pour kerosene on it...hehehe).
That video of Maria Ozawa can be found on spankwire.com and it is great! Mongering in the states is coming apart.You are getting less for more $$$ every time. You used to get what they call Fire and Ice all over the area around San Jose and So.San Francisco.Now it seems to be just Fire. If you don't know about it,they use hot tea while sucking your dick then rinse to cool thier mouth and then put chopped ice in thier mouth and go at it again.

09-02-09, 11:44
Been around the world; the best place I`ve had the privilage of visiting was Australia.
Let me tell ya. The chicks there really dig themselves some Yankey`s. I mean just walking down the street meet this speech therapist who really loved to get her freak on both day and night. A partner of mine and I got picked up by a couple of local chicks and taken to a night club far off the beaten track, had a blast.

Korea was like H-orea chicks in little huts with a bed of some straw floor covering for $10.00 a session.

Filapina chicks well the entire nation is it reminds me of fantasy Island I kid you not. The theme is love but I could`nt help but feel the need to change partners as much as possible, some folks give themm a name; LBF little brown f-ng machines.

China was cool too but you need to speak the language or find the local brothel, where Mamasan and Papasan have 1 or more little chicks in their emp
Man you got me started!
Gonna cop out on myself, but I was in Korea and Japan in 1954 Korean $2.00

09-02-09, 16:42
Gonna cop out on myself, but I was in Korea and Japan in 1954 Korean $2.00One night in Thailand, was negotiating an all nighter with one of the bar girls. She then quoted 100 baht (5 usd) instead of the usual 70 baht (3.5 usd). So I go 'no way' and head across town to another one of my haunts. Surprise, it's 100 baht there as well.

In one night the prices jumped at every place in town. Back on base, we decided they must have a hookers union.

Miss the 1 hour wash and wax for 3 usd. Just a hint of the scent of Brylcream and I'm rock hard.

Ahh! The good old days.


South County
09-02-09, 20:56
Stopped by ther today. I was referred there by a girl at another place. She told me to ask for Vicky. So I called and made an appt. When I walked in, There were 2 girls in the front, a Perfect 9.5 girl and a girl that was a 4 or a 5, V was the 4.5. Just to be nice, I got a half hour, instead of the hour. In the room, I layed with the towel on. She walked in and removed it and started the massage. After 2 minutes, she suggested a 4 hand massage and she said the hottie in the front could be the 2nd set hands. I said ok and she came in. They were both really playful in a flirty way. Lots of teasing. It was actually pretty good. On the flip, I got the hottie bending over my head and rubbing my body as far as she could reach, I enjoyed those perferct viet tits in my face, and the other was doing the HJ. This turned out ot be a fun half hour. (that one girl was freakin' hot! ) expensive for the 2 girls.45/ea +.4/ea tip. Not something I want to do again, but I will for sure go back for the 9.5 girl (didn't get her name)

09-03-09, 01:18
OK, So I just had to add my $.02:

Just off the Thong Lo stop for the BTS skytrain over Sukumvit Blvd., there's a little spot of heaven called Tulip Massage.

Ask for Poo, and get the 90 minute 'everything'...if you live through the experience, you'll never forget it. I want to go and catch a 15 hour flight just thinking about it.

Trust me.


Lift Her Up
09-03-09, 08:28
A few weeks ago I went to the exquisitely reviewed Animal Clinic, and had an experience much different from that of my brothers.

Went into #3, "Come back in 15 min." Went to #6. There was no one at the counter. I gingerly stepped around, calling quietly. Two girls were in a storage area talking happily. One came out.

"hh.4? , " handing her my Hamiltons. She whispers, "You want full service? " "Yes." "$.4" We continue whispering back and forth, "Full service $.4 total? " "Yes, " so I hand over another ten of them, and in I go around the corner to the left."

There I'm introduced to a 30-ish girl in a white sweatshirt, involved in her cell phone. "She will massage you." Fine. The girl I now take to be the MMS hands her my cash (never had that happen before). I lie down, sweatshirt girl leaves. MMS comes back in, and asks me to flip.

MMS, who I think said she was "Ivy, " starts right in with a CBJ made to feel like a BBBJ, nicely done.

Someone cried out outside. Quickly, a towel goes over me and Ivy leaves. I think it's a bust. No, Ivy comes back in and resumes. I climax, six minutes after I flipped. Whew, I think. Not really what I came for.

Then Ivy left and a very early 20's girl came in. She had me flip back on my stomach, and proceeded to give me a really good professional massage. After about ten minutes, I drifted my hand ever so softly against her thigh. She pulled back. Mysterious. When the hh was up, with me still face down, "Done."

On the way out, I did not get the typical warm invitation to come back, it was more a mechanical good-bye. They were never rude with me, just not welcoming.

So what happened? If they thought I was LE, why did I get a BJ? I had showered in the morning and I put on deodorant just before going in. I did not quibble over the $. So as often is the case with me and women, try as I might, I don't grasp what was going on in their minds.

Lift Her Up

Romper Room
09-03-09, 15:01
A few weeks ago I went to the exquisitely reviewed Animal Clinic, and had an experience much different from that of my brothers.

Went into #3, "Come back in 15 min." Went to #6. There was no one at the counter. I gingerly stepped around, calling quietly. Two girls were in a storage area talking happily. One came out.

"hh.4? , " handing her my Hamiltons. She whispers, "You want full service? " "Yes." "$.4" We continue whispering back and forth, "Full service $.4 total? " "Yes, " so I hand over another ten of them, and in I go around the corner to the left."

There I'm introduced to a 30-ish girl in a white sweatshirt, involved in her cell phone. "She will massage you." Fine. The girl I now take to be the MMS hands her my cash (never had that happen before). I lie down, sweatshirt girl leaves. MMS comes back in, and asks me to flip.

MMS, who I think said she was "Ivy, " starts right in with a CBJ made to feel like a BBBJ, nicely done.

Someone cried out outside. Quickly, a towel goes over me and Ivy leaves. I think it's a bust. No, Ivy comes back in and resumes. I climax, six minutes after I flipped. Whew, I think. Not really what I came for.

Then Ivy left and a very early 20's girl came in. She had me flip back on my stomach, and proceeded to give me a really good professional massage. After about ten minutes, I drifted my hand ever so softly against her thigh. She pulled back. Mysterious. When the hh was up, with me still face down, "Done."

On the way out, I did not get the typical warm invitation to come back, it was more a mechanical good-bye. They were never rude with me, just not welcoming.

So what happened? If they thought I was LE, why did I get a BJ? I had showered in the morning and I put on deodorant just before going in. I did not quibble over the $. So as often is the case with me and women, try as I might, I don't grasp what was going on in their minds.

Lift Her UpTo bad for the experiance you had. I alway thought that #6 were scanks. Never happy time with any of them. Kinda a cold feeling everytime. Mostly go to #3. I know they are a little cautious after the bust just down the street. #4 has always been a roll of the dice. #3 still my favorite even if my favorite Kim no longer pleasing there. Any body see her anywhere? Romp

Fe Maiden
09-03-09, 20:16
Went to the New abbreviation for the sooner state today. Never been to the new one only the old. MMS asked if I'd been here before and I of course said yes. She giggled and said of course I know you! LOL. Anyway got T*** and she has a HOT body! CBJ and suckin on balls RCG mish and K9 to completion. Fun Time!

South County
09-03-09, 20:37
Went to the New abbreviation for the sooner state today. Never been to the new one only the old. MMS asked if I'd been here before and I of course said yes. She giggled and said of course I know you! LOL. Anyway got T*** and she has a HOT body! CBJ and suckin on balls RCG mish and K9 to completion. Fun Time!Is J***e still there?

09-03-09, 20:46
Yo, bro. I'm just sayin we've all have to play it safe. Most likely got it from a seasoned monger like YOU or ME so there's no need for blame or fault. Too bad she left you bitter after the fact but hey, there's plenty more so. So, post something useful on the board and stop disrespecting members that have done their dues. USASG community is not interested in you or your psychosis. Personally, I'm adding you to my ignore list!

Quality Junk
09-04-09, 11:58
Gonna cop out on myself, but I was in Korea and Japan in 1954 Korean $2.00

You GO man!!

I prey I can still get it up when I'm your age...truly - not being sarcastic.

Thank the ugly evil pharmaceutical companies for making vitamin V.

Pinche Gringo
09-04-09, 16:09
Hello you all:

I am a newbie here in the OC and was wondering where I should go to get a good massage with the extras. I am in the Huntington Beach area at the present time.

Thanks in advance

Pinche Gringo
09-04-09, 16:38
I am new to the OC and was wondering which parlor(s) you all could recomend. I am in Huntington Beach.



Fe Maiden
09-04-09, 18:42
Is J***e still there?Don't know as it was my first time at this location.

Quite Man
09-06-09, 17:45
I am new to the OC and was wondering which parlor(s) you all could recomend. I am in Huntington Beach.The best thing to do, Txson, is spend a bit of time reading. Lots of information available if you make a small investment of time.

Quality Junk
09-07-09, 12:44
Hello you all:

I am a newbie here in the OC and was wondering where I should go to get a good massage with the extras. I am in the Huntington Beach area at the present time.

Thanks in advance

Try to pickup on the thread regarding the "animal clinic" or pet clinic. It's a start, but just keep reading.

Jon Jones
09-07-09, 13:20
A few of the girls from the closed Body Comfort on Bristol near Redhill are now working here. The place doesn’t look like much from the outside but inside it’s very nice. Six massage rooms and two complete bathrooms.

Amy and Holly (aka Heidi) are two of the girls that I knew and liked from the old place. Same level of service and pricing.

1145 Baker, 714-957-1206

09-07-09, 14:38
1145 Baker, 714-957-1206Ok, I gotta give props to Jon Jones - a senior monger who gives ACTUAL intel.

Thanks, sir!

The OC part of this board is very hard to decipher because of all the code.


