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10-05-17, 17:10
Just thought I would try to start a new Sugar Baby Thread. Hope I'm not violating any forum rules.

12-04-17, 18:11
About 2 months ago I decided to try the premium membership on SA to test the waters with Roanoke sugar babies. I kept it for 2 months, and hit so many dead ends it was ridiculous. Overall, for me, was a waste of money. It seems that 95% of these girls think guys will pay them 2 K a month to chat via text and take them on shopping sprees. To me that's just nuts. Maybe I had the wrong idea, but geez. I think there's a huge disparity in what guys are looking for on that site and what the ladies are looking for.

12-12-17, 15:38
Thank you sandpiper for starting the thread.

It's needed since many have had to abandon the CL and BP scene since they are so heavily monitored now.

I have been on SA for a number of months on and off. $80 a month for membership is pretty stiff considering the lousy results.

Rule number 1. If the girl does not have a full body pic on her profile. She is FAT. I have yet to find anyone who invalidates this basic rule. If the profile says "average" or "curvy" and face shot only, they are FAT.

Rule number 2. If they have modified their appearance with dog ears or other snapchat stupidity, I automatically block. Damn fools. What in the f. K is the point.

Rule number 3. If they are over 25, the pictures are probably 5 years old. If they are over 35 the pictures are 10 years old. False advertising to say the least.

Just an example, I met a 30 yo in 2015 , and she looked ok, maybe a 5 or 6. Lost track of her and managed to meet up again in 2017. She was not only 20 lbs heavier but had hit the wall and dropped to a 2. Yikes.

I think SA is ok if you can bag a college babe, but at my age (60) I'm past that. I'd like a nice MILF but they are rare.

SDforMe site was good 3-4 years ago but now is full of scammers and fakes. The owners of the site generate fake messages to get you to pay in. Very few ladies from our area use it.

02-13-18, 12:14
Update as of 2018, SA raised their price for monthly membership to $90. I'm done with that; too many fakes and scams to spend that kind of money. I even wrote to them and complained, like that would do any good. Greedy bastards.

About 2 months ago I decided to try the premium membership on SA to test the waters with Roanoke sugar babies. I kept it for 2 months, and hit so many dead ends it was ridiculous. Overall, for me, was a waste of money. It seems that 95% of these girls think guys will pay them 2 K a month to chat via text and take them on shopping sprees. To me that's just nuts. Maybe I had the wrong idea, but geez. I think there's a huge disparity in what guys are looking for on that site and what the ladies are looking for.

03-17-18, 07:15

500 for 2 hr only. No 1 hr, anyone had her?

07-23-18, 16:30
I've been chatting with her for about a week. Pictures look great. Has anyone else been in contact or had a meeting. Willing to trade information if anyone is interested. PM me.


08-02-18, 06:34
Hi all,

I've been very lucky to have a SB so I don't have to deal with all the BS at AMPs and STG. I'm wondering, how much do you all typically provide for an allowance? She is 22, cute, great T&A, and great personality.

08-12-18, 23:10
Hi all,

I've been very lucky to have a SB so I don't have to deal with all the BS at AMPs and STG. I'm wondering, how much do you all typically provide for an allowance? She is 22, cute, great T&A, and great personality.I usually pay per visit. I go around $300/ visit. Usually that gets me multiple hours and keeps her happy and working good for her money. Some require more. I guess the key lies in "if she's happy, then you're happy". Do you mind sharing your sugar baby? Send me a link if possible.

08-15-18, 05:54
Hi all,

I've been very lucky to have a SB so I don't have to deal with all the BS at AMPs and STG. I'm wondering, how much do you all typically provide for an allowance? She is 22, cute, great T&A, and great personality.Well if you are lucky to have an sb as you say, then how much have you been giving her? Allowances vary from sb to sb, nd depending on the sd. I've heard stories from very high end, top dollar sb's to those who hang out and play for next to nothing. Many factors go into the mix.

02-03-19, 05:25
I haven't got the time or want to spend the cash to join SA. Also I can't risk public M&Gs or finding a psycho that develops a fatal attraction.

I've seen some guys that claim to have a unreal hit rates getting 18-25 year old coeds, babydolls to the FC with little wasted time, resources & minimum BS.

Others say it's a circle jerk, that the site is clogged with princesses with GPS & visions of huge allowances, luxury travel & shopping sprees, with little to none giving up the goods.

Like everything in the escort, SB game YMMV.

How I've been successful in a more none traditional way, is to take really gorgeous girls, waitresses, to strippers, to escorts, all 20-26, about half coeds and develope relationships that are more FWB than a real relationship or cash to play (I mean a set menu & donation time table).

In the last three years I've had six, currently have three active & one I could still see but got sick of her stripper / vampire internal time clock. I'd be lucky to be screwing before 2 am!

My ATF was a $350 an hour escort, super low volume, full time college student, while also waitressing three to four night a week. Even with that schedule & a live in BF (who had no idea she had a secret life) she would come see me in my hotel suite for 3-8 hours. I was her bridge out of escorting into a relationship. Gorgeous girl & super intelligent & sweet.

She stopped accepting pay to play after about the forth visit, stopped paying attention to the time from the beginning. I'd help her now and then when she really needed it. Books, help with rent or a car payment. I bet if I did the math I probably paid her about $20 an hour. All the sex I wanted and after seven months, taught her to speak Greek which became her favorite language!

Lasted two & a half years.

All six girls are / were at least 8 in looks, personalities & skills (some I had to teach some things to, but no complaints here!

My long term SB / ATF was a 10/10/10 across the board. Got engaged and still saw her for 8 months after. She finally broke it off after a couple of close calls with him questioning some stuff. Really miss her big time. Best sex of my life & a total sweetheart. Like a lot of BF, he wasn't pushing her right buttons. I was more than happy to! Dumb bastard, it was like he had a Ferrari in the garage but rode a moped to school instead.

The stats:

Three escorts. Transitioned out of pay per time. Only one still escorted after we got an arrangement going, which I have no problem with. One was a first time STG poster, saw one jerk than me. Needed short term help, now back to civilian life, seeing her weekly.

Two strippers. A buddy gave me one girls number. She was very hesitant to see me outcall the first time, petrified I was 5-0. Wow, when she showed up and I grabbed her kitty & perfect little bubble butt it was game on. I hope to travel to the Greek Isles with her next week. She went nuts last time I saw her with two in the pink, one in the stink. I can’t wait!

I don't like strip joints anymore. I'll go in during the afternoon now & then for a beer. I sit at the bar and if a extremely attractive spinner approaches me, we will sit at a table & I'll chat her up & buy her a drink. She will ask to do a dance and I'll tell her,
"don't take this the wrong way your absolutely gorgeous and exactly my type, girl, you should need a permit for that ass.
I'd love to have you dance for me but I think it's criminal that you have to pay them to work here and they have the balls to take part of what I give you! Because of that I only see girls outside of the club. That way they get it all!

Works more often than not. If not I'm out the cost of one drink, not a night of drinks and dances. They have time to talk in the afternoon before it gets busy.

So I guess my definition of a SB is someone I get to know on a deeper level that I spend between three hours to an overnight with for very little $ (saw my girl that tried escorting & hated it last week from 7 pm-6 am. Cash, gifts, dinner, booze & hotel suite cost me a whopping $280! Five pops=$56 per - 11 hours = $36 per hour.)

All my SB also text me a lot which I enjoy. Been texting two of my three current ones tonight. Love sexting with them, pics, videos or just chatting. Added bonus to being their Daddy, all for a goose egg.

02-05-19, 01:08
Viewing messages without premium.

I'm a programmer, and I spend a good portion of my time doing web development. I've noted that SA has been rewriting portions of their site from a traditional "click link, wait for server return the new page" style to a "single-page application" approach. Turns out that due to some rather silly programming choices on their part, it's actually possible to view the text content of messages even if you don't have premium time enabled.

It involves opening up your browser's "development tools" window so you can inspect the contents of the page and the data being requested, and should work in either Chrome or Firefox.

Log in to SA and go to your inbox. Right-click anywhere on the page and choose "Inspect Element". The browser's dev tools should either pop up as a separate window, or as part of the main window. Click on the "network" tab in the dev tools. Then, back in the SA inbox screen, click on a conversation.

If you go back to the "network" tab, you should see a list of all the data requests the SA page asked for from the server. One of them should look like "/ inbox? Page=1&limit=25". Click on that one. It'll show a bunch of technical details of some of the message headers.

Now, look for a tab called "Response". If you click on that, you should see a tree with sections like "status", "message", "conversation", and "metadata". Expand "conversation" "messages" "data". You should see some numbered entries, 0 and up. Those represent each of the messages in the conversation, from both of you. (Side note: the "metadata" object has a whole bunch of info that they know about your own account. Some of it is info you entered yourself, like profile info. There's also things like "payments_total", which appears to be how much you've actually ever paid SA, unread message count, whether you're in the EU, and even fields labeled "has_under_age_punishment" and "has_unacknowledged_punishment". Very interesting.).

Each message entry has a field called "body", which is the text that's shown in your inbox. If you've got premium active, it's the actual message text. If not, it's "Upgrade to read".

Here's where they did something silly. They send back the text that should be shown, but *they also send back the original text too*. So, even if the "body" field says "Upgrade to read", the "original_body" field shows the actual no-kidding message that was sent. You can inspect each of the messages that was received, and effectively read the conversation.

It's not a substitute for reading messages in the inbox as usual, but it might be helpful for anyone who gets a message when they don't have premium active and wants to peek at it without having to immediately shell out the cash to read it.

As a programmer, I can tell that there's actually a _ton_ of useful information being returned whenever you view a profile page or inbox page. It would be possible for someone to write a browser extension that either extracted some of that info from a page, or re-requested that data from the server, and did something useful with it (up to and including modifying an inbox to show all the messages without needing premium enabled). Sadly, I don't have time to work on anything like that myself. I've got a lot of other things on my plate.

Hope that helps!

02-07-19, 14:32
Dear fellow Sugar and Splenda Daddy's.

I was recently banned by Seeking Arrangements. Read the snapshot for details. To be fair, I largely ask for dinner dates or meet and greets. If I'm soliciting I usually hint around. However, this one time I specifically asked for a one night stand. To my surprise the girl agreed to have sex for $200. She gave me her phone number and we made arrangements to meet this Saturday. I went to sign back on to my seeking Arrangements account and I got a notice that I was banned. The girl that I was talking to received the same notice, she was also banned. I'm not sure if they are checking every email, or if they have software looking for keywords. Stick to the code words and play it safe, my mistake is your gain.

02-07-19, 15:50
Dear fellow Sugar and Splenda Daddy's.

I was recently banned by Seeking Arrangements. Read the snapshot for details. To be fair, I largely ask for dinner dates or meet and greets. If I'm soliciting I usually hint around. However, this one time I specifically asked for a one night stand. To my surprise the girl agreed to have sex for $200. She gave me her phone number and we made arrangements to meet this Saturday. I went to sign back on to my seeking Arrangements account and I got a notice that I was banned. The girl that I was talking to received the same notice, she was also banned. I'm not sure if they are checking every email, or if they have software looking for keywords. Stick to the code words and play it safe, my mistake is your gain.It can vary by the length of your membership, from what I have seen, newer accounts seem to get watched and flagged more. They do seem to have software / program that scans for certain language / words that imply or refer to P4 P activities. I'd say that she may have reported you but not if she was banned also. I have had a profile for over a year, prior to the new FOSTA law, and haven't had any issues yet. It helps to get them off the site to text, e-mail, kik, snapchat or whatever before discussing details and many of the SB's seem to know this. Many that want your contact info real quick tend to be those that are escorts or P4 P gal to avoid banning.

02-13-19, 15:02

This is really a guy. Profile pic is of Veronica Rose.


He's looking for straight guys to blow.

02-19-19, 19:13
Just had a thought that I thought would be interesting. Older members, like myself, will shake there head & say "yup" & younger guys may be surprised that this went on openly in the 60's & 70's. I'll speak to the 70's (72'-76') because I remember it like it was yesterday.

My high school years were spent in the burbs of Boston in a Norman Rockwellian town of about 15,000 residents. 25 minute drive to Boston, 15 minutes to Providence, RI & 45 minutes to the Cape (Cape Cod).

I only mention it because I don't know if this went on everywhere.

Back then, very few high school students had cars of their own. I'd guess maybe 5% of the boys & 2% of the girls. Keep in mind the age for a license was 16 1/2 then so really only older sophomores-seniors had licenses. Very few parents gave their kids cars back then. So a few did and others worked to buy a shitbox.

I don't know if the hormones in food now but the girls didn't look anything like the HS girls of today. Not being a perv, just stating a fact.

There was a socially acceptable variation on sugar dating back then, same dynamic as today, older guys with play money, younger girls with wants.

The really attractive, developed girls in my class, starting as early as 8th or 9th grade, often were dating guys in there late teens to early 20's. Those girls also would be getting laid, probably taught by there older boyfriends.

Now a days 16 will get ya 20. That's why if I even suspect someone is underage I walk, or ask for an I'd.

Wondering if others experienced this where they grew up?

I went to a high school reunion a couple of years ago. No less than three of these type of girls that I was dying to get with in high school, but had me firmly in the friend zone, asked me why we didn't date in high school. I told them because I didn't have a car or money like the 20 something year olds you dated (banged) back then!

02-19-19, 20:02
Just had a thought that I thought would be interesting. Older members, like myself, will shake there head & say "yup" & younger guys may be surprised that this went on openly in the 60's & 70's. I'll speak to the 70's (72'-76') because I remember it like it was yesterday.

My high school years were spent in the burbs of Boston in a Norman Rockwellian town of about 15,000 residents. 25 minute drive to Boston, 15 minutes to Providence, RI & 45 minutes to the Cape (Cape Cod).

I only mention it because I don't know if this went on everywhere.

Back then, very few high school students had cars of their own. I'd guess maybe 5% of the boys & 2% of the girls. Keep in mind the age for a license was 16 1/2 then so really only older sophomores-seniors had licenses. Very few parents gave their kids cars back then. So a few did and others worked to buy a shitbox.

I don't know if the hormones in food now but the girls didn't look anything like the HS girls of today. Not being a perv, just stating a fact.

There was a socially acceptable variation on sugar dating back then, same dynamic as today, older guys with play money, younger girls with wants.

The really attractive, developed girls in my class, starting as early as 8th or 9th grade, often were dating guys in there late teens to early 20's. Those girls also would be getting laid, probably taught by there older boyfriends.

Now a days 16 will get ya 20. That's why if I even suspect someone is underage I walk, or ask for an I'd.

Wondering if others experienced this where they grew up?

I went to a high school reunion a couple of years ago. No less than three of these type of girls that I was dying to get with in high school, but had me firmly in the friend zone, asked me why we didn't date in high school. I told them because I didn't have a car or money like the 20 something year olds you dated (banged) back then!I feel ya I was around 14 then had a sister that was 16 she was dating a guy that was 21 in college were from Brooklyn but hung out on long island out in the Hampton in summer time and her bf lived out there it was ok then I don't remember anyone freaking out about my sister seeing a 21 year old guy until he left her on side of LIE also known as long island expressway in a argument they had then well ye my 5 older brothers had a issue with that LOL but they took care of it and well she wasn't seeing him anymore LOL.

03-15-19, 16:56
Here is the list of the fastest growing sugar baby schools in the country, according to the report:

Georgia State University.

University of Central Florida.

University of Alabama.

Florida State University.

University of Florida.

Rutgers University.

California State University, Fullerton.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

University of North Texas.

University of Missouri.

West Virginia University.

University of Cincinnati.

University of Southern California.

San Francisco State University.

University of California, Los Angeles.

Columbia University.

New York University.

University of North Carolina.

University of Texas, San Antonio.

Colorado State University.


Member #6652
03-30-19, 21:15
Having been slow to create an account, I may as well make up for lost time with a report, but I warn you it is a pretty old experience. I've seen a few ask about her in the past, though:


In my experience at the time, she was game and hosted, though pretty standard fare. I get the impression she had a pretty steady rotation, more of a UTR. But she's down. Starts high but negotiable, and for better or worse likely to contact you with last-minute emergencies when her schedule is slow.

04-01-19, 20:22

Any info on this one? She's been active for nearly 2 years.

04-02-19, 12:07
Having been slow to create an account, I may as well make up for lost time with a report, but I warn you it is a pretty old experience. I've seen a few ask about her in the past, though:


In my experience at the time, she was game and hosted, though pretty standard fare. I get the impression she had a pretty steady rotation, more of a UTR. But she's down. Starts high but negotiable, and for better or worse likely to contact you with last-minute emergencies when her schedule is slow.Hey CR, I sent you a PM. Just want to be sure I have the info correct before I contact her.

My buddies info is about 6 months old. I don't do SA because of the M&Gs & scammers.

I've seen a couple of them though thru the kindness of brother Mongers.



Member #6652
04-02-19, 13:28
Hey CR, I sent you a PM. Just want to be sure I have the info correct before I contact her.

My buddies info is about 6 months old. I don't do SA because of the M&Gs & scammers.

