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08-15-22, 01:07
I wouldn't recommend dead fishes or bad attitude cause they are also boner killers. If Nicole upcharges or CFS only then I would also call her the boner killer. I didn't jack off to that video cause her moaning sounded fake there. I didn't even a have boner. I could barely tell that was Nicole but the body outline looked similar and voice sounded like her. I agree that Nicole is the epitome of pro Kgirl. My taste gears toward a pretty face but I understand why guys like service girls.Just got one today at C-Org. LMFAO.

08-15-22, 01:47
I'm not sure who actually "worries" about the race of other mongers. I haven't seen much on this forum pointing toward that. But, I am sure I'm not the only one who has had several Kgirls voluntarily disclose to me their intense racism toward AAs. Obviously that is not every girl, but I have come across quite a few, unfortunately. As for agencies, I am not sure what their protocol is because I am not AA. I think the Dominican or Latin route may work. But if you say "Dominican" the booker or provider (if it's an indy) might ask you for a selfie. Good luck to the OP, though. I hope you are able to get in and have your needs satisfied.Since were on this topic already, I'm curious to which ethnicity goes to Kgirls the most. I'm assuming white and Chinese goes the most. I use to think Koreans but I talk to one Kgirl about this and they said it was Chinese and white. I was surprised she didn't say Koreans. But that's just coming from 1 Kgirl so don't quote me on this.

08-15-22, 01:58
Increasing price changes and rebrands made me stop seeing Kgirls entirely now. It won't be long before the Kgirl market truly dies out in L. A. Not going to be paying more than 320 when some of these girls go to the BA and charge less for the same type of service. Perfect example is Stacy, she took her long vacation, she comes back, heads first to BA as Scarlett for 280, yet comes back down to LA and is 340. Nope I'm done.Kgirl scene will never die especially in LA (My opinion). Pussy is a drug. You think a crack head will stop smoking crack because the price gon up? No way, they will find a way to gather money and smoke. Same with pussy. Were all sex addicts here, we will never stop. We will complain but still fuck them tight pussy. Prices are increasing because there incall rent is probably increasing (just 1 example). And everything that's going on in this crazy world is making them raise prices. I guarantee you, you miss fucking kgirls and your going to relapse sooner or later. I relapsed around 9 times and finally just accepted that I'm a horny bastard / sex addict and my life goal before my dick stops working is to fuck many times as possible. I'm sure that's everyone goal here as well. But this is just all my opinion.

08-15-22, 01:58
I'm Mexican so brown and I do notice at first the girls are worried about me. But I'm nice and I and aways clean. Usually when I take my clothes off because I work out a lot they tend to forget about my color. But I'm brown not black so I can see it being an issue for some. Best advise is don't lie just be honest.Not Mexican but Hispanic (on the lighter skin side). Never had my race as a issue and is always a talking point. Although I do remember one girl making a remark bc I had just gotten a tan but under my clothes I was pale. Something along the lines of being actually being light skin. Kgirls are more surprised by my real age. Clean shaven I look like I'm in my 20's. I've know some kgirls that didn't see Koreans but that's about it.

Bastard Chorum
08-15-22, 02:51
Coming to Los Angeles from Vegas for a short trip and would like to see my all time favorite while I am out there. It's hard getting in the door in Vegas being a AA, so I am assuming Los Angeles Must be same way. The girl I would like to see is currently at Candy girl. So curious are there any AA on here who use their services.I suggest getting a good head start on being vetted before you arrive because out of towners are typically scrutinized more and prioritized lower than locals. That said, if you are in with any Vegas agencies, leverage their network to see if they can directly hook you up with LA contacts. CGLA themselves have recently started listing LV girls so you might be lucky enough to have an easy transition.

The good news is that there are AA kgirl mongers here in Socal. The bad news is, as you indicated, vetting may be more rigorous than if you were not AA. From what I can piece together during my time in the kgirl scene, this mainly stems from two issues (I'm sure there's more, but I just don't know or have yet to come face to face with them). The first being the bias and racism arising from stereotypical archetypes prevalent in mass media. In particular, these girls and the majority of bookers most likely never had the chance to interact with anyone black. They lack a sound baseline to fairly evaluate AA clients so the default becomes insights only gained through media and hearsay from people around them. Truth be told, even with my experience growing up in LA, having normalized interactions with black co-workers, clients, and friends, I am still nervous and a little apprehensive if there's a black guy walking towards me in a fairly unlit street at night. Rational thought and racial stigmas duel in an internal struggle to remain clear headed, pragmatic, and true to reality. I still have to catch myself and reflect on my knee jerk reactions formed from years of curated narratives from media outlets and racist (even if they themselves don't realize it) family and friends. And secondly, there's was a lot of bad blood formed during the LA riots between blacks and Koreans. It still lingers today. I'm not going to go through it, read up on it if you're interested. It's unfair for AA on both points, but that's what you have to contend with currently.

My recommendation is just be upfront about it. Be candid about what you are willing to provide to get vetted. It's really all you, and everyone else, can do. Good luck.

Bastard Chorum
08-15-22, 03:17
Increasing price changes and rebrands made me stop seeing Kgirls entirely now. It won't be long before the Kgirl market truly dies out in L. A. Not going to be paying more than 320 when some of these girls go to the BA and charge less for the same type of service. Perfect example is Stacy, she took her long vacation, she comes back, heads first to BA as Scarlett for 280, yet comes back down to LA and is 340. Nope I'm done.I don't share your apocalyptic view of Socal's kgirl scene. It has lasted this long, survived FOSTA / SESTA, and proved it's resiliency during a pandemic so I have faith that it'll continue on. Prices were never going to remain stagnant and bound to increase especially given the circumstance these past two years. Moreover, prices between LA and BA has never reached parity and probably never will. I still find it baffling that such an arbitrage exists, given the COL difference should call for the opposite but here we are.

Bastard Chorum
08-15-22, 04:54
I'm in East LA / SGV area and K-town is a pretty big hassle for me. Are there any good bb c-orgs that I should check out? I've tried happygzs, but they serve Chinese only.IMO, I see good c-orgs as an oxymoron. They have their place in the hierarchy of sex workers but it's important to understand what that ranking entails. Keep in mind that this is my take on it a few years ago so the info may not be reflective of how it is today. I've moved away from c-orgs and haven't looked back. At the time, finding decent talent was deplorable, the misses vastly surpassed the hits and haggling for different service was expected. The latter was more a cultural thing more than anything else. There was no such thing as a full package, everything was a la carte. I'll paint a typical encounter and this was from a more reputable and high end place. Message the booker with who I wanted to see and what time. Usually, the girl is listed by a number so just text over the number. For example, I want to see #2 at 6 pm for 1 hour. Arrive at a posh mini-mansion in a rich neighborhood in SGV and sit myself in a common area that is suffused with cigarette smoke with ashtrays, magazines, and fruit haphazardly laid out on the table. Did I mention that the waiting area also was filled with other mongers waiting their turn? The girl you wanted to see could be ready or servicing another guy while you wait. You also had the option of choosing another girl if they were free, some bookers push you for this, some don't care. You get ushered to the room by the booker or his assistant when they are ready, they'll knock on the door to let you know you're times almost up. The awkward, seedy, and uncomfortable atmosphere could have easily be a scene from a b-list James Bond copycat film. Punctuality and timeliness was laughable. Privacy and being discreet wasn't even a consideration. I quickly shifted over to kgirls for quality, safety, and security.

If that's something you can tolerate, head over to HX as there's a bunch there but are mainly run by on a few core groups. From what I hear from mongers that still use C-orgs, quality hasn't changed much but price has ballooned. I was vouched into the higher end orgs so I'm not sure how you would go about getting into those. Maybe look into or ask in the SGV threads.

08-15-22, 06:36
I'm in East LA / SGV area and K-town is a pretty big hassle for me. Are there any good bb c-orgs that I should check out? I've tried happygzs, but they serve Chinese only.You should try vipclub101. wixsite.com/ vipclub123 they are good.

08-15-22, 11:05
Today's spotlight.

Sfk: Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

Booker C says new girl to be listed this week and will be taking her pics today. Pics coming soon.

08-15-22, 12:12
IMO, I see good c-orgs as an oxymoron. They have their place in the hierarchy of sex workers but it's important to understand what that ranking entails. Keep in mind that this is my take on it a few years ago so the info may not be reflective of how it is today. I've moved away from c-orgs and haven't looked back. At the time, finding decent talent was deplorable, the misses vastly surpassed the hits and haggling for different service was expected. The latter was more a cultural thing more than anything else. There was no such thing as a full package, everything was a la carte. I'll paint a typical encounter and this was from a more reputable and high end place. Message the booker with who I wanted to see and what time. Usually, the girl is listed by a number so just text over the number. For example, I want to see #2 at 6 pm for 1 hour. Arrive at a posh mini-mansion in a rich neighborhood in SGV and sit myself in a common area that is suffused with cigarette smoke with ashtrays, magazines, and fruit haphazardly laid out on the table. Did I mention that the waiting area also was filled with other mongers waiting their turn? The girl you wanted to see could be ready or servicing another guy while you wait. You also had the option of choosing another girl if they were free, some bookers push you for this, some don't care. You get ushered to the room by the booker or his assistant when they are ready, they'll knock on the door to let you know you're times almost up. The awkward, seedy, and uncomfortable atmosphere could have easily be a scene from a b-list James Bond copycat film. Punctuality and timeliness was laughable. Privacy and being discreet wasn't even a consideration. I quickly shifted over to kgirls for quality, safety, and security...Pre 2015 was the best. Always fresh off the plane 23 to 29 year olds who would open the door, no chain smoking uncles, and hold your hand (showing off their butt) while ushering you up the stairs. Usually GFE and sometimes sin condom.

It is much easier now to meet non-pro college girls by offering conversational English online, and asking them out. As a bonus, these girls are being forced to spend 10 k, 20 k, or more to send receipts to their parents (siphoning cash out of China).

Now, it is the greedy ones left.

08-15-22, 12:51
Zinny has gotten real pictures taken presumably at the working pad. M also listed a new girl named Phila.

https://myalbum.com/album/Yb77hNMuHTjKM advertising a Phila again. Not sure if it's the same.

08-15-22, 13:29
I don't share your apocalyptic view of Socal's kgirl scene. It has lasted this long, survived FOSTA / SESTA, and proved it's resiliency during a pandemic so I have faith that it'll continue on. Prices were never going to remain stagnant and bound to increase especially given the circumstance these past two years. Moreover, prices between LA and BA has never reached parity and probably never will. I still find it baffling that such an arbitrage exists, given the COL difference should call for the opposite but here we are.I agree. The k-girl business will adapt and survive. I do think it's at a lower point right now in terms of quality and maybe selection or quantity. I also think the business will be smaller moving forward. The increase in prices will keep some guys away and the ever tightening screening will deter new customers. If the lower volume results in better quality, even at higher prices, I can work with that. My own frequency is down quite a bit from a few years ago and will stay there unless the # of quality girls increases.

So far I've only been asked to re-verify by one booker and I refuse to provide the information requested. This was unheard of not that many years ago. That's one less booker for me to use and one less customer for the booker.

08-15-22, 14:35
I gave Mina a try from LAK-angle and was like non GFE experience. Not how she was describe. Her service was below average, the blowjob was smooth but didn't get any depth she rush out of the blowjob and into cowgirl position and got tired and told me to get on top. She over lube so it made it feel so shitty being inside. We did 3 other position until she just stop and just jack hammer to finish. I paid for the full 1 hour session for $$$ 20 with condom on and she skim me off like 15 minutes. She speaks very little English barely can hold a conversation. She told me she is 25 but she more like 35+. Medium to small tittys but they are perky. Little to no ass but she is somewhat in shape. I really recommend someone else other than mina from Lak-angle. Worst K girl experience for sure.

08-15-22, 14:55
Thanks Boner!

Bows with respect .Can you please link the post? I've tried scanning the HYA thread and searching keywords but can't find the post with the pics. Thank you!

08-15-22, 17:17
Yes its her, PM for the full vid unedited.

https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62f0b7660ba83Hello, your PM box is full. Could you please share video with me?

Thanks in advance!

08-15-22, 18:31
Hello, your PM box is full. Could you please share video with me?

Thanks in advance!Your like 4 years late. You won't get a response from him so I'm replying for him.

08-16-22, 01:58
I'm a about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Went to see Yami, had very low expectations. Was pleasantly surprised. My assessment:

Pros: Beautiful skin; spinner body; descent face; seemed young, really young, super services; great attitude; magnum approved.

Cons: none really, I like more boobs, but won't hold it against her.

Repeat: yes.

08-16-22, 03:19
Pre 2015 was the best. Always fresh off the plane 23 to 29 year olds who would open the door, no chain smoking uncles, and hold your hand (showing off their butt) while ushering you up the stairs. Usually GFE and sometimes sin condom.

It is much easier now to meet non-pro college girls by offering conversational English online, and asking them out. As a bonus, these girls are being forced to spend 10 k, 20 k, or more to send receipts to their parents (siphoning cash out of China).

Now, it is the greedy ones left.Nah, I would say Pre 2005 was the best.

There was really "NO" boards excepts for My RedBook which was primarily NorCal based and TER. Nothing like hx, usasg, *s, etc.

Intel was kept just within you and a buddy or two.

Girls we're fresh off the boat from Asia (Korean, Viet, China) and Russia and all could be had from a girl even bare. I remember seeing so many Russians, Turkish and Czehs that loved getting anal.

Prices we're mid 240-280 and that included anal plus even bare. Tipped depending on how much ya liked the broad?

08-16-22, 11:43
Today's listing from sfk and kbliss.

Sfk: Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

New booty coming soon in a few days.

08-16-22, 11:56
Nah, I would say Pre 2005 was the best.Not me waiting for someone to post that Mary Magdalene was the GOAT.

08-16-22, 12:02
Which one of her pics is most closest to her facial and body appearance?

I'm a about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Went to see Yami, had very low expectations. Was pleasantly surprised. My assessment:

Pros: Beautiful skin; spinner body; descent face; seemed young, really young, super services; great attitude; magnum approved.

Cons: none really, I like more boobs, but won't hold it against her.

Repeat: yes.

08-16-22, 12:25
Guess Maisie didn't go back to Korea just moved to a different coast.


08-16-22, 14:21
I know I have seen these photos before.

Anyone remember her?


08-16-22, 17:10
Which one of her pics is most closest to her facial and body appearance?The closest is the pic where she is sitting in front of the mirror. Add a few years and typical P.S. And it's her. I was not disappointed with her looks and is attractive. She is mid to later 30's and around 5'4. Pretty or cute in different angles. Not a small girl, but somewhat toned body with some softness in stomach. Not fat which is good. However, I should have listened to my NorCal bros, but the session went exactly as bad as they mentioned it would go. I am going to say YMMV because someone reported a nice time but I did not. I guess that was LKS Adela's grand scheme to push customer to see Yumi so they come running back to Adela. Basically more LKS than DFK. I don't mind that as I'm not into too much kissing but I do want some passion or connection. She has a slighting annoying voice but it's just of her thing to sound younger and cute. I get it. The comments about her botched boob job are true. As a boob lover, let down. One is definitely larger than the other and they point in another direction. Doc needs to have his license taken. Lackluster BBBJ and lasted for only a couple minutes. She seemed lazy and just laid down for mish. Managed to just flip for DG, not a bad site at all, she gets in good position. It made the session better. It was what it was and I still got my pop. Laid down to relax but she did seems to want to get me out quicker. I took the hint and left. No session is perfect but she seems jaded way too soon coming from NorCal. Lots of up/down moments. Oh well. Repeat no. If you care about looks only, pretty good in the face. Sorry for not trusting the northern bros. Bastards pleaser report might be a little more aligned to most mongers.

08-16-22, 17:31
Today's listing from sfk and kbliss.

Sfk: Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

New booty coming soon in a few days.Any intel on Cola? She is still posted but never was available? Typical kgirl studio so not using fakes.

Dana and Irene are now both listed in other markets. Nina still MIA.

08-16-22, 18:16
Time got the best of me and these reviews are a few days delayed.

Bitna of Kgla. Had a pleasant time with a newbie. She has some skills to pick up but she seemed to try as I was guiding her to go down deeper in BBBJ. Willing and able. Snug fit. I won't go in much as Bastard and Boner's reports are almost exact. She has that prime DG jiggly booty and soft puppies. I would tell Francesco some memories of Bella's softeness while touching them. Won't say too much but def a happy girl with a great attitude. Hint for the bros, ask her to put her hair in ponytail. Makes her look more cute. I had some moments where she resembled Hana in the face, just a little. Pictures sitting on chair in rainbow color outfit on point. I have a feeling she has spent time in Japan due to some of the Jav like moments. She has good stamina in CG.