09-09-09, 12:19
I thought id try something new and went to the new place next to the lumber store and weinerschnitzel in CM

Good Side

Nice place, they have a few room 4 or 5 I think. Good looking young Chinese girls, I had girl named Nina. She was cute id say around 25ish very petite. She did an awesome massage, and even cracked my back while she was walking on it. I have to tell you a good back cracking is, at times, better than FS LOL THey even give an awesome foot and head massage.

Bad Side

100% legit, no "monkey" business. But I would go agian if I ever wanted a legit massage.

BTW anyone know if AH6 is still running after the busts?

09-09-09, 12:21
A few of the girls from the closed Body Comfort on Bristol near Redhill are now working here. The place doesn’t look like much from the outside but inside it’s very nice. Six massage rooms and two complete bathrooms.

Amy and Holly (aka Heidi) are two of the girls that I knew and liked from the old place. Same level of service and pricing.

1145 Baker, 714-957-1206I checked this place out last thurs, or maybe weds. I showed up around 7pm. Maybe I missed the fun but there were nothing but old bags working there.

09-09-09, 22:29
I thought id try something new and went to the new place next to the lumber store and weinerschnitzel in CM

100% legit, no "monkey" business. But I would go again if I ever wanted a legit massage.I also TOFFT a few nights ago. I went to the place in the same lot as the Blockbuster Video on Harbor Blvd. In CM, and like Caffeine, I got a GREAT, though legit massage. I'm been thinking of going back just for that. I felt like I'd had a massage and a Chiro adjustment when I left. I must've needed it, because I felt it for hours afterward. $65.00/hr = $20.00 tip

(does if really count as a TOFFT if you enjoyed it? )

Please don't anyone take offense, but I think OC sucks for mongering. After living in L. A. For 21 years where there's places everywhere, where even a "blind man on a galloping horse" could find them, this feels like the freaking desert down here, and we're all dying of thirst.

Ok, sorry to rant.


South County
09-09-09, 23:58
I also TOFFT a few nights ago. I went to the place in the same lot as the Blockbuster Video on Harbor Blvd. In CM, and like Caffeine, I got a GREAT, though legit massage. I'm been thinking of going back just for that. I felt like I'd had a massage and a Chiro adjustment when I left. I must've needed it, because I felt it for hours afterward. $65.00/hr = $20.00 tip

(does if really count as a TOFFT if you enjoyed it? )

Please don't anyone take offense, but I think OC sucks for mongering. After living in L. A. For 21 years where there's places everywhere, where even a "blind man on a galloping horse" could find them, this feels like the freaking desert down here, and we're all dying of thirst.

Ok, sorry to rant.

DylanWas that the place on the 3rd floor?

There are a few good places in CM if all you want is HE. If you want more, go down to Irvine.

09-10-09, 18:35
Been keeping an eye on aamp ads for some time waiting for the right opportunity (good looking provider+reasonable price+funds available) and finally paid a visit to AL (they advertise on humani...) You go through a screening process ahead of time and when you go to the actual appointment it's a 2-call setup. This was my first time using an aamp but I've visited amps a few times and studied up on aamps here and on other sites so had a good idea what to expect. The website gives you the names of the girls along with some pics and although the pics are fakes, they give a reasonable representation. My appointment was with Mimi and went over during lunch. New apartment complex location, she answered the door looking good in tiny shorts and a bikini top right as a lady with a baby in a stroller was walking by. Fortunately she kept herself out of sight behind the door so the lady walking by couldn't see the outfit. Took a quick shower and met her on the bed. Had me face down, did some light touching, then had me flip with some more light touching. Then she brought out the cover and said I might be too big for it. Even if it's a lie (I'm average) I still love the ego stroking. Brief CBJ then asked me what position I wanted. Did some cg and I tried asking her during the action if she allowed msog but her English was pretty bad and she didn't understand the question. So I took my time and did a few more positions before finishing in k9 with a mirror in front of us so I could watch the action from a different angle. She did some nice moaning throughout and gave a good performance. Showered up again and left. MMS called me a short while later to make sure I enjoyed myself and I did. Sessions are 45min for 1.8 and the clock starts ticking at the start of the scheduled time whether you are there or not. Location was nice and clean unlike some amps I've been too, service was not the greatest ever but pretty good, attitude was good and looks were 8-9 on a scale of 10. Next time funds permit I will probably do the aamp routine again instead of going back to the hit-or-miss of the amp scene.

Jon Jones
09-10-09, 18:38
I see that you’re new in the forum. I’m sorry that the establishment did not meet your needs. But the “old bags” as you call them are only tryng to make a living and may in fact provide excellent service. In OC there are "experienced" providers and "young inexperienced" providers. Both have their advantages.

You apparently weren’t willing to give the service a try and that’s OK. But there's no reason to be rude.

Looking forward to your future contributions.


I checked this place out last thurs, or maybe weds. I showed up around 7pm. Maybe I missed the fun but there were nothing but old bags working there.

09-10-09, 23:44
I see that you’re new in the forum. I’m sorry that the establishment did not meet your needs. But the “old bags” as you call them are only tryng to make a living and may in fact provide excellent service. In OC there are "experienced" providers and "young inexperienced" providers. Both have their advantages.

You apparently weren’t willing to give the service a try and that’s OK. But there's no reason to be rude.

Looking forward to your future contributions.

JonOld Bags Rule!! (PS- there are plenty to go around!)

Quality Junk
09-11-09, 12:40
Visited an old VAMP Wednesday on Valley View near Chapman. Haven't been there in about a year and a half. Thought I'd give it another try to see if things have changed with this place.

Walked into lobby, ushered quickly to the room by MMS, TM (that's her name) comes into the room, blue jeans, tank top (bra-less, natural C's), slender, mid-30's, viet MILF, nice body but with some flab around the middle area.

TM asks for the house fee, walks out, then returns. Does the 2 minute massage and told me to flip over. Ask what I wanted, told her, she tells me $160 paid upfront!?!?!? OMG, she's got to be kidding! For her age and looks, I shoulda took a pass on this trip. But, as always, not thinking with the big head.

I countered back $, she persists, I told her "I'll just take my massage" and I got back onto the table. When she saw that I was satisfied with just a massage, she agreed $.2 (plus .5 house fee, we're at $.7). Telling me she usually don't go that low. Blah, blah, blah.

Start with her on top for some CG,......finished with mish.

Total cost: $.7
Time spent: 20 minutes (entry to exit)
Service: mediocre
Attitude: poor to below average
Repeat: NO WAY, HELL NO.
Value to $ spent: Very Low (there are much younger & better talent in the LA/OC area).

Did not see what the rest of the staff looked like, I'm guessing they're all "older bags". Not to my taste or liking. YMMV

09-11-09, 12:46
Way to call her bluff Quality Junk.

That took some wilpower that paid off.

Visited an old VAMP Wednesday on Valley View near Chapman. Haven't been there in about a year and a half. Thought I'd give it another try to see if things have changed with this place.

Walked into lobby, ushered quickly to the room by MMS, TM (that's her name) comes into the room, blue jeans, tank top (bra-less, natural C's), slender, mid-30's, viet MILF, nice body but with some flab around the middle area.

TM asks for the house fee, walks out, then returns. Does the 2 minute massage and told me to flip over. Ask what I wanted, told her, she tells me $160 paid upfront!?!?!? OMG, she's got to be kidding! For her age and looks, I shoulda took a pass on this trip. But, as always, not thinking with the big head.

I countered back $, she persists, I told her "I'll just take my massage" and I got back onto the table. When she saw that I was satisfied with just a massage, she agreed $.2 (plus .5 house fee, we're at $.7). Telling me she usually don't go that low. Blah, blah, blah.

Start with her on top for some CG,......finished with mish.

Total cost: $.7
Time spent: 20 minutes (entry to exit)
Service: mediocre
Attitude: poor to below average
Repeat: NO WAY, HELL NO.
Value to $ spent: Very Low (there are much younger & better talent in the LA/OC area).

Did not see what the rest of the staff looked like, I'm guessing they're all "older bags". Not to my taste or liking. YMMV

Cash Value
09-11-09, 15:54
Saw Emily from back page. Shes independent in Lake Forest. Nice place, long hair nice body. Had to email her from her listing. Pro table, covers me and says I look like the guy that cut her off the other day. Great, maybe she was tired I don't know. Average massage, oil, hot towels and ok rubbing. Nothing kinky, tried to rub her leg and she asked me not ot touch her. She kinda had an attitude I think, I wasn't the guy that cut her off, I drive way too fast for anyone to see me (like a blur). Flip, covered and she knew I had a good tent going. When she got close I would moan and move and grind. I even reached down and rubbed it some. Told her she got me horny from a good massage. She said not today. Finished and that was it. Anyone get anything better? I would fuck this girl cause I love a girl with attitude. She has an alright ass I wouldn't mind munching on. Hardly ever find a white girl that does private massage.

Cash Value
09-11-09, 16:33
Yeah I agree, older is ok. Sometimes better service, more kink. But have to love the young dumb ones. Hey either is ok depends on the service I guess. Yeah just dreaming about some of the young ones I pulled apart to eat some pussy and make them almost scream. Good times, but can also think of the older ones I slammed into the next building.

Now I'm looking for a really big ass and some thick legs. OK who knows who has a giant ass?

Animal clinic debate: Um, everyplace gets checked every so often so sooner or later one of you guys will be on TV. Just is weird how one always hangs at the door to suck you in. Last time it was ***** long black hair, kinda skinny for me.

Please keep the info here honest, the massage review site is full of reviews that are just BS. Look if you want to brag about something cool, but don't make up what they look like or the extra service. Takes away the reason the rest of us post here.

I had the kinda new girl at LFBC. Looks ok, thin, takes some work to get her to finish. I don't go there much since I always was the pants off and right now is not a good time for them. But I did have good times with Cy in the past.

So its back to finding a place with sweet young girls dressed hot that do extras.

09-11-09, 23:06
Is train track still open?

09-12-09, 01:29
Not all the pictures are fakes. I've had mixed experiences with this place, but some, Pee Bee for example, were very good and matched their pictures.

