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04-10-02, 06:07
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04-13-02, 00:06
Just a bit sad after reading all the posts over the closure of several massage parlors in Providence. So upon visiting Providence, I struck out to see what remains of some of the old haunts. I was pleased to find one in particular, on North Main (it is on the East side of the street), which still flourishes. Clean, with great service. For $60 you get a delightful table shower with every part of your body soaped and rubbed... and I mean every part. The massage is excellent. Of course this establishment does not solicit tips. But I do recommend giving a good tip, which will be remembered in future sessions.

Have good time,

04-15-02, 10:50
Where is the action? What's the dilly with Sportsman Lounge. is that still happening?

What about Mickey's on Cumberland/Pawtucket line? Is there any extra-curricular activities there? I've been there before and can't really tell...

what about the SW...

04-19-02, 18:06
Definately nothing going on at Mickey's, I'm not sure about the Sportsmans. Most of the activity is at the AMP's

04-20-02, 18:22
hey there;
anyone got any new info on the amp's or the sw scene?

04-21-02, 11:00
Interesting article on the "explosion" of the sex industry in Providence.


"Lt. Steve Casbarro, who leads the Providence police vice unit, said that the department has focused more on street prostitution and massage parlors. In the past two years, the police have raided about two dozen massage parlors and arrested Asian women on prostitution charges.

The authorities have shut down many of the parlors, saying that they are a public nuisance. "

04-23-02, 12:00
Went cruising through South Providence last night and there was nothing (ok... a pair of dueces on Bucklin) to be seen.

Cold rain seems to have the same effect as a cold shower.

04-28-02, 20:46
I have been around the Providence area for a while. Not much luck in the SW department or escort business. It seems that the only areas that have a little SW activity are the Elmwood, Broad, Potter, Cranston, streets areas. Is there some place I am missing? Allens ave has been dead lately. Anyone have any local escorts that are fun to be around? Any other areas i should check out? I will pass along any info i can to help the group in return. Good luck hunting...

04-29-02, 06:21
PGAPRO: No interest in the AMP's?

04-29-02, 19:14
No, absolutely no interest in the AMP's. All the good ones have been closed anyway. Any help on suggestions?

04-30-02, 14:33
Has anyone gone to Studio 253 on Allen's Ave and tried to get anything extra, and if so any luck?? Getting sick of the street scene in Providence, and the ads in the Phoenix hardly ever call you back. The AMPs are ok but I hate hearing the same exact lines from the Oriental massage people.

04-30-02, 21:01
Studio 253 is a no contact see but do not touch facility. I understand there are some pretty girls about 4 to be exact. But hands off. Not for me..

05-01-02, 08:58
Good Morning

Went driving last night around 1:30 AM. Drove down Elmwood, Broad, Bucklin, Douglas, Admiral, and down around Chad Brown.

Had absolutely no luck, saw one SW, but she was way off the scale -4.

Either I was out late or the Police are scaring them off the street.

05-01-02, 09:49

At my advanced age I am not a late nite cruiser, but one of the Elmwood regulars whom I've seen a few times told me that at night the girls have been getting ripped off by teen gangs looking to score crack, and that a couple have gotten hurt as well as robbed, so more are working afternoons. Try 4 in the afternoon and see if you have better luck. My experience in the area is that if the girls are walking along and not approaching cars or waving, that they seem to have better luck with LE. There are a lot of side streets off Elmwood, so it's pretty easy to make eye contact and then pull onto the side street for a discrete conversation.

05-01-02, 15:31
Originally posted by fsm881
Good Morning

Went driving last night around 1:30 AM. Drove down Elmwood, Broad, Bucklin, Douglas, Admiral, and down around Chad Brown.

Had absolutely no luck, saw one SW, but she was way off the scale -4.

Either I was out late or the Police are scaring them off the street.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that a SW was murdered on CHad Brown this week.

05-04-02, 06:48
I echo the latest posts. Spent an hour cruising the usual Elmwood area yesterday. No LE but no action. Saw a couple of possibles, but noting worth trying.

05-04-02, 18:28
OK, I asked a while ago about the AMP's and did'nt really get a reply. Deos anybody know if Midori or the Minral Springs ave places are any good. I've been to Oreantle and North Main and nothing but hj. Let me know before I waiste more $$. Thanks.

05-05-02, 04:39
Originally posted by dfire
Does anybody know if Midori or the Minral Springs ave places are any good.

Midori is strictly hit or miss. I have had an almost GFE there, and also had nothing more than a handshake. Pricing ranges from std, to double.

05-05-02, 18:37
Went to Midori today. Asked for Angie (who is pretty much a GFE when I've seen her in the past) , but was told she wasn't there. Ended up with Lisa.
Nice looking but the lamest massage ever. Total disinterest from her during the massage. For some reason I went ahead with the full service when offered. She asked 160, I offered 100....settled
at 120. Started off promising but ended up being the worst FS experience ever for me. Avoid this girl. If Angie is around that's the one you want.

05-07-02, 21:30
OK well I will be checking it out on Thursday or friday. I will let you know how it went, and if Angie is there.

05-08-02, 11:25
I am planning on going to try Midori soon, when if any is the best time to get the better girls. I will probably go early afternoon, Does anyone know if Angie works days or can anyone offer others who might be fun. I'm tired of the Tokeo, I always feel like part of the assembly line.


05-11-02, 22:11
Here is what info i have on the Providence area. Would love to hear anything you all have on this area, Fall River, New Bedford, Brockton,etc...

These are areas i have seen some SW action lately, last 2 weeks.

Prarie Ave- in the liquor store, diner, lights area there is some action, but it looks like some really nasty stuff, with pimps, drug dealers, polluting the area. A few decent pick ups, one about a 7, after the stop sign following this light, before you hit the small housing area. Not great, but if desperate, you can find something with a heartbeat.

Bucklin ave- All the way from Potters to Dexter St you can find some action, heaviest near Potters, Bucklin, intersection,light. No real good lookers though.

Potters Ave,Cranston St.- here is where i have found a 8 in the past. Blond girl about 19, great rack, and one of the few that seems to have some wits left. It seems like alot of SW come out of the high rise tower, Kilmarten Towers. Mostly overweight, black, looking for quick hits. Mostly in the 4 to 5 range.

Cranston st- Light action near the church after taking right off Potters. Hit or miss, but nothing much. A little more action at end of Cranston, before Dexter st. light.

more later.............any info you got, please add..

05-14-02, 00:32
Hi all--

Been away for a bit, but I'm back.

pgapro: What I know about Brockton is a bit dated--I've been through there and not seen much lately, though I don't get there as often as I used to. Basically, Rt 123 and streets off there are the best bet. Closer you get to downtown, the better. There used to ba a lot more action there a couple years back, not so much recently. Spotty.

In Fall River, it's still on or around North Main St. I have picked up the SW vibe many times here--usually when I can't do anything about it. Also, there's a halfway house nearby, according to a NB girl I see from time to time, and some of the girls there do biz before curfew. She wasn't much more specific than that. Usually weeknights are better than weekends--LE everywhere on weekends.

In NB, get off around Purchase St, closer to 195 the better. Nasty neighborhoods, but they're there. Watch your wallet, though. They like to pickpocket here.

Providence: I concur with your findings. I add Elmwood to that list. Where Elmwood meets Broad, it's like Hookers at the Point, RI style. Only there were too many switch hitters there. Public St also has the occasional girl out there. Only be careful: They don't like white guys rolling through there too much.

Stay safe.

05-14-02, 21:33
I know this is the Providence board, but someone asked, so here's my observations on Brockton. I was there about 3 weeks ago during the daytime and the action was really heavy on Main St. (North Main?) almost all the way up to the Avon line. Check the side streets too. The selection was pretty blah, though. Lots of older girls and a ton of fatties, pun intended. Very little LE during the day. I scored a high schooler on Main last fall so I had my hopes up.

05-15-02, 00:44
Hey guys,

First, thanks for the info.. At least a little bit to go on.

I did catch a nice one last night in good ole Pawtucket,RI. Name she goes by is Gina, about 35, 34c, 125lbs, brown hair, dark eyes, earing thru the eyebrow. Picked her up right at the beginning of Broadway, near the large church on the right, if you are coming from downtown. She has a very small apartment on the right, after the large church. A bit on the not so clean side, the apartment that is, but not bad. Damn cat was a pain in the arse though. I think she is kind of hitting hard times these days, probably why she is out on the prowl. I paid 50 for about an hour of just about anything i wanted. She didnt say much, not much eye contact, but did the trick for me. Great rack shes got, thought at first they might be fake, hands said differently. Probably about a 7 on a 1-10 scale. A little mechanic, but not at all a *****, nor so drugged out similar to a zombie.

Where have all the girls in Providence gone. Before my score, i checked bottom of Chad Brown projects and Branch Ave. These use to be great areas to pick up a looker from time to time. Both have been absolutely desolute that last few times thrue... LE has been hot in the Elmwood, Broad st. areas so i am trying to stay away from there.

Any help on finding a decent Dominican girl out there?? Info would be much appreciated and of course, i would do my best to help out in return... Peace..

05-22-02, 22:28
Where is everyone?? Took a quick spin around Providence last night. Nothing decent out there. Any suggestions on streets that might be off the most traveled ones?

05-23-02, 02:41
Originally posted by pgapro
Where is everyone?? Took a quick spin around Providence last night. Nothing decent out there. Any suggestions on streets that might be off the most traveled ones?

Nothing worth picking up.

A couple of more days, the end of the month is nigh, and its getting warmer. Have hope.

05-24-02, 08:32
Went to an Midori for a long awaited massage. My first time at an AMP. I got a sweet korean girl named Julie. The massage costs $60 an hour and she was very sweet and kissed me on the lips sincerely at the end after I made her work. She was so nice she even told me where to safely park my car for only a buck fifty (the neighborhood around there is pretty rough). I will definately be back.

God may be subtle, but he isn't plain mean.
Albert Einstein

05-27-02, 12:21
Not much action yesterday but Patty was working and said several of her friends were around. there were apparently 2 stings Sat, one in Olneyville and one on Sprague. LE was out yesterday but not in force.

05-27-02, 19:24
Originally posted by across69
she even told me where to safely park my car for only a buck fifty (the neighborhood around there is pretty rough). I will definately be back.

Well Midori is a block from City Hall so there is a definate criminal element about.......

05-28-02, 15:23
To Fsm,30plus,and Krul.

what happend was that i picked her up from the sub shop on Weybosset St. and went to the mall as to how many floors it had i didn't know at all but,when i got on the elevator it said #5 so i assumed it had 5 floors. this place is near the Big Boy Toy shop on the top floor(not sure) you get off on this floor and its right before you head towards the garage on your left.Ive been there only one time so i may get it wrong fellas sorry

30Plus and Krul- the time i was there was around 9:00pm.That's the time i met her.As for the Video Expo i-wouldn't-chance-it-Pretty professional there about bringing girls there especially with the cameras and all. I personally don't lke the place.too many gay guys there(I've got nothing against them)oh, ts not the subshop across from the art center it's the second one down the st. heading towards Dunkin Donuts. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!

Where is all the SW action at in Prov? i'm hearing it's in Onleyville? and antoher place in Prov thanx for the info!

Fall Reever-Im always in FR!(my wife and kids live there) do you go to the Bar from time to time by the Terminal? most times I'm in there,there as ugly as sin man!.Some i know from Pleasant View Housing and Wattupa Heights where else do they hang in FR? thanx!

05-28-02, 17:23
Meatman - thanks for the heads up...is it Sakis Pizza?

05-28-02, 18:52
YES!!! that's the one. If you happen to go there tonight tell me what's the scene is like. like i'd GLADLY appreciate it! and are there other area for SW action in prov? thanx!

05-29-02, 14:23
Hey Dudes, Just a quick note to let you know the YOKO SPA is back open again and doing business as usual. Absolutely incredible girl called Koko there is a must see...
Later and be safe

05-29-02, 22:32
To Meatman--

I've been by that bar, but have never been in. I have seen some of the people who've been in there. Dire... It would make sense that that might be a place to go, since most SW activity is on that street, by the terminal.

I did happen to notice the other night that there were a couple girls on North Main real close to President Ave--where the road forks. This was around 11:00. I saw two, one a real woofer, and one slightly better. If I had $$, I would have dove down for a closer look. When I do, I'll let you all know.

Just goes to show: Keep a little aside for a rainy day--or a horny night! ;-)

And Meatman, I might just stop in that bar soon. Maybe I'll see ya...

Stay safe, all...

05-30-02, 08:27
Good Morning

Went out around the Johnson & Wales area(Weybossett, Pine, and a few other streets). As reported by Meatman, I hung around Saki's pizza and the Pizza Queen, saw a women maybe a 6 sitting on a stonewall outside Pizza Queen. Drove by looked at her in an attempt to get "the look" but did not get it. She sat there for about 1.5 hours got up to talk to a few different cars. Drove by again, got "the look" stopped, she got up and walked the other way. Oh well.

Basically that was it, all that I could find there.

Took a spin up Bucklin, Elmwood, and Broad saw nothing except for a rather overweight women, which reminds me of a story.

Way back when, when the Combat Zone was the Combat Zone I used to go cruising in the Zone. I used to start at Harrys Bar(I think). Well one night I saw a black women standing on a street corner flashing cars!! Her breasts bust have sagged down to her waist!! Then attempted to pick up a women who came to my drivers side grabbed my privates and robbed me! When I went to go after her, male friend appeared and harassed me! I actually had the nerve to file a police report!

I know I have asked this before, but has anyone gone to Studio 253?? I realize that it is hands off, by policy(most AMP's are massage only by policy)but has anyone tried to get a little extra?? Maybe even hooked up with one of the women later on in the evening? Some of the women they have in there are drop dead gorgeous. Just wondering

Lastly, Is anyone as sick of the Phoenix escort ads as I am. Do you notice that when you call they hardly ever call back, or when they do it is 3 days later?? When they do call 3 days later they actually get pissed that you have changed your mind. Lets see here I called her at 10 PM on a Friday and she calls back on Tuesday at Noon, by then I have taken care of my urges!

Have a nice day and good luck

05-30-02, 16:58
Hey FallReever,
I havent been to that bar yet.....however i have cruised around there a bit and found a few diamonds....but you have to look really hard and be quick or your going to lose them to somebody else.....I think i will check out that bar soon .......Ill Keep ya posted.


Fun One
05-30-02, 19:59
This morning I told the wife I was going to run some errands then get a massage. Well after I did my errands, I spent the next two and one half hours trying to find the Yoko and Tokyo. I am going to follow this up if it post OK

Fun One
05-30-02, 20:14
Alright, I went up Thurbers to Broad St, there was Ciceros Dance Club or something in front of me, I took a left and then went up and down, onto side streets, into back parking lots(I thought I would recognize the stairway from the news on the last bust(( and whats up with them being busted because of complaints from the neighbors, this ain't exactly Bellevue Ave in Newport))
So I even looked for the Western Union sign discussed in a prevoius board and the only one I saw was at a rundown packy on the left. Can somebody be real specific, like what type of building, what storefront,etc.....I am such a moron I can't find the effing place in daylight.
So pissed off I headed to Tokyo since I had been to North Main before and wanted something different. So I find East Ave, can't find Tokyo, went as far south as CVS and then headed North, East seemed to end I went by the Registry and then all around a few times. Once I was outside a pawn shop and this chick with a most gorgeous rack walked out, then got to corner and East Ave was heading one way to the left so I tried that then up Broad, then down and everywhere else. WHERE ARE THESE PLACES???
I had to head home at two to let the wife get to work, with some help will try next week. Thanks guys

05-30-02, 23:30
Tokyo Spa, East Ave Pawtucket, 95 northbound take East Ave/Central Falls exit follow ramp/street to Dunkin Donuts take a left, go under 95 through intersection first building on Right. There is an office equipment repair shop in the same building parking lot is first right after intersection.

Pawtucket has two East Avenues go figure

Yoko Spa

Broad St. down almost to Roger Williams Park(back entrance) building is on left it has a travel agency in it. It is right on Broad and not a side street. It took me a while to find it the first time. I would be careful though because it seems odd that the Police closed it and it opened so soon under the same name. I have seen that most times these places get raided they open up a few months later under a different name IE Sports therapy is now the Tokyo Spa. Also this is a really rough neighborhood

Good Luck

06-05-02, 05:16
Hey how much is fs going for at yoko now a days?

06-07-02, 22:32
Yoko spa should run you 60 door fee and 100 fs. Tried Koko last night, she ok, but nothing to get all crazy about. Nice chest though. Same as it was before they got shut down. But for how long??

