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01-01-70, 08:00
Thread starter.

04-01-20, 16:38
See, I thought you meant something else. It's fine to use some abbreviation for whatever weird reason you feel you need to, but it's points like this when it gets needlessly confusing. $ is not necessarily synonymous with "1", and especially not when you put it in front of a whole number with no decimal or spacing or anything to indicate it's representative of a numerical value as opposed to a symbol designating a nation's currency standard. Just put a damn "1" instead. If we were talking about some in-shape 20-ish, then hell yeah, I'm all in. But 160 in itself is nothing special (unless it's an open menu). Especially when the the referenced girls themselves are far from special. Willing to wager you could get that even outside the COVID season we find ourselves in, and honestly I'm surprised it's not lower for them right now.

FWIW, I'm not displeased you shared. Just a little disappointed the rates weren't what I was anticipating them to be. That said, desperate times call for desperate rates from desperate women. If anyone does have any fantastic deals, no matter how sad, I'm all ears. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do.From a true "mathematical" sense, you are correct. But within the hobby, something like $$. 50 is "usual / acceptable", and it means $250. Another pooner used a notation I had never seen before, and when I questioned him on it, he got all bent out of shape.

So, for $160, an acceptable notation within the hobby is $. 60, or as you said, one can just say $160.

And as for that being a "special" rate, in these economically depressed days, as I have mentioned, for an all inclusive hour, the most it should be is $$. 0, ie, $200. And for me, all inclusive would need to include BBBJ, DATY, DATO, and BBFS. Rimming would be good also, but not necessarily a requirement.

04-01-20, 21:23
Another pooner used a notation I had never seen before, and when I questioned him on it, he got all bent out of shape.No, you couldn't grasp the concept of "$x4". $60 is very different than $160 or $. 60.

04-03-20, 13:06
No, you couldn't grasp the concept of "$x4". $60 is very different than $160 or $. 60.What is "$x4"? Definitely a new notation for me.

I read it as $400, or possibly $140 (similar to ' 4'.

Have to admit that I've never quite understood the reason for these abbreviations. Presumably it's to protect against LE action, but any code that you and I understand, they will too, and certainly a jury would.

I highly doubt that "I had a dream that I had FS for $$" is much less incriminating than "I paid $200 for sex" (but maybe I'm wrong. Anyone have evidence that this "code" actually protects anyone?

Morgan Creamin
04-03-20, 17:15
Have to admit that I've never quite understood the reason for these abbreviations. Presumably it's to protect against LE action, but any code that you and I understand, they will too, and certainly a jury would.

I highly doubt that "I had a dream that I had FS for $$" is much less incriminating than "I paid $200 for sex" (but maybe I'm wrong. Anyone have evidence that this "code" actually protects anyone?I tend to agree but cases are often won by technicalities. Does using the 'dream' format create enough plausible deniability that something is 'for entertainment purposes only?' Don't know, but that would be decided as part of any pre-trial motions to expunge vs having a jury decide it. If it reaches that point and your forum history is admissible you're already fucked. There are plenty of sites that translate mongering 'code' so I see it more as habit than having any protective effect. The real trick is to make it as difficult as possible to figure out who you really are from your online presence.

I feel confident enough in the barriers I have in place to go over some of them.

1- I never access this or other mongering sites without using a VPN that has a proven track record of not logging sessions and not cooperating with LEO.

2- I sign up for these forums with emails I use for no other purpose than to create accounts on the forums.

3- I never log into those emails without using my VPN.

4- I never reference this forum anywhere save on this forum, same goes for other sites.

5- I never reference any personally identifying information from the forum or those email accounts.

I try and make a barrier with enough technical doubt as to my real identity as possible. You want an air gap between your recorded activity online that could be incriminating and your true identity. Could someone find out who I am if they tried hard enough,? Probably. But with a few simple steps I've made it so hard and inserted enough doubt using those 5 steps (and others I won't reveal) that I feel confident the effort isn't worth it.

04-04-20, 00:55
Anyone have evidence that this "code" actually protects anyone?I have evidence to the contrary. In a Bellevue promotion case a couple years back, the jury had no problem at all "decoding" the masterful encryption of "one dollar sign equals one hundred dollars. " It wasn't even questioned by the defense. I mean, what's a defense atty supposed to say in a closing argument? "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: yes, my client said "$$" on a hobby board when writing about how much he paid the hooker, and even though everyone reading it understood that $$ means two-hundred dollars, he technically didn't say "two-hundred dollars" so you must acquit!

$$ and $$$ aren't code for $200 and $300. They're shorthand. Abbreviations. Let's all just use numbers.

04-04-20, 09:45
I tend to agree but cases are often won by technicalities. Does using the 'dream' format create enough plausible deniability that something is 'for entertainment purposes only?' Don't know, but that would be decided as part of any pre-trial motions to expunge vs having a jury decide it. If it reaches that point and your forum history is admissible you're already fucked. There are plenty of sites that translate mongering 'code' so I see it more as habit than having any protective effect. The real trick is to make it as difficult as possible to figure out who you really are from your online presence.

I feel confident enough in the barriers I have in place to go over some of them.

1- I never access this or other mongering sites without using a VPN that has a proven track record of not logging sessions and not cooperating with LEO.

2- I sign up for these forums with emails I use for no other purpose than to create accounts on the forums.

3- I never log into those emails without using my VPN.

4- I never reference this forum anywhere save on this forum, same goes for other sites.

5- I never reference any personally identifying information from the forum or those email accounts.

I try and make a barrier with enough technical doubt as to my real identity as possible. You want an air gap between your recorded activity online that could be incriminating and your true identity. Could someone find out who I am if they tried hard enough,? Probably. But with a few simple steps I've made it so hard and inserted enough doubt using those 5 steps (and others I won't reveal) that I feel confident the effort isn't worth it.You make sure to avail yourself of the anonymity we intended you to have when we started the forum.

Smart move.


The Tanuki
04-05-20, 19:33

1- I never access this or other mongering sites without using a VPN that has a proven track record of not logging sessions and not cooperating with LEO.

2- I sign up for these forums with emails I use for no other purpose than to create accounts on the forums.

3- I never log into those emails without using my VPN.

Keep in mind that the VPN does not cover your session end to end. It's between you and the portal. From there onward you're out in the open Internet. SSL / TLS is the next piece to utilize.



04-07-20, 12:53

- People paying stupid ridiculous TNA pricing. WHY ?! for crying out loud are you paying some of these insanely high prices?
- Providers you can see on TNA who apparently only will let you contact them if you are a TNA member.
- Women with ugly huge tattoos covering huge parts of their body who somehow think this is attractive.


- Massage parlor girls who right away let you know from the get go by how they do their massage and how they touch that you'll be leaving happy and satisfied and that you'll get your money worth.

- When you can understand what the hell they are saying on the phone haha.

Morgan Creamin
04-07-20, 15:55
If the session is not logged that's immaterial. My VPN provider has been subpoenaed in the past by LEO. Not for me, LOL. And they turned over everything they had, which was nothing. They have lists of all their customers but do not log individual sessions so you can't prove any user is associated with any session. TLS will cover being snooped on once the traffic leaves the VPN, of course but then it's public wires with nothing to say it's my system unless the end site is tracking, which is possible. Again, not saying it's 100% but it's enough to make it quite difficult to track who I am.

Keep in mind that the VPN does not cover your session end to end. It's between you and the portal. From there onward you're out in the open Internet. SSL / TLS is the next piece to utilize.



04-20-20, 22:53
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?

04-21-20, 10:53
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?I have no problem. You just need to reel out more hose. .

04-21-20, 15:51
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?Yeah, that would be a ticik!

As I posted before, this AMP is still open:


When I visited the other day, she definitely touched me!

Also, just out of curiosity, called these 2 places yesterday:



For the first one, a woman answered, but said (politely) that they were closed. For the second one, a woman answered and said they would be open today.

04-22-20, 01:46
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?Well that's good maybe that trend will head this way. But, on another note. All the AMP that I visited in the Augusta area had old old women with a Kong Foo grip that I was afraid my little buddy would be detached before reaching a happy ending.

04-22-20, 13:43
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?Yeah, somehow it's become a partisan issue whether or not we should go back to work. Decisions based on polling rather than science. I understand mistrust of government, but when the ENTIRE WORLD is shut down, how does anyone think it's a liberal ploy?

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens in Georgia and South Carolina when they open earlier than recommended. Glad we're not experimenting with that here, though. As much as I'm ready for parlors to open again, I have some good friends in the healthcare field who I care about more than getting an HE.

04-22-20, 17:43
Yeah, somehow it's become a partisan issue whether or not we should go back to work. Decisions based on polling rather than science. I understand mistrust of government, but when the ENTIRE WORLD is shut down, how does anyone think it's a liberal ploy?The decisions to stay closed are not based on science. All their "models" have proven incredibly pessimistic. All the actual field data, e. G. The Princess Diamond, actual random antibody tests in various places, show that the virus and antibodies are already widespread. And actual data tells us the hospitals haven't filled up (outside of NYC, which partied long and has subways) and the ventilators weren't needed.

The word "science" has a meaning. That your hypothesis is "falsifiable", meaning you can prove it wrong. The models that the shutdown were based on have all been proven wrong. Ergo, and this is the actual use of the word "ergo", continuing the shutdowns is the anti-scientific side.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens in Georgia and South Carolina when they open earlier than recommended.Of course everyone else will be opening far later than recommended too, especially those looking at economics, etc. Just depends on whose recommendations you're listening to.

04-24-20, 10:24
The incredibly intelligent Governor of GA announced the re-opening of massage parlors as one of the types of businesses that can be re-opened as long as social distancing can be followed. Tell me genius. How do you get a massage while maintaining social distancing?Please don't post partisan stupidity like this on review threads. And before you insult my intelligence by saying "what, I called him intelligent." Don't.

I don't care who you prefer to fuck you up the ass with a giant red, white, and blue dildo just keep it off the review threads.


Morgan Creamin
04-24-20, 11:51
What you're doing is conflating current evidence with evidence of 6 weeks ago. We knew less about the virus back then and so models from then are bound to have a certain amount inaccuracy. That's to be expected. You seem to be implying that because we know more than we did 6 weeks ago that we know 'enough' to make decisions that affect millions of people. That's fairly cavalier and not very scientific at all. Given the continued large gaps in our understanding of the behavior of the virus a certain amount of caution in reversing prophylactic social interventions seems warranted until either the knowledge base increases to a higher level of certainty or the evidence regarding infections rates, hospitalizations, etc becomes clear past the point of doubt.

Science does have a meaning and it also has well defined processes and logic. Looking at the latest numbers and thinking that's all you need to know without deeper analysis of larger trendlines and incorporating other data is not a scientific modality.

The decisions to stay closed are not based on science. All their "models" have proven incredibly pessimistic. All the actual field data, e. G. The Princess Diamond, actual random antibody tests in various places, show that the virus and antibodies are already widespread. And actual data tells us the hospitals haven't filled up (outside of NYC, which partied long and has subways) and the ventilators weren't needed.

The word "science" has a meaning. That your hypothesis is "falsifiable", meaning you can prove it wrong. The models that the shutdown were based on have all been proven wrong. Ergo, and this is the actual use of the word "ergo", continuing the shutdowns is the anti-scientific side.

Of course everyone else will be opening far later than recommended too, especially those looking at economics, etc. Just depends on whose recommendations you're listening to.

04-24-20, 13:44
Please don't post partisan stupidity like this on review threads. And before you insult my intelligence by saying "what, I called him intelligent." Don't.

I don't care who you prefer to fuck you up the ass with a giant red, white, and blue dildo just keep it off the review threads.

A2Easy now. The Title of this thread is Rants Raves and Stupid Shit in Seattle.

I think his comments do qualify under one of those headings.

04-24-20, 16:36
Easy now. The Title of this thread is Rants Raves and Stupid Shit in Seattle.

I think his comments do qualify under one of those headings.Careful GBL. Only admin2 gets to Rant, Rave & stupid shit. It is his thread.

04-24-20, 19:01
I'm still on the fence on the whole thing. I think the whole thing is way overblown, but I'm not stupid enough to say it publicly and be one of those people being laughed at on in social media that disputed the evidence surrounding the virus and ended up dead from it. So, I will impart some wisdom I was taught from a business owner 25 years ago.

He said, "If you allow your accountants to make all of your business decisions, then your business will ultimately fail. " I originally thought this was a stab at me, because this guy's business was going bankrupt. I came in made major adjustments and his business was thriving. He then wanted to remodel the facility and expand. I ran the numbers and told him that he would go bankrupt if he did this. He said that if he didn't do it, no one would be interested in his business in a few years. I quit. 20+ years later, his little business has expanded to several branches and he's a major player in the market. An accountant's job is NOT to take risk; an entrepreneur's job is to take risk and I stepped out of my lane. Stay with me, this is an important point.

Over time I realized that you can't allow an expert in a specific field to make decisions for the common good. They will fix the problem at hand, but in fixing that problem they will cause more problems outside of their expertise than they can fix. As an example, you can't allow an environmentalist full control on cleaning up the environment. You would end up with a clean environment, but it would basically kill most industries. You can't put a successful business person in charge of an economy. You would end up with a great economy, but many workers and the environment would be severely hurt.

In one month, we just added 4 trillion dollars to our national debt, we have destroyed thousands (if not millions) of small businesses, people that were self-sufficient may be homeless in several months. Because of this virus, we allowed doctors / scientists a substantial voice in creating public policy. They may eradicate or limit the deaths from this virus, but in the end, they may have destroyed the quality of life of 300 million people for the next 20 years.

04-25-20, 07:40
I'm still on the fence on the whole thing. I think the whole thing is way overblown, but I'm not stupid enough to say it publicly and be one of those people being laughed at on in social media that disputed the evidence surrounding the virus and ended up dead from it. And yeah, I also agree that you can't say anything contrary. That's sort of the current social meta though -- whatever is currently "in", drowns out any opposing ideas or thoughts. Yes, the virus is real and it's not a hoax, but it's also clearly not that dangerous. Even those who acknowledge this use the argument that human life is more valuable than the economy. And how much is a human life worth? Well, shit it's priceless right? But even that argument is dishonest. It's very clear at this point that more people will die from automobile accidents worldwide than will EVER die from COVID-19 worldwide. The vast majority of car accidents involve other people (I. E. Are not single car accidents). Should we stop driving all cars? Stay at home, save lives, right? Or are all your car drivers so selfish that you're willing to sacrifice a million lives per year for "convenience" or "entertainment" reasons. You car drivers should all be ashamed!

Member #6240
04-25-20, 11:01
There are valid arguments and bullshit arguments on both sides.

Disagreeing with the balance of economic impact and loss of life is a valid argument from my perspective, with a few caveats. We clearly can't stay locked down forever, or every year during flu season, so we're going to have to figure out how to get to work while reducing risk.

Comparison to other causes of death is a bullshit argument as it discounts how contagious this stuff is. Just by death rate, this isn't even a bad flu year. But my HCA friend in New York spends a good part of his day moving bodies into refrigerated 18 wheelers, and that ain't normal.

As for the deficit, maybe Congress shouldn't have passed a $1 T tax cut during economic prosperity, and shouldn't have been running a deficit since 1790. I don't get to spend endlessly beyond my means; why do we elect people (of both parties) that think that's OK?

04-25-20, 11:34
What you're doing is conflating current evidence with evidence of 6 weeks ago. We knew less about the virus back then and so models from then are bound to have a certain amount inaccuracy. That's to be expected.It is to be expected, but one should learn and adjust. They haven't. And, since you apparently missed it, the Princess, for example, is not "current evidence. " You can "prove" anything if, as you seem to, you simply exclude all the inconvenient data.

You seem to be implying that because we know more than we did 6 weeks ago that we know 'enough' to make decisions that affect millions of people. That's fairly cavalier and not very scientific at all.You ignore that they've already made decisions affecting millions of people. On bad guesses. Those should be reversed and a new course, based on better data, created.

Your mindset, that you should double-down even after your initial estimates were proven to be way off, just in case your new guesses from the same losers who are invested in maintaining some shred of credibility, is bizarre. Don't modify the broken models to try to fix them, but rather build a new hypothesis. You understand neither science, logic nor politics.

Science does have a meaning and it also has well defined processes and logic. Looking at the latest numbers and thinking that's all you need to know without deeper analysis of larger trendlines and incorporating other data is not a scientific modality.Latest numbers? Project much? You're the one ignoring the past and the resulting trendlines. While parroting the talking heads you so desperately want to believe.

You apparently have quickly googled "science" and come up with some terms. Come back when you have a degree and decades actually doing it.

04-25-20, 14:53
Comparison to other causes of death is a bullshit argument as it discounts how contagious this stuff is. No, it doesn't discount it at all. I don't see how you can just say something like that without even attempting to explain it. If something was highly contagious and killed 1 in a billion people, would comparing it to other forms of deaths also discount how contagious it was? Stating that makes zero sense.

Over 1 million people die every year from automobile accidents. What will coronavirus reach? 1/8th that? 1/12th that if we used Germany's standards for declaring Coronavirus deaths?

04-25-20, 15:09
Comparison to other causes of death is a bullshit argument as it discounts how contagious this stuff is.That doesn't make any sense. Something like 80% of the population has Herpes I, what people think of as the coldsore virus. Super contagious. Not deadly. Most get it from their mothers. We don't quarantine anyone over it.

This looks similar, unless you're elderly and co-morbid with diabetes or a few other pre-existing issues. Those are the people we should be quarantining.

The reason shallow-thinkers don't grasp this is that they forget how limited testing was. Until recently, only people with known contacts with other infected persons could be tested. That's how it went so far in Life Care Center. They weren't even test candidates despite the symptoms.

With more random testing, we see it's quite wide-spread, and that most under-50-year-olds with antibodies don't even know they'd been sick, and many of the rest just assumed they had the flu.

Perhaps put your hyperbole and your tin hat away, and look around. The sky isn't falling. There's a virus that targets a specific group. We should help them protect themselves, but most people are not threatened. Sounds a bit like a virus from 40 years ago.

No, we have to all go crawl into a hole, pull it in behind us, and never go outside again or we will all die immediatly.

If killing 5,000,000 people around the world saves just 1 person that might have died from C-19 it will all be worth it.


Member #6240
04-25-20, 16:06
No, it doesn't discount it at all. I don't see how you can just say something like that without even attempting to explain it. If something was highly contagious and killed 1 in a billion people, would comparing it to other forms of deaths also discount how contagious it was? Stating that makes zero sense.