Holly of YR. She was curvier than I expected from reports. Pics completely fake as expected. Tan skin with an good ass. Primo view in DG while grabbing her waist. She was a bit business like, especially when she asked me what I wanted to do. Well I dunno, I'd like you to do your job. That was one of my biggest gripe. She started with good BBBJ skills but not full on DT. She does go through the motions a little bit but she approved of my positions. Not much passion in her CG grind. No where near of CG queen Ellena. I kept her in DG the most. Average session. Would repeat for the ass views if last minute pinch. Not bad, and probably one of their better offerings. The others don't interest me.

I saw 3 other CFS girls but will report in different tread

08-16-22, 20:22
Booker said cola eta in 2 weeks. Idk why they even posted the pics, perhaps to tease horndogs like you and I. I think Irene floated to Vegas. Nina, your guess I good as mine, I think she found another sugar daddy. When she came back last time she did put on some weight.

As for the new booty that the booker was claiming, she said new girl from Korea and on par with Dana.

Any intel on Cola? She is still posted but never was available? Typical kgirl studio so not using fakes.

Dana and Irene are now both listed in other markets. Nina still MIA.

08-16-22, 20:53
Pre 2015 was the best. Always fresh off the plane 23 to 29 year olds who would open the door, no chain smoking uncles, and hold your hand (showing off their butt) while ushering you up the stairs. Usually GFE and sometimes sin condom.

It is much easier now to meet non-pro college girls by offering conversational English online, and asking them out. As a bonus, these girls are being forced to spend 10 k, 20 k, or more to send receipts to their parents (siphoning cash out of China).

Now, it is the greedy ones left.So you're saying becoming an English teacher online for Chinese girls is an easy way to get some young Asian pussy? Mind expanding?

08-16-22, 21:08
Booker said cola eta in 2 weeks. Idk why they even posted the pics, perhaps to tease horndogs like you and I. I think Irene floated to Vegas. Nina, your guess I good as mine, I think she found another sugar daddy. When she came back last time she did put on some weight.

As for the new booty that the booker was claiming, she said new girl from Korea and on par with Dana.Well there are 3 potentials for newbies that could coming to LA. Rose from LSC just random disappeared off their site. Two more from LSC Bonnie and Alisha also on their last days. It's common for LSC girls to make their way to LA so we'll have to wait and see if it's any of those three. Cola picture look like the same studio from girls from LKS.

Stuntcock just reminded me that Niay from LKS also leaving NorCal. Could be any of those. I knew at least 1 of those 4 will probably end up down here. I wouldn’t vote for Naiy service-wise and due to flat chest. Closest body to Dana out all the 4.

08-16-22, 21:17
As for the new booty that the booker was claiming, she said new girl from Korea and on par with Dana.That's a bold statement considering Dana was the de facto heir to Hana's throne. Keeping it real, Dana took in more cocks than freshmen orientation at the University of South Carolina. And if we're being completely fair, I don't know that SFK has produced a legend since Dana.

08-16-22, 21:21
Well there are 3 potentials for newbies that could coming to LA. Rose from LSC just random disappeared off their site. Two more from LSC Bonnie and Alisha also on their last days. It's common for LSC girls to make their way to LA so we'll have to wait and see if it's any of those three. Cola picture look like the same studio from girls from LKS.Niay is also departing LKS soon and her body type is most similar to Dana's. Too bad she's not known for her service like Dana.

08-16-22, 21:31
I'm just relaying the info from texts messages asking about the new booty. It's not my bold statement, and I'm just like everyone else hoping we get something great to play hide the peepee with.

That's a bold statement considering Dana was the de facto heir to Hana's throne. Keeping it real, Dana took in more cocks than freshmen orientation at the University of South Carolina. And if we're being completely fair, I don't know that SFK has produced a legend since Dana.

08-16-22, 23:38
Cali / Chavi just popped up in Vegas. Thinking about a daycation this week to see her again. Is that stalking? Haha

Choke? Isn't that the idea tho? Hehe I recently stalked *cough* I mean saw her in the Bay after she skipped town. Just validating earlier proclamations of her coin-slot being top tier tightness. If she returns, I'd recommend experiencing probably closest thing to virginal vag in this hobby..

08-16-22, 23:41
I'm just relaying the info from texts messages asking about the new booty. It's not my bold statement, and I'm just like everyone else hoping we get something great to play hide the peepee with.Smoke signals say we may see some new or returning young talent soon.

08-17-22, 02:00
Booker said cola eta in 2 weeks. Idk why they even posted the pics, perhaps to tease horndogs like you and I. I think Irene floated to Vegas. Nina, your guess I good as mine, I think she found another sugar daddy. When she came back last time she did put on some weight.

As for the new booty that the booker was claiming, she said new girl from Korea and on par with Dana.Nina / Haven the ultimate Fuck doll that I truly miss.

08-17-22, 02:16
Her old pics: (click here) (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?33078-Hot-Young-Asian-Girls&p=5425139&viewfull=1#post5425139).

Can you please link the post? I've tried scanning the HYA thread and searching keywords but can't find the post with the pics. Thank you!

Johnny Shakes
08-17-22, 02:43
Her old pics: (click here) (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?33078-Hot-Young-Asian-Girls&p=5425139&viewfull=1#post5425139).Hello, I think she is left now.

08-17-22, 11:47
Sfk / kbliss rollcall.

Sfk: Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

08-17-22, 12:11
Cali / Chavi just popped up in Vegas. Thinking about a daycation this week to see her again. Is that stalking? Haha.SWA just went on sale. I say tf not.

08-17-22, 14:47
Hello, I think she is left now.This is her now https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/noah.

08-17-22, 15:02
SFK has some new Talent fresh off the plane from South Korea starting this Friday Aug 19th.

Erica 5'5" 95 LBS DD.


08-17-22, 15:10
That's a bold statement considering Dana was the de facto heir to Hana's throne. Keeping it real, Dana took in more cocks than freshmen orientation at the University of South Carolina. And if we're being completely fair, I don't know that SFK has produced a legend since Dana.I have to agree with you that Dana became the next closest thing to Hana, but honestly that's a pretty sad and distant 2nd place. I like Dana, but she's nowhere near as young or in shape as Hana was. Dana is small, slender and petite which is great and nice face. BUT keeping it real, she's at least mid to late 30's and it shows in her tummy skin, there's some lose puffy skin there and it doesn't look too thrilling. Possibly had kids before? Who knows, but all I'm saying is she's not the young college'esc hotty that Hana was and if this new girl is indeed anywhere close to the age and stats advertised she will be BY FAR more popular than Dana. So let's keep fingers crossed.

08-17-22, 15:25
Nina / Haven the ultimate Fuck doll that I truly miss.Truth for sure. Thinking of Haven has me torn between reaching for the phone to book an appointment or drowning my sorrows in a 6-pack of Cass and some Soju.

08-17-22, 15:30
This is her now https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/noah.Yup, just saw her Friday. I really enjoyed the hell out of her. Anything I type will probably just be a re-hash of what's been said before, but I certainly recommend her.

08-17-22, 15:37
New girl at sfk / kbliss starts Friday. See pics.

Erica 5'5 95 lbs DD.

If anyone recognizes her submit your input.

08-17-22, 16:02
SFK has some new Talent fresh off the plane from South Korea starting this Friday Aug 19th.

Erica 5'5" 95 LBS DD.

https://sexyfunkgirls.escortbook.com/model-erica-58453Wow, she's crazy expensive. 1 min = $320? Obviously a typo but funny nonetheless.

08-17-22, 16:56
Zinny has gotten real pictures taken presumably at the working pad. M also listed a new girl named Phila.

https://myalbum.com/album/Yb77hNMuHTjKLink doesn't work. Did M change the URL?

08-17-22, 17:02
What name is she under and at which agency?

Cali / Chavi just popped up in Vegas. Thinking about a daycation this week to see her again. Is that stalking? Haha.

08-17-22, 17:26
Link doesn't work. Did M change the URL?Probably. M does so periodically to keep a low profile it seems.

08-17-22, 18:19
Link doesn't work. Did M change the URL?This link died a few days ago. Text M for the new one. A little bit lazy to type it on here.

08-17-22, 19:24
What name is she under and at which agency? Jia at CLL

08-17-22, 20:03
New girl at sfk / kbliss starts Friday. See pics.

Erica 5'5 95 lbs DD.

If anyone recognizes her submit your input.I will TOFTT first thing Friday and report back.

08-17-22, 21:15

Link to m.

Link doesn't work. Did M change the URL?

08-17-22, 21:16
I will TOFTT first thing Friday and report back.Inclined to think the pics are real since we can see nipple. Maybe.

08-18-22, 00:06
I wish an agency like CG would rotate the girls more often. I would love to see some of the LA BBFS girls make their way to Oc for some visits. I'd be seeing Noah, Jamie and baby sky chu once a week.

08-18-22, 00:28
I wish an agency like CG would rotate the girls more often. I would love to see some of the LA BBFS girls make their way to Oc for some visits. I'd be seeing Noah, Jamie and baby sky chu once a week.Yeah! I don't want to drive through LA traffic. Plus I like to have my visit during work hours so driving an hour away is a no go for that. Any bookers on here listening, help out the OC with LA talent.

08-18-22, 00:32
I wish an agency like CG would rotate the girls more often. I would love to see some of the LA BBFS girls make their way to Oc for some visits. I'd be seeing Noah, Jamie and baby sky chu once a week.Just drive up once a week. What's hard about that? On my free time I drive 4-5 hours to California to eat amazing food and fuck 1 or 2 kgirls and drive my ass back home. Its worth it because you can day dream about the session on the drive back home.

08-18-22, 00:33
Cali / Chavi just popped up in Vegas. Thinking about a daycation this week to see her again. Is that stalking? Haha.Why? Is she good provider?? Where can I find her reviews?

08-18-22, 01:26
I wish an agency like CG would rotate the girls more often. I would love to see some of the LA BBFS girls make their way to Oc for some visits. I'd be seeing Noah, Jamie and baby sky chu once a week.Agency's don't make the rotation decisions. It's almost always up to each Kgirl whether they want to make the trip or not LOL. You could visit and sell them on coming down to OC.

08-18-22, 01:31
New girl at sfk / kbliss starts Friday. See pics.

Erica 5'5 95 lbs DD.

If anyone recognizes her submit your input.She has the potential to be a fully booked superstar if she has the skills.

At 19, I expect her skills are probably not that great, and might wash out.

08-18-22, 03:14
Was debating whether to see Subin or Yujin. Wanted a pretty girl that was bb and gambled on Yujin. Not going to write you a long story so I'll just provide pros and cons. In summary, this girl belongs in the 300 special shift.

Pros: BJ, tightest pussy for a non-magnum guy, one of the best massages with oil, service queen and will do as you command.

Cons: pictures are hers but heavily photoshopped and chunkier in person. Would rate a 6; butter face. Felt transactional.

If you care only about service and don't mind a butter face, this one is it. Service was a 10 but she just wan't pretty to me. Not hideous but average looking.


08-18-22, 03:18
I know I asked before but if someone can comment or message me, how accurate is the picture for blonde scarlett and how is she?


Johnny Shakes
08-18-22, 03:52
I know I asked before but if someone can comment or message me, how accurate is the picture for blonde scarlett and how is she?

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/scarletPicture is good and do you have more details??

08-18-22, 08:57
I wish an agency like CG would rotate the girls more often. I would love to see some of the LA BBFS girls make their way to Oc for some visits. I'd be seeing Noah, Jamie and baby sky chu once a week.OC has plenty of hotties! We would like them to migrate to LA. Belle (thai treat), Nicole (lean beauty) Bulma, Coco, Suji (there right now) , Chloe (DTBBJ), Jane, Cari (in HB).

08-18-22, 09:49
I know I asked before but if someone can comment or message me, how accurate is the picture for blonde scarlett and how is she?

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/scarletI dunno about blonde but that picture is of someone else, Korean Twitch streamer.

08-18-22, 09:56
Why? Is she good provider?? Where can I find her reviews?She has the most reviews under this account: Jia TER: 371624.

She's got some baby fat, but I didn't mind cause she's young and sports a tight puss.

08-18-22, 09:59
At 19, I expect her skills are probably not that great, and might wash out.Erica is "relatively" 19. SFK is advertising Viki as only 26 (bursts into laughter) so there's that.

08-18-22, 10:36
Just drive up once a week. What's hard about that? On my free time I drive 4-5 hours to California to eat amazing food and fuck 1 or 2 kgirls and drive my ass back home. Its worth it because you can day dream about the session on the drive back home.Tip of the hat for that level of dedication to the hobby.

Now as much as I agree with you on all counts, some dudes may have a small window of time to hobby. This is particularly true if they're in relationships and coming up with good reasons why they "didn't respond" to a text / call becomes a concern.

Speaking of amazing food, I'm guessing guys that simply hate the traffic / commute are also ones that wouldn't stand in line at a restaurant or eatery, no matter how amazing it was purported to be. But if I'm wrong, I think a lot could be learned from that analogy. Because unfortunately some girls simply won't tour other markets.

08-18-22, 10:59
Advertising she's 19 is laughable, add 10 and maybe it'll be the correct age. We'll see brother whether or not she becomes the next top hoe in la's meat market. Pics look good, and I bet horndogs have already scheduled to see her tomorrow.

She has the potential to be a fully booked superstar if she has the skills.

At 19, I expect her skills are probably not that great, and might wash out.

08-18-22, 11:08
I know I asked before but if someone can comment or message me, how accurate is the picture for blonde scarlett and how is she?

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/scarletCome on bros. It's really simple to reverse search these girls. Just use real P.S. Photos please. It's not even that expensive. I know it's not cgla booker's fault. The fault lies with whoever is asking her to list that girl that prefers to use outright fakes.


08-18-22, 11:32
SFK / Kbliss daily hoe stack.

Sfk: Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

Erica starts her first day tomorrow. First time in US. Start lining up horndogs.

08-18-22, 12:03
She has the potential to be a fully booked superstar if she has the skills.

At 19, I expect her skills are probably not that great, and might wash out.She is not 19 but the pictures were taken 19 years ago so if you spin it right I guess they're not lying.

Perhaps one of the White House communications directors manages the ads.

08-18-22, 13:14
Advertising she's 19 is laughable, add 10 and maybe it'll be the correct age. We'll see brother whether or not she becomes the next top hoe in la's meat market. Pics look good, and I bet horndogs have already scheduled to see her tomorrow.I wonder why we even bother trying to guess and determine the age of these girls, anyway. It is very difficult to tell with Asian women, especially in a darkened room with red light. I have seen 30 year old Asian women who look like they are under age, and 50 year old Asian women who look like they are 25. It really is a waste of our time and energy to debate over it, in my opinion, especially when we know bookers are lying about the age in the first place. If you want younger girls, certainly, use your best judgement and do your research, but trying to guess the actual age even within a 5-7 year range is totally futile. There is one provider I know well who advertises as 25. People believe her, based on her TER reviews. I happen to know for a fact that she is 37. Does she look like she could be 25? Yes. So, really, why does the actual number matter?

I personally don't care much about age (that's just me). A beautiful girl in her mid to late 30's (or even early 40's) who gives excellent service is better to me than a 20 year old with no skills or experience. If anyone finds a true 19-20 year old who can fuck like Lyn and suck like Min, do let me know, but I am not holding my breath.

08-18-22, 14:21
A lot of Korg are doing the upcharge thing. Anyone have an updated No upcharge list?

08-18-22, 14:36
All the pics are spot on, tho the one where she's on her knees body turned away less so. She has a slight overbite which I found cute. She answered the door in a red version of that schoolgirl outfit in her ad. Great body overall with above average fitness; face just like the pics. Derričre was delectable. I was attracted no doubt.

I can't remember the last time my session started off where the girl was so eager to get the party started, that she forgets to lock the front door. Nothing bad happened. But while we're in the BR getting heavily handsy, she suddenly stopped the action to make sure our salacious session was secure.

Not a minute later and Bitna's back and it's time to get down to bitness. My hands roamed her body like she was Mar-a-Lago and I was a free-wheeling federal agent. She was cooing as her clothes found their way to the floor. Her whole vibe and energy was as if she was rolling and her roll just started to kick in. She was jelly in my hands and submitted to my lead. Even the slightest touch seemed like it was intensified ten-fold. We're still standing as I reach down below and FIV, then make her taste her pussy. That she did so without blinking an eye was a green light for getting my way for the remainder of our time. (Maniacal laughter ensues).

Her legs eventually buckled from some furious FIV, and she falls on her knees and assumes the position; one that it seemed she was born and bred to assume. I really enjoyed her submissive nature, and exploited it excessively as I eventually made her FF herself.

I put her hair in a ponytail as a guided her mouth onto my cock. Ponytail in hand, I pumped away until I eventually popped her throat. When she came up for air, I'd thump her across the face and lips with my cock, talking all sorts of shit while she's looking back at me whimpering and pouting. Replayed that sequence until strings of saliva were dripping from her chin.

The JAV vocals were prominent throughout DATY+FIV. Enjoyed 69 and FOA, as she primed the pump for some good old fashioned pussy pounding.

I started in mish and stayed longer than usual because she's pretty, which made DFK that much more in demand. Did some teasing initially, and worked all angles, experimenting with different depths. I was relentless as I ravaged her. I don't think either one of us knew how much she was pushing her limits, until we switched to cg and it seemed like her insides were beat and she didn't last long in that position.