06-10-02, 19:11
went to midori spa(union street) today, overpaid for hurried FS at 160 plus the door fee of 60. I guess my southern head was thinking for the northern one. Any way I tried Michelle, who was very enthusiastic, until the point that I hadn't finishedafter a few minutes into the main event.I guess she was used to middle-aged men who finish 30 seconds into the act. I eventually had to bring myself off while she helped with other aspects of the experience. It also seems that she hit rock bottum when she slammed down on my mule to hard. I would probaly go back although I would just get an oral happy ending instead.

06-10-02, 19:29
Could anyone give me the location of some cheap parking near the Midori Spa?

06-11-02, 14:46

The best place to park for Midori is around the corner from the shop (left at the intersection where they are located) and there is some parking off street for around $6.00 on the left and lots of street parking down towards the police station. I generally went in the evening when I was going since I really hate the crowds. I have not been for a while since the lady I have been dating (she was my regular at Midori and became my sweetheart) is no longer there and won't allow me to hook-up with any of her friends from the spa. I will add that what happened to me is an unusual situation. These girls are not interested in a boyfriend and are not allowed to socialize with clients.

06-12-02, 12:36
Some one mind mailing me the street #?

06-24-02, 20:23
I saw an ad in the paper for "Sun Palace". I called and an American guy answered - said you need to make an appointment. anyone have any info on this place? Does it operate like a Asian place? The entry price was good ($45 - $60) but curious about the cost of extras (if there are any!). any info will be helpful.

06-24-02, 21:07
Last night was out and about doing the cruise. Found nothing in the Smith st areas?? Am i mistaken that this area use to be a possibility?? I thought I remember a couple of hits in that hood in the past, but i could be confused also. Not much in the Olneyville area, and LE is everywhere and underthe covers to boot.....

Did find a 5 in the Cranston, Potters ave area. Came out of the Kilmartin Towers and helped me cum in the towers a little bit later. Half Dominican girl named Cathy, decent size tits, huge nips.... I think she had been a bit down on the bottle not to much before i met up with her. These days an ok experience, boy have times gone down hill.......

Anyone have anything to add?? Seems like I am always talking to myself in here. Guess its good for the psyche anyway......peace....

06-28-02, 20:30

The little luck I have had would be in the Cranston and Potters Intersection. Take a right, immediately on your left is a road where they tend to walk out from, Kilmartin Towers. Very rarely any better than a 7, mostly 4 and 5's. The beginning of Elmwood has been heating up a bit also, when I say beginning I mean the part nearest Roger Williams park. Usually can find a few white girls on the right side of the road as you are heading towards the "zone". Other than that, not much I know of.. Anything you can add?? Good luck, and be smart....

06-29-02, 16:26
I was in that vicinity last Monday what weird about it is that it's a warm night,no LE and no SWS? what's up with that?..anyway ill be there again Monday night on the prowl i hung around Sakis Pizza that night didnt see anything(see my last post) but came across 2 girls one was VERY pretty, the other one not bad lookin* BUT the bad part of it is they were messed up on either heroin or methadone,so sad:( nothing much else kepp your eyes peeled and don't worry man Im a loooong time cruiser i know the game:) Peace!!

06-30-02, 18:39
I went to Midori today. $60 at the door. I had Toni. Nice 7-8. Petite, big juggs. She asked for 160, settled for 140 for FS. I would go back anytime.

07-01-02, 12:37
I'll be visiting your fair state next month. I won't be wandering around with out of state plates, being half lost, looking for SW or MP.
Would y'all care to recommend (or warn about ) a decent yellow pages outcall escort service? Thanks much!

While I'm at it, any good, clean, safe, reasonable Motels in Providence area?
I'm too cheap for hotels.

07-02-02, 11:59
boninboy, looking for info on midori, have heard alot about it, just have not been able to get there yet. I have been to toykeo spa in pawtucket but your rushed and only HJ. What the best time to go or do you know how early they open and the location. I think is on Union right? Any insite would be great, do you get to pick the girl?
email me at scott9966@hotmail.com

07-02-02, 15:26
Midori is on union street, look for the big sign for the Met Cafe. The only sign is a 8x10 piece of paper with instructions for using the door buzzer. When I went last I didn't get to choose the girl, but the girl that that they gave me(Michelle) was pretty good looking so I didn't argue. I paid 60 for the basic table shower, sauna and massage, and then 160 for FS. Make sure after you go post your experience because I'm probaly going back soon.
Good Luck

07-02-02, 16:00
Hey Guys,
Whats up!!! Really haven't been checking board out for awhile..Lifes busy. Stopped over at the YOKO Spa today and had a girl named Koko. B+ rating good looking, nice body, face and excellent tits. Service was A- highly recommend. Hey one of you guys mentioned dating a girl named Cathy around the Cranston St, and Potters Ave area. Watch this broad really close, she will rifle your wallet as quick as lightning and be gone with it before you know it. Always hide or lock your wallet in glove box. I picked this chick up once and as she is blowing me I can feel her hands digging around my back pockets. Caught her taking my wallet, so I grabbed my wallet back and told her to get the F... out. Luckily I had just blew my load, so I let her keep the $20.00. I see her all the time now and just drive by and tell her to f... off. Later... Dudes

07-03-02, 12:32
Good Afternoon

Just returned from an enjoyable experience at Spa Midori. Left 140.00 and got the works, no haggling.

Answer me this......

I have gone to AMP in Connecticut, Michigan, and Rhode Island. They all seem to have the same distinctive odor. Anyone know what it is??

07-03-02, 12:57
Hey Fellas,
Cruised around the Broad St. area last night around 2:00AM came across this chick by the name of Bonnie did F for $20.00 she's white around her early 30's 5-6 on looks had the cigarette smell though(UGH!) went to Roger Williams Park to do the duty...Man!!! Broad St. is the Blue Hill Ave. of Providence!..Later all be cool/safe!

07-04-02, 12:02
Just fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the local underground paper is the phoenix. They have adds for escorts/massage etc. ..I prefer incalls because the women don't want any trouble at their place so they usually are not running any of the typical cons that some women do. ..If you want outcalls make sure you remember the basics so you don't get scammed.
The phoenix is online so you can get an idea of who is available before you go. Guys in Boston complain that the girls don't always call right back and some of the big agencies play bait n switch, pretending to offer super hot women but of course she is not available when you call. (or the 100 pound 20 year old with D cups they send arrives looking more like a 150 pound 40 year old with b cups. Stick with the small independents.
To find the adds hit the link below, then hit /Providence/then hit adult/ then escorts. ......these girls are not saints so use common sense.


07-04-02, 20:00
Thanks Brett
I'll check that link out.

07-05-02, 16:13
All I have to say about the Phoenix AKA The Newpaper(for trivia buffs) is once you call respond to an ad don’t sit by the phone waiting for a response!! I called a few on Wednesday A.M.(pagers)and they did not respond until that evening when I was at work. 1 even responded the next day and swore at me when I told them that it was kind of late!!

Also very few of them actually have what they say they have. You might get lucky and she might actually be what the ad says but alot of times I have expected one thing and gotten another. In fact one of the service sent me to a women who did not say much, had no personality and barely looked up from her TV show as I was doing my thing!! I actually called the service, complained and got a refund!!!!!

Good Luck!

07-06-02, 17:55
Hi fsm881,
if you can remember the names of those BAD providers, I'll be certain NOT to call them.

07-09-02, 20:27
Basil, you are absolutely correct. No way anyone should be paying anymore than 160 total. If you are, shame on you.. LOL... Not really, but you are wasting your money, if thats your game, have fun. I just want to spread it around a bit. I have never paid more than this at any of the amps in Providence at anytime for FS. Going back to the first one in the plaza off N.Main St. Anyone have any luck around the SW land?? In Providence or even in Fall River/New Bedford areas?? I havent had much luck, a few times out, but the heat just seems to get the dogs running a bit more. Good luck....and be smart..

07-10-02, 13:19
Here is my first report, I am new to the hobby Went to N Main st spa last week nothing happening there. Went to Midori for lunch today Got a nice massage and cbj but I coundn't haggle her down ended up paying 170 total, she must have known I was new at the game. Iby was her name I would rate her a 7-8 Nice big Fara faucet nips !

07-15-02, 20:05
I am new to Providence. Any recommendations on good AMP's around here. Which joints have the best action and info on prices and location would be great too. Thanks

07-19-02, 07:49
Visited Providence last week and batted .500, thanks to the posts here. Went to Midori and had a good session with Ivy -- FS for 120 over the door fee. Very enjoyable and non-rushed. Tried pushing my luck the next night by calling one of the escort services in the yellow pages -- knew I was in trouble when she showed up wearing a latex glove on her hand. Fortunately I was able to get her to leave without turning over the $200 fee.

08-07-02, 05:07
I was wondering if anyone knew if any of the strippers working the clubs in Providence if they do any "extras" outside of the club or after their shifts? Heard some rumors a while back about the girls at the new original marios in johnston. i guess times are tought there and the club has lost business since they went under new management and are no longer a nude bar.
thanks for any info!

09-17-02, 21:54
I was there a couple times early this summer and there was no FS.

09-20-02, 14:39
Try the Yoko Spa or the Midori Spa...both FS.

09-27-02, 16:57
Can anyone let me know where there's other cruising spot's other than Broad St for SWS? . I was there a while back and it was dead. Thanx LOOOOONNG time cruiser here fellas!

Hornyman-WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN???? I've miss your posts:( what's up man!!

09-27-02, 23:45
try valley street or manton ave

09-30-02, 08:26
Went to Midori on Fri. Was greeted by a thin young girl named Sophie, She seemed very new to the game. Great massage and then the best full service I have ever had at one of these establishments. Tip was made after the session. She was so good I gave her 140.

09-30-02, 15:38
Anyone have any info about that police bust in Providence a couple of weeks back? I caught a bit of that on the news.

10-02-02, 07:28
Wow..two post in less than a week, thats a record for me..... I just had to post this after what I saw yesterday afternoon in Providence. I don't know if any of my fellow " Hobbiest were around the Providence area yesterday around 2-3pm but Im not sure what I saw. Let me explain. When in Providence I usually have a little route I drive to check out the SW scene. I drive up Elmwood up Sprague Street follow street that runs parralel to Elmwood (not sure of name) all the way to where it joins back into Elmwood up by the Walgreens then come back down Elmwood to Parkus Street across to Broad street then up Broad Street for about 2 miles then take a side street back to Elmwood. I usually repeat this a few times to check out the SW scene. Well on one of my passes down Elmwood I pass two girls??? walking towards Downtown. One of these girls?? has an absolutely incredible body (wearing a white short miniskirt and a tight black top and hooker boots). This is right near the Sprague Street area which is known for Crack head horrible looking girls. Anyways this girl looks absolutely incredible from the back. After passing buy her and her friend I quickly spin around to check out the front side. After passing her again from the front I first confirm she is definately working (eye contact, big smile). My first thoughts are this must be a sting, so I cruise by a second, then a third time. All this time these two girls continue walking towards downtown. By the way the other girl was a bit overweight and wearing an orange top with a longer blue jean skirt..(I think). Now here comes my issue with this girl. Something about her told me not to pick her up. Have you guys ever been cruising and see a girl who is almost perfect but there is that one thing about her that raises a red flag? Well I had that feeling about her. I guess it was her face or something, she had this look that she was a guy dressed up as a girl, not an ugly looking guy/girl, you know we have all seen the movies or shows where a transvestite looks absolutely stunning and beautiful "BUT she is a guy". Well this was the feeling I had with this girl/guy. It just gave me the willies, and I gotta tell ya she/he looked really good and I almost stopped to pick her up to confirm my feeling when some other guy in a red ford bronco picked both up. Hers the kicker to a pussyless day, just as this guy is picking up these girls just over the 95 overpass near the YMCA I see a girl walking across the 95 overpass that has the most incredible body I have seen in a long time. Mind you I am about a 1/4 mile away. So I hurry to turn around to get a closer look. This is a black girl with very long straight black hair, absolutely huge tits (DDD easy) very tight orange top, and the nicest skinny ass I have seen. As I pass her she gives me that look we all know so well, and as I am admiring her body and working my way to her face..Oh my god her face was even more man like than the last girl. What the F**k. Is it just me or did anyone else see these girls/ guys around yesterday? So I pass this girl/guy once and do a quick spin around, I figure what the F**K Im gonna pick this one up, worse case my fear is confirmed that she is a guy and I tell her/him to get out. Best case I get an incredible body and throw a bag over her head or something. So as Im driving up just ready to make the kill, the car in front of me with a short little mexican guy stops and picks her/him up. I follow them for a bit, but they start to get on highway and I am running late for an appointment I had so I had to cruise. Sorry for the long post but I just gotta know if anyone else saw this yesterday or has ever been in this kind of situation before.. Later dudes, and happy trolling.

10-07-02, 13:48
Providence AMPs

Good Afternoon, After telling myself I would not do it, I went back to the Midori Spa. This was after placing about 6 calls to numerous Escorts and Escort agencies in the Providence area. Needless to say they did not call back, well a TV called back.

Anyways, I dont know if anyone has noticed what is that distinctive smell that all the AMP's have??

Secondly is it me, or as soon as I am done I want to leave, I dont want to sit and chat with the women who just swallowed my DNA. Yet the women wants to sit, chat, and cuddle. I simply want to leave!! Am I a bad person becuase I dont want to sit and cuddle??

10-07-02, 15:25
I think that smell is baby oil!

What did it cost for the DNA swallow? I thought Midori always used helmets?

10-10-02, 07:48
Hey Dudes hows it going. Meatman, Guess..good to hear from ya. Guess, the two girl/guys I saw in Providence just somehow gave me the willies. I don't even know why. But I guess when you have been a cruiser for a few years there are certain things that set off the pecker alarm. These two had the pecker alarm screaming (don't pick them up). Maybe it was there facial features (really masculine) possibly it was the way they walked (kinda like a guy would) also one thing I ALWAYS do is drive by a few times and see if any other cruisers are stopping and picking them up. The two that walked from Elmwood ave all the way to Downtown really never had any guys stop them or pick them up??? This always makes me nervous because I wonder why no one else seems to be interested in the girls? These girl/guys had almost perfect bodies, they looked clean and had on some very hot outfits, but there was just that one thing that threw them off. There faces appeared to be somewhat masculine... Well enough of that I think you all know what I mean. One part of me wishes I would have picked them up, just to see if my feeling was right. WHile the other part is glad I didn't because it would have totally freaked me out if they were guys. Well anyways, yesterday I had to make a pit stop to my favorite SPA in Providence (YOKO SPA) After about two weeks of unsuccessful cruising I was about to pop. Saw a girl named Tini, who was very nearly the best provider I have ever had in a place like this. She was mid twenties absolutley perfect body, the only marginal area was the typical bad boob job most these girls have, but the huge protruding nips made up for that. All I have to say is if any of you guys go to this place ask for her and you will see. I agree with the other post about after the deed is done, I just want to clean up get dressed and get the hell out of there. I don't mind a quick cuddle and a kiss, but man...some of these girls will just lay right there for eternity until you start to get up. I once had a girl though that after I had finished banging her, she kept me inside for an extra few minutes and kept tightening her puss until I was hard again and we did it again. That was the number one best time I had at an AMP. It was in Waterbury Ct. Well enough for today..Happy hunting and always think with the big head first..Later Dudes

10-12-02, 19:16

I've been to the Swedish massage shop at 1410 Mineral Spring Ave. a couple of times. Last time I saw a girl named June. AVOID HER!! Mediocre massage. Everything else nothing to write home about either, including her looks and her english. Communication is a real problem from the beginning unless you speak fluent Korean. Your money is better spent at one of the (2) full-service amp's in the Providence area or take a trip to Waterbury, CT where the service is first rate and most speak good english.

10-18-02, 19:24
Originally posted by Asnlvr69

Communication is a real problem from the beginning unless you speak fluent Korean. [/i]

I think that finding a girl at an AMP that speaks good english is about as likely as finding a burger at Taco Bell,(lol) it just won't happen. I just try to speak clearly and in simple/common terms(BJ, HJ, FS, Doggie etc) and hope for the best.
Just my .02 $

Baretta Ri
10-18-02, 23:50
Hey guys, great posts. You really seem to take the hobby seriously. About the cuddling thing, I kinda like that. it adds a personal touch to the whole transaction. Not that there is anything wrong with get up and go, depends on my mood. What spa's around here do you guys find that happening? Seems like Midouri is the only one with action, but I have not been there yet. I been hitting them much lately, but I used to frequent the Connecticut establishments. There were some nice places out there. I've gotta start hitting the parlors again.

Baretta Ri
10-21-02, 00:00
Hey Guys,

I saw this ad in the Providence Phoenix On-Line ads. Was wondering if anyone knew about this place and could share some info?

Sensual Massage Upscale environment, in call only. Shower facilities. CC accepted. All female staff. Loc: on Ma/RI border. Call 617-817-6982.

10-21-02, 14:12
I'd be very interested in that place too...any info anyone?

