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And Again
02-23-09, 13:47
Visited Devon Spa a few days ago. Massage by Naomi. Slightly thicker low 30's Korean woman with nice sized tits. Self service shower followed by sauna. Massage was deep like I like it. At the flip was asked what I wanted. Just wanted standard stuff. She asked how much you gonna give me. I don't like talking money in the middle of it. Told her just regular. And regular amount. Perhaps when she knows me she'll skip the negotiations. Enthusiastic performance with the usual, "you're so big" talk. Finished out the time with legs and foot massage. Will be back as soon as funds will allow.

Northside Jim
02-23-09, 13:49
Thought I'd ask again if anybody knows where Judy/Jenny is working. She was Judy at B. D. On Lincoln & Jenny at Pretty Girls on Irving when they first opened. I'd describe her but I'm not too good at that & it would sound like many of the AMP providers anyway. Her service was ok & she looked ok but for some reason she turned me on.


02-23-09, 17:13
Hello, everybody. This is my first post in this wonderful forum. If not, for this forum, I wouldn't have had this dream full of suspense, laughter, and a happy ending to write about. Here it is: Last Thursday, I took a 'nap' around 7:30 pm I 'dreamed' about a AMP in Chinatown. I can't 'remember' the name, but it is very popular on this forum. I arrived, and find parking around the corner from the place. As I walked to the AMP, I saw a LE car, with LEO inside, engine running. The car was a block down, on the other side of the street, but still made me hesitant on going in. This was my first time going to a AMP, and from what I read on this forum, you have to pay attention to your surroundings. Being not only nervous but also cautious, I abort plan, and casually walk past, the AMP. When I reached the end of the block, near the LE car, I made a left down the side street. I then, cut back through the back alley that ran along the main street, to get back to my car. Phew.

Sneaking around, and contemplating if going to the AMP was worth the risk, did a number on my stomach. I hate to say it, but a HR wasn't my top priority anymore. I figure Target has all the BRs' (Bathrooms) I need, and they're for free. Off I go.

I get to Target, and head straight for the bathroom. The men's entrance is blocked off, because its being cleaned. Wow so now, instead of using the stall, I. Have to. Stall: until the bathroom's done. Oooo sphincter don't fail me now!

While stalling, I decided to look at, well what else, bathroom products. Toilet paper, wet wipes, air fresheners, and buckets. You ask, buckets? I figure, you always have to have a plan B.

I limped back around the front, and now the entrance to the bathroom is open. I run in, go to the handicap stall, and. Release. As I'm on the toilet, I wonder how I will I be received at the AMP, fresh from dropping the browns off. Guess I should have, bought some of them Wet Wipes.

After wiping briskly with the generic paper, then washing my hands, I head back to Chinatown.

The LE car is still there, but I guess with all the pushing I just finish doing. My balls finally dropped, and I didn't care.

I go in, and am greeted by the papa son. He asked, if I wanted the hour massage with TS? Since, that's what I keep seeing people get on here, I say yes. He asks for 75 dollars, and then yells upstairs. He tells me to take my shoes off, and put them on a shoe rack. I walk up the stairs, and meet the lady he called up to. Her name is Katy, and she's looked about 35. 40. She was Chinese, about 5'6", portly, but with a big chest. Her face was average, she wasn't a looker, but she also wasn't a lookaway. She took me into a room, and told me to take my clothes off. I did exactly that, I was butt naked in under 1 minute. She came over, and gave me some towels to wrap around myself, because I was about to go across the hallway to get a TS.

Now the TS was nice, and relaxing. She used the spray nozzle to get me wet and slippery, and then used a loofah scrub to sudds my up. After that, she rinsed me off, and off we were back to the other room.

She started messaging my back, and it felt pretty good. For my first massage. She did this for about 20 mins, then told me to flip. Then she asked, " what you want? " with a heavy Chinese accent. I said, " well, what do you have? " Then she asked, " do you want me to message down there? " I said, " Yes, please. " She then says, " for how much? " Since I read on here, the going rate for a HR is. 4, so I say. 4. She's like, "oh no, to low, " as she starts to do the HR. So then I say ". 5, is all I have. " She's like, " okay, are you pay cash? " I say, " yeah, hand me my jeans. " I shouldn't have done that, because as I get my money out, she sees more, and is like, " give me. 6. " I'm like, " no, we agreed on. 5. " She then says, " What do you really want? " I'm thinking, huh, what does she mean, really want? This is my first time guys. So I say, " I'll give you. 6, if you take you top, and bra off, " she did have a big chest. She's like, " more, come on. " I'm like all I have is. 7. " She's like, "okay. '. She has me take off her top, and bra. Now she's giving me a HR, while I'm sucking her nip nips. Her nip nips, were very long, probably the longest I've seen in person. I'm going to town on those nips, and she's moaning and groaning. It takes awhile, but I reach the finale. She cleans me up, and gives me a bottle water. She then says, " next time bring a condo. "? , I'm thinking that doesn't make any sense, then I realize she meant to say condom.

Overall, I paid $. 45. 75 for message, and. 70 tip. I received a TS, message, topless HR, while sucking on nips.

The lady's name was Katy, and she's looked about 35. 40. She was Chinese, about 5'6", portly, but with a big chest. Her face was average. She was nice, and funny. I think I could have had FS, but since I'm a idiot, I just stuck to the plan, than I woke up. I'll dream about her again, but I hope they're better ones in there.


02-23-09, 22:20
duplicate post

Captain Stiffy
02-24-09, 01:52
Way to post 2 times. Also, for future reference, no report should ever contain the sentence "As I'm on the toilet, I wonder...."

02-24-09, 10:20
Overall, I paid $. 45. 75 for message, and. 70 tip. I received a TS, message, topless HR, while sucking on nips.

I think I could have had FS, but since I'm a idiot, I just stuck to the plan, than I woke up.

Yes, you are an idiot (for posting twice) and you paid too much for HJ. But I forgive you, since you wrote the funniest, most interesting post seen on the Chi boards in a loooong time.

Welcome to the boards, and hope to read more of your stuff in the future.

Self Hi5
02-24-09, 11:43
Somebody please wake him up!

J/K Nice Post.

Luke Appling
02-24-09, 12:54
I left. 25 because it was basically self service. She seemed cool with it. No looks of disppointment.

I'm shocked at your response. Most posters complain because we leave too much money. Not because we leave too little.

How much do you tip her? Or how much do you think I should've tipped her.


I know tone is hard to read. So please let's not make this an argument. I'm only inquiring.

Sorry buddy, didn't mean to come off as harsh. If it was self service, you left plenty.

I tend to overtip, but in general $40 is standard for a HJ. If the girl is nice and I am going to go back to the place, I'll leave $60. It's worth the extra (for me) to not go through the buzz-kill negotiation process.

My only point on commenting on the $25 is if you are hoping to get more next time. She might think of you as "$25 guy." If it is a place where I have to earn their trust but I suspect more is available, I might be a little too generous.

Raoul Duke
02-24-09, 13:58
duplicate post

Nice post, Dynomutt. I happened to read it while sitting on the crapper, so I got an extra laugh just from that.

I tend to see that car in the hood each time that I'm down there, and I don't go that often. The first time gave me the same uneasy feeling, but my urge got the best of me and I entered after much internal debate. BTW, you can also use the facilities at the Mickey D's on King Drive. It may be a little closer than Target.

Nicky Forza
02-24-09, 14:21
duplicate post

I enjoyed your post..it was funny with good info too.. btw, the firehouse next to Mercy Massage is even closer should you have to use the 'br' while in CT. They are very nice there.

Mr Stinky
02-24-09, 16:12
Just because you provided us with some laughter doesn't mean you can ask any questions. You must have 50 posts before any senior member will answer any questions. Are you sure you're not Mike Mulligen in disguise?

Stinky Laughing

Emp Fan 473
02-24-09, 16:29
just an fyi, they have a decent BR at Senina, just don't think it's the best use of one's time there.

02-24-09, 18:05
Decided to try after Violet after seeing their post in CL. Overall not bad 3 ladies present I had Maggie who definitely has been in this country for a while as she has that chunkier Asian shape. Not bad in the face but had some acne
around the nose.

Table shower and massage overall not bad. Full takeout menu offered and accepted but you need to bring your own doggy bag. On the way out saw a very attractive and thin therapist that is making me gonna go back tomorrow and see if the wired one can choose her. $70 for the massage and table shower and since the wire one hates to be thought of as a bad tipper, I left a $100 for my to go order of dim sum pork.


02-24-09, 19:09
I am surprised with you guys paying this much money!

Come on I can get better with .5, meaning FS for 15 minutes which I am assuming it is a normal time and a different provider weekly.

02-24-09, 22:04
I checked out this place as well. She is much older probably in her 40s and yes her english is not soo good. She is oki. and does not look like the pic at all. Quite accomodating tho.

Visited this place today. She is actually really hot, looks a lot like the picture. I think she is only there for 2 more weeks before moving to another chicago location. She is thai and her english isn't good. But she's still hot. Negotiated 120/hh. Not happy about that either but wasn't rude.


02-24-09, 22:06
I agree with Mike, its time to stretch the $$ no pint dropping $.6 for a hour when business lasts for much less (in my case :) ). This way mt find a hidden nugget.

I am surprised with you guys paying this much money!

Come on I can get better with .5, meaning FS for 15 minutes which I am assuming it is a normal time and a different provider weekly.

Juggy Gales
02-24-09, 23:20
Decided to try after Violet after seeing their post in CL. Overall not bad 3 ladies present I had Maggie who definitely has been in this country for a while as she has that chunkier Asian shape. Not bad in the face but had some acne
around the nose.

Table shower and massage overall not bad. Full takeout menu offered and accepted but you need to bring your own doggy bag. On the way out saw a very attractive and thin therapist that is making me gonna go back tomorrow and see if the wired one can choose her. $70 for the massage and table shower and since the wire one hates to be thought of as a bad tipper, I left a $100 for my to go order of dim sum pork.

EnjoyHow was the Dim Sum? Fresh or 3day old freezer burned?

02-25-09, 11:09
[QUOTE=Juggy Gales]How was the Dim Sum? Fresh or 3day old freezer burned?

No complaints, very fresh. In regards to paying too much, in my opinion Chicago has always had high escort prices, high door fees at the asian parlors than Los Angeles where I monger in the winter.

Door fees in LA generally run $40 and many places with let you sample the full menu for $80 but I believe that is mainly because of the fact that there are 3X
as many parlors in LA and LA county than in Chicago. It is as usual supply and demand determining the prices.

Heck, check out thatmall or ******** for Los Angeles and many of those hot chicks are available for $175 an hour and if they came here to Chicago, they could easily get $300 for their hotness alone but out there being a 7 just does not cut in the movie business and well a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to pay the rent.

02-25-09, 20:41
I enjoyed your post..it was funny with good info too.. btw, the firehouse next to Mercy Massage is even closer should you have to use the 'br' while in CT. They are very nice there.Hey, thanks a lot, Higuey. Yeah, that firehouse isn't far at all! A lot closer than Target.

02-25-09, 20:44
just an fyi, they have a decent BR at Senina, just don't think it's the best use of one's time there.Lol, I agree, Emp. Next time, I'll get all my "paperwork," done beforehand.

02-25-09, 20:54
Just because you provided us with some laughter doesn't mean you can ask any questions. You must have 50 posts before any senior member will answer any questions. Are you sure you're not Mike Mulligen in disguise?

Stinky LaughingJ/k,

Mr. Mulligen to you. Now, who's Mike Mulligen? LOL Also, if it takes 50 post to become a senior member, I don't know if I can have that type of dream 49 more times, "grimacing".

02-25-09, 21:10
Nice post, Dynomutt. I happened to read it while sitting on the crapper, so I got an extra laugh just from that.

I tend to see that car in the hood each time that I'm down there, and I don't go that often. The first time gave me the same uneasy feeling, but my urge got the best of me and I entered after much internal debate. BTW, you can also use the facilities at the Mickey D's on King Drive. It may be a little closer than Target.Thanks, Raoul. Lmao, on the toilet, while on laptop. BRILLIANT! Two things done at once, I'm mad I didn't think of that.

Yeah, I wonder what that car is doing over there? I bet, they're waiting for a really busy night, then they'll make a move?

I've been to the Mc D's on King Drive several times, I don't know why I didn't think of that, good call.

02-25-09, 21:13
Somebody please wake him up!

J/K Nice Post.Thanks, Hi5. At first, I thought I was having a nightmare, lol.

02-25-09, 21:25

Yes, you are an idiot (for posting twice) and you paid too much for HJ. But I forgive you, since you wrote the funniest, most interesting post seen on the Chi boards in a loooong time.

Welcome to the boards, and hope to read more of your stuff in the future. Thanks, Panther. LOL, I figured I am, and I guess I did. Knowing is half the battle. Its just, they do some low down stuff while negotiating! She's negotiating with me while stroking me off. What is that! From now on, " its. 4 or the door! " That's a catch phrase I came up with, I dedicate it to you, Panther, hehe.

02-25-09, 21:32
Way to post 2 times. Also, for future reference, no report should ever contain the sentence "As I'm on the toilet, I wonder...."Thanks, Captain Stiffy. I took down the second one.

Lmao, you are correct, but who doesn't wonder, while on the crapper?

Its the best place, to think!

Donny Devito
02-26-09, 00:04
I am surprised with you guys paying this much money!

Come on I can get better with. 5, meaning FS for 15 minutes which I am assuming it is a normal time and a different provider weekly.I'm with you man. They are the types that end up having many mongers complaining about them driving the prices up! I have been tipping $20 for HS for as long as I've been mongering and have never had a problem with it. Just any FYI. If you give a $100 tip or a $70 tip, it's gonna drive the price up in these hard economic times.

02-26-09, 18:37
Has anyone been by the new place advertising on Craigslist? I plan on stopping by this weekend and will let you know my thoughts, just wonderingif anyone has been there and can give me a go/no go on this place.


02-27-09, 10:39
I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

Fred C
02-27-09, 12:56
I'm with you man. They are the types that end up having many mongers complaining about them driving the prices up! I have been tipping $20 for HS for as long as I've been mongering and have never had a problem with it. Just any FYI. If you give a $100 tip or a $70 tip, it's gonna drive the price up in these hard economic times.I've never tipped more than 30. If it's real good massage with HJ I'll give 30, if the massage is crappy it's 20. Even when they haggle I've knver had one walk away from the 20, Just don't take in any more than that.

Raoul Duke
02-27-09, 16:49
I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

I dunno. Although it's not impossible, it's highly unlikely that was the source. Also, C is typically asymptomatic in males. A guy usually doesn't realize he has it until he infects his significant other and she kicks him in the nuts after being diagnosed.

02-27-09, 18:07
Well, I went to AJ for first time today and from now on unless I need a real good massage I will not be going to the Asian places anymore.

Not only was the girl smoking hot, they have new girls it looks like.

There was no haggling, for what I got it was well withing a decent price range. Next tiem I will go for the full hour with a full massage not just an oral release.

Now I was a big Siena fan but here is the differances from the Asian places I been to before.

The Bad: No Shower, a little dirty and chilly.

The Good: I could understand the girl, no trying to rip me off, Hot as hell and got right to the business at hand.

All I can say is wow

Girl looks 8
Massage 6
Extra 9

Indiana Fun
02-27-09, 20:19
Tried the new joint on Archer today. I think it is called Ruby. Had Cici.

Massage and TS were OK. However, when she was trying to get my boy going she kept asking how much. I said when you are done you will find out and if it is good I will make you happy. She kept asking asking and stroking. Finally I said to her how much and she said $1.0. I said no way to high only if it was for everything. She said .8 than. I said wipe me off. She did as she was told and I said OK I'm done. Got up from table and got dressed. The whole time she is like OK, OK for .6, I got dressed and walked out. She tried grabbing me but I kept going.

Girl at desk asked if everything was OK and if I wanted a discount card. I said no keep it I won't be back. she asked why and I said her girl is a rip off and left.

Won't be back to this one.

02-28-09, 00:45
I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

If it was a couple of years later how can you pin point it to an AMP experience? I also find it unlikely that an AMP worker would ever touch herself before touching you. Do you think you are that hot that she had to touch herself after massaging you? More likely you got it from having sex with a condom. A condom does not 100% reduce the risk of getting the clap. It is more likely you got it having actual sex with a condom than from a HR at an AMP.

02-28-09, 01:42
After reading ur post, i got all worried, as most of us here are about bringing something special home from one of these places.

After extensive research, i must say that i think u r wrong. Getting Chlamydia from a HJ, is impossible (I also called my GP doctor and he confirmed what I read.)

All these years, u didnt have any sex with anyone or gotten a bbbj?

I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

F Blaster
02-28-09, 02:19
I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

Let me be the first to officially call bullshit. How do you know that you've had it for a couple of years? Name the AMP, name the provider. Vague references cast doubt on the veracity of your claims.

I highly doubt a provider would touch herself while she was taking care of you. The vast majority of providers here just want to get you in and out as quickly as possible.

AMP service in this area has been terrible for a few years now.

02-28-09, 02:39
Well, he asked his DR (if he actually did) and he said u can get it...

I asked mine (I'm paranoid about these things, so believe me i did) and he said no...

Does anyone else care to ask their DR and get a 3rd opinion on the matter? Like i said, i read all the stuff online and it also confirmed that its literally impossible. Remember, just because she touched herself and jacked u off, u have skin on mr happy to protect u. Infection takes place inside the body or you would have had to be bleeding from ur dick...

I think that's the only way to get it (i know herp u can get from skin 2 skin, but even that is hard, unless u lick an open sore, lol GROSS!)

I know I'm new at posting here. I've been reading for a while though. I wanted to let you guys know to be careful. I found out I got chlamydia from a local AMP and only got a HR. Fact of the matter is she must have touched herself then touched me. I've never had unprotected sex anywhere else. My doctor told me this is possible. My symptoms didn't even show up for a couple years.

