View Full Version : AMP Tips and Guidelines

04-14-05, 03:34
Here are some tips and etiquette for visitors looking for extras in an AMP (Asian Massage Parlor). I'm one who prefers the AMPs to the other mongering options because they seem to provide a safe and relaxing environment. I wanted to share some general information in a number of sections and decided to do it here instead as more people are likely to view it and add on. I hope this can help any newbies to AMPs or jog the memory of AMP experts to dish out some tips of their own.

1) Leave Valuables and Extra Money Outside - Only take in what you need. Some places may want to see your ID. You will need money or a credit card to pay. I usually take my cell-phone, keys, and only enough money to pay for what I want. If you don't know what the charge will be, put money in different pockets or hide it in your wallet (behind a photo or something) so they don't see all your money at once. I had one girl looking in my wallet after I told her I was used to paying $100 for FS and she wanted $150. Luckily, I had already "moved" the extra money somewhere else and only paid the $100. Use the specific city forums to research and post pricing in the area you are going.

2) Entry into the AMP - Entry can be done in a number of ways. Sometimes, there is a locked door with a buzzer and sometimes you enter like a normal business. When you are greeted, smile and say hello to the person letting you in. They will most likely be the mama-san who is in charge of the girls. At some point, either at the front or in a massage room, you'll be asked what you want. Simply state "1 Hour Please" or whatever time limit you want. You'll be told a price and you should pay that to start without talking about any tips or extras. I recommend at least an hour as shorter times may cheapen your experience. 30 minutes is good if you are in a rush or short on cash. Sometimes you pay the person admitting you and sometimes it's the actual girl you pay. At this point, you aren't asking for anything other than a massage.

3) Become a Repeat Customer - This seems to be the number one factor. The providers want to make sure you are "not a cop" and once they are comfortable that you aren't, they will more than likely provide extras. I've been asked many times, "have you been here before?" and it's always good to answer "yes". If they remember you, even better. If not, try and remember the name of the person you saw before.

3a) Get/Present a Business Card - Some AMPs have business cards so you can ask for one on your way out. I have the girls write their name on them so I didn't forget and I could "ask" for them when I go back. Even if they weren't there on my visit, it showed the new provider or mama-san that I was there before. If you walk in with a business card and ask for a specific girl, that's a pretty big clue you're back for more.

3b) Fake Being a Repeat Customer - If you haven't been to a particular place before, act like you have been. Get information about them in the forums for the cities you plan on visiting, or your home town. Find out the going rates for HJ, BJ, FS etc. and have the money handy. Even a little comment during the Table Shower or Sauna such as "this is my favorite part" or something along those lines will make them think you were there before. Do your research before you go!

3c) If you are a new Customer - You can tell them that you have been to other AMP's in another city. This is a good technique if you are travelling and are trying out AMP's in a new city. You can also name a competitor and say you used to go there but you moved and this one is closer or that you want to try something new. The goal is to let them know you've been to AMP's before, but that you are new to their particular establishment. Depending on the place, this may or may not lead to extras.

3d) Prove you are not LE - If a provider thinks you are a cop, you will most likely NOT get any extras. This is why some check your drivers license (although I haven't had that happen). Some are content with the "Are you a cop?"/"no" routine. Others want to be sure so tips like being free with your nudity, placing her hands on your genitals, or anything else that leads them to believe you are a normal guy not looking to bust them. That's pretty much the whole point of being a repeat customer.

4) Get Fully Undressed ASAP - Yes, you will be naked. In my experience, the girl takes your door fee, leaves for a minute or more. Sometimes she will ask you to get undressed, sometimes she won't, sometimes she will and you won't understand a word she said. So use this time to take ALL of your clothes off. My first time, I was standing in my underwear and she told me to take those off too. I felt as if she knew it was my first time. So get naked and if the towel slides off, let it. It will show her that you have done this before. Be free with nudity.

5) Use Provided "Purse" - Many times, you will see a little purse or bag that is there for you to put valuables in. Use it to put your "valuables" in and carry that with you to other areas of the spa. You may go to a sauna, hot-tub, shower, or table-shower. Since you won't have pockets, look for the little bag and carry it with you. If they don't have one, you can ask for one. In some places, you may just stay in the room you were brought into the entire time (no shower). In this case, you will be able to keep an eye on your things. If you are leaving the room and are worried, look for something to carry your valuables in. NOTE: Having your things in the little bag is a neat clue to the girl that you have done this before.

6) Bring your own condom - The "purse" is a great opportunity to place a condom where she can see it. If there is no purse, lay the condom on a table or somewhere that is in view. Usually, if they are providing extras, they will provide the condom. But showing the initiative to bringing your own indicates you are there for more than a massage.

7) Shower Etiquette - Some places offer a shower where you go in yourself and wash. If they don't offer, ask if there is one. Some places take you to a table-shower where they put you on a table and wash you. Some places, the girl will wash everything including your genitals. This is a good thing. Some places may ask you to wash your own genitals and I would advise you to do so if you want them to do anything later. It is not generally appropriate to ask for extras at this time. It also helps if you know where the shower is and lead her there instead of her leading you.

8) Enjoy the Massage - It's part of the experience, and the girls usually give you a pretty good massage. If you have a stiff neck, sore legs, or something else, let her know so she can concentrate on those areas. You usually start out on your stomach and she rubs your back, legs, arms, etc. She may brush against you with her crotch, lift up her skirt and sit on your butt, and lean over brushing her body against you. Different places vary as far as touching her, but light brushing on her leg or arm aren't too intrusive and will generally let her know you are looking for extras. This isn't necessary and I usually don't "touch" her until later. This is still part of the "I'm not a cop" routine.

9) Lose the Towel - If there is a towel covering you, do everything possible to get it off of you. If it's covering your butt, roll around while she isn't near you so it gets out of position or falls to the floor. If she puts it back, lose it again. Don't be too obvious but at some point, the towel will most likely be tossed aside. If she is persistent, feel free to ask "no towel please" or something along those lines.

10) Become Aroused - Usually, the girl will try to get you aroused. She'll lighten up the touch a little around your buttocks and brush your skin gently. Shift yourself if you do become aroused to "let her know" that you need room to grow. If you aren't getting aroused, shift yourself anyway to "fake" getting aroused. This will let her know that your johnson is growing and you are getting ready. She may even reach underneath and lend a helping hand if you are lucky.

11) Wait to Flip Over - At some point, she'll ask you to flip over. When she does, simply flip over onto your back. You may or may not be aroused at this point. Either way, she'll know and she'll do everything she legally knows how to make sure you get aroused. This is a time to smile and enjoy her expertise.

12) The "Tip" - The girl will usually ask if there is anything else she can do for you or if you are "OK". This is where you say what you want (HJ, BJ, FS) or make the HJ, BJ, FS "motions". She'll either say how much or just ask you for money. This is where knowing the going rate is handy. It's usually $40-$60 for HJ, $80-$100 for BJ, and $100-$140 for FS. Keep in mind that you can always negotiate and it may vary depending on where in the USA, or world, you are. She may leave for a minute or two or she may just start right there. The key to negotiating is getting a fair value. If you offer $20 for FS and she accepts, it will probably be the worst FS ever. If you overpay, then you ruin the great value of the AMP. So try not to stray too far above or below the going rate. I usually offer at the low end (i.e. $100 for FS) and say that's what I'm used to paying. Tell her what you want and a price you want to pay. She'll most likely be reluctant to give you pricing.

13) The Fun Part - When she returns (or starts), it's generally acceptable that you can now touch her. She may or may not like you to and you have to respect her individual level of comfort. I've had girls get completely naked, sit between my legs, and give me a HJ as well as one that stands there fully clothed doing it. I can't predict what will happen but this will affect your decision to return or not return. If you are getting BJ or FS, she will most likely provide and put on the condom (which I recommend) and she'll start. If you brought your own, she may use that one. Again, if you want to be on top, do it doggie-style, or want her on top, they are generally open to how you want to do it.

14) Variations - If you are into DATY or other things, be up front with it. I've done DATY on a number of girls and some get into it and some don't. Some enjoy when you touch and finger them and some don't. Some will let you massage them and some won't. I've never looked for Anal so I can't give advice on that. Some places will only give HJ. So be aware and look for advice in your local forums.

15) Happy Ending - After the ending, she'll usually clean you up or get rid of the condom if there was one used. Sometimes, a hot towel, a beverage, and even mouthwash are provided. If you paid for an hour and you finish early, you may or may not get the full time limit. Some girls will continue the massage, some will tell you to get dressed. This is another area where different places differ greatly. If you feel cheated out of your time, feel free to express your opinion.

16) Be Polite - I use this motto in life, but the providers are people just like you and me, and they like being treated with respect. During the massage, try giving out a compliment such as "that feels nice" or "your hands are so soft" instead of something like "you have nice tits" or "I can't wait to f**k you". I find that being nice goes a lot farther than acting like an ass. Talk to them like you'd talk to a new friend.

17) Learn the Language - If you can learn Korean/Chinese/etc., you will most likely have an easier time communicating what you want in an AMP. The most difficult part is telling them what you want or trying to listen to their broken english. You'll most likely find yourself in a vulnerable position making the "BJ" motion followed by a dollar amount. Learning their native tongue, or a few phrases, can improve your experience.

