View Full Version : SA / SB info

06-06-18, 16:59
Kinda new to Denver, wondering if there's any info on SB's, please share, thanks!

06-14-18, 10:27
I have names to trade on SA if anyones interested.

06-14-18, 17:07
I have names to trade on SA if anyones interested.Yes! Denver is HUGE but this board is dead! TOB is working great, but would be interested in some SA info for sure. Thanks!

09-28-18, 20:49
I had a great SB relationship and then she moved to Denver. A gift to you, https://www.seeking.com/member/3000e5df-e261-45cd-9018-687fc60ccace.

10-01-18, 22:56
Interested in getting this forum more active and in sharing intel on SA SBs. I have profiles to share for same.

10-02-18, 10:07
I would be interested in getting this going as well. I've made some contacts, but so far nothing real. It seems harder here than in Chicago.

Interested in getting this forum more active and in sharing intel on SA SBs. I have profiles to share for same.

10-06-18, 13:36
Signed up for SA and have been having mixed results. Got the first lady I messaged over to the hotel but it was her first time ever doing anything like this and panicked. Told her no hard feelings and sent her on her way. Real shame because she is exactly my type and hot as hell.

Been chatting with quite a few others but several have ghosted, a few weren't interested in short term, and still working on a few others.

Hopefully I'll be able to work something out before heading back home in the morning.

10-06-18, 14:27
Hey looking for local contacts.

Looks like the board is dead.

Ill post as I get some info.

Would really appreciate any leads.

10-06-18, 19:16

Getting good vibes.

Will post if it works out.

The Hunk
10-06-18, 20:57
Nice to see this board growing. I am in the same boat. Made a few contacts but yet to have any action. If you want to PM me I can share my contacts. Planning to meet one tomm.

Signed up for SA and have been having mixed results. Got the first lady I messaged over to the hotel but it was her first time ever doing anything like this and panicked. Told her no hard feelings and sent her on her way. Real shame because she is exactly my type and hot as hell.

Been chatting with quite a few others but several have ghosted, a few weren't interested in short term, and still working on a few others.

Hopefully I'll be able to work something out before heading back home in the morning.

Orient Longman
10-08-18, 00:19
Has anyone tried WhatsYourPrice? Seems to be affiliated with SA.

I don't want to upload my pic on WYP and hence have not been able to complete my profile on there. Looks like instead of paying a monthly / periodic subscription, WSP wants you to buy "credits" that can be used for contacting gals.

Will post more info once I figure out how to get around the picture required restriction.

10-08-18, 18:58
Has anyone tried WhatsYourPrice? Seems to be affiliated with SA.

I don't want to upload my pic on WYP and hence have not been able to complete my profile on there. Looks like instead of paying a monthly / periodic subscription, WSP wants you to buy "credits" that can be used for contacting gals.

Will post more info once I figure out how to get around the picture required restriction.If you are single and have the time it may be ok. And you may find some hidden gems but mostly the girls are almost the same. Better off with SA on and off.

Get contacts and take your nego. Off site.

Better value for your money.

My 2 cents.

10-11-18, 08:51
Nice to see this board growing. I am in the same boat. Made a few contacts but yet to have any action. If you want to PM me I can share my contacts. Planning to meet one tomm.Let me know.

The Hunk
10-12-18, 02:22
Let me know.I did. She was hot in a milfy way and was nice to talk to as well. Didn't go all the way yet. Played it easy for the 1st date. Hoping to close the deal in next meet.

10-12-18, 19:51
So met one Sb today. She is a 28 year old in between jobs. Seems nice and is open to action. Couldn't partake due to time constraints.

She is actually open to all openings and seems very kinky. Bit of flab.

Will post when I seal the deal. Looking for 3 $ but I think she would come down to 2.

10-21-18, 12:24

Big time GPS.

11-02-18, 20:38

Wants money upfront "to pick up food".

12-20-18, 16:17

Big time GPS.You would go for it, wouldn't you?

12-31-18, 19:51
Requesting $1500 for dinner & "dessert. " Too rich for my blood.


03-07-19, 13:07
The first high activity time of the year is happening in the next two weeks. Spring break is upon us and new faces will start popping up on Seeking.

Week one they will start high and you just have to hold back to keep them reasonable. Be nice but tell them $4 to $5 is not reasonable unless it is for a a whole weekend.

I hold the line at $2 for a few hours of fun. Week two will reveal the ones that did not think about expenses before hand and can see that they will be on a tight budget. That's where you negotiate something fun and reasonable.

A fellow hobbyist told me this a few years ago and I started capitalizing on it two years ago; it is like escorts when rent is due. You may have several negotiating with you at the same time. Last year I was talking with a see you Boulder coed who had "men / women" on her profile. She wanted 400; told her that there were a lot of girls out there because of spring break. We settled on $2 for a few hours. I mentioned that I saw she liked girls also and she responded that she liked threesomes and her roommate was hot and playful. Ended up with both for $350 for an afternoon. And they we fun, hot and very interactive with one another.

03-16-19, 09:25
Here is What I've Learned So Far. (Blarharse).

After jamming on SA hard as fuck for a week, here are things I have learned:

1. If you're searching for Latinas, only check the "Slim" box because every other box means fat-ass. An "athletic" Latina does not look like the captain of the swim team. (MOSTLY TRUE).

2. Fully 1/3 of female accounts must be bots. They include one photo, invariably a beautiful selfie or headshot, and a brief one-sentence profile consisting of some generic copy. They never reply. They also tend to list multiple locations, so the site gets more bang for the buck from the labor whom they are paying to create these fake profiles. (FALSE).

3. Any chick who initiates a DM is either a pro, a pig, or living in an impoverished country. (FALSE).

4. After a week on the site, 27 looks old as fuck to me. (VERY TRUE).

5. After you favorite a chick, DM with her, text with her, exchange additional pics, agree on a type of arrangement and then make plans to meet, 50% flake at that moment. Not before, not after. Right at the moment of commitment. (SLOW DOWN A LITTLE).

6. The more copy a chick writes in her profile, the crazier she is. (VERY TRUE).

7. The non-pros on the site really, really, really want to find some way to have a significant amount of non-transactional conversation with you so they can pretend that they're not engaged in the world's oldest profession. (LOL TRUE).

8. After a while, you can read an entire profile in 5 seconds. They are so repetitious as to defy belief. (TRUE).

9. The large majority of chicks don't fill in the "Seeking" portion of their profile. (MANY OF THOSE ARE JUST THE NEW PROFILES).

10. The most satisfying comment I've heard yet from a chick was after I described, in detail, exactly what I wanted from an arrangement. After about a minute, she texted back, "I'm down for the ride. ". (STICK AROUND, IT HAPPENS A LOT).

11. Any chick who shows big boobs in her pix who does not share a full body shot has a fat tummy. (TRUE).

12. If a SB says 21, she's 21. If a SB says 22 or 23, she either means it or she's 25-26. If a SB says 24, she might be 30. There are some hard-looking 24's out there, my friends. If a SB says anything older than 24, YMMV. (MOSTLY TRUE).

13. Every coffee date I've had leads to fucking. I think a lot of SD's must be grotesque monsters. (EVERY DATE?, YOU MUST BE A GOOD PAYER).

14. Every SB has tattoos and / or piercings unless she says specifically in her profile "no tattoos or piercings" (TRUE).

15. There are 4 main categories of SB's in the 18-24 age range of Whites, Asians and Latinas. They are either: (1) straight-up hookers; (2) college girls who are too lazy to get jobs; (3) single moms who are struggling; or (4) very pretty girls who are kind of amazed that a rockstar or billionaire hasn't already found them and thrown Ferraris at them. (AND GIRLS THAT JUST WANT SOME ADVENTURE IN THEIR LIVES, THEY ARE THE BEST).

16. There is no nudity on the site at all, not in public pix or private pix. Almost no SB's, including the straight-up hookers, like to text nudes. I've texted with 100 SB's and haven't received a single nude pic. I don't ask for them, but they don't offer them, even when they're completely DTF. (RARE, BUT IT HAPPENS, MOSTLY ALL PROS).

17. The Bowl is fucking addictive, like crack. Do I want to check to see if there are any new hot 20 year-olds in the area who are DTF? Why, yes. Yes, I do. Every 5 minutes. (TRUE).

18. Some chicks deactivate their accounts and set up new accounts with the same pix. I see this every day; some new profile with pix that I remember seeing recently. Maybe they're bots or maybe bitches be crazy, but this is definitely happening. (OR SOMETIMES THEY KICKED OFF AND HAVE TO MAKE A NEW PROFILE, OR THEY JUST LOSE THEIR PASSWORD).

19.18 year-old on SA are not looking to fuck. They are just playing around and then bailing out. (HALF-TRUE)(AND ALWAYS ASK FOR STATE ISSUED I'd BEFORE YOU MEET IF THIS IS YOUR TARGET AGE).

20. You don't want to live too far away from a SB, but you also don't want to live too close. I made a coffee date with a girl and she asked me to pick her up at her address, which turned out to be 0. 2 miles from my house, according to Google Maps. It was a 5-minute walk from my house. When I told her that, she instantly blocked my profile. (TRUE, BUT NEVER TELL THEM WHERE YOU LIVE ANYWAY, EXCEPT GENERICALLY).

03-24-19, 09:43
Requesting $1500 for dinner & "dessert. " Too rich for my blood.

https://www.seeking.com/member/bfaf90a6-2b41-47fc-9247-52b8084664f3Yeah, either she's getting people to pay that, or she's not real interested in getting any $$, because it's still her going rate.

03-30-19, 12:01
Just wanted to say thanks for a great overview of SA, you really understand the landscape. It can be fun, but like most things in life, you get our of it what you put in to it, it can take some time. Sorting though the pros is the most challenging part for me. My rule of thumb is. If they never ask to see you photo, you are dealing with a pro. If you find a good SB, hang on if you can they are hard to come by. And yes the site is 100% additive. I am headed to Denver the week after next and just casting my line in the water.

Here is What I've Learned So Far. (Blarharse).

After jamming on SA hard as fuck for a week, here are things I have learned:

1. If you're searching for Latinas, only check the "Slim" box because every other box means fat-ass. An "athletic" Latina does not look like the captain of the swim team. (MOSTLY TRUE).

2. Fully 1/3 of female accounts must be bots. They include one photo, invariably a beautiful selfie or headshot, and a brief one-sentence profile consisting of some generic copy. They never reply. They also tend to list multiple locations, so the site gets more bang for the buck from the labor whom they are paying to create these fake profiles. (FALSE).

3. Any chick who initiates a DM is either a pro, a pig, or living in an impoverished country. (FALSE).

4. After a week on the site, 27 looks old as fuck to me. (VERY TRUE).

5. After you favorite a chick, DM with her, text with her, exchange additional pics, agree on a type of arrangement and then make plans to meet, 50% flake at that moment. Not before, not after. Right at the moment of commitment. (SLOW DOWN A LITTLE)...

04-09-19, 14:16
Just curious if anyone has any experience with her? https://www.seeking.com/member/2fed936e-18b6-4d0c-a838-6adca16eb3c2.

04-22-19, 11:09
I've been playing in the SD / SB pool for over a dozen years now and I have some small experience. Some observations on it:

The sugar sites would have you believe that they are overflowing with college nymphs with gym-tightened buxom figures, bright minds, daddy issues, outgoing-but-submissive personalities, and tight budgets. They're genuinely happy to supplement their student aid loans by giving it up to you so long as they feel like it's a date and not a transaction.

There ARE such girls there. But most of them have the personality of a sheet of drywall. Or worse. And where there is personality it is an entitled, my-shit-don't-stink attitude and overblown idea of their own looks / smarts / maturity. (Yeah, sweetie, you're so classy with that lip ring, purple hair, nose stud and full chest-plate tattoo. Let's dress you in a strappy little black dress and parade you on my arm at my company Christmas party!) Add to that a profound lack of knowledge and experience in the subtleties of pleasing a man and I quickly lose interest.

The few that can actually walk the SB talk are in high demand by the very limited number of SDs who can actually walk the financial talk.

That leave the rest. Women from every walk of life, every age, every level of appearance and physique, and every economic strata who have heard the sugar hype and are looking to trading their ass for dollars. We men are no better since we're making the same trade so no complaints about misogyny. There are also a lot of pros now--even more since FOSTA-SESTA and resultant loss of their marketing sites TER, backpage, P411, craigslist, etc. This mishmash of women attracts every $40,000 millionaire around, a contingent looking for cheap easy tail and who treat every woman on the site as if they're just a $20 swan. Which runs off the real SBs and only makes it that much harder on guys who are actually looking for more than a one-and-done.

In other words, it's a real life cross-section on the American psyche today, for both genders.

Weeding through it can be a lot of work, depending on what you're looking for. But for those that want something different, have different standards, can't find what they want on the remaining * boards, or don't have enough game for tinder, it can certainly be an option. Not a cheap one, but an option.

I have truly succeeded a few times in 12 years. A disgruntled 35 year old housewife that I banged multiple times per week for 4 years. A smoking hot kinky 27 year old nurse who said, "Is it really this hard to find a nice guy to pull my hair and smack my ass?" That lasted 18 months. Several way-above-my-pay-grade young hotties that lasted no longer than 3-6 months but then found boyfriends their own age. And a current submissive 23 year old who is working three jobs while taking a year off from Colorado School of Mines.

So a real SD / SB relationship can happen, I am proof. But I drank a lot of Starbucks coffee at piss poor meet and greets to get there.