10-21-02, 17:01
Sounds like an AMP but the fact that it's in massaschusetts worries me, mass has stricter laws reguarding these types of places. Also AMP's are ussually cash only, because the extras are ussually paid for with a tip. But call the place and ask them some questions(ask if they take walk-ins, if they offer a table shower ), if the person picks up and speaks in broken english you've hit a bullseye. If it sounds good to you try it out and report back because were always looking for good places to go to.

10-21-02, 18:23
The Place is on Route 6 in Seekonk/Swansea, they have real massage tables with holes for your head. They have an awful lot of aroma therapy stuff, and they sell that relaxing music stuff. it appears to be a legitemite(sp)massage therapy place(they accept health insurance). They also give first time discounts which leads me to beleive that they track customers, I know of no other AMP's that track customers(except for the Osaka Spa years ago). Maybe I am wrong, but it does not appear to be a place to go for a "happy ending"

Also in the Phoenix is an Escort ad for a red head offering full body massage, the ad ends everyone leaves happy. I went to her and did not leave happy at all. She is in a crack house, and when she was done with her excuse for a full body massage, before I had a chance to complain, some really big African American in gang gear came in and gave me a rather nasty look, so I did not think I should have complain, I promptly got dressed and left!!(oh well 140.00 gone).

I dont know if it is my cell phone does not transmit my number when I call, but I can never get any of these escorts who advertise to call me back. I contacted at least 6 of them between 10:30 am and noon on Thursday and with the exception of a TV none called me back. Anyone have that problem??

Lastly has anyone been to the New Studio 253 on Allens ave(new location). They used to have some fairly attractive girls, but now they are really rough looking. New owner??

10-23-02, 12:49
If your looking for a non-asian massage parlour go to the Danish Relaxation Center in Kittery. I've never been there my self but I've heard it's pretty good.

Danish Health Club US Route 1 Byp
Kittery, ME 03904
Phone: (207)439-7188

Baretta Ri
10-23-02, 19:34
The Danish Spa is ok, but it is too far of a drive and quite pricey. The last time I was there, a stripped manual cost a full bill + the door fee! The massuse informed me that full generally starts around 1 1/2 to 2 bills + the door fee. The place seemed quite clean, but the quality of the employees was hit and miss (was only there twice). Not a bad stop if my travels take me that way again and I have a couple of bills to spare, but I would not make a special trip there. I miss all the places that used to be in Norwitch/Groton/New London area. Maybe they'll be back someday.

10-24-02, 21:34
I can't THANK my fellow posters here enough for sending me to YOKO SPA at 1021 Broad St ....

This was my first time ever at an AMP, which a quick search
on mapquest.com showed was less than ten minutes from my home in Warwick !! [ Free Street Parking, too ]

As suggested, i asked for 'Tini' [ say "TEE·NEE" ] and Boy! What a Knock·Out !! She is *very* Cute and Sweet and built nicely and seems to want to please --- which she does

The 'Door Fee' was $60; she asked for $140 for FS and then
proceeded to screw my brains out .... i'm *still* happily sore hours later !!!

i was so pleased with her that i gave her another forty bucks
[ basically the rest of the cash i brought with me ]... she was worth every penny, IMHO

i'm *very* new at this, so i might get more critical with experience

... but this Chick; and that Experience was one of the most Intense of my Life !! She even kissed me several times, which yer typical hooker *never* does !!

They got a Satisfied and Repeat Customer there fer shur !!!

10-24-02, 22:16
Isn't Yoko the one in Pawtucket??? If so when did they start offering FS????

Baretta Ri
10-25-02, 00:39
Does anyone know how late Yoko and Midori are open til? I am looking for a good fs table shower/massage after midnight during the week. I know Oriental Garden is open til 1 at least some nights, but all they are good for is a massage and a hj.

10-25-02, 06:46
To : baretta ri

Why don't you call them and ask ??

The #s are :

SPA MIDORI = 401.274.3334

YOKO SPA = 401.941.9901

10-25-02, 06:51
To: Boston528

i'm brand new at this hobby; but there's no YOKO SPA in Pawtucket --- that's listed in the White Pages, anyway

[ That's where i got those phone numbers for b-ri ]

Baretta Ri
10-26-02, 00:54
Thanks for the numbers, I have no sense of the obvious...lol...

I did call Midori and was told they are open til 1 am every night, just in case anyone else was wondering. I'll be sure to report back when I finally make it up there. Anyone care to recomend a favorite massuse at Midori? A name of one who is no longer there would be helpful too so that I have a name to drop when they ask me if I had been there before.


10-26-02, 21:04
Baretta I personally like sophie, she is new I think We didn't discuss pricing or anything I recieved FS and left her 140. It was the best FS I have ever had at one of these establishments. I don't recommend going late at night, I prefer morning when all is fresh if you know what I mean...

10-27-02, 11:32
i've noticed that there there have been exactly *zero* arrests
of SWs &/or Johns listed in the ProJo's 'Police News' ever since Buddy left office.

i have several Theories about WHY this is so, if yer interested.

Meanwhile, the Police News was a good source of info:
it always listed the addresses of arrests [ but never the
Time of the arrest, unfortunately ] and LE method used.

Stings on Johns using decoys headed the list in frequency;
followed by undercover cops arresting SWs who solicited;
and for good measure a few "Follow the Couple and Arrest
Them in the Act" [ One poor couple went to the parking lot
of friggin' TWIN OAKS in Cranston and got nabbed there !! ]

Any info any of youse guys have on LE tactics in LaProv would be greatly appreciated... especially *WHEN* LE is out there.

Also, does anyone know what time Shift Changes are for the PPD ?? It would seem to me that a two hour window centered around Shift Change would probably be a good time to prowl ...

Later, Gentlemen !!

10-27-02, 19:52
Originally posted by baretta ri
Hey Guys,

I saw this ad in the Providence Phoenix On-Line ads. Was wondering if anyone knew about this place and could share some info?

Sensual Massage Upscale environment, in call only. Shower facilities. CC accepted. All female staff. Loc: on Ma/RI border. Call 617-817-6982.

Checked this place out Saturday... charge house fee and rest is tip... saw blonde hottie... Pamela Sue look alike... no F/S on first visit but great rack and finish was facial and whole session was good

10-27-02, 20:56
Originally posted by NY_Aussie
Checked this place out Saturday... charge house fee and rest is tip... saw blonde hottie... Pamela Sue look alike... no F/S on first visit but great rack and finish was facial and whole session was good

Give us some more details; how much was the door fee, do they accept walk-ins, what city are they located in, was the shower assisted by the girl, how much did you tip the girl, what did the girl look like etc. Whenever you people post your experiences at these AMP's give the most details possible.

10-28-02, 01:16
Of course, he means give us all of the FICTIONAL details......

Baretta Ri
10-30-02, 00:28
Hey kosmik,

Be careful about what you say about the Providence PD, or any law enforcement agency for that matter. They may not be hasseling the "Jons" right now, but that may only be because they have other issues to deal with. Providence may seem like a small-time city, but on any given day there are many issues and elements for the PD to have to choose from as a focus for their efforts. If they start sensing that there is a little arrogance amongst us, or that we are appearing overly complacent, then they may decide to refocus their efforts back on the SW's and Jons. Besides, the fastest way to get their attention is to question their integrity.

10-30-02, 08:11
To: b · ri

i'm *not * "questioning their integrity"

My main "Theory" about the sudden lack of 'Vice' arrests in
La Prov has to do with the Lame Duck Mayor there
presently ....

i think BUDDY had pressure on him from Neighborhood
Asssociations [ with members that Vote ] to "do
something" about all the SWs [ who *don't* Vote ]

Buddy in turn leaned on Public Safety Commish
Partington [ himself *FIRED* as soon as Buddy left
office ] --- who in turn got the PPD to "get Results"

This new guy couldn't care less about the Voters because
he doesn't have to face them; and the Cops --- honest,
upright guys --- get the same paycheck every Friday
whether they're out busting Johns or sitting around
eating donuts [ which would *you* rather be doing ?? ]

10-30-02, 23:26
Originally posted by køsmik

i'm *not * "questioning their integrity"

This new guy couldn't care less about the Voters because
he doesn't have to face them; and the Cops --- honest,
upright guys --- get the same paycheck every Friday
whether they're out busting Johns or sitting around
eating donuts [ which would *you* rather be doing ?? ] [/i]

Busting hookers and their johns is NOT what most people aspire to do when they join the police force. The crime is mostly victimless, and it doesn't generate the revenue that drugs and stolen property cases do. Cops would much rather be busting chasing the real bad guys, than sifting through a cell full of johns trying to pick out the ones with enough political clout to get noticed.


10-31-02, 07:03
Happy Halloween, Peeps !!

Has anyone here been to a place called CHEATERS
on Allens Ave. ??

Is it worth going there ??
IOW, will i get my knob polished??

How much will the Experience set me back??
Are the girls good looking ??

Oh, and what exactly is a "couch dance" --- which they
advertise as offering ??

P.S. i am the Poster Formally Known as køsmik...
i forked up my original registration but
Jackson was kind enough to let me start over

Speaking of JACKSON -- is that his *real* name??
[ "Jackson" is also slang for a twenty dollar bill ... ]

10-31-02, 09:38
I think if you fork over enough cash at any of the assorted exotic dance clubs in the city, you can get your lance waxed. I would just be very careful, becuase you could dish out lots of money and they say oh well gotta go.

Happened to me once, I was in Battle Creek Michigan(yes Cereal City USA)I went to this strip club, and spent from 10 PM buying this one particular stripper drinks, I made the mistake of asking her early if she would come back to my hotel with me, and she agreed. I spent from 10 PM buying her drinks and myself drinks, ran up one hell of a tab, when 2AM came and they closed her husband came and picked her up!!!!!!!!

I wont do that again(of course I was 22 on active duty first time away alone), why not just call one of the ads, or go to an AMP and be virtually guarenteed of getting your lance waxed. Just avoid an ad posted by a young redhead that reads......

Young, Beautiful, Redhead
Available for full body rub, 36DD-26-36
Everyone goes home happy

She is a trashy looking redhead who lives in a dilapidated house off of charles street. She will take your money give you the worse rub you have ever had, and then send you on your way. When you complain some very large male will come in from another room and glare at you.

10-31-02, 17:06
Hello fellow hunters!!
Just had to write this message after a visit yesterday to my favorite AMP. Had a girl named Young, I must say at first I wasn't blown away with her looks. Not that she was ugly or fat, she was about 5' - 5'4" tall alittle chubby, but not bad at all and her looks were O.K. to good. What she lacked in the looks department she absolutely made up for with service. I have been going to AMP's for a few years now and have been with many asian women before and I must say that this girl was by far the best service I have ever had (a real GFE experience other than trying to have a conversation). But then again who the "F**K" wants to have a conversation while engaging with these girls anyways. I dropped 200 clams between the door fee and the girls tip which was some of the best money I have spent. THis girl was either a Emmy winning actress or she was really enjoying our little interlude. Either way I left happy and if she was acting she absolutely should be given an Oscar award or something. We started off with the usual table shower... during which she spent extra time on my buddy making sure he was good and clean. After the shower she took me into the Sauna and made sure each and every part of my body was dry and also making sure my buddy was wide awake. Then back to the room for the Massage, which was better than the normal one given at these places. At one point she straddled my back and ass and proceeded to rub back and forth on my back with no panties, I could actually feel that she was wet and leaving streaks up and down my back. After this she started the light finger tip rub mostly around my ass and balls. This is usually the time to make the move for full service. Once she returned to the room the real festivities began. Starting with me on my stomach she again straddled me totally nude and began a very sentious rub, I swear my back was soaked with her juices. Time to roll over she says, I roll over and she beings the same process on my front side. She must have given me a BJ in 5 different positions for at least 10 minutes (69, her kneeling in front of me on floor, me kneeling above her with her on her back etc.) Also during this time I was dining on the most tasty beav I have had in a while again in several positions. After this we must have tried 5 different positions of straight sex all suggested by her.... She did not rush at all and was extremely vocal and accomodating when she wanted me to do something to her, or when she was enjoying something I was doing. Overall this girl gets my highest stamp of approval and I will absolutely be going back soon and asking for her. Even though I have been with better looking girls at this place, her service puts her head and heels above the rest... If you haven't been to one of these places that offer FS you don't know what your missing. Later for now and think with the big head first...HornyMan

10-31-02, 17:24
I'd like to know, which really is the better AMP in the Providence area. After reading through the posts it seems like the opinions shift back and forth, but before I go and drop $140 or so, I'd like to know that I'm going to the better or more preferred "establishment."

Thanks for your opinions and input in advance.

Marc "MacintoshGuy"

10-31-02, 21:19
To : HornyMan

Would you mind sharing with us which, exactly, is your

" Favorite AMP " ???

MacintoshGuy and i *really* wanna know !!

10-31-02, 21:29
There have several posts here WARNING about a Lady
who advertises in the PHOENIX ; with the * Tag Line * =

" Everyone goes home happy "



'Nuff Said ??

10-31-02, 21:37
*** CHEATERS *** ???

Is the Place worth the Cover Charge ... Or Not ??

What *is* the Cover Charge ??

i don't wanna even walk into the place unless my
Fellow 'Seekers' assure me it's worth my Time & Money ....

11-01-02, 17:09
Hey Dudes,
In answer to your questions. First, If your looking for anything more than a Lapdance at ANY of the strip clubs in Providence, you are going to leave very unhappy. A few years ago you could get extra service at a few of the Strip joints (Sportsman Inn, Cherry's and a couple others that are no longer around) But the Buddy era really cleaned up the seedy strip joints. Im sure if your a regular heavy spending guy at some of these places you can find a girl who is willing to go the extra mile but probably after hours at a hotel or other location and not within the strip joint. My feeling is that if I want some visual enjoyment it's O.K. to check out the strip joints, but usually after I go to these places I gotta go find a SW or prostitute to bleed off the pressure if you know what I mean.
Second, In answer to what is the best AMP in Providence, I guess it matters what you are looking, there are only two AMP's that offer FS, all the rest are just HJ shops. I personally like the Full service shops, more bang for my buck ;-) Out of the two FS places I do have a favorite, that doesn't mean it is the best though. I have had good and bad service at both. It's all timing, the right girl, the mood she is in etc. etc. etc. etc. When I have recieved great service it is because the AMP gods were smiling down on me. Becuase I know that two weeks from now I will return to my favorite AMP and there is a possiblilty of getting poor service, a good part of the excitement is not knowing what the girl and service is going to be like.... Well anyways enough of my bantering on this subject, I just have to say that if any of you guys are spending money on escorts you are absolutely foolish not to try an AMP and experience how much better the Asian ladies are at satisfying there men!!!! Oh and one last thing, I will not post the name or any other critical info on these places, if you can not figure out where they are or how to find them, then I am sorry, It just seems to me whenever the conversations get very descriptive here and on other sites LE seems to raid our beloved AMP's, and I just absolutely hate the ride to Waterbury Ct. to get the service I get right here in Providence...Be safe and ALWAYS think with the big head ifrst!!!

11-01-02, 17:28
Well I guess it's time to start rolling the Providence dice again. For the past three years I've been staying out of RI unless business took me into the state.

Marc "MacintoshGuy"

11-01-02, 20:42
Hey HornyMan,

Good to hear from ya!
I want to try the AMP but, how do they look at black guys coming there? I want to try it but, I feel when I walk through any of those AMP'S.I'll get ripped off. what do you think man? and I like to f***.so I assume when they look at my member all they'll do is give me a HJ. Give me a few pointers.. and for escorts.. fuck'em!!
and as always FIND THEM,WEAR EM, AND F*** THEM!!

11-01-02, 22:16
Well, i decided to do my OWN Research on CHEATERS ....

i picked up a PHOENIX yesterday which had an Ad that
said the Cover there was $5

But no·one was collecting a Cover when i went today
about 4:30 p.m. ... so i watched a *LOT* of Action and
then i walked up to the Bar and got a drink
[ $3 --- for a no-alcohol Club Soda --- and i got most of
the change for my Twenty in Singles ]

At the bar this absolutely gorgeous and Double-D stacked
Blond started 'hitting' on me [ she was wearing a String
Bikini Top and a 'micro' bottom wrap ]

After a minute of 'small talk' ,
i *Laid my cards on the Table*
i told her i didn't even understand what all the Words in
that Ad meant = Like, what, exactly, is a "Couch Dance" ??

So she spelled it out for me:

For a Jackson [ $20 ] we could go into the
Nude "Godiva Room" together....

... and for Forty more she would do a Nude 'Couch Dance'
for me , and show me first-hand, so to speak

i was *very* satisfied with her Demonstration

So much so that i gave her another Twenty for a Tip ...