Over 1 million people die every year from automobile accidents. What will coronavirus reach? 1/8th that? 1/12th that if we used Germany's standards for declaring Coronavirus deaths?I shouldn't have to explain it, but here's the "crayons" view: if every automobile accident had the potential to spawn 10-20 more accidents, and each of those had the potential to spawn 10-20 each, you don't see that as being different, nor see how that exponential growth is a highly more dangerous situation? If not, then. You are bad at maths.

Lee Groinman
04-25-20, 18:37
No, it doesn't discount it at all. I don't see how you can just say something like that without even attempting to explain it. If something was highly contagious and killed 1 in a billion people, would comparing it to other forms of deaths also discount how contagious it was? Stating that makes zero sense.

Over 1 million people die every year from automobile accidents. What will coronavirus reach? 1/8th that? 1/12th that if we used Germany's standards for declaring Coronavirus deaths?Virus deaths to automobile deaths is a faulty comparison which renders your argument invalid.

04-25-20, 21:22
As for the deficit, maybe Congress shouldn't have passed a $1 T tax cut during economic prosperityThere is no correlation between tax cuts and deficits. In otherwords, you can't find one year following a tax cut where the total reciepts were less than before the cuts (causing a budget deficit). Spending, however, is out of control.

04-26-20, 00:31
I shouldn't have to explain it, but here's the "crayons" view: if every automobile accident had the potential to spawn 10-20 more accidents, and each of those had the potential to spawn 10-20 each, you don't see that as being different, nor see how that exponential growth is a highly more dangerous situation? If not, then. You are bad at maths.If you want to make this accurate then it's like this, and I don't know why I have to keep explaining it either.

You are an accident that spawns 10 accidents and of that 10 6 didn't even know they had been in an accident, and the other 4 were a scratch in the paint. Then each of them spawns 10 accidents and for all those 100 60 of them don't know they were in an accident either.

If the cars are between 10 and 40 years old and haven't had a prior accident (co-morbidity) then you need to have 50,000 accidents before the first one dies. (Straight from the Italian Health Ministries web page. . 2% fatality in ages 10-40 with 99% of deaths involving a co-morbidity you can look those numbers up yourself and do the math).

That was before the antibody studies in Santa Clara, LA County and New York let everybody know that 25-50 times more people had the virus than was previously thought so most likely you have to have 500,000 accidents before the first one dies. Yeah it's super contagious but unless you're in a high risk group your chances of dying are minuscule.

Before you say "yeah but the strokes, the strokes" that's 5 out of 250,000 or. 002%.

Exponential growth happens early because it attacks the risk groups horrendously but that red line on the graph doesn't go up until everybody dies. Even in the very worst risks groups 94% of the people who get it survive (more actually after the antibody tests showed that lots more people have it and most don't know it).

You are also bad at maths.


04-26-20, 05:32
I'm just going to add this:

Car accident deaths per year in the US: 38,000.

Flu related deaths per year in the US: 61,000 (high estimate).

Confirmed Covid-19 related deaths in the US: 54,000+ in less than 3 months with us all locked in our homes.

As Mr. Mayagi says in part 2, "Danielsan, this not tournament. This for real. ".

04-26-20, 09:59
I'm just going to add this:

Car accident deaths per year in the US: 38,000.

Flu related deaths per year in the US: 61,000 (high estimate).

Confirmed Covid-19 related deaths in the US: 54,000+ in less than 3 months with us all locked in our homes.

As Mr. Mayagi says in part 2, "Danielsan, this not tournament. This for real. ".Flu season is 5 months long, if the current trend continues maybe 100,000 will die. Heart disease is 600,000 every year. 2,700,000 people die in the USA every year. Now that the CDC is classifying any person who dies as a covid death if you're positive for the virus and any case where corona is suspected, the death count is not really accurate anymore.

From the CDC web page:

"2. As of April 14,2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statementpdf iconexternal icon issued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease. ".

20,000 of the deaths were in New York because they didn't isolate the risk groups back in March. It's sad but had we known then what we know now that may have been avoidable.

It's some serious shit, there's no denying it, the effect on risk groups is horrific. Outside of the risk groups not so much.

Before anybody says it, the 5 weird stroke deaths in people under 40 in New York represent. 002% of the reported cases. If you have a big enough sample there are always weird outliers.


Member #6240
04-26-20, 12:46
Exponential growth happens early because it attacks the risk groups horrendously
You *almost* had it here and then missed it. You're confusing getting COVID, and getting sick. These are two different things. The core of your contention is that the death rate is relatively low (I agree, not even a bad flu year "by the numbers") but missing the the simple fact that people can be completely asymptomatic and still have COVID, and give it to many people. Additionally, the death rate is directly correlated to the number of people that get the disease, so exponential growth means. Exponential deaths.

So your statement above is fundamentally false, in that exponential growth happens because how contagious the disease is. It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with risk groups. In fact, as noted in many articles, the biggest challenge has been young people that show no signs.

Further, the contention that the death rate is statistically insignificant is based on the current infection rate. Which has been blunted by social distancing, and which will explode if it's ended too early.

By your position, social distancing is useless, should have never happened and everyone should go back to work tomorrow. The flu of 1918 showed the folly of that perspective.

04-26-20, 13:06
I'm just going to add this:

Car accident deaths per year in the US: 38,000.

Flu related deaths per year in the US: 61,000 (high estimate).

Confirmed Covid-19 related deaths in the US: 54,000+ in less than 3 months with us all locked in our homes.

As Mr. Mayagi says in part 2, "Danielsan, this not tournament. This for real. ".Why do you only include the US Why not only include India who has less than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths despite having 4 x the population? There are 1. 2 million auto-related deaths per year and that's not including all the deaths where someone died after being in a car accident at some previous point in their life.

04-26-20, 14:38
I feel the best way to decide whether we support staying indoors or lifting the ban can be determined by thinking the worst case scenario for someone we are very close to.

Essentially, if we were to answer, would we be okay if our closest friend were to die of COVID-19, we would say no. And most of the time, we would do anything to avoid this from happening.

With respect to COVID-19, the one data that is irrefutable is that it spreads very fast. So, when the lockdown gets lifted, there is a very high chance that it is going to spread fast and there is a good chance that someone very close to us will get affected and there is a chance (Even if it might be small), they might not survive through it. So, the question here would be are we okay with taking that chance.

On the other hand, I also understand that the economy and quality of life for many is getting affected and most likely would get worse. And so we cannot keep this lockdown forever. But I feel, in my good conscience, I cannot willingly roll the dice to risk someone's life.

And so, we would have to weigh the risks and lift the ban when we are convinced that the health system can handle the amount of patients that might be added or better the health system fast.

04-26-20, 19:06
Why do you only include the US Why not only include India who has less than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths despite having 4 x the population? There are 1. 2 million auto-related deaths per year and that's not including all the deaths where someone died after being in a car accident at some previous point in their life.We don't live in India and car deaths are not exponentially contagious.

04-26-20, 19:53
Why do you only include the US Why not only include India who has less than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths despite having 4 x the population? There are 1. 2 million auto-related deaths per year and that's not including all the deaths where someone died after being in a car accident at some previous point in their life.India is locked down tighter than we are. My company had to provide laptops for the offshore workers so they can work remotely, what a nightmare week that was.

That is why they are having fewer deaths.

04-26-20, 21:51
You *almost* had it here and then missed it. You're confusing getting COVID, and getting sick. These are two different things. The core of your contention is that the death rate is relatively low (I agree, not even a bad flu year "by the numbers") but missing the the simple fact that people can be completely asymptomatic and still have COVID, and give it to many people. Additionally, the death rate is directly correlated to the number of people that get the disease, so exponential growth means. Exponential deaths.

So your statement above is fundamentally false, in that exponential growth happens because how contagious the disease is. It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with risk groups. In fact, as noted in many articles, the biggest challenge has been young people that show no signs.

Further, the contention that the death rate is statistically insignificant is based on the current infection rate. Which has been blunted by social distancing, and which will explode if it's ended too early.

By your position, social distancing is useless, should have never happened and everyone should go back to work tomorrow. The flu of 1918 showed the folly of that perspective.You seem to not understand the difference between recovering and dying. You almost had it there but missed the important stuff.

I said Covid 19 aggressively attacks risk groups so lets look at a group that couldn't practice social distancing.

The Theodore Roosevelt pulled into DaNang on March 5, on March 9th two people tested positive for corona in a hotel where some of the ships company were staying. The crew was recalled, the 4 guys who stayed in that hotel were put into isolation. On March 20th the first sailor tested positive so for 11 days the crew were onboard an aircraft carrier living in close quarters. By 16 April 95% of the crew had been tested for live cases, of the 4800 on board 600 were positive, of the 600 400 were asymptomatic. I get it you think that the fact that 60% of the were asymptomatic means that they are out there killing people just be breathing on them. Except 60% of the people they breath on will also be asymptomatic and asymptomatic means they don't even know they have it.

So the big question is. What happens to a relatively healthy young (average age 24) group of people who can't practice social distancing with 600 people who are confirmed positive?

7 weeks after first exposure, 4 weeks after the first confirmed positive 6 in hospital, 2 in intensive care of which one (41 year old chief) died.

5000 people, one death. The rest will make a full recovery.

Yes, the death rate is a direct corollary to the number of cases, LA County, Santa Clara, and New York antibody testing has shown that there are a minimum of 25 times the cases that were thought which lowers the death rate (if you add 25 X unknown cases and the body count is the same then the death rate drops by the number of new cases) giving it a death rate of around. 01-. 02% or like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University said "If 50 times more people have had the infection, the death rate could drop by that same factor, putting it "somewhere between 'little worse than the flu' to 'twice as bad as the flu' in terms of case fatality rate.

But what does he know, he only teaches medicine at one of the best medical schools in the country.

Yes, I know, that study was immediately denounced for faulty methodology except those people seemed to stop talking when independent studies in LA County and New York reached essentially the same conclusions.

The exponential growth happens IN risk groups, people outside of the risk groups are largely unaffected. It's time for intelligent quarantine and time to stop burning down the worlds economy.

I get it, you're going to argue this based on information you decided was correct a month ago, new information is available, science learns. It's a thing, it's a serious thing, it's not ebola, it's not the 1918 influenza. And not only because there has been an advance or two in medical science since 1918, it's nowhere near as lethal as that bug so stop comparing it to that. It's probably going to kill about 1/3 the people that heart disease kills every year. That kills 600,000 by your reasoning why are there still fast food restaurants? If outlawing them saves one person then it was worth the loss of civil liberties right?

And please stop talking about "they go out and kill other people" if you're in a risk group keep your ass at home. You live in a country where everything you need can be dropped off at your door in 24 hours. Make your garage a hot zone and disinfect everything before it comes in. Let the rest of the people who can do math get back to living life.

5800 people, living on an aircraft carrier, one dead. One. Six in hospital, six. They made such a big deal about those 28 spring breakers from Texas going to Mexico and how testing positive was what they deserved. All of them recovered.

Before you tell me again how I'm getting it wrong read "The De-industrialization of America" Barry Bluestone shows that for every 1% increase in joblessness 38,000 people die, it's called 2nd and 3rd order effects. The US jobless rate jumped 9% in April, that's 345,000 dead people. I guess they don't count though because nobody will be posting their names in Facebook to virtue signal.

Oh and before I forget, the idea that the death count went from the 10,000,000 like in the hammer and dance, or from the 1,500,000 on the CDC's page to probably less than 100,000 because 1/3 of the population stayed home is laughable. Either this thing is as blisteringly contagious as you say or it's not. I live in a country on lockdown, we can't cross the fucking street without a piece of paper. My friends in the US are driving all over the place. If you drive your car here without a pass from the government they confiscate your car. They closed restaurants and bars on you guys you can still go to a 7-11 anytime you want. I can go 500 meters from my front door once a day for an hour. The current infection rate in the US exploded this week with the antibody tests and that's great news. So great that the press had to take the news cycle by saying the man boy in the White House suggested that people should be injected with cleaning solution. I can't stand him but he didn't say it and when people should have been talking about how great it is that this is so much less lethal than originally thought they were posting pictures of bleach bottles.


04-26-20, 21:54
Why do you only include the US Why not only include India who has less than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths despite having 4 x the population? There are 1. 2 million auto-related deaths per year and that's not including all the deaths where someone died after being in a car accident at some previous point in their life.WTF? I don't live in India. And last time I seen a report, the authorities were beating people with sticks to enforce physical distancing. Also, I wouldn't trust reports out of authoritarian governments right now. They don't have the data and they dig have integrity. And there is an estimated 1-2 million car related "injuries" per year. That's because we have a national safety program in place that tracks data for car manufacturers so they can figure out how to innovate and make cars safer. Hence the high injury numbers compared to the relatively low death rate.

Did you watch Pandemic on Netflix? India struggles with the H1 N1 flu virus every year. An article from India News reports in January that there were 884 new cases of H1 N1 with 14 deaths.

This isn't a joke. There is actually a dangerous virus infecting people and killing people. We don't have a tested treatment for people in critical care, and we don't have a vaccine. Those states opening up are opening up to what? Half the country staying at home? Those struggling small businesses are still going to go under.

Our backstop is the Federal government and they are proving to not be up to the task.

Member #6240
04-27-20, 11:16
The exponential growth happens IN risk groups, people outside of the risk groups are largely unaffected.And this is why you're wrong, and it's the basis of your contention.

Let's take this apart for a minute. Do young people get Covid? Yes, they do. Do they get sick? Often not. Are they then carriers that can affect others? Yes.

Exponential growth happens in all of the population, and in fact asymptomatic young people are among the most dangerous carriers as they are least likely to socially distance. This is why your "if you're at risk, stay home", which translates as "if you're not at risk, I. E. Young, this stuff doesn't matter" is patently, completely and dangerously false.


This is where your focus on point statistics is simply wrong; EVERYONE is at risk. EVERYONE can carry the disease. Exponential growth in cases can affect the ENTIRE population.

I'm out; we're unlikely to reach an accord and in the end the vast majority of guidance says I'm right. And a small smattering of anecdotal situations here and there prove. Nothing.

04-27-20, 13:20
This is such a dangerous thing to get hung up on. The long term damages that we are seeing so far have been rather alarming. Scarring on organs, including the heart and lungs, neurological damage, not to mention the psychological damages. These things have a way of severely affecting the quality of life for people who contract the virus. But because it is not as easily quantifiable, people tend to stick with discussing death only.

This is a case in which I am in support of being cautious, fuck the economy.

People over profits, period.

04-27-20, 13:47
This is such a dangerous thing to get hung up on. The long term damages that we are seeing so far have been rather alarming. Scarring on organs, including the heart and lungs, neurological damage, not to mention the psychological damages. These things have a way of severely affecting the quality of life for people who contract the virus. But because it is not as easily quantifiable, people tend to stick with discussing death only.

This is a case in which I am in support of being cautious, fuck the economy.

People over profits, period.So stay home and STFU.

04-27-20, 17:48
So stay home and STFU.Good to know that in your equally worthless opinion that this is not a thing that can be discussed.

04-27-20, 17:50
Good to know that in your equally worthless opinion that this is not a thing that can be discussed.I thought we were discussing.

04-27-20, 18:00
People over profits, period.This is what I'm talking about. People say this, but it clearly has nothing to do with that. Over 1 million people will die in automobile accidents this year. COVID-19 deaths will likely NEVER reach that total number in even 10 years. So why don't you advocate that we stop driving cars? Stay home, save lives, right? Or are you so selfish that you put money and entertainment ahead of human lives? This is a virus that's not nearly as deadly as everyone said it was. My ex-wife is a scientist and I've hung around those people a lot. Yeah, they're smart but they never admit that they're wrong. When things don't go the way that they predicted, it's because everyone else is being stupid. I can tell you a gazillion stories and give you a ton of examples, but it'd bore you. The fact is that I understand why the scientific community is behaving the way they are because I saw it every day for 8 years.

04-27-20, 18:01
And this is why you're wrong, and it's the basis of your contention.

Let's take this apart for a minute. Do young people get Covid? Yes, they do. Do they get sick? Often not. Are they then carriers that can affect others? Yes.

Exponential growth happens in all of the population, and in fact asymptomatic young people are among the most dangerous carriers as they are least likely to socially distance. This is why your "if you're at risk, stay home", which translates as "if you're not at risk, I. E. Young, this stuff doesn't matter" is patently, completely and dangerously false.


This is where your focus on point statistics is simply wrong; EVERYONE is at risk. EVERYONE can carry the disease. Exponential growth in cases can affect the ENTIRE population.

I'm out; we're unlikely to reach an accord and in the end the vast majority of guidance says I'm right. And a small smattering of anecdotal situations here and there prove. Nothing.You keep saying the same shit over and over again and NEVER answering the question. Like I said last time, it's because you can't. And you ignore anything you don't want to address like the millions you would condemn to a slow death of starvation.

04-27-20, 18:08
This is such a dangerous thing to get hung up on. The long term damages that we are seeing so far have been rather alarming. Scarring on organs, including the heart and lungs, neurological damage, not to mention the psychological damages. These things have a way of severely affecting the quality of life for people who contract the virus. But because it is not as easily quantifiable, people tend to stick with discussing death only.

This is a case in which I am in support of being cautious, fuck the economy.

People over profits, period.https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/04/1062292

It's not about profits, its about the world economy, rich people will be fine. They live in houses their great grandparents built and have enough money in the safe to live for 10 years. It's not about their profits, they know once this is over and nobody has a job anymore their labor costs will be nothing. I could cut my employees salaries in half right now and they would thank me for having a job because nobody else in their families do now.

Here this one is closer to home it's about Colombian hookers https://www.france24.com/en/20200419-the-agony-of-colombia-s-quarantined-sex-workers.

Deleted by Admin

Sorry, this was too far, I apologize, I'm really worried about what's coming here and I went too far.


04-27-20, 18:15
The long term damages that we are seeing so far have been rather alarming. Scarring on organs, including the heart and lungs, neurological damage, not to mention the psychological damages.You apparently don't have a science degree. If you did, you'd now several things:

1. There are no "long term" effects yet. Five months isn't "long term".

2. The single report that every third-rate media site relied on for that, had no credibility to begin with. Of course, as it gets quoted and the quotes re-quoted, you lose track of the original.

3. Subsequent to that, due to inquiries, Johns Hopkins, who had nothing to do with the discredited report, released a report on the scarring from COVID-related pneumonia. Which is scary, as is regular pneumonia. But only an absolute idiot would somehow believe (as you seem to) that this would be symptomless. These are the older people with pre-existing co-morbidities who wind up in a morbid state. And yeah, some, if they fail to die, are damage. What a shock!

4. That mostly applies to 65+ year olds with other issues, such as diabetes, obesity or a reasonably short list of common issues. Those are the people who should be quarantining.