George W. Bush
02-28-09, 13:35
I said no keep it I won't be back.
Good, that's the way to get the message across loud and clear. I've only been in the situation of threatening to leave a couple of times, but it's amazing the attitude adjustment when you do it. You tell them you're not satisfied and you are leaving and they change real quick.

Past Tense
02-28-09, 17:44
Had a taste for Chinese today so I gave the place on Belmont and CP a call. Within 1 block of intersection easy street parking (watch for permit parking signs on one side street. Was able to take me within 30 minutes of initial call.

Usual call system, Mamasan on premises and came down to lead me upstairs. Usual fee. Girl I got was Annie, not the girl in the ad (big surprise). A little shy, limited english 5-3 plump conical bs medium sized nips. OK massage then mediocre cbj, daty (well received) and mish followeed by a little more massage almost a full hour. She seemed to relax a little as things progressed friendlier on my way out.

Looks 5
Massage 5
attitude 6
Service 6

Overall a very average visit. Would repeat only due to the convenient location.

If the wife was a little more enthusiastic and consistant I would consider offering her the cash instead. Unfortunatelty, any time we have had some kind of tit for tat arrangement going she always drops the ball at her end.

Good luck out there and watch yuor back.

As to the sneeches controversy. It's far more likely that you got it from your SO dude. She's probably doing the UPS driver while you are at work.

02-28-09, 19:17
Well mongers, it finally happened to me. After going to AMPs all over Chi Town and the burbs for almost five years (make that many dozens of visits), I finally was shut down at China Spa without even a HJ. (I have had everything from HJ to FS at AMPs in the area.)

I actually got the rap: "Didn't you see the sign next to the door?" referring to the obligatory city notice that they are "offended" if anything sexual is brought up. "No," I said. "I can't see without my glasses."

In this marketplace, China Spa will definitely sink to a well deserved murky death with this kind of attitude.

I TOFTT and lost. I hope this information saves some of you some hard earned dollars.

Perhaps other girls here are more helpful. But don't go to "Eye-E."

If anyone has had different luck here, please PM me.

Joey Jojo
02-28-09, 21:54
There was no haggling, for what I got it was well withing a decent price range. Next tiem I will go for the full hour with a full massage not just an oral release. In my humble opinion there is no need to get a full hour, unless you really like an oily amateur rubdown. You can get what you need with the half. Of course if you would like to take your time with it, I understand.

02-28-09, 23:12
Will be in Chicago in a couple of months. Are there any Korean or other AMPS in the vicinity of the Hard Rock Hotel on N. Michigan? I will have to depend on public transportation and I'm not familiar with the city so any suggestions would be appreciated.

03-01-09, 00:54
Will be in Chicago in a couple of months. Are there any Korean or other AMPS in the vicinity of the Hard Rock Hotel on N. Michigan? I will have to depend on public transportation and I'm not familiar with the city so any suggestions would be appreciated.If you depend on public transportation, your options are limited. You may want to check out Mercy on Millenium Park, a few blocks south from your hotel.

03-01-09, 01:06
Will be in Chicago in a couple of months. Are there any Korean or other AMPS in the vicinity of the Hard Rock Hotel on N. Michigan? I will have to depend on public transportation and I'm not familiar with the city so any suggestions would be appreciated.Walk over to the Red Line On State Street. Thats the Subway. Ride it to The Cermack Station.. Thats Chinatown. Walk one block west and you are on Wentworth. Take some time and read back thru the forum. There are several AMPs in Chinatown.

03-01-09, 01:10
I limped back around the front, and now the entrance to the bathroom is open. I run in, go to the handicap stall, and. Release. As I'm on the toilet, I wonder how I will I be received at the AMP, fresh from dropping the browns off. Guess I should have, bought some of them Wet Wipes.DynomuttGood post about your AMP experience. Very detailed with good info.

But none of us want to hear about "browns" or any details about your toilet experience !

03-01-09, 15:42
Thanks for the info.

Humpty Hump
03-01-09, 16:27
Archer and ashland

I went here a few years back and got horrible service. Cute, almost late teens, petite ebony. Light touch massage and no extras, wtf. Thought I'd never go back. Was in the neighborhood lately and decided what the hell the least I could do was a bit of recon. Ducked my head in, young Latina. Mid/late twenties I'm guessing, one piece dress showing lots of skin and pretty sexy. Little head took over. 40 for 30. Full menu offered, went for everything for 1. Had to haggle a little bit. Very accomodating experience, not rushed and I'm sure we went longer than 30. Would repeat.


Open late. Nice spa experience. Wanted the full experience, massage and table shower. Last time I was there I was offered a sauna but oh well. Good massage nice finish, took the 2nd option on the menu for finish. Had Lucy. Funny she came down with me at the end and papasan asked me if enjoyed my time while my therapist sat there with her head down. Made me feel like she had a complaint recently. Would repeat but for xtras I think I agree with the previous poster and would head back to ashland first.

03-01-09, 23:50
Well, he asked his DR (if he actually did) and he said u can get it...

I asked mine (I'm paranoid about these things, so believe me i did) and he said no...

Does anyone else care to ask their DR and get a 3rd opinion on the matter? Like i said, i read all the stuff online and it also confirmed that its literally impossible. Remember, just because she touched herself and jacked u off, u have skin on mr happy to protect u. Infection takes place inside the body or you would have had to be bleeding from ur dick...

I think that's the only way to get it (i know herp u can get from skin 2 skin, but even that is hard, unless u lick an open sore, lol GROSS!)Extremely unlikely, but it's not impossible. Chlamydia won't survive for long outside the human body--it will die when it dries out. Maybe the bottle of oil was contaminated with semen from the last customer (and the oil kept it from drying out quickly). Did she spit on her hand? Or maybe she did touch herself right before touching him. All of these are very unlikely routes of transmission, but in medicine you have to be very careful about using the word 'impossible.'

03-02-09, 01:51
He might have been playing with the "kitty" during the HJ and then touched himself afterward as in tucking it in his shorts.

03-02-09, 19:12
I thought I was the only one that had a crazy experience with this nut job. Got the 1/2 for $35, thought it was a good deal and try it out, added the $10 for T/S to test the water. She was playful with the T/S, the massage was light touch and after 15 minutes to the flip then the sh*t started, how much she said tell her .2, no $1, told her no .2, no .8, all the while playing with me, said no .2, she laughed, .6, told he no again, .4 and the top has to go, she takes it off grabs my head and sticks it in her chest, not the most comfy, made a bunch of noise and I had to get out of there so finished. On the way out did see at least one looker that might bring me back for the 1/2 hour rate

Tried the new joint on Archer today. I think it is called Ruby. Had Cici.

Massage and TS were OK. However, when she was trying to get my boy going she kept asking how much. I said when you are done you will find out and if it is good I will make you happy. She kept asking asking and stroking. Finally I said to her how much and she said $1.0. I said no way to high only if it was for everything. She said .8 than. I said wipe me off. She did as she was told and I said OK I'm done. Got up from table and got dressed. The whole time she is like OK, OK for .6, I got dressed and walked out. She tried grabbing me but I kept going.

Girl at desk asked if everything was OK and if I wanted a discount card. I said no keep it I won't be back. she asked why and I said her girl is a rip off and left.

Won't be back to this one.

03-02-09, 19:28
Checked this place out over the weekend. 5 for the hour with T/S included, caught my eye so I TOFFT. Had a Polish girl named Grace, nothing special about her except she kept telling me how professional she was. Should have known this was a no go when she went with the massage first, said T/S would be after. Kept covered the whole time, not one hint of extras, not a bad massage but I have had better. At end said it was time for table shower, she came back in and asked if I wanted her to help me out or was I going to take care of myself? Thought this might have been my lucky day, but she meant the t/s, which I remained covered for, oh well. Left. 1 for a tip and was on my way.

03-03-09, 13:09
Was driving down Archer last night and decided to just pop into Ruby Spa to check it out. A papasan/manager sitting on couch, one AMP girl, and the counter girl. Nice lucky-lucky red decore with Japanese nikko cat and other heathen fengshui knicknacks set the right mood. Told the counter girl I was just looking, took a business card, and said I would return.

From earlier post, it seems this place is a lot friendlier than China Spa further west on Archer.

Re: earlier post -- If Ci Ci wants too much, that can be dealt with through negotiation. I just don't want to wind up with a provider who is "offended" by my asking for traditional Shanghai treatment. I have been to the real China (not just China Town) and know what is standard fare.

Any tips on this spot are appreciated. Any provider recommended over Ci Ci? Please PM me. Otherwise, I will TOFTT here soon.

03-03-09, 19:47
So I think this weekend im going to take the plunge and get my first 4 hander, probably at senina. Can you guys let me know which girls to ask 4? Ive seen a few different ones 1 on 1 there but never the 4 handed.

03-04-09, 02:13
After reading some recent reports and seeing the ads on CL I stopped to visit an establishment located at another street beginning with A. This area is far from my normal stomping grounds but it was very nice. Two girls were working: Paola - younger and heavy, the other was Jadira (sp?) She was my massuese and is probably in her 30's, straight black hair, and dressed in a sexy and suggestive outfit.
Half hour was .40 and after a few minutes of halfway decent massage we got down to the menu. Was quoted .40, .80 and 1.50 for the full buffet. I went ala carte and was able to negotiate my selection. She was what some might say was just a tad thick, but very firm, no flab. She looked great to me and there was no hurry. She was very clean, safe and accomodating. Most definitely would repeat. I don't if Paola is my cup of tea and there is third girl mentioned in the ads.
- Bildo

03-04-09, 17:24
Haven't been to a massage palor in about a year because of the economy. Got my tax returns and decided to stimulate the local economy.

Visited AOL today Carla greeted me and gave me the massage. I guess she used to work at Bamboo on Western. While waiting for the table shower that was included with the massage for 65 I fell in love with another latina named Samantha. Samantha is cute in the face and thin in the waist. She does have a gap between her from teeth but still beautiful. To me she was sexy and the type of latina I'd marry!

Carla gave a normal table shower with no accidents and only one accident during the massage. Towards the end of the massage she asked if the massage was good and it wanted anything else and grabbed my hand and put it on her ass. Went over the options 150 total nude with hr, 100 top off hr, 50 hr. Too much for me and Carla was not worth it. She did have a firm ass and nice big tits.

I asked if they did 4 hand with hr because I wanted Samantha to join. The 50 for each was spent for hr was great. That is one of my fantasies come true. 150 is too much to be fully nude with hr but I might have to go back and try in one on one with Samantha. Samantha said she might go down to 140.

When I go on dates with women and after food and drinks I spend almost as much without even a damm kiss. At least I know I'm getting something. It was nice to be back in hunt.

Donny Devito
03-04-09, 20:39
A little word to the wise that can help your pocket as well as your fellow monger by keeping what you pay low. At some point, you have to treat these ladies like a Woman and not somebody providing a service. You would be surprised what a little manly vibe and a look in the eye can get you. Treat them, if they seem willing, like a woman you would seduce. They are a woman afterall! Seduce them and pay them appropriately but you'd be amazed how fast things can happen when those pheromones get going in the air. Seduction is key. It will help you progress further with any woman while keeping your money in your wallet. I know it sounds vague but bottomline is you can get a lot further with someone if you treat her like a woman instead of a service provider.

03-05-09, 10:07
I could not help but notice an uptick in small ads in the Sun Times sport section. Did their rates get cheaper or are the providers hungrier?

I still contend that this industry does not conform to supply and demand and I don't expect to see a drop in introductory rates, but perhaps premium services are not going to require SUCH premium prices.

We can hope.

03-05-09, 11:50

Cook County Sheriff sues Craigs List

03-05-09, 14:56
Haven't been to a massage palor in about a year because of the economy. Got my tax returns and decided to stimulate the local economy.

Visited AOL today Carla greeted me and gave me the massage. I guess she used to work at Bamboo on Western. While waiting for the table shower that was included with the massage for 65 I fell in love with another latina named Samantha. Samantha is cute in the face and thin in the waist. She does have a gap between her from teeth but still beautiful. To me she was sexy and the type of latina I'd marry!

Carla gave a normal table shower with no accidents and only one accident during the massage. Towards the end of the massage she asked if the massage was good and it wanted anything else and grabbed my hand and put it on her ass. Went over the options 150 total nude with hr, 100 top off hr, 50 hr. Too much for me and Carla was not worth it. She did have a firm ass and nice big tits.

I asked if they did 4 hand with hr because I wanted Samantha to join. The 50 for each was spent for hr was great. That is one of my fantasies come true. 150 is too much to be fully nude with hr but I might have to go back and try in one on one with Samantha. Samantha said she might go down to 140.

When I go on dates with women and after food and drinks I spend almost as much without even a damm kiss. At least I know I'm getting something. It was nice to be back in hunt.Where is the AOL Massage located ? Have you got the phone # for it ?

I'll TOFT and report back.

Nicky Forza
03-05-09, 16:40

Cook County Sheriff sues Craigs List
Ha, anybody can sue anybody for anything. The last time I checked, the first amendment was still a part of the US constitution. This is only a political move to try to demonstrate to simple minded voters that the Cook County Sheriff is earning his keep and is tough in his fight against crime. If it were not for the first amendment, the Sun Times and forums like this would have been shut down ages ago.

Raoul Duke
03-05-09, 19:43
Ha, anybody can sue anybody for anything.

No kidding. With the logic that Dart is using, he may as well go after the inventor's of the internet too.

03-05-09, 20:41
I had a very nice time at the Cermak HMP on the 2800 block. .5 for Table shower and 1 Hr time. My massuese was very friendly and very smoking bod. I would return if possible.

03-05-09, 23:41
No kidding. With the logic that Dart is using, he may as well go after the inventor's of the internet too.I wish he would pay attention to the biggest thief in Cook County, Richy Daley. Then he could go after #2, Todd Stroger.

Donny Devito
03-06-09, 00:29
The sheriff can file suit--whether it is 'justified' or not--whether it really hits CL is beside the point. We all know its an easy way for him to 'look good'--and the real impact will be local LEOS trying to do the same with the inevitable TV followup on the topic.I mean don't they have anything better to do? This is a town with triple the crime rate of New York City and double the crime rate of L. A. Chicago is a town in ruins that likes to prop up a fake image of itslef, downtown, to visitors from afar. When in reality, Chicago is lacking almost entirely on the South and West sides of town not to mention specific parts of the North side. But if Chicago's loop is kept clean and impressionalbe, then obviously that is all that matters. Someone should be fired for wasting so much time, effort, and taxpayer's money on such a trivial matter. This coming from a police "force" that only solved 38% of its' homicides last year. No wonder Chicago is really the pits when it comes to gangs and violent crime. The police "force" is irresponsible and indifferent to the crimes that really matter. A Big F-you to Chicago's "Finest."

03-06-09, 10:15
I mean don't they have anything better to do? This is a town with triple the crime rate of New York City and double the crime rate of L. A. Chicago is a town in ruins that likes to prop up a fake image of itslef, downtown, to visitors from afar. When in reality, Chicago is lacking almost entirely on the South and West sides of town not to mention specific parts of the North side. But if Chicago's loop is kept clean and impressionalbe, then obviously that is all that matters. Someone should be fired for wasting so much time, effort, and taxpayer's money on such a trivial matter. This coming from a police "force" that only solved 38% of its' homicides last year. No wonder Chicago is really the pits when it comes to gangs and violent crime. The police "foce" is irresponsible and indifferent to the crimes that really matter. A Big F-you to Chicago's "Finest."Ban on Handguns (which violates the constitution and Daly is using taxpayer dollars to fight the lawsuits) is the reason for such a high murder rate. Nothing a criminal loves more than an unarmed victim. Look at http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h45/show. Look at the sponsor. A piece of s... who doesn't have the brains to wipe his own a.

03-06-09, 10:49
Dart doesn't direct Chicago's finest, but I get your point.

Blame the Chicago voters. As long as they keep rubber stamping at the poles, they will keep getting it good and hard.

Al Bundy78
03-06-09, 11:15
Is this the same girl tht used to go by the name LiLi or Lily at Relax before it moved? Sounds like the same craziness to me

I thought I was the only one that had a crazy experience with this nut job. Got the 1/2 for $35, thought it was a good deal and try it out, added the $10 for T/S to test the water. She was playful with the T/S, the massage was light touch and after 15 minutes to the flip then the sh*t started, how much she said tell her .2, no $1, told her no .2, no .8, all the while playing with me, said no .2, she laughed, .6, told he no again, .4 and the top has to go, she takes it off grabs my head and sticks it in her chest, not the most comfy, made a bunch of noise and I had to get out of there so finished. On the way out did see at least one looker that might bring me back for the 1/2 hour rate

03-06-09, 12:16
If Sheriff Dart thinks that a suit against Craig's List for erotic services listings is worthy of his department's time and money (make that we taxpayers' funded time and money), then he should be laughed right out of office.

How many providers use Craig's List? A few hundred at most? I just did a Google search for "Chicago escorts" and found 736,000 hits! Even if Dart shut down Craig's List completely there is still the world wide web to browse and utilize. (Not to mention many other avenues of communication.)

How about the ethnic newspapers than run classified ads for such services constantly. The fact that nobody in the Sheriff's office can read Chinese, Russian or other exotic languages means no harm no foul. If a crime occurs in a neighborhood where no one in LE can speak the lingo, it doesn't exist on paper.

By the way, Sheriff Dart, I am still waiting for you to bust "Client #10." Why did this unnamed Chicagoan get a pass? Who are you trying to protect, Sheriff Dart? A Democratic politicial? A sports figure? A political contributor?

03-06-09, 12:39
No kidding. With the logic that Dart is using, he may as well go after the inventor's of the internet too.