The Entire Experience --- with that Soda, and a Buck
Tip to the *Knockout* Tall Brunette Bartender ---

.... set me back about $$ 84

Worth every Penny , in my Happy Opinion !!

11-02-02, 09:17

As PZ approaches his 48th birthday, he realizes how much he misses
the physical companionship of twenty yr old chicks

[ PZ has been *invisible* to these gals since about the time he turned 30;
PZ's wife is beautiful and in great shape for her age = but she's 50 ]

So he decides to look into *buying* said Company...

The Results so far -- all in the past five weeks , by Price :

[ ALL of these gals were just beautiful and well-built; not to mention
*friendly* --- in the 'pleasant to be with' sense.
Maybe i'm just Lucky, but *every* experience i've had so far
has been *sensational* --- in *every* sense of that word ]

APRIL was a light-skinned black chick i met in a bar at the
Venetian Casino in Las Vegas. She cost $300 plus $60 for the
limo i rented for an hour as a "rolling bedroom"
[ her idea; i couldn't use my room because my wife was asleep up there ]

TEE·NEE was a Korean babe who spoke almost zero English who
rubbed the right way in an AMP. She set me back $240 --- although
the last $40 was an extra tip i gave her for being such a 'tight squeeze'

MICHELLE was a black SW i picked up on Elmwood Ave in S Prov
i gave her $100 for half-and-half but never made it past the first half.
Best Oral i ever had in my Life so i didn't ask for a refund.
[ Obviously this encounter was the riskiest for getting busted or
robbed; but the Danger just added to the Thrills ]

TASHA was the chick i described in my last post. $ 84

ALL of these Gals were Worth Every Cent [ well, maybe i should
have bargained a little with APRIL ]

Did i mention i'm Happily Married ??

Hey, i get to get off with gorgeous young chicks any time i feel like it...

Well, Wife & i are leaving for Ft Lauderdale, Florida this morning
[ i always travel the week of my birthday ]
We'll also be staying at the ATLANTIS CASINO in Nassau for three nights.

If the discussion boards on this site are any indication,
there won't be much to report on when i get back next Sunday.

But we'll see...

Later, Gentlemen !!!

11-02-02, 09:31
Hey MeatMan good to hear from you!!! Hope all is well dude. Well as you can see I have been spending alot more time in the Rhode Island area than Boston. Little Rhody seems to be alot more fruitful during the hours I am able to cruise for action these days. Anyways, I hear what your saying dude abut the AMP's turning away black guys or giving poor service. The AMP I go to though is right in the middle of an area that is about 99% black, Im sure being located where they are they must have black guys coming in all the time, and if there turning them away or giving them poor service I think these guys would take steps to insure this AMP couldn't do business in this area. I guess the only way to know for sure is to give it a shot. I can't imagine that if they do let you in they would give you only HJ because you gotta foot long dong!!! I would say the opposite, these girls probably have to deal with 100's of old fat white guys with little peckers before they get one decent guy with a decent package. Once you do get in and if your asked by the girl if you have been there tell her yes and say you were with I girl named KOKO..(you think) I don't believe KOKO is there anymore and that will help to relax the girl a little. If you want further info dude just email me at sellmerch@yahoo.com
and so that I know it is you tell me in your message what kind of car you drive while on the hunt for SW's???? Talk to you soon and as always think with the big head first!!!

Baretta Ri
11-06-02, 14:16
Hey Guys,

Paid a visit to one of the Downtown FS AMP's the other day, I'm sure you guys can figure where. Had a girl named Toni ( she said like Tony the Tiger..lol). Her story sounded kinda familiar, said she was new there. She must have had one of the nicest racks that money can buy. They must have been fake, but they felt real good. Every other fakie I have ever felt up have been too firm, almost hard. Service was great, real friendly experience. I didn't even realize when she slipped on the cover, that really enhansed the experience for me anyway. Overall it was a good visit, set me back two bills total. I don't know if I'll be heading back anytime soon though. The place just didn't seem to be well kept, and there seems to always be someone hanging out right next to the front door.

Anyone know anything about La Chateau out in Connecticut? www.lachateau.com (I think). Was out there a couple of years ago, and they had live sex shows. I heard they were temporarily shut down recently, but are open for business again. Just don't know if the shows are back too.

11-07-02, 18:27
Yeah Baretta,
I've had Toni (like Tony the Tiger). She wanted $140, plus the $60 door. The 1st time I had her, I gave $120, 2nd time too. After that, she wanted $140. She is great, but the problem is that I can never try another one there. Whenever I go, she comes out. They must have a camera at the door.

11-07-02, 19:14

All is well here man! thanx for the info.I love Providence. when I do come to Providence, I ALWAYS get laid. It never fails but, I haven't been down there in a bit maybe a month or so. Hey and thanx for the tips on the AMP.One day I'll get the nerve to go. The one you typed about old fat white guys with little pricks knocked me out my chair! that's was funny man! Fuck that! I keep my self in shape, Could never see myself looking bloated.Again thanx for the tips,as always FIND THEM,WEAR THEM,FUCK THEM!

Hope your business brings you assets cause,liabilites suck!.. Peace!

11-09-02, 20:32
Hey Dudes,
Just a quick one, the wife is upstairs and will be down soon... Was in Providence yesterday Olnyeville area and got to see a big sting happen right in front of me. This happened right in back of the Dunkin Doughnuts. The cops were reeling in the guys one every two to three minutes, I was sitting in Dunkin Doughnuts parking lot sipping a Java when I noticed a cute looking Latin girl standing by the fence at back of parking lot, while the cops were sitting across street in three unmarked cars with black tinted windows. They would immediately grab the guys from there cars then drive it across street to the Super market, and would proceed to tow the cars and book the guys out of site of where the girl was so that they could continue to bust more guys... Man I gotta tell you I felt so bad for one guy who had a new SUV and looked to be late thirties and married, cops cuffed him and put his truck on flatbed all this as this guy was in tears..thats fucked up man, you know this guys life was just ruined, probably wife and kids at home,,,, GENTLEMAN...PLEASE!!!!! Always, Always, Always make sure the girl you are about to pick up is a SW and not LE.... If she is sticking to one spot and not moving much or she wants to talk to you without getting in your car just get the F**K out of there. It is absolutely not worth getting busted over such a stupid thing. If you have the slightest concern about the girl drive by a few times look at the cars along the side of road or in nearby parking lots, spend some time insuring that the situation is good. If you take these steps before swooping in and trying to pick up that girl, you will lessen the chance of spending the night in jail and possibly loose your car to the cops. After seeing this it made me sick to think how many guys had just ruined there marraige, job etc. etc. etc. AS ALWAYS THINK WITH THE BIG HEAD FIRST!!!!!!

11-10-02, 20:36

The Prov PD 'Special Operations Unit' is *BACK* !!

Just back from my week-long vacation [ about which more later ] i was catching up on the news when i came across a story in the PRO·JO about the arrest of *18* Johns in stings at two locations

That's IT !! No more SWs for me !!

The next step up from SW in Price and Quality is the Hotel·Bar Hooker... i've heard the PROVIDENCE MARRIOTT is a good place to go looking for these sweeties...

Any of you guys know anything about dat ??

ANYWAYZ, If you want to read a little about my little trip to points South, go to the following Boards here :

»» US/Florida/Ft Lauderdale and

»» The Carribean/West Indies/Bahamas

Oh, and i wrote a letter to JACKSON and got a very nice and prompt reply at the

»» Site Administration/Letters Board

Let's Get Busy, Gentlemen !!!

11-12-02, 09:34
I fear that this may be start of a new thing in Providence. The Mayor who got elected campaigned that local neighborhoods need to be improved and protected. I would not be suprised if you see more stings and raids on the AMPs.

Looks like we will be spending more time with our significant other.

But on the bright side, we will save money!!

11-12-02, 10:51
Hi Guys last friday (8th) I almost was caught in a sting,around 5pm near Sprague and Elmwood.There was this slim-figure girl with long black-hair,standing near the old buildings on Sprague,she looked new,and I hadn't seen/dated her before...But as I approached I saw a black 2door Chevy tahoe,which I've seeen before bust SW's,and a gold buick parked near it.
As I drove by the Chevy a guy inside had a CB radio in his hand,then to test how real the deal was ,I approached the girl,and lowered my passenger side window,and gestured for her to come,when she got near,she asked what I wanted to do,BJ or Sex,or how much was I spending.So I told her to get in since it was cold,but she refused,and that's when I suspected it was a setup,I drove around and llater I saw a guy get busted and his car towed.
Anyway lately Providence has been dry,very few Sw's as compared to Sept.

11-14-02, 21:13

Today's ProJo 'Police Report' covered arrests on 11-8, and *none*
of them mentioned any SW stings...

[ The ProJo has a week-or-so lag time in reporting Arrests ]

Either they just skipped it [ unlikely ] OR ... they're saving up until they get another 20 +/- Johns for Another of these full-length Scare Articles they used to feature under the Buddy Administration...

i know *i'm* being scared off SWs... What's to stop a decoy from *saying* you propositioned her when all you said was "Get in" ???

You'll still end up in handcuffs; and who do you think a Jury is gonna believe ?? [ Not that it matters; the Arrest alone will ruin your Life ]

Thoughts ??

11-15-02, 10:12
Hey Guys,
Believe the post you read here about the LE stings in Providence recently. I saw it happening right in front of my eyes in the Olneyville area around 3pm and then Lynnman saw it around Sprague street around 5Pm I believe. THis is the way the Vice squad does things, they will set up shop in one area for an hour or so then move to a different area to get a fresh start. While it is a bit risky picking up SW's there are many steps all of us can take to limit the chances of getting busted by the pussy patrol, and having our lives turned upside down because of a little beaver.
1.) Never, ever pick up an unfamiliar girl on the first pass. Always drive by a few times and check the immediate area out for suspicious looking cars with dark windows, parking lots nearby with vans, cars and guys sitting in them. If it is a sting you are almost always garunteed to see a bust going on during one of your drive by's.
2.) Once you stop for the pickup never, ever discuss what you are looking for until the girl gets in the car and you have driven half a mile or more or the girl allows you to touch a private area or she touches you. If she is the pussy patrol she will never get in your car and let you drive off. I usually just motion for the girl to get in the car without even talking with her until she is in, If she won't get in I just drive off without saying a word.
If you follow these rules it would be very difficult for the pussy patrol to nail you unless they blatantly outright lie, which 99% of the time they really don't care to because of the possible headaches in court, there are plenty of other easy kills for them to nail to the cross (guys who blatantly drive up make money offers to girls while there standing beside car) Well gotta run, may be checking out my favorite AMP this afrtenoon if I can break loose. As always THink with the big head first.

11-19-02, 01:12
Ah... the pleasure of getting refused service at an AMP. When this weekend to Yoko, to see if I could sample what they had, and the mamasan wouldn't let me past the door, twice! First time she claimed that they had a limited staff (read one girl), and I should try back again in a 1/2. Second time, someone was having a massive birthday celebration, and the girl was helping him celebrate.


Midori let me in on the first pass, and 'Choi'ces were some of the best I've made. Former NY dancer, light, lithe, slim, tall, need I go on? Very enthusiastic service, and even managed to leave her with a smile on her face, and two thumbs up from the mamasan.

It's good to be talented.... I just wish they'd pay me for MY service...

11-19-02, 06:56
To : MrBlonde

May i trouble you for the * name * of your smiling friend at Midori ??

Maybe with a name to ask for i'll finally get around to trying the place. i only use YOKO, but only for the most prosaic of reasons :
i can't stand the hassle of parking in La Prov.

Oh, and in typical Rho Dylander fashion, YOKO's closer to where i live [ although as you know, these two places are less than two miles from each other ]

11-19-02, 21:11
Whats up!! Sorry to hear of the problems you experienced at the YOKO SPA over the weekend. I go at least once a month to this AMP and really have never had a bad experience or a refusal of service. My advantage is that the Mamasan now knows me, and knows I come often, so Im sure she would'nt want to turn me away. I did happen to go there this afternoon to get my monthly smile up and running again and can truthfully say I left with the ear to ear smile. Saw a girl named Michelle, tall, thin, small typical bad boob job titties with nice big eraser size nipples. She was a strong 7 in looks with a 7- 8 body, her service was good to great. I would not say she was the best I have been with, but she was very good. Her body was very, very tight with no fat at all. I have been going to my favorite AMP more often because there are less and less SW's lately and the one's I do see would scare the horns off a bull. Well gotta run, as always, ALWAYS think with the big head first.

11-21-02, 23:45

You *REALLY* Need to Get a Life , Dood

Nome Sane ??

Johnny Quest
11-22-02, 19:47
First time contributer/user. Long time hobbyist. New to this region. What can anyone tell me about the ads in the Providence Phoenix? Ex:

"Nicole Full body rub. In calls only. 401-xxx-xxxx.

Sue Petite beauty. A day or night you'll never forget!! Look's guaranteed, very discreet. In/Out calls. 401-xxx-xxxx

Jamaican Beauty 20 yr old, is new to America and eager to share hot erotic tropical experiences. In/Out calls. Call 401-xxx-xxxx.

Katrina Reddish/Brunette beautiful, classy, bubbly, 36C, massage. Cute out fits and looks guaranteed. 9am-midnight. Pager: 401-xxx-xxxx In/Out.

Passion College student. Long beautiful bombshell. Discreet. Looks guaranteed. Mornings also available. In/Out calls. 401-xxx-xxxx

Amy & Friends You won't be disappointed. when you call us. Looks & fun guaranteed. Always 24/7, mornings also. Call 401-xxx-xxxx"

Thanks in advance!

11-26-02, 08:17
To: JQ [ i *loved* that Show !! ]

i don't use the Phoenix ads precisely because of what i've read here in WSG...

The usual routine seems to be either you leave a message and they never get back to you; or their ad is total bullshk [ that's Russian for "inaccurate" ] ; or the in·call is a setup for robbery.

One ad --- with the tag line : "Everyone goes home happy" ---
is all of these...

The best "bang for your buck" -- you should pardon the expression --- here are the Strip Clubs, some of which are basically brothels.

The best-known one is also one to avoid: The Foxy Lady = where there's No Touching and it's expensive to boot [ it's not unusual
for a customer to drop a Grand there in a single night for nothing but overpriced champagne and visuals ]

i personally can recommend Cheaters on Allens Ave; and a friend i bumped into the other day *highly* recommended Club Fantasies at Harris and Sims.

Happy Hunting !!

11-26-02, 08:48
i'd like to take a minute to explain that post at
11-21-02 22:45

i am being cyber·stalked by a Gay guy who goes the Handle FRED ; and who fits the FBI profile known as EROTOMANIA

[ The best-known Erotomaniac was Mark David Chapman, who assassinated John Lennon in NYC in 1980 ]

In another web site i post in, i mentioned that i had found a great site for discussions about prostitution [ here, that is ]
but i didn't post a URL.

FERD then spent who-knows-how-many hours searching the Web until he found me here... He then C&P'ed my posts from here in that other site.

What exactly this was supposed to accomplish --- besides demonstrating that he has the Hots for me --- is a mystery; in fact i responded that he should Feel Free to re·post my work any time...

This guy is really creepy, but i gotta admit = at least he has Good Taste in Targets.

Since most of these Erotomaniacs turn Violent eventually, i can only hope FERD ends up like another Famous one : that chick who stalked David Letterman.

She ended up committing Suicide by decapitating herself [ she laid her neck on a railroad track as a train approached ]

Hey, FERD !!

Hows about YOU do a little "Train·Splashing" ???

11-26-02, 10:50
In response the the post from Johnny Quest concerning ads in the Phoenix. Most of them are not at all what they say, they promise nice looking women and they turn out to be average women. Most of them live in divey parts of Providence or Pawtucket, and by visiting them you are taking your life into your hands. Although I have posted many times about the Everyone goes home happy ad(which I wont talk about), have had numerous experiences with women in the Phoenix(the little head thinks too much). One such experience was in Pawtucket, where the women I hooked up with was Latin American, and when I got to her apartment, she was trying to find a sitter for her kids. Imagine going into someones home to do some business and you have her kids looking at you!!! One time I went to an incall in Pawtucket, where the mother was acting as the agent for her mother.

In retrospect, I think if you want to blow $200.00 for an incall you are much better going to an AMP, or for that matter going to the Fish company and spending that $200.00 on drinks trying to get some stuff for free.

As for strip clubs I have never had any luck in Rhode Island, the only place I have had luck was on the Island of Crete(Greece).

Thats my two cents, make sure you all think with the big head, but consult with the little head

Johnny Quest
11-26-02, 23:37
fsm881 & PsyberZombie - thanks for the gouge. I did try one of the AMPs downtown. Took me an hour to find the place then some more time to find a parking spot then I had to walk several blocks. But it was worth it. Even the extended wait in the lounge area wasn't so bad after the session. Mammasan met me at the second door and led me to lounge area (what a mess - food, drinks, clutter everywhere) and collected my house fee ($60). Then I had to wait another 30 to 40 minutes with another hobyist and the "bouncer?"