5. The psychological damage of isolating teens, or of destroying the savings and jobs of individuals, of restricting social contacts, far outweighs the unverified risks you're specifying.

Lastly, did you forget the initial death estimates? Neil Ferguson (Imperial College) estimated something like over 2 million deaths in the USA Initially. Clearly flat-out wrong. The quarantines? They were to "flatten the curve" so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed, not to prevent the spread at all. Just to slow it. But hospitals have not been overwhelmed. In fact, the Army hospital at Safeco, 500 beds or so, was closed unused. The USA S. Comfort in NYC, set up as an emergency overflow, similarly left under-utilized.

The curve has been flattened, and the reason we flattened it. To avoid overrunning hospitals. Has been disproven. Stop following the false prophets who keep changing the goal posts.

05-03-20, 23:52
Some people are grumpy mcgrumpypants.

Need to put down their sheriff badge and chill out.

05-04-20, 01:31
What is "$x4"? Definitely a new notation for me.

I read it as $400, or possibly $140 (similar to ' 4'.

Have to admit that I've never quite understood the reason for these abbreviations. Presumably it's to protect against LE action, but any code that you and I understand, they will too, and certainly a jury would.

I highly doubt that "I had a dream that I had FS for $$" is much less incriminating than "I paid $200 for sex" (but maybe I'm wrong. Anyone have evidence that this "code" actually protects anyone?Remember when this forum was about sex workers and people confusing symbols for numbers? Those were good times.

05-04-20, 13:25
You apparently don't have a science degree. If you did, you'd now several things:
The quarantines? They were to "flatten the curve" so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed, not to prevent the spread at all. Just to slow it. But hospitals have not been overwhelmed. In fact, the Army hospital at Safeco, 500 beds or so, was closed unused. The USA S. Comfort in NYC, set up as an emergency overflow, similarly left under-utilized.That's like saying "I took an allergy medication this morning so I wouldn't have allergy symptoms all day. But now the day is over and I haven't had any symptoms, so it was totally unnecessary. ".

Yes, we prepared for the numbers we'd see if the quarantine didn't work. But it worked so we didn't need the beds. The point here is that the quarantine is WORKING.

And as a scientist you know that when dealing with a brand new virus, the goal posts are going to move. We have no real historical data to make projections except what's happening right now, and there are lots of variables to consider. The key takeaway for me was that we don't want to open up too early, get another spike in cases, and have to start over again. That would be far worse for everyone, including the economy.

05-04-20, 16:59
That's like saying "I took an allergy medication this morning so I wouldn't have allergy symptoms all day. But now the day is over and I haven't had any symptoms, so it was totally unnecessary. ".

Yes, we prepared for the numbers we'd see if the quarantine didn't work. But it worked so we didn't need the beds. The point here is that the quarantine is WORKING.

And as a scientist you know that when dealing with a brand new virus, the goal posts are going to move. We have no real historical data to make projections except what's happening right now, and there are lots of variables to consider. The key takeaway for me was that we don't want to open up too early, get another spike in cases, and have to start over again. That would be far worse for everyone, including the economyThe army hospitals were only taking in non-covid patients. Mercy was finally willing to take covid patients at the very end but ships are not designed to take highly contagious patients so that did not happen.

05-05-20, 14:10
Yes, we prepared for the numbers we'd see if the quarantine didn't work. But it worked so we didn't need the beds. The point here is that the quarantine is WORKING.Even the experts admit that they were wrong, that the fatality rate is far lower than estimated outside of a limited subset of the population. It wasn't the quarantine, it was that they were flat out wrong about the seriousness.

It seems strange that you rely on their initial discredited proclamations while refusing to acknowledge reality, the update facts and their corrections. Some of them haven't self-corrected all the way to the data-proven situation, but all have corrected significantly. Except, apparently, you. Still relying on that whole flat-earth model too, I presume?

Member #6240
05-07-20, 10:57
Even the experts admit that they were wrongSources, please.

05-07-20, 19:47
Sources, please.Seriously? Clarify this for me. Are you honestly a brain-dead sheltered moron with no social and even less intellectual skill and ability, unexposed to the news about the changing models, the random-sampling antibody results and the subsequent re-evaluation of even when CV started, somehow able to use a web browser but incapable of grasping even the simplest of searches or news pages? Or are you instead a pathetic mouth-breathing internet troll, living in an abandoned house's basement because even your mother kicked you out, as you fantasize about what it must be like to see sunshine and not instantly burn, or see people and not have them instantly repulsed, who simply has a macro replying "Sources, please" because you saw it somewhere and realized it allows you to get your post count up without being too obvious about your illiteracy on the current, and indeed every conceivable, topic?.

05-07-20, 22:46
Seriously? Clarify this for me. Are you honestly a brain-dead sheltered moron with no social and even less intellectual skill and ability, unexposed to the news about the changing models, the random-sampling antibody results and the subsequent re-evaluation of even when CV started, somehow able to use a web browser but incapable of grasping even the simplest of searches or news pages? Or are you instead a pathetic mouth-breathing internet troll, living in an abandoned house's basement because even your mother kicked you out, as you fantasize about what it must be like to see sunshine and not instantly burn, or see people and not have them instantly repulsed, who simply has a macro replying "Sources, please" because you saw it somewhere and realized it allows you to get your post count up without being too obvious about your illiteracy on the current, and indeed every conceivable, topic?.Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

05-08-20, 00:04
Actually, I haven't seen any of the articles where the "experts" admit they were wrong either. They modeled their predictions, as you mentioned, based upon the available data at the time, but of course we had States institute shelter in place orders which may have flattened the curve and lowered the fatality rate. But even now the administration is admitting that there may be more fatalities as states open up. But, this admin will never admit it was wrong.

Sources, please.

05-08-20, 01:14
Actually, I haven't seen any of the articles where the "experts" admit they were wrong either. They modeled their predictions, as you mentioned, based upon the available data at the time, but of course we had States institute shelter in place orders which may have flattened the curve and lowered the fatality rate. But even now the administration is admitting that there may be more fatalities as states open up. But, this admin will never admit it was wrong.Has there ever been any admin that would admit it was wrong.

Member #6240
05-08-20, 02:21
Content-free rant.There really isn't anything quite as precious as someone saying "this thing is true", and then when asked to back it up resorts to a long rant consisting alternately of "you could search and find it" and childish insults.

Other than being intellectually dishonest, it demonstrates that in fact the individual has done no research, and the reason that it smells like bullshit is that they've pulled it out of their asses.

This is why this forum isn't much more than fun; a rational discussion can't be had with irrational people.

05-08-20, 03:23



Has there ever been any admin that has lied to the American public this often? About things as insignificant as crowd sizes from day 1 just to feed the ego of one insecure person?

Has there ever been any admin that would admit it was wrong.

05-08-20, 19:53
It wasn't the quarantine, it was that they were flat out wrong about the seriousness.Models and projections change over time as they're fed new data. It's not so much being "wrong" as being "more precise". The quarantine has helped reduce the spread immensely. The stay-home mandate has provided new data for the models (amongst a host of other new data), and the models are changing accordingly.

Some of them haven't self-corrected all the way to the data-proven situation, but all have corrected significantly. Except, apparently, you. Still relying on that whole flat-earth model too, I presumeQuite the opposite. While I want to get back to "normal" as much as anyone else (though I don't think it will ever be the same again), I am completely with the round-earth scientists who are saying that, until we can actually do viral and anti-body testing (or develop a vaccine), we need to be very cautions and maintain the self-quarantine / social distancing approach to limiting the spread. Granted, this is just a brute-force, shotgun approach, but without testing it's hard to have a more precise method of limiting the spread. But since it's all we have right now, we need to do it. Otherwise it will just flare up again according to the most recent data. The virus hasn't gone away, we've just been hiding from it.

Member #6240
05-09-20, 11:24
Models and projections change over time as they're fed new data. It's not so much being "wrong" as being "more precise". The quarantine has helped reduce the spread immensely. The stay-home mandate has provided new data for the models (amongst a host of other new data), and the models are changing accordingly.The models were all based on a maximum of 50% compliance with social distancing, including sheltering place, directives. Compliance far exceeded that especially in hard-hit areas.

There's no question this had a huge impact on the spread, but it was always the case that if it worked, for some that would be proof that it wasn't needed. We can look to countries like Brazil to get a glimpse of what could have been in the US without it.

05-09-20, 18:43
The models were all based on a maximum of 50% compliance with social distancing, including sheltering place, directives. Alex Berenson, who is in a much better position than you to know, says you're wrong. Most of the models had social distancing baked in, at least into the ranges.

The initial models that the draconian lockdowns were based on, were from Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College. He included ranges for behaviors. And then.

On March 22nd, he admitted that his models weren't even Coronavirus-specific. Instead, he used an opaque 13,000 line computer program he described as "undocumented", which he wrote to model flu, not CV, pandemics.

Six weeks later, still never having let anyone review his code or models, he revised it heavily. Yes, he "corrected" it. Not due to new data so much as due to the fact that the Coronavirus IS NOT THE FLU. He had previously not even modeled the Coronavirus.

To your claim that the lower deaths were due to Social Distancing, his later model had Sweden paying a huge price for no lockdown, with 40,000 COVID deaths by May 1, and 100,000 by June. As you (hopefully) know, Sweden has not done a lockdown, and as of today, it's had 3,220 deaths. And it crested last month.

Ferguson has a greatest hits of failed models.

2002: He said up to 150,000 people could die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease.) So far, 177 people have died. Not 177 thousand, just 177.
2005: He predicted "up to 150 million people" could die from bird flu. The tally after six years: 282. Not 282 thousand, just 282.
2009: He was in a U.K. government committee that, with his advice, estimates that "up to" (or "worst case") swine flu would be 65,000 just in the UK. They lost 457.

Now, with your demonstrated dishonesty, I fully expect you to say, "well, he said UP TO each time. He wasn't wrong, just overly cautious. " No, he's been so far off, every time, including with COVID in Sweden this time, that if you were less of an apologist you would understand that the other lower deaths have ALSO been due to his models being flat-out wrong.

Brookings, by the way, admits the models were wrong but values the conversation. "Despite some notable flaws, the epidemiological models have cumulatively had a beneficial effect on the national conversation. " In other words, similar to when false accusations against white men happen, there's no need to apologize because being a white man is, intrinsically, to be guilty.

For better honesty, try epidemiologist Ruth Etzioni of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center "That the IHME model keeps changing is evidence of its lack of reliability as a predictive tool. " Yeah, you know more about models than an actual epidemiologist at a top research center.

05-09-20, 22:46
The models were all based on a maximum of 50% compliance with social distancing, including sheltering place, directives. Compliance far exceeded that especially in hard-hit areas.

There's no question this had a huge impact on the spread, but it was always the case that if it worked, for some that would be proof that it wasn't needed. We can look to countries like Brazil to get a glimpse of what could have been in the US without it.I get it, because you still view the world through the lens of the Mercator Projection and not the Peters Projection (google them) you don't know some basic facts about Brazil.

Brazil is a massive country, it has nearly the same landmass as the USA, and it has about 66% of the population (US 331,000,000 Brazil 209,000,000) The US has 80,000 corona deaths and Brazil is reporting 10,000 (which is probably a ridiculously low number so triple it and call it 30,000) which means with more than 50% of the population they have less than half the deaths, if we triple what they reported, if we take just their number it's 12% of the US. So how exactly is the US faring better?

05-09-20, 22:56
Sources, please.Here's a guy who's an MD that was working in emergency rooms in NYC during the height of the cases there, has a masters in public health talking about how the early projections were wrong. They clearly were.


He's also a lefty so you can't say he's supporting Trump.

I know you won't bother watching it because you're just here to fight but maybe somebody else will. It's 15 minutes long but worth the time.

Member #6240
05-10-20, 11:05
Really, I should know better.

I'm not "looking for a fight"; I simply believe the information I get from mainstream sources, while others get theirs from the fringe because they have a deep-seated need to find conspiracy everywhere. The two perspectives are irreconcilable.

Which is why this is how these wackadoodle conversation go. "All the experts" turns into a fringe ex-journalist and spy novel author, Brazil being 8th in the world (and moving up fast) becomes a discussion about map projection models and perception. And the next credible source is a diet doc off of Oprah. It's a bunch of unrelated information that could be seen to support a perspective. So that's how it's used.

So. No, I won't be listening to Dr. David Katz, a nutritional expert with absolutely no infectious disease credentials who is just managing his brand and getting on TV as much as he can talk about a pandemic. He even hash tagged his perspective to "get the hits". You can go to your proctologist for investment advice, but don't be surprised when the results are shit. The question isn't why won't I watch it. The question is why would you? Ah, because he supports your fringe perspective. And maybe because you watch a lot of Oprah.

Nor will I be paying any attention to a former newspaper reporter and spy novel author for my pandemic information. The question is: why are you? Ah, because he supports your perspective.

Let the hilarity resume. Should be interesting to see what happens with the re-opening.

05-10-20, 20:01
Really, I should know better.You apparently don't know better, or anything else really. I don't know to whom you were responding, so I don't know if it was me or admin2, but if it was me.

1. I don't know the references to fringe sites you're making.

2. I've actually worked in medical research and medical devices for years. I know how to read the papers, and I get papers the media generally either doesn't see or just ignores. My guess is the papers are just too dry for their short attention spans, even though if they read them, they might be able to make a really punchy headline.

3. Except that they would never publish a headline such as "CV is more contagious, but so much less dangerous, than expected. We're all going to live! Because "life is good" doesn't sell.

4. I didn't quote any crackpots; I gave you actual data. Which you ignored and avoided. Perhaps I should have used shorter words and sentences.

5. Which is precisely why I knew you didn't care about sources initially.

You're a pathetic mindless follower of the far-left. You don't have facts or figures, but just (as you admit), the inability to distinguish reality from the mass media. You can't play with the big boys, at least not in this arena. I'm sure you have your areas of expertise. Judging from your mental acuity and your overly-inflated self-worth, I suspect you are one heck of a great Monster Truck builder, who hasn't yet learned that you should only tune the engines in areas with good ventilation, nor that home-brewed alcohol ain't so good for you.

If you feel the need to reply, how about starting with reading my post again. Rebut it. (For you and your twelve toes, that means "find sources that directly address and disprove it. ") For example, prove that Ferguson was correct in his models for Mad Cow. Or perhaps that my claims of his projections were inaccurate. (Good luck with that. They're his, not mine.) Or prove that he did not revise his initially published "Coronavirus" model, after admitting (on Twitter, you FN Twit) that it was his old FLU model and was undocumented.

I'm unclear on why you are participating while not adding any value other than an Adam Sandler-like idiocy. If Coronavirus ate brains, I would suspect it had hit yours. Unless it starved to death in the attempt.

To the Mod-Gods. This is the "rant" area, and this is a "rant", so I trust this will be okay, but how on Earth do you tolerate this WillShookSpear fool? At best, he twiddled a toothpick!

05-10-20, 22:25
Really, I should know better.

I'm not "looking for a fight"; I simply believe the information I get from mainstream sources, while others get theirs from the fringe because they have a deep-seated need to find conspiracy everywhere. The two perspectives are irreconcilable.

Which is why this is how these wackadoodle conversation go. "All the experts" turns into a fringe ex-journalist and spy novel author, Brazil being 8th in the world (and moving up fast) becomes a discussion about map projection models and perception. And the next credible source is a diet doc off of Oprah. It's a bunch of unrelated information that could be seen to support a perspective. So that's how it's used.

So. No, I won't be listening to Dr. David Katz, a nutritional expert with absolutely no infectious disease credentials who is just managing his brand and getting on TV as much as he can talk about a pandemic. He even hash tagged his perspective to "get the hits". You can go to your proctologist for investment advice, but don't be surprised when the results are shit. The question isn't why won't I watch it. The question is why would you? Ah, because he supports your fringe perspective. And maybe because you watch a lot of Oprah.

Nor will I be paying any attention to a former newspaper reporter and spy novel author for my pandemic information. The question is: why are you? Ah, because he supports your perspective.

Let the hilarity resume. Should be interesting to see what happens with the re-opening.You said that if the US did as Brazil did they would be in worse shape. Brazil clearly by any measure is not doing worse than the US. 8th what? Cases? Deaths? What?

Brazil has registered 12,000 deaths with a population of 200,000,000 people while the US has 80,000 with a population of 331,000,000 how is that worse?

Diet doctor on Oprah that's kinda funny how you reduced an Ivy League educated physician to a diet doc on Oprah.

Like I said, you just want to fight.

Who the fuck is the spy novel author? What the fuck are you even ranting about?

05-10-20, 22:56
To the Mod-Gods. This is the "rant" area, and this is a "rant", so I trust this will be okay, but how on Earth do you tolerate this WillShookSpear fool? At best, he twiddled a toothpick!You're good, this is the correct forum.

As to Will whatever so long as he confines his douchbaggery to this thread it's ok.

Member #6240
05-12-20, 15:34
I've actually worked in medical research and medical devices for years. I know how to read the papers, and I get papers the media generally either doesn't see or just ignores. My guess is the papers are just too dry for their short attention spans, even though if they read them, they might be able to make a really punchy headline.Who the fuck cares what your background is? You know how to wash test tubes and plug in BP machines, and that makes you a medical expert? Seriously. You're funnier every single time. My guess is you read the papers written by experts, choose a few lines you think support you. Taken well out of context. And then position yourself as an expert. As you're doing here. Honestly, claiming credibility as an infectious disease specialist based on your "credentials" is the funniest damn thing I've read all day.

I didn't quote any crackpots; I gave you actual data. Which you ignored and avoidedYou did both. You quoted a useless source, and a model that no one. No one. Is using. Everyone is using the IHME model, you reference another. This is because you continue to look for wacko sources to "prove your point". Which is what, exactly?

Other than the hilarity, this isn't a lot of fun. It's hilarious (again) that you hurl insults. Especially "lefty". I don't care if someone is a "lefty" or a "righty" as long as they're not a dummy. Like you.

I have no intention of going through your bullshit rant again. Tell you what. Respond in a simple way, which you should be capable of, listing "All the experts" that you referenced. Your words. Plain, and simple. Just "All the experts".

Interestingly, there's this thing called free speech; perhaps the Constitution might prove an interesting read. It's the open season forum, you are the Moose.

Member #6240
05-12-20, 15:47
You said that if the US did as Brazil did they would be in worse shape.I did; and the death toll continues to mount. Seriously. Your contention that the only at-risk population is the elderly, and that social distancing is ineffective is supported by absolutely no one credible.

Diet doctor on Oprah that's kinda funny how you reduced an Ivy League educated physician to a diet doc on Oprah.He's your choice. Tell me, in precise terms: what are his credentials for being an expert on a world-wide pandemic. Just list his experience and expertise. Who cares where he was educated if he's out of his specialty? You can have an ENT look up your ass for your head, and he'd find it. But you'd be well-advised to get a proctologist instead. This is what comes of not being a critical thinker.

