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07-05-12, 00:25
Thread started.

07-05-18, 00:27
One of the problems with making it legal is underage girls getting into it. Studies show in places where it is legal including NV the local girls who are underage are more likely to become involved. In every country where it is legal human trafficking is very high its higher in NV than any where in the USA. What better place to sell something illegal than where something that look like it is legal? No one love the hobby more than me and I would love to see it legal but my mind is at a cross road when it comes to the thought of more and more minors become victims of trafficking or by choice getting into the hobby. I have blogged on hampster about it and ask those who hobby to call the police if they see a minor at a motel or if they encounter a woman who seems to be forced. The hobby is a good thing and fun but its for people who are of legal age of consent and of their own free will decide to engage in its activity. Thats just my 2 cents I'm sure someone will correct me LOL but I can share links to studies that wasnt written by human rights showing how trafficking goes up where ever it is legal.I know what "studies" you are talking about and they are full of shit.

In countries where prostitution is legal there is next to zero trafficking. Commercial sex is legal in nearly all the rest of the developed world. Amnesty international has alienated themselves from their Hollywood supporters because it is their opinion that LEGAL prostitution, which removes criminality from the industry is the single biggest thing that will end trafficking and abuse of sex workers, I'm not saying that and I'm not saying "studies" are saying it Amnesty International is saying it.


Rhode Island accidentally legalized home based prostitution and want guess what happend? Rape nearly disappeared.


The "Study" you're talking about https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1986065 where they say that the "inflow of trafficked people is higher in Western Europe where prostitution is legal?

They include anybody who ENTERS the Schengen zone illegally to work as a prostitute as a trafficked person. That means some Russian chick who willingly goes to Germany to work in a brothel and overstays, she's now a trafficked person.

Here https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/15/legal-prostitution-and-sex-trafficking-from-the-annals-of-bad-economic-research/#22f9d6f45727.

Where they claim that by criminalizing prostitution in Sweden they cut down on the trafficking? What they did was make paying a hooker illegal, she can still sell pussy legally but if you buy it you're breaking the law. So those guys just jump on a Norwegian Air flight and go to Germany and fuck around in the FKK's.

This is the truth, no matter what the thing is prohibition is bad. Booze in the 20's, drugs since the 30's, and prostitution always. Making something a crime brings criminals to the sector, always happens. I have traveled the world over and I have never, not once, ever seen somebody chained to a bed or locked in a room in a legal brothel. Not one single time. Crime happens in secret, crime happens when people have to hide.

Here' this is an actual sex worker telling you what sex workers want. https://www.ted.com/talks/juno_mac_the_laws_that_sex_workers_really_want.

There are people for lots of different reasons who want to restrict your ability to buy sex, they lie to support their claims. Just like Harry Ansliger lied about weed to create an agency to combat drugs. I'm not trying to fight, but none of what you have been told is true.

07-08-18, 22:55
This is the truth, no matter what the thing is prohibition is bad. Booze in the 20's, drugs since the 30's, and prostitution always. Making something a crime brings criminals to the sector, always happens. I have traveled the world over and I have never, not once, ever seen somebody chained to a bed or locked in a room in a legal brothel. Not one single time. Crime happens in secret, crime happens when people have to hide.

I am in agreement with Admin on this, and am of the same opinion as Amesty International on the matter.

In countries where prostitution is legal there is next to zero trafficking. Commercial sex is legal in nearly all the rest of the developed world. Amnesty international has alienated themselves from their Hollywood supporters because it is their opinion that LEGAL prostitution, which removes criminality from the industry is the single biggest thing that will end trafficking and abuse of sex workers, I'm not saying that and I'm not saying "studies" are saying it Amnesty International is saying it.

The problem in our hobby is not the bad things that some people within it do. And just to be clear, I'm not saying forced sex, or child sex trafficking is okay. What I am saying is that I think there is a misunderstanding between the various cause and effect relationships among things that is largely perpetuated by the ignorance of religious people, who influence our politicians, who then in turn write and pass laws that affect the rest of us. That in turn, empowers LE to go after all hobbyists, not just the bad people, and diverts LE resources that could be used exclusively for going after the people that are the real problem. (Like pimps that use minors for example.).

Just imagine, if instead of spending all the millions that they do on going after all hobbyists, that they took a more targeted approach, and focused more on the real problems instead of also going after people completely unrelated to the problem (such as consenting adults). My guess is that you would have fewer "consenting adults" in jail, while having more pimps, rapists, and serial killers that target SWs in jail, which is how I think it should be.

Decriminalization does not cause minors or anyone else to be forced into the sex trade. I can not think of one single instance, where that could clearly be demonstrated as being the case. What decriminalization does do is make it so that consenting adults can be allowed to do what they should have always been allowed to do all along. Which is fuck in peace.

07-09-18, 08:04
They have legalization in their platform.

07-09-18, 16:48
They have legalization in their platform.I'm glad you brought them up. I almost forgot about them.

07-16-18, 01:45
Well I can't argue and I appreciate knowledge if you correct a wise man you will only add to his wisdom, correct a fool and you will only make him angry. We have to remember that the USA makes tons of money by keeping things illegal. A lot of people don't no that this country invest in prisons and allow the private sectors to invest in prisons. Prisons are modern day slavery bc a lot of companies have their products made in prisons. It use to be mainly license plates but now every thing you can think of is made in prison. Big companies invest in building prisons get their products made for a fraction of the cost and high retail it to the consumers. With that said in order to keep the profits flowing they need a high rotation of people to work. In some cases they give young people long sentences so they can work for years and years for free. So of course they don't want to legalize prostitution drugs or anything else to keep the prison population at a max. Thanks for your response.For profit prisons are going to end up being one of the top ten most shameful things that America has ever done. There have already been judges caught because they were accepting bribes to send more people to prison.


This motherfucker should ride the fucking needle. He was ruining kids lives to make money. I don't know what happened to the country I grew up in but it no longer exists.

07-16-18, 14:29
Well I can't argue and I appreciate knowledge if you correct a wise man you will only add to his wisdom, correct a fool and you will only make him angry. We have to remember that the USA makes tons of money by keeping things illegal. A lot of people don't no that this country invest in prisons and allow the private sectors to invest in prisons. Prisons are modern day slavery bc a lot of companies have their products made in prisons. It use to be mainly license plates but now every thing you can think of is made in prison. Big companies invest in building prisons get their products made for a fraction of the cost and high retail it to the consumers. With that said in order to keep the profits flowing they need a high rotation of people to work. In some cases they give young people long sentences so they can work for years and years for free. So of course they don't want to legalize prostitution drugs or anything else to keep the prison population at a max. Thanks for your response.I don't think it's money that is the root of the problem with decriminalization. I think the root of the problem is religion and politics, and from there special interests were born along with lots of money being poured into the criminal justice system. That said, it's not just the investors and stakeholders of privately owned prisons that stand to benefit from keeping things the way they are, but also the LEOs that go after us and the SWs. I'm sure many of the LEOs out there are making house payments, car payments, paying for their kids to go to college, maybe saving up to buy a boat, etc.

According to Google, the average LEO pay is $61,000 and the average LEO Chief pay is $193,000 a year. Assuming a 40 hour work week, that's $31/ hr for a LEO, and a $100/ hr for a LEO Chief. So when a LEO sees us on Sugar Creek trying to get some action for 20 bucks or whatever, there is quite a financial incentive for them to go after us. They could look the other way and potentially put their job at risk, or quit and find another line of work, but I think more times than not, that money talks to them. I mean $30/ hr just to put someone that is harmless, in hang cuffs, over just wanting to have sex? How much easier could it get?

07-16-18, 14:45
For profit prisons are going to end up being one of the top ten most shameful things that America has ever done. There have already been judges caught because they were accepting bribes to send more people to prison.


This motherfucker should ride the fucking needle. He was ruining kids lives to make money. I don't know what happened to the country I grew up in but it no longer exists.I agree. At times, it has left me thinking about renouncing my US Citizenship and going to go live in a country where the hobby is completely legal, and you can make good money living there without all the BS of America. I grew up under the impression that America is the greatest country in the world to live in, but as an adult, I've come to find that belief to be questionable at best. Germany doesn't sound like it would be too bad of a choice when I think about it. That or perhaps The Netherlands.

For some reason, I had thought Trump would be good for our hobby when he got elected, or at least better than Clinton, but it appears I was wrong to think that. Despite being the kind of guy that says, you just "Grab 'them by the pussy", and paying $10,000 to have sex with porn star like Stormy Daniels, he actually seems to be just as bad of a choice as Clinton as far as our hobby goes because he signed the SESTA and FOSTA legislation.

07-25-18, 23:58
She OK pretty good service but she's not worth more than the normal rate if anything just like most of them her rates are to high. You guys keep telling chicks they worth more and driving the rates up to high. Even street chicks being told to charge more its crazy.No offense here, but if you can't afford $180 for a rock solid hour of good pussy then you may need a new hobby. There are "rough" women in Raleigh getting $200 H and they don't compare to Alyssa / Sasha, not even close. If you beat a woman down too far in her rates, then her service / appearance / hygiene goes to hell for everyone. If she is too high for you, move on and find another.

07-26-18, 00:05
I agree. You get what you pay for. Can't have champagne taste with beer money

No offense here, but if you can't afford $180 for a rock solid hour of good pussy then you may need a new hobby. There are "rough" women in Raleigh getting $200 H and they don't compare to Alyssa / Sasha, not even close. If you beat a woman down too far in her rates, then her service / appearance / hygiene goes to hell for everyone. If she is too high for you, move on and find another..

07-26-18, 00:08
I agree with that comment Alyssa / Sasha is well worth the $$ for an hr off top service like she offers to us guys and the money is well worth the trip to see her and she really in in a class off her own. Never rushed or feeling that after you left the service was rush to get you out the door and next is on the way. When she move on to another level and you missed out. Well it will be to late to get a chance to see her.

No offense here, but if you can't afford $180 for a rock solid hour of good pussy then you may need a new hobby. There are "rough" women in Raleigh getting $200 H and they don't compare to Alyssa / Sasha, not even close. If you beat a woman down too far in her rates, then her service / appearance / hygiene goes to hell for everyone. If she is too high for you, move on and find another.

07-26-18, 12:45
I'm talking about you crying about rates. If you can't afford it stick to your streetwalkers that you like paying 20. Just sayin. That applies in all areas of life you can't expedt to get a keurig coffee maker out of a dollar store

Champagne just how are those drug addicts champagne?.

07-26-18, 13:27
Check your box

I'm talking about you crying about rates. If you can't afford it stick to your streetwalkers that you like paying 20. Just sayin. That applies in all areas of life you can't expedt to get a keurig coffee maker out of a dollar store


07-26-18, 15:41
Okay. Some of you guys have a point.


Telling them they need to charge more is a simp move.

Not good for the hobby. Everyone here isn't on the same financial level. And telling someone they need a new hobby bc you keep boosting their heads up is a DOUCHE MOVE. I can afford it. Everyone can't. Keep them in mind.

End of topic.

08-17-18, 10:38
These rules will help you as a monger and save you some heart ache. 1. don't be getting into chicks personal affairs bc its time consuming and a waste of time. 2. don't be texting with chicks like they your GF because the more you show interest the more they will rely on you for favors. 3. don't be telling chicks you love them because all that mean to them is you a sucker they can use and they will because soon as you say I love you they will respond saying I love you too. Sucker. 4. If a chick text you or call you early in the morning wanting you to pay for her room bc she didn't make any money and got to get out and don't no what she gone do don't respond or hang up. Because its just game all she want to do is keep her money and get a free room. A lot of chicks run the I need a room scam and that's exactly what it is a scam. 4. don't pay chicks more than what they charge and telling them they worth more than what they charge because all that do is run up the rates and every monger don't make 6 figures or can't afford to pay those chicks really high rates. Remember 95% of those chicks are demon users even if you can't tell trust me they on something and giving them to much money only allows them to buy more stuff. And in some cases they be telling the truth about not having room money because they spent their money getting high and some dude high as she made it. Thats not your problem next time they will be more careful. And please don't write reviews telling us that a chick is worth more than her donation and we should give more that's crazy. I know all about these rules because I have did it all and I learned a lesson when I was green. Those chicks don't give a damn about us. They talk so much shyt about us saying we desperate losers and poor excuses for men and we pathetic can't get a woman unless we pay for it. It don't matter how you look its the same thing. And don't fall for the oh you look to good to be doing this I'm shocked a man hands on as you doing this. Its all game I heard it all and I told them a lot of bs. It don't matter how many times you saw a chick or how good you think you no her or how happy she act when you call its all game. The only man they care about is the little dude she with that she telling you don't exist. I'm just trying to help you not make the same mistakes I made. Happy hunting. Yeah I no my grammar jacked up LOL you should hear me talk country as hell lmao.Preach now! You are on point though. Never forget this is a game--and please don't bring shame to the game.

09-17-18, 19:36
What HE said! Backpage is spot-on! Way to tell it, brotha!

These rules will help you as a monger and save you some heart ache. 1. don't be getting into chicks personal affairs bc its time consuming and a waste of time. 2. don't be texting with chicks like they your GF because the more you show interest the more they will rely on you for favors. 3. don't be telling chicks you love them because all that mean to them is you a sucker they can use and they will because soon as you say I love you they will respond saying I love you too. Sucker. 4. If a chick text you or call you early in the morning wanting you to pay for her room bc she didn't make any money and got to get out and don't no what she gone do don't respond or hang up. Because its just game all she want to do is keep her money and get a free room. A lot of chicks run the I need a room scam and that's exactly what it is a scam. 4. don't pay chicks more than what they charge and telling them they worth more than what they charge because all that do is run up the rates and every monger don't make 6 figures or can't afford to pay those chicks really high rates. Remember 95% of those chicks are demon users even if you can't tell trust me they on something and giving them to much money only allows them to buy more stuff. And in some cases they be telling the truth about not having room money because they spent their money getting high and some dude high as she made it. Thats not your problem next time they will be more careful. And please don't write reviews telling us that a chick is worth more than her donation and we should give more that's crazy. I know all about these rules because I have did it all and I learned a lesson when I was green. Those chicks don't give a damn about us. They talk so much shyt about us saying we desperate losers and poor excuses for men and we pathetic can't get a woman unless we pay for it. It don't matter how you look its the same thing. And don't fall for the oh you look to good to be doing this I'm shocked a man hands on as you doing this. Its all game I heard it all and I told them a lot of bs. It don't matter how many times you saw a chick or how good you think you no her or how happy she act when you call its all game. The only man they care about is the little dude she with that she telling you don't exist. I'm just trying to help you not make the same mistakes I made. Happy hunting. Yeah I no my grammar jacked up LOL you should hear me talk country as hell lmao.

09-20-18, 20:09
No offense here, but if you can't afford $180 for a rock solid hour of good pussy then you may need a new hobby. There are "rough" women in Raleigh getting $200 H and they don't compare to Alyssa / Sasha, not even close. If you beat a woman down too far in her rates, then her service / appearance / hygiene goes to hell for everyone. If she is too high for you, move on and find another.You must be new to this hobby, because l am pretty much out of it now, and it is not because of price, but because of about 90% of those advertising are not worth the price of a street *****. I remember when there was actually providers of quality, they were what is now considered top tier $300 an hour hunnies, for the same $180.

I might add that those of the past also were ones you wanted to see, because they were actually friendly, and made it feel as if they were glad you were there. They had some poise, and manners. Something sadly lacking today.

09-21-18, 10:09
You must be new to this hobby, because l am pretty much out of it now, and it is not because of price, but because of about 90% of those advertising are not worth the price of a street *****. I remember when there was actually providers of quality, they were what is now considered top tier $300 an hour hunnies, for the same $180.

I might add that those of the past also were ones you wanted to see, because they were actually friendly, and made it feel as if they were glad you were there. They had some poise, and manners. Something sadly lacking today.Alyssa / Sasha is good.

09-21-18, 11:25
You're correct.

Most of these girls are just $20 street hoes who are online hustling and jacking up their rates like they're something special who advertise fake pics, trannys, and druggies but they are really trash.

09-21-18, 12:14
NikkororCanon is correct and this is one reason service sucks in Clt. Now. I also agree with both post as far as service and this hobby 95% are not even worth the time of day. Low rates for the most part keep the low end providers around and the better one just move on. There still out there but just don't put up with the backpage crap or any other site as don't have the time to waste with all the hustle. Now I have found a lot just kept there regulars and went off all boards to post. All providers of her nature should set a price and stick to it and see if you come to see them regular they give you a discount. But be fair to the lady at the same time. If you put Alyssa / Sasha in the same box with the others you are wrong for doing this as she is in the 5% that is not like the rest. This guy has the right point of view and I back it up by fact. Just My 2 cents BTTB.

No offense here, but if you can't afford $180 for a rock solid hour of good pussy then you may need a new hobby. There are "rough" women in Raleigh getting $200 H and they don't compare to Alyssa / Sasha, not even close. If you beat a woman down too far in her rates, then her service / appearance / hygiene goes to hell for everyone. If she is too high for you, move on and find another.

You must be new to this hobby, because l am pretty much out of it now, and it is not because of price, but because of about 90% of those advertising are not worth the price of a street *****. I remember when there was actually providers of quality, they were what is now considered top tier $300 an hour hunnies, for the same $180.

I might add that those of the past also were ones you wanted to see, because they were actually friendly, and made it feel as if they were glad you were there. They had some poise, and manners. Something sadly lacking today.

09-21-18, 13:35
NikkororCanon is correct and this is one reason service sucks in Clt. Now. I also agree with both post as far as service and this hobby 95% are not even worth the time of day. Low rates for the most part keep the low end providers around and the better one just move on. There still out there but just don't put up with the backpage crap or any other site as don't have the time to waste with all the hustle. Now I have found a lot just kept there regulars and went off all boards to post. All providers of her nature should set a price and stick to it and see if you come to see them regular they give you a discount. But be fair to the lady at the same time. If you put Alyssa / Sasha in the same box with the others you are wrong for doing this as she is in the 5% that is not like the rest. This guy has the right point of view and I back it up by fact. Just My 2 cents BTTB.I agree, I won't even contact a woman if she is offering less then 200 an hour and that is cutting it very close. Anything below that for an hour is usually a sore having, skin itching, teeth missing, saggy boobs, pimp having hooker.

03-05-19, 18:44
Ali and Jess contacts.

Only SM with street cred ask.

If you have No history on this forum don't ask.

They wany to be UTR.


Want to be mongers with absolutely no street cred have been blowin up my PM.

03-06-19, 08:49
Ali and Jess contacts.

Only SM with street cred ask.

If you have No history on this forum don't ask.

They wany to be UTR.


Want to be mongers with absolutely no street cred have been blowin up my PM.Funny how some of these guys ask questions here with zero, one or two posts (also asking for info), don't get a public response, so they DM you. *add to ignore list!* LMAO!

03-06-19, 14:00
Funny how some of these guys ask questions here with zero, one or two posts (also asking for info), don't get a public response, so they DM you. *add to ignore list!* LMAO!I've had a number of them contact me over the past couple of weeks asking for contact info for some providers. I mostly ignore them. Some have said they've seen Ali or some other provider, but when I ask for details on these providers to prove they've seen them, they mostly do not respond or if they do, which is rare, they get it so wrong. There are reasons why we say "Senior Members only" and I'm not about to bend that for unworthy people.

Bronco Driver
03-06-19, 14:26
Funny how some of these guys ask questions here with zero, one or two posts (also asking for info), don't get a public response, so they DM you. *add to ignore list!* LMAO!I am a senior member and have 30+ threads. A few if any on charlotte page. I am closed to Greensboro and Winston, so this is my pages of first choice. Does this mean that I may not receive info on utr"s because I don't post on the charlotte page? ? COME-ON-MAN.

03-06-19, 16:55
I am a senior member and have 30+ threads. A few if any on charlotte page. I am closed to Greensboro and Winston, so this is my pages of first choice. Does this mean that I may not receive info on utr"s because I don't post on the charlotte page? ? COME-ON-MAN.Hey Bronco Driver. I don't believe that is what he is talking about. He is talking about people (newbies) who have never posted anywhere and asking for details on providers. Having the "Senior Member" badge when asking for details are good enough for me and you have that.

03-07-19, 08:06
Hey Bronco Driver. I don't believe that is what he is talking about. He is talking about people (newbies) who have never posted anywhere and asking for details on providers. Having the "Senior Member" badge when asking for details are good enough for me and you have that.Correct. We're all getting flooded with DMs from guys who are new here, who apparently are not getting a response on the public forum. That's what I meant -- I'm getting DMs from "juniors" (like many are, I'm sure), so I just block them.

03-07-19, 10:14
Ali and Jess contacts.

Only SM with street cred ask.

If you have No history on this forum don't ask.

They wany to be UTR.


Want to be mongers with absolutely no street cred have been blowin up my PM.Your second post Mr Questions.

VIP SPA. South Charlotte off from Westinghouse Blvd.

Anybody. Anybody. Looking for deep enough staff. To not have interruptions. Let us know.

Funny how some of these guys ask questions here with zero, one or two posts (also asking for info), don't get a public response, so they DM you. *add to ignore list!* LMAO!This is your FIRST post.

Anyone see her?


I've had a number of them contact me over the past couple of weeks asking for contact info for some providers. I mostly ignore them. Some have said they've seen Ali or some other provider, but when I ask for details on these providers to prove they've seen them, they mostly do not respond or if they do, which is rare, they get it so wrong. There are reasons why we say "Senior Members only" and I'm not about to bend that for unworthy people.This is you:

JC Therapeutic Spa.

Anyone been here? Good / bad?Everyone of you you "aren't the noobs asking questions fucked up guys, were fucking question factories when you first joined.

Fucking hypocrites.


03-07-19, 12:25
That's amazing, thanks for that A2.

While these guys are assholes, there are other members that are nice and helpful. Instead of yelling at the newbies, explain why you won't share the info and encourage them to stick around and participate.

03-07-19, 13:11

Let me get this straight, you want senior members to provide contact details to newbies for UTR providers? This is the issue people are talking about. Yes, we were all newbies once, and yes, I asked questions when I first started this hobby, but I didn't go around and bugged people for this contact info when people didn't give it up publicly. We are all concerned with Uncle LEO going after UTRs and considering the current political climate we are under, we should be mindful of that fact. Most UTRs trusted us with their contact info and we should not break that trust. That's all what we are saying here.

Queen City Guy
03-08-19, 13:00
There is a nice way to blow someone off (not literally, I mean ignore them) and an arsehole way.

This cyber-age has produced 'keyboard courage' which makes the most timid guys the Incredible Hulk.

The biggest arses are the guys who score a few hits in the hobby over a few weeks / months and then think they are the experts on paid pu$$y and know it all. This hobby is always changing and evolving (ex: when CL and BP started and when they stopped; or when the www came into being in the 1st place basically allowing us to share info anonymously! Nobody knows everything and the punk you blow off may have been banging the 45 yo MILF three apartments down for 2 years and would have cut you in for some action until you were an A-hole to him because he asked a question.