04-22-19, 15:06
I've been playing in the SD / SB pool for over a dozen years now and I have some small experience. Some observations on it:

The sugar sites would have you believe that they are overflowing with college nymphs with gym-tightened buxom figures, bright minds, daddy issues, outgoing-but-submissive personalities, and tight budgets. They're genuinely happy to supplement their student aid loans by giving it up to you so long as they feel like it's a date and not a transaction..Good re-cap. I have been going at it for about 2 years after all of the escort services in the ATL were busted. This has been so much better, but takes so much more time and effort.

What's funny is I have found that my area IS overflowing with college nymphs with gym-tightened buxom figures, bright minds, daddy issues, outgoing-but-submissive personalities, and tight budgets and I have sampled the best of the best. I am just in a perfect storm. Small town where the college IS the town. Most of the men who could actually afford this won't risk it because they work for the college and would be gone in an instant. Leaving just a handful of local daddies to get the picks of the litter. So, the marketing / concept is real, it just isn't real everywhere.

04-22-19, 16:50
One of the best parts of CL was that despite all the real pros there was a plethora of boarderline UTR girls just trying to make an easy buck. Would it be safe to say these girls have migrated over to the SB scene?

04-23-19, 09:05

Been chatting with her in the DC area. She just changed her location to Denver last night. Said she's attending nursing school here in DC and will graduate next month.

Most likely a scammer. Gave me sob story of how broke she is and sent me pics one day of a blown tire saying that she was stuck and didn't know what to do etc. Almost always started off saying that she did some dumb stuff such as giving out her bank acct info or someone found her using her email, posting as an innocent victim. Just be careful with this one.

04-25-19, 12:43
What's funny is I have found that my area IS overflowing with college nymphs with gym-tightened buxom figures, bright minds, daddy issues, outgoing-but-submissive personalities, and tight budgets and I have sampled the best of the best. I am just in a perfect storm. Small town where the college IS the town.TY for the insights and knowledge from your experiences.

I work in Boulder, CO. A town where the college IS the town. Except that Google, Snap, Amazon, Cisco, Twitter, IBM, etc. All have offices there. Those tech dudes make bank, all drive Audi's and are a definitely competition for the co-ed SBs and their short little spans of attention.

05-13-19, 03:55
Looking for info on good hourly hotels in the area since I'm not big on hosting and most of the girls I'm talking to can't host.

05-24-19, 02:35
I had a great SB relationship and then she moved to Denver. A gift to you, https://www.seeking.com/member/3000e5df-e261-45cd-9018-687fc60ccace.I beg to differ. She sent me a message and then started complaining about being "lowballed" I asked her what a lowball and she said anything less than $500. That's absolutely ridiculous. She's not hot, she's even over 30. Good luck gold digging hoe.

09-29-19, 12:25
I'm coming out Denver way in the near future. Wondering if you have any reccs off of SA. Or really any good reccs from anywhere for a fun time with a sexy attractive woman. Older, younger, doesn't matter. Good performance, engaging (beyond the expected). I do like thin / slender or athletic builds without being overly top heavy.

Guess I am not asking for too much.

Thanks for any info / intel.

Member #6704
10-22-19, 07:28
Good re-cap. I have been going at it for about 2 years after all of the escort services in the ATL were busted. This has been so much better, but takes so much more time and effort.

What's funny is I have found that my area IS overflowing with college nymphs with gym-tightened buxom figures, bright minds, daddy issues, outgoing-but-submissive personalities, and tight budgets and I have sampled the best of the best. I am just in a perfect storm. Small town where the college IS the town. Most of the men who could actually afford this won't risk it because they work for the college and would be gone in an instant. Leaving just a handful of local daddies to get the picks of the litter. So, the marketing / concept is real, it just isn't real everywhere.Where is your town?

10-22-19, 19:00
I'm coming out Denver way in the near future. Wondering if you have any reccs off of SA. Or really any good reccs from anywhere for a fun time with a sexy attractive woman. Older, younger, doesn't matter. Good performance, engaging (beyond the expected). I do like thin / slender or athletic builds without being overly top heavy.

Guess I am not asking for too much.

Thanks for any info / intel.I've had luck with the 26-30 crowd in Denver. Last summer I found a couple hotties for around 300 ppm, a Latin girl with everything on the table, the other (much hotter) wanted condoms but was worth it. Just message a bunch and you will have.

12-14-19, 23:34
OK. Probably a weird post but it has been a while here in the sugar section.

This week I celebrated 9 months since my first date with my current sb. Weeded through some baaaad meet and greets but found a winner. Gave her $2 per date for the first couple months but that eventually disappeared. Have been banging bare multiple times weekly on all three holes ever since without formal compensation. Completely submissive, she is WAY bi, and not afraid the invite her schoolgirl friends into our bed. She is an early 20's rising junior at School of Mines. I do take care of her including international travel, concerts, pocket money, great meals, and slutty outfits.

It has moved so far beyond anything a guy could hope for of a stacked college-age hottie half my age.

My point is that REAL sugar babies are indeed out there. You have to kiss a lot of frogs. But the SD / sb ideal is possible.

01-05-20, 04:32
I'm going to be visiting shortly and sent out some messages looking for some SB's while I'm there. And every single response I've gotten was major GPS. Minimum $500-$1500 for PPM. And they're not even all that hot by SoCal standards. Hopefully I can find someone reasonable. Is this the norm out there?

01-05-20, 11:05
I'm going to be visiting shortly and sent out some messages looking for some SB's while I'm there. And every single response I've gotten was major GPS. Minimum $500-$1500 for PPM. And they're not even all that hot by SoCal standards. Hopefully I can find someone reasonable. Is this the norm out there?My advice is expand your search area to Boulder and Golden. Colorado School of Mines is in Golden and there is 33,000 enrollment at University of Colorado in Boulder. There area lot of hawt, out of state, sun dress worthy, daddy does not give me enough allowance sugars at University of Colorado Boulder. It is a target rich environment.

Please do make sure and share your hits and misses with us. Never too much recon.

01-05-20, 13:09
Hi, I'm interested in the concept of Sugardaddy and want to know if its worthwhile to register myself at seeking.com or tinder app? Are they good enough, or are there any better sites to look for sugarbabies?

01-05-20, 19:06
Hi, I'm interested in the concept of Sugardaddy and want to know if its worthwhile to register myself at seeking.com or tinder app? Are they good enough, or are there any better sites to look for sugarbabies?seeking.com has more registered users than all the others combined. The girls on that site know what they are looking for. You can get a week trial membership for I think $25, then it's $90 ish a month. Tinder is free but has it's limits. Lots of non sugar girls and a bunch of 4's. SA has always been good for me. Get them to text you as soon as you can. Do not discuss $$ on their messaging system.

01-16-20, 13:19
So my travels took me to Denver and I had one night to play before I hopped on a flight back home. I send out some messages to a bunch of POTs to find someone for the night. My message was clear in that it was going to be a one-night thing and that I was looking for physical intimacy. The one I picked was a cute young Latina who lived out in Boulder. Unfortunately she didn't have a car so I picked her up from my hotel near the airport, not knowing how far away it was. We had a great time back in my room, went out for a bite to eat, and I dropped her off. We never discussed donation, and I slipped $200 into her pocket before she got out of my car. She didn't count it, but apparently it wasn't enough for her because she blocked me by the time I got back to my hotel room. I didn't get a chance to screenshot her profile but her screenname is Sailor Soul.

Here's some of the other girls that responded to me:



She was my backup. Agreed to $200 PPM, but needed an uber or to be picked up in DT Denver.



Agreed to meet and intimacy. Never discussed donation but she was dtf.



Also dtf. Never discussed PPM.



DTF, never discussed PPM.



DTF, never discussed PPM.



Willing to meet, but no intimacy.



Only wanted text relationship.



Was willing to meet, never discussed donation.



Was interested in meeting but never confirmed.



Interested but never confired.

Vanessa7 baby.


Was DTF but never discussed donation or confirmed.



Major GPS. Was DTF for a few hours, said no sleepovers. Wanted $1 k ppm.



Was looking for something long-term.



Wanted $300 PPM.



DTF, wanted $1. 5 k PPM but was willing "to talk numbers" LOL.



Willing to meet, seemed DTF, never discussed donation.



Was willing to meet, but never confirmed, she might be moving soon.



Wanted $500 PPM.

01-17-20, 03:57

Thank you so very much for this valuable and current Front Range Colorado SB recon.

I have been banging on my 24 year old college coed sb from seeking 2 x per week for 11 months now. In fact, she is asleep next to me right now. Haha.

But I have been thinking of tasting some of the other flavors in the ice cream case lately. Your recon is better than anyone in Denver has shared in months and just might push me to sign back up and dip more than a toe into that yummy sugar bowl.

Much respect. And again, TY TY.

01-18-20, 02:04

I have been banging on my 24 year old college coed sb from seeking 2 x per week for 11 months now. In fact, she is asleep next to me right now. Haha.

But I have been thinking of tasting some of the other flavors in the ice cream case lately. Your recon is better than anyone in Denver has shared in months and just might push me to sign back up and dip more than a toe into that yummy sugar bowl.

Sounds like you got a good thing going on there. But I definitely understand the desire to branch out!

02-04-20, 10:01
Hello fine gentle mongers of Denver.

Redact cannot be the only one banging on sugar from Seeking. Share the knowledge!

I know I have been slow with recon of late. Actually helped my sugar move into her new apartment yesterday as the spring semester just started.

My story is that I met a college coed winner on seeking last March and have been bouncing on her bare all three holes like a trampoline for 11 months. Been together long enough that she has perfected the blowjob to exactly how I like it. Tongues the ass like her life depends on it. Deep and. Never mind, you get the point.

She started refusing sugar some time in the summer. Was probably a good move on her part as it has cost me a lot more. For example, just paid the one month rent deposit on her new place. Or the $500 for floor tickets when she said, 'Daddy, can we go see My Chemical Romance?

Who the fuck is My Chemical Romance?

02-06-20, 14:04
Greetings from the rainy east coast! I will be in Vail toward the end of February and am looking for a friend to hang out with while I'm there. There isn't much on SA, especially when they know it's short term one and done. Any suggestions? Thanks.

02-10-20, 10:27
Got a private msg asking for sugar advice. Figured I would post it public. Agree? Disagree? Different thoughts?

Sugaring is a numbers game. My experience is that I had to drink a lot of bad Starbucks coffees at meet and greets to find the winners I have dated. And I have had some absolute winners, three times in fact and they all stuck around for over a year. And current one is almost to a year.

My sugar daddy persona is confident but not cocky in initial emails. Never forget that they need you way more than you need them. And they are very replaceable.

Never and I mean never give out real world info nor let her figure out your real name, address, etc. At least if you are married like I am. I mean don't leave receipts in the car or leave her alone to look in your glove box. I won't even pay for dinner with my credit card for fear of a sugar getting a look at the card and my name.

I say this because I learned early on with a serious blackmail attempt by a sugar.

I actually created a fake Facebook profile with funny posts, friends, etc. I "accidentally" give out just enough info so that a sugar can find this profile and think it is really me.

As for what I look for:

The ones that have been on seeking for years are pros and jaded. The ones that just signed up are so inundated with guys reaching out that my chances of getting a date are low.

So instead, I look for 18 to mid 20's girls that have been on seeking for a couple months. They have had a couple guys make promises, fuck them, and disappear. They are a little skeptical and thus blown away when I am nice, real, kind, etc.

If the coffee date went well, I take them to lunch. In My suit from work. Make sure they see my BMW key. Make her feel like the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Flirty and confident but not desperate. Tell stories about the job that is similar to my real job but just a little more exotic than the truth.

This normally leads to sex that afternoon. Ideally back at her place but sometimes at a nearby hotel.

The things I look for in a long term sugar is ideally a college upperclassman that has her shit together a little bit. And ideally she has an apartment where she can host because getting two hotel rooms per week gets expensive.

That is about it. I figure over 3 months I went on 30 coffee dates, raw banged 10 of the girls randomly, and finally found one that I liked enough to choose just her.

As for money. I try to figure out a number that makes a difference in her life. Her rent payment? The amount she makes at her second job and tell her to quit the job and spend the time with me. I don't negotiate.

The current sugar of almost a year stopped taking money from me after a few months. I still take her to shows, dinners, travel, paid her deposit on new apartment. So it costs. But not like a formal allowance.

Hope that helps.

02-10-20, 12:04
Pretty new to Seeking here, any of you seasoned veterans have any tips for a newbie such as m why self on the language and hints on being a PPM arrangement?

Hello fine gentle mongers of Denver.

Redact cannot be the only one banging on sugar from Seeking. Share the knowledge!

I know I have been slow with recon of late. Actually helped my sugar move into her new apartment yesterday as the spring semester just started.

My story is that I met a college coed winner on seeking last March and have been bouncing on her bare all three holes like a trampoline for 11 months. Been together long enough that she has perfected the blowjob to exactly how I like it. Tongues the ass like her life depends on it. Deep and. Never mind, you get the point.

She started refusing sugar some time in the summer. Was probably a good move on her part as it has cost me a lot more. For example, just paid the one month rent deposit on her new place. Or the $500 for floor tickets when she said, 'Daddy, can we go see My Chemical Romance?

Who the fuck is My Chemical Romance?

02-14-20, 21:30
Got a private msg asking for sugar advice. Figured I would post it public. Agree? Disagree? Different thoughts?

Sugaring is a numbers game. My experience is that I had to drink a lot of bad Starbucks coffees at meet and greets to find the winners I have dated. And I have had some absolute winners, three times in fact and they all stuck around for over a year. And current one is almost to a year.

