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04-09-02, 23:42
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04-13-02, 09:47
Madison, CT police deny using prostitutes at party.


04-13-02, 17:57
now that we have a new message board, I think there should be an area for New Haven!

CT Hobbyist
04-13-02, 18:29
Originally posted by hook
now that we have a new message board, I think there should be an area for New Haven!

Thats nice, but there is an area to make suggestions for that. Go to the "Suggest Topics" link on the left frame of your browser and follow the instructions there.

04-14-02, 18:48
Can someone please recommend any MP's near the RI line, preferably by I95. I'm getting bored with the Providence seen and would like to try something new.

If you could, please give me direction's.

I would appreciated it!!!


04-14-02, 22:02
Go to Stamford for RIP-OFF that applies to
all of CT(Area 203)

CT Hobbyist
04-19-02, 14:40
Does anyone know about the SW scene in New Britain? I am really curious because I have heard reference to there being a big scene, but have yet to see any evidence except for a single 2 or 3 one night long ago.

04-19-02, 18:10
<smallfont><u>Originally posted by UpChuck</u></smallfont>
Can someone please recommend any MP's near the RI line, preferably by I95. I'm getting bored with the Providence seen and would like to try something new.

If you could, please give me direction's.

I would appreciated it!!!


Chuck, you'll find what you want in Waterbury, although it's close to an hour an a half away....(but worth it) Check out the comments on the Waterbury board.

04-19-02, 18:53
The new AMP is Berlin (Sun Massage Center) is scheduled to open the Monday.

04-21-02, 16:57
What are the rates and how good the women for looks at AMP's in Waterbury? Which AMP would you highly recommend?

Dan West
04-21-02, 20:30
Hey, UpChuck the usual rates in Waterbury are $60 at door and $100 -$120 for FS. Girls are usually 5 - 8 with an occasional 9. My favorite is Hong Kong Studio (and I've been to AMP's all accross the country) but Magic and Tokyo get good reviews. Look up the posts for Waterbury and have a good time.

04-22-02, 15:47
i work in bristol 109 north st. is out of business asian resturant that is for lease maybe that will be amp? been alpha patron for 17yrs. hit or miss but very hard to miss like to try amp any help?

Dan West
04-22-02, 20:06
Chipper go to Waterbury, has most AMP's in state. Try Magic it's the easiest to find, Exit 25 off I-84. Can't miss it.

04-23-02, 14:53
gave wrong information on amp? in bristol 109 north st is a bridal botique nice looking building with parking in rear has possibilities maybe someone has plans for it dan thanks for the suggestion will give it a try

CT Hobbyist
04-23-02, 17:34
Originally posted by Dan West
Chipper go to Waterbury, has most AMP's in state. Try Magic it's the easiest to find, Exit 25 off I-84. Can't miss it.

Magic is easier to get to by exit 24 off of 84West, left at stop sign, left at light, straight ahead on right.

CT Hobbyist
04-23-02, 17:40
Sun AMP in Berlin!

Do not go to the Sun AMP. I went today, and there is only one little old Asian lady (prob mid to late 50s) in the joint. She says she is the only one working and she is definitely not worth the money. Also, it costs more for 1hr at Sun than most of the Waterbury AMPs. Go to Waterbury instead.

04-24-02, 16:30
Thanks CT-H, you saved me $60. I owe you a beer. Did you actually get a session or just leave?

CT Hobbyist
04-30-02, 15:11
Originally posted by GordonFreeman
Thanks CT-H, you saved me $60. I owe you a beer. Did you actually get a session or just leave?

I went in and pulled the money out, but I asked to see the options before I handed over the dough. There were none. The mamasan said exactly, and I quote "only I work, and only give massage, no full". Hearing that, I got up and walked out.

Mighty Spearsman
04-30-02, 16:04
Quote from CTHobbyist on April 30th:

"I went in and pulled the money out, but I asked to see the options before I handed over the dough. There were none. The mamasan said exactly, and I quote "only I work, and only give massage, no full". Hearing that, I got up and walked out."

With all due respect, it sounds like you scared the lady into thinking you were LE. Remember, this place has only been open a few days.

I'm getting paid on Thursday and will do my own field research then.

CT Hobbyist
04-30-02, 19:52
I don't know how that would have worked. Never been mistaken for LE before, but if you have better luck, please do tell.

05-01-02, 00:46
I hate going into an AMP and paying good money to try it out...only to get jerked and dissappointed. So I know where you're coming from CtHobbyist.

Yet...where ever you go...it appears you must INVEST into a good trick. One time stop bys just isn't enough. They are new. They are apprehensive. They don't have regulars and such.

Tough business...tougher crowd.

05-01-02, 08:05
You guys need to go to WATERBURY! It has 6 AMP's and they ALL give full service. $60 for an hour and $100 for the tip. 90% of the girls are very good looking and if you don't see what you want just ask to meet the other girls. Waterbury is THE place in CT for AMP's ... check it out!

Mighty Spearsman
05-01-02, 12:07
To CT Hobbyist:
The reason why she may have thought that you were LE was because you apparently asked about extra services (beyond a massage) up front, before you paid the session fee and before you had gotten naked. This probably looked very suspicious to her, especially since the place is new.

One of the tricks of AMP etiquette is to strip totally naked at the very start (once you've paid the session fee, of course) - this sends a definite signal. Also during the massage, try to discreetly touch the masseuse on her ass and tits to let her know that you're interested in more than just a massage, or take her hand and place it on your dick. That way, when the massage part has ended, the lady can feel confident in asking you if you want anything else done.

Of course, that's assuming that the Sun parlor does offer services other than massage. Hopefully my field research later this week can answer this question!

The biggest problem here is that Sun is newly opened and is the first AMP in a town (Berlin) that has never had one before. Things may have been different if you had gone to a newly-opened AMP in a town like Waterbury, which already has several AMPs.

Another trick I've used (for AMPs that have been open for a long time) is to always answer "yes" when I am asked if I've been to the AMP before, and if possible to say something like "last time I was here I was with XYZ" and quote the name of a woman who no longer works there. When I went to Magic in Waterbury in early April (read my posting in the Old Forum), I was met at the door by Jennifer, and I made a point of mentioning that I had been with "Coco" last time. This was not true, I just used Coco's name because I had read about her leaving Magic six months ago right here on WSG. I also stripped naked as soon as I entered the room and paid the $60 session fee, finally I gave the tip to Jennifer up front right after the table shower and before any massage had started. Although Jennifer didn't know me from Adam, all of my actions sent the right message to her and I received one of the best sessions that I've ever received at any AMP anywhere in the U.S.

To Alexx:
Yes, my friends and I here in the Hartford area all know that the Waternury AMPs are good. We are just hoping that Sun in Berlin is also good, since it's a 10-minute drive from Hartford, as opposed to 30 minutes each way to Waterbury (35 to 40 minutes each way to go to Hong Kong Spa). It would be nice to have an alternative that's closer than Waterbury, since right now our only choices are Alpha in Hartford, the New Seoul in Vernon (15 minutes away and HJ only, also not open late at night) and Kit Kat & Tubs For Two in Meriden (25 minutes away). There is a new relaxation spa in Windsor named Dreamscapes, but no reports on it have been filed yet.

Sorry this post is so long!

CT Hobbyist
05-01-02, 13:55
I can see your point, and why, if I had asked for extra services up front, I could have been seen as an LE, but let me be a little more explicit about the chain of events. What happened was I walked in, she let me in past the inner door, and took me to the back room. I asked her how much for an hour session and a half hour massage session, she quoted me rates, and I pulled the money out, and asked to see who was working. She told me what she told me then, so I got up and left. I never asked for what services they offered or anything. She just blurted it out on her own, which I found very strange to start with. As I was leaving, I also saw two men going into the back of the AMP with heavy tools and equiment and did not know what to make of that either, so all in all, I was a little sketched out / weired out as I left.

As I have been to MPs and AMPs before in DC and CT, I generally do say yes when they ask if I have been to one before and know how to act. Your right on advising that, and it generally does mean better service too. I have never been to a new AMP ever, so maybe that was her parinoia since I was a clean cut, neatly dressed guy, but oh well, I hope your field research goes better, because Berlin would be much of a drive than Waterbury for me as well.

05-02-02, 01:20
Good news MIGHTY Spear,
Gordon Freeman just posted a review on Dreamscapes.
Posted in Hartford section, I think.
I'll be real happy never to venture into Hartford again.

05-02-02, 01:39
JustFun..he didn't give much info for a reason.

Alexx...we know all about Waterbury and I'm sure most of us have dropped more than our fair share of loads up in there. Trust me.

Any alternative to Waterbury though, is a welcome alternative. Especially when its late and you're tired already. My drive is over an hour to get there.

Still...we fare much better than our brethren to the north.

CTHobbyist...you have me wondering about Dreamscapes. I'll do some diggin around on them. That is a weird thing to see, isn't it. Dumb cops would pull something that silly not realizing that we R SMART peeples...SMRT, smart peeples. :)

Mighty Spearsman
05-03-02, 15:39
To CT Hobbyist and my other friends:

My field research trip to Sun Accupressure Center in Berlin was a non-starter. Stopped by just after 1 p.m. today, first ringing the bell and knocking on the back door, but no answer. Went around to the front door only to see a big "Closed" sign in the window. Knocked again just to be sure but there was no sign of activity inside and no one came to the door. So I ended up driving to Windsor to check out "Dreamscapes" (see the Hartford section for my posting on that visit).

Just for the heck of it, I decided to call Sun on the phone a few minutes ago before writing this report. The young mamasan Kim answered, recognized my voice, and said "we closed now, will open again on Monday." I asked why and she said that they were having a problem with some of their equipment. Sounds like another excuse, if you check out my postings in the Old Forum for early April, you'll see that the same excuse was used when they closed after being open only one week.

This is now my 5th visit to Sun with nothing to show for it. It's a shame that this place can't get its act together. Unfortunately, I'll have to give up on this place unless I read some positive postings from you guys in the coming weeks.

05-05-02, 22:55
I have seen "alainia, very breasty black girl" as advertised in Advocate, 3 times. She apparently lives very close to Berlin Turnpike, as she has been the only person able to meet me there on very short notice.
She does have really nice knockers, although once it looked like someone deflated them a little.
She's not fat, but husky and tall. Wider in the butt. The first time we met I was off put by her abrasive phone manners, but she has toned it down some.
Very assertive but friendly in person. Her fee is 175 in or out.
I automatically added 20 to that, she delivered CBJ, which is all I wanted from her anyway. I'm confident I could have gotten FS for the same amount.
She gets down to business pretty fast, and lingers for awhile after I'm done, but still hasn't stayed more than 45 minutes at the most.
She wears kind of heavy make-up on her face but is more subtle around the eyes. I say she's 35 plus or minus.
For any L/E reading this, I made the whole thing up.

CT Hobbyist
05-10-02, 19:20
I know some of you travel, and others live near the corners of the state, and can easily get to the bigger cities. For you, you might want to check out http://www.eros-guide.com/ I used the site when I was in DC, and did not know about WSG. It is great, and most of the girls in the massage/bodyrub areas are pretty good, and compare well to the rates you pay at the MPs and AMPs around CT. Find a girl in there, and just make sure it doesn't say "No Full Service Massage" and your all set. Rates run between 150-300/hr and you can see the pics ahead of time, and plan around trips before you go. Hope it helps. Also, the site is good for a lot of other big cities if you are traveling in the US and abroad.

05-10-02, 21:19
A while back someone suggested that instead of paying $$'s for service, to hunt up an "oldie" at a singles dance.
I had something close to this, by contacting someone local on an "encounter" type website and actually getting a response.
She was described as "a little chunky" so my hopes weren't high and I figured I had nothing to lose meeting her to see what she looked like. We chatted by email off and on for a few weeks and could never seem to find a mutually agreeable time to meet.
She said she was missing the opportunity to "please her partner" in her marriage and wanted to please someone. Then one night after an email offer to run out for a few minutes to say hello, she sent an email and said she would meet me at a specific place, and not knowing if I would even get the message, wait a few minutes.
Since it was only 10 minutes away and I got the message I went.

She was there, we said hello and she asked how long I had to spend. I said not long, not a half hour, just time to say hello and get back home. She asked if she could come sit in my car and I agreed.
She was nothing to look at, and I had really allready decided that I would never see her again.

She got in, shut the door and asked me what I wanted. I replied I didn't know. She started rubbing my crotch and said "come on, you'd like this taken care of, yes?"
"Of course", I said but ....
She unbuckled my belt, undid my pants and unleashed it. She crouched over and engulfed me in her mouth.
She had a great technique of licking, sucking and in no time at all I told her I was going to come. She continued and finished me off and then licked me clean.

She sat up, asked when we could get together again and I'm waiting for our next encounter.
Total cost $0

nothing to look at, but a superb BBBJ to completion.
Looking forward to many more

05-10-02, 22:03
What website was this, and does she want more than one boy toy? lol

05-10-02, 22:11
Robert: I bet she does. I'll ask next time if you want me to. My guess is she likes it all, and likes a lot of it

I don't know if the moderator will permit me to post the website address. twas sexyads.net

05-11-02, 07:18
Robert I found another interisting web site, don't know much about it but... communities.msn.com/connecticuthores

05-12-02, 14:18
Yes, find out for me if she wants another man to please.

Crash Gibson
05-14-02, 13:37
Hey guys, a friend from Massachusetts here, looking for any information on New London gals. I spent quite a bit of time there in the 80's and remember it as quite an active street scene. Also, there was Le Club, a massage parlor located near the bridge I recall.
I'm guessing from the posts that NL is no longer a viable scene, right? Damn, that's a shame. Anyone out here have any tales to tell from those locales?

05-14-02, 18:36

I'm interested as hell in meeting your "friend".

I'm ready and willing.

Tell her that you know of others she should meet. Keep me posted / updated.

What is her name on www.sexyads.com ?

whats the best way to get a hold of her?