18) Post Your Experience - We don't need every detail, but posting in the city forum where the AMP/Spa is located will help everyone with certain details of locations and pricing and if anything beyond a massage happened. Price and extras vary from region to region. If you get ripped off at a place, tell us that too and we'll appreciate you "taking one for the team".

Disclaimer: This is just based on my experience in AMPs in a few cities as well as some tips I saw on this forum. I don't claim to be an expert. Feel free to add on your own tips and direct others from the City forums you post in to this section. Next time someone asks "any advice for visiting an AMP for the first time", you can point them here and hopefully others will share their tips and advice. I'm always looking for new tips too. I did this over a year ago in the old forum and thought I'd start a new thread here to help out everyone who goes to AMPs.


Sam Says
04-16-05, 09:02
U S Traveler,

This guideline is the most complete one i have ever seen! I used it to get me started on AMP'S amd have never regretted it.

Many thanks,


Ausse Salt
04-18-05, 01:50
G'day mates,

Good crackerjack advice (once again from US traveler), the only thing I'd throw in is you should get a hard-on during the table shower. The mum & girls like this for two reasons. First, it loosens them up from the thought of you being LE (although nothing is a sure thing), and second, it shows that you're "ready to have a go" and the girl knows that she won't have to work you for a half-hour and wonder.

A well-timed hard-on always lines you up for extras.

Beaut of a trick of US Travelers, telling the mum you usually go to the other tatshack across towne & want to give this place a try today. Right-clever bloke he is.


04-20-05, 18:05
That's an exceptional and wonderfully detailed guide. I thought I'd add my little bit and will post more specifically in my hometown forum.

What always works best for me is to follow your guidelines but when the MamaSan leaves and then the chosen lady comes in, I simply hand her $120 and then wait a moment. That is usually all I need to do. Then she'll usually say "get undressed or would you like a bath/shower" If she doesn't offer the bath/shower then I specifically request it. That is for several of the reasons you posted but I also believe it gives you an idea of the type of service the young lady will be providing.

In many cases, the bath/shower was as much fun as everything else. Plus - if the lady seems to be spending a lot of time cleaning the anal area, then you can probably bet she may slide into rimming during the "soft" portion of the massage.

Also - when they ask if you want a "hard" or "soft" massage - DON'T CHOOSE ONE - you'll short-change yourself. Tell her you like a bit of both. That way, if she is any good at all, you'll get a proper LMT type massage to get the kinks out of your aching back and then you'll get the ever so pleasureable "soft" massage.

And lastly, I agree that AMP's are the way to go. I use to figure that I could do about 3) SW's for 1)AMP and in the long run, it's a better deal. More comfortable, cleaner, safer and almost always so very much better.

I have never spent more than $125 for complete FS in New Orleans and in many cases I had GFE's. There were several times when some would want to cuddle afterwards, a couple that I had seen more than once would get into deep french kissing...of cousre, some just did their job and that wasn't bad either.

I also agree about treating them with respect and civility. If their English is up to it, I try to converse...ask about where they are from and if they miss it.that sort of thing.

I got to know the MamaSan at Tokyo (closed and reopened) in NO. She wa fluent in English and not the normal MamaSan in that she also worked. She was a little older and a tad thick around the middle but she had the most beautiful natural breasts and she was always so wonderfully warm, erotic and thourough. Her little trick for rimming was to, of course, was the area thoroughly but then she would swab your opening with a bit of vaseline beore she put her tounge in. The frist time I was ever rimmed was by her and it was just about the most erotic feeling I've ever had.

I even remember one time I came and she was on her way out to go shoppping. I told her I'd come back another day cause I wanted her and noone else. She then brought me in and said if I did a favor for her, then she'd delay her shoppping for me. The favor was that after she bathed me, I had to bathe her and give her a return massage.

Sorry to go on but I just wanted to add to the wonderful guide posted and help support it.

Joe Coodidge
04-26-05, 18:58
Like you USTraveler, I also prefer AMP's than finding street walkers. I've always had good experiences and even if FS or HJ is not provided, usually I get a pretty decent massage...

05-06-05, 19:45
Very good guide. I post in the San Diego section and visit AMP's almost exclusively.

Being a regular really gets you special treatment. What I always do is place 5 Jacksons under my wallet in full view. When the gal enters the message has been sent. I have virtually a 100% track record of FS. By far and away this is my best tip to newcomers. I have been doing AMP's for 15 years.

Now another tip I have shared on the San Diego board. I bring a small box of chocolates with me and give to the Mamasan saying it's "for the gals." Several places have nicknamed me Candy Man, and when the gals come into the room I never have a problem.

The toughest place for me has been Las Vegas. I have gotten full service when others don't, but it's a tough market. Warren Ohio is fantastic. Table shower, Sauna, massage and FS for $60 plus $100. The best. North San Diego County has been hot, and still is for regulars.

What other areas can people comment on?

05-12-05, 18:03
Just abit of advice that worked out well with me. I am no expert by any means. If you are asked if you have been there before just say yes. I dont think they remember everyone that comes there. Then if they ask what you got last time, just tell them everything. Sometimes they dont even discuss price till after the session is over. The first time I went I said I had been there before and I asked for a certain girl( got the name from this site) then once she had strattled me massaging my back, I just turned over, she grabbed my package and asked what I got last time, I told her everything she left the room the came back and immediatly began licking the boys. Great time that was!

J Schwanger
06-03-05, 09:34

Is it possible to start a new thread concerning the history of the AMP?

Such a thread would discuss:

--When did the modern AMP start? Although this board goes back a decade, surely someone could know when the AMP's first originated.

--Where did they start? Probably first in cities with large Asian populations such as SF and NYC. But in the last decade they've become a truly nationwide phenomenon. Did this happen all at once, or were there a few cities from which individual AMP firms branched out?

--Why do the Koreans dominate this industry? Could it be due to 1) ease of travel visas from SK 2) continued military presence and war wives 3) the economic miracle of SK in the last 40 years which might've left behind rural and/or uneducated SK women. Japan and to a lesser extent the Philipines fit that description, but they don't dominate this trade in the way the koreans do. Will chinese-run AMP's soon create a better ( and cheaper) model and overtake the K-AMP?

--Are there a few families controlling the AMP's? If so, does this meet the standard for an example of the economic system of an oligopoly.

--How often is the talent moved to other AMP's
And are they shiipped only to localites within the family network?

--What determines the price structure? Is it Real Demand? Or the escort market? Has the price been resistant to price inflation?



I'm not sure what you are asking.

As a Forum Member, you are welcome to start your own thread on any subject that interests you.



06-03-05, 14:34
This wont' apply to everyone, but this is what I do- or did before I moved to Iowa where there aren't any AMP :( I used to frequest the AMP close to military bases. I quickly learned that the girls quickly got over thinking you were a cop if you were in the army. If you don't have a military ID, say you contract for the base (anything: mechanical, delivery, gardening).

Like I said, this wont' work for everybody depending on where you live.

Have fun

07-08-05, 13:50
If an older woman in her 30s does the massage and you ask for a younger one, but there are none, can you ask for a refund or is that too rude? This is like 5 minutes into massage.

07-09-05, 20:44
Interesting question, bluishballs. Personally, I've never found the need to leave an AMP due to the looks of the lady. I find the girls in their 30's more attractive than a lot of the younger ones. Also, I find the technique of the girls in their 30's a LOT better than the ones right off the boat. Part of the appeal of the AMP is a good massage followed by other stuff. If the massage is good, most of the time your head is down anyway, then you'll be ready for the extras. I'd take experience over looks in an AMP. But that's just my opinion.

As far as asking for a refund, you already paid for a massage, not for a beautiful lady. Asking for a refund may or may not work. If you don't plan on going back, ask for a refund. If you don't get it, get the rest of your massage, then leave with out requesting extras. Call the experience the cost of an education and don't go back to that establishment. Maybe they'll get the hint and get younger, better looking ones.

Also, try asking to meet the girl giving you the massage before the massage starts. If that's not possible, you can leave before money exchanges hands.

Your best bet is to search and find one you like, with the best selection of girls at ages you like. Then, remember their names and ask for them when you go back. Remember to post about the good AND the bad experiences in the city portions of the forum, that way, you'll help others find good places and avoid the bad ones.

If you ever ask for a refund, let us know how it goes. You have me curious now.


Big Kahuna
07-11-05, 21:29

I have never seen it happen, a refund.

Not to say it doesnt exit but I have not seen it in 20+ years.


If an older woman in her 30s does the massage and you ask for a younger one, but there are none, can you ask for a refund or is that too rude? This is like 5 minutes into massage.

Daty Dave
07-13-05, 00:33
Great guide US Traveller I agree with being polite to the women giving you a massage. I have only been to 4 amps all in different cities and was offered FS in all 4 (beginners luck). I am new at this and started out with BJ's at the first two and 1/2 n 1/2 in the next two. Your guide has given me some new ideas and they will help in the future.