The stretching session didn't stop tho, as she got a good dick down in prone. She's quite the trooper, as my cock made earnest attempts to pop her belly button out from the inside. I rewarded her efforts by giving her a break and a breather. After which I enjoyed watching her suck her cum off my cock during P2 M, without hesitation or need for a wipe down. I can't tell you how much of a turn off it is when a girl needs to wipe their cum off my cock before sucking it. Thankfully for all of us, Bitna is not that girl.

Back to mish for the homestretch, this time trying different variations of her legs in the air. Wide. Knees cocked back. Crossed and slung over both shoulders like a continental soldier. It's like her legs were old school TV antenna rabbit ears, and I was moving them around trying to find the best transmission.

I agree with others about her audio feedback, which she seemed to turn up to full blast during the grand finale. I too thought she may have spent some time in the land of the rising sun, as her conspicuously coy mannerisms seemed straight out a JAV playbook. And yet if she had a script, it would solely be to make sure you had fun. Straight up.

08-18-22, 14:39
A lot of Korg are doing the upcharge thing. Anyone have an updated No upcharge list?Here is the list that was posted. https://rentry.co/la_bbfs.

08-18-22, 15:00
A lot of Korg are doing the upcharge thing. Anyone have an updated No upcharge list?Search 'rentry' in the thread and you find the link. Looks like it's being updated judging by M's new URL.

08-18-22, 15:16
Anyone see her? Been eyeing her for awhile. I don't recall seeing a report on her. She went BBFS, probably do to lack of business. And had been eyeballing. No info, and google image search doesn't help. I remember seeing some older pics that looked too good to be true type deal.

08-18-22, 16:21
Anyone see her? Been eyeing her for awhile. I don't recall seeing a report on her. She went BBFS, probably do to lack of business. And had been eyeballing. No info, and google image search doesn't help. I remember seeing some older pics that looked too good to be true type deal.She had what looked like her real selfies for few days in the recent past. She looked like she could be my mother.

08-18-22, 19:13
She had what looked like her real selfies for few days in the recent past. She looked like she could be my mother.Your mom's a hottie though, a little detail you failed to share.

08-18-22, 19:52
Here is the list that was posted. https://rentry.co/la_bbfs.Seriously thank you guys.

08-18-22, 19:53
All the pics are spot on, tho the one where she's on her knees body turned away less so. She has a slight overbite which I found cute. She answered the door in a red version of that schoolgirl outfit in her ad. Great body overall with above average fitness; face just like the pics. Derrire was delectable. I was attracted no doubt.

I can't remember the last time my session started off where the girl was so eager to get the party started, that she forgets to lock the front door. Nothing bad happened. But while we're in the BR getting heavily handsy, she suddenly stopped the action to make sure our salacious session was secure.

Not a minute later and Bitna's back and it's time to get down to bitness. My hands roamed her body like she was Mar-a-Lago and I was a free-wheeling federal agent. She was cooing as her clothes found their way to the floor. Her whole vibe and energy was as if she was rolling and her roll just started to kick in. She was jelly in my hands and submitted to my lead. Even the slightest touch seemed like it was intensified ten-fold. We're still standing as I reach down below and FIV, then make her taste her pussy. That she did so without blinking an eye was a green light for getting my way for the remainder of our time. (Maniacal laughter ensues).

Her legs eventually buckled from some furious FIV, and she falls on her knees and assumes the position; one that it seemed she was born and bred to assume. I really enjoyed her submissive nature, and exploited it excessively as I eventually made her FF herself.

I put her hair in a ponytail as a guided her mouth onto my cock. Ponytail in hand, I pumped away until I eventually popped her throat. When she came up for air, I'd thump her across the face and lips with my cock, talking all sorts of shit while she's looking back at me whimpering and pouting. Replayed that sequence until strings of saliva were dripping from her chin.I've been trying to start going to Korgs but they keep requesting references.

I've only been to Corgs so I have known for the Korean agencies. Anyone know how I can get some references so I can start going to these Korean agencies?

08-18-22, 21:21
I've been trying to start going to Korgs but they keep requesting references.

I've only been to Corgs so I have known for the Korean agencies. Anyone know how I can get some references so I can start going to these Korean agencies?I think either jane or m, one of those might be ok with taking new clients. It would help you more if you had a humaniplex account and some network. That's how I got in 8 years ago.

08-19-22, 00:53
I've only been to Corgs so I have known for the Korean agencies. Anyone know how I can get some references so I can start going to these Korean agencies?

It would help you more if you had a humaniplex account and some network.Check if those Corgs are on HX. If they are, there goes your network starter pack.

08-19-22, 11:38
Sfk / kbliss hoe call.

Sfk: Erica, Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie, Erica.

Erica's first day on duty.

08-19-22, 14:40
Look who is at Pepsi's Palace.


08-19-22, 14:58
Look who is at Pepsi's Palace.

https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/pepsiclubNow I'm scratching my head. That doesn't make sense nor usual Pepsi-like. She is already available at M and CGLA. Why book Stella / Sienna and not Stacy? Girls keep complaining its been slow. Only explanation for WLA girl to add more bookers.

08-19-22, 15:06
Now I'm scratching my head. That doesn't make sense nor usual Pepsi-like. She is already available at M and CGLA. Why book Stella / Sienna and not Stacy? Girls keep complaining its been slow. Only explanation for WLA girl to add more bookers.Seems two rebrands are now being booked by M. I recognize the pics, but I don't remember who they went by. I don't want to sound like beating a dead horse, but I don't know why they're complaining about slow traffic. Maybe some guys are finally thinking with their big head after getting tired of the name swaps, price hikes, aged milfs, questionable service. From the looks of it, they don't seem to care or want to change anything about this. There is the possibility that due to circumstances, this is all they can source but I don't know enough on that side to know for certain.

Eye & Ava.


08-19-22, 15:17
Now I'm scratching my head. That doesn't make sense nor usual Pepsi-like. She is already available at M and CGLA. Why book Stella / Sienna and not Stacy? Girls keep complaining its been slow. Only explanation for WLA girl to add more bookers.Probably because girls like Stacy is kept busy. No need for extra bookers maybe.

08-19-22, 15:28
She had what looked like her real selfies for few days in the recent past. She looked like she could be my mother.Those photos were 100% real, but taken from unflattering angles which is probably why they took them down.

08-19-22, 15:57
Now I'm scratching my head. That doesn't make sense nor usual Pepsi-like. She is already available at M and CGLA. Why book Stella / Sienna and not Stacy? Girls keep complaining its been slow. Only explanation for WLA girl to add more bookers.Clearly raising her rate to 340 didn't Stella et al get more business.

Chef Boyardee
08-19-22, 16:59
Seems two rebrands are now being booked by M. I recognize the pics, but I don't remember who they went by. I don't want to sound like beating a dead horse, but I don't know why they're complaining about slow traffic. Maybe some guys are finally thinking with their big head after getting tired of the name swaps, price hikes, aged milfs, questionable service. From the looks of it, they don't seem to care or want to change anything about this. There is the possibility that due to circumstances, this is all they can source but I don't know enough on that side to know for certain.

Eye & Ava.

https://myalbum.com/album/nxPyzebH8TcaI think Ava's pictures were previously used by Lina, also booked by M and others. No, I haven't seen this new Ava to confirm it actually is the same woman.

08-19-22, 17:41
Saw Erica on first day, I will keep this short. Picture's are worth a thousand words, the photos are the real deal for a change! Nice personality and all the usual services. Very rare find.

Sfk / kbliss hoe call.

Sfk: Erica, Viki, Allie, Arisa.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie, Erica.

Erica's first day on duty.

08-19-22, 18:36
Looks like Erica is busy today. Couldn't get the time slot I wanted so I'm scheduled in for tomorrow. Can't wait to nut in her. For those that jumped on her mounds today throw in your input.

08-19-22, 18:40
Stacy doesn't need another booker. That girl is busy and horndogs are lined up as m has a well established rolodex of pervs to keep her busy.

Now I'm scratching my head. That doesn't make sense nor usual Pepsi-like. She is already available at M and CGLA. Why book Stella / Sienna and not Stacy? Girls keep complaining its been slow. Only explanation for WLA girl to add more bookers.

08-19-22, 18:48
Am I the only one that sees the resemblance in Stacy's face from her most accurate photo?

08-19-22, 19:10
Stacy doesn't need another booker. That girl is busy and horndogs are lined up as m has a well established rolodex of pervs to keep her busy.PERVs?


08-19-22, 20:04
Stupid question guys but need your help. I'm from Chicago and traveling often to Los Angeles. Once a week or once every two weeks. I try using seeking but it's way too much work and I was wondering how can I get pre screen from the korean agencies? I tried texting them but without luck. The pre screening in Chicago was pretty easy but over here don't have so much luck.

Member #2210
08-19-22, 20:05
Saw Erica on first day, I will keep this short. Picture's are worth a thousand words, the photos are the real deal for a change! Nice personality and all the usual services. Very rare find.

Photos: I think it's her. Slightly photoshopped. Boobs are not as big and rounded as in one pic in which she is showing her boobs and nips without bra (boobs in photos are more like Remi).

Looks: Very pretty face, 5'4", boobs are D cup (and quite a handful) and have just the right firmness to me (not too soft and not too firm, felt like real) and they hang (so I think they are real) , nice ass (better than Bitna), shaven pussy (for some reasons I can't remember too clearly even tho I did lap up her pussy, which is very nice looking and sweet tasting). She told me she's 24 and she does look 24. Skin is white. Don't recall seeing any tattoo. Body is nice slender, maybe skinny fat. And she wore a white 2-piece pretty skimpy but very classy and beautiful outfit when she greets at the door.

English: Very decent English.

Attitude: Very friendly and very nice, not too shy but not too talkative.

Service: Service was just ok, BBBJ also just ok (I think it's prob. bec. she's new), not a lot of variation, light BLS, and no DT, not strong enough suction (to me Viki gave the strongest best suction that I prefer, but not many girls come close to Viki BBBJ). DFK was very good, to me anyway; slow at first and gradually lots of tongue; at one point, she lightly bit my lips too (fuk I loved that). Very receptive to DATY with some vocals. To tell the truth, she's my type and I thought she was really pretty so I didn't let her service much; I just want to pound that pussy and suck her titties and dfk her. After the BBBJ, I told her to face against the wall and I doggied her hard standing up. She was trembling and after she came (I think she came, maybe she didn't, who knows), I lead her over to the bed and started to daty that sweet pussy, then resumed the pounding in mish and near the end I think we both came at the same time and she was wrapping those legs around me and holding me real tight. Wanted to go a second round but there wasn't enough time so I just chatted with her for a few minutes. I told her I will go back to see her before my semiannual KTV trip to VietNam in 2 weeks.

Expense: $320 BBFSCIP.

Repeat: Yes, I'll repeat She's the prettiest and nicest K-girl I've seen so far (face + body combined). Before Erica, Rabbit and Eunji were my HYAs. I'm mainly a boob man. The only ass that really turned me on was HX Thai girl Mandy.

08-19-22, 20:12
Photos: I think it's her. Slightly photoshopped. Boobs are not as big and rounded as in one pic in which she is naked showing nips (boobs in photos are more like Remi).

Looks: Very pretty face, 5'4", boobs are D cup (and quite a handful) and have just the right firmness to me (not too soft and not too firm, felt like real) and they hang (so I think they are real) , nice ass (better than Bitna), shaven pussy (for some reasons I can't remember too clearly even tho I did lap up her pussy, which is very nice looking and sweet tasting). She told me she's 24. Skin is white. Don't recall seeing any tattoo. Body is nice slender, maybe skinny fat. Body looks toned.

English: Very decent English.

Attitude: Very friendly and very nice, not too shy but not too talkative, eager to please.

Service: Service was just ok, BBBJ also just ok (I think it's prob. bec. she's new), not a lot of variation, light BLS, and no DT, not strong enough suction (to me Viki gave the strongest best suction that I prefer, but not many girls come close to Viki BBBJ). DFK was very good, to me anyway; slow at first and gradually lots of tongue; at one point, she lightly bit my lips too (fuk I loved that). Very receptive to DATY with some vocals. To tell the truth, she's my type and I thought she was really pretty so I didn't let her service much; I just want to pound that pussy and suck her titties and dfk her. After the BBBJ, I told her to face against the wall and I doggied her hard standing up. She was trembling and after she came (I think she came, maybe she didn't, who knows), I lead her over to the bed and started to daty that sweet pussy, then resumed the pounding in mish and near the end I think we both came at the same time and she was wrapping those legs around me and holding me real tight. Wanted to go a second round but there wasn't enough time so I just chatted with her for a few minutes. I told her I will go back to see her before my bi-annual KTV trip to VietNam in 2 weeks.

Expense: $320 BBFSCIP.

Repeat: Yes, I'll repeat She's the prettiest and nicest K-girl I've seen so far (face + body combined). Before Erica, Rabbit was my HYA. I'm mainly a boob man. The only ass that really turned me on was HX Thai girl Mandy.Do you have links for rabbit or mandy? Thank you for the review.

Member #2210
08-19-22, 20:31
Do you have links for rabbit or mandy? Thank you for the review.Rabbit is gone (I think back to Korea, I really missed that girl, body is like Playboy model). Here's the link for Mandy (BTW, Mandy offers Greek for extra tips). I'm not an ass man, but when I saw Mandy's ass, I had to tap it and I asked for Greek and she obliged.


08-19-22, 20:35
In all aspects, if we don't personally own it are we not renting it? Even the sultan of brunei flies hoes to his country and rents the assets of pleasure. Are we all not patrons of the pus sy arts? The only difference is our disposable income amongst each perv willing to pay to play hide the peepee.

PERVs? People Eating. Rented. Vaginas?

08-20-22, 02:52
Rabbit is gone (I think back to Korea, I really missed that girl, body is like Playboy model). Here's the link for Mandy (BTW, Mandy offers Greek for extra tips). I'm not an ass man, but when I saw Mandy's ass, I had to tap it and I asked for Greek and she obliged.

https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/CuteMandyHow much extra for backdoor trip for CuteMandy and does she offer BBFS?

08-20-22, 08:06
She is the girl I am most interested in seeing, but she barely has any reviews that I have seen online. Seeing if anybody on here has visited her?


TD Leafs
08-20-22, 12:22
She is the girl I am most interested in seeing, but she barely has any reviews that I have seen online. Seeing if anybody on here has visited her?

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/siennaShe was well reviewed previously, can't recall her name but I saw her once. Avg face but young and high sexual energy with great service and attitude.

08-20-22, 12:33
(Sienna CG) is the girl I am most interested in seeing, but she barely has any reviews that I have seen online. Seeing if anybody on here has visited her?Formerly known as Sydney / Stella (TER: 370107).

When she debuted as Stella in April, she was more popular with the HYA-seeking horn dogs. So you'll likely find more reviews and feedback there. For those that were one-and-done, they seemed to not find her attractive enough, citing her baby fat or small chest as being an issue.

I didn't share those concerns, and thought her service and attitude were worth the price of admission alone. I agree with one review on TER that described her as a girl who "fks and sucks with desperation. Like that crazy ex gf with abandonment issues. " She's multi-orgasmic to the point where she almost passed out on the floor. She literally slapped herself in the face to snap out of it.

08-20-22, 12:33
She is the girl I am most interested in seeing, but she barely has any reviews that I have seen online. Seeing if anybody on here has visited her?

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/siennaYes. She used to go by Stella / Sydney in WLA too. I later found out she came from working in NorCal before she first came to LA. She is short, small curvy. Picture with her on her knee in blue / green babydoll with exposed tits is closest to her real look. Funny-ish face, eyes close together. She is energetic and happy. You'll be happy with her service, her face just funny LOL.

Chef Boyardee
08-20-22, 12:53
Saw Erica on first day, I will keep this short. Picture's are worth a thousand words, the photos are the real deal for a change! Nice personality and all the usual services. Very rare find.Best looking one to come through WLA in awhile, especially at 320. I agree with this post and the longer review. Let's treat her right so hopefully WLA gets more non-upcharge of this quality!

08-20-22, 13:58
Am I the only one that sees the resemblance in Stacy's face from her most accurate photo?It's this type of hijinks that keep her off my TDL.

Member #2210
08-20-22, 14:20
How much extra for backdoor trip for CuteMandy and does she offer BBFS?60 extra for Greek. I didn't ask her for bbfs and I don't rem reading any reviews (there are lots of good reviews of CuteMandy in the Pasadena or the SGV Asian Provider or HX forum) that she offered bbfs. Just ask, u never know.

08-20-22, 14:52
60 extra for Greek. I didn't ask her for bbfs and I don't rem reading any reviews (there are lots of good reviews of CuteMandy in the Pasadena or the SGV Asian Provider or HX forum) that she offered bbfs. Just ask, u never know.Can one of why'all brothers pm me the number for cute Mandy? Thanks again.