05-14-02, 21:53
Mustafa & Robert, What area of CT are you in? (since this is posted in other areas, it's tough for me to assume)

I wouldn't want to give her "name" there yet as I'd want her ok first.
I'll mention to her that others are interested. I may have a rendezvous tomorrow evening for another sucking

05-15-02, 00:31
I'm in the New Haven area, but definately willing to travel!

jam master jay
05-15-02, 01:14
Fairfield County here...and I would love to know her as well! Keep us posted...

05-15-02, 01:33
Greetings, LT!

Yeah...New London has crashed.

Biggest reason is due to all the military cutbacks.
Barely a strip club down there these days...the Massage Parlors are all long gone.

Other cities in CT have become varitable palaces of pleasure though...Waterbury and Bridgeport.

(Hmm...both mayors were also major sleeze bags with ties to organized crime, too...go figure.)

Its been a great evening so far, btw.


05-15-02, 14:54

I am in hartford area and willing to travel.

active 31yrs.

Crash Gibson
05-15-02, 15:30
Thanks for the 411 on New London. Oh man, that place was one of the best stomping grounds for a few years there, too bad. The Hygienic Bar on Bak Street was a primo hooker bar, and I'm talking about a whole environment of tolerance back then too.
The Le Club massage parlor was a circus; usually a $30 fee for the hour massage (shower included) and extra services ran another $40-$80 in tips, and it was mostly quality service. They even had a lounge area with a pool table, chairs & sofas, and a few video games to hang around in before or after a scene. I must have did about 2 dozen dates there in all.
For SW's, an almond-eyed beauty named Candy was the cream of the crop. She used to work out of the Coleman Lodge motel off Bank St.
damn I miss those days.....

05-15-02, 18:14
Eight Women Charged With Prostitution

WILLIMANTIC - Eight women - including two sisters - were charged with prostitution after a sting by Willimantic police Wednesday.

An undercover officer posing as a customer picked up the women in the Main Street area during the late morning into the early evening, police said.

Arrested and charged with prostitution were: <names removed> .

All were held on $2,500 cash bond and were arraigned in Superior Court in Danielson on Thursday. Police said the arrests were part of an ongoing effort by Willimantic police to address the issues and concerns of the downtown businesses and their patrons.


05-16-02, 09:21
This question may be a little off topic, but I'm trying to envision my future participation in this hobby. In my twenties I HAD to get relief EVERY day, several times per day.
Much the same in my early 30's. Now I can go several days without needing it, once or twice a week is fine.
As far as sex drive goes, what should I expect at 45, 50, etc.
Sure we hear stories about 70 year old who still gets laid, but how often?
Anyone/everyone care to post your aprox age?

05-16-02, 18:47
Justfun....I am 51 in two weeks...my wife no longer has any interest in sex, but I need it more than ever! Hence my patronage of Hartford Advocate 'escorts'.....

05-17-02, 15:13
I can remeber the Hidden Valley Social Club in Norwich Ct. reletively cheap, you could pick the girl, and they had hot tubs. Too bad it closed. I heard that the Naval Investigative Service has something to do with alot of the closings in Groton, Norwich, and New London! Guess too many sailors were missing there ships departures!

05-17-02, 20:32
Sun Accupressure Center in Berlin is now open. In a nurtshell: massage only, no extras. But actually very nice. I will definetly do again.

CT Hobbyist
05-18-02, 00:27
Originally posted by GordonFreeman
Sun Accupressure Center in Berlin is now open. In a nurtshell: massage only, no extras. But actually very nice. I will definetly do again.

Thanks Gordon... Quick Q though, is it the mamasan herself doing the massage as it was when I went, or are there actual girls there doing the massages?

05-18-02, 07:23
Originally posted by CT Hobbyist

Thanks Gordon... Quick Q though, is it the mamasan herself doing the massage as it was when I went, or are there actual girls there doing the massages?

The mamason was greeting people and bringing them into room and sauna, but girls were doing massage.

05-18-02, 10:21
OT: Anyone living in the Waterbury Area, that uses Tele-Media Cable, and has a cable box - what is the Number that is in the back of the BOX.

I do not have a box, but looking into gettng one. In order to make certain that I purchase the right one that will work in this area, I need that model number.
So, if you can, let me know what the Model Number of Box that is used by you (for tele-media cable) to receive premium channels in the Waterbury area.

Greatly Appreciated!! Now onto the good stuff...

Plan on Visting Fantasy this afternnon...details later

CT Hobbyist
05-19-02, 00:19
Originally posted by GordonFreeman

The mamason was greeting people and bringing them into room and sauna, but girls were doing massage.

Thats good. Nice to know they finally have some girls there. I know they don't do full service, but what are the overall quality of the girls? Are they nice eye candy at least? Also, what did they end up charging you?

05-19-02, 04:02
Thanks Nylonlover, I really needed to hear that. I guess others are shy about revealing their aprox age.

Sun Berlin. Yes GFreeman please tell. I could sometimes use nice
massage only...but it better cost less! Not full service, could I expect at least New Seoul kind of deal?

05-19-02, 07:25
Originally posted by JustFun
Not full service, could I expect at least New Seoul kind of deal?
As I said, no extras. Price is $70 for the hour, plus I gave a small tip.

05-20-02, 20:01
I want to thank WHOME for the info on the site "sexyads.com. "
It worked. I have 2 women that I am hooking up with for just sex and nothing else. Thanks again whome!!

05-20-02, 21:03
Robert: You're welcome. You're in my general vicinity so maybe one is the same one I mentioned. I saw her again last week for another great BBBJ. After she was done, we talked for a few minutes and she asked if I wanted another. In my younger days yes, but once was enough for me.

05-21-02, 00:09
I'm on the Mass board but figured I'd look here a bit. Man, the Sexy Ads story, I can relate. I've done similar but not on that site. Just from chats really. They do seem to be older though when you meet them online. I felt funny but like the hobby, no one knows. Anyway, I met this woman, sorta pretty, and a lil flabby but not fat. We went for a walk down a bike path and went under a bridge. Next thing I know we're all over each other and heading back to her car. Now she's rubbing me, then we go to a secluded spot by a river. Man, I screwed the hell out of her for a couple hours, seriously. I saw her a few times after, then we parted ways. I've seen others but wouldn't mind dropping her a note again. Maybe I will, but it's been like 6 months. Another time I met another older woman, went in her apt and withinn 4 minutes her 44dd's were dumped in my face. No lie man, I'm serious. Well, I know I'm new here but could relate so I wanted to contribute.


Mighty Spearsman
05-21-02, 10:26
Hey guys, in this morning's Hartford Courant there was an article that the strip joint "Kahoots" in East Hartford was busted and forced to close down for several days. Reading the article reminded me of the scene in the movie "Casablanca" where the Claude Rains character says "I'm shocked to find gambling in this establishment" - the newspaper talked about women sitting on guys' laps and letting guys touch their breasts, etc., but nothing more hard core than that. What exactly do they think happens in a strip club? And compared to strip clubs in other towns such as Bridgeport, what was described as happening in Kahoots wasn't worth the time it takes to prepare the court documents.

Busting Kahoots appears to be an annual event - I guess the politicians feel that they need to do it to look good to the voters.

CT Hobbyist
05-21-02, 11:55
Did you actually pay the monthly charge to get in, or are you doing all of this off of the free trial part that they offer?

05-21-02, 12:50
is it possible that you somehow benefit $$$ from promoting that site? I see you each have exactly 6 posts.
The skeptic in me comes out now + then.

05-21-02, 18:15
JustFun and CtHobbyist: NO I do not get any $$'s for promoting the site, nor did I spend any $'s on it. It's basically free. I was in No way trying to promote it, but rather responding to an earlier post suggesting an alternative to the pay services. My experiences are just that, my experiences. I can understand some skepticism because these days there way too much promotion of all kinds of sites similar to that via spam or usenet posts.
I have 6 posts because I contributed 6 times. The other times were about AMP's I recall. No one accused me of doing that for $$$'s.

05-21-02, 21:01
Hey Guys,
Whom is right. Niether of us are benefiting from promoting them one red cent. We are on this this to find and tell our own experiences. I asked whome for the site...he told me..and I tried it. It is totally free for a basic service. You can pay for more info on girls, but I got enough info with the free membership. The fact that Whome and I have 6 posts each are 100% totally coincidental. I beieve I have 3 posts about the website and 2 more about Fantasy in Bridgeport. I also hve more posts in the old forum.

05-21-02, 22:43
Dam! now we've both got 7 posts !!!
I also want to add that I am in no way related to Guesswho , who posted in response to my earlier post either !!!


05-22-02, 14:20
Ok guys, was just sounding a note of caution. We had a 2 girl team planting reviews of themself here B4. Sort of makes someone over careful.
Thanks for scoop on that site, and please don't stop keeping us posted, seems like it's got some real potential!

05-22-02, 14:28
Hey guys,
Like I said before, I'm in Mass but just figured I'd see how CT. was doing. Years back I scored there twice over a weekend, my first SW action. I just figured I'd how active it is. Anyway, I never used that site but could relate from other experiences. We're just sharing here is all.

Be good, wait, scratch that!

05-23-02, 22:29
Hi fellas

I am going Big Apple .
could anyone give me some information as to where one can find good and not ver expensive incalls.
Are incalls good ?

My coverage Area would be in or around manhattan.

Or are there any magzines which can let me know the information that i want?

Can anybody also tell me any Masage parlor NON - ASIAN's in NY
where they provide FS.

An early info would be highly appreciated

Take Care

CT Hobbyist
05-23-02, 23:16
Originally posted by apple
Hi fellas

I am going Big Apple .
could anyone give me some information as to where one can find good and not ver expensive incalls.
Are incalls good ?

My coverage Area would be in or around manhattan.

Or are there any magzines which can let me know the information that i want?

Can anybody also tell me any Masage parlor NON - ASIAN's in NY
where they provide FS.

An early info would be highly appreciated

Take Care

Apple, I have had pretty good luck in most big cities using this website to find women. http://www.eros-ny.com/eros.htm Just stay away from those that say no full service, and most in bodyrub or escort will give you what you want!

05-24-02, 08:30
Has anyone had any luck with this CT provider?
http://hometown.aol.com/ims zzlnhot/
She promptly responded to my email and sent another hot photo,
but brushed me off after that.

I accidently typed in "worldsexguide.com" and got some strange
site with some reviews and a "free" and "member" sections.
posting broken down by town.

APPLE, give a look to the NY section of this board, very informative.

Mighty Spearsman
05-25-02, 17:10
This story tells why I and many other Hartford residents were hoping that the Sun Accupressure Center in Berlin would open up and stay open.

It was yesterday evening, Friday, around 9:30 p.m. Too late to go to New Seoul in Vernon or Dreamscapes in Windsor, plus I wanted more than what Kit-Kat offers, but didn't want to deal with Alpha or drive as far as Waterbury. So, I decided to check out the Sun AMP in Berlin one final time (after several visits that didn't work out, if you've read my previous postings).

BINGO! To summarize things quickly, the Sun AMP is like the New Seoul in the services that it offers, plus you get a sexy table shower (at New Seoul you have to shower alone). I received a great massage plus a New Seoul-type ending from a mid-30s large-breasted (natural) Korean lady named Jane, who was also the person who greeted me at the back door. Like Gordon Freeman said, $70 for a full hour plus a tip (I left $30). Also, no BJ or FS, and the lady kept her clothes on during the massage.

Since my summer budget looks to be a little tight, I may make this place my #1 choice and skip the other places for a while, unless I win the lottery. Highly recommended as good value-for-money if you're not looking for FS.

05-25-02, 21:21
Just Fun: To answer your question 2 posts back, I have not seen
her but was informed by a friend; "little overweight, but her
actions clearly make up for it" He highly reccomends.
Hope this helps.

05-26-02, 04:44
Thanks OLDTIMER, at least someone got to meet her.
Maybe it's my 40+ age she doesn't like???

Thanks MIGHTYSPEARSMAN, I wasn't going to visit Berlin because of gordon freemans "no extras" statements. I appreciate his efforts to thwart L/E, but I feel L/E does their own checking on things....they don't take our word for it.
No offense Gordon, your'e still (IMHO) one of top few valuable posters here.

05-26-02, 22:25
to: whome

I tried the sexy ads.com webstie and singles.com came up. Is this correct? please post reply. thanks.

05-26-02, 22:57
Not correct. .NET was the place I mentioned

05-27-02, 13:46
re: to: whome

Thanks. I'll check it out

05-28-02, 20:49

i just signed up for 1 month of this sexyads.net and I think its really just bullshit.

whome and his alter ego have just been putting us on and advertising their site.

i sent out some e-0mails to the ladies and i'll report if i get any real responses and if I actually hook-up with someone.

additionally, whome was supposed to ask if I could hook up with his bbbj performing friend. needless to say, i never got a response from him.

i'll keep everyone informed.



CT Hobbyist
05-29-02, 01:21
Originally posted by mustafa

i just signed up for 1 month of this sexyads.net and I think its really just bullshit.

whome and his alter ego have just been putting us on and advertising their site.

i sent out some e-0mails to the ladies and i'll report if i get any real responses and if I actually hook-up with someone.

additionally, whome was supposed to ask if I could hook up with his bbbj performing friend. needless to say, i never got a response from him.

i'll keep everyone informed.



I also signed up, and have gotten a few responses, and am planning on meeting one of the girls soon, if everything works out. I don't think it is worth the money though, unless this girl turns out to be amazing, and I am skeptical right now. I will keep you guys informed too.


05-29-02, 02:36
Hey Guys,
Mustafa, Sexyads.net works. I used it starting 2 weeks ago. I left messages with 20 women and only got 4 responses.It took about 3-4 days for me to get the responses, but when i did we started chatting back and forth and I have already started having meetings with one of them.I am going out with one of the other this weekend. So it does work, you just have to be patient and understand you won't get a response frm every girl and in the same day or 2.I only used the free portion of the site.
You do not need to pay to use thier site. The money you pay just allows you to view more ads.The site is not Bulls@%#.
And again I am in NO way connected to Whome or the site.In my last post I told you that I asked him where he met the girl, he told me and I took it from there.