I've seen a couple of them though thru the kindness of brother Mongers.


DF.Messaged you back. Hope I am helpful.

04-02-19, 15:19
I've had good luck so far this year in seeing an 18 and a 19 year old Tech freshmen who needed money for ski trips and spring break. One was 200 and one was 300. Average skills but flawless skin and tight. Still seeing them so not sharing info at this point. Both were dinner dates that I showed some Jacksons to as incentive for private dessert at my hotel near campus. Both are lined up for my next business trip down 81. Both are on Seeking every few days when they get a break from studying.

04-02-19, 15:24
Having been slow to create an account, I may as well make up for lost time with a report, but I warn you it is a pretty old experience. I've seen a few ask about her in the past, though:


In my experience at the time, she was game and hosted, though pretty standard fare. I get the impression she had a pretty steady rotation, more of a UTR. But she's down. Starts high but negotiable, and for better or worse likely to contact you with last-minute emergencies when her schedule is slow.She is available daytime all this week. Unfortunately I am not.

Member #6652
04-02-19, 15:42
Hey CR, I sent you a PM. Just want to be sure I have the info correct before I contact her.

My buddies info is about 6 months old. I don't do SA because of the M&Gs & scammers.

I've seen a couple of them though thru the kindness of brother Mongers.


DF.Messaged you back. Hope it's useful.

04-02-19, 22:42

Any info on this one? She's been active for nearly 2 years.Been trying to connect with her for a long time. She will message for a bit then go dark for a while. Never been able to get her attention long enough to actually meet up. Would love to hear if you end up having any luck.

04-02-19, 22:48
Having been slow to create an account, I may as well make up for lost time with a report, but I warn you it is a pretty old experience. I've seen a few ask about her in the past, though:


In my experience at the time, she was game and hosted, though pretty standard fare. I get the impression she had a pretty steady rotation, more of a UTR. But she's down. Starts high but negotiable, and for better or worse likely to contact you with last-minute emergencies when her schedule is slow.Known her for quite a while. Beautiful woman with a great body, and lots of fun. She has been open to everything I've ever asked for, and is cool with $$ if you go to her (she can host), wants more if you ask her to travel to you. Only problem I have is that she can be very flaky sometimes, has made plans and then blown me off a few times. She will treat you well though and you'll have a fun time.

Member #6652
04-02-19, 23:44
Known her for quite a while. Beautiful woman with a great body, and lots of fun. She has been open to everything I've ever asked for, and is cool with $$ if you go to her (she can host), wants more if you ask her to travel to you. Only problem I have is that she can be very flaky sometimes, has made plans and then blown me off a few times. She will treat you well though and you'll have a fun time.I hope my tone wasn't too tepid on her. She was always cool and I like her all around. Not sure the comparison pool as my experiences have been mixed, but overall can't say a bad word about her other than what has been said about the flakiness, which is probably down to general youthful whims and occasionally whether she's been able to get more out of someone else (me having been that someone at times).

Not sure my report was useful given others know her well, but glad to have a chance to swap notes. Beating the bushes a bit in the area but not much new to tell just yet.

04-05-19, 07:52
If your into anal, she is way into that, she actually prefers it.

I hope my tone wasn't too tepid on her. She was always cool and I like her all around. Not sure the comparison pool as my experiences have been mixed, but overall can't say a bad word about her other than what has been said about the flakiness, which is probably down to general youthful whims and occasionally whether she's been able to get more out of someone else (me having been that someone at times).

Not sure my report was useful given others know her well, but glad to have a chance to swap notes. Beating the bushes a bit in the area but not much new to tell just yet.

Member #6652
04-09-19, 15:10
I'm not sure it would interest any of you, but this student caught my eye for some reason:


Wants weekly meets, seems to know the lingo in conversation, and immediately curious about allowance. I can't tell if that means UTR, GPS, or both.

Will update. I doubt I have the history here to ask if anyone else has Intel, but if anyone has something to share here or via PM I would be happy to trade some knowledge from the area. I am intrigued but would love to avoid wasting time if it's a dead end. Will update anyone curious either way.

04-10-19, 20:53
I've seen this girl on multiple sugar dating sites. Any info? Pictures always look up to date.

04-10-19, 20:55

I've seen this girl on multiple sugar dating sites and apps. Her pictures look up to date on each profile.

04-11-19, 07:04
Anyone have any info on Sally Val 4 u? https://www.seeking.com/member/3c84690a-cb82-a093-aff1-5ddd81e42607.

Messaged with her a bit but she goes quiet for long time in between.

04-17-19, 14:20
Has anyone had any experience with this one. She seems like she is in a tight spot and willing but there has been a few red flags in the conversation too. Every time I think about walking away I look at her pictures again and start thinking with the wrong head. Not sure if I want to pull the trigger or not. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


04-17-19, 20:50
Has anyone had any experience with this one. She seems like she is in a tight spot and willing but there has been a few red flags in the conversation too. Every time I think about walking away I look at her pictures again and start thinking with the wrong head. Not sure if I want to pull the trigger or not. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

https://www.seeking.com/member/554d4317-0e49-467f-9955-a71c17b930c5She has certainly been on the site long enough. Have you talked to her over the phone? To me, that's the big red flag. If they can't make a simple phone call then its no deal. There is no harm in taking the lady to dinner. Yes, you should tip her something for the meet and greet. I'm currently not a member of SA but if more people post good leads I would gladly try another 1 week trial.

04-18-19, 08:45
I've had good luck so far this year in seeing an 18 and a 19 year old Tech freshmen who needed money for ski trips and spring break. One was 200 and one was 300. Average skills but flawless skin and tight. Still seeing them so not sharing info at this point. Both were dinner dates that I showed some Jacksons to as incentive for private dessert at my hotel near campus. Both are lined up for my next business trip down 81. Both are on Seeking every few days when they get a break from studying.I've gotten several requests for digits for these women. I am not going to ask them if they care if I give out their numbers. Pretty good chance they don't want to be viewed as hookers and there is no upside for me to ask. You guys can do like me and make your best pitch through SA to them. If you can't get a date by messaging them through your SA profile, then you are not going to get one by just texting as a stranger. If $89 is too much to pay for access to hundreds of women, then you better stick to street walkers. One or two dinner dates that leads to a FC is worth 89 bucks don't you think?

There are only a few Blacksburg women on there with FWB listed so narrow your search. Same goes for JMU students, they are available if you got game and the cash incentives.

04-18-19, 16:01
To add to the post JustLonely posted this is something I posted a while back before there was a "Sugar Baby" section. I have had excellent results with SB's so here are a few tips I have learned along the way that I hope will be helpful to you.

I won't go into details of specific ladies either on the forum or private messages. The ladies on SA want to remain very discrete is what I have found and I respect that. I am sure some members won't be happy with me and think this post has no value, but the guys that decide to use these tips and info can end up with a very fun friend!!

I know all of them are not real, but many are and it is easy to message them back and fourth a few times and know quickly which ones are real, or fake or worse. "real crazy" ! LOL When you message them provide a phone number and they will know you are serious (burner phone of course just in case), most want to meet in a public place first like having lunch together etc. Be careful talking about the details (same unspoken rules apply as if you were having any other dream) this provides a safety net. If they push to talk about those unspoken details after you letting them know not to discuss details don't go any further with them, it is not worth the chance. Move on to the next choice.

If you enjoy dreaming of the same lady (which I think is the way to go) on a regular basis the SA site is the way to go in my opinion. Some on here have talked about ridiculous donation expectations, some do expect too much, find out early on what donation they are looking for and move on to a different lady if they are requesting more than you want to provide. That way you don't waste much time on a situation that will not work out. Also what I have found is that they are only interested in finding someone that will meet on a regular basis none of them I have spoke with are interested in a one time meeting at all (with the exception of the first public meeting / lunch to check compatibility).

The SA site itself is very expensive but worth every penny in my opinion. Most of the ladies I have communicated with, this is their first time doing anything like this and it shows because they will share too much info, which if you search like a hound dog! You can find out enough info to become confident in meeting them or realize you definitely don't want to meet with them for any number of reasons like drug charges etc. Or like they may work with your spouse!!

If you communicate nice with the ladies and don't give them the "creeps" you should easily have a regular friend in a very short time. Be very respectful and polite with these ladies most have normal jobs, are not druggies and are even on the fence about being on the site so a little respect and kindness goes a long way. If they are comfortable with you, you get to meet at a their house or apartment and not have your car seen in a motel parking lot!

This is a bit of a dance at first don't get flustered with them they are new and nervous. When you communicate with them read / listen to what they say closely and you will pickup on their fears and respond in a way to ease those fears. Different ladies have different fears even though you would think it be the same for each it is not. Before you respond think about things as if you were her and respond accordingly this will help them feel good about you.

And lastly I cannot remember the member that first posted about SA site, but I would like to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I appreciate it very much!

Have fun and be safe everyone!


04-18-19, 18:43
Has anyone had any experience with this one. She seems like she is in a tight spot and willing but there has been a few red flags in the conversation too. Every time I think about walking away I look at her pictures again and start thinking with the wrong head. Not sure if I want to pull the trigger or not. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

https://www.seeking.com/member/554d4317-0e49-467f-9955-a71c17b930c5I met her a few weeks ago. I also thought she looked great in her pictures, but what I saw in the pictures is definitely not what showed up when we met. I'm guessing that the pictures are a bit old, she is quite a bit bigger than I expected. She also shared some issues she has had recently (at least alcohol and mental health issues, possibly more), which probably also lend to her not looking so good. And I had the same experience when we were messaging, she was definitely desperate for cash. She was a nice enough girl I guess, but I definitely wouldn't go there again.

04-19-19, 08:38

She will play but I have not seen her yet, only messaged, but it is clear she is open to play. She will want your pic. No idea if she is LEO, check the link and determine for yourself.

04-19-19, 08:38
I met her a few weeks ago. I also thought she looked great in her pictures, but what I saw in the pictures is definitely not what showed up when we met. I'm guessing that the pictures are a bit old, she is quite a bit bigger than I expected. She also shared some issues she has had recently (at least alcohol and mental health issues, possibly more), which probably also lend to her not looking so good. And I had the same experience when we were messaging, she was definitely desperate for cash. She was a nice enough girl I guess, but I definitely wouldn't go there again.Thanks, this confirms my thoughts and I just need to move on.

04-19-19, 14:11
Just wanted to let everyone know that seeking Arrangements does have a 24.99 7-Day trial. I have had a lot of success on seeking Arrangements in the past. But the girls do ask for a lot more than Backpage and other similar sites. One of the negative things I've noticed about seeking Arrangements is that there are a lot of fake profiles, but some of these girls will text you back and forth endlessly. They promise to make a date but never do. However they will keep in touch with you through text. I almost want to believe that these are paid employees of seeking Arrangements. People that are paid to keep the customers (the guys) entertained. If you're not into sharing a real girl, please share the fakes so we can avoid.

04-20-19, 20:39
Just wanted to let everyone know that seeking Arrangements does have a 24.99 7-Day trial. I have had a lot of success on seeking Arrangements in the past. But the girls do ask for a lot more than Backpage and other similar sites. One of the negative things I've noticed about seeking Arrangements is that there are a lot of fake profiles, but some of these girls will text you back and forth endlessly. They promise to make a date but never do. However they will keep in touch with you through text. I almost want to believe that these are paid employees of seeking Arrangements. People that are paid to keep the customers (the guys) entertained. If you're not into sharing a real girl, please share the fakes so we can avoid.Were you able to see this via an App?

I donot see that option being provided on a regular browser.

04-22-19, 15:42
Were you able to see this via an App?

I donot see that option being provided on a regular browser.Yes, I am using an Android / Google phone. I use the mobile app from the Google Play store. I know Apple has removed SA from their App Store, so iPhone users may need to figure another way. I started by clicking on a request additional photos button and from there it asked me to upgrade to a premium account. You will shortly see the link to the 7 day trial.

04-26-19, 07:53
Ran across this one and was wondering if there was any info from anyone about her.


04-26-19, 09:19
Ran across this one and was wondering if there was any info from anyone about her.

https://www.seeking.com/member/8c3176b1-6290-4435-a46a-239834f8ace2I messaged with her a bit a few months back. After a couple messages on SA, she texted me. Says she is a med school student, looking for a traditional "mutually beneficial" SB / SD connection. We talked several times about setting up a M&G but she was always very slow to respond to messages and never set up a time to meet, then stopped responding so I gave up. Looks like a very beautiful woman, let us know if you have better luck.

04-30-19, 18:54
Which one have you guys been using? I've always used seeking but wonder about the other. I know some (girls) are on both. Which has had better potential for you guys. Thanks.

04-30-19, 21:34
Was supposed to be setting something up, but she never got back to me after acting like she wanted too.

I messaged with her a bit a few months back. After a couple messages on SA, she texted me. Says she is a med school student, looking for a traditional "mutually beneficial" SB / SD connection. We talked several times about setting up a M&G but she was always very slow to respond to messages and never set up a time to meet, then stopped responding so I gave up. Looks like a very beautiful woman, let us know if you have better luck..

05-07-19, 15:27
VT announced yesterday that they were adding so many new freshmen for the fall that they will be ending the requirement that freshmen live on campus. That's going to strain available off campus places to rent and drive up prices. Also more students looking for part time work. So I expect an increase in Sugar Babies in the fall. Probably some pick up over the summer in their hometowns as they try to save up some cash to head to college. Most I know blow their money on weed so I doubt if rent money would be easy to save for type of girls willing to be a SB.

05-08-19, 09:42
Interesting theory about VT; hope you're right. So far, neither Tech nor Radford have been particularly fruitful hunting grounds. I lived in Knoxville for many years; the sugar babies from UT demolish anything in this area. So far, I've found more VT / RU girls only wanting to sell pics or be paid for dates w / no trips to the bedroom. Also had several ghost preset meet & greets with no explanation, others just disappear after first message. It's not me. I know how to play the game, but many of the babies here really don't, or don't know what they're getting into. The ones that would at least admit they'd sleep with you have GPS totally out of proportion to the area. Additionally I was told there's a height incidence of chlamydia in the RU student population, particularly the music / drama / dance / arts types.

I've been more successful with non-students in the area who are on seeking than I have with students.

Just my. 02, and worth exactly what you paid for it, LOL.

05-25-19, 12:44
Interesting theory about VT; hope you're right. So far, neither Tech nor Radford have been particularly fruitful hunting grounds. I lived in Knoxville for many years; the sugar babies from UT demolish anything in this area. So far, I've found more VT / RU girls only wanting to sell pics or be paid for dates w / no trips to the bedroom. Also had several ghost preset meet & greets with no explanation, others just disappear after first message. It's not me. I know how to play the game, but many of the babies here really don't, or don't know what they're getting into. The ones that would at least admit they'd sleep with you have GPS totally out of proportion to the area. Additionally I was told there's a height incidence of chlamydia in the RU student population, particularly the music / drama / dance / arts types.

I've been more successful with non-students in the area who are on seeking than I have with students.

Just my. 02, and worth exactly what you paid for it, LOL.As an additional bit of information, I've had better results college-student wise with Appy State coeds in / near Boone and ETSU in the Tri-cities area than I have with either VT or Radford girls. Recently had several more VT / Radford girls requesting 3-500 per meet and another couple only wanting to sell pics or premium Snapchat access.

05-30-19, 11:24

She wants 2000 to play, line up LOL.

06-02-19, 16:13
I believe this lady is also at gold and silver.


06-12-19, 18:47
Viewing messages without premium.

I'm a programmer, and I spend a good portion of my time doing web development. I've noted that SA has been rewriting portions of their site from a traditional "click link, wait for server return the new page" style to a "single-page application" approach. Turns out that due to some rather silly programming choices on their part, it's actually possible to view the text content of messages even if you don't have premium time enabled.

It involves opening up your browser's "development tools" window so you can inspect the contents of the page and the data being requested, and should work in either Chrome or Firefox.

Log in to SA and go to your inbox. Right-click anywhere on the page and choose "Inspect Element". The browser's dev tools should either pop up as a separate window, or as part of the main window. Click on the "network" tab in the dev tools. Then, back in the SA inbox screen, click on a conversation.

If you go back to the "network" tab, you should see a list of all the data requests the SA page asked for from the server. One of them should look like "/ inbox? Page=1&limit=25". Click on that one. It'll show a bunch of technical details of some of the message headers.

Now, look for a tab called "Response". If you click on that, you should see a tree with sections like "status", "message", "conversation", and "metadata". Expand "conversation" "messages" "data". You should see some numbered entries, 0 and up. Those represent each of the messages in the conversation, from both of you. (Side note: the "metadata" object has a whole bunch of info that they know about your own account. Some of it is info you entered yourself, like profile info. There's also things like "payments_total", which appears to be how much you've actually ever paid SA, unread message count, whether you're in the EU, and even fields labeled "has_under_age_punishment" and "has_unacknowledged_punishment". Very interesting.).

Each message entry has a field called "body", which is the text that's shown in your inbox. If you've got premium active, it's the actual message text. If not, it's "Upgrade to read".