Been keeping an eye on aamp ads for some time waiting for the right opportunity (good looking provider+reasonable price+funds available) and finally paid a visit to AL (they advertise on humani...) You go through a screening process ahead of time and when you go to the actual appointment it's a 2-call setup. This was my first time using an aamp but I've visited amps a few times and studied up on aamps here and on other sites so had a good idea what to expect. The website gives you the names of the girls along with some pics and although the pics are fakes, they give a reasonable representation. My appointment was with Mimi and went over during lunch. New apartment complex location, she answered the door looking good in tiny shorts and a bikini top right as a lady with a baby in a stroller was walking by. Fortunately she kept herself out of sight behind the door so the lady walking by couldn't see the outfit. Took a quick shower and met her on the bed. Had me face down, did some light touching, then had me flip with some more light touching. Then she brought out the cover and said I might be too big for it. Even if it's a lie (I'm average) I still love the ego stroking. Brief CBJ then asked me what position I wanted. Did some cg and I tried asking her during the action if she allowed msog but her English was pretty bad and she didn't understand the question. So I took my time and did a few more positions before finishing in k9 with a mirror in front of us so I could watch the action from a different angle. She did some nice moaning throughout and gave a good performance. Showered up again and left. MMS called me a short while later to make sure I enjoyed myself and I did. Sessions are 45min for 1.8 and the clock starts ticking at the start of the scheduled time whether you are there or not. Location was nice and clean unlike some amps I've been too, service was not the greatest ever but pretty good, attitude was good and looks were 8-9 on a scale of 10. Next time funds permit I will probably do the aamp routine again instead of going back to the hit-or-miss of the amp scene.

09-13-09, 17:55
I tried the place upstairs in the building by Blockbuster, where they have a table shower included with an hour massage. I had a wonderful massage, and HE, with a table shower afterward. Man, if they did Full Service there, it'd be the perfect place.

As it was, it was still good for $60 to the house and $40 to the girl.

She was a pleasure also, good English, good conversation and good service.

I think I'm going to go back and see if more money will entice more.


The Camel
09-14-09, 01:25
Drove all the way down from L.A. for a follow-up visit to the animals in Anaheim close to 2 months after the first excellent experience. Late afternoon I found doors open, but nobody home anywhere except for what appeared to be a male employee in No. 3. Since I don't approve of AMPs having any male on premises who aren't clients, I didn't talk to him to find out why the Twilight Zone environment. No. 6, both doors open but a walk through didn't bring a single person out to deal with me. Like a similar recent experience in a LMP in SFV, I could have walked out with all their furniture.

Assumed every available girl was busy, but last time there was a mamasan. Drove all the way back to North Hollywood through lousy traffic for a superior perineum, prostate, scrotal and penile massage from a hot chinese girl I've seen a few times now. That's another story for the SFV forum to be posted a little later.

But for now, anybody have an update on the animal clinic?

Cash Value
09-14-09, 13:05
I tried the place upstairs in the building by Blockbuster, where they have a table shower included with an hour massage. I had a wonderful massage, and HE, with a table shower afterward. Man, if they did Full Service there, it'd be the perfect place.

As it was, it was still good for $60 to the house and $40 to the girl.

She was a pleasure also, good English, good conversation and good service.

I think I'm going to go back and see if more money will entice more.

DylanThey dont do FS!

Oc Pleasure
09-14-09, 14:26
I tried the place upstairs in the building by Blockbuster, where they have a table shower included with an hour massage. I had a wonderful massage, and HE, with a table shower afterward. Man, if they did Full Service there, it'd be the perfect place.

As it was, it was still good for $60 to the house and $40 to the girl.

She was a pleasure also, good English, good conversation and good service.

I think I'm going to go back and see if more money will entice more.

DylanThis place stops at HE buddy. The service is always consistent. There used to be a older woman named Angela that does very good ass rubbing. But I hear she's not working there anymore. You can always roam your hands anywhere with them. A.2 tip is also fine with them.

09-14-09, 15:21
Went to go kart last Friday

Saw a fine ass K girl named B. She was really pretty, got an Light touch massage from her. Good times. Her English was not that good, hard to start a conversation with her.

Damage: 50/40

09-14-09, 17:58
Yes. Gucci still works there.

Is train track still open?

09-14-09, 19:45
Saw Emily from back page. Shes independent in Lake Forest. Nice place, long hair nice body. Had to email her from her listing. Pro table, covers me and says I look like the guy that cut her off the other day. Great, maybe she was tired I don't know. Average massage, oil, hot towels and ok rubbing. Nothing kinky, tried to rub her leg and she asked me not ot touch her. She kinda had an attitude I think, I wasn't the guy that cut her off, I drive way too fast for anyone to see me (like a blur). Flip, covered and she knew I had a good tent going. When she got close I would moan and move and grind. I even reached down and rubbed it some. Told her she got me horny from a good massage. She said not today. Finished and that was it. Anyone get anything better? I would fuck this girl cause I love a girl with attitude. She has an alright ass I wouldn't mind munching on. Hardly ever find a white girl that does private massage.I had e mailed her back and forth a few times and was going to see her this week. Glad I did not make an appointment.

09-14-09, 22:08
Drove all the way down from L.A. for a follow-up visit to the animals in Anaheim close to 2 months after the first excellent experience. Late afternoon I found doors open, but nobody home anywhere except for what appeared to be a male employee in No. 3. Since I don't approve of AMPs having any male on premises who aren't clients, I didn't talk to him to find out why the Twilight Zone environment. No. 6, both doors open but a walk through didn't bring a single person out to deal with me. Like a similar recent experience in a LMP in SFV, I could have walked out with all their furniture.

Assumed every available girl was busy, but last time there was a mamasan. Drove all the way back to North Hollywood through lousy traffic for a superior perineum, prostate, scrotal and penile massage from a hot chinese girl I've seen a few times now. That's another story for the SFV forum to be posted a little later.

But for now, anybody have an update on the animal clinic?I went by there last night to check it out, and everything was locked up tight. Of course it was app. 9pm, so I figured they were closed as it was Sunday night. It looks interesting, so I'll go back.

09-15-09, 13:18
Went to go kart last Friday

Saw a fine ass K girl named B. She was really pretty, got an Light touch massage from her. Good times. Her English was not that good, hard to start a conversation with her.

Damage: 50/40Did you get HE?

09-16-09, 05:43
I tried the place upstairs in the building by Blockbuster, where they have a table shower included with an hour massage. I had a wonderful massage, and HE, with a table shower afterward. Man, if they did Full Service there, it'd be the perfect place.

As it was, it was still good for $60 to the house and $40 to the girl.

She was a pleasure also, good English, good conversation and good service.

I think I'm going to go back and see if more money will entice more.

DylanAnyway you can tell me the location?

PM if you could, thanks.

09-16-09, 12:52
I tried the place upstairs in the building by Blockbuster, where they have a table shower included with an hour massage. I had a wonderful massage, and HE, with a table shower afterward. Man, if they did Full Service there, it'd be the perfect place.

As it was, it was still good for $60 to the house and $40 to the girl.

She was a pleasure also, good English, good conversation and good service.

I think I'm going to go back and see if more money will entice more.

DylanWhat city is that in?


09-16-09, 21:47
What city is that in?

ThanksCosta Mesa. Although YMMV. I went there a 2nd time, and didn't like it.

The service is inconsistent at best; it will depend on who you get for your session.

That's not much help, but that's all I have.


09-16-09, 21:50
Anyway you can tell me the location?

PM if you could, thanks.Corner of Harbor Blvd and something, not sure. There is a Blockbuster, and a Coco's in the same lot.

Be sure to go UPSTAIRS. there is a legit place on the first floor, "massage u love' or something like that.

The HE/table shower place is upstairs, #307.

Google coco's Costa Mesa and you'll have it.


09-16-09, 23:12
Corner of Harbor Blvd and something, not sure. There is a Blockbuster, and a Coco's in the same lot.

Be sure to go UPSTAIRS. there is a legit place on the first floor, "massage u love' or something like that.

The HE/table shower place is upstairs, #307.

Google coco's Costa Mesa and you'll have it.

DylanHarbor and Adams

3 rd floor

09-16-09, 23:22
Corner of Harbor Blvd and something, not sure. There is a Blockbuster, and a Coco's in the same lot.

Be sure to go UPSTAIRS. there is a legit place on the first floor, "massage u love' or something like that.

The HE/table shower place is upstairs, #307.

Google coco's Costa Mesa and you'll have it.

DylanThis refresh my memory back in the days. Massage located on Harbor and Adams. Last time, I went there couple years ago, I got HE. I heard from one of my monger friend that the place is legit now.

Romper Room
09-17-09, 00:28
I went by there last night to check it out, and everything was locked up tight. Of course it was app. 9pm, so I figured they were closed as it was Sunday night. It looks interesting, so I'll go back.All 4 places there close at 8 maybe 8:30 latest.

It is interesting.

09-17-09, 01:11
Corner of Harbor Blvd and something, not sure. There is a Blockbuster, and a Coco's in the same lot.

Be sure to go UPSTAIRS. there is a legit place on the first floor, "massage u love' or something like that.

The HE/table shower place is upstairs, #307.

Google coco's Costa Mesa and you'll have it.

DylanI think you're talking about the one on the corner of harbor and adams? Above the tux store?

09-17-09, 02:41
That third floor place doesn't impress me much. I've been there twice both times with Angela. Old gal. Lackluster hand job and both times she tired out and quit right as I'm about to nut. Might be OK for younger mongers that get off easier. A smile,a little dirty talk,some tits in the face or at least a stink finger opportunity would speed things up a bit but none of that is offered there. Last time I was there a couple of mongers came in asking for Jennifer? I think that's the one with the acne scarred face and glasses. She might be better but I doubt it.

Try the M unit further down the road. Place is kind of weird and the girls are about the same age and looks but they make a little more effort. Still there is nothing Particularly erotic about their service but they at least put forth more effort in their somewhat mechanical HJs. A little cheaper too. 40/40. I've heard they've been happy with 40/20.