05-29-02, 20:35
Mustafa: I'm not sure what you're implying with your "alter ego" comment. I'll just repeat some items from my previous posts on this "subject" and see if you can follow along.
I mentioned an encounter, where it originated, and the result. I mentioned that "where it originated", I did NOT PAY for the site.
I mentioned that the actual "provider" was "nothing to look at".

If any of those were unclear in my original post(s), I apologize, but I thought I made them clear

I would not pay to use the site. No need to.

..and for the possibility of hooking you up with her. I didn't feel like posting an email addy here for myself, or going thru the hassle of setting up a free one somewhere to accomplish it.

Heck, I tried to post a simple message here and it's turned into the debate from HELL. This isn't what I come here to read about.

There's always a lot of good info in this forum, I thank all the contributors.

05-30-02, 21:47
Hi all. I also joined sexy ads. Have sent out a few messages, nothing back yet. It's only been a few days though. If I get lucky, I'll let you know. to whome: I would be interested in seeing your friend from there. If you want to e-mail me let me know Thanks.

05-30-02, 21:59
Jpaul: I hope you get lucky too. It was not my intent to get people to "sign up" for the service. Looking back, I guess I didn't mention that it was done from the free section until someone asked. I didn't think about it when posting because I never sign up for those things. It's something to pursue in between sampling the other options that are available.

06-01-02, 10:26
Originally posted by whome
Jpaul: I hope you get lucky too. It was not my intent to get people to "sign up" for the service. Looking back, I guess I didn't mention that it was done from the free section until someone asked. I didn't think about it when posting because I never sign up for those things. It's something to pursue in between sampling the other options that are available.

Thanks. No luck yet, but I have only sent out about 12 messages. I'll keep the board informed.

06-02-02, 00:20
Kahoots in East Hartford is still closed.

06-09-02, 14:55
Kahoots in East Hartford is open again.

CT Hobbyist
06-09-02, 23:35
Does Kahoots provide anything extra, or just a private dance from the girls?

Whome/JPaul and the rest
I am having decent luck with that sexyads.net site. I am talking to two girls right now, and trying to set up a meeting. I will keep you guys updated, but from what I have seen, the site plays more to if your smooth, and know how to talk to women. If you do, you should do ok, else its not worth it.

Mighty Spearsman
06-10-02, 09:37
From my experience, Kahoots is nothing like the Bridgeport clubs, although you might be able to get a helping hands down your shorts during the lap dance. Same with Electric Blue in Tolland.

06-11-02, 20:37

I was concerned about the ads in eros under the section Body rub.

If the women ask for 250 does that mean she would give full service or would ask more.

If i want to have one which all other resources should i try .
i would be going to new york in Weekend .

Any help would be great

CT Hobbyist
06-11-02, 23:34
Originally posted by apple

I was concerned about the adds in eros under the section Body rub.
If the women ask for 250 does that mean she would give full service or would ask more.
If i want to have one which all other resources should i try .
i would be going to new york in Weekend .

Any help would be great

If your going through eros, I have been having good luck by asking if they do a full service massage. Some of the girls say no full service on the page. If they don't, call and ask them. Just make sure your not calling from a blocked ID phone, because 9 out of 10 of them won't pick up, or they don't allow it. I wish you good luck. I have had some amazing times, and some ho hum times, but so long as I made sure they did full service massages, I have gone home happy. Have fun in NYC Apple!

06-12-02, 22:20
Thanks Ct Hobbyist

Could you tell me some of the resources other than eros
and how to go about it.

Should i directly ask them whether they offer full service or not.

or should my questions be Phrased differently.

do you know anyone of them whome you have been to.

your answer would be really helpfull


CT Hobbyist
06-13-02, 02:02
Originally posted by apple
Thanks Ct Hobbyist

Could you tell me some of the resources other than eros
and how to go about it.

Should i directly ask them whether they offer full service or not.

or should my questions be Phrased differently.

do you know anyone of them whome you have been to.

your answer would be really helpfull


As far as resources, this website, NY section does a good job. I used the eros site when I was in DC and before I found the WSG. If your looking to find out about the service offered, just call the girls up, and ask if they offer a full service massage. That is what most term it. I know a lot of the girls under escort do stuff too, so find one under either category and give her a call, and go from there. I would make sure though when you show up that you bring some raincoats, and ask about full service before you hand over the $$$. I guess that is it. I didn't really phrase it different, it seemed to work well straight up. The gilrs I went to were in DC, and Baltimore, but same basic setup seems to be USA wide on that site. Good luck, and enjoy!

06-14-02, 08:49
does anyone have any info on a provider in hamden that advertizes in personals on the net that goes by curvysugargirl or sexysara. i belive her name is sara. got quoted 225 for gfe , for that price it would need to be pse. woundering if any of you have tried

06-14-02, 09:53
Don't know her but would love to find out more, as Im in Hamden as well...can you tell me the URL for her ad?

06-14-02, 12:04
Originally posted by Xagent
Don't know her but would love to find out more, as Im in Hamden as well...can you tell me the URL for her ad?

i've seen her post before on yahoo, but she has one now on sexyads. she has said she has a home location in hamden

06-14-02, 15:35
Originally posted by Xagent
Don't know her but would love to find out more, as Im in Hamden as well...can you tell me the URL for her ad?

Her email is sweetsaract@yahoo.com.

06-14-02, 20:39
On SweetSara, I saw her a couple of years ago. At that time she was in North Haven. Her place was a little in disarray, not too bad, and the pictures of her are accurate. Back then I think I gave her a 100 for a BBBJ which she performed topless , with some good enthusiasm and she finished me up on her chest.
If you care, she was a heavy smoker and chatty.

06-15-02, 21:41
Originally posted by myhobby
gordon, have you tried her?
Yes, I posted a detailed review on another site. I would recommend her, but the only thing that stopped me from giving her a "highly" recommend is that she smokes like a chimney.

Just a side note. The apartment that I visited recently was neat and clean. So the other poster was either refering to a different girl or she has straightened up.

06-16-02, 00:54
TO CT Hobbyist, regarding Kahoots, Mighty said it best.

To ALL you long time hobby players,
Does anyone remember a dynamite petite black girl called
"a sophisticated lady" as an independent
or Danelle when working for pussycat escorts.

It amazes me to think what high quality/ GFE was available for only $140!!
They don't make them like that anymore!

Pussycat service was decently priced too, I miss them.

CT Hobbyist
06-17-02, 23:35
Any of you have updates on the SW scene around Hartford County? I have gone to NB some recently, and found a couple of older daters who are 3-4 and decent, and a nice 6, but nothing really worth it. Any of you have any updates on any other towns around here, and what type of action out there?

06-29-02, 09:58
Prostitute gets 3 years in jail. :(


07-01-02, 12:46
Originally posted by Joe_c

Re: Sweet Sarah ( email sweetsaract@yahoo.com)

Does she have a web address or picture??


she has a pic now on the sexyads site.

07-05-02, 13:52
Has anyone netted anything in Torrington ? I've seen some good bait walking around the streets that were dressed the part but couldn't make eye contact for one reason or another. Also, I've seen one gal advertising massage services in Torrington. As I live in Upstate NY which just dosen't have the services that CT offers, and Torrington is the closest good-size city to me, I'd be a very happy man to educate myself to some opportunities that may await me there. Thanks for any help.

Crash Gibson
07-05-02, 17:42
Reminiscing here about the good old days of New London. I remember a fine looking dark blonde named Candy; sweet almond eyes, almost oriental in appearance. Used to work the New London, Bank Street area. Very sweet.
The Le Club massage parlor under the bridge was a hot spot. Man oh man, $40 for a one hour shower and massage; another $60 for the tip. Sweet black gal there named Robin. Yummy.
Is the Hygienic Lounge still in downtown New London? Boy, you could go in there, shoot some pool, buy a skank a beer and get lucky almost any day of the week there.
Anyone with any fond New London memories feel free to drop me a line. I'm the original Boston Trashman here.....

07-06-02, 15:22
City Minister Again Accused Of Promoting Prostitution


CT Hobbyist
07-22-02, 01:11
For all of you that travel south, I thought I would post this note. Just took a trip to Baltimore this weekend, and came across a great club there. Place named the Pink Flamingo on "The Block" in Baltimore. If you go there, you can have a lot of fun (fs or bbbj) for the same cost as a CT AMP, only with white and black girls instead of asian. If your there, check out Melissa. She is amazing, an 8-9 brunette with perky b's. Very friendly and worth the time. Cost breakdown is $65 to the bar, and 60-100 to the girl depending on what you want. Some of the girls aren't that great, but if you wait, they got 4-5 that look very nice (7-9 range). If any of you make it down there, hope this helped.

07-22-02, 11:40
gonefishing- Where did you see this ad in
Torrington advertising "Massage Services".
Can you post ad & contact?

07-30-02, 09:03
Originally posted by whome
Glad I'm not the only one that has scored as a result (after the skepticism)
I've hooked up with a second 'regular' with a rack to die for, and enthusiasm that I haven't seen the likes of before, and nothing that I'd need to chew my arm off to escape.

(not to say that the little head hasn't had me in that situation before)


care to share who it is email me jayrm1@excite.com

08-02-02, 08:53
Originally posted by mustafa

Please Please Please, who is this 2nd babe that you've hooked up with from Sexyads?

what is her name there?

Please e-mail me at: thaddeus029@yahoo.com

I appreciate the info.


My hobby:

Please tell, whats wrong with Jackie?

She advertised as an average build and was definately a bbw. the pics she sent were from 50 lbs ago and were done as glam shots to make here look better. i guess my problem was she is fugly. if you want a very enthusiastic bbbj though go fo it

08-02-02, 09:02
stopped at electric blue the other night and got a phone number for one of the dancers. called it thursday and picked her up at her home in agawam ma. she brought me right to a short stay nearby. what a great experiance. 25 yo face like christie brinkley, nice tits (a little flabbly) and beutiful snatch. this was the ultimate gfe boys. spent 2 hours with her, shot 2x. even spent some time talking about her situation. plan on seening her again this time was $200, she said i could get a qty discount for future visits

Member #4477
08-02-02, 13:30
There is a girl who advertises in the Advocate as " 18 yo blond porn star"

whats the reort on this girl?

08-06-02, 06:52
To Myhobby: I'd like some info on the dancer from Agawam, I live up in Springfield and would like to meet her being so close to where I live. If you think it would be oK with her you can e-mail me at lgkok@hotmail.com

09-12-02, 21:25
Hey guys.. im new to WSG and i was looking around and
cant belive you guys use sexyads... ive been a member for like 2 years now. ive met 2 chicks on there in the past but none recently... however i can give you the name of a couple whos guy wants you to bang his wife... you can tell them to do whatever you want. he wants some money for it because thier trying to save thier house but it is the easiest hookup in the world and cheap. they were under larrypa but now thier under ben4950 or something like that... with that hook up i was wondering if you had any names... like that blow job chick or that jackie chick or just any easy pickins you guys know about on the site.. ill post more names if i hook up with anyone also... thanks a lot guys

09-14-02, 21:00
Whome -

How do you contact "percs" and where is she located?

Thanks in advance.

09-27-02, 06:34
Originally posted by Stoner
MyHobby...I don't know if your still posting these days, but me thinks me found that pussycat. She's a cutey for sure. Thanks for the heads up info. Right on point and thensome. Well done.

stoner, did you hook up with her? i've been trying to negosiate a better rate than the original $200 but no luck yet. also may not be the same girl, what day did you meet her she only works a couple of days a week

09-27-02, 07:42
I don't know her schedule just yet. I met her on a "weekend" evening. No money discussed, of course.

We've talked on the phone, set up a time.

Haven't hooked up yet, but we talked for about 30-40 minutes.
We are both Jimmy H fans. I think she was high on E though. Not sure.

We're meeting after her work-shift early next week.
I don't want to divulge too much dude, cause I don't want every man reading this asking every lady if she can give the hookup.

I just took note, looked for the vibe, and sought out the best time to schmooze. She met me after work at my car and we talked for 10-15 minutes then exchanged #s. Not bouncer friendly...so be very careful if you try this yourself.


Mr. Wtby
09-27-02, 07:43
Stoner, that dancer from Agawam, was her name Karen by any chance?

09-27-02, 07:50

Maybe a different chick.

I know without a doubt that she is neither the first, last, or only lady willing to hook-up after the show for some consentual adult fun. I never discussed money, of course.

09-28-02, 06:40
Originally posted by Stoner

Haven't hooked up yet, but we talked for about 30-40 minutes.
We are both Jimmy H fans. I think she was high on E though. Not sure.


sounds like her, given the day and she likes to put on jimmy or led zepplin during the act. she claims not to do drugs (other than pot) but i agree somethings going on. longish brown hair, shaved pussy, and like to stand up and stick it right in your face at the club. if you hook up your in for a ride, make sure if you gave her a number you don't mind getting called a couple times a week. i've been in for 200 a pop if you do a better deal i'd like to know

Mighty Spearsman
10-08-02, 13:25
As mentioned in a posting here back in the spring, I've been going to the recently-opened Sun Accupressure/Sauna Center in Berlin regularly. The first several times were fun and about the same each time - although no FS or BJ, you got a good massage from a flirtacious sexy lady, plus a sweet HJ and chances to suck on the girl's titties, etc.; I even got a "Russian" finish once from a large-breasted girl named Jane. And although the ladies weren't naked, they were skimply clad and you could let your hands all roam around their body, under their lingerie, etc.

After being away since early August, I went back here a couple of weeks ago and found things to be somewhat different. None of the original girls (Jane/June, Kim, etc.) or even the first wave of replacements (Tina, Coco) were still there - all new staff. My masseuse was an attractive lady around 28 years old named Jenny, properly dressed with a regular shirt (no low-cut neckline) and long-legged white jeans that even covered her ankles (I see more flesh on my secretary at work!). She gave a good table shower and massage and sweet HJ but her body was strictly off limits - even a light touch on her breasts on top of the shirt made her freeze and say no. Even the most frigid ladies at New Seoul in Vernon are more open than this and let you touch their titties, feel their ass, etc.