My sugar daddy persona is confident but not cocky in initial emails. Never forget that they need you way more than you need them. And they are very replaceable.

Never and I mean never give out real world info nor let her figure out your real name, address, etc. At least if you are married like I am. I mean don't leave receipts in the car or leave her alone to look in your glove box. I won't even pay for dinner with my credit card for fear of a sugar getting a look at the card and my name.

I say this because I learned early on with a serious blackmail attempt by a sugar.

I actually created a fake Facebook profile with funny posts, friends, etc. I "accidentally" give out just enough info so that a sugar can find this profile and think it is really me.

As for what I look for:

The ones that have been on seeking for years are pros and jaded. The ones that just signed up are so inundated with guys reaching out that my chances of getting a date are low.

So instead, I look for 18 to mid 20's girls that have been on seeking for a couple months. They have had a couple guys make promises, fuck them, and disappear. They are a little skeptical and thus blown away when I am nice, real, kind, etc.

If the coffee date went well, I take them to lunch. In My suit from work. Make sure they see my BMW key. Make her feel like the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Flirty and confident but not desperate. Tell stories about the job that is similar to my real job but just a little more exotic than the truth.

This normally leads to sex that afternoon. Ideally back at her place but sometimes at a nearby hotel.

The things I look for in a long term sugar is ideally a college upperclassman that has her shit together a little bit. And ideally she has an apartment where she can host because getting two hotel rooms per week gets expensive.

That is about it. I figure over 3 months I went on 30 coffee dates, raw banged 10 of the girls randomly, and finally found one that I liked enough to choose just her.

As for money. I try to figure out a number that makes a difference in her life. Her rent payment? The amount she makes at her second job and tell her to quit the job and spend the time with me. I don't negotiate.

The current sugar of almost a year stopped taking money from me after a few months. I still take her to shows, dinners, travel, paid her deposit on new apartment. So it costs. But not like a formal allowance.

Hope that helps.Good post. I haven't used SA in quite a while as there's plenty of ways to meet potential girls without being on the site, at least I feel that way since I travel quite a bit. No SO to worry about from my end, but I don't see any reason to hand out too much info early on. I don't expect them to either.

Curious: What happened with the blackmail event? I've seen some guys post on here they paid a girl off. I see that as a very bad precedent and doesn't make the problem go away.

02-15-20, 08:45
Good post. I haven't used SA in quite a while as there's plenty of ways to meet potential girls without being on the site, at least I feel that way since I travel quite a bit. No SO to worry about from my end, but I don't see any reason to hand out too much info early on. I don't expect them to either.

Curious: What happened with the blackmail event? I've seen some guys post on here they paid a girl off. I see that as a very bad precedent and doesn't make the problem go away.I arrived at a sugar lunch date. She had this little binder made. It contained a printout of my wife's FB page, a copy of my business webpage, and a copy of my photo with the wife from the church directory. She demanded $10 k or she was going nuclear.

I explained calmly that my business partner knew right where I was, that my wife would eventually forgive, and that blackmail was a federal crime. I literally said out loud to my phone, 'call local FBI office'.

Never seen a girl run out of a restaurant so fast. Snapped a photo of her license plate, which turned out to be temp plates from her job as a receptionist at a car dealership. Texted the photo of plates to her with the msg, 'don't fuck with me. '.

Never spoke to her again.

I may save this post and send it to all the "oh my god you have to delete this post because the chick is going nuclear" guys. None of them understand that they have way more to lose than we do and that if you give them anything at all they will never let you go.


02-15-20, 21:54
[Deleted by Admin]

Or not.

The guys who miss their nagging ex wife can DM you.


Old Sailor
03-22-20, 22:34
Seeking Arrangement.

Secret Benefits.

Others I have no idea about?

05-04-20, 20:03
So-called "Sugar Babies" are glorified hookers with a fancier title who only know too much personal identifiable information about their johns.

My comeback response to your blackmailer would have been even more hilarious, because I am evil that way.

Stick to high quality drop dead gorgeous traditional hookers who know nothing about you, except that you like your balls licked as if it was ice cream on a hot summer day.


I arrived at a sugar lunch date. She had this little binder made. It contained a printout of my wife's FB page, a copy of my business webpage, and a copy of my photo with the wife from the church directory. She demanded $10 k or she was going nuclear.

I explained calmly that my business partner knew right where I was, that my wife would eventually forgive, and that blackmail was a federal crime. I literally said out loud to my phone, 'call local FBI office'.

Never seen a girl run out of a restaurant so fast. Snapped a photo of her license plate, which turned out to be temp plates from her job as a receptionist at a car dealership. Texted the photo of plates to her with the msg, 'don't fuck with me. '.

Never spoke to her again.

I may save this post and send it to all the "oh my god you have to delete this post because the chick is going nuclear" guys. None of them understand that they have way more to lose than we do and that if you give them anything at all they will never let you go.


05-25-20, 21:36
Looking for a young guy to take on an older woman in boulder. You need to be young 20's.

12-16-20, 19:51
Spent a month on SA. Just curious and took it for a spin. Thanks to all who gave advice (very helpful!

Used a gift card / let the membership expire knowing I was only going to be on there one month. Saw my fair share of scammers on there and a bunch of ladies with serious GPS. Once you get past that, there are some true gems! I posted a a good pic (sunglasses and hat) and one good private pic and got a ton of responses. Quite overwhelming for the first week! Anyways. Got 60+ phone numbers (using burner #) and have 15+ ladies that I have seen (at least once) with a fairly good close ratio! Helped out a few with some bills. Others just wanted to get laid / date a guy who wasn't broke. My subscription has expired but I'm still riding the wave. Covid and the holidays make it quite easy as there are a bit of needy women.

12-28-20, 19:34
Spent a month on SA. Just curious and took it for a spin. Thanks to all who gave advice (very helpful!

Used a gift card / let the membership expire knowing I was only going to be on there one month. Saw my fair share of scammers on there and a bunch of ladies with serious GPS. Once you get past that, there are some true gems! I posted a a good pic (sunglasses and hat) and one good private pic and got a ton of responses. Quite overwhelming for the first week! Anyways. Got 60+ phone numbers (using burner #) and have 15+ ladies that I have seen (at least once) with a fairly good close ratio! Helped out a few with some bills. Others just wanted to get laid / date a guy who wasn't broke. My subscription has expired but I'm still riding the wave. Covid and the holidays make it quite easy as there are a bit of needy women.How did you use a gift card? I tried this and my account was suspended. (Oops LOL).

KC Questor
12-29-20, 00:05
How did you use a gift card? I tried this and my account was suspended. (Oops LOL).Not the original poster, but I use Vanilla Gift. When you buy the card you can register it online (no I'd needed) and pick a ZIP code that it will be associated with. When you register the card with Seeking you enter that ZIP code, and Seeking doesn't know it's not a regular credit card.

A $100 Vanilla card costs like $106 online (no physical card, just a number), or you can buy them at Walmart.

12-29-20, 23:25
I've always used google play cards I bought at Walmart for cash. Pay through the android app.

Not the original poster, but I use Vanilla Gift. When you buy the card you can register it online (no I'd needed) and pick a ZIP code that it will be associated with. When you register the card with Seeking you enter that ZIP code, and Seeking doesn't know it's not a regular credit card.

A $100 Vanilla card costs like $106 online (no physical card, just a number), or you can buy them at Walmart

Member #6282
01-08-21, 15:57
Spent a month on SA. Just curious and took it for a spin. Thanks to all who gave advice (very helpful!

Used a gift card / let the membership expire knowing I was only going to be on there one month. Saw my fair share of scammers on there and a bunch of ladies with serious GPS. Once you get past that, there are some true gems! I posted a a good pic (sunglasses and hat) and one good private pic and got a ton of responses. Quite overwhelming for the first week! Anyways. Got 60+ phone numbers (using burner #) and have 15+ ladies that I have seen (at least once) with a fairly good close ratio! Helped out a few with some bills. Others just wanted to get laid / date a guy who wasn't broke. My subscription has expired but I'm still riding the wave. Covid and the holidays make it quite easy as there are a bit of needy women.Would love your secret. I mostly run into scammers or girls not serious at all about meeting.

On the other hand, I did find one young sweet thing (18). Pm if you want to maybe trade.

01-12-21, 11:05

Any info on Jade? Just started chatting with her, but she seems standoffish. I'm wondering if it's just because I'm looking for short-term during a business trip.

01-26-21, 19:32
Hey guys, just move to denver, saw this one in colorado springs, had anyone chat with her yet, any info will be helpful thanks.


02-26-21, 02:16
Just a report on SA. Kind of a ho fest. I signed up on Monday and paid the premium fee. Being straight forward has pretty much worked. I've hooked up with three women: two older and one 21. At there places. 200 for two, and 100 for the other. My advice on the site is he respectful, have a texting app, and be ready to pay. Each one knows I'm married and is happy to meet again.

My take away on this is that you need to be charming. You needed to be transparent, and you need to come up with a good pitch that you can copy and paste a bunch of times.

Now, compared to secret benefits, there is none SB does the point thing where you can only contact a certain number of girls. Seeking is a serious subscription, where you can carpet bomb the site. It's a numbers game, so it's a better deal.

03-04-21, 14:25
Just a report on SA. Kind of a ho fest. I signed up on Monday and paid the premium fee. Being straight forward has pretty much worked. I've hooked up with three women: two older and one 21. At there places. 200 for two, and 100 for the other. My advice on the site is he respectful, have a texting app, and be ready to pay. Each one knows I'm married and is happy to meet again.

My take away on this is that you need to be charming. You needed to be transparent, and you need to come up with a good pitch that you can copy and paste a bunch of times.

Now, compared to secret benefits, there is none SB does the point thing where you can only contact a certain number of girls. Seeking is a serious subscription, where you can carpet bomb the site. It's a numbers game, so it's a better deal.Please. Pm me the profile details of 21 yr old. Also those rates are good, Denver has been pretty expensive for me compared to Atlanta or San Diego.

Old Sailor
03-12-21, 13:47
Just a report on SA. Kind of a ho fest. I signed up on Monday and paid the premium fee. Being straight forward has pretty much worked. I've hooked up with three women: two older and one 21. At there places. 200 for two, and 100 for the other. My advice on the site is he respectful, have a texting app, and be ready to pay. Each one knows I'm married and is happy to meet again.

My take away on this is that you need to be charming. You needed to be transparent, and you need to come up with a good pitch that you can copy and paste a bunch of times.

Now, compared to secret benefits, there is none SB does the point thing where you can only contact a certain number of girls. Seeking is a serious subscription, where you can carpet bomb the site. It's a numbers game, so it's a better deal.Those $ are fantastic.

07-08-21, 07:05
Visiting soon, was hoping to make some new friends. Any recent info for SA? Colorado board seems pretty dry.

07-13-21, 20:06
Visiting soon, was hoping to make some new friends. Any recent info for SA? Colorado board seems pretty dry.No help, and the ladies I spoke with on the site were terrible.

I cannot recommend SA or WYP in Denver. Good luck.

07-14-21, 11:50
No help, and the ladies I spoke with on the site were terrible.

I cannot recommend SA or WYP in Denver. Good luck.Have to say my experiences with SA and SB in Denver have been quite good. The recent rash of TikTok vids telling girls they can make $500 for a dinner date have brought a lot of unrealistic expectations to the game, but they're still a minority of girls on the sites. As others have said, you've got to have game, be willing to spend money (although not tons), and keep your aim realistic.

07-20-21, 16:45
Have to say my experiences with SA and SB in Denver have been quite good. The recent rash of TikTok vids telling girls they can make $500 for a dinner date have brought a lot of unrealistic expectations to the game, but they're still a minority of girls on the sites. As others have said, you've got to have game, be willing to spend money (although not tons), and keep your aim realistic.Want to give SA a try for a month. Visa pre paid and then Visa Vanilla both got my accounts suspended. Ideas?

Old Sailor
07-20-21, 19:07
Want to give SA a try for a month. Visa pre paid and then Visa Vanilla both got my accounts suspended. Ideas?I use an app called Privacy. I can generate a new CC number on demand.

Linked to your debit card, so it draws from your checking account.

07-20-21, 20:57
I use an app called Privacy. I can generate a new CC number on demand.

Linked to your debit card, so it draws from your checking account.Ya was hoping to be more discrete than that. Looks like I'll have to make a one time payment of $250. Ouch!

07-31-21, 10:25
I just use the Vanilla Visa for one month on a 20%-30% pop up promo code. There is some luck and a few tricks to this I found on the Richmond VA site. It's a certain vanilla card, easily found at Walgreens, that I register with a zip code. I also wait a day before I use it as I've never had luck with other vanilla cards working immediately after loaded. One month of membership is all I need to fill my burner with 30-50 good leads and work on them. When things dry out / slow down, I go back to a fresh group of prospects on SA.

08-10-21, 22:46
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

08-23-21, 10:44
I haven't done a bunch of SB seeking in the past. More of a curiosity on the site. There were a couple of unique UTR situations here and there. But I never really sought the SA route until this summer and you know what. It works.

I was down in Dallas for a the last few months and weeks for work. And yeah I paid for a few shitty lunch meets here and there but every single one ended up with a fuck price. It was up to me to accept it or not.

I also dropped more than I should have for first time fucks because it was worth it to me at the moment to bang a hot college gal / mid 20's cowgirl. What came out of these eight to nine fucks was a couple of gals that I connected with. And it worked out well.

A couple of thoughtful gifts, dinners, and etc. turned into a free screw / BJ here and there. Then I'd hit them with what I'm really looking for, something that fits in with their schedule, my needs, and my schedule.