Here's where they did something silly. They send back the text that should be shown, but *they also send back the original text too*. So, even if the "body" field says "Upgrade to read", the "original_body" field shows the actual no-kidding message that was sent. You can inspect each of the messages that was received, and effectively read the conversation.

It's not a substitute for reading messages in the inbox as usual, but it might be helpful for anyone who gets a message when they don't have premium active and wants to peek at it without having to immediately shell out the cash to read it.

As a programmer, I can tell that there's actually a _ton_ of useful information being returned whenever you view a profile page or inbox page. It would be possible for someone to write a browser extension that either extracted some of that info from a page, or re-requested that data from the server, and did something useful with it (up to and including modifying an inbox to show all the messages without needing premium enabled). Sadly, I don't have time to work on anything like that myself. I've got a lot of other things on my plate.

Hope that helps!This is dead. SA fixed this error in their code.

Need new hack.

06-13-19, 12:00
This is dead. SA fixed this error in their code.

Need new hack.Was just coming on here to post this.

07-01-19, 15:12

Her rate was not high but she wanted me to cover gas cost in advance for her to come to me. Even though I would only be out of 30 for her gas, I still will not do that whether she is a scammer or not I have no idea. Anyone had dealings w / her?

07-01-19, 19:29

Her rate was not high but she wanted me to cover gas cost in advance for her to come to me. Even though I would only be out of 30 for her gas, I still will not do that whether she is a scammer or not I have no idea. Anyone had dealings w / her?Offer to travel to her and see what she says.

07-01-19, 23:52

Her rate was not high but she wanted me to cover gas cost in advance for her to come to me. Even though I would only be out of 30 for her gas, I still will not do that whether she is a scammer or not I have no idea. Anyone had dealings w / her?When I first looked at the profile and the pics, I thought for sure it was a scammer, but I said what the heck and messaged anyways. Initial reply was a cell # and note to text. Since then, no replies to texts or messages on SA.

07-02-19, 07:47
When I first looked at the profile and the pics, I thought for sure it was a scammer, but I said what the heck and messaged anyways. Initial reply was a cell and note to text. Since then, no replies to texts or messages on SA.I sent her a message. Opened but no response. Seems a little TGTBT for Roanoke but you never know. Anyone had any successful communication with this one?


07-03-19, 10:23

Texted back and forth for months, but couldn't get a date out of her. I have no clue why she and many other girls would keep a guy hanging with texts if they have no intention of meeting up. Maybe these girls like the attention?? Ahh, who knows?!

07-04-19, 08:43

Texted back and forth for months, but couldn't get a date out of her. I have no clue why she and many other girls would keep a guy hanging with texts if they have no intention of meeting up. Maybe these girls like the attention?? Ahh, who knows?!I met her for coffee last year sometime, so I can confirm she is real. Very beautiful woman, grad student, had a boyfriend at the time and just in this for the money for school. The M&G felt more like a job interview than anything else, during which she indicated that she would expect around 700-750 ppm. Obviously that wasn't happening so that was the last I saw / heard of her.

07-04-19, 18:57
I met her for coffee last year sometime, so I can confirm she is real. Very beautiful woman, grad student, had a boyfriend at the time and just in this for the money for school. The M&G felt more like a job interview than anything else, during which she indicated that she would expect around 700-750 ppm. Obviously that wasn't happening so that was the last I saw / heard of her.I believe you. She was always taking about work and school and exams. I offered her 400 then gradually worked up to 850. Then she still kept postponing. So finally I offered 1500 just to see if that was enough to motivate her. Sure enough it was, but by then I was not interested.

07-05-19, 13:11
What was her rate?


Her rate was not high but she wanted me to cover gas cost in advance for her to come to me. Even though I would only be out of 30 for her gas, I still will not do that whether she is a scammer or not I have no idea. Anyone had dealings w / her?.

07-16-19, 12:21
I'm setting up to meet this one soon. Does anyone have experience with her?


07-17-19, 14:18
I'm setting up to meet this one soon. Does anyone have experience with her?

https://www.seeking.com/member/335e8ca6-2252-461c-bdb7-998a645dab93I texted back and forth with her a few months ago. She seemed very sweet and eager to meet. Quoted 250 for the first meet at her place. I don't live close and things came up so I never was able to meet but she is still on my radar for sure. If you meet and it goes well please share.

07-21-19, 16:39
I'm setting up to meet this one soon. Does anyone have experience with her?

https://www.seeking.com/member/335e8ca6-2252-461c-bdb7-998a645dab93Did you pull the trigger on her.

Can't decide if the porcelain doll look to her face is turning me on or creeping me TF out? LOL.

07-22-19, 07:43
Did you pull the trigger on her.

Can't decide if the porcelain doll look to her face is turning me on or creeping me TF out? LOL.Met with her several times. In fact she's been messaging me recently needing help to keep her place. She's a bit bigger than pics indicate but not quite a BBW. Her place is small but safe. Never been to Greece but think it's available for the right ticket price. Likes sex, not a bad time, very sweet girl. Treat her well if you see her, she'll return the favor. Not in same class s Celeste or heavily-tatted-chick whose name I can't remember in looks or performance but willing. No monkey I've seen, but occasionally smell 4x0. Did see a dude returning her kid once as I left, not sure if friend or SO.

08-11-19, 21:33
Met with her several times. In fact she's been messaging me recently needing help to keep her place. She's a bit bigger than pics indicate but not quite a BBW. Her place is small but safe. Never been to Greece but think it's available for the right ticket price. Likes sex, not a bad time, very sweet girl. Treat her well if you see her, she'll return the favor. Not in same class s Celeste or heavily-tatted-chick whose name I can't remember in looks or performance but willing. No monkey I've seen, but occasionally smell 4x0. Did see a dude returning her kid once as I left, not sure if friend or SO.Thanks for the info. Still trying to find time when our schedules allow. I have a few others in the works and I will post results as soon as anything happens.

08-23-19, 08:13
Anyone know anything about this one:


Or this one:


Had some preliminary discussions with both but not sure yet if either is serious or worth price of admission.

08-23-19, 21:53
Anyone know anything about this one:


Or this one:


Had some preliminary discussions with both but not sure yet if either is serious or worth price of admission.She said she was good for dinner then play and gave me her digits to text, then never replied so Idk if she is good or not.

08-24-19, 10:20
1st one. Met her a while back, just felt like she was going through the motions, average looking and a bit thicker than I was expecting. I won't repeat.

2nd one. Texted, talked about meeting and she seemed down, I asked for some more pics and she looked a lot thicker than she appears in her SA pics, I moved on.

Anyone know anything about this one:


Or this one:


Had some preliminary discussions with both but not sure yet if either is serious or worth price of admission.

08-24-19, 13:57
Thanks for the responses. Let's all keep posting & looking! I posted on one in Escort section who had an SA post for a couple weeks, then took SA post down. I'll recommend Serenity even if not a sugar baby. Contact in escort thread.

08-26-19, 22:18

I asked her if she would open her private pix on the SA website after I had already opened mine for her to see. She replied, "Only if I send cash. ".

Nuts man, fucking nuts! How fucked up!

08-27-19, 01:43

I asked her if she would open her private pix on the SA website after I had already opened mine for her to see. She replied, "Only if I send cash. ".

Nuts man, fucking nuts! How fucked up!I was unable to post the pics for you but a bit thinker, cute but just wants to get paid to hang out.

08-30-19, 11:05
I was unable to post the pics for you but a bit thinker, cute but just wants to get paid to hang out.She let me see private pics, but does not do meet ups.

10-03-19, 19:26
Julia is a good time once you get to finally see her. Bit of a flake, but definitely, a complete rinser. No money upfront. Allows BBFS for the right amount and let's you video your encounter. Nice little house. Bourbon girl. Dresses up nice but definitely uses a lot of filters on her pics. Good luck.

10-04-19, 13:03
Julia is a good time once you get to finally see her. Bit of a flake, but definitely, a complete rinser. No money upfront. Allows BBFS for the right amount and let's you video your encounter. Nice little house. Bourbon girl. Dresses up nice but definitely uses a lot of filters on her pics. Good luck.Link, or better username? Couldn't find her.

10-04-19, 23:40
Link, or better username? Couldn't find her.I think he is referring to Mistress Julez she is on the seeking arrangement website.

10-05-19, 09:22
Julia is a good time once you get to finally see her. Bit of a flake, but definitely, a complete rinser. No money upfront. Allows BBFS for the right amount and let's you video your encounter. Nice little house. Bourbon girl. Dresses up nice but definitely uses a lot of filters on her pics. Good luck.Couldn't of said it better myself.

Definitely no cash upfront. No good deed goes unpunished. Speaking from experience.

Still great value IMHO. I would & did repeat. Photos definitely glammed but still a good looking, tall girl with a killer bod & skills.

Please don't PM me for her digits. She uses SA to meet potential Daddy's. Strictly pay to play.

10-05-19, 10:00
Hey I just noticed these posts about Secret benefits, and I made an account there to check it out, but didn't put a picture up. I noticed a couple of girls on there I'm "friends" with on facebook (but don't really know them). And some other HOT local girls.

Are most of these girls legit? Meaning that's them in the picture? Is this a "upscale" "skip the games" or "backpage" where you make a donation. Or are they seeking a relationship? . Never heard of SB before, Thanks for any info.

10-05-19, 16:25

I asked her if she would open her private pix on the SA website after I had already opened mine for her to see. She replied, "Only if I send cash. ".

Nuts man, fucking nuts! How fucked up!Ha, ha! "Who wants to pay for my pictures?

Who wants to suck my dick! Take a hike Princess!

10-05-19, 20:06
Hey I just noticed these posts about Secret benefits, and I made an account there to check it out, but didn't put a picture up. I noticed a couple of girls on there I'm "friends" with on facebook (but don't really know them). And some other HOT local girls.

Are most of these girls legit? Meaning that's them in the picture? Is this a "upscale" "skip the games" or "backpage" where you make a donation. Or are they seeking a relationship? . Never heard of SB before, Thanks for any info.Same as all the others really.

Member #6652
10-16-19, 18:27
Link, or better username? Couldn't find her.I don't post a lot, but this forum has been a big help to me, so I'll join the chorus here even though similar conversations have been had about the same girl in the past. Her new profile looks to be:


My somewhat dated experience is similar to others here: very nice girl, fit, very open-minded, sees a lot of traffic and may reschedule a lot for that reason. Definitely not afraid to ask for $ online and make various promises, so be prepared to say no or throw money away! Not sure where the distinctions are, but probably better described as a UTR--though I guess they almost all are after a while if they stay in it.

11-07-19, 16:06
Any information on her https://www.seeking.com/member/43c35f01-0378-4bc5-9eb0-3eb41c9fbe39.

Member #6652
11-07-19, 17:41
Any information on her https://www.seeking.com/member/43c35f01-0378-4bc5-9eb0-3eb41c9fbe39.Has had a few profiles, I think, and adds and drops them often. I met her a long time ago. I got the impression she was UTR. Very nice and sweet person in my experience.

11-12-19, 13:55
Anyone ever had the pleasure with this one?


Her private photos are super hot, but she quoted me 800 for an hour. Get the fuck out of here. I didn't even bother negotiating at that starting point. She said she's about 30 minutes from Blacksburg.

11-21-19, 08:55
Anyone have any information on her: https://www.seeking.com/member/64b54a2c-3a18-49a2-be9d-220eccd0c613.

11-21-19, 08:58
Anyone have any information on herhttps://www.seeking.com/member/64b54a2c-3a18-49a2-be9d-220eccd0c613.Chatted with her some online and via text. Claimed to have a very busy schedule, wanted an advance for some bills, would send photos. To be honest, not sure if you'd ever get to meet her. Lotta photo sellers in this area.

11-23-19, 22:56
Lotta photo sellers in this area.There would not be a lot of photo sellers unless there are lots of photo buyers. Some guys pay for anything it seems and thus SA gets clogged with this nonsense. I do not get it at all.

11-26-19, 14:23
Messaged this one when I was traveling down there. Agreed. Seems like a game player, not interested in meeting for real.

Chatted with her some online and via text. Claimed to have a very busy schedule, wanted an advance for some bills, would send photos. To be honest, not sure if you'd ever get to meet her. Lotta photo sellers in this area.

12-03-19, 11:21
Has anyone had any interaction or success with these:


Messaged back and forth for a couple days. It looked promising. No discussion on allowance. I see her very active on the site but she stopped responding to messages.


Messaged on SA and then moved to text. She seems bright and articulate. Initial discussions she was looking for $1 k got down to 500 and I haven't been able to schedule a meeting.

12-13-19, 07:27
Has anyone had any interaction or success with these:


Messaged back and forth for a couple days. It looked promising. No discussion on allowance. I see her very active on the site but she stopped responding to messages.


Messaged on SA and then moved to text. She seems bright and articulate. Initial discussions she was looking for $1 k got down to 500 and I haven't been able to schedule a meeting.Saw the 1st one. Worth the money. BBBJ, CFS, amazing IOP!

12-13-19, 10:15
Saw the 1st one. Worth the money. BBBJ, CFS, amazing IOP!I'm not familiar with the abbreviation IOP what is it?

12-18-19, 09:45
I'm not familiar with the abbreviation IOP what is it?Illusion of Pleasure. How well a girl can pretend to enjoy it.

01-13-20, 12:09
She has changed her number since I saw her last and I don't want to pay for a month of SA just to reach her. If anyone knows how to get in contact with her can you please PM me. Thanks! https://www.seeking.com/member/cf1ca1ef-cc1d-43c4-b642-096d42c35c1d.

01-17-20, 00:48
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting unsubstantiated reports claiming that another person is afflicted with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, this limitation being necessary because a disturbing number of these reports are less than genuine.

STD allegations are not permitted in the forum at any time EXCEPT when substantiated by links to internet-accessible public records.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

01-18-20, 00:07
Anyone know anything about her. https://www.seeking.com/member/73a8a792-31c3-402a-88f2-67c27800870e.

01-25-20, 09:02
This one was previously on STG, not sure if she's still posting on STG?

I think I remember mainly positive reviews of her. I texted her a while back and was interested in a half hour. I was most interested that the great ass pic in her STG ad was real. She sent me some of the face pics from her SA ad before I saw them here. I asked for a couple of more ass pics but never got them.

Can anyone confirm on her looks, ass & service?




01-28-20, 23:47
This one was previously on STG, not sure if she's still posting on STG?

I think I remember mainly positive reviews of her. I texted her a while back and was interested in a half hour. I was most interested that the great ass pic in her STG ad was real. She sent me some of the face pics from her SA ad before I saw them here. I asked for a couple of more ass pics but never got them.

Can anyone confirm on her looks, ass & service?



https://www.seeking.com/member/b031cdf2-9971-48f2-84f6-4a8e237ef9faConfirmed! But not a fast communicator and no incall available when I saw her.

01-29-20, 18:52
Anyone have any information on her: https://www.seeking.com/member/64b54a2c-3a18-49a2-be9d-220eccd0c613.Yes, I had her a few weeks ago. A little chubbier in person but still very pretty. A little quiet at first but she warmed up fast. Got to the room and put my hand down her jeans to find her extremely wet. She enjoys being used very much. I think its more for the sex then for the money. She got me off twice and was interested in going for round 3.

01-30-20, 15:36
I have tried to set something up for almost two weeks now and keep getting the run around or ghosted.

Sir Mob
02-11-20, 09:43
Saw one of our ladies from seeking got locked up. I would not ordinarily report such a thing but she was a great provider out in Montvale and it appears some demons have caught up with her. I lost contact with her a while back and can't remember her name. Just happened to see her mugshot the other day.

02-20-20, 15:54
Yeah, right around now is usually a good time to find a sugar baby. They are ready to take you tax money. Spend it wisely.

03-05-20, 16:06
Hey guys,

Has anyone tried paymedaddy.com? Looking around on there not many in our area, wondering if any are legit. I can't find any real reviews on the site, just the usual review sites that claim all the Sugar websites are fantastic!

03-05-20, 19:14
Hey guys,

Has anyone tried paymedaddy.com? Looking around on there not many in our area, wondering if any are legit. I can't find any real reviews on the site, just the usual review sites that claim all the Sugar websites are fantastic!These are my top three, I haven't tried paymedaddy. Serious girls will post on multiple sites. It's fun playing in the sugar bowl, just be nice & patient.

Seeking Arrangements.

Secret Benefits.

What's your price.

Member #6203
03-18-20, 17:41
These are my top three, I haven't tried paymedaddy. Serious girls will post on multiple sites. It's fun playing in the sugar bowl, just be nice & patient.

Seeking Arrangements.

Secret Benefits.

What's your price.I've tried sugar daddy meet, SDM with some success. Search function isn't as refined and it has swipe matching that gets you way out of your geographic area. Met several potentials in a month and met up with 3, ran out of time. Still talking to a couple more. So it's okay at half the price of SA. SA does have a sale on now.