Not sure if Jenny is the only new girl like this, or if this place has a new, more conservative policy. I'm still undecided if I should go back again, or else just save my pennies and drive 15 minutes farther to Waterbury next time I'm horny. Any feedback from you guys on recent experiences here?

10-11-02, 16:16
Originally posted by canopuss
Has anyone checked out the girls from the Advocate ad for "Naughty & Nice". The appear to be a traveling motel incall act, but I 'm not sure what the girls are like. If anyone has any info on whether they're decent or crack ho's, pass it on.

Called, was given the hotel and choice of two girls. 125 for 1/2 hour, 175 for an hour. Said over the phone that I would take an hour. Went to hotel room, met the girl and decided on 1/2 hour.
Girl was named Jenna, 18-19 y.o., very short, a bit of a waist.
Nothing spectacular, only out 125. Maybe try another girl.

10-11-02, 22:15
Hey guys,

I'm going to southburough Mass tomorrow and am looking for a outcall provider.

Looks are a second to personality with me. If anybody has a suggestion lemme know.


10-14-02, 23:14
Originally posted by boston528
Was that AMP in Berlin, MA or Berlin CT.??? any other reports since it's changed. I'm thinking of traveling west a bit instead of to Providence al the time for AMP service. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

That AMP is in Berlin, CT.

What are you looking for. I'm assuming you're from Central Mass. Within an hours travel you have Hartford with Alpha, and maybe this Berlin AMP. It doesn't seem worth the time.

If you can spare just a bit more of a ride, go to Waterbury and try Magic. I've never been there just yet, but they come highly appraised.

Their used to be one in Windsor, CT...which would have worked well for you...but they shut down some months ago. They were DOA due to location, IMO.

Good luck. Let us know if you need something more.

Mighty Spearsman
10-15-02, 11:31
Ditto to what Stoner said below. It depends on what you're looking for. The AMP in Vernon (named "New Seoul") is closest to you if you're coming down I-84 from Boston, but like the AMP in Berlin, it's HJ only, while Alpha is a non-AMP massage place in Hartford. For a full-service AMP, your best bet is still the extra 25 minutes or so to Waterbury.

Please post again and let us know how you made out!

Baretta Ri
10-19-02, 20:30
You guys know of any good places to go in Eastern Ct? I used to hit the Groton/New London area a lot, but they all closed up shop one at a time a while back. One of them is even now a christian book store or some kind of religous place, how ironic. Wondering if business was starting to return to the area or if it is all gone for good.

10-25-02, 15:28
Their have been some pretty girlies in Willimantic as of recent. For less than $50, plenty can be had. Fresh from the Methodone clinics. At least 6 new ladies I've seen...4-6 in looks from a far.

Heroin has reached an all time high alright...
Pussy is gettin' bold.

Watch for some stings boys. According to the Courant, the cops are low on resources...yeah, right. Whatever.

I've spent time checking out how the LE's operate there. Those suckers know the game real tight, but they really can't stem the tide. Thank god for the college kids keepin the street patrollers busy on occassion, cause they sure as hell ain't trying to stop the heroin trade.

If playing in Will, do not enter via the main way...go around if you can. It appears the LE go back and forth up the single strip looking for cars which make multiple goes. Circle, always circle. Don't go up the same road twice. Take your time. And drive reasonably slow. If you see a lady, don't turn your head, just slow up a bit and pull over down a side street. Shut off your car if you need. Wait for her, she'll come a walkin anytime. if not...it wasn't worth the dime anyways.

If the LE is hot, and back off. Its not worth a run in the papers. If you must...park and make contact off the main strip by foot. I've done it, it works just fine.

Theirs a gas station along the strip where the ladies almost always conclude their dates at. I've had OK experiences just waiting nearby there for them to show. I see all the foibles just watching from there sometimes. The cops drop on these guys like vultures as soon as they make the drop and pull off right in front of the cruiser. Dumbasses. Always give right of way...you never know when you'll have a pig on your 6. Not worth the harassment.

If you're smart, you'll go back to where the ladies live. The Happy Hooker sure is a hell hole. But their is decent pussy to be had if thats you're flavor. Also, if you take note, its point blank simple to see where the ladies score their baggies of shit. If you hold out around there, you'll see who's in THAT game and who is not. Its funny, sometime you see them walking with each other to the places like their going to meet the wizard or something after a date. Beam me up, scotty...thats all they are lookin' fer. Be careful...

Just a few pointers from the edge to those who read yet never post. If you stay out of the cops way, we'll all have a good time.

Stay covered in Willimantic. There are rumors floating. Stay away from any lady willing to go without a bag. She has no care for her own life, let alone yours. Stay cool. Pack your meat bags.

In anycase, I'm stayin off the streets there for a while. The street action is gettin' too cold, and the LE too hot. See you in the spring, I suppose.


Stay safe.

Keep clean.

10-28-02, 15:35
Hi all..wondering anyone have any experience with Everlie..escort posted on Sophias Mentertainment site for CT? Sounds great..looks good, but want the old WSG seal of approval!

10-28-02, 16:54
Originally posted by pcard
Hi all..wondering anyone have any experience with Everlie..escort posted on Sophias Mentertainment site for CT? Sounds great..looks good, but want the old WSG seal of approval!
I do not think that she likes people talking or posting information about her, but she does deserve the old WSG seal of approval.

10-28-02, 17:04
Thanks Gordon..assume that is the voice of experience speaking..otherwise Mums the word!!

10-30-02, 10:54
PCARD : Everly has had numerous positive reviews under a different name at several other websites. Apparently she decided to change her handle several times since.

11-01-02, 10:07
WINDHAM (AP) -- Task force to study drug problem. Town officials say they will set up a task force by the end of the week to study the Willimantic section's heroin problem and propose solutions...
Gov. John G. Rowland and national drug czar John Walters visited Willimantic Tuesday to tour a drug treatment center. Rowland later announced he would make $100,000 in state money available to narcotics enforcement officers in the area....

11-02-02, 14:00
Further echo CtDan...

There is plans to monitor and possible tear down Hotel Hooker.

Citizen groups are forming to monitor and take down license plates of suspect drug dealers, buyers, and the least offensive offenders...fellow hobbyists.

The days are numbered for Willimantic...Wonder where all those ladies will go next, eh? As long as they don't get the money to buy their drugs, they will either go elsewhere to make that money, or they will do some snatch and grab for cash.

I'd sure hate to see that go down.

At least let the hobbyist cool them down cash wise. Straight supply demand. Oh well....

11-05-02, 13:09
Willimantic Update...

The local newspaper implies the authorities are focusing on removing the drug trade from the streets. Haven't seen any info on SW busts..... yet, at least. I'd still recommend a VERY cautious approach.

FYI… the movie theater was a great location to take a “date” when it was open in the daytime. Matinees were usually great. LOL

11-05-02, 14:28
Marlows or Deidres?

Hey guys... I used to frequent these two places mainly because they were a reliable source of young, Caucasian, cuties. But at least in the case of Marlows (havent made the trip to Deidres in ages) they seem to be more ummmm... matronly types...
Does anyone have any recent experience, and names at either of these? Or a suggestion for a place that you can count on for young, white and perky?


11-05-02, 23:41
Alphas...for one. I'd recommend Brooke.

11-06-02, 09:09
Originally posted by Stoner
Alphas...for one. I'd recommend Brooke.

TY for the suggestion, I hear about the mysterious Alpha, but I dont think I get it...you have to "join"? How does that work, and I noticed your posting thaat implies they arent accepting new members?

11-08-02, 17:45
Anybody have any experience with liberty in Westport norwalk area..I have an hour or so to kill on way home tonite..looking for something to do.. or girl from Advocate...says fitness porn star..18 yr old..works Mayflower Motel in Milford??

Member #4477
11-13-02, 12:07
I tried to set up with the "18 yo, fitness model/porn star" but it didn't work out because she was working out of a hotel in Stamford.. too far for me at the time. I would like to know what she looks like if there's anyone out there with the scoop....

11-13-02, 15:57
Canopuss, Pcard,

Watch that service in Stamford motel. I went, hooked up with some chick named Ashely, young cute but a total lame duck session, quick hit and its over. Don't waste your money.

Go to American Spa in Bridgeport, a hottie named Vannessa is awesome.


11-16-02, 11:40
Hey canopuss, what is the number of the 18yo, I would like to run up to Stamford one night.


Originally posted by canopuss
I tried to set up with the "18 yo, fitness model/porn star" but it didn't work out because she was working out of a hotel in Stamford.. too far for me at the time. I would like to know what she looks like if there's anyone out there with the scoop....

11-18-02, 22:46
Hey...question about sexyads.net.

All I here is you guys hooking up with porkers. Besides the cheap fuk, please tell me there are some redeemable qualities amongst these chicks. Like...have you met one to fuk that didn't make you gag? Better still...did you meet one that you would be proud of fukin?

Let me know...I'd gladly toss a bone their way.

11-19-02, 16:43
Hey stoner,

I gave sexyads a try after reading about it here in WSG - got hooked up with one girl who, though a porker (as you so delicately put it), was willing to do things that most women wouldn't even dream of trying. OK, so I'm a little nutty and like to fool with BDSM and other wild behaviors, but it sure has been entertaining... and it's nice to get some free pussy where the woman really wants what you've got in your pants (not just what's in your wallet) for a change.

To each his own, I guess...


11-19-02, 18:02
Egg..so don't keep it a secret..the name of this daring lass??

11-20-02, 16:27
pccard -

I'm still playing, but will be glad to pass on the screen name on sexyads - especially in excahnge for any hot tips you can share off board. contact me at egman01301@yahoo.com


11-30-02, 16:05
Met Michelle from the ADVOCATE.
AD reads "New to Area, 5'7", 120, 20, Blonde/Blue, ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS"

Took an hour on a weekday, works out of a hotel room. $1.8 for the hour. Uninspired service, disappointing. Girl was pretty though. If you want a nice looking young blonde, take a half-hour and do not expect to much.

11-30-02, 16:14
Called an ad from the ADVOCATE (can not remember ad verbatim).
They were the same people who advertise as "Nice & Naughty" only with a different number.
Had a couple of girls working out of different locations. Tried Jasmine, 18-19, Asian/Spanish, nice body. Took an hour for 1.75 (1/2 hour is 1.25). Uninspired service as with the previous girl I tried from the service. The ads will desribe 1 girl, but there are really several.
Service is sub-par, girls young and a bit dumb.Seeem to work out of decent hotels so if you want some quick action---take a half-hour. Do not expect much however.

Apologies---this review is about 3 weeks old, they still run ads in ADVOCATE though.

12-01-02, 05:49
Be careful with those...I heard one of those numbers was a sting operation. I'm leary these days of the advocate, though it always makes great reading. ;)

Member #4477
12-06-02, 14:59
I'm looking for a review of the "Russian Pussycat" advertised in the Advocate. Her name is Sasha but does anyone know what she looks like. The ad says 110, 5'10 & buxom which would be nice but seems exaggerated......

12-06-02, 22:56
Originally posted by canopuss
I'm looking for a review of the "Russian Pussycat" advertised in the Advocate. Her name is Sasha but does anyone know what she looks like. The ad says 110, 5'10 & buxom which would be nice but seems exaggerated......


The 11/25 Advocate has a different ad for that number,
"Gorgeous Bi-Wife seeks males & bi-females, Husband watches or joins"
Just a heads-up!

12-07-02, 01:33
May be the ad should say vice squad instead of husband.

12-22-02, 12:19
Hooked up with Kara who advertises in the Advocate as:
Cute, Sexy Blonde. Tried to hook-up with her previously but had conflicting schedules. Articulate, reliable, 30s, pretty, nice B's.
2.0 for a session that lasted at least 90 minutes...no rush...great service...great effort..at last, a decent experience with a girl from the Advocate

12-22-02, 14:07
what happened to reports from sexyads. i'm working a new one now and will give a full report after. have a pic from her and looks like it could be some fun. not sure if she might be a pro, at least semi pro. have hooked up with a couple of pigs before but did find a gem that i've had a couple of chances to see. very much girl freind material. too bad she moved to arizona only had one chance to see her since summer during a business trip. absolutly top shelf experiance.

just had to make this post #1,000 for the ct boards, not bad for our little state!

01-09-03, 20:09
Has anyone tried Amber's Perfect 10's in CT?? Her photo/Ad can be viewed on escortamerica.com site. She is knockout blonde bombshell who promises a great GFE for about $225.00. Thanks!

01-16-03, 12:04
Has anyone ever heard of a place called the Oak Room Club, located in Willimantic?

I'm doing some more research and this came up. If anything heard or knows anything, please, let me know.

Much obliged.

01-16-03, 16:14
Originally posted by Stoner
Has anyone ever heard of a place called the Oak Room Club, located in Willimantic?Yes, as I recall it was in operation in the mid-late 80s. Not a particularly fond memory, as it was populated by a few largely overweight and/or middle-aged ladies. It was in the southern part of town on a main drag, on the second story of an older brick building with a small parking area in back.

Haven't heard of it in years, though.

01-16-03, 23:13
Originally posted by Stoner
Has anyone ever heard of a place called the Oak Room Club, located in Willimantic?

I'm doing some more research and this came up. If anything heard or knows anything, please, let me know.

Much obliged.

The Oak Room Club has been closed for a number of years (10 maybe?) Was there only once, they had only one woman and it didn't seem very cozy. But, it's gone as are all the willimantic and norwich places.

01-17-03, 21:55
Thanks boys...
Much obliged. Kept me from making a fool of myself looking 'round for it.

01-17-03, 22:24
Originally posted by gazzinka
Yes, as I recall it was in operation in the mid-late 80s. Not a particularly fond memory, as it was populated by a few largely overweight and/or middle-aged ladies. It was in the southern part of town on a main drag, on the second story of an older brick building with a small parking area in back.

Haven't heard of it in years, though.

