View Full Version : Wehavefuntimes

Chuck Marvel
04-23-19, 22:41
Hey guys, I just learned that "Wehavefuntimes" has been shut down. Anyone know anything about it?

Chuck Marvel.

Atl Guy
04-24-19, 04:30
Hey guys, I just learned that "Wehavefuntimes" has been shut down. Anyone know anything about it?

Chuck Marvel.Plenty of discussion in this thread. http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?7289-Escort-Reports.

Chuck Marvel
04-30-19, 22:54
Plenty of discussion in this thread. http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?7289-Escort-Reports.Appreciate the info. Really like how our tax dollars are being spent (Haw-Haw). Watch what say on-line folks!

Chuck Matrvel.

06-25-19, 07:35
Any of x's girls show up locally needing help? Some were quite hot!

08-20-19, 12:07
Any news on what is happening with sentencing of X? Wasn't the deadline in August?

08-20-19, 18:50
Any of x's girls show up locally needing help? Some were quite hot!One of them has a profile on SA (Seeking) website. Seen it a while ago so can't remember what name she used to search for her there.

08-22-19, 21:54
Any news on what is happening with sentencing of X? Wasn't the deadline in August?8/26.

Lets all cross our fingers!

08-29-19, 09:37

Lets all cross our fingers!No real update.


Counsel for the parties are writing to advise as to the status of the above-captioned case.

Counsel for the government and counsel for the defendant have been engaged in potential plea.

Discussions and defense counsel and his client recently participated in an evidence review.

Government counsel anticipates sending a written plea offer to defense counsel within the next.

Two weeks. Therefore, the parties jointly ask that they be allowed to report further status in thirty.

(30) days by September 26,2019. Concurrently with the filing of this letter, the government will.

File a motion on consent to exclude the time from the Speedy Trial clock calculation.

08-29-19, 11:17

Lets all cross our fingers!Anyone have info or insight was to what is happening with this case? Did it result in a plea? Or is it headed for trial?

I suspect many mongers around here would be relieved if this gets plead out and there is no trial. I. E. Fed prosecutors aren't looking for "witnesses!

10-08-19, 19:17
Anyone have info or insight was to what is happening with this case? Did it result in a plea? Or is it headed for trial?

I suspect many mongers around here would be relieved if this gets plead out and there is no trial. I. E. Fed prosecutors aren't looking for "witnesses!No new info except that he's considering the plea. Next update will be on the 26th of October.

10-28-19, 14:15
No new info except that he's considering the plea. Next update will be on the 26th of October.Nov 26.

Maybe someone can help me understand why it's taking so long. He has a plea deal, and it's his counsel that keeps asking for the extension. Is this normal? Is it just a way to stay out of prison a little longer?

Also, I find this odd. Alana (one of his regulars) has a review as of 10/19.

On them.

Anyone with access mind seeing what that review says?


I wish they'd just get this over with.

Cephlapod Love
10-29-19, 22:03
Nov 26.

Maybe someone can help me understand why it's taking so long. He has a plea deal, and it's his counsel that keeps asking for the extension. Is this normal? Is it just a way to stay out of prison a little longer?

Also, I find this odd. Alana (one of his regulars) has a review as of 10/19.

On them.

Anyone with access mind seeing what that review says?


I wish they'd just get this over with.Thank you for providing updates on this case! Much appreciated! Hope you have some news soon.

The Courts are overworked as are the Prosecutors, so when the Defendant's Public Defender wants to string things along, everyone is happy to do so. I am sure no one wants the expense of a trial. But at some point perhaps the judge steps in and wraps their knuckles and says no more. Get this plead out.

Looks like the extensions are getting shorter. Last one was 60+ days, now 30-days. So that is a good sign.

In the mean time the filings were saying that Xavier was applying for his Real Estate license and planning to drive for Uber! I always suspected that if you flunked out of any other profession one could always sell RE! {my apologies to any legit Realtors out there} But a dude arrested for promoting prostitution is free to drive for Uber? What is next Uber car dates - We'll pick you up?

Wonder why there isn't political pressure being put on the resolution of this case for the pics & movies of his GF who was under-aged. But it didn't appear that was charged.

10-30-19, 11:39
Thank you for providing updates on this case! Much appreciated! Hope you have some news soon.

The Courts are overworked as are the Prosecutors, so when the Defendant's Public Defender wants to string things along, everyone is happy to do so. I am sure no one wants the expense of a trial. But at some point perhaps the judge steps in and wraps their knuckles and says no more. Get this plead out.