09-17-09, 04:16
Did you get HE?You can get everything there.

Anyone been to 103 location lately, or the train station?

09-17-09, 12:11
Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen Krazy Kim lately? Yes, I know she's krazy. :) I haven't seen or heard from her in years. Last time was the Chiro place on Beach Blvd with that had the chick with the giant black leopard tattoo on her back.

Do any of you remember Kim's sister? She had enormous jugs and used to work on Commonwealth in Fullerton.

Like I said, just wondering what happened to those gals.

Cash Value
09-17-09, 12:19
Did you get HE? Haha of course he did. If you did some reading you would find out that this place is a long time FS AMP. Its no secret.

Tried the place on Westminster and Magnolia. Ad is in OCweekly. Says girls are 18-24 (NOT). Anyway, 50 for a half. Lame massage by girl with short hair, tattoo on shoulder. Had on a tight top and jeans. Ok looking but just didn't float my boat. Not cute, kinda plain but trying to look hot. So flip and I get it all. I wasnt going to do anything but I figured I'm there. Hate wasting money on girls I don't really like. So I'm doing her doggy, feels like I'm screwing a bowl of jelly. Whats with the girls and lots of lube? So I slip out a few times and I figure I'm gonna slip it in her ass. Shes saying the whole time hurry hurry hurry! So I get pissed and next slip I take aim and plunge into her ass. She kinda screams. Gets up and starts to give me crap about it. I don't really care cause she was not worth it anyway. I told her she would like it if she shuts up. Haha, didn't work. Shes still giving me crap so I start to get dressed and start walking. She asks for tip, I said, don't be a ***** and you will do much better. That was my tip. The guy inside said don't come back. Told him to eat me and that his girl sucks. On the way out there were 2 funky looking asian guys walking in.

09-17-09, 21:47
So I get pissed and next slip I take aim and plunge into her ass. She kinda screams. Gets up and starts to give me crap about it. I don't really care cause she was not worth it anyway. I told her she would like it if she shuts up. Haha, didn't work. Shes still giving me crap so I start to get dressed and start walking. She asks for tip, I said, don't be a ***** and you will do much better. That was my tip. Guy inside said don't come back. Told him to eat me and that his girl sucks.

Haha. Shit. You're like the Batman of mongers. Keep up the good work.

Kulangot Matig
09-17-09, 22:24
I went by there last night to check it out, and everything was locked up tight. Of course it was app. 9pm, so I figured they were closed as it was Sunday night. It looks interesting, so I'll go back.Is it true that C&C is closed already?

09-18-09, 03:04
I started lurking here last night, and decided to swing by a location I pieced together from clues scattered around.

Well when I showed up at 647 S. Beach Blvd in La Habra (next to the Laundromat, cross-street: Lambert) just to see the location (no intention of going inside. Yet. LOL) I noticed a couple papers on the front door. One was a "Belief of Abandonment" notice posted in July 2009. The other paper had the business name and business owner's name, amount of rent due, etc.

So apparently this place has been empty for a while. I'm guessing it didn't get much business from what I've read and from the location of the place. Like they say, "location, location, location." This place was in a bad spot.

Oh well. I thought I would contribute.

If I learn more about other locations I will update. Hopefully others will too. I'm particuarly interested if the Animal location is still thumpin 'n bumpin with FS and all the goodies. I will check it out but probably not soon.

Cash Value
09-18-09, 13:54
At LFBC, if you don't know who you're asking for, be fair warned. I saw 4 untouchables in the hall. Tall and oh so fugly. They must be hurting for girls or something. There a 3 decent ones there but you better know the names. Looks like the shorts ones are good. Just a warning so you don't waste your time. If they got a 19 year old she would be so busy. Wonder where all the 18-20 girls are at now. Nothing better then a good massage from a 19 girl with a HE.

Pimp Hound
09-18-09, 16:50
Where are the 19-22- yr. olds these days?

Anybody know?

Tom Ace
09-18-09, 17:21
At LFBC, if you don't know who you're asking for, be fair warned. I saw 4 untouchables in the hall. Tall and oh so fugly. They must be hurting for girls or something. There a 3 decent ones there but you better know the names. Looks like the shorts ones are good. Just a warning so you don't waste your time. If they got a 19 year old she would be so busy. Wonder where all the 18-20 girls are at now. Nothing better then a good massage from a 19 girl with a HE. Yup! Had the itch to try somebody new, but once she came in, had to go right back out and tell Mms. "uggh, no! " I'm way past closing my eyes and envisioning. Thank gawd for regulars.

Learned my lesson.

Romper Room
09-19-09, 01:46
I'm with Cash on this one. I have walked out on some that thought they were all that and more. Forget them and your the fool to put up with it. They seem to forget who's paying them. Once I got up off the table got dressed and left with the girl hanging on to me yelling that I owed her tip. I owed her nothing for she did nothing. She even tryed to lock the door and not let me out. There was a customer coming in and I got out. Feel sorry for that poor guy but maybe he got angry HE. To many other good ones out there to have to put up with somebodys attitude. If more did this maybe they wouldn't be so divaish. You already know your not going back to that place. It's not like they all call each other and warn them about you. So Yahoo, way to go Cash!


09-19-09, 02:37
Well when I showed up at 647 S. Beach Blvd in La Habra (next to the Laundromat, cross-street: Lambert) just to see the location (no intention of going inside. Yet. LOL) I noticed a couple papers on the front door. One was a "Belief of Abandonment" notice posted in July 2009. The other paper had the business name and business owner's name, amount of rent due, etc.

So apparently this place has been empty for a while. I'm guessing it didn't get much business from what I've read and from the location of the place. Like they say, "location, location, location." This place was in a bad spot.I was a regular here for the two years they were open. Excellent service and while the gals may not have been drop dead gorgeous, they were babes in my eyes.

The sagging economy caught up with them and they closed their doors December of 2008. The business was supposed to have been sold, and maybe it was. Since I had a special relationship with the manager, I did not check in with them in 2009.

Tiger Shark101
09-19-09, 06:45
Went by #6 last weekend, looking for a certain someone. MMS acted like she didn't know me anymore. She shouldn't be paranoid around me because I'm a return/repeat customer, even boned her! Giving me a bit of an attitude, so I headed out the door. Guess I'll have to find a new spot to get my jollies. Can anyone recommend? PM is fine. Prefer younger (early 20s - late 20s) providers.

Also over the weekend I went to a place on Valley View. Paid for 1/2 hr. Tiny V-girl gave a light touch massage. Asked to flip and motioned a handjob. I countered with BJ. She shook her hand, so I agreed to the HJ. Mechanical/half-assed, probably won't return. Quoted .60, gave .40

Quality Junk
09-19-09, 10:49
Also over the weekend I went to a place on Valley View. Paid for 1/2 hr. Tiny V-girl gave a light touch massage. Asked to flip and motioned a handjob. I countered with BJ. She shook her hand, so I agreed to the HJ. Mechanical/half-assed, probably won't return. Quoted .60, gave .40

Is this the place near Orangewood? Sucks huh? (not in a good way)

I guess you didn't see my write up. They've been advertising on C-list quite a bit and since I hadn't been there in a while, thought I'd try it hoping that they've changed talent or management. NOT!! Won't repeat.

Tiger Shark101
09-19-09, 15:51
Is this the place near Orangewood? Sucks huh? (not in a good way)

I guess you didn't see my write up. They've been advertising on C-list quite a bit and since I hadn't been there in a while, thought I'd try it hoping that they've changed talent or management. NOT!! Won't repeat.

Yep, near Orangewood. Definitely not a repeat!

09-19-09, 23:14
Went last week to AC, decided to go this week also.

Last week had Ivy, nice set, easy going damage was.40/.60 w/ BJ.

This week Ivy was going to provide service, but asked for somebody else. Got Cindy, I think this was my second time with her. Nice big aureolas, fake, but smooth everywhere else. Asked for BJ, said it was 80. I agreed to it, probably because I changed girls and Ivy probably wanted a cut. On the bed, skip the massage, got to business, and she started nobbing on the bob, she must have been very impatient, because she took the condom off, put lube on it and was about to BBBJ it. I stopped that and told her with condom, so she put it back on. Not sure if that was a sanitary move, but she continued. The BJ was more like a HJ. Not happy but paid my dues and left. So damage was.40/.80 BJ.

Also, it must have been a slow day today, because girls were just lingering around in the back room.

09-20-09, 01:05
I went in tonight and had Julie. Mid 30s, wearing slacks, a bad sign. Paid for 1 hr .7 and got a pretty good massage. She started the light touch and it felt very good. She tried for a HE, but couldn't make it happen. Just not enough visual stimulation for me, I guess. total damage $.

Fe Maiden
09-20-09, 10:22
Went to the gokart place yesterday and had K*y. Such nice natural perky tiities! Had a spectacular K9 session! She liked it too(wink).

09-21-09, 01:28
I don't give a rat's ass how many posts you've done or how long you've been mongering. What you did was plain wrong. You're not the first cholo to get sub-par service and certainly won't be the last.

The proper etiquette, if you don't like the girl, is to hand over a 10 or 20, if you feel generous, and walk out. There is no excuse for practically raping this poor girl, no matter what her attitude, appearance, etc. I've been hobbying for 15+ yrs. And have been to that place and the sister location many times, both pre and post bust, and have had both good and bad experiences, but I would NEVER do to any girl what she clearly did not approve. Frankly if I was the doctor, I would take you out in the back alley and give you a taste of your own medicine and see how you liked it.

Get some professional help bro. This is a another monger telling you this, so I hope you take it seriously.

Loser dont flame me on here. I've been here for years with over 1000 posts. Girl was a ***** and Im sure took in lots of money from suckers. Shes the type that doesnt do what she promises and does it badly. So I stuck my cock in her ass? So what? Think any of these girls actually like screwing "YOU"?

(Sorry admin about this post. Nobody should be flaming anyone on here. I just got tired of idiots)

09-21-09, 05:35
LOL, where is this westminster and magnolia? I couldn't find this place. I want to try out some viet's action. I am more into picking up sws than going to AMP.