08-20-22, 15:18
Can one of why'all brothers pm me the number for cute Mandy? Thanks again.Sadly, unless you have an acceptable way of validating yourself, you'll have to run the gauntlet of hx ladies where she used to post her digits. Lots of info about her on the SGV threads and I thought she was Thai which of course is a great option. She's a keeper.

08-20-22, 15:19
Like I've said earlier this week before she started yesterday, horndogs are lined up for her. She's already fully booked for today. I'm speculating the line of throbbing cocks are lined and primed for her tomorrow too.

Best looking one to come through WLA in awhile, especially at 320. I agree with this post and the longer review. Let's treat her right so hopefully WLA gets more non-upcharge of this quality!

08-20-22, 15:45
Best looking one to come through WLA in awhile, especially at 320. I agree with this post and the longer review. Let's treat her right so hopefully WLA gets more non-upcharge of this quality!Do you have any links for pic of Erica? Thanks in advance.

Brave Soul1
08-20-22, 16:14
Just saw Bitna. 163 cm height. 50 kg weight. 26 years old. Nice mm rack with eraser nipple. Has tattoo on her right arm, a flower tattoo near her right her. Quick review: very submissive. I think some think her skin is loose because she just not the type of girl exercise to tone her muscle. If you like skinny fat gril, she is a good choice. She reminds me Lisa (now Aspyn) but taller. Recommend and repeatable. BbFScip. 320.

I can't believe you guys ignored my MVP reviewer Bastard Chorum.

According to boner source (BS), Bitna is guaranteed Boner Solid standard and may even be CYA. I wanted to see Bitna even before anyone reviewed her but I had other girls to see.

Bitna is no more saggy tits than Remi or Nicole. Bitna will pass the pencil test while both Nicole and Remy may fail the pencil test. Remi's tits are like the golden standard of MM tits so I wouldn't say Remi has saggy tits. Saying Bitna has saggy skin is also harsh. Boner source said BC's review about her looks is accurate. The jello was jiggling in K9. Picky monger may think she has saggy skin when she's just not toned like BC said. Try her if you are open mind.

Her first pic might be hers and most accurate but might not be recognizable. She has higher cheek bone on right cheek. One interesting BS speculation made me want to confirm. She may not stay long if not busy though. If you like to make many deposits into her bank account, best to write review about her or we will keep losing talent to upcharge or other cities.

08-20-22, 16:20
Do you have any links for pic of Erica? Thanks in advance.Enter "Erica" in the search thread. It's the 12th post down.

Member #2210
08-20-22, 17:20
Do you have any links for pic of Erica? Thanks in advance.https://sexyfunkgirls.escortbook.com/model-erica-58453

08-20-22, 23:33
Eunji from LA was recently working in another market. Let me take a look again around the US and let you know.Where did Eunji (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/eunji-9498997702-359499) go after she stopped working in LA? Also does anyone know what happened to LAVixens (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/LAVixens) and PKL (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/Preciousklove)? They stopped booking around the same time Eunji stopped working in LA. Their HX accounts still have galleries for Eunji. It's like a time capsule for February 2022. Only KGLA (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/kgirlsinla) survived from the group of bookers that were booking Eunji.

08-20-22, 23:46
Can one of why'all brothers pm me the number for cute Mandy? Thanks again.HX CuteMandy (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/CuteMandy)

TER: 365293 (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/show.asp?id=365293)

08-20-22, 23:49
La's youngest north korean harlot who was just recently revealed on a utube documentary stirred up some unsavory accusations and threatened the agency with it. I hope she blows through her cryto investment and ends up back on the meat market so we can all dick beat some reality back into her cum dump hole.

Where did Eunji (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/eunji-9498997702-359499) go after she stopped working in LA? Also does anyone know what happened to LAVixens (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/LAVixens) and PKL (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/Preciousklove)? They stopped booking around the same time Eunji stopped working in LA. Their HX accounts still have galleries for Eunji. It's like a time capsule for February 2022. Only KGLA (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/kgirlsinla) survived from the group of bookers that were booking Eunji.

08-21-22, 00:54
Where did Eunji (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/eunji-9498997702-359499) go after she stopped working in LA? Also does anyone know what happened to LAVixens (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/LAVixens) and PKL (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/Preciousklove)? They stopped booking around the same time Eunji stopped working in LA. Their HX accounts still have galleries for Eunji. It's like a time capsule for February 2022. Only KGLA (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/kgirlsinla) survived from the group of bookers that were booking Eunji.I haven't spoken to her a while but her kakaotalk profile pic looks like she's back in Korea? I could be wrong.

08-21-22, 01:17
Where did Eunji (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/eunji-9498997702-359499) go after she stopped working in LA? Also does anyone know what happened to LAVixens (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/LAVixens) and PKL (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/Preciousklove)? They stopped booking around the same time Eunji stopped working in LA. Their HX accounts still have galleries for Eunji. It's like a time capsule for February 2022. Only KGLA (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/kgirlsinla) survived from the group of bookers that were booking Eunji.I think they just chose to re-brand themselves. Sesang Girls is a new name in the mix and they're on HX but maybe not updating daily.

08-21-22, 01:24
It's this type of hijinks that keep her off my TDL.That photo has been reported to be the most accurate of all the photos out there of Stacy. Looks like she has strong features.

08-21-22, 11:53
Like I've said earlier this week before she started yesterday, horndogs are lined up for her. She's already fully booked for today. I'm speculating the line of throbbing cocks are lined and primed for her tomorrow too.I thought SFK girls were off on Sundays?

08-21-22, 13:21
I thought SFK girls were off on Sundays?Erica's off today. She's been harder to book than a Leon Edwards kick to the dome. Usman will still feel that one Monday morning, when Erica's back in the Octagon.

08-21-22, 16:09
LOL, thanks for the ufc 278 reference. And yes erica is schedule for her fight card tomorrow. Pussy vs cock (s), one is known for it's clutching / clamping and the other is known for it's pounding / thrusting. As bruce buffer would say let's get ready to rumble.

Erica's off today. She's been harder to book than a Leon Edwards kick to the dome. Usman will still feel that one Monday morning, when Erica's back in the Octagon.

08-21-22, 17:55
First off, I think Erica is beautiful. For reference, I think Dana is gorgeous and broken ribs Bella is beautiful.

Stellar D cups, they're sorta like Bella's D cups (in terms of natural hang) but not as tremendous looking since Bella was ultra petite. Remi's rack is still on top in terms of aesthetics and wow appeal.

Nice body, but nothing like Hana, Mini, or Dana. My guess is she's around 5'2, 95-100 lbs. She's pretty pale, too. Around the same vicinity in skin tone to Eunji and Bella.

Service was lacking. Subpar BBBJ. Didn't matter since she's a looker and I still got what I came for: intense DFK (a highlight) and CIP with a beautiful, petite woman who's new to the LA scene.

Most importantly, Erica has a wonderful personality. Very friendly, feminine and sweet. It negated the lack of pro service (nowhere near Stacy or Allie in terms of all - out fucking).

Definitely worth a visit or perhaps two if you're a sucker for a pretty face.

CIP x 2, 320/51.

08-21-22, 18:12
First off, I think Erica is beautiful. For reference, I think Dana is gorgeous and broken ribs Bella is beautiful.

Stellar D cups, they're sorta like Bella's D cups (in terms of natural hang) but not as tremendous looking since Bella was ultra petite. Remi's rack is still on top in terms of aesthetics and wow appeal.

Nice body, but nothing like Hana, Mini, or Dana. My guess is she's around 5'2, 95-100 lbs. She's pretty pale, too. Around the same vicinity in skin tone to Eunji and Bella.

Service was lacking. Subpar BBBJ. Didn't matter since she's a looker and I still got what I came for: intense DFK (a highlight) and CIP with a beautiful, petite woman who's new to the LA scene.

Most importantly, Erica has a wonderful personality. Very friendly, feminine and sweet. It negated the lack of pro service (nowhere near Stacy or Allie in terms of all - out fucking).

Definitely worth a visit or perhaps two if you're a sucker for a pretty face.

CIP x 2, 320/51.She sounds like a solid choice given the recent reviews. Actual DFK is a big plus as many girls I've seen don't really do it or if they do a it, it's a half-attempt (using just the tip BS) but it's just LFK but guys insist it was DFK. I wonder after the hype dies down of being the new one in town, will she burn out or will people get bored of her and move onto the next thing? I might come out of the woodwork at a later time and see her if I can easily book.

08-21-22, 19:03
New girl at sfk / kbliss starts Friday. See pics.

Erica 5'5 95 lbs DD.

If anyone recognizes her submit your input.You're saying these pictures are. Real??

08-21-22, 20:20
Decided to take a dive with Yami as she's been mentioned but conflicting reports by trusted mongers. What's overlapping and true is that yes, very pretty face with fake titties. About 5'3 ish I'd say with a fairly toned body. Def a YMMV as I understand it sort of depends as always what day you catch a provider on and I think I caught her on a good day as it was around the afternoon but not too early or late to have a burnt out attitude. LFK was cool with her easing into dfk as the session picked up. Missionary was great but her RCG was amazing. Cute bouncy booty that has a particular jiggle to a woman in her late 20's to early 30's. Like a young MILF jiggle if you know what I mean LOL. Damage wasn't too bad so I def will repeat as good pussy at a better price will always be something I enjoy.

08-21-22, 20:23
She sounds like a solid choice given the recent reviews. Actual DFK is a big plus as many girls I've seen don't really do it or if they do a it, it's a half-attempt (using just the tip BS) but it's just LFK but guys insist it was DFK. I wonder after the hype dies down of being the new one in town, will she burn out or will people get bored of her and move onto the next thing? I might come out of the woodwork at a later time and see her if I can easily book.For those who speak Korean or can distinguish Korean accents, does Erica sound like she's from seoul or like busan?

08-21-22, 22:41
First off, I think Erica is beautiful. For reference, I think Dana is gorgeous and broken ribs Bella is beautiful.

Stellar D cups, they're sorta like Bella's D cups (in terms of natural hang) but not as tremendous looking since Bella was ultra petite. Remi's rack is still on top in terms of aesthetics and wow appeal.

Nice body, but nothing like Hana, Mini, or Dana. My guess is she's around 5'2, 95-100 lbs. She's pretty pale, too. Around the same vicinity in skin tone to Eunji and Bella.

Service was lacking. Subpar BBBJ. Didn't matter since she's a looker and I still got what I came for: intense DFK (a highlight) and CIP with a beautiful, petite woman who's new to the LA scene.

Most importantly, Erica has a wonderful personality. Very friendly, feminine and sweet. It negated the lack of pro service (nowhere near Stacy or Allie in terms of all - out fucking).

Definitely worth a visit or perhaps two if you're a sucker for a pretty face.

CIP x 2, 320/51.Do you know if she's BBFS?

08-21-22, 23:15
Do you know if she's BBFS?All SFK girls are BB and with no upcharge. That's the allure of using these them as opposed to CandygirlsLA, SAG, Bookergray.

08-22-22, 02:28
She sounds like a solid choice given the recent reviews. Actual DFK is a big plus as many girls I've seen don't really do it or if they do a it, it's a half-attempt (using just the tip BS) but it's just LFK but guys insist it was DFK. I wonder after the hype dies down of being the new one in town, will she burn out or will people get bored of her and move onto the next thing? I might come out of the woodwork at a later time and see her if I can easily book.Same. I hope guys give feedback to the booker that her BJ sucks, and maybe she's ambitious enough to improve.

Then I'll visit once she has more experience.

I just hope she isn't like Cami where she never improves her skills and only relies on her looks.

Member #2210
08-22-22, 02:35
I just tried to book her again for tomorrow, but booker told me she's off til Wed due to her having period.

08-22-22, 06:05
What agency is SFK again?

08-22-22, 09:44
She sounds like a solid choice given the recent reviews. Actual DFK is a big plus as many girls I've seen don't really do it or if they do a it, it's a half-attempt (using just the tip BS) but it's just LFK but guys insist it was DFK. I wonder after the hype dies down of being the new one in town, will she burn out or will people get bored of her and move onto the next thing? I might come out of the woodwork at a later time and see her if I can easily book.Maybe not the bum rush that Hana had from October, 2020 to February, 2021, but she should be busy -- similar to Pink in summer, 2021 and Jean shortly thereafter.

More notes:

Erica is in her mid-thirties. Her pussy still has that youthful sheen to it. If Hana's was the watermark for the perfect slit, hers is in the same ballpark.

Average depth. Nothing like Nicole's shallow gash, but still good. I could imagine her being ok with those out there packing big meat.

English is good, too. Not as talkative or as funny as Jool Gina, but probably around the same command of the English language.

320 for BBFSCIP with a good looking woman is a bargain at this point, even if she isn't on par performance wise with Stacy, Dana, Allie or Viki.

What agency is SFK again?


08-22-22, 10:47
I decided to give mina another try at a earlier time and it was somewhat better attitude and service. She gave me more effort and more affection after I told her my experience on her first time seeing her. She even show me a little wild side of her. She likes to be choked while fucking hard. She really likes ruff sex she doesn't hold back. She show me a new sex position that I liked. Overall better experience. Just Remember she likes getting slapped and choked while I nutted in her. She gave me back $50. She told me to come see her again. Maybe I will LOL.

08-22-22, 11:28
Sfk / kbliss hoe-call.

Sfk: Arisa, Viki, Allie.

Kbliss: Jessica, Arisa, Allie.

Erica possibly back by Wed.

08-22-22, 11:49
I just tried to book her again for tomorrow, but booker told me she's off til Wed due to her having period.Welp. Now we know dudes from Friday are not the father. (High fives around the room).

08-22-22, 13:28
Great news horndogs. Line starts tomorrow, booker confirmed Erica is on deck to fulfill your pervy desires.

Member #2210
08-22-22, 13:42
I just tried to book her again for tomorrow, but booker told me she's off til Wed due to her having period.Booker just texted me Erica back tomorrow.

08-22-22, 14:59
Business must be slow overall. Been getting random unsolicited texts from the old 2 pop with their new site address, thetopgirls, new Asian vibe sites, etc. I hope they start lowering prices or raising the level of talent.

08-22-22, 16:54
What agency is SFK again?https://sexyfunkgirls.escortbook.com/

08-22-22, 18:44
Business must be slow overall. Been getting random unsolicited texts from the old 2 pop with their new site address, thetopgirls, new Asian vibe sites, etc. I hope they start lowering prices or raising the level of talent.My feel on the market is that non up charge BB girls are taking business away from everyone else.

08-22-22, 18:58
Business must be slow overall. Been getting random unsolicited texts from the old 2 pop with their new site address, thetopgirls, new Asian vibe sites, etc. I hope they start lowering prices or raising the level of talent.I've been getting those texts pretty regularly to the point where I've blocked a few numbers that I didn't recognize. It's especially annoying when they don't even make an effort to be discreet. Not sure if business is actually slow, but I doubt they'll do anything about their prices or talent level.

08-22-22, 19:44
My feel on the market is that non up charge BB girls are taking business away from everyone else.Maybe we can push the market towards Bayarea price, no up charge. Noticed in Bayarea they're trying to push the SoCal pricing and starting to list multiple sites with same ladies.

08-22-22, 20:07
Business must be slow overall. Been getting random unsolicited texts from the old 2 pop with their new site address, thetopgirls, new Asian vibe sites, etc. I hope they start lowering prices or raising the level of talent.Same here, a new one popped up today called 40 models on phone, they kept texting annoying message to pound out their chicks every two hours.

08-22-22, 20:11
Great news horndogs. Line starts tomorrow, booker confirmed Erica is on deck to fulfill your pervy desires.Meanwhile no one's talking about new Berry at M / CG, and a bunch of other nonupcharge girls that have been listed for a couple weeks now.

08-22-22, 20:17
My feel on the market is that non up charge BB girls are taking business away from everyone else.Sure seems that way. Strippers have been talking about the recession for a while now. They'll see the slowdown before the escorts. People are downgrading to Walmart due to inflation and probably the recession or fear of one. Guys may be downgrading from the upcharge to the non-upcharge girls for the same reasons. Cash is tight.

08-22-22, 20:19
Same here, a new one popped up today called 40 models on phone, they kept texting annoying message to pound out their chicks every two hours.40 models must be an established booker or a rebrand of some sort. I started to get their texts as well.

08-22-22, 20:19
Maybe we can push the market towards Bayarea price, no up charge. Noticed in Bayarea they're trying to push the SoCal pricing and starting to list multiple sites with same ladies.Which orgs in the Bay are sharing girls?

08-22-22, 20:44
Great news horndogs. Line starts tomorrow, booker confirmed Erica is on deck to fulfill your pervy desires.Are Erica's photos accurate?

08-22-22, 20:52
Meanwhile no one's talking about new Berry at M / CG, and a bunch of other nonupcharge girls that have been listed for a couple weeks now.Grace is double posting rebrand with new pics of Sienna.