I told the women that I had not been there before but that I had been to others in other cities. I was very polite and when it came to the "is there anything else" part I said yes, but acted like I was a little afraid that she was a cop and asked politely to see her breasts. They all agreeed and let me caress them (which I did gently). At that point I told them what I wanted and they agreed. The first two tried to sell me on FS but I just wanted a BJ.

I also spent a lot of time reading about the different locations and women before I left for my trips and I identified potential places with addresses and printed map quest maps. I knew what the price should be ahead of time and it was pretty close to what I paid.

I was hooked after the first time and I would be pooer then hell if they had AMPs where I live in SLC. Now I just hope for business trips to AMP friendly places like Warren/Youngstown Ohio (My 3rd time was very good and I still smile when I think of July)

Third Eye
07-13-05, 23:49
It strikes me as ironic and not a little hilarious that Warren/Yotown has such a reputation for AMPs. I'm from the Pittsburgh area which is close to there and had no idea all that was available.

But then if you think about James Traficant (gotta love the guy) with his leisure suits and that, it all makes sense.

08-31-05, 02:15
Great advice. Once I get established at an AMP (rates and service), I simply provide the set amount plus previously negotiated extra rates in cash when asked to provide the initial fee. This has worked very well, especially when getting a new girl..I mention the other girls name and say something like "I usually do this with her". It also avoids a bunch of anxiety on my part during the massage as there is some agreement at the onset of the session.

09-27-05, 17:56
I normally go in the late morning to early afternoon; has any one found time of day to be a factor in enjoying a spa trip?

09-27-05, 23:31
I never really thought about time of day when giving advice for a good AMP visit. I'd say as a general guideline, go at the time it's the least busy. That way you don't feel rushed or have to wait in line for a girl.

I like weekdays in the early to late afternoon. If they have late hours, about 1 to 2 hours before closing works good on weeknights too. Not too many guys going on Wednesday around midnight (assuming a 2am closing time). I've gone on weekend afternoons too which worked out.

Once I went on a Friday night fairly late and it was too crowded for my taste. I've also tried to avoid all evening hours since I think that's when they'd be most busy. I haven't actually witnessed this though.


02-21-06, 09:07

Is it possible to start a new thread concerning the history of the AMP?

That Thread already exists , Schwanger

It's called " The History of an Illegal Monopoly " =


Boomer 420
02-24-06, 12:59

Up until recently, I was a member of a yahoo group that had reviews and listings for sensual massage places and providers from around the US. I deleted the group by accident and of course, cannot find it doing a search in yahoo groups. You had to post a mini review to gain membership. There was a database section with a "what you liked" section, listings by location, etc... Strike any belss with anyone? If so, I could use the link to get my membership back on line.


Hard Working 19
02-24-06, 14:28
The name of the group WAS Sensual Massage 65. Yahoo deleted it about a month ago for "Terms of Service" violations.


Up until recently, I was a member of a yahoo group that had reviews and listings for sensual massage places and providers from around the US. I deleted the group by accident and of course, cannot find it doing a search in yahoo groups. You had to post a mini review to gain membership. There was a database section with a "what you liked" section, listings by location, etc... Strike any belss with anyone? If so, I could use the link to get my membership back on line.


03-25-06, 17:05
I find the girls in their 30's more attractive than a lot of the younger ones. Also, I find the technique of the girls in their 30's a LOT better than the ones right off the boat.

USTraveller, I wholeheartedly agree with you. My most pleasurable and memorable experiences in MPs is with the older women that have been working a while.

While it is true that the younger ones can be better looking, I find them quite lacking in the service department. The older girls will put more effort into the massage. They know if they get you completely and totally relaxed then when it is time for the extras, you probably won't last as long, therefore they make more of a profit, so to speak, because they won't have as much time invested in you.

On a related topic, I have found that usually if you go to an AMP as soon as it opens for the day, you are usually not as rushed. I would avoid prime time 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I don't ever remember being in an AMP during that timeframe that I wasn't rushed to get finished. They are usually polite about it, tell you that other customers are waiting and that they will make it up to you next time, but they never do! lol.

Member #3943
04-03-06, 16:33
Ive found that the mid to late 30's girls like us guys in our 50's cause we like them have been around the block a time or two and its not our first rodeo , but treat them with utmost respect and they in turn treat u like a king, this has happened to me recently as one lady even baked me a birthday cake and is just good to sit drink green tea with and havea great conversation and she also will cook lunch for me every now and then, she tickles me saying she wears protection ring , like shes married, anyway good luck and be carefull.

05-03-06, 19:36
I normally go in the late morning to early afternoon; has any one found time of day to be a factor in enjoying a spa trip?

I have found (IMHO) that mornings 8:00-11:00 are best during the week unless it's raining at which time it fills up with guys that work outdoors(landscapers,etc.) Weekends around Dinner time 5-5:30 till maybe 7:00 and for places that are open 24 about 4:30am is best.Only been there twice that late but both times it seems the girl's don't won't you to leave and will stay & play as long as you want even if you fall asleep YMMV.Also as others have said that being polite,
clean and not too drunk goes a long-long way as does after going to the same place a few times to bring a small gift for the girls of flowers,candy,lingerie,etc.sounds corney I know but women are women what ever they do........Doc

Member #3943
07-25-06, 13:26
I have even been to my foregin exchange place lately , I now use back door as back door friends are best , door I mean, and they were about to sit and eat , they fixed me a plate, we ate, then I did the dishes and then I got my service, just good ole family lol

08-05-06, 01:55
As far as a refund, the only way that is going to happen is if you threaten to call the better business bureau saying that you came in for a legit massage and got hanky-panky. That's risky. I look at this as a type of gambling--the return on my investment will vary based on variables largely beyond my control.

I hate the little dance when both you and the MT are worried about the othe being LE. I sometimes ask, "do you accept tips for good service?" at the outset if things seem uneasy. Its a perfectly legit question, I'm fully clothed, no touching has occured, etc. It allows them to send a signal to you are to ask you if you are LE. I always answer, "no, are you LE?" In a joking voice, but with enough seriousness to get the point across. I realize that if push came to shove, their answer to my question wouldn't get my arse out of hock with the LE downtown, but it might slow them down. Can anyone else speak on that situation?

I've also had different tip expectations for the same services from the same MT, all within a few days of a recent visit. Is this something anyone else has experienced? I began to think that my larger, initial tip was more than expected. I dismissed that the tip was smaller because they "enjoyed" my session or I had "earned" the right to a smaller tip. Thoughts?

BTW, I have found that the worst time to visit a MP is late, right before closing. My worst service, by far, occured this way.

08-06-06, 23:18
7) Shower Etiquette - Some places offer a shower where you go in yourself and wash. If they don't offer, ask if there is one. Some places take you to a table-shower where they put you on a table and wash you. Some places, the girl will wash everything including your genitals. This is a good thing. Some places may ask you to wash your own genitals and I would advise you to do so if you want them to do anything later. It is not generally appropriate to ask for extras at this time. It also helps if you know where the shower is and lead her there instead of her leading you.

This is good advice if it's your first time at a particular place. I've found some places in South Florida will test you when you say you've been there before by asking if you want a table shower, then let you out of the massage room first and they say "Go ahead, you know where the shower room is, you've been here before". And when it comes to extras. They will tell you what is available, but won't give a price, they'll just tell you that you should know the pricing from your previous visit. It took me by surprise the first time but I answered that it had been about 6-8 months since my last visit and I didn't get the TS that time. And when they did the pricing test I told them I was a little tipsy my last time and I forget the prices. Seemed to work each time. Just my. 02.

08-07-06, 22:59
I maintain this is often not about being a neat experience for us but a way for the MP to determine if we are clean and on the level. They can inspect the client and also insure that areas they'll be visiting later are not funky.

I don't know that LE can legally do a Table Shower. It requires them getting naked, even though its never asked of the client. The awkwardness of being partially clothed in the shower would raise a warning flag. If they strip they are negating the legal protection they hide behind. Doesn't mean that they won't try it, though. I could be very wrong, of course!

If that theory has any legitimacy, though, by getting you to the table naked for a shower the MP can also determine your comfort level with the experience to follow and whether you are "on the level".

Just my .02.

Member #3918
09-26-06, 15:33
12) The "Tip" - The girl will usually ask if there is anything else she can do for you or if you are "OK". This is where you say what you want (HJ, BJ, FS) or make the HJ, BJ, FS "motions". She'll either say how much or just ask you for money. This is where knowing the going rate is handy. It's usually $40-$60 for HJ, $80-$100 for BJ, and $100-$140 for FS. Keep in mind that you can always negotiate and it may vary depending on where in the USA, or world, you are. She may leave for a minute or two or she may just start right there. The key to negotiating is getting a fair value. If you offer $20 for FS and she accepts, it will probably be the worst FS ever. If you overpay, then you ruin the great value of the AMP. So try not to stray too far above or below the going rate. I usually offer at the low end (i.e. $100 for FS) and say that's what I'm used to paying. Tell her what you want and a price you want to pay. She'll most likely be reluctant to give you pricing.
-USTravellerThe ones in SC are $180 for FS and thats after you pay the $60 to begin with.