Who the fuck is the spy novel author? What the fuck are you even ranting about?Oh, didn't bother to check sources? Alex Berenson, who "is in a much better position than you to know" than I about. Stuff, I guess, mostly writes spy novels these days. Meaning he's a pandemic expert. Oh, the hilarity!

Even his Wikipedia entry notes that "During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Berenson vocally argued that people and the media were overestimating the risk of the new virus, that it posed little risk to young Americans, and that it was being used as a cover for government overreach. Public health experts have disputed his claims. " Someone can always find someone to say something you agree with, even if they have absolutely credibility at all.

Oh, and you're welcome to boot me at any time Nazis always justify shutting down discussion when they're ill-equipped to deal with it.

05-12-20, 21:23
Who the fuck cares what your background is? You know how to wash test tubes and plug in BP machines, and that makes you a medical expert?Yeah, that's it. I'd be happy to compare credentials against you.

You pay-for-play, so let's make this fun again. Let's bet 20 times a rough going rate, call it $5 K, which we'll each escrow with a detached reputable third-party, that I can demonstrate at least twice as much involvement in actual medical are and d (I. E. Leading to products used in a medical or case management environment) as you. Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?

(Yes, we'll have to disclose our identities to the judging third party, of course.).

Interestingly, there's this thing called free speech; perhaps the Constitution might prove an interesting read. It's the open season forum, you are the Moose.Not sure what the "Moose" is, but you apparently know as little about law as you do about medicine. "Free Speech" doesn't apply to a privately-run forum.

On the bright side, you are a Renaissance Idiot; you know absolutely nothing, but pontificate with great certainly, about almost everything.

Member #6240
05-13-20, 10:45
I'd be happy to compare credentials against you.I have a masters in aerospace engineering and I'm two quarters away from an executive MBA. Know what that means for what I know about pandemics? Not a goddamn thing. I listen to people with real credentials. Which means not you. I read some of the underlying documents and model assumptions, but I'm in no way qualified to interpret anything deeper. Neither are you. Let's be clear here: I'm not claiming expertise here and never have.

You say all the experts are wrong, and that they've admitted they're wrong. I asked you to simply list "all the experts" that you referenced. Your words. You fail. Again. You got caught with your spy novelist "expert" and now you're trying to take his place. Well, you're at least equally as (un) qualified, so you got that going for you.

It's hilarious that you still think "involvement in actual medicine" makes you a pandemic expert. Honestly, going down this route shows how desperate you really are, and how unable you are to back up your contention. In the end, that's what started this. You made a statement, I asked you to back it up. You failed. Move on.

you apparently know as little about law as you do about medicine. "Free Speech" doesn't apply to a privately-run forum.That's completely true; other than contract law I know very little about either. And certainly you and your alt can certainly pull the Nazi power trip and silence me, or ban me. Honestly, no skin off my nose. It's not like this is a scintillating exchange of views.

but pontificate with great certainlyStill waiting for that list of "All the Experts" there, Moose.

05-13-20, 18:24
I have a masters in aerospace engineering and I'm two quarters away from an executive MBA. Ah, okay, that explains a lot. You've never done anything, can't actually do anything, and are a professional student who relies on others who also can't do anything for your own sense of value.

It's pretty common in the "real world" to not even interview candidates who have a masters or PhD. They're told they're "overqualified", but usually it's just that they so seldom are able to actually do anything, but they love to argue. It probably does mean missing out on some great candidates, but improves the yield on the expensive interview process. One of my co-workers called them "Masters of Rhetoric. ".

Good thing you're going for a second.

Member #6240
05-13-20, 20:10
The usual rant...You were going on about your credentials. What are they, again? I seem to have missed what they were, and how they qualify you as a pandemic expert.

I suspect your ridiculous perspective on advanced degrees is because you don't have one. Sour grapes are always sad to see, and I'm sure you and your fellow bottle-washers do a lot of commiserating on how unfair it is and what bastards your leadership is with all those letters after their names. It appears what you're saying is that in biotech research they're hiring folks with a BS (no, not *your* BS) - and we both know that's simply not true. Unless, like you, they're washing bottles.

As for me, I am just a complete career failure. It's horrible. The money, the cars, the plane. Honest to God, I have no idea how I keep it together.

Still waitin' for that list of experts there, Moose. It appears that you've given up. It's been a hilarious trip: "all the experts" - one discredited expert - you.

05-13-20, 21:13
You were going on about your credentials. What are they, again? I seem to have missed what they were, and how they qualify you as a pandemic expert.

I suspect your ridiculous perspective on advanced degrees is because you don't have one. Sour grapes are always sad to see, and I'm sure you and your fellow bottle-washers do a lot of commiserating on how unfair it is and what bastards your leadership is with all those letters after their names. It appears what you're saying is that in biotech research they're hiring folks with a BS (no, not *your* BS) - and we both know that's simply not true. Unless, like you, they're washing bottles.

As for me, I am just a complete career failure. It's horrible. The money, the cars, the plane. Honest to God, I have no idea how I keep it together.

Still waitin' for that list of experts there, Moose. It appears that you've given up. It's been a hilarious trip: "all the experts" - one discredited expert - you.There are only guys here, no reason for you both to be chubbing up trying to show who has the bigger dick.

Member #6240
05-13-20, 23:00
There are only guys here, no reason for you both to be chubbing up trying to show who has the bigger dick.https://youtu.be/yzI2SYpZSgI

05-14-20, 00:12
You were going on about your credentials. What are they, again? I seem to have missed what they were, and how they qualify you as a pandemic expert.You pony up the $5 K into escrow, I'll do the same, and I'll put it all out there. That's the offer I made up front. The fact that you acknowledge you know nothing doesn't change that.

Still waitin' for that list of experts there, Moose. It appears that you've given up. It's been a hilarious trip: "all the experts" - one discredited expert - you.I gave you specifics about Ferguson, upon whom everything else was based, admitting his model wasn't even a Coronavirus model and reworking it. You apparently either can't understand it or are just ignoring it. The UW changed their model twice in three days at one point too; given that you're in a Seattle forum, not sure how you missed that one.

Feel free to continue. Now that I know you have, in addition to no reasoning or logical skills, an advanced degree demonstrating the disaster that some post-grad programs have become, I feel obligated to continue pushing back against your endless bullying.

Homer Pimpson
05-14-20, 01:11
Here's my contribution: The Bareback thread is 100 percent useless.

Member #6240
05-14-20, 11:46
You pony up the $5 K into escrow, I'll do the same, and I'll put it all out there.You are absolutely precious. You want $5 K to post what your educational level is? I've never seen Golden Pussy Syndrome in a man before. Does that $5 K include kissing and BBFSCIP? Regardless, it's irrelevant. You're not an expert in global pandemics.

Honest to God, every time you post I think you can't possibly be funnier but you are. Everybody gets a Netflix special, you should really make the call.

I gave you specifics about Ferguson, upon whom everything else was basedNo, not the case on both counts. First, the model wasn't inaccurate. It simply refined as assumptions changed as they're supposed to. Further, the IMHE model primarily consumes the UW model which has indeed changed. Again, as the underlying assumptions and activities, such as shelter-in-place orders, changed. Saying a model is inaccurate at a particular point in time demonstrates a lack of understanding of concepts such as information velocity / volatility. The purpose of a model is to provide predictive guidance based on an algorithm, the assumptions and data underlying that algorithm change, and so it's refined and thus provides more accurate predictive guidance. I know nothing about pandemics, but I create and use these types of "big data" analytical models all the time in supply chain operations and manufacturing processes. These are the types of skills that make up a "useless" advanced degree.

I feel obligated to continue pushing back against your endless bullying.A www...are you feeling bullied? Just by being asked to back up your statement? Hey, virtual man hug, bro. Just let it out. It's OK. I'll drop off; I didn't know I was hurting your feelers.

But. Still waiting' for that list of all the experts there, Moose.

05-14-20, 18:56
You are absolutely precious. You want $5 K to post what your educational level is? I've never seen Golden Pussy Syndrome in a man before. Does that $5 K include kissing and BBFSCIP? Regardless, it's irrelevant. You're not an expert in global pandemics.Oh you are so cute!!! I set betting terms based on that we would both fully verify it. You bragged about all your cars, your airplane (I presume a '70's Cessna, at 1/3 the cost of a decent Harley, but it's not really relevant), etc. , so $5 K should be pocket change for you. Either bet or don't. But once you fold, you don't get to see the other cards. So ante up. I'll do the same. If I'm a liar, I'll have $5 K to loose.

No, not the case on both counts. First, the model wasn't inaccurate. It simply refined as assumptions changed as they're supposed to. That's ludicrous. He admitted he didn't even modify it from the old undocumented flu model. He didn't change it due to new data, but because it was called out as not even relevant and he couldn't justify it.

You don't seem to grasp where the line between the model (which is based on, and integrates, certain assumptions) and the inputs (essentially parameters.) The model includes values for how easily, in this case, it spreads, under what conditions, how serious, how long it's asymptomatic. Can it spread by insect, by tap water, by food. The inputs, the bits you can modify while keeping the model, are things like the actual weather, how much social distancing occurred, quality of medical care.

If you got the basics, such as how it spreads (e. G. It's an STD, not spread by kissing, or it's asymptomatic but contagious for days), those changes are a new model. Yes, you changed models due to data, but that's because your falsifiable hypothesis was falsified.

By your definition, polio and COVID-19 are the same model, just refined differently due to different data.

Honestly, if you can't even see how pathetic your justifications are, no data will satisfy you. As I said, you know rhetoric. And apparently nothing else.

Member #6240
05-14-20, 21:22
Either bet or don'tI went ahead and contacted UMB Escrow Services (https://www.umb.com/institutional-banking/corporate-trust?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=escrow_services&utm_channel=paid_media&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3-629ta06QIVbx-tBh2NoA_EEAAYASAAEgImTfD_BwE) in Seattle and they were willing to do a double-blind escrow with a deterministic of specific performance, taking the $600 fee from the transfer. I paid the doc fees up front. When both accounts are funded to $5,000.00 USD with attached documents, they will disburse the full amount (minus fees, as noted) to the second party (you) if credentials are provided consistent with being a nationally-recognized expert on infectious disease. You can PM me solely for the purpose of gaining the account / access code for this account.

UMB Escrow Account 3368-22-18 (https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)

you don't get to see the other cardsI already showed my cards. It would be trivial for you to do the same, but.

I presume a '70's CessnaStraight tail Cessnas are cool like a GMC Pacer is cool. My Christian Eagle II was cheaper, but so much more fun.

By your definition, polio and COVID-19 are the same model, just refined differently due to different data.And algorithm. Yes, that's exactly true. You can even purchase the model, or in the case here download it freely for academic use.

I think you're a little confused on the difference between data and the algorithm that provides the analytic view of that data.

For anyone that's actually interested on a good populist treatise on the model referenced, this is a good article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01003-6.

The key takeaways, as I noted, as are follows:

". that, in turn, requires information that can be only loosely estimated at the start of an epidemic".

". had the United States taken no action against the virus, it would have seen 2. 18 million deaths.

Again, the referenced model *is not* the one being used. The IHME model has the same constraints, but continues to improve as more data is available.

05-15-20, 11:00
I went ahead and contacted UMB Escrow Services (https://www.umb.com/institutional-banking/corporate-trust?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=escrow_services&utm_channel=paid_media&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3-629ta06QIVbx-tBh2NoA_EEAAYASAAEgImTfD_BwE) in Seattle and they were willing to do a double-blind escrow with a deterministic of specific performance, taking the $600 fee from the transfer. I paid the doc fees up front. When both accounts are funded to $5,000.00 USD with attached documents, they will disburse the full amount (minus fees, as noted) to the second party (you) if credentials are provided consistent with being a nationally-recognized expert on infectious disease. You can PM me solely for the purpose of gaining the account / access code for this account.That wasn't the term. The quote (the forum software changed the abbreviation for research and development, but beyond that) was:

I can demonstrate at least twice as much involvement in actual medical are and d (I. E. Leading to products used in a medical or case management environment) as you. Recast it to those terms and I'll escrow and show the cards. And, of course, take the money.

Again, the referenced model *is not* the one being used. The IHME model has the same constraints, but continues to improve as more data is available.The problem isn't the current model being used, although there are quite a few being used, so much as that they based their apocalyptic forecasts (which you still subscribe to) on the Imperial College model that wasn't even modeled on COVID, and they've moved the goal posts since then. This whole argument was (at least my my perspective) about the documented fact that the initial model was wrong. Even Ferguson admitted it wasn't even a COVID model. And then that the governments did not recalibrate based on discovering how far off it was / is.

Since you acknowledged that polio and COVID would, by your definition, be the same model -.

And algorithm. Yes, that's exactly true.I think it's clear that there's no way we can come to agreement on this. You're simply not using the words the same way I am. Of course, the way you're using them, there is no "modelling" of infectious diseases, just twiddling with inputs. Although I am unclear on how you can say that there are different models and yet all the same. Very Christian of you. The Holy Trinity of models. All different and yet all one.

Straight tail Cessnas are cool like a GMC Pacer is cool. My Christian Eagle II was cheaper, but so much more fun.I hadn't heard of those, but it looks and probably really is hella cool. I used to fly an acrobat-rated 152, but I agree that it lacks the cool factor.

05-15-20, 11:28
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?

I vote for WillShookSpear.

05-15-20, 14:27
It's Christen Eagle II. Named after the builder. Became the Aviat. You have one?

I went ahead and contacted UMB Escrow Services (https://www.umb.com/institutional-banking/corporate-trust?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=escrow_services&utm_channel=paid_media&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3-629ta06QIVbx-tBh2NoA_EEAAYASAAEgImTfD_BwE) in Seattle and they were willing to do a double-blind escrow with a deterministic of specific performance, taking the $600 fee from the transfer. I paid the doc fees up front. When both accounts are funded to $5,000.00 USD with attached documents, they will disburse the full amount (minus fees, as noted) to the second party (you) if credentials are provided consistent with being a nationally-recognized expert on infectious disease. You can PM me solely for the purpose of gaining the account / access code for this account.

UMB Escrow Account 3368-22-18 (https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)

I already showed my cards. It would be trivial for you to do the same, but.

Straight tail Cessnas are cool like a GMC Pacer is cool. My Christian Eagle II was cheaper, but so much more fun.

And algorithm. Yes, that's exactly true. You can even purchase the model, or in the case here download it freely for academic use.

I think you're a little confused on the difference between data and the algorithm that provides the analytic view of that data.

For anyone that's actually interested on a good populist treatise on the model referenced, this is a good article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01003-6.

The key takeaways, as I noted, as are follows:

". that, in turn, requires information that can be only loosely estimated at the start of an epidemic".

". had the United States taken no action against the virus, it would have seen 2. 18 million deaths.

Again, the referenced model *is not* the one being used. The IHME model has the same constraints, but continues to improve as more data is available.

05-15-20, 15:32
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?

I vote for WillShookSpear.I second that.

05-15-20, 17:12
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?

I vote for WillShookSpear.I just hope neither of them are married. If so, I feel sorry for their wives. Have to get the last word; have to be right. Sometimes you just have to let shit go.

Member #6240
05-15-20, 18:13
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?To vote, click on the UMB Escrow Account number link in my last post.

And I do mean my last post.

05-16-20, 02:23
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?

I vote for WillShookSpear.WTF is this pissing contest even doing on this site? I am very familiar with Christian and Aviatt, but who cares? Jackson, put an end to this please.

05-16-20, 20:50
When do we vote for a winner, so this ridiculous contest can end?
I vote for WillShookSpear.Given your anti-science posts, and the more recent developments in the news in the last few days absolutely destroying Ferguson's initial model, I doubt anyone would be surprised at your vote. Let us know when you're ready to vote for reality.

But I will vote that his plane is cool.

05-17-20, 20:34
I just hope neither of them are married. If so, I feel sorry for their wives. Have to get the last word; have to be right. Sometimes you just have to let shit go.Was married. Not anymore. But Michael1967 speaks the truth: sometimes you just have to let shit go..

05-21-20, 16:07
Is anyone else just sick of hoe behavior? I mean like when you can't meet them at one of the times they offered, they accuse you of something. Yet they have zero issue of making you wait a half hour or longer. Or when you let them know you will be five minutes late you get accused of wasting their time. I pay in a very specific way to avoid any entanglements at home. I just was verbally assaulted for my pay methods not matching their ability to receive. Oh and they responded 4 fucking days later. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. JUST SAY THAT DOESN'T WORK AND I'll HAPPILY MOVE. Maybe I'll just see a regular. It's insane and inane. I think I need a break.

05-21-20, 16:44
Is anyone else just sick of hoe behavior? I mean like when you can't meet them at one of the times they offered, they accuse you of something. Yet they have zero issue of making you wait a half hour or longer. Or when you let them know you will be five minutes late you get accused of wasting their time. I pay in a very specific way to avoid any entanglements at home. I just was verbally assaulted for my pay methods not matching their ability to receive. Oh and they responded 4 fucking days later. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. JUST SAY THAT DOESN'T WORK AND I'll HAPPILY MOVE. Maybe I'll just see a regular. It's insane and inane. I think I need a break.I think many guys get too over invested in this. They find someone that "have" to fuck and then think if they miss out that their life will be over. I think at some point they forget the fact that they have the money and there are literally millions of women that would fuck them for that money. The women on that other site think they are the only game in town, but seriously, they are small fish in a big pond. If you are willing to spend the money and willing to be creative you should always be able to find someone to fuck you for money.

If someone doesn't like the way you pay, who cares? There's a million others that will happily take your payment method. If someone can't be on time, then leave and find someone that will be on time. You choose who you spend your money on, don't let them convince you that they are the only person in town selling their ass.

05-21-20, 18:31
I think many guys get too over invested in this. They find someone that "have" to fuck and then think if they miss out that their life will be over. I think at some point they forget the fact that they have the money and there are literally millions of women that would fuck them for that money. The women on that other site think they are the only game in town, but seriously, they are small fish in a big pond. If you are willing to spend the money and willing to be creative you should always be able to find someone to fuck you for money.

If someone doesn't like the way you pay, who cares? There's a million others that will happily take your payment method. If someone can't be on time, then leave and find someone that will be on time. You choose who you spend your money on, don't let them convince you that they are the only person in town selling their ass.I completely agree. Don't get caught up in the bs. So many options, even outside of SBs, MPs, and fetlife. Honestly, I look forward to work trips because it reminds me of the options and varieties out there. Once flights reopen, Mexico, Cali, Colorado, and Texas.