Some observations:

There are some Monger Rules we used to point newbies instead of insulting them. Don't know if they specifically address UTRs or anything.

For me:

SW: a-ok to share info with anyone, they're strutting it on the street anyway WTHeck.

SPA gals: a-ok to share and save someone some trial and error in knowing who to ask for.

Escort: I'm not an escort person but my feeling is I would be a little more selective in who I referred to them because they are more selective in who they service (depending), especially if I told them to use me as a reference. No use in ruining your own rep because someone stank, cheated, or roughed up someone.

SB: stepping up the selectivity here. You don't want to cast pearls before swine. And a sweet SB needs and deserves some protection because in the truest sense the REAL ones aren't escorts, they aren't SW, they are amateurs seeking short term funding and assistance. Sure some general discussion of rip-offs, players, fakes, GPS, etc is fine but I'm not referring a number to you unless I personally know you or have traded info with you before.

UTRs: true UTRs are the most guarded of all as far as I'm concerned. I generally do not share my 'special stuff' with anyone other than my posse (and they know who they are); a UTR is someone I want to keep in a closed loop so to speak; doesn't mean I won't share, just maybe not with YOU unless we're ole mongering around buddies. But hey, you can ask anything you please and who know maybe something can work out. I won't insult you but probably will ignore the request.

I think its the internet public ridicule that the Admin 2 has issue with and I agree.

I am in my 60's have been at the hobby for 40 years, never been arrested, robbed, gotten an STD, been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time by a husband, bf or spouse, and probably have spent wayyyyyyy less having a fun time with some decent gals than 95% of you.

And I'm not condescending so I don't know what makes you feel obligated to do so.

I will say my biggest pet peeve is when someone asks for info on a report I've made, I share, they make a visit, then come on here and massacre my report. That's a good way to be sure you get no more referrals and maybe make it so none else gets any either.

Its to all of our advantages to groom the newbies because it just gives more eyes and ears out there.

Soapbox retired for the time being.

03-09-19, 11:49
Ahh yeah, not going to happen Admin 2. Once they present some useful verifiable information, then they may get some. Think QCG pretty much laid out the guidelines. I'll give SW info to anyone, but I'm not telling you who my Under the Radar girls are. If they advertise, or walk the street, I will gladly pass on the info. If they ask me to help them out with a few friends, I will give it out to people I trust. If they don't want attention, they aren't getting it from me. And I'm not giving up my number 1 process for recruiting either. Find them yourself.

03-09-19, 16:18
Well said and I couldn't agree more with these statements.

I've received a number of requests for contact info from people with zero posts. Guessing it might be the self appointment folks that try to shame people that participate in the oldest profession known to man.


There is a nice way to blow someone off (not literally, I mean ignore them) and an arsehole way.

This cyber-age has produced 'keyboard courage' which makes the most timid guys the Incredible Hulk.

The biggest arses are the guys who score a few hits in the hobby over a few weeks / months and then think they are the experts on paid pu$$y and know it all. This hobby is always changing and evolving (ex: when CL and BP started and when they stopped; or when the www came into being in the 1st place basically allowing us to share info anonymously! Nobody knows everything and the punk you blow off may have been banging the 45 yo MILF three apartments down for 2 years and would have cut you in for some action until you were an A-hole to him because he asked a question.

Some observations:

There are some Monger Rules we used to point newbies instead of insulting them. Don't know if they specifically address UTRs or anything..

Member #6050
03-21-19, 15:29
Well said and I couldn't agree more with these statements.

I've received a number of requests for contact info from people with zero posts. Guessing it might be the self appointment folks that try to shame people that participate in the oldest profession known to man.

Nice.Rather than endlessly debating the issue or criticizing I find a quick blocking action works well. Why are sm's afraid to use the block feature preferring argument?

10-11-19, 20:57
I want to be very clear, she is a very nice looking woman, she is the one who told me she was not the woman in the photos. Even though I thought she is better looking then the one in the photos. I just didn't like her changing prices on me like someone else was actually the one doing the texting. Then her setting a price to play up front then changing the rules as we started and went along. IF she would have told me up front I probably would not have had a problem with them, but it just kind of sets a precedent for me on what she will do in the future. I am not the only one she did that too, but to me most men will like her. She would not change her style of massage for me either and that kind of annoyed me a bit also. Like I said I will not see her again, but I will not tell other mongers not to go because I think most on here will enjoy her. They don't mind getting haggled by a very attractive woman, I have just been doing this too long to go through that. Again I left before the ending because I was done with it, I am not very patient. But she told me for sure no FS, and that is the only thing that would have kept me.I want to be very clear and heard! The photos that you have referred to that you don't believe are her's, you are mistaken. They represent her very well. Yes she is very beautiful in person as are the photos of her in her ad. Trust me! But this should have never been written in your review! When we first met I had my shopping list of my expectations of her session and we talked about those. She came back with her total cost and I accepted. So the experience for me was very gratifying and we both were happy. I left a tip to show her my appreciation of her treatment. The style of treatment that you received needs to be the next discussion point. It was stated my you that you had requested a hard massage and she stated that she only had the strength to provide a light one. Come on man, have a little understanding before you write this up and give the incorrect information out. She was tired! She was tired! Victoria is a certified professional massage specialist and highly trained by a professional school. She provides an excellent service. As good as a legitimate health spa. Not just a body rub, but a real massage.

10-12-19, 07:25
I want to be very clear and heard! The photos that you have referred to that you don't believe are her's, you are mistaken. They represent her very well. Yes she is very beautiful in person as are the photos of her in her ad. Trust me! But this should have never been written in your review! When we first met I had my shopping list of my expectations of her session and we talked about those. She came back with her total cost and I accepted. So the experience for me was very gratifying and we both were happy. I left a tip to show her my appreciation of her treatment. The style of treatment that you received needs to be the next discussion point. It was stated my you that you had requested a hard massage and she stated that she only had the strength to provide a light one. Come on man, have a little understanding before you write this up and give the incorrect information out. She was tired! She was tired! Victoria is a certified professional massage specialist and highly trained by a professional school. She provides an excellent service. As good as a legitimate health spa. Not just a body rub, but a real massage.Don't man me, if she could not perform up to par she should not have booked me for that night, I even asked her if she wanted to move it to another night. You are sounding like her boss or cheerleader. You need to calm down, I gave you my experience and said it was strictly mine from her. She is the one who told me she was not the woman in the pics on skipthegames. I said she looked better then those pics to me, she is the one who said she was not 25 like the ad stated. So don't come at me dude about this. I even stated most men will like her service, she was not for me. She didn't go over a menu with me, if she was tired again she had the option to move my appt which I asked her several times before I went over there because she stated in a text she was busy that day. You want to attack my experience like it was the only thing I typed on there. Read the entire fucking post, I again said most men on here will like her, I hope she makes a lot of money and a lot of men happy. It just didn't happen with me and I said I would never do it again. She is the one who told me FS was not on the table after I asked at the end of the night. While her partner downstairs was getting hammered, is what it is BRO, so again chill out, glad you liked your experience. But again I will not partake in her again and now that I know she has her own police force on here it reinforces my feelings about it.

11-07-19, 15:32

I know this is my second user ID I just created because my main user ID seems to be disabled at the moment and I believe it must have been mistaken for Spam. All I was trying to do was to delete a post that I posted over a week back but I couldn't do it, I do not see any options for that. I sent several messages to Admin through the 'Contact Us' and 'Report Post' options but I haven't received any response to it besides my user I'd got disabled (I'm able to log in, but cannot post anything). Hence this new user ID. Have any of you were able to edit or delete their older posts for any reasons? If so, can you please help me out, I'd definitely much appreciate it. Admin, if you are reading this, please understand that I wasn't trying to spam or anything, I only want to delete a specific post. May be those messages that I'd sent earlier might not even be seen by you if they were automatically marked as Spam. I'm not sure if this thread is the right one to post this, but I'm taking a chance. Thanks.

11-07-19, 19:08

I know this is my second user ID I just created because my main user ID seems to be disabled at the moment and I believe it must have been mistaken for Spam. All I was trying to do was to delete a post that I posted over a week back but I couldn't do it, I do not see any options for that. I sent several messages to Admin through the 'Contact Us' and 'Report Post' options but I haven't received any response to it besides my user I'd got disabled (I'm able to log in, but cannot post anything). Hence this new user ID. Have any of you were able to edit or delete their older posts for any reasons? If so, can you please help me out, I'd definitely much appreciate it. Admin, if you are reading this, please understand that I wasn't trying to spam or anything, I only want to delete a specific post. May be those messages that I'd sent earlier might not even be seen by you if they were automatically marked as Spam. I'm not sure if this thread is the right one to post this, but I'm taking a chance. Thanks.If I'm not mistaken, I believe there may be instructions on how to go about removing a post on the front page of this board. I've done it once, and I think I had to report my own post and give a detailed description of why I wanted to delete it. If Admin feels the reason is valid, you will most likely get an email informing you that it's been deleted. If not, you may get an email simply telling you to fuck off in so many words, or no email reply at all.

Funny thing is, I wanted my post deleted because I reported a girl for being a thief because her new ad closely resembled an old ad of a known thief. I was called out by senior members and informed that these were two different girls, so I requested that my post be removed. A week later I saw another guy post about how the girl I reported on actually did rob him just that day. It made me wish I left the old post up and went with my gut. I'm not sure why you want this post removed so bad, but if it doesn't reveal any personal or damaging info about yourself, I wouldn't worry about it. Sucks about being locked out of your account though.

12-14-19, 14:58
I don't post on here but I do enjoy the reads. That being said.

A Favor: looking for an attractive MILF. Preferable between 30-40 but will consider a few years outside the box. I like women with some maturity as I'm not into the games and not into the "just here because I need to be" or rushed vibe.

An Update: I'll pass on this info for a friend; My ATF (Samara) is available to host an in-call at an apartment in the Charlotte area this Monday and possibly Tuesday, depending on how many appointments she has. Reviews on her can be seen on this board, Atlanta, and Raleigh / Durham. Please don't clog up my inbox with PMs if you don't have a real interest. She is low key and does not have a website or ad posting.

A Question: can she just set up her own account on here to communicate, or is there some rules against that? She asked me if it would be an issue and I couldn't answer.

01-21-20, 13:39

Let me get this straight, you want senior members to provide contact details to newbies for UTR providers? This is the issue people are talking about. Yes, we were all newbies once, and yes, I asked questions when I first started this hobby, but I didn't go around and bugged people for this contact info when people didn't give it up publicly. We are all concerned with Uncle LEO going after UTRs and considering the current political climate we are under, we should be mindful of that fact. Most UTRs trusted us with their contact info and we should not break that trust. That's all what we are saying here.Is to be sold, not told.

01-21-20, 14:01
I agree, I won't even contact a woman if she is offering less then 200 an hour and that is cutting it very close. Anything below that for an hour is usually a sore having, skin itching, teeth missing, saggy boobs, pimp having hooker.My price point is 1. 2 - 1. 6 for the Hhr. I scoure high and low, looking for true quality at those rates. Through my due diligence, I have been lucky enough to find a steady stream of 7's over my mongering career.

At the moment, I two regulars. One is 1. 2 for the Hhr, the other is 1. 6 for the half. Both are drama, disease and drug free attractive women.

They are out there. You just have to be diligent and patient.

Happy mongering!

03-27-20, 17:47
You are calling an escort during a pandemic and you are complaining that SHE is the one not being "professional"? I texted to my regular last week just to check in on her and see if she was doing ok during all this, (definitely not to make an appointment, just to tell her I will see her when this all blows over) and she responded several days later saying she just turned her phone off cause guys are blowing it up and she can't believe guys are still hobbying during all this. (I can't either) BTW if you like the higher end girls trying to set up a date during a pandemic is a good way to get blocked and not even be able to see her when this all blows over. Just saying my girl told me she is blocking people.

They could still reply though and let the people calling them know!

That would be the most professional thing to do or setup an auto reply, record it on the voicemail or take down the ad or even put it in the ad. ONLY if that's the case.


03-28-20, 01:29
You are calling an escort during a pandemic and you are complaining that SHE is the one not being "professional"? I texted to my regular last week just to check in on her and see if she was doing ok during all this, (definitely not to make an appointment, just to tell her I will see her when this all blows over) and she responded several days later saying she just turned her phone off cause guys are blowing it up and she can't believe guys are still hobbying during all this. (I can't either) BTW if you like the higher end girls trying to set up a date during a pandemic is a good way to get blocked and not even be able to see her when this all blows over. Just saying my girl told me she is blocking people.While I do respect what you're saying / practicing; there is no reason to get indignant. People are never going to stop fucking, especially the men who frequent this forum. I also imagine there are many that feel like you and some of these providers are going to take a hit in business (like most of us) and will still "want' / need to work.

03-28-20, 07:54
You are calling an escort during a pandemic and you are complaining that SHE is the one not being "professional"? I texted to my regular last week just to check in on her and see if she was doing ok during all this, (definitely not to make an appointment, just to tell her I will see her when this all blows over) and she responded several days later saying she just turned her phone off cause guys are blowing it up and she can't believe guys are still hobbying during all this. (I can't either) BTW if you like the higher end girls trying to set up a date during a pandemic is a good way to get blocked and not even be able to see her when this all blows over. Just saying my girl told me she is blocking people.I did the same thing with two of my regular. Called just to see how they were doing. Hobbying is on hold for me until this shit is under control. I someone personally, who is on a ventilator, sedated and in stable but critical condition.

This shit is no joke!

04-01-20, 17:24
With the virus going around things have been really slow as you might imagine until today.

So females are starting to get a bit desperate and my burner phone started blowing up Sunday night. So after talking to a few I picked out the most desperate sounding one who needed cash right away from cleaning. So tall skinny white woman with long hair. We didn't talk about anything sexual over the phone, just said I wanted a deep cleaning and I was pretty bossy. She said she didn't mind bossy at all and liked to take directions. So Monday she shows up in her shitty car showing me she was below E and had to make some money today. I said ok come on in and we will see what she could do to make some cash. We sit on opposing couches and start talking a bit, tells me her man is in jail and is needing some cash right away for gas and food. I tell her the only thing she could do for me was to suck my cock. She acted upset for a minute and sat there and let out a couple of sighs. To let you know she is about 5'7 and 115 lbs. Tiny tits and ass. I am usually not a spinner guy. I would say about a 5 or 6 witch I prefer out of a *****. After about a minute I said look either get over here and earn some cash or figure out how to get down the road to the closest gas station. She then walked over and took her teeth out. I knew I was about to get something special. And let me tell you it was amazing. LOL. Just fantastic head. I blew my load within 5 minutes it was so good. It was so good I told her to stay a few minutes. Got it up again and let her work it again. The best part of this all. I paid 50 for 2 pops. And she was happy, I found out she was working in a spa in Statesville and could not work the last 4 weeks because of the virus. So she does travel but does not have a place of her own. She said I could share number with friends I trust.

Then today Liz from Salisbury who worked for me before came down, she was needing some TP and other items and a little cash. I swear this woman loves to give head also. Not anything to really look at for me, but she loves to eat sausage and swallow. I mean she fights me to swallow it, she loves the taste of it she said. So guys I know we want to be careful, I would say keep them in the garage like I did and don't let them near your face. But don't stop having fun if you can.

04-02-20, 03:20

Just stop. No one believes you if you're not posting links. Start your own blog if you want to make up stories.

Stop mucking up the forum with your fantasies as you add nothing.

04-02-20, 17:58

Just stop. No one believes you if you're not posting links. Start your own blog if you want to make up stories.

Stop mucking up the forum with your fantasies as you add nothing.This guy posts nothing but BS. I skip right over anything by him. Nothing but stories for attention.

04-02-20, 18:21
This guy posts nothing but BS. I skip right over anything by him. Nothing but stories for attention.Love how he contradicts himself in just a few sentences. First, they are on his couch. Then he finishes off by saying; we stayed in the garage.

Get your "maid" (see what I did there?) fantasies straight.


04-03-20, 00:54
With the virus going around things have been really slow as you might imagine until today.

So females are starting to get a bit desperate and my burner phone started blowing up Sunday night. So after talking to a few I picked out the most desperate sounding one who needed cash right away from cleaning. So tall skinny white woman with long hair. We didn't talk about anything sexual over the phone, just said I wanted a deep cleaning and I was pretty bossy. She said she didn't mind bossy at all and liked to take directions. So Monday she shows up in her shitty car showing me she was below E and had to make some money today. I said ok come on in and we will see what she could do to make some cash. We sit on opposing couches and start talking a bit, tells me her man is in jail and is needing some cash right away for gas and food. I tell her the only thing she could do for me was to suck my cock. She acted upset for a minute and sat there and let out a couple of sighs. To let you know she is about 5'7 and 115 lbs. Tiny tits and ass. I am usually not a spinner guy. I would say about a 5 or 6 witch I prefer out of a *****. After about a minute I said look either get over here and earn some cash or figure out how to get down the road to the closest gas station. She then walked over and took her teeth out. I knew I was about to get something special. And let me tell you it was amazing. LOL. Just fantastic head. I blew my load within 5 minutes it was so good. It was so good I told her to stay a few minutes. Got it up again and let her work it again. The best part of this all. I paid 50 for 2 pops. And she was happy, I found out she was working in a spa in Statesville and could not work the last 4 weeks because of the virus. So she does travel but does not have a place of her own. She said I could share number with friends I trust.

Then today Liz from Salisbury who worked for me before came down, she was needing some TP and other items and a little cash. I swear this woman loves to give head also. Not anything to really look at for me, but she loves to eat sausage and swallow. I mean she fights me to swallow it, she loves the taste of it she said. So guys I know we want to be careful, I would say keep them in the garage like I did and don't let them near your face. But don't stop having fun if you can.This is G as fuck.

04-03-20, 11:24
Your second post Mr Questions.

This is your FIRST post.

This is you:

Everyone of you you "aren't the noobs asking questions fucked up guys, were fucking question factories when you first joined.

Fucking hypocrites.

A2.Hahaaa exactly! The high horse some people on this forum climb on once they've reached 20 posts is pretty weird. Everybody on this board joined because they were curious and / or had questions.

And for those struggling with reading comprehension A2 didn't say you had to tell the newbies a damn thing. It's totally fine to be cautious, and its totally fine to not give out UTR providers information. But he's Just pointing out the hypocrisy of being flippant and arrogant towards a newbie when you joined the board doing the same exact thing.

Relax. This isn't the place for high horses LOL.

04-04-20, 19:51
With all due respect, I was replying to the original post which was not by me!!!! It was my opinion and I thought it was a good suggestion/recommendation for providers to do that, that would like business to continue after the pandemic. That was all. (See attached - the original post by another monger then my suggestion.)

You are calling an escort during a pandemic and you are complaining that SHE is the one not being "professional"? I texted to my regular last week just to check in on her and see if she was doing ok during all this, (definitely not to make an appointment, just to tell her I will see her when this all blows over) and she responded several days later saying she just turned her phone off cause guys are blowing it up and she can't believe guys are still hobbying during all this. (I can't either) BTW if you like the higher end girls trying to set up a date during a pandemic is a good way to get blocked and not even be able to see her when this all blows over. Just saying my girl told me she is blocking people..

Macho Manny
04-06-20, 09:57
With the virus going around things have been really slow as you might imagine until today.

So females are starting to get a bit desperate and my burner phone started blowing up Sunday night. So after talking to a few I picked out the most desperate sounding one who needed cash right away from cleaning. So tall skinny white woman with long hair. We didn't talk about anything sexual over the phone, just said I wanted a deep cleaning and I was pretty bossy. She said she didn't mind bossy at all and liked to take directions. So Monday she shows up in her shitty car showing me she was below E and had to make some money today. I said ok come on in and we will see what she could do to make some cash. We sit on opposing couches and start talking a bit, tells me her man is in jail and is needing some cash right away for gas and food. I tell her the only thing she could do for me was to suck my cock. She acted upset for a minute and sat there and let out a couple of sighs. To let you know she is about 5'7 and 115 lbs. Tiny tits and ass. I am usually not a spinner guy. I would say about a 5 or 6 witch I prefer out of a *****. After about a minute I said look either get over here and earn some cash or figure out how to get down the road to the closest gas station. She then walked over and took her teeth out. I knew I was about to get something special. And let me tell you it was amazing. LOL. Just fantastic head. I blew my load within 5 minutes it was so good. It was so good I told her to stay a few minutes. Got it up again and let her work it again. The best part of this all. I paid 50 for 2 pops. And she was happy, I found out she was working in a spa in Statesville and could not work the last 4 weeks because of the virus. So she does travel but does not have a place of her own. She said I could share number with friends I trust.

Then today Liz from Salisbury who worked for me before came down, she was needing some TP and other items and a little cash. I swear this woman loves to give head also. Not anything to really look at for me, but she loves to eat sausage and swallow. I mean she fights me to swallow it, she loves the taste of it she said. So guys I know we want to be careful, I would say keep them in the garage like I did and don't let them near your face. But don't stop having fun if you can.Not going to lie I find this post extremely degrading. Realize these women are going through difficult times like the rest of us. Learn some respect man.

04-11-20, 18:11
This guy posts nothing but BS. I skip right over anything by him. Nothing but stories for attention.I believe ThatOneKing's post are actually legit, after some research I was able to find some of the cleaning ladies he has referenced. I haven't partaken in Charlotte but I also know it's not that uncommon in that line of work. In other cities I've had hookups who cleaned for their day job and gave dreams at night. The occasional two for one (cleaning and a dream) visit was always nice.

04-11-20, 23:38
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a threat made towards other Forum members. Threatening other members in any way, either veiled or directly, is strictly prohibited and will result the the perpetrator being banned from the forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

04-11-20, 23:42
This guy posts nothing but BS. I skip right over anything by him. Nothing but stories for attention.Attention. LOL. I been on this site for over 8 years now off and on. I don't need attention from a bunch of men I don't know. I share tips and experiences, I have given great info over the years. Unlike you Mr 33 posts. Bounaige can attest to my information and several other guys on here are partaking to other women now. If you don't believe them keep skipping over them then. If you ever want to discuss in person let me know.

04-12-20, 12:10
I believe ThatOneKing's post are actually legit, after some research I was able to find some of the cleaning ladies he has referenced. I haven't partaken in Charlotte but I also know it's not that uncommon in that line of work. In other cities I've had hookups who cleaned for their day job and gave dreams at night. The occasional two for one (cleaning and a dream) visit was always nice.Just so you know, I have met up with a lady following a tip from ThatOneKing and it was just as he had stated it would be. I am more than happy to read his contributions.

04-12-20, 15:37
Just so you know, I have met up with a lady following a tip from ThatOneKing and it was just as he had stated it would be. I am more than happy to read his contributions.I don't have any reason to think his posts are or are not real but over a long mongering life I have talked 3 cleaning ladies into the sheets shortly after she made the bed.