Member #3918
09-26-06, 15:36
I maintain this is often not about being a neat experience for us but a way for the MP to determine if we are clean and on the level. They can inspect the client and also insure that areas they'll be visiting later are not funky.

I don't know that LE can legally do a Table Shower. It requires them getting naked, even though its never asked of the client. The awkwardness of being partially clothed in the shower would raise a warning flag. If they strip they are negating the legal protection they hide behind. Doesn't mean that they won't try it, though. I could be very wrong, of course!

If that theory has any legitimacy, though, by getting you to the table naked for a shower the MP can also determine your comfort level with the experience to follow and whether you are "on the level".

Just my .02.Even after I got naked, did the shower thing ( she touched my woody), she still asked if I was a cop, lol, hey, they are just watching out for themselves.

10-07-06, 00:21
The ones in SC are $180 for FS and thats after you pay the $60 to begin with.Yikes, now I know not to try an AMP in SC. Serisously though, are you offering $180 or or they telling you $180?

This just proves that prices change all over the place. Gotta love free enterprise!


Member #3918
10-07-06, 03:09
Yikes, now I know not to try an AMP in SC. Serisously though, are you offering $180 or or they telling you $180?

This just proves that prices change all over the place. Gotta love free enterprise!

-USTravellerThere telling me $180, no kidding.

Palm Tree
11-18-06, 13:13
I got FS at a AMP in SC for $60

Member #3918
11-18-06, 14:55
I got FS at a AMP in SC for $60Which one, I know damn well it wasn't the Stress Away APM. I just couldn't be. Not at less they weren't getting any busniess because of there high ass prices.

Palm Tree
11-20-06, 13:20
Won't tell you which one but it is ouside of Greenville.

11-20-06, 16:02
Palm Tree , do you have a patch on your sholder with a palm tree on it. All questions, except 2 which were of no help, 60 massage but you are not telling, sure, we will really give you some good info!! PW

Grate Big
11-20-06, 19:16
Won't tell you which one but it is ouside of Greenville.Well at least offer to PM senior members! Telling you did it and not giving out any info is antahema to the USASG's existence!

Member #3918
11-21-06, 03:17
It doesn't matter to my, the next one I'm going to try out is that Sky spa sometime next year in Rock Hill. I heard some great things from that place.

11-26-06, 06:25
Just like DioTheLegend was saying, the prices vary from place to place. Here in Las Vegas, the prices are insanely high. It's about .80 - $ for a HJ. I haven't found a place that offers BJ or FS. Even if they did, it would probably be $$ for a FS at least.

Double Nickle
11-30-06, 14:12
USA Traveller has given some great advice at the beginning of this thread. This poor ignorant newbie (3 months today) has some additional questions though.

How much touching is OK how soon? Should you ask first?

How soon can you kiss her (if only on the cheek)? Should you ask first?

Is there anything she should always initiate?

What are good ways to get her clothes off as soon as possible?

How can I politely ask her to clean out my anus really well in the TS?

Afterwards what is the best polite way to inquire after AR?

If her mouth/nipples/pussy come close to my face should I just lick them?

Or should I inquire beforehand?

I write much better than I talk - anybody have good prepared lines?

How do I ask for titty fucking, reverse cowgirl, CG, doggie?

Do they know these terms?

Is there something exotic to try I don't know about?

How does one behave differently if she knows almost no English?


Double Nickle

NC Wanderer
11-30-06, 16:24
[QUOTE=Double Nickle]USA Traveller has given some great advice at the beginning of this thread. This poor ignorant newbie (3 months today) has some additional questions though.

How much touching is OK how soon? Should you ask first?

- Put your arm around her waist or hold her hand as soon as you are let in. Act like a gentleman, but keep pushing your luck. Shortly after the back rub starts, drop your hand to the side and massage her calf. Keep getting more and more "personal" until told to stop - or not.

How soon can you kiss her (if only on the cheek)? Should you ask first?

-Never ask, just try and see. Kissing is usually late in the session, if at all.

Is there anything she should always initiate?

-You have to take the initiative for everything.

What are good ways to get her clothes off as soon as possible?

-After not being rejected for touching her calf, thigh, etc., politely say "don't you think you have to much clothes on" or something similar.

How can I politely ask her to clean out my anus really well in the TS?

-When she washes there, tell her you like what she is doing and encourage her to continue.

Afterwards what is the best polite way to inquire after AR?

-AR is getting harder to find, so good luck.

If her mouth/nipples/pussy come close to my face should I just lick them?

Or should I inquire beforehand?

I write much better than I talk - anybody have good prepared lines?

How do I ask for titty fucking, reverse cowgirl, CG, doggie?

-Direct her to where you want her.

Do they know these terms?
-Maybe, maybe not. Stick with "you on top" and easy terms.

Is there something exotic to try I don't know about?
-I don't know what you know about.

How does one behave differently if she knows almost no English?
-Use hand gestures, point, smile!

Above based on 30 years of experience. YMMV.

Virile Vito
11-30-06, 18:03
USA Traveller has given some great advice at the beginning of this thread. This poor ignorant newbie (3 months today) has some additional questions though.

How much touching is OK how soon? Should you ask first? Politeness and respect should be the first rules of the MP. But don't be over poilte, given what you're there to do. Some gentle rubbing over legs and back is an excellent start.

How soon can you kiss her (if only on the cheek)? Should you ask first? As soon as you are naked and she feels reasonably comfortable w/ you.

Is there anything she should always initiate? It depends what above the ordinary services you are looking for. Any extra sexual contact will almost always have to initiated by you. Extra services like a second massage or second shower could be requested, but she will have to approve even if she doesn't initiate them.

What are good ways to get her clothes off as soon as possible? If she is comfortable w/ your touching and feeling, feel repeatedly under the clothes and then suggest it. Or just try slowing remove them at a convenient time. Obviously this applies more for FS places than RNTs.

How can I politely ask her to clean out my anus really well in the TS? When she gets to that area, just ask for more washing. I've found that too many times they will try sticking their finger in my anus and cleaning it plenty thoroughly.

Afterwards what is the best polite way to inquire after AR?

If her mouth/nipples/pussy come close to my face should I just lick them? Yes!

Or should I inquire beforehand? No, because you will be opening yourself up too easily for a no answer. If she doesn't like it, she will let you know, but rarely take great offense at your first attempt.

I write much better than I talk - anybody have good prepared lines? As a start, tell her how pretty she is, or that she has nice...whatever applies..., but don't use vulger terms.

How do I ask for titty fucking, reverse cowgirl, CG, doggie? The best way is to physically show her and/or move her body into the correct position. If she really doesn't like it, she tell you.

Do they know these terms? Generally, no.

Is there something exotic to try I don't know about?

How does one behave differently if she knows almost no English? More showing, less talking.


Double Nickle


You are way too modest, given your reportage. I think you are the only one by far who would call you a newbie.

All of the above will vary widely depending on the women's personality, mood, sex drive (yes, they're working, but some like it more than others), how attracted she is to you (yes, they're working, but they're human), and how busy the place is. My feeling is always that it is better to be surprised by exceeding expectations than disappointed by not meeting overestimated expections. Keep your hopes reasonable, based on where you are going and RTFF.


12-06-06, 14:25
USA Traveller has given some great advice at the beginning of this thread. This poor ignorant newbie (3 months today) has some additional questions though.

How much touching is OK how soon? Should you ask first?


Double Nickle
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents.

I always try to touch right from the start, it kind of "breaks the ice". It depends if the "girl" meets you at the door or if the mamasan does. In someplaces, you don't get to see the "girl" until later but I try to touch as soon as I can.

This brings back a memory from a few years ago. I went to a particular AMP for the first time and didn't know what to expect. I was met at the door by a beautiful dark haired lady wearing a loose fitting long dress who immediately welcomed me warmly and put her arm around my waist and her hand went down toward my private area. I then put my arm around her waist too and as we walked toward the room I reached down, lifted her dress up and slid my hand up in between her legs where I found that she had nothing on down below. She only smiled and never said a word until we got to the room. It turned out to be one of my best AMP experiences.

Magic J
12-11-06, 02:58
Can someone describe what these motions are? Also could you be caught by LE if all you are doing is hand signs?

>The girl will usually ask if there is anything else she can do for you or if you >are "OK". This is where you say what you want (HJ, BJ, FS) or make the HJ, >BJ, FS "motions".

Double Nickle
12-11-06, 11:23
Can someone describe what these motions are? Also could you be caught by LE if all you are doing is hand signs?

>The girl will usually ask if there is anything else she can do for you or if you >are "OK". This is where you say what you want (HJ, BJ, FS) or make the HJ, >BJ, FS "motions".Here is an excerpt from a post where this really hot Providence masseuse made the hand signs herself:

I think Jasmine could tell I liked her. She made an up and down motion with thumb to forefinger. I started to speak but she shushed me with a finger to the lips. Necessity is the mother of invention. I got the idea to nod my head vigorously. Same motion, but with mouth getting in the act. Big nod from me. Another motion that I didn't quite get. But I decided to nod enthusiastically, not wanting to miss out on anything good.These were respectively the HJ, BJ, and FS motions. She repeated the last later. It was the rhythmic thrusting of her hips. What a doll this little babe is. I don't know if they are familiar with inserting the forefinger of the other hand in the circle formed by thumb and forefinger as another sign for FS.