05-21-20, 21:05
I think many guys get too over invested in this. They find someone that "have" to fuck and then think if they miss out that their life will be over. I think at some point they forget the fact that they have the money and there are literally millions of women that would fuck them for that money. The women on that other site think they are the only game in town, but seriously, they are small fish in a big pond. If you are willing to spend the money and willing to be creative you should always be able to find someone to fuck you for money.

If someone doesn't like the way you pay, who cares? There's a million others that will happily take your payment method. If someone can't be on time, then leave and find someone that will be on time. You choose who you spend your money on, don't let them convince you that they are the only person in town selling their ass.Oh I completely agree. I have regulars I'm happy with. It's fun to expand the pool. It's just lately I've run into a series of annoying situations, like leaving after 15 minutes to be threatened with reporting my number bla bla bla. Then the payment thing. It's just been weird. I don't think anyone is able once in a lifetime experience.

Max #01
06-19-20, 08:47
Being from the "other" Washington, I'm curious if there are / were any consenting adult activity that was based on the area now know as CHAZ? If so, have they been allowed to continue operating? No motivation other than curiosity.

06-19-20, 12:07
Being from the "other" Washington, I'm curious if there are / were any consenting adult activity that was based on the area now know as CHAZ? If so, have they been allowed to continue operating? No motivation other than curiosity.There were no businesses forced to stop operating in CHOP. In fact, most small businesses are doing well. It's like a big art festival.

To the other part of your question: No, I don't believe there were any illicit massage parlors within the CHOP boundaries (but I could be wrong).

06-20-20, 18:32
Being from the "other" Washington, I'm curious if there are / were any consenting adult activity that was based on the area now know as CHAZ? If so, have they been allowed to continue operating? No motivation other than curiosity.At mrandyngo has some good reporting on Twitter.

06-21-20, 18:43
At mrandyngo has some good reporting on Twitter.He is only interested in portraying himself as a victim for his own financial gain. He incites violence and is a big part of the misinformation problem we have in the country right now.

I really don't want to talk politics on this board, but he's straight up using this for his own personal gains.

06-21-20, 19:52
He is only interested in portraying himself as a victim for his own financial gain. He incites violence and is a big part of the misinformation problem we have in the country right now.

I really don't want to talk politics on this board, but he's straight up using this for his own personal gains.It is not what he is saying. It is more who he is talking about that everyone should see.


06-21-20, 20:01
It is not what he is saying. It is more who he is talking about that everyone should see.


06-21-20, 20:04

06-21-20, 20:45
There were no businesses forced to stop operating in CHOP. In fact, most small businesses are doing well. It's like a big art festival.Cite please. Everything I've seen in the news is that businesses inside CHOP / CHAZ have essentially zero income right now, and because deliveries can't reach them, they can't replenish rotted stock (e. G. Lettuce, tomatoes, meat.).

06-21-20, 21:00
https://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1274295128794869760?cxt=HHwWgMChreGqmq8jAAAAPretty sure this dangerous, armed militant is also a trans provider on TNA lmao.

06-22-20, 18:42
Pretty sure this dangerous, armed militant is also a trans provider on TNA lmao.https://www.tnaboard.com/member.php?263744-Jaymiejameson

Also posts on Fetlife as JaymieJameson?

06-22-20, 18:47

Also posts on Fetlife as JaymieJameson?She / he whatever is disgusting.

06-22-20, 19:33

Also posts on Fetlife as JaymieJameson?Hahaha, yeah, I thought those mugshots look familiar.

06-22-20, 19:33
Wrong thread. Sorry

06-22-20, 21:11

Pretty sure this dangerous, armed militant is also a trans provider on TNA lmao


Also posts on Fetlife as JaymieJameson?Armed militant does not look like Jaymie. But I could be wrong. Having said that. Do a search here for Jaymie and you will find a link to her pornhub site where she gets BB Greek with creampie from this really old biker dude that can hardly keep his erection. I found the video a little funny actually.

06-22-20, 22:23
Armed militant does not look like Jaymie. But I could be wrong. Having said that. Do a search here for Jaymie and you will find a link to her pornhub site where she gets BB Greek with creampie from this really old biker dude that can hardly keep his erection. I found the video a little funny actuallyI just threw up in my mouth.

FYI. That is JJ.


06-22-20, 23:33
Armed militant does not look like Jaymie. But I could be wrong. Having said that. Do a search here for Jaymie and you will find a link to her pornhub site where she gets BB Greek with creampie from this really old biker dude that can hardly keep his erection. I found the video a little funny actuallyhttps://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1274299029438951424

I think this is the tweet I originally meant to link. You can definitely tell it is.

06-28-20, 15:12
Just ranting, why'all.

A few years ago (3-5), I feel like TNA had some attractive women and decent, not great, but decent prices. At least I'm the few years that I've been there. Lately, I'm having trouble seeing the difference between stg, adultlook, and the board since most of the women are either upcharging you to hell for safety only services so extreme you might as well be masterbating next door or so unappealing and self righteous that you get thrown off a cliff for questioning age, weight, or smell.

Even some of the women who I thought were cool are slowly losing their minds and my respect.

There is like 5 women on that board that still seem worthwhile and three of them are in Portland. Pretty much the only reason I keep an account.

06-28-20, 20:16
Damn. I live in portland and think Seattle scene is way better (Riley star, Haillie young, etc). Mind saying which 3 portland ladies keep you on TNA?

Just ranting, why'all.

A few years ago (3-5), I feel like TNA had some attractive women and decent, not great, but decent prices. At least I'm the few years that I've been there. Lately, I'm having trouble seeing the difference between stg, adultlook, and the board since most of the women are either upcharging you to hell for safety only services so extreme you might as well be masterbating next door or so unappealing and self righteous that you get thrown off a cliff for questioning age, weight, or smell.

Even some of the women who I thought were cool are slowly losing their minds and my respect.

There is like 5 women on that board that still seem worthwhile and three of them are in Portland. Pretty much the only reason I keep an account.

06-29-20, 14:53
Just ranting, why'all.

A few years ago (3-5), I feel like TNA had some attractive women and decent, not great, but decent prices. At least I'm the few years that I've been there. Lately, I'm having trouble seeing the difference between stg, adultlook, and the board since most of the women are either upcharging you to hell for safety only services so extreme you might as well be masterbating next door or so unappealing and self righteous that you get thrown off a cliff for questioning age, weight, or smell.

Even some of the women who I thought were cool are slowly losing their minds and my respect.

There is like 5 women on that board that still seem worthwhile and three of them are in Portland. Pretty much the only reason I keep an account.There are far far too many that are really overweight, or severely grossly tatted up in an ugly way, or just simply not worth it for all the bs they want you to do as far as communication and procedures. I seriously would rather just get high at home and watch some porn I like than deal with it and I have the cash for them too.

06-29-20, 16:19
There are far far too many that are really overweight, or severely grossly tatted up in an ugly way, or just simply not worth it for all the bs they want you to do as far as communication and procedures. I seriously would rather just get high at home and watch some porn I like than deal with it and I have the cash for them too.Yeah, I said that once and now all my green beans are gone and got a few alerts. Meh. Secret and FetLife are also better and cheaper. Last chick I got with off of there seemed good, but it ended with upcharges, rides, tip requests, and terrible communication.

07-21-20, 16:07
There are far far too many that are really overweight, or severely grossly tatted up in an ugly way, or just simply not worth it for all the bs they want you to do as far as communication and procedures. I seriously would rather just get high at home and watch some porn I like than deal with it and I have the cash for them too.I agree. If they were hot, they now are washed up and bitter that they are a late 30's has been sex worker that has never held a job.

08-02-20, 01:50
Yep double post.

So has anyone been to the royal since they open back up? It seemed to be all the rage before fake19 shutdown.

Anyone know the line up.

08-02-20, 13:49
Just ranting, why'all.

A few years ago (3-5), I feel like TNA had some attractive women and decent, not great, but decent prices. At least I'm the few years that I've been there. Lately, I'm having trouble seeing the difference between stg, adultlook, and the board since most of the women are either upcharging you to hell for safety only services so extreme you might as well be masterbating next door or so unappealing and self righteous that you get thrown off a cliff for questioning age, weight, or smell.

Even some of the women who I thought were cool are slowly losing their minds and my respect.

There is like 5 women on that board that still seem worthwhile and three of them are in Portland. Pretty much the only reason I keep an account.Yes, I think TNA is on it's one millionth, "why no AA" thread.

08-04-20, 12:10
I can log in on my phone still, but not on my computer. Takes me to a page that says "failed to open page. " Any ideas?

08-04-20, 13:28
I can log in on my phone still, but not on my computer. Takes me to a page that says "failed to open page. " Any ideas?Try a different browser?

08-04-20, 15:37
Yes, I think TNA is on it's one millionth, "why no AA" thread.Maybe that's why I hate the site so much. It's all of the negative energy. It's really a group of unhappy sex workers that complain about what they chose to do. I'm fine with people complaining about their work, except they are complaining to their customers and somehow they don't understand that complaining about your customers to your customers is a horrible business practice.

08-04-20, 21:09
Fuck this "hobby," nothing but a goddamn headache. You got to fork over half a G to get sub par service, a shit menu and "prompt" answers to your messages to schedule anymore. Almost 95% of the ones charging at, around or less than $250 an hour can't put down the pipe long enough to setup an appointment to get the money for their next fix or to bother answering a goddamn message within 4-5 hours. Even IF you can even make that happen, you have to deal with typical junkie drama and try not to get robbed by the provider or the shady fucks that hang around the low rent places they still can't manage to pay the room rate on. The occasional unicorn of good service, price and attitude still exists, but they're so booked out you got to prebook days or weeks in advance to even think about seeing them, or they are so high mileage they burn out and turn shit before you can make it happen. You got to go through entirely MORE bullshit to get an "easy" lay than it does to get "civi" ass. Not to mention you can't go complain or write a negative review anywhere without the ***** mob backchannel blacklisting you. Fuck it.

08-04-20, 22:57
Fuck this "hobby," nothing but a goddamn headache. You got to fork over half a G to get sub par service, a shit menu and "prompt" answers to your messages to schedule anymore. Almost 95% of the ones charging at, around or less than $250 an hour can't put down the pipe long enough to setup an appointment to get the money for their next fix or to bother answering a goddamn message within 4-5 hours. Even IF you can even make that happen, you have to deal with typical junkie drama and try not to get robbed by the provider or the shady fucks that hang around the low rent places they still can't manage to pay the room rate on. The occasional unicorn of good service, price and attitude still exists, but they're so booked out you got to prebook days or weeks in advance to even think about seeing them, or they are so high mileage they burn out and turn shit before you can make it happen. You got to go through entirely MORE bullshit to get an "easy" lay than it does to get "civi" ass. Not to mention you can't go complain or write a negative review anywhere without the ***** mob backchannel blacklisting you. Fuck it.If you have the ability, and once Thailand opens up again, I suggest you take a trip to Pattaya. It will change your opinion on the hobby and on what's out there. Almost none of the BS you have to deal with here and at a tenth of the cost.

Marko Ramius
08-04-20, 23:54
If you have the ability, and once Thailand opens up again, I suggest you take a trip to Pattaya. It will change your opinion on the hobby and on what's out there. Almost none of the BS you have to deal with here and at a tenth of the cost.I don't think we are allowed there for the duration, as the USA is now a a Diseased Nation.

But I agree Thailand is great. All you basically need to do is show up. Last time I was in Phuket my taxi driver from the airport offered to hook me up, as did the hotel at check-in.

08-05-20, 00:55
Fuck this "hobby," nothing but a goddamn headache. You got to fork over half a G to get sub par service, a shit menu and "prompt" answers to your messages to schedule anymore. Almost 95% of the ones charging at, around or less than $250 an hour can't put down the pipe long enough to setup an appointment to get the money for their next fix or to bother answering a goddamn message within 4-5 hours. Even IF you can even make that happen, you have to deal with typical junkie drama and try not to get robbed by the provider or the shady fucks that hang around the low rent places they still can't manage to pay the room rate on. The occasional unicorn of good service, price and attitude still exists, but they're so booked out you got to prebook days or weeks in advance to even think about seeing them, or they are so high mileage they burn out and turn shit before you can make it happen. You got to go through entirely MORE bullshit to get an "easy" lay than it does to get "civi" ass. Not to mention you can't go complain or write a negative review anywhere without the ***mob backchannel blacklisting you. Fuck it.Back channel blacklisting?

Morgan Creamin
08-05-20, 11:18
If you have the ability, and once Thailand opens up again, I suggest you take a trip to Pattaya. It will change your opinion on the hobby and on what's out there. Almost none of the BS you have to deal with here and at a tenth of the cost.Fuck yes. Pattaya is the best place on earth for mongering. I was there several times about 8-10 years ago. Just an insane city. The entire economy of the city seems to revolve around mongering. Long time (overnight) a hot ass, submissive Thai girl for ฿2000 which back then equated to about $40. Looks like that's up to around $60 today which I would not complain about. It's the openness that will shock you are first. Walking Street is literally an almost mile long strip-mall selling sex. There is no need to be shy. You want a threesome, you ask if the girl does lesbian. You want anal, just ask. You want three or four girls for the evening, You can do that for the price of one hour of crappy service here. And everything else is cheap, too. I once spent three weeks in Pattaya, lived like a king eating, fucking, and drinking all day, and it cost me less than $5 k altogether including the higher end hotels I stayed in. I still jerk off to those memories. My personal best, limited only by my physical abilities, was fucking 7 women in a 24 hr period. 2 duos and 3 singles. I think I took the next day off and waited until the evening to get with the next one, LOL.

08-06-20, 11:24
Maybe that's why I hate the site so much. It's all of the negative energy. It's really a group of unhappy sex workers that complain about what they chose to do. I'm fine with people complaining about their work, except they are complaining to their customers and somehow they don't understand that complaining about your customers to your customers is a horrible business practice.Exactly. Several would be doing themselves a favor by simply not posting any comments at all. It does shed light on which sex workers are the most bitter. Makes it easier to know who to avoid.

Morgan Creamin
08-06-20, 12:03
somehow they don't understand that complaining about your customers to your customers is a horrible business practice.I'd say they understand that doing this actually does work for all the soy boy beta cucks that grovel and whine at their feet. That board has turned into a micro-demographic of GPS hoors and their whiny chattel. The simpering spineless "men" over there have given the providers an insanely inflated view of their position in this business. I don't go to restaurants (OK, I'm talking about before the damned virus when you could still do that) that provide crappy service or serve things I don't like, so I'm not going to pay for the services of a provider unless they meet my needs. That seems like such a simple thing but the bitchbois on that board take what little scraps the hoors decide they'll give and keep shoveling their money out which fees into the cycle and everything just gets worse and worse.

I'm not saying treat providers with disrespect, anyone has the right to say "no, I don't do that" and that's fine. It's the shitty attitude over there that is so gross and the 'men' are sickening. I'd much rather see a less attractive provider who offers none of that attitude and zero drama than someone who's ad and mouth are full of 'no's and ego.

08-06-20, 14:52
Maybe that's why I hate the site so much. It's all of the negative energy. It's really a group of unhappy sex workers that complain about what they chose to do. I'm fine with people complaining about their work, except they are complaining to their customers and somehow they don't understand that complaining about your customers to your customers is a horrible business practiceEven some of the TNA providers complain about the forum's negative energy.

Also, I'd never start a thread on that site about it, the prices for the services offered are out of control. I have several ATF's now, all who I've met on sites other than TNA. All offer better service at much lower cost than TNA. It was a pain to navigate the numerous spam ads to find them, but the effort was worth it.

08-07-20, 22:41
I have this friend. His wife has a recently divorced friend who he knows is a little interested in him but how does he go about letting her know he's interested?

Any advice is appreciated! I told him that it only happens in pornos.

08-08-20, 20:07
Even some of the TNA providers complain about the forum's negative energy.

Also, I'd never start a thread on that site about it, the prices for the services offered are out of control. I have several ATF's now, all who I've met on sites other than TNA. All offer better service at much lower cost than TNA. It was a pain to navigate the numerous spam ads to find them, but the effort was worth it.Sites would be appreciated. TNA is to costly these days.

Morgan Creamin
08-09-20, 10:11
Sites would be appreciated. TNA is to costly these days.TNA is useless and the other sites are trashed with spam ads. You spend more time sifting out the fake ads than anything else these days.

08-09-20, 12:29
I have this friend. His wife has a recently divorced friend who he knows is a little interested in him but how does he go about letting her know he's interested?

Any advice is appreciated! I told him that it only happens in pornos.If he doesn't care about his marriage, he can pursue her. But there's almost no way this foolishness progresses without wifey finding out.

08-09-20, 14:45
Even some of the TNA providers complain about the forum's negative energy.

Also, I'd never start a thread on that site about it, the prices for the services offered are out of control. I have several ATF's now, all who I've met on sites other than TNA. All offer better service at much lower cost than TNA. It was a pain to navigate the numerous spam ads to find them, but the effort was worth it.TNA is overpriced and the reviews are all a total joke. People leave 5 star reviews with zero details which makes you think a new lady is worth it, then I go and pay three bills for shit service from a girl that is 20+ lbs heavier than the pic, very lame.

08-09-20, 17:52
If he doesn't care about his marriage, he can pursue her. But there's almost no way this foolishness progresses without wifey finding out.My thoughts exactly. A fool's errand.

08-09-20, 17:57
TNA is useless and the other sites are trashed with spam ads. You spend more time sifting out the fake ads than anything else these days.TNA is bad. Trying to get any information on there is hard. The search function sucks and there are frankly a lot of douches on there as well. Also the mods are not fair as well. I always wondered why the Pacific Northwest gravitied toward TNA.

08-10-20, 00:21
It's probably a little hard to remember, but there were, not so long ago, a fair number or choices for middlin' to good quality boards: TheReviewBoard, Erotic Spice, Top Hat Reviews and probably a couple others I don't remember. I'm not forgetting Craig's List Erotic Services or BackPage. They pretty much went away in about a 12 month period. As I remember it, TheReviewBoard was first, then the rest. For whatever reasons (my opinion, the Puritans took over law-making) they left, it's a shame! It was nice to have choices.

I was a fairly early member of TNA, and still enjoy it. It's just what it once was, more's the pity. I like it when it was more wild west, and the flame wars were allowed, but kept under some control. Rates keep going up, but that's always been true, it's the way of the world.

I'm not going to try and draw any conclusions, as I'm just making a few observations. I hope everyone finds the enjoyment they're looking for, and stays mellow.

TNA is bad. Trying to get any information on there is hard. The search function sucks and there are frankly a lot of douches on there as well. Also the mods are not fair as well. I always wondered why the Pacific Northwest gravitied toward TNA.