Also I've talked a handful of girls on a designated driver ad into encounters. It's not that difficult just takes the gift of gab and a girl trying to make a few bucks.

Rough Justice
04-13-20, 19:08
Just so you know, I have met up with a lady following a tip from ThatOneKing and it was just as he had stated it would be. I am more than happy to read his contributions.I second this post ThatOneKing definitely is on my trustworthy list! I meet up with one of his "cleaning ladies" and she was just as described so if you know like I know I would listen and soak up what he has to say cause obviously he doing something right. Ijs.

As always happy hunting and stay save.

R. J. Over&Out.

04-13-20, 19:54
I second this post ThatOneKing definitely is on my trustworthy list! I meet up with one of his "cleaning ladies" and she was just as described so if you know like I know I would listen and soak up what he has to say cause obviously he doing something right. Ijs.

As always happy hunting and stay save.

R. J. Over&Out.The last three women I hired to clean my house were sb's I met through Seeking Arrangements. Each knew I regularly hired someone to clean once a week and offered a lower price (often with a complementary BBBJ). One just made it part of her allowance. So it makes sense. Often domestic work is a last resort for women needing money (or I guess second to last). I'm more concerned about the lack of social distancing. These hobbies have risks, but if you catch the clap, you're not going to kill grandma (unless you are freakier than me).

04-14-20, 02:04
Jesus, there is more cock sucking of the bullshit artist going on here than at the CarMax Group flop house.

NC Transplant
04-14-20, 07:15
I don't doubt what he says is possible. I would just suggest being careful about it. Putting up an ad for a job and then asking for sexual favors can get one in a lot of trouble. It needs to be brought up in such a way where it comes up being her idea, not yours, then it is on her. If she suggests giving you a blow job or a little pussy because you say you have been lonely for example, she is the one that made the offer. Just be smart about it. I don't doubt that plenty of these women will do a little extra pipe cleaning to help feed their kids. It just isn't a good idea to have a woman come over to clean your house and start pulling your dick out. Suggest it in a way where she offers it.

I second this post ThatOneKing definitely is on my trustworthy list! I meet up with one of his "cleaning ladies" and she was just as described so if you know like I know I would listen and soak up what he has to say cause obviously he doing something right. Ijs.

As always happy hunting and stay save.

R. J. Over&Out.

04-14-20, 12:20
I don't doubt what he says is possible. I would just suggest being careful about it. Putting up an ad for a job and then asking for sexual favors can get one in a lot of trouble. It needs to be brought up in such a way where it comes up being her idea, not yours, then it is on her. If she suggests giving you a blow job or a little pussy because you say you have been lonely for example, she is the one that made the offer. Just be smart about it. I don't doubt that plenty of these women will do a little extra pipe cleaning to help feed their kids. It just isn't a good idea to have a woman come over to clean your house and start pulling your dick out. Suggest it in a way where she offers it.I don't post ads for them, I have put out flyers at communities, stores, etc. I have been doing this for some 20 years now and you know when you know. I have never been caught up in anything with the police, well because I always let the women make the suggestions. Even the skinny woman she gave me all the hints and brushed up against me when she walked in the door. So she knew what she was there for, she just needed to be told something. But I definitely understand your concern for some people and I suggest don't go on sites to do this. But I know a gentleman who has posted ads and he said he has decent success with it.

Also I want to make this perfectly clear I never post something that is not true, we are in this together and I want everyone to enjoy a good time.

04-16-20, 16:26
I don't get how his post was any more "degrading" than any other post on these boards? You sure you are in the right place?

Not going to lie I find this post extremely degrading. Realize these women are going through difficult times like the rest of us. Learn some respect man.

04-16-20, 16:34
The only reason I was being "indignant" was because the guy was saying they werent being professional by not answering his calls during this shit. I said if people still want to hobby that's fine to each his own, if a girl answers and wants to see you more power to you, but don't get an attitude because some girls arent responding to your texts during a pandemic, that's all I was saying.

While I do respect what you're saying / practicing; there is no reason to get indignant. People are never going to stop fucking, especially the men who frequent this forum. I also imagine there are many that feel like you and some of these providers are going to take a hit in business (like most of us) and will still "want' / need to work.

04-16-20, 18:25
The only reason I was being "indignant" was because the guy was saying they werent being professional by not answering his calls during this shit. I said if people still want to hobby that's fine to each his own, if a girl answers and wants to see you more power to you, but don't get an attitude because some girls arent responding to your texts during a pandemic, that's all I was saying.I misinterpreted you comment. Agree with what you're saying; to each his / her own indeed.


NC Transplant
04-16-20, 18:46
As long as they make the suggestion it is on them. These aren't professional women looking for a receptionist job either. I don't doubt it works.

I don't post ads for them, I have put out flyers at communities, stores, etc. I have been doing this for some 20 years now and you know when you know. I have never been caught up in anything with the police, well because I always let the women make the suggestions. Even the skinny woman she gave me all the hints and brushed up against me when she walked in the door. So she knew what she was there for, she just needed to be told something. But I definitely understand your concern for some people and I suggest don't go on sites to do this. But I know a gentleman who has posted ads and he said he has decent success with it.

Also I want to make this perfectly clear I never post something that is not true, we are in this together and I want everyone to enjoy a good time.

08-06-20, 20:52
Any chance all you guys that carry a gun to see their date start a separate thread for it because the stories are starting to get really exaggerated in here and most of us aren't dumb enough to carry to see a date. I am really sure most of them have no problems with you bringing a weapon to their place because safety isn't important to them. Cmon guys let's get real. Or you are choosing the to totally wrong girls to see cause I have never once felt remotely like I needed a weapon.So with all the crap going on out there with the handlers and thugs just looking to rob someone you don't feel the need to protect yourself? REALLY!!

Seems to be common sense to me.

IT Guy
08-06-20, 21:20
I've lived in a rural area my entire life & I just grew up with firearms. I've had my CCW permit for years & I carry everywhere that's legal to do so. Not specifically for the hobby, but for a lot of us it becomes a way of life. Before I leave the house I grab my wallet, my pocket knife, keys, firearm & spare magazine. Like many other people, it is just part of my regular routine.

So with all the crap going on out there with the handlers and thugs just looking to rob someone you don't feel the need to protect yourself? REALLY!!

Seems to be common sense to me.

Macho Manny
08-06-20, 23:39
So with all the crap going on out there with the handlers and thugs just looking to rob someone you don't feel the need to protect yourself? REALLY!!

Seems to be common sense to me.Sorry, but no I do not feel the need to carry a weapon. When that becomes the case I can promise you I will be completely done. Kinda stinks you need to bring a weapon with you in order to feel safe. This isn't the Wild West.

08-07-20, 11:47
This is a free country and its up to you if you choose to carry or not. I for one never leave home without it. You have no idea what is waiting for you on the other side of that door and would hate to be caught with pants my down--no pun intended.

Sorry, but no I do not feel the need to carry a weapon. When that becomes the case I can promise you I will be completely done. Kinda stinks you need to bring a weapon with you in order to feel safe. This isn't the Wild West.

08-07-20, 13:33
This is a free country and its up to you if you choose to carry or not. I for one never leave home without it. You have no idea what is waiting for you on the other side of that door and would hate to be caught with pants my down--no pun intended.Stop preaching this nonsense on this forum. I hope the mods delete these ignorant posts. You have no idea what you're talking about and bringing a weapon into the life is a very foolish choice. It takes things to a whole new level and I know this from personal experience. Stop spreading this foolishness.

08-07-20, 13:53
Stop preaching this nonsense on this forum. I hope the mods delete these ignorant posts. You have no idea what you're talking about and bringing a weapon into the life is a very foolish choice. It takes things to a whole new level and I know this from personal experience. Stop spreading this foolishness.Sorry man but I have to chime in here. As I've said before I carry when going to see girls I don't know. Always. Every time. And I have a right and a permit to do it legally. If the girls have a problem with it then they're probably up to no good. Some of the women these days are like wild animals with the scams and the demons and all and I would quit the hobby and never look back before I'd walk into an unknown situation without a way out of it.

You need to remember, we're the ones with the money. Us. We're in control of the situation and as soon as you let these girls think otherwise you're in a world of hurt.

Macho Manny
08-07-20, 14:39
Stop preaching this nonsense on this forum. I hope the mods delete these ignorant posts. You have no idea what you're talking about and bringing a weapon into the life is a very foolish choice. It takes things to a whole new level and I know this from personal experience. Stop spreading this foolishnessIt's old already and so freaking ridiculous at even the thought of carrying a weapon to see a date. Total foolishness and literally stop spreading this on the threads making people feel that you are in the minority if you don't pack heat. Honestly, when you show up to the dates incall, do you ask where you can place your weapon? Lets get back on point in here and save these absurd stories for elsewhere. You have no chance of bringing a weapon to a prostitutes place and getting off on stand my ground. Good luck with explaining that one to the judge.

08-07-20, 16:18
Stop preaching this nonsense on this forum. I hope the mods delete these ignorant posts. You have no idea what you're talking about and bringing a weapon into the life is a very foolish choice. It takes things to a whole new level and I know this from personal experience. Stop spreading this foolishness.It doesn't bother me if why'all choose to utilize your rights and carry anywhere you want, however you want, I'm sure there may be a time you just might need something in some of those places. I don't own a weapon or permit but have nothing against those that do.

I reckon there might be another forum to discuss this and not cover up all the intel with carry or not opinions. Be great to come here and read something worthy once in a while instead.

Just saying 🤡.

08-08-20, 11:18
I thought I would share something with all these anti-gun people. I was once robbed at knife point while on a dream visit, me and my date had entered the room and she ask me if I would go over to the WH-next door to get her something to eat, I say okay and on the way back to the room is when this thug scumbag mutha-fuck comes from out of the dark and sticks a knife to my chest demanding my wallet. I was shocked pissed and scared all in one. I thought really hard about just slugging the guy but something in me says this bastards not alone and I WAS RIGHT! He goes and gets into a truck on the passengers side. I made it to my car and chased them down and got the tag number, went back to the motel and called the police. Three weeks later they caught this scum and he confessed to everything and only served two years.

To this day I don't if I were setup by my dream date or not, I actually had seen her many times before and had a great time. I did see her more after this too and she denied that she had set me up. Funny thing is though, this guy had a street address on the police report where I picked up my date, you tell me? Like I said I had seen her many times before with no issues?

So, do I wish I had gun back then, hell yea I do! Nowadays you need one just to go to the damn mailbox. So knock off this anti-gun shit please!!

08-08-20, 15:20
I thought I would share something with all these anti-gun people. I was once robbed at knife point while on a dream visit, me and my date had entered the room and she ask me if I would go over to the WH-next door to get her something to eat, I say okay and on the way back to the room is when this thug scumbag mutha-fuck comes from out of the dark and sticks a knife to my chest demanding my wallet. I was shocked pissed and scared all in one. I thought really hard about just slugging the guy but something in me says this bastards not alone and I WAS RIGHT! He goes and gets into a truck on the passengers side. I made it to my car and chased them down and got the tag number, went back to the motel and called the police. Three weeks later they caught this scum and he confessed to everything and only served two years.

To this day I don't if I were setup by my dream date or not, I actually had seen her many times before and had a great time. I did see her more after this too and she denied that she had set me up. Funny thing is though, this guy had a street address on the police report where I picked up my date, you tell me? Like I said I had seen her many times before with no issues?

So, do I wish I had gun back then, hell yea I do! Nowadays you need one just to go to the damn mailbox. So knock off this anti-gun shit please!!I'm definitely with you. Some guys don't like to carry and I am not here to judge. I carry for my reasons, not preaching it's the only way. A secure monger wouldn't be worried about another's choice. Guys are going to do what's in there best interest. Who am I to judge? Those who write with all this passion seem to have something to gain? But I'm not a damn bit persuaded. Some guy accused me of embellishments, I admire muthafackaz that have solved all their own problems and now want solve mine 😂. Before you try to use my post exercise a depleted ego, think about this? Do your thing and let me do mine. I won't shed a tear if high pimp does a beat down on ya, seems like you know what your doing, right?

08-08-20, 18:14
I thought I would share something with all these anti-gun people. I was once robbed at knife point while on a dream visit, me and my date had entered the room and she ask me if I would go over to the WH-next door to get her something to eat, I say okay and on the way back to the room is when this thug scumbag mutha-fuck comes from out of the dark and sticks a knife to my chest demanding my wallet. I was shocked pissed and scared all in one. I thought really hard about just slugging the guy but something in me says this bastards not alone and I WAS RIGHT! He goes and gets into a truck on the passengers side. I made it to my car and chased them down and got the tag number, went back to the motel and called the police. Three weeks later they caught this scum and he confessed to everything and only served two years.

To this day I don't if I were setup by my dream date or not, I actually had seen her many times before and had a great time. I did see her more after this too and she denied that she had set me up. Funny thing is though, this guy had a street address on the police report where I picked up my date, you tell me? Like I said I had seen her many times before with no issues?

So, do I wish I had gun back then, hell yea I do! Nowadays you need one just to go to the damn mailbox. So knock off this anti-gun shit please!!Same street? Yup they were together. I have been robbed a few times over the years while out mongering. Everything from a gun to my head to a knife on my back to a a few thugs threatening me. Thank God I was able walk away each time. Because of this I have stuck more to the AMP scene. When I see someone shot at the no hotels I often wonder if the victems are mongers and set up. It wasn't like this 10-15 years ago. But now these thugs and drugged out women will do anything to make a buck. I don't pick up street walkers anymore. I don't go to hotels anymore. And I do not go to bad neighbor hoods. I have had enough. Of that shit. I value my life more then getting my dick wet inside a demon infested hoe.

08-09-20, 06:43
Same street? Yup they were together. I have been robbed a few times over the years while out mongering. Everything from a gun to my head to a knife on my back to a a few thugs threatening me. Thank God I was able walk away each time. Because of this I have stuck more to the AMP scene. When I see someone shot at the no hotels I often wonder if the victems are mongers and set up. It wasn't like this 10-15 years ago. But now these thugs and drugged out women will do anything to make a buck. I don't pick up street walkers anymore. I don't go to hotels anymore. And I do not go to bad neighbor hoods. I have had enough. Of that shit. I value my life more then getting my dick wet inside a demon infested hoe.A few questions here though, what do you thing about doing out call at a motel? I know it adds to the cost but seems safer. Also what is the AMP scene?

08-09-20, 06:59
Go back to the main Charlotte page and look at the massage parlors and indie massager threads.

A few questions here though, what do you thing about doing out call at a motel? I know it adds to the cost but seems safer. Also what is the AMP scene?

08-09-20, 07:06
I'm definitely with you. Some guys don't like to carry and I am not here to judge. I carry for my reasons, not preaching it's the only way. A secure monger wouldn't be worried about another's choice. Guys are going to do what's in there best interest. Who am I to judge? Those who write with all this passion seem to have something to gain? But I'm not a damn bit persuaded. Some guy accused me of embellishments, I admire muthafackaz that have solved all their own problems and now want solve mine 😂. Before you try to use my post exercise a depleted ego, think about this? Do your thing and let me do mine. I won't shed a tear if high pimp does a beat down on ya, seems like you know what your doing, right?PAL, I have shared this for everyone, how you or anyone else takes it that's on you or them. Your damn right I will do what I need to protect myself from these thug ass bastards or anyone if need be. For the record I wasn't using anyone's post, I just seen where someone started a ridiculous thread and decided to share my OWN bad experience to the forum. One more thing, maybe you've never encountered such a bad experience but for us that have we wouldn't shed a tear for you if it did as you have stated. Have a nice day!!

08-09-20, 07:28
Sorry, but no I do not feel the need to carry a weapon. When that becomes the case I can promise you I will be completely done. Kinda stinks you need to bring a weapon with you in order to feel safe. This isn't the Wild West.I respect yours or anyone else's right to carry or not. You may have seen a post I shared on here about a bad experience I once had, I shared this just for pure enlightenment to my own bad experience not to try and change minds and hearts on carrying a gun contrary to what some of these other morons on here might believe. Again much respect to anyone that chooses what's best for them! Good luck and be safe out there.

John HandCock
08-09-20, 08:46
Everyone has to make that decision. Only carry if you absolutely know you can use it. If your not sure leave it home.

To the guy who got robbed with a knife to chest a gun wouldn't have helped you there. Would have been same result except the robber would have had a new toy to pawn or sell.

I see the words common sense and we're in charge here. My common sense tells me not to go into bad areas, into a house with lots of people there or any place that makes me feel unsafe. As far as being in control guys have 2 heads. If the little head is leading you into bad situations then you have no control or common sense.

Again everyone right to decide what's best for them and don't let the little head put you in bad situations.

08-10-20, 07:18
There is no right or wrong answer. To each his own.

Whatever makes you comfortable. In my several years of mongering, I've never been robbed (Knock on wood), never been approached by unseemly characters and never felt like I needed a weapon.

Having said that, I know that the possibility of that happening is all too real. However, I also believe that carrying a gun into that situation (seeing a prostitute) can cause more harm than good. I know many of you are banking on just brandishing it will ward off the evil. But what if it doesn't and you have to pull the trigger? What probably would've been you just being out of a couple hundred bucks, now has the police involved and now you have some splainin to do.

Whether you carry or not, the best self defense is awareness and trusting your gut. Do your due diligence. Read this board for reviews. Google photos and numbers. If the place looks shady or the situation seems shady, trust your big head.

Also, your CWP is for "lawful" citizens to protect themselves from predators while engaging in lawful activities. Trying to convince a judge and or jury that you had a right to carry a weapon while breaking the law (engaging in the unlawful act of prostitution) is what's called a conundrum.

Imagine being in court and the prosecutor is telling the jury, the pos that tried to rob you wouldn’t be dead if Mr. X (you) hadn’t brought a gun while knowingly committing a crime... The way this society despises guns and prostitution, you’d be lucky if they didn’t throw the book at you...

Again, I'm not telling anyone to carry or not to carry. Every sane person should have the right to choose. However, there are many things to consider when introducing weapons into any situation...

BTW, I have my CWP and carry everywhere I'm LEGALLY allowed.

08-10-20, 08:56
There is no right or wrong answer. To each his own.

Whatever makes you comfortable. In my several years of mongering, I've never been robbed (Knock on wood), never been approached by unseemly characters and never felt like I needed a weapon.

Having said that, I know that the possibility of that happening is all too real. However, I also believe that carrying a gun into that situation (seeing a prostitute) can cause more harm than good. I know many of you are banking on just brandishing it will ward off the evil. But what if it doesn't and you have to pull the trigger? What probably would've been you just being out of a couple hundred bucks, now has the police involved and now you have some splainin to do.

Whether you carry or not, the best self defense is awareness and trusting your gut. Do your due diligence. Read this board for reviews. Google photos and numbers. If the place looks shady or the situation seems shady, trust your big head.

Also, your CWP is for "lawful" citizens to protect themselves from predators while engaging in lawful activities. Trying to convince a judge and or jury that you had a right to carry a weapon while breaking the law (engaging in the unlawful act of prostitution) is what's called a conundrum.

Imagine being in court and the prosecutor is telling the jury, the pos that tried to rob you wouldnt be dead if Mr. X (you) hadnt brought a gun while knowingly committing a crime... The way this society despises guns and prostitution, youd be lucky if they didnt throw the book at you...

Again, I'm not telling anyone to carry or not to carry. Every sane person should have the right to choose. However, there are many things to consider when introducing weapons into any situation...

BTW, I have my CWP and carry everywhere I'm LEGALLY allowed.This is the best comment on this subject.

08-10-20, 10:47
Also, your CWP is for "lawful" citizens to protect themselves from predators while engaging in lawful activities. Trying to convince a judge and or jury that you had a right to carry a weapon while breaking the law (engaging in the unlawful act of prostitution) is what's called a conundrum.That's the point I was trying to bring when I asked about the legalities of bringing a ccw into an illegal activity. I had ccw in 2 countries and in both a legal ccw becomes illegal if the ccw holder is engaged in committing a crime.

So the question is, would you like to be judge by 12 or carried by 6? I rather try to not put me in that predicament.

08-10-20, 16:08
First and foremost I have had my CCW for going on 8 years now. I carry a lot of places, but I also make sure to not carry a lot of places where having a gun is more of a liability than a safeguard.

Just walk yourself through a quick scenario: You get robbed and either brandish or give up the money. Me, I give up the money. A few hundred isn't worth a potential shootout to me. That's some dumb ass cowboy shit. But let's say you brandish. They either back down or call your bluff. If it's the former you're good. But if it's the latter either you need to kill someone, or they're going to kill you. So it's important to understand that when you're pulling a gun either the other guy backs down or someone dies. Over a few hundred bucks.

So let's say you're the victor here. You're going to jail. That isn't up for debate. As pointed out below legal carry becomes illegal the second you commit another crime. And let's not pretend like you can chat your way out of this like you would if you're pulled over with a girl in the passenger seat. The cops will want to know why you're there and how you know the victim / girl. They're going to take a look at your phone records. There's no getting around the fact that they will find out you were seeing a prostitute and that someone ended up dead. So now you're already committing a crime, and you're faced with prosecutors that know you showed up to see a hooker with a piece. AT BEST it is your word vs the girl. There aren't a lot of scenarios where you come away from this without serving time.

So I don't carry. Because a few hundred dollars isn't worth it to me. More importantly I don't see the sort of low rent girls where this might be a problem. We all have different standards and means but you have got to understand when you're visiting these $150/ hr girls in mediocre apartments, or worse shitty motels, you're asking for trouble. Staying safe is less about making sure you got a gun on you and more about not being an idiot about where you go and who you see. Sure I might pay a premium but I never once worried about getting robbed.

IT Guy
08-10-20, 19:23
I have ccw & carry, but I agree with everything you said. Anyone carrying needs professional training, regular practice, & good sense. You should never pull your weapon to bluff, or to try & intimidate your way out of a situation that bad judgement got you in. I am among those that would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but I would also rather give up my wallet than kill someone. For me it is the very last resort if I believe my LIFE is in jeopardy, NOT my wallet, honor, or dignity. I hope everyone stays safe out there, and be smart.

First and foremost I have had my CCW for going on 8 years now. I carry a lot of places, but I also make sure to not carry a lot of places where having a gun is more of a liability than a safeguard.

Just walk yourself through a quick scenario: You get robbed and either brandish or give up the money. Me, I give up the money. A few hundred isn't worth a potential shootout to me. That's some dumb ass cowboy shit. But let's say you brandish. They either back down or call your bluff. If it's the former you're good. But if it's the latter either you need to kill someone, or they're going to kill you. So it's important to understand that when you're pulling a gun either the other guy backs down or someone dies. Over a few hundred bucks.