Hell, tell LE she was winding her automatic wristwatch, stifling a yawn, and doing a little dance. Or she (or you) has a twitch/tic of the wrist. To legally convict you they need to prove that you exchanged money expressly for the purpose of sex. They almost never can prove this.

Double Nickle

Magic J
12-15-06, 05:09
I am kinda new. I know I will be a quick shooter the 1st few times. How do I negotiate this? If I ask for FS and shoot during the CBJ, I am probably out the full tip? Can I mention I am a quick shooter, and ask for reload options? With the english barrier is this too complicated?

Double Nickle
12-15-06, 17:17
I am kinda new. I know I will be a quick shooter the 1st few times. How do I negotiate this? If I ask for FS and shoot during the CBJ, I am probably out the full tip? Can I mention I am a quick shooter, and ask for reload options? With the english barrier is this too complicated?If there is one English word a Korean girl knows and uses it is probably come/cum. "Cum 2 times" holding up 2 fingers will almost surely be understood. I've heard them use the synonym "pop" too. Ask for "2 pops" and they probably will know you're not talking about soda.Sometimes you won't be asked for the tip until the end. Hopefully mongers more experienced in this will also chime in because I am one of those a long time coming.

Double Nickle

Call Me Booger
12-15-06, 17:24
I am kinda new. I know I will be a quick shooter the 1st few times. How do I negotiate this? If I ask for FS and shoot during the CBJ, I am probably out the full tip? Can I mention I am a quick shooter, and ask for reload options? With the english barrier is this too complicated?

I had this happen once where, I blasted during the CBJ and the girl actually brought me back the difference. I had paid 120 for FS and she brought me back 40. I would say this was a rare experience and not the norm.

Assuming the girl has decent english skills. I would bring in extra dough probably $40 more, ask for a HR during the TS and then a second cup back in the room. But you might need to become a regular to get that type of service.

Here's another tip that doesn't cost extra dough, take a bullet out of the chamber yourself, shortly before you go.

Sarang Haeyo
12-15-06, 18:03
I had this happen once where, I blasted during the CBJ and the girl actually brought me back the difference. I had paid 120 for FS and she brought me back 40. I would say this was a rare experience and not the norm.

Assuming the girl has decent english skills. I would bring in extra dough probably $40 more, ask for a HR during the TS and then a second cup back in the room. But you might need to become a regular to get that type of service.

Here's another tip that doesn't cost extra dough, take a bullet out of the chamber yourself, shortly before you go.
Isn't that kind of like eating a hamburger before you have a steak?

12-15-06, 18:26
I am kinda new. I know I will be a quick shooter the 1st few times. How do I negotiate this? If I ask for FS and shoot during the CBJ, I am probably out the full tip? Can I mention I am a quick shooter, and ask for reload options? With the english barrier is this too complicated?You might find a girl willing to work with you, but that would be the exception. From my experience it doesn't matter how the first shot is fired, after that if you want a second it will cost you another fee. This fee will probably be equal to or just slightly less than the first. The reason being these girls make their living on the clock (no pun intended with the rhym). The more customers they see, the more they make (which is the deciding factor for most of them) and they are well aware that the second shot often takes much longer to get out of the barrel than the first. Economically it makes more sense for them to get you out and a fresh shooter into the room. Bottom line, if you are a regular that has taken good care of the girl, they will usually go out of their way to keep you happy and therefor coming back. If you are just any other tom, dick or harry you will likely be told better luck next time and shown the door. How busy they are at the time will also factor into the amount of time they are willing to devote.

12-28-06, 00:59
Here is an interesting story.


01-11-07, 06:49
The more customers they see, the more they make (which is the deciding factor for most of them) and they are well aware that the second shot often takes much longer to get out of the barrel than the first. OTOH, nothing says you can't yank the crank before you go down to the AMP, thus, your first shot at the AMP would be your second n relatively short time, giving you more time to enjoy the experience.

Pardon me if this seems a crude suggestion, but, hey, at least it's a practical solution to the problem.

01-11-07, 13:36
And it gives you a better shot at getting your moneys worth.

OTOH, nothing says you can't yank the crank before you go down to the AMP, thus, your first shot at the AMP would be your second n relatively short time, giving you more time to enjoy the experience.

Pardon me if this seems a crude suggestion, but, hey, at least it's a practical solution to the problem.

01-11-07, 15:36
OTOH, nothing says you can't yank the crank before you go down to the AMP, thus, your first shot at the AMP would be your second n relatively short time, giving you more time to enjoy the experience.

Pardon me if this seems a crude suggestion, but, hey, at least it's a practical solution to the problem.I have had them ask me before if I had done that before getting there when taking a while to unload. Cuts into their time.

Double Nickle
03-17-07, 16:18
1. When she comes to the door in street clothes instead of a micro miniskirt with nothing on underneath.
2. When she says, "You look clean, no table shower for you."
3. Mamasan is a 10, your masseuse is a 4.
4. Not getting extras on your first visit.
5. She drags her hand over your back for 30 seconds and calls that a massage.
6. Item(s) left off the menu (roaming, sucking tits, tit fucking, AR, DFK, DATY, HJ, BJ, FS).
7. A big price rise, unless service goes up proportionately.
8. She uses a slim condom and my dick is squeezed like an overstuffed sausage.
9. I paid for an hour, I get 20 minutes.
10. So many AMP girls, so little time.

03-18-07, 00:50
OTOH, nothing says you can't yank the crank before you go down to the AMP, thus, your first shot at the AMP would be your second n relatively short time, giving you more time to enjoy the experience.

Pardon me if this seems a crude suggestion, but, hey, at least it's a practical solution to the problem.

It doesn't seem crude at all. I do it pretty regularly depending on the situation, although I have had it back fire. A couple times after I prepared before hand I had trouble with the second shot, usually because of poor service or lack of enthusiasm, leading to the famous "are you almost done?" line.

03-18-07, 14:57
1. When she comes to the door in street clothes instead of a micro miniskirt with nothing on underneath.
Not a problem as long as they get naked later!

2. When she says, "You look clean, no table shower for you."
Bad sign that your going to be rushed.

3. Mamasan is a 10, your masseuse is a 4.
Hmmm...never had a mamasan that was a 10.

4. Not getting extras on your first visit.
That makes for my one and only visit to that spa.

5. She drags her hand over your back for 30 seconds and calls that a massage.
See number 2.

6. Item(s) left off the menu (roaming, sucking tits, tit fucking, AR, DFK, DATY, HJ, BJ, FS).
See number 4.

7. A big price rise, unless service goes up proportionately.
A sad but true trend of our times.

8. She uses a slim condom and my dick is squeezed like an overstuffed sausage.
Well, thats never happened...hmmm, never mind.

9. I paid for an hour, I get 20 minutes.
See number 7.

10. So many AMP girls, so little time.
So true, so true.

Bob Forchix
03-25-07, 09:27
What are your thoughts on rubbing Mr. Johnson in front of provider, saying during TS or Sauna to get Jimmy ready? Acceptable? Bad etiquette?

Double Nickle
03-26-07, 15:47
What are your thoughts on rubbing Mr. Johnson in front of provider, saying during TS or Sauna to get Jimmy ready? Acceptable? Bad etiquette?

Often the masseuse likes a customer who is a bit naughty. Once when I had an extra long t shirt I came out of the bathroom without pants. The provider lifted up my shirt and spanked me (I loved it). Often my towel will fall off or develop a gap in front during transit - I think it often turns the girls on. I'll have to try stroking myself. The worst she'll do is say "No No stop that." And at least it should indicate you're not a cop. Has anybody out there done this? Confess.

Double Nickle

Call Me Booger
03-26-07, 15:55
Here's the closest I've come, and this was on a third visit, so I was "known" to the girl. She was down on her knees drying my legs off after the table shower. So I took lil booger and gently slapped her on the cheek with it a couple of times. Again, let me repeat this was done in a funny manner to a girl I had seen before. She laughed and gave me a few licks.

Bob Forchix
03-27-07, 20:42
And at least it should indicate you're not a cop.

Double NickleThat was my thought. Let's her know why you are there.

04-04-07, 20:52
About eight miles from where I work, there are about 4 AMPs less than a mile apart from each other. I've always been curious about AMPs so one day after work, I visited one of the AMPs located in a house with blocked out windows. The first visit I only got a massage and an HJ. I believe I only got an HJ and nothing more since I was not a regular and they were "feeling me out" (no pun intended).

The second time I decided to be more proactive. The girl who was going to give me the massage opened the door and told me to take my clothes off and that she would be right back. When she came in, I was totally nude and stroking myself. That did the trick! It did two things. First, by stroking myself, it told her I wasn't an LE. Second, it indicated that I was there for more than a massage.

I got on the bed and she quickly asked what I wanted. This was a great girl. Straight to business and no BS. I told her that I wanted a BJ. After I showed her $, she got down to business. I was in her mouth within seconds. I then started feeling her out, and before long, she was topless and I was touching her all over. It takes me a long time to finish with just a BJ, so she started to give me an HJ. I thought this was unfair since I paid for a BJ, so I told her BJ not HJ, so she went back to giving me a BJ. This an important tip to anyone reading this. Make sure you get what you paid for.