08-10-20, 12:55
I don't think we are allowed there for the duration, as the USA is now a a Diseased Nation.

But I agree Thailand is great. All you basically need to do is show up. Last time I was in Phuket my taxi driver from the airport offered to hook me up, as did the hotel at check-in.Yeah I loved it too. And the Philippines. I have done four trips total.

Dr Tardis
08-10-20, 21:13
I have been a long time member as well. I seem to use it more for information than as a resource as ladies there seem to add larger increase just for being there. Several are on both and the differences are profound. Good for verication, and very little else these days.

It's probably a little hard to remember, but there were, not so long ago, a fair number or choices for middlin' to good quality boards: TheReviewBoard, Erotic Spice, Top Hat Reviews and probably a couple others I don't remember. I'm not forgetting Craig's List Erotic Services or BackPage. They pretty much went away in about a 12 month period. As I remember it, TheReviewBoard was first, then the rest. For whatever reasons (my opinion, the Puritans took over law-making) they left, it's a shame! It was nice to have choices.

I was a fairly early member of TNA, and still enjoy it. It's just what it once was, more's the pity. I like it when it was more wild west, and the flame wars were allowed, but kept under some control. Rates keep going up, but that's always been true, it's the way of the world.

I'm not going to try and draw any conclusions, as I'm just making a few observations. I hope everyone finds the enjoyment they're looking for, and stays mellow.

08-10-20, 21:55
I'd say they understand that doing this actually does work for all the soy boy beta cucks that grovel and whine at their feet. That board has turned into a micro-demographic of GPS hoors and their whiny chattel. The simpering spineless "men" over there have given the providers an insanely inflated view of their position in this business. I don't go to restaurants (OK, I'm talking about before the damned virus when you could still do that) that provide crappy service or serve things I don't like, so I'm not going to pay for the services of a provider unless they meet my needs. That seems like such a simple thing but the bitchbois on that board take what little scraps the hoors decide they'll give and keep shoveling their money out which fees into the cycle and everything just gets worse and worse.

I'm not saying treat providers with disrespect, anyone has the right to say "no, I don't do that" and that's fine. It's the shitty attitude over there that is so gross and the 'men' are sickening. I'd much rather see a less attractive provider who offers none of that attitude and zero drama than someone who's ad and mouth are full of 'no's and ego.Some are white knighting the old sex worker that robbed and murdered that guy down in Oregon. It's crazy.

08-11-20, 11:23
I have this friend. His wife has a recently divorced friend who he knows is a little interested in him but how does he go about letting her know he's interested?

Any advice is appreciated! I told him that it only happens in pornos.Tell your friend to jack off, then spend an hour pricing divorce attorneys, you-haul rentals and storage units before making any moves on that chick. The circumstances you described are way too close with regards to the six degrees of separation concept and it's highly likely the wife will find out, most likely from the buddy's wife or from the chick herself.

08-11-20, 18:27
TNA is overpriced and the reviews are all a total joke. People leave 5 star reviews with zero details which makes you think a new lady is worth it, then I go and pay three bills for shit service from a girl that is 20+ lbs heavier than the pic, very lame.Oh, yeah. 5-Star reviews with no detail. A major pet peeve of mine as well.

I think the closure of most other reputable boards, along with the current economic distress have made people meaner. And some of the ladies can be pretty damn catty with each other. Case in point:


I've also seen this "Asha" who started the alert above be pretty mean to B. E. M. For her open menu. Asha can be pretty arrogant sometimes.

I also.

Don't understand.

Asha's random.

Paragraph breaks!

08-11-20, 20:45
Oh, yeah. 5-Star reviews with no detail. A major pet peeve of mine as well.

I think the closure of most other reputable boards, along with the current economic distress have made people meaner. And some of the ladies can be pretty damn catty with each other. Case in point:


I've also seen this "Asha" who started the alert above be pretty mean to B. E. M. For her open menu. Asha can be pretty arrogant sometimes.

I also.

Don't understand.

Asha's random.

Paragraph breaks!I actually logged in and read this bullshit. Again, no misgivings about not being on that site. Such a shit show. He gave 5 hours notice. The hookers there don't even show up half the time.

She writes in little paragraphs because she thinks she's an illiterate E.E. Cummings.

Morgan Creamin
08-11-20, 20:55
I actually logged in and read this bullshit. Again, no misgivings about not being on that site. Such a shit show. He gave 5 hours notice. The hookers there don't even show up half the time.I like her comment about lost income. Like she's running a medical office where she's booked all day and could have given her slot to someone else. Really, she's just another one wanting something for nothing.

08-13-20, 20:15
I actually logged in and read this bullshit. Again, no misgivings about not being on that site. Such a shit show. He gave 5 hours notice. The hookers there don't even show up half the time.

She writes in little paragraphs because she thinks she's an illiterate E.E. Cummings.She's old and bitter. I'm surprised she's still around. I like how she titled it "Last minute cancellation" even though it was 5 hours before.

I don't give anything no matter when I cancel. They cancel on us all the time.

08-14-20, 01:38
I like her comment about lost income. Like she's running a medical office where she's booked all day and could have given her slot to someone else. Really, she's just another one wanting something for nothing.This always has me looking at alerts like "are you serious"? They selling pussy which is illegal but want to enforce cancellation fees like its a real business like get the fuck out of here.

08-14-20, 02:12
This always has me looking at alerts like "are you serious"? They selling pussy which is illegal but want to enforce cancellation fees like its a real business like get the fuck out of here.In the end, the truth is if she was actually making good money and had so many clients that she had to turn down someone because this guy booked, then she would give zero fucks that he cancelled. She would simply replace him with someone else. In reality, it was probably the only money she had coming in and she already had it spent. I'm 100% positive that I make more money than her and I'm definitely far busier than her. I don't charge cancellation fees in my business, I simply tell my receptionist to call someone that I had to book a week or two out and see if they are interested in meeting me sooner.

It's nothing but a money grab.

Morgan Creamin
08-14-20, 09:43
It's nothing but a money grab.A huge part of it, in this area at least, is the fucked up culture they have created on that board. All the pussified simps over there cowtow to the women like they are god's gift and that has an effect. The hoors' egos are completely out of control as are their expectations. I've seen some truly pathetic posts over there from 'men' who would just send money when one of their regulars asked or send a cancellation fee when their schedule changed days in advance of the meeting. On top of that, there seem to be a lot of momma's boys that are grateful for any attention whatsoever so they praise even crappy service.

To me, and I think most of us here, it's insane and pathetic. I pay for a service- no service, no money. Period.

I'm sure some of the guys over there put on a show to fit in with the fucked up culture but you know a lot of them don't.

Another question I have is how that site escaped "the purge" of a couple years ago when Craigslist deleted casual encounters to avoid the law and backpage got taken down by the feds. Clearly that board is offering classifieds for illegal activities yet they keep operating even though they are registered in AZ with a. Com extension.

08-17-20, 14:14
Man. People sure are jaded.

If the woken are just hoors and the men are just tricks, why does anyone care if she charges to much or the guys is a dweeb cuck that kisses ass.

So many opinions flying around on chick's the guy has never seen or hasn't seen in years.

I don't care what the restaurant was like a few years ago. How was it last week?

08-17-20, 17:21

Damn seems like this chick is always getting herself into some avoidable drama. Went to California to meet a guy and he turned out to be a pimp and she got robbed for 3 k. Now she on twitter and the board begging for cashapp donations to get her back home.

08-17-20, 23:38

Damn seems like this chick is always getting herself into some avoidable drama. Went to California to meet a guy and he turned out to be a pimp and she got robbed for 3 k. Now she on twitter and the board begging for cashapp donations to get her back home.Couldn't happen to a better person. (Smirk).

08-18-20, 00:47
Couldn't happen to a better person. (Smirk).Wasnt she posting videos of her sucking his dick on twitter.

I think her voice is sexy af. But you can onoy suck up so much helium.

08-18-20, 01:19
Wasnt she posting videos of her sucking his dick on twitter.

I think her voice is sexy af. But you can onoy suck up so much helium.I've helped enough people on that board that were actually good people that found themselves in bad situations because they didn't think. As far as she goes, it's like if you want to be shitty to people (in general) then don't be shocked when you encounter people that treat you like shit. You reap what you sow. She has a thumb, two legs and a vagina. She can find her own damn way home.

08-18-20, 15:09

Damn seems like this chick is always getting herself into some avoidable drama. Went to California to meet a guy and he turned out to be a pimp and she got robbed for 3 k. Now she on twitter and the board begging for cashapp donations to get her back home.Lastly, I checked San Diego flights and a last minute, one way ticket to Seattle is $250. So, let me get this straight, she's "stranded" in San Diego, has a hotel room and is currently advertising for services at $300/ hr (I checked), but wants a "Go Fund Me" page set up to help her to basically get a $250 airline ticket and a taxi ride to the airport (probably can get an airport shuttle for free)? If a hooker can't muster up $250 for a plane ticket when she has a hotel room and free advertising, then she probably is in the wrong profession.

08-18-20, 15:58
Lastly, I checked San Diego flights and a last minute, one way ticket to Seattle is $250. So, let me get this straight, she's "stranded" in San Diego, has a hotel room and is currently advertising for services at $300/ hr (I checked), but wants a "Go Fund Me" page set up to help her to basically get a $250 airline ticket and a taxi ride to the airport (probably can get an airport shuttle for free)? If a hooker can't muster up $250 for a plane ticket when she has a hotel room and free advertising, then she probably is in the wrong profession.She does it because she knows some dumbshits will try to "save" her by paying her ticket up. She knows there are alot of horny idiots out there. She meets them a dozen times a day.

08-18-20, 18:49
She has a thumb, two legs and a vagina. She can find her own damn way home.That cracked me up! So true, I never liked her bad attitude. She would be one of the last ladies I would ever help.

08-20-20, 14:30
I actually logged in and read this bullshit. Again, no misgivings about not being on that site. Such a shit show. He gave 5 hours notice. The hookers there don't even show up half the time.

She writes in little paragraphs because she thinks she's an illiterate E.E. Cummings.What is up with the cancellation and late fees. If I would get cancellation and late fees for every girl that was late of ghosted me, I would be riding free all the time. Shit happens.

08-21-20, 14:18
That cracked me up! So true, I never liked her bad attitude. She would be one of the last ladies I would ever help.I've never noticed her having a bad attitude. She is a drama queen, and she's openly admitted to "falling off the wagon" a couple of times at least on the other board. Pretty sure she can't handle booze.

There's a lot of mental illness in the provider bus. It doesn't mean they aren't good providers. Just remember not to get sucked into it. And I'm speaking from personal experience. Don't try to play save-a-ho, you will pay for it both with your wallet and your sanity!

08-22-20, 01:53
Between the inflated rates, GPS, Alerts for everything, cancellation fees and deposits, this shit is getting less enjoyable by the day. I feel like there is a huge influx of obese women who think they are the shit! Like insane prices and you want me sign up for your onlyfans or Snapchat bullshit. Maybe it's time to retire. Ironically I have more disposable income now than I ever did but I feel like spending less and less of it on them.

Before I discovered that other board I spent most of my time on the Hostess stroll back in the day when it was good. Full of hot college girl weekend warriors happy to please you for reasonable prices. Until the pimps and eventually the cops drove everyone away.

But for a while, that place was bumpin! I miss those days.

08-22-20, 22:55
100% agree Billyklub with everything you said. Especially with the pandemic, many thought the ladies would reduce or at least discount their prices. Instead raised it, woman logic!

Side note: All the witches are now goddesses, princesses and sweet hearts. Old, fat, tall, short, ugly, etc! I have spoken.


08-23-20, 02:48

I really hate when providers act dumb like they don't know other providers purposely see clients while on there periods without telling them first. You got providers in here talking about "its a natural thing, if you can't handle it maybe you shouldn't see us" knowing damn well the topic was about providers who try to hide it before a session.

08-23-20, 13:55
Why the fuck did she bring 3 K to meet a guy?


Damn seems like this chick is always getting herself into some avoidable drama. Went to California to meet a guy and he turned out to be a pimp and she got robbed for 3 k. Now she on twitter and the board begging for cashapp donations to get her back home.

08-23-20, 14:28
Why the fuck did she bring 3 K to meet a guy?Knowing the BS that people spout on that board, it probably went more like this:

John: Oh baby, you're so gorgeous. If you ever come to San Diego, I'd pay $3,000 to see you.

Hooker: Hey baby, I'm here. Where's my $3,000?

John: (silence).

Hooker: He robbed me of $3,000!

08-23-20, 15:01

I really hate when providers act dumb like they don't know other providers purposely see clients while on there periods without telling them first. You got providers in here talking about "its a natural thing, if you can't handle it maybe you shouldn't see us" knowing damn well the topic was about providers who try to hide it before a session.They think they're being so sneaky. All of the sudden DATY's off the menu and they're trying to prevent you from seeing their pussy altogether - like we were born yesterday. It's happened to me at least 3 times over the years.

08-23-20, 15:04
Between the inflated rates, GPS, Alerts for everything, cancellation fees and deposits, this shit is getting less enjoyable by the day. I feel like there is a huge influx of obese women who think they are the shit! Like insane prices and you want me sign up for your onlyfans or Snapchat bullshit. Maybe it's time to retire. Ironically I have more disposable income now than I ever did but I feel like spending less and less of it on them.

Before I discovered that other board I spent most of my time on the Hostess stroll back in the day when it was good. Full of hot college girl weekend warriors happy to please you for reasonable prices. Until the pimps and eventually the cops drove everyone away.

But for a while, that place was bumpin! I miss those days.Agree 100%! It's getting just about impossible to find a reliable woman who provides excellent service at reasonable rates. I really wonder how most of these gals are surviving, especially when they charge ridiculous rates.

Myself, except for some "hits", but mostly "misses", I am almost ready to give up. As it is, just about all of my recent outings have been to AMPs. But even that usually "reliable" resource is getting questionable.

08-23-20, 16:12
Why the fuck did she bring 3 K to meet a guy?At least get a security deposit To pay for your one way trip back home WTF 🙄.

08-23-20, 19:03

This "Naughty Nadia" drama queen makes her client wear a mask during their session and wonders why guys want them off. Seriously? You're in the business of providing intimate services. If I want my playroom that squeaky clean I'll jerk off in an empty operating room!

This Nadia chick is also trying to set some kind of WR in # of alerts posted.

08-23-20, 20:22
Why the fuck did she bring 3 K to meet a guy?Maybe for a nose job. She looks like a post op.

08-24-20, 20:52
Knowing the BS that people spout on that board, it probably went more like this:

John: Oh baby, you're so gorgeous. If you ever come to San Diego, I'd pay $3,000 to see you.

Hooker: Hey baby, I'm here. Where's my $3,000?

John: (silence).

Hooker: He robbed me of $3,000!The rates have gone out of hand.

The booking process is like cracking a davinci code:

1. Send 2 references.

2. Call during 1 pm- 12:30 am.

3. Leave a voicemail with your name, call back number & location.

4. Venmo $50 deposit fee (non refundable).

5. Send facepic holding 2 fingers, dated & signed.

7. and on and on and on.

Rate 600 roses for a fat skank.

08-24-20, 22:14

This "Naughty Nadia" drama queen makes her client wear a mask during their session and wonders why guys want them off. Seriously? You're in the business of providing intimate services. If I want my playroom that squeaky clean I'll jerk off in an empty operating room!

This Nadia chick is also trying to set some kind of WR in # of alerts posted.I was going to see her but she wouldn't share anything at all about anything only that I would be happy. I told her I couldn't afford it later. Zero response, just bitching about masks on the board.

I can't imagine dropping $$$5 and wearing a mask. Just insane.

08-24-20, 23:32

This "Naughty Nadia" drama queen makes her client wear a mask during their session and wonders why guys want them off. Seriously? You're in the business of providing intimate services. If I want my playroom that squeaky clean I'll jerk off in an empty operating room!

This Nadia chick is also trying to set some kind of WR in # of alerts posted.Yep I always pass on the ones that write tons of alerts. Kattarina and Jenna253 write a lot of alerts too.

08-25-20, 13:29
I was going to see her but she wouldn't share anything at all about anything only that I would be happy. I told her I couldn't afford it later. Zero response, just bitching about masks on the board.

I can't imagine dropping $$$5 and wearing a mask. Just insane.Yeah, she's trouble and I fear destined to burn herself out with her own "crazy".

Yep I always pass on the ones that write tons of alerts. Kattarina and Jenna253 write a lot of alerts too.My favorite was PrincessPeach, formerly JosePussycat! When a dude pissed her off she'd write not only an alert, but she'd trash the guy mercilessly! Hers were actually kind of entertaining!

08-28-20, 10:20
Seems this guy posted a bad review and they banned him. I am surprised the thread is still there!


Morgan Creamin
08-28-20, 21:10
Seems this guy posted a bad review and they banned him. I am surprised the thread is still there!

https://www.tnaboard.com/showthread.php?2038994-Be-aware-!&p=13117001&highlight=#post13117001.Same on listcrawler sites like escortalligator and babylon. Total bullshit reviews, most of them left by demhoes or their managers. Post a bad one and you'll get blocked.

08-30-20, 18:13
Knowing the BS that people spout on that board, it probably went more like this:

John: Oh baby, you're so gorgeous. If you ever come to San Diego, I'd pay $3,000 to see you.

Hooker: Hey baby, I'm here. Where's my $3,000?

John: (silence).

Hooker: He robbed me of $3,000!She asking for more help, damn if ever there was a chick who needed an intervention.


RUBY: "I still need help. Been trying to do it on my own since this post. Need a few hundred so I can get gas and also hotel in Portland in a few days. Please text me if you can help. I will tell you everything that got me in this situation if you want. I'm currently in Ontario california".

"also need food so Uber eats would be nice".

Xoxo ruby.

08-30-20, 18:53
This forum needs a name change.

08-30-20, 19:05
Just the other day, some dude posted a 5 star review on one of them "Classy" Skanks on TNA for how great the lapdance was for 500 roses. LOL.

Take a look at the postings from other cities. Youll be surprised what a little will get you.

08-30-20, 19:13
She asking for more help, damn if ever there was a chick who needed an intervention.


RUBY: "I still need help. Been trying to do it on my own since this post. Need a few hundred so I can get gas and also hotel in Portland in a few days. Please text me if you can help. I will tell you everything that got me in this situation if you want. I'm currently in Ontario california".

"also need food so Uber eats would be nice".

Xoxo ruby.That's insane, asking for Uber Eats. She looks like she's been eating a little too well.

09-01-20, 00:47
Just the other day, some dude posted a 5 star review on one of them "Classy" Skanks on TNA for how great the lapdance was for 500 roses. LOL.