So let's say you're the victor here. You're going to jail. That isn't up for debate. As pointed out below legal carry becomes illegal the second you commit another crime. And let's not pretend like you can chat your way out of this like you would if you're pulled over with a girl in the passenger seat. The cops will want to know why you're there and how you know the victim / girl. They're going to take a look at your phone records. There's no getting around the fact that they will find out you were seeing a prostitute and that someone ended up dead. So now you're already committing a crime, and you're faced with prosecutors that know you showed up to see a hooker with a piece. AT BEST it is your word vs the girl. There aren't a lot of scenarios where you come away from this without serving time.

So I don't carry. Because a few hundred dollars isn't worth it to me. More importantly I don't see the sort of low rent girls where this might be a problem. We all have different standards and means but you have got to understand when you're visiting these $150/ hr girls in mediocre apartments, or worse shitty motels, you're asking for trouble. Staying safe is less about making sure you got a gun on you and more about not being an idiot about where you go and who you see. Sure I might pay a premium but I never once worried about getting robbed.

08-10-20, 21:01
I have ccw & carry, but I agree with everything you said. Anyone carrying needs professional training, regular practice, & good sense. You should never pull your weapon to bluff, or to try & intimidate your way out of a situation that bad judgement got you in. I am among those that would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but I would also rather give up my wallet than kill someone. For me it is the very last resort if I believe my LIFE is in jeopardy, NOT my wallet, honor, or dignity. I hope everyone stays safe out there, and be smart.I just got my CCW about a year ago and I must admit I rarely carry. . . Never while in the hobby. Just have not yet gotten used to having a firearm on me or really even in close proximity. I really try to stay out of bad situations and definitely listen to my spidey senses as much as possible. . . An ounce of prevention. . .

I really got a lot out of this discussion. Thanks to all who contributed. Good advice.


08-11-20, 06:22
I have ccw & carry, but I agree with everything you said. Anyone carrying needs professional training, regular practice, & good sense. You should never pull your weapon to bluff, or to try & intimidate your way out of a situation that bad judgement got you in. I am among those that would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but I would also rather give up my wallet than kill someone. For me it is the very last resort if I believe my LIFE is in jeopardy, NOT my wallet, honor, or dignity. I hope everyone stays safe out there, and be smart.Sounds great in theory, until you're in a courtroom facing considerable jail time, the disdain of your significant other, being disowned by your kids and being a pariah in the community.

There are some things worse than death...

08-11-20, 07:12
People can forget and forgive but death is so freaking permanent.

08-11-20, 10:15
Sounds great in theory, until you're in a courtroom facing considerable jail time, the disdain of your significant other, being disowned by your kids and being a pariah in the community.

There are some things worse than death...Say's the guy that has never faced death.

08-11-20, 10:27
Sounds great in theory, until you're in a courtroom facing considerable jail time, the disdain of your significant other, being disowned by your kids and being a pariah in the community.

There are some things worse than death...It's not like you're sparing your family any shame by being gunned down in a shady motel. There's only 2 things you can possibly be there for. Pussy or drugs. To them you either live as a creep or die as one, at least for the former you have the option.

08-11-20, 14:37
Say's the guy that has never faced death.You, who don't know shit about me. Oh, the irony. 😂.

08-11-20, 14:52
It's not like you're sparing your family any shame by being gunned down in a shady motel. There's only 2 things you can possibly be there for. Pussy or drugs. To them you either live as a creep or die as one, at least for the former you have the option.No, you're not sparing them shame either way. However, I think people throw that judged by 12 shit so cavalierly around. When your family, friends, job and that CWP are history and you're looking at 10-15, it's easier to throw that macho statement around on the internet.

Again, something's in life will make you wish you were dead.

08-11-20, 16:20
You, who don't know shit about me. Oh, the irony. 😂.Your statement tells me you've never been in someone's sights with the chance of dying. Or you wouldn't say that. There is nothing worse than being dead. Period!

08-11-20, 17:28
No, you're not sparing them shame either way. However, I think people throw that judged by 12 shit so cavalierly around. When your family, friends, job and that CWP are history and you're looking at 10-15, it's easier to throw that macho statement around on the internet.

Again, something's in life will make you wish you were dead.You know that wish can easily be solved. Unless your religion prohibits it or something.

08-12-20, 06:36
Your statement tells me you've never been in someone's sights with the chance of dying. Or you wouldn't say that. There is nothing worse than being dead. Period!You don't know shit about me.

There are hundreds of people, every day that commit suicide, that says different.

Let someone torture you and then tell me if death isn't better. Suffer with the pain of cancer or MS or some other horrible disease and then tell me if death isn't better. Dr. Kervokian made his name assisting suicides for people, who decided death was a better option than living the way they were.

There are fates worse than death.

John HandCock
08-12-20, 07:49
You guys still arguing over whether to carry? Pretty simple do or don't. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Do what's right for you and quit trying to change someone's mind. It's like talking to the wall if you haven't figured it out. Either way it's entertaining, specially if you make the news. I can see the headlines. Monger robbed while visiting local prostitute or monger on trial for killing local pimp. Either way it's entertaining.

08-12-20, 08:33
You don't know shit about me.

There are hundreds of people, every day that commit suicide, that says different.

Let someone torture you and then tell me if death isn't better. Suffer with the pain of cancer or MS or some other horrible disease and then tell me if death isn't better. Dr. Kervokian made his name assisting suicides for people, who decided death was a better option than living the way they were.

There are fates worse than death.Let me see you carry someone 15 miles through the jungle knowing that they are dead because the back half of their skull is missing. You don't know shit about death. It's nothing but bad.

08-12-20, 20:53
Let me see you carry someone 15 miles through the jungle knowing that they are dead because the back half of their skull is missing. You don't know shit about death. It's nothing but badDick measuring contests by keyboard warriors. Yay!

08-13-20, 06:56
Let me see you carry someone 15 miles through the jungle knowing that they are dead because the back half of their skull is missing. You don't know shit about death. It's nothing but bad.YOU. Don't. KNOW. SHIT. ABOUT. ME and what I've been through in my life. Everyone of us has had an experience with death in some form another.

Read a Readers Digest article where this firefighter told the story of walking into a house with ax in hand, saw a man laying on the ground. He said his skin was dripping from his body like liquid. He said the man begged him to kill him with his ax.

Robert Gleason was a hit man who was convicted and sentenced to life without parole. He WANTED the death penalty. He said he didn't want to be locked in a cage for the rest of his life. The courts told him, he couldn't decide his own fate. Guess what, he killed two more people in prison until they finally gave him the death penalty.

Like I said, there are some fates worse than death and it's all relative.

08-13-20, 07:21
YOU. Don't. KNOW. SHIT. ABOUT. ME and what I've been through in my life. Everyone of us has had an experience with death in some form another.

Read a Readers Digest article where this firefighter told the story of walking into a house with ax in hand, saw a man laying on the ground. He said his skin was dripping from his body like liquid. He said the man begged him to kill him with his ax.

Robert Gleason was a hit man who was convicted and sentenced to life without parole. He WANTED the death penalty. He said he didn't want to be locked in a cage for the rest of his life. The courts told him, he couldn't decide his own fate. Guess what, he killed two more people in prison until they finally gave him the death penalty.

Like I said, there are some fates worse than death and it's all relative.You need to learn when too shut the pie hole.

Macho Manny
08-13-20, 10:17
Let me see you carry someone 15 miles through the jungle knowing that they are dead because the back half of their skull is missing. You don't know shit about death. It's nothing but badKeeps them coming. Imagination is an amazing thing. Great example. Must of been a long 15 mile walk.

Macho Manny
08-13-20, 10:21
You need to learn when too shut the pie hole.I think that might be you my friend who just needs to close the back doors hole up. Carrying a weapon while knowingly committing a crime is just plain dumb. Try to convince yourself otherwise. You are just posting moronic stuff on here.

08-13-20, 11:19
Keeps them coming. Imagination is an amazing thing. Great example. Must of been a long 15 mile walk.17 years in. LRS Senior Scout. You are way out of your pay grade Manny.

08-13-20, 19:37
go back to the main charlotte page and look at the massage parlors and indie massager threads.lead the way there half shot!!

09-18-20, 18:30
Dick measuring contests by keyboard warriors. Yay!Like 2 times.

12-09-20, 12:21
There is nothing wrong with Jess's stomach. She may not have ripped abs but her stomach is flat enough. You and I need to work on our stomachs before she does.

I do agree that the term spinner should only be applied to girls that are 5 ft and 5 ft 3 in.I think you're making the mistake of assuming everyone here is similar to you. I'm in my 30's, professional, and work out 5 x week. I don't mean this in any way to be offensive but Jess is thicker than any girl I've ever dated. That's fine if you're in to that sort of thing but if people on this board are going on and on about how petite she is that's completely misleading. She's "normal" sized if you're used to the body most middle class and lower women have, but some of us are looking for something a bit better. I've been with Indigo, a number of the girls at Nice, College Megan (what ever happened to her?) and a few others but truth be told it's damn near impossible to find an actual petite girl that doesn't have drug problems in this hobby. And those that don't are usually on Eros which is where I find myself spending more time. Honestly it doesn't take a ton of effort for some of us to pull a girl like Jess on Tinder or whatever.

As far as spinner definition goes I would say under 5'3" but more importantly flat tummy. Again no offense to Jess or anyone that likes her but she doesn't have a flat tummy. She even told me she had gained 20 lbs since COVID started. I think she kinda realized once I showed up that I wasn't your typical out of shape mid 40's hobbyist. Anyway the most important thing for me is I've come to learn to not trust this board when someone reports a girl as being petite, skinny, or a spinner. In my experience most of them must be used to much heavier girls given they're labeling average sized women as petite. If the space between the tits and the hips isn't a straight line when she's standing up then she's not petite IMO. Lots of these pics can hide a bit of extra belly fat, Jess sure does a fine job of hiding it in hers, but I don't like the idea of paying for something that I'm only marginally attracted to.

As a side question, does anyone have a line on an actually thin girl that isn't drugged out? I'm hoping to settle somewhere in to the 300 ish range price wise but so far everything I've seen discussed seems meh.

12-09-20, 18:31
I think you're making the mistake of assuming everyone here is similar to you. I'm in my 30's, professional, and work out 5 x week. I don't mean this in any way to be offensive but Jess is thicker than any girl I've ever dated. That's fine if you're in to that sort of thing but if people on this board are going on and on about how petite she is that's completely misleading. She's "normal" sized if you're used to the body most middle class and lower women have, but some of us are looking for something a bit better. I've been with Indigo, a number of the girls at Nice, College Megan (what ever happened to her?) and a few others but truth be told it's damn near impossible to find an actual petite girl that doesn't have drug problems in this hobby. And those that don't are usually on Eros which is where I find myself spending more time. Honestly it doesn't take a ton of effort for some of us to pull a girl like Jess on Tinder or whatever.

As far as spinner definition goes I would say under 5'3" but more importantly flat tummy. Again no offense to Jess or anyone that likes her but she doesn't have a flat tummy. She even told me she had gained 20 lbs since COVID started. I think she kinda realized once I showed up that I wasn't your typical out of shape mid 40's hobbyist. Anyway the most important thing for me is I've come to learn to not trust this board when someone reports a girl as being petite, skinny, or a spinner. In my experience most of them must be used to much heavier girls given they're labeling average sized women as petite. If the space between the tits and the hips isn't a straight line when she's standing up then she's not petite IMO. Lots of these pics can hide a bit of extra belly fat, Jess sure does a fine job of hiding it in hers, but I don't like the idea of paying for something that I'm only marginally attracted to.

As a side question, does anyone have a line on an actually thin girl that isn't drugged out? I'm hoping to settle somewhere in to the 300 ish range price wise but so far everything I've seen discussed seems meh.Your posts really do come off as smug. No idea why such a great looking guy is paying for pussy, especially if looking for dime pieces but doesn't want to donate more than 3 bills. Not many Eros girls offering those types of prices.

Anyway, Stephanie Sweet is taller than your stringent "spinner requirements" and is more than 3, but can't wait to hear you criticize her body.

12-09-20, 23:37
I think you're making the mistake of assuming everyone here is similar to you. I'm in my 30's, professional, and work out 5 x week. I don't mean this in any way to be offensive but Jess is thicker than any girl I've ever dated. That's fine if you're in to that sort of thing but if people on this board are going on and on about how petite she is that's completely misleading. She's "normal" sized if you're used to the body most middle class and lower women have, but some of us are looking for something a bit better. I've been with Indigo, a number of the girls at Nice, College Megan (what ever happened to her?) and a few others but truth be told it's damn near impossible to find an actual petite girl that doesn't have drug problems in this hobby. And those that don't are usually on Eros which is where I find myself spending more time. Honestly it doesn't take a ton of effort for some of us to pull a girl like Jess on Tinder or whatever.

As far as spinner definition goes I would say under 5'3" but more importantly flat tummy. Again no offense to Jess or anyone that likes her but she doesn't have a flat tummy. She even told me she had gained 20 lbs since COVID started. I think she kinda realized once I showed up that I wasn't your typical out of shape mid 40's hobbyist. Anyway the most important thing for me is I've come to learn to not trust this board when someone reports a girl as being petite, skinny, or a spinner. In my experience most of them must be used to much heavier girls given they're labeling average sized women as petite. If the space between the tits and the hips isn't a straight line when she's standing up then she's not petite IMO.I have never seen a more honest report ever on this board. Ever. You said things I wanted to without wanting to offend. I'm a bit older than you but am in great shape and I feel many on here think average to non average girls are amazing. Jess is not in shape I told someone that in a private message. But she isn't fat either. She's ok. And has a pretty face.

But if you aren't in great shape or always care if the girl is then you shouldn't post in this board without putting a warning first that your taste might be off a little. YMMV isn't good enough. If these boards made us put selfies, not to be an asshole but I probably wouldn't need to read many reviews. Think about it.

12-12-20, 14:32
Your posts really do come off as smug. No idea why such a great looking guy is paying for pussy, especially if looking for dime pieces but doesn't want to donate more than 3 bills. Not many Eros girls offering those types of prices.

Anyway, Stephanie Sweet is taller than your stringent "spinner requirements" and is more than 3, but can't wait to hear you criticize her body.I'd call myself a decent looking guy too, high 30's,veteran, professional and in pretty good shape. Haven't been to the gym since the lock down but I work out at home. I've never had a problem picking up chicks, but for me and others, it's the thrill of the hunt why we pay for pussy, plus sometimes you want to get off without any emotional attachment.

12-12-20, 15:46
Your posts really do come off as smug. No idea why such a great looking guy is paying for pussy, especially if looking for dime pieces but doesn't want to donate more than 3 bills. Not many Eros girls offering those types of prices.

Anyway, Stephanie Sweet is taller than your stringent "spinner requirements" and is more than 3, but can't wait to hear you criticize her body.First of all I'm not sure where you got the impression I was only paying 3 bills or that I wouldn't visit a girl over 5'3". You should try re-reading the post because I don't say any of that LOL. I'm happy to do more for the right person and there's plenty of attractive taller women out there. I just wouldn't come here and describe a girl who's 5'7" as a spinner. Truth is there's a lot of not great looking offerings asking a lot more. 300 is usually the floor for the girls I look for, since anyone asking for less is usually worth less.

And sorry if you think me being honest is "smug". I don't really care, I'm just here to review girls in the industry and see what's out there. Picking up women isn't difficult for me, but I'm not really trying to visit crowded bars in the middle of a pandemic nor am I trying to lead girls on when all I'd like to do is hit it and go. If me saying we should be more honest with describing these girls the way they are offends you then I think probably that says a lot more about you then me.

12-12-20, 15:50
I'd call myself a decent looking guy too, high 30's,veteran, professional and in pretty good shape. Haven't been to the gym since the lock down but I work out at home. I've never had a problem picking up chicks, but for me and others, it's the thrill of the hunt why we pay for pussy, plus sometimes you want to get off without any emotional attachment.Emotional attachment for sure. Plus at some point it's just weird being 35 and hitting on a 22 year old. Like more often than not there's no issue but we're kidding ourselves if we say it makes sense to spend hours at a bar and a hundred on drinks for a maybe chance when I can just for sure get it without the hassle from a provider. People see these girls for all sorts of reasons, some because they can't get layed, lots because they just like it.

12-12-20, 15:56
First of all I'm not sure where you got the impression I was only paying 3 bills or that I wouldn't visit a girl over 5'3". You should try re-reading the post because I don't say any of that LOL. I'm happy to do more for the right person and there's plenty of attractive taller women out there. I just wouldn't come here and describe a girl who's 5'7" as a spinner. Truth is there's a lot of not great looking offerings asking a lot more. 300 is usually the floor for the girls I look for, since anyone asking for less is usually worth less.

And sorry if you think me being honest is "smug". I don't really care, I'm just here to review girls in the industry and see what's out there. Picking up women isn't difficult for me, but I'm not really trying to visit crowded bars in the middle of a pandemic nor am I trying to lead girls on when all I'd like to do is hit it and go. If me saying we should be more honest with describing these girls the way they are offends you then I think probably that says a lot more about you then me.I got the "impression" from you posting that you like to settle in the 300 range so think my reading comprehension is just fine, thanks.

And I'm not offended at all. Be as critical as you like about providers you have visited.

Just try not to be an indignant douche if others have a different option.

12-12-20, 15:56
I have never seen a more honest report ever on this board. Ever. You said things I wanted to without wanting to offend. I'm a bit older than you but am in great shape and I feel many on here think average to non average girls are amazing. Jess is not in shape I told someone that in a private message. But she isn't fat either. She's ok. And has a pretty face.

I think in general we should all be okay with being honest about someone's body. The reason I went to see Jess was the reviews calling her a petite girl. I want to be clear that I'm not looking down on her for her body, or anyone that thinks she's a great option. But I do think it would have been nice to know their definition of petite was quite different from mine going in. Again she was super sweet and honestly not bad during the act either, she was super GFE and seemed to really get in to it (some girls genuinely get in to it, some are fantastic actresses, I can't tell. I can tell when one's a bad actress). I mean, she told me she came like three times in the middle of it, that's the sort of thing I really wish more providers did. But I personally can't really get past the idea of paying someone that I probably wouldn't hit on at a bar. And that's kinda my standard.

12-12-20, 17:29
I think you're making the mistake of assuming everyone here is similar to you. I'm in my 30's, professional, and work out 5 x week. I don't mean this in any way to be offensive but Jess is thicker than any girl I've ever dated. That's fine if you're in to that sort of thing but if people on this board are going on and on about how petite she is that's completely misleading. She's "normal" sized if you're used to the body most middle class and lower women have, but some of us are looking for something a bit better. I've been with Indigo, a number of the girls at Nice, College Megan (what ever happened to her?) and a few others but truth be told it's damn near impossible to find an actual petite girl that doesn't have drug problems in this hobby. And those that don't are usually on Eros which is where I find myself spending more time. Honestly it doesn't take a ton of effort for some of us to pull a girl like Jess on Tinder or whatever. Some of the guys are annoyed by your comments, but the truth is the truth. I find most postings are way way way too generous in describing the providers in this state. Frankly, it's the pits here and pretty much everywhere not near NYC, Miami, L. A. Or other major cities. I am in my upper 40's, stay in shape and still look good in suit. I am not looking for a HE from a chunky old woman.

Petite is not 5' 4" and 150 pounds. We the reality that the girls we want are never going to be here. We need to travel to them. Hell, until the bs pandemic the best option was vacationing overseas!

12-13-20, 19:27
Emotional attachment for sure. Plus at some point it's just weird being 35 and hitting on a 22 year old. Like more often than not there's no issue but we're kidding ourselves if we say it makes sense to spend hours at a bar and a hundred on drinks for a maybe chance when I can just for sure get it without the hassle from a provider. People see these girls for all sorts of reasons, some because they can't get layed, lots because they just like it.It's like Richard Pryor said, "I'm too old to beg for pussy. Either give me some or sell me some".

I'm in my late 40's, look like mid 30's, in shape and have NEVER had problems getting women. I pay because I don't have the time nor desire to chase pussy. Just tell me how much and let's cut the BS.

12-14-20, 07:59
It's like Richard Pryor said, "I'm too old to beg for pussy. Either give me some or sell me some".

I'm in my late 40's, look like mid 30's, in shape and have NEVER had problems getting women. I pay because I don't have the time nor desire to chase pussy. Just tell me how much and let's cut the BS.A lady once told me all guys pay for the punani, one way or the other. I've been married before and having a wife ain't free gents. Count up the jewelry, cars, houses and all other expenditures and you'll see what I mean. So, paying for a decent lady is still cheaper to me. Deposits is where I draw the line- nothing good will come from it.

12-14-20, 08:25
I got the "impression" from you posting that you like to settle in the 300 range so think my reading comprehension is just fine, thanks.

And I'm not offended at all. Be as critical as you like about providers you have visited.

Just try not to be an indignant douche if others have a different option.I must admit that I agree with many of the opinions shared recently in this thread. I am definitely not anyone's definition of God's gift to women, but if I am paying for it, I want some good look pussy. I do not mind paying for it and for the most part I look on Eros. That said, those ladies are getting a little pricey. I do read the boards on USASG pretty religiously hoping to find that diamond in the rough, but for the most part I am usually disappointed. I have definitely learned that beauty is in the of the beholder. I do get lucky sometimes, but not as often as I would like. When I do visit a provider that disappoints base on a recommendation from a board member, I usually don't post about it. I probably should to keep another monger from making the same mistake, but I generally like to avoid the drama that comes from calling someone's baby ugly. LOL. Not sure what the right approach is.

12-14-20, 08:45
My Man The Mechanik I literally spit out my damn coffee while reading your RP quote-Brother you have no idea how powerful those words are-I hope all mongers are lucky enough to read it-Stay Pimping!


It's like Richard Pryor said, "I'm too old to beg for pussy. Either give me some or sell me some".

I'm in my late 40's, look like mid 30's, in shape and have NEVER had problems getting women. I pay because I don't have the time nor desire to chase pussy. Just tell me how much and let's cut the BS.

NC Transplant
12-14-20, 09:18
Married pussy is the most expensive pussy of all. I haven't fucked the other half in over 10 years. Hell, we don't even sleep in the same room.

A lady once told me all guys pay for the punani, one way or the other. I've been married before and having a wife ain't free gents. Count up the jewelry, cars, houses and all other expenditures and you'll see what I mean. So, paying for a decent lady is still cheaper to me. Deposits is where I draw the line- nothing good will come from it.

12-14-20, 11:12
A lady once told me all guys pay for the punani, one way or the other. I've been married before and having a wife ain't free gents. Count up the jewelry, cars, houses and all other expenditures and you'll see what I mean. So, paying for a decent lady is still cheaper to me. Deposits is where I draw the line- nothing good will come from it.That's the truth. Three ways to pay. Time, money, and worst of all. Commitment.