So I had two great SD / SB experiences. There was a brunette that is 23, the prettiest blue eyes and fit gym girl. She's like a Courtney Cox and I got to use her, every hole, for as long as I want for a couple of bills. She even makes me dinner. She moved back home a few weeks back to (LOL) get married. Will think about that piece for a long time.

The other is a dirty blonde 25 year old PAWG with a bubble ass type that our arrangement is a couple of bills a week. She services my needs with skill. Swallows and can take my best pounding. She comes as hard as I do and she has a crazy work schedule but will see me 2-3 times a week, she even gave me the keys to her place.

She texted me once that she forgot something important and so I went over to her place, got it, then I met her at her work to drop it off. We fucked in the car right there.

So. It kinda sucks but my Dallas assignment is over for a while and I don't know how I'm going to pull it off with everyone I don't want to know shit about this but I will be on the prowl for some talent here -.

I plan on being more direct and refining my craft a bit further. I hope SA scene here works out well. Carry on.

09-10-21, 17:40
Quick update on my SD adventures.

I've put in a lot of contacts, this is work! However out of some 50 plus connections and 20 plus real conversations, I have met up with 5-6 genuine. A couple of those had that golden pussy syndrome going - 1 K for first session. Hot but I declined.

1 was weird out and left our coffee date. Another, I got weird vibes and called it.

So the good news is I got it on with one 30's aged MILF. She was hot and skilled, and worth her asking price but not cheap enough IMHO. And she doesn't have her own place. Still trying to negotiate.

09-17-21, 16:18
Well, a couple of people reached out about my project here. Triple whammy of health / financial issues and stuff is on hold. It's not all bad because my home activities have shockingly picked up.

But. I'll be back on this project as soon as things normalize and I'll be back here to share. Let's not private message though, let's build up this community. We can run this town.

12-08-21, 11:54
Jumped back into SA, as I am planning a trip to Vegas, and thought I would see if I can hook up with someone while there. In the meantime, look to see what I can find here in Denver. So there has been a few promising leads, MILFs looking for something on the side to get some, or just some padding for their "shoes and purses" fund. All willing to host and have a reasonable expectation for donation to the fund. By reasonable, I mean that they are asking at or below the asking rate for some of the professionals I have seen.

Then there are the GPS gold diggers. Now these are all over text, and I have not met any yet. One from Co Springs wanted 500 a meet, down in the Springs (2 hour round trip drive for pussy). Another one wanted to meet at a hotel of my choosing. Then she got to the nitty gritty, 400 per meet, every week. When I said, 1. I am having trouble scheduling weekly meets, and 2. Ain't no way I am ponying up 1600 a month. If you are looking for that much of an allowance, you are doing this as a career. She cursed me out over text, called me a cheapskate, basically told her, as nicely as possible, that different perspectives, and frankly, as this is my wallet, my perspective trumps all others.

Who among you are seeing these chicks who are trying to make a living sugaring? I look at this as a way of trying to hook up with some UTR girls, low maintenance (I am NOT looking to get into a relationship where I am expected to see someone weekly, on a schedule), and really just a lower cost way of getting some time with a woman. I keep hearing reports of people hooking up with college girls who just want their cell phone bills paid. What search criteria are you using to find these girls?

12-08-21, 21:50
Let's build the community. I appreciate these questions here in the forum where we should build.

It takes some time but the gems are out there. Definitely ditch the total GPS bitches but if you find something you can deal with $$, go ahead and meet and fuck or whatever. It's probably no worse financially than an escort at that point but once you get in and shit goes well, there's some trust and I have found you can negotiate there but before you do, ask about their friends, roommates, etc. Sometimes it works out and sometimes even the older ones will refer you to someone UTR you can arrange something with. Like I said it takes a while but it's gold when it happens.

I'm out of the game for a bit at the moment but I am certain you can minimize GPS by proxy, and find good situations by working with SB's and escorts as well this way because I have done it. I also make sure to have a lot of weed handy.

Jumped back into SA, as I am planning a trip to Vegas, and thought I would see if I can hook up with someone while there. In the meantime, look to see what I can find here in Denver. So there has been a few promising leads, MILFs looking for something on the side to get some, or just some padding for their "shoes and purses" fund. All willing to host and have a reasonable expectation for donation to the fund. By reasonable, I mean that they are asking at or below the asking rate for some of the professionals I have seen.

Then there are the GPS gold diggers. Now these are all over text, and I have not met any yet. One from Co Springs wanted 500 a meet, down in the Springs (2 hour round trip drive for pussy). Another one wanted to meet at a hotel of my choosing. Then she got to the nitty gritty, 400 per meet, every week. When I said, 1. I am having trouble scheduling weekly meets, and 2. Ain't no way I am ponying up 1600 a month. If you are looking for that much of an allowance, you are doing this as a career. She cursed me out over text, called me a cheapskate, basically told her, as nicely as possible, that different perspectives, and frankly, as this is my wallet, my perspective trumps all others.

Who among you are seeing these chicks who are trying to make a living sugaring? I look at this as a way of trying to hook up with some UTR girls, low maintenance (I am NOT looking to get into a relationship where I am expected to see someone weekly, on a schedule), and really just a lower cost way of getting some time with a woman. I keep hearing reports of people hooking up with college girls who just want their cell phone bills paid. What search criteria are you using to find these girls?

12-21-21, 11:01

Okay, those boobs are drawing me in. Took the conversation off site. Some pretty explicit talk back and forth. Seems to be a hot busty girl. Does anyone have any intel on this? With the holidays coming up, it may be a week or two before we meet up.

Thanks in advance.

01-03-22, 14:50
I will be making regular trips to the mile high city this year and am looking for someone to meet with when I am there. Found this one, Miss Luminosity at https://members.seeking.com/member/f9035348-e8af-4399-912f-1a24ef165b9a.

Had a great conversation and seems to want the same thing I do. Anyone have any intel? Happy to share contacts with anyone visiting Indy or Portland as a thank you!

01-03-22, 15:47
I will be making regular trips to the mile high city this year and am looking for someone to meet with when I am there. Found this one, Miss Luminosity at https://members.seeking.com/member/f9035348-e8af-4399-912f-1a24ef165b9a.

Had a great conversation and seems to want the same thing I do. Anyone have any intel? Happy to share contacts with anyone visiting Indy or Portland as a thank you!I had a pleasant exchange with her. Until it got to dollars. She asked for 500 ppm. I countered with something lower, and was ghosted after that. Hope that helps.

01-03-22, 16:28
That was the number I received as well. I usually will go to $4, so I may try it. Will let you know what happens.

I had a pleasant exchange with her. Until it got to dollars. She asked for 500 ppm. I countered with something lower, and was ghosted after that. Hope that helps.

01-05-22, 20:56
Had a good conversation with this one:


Tentative plan to meet when I am in town in 2 weeks. Any intel from anyone on her? Many thanks.

01-13-22, 17:19
Signed up for a premium SA account this week, and plan to give it a 30-day spin. I know there's not a ton of chatter on this forum, but was is the going PPM in the Denver area? I proposed two Ben's to a 31-year-old, and she went dark.

I've also found there to be fakes / scammers on the site (and I'm talking about locally). What are some tips to sniff them out? One sent me a phone number same day as said "text me, I'm deactivating my account). After some googling, pretty sure the number was spam. That was one dead giveaway.

Thanks, guys.

01-14-22, 11:41
Signed up for a premium SA account this week, and plan to give it a 30-day spin. I know there's not a ton of chatter on this forum, but was is the going PPM in the Denver area? I proposed two Ben's to a 31-year-old, and she went dark.

I've also found there to be fakes / scammers on the site (and I'm talking about locally). What are some tips to sniff them out? One sent me a phone number same day as said "text me, I'm deactivating my account). After some googling, pretty sure the number was spam. That was one dead giveaway.

Thanks, guys.In my experience over the last couple of months, the general ask seem to be 4-5 bills per meet. I have countered with something lower, like 3, and those have gone dark on me as well. I would think your proposed 2 would definitely get you ghosted.

That said, there are gems to be found. I found a more mature woman, in her 50's, for 3 a meet. Multiple hours. Multi-orgasmic, squirter, large boobs. No, I am not sharing her info.

01-17-22, 18:51
Had a good conversation with this one:


Tentative plan to meet when I am in town in 2 weeks. Any intel from anyone on her? Many thanks.She's fine. I met her peak pandemic and we got together a couple of times. Not bad, but very professional. Not what I'm looking for on SA. For her age, her body is solid though. Just too by the book and too expensive (for what's a very average lay.

01-18-22, 10:59
Thanks, good to confirm what I was feeling about her.

She's fine. I met her peak pandemic and we got together a couple of times. Not bad, but very professional. Not what I'm looking for on SA. For her age, her body is solid though. Just too by the book and too expensive (for what's a very average lay.

01-26-22, 05:10
Weirdos, oddballs, etc.

I've been having some great success on SB lately with genuinely UTR girls. That said, I'm looking for something new and different. Willing to re-up premium on SA if need be.

Anyone encountered real and viable girls on either site that are:



-Midgets / Dwarfs?

-Other unusual features?

I'm just in kind of a funk right now and looking for something strange.

01-26-22, 23:36
Weirdos, oddballs, etc.

I've been having some great success on SB lately with genuinely UTR girls. That said, I'm looking for something new and different. Willing to re-up premium on SA if need be.

Anyone encountered real and viable girls on either site that are:



-Midgets / Dwarfs?

-Other unusual features?

I'm just in kind of a funk right now and looking for something strange.Haha I'm personally only looking for young college girls myself but If I come across any of the listed above on SA I'll pass along the info.

01-31-22, 13:47
I'm two+ weeks into my SA escapades and wanted to share a bit of my take. As I'm a newbie, I'd appreciate any add'l feedback / commentary from others.

I would describe things as laborious, frustrating at times, and promising at others. The laborious part: I've sent about 70 messages. The promising part: I've received responses to about 40% of them (so 2 out of every 5). The frustrating part: I've only met two women, and while both agreed to a second date, neither seem particularly interested in anything physical.

I've mostly been targeting the 21-29, attractive, and slim type. I'm in my.

30's, legitimately successful, athletic, and "nice guy" type (good manners, etc). I'm not in Denver, so that makes the meet-up part difficult (I don't want to be going to and from the city to have coffee / drinks with 20 different people). I'm finding a lot of girls on the site want to be spoiled in exchange for friendship (not my type), others are super cautious and slow moving, and some are just straight up gold diggers who probably will get freaky but seek an unrealistic lifestyle that I have zero intentions of providing.

Have not discussed a PPM with anyone. One of the girls I did meet, I convinced her to not work her gig economy job that night and said I would replace her earnings instead. I gave her 4 x what she earns in 90 min of work, and she proceeded to say she's looking for friendship only at the end of the night. Will be the last time I commit to anything without knowing what to expect in return.

Curious to hear more takes of others here.

01-31-22, 22:04
I'm two+ weeks into my SA escapades and wanted to share a bit of my take. As I'm a newbie, I'd appreciate any add'l feedback / commentary from others.

I would describe things as laborious, frustrating at times, and promising at others. The laborious part: I've sent about 70 messages. The promising part: I've received responses to about 40% of them (so 2 out of every 5). The frustrating part: I've only met two women, and while both agreed to a second date, neither seem particularly interested in anything physical.

I've mostly been targeting the 21-29, attractive, and slim type. I'm in my.

30's, legitimately successful, athletic, and "nice guy" type (good manners, etc). I'm not in Denver, so that makes the meet-up part difficult (I don't want to be going to and from the city to have coffee / drinks with 20 different people). I'm finding a lot of girls on the site want to be spoiled in exchange for friendship (not my type), others are super cautious and slow moving, and some are just straight up gold diggers who probably will get freaky but seek an unrealistic lifestyle that I have zero intentions of providing.

Have not discussed a PPM with anyone. One of the girls I did meet, I convinced her to not work her gig economy job that night and said I would replace her earnings instead. I gave her 4 x what she earns in 90 min of work, and she proceeded to say she's looking for friendship only at the end of the night. Will be the last time I commit to anything without knowing what to expect in return.

Curious to hear more takes of others here.Do not give any women money without agreeing to something first and try to do it over the phone, don't talk about it on the app. Avoid texting if possible.

I'm the same age as you and have been doing this on and off for a few years. 5-6 years ago it was alot easier to get the demographic you're targeting, but thanks to the pandemic and inflation these girls are getting scooped up by older guys with serious money or they have an army of simps on their webcam channels if you catch my drift.

I would look at women 30+ and single moms, but be careful as alot of them have drama / baggage. YMMV.

feel free to PM me w/ any questions. im not from denver but have been all ovr the country, the results are the same.

02-01-22, 02:02
Do not give any women money without agreeing to something first and try to do it over the phone, don't talk about it on the app. Avoid texting if possible.

I'm the same age as you and have been doing this on and off for a few years. 5-6 years ago it was alot easier to get the demographic you're targeting, but thanks to the pandemic and inflation these girls are getting scooped up by older guys with serious money or they have an army of simps on their webcam channels if you catch my drift.

I would look at women 30+ and single moms, but be careful as alot of them have drama / baggage. YMMV.

feel free to PM me w/ any questions. im not from denver but have been all ovr the country, the results are the same.Get a burner phone if you don't have one. Pay cash for it and don't use your real email or name on it. Be vague on SA but when your are texting be clear this is not for friendship. Never pay for a meet and greet. Lots of ladies on the site in Denver.