Whilst I waited, a fabulous rack walked by several times wearing a very tight sleeveless minidress. I was praying she was going to be the one but it wasn't to be (not that day anyway). The rack had to be fake but looked wonderful.

After a lengthy wait, a pretty nice looking and extremely bubbly Korean girl grabbed me by the hand and led me to our room. Her name was "Lee". Lee was probably 5'5" and 115 lbs. Probably about 35-36C. Nice but not spectacular. It was the usual AMP fare - she had me undress then led me to the table shower area. There is nothing to compare a table shower to. She takes my towel and Mr. Johnson immediately goes to attention. Lee looks surprised and happy and then tells me my member looks 18. Now I'm really starting to get pumped. First I was on my stomache. She spent some extra time cleaning between my cheeks and thighs - firmly but gently.

Then she had me roll over. She cleaned everywhere but where it counted at first. Then she pointed to my memeber and asked me if I wanted it cleaned. "take a wild guess". So she finishes the table shower the way it was meant to be. With me sporting a tremendous woody.

Then its back to our massage room. Very pleasant, subdued lighting, right temperature, clean sheets, mild music... She starts off with me on my front again. Very stimulating, firm, almost professional massage. After the shoulders, arms and back, she's up on the bed, straddling me, cheek to cheek, while she deep tissue massages my legs. She slides her ass up my back and starts the deep tissue treatment to my ass. Then she starts giving the very light touch treatment and my whole body starts to quiver. She continues the light touch treatment concentrating on the back of my upper thighs, my ass and my scrotum. Wow!!

Then it's over on my back. She continues with the massage and with me sporting some firm wood I guess she figures it's time to get to the business portion. She asks sweetly what I want so I tell her fs. I offiered her 130, she complained ever so slight the fs was 160. I showed her my wallet had 135, she took 130 and left me with 5. That was fair with me.

Off comes her tank top, mini skirt and panties. Next thing I know, she's leaning over me dancing her hair on my private parts and breathing ever so sensuously on my member. Next she takes me into her mouth (I didn't know it at the time but this is where she was slipping the rain coat on) and slides her legs up into the fabulous 69 position. Who am I to complain so I oblige. She smelled and tasted fabulous. I could have spent some serious time in this position but before long she turned around and started riding me. Finally, she switched positions with me and I finished her right there in the traditional missionary position.

She gave me a beautiful wet kiss on the lips to send me on my way with a warm fuzzy feeling all over and a big smile on my face.

And then I woke up and realized that this was all a work of fiction. But I will have this dream again.

11-27-02, 10:29
The only thing I can add about my AMP experience, is......

I usually dont discuss finanial matters with the women. Basically I have an idea of how much to give, so I usually just leave that out and tell her that it is for her.

12-03-02, 13:58
Went out last night, and visited the Midori. I dont know if anyone has been in recently, but I med this short women who actually spoke good english. Dont suppose anyone has met her and can recall her name. She is worth going back for!


True Hobbiest
12-12-02, 21:50
Hi am new to th eboard but not the hobby....have participated in the hobby word wide. have a questions regarding Tokyo Spa in Pawtucket. I went there 4 years ago, filled a a memebrship card...all with phony info....but rememebr having a good time and parking and area seemed really safe......in a shopping center area. What is happening there today?...Anybody know? Never see it listed here.

12-13-02, 01:33
tokyo is nothing to write home about..... hj only, semi-attractive talent. if hj is all your looking for go to north main st. spa girls are better looking, parking just as secure, and cause they just assume you want the "happy ending" it won't set you back as much as tokyo.

12-13-02, 05:25
hello, Going to the foxy lady next week any info about the girls giving a little extra....

12-13-02, 11:47
Hi Hobby,

I haven't been to Tokyo in Pawtucket for about 6 months but last time went it was only a HJ place...usually $60 at the door and @ $40 for the tip. they usually don't get naked and the women were hit or miss. Does anyone know if things have changed there at all????

12-13-02, 14:32
Tokyo is not good at all. HJ only. Rushed massage. In and out in 20 minutes. The women are about in the 5-6 range. Try some of the other places.
As far as extras at the Foxy Lady, Only if you are Moe Vaughn

12-13-02, 14:52
Originally posted by True Hobbiest
have a questions regarding Tokyo Spa in Pawtucket. I went there 4 years ago, filled a a memebrship card...all with phony info....but rememebr having a good time and parking and area seemed really safe......in a shopping center area.

True, I think you are referring to the former Club Osaka...it was in the Shaw's Plaza on the Prov/Pawt line, and they made you fill out a membership card, neither of which is true at Tokyo. If so, that place has long been shut down.

12-13-02, 15:58
If I am not mistaken True Hobbiest is talking about the Osaka Spa that used to be next to Shaws on the Providence/Pawtucket border. The place got raided about 7 or 8 years ago and several of the women were deported because they were smuggled into the country. The police remarked that although the ad in the Phoenix talked about excercise equipment, the equipment was unplugged and dusty.

I remeber the information form, and also gave false information. I think though they did that when they first opened to make it seem like they were semi on the level. The last time I went there they put me in the steam bath room and forgot I was in there 1.5 hours later! That was the last time I went. Some of the women were ok, but I think the ones at Midori surpass them.

True Hobbiest
12-13-02, 20:03
Yes, fsm881, you are right it was osaka...though I remember getting FS from a very nice 9 there. So maybe I should try midori... Is that the place Johnny Quest was referring to or was he just story telling? I spend a lot of time in California and the AMPs are all great and reasonable...entrance fee and FS= 150.......love those asian women. I would hate to have to travel all the way to CT for what I read on here are California like AMPs.

I have also tried Eros escorts on the web in the boston area...had a really good experience but on the high side$$$. Use to do SW many moons ago...but with wife and teens...can't risk getting caught...though I understand the thrill of the hunt. I am an Amsterdam fan...go at least once a year on business and always extend my stay for the hobby.

Would love to find a latina place to go.....any suggestions.

Anyway.....thanks and I will contribute as I venture out.

12-19-02, 00:21
Reprinted w/o permission from the Providence Journal Bulliten:

Women Charged: Two women claiming to work for an escort service were arrested after one of them pimped the other to an undercover detective yesterday.

Stacy Taylor, 31, was driving Melissa Sylvester, 24, around the Sprague Street area, letting her out to approach cars driven by men, the police said. After Sylvester got back into the car, Taylor drove up to the undercover detective's car and asked what they were looking for, the police said.

When Dt Patrick Creamer [Oh, god, they can't be serious! -Ed] said, "A good time," Taylor allegedly told him to pick up Sylvester. He did.

Sylvester allegedly told Creamer that she worked for an escort service and offered him a price: $30 for sex. He arrested her, and other detectives went back to the area and arrested Taylor, who was waiting in ger car.

Sylvester of [..] Attleboro, is charged with loitering for indecent purposes. Taylor of [..] Pawtucket, is charged with pandering, a felony, as well as on a Family Court warrant for non-support.

[Ed: Guess we know some kids that aren't getting toys for Christmas thanks to a few cheap studs working vice...]

12-22-02, 18:56
Well made a stop by my favorite AMP this afternoon. Absolutely one of the best visits yet. My only dissapointment was that I didn't last longer. Saw on of my favorite girls, Koko is her name, I would say she is late 20's to early 30's. Long blondish hair, nice body, nice c-cup fake boobs. Went through the usual Sauna, table shower, good massage. Once the massage was finished Koko whispers in my ear the usual "do you want everything" which of course my response is "Absolutely"!!!! After the traditional exchange of the tip, she leaves the room and a few minutes later she returns. This is where my jaw drops about a foot. Along with Koko another younger girl has come in the room. Koko smiles and says would you like a little Christmas present?? Two girls!!!! I have never been with two girls, but have always dreamed of it. Well needless to say I almost shot my load right there, this second girl was early 20's and absolutley incredible. SHe had long black wavy hair, large c-d cup boobs and a perfect body. I would easily rate her a 9-10 in looks. Immediately they both strip down and one climbs up on massage table straddling my legs while the other comes up towards my head and puts her boobs right in my face. From this point on my head was spinning. Last thing I remember is one of the girls sitting on my face and the other girl was sitting on my buddy, both of them slamming up and down and moaning (great acting job). Without a doubt this was the quickest I have ever blown a load. It seemed once the girl was riding me it was mere seconds before I was done. If I had more money I am sure I would have given these girls another sizable tip to continue, but all I usually go with is enough for the door fee and the tip to the girl, I did have a bit extra which I gladly gave to the second girl who never asked for one. I can't wait to return now, once my wallet recoups, because I want a one on one with this new girl... Now I can't get my mind of of my afternoon Christmas present..best on eI have ever gotten...Later dudes and as always, think with the big head first.

12-24-02, 17:18

Are you going to keep us in suspense? Where is this place??

12-25-02, 08:45
i happened to be on Federal Hill Christmas shopping yesterday so i decided to swing by CLUB FANTASIES and check it out.

i don't want to say anything that might make LE interested in raiding the place, but suffice it to say the chicks there were some of the best·looking gals i've ever seen in a place like this;

And *BOY* are they *Friendly* !!

HINT = find one that you really like and ask her for a Private
Dance in the booths they have in the back on the second floor.

i spent a total of $135 in there; and you'll probably spent
about a Benjamin for the *Works* --- but it's Worth Every Cent, believe me !!

That sublime smile on my face this Christmas Day has nothing to do with the Holiday Spirit, if ya catch my drift....

Happy Holidays, Peeps !!

12-25-02, 08:51
About that Pro·Jo article posted by MrBlonde =

It was last Saturday's paper; and goes on to quote the Cops as saying :

" A woman pimping isn't all that unusual. In every Asian massage parlor we've busted [!] there's always been a middle·aged woman in charge. But it is unusual to see this on the streets "

*Another* good reason to hit these places on "Off Hours" =

You'll be less likely to be caught up in a Raid

12-25-02, 09:06
Speaking of CLUB FANTASIES, here's their URL :


And my Christmas Present to All My Fellow Hobbyists :

This List of a lot of Naughty Girls =


Let's Get Busy, Gentlemen !!

12-26-02, 14:20
After reading Hornyman's post, (and thinking constantly of the 2 girl treat!) I went to Hornyman's fav AMP. (It's the one in a not so nice neighborhood, with a name like a Beatle's wife).
I had Koko, fake blond, nice chest, great body.
Pretty good massage, then for an extra 140 a great doggy style. No 2nd girl. Overall I would rate the other AMP in Providence (the one with a name like a melon liquor) a bit better. Although Koko gave a nice rim job, something Toni has not tried at the other place!

12-27-02, 08:56
A while back i said i was swearing off the SW scene -- too much danger of getting 'pinched' --- but the Trvth is i still sometimes indulge.

IMHO, the best place to score a $25 BBBJTCIM is west of
Elmwood Ave around the Factory complex at SPRAGUE &

Last Saturday morning around 7a.m. i scouted the area out .
There were two SWs out, and i picked up the better-looking gal, named GENTINA [ " Like Argentina ", she says ].

It was totally deserted out --- i mean *zero* traffic so it
was easy to see we weren't being followed.

She took me a few miles to a deserted factory complex just east of Cranston St and Rte 6 and we had a very nice time and i tipped her well --- in more ways than one ;)

She noted my paranoia about LE --- including How i picked her up --- and seeing as how we had a few minutes before and after, the topic of conversation turned to LE activities, including what she'd learned from her own two busts [ she said she was 21 and looked it ]

Some things she said that you should hear =

LE is most active on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and so i should
avoid the area All Day on those two days.

She also said Decoy Cops *never* Walk Around --- they stay put in one place so they can be near their back·up [ Gentina was
walking west at a slow clip when i first spotted her ]

Thanks, Gentina !!

12-27-02, 10:18
Hey Dudes,
Just checking in and I am pleased to see there has been some action going on around the Holidays. I am dying to get out and check out the Prov. street scene. Boninboy, good to hear you checked out that Amp and saw Koko, she is good, but I also have had much better at that same place. I have been with Koko several times and the funny thing is that sometimes she rates an A+ and other times she barely breaks a C+. I guess it has alot to do with the mood she is in and how many guys have plowed into her on that particular day maybe...I have never been to the other Amp though, tried once and couldn't find it or parking. Also I have been to the one in the rougher area so many times the Mamasan knows me, so I don't have to go through the usual checks, just right to business. Psyberzombie, dude are you serious about the strip joint and how well they treated you there??? Man I remember a few years ago going to a couple clubs, one closed down (cherry's) and the other still open (Sportsman Inn) where you could go in the back and have an absolute blast with the dancers for some extra dough. I haven't been to Sportsmans Inn in 2-3 years, last time I went I hooked up with a beautiful blond with huge tits, went in the back private area with her. She totally stripped then proceeded to give me a BBBJTC as I fingered her. After she was done she gave me her number and told me to call her for FS. I never ended up calling her because her price was too much for FS. Im surprised though that you were able to get extra gratification at Club Fantasies, I just may have to give this a try....Well gotta run, Later Dudes and as always, Think with the big head first.

12-28-02, 00:50
If any of you have navigated the web site i offered here before :


... and searched the Providence Strip Club scene, you'll learn that except for CHEATERS, the other Allens Ave Joints

Also to be Avoided = THE FOXY LADY

Unclear are the Reports on THE SATIN DOLL on Aborn St
[ i'll check this place out soon and get back to youse ]

The Best *Bang For Yer Buck* is apparently the CADILLAC LOUNGE on Charles St --- which i haven't tried yet but will soon.

Meanwhile, the Lack of Comments about THE SPORTSMAN'S INN
on Fountain St made me wanted to Check it Out for Myself...

The Following is my Report i wrote for stripclublist =

PsyberZombie providence - 12/27/2002

First off: There is absolutely *No* Free Parking near here except on the Street... count on spending at least $7 to Park. Next, the place is "Bikini Dancing" Only --- and at least half of the Girls are Old and Over·Weight. But there ARE a Few Hotties there -- just dont count on seeing anything you can't see when they're in the Public Areas.

What i usually do is find one i like, then Cut the Small Talk Fast and ask if there's somewhere 'More Private' we can go...

There is = Downstairs.
There are Private Couch Booths down there that will cost you
$15 to enter. For another $45 , 'Sugar' polished my knob,
but fully clothed. Then she took off and let me find my own way back out !!

So i doubt i'll be back ... Word

12-31-02, 14:48
Hey, where the heck is Onleyville? is it in the Broad St area? I was there 3weeks ago and wasn't sure.Sure has hell wasn't going to ask some cop But none the less, I did get some poon from a SW(Black) in her 30'sok-looking, dark-skinned, small tits but ,a well rounded ass.Not a crackhead (thank god!)gave her $20 for F nearby Roger Williams Park.Again that was 3 weeks ago.

Happy New Year to all Providence is off the hinges when it comes to pussy!

12-31-02, 16:49
Olneyville is in the west end of the city. Where Broadway, Westminster St, Valley St and Manton Ave all come together. Not much at all happening in that area, but that does seem to be where they run the most stings. Used to be a hot area between Valley and Manton alond Delaine St. Not anymore. Happy Hunting.

12-31-02, 20:06
Hey Dudes, First of all I wish all of you a safe and Happy New Year. Just wanted to write a quick note regrding my latest visit to "My favorite AMP" . Saw one of my favorite girls (Young). She is not the best looking girl I have been with, rates 6-7 on looks 6-7 on body but a 9-10 on service with a smile. She is absolutely a GFE experience which is rare at a place like this. Did the usual sauna, shower massage thing, then moved into the main event. Everytime I see this girl she has something new up her sleeve. Today she starts with a really good Rim job as she is giving me a CBJ, during this I see her put on a rubber surgical glove!!!! My eyes just about pop out of my head.... She starts fingering my asshole as she is sucking my buddy, and I mean finger...I should have had her check my prostate while she was at it...LOL. She goes on doing this for a few minutes and then sits up over my buddy facing towards my feet and slides right onto my budding all this while fingering my asshole.... Man I gotta tell ya this was a new feeling for me, it didn't take long for my buddy to spit his poison, once I didshe pulled off and slid backwards so I could get some DATY in. Well gotta run and as always think with the big head first

12-31-02, 20:34
Had a good time at Midori today, saw Sandy short fake blond with some very fake boobs. Did the usual shower, and then she got naked and gave me the massage...this was a nice touch usually they stay clothed...massage was only so so until she started using her tounge, it was like getting a second shower. All in all she was a champ w/the extras deep throat, plenty of moaning etc. And afterward she wouldn't let me go kept on hugging me and kissing my cheek it was a nice touch its usually all business at these places.

01-01-03, 18:37
Good Afternoon and happy new year.