Looks like the extensions are getting shorter. Last one was 60+ days, now 30-days. So that is a good sign.

In the mean time the filings were saying that Xavier was applying for his Real Estate license and planning to drive for Uber! I always suspected that if you flunked out of any other profession one could always sell RE! {my apologies to any legit Realtors out there} But a dude arrested for promoting prostitution is free to drive for Uber? What is next Uber car dates - We'll pick you up?

Wonder why there isn't political pressure being put on the resolution of this case for the pics & movies of his GF who was under-aged. But it didn't appear that was charged.And wouldn't you think by this point he would have taken down his p. Hub account, which features 2 videos of 2 of his staff members. He's either one dumb son of a *****, or balls the size of watermelons or both!

10-30-19, 11:42
Hey ceph, can you make room in your inbox?

11-18-19, 10:44
I know one of the ladies was contacted by X this week asking if she wanted to make some $.

She ignored the text, but it would have been interesting to see.

11-18-19, 11:13
This young lady looks familiar. And looking for a sugar daddy.


11-23-19, 07:47
I know one of the ladies was contacted by X this week asking if she wanted to make some $.

She ignored the text, but it would have been interesting to see.Wow, maybe the trial is taking longer because they are trying to show he's mentally incompetent! What a fucking idiot.

Thanks for the info.

11-26-19, 14:14
Hey ceph, clear your inbox.

Cephlapod Love
11-26-19, 17:08
As previously reported, the deadline for plea negotiations with Xavier was extended to today! Apparently X has not accepted what was offered. Perhaps he needs more time to get his real estate selling career off the ground? Perhaps he thinks he can beat these charges?

So I see that there was a filing / letter to the judge in this case. The letter states that plea negotiations are on-going, but that the parties are requesting hard deadlines from the judge for motions, pretrial hearings and a trial. So it looks like 8-months of negotiations have not lead to a plea and it looks like this case is headed for trial!

Appears as though, the only reason the US Atty would send such a letter is that plea negotiations have gone no where and they are tired of F-ing with it. So AG is looking for a trial date.

Once that gets set this becomes VERY REAL as the AG needs to line up witnesses. So if you were one caught on video tape parking & entering the motel during the camera surveillance and on X's GoPro camera that was in the room, there is a chance you might get a chance to testify? Not sure if the video evidence is sufficient to charge mongers with a crime? I would guess the girl would need to corroborate what the video shows? But hey, they might be willing to testify to get off the hook them self?

Now what I heard is that setting dates often wakes up a defendant and the threat of a trial 'wakes them up' and gets them to plead out. But from what I heard is that it is often not until the last minute. Literally minutes before a jury is empaneled that some "wake up. " But that would mean that the AG is all prepped and ready for trial. Has witnesses lined up!

So tighten your sphincters gents. This might get more interesting pretty fast!

Oh and one has to wonder. IF the report here is true. Did X contact one of his former "girls" and ask them if they want to make some money? Is that a violation of his release and actionable? Might that help get this case to faster resolution and cheaper for the taxpayers than a trial?

Hang on for the ride gents!

And as always, be safe!

12-12-19, 22:33

12-13-19, 14:39
https://www.cecildaily.com/news/local_news/elkton-pimp-indicted-on-sex-trafficking-of-a-minor-and/article_254f6114-880f-52bf-a831-79780f928a7a.htmlCecil County Pimp Indicted on Federal Charges Including Sex Trafficking of a Child, Production of Child Pornography, and Using a Website to Promote His Prostitution Business.

Baltimore, Maryland – A federal grand jury has returned a superseding indictment charging Xavier Lee, a / k / a "X," age 40, of Elkton, Maryland, on federal charges of using a website to promote and conduct his prostitution business, sex trafficking of a minor, production of child pornography, and interstate transportation for prostitution. The superseding indictment was returned on December 11,2019, and added the charges for sex trafficking of a minor, production of child pornography, and interstate transportation for prosecution.

The superseding indictment was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Robert K. Hur; Special Agent in Charge Jennifer C. Boone of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baltimore Field Office; Colonel William M. Pallozzi, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police; Chief Matthew J. Donnelly of the Elkton Police Department; and Interim Cecil County State's Attorney James Dellmyer.