03-26-20, 15:58
I've tried sugar daddy meet, SDM with some success. Search function isn't as refined and it has swipe matching that gets you way out of your geographic area. Met several potentials in a month and met up with 3, ran out of time. Still talking to a couple more. So it's okay at half the price of SA. SA does have a sale on now.Have any of you tried sd4 me?

I was on SA two different times and had some luck, once way back, and then again last Summer, but got banned.

I always like sd4 me me better anyway, like the site layout and ease of use, but wow, lately the pickings have been very, very slim.



03-29-20, 13:22
Have any of you tried sd4 me?

I was on SA two different times and had some luck, once way back, and then again last Summer, but got banned.

I always like sd4 me me better anyway, like the site layout and ease of use, but wow, lately the pickings have been very, very slim.


M.Sd4 me is a complete waste of time. I just logged in for the first time in over a year. Up pops my favorites from way back showing them over 2 weeks since they logged in. I know one hasn't been on in 2 years. Current picking were less than 5 that I might be interested in. Their 30 day free "want you back" offer isn't enough to get me back.

What's Your Price is only good to see who is there and on Seeking. A few years back it was good for under 21 pussy straight to hotel. I still got unused credits there but not enough unlock any messages. Slim selection of women who list "Discreet Affairs".

Plenty of Seeking woman online now but despite Brandon Wade saying that now is a great time to be social online thru Seeking, he isn't getting another $90 out of me until I know I got China Flu antibodies.

03-30-20, 10:02
Have any of you tried sd4 me?

I was on SA two different times and had some luck, once way back, and then again last Summer, but got banned.

I always like sd4 me me better anyway, like the site layout and ease of use, but wow, lately the pickings have been very, very slim.


M.Imagine paying $90 to subscribe to SA. Then getting banned because you sent a message offering $$. Damn, this business has gotten tough. The only sugar dating sites I've had luck with is SA. I've tried the others, but I figure it's they aren't on SA then they aren't serious.

03-30-20, 11:30
Imagine paying $90 to subscribe to SA. Then getting banned because you sent a message offering $$. Damn, this business has gotten tough. The only sugar dating sites I've had luck with is SA. I've tried the others, but I figure it's they aren't on SA then they aren't serious.SA seems pretty strict, I am guessing they are not setup like the stg site and other sites as far as ways around the laws that went in place a couple years ago that shutdown backpage and other sites. On SA I usually message back and fourth a few times with the lady and if I seem to like her will send her my burner number and ask for us to move to texting. If she doesn't want to text or doesn't suggest another way like KIK etc. , she is probably going to be too much trouble and too much time involved before we get to meet in person so I move on.

SA has worked great for me lots of real ladies on there just have to approach them right because many of them have never done anything like this before and are nervous and unsure. Only problem is that some of them after a couple meetings will worry the hell out of you to meet again and often!

03-30-20, 13:07
Only problem is that some of them after a couple meetings will worry the hell out of you to meet again and often!Very true! I can't help but feel guilty about turning these young girls down. Sadly, it's part of the game. My all time favorite SB just moved to LA. I'm sure she's cashing in now.

04-12-20, 16:26
If you were thinking of making the drive up to Beckley don't waste your time. She wants 500 just to meet, or he does LOL. But the private pictures are exceptional.


04-14-20, 22:48
Does anyone have any info on this one?


04-15-20, 20:24
Does anyone have any info on this one?

https://www.seeking.com/member/56c4d697-5f41-4860-91c1-a843c9a04130I have never met her or communicated with her, but I am surprised that I have never seen her profile before being that her profile was setup Nov. 2019. I constantly check out that site and look at the profiles, so either she just moved here or possible scam attempt. Not sure which.

04-16-20, 12:08
I have never met her or communicated with her, but I am surprised that I have never seen her profile before being that her profile was setup Nov. 2019. I constantly check out that site and look at the profiles, so either she just moved here or possible scam attempt. Not sure which.You can hide your profile so that other users can't see you when browsing. You can also hide certain criteria such as when you joined and if you have viewed someone. This can be helpful to those who only want to participate sometimes and take a break at other times. I had a girlfriend who was a sugarbaby and she was very picky about who she let know that she had viewed. In this regard Seeking Arrangements is excellent. We all know you guys like to cyberstalk, it ain't no secret.

04-17-20, 08:44
You can hide your profile so that other users can't see you when browsing. You can also hide certain criteria such as when you joined and if you have viewed someone. This can be helpful to those who only want to participate sometimes and take a break at other times. I had a girlfriend who was a sugarbaby and she was very picky about who she let know that she had viewed. In this regard Seeking Arrangements is excellent. We all know you guys like to cyberstalk, it ain't no secret.Everyone knows all that. I am just saying I look at new profiles on a regular basis and I realize you can hide your profile. But it is unlikely to get on there and hide your profile immediately from an average guys then months later unhide it. I am just saying its likely its a scam for her to pop up like that unless she just moved here. And yes you probably cyberstalk but I don't.

04-19-20, 18:39
Does anyone happen to have the SA promo code? I deleted it like an idiot. I will join the promo but not at regular price. Thanhs in advance.

04-19-20, 23:35
Does anyone happen to have the SA promo code? I deleted it like an idiot. I will join the promo but not at regular price. Thanhs in advance.I've never seen a promo code for Seeking Arrangements. They will occasionally offer a weekly trial for $25. Anyhow, if you can't afford $90 for 30 days, something tells me you're not going to enjoy the company on that site. But hey! If you do find a promo code please share it right here.

04-20-20, 10:52
I've never seen a promo code for Seeking Arrangements. They will occasionally offer a weekly trial for $25. Anyhow, if you can't afford $90 for 30 days, something tells me you're not going to enjoy the company on that site. But hey! If you do find a promo code please share it right here.I just wasn't wanting to blow the full monthly fee on it right now because it seem the number of girls logging one these days is significantly lower.

04-20-20, 13:55
Just wanted to say hello to Roanoke.

I was on the USA boards back 10 or 15 years ago, just recently joined again to read about how everyone is handling playing in this time of lock down.

I have been on sd4 me for 15 years, had some mostly good times, met some great women, only one or two bad times.

If I ever get to travel and work again, will be happy to share intel.


04-21-20, 12:42
I have been on sd4 me for 15 years, had some mostly good times, met some great women, only one or two bad times.
Skins.Is Sd4 me the same as sugardaddy4 me. Com? Or is that a Google play store app? I've tried the website but it was terrible from my past experience. Maybe it's changed.

04-22-20, 21:02
Is Sd4 me the same as sugardaddy4 me. Com? Or is that a Google play store app? I've tried the website but it was terrible from my past experience. Maybe it's changed.I have never tried sugardaddy4 me but I have tried a couple others. Seeking Arrangements has been the best one I have ever been on. It is very expensive, but there are many real ladies on there. Of course like always you will run into some fakes but not many.

04-23-20, 12:09
Is Sd4 me the same as sugardaddy4 me. Com? Or is that a Google play store app? I've tried the website but it was terrible from my past experience. Maybe it's changed.SandPiper,

Yes, www.sugardaddyforme.com and it is also expensive, about $60 a month now, and it is not very good, surprisingly no real influx of new prospects with this current situation.

I got banned by SA last Summer, I did pull a few numbers and did two meets in a month last year.

With sd4 me no new meets since October, I do have two or three prospects that I am working on now with emails to meet after the Flu subsides and I can travel and work (and play) again, in fact have broken my rule about paying for pics with two of them, paid for masterbation videos, we will see how it works out.


04-24-20, 11:29

Yes, www.sugardaddyforme.com and it is also expensive, about $60 a month now, and it is not very good, surprisingly no real influx of new prospects with this current situation.

I got banned by SA last Summer, I did pull a few numbers and did two meets in a month last year.

With sd4 me no new meets since October, I do have two or three prospects that I am working on now with emails to meet after the Flu subsides and I can travel and work (and play) again, in fact have broken my rule about paying for pics with two of them, paid for masterbation videos, we will see how it works out.

Skins.Do you mind sharing why you got banned by SA? I have also been banned before. I can faintly remember why, but I believe it was due to asking for money from a "private" conversation through the website (like I said, I can faintly remember exactly). That was enough to let me know the conversations are not private. Also, after registering and paying for access, the website put a temporary hold on my account until after I sent them a copy of my driver's license for verification. What can I say, I have had good luck with SA so I caved in and sent them the required info. Thanks for sharing your input on sd4 me. I've always thought that was a terrible site, but after hearing a couple different positive reports from members I may have to reconsider.

04-24-20, 21:03
Avoid this one. Just wants to talk then gives numbers of guys she is chatting with. Goes by Alice. Wants deeper conversation. Sorry don't have link as I blocked her like corona.

04-26-20, 13:28
Do you mind sharing why you got banned by SA? I have also been banned before. I can faintly remember why, but I believe it was due to asking for money from a "private" conversation through the website (like I said, I can faintly remember exactly). That was enough to let me know the conversations are not private. Also, after registering and paying for access, the website put a temporary hold on my account until after I sent them a copy of my driver's license for verification. What can I say, I have had good luck with SA so I caved in and sent them the required info. Thanks for sharing your input on sd4 me. I've always thought that was a terrible site, but after hearing a couple different positive reports from members I may have to reconsider.Sand Piper,

I also only faintly remember why, I think that it probably was something like mentioning "transactional" in an email, but I also remember that when I originally paid my membership that I used PayPal, and when it came time to renew, they wouldn't do PayPal, wanted my Credit Card and I didn't want to do that.

Sd4 me is really sparse, I figure that only 1 in 10 or 20 are real, and a difference with SA is that you can't really sort by Geography and I am only really interested in three or four cities, so I focus on the "newest members" search on sd4 me, very limited success. In fact over all these years only found one Unicorn in Roanoke, and even her communication skills aren't great, in fact not sure how she is making it thru the lock down. I have a new prospect in Blacksburg but with the Virus, I have not traveled or worked since late February been emailing with her sporadically and I did break down and pay for videos, she does say that when this is over she will meet, will keep you all posted.


05-06-20, 13:02
Roanoke Gents,

I have some news to report finally.

While cleaning up old emails yesterday (what else are you going to do at work) I came across an email thread from last Spring with a MILF from sd4 me.

I emailed her yesterday and she replied immediately with new pics.

I asked if she would be open to me sharing her contact info for meets around Roanoke, and she said yes.

I have never met with her, so I can not speak to service but-.

She is married, white, early 40's, MILF, nurse, some tats, nice body in pics and says she is down to meet and DTF, modest donation.

PM me for her contact info, she is email only no text.


05-06-20, 13:20
Anyone have any intel or contact info on.




05-25-20, 21:44
Anyone have any intel or contact info on.



Skins.She's been discussed either here or Charlottesville or Richmond. I have no first hand knowledge although I've tried a couple of times. The reviews were very positive and her allowance wasn't a budget buster.

05-27-20, 00:17
Anyone have any intel or contact info on.



Skins.Overall I would say ok experience. Decent body for having 2 young kids (I think she said 1 and 3). Also has very difficult schedule due to the kids. But is also on BC, so BBFSCIP is on the table. She is a stripper, and very confident in her abilities. Pretty persistent with messaging and wanting to get together regularly. Like I said ok experience for me, but probably won't go back again.

06-02-20, 12:26
Roanoke Gents,

I have some news to report finally.

While cleaning up old emails yesterday (what else are you going to do at work) I came across an email thread from last Spring with a MILF from sd4 me.

I emailed her yesterday and she replied immediately with new pics.

I asked if she would be open to me sharing her contact info for meets around Roanoke, and she said yes.

I have never met with her, so I can not speak to service but-.

She is married, white, early 40's, MILF, nurse, some tats, nice body in pics and says she is down to meet and DTF, modest donation.

PM me for her contact info, she is email only no text.


She is on SA today, so I guess not so UTR.


Thanks for all the PMs, would love some intel back on other utrs in Roanoke and around.


06-05-20, 08:10
Does anyone have any experience with this one?


06-06-20, 09:06
Hi guys,

Better watch out for these. Sorry no links because they got pissed and I got blocked, LOL.

User names: "Heskay345" location may vary, maybe was Richmond. Quick to give out phone # for text, but soon forwarded me a pic of porn star Jenna J Ross. If only it were true, LOL. Obvious scam.

"freeralis" also has another user name which I forget "alis"-somethingorother. Her location switched from nowheresville va to nowheresville wv overnight with new profile and same photos. She answered messaging and whenI questioned hard about the locations and what she was doing in a place with population 50. I was on to something and she got pissed and blocked me. I consider that a badge of courage, LOL. Damned THOTs.

06-09-20, 13:33
If anyone remembers Elaina, she's looking pretty hot. She goes by subBiRoanoke on SA. She will respond.

06-10-20, 22:15
I was in town over night and had a room, looking for fun. Rylee was very quick to reply; seems like she's always on there. Took half the day to actually get her number and she's very shy to me. Before I get into this, yes I did read the reviews. She quoted 2. 5, and I replied "sure, as long as I get 2 nuts". She agreed. She said she "usually just fucks and is done", but I thought with as good looking as she is I'd be able to get it up again quick after the first time. She came over and looked great, very firm young body. Basically went right to it, bent over and took a creampie. Afterward she immediately tried to get me hard again but with her lack of enthusiasm it just wasn't going to happen. So I agree with the others, she's not a typical sugar baby, just a bit it quick and be done hoe. I over estimated myself and gave her too much. If you can get it for 1. 4 or less then do so, just because she's hot. 5 more years and that hotness will be gone.

06-10-20, 23:20
I was in town over night and had a room, looking for fun. Rylee was very quick to reply; seems like she's always on there. Took half the day to actually get her number and she's very shy to me. Before I get into this, yes I did read the reviews. She quoted 2. 5, and I replied "sure, as long as I get 2 nuts". She agreed. She said she "usually just fucks and is done", but I thought with as good looking as she is I'd be able to get it up again quick after the first time. She came over and looked great, very firm young body. Basically went right to it, bent over and took a creampie. Afterward she immediately tried to get me hard again but with her lack of enthusiasm it just wasn't going to happen. So I agree with the others, she's not a typical sugar baby, just a bit it quick and be done hoe. I over estimated myself and gave her too much. If you can get it for 1. 4 or less then do so, just because she's hot. 5 more years and that hotness will be gone.Can we get a link to Rylee?

06-12-20, 10:03
Can we get a link to Rylee?https://www.seeking.com/member/a758f732-88c3-4687-a1af-405fb1f44214

Maybe this Rylee?

06-15-20, 16:16

She is on SA today, so I guess not so UTR.


Thanks for all the PMs, would love some intel back on other utrs in Roanoke and around.

Skins.I texted with her, she is a very nice lady and ready to go however in the pictures she sent me she is much heavier than what is on the site. Which is cool just not my thing.

06-17-20, 10:20
If anyone remembers Elaina, she's looking pretty hot. She goes by subBiRoanoke on SA. She will respond.Is she DTF?

06-17-20, 12:35
Is she DTF?Yes, definitely. When her bf is out of town.

06-19-20, 11:11
Is she DTF?Can't seem to get anyone to cum up under that name.

06-19-20, 11:56
Can't seem to get anyone to cum up under that name.Clit,

Here is the link.


I also have her number from another board member if you want to PM.


06-19-20, 13:33
Can't seem to get anyone to cum up under that name.https://www.seeking.com/member/22c7ead3-0d66-4b1b-8d0f-a6e14b165e9b

06-22-20, 21:07
Are there any other sites similar to SA? I created an account on there. And saw how much the premium and diamond memberships were. Going to have pass on that. LOL. STG is deadYour best bet is SA right now. 25% off is 69.95 ish. For 30 days. I have no faith iin other sites. Other than that social networking works. You need time to build up a friend's list. You'll get noticed.

06-25-20, 09:32
Your best bet is SA right now. 25% off is 69.95 ish. For 30 days. I have no faith iin other sites. Other than that social networking works. You need time to build up a friend's list. You'll get noticed.Agree 100%. Unfortunately expensive but, as my Dad told me long ago. "what are you going to do with all that money?" ************* is scam garbage, Whats your Price is junk (same owner as SA), Sugardaddy4 me is 10 years behind the curve and has mostly very old profiles that they never take down. Then the smaller sites like Paymedaddy, Sugardaddie, etc are waste of time and few user in our area. On Seeking, getting a decent girl can be a bit of work. There are plenty of escorts on there, quite a few scams, and tons of young girls who seem to think they will be paid an allowance for not doing a damn thing ("platonic") I'm an older guy and find that women on SA that are over 40 seem to want someone younger and are extremely picky. They think they are "entitled" Often the mid 20-s to mid 30's ladies are the most ready to make something happen. Many are single moms at that age. I usually avoid single moms, but we are not getting involved with them for their kids, so overlook. A major trick is to use outdated photos (like 5 to 10 years ago), or just a head shot to hide the fact that they are grossly obese. So depending on what your tolerance is for "curvy" women, if you get to texting with them try to get a recent pic. I never ask for nudes, but a clothed pic is fine. Also try for a pic with a smile. Some of these chicks have serious dental issues that I find gross, and if they don't show a toothy smile you may be in for a shock. It has happened to me. I always google image search all photos. Often interesting things turn up, like a Twtr or IG page. Bottom line is Do your Own Dilligence and Research, and you might get lucky.