Remember -- before sociopath Al "plaid shirt" Gore invented Global Warming he invented the Internet! Sex, porn, escorts, discount Viagra spam -- all at your desktop thanks to the Moriarity of the end of the 20th/start of the 21st Century.

Can Tom Dart be the new Sherlock Holmes to save us? Stay tuned!

03-06-09, 12:44
Dart doesn't direct Chicago's finest, but I get your point.

Blame the Chicago voters. As long as they keep rubber stamping at the poles, they will keep getting it good and hard.

Don't blame the "Poles." Its what happens at the "polls."

03-06-09, 16:32
Greetings lads! TOFTT and stopped in at caribbean spa, an LMP, for an hr. at .6. TS was included and it was given beforehand, which I highly recommend.
Massage was given by a newbie named Maria and in some ways it showed.

Before getting my massage i was asked the usual q's and I offered the usual answers. Unfortunatly, no menu was offered nor implied. Then again, it's still pretty new.

I may need to give it one more shot before I give it the kiss of death. Hopefully someone else will strike it rich and share the wealth! :p

Raoul Duke
03-06-09, 17:25
I was driving back to the city from Grand/Harlem and noticed Divine. Is it worth a visit? I woulda stopped in, but forgot my wallet at work and ended up wasting about two hours in traffic. I suck.

Donny Devito
03-06-09, 23:51
I went to that place by the park. You veterans know exactly what I am talking about. The door man seems disgusted with me but it's not my problem that I enjoy going there once a week or once every two weeks. I got that chick whose name sounds like the month that is coming up in two months. Attitude was a 10. Performance was an 8. Looks were a 7. Will repeat. We have a bond, no BS. It's just a human thing. After you deal with someone so many times they are able to connect with you sooner than later. It's all good here. Highly reccomended. Although, I did run into a fellow monger in the waiting room. Gawd, I hate that sheet.

Nicky Forza
03-07-09, 18:37
I went to Elegant today. Papasan wasn't in so I gave my entrance fee to Amy and I told her I wanted an hour massage......Amy gave a nice massage hitting all the right spots with a standard finish. After 45 minutes, the hour massage was over and I left 40 on the table. Amy looked daggers at me and got highly pissed and indignant and very loud, demanding 10 more. I calmly pointed at the clock on the wall and told her she shorted me on the hour. She grabbed the money off the table and stormed out into the waiting room and continued on, yelling something in Chinese. Since I am a kind hearted and understanding person I would have gone ahead and given her the 10 that she wanted--had it not been for the short hour. It's not nice to give Higuey a short hour.

Donny Devito
03-07-09, 18:51
I went to Elegant today. Papasan wasn't in so I gave my entrance fee to Amy and I told her I wanted an hour massage......Amy gave a nice massage hitting all the right spots with a standard finish. After 45 minutes, the hour massage was over and I left 40 on the table. Amy looked daggers at me and got highly pissed and indignant and very loud, demanding 10 more. I calmly pointed at the clock on the wall and told her she shorted me on the hour. She grabbed the money off the table and stormed out into the waiting room and continued on, yelling something in Chinese. Since I am a kind hearted and understanding person I would have gone ahead and given her the 10 that she wanted--had it not been for the short hour. It's not nice to give Higuey a short hour.Why do you do the hours? Is that the only option? I ALWAYS and I mean always take the half hour. That's all I need. If I wanted a top notch massage, I wouldn't go to an AMP.

03-07-09, 19:50
"It's not nice to give Higuey a short hour. " LOL. Next time I go to MP, I'm going to bring a stopwatch. I'll set it off in my coat, and then check it when I'm done. I want to see, if I'm getting my money's worth.

03-08-09, 11:30
I was driving back to the city from Grand/Harlem and noticed Divine. Is it worth a visit? I woulda stopped in, but forgot my wallet at work and ended up wasting about two hours in traffic. I suck.Well, that place looks like a duck and quacks like a duck. They did, for a while, Advertise in the Sun-times sports section (which is no place a legit place advertises, it would seem).

However, there are occasions where there are long winded notes taped to the door, which implies incredulous explainations of legitamacy. I have not been willing to TOFTT because there just seems too many strikes against it.

03-08-09, 17:55
In my persuit of the perfect massage (wink wink), I've had at least three on going working encounters put prematurely to an end.

It's like one co-longer referred to in an earlier post, because of the way I treated them, they started to like me on a personal level. As a result, things got a lil wierd so I had to cut it off.

So I've decided from now on if I find a sweet deal, I will only ride out 3/4 times tops.

FYI, I try to be as discreet as possible, I never to tell them too much of my personal info and I'm generous within reason.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

By the way, I always try to take the 1/2 hr. In most cases you usually go beyond it and that's at least .2 less you have to factor into the final cost. :p

Humpty Hump
03-08-09, 22:50
I feel like a jerk for not giving the full report on this but I think its not without good reason.

Was heading back to a and a when I walk up and another monger is walking downstairs with the girl I wanted. Wasn't looking for a good massage and wasn't interested in a well aged Asian, so I was ready to make trip back home. Kept driving up a and pulled up the bberry to do some quick searches and figured I'd try one more place along the way.

Mixed reviews, mostly bad but found one good one. Figured, why not. Walked in 4 girls 3 middle 40's one very hot receptionist. Luckily, unlike every other place I decided to check over the weekend the hot receptionist was not a decoy. Got 30 for 40, and went back.

I've haven't heard this girl talked about the boards so I'm going to keep her off. She might be a few mongers favorite and I don't want to be the one to ruin a good thing. I will respond to a few, maybe 3 tops, to anyone with info on a lmp with girls in their early 20's thin no stretch marks that offer reasonably priced xtras other than he. Otherwise, happy hunting.

My find, young early 20's college student. Perfect English. 5' 7" 115lbs porcelain skin, very attractive. Square shaped glasses and long brown hair. Looks like a normal trendy Asian girl you would see hanging out in CT drinking bubble tea with her friends.

Didn't offer the full menu, pretty positive she would for a repeat visitor - side conversation we had, but did offer to remove t n b for bbbj. She admitted that she was a little expensive but offered a discount for next time. 40 for 30 + 1. Very cute giggle, and said I never do this.

03-09-09, 10:25
Should discussions of "massage" outlets (such as someone advertising on CL and working from an apartment) go in the Massage Parlor section or the Escorts section? What about a Asian Apt, which blurs the line?

Luke Appling
03-09-09, 11:57

I know of what you speak. When the old Lakeview Holistic (now the Good Morning Clinic) had a lot of Eastern European girls, I used to go there a lot. There were a couple of regulars I used to see often, Monica (a dyed blond with a great bod) and Caroline (a really skinny brown-haired chick who once told me her real name was Anya - but who knows).

Anyway, to get back to my point, both of these girls asked me out on occasion. To be specific, Carloline/Anya would flat out ask me to take her out to dinner, and Monica would tell me what bar I could find her at.

Honestly, I'd have gladly hooked up with either of them, but like many mongers, I'm "involved." I also know that these girls were really looking for a way to stay in the country, since their student visas were long expired.

In my persuit of the perfect massage (wink wink), I've had at least three on going working encounters put prematurely to an end.

It's like one co-longer referred to in an earlier post, because of the way I treated them, they started to like me on a personal level. As a result, things got a lil wierd so I had to cut it off.

So I've decided from now on if I find a sweet deal, I will only ride out 3/4 times tops.

FYI, I try to be as discreet as possible, I never to tell them too much of my personal info and I'm generous within reason.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

By the way, I always try to take the 1/2 hr. In most cases you usually go beyond it and that's at least .2 less you have to factor into the final cost. :p

03-09-09, 12:27
I went to that place by the park. You veterans know exactly what I am talking about. The door man seems disgusted with me but it's not my problem that I enjoy going there once a week or once every two weeks. I got that chick whose name sounds like the month that is coming up in two months. Attitude was a 10. Performance was an 8. Looks were a 7. Will repeat. We have a bond, no BS. It's just a human thing. After you deal with someone so many times they are able to connect with you sooner than later. It's all good here. Highly reccomended. Although, I did run into a fellow monger in the waiting room. Gawd, I hate that sheet.Don't take this the wrong way but ROGLMAO.

How about the camera above the door?

That makes me uneasy.

Chi Guy
03-09-09, 18:21
Should discussions of "massage" outlets (such as someone advertising on CL and working from an apartment) go in the Massage Parlor section or the Escorts section? What about a Asian Apt, which blurs the line?Here's my 2˘...

If the place that you are going to is ostensively a massage place, I would put it under Massage Parlors. The places advertising in the therapeutic section of CL I think should usually be in the Massage Parlor thread, unless they are blatantly advertising escort services. Even the Asian apartments typically advertise as massage providers, so I think that they should also be in this thread. Again, that's my 2˘ for what it's worth.

Donny Devito
03-09-09, 23:42
Don't take this the wrong way but ROGLMAO.

How about the camera above the door?

That makes me uneasy.What camera? Were you laughing at the bond being the greenbacks or the doorman having enough with me or walking into a fellow monger?

Gosh I hate that.

03-10-09, 00:10
Although, I did run into a fellow monger in the waiting room. Gawd, I hate that sheet. You guys that say you want to go to China to try the massage places over there better think long and hard about it, because over there you are sharing locker rooms, communal baths, and the room with the big TV, food and all the lazyboys lined up next to each other. Sienna gives a tiny taste of it with its upstairs room, but Chinas places are huge and guys are everywhere in the common areas.

03-10-09, 10:18
You guys that say you want to go to China to try the massage places over there better think long and hard about it, because over there you are sharing locker rooms, communal baths, and the room with the big TV, food and all the lazyboys lined up next to each other. Sienna gives a tiny taste of it with its upstairs room, but Chinas places are huge and guys are everywhere in the common areas.But the chances of bumping into my boss / father-in-law / neighbor / church pastor / co-worker are a lot less.

03-10-09, 11:58
But the chances of bumping into my boss / father-in-law / neighbor / church pastor / co-worker are a lot less.
True dat....and seeing them naked in the locker room too.

03-10-09, 12:05
But the chances of bumping into my boss / father-in-law / neighbor / church pastor / co-worker are a lot less.What do you really think they could say if they saw you? You know why they are there.

03-10-09, 12:44
While I think Dart's creativity about suing CL will have little to no impact on the overall prostitution business, you cannot disregard all the crap LE sees from the other side: the young women duped or forced into the business, the violence they see, the ties to drugs and addiction, young girls who know no better taken advantage of by scum. You cannot see this crap on the street every day and not want to make it better. (I am NOT talking about consensual sex for money between adults who are consciously making the choice to engage).

Dart himself said on a radio interview last week that prostitution has been around for thousands of years and he does not see it ending. But he is concerned about the welfare of the women he sees as having no choice.

You don't have to be LE to agree with some of his viewpoints. I'm not LE and I can find validity in some of what he is saying. We will all be better served if he does in fact prevent some of these abuses.


Only worse are the CPD.

He's going to shut down prostitution in cook county? Sure Tom! Next step, cut off every guys dick!

This sucks for the low budget monger. The upper income can afford escorts in hotels. How is the little guy supposed to get his?

I guess 1 girl got strangled off there which is sad but cook county is a large county. All the better to regulate the massage parlors and put something up like fkk in germany or the brothels in reno.

This is a battle that can't be won and never will be won, especially not by the sheriffs of cook county. Even todd stroger has been caught laughing out loud at the sheriffs. Tom Dart wants to put out a forest fire with a cup of water.

03-10-09, 12:51
While I think Dart's creativity about suing CL will have little to no impact on the overall prostitution business, you cannot disregard all the crap LE sees from the other side: the young women duped or forced into the business, the violence they see, the ties to drugs and addiction, young girls who know no better taken advantage of by scum. You cannot see this crap on the street every day and not want to make it better. (I am NOT talking about consensual sex for money between adults who are consciously making the choice to engage).

Dart himself said on a radio interview last week that prostitution has been around for thousands of years and he does not see it ending. But he is concerned about the welfare of the women he sees as having no choice.

You don't have to be LE to agree with some of his viewpoints. I'm not LE and I can find validity in some of what he is saying. We will all be better served if he does in fact prevent some of these abuses.

ChiNow that's what I call a liberal.

03-10-09, 14:51
So I made my way over to senina on friday night to take the 4 hand plunge. Got Lisa (who I had seen before but didnt remember her name) and another girl with a L name, but i cant remember it. I walked upstairs to see all of the girls watching TV( if i would have know they were slow I could of had my pick of the litter). Once I saw lisa i remembered her, unfortunelty. She give a poor massage, pinching and moving around, and moving to quickly. The other girl was good, but it was to hard to focus on just one girl. Good finish I suppose, although the other girl didnt seem to be to much into it. paid about what I though I would have upon previous posts. Overall Id say the expierence was a 7.5 might repeat some day, but definelty with different girls.

03-10-09, 18:46
My find, young early 20's college student. Perfect English. 5' 7" 115lbs porcelain skin, very attractive. Square shaped glasses and long brown hair. Looks like a normal trendy Asian girl you would see hanging out in CT drinking bubble tea with her friends.

Didn't offer the full menu, pretty positive she would for a repeat visitor - side conversation we had, but did offer to remove t n b for bbbj. She admitted that she was a little expensive but offered a discount for next time. 40 for 30 + 1. Very cute giggle, and said I never do this.It sounds amazing if true.

03-11-09, 14:23
Now that's what I call a liberal.More like a conservative Christian.

There is no doubt exploitation goes on. As a monger, you have to decide if you can live with that. However, ALL pros are certainly not exploited.

It it looks like the girls who staff your local AMP live there, they are being exploited. If they can come and go, not so much. If your escort speaks no English, chances are... exploited. If she speaks English and works out of her own apartment, not so much.

You have to decide how much you care.

Prositution is not victimless, but, in total numbers, pales compared to the crap that goes on in Cook Co. There are more crooked cops operating in Cook county than sex workers.

Chi Guy
03-11-09, 17:28
While I think Dart's creativity about suing CL will have little to no impact on the overall prostitution business, you cannot disregard all the crap LE sees from the other side: the young women duped or forced into the business, the violence they see, the ties to drugs and addiction, young girls who know no better taken advantage of by scum. You cannot see this crap on the street every day and not want to make it better. (I am NOT talking about consensual sex for money between adults who are consciously making the choice to engage).

Dart himself said on a radio interview last week that prostitution has been around for thousands of years and he does not see it ending. But he is concerned about the welfare of the women he sees as having no choice.

You don't have to be LE to agree with some of his viewpoints. I'm not LE and I can find validity in some of what he is saying. We will all be better served if he does in fact prevent some of these abuses.
ChiThe very act of criminalizing prostitution, just like prohibition and the criminalization of drugs, has led to an increase in violent crimes. The act of prostitution in and of itself, when consented to by two or more adults being of sound mind, does not violate the rights of any other person. Therefore, the act itself should not be illegal. The violence toward providers and the involuntary servitude are separate acts that should be divorced from prostitution and should be pursued vigorously by the people who are paid to protect us from the aggressions and undue influence of others. If those people who are charged with these crimes are given a fair trial and found guilty of the charges, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.

I'm not gonna sit here and defend the morality of prostitution. Anyone who participates willingly in prostitution, whether the provider or the customer, assumes all the risks and responsiblities that go along with it such as disease, unplanned pregnancies, etc. It is not, nor should it ever be, the government's duty to protect a consenting adult from himself and his own actions.

03-12-09, 08:42
Well said Chi,


03-12-09, 11:04
Cook Co. Sheriff's Police are under executive order not to ask about immigration status of those they arrest. If they know someone is an illegal, based upon their normal observational skills, they cannot do anything about it. Everytime an illegal is put thru the "catch and release" Cook County legal system, and then commits more crimes, the fault is Tom Dart's for not having taken this illegal scumbag out of circulation. Can we sue Tom Dart for this?

Under most circumstances, prostitution is between two consenting adults. What is the crime here? The sex or the paying of money? If it is sex, then monitor singles bars and create the bedroom police. If it is generosity, I will no longer donate to police charities for fear my monetary donation will be taken as an attempt to receive better, friendlier service. If giving pretty girls monetary attention in hopes of a happy ending is illegal, then we will put countless trendy restaurants out of business. How about it Dart: Sue restaurant owners along with Craig's List?

03-12-09, 15:28
So, what was the cost??? (Post or PM is fine
So I made my way over to senina on friday night to take the 4 hand plunge. Got Lisa (who I had seen before but didnt remember her name) and another girl with a L name, but i cant remember it. I walked upstairs to see all of the girls watching TV( if i would have know they were slow I could of had my pick of the litter). Once I saw lisa i remembered her, unfortunelty. She give a poor massage, pinching and moving around, and moving to quickly. The other girl was good, but it was to hard to focus on just one girl. Good finish I suppose, although the other girl didnt seem to be to much into it. paid about what I though I would have upon previous posts. Overall Id say the expierence was a 7.5 might repeat some day, but definelty with different girls.

03-13-09, 13:06
Has anyone ever visited this girl? I've seen her posts for a while and just wondered if she delivers. PM me if you like.



03-13-09, 16:44
So far I have been called a conservative Christian and a liberal for my views. I am going to run for an Illinois Senate seat. I seem to have both bases covered. When I throw in that I will legalize pot and prostitution, I can't miss!

More like a conservative Christian.

There is no doubt exploitation goes on. As a monger, you have to decide if you can live with that. However, ALL pros are certainly not exploited.

It it looks like the girls who staff your local AMP live there, they are being exploited. If they can come and go, not so much. If your escort speaks no English, chances are... exploited. If she speaks English and works out of her own apartment, not so much.

You have to decide how much you care.

Prositution is not victimless, but, in total numbers, pales compared to the crap that goes on in Cook Co. There are more crooked cops operating in Cook county than sex workers.