Berry is a rebrand of a girl with few names. Was just Gloria DD at AA in SanMateo. I think she also used the name Soda at MKC in OC. She has been at SAG and other socal orgs before. I saw her and I'm pretty sure she used another set of pics. Large MM and big areolas. Bit of a rush / clock watcher, service pretty basic. Things may have changed but that's all I remember in short report. Might want to check on NorCal bros for recent feedback.

The only true no upcharge newbies are SFK Erica and KGLA Bitna.

08-22-22, 20:56
40 models must be an established booker or a rebrand of some sort. I started to get their texts as well.One of the phone numbers that 40models (https://www.40models.com/) uses is the same as the number 2pop (archive) (https://archive.ph/rRkxL) used to use. Check out these TER reviews (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/newreviewsList.asp?Phone=213-447-9396).

08-22-22, 21:26
Which orgs in the Bay are sharing girls?Don't think any of the big orgs are sharing.

There's these two sites not really sharing girls just PO making multiple sites.



But this one looks like they're listing girls from other sites. Binna on all three pages maybe only her so far. Pretty sure I seen those others on diff pages too.




08-22-22, 21:59
One of the phone numbers that 40models (https://www.40models.com/) uses is the same as the number 2pop (archive) (https://archive.ph/rRkxL) used to use. Check out these TER reviews (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/newreviewsList.asp?Phone=213-447-9396).Nice catch!

08-22-22, 22:11
Hey gents, trying to figure out who I want to see next.

I have been rotating Allie, Nicole, Mini and Remi for quite a while now, finally some fresh meats here.

As you can see I like them 1st service, then big tits and fit body then comes to face which always YMMV.

Anyway, both Erica and Bitna are strong contender, for those of you that have seen both, what's your take on comparing the two?

I donate bi weekly now since business are soft, I'm worried if I pick the wrong one, another one leave and I did not get the chance after twoweeks.

08-22-22, 22:47
Hey gents, trying to figure out who I want to see next.

I have been rotating Allie, Nicole, Mini and Remi for quite a while now, finally some fresh meats here.

As you can see I like them 1st service, then big tits and fit body then comes to face which always YMMV.

Anyway, both Erica and Bitna are strong contender, for those of you that have seen both, what's your take on comparing the two?

I donate bi weekly now since business are soft, I'm worried if I pick the wrong one, another one leave and I did not get the chance after twoweeks.I don't think anyone will rate Erica's service over her looks. But I welcome someone to be the first.

08-23-22, 01:12
Hey gents, trying to figure out who I want to see next.

I have been rotating Allie, Nicole, Mini and Remi for quite a while now, finally some fresh meats here.

As you can see I like them 1st service, then big tits and fit body then comes to face which always YMMV.

Anyway, both Erica and Bitna are strong contender, for those of you that have seen both, what's your take on comparing the two?

I donate bi weekly now since business are soft, I'm worried if I pick the wrong one, another one leave and I did not get the chance after twoweeks.Erica 100%, Bitna ain't nothing to right home about.

08-23-22, 01:25
One of the phone numbers that 40models (https://www.40models.com/) uses is the same as the number 2pop (archive) (https://archive.ph/rRkxL) used to use. Check out these TER reviews (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/newreviewsList.asp?Phone=213-447-9396).That booker was so rude that even he has to rebrand.

08-23-22, 11:38
WG call on the daily.

Sfk: Arisa Viki Allie Erika.

Kbliss: Jessica arisa Allie Erika.

Erica is back for your deviant pleasures.

08-23-22, 14:39
That booker was so rude that even he has to rebrand.They should have renamed it BookerFU where the booker fucks you instead. LOL.

08-23-22, 16:52
One looks like a rebrand and another one I'm not 100% sure if she's actually new or not. Someone can post later if they have seen them before.

Grace. Looks new to me in LA.

Berry. Style of pictures look like a rebrand, but I can be wrong.


08-23-22, 17:05
I believe someone posted prior that grace is Sienna.

One looks like a rebrand and another one I'm not 100% sure if she's actually new or not. Someone can post later if they have seen them before.

Grace. Looks new to me in LA.

Berry. Style of pictures look like a rebrand, but I can be wrong.


08-23-22, 17:15
Pic: absolutely accurate. She has pretty, big eyes. Her looks are prolly the best in business.

Act 1: I look pretty young. She asked my age and I found out she's a 99 child. There was a lot of kissing (not really deep dfk but mostly dfk).

Act 2: her moans are so seductive to me. Erica isn't Stacy or anything. Her sex skills are lacking but her looks and the connection you can make is up on par with anyone you can imagine. After quick daty and BBBJ, we went to slow fucking. She was on top first. We stayed like that for good while until I did mish and finished outside.

Act 3: we talked in korean for a bit. I got to know her more on personal level, especially since she's my age group.

Act 4: I went back into mish. Honestly, I didn't go rough but she said her stomach hurts so I'm guessing for anyone who likes wild sex calm down with her or else you are not going to get great response. I feel like she's a slow and seductive sex. She's more GFE who does BBFS. She felt like a girlfriend.

Act 5: a lot of kissing and cuddling and talking afterwards. I usually pay first but honestly, her looks caught me off guard. She is extremely pretty and really young. She's really here for money then anything else so hopefully my fellow mongers spoil her good. Out of everyone in LA, she's the prettiest. She's an amateur so any mongers who like experience sex, she's not it. However, just because of her looks I can say I will go back for more.

P.S. Please don't destroy her pussy. It was really tight and I want to feel the tightness again.

08-23-22, 17:16
That booker was so rude that even he has to rebrand.I've never used 2 pop. Was their booker as bad as the stories from Bookergrey?

08-23-22, 17:21
Pic: absolutely accurate. She has pretty, big eyes. Her looks are prolly the best in business.

Act 1: I look pretty young. She asked my age and I found out she's a 99 child. There was a lot of kissing (not really deep dfk but mostly dfk).

Act 2: her moans are so seductive to me. Erica isn't Stacy or anything. Her sex skills are lacking but her looks and the connection you can make is up on par with anyone you can imagine. After quick daty and BBBJ, we went to slow fucking. She was on top first. We stayed like that for good while until I did mish and finished outside.

Act 3: we talked in korean for a bit. I got to know her more on personal level, especially since she's my age group.

Act 4: I went back into mish. Honestly, I didn't go rough but she said her stomach hurts so I'm guessing for anyone who likes wild sex calm down with her or else you are not going to get great response. I feel like she's a slow and seductive sex. She's more GFE who does BBFS. She felt like a girlfriend.

Act 5: a lot of kissing and cuddling and talking afterwards. I usually pay first but honestly, her looks caught me off guard. She is extremely pretty and really young. She's really here for money then anything else so hopefully my fellow mongers spoil her good. Out of everyone in LA, she's the prettiest. She's an amateur so any mongers who like experience sex, she's not it. However, just because of her looks I can say I will go back for more.

P.S. Please don't destroy her pussy. It was really tight and I want to feel the tightness again.I don't understand this logic of "treating her well" nonsense I hear alot of guys post here and on TER. You have absolutely no control of how guys will be on their own session. Some guys will just happen to be rougher or want a more non GFE varied experience. It's up to the provider herself to set boundaries and limits. It's just bizarre to see this weird soft white-knighting every so often.

08-23-22, 17:21
For those who speak Korean or can distinguish Korean accents, does Erica sound like she's from seoul or like busan?She's from neither. She's from province known for the best food.

08-23-22, 17:27
One looks like a rebrand and another one I'm not 100% sure if she's actually new or not. Someone can post later if they have seen them before.

Grace. Looks new to me in LA.

Berry. Style of pictures look like a rebrand, but I can be wrong.

https://myalbum.com/album/nxPyzebH8TcaRead a few posts down bro. #30654. You know I'm on it.

08-23-22, 17:27
I don't understand this logic of "treating her well" nonsense I hear alot of guys post here and on TER. You have absolutely no control of how guys will be on their own session. Some guys will just happen to be rougher or want a more non GFE varied experience. It's up to the provider herself to set boundaries and limits. It's just bizarre to see this weird soft white-knighting every so often.It's more she would burn out faster if we treat her roughly. There are providers who can take rough fucking and there are providers who can't take rough fucking. Erica is the latter. It's up to you to choose but more people going the route of rough fucking means faster she will burn out. Providers are humans too. For example, some men can't cum three times in a row while some can. While someone like Erica is here, if we made it known that LA men don't treat providers like shit then more prospects will come to LA. A lot of Korean girls want to live in LA and one of the path is this hobby. If we made LA bad for Korean girls, then we will get less and less talents. I'm just saying this because apparently many mongers are complaining about lack of quality talents in LA when most providers I met in LA don't really hold LA mongers highly.

08-23-22, 17:36
Came to Los Angeles for quick trip and saw Sienna at Candygirl. Was A little hesitant since she only had two reviews on Ter. When the door opened I was greeted by a very tiny cute woman, she was dressed in the green school girl outfit so it was girl in pictures. Nice body and she is also the youngest Kgirl I have seen so far, defiantly in her 20's.

DFK soon as walked in the door and I immediately knew it was going be a good time. Walked Me to the bathroom where she started to tease and rub my dick on her pussy while she sat on countertop. I told her I just took shower before coming, so we skipped the shower. Sat me down and gave a great BBBJ. Then she laid on the bed, hung her head off the bed and let me fuck her cute face, at that moment I almost cried tears of joy. Afterwards I pound her missionary and her pussy was so wet and tight. She kept grabbing a towel to wipe herself because it was so wet. She is freaky and fun as hell. We go through multiple positions before I finally cum and she swallows the load.

We laid there and she continue to suck and lick my nipples asking if I wanted round two. I said I was tired and just felt like lying down. Sienna gave me a BBBJ anyways and next thing you thing you know my dick was back inside her. And blew another load, except second round I only went like 5-7 minutes.

First girl I saw in Los Angeles and service was amazing. Will definitely repeat if she is still in Los Angeles when I come back this weekend.


08-23-22, 17:44
I don't understand this logic of "treating her well" nonsense I hear alot of guys post here and on TER. You have absolutely no control of how guys will be on their own session. Some guys will just happen to be rougher or want a more non GFE varied experience. It's up to the provider herself to set boundaries and limits. It's just bizarre to see this weird soft white-knighting every so often.Considering LA's rep, it's both sad and kinda pathetic that this is even a thing. I don't think anyone thinks they have control over girls getting ripped in half, anymore than they have control over them getting Cartiers. It may simply help some people sleep at night, just knowing they've said their piece, regardless if anyone actually takes it into consideration and has the impact that was intended.

08-23-22, 17:57
I've never used 2 pop. Was their booker as bad as the stories from Bookergrey?2 pop booker is bipolar just like any other org, but probably a little worse. Sometimes you'll get their good days and other day they'll completely shit all over you with some irrational outbursts. As I suggest with all bookers, keep your ties minimal with them and keep your eyes on the prize (the girls). You'll have less headaches and be less disappointed.

08-23-22, 17:59
If we made LA bad for Korean girls, then we will get less and less talents.If? I thought we crossed that bridge a while back. If you disagree, just wait for dudes getting nostalgic over the “good ol days.” It’s like clockwork.

08-23-22, 18:01
It's more she would burn out faster if we treat her roughly. There are providers who can take rough fucking and there are providers who can't take rough fucking. Erica is the latter. It's up to you to choose but more people going the route of rough fucking means faster she will burn out. Providers are humans too. For example, some men can't cum three times in a row while some can. While someone like Erica is here, if we made it known that LA men don't treat providers like shit then more prospects will come to LA. A lot of Korean girls want to live in LA and one of the path is this hobby. If we made LA bad for Korean girls, then we will get less and less talents. I'm just saying this because apparently many mongers are complaining about lack of quality talents in LA when most providers I met in LA don't really hold LA mongers highly.I almost wish there was a survey or a more fleshed out description of the girl's services. Not all girls openly speak about their boundaries until they are about to be crossed. "PSE" or "GFE" is too broad of a term to truly classify how much roughhousing we can do with the girls.

I know for a fact that providers in Japan tend to get quite granular with their services on their websites. They'll have checkboxes for things like DT, choking, hairpulling, etc. Not that we should expect that type of service from the kgirl scene here, but that would eliminate some of these awkward encounter when a girl flat out says no to something to your face during a session.

08-23-22, 19:02
2 pop booker is bipolar just like any other org, but probably a little worse. Sometimes you'll get their good days and other day they'll completely shit all over you with some irrational outbursts. As I suggest with all bookers, keep your ties minimal with them and keep your eyes on the prize (the girls). You'll have less headaches and be less disappointed.As of this year my needs are met in terms of bookers. There are more of them than ever before. This brings me back with bad memories of M and getting on her bad side for almost no reason like she had a pine cone up her ass. But the usual non upcharge bookers have been good to me lately, fast responses and good replies. I think I stopped texting one booker awhile back due to this type of snarky behavior. The more negative ones that come to mind are the ones with attitude, followed by the lazier and slower responding ones who aren't top of things. So I book the ones that get back to me ASAP and are on top of things.

08-23-22, 19:09
Read a few posts down bro. #30654. You know I'm on it.Shit you're right. I must of read about it the other day and forgot. I would of double checked before I went if I was serious about going. Thanks again.

08-23-22, 19:27
As of this year my needs are met in terms of bookers. There are more of them than ever before. This brings me back with bad memories of M and getting on her bad side for almost no reason like she had a pine cone up her ass. But the usual non upcharge bookers have been good to me lately, fast responses and good replies. I think I stopped texting one booker awhile back due to this type of snarky behavior. The more negative ones that come to mind are the ones with attitude, followed by the lazier and slower responding ones who aren't top of things. So I book the ones that get back to me ASAP and are on top of things.How much of slowness is due to them not being the girls main booker? Figure easiest for the girl if there's one main booker controlling the slots and the other bookers go to them to confirm availability? Instead of all the bookers msgs the girl which seems like a pain if that is the process.

08-23-22, 19:28
As of this year my needs are met in terms of bookers. There are more of them than ever before. This brings me back with bad memories of M and getting on her bad side for almost no reason like she had a pine cone up her ass. But the usual non upcharge bookers have been good to me lately, fast responses and good replies. I think I stopped texting one booker awhile back due to this type of snarky behavior. The more negative ones that come to mind are the ones with attitude, followed by the lazier and slower responding ones who aren't top of things. So I book the ones that get back to me ASAP and are on top of things.Don't know why a booker would be snarky or rude. It's like the easiest job ever. They don't got to fuck rando mongers.

08-23-22, 20:52
Don't know why a booker would be snarky or rude. It's like the easiest job ever. They don't got to fuck rando mongers.There's definitely particular bookers that are rude. So that I could choose which girl to book, I asked the booker 1 question if her pictures were real. The booker replied don't ask my any questions just book. I don't think I was asking for too much. So I decided to call a different booker. If they hate their job that much they should quit and find something else.

08-23-22, 22:18
Same experience here. The old 2 pop booker, or now 40 model is a complete ass. He's rude and really should consider a different job. This consistent feedback is coming from multiple people on this forum. Vote with your wallet.

That booker was so rude that even he has to rebrand.

Member #2210
08-23-22, 23:10
There's definitely particular bookers that are rude. So that I could choose which girl to book, I asked the booker 1 question if her pictures were real. The booker replied don't ask my any questions just book. I don't think I was asking for too much. So I decided to call a different booker. If they hate their job that much they should quit and find something else.Some bookers don't even know what the girls even look like (this I know for sure), and they don't want you to know that they don't know, so maybe that's why they answer like that. But yes, there's no reason for them to be rude.

08-24-22, 00:03
Some bookers don't even know what the girls even look like (this I know for sure), and they don't want you to know that they don't know, so maybe that's why they answer like that. But yes, there's no reason for them to be rude.Booker Grey is shitty, I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't a boss's dipshit son.

08-24-22, 00:17
Booker Grey is shitty, I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't a boss's dipshit son.Male bookers not as efficient / customer friendly as female ones in general.

08-24-22, 00:19
Some bookers don't even know what the girls even look like (this I know for sure), and they don't want you to know that they don't know, so maybe that's why they answer like that. But yes, there's no reason for them to be rude.This love / hate relationship between procurers and clients has likely been around as long as the profession itself.

As volatile as it may be, it reminds me of the 'Soup Nazi' episode of Seinfeld, where George represents an inquisitive hobbyist. And despite his good intentions, ends up wearing out his welcome at a new soup stand, and is infamously told "No soup for you!

A less dated reference would be the 'Farm' episode of Portlandia, where hobbyists are represented by Peter and Nance, as they go to absurd lengths to learn more about the care and well-being of the chicken they'll be eating for lunch.

08-24-22, 00:39
MKG Cali (aka Nicky), touted as the tightest (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?26373-Korean-Agency-BB&p=5955695&viewfull=1#post5955695) pussy (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?34485-Kgirls-Rebrands&p=5964527&viewfull=1#post5964527) in LA (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?26373-Korean-Agency-BB&p=5965541&viewfull=1#post5965541), might be back. Pepsi's Palace is advertising a Brandi who is using the same pics as MKG Cali.