02-02-22, 14:42
I'm two+ weeks into my SA escapades and wanted to share a bit of my take. As I'm a newbie, I'd appreciate any add'l feedback / commentary from others.I've had some real success here in Colorado over the last five years or so. It can be laborious, but there's ways to make it less so.

First off, understand what kind of girl you're willing to settle for. For instance, I'd love to fill my bed with a steady stream of tens. That ain't going to happen. So, I've decided that I would rather be with a smart and funny four that's excited to get fucked than a hot, but uninterested, eight that's spreading for the cash alone.

Then, make sure your profile is interesting enough to make it clear you're not some creepy scammer (even if you're actually both).

Finally, what I do is write a interesting, but vague, generic message. If you're really digging a profile, add something that makes it look like you read the profile. Then carpet bomb. I'll typically sent out 20-30 messages when I'm actively looking. Out of those, maybe 7-8 will respond. Half that will go to texting. If they go to texting, odds you'll get a M&G are very good. Unless you're a troll, if they do the M&G and your numbers are good, you'll be fucking them the second time you see them. If you've got game, you'll be fucking them sooner than that.

Between snow and COVID, I've had a few in the pipeline much longer than usual. But I made hay yesterday and did two M&Gs. First one was a bust. Girl had a sad story, but she'd been rode hard and put away wet with the trifecta of an armed and dangerous baby daddy, admitted past hard drug use and abuse, and being currently on probation for "operating a place of prostitution". Then a later meet with a buxom, plump, and horny 20 year old that culminated in a curbside BBBJCIMNSQNS after I drove her the four blocks back to her place after the snow really started coming down.

TL; dr Patience, low standards, and automation are your friends.

02-03-22, 01:09
I've had some real success here in Colorado over the last five years or so. It can be laborious, but there's ways to make it less so.

First off, understand what kind of girl you're willing to settle for. For instance, I'd love to fill my bed with a steady stream of tens. That ain't going to happen. So, I've decided that I would rather be with a smart and funny four that's excited to get fucked than a hot, but uninterested, eight that's spreading for the cash alone.

Then, make sure your profile is interesting enough to make it clear you're not some creepy scammer (even if you're actually both).

Finally, what I do is write a interesting, but vague, generic message. If you're really digging a profile, add something that makes it look like you read the profile. Then carpet bomb. I'll typically sent out 20-30 messages when I'm actively looking. Out of those, maybe 7-8 will respond. Half that will go to texting. If they go to texting, odds you'll get a M&G are very good. Unless you're a troll, if they do the M&G and your numbers are good, you'll be fucking them the second time you see them. If you've got game, you'll be fucking them sooner than that.

Between snow and COVID, I've had a few in the pipeline much longer than usual. But I made hay yesterday and did two M&Gs. First one was a bust. Girl had a sad story, but she'd been rode hard and put away wet with the trifecta of an armed and dangerous baby daddy, admitted past hard drug use and abuse, and being currently on probation for "operating a place of prostitution". Then a later meet with a buxom, plump, and horny 20 year old that culminated in a curbside BBBJCIMNSQNS after I drove her the four blocks back to her place after the snow really started coming down.

TL; dr Patience, low standards, and automation are your friends.This is great advice. You have to put in the work and honestly its fun. I have 3 on the line now but all have had covid the last 2 weeks. It's a grind.

02-03-22, 13:39
Weirdos, oddballs, etc.

I've been having some great success on SB lately with genuinely UTR girls. That said, I'm looking for something new and different. Willing to re-up premium on SA if need be.

Anyone encountered real and viable girls on either site that are:



-Midgets / Dwarfs?

-Other unusual features?

I'm just in kind of a funk right now and looking for something strange.ROFL, when I lived in Vegas I met a HOT blonde gal, mid thirties, perfect man mades, that was an amputee! She didn't tell me until I was literally walking into the bar to meet her, and then attached a naked pic to her text message. We had a few drinks and then wound up at my place, banged out a few and on her way. I never asked about the arm or saw her again, she got a little clingy and had the strongest upper minnesota "doncha no!" accent, I couldn't take it.

02-05-22, 16:05
This is great advice. You have to put in the work and honestly its fun. I have 3 on the line now but all have had covid the last 2 weeks. It's a grind.Yeah. Omicron definitely makes things complicated, since it feels like EVERYONE is getting it.

03-22-22, 15:28
I've been skirting some girls on SA who are looking for a PPM (and have had some luck) but have been texting with others who require financial support. What's the going rate? I'm talking about for someone in her mid 20's, good looking, slim to avg physique, no bad habits. Was hoping to find something in the range of 4 or 5 Ben's, but I'm getting quoted 6. Thoughts?

Member #6282
03-23-22, 19:16
I've been skirting some girls on SA who are looking for a PPM (and have had some luck) but have been texting with others who require financial support. What's the going rate? I'm talking about for someone in her mid 20's, good looking, slim to avg physique, no bad habits. Was hoping to find something in the range of 4 or 5 Ben's, but I'm getting quoted 6. Thoughts?4-5 possible but getting harder to come by. Think there are more dudes on the site + less actual girls looking to meet than before. The girls who are serious about meeting and ppm have more guys and offers to choose from than, say, a year or two ago.

04-02-22, 09:45
We are all used to having our profile favorited by someone way out of geography. I get a lot of favorites from Latin America, Philippines, and some from Britain. This was a first.


The profile says she is in Kyiv Ukraine and is passport ready. She even reached out to me via PM. A simple "Hello" I am thinking of writing back and asking her how the war is going. LOL.

04-02-22, 10:10
4-5 possible but getting harder to come by. Think there are more dudes on the site + less actual girls looking to meet than before. The girls who are serious about meeting and ppm have more guys and offers to choose from than, say, a year or two ago.Agreed. My take is that escorts have risen their rates so much, it's practically at sugar baby rates. The more savvy guys have realized that, and have tried their hand at sugaring to get more bang for their buck. That leads to an increase in sugar daddy's, meaning the girls have more options and can drive up their price. Shitty time to be a monger.

Member #6282
04-03-22, 17:17
Agreed. My take is that escorts have risen their rates so much, it's practically at sugar baby rates. The more savvy guys have realized that, and have tried their hand at sugaring to get more bang for their buck. That leads to an increase in sugar daddy's, meaning the girls have more options and can drive up their price. Shitty time to be a monger.Difference is with escorts I got to wear a rubber. SA. Not so much. Therefore, 4-5, even 6 is a-ok with me.

04-06-22, 14:33
Difference is with escorts I got to wear a rubber. SA. Not so much. Therefore, 4-5, even 6 is a-ok with me.Has anyone lucked out with girls who aren't looking (or don't ask) for payment? I've seen a couple girls where nothing was exchanged and we still got it on. Not sure if experiences like that are few and far between. I'd rather see a SB than an escort. Prefer "real" vs "transactional" - but SB encounters seem to be increasingly about the dollars, and less about connection / spoiling etc.

05-04-22, 18:53
Has anyone lucked out with girls who aren't looking (or don't ask) for payment? I've seen a couple girls where nothing was exchanged and we still got it on. Not sure if experiences like that are few and far between. I'd rather see a SB than an escort. Prefer "real" vs "transactional" - but SB encounters seem to be increasingly about the dollars, and less about connection / spoiling etc.I've definitely had experiences like this. Peak pandemic I met a couple of certified freaks who asked for nothing and were down to scratch their daddy fetish. Neither were gorgeous (plump 4's, at best) but I'm not going to complain about a clean, polite, 22 year old that wants me to creampie them in exchange for an iced coffee from Dunkin'. That over the course of 2020-2021 I found four such women was pretty spectacular. I ended things with each of them (save one) because they got boring. That one I didn't end moved away. She was a lot of fun and into some crazy kinks that I'm glad I got to try but won't again.

Besides that, I've found more that are happy to accept far less money than I'd pay an escort for similar service, including one spectacular girl I banged for most of 2021 for $200/ meeting. I've found the trick to getting away with stupid low ppm is to be consistent and be okay with paying the ppm for dates you don't fuck on. I figure if I see a girl 2-3 times a month and give her $200 each meeting, over six months she may cost me $2400, but if I fuck her 9 times in that 6 months, that's $275 a fuck and it's full on GFE / PSE for hours that'd cost me $1 k+ with a professional.

05-15-22, 15:15
Good post. I figure I'd contribute my experience on SA over the last 5+ years. I can definitively say the site is officially -EV meaning it's a waste of time and certainly waste of money. The ratio is clearly way down, most of the profiles are fake / grifters. I used to get lots of favorites now basically I get none. I haven't gotten fat or anything either, I'm just as in shape as I ever was.

Save your money and more importantly energy and either go back to straight up pros if that's your thing or try meeting IRL now that the covid BS is finally over. Or hell try a regular dating site, at least you aren't dealing with straight up grifters / low class women. There's no reason to pay for sex for the girls on seeking they are that bad now. Just my two cents.

I've had some real success here in Colorado over the last five years or so. It can be laborious, but there's ways to make it less so.

First off, understand what kind of girl you're willing to settle for. For instance, I'd love to fill my bed with a steady stream of tens. That ain't going to happen. So, I've decided that I would rather be with a smart and funny four that's excited to get fucked than a hot, but uninterested, eight that's spreading for the cash alone.

Then, make sure your profile is interesting enough to make it clear you're not some creepy scammer (even if you're actually both).

Finally, what I do is write a interesting, but vague, generic message. If you're really digging a profile, add something that makes it look like you read the profile. Then carpet bomb. I'll typically sent out 20-30 messages when I'm actively looking. Out of those, maybe 7-8 will respond. Half that will go to texting. If they go to texting, odds you'll get a M&G are very good. Unless you're a troll, if they do the M&G and your numbers are good, you'll be fucking them the second time you see them. If you've got game, you'll be fucking them sooner than that.

05-15-22, 18:00
Yes that was the only way I've ever operated. Anyone asking for money before meeting is usually a grifter and not someone I'm going to ever meet. Back in the heyday I'd get really annoyed if they asked for money even before banging but I could at least deal with that. Someone asking for $400 before even meeting is probably a thief or worse. Avoid.

Has anyone lucked out with girls who aren't looking (or don't ask) for payment? I've seen a couple girls where nothing was exchanged and we still got it on. Not sure if experiences like that are few and far between. I'd rather see a SB than an escort. Prefer "real" vs "transactional" - but SB encounters seem to be increasingly about the dollars, and less about connection / spoiling etc.

09-11-22, 13:56
Just a heads-up she will scam you after the 2nd meetup.

09-14-22, 20:57
Hey guys, I'll be in Denver next weekend and am looking for a Utr companion for a meet. Any recommendations are appreciated!

Any body seen missdenver7 on SB?


Member #6282
09-15-22, 23:06
Just a heads-up she will scam you after the 2nd meetup.Sorry to hear. Saw her twice, 1st time pretty good, 2nd time she rushed and didn't do everything she did the first time. Glad there wasn't a third time.

09-22-22, 02:11
Their TOS states they have test accounts. These accounts are the ones that reply initially when you first join. You'll spend a lot of credits replying and then get nothing, no response at all. Same with the BS secret access photos. It's a joke now. Go to Trust Pilot and write a bad review. Their customer service will contact you and give you your money back if you change the review to positive. Scam.

09-23-22, 00:21
Their TOS states they have test accounts. These accounts are the ones that reply initially when you first join. You'll spend a lot of credits replying and then get nothing, no response at all. Same with the BS secret access photos. It's a joke now. Go to Trust Pilot and write a bad review. Their customer service will contact you and give you your money back if you change the review to positive. Scam.Why am I not surprised at all.

Member #6185
09-25-22, 21:12
Sorry to hear. Saw her twice, 1st time pretty good, 2nd time she rushed and didn't do everything she did the first time. Glad there wasn't a third time.She looks incredible. Is she that beautiful in person?

Old Sailor
09-26-22, 17:49
She looks incredible. Is she that beautiful in person?So worth a one and done?

Whats her PPM?

12-28-22, 18:02
Sorry to hear. Saw her twice, 1st time pretty good, 2nd time she rushed and didn't do everything she did the first time. Glad there wasn't a third time.
Just a heads-up she will scam you after the 2nd meetup.She got me on the first meet. We spoke on the phone prior and had a lengthy chat in person. I been on the site for several years and usually prepared for scams. I felt completely comfortable with her and sent her 4 bills. Right after that she told me not to touch her and turned sour. We had a little exchange and I told her it was a good hustle but to be careful doing that to wrong person. Curious if this is similar to what she did to you guys as well?

01-01-23, 12:18
Met for a drink after a few days of light chatting. One cocktail and her dress was coming off. Very responsive and loved taking taking direction until I was drained multiple times, and she was filled. Highly recommend if you like submissive, cute redheads.

01-01-23, 15:07
Met for a drink after a few days of light chatting. One cocktail and her dress was coming off. Very responsive and loved taking taking direction until I was drained multiple times, and she was filled. Highly recommend if you like submissive, cute redheads.Do you have a profile link or something?

01-02-23, 09:21
Do you have a profile link or something?Yep, must have forgot to paste the link:


Old Sailor
01-03-23, 13:26
Met for a drink after a few days of light chatting. One cocktail and her dress was coming off. Very responsive and loved taking taking direction until I was drained multiple times, and she was filled. Highly recommend if you like submissive, cute redheads.Do you mind sharing her ppm? DM is fine.

01-08-23, 18:38
With inflation, I think us mongers have all felt the insane price increases by escorts that have far surpassed the rate of inflation. I've seen rate increases from anywhere in the 50%-200% increase range. 80/120/200 became 100/150/250 which became 125/200/400 which became which became 250/500 which became 300/600 (or worse). And more and more escorts are only doing outcall so we have to foot the bill for a hotel. So tack on another $100-$130.