Lastly if anyone interested in a nice babe in the Greensboro area who just joined SA, PM me for details.

06-25-20, 12:49
Agree 100%. Unfortunately expensive..It's the most expensive dating app that I know of & with good reason. First, SA has had publicity from ABC & other news networks for years. Also, with the death of Craigslist & Backpage they know they have the best game in town. That's why they have jacked up prices. You think SA isn't aware STG is full of hard core crack heads? SA knows you will eventually break down and pay. And just to clarify, yes SA has a shit ton of fake ads and scammers as well. But if you got the money they supply the honey.

06-27-20, 10:23
So I have been in the hobby for a long time (20 years) I feel I have the whole Escort and AMP thing down. Within the last month I discovered and signed up for SA. I was thinking because of fake STG listings I would try SugerDaddy thing.

Besides the normal sign up for my pentrest. I have had three incounters and would like guidance from you guy on how to make my experience better.

1st told I was too cheap. How much to offer? That is typical date? I have been told $100 just for dinner is too low. This is when FWB is off the table.

2nd attempt had two nice dinner only dates, and she totally blew up day before the third (big) date when I refused to give her more money without some agreement. Total spent not counting dinner was $1600 which included third date which did not happen due to blowup.

3rd attempt has been nice so far. $300 for two FWB dates. Agreement for $120 dates going forward. But she is far from a hot chick. (Thinking she wants because she can't get it otherwise).

Anyway it looks like you guys are having some success and would like to understand what I can do to have better success. Feel free to reply or PM me.


06-27-20, 10:31
In my post before I said I was using SA, I am using SB. Secret Benefits.

Any pointers is welcome.


06-27-20, 12:51
In my post before I said I was using SA, I am using SB. Secret Benefits.

Any pointers is welcome.

Narrowsman.First of all Congratulations on having success with secret benefits. It's always nice to know other sugar baby sites are legit. From my experience there is no balance with the girls in the sugar game. The spectrum is far too broad. Sometimes another member will let you know what a certain girl expects. But when I started on SA about 5 or 6 years ago I was able to get a meet & greet dinner at no cost but nothing was expected after dinner. Realistically nothing is fair, a certain girl may charge you twice as much as what she's charging someone else. Just roll with it & if you don't like the negotiations move on and be nice about it. You never know if she changes her mind. One thing I always do is have a phone conversation before meeting.

07-05-20, 16:19

Hello Gents,

Just wondering if anyone has any experience they could share before I reached out to her. If so, please PM me. More than happy to swap intel.


07-09-20, 17:37
Visited your fair city to see this Lady. Well worth the trip. She is tall, very sexy and very pretty. Long jet black hair, Tank top, tight jeans, heels. Could have just come from a heavy metal concert. My kind of thing. Pics are accurate but I feel prettier in person. Sweet, gentle, great convo. All good. Met for a lunch / drink mg so no sex this time. I like to connect the first time and she is a great one to connect with first. Definitely DTF though once we established a mutual attraction was there. Wish I could give a juicer review but this was a quality mg with probably a potential long term Baby. Damages were lunch and. 8. A small investment for a follow up date in a private spot for an afternoon in two weeks. Schedules required us to get back to work but we said our goodbyes in her car, made out a bit while she played a little with Mr. Happy. She is looking for new, legit friends who are solid. She is not a flake.


Hello Gents,

Just wondering if anyone has any experience they could share before I reached out to her. If so, please PM me. More than happy to swap intel.


07-09-20, 22:20
Visited your fair city to see this Lady. Well worth the trip. She is tall, very sexy and very pretty. Long jet black hair, Tank top, tight jeans, heels. Could have just come from a heavy metal concert. My kind of thing. Pics are accurate but I feel prettier in person. Sweet, gentle, great convo. All good. Met for a lunch / drink mg so no sex this time. I like to connect the first time and she is a great one to connect with first. Definitely DTF though once we established a mutual attraction was there. Wish I could give a juicer review but this was a quality mg with probably a potential long term Baby. Damages were lunch and. 8. A small investment for a follow up date in a private spot for an afternoon in two weeks. Schedules required us to get back to work but we said our goodbyes in her car, made out a bit while she played a little with Mr. Happy. She is looking for new, legit friends who are solid. She is not a flake.Did I understand that you dropped $800 plus lunch on a first date and no sex?

07-09-20, 22:27
So I found a nice sugar baby based in Roanoke. She is willing to meet me in NRV so we meet for coffee and it was a great meeting. We setup a date for a week later which was this week. The date was so much more then I expected. We hit it off and talked for a while and ended it with some great sex. She has the cutest face and neck and a very tight pussy. She is very much into BDSM and her body has the scars to prove it. As such she seams to be open to just about anything and likes it rough. She is still listed on SB.


I am looking forward to seeing her again.

07-10-20, 10:24


Lunch, plus donation damages. 8.

Did I understand that you dropped $800 plus lunch on a first date and no sex

07-14-20, 00:12
Since our mg last week, got to discussing the donations. Suddenly, the generous ppm donation that I offered of $$$ might not be workable. Methinks she has a friend who is also a baby who is in her ear. The baby friend for sure has an old daddy coming to town each week dropping 500+/ week allowance to sit there, treat her to lunch and talk to her while he drools all over himself. No sex. No intimacy. Just gives her lunch, the envelope, then splits. I think she now thinks all SDs need to follow suit. Radars up. If you would like more details, PM me. Otherwise, ante up the cash and have fun. She isn't platonic if she is attracted to you. She really is hot. If she reconsiders, once she doesn't find the old diamond daddy, I will report back.

Visited your fair city to see this Lady. Well worth the trip. She is tall, very sexy and very pretty. Long jet black hair, Tank top, tight jeans, heels. Could have just come from a heavy metal concert. My kind of thing. Pics are accurate but I feel prettier in person. Sweet, gentle, great convo. All good. Met for a lunch / drink mg so no sex this time. I like to connect the first time and she is a great one to connect with first. Definitely DTF though once we established a mutual attraction was there. Wish I could give a juicer review but this was a quality mg with probably a potential long term Baby. Damages were lunch and. 8. A small investment for a follow up date in a private spot for an afternoon in two weeks. Schedules required us to get back to work but we said our goodbyes in her car, made out a bit while she played a little with Mr. Happy. She is looking for new, legit friends who are solid. She is not a flake.

07-14-20, 10:05
Since our mg last week, got to discussing the donations. Suddenly, the generous ppm donation that I offered of $$$ might not be workable. Methinks she has a friend who is also a baby who is in her ear. The baby friend for sure has an old daddy coming to town each week dropping 500+/ week allowance to sit there, treat her to lunch and talk to her while he drools all over himself. No sex. No intimacy. Just gives her lunch, the envelope, then splits. I think she now thinks all SDs need to follow suit. Radars up. If you would like more details, PM me. Otherwise, ante up the cash and have fun. She isn't platonic if she is attracted to you. She really is hot. If she reconsiders, once she doesn't find the old diamond daddy, I will report back.I have found her very hard to communicate with. I am done playing her game. There are others out there.

07-16-20, 13:32
I don't post but this Sweet Girl is looking for a couple of regulars. Wants to stay low volume. Met with her last week she was a little nervous because I was her first meet up she ever had from someone on SA. After her nervous settled down and she became more relaxed she was a heck of a lot of fun. And the best part was after we got started it was Katy Bar The Door we both had fantastic finishes. Not all doors are open. If you want more info and digits send me a PM.


07-16-20, 23:38
I don't post but this Sweet Girl is looking for a couple of regulars. Wants to stay low volume. Met with her last week she was a little nervous because I was her first meet up she ever had from someone on SA. After her nervous settled down and she became more relaxed she was a heck of a lot of fun. And the best part was after we got started it was Katy Bar The Door we both had fantastic finishes. Not all doors are open. If you want more info and digits send me a PM.

https://www.seeking.com/member/1962c739-e24f-4c6e-ad0d-5b6a94cbf048What was her donation?

07-17-20, 07:25
What was her donation?Her donation from me was 350 for 2 hours but that may be negotiable on her part she is looking for money and a few steady customers 9-10 on the mic skills and enjoys doing it. Everything is available except anal. PM me for digits.

08-07-20, 21:48


Has anyone met with this one? Got her to text, told me she needed help with small bills, groceries, etc. No biggie. So I angled for a regular meet up hoping for bbbjcimws. I come to town about once a month to see my SB at an Airbnb. On my way out of town, I wanted to see if she could meet me at the mall parking lot for a BBBJ for. 6, but for msog2, I would leave. 8 or $ if she swallowed both loads (if I could still go at all) Then she tells me fine, but her "SDs" usually sent cash for nude pics of her. I told her no, I meet. I don't send cash for pics. Then she says "well meeting is tough for me with crona (sp) most people I know have it". Really? I know a few people who have, but "most"? LOL. Still like to know if anyone has had her. She is a pretty girl but communication lacks.



She reached out to me, and asked me to meet when in town again. She is very charming, but I think she is legit. No scam vibes. Professional. Polished and very attractive. Will ask her to meet me when I overnight again in the Star City but am curious if anyone has sampled.



I messaged her a few weeks ago. No response. Messaged her again last week with the "just circling back" message. She responded. Very pleasant, viewed my profile this time and scheduled to meet this Thursday or Friday when I am back in town. If anyone has sampled, I would be curious to know how you have made out. If you work out, and look decent with a few pics you can share with her from your SA profile, she will respond. She mentioned that is a plus for her.

I've already posted about SexyVaChick. Good arrangement currently going there, just took time and dripped on her with texts as the GPS wore off. No need to re-post. BB, but no anal or no swallow. Cums hard. Loves to watch porn with you as foreplay.



Currently staying in Charlottesville. A little utr but is coming back to attend Roanoke College in a week or two. A friend of mine nailed her yesterday. Young, tight body, multi-orgasmic. I have not sampled and she hasn't returned my messages as of yet. 300 ppm, but if you need her to book a room (as long as you reimburse her), she is game. That keeps hotel reservations out of your name. All holes open, and I was told takes a pounding.

More reports to come hopefully. There are others out there so I look forward to hearing about them. If in doubt, open an SA account, get a Visa Vanilla with $90 (there is a $5. 95 activation fee so expect to spend $95.95), put up some decent discreet pics on your profile, and do it for 30 days. It's expensive ($95.95 for 30 days). The girls can see who pays and who doesn't. To them, it is major league vs. Minor league. Many have told me that it tells them who means business and who doesn't. Try it out!

Good luck. Stay safe.

08-08-20, 16:54


Has anyone met with this one? Got her to text, told me she needed help with small bills, groceries, etc. No biggie. So I angled for a regular meet up hoping for bbbjcimws. I come to town about once a month to see my SB at an Airbnb. On my way out of town, I wanted to see if she could meet me at the mall parking lot for a BBBJ for. 6, but for msog2, I would leave. 8 or $ if she swallowed both loads (if I could still go at all) Then she tells me fine, but her "SDs" usually sent cash for nude pics of her. I told her no, I meet. I don't send cash for pics. Then she says "well meeting is tough for me with crona (sp) most people I know have it". Really? I know a few people who have, but "most"? LOL. Still like to know if anyone has had her. She is a pretty girl but communication lacks.



She reached out to me, and asked me to meet when in town again. She is very charming, but I think she is legit. No scam vibes. Professional. Polished and very attractive. Will ask her to meet me when I overnight again in the Star City but am curious if anyone has sampled.



I messaged her a few weeks ago. No response. Messaged her again last week with the "just circling back" message. She responded. Very pleasant, viewed my profile this time and scheduled to meet this Thursday or Friday when I am back in town. If anyone has sampled, I would be curious to know how you have made out. If you work out, and look decent with a few pics you can share with her from your SA profile, she will respond. She mentioned that is a plus for her.

I've already posted about SexyVaChick. Good arrangement currently going there, just took time and dripped on her with texts as the GPS wore off. No need to re-post. BB, but no anal or no swallow. Cums hard. Loves to watch porn with you as foreplay.



Currently staying in Charlottesville. A little utr but is coming back to attend Roanoke College in a week or two. A friend of mine nailed her yesterday. Young, tight body, multi-orgasmic. I have not sampled and she hasn't returned my messages as of yet. 300 ppm, but if you need her to book a room (as long as you reimburse her), she is game. That keeps hotel reservations out of your name. All holes open, and I was told takes a pounding.

More reports to come hopefully. There are others out there so I look forward to hearing about them. If in doubt, open an SA account, get a Visa Vanilla with $90 (there is a $5. 95 activation fee so expect to spend $95.95), put up some decent discreet pics on your profile, and do it for 30 days. It's expensive ($95.95 for 30 days). The girls can see who pays and who doesn't. To them, it is major league vs. Minor league. Many have told me that it tells them who means business and who doesn't. Try it out!

Good luck. Stay safe.First one did the same to me. Wanted money upfront which I do not do.


This one is up in Covington, doesn't look anything like her pictures much heavier and older but a very nice lady I did not meet her but pretty sure she's ready to roll if that's your thing.


Great body but her face is rough and very much a street walker vibe, very pushy to meet, has friends she can bring with. Might be great but again not my thing.


If anyone has any info on this one I would appreciate. She seems really cool, works 9 to 5, but she ghosted me on a meeting. She was cool about it and had a reason etc. But just wondering.


DTF, hot, $300 ish depending on chemistry I guess.

08-09-20, 19:49


Has anyone met with this one? Got her to text, told me she needed help with small bills, groceries, etc. No biggie. So I angled for a regular meet up hoping for bbbjcimws. I come to town about once a month to see my SB at an Airbnb. On my way out of town, I wanted to see if she could meet me at the mall parking lot for a BBBJ for. 6, but for msog2, I would leave. 8 or $ if she swallowed both loads (if I could still go at all) Then she tells me fine, but her "SDs" usually sent cash for nude pics of her. I told her no, I meet. I don't send cash for pics. Then she says "well meeting is tough for me with crona (sp) most people I know have it". Really? I know a few people who have, but "most"? LOL. Still like to know if anyone has had her. She is a pretty girl but communication lacks.



She reached out to me, and asked me to meet when in town again. She is very charming, but I think she is legit. No scam vibes. Professional. Polished and very attractive. Will ask her to meet me when I overnight again in the Star City but am curious if anyone has sampled.



I messaged her a few weeks ago. No response. Messaged her again last week with the "just circling back" message. She responded. Very pleasant, viewed my profile this time and scheduled to meet this Thursday or Friday when I am back in town. If anyone has sampled, I would be curious to know how you have made out. If you work out, and look decent with a few pics you can share with her from your SA profile, she will respond. She mentioned that is a plus for her.

I've already posted about SexyVaChick. Good arrangement currently going there, just took time and dripped on her with texts as the GPS wore off. No need to re-post. BB, but no anal or no swallow. Cums hard. Loves to watch porn with you as foreplay.



Currently staying in Charlottesville. A little utr but is coming back to attend Roanoke College in a week or two. A friend of mine nailed her yesterday. Young, tight body, multi-orgasmic. I have not sampled and she hasn't returned my messages as of yet. 300 ppm, but if you need her to book a room (as long as you reimburse her), she is game. That keeps hotel reservations out of your name. All holes open, and I was told takes a pounding.

More reports to come hopefully. There are others out there so I look forward to hearing about them. If in doubt, open an SA account, get a Visa Vanilla with $90 (there is a $5. 95 activation fee so expect to spend $95.95), put up some decent discreet pics on your profile, and do it for 30 days. It's expensive ($95.95 for 30 days). The girls can see who pays and who doesn't. To them, it is major league vs. Minor league. Many have told me that it tells them who means business and who doesn't. Try it out!

Good luck. Stay safe.The first one on your list got in contact with me too. She said the next day she's off she'll get together. She definitely seems dtf. But like you she did push sending me photos for something to help her out until we could get together. I declined. But seems like it's a consistent theme with every guy she gets in contact with. So not sure. She went silent after I declined. So I guess we will see if she's serious. Or if it's just a ploy to get a little money for photos with no intention of getting together at all.

08-14-20, 15:03
Roanoke gents,

That well known Milfy Nurse reached out to me by email yesterday asking that I both promote her OnlyFans page and also help again with some interested Board members to set up meets.

Some of you already have the contact info.

Others, if interested PM me for email contact info, and have something interesting to share.


08-16-20, 16:22
Anyone have experience with Millie0303 they can share? PM if so.


08-18-20, 02:25
Anyone have experience with Millie0303 they can share? PM if so.

https://www.seeking.com/member/da3dbca4-d654-4509-a668-16d218d874bdMatched with her on my Tinder account I have setup for sugaring, and she talked about getting together but then stopped responding. Haven't paid for SA for a couple months since it hasn't seemed worth it, so haven't been able to try connecting with her that way.

08-20-20, 13:29
Just got back on SA yesterday! So far having great results with many good potential ladies! You guys have any intel on the following:

ClementineSC, Roanoke.

Wants to get drinks last night after first contact.