I'm trying to think of something new to try for my third visit. If anyone comes up with an idea, let me know.

Real Lmt
04-30-07, 01:01
Hey everyone,

I'm curious about what you all expect to pay for services at an AMP and how it compares to my pricing for standard massage therapy.

I work in a small private office (in a large office building) in Manhattan, and charge $70/hr. for licensed deep tissue/medical massage or Swedish. This is pretty cheap for NYC prices, but I cater to a lot of struggling artists and writers, so I try to keep the frills to a minimum and my prices low for excellent work.

I get Qi Gong Chinese massage in Manhattan sometimes, and it is seriously no-frills, at around $45/hr.

My full-time space is a little larger in Orange County NY, but I don't offer any spa services. Just kick-ass deep tissue/medical massage or Swedish in a modestly decorated office for $65/hr.

The higher end spas in my area are charging $75-100 per hour for massage, depending on the style chosen, and they have all the bells and whistles: huge square footage, steam showers and plush robes, marble surfaces and hardwood floors, expensive products, multiple services offered, doctor on staff, etc.

This isn't an ad, I swear...I'm really just curious if my prices are similar to an AMP in NYC and Upstate NY. If I tell a prospective client (who might be a monger) my rates, is he thinking it's high or low for the "extras" he's looking for? Or do you expect to pay a lower hourly rate and then tip for the extras?

Thanks in advance for your candor!

Real LMT

Bob Forchix
04-30-07, 16:58
Hey everyone,

I'm curious about what you all expect to pay for services at an AMP and how it compares to my pricing for standard massage therapy.

Thanks in advance for your candor!

Real LMTI don't know about NYC as I'm in Atlanta, but here we expect to pay between $40 and $80 for an hour, depending on establishment. That covers massage only. For a complete package, one can expect to pay between $100 and $300, again depending on establishment.

Smaller, less complete packages cost considerably less, as low as $40.

Double Nickle
04-30-07, 20:10
Hey everyone,

I'm curious about what you all expect to pay for services at an AMP and how it compares to my pricing for standard massage therapy.

I work in a small private office (in a large office building) in Manhattan, and charge $70/hr. for licensed deep tissue/medical massage or Swedish. This is pretty cheap for NYC prices, but I cater to a lot of struggling artists and writers, so I try to keep the frills to a minimum and my prices low for excellent work.

I get Qi Gong Chinese massage in Manhattan sometimes, and it is seriously no-frills, at around $45/hr.

My full-time space is a little larger in Orange County NY, but I don't offer any spa services. Just kick-ass deep tissue/medical massage or Swedish in a modestly decorated office for $65/hr.

The higher end spas in my area are charging $75-100 per hour for massage, depending on the style chosen, and they have all the bells and whistles: huge square footage, steam showers and plush robes, marble surfaces and hardwood floors, expensive products, multiple services offered, doctor on staff, etc.

This isn't an ad, I swear...I'm really just curious if my prices are similar to an AMP in NYC and Upstate NY. If I tell a prospective client (who might be a monger) my rates, is he thinking it's high or low for the "extras" he's looking for? Or do you expect to pay a lower hourly rate and then tip for the extras?

Thanks in advance for your candor!

Real LMT

$65 to $70 an hour is quite a good price Real LMT, especially in NYC where I've often seen apparently legitimate massage advertised for over $100 an hour. And some places have 80 minute, 90 minute or even 2 hour sessions. I've tried the longer sessions and the additional time is all massage, no extras. When the massage is really good even 2 hours can just fly by and you'll walk out like you're flying, even with no extras. The March 2007 Massage magazine asked if massage therapists should accept tips. Do you, real LMT? I'm sure you deserve a tip for a kick ass massage at your price, even with no extras. Imagine how much a legitimate masseuse at a very posh spa will take in for a high end massage, like 2 hours with extras like dermabrasion and maybe a dead sea mud pack or that reducing wrap. I bet it could run $400. A 20% tip would be $80. And my experience is that the posh places do take tips.

On the other end of the scale, Chinese Massage Parlors in New York City seem to run $40 to $50 an hour, although I've paid $80 an hour at one in Philadelphia. Some guys get a handjob for as little as $40 total - and that is on top of a great massage, total time one hour. Usually I expect to tip $20 to $40 though. But that still means that a monger can get a Chinese massage and handjob for the same or even less than you're charging for a massage with no extras. Usually the house is paid first and the tip (if any) later. A tip is often optional, even if a HJ is received.

Korean Massage Parlors in New York City seem to run $200 to $300 for everything, and I do mean everything (FS). Usually you pay $60 to $100 house fee first and the tip later. If you are only getting a HJ, you might pay from $40 to $100 on top of the house fee.

I recently got 2 hours of Russian bodywork with hand release in New York City. I was only asked for $160 for all this (after everything was over) although I voluntarily threw in another $40 tip.

I believe a body rub with hand release can be gotten from an American girl in New York City for $200 total, probably paid at the beginning. I haven't checked this out yet as my research funds are limited.

Don't dress in a Chinese silk dress or speak with a Mandarin accent Real LMT or a monger might think the $65/$70 covers both rub and tug.

Fellow mongers, if she's in street/medical garb, and caucasian without an European or Hispanic accent, just expect a massage (unless the ad explicitly suggests otherwise).

Double Nickle

Real Lmt
05-01-07, 01:58
Most of my clients don't tip me, and I'm fine with that. I accept them from those who do, but I've been considering not accepting tips since I opened my private practice. I would actually prefer to raise my prices slightly and not accept tips, since it would never occur to me to tip my acupuncturist or a physical therapist. I think tipping does a lot to discredit what we do as LMTs.

Unfortunately, the spa industry keeps the massage profession in general in a place where tipping is necessary. I've worked in the high end places, and the services can definitely run up several hundred dollars. The tip percentage usually goes down when a person is receiving multiple services, though. Like they have in their mind a cap on a gratuity, and no matter how many services they're receiving, they're not going to tip over a certain amount. The split in a spa is ridiculously low, many licensed and certified therapists only being paid $20/hr. On a $100 service. $20/hr. Might seem like a lot to some people, but with a physical job like massage where you risk injury working more than 25 hours per week, it's really not very much. Additionally, spas do not offer benefits of any kind. Many still employ "independent contractors", and no one I've ever known has been offered health insurance or sick/holiday pay from a spa.

Some people understand that because I'm in private practice, and I'm responsible for my overhead, I'm getting 100% of the money, so they don't tip. Other people still view it as a service, and are programmed to tip. Like I said, I'd rather not accept tips, but raising my prices would scare off some people who still think they have to tip on top of the hourly rate, or piss off the people who aren't tipping. Plus I feel like I might do a disservice to the industry by educating the public NOT to tip MTs and spa workers would suffer greatly for it.

At this point, I'm splitting the difference. My prices are low enough to encourage regular clients, and enough people tip on top of it, that I can get by.

As for getting $40 for an hour-long massage AND a HJ. I feel really, really sorry for those women. What a desperate place they must be in to agree to such a thing. I imagine street-walkers with obvious drug habits must make more per hour than that. Wow.

Double Nickel, was the recent place you went to a Russian Bath type place? I actually feel better that mongers would expect to pay more like $200/hr. For an American like myself to give them a massage and extras. That makes me feel better for my profession, and for the women providing the services. And I feel like I won't be confusing anyone with my rates.

Double Nickle
05-02-07, 17:32
...Unfortunately, the spa industry keeps the massage profession in general in a place where tipping is necessary. I've worked in the high end places, and the services can definitely run up several hundred dollars. The tip percentage usually goes down when a person is receiving multiple services, though. Like they have in their mind a cap on a gratuity, and no matter how many services they're receiving, they're not going to tip over a certain amount. The split in a spa is ridiculously low, many licensed and certified therapists only being paid $20/hr. On a $100 service. $20/hr. Might seem like a lot to some people, but with a physical job like massage where you risk injury working more than 25 hours per week, it's really not very much. Additionally, spas do not offer benefits of any kind. Many still employ "independent contractors", and no one I've ever known has been offered health insurance or sick/holiday pay from a spa....

As for getting $40 for an hour-long massage AND a HJ. I feel really, really sorry for those women. What a desperate place they must be in to agree to such a thing. I imagine street-walkers with obvious drug habits must make more per hour than that. Wow.

Well, I usually tip $40 on top of the $40 and I know a lot of mongers tip $20 to $40. But some mongers are incredibly cheap and won't tip and will even grumble that she wasn't worth $40. They'd probably try to haggle you down to $15 or maybe $30.

Double Nickel, was the recent place you went to a Russian Bath type place? I actually feel better that mongers would expect to pay more like $200/hr. For an American like myself to give them a massage and extras. That makes me feel better for my profession, and for the women providing the services. And I feel like I won't be confusing anyone with my rates.

No, I haven't checked out the Russian baths yet though I hope to get around to them. I've heard that at least one used to offer happy endings but doesn't anymore. I actually tried a colonic for the first time. Probably a lot of women would rather administer a handjob than a colonic, although as far as I know a colonic is legal everywhere.