According to the five-count superseding indictment, from 2013 through March 14,2019, Lee operated an illicit prostitution business for financial gain, including operating a website to advertise and promote the business. The indictment alleges that the website restricted its full content to viewers who logged-in as members and that Lee maintained control over the website's membership. Lee allegedly required prospective members to send Lee a picture of themselves that included in the picture their identification, such as a driver's license. Members were provided by Lee or at his direction a log in and password. According to the indictment, website members could then view the "profiles" of the females whom Lee was prostituting, which included photographs, descriptions, and fictitious names. The website also listed the cost of prostitution appointments, described services that were available, and allowed members to post comments. The indictment alleges that Lee's prostitution business was primarily operated at hotels in Elkton, Maryland, during weekdays, from Monday through Friday, with Lee typically driving a number of females whom he was prostituting to a local hotel in Elkton for prostitution appointments with paying customers. Customers would contact Lee to schedule a prostitution appointment, often calling Lee on his cell phone. To facilitate these prostitution appointments, Lee allegedly rented rooms at a local Elkton hotel.

Further, the superseding indictment alleges that in April 2013 Lee trafficked a minor female for commercial sex acts, from which he financially benefitted. According to the superseding indictment, in September 2013 and May 2014, Lee produced and appeared in two videos documenting the sexual abuse of another minor female victim, who was 15 and 16 years old at the time of the abuse.

If convicted, Lee faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison for using a website to promote and conduct his prostitution business; a mandatory minimum of 10 years and up to life in federal prison for sex trafficking of a minor; a mandatory minimum of 15 years and up to 30 years in federal prison for each of two counts of production of child pornography; and a maximum of 10 years in federal prison for interstate transportation for prostitution. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the USA Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. No court appearance is currently scheduled for Lee.

An indictment is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by indictment is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.

United States Attorney Robert K. Hur commended the FBI, the Maryland State Police, the Elkton Police Department, and the Cecil County State's Attorney's Office for their work in the investigation. Mr. Hur thanked Assistant USA Attorneys Ayn B. Ducao and Daniel A. Loveland, Jr. , who are prosecuting the case.

# # #.

12-13-19, 19:39
You beat me to it!


12-14-19, 00:12
Check your box, ceph.

Cephlapod Love
12-16-19, 00:54
You beat me to it!

https://delawarebusinessnow.com/2019/12/elkton-man-indicted-on-charges-that-include-operating-prostitution-business-and-sex-trafficking-of-minor/Is it possible that X fired his Public Defender attorney as another one (PD) has filed with the Court as appearing as counsel for X. Wonder if that means the dude is a bit pigheaded? Or it could be that the original PD got another job, was reassigned or something else not case related?

Interesting to see the post (thanks for posting article gents) and links to the story. I am guessing (wdik?) that the Fed prosecutor got tired of X farting around with plea negotiations. They took ALL of the evidence to a Federal Grand Jury which returned indictments on additional charges including the Child Porn (two different victims) and Pimping a Child (1 victim). The two Child porn charges clearly identify the date & time & length of the video AND clearly describes the action. For Count 4 a second child porn, it appears another dude was involved too. Previously X could have plead out on ONE count of promoting prostitution, now the dude has 5-additional charges he is facing. This was either a 'hard-ball" move or election year posturing? Also, looks like the Federal Grand Jury have filed for forfeiture of assets should X be convicted of any of the charges. More hard-ball pressure.

So now with the additional charges, it appears as though plea negotiations start all over again. Once again the Court has granted a stay from the "Speedy Trial" clock which excludes the time from Nov 26 to January 3, 2020. So will X "wake up" and take a plea or force this to a trial?

I am guessing that now that these indictments have come down, and the story was written in the Elkton Times that the real estate business will be shot? Wonder if the MD Board of Realtors has moral clauses? Plus is Uber or Lyft going to allow this dude to drive for them? Oh WAIT! Innocent until proven guilty!

BTW, looks like the US Atty issued a press release on these indictments!


Looks like there is no more journalism around, just editing and posting press releases.

Finally props to the dude who had the Kahunas to go on X's PornHub page and encourage him to take a pleas deal. From the comments about that site here, and the resultant changes, it appears as though one poster here is indeed X or is feeding him info from this site.

Hope this can be resolved quickly as to protect mongers that sent their DL to X to gain access to the WHFT site and those who are on video entering Room 209 and then on the Go-Pro videos X recorded and fastidiously cataloged and saved.

Stay safe!

12-20-19, 15:32
Thanks for the update Ceph. Tried to PM you but your mailbox is full.