Escort rates have increased so much, they are at sugar baby territory. So I decided to take my first stab at sugaring. I used two websites. SB and seeking. I wanted to share my experiences.


Secret bennies was a complete waste of time. You buy tokens and they charge you a certain amount of tokens for every email you send to a new sugar baby. 90%+ of the female profiles on their are fakes. My tokens equaled 10 emails. I sent 10 emails and got no responses, so after two weeks I closed my account.


Then I moved on to seeking. This is where the sugaring happens. You pay a membership fee and can send out unlimited emails. The only catch is they limit you to emailing 40-45 new people a day. After that they'll think you're a spammer and temporarily lock your account for 12-24 hours. No big deal. I was like a kid at a candy store with all the tang on there. The search features are great: by age, by race, by keywords. Use that to your benefit to narrow the search to your liking. So one thing with sugaring. It does take more work, but it really wasn't that bad and I did enjoy the attention from attractive girls. Every girl is different. Some want to talk for weeks before meeting in person, some needed the money quick and were ready to meet that day.


My profile. I fill it out honestly and accurately. Don't lie about your situation, age, or anything else. I leave out the income stuff and I don't post a face picture. If they want to see my face it has to be by video chat.

Fake Profiles and Scammers.

Let me start off with the bad from seeking. There are scammers and fake profiles. Any profile that is less than a month old, be skeptical. Anything less than a week old, be very skeptical. It's not to say they can't be real but scammers come in and leave quick or get booted quick by seeking mods. There's the obvious internet scamming stuff. Don't send money online to anyone you haven't met and trust. Some of these girls have stepped it up. They will text with you and video chat with you (like on snapchat) so you can see they are a real female. Then they start hitting you up for money before even meeting in person. I never gave them a penny then they disappeared.

In Person Scammers.

I had a sugar baby try to scam me. It's called the dash and grab or dash and dine scam. Luckily I was aware of it from my escort experience. It happened with the first girl I met offline from seeking. She emailed with me, then texted with me, then video chatted, then we agreed to a meet and greet lunch followed by heading to a hotel for some action. We met for lunch and had a great conversation, it seemed promising. We then headed for the parking lot where I was giving her the address for the hotel. She said she wanted the donation ahead of time. I told her she'll get it at the hotel. She kept coming up with all these excuses about why she needed the money up front (my time is important, gas for my car) - none made any sense, and I kept saying no. She finally agreed to take the donation at the hotel.but then ten seconds later she got a "text from her boss" saying two people called out at work and she needs to go in right away. She never returned calls or messages after that. The dine and dash scam is real. They try to take you for a full PPM donation (and you pay for lunch / dinner) and then they bolt.

Too chicken types.

My technique for contacting. Send out a slew of emails to potential SB's and wait to see who responds. I ask them to take it offline really quickly. By texting or snapchat. If they refuse, then block them and move on. If they can't give up a text number, how will they ever have the courage to meet in person?

Just about the money types.

I have a standard email I send out. Unless someone really catches my eye then I tailor it. Some of these girls will literally ask about money on the first email. It never goes well, they will see you as an ATM only. So block these types. The cool thing about sugaring. If you get a good one (see my next post), it is way more like a friendship. With my current sugar baby, we text or video chat every single day. I actually feel like a human being with her instead of being in line like an airport departure with escorts.

GPS types.

Then there are the GPS's. There are a lot of them. They think their coochie is made of gold. While they are one of 10,000+ SB's in the Denver area. You can usually tell by their profile. You can read the arrogance, entitlement, self-absorbed personality and you don't even need to contact them to verify. Block them and move on.

Slow communicators.

These ones are frustrating. They're real, seem normal, but take 24-72 hours to respond to emails, texts, etc. I don't have the patience for them. I usually just stop trying and I never hear from them again. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes responding to the first email or two may take some time, but once you have established a connection the responses should be much quicker. I expect they answer my messages within 24 hours after things look serious.

Out of the league types - 9's and 10's.

I'm not saying to avoid, but be prepared for a letdown unless you're a millionaire or get lucky with one needing an arrangement really quick. These are usually 9's and 10's. It can't hurt to inquire with them. As I nabbed one. But be prepared in sugaring negotiations to see stunningly high dollar amounts requested for some 9's and 10's. They most likely get doctors, lawyers, business owners. And you have more competition from other daddies so they command higher prices. Like that hot 19-year-old college student blonde, with a perfect face and huge rack. Yeah, she's going to cost more than you can afford most likely. I had a few of these types laugh or talk down at what I could offer. I just was polite, said goodbye, and blocked them.

In Summary.

Post an accurate profile, send out mass emails to potential SB's, have you're BS detector up for: fakes, scammers, too chicken types, GPS types, slow communicators. For the ones who are real and you like. Take offline to chat. I always do a video chat before meeting in person. Each side can verify we're both real. Sometimes I know I won't like a SB's personality by a 10 minute video chat so I can avoid. Talk about the arrangement, including donation expectations BEFORE meeting. That way everything is set and ready to go for the first meet.

My next post is going to be the homerun I hit with my current SB.

01-08-23, 20:31
So in the prior post, I mentioned I successfully have an arrangement with a sugar baby. Its been going on for 3 months now and it is amazing.

For the first meeting. We emailed each other, then texted later that night, snapchatted a few days later, and agreed to meet about a week after first contact. Arrangement details were discussed ahead of time, PPM type arrangement. No games, no drama, no BS. Her seeking profile had some sexy pictures, and in texting she sent me nudes without any prompting. She's 5'9, 115 lbs, gorgeous face, long legs, round perfect bubble butt, she has nice B cups, I'm more an ass lover so not a problem with me.

Our first meeting was at a hotel, holy smokes. She looked like an 8/10 in her pictures, but a 9. 5/10 in person. Usually it's the other way around, scores lower for in person. At the hotel we talked for about an hour at first. She's a single mom, has a job, baby's father not in the picture, just looking to get some extra cash. Super sweet, funny sense of humor.

Finally, I suggest we get to the bed for some action. She then strips down and she's wearing red lingerie on top and bottom. We start to make out for about 10 minutes. Then I disrobe and ask if she wants oral. She stated that she wants to give me oral first. I stand and she drops to her knees and starts sucking me off. She told me she's very submissive and likes things rough. At first I just let her suck with a BBBJ (and it's amazing). After a while I start to face fuck her which she takes like a champ. I ask her if she wants oral, she said she's soaking wet as giving oral is a huge turn-on for her and she hasn't had sex in 6 months and just wants the dick. Since she was submissive, I tell her to bend over and I spank her ass for about 3 minutes straight and she starts moaning in pleasure. Then I tear off her lingerie and put a rubber on. I put her in missionary and start slow stroking her. She cums in about 5 minutes, once of those pussy tightening on your dick orgasms. I remember her texting all the rough sex stuff she enjoys. So I put my hand on her throat and squeeze. Now she really starts moaning and she cums again. We then do doggy, I am spanking her hard and she is loving it. She has this amazing bubble ass on long legs and her butt bounces off perfectly. After pounding her for 15 minutes in doggy, I tell her I'm about to bust in the rubber. She then starts pointing to her face. I said: "What does that mean? She said: "I want you to put it on my face. " My god, this girl keeps getting better. I tell her to stay where she is, I pound her ass for another 15 seconds, then I take the rubber off and go over to her face while she is on all fours and give her a two week cum load on face. Facial of the year. She looked like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters after getting slimed by Slimer. She then smiles and thanks me for the load on her face. "You're welcome hun" is all I could really think of on the fly LOL.

I see her 2-3 times a month. I give her the PPM agreed upon amount every visit and buy her stuff throughout the month. After a month of seeing each other, we both got std testing (I paid for hers) and now we bareback. Every meeting, I pump 1 or 2 loads in her. And after she got more comfortable with me. We starting doing bdsm bondage type stuff. Which she requested. We use bondage and restraints gear and she likes being rag dolled. Only thing she doesn't do is anal. I cum in her pussy, on her pussy, on her ass, on her face, in her mouth, pretty much anywhere.

On top of all that, she is a genuinely good person. We text daily, video chat here and there. She treats me like a person and I take care of her well for that. Has sugaring worked for me? Absolutely. This is my first try with sugaring, and man I don't know why I stuck with escorts so long.

01-09-23, 12:20
So in the prior post, I mentioned I successfully have an arrangement with a sugar baby. Its been going on for 3 months now and it is amazing.

For the first meeting. We emailed each other, then texted later that night, snapchatted a few days later, and agreed to meet about a week after first contact. Arrangement details were discussed ahead of time, PPM type arrangement. No games, no drama, no BS. Her seeking profile had some sexy pictures, and in texting she sent me nudes without any prompting. She's 5'9, 115 lbs, gorgeous face, long legs, round perfect bubble butt, she has nice B cups, I'm more an ass lover so not a problem with me.

Our first meeting was at a hotel, holy smokes. She looked like an 8/10 in her pictures, but a 9. 5/10 in person. Usually it's the other way around, scores lower for in person. At the hotel we talked for about an hour at first. She's a single mom, has a job, baby's father not in the picture, just looking to get some extra cash. Super sweet, funny sense of humor..The donation is $400-$500 a meeting but I buy her stuff in between meetings too. She's 27 years old.

01-10-23, 19:27
With inflation, I think us mongers have all felt the insane price increases by escorts that have far surpassed the rate of inflation. I've seen rate increases from anywhere in the 50%-200% increase range. 80/120/200 became 100/150/250 which became 125/200/400 which became which became 250/500 which became 300/600 (or worse). And more and more escorts are only doing outcall so we have to foot the bill for a hotel. So tack on another $100-$130.

Escort rates have increased so much, they are at sugar baby territory. So I decided to take my first stab at sugaring. I used two websites. SB and seeking. I wanted to share my experiences.


Secret bennies was a complete waste of time. You buy tokens and they charge you a certain amount of tokens for every email you send to a new sugar baby. 90%+ of the female profiles on their are fakes. My tokens equaled 10 emails. I sent 10 emails and got no responses, so after two weeks I closed my account.


Then I moved on to seeking. This is where the sugaring happens. You pay a membership fee and can send out unlimited emails. The only catch is they limit you to emailing 40-45 new people a day. After that they'll think you're a spammer and temporarily lock your account for 12-24 hours. No big deal. I was like a kid at a candy store with all the tang on there. The search features are great: by age, by race, by keywords. Use that to your benefit to narrow the search to your liking. So one thing with sugaring. It does take more work, but it really wasn't that bad and I did enjoy the attention from attractive girls. Every girl is different. Some want to talk for weeks before meeting in person, some needed the money quick and were ready to meet that day.

Profile.Thank you for your insight and lessons! I have always wanted to try this route but I was hesitant because of all the BS scammers. And imo, I thought the scammers out weighed the real SB's on sight like Seeking 99:1. I might actually pull the trigger and get it done.

On a side note, did you get your self the "Background Check" cleared mark on Seeking? Seems kinda BS that you pay a good amount but you have to pay every month to keep that check mark. Is it worth it?

Old Sailor
01-12-23, 15:33
If you can afford it, the sugar bowl is amazing.

So in the prior post, I mentioned I successfully have an arrangement with a sugar baby. Its been going on for 3 months now and it is amazing.

For the first meeting. We emailed each other, then texted later that night, snapchatted a few days later, and agreed to meet about a week after first contact. Arrangement details were discussed ahead of time, PPM type arrangement. No games, no drama, no BS. Her seeking profile had some sexy pictures, and in texting she sent me nudes without any prompting. She's 5'9, 115 lbs, gorgeous face, long legs, round perfect bubble butt, she has nice B cups, I'm more an ass lover so not a problem with me.

Our first meeting was at a hotel, holy smokes. She looked like an 8/10 in her pictures, but a 9. 5/10 in person. Usually it's the other way around, scores lower for in person. At the hotel we talked for about an hour at first. She's a single mom, has a job, baby's father not in the picture, just looking to get some extra cash. Super sweet, funny sense of humor.

Finally, I suggest we get to the bed for some action. She then strips down and she's wearing red lingerie on top and bottom. We start to make out for about 10 minutes. Then I disrobe and ask if she wants oral. She stated that she wants to give me oral first. I stand and she drops to her knees and starts sucking me off. She told me she's very submissive and likes things rough. At first I just let her suck with a BBBJ (and it's amazing). After a while I start to face fuck her which she takes like a champ. I ask her if she wants oral, she said she's soaking wet as giving oral is a huge turn-on for her and she hasn't had sex in 6 months and just wants the dick. Since she was submissive, I tell her to bend over and I spank her ass for about 3 minutes straight and she starts moaning in pleasure. Then I tear off her lingerie and put a rubber on. I put her in missionary and start slow stroking her. She cums in about 5 minutes, once of those pussy tightening on your dick orgasms. I remember her texting all the rough sex stuff she enjoys. So I put my hand on her throat and squeeze. Now she really starts moaning and she cums again. We then do doggy, I am spanking her hard and she is loving it. She has this amazing bubble ass on long legs and her butt bounces off perfectly. After pounding her for 15 minutes in doggy, I tell her I'm about to bust in the rubber. She then starts pointing to her face. I said: "What does that mean? She said: "I want you to put it on my face. " My god, this girl keeps getting better. I tell her to stay where she is, I pound her ass for another 15 seconds, then I take the rubber off and go over to her face while she is on all fours and give her a two week cum load on face. Facial of the year. She looked like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters after getting slimed by Slimer. She then smiles and thanks me for the load on her face. "You're welcome hun" is all I could really think of on the fly LOL.