Went to the AMP in Downtown one last time Monday night. I made it one my New Years Resolutions not to spend money on gratification this year(have to see how long that resolution lasts.) Anyways got with this person with dirty ash blonde hair, and what appeared to be naturally firm breasts. Got HJ shower, Got HJ in Sauna, and then once in the room had a very nice massage then without even asking she strips down and starts to mount me. Absolutely no talk of economics. I placed what I thought approiate and she did not even look at it!!!! Whats up with that? Had I wanted to be a cheap bastard!!

Also the Phoenix had an ad for two sisters this week, I would stay away. Its an agency that returns your call from a cell phone in the 203 area code(New Haven), and they work out of the Johnston Motor Lodge. Very nasty looking women!!!No where near what is described on the phone. Fortunately I saw her and left(used the big head)

01-08-03, 17:01
Crusied the usual spots Sat and Sun afternoon/nights (Elmwood, Dexter, Bucklin, Valley, Manton, Douglas and Smith) and not a thing in sight. Anyone know what is going on down there? Been really quiet the last few weeks that I can see. Has the new "Gay" mayor shut down the trade?

01-08-03, 17:05
Hi folks,

About a year ago I went to a AMP on N. Main Street...I thinnk it was called N. Main St. Spa. there was no FS but a good bath and HJ. I remember it was $60 for the entrance and another $20+ for the tip. Is this place still in business??? How about the place in Pawtucket, has the service gotten any better there?

01-10-03, 08:12
i agree with Boston528 = it's been very quiet out there lately.

So i jut hit the Strip Clubs and grab a quick Lap Dance.

i'm getting to be quite the Expert on these; let me start with the places to AVOID = Sportsman's Inn; Foxy Lady; Studio 253; Cadillac Lounge [ this one got good on-line reviews which i now suspect were written by someone working for the Club ]

Still to try = The Satin Doll downtown. Very strange non-committal comments on their page [ at stripclublist.com ] but other pages mention it as a place where the gals are hot.
i'll be getting back to youz soon on this one...

And i'll probably never try K2U in Woonsocket or Mario's Showplace in Jonston = as a Rhode Islander who lives in Warwick, i won't drive that far on a Day Trip

The Best "Bang for yer Buck" is at CHEATERS on Allens Ave.

And pricier but with some really Hot Chicks is CLUB FANTASIES
of Federal Hill.

Let's Get Busy, Gentlemen !!

01-11-03, 00:44
I can't agree on anything favorable to say about Cheaters. I've been there about five times in the past three years, and it's gotten progressively worse . . . the women pushier, the promises more unfulfilled, the rip-offs more frequent.

My last -- it will be my last -- time there, a real chunkster of a shark attached herself to me the minute I walked in. Seeing as there weren't many much prettier ladies working, I figured, What the heck -- she's got ambition, maybe the lapdance will be a good one.

Wrong. Once in the couch room (for which I paid extra $), her lap dance consisted of a long, played-out series of occasional grinds with lots of promises. She gave me a price per dance, and at the end of the first one, she leaned over and promised me more would happen during the second. So I coughed up the dough for the second one . . . which turned out to be no better than the first.

The kicker? She charged me for THREE dances. Now, hey, I've been around a bit, and I pay attention to the songs and the amount of time . . . I know the scams pretty well . . . but she refused to budge. I showed her my wristwatch, told her there wasn't even time for three songs to have played while we were there, so she starts threatening me, You're not getting out of this club until you pay me what I deserve . . . the bouncer's gonna kick your ass out onto the street . . . blah, blah. I figured it was cheaper to cut my losses than to spend another fifteen minutes arguing.

She wasn't the first dancer at Cheater's to pull that crap, either . . . but sure as shit, I won't be going back.


01-11-03, 15:45
Going to get very interesting in the City of Sin. The new Sherrif is promising major changes in the city to chase away all the "bad element". Keep your eyes and ears open fellow hunters.

From what I have read and heard, he is making big time promises to the Mayor and to the neighberhoods to take the drugs and prositution out of the city. Supposed to have a good reputation for doing just that. So I would be really careful over the next few weeks as he takes over and pushes his guys for fast results.

I for one hope it doesn't happen, but lets wait and see.

Happy Hunting!

01-12-03, 14:34
Saturday night report.

I cruised the normal areas. Plenty of action out there. But I was only window shopping. Elmwood ave, there were 3 WSW at Sprague St. All 3 were 3 or 4's.. behind the autoparts place there was a cute redhead sitting on the wall on the corner. About an 8. Looked very out of place for that area.

On Delaine St there was a short stock WSW about a 6 if you like em like that. Seems this area is picking up again. But it always scares me since this is where they have done most of the stings.

Happy Hunting!

01-14-03, 11:54
I wanted to let you folks know about a dream I had a week ago at the Yoko Health Spa.

I went in and mamasan asked if I had been there before. I told her back in June after they reopened and I saw Toni. I handed her the door fee $60.00 for a 1 hr. massage. She took me into one of the rooms and told me to get undressed. A few minutes later a lady named Koko came in. Mid/late 20's cute nice body (7 in looks-8 in body-6 for service), fake tits took me down for a wonderful table shower, during which she paid alot of attention to my ass, balls and such. We went back to the massage room where she proceeded to give me a pretty good massage. This was as good as the ones I remember when I was stationed in Korea in the 80's. She starts with the light touch on my crack and tells me to turn over. She continues with my legs and then starts concentrating on my 3rd leg. Looks at me and winks, I wink back. Hands me my pants and I give her a $120.00 tip. She leaves and comes back a couple minutes later and strips. She hops up on me and gives me a pretty good CBJ. Lubes herself up some and hops up for some CG. She locks my legs down with her ankles so I can't move them. I get my smile painted on after about 10 mins of this. She cleans me up, I dress, she kisses me and gives me a hug and walks me to the door.

It was a nice dream but on the way out I saw a lady that looked cuter (8-8), maybe I will try her next week and will report on her then. :)

Remember that this was a dream. ;)

01-16-03, 04:59
frequent visitor but dont post.............have to post this one...........
was out trolling tonite....fall riv /nb /prov back and forth........was ready to give up @ 1:30 am when in south prov a little white car chased me down!are you a cop.......nooooo .she was hoping i had a place and she was definately new to this.followed her till she got in with me then drove around aimlessly till we were both comfortable with the place.she had to be 18-20 or so a few (not many) pounds extra with an attitude and sevice that are second to none-totally unrushed and clean as my whistle.didnt ask for a dime, just gratefully accepted my donation after the fact.she asked for my number! sorry guys my mind is still reeling from this one.

as for the seen nb 4-5 kinda worn out types
fr-2 scalliwags
prov -2 so so and this one lil hottie kristen

01-18-03, 10:22
i have to agree with Adobe = Cheaters is going downhill; i got ripped off for two "air dances" in the Godiva room yesterday
[ plus it costs $20 to get in there ]

The Difference this time was : like in Adobe's sad tale, the gal approached me.

Usually i pick the chick but i had my eye on the gorgeous blond on stage when my con·artist approached and she was pretty nice looking so i gave her a go. Big Mistake and one i'll not make again.

So i decided to run downtown and check out The Satin Doll.

Fairly quiet in there for 5 p.m. on a Friday; half a dozen customers and girls but i spotted this one knock·out brunette and just walked up to her and asked her for a dance. [ i hadn't even bought a drink yet ]

She acted shocked at my forwardnes then amused when i added :
" BTW, my name is PsyberZombie, what's yours ?? "
[ Sorry, she had one of those weird stage names and i don't remember it ]

But MAN did she polish my knob for one $20 dance [ i gave her
$40 because she was worth it ]

This is a 'bikini' club but my my gal was wearing a beautiful strapless floor-length dress which she stripped off to reveal tiny undies and *Latex pasties* which she let me touch few times.

Except for the horrendous parking situation down·town [ i lucked out and got a spot on the street at that hour ] , this Place now wins my "Best Bang for the Buck" Award

Let's get busy, Gentlemen !!

01-21-03, 17:57
I just woke up from a wonderful nap.

I had this dream where I went to an AMP on N. Main St. The ladies name was Nechi (not sure of the spelling), decent english, cute face, thin, nice tatas.

She gave me a soft and very nice table shower. I skipped the sauna and she gave me one of the absolute best massages I have ever had. Unfortunately the room I was in didn't have the bar over the table, so she couldn't walk on my back, but, instead she hopped up, straddled me and did it all with her elbows and knees. WOW, it was good. We all know how this dream ends. HJ finish.

$60.00 to the door and the appropriate tip for the lady. :)

Also, this was a first: She helped me get dressed. Nice touch. I would recommend that you try to have similar dreams to this one.

01-24-03, 04:07
Howdy Gentlemen...On the subject of strip clubs, does anyone remember the name of a place that featured 2 stories (nude/bikini), and had overstuffed armchairs on the first floor where you could get lapdances for $1? Maybe those days are over...

01-26-03, 13:03
luvinfun.....I'm glad to hear that N. Main St is still open......it used to be only a 20 tip (and they never ask, they just wait to see if you want to)...does that still hold true?

01-26-03, 13:44
Yeah, that was about it. No mention of the tip whatsoever. Girl helped me on with my clothes and coat and I almost had to force the tip on her. Gotta love that.

She did assume I wanted the happy ending and didn't mention anything to me. But, my body language didn't do anything to sway her away from it. ;)

Of course this wass all a dream. :)

01-26-03, 21:34
tigeradams, That sounds like the old Fantasies, when it was on Dean St. They have relocated to a brand new building on Harris Ave. In fact their old location is now the parking garage for the new police station.

I have yet to go to the new place, but I hear it is not the same as the old place.

Happy Hunting!

01-29-03, 16:59
Thanks for the info, HitDawg, yeah, that sounds about right. Too bad- Those $1 lapdances were lots of good clean fun...

01-30-03, 16:33
Dawg, Isn't that a bit ironic? Not the lot for LE? ;)

01-30-03, 19:05
You can still get down and dirty $1 dances at Cheaters if you can tolerate the filthy surroundings

01-30-03, 19:19
Boy do i miss the days of the VIP spa every time i went there it always seemed that friends was on the TV. VIP was the best spa in the city but to bad the man took it down...I think it s funny that spikes junkyard dogs is there now cause you can tell the guys that eat there just for the memoies. I dont like how no gives the sportsmen any love great place, you always remember your first strip club

02-03-03, 02:12
Hey WataGuy, Last time I was at Cheater's, they wanted $20 for a one song lapdance- Nope!

02-05-03, 12:31
I havent been to providence since VIP spa stopped offering FS (i live in boston); although im thinking about returning for yoko or midori. i do go to waterbury from time to time when i go to NYC

My question for the group is if anyone here has been to san francisco? i have had several trips out there and received service at market street cinema (ripoff) and lee's, a massage place only a few blocks away from market street cinema.

I found 2 striking differences between lee's and the new england AMP: first the girls at lee's were breathtaking. there were some pretty girls at VIP when it was at its peak, but the waiting area at lee's was like the most exclusive dance club in chinatown. girls were chinese not korean and they were smokin hot. the second difference was that lee's did not offer a table shower.

It struck me that no matter where i go (i travel a fair amount) there is always some tradeoff. the absolute best service is in east coast AMPs (table showers and eager girls). the hottest girls anywhere are streetwalkers in vancouver (like nothing u have ever seen) but they have a million rules and arent enthusiastic. SF AMPs have girls almost as hot as vancouver, but not as eager & friendly as new england and the lack of a table shower really makes a difference for me.

Any posters in here who travel a lot? have u noticed the same things? what cities have you been to and what are the differences from RI and CT?

02-06-03, 18:51

Ever been to Mitchell Bros, in S.F.? Market Street is such a dump!!

02-07-03, 12:50
I have never been to MB theater because i have heard it is way expensive. have you been? what is the best strategy for scoping the place out without dropping very much money.

02-08-03, 16:43
Last time I was there, a few years ago, the door charge was $40. That should explain first off how expensive the place is. However, the girls know how to please, and the place is like no other I've been to in the US.

02-11-03, 12:54
The snow was a wonderful addition to the whole "spa" experience as there seemed to be no other customer besides myself.

Given that, I had the pleasure of giving the young lass at Yoko the time of her life (as evidenced by the Mama-san making a concerted effort to remember who I was when I left.)

Std door, girl 1.4 (yes, I overtipped; yes the attention was worth it.)

02-15-03, 10:42
Providence LE is up and running again =

Friday's Pro·Jo Police News listed a series of prostitution arrests; and they seem to fit the pattern i mentioned in my post at 12-27-02 12:56, to wit : LE is most active on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The arrests occurred on FEB 4th, 6th & 7th [ which would be last Tues and Thursday night/Friday morning ]

In most cases undercover LE arrested the girls; but in one case they watched a guy solicit a gal and then followed the couple and caught them 'in the act' and arrested them both [ Yikes! My worst nightmare!! ]

The locations given were : Elmwood Ave; Manton; and Dexter St; the latter also mentioned in that 12-27 post.

So i guess the lesson to be learned is =

Stay away from the SW scene on Tuesdays & Thursdays, especially at night ....

02-15-03, 10:45
i just got back from a trip to the ATLANTIS CASINO & RESORT on Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas.

Didn't see a single Working Gal the entire time.

More on the 'West Indies' page here...

02-15-03, 14:46
Hey, how goes the street scence there guys? Will be stopping by tonight and for the next 2 weeks on a little business. Share the goods.. Peace!!

02-16-03, 15:13

I haven't seen much of anything out lately. It's been really cold as you know, so I think that has really cut back on the number of ladies out there working. And it looks like LE is back at it again.

Let us know how you do.

Happy Hunting!

02-17-03, 22:31
Need some good direction in pawt central falls area........please help

02-19-03, 00:02

Check the other area in RI for CF/Pawtucket info. Be advised it has been very dead the last couple of months. Hearing that LE is very heavy and have recieved a couple of grants to clean up the area and they are doing a good job of it too. Which is too bad. Maybe it will get better when it warms up, but I doubt it. It has been going steadily downhill the last couple of years. Almost not worth the trip out there anymore.

If you find anything please let us all know.

Happy Hunting!

02-19-03, 16:31
How is the scene on Route 1/South Attelboro going into Rhode Island?? where State Line Video is.Are there SWS in that area?

02-20-03, 00:45

I have never seen any in that area. The video place is a gay hang out from what the local LE says. Not much foot traffic in that area at all. Everywhere has been dead. Come on spring!!

Happy Hunting!

02-20-03, 02:04
Originally posted by Hitdawg

I have never seen any in that area. The video place is a gay hang out from what the local LE says. Not much foot traffic in that area at all. Everywhere has been dead. Come on spring!!

Happy Hunting!

And it looked like it was primed for hunting too!! Well that's out:( ...Thankx Dawg for the info.

02-20-03, 07:49

Busts at Yoko, Midori, and OSG (!).

02-20-03, 12:11
Well there goes today's plans out the damn window.....
"an eyesore"?? You wouldn't even notice most of these places! _________________________________________________

PROVIDENCE -- Amid the low-shelf decor of peepholes, knockoff Ralph Lauren towels and plastic ficus trees, "Operation Rubdown" netted busts at three of four targeted massage parlors last night.

Police arrested seven women and one man on either prostitution charges, licensing charges, or both. All were to be arraigned today in District Court, Providence.

The women, who are all Korean, had identification from various parts of the country, including Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Georgia and Oregon, said Lt. Steven A. Casbarro, head of the Special Services Division.

Police believe that the supply of women to the businesses "may be organized."

Before the women had been brought to Central Station to be charged, a lawyer had already called "on behalf of one of the girls," Casbarro said.

The businesses have now been raided two and three times each. Police intend to seek state civil-nuisance complaints against the landlords "to try and force evictions" of the businesses, he said.

Casbarro cited two recent cases that have resulted in evictions of illegal massage businesses: the former MoMo Therapy on Broadway, and The VIP on Richmond Street, now the site of Spike's Junkyard Dogs.

"In a place like Broadway or downtown, it's an eyesore and the neighbors don't appreciate the traffic," said Casbarro. He said the new cases will be presented before the Attorney General's Nuisance Task Force.

At 6 p.m., undercover detectives who posed as clients at the Oriental Garden Spa at 770 North Main St. were offered sexual acts for money as they were being massaged, Casbarro said.

A team of detectives subsequently raided the spa. They arrested two women, who pulled jackets over their heads as they were led outside and through the snow into an unmarked police car. One woman was crying.

In the same hour, another team of detectives raided the Yoko Massage Parlor at 1021 Broad St., second floor, and the Midori Spa at 112 Union St., Apt. 101.

No arrests were made during an attempted sting at a fourth massage parlor in Providence.