03-14-09, 15:22
I went to Ace Spa in Downers Grove for the second time in 4 or 5 years, so I guess I can say this is a new report for me. I don't get out that way too often. I don't rememebr it having a sign out front the last time. But it was not bad. Nice spa, ts, etc. 70 at the door, 40ish, lots of questions as part of the conversation. I must have passed because I left with a HR smile for 60. It could be worth going back, but the time was cut a little short. The tip was a bit much after looking at my watch.

03-16-09, 08:03
For $60 you werent the only one smiling. Well over the standard $40.

03-16-09, 12:54
For $60 you werent the only one smiling. Well over the standard $40.You are right.

We really have to hold at 40, especially now.

03-16-09, 13:02
I had a dream that I finally went and saw ninela for the best ever ukranianian massage yesterday. I followed the rules of previous postings.

(don't touch her. And let her do her thing.)

She was a nice lady. Not as old as suggested here.

Massage sucked. Very light touch and lots of teasing with HJ finish. She got really close to my member close to the finish. The sight of that in the mirror made me bust.

I might go back. Too costly.

03-16-09, 13:26
Hello everyone!

I’m back, with another dream that I woke up from having a pain in my ass. I fell asleep last Saturday, around 9 pm. I dreamt about a AMP in CT, same one from my last dream. I paid. 75 for a TS, and a hour message. Took my shoes off, went upstairs, and was greeted by a short girl name Joe-Bee. JoeBee, is 5 feet tall, and portly. Her chest is small, probably ah a, or at most, a be cup. She isn't pretty, but she isn't ugly, I would give her face a 6. I don't know what's up with the girls at this AMP, but the two girls I have gotten have all looked mediocre.

JoeBee took me to room eight, then told me to take off my clothes for the table shower. This time, I decided to bring a stopwatch with me just to see how much time I'm really getting. So as I take off my clothes, I set on my stopwatch, and put it in my coat pocket.

The TS was nice, she did a good job keeping the water the right temperature while scrubbing me down. While I was on my stomach, she did some anal play with her finger, unlike my last MS Katy. Luckily, I didn't have any paperwork to do beforehand, so I felt comfortable in letting her "have at it. " While she was playing with my butthole, she asked, " do you like, that? " Now, I'm cool with a little rimming, but I felt kinda uncomfortable. But I didn't want to ruin the mood so, I cleared my throat, and whipser, "Yes, " in a "NO, please take it out of my ass" way. She tells me to flip, and she starts scrubbing my front. She touches my junior, giggles, then moves it over. Just like Katy did the week before! Then she dries me off.

At this point, everything is pretty much the same as last week, Katy was more personable, JoeBee is okay.

Now, the message techniques differ between Katy and Joebee. Joebee asks me if I would like a soft or medium message. I say medium, because I figure JoeBee is 5', how much damage could she do? Her massage was good, but painful doing some parts. She likes to focus on pressure points. And apply pressure, a lot of pressure. For her to be so small, she has a lot of strength!

While working on my back, she ask me if I have a girlfriend, or am I married? I say no, and no. Now, I’m wondering why she would ask these questions, but I just chalk it up to her attempting to make conversation, be it a bad attempt. After I answered her question, she goes straight to my fingers, and starts doing finger massages, but what she’s really doing is checking to see if I have a ring on my finger, or maybe a tan line from a ring. After she sees, for herself, that I was telling the truth, she tells me to flip over.

Joebee asks if I want a message down there. I say "yes. " I say ". 40, " she say ". 50. " We barter for a few minutes, then she starts stroking. At this point, we still haven’t agreed on. 40. She wants. 50, and I’m not giving her. 50, without her top off. She’s not budging, and I’m not either. So finally, I just say forget it all together. She says okay, then, a minute later, she’s like, " I’ll take shirt off for. 60. " I say "okay. " Now, I’m sucking on her small chest, and she’s giving me a HR, but the mood is lost because of all the bartering. She keeps stroking, and then she sneaks her finger up my ass, again. A minute before, when she was stroking and I was sucking on her nips, she would avoid eye contact, and seem to not be enjoying the situation. But the moment she snuck her pointer finger up my ass, she was smiling, giggling, and staring right into my eyes. Fellas, if you’re trying to save your birginity (undefiled purity or chastity of the anus) for your wife, or girlfriend, or maybe just don’t want fingers in your ass; DON’T GO TO JOEBEE! Apparently, Joebee, gets off on sticking a finger up a man’s asshole, and just like her massages, she likes to apply pressure. Too much pressure!

So now, I’ve grown tired of JoeBee, and this whole uncomfortable dream, and say, " that’s it, I’m done. " She’s like, " you haven’t finished? " I’m like, "I hope you have though, take the money, and believe me, I’m finish. "

Joebee keeps trying to massage me, but I get up, limp over to the clothes rack, and start putting my clothes on.

She then tells me, I’m very handsome, I have more time, and she can’t let me go yet. She tries to get me to lay down on my stomach, but I, told her, it would cost. 40. She laughs, but I know if I was to lay on my stomach, a minute would have not gone by before her finger would have been up my ass again!

I paid. 75 for TS, and an hour MS. I gave a. 60 tip for topless HR, with nip-suck, and unwarranted anal play. Total $. 35. The total time on my stopwatch when I left was 53 mins, and 46 secs. Please keep in mind, I was trying to get the hell away from JoeBee.

JoeBee, is 5 feet tall, and portly. Her chest is small, probably ah a, or at most, a be cup. She isn't pretty, but she isn't ugly. Clean complexion, face length black hair, I would give her face a 6. I will not dream about her again. Different strokes for different folks, if you like a lot of anal play, a small chest, and a lady asking you about your wife or girlfriend while giving a HR, Joebee is your girl!

If you don’t like that type of stuff while at this AMP, and you get partnered with Joebee, you better ask for another partner (Katy is cool)! Joebee said that the girls take turns seeing customers, and that if you don’t want one girl just ask for another.


03-17-09, 10:14
Hey guys,

Many of the girls I've seen in CT & Millenium have been taking $30 for the HS tip, and they seem to be happy with it. With the economy I think business is off. This can get to be an expensive hobby.

Make sure all are happy with the amount, but let's keep the tips to a reasonable, affordable rate.

03-17-09, 20:43
I knew I was going to get called out on that.

Lost in a duh moment. You guys are correct.

We really have to hold at 40, especially now.

03-17-09, 23:01
She's still in China. She'll be back the last weekend in Feb.

Mei is still there as well. I'm not quite sure when she's getting back.I've called Senina two or three times since the start of March and they tell me she's not there.

Anyone seen her since she returned?

03-17-09, 23:46
Hello everyone!

While I was on my stomach, she did some anal play with her finger, unlike my last MS Katy. Luckily, I didn't have any paperwork to do beforehand, so I felt comfortable in letting her "have at it. "

While she was playing with my butthole, she asked, " do you like, that? " Now, I'm cool with a little rimming, but I felt kinda uncomfortable. But I didn't want to ruin the mood so, I cleared my throat, and whipser, "Yes, " in a "NO, please take it out of my ass" way. Fellas, if you’re trying to save your birginity (undefiled purity or chastity of the anus) for your wife, or girlfriend, or maybe just don’t want fingers in your ass; DON’T GO TO JOEBEE! Apparently, Joebee, gets off on sticking a finger up a man’s asshole, and just like her massages, she likes to apply pressure. Too much pressure!

She laughs, but I know if I was to lay on my stomach, a minute would have not gone by before her finger would have been up my ass again!

I will not dream about her again. Different strokes for different folks, if you like a lot of anal play, a small chest, and a lady asking you about your wife or girlfriend while giving a HR, Joebee is your girl!

DynomuttDid she at least use a latex glove?

Dude aren't you a little scared that she might have been doing this to the customer right before you?

And that she might not have washed her hands! YIKES!

I'm guessing that you can get a bad disesae from that.

Seems like she likes to inflict pain.

03-18-09, 01:01
Hey guys,

Many of the girls I've seen in CT & Millenium have been taking $30 for the HS tip, and they seem to be happy with it. With the economy I think business is off. This can get to be an expensive hobby.

Make sure all are happy with the amount, but let's keep the tips to a reasonable, affordable rate.I usually tip 40 for hand and 20 plus for the other.

03-18-09, 07:25
I have a few questions, don't know whom I should ask but figure I'd go ahead and embarrass myself and ask in the forum. Basically, it's this.- How do you keep tabs on your cash because, if it goes according to plan, you're in your birthday suit, or your face down on a massge table, or your in a shower. Whats the best way to keep your $ safe?

Also, what's the "move" to ask for extras. About 1/2 way thru my last AMP experience, I realized that I was only going to enjoy the rubdown when what I was really hoping for was "happiness".

Any other advice (like: always say you've been there before) would be great also.

03-18-09, 09:27
Hey guys,

Many of the girls I've seen in CT & Millenium have been taking $30 for the HS tip, and they seem to be happy with it. With the economy I think business is off. This can get to be an expensive hobby.

Make sure all are happy with the amount, but let's keep the tips to a reasonable, affordable rate.Don't worry about the rate, worry about the service. The best way to get excellent service is to pay for it.

Instead of paying 6 for hr and 4 for a shake, I pay 4 for hhr and 6 for the shake when the service is worth it.

The problem isn't overpaying for any service, it is overpaying for bad service.

03-18-09, 13:40
Thought I would stop in and check it out. Excellent massage and table shower. Did the usual back and fourth.

Great experience will definately return.

Raoul Duke
03-18-09, 14:29
I had a very nice time at the Cermak HMP on the 2800 block. .5 for Table shower and 1 Hr time. My massuese was very friendly and very smoking bod. I would return if possible.

Having read conflicting reports, I had to check it out. Chicas weren't bad. Of course, I didn't get the pick of the litter, but I'm to blame for not requesting her.

Took advantage of the .5 special w/TS. Gave .6 and no change was offered. I let that slide for the moment. However, when the tip was requested, I let her know that part of it was with the receptionist.

Anyhow, as other reports have suggested, you might want to keep your guard up here. Upon returning from the TS, I noticed that my shirt wasn't in the nice little pile where I left it. I took inventory and nothing was missing, but that rubbed me the wrong way.

After a couple of interruptions, the other issues mentioned, a pretty bad wristy and a short hour equates to the likelihood of my not returning. I'm bummed. I woulda liked to try one other babe there, but I don't think it's gonna happen unless I'm in a real bind. It sucks having a Latina addiction.

And Again
03-18-09, 14:30
Whats the best way to keep your $ safe?Use the purse. They usually have a plastic see through bag for you to put your wallet, watch, condom etc. in. Take it with you to the shower room/sauna.

As for how best ways to extras. RTFF.

03-18-09, 17:52
Anyone catch the hot ebony SW on 47th Street yesterday around 6pm. She was wearing a high blue jean mini skirt showing off some very strong legs and red top showing some nice tits. Tell me someone picked her up. I dont think it was a sting cuz she walked several blocks and I didnt see LEO buzzing around.

03-18-09, 18:34
I heard Joyce wont been back.

I've called Senina two or three times since the start of March and they tell me she's not there.

Anyone seen her since she returned?

03-18-09, 19:02
I've called Senina two or three times since the start of March and they tell me she's not there.

Anyone seen her since she returned?She's no longer working there.

Donny Devito
03-19-09, 00:38
Went for a jog this morning in China town. Got off on the redline around cermak. I ended up jogging through this outdoor mall and was happy to find that I could get everything I wanted for $120 including the initial payment of $40 for about a half hour around the block. Good times for all. Will repeat.

Donny Devito
03-19-09, 00:43
I have a few questions, don't know whom I should ask but figure I'd go ahead and embarrass myself and ask in the forum. Basically, it's this.- How do you keep tabs on your cash because, if it goes according to plan, you're in your birthday suit, or your face down on a massge table, or your in a shower. Whats the best way to keep your $ safe?

Also, what's the "move" to ask for extras. About 1/2 way thru my last AMP experience, I realized that I was only going to enjoy the rubdown when what I was really hoping for was "happiness".

Any other advice (like: always say you've been there before) would be great also.You're thinking too much. I usually bury my jeans under my pants, coat, socks, boxers, etc. So it won't be easy for anyone to go digging in my jean pockets, where my cash is stashed, unless she has both hands off of me for a while.

My favorite thing to do, though, is to hang my jeans on a hook that is usually on the back door. Then I'll put my under shirt, over shirt, boxers, coat, etc. Over it, with my belt hanging, so I would be able to hear my belt buckle slapping against the wall if I ended up with a shady providor. Really, though, your concern is a little out of this world. Most places want repeat business.

03-19-09, 06:07
I've never seen any massage girl who knew how to wash her hands, not one. They are all too fast, less than 5 seconds, tops.

According to the article below from Wikipedia, it takes a minimum of 20 seconds to get rid of bacteria, and that's a long time, compared to what most people are used to. Try it yourself.

From Wiki: Conventionally, the use of soap and warm running water and the washing of all surfaces thoroughly, including under fingernails is seen as necessary. One should rub wet, soapy hands together outside the stream of running water for at least 20 seconds, before rinsing thoroughly and then drying with a clean or disposable towel.[10] It has been shown that the use of a towel is a necessary part of effective contaminant removal, since the washing action separates the contaminants from the skin but does not completely flush them from the skin - removing the excess water (with the towel) also removes the suspended contaminants. After drying, a dry paper towel should be used to turn off the water (and open the exit door if one is in a restroom or other separate room). Moisturizing lotion is often recommended to keep the hands from drying out, should one's hands require washing more than a few times per day.[11]

Did she at least use a latex glove?

Dude aren't you a little scared that she might have been doing this to the customer right before you?

And that she might not have washed her hands! YIKES!

I'm guessing that you can get a bad disesae from that.

Seems like she likes to inflict pain.

03-19-09, 09:06
Having read conflicting reports, I had to check it out. Chicas weren't bad. Of course, I didn't get the pick of the litter, but I'm to blame for not requesting her.

Took advantage of the .5 special w/TS. Gave .6 and no change was offered. I let that slide for the moment. However, when the tip was requested, I let her know that part of it was with the receptionist.

Anyhow, as other reports have suggested, you might want to keep your guard up here. Upon returning from the TS, I noticed that my shirt wasn't in the nice little pile where I left it. I took inventory and nothing was missing, but that rubbed me the wrong way.

After a couple of interruptions, the other issues mentioned, a pretty bad wristy and a short hour equates to the likelihood of my not returning. I'm bummed. I woulda liked to try one other babe there, but I don't think it's gonna happen unless I'm in a real bind. It sucks having a Latina addiction.

I know they didnt look in my wallet - my tshirt was in the same tangled mess - but - my hour was about 15mins long.

Al Bundy78
03-19-09, 09:50
Thought I would stop in and check it out. Excellent massage and table shower. Did the usual back and fourth.

Great experience will definately return.Which one?

There are tons of them on that street.

Al Bundy78
03-19-09, 10:12
I had a similar time with her. Thankfully without the finger up the ass!

She is a weird one, she will ask about your wife or your girlfriend and check your finger for a ring or the ring dent. She ask's way too much for a lousy HR and tries to do it with her top on. She tried the stroke and negotiate and I refused to give more than. 40. When she refused to take off her top I said never mind, and when faced with no tip she agreed to do the HR sans top. She was rude, pissed off and kept mumbling in chineese the whole time. She asks too many questions about my wife durring the HR and then she starts to tell me that she is gonna tell my wife and then durring the table shower (I like having them after the massage) she tries taking off my wedding ring! I know, I should not have been wearing it, but I look at it as my choice to go and relax with the service they provide. She shouldn't take it upon herself to like my choice or not, just provide the service if she wants her tip.

Afterwards I complained to Papasan and he gave me a free sesion with Joyce next time I was there that was amazing!

My lesson learned. Besides leave the wedding ring in the car. Whne you have bad service just let Papasan know and he will fix it. And I'm sure if there are enough problems (and lost money) with Joe-Bee he will get rid of her.

Hello everyone!

I’m back, with another dream that I woke up from having a pain in my ass. I fell asleep last Saturday, around 9 pm. I dreamt about a AMP in CT, same one from my last dream. I paid. 75 for a TS, and a hour message. Took my shoes off, went upstairs, and was greeted by a short girl name Joe-Bee. JoeBee, is 5 feet tall, and portly. Her chest is small, probably ah a, or at most, a be cup. She isn't pretty, but she isn't ugly, I would give her face a 6. I don't know what's up with the girls at this AMP, but the two girls I have gotten have all looked mediocre.

JoeBee took me to room eight, then told me to take off my clothes for the table shower. This time, I decided to bring a stopwatch with me just to see how much time I'm really getting. So as I take off my clothes, I set on my stopwatch, and put it in my coat pocket.

The TS was nice, she did a good job keeping the water the right temperature while scrubbing me down. While I was on my stomach, she did some anal play with her finger, unlike my last MS Katy. Luckily, I didn't have any paperwork to do beforehand, so I felt comfortable in letting her "have at it. " While she was playing with my butthole, she asked, " do you like, that? " Now, I'm cool with a little rimming, but I felt kinda uncomfortable. But I didn't want to ruin the mood so, I cleared my throat, and whipser, "Yes, " in a "NO, please take it out of my ass" way. She tells me to flip, and she starts scrubbing my front. She touches my junior, giggles, then moves it over. Just like Katy did the week before! Then she dries me off.

At this point, everything is pretty much the same as last week, Katy was more personable, JoeBee is okay.

Now, the message techniques differ between Katy and Joebee. Joebee asks me if I would like a soft or medium message. I say medium, because I figure JoeBee is 5', how much damage could she do? Her massage was good, but painful doing some parts. She likes to focus on pressure points. And apply pressure, a lot of pressure. For her to be so small, she has a lot of strength!