Actually what you're describing may be another place on Rte. 6 (there were two in Willimantic in 1987+), unless they moved before they went under. The place that I went to was in a sort of strip mall on the second floor, reminded me of a medical office building (there was also a "night club" as eastern CT might have).

Stoner, you're right about looking for it!! Even when they were in business I had a tough time finding it because it was toward the back of the strip mall on the second floor - tiny sign out front. I actually went out looking for it three times before I found it!

01-17-03, 23:54
Hey, you guys talking about the place on the second floor . . . other stores in the same strip mall . . . you entered a door on ground level, climbed to the second floor. Desk to pay when you entered, and to your right, a room with two, three, maybe four girls in it? Maybe I was there a different time, but these were not middle-aged girls by any means - just the opposite.

Rates were very reasonable (what else would you expect in Willimantic, for Pete's sake?), and the girls were willing, if not exactly GFE. Only creepy thing was a huge mirror in one of the rooms . . . I would have sworn it was a one-way mirror. It was the room they gave me the first time, so maybe it was a way to check out if a visitor was legit.

Another place in Willimantic I never visited . . . small parking lot behind what looked like a single-family house. Entrance on the second floor. Looked grungy at best.

And of course, the ladies on the street . . . I hear they're still out there.


01-19-03, 22:47
Anybody know of any action in New Britain? it seems there has to be some but it is never mentioned on here. thanks

01-24-03, 21:47
I have a couple of ladies I met on the track in NB and I have regular and good hookups with them.

$30 for FS;

Unfortunately I won't give out their info as it can only ruin a grea thing I have goin;


There is action but you just have to be out there a lot and be careful;

The good ones, just ask for their phone #s so you can hook-up off the track - safer for you and her;


01-25-03, 11:52
Thanks for the info but what is the track?

01-25-03, 14:24
the track is the stroll............the ho stroll..................locatation etc.


01-27-03, 16:56
Hey stafa

Share buddy where is this stroll in new britain? ive noticed some sw action on the streets behind capitol lunch. a three block area. Any body been in lorianns recently?? Any back room or take out action there.

01-30-03, 20:28
damn you are all over the action!!!

you are right on, the 3 block area behind capital lunch is active as well as the big plaza with Big Y etc. however, you really have to be ultra careful in the Big Y plaza as there are undercover cops patrolling and busting people.

you really have to be careful all over new britain w/regard to cops. lots of them.


01-31-03, 03:03
I went to Side Pockets in Milford last Friday to shoot some pool with some friends, I guess that they turned it into a strip club on the weekends. So we stayed and hung out, they still have a few pool tables. I got a couple lap dances from Lisa, a short black chick with a killer Jamaican accent, nice ass and decent c cups. Lots of touching(she let me play with her tits and pussy, and she reached into my pants and played with my cock) and she offered to hook up with me after she left the club FS for $80. I was driving my friends, so I didn't take her up on the offer. But, I am going to try to go again this next weekend. There was another girl Ava that was tall, blonde, with a perfect ass and big tits. If anyone has any info on her(any extras/touching/ etc.. in or out of the club), please let me know. She was giving lap dances all night and I could never catch her.

01-31-03, 11:28
Monger22 of to dominican republic till feb 11. mustafa thanks for info. u r right. hope all be able to walk after 11 days of dr chicas.

01-31-03, 18:04
the area behind capitol lunch (specifically grove street and the next street over) were my stopping grounds about 10+ years ago. don't know how it is now that they tore the old factory buildings down and cleaned up the area. be very careful this can be a hot area for le activity. the one and only time i ever got caught was here in the early 80's. had to spend the better part of a nite in jail and go to 2 court dates. luckily the incident was kept out of the papers, could have been very embarassing! also this area was known for a lot of drug and gang activity. spend my time now in safer venues.

have gotten service right in the ladies room at lorriannes and had a couple of occasions met up with a semi pro inside. not sure what the situation is these days though. it used to be your typical strip club (although pretty seedy) with 2-4 girls dancing at a time 1/2 hr shifts. anyone know if now they do lap dances and if xtras are available?

WSJ Admirer
02-01-03, 00:43
hey guys..

any one hooked up with kara who advertises in the advocate..is she hot? gfe or pse? lemme know your feedback guys..or any other recommendations

02-01-03, 17:52
any info on loriann thats recent or safer sw area in new britain please post while im in dr mongering. thanks

02-02-03, 00:17
Originally posted by wsjadmirer
hey guys..

any one hooked up with kara who advertises in the advocate..is she hot? gfe or pse? lemme know your feedback guys..or any other recommendations

Yes, close to PSE...good time.... See "Other Areas", December.

02-03-03, 01:47
Which Advocate is Kara listed in?? She's not in the Hartford edition.

WSJ Admirer
02-03-03, 21:43

she advertizes in www.the-back-room.com.

lemme know if you hook up..how it went or vice versa.

Later buddy

02-04-03, 13:12
She is in the NH Advocate as well as The_Back_Room. 30's, pretty, A for effort, Out as well as In (sometimes, Meriden area), reliable!!

02-12-03, 18:28
Hey monger back from week in Dominican Republic keepin all the chicas busy. Anything new in the New Britain sw scene or any current Lori Ann info....

02-15-03, 02:43
Anyone trying Willimantic:

Its been very, very dead there.
I think alot of it is due to the increased (heightened?) focus on prostituition there.

The new chief of police is a woman. She's stated just short of vowed to end prostitutution in Willimantic. This is all well and good, but she's just going to drive it deeper underground OR get these people doing even riskier crimes to get their fixes.

So becareful out there. Expect the unexpected with Willimantic PD. Her rise to power is martialling the troops and the community support to turn the area around. I'm happy for them. Willimantic sucked anyway, imo. Nothing but dirty street trash, really...though they give a good laugh among other things!

02-17-03, 20:04
Any new sw reports or Lori Ann visits to report in New Britain

02-23-03, 16:27
Hello All!!

I am a new person to the forum, but have info with a SP in the Meriden area. She advertises in the New Haven and Hartford Advocate, used to go by the name of Kitty or Sex Kitty. She is a mature blonde. Anyone been with her before? Do tell.

Visited at a motel on the Berlin Pike, Holiday Inn or something, she came quickly, well groomed, just like description, blonde, busty, enthusiastic. Excellent BJ, but pricey. Great body. Looks pretty clean. Thinking of a return visit, any advice?

Mighty Spearsman
02-23-03, 20:07
Stopped by the Sun Accupressure Spa in Berlin last week and for the first time ever had the same girl (Cindy) as my last time there give me a massage! Up until now I had found new faces every time I stopped by (usually I come here once a month).

Had a good massage (including the girl Cindy walking on my back) and a romantic HJ for $70 plus small tip. Cindy is around 30 and seemed to be the only girl working (late afternoon), plus the young mamsan Kim with the strange orange-colored hair is back.

02-26-03, 15:10
Here is a blast from the past... I hooked up with Percs last weekend. She is definitely nothing to look at and I almost sped away when I first saw her but the man downstairs had other plans. As soon as she got in my car she said hi then went right to my cock. Definitely doesnt beat around the bush. Went to some school parking lot where she gave me a nice bj and swallowed the whole load. I wonder if she went home and gave her husband a kiss? Anyway I wouldnt recommend her but if you need to take care of business she does a good job. She also told me she charges some people. You have to be nuts to pay for that.

02-28-03, 15:41
Originally posted by LSLarry
Here is a blast from the past... I hooked up with Percs last weekend. She is definitely nothing to look at and I almost sped away when I first saw her but the man downstairs had other plans. As soon as she got in my car she said hi then went right to my cock. Definitely doesnt beat around the bush. Went to some school parking lot where she gave me a nice bj and swallowed the whole load. I wonder if she went home and gave her husband a kiss? Anyway I wouldnt recommend her but if you need to take care of business she does a good job. She also told me she charges some people. You have to be nuts to pay for that. Hey Larry, what town is this Percs from? can you tell me how I can contact her?

Thanks, Stamfordguy

03-03-03, 14:16
HI all..anyone ever met with a lady that advertises in Advocate as Mature Ex busty A+ personality?? She is very friendly on phone,,have not hit the right timing yet..would like some input..she is in the Wallinford Meriden area..Thanks guys. I will report back once the Eagle has Landed!!

03-03-03, 20:18

I have been with percs in the past but I have lost her number. I met her on sexyads.net.

could you please let me know how I can get a hold of her?

I completely agree with you on everything you said.


03-04-03, 16:03
She is still on sexyads, she just doesnt have an ad anymore. Thats the only way I know how to get in touch.

03-04-03, 21:27
Originally posted by pcard
HI all..anyone ever met with a lady that advertises in Advocate as Mature Ex busty A+ personality?? She is very friendly on phone,,have not hit the right timing yet..would like some input..she is in the Wallinford Meriden area..Thanks guys. I will report back once the Eagle has Landed!! PCARD, see my post, I think we have the same person in mind.

03-05-03, 10:14
Guest..you may be right..I think her name is Christina..confirm for me..she has offered incall at her home after lengthy friendly conversation..very pleasant voice..and comforting..

03-06-03, 15:54
The woman who went by the name of Kitty was mature, stated that she looked like a blonde Fran Drescher, and had artificial breast implants. Didn't mention incall. She liked the Flamingo.
Still the same person Pcard?

03-07-03, 21:30
Pcard, Guest -- This is just a shot in the dark, but could this person be the one you're all talking about?


I've talked with her on the phone, she seems intelligent, mature, she's from meriden/wallingford, likes to go to a hotel. I haven't personally been able to meet her yet. Anyone out there know / been with this lady?

03-08-03, 09:39
Originally posted by jmg
Pcard, Guest -- This is just a shot in the dark, but could this person be the one you're all talking about?


I've talked with her on the phone, she seems intelligent, mature, she's from meriden/wallingford, likes to go to a hotel. I haven't personally been able to meet her yet. Anyone out there know / been with this lady?

Myself and several others on the board have done the imszzlnhot
girl. Once you throw in the cost of the hotel room she is a little pricey, but I would still recommend you. I think everyone would agree.

03-08-03, 18:49
Originally posted by GordonFreeman
Myself and several others on the board have done the imszzlnhot
girl. Once you throw in the cost of the hotel room she is a little pricey, but I would still recommend you. I think everyone would agree.

I second that! She's worth the extra change.

03-09-03, 01:09
Had Dianna from the ADVOCATE. She is about 20, looks like Kelly Osbourne (not that I would want her). Decent effort, 1.2 for the time. Got the job done but....Blah

03-09-03, 16:12
PCard/Guest: Sorry, but "sizzlin" is NOT the same girl you are
talking about. She meets first timers for "coffee", so as both
parties canpass each other's "inspection"

WSJ Admirer
03-09-03, 23:59
MHO--the Dianna from the ADVOCATE..i wanted to check her out..so whats the blah about..a good price i am assuming for the services..

which one do you recommend from the advocate..
thanks buddy

03-10-03, 11:00
How do you contact imsizzln? There's nothing on her site except text and a pic.

03-10-03, 11:32
I think the only way to make first contact is thru her email addy...

imszzlnhot@aol.com (or if you're on aol you may be able to catch her online and IM her, which worked for me).

If anyone gets a chance to see her before I do, let us all know how it goes!

03-10-03, 12:26
Any New Britain recent reports or SW sitings? Went last week behind Capitol. Ton of cars but no girls.

Hot Rodd
03-12-03, 13:26
Been cruising the streets of New London.. What happened to all the action?? All I see is LE everywhere you look.. Had a Phone # of a good, steady connection, now She is in jail.

03-13-03, 20:50
Originally posted by wsjadmirer
MHO--the Dianna from the ADVOCATE..i wanted to check her out..so whats the blah about..a good price i am assuming for the services..

which one do you recommend from the advocate..
thanks buddy


Blah means that it did the trick but after a two month layoff from the hobby, I was left wanting more. In honesty, she did perform better than most from the Advocate. She is average looking (for a 20 y.o.!!) and has a few extra pounds, some bad tattoos, nice rack though. In all, I was out only 1.2 and she was kind of sweet so you might want to give her a try. She and her friend work out a decent hotel, she mentioned that she trys to see only 2-3 people a day and is from out of state (she comes down to do business).
Good Luck!

Colonel Angus
03-23-03, 01:23
Does anyone have any info in regards to Kim an escort listed on escorts.com?


Hot Rodd
04-02-03, 21:59
Spent 2 hours tonight cruising New London. The place is beat. Even ventured off the norm to see if they relocated, some 1's and 2's that have had the habit too long. What a waist of time that place turned into. With all the Groton AMPS gone and all the parlors in Norwich gone, It now appears LE is having their way in this part of the state..

04-16-03, 00:50
Tried "Fantasy Entertainment", they have an ad in the Advocate.
First Coco at Fantasy (Modeling), then this sh*t service. I just can not get a break.
Alright, I called up and had a easy time setting up an incall at a Danbury Hotel. Was told the girl was 19 and hot. Got to the room and there is this f'ckin guy there to collect the tribute, all while the maid is cleaning the room, the girl is sititng on the bed. 2.75, f*ck that, I told him no one mentioned price to me and that I only had 2.35 -- I had more in the other pocket but I was ready to split anyways. Well, the other head was doing the thinking and the girl was cute....So he takes the money, gives me a bunch of glossy business cards (like I am going to pass them around) and splits. Now the business end, the girl was cute, real skinny - a small A-cup if there is such a thing. 2.35 for about 45 minutes average/below average service. Got to think with the real head more often. Look, the girl was kind of sweet...a kind of lost soul. Said she and her older sister both work there, said she gets 0.75 to 1.0 of the fee. Screw the price, screw the service. Stay away from this one!

04-17-03, 00:28
MHO, re Advocate Incalls

stick to 1/2 hour in range of 1.25 or less

anymore and your are getting ripped in todays economy.

04-18-03, 00:25
Originally posted by wsgman
MHO, re Advocate Incalls

stick to 1/2 hour in range of 1.25 or less

anymore and your are getting ripped in todays economy.