Is it possible that X fired his Public Defender attorney as another one (PD) has filed with the Court as appearing as counsel for X. Wonder if that means the dude is a bit pigheaded? Or it could be that the original PD got another job, was reassigned or something else not case related?

Interesting to see the post (thanks for posting article gents) and links to the story. I am guessing (wdik?) that the Fed prosecutor got tired of X farting around with plea negotiations. They took ALL of the evidence to a Federal Grand Jury which returned indictments on additional charges including the Child Porn (two different victims) and Pimping a Child (1 victim). The two Child porn charges clearly identify the date & time & length of the video AND clearly describes the action. For Count 4 a second child porn, it appears another dude was involved too. Previously X could have plead out on ONE count of promoting prostitution, now the dude has 5-additional charges he is facing. This was either a 'hard-ball" move or election year posturing? Also, looks like the Federal Grand Jury have filed for forfeiture of assets should X be convicted of any of the charges. More hard-ball pressure.

So now with the additional charges, it appears as though plea negotiations start all over again. Once again the Court has granted a stay from the "Speedy Trial" clock which excludes the time from Nov 26 to January 3, 2020. So will X "wake up" and take a plea or force this to a trial?

I am guessing that now that these indictments have come down, and the story was written in the Elkton Times that the real estate business will be shot? Wonder if the MD Board of Realtors has moral clauses? Plus is Uber or Lyft going to allow this dude to drive for them? Oh WAIT! Innocent until proven guilty!

BTW, looks like the US Atty issued a press release on these indictments!


Looks like there is no more journalism around, just editing and posting press releases.

Finally props to the dude who had the Kahunas to go on X's PornHub page and encourage him to take a pleas deal. From the comments about that site here, and the resultant changes, it appears as though one poster here is indeed X or is feeding him info from this site.

Hope this can be resolved quickly as to protect mongers that sent their DL to X to gain access to the WHFT site and those who are on video entering Room 209 and then on the Go-Pro videos X recorded and fastidiously cataloged and saved.

Stay safe!

12-23-19, 22:09
Thanks for the update Ceph. Tried to PM you but your mailbox is full.All I can think of is Eric cartman's mom "he's retarded".


Cephlapod Love
12-24-19, 01:33
All I can think of is Eric cartman's mom "he's retarded".

https://www.dropbox.com/s/e2eiruoxkkkhwwv/093110784678%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0I note that there was an Arraignment scheduled for today, and if so and it went off, then I assume the judge or magistrate had to rule on the "Motion to Revoke Conditions of Pretrial Release and for Detention. " Seems like it would take some pretty fancy maneuvering to have the evidence in that over turned.

But X now has the best legal representation your tax dollars can provide as his new Public Defender Atty is an experienced litigator with a law degree from Harvard Law.

The soap opera rolls on.

Cephlapod Love
12-29-19, 19:39
And wouldn't you think by this point he would have taken down his p. Hub account, which features 2 videos of 2 of his staff members. He's either one dumb son of a *****, or balls the size of watermelons or both!I think the answer is Eric Cartman's Mom.

OK, OK, have gotten several requests for further information on X's Pornhub "site" or however you say it. I think I helped the boyz in Blue in one instance, but for the others here is the link:


Use to be several (3 maybe?) videos he had uploaded. Now it has just one video titled:

Paige Erin Turner Flashes Inside Busy Mall

Some girl flashing her privates in what is reported to be the Christiana Mall. I forget what were the other videos but they were more like his promotional stuff for the girls on his site. No worries, I don't think he posted any of the GoPro videos from the dates he arranged and recorded.

I also note he was active on the site a week ago and changed his age from 40 to now 18! Dude has subscribed to many pornstars.

At one point in the comments to one of the videos some brave dude (who had a name similar to a poster here) had asked / encouraged X to accept a plea deal. LOL! Obviously he saw that comment as it is no longer around and changes were made to his page subsequently. Apparently X did not heed the request.

Waiting to see when X gets (or was arraigned 23rd or 3rd Jan) as that should be it for him as far as pretrial freedom goes.

01-01-20, 21:44
Hi all,

I'm just starting to get involved in the DE section but I've been active on other boards. Anyway, anyone know of the 40 something girl that used to work with X? She has bolt-ons and would blow kisses at you while you're pounding her. I don't remember the name though, sorry.