Any monger plz help me out here? I know where the AC located at, but not this new place. By the way, anyone try out this place call Bali Massage on beach and mcfadden. Last time, I checked, one happy white monger walked out smiling.

Member #3991
09-21-09, 21:19
I guess I just wont share info.

BMalibu already got tired of your crap too.

A post is a post.You know I was going to mention the disappearance of B Malibu when I saw the attack on Cash Value. Like B Malibu, Cash has been a great source of information and insight at least to me. He also seems to be a good guy with a respectful outlook. Using words like rape are completely uncalled for with respect to Cash. This is simply unbelievable.

You guys have now driven away two of the best resources on these boards. I hope you are satisfied and can fill the void.

Tom Ace
09-21-09, 23:15
Frankly I've never had a problem B Malibu or with much of what anyone says until they try to rationalize hurting someone because they can't control themselves. And while it may bother you to lose a great cocksman, I won't be losing any sleep over it. I read these forums for the occasional tip and frequent amusement but if they disappear tomorrow, it won't be the end of the mongering world.

In any event, I doubt they'll be gone for long because the truth is that most of these guys can't resists sharing their exploits...so you can just keep ball-washing them until they come back.

Oh and I wasn't the one using the word rape, that was someone else but what would satisfy you? Attempted rape? Attempted Sodomy? Sexual assault? Believe it or not, just because a provider agrees to screw you doesn't mean that she's relinquished her rights, she's now fair-game and anything goes. Maybe some of you get off on dehumanizing these women, I dunno...I enjoyed reading Bmal's stories. He is one of the reasons I finally decided to join the site and start contributing instead of just lurking around. I don't ever remember him writing about an "exploit" where he degraded a provider. He appeared to be well-connected and always treated and tipped the girls generously. There seemed to be a few members that razzed him for being "too close" to some of the girls, and "too incognito" on the locations but hey, to each his own. Who knows, maybe he left because he found somebody, or maybe he got tired of the drama that some produced? I do remember laughing all the times he stated he wanted to retire, so maybe he really did this time? Guess we'll never know.

My opinion is that he truly posted to help other mongers, but some felt he was self-absorbed and narcissistic and just liked to listen to himself speak. Maybe so, but I know his posts and reviews led me to a lot of great providers, and that is ultimately what this and other monger sites are about.

09-21-09, 23:46
Everyone should calm down. He just tried to put his dick in her ass. Big fucking deal. It isn't like he held her down, put his cock in her ass and when she said no he held her down even more. How many mongers have been out there with an SW and then pull out and jizz on her stomach without her asking? We just do some stuff that we deem a little funny. Sure a little crude but it isn't a big deal. Lighten up.

09-22-09, 02:32
You know I was going to mention the disappearance of B Malibu when I saw the attack on Cash Value. Like B Malibu, Cash has been a great source of information and insight at least to me. He also seems to be a good guy with a respectful outlook. Using words like rape are completely uncalled for with respect to Cash. This is simply unbelievable.

You guys have now driven away two of the best resources on these boards. I hope you are satisfied and can fill the void.Agreed.

Hope they both come back and post.

09-22-09, 04:38
Hey guys,

Long time lurker and first time poster! How long would you typically go to a place before deciding its legit? I've checked a place in the OC (which I haven't seen any of you post about) three times. From your posts I get the idea that it may be what I'm looking for, but the one provider I have worked with isn't 'biting'. How many times do you guys try a place before deciding it's legit? I would have stopped at 2, but this chick is smoking hot and gave a little 'accidental' ball rubbing on the last time.

Is this a string along or how many more times do I have to go to hit pay dirt? I'm TOFTT and if I do hit paydirt, I'll share more info with you.

09-22-09, 05:20
I enjoyed reading Bmal's stories. He is one of the reasons I finally decided to join the site and start contributing instead of just lurking around. I don't ever remember him writing about an exploit where he degraded a provider. He appeared to be well-connected and always treated and tipped the girls generously. There seemed to be a few members that razzed him for being "too close" to some of the girls, and too incognito on the locations but hey, to each his own. Who knows, maybe he left because he found somebody, or maybe he got tired of the drama that some produced? I do remember laughing all the times he stated he wanted to retire, so maybe he really did this time? Guess we'll never know.

My opinion is that he truly posted to help other mongers, but some felt he was self-absorbed and narcissistic and just liked to listen to himself speak. Maybe so, but I know his posts and reviews led me to a lot of great providers, and that is ultimately what this and other monger sites are about.

I never remember reading any post by BM where he was anything but respectful to the girls. In fact, I remember reading about him going out of his way every once in a while to do nice things for the girls. Perhaps he will return one day. I always appreciated his postings for their entertainment and informational value. Maybe he did find someone to settle down with...in any case, I wish him the best.

09-22-09, 14:25
Dang it all this bickering I come and see a bunch of new posts with little info. Ha ha.

Keep it safe and sane guys.

Jon Jones
09-22-09, 15:11
Hey guys,

Long time lurker and first time poster! How long would you typically go to a place before deciding its legit? I've checked a place in the OC (which I haven't seen any of you post about) three times. From your posts I get the idea that it may be what I'm looking for, but the one provider I have worked with isn't 'biting'. How many times do you guys try a place before deciding it's legit? I would have stopped at 2, but this chick is smoking hot and gave a little 'accidental' ball rubbing on the last time.

Is this a string along or how many more times do I have to go to hit pay dirt? I'm TOFTT and if I do hit paydirt, I'll share more info with you.
Unless it’s a great massage, I rarely return to a place that doesn’t offer at least a happy ending.

First check out the room. If it’s just a curtain or a swinging door, I don’t expect much.

Check out what the lady is wearing. If she’s wearing heavy Levi’s, a blouse that has a dozen buttons and shoes that need to be untied, I figure I’m probably not getting much more than a massage and maybe a HJ. However, if she’s wearing a loose dress and sandals that’s a good sign.

I’ve been told I have a LE look. To counter this, I try to be standing or sitting on the edge of the table, completely nude with my dick semi-hard, when the lady comes in. Most cops won’t go this far. The fact I’m exposed seems to put some girls at ease that I’m not a cop.

It’s good to pay with a $100 bill so the AMP needs to make change. When the lady offers you the change, don’t take it. Just tell her to put it on a table near your clothes. But in Orange County, I NEVER mention payment for additional services.

Before the flip, I attempt to rub her leg, ass, or pussy. If I don’t get any resistance, I know she’s probably good for at least a happy ending. While I’m still on my stomach, I reach under to adjust my dick to let her know that I’m hard. A good masseuse will lightly brush my balls while rubbing my leg. I let her know “That feels good” or “That’s a good area.”

On the flip, the towel should come off. If she puts it back on but doesn’t say anything I’ll usually rub my cock a few times under the towel.

As a last resort, if I she says we don’t provide extras I sometimes ask if she cares if I do it myself. One more than one occasion when I started stroking the lady finished it off.

In the end, no extra service, no tip. But when the service is good I like to slightly over tip. Most girls have good memories. But you also need to remember that many ladies don’t offer extras.

Treat the ladies with respect. While most make good money, it can be a dangerous profession.

I’m sure that some other guys can offer more suggestions.

Oc Pleasure
09-22-09, 19:24
Unless it’s a great massage, I rarely return to a place that doesn’t offer at least a happy ending.

First check out the room. If it’s just a curtain or a swinging door, I don’t expect much.

As a last resort, if I she says we don’t provide extras I sometimes ask if she cares if I do it myself. One more than one occasion when I started stroking the lady finished it off.

In the end, no extra service, no tip. But when the service is good I like to slightly over tip. Most girls have good memories. But you also need to remember that many ladies don’t offer extras.

Treat the ladies with respect. While most make good money, it can be a dangerous profession.

I’m sure that some other guys can offer more suggestions.These are great tips Jon. I will make sure to use them at a new location.

Member #3991
09-22-09, 21:55
Hey guys,
... I've checked a place in the OC (which I haven't seen any of you post about) three times. From your posts I get the idea that it may be what I'm looking for, but the one provider I have worked with isn't 'biting'. How many times do you guys try a place before deciding it's legit? I would have stopped at 2, but this chick is smoking hot and gave a little 'accidental' ball rubbing on the last time.

Is this a string along or how many more times do I have to go to hit pay dirt? I'm TOFTT and if I do hit paydirt, I'll share more info with you.

When looking for some kind of release I really wouldn't go back if nothing happens on the first outing. There are just too many places to waste time on an AMP that doesn't even provide a HJ.

I would do a bit more searching on the internet to narrow down my targets before deciding on what place to hit. Google is a powerful tool in this regard to help triage candidate parlors.

There also is a good FAQ on this site which provided me with some insights. I would recommend that you take a look at it - http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2291

Happy Monger
09-23-09, 00:21
I don't give a rat's backside if Cash invaded the girls backside or not. The girls we go to "see" and get a "massage" from know the game.

The one Cash saw, I gather, was a real scammer. He jammed, she flinched, no rape, no cosmic harm done.

However, someone decides to become "religious" (what a total bit of hypocrisy) and goes all "high and mighty" on cash and get way too personal in their attacks on him. We see these girls to f*ck them or get bjs from them and I will bet, to a man, that we rarely think about the girl's long term well-being, broadjumper included. Cash hit a nerve with ONE monger and this "monger" becomes incensed with the girl's well-being.

My suggestion to broadjumper is: STOP MONGERING if you're so concerned about them. QUIT taking "advantage" of them and go home to your dogfaced wife/girlfriend and stay away from OUR hobby.

Just my 2 cents.

09-23-09, 00:33
Unless it’s a great massage, I rarely return to a place that doesn’t offer at least a happy ending.

First check out the room. If it’s just a curtain or a swinging door, I don’t expect much.

Check out what the lady is wearing. If she’s wearing heavy Levi’s, a blouse that has a dozen buttons and shoes that need to be untied, I figure I’m probably not getting much more than a massage and maybe a HJ. However, if she’s wearing a loose dress and sandals that’s a good sign.