12-14-20, 12:01
I must admit that I agree with many of the opinions shared recently in this thread. I am definitely not anyone's definition of God's gift to women, but if I am paying for it, I want some good look pussy. I do not mind paying for it and for the most part I look on Eros. That said, those ladies are getting a little pricey. I do read the boards on USASG pretty religiously hoping to find that diamond in the rough, but for the most part I am usually disappointed. I have definitely learned that beauty is in the of the beholder. I do get lucky sometimes, but not as often as I would like. When I do visit a provider that disappoints base on a recommendation from a board member, I usually don't post about it. I probably should to keep another monger from making the same mistake, but I generally like to avoid the drama that comes from calling someone's baby ugly. LOL. Not sure what the right approach is.100% agree with those that stated; we all pay for pussy one way or another. As well as we should post accurate reviews with the understanding not everyone views things through the same lens.

But certain posters seem to only criticize the providers and / or critique the reviews of other members while contributing little to nothing of their own.

And if their standards are so high while disagreeing with most Senior Members, they should move on and try a Perfect 10 type site.

12-14-20, 12:44
My Man The Mechanik I literally spit out my damn coffee while reading your RP quote-Brother you have no idea how powerful those words are-I hope all mongers are lucky enough to read it-Stay Pimping!

Phil.IKR. When I first heard it, I was like Damn, nail hit squarely on head.

12-14-20, 13:08
Married pussy is the most expensive pussy of all. I haven't fucked the other half in over 10 years. Hell, we don't even sleep in the same room.Just from the experience of my loveless marriage, a pussy stops working when your wife becomes 50. I had this same discussion with other men my age who are going through the same experience as I am.

12-14-20, 13:12
Married pussy is the most expensive pussy of all. I haven't fucked the other half in over 10 years. Hell, we don't even sleep in the same room.Before my separation, I was able to fuck my wife but it took some begging which I find demeaning.

12-14-20, 13:21
I must admit that I agree with many of the opinions shared recently in this thread. I am definitely not anyone's definition of God's gift to women, but if I am paying for it, I want some good look pussy. I do not mind paying for it and for the most part I look on Eros. That said, those ladies are getting a little pricey. I do read the boards on USASG pretty religiously hoping to find that diamond in the rough, but for the most part I am usually disappointed. I have definitely learned that beauty is in the of the beholder. I do get lucky sometimes, but not as often as I would like. When I do visit a provider that disappoints base on a recommendation from a board member, I usually don't post about it. I probably should to keep another monger from making the same mistake, but I generally like to avoid the drama that comes from calling someone's baby ugly. LOL. Not sure what the right approach is.My standards are not as high as a lot of you mongers. Personally, if a girl has a beautiful face, a decent body, natural boobs, good personality, and little or no tats, I will be satisfied just about every time. When I say decent body. I'm talking about being on the slim side. Doesn't have to look like a fitness or swimsuit model. I also prefer brunettes over blondes.

Basically I prefer the "Girl next Door".

12-15-20, 07:32
My standards are not as high as a lot of you mongers. Personally, if a girl has a beautiful face, a decent body, natural boobs, good personality, and little or no tats, I will be satisfied just about every time. When I say decent body. I'm talking about being on the slim side. Doesn't have to look like a fitness or swimsuit model. I also prefer brunettes over blondes.

Basically I prefer the "Girl next Door".One thing this latest thread shows is why we can never control the market. Our expectations for hobbying are simply too different.

Mid-30's and in shape or 60's with dad body- we are all paying for it, but what is attractive to one may not be for another. Eye of the beholder is, within certain limits, a real thing.

While the providers will have certain expectations of their own (when I started, I remember a real knockout saying that being with someone old enough to be their father could be ok, but it was always weird when the monger was old enough to be their grandfather), all providers are in this for the money; we each simply should (without denigrating others), decide what combination of money vs looks, attitude, etc. Is worth it to us.

Macho Manny
12-15-20, 21:47
One thing this latest thread shows is why we can never control the market. Our expectations for hobbying are simply too different.

Mid-30's and in shape or 60's with dad body- we are all paying for it, but what is attractive to one may not be for another. Eye of the beholder is, within certain limits, a real thing.

While the providers will have certain expectations of their own (when I started, I remember a real knockout saying that being with someone old enough to be their father could be ok, but it was always weird when the monger was old enough to be their grandfather), all providers are in this for the money; we each simply should (without denigrating others), decide what combination of money vs looks, attitude, etc. Is worth it to usThis is the point that is missed way too much in here.

12-15-20, 23:53
Just from the experience of my loveless marriage, a pussy stops working when your wife becomes 50. I had this same discussion with other men my age who are going through the same experience as I am.Mines right there man. I get it maybe once a month. Even then she acts like it's a gift. I don't understand it. If she put out on the regular I wouldn't even know about this place or the hobby.

12-16-20, 11:24
Mines right there man. I get it maybe once a month. Even then she acts like it's a gift. I don't understand it. If she put out on the regular I wouldn't even know about this place or the hobby.Neither would I. Punani is fabulous whether it's from a middle age lady or a 20 something YO lady.

12-16-20, 13:54
I must admit that I agree with many of the opinions shared recently in this thread. I am definitely not anyone's definition of God's gift to women, but if I am paying for it, I want some good look pussy. I do not mind paying for it and for the most part I look on Eros. That said, those ladies are getting a little pricey. I do read the boards on USASG pretty religiously hoping to find that diamond in the rough, but for the most part I am usually disappointed. I have definitely learned that beauty is in the of the beholder. I do get lucky sometimes, but not as often as I would like. When I do visit a provider that disappoints base on a recommendation from a board member, I usually don't post about it. I probably should to keep another monger from making the same mistake, but I generally like to avoid the drama that comes from calling someone's baby ugly. LOL. Not sure what the right approach is.From one senior member to another, I suggest that you always post about a provider that disappoints you as well as promote a provider that impresses you. That is the purpose of this board. Our posts and comments do get back to most of these girls. Hopefully, it will make them step up their game.

If a monger disagrees with what you post about, he can state his own opinion. Other mongers don't always agree with what I say but my skin is thick enough to handle it.

12-16-20, 15:40
Agreed with you, especially when there is a regular 19 yo UTR who is willing to do 140 reliably.I can't believe how many PMs I received from members who were not even active on this board.

She is a UTR for her own personal reasons, and I have to respect that. She may be open for a couple of my referral, but it'll be very selective.

12-17-20, 10:38
From one senior member to another, I suggest that you always post about a provider that disappoints you as well as promote a provider that impresses you. That is the purpose of this board. Our posts and comments do get back to most of these girls. Hopefully, it will make them step up their game.

If a monger disagrees with what you post about, he can state his own opinion. Other mongers don't always agree with what I say but my skin is thick enough to handle it.You are right of course. However, most times that I am disappointed it is not because of the providers performance or attitude, but because of the body or lack thereof. And there is the conundrum of tactfully telling someone that they like to screw around with nasty looking women. Still, I should diplomatically post my opinion. Thanks for the feedback.

12-17-20, 18:03
You are right of course. However, most times that I am disappointed it is not because of the providers performance or attitude, but because of the body or lack thereof. And there is the conundrum of tactfully telling someone that they like to screw around with nasty looking women. Still, I should diplomatically post my opinion. Thanks for the feedback.If you want to be tactful about a below average looking woman, you could just say she looks alright or just so so. That's what I used to say about my ex old lady's horrible cooking.

I personally feel on this board, we should be brutally honest.

12-18-20, 10:03
From one senior member to another, I suggest that you always post about a provider that disappoints you as well as promote a provider that impresses you. That is the purpose of this board. Our posts and comments do get back to most of these girls. Hopefully, it will make them step up their game.

If a monger disagrees with what you post about, he can state his own opinion. Other mongers don't always agree with what I say but my skin is thick enough to handle it.Well said. We should respect other mongers opinions and disagree if that is the case but refrain from critiquing the monger because if his *taste*. Case on point, fun size Steph, (king, what happened, still waiting for digits.) she was nothing to look at and definitely not the type of girl I was looking for at that time (young spiners was my thing at that time) but I couldn't have enough of her. You couldn't tell why I like those 2 types from my picture. .

12-19-20, 11:37
I can't believe how many PMs I received from members who were not even active on this board.

She is a UTR for her own personal reasons, and I have to respect that. She may be open for a couple of my referral, but it'll be very selective.LOL, right? I made a post on a different thread and got questions from guys who I had never even heard of, most of them with no posts at all. Not even one, like zero. I'm like "seriously?" I don't mind helping a fellow monger out at all, but at least have contributed to the board (any board). Those who post info are putting in effort to support the monger board and fellow mongers, so don't DM with no history and expect me to do additional work for you. I have no idea who you are. Certainly not going to recommend you to a girl I know, you could be a total ass_ole and then she gets mad at me? F-CK that. SMH.

The Big Cat
12-19-20, 13:03
LOL, right? I made a post on a different thread and got questions from guys who I had never even heard of, most of them with no posts at all. Not even one, like zero. I'm like "seriously?" I don't mind helping a fellow monger out at all, but at least have contributed to the board (any board). Those who post info are putting in effort to support the monger board and fellow mongers, so don't DM with no history and expect me to do additional work for you. I have no idea who you are. Certainly not going to recommend you to a girl I know, you could be a total ass_ole and then she gets mad at me? F-CK that. SMH.I have no problem with people lurking but if they are going to message you with no board contributions or history they are selfish and that trait could easily be passed on to how they treat the ladies. I am with you on that, if you are referring guys you are putting your credibility to the provider on the line. I do not have any UTRs to offer but I have been getting DMs from people asking specific questions about women I reviewed and I see very limited activity on the boards if any. I am going to start a policy of not responding to DMs from people who do not contribute with very few exceptions.

On the flip side I have gotten some great DMs from senior members who tell me the dark side of some of the girls I reviewed, girls who start out great but have a history of demons catching up to them and they rip guys off. Hats off to those with hundreds or thousands of posts, you have made mongering safer for the rest of us.

NC Transplant
12-19-20, 13:48
I agree. I generally ignore those DMs. I am lucky to get out once or twice a month and I only play with those I know are safe or are highly recommended by trusted seniors. It is really annoying when they DM to ask a question when the answer is just a few posts down.

I have no problem with people lurking but if they are going to message you with no board contributions or history they are selfish and that trait could easily be passed on to how they treat the ladies. I am with you on that, if you are referring guys you are putting your credibility to the provider on the line. I do not have any UTRs to offer but I have been getting DMs from people asking specific questions about women I reviewed and I see very limited activity on the boards if any. I am going to start a policy of not responding to DMs from people who do not contribute with very few exceptions.

On the flip side I have gotten some great DMs from senior members who tell me the dark side of some of the girls I reviewed, girls who start out great but have a history of demons catching up to them and they rip guys off. Hats off to those with hundreds or thousands of posts, you have made mongering safer for the rest of us.

Queen City Guy
12-21-20, 17:10
I agree. I generally ignore those DMs. I am lucky to get out once or twice a month and I only play with those I know are safe or are highly recommended by trusted seniors. It is really annoying when they DM to ask a question when the answer is just a few posts down.The one time I shared a referral with one of those one or two post guys he visited her then quoted my post saying how bad she was and he recommended everyone not to visit! If the WTFAYTA thread had been up then I would have called him out!

If I message guys that I have not conversed with (which I do when I travel) I always intro myself as a Sr member and they are welcome to check out my posts. If asking for a referral I'll also be honest about being older but someone they will not be embarrassed to refer. And hey, if they don't respond I respect that, their sweat equity.

The ones that get me are the ones that do post like they're Mr Expert, talk a big game, then hit me up and act all arrogant saying they have some things to share but I have to share 1st to see if my quality matches theirs. Yeah right.

Some of those that I have shared intel with come back with theirs that are STG gals that everyone knows about. So I don't do that anymore.

12-21-20, 19:58
The one time I shared a referral with one of those one or two post guys he visited her then quoted my post saying how bad she was and he recommended everyone not to visit! If the WTFAYTA thread had been up then I would have called him out!

If I message guys that I have not conversed with (which I do when I travel) I always intro myself as a Sr member and they are welcome to check out my posts. If asking for a referral I'll also be honest about being older but someone they will not be embarrassed to refer. And hey, if they don't respond I respect that, their sweat equity.

The ones that get me are the ones that do post like they're Mr Expert, talk a big game, then hit me up and act all arrogant saying they have some things to share but I have to share 1st to see if my quality matches theirs. Yeah right.

Some of those that I have shared intel with come back with theirs that are STG gals that everyone knows about. So I don't do that anymore.I'm usually reluctant to reply unless I know the person. A year or so back, a monger asked me about a pretty detailed post. I thought it provided all details. Anyway this guy wanted to know girls name at an AMP, the layout of the parlor and time I visited. I was suspicious and just restated the post. Next day I learned a Dept of health inspection was conducted and the inspector was asking if any condoms were kept on the location. The girl I knew was asked about the "guy" who visited last week and wanted to see security video of that day. They were smart enough to advise that video wasn't a health dept matter then started storing video history for 2 days only. So, if I haven't developed a rapport with you, don't pm me.

Queen City Guy
01-01-21, 17:46
I'm usually reluctant to reply unless I know the person. A year or so back, a monger asked me about a pretty detailed post. I thought it provided all details. Anyway this guy wanted to know girls name at an AMP, the layout of the parlor and time I visited. I was suspicious and just restated the post. Next day I learned a Dept of health inspection was conducted and the inspector was asking if any condoms were kept on the location. The girl I knew was asked about the "guy" who visited last week and wanted to see security video of that day. They were smart enough to advise that video wasn't a health dept matter then started storing video history for 2 days only. So, if I haven't developed a rapport with you, don't pm me.You know what, we all have our ways of hobbying but what you just said, cameras, is the major reason I don't frequent those establishments or motels when I can avoid it. Understand their need for security but I have a need for anonymity since I have a frigid SO and decent portfolio so I prefer to stay "down low". No paypal, cashapp, or anything, if I can't get someone off a site and onto my private email or burner # I drop 'them like a hot potato. Some of you don't have those concerns and I get that. The wonderful thing is I'm at an age I can still perform but think through the right head. (most of the time LOL). And your story is the main reason I don't refer a newbie for sure because you don't know who they are or why they're asking. Have my trusted friends and their friends and my regulars and that's good enough for me. But hey, I'm always open to suggestions! LOL.

01-01-21, 18:52
It's always good for us to stay UTR also. As much as possible. Here are some more suggestions on how to remain untraceable. Use a burner phone. Pay for it with cash. Buy minute refill cards with cash. Keep the phone turned off and hidden. Clear it of all recent calls and texts. Even hide the battery separately. Change the phone number on it occasionally. When you drive to a location, change places at the last minute. If you're picking her up at a hotel, park next door and tell her to walk over. If you're spending time at a hotel park your car anywhere else and walk over. Cameras are hard to avoid but wear hat, sunglasses, and dress very plain. No loud colors or shirts with wording on them. If you stand out somebody might recognize you.

Also avoid stings by reading and following the 22 rules of street mongering on this site.

Keep up the good work and stay under the radar. Be glad your body and equipment are still working. Mine is starting to fail me.


01-01-21, 19:19
You know what, we all have our ways of hobbying but what you just said, cameras, is the major reason I don't frequent those establishments or motels when I can avoid it. Understand their need for security but I have a need for anonymity since I have a frigid SO and decent portfolio so I prefer to stay "down low". No paypal, cashapp, or anything, if I can't get someone off a site and onto my private email or burner # I drop 'them like a hot potato. Some of you don't have those concerns and I get that. The wonderful thing is I'm at an age I can still perform but think through the right head. (most of the time LOL). And your story is the main reason I don't refer a newbie for sure because you don't know who they are or why they're asking. Have my trusted friends and their friends and my regulars and that's good enough for me. But hey, I'm always open to suggestions! LOL.I agree completely.

01-07-21, 10:20
Listening to what everyone is saying is so true. I let my guard down a couple years ago and was going to meet up with someone then all the sudden they had all my personal information and threatened to tell my family if I didn't pay. Luckily it was not a lot of money but the fact they got some. Got to be careful out there.

01-07-21, 14:28
Listening to what everyone is saying is so true. I let my guard down a couple years ago and was going to meet up with someone then all the sudden they had all my personal information and threatened to tell my family if I didn't pay. Luckily it was not a lot of money but the fact they got some. Got to be careful out there.Please don't tell me you fell for that Mexican Cartel scam.

01-19-21, 18:36
Firstly, I want to thank this board for all the information over the years, and this has been one of the active boards ever. I learnt a lot from this board.

I was scrolling through the board and found the topic that surfaces time and again, falling in love with the girl you meet. It's been a while I was thinking to share my experience and thoughts over this topic, and now found some time to write it up.

Reading few positive reviews of Jess, she reminded me of Riley from Atlanta, who was active few years back (now retired I guess). I was going through lot of personal life turmoil and got to see her a few times. Riley had this combo, beauty with brains. I believe it is natural for anyone to occasionally fall in love with the girl, because s*x is an act of love. And, for people like me, who have gone through lot of personal life turmoil, it is even more natural to get attracted to someone who treats you right and communicates well. Riley used to talk about a lot of things, she was intelligent and empathized with me, and I got carried away a few times to treat her as my leaning shoulder or a friend to talk to.

Here is where I learnt my most important lesson, I texted her few times when she is out of town, and never got a reply. I only got a reply once she is in town, and it was purely business. Again, when meeting her, she used to talk with same old empathy. This made me realize that no matter how well your encounter goes, you can never be her friend, you are nothing but business, these girls are really clever. And all that empathy talk was to avoid MSOG. LOL.

I personally believe that we all meet here, because deep inside, we are MISSING something. For few, it could be love, for others it could be good s*x or whatever. For these girls, please understand that they are MISSING financial well-being, and nothing else. These girls just want to make some money, and you have that money to pour in.

So, long story short, if a girl treats you right in this business, it is mostly because one, you treated her right, and two, you have the money. You are that sugar daddy who she can count on and will default you as her regular, so that when she has no one else to see, you are the go-to person, and she can make some money.

I am still going through some personal life turmoil, and still want to see few girls who really connected well, and miss them, but at the end, it is what it is.

So, my friends, I posted this not to open any argument. If you find some value from my post, take it, otherwise, kindly ignore it.

I have few other experiences to share in MP and SW section, but they are long write ups too. LOL. But till then cya.


01-19-21, 19:22
Firstly, I want to thank this board for all the information over the years, and this has been one of the active boards ever. I learnt a lot from this board.
I was scrolling through the board and found the topic that surfaces time and again, falling in love with the girl you meet. It's been a while I was thinking to share my experience and thoughts over this topic, and now found some time to write it up.
Reading few positive reviews of Jess, she reminded me of Riley from Atlanta, who was active few years back (now retired I guess). I was going through lot of personal life turmoil and got to see her a few times. Riley had this combo, beauty with brains. I believe it is natural for anyone to occasionally fall in love with the girl, because s*x is an act of love. And, for people like me, who have gone through lot of personal life turmoil, it is even more natural to get attracted to someone who treats you right and communicates well. Riley used to talk about a lot of things, she was intelligent and empathized with me, and I got carried away a few times to treat her as my leaning shoulder or a friend to talk to.

Here is where I learnt my most important lesson, I texted her few times when she is out of town, and never got a reply. I only got a reply once she is in town, and it was purely business. Again, when meeting her, she used to talk with same old empathy. This made me realize that no matter how well your encounter goes, you can never be her friend, you are nothing but business, these girls are really clever. And all that empathy talk was to avoid MSOG. LOL.Very well spot on. Including the Riley experience.

01-19-21, 19:56
Firstly, I want to thank this board for all the information over the years, and this has been one of the active boards ever. I learnt a lot from this board.

I was scrolling through the board and found the topic that surfaces time and again, falling in love with the girl you meet. It's been a while I was thinking to share my experience and thoughts over this topic, and now found some time to write it up.

Reading few positive reviews of Jess, she reminded me of Riley from Atlanta, who was active few years back (now retired I guess). I was going through lot of personal life turmoil and got to see her a few times. Riley had this combo, beauty with brains. I believe it is natural for anyone to occasionally fall in love with the girl, because s*x is an act of love. And, for people like me, who have gone through lot of personal life turmoil, it is even more natural to get attracted to someone who treats you right and communicates well. Riley used to talk about a lot of things, she was intelligent and empathized with me, and I got carried away a few times to treat her as my leaning shoulder or a friend to talk to.

Here is where I learnt my most important lesson, I texted her few times when she is out of town, and never got a reply. I only got a reply once she is in town, and it was purely business. Again, when meeting her, she used to talk with same old empathy. This made me realize that no matter how well your encounter goes, you can never be her friend, you are nothing but business, these girls are really clever. And all that empathy talk was to avoid MSOG. LOL.

I personally believe that we all meet here, because deep inside, we are MISSING something. For few, it could be love, for others it could be good s*x or whatever. For these girls, please understand that they are MISSING financial well-being, and nothing else. These girls just want to make some money, and you have that money to pour in.

So, long story short, if a girl treats you right in this business, it is mostly because one, you treated her right, and two, you have the money. You are that sugar daddy who she can count on and will default you as her regular, so that when she has no one else to see, you are the go-to person, and she can make some money.

I am still going through some personal life turmoil, and still want to see few girls who really connected well, and miss them, but at the end, it is what it is.

So, my friends, I posted this not to open any argument. If you find some value from my post, take it, otherwise, kindly ignore it.

I have few other experiences to share in MP and SW section, but they are long write ups too. LOL. But till then cya.

CTL.I can understand what some of why'all are saying. However once money changes hands or is left on a nightstand or dresser then that love is out the window. Ask for a freebie and see if that love can get you some.

01-19-21, 20:49
Firstly, I want to thank this board for all the information over the years, and this has been one of the active boards ever. I learnt a lot from this board.
I was scrolling through the board and found the topic that surfaces time and again, falling in love with the girl you meet. It's been a while I was thinking to share my experience and thoughts over this topic, and now found some time to write it up.

Reading few positive reviews of Jess, she reminded me of Riley from Atlanta, who was active few years back (now retired I guess). I was going through lot of personal life turmoil and got to see her a few times. Riley had this combo, beauty with brains. I believe it is natural for anyone to occasionally fall in love with the girl, because s*x is an act of love. And, for people like me, who have gone through lot of personal life turmoil, it is even more natural to get attracted to someone who treats you right and communicates well. Riley used to talk about a lot of things, she was intelligent and empathized with me, and I got carried away a few times to treat her as my leaning shoulder or a friend to talk to.

Here is where I learnt my most important lesson, I texted her few times when she is out of town, and never got a reply. I only got a reply once she is in town, and it was purely business. Again, when meeting her, she used to talk with same old empathy. This made me realize that no matter how well your encounter goes, you can never be her friend, you are nothing but business, these girls are really clever. And all that empathy talk was to avoid MSOG. LOL.