I see her 2-3 times a month. I give her the PPM agreed upon amount every visit and buy her stuff throughout the month. After a month of seeing each other, we both got std testing (I paid for hers) and now we bareback. Every meeting, I pump 1 or 2 loads in her. And after she got more comfortable with me. We starting doing bdsm bondage type stuff. Which she requested. We use bondage and restraints gear and she likes being rag dolled. Only thing she doesn't do is anal. I cum in her pussy, on her pussy, on her ass, on her face, in her mouth, pretty much anywhere.

On top of all that, she is a genuinely good person. We text daily, video chat here and there. She treats me like a person and I take care of her well for that. Has sugaring worked for me? Absolutely. This is my first try with sugaring, and man I don't know why I stuck with escorts so long.

01-13-23, 02:19
Thank you for your insight and lessons! I have always wanted to try this route but I was hesitant because of all the BS scammers. And imo, I thought the scammers out weighed the real SB's on sight like Seeking 99:1. I might actually pull the trigger and get it done.

On a side note, did you get your self the "Background Check" cleared mark on Seeking? Seems kinda BS that you pay a good amount but you have to pay every month to keep that check mark. Is it worth it?I'm not quite sure what the ratio is but there definitely are some scammers and fakes like on escort sites. You can normally tell. Girls who are 10/10's with airbrushed professional photographs are most likely fake. I found girls who had just signed up had a high risk of being scammers.

I didn't do the Background Check thing. I verified with Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram. And those were all throw away counts so they didn't actually link to any of my real social medial LOL. I know it did put some girls at ease but not required.

01-13-23, 02:30
If you can afford it, the sugar bowl is amazing.I don't know why I waited so long to give it a try.

01-18-23, 19:09
Damn, gentlemen. I am just visiting Colorado Springs and found the best sugar baby of my 6 years sugaring. She is an incredibly hot, tight young Latina named Lia. I am a senior citizen and we spent a wonderful private time. She pleased me in every way. She has a little 5'2" body to die for. Not only is she sexy as hell, but she is a really sweet person and willing to talk and get to know you. If you're not on secret benefits, PM me for information on Lia.


I spent more time with her today. She said she does occasionally get to Denver. She is a true sb not a pro.

01-20-23, 23:43
Thank you for your insight and lessons! I have always wanted to try this route but I was hesitant because of all the BS scammers. And imo, I thought the scammers out weighed the real SB's on sight like Seeking 99:1. I might actually pull the trigger and get it done.

On a side note, did you get your self the "Background Check" cleared mark on Seeking? Seems kinda BS that you pay a good amount but you have to pay every month to keep that check mark. Is it worth it?Seeking is pretty dead in Denver from my recent experience, and I've been around for quite sometime with alot of success. Not much anymore. Give it a shot if you don't believe me, but don't expect much. The quality has dropped significantly in the last year.

01-28-23, 12:09
So in the prior post, I mentioned I successfully have an arrangement with a sugar baby. Its been going on for 3 months now and it is amazing.
Yeah. I see these posts from guys moaning about how all the sites are dead, how all the profiles are fakes, about the prices all being ruined by TikTok, etc. Bullshit. Finding a sugar girl isn't the same as finding a good escort. It's a different skill set. You actually have to have some game to really make things happen, but when you do, this is the sort of thing that can happen.

I've got one I found at Christmas that's similar to the one you found. She's got a cute little body with a great ass, C cups, and just a little hint of a mom belly belly (that keeps her humble). I'm seeing her once a week for 2-5 hours, she's taking it bare in all her holes, she's definitely into it, and all this is for $250 per meet. Yes, I had to message a 100 women and text inanely with 20 of those to find her, so it was a significant time investment, but I've got to say that, to me, it's been worthwhile.

And FWIW, I've been finding ones like this for ten years now. I'll still bang escorts when I'm traveling because of the time required to find a good sugar girl, but this is absolutely the best I can do locally.

02-02-23, 16:36
So I took the plunge and made a seeking account. Does anyone have any advice on how to weed out the bad girls from the fun ones? Do you just try any that are willing to do a ppm or do you only see girls if they've talked to you enough? Would like to find an affordable, enjoyable, arrangement like what you guys talk about. Been sending out messages for 2 days and got lots of hits, although mostly scammers.

02-07-23, 15:09
So I took the plunge and made a seeking account. Does anyone have any advice on how to weed out the bad girls from the fun ones? Do you just try any that are willing to do a ppm or do you only see girls if they've talked to you enough? Would like to find an affordable, enjoyable, arrangement like what you guys talk about. Been sending out messages for 2 days and got lots of hits, although mostly scammers.Good on you. Here's my MO, FWIW.

In my experience, volume is your friend. Don't be afraid to send out a ton of messages. Your success rate will be low but it won't matter because 10% of 100 is more than 100% of eight.

Then, when looking at profiles, widen your net a little. I'd be willing to bet that a much higher percentage of the 9-10 girls are fakes, scammers, and rinsers than the 6-8 girls. Plus, and maybe it's just me, but I'd rather pay $200 to creampie a submissive 20 year old with a daddy fetish that's a 7 than pay $500 for a 10 that doesn't want to be there and makes me wear a raincoat.

As to figuring out which ones are down to PPM, there's a lot of tell-tale clues in their profiles if they're doing this regularly. They'll say things like "fun for both of us", "real sugar daddy", or the like. On top of that, the more they write, the more likely they're legit. Finally, I've found that Latina and Black women on the site are more reliably down for PPM. A lot of the white girls think that platonic sugar daddies exist, have GPS, or think they'll find a real relationship.

Finally, in your message to them, especially your second message (if they respond), ask succinct questions about what kind of arrangements they're looking for and whether they've had successful arrangements before. Their answers should pretty explicitly tell you, short of using terms like PPM (which will get you banned on Seeking) whether you should suggest moving to text. And on that note, make sure you have a burner text number AND burner WhatsApp, Kik, Snap, etc so you can move to the platform THEY are comfortable on.

02-07-23, 20:41
Good on you. Here's my MO, FWIW.

In my experience, volume is your friend. Don't be afraid to send out a ton of messages. Your success rate will be low but it won't matter because 10% of 100 is more than 100% of eight.

Then, when looking at profiles, widen your net a little. I'd be willing to bet that a much higher percentage of the 9-10 girls are fakes, scammers, and rinsers than the 6-8 girls. Plus, and maybe it's just me, but I'd rather pay $200 to creampie a submissive 20 year old with a daddy fetish that's a 7 than pay $500 for a 10 that doesn't want to be there and makes me wear a raincoat.

As to figuring out which ones are down to PPM, there's a lot of tell-tale clues in their profiles if they're doing this regularly. They'll say things like "fun for both of us", "real sugar daddy", or the like. On top of that, the more they write, the more likely they're legit. Finally, I've found that Latina and Black women on the site are more reliably down for PPM. A lot of the white girls think that platonic sugar daddies exist, have GPS, or think they'll find a real relationship.

Finally, in your message to them, especially your second message (if they respond), ask succinct questions about what kind of arrangements they're looking for and whether they've had successful arrangements before. Their answers should pretty explicitly tell you, short of using terms like PPM (which will get you banned on Seeking) whether you should suggest moving to text. And on that note, make sure you have a burner text number AND burner WhatsApp, Kik, Snap, etc so you can move to the platform THEY are comfortable on.What sorts of canned message are you sending? I've had like a 50% reply rate with messages but they take forever to write up because I bother to read profiles. Also I'd love to know where you find these 20 year olds, vast majority I've talked to want some insane amount of money or are completely nonresponsive and impossible to have conversations with, or just scammers. I've had a lot more luck with late 20's and early 30's girls. I don't really message any beyond that.

Still good tips and I appreciate the advice. Escorts in this city are just overpriced and not very fun, I've already found quite a few more fun girls on Seeking, my main issue has been actually getting them to agree to meet up and keeping the price reasonable.

03-24-23, 07:42
Have an upcoming turn and burn and looking to get a workout before heading home so want for a straightforward dtf girl (possibly for a ffm with GingerFly). Any pointers or intel on this one appreciated!


04-08-23, 18:04
Still good tips and I appreciate the advice. Escorts in this city are just overpriced and not very fun, I've already found quite a few more fun girls on Seeking, my main issue has been actually getting them to agree to meet up and keeping the price reasonable.I have to agree. I've been on both sites for about a year to browse on SA, but was active on SB. One hit with SB in that time. I finally paid for premium on SA Wednesday and started messaging profiles that seemed real. Have already had much more success in actual conversations, along with two planned meets over the weekend. Yeah, the monthly fee seems big, but the time saving is worth it. I'm hoping to get a few arrangements set (both casual and hopefully something on-going) and then just drop the membership until I need it again. I've seen a bunch of ladies on both sites, so SB has some good ones, it's just much harder (and costly) to weed out. The meet price is still the hardest part, I had one ask for $1 k after chatting for a while.

Good luck everyone!

04-14-23, 16:16
I have to agree. I've been on both sites for about a year to browse on SA, but was active on SB. One hit with SB in that time. I finally paid for premium on SA Wednesday and started messaging profiles that seemed real. Have already had much more success in actual conversations, along with two planned meets over the weekend. Yeah, the monthly fee seems big, but the time saving is worth it. I'm hoping to get a few arrangements set (both casual and hopefully something on-going) and then just drop the membership until I need it again. I've seen a bunch of ladies on both sites, so SB has some good ones, it's just much harder (and costly) to weed out. The meet price is still the hardest part, I had one ask for $1 k after chatting for a while.

Good luck everyone!Um Yeah. So I found a couple that seem reasonable. The last time I used the site was right when covid hit, and I was getting hotties for 100-200 a pop. I had a really nice lady blowing me bb for 100/ pop. I fucked three different girls in my car. Good days. Those I think are gone for now. I figure for pro-am, that is reasonable. I got on a few days ago and these girls are either living in a fantasy world, or idiots are paying out 500 to 1000 on mediocre pussy. So SA is dead. One girl actually claimed that the babies are talking to each other about rates, which is a completely bullshit statement since they all hate each other and have no idea how to get in touch. So, dudes have either completely ruined the site, or girls just don't really want to hookup all that much. Considering how disgusting it probably is to talk to us mongers, seems like a shitty way to spend your free time for a couple of dates every month or two. Go to a AMP for 200 and nail a hot asian girl and get free bottle of water, but don't throw your money away on SA or the the other SD sites.

04-22-23, 15:45
Um Yeah. So I found a couple that seem reasonable. The last time I used the site was right when covid hit, and I was getting hotties for 100-200 a pop. I had a really nice lady blowing me bb for 100/ pop. I fucked three different girls in my car. Good days. Those I think are gone for now. I figure for pro-am, that is reasonable. I got on a few days ago and these girls are either living in a fantasy world, or idiots are paying out 500 to 1000 on mediocre pussy. So SA is dead. One girl actually claimed that the babies are talking to each other about rates, which is a completely bullshit statement since they all hate each other and have no idea how to get in touch. So, dudes have either completely ruined the site, or girls just don't really want to hookup all that much. Considering how disgusting it probably is to talk to us mongers, seems like a shitty way to spend your free time for a couple of dates every month or two. Go to a AMP for 200 and nail a hot asian girl and get free bottle of water, but don't throw your money away on SA or the the other SD sites.I don't think guys are paying $500-$1000. I think the ratio on these sites are now really bad and girls get too many messages. B / c of that they raise their amounts to something absurd and never make any deals. Kinda like commercial real estate right now, everyone is asking too much and 40% of the spaces are empty. If / when the unemployment rate goes up to 6%+ these sites will have value again. Until then, as you say, find another hobby.

07-19-23, 12:51


$500 ppm for both, willing to skip M&G.

Cfs and BBJ offered.

08-02-23, 22:21
Any information on this one?

08-18-23, 08:38
Any Intel on this one too?

08-28-23, 19:29
Amazing. Tight body, fair allowance.


09-04-23, 15:48
Any of you boys have info on this blonde beauty? Also goes by LenaBell721 on OF.


10-04-23, 11:57
I was thinking about finding a SB to come spend the night with me while I'm out there for work.

Which site do people have the best luck with here in Denver? I'm going to pay for a subscription in a few days but would rather only spend on one site at a time. I was going to go with Seeking unless anyone has any better suggestions.

10-06-23, 09:02
In the effort to find UTR providers, has anyone looked at cuddlecomfort.com? Some gems have been found here, and I can even point to a few in Denver. I just don't know if that discussion is warranted in this thread. If not, perhaps a new thread can be started focusing on the cuddle providers. I'd be happy to share my leads / successes, especially if others have info to contribute!

10-07-23, 21:04
In the effort to find UTR providers, has anyone looked at cuddlecomfort.com? Some gems have been found here, and I can even point to a few in Denver. I just don't know if that discussion is warranted in this thread. If not, perhaps a new thread can be started focusing on the cuddle providers. I'd be happy to share my leads / successes, especially if others have info to contribute!I was on there for a bit and didn't find anyone promising but quite possible I didn't give it enough time.

10-08-23, 07:05
You can't link to cuddlecomfort.com direct from this site. They block you because they know you are coming from a sex site. You have to enter it into your browser manually.

10-10-23, 22:32
I was on there for a bit and didn't find anyone promising but quite possible I didn't give it enough time.Got booted from the site. Be careful what you say. Didn't find anything other than cuddle seekers.