HX pepsiclub (https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/pepsiclub)

08-24-22, 00:54
MKG Cali (aka Nicky), touted as the tightest (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?26373-Korean-Agency-BB&p=5955695&viewfull=1#post5955695) pussy (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?34485-Kgirls-Rebrands&p=5964527&viewfull=1#post5964527) in LA (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?26373-Korean-Agency-BB&p=5965541&viewfull=1#post5965541), might be back.Potentially. She's still listed in Vegas as Jia CLL.

08-24-22, 01:55
If? I thought we crossed that bridge a while back. If you disagree, just wait for dudes getting nostalgic over the good ol days. Its like clockwork.This is kinda reason why I say please treat Erica right. Even if it can change one person, I would take it. A lot of mongers, I feel like, are treating k-girls as items instead of human beings. K-girls should be able to do this and that. Most can't handle rough fucking. Most can't handle western size dicks. I want Erica to stay here for a long time because she's great. But I feel after few weeks of being runned over by trains, she's going to quit. If my comment can change one person then it's one less reason for Erica to quit. I feel like LA could be k-girl scene heaven if most mongers saw them as humans instead of products. A lot of kgirls quit because LA is way too demanding.

08-24-22, 11:54
Sfk / kbliss listings.

Sfk Arisa Viki Allie Erika.

Kbliss Jessica arisa Allie Erika.

08-24-22, 12:06
This is kinda reason why I say please treat Erica right. Even if it can change one person, I would take it. A lot of mongers, I feel like, are treating k-girls as items instead of human beings. K-girls should be able to do this and that. Most can't handle rough fucking. Most can't handle western size dicks. I want Erica to stay here for a long time because she's great. But I feel after few weeks of being runned over by trains, she's going to quit. If my comment can change one person then it's one less reason for Erica to quit. I feel like LA could be k-girl scene heaven if most mongers saw them as humans instead of products. A lot of kgirls quit because LA is way too demanding.These girls are 100% transactional, or at least they become so if they do it long enough. That's the nature of this profession they have chosen, and the good ones are actresses able to sus you out within minutes and act accordingly. Erica probably determined you are a gentle cuddle buddy type and gave you that service. The next guy comes in and she determines he is out to fuck like he is making a porno and she provides that service. Basically, you sound like you are begging guys not to fuck your old girlfriend hard because you are still in love with her.

08-24-22, 12:07
Does Erica rim?

Otherwise who are people's go tos for good rimming, especially on the west side if possible? Other than Stella of course.

08-24-22, 13:16
I've been trying out different agencies and when they ask for references, I provide the ones I have used before. When I mentioned one of the agencies, they quickly texted me saying to not use them as a reference as I haven't visited them in a while. Anyone received this type of treatment before?

08-24-22, 13:48
These girls are 100% transactional, or at least they become so if they do it long enough. That's the nature of this profession they have chosen, and the good ones are actresses able to sus you out within minutes and act accordingly. Erica probably determined you are a gentle cuddle buddy type and gave you that service. The next guy comes in and she determines he is out to fuck like he is making a porno and she provides that service. Basically, you sound like you are begging guys not to fuck your old girlfriend hard because you are still in love with her.Exactly these chicks are there for one thing easy money.

And suckers fall for it. Men need to realize stop falling for them because she don't like her customers.

As long as we treat them right respect them they will give us the service we want.

08-24-22, 13:59
These girls are 100% transactional, or at least they become so if they do it long enough. That's the nature of this profession they have chosen, and the good ones are actresses able to sus you out within minutes and act accordingly. Erica probably determined you are a gentle cuddle buddy type and gave you that service. The next guy comes in and she determines he is out to fuck like he is making a porno and she provides that service. Basically, you sound like you are begging guys not to fuck your old girlfriend hard because you are still in love with her.Nah. If you view these girls as 100% transactional then you view sex workers as just garbage. Seeing you guys complain about good old days makes me puke when you guys only see k-girls as products and nothing more. This is reason why younger and hotter k-girls would rather go to bay area than here. At this point, you burned the bridge down. There's no point in k-girls scene improving in LA.

08-24-22, 14:37
I agree. This is transactional and this is a hobby. Mongers come in all different colors and sizes. There are pedos, freaks, abusers, sex addict, alcoholics, and druggies all mixed along with tech bros and doctors. Dudes with them 10 inch bats come to this hobby because their wife find them painful but a ho can take care of his need because it's a service. In Asian counties, this is viewed as a pleasure business. Then they go home after to their wives and family to face reality. This hobby has always been this way. High end hoes, streetwalker, AMPs, Corg, korgs, europeas, Latinas are all the same. The only difference is price, service, environment, and body type. Some bros like them skinny as hell and pubescent like and then others want them with fat cake booties and belly rolls. You ever hear of the hood casitas? That shit is something else. There are dudes on this forum also talking about BJs from homeless drug addicts in a tent. I try to be nice to all kgirls and many times tip them a little extra but at the end of the day, I want their goods and they want my money. Any further and things get more complicated. Been there done that. Erica and all the others come here to make money. That is why she went to a korg. She had a choice and I don't blame her. I wish her bank account to be fat but she will have to handle the Ds like the legends if she wants the fat account.

When mongers try to take the business further and let feelings get the best, it often leads to issues and disappointments. Just yesterday someone asked about a girl named Yuuka from Peach org and a monger responded about her issue. Ends up she was rebranded as Hannie / Hanii / Hani here. Long time kgirl and she met a boyfriend in LA. Something about him wanting her to get a tit job because her business was slow. Some drama or a botched surgery and she left the US. Caring too much about them leads to this. If she would have never met that dude she would still be working. Viewing them as a ho simply leads to keeping this hobby alive. Would you want you mom, daughter or wife to be a HO? Most wouldn't LOL. So yea its a business and let's leave it at that. The bookers job is to keep idiots away but they can only do their best.

08-24-22, 14:56
Booker Grey is shitty, I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't a boss's dipshit son.LOL you already know one of these is a spoiled brat. Lucky him he gets to try the merchandise early.

So I ain't hating am jealous LOL.

08-24-22, 15:01
I agree. This is transactional and this is a hobby. Mongers come in all different colors and sizes. There are pedos, freaks, abusers, sex addict, alcoholics, and druggies all mixed along with tech bros and doctors. Dudes with them 10 inch bats come to this hobby because their wife find them painful but a ho can take care of his need because it's a service. In Asian counties, this is viewed as a pleasure business. Then they go home after to their wives and family to face reality. This hobby has always been this way. High end hoes, streetwalker, AMPs, Corg, korgs, europeas, Latinas are all the same. The only difference is price, service, environment, and body type. Some bros like them skinny as hell and pubescent like and then others want them with fat cake booties and belly rolls. You ever hear of the hood casitas? That shit is something else. There are dudes on this forum also talking about BJs from homeless drug addicts in a tent. I try to be nice to all kgirls and many times tip them a little extra but at the end of the day, I want their goods and they want my money. Any further and things get more complicated. Been there done that. Erica and all the others come here to make money. That is why she went to a korg. She had a choice and I don't blame her. I wish her bank account to be fat but she will have to handle the Ds like the legends if she wants the fat account.

When mongers try to take the business further and let feelings get the best, it often leads to issues and disappointments. Just yesterday someone asked about a girl named Yuuka from Peach org and a monger responded about her issue. Ends up she was rebranded as Hannie / Hanii / Hani here. Long time kgirl and she met a boyfriend in LA. Something about him wanting her to get a tit job because her business was slow. Some drama or a botched surgery and she left the US. Caring too much about them leads to this. If she would have never met that dude she would still be working. Viewing them as a ho simply leads to keeping this hobby alive. Would you want you mom, daughter or wife to be a HO? Most wouldn't LOL. So yea its a business and let's leave it at that. The bookers job is to keep idiots away but they can only do their best.I'm literally only saying this because you guys constantly complain how today kgirl scene is lacking. I know most mongers won't even view sex workers as human beings. K-girls like Erica are here solely for money, not sex. At the same time, we all want more girls like Erica. Being at least understanding that these k-girls may not satisfy all your needs is better than being a total dick. At the end, idrc if you guys rip her in half. If you want someone like Erica to stay and you like ripping k-girls in half, then don't complain why k-girl scene is lacking in LA. There are plenty of money in other parts of US and even Canada.

08-24-22, 15:03
Let's hope this trend continues. Bitna was a pretty solid addition to the price tier and now we have Erica. I have not gotten a time yet with Erica but I will in the next couple of days. From what it seems, both are solid additions to the west side. Keep them busy and I'm sure more will come. 320 for the win bros. Kgirls will hear rumors of socal back to being busy and I think we'll see more 320 offerings return.

08-24-22, 15:03
I agree. This is transactional and this is a hobby. Mongers come in all different colors and sizes. There are pedos, freaks, abusers, sex addict, alcoholics, and druggies all mixed along with tech bros and doctors. Dudes with them 10 inch bats come to this hobby because their wife find them painful but a ho can take care of his need because it's a service. In Asian counties, this is viewed as a pleasure business. Then they go home after to their wives and family to face reality. This hobby has always been this way. High end hoes, streetwalker, AMPs, Corg, korgs, europeas, Latinas are all the same. The only difference is price, service, environment, and body type. Some bros like them skinny as hell and pubescent like and then others want them with fat cake booties and belly rolls. You ever hear of the hood casitas? That shit is something else. There are dudes on this forum also talking about BJs from homeless drug addicts in a tent. I try to be nice to all kgirls and many times tip them a little extra but at the end of the day, I want their goods and they want my money. Any further and things get more complicated. Been there done that. Erica and all the others come here to make money. That is why she went to a korg. She had a choice and I don't blame her. I wish her bank account to be fat but she will have to handle the Ds like the legends if she wants the fat account.

When mongers try to take the business further and let feelings get the best, it often leads to issues and disappointments. Just yesterday someone asked about a girl named Yuuka from Peach org and a monger responded about her issue. Ends up she was rebranded as Hannie / Hanii / Hani here. Long time kgirl and she met a boyfriend in LA. Something about him wanting her to get a tit job because her business was slow. Some drama or a botched surgery and she left the US. Caring too much about them leads to this. If she would have never met that dude she would still be working..Precisely! Think of K Girl as a steakhouse. Sometimes you get Ruth ad sometimes you get Outback; In each case, you typically eat your food and choose to comeback or leave and while you may file complaint to the management for bad food, bad service or dirty plate, you don't want make a drama out of it or be a total ass with you server.

Take it easy on girls. They are human after all. Enjoy the hobbying as you don't know when it all can come to sudden ends for you.

08-24-22, 15:12
I'm literally only saying this because you guys constantly complain how today kgirl scene is lacking. I know most mongers won't even view sex workers as human beings. K-girls like Erica are here solely for money, not sex. At the same time, we all want more girls like Erica. Being at least understanding that these k-girls may not satisfy all your needs is better than being a total dick. At the end, idrc if you guys rip her in half. If you want someone like Erica to stay and you like ripping k-girls in half, then don't complain why k-girl scene is lacking in LA. There are plenty of money in other parts of US and even Canada.New girls like Erica and Bitna will only stay if they are slammed busy. This is why girls go to NorCal first because they're booked solid for weeks often. Cara, LSC, Viola, etc keep new girls flowing because mongers can't stop coming. All for the low price of 260-280. Mongers can afford to still go 4-5 times a week at those rates.

Dallas and East coast area stay busy due to low availability but mongers get bored faster. NorCal and Socal has many options but NorCal is just busier for good girls. Plus the dudes there are constantly buying them designer garb. Save so much you can afford to buy them Cartier. Kidding lol

08-24-22, 15:28
I'm literally only saying this because you guys constantly complain how today kgirl scene is lacking. I know most mongers won't even view sex workers as human beings. K-girls like Erica are here solely for money, not sex. At the same time, we all want more girls like Erica. Being at least understanding that these k-girls may not satisfy all your needs is better than being a total dick. At the end, idrc if you guys rip her in half. If you want someone like Erica to stay and you like ripping k-girls in half, then don't complain why k-girl scene is lacking in LA. There are plenty of money in other parts of US and even Canada.Garbage? Cool story, brah.

I have heard from two different K-girls that SoCal makes them nervous because of the size of the Korean population and the chance they may get found out.

Look at the population of Koreans in California by county and do a risk assessment on where you would want to work and not be found out, but there are also clients with money.

Guys are guys wherever they work from cuddle bunnies to bat swinging pornstar wannabes. They know the deal and they know that the way to the fattest bank account is being a good actress and making everyone feel they got what they came for and hopefully returns as it is the easiest way to reduce their work stress and know what they are going to earn. A girl with 100 once a month clients knows minimum earnings and what to prepare for with each session. That's a lot less stressful than each client being a mystery and potentially a one and done.

Bottom line is that they are independent contract-ish workers for an agency and they need to manage their risk (physical/mental/emotional/etc) while maximizing their earnings.

08-24-22, 15:57
Garbage? Cool story, brah.

I have heard from two different K-girls that SoCal makes them nervous because of the size of the Korean population and the chance they may get found out.

Look at the population of Koreans in California by county and do a risk assessment on where you would want to work and not be found out, but there are also clients with money.

Guys are guys wherever they work from cuddle bunnies to bat swinging pornstar wannabes. They know the deal and they know that the way to the fattest bank account is being a good actress and making everyone feel they got what they came for and hopefully returns as it is the easiest way to reduce their work stress and know what they are going to earn. A girl with 100 once a month clients knows minimum earnings and what to prepare for with each session. That's a lot less stressful than each client being a mystery and potentially a one and done.

Bottom line is that they are independent contract-ish workers for an agency and they need to manage their risk (physical/mental/emotional/etc) while maximizing their earnings.These k-girls barely care about korean population in LA. My friend owns the spa most of them frequents they openly talk about their work. If clients speak Korean, most of them like it because it means they can shorten the fucking and stretch the talking. Most of them leave LA scene due to lack of business and stress. Who would want to work in a city where most mongers don't tip and want bb, wild fucking, pretty face, spinner body, etc. They would rather go to norcal where tech mongers are loaded to the teeth and can tip generously.

K-girls don't move to bay area because they are afraid of being found out. Most Koreans turn blind eye on sex workers in Korean red districts. We don't really care. Sex work was a big part of korean history ( 기생). K-Girls want to stay in LA because there is big korean community here. Food culture is prolly most important reason why you don't see k-girls in middle of US. Most of k-girls are in heavily populated Korean community. But in the end, they move away to bay area where they can make more money and have less stress. Bay area community doesn't demand bb. K girls just happen to offer it more because they know that these bay area whales will buy them all the things they want. In LA, most mongers aren't whales and they complain whenever there is upcharge.

08-24-22, 15:58
I'm literally only saying this because you guys constantly complain how today kgirl scene is lacking. I know most mongers won't even view sex workers as human beings. K-girls like Erica are here solely for money, not sex. At the same time, we all want more girls like Erica. Being at least understanding that these k-girls may not satisfy all your needs is better than being a total dick. At the end, idrc if you guys rip her in half. If you want someone like Erica to stay and you like ripping k-girls in half, then don't complain why k-girl scene is lacking in LA. There are plenty of money in other parts of US and even Canada.I'm going to try to add something but other posters have posted quite well on some things I wanted to say. You have some misguided notion that these girls are delicate flowers whom cannot defend nor think for themselves. What you are doing is the classic captain save-a-hoe™. These girls all play an act and want to maximize how much they can extract from mongers. All these girls who work here make the conscious choice to be in this industry knowing full well of the potential problems and dangers. If mongers here are as dangerous and rough as you'd like to believe, the reputation would be well known and no girl would work in LA. FOSTA + Covid put a dent in quality girls being around in general. I don't remember the issue of "rough guys" being a problem pre 2018. Sure it happens, but it isn't some epidemic. The reason why we complain is because some of us have been doing this for awhile and noticed drastic decrease in quality of the girls that have popped up in recent years. It's a cocktail of crap from rebrands of less desirable providers, older women, price increases that does not lead to better service but just more money extracted from the monger. I'd post more but no one wants to read a novel on a hoe forum.

Here's the definition of a white knight. I've posted the link only once awhile ago when we had a spat with those idiots at TER.

"White knightism manifests itself in a variety of ways, but probably the most common manifestation is running to the "protection" or "defense"—of usually a stranger—just because she's female, with little or no consideration other factors. Online, that often translates into attacking another guy when you think he's unfairly criticized or "bullied" a girl, or a certain group of women. The key part is that you're standing up for what's essentially a complete stranger because she's a woman and therefore, in your eyes, defenseless. Hence the name. You're the knight in shining armor coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress. ".

08-24-22, 16:11
Don't fall in love with the sex workers.

That is all.