01-03-20, 19:19
Hi all,

I'm just starting to get involved in the DE section but I've been active on other boards. Anyway, anyone know of the 40 something girl that used to work with X? She has bolt-ons and would blow kisses at you while you're pounding her. I don't remember the name though, sorry.


CL.Why don't you give the wehavefuntimes hotline a call? 410-966-7814.

Cephlapod Love
01-04-20, 01:17
Looks like the Arraignment Hearing was held today and pursuant to the Government's recent filing, The Federal Magistrate issued an Order requiring the jailing of X until his trial! (not clear when the trial date is?

Apparently the Defense filed a motion in opposition to the Government seeking detention, that clearly was unsuccessful. Also it looks like the Defense also filed for a seal of said information / documents, so we do not know what the Defense alleged nor its rationale / arguments.

So this is it! X sits in jail awaiting trial. Perhaps some time in detention will soften his attitude toward a plea bargain? I wonder if he is in special protective custody relative to charges of pimping under-aged girl and child porno?

Cephlapod Love
01-08-20, 15:08
OK, so a bit of education for any court junkies out there. Found some links that may be useful.

Here is the process, in general, for a Federal Criminal Complaint.



We are through steps 1 to 6. There is or was no Preliminary Hearing as the defendant was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury, which if my understating is correct, takes the place of a Prelim Hearing. So what is next are pre-Trial motions and general court procedure stuff. Here is the schedule / syllabus for this case.

19-Feb: Defense Motions and Motions to Exclude Evidence.

2-Mar: Jury Selection Questions, Jury Instructions and Verdict Sheet due.

4-Mar: Gov't opposition to Defense Motions and opposition to Exclusion of Evidence.

18-Mar: Replies to Motions.

1-Apr: Hearing on Motions.

3-Apr: Pre Trial Conference.

13-Apr: Trial
Trial is scheduled as a Jury Trial with 3-weeks duration.

*Note: As part of the trial record, at the beginning of the trial there will be a Lafler hearing where the defendant is provided with a plea deal and the defendant in open court acknowledges the deal and accepts it or rejects it. If the defendant rejects the plea, the prosecution withdraws the plea and the trial commences.

My guess is that as a Defense Atty you fight like heck to have as much evidence excluded as possible and perhaps other procedural issues. So that jockeying begins.

(wonder if the fact that my reports on the webcam in the room, which are hearsay (what was told to me) and not based on any direct knowledge or experience, are sufficient to get that evidence tossed?)

My guess is that the Defense waits until the Hearing on the Motions is complete so it knows the state of the Prosecution's case and what it has to rebut that case. Then and only then would a defense counsel strongly advise a client to accept a plea. Er, unless the Counsel is experienced enough to see they are handed a very bad case, stand to lose and the Prosecution is offering a"gift" of a plea deal. But hey. Never under estimate any person's ability to act against their own best interest and demand 'their day in court' as it were. Defendant certainly has a constitutional right to have the evidence heard by a jury of those unable to get out of jury duty drawn from the fringes of the Bible Belt. Wonder if one of the questions asked potential jurors is if they have ever met X, used his services or used similar services?

Now all of that said, I found this article on Federal Criminal Court Cases. Looks like 98% of them end in a plea bargain and only 2% head to trail. Of those who went x to trial 83% were convicted and only 17% we acquitted. (Lets see if my maths are correct 17% of 2% = 0.17 x 0.02 = 0.0034 or just 0.3% chance of acquittal?)https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/11/only-2-of-federal-criminal-defendants-go-to-trial-and-most-who-do-are-found-guilty/

Oh and if anyone is curious, YES! You have a right to attend the trial if you wish!


Vega Wrap
03-11-20, 16:29
Ceph tried to pm. Your mailbox is full.

04-17-20, 11:01
Anybody heard from Ceph recently? Any word on what is happening? I'd guess things got delayed, any word on how long?

05-12-20, 11:13
Anybody heard from Ceph recently? Any word on what is happening? I'd guess things got delayed, any word on how long?No word from Ceph, but got this via PM. Thanks to # For sharing!


Cephlapod Love
09-03-20, 10:05
No word from Ceph, but got this via PM. Thanks to # For sharing!

https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mdd.449657/gov.uscourts.mdd.449657.97.0.pdfDid anyone read that link? Why is this case still going on? I mean I guess everyone is entitled to their "day in court" but, seriously?