I personally believe that we all meet here, because deep inside, we are MISSING something. For few, it could be love, for others it could be good s*x or whatever. For these girls, please understand that they are MISSING financial well-being, and nothing else. These girls just want to make some money, and you have that money to pour in.I am going to piggy back on your post. I've been trolled for raving about a former favorite of my. To be honest, I raved about her too many times. I won't post her name but most of the members on this board already know who I am talking about. I first saw this favorite July 2018. On the first visit, I was so shocked that her pics were 100% legit. From July 2018 to November 2020, I would see this lady on an average 2-3 times a month. Obviously, I'm no longer seeing her. I liked her for her beauty and personality. She was actually very normal and down to earth. We actually had good conversations about life. She must have thought something of me because she did this special favor for me on every single visit that I had with her including the very first visit. She's probably done this favor for a few of her clients but not every time like she did for me. I will never share what she did because a lot of you would not believe it. All I will say is there was no bare or anal sex. Nor was there CIM BJ. To be honest, if any of you ever met me, the first thing you would notice is there's nothing special about me. I'm only average looking and not rich whatsoever. When we were tight, I was one of the regulars who always got a response back on my texts. She would even answer most of my calls.

There's an old saying all good things eventually end. Even though my visits have ended, the memories never will.

The Big Cat
01-19-21, 23:57
I actually fell in love (Infatuation is a better word for it) with Lexi in Salisbury. I live just minutes from her incall location. I was actually with her tonight and told her about it. It passed and I am recovered from the ordeal and see her as a friend / neighbor. I am quite fond of her still and will always have a piece of her in my heart but the infatuation passed before I became Neurotic which is a risk when a customer falls for a hooker.

I never fell for a hooker like this before, and it was happening as people were discussing the topic involving a monger in here and a girl he fell for. I bit my tongue because what was said of that fellow was word for word what could be said of me. With Lexi there was a mild reciprocation she is actually fond of me but she isn't in love with me. She totally could have taken advantage of the infatuation and gotten me to do anything for her but she didn't. She treated me with respect the whole time and let me work it out so I could be normal again. Think with the little head not with the heart.

I actually discussed it with her tonight, the cause of it, how these things happen. And how it ended.

The cause was actually another woman I am best friends (she asserted it a surrogate brother / sister relationship) with but can never become a romance. Long story short she looked just like Lexi 20 years ago and they have a similar personality. I was displacing my love for this woman into Lexi. Once this was discovered the infatuation ended.

01-20-21, 22:28
Dang, we need to make a blog out of this.

In fact I haven't but got pretty close to one that did fell in love with me and since I started this hobby in early 2000 I had 2 others that really liked me. Those that liked me will have sessions with me for as low as $40 when they use to charge more than double that. The one that fell in love with me retired and continue to see me for over a year. I would pick her up at home or her work, we used to have lunch together. Just before she retired we were hanging out in front of her house and she goes "will you lick my pussy? I'm like yeah but I don't have any money on me, she said you don't have to pay for it any longer. She retired no longer after that and we fucked like rabbits, bare, but she was not in birth control so I had to pull out. We did that for a bit over a year but as that year came to an end she was pretty much demanding a real relationship which I could not offer. I realized I should not be that selfish and keep her for having a real life and she help me by changing her phone number and not letting me know. I of course knew where she lived and worked but respected her decision. Who knows, maybe she was hopping I showed up like John Cusack, boom box over my head. But I didn't. Really messed up thing is, every time I smell Walmart personal wet towels I think of her. Dang.

01-21-21, 09:14
Dang, we need to make a blog out of this.

In fact I haven't but got pretty close to one that did fell in love with me and since I started this hobby in early 2000 I had 2 others that really liked me. Those that liked me will have sessions with me for as low as $40 when they use to charge more than double that. The one that fell in love with me retired and continue to see me for over a year. I would pick her up at home or her work, we used to have lunch together. Just before she retired we were hanging out in front of her house and she goes "will you lick my pussy? I'm like yeah but I don't have any money on me, she said you don't have to pay for it any longer. She retired no longer after that and we fucked like rabbits, bare, but she was not in birth control so I had to pull out. We did that for a bit over a year but as that year came to an end she was pretty much demanding a real relationship which I could not offer. I realized I should not be that selfish and keep her for having a real life and she help me by changing her phone number and not letting me know. I of course knew where she lived and worked but respected her decision. Who knows, maybe she was hopping I showed up like John Cusack, boom box over my head. But I didn't. Really messed up thing is, every time I smell Walmart personal wet towels I think of her. Dang.My regular at a local AMP "retired" but I continued to see her on the side and still do. We've had lunch together once, but most of the time we just email back and forth and I'll swing by her place and we have a really good time. I'll toss her $$ every other month to help with bills, but that certainly doesn't cover 4-5 times of seeing her in that time span. I've had a V and believe she's on BC, so double coverage there, but ya, we go bare and it's incredible.

02-18-21, 09:53
I've seen her twice, just have not left a review here because there's nothing new to say. Truth is she's attractive, reasonably priced for her looks, and enthusiastic. Given that she's certainly not in a situation where she's desperate for new clients so she's selective in who she sees. Much like I'm selective in who I'll see. Lots of people get mad and talk a lot of shit because it hurts to be rejected by a working girl, many of why'all think money is the ultimate equalizer and it's clearly not here, so it's probably a pretty big hit to someone's pride when they have to realize even a few hundred $ isn't worth it for some girls to get with them. I get that this probably sucks, but I don't think it's necessary to then lash out and talk shit about that person's business practices. We've all got different tastes and standards. It's inherently going to cause some awkward tension when people are discussing the type of chick who does a QV for like $100 and juxtaposing her standards against someone who only does full hours and charges several hundred. They're just two different types of providers, and they're looking for different types of mongers.If you think the average girl on STG is running a business there's no helping you. It's begging for drug money with an extra step. Calling anything in my post lashing out because of "rejection" is essentially like calling someone "privledged" or "entitled" for going to a restaurant and expecting to get the food they ordered.

But hey, not every guy chooses to take the red pill and that's ok too.

Member #6589
02-18-21, 10:33
I'm with Belmont28 on this one. We aren't dealing with legit small business owners here.

Providers can decide who they want to see of course. Not responding to an inquiry or not scheduling someone is ok but setting appointments and ghosting is a flagrant foul IMO.

Some folks have a different tolerance for that kind of treatment I guess, which is fine with me but I don't understand the emotional white knight stuff from some of the posters.

If you think the average girl on STG is running a business there's no helping you. It's begging for drug money with an extra step. Calling anything in my post lashing out because of "rejection" is essentially like calling someone "privledged" or "entitled" for going to a restaurant and expecting to get the food they ordered.

But hey, not every guy chooses to take the red pill and that's ok too.

02-18-21, 11:04
If you think the average girl on STG is running a business there's no helping you. It's begging for drug money with an extra step. Calling anything in my post lashing out because of "rejection" is essentially like calling someone "privledged" or "entitled" for going to a restaurant and expecting to get the food they ordered.

But hey, not every guy chooses to take the red pill and that's ok too.Last I checked in America any business was free to not do business with any person with zero justification necessary, that includes selling pussy. I didn't address you directly last time, but I guess you saw fit to take it personally anyway even though there's no reason for you to think anyone is addressing you in that post, regardless I have no interest in the so called "red pill". These internet based angst movements don't mix well with a healthy social life.

But, to your point that's why I don't dabble in STG girls much, I find the whole situation to be extremely sad, not that I'd bring that up normally but I guess you felt the need to come at me for no reason so here we are. But yes, if I went to a restaurant and they told me I couldn't come in because of whatever reason then that's their right. And you would be super entitled to throw a fit after being refused service. America is built on freedom, as in the freedom of someone else to not do something.

02-18-21, 11:36
Last I checked in America any business was free to not do business with any person with zero justification necessary, that includes selling pussy. I didn't address you directly last time, but I guess you saw fit to take it personally anyway even though there's no reason for you to think anyone is addressing you in that post, regardless I have no interest in the so called "red pill". These internet based angst movements don't mix well with a healthy social life.

But, to your point that's why I don't dabble in STG girls much, I find the whole situation to be extremely sad, not that I'd bring that up normally but I guess you felt the need to come at me for no reason so here we are. But yes, if I went to a restaurant and they told me I couldn't come in because of whatever reason then that's their right. And you would be super entitled to throw a fit after being refused service. America is built on freedom, as in the freedom of someone else to not do something.That's not what I said. I referred to ordering something IN a restaurant and expecting to receive what you ordered. And I didn't come at you, trust me if I decide to you'll know it.

Also, hi Jess. I remember you showing me how you have an account on this board so now I at least know what handle you use.

02-18-21, 11:43
That's not what I said. I referred to ordering something IN a restaurant and expecting to receive what you ordered. And I didn't come at you, trust me if I decide to you'll know it.

Also, hi Jess. I remember you showing me how you have an account on this board so now I at least know what handle you use.LOL, my dude I think you're misreading some things here. I wasn't talking about you to begin with, so there's no need for you to be taking it personally. There's no criticism at you meant here because I don't know you.

Also, if you're talking about Jess that advertises on STG and stays in the hotel in south CLT. Check my post history, I was one of the first to call bullshit on the fanclub she had and describe exactly how chubby and mediocre she was. Again, not sure what you're getting mad about but a casual look at the posts I've made would tell you I'm the opposite of a fan of low rent STG girls like Jess.

02-18-21, 12:02
LOL, my dude I think you're misreading some things here. I wasn't talking about you to begin with, so there's no need for you to be taking it personally. There's no criticism at you meant here because I don't know you.

Also, if you're talking about Jess that advertises on STG and stays in the hotel in south CLT. Check my post history, I was one of the first to call bullshit on the fanclub she had and describe exactly how chubby and mediocre she was. Again, not sure what you're getting mad about but a casual look at the posts I've made would tell you I'm the opposite of a fan of low rent STG girls like Jess.No anger here I just call it like I see it. And Jess IS on this board under a senior member handle, much like some of the other hookers that think they're slick. You just happened to say, word for word, some of the things she told me in person.

Also I agree she's fat.

If you follow my posts you'll see that our opinions differ on domestic mongering which is fine. To each their own. This is why I mainly travel international for pussy which I obviously can't do right now and yeah it's starting to get to me. I don't like or look for cheap pussy but at the end of the day these are prostitutes. We'll have to agree to disagree on what is or isn't acceptable behavior and cost.

Consider this squashed on my end.

02-18-21, 13:13
No anger here I just call it like I see it. And Jess IS on this board under a senior member handle, much like some of the other hookers that think they're slick. You just happened to say, word for word, some of the things she told me in person.

Also I agree she's fat.

If you follow my posts you'll see that our opinions differ on domestic mongering which is fine. To each their own. This is why I mainly travel international for pussy which I obviously can't do right now and yeah it's starting to get to me. I don't like or look for cheap pussy but at the end of the day these are prostitutes. We'll have to agree to disagree on what is or isn't acceptable behavior and cost.

Consider this squashed on my end.Ugh, he's a douche. Don't sweat him.

More curious about Jess and handle? How is that possible? Some of my more innocuous posts gets flagged.

Macho Manny
02-18-21, 17:39
Great posts by Belmont and to think that these methheads are running a true business is just comical. The girl you were trying to set up time is a major H addict and you aren't missing a damn thing. Just like all the hype with Jess the Mess and she was completely underwhelming. If they choose to not want to deal with you is one thing but to set something up and then absolutely no response cause they are on their high horse or already did their duty to get their demons fed is just wrong. All the people who allow to get straight ghosted and then go crawling back has added tremendously to the demise of the scene in Charlotte. It is literally hardly even worth it anymore with all the crap you go through and almost 90% of the time end up disappointed. Jess may have a senior handle on here with all the hype and posts she receives but she has done a good job so far of staying incognito. I wonder how her tooth is doing.

02-20-21, 19:02
She has a legit full time job. This is not about the money for her. Her sexual appetite is insatiable. The money is just icing on the cake. As she told me, "I've been chasing boys since I came out the womb. " That's a direct quote.

The way she looks, the service she provides, her prices could be much higher. Again, it's not about the money.Whats all hype on this gal she is not good looking at all am I missing something.

John Whitman
02-20-21, 21:44
I am rather puzzled. Reading the Raleigh and Charlotte boards, it seems to me pretty clear what all the "hype" is. In a nutshell, Samara is a very sexy and beautiful woman who is extremely intelligent, very personable, 100% GFE, and highly skilled in the boudoir. She is a normal person with a professional career who happens to like to play on the side. No bad habits of any kind. Her communication skills are exceptional and she is extremely reliable. In these tough times, there are extremely few ladies with those characteristics. She has a number of enthusiastic, even some rave reviews from quite a number of Senior Members. In my opinion at least she has earned all the 'hype" she has received.

I checked with Samara and she tells me she has not seen you. So I am not sure what is the basis for your statement about her looks. Whatever, you are fully entitled to your opinion. It appears that your opinion is very much in the minority judging from what everyone else has said about her.

Whats all hype on this gal she is not good looking at all am I missing something.

Member #6463
02-22-21, 12:50
Ugh, he's a douche. Don't sweat him.

More curious about Jess and handle? How is that possible? Some of my more innocuous posts gets flagged.Yeah, and after she told me that I visited her and wouldn't see me again, I put two and two together.

Unacceptable. Jess is a good fuck, with a shallow pussy. But for her to be on here getting post flagged is bad.

I've had countless posts flagged, likely due to her. Sad day.

03-07-21, 14:45
If an escort files a restraining order against a monger, does the order still apply when the escort posts an ad saying she is available? Asking for a friend.Funder, I've stayed out of your whining and caring on over Indigo but your friend crossed the line not once but other times showing up unannounced after they were told to never do it again. I'm sure you thought your friendship was more than it was but stalking scares people and did in this case. I would not gamble against a restraining order as things have become serious and you don't need to go through the consequences. There are plenty of ladies out here but if you want to fall in love with one, I'd make sure you aren't paying for it.

03-08-21, 08:09
No this middle age cat does not fall in love or get infatuated with all ladies. If I see a lady twice, it's because I was pleased with the first visit. If I see a lady 5 times, it's because I like the lady. There is a difference between loving an escort and love being with an escort. I had between 50 - 60 dates with Indigo from July 2018 to early November 2020. I've had 8 dates with Jess beginning November 28,2021. I actually saw Jess this past Friday. Every single date that I have had with both of these ladies was fantastic. I loved being with Indigo until it ended. Right now, I love being with Jess. Any haters want to bash me, go right ahead I can take it. I'm one of these cats who prefers to stick with one provider when I find one that treats me right.Nothing wrong with having multiple visits with ladies that you enjoy being around. However, when one of them has to get a restraining order, that's a huge fucking problem.

03-08-21, 11:34
Nothing wrong with having multiple visits with ladies that you enjoy being around. However, when one of them has to get a restraining order, that's a huge fucking problem.As far as I am concern, you are one of the most credible members on this board. That's why I told the Uncles and the young lady that I will never return. When our discussion ended, I fist bumped the Uncles. Tried to get one last good bye hug from the lady. Since she wasn't interested, I got in my truck and drove away.

I will send you a PM as soon as I get on my laptop.

03-08-21, 16:51
As far as I am concern, you are one of the most credible members on this board. That's why I told the Uncles and the young lady that I will never return. When our discussion ended, I fist bumped the Uncles. Tried to get one last good bye hug from the lady. Since she wasn't interested, I got in my truck and drove away.

I will send you a PM as soon as I get on my laptop.
Take a break and regroup.

03-08-21, 19:33
Take a break and regroup.This monger has some issues. For shit to get that bad he's not level. Cops involved and them knowing the salacious details, and he still wants a hug?? Bros watch the papers because some shit will be going down in the future. Once it does, LEO will clamp down on the game.

03-08-21, 20:19
This monger has some issues. For shit to get that bad he's not level. Cops involved and them knowing the salacious details, and he still wants a hug?? Bros watch the papers because some shit will be going down in the future. Once it does, LEO will clamp down on the game.No salacious details were shared by me. I covered for both of us. As far as they know, I was former boyfriend who was jilted by a young beautiful lady.

BTW, this game that we play will never end.

03-08-21, 20:24
Funder, I've stayed out of your whining and caring on over Indigo but your friend crossed the line not once but other times showing up unannounced after they were told to never do it again. I'm sure you thought your friendship was more than it was but stalking scares people and did in this case. I would not gamble against a restraining order as things have become serious and you don't need to go through the consequences. There are plenty of ladies out here but if you want to fall in love with one, I'd make sure you aren't paying for it.You're going to pay for any lady that you fall in love with. It doesn't matter if you find her at the mall, grocery store, or STG. Now check your PM.

Big Daddy Dog
03-08-21, 21:23
This monger has some issues. For shit to get that bad he's not level. Cops involved and them knowing the salacious details, and he still wants a hug?? Bros watch the papers because some shit will be going down in the future. Once it does, LEO will clamp down on the game.Good lord, get on some meds. She just wanted your money.

03-08-21, 21:31
Good lord, get on some meds. She just wanted your money.She wanted my money and I wanted her punani. Makes perfect sense to me.

03-09-21, 07:57
You're going to pay for any lady that you fall in love with. It doesn't matter if you find her at the mall, grocery store, or STG. Now check your PM.Difference is these hoes only want the money. They don't want anything else. It's an all an act.

03-09-21, 20:51
As far as I am concern, you are one of the most credible members on this board. That's why I told the Uncles and the young lady that I will never return. When our discussion ended, I fist bumped the Uncles. Tried to get one last good bye hug from the lady. Since she wasn't interested, I got in my truck and drove away.

I will send you a PM as soon as I get on my laptop.Man, this girl took out a restraining order on you because you keep stalking her, she called the police because you showed up again, and you thought at the end of this altercation it would be a good idea to go for a hug?

I mean this seriously, you need to stop visiting girls all together and get some professional help before something you can't fix happens. You're past just covering with the cops at this point, you show up again, stalk the wrong girl like that, or whatever and either you're going to end up in jail or shot by someone's BF / handler.

03-09-21, 22:09
Man, this girl took out a restraining order on you because you keep stalking her, she called the police because you showed up again, and you thought at the end of this altercation it would be a good idea to go for a hug?

I mean this seriously, you need to stop visiting girls all together and get some professional help before something you can't fix happens. You're past just covering with the cops at this point, you show up again, stalk the wrong girl like that, or whatever and either you're going to end up in jail or shot by someone's BF / handler.I thought a final good bye kiss was asking for too much. That's why I only asked for a hug.

In order to put her mind at ease, she has given 2 of her fuck buddies the additional responsibility of being her protectors. The only problem that I see is her 2 baby Chihuahuas are more intimidating than the physically weak slouches that she has chosen. But she doesn't have to worry about me coming around again. I will leave this young beauty alone and cherish the good memories that took place when our connection was right.

03-10-21, 08:16
I thought a final good bye kiss was asking for too much. That's why I only asked for a hug.

In order to put her mind at ease, she has given 2 of her fuck buddies the additional responsibility of being her protectors. The only problem that I see is her 2 baby Chihuahuas are more intimidating than the physically weak slouches that she has chosen. But she doesn't have to worry about me coming around again. I will leave this young beauty alone and cherish the good memories that took place when our connection was right.I've been hauling out west and returned yesterday to see this going on. I saw a girl last night and noticed a pic a guy on a cmpd notice telling girls to be careful. I didn't think shit if it til I saw this thread. So I called an atf this morning and she confirmed- a flyer is going around with a guys pic on it telling "pros" to be careful. I didn't read the paper, and think it may be related to all this drama. I have often cherished some fine poon too, but I think this is in serial territory. Let's all be cool and enjoy the game within the rules. Besides too many pimps are strapped these days. Peace and poon to all pimps everywhere.

03-10-21, 10:11
I thought a final good bye kiss was asking for too much. That's why I only asked for a hug.

In order to put her mind at ease, she has given 2 of her fuck buddies the additional responsibility of being her protectors. The only problem that I see is her 2 baby Chihuahuas are more intimidating than the physically weak slouches that she has chosen. But she doesn't have to worry about me coming around again. I will leave this young beauty alone and cherish the good memories that took place when our connection was right.Get some help. That behavior is not safe. And to come on here and air your business out is is on a whole new level of creepiness.

03-10-21, 11:05
I've been hauling out west and returned yesterday to see this going on. I saw a girl last night and noticed a pic a guy on a cmpd notice telling girls to be careful. I didn't think shit if it til I saw this thread. So I called an atf this morning and she confirmed- a flyer is going around with a guys pic on it telling "pros" to be careful. I didn't read the paper, and think it may be related to all this drama. I have often cherished some fine poon too, but I think this is in serial territory. Let's all be cool and enjoy the game within the rules. Besides too many pimps are strapped these days. Peace and poon to all pimps everywhere.How doesn't this violate 4th / 14th Amendment?

03-10-21, 11:18
Guys I been reading the forum. Don't want no info about anyone. But this guy stalking a hooker is a joke right? This can't be real! Please tell me this is a sick joke. These girls are after your money and that is all. I would have never thought someone would get a restraining order against the from a pro? I'm really confused.

03-10-21, 13:05
Guys I been reading the forum. Don't want no info about anyone. But this guy stalking a hooker is a joke right? This can't be real! Please tell me this is a sick joke. These girls are after your money and that is all. I would have never thought someone would get a restraining order against the from a pro? I'm really confused.He's not the first and won't be the last. Guys fall for ****** and strippers all the time. Sometimes the lines get blurred. Falling for a *****, who has the look you like and the personality that clicks with yours can happen. The problem arises when you take it too far as in this case. It's really no different than any other breakup. Once it's over, leave him / her alone. Stalking and harassing is not cool.

Macho Manny
03-10-21, 13:41
Long time lurker here. Never posted because I never had anything new to add about the usuals that I have seen. But I am well aware of FunderJ and his past infatuations. Now reading this shit about restraining orders, I feel like someone should warn that girl Jess who he talks about all the time now as his new "girl". I have never seen her, but someone who has might want to drop her a note of warning. I would hate if something bad happened. Also, FunderJ, get some help.

03-10-21, 13:44
It's on the general report thread too.

Guys I been reading the forum. Don't want no info about anyone. But this guy stalking a hooker is a joke right? This can't be real! Please tell me this is a sick joke. These girls are after your money and that is all. I would have never thought someone would get a restraining order against the from a pro? I'm really confused..

03-10-21, 14:56
Guys I been reading the forum. Don't want no info about anyone. But this guy stalking a hooker is a joke right? This can't be real! Please tell me this is a sick joke. These girls are after your money and that is all. I would have never thought someone would get a restraining order against the from a pro? I'm really confused.Read his comments about two particular providers going back to last year. You'll see a pattern.

03-10-21, 15:44
How is the flyer being distributed? I keep picturing in my head a MISSING: I lost my dog type of flyer on random places. LMAO!