I usually do. If an option, I take 1/2 and sayI mght take an hour depending on how things go.

04-20-03, 10:26
Ther appears to be a new AMP in Bristol called Asian Accupressure Sauna. From the look sof the outside it appears it may be a strd AMP with all the usual service from similar places in Waterbury. Has anyone been there? Any reports?

04-21-03, 13:40
Hey all,

Is there any action going on in Willimatic? I passed through there a month ago and it looked liked it's prime for sg's.

What time's are they out? what area's? What's the majority of the SG's that I would see? WSW's, BSW's, HSW's?

Any info would be appreciated thanx!

04-21-03, 17:04

Yes, there is action in Willimantic, day and night. the Stroll starts at the Park on lower Main Street ( Before the Frog Bridge ) and goes all the way down Main Street, East Bound, to the 7-11 Store which I notice from my trip last week is boarded up.

Mostly white, 4 to 5's, all crack addicts...the worst ones hang at the Park and I would avoid that action..its very visable and the cops are always very active there. Closer to the 7-11 gets better may find some 6-8's during the day ( late afternoon ) and early evening. Again, watch out for LE the stroll is short and they are very active...


04-21-03, 23:47
Whatsup Meatman!

You passing through my neck of the woods and you didn't even call, man. I'm pissed!

Originally posted by MeatMan
Hey all,

Is there any action going on in Willimatic? I passed through there a month ago and it looked liked it's prime for sg's.

What time's are they out? what area's? What's the majority of the SG's that I would see? WSW's, BSW's, HSW's?

Any info would be appreciated thanx!

Action in Willimantic is to be had, but very hairy. After the Hartford Courant did a big write up and the town swore in a veteran Lady cop to it highest post who's dedicated herself to eradicating prostituition in the area...well...you get the picture. One needs to be very careful...

The local action is mostly heroine addicts. Standard fare, mostly white and a few hispanics (Willimantic is predominatly spanish with a huge college population bolstering that). The local queen is named Michelle. She's almost out every day in front of the motel she stays in called the Happy Hooker. (Yeah, thats its name...it used to be a grand motel in its yesteryear...now its no more than a hole in the wall spot for addicts.)

If you see a blonde chick standing out in front...she's on. Be way careful though...most girls shoot up, and they didn't have a needles program that way...so I do not advise bbbj-tc.

It used to be my haunt, but with increased pressure and a few close calls with LE who are HQ'd right on the stroll itself with a constant patrol going on...its a bit too hectic.

If you do hit it, hit the cemetary, or leave the area and head north on rte 6?. Just one exit, there is a construction company dig site that always left open. Its a great place to park for the hour. or...there is also the old boys scout camp in Willimantic. Its well off the road and you will see LE coming from a long ways....just keep the lights off. Your guide will more than likely know the spots. LE also haunt some of the spots, so always stay cool. They know each girl, and their mother, and mothers mother. Several of the sws are literally 2nd and 3rd generation SWs, its sort of sad if one was to stop and think about it.

04-22-03, 14:58
Stoner, where exactly is the Happy Hooker Motel ? is it on Rte 6 ?
Good advice about the parking spots..I have been to the construction site and the old camp. also I was taken to various parking lots and boat ramps out on Rte 6. I thought they were safe unitl I found out there are Park Rangers that work for the State and they patrol the parks and parking lots and they know the girls by site as well..they will hassle you and they do have the power of arrest..I only hit it during the day time now if I am down that way on business and even then I am very, very carefull.

Stay Safe


Mighty Spearsman
04-22-03, 18:22
Originally posted by JTL
Ther appears to be a new AMP in Bristol called Asian Accupressure Sauna. From the looks of the outside it appears it may be a strd AMP with all the usual service from similar places in Waterbury. Has anyone been there? Any reports? Saw your post and was in the Bristol area yesterday, so I decided to check out the Asian Accupressure Spa on North Street, on the edge of the old downtown part of Bristol.

This place is NOT like the Waterbury places; instead it is a HJ-only spot like the Sun Accupressure Center in Berlin and the New Seoul Oriental Spa in Vernon. Gordon Freeman had posted about this place last spring/summer, confirming the HJ-only setup. Like the Berlin place, it's $70 door fee for table shower and massage, plus a small tip at the end ($30?). I believe that this place and the Berlin place both have the same owner - they both opened last April, have the same MO and have similar-looking ads in the Yellow Pages. There was only one lady on duty and she was 40-ish and not a looker at all.

Most importantly, I did not like the location very much. It's in a renovated house on a main drag (Route 6), with no parking on the street, so I pulled my car up the driveway into an unpaved back yard to park. In the next yard is a 3-story apartment with lots of children playing in the back yard and on the porches, less than 50 feet away, and there were some adults in the back yard on the other side. Everyone was staring at me as I walked to the back door of the spa.

Next time I want to patronize a HJ-only place, I will go back to the Berlin place rather than go back to Bristol. It's easier to get to from Hartford than Bristol is, I won't have kids gawking at me, and all of the ladies I've seen at the Berlin place (at least 7 or 8) since last year were better looking than the chick I saw yesterday.

04-23-03, 21:31
Originally posted by boomerx56
Stoner, where exactly is the Happy Hooker Motel ? is it on Rte 6 ?

Its right on that main strip. I want to say its called Main St. The same road as the Dunkin Donuts. Its about 2-3 blocks up on the left before you hit the park, the frog bridge, etc. Its literally across the way from the Police Station if that helps or scares the FUk out of you. lol.

I wouldn't trust that place much anymore. I'll tell you the absolute favorite spot for me though, if you can swing a few extra dollars. If you catch a nice piece of ass there is a cheap motel off main street. Ask any of the girls, they know where it is. Ask the indian brother (who's a monger himself, though non-wsg) for a room for about an hour. He'll hook you up if you're cool for about $20 even. Even has rubbers available upon request!

Can't remember the name of the spot though. It was valuable to me though when I had the rare chance to find some of the rare younger white chicks who had nice bods and breasts...though michelle isn't bad either cause she's very skilled.

If you happen to see some action in recent weeks there, please let me know. When that chick took office, my interest in Willimantic took a dive.

04-24-03, 08:21
Stoner, Thanks for the info, I think I can find it now. I usually come into Town from the East on Rte 6 and avoid anything North 9 or is West ? ) of the Park. I travel there about 4 times a month usually around 9:30 Am and cruise untill 12:00 then I head off to a meeting at my Corporate office for the afternoon. I almost always find one around the 7-11 ( closed now ) last time I was there was 4/16 around 10:00 AM and picked up "Daine", about mid 30's looked real clean. We went to the Sand Pit and she gave me a great BJTC covered at my request. I used to hit it at night on the ride back from HTFD anywhere between 6:00 and 10:00 PM but stopped a few months ago after getting my balls busted really bad from LE.

I think during the day up until 2:00 or 3:00 you can get the older Mom's while the kids are in school..they seem a little better then the Crack Ho's you find at night and LE appears to be less intense during the day but finding a safe spot during the day is difficult. As far the Motel you reffered to is it the one on Rte 6 West bound as you head out of town toward Hartford ? It's on your right hand side ? I would love to be able to get a room for an hour or so when I find a decent gal which I do every now and then my next trip will be next week and if the weathers warm I will make a pass through at night to check it out and post my results. I usually head back to RI via 91 and then the pike so I can hit Springfield and Holyoke.

One last comment, your right, almost every decent gal I came across has been from Norwich, or New London. In fact a few times I have even picked up a few hitch hiking in on Rte 6 as I drove in from RI. And of course we always managed to find a quite spot for a Mic Check! If I ever get a number I will pass it along.

Be Safe.


04-25-03, 12:36
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stoner
[i]Whatsup Meatman!

You passing through my neck of the woods and you didn't even call, man. I'm pissed!

Well,You were to busy getting blown, I didn't wan't to disturb ya Bro!

Yeah!Willimatic has a LOT of Hispanics/Latino women living there. my monger radar went off as I was passing through.Thanx for the history tour also! :D

Hot Rodd
04-25-03, 14:13
After three days of no luck trying to hook up with Juanita, I took a ride to Willimantic. I got there at noon and started cruising the main drag. I spotted 2 SW's down by the 7-11 but They were -1's, so I continued on. When I hit the East end of the Park there was LE parked on the grass, just like Stoner said. I went a little further west to the bench area and spotted two SW'S sitting on the benches. (one Blond and one black) I took the first Rt. and came around the back parking lot to get a better look. The blond was the closest to me so I beeped the horn and waved her over. She took a minute to get up, then walked to my car Picking her feet up very high like she was going up stairs.. Now I'm thinking.. What am I getting involved in? As she got closer, she looked OK, Her name was Linda, Tall, thin, Med. Length Dk. Blonde hair, Mid 30's (or at least looked it) decent looking face. I said "wana go for a ride"? She said.. Lets go to my apartment. ( If that's what you call it?) Off we go 2 blocks behind the park. Directly behind the Church.. (ST Michael's) I think? When I pulled up to the house, I looked across the street and noticed the parking lot was FULL of CSP'S
She says.. Don't worry.. Some officer died and It's his funeral.. OK, Screw it! Their busy, (I hope?) Off we go to the third floor, While they all stared a hole through me..To a One room Dump. It's a shame. This girl could have been something more, If not for the habit.. Kinda sad..
Anyway, All I was interested was a BJ and I was headed out of town..
She gave me a decent BBBJ for 15, I couldn't get out of there fast enough... I think I'll stick to the Clean and safer AMPS, or at least until I find some new Talent in N. L. Sooner or later... They will be back.

04-25-03, 18:22
Welcome to the world of street trash, Hotrodd. I swear, if it wasn't for the excitement of the hunt and find...

Over the past few months, I've sworn off street action several times...but then I see just one more "pretty" face, and its back on for dirt cheap.

AMPs are far better, without a doubt, imo.

I actually know that linda you are referring to. I'm gonna say this as a warning for anyone who does street trash in Willimantic. These girls are active heroin addicts, not crack, weed, coke, or any form of inhalant. They use needles...and lots of them. Any lady in Willimantic who's turned out on the junk is a plague waiting to happen...Linda in particular.

Just last year, the ladies (not linda) were front page hartford courant. Around that time, she was wrecked up in the hospital. Some say it was a detox clinic...others think she's sick with something and she wasn't talking about it.

Who knows the truth (it could be a mix between the two)? Just be careful. Any mikecheck you get...make sure keep the slipcover on it so you'd don't get it junked up. Be safe, dude.

Hot Rodd
04-25-03, 19:05
YES.. The hunt and find :) .. Good Advice Stoner.. Thanks.. It's too late for me today.. another reason the AMP'S are better... Adult Supervision.. (They Put the rain coat on for you)

04-26-03, 22:13
Last Saturday I called "Daisy & Miranda" from the Advocate. Place has a couple of ads and various locations in state, maybe fifteeen girls. Had incall in a New Haven Hotel. I get to the room, there are two young hispanics, both cute in the room. One was going to wait in the bathroom as they did not like to come and go from the room (decent hotel, best to not be obvious). My mind was saying "Why not take them both", glad I didn't. So I have a cute one in the bathroom and another taking care of me, then her cell phone rings. She stops what shes doing, gets the phone and goes to the bathroom to chat with the other girl. She comes back and says "there is another appointment coming" and gets back to work. Got about 20 minutes of her oral presentation, then finished up. There is a knock at the door, she lets the next appointment in the room. Nice guy, about 45, maybe one of you reprobates :). 1.1 for a interuptted, oral presentation.

Things have not been working out for me lately,

04-28-03, 13:04
Did you say anything when they did this?

There is no excuse for this bad behavior. When we get very good service, I think it is our responisibility to tip well and talk up those girls on this board and places like it. But likewise, I think we also have a responsibility to say "you know what? this is not ok. I dont plan on coming back and I'm going to tell everyone who logs on to discussion boards that they shouldnt come here"

If you had said something in front of the guy, you might have had an accomodating reaction. I don't think its ok to get aggressive or argumentative, but simply stating what you consider to be minimum service should be ok - then let the providor decide if she wants your repeat business

Shy Zone Guy
04-30-03, 03:38
Originally posted by mho
Last Saturday I called "Daisy & Miranda" from the Advocate. Place has a couple of ads and various locations in state, maybe fifteeen girls. Had incall in a New Haven Hotel. I get to the room, there are two young hispanics, both cute in the room. One was going to wait in the bathroom as they did not like to come and go from the room (decent hotel, best to not be obvious). My mind was saying "Why not take them both", glad I didn't. So I have a cute one in the bathroom and another taking care of me, then her cell phone rings. She stops what shes doing, gets the phone and goes to the bathroom to chat with the other girl. She comes back and says "there is another appointment coming" and gets back to work. Got about 20 minutes of her oral presentation, then finished up. There is a knock at the door, she lets the next appointment in the room. Nice guy, about 45, maybe one of you reprobates :). 1.1 for a interuptted, oral presentation.

Things have not been working out for me lately, MHO,

I have had similar experience with the Advocate. 3 out of 4 numbers either dont work or are out of service. Those that do work usually stand me up. And when I do connect theyve been rude or impatient. But I have struck gold a few times but not in the past year.

The only pattern I have seen sometimes the older chicks give better service. Let me know if you have better luck, and I'll be sure to send her extra business.

-the shy guy

04-30-03, 06:56
Willimantic Report

Guys, forget about the Main Street cruise, drive by Eastern! Found a REAL cutie walking up High Street from Eastern toward the student parking lot. I scoped her out, got the look, and circled back. We went to a local motel (likely the same one others have written about on this board) and had a great time. True GFE. She is fluent, and exceptionally skilled in all languages. Dianna is about 5’ 4” tall and has a knock-out body (9-9-9). She’s not the kind of girl you’d be worried about getting a BBBJ from. She said she doesn’t do this full time (yea, I know… Most of them say something like this). Only near the end of the month when daddy doesn’t send enough for rent. I actually believe her. Agreed on .50 for an hour, and spent 2.5 hours with her. She was in absolutely no rush. I gave her an extra .20. She wouldn’t provide me with a phone #, but said she’d be out occasionally this summer.