While working on my back, she ask me if I have a girlfriend, or am I married? I say no, and no. Now, I’m wondering why she would ask these questions, but I just chalk it up to her attempting to make conversation, be it a bad attempt. After I answered her question, she goes straight to my fingers, and starts doing finger massages, but what she’s really doing is checking to see if I have a ring on my finger, or maybe a tan line from a ring. After she sees, for herself, that I was telling the truth, she tells me to flip over.

Joebee asks if I want a message down there. I say "yes. " I say ". 40, " she say ". 50. " We barter for a few minutes, then she starts stroking. At this point, we still haven’t agreed on. 40. She wants. 50, and I’m not giving her. 50, without her top off. She’s not budging, and I’m not either. So finally, I just say forget it all together. She says okay, then, a minute later, she’s like, " I’ll take shirt off for. 60. " I say "okay. " Now, I’m sucking on her small chest, and she’s giving me a HR, but the mood is lost because of all the bartering. She keeps stroking, and then she sneaks her finger up my ass, again. A minute before, when she was stroking and I was sucking on her nips, she would avoid eye contact, and seem to not be enjoying the situation. But the moment she snuck her pointer finger up my ass, she was smiling, giggling, and staring right into my eyes. Fellas, if you’re trying to save your birginity (undefiled purity or chastity of the anus) for your wife, or girlfriend, or maybe just don’t want fingers in your ass; DON’T GO TO JOEBEE! Apparently, Joebee, gets off on sticking a finger up a man’s asshole, and just like her massages, she likes to apply pressure. Too much pressure!

So now, I’ve grown tired of JoeBee, and this whole uncomfortable dream, and say, " that’s it, I’m done. " She’s like, " you haven’t finished? " I’m like, "I hope you have though, take the money, and believe me, I’m finish. "

Joebee keeps trying to massage me, but I get up, limp over to the clothes rack, and start putting my clothes on.

She then tells me, I’m very handsome, I have more time, and she can’t let me go yet. She tries to get me to lay down on my stomach, but I, told her, it would cost. 40. She laughs, but I know if I was to lay on my stomach, a minute would have not gone by before her finger would have been up my ass again!

I paid. 75 for TS, and an hour MS. I gave a. 60 tip for topless HR, with nip-suck, and unwarranted anal play. Total $. 35. The total time on my stopwatch when I left was 53 mins, and 46 secs. Please keep in mind, I was trying to get the hell away from JoeBee.

JoeBee, is 5 feet tall, and portly. Her chest is small, probably ah a, or at most, a be cup. She isn't pretty, but she isn't ugly. Clean complexion, face length black hair, I would give her face a 6. I will not dream about her again. Different strokes for different folks, if you like a lot of anal play, a small chest, and a lady asking you about your wife or girlfriend while giving a HR, Joebee is your girl!

If you don’t like that type of stuff while at this AMP, and you get partnered with Joebee, you better ask for another partner (Katy is cool)! Joebee said that the girls take turns seeing customers, and that if you don’t want one girl just ask for another.


03-19-09, 11:14
Has anyone visited this lady?


03-19-09, 19:26
If you get a chance visit Ella at Elle Spa.

Member #3946
03-19-09, 20:14
You regulars will no doubt be familiar with the MP across from Millennium Park. There is an older--but okay looking therapist named Mei and a much younger Asian whose name I forget who answered phones. Mei was booked when I got there but the young when said she could massage me. She obviously is not trained. Just a light rubbing on the back with lots of oil. Seeing as we were getting no where fast I turned over and asked her to do my front. She rubbed my chest, but ignored my hard on that came out from under the towel accidently. She didn't volunteer so I came right out and asked her for the finish. She said no and I even offered more than I normally would. She seemed to be thinking it over but told me that she would get Mei--May to handle the finish. May came in and did the heavy lifting with a fair amount of glee. No talk of money--which I love. Just an HR, which is all I wanted. Nothing to write home about but got the job done. I would appreciate it if any of the regulars would let me know if they have had any sucess with the young one. She is a cutie.

The only bad thing about this case is the doorman. He was busy when I came in so I just wrote down a fake name and headed up. On the way out, he says to me that I am supposed to show ID before going up. Then he says you went to Mercy, didn't you? It's all on camera anyway. Obviously he knows what is up with this place and is trying to disuade people from visiting. I am wondering if any regulars have found a way to deal with this nuisance. This place is very convenient but I am not showing ID to anyone.

03-20-09, 04:54
If you get a chance visit Ella at Elle Spa.Where is it?

Any more details?

PM if you want.

Mylar 824
03-20-09, 12:23
If you get a chance visit Ella at Elle Spa.I tried Elle spa three or four times and got no where. Is it better now?

By the way, I visited the place on Irving just west of six corners. First time, had Mei, chubby, average, mid 30's. Good massage, ok finish, probably won't return. They advertise Latina, Polish, Asian. Would love to get some Polish, but the Polish girl (with a very impressive rack) there said she gives straight massages only.

Any info on Northside Euro availability would be Greatly Appreciated.

03-20-09, 15:05
You regulars will no doubt be familiar with the MP across from Millennium Park.

The only bad thing about this case is the doorman. He was busy when I came in so I just wrote down a fake name and headed up. On the way out, he says to me that I am supposed to show ID before going up. Then he says you went to Mercy, didn't you? It's all on camera anyway. Obviously he knows what is up with this place and is trying to disuade people from visiting. I am wondering if any regulars have found a way to deal with this nuisance. This place is very convenient but I am not showing ID to anyone.

Was there the other day and he gave some shit too. so I wrote down acouple of other names of businesses there on 2 different floors so I can use one of those instead. And if says they are close that day, I'll tell him I am going to slip an envelope under the door. Barney

03-20-09, 16:13
There is a dentist on the 18th floor I believe. Dr. Gordon is at 312-750-9000. You may want to make sure they are open if you use them for cover.

Was there the other day and he gave some shit too. so I wrote down acouple of other names of businesses there on 2 different floors so I can use one of those instead. And if says they are close that day, I'll tell him I am going to slip an envelope under the door. Barney

And Again
03-20-09, 17:13
Was there the other day and he gave some shit too. so I wrote down acouple of other names of businesses there on 2 different floors so I can use one of those instead. And if says they are close that day, I'll tell him I am going to slip an envelope under the door. BarneyWhat are the names of other places there and what floor? I don't want to deal with that crap. Last time I tried to go there, a while back, was the day they had trouble and I reported it here. I didn't get asked for ID then. But, I don't want to go unprepared.

03-20-09, 18:52
I had a dream that I finally went and saw ninela for the best ever ukranianian massage yesterday. I followed the rules of previous postings.

(don't touch her. And let her do her thing.)

She was a nice lady. Not as old as suggested here.

Massage sucked. Very light touch and lots of teasing with HJ finish. She got really close to my member close to the finish. The sight of that in the mirror made me bust.

I might go back. Too costly.
Saw Ninela recently. She drapes herself all over you and lets the hand roam feely.

No touch, older and heavier than what I want, heavy make-up. A little pricey but she does know what she is doing.

Also, kinda chatty.

03-20-09, 23:09
The door man couldn't care less, it he's like most doormen. He's getting pressure from management who is getting it from the other tenants/owners. Somebody wants the MP out of there. IMHO.

You regulars will no doubt be familiar with the MP across from Millennium Park. There is an older--but okay looking therapist named Mei and a much younger Asian whose name I forget who answered phones. Mei was booked when I got there but the young when said she could massage me. She obviously is not trained. Just a light rubbing on the back with lots of oil. Seeing as we were getting no where fast I turned over and asked her to do my front. She rubbed my chest, but ignored my hard on that came out from under the towel accidently. She didn't volunteer so I came right out and asked her for the finish. She said no and I even offered more than I normally would. She seemed to be thinking it over but told me that she would get Mei--May to handle the finish. May came in and did the heavy lifting with a fair amount of glee. No talk of money--which I love. Just an HR, which is all I wanted. Nothing to write home about but got the job done. I would appreciate it if any of the regulars would let me know if they have had any sucess with the young one. She is a cutie.

The only bad thing about this case is the doorman. He was busy when I came in so I just wrote down a fake name and headed up. On the way out, he says to me that I am supposed to show ID before going up. Then he says you went to Mercy, didn't you? It's all on camera anyway. Obviously he knows what is up with this place and is trying to disuade people from visiting. I am wondering if any regulars have found a way to deal with this nuisance. This place is very convenient but I am not showing ID to anyone.

03-20-09, 23:38
Where is it?

Any more details?

PM if you want.

It's next to the Portage Theatre on Milwaukee Ave. Ella is there only 3 times a week. Never on Saturday and Sunday. May be shy the first visit.

03-21-09, 09:49
It looks like City Massage Center is opening up a location on the south side of Cermak at Leavit & Cermak. I noticed the sign Tuesday morning on my drive in to work. I drove past going home around 9:30 pm that night and there was a crew inside painting, etc. I never went to the one on 31st St. I'll have to pay a social call after my next payday if they are open.

03-21-09, 10:04
Saw Ninela recently. She drapes herself all over you and lets the hand roam feely.

No touch, older and heavier than what I want, heavy make-up. A little pricey but she does know what she is doing.

Also, kinda chatty.She is a bit of a nut job and run's really hot and cold. Her studio is pretty good and private, but I get a Sybil vibe from her! Never know who you are going to get and don't distract her by touching her. I'd rather spend my money somewhere else.

Donny Devito
03-21-09, 16:49
The door man couldn't care less, it he's like most doormen. He's getting pressure from management who is getting it from the other tenants / owners. Somebody wants the MP out of there. IMHO.Do you think they are filming people to press charges on them later?

03-21-09, 23:18
Do you think they are filming people to press charges on them later?Press charges for what?

You going walking in to what is at worse getting a massage?

Al Melrose
03-22-09, 02:06
Do you think they are filming people to press charges on them later?Many places film entrances these days. There is nothing to charge you with for visiting the place. If a camera and mike is inside the room perhaps, but not worth the effort.

03-22-09, 06:45
many places film entrances these days. there is nothing to charge you with for visiting the place. if a camera and mike is inside the room perhaps, but not worth the effort.

i believe that sometimes patrons get charged with visiting a common nuisance. but i think that is only during the initial bust of an establishment. you see more of this during drug raids and sometimes **** drinking parties being raided.

but of course that doesn't prevent anyone from filming you on their own and setting up a website. this has been done in the past in other communities but i believe the one i'm thinking of was filming johns picking up streetwalkers and following them to the site of "business." it was meant to scare johns into avoiding the neighborhood.


Khai Yai
03-22-09, 10:44
But of course that doesn't prevent anyone from filming you on their own and setting up a website. This has been done in the past in other communities but I believe the one I'm thinking of was filming johns picking up streetwalkers and following them to the site of "business." It was meant to scare johns into avoiding the neighborhood.

BI think filming LE is legal as long as you don't use audio, anyone know? (who is watching the Watchers?)

03-22-09, 15:56
What are the names of other places there and what floor? I don't want to deal with that crap. Last time I tried to go there, a while back, was the day they had trouble and I reported it here. I didn't get asked for ID then. But, I don't want to go unprepared.

Judith Ansteth Jewler 1201
American Hearing 814

03-22-09, 18:52
On case people were wondering if the downturn was effecting the industry please follow the link below:


03-22-09, 19:05
Many places film entrances these days. There is nothing to charge you with for visiting the place. If a camera and mike is inside the room perhaps, but not worth the effort.Normally the lighting is so low the camera would have to be pretty expensive to film any activity in the room. LE might be able to afford it and if that were the case you'd probably pick up on it by the way the girl treats and talks to you. In which case you're just here for a massage for your sore back) If they are doing it on their own, they would probably be using fairly cheap cameras with infrared illuminators. These cameras would get decent monochrome images in near-dark conditions. Luckily they are very easy to spot. While you're "getting ready" quickly scan the room with your camera phone. You'll see any IR light sources instantly. Try it on your TV remote. Aim the camera phone at the front end of the remote and press a button. You'll see the IR LED light up. Same with the IR camera light sources except they are brighter. (One more thing to do to avoid problems.)

03-22-09, 19:19
I think filming LE is legal as long as you don't use audio, anyone know? (who is watching the Watchers? )I once researched this for a problem with a dumbass neighbor.

If you are filming and "happen" to get LE, that's legal because you can't control what's in the background or what gets in the way. However, you can't put it on-line or use it for commercial purposes. You'd need a pretty convincing cover story if you're going to try it.

Audio recording is different and requires permission of all parties.

It worked very well with the dumbass neighbor. We had a street light that kept getting broken and being the good citizen I am, I was trying to catch the culprit. The light happened to be between the camera and the neighbor so they just happened to be in the background. When the neighbor complained to their attorney he just told them tough shit, get over it. They even complained to the City Attorney and he told him the same thing but in nicer terms.

03-23-09, 09:53
Lets not forget that VIP on Milwaukee was shut down for having cameras all over the place.

December 27, 2006


Patrons of a Northwest Side massage parlor may have had their visits with prostitutes broadcast over the Internet, police said.

Based on statements from a woman who worked there and the sophistication of computer equipment seized from V.I.P. Salon & Day Spa, police believe sex acts might have been transmitted from small, curtained cubicles onto the Web, said Jefferson Park District Cmdr. Ralph Price.

Officers found tiny cameras mounted in the ceiling of several rooms at V.I.P.

"It's gone beyond just prostitution," Price said. "What you think may be private could be all over the place."

Investigators with the Vice Control Section said they had not heard of any similar computer set-up at other places of prostitution in the city.

"Really, this is kind of unchartered territory for us," said Lt. Paul Kusinski.

Price said the V.I.P. Salon at 4422 N. Milwaukee -- where customers have to be buzzed in -- has been a longtime problem for the neighborhood.

Chicago vice officers have raided the business seven or eight times over the past 18 months, and the city has filed complaints against the business, police said. The landlord of the business also filed a lawsuit in January 2006 seeking to evict the business owner, according to Cook County records.

The owner could not be reached for comment.

Charges stemming from the police raids were typically never more than misdemeanors. But now Chicago Police and the Cook County state's attorney's office are seeking more serious charges against the owner and manager for the alleged unlawful videotaping.

Price -- who has done premise checks himself on the business because of complaints -- said he hopes this latest raid will rid the neighborhood of V.I.P. for good.

"Finally, we can shut this guy down," Price said. "This could be the nail in the coffin."

Price's officers got their break on Dec. 20 when someone placed a 911 call to report that a woman at the business was screaming.

When officers arrived, a sergeant pulled back a curtain on two cubicles to find men having sex with women. But officers then spotted something else -- a pinhole camera in the ceiling.

"We followed all the wires," Price said. "They all went to a central computer."

Real money online: female suspect

One of the women arrested told police they charged the men for sex acts, but the real money was made from the share of profits from broadcasting on the Internet, Price said.

The officers obtained a search warrant, which was executed the next morning, Price said. The computer's hard drive was seized and will be analyzed, and police photographed all the cameras and the wires leading to the server.

The raid resulted in four people being charged, including a 20-year-old man for patronizing a place of prostitution, two women -- 39 and 20 -- for solicitation and a 51-year-old man for keeping a place of prostitution.


Khai Yai
03-23-09, 23:11
i have talked to providers after an arrest and they tell me of seeing their best customers in uniform when taken to the station.

lets not forget that vip on milwaukee was shut down for having cameras all over the place.

sex tycoon exposes police corruption

thailand gripped by revelations of bribery, **** prostitution and kidnapping

* john aglionby in bangkok
* the observer, sunday 2 november 2003 00.13 gmt

dressed up to the nines and sitting in a brightly lit, glass-fronted room off the copa cabana massage parlour's ostentatious lobby, 20 beautiful women waiting to be selected by customers looked anything other than political party activists.

whenever a man - no women patronise this type of massage parlour - arrived in the lobby, the masseuses hurriedly fixed into place their seducing grins, fluttering eyelids and tastefully sexy dresses. once the chosen one, or sometimes two or three, had left the 'goldfish bowl', the remainder returned to gossiping, examining their fingernails or just staring glumly ahead.

what caught the eye, though, were the rows of empty red velvet benches between the clusters of masseuses. the room could, and until a few weeks ago usually did, accommodate a couple of hundred masseuses. the sofas to the side of the room, reserved for the establishment's star performers, were conspicuously empty.

it is the cause of these empty seats that is pushing some of these fine-featured women to follow their boss, chuwit kamolvisit, into swapping bangkok's sex industry for the equally grubby world of politics.

provoked by what he describes as 'back-stabbing and ungrateful' police officers who 'ignored the rules and tried to sacrifice me to save their own skins', chuwit has recruited some of his staff for his ton trakun thai (thai ancestry) party, which he declared himself leader of last weekend.

his progress from thailand's foremost sex tycoon, employing thousands of women in palatial and labyrinthine massage parlours, to leader of the country's newest political party has exposed police corruption in an unprecedented fashion.

in a twisting plot, thais have been gripped by a tale of years of ubiquitous police graft, under-age prostitution, kidnapping, a floundering government, and detectives having sex with masseuses during investigations. it pits a suave, fast-talking showman who says he will stop at nothing, including selling his businesses, to correct practices that for years he participated in but now brands as 'evil injustice', against the might of the establishment that reaches up to the prime minister.

almost 100 officers have been suspended, transferred or investigated, but significantly none has been prosecuted. chuwit, 43, is facing two charges, of employing under-age masseuses and trespassing on his own land. he says simple economics has forced his hand.

'i have no choice because fewer customers are coming because they are afraid about the police checks,' he said. 'and the girls are afraid to work with me.'

the 'checks' escalated in recent weeks to what local media call a 'get-laid-and-raid' sting. officers posed as clients, had a massage, had sex and then arrested the women for prostitution.

unfortunately for the officers, they needed witnesses and so, when the girls denied the charges, they were released. the police declined to comment beyond saying investigations into chuwit and the alleged corruption were continuing.

chuwit, one of the city's biggest condom distributors, admits sex goes on in the rooms that contain a bed, bath and erotic posters of western women on the walls

'i accept that they are selling sex every night,' he said. 'but society needs its releases. we work all the time, we need to relax. i didn't kill anyone. i didn't force anyone to come and work with me at my place.