Spicy Chai, Roanoke / Says in Lynchburg now.

Wants to meet up today.


OnTop100, Staunton.

She had a previous account Rylee I think is her name, She is for sure DTF, She is up in the Staunton area however which is closer for me. I had tried to setup something with her a couple of times and she always wanted to bring her gay friend with her. She even suggested that he participate which I wasn't into of course. She will send X-rated content via snapchat. Seems like if she needs money is more prone to actually making it happen, but wants to when she reaches out it seems. Every time she reached out I was not able to. The couple of times I reached out to her we could never iron out the details to make it happen. Seems like $200 is her bottom dollar but she starts off asking for more. I have more pics and info on her if you want it PM me.


Feel free to PM me and I will gladly share much more intel, pics, etc. As I previously had a lot of luck on SA.

08-21-20, 17:55
Just got back on SA yesterday! So far having great results with many good potential ladies! You guys have any intel on the following:

ClementineSC, Roanoke.

Wants to get drinks last night after first contact.


Spicy Chai, Roanoke / Says in Lynchburg now.

Wants to meet up today.


OnTop100, Staunton.

She had a previous account Rylee I think is her name, She is for sure DTF, She is up in the Staunton area however which is closer for me. I had tried to setup something with her a couple of times and she always wanted to bring her gay friend with her. She even suggested that he participate which I wasn't into of course. She will send X-rated content via snapchat. Seems like if she needs money is more prone to actually making it happen, but wants to when she reaches out it seems. Every time she reached out I was not able to. The couple of times I reached out to her we could never iron out the details to make it happen. Seems like $200 is her bottom dollar but she starts off asking for more. I have more pics and info on her if you want it PM me.


Feel free to PM me and I will gladly share much more intel, pics, etc. As I previously had a lot of luck on SA.ClementineSC has been on the site for a long time now. She might have been using a different screen name at one point. In my opinion she's a fake. (I could be wrong) I have her number, we text back and forth and literally anything I say she is OK with. The one problem is she always has a reason she can't meet. Currently she says she's on a road trip. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. SA uses fake accounts, they use real people to talk to clients they do a fine job of making you believe you're about to hook up. It's a brilliant plan! Because a shit ton of guys sign up, pay for the membership & never actually meet the girl because they don't want to spend the cash. Ka-ching!

08-21-20, 21:26
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. SA uses fake accounts, they use real people to talk to clients they do a fine job of making you believe you're about to hook up. It's a brilliant plan! Because a shit ton of guys sign up, pay for the membership & never actually meet the girl because they don't want to spend the cash. Ka-ching!This is true. I once saw a model's list of assignments and one she listed was 'modeling for SA'.

08-22-20, 08:52
ClementineSC has been on the site for a long time now. She might have been using a different screen name at one point. In my opinion she's a fake. (I could be wrong) I have her number, we text back and forth and literally anything I say she is OK with. The one problem is she always has a reason she can't meet. Currently she says she's on a road trip. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. SA uses fake accounts, they use real people to talk to clients they do a fine job of making you believe you're about to hook up. It's a brilliant plan! Because a shit ton of guys sign up, pay for the membership & never actually meet the girl because they don't want to spend the cash. Ka-ching!Not that I am doubting the fake account theory, but this girl is real. I met up with her a couple times about a year and a half or two years ago. It was decent from what I remember.

08-24-20, 13:05
Hi Seniors, and assorted cock hounds, LOL.

I've been on and off SA for about 6 months. My method is to sign up for a month, then lapse for two -three weeks, and then renew another month. There is a lot of turnover of the girls, it's surprising. So I have met a few and they were unmitigated disasters. These damn chicks, some of them HALF my age but my health is 10 x better than theirs. "Curvy" girls that are literally a blob of fat, smokers (20 years plus), diabetic, cancer, fibromyalgia, ugly bad teeth. That's just in the past week, LOL. But the good news is that there are a few gems out there. I just found one, and am going to see how it goes. Sorry not sharing her so don't ask. I paid my $90 and this is the return on investment.

So my theory about SA now is that new girls come on there all the time. The supply is unlimited. I'm an old guy so the really young ones usually don't go for me, but for you dudes 30's 40's and 50's with a decent game, it should be a turkey shoot. Don't waste your time with A-M or Fl*ng, etc, all fakes. I think the better grade of lady on SA gets hooked up quickly, then even though the profile stays up, they don't get back on the site unless they are back looking to find a new SD. So guys, going on and off the site, and picking out the new arrivals I think your chances improve quite a bit. I'd' be interested if others agree. Also I get a lot of "favorite" pings from out side my area, and I block those immediately, they are all total BS.


08-24-20, 13:09
Just got back on SA yesterday! So far having great results with many good potential ladies! You guys have any intel on the following:

ClementineSC, Roanoke.

Wants to get drinks last night after first contact.


Spicy Chai, Roanoke / Says in Lynchburg now.

Wants to meet up today.


OnTop100, Staunton.

She had a previous account Rylee I think is her name, She is for sure DTF, She is up in the Staunton area however which is closer for me. I had tried to setup something with her a couple of times and she always wanted to bring her gay friend with her. She even suggested that he participate which I wasn't into of course. She will send X-rated content via snapchat. Seems like if she needs money is more prone to actually making it happen, but wants to when she reaches out it seems. Every time she reached out I was not able to. The couple of times I reached out to her we could never iron out the details to make it happen. Seems like $200 is her bottom dollar but she starts off asking for more. I have more pics and info on her if you want it PM me.


Feel free to PM me and I will gladly share much more intel, pics, etc. As I previously had a lot of luck on SA.I also had contact with Clementine and replies were very slow or non existent. She's been on SA and WYP for years with the same pics so you know they are outdated.

08-24-20, 15:46
This has to be TGTBT, right?



Member #6652
08-24-20, 20:03
I also had contact with Clementine and replies were very slow or non existent. She's been on SA and WYP for years with the same pics so you know they are outdated.She's genuine and pretty responsive. When she says get some drinks, though, she means it.

08-25-20, 08:28
I also had contact with Clementine and replies were very slow or non existent. She's been on SA and WYP for years with the same pics so you know they are outdated.Hey there, yeah she's real. I thought she was blowing me off, but apparently she spends allot of time taking trips. We recently snap chatted and she's in Florida, she sent some pics but in all honesty she's not as hot as I thought she was. She only texts with guys that are responsive and to those that don't come across as creepy or demanding.

08-29-20, 06:03
Has anyone seen her looks cute and a spinner. I never can get a ad to show a link sorry guys.

08-31-20, 10:22
Has anyone seen her looks cute and a spinner. I never can get a ad to show a link sorry guys.I haven't had any luck with her getting back to me.

08-31-20, 10:28
ClementineSC has been on the site for a long time now. She might have been using a different screen name at one point. In my opinion she's a fake. (I could be wrong) I have her number, we text back and forth and literally anything I say she is OK with. The one problem is she always has a reason she can't meet. Currently she says she's on a road trip. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. SA uses fake accounts, they use real people to talk to clients they do a fine job of making you believe you're about to hook up. It's a brilliant plan! Because a shit ton of guys sign up, pay for the membership & never actually meet the girl because they don't want to spend the cash. Ka-ching!I don't doubt that at all. I will have to follow up with her myself and see what I can find out.

Fortunately I have met and had great luck with many ladies on the site. So I know it's not all fakes. I usually push for the verification photo or video right away. If they won't do it they are fake 95% of the time.

08-31-20, 18:11
I haven't had any luck with her getting back to me.I know she is real because I have seen her at her job.

09-01-20, 08:02
I don't doubt that at all. I will have to follow up with her myself and see what I can find out.

Fortunately I have met and had great luck with many ladies on the site. So I know it's not all fakes. I usually push for the verification photo or video right away. If they won't do it they are fake 95% of the time.Real for sure, we met and had planned going to FC and once she is in the room she says "I can't do this" and says she is leaving. I say WTF, why even meet me then after saying she was into it. Damn if I know why she didn't want to fuck but she didn't, she left, and that's it. Maybe you will have better luck.

09-01-20, 09:03
You're not allowed to say Amazing IOP If this acronym is not on the abbreviations page, LOL!


What (TF) does it mean?

Worth the money. BBBJ, CFS, amazing IOP!

09-01-20, 09:32
Hi, I'm new to the scene. I just created a profile on SA. Figured I would give this a try. I have a few questions, if anyone can help me out. Do you all put photos up showing your face? And do you use your personal credit / debit card to pay for the membership? Because I would rather not use that. Maybe a pre-paid visa card or paypal. If that's an option. Thanks for any info.

John HandCock
09-01-20, 09:41
Hi, I'm new to the scene. I just created a profile on SA. Figured I would give this a try. I have a few questions, if anyone can help me out. Do you all put photos up showing your face? And do you use your personal credit / debit card to pay for the membership? Because I would rather not use that. Maybe a pre-paid visa card or paypal. If that's an option. Thanks for any info.I've done this 10 years and never posted a photo. You can make them hidden and only allow them to be seen by those you want to view them. Prepaid cards work but make sure they are acceptable internationally.

09-01-20, 11:29
You're not allowed to say Amazing IOP If this acronym is not on the abbreviations page, LOL!


What (TF) does it mean?Illusion of Pleasure.

09-01-20, 12:02
Real for sure, we met and had planned going to FC and once she is in the room she says "I can't do this" and says she is leaving. I say WTF, why even meet me then after saying she was into it. Damn if I know why she didn't want to fuck but she didn't, she left, and that's it. Maybe you will have better luck.About how long ago was it when you met her?

09-01-20, 21:23
About how long ago was it when you met her?Been so long, maybe last fall? Jan / Feb? IDK.

09-02-20, 08:11
Has anyone seen this one?


Average looks and figure but was responsive. We were chatting for a couple weeks and had a date set at her place, FS 200. (I don't play these. 2 decimal games or whatever, WTF). She can host as long as she has advance notice for a sitter. Great. Then like 3 hours before the date she cancels, light chat for a couple days following, then full ghosting. She's still logging into SA.

09-03-20, 01:44
Hey there, yeah she's real. I thought she was blowing me off, but apparently she spends allot of time taking trips. We recently snap chatted and she's in Florida, she sent some pics but in all honesty she's not as hot as I thought she was. She only texts with guys that are responsive and to those that don't come across as creepy or demanding.She just recently hit me up again and without even asking she did say she just got back from Florida. I was going to push for a verification selfie but it was late tonight and I didn't get anymore response from her.

09-03-20, 13:22
Hi, I'm new to the scene. I just created a profile on SA. Figured I would give this a try. I have a few questions, if anyone can help me out. Do you all put photos up showing your face? And do you use your personal credit / debit card to pay for the membership? Because I would rather not use that. Maybe a pre-paid visa card or paypal. If that's an option. Thanks for any info.I have posted the maximum number of pics of myself. I'm single so no concerns when it comes to being caught or anytime by SO. I would at least post a pic maybe with your face blurred out partially. Take time to fill out your profile info.

09-04-20, 20:03
I have posted the maximum number of pics of myself. I'm single so no concerns when it comes to being caught or anytime by SO. I would at least post a pic maybe with your face blurred out partially. Take time to fill out your profile info.Agree. I put just a single photo of myself, as I too have no worries about being seen on Seeking, . Although I found one of my daughter's high school friends on there, LOL (I know her mom, wonder of she knows, hehe) I have successfully used a OneVanilla card I buy at walmart. I put like only $100 on it so Seeking can't automatically recharge me for additional months. (use the remaining balance at the dollar store) When you use a gift card like that you still need to put in your name address and phone number. I use "Textnow" to get a bogus phone number that I give out if I want to chat with someone. It's free. This is my system and it has worked for many months. As I mentioned in previous posts I join SA for a month, then stay off for 3-4 weeks then rejoin. There's always fresh ladies to choose from.


09-04-20, 20:07
Has anyone had experience with this lady?


Gawd, I hate all the pics with damned filters. Many of the pics look old also.

09-04-20, 20:19
I don't have a link but can provide info on SA profile "carmelcornn" 24 yo Charlottesville. PM for details, but the short version is "avoid".


09-06-20, 09:09
I don't have a link but can provide info on SA profile "carmelcornn" 24 yo Charlottesville. PM for details, but the short version is "avoid".

Krusty.I have talked with her before and she is on Tinder as well. Let me know the details!


09-06-20, 09:12
Has anyone had experience with this lady?


Gawd, I hate all the pics with damned filters. Many of the pics look old also.We had a plan to meet in Troutville for $150, she was going to cover the hotel at that rate. Been talking to her now and again with plans to eventually get together but have not done so yet. What did she tell you Krusty?

09-06-20, 22:16
We had a plan to meet in Troutville for $150, she was going to cover the hotel at that rate. Been talking to her now and again with plans to eventually get together but have not done so yet. What did she tell you Krusty?Since my standard practice is to meet for lunch / dinner only first time out, I suspected this one was looking to get a room straight away. Wasn't going there. She makes all sort of chat about how good and honest she is, but seeing is believing. So we have plans to meet for dinner soon. I have a bad feeling that it won't be to my liking. If I go through with the meet, will report to the gang here.

09-07-20, 21:04
Since my standard practice is to meet for lunch / dinner only first time out, I suspected this one was looking to get a room straight away. Wasn't going there. She makes all sort of chat about how good and honest she is, but seeing is believing. So we have plans to meet for dinner soon. I have a bad feeling that it won't be to my liking. If I go through with the meet, will report to the gang hereYeah she has always been about getting straight to it when I have talked to her. I talked to her today and she wanted to get together. I just couldn't squeeze it in at 6 pm, she never seems to be able to much later.

09-07-20, 21:20
I know for most of you Roanoke guys this one is going to be out of your area but regardless here is my report. Being that she is only about 20 minutes away from me I said what the hell. The pictures looked not so great but the body looked okay = skinny.

She actually looks WAY better in person, her pics are terrible. She must have issues with her eyesight to post herself cross eyed.

She straight up took my money while promising sex and did not deliver. I gave her $82 or something in cash and $35 on Cashapp. I rubbed on her back a while, took her top off, took some pictures of her. When I slid my hands down her pants she said oh no not of the first date!

She also said I had all night to stay with her till like 6-7 am, after 35 minutes she was going to get her "neighbour" aka boyfriend most likely because I wouldn't leave without my money back or my balls drained. She could have gave me a hand-job and I would have left happy. This is the first SA experience that was basically an escort in disguise. She said she's from Roanoke / Wythville so maybe you guys know her.

Being lied to so directly like that basically just stealing my money in my face is what pisses me off about such situations. I have already spent time in jail so I don't get too confrontation or crazy, but I can see that happening. She kept insisting I pay her all up front as well, just like an escort. She claims however she never did it only ran an escort service before, very likely.

She ended up giving me $35 back on cashapp. Now she still messaging me about she really liked me and wants to see me again for free. I don't think that's anything but an attempt to keep something like this post from happening.

I would AVOID, unless you like paying to give a back rub. It was her house / rental as well and I didn't check the house but felt someone else was likely there. She said they were at work.

Glasgow is near Buena Vista, north of Roanoke probably 45 minutes.

Preshus4 You.

45 Year old White Blonde Hair Female, Skinny but had a belly on her.


**I have had several good experiences on SA lately that I have not posted. They are ongoing so-far and I want to wait a while. I will post the good ones soon however. *.

09-09-20, 13:15
I didn't realize the Hotel Roanoke bar was a common place for Sugarbabys to pick up Daddy's. Talking to another member, he told me one of his girls tried it. And after speaking to several other girls on the site, they all seem to be well aware. They have either tried it, or know someone who has. One girl told me the hotel is known to kick girls out who get caught doing that. Has anyone else tried hanging out there? It makes sense, the place is full of guys with lots of money and expensive rooms. Honestly I've never been there, so I dunno.

09-10-20, 12:48
I didn't realize the Hotel Roanoke bar was a common place for Sugarbabys to pick up Daddy's. Talking to another member, he told me one of his girls tried it. And after speaking to several other girls on the site, they all seem to be well aware. They have either tried it, or know someone who has. One girl told me the hotel is known to kick girls out who get caught doing that. Has anyone else tried hanging out there? It makes sense, the place is full of guys with lots of money and expensive rooms. Honestly I've never been there, so I dunno.So from an SBs perspective I have met a few gentlemen at bars, casinos and sports bars. The freestyling aspect has been much more fruitful for all involved. I have typically gone to The Hotel Roanoke for work events or yearly dinners with friends then ventured off on my own. A few years back that was the case and I met one of my SDs staying there on business. That was one of my best nights with a simple chat at the bar over bourbon and we still have a great arrangement going on 5 yrs strong. Definitely do not sell yourself short on any platform you use to seek out great potentials but know time and investment like any venture returns great capital.

09-11-20, 15:20
So from an SBs perspective I have met a few gentlemen at bars, casinos and sports bars. The freestyling aspect has been much more fruitful for all involved. I have typically gone to The Hotel Roanoke for work events or yearly dinners with friends then ventured off on my own. A few years back that was the case and I met one of my SDs staying there on business. That was one of my best nights with a simple chat at the bar over bourbon and we still have a great arrangement going on 5 yrs strong. Definitely do not sell yourself short on any platform you use to seek out great potentials but know time and investment like any venture returns great capital.Interesting to have a female perspective on the Board.