I've been hauling out west and returned yesterday to see this going on. I saw a girl last night and noticed a pic a guy on a cmpd notice telling girls to be careful. I didn't think shit if it til I saw this thread. So I called an atf this morning and she confirmed- a flyer is going around with a guys pic on it telling "pros" to be careful. I didn't read the paper, and think it may be related to all this drama. I have often cherished some fine poon too, but I think this is in serial territory. Let's all be cool and enjoy the game within the rules. Besides too many pimps are strapped these days. Peace and poon to all pimps everywhere..

03-10-21, 16:12
How is the flyer being distributed? I keep picturing in my head a MISSING: I lost my dog type of flyer on random places. LMAO!

.Wish I knew more man! I didn't really think much of it at the time.

03-10-21, 18:50
He's not the first and won't be the last. Guys fall for ****** and strippers all the time. Sometimes the lines get blurred. Falling for a *****, who has the look you like and the personality that clicks with yours can happen. The problem arises when you take it too far as in this case. It's really no different than any other breakup. Once it's over, leave him / her alone. Stalking and harassing is not cool.Happened to me when I first moved to / "hobbying" in Charlotte. Started to fall for a girl half my age, fucked like a machine and was super reliable & responsive. We were doing multi hour dates and overnights.

Finally said to myself; "Reality Check, Big Guy. She's good at her job and only cares about your money & maybe a little comfort knowing I'm legit and safe. That's it".

Stopped seeing her and that was that.

Basically, try not to shit on the guy. Feels can happen. Not to mention, he lost a favorite & regardless how limited, Uncle was involved.

That's fairly punitive.


03-10-21, 19:17
As an aside; how does this alleged flyer not violate the 4th and 14th Amendment?

No one has been convicted nor a protective order signed by a judge. The cops (as usual) were full of shit and had no right to record or trick him into doing so.

No way a coerced video is same as a court order. Shocking that Uncle pulled a dick move.

03-10-21, 20:46
As an aside; how does this alleged flyer not violate the 4th and 14th Amendment?

No one has been convicted nor a protective order signed by a judge. The cops (as usual) were full of shit and had no right to record or trick him into doing so.

No way a coerced video is same as a court order. Shocking that Uncle pulled a dick move.Simmer down there semi barrister. Do you know if the police actually put this together? I believe the victim can state facts without defaming anyone? You seem most offended young Holden caufield? I think a person needing a restraining order may have some right too?

03-10-21, 20:55
Simmer down there semi barrister. Do you know if the police actually put this together? I believe the victim can state facts without defaming anyone? You seem most offended young Holden caufield? I think a person needing a restraining order may have some right too?There's no argument from me that I hate the state and LEO for far more nefarious reasons than "he said, she said". Founder' s "friend" most certainly fucked up by acquiescing to morons with a badge that most likely barely got through high school.

Doesn't change the fact that they most likely entrapped him and definitely violated Constitutional Rights.

03-10-21, 21:08
Happened to me when I first moved to / "hobbying" in Charlotte. Started to fall for a girl half my age, fucked like a machine and was super reliable & responsive. We were doing multi hour dates and overnights.

Finally said to myself; "Reality Check, Big Guy. She's good at her job and only cares about your money & maybe a little comfort knowing I'm legit and safe. That's it".

Stopped seeing her and that was that.

Basically, try not to shit on the guy. Feels can happen. Not to mention, he lost a favorite & regardless how limited, Uncle was involved.

That's fairly punitive.

OffSoapbox.There is a difference in falling for an escort and stalking one to a point that a restraining order was filed. Come on dude. This guy has some issues. There's no defending it. He crossed a line and needs to get some help.

03-10-21, 21:12
As an aside; how does this alleged flyer not violate the 4th and 14th Amendment?

No one has been convicted nor a protective order signed by a judge. The cops (as usual) were full of shit and had no right to record or trick him into doing so.

No way a coerced video is same as a court order. Shocking that Uncle pulled a dick move.I wish I could see this flyer. It's possible that someone besides me may have acted foolish.

03-10-21, 21:13
The best part of this story is we're to believe that these moron LEOs are trying to protect the "working girls" and not arresting / fucking them.

How noble. The ultimate White Knights.

03-10-21, 21:33
Both of you are correct. She was easy to fall for because of her looks and personality. I even told one of the Uncles that if she was only average looking, I would still fall for her. At the same time, Stalking and harassing is not cool.

For the record, the Uncles gave me the option to leave peacefully without pressing any charges. After hearing my side first, they concluded that I was harmless. I only stayed because I wanted to have a verbal conversation with the beauty instead of texting. The only way that she would do this was to have someone reliable with her. She was the one that requested the the restraining order by recording. I also acknowledge by recording that I would respect her request to be left alone. I will leave her alone but I will still miss her and care for her even though she doesn't believe it.

Happened to me when I first moved to / "hobbying" in Charlotte. Started to fall for a girl half my age, fucked like a machine and was super reliable & responsive. We were doing multi hour dates and overnights.

Finally said to myself; "Reality Check, Big Guy. She's good at her job and only cares about your money & maybe a little comfort knowing I'm legit and safe. That's it".

Stopped seeing her and that was that.

Basically, try not to shit on the guy. Feels can happen. Not to mention, he lost a favorite & regardless how limited, Uncle was involved.

That's fairly punitive.

He's not the first and won't be the last. Guys fall for ****** and strippers all the time. Sometimes the lines get blurred. Falling for a *****, who has the look you like and the personality that clicks with yours can happen. The problem arises when you take it too far as in this case. It's really no different than any other breakup. Once it's over, leave him / her alone. Stalking and harassing is not cool.

Macho Manny
03-10-21, 22:12
Both of you are correct. She was easy to fall for because of her looks and personality. I even told one of the Uncles that if she was only average looking, I would still fall for her. At the same time, Stalking and harassing is not cool.

For the record, the Uncles gave me the option to leave peacefully without pressing any charges. After hearing my side first, they concluded that I was harmless. I only stayed because I wanted to have a verbal conversation with the beauty instead of texting. The only way that she would do this was to have someone reliable with her. She was the one that requested the the restraining order by recording. I also acknowledge by recording that I would respect her request to be left alone. I will leave her alone but I will still miss her and care for her even though she doesn't believe it.I think you need to take a step back and take a look at what's going on here. This is a chick you pay to fuck and you stalked her to a point that she had to get a restraining order. The fact that you said "I will leave her alone but I will still miss her and care for her even though she doesn't believe it" shows that you still have issues. You really need to take a break for this hobby and maybe find some counseling.

Macho Manny
03-10-21, 22:19
Both of you are correct. She was easy to fall for because of her looks and personality. I even told one of the Uncles that if she was only average looking, I would still fall for her. At the same time, Stalking and harassing is not cool.

For the record, the Uncles gave me the option to leave peacefully without pressing any charges. After hearing my side first, they concluded that I was harmless. I only stayed because I wanted to have a verbal conversation with the beauty instead of texting. The only way that she would do this was to have someone reliable with her. She was the one that requested the the restraining order by recording. I also acknowledge by recording that I would respect her request to be left alone. I will leave her alone but I will still miss her and care for her even though she doesn't believe it.He screwed up, he admits he did. Obviously there are feelings that are involved and I am sure he didn't plan for that to happen. No need to pile on the guy he obviously uses this board as a venting spot and let's be real there is no flyer going around with his picture on it. Zero chance.

03-10-21, 22:29
The best part of this story is we're to believe that these moron LEOs are trying to protect the "working girls" and not arresting / fucking them.

How noble. The ultimate White Knights.You must have some grudge against cops. Has anyone determined LEO is involved in anyway, besides enforcing a restraining order? Seems like a lot pent up animosity for the man. Why blame the cops if a guy scares a lady so much that the courts issue a restraining order?

Too much bias to be accurate. Stick to the facts joe Friday!

Macho Manny
03-10-21, 22:32
You must have some grudge against cops. Has anyone determined LEO is involved in anyway, besides enforcing a restraining order? Seems like a lot pent up animosity for the man. Why blame the cops if a guy scares a lady so much that the courts issue a restraining order?

Too much bias to be accurate. Stick to the facts joe Friday!Almost makes you think Holden and Funder are the same person.

03-11-21, 04:41
You must have some grudge against cops. Has anyone determined LEO is involved in anyway, besides enforcing a restraining order? Seems like a lot pent up animosity for the man. Why blame the cops if a guy scares a lady so much that the courts issue a restraining order?

Too much bias to be accurate. Stick to the facts joe Friday!No argument here. I definitely don't like LEOs, believe most of them do it for the wrong reasons, are corrupt and more times than not; overstep their authority using intimidation.

That being said; also not saying our amorous friend didn't fuck up / overstep.

Both can be true.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 08:17
It isn't that hard to get a restraining order. You just go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant. Anybody can accuse anybody of anything. Nobody is guilty of anything until it is proven in a court of law. Innocent until proven guilty

You must have some grudge against cops. Has anyone determined LEO is involved in anyway, besides enforcing a restraining order? Seems like a lot pent up animosity for the man. Why blame the cops if a guy scares a lady so much that the courts issue a restraining order?

Too much bias to be accurate. Stick to the facts joe Friday!

03-11-21, 08:50
It isn't that hard to get a restraining order. You just go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant. Anybody can accuse anybody of anything. Nobody is guilty of anything until it is proven in a court of law. Innocent until proven guiltyI'm calling bullshit on all you mongers that are trying to portray the guy as a "normal" all American buyer of pussy. A restraining order is a bid deal. You can't buy firearms and are ordered by the judge to stay the fuck away from someone because it's likely you'll cause them serious harm. This monger ain't trying to sell Girl Scout cookies! You sympathizers probably think it's ok stalk and harass ladies? I wouldn't do that around me if I were you. Just to be clear, stalking and harassing is done by sick fux and restraining orders are serious shit!! No justification, no sympathy. Anyone who lacks charm will feel entitled and resort to harassment. Now see, I have charm and the ladies stalk me.

03-11-21, 08:59
Almost makes you think Holden and Funder are the same person.Other than never have seen either Indigo or Jess, yup we're the same guy.

I just find it strange that those in the Hobby defend LEOs who are out to arrest you for a free market exchange between two consulting adults. Sorry my being a radical Libertarian offends you, Snowflake.

Strong first 3 posts contributing to the board, though.


Queen City Guy
03-11-21, 09:30
Good lord, get on some meds. She just wanted your money.I get amusement out of guys that 'fall for girls' or say that their girls are more than a business arrangement. Not saying it can't happen, or that some regulars you see that you develop a friendship that goes beyond the transactional aspect (stop the transactions and see how long the friendship lasts as a test if you don't believe me). But if your relationship with some gal started with you giving her funding to access her fruits I'd say that's a poor start for a serious long term relationship.

The whole stalking thing IS scary and serious. Its also surprising, for me, that someone you see under this hobby gets enough personal detailed information to be able to take legal action against you. Everybody plays the game their own way but to me that's the STUPID way to do it for a whole lot of reasons. But someone with emotional issues doesn't think that way I guess.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 10:01
I am not defending anybody. I am just pointing out anybody can swear out a warrant on anybody. It isn't that hard to do. You have nut job mongers and nut job providers. I have filed a restraining order before. It isn't that hard to do. That in itself doesn't prove guilt. You aren't guilty until it is proven in a court of law. Sometimes someone swears out a warrant just to harass someone. Stop assuming things. Someone doesn't have to prove a damn thing to go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant.

I had a crazy girlfriend once that put a restraining order on me. When we went to court she lied so much that the judge called her out on her bullshit and she was even arrested and hauled away while in court. Everybody assumed I was guilty when in fact she was a crazy ass woman that went to the magistrate with a bunch of damn lies. Crazy goes both ways. She was caught lying in court. Maybe this monger is guilty? I don't know. I wasn't there and I don't know either one so I am not the one to judge it.

I'm calling bullshit on all you mongers that are trying to portray the guy as a "normal" all American buyer of pussy. A restraining order is a bid deal. You can't buy firearms and are ordered by the judge to stay the fuck away from someone because it's likely you'll cause them serious harm. This monger ain't trying to sell Girl Scout cookies! You sympathizers probably think it's ok stalk and harass ladies? I wouldn't do that around me if I were you. Just to be clear, stalking and harassing is done by sick fux and restraining orders are serious shit!! No justification, no sympathy. Anyone who lacks charm will feel entitled and resort to harassment. Now see, I have charm and the ladies stalk me.

Macho Manny
03-11-21, 10:10
I am not defending anybody. I am just pointing out anybody can swear out a warrant on anybody. It isn't that hard to do. You have nut job mongers and nut job providers. I have filed a restraining order before. It isn't that hard to do. That in itself doesn't prove guilt. You aren't guilty until it is proven in a court of law. Sometimes someone swears out a warrant just to harass someone. Stop assuming things. Someone doesn't have to prove a damn thing to go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant.NC Transplant, you are on this site commenting daily, so I know you are well aware of this guys over-fascination with Indigo and Jess (and I am sure there are others). Do you really think the restraining order wasn't warranted. Stop defending this guy and instead maybe try helping him so it doesn't happen again or god forbid he takes it to an ever scarier level.

03-11-21, 10:37
I am not defending anybody. I am just pointing out anybody can swear out a warrant on anybody. It isn't that hard to do. You have nut job mongers and nut job providers. I have filed a restraining order before. It isn't that hard to do. That in itself doesn't prove guilt. You aren't guilty until it is proven in a court of law. Sometimes someone swears out a warrant just to harass someone. Stop assuming things. Someone doesn't have to prove a damn thing to go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant.

I had a crazy girlfriend once that put a restraining order on me. When we went to court she lied so much that the judge called her out on her bullshit and she was even arrested and hauled away while in court. Everybody assumed I was guilty when in fact she was a crazy ass woman that went to the magistrate with a bunch of damn lies. Crazy goes both ways. She was caught lying in court. Maybe this monger is guilty? I don't know. I wasn't there and I don't know either one so I am not the one to judge it.It sounds like the restraint order is in effect and he was trying to figure out how to get around it because he thought her actions were such that he could assume that he could violate it. Doesn't sound like just a hearing, sounds like it was in fact issued. If a provider knows enough about you to be able to haul you into court you've already crossed the line between mongering and something too personal.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 11:51
Get off it. I am NOT defending anybody. Just pointing out a restraining order in itself does not prove guilt. This whole disgussion is getting old. I said in the beginning that he should respect that restraining order. I see way too many white knights and guys idolizing these gals. The fact is NONE of us know all the facts in the situation.

NC Transplant, you are on this site commenting daily, so I know you are well aware of this guys over-fascination with Indigo and Jess (and I am sure there are others). Do you really think the restraining order wasn't warranted. Stop defending this guy and instead maybe try helping him so it doesn't happen again or god forbid he takes it to an ever scarier level.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 11:58
I visited a provider years ago and she knew all my personal information and I didn't give her any of it. There are online search tools that she was paying for and all she needed was a real phone number or an email address to get all the information she wanted. That was her way of screening. She may have got that information directly from him or he could have slipped up and communicated with a phone or email that she could have used to find out who he is. I try to be careful but I have slipped up in the past and used a real email. I didn't always use a burner number either. In all probability you are correct and some lines have been crossed. I doubt there are many providers that pay for online search tools to screen who they see, but I know of one that does. I am sure there are more. We all need to be careful when we reach out to any of these gals.

I agree. It does sound like he was trying to figure out how to get around a restraining order. There are all kinds of red flags on this.

It sounds like the restraint order is in effect and he was trying to figure out how to get around it because he thought her actions were such that he could assume that he could violate it. Doesn't sound like just a hearing, sounds like it was in fact issued. If a provider knows enough about you to be able to haul you into court you've already crossed the line between mongering and something too personal.

03-11-21, 14:11
Nope. Funderj and Holden are 2 different guys. I don't believe Holden would do something as stupid as I did.

Other than never have seen either Indigo or Jess, yup we're the same guy.

I just find it strange that those in the Hobby defend LEOs who are out to arrest you for a free market exchange between two consulting adults. Sorry my being a radical Libertarian offends you, Snowflake.

Strong first 3 posts contributing to the board, though.


Almost makes you think Holden and Funder are the same person.

Queen City Guy
03-11-21, 15:01
I visited a provider years ago and she knew all my personal information and I didn't give her any of it. There are online search tools that she was paying for and all she needed was a real phone number or an email address to get all the information she wanted. That was her way of screening. She may have got that information directly from him or he could have slipped up and communicated with a phone or email that she could have used to find out who he is. I try to be careful but I have slipped up in the past and used a real email. I didn't always use a burner number either. In all probability you are correct and some lines have been crossed. I doubt there are many providers that pay for online search tools to screen who they see, but I know of one that does. I am sure there are more. We all need to be careful when we reach out to any of these gals.

I agree. It does sound like he was trying to figure out how to get around a restraining order. There are all kinds of red flags on this.Trans you are right, a footloose and fancy free mongerer may one day be a married dad, an applicant for a great job, trying to get a security clearance for some reason, or have a nice portfolio that he could be blackmailed over. So all hobbyist are well advised to leave a light footprint, old scout training 'leave no trace' (my regulars teases me that I always 'take my trash' so there's no DNA on a Blue Dress laying around). I don't even think my regular (s) know my last name, my actual email address, or a phone # beyond my burner. They don't need to know and they don't ask. Because of a piece of tail, a high T level, and some emotional issues this poor guy has likely limited some of his options for the rest of his life. Maybe it doesn't matter, maybe it will. Every time a background check is run a restraining order will pop up. Questions to be asked, judgements to be made. OR no questions are asked, assumptions are made, and they move on to the next in line. That's all I'm saying. Why go there?

Unless he's 16 yo and just getting over his 1st 'crush' he was given plenty of signs, signals, and warnings.

PLUS he's now messed it up for the rest of you (because I'll never go see her). Based on the posts, this gal now has handlers, guards, screening, and may just get out of the hobby because of one blockhead!

I know I'm aging out and the vast majority of my thinking is done with the larger head these days but dang!

I know search tools have expanded but so have the tools to remain anonymous in this world.

But hey, you guys hobby the way you want to and I'll do it my way.

03-11-21, 16:04
I am not defending anybody. I am just pointing out anybody can swear out a warrant on anybody. It isn't that hard to do. You have nut job mongers and nut job providers. I have filed a restraining order before. It isn't that hard to do. That in itself doesn't prove guilt. You aren't guilty until it is proven in a court of law. Sometimes someone swears out a warrant just to harass someone. Stop assuming things. Someone doesn't have to prove a damn thing to go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant.

I had a crazy girlfriend once that put a restraining order on me. When we went to court she lied so much that the judge called her out on her bullshit and she was even arrested and hauled away while in court. Everybody assumed I was guilty when in fact she was a crazy ass woman that went to the magistrate with a bunch of damn lies. Crazy goes both ways. She was caught lying in court. Maybe this monger is guilty? I don't know. I wasn't there and I don't know either one so I am not the one to judge it.Nothing you're saying is similar to what this monger has done. I guess I'm not getting it? So are saying you harassed the lady? If not, why are flooding this thread? At TRO (temporary, I. E very short time) expires unless a hearing is held and both sides testify. So the alleged perp can tell his side. Then, if judge finds initial allegations are true, a restraining order is issued for a longer duration. So, I don't get your point. Either a fucking restraining order was issued or it wasn't. Sounds like it was to me. Now is it your point that an all American pussy purchaser is a target for nare do well ladies? Or, did the monger actually do some weird shit? If you don't know, you can just say so.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 16:23
I wasn't talking about what this guy has or hasn't done. I was just bringing up what is involved in swearing out a warrant and getting a restraining order. It doesn't prove guilt. These gals aren't princesses nor more than we are saints

Nothing you're saying is similar to what this monger has done. I guess I'm not getting it? So are saying you harassed the lady? If not, why are flooding this thread? At TRO (temporary, I. E very short time) expires unless a hearing is held and both sides testify. So the alleged perp can tell his side. Then, if judge finds initial allegations are true, a restraining order is issued for a longer duration. So, I don't get your point. Either a fucking restraining order was issued or it wasn't. Sounds like it was to me. Now is it your point that an all American pussy purchaser is a target for nare do well ladies? Or, did the monger actually do some weird shit? If you don't know, you can just say so.

03-11-21, 19:50
I wasn't talking about what this guy has or hasn't done. I was just bringing up what is involved in swearing out a warrant and getting a restraining order. It doesn't prove guilt. These gals aren't princesses nor more than we are saintsIf I may, I think the issue here is you are stating, quite correctly, that restraining orders in and of themself do not tell you the details of a situation, or the facts of that situation. I think some are taking that as a defense of this situation, but seems to me you are just speaking in generalities. THIS situation feels different I think, because the guy who had the RO filed against him IS THE ONE WHO TOLD US, and he also gave us details about it. He has also told everyone here MANY times that she had told him NO and she didn't want to see him. So basically the mongers post history pretty much PROVES the case. Authorities who likley browse this forum will no doubt have printed out his entire post history and made copies of it for this RO since he was silly enough to identify himself after all his shit was on file with the police.

NC Transplant
03-11-21, 20:40
When you go to court it is you against the plaintiff. "authorities " are not collecting evidence against you. This is not a criminal sting like a prostitution bust. Now her lawyer if he is aware of his forum posts may print them out and use them in court but it isn't something the cops are doing. I have seen this rodeo before. I'm telling you how it works. You can piss off a provider say by leaving a bad review somewhere and she can go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant and lie. Maybe say you were stalking her or assaulted her and have you arrested. If you have an RO against you, you can be arrested if you get within so many feet of her or her workplace. You aren't even allowed to contact her by phone. I had a restraining order against a crazy girlfriend I once had and she was stupid enough to leave harassing messages on my answering machine which I used against her in court.

If I may, I think the issue here is you are stating, quite correctly, that restraining orders in and of themself do not tell you the details of a situation, or the facts of that situation. I think some are taking that as a defense of this situation, but seems to me you are just speaking in generalities. THIS situation feels different I think, because the guy who had the RO filed against him IS THE ONE WHO TOLD US, and he also gave us details about it. He has also told everyone here MANY times that she had told him NO and she didn't want to see him. So basically the mongers post history pretty much PROVES the case. Authorities who likley browse this forum will no doubt have printed out his entire post history and made copies of it for this RO since he was silly enough to identify himself after all his shit was on file with the police.

03-11-21, 20:52
When you go to court it is you against the plaintiff. "authorities " are not collecting evidence against you. This is not a criminal sting like a prostitution bust. Now her lawyer if he is aware of his forum posts may print them out and use them in court but it isn't something the cops are doing. I have seen this rodeo before. I'm telling you how it works. You can piss off a provider say by leaving a bad review somewhere and she can go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant and lie. Maybe say you were stalking her or assaulted her and have you arrested. If you have an RO against you, you can be arrested if you get within so many feet of her or her workplace. You aren't even allowed to contact her by phone. I had a restraining order against a crazy girlfriend I once had and she was stupid enough to leave harassing messages on my answering machine which I used against her in court.You have no idea what you're speaking about. Just quit. This misinformation is baseless. If you ever went thru an equitable proceeding, I can say for certain it does not happen at all like you're describing. Perhaps this happened to you in The Ukraine???