Look at this excerpt from that judge's decision on release dude to COVID-19. Right there! (page 10) The defendant, X, states that the evidence appears to be STRONGLY in favor of the prosecution. So why is this dragging through the courts and wasting our tax dollars?

Is he retarded?

Down periscope.

11-23-20, 07:37
Did anyone read that link? Why is this case still going on? I mean I guess everyone is entitled to their "day in court" but, seriously?

Look at this excerpt from that judge's decision on release dude to COVID-19. Right there! (page 10) The defendant, X, states that the evidence appears to be STRONGLY in favor of the prosecution. So why is this dragging through the courts and wasting our tax dollars?

Is he retarded?Down periscope.Hey clear your box.

02-27-21, 01:45

02-27-21, 12:26
Anyone remember Anya with the bolt ons? She made a few porn vids under another name. Anyone remember the name? Hailey has surfaced. Any others? Loved the Christmas pics. Let's of fun gals! Where are they now??

02-27-21, 23:32
https://stl.news/cecil-county-xavier-lee-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-trafficking/?ampThanks for sharing! Looks like that chapter of History is finally over!

03-02-21, 07:47
https://stl.news/cecil-county-xavier-lee-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-trafficking/?ampSo glad I never tried that service out. Whew!

03-03-21, 15:02
Anyone remember Anya with the bolt ons? She made a few porn vids under another name. Anyone remember the name? Hailey has surfaced. Any others? Loved the Christmas pics. Let's of fun gals! Where are they now??I would love to know Anya's porn name.

03-07-21, 15:57
I would love to know Anya's porn name.Rainia belle.

03-08-21, 08:48
also Lilith Lust!

Rainia belle.

03-09-21, 23:50
also Lilith Lust!OK, so I found this link for Lilith Lust. But you are telling me that big fake titted redhead was a wh f t girl at one point or is around here somewhere for dates?


Could not find the link for Rainia belle however. Anyone please share?

03-10-21, 00:06
OK, so I found this link for Lilith Lust. But you are telling me that big fake titted redhead was a wh f t girl at one point or is around here somewhere for dates?


Could not find the link for Rainia belle however. Anyone please share?https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=822352703

03-10-21, 08:46
She went by Anya. Although not the best fuck there.

OK, so I found this link for Lilith Lust. But you are telling me that big fake titted redhead was a wh f t girl at one point or is around here somewhere for dates?


Could not find the link for Rainia belle however. Anyone please share?

03-12-21, 15:18
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=822352703Thanks Claymore! That is one hot chick! Kudos for all of those guys who took her for a ride!

She went by Anya. Although not the best fuck there.Oh my Graham, that sure beggs the question. Who was the best fuck there?

03-16-21, 09:47
Thanks Claymore! That is one hot chick! Kudos for all of those guys who took her for a ride!

Oh my Graham, that sure begs the question. Who was the best fuck there?I was an infrequent visitor but I did figure out some ladies had very open menus and some were safety girls. Anya was a safety girl.

It was pretty entertaining when you visited you met all of them and then stayed with your "date". Last time I was there one of the girls was a short big titted MILF. Instead of kissing me on the cheek she shoved her tongue in my ear and said "come back to see me". Anyone know who and where she is? I don't know the name. Looked like real fun.

Atl Guy
03-16-21, 19:03
I was an infrequent visitor but I did figure out some ladies had very open menus and some were safety girls. Anya was a safety girl.

It was pretty entertaining when you visited you met all of them and then stayed with your "date". Last time I was there one of the girls was a short big titted MILF. Instead of kissing me on the cheek she shoved her tongue in my ear and said "come back to see me". Anyone know who and where she is? I don't know the name. Looked like real fun.I was a frequent customer about 10 years ago. The best was Courtney who I hooked up with after she and her lesbian lover left. A double with them cum swapping was quite memorable.

Cephlapod Love
03-18-21, 11:50
https://stl.news/cecil-county-xavier-lee-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-trafficking/?ampEric Cartman's Mom! I guess when one has that condition it takes 23 months for things to "sink in. ".

Wonder if the dude now regrets the smug attitude he had when the under-aged girl said she wanted her photos and videos deleted and he replied: "I can't delete my past!

Interesting that his sentence relies on a female judge.

Lee faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years and up to life in federal prison for sex trafficking of a minor. U.S. District Judge YYYYYYY has scheduled sentencing for Lee on April 30, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Here's the official DOJ press release:


Too bad for COVID, love to get a Party Bus together with some girls to go watch the sentencing.