08-24-22, 16:21
I'm going to try to add something but other posters have posted quite well on some things I wanted to say. You have some misguided notion that these girls are delicate flowers whom cannot defend nor think for themselves. What you are doing is the classic captain save-a-hoe. These girls all play an act and want to maximize how much they can extract from mongers. All these girls who work here make the conscious choice to be in this industry knowing full well of the potential problems and dangers. If mongers here are as dangerous and rough as you'd like to believe, the reputation would be well known and no girl would work in LA. FOSTA + Covid put a dent in quality girls being around in general. I don't remember the issue of "rough guys" being a problem pre 2018. Sure it happens, but it isn't some epidemic. The reason why we complain is because some of us have been doing this for awhile and noticed drastic decrease in quality of the girls that have popped up in recent years. It's a cocktail of crap from rebrands of less desirable providers, older women, price increases that does not lead to better service but just more money extracted from the monger. I'd post more but no one wants to read a novel on a hoe forum.

Here's the definition of a white knight. I've posted the link only once awhile ago when we had a spat with those idiots at TER.

"White knightism manifests itself in a variety of ways, but probably the most common manifestation is running to the "protection" or "defense"of usually a strangerjust because she's female, with little or no consideration other factors. Online, that often translates into attacking another guy when you think he's unfairly criticized or "bullied" a girl, or a certain group of women. The key part is that you're standing up for what's essentially a complete stranger because she's a woman and therefore, in your eyes, defenseless. Hence the name. You're the knight in shining armor coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress. ".You can call it white knighting. I call it at least giving some rights to sex workers. Most mongers view them as sex toys then complain afterwards. I've seen this before 2020 on this thread. There are many posts about good old days when that site was still up. A lot of services provided today weren't standard back in the days. Mongers really had to earn it by repeating visits. Pandemic did hit new k-girls coming into LA but the complaints about lack of quality was still there before it. You can search this forum and there were plenty of posts complaining upcharge for bb and lack of good quality k-girls.

Try treating sex workers like humans first then you can get everything you want. They will stop upcharging you or straight up refusing you. Mongers these days are refusing to work for free services because they would rather pay money. I wonder why k-girls are trying to extract money through upcharges. If k-girls are into you, they won't really ask you to pay money. A lot of k-girls I met tend to ask me out on dates and they pay for the entire date. The k-girl scene is somewhat alive but most mongers don't really want to put in time and money. They rather want hos on the side and hos do what all hos do. Ask for more money.

08-24-22, 16:33
You can call it white knighting. I call it at least giving some rights to sex workers. Most mongers view them as sex toys then complain afterwards. I've seen this before 2020 on this thread. There are many posts about good old days when that site was still up. A lot of services provided today weren't standard back in the days. Mongers really had to earn it by repeating visits. Pandemic did hit new k-girls coming into LA but the complaints about lack of quality was still there before it. You can search this forum and there were plenty of posts complaining upcharge for bb and lack of good quality k-girls.

Try treating sex workers like humans first then you can get everything you want. They will stop upcharging you or straight up refusing you. Mongers these days are refusing to work for free services because they would rather pay money. I wonder why k-girls are trying to extract money through upcharges. If k-girls are into you, they won't really ask you to pay money. A lot of k-girls I met tend to ask me out on dates and they pay for the entire date. The k-girl scene is somewhat alive but most mongers don't really want to put in time and money. They rather want hos on the side and hos do what all hos do. Ask for more money.You're not going to be able to will the Kgirl scene in LA into what you want it to be by projecting with comments all your frankly juvenile feelings about the girls and the guys that are their clients.

I suggest you establish some non sex worker female relationships. It will do you good.

08-24-22, 16:53
You're not going to be able to will the Kgirl scene in LA into what you want it to be by projecting with comments all your frankly juvenile feelings about the girls and the guys that are their clients. I suggest you establish some non sex worker female relationships. It will do you good.LOL ok. Think what you want. I'm just stating my peace of mind after years of seeing posts on how k-girl scene in LA is dying and how at least respecting human boundaries is somekind of white knighting.

08-24-22, 16:54
Like most things in life, it's not "either or," but rather "both. " That is, I see this hobby a transaction *and* one where two people have the potential to reduce each other to mere objects: Pussy and money. Right or wrong, that's just the way it is.

Considering the lack of parity between markets, I'd hate to see us compound a litany of reasons for kgirls to look elsewhere. So I don't hold it against anyone for erring on the side of caution in that regard.

"We lost another kgirl because we were too gentle," said no one ever.

Bastard Chorum
08-24-22, 18:57
I've been trying out different agencies and when they ask for references, I provide the ones I have used before. When I mentioned one of the agencies, they quickly texted me saying to not use them as a reference as I haven't visited them in a while. Anyone received this type of treatment before?I haven't heard of getting that type of response from a booking you are using as a reference before. Usually, at least when I need to, I let the booker know ahead of time that I am using them as a reference. This establishes two things: 1) the other party is Ok with it (I move on to another if they aren't) and 2) quicker response between bookers as the aren't blind sighted by it. You can remedy your situation by seeing a girl from the booker and try again later. With how the current scene is flooded with a bunch of girls now, I can understand bookers not wanting clients to migrate to other agencies.

08-24-22, 19:50
Does anyone know if any girl or agency have cosplays, uniforms or similar?

08-24-22, 21:10
LOL ok. Think what you want. I'm just stating my peace of mind after years of seeing posts on how k-girl scene in LA is dying and how at least respecting human boundaries is somekind of white knighting.I doubt you'll read it, maybe at most click on the link then leave the site. The choice is yours if you want to continue on with how you think. I'll be nice and throw you a bone. Maybe someone who lurks will benefit and see a different corner of the world much less known.


Bastard Chorum
08-24-22, 21:28
I'm literally only saying this because you guys constantly complain how today kgirl scene is lacking. I know most mongers won't even view sex workers as human beings. K-girls like Erica are here solely for money, not sex. At the same time, we all want more girls like Erica. Being at least understanding that these k-girls may not satisfy all your needs is better than being a total dick. At the end, idrc if you guys rip her in half. If you want someone like Erica to stay and you like ripping k-girls in half, then don't complain why k-girl scene is lacking in LA. There are plenty of money in other parts of US and even Canada.It's important to isolate treating kgirls well and critiquing their service as two wholly separate things. One may have an affect on the other or vice versa but at the end of the day, they are two distinct aspects of mongering.

I very much doubt that the vast majority of mongers treat kgirls poorly or sees them only as sex dolls or less than human beings. If the bookers are doing their job correctly, these types of individuals are usually weeded out during vetting or BL shortly after a session or two with kgirls. Small infractions are rarely heard about and / or disseminated in the community. More often than not, only the extreme cases bubble up to the top and reach the forums (broken ribs, fake currency, theft, nonconsensual filming, etc.). While each incident is tragic, the small amount of similarly severe cases is often taken at face value and mischaracterized as rampant in the scene. Which it is not, this is just selection bias. Taking a step back, given the amount of agencies and kgirls across the LA / OC area and however many hundreds of sessions that occur everyday over however many years these incidents occur, the percentage of this happening to kgirls is miniscule. I'm not discounting how horrible it is, but we all need to take into consideration the likelihood also. For instance, in our lifetime we have close to a 1% chance of dying in a car crash but most of us still choose to commute and drive cars.

As for the later aspect, every monger possesses an idealized concept of what they perceive as good service. This becomes a grading rubric each kgirl will be tested against. How well they mesh and score will determine what kind of reviews will posted after the fact. Given the circumstance and dynamics involved, critiquing a kgirl's performance is integral, if not mandatory, to the whole process. You are paying for a service and not with chump change either. If, for example, I'm shelling out $300 at two restaurants: one has great ambiance, knowledgeable wait staff, and great food while another has wailing kids running amok, servers that clearly hate their job, and food not much better than the Sizzler's around the corner, I sure am going to be complaining to management and posting a review reflective of what I experience on Yelp, Google reviews, Tripadvisor, or similar platforms.

Ultimately, I don't think we mongers as a whole are treating kgirls unfairly. With how donations are pretty similar regardless of where you go (not including upcharges), kgirls demonstrating exceptional characteristics / service and those that fall short should equally be called out to benefit the community and give bookers notice on what we want and like. Moreover, upcharges were a consequence and byproduct of kgirls themselves and the bookers ran with it. The delineation between upcharge and not upcharge girls and all issues arising because of it is their damn own fault. In your words "Eric (and I would add all kgirls) are solely here for the money, not sex". I agree with that statement but I would also add that we mongers are here solely (most of us anyways) for the sex, not the inadequacies originating from said kgirl that affects it. We're all consenting adults here. The ability of certain kgirls to be able to cope with fucking strangers day in and day out, to have the mental fortitude to deliver consistent service to the majority of her clients, and to not drag drama into the session is the linchpin in separating the superstars and the duds. I don't think, even for a second, that evaluating a service I paid for dehumanizes the people involve. We all (should) know and be aware that it boils down to a transaction and a service, bought and paid for. I can be polite, cordial, and courteous while objectively evaluating how well you please me. I have faith that most of us here can too. And it should no way indicate that we are callous or otherwise for doing so. If this still sounds dehumanizing or offensive to you, then we just have to agree to disagree. I can't speak for others but, personally, I pursue the good fucks and don't treat the dud fucks any less than the good ones.

08-24-22, 21:30
Always wanted to try k girl scene. Any thoughts for newbie to try out a booker? Or any other recommendations. Thanks.

Bastard Chorum
08-24-22, 21:44
Does anyone know if any girl or agency have cosplays, uniforms or similar?Most have only a few sets of lingerie available. The rest seem to favor school uniforms. If you're into that, find a girl you like and see if she's open to that. Most are. Keep the ... umm... (google.com) "accoutrements" in their original packaging or tags to show her it's brand new. I know a guy who takes measurements and brings what he likes for the girl to wear. Everyone's got their kinks and fetishes, might as well take advantage of it in the kgirl world.

08-24-22, 21:57
I doubt you'll read it, maybe at most click on the link then leave the site. The choice is yours if you want to continue on with how you think. I'll be nice and throw you a bone. Maybe someone who lurks will benefit and see a different corner of the world much less known.

https://therationalmale.com/This some Andrew Tate shit?

08-25-22, 02:21
These k-girls barely care about korean population in LA. My friend owns the spa most of them frequents they openly talk about their work. If clients speak Korean, most of them like it because it means they can shorten the fucking and stretch the talking. Most of them leave LA scene due to lack of business and stress. Who would want to work in a city where most mongers don't tip and want bb, wild fucking, pretty face, spinner body, etc. They would rather go to norcal where tech mongers are loaded to the teeth and can tip generously.

K-girls don't move to bay area because they are afraid of being found out. Most Koreans turn blind eye on sex workers in Korean red districts. We don't really care. Sex work was a big part of korean history ( 기생). K-Girls want to stay in LA because there is big korean community here. Food culture is prolly most important reason why you don't see k-girls in middle of US. Most of k-girls are in heavily populated Korean community. But in the end, they move away to bay area where they can make more money and have less stress. Bay area community doesn't demand bb. K girls just happen to offer it more because they know that these bay area whales will buy them all the things they want. In LA, most mongers aren't whales and they complain whenever there is upcharge.You would be surprised how little NorCal guys pay tips.

Johnny Shakes
08-25-22, 02:43
Does anyone know if any girl or agency have cosplays, uniforms or similar?Before 2 days I was see the ads.

Johnny Shakes
08-25-22, 06:15
Does anyone know if any girl or agency have cosplays, uniforms or similar?Yes, I know that.

08-25-22, 10:03
After visiting LA and being able to see 3 girls a few weeks ago, I must say that the amount of griping you do about things is funny to read. I get how things are relative but coming from the Midwest, I'm so jealous. For 320 I was BBFCIP the most beautiful k girls with my tongue down their throat and it was just heaven. In the Midwest you're spending half that to get a hand job, and maybe a covered BJ for 100 more. And there's like a handful of places you can fuck no problem but its all covered. The women are kind of hit or miss on looks and its just in some gross places. I'd be bankrupt in a month if I lived there with all of you.

TD Leafs
08-25-22, 12:32
Damn this girl is a keeper. Love her body and that semi jiggly ass. Only wish she would tone up just a little but she has that thin waist to large (for kgirl) body.

Probably late late 20's, pretty face, love her eraser nipples, nice attitude and service but not aggressive at all, very quite girl (a lot of moaning but not much other than that).

K9 was the best view, kind of reminds me of Sweet.

A lot of improvements could be made but overall very satisfied.

Def recom and will repeat.

08-25-22, 12:50
Pic: absolutely accurate. She has pretty, big eyes. Her looks are prolly the best in business.

P.S. Please don't destroy her pussy. It was really tight and I want to feel the tightness again.Pro tip- we can't destroy and loosen her pussy even if we wanted to because elasticity.

Also, pussy relaxes and loosens up when aroused.

So if a girl is tight, either the dick is big, or she isn't horny.

08-25-22, 13:20
After visiting LA and being able to see 3 girls a few weeks ago, I must say that the amount of griping you do about things is funny to read. I get how things are relative but coming from the Midwest, I'm so jealous. For 320 I was BBFCIP the most beautiful k girls with my tongue down their throat and it was just heaven. In the Midwest you're spending half that to get a hand job, and maybe a covered BJ for 100 more. And there's like a handful of places you can fuck no problem but its all covered. The women are kind of hit or miss on looks and its just in some gross places. I'd be bankrupt in a month if I lived there with all of you.I'm in Chicago often and it's a wasteland compared to LA / OC. Places like Red Lantern has hit or miss girls working out of a dump of a place. There is only one K-Org place with 2 or 3 girls and out in the burbs. The MPs are mostly rub and tugs and not FS and expected tips are nearly double what you pay in LA/OC.

08-25-22, 14:07
After visiting LA and being able to see 3 girls a few weeks ago, I must say that the amount of griping you do about things is funny to read. I get how things are relative but coming from the Midwest, I'm so jealous. For 320 I was BBFCIP the most beautiful k girls with my tongue down their throat and it was just heaven. In the Midwest you're spending half that to get a hand job, and maybe a covered BJ for 100 more. And there's like a handful of places you can fuck no problem but its all covered. The women are kind of hit or miss on looks and its just in some gross places. I'd be bankrupt in a month if I lived there with all of you.It's damn hard not to go bankrupt around here, I have to admit! I am not one to complain about the scene, but I have been pondering relocating to a particular state, and always in the back of my mind is the fact that that state is shit for mongering. How would I satisfy my Asian pussy addiction? I would probably have to binge monger each time I visit CA!

08-25-22, 15:17
After visiting LA and being able to see 3 girls a few weeks ago, I must say that the amount of griping you do about things is funny to read. I get how things are relative but coming from the Midwest, I'm so jealous. For 320 I was BBFCIP the most beautiful k girls with my tongue down their throat and it was just heaven. In the Midwest you're spending half that to get a hand job, and maybe a covered BJ for 100 more. And there's like a handful of places you can fuck no problem but its all covered. The women are kind of hit or miss on looks and its just in some gross places. I'd be bankrupt in a month if I lived there with all of you.Haha funny comment bro. Yes we do have it good here. I've traveled to many countries in my time and boned many a hot young girl but nothing quite like the service we get in CA.

It must be the porn industry. Every ho that visits seems to think she needs to deliver like a pornstar. LOL.

Or perhaps the level of competition, the sunshine. IDK! Its an interesting theory to discuss as to why we get the A class girls & service whereas many other places don't.

Even though we have it better than most, we still find something to complain about. LOL. Us humans are bizarre.

08-25-22, 15:40
Does anyone know if any girl or agency have cosplays, uniforms or similar?Great question! Would like to see more posts like this than rants about bookers, inflation, Nocal vs LA.

Probably have to repeat with a girl regularly to get some comfort for her to do it. But if there's one already that do it?

08-25-22, 16:03
Great question! Would like to see more posts like this than rants about bookers, inflation, Nocal vs LA.

Probably have to repeat with a girl regularly to get some comfort for her to do it. But if there's one already that do it?Stella T has quite a few outfits and will dress up however you ask her to. You can also bring an outfit to her and she will wear it for you. She's indy, so you can ask her directly what her measurements are if you are going to bring something for her to wear. Cons are that she is very expensive, and while my experiences have been great, it seems based on reviews that she is pretty serious YMMV in terms of treatment and attitude. She's in decent shape and used to be super fit. She has gained a few lbs over the years, but nothing too bad, in my opinion. She also tours constantly and is only in town every few months. Pics on the site are real, but she photoshops her face in various ways. The most accurate pic is the one where she's kissing the mirror (I don't think it's photoshopped at all). The pic on the welcome page and the school girls pics are also a good representation.

P.S. The T stands for "top" and she is not trans LOL. Many people seem to be scared of the letter T haha.


08-25-22, 16:09
Stella T is not a BBFS provider in most cases (some reviews have reported it, but I wouldn't expect it from her).

08-25-22, 17:08
This is ohh so true. I love the feeling of that first initial rip into the pink as the girl is slightly tense. Then her muscles relaxes and expand as the tubesteak strokes and massages her opening. The telltale sign of a relaxed cooch is when it quiffs and her snail trail goes from a clear fluid to a thick white goo that occurs on the bottom side of the girls pussy where her taint begins.

Pro tip- we can't destroy and loosen her pussy even if we wanted to because elasticity.