10-26-23, 22:30
Saw this one in Chicago. She just moved to Denver. 500 for BBFS, loves facials. Have fun.


11-05-23, 20:02
Looking to collaborate with active SA daddies who have had success on Seeking the past couple years. (7+ on quality and 2-3 "dates" min / mo) Secret Benefits has been a joke to me. If you fit the mold and want to share profiles / info, please DM me (Denver and surrounding areas only).

Member #6704
11-07-23, 01:55
I was thinking about finding a SB to come spend the night with me while I'm out there for work.

Which site do people have the best luck with here in Denver? I'm going to pay for a subscription in a few days but would rather only spend on one site at a time. I was going to go with Seeking unless anyone has any better suggestions.Did you had any luck?

11-20-23, 12:25
If anyone is interested in creampie GBs with SA girls, message me. Came from an active scene in ATL and trying to start one here.

11-25-23, 22:31
Been talking with this one for a few days, even sent a little money. I'm thinking that's going to be my stupid tax. Everytime we are supposed to get up with each other, she goes dark. Has anyone had any luck with this lady?

12-12-23, 20:06
Been talking with this one for a few days, even sent a little money. I'm thinking that's going to be my stupid tax. Everytime we are supposed to get up with each other, she goes dark. Has anyone had any luck with this lady?I'm still talking with her, and haven't sent any money. But haven't nailed down any meets either.

12-13-23, 13:25
Just want to put in my plug for SA. I've been on / off for about 8 years or so now. Have had many fantastic partners through it. Also a few duds. It takes some savvy and effort to be sure, but I always find partners who will provide clean, FS and uncovered fun for 300 per meet. I'm not on the site now as I have an array of 4-5 gals whom I rotate through. Am seeing a lovely mid 20's couple again in Ft. Collins for a threesome today in fact, although double the fun they are double the price too. My Christmas present to myself! Point being, if one is respectful, makes a humane and sophisticated first impression and is patient, good lord. The amazingness that can ensue.

12-14-23, 07:39
Saw this one in Chicago. She just moved to Denver. 500 for BBFS, loves facials. Have fun.

https://members.seeking.com/member/19a3d28d-e3bc-4eb0-acf5-c0cc5d7b4acdLooking for 700 now. Not with that snozz.

12-30-23, 20:34
Just want to put in my plug for SA. I've been on / off for about 8 years or so now. Have had many fantastic partners through it. Also a few duds. It takes some savvy and effort to be sure, but I always find partners who will provide clean, FS and uncovered fun for 300 per meet. I'm not on the site now as I have an array of 4-5 gals whom I rotate through. Am seeing a lovely mid 20's couple again in Ft. Collins for a threesome today in fact, although double the fun they are double the price too. My Christmas present to myself! Point being, if one is respectful, makes a humane and sophisticated first impression and is patient, good lord. The amazingness that can ensue.Ditto, I've been on there off and on for 8 years. It's a far cry from the golden years. I haven't been on SA in almost a year now. After COVID the entire scene took a huge turn for the worse. Girls have an inflated sense of value and the ratio got real bad since every guy has figured out vanilla apps don't work unless you are top 3% in looks. I keep trying some other sites but I haven't found any with much traffic compared to SA.

Good luck.

01-05-24, 07:58
Damn, gentlemen. I am just visiting Colorado Springs and found the best sugar baby of my 6 years sugaring. She is an incredibly hot, tight young Latina named Lia. I am a senior citizen and we spent a wonderful private time. She pleased me in every way. She has a little 5'2" body to die for. Not only is she sexy as hell, but she is a really sweet person and willing to talk and get to know you. If you're not on secret benefits, PM me for information on Lia.


I spent more time with her today. She said she does occasionally get to Denver. She is a true sb not a pro.Would you be willing to supply her info? Your message box is full.

01-05-24, 08:37
Going next week and would like to meet a sb or three. Anyone willing to share some contacts etc? I can't sign up on any site because I don't have a credit or debit card. Willing to give a bird dog fee to anyone who can help me out. Thanks.

02-01-24, 16:49
Since this thread has been dead for a while, I'll report on some recent visits.

TrophyWife: Teeth are a little jacked up, but overall a fun time. Good head, nice body / ass, BBFS. Negotiable, but she starts high.


TT: A little thicker than pics, but nice girl and a fun time. YMMV. Reasonable on cost.


02-01-24, 22:51
I'm curious if you are able to share what you spend to see the girls? Thank you.

Since this thread has been dead for a while, I'll report on some recent visits.

TrophyWife: Teeth are a little jacked up, but overall a fun time. Good head, nice body / ass, BBFS. Negotiable, but she starts high.


TT: A little thicker than pics, but nice girl and a fun time. YMMV. Reasonable on cost.


02-04-24, 18:28
Since this thread has been dead for a while, I'll report on some recent visits.

TrophyWife: Teeth are a little jacked up, but overall a fun time. Good head, nice body / ass, BBFS. Negotiable, but she starts high.


TT: A little thicker than pics, but nice girl and a fun time. YMMV. Reasonable on cost.

https://members.seeking.com/member/e8fbdc04-4217-4ef3-bf5b-827ef8e413b8Trophy wife: we were never able to solidify a meet up, but I Will circle back eventually.

Tt: I've seen her a couple times, the last is decent enough, but where she's special is she loves getting her face painted. And I'm into it enough to see her the second time after not being too impressed.

02-05-24, 15:43
Trophy wife: we were never able to solidify a meet up, but I Will circle back eventually.

Tt: I've seen her a couple times, the last is decent enough, but where she's special is she loves getting her face painted. And I'm into it enough to see her the second time after not being too impressed.TW is not a must see. A bit of a pro vibe TBH. Yep, not repeating TT, but she def loves cum on the face. Enjoy brother!

02-12-24, 16:44
TW is not a must see. A bit of a pro vibe TBH. Yep, not repeating TT, but she def loves cum on the face. Enjoy brother!Willing to share what you spend? I keep getting ridiculous quotes from a lot of the girls and curious if you guys are actually paying that much. I think TW asked me for a grand.

02-20-24, 13:41
TW is not a must see. A bit of a pro vibe TBH. Yep, not repeating TT, but she def loves cum on the face. Enjoy brother!I'd be interested in hearing the range of price quotes you are getting versus actually paying also. And also your approx age and your perceived SMV (1-8) would be helpful also.


02-29-24, 14:39
I saw TT a couple days ago, and I offered 3. 0 and she said she was thinking about that too. Maybe I should have started with something less, but you know how these females be.

(Oh you know what, I am not even interested anymore) They hate getting low balled, lolllll.

She came out to my place, arrived in a beautiful black dress and wedges, we chit chatted for about 5 min before getting started. She loves BBBJ, I went down DATY. I didn't have any covers but she was well prepared and did mish. And doggy covered. Given the reviews here I asked her where should I cum, she said it would be pretty hot if you pull off the cover and cum on my face. Mannnn it looked like one of those POV porn shots. Just overall a great experience. I may repeat.

I'd be interested in hearing the range of price quotes you are getting versus actually paying also. And also your approx age and your perceived SMV (1-8) would be helpful also.


02-29-24, 19:30
I saw TT a couple days ago, and I offered 3. 0 and she said she was thinking about that too. Maybe I should have started with something less, but you know how these females be.

(Oh you know what, I am not even interested anymore) They hate getting low balled, lolllll.

She came out to my place, arrived in a beautiful black dress and wedges, we chit chatted for about 5 min before getting started. She loves BBBJ, I went down DATY. I didn't have any covers but she was well prepared and did mish. And doggy covered. Given the reviews here I asked her where should I cum, she said it would be pretty hot if you pull off the cover and cum on my face. Mannnn it looked like one of those POV porn shots. Just overall a great experience. I may repeat.She will let you take pictures and video if you're into doing that also.

03-01-24, 17:23

03-14-24, 15:24
Hi everyone. I'm visiting this weekend and would love to meet a sugar baby. If anyone is willing to share info or contacts that would be great. I'd share my info from AZ and Portland.

04-08-24, 09:45
Hi, guys. Super experienced SD here from the west coast, to be in your fair city in late summer. Scoping out your local sugar bowl. This thread seems pretty dead. Does that mean the sugar scene in your area is also dormant? FFA.

04-10-24, 17:12
Just started talking with her. Good communication but only has one picture on her profile and hasn't responded to my request for a second verification photo.

04-11-24, 10:18
This popped up on my Seeking page. Okay, redheads do something for me. Yeah, I know she is a pro, but then again, pros are generally DTF.


04-25-24, 10:38
Hello Brothers,

I saw this girl while I was visiting Denver. She is real and very good GFE. I had a great time with her and definitely seeing her again when I am in the town again. She is from Boulder but may come to you if you are with in an hour reach. Happy mongering.


Old Sailor
04-25-24, 18:23
Hello Brothers,

I saw this girl while I was visiting Denver. She is real and very good GFE. I had a great time with her and definitely seeing her again when I am in the town again. She is from Boulder but may come to you if you are with in an hour reach. Happy mongering.

https://members.seeking.com/member/f038231a-cdf7-4e6e-b5ff-9498862c2623Awesome! PPM?

05-06-24, 21:26
Hey all.

Any good leads on an CuddleComfort girls who provide extras in the Denver / Boulder area. Feel free to PM me any leads.

05-13-24, 09:44
Anyone have seen these two profiles?



The first profile seem to be a duo playing together, they are cute enough that I was tempted to sign back up for a month. The second hints at a girlfriend who may join on subsequent sessions.

05-13-24, 12:20
Anyone have seen these two profiles?



The first profile seem to be a duo playing together, they are cute enough that I was tempted to sign back up for a month. The second hints at a girlfriend who may join on subsequent sessions.I've never received a response from the first pair. Or the redhead's individual accounts on Seeking or SB. I agree they look and sound great, but may be TGTBT.

I have not seen the second profile before.

05-13-24, 14:10
I've never received a response from the first pair. Or the redhead's individual accounts on Seeking or SB. I agree they look and sound great, but may be TGTBT.

I have not seen the second profile before.Thanks for that intel. I was wondering if I pony up for a membership again, sounds like no.

05-13-24, 14:31
Anyone else feel the same?

05-14-24, 11:28
Anyone else feel the same?It seems to be much more hit and miss, mainly miss. A lot more scammers on there recently in my experience too.

05-16-24, 17:37
I've never received a response from the first pair. Or the redhead's individual accounts on Seeking or SB. I agree they look and sound great, but may be TGTBT.

I have not seen the second profile before.Second one has been on and off seeking for years, I believe she is legit. I exchanged texts with her a couple of years ago but never connected. Not much help I know LOL.

07-28-24, 09:29
Going to be in the Denver area first week of October and scoping out potentials. I am looking for a mature 40+ woman that is DTF. Given my age, even 50's or 60's doesn't bother me. I have been throwing some darts on SB and gotten some replies. Anyone have any good recommendations?

One I did find was JillW66. She sent me some pictures. Turns out she used to have an OF page. Anyone seen her?



08-08-24, 11:37
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who posted about TT and her love of facials. That is 100% my jam and it is getting harder to find outside of the super pro space in my experience. I'm meeting up w / her soon and I can't wait to plaster her.

Wonder if she would do a blowbang / bukkake?

08-09-24, 15:06
It seems to be much more hit and miss, mainly miss. A lot more scammers on there recently in my experience too.I guess I've just been lucky. Seeking continues to be very, very good to me.

08-10-24, 20:32
I guess I've just been lucky. Seeking continues to be very, very good to me.Been lining up girls for a weeklong business trip In October for over a month now. Have a over a dozen girls so far. If I get meet to meet up with 3 of them I will be a happy man. Between that and my UTR list I will be a happy man.


08-15-24, 14:29
I guess I've just been lucky. Seeking continues to be very, very good to me.I am coming into town tomorrow, w / some optimism. I have a date lined up for Saturday dinner, and I have at least a half-dozen other POTs I am playing to fill in several other nights there. All from SA. There are a lot of subs, that is common anywhere, but it seems to me moreso there.

09-03-24, 14:45
I have just got back on SA, and reached out to a few interesting profiles. One responded and asked to contact her on Telegram. Thoughts? Is it a scam? Or maybe a pro (I don't have any problems with that)?

Magikal Massag
09-04-24, 15:46
I have just got back on SA, and reached out to a few interesting profiles. One responded and asked to contact her on Telegram. Thoughts? Is it a scam? Or maybe a pro (I don't have any problems with that)?I've got a burn phone separate from my regular phone. I installed telegram on it. Yes so far I've found scammers. But it's possible to find real still. Though the scammers had approached me on a non dating type site. So I do play with scammers and decided to see what type pics they send. But telegram is a developing tool for texting and such. But follow all rules of no deposits or advances. No gift cards etc. Assume they are a scammer until proven otherwise.

09-05-24, 15:15
I have just got back on SA, and reached out to a few interesting profiles. One responded and asked to contact her on Telegram. Thoughts? Is it a scam? Or maybe a pro (I don't have any problems with that)?I have used Telegram in the past to communicate with SB's. As Magikal said, still follow the rules and everything should be ok. Telegram just lets people be anonymous, totally get why a lady would want to use until things are comfortable.

09-05-24, 20:38
I have just got back on SA, and reached out to a few interesting profiles. One responded and asked to contact her on Telegram. Thoughts? Is it a scam? Or maybe a pro (I don't have any problems with that)?Scam for sure. Anyone that doesn't give her real number and wants to talk on whatsapp kik or telegram is a scammer. 💯 percent. If girls don't want to give out their number which you will get that a lot they will give you their burner text free app number. It's free and allows her to remain safe.