Shy Zone Guy
04-30-03, 09:25
Originally posted by tnahound
Willimantic Report

Guys, forget about the Main Street cruise, drive by Eastern! Found a REAL cutie walking up High Street from Eastern toward the student parking lot. I scoped her out, got the look, and circled back... Hey TNAhound,

Great score. I have never done a SW before so can you give this novice some pointers?
- First what is "the look" and how do I know If I got it?
- Second, what do you after you circled around? just pull over and wait for her to come to you or stop and pretend to ask for directions.
- finally, what do you say to her to get her to go with you? and how do you know she is not LE?

I know this will be delayed a few days but thanks everyone in advance for responding.

Hot Rodd
04-30-03, 13:05
Too nice of day not to take a ride on the wild side. Off to Willimantic I go ..This time, after reading tnahound's post I set out to find a Motel worthy date, or I would come home. I cruised High St. a couple times, passed three girls, got A look from all of them, but doubted it was anything more than just a look. I feel a little uncomfortable hovering around Collages for obvious reasons, so I headed to the benches for one last look. When I pulled in the parking lot behind the benches their was Denise. I got out of the truck, (which, by the way is very conspicuous. I'm working on a "blend in" replacement) anyway, I struck up a conversation with Denise, while watching two LE fleecing a guys bag about 50 feet away. After some non business small talk, I decided I would bail out of town, so I said.. Catch you later.. While walking away, she says "You got 2 dollars to spare? Now, this girl was a biker chick, H junkie, had a nice tan, not bad to look at, looked clean, but not Motel worthy to me. So I say Get in the truck.. I gave her .2 and got a very good and deep BJ while I drove. Then I dropped her just down the street from the park, So She could get her medicine. She was friendly, And talented.. Say's she's out in that spot every day.. No Phone...

04-30-03, 14:10

“The look”, in this case was when she stopped walking and flashed a very genuine looking smile when I drove by. I’m in my early forties, and drive a fairly nondescript Japanese sports sedan, so I’m guessing she wasn’t just attracted to me.

When I drove up to her the second time I stopped and asked her if she’d like a ride. In my limited experience and research, I’ve found LE won’t likely get into the car with you. Those of you out there with more knowledge/experience than me please feel free to correct my impression if you’ve found the situation to be different than I.

If she hadn’t been as obvious as she was, I likely wouldn’t have taken the chance either. I drive by there often, and this is the first time I’ve seen this kind of opportunity. She claimed there are other girls out here occasionally as well, but unless they are as obvious as her, I’ll wait till I see Dianna again. I’ve never spoken with her, but I’m sure I know who Denise is.

Hot Rodd
04-30-03, 19:22
When I approached Denise today she questioned the fact that me, being from out of town, with RI tags, knew just where to go to find action.. So I told her there is a web site where lots of guys report on the good finds and the bad and warn other mongers to stay away from the "problem Girls" I think it made her try harder.. Like she was being graded! Gota love it!! This is BY FAR the best monger site on earth!!

04-30-03, 22:11
TNAHound...you may have single handedly restarted my vigil in Willimantic. If anything...I will be looking for this denise.

Can you give any more details:
What time?
What she looked like?
Where did she want to get dropped off by?
Where along High street did you meet her? etc...

05-01-03, 01:02
I had to see if Willimantic was everything you guys were talking about.

I made the trip and saw alot of possible action but when it came time to actually get them in the car they were kinda skitish.

After about 1 hr I found a late 30's white lady in jeans jacket with silver jewlery, plain, plain body for $20 got a decent bbbj with swallow. probaley a crackhead.

I hit the road looking for more, came across Jessica, white blond late 20's, ok body for a SW, nice personality very talkative usual sob story blah blah....after a couple of years they all start sounding the same to me, anyway for $40 got FS. ok but lots of complainging about too big. Overall not really my type (i prefer blacks and latinas) but some of you guys may love her, she says she works at the bookstore right off the strip as soon as you role into town. told me she was on H, but only sniffed.

Both girls didn't have a place so it was car work (shrug) next time I go I'll look for a better class and some motel action like mr. Hotrodd

Hot Rodd
05-01-03, 06:39
Denise Is the main St. park bench Biker HO Dianna Is the High St. walker

05-01-03, 14:49
Stoner –

LOL… She was defiantly upscale for Willimantic (or most other places for that matter). She could really be a higher priced escort… I’d be a regular!

Dianna, not to be confused with Denise, was walking from the main ECSU entrance on High Street toward the secondary entrance across the street from the high school. There is a parking lot immediately on the left when you enter here, and I assume she was parked there. It was early afternoon. Dark hair, blue eyes (or at least contacts, who can tell these days), and an ass and tits to die for! She really looks like a coed. I certainly had no reason to doubt her. After we were finished, I dropped her off at the pick-up location. I’ve driven by there quite a few times the last two days, and haven’t seen her or anyone else who was obviously in the same business…

05-01-03, 22:37
Hi all,

Long time lurker and now poster, Jessica is ok I've had her twice she was annoying alls he kept asking me is if I liked her body and about how she can't get off drugs and that's why she lost her kid.

Another sw isa girl nammed Shannon or Hidie I can't remember brown hair actually pretty hot a 8 allways walking and doing a crossword puzzle picked her up in the 7-11 yep in it hehe Had a few latinas too but I score the best in hartford

Had the blond sw and her tattooed friend for 50$ in hotel hooker wasn't bad but I was to lazy to drive to bp

Happy mongerin!

Pharmacutical Bandit

CT Boobman
05-07-03, 17:39
Hey Guys,

Last night NBC30 TV news was running one of their ads that contains snippets of recent headlines, and they were bragging about being "on the scene" when authorities recently raided a Milford AMP. I didn't see the news story, just the two second blurb on the ad. Wanted to pass this along incase it helps anyone. Boy, it would sure suck if vice raided the place while you were there, and it would suck even more if a TV newscrew was there with them.

Be safe out there, gentlemen!

Mighty Spearsman
05-08-03, 12:23
Originally posted by CTBoobman
Hey Guys,

Last night NBC30 TV news was running one of their ads that contains snippets of recent headlines, and they were bragging about being "on the scene" when authorities recently raided a Milford AMP. I didn't see the news story, just the two second blurb on the ad. Wanted to pass this along in case it helps anyone. Boy, it would sure suck if vice raided the place while you were there, and it would suck even more if a TV newscrew was there with them.

Be safe out there, gentlemen! The TV broadcast and bust in question took place last Friday evening (May 2nd) of the Happiness Spa in Milford. NBC30's camera crew and reporter had been invited by the cops to film the whole bust from beginning to end, with the highlights broadcast in a 5-minute segment on the 11 o'clock news. All of the faces of the girls were blurred out on the video, and the focus seemed to be on the spa itself rather than the customers. The NBC reporter then interviewed some Milford officials and residents who expressed their concerns about the adult book stores on Route 1 in Milford, which to me is a separate issue from the AMPs. This is the type of news that the stations like to broadcast during the Sweeps rating months to increase their ratings - sensationalistic but not really news (my life is much more affected by the state's budget crisis and the war in Iraq than it is by an AMP that operates behind closed doors).

My personal conclusion from all this is - stay away from Milford AMPs, especially during the three Sweeps months for TV (November, February, May). Drive five more minutes and go to Bridgeport.

05-08-03, 21:51
The scary part is, the cops knew they wanted NBC30 involved. They knew what they would find....they were confident.

To me, that means ongoing sting. Where else? No idea. But it was local police, not the state troopers. Thats encouraging.

05-08-03, 22:34
That's the second time in a couple of years for that place. Last time they visited all 4 in town.

Hot Rodd
05-12-03, 13:27
Took a ride to Willie at 11 AM. The Infamous park benches were empty, so I rode around for a bit.. as I was passing the old Rising Sun, I spotted an SW that looked too good to be... I pull a bat turn for a second look, as I slowed by her, she gave me "The look" .. Her name is Felina.. A mid twenties blonde, 5-5 about 110lbs..
She gets in the car and says You have a place or should I show you one.. I said what do you have? She says We can go to a booth at Dan's Adult world... It's safe and Free.. I'm thinking WTF.. Why not?.. We walk right in past the counter Guy and head to the booths. When we lock in ,I hand her a .2 and drop the clothes. She starts with BBBJ then says.. you gave me 2. , my fee is .3 I say well, We're here and I'm in the mood for 2 BBBJ's back to back.. I'll give you .5 for 2 .. She goes for it.. After 35 mins or so she got me off for the second time..with lots of talent.. drinking it all up with no mess..like a good girl.. :)
She is the best score for me in Willie (So far) Looks like it's starting out to be a good week..

05-15-03, 12:34
This is an older report but I guess I should give back some of the wealth of info I've leached.

Milford VIP Spa.

Very professional looking front in a strip mall across from Glorias flowers. $60 for the hour and $20 for a tip. No FS or BJ strictly a firm hand shake. Follows the AMP SOP (standard operating procedure) Got a cute girl in her 20's. Undressed and got a nice bath robe. Nice shower and scrub down. got dried off in the room. Good back rub with the standard flip and finish. during the flip my hands were allowed to roam pretty much without restriction though I didn't push to far (no pun intended)

All in all not a bad value if you don't need FS.

This report was edited by Jackson for capitalization and punctuation.

05-20-03, 18:17
Took a drive to Willimantic on Sunday around 1:00 PM, drove in on Rte 6 west and as soon as I passed the 7-11 ( now closed ) I saw a blonde, mid 30's, doing the slow walk. Looked a little too good plus she had big old pocket book which I usually take to mean she is not working so I passed her by and checked out the park. Nothing happening there so I headed back to lower main and there she was still doing the slow stroll so I turned onto a side street and pretended to make a call on my cell phone just in case I was wrong. It took a little while for her to walk to my car but she came over and got right in. A little older then I thought but still good looking, nice rack, about a 7..she was worth $25 for a room but when I offered she told me she didn't have enough time ( took me an hour to drive in from RI ) so we headed to the sand pits up on Rte 6..I never went there during the day time but it turned out ok...she took her top off and performed a nice slow Mic check as I played with her big soft tits.. over all not bad but I was a little nervous, not the best spot for a day light encounter. she said she only goes out once in a while, has a full time job but has some bills she needs to pay so she will be out for the next few weeks..said her name was Denise but she also goes by Linda, go figure..no phone number, said she lives in Mass but drives down to Willie to work.

Dropped her off back by the 7-11 and headed back out on RTe 6.
a long drive in from RI but I knew I could score in Willie during the day. Really need to find some good day time action in RI.

Hot Rodd
05-21-03, 16:34
Hooked up with Felina again.. This time I took her to some .3 an hour flee bag motel about 8 miles east of Willimantic on rt. 6. I don't think She does the motel thing very often.. she was nervous at first, but loosened up after things got rolling. She started me with some great head, then we went to FS in all positions for quiet some time.. then she had the feeling she needed to pee...she said I got her wetter than she's been in a long time.. When she returned I had her finish me with BBBJ, then after listening to her life's woes for a bit, I had her give me another BBBJ That was awesome.. This girl has talent.. we spent two hours together without ever talking turkey, as we were getting dressed, I handed her 1. She was happy with that.. She is cute, and clean but has had children and it shows.. you know.. the stretch marks and the droopy ta ta's.. Still worth the time..

05-21-03, 20:20

Which motel are you talking? the one is in Columbia (Hip River) or is in the other side. I'd love to get this chick (Felina), maybe you can hook me up with her this Sunday, after you're all done. Please let me know if we can do it. My
e-mail: ronca01@hotmail.com; thanks and happy hunting.

05-23-03, 17:09
hook me up with Felina.

Please send contact info to: thaddeus029@yahoo.com

I'd like to meet-up this week-end.


Hot Rodd
05-24-03, 08:56
I'll have to ask her first.. and get back to you later today..

05-24-03, 16:19
Please hook me up with Felina as well.

Please send contact info to: ason19@yahoo.com

EDITOR's NOTE: I took a few minutes to revise the capitalization and punctuation mistakes in this report. However, with everything else I have to do to maintain the forum, I don't really want to spend my time doing this every day, so I would very much appreciate it if everyone could refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. I don't expect everyone to be a great writer, but it's not difficult to use the CAPS key for names or to put a period at the end of sentences. Thanks!

Hot Rodd
05-25-03, 07:32
The Motel is called The Pleasant View. It's 8 or 9 miles east of Willie on rt. 6. heading from Willie, it would be on the Right, up on a hill. It's Towel head owned, .3 gets you a room for an hour. As for the girl.. She declined me from giving out her contact info.. Sorry on this one guys..

Hot Rodd
05-28-03, 16:33
Had to go to Willimantic to pick up parts. On the way, I cruised the main drag and the park bench area for about an hour around 11 am. The benches were empty and the only SW I saw was a heavy set blonde that looked too rough for me.. I was going to call it quits, but at the last minute, I decided to take one more ride through.. that's when I ran into Felina.. She told me yesterday the LE busted all the bench girls, and things were very hot on the street with LE. Apparently she goes to the streets more than she admits.. Anyway, I got another great BBBJ for.3 in the woods just outside of town.. Be carefull guys...

05-29-03, 21:17
Ct Post article Thursday - Ginko Spa in Milford - "owner" arrested for offering a massage without a license. It reports that VIP, Happiness and Royal are also still closed following recent similar charges for not having a licensed masseuse on premise.

06-01-03, 07:45
(New Haven Register, Sunday, June 1)


Parlors lack permits, mar town images

Shrouded behind curtains and tinted
windows, secretive and often illegal
"spas" are creeping from the backstreets
to Main Street.

They're on Route 1 in Milford or in a
storefront just a stone's throw from a
town hall.

It's all part of what a growing number
of law enforcement officials and local
officials say is a disturbing trend --
the mainstreaming of the illegal sex

In weekly newspapers, there's a sea of
peculiar advertisements that promise
late-night massages, table showers and
the state's best "Asian models."
Prostitution is a problem on some
suburban streets, not just in the city.