I’ve been told I have a LE look. To counter this, I try to be standing or sitting on the edge of the table, completely nude with my dick semi-hard, when the lady comes in. Most cops won’t go this far. The fact I’m exposed seems to put some girls at ease that I’m not a cop.

It’s good to pay with a $100 bill so the AMP needs to make change. When the lady offers you the change, don’t take it. Just tell her to put it on a table near your clothes. But in Orange County, I NEVER mention payment for additional services.

Before the flip, I attempt to rub her leg, ass, or pussy. If I don’t get any resistance, I know she’s probably good for at least a happy ending. While I’m still on my stomach, I reach under to adjust my dick to let her know that I’m hard. A good masseuse will lightly brush my balls while rubbing my leg. I let her know “That feels good” or “That’s a good area.”

On the flip, the towel should come off. If she puts it back on but doesn’t say anything I’ll usually rub my cock a few times under the towel.

As a last resort, if I she says we don’t provide extras I sometimes ask if she cares if I do it myself. One more than one occasion when I started stroking the lady finished it off.

In the end, no extra service, no tip. But when the service is good I like to slightly over tip. Most girls have good memories. But you also need to remember that many ladies don’t offer extras.

Treat the ladies with respect. While most make good money, it can be a dangerous profession.

I’m sure that some other guys can offer more suggestions.Thanks man for the info!

I'll give you more info.

1.) On all three occassions she has worn a dress. The first two were loose and exposed a fair amount of an awesome rack. This I know is a plus because jeans are a bad thing.

2.) The room had the table in the middle (I know, a bad sign) but the door was wood. Unfortunately she left it open a sliver the first time, but closed it on the second and third.

3.) I was definitely erect on the flip, and I tried light touching. She was resistant on the first and second trip, but didn't seem to mind as much on the third but wouldn't let me roam much.

4.) I exposed the tallywhacker on the second trip and she covered it back up. Didn't try it again until the thrid trip. I actually jacked it on the third trip but she kept covering up until she saw that I came. Weird thing is, she played with the sack while I was doing it, but wouldn't grab the meat herself.

Like I said, normally I wouldn't have gone back. But I haven't found a good FS spot since they closed up my favorite shop where Hoss, Little John, Adam and Ben used to hang out. Right off of 17th Street. I miss my favorite provider Shi Shi (Xi Xi maybe?)

Ib Mike
09-23-09, 15:09
Thanks man for the info!

Like I said, normally I wouldn't have gone back. But I haven't found a good FS spot since they closed up my favorite shop where Hoss, Little John, Adam and Ben used to hang out. Right off of 17th Street. I miss my favorite provider Shi Shi (Xi Xi maybe?)

They moved. 562-200-6001 It is a bit of a cruise from the old place but worth the drive.

Quality Junk
09-23-09, 17:28
They moved. 562-200-6001 It is a bit of a cruise from the old place but worth the drive.I tried this place back in February on a lonely, cold, dark night. It was one slightly plus sized Latina MILF with nice c's. Not bad, but nothing to twitter about.

So, they've undergone new ownership? Since I never made the trek to the ponderosa, I wouldn't know if the staff is the same. But...if half of what I read about it are true, then this place surely is worth another try.

09-23-09, 18:14
Gg In. At Beach & GG. There are some providers available at this location. I just went back there to visit again back2back on Sun & Mon. The girls here are not local; they are very young & pretty. However, since they are that young and new to business, they lack of great performance.

Btw, I sometimes got bad experiences with so-so or poor service providers / agencies. However, to me, taking it personally all upon the defendless girls aren't the appropriate mission / behavior. Moreover, one girl at one particular place doesn't make you totally happy, doesn't mean the rest of the girls there would give you the same bad service. You ruin it, you may miss the better opportunities. Some girls have to deal with bad & violent mongers, they have bad impressions towards the rest of us. Which means, some of us just make it harder for them to give us respect & for the rest of us to establish some good relationship (returning for more, for better service) with some good providers.

09-23-09, 21:58
Dude, I thought you were gonna take your ball and go home? Now all of a sudden you wanna partake in revisionist history and claim you didn't [try] to assault somebody? What BS. Guess what homes, you don't need to physically injure someone in order to assault them. It's all there in black & white and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

So now you go runnin' to Daddy [Jackson] to save you cause you got called out for being an ass. Maybe you could just man up and admit that you fucked up and went over the line but naw, your ego won't let you do that.Is this girl your gf/wife?

Sure seems like it man.

09-23-09, 22:00
Thanks man for the info!

I'll give you more info.

1.) On all three occassions she has worn a dress. The first two were loose and exposed a fair amount of an awesome rack. This I know is a plus because jeans are a bad thing.

2.) The room had the table in the middle (I know, a bad sign) but the door was wood. Unfortunately she left it open a sliver the first time, but closed it on the second and third.

3.) I was definitely erect on the flip, and I tried light touching. She was resistant on the first and second trip, but didn't seem to mind as much on the third but wouldn't let me roam much.

4.) I exposed the tallywhacker on the second trip and she covered it back up. Didn't try it again until the thrid trip. I actually jacked it on the third trip but she kept covering up until she saw that I came. Weird thing is, she played with the sack while I was doing it, but wouldn't grab the meat herself.

Like I said, normally I wouldn't have gone back. But I haven't found a good FS spot since they closed up my favorite shop where Hoss, Little John, Adam and Ben used to hang out. Right off of 17th Street. I miss my favorite provider Shi Shi (Xi Xi maybe?)Where is this place? Maybe I will try it out too so you know it's not just you and that provider.

09-23-09, 22:42
Gg In. At Beach & GG. There are some providers available at this location. I just went back there to visit again back2back on Sun & Mon. The girls here are not local; they are very young & pretty. However, since they are that young and new to business, they lack of great performance.

Btw, I sometimes got bad experiences with so-so or poor service providers / agencies. However, to me, taking it personally all upon the defendless girls aren't the appropriate mission / behavior. Moreover, one girl at one particular place doesn't make you totally happy, doesn't mean the rest of the girls there would give you the same bad service. You ruin it, you may miss the better opportunities. Some girls have to deal with bad & violent mongers, they have bad impressions towards the rest of us. Which means, some of us just make it harder for them to give us respect & for the rest of us to establish some good relationship (returning for more, for better service) with some good providers.I hope you did a package check before you played. That's a known tranny hangout although there have been some female providers working out of there from time to time. But mostly trannies.

Happy Hoin!

Tom Ace
09-23-09, 23:30
To the Caribbean, which is the sister location of B-Mystique in the IE. They have an ad in El Classificado for.30/30 min. Hit the head and noticed a familiar face. Diana from the other spot, but she had a client waiting, so I had no choice and got Rosio. Nice looking gal, not drop dead gorgeous, but pretty enough face. Latina, medium-sized tits with tiny nipples, trimmed kitty, nice ass, but some flab in the midsection. Age < 25.

Session was decent, but she asked for tip upfront. I didn't fight and just handed her $. Quick hot towel treatment, which led to the following: HJ, CBJ, RCG, CG, K9, RCG. And that's where I popped. She has potential as it appeared that she was getting into it at times, but I have to deduct points for 1) demanding the dough beforehand, and 2) she wouldn't let my hands stay on her ass cheeks long before slapping them off. That's a bummer, because I like to palm a nice set of cantaloupes.

09-24-09, 01:24
I hope you did a package check before you played. That's a known tranny hangout although there have been some female providers working out of there from time to time. But mostly trannies.

Happy Hoin!Through a friend, I know one agency whose service is, at least to me, very reliable. She's been bringing girls from other areas to work here & some other motels alternatively. This particular place itself however is sort of unsafe, very open & always have some people (around the pool) look at you when you enter the perimeter (or just me being too uncomfortable) - as stated, the girls are pretty but their services aren't much to discuss about.


09-24-09, 02:03
They moved. 562-200-6001 It is a bit of a cruise from the old place but worth the drive.Thank you brother! I will definitely hit the place up. I have fond memories of that place.

So that I can assist fellow enthusiasts, if you are looking for a good time stay away from Classy Spa on Chapman next to the Pump Room. They tease great but there is nothing going on in that place except a bad massage.

I go in and see the mamasan and ask for J****y. She takes my money and walks me back. Then her 65+ year old a$$ comes into the room and asks starts trying to massage me. I'm like WTF? ! I stopped her and very politely stated that I was here for another provider. She tells me that J****y quit that morning, but she would provide the massage. I decline, but she says no refunds. I ask for another girl and she says she is the only one there. So I feel violated and take the massage and finish up way before my time. As I'm leaving one very provider (early thirties) and one 7/10 provider comes through the door. Obviously I feel this is some kind of karmic punishment, until I make eye contact with the hot one and she giggles as she walks passed. I look back as I am walking out and she kept looking and giggled.

So, my dumb ass decides to go back later. As if the 5th visit would yield any different result. So, I head back in around 7pm and the old mama san acts as if she is going to give me a massage. I give her a 10 spot as a tip and ask if she can bring me the masseuse who was in the green dress. She smiles and brings her in. Long story short, she lets me roam all over her legs and butt, but won't play with the johnson. I fully expose it and shes still says no. I told her that I had been there before with J****y and she saysthat they let her go because Jenny did something with a customer. I left 10 minutes before the massage was up and I was damned if I was going to leave a tip.

So, Classy Spa is out. Unless they really just thought I was LE. But if that was the case, why would they let me roam?

Member #3991
09-24-09, 18:12
To the Caribbean, which is the sister location of B-Mystique in the IE...

Good to know that they share girls at least in part. While it's tough to judge from a single visit, do you think the low-key vibe and relaxed nature of the IE location is replicated? I really liked the feel of the IE joint on my visit. It would be great to have the same thing in a much closer location - at least for me.

Member #3991
09-24-09, 18:20
They moved. 562-200-6001 It is a bit of a cruise from the old place but worth the drive.