I usually do my meet ups at BDubs.


09-13-20, 09:55
Interesting to have a female perspective on the Board.

I usually do my meet ups at BDubs.

Skins.Do you arrange your meet and greets at B. Dubs? Or do you do you skip SA, wrangle the girl up, offer her Roses altogether at B. Dubs?

09-14-20, 12:48
Do you arrange your meet and greets at B. Dubs? Or do you do you skip SA, wrangle the girl up, offer her Roses altogether at B. Dubs?Sand,

No, use sd4 me, move to email, then maybe text and use a public place for meet and greet, then to room if chemistry and connection and donation are good.


09-14-20, 22:38
On SA: https://www.seeking.com/member/bc13e689-70a6-4277-8a67-c8623a320891.

She texts. She offers a donation amount. She called on the phone. But for one reason or another plans always fail. Has anyone had any success?

09-15-20, 08:45

No, use sd4 me, move to email, then maybe text and use a public place for meet and greet, then to room if chemistry and connection and donation are good.

Skins.Are you giving them a 'gift' for the m&g of just if things progress?

09-15-20, 13:18
Are you giving them a 'gift' for the m&g of just if things progress?Things move to the Hotel for adult fun.

09-15-20, 13:19
Roanoke gents,

Any intel on this one?




09-15-20, 14:21
On SA: https://www.seeking.com/member/bc13e689-70a6-4277-8a67-c8623a320891.

She texts. She offers a donation amount. She called on the phone. But for one reason or another plans always fail. Has anyone had any success?She's a game player, same experience you mentioned.

09-16-20, 12:37

Still looking for any feedback on this girl. We've been doing some texting but no M&G yet. Lots of photos offered, but not much information.

09-16-20, 12:45
Hey guys,

Was listening to a youtube podcast about the dating scene. (I'm not in the Tinder or other dating apps, but mainly the sugar bowl) The presenter was saying that the traditional dating scene is totally screwed up, and women are ditching traditional dating scene and apps for the sugar sites, because. They want free cash and prizes! (big surprise there LOL) I have been off SA for a week or so after my last subscription expired, and I see dozens of new faces. It's pretty awesome actually. We just have to find which ones are serious about a sugar arrangements. Many are not, but just seeking a free meal or paypal cash because "they are going though a lot right now". Boo f--cking hoo. So keep your game sharp, and don't be afraid to call these girls out on their BS. Find a couple of real ones and the fun begins.

09-16-20, 16:01
On SA: https://www.seeking.com/member/bc13e689-70a6-4277-8a67-c8623a320891.

She texts. She offers a donation amount. She called on the phone. But for one reason or another plans always fail. Has anyone had any success?I have been texting with her quite often as well. Have not tried to setup a meeting but she does seem like she is interested. I just don't have the time and several other prospects in line ahead of her.

I had some free time last night 9/15 and tried to get her to meet me then but she could not, said she had interviews in the morning today 9/16. She has told me she is single, no kids, and lives by herself. I have not asked her if she is able to host or not. I have also not asking if she is up for sex or not. Any updates / intel I will provide as well. Thanks guys!

Any intel is greatly appreciated! What did she say her price was? And was sex promised? Hotel or her place?

09-17-20, 14:00

Messaged this one about setting something up. Her response was "I sell cotent"; so not only does she apparently not fuck, she can't spell.

09-17-20, 14:03

Conversation moved offline, but responding sporadically so no info yet. Anyone else?

09-17-20, 14:13
https://www.seeking.com/member/16fd0f82-3e17-4029-9b35-8fac91fb6b50 Working on a m&g with this one.

https://www.seeking.com/member/a34ead58-e6b1-4bdf-b7e5-31778090a577 Got a number & texted this one but won't commit to m&g yet.

https://www.seeking.com/member/d68e767c-a142-48c3-adb7-b4842ad90d26 Texted this one pretty quick. Really eager to set up an "experience"; wanted me to help cover hair, mani / pedi, couple sexy outfits, then we'd meet for an amazing experience. Really? And definitely a GPS vibe on top of the up-front expenses.

https://www.seeking.com/member/8c805c36-6357-404f-9411-db4bf5ef3237 Still working on this one.

https://www.seeking.com/member/3a7f5d40-6eb6-409d-a11c-a11ed9262447 And this one; although hasn't she been reported on as all talk, no meet?

Any info on any of these or comparing / sharing info, glad to help. Took advantage of the "back to school sale" and re-upped, have a few more days left.

09-18-20, 09:09
I have been texting with her quite often as well. Have not tried to setup a meeting but she does seem like she is interested. I just don't have the time and several other prospects in line ahead of her.

I had some free time last night 9/15 and tried to get her to meet me then but she could not, said she had interviews in the morning today 9/16. She has told me she is single, no kids, and lives by herself. I have not asked her if she is able to host or not. I have also not asking if she is up for sex or not. Any updates / intel I will provide as well. Thanks guys!

Any intel is greatly appreciated! What did she say her price was? And was sex promised? Hotel or her placeShe's a lesbian. She says she prefers men, but her Instagram pics show otherwise. She cleverly hides her body, but in one of her Facebook pics she appears very frumpy. I've given up, she seems sweet but she's looking for her Prince Charming. The more money you offer, the more she will talk.

09-18-20, 15:20
[https://www.seeking.com/member/d68e767c-a142-48c3-adb7-b4842ad90d26] Texted this one pretty quick. Really eager to set up an "experience"; wanted me to help cover hair, mani / pedi, couple sexy outfits, then we'd meet for an amazing experience. Really? And definitely a GPS vibe on top of the up-front expenses.

I was going to check this one, but thanks for the heads-up. I would need to re-up my membership to do so. Do you really think those are recent photos of a 38-year old? Typical sort of BS with old or retouched photos.

Any info on any of these or comparing / sharing info, glad to help. Took advantage of the "back to school sale" and re-upped, have a few more days left. [ / QUOTE].

09-18-20, 15:28

M&G with this one. Nice personality, petite, seems honest and genuine. I'd say a bit rough around the edges, missing teeth etc. She's obviously a wild child in the sack, so might have to overlook the flaws and check it out. Says 32 y / o but might be older going by looks. Senior members feel free to PM me.

09-21-20, 21:32
https://www.seeking.com/member/a34ead58-e6b1-4bdf-b7e5-31778090a577 Got a number & texted this one but won't commit to m&g yet.

https://www.seeking.com/member/8c805c36-6357-404f-9411-db4bf5ef3237 Still working on this one.

Any info on any of these or comparing / sharing info, glad to help. Took advantage of the "back to school sale" and re-upped, have a few more days left.These two I have talked to. The first girl, katiekat76. She wanted a "few hundred dollars" for a m&g. But no sex all the time. Wants to do other fun stuff as well. Ok fine, we exchanged numbers. And that was about it. She hasn't responded since the initial text. Odd. Won't keep trying.

The second one, Tiffanysoleil. I offered her $$. 5 for FS, FWB arrangement. She responded with, "I charge more than that. " Of course. Me being still interested, based on her photos. Asked what she charges then, and no response. Like really. Why say you want more than what I offered, but then won't say how much.

09-24-20, 07:07
These two I have talked to. The first girl, katiekat76. She wanted a "few hundred dollars" for a m&g. But no sex all the time. Wants to do other fun stuff as well. Ok fine, we exchanged numbers. And that was about it. She hasn't responded since the initial text. Odd. Won't keep trying.

The second one, Tiffanysoleil. I offered her $$. 5 for FS, FWB arrangement. She responded with, "I charge more than that. " Of course. Me being still interested, based on her photos. Asked what she charges then, and no response. Like really. Why say you want more than what I offered, but then won't say how much.Sorry what is $$. 5 ? $50? I hope its not $500. Unless that's for a month of fun. I been talking to her as well she never really gave me a price. She's really hard to communicate with, days between text responses. Got kids, work, busy life she told me.

09-24-20, 07:09
Hi I am going to be in Blacksburg this weekend and wanted to get some reviews, but don't see many here. Does anyone know of a good place for reviews of Blacksburg babies? I have a couple meetups set up with women who seem to regularly make arrangements, but I couldn't find any reviews.

Also, does anyone have intel on BellaL97 in Roanoke?


09-24-20, 11:56
Hi I am going to be in Blacksburg this weekend and wanted to get some reviews, but don't see many here. Does anyone know of a good place for reviews of Blacksburg babies? I have a couple meetups set up with women who seem to regularly make arrangements, but I couldn't find any reviews.

Also, does anyone have intel on BellaL97 in Roanoke?

https://www.seeking.com/member/185bd2f7-27c8-4390-8aaa-cc32532d6e11You won't find any reviews on VT gals. Pic sellers and dinner dates only even before the Covid. YMMV due to age or what you might offer them. Better luck with JMU gals in Harrisonburg. Why, I have no clue.

09-24-20, 17:46
You won't find any reviews on VT gals. Pic sellers and dinner dates only even before the Covid. YMMV due to age or what you might offer them. Better luck with JMU gals in Harrisonburg. Why, I have no clue.Exactly. Moved up here from Knoxville and college girls here are GPS for pics, videos; expect to be paid to meet you for dinner w / nothing else. Only had 1 success in the area, and it was a long-term relationship that went excellent but ended poorly. Ever since, I've come up dry with the exception of a couple semi-pros who were using SA to hook.

09-24-20, 20:48
Sorry what is $$. 5 ? $50? I hope its not $500. Unless that's for a month of fun. I been talking to her as well she never really gave me a price. She's really hard to communicate with, days between text responses. Got kids, work, busy life she told me.250. That's how much I offered for FS. She wanted more then that. I was willing to pay more, if reasonable. But no response after inquiring about her price.

Member #6652
09-24-20, 23:02
You won't find any reviews on VT gals. Pic sellers and dinner dates only even before the Covid. YMMV due to age or what you might offer them. Better luck with JMU gals in Harrisonburg. Why, I have no clue.I wouldn't say the Blacksburg / Radford area is all that bad, but there is some sifting to do and you might find some expect a fair bit of investment. I have not been active during the pandemic, but may be useful if you have specific questions. May not too, as I have not been going wild or anything. Let me know if you think I might help.

09-24-20, 23:47
250. That's how much I offered for FS. She wanted more then that. I was willing to pay more, if reasonable. But no response after inquiring about her price.I actually know her personally. She's definitely cool. I mean we talked briefly about setting up something. She offered to go on a date if I paid one bill for her. How much we are talking for said Bill? I have no clue. We didn't get that far. It was just kind of a feeler for me. Cause I did have a huge crush on her back in the day. But not super serious whether I want to start something up right now. And the vibe I got from her was she wasn't really seriously looking for anything either. Unless it was extremely beneficial for her. She wasn't in need of any type of relationship really. Her exact words to me actually. And I wasn't either so I kinda just let it go for the time being. And like what's been said it was inconsistent response from her. She started to reach out a little more when I got her number. But I kinda lost interest. Maybe not lost just not in need enough to keep reaching out with little effort in return. But yeah I think you're talking much more than 250. I'd say at least double. Maybe more. Just the vibe I got.

09-25-20, 22:35
I will start out with two caveats:

1. I don't think I really look for the same thing most guys here do. I'm not some connoisseur of sex. I just like hot women with big boobs and want to play with them sometimes.

2. I'm not going to give out numbers, because I didn't ask the two women I met with if I could, plus it took a lot of sorting through the scammers to find them.

Ok, so here are the two women I met with:



She has some of the biggest boobs I've ever seen on a non-fat woman (she isn't a spinner but is truly just thick, not fat). She was a blast to talk with and was funny. She reminded me of women I've dated in the past. It was a seriously fun experience. It did not feel at all like being with someone from stg or whatever. It was wholesome, hearty sex.



Dani is kind of a hippie and was also a lot of fun, though I think she is used to a more sensual, tantric, slower sex, which I didn't really have the juice to do at that point of the night. She seemed kind of nervous for some reason, but I bet she would really warm up to you if you were a regular. She has a side hustle with cams, so she had the pse moans down, which was kind of fun. She has gorgeous DD boobs on a really thin frame. Definitely a spinner.

Both were really good communicators to set up their meets, though Taylor had some radio silence here and there.

The price was higher than what I'm used to paying, but it was totally worth it. $300 for Taylor, $350 for Dani.

09-27-20, 05:08
Hi I am going to be in Blacksburg this weekend and wanted to get some reviews, but don't see many here. Does anyone know of a good place for reviews of Blacksburg babies? I have a couple meetups set up with women who seem to regularly make arrangements, but I couldn't find any reviews.

Also, does anyone have intel on BellaL97 in Roanoke?

https://www.seeking.com/member/185bd2f7-27c8-4390-8aaa-cc32532d6e11I have been texting with Bella for almost a month now. My SA membership just expired and I started talking to her at the beginning of it. She texts me everytday and is keeping up the contact much better than I.

She lost her job recently and has really been pushing to get togeter, she got 100% availability she told me. Great, Saturday 26th I told her I was going to be in Roanoke and would like to meet her. Maybe do something or at least say Hi for 5 minutes to break that first meeting. That first meeting is by far the hardest to get and its got to be low-pressure with an exit for the girl especially dealing with 20 year olds. I gave her notice a good day or so before and told her I would be in roanoke all day and getting a hotel and spending the night (where I am as I write this). Basically we said our normal good mornings and she has ghosted me the rest of the day and night.

Knowing that I had 3-4 other Roanoke prospects setup to meet, all young girls under 25, none of them came through. If I had the energy I would give you the exact reasons. Headache, bodyache, family, all of a sudden really tired and more horny in the mornings anyways. So we shall see about the morning one. They are all girls that have been discussed on here.

Hrtofthematter (Audrey I hit up at 11 pm and she said she would come to my room if she didn't have her son tonight / tomorrow).

The other no-gos: Clementine (supposed to meet in morning because she's horny and not tired LOL).

Belle of course.

Suga Suga (Lisa) - Another sick one.

I have not yet met another under 25 they all talk big but nada. It might happen. I thought Bella FOR SURE was gonig to be the one, no job, she contacts me daily, and knows the deal.

Oh and another note about Bella. She said we could have sex but she required protection.

Sounds like a shitty trip right?

No this was just my round 2 backup plan. The main event happened during the day and was a great time with Audrea C. - full review coming soon.

09-27-20, 07:20

Also met up with Rosie in Roanoke yesterday. She was definitely a step down from the VT tories, but was sweet and I think wanted to please. I think she probably would habe done about anything I asked, though I was tired and really just wanted a BJ and a massage by the time she got to my hotel. She has nice boobs (she said DD or DDD) but also has a belly. She has some weird teeth. I offered her 200 to come over and she didn't haggle, so I think you could offer much less. She said she had only met up with one other guy before and it was super sketchy, so hopefully I kept her into the game by treating her like a human being.

I actually never took the conversation off the site, which was kinda weird for me, but I was short on time.

09-27-20, 10:34
I've had same experience with Bella. Had been texting regularly. Telling me all about how she lost her job and is available all the time. We set up plans to meet up a couple different times and something comes up for her or she blows it off. She finally just stopped responding. Not really sure what the game is cause she is still online at SA all the time.

I have been texting with Bella for almost a month now. My SA membership just expired and I started talking to her at the beginning of it. She texts me everytday and is keeping up the contact much better than I.

She lost her job recently and has really been pushing to get togeter, she got 100% availability she told me. Great, Saturday 26th I told her I was going to be in Roanoke and would like to meet her. Maybe do something or at least say Hi for 5 minutes to break that first meeting. That first meeting is by far the hardest to get and its got to be low-pressure with an exit for the girl especially dealing with 20 year olds. I gave her notice a good day or so before and told her I would be in roanoke all day and getting a hotel and spending the night (where I am as I write this). Basically we said our normal good mornings and she has ghosted me the rest of the day and night.

Knowing that I had 3-4 other Roanoke prospects setup to meet, all young girls under 25, none of them came through. If I had the energy I would give you the exact reasons. Headache, bodyache, family, all of a sudden really tired and more horny in the mornings anyways. So we shall see about the morning one. They are all girls that have been discussed on here.

Hrtofthematter (Audrey I hit up at 11 pm and she said she would come to my room if she didn't have her son tonight / tomorrow).

The other no-gos: Clementine (supposed to meet in morning because she's horny and not tired LOL).

Belle of course.

Suga Suga (Lisa) - Another sick one.

I have not yet met another under 25 they all talk big but nada. It might happen. I thought Bella FOR SURE was gonig to be the one, no job, she contacts me daily, and knows the deal.

Oh and another note about Bella. She said we could have sex but she required protection.

Sounds like a shitty trip right?

No this was just my round 2 backup plan. The main event happened during the day and was a great time with Audrea C. - full review coming soon.

09-30-20, 07:44

Any guys been banging her lately.

10-01-20, 01:42

Any guys been banging her lately.She would never verify that she was real with me. Based on her pics TGTBT in my opinion and no verification with the site.