Un Cha Skelley, 56, who gave her address as that of the Yoko Massage Parlor but carried a driver's license from Hephzibah, Ga., was charged with a massage-license violation. Kimyoung Kim, 40, who also gave her address as that of the Yoko Massage Parlor, was charged with loitering for indecent purposes and a massage-license violation.

Mi Choe, 48, of 306 Main St., Ridgefield, N.J., and Misun Russo, 43, of 14427 35th Ave., Flushing, N.Y., arrested at the Oriental Garden Spa, were charged with loitering for indecent purposes. Choe was also charged with practicing massage without a license.

Myong Kim, 41, and Yu I Thurmond, 44, who gave their address as that of the Midori Spa, were charged with loitering for indecent purposes and massage-license violations. Edward Lavelle, 50, of 19 Dunkin Ave., Providence, and Wol Barrick, 60, who gave her address as that of the Midori Spa, were charged with massage-license violations.

Police recovered a stack of white envelopes containing $8,270 from the kitchen of the Oriental Garden Spa, and $1,030 in cash from the front office, according to a police report.

At the Yoko Massage Parlor and the Oriental Garden Spa, police observed what appeared to be living quarters, including kitchens and sleeping areas.

02-20-03, 14:44
You know it makes you wonder how much what is said on here plays into having this type of thing go down. Some of those places I never heard about until I read about them on here. I know they are advertised in the Pheonix, but it makes me wonder if we aren't causing some of these things to happen when we post the information on here for LE to read?

Just my .02 for what it is worth.

Happy Hunting!

02-20-03, 17:41
I think it is the normal course of events. The police go out every now and then and bust these places. It makes them look like they are doing something. I think the spa over on broad was busted then opened up again 2 weeks later.

I dont know if anyone remembers the Back Stage Bar and Grill. It used to be a bar behind the Civic View Inn, you could go in there pick up company and go to a room at the Civic View. Every now and then the Police would bust it just to appear as if they were addressing the matter. It was not until the police caught wind that drugs were being sold out the place that they closed it down.

Of course on the other hand Providence has a new police chief, who addressed "community" issues where he was, in addition we have a gay mayor. So who knows what is happening. I think though if I were the mayor or police chief I would rather have 'massage parlors" then "street walkers"

The ProJo talks about traffic in and out of these places, but like many have said you have to find these places. Perhaps some things posted out here are looked at, but again I think the big culprit are customers who leave these places dissatisfied and call the cops.

If the Narrangansett Indians cant get the casino thing to fly, perhaps they could open up Brothel's on there tribal land!!!

Go to Connecticut for gambling, and Rhode Island for sex!

02-20-03, 19:55
Well, looks like I will also be staying away from the AMPS for a while. :( Jeez.

02-21-03, 08:12
Greetings, Gentlemen !!

i came here to write about the triple·bust of all the active AMPs in La Prov —— but i see you guys beaten me to it.

i would like to point out the most Important Passage in that Pro·Jo article [ the one that probably means these places are Gone for Good ] =

" The businesses have now been raided two and three times each. Police intend to seek state civil-nuisance complaints against the landlords "to try and force evictions" of the businesses, he said.

Casbarro cited two recent cases that have resulted in evictions of illegal massage businesses: the former MoMo Therapy on Broadway, and The VIP on Richmond Street, now the site of Spike's Junkyard Dogs. "

i can live without AMPs; but i FEAR that this crack·down [ excuse the expression ] Mentality means the SW scene is now Too Dangerous, and —— who knows? —— may even spread to ridding the City of all the hot Lap Dancing Clubs in our Area

Heaven Forfend !!

02-21-03, 23:04
All good things must come to an end. But, why when we are still so young? The 80's were fantastic, then got steadily worse in the 90's. Now they are trying to kill it off for good. :(

At least we still have CT, as far as the drive is.

02-25-03, 23:40
Hello, Does anyone know if the AMPS that were busted have reopened yet or are they gone for good. I will definately shed a tear if they are gone......

02-26-03, 16:20
I can now report that Midori is very very open. :)

02-28-03, 01:54
any one getting any action lately at the sportsman inn? I used to get fun from the dancers on a regular basis but have not been there in a while....also beware of the rooms upstairs if you are a clean person

02-28-03, 17:06
Originally posted by timmuffin
any one getting any action lately at the sportsman inn? I used to get fun from the dancers on a regular basis but have not been there in a while....also beware of the rooms upstairs if you are a clean person

I think once you set foot in that building, you cease to be a 'clean person'

03-01-03, 15:22
Originally posted by timmuffin
any one getting any action lately at the sportsman inn? I used to get fun from the dancers on a regular basis but have not been there in a while....also beware of the rooms upstairs if you are a clean person

Memories!!! I use to get all knds of extra's from the girls at the sportmans Inn before "Buddy" went in and busted them for not greasing his palm. Haven't been there in a few years, I would love to know if there are some extra's to be had anymore too???

03-01-03, 20:58
Originally posted by Hitdawg
You know it makes you wonder how much what is said on here plays into having this type of thing go down. Some of those places I never heard about until I read about them on here. I know they are advertised in the Pheonix, but it makes me wonder if we aren't causing some of these things to happen when we post the information on here for LE to read?

Just my .02 for what it is worth.

Happy Hunting!

Fellow AMP visitors-
Don't stop posting on this message board just because a couple of AMP's got raided. I doubt that LE spends there days reading through all the posts of this forum. All the Amp's will probaly be back on there feet and open for business within a few weeks(or sooner). How long did it take the Yoko Spa to reopen after the last time it was raided? These things happen and you shouldn't let the cops scare you into not going to these places. They want you to not post on this site so no one else will find out about these places. Fuck the LE and long live the almighty AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my .02$

03-04-03, 13:12

The biggest difference this time with the raids is that the city is moving to permanently take not only the licenses, but the property as well. They have not done this in the past.

Also have noticed a big increase in LE in the SW area's. They are busting em for just getting in the car. I know one in Pawtucket in the last week, who told me that all she did was get in the car, next thing she knew there were cops everywhere. Report says she proposed oral, she says she never said anything more than Hi, before he drove off. And she swears she has been with the guy before. I have known her for a long time and I believe what she says is true. Pretty sad state of affairs.

Happy Hunting and stay safe.

03-04-03, 18:13
Originally posted by too_big
Fellow AMP visitors-
Don't stop posting on this message board just because a couple of AMP's got raided. I doubt that LE spends there days reading through all the posts of this forum. All the Amp's will probaly be back on there feet and open for business within a few weeks(or sooner). How long did it take the Yoko Spa to reopen after the last time it was raided? These things happen and you shouldn't let the cops scare you into not going to these places. They want you to not post on this site so no one else will find out about these places. Fuck the LE and long live the almighty AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my .02$

I agree and disagree with this theory. LE really doesn't need this board to figure out where the SW's and AMP's are and what they are up to. Allthough when I post about an experience I always try to be a bit vague on details and where, when I got services. I am a huge fan of the AMP's that do give FS (or did) and really hate to see them go, but fact of the matter is that Prostitution has been around for 1000's of years and it will continue to be around with or without LE busting nuts. I think LE schedules the bust every so often and insures it is heavily publicized so that they can show the "general" public they are fighting the battle to clean up the neighborhoods. Give it some time and new AMP's will open up and continue the old service until LE needs to stretch ther muscles again. Nothing anyone here says or does makes a difference on how LE reacts to certain situations. On the other hand though if we find that gem of a SW, escort, Amp and report every detail here, who's to say LE is not looking on and taking note??? Lets continue to post info here, but in a smart manner and also be respectful to LE and others. If we are bashing LE, calling them names etc. and they do happen to check the board, remarks could be the fuel for them to strike at our little hobby and close it down. Just my 2 cents!!! Later Dudes and be safe.

03-06-03, 18:57
I understand that LE is only doing their "job" but when will the law let people make their own decisions regarding what happens to their own body. I dream of a day when people become responsible for themselves and stop trying to pass the buck so that the law will not have to take away certain "rights" from people who are responsible so that the irresponsible people will not hurt themselves. How is my taking pleasure with a woman affecting anyone else!!! I for one hope that the LE understand that the people who are being arrested for sexual acts are people who make the decision on their own to engage in said act. In the meantime, let us all hope and pray that we stay safe and enjoy life.

03-07-03, 22:38
Just a short note. I was in Providence today so I figured I would check out my favorite AMP to see what's up!! To my surprise they were open for business (under a different name). Got a girl named "Nanu" or something like that. Very skinny with C-Cup fake breast and a really tight nice body with a very cute face. My only complaints with this girl was she wouldn't let me DATY. Everything else was a go though and was excellent. I would rate her an 8 on scale 1-10. One thing I always notice is that 95% of these girls have really bad boob jobs, you can usually feel and see the outline of the implant, this girl had huge nipples though which really made up for the bad implants. Also she gave an excellent massage and did the old walk on my back thing which I love. Sorry for not being more detailed about my visit, but hate to see LE bust my favorite AMP again. Later dudes and always think with the big head first.

03-08-03, 01:46
Good to see you chime in more often HM!,I'm coming down tomorrow for a little fun because, the Boston scene is dry but,never dead.

Hitdawg... you mentioned Pawtucket,where do the SWS Mostly hang out? and, what streets? when the BEST TIME to hit the Pawtucket streets for some poon? and do they strictly do cruisers? I don't mind cruising at all but I get a better thrill out of strolling.

Take it sleazy Fellas!!


03-08-03, 12:22

Pawtucket lately has been very hit or miss. LE is doing UC sweeps about 3 times a week and have most of the ladies hiding.

The stroll is pretty much Barton St. between Broad and Dexter, some times you will see some on Montgomery and High St as well. You will also see a lot of construction going on in that area. They are cleaning up alot of the old buildings where a lot of the girls used to live pretty cheaply. They got a huge grant from the Feds and are really trying to clean up the area.

A couple of the bars in the area are good places where the girls hang out as well. The CV Lounge on Broad St, just up from Barton and Charlies on Dexter St are the best bets.

Anyone have any info on the area to share and don't want it out here for all the eyes to see can e-mail me at hitdawg2003 at nospam hotmail.com (remove the nospam).

In Providence, the street scene is pretty hit or miss these days too. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays seem to be when LE runs their stings on the girls and the johns, so be careful out there. The new mayor has promised to clean up the neighberhoods.

Be safe and Happy Hunting.

03-09-03, 00:13
That sucks!

That's was mainly the reason I come to Prov the ****** man! I was there last summer and I picked up nice 18-20 yr old Latin/Spanish chick at Saki's pizza for a $20 F and BJ.Took her to the Providence Place Mall a year ago.I won't forget that episode!..COME OOOOONNNNNN SPRING!!!

03-09-03, 21:13
Yeah MeatMan, times are tough everywhere these days. I can only usually cruise during daylight hours and I gotta say the SW's are almost non existant during the day on most all the regular strolls, both in Providence and Boston. Thats why the last few months I've been dropping a ton of dough in the AMP's in Providence. Hopefully once the warm weather returns the SW's will hit the roadways in force and I can start saving some serious cash again....It's a b**ch explaining to the wife we don't have enough money for her to buy groceries with...LOL :-) As always be safe and ALWAYS think with the big head first.

03-10-03, 13:09
It could not have been the weather yesterday in Providence, but there was nothing doing at least in the afternoon. Didn't seen much of a LE presence so it just looks like the supply has dried up. Where have all the BJ's gone?

03-15-03, 00:07
Listening to Providence PD running their busts tonight. Vice is out in strength. Following cars and picking up girls. Mainly in the Dexter & Bucklin St area. They just busted a guy and girl behind the church on Dexter St.

They are picking up girls just standing on the street and charging them with loitering for prostitution. They don't even have to get in the car. How fair is that?

Hope you are all very careful out there.

Takes the fun out of the hunt.

Stay safe.

03-19-03, 20:01
Stopped in at my favorite AMP yesterday for an afternoon visit. Saw a girl named June, early to mid 30's. This girl was almost what I would call the perfect girl. She was 5'5"+- excellent body not skinny but not fat, just the perfect weight, very big breast (Real ones) which is VERY rare for asian women at these places, usually they have horribly done implaints. Did the deed 100% everything with several positions to completion. The only bad thing was is that it was busy yesterday, so my time there did feel a bit rushed, but the girl made up for it in looks and willingness. I highly recommend her. Sorry for the vague info, but I would hate LE to nail these folks again, with the SW scene being so bad lately this is the only way to bust a nut lately...Can't wait for the regular warm weather to hit...The prices at these Amp's are really killing my funds quickly. Later to all and as always think with the big head first before acting with the small head...

03-19-03, 23:27
Originally posted by Hitdawg

Pawtucket lately has been very hit or miss...

A couple of the bars in the area are good places where the girls hang out as well. The CV Lounge on Broad St, just up from Barton and Charlies on Dexter St are the best bets.

The CV LOUNGE isn't in the phone book, Hitdawg.

Can you maybe give us the address; or at least the cross·street it's on ??

Also, is 'BARTON & CHARLIES' a Bar ??

Mapquest.com has a Barton & CHERRY St. intersection...

The Street Scene is getting so hot with LE around La Prov that i'd gladly head up to Pawtucket and the safety of Bar·fly 'Escorts'

BTW, RUMOR has it that the PROV MARIOTT Bar is where the Ladies of the Evening hang....

Any TRVTH to this rumor ??

Or do i have to go check it out for myself ???

** Let's Get Busy, Gentlemen !! **

03-20-03, 11:48
Does anyone have any info in "Sun Palace" on Carpenter St? The ad in the paper looks like a "real" massage table. Are extras available? Many thanks.

Also, is the N. Main St. AMP still there.

(sorry, been out of town for a few months)

03-20-03, 22:20

CV Lounge is on Broad St just north of the intersection with Barton st.

Charlies is on Dexter St, South of the intersection with Barton St. If you are at Barton and Cherry then you are diagnally across from Charlies. Barton and Cherry has a liquor store, next to it is Dunkin Donuts, opposite corner from DD is Charlies. Can't miss either one of them.

I've also heard about the Marriott, but have heard that the Holiday Inn on Atwells Ave is loaded with them too.

Happy Hunting!

03-25-03, 03:53
Hey guys,

It's only been a week since I trolled your streets. Since the mild wheather has picked up, any fresh meat to be plowed there?

I got Bopped Monday morning but they didn't take me away(read all about it on the Boston board)...Peace!

03-26-03, 00:04
Hey Hornyman,

Remember a while back you mentioned Carlotta? she used to hang on Tablot Ave? Man, If i'm not mistaken,I think I saw a woman with glasses who fits the description you mentioned. I was in a car with my cousin. If that's her, I'll ask her name but I doubt she'll give me her real name(man I got a thing with women with glasses!)

03-27-03, 22:44
Whats up dude!!! Hey I gotta be real quick here...My dear wife is sitting across the room from me!!! Im on my wireless Laptop so gotta be careful dude...Hey if ya do see that girl Carlotta and she is the one I use to pick up, go for it man, she gives the best BBBJ's I have eva had, the kind that curls your toes, if ya know what I mean. Gotta run, Ill check back soon.. Later Dude

04-02-03, 15:12
I have been to Sun Palace a few times for a massage. Basically $60 for an adequate massage from a pretty white girl. No extras offered. One of the girls did say I could jack myself if I wanted. So if you like masturbating in front of a girl it might be a good deal.

They do rent rooms with hot tubs by the hour, but you have to provide your own company.

Originally posted by boston528
Does anyone have any info in "Sun Palace" on Carpenter St? The ad in the paper looks like a "real" massage table. Are extras available? Many thanks.

Also, is the N. Main St. AMP still there.

(sorry, been out of town for a few months)

04-06-03, 11:27
Was in Providence last night guys.I strolled Broad St around 11:00PM. for the first time and it was totally different from where I normally cruise.I picked up white chick by the gas station(Shell??) Ok looking but a little chunky.

She hit me with $50 for F. I told her all I have was $30 she was cool with it.Did the duty with her at the park(Roger Williams Park)

gonna try Broad St. again when it starts to warm up around there.Not a bad area to stroll!


04-07-03, 11:59
After reading this story
http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/097/metro/Chinatown_fights_fears+.shtml in the Globe, I was wondering if SARS fears are affecting AMP's at all?

04-09-03, 20:01
I'm new to the area, looking for some action? help. Where? How is LE? $$?

04-14-03, 10:33
Cruised the usual area yesterday afternoon; Nothing. LE wasn;t especially prominent, so where have they all gone?

04-14-03, 14:02
I also cruised the normal areas on Saturday and saw just 1 sw. Headed up to Pawtucket/CF area and ran into an old friend off the stroll. Picked her up and she told me she just got out after 6 months. Said it is like old home week at the ACI. Many of the girls are there and more or coming in each week. She said they are getting really tough on them and most are getting anywhere from 3-6 months to a year in jail. Also they tell them when the get released that if they even see them back in the area of the strolls they will lock them up again for loitering with intent.