So that's were they went. All I need is more money and maybe I'll make it there someday. I knew about the joint but didn't realize the connection. The reputation on the old joint was just OK. Is that the general consensus?

BTW - has anyone noticed or tried the new (not sure how new) FS joint by the northern end of beach? I saw it after getting a massage at a R&T shop in the same neighborhood.

Rocco D
09-25-09, 00:01
These are the kind of posts this board is supposed to elicit.

Nicely done Play.

Thank you brother! I will definitely hit the place up. I have fond memories of that place.

So that I can assist fellow enthusiasts, if you are looking for a good time stay away from Classy Spa on Chapman next to the Pump Room. They tease great but there is nothing going on in that place except a bad massage.

I go in and see the mamasan and ask for J****y. She takes my money and walks me back. Then her 65+ year old a$$ comes into the room and asks starts trying to massage me. I'm like WTF? ! I stopped her and very politely stated that I was here for another provider. She tells me that J****y quit that morning, but she would provide the massage. I decline, but she says no refunds. I ask for another girl and she says she is the only one there. So I feel violated and take the massage and finish up way before my time. As I'm leaving one very provider (early thirties) and one 7/10 provider comes through the door. Obviously I feel this is some kind of karmic punishment, until I make eye contact with the hot one and she giggles as she walks passed. I look back as I am walking out and she kept looking and giggled.

So, my dumb ass decides to go back later. As if the 5th visit would yield any different result. So, I head back in around 7pm and the old mama san acts as if she is going to give me a massage. I give her a 10 spot as a tip and ask if she can bring me the masseuse who was in the green dress. She smiles and brings her in. Long story short, she lets me roam all over her legs and butt, but won't play with the johnson. I fully expose it and shes still says no. I told her that I had been there before with J****y and she saysthat they let her go because Jenny did something with a customer. I left 10 minutes before the massage was up and I was damned if I was going to leave a tip.

So, Classy Spa is out. Unless they really just thought I was LE. But if that was the case, why would they let me roam?

09-25-09, 01:06
Hahahaha. I see the troll is trolling around in full force here lately. First he was gonna wow us with his pseudo intellectualism on how smart he is & now the self righteous indignation is on full display. Of course I don't have to name him. He'll pull those boots up to waist and wallow in it, just like last time. If the boots fit wear them.

But on to what really matters. I have been by C&C a couple times & closed. I was just wondering if this is the case here.

Thanks to all for their reports (Cash Value included).

09-25-09, 04:24
Great info dude! Your experience will help me.

I'm an amp virgin. Haha. Thanks again!

Unless it’s a great massage, I rarely return to a place that doesn’t offer at least a happy ending.

First check out the room. If it’s just a curtain or a swinging door, I don’t expect much.

Check out what the lady is wearing. If she’s wearing heavy Levi’s, a blouse that has a dozen buttons and shoes that need to be untied, I figure I’m probably not getting much more than a massage and maybe a HJ. However, if she’s wearing a loose dress and sandals that’s a good sign.

I’ve been told I have a LE look. To counter this, I try to be standing or sitting on the edge of the table, completely nude with my dick semi-hard, when the lady comes in. Most cops won’t go this far. The fact I’m exposed seems to put some girls at ease that I’m not a cop.

It’s good to pay with a $100 bill so the AMP needs to make change. When the lady offers you the change, don’t take it. Just tell her to put it on a table near your clothes. But in Orange County, I NEVER mention payment for additional services.

Before the flip, I attempt to rub her leg, ass, or pussy. If I don’t get any resistance, I know she’s probably good for at least a happy ending. While I’m still on my stomach, I reach under to adjust my dick to let her know that I’m hard. A good masseuse will lightly brush my balls while rubbing my leg. I let her know “That feels good” or “That’s a good area.”

On the flip, the towel should come off. If she puts it back on but doesn’t say anything I’ll usually rub my cock a few times under the towel.

As a last resort, if I she says we don’t provide extras I sometimes ask if she cares if I do it myself. One more than one occasion when I started stroking the lady finished it off.

In the end, no extra service, no tip. But when the service is good I like to slightly over tip. Most girls have good memories. But you also need to remember that many ladies don’t offer extras.

Treat the ladies with respect. While most make good money, it can be a dangerous profession.

I’m sure that some other guys can offer more suggestions.

Pgh 2221
09-25-09, 17:34
I am visiting the O.C. in a week and wanted to know the places to go to get extras.


09-25-09, 18:08
BJ's funny, I looked at all his postings and he's done 2 reviews about AMP visits period. The rest have been criticizing other mongers or ranting about something or another.

So Cash does one dumb thing and we should all turn on him? We've all left AMPs frustrated I'm sure that's why the reports we get from our fellow mongers are extremely valuable. Go ahead and call someone on a bonehead move, but get over it. The better the intel here, the less likely we'll find ourselves wasting money in a place like Cash did.

Oooo Cash is gettin' personal....and I'm SO hurt. LOL! Please, you actually think you can piss me off with such juvenile remarks? Useful? I love just how useful your posts your post are that tell us about you ass raping a broad for puttin' too much lube on your tiny willy...Your father teach you that move Cash?

But since you brought it up, the day I need an assist from a cholo like you to get laid in any AMP, is the day I'll give up this hobby...Oh, And as far as my mom is concerned, if you did, I'm sure she wasn't the first women you've raped...or the last.

Really Paco, you're just plain pathetic...but you were right about one thing, any post about you is "Useless crap about nothing."

09-25-09, 19:28
Anyone know what happened to CiCi or Mari that used to be at the Hoover AMP?
Place has been dark for a while and the phone has been turned off.
I knew all that construction was going to be no good.
Any assistance will be very much appreciated.

09-25-09, 20:25
Needed a good rub and *** and my yellow fever was on over drive, so I headed on over to Hoover, only to find it closed up tight and the number turned off. I continued east on Garden Grove to fern, but they were both busy. Kept going east to Brookhurst, they said they have been slow, even gave me .10 off the door fee for a returning customer. S***** was there, Not asian, but I had fun with here last time. This girl does her kegels! I hardly had to move, she just kept working those muscles.

Anyone know of a place near GG that offers K girls on par with what Hoover used to offer?

09-25-09, 20:39
Greetings everyone,

I have received a number of complaints about Broadjumper's recent posts, generally requesting that I take a range of actions from deleting his posts to banning him from the forum.

However, there was recent situation on another forum wherein I was blamed for causing a forum member quit the forum after I dared to ask him to post his diatribes in a separate thread, after which I had to defend my decision for the next 4 pages of posts. A small number of members threatened to quit in protest, others suggested instead that I should just have advised other members to use the "Ignore" function if they don't like what a specific member posts, and other members with actual balls chimed in to support my decision.

Anyway, due to these events, I'm just not all that enthusiastic about cracking down on what some members might consider just another "colorful" contributor, so I'm just going to pass the buck here by using a survey to ascertain the opinions of the membership.

The question is simple: What, if anything, should I do about Broadjumper and/or his reports?


Of course, there's no way I can win in this situation because somebody, either Broadjumper or his detractors, will be unhappy with the outcome, so all I'm really expecting to get is some sense of where the membership's compass is on these sort of situations.

As always, I look forward to receiving your input.



09-25-09, 23:09
From Jackson:

The question is simple: What, if anything, should I do about Broadjumper and/or his reports?

I vote for using the ignore button on the guy.

I have gathered countless intel from Cash Value's reports. The dude knows his way around and his free spending ways and subsequent reports of his exploits have been valuable to myself and I'm sure others as well.

I'd give Cash the benefit of the doubt in this situation, chalking it up to his sense of humor.

Enough with the name calling and such and tell us where the good amps are ok? Peace.


Cash Value
09-25-09, 23:34
Unless it’s a great massage, I rarely return to a place that doesn’t offer at least a happy ending.

blab blab blab blab blab blab...

I’m sure that some other guys can offer more suggestions.You virgins should study this post and you will be on your way to good times.

BTW I think you should all send him 10 bucks.

Jon Jones
09-26-09, 12:53
Thanks CV. You guys can just send ten dollars in my name to Joe's Bail Bonds. :)

You virgins should study this post and you will be on your way to good times.

BTW I think you should all send him 10 bucks.

Large Ess
09-26-09, 15:58
I realize these are late, but was having some difficulty with getting on the site. I visited AC a couple of times. Once right before all the drama and once right after. First time was met by the msn and shown a room. Asked to see all the girls avail. Nice selection and went with one whose name now escapes me. She was yng and cute but pretty prof. not in bad way but it's that little extra that can make the difference sometimes. she had a grt bdy and all natural. service was very good. I have always wanted to experience vt. and this was a wonderful beginning.

Went the next week and very nervous there and rightly so as all of the things had just come down. This time was with **y. She was not dressed as provocatively as before and for some us on some occasions that can be a bigger turn on. This turned out to be the case this time. I wanted a tb as it was quite good the first time and so we had to move rooms. lots of rushing around.

Once we got started and she mentioned the incidents. We moved quickly and then she was willing to give me a massage for the time remaining but clearly the mood was not great, so we ended early. Would love to go again as I found the service having the great potential of being excellent. It was very good on my initial visits.

Romper Room
09-26-09, 18:17
I realize these are late, but was having some difficulty with getting on the site. I visited AC a couple of times. Once right before all the drama and once right after. First time was met by the msn and shown a room. Asked to see all the girls avail. Nice selection and went with one whose name now escapes me. She was yng and cute but pretty prof. not in bad way but it's that little extra that can make the difference sometimes. she had a grt bdy and all natural. service was very good. I have always wanted to experience vt. and this was a wonderful beginning.

Went the next week and very nervous there and rightly so as all of the things had just come down. This time was with **y. She was not dressed as provocatively as before and for some us on some occasions that can be a bigger turn on. This turned out to be the case this time. I wanted a tb as it was quite good the first time and so we had to move rooms. lots of rushing around.

Once we got started and she mentioned the incidents. We moved quickly and then she was willing to give me a massage for the time remaining but clearly the mood was not great, so we ended early. Would love to go again as I found the service having the great potential of being excellent. It was very good on my initial visits.It seem like you were at #6.