'i might be a sex tycoon, but i help the poor people. what will happen to the poor people if they don't work with me? how can they live? do you want them to steal? i've helped 20,000 women over 10 years.'

customers pay 2,000 baht (Ł30) for a two-hour massage and bath with one woman, of which the masseuse takes 60 per cent. sex is extra and negotiable. chuwit reckons he was making one million baht profit a night before his world caved in.

the crisis was triggered by the destruction of dozens of small bars in january on land chuwit owned but had leased to a massage customer, chalee kanngern. the police took 10 hours to arrive to investigate and, failing to find chalee, turned on chuwit. despite a total lack of evidence, chuwit was held in police custody for a month, emerging determined to clear his name.

'they broke the rules because they had to extract themselves out of the mess of the demolition,' he said. 'they did not care about me, even though i had been looking after them for years.

'looking after', he claims, involved paying officers 12 million baht a month over a decade. binbags full of cash and trays of rolex watches were delivered to police stations. he built 75 air-conditioned kiosks for traffic police that cost 20 million baht. senior officers would be given complimentary massages. everyone seemed happy.

the prime minister, thaksin shinawatra, talked tough but refused to meet chuwit, while the police chief, general sant sarutanond, did the minimum needed to assuage public anger.

when the demolition-related charges failed to stick, officers found three masseuses who had worked for him while they were still 17. more charges ensued and chuwit became even more irate. 'i can't check the id of every girl who works for me,' he said. 'why didn't they go after the woman who made the false ids and reported me?'

chuwit says he was then kidnapped for 30 hours. the truth about this is murky, but the police's two main witnesses say they were coerced into saying that the tycoon fabricated the story.

in a further fit of spite, chuwit then published two books, the golden bath, on the massage parlour business, and my confession (one day i will commit suicide) that delved deeper into police corruption.

chuwit boldly claims that he will win up to 20 seats at the next election, which is due within the next 18 months.

others are not convinced. suwaroj palang, an mp from the opposition democrat party, says the sex tycoon has garnered a lot of sympathy, but that it is unlikely to translate into votes.

'he is certainly the lesser of two evils,' he said. 'but thais don't think one man will be able to eradicate police corruption. it's going to be with us for decades.'

And Again
03-24-09, 05:05
I get off of work pretty late and work most weekends. Most of the places I've gone to are in Skokie or on the North side and they close early.

Are there late night Amps in the city or CT?


And Again
03-24-09, 05:10
I get off of work pretty late and work most weekends. Most of the places I've gone to are in Skokie or on the North side and they close early.

Are there late night AMPs in the city or CT?

I should add. I know the aamps end at 10: 30 and it seems that most of the CL ads that are 24 hrs are jack shacks.


03-24-09, 13:33
I stopped off at Alices to get another stamp on the card and they were not open yet. They must have been running behind as if was well after 10 am. So, I decided to try this place with no name along 26th street that is always on CL. Very nice place! The room was rather small, but had a very large shower. If was 50 for 1 hour. The ladies were all pretty attractive and wear dresses. Nice touch. I had a very nice massage. We had the usual talk, which led to an even more pleasing flip. $ CFS. Worth repeating even if I was in and out in about 45 mn.

03-25-09, 07:49
Regarding your best massages, where they done by providers who weren't the prettiest ones in the place, or is that just my experience? Reminds me of the fishing song, "if you want to be happy for the rest of you like, better get yourself an ugly wife. " Anyone think the chunkier, older, small titties, butterface, etc. Are more enthusiastic, less shy? I'd like to hear from Seniors on this.

Ron John 7779
03-25-09, 15:13
Does anyone know what the deal is with thai palace? They advertise on CL. I'm
just wondering what the quality is like and if services go beyond HR/HJ.

Here's the CL advertisement. -


Past Tense
03-25-09, 16:47
Ron John,

I've had a total YMMV experience with Thai Palace. Two or three call system. For me over the past year or so, one bad, two average and one outstanding visit.

The psoted rate generally covers everything. Not multiple pops but varied positions are normally allowed.

The best of the girls are enthusiastic and enjoy their work. The worst are those forced into the sex trade who believe that all Americans are infected with AIDS and loathe their jobs. I would say they are more reliable than the average Asian apartment.

Good luck

- PT

Chad The Rtf
03-25-09, 18:37
I've been wanting to try Thai Palace for the longest, but no one usually answers the phone when I call. How many girls there would you say like their work versus the ones who were most likely forced into it? I'd feel kinda guilty screwing a sex slave.

Ron John,

I've had a total YMMV experience with Thai Palace. Two or three call system. For me over the past year or so, one bad, two average and one outstanding visit.

The psoted rate generally covers everything. Not multiple pops but varied positions are normally allowed.

The best of the girls are enthusiastic and enjoy their work. The worst are those forced into the sex trade who believe that all Americans are infected with AIDS and loathe their jobs. I would say they are more reliable than the average Asian apartment.

Good luck

- PT

Member #3971
03-25-09, 18:50
So some of y'all will remember Sunny, the kooky mamasan from 7H on ashland. Well, she opened a new spot on western ave just north of armitage called Bella and calls herself by a different name. There is a latina and a Polish girl working there too. Get after it.


03-25-09, 22:32
I've had a couple of great experiences at TP - beautiful girls who did a great job of taking care of me - multiple positions, a bit of enthusiasm, a really good experience for me both times.

Does anyone know what the deal is with thai palace? They advertise on CL. I'm
just wondering what the quality is like and if services go beyond HR/HJ.

Here's the CL advertisement. -


03-26-09, 07:33
Was it because I was her last customer of the day?

Did she get a Leo vibe from me?

Maybe she didn't like her job that day.

I really don't care either way, when all I wanted. I didn't leave with. Same girl, different attitude. I thought my repeated visits might bring me to a better status in the place, but the truth is that I wasn't remembered at all (was there twice before within 10 days, no less). That's OK. I left a meager tip and won't be going back.

I would go back to Pine Tree but the cameras everywhere make me nervous.

I'm going to consider CL outcall services. I'm just very concerned with any le entanglements. I'll read up on these forums how to do it as safe as possble. And of course, any PM for bottom-line advise is always welcome.

Oh, and note to CRYSTAL: If I wanted a therapeutic massage, I'd go to chiropractor that has it so my insurance will cover it. If I'm at an AMP, I want what is not offered at those other places.

Forgive me for spouting off, but thats what blueballs do to me.

03-26-09, 07:34
Was it because I was her last customer of the day?

Did she get a Leo vibe from me?

Maybe she didn't like her job that day.

I really don't care either way, when all I wanted. I didn't leave with. Same girl, different attitude. I thought my repeated visits might bring me to a better status in the place, but the truth is that I wasn't remembered at all (was there twice before within 10 days, no less). That's OK. I left a meager tip and won't be going back.

I would go back to Pine Tree but the cameras everywhere make me nervous.

I'm going to consider CL outcall services. I'm just very concerned with any le entanglements. I'll read up on these forums how to do it as safe as possble. And of course, any PM for bottom-line advise is always welcome.

Oh, and note to CRYSTAL: If I wanted a therapeutic massage, I'd go to chiropractor that has it so my insurance will cover it. If I'm at an AMP, I want what is not offered at those other places.

Forgive me for spouting off, but thats what blueballs do to me.

03-26-09, 08:49
I've been there and the ladies were always old. So I tried yesterday based on Magooski's review. Apparently our taste varys completey. Yes they were all wearing dresses but still all old. They may look more attractive with the lights off and viewing the top of their heads. I shoulda walked out but I could have used a good massage so I opted for the $35 for 30 mins. I got Amy in her 50's easily. All of them were. The massage itself was ok and seemed promising with the light touch. On the flip she quoted me $ for a french lesson. I told her your nuts thats way too much. She got pissed and I told her just to proceed with massage. She was noteably upset and stormed out the door after my massage was done to get me a hot towel to clean off the oil. She left the door wide open while she got the towel and then right after she was done. I got up and slammed the door. I wont put up with that shit again. I wont be back ever again. I didnt leave her shit as far as a tip was concerned maybe she got the message.

I stopped off at Alices to get another stamp on the card and they were not open yet. They must have been running behind as if was well after 10 am. So, I decided to try this place with no name along 26th street that is always on CL. Very nice place! The room was rather small, but had a very large shower. If was 50 for 1 hour. The ladies were all pretty attractive and wear dresses. Nice touch. I had a very nice massage. We had the usual talk, which led to an even more pleasing flip. $ CFS. Worth repeating even if I was in and out in about 45 mn.

Ron John 7779
03-26-09, 09:38
Ron John,

I've had a total YMMV experience with Thai Palace. Two or three call system. For me over the past year or so, one bad, two average and one outstanding visit.

The psoted rate generally covers everything. Not multiple pops but varied positions are normally allowed.

The best of the girls are enthusiastic and enjoy their work. The worst are those forced into the sex trade who believe that all Americans are infected with AIDS and loathe their jobs. I would say they are more reliable than the average Asian apartment.

Good luck

- PTWell thanks for the heads up. My buddy wanted to hit this up. I don't think he would like the thought of supporting the sex slave trade.

03-26-09, 15:51
Was just at Yellow Rose to see my regular Asian therapist. Had to wait a few minutes for a room to open up and was sitting chatting with a cute Latina named Patty.

I am really into Asians, but this Patty was an absolute turnon IMHO. Anyone had her yet?

Seems like a number of former AMPs are going multicultural.

Past Tense
03-26-09, 18:08
I don't know about sex slaves. I would guess 1 out of 4 really don't want to be there.

In reality any wife who isn't physically attracted to her husband could be considered a sex slave.

The bottom line is that in all male - female interactions every woman's motivation varies. Some do it because they love it (and we are lucky to know them) others because they think they have to or because they use it to get what they want (money, a big house, kids, etc.) then there are the ones who would really rather not.

I didn't mean to imply that TP kidnaps asian woman off the streets in the East and keeps them handcuffed to the radiator when they aren't servicing us Barbarians. It's just that if you are more than a heat seeking missile you can pick up on the vibe from a woman even if she is an inscrutable oriental.

03-27-09, 01:39
There's a play on Lincoln Ave called Blue Surge.

From the web site: The story of two small-town cops who try to arrest and then help a pair of prostitutes working at a local massage parlor, Blue Surge examines issues of class and social dynamics with brutal honesty and surprising humor. Gilman explores the small space between hope and hopelessness as her characters struggle to find an American Dream in which they can believe.


03-27-09, 13:57
In reality any wife who isn't physically attracted to her husband could be considered a sex slave.

How about us husbands who aren't attracted to our wives? Are we sex slaves? Or should I say NO-sex slaves?

03-27-09, 22:14
Well thanks for the heads up. My buddy wanted to hit this up. I don't think he would like the thought of supporting the sex slave trade.The last time I was at the palace, if the girl was a sex slave she was putting up a hell of an act. I was pretty convinced we both had a great time...

03-27-09, 22:50
Does anyone know what the deal is with thai palace? They advertise on CL. I'm just wondering what the quality is like and if services go beyond HR/HJ.

Here's the CL advertisement. -

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/ers/1090091562.htmlI guesss it was removed. No quality in the place and beyond lol.

Al Melrose
03-30-09, 01:48
I hurt my foot, so I needed some therapy. Best therapy ever. The Dr. was young, enhanced and willing to anything to help my foot. Paid .7 to have my foot looked at and cleaned, a very thorough clensing.

The dr. decided that a masage would help my foot. I paid $ to get her full treatment. My foot felt much better, so I think I got my money's worth.

Humpty Hump
03-30-09, 12:48
I might have to keep my eyes open for the foot clinic.

I stopped by China Spa on archer for a bit of recon. Something I've been doing quite a bit lately just to see what kind of hidden gems might be out there before plopping down my hard earned greenbacks.

The inside was quite impressive, best looking lobby I've seen. Quite a few options available from VIP and private suite massage. Looked like a good setup. 4 girls available 3 Asian one Mexican. One very young looking Asian getting change for a big bill from the receptionist then going back to her customer. Didn't sample because I quite honestly onlyhad time for a bit of recon.

Does anyone else have any info to share on this spot. Names, performance etc. Will go back soon just curious if any one else had an experience worth mentioning.

03-30-09, 13:21
At long last, I finally went the apartment route, because one opened up not two blocks from me (a little process of elimination will tell you where, knowing I've previously mentioned being nearby to GT-Alice). I will say I found the 3-call runaround a little pointless, especially since it took me a block past the place for call 2 before she gave me the address to make call 3 from. Oh well.

Girl is cute, probably early 30s. Looks 7, attitude 9, performance 8. It was a little by the numbers.- first this, then that, then the coup de grace.- but very nice all the way through, and included everything I could reasonably want. Well, the rubdown to start was very brief, but I'm not too upset about that. And there was a little more afterward because the hour wasn't up. I'll probably do this again, good bang for the buck. I was thinking about trying a girl from Eros next, but that may get pushed back for a while.

One side question: Do you guys get anything out of the finger-popping routine? I've had this at AMPs too, and they seem very careful and meticulous about it, but it just seems silly to me.

03-30-09, 14:10
"New Spa on Cermak?

It looks like City Massage Center is opening up a location on the south side of Cermak at Leavit & Cermak. I noticed the sign Tuesday morning on my drive in to work. I drove past going home around 9:30 pm that night and there was a crew inside painting, etc. I never went to the one on 31st St. I'll have to pay a social call after my next payday if they are open."

My Neighborhood Spa,

I had money taken out of my pocket while I was in the table shower room ( which also sucked by the way).

03-30-09, 14:15
Got ripped off at "My Neighborhood Spa" on Cermak.

Money was "conveniently" missing from my pocket after I was in the table shower room.

03-30-09, 16:42
It looks as if a well known spa on Harlem north of Grand is at end of life. They are being kicked out so some Italian grocery store can move into the old Curcuit City and expand.

That will be a sad day.

Ralph Alton
03-30-09, 22:37
"New Spa on Cermak?

It looks like City Massage Center is opening up a location on the south side of Cermak at Leavit & Cermak. I noticed the sign Tuesday morning on my drive in to work. I drove past going home around 9:30 pm that night and there was a crew inside painting, etc. I never went to the one on 31st St. I'll have to pay a social call after my next payday if they are open."

My Neighborhood Spa,

I had money taken out of my pocket while I was in the table shower room ( which also sucked by the way).

Only take in to the place what you intend to spend. They can still steal it, but that means there's no tip possible. Getting ripped off is something that happens to most of us if you monger long enough. I had a lot lizard jump with the money a few years back.

Sorry it happened to you.

Jesus Collins
03-31-09, 10:43
It looks as if a well known spa on Harlem north of Grand is at end of life. They are being kicked out so some Italian grocery store can move into the old Curcuit City and expand.

That will be a sad day.I heard that it would just be the circuit city property.

Where can I get more info?

Luke Appling
03-31-09, 13:13
New spa opened up very close to where the very seedy (and now closed) Bamboo Massage used to be. Nice looking building, though uncomfortably close to home (I can walk there).

Stopped in and got kind of a weird vibe. There were two Latinas, one young, thin and very attractive, and one much older who seemed in charge - possibly mother and daughter????

When I get some more money I'll go and TOFTT.

03-31-09, 13:47
It looks as if a well known spa on Harlem north of Grand is at end of life. They are being kicked out so some Italian grocery store can move into the old Curcuit City and expand.

That will be a sad day.I read about this in Chicago Real Estate Daily.

Happy Meals
03-31-09, 13:52
I went to this place by Millenium Park a couple of weeks ago. I signed-in and proceed to their office. I also was attended by one of their staff member whose name is like a month.

Anyways, some people had asked before if more was available in the menu, and I can now confirm that the answer is yes. The only catch is that you have to bring your own gloves. Rates are comparable to those of APTs

Seniors can PM for more details.

Emp Fan 473
03-31-09, 14:10
I've been ripped off twice, but all they got was their tip. I've never brought my wallet with me when I'm hobbying. Just cash & just what I expect to spend. When it comes time to tip, if the money's not there, I've told them that it's gone & that if they didn't take it, they can talk to the other girls to get her tip.

It may piss them off, but I figure if they're innocent, they will know who did it. If they did it, they screwed themselves.

Self Hi5
03-31-09, 15:35
Where might someone with a foot issue, in need of a good foot clinic, find this foot doctor to help remedy the issue?

Humpty Hump
04-01-09, 20:19
Where are the quality girls. I've been on a bit of an information gathering adventure recently and am let down by the amount of quality you g/cute girls.

Our neighborhood day spa. 2 girls one black (young and thin not that pretty). Thin I can take for an asian but I like my ebony girls with a little more meat, smll waisted. 1 Latina, not attractive to me but young mid twenties.

Yin Spa. One black and one Latina same as above. By the way, I think yin has all their girls go by Amy and Angie. Just a hunch

Tropical. Two young and attractive Latinas but no time to sample. Planning on another visit.

Aj's. I like jocelyn but she adjusts performance with price and since I'm a bargain hunter this is sometimes a problem.

Ruby. Two unattractive 1 bigger older asian and one Latina. Also unattractive.

Relax. 3 average middle aged older Asians. Attractive for their age but I'm hunting for younger prey.

China Spa. 3 Asians one Latina. All average, early thirties, except for a very young and cute Asian reported as not offering xtras.

I still have Ashland and the farther north locations but with this economy I might go back to baseball cards as my favorite hobby.


04-02-09, 10:47
It looks as if a well known spa on Harlem north of Grand is at end of life. They are being kicked out so some Italian grocery store can move into the old Curcuit City and expand.

That will be a sad day.Lisuina? Why not jst come out and say it? If its going to be closed down, it doesnt matter to the law.