Take a look at the postings from other cities. Youll be surprised what a little will get you.What review was this?

09-01-20, 01:40
I've read about this chick before, she really is NUTZ!

Who has time to read that long ass profile while complaining people don't read it. Wonder why. LOL.


09-01-20, 11:38
I've read about this chick before, she really is NUTZ!

Who has time to read that long ass profile while complaining people don't read it. Wonder why. LOL.

https://www.tnaboard.com/showthread.php?2041390-NEW-AREA-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3B-New-pics-at-top-hosting-for-regulars-ONLY-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3BOUTCALL-ONLY-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3Bred-headed-bombshell%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3B%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3BIf you buy her a vibrator or baby car seat from Her Amazon Wishlist she will take $20 off her rate. Spend an extra hundred to save 20. Looks like lots of drama to me.

09-01-20, 12:24
I've read about this chick before, she really is NUTZ!

Who has time to read that long ass profile while complaining people don't read it. Wonder why. LOL.

https://www.tnaboard.com/showthread.php?2041390-NEW-AREA-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3B-New-pics-at-top-hosting-for-regulars-ONLY-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3BOUTCALL-ONLY-%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3Bred-headed-bombshell%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3B%26%2310084%3B%26%2365039%3B"I've been having a lot of issues lately", she clearly states in her ad. Sounds like a great one to me!!

09-01-20, 13:10
"I've been having a lot of issues lately", she clearly states in her ad. Sounds like a great one to me!!Isn't she the one that pulled a knife on someone here during a car date?

09-01-20, 20:15
Isn't she the one that pulled a knife on someone here during a car date?I don't know. But her nails look like she pulled somebody's transmission. I love natural nails, but whoa girl, let's get those scrubbed!

09-01-20, 21:30
That was me. Post 100 in the annoying provider thread. She is definitely a battered woman with advanced recreational issues.

09-01-20, 21:30
"I've been having a lot of issues lately", she clearly states in her ad. Sounds like a great one to me!!Which is actually a damn shame, because before the start of this year she was actually pretty reliable. I haven't seen her in a while, but I also think that's probably a good thing.

09-02-20, 01:31
Isn't she the one that pulled a knife on someone here during a car date?While screaming bloody murder. I'm learning so much, most of these chicks are MENTAL.

09-02-20, 01:34
Isn't she the one that pulled a knife on someone here during a car date?I knew I wasn't crazy. Here is the knife post.


09-02-20, 02:10
I knew I wasn't crazy. Here is the knife post.

http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?31603-Examples-of-Annoying-Providers&p=4794937&viewfull=1#post4794937.Jesus and goddamn, I'd totally forgotten that! What a mess, for provider and hobbyist alike. No thanks. Reminder much appreciated!

09-02-20, 15:15
Jesus and goddamn, I'd totally forgotten that! What a mess, for provider and hobbyist alike. No thanks. Reminder much appreciated!I never felt in danger, I can handle myself. I could definitely see how perhaps men with physical impairments or advanced age could end up in a bad way with her.

She literally went from sweet and nice to raging maniac faster than it takes to flick a switch. Her current photos and my past experience with her show evidence of recreational and I'm pretty sure she has been though some traumatic stuff with men. She's not well.

No stars, do not recommend.

09-02-20, 21:07
Yes, hh + 150.That girl is hot but 450 for a HH hot. ? I make good money but damn. That's some serious dough.

Morgan Creamin
09-03-20, 12:48
That girl is hot but 450 for a HH hot. ? I make good money but damn. That's some serious dough.I wouldn't fuck Scarlett Johansson for that price. No pussy is worth that and no one should pay that much and contribute to the GPS trend. Makes it harder for the rest of us.

09-03-20, 13:20
I wouldn't fuck Scarlett Johansson for that price. No pussy is worth that and no one should pay that much and contribute to the GPS trend. Makes it harder for the rest of us.Could not agree more! In fact, the most I will pay for a 1 hour visit is $220, and that must include BBBJ, DATY, DATO, and BBFS (Rimming would be a nice bonus).

09-03-20, 14:06

Negotiated in person. +150 for BBFS.

Also, Flyer99, your inbox is full again.
Yes, hh + 150.

I wouldn't fuck Scarlett Johansson for that price. No pussy is worth that and no one should pay that much and contribute to the GPS trend. Makes it harder for the rest of us.We have only ourselves to blame if GPS syndrome continues. Especially during a Global pandemic that is all about social distancing! Even under normal circumstances, I would not even look at the ad for at that price point. During this crisis, we (Seattle) are getting traveling hoes who realize that SEA is chumpville, and will bear the market burden of GPS. Only collectively, can we put an end to this nonsense. Funny thing is, most of these incredible rates have nothing to do with either looks or service. The pussy-cartel understand they can just throw random, high numbers out there and still get appointments. No other service industry works or functions that way. No wonder women are flocking to the SEA area to make ridiculous money with no motivation to provide good service or to even shower between appointments.

09-03-20, 15:48
That girl is hot but 450 for a HH hot. ? I make good money but damn. That's some serious dough.For some people 450 is a lot. For others it is a drop in the bucket.

I have not met the woman, so I can not comment on whether she is worth it.

I will say, some people really like to complain about pricing a woman charges or how she looks.

Rates are set by the market. Giving opinions on women last seen 3-5 years ago are the worst.

People change for the positive or the negative over time.

Some guys would rather pay $200 for a strung out woman that will bareback in a motel in Kent and seem to think that is a good deal.

Others would find it disgusting.

Grading women's looks are in the eye of the beholder as is her rates or performance.

I have never had a horrible time with a professional woman and have always felt like I got my monies worth.

Then again, I am clean, decent looking and polite. So that might have something to do with it.

09-03-20, 16:17
I wouldn't fuck Scarlett Johansson for that price. No pussy is worth that and no one should pay that much and contribute to the GPS trend. Makes it harder for the rest of us.I agree, its nuts to pay that much and it does fuck the rest of us.

09-03-20, 19:00
I was going to see her but she wouldn't share anything at all about anything only that I would be happy. I told her I couldn't afford it later. Zero response, just bitching about masks on the board.

I can't imagine dropping $$$5 and wearing a mask. Just insane.She also promised in her alert she'd put a "warning" in her ad about required mask-wearing. Unless I'm missing something, she lied:


So what happened to this guy in her rant most likely is that he was blind-sided about the mask-wearing. I'd be pissed, too!

Edit: I was wrong - she "buried it" in the middle of her TNA profile :

"Please wear a 😷 Mask. Wash your hands💦"

And I still say, "fuck that!" (not literally).

09-03-20, 19:09
We have only ourselves to blame if GPS syndrome continues. Especially during a Global pandemic that is all about social distancing! Even under normal circumstances, I would not even look at the ad for at that price point. During this crisis, we (Seattle) are getting traveling hoes who realize that SEA is chumpville, and will bear the market burden of GPS. Only collectively, can we put an end to this nonsense. Funny thing is, most of these incredible rates have nothing to do with either looks or service. The pussy-cartel understand they can just throw random, high numbers out there and still get appointments. No other service industry works or functions that way. No wonder women are flocking to the SEA area to make ridiculous money with no motivation to provide good service or to even shower between appointments.Your comment doesn't make sense.

Gals are getting the rates they ask for. All service industry works this way.

Some are more deserving than others.

09-03-20, 19:27
Jesus and goddamn, I'd totally forgotten that! What a mess, for provider and hobbyist alike. No thanks. Reminder much appreciated!This is why one avoid women with substance abuse issues.

09-03-20, 19:29
I agree, its nuts to pay that much and it does fuck the rest of us.Is 450 a lot of money?

09-03-20, 21:40
Is 450 a lot of money?This is like asking why people drop $50 k on a mobile game. People going to do what people going to do. No point in making an issue of it. If guys stopped paying prices would drop. Prices continue to rise and service continues to drop so we already know the answer anyway.

FastBreak Junk
09-04-20, 01:18
Is 450 a lot of money?How long have you been in the hobby? Yes, that's an unreasonable price when there are good and great providers that charge about $200-300 hr. If a provider is exceptionally beautiful and provides exceptional service I can see paying a little more but I'd never pay $450. To me that's ridiculous.

09-04-20, 02:47
Is 450 a lot of money?For a half hour? Yeah that's absurd man c'Mon.

09-04-20, 09:07
We have only ourselves to blame if GPS syndrome continues. Especially during a Global pandemic that is all about social distancing! Even under normal circumstances, I would not even look at the ad for at that price point. During this crisis, we (Seattle) are getting traveling hoes who realize that SEA is chumpville, and will bear the market burden of GPS. Only collectively, can we put an end to this nonsense. Funny thing is, most of these incredible rates have nothing to do with either looks or service. The pussy-cartel understand they can just throw random, high numbers out there and still get appointments. No other service industry works or functions that way. No wonder women are flocking to the SEA area to make ridiculous money with no motivation to provide good service or to even shower between appointments.[/QUOTE[QUOTE=TakingABreak;4960261]Your comment doesn't make sense.

Gals are getting the rates they ask for. All service industry works this way.

Some are more deserving than others.Everyone is entitled to their opinions. You are more than welcome to continue paying these ridiculous rates if that is what your knowledge of the "industry" is. There is no co-relation between price and looks or price and level of service. Understanding that first, may be a good step forward. How long have you been in the hobby?

09-04-20, 14:59
How long have you been in the hobby? Yes, that's an unreasonable price when there are good and great providers that charge about $200-300 hr. If a provider is exceptionally beautiful and provides exceptional service I can see paying a little more but I'd never pay $450. To me that's ridiculousI just don't think 450 is a lot of money.

I also would not see any woman in a flea bag motel.

09-04-20, 18:04
The ad says "LMS AVAILABLE TODAY 09/04 2 pm-8 pm 250 qv FS. " 250 for a quick visit? And that is a "special?" I don't need reviews to walk away from this one.This is what happens when we in general, but not me, let the little head make decisions. 250 qv is GPS at its best when some guys are willing to give 450 for a hh of BBFS. It's only going to get worse unless the big head makes the decisions.

09-04-20, 18:13
Is 450 a lot of money?Yes it is a lot of money. Reasonable would be $200-$300. Paying above contributes to GPS and higher pricing for everyone along with poorer service. Each to their own.

09-04-20, 20:36
I just don't think 450 is a lot of money.

I also would not see any woman in a flea bag motel.450 could be a lot of money, or it could be a good deal. If she's super hot and will do everything you want and let you stay until you're totally drained, it's a good deal. If you're out the door as soon as you nut, it's probably not a good deal for most guys.

09-05-20, 00:16
I just don't think 450 is a lot of money.

I also would not see any woman in a flea bag motel.Some people will pay anything to get laid.

FastBreak Junk
09-05-20, 09:45
Yes it is a lot of money. Reasonable would be $200-$300. Paying above contributes to GPS and higher pricing for everyone along with poorer service. Each to their own.Exactly. While we aren't the first to point this out, market price is determined by us buyers-hobbyists. If enough of us are willing to pay exorbitant rates many providers will expect those rates, but if we refuse they'll keep their prices reasonable.

I'm happy to pay reasonable rates, and we're on the same page with what is reasonable. Even if a provider only has 5 sessions / wk which is probably a conservative estimate, that's about $1000-1500 of weekly income, which is about what I make working 40 hrs / wk.

Marko Ramius
09-05-20, 10:26
450 could be a lot of money, or it could be a good deal. If she's super hot and will do everything you want and let you stay until you're totally drained, it's a good deal. If you're out the door as soon as you nut, it's probably not a good deal for most guys.I've never seen any girls from the Seattle area who were seriously at the quality where $500 for a short visit was even remotely worthwhile. OTOH I've found more a few in Vancouver, LA, and the Bay Area who fit the bill.

The girl has to be hot as fuck. Supermodel or movie star level of looks.

She needs to not only be skilled, but amazingly skilled.

She needs to be extremely enthusiastic and up for pretty much anything you might imagine. When your imagination runs out she has plenty of ideas.

She needs to be a filthy cum creature. She should coo happily as she licks you clean after you dump a load in her.

Those girls are rare anywhere but I've never found one in Washington.

09-05-20, 14:10
I just don't think 450 is a lot of money.

I also would not see any woman in a flea bag motel.Agreed. If $450 is a "lot of money" to you, you need a different hobby. Like hiking.

People who easily afford to drive new German luxury cars, wear a Rolex or at least Apple watch, own a house or condo in this overpriced market, or regularly go out for a nice dinner and drinks running several hundred dollars for two are common here. Martinis at several high-end chains with the COVID fee are now $20. Per Martini.

Just as with our commercial recreational companions, there are less-expensive options for food, transport, housing and time-keeping. In companions, the pricier models are almost always much prettier or at least better made-up, can hold a conversation, value their repeat clientele and provide a much nicer experience. And your chance of taking home unwanted guests is much lower, because she's seeing fewer, but higher-income, guys. Lower-income, called socio-economic status, highly correlates with STD chances, and while that could be due to age and race correlations, odds are odds.

The Seattle tech industry is the home of the Platinum card. Stepping down to a GPS is just slumming it.

09-05-20, 15:43
Exactly. While we aren't the first to point this out, market price is determined by us buyers-hobbyists. If enough of us are willing to pay exorbitant rates many providers will expect those rates, but if we refuse they'll keep their prices reasonable.

I'm happy to pay reasonable rates, and we're on the same page with what is reasonable. Even if a provider only has 5 sessions / wk which is probably a conservative estimate, that's about $1000-1500 of weekly income, which is about what I make working 40 hrs / wk.Could not agree more. It seems like folks are just too lazy (and maybe too horny?) to try and find women who accept between $200 and $300 an hour. As I have stated before, the maximum I will pay for a 1 hour visit is $220, and that must include BBBJ, DATY, DATO, and BBFS (Rimming would be a nice extra). I have been able to find a few who provide all that, and in fact, for the most recent 3 gals, I paid $200. So, I am doing my part in not paying ridiculous rates.

09-05-20, 17:34
So I pmed her for rates and she sent this:


GFE BBBJ daty kissing Cfs, deep throat with spitting and gagging, love it.

Titty Fucking Dato, role play, mutual masturbation very passionate giving and taking.

Outs + 20 depending on distance.

30 min - 250.

60 min - 360.

90 min - 600.

2 hour -700.

Are these really her rates? Seems high based on what others have said about her.Some people negotiate. When I used to see escorts, I'd simply say "thanks" if the prices were too high. For some, that would end the conversation; for most, they would come back and say, "What were you looking to spend?" or "I can give you a special. " I always let them offer it instead of me offering a lower amount. That keeps them from calling you a low-baller and having an attitude when you meet.

09-05-20, 17:40
Is 450 a lot of money?If you're paying $450 to see someone for 30 minutes, its strikes me as being ridiculous. A 30 minute appointment is basically showing up to fuck and leave. There is no need to pay premium for their "witty banter" or to revel in their faux intelligence. Shit, if you're showing up for 30 minutes, they probably don't even need to be that hot. A 30 minute appointment basically says, "I want to get laid quickly and go home. ".

So, like I said previously, some people will pay anything to get laid.

09-05-20, 18:53
If you're paying $450 to see someone for 30 minutes, its strikes me as being ridiculous. A 30 minute appointment is basically showing up to fuck and leave. There is no need to pay premium for their "witty banter" or to revel in their faux intelligence. Shit, if you're showing up for 30 minutes, they probably don't even need to be that hot. A 30 minute appointment basically says, "I want to get laid quickly and go home. ".

So, like I said previously, some people will pay anything to get laid.What type of job in the real world pays $900 dollars an hour? NBA / NFL athlete?

How about try proof reading your ads or reading a book before you try to convince me you are a grad student. Lmfao!

09-05-20, 20:20
I really don't understand why we're (not everyone but a lot of you) raking the guy over the coals for spending $450 for a hh BBFS. It feels like some of you are practically accusing him of raising prices in Seattle.

The guy shared information that was relevant to this board. If you think it's too expensive, then by all means don't partake. Personally it's a little too much for me but I appreciate the info. And I've paid more than the going rate for cfs for someone who I thought was gorgeous. To each their own.

But let's not discourage people from sharing information that is pertinent to this board.

Have a safe labor day weekend!

09-05-20, 20:44
I really don't understand why we're (not everyone but a lot of you) raking the guy over the coals for spending $450 for a hh BBFS. It feels like some of you are practically accusing him of raising prices in Seattle.

The guy shared information that was relevant to this board. If you think it's too expensive, then by all means don't partake. Personally it's a little too much for me but I appreciate the info. And I've paid more than the going rate for cfs for someone who I thought was gorgeous. To each their own.

But let's not discourage people from sharing information that is pertinent to this board.

Have a safe labor day weekend!Most of us are not "raking" him over. We are just stating our honest opinions. Myself, as I have made clear, I would never pay that much, and in fact would pay about 1/2 of that amount, at the most. As it is, I really like Korean gals, but those prices at the Korean agencies are utterly ridiculous: $450 an hour with BBFS included. Way, way too much!

But again, to each his own. I just hope such instances are few and far between, so that prices can come down to a more reasonable level.

09-05-20, 22:17
Some people negotiate. When I used to see escorts, I'd simply say "thanks" if the prices were too high. For some, that would end the conversation; for most, they would come back and say, "What were you looking to spend?" or "I can give you a special. " I always let them offer it instead of me offering a lower amount. That keeps them from calling you a low-baller and having an attitude when you meet.I follow with ok thanks. It works like a charm. More than 50% respond. Sometimes they ask, what. I respond with a compliment, I'm sorry I can't do that, but you look amazing. My loss. I've had someone drop from 300 to 100, insist on a qv and we end up shooting the shit for an hour, or go again. That difference rarely happens, but I don't go above what I can do. I'm also respectful in person.

09-05-20, 22:17
I really don't understand why we're (not everyone but a lot of you) raking the guy over the coals for spending $450 for a hh BBFS. It feels like some of you are practically accusing him of raising prices in Seattle.

The guy shared information that was relevant to this board. If you think it's too expensive, then by all means don't partake. Personally it's a little too much for me but I appreciate the info. And I've paid more than the going rate for cfs for someone who I thought was gorgeous. To each their own.

But let's not discourage people from sharing information that is pertinent to this board.

Have a safe labor day weekend!This is all true.

FastBreak Junk
09-05-20, 22:54
Agreed. If $450 is a "lot of money" to you, you need a different hobby. Like hiking.

People who easily afford to drive new German luxury cars, wear a Rolex or at least Apple watch, own a house or condo in this overpriced market, or regularly go out for a nice dinner and drinks running several hundred dollars for two are common here. Martinis at several high-end chains with the COVID fee are now $20. Per Martini.