That must explain the lack of talent out there. It sure has dried up.

Happy Hunting.

Soft Touches
04-16-03, 14:18
Hi all;

Does anyone have any suggestions for places to go for FS?
I have been a regular visitor to a place on N Main st. Though the shower and HJ is pretty good....I'm kinda of getting tired of it.

I have been doing some cruising around Broad and CF but noticed like the rest of you the pickings are slim and not very appetizing.

Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

04-18-03, 21:59
Soft Touches...Providence is tough for FS AMP's. There are two that I know of that do offer FS, problem is that they have both been busted a few times and are pretty cautious with how and who they do FS with. I am not going to post which places offer FS because you never know what prying eyes are lurking here looking for some info (maybe LE???) If you do a bit of previous research here going back through some old posts you should be able to figure out which ones still might offer extra services. I haven't been to my favorite AMP in a month or so because I gotta tell you this new virus SARS is kinda freakin me out especially since many of the girls in these places are many times fresh over from Asian countries. (mainly Korea) What do you guys here think about the possibilities of catching that nasty virus from one of these girls??? Later Dudes and as always think with the big head before Letting the small head take over!!!!

04-21-03, 00:41
Another FINE experience at a local AMP.

Hats off to the ubiquitously named "June" who made sure that if I was her last customer of the night, that I was going to walk off whistling.

I asked for everything, and the lady was kind enough to please.

Details omitted to protect the guilty, but this AMP is neither new, nor previously unmentioned here.

Soft Touches
04-21-03, 14:22
Thanks guys,

I did a little bit of catching up on my reading. Though naturally everything is somewhat vague I believe I will be attending a social event somewhere in the near future.

It's too bad there aren't more establishments that cater to the more demanding.

Thanks again, I'll let you know how things go

Soft Touches
04-21-03, 14:42
Originally posted by too_big
Sounds like an AMP but the fact that it's in massaschusetts worries me, mass has stricter laws reguarding these types of places. Also AMP's are ussually cash only, because the extras are ussually paid for with a tip. But call the place and ask them some questions(ask if they take walk-ins, if they offer a table shower ), if the person picks up and speaks in broken english you've hit a bullseye. If it sounds good to you try it out and report back because were always looking for good places to go to. I was going along and picked up on this message about the place in MA. I have been here, the place is real upscale and usually requires an appt. for either 1/2 or whole hour for a massage. Any special attention is negotiated with the girls. The girls are all white and ranging from 5-8 on looks and a solid 8 on experience.

Now the unfortunate part. I don't think their open anymore or moved on. I'll have to check it out again. My contribution.

04-23-03, 03:54
Wow... getting my clock cleaned twice in one week.

Went for a quick after midnight cruise through the usual spots in Prov, and found a 7 walking along a building behind the Auto Parts.

2 Beer drunk, Hello, thank you, .3 BBBJTC. And guess what.... for me that means a whole lot of talent, (Wrigley long lasting and all.)

Ubiquitously named Mercedes.


Soft Touches
04-23-03, 12:29
Yesterday I must have tired in the afternoon because I had this dream that I walked down the street (downtown prov.) and visited this place called M......

I was greeted by the Mamason and handed over immediately to a girl name CC (promounced See-see). She took me into her room started hugging me and then proceeded to strip me. She asked if I had been there before, so I lied and said I had. This made her more comfortable I think.

She took me to the bath and did a thorough washing, concentrating on my ass and cock. Actually she went over my ass several times. At this point I thought, geez it can't be that dirty.

After the bath she brought me back to her room and started the massage, then asked if I wanted a whole body massage. I in turn say no. I want everything. We haggled and settled on 160.

She proceeded to climb on my back, kissing and dragging her hair all the way down. When she reached my ass I discovered why all the scrubbing. She kissed and licked all over the damn place...I was being driven wild.

Then she had me turn over and did the same thing, then proceeded to give a BJ that was incredible. I didn't think she would stop, but before I could cum she stopped. Without even realizing it she had put a raincoat on me.

She then climbed on top and started screwing me, she raised my head so I could watch...then pulled me up to a sitting position. Well I'm a little older and heavier so that wasn't working for me. I stood up with her still attached, flopped her on her back onto the bed and went at it standing up. All in all it was a great dream.

The girl was about a 6-7, cute, long brown hair, 25, very pleasant and spoke english well...the experience fantastic....Hopefully I will be returning to the same place in my next few dreams.

Thanks for the guidance guys.

04-24-03, 20:55
Glad to hear that people can still dream like this.

04-25-03, 00:22
Ok, here is the info I have gathered over the past month. Some might still be accurate and some might have gone by the last fix.

Let me go through the beginning of my usual cruise. Usually starts out around Cranston St. Some real gems have come out of the Benedict project. Thats the first left after coming onto Cranston St. from Potters. Right before an old white church. Mostly black, hispanic, and a few whites. Usually addicts, but sometimes a real looker just looking for, well, you know. I usually go by the project once or twice and then continue back onto Potters.

Cranston St doesn't really have much there other than in the summer time some nice hispanic gals just out in the night, partying, not really looking for me....

Onto Potters St., mostly walkovers from Cranston and the project but as you get closer to Bucklin, watch out for LE and some really nasty lookers. Only on a very rare occasion do I stop for anything at all in that area. Sometimes there is a decent catch coming out of the bar on Potters, its before Bucklin, across from the Power company, or whatever that large fenced off area is. If there is, they usually are heading back to the Benedict project, use to be alot more decent ones around there to Cranston, not anymore.

On we go, dreaded Bucklin, like I said, there is action, but its not for the weary......Lots of action if you take a right on Sprague St. All in that area there is always action, use to be alot more during the day, but you can always find something, and i use that very loosely, buyer beware, plenty of trannies out there also.........

Back on to Bucklin, I usually follow it all the way to Westminster St. where i take a left and head for the Olneyville cruise. Caught a decent white girl, mid 30's, maybe a 6, right in the area after taking a left on Westminster. She had a convenient house on the right hand side. Haven't seen her in months.

Continue down Westminster to Olney center. I usually go up toward the Plainfield st area. Let me tell you there was about 3 months ago, a real fine Latina that had a place, apartment, right when you turned onto Plainfield. I think it was the first house on the right, right after the first street on the right. About 24yo, great chest, and fun, a little heavy, but not at all bad. I think it was 50 for half and half, and about an hours time with her in the shack.... She was just sitting on her front steps talking on a phone when i drove by, what luck.........Doesn't happen too often that way..

Continuing on Plainfield... About 2 months back found a real looker, maybe 7 or low 8, walking near the Merino St. Merino is the first right after the School/Church on the right side. She was about 27, nice body, a softcore drug user...Smoked alot of weed... She wanted to buy a bag of weed and head to the Johnston Hotels... Skipped the bag of weed but DID take her to the Johnston Hotels. I think it was about 60 or so for about an hours time, plus room, so it was a little heavy for my liking but one of my all time favorites. So keep your eye out in that area, there are a few worth it.

Continuing on Plainfield I usually take a right on Petteys Ave and follow it to Hartford Ave. I have picked up a few on Hartford, take a right in the project areas, left and right side. Nothing to write about, the usual project chicks, mostly black and hardcore. I usually take the right onto Hartford and head back toward the Olneyville center, then take a left onto Manton Ave. once I get to the center.

Most know of this area, but its really a hot LE area, be careful, and most are real hardcore puntas. Have found a couple of decent ones towards the end of Manton, near the project. A little to deep into the "woods" of the cities hard culture for me. I will continue to the end of Manton, taking a right onto Atwells. Use to be some lookers near the Blockbuster, before and after, mostly before. Nothing comes to the forefront of my memory so it must have been a while ago. Haven't seen much as of late.

I will continue on Atwells until i get to the second light and take a left on Academy. Use to be some action there, but seems to have dried up. All the way til you come to Chalkstone was a hit or miss. Taking a right on Chalkstone found a decent Oriental lady, ok, mid 30's, big tits for a orient, on the right hand side, across from Dominoes.

I continue on Chalkstone all the way past Roger Williams Hospital towards Smith Hill area. I have picked up a few in this area, Chalkstone, in the past year, but nothing great. I follow Chalkstone all the way up to Smith St. where I take a right at the lights. Some hit or miss in that area, 7-Eleven area, but watch out for LE. Did find a early twenties black chick right after the hotdog dive. Really good, great body, unfortunately did it in the car. Never seen her again.

I continue on Smith st. through a set of lights and take a left on the second left after D&D, Holden St. Use to find some action near the D&D all the way to Holden. Not much anymore. I follow Holden to the end, comes out onto Orms St. I take a right there, was some action there a few years ago also. Take my first left onto Douglas and follow that all the way to the Prov College area. Hit or miss in that area, not much lately.

I will continue this soon.............Just wanted to give you an idea of where i have found some decent ladies, seeing the times are a bit more difficult these days, trying to lend a helping hand. Anyone have any insight or maybe some help on where else to track, feel free..........Be Safe...

04-25-03, 20:14
Gents - i was driving down Rt. 1 today in Attleboro/S. Attleboro and went by a massage place called "Perfect Touch" or "Gentle Touch".....any info on the place?

04-26-03, 14:14

That would be in North Attleboro and strictly a legit place. The local gastapo would be all over it if it weren't. They used to have a 'hooker hotel' in the south end of town but that has been long since replaced by an Applebee's.

North Attleboro is a good town to stay out of. LE is very tough and they love DUI arrests. Some would even lock up their own mothers. Lots of idiots with badges in that town.

Happy Hunting.

05-03-03, 14:13
Ok.. has RI just dried up and fell off the face of the earth like the old man in the mountain in NH did today?

05-03-03, 22:16
I did the cruise around the capital city this afternoon and saw quite a few sw's out and about. There were no less than 6 in the area off Elmwood towards Dexter. 4 WSW and 2 BSW. 2 of the WSW were of pretty good quality the other 4 were all huddled around a scraggly black male who looked to be handing out some goodies to the ladies.

Nothing else around that I could see. Nothing in Olneyville or Valley St.

Happy Hunting.

Boston 1
05-05-03, 17:26

I'm new to this board. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a place for a great sensous massage with maybe a hj. Not interested in fs right now.

Do places with hj ever get busted by le?

Thinking about trying N. Main st. spa. Has this place ever been busted?

I don't want to take risks if even places that offer hj can get into trouble, maybe someone can recommend a place that just gives great sensous massage?

Thanks for the tips!

Soft Touches
05-06-03, 14:58
Originally posted by Boston 1

I'm new to this board. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a place for a great sensous massage with maybe a hj. Not interested in fs right now.

Do places with hj ever get busted by le?

Thinking about trying N. Main st. spa. Has this place ever been busted?

I don't want to take risks if even places that offer hj can get into trouble, maybe someone can recommend a place that just gives great sensous massage?

Thanks for the tips! They have all gotten busted at one time or another...but based on what you want. Your selection is probably a good choice.

05-06-03, 16:31
The word AMP (Asian Massage Parlor) and HR (Hand release) pretty much mean the same thing. I don't think there are any AMP's in Rhode Island that do not offer hand jobs at the very least. North Main street is O.K., Tokyo Spa is O.K. and there are a couple of others that do also. Just check out the Providence or even the Boston Pheonix newspaper for more info. As far as them being busted, it's been a long time since any of the hand job places have been busted, you should feel pretty safe in any of those places. The full service places seem to get busted every 6-8 months or so, the last bust was around 3 months ago. Good Luck !!!

Boston 1
05-06-03, 16:58
Thanks for the tips Horny man!

Which amp to you recommend for the best massage and hj finish?
Do I need to make an appointment or just enter? Any advice on what day or time to go, and do I pick the girl?

Thanks for the input!

05-08-03, 16:13
As far as which is the best AMP that offers HJ action??? Well, to be truthfull, I really don't got to the HJ places much at all. I usually "upgrade" and go to the FS AMP's about once monthly. I use to go to the Tokyo Spa often, before I discovered my "Favorite" AMP and the girls there seemed to be good. I haven't been in a long time though so I can not say if they are still good. Usually, when you enter the AMP, Mamasan (older asian woman) will take you to the room and collect door fee anywhere from $40 - $60. Once you pay her, she closes door and you get undressed and wait for your girl to show up. You do not typically have a choice of girls, but if your horrified by the one Mamasan send in do not be shy, ask for another girl. Sometimes Mamasan will be kind and send you another, sometimes you get what you get. Once you meet your girl, she will lead you to the shower room for a full table shower. After that it's back to the room for the massage. During the masssage she may ask if you have been there before, always say yes. If she asks who you saw just make up a name and say it was several months ago you were last there. Most of these places have a pretty big turnover of girls, so the girl who is giving you massage has probably only been there a very short time. Once the girl is done with your backside she will ask you to roll over. This is where the fun starts, some places will just go right into the HJ without asking others will let you guide them a bit to the area you want attention. Once your done, a tip would be in order. I use to give the girl $40.00. Iwouldn't give any more than a $40.00 for a HJ which I think is extremely generous, you could probably get away with less easily. Good luck!!

Hard Travelin
05-09-03, 17:27

Just to share some of my expeirences in Providence.

AMPs are always a good bet for a sure thing.

But don't forget about some of the local strip clubs there are at least two in town where if you get along well w/ some of the girls you may be given an oppurtunity for extra special play (FS, HJ, Ect).

I don't want to give out to many details right now but if anybody has some specific questions i will try to awnser them descretly; I just would'nt want to draw too much attention to some of my favorite girls.


The Duke
05-09-03, 20:57
Hey HT, can you POST MORE DETAILS about the girls at the clubs?


Boston 1
05-09-03, 21:38
Hmmm. I've been to three of the most popular SC and I've never heard of people getting extras there.

I've spent a lot of money at these places. I mean it is high mileage but everything is out in the open except Champagne rooms where bouncer check in every 5 min. So I don't think it's possible for hj, bj, etc.

Maybe you can give us more hints into how to get what you want at SC's.

What's the best time and day to go to N. Main Spa for the best girls?

George Costanza
05-10-03, 15:46
hey, HT

I usually hit Providence on my way home from the casinos....we'll try and hit specifics later, but is the SD a good club for extras? That's usually the one I go to.

05-10-03, 20:25
I use to go to a couple of Strip Joints 3-4 years ago that did give extra services either in the back area or the girl would arrange to meet outside the club at a Hotel. I stopped going after good ole Buddy busted a few of the Strip Joints and clesed down a couple. I am willing to bet I know exactly which strip places are offering extra's, most likely the same ones that use to give services. PLEASE people, be very careful in how you leave information here regarding specifics. LE most surely knows whats going on, but we don't need to remind them or make it more public than neccesary. I have always found that LE usually wont act unless the issue becomes real well known. I would say this though, your not usually going to get extra services from the high end strip joints, try the smaller lesser known ones and I'm sure you will meet with success sooner or later. I might just try a visit to a couple myself soon to see if my hunch is right about the ones I use to score at. Good Luck Guys and as always, think with the big head before acting with the small one.

05-11-03, 12:21
Did some trolling in Prov last night on Elmwood.wow what a change of scenery! Black,White and,Spanish SWS.

I got this Spanish SW nearest by the cemetery.Miranda's her name not bad in the face depo.Firm ass too!

I quoted $20 for the duty which she was cool with.

She gave me FS anyway and it was quite good.She actually came on her self while I was giving to her doggystyle... wow! No bs guys!

Think I'll make another trek there this week I was there a while back(Broad St.) and that one was just as good!

Look for more reports from the Elmwood/Broad St. area from me :D


Hard Travelin
05-11-03, 16:57
Hey Guys:

Without giving too many details about which strip clubs you may be able to get extras as here is some info:

Remember that in order to recieve "extras" it is nessicary to have a pretty good relationship with the girl. The dancers who do this don't offer extra fun to every guy they see.

I do not want to refer to any specific clubs, but think about smaller less organized clubs that have minimumal bouncer supervision in the "champagne" rooms.

Getting extra play actually requires a little exta effort; you are not dealing with downright prostitutes; the girl has to actually like you. know what i mean?


Soft Touches
05-12-03, 14:44
Hi all;

I hit that Downtown AMP again for lunch (extremely good timing). Pushed the buttons and went in. Mamasan wasn't there, and the girl CC who I had last time asnwered the door and recognized me. What a difference! Took me right in to change and didn't leave the room. Helped me get undressed and started giving a HJ before asking for the house donation.

This girl paid so much attention to me it was incredible. Not even a discussion about $$. She just went at it. After a nice tongue job and BJ she climbed right up on me and got herself off about 3 times before asking me to get on top so that I could finish. Then she took her time to give me a real nice massage.

When done I gave her a tip (cost me the same as last time) and she didn't even look at it.

Now what I'm looking for is a good spot to pick up a SW in downtown for a lunchtime BJ. Any ideas? As great as the AMP is, I'd like other options.