Also, pussy relaxes and loosens up when aroused.

So if a girl is tight, either the dick is big, or she isn't horny.

08-25-22, 17:35
Anyone see Sammy from CG? Seems like a spinner from her stats and def interested.

08-25-22, 18:04
Pro tip- we can't destroy and loosen her pussy even if we wanted to because elasticity.

Also, pussy relaxes and loosens up when aroused.

So if a girl is tight, either the dick is big, or she isn't horny.That is why I always pound hard every visit and get three loads off as time permits.

TD Leafs
08-25-22, 18:20
Stella T has quite a few outfits and will dress up however you ask her to. You can also bring an outfit to her and she will wear it for you. She's indy, so you can ask her directly what her measurements are if you are going to bring something for her to wear. Cons are that she is very expensive, and while my experiences have been great, it seems based on reviews that she is pretty serious YMMV in terms of treatment and attitude. She's in decent shape and used to be super fit. She has gained a few lbs over the years, but nothing too bad, in my opinion. She also tours constantly and is only in town every few months. Pics on the site are real, but she photoshops her face in various ways. The most accurate pic is the one where she's kissing the mirror (I don't think it's photoshopped at all). The pic on the welcome page and the school girls pics are also a good representation.

P.S. The T stands for "top" and she is not trans LOL. Many people seem to be scared of the letter T haha.

Stellat-vip.com.Wow, I didn't know she was still providing. Seems a lot has changed like her $600 donation and her body but funny how her age hasn't changed at all. LOL. 24 yrs old? I think she was 24 when I used to see her many yrs ago.

08-25-22, 18:30
Stella T has quite a few outfits and will dress up however you ask her to. You can also bring an outfit to her and she will wear it for you. She's indy, so you can ask her directly what her measurements are if you are going to bring something for her to wear. Cons are that she is very expensive, and while my experiences have been great, it seems based on reviews that she is pretty serious YMMV in terms of treatment and attitude. She's in decent shape and used to be super fit. She has gained a few lbs over the years, but nothing too bad, in my opinion. She also tours constantly and is only in town every few months. Pics on the site are real, but she photoshops her face in various ways. The most accurate pic is the one where she's kissing the mirror (I don't think it's photoshopped at all). The pic on the welcome page and the school girls pics are also a good representation.

P.S. The T stands for "top" and she is not trans LOL. Many people seem to be scared of the letter T haha.

Stellat-vip.com.Wow no idea she went high end independent.

08-25-22, 19:18
As we all know Pepsi Palace doesn't use real pics. CiCi was far from Pic sent but still a great time.

A cups. Thin, fit and mature in her 40's for sure and there's nothing wrong with that. She was voracious and appreciative of every thrust, touch and bite. Yes Bite! This girl likes it a little rough and gives it right back.

Non stop DFK from the door to the bedroom where she stripped me with care. Then to the bathroom where I untied her string bikini and propped her on the counter for some tasty DATY. Followed by vigorous fucking on the bathroom counter before moving to the shower where she lathered me up and proceeded to do a BBBJ and a rim job jerk off combo. I mean this girl sucked my balls, cock, licked taint and sucked on my asshole like she was looking for buried treasure. Post shower straight to bedroom where she rode me like a mechanical bull then to doggy for creampie #1. Then asked me with translation app to put all my weight on her. I'm 6'2 225 and she wanted all of it on top of her. Then licked my cock clean pushed me down to suck the cum out of her pussy and spit it in her mouth where she played with it and gurgled and swallowed it all.

Not even a two minute break and round two was on. She licked my asshole again, sucked my cock and rode me again, grinding and convulsing to a shaking O as she rubbed her clit and proceeded to squirt.

Missionary and more licking biting sucking and asking me to choke her. She liked being picked up and slammed against the wall and creampie two was broken up between her pussy and her mouth as she scooped the cum out and licked her finger clean.

Kissing cuddling and more fucking. All the way to the last possible minute. I carried her with my cock in her from bed to bathroom to shower where she sucked and rimmed me one more time before bending over in the shower and asking for one more creampie.

She helped me get dressed and off I went. At no point did she even mention donation. In fact I was almost out the door when I realized this and paid her and she laughed because she'd forgotten too.

She's not a GND she isn't DDG. But if you're someone who loves service above and beyond, she is the lady for you.

She fucked me like no other K girl has before. What a great gal.

08-25-22, 19:36
Wow, I didn't know she was still providing. Seems a lot has changed like her $600 donation and her body but funny how her age hasn't changed at all. LOL. 24 yrs old? I think she was 24 when I used to see her many yrs ago.Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's in her mid 30's. Her belly isn't as super tight as it used to be, but I still think she's a very beautiful girl (and she looks younger than her age). I've been a regular of hers for many years.

08-25-22, 20:44
Decided to roll the dice on Sammy as I haven't read anything about her here but came at the recommendation of the booker so I said wth, it's a Thursday and I ain't got anything else going on. Sammy didn't disappoint. Her pics weren't real but stats were accurate as she's about 5'1, B cups, and would be mid to late 20's imo. Very pretty face and overall her frame was petite. She greeted me at the door with some lfk and even got a preview BBBJ at the door which I haven't had in some time so it was a well welcomed start to the session. Takes me to the bedroom where it had a nice aroma of perfume floating about which was a bit different than usual but again, well welcomed as I haven't been able to find the time for sessions as of late.

Sammy had me literally by the balls as the lfk turned into dfk which I was able to tell her I had showered prior so we were able to get on to the main event asap. Had her lay down as I checked earlier and there wasn't any lube so it worked out I DATY'ed to get that natural stuff. Got her hot and that's when I slid in mish and was able to transition perfectly into the standing carry which I love to do with the smaller providers. She seemed to like it and was able to do some additional dfk despite her being tossed around. I could feel my sack getting wet as she told me to lay down and did an excellent rcg on me gripped both of my legs to bounce me back to 1990 which some real effort to my then completion. She kept going even though I told her I came and had to pry her off as she was giggling knowing she had my ass LOL. Playful thing and the clean up was as well with her trying to milk a second one from me but no dice this time. We killed the last 10 minutes of it by shooting the breeze as I like to do with some cuddling. A good time overall and definitely service oriented in regards to being cheerful and upbeat attitude the entire time. Will repeat if I should find the opportunity.

Monger on brothers.


08-25-22, 21:03
Went to see BBBJ min and was not impressed and didn't feel anything special about her BJ.

For the folks who have had anal before, would you recommend over vagina?

I haven't had before and am curious if worth the extra money to try.

Also any recommendations for hard BLS?


08-25-22, 22:06
I have been rotating Allie, Nicole, Mini and Remi for quite a while now, finally some fresh meats here.

As you can see I like them 1st service, then big tits and fit body then comes to face which always YMMV.

Anyway, both Erica and Bitna are strong contender, for those of you that have seen both, what's your take on comparing the two?

I don't think anyone will rate Erica's service over her looks. But I welcome someone to be the first.I'm going to double-down on my previous statement. Erica's face is indeed top-tier. No argument there. Hard to imagine anyone rating her less than 8 out of 10 on just her face alone. But, Bitna's superior service & DTF attitude is more aligned with the tradition of SFK's girls than Erica's by far. It's not even close.

Bastard Chorum
08-26-22, 00:33
Pro tip- we can't destroy and loosen her pussy even if we wanted to because elasticity.

Also, pussy relaxes and loosens up when aroused.

So if a girl is tight, either the dick is big, or she isn't horny.I would just add that she can both be tight and horny if she's been training her kegel muscles and actively clenching or pulsating it.

08-26-22, 02:13
Don't fall in love with the sex workers.

That is all.She is attractive and I would say she is pretty and has a nice body. However she ain't magnum friendly at all: If you have big tool box, do not bother visiting her at all. Otherwise, she is a must have. She won't last too long ion this business.

08-26-22, 08:26
Went to see BBBJ min and was not impressed and didn't feel anything special about her BJ.

For the folks who have had anal before, would you recommend over vagina?

I haven't had before and am curious if worth the extra money to try.

Also any recommendations for hard BLS?

Thanks.Try it with Yoona she does anal with no upcharge it can be a new experience.

08-26-22, 08:41
Can't sleep as I am still high of my back to back to back challenge at sfk. Had booker line me up with the girls one after another, took some coordination. Erica was lined up first, then Allie, then Viki. As those that have seen erica she is the definite looker. She's obviously new to the biz and not as experienced but she is picking up knowledge. Erica drained me for 2 nuts. On to the next which is Allie. No need to throw in the details about skills as she is a service queen that brings smiles on our faces. Allie did her due diligence and got 2 mediocre loads out of the tubesteak. By this time I'm wondering what did I get my self into as Viki is next. Well Viki worked the hardest of all 3 girls to get me to release. This time I let her do 90% of the work as I was tired with slight back ache from flipping and dicking 2 girls prior. Viki's skill and talent showed and also milked 2 tiny nuts from me. She looked puzzled as it mainly amounted to precum, she thought I didn't cum. Oh BTW vitamin v helped me as this is my first time doing a trifecta, LOL. I guess mark this off the bucket list of things to do. Girls are more fun 1 by 1 instead of 3 ways and I got to nut 6 times in 3 hrs. Viki skills showed and was the finale of the event. For you horndogs ask booker about coordinating a back to back or back-to-back-to-back, you'll leave sore drained and relieved all at the same time and take on Viki as the finale for your final releases.

08-26-22, 09:02
As we all know Pepsi Palace doesn't use real pics. CiCi was far from Pic sent but still a great time.

A cups. Thin, fit and mature in her 40's for sure and there's nothing wrong with that. She was voracious and appreciative of every thrust, touch and bite. Yes Bite! This girl likes it a little rough and gives it right back.

Non stop DFK from the door to the bedroom where she stripped me with care. Then to the bathroom where I untied her string bikini and propped her on the counter for some tasty DATY. Followed by vigorous fucking on the bathroom counter before moving to the shower where she lathered me up and proceeded to do a BBBJ and a rim job jerk off combo. I mean this girl sucked my balls, cock, licked taint and sucked on my asshole like she was looking for buried treasure. Post shower straight to bedroom where she rode me like a mechanical bull then to doggy for creampie #1. Then asked me with translation app to put all my weight on her. I'm 6'2 225 and she wanted all of it on top of her. Then licked my cock clean pushed me down to suck the cum out of her pussy and spit it in her mouth where she played with it and gurgled and swallowed it all.

Not even a two minute break and round two was on. She licked my asshole again, sucked my cock and rode me again, grinding and convulsing to a shaking O as she rubbed her clit and proceeded to squirt.

Missionary and more licking biting sucking and asking me to choke her. She liked being picked up and slammed against the wall and creampie two was broken up between her pussy and her mouth as she scooped the cum out and licked her finger clean.

Kissing cuddling and more fucking. All the way to the last possible minute. I carried her with my cock in her from bed to bathroom to shower where she sucked and rimmed me one more time before bending over in the shower and asking for one more creampie.

She helped me get dressed and off I went. At no point did she even mention donation. In fact I was almost out the door when I realized this and paid her and she laughed because she'd forgotten too.

She's not a GND she isn't DDG. But if you're someone who loves service above and beyond, she is the lady for you.

She fucked me like no other K girl has before. What a great gal.Dam good review, thanks.

08-26-22, 09:05
I'm in Chicago often and it's a wasteland compared to LA / OC. Places like Red Lantern has hit or miss girls working out of a dump of a place. There is only one K-Org place with 2 or 3 girls and out in the burbs. The MPs are mostly rub and tugs and not FS and expected tips are nearly double what you pay in LA/OC.So true, I was in Chicago recently and had NO luck finding a top quality K girl near the loop. I am blessed to be in OC where there's plenty of girls.

08-26-22, 10:21
Is this a new Sammy or the same previous Sammy?


Decided to roll the dice on Sammy as I haven't read anything about her here but came at the recommendation of the booker so I said wth, it's a Thursday and I ain't got anything else going on. Sammy didn't disappoint. Her pics weren't real but stats were accurate as she's about 5'1, B cups, and would be mid to late 20's imo. Very pretty face and overall her frame was petite. She greeted me at the door with some lfk and even got a preview BBBJ at the door which I haven't had in some time so it was a well welcomed start to the session. Takes me to the bedroom where it had a nice aroma of perfume floating about which was a bit different than usual but again, well welcomed as I haven't been able to find the time for sessions as of late.

Sammy had me literally by the balls as the lfk turned into dfk which I was able to tell her I had showered prior so we were able to get on to the main event asap. Had her lay down as I checked earlier and there wasn't any lube so it worked out I DATY'ed to get that natural stuff. Got her hot and that's when I slid in mish and was able to transition perfectly into the standing carry which I love to do with the smaller providers. She seemed to like it and was able to do some additional dfk despite her being tossed around. I could feel my sack getting wet as she told me to lay down and did an excellent rcg on me gripped both of my legs to bounce me back to 1990 which some real effort to my then completion. She kept going even though I told her I came and had to pry her off as she was giggling knowing she had my ass LOL. Playful thing and the clean up was as well with her trying to milk a second one from me but no dice this time. We killed the last 10 minutes of it by shooting the breeze as I like to do with some cuddling. A good time overall and definitely service oriented in regards to being cheerful and upbeat attitude the entire time. Will repeat if I should find the opportunity.

Monger on brothers.


08-26-22, 11:01
She is attractive and I would say she is pretty and has a nice body. However she ain't magnum friendly at all: If you have big tool box, do not bother visiting her at all. Otherwise, she is a must have. She won't last too long ion this business.Agreed. Erica needs to step up her service and attitude pronto if she wants to be more than one-trick pony. She was very vocal when I went too deep, and not in a good way.

Also want to add that she gave exceptional eye-contact when she sucked me off. But during the main event, it was distant at best, if not eyes-closed altogether. Low-key reminded me of the 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' minus all the quirkiness and tics. Granted, this may or may not have to do with her goin thru the motions of being stretched out.

08-26-22, 11:42

Sfk: Arisa Viki Allie Erika.

Kbliss: Jessica arisa Allie Erika.

08-26-22, 11:51
Agreed. Erica needs to step up her service and attitude pronto if she wants to be more than one-trick pony. She was very vocal when I went too deep, and not in a good way.

Also want to add that she gave exceptional eye-contact when she sucked me off. But during the main event, it was distant at best, if not eyes-closed altogether. Low-key reminded me of the 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' minus all the quirkiness and tics. Granted, this may or may not have to do with her goin thru the motions of being stretched out.Precisely! The foreplay was outstanding but the main event can be best described as deep teeth cleaning without doing any numbness by a dentist! It was so awful that I texted the booker and asked her if she wants me to leave and booker said: "Sorry, you are too big for her."

So, I left after pumping her once or twice! I did not care or get upset despite the fact that she is a hot woman as I did not want to make her uncomfortable and she seems like a very nice lady but not for me.

So, if you are BIG, do not bother knocking on her door.

08-26-22, 11:58
Is this a new Sammy or the same previous Sammy?

https://www.candygirlla.com/%ED%82%A4%EB%88%84As I haven't been acquainted with any Sammy up until this point.

08-26-22, 12:01
As we all know Pepsi Palace doesn't use real pics. CiCi was far from Pic sent but still a great time.

A cups. Thin, fit and mature in her 40's for sure and there's nothing wrong with that. She was voracious and appreciative of every thrust, touch and bite. Yes Bite! This girl likes it a little rough and gives it right back.

Non stop DFK from the door to the bedroom where she stripped me with care. Then to the bathroom where I untied her string bikini and propped her on the counter for some tasty DATY. Followed by vigorous fucking on the bathroom counter before moving to the shower where she lathered me up and proceeded to do a BBBJ and a rim job jerk off combo. I mean this girl sucked my balls, cock, licked taint and sucked on my asshole like she was looking for buried treasure. Post shower straight to bedroom where she rode me like a mechanical bull then to doggy for creampie #1. Then asked me with translation app to put all my weight on her. I'm 6'2 225 and she wanted all of it on top of her. Then licked my cock clean pushed me down to suck the cum out of her pussy and spit it in her mouth where she played with it and gurgled and swallowed it all.

Not even a two minute break and round two was on. She licked my asshole again, sucked my cock and rode me again, grinding and convulsing to a shaking O as she rubbed her clit and proceeded to squirt.

Missionary and more licking biting sucking and asking me to choke her. She liked being picked up and slammed against the wall and creampie two was broken up between her pussy and her mouth as she scooped the cum out and licked her finger clean.

Kissing cuddling and more fucking. All the way to the last possible minute. I carried her with my cock in her from bed to bathroom to shower where she sucked and rimmed me one more time before bending over in the shower and asking for one more creampie.

She helped me get dressed and off I went. At no point did she even mention donation. In fact I was almost out the door when I realized this and paid her and she laughed because she'd forgotten too.

She's not a GND she isn't DDG. But if you're someone who loves service above and beyond, she is the lady for you.

She fucked me like no other K girl has before. What a great gal.Thanks for the review man. But is this pepsi cici the same as m. Cici?

Because according to other reviews. Those can not be describing the same person.