Sex trafficking of anyone, let alone girls, is abhorrent! Each Monger should make sure his activities are NOT contributing to such.

Stay Aware & Safe.

04-21-21, 13:21
For your viewing pleasure.

04-27-21, 07:59
Big Tit MILF. Where is she now!

I was an infrequent visitor but I did figure out some ladies had very open menus and some were safety girls. Anya was a safety girl.

It was pretty entertaining when you visited you met all of them and then stayed with your "date". Last time I was there one of the girls was a short big titted MILF. Instead of kissing me on the cheek she shoved her tongue in my ear and said "come back to see me". Anyone know who and where she is? I don't know the name. Looked like real fun.

04-27-21, 09:34
Big Tit MILF. Where is she now!She passed away late 2019 I do believe or early 2020.

05-04-21, 09:21
Eric Cartman's Mom! I guess when one has that condition it takes 23 months for things to "sink in. ".

Wonder if the dude now regrets the smug attitude he had when the under-aged girl said she wanted her photos and videos deleted and he replied: "I can't delete my past!

Interesting that his sentence relies on a female judge.

Lee faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years and up to life in federal prison for sex trafficking of a minor. U.S. District Judge YYYYYYY has scheduled sentencing for Lee on April 30, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Here's the official DOJ press release:


Too bad for COVID, love to get a Party Bus together with some girls to go watch the sentencing.

Sex trafficking of anyone, let alone girls, is abhorrent! Each Monger should make sure his activities are NOT contributing to such.

Stay Aware & Safe.Hey Ceph, any news on the sentence imposed?

08-11-21, 07:45
Anyone know where Terynn went?

11-13-21, 10:04
Looks like the Service is gone but like most stuff with the net, the adds linger on!


11-14-21, 19:16
Looks like the Service is gone but like most stuff with the net, the adds linger on!

https://escortindex.com/ad/delaware/443-466-6826/1/328040Unbelievable. Wouldn't surprise me if the feds kept the ad going. Hope X is rotting appropriately.

11-15-21, 10:32
Unbelievable. Wouldn't surprise me if the feds kept the ad going. Hope X is rotting appropriately.To what end?

Nah, google that number and ads pop up from all over the place.

No need to "keep" ads going or not as long as they have the phone and the number. Now calling that number might not be the brightest thing. But again, to what end?

Maybe I'm missing something? Wouldn't be the first time.

11-15-21, 12:17
Hailey pops up on STG from time to time. Where did all the others go?

To what end?

Nah, google that number and ads pop up from all over the place.

No need to "keep" ads going or not as long as they have the phone and the number. Now calling that number might not be the brightest thing. But again, to what end?

Maybe I'm missing something? Wouldn't be the first time.

11-15-21, 17:16
Anyone know where Terynn went?Almost positive I've seen her on one of the sugar sites. Went back and looked, but couldn't find her. Either SB, SA, or WYP.

08-14-22, 15:20
In case anyone remembers Jenna, she passed away in late June. I had actually kept in touch with her over the last several years and she seemed to be getting her life together.

08-14-22, 16:45
Anyone know where Terynn went?I have seen her on Facebook. Seems to be doing good and not sure if she is doing dates or not.

01-10-23, 21:27
Anyone know if she still provides?

Atl Guy
01-11-23, 16:15
Anyone know if she still provides?Haven't seen her in years. Check with her on Twitter.

https://mobile.twitter.com/reallilithlust. She does have an OF.

01-24-23, 14:22
Did not read, but this just came up in my feed, was not a patron.


02-06-23, 15:55
Anybody got a copy of the WHFT Christmas pic with all the ladies. A very attractive AA in the middle. Anyone know where she went??

06-17-24, 15:50
WHFT Amber resurfaces. Just like the old times. Not quite the old prices but no doubt a fun time!


09-13-24, 13:35
Hey guys, first post after just discovering this website. Spent a few hours browsing, unbelievable the amount of stuff shared.

I used to visit WFT back in 2011-2015 and was wondering if anyone kept in touch with either Roxy (40's, slender) from 2011 or Jessica (mid 20's) from 2015? I'm sure they've moved on but wanted to check. I can't offer anything in return. I stopped doing this altogether in 2017 after the crackdowns on major websites and tend to fly abroad to Latin America where you get a lot more bang for your buck.

I did use SA last year and a bit this year for a month, so could share some info on particular experiences (nothing good in DE LOL) in the DE / SJ / PHL area.