Al Bundy78
04-02-09, 12:28
What was the name of your foot Dr?

PM if you'd like to share

I hurt my foot, so I needed some therapy. Best therapy ever. The Dr. was young, enhanced and willing to anything to help my foot. Paid .7 to have my foot looked at and cleaned, a very thorough clensing.

The dr. decided that a masage would help my foot. I paid $ to get her full treatment. My foot felt much better, so I think I got my money's worth.

Memmy Foo
04-02-09, 13:18
My first posting, have been reading the forums for a while, but haven't yet posted.

I was hobbying in Denver for quite some time, but have yet to find a great place here to fit my needs, but it's not really from lack of trying

I've been to Rose three times so far, and have had both hit and miss there. The first time there met with a cute latina, really good massage, no ending on the first time, but she said to come back. I went back a week later and saw her again, again a really great massage + ts and hr. Looks about a 7, massage a 9, performance a 5 (she really wasn't into it) 6 for the hour massage and 4 on top of that. I saw another older asian there, massage was mediocre at best, tried to talk up the hr at 8, talked her down to 5 and went from there. A little more inspired than the last one, but because of massage quality I would definitely see the latina again.

Tried out tropical earlier this week, wanted to see if the hot little latina was there that everybody talks about. She was there, but she had an appointment scheduled so she put me in with the girl whose name starts with a 'K' (also has some reviews on here). Massage could have been one of the worst I've ever had, which she only went for about 20 minutes. On the flip she doesn't brush or anything and then asks me if I'm ready for my shower. I was a bit boggled at this point, I asked for extras and she asked what I wanted. Ended up with a topless hr, then finishing in Russian with me on top, overall the finish was great, she had a very nice rack on her, but the massage quality was horrid. 6 at the door, 7 tip. Looks about a 6 (a bit too chunky for me) massage a 1, performance about an 8, she was willing to do a lot, just nothing really 'over the top'.

My first posting, will definitely be posting more over the months until I find a place that really hits it for me.


Talk Turkey
04-02-09, 13:57
I've been ripped off twice, but all they got was their tip. I've never brought my wallet with me when I'm hobbying. Just cash & just what I expect to spend. When it comes time to tip, if the money's not there, I've told them that it's gone & that if they didn't take it, they can talk to the other girls to get her tip.

It may piss them off, but I figure if they're innocent, they will know who did it. If they did it, they screwed themselves.

When in doubt, which can be often the case for mongers in pursuit
of the high life, always take your wallet/valuables with you. Even if
it seems inconvenient the peace of mind is worth it.
You could just bring your pants & wallet with you to the sauna/table shower, etc. If they ask, tell them you had a bad experience once before & you don't want to have to worry about it.
One less thing to worry about during the massage = greater enjoyment of the massage.

Leaving a wallet in a car though, personally I wouldn't go this route,
there's always a chance of a break-in.

Stay safe,


04-02-09, 15:15
Lisuina? Why not just come out and say it? If its going to be closed down, it doesnt matter to the law.Because I was posting on my iPod Touch and could not remember how the name was spelled.

That is the only reason.

04-03-09, 12:06
Most every place I have ever been to has a clear plastic bag, like a makeup pouch or a toiletry bag to put your things in. If u don't see one ask for one. My phone and cash go in those and I carry it with me. Wallet goes in the trunk of the car. Never carry more cash in then u are willing to spend anyway

Jv Money
04-03-09, 12:33
Was thinking of going to the Spa in chicago on milwaukee anyone been there or know what to expect? Can pm me with more info, called and spoke to maybe a lady who answered the phone and she sounded hot!

Please get back to me with more info

Raoul Duke
04-03-09, 13:35
Most every place I have ever been to has a clear plastic bag, like a makeup pouch or a toiletry bag to put your things in. If u don't see one ask for one. My phone and cash go in those and I carry it with me. Wallet goes in the trunk of the car. Never carry more cash in then u are willing to spend anyway

I absolutely agree, although I had let me guard down. However, I'm going to be more careful given the reality of things.

Fortunately I didn't lose any cash when my stuff was recently rifled through. I had planned on .4 for a tip and had an extra $7 to grab lunch. The tip and lunch money was still there, as were the CCs and ID, but it was stupid of me to leave that in the room while I was taking a shower.

I haven't been there in years, but CLV offered a little pouch that you could take w/you to the whirlpool. I suppose I could travel with a ziploc bag to ensure that I can keep things by my side since none of the local joints I frequent have offered me anything.

I suppose for this and other reasons I tend to prefer establishing a rapport with local indies.

04-03-09, 14:26
Has anyone visited Karen the queen of erotic massage?

She's on CL daily.

How far west is she and is it worth my time?

04-03-09, 15:09
Found a nice place on CL at Archer & Francisco. My girls was cute with firm b-cups and a booty that would rival JLO and win. It was big and firm. Very pleasant experience but call system was a pain. Seniors can PM for details.

04-03-09, 21:35
Located at 2841 w cermak. The girls are very kind and lovely, young petite latinas and african american. I would definetely visit again. Very good massage plus!.

F Blaster
04-04-09, 15:35
Located at 2841 w cermak. The girls are very kind and lovely, young petite latinas and african american. I would definetely visit again. Very good massage plus!.

Spoken like a true proprietor (groan).

04-04-09, 18:32
I'm ready to TOFTT, figuring that I get a legit massage at the worst. Before I do, however, I want to make sure no one else has first.


Hi Everyone ,

My name is Alisa and I'm working at a new Spa , called Hair We Are , we offer hair cuts and massages.
Come see me today , and relax with a wonderful massage from me, the rooms are very quiet, clean and private, we also have
showers. You know you deserve the best relaxation.

Massages starts at $70 hr $60 HR


We are located 5434 Archer ave Chicago IL 60638

Nicky Forza
04-05-09, 00:40
So I guess Peking Oriental Health Spa in East Chgo has finally bit the dust for good. The sign is gone and the premises are now available to rent.
I wouldn’t want to have to do the clean-up at this location. …………… R.I.P

A John
04-05-09, 08:33
Every place I've been in somewhere in the room on a shelf usually there is a plastic ziplock bag/shower bag. I always place all my valuables in the bag and take it with me to the sauna/table shower, etc. A few times I've asked the Lady for a shower bag within moments she returns with it. I would definitely agree leave nothing in the room of value, seems to be just tempting fate.

When in doubt, which can be often the case for mongers in pursuit
of the high life, always take your wallet/valuables with you. Even if
it seems inconvenient the peace of mind is worth it.
You could just bring your pants & wallet with you to the If they ask, tell them you had a bad experience once before & you don't want to have to worry about it.
One less thing to worry about during the massage = greater enjoyment of the massage.

Leaving a wallet in a car though, personally I wouldn't go this route,
there's always a chance of a break-in.

Stay safe,


04-05-09, 09:22
Located at 2841 w cermak. The girls are very kind and lovely, young petite latinas and african american. I would definetely visit again. Very good massage plus!.Somebody bann this jerkoff.

And delete this post.


This place has some of the finest black and a few latin/white I've seen.

But when you get your "dance" you are in a room full of other mongers getting full menu "dances". Its too expensive for the 5 minutes tops those hustler hoes give you, and they ask you to "pull them to ya knees" and stop there.

I personally hope this sh1thole gets closed.

Was out 0. 12 for rushed nothing.


Hi guys,

A forum member contacted me to express his concerns that this report contains too much information and thus could somehow be used by LE. Just to put this in perspective:

1. Please don't be so naive as to think that local LE doesn't already know what's going on in their town. There is no club, massage parlor, escort service, streetwalker location or other place described on this website that the local police don't already know about, with or without this website.

2. No Forum Member had ever been detained, questioned or investigated as a result of information that they or others posted on this Forum.

3. No information in this Forum has ever been used in any prosecution. It's simply not qualified evidence.

4. The police have never contacted this website or requested any information from me about any Forum Member, and they never will because the Forum's servers are located in Montreal, Canada, safely beyond the reach of the USA court system.



04-05-09, 09:33
Found a nice place on CL at Archer & Francisco. My girls was cute with firm b-cups and a booty that would rival JLO and win. It was big and firm. Very pleasant experience but call system was a pain. Seniors can PM for details.What are the rates though? And what about this system?

04-05-09, 10:37
I'm ready to TOFTT, figuring that I get a legit massage at the worst. Before I do, however, I want to make sure no one else has first.Go for it. I passed by on friday but didnt have time to stop. It looks like a barber shop, right on the corner across from Skylark motel. Let us know what you find.

Self Hi5
04-05-09, 12:01
I have not been to this place, but I have seen the ad on CL. The chic in the ad is hot. And unfortunately, we know what that usually means!

Let us know.

04-05-09, 13:46
Any new talent? If yes, please discuss.

Heard a few new names, Marta and Tanya.

Al Bundy78
04-06-09, 10:44
Any one seen the new CL ad for the VIP grand opening? Do you think this is being opened by the same people as the last VIP? I don't think I wanna find out either, too hot for me, mostly because the last one was shut down by LE.

Here is the ad if anyone is brave enough...be safe!

VIP Massage & Spa GRAND OPENING FREE Table shower for all massage purchase AND* $ 10 OFF with purchased up to 1 hour massage. please mention this ad. LIMITED TIME OFFER . Reward yourself with the finest treatment!
Appointment and walk-ins are welcome! please call: (773) 489-9388 We accept: VISA / MASTER 1520 N Damen Ave. Chicago IL,60622 Hwy I-90/94 Exit of North ave http://www.vipspachicago.com/

Location: 1520 N Damen Ave, Chicago

License info: IL

PostingID: 1109060929

Humpty Hump
04-06-09, 19:41
Recent trip to Rose on Ashland. Papasan was pretty accomodating. Asked what I like. You want short tall young, what you like. I told him young and pretty. He went back and got yoono?

She was pretty, very young. Said she was 21 could have been 18 or mid twenties. Gave a great massage good hands. Average table shower.

Tried giving her signals she wasn't very receptive and put my hands by sides several times, first bad sign I should have listened to.

On the flip she gave me a soft touch and stated rubbing my chest and thighs and asked you tip me well. Well, depends on what for. I asked for fs, she said no, asked for BJ, still no. She asked for 60 for HJ, I said no. I was a bit dumbfounded and assumed she was holding out for more for BJ or fs but no. Time ran out and I left. Stay away from yoono. Young and cute, good masage, not great and overpriced extra, singular.

Robert Vesco
04-06-09, 22:27
New spa opened up very close to where the very seedy (and now closed) Bamboo Massage used to be. Nice looking building, though uncomfortably close to home (I can walk there).

Stopped in and got kind of a weird vibe. There were two Latinas, one young, thin and very attractive, and one much older who seemed in charge. Possibly mother and daughter?

When I get some more money I'll go and TOFTT.When I walked by early one evening it looked like they were lining up to TOFTT.

I saw two guys and possibly a third through the vertical blinds, so I didn't stop.

Robert Vesco
04-06-09, 22:30
When in doubt, which can be often the case for mongers in pursuit of the high life, always take your wallet/valuables with you. Even if it seems inconvenient the peace of mind is worth it.

You could just bring your pants & wallet with you to the sauna/table shower, etc. If they ask, tell them you had a bad experience once before & you don't want to have to worry about it.

One less thing to worry about during the massage = greater enjoyment of the massage.

Leaving a wallet in a car though, personally I wouldn't go this route,
there's always a chance of a break-in.

Stay safe,

T-ManYou can also keep an "extra" wallet and just put your driver's license and money you are going to spend in it.

04-07-09, 09:14
You can also keep an "extra" wallet and just put your driver's license and money you are going to spend in it.Not bring valuble IN. Leave phone and credit card in car.

Dude those girls. Asians anyway. Won't steal. They don't want ANY police trouble.

SW, and CL girl will take WHATEVER.

Which is why I watch them the whole time.

If you ever hear a girl say: "Go ahead get undressed" kindly refuse, I got a girl. And I am not racist, but this is common with black women.

Who stole my digital camera right underneath my nose, then proceeded to give me shitty service.

It's like "WTF? ! Not only do you STEAL from me, you give me crappy service? ! ? ! " That was like right after I had popped my CL service.

I didn't even realize the camera was gone until like 3 months later.

04-07-09, 09:45

IMHO, you must make your attendant believe that you are a lay person and not LE. If they suspect you are LE, you will get nothing except a legitimate massage.

I always leave my wallet in my pants. My tip is there also. If they want to go thru my belongings to "legitimize me", it's ok with me. The information in my wallet indicates who I am. I believe they are experts in determining who you are. They have that sixth sense and just know.

I have been to AMP's maybe 100-200 times. Never, ever had money stolen from my pants, although I am not that naive to believe it cannot happen. And, I truly believe that Asians are honest people; for the most part.

However, I will say that sometimes I have paid for poor services, incomplete services and/or rushed services. Is this not being ripped off?

Of course, you should always be careful. But, the places that I have been going to have been very businesslike, so far. And, many of them have been closed.

Mr Mister
04-07-09, 17:10
I paid her a visit a couple weeks ago. She's in Maywood by the Com Ed building just off 290. Her place is a real dump; a 20-30 unit apartment building. She's fatter than her pics and looks pretty trashy. I left about one minute after I arrived. I refuse to pay nasty chicks in nasty places for anything. I have a basic rule. If I wouldn't do her for free, I'm not paying for it.

She may be really great. I couldn't get past the disgusting setting in which I was to be rubbed.

Has anyone visited Karen the queen of erotic massage?

She's on CL daily.

How far west is she and is it worth my time?

04-07-09, 17:21
I paid her a visit a couple weeks ago. She's in Maywood by the Com Ed building just off 290. Her place is a real dump; a 20-30 unit apartment building. She's fatter than her pics and looks pretty trashy. I left about one minute after I arrived. I refuse to pay nasty chicks in nasty places for anything. I have a basic rule. If I wouldn't do her for free, I'm not paying for it.

She may be really great. I couldn't get past the disgusting setting in which I was to be rubbed.

Kudos my man,

This is how and what the board is for. I wish I would have walked out of "Angel" from CL's place in the far south suburbs. That was more of a mrecy mission as I felt sorry for her and didnt have the heart to leave. I, if you don't mind, will adopt your rule and live by it. Thanks for the report.

04-07-09, 17:44
So I called senina Friday night to see what the lineup was, and was told Jessica was back. My only question is who the hell is Jessica, any info on her?

04-07-09, 21:33
I've been trying to post my experiences from past few weeks...here it is.

Past few visits to Lisunias:

Visit one :3 weeks back(Russian Girl)
$40(Tip only)/Reg Massage(.6)

Visit last week:(Russian Girl)
Looks : 10
Young/old: Very young(18)
Totally Nude Hj(.8)/VIP Massage (.8)

Cant'wait to repeat.

Visists to Tatianas:Russian
Visit 1:Julie (Hj/.6)



Polish Princess:

Samantha: ~40/polish(2.6FH,2/HH)
Performance: 7


Celine: ~45/polish(2.6FH,2/HH)
Performance: 8

Katya: ~30/polish(2.6FH,2/HH)
Performance: 6

Today :Heavenly Massage:45 mins(40 bucks with coupon)..Wrapped like a mummy..But good massage...

04-08-09, 00:46
Should have posted this a while ago but debated it since I don't think it's helpful but..... Went to Tropical a few weeks back. I specifically wasn't looking for any extras, only a massage, but I figured may as well have a young, nice looking female do it rather than a 40-50 year old woman. Walked in and was instantly asked if I had been there before. I responded in the negative and was asked my name for the sign in sheet. It made me laugh when the lady wrote down a totally different name than I gave (my real name) I was shown to te room by a nice looking hispanic female, not mexican or puerto rican, but I couldn't pinpoint the race. I got undressed and got on the table and covered myself up. Just to see what would happen.

Well she came in the room and made a few comments about my tats and started the rub down. I say rub down cuz it wasn't really a massage. After she rub my shoulders she realized that I was pretty knotted up so she actually did do some work. On the flip I stayed covered and willed the boy to stay down. (good dick control is wonderful!) She tried every trick she could to "accidentally" get a rise out of me and when she realized it wasn't gonna happen she stuck with the massage. I was surprised that when she finished the front and I still had 20 mins left she had me flip again and did more work on my back. Then she went for a hot towel and wiped the oil off and dried me. The best part IMHO was when she finished and I threw te towel off and started getting dressed with no cares of being naked. She realized then that I wasn't a newbie!

All and all a decent rub down from a nice looking girl for 60 bucks. Plus a 15 dollar tip since I was feeling nice. Extras are presumably available most likely for the standard LMP 50/50/50 quote. There was one little curly haired cutie that I may go back to scoop up but who knows. I got enough on my plate right now. I want to say my massuese was Maria, but I could be wrong.

Be safe

04-08-09, 12:35
Anyone been here?

John Terry
04-08-09, 12:56
Hey guys,

I am a Senior on the Orlando forum and will be in Skokie on business soon. Was looking for some recommendations on nearby AMPs or good providers who may do room service for me. I am staying at the Doubletree and would love to keep it relatively close, if that is possible.

Thanks in advance and if anyone wants info on Orlando, give me a shout

Chi Guy
04-08-09, 18:45
...Visists to Tatianas:Russian
Visit 1:Julie (Hj/.6)


Which Tatiana's location?