On that note, I believe it is in Germany where they are training prostitutes to be home health care aides. The idea is that often women want to get out of the world's oldest profession when they start getting a bit long in the tooth (if not earlier). Most probably don't have enough money to just retire. But they are perfectly suited to be home health care aides as they are used to getting physical with all parts of a stranger's body already. I doubt home health care aides make big bucks, but it is a valuable service and hopefully they make a living wage.

Chapter XXX in the Life and Hard Times (pun) of Double Nickle, super monger

05-03-07, 12:03
This is several years old, and may have been read by many, but I think is worth posting again ... quite intriguing.


Iamme Iam
07-10-07, 19:57
I have been to AMPs in 5 states in the last month, and it was interesting that I heard several different girls tell me to be quiet. One time it was because I requested clothes off( I spoke to loudly), another to not be noisy when I finished. This is not universal, but I wondered if other hobbyists have noted this event.

07-17-07, 00:04
I find myself trying to be quiet in the mp's without anyone telling me to just because I know that I wouldn't want to hear the guy next door screaming away. It's kind of like how a good porn ruined by the guy constantly talking or moaning, pisses me off.

Iamme Iam
07-20-07, 14:19
I find myself trying to be quiet in the mp's without anyone telling me to just because I know that I wouldn't want to hear the guy next door screaming away. .

I was not talking about yelling, twice I was the only customer, and another time there was a loud fan and music.I always talk in a regular or low voice. I also posted a note last year about a guy in the next stall in an AMP who assumed poor english skills required his talking louder. The theme in my comment is that some AMP girls seem to be trying to infer that they usualy don't do this, but for me, they will make an exception. Everyone does the same thing, and all the staff now whats going on, so why the pretense?

Sarang Haeyo
07-20-07, 15:03
I was not talking about yelling, twice I was the only customer, and another time there was a loud fan and music.I always talk in a regular or low voice. I also posted a note last year about a guy in the next stall in an AMP who assumed poor english skills required his talking louder. The theme in my comment is that some AMP girls seem to be trying to infer that they usualy don't do this, but for me, they will make an exception. Everyone does the same thing, and all the staff now whats going on, so why the pretense?

Many of the girls like it quiet in the room because they don't want the other girls to hear what's going on. True; they all KNOW what's going on but if the other girls hear you talking with your provider; when she gets back to living quarters; it gives the other girls something to talk about. "Ooooooh, you two had a good time in there, huh?" "Is he your new boyfriend?" That kind of shit.

These babes talk about each other and gossip so much it's not funny. If the girl you get likes to keep her shit private she's going to ask that you keep it down.

You could also look at it this way: how many times have you been with a woman and you wished she would just shut the fuck up? I'm more than certain the reverse is true; especially in the case of a girl who just wants to get you off and go back to sleep.

Member #3928
09-14-07, 00:01
This is definitely NOT the right way to go about it.


11-30-07, 23:21
I've been an AMP customer for many years. I've always been very respectful to the girls I've been with. One thing I've never done (in an AMP or otherwise) is to pop on a girls stomach.

Recently I've had the urge to want to do it but I'm not exactly sure how to approach the ladies with that request. I don't want to be disrespectful but at the same time it seems that guys to do it all the time. Or at least in their stories.

So experts, how do you do go about it?


Virile Vito
12-10-07, 17:27
I've been an AMP customer for many years. I've always been very respectful to the girls I've been with. One thing I've never done (in an AMP or otherwise) is to pop on a girls stomach.

Recently I've had the urge to want to do it but I'm not exactly sure how to approach the ladies with that request. I don't want to be disrespectful but at the same time it seems that guys to do it all the time. Or at least in their stories.

So experts, how do you do go about it?


You nailed it talking about respect. You might notice that when dudes put this in their stories, it is often followed by "she gave me a real nasty look" or "she was pretty pissed off at me" or something like that. Don't follow the selfish asses who do this w/o asking.

I personally cannot fathom at all why dudes want to do this, and I think it would also take away from your orgasm, but whatever - to each his own.

If you want to bust your nut this way, and to your credit want to maintain your respectful conduct, then just come out and ask the girl directly. Either she'll be willing or not, so making yourself clearly understood is best. Try it with a girl you've seen before and get along well with or a girl who is fun. Adding a little bit to your tip would probably help.

Iamme Iam
12-13-07, 21:13
Check this out....sounds like somone reads this forum, or is a fellow hobbyist.
I was just going to include the tips in an AMP, but found the whole article an excellent reference.


or read it here:

How To Get A Happy Ending From Your Masseuse
AUGUST 9, 2007
NEW ORLEANS (TNA) – Getting a good massage is easy. There are lots of legitimate masseuses of both sexes who can rub, pound and stroke your body into relaxation.

However, finding a masseuse willing to provide that cherry on top of the masseuse cake known as a "happy ending" can be downright hard.

In more ways than one.

Sadly, what is considered part of the normal massage package in other parts of the world – namely, customer ejaculation – is considered indecent in America.

This little tale provides a happy ending.

Of course, that just makes the dedicated men and women who perform "happy endings" that much more valuable – and in demand with discerning customers who want to end their sessions with a little "rub and tug."
Finding a masseuse willing to get touchy with your privates takes a little work, but here are some tips to help you determine whether your massage will end happily or otherwise.

Initial Encounter

1) Don’t go to massage parlors that emphasize sports fitness. The masseuses there are under the misguided impression that they can satisfy a customer by rubbing every muscle except the "love muscle."

Although Swedes have a reputation for sexual openness, folks who practice Swedish massage do not.

2) Do go to a massage parlor with a vaguely Asian name. If the massage place is named after an Asian city that is near a U.S. military base, such as Osaka or Subic Bay, there’s a good chance the masseuse will touch your nads without you even asking.

However, the folks who run Asian massage places (AMP) are constantly in fear of being busted by police who don’t understand the good work they do. That means if you’ve never been to a particular place, the "Mama-san," or masseuse, might give you a test before she decides to touch your testes.

"You been here before?"

Always answer "Yes." Even if you haven’t.

"Who did you see?"

Say you saw Sunny or Lee. Every AMP has an employee named Sunny or Lee. This will convince them that you are a valued customer.

3) Do attempt to visit a masseuse specializing in tantric massage. It is twice as expensive as an AMP, but tantric is a Sanskrit phrase meaning "handjob," so the so-called "release" is practically guaranteed.

Take a look at www.goddesstemple.com, a website devoted to women who practice tantric massage (and a few guys too). Some of the "holistic practitioners" offer "Sacred Spot Massage," which is a fancy word for "stick a finger in your butt"; "Goddess Worship," where you get to fool around with them; or "Cum Worship," which means you’ll definitely ejaculate.

That’s the good news. On the downside, you may have to deal with a lot of New Age mumbo-jumbo about finding the God or Goddess within, and the masseuse may wear a lot of cheesy scarves rather than hot pants and a halter.

4) Do go to masseuses who use ads with pretty girls. If you’re getting a real massage, it doesn’t matter what the masseuse looks like. Also, look for words like "sensual," "light touch" and "fresh off the boat."

Getting Situated

1) If you have the option of getting a hot bath with your massage, do it. Some masseuses are perfectly willing to give "hand releases" if they are sure the customer is clean, and the only way they can ensure that is by doing all the scrubbing. Plus, you have to be naked during the shower, so this helps convince them you’re not a cop.

2) When you undress, the masseuse will place a towel over your heiney. Take it off and tell her, "It’s too hot for this." This will give him or her a clue of what you’re really looking for. If the masseuse is inclined to tug your fishing tackle, he or she might give you a really tiny towel and say something like, "I am not allowed to remove this." If you act clueless, he or she might add, "By law, I -- meaning me -- the masseuse, am not allowed to remove this," and then point to you as if to verbally say, ``but YOU can."

3) Some masseuses might be open and ask, "Do you want a release?" This is someone you should treat very nicely, as they obviously understand the important elements of customer service.

During The Massage

1) Most massages begin with you on your tummy. Some masseuses – even the so-called legitimate ones -- like to tease you by brushing their hand near your crack. If he or she spends extra time there, they may be inclined to rub one out. Signify your interest by lifting your buttocks in the air to allow easy access.

2) Sometimes, the masseuse will try to make conversation. If he or she compliments you on your ass or sex organs, you have a good chance of receiving a happy ending. Another good sign: If they tell you that your muscles are so tight, you need some extra "body work."

3) Sometimes, wiggling your tongue during the massage will give them a hint of what you want, as will making moaning noises. Try and avoid moaning too loud because he or she might interpret that as a sign they’re doing something painful.

4) If the masseuse says they do a better massage if they’re naked or topless, take this as a good sign.

5) Keeping a $20 bill tucked between your toes can also be a subtle hint of what you want. However, some masseuses who only do hand releases if they feel "chemistry" may take offense at this (as well as the idea of holding a $20 bill that smells like toe jam).

During The Happy Ending

1) When the masseuse is pulling, prodding and probing your privates, it is considered polite to say things like, "Yum." Be vocal, but not too loud. Also, give a warning if you’re ticklish, because loud laughter is a turnoff to a masseuse who is trying to do a handjob.