The Seattle tech industry is the home of the Platinum card. Stepping down to a GPS is just slumming it.While the high-income IT demo is prominent in Seattle, it's still a minority of workers. As with most other areas, most of us are either lower wage service or mid-wage trade workers. Most of us don't have gaudy, ridiculously over-priced toys like sports / luxury cars or a rolex, and some of us live in modest apartments rather than a house or condo.

I'm not arguing someone can't pay a provider whatever they're inclined to, but to me it's wasteful, ridiculous, and could unnecessarily inflate prices.

09-05-20, 23:10
While the high-income IT demo is prominent in Seattle, it's still a minority of workers. As with most other areas, most of us are either lower wage service or mid-wage trade workers. Most of us don't have gaudy, ridiculously over-priced toys like sports / luxury cars or a rolex, and some of us live in modest apartments rather than a house or condo.

I'm not arguing someone can't pay a provider whatever they're inclined to, but to me it's wasteful, ridiculous, and could unnecessarily inflate prices.Well stated, and I totally agree with your last sentence. It's so, so accurate.

09-05-20, 23:38
I really don't understand why we're (not everyone but a lot of you) raking the guy over the coals for spending $450 for a hh BBFS. It feels like some of you are practically accusing him of raising prices in Seattle.

The guy shared information that was relevant to this board. If you think it's too expensive, then by all means don't partake. Personally it's a little too much for me but I appreciate the info. And I've paid more than the going rate for cfs for someone who I thought was gorgeous. To each their own.

But let's not discourage people from sharing information that is pertinent to this board.

Have a safe labor day weekend!Nobody discouraged the original person who was new to this board from posting. Another relatively new poster wrote about supporting insanely high rates while disparaging lower cost hookers. It received replies because the posts were somewhat preachy and impractical.

Low post count, rates discussion, preachy posts. Read between the lines and you'll likely come to the same conclusion I did.

09-06-20, 00:25
Some people will pay anything to get laid.I just don't understand this reasoning. Perhaps the gentlemen are extremely picky on looks and are willing to pay for what they deem to be top shelf.

By the same token, "some people will do anyone", those who don't give a hoot about looks and are eager to pounce on anything with a sale price tag.

It's goods and services. Same as anything else you can buy and sell. Some people drink wine from a box, others prefer Leonetti.

09-06-20, 10:16
While the high-income IT demo is prominent in Seattle, it's still a minority of workers. As with most other areas, most of us are either lower wage service or mid-wage trade workers. Most of us don't have gaudy, ridiculously over-priced toys like sports / luxury cars or a rolex, and some of us live in modest apartments rather than a house or condo.

I'm not arguing someone can't pay a provider whatever they're inclined to, but to me it's wasteful, ridiculous, and could unnecessarily inflate prices.It's wasteful to you because your priorities are different, based on your income and expenses. It's not wasteful to those who can, because they aren't buying the same thing you're buying. Stacked MILF or Princess Peach!= The Blonde Barbie or even Sarcastic. Just as a Kia lacks the luxury, style handling and performance of an M3. Stacked / Peaches are high-drama and nuts. You wouldn't pay to avoid that shit, especially if it came with a far nicer package?

A Rolex doesn't keep time quite as well as a $20 digital, but Rolex is also extremely nice comfortable jewelry, no stupider than a woman's ring or bracelet. But an "inflated" timepiece compared to a Timex.

Same way, at the end of a session, a $30 trick from the Streetwalker session or your own Rosie Palm and sisters will result in the same hormonal release as your $200 trick or my significantly-pricier one. And yet you go for the mid-priced option. Why isn't that equally wasteful? Because you have preferences and standards.

Besides, it's not inflating prices. These higher-end gals have other options that the strung-out tattooed meth-heads don't. Most have been in business or held good straight jobs, but prefer the flexibility of their current small-business venture.

09-06-20, 12:03
Besides, it's not inflating prices. These higher-end gals have other options that the strung-out tattooed meth-heads don't. Most have been in business or held good straight jobs, but prefer the flexibility of their current small-business venture.Oh, you are in for some surprises.

Dr Tardis
09-07-20, 06:42
It's wasteful to you because your priorities are different, based on your income and expenses. It's not wasteful to those who can, because they aren't buying the same thing you're buying. Stacked MILF or Princess Peach!= The Blonde Barbie or even Sarcastic. Just as a Kia lacks the luxury, style handling and performance of an M3. Stacked / Peaches are high-drama and nuts. You wouldn't pay to avoid that shit, especially if it came with a far nicer package?

A Rolex doesn't keep time quite as well as a $20 digital, but Rolex is also extremely nice comfortable jewelry, no stupider than a woman's ring or bracelet. But an "inflated" timepiece compared to a Timex.

Same way, at the end of a session, a $30 trick from the Streetwalker session or your own Rosie Palm and sisters will result in the same hormonal release as your $200 trick or my significantly-pricier one. And yet you go for the mid-priced option. Why isn't that equally wasteful? Because you have preferences and standards.

Besides, it's not inflating prices. These higher-end gals have other options that the strung-out tattooed meth-heads don't. Most have been in business or held good straight jobs, but prefer the flexibility of their current small-business venture.I believe you are less experienced in this hobby than you think if that is your belief system with them my friend.

09-07-20, 12:36
I'd bet that the majority of mongers on here who've been around awhile know a few hoes that advertise for some outrageous sucker price, but will give it up for far less. Several have told me flat out they only expect to get a certain amount of business at their full price, but when they do it makes it worth their while.

Of course a younger, hotter provider is going to command a premium over an old fattie. But higher price does not automatically equate to hotter, better service, or less drug dependent.

I believe you are less experienced in this hobby than you think if that is your belief system with them my friend.

Morgan Creamin
09-07-20, 14:18
Oh, you are in for some surprises.Truer words have never been spoken. I love this idea that price = quality. LOL. That's not even true in the retail market let alone an underground industry.

09-07-20, 17:13
Who advertise rates that make The Bravern look affordable (sarcasm) are well known to make their wares available for about half of "retail" especially if you do them some favors.

Mr. Rousse is in for some surprises.

09-07-20, 17:57
I believe you are less experienced in this hobby than you think if that is your belief system with them my friend.I'm a real old-timer, pre-TBD here and many states and countries. But since I've never had to buy poon, only doing it for variety, that probably makes me very inexperienced compared to you. (joking, just joking. The idea of competing for most tricks seems upside-down.).

I may have missed some of the hard knocks you and others have learned from, because of my upscale preferences. Dclass is more than just wearing polyester and tramp-stamps. It sounds like my belief system has been rock solid, that me avoiding those I find scary or repulsive on the grounds of luxury items has protected me in ways you can only envy.

09-07-20, 19:01
While the high-income IT demo is prominent in Seattle, it's still a minority of workers. As with most other areas, most of us are either lower wage service or mid-wage trade workers. Most of us don't have gaudy, ridiculously over-priced toys like sports / luxury cars or a rolex, and some of us live in modest apartments rather than a house or condo.

I'm not arguing someone can't pay a provider whatever they're inclined to, but to me it's wasteful, ridiculous, and could unnecessarily inflate prices.Not completely wasteful. I mean the guys that pay more move to the front of the line.

There is value in that. In addition, the women that charge more may times works fewer hours and are more flexible in scheduling.

09-07-20, 19:07
I really don't understand why we're (not everyone but a lot of you) raking the guy over the coals for spending $450 for a hh BBFS. It feels like some of you are practically accusing him of raising prices in Seattle.

The guy shared information that was relevant to this board. If you think it's too expensive, then by all means don't partake. Personally it's a little too much for me but I appreciate the info. And I've paid more than the going rate for cfs for someone who I thought was gorgeous. To each their own.

But let's not discourage people from sharing information that is pertinent to this board.

Have a safe labor day weekend!Bingo. To each their own. I doubt any man goes into a date thinking "oh man, I better not tip this smoking hot chick an extra $100 for a creampie. That would screw it up for everyone else that can't afford it. ".

Marko Ramius
09-08-20, 10:24
Speaking for myself, I would gladly pay extra for a girl who shows up on time, gets the job done, and is discreet and drama free. It says a lot about how the Seattle-area market has gone to shit that I even need to say that.

When I travel for business (mostly on the West Coast) and see girls in other towns, they often volunteer that they won't travel to Seattle. Reasons vary, but included TNA, weird and creepy clients, and fairly psycho interactions with hotel security and local LE.

My own personal feelings about why the Seattle market has gone to shit are:

(1) TNA.

(2) Seattle PD and King County PD.

(3) Did I say TNA?

The psycho heifer fest on TNA really has killed it for me. To be honest, if all I knew of the hobby world was from TNA, I'd stay home and fap to some decent porn.

If I just need to drain my balls into something warm and concave, usually I just go to one of the north end AMPs. Yes, the ladies aren't spring chickens. But I've been mongering there for almost thirty years and I am a familiar (if infrequently visiting these days) face and chances are at most any of those shops somebody knows me. They know I am a good customer and treat me well enough to get the job done. They also know I will never tolerate bullshit, drama, or any kind of upsell. So I pay $200 total for one pop and $300 if I go for seconds.

Outside of AMPs, I tend to mostly spend my ho dollars on more upscale girls or sugar babies. There are next to no upscale girls advertising in the Seattle area these days so that leaves me with sugar babies. To be honest I prefer the more educated ones, largely because they are less likely to make a fool of themselves at a high-end hotel and also because it is a massive turn on that the girl on her knees in front of me has a master's degree in communications but still needs to suck me off to make her car payment.

09-08-20, 13:54
I agree with everything you've just said. I've been watching the prices go up steadily on tna over these last few months. Men thought the prices would go down during this pandemic and with people struggling with jobs and etc. Goes to show you how well these chicks care for us or clients. Putting a squeeze on us. Even if I had the funds, I wouldn't pay for lazy work. Who the hell has been getting in these b $# at s ears. 120-150 for a QV LOL, tha fuxk. I play around with other websites and chicks in other states are 150 an hr. I get if you're hawt and young charging 300 hh whatever. But I see these old, fat, waayy average chicks charging the same. WTF LOL.

Like Marko said I might need the porn site more often or try a different venue. Don't get me started on the alerts section. Like drtyharry also said these women know Seattle is a good market and being chumpsville. Buncha soft soy boys fucking it up. Ok rant over! Only time will tell.

Speaking for myself, I would gladly pay extra for a girl who shows up on time, gets the job done, and is discreet and drama free. It says a lot about how the Seattle-area market has gone to shit that I even need to say that.

When I travel for business (mostly on the West Coast) and see girls in other towns, they often volunteer that they won't travel to Seattle. Reasons vary, but included TNA, weird and creepy clients, and fairly psycho interactions with hotel security and local LE.

My own personal feelings about why the Seattle market has gone to shit are:

(1) TNA.

(2) Seattle PD and King County PD.

(3) Did I say TNA?

The psycho heifer fest on TNA really has killed it for me. To be honest, if all I knew of the hobby world was from TNA, I'd stay home and fap to some decent porn.

If I just need to drain my balls into something warm and concave, usually I just go to one of the north end AMPs. Yes, the ladies aren't spring chickens. But I've been mongering there for almost thirty years and I am a familiar (if infrequently visiting these days) face and chances are at most any of those shops somebody knows me. They know I am a good customer and treat me well enough to get the job done. They also know I will never tolerate bullshit, drama, or any kind of upsell. So I pay $200 total for one pop and $300 if I go for seconds.

Outside of AMPs, I tend to mostly spend my ho dollars on more upscale girls or sugar babies. There are next to no upscale girls advertising in the Seattle area these days so that leaves me with sugar babies. To be honest I prefer the more educated ones, largely because they are less likely to make a fool of themselves at a high-end hotel and also because it is a massive turn on that the girl on her knees in front of me has a master's degree in communications but still needs to suck me off to make her car payment.

09-08-20, 15:34
I agree with everything you've just said. I've been watching the prices go up steadily on tna over these last few months. Men thought the prices would go down during this pandemic and with people struggling with jobs and etc. Goes to show you how well these chicks care for us or clients. Putting a squeeze on us. Even if I had the funds, I wouldn't pay for lazy work. Who the hell has been getting in these b $# at s ears. 120-150 for a QV LOL, tha fuxk. I play around with other websites and chicks in other states are 150 an hr. I get if you're hawt and young charging 300 hh whatever. But I see these old, fat, waayy average chicks charging the same. WTF LOL.

Like Marko said I might need the porn site more often or try a different venue. Don't get me started on the alerts section. Like drtyharry also said these women know Seattle is a good market and being chumpsville. Buncha soft soy boys fucking it up. Ok rant over! Only time will tell.Well stated. But to me, it makes no difference what the woman looks like. The rates just need to be more reasonable.

Again, I state that "some" hobbyists are either just too lazy to do research and find providers who charge less, or are just too horny. And unfortunately as long as TNA is around, those jokers will continue to pay the inflated prices.

Finally, you said it perfectly with "Only time will tell". Summer is almost over, and I am willing to bet the COVID-19 crisis will get worse before it starts to get better. That means more and more hobbyists will have less and less funds available. Logically one would expect rates to come down soon with that scenario lurking.

09-08-20, 17:01
I agree with everything you've just said. I've been watching the prices go up steadily on tna over these last few months. Men thought the prices would go down during this pandemic and with people struggling with jobs and etc. Goes to show you how well these chicks care for us or clients. Putting a squeeze on us. Even if I had the funds, I wouldn't pay for lazy work. Who the hell has been getting in these b $# at s ears. 120-150 for a QV LOL, tha fuxk. I play around with other websites and chicks in other states are 150 an hr. I get if you're hawt and young charging 300 hh whatever. But I see these old, fat, waayy average chicks charging the same. WTF LOL.

Like Marko said I might need the porn site more often or try a different venue. Don't get me started on the alerts section. Like drtyharry also said these women know Seattle is a good market and being chumpsville. Buncha soft soy boys fucking it up. Ok rant over! Only time will tell.It's interesting that you say that. I have several clients that are escorts, all of them report over $100 K for income (not sure how much they really make). Whenever we talk about their business, they say simply say TNA men are weird and act entitled. One advertises on there, the rest either have their own websites and / or advertise on Slixa, Tryst or Eros. The one that advertises on TNA says the guys with lots of reviews are the worst (she doesn't know I'm on there). They act like they are special and constantly act like their review will make or break her career. Small sample, but I find it interesting that the ones that make real money don't even bother to advertise there.

09-09-20, 02:02
Thanks! I hope so brotha.

Well stated. But to me, it makes no difference what the woman looks like. The rates just need to be more reasonable.

Again, I state that "some" hobbyists are either just too lazy to do research and find providers who charge less, or are just too horny. And unfortunately as long as TNA is around, those jokers will continue to pay the inflated prices.

Finally, you said it perfectly with "Only time will tell". Summer is almost over, and I am willing to bet the COVID-19 crisis will get worse before it starts to get better. That means more and more hobbyists will have less and less funds available. Logically one would expect rates to come down soon with that scenario lurking.

Mitch Cor
09-09-20, 10:40
Whatever happened to PrincessPeach? One of the few that could get me hard with just her dirty talk, LOL!

Yeah, she's trouble and I fear destined to burn herself out with her own "crazy".

My favorite was PrincessPeach, formerly JosePussycat! When a dude pissed her off she'd write not only an alert, but she'd trash the guy mercilessly! Hers were actually kind of entertaining!

09-09-20, 10:52
Whatever happened to PrincessPeach? One of the few that could get me hard with just her dirty talk, LOL!I believe she said she was moving to Spokane to have her baby.

09-09-20, 12:41
Well said Marko. The only thing TNA is good for is information gathering based upon the totality of a hoe's posts, rather than any so called reviews. They all eventually say stuff that helps me decide whether or not to see them.

09-09-20, 14:04
Yeah, she's trouble and I fear destined to burn herself out with her own "crazy".

My favorite was PrincessPeach, formerly JosePussycat! When a dude pissed her off she'd write not only an alert, but she'd trash the guy mercilessly! Hers were actually kind of entertaining!She is an incredible appointment. Dirty mouth, LOVES sex and will do whatever you want. But could fly off the handle on a dime (and did). I stopped seeing her a while ago, she struck me as someone who was really really in the edge and was capable of doing stupid shit if she even perceived something that was not true or intended. Crazy woman, one heck of an appointment. Apparently she has blocked more people on TNA that she has seen. .

09-09-20, 16:25
I have several clients that are escorts..., but I find it interesting that the ones that make real money don't even bother to advertise there.And those are the only three local escorts that always tell the truth!

TRB before TNA had similar problems, just not as bad because it's wasn't run by the hookers.

Rotten Robert
09-09-20, 17:14
To be honest I prefer the more educated ones, largely because they are less likely to make a fool of themselves at a high-end hotel You summed it up perfectly right there!

09-09-20, 21:16
It's interesting that you say that. I have several clients that are escorts, all of them report over $100 K for income (not sure how much they really make). Whenever we talk about their business, they say simply say TNA men are weird and act entitled. One advertises on there, the rest either have their own websites and / or advertise on Slixa, Tryst or Eros. The one that advertises on TNA says the guys with lots of reviews are the worst (she doesn't know I'm on there). They act like they are special and constantly act like their review will make or break her career. Small sample, but I find it interesting that the ones that make real money don't even bother to advertise there.Yes. I have been told the same thing regarding the men in Seattle. They talk too much. It is better to be low key and protect yourself. Providers talk alot. Some of the most popular women ever on TNA have done horrible things to men in an attempt to ruin their lives and extort money.

Low key is the way to go.

09-12-20, 22:49
Wow, the rates and the attitude.

$1000 for a half hour!

$1500 for an hour!



I've been with hot porn stars for less. LOL.

09-13-20, 00:05
Wow, the rates and the attitude.

$1000 for a half hour!

$1500 for an hour!



I've been with hot porn stars for less. LOL.I just recently emailed a popular MILF pornstar and she gave me 1500 quote per hour BBFS with blood test. Used her twitter handle to get email. She's local to seattle.

Marko Ramius
09-13-20, 00:37
Wow, the rates and the attitude.
...With that attitude I'd wouldn't see her if I was paid.

09-13-20, 00:44
Wow, the rates and the attitude.

$1000 for a half hour!

$1500 for an hour!



I've been with hot porn stars for less. LOL.It doesn't make sense. That guy wrote a good review and she posted several angry, dimwitted responses. At least it'll be a warning for others.

And yeah those rates are just fucking insane. Those are porn star rates where everything goes.

09-19-20, 15:28
I can always tell when a provider is thinking of getting out of the game. They start getting ruder, or a little bitchy. They start playing microaggressions because you're a regular. It's like they think you are their family.