Love To Bf
04-08-09, 21:00
Yin Spa caught my eye today as I was driving home. It's very close to where I'm staying right now, so I looked up reviews here. After reading several glowing reviews, I decided to check it out. I went in and a mid- to late- 30s heavy set woman was working the desk. She said no one was available right then, but would be in 10 minutes. When I returned, Angie (the blonde, but still presumably Mexican girl) was at the desk. She looked cute, but informed me she was on her way out. I was introduced to Liz, a Hispanic girl in her early 20s with a pretty face and nice tits. Opting for the. 6 30 minute Swedish, I was taken back to the room and undressed. The place is really nice I might add- hardwood floors, clean, well decorated, good smell. Liz brought me in for a table shower which was great, but nothing on the flip. She squirted my junk a few times with the shower head, but no touching. I was a little disappointed, but the TS was still great and very relaxing. I was starting to wonder if the place had become a non-rubntug. In for the massage and she worked on my back for a good while, very nice massage. On the flip, she asked if all I wanted was a massage and she said she could do more, so I took her up on her offer. She said it's normally. 6 but she'd help me out for. 5 and I agreed. I really wanted to see her topless and she said she doesn't usually do that, but she'd take her top off and leave the bra, which I was ok with. She had a pot belly but very nice skin and no stretch marks. I offered a little more to get rid of the boulder holder and she was game. She took a phone call during the massage which just gave me more time, but came back to it and was very sweet. Afterwards, headed for a steam shower which was also very relaxing. A happy ending to the happy ending. Very satisfied all in all. Felt clean, refreshed and relaxed leaving; no guilt or shame. Will definitely go back.

Note to those who are going: they ask if you've been there before, say yes. They give a $10 discount to all return customers.

F Blaster
04-09-09, 08:15
"Several glowing reviews"? Have I been missing something? The reviews have been more positive than negative, but I wouldn't say people are raving about this place, besides you.

.6 for a hh is extremely expensive, even with a table shower. That and given the fact that LMPs usually charge more for extras, it just doesn't seem worth it to me. How much did you spend total? It may be great for you from a convenience standpoint, but I don't see how this place would be good for a regular monger over an Asian apartment. If one prefers Latinas, then I understand.

Even though your report is more detailed than those of other newbies, your writing style makes you come off like a shill. We already have enough of those on this board.

Humpty Hump
04-09-09, 10:19
When I was there, the girl you described as liz they told me was angie. And the cute blonde said she was only doing reception, not massage.

Weird vibe from this place, but I'd man handle the blonde Mexican if she let me!

04-09-09, 15:39
Hi guys,

I am visiting the Itasca area next week and was hoping someone would give me some recommendations. I'm from Boston and have no clue about the Chicago area.

Thanks in advance

Self Hi5
04-09-09, 18:02
My recent experience at Yin was different than both previous posters.

I walked in recently and there were 3 girls sitting in the front.

Angie. Short/petite mexican, very cute with blonde highlights. Amy. Short/ big on top mexican, cute with dark hair. Angel. Taller black girl with a really nice body.

My session was with Angie who gave a great ts and made sure to hit all the important places. Massage was so so as far as MPs go, but a great massage was not the main objective on this particular visit. During massage, she did make it a point to ask me what other MPs I had been to, etc. I gave her the names of the other MPs I had visited and this obviously put her at ease as she offered the menu not half way thru the massage! Standard 50/50/50, and when I told her I never pay that much, she immediately negotiated a topless hr for. 60 I countered with. 60 for bottomless as she had a great ass. To which she was ok.

This is the best part about the session: on the flip, she got up on the table, no pants and finished the massage, hr included. I was able to put my hands/fingers, just about everywhere! All in all the visit was solid. She was extremely hot and was very attentive, and made sure to give me a card with her name written on the back when I left. Here are the prices/ratings:

Looks: 8. 5

Massage: 1hr. 65 w/ table shower, rating: 7

Bottomless HR: . 6, rating: 9. Ya have to love when they get up on the table with you!

I will certainly be back, just have not had the time to travel that far south.

As for the name game. I think they all have similar names on purpose!

Self Hi5
04-09-09, 18:05

Any names of the Young Russian girls from Lisunia's? I would like to visit there, but a name would be great. Report if possible.


04-09-09, 18:55
Maybe a year ago, I met a girl, called Jessica there, who was from West coast. 5-7, Skinny, small breast, and young (less than 30). Massage is OK.

HE was available. Forgot how much I paid. Attitude is fine.

Since Mai and Joyce gone for a long time, crazy Jobe talking too much.

I don't have really want to visit there. Could everyone told me(or PM) about AMY. I know her massage is so good. other than that?

So I called senina Friday night to see what the lineup was, and was told Jessica was back. My only question is who the hell is Jessica, any info on her?

04-09-09, 21:30
New spa opened up very close to where the very seedy (and now closed) Bamboo Massage used to be. Nice looking building, though uncomfortably close to home (I can walk there).

Stopped in and got kind of a weird vibe. There were two Latinas, one young, thin and very attractive, and one much older who seemed in charge - possibly mother and daughter????

When I get some more money I'll go and TOFTT.

That is the exact same location as the former Bamboo Spa. AS soon as they moved out, someone rehabbed the building. The storefront has been empty for months.

Self Hi5
04-09-09, 22:37
Has anyone tried this girl?? She advertises on CL almost every day. Her incall is near Diversey and Cicero. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with her before I TOFTT.



F Blaster
04-10-09, 10:03
Has anyone tried this girl?? She advertises on CL almost every day. Her incall is near Diversey and Cicero. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with her before I TOFTT.



That area is worse than it looks; plenty of gang activity. You're probably going to one of those massive apartment buildings, so expect the place to be kind of a dump.

It's possible she may be a fantastic provider. I'm telling you to be VERY aware of your surroundings.

04-10-09, 13:19
Has anyone seen the following girls from craigslist?

Michelle 773-372-4209

Summer / Morgan 847-239-3786

Emily 18yo posts in Joliet area

Also does anyone know of any massage places that have hot tubs?

Please PM, thanks

Self Hi5
04-10-09, 15:02
Thanks for the heads up F Blaster. I know the are pretty well and know it can be seedy. Just wondering if anyone had any intel. I might think twice given your point. But then again it could be a diamond in the rough.

Still up in the air.

04-10-09, 18:44
First visit to Senina today. I cannot believe how tough it is to park there. I had Lisa, nice rack and not bad looking. Decent attitude until tip talk came up. She starts .8, all I have was .5, so we go back and forth, then she starts 1.0 a few times. This goes on for 2 minutes, it's like WTF, I only have .5. Then I tell her .4 is usually the tip and she tells me to stop touching her.
I was disappointed in the TS, since it has been given high reviews, but I did opt it after the massage.

Goat Trotter
04-10-09, 18:49
First visit to Senina today. I cannot believe how tough it is to park there. I had Lisa, nice rack and not bad looking. Decent attitude until tip talk came up. She starts .8, all I have was .5, so we go back and forth, then she starts 1.0 a few times. This goes on for 2 minutes, it's like WTF, I only have .5. Then I tell her .4 is usually the tip and she tells me to stop touching her.
I was disappointed in the TS, since it has been given high reviews, but I did opt it after the massage.

The place is beginning to piss me off... just keep a freak'n price. Such a turn off. All the chicks there seem to be that way. I need to find something with more variety that's comparable.

04-10-09, 23:18
First visit to Senina today. I cannot believe how tough it is to park there. I had Lisa, nice rack and not bad looking. Decent attitude until tip talk came up. She starts .8, all I have was .5, so we go back and forth, then she starts 1.0 a few times. This goes on for 2 minutes, it's like WTF, I only have .5. Then I tell her .4 is usually the tip and she tells me to stop touching her.
I was disappointed in the TS, since it has been given high reviews, but I did opt it after the massage.

I don't get it.

How come she starts at .8, and then she starts again at 1.0?

Also, a few posts below somebody asked about Jessica. I've seen her about a year ago. If memory serves, she is in her late 20's, perhaps early 30's, body is in great shape, and she has a good attitude.

Past Tense
04-11-09, 08:29
Visited elegant last wek and got Julie? Older out of shape woman. Mediocre massage. She wanted $1.4 but negotiated her down to a benjamin for everyhing seemed an OK price but the performance was poor. Total pricing was reasonable $1.5 all in but wouldn't repeat unless I knew I could get a better performance for the money. There were a coulple younger more fit girls out front but I wasn't offered a choice. Would have been pissed paying what she asked given her skill set. Never had good luck with AMP girls that are heavy negotiators, turns me off and they usually don't deliver well.

Which brings me to a question. My ATF was Mionica at VIP on Milwaukee, now long gone. $1.6. Best table shower I ever had, awesome attitude friendly sweet girl. If I wasn't married I would have considered taking her home.

Anyone have a Chicago Place that offers a good value with a good attitude?

04-11-09, 11:26
I saw an add on CL for VIP Spa on Damen near North.

Has anyone been there?

04-11-09, 11:30
Is this the best place now?


Any names of the Young Russian girls from Lisunia's? I would like to visit there, but a name would be great. Report if possible.


04-11-09, 11:32
Can you tell me where this is located please?

My recent experience at Yin was different than both previous posters.

I walked in recently and there were 3 girls sitting in the front.

Angie. Short/petite mexican, very cute with blonde highlights. Amy. Short/ big on top mexican, cute with dark hair. Angel. Taller black girl with a really nice body.

My session was with Angie who gave a great ts and made sure to hit all the important places. Massage was so so as far as MPs go, but a great massage was not the main objective on this particular visit. During massage, she did make it a point to ask me what other MPs I had been to, etc. I gave her the names of the other MPs I had visited and this obviously put her at ease as she offered the menu not half way thru the massage! Standard 50/50/50, and when I told her I never pay that much, she immediately negotiated a topless hr for. 60 I countered with. 60 for bottomless as she had a great ass. To which she was ok.

This is the best part about the session: on the flip, she got up on the table, no pants and finished the massage, hr included. I was able to put my hands/fingers, just about everywhere! All in all the visit was solid. She was extremely hot and was very attentive, and made sure to give me a card with her name written on the back when I left. Here are the prices/ratings:

Looks: 8. 5

Massage: 1hr. 65 w/ table shower, rating: 7

Bottomless HR: . 6, rating: 9. Ya have to love when they get up on the table with you!

I will certainly be back, just have not had the time to travel that far south.

As for the name game. I think they all have similar names on purpose!

04-11-09, 11:37
[Can I find out more about VIP please?

QUOTE=Past Tense]Visited elegant last wek and got Julie? Older out of shape woman. Mediocre massage. She wanted $1.4 but negotiated her down to a benjamin for everyhing seemed an OK price but the performance was poor. Total pricing was reasonable $1.5 all in but wouldn't repeat unless I knew I could get a better performance for the money. There were a coulple younger more fit girls out front but I wasn't offered a choice. Would have been pissed paying what she asked given her skill set. Never had good luck with AMP girls that are heavy negotiators, turns me off and they usually don't deliver well.

Which brings me to a question. My ATF was Mionica at VIP on Milwaukee, now long gone. $1.6. Best table shower I ever had, awesome attitude friendly sweet girl. If I wasn't married I would have considered taking her home.

Anyone have a Chicago Place that offers a good value with a good attitude?[/QUOTE]

04-11-09, 11:39
I live on the northside in Lincoln Park. I used to love going over to the apartment of a woman named Brandy. I guess she retired. Does anyone know any individual women who do this out of their apartments (and are great)?

04-11-09, 12:26
I live on the northside in Lincoln Park. I used to love going over to the apartment of a woman named Brandy. I guess she retired. Does anyone know any individual women who do this out of their apartments (and are great)?You have set a new standard, mr friend. I don't think I have ever seen a new member make quite this much of a first impression.

You sure accomplished a lot in 11 minutes.

04-11-09, 13:02
I had called and asked for the .40 about a month ago. Gave me exact address to her place. As I was driving to her place for my appoirtment, she called me saying if we could schedule for an hour later, she "forgot" she had another appointment for that time. She called me back about 15 minutes later and said I could come by at the original scheduled time because her other appointment cancelled. I declined, funny thing was it smelled like bacon when I saw an older man walking up to the apartment was buzzed in, I went around the block he was walking down the street when I got that call back. hmmm.

That area is worse than it looks; plenty of gang activity. You're probably going to one of those massive apartment buildings, so expect the place to be kind of a dump.

It's possible she may be a fantastic provider. I'm telling you to be VERY aware of your surroundings.

Self Hi5
04-11-09, 15:06
Can you tell me where this is located please?Yin is located on the 700 block of South Western Ave.

I believe it is 737 S Western.

Steven Lynn
04-11-09, 17:36
I live on the northside in Lincoln Park. I used to love going over to the apartment of a woman named Brandy. I guess she retired. Does anyone know any individual women who do this out of their apartments (and are great)?

Dude, you have 5 reports, each one of them are a question about a place, do a search and quit asking questions. Geez.

04-11-09, 17:39
I just can't believe the number of hot, sweet, young ladies working at Yellow Rose these days. All are Chinese it seems, except for a really cute Hispanic named Patty.

Check it out while it lasts.

So many spas are preserves for therapists who should really be mamasans by now. This spot is a great change of pace.

04-11-09, 18:21
Dude, you have 5 reports, each one of them are a question about a place, do a search and quit asking questions. Geez.It was my first time on this site and did not think it was working due to the delay. How would I find out about good individuals on the northside who work out of their apartments?

Self Hi5
04-11-09, 19:48
It was my first time on this site and did not think it was working due to the delay. How would I find out about good individuals on the northside who work out of their apartments?Just do your research and use the forum, and of course Report Back!!

Nicky Forza
04-11-09, 19:56
Does anyone know anything about Winnie? She's not answering her phone and not responding to voice mail.........not like her at all.

04-11-09, 22:11
It seems like most close at 10 pm and a few at midnight.

I would like to go after dinner tonight but will be pusing midnight

Jesus Collins
04-12-09, 10:42
Just a little poll on the worst (best? ) teasing with no payoff that you have had to endure. I think Massage pointe on irving makes a point of this.

PM me if you must.

04-12-09, 11:21
So many spas are preserves for therapists who should really be mamasans by now.Something we can thank Blago for. Without his licensing rules, our Spas would be a lot hotter.

04-12-09, 15:30
I just can't believe the number of hot, sweet, young ladies working at Yellow Rose these days. All are Chinese it seems, except for a really cute Hispanic named Patty.

Check it out while it lasts.

So many spas are preserves for therapists who should really be mamasans by now. This spot is a great change of pace.That cute Latina, named Patty, is also called Yvette, and she worked at VIP on Milwaukee and at Victoria's on Lawrence.

04-12-09, 19:17
Has anyone tried this girl?? She advertises on CL almost every day. Her incall is near Diversey and Cicero. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with her before I TOFTT.



She's a very nice girl. Service was only HS, but I didn't ask for more. She did it for like $20. She's cute enough to get the job done. Her place is clean and normal....feels like someone's mom (because there are pictures of her son and boyfriend everywhere). She talked about both of them quite a bit, which was a bit odd. I got the impression that someone was hiding in the bathroom, but never felt unsafe.

04-12-09, 19:24
Girls used to do that to me a lot when I was still nervous. If you walk in like you you know what you're doing, they usually won't give you trouble. First time I was there, I got a BBBJ (stupid on my part) from Lisa for $.6. Be nice to them and make the negotiation a bit of a game and they usually treat you well. I usually just smile and roll my eyes. Their job isn't always fun. If they think that you can break up their day a bit, they will cut you some slack.

First visit to Senina today. I cannot believe how tough it is to park there. I had Lisa, nice rack and not bad looking. Decent attitude until tip talk came up. She starts .8, all I have was .5, so we go back and forth, then she starts 1.0 a few times. This goes on for 2 minutes, it's like WTF, I only have .5. Then I tell her .4 is usually the tip and she tells me to stop touching her.
I was disappointed in the TS, since it has been given high reviews, but I did opt it after the massage.

Donny Devito
04-12-09, 21:45
Had a dream last Thursday. I was snoozing on my lunch hour at work. I ended up on the red line heading south to China town. I ended up an outdoor mall and had a woman named "lisa" give me full attention in a little room in the back (behind the barber/hair stylist chairs). At first, there was a man I had to talk to and explain I had been there before. And then an older woman came and asked me how long, and then I paid her. About 5 to 10 minutes later, finally lisa came back and she provided good to great service. She was really tight with her technique. Especially, for her age. It was a good time. Will repeat. Nothing special, but pretty darn good for an AMP.

Donny Devito
04-12-09, 22:07
Yin Spa caught my eye today as I was driving home. It's very close to where I'm staying right now, so I looked up reviews here. After reading several glowing reviews, I decided to check it out. I went in and a mid- to late- 30s heavy set woman was working the desk. She said no one was available right then, but would be in 10 minutes. When I returned, Angie (the blonde, but still presumably Mexican girl) was at the desk. She looked cute, but informed me she was on her way out. I was introduced to Liz, a Hispanic girl in her early 20s with a pretty face and nice tits. Opting for the. 6 30 minute Swedish, I was taken back to the room and undressed. The place is really nice I might add- hardwood floors, clean, well decorated, good smell. Liz brought me in for a table shower which was great, but nothing on the flip. She squirted my junk a few times with the shower head, but no touching. I was a little disappointed, but the TS was still great and very relaxing. I was starting to wonder if the place had become a non-rubntug. In for the massage and she worked on my back for a good while, very nice massage. On the flip, she asked if all I wanted was a massage and she said she could do more, so I took her up on her offer. She said it's normally. 6 but she'd help me out for. 5 and I agreed. I really wanted to see her topless and she said she doesn't usually do that, but she'd take her top off and leave the bra, which I was ok with. She had a pot belly but very nice skin and no stretch marks. I offered a little more to get rid of the boulder holder and she was game. She took a phone call during the massage which just gave me more time, but came back to it and was very sweet. Afterwards, headed for a steam shower which was also very relaxing. A happy ending to the happy ending. Very satisfied all in all. Felt clean, refreshed and relaxed leaving; no guilt or shame. Will definitely go back.

Note to those who are going: they ask if you've been there before, say yes. They give a $10 discount to all return customers.$50+ for a topless HJ...okay at least you got her done but man you can get away with the same thing with some confidence, being direct, and an Andrew Jackson. Please, people, don't give $50+ unless you're getting more than the HJ.