10-01-20, 02:29
Met 3 ladies from SA over the weekend. It wasn't my plan but it happened.


First was Andrea, goes by MastersRN. I can't really get into all what we did but I was more then happy with the time for 300 roses. I did provide her with other benefits besides the roses however.

While she is a bit thick the experience makes up for it. She was totally into it and made the experience one of the best I have had in a long time. Full GFE. She was soaking wet when we started and her game overall just fantastic. She knows how to please.

She also squirts and it came as a total surprise. I don't know if she is actively working or not, she is busy with life and work. I can tell you more in private message and possibly help if you are wanting to see her. I also have pics, etc. If I get the clear from her I can share. PM Me.



Well I can verify she is real. We met at my hotel in the morning just to get the meeting part out of the way. For me this is the hardest part usually and meeting #2 is usually much smoother when it happens. We have recently discussed her here and questioned if she is real or not.

Overall she is pretty cool easy to talk to. She has answered my text messages pretty much like usual since we met a couple of days ago. I was up for more that morning but she had other stuff to do so I did not push the issue. We kind of ran out of time and it was checkout time for my hotel as well. We had coffee I ran out to get. I'm not sure how she felt about me. I am pretty much broke right now anyways so not pushing anything but I will stay in contact for a future visit now that we met.

She did hang out an hour or two and I didn't give her any roses.

I really didn't even think about it. Its not my normal thing anyways to pay for that kind of time.



She actually came to me about here about an hour from Roanoke. We had talked previously about what would take place hopefully when we got together. She even had said that comdoms are required. Seems like this was off the table however even when I offered her $. Guess she was not interested once she met me. I had little hope of anything actually happening anyways due to her age. I just have never had any luck with that young. We sat around a couple hours watched TV and talked that was the extent of it. I really didn't have the extra money to blow anyways since I had just seen #1 a couple of days before. Pretty sure she just was not interested as her daily text messages have stopped. Its a little hit to the ego but as expected. My theory is under 25 is a very slim chance of meeting at all. I think she just wanted to prove me wrong and meet me LOL. I gave her $50 because I felt bad for her losing her job and driving an hour to see me. I tried to text her about it but she just ignored the message. You can't win them all.


I have overall had good luck and experiences with SA. I have been consistently seeing another lady from the site I met right when I re-upped my membership. We have met 4 times, she has been to my house spent the night and I have been to hers recently. It seems like a real relationship now and so I don't really want to give any details on who she is. Just my overall opinion on SA I love it. I would never have met a woman this hot on my own. My matches on traditional dating sites suck. Before her I also had great luck on SA with a hot 30 year old Costa Rican girl that I was seeing for a month and half. Her body was 10/10 perfect in my opinion. We had some small communication issues, she spoke excellent English just the little things. She loved sex and wanted it more than I did and wanted to fuck and fuck on and on forever. I think she left the site or blocked me I can't find her or username anymore. We had a small disagreement and that was it she bailed. I do feel like you have to put more effort into yourself on SA and you will get more out of it. Just my thoughts and experiences I wanted to share. Feel free to PM me anytime if you want to chat!

And another thing. I hit up Gold and Silver Strip Club in Roanoke on Saturday night. Was more lively then I figured and some hot babes for sure.

I didn't really have any luck picking up a stripper but one day I am going to! If anyone ever wants to join me one night I would be up for going again. PM Me.

10-01-20, 14:26
She would never verify that she was real with me. Based on her pics TGTBT in my opinion and no verification with the site.She is definitely real.

10-01-20, 14:38
She would never verify that she was real with me. Based on her pics TGTBT in my opinion and no verification with the site.She's real. I met her several times.

10-01-20, 18:20
She would never verify that she was real with me. Based on her pics TGTBT in my opinion and no verification with the site.She's real, I've reported on her in the past.

10-02-20, 10:43
She would never verify that she was real with me. Based on her pics TGTBT in my opinion and no verification with the site.I'm not sure if you heard or not bro, but she's definitely real!

10-03-20, 17:13
So we have somebody in this forum contacting the girls reviewed and linking the review I wrote sending it to them. Now I have this girl contacting me upset about it.

Real nice job guys. Guess I won't be sharing anymore details with you.

From now on you can PM me if you want any details.

10-04-20, 22:18
So we have somebody in this forum contacting the girls reviewed and linking the review I wrote sending it to them. Now I have this girl contacting me upset about it.

Real nice job guys. Guess I won't be sharing anymore details with you.

From now on you can PM me if you want any details.What an idiot! The ladies do not even need to know about this site. Some people ruin it for everyone!

10-04-20, 22:47
So we have somebody in this forum contacting the girls reviewed and linking the review I wrote sending it to them. Now I have this girl contacting me upset about it.

Real nice job guys. Guess I won't be sharing anymore details with you.

From now on you can PM me if you want any details.I mean I don't get what the deal is. Not that I would even think to do that anyway. And Not currently a member of Sa anyway right now. But still. I guess I don't get what the motive is behind it besides maybe cock blocking. So it's a little strange maybe. But why would she be upset if it's a good review or if it's bad why would you care what she thinks. And on top of that Number one how would they even know it was you who wrote the review? And beyond that they're on a sugar baby website. Seeing multiple guys I'd guess LOL. So How's that any different than word of mouth.

10-05-20, 08:43
I mean I don't get what the deal is. Not that I would even think to do that anyway. And Not currently a member of Sa anyway right now. But still. I guess I don't get what the motive is behind it besides maybe cock blocking. So it's a little strange maybe. But why would she be upset if it's a good review or if it's bad why would you care what she thinks. And on top of that Number one how would they even know it was you who wrote the review? And beyond that they're on a sugar baby website. Seeing multiple guys I'd guess LOL. So How's that any different than word of mouth.This is pretty much my feelings on it as well. I haven't told anyone anything, but as far as I'm concerned its a good thing. If girls know about this site and are aware that bad service has consequences then they are more likely to put in the effort to please customers.

10-06-20, 07:18
Anyone had any meetings or dealings her https://www.seeking.com/member/da3dbca4-d654-4509-a668-16d218d874bd.

10-07-20, 05:07
This is pretty much my feelings on it as well. I haven't told anyone anything, but as far as I'm concerned its a good thing. If girls know about this site and are aware that bad service has consequences then they are more likely to put in the effort to please customers.Yeah, but some of us might want to write a bad / brutally honest review while leaving open the possibility of meeting again. It is fine if they know that something like this exists, but mongers should be free to speak freely without much worry that their words will get back to the sex worker / sugar baby, so they shouldn't know its name.

10-07-20, 11:42
Yeah, but some of us might want to write a bad / brutally honest review while leaving open the possibility of meeting again. It is fine if they know that something like this exists, but mongers should be free to speak freely without much worry that their words will get back to the sex worker / sugar baby, so they shouldn't know its name.I mean I am confused though. If you're okay they know it exists they're going to see said bad / brutally honest review anyway. So would you have a problem if that guy had just directed her to this site instead of sending the review directly to her? Either way I get if its a situation where someone actually knows you. Meaning your real name. Who you are. And they're going on there putting you on blast with girls. That's messed up. But everyone has good and bad experiences with relationships. So I just don't see the big deal. Maybe for her cause it might effect her money. But remember you're a customer so I think you have a right to question someone on a bad review when you're paying for a service. I don't know the context of what the guys motives were or what he was exactly doing. But beyond that money usually talks at the end of the day so I am going to assume nobody is going to just completely refuse to see you when that's the set up. And if they do and you already had a horrible experience with them. It might be a blessing LOL.

10-07-20, 17:56
I mean I am confused though. If you're okay they know it exists they're going to see said bad / brutally honest review anyway. So would you have a problem if that guy had just directed her to this site instead of sending the review directly to her? Either way I get if its a situation where someone actually knows you. Meaning your real name. Who you are. And they're going on there putting you on blast with girls. That's messed up. But everyone has good and bad experiences with relationships. So I just don't see the big deal. Maybe for her cause it might effect her money. But remember you're a customer so I think you have a right to question someone on a bad review when you're paying for a service. I don't know the context of what the guys motives were or what he was exactly doing. But beyond that money usually talks at the end of the day so I am going to assume nobody is going to just completely refuse to see you when that's the set up. And if they do and you already had a horrible experience with them. It might be a blessing LOL.Most, but not all, of the girls on sugar baby sites do not think of themselves as pros. So anything like reviews shatters that illusion for them.

10-07-20, 19:35
Most, but not all, of the girls on sugar baby sites do not think of themselves as pros. So anything like reviews shatters that illusion for them.I mean yeah that's not my point. I don't disagree. I will say I think the girls you're talking about though value a more long term relationship. Not just simple motel hookups. So yeah I think they definitely take offense to that. So I am sure it does. I am just saying money talks a lot of times in these relationships. Obviously. And beyond that by your own words. Knowing that about a girl. Then why put yourself at risk at all. And write a bad / brutally honest review if you might be interested in seeing the girl again possibly. My biggest point was if you don't mind the girl knowing about the site what's the big deal then.

10-07-20, 22:41
Hi, if you on SA be sure to check out the escort forum here there are postings there of a a problematic sugar baby that might save you some trouble.

10-08-20, 14:08

Nice looking girl. Wants $50 for pics, $100 for videos, till "we get comfortable and past COVID issues, then I'd love to meet you. " I'm not into buying pic. Porn is free LOL. So if she won't meet soon one of y'all can buy her pics LOL.

10-08-20, 17:39
I mean yeah that's not my point. I don't disagree. I will say I think the girls you're talking about though value a more long term relationship. Not just simple motel hookups. So yeah I think they definitely take offense to that. So I am sure it does. I am just saying money talks a lot of times in these relationships. Obviously. And beyond that by your own words. Knowing that about a girl. Then why put yourself at risk at all. And write a bad / brutally honest review if you might be interested in seeing the girl again possibly. My biggest point was if you don't mind the girl knowing about the site what's the big deal then.My bad. I wasn't intending my post as a reply to yours. I should have created a brand new post.

10-10-20, 18:06
Has anyone seen this one?


10-10-20, 19:27
Has anyone seen this one?

https://www.seeking.com/member/423bdae5-ad6b-42c2-a64f-cec35dfa1679I talked to her a while back. Never got together with her. She's definitely down to meet. And dtf. Sounded open to just about anything. But I passed. She was looking for 1200 for two hours I believe. Coulda been 4. Not exactly sure. But she requested 600 upfront. And Wouldn't budge from that demand. So I moved on after that.

10-15-20, 20:44
After giving the sugar daddy route a try for a month. My membership for SA expired the end of September. I want to talk about my experiences I've had on there.

https://www.seeking.com/member/415c9508-b60b-4ea9-b08f-23af9177612a - Talked to this one, and after mutual interest. We decided to set up a M&G. While there was no talk of any arrangement. She seems to be down for anything. Funny thing is, we met on another dating site as well. So we meet for lunch, and all was well. She is a very nice girl, and friendly. Though from meeting her. She's really not my type. Huge knockers. LOL. But no ass really. We say our goodbyes. Haven't heard from her since that meeting. I didn't pursue any further. So no gain, no loss.

https://www.seeking.com/member/8c805c36-6357-404f-9411-db4bf5ef3237 - Mentioned her before in previous post, but yeah. Offered her 250 for FS, all options on the table. She responded with, "I charge way more than that. " Asked her how much. No response.

https://www.seeking.com/member/a34ead58-e6b1-4bdf-b7e5-31778090a577 - She had my attention with them photos. We talk for a bit. She said she was DTF, but not all the time. She quoted as saying, "I don't want to have sex all the time. " She wanted to do other fun 'things. ' Ok, I wasn't interested in platonic meetings. But I kept talking to her, and got the digits. But after initial text. Straight ghost. I don't think she's serious about meeting.

https://www.seeking.com/member/eb3f25b8-9457-4c8c-bbd7-7bee2c71f330 - She got straight to the point. Wanted 200 for FS. Damn, good deal. She said she couldn't host. Fine, I decided to get a room. She also stated she did not have a car, or any way to get to me. Sigh! She wanted me to pick her up. Granted it was late, and she lived in the Boones. Lmao. What ensued after that was some sketchiness. I won't go into more detail than that. Trust me, it was weird! Anyone actually meet with her, curious? She is cute though. But that night made me not pursue any further.

BryannaAR. This one blocked me, so I don't have the link to her profile. Me and her talked for a while. Everything was good. She was going to come to me, I get a room. And we have fun. The arrangement was 250 for FS, with GFE. Then the day before she was supposed to come to me. She wanted me to send the full amount through online payment. Hell no! I refused that. And she countered with, at least send gas money to me beforehand. Again, I refused that. I even offered to come her, and still give her that amount. No response. And blocked me. Scam written all over that one. Pass!

https://www.seeking.com/member/d55488f2-d750-49af-9a6f-5aa725a2bdf1 - After talking with her, she said she was cool with a NSA arrangement. Was going to give her 200 for FS. She was going to host. Keep that in mind. Confirmed the date and time that day. So come time to meet. Crickets. Nothing. A few hours have passed since we were supposed to meet. She texted me, asking me what's going on? Like what!? Like I said, she was hosting. I'm not going to blow up her phone. She sent no confirm text, that we were still on. And sent no address. Really? She must be an amateur at this. Haven't heard from her since. LOL.

These are some of the poorer interactions. I'll post another update of the girls I actually met with, and hooked up with.

Member #6652
10-18-20, 20:05
Having found this site useful before, I owe some reports. I have been cautious since the pandemic, but this may help someone having a look:

1 sugarbaby94: https://www.seeking.com/member/74edfbe9-9c4b-4e4d-9573-2d91b10302b3.

Seemed like a real sweetheart to me. I got the sense she did more volume than she let on, but attentive and enjoying things while you're with her. Catch her in the right mood, and you can go to her place.

10-18-20, 21:59
Any good luck with hostsexymess? Would really want to get in touch with her but don't want to get SA premium for it.

10-20-20, 21:21
These are the girls that I actually met with, and hooked up with. It's not many. LOL. But I did manage to get something out of my membership.

https://www.seeking.com/member/5977a7eb-a1e4-4721-8b32-0331dcce230d - She favorited me, and messaged me right away. After telling what type of arrangement I was looking. She was down for that. Simple as that. We agreed on a NSA ppm. She wanted 300. These girls are steep for sure. I agreed to it. Mostly because of what she would look like with them clothes off of course. LOL. She 's not from here. Actually from NC, and she stated she could not host. So I had to pivot, and asked her to come to me. That way, I could eliminate travel costs coming to see her. She agreed. I got a room, we met for lunch. Had a great time. With that out of the way. The fun was about to begin. I was excited at that point. Then she took her shirt off. And my excitement dropped. She has some nice tits, but has some serious baby damage. I wasn't feeling it much after that. But I managed to get myself through it. And pounded her out K9 for the most part. No finish on my part. I did inquire about Greek, to make the dream much more worth while. She shot that down. Oh well. We say our goodbyes. And yeah, I won't be pursuing anymore. Lovely lady to talk to, but at that asking price and the baby damage. I'll spend that money elsewhere.

https://www.seeking.com/member/e02f91f9-3eea-4b4e-879c-3b7571d85ac0 - Know this one from a past life. Small world. Now she won't be for most of you SD's, but she is definitely the quickest DTF that I've seen. She can host at specific times, so keep that in mind. She may not be the most attractive, and if you pass. Hey, I get it. But that ass in K9 is wonderful. Head game is pretty good as well. I got what I needed. I gave her some money to help her out. And went on my way. Will definitely hit her up in a pinch.

https://www.seeking.com/member/943a2e1e-a2a5-4402-b19f-d143a350f5e4 - Me and her talked for a while before meeting. She's a cool girl, very much knows the game. She's very business like too. No games with her. After discussing the arrangement. She wants to do a M&G for the first meeting. Which is strictly platonic. Wants $ for first meeting. Then after, we go from there. Alright, I agreed to that. We meet, had lunch and had a great time. From initial meeting. I knew this girl was thick. Which is my type of girl. I was excited for the next meeting. For those wondering, she can not host. Or better yet, won't host from her place. So you're going to have to get a room. She also wants 300-500 ppm after initial meet. Again, I agreed to it. But with that in mind. I asked her to come to me, and I would get a room. Date was set. We got lunch, and went back to the room. We started off with some nice kissing, then we got undressed. And my thoughts about her was correct. She is thick as hell. Started with a great BJ, and some DATY. Moved on to full course. Did mish, doggy, and finish with cg. Let me tell you that ass in K9 is wonderful. Still thinking about that view. We clean up, and agreed on the 350 for the meet. Not cheap by any stretch, but she was worth seeing. All in all, I would repeat when the funds are right.

That's all for the girls that I've seen. I told you it wasn't many. So many of these girls do not want to meet, want strictly platonic relationships, or want you to support them online financially. Which is ridiculous. Not to mention, these girls have to be the most non-responsive women I've ever seen in my life. Doesn't matter what you say to them, they won't respond. I may re-up my membership down the road, but as right now. I'm good. I'll stick to the escort side of things. Safe hunting.