03-11-21, 21:51
You have no idea what you're speaking about. Just quit. This misinformation is baseless. If you ever went thru an equitable proceeding, I can say for certain it does not happen at all like you're describing. Perhaps this happened to you in The Ukraine???It's civil not criminal and varies by state so me thinks you are the one that has no clue. Anyone can petition for any reason for a temporary injunction. That does not make the recipient guilty nor petitioner righteous.

You're flat out ignorant.

Macho Manny
03-11-21, 22:27
It's civil not criminal and varies by state so me thinks you are the one that has no clue. Anyone can petition for any reason for a temporary injunction. That does not make the recipient guilty nor petitioner righteous.

You're flat out ignorant.In this situation, the girl (Indigo) most likely filed an initial Civil No-Contact Order (an ex parte order). This will go in affect immediately and will last for 10 days. After the 10 days she would need to go to court to seek a permanent order. To gain the permanent order, she would then need to provide evidence. I don't think it would be hard for her to provide the evidence if she hasn't provided it already. Anyone who frequents this forum knows all about FunderJ and how he was banned from seeing his "Italian Princess" months ago and obviously ignored her request to a point where she had to file the No-Contact Restraining Order.

Instead of you guys having a pissing contest about who knows more about restraining orders, how about focusing on making sure FunderJ realizes the trouble he is setting himself up for. Who knows how far he might take it.

03-12-21, 08:09
It's civil not criminal and varies by state so me thinks you are the one that has no clue. Anyone can petition for any reason for a temporary injunction. That does not make the recipient guilty nor petitioner righteous.

You're flat out ignorant.He's technically right. It's equitable due to the remedy of enforcing conduct. Criminal is fines or jail time, mostly probation for first time offenders. Civil is money. Equitable, per NC constitution, is where a judge can issue decrees providing for protections, like foreclosure, writ of prohibition, writ of mandamus or injunctions- restraining orders. From English common law, but due process is provided. Just so you know the guy in question offered no testimony at the hearing for fear of incriminating himself. Ask him? But nothing will be convincing to you who wish to justify harassing ladies and blaming cops. It's called cognitive dissonance, you know it's right but your mangled motives to victimize ladies that don't idolize you is a stronger instinct due to having no positive female role models in your life. You probably saw all females in your family abused and this is your comfy zone. I agree that your legal misinformation only makes you look less convincing. I'd cease while your posts are still read at all.

NC Transplant
03-12-21, 08:24
YOU are the one that has NO CLUE. I have been to this rodeo. I have been served and had a restraining order served. It has been years ago but not that many years that the laws have changed. Any girl can find out who you are and go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant and when you go to court it is you against her. It is basically your word against theirs. The judge listens to both sides and looks at your record and looks at hers. In my case she had a record a mile long that I didn't know about and I was clean. Plus the judge caught her in many lies. I won my case against her while she lost hers against me.

Take your stupid bullshit somewhere else. I have lived through this. I know how it worked. If you never took out a restraining order against somebody or had one served on you then shut the fuck up. Most of the time it is the damn Sheriff that serves the warrant. Anybody can go to the magistrate and lie their ass off and have you arrested. I know. I have been there.

You have no idea what you're speaking about. Just quit. This misinformation is baseless. If you ever went thru an equitable proceeding, I can say for certain it does not happen at all like you're describing. Perhaps this happened to you in The Ukraine???

Macho Manny
03-12-21, 08:28
YOU are the one that has NO CLUE. I have been to this rodeo. I have been served and had a restraining order served. It has been years ago but not that many years that the laws have changed. Any girl can find out who you are and go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant and when you go to court it is you against her. It is basically your word against theirs. The judge listens to both sides and looks at your record and looks at hers. In my case she had a record a mile long that I didn't know about and I was clean. Plus the judge caught her in many lies. I won my case against her while she lost hers against me.

Take your stupid bullshit somewhere else. I have lived through this. I know how it worked. If you never took out a restraining order against somebody or had one served on you then shut the fuck up. Most of the time it is the damn Sheriff that serves the warrant. Anybody can go to the magistrate and lie their ass off and have you arrested. I know. I have been there.Everything NCT is saying is spot on. In no way has he been defending the monger for his actions he was just joining in the conversation and everything he is saying is totally correct. Now for some of these other posts I would say some people are jumping off the deep end like they got a stake in the situation.

03-12-21, 08:50
YOU are the one that has NO CLUE. I have been to this rodeo. I have been served and had a restraining order served. It has been years ago but not that many years that the laws have changed. Any girl can find out who you are and go to the magistrate and swear out a warrant and when you go to court it is you against her. It is basically your word against theirs. The judge listens to both sides and looks at your record and looks at hers. In my case she had a record a mile long that I didn't know about and I was clean. Plus the judge caught her in many lies. I won my case against her while she lost hers against me.

Take your stupid bullshit somewhere else. I have lived through this. I know how it worked. If you never took out a restraining order against somebody or had one served on you then shut the fuck up. Most of the time it is the damn Sheriff that serves the warrant. Anybody can go to the magistrate and lie their ass off and have you arrested. I know. I have been there.LOL! You ain't mad is you? I've had my laughs, but it seems to have hit a nerve. My mind is back on normal subjects. Keep in denegrating ladies but remember you ol friend Cooch who tried to redeem you? LOL!!

03-12-21, 09:39
He's technically right. It's equitable due to the remedy of enforcing conduct. Criminal is fines or jail time, mostly probation for first time offenders. Civil is money. Equitable, per NC constitution, is where a judge can issue decrees providing for protections, like foreclosure, writ of prohibition, writ of mandamus or injunctions- restraining orders. From English common law, but due process is provided. Just so you know the guy in question offered no testimony at the hearing for fear of incriminating himself. Ask him? But nothing will be convincing to you who wish to justify harassing ladies and blaming cops. It's called cognitive dissonance, you know it's right but your mangled motives to victimize ladies that don't idolize you is a stronger instinct due to having no positive female role models in your life. You probably saw all females in your family abused and this is your comfy zone. I agree that your legal misinformation only makes you look less convincing. I'd cease while your posts are still read at all.I posted multiple times that he crossed the line / fucked up and believe (hope) he realizes it. I've never justified harassing anyone but sweet strawman. But way to presume you know me or my upbringing. I couldn't care less if you read my posts. The ignore button is a beautiful thing.

But if you want to continue to insult my family, I'd be more than happy to handle our disagreement offline.

NC Transplant
03-12-21, 12:36
Until you have some CRAZY ass woman go to the magistrate with total LIES and have you arrested at work and hauled to jail, you have NO BUSINESS telling me that I am spreading misinformation. I am no lawyer but I know first hand what happened to me and it was one of the most stressful times in my life. I don't denigrate ladies. I ran across one that manipulated and used me. I know someone can accuse you of anything and have you arrested and put a restraining order on you. Now taking those LIES to court has consequences which she found out the hard way. I have never had the cops at my house until I was involved with her and they have never been to my house since and 2 different women that I have lived with came to my defense and were willing to go to court on my behalf.

LEO is not the one that is going to be looking into this case. When it goes to court it is her word against his. Yea this is a sensitive subject. I went through pure hell for about 6 months and for someone to come along and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about? It just rubs me the wrong way. I have lived this shit.

Oh for the record, this happened in Charlotte. NOT Ukraine.

LOL! You ain't mad is you? I've had my laughs, but it seems to have hit a nerve. My mind is back on normal subjects. Keep in denegrating ladies but remember you ol friend Cooch who tried to redeem you? LOL!!

03-12-21, 13:19
Until you have some CRAZY ass woman go to the magistrate with total LIES and have you arrested at work and hauled to jail, you have NO BUSINESS telling me that I am spreading misinformation. I am no lawyer but I know first hand what happened to me and it was one of the most stressful times in my life. I don't denigrate ladies. I ran across one that manipulated and used me. I know someone can accuse you of anything and have you arrested and put a restraining order on you. Now taking those LIES to court has consequences which she found out the hard way. I have never had the cops at my house until I was involved with her and they have never been to my house since and 2 different women that I have lived with came to my defense and were willing to go to court on my behalf.

LEO is not the one that is going to be looking into this case. When it goes to court it is her word against his. Yea this is a sensitive subject. I went through pure hell for about 6 months and for someone to come along and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about? It just rubs me the wrong way. I have lived this shit.

Oh for the record, this happened in Charlotte. NOT Ukraine.Had a similar experience which caused a lot of sleepless nights and a few thousand in lawyer fees.

03-12-21, 13:22
Until you have some CRAZY ass woman go to the magistrate with total LIES and have you arrested at work and hauled to jail, you have NO BUSINESS telling me that I am spreading misinformation. I am no lawyer but I know first hand what happened to me and it was one of the most stressful times in my life. I don't denigrate ladies. I ran across one that manipulated and used me. I know someone can accuse you of anything and have you arrested and put a restraining order on you. Now taking those LIES to court has consequences which she found out the hard way. I have never had the cops at my house until I was involved with her and they have never been to my house since and 2 different women that I have lived with came to my defense and were willing to go to court on my behalf.

LEO is not the one that is going to be looking into this case. When it goes to court it is her word against his. Yea this is a sensitive subject. I went through pure hell for about 6 months and for someone to come along and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about? It just rubs me the wrong way. I have lived this shit.

Oh for the record, this happened in Charlotte. NOT Ukraine.My point as well that a temporary injunction can be issued by a judge on hearsay / petitioner's story alone. If granted, then you go to court. Not sure how these White Knights are conflating that anyone is defending the poster's actions that kicked this entire thing off.

But a quick post search history of some of these guys will show words like "****", "skanks", etc. Such gentlemen would never disparage these fine ladies. The hypocrisy is strong with some.

03-12-21, 15:58
I posted multiple times that he crossed the line / fucked up and believe (hope) he realizes it. I've never justified harassing anyone but sweet strawman. But way to presume you know me or my upbringing. I couldn't care less if you read my posts. The ignore button is a beautiful thing.

But if you want to continue to insult my family, I'd be more than happy to handle our disagreement offline.Yes I did cross the line and F Up. I do realize it. I still appreciate you and Manny defending me. As far as everyone else who continues to bash me, go ahead and keep it up because I deserve the bashing.

NC Transplant
03-12-21, 20:19
It doesn't even take a judge. A simple trip to the magistrate is all that is required to get a restraining order. Then you go to court.

My point as well that a temporary injunction can be issued by a judge on hearsay / petitioner's story alone. If granted, then you go to court. Not sure how these White Knights are conflating that anyone is defending the poster's actions that kicked this entire thing off.

But a quick post search history of some of these guys will show words like "****", "skanks", etc. Such gentlemen would never disparage these fine ladies. The hypocrisy is strong with some.

NC Transplant
03-12-21, 20:20
Same here. Lawyers don't come cheap.

Had a similar experience which caused a lot of sleepless nights and a few thousand in lawyer fees.

NC Transplant
03-12-21, 20:21
We all make mistakes. I have made more than my share. Try to learn and move on.

Yes I did cross the line and F Up. I do realize it. I still appreciate you and Manny defending me. As far as everyone else who continues to bash me, go ahead and keep it up because I deserve the bashing.

03-18-21, 22:15
Everything NCT is saying is spot on. In no way has he been defending the monger for his actions he was just joining in the conversation and everything he is saying is totally correct. Now for some of these other posts I would say some people are jumping off the deep end like they got a stake in the situation.Macho why don't you ever post anything about experiences with providers? You always show up to attack, disparage and give negativity. Then you send these nosey pms wanting deep details on reports on service providers??

03-18-21, 23:56
We all make mistakes. I have made more than my share. Try to learn and move on.Amen to that. I am just Thankful that I am the only one who knows about some of my bigger mistakes. . . But for the grace of God. . .

I think this topic was beaten to death quite a few day ago, let's move on. However, I must say that there have been some very interesting posts that make me realize how lucky I have been in this hobby. I do genuinely feel for some of the members that have shared what must have been some very painful experiences. But, I guess that is what the board is for. . . To learn from each other and not repeat someone else's mistakes. Keep that in mind.


03-19-21, 05:27
Macho why don't you ever post anything about experiences with providers? You always show up to attack, disparage and give negativity. Then you send these nosey pms wanting deep details on reports on service providers??Careful he may call for back up.

03-19-21, 08:58
So. I'm definitely on the side of criticizing this dude for his actions and what not, but he hasn't posted in like a week. For a guy that I don't think went more than 8 hours without adding some sort of comment in the last year that's a bit strange. I hope nothing serious happened and he's just taking some time off to collect himself or get help.

03-19-21, 09:16
Careful he may call for back up.I sent the details about how Bookwood guy found out. He was interpreter in Iraq with brother's unit and that's how I found out.

03-19-21, 12:36
So. I'm definitely on the side of criticizing this dude for his actions and what not, but he hasn't posted in like a week. For a guy that I don't think went more than 8 hours without adding some sort of comment in the last year that's a bit strange. I hope nothing serious happened and he's just taking some time off to collect himself or get help.Right now I am feeling down and defeated knowing that I will never see the most beautiful lady in Charlotte again. A lot of my comments are made tongue in cheek but I am 100% serious about this. Right now, I'm waiting for her 2 protectors or home boys to try to take me out. If they succeed, I know that I will never be found. I still appreciate you being concerned for my well being.

As long as the admin and mods allow it, the members need to continue bashing me for my ignorance and stupidity. However, there are 2 certain senior members that I strongly suggest keep their comments to their selves.

03-19-21, 17:45
Right now, I'm waiting for her 2 protectors or home boys to try to take me out. If they succeed, I know that I will never be found.Leave her alone and the will not have a reason to mess with you.

03-19-21, 18:29
Right now, I'm waiting for her 2 protectors or home boys to try to take me out. If they succeed, I know that I will never be found. I still appreciate you being concerned for my well being.Dude, you said they were chumps. And if that wasn't true and you really are concerned, call the cops / get a protection order.


03-20-21, 01:44
Right now I am feeling down and defeated knowing that I will never see the most beautiful lady in Charlotte again. A lot of my comments are made tongue in cheek but I am 100% serious about this. Right now, I'm waiting for her 2 protectors or home boys to try to take me out. If they succeed, I know that I will never be found. I still appreciate you being concerned for my well being.

As long as the admin and mods allow it, the members need to continue bashing me for my ignorance and stupidity. However, there are 2 certain senior members that I strongly suggest keep their comments to their selves.Dude, the upside is that you didn't make any mistakes serious enough to cost you your freedom or anything. Right now you're in your feelings right, which I understand, but you can recover. Find a good psych person to talk to, I'd recommend a male one just given the subject and hobby, and they'll help you build a toolkit and systems to get past those feelings and help you get focused. Remember they are bound by Dr. Patient confidentiality so it's not like they going to call Uncle on ya or some shit.

03-20-21, 06:47
My point as well that a temporary injunction can be issued by a judge on hearsay / petitioner's story alone. If granted, then you go to court. Not sure how these White Knights are conflating that anyone is defending the poster's actions that kicked this entire thing off.

But a quick post search history of some of these guys will show words like "****", "skanks", etc. Such gentlemen would never disparage these fine ladies. The hypocrisy is strong with some.I take it you can represent FunderJ? I know you are flooding the board with legal insight. This exhibition of legal experience cannot be wasted. I call upon you to help this monger in his hour of need. I believe you when you say this lady trumped this case up. Now go and deploy your vast skills to right this wrong.

03-20-21, 09:06
Right now I am feeling down and defeated knowing that I will never see the most beautiful lady in Charlotte again. A lot of my comments are made tongue in cheek but I am 100% serious about this. Right now, I'm waiting for her 2 protectors or home boys to try to take me out. If they succeed, I know that I will never be found. I still appreciate you being concerned for my well being.

As long as the admin and mods allow it, the members need to continue bashing me for my ignorance and stupidity. However, there are 2 certain senior members that I strongly suggest keep their comments to their selves.I'm going to echo Jack on this one; falling in love happens. Falling in love with a hooker even happens once in a while. Stalking and obsessing after she tells you to stay away is a problem though. I would really suggest you go find a qualified therapist to talk to a bit. There's nothing wrong with getting some help with setting your brain straight.

03-20-21, 09:49
I'm getting free and good advice on this board. There is no use for me to pay a therapist to tell me what all of you have been telling me to do. Basically I just need to suck it up and man up. I'm not the only man that's acted foolish because of a woman and I certainly won't be the last.

I'm going to echo Jack on this one; falling in love happens. Falling in love with a hooker even happens once in a while. Stalking and obsessing after she tells you to stay away is a problem though. I would really suggest you go find a qualified therapist to talk to a bit. There's nothing wrong with getting some help with setting your brain straight.

Dude, the upside is that you didn't make any mistakes serious enough to cost you your freedom or anything. Right now you're in your feelings right, which I understand, but you can recover. Find a good psych person to talk to, I'd recommend a male one just given the subject and hobby, and they'll help you build a toolkit and systems to get past those feelings and help you get focused. Remember they are bound by Dr. Patient confidentiality so it's not like they going to call Uncle on ya or some shit.

03-20-21, 09:59
Dude, you said they were chumps. And if that wasn't true and you really are concerned, call the cops / get a protection order.

#circleoflife.That's true, 2 of them are weak chumps. As I said last week, I'm more terrified of the Chihuahuas. But enough of them together could snatch me up and throw me off the South 485 overpass.

03-20-21, 10:56
Lets be honest. Funder's posts alone are enough for any sane person to seek out a restraining order. The mentality he openly shares on here is dangerous and honestly he should stop seeing providers if he can't respect boundaries. This isn't bashing or anything else, its just being honest. When you're openly saying that you ignore boundaries, ignored "no's", and are attempting to ignore orders to stay away from someone you've entered into the category of being a predator. Absolutely nothing about this is "normal" lol

Lines have been crossed and nobody should be defending anything that he's talking about. 1 incident from a situation like that is enough to cause a big crackdown and headlines.

03-20-21, 10:58
Looks like there's a pound of therapeutic and legal advice here. I'm not sure what topics are supposed to be covered? I feel bad for Fundercat but I'd like to move onto a mongering related talk. I know if I get in a bind I'm going to pm all the therapists and lawyers here! (Not!

That said, I've noticed a lot more LEO activity at the hotels lately. I suppose it has to do with the Atl massacre unless you know about it more. I went to a hotel near the airport last night and saw at least 5 units circling. I left. Would like to know if something is going on.

03-20-21, 12:14
Macho why don't you ever post anything about experiences with providers? You always show up to attack, disparage and give negativity. Then you send these nosey pms wanting deep details on reports on service providers??Macho is Manny enough to defend hisself but he has posted about his good experience with Ginger. He has recommended her several times.

03-20-21, 13:10
I posted multiple times that he crossed the line / fucked up and believe (hope) he realizes it. I've never justified harassing anyone but sweet strawman. But way to presume you know me or my upbringing. I couldn't care less if you read my posts. The ignore button is a beautiful thing.

But if you want to continue to insult my family, I'd be more than happy to handle our disagreement offline.I'm your huckleberry.

03-20-21, 15:02
Macho is Manny enough to defend hisself but he has posted about his good experience with Ginger. He has recommended her several times.How you doing sir? Manny is a snitch. But I know you are a good judge of character from all I've read. I'll just leave it at that good man that you are.

03-20-21, 15:21
Looks like there's a pound of therapeutic and legal advice here. I'm not sure what topics are supposed to be covered? I feel bad for Fundercat but I'd like to move onto a mongering related talk. I know if I get in a bind I'm going to pm all the therapists and lawyers here! (Not!

That said, I've noticed a lot more LEO activity at the hotels lately. I suppose it has to do with the Atl massacre unless you know about it more. I went to a hotel near the airport last night and saw at least 5 units circling. I left. Would like to know if something is going on.A little dust up last night at Days Inn area. A guy argued with his wife and her boyfriend. Do t know the whole story just what I heard from security guard at airport while making a drop off.

03-20-21, 16:55
Looks like there's a pound of therapeutic and legal advice here. I'm not sure what topics are supposed to be covered? I feel bad for Fundercat but I'd like to move onto a mongering related talk. I know if I get in a bind I'm going to pm all the therapists and lawyers here! (Not!

That said, I've noticed a lot more LEO activity at the hotels lately. I suppose it has to do with the Atl massacre unless you know about it more. I went to a hotel near the airport last night and saw at least 5 units circling. I left. Would like to know if something is going on.I have been out of town about a month, I feel bad For FunderJ as well, Most of these girls have bad Habits, we all know that. So for her to Supposedly Take action against him and 2 guys protect Her (If I understand Correctly) Is a Threat.

I would pay the money seek an Atty and a PI. I'm sure she probably has Illegal issues as well which is why she probably does what she does. Just my Guess, but the PI and Atty will figure that out. This would all be brought to Light when a Civil case is held, which could.

Turn into a Criminal Case after the evidence FunderJ legal team could discover, If he chose to go that route. If she does that to him don't think she want do that to someone else, she could be watched now by LEO, Who Knows. And NO I'm not defending FunderJ actions, WE all fall in love for some of the wrong Reasons, My second head takes control first, after I'm satisfied Which rarely happens, My other head lets me know I Screwed UP, looks to me like she could bring more unwanted attention to her by doing this, But just my Thought.

On a second note anyone know what's up with the Gastonia undercover Sting on Feb 3 2021 that lead to multiple Cases, but for some reason no Arrest were announced, You can google it to find out more.

Be Safe,

Macho Manny
03-20-21, 19:15
I have been out of town about a month, I feel bad For FunderJ as well, Most of these girls have bad Habits, we all know that. So for her to Supposedly Take action against him and 2 guys protect Her (If I understand Correctly) Is a Threat.

I would pay the money seek an Atty and a PI. I'm sure she probably has Illegal issues as well which is why she probably does what she does. Just my Guess, but the PI and Atty will figure that out. This would all be brought to Light when a Civil case is held, which could.

Turn into a Criminal Case after the evidence FunderJ legal team could discover, If he chose to go that route. If she does that to him don't think she want do that to someone else, she could be watched now by LEO, Who Knows. And NO I'm not defending FunderJ actions, WE all fall in love for some of the wrong Reasons, My second head takes control first, after I'm satisfied Which rarely happens, My other head lets me know I Screwed UP, looks to me like she could bring more unwanted attention to her by doing this, But just my Thought.

On a second note anyone know what's up with the Gastonia undercover Sting on Feb 3 2021 that lead to multiple Cases, but for some reason no Arrest were announced, You can google it to find out more.

Be Safe,Give me a break. If you have spent any time on this site reading how obsessed FunderJ has been about Indigo (and Jess now for that matter), you would know he has issues and I guarantee did something to warrant her not wanting him to stalk her anymore. He's even admitted he messed up. If you want to feel sorry for him, feel sorry that he needs help with his obsessive behavior towards these girls.