Illegal massage parlors in Milford and
neighboring towns have long been the
subjects of murmuring by city residents
who believe they are actually a front
for a sex business or other illegal

"It dulls the morals of society," said
Jack Fowler, a former Milford alderman
who is still active in town politics.
"When someone asks how to get to your
house, you don't want to say, `Well,
make a right at the porn shop.' It
destroys home values, property values --
it's a whole host of things."

In March 2002, the Yo Yo Salon massage
parlor on Linden Avenue in Stratford was
shut down after police said a masseuse
offered sex to an undercover officer. A
woman from Flushing, N.Y., was charged
with prostitution.

In August 2002, the Royal One spa on
Route 1 in Milford was closed after
police said a masseuse offered an
undercover cop sex for money.

Police have raided several Milford spas
in recent weeks, one as recently as

Those businesses were charged with
operating without a license; no
prostitution charges have been filed.
Authorities have declined to comment on
residents' suspicions that at least some
of the businesses are guilty of worse.

Milford officials and residents say the
spas and other businesses suggestive of
sex are marring the city's image and
they are in a perpetual fight to close
the establishments.

Curious readers who scan the eyebrow-
raising sexually suggestive ads wonder,
how are they still operating when they
advertise in the face of law
enforcement? City and police officials
say it's a lost battle when you're
fighting the world's longest-running

The spas are not legitimate therapeutic
massage businesses that feature the
sound of ocean waves and dolphins over a
stereo, Zen gardens or scented oils.

"They are a little dark," said Linda
Stock, Milford zoning-enforcement
officer, who has toured a fair share of
the illegal businesses.

Stock and police have declined to
comment on suggestions that the
establishments are actually a front for
illegal sex businesses.


The massage parlors are only one segment
of an unrelenting sex industry that
Milford officials have a history of
fending off. Residents have
unsuccessfully tried to fight several
adult stores that call Milford home,
including Erotic Empire. In Orange,
officials unsuccessfully tried to keep
sex- themed shops off Route 1, but were
unable to tailor zoning laws.

Milford has closed several illegal spas
in recent weeks, including the Happiness
Spa, VIP Spa and Ginko Spa on May 2, for
operating without proper permits.

Despite the crackdown, police said they
had to close Happiness Spa twice more
since May 2, and Ginko Spa at least once
after they reopened.

City planning officials are
brainstorming ways to close loopholes in
zoning laws and ordinances that allow
sex-related businesses to open there.

Some say it's an uphill battle. Police
and zoning officials can't invest all
their resources in the effort, and
entrepreneurs in the sex-driven business
world are determined.

Milford and other municipalities with
easy on and off access to Interstate 95
are ripe targets for undesirable


The battle begs the question of whether
these establishments truly have a
negative effect on the community.

Some say they've seen the dark side of
how these businesses weigh on the area.

"I've seen the effect on the
community," said the Rev. L. Kenneth
Fellenbaum, vice chairman of the Milford
Police Commission and former minister of
Grace Baptist Church. He is now CEO of
Boys & Girls Village in Milford.

As a clergyman, he counseled couples in
"distorted relationships," in which a
spouse might have had a strong appetite
for pornography, lap dances or spa

"Imagine the effect on a spouse to find
out the other person has some kind of
gratification with this," he said.

Tom Huebner of Milford is one of dozens
of city residents who have fought local
businesses, including adult bookstores
and sex shops.

"It's a battle that should be fought,"
he said. "Sexually related crimes in the
area could go up, whether it's child
porn, rape."

Huebner and Fellenbaum said potential
sex criminals often nurture their
unsavory desires first by turning to
sex-related businesses, including the
book and video stores, massage parlors
and escort services. After dabbling
there, the next step could be rape or
child abuse, they said.


At the Connecticut Center for Massage
Therapy in Westport, which trains
legitimate massage therapists from the
New Haven area, school officials said
illegal massage parlors also put a black
mark on an otherwise respectable

"One of the first classes we offer is
ethics," said Tony Reed, admissions
director at the school, which trains
students for 16 to 24 months. He said
legitimate massage therapists are forced
to take extra marketing measures to be
sure they're not confused with the flip
side of the business.

"We talk about how important it is to
differentiate themselves," Reed said.
"But once in a while it happens."

"It" could be a potential student who
asks a veiled sexually suggestive
question, or a potential patron at a
legitimate massage-therapy business who
seems to have other ideas.

"We need to teach (massage therapy
students) how to screen properly on the
phone that a customer is there for the
right reasons," Reed said. "There may be
a miscommunication."

Reed cautioned people looking for
legitimate massage therapists to ask for
proof of a license. And in the Yellow
Pages, be hesitant of businesses listed
under "massage" rather than "massage

A Bridgeport resident, Reed said he
knows of about three seemingly illegal
establishments on his strip that operate
despite state and local regulations. "I
shake my head," he said. "It's odd where
they pop up, and I wonder how that is."


Police, prosecutors and zoning enforcers
say it's a difficult battle fighting the
sex industry.

Each time the Milford spas are closed
for operating without permits, city
officials smack them with a $77 fine.

"They pay it, and then they reopen,"
said Stock, who believes a heftier fine
won't solve the problem. "If they're
open illegally, we'll just keep going
after them until they get the hint."

Milford Police Officer Vaughn Dumas
declined to suggest the spas have deeper
troubles than operating without a

Even if they do, he said, the goal is
simply to shut them down. Citing them
for operating without a license is the
simplest tactic.

Investigating more serious reports that
escort services and spas actually sell
sex requires a plethora of resources.

"Right now, we're focusing on
narcotics," said Bonnie Winchester, New
Haven police spokeswoman. "There's other
violence associated with narcotics, and
right now we've had an increase in
gunshots and people getting hit." She
said police resources are exhausted
cracking down on drug activity, leaving
little room for extensive investigations
into spas or escort services that
advertise locally.

Area prosecutors, however, said the
illegal sex industry is notoriously
connected with greater illicit
operations, including organized crime
and illegal immigration.

East Haven Sgt. Robert Flodquist said
that without complaints from the public,
officers' hands are usually tied.

And even when police investigate, it's a
daunting task to find probable cause, as
officers can't actually accept sexual

Sometimes the offers for sexual favors
at these businesses are so veiled that
police can't find enough probable cause
and risk entrapment. Women who provide
the services don't necessarily verbalize
what they offer; participants just

"You need first-hand evidence as to
what's going on," said New Haven State's
Attorney Michael Dearington, who
prosecuted Deb's Escort Service. The
escort service involved alleged
prostitution in area towns, but was
jarred by a multi-department
investigation in 1994. "You can't send a
police officer in to get the benefits."

The case against Deb's Escort Service
relied on an informant, particularly a

"We ultimately arrested one of the
participants who gave the whole thing up
and he testified in trial," Dearington
said. "There really were no business
records maintained to look at the
financial system."

"The laws are there," he said. "It's
difficult to get someone to fess up."

Kevin Lawlor, assistant state's attorney
in Milford, said there has been an
active crackdown in recent years,
especially in West Haven, on street-
walking prostitution. "It would take a
lot more investigative resources for
things that have a legitimate front."

"It's like the difference between
busting a drug dealer on the street
versus someone selling them inside their
house," Lawlor said. "And in a lot of
smaller departments you have 30 cops and
everyone knows all their faces," he

With massage parlors and escort
services, Dearington said, "You're not
talking about street prostitution."

Mighty Spearsman
06-01-03, 15:20
Originally posted by VilunyaChert
(New Haven Register, Sunday, June 1)...massage parlors "in a storefront just a stone's throw from town hall."(sarcasm) Just a stone's throw away? Horrors, what is this world coming to!

"potential sex criminals often nurture their unsavory desires first by turning to sex-related businesses, including the book and video stores, massage parlors and escort services. After dabbling there, the next step could be rape or child abuse, they said.Recently a conservative writer for the Washington Times wrote an editorial assuring the reader that reading Maxim magazine (which has photos of scantily-clad women but no nudity) leads to rape and child abuse. Heck, next we'll be reading that just having women and men in the same school, shop, etc. together leads to rape and child abuse.

When are the police and conservatives going to stop harassing AMPs and start worrying about more important things, like education, health care, polluted beaches in Milford, the potholes and traffic congestion on Route 1, etc.?

06-01-03, 17:14
Anyone else here old enough to remember
Tropical Retreat Spa, in a little mall
on the south side of Post Road just past
the Plains Ave. exit? I guess it closed
about 21 years ago. Time flies when you're
having fun.

There were lots of spas on Post Road in
Milford, Orange, you name it, back then.
Most of them had lousy facilities and
fairly skanky talent, but Tropical had a
decent sauna and a huge whirlpool down
in the basement, and a Puerto Rican named Nancy who said she taught aerobics classes
too. Married, with kids, but hot hot hot.
She said she made motel dates on the side.
That didn't fit my schedule on the road, too
bad, I always regretted that.

She moved on to a scuzzier spa down the road
by Black Rock Turnpike; saw her there one time
but didn't connect. I dropped in another time
and they told me she was working at a "dating
agency" called Hearts, somewhere downtown.
It got forced out of business by the
respectable neighbors before I had a chance
to see her or anyone else there.

I moved away for four or five years. By the
time I got back to New England all the Post
Road spas between New Haven and Bridgeport
were out of business. East of New Haven,
Zodiac, Marlowe's, Deirdre's were still
there, and with the same old staff too!
Not very thrilling. (I've had good times
at Marlowe's though.) I ran into one
of the Milford girls at the Rising Sun in Willimantic sometime in the 90's, now it's
gone too. The Asian MPs began to move in,
it was a whole different scene. Man I miss
the old days.

Any other old farts want to remenisce?

06-02-03, 01:13
Keep in mind, folks...Its election year. Do not be surprised...

Member #4477
06-02-03, 22:15
Keep in mind that all activities in Milford rise and fall with the local politicos.... Nothing goes or ever has gone un noticed..... It is "allowed" or not "allowed" by the powers that be. Other areas in the state flourish by being "allowed" to. To think that the very enforcers of the system are not the same who will grant permission is simply naive..........

06-03-03, 08:40
Hit Willimantic last night around 6:30 PM. The Park was deserted, lower Main around the 7-11 was dead, No LE in sight so I drove around a while. was about to head out thinking I was too early when I spotted a decent looking Blonde standng in front of the Hotel Hooker. passed by her a few times but she didn't move from the front door so I was about to call it a night and head out when she crossed the street and headed up Main toward the Dunkin Donuts. I hate stopping on that part of Main Street because its so obvious so I pulled way up in front of her and pretented to be on cell phone. She was cool, walked up real casual and just go tin the car. She was a little older then First look, late 30's to early 40's. nice long blonde hair, decent face, real clean looking..said her name was Kat ( katrina ) had some time and money to spare so I offered to take her to the Motel for an hour. She told me she recently lost her job at a Supermarket and has only been hitting the streets for a few weeks.

In the room she was a little shy and made me prove I was not a Cop again. She relaxed after that and provided a nice slow BJ and then we Danced in several positions. Eveything covered. Not a GFE but a nice slow session. She was happy for $50.00 ( $30.00 for the room ) I dropped her back at a local Bar afterward. She said she is out from around 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM in front of the Hooker. She will not get in a car in front of the Hotel but will make eye contact then cross the street and head up Main. Sorry guys, no phone number. I think she is staying at the Hotel Hooker.

Be Safe All


Hot Rodd
06-11-03, 20:26
Went to Willimantic on businesses Today. Just couldn't go without cruising the main drag for SW's. I spotted a decent looking lady wearing a sexy outfit, walking up and down the road one block back from main St. When I pulled up to her, I asked her if she needed a ride. She said no, so I drove away. I'm willing to bet she was a SW, But am not willing to get stung by LE. I cruised back to the main drag, when I ran into Felina. I got another excellent BBJTC for .2 Theirs a story on Willimantic tonight at 9PM on 60mins 2.. hope you can all see it.

06-12-03, 00:49
I saw the story. I also saw some familiar faces. Quite funny, actually. Makes me proud to carry condoms in the "secret spot" of my car.

You did good about the "sexy" lady in Willimantic. IMO, if you see anyone who looks too damn good in Willie, then she may not be worth your coin. I'd circuit the area for LE though. I'd prowl and keep an eye though...even shadow. if she won't jump in the car like 99% of the ladies...then you know just what you must do...

Drive on by...

Conn Guy
06-12-03, 09:15

I've been reading the board for some time but never posted. I used to frequent Le Club (usually Taylor, has anybody seen her lately?) in Groton and the Alpha (I liked Crystal) in Hartford. I haven't been able to spend the time to get to Hartford in awhile. I wish there was more in the NL area and may have to drive to Willie. I was there about 3 wks ago and meet a SW leaving the park. She wanted to go to her room. I went there and it was a small room in a house not far from the park. She started to give me a BJ in a hurry and wanted me to finish in a tissue. I got really turned off and left. Bad experience!!

It would seem like there would be more activity with the casinos nearby (Norwich). There doesn't seem to be.

Norwich is dead and so is NL (that's were I meet Taylor first). Anybody have any suggestions? I wish I had more information to give.

Hot Rodd
06-12-03, 13:11
Yea Stoner, I too have a special condom locker in my ride.. Took you advice weeks ago.. Now I know why Michelle is no longer on the street. Did you see her boyfriend on TV? She told me weeks ago he was a looser and she needed to dump him..
I'll miss her ... she was talented..

I think it would be safe to say things are going to heat up and dry up on the streets of Willimantic after that report. Not to mention the Feds are now involved.. I'm going to quit while ahead and find a new stroll somewhere far from all that crap..

06-13-03, 11:21
Willimantic Report:

I was innocently doing some shopping for groceries in the area, when I passed a woman in a blue skirt dancing about the side walk. I got the look and just to be sure i circled the block but alas she was gone. I finished shopping and took another lap around the block and it started to rain, so I gave up and went home.

Looked to be 27-35 dark hair with blonde streaks or blonde hair with dark streaks. Blue skirt. Anyone have any idea or experiences?