09-27-09, 00:58
I wanted a tb as it was quite good the first time and so we had to move rooms. lots of rushing around.Hey Lrg.,

What is a 'tb is this context?

I'm glad I read your post - I was going to try that place tomorrow.

Thanks man,


09-27-09, 16:18
Friday afternoon I made my third trip to this place after not returning for at least three months. .60 for the hr. Got Jenny, 5', 100 lbs. Was on my front with the towel covering my white ass and she comes in and immediately removes the towel. Starts with gentle touches around my ass and lower back. She asks jokingly, "Are you an undercover officer?" We both laugh and I tell her I ALWAYS get that. She gave a pretty rub down, concentrating initially on my upper back, shoulders, and neck. She asked me a whole bunch of questions, some personal, which led me to believe she didn't remember me from last time. Turn over and she does a light touch massage around the boys and Jr. Eventually, she gets to stroking me and after about 10 minutes of her gently playing with it I bust a huge load. Some of it squirts on her top! .40 was the tip. She's not really all that to look at, but she's nice and gives a massage with decent pressure. I actually tried to get more than a HJ; however, she reiterated, "Massage only," and giggled. Maybe there is more than a HJ? Who knows. Anyone get at least head?

09-27-09, 16:41
I just went to the place in the industrial complex on Von Karman, to the right of the go-kart track.

Saw Coco. very smooth skin, pretty girl. $.5 total.


09-28-09, 12:27
Hey Lrg.,

What is a 'tb is this context?

I'm glad I read your post - I was going to try that place tomorrow.

Thanks man,

DylanI had the same question!

09-28-09, 12:28
I just went to the place in the industrial complex on Von Karman, to the right of the go-kart track.

Saw Coco. very smooth skin, pretty girl. $.5 total.

DylanI went to a place by the Go-Karts earlier this month and got a 30-ish Korean girl in a hot dress. She had a great body but so-so attitude. When I asked how much for a tug, she just smiled and shrugged and said whatever. Then afterwards she said "80 honey". I'm like. Gee.

The only good thing I can say about her is that, of the short massage I received, she can really apply pressure with her fingers. This is someone who was trained and knows how to give massages, not the typical Viet "light touch" fake massage.

09-28-09, 12:28
I just went to the place in the industrial complex on Von Karman, to the right of the go-kart track.

Saw Coco. very smooth skin, pretty girl. $.5 total.

DylanI have been unable to figure out the "Go-Kart" place you mongers have been posting about.

Thanks for the insight!

09-28-09, 12:29
City please?

09-28-09, 15:45
City please?Stanton, in a two story office building.

09-28-09, 18:36

There are two in the same complex.

Rim Job
09-28-09, 22:33
City please?Its probably the one on Stanton. Google it.

Not that hard to find.

09-29-09, 02:02
So where is the Ignore button anyway.

09-29-09, 04:24
Recommending AC #6 here is like preaching to the choir. Hell, after getting advice from a shogun on this site, I read a few older posts and decided to make the trip.

I was not disappointed.

There was this broken down looking looking motorhome in the back which creeped me out, I thought it might be LE. Decided to try it anyway. Walked in and met C***y in a short black dress exposing a lot of cleavage. She greeted me and led me back to the room. There was really no small talk. She asked if I'd been there before (and due to the senior mongerers teachings) and I said yes. She had asked who I had seen before and, once again due to posts from the forum, I stated Ivy. She then asked if I wanted FS and I said yes. She quoted $.40 and I agreed. I kept thinking this was way too easy. She left the room and I expected an old bat to come back in and kill the experience

Pleasant surprised, C***y came back in an disrobed. Fantastic set of bolt-ons and a tight body. She was tall for an asian chick (5'7) which I like, but being 6'6 myself she still seemd tiny. She had a pretty face (an 8) and gorgeous black hair that went to the middle of her back. When she disrobed I saw those spectacular enhancements (D's I'd guess) without a trace of surgical scars. She had a clean little landing strip leading to the promise land.

The service was mechanical though and she was pretty quiet throughout. Didn't seem to like having her top touched. And me as a boob man was disappointed in this. Also, due to the table being low, I couldn't get into a good position. Overall, she was great in the looks department and a little weak in the service department. I will definitely try the place again!

Once again, ty to the guys who blazed a trail and shared!

09-29-09, 07:26
From where I've always gone too and what I've seen, the number of the suite doesn't have three of the same number, hopefully that helps, and also it's in the very back right corner of the complex.

09-29-09, 08:42
So where is the Ignore button anyway.

Click the link above that says "User CP" on the left of the screen at the bottom is a link to "Buddy/Ignore Lists".


09-29-09, 09:04
Damn. I've been on a mongering mission since last Friday. I read about a place on Katella that had a little run-in with the law in August. I went to check it out and it was a good experience.

Pay for half an hour, enter a red lit room, undress, lie down, and cover my behind with the towel. In comes Tammy, 20-something Vietnamese, cute and speaks English very well. Kind of covered up so I couldn't get a good look at her assets. She massages me for a few minutes. Someone comes to the door and out she goes and in comes Ann who continues the massage. I am asked if I want Tammy back. I said whatever, just do it. Now it gets good.

She moves the towel upward, exposing my ass. She puts some of that massage oil or lotion and rubs me from my lower leg to my upper thigh, just barely touching my balls with her fingertips. She does this several times while working on both legs. Next, she starts massaging my butt cheeks and then caresses my sack and brushes her hand from my balls to my ass crack. She gets up on the table, pulls up her tight ribbed tank top and rubs her tits all over my back. It doesn't get any more subtle than that!

She asks me to flip over and the soldier is standing at full attention. She makes the little sign, you know, forefinger going in and out of a hole she makes with her other hand. I was so aroused that I couldn't possibly decline!

She puts on the hat with her mouth, a little BJ and then she mounts me Asian CG. Her pussy was so wet that her juices were flowing on my nutsack. She gets tired and asks me to do missionary. I start out in a slow rhythm, progess to a hard, fast and deep pounding, eventually busting a huge load. She cleans me up with a hot towel and massages me until time runs out. She's got a nice rack--seems enhanced--can't tell for sure. My only gripe is that she isn't as young looking as Tammy. On my return trip I hope Tammy provides similar service.

My next objective is to visit the ever so popular Clinic. I've read that their sessions are at a slightly lower cost compared to this joint. Any recommendations anyone? PM is fine.

Liege 68
09-29-09, 16:51
Had my regular massage at 440 this morning. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I notice a truly beautiful asian stepping out of her lexus suv and walking toward 440. Huge breats! What's even more noticeable is a rather large colorful tatoo on one of her shoulder/upper-arm. Anyone knows her or which suite she works at?

09-30-09, 00:44
There was this broken down looking looking motorhome in the back which creeped me out,

I was at the same place yesterday and zeroed in on the motorhome myself. Maybe that's what us veterans do. Keep our eyes open and notice stuff like that. That little mall is high profile imho and I seldom go there.

Tom Ace
09-30-09, 00:50
Light skinned Latina named Crystal who used to work at La Paz now works at a place on Knott in GG (Thanks for the recco Cash! ). Look for the ad in the El Clasificado under masaje and the last 4 digits of the phone number are four goose-eggs, or just PM me.

She didn't recognize me, and at first I didn't recognize her either, but once she stripped and I saw that big tat sprawled across the front of her waistline, my amnesia left the building. Not a 9 or 10 like some of the Latina talent of the defunct Stinglewood LAMP, but a very doable 7 with nice man-mades and a hard curvy buttocks. She has a great arch in the small of her back, too!

Very pleasant and sweet attitude (smiles a lot which is nice), but she did ask for a tip upfront (meh, but I understand in this day and age). I said how about.80, and she gave me a pouty face and whispered, "baby, if you gimme one hundred, I suck you no rubber! " Sold! Skipped massage, fondled each other and rubbed our naked bods against one another with some LFK thrown into the mix. Laid down on the table, then down she went for a nice sloppy BBBJ. Trojan was attached and she climbed on for some CG, followed by K9 (nice view! ), then over for some Mish. She looked me in the eye, smiled, then softly said, "next time, you bring one hundred more and fuck me in the ass! " I just smiled and shook my head, but I'm not much of an anal guy so that's a waste of dinero for me, but for you greek guys, here ya' go. Don't worry, she'll negotiate. Okay, back to the session. She oiled my cock up and released my weekend build-up with a vigorous HJ. If you're into the dirty talk and lot's of "si papi's! " then she might be up your alley. 40 for the house and 100 for the provider. Heard there is some really smokin' talent here, so I'll have to take another trip in the near future.

Romper Room
09-30-09, 01:36
The motorhome is no big deal. Been there long time and is just stored there. Sometimes the owner stays in it but he's a friend of someone there.


Oc Pleasure
09-30-09, 02:24
Damn. I've been on a mongering mission since last Friday. I read about a place on Katella that had a little run-in with the law in August. I went to check it out and it was a good experience.

Pay for half an hour, enter a red lit room, undress, lie down, and cover my behind with the towel. In comes Tammy, 20-something Vietnamese, cute and speaks English very well. Kind of covered up so I couldn't get a good look at her assets. She massages me for a few minutes. Someone comes to the door and out she goes and in comes Ann who continues the massage. I am asked if I want Tammy back. I said whatever, just do it. Now it gets good.What was the damage?

09-30-09, 08:08
I was at the same place yesterday and zeroed in on the motorhome myself. Maybe that's what us veterans do. Keep our eyes open and notice stuff like that. That little mall is high profile imho and I seldom go there.On the contrary, C & C, down the street, is located in a very busy shopping center. There's a supermarket, laundromat, pizza joint, and another parlor located in the same strip mall! Now that's high profile.

All that aside, yeah, I do agree that the motorhome is a little suspicious. I notice EVERYTHING, although I'm not anywhere near a veteran. I try not to frequent the AMPs in OC ever since the Human Traficking Task Force did their thing not too long ago. I'd hate to get caught with my pants down!