2) It is best not to bring up topics of a personal nature during the "release." This is not the time to ask how she would feel if her daughter did this for a living. Nor should you ask how many times she does this each day. Generally, every masseuse wants each customer to think they are the only person getting a happy ending that day.

3) Let your masseuse tell you how far they want to go with the happy ending. One might only want to rub you out, while another may be happy to ride you out. There’s an old saying among massage maniacs: "Your mileage may vary." Sometimes, a therapist may simply be horny because they are turned on by you (maybe) or by the customer before you (more likely). Other times, they may be mad at their boyfriend and simply want a grudge fuck, and you just happen to be the beneficiary.

If A Happy Ending Looks Doubtful….

Sometimes the best plans of mice, men and massage go awry and even the most open-minded masseuse may balk at bringing the proceedings to a proper conclusion. Here are some things you can say that might change his or her mind.

1) "C’mon, I’m dying here." It only works about on 3 out of 100 times, but at the very least, they might squeeze some oil on you and let you go to town on yourself while they file their nails.

2) "I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking, but you’re just so durn purty." This line works best if your masseuse is extremely unattractive.

3) "The other masseuse does it." This works well. If they ask which one, just say "Sunny" or "Lee" There is always one or the other at any AMP. If you’re at a more holistic place, try the name "Epiphany."

4) Or, you can cut your losses by saying, "Good answer. I’m an off-duty police officer." This might ease your temporary embarrassment, but it will ruin any chances of getting a happy ending on return visits.


1) Lie there while the masseuse gets a hot wash rag to clean off your tummy. It is considered bad form to get dressed hurriedly.

2) Smile, smile, smile so the masseuse knows that their actions relaxed you.

3) Discreetly leave a tip on the counter. Don’t shove it in their hand.

4) Always say "Thank you," for a job well done.

Although you might not get a happy ending every time -- even if you go to the skeeviest massage parlor -- these tips can increase your percentage every time.

04-16-08, 16:08
I'm still reading the last page, but just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your feedback, and especially those who took the time to lay out all those helpful guidelines!!

Thank you.

04-16-08, 16:12
The split in a spa is ridiculously low, many licensed and certified therapists only being paid $20/hr. On a $100 service. $20/hr.
As for getting $40 for an hour-long massage AND a HJ. I feel really, really sorry for those women. What a desperate place they must be in to agree to such a thing. I imagine street-walkers with obvious drug habits must make more per hour than that. Wow.Why are you feeling sorry for women who are making twice what you just stated the licensed therapists are making?

04-17-08, 01:22
Why are you feeling sorry for women who are making twice what you just stated the licensed therapists are making?The $20 quoted as the LMT's split at some spas is before the tip.

It looks like the $40 mentioned for the AMP worker providing also a HJ is the total she makes.

BTW, at the place I go for a professional massage, the split is 25/35 for an hour, and I leave a $10 tip.


04-17-08, 18:38
The $20 quoted as the LMT's split at some spas is before the tip.

It looks like the $40 mentioned for the AMP worker providing also a HJ is the total she makes.

BTW, at the place I go for a professional massage, the split is 25/35 for an hour, and I leave a $10 tip.

DI might be misunderstanding, but you are confirming my point no?

$20-25 plus a $10 tip would be $35, compared to the AMP girl making $40.

I also wanted to ask, if that's the standard tip to leave for a legit massage?

I want to know because if I go to a place, and they are legit only, I guess I'm supposed to tip the girl?

If so, I'm wondering how much?

Any guidelines for tipping for legit service?

And if they are blatantly decoying as an extra place, I guess I don't need to tip at all?


04-18-08, 03:53
Any guidelines for tipping for legit service?I think the standard tip is 15-20%. I usually tip $10 on a $60 professional massage, but have left $20 when the LMT was especially effective at alleviating a sore back; also tipped $20 during the holidays.

I would hope that people who go to resorts and spas that charge $100 and up for a massage would leave a tip in the range of 20-25%.


04-18-08, 04:43
I don't think you can compare the two. Even though the word "massage" is used by both, they each provide totally different services.

The so-called "extra" services provided by the AMP are sexual in nature and usually outside the law. Employees there can find themselves arrested, fined, jailed, etc. Their immigration status and lack of English makes them very vulnerable.

I think you have to distinguish between the owners of the AMP and the employees. The former make a lot more money than the "girls" do. I am under no illusions about the "glamourous" lives of AMP workers or the "piles of dough" they take home. I am not even sure that they get to keep all "their" tips. And if they don't like the work, they have few options open to them.

So, while there are exceptions and special circumstances, there's really no comparison between LMTs and AMP workers.


04-21-08, 01:48
I don't think you can compare the two. Even though the word "massage" is used by both, they each provide totally different services.

The so-called "extra" services provided by the AMP are sexual in nature and usually outside the law. Employees there can find themselves arrested, fined, jailed, etc. Their immigration status and lack of English makes them very vulnerable.

I think you have to distinguish between the owners of the AMP and the employees. The former make a lot more money than the "girls" do. I am under no illusions about the "glamourous" lives of AMP workers or the "piles of dough" they take home. I am not even sure that they get to keep all "their" tips. And if they don't like the work, they have few options open to them.

So, while there are exceptions and special circumstances, there's really no comparison between LMTs and AMP workers.

DWell at the risk of sounding contentious, the comment she made was -

"As for getting $40 for an hour-long massage AND a HJ. I feel really, really sorry for those women. What a desperate place they must be in to agree to such a thing. I imagine street-walkers with obvious drug habits must make more per hour than that. Wow."

Her point seems to be that they are making very low amount of money, and as even your posts point out, they aren't mostly making MORE than others.

She also seems to be saying, that it's a really tough thing, that they do a massage, AND (gasp) a HJ.

So the issues you raised, while they may be issues in some cases, are besides her point, at least from what I can see.

07-16-08, 23:59
I see that a lot of thought was put into USTraveller's post about TIPS & Guidelines.

Great job!

There is one point, I feel, that may have been forgotten. When visiting an AMP for the first time, what are everyone's experiences/suggestions when it comes to:

A) callling ahead for an appointment, or

B) just showing up as a walk-in?

Which helps build a "trustworthy" and more relaxing experieince for all involved?

Joe Bagodonuts
07-17-08, 16:33
I been going to AMPs for over 10 years. Never really thought about the girls working there to much. Just would always ask for the new girl and have my fun. About a year ago that all changed. I went to my regular place that I had been going for about 3 years since it opened. I was always treated well there and knew the owner. I asked for the new girl as always. Yo-yo was her handle. I could tell something was different about her. After my session, which was wonderful, she said to me " I don't want to do this anymore". I said something stupid like " You can't quit I need you". The next time I went there she was off but was visiting for the day. She saw me and said she would look for me at the casino where I was staying. I didn't think to much about it, but later that night she saw me and her face lit up. She proceeded to hang out with me for most of the evening until the friends she was riding with had lost their money and wanted to go home. She came back a month later and asked for my cell number. She started calling me and texting me and our friendship began. She told me alot about her life. She came here with her family, but she is the only one who wanted to stay. A friend got her a job at an AMP as cook/cleaning lady. The owner then made her start going with customers against her will. She could speak little english at that time and felt she was trapped. She met a customer who she ended up married to for 5 years, they had a child, he cheated on her with a stripper and she left him. She had only been doing this for about six months again when I met her and the only reason she was doing it was to make enough money to go back to Korea, which she did in December of last year. We were boyfriend / girlfriend for about six months up until she left. I do believe she loves me and her friends tell me she wants to get back with me when she comes back to the USA. As far as money made in 1. 5 months she made 40K of which her cut was 20K. Her goal was to get another 30K in 2 months so she could have enough to get back to Korea. She will not be back until next year, some Visa issues to work out. I told her I would wait for her. Like I said she is the first one in over 10 years that got to me.

07-17-08, 22:37
I been going to AMPs for over 10 years. .... Like I said she is the first one in over 10 years that got to me.

You may be interested in this thread I started about relationships with providers. Good luck with yours.


08-21-08, 14:44
As to a previous queston about being a walk up or making an appt. If this is your first time at that Spa it does not make much differance. If you heard about a special girl working there then it is best to make an appt.

I live in Houston and we have Spa's all over town. So you can stop by anytime.

How to build a trustworthy experience dependes on how you treat the lady. And remembe that she is a LADY. I don't care if she is 18 or 85. Treat her with respect. And your first time and next time shouldl be pleasent.

Saw a question about tips. Most of the RMT's or LMT's do not expect a tip. But remember, I said most. Don't know why. As to Spa girls I have used this rule of thumb for tipping. ANY extras require a tip. The more extras, the more the tip. I don't understand how a guy can expect to have massage with a happy ending AND expect to feel her up OR penetrate an orfice and expect to get by for a measely twenty or thirty buck tip. If I keep my hands to myself, I don't mind tipping $20. The more she and I do to/with each other the higher the tip. Stands to reason. Some Spa's down here quote a $50 door fee and a $100 tip. If you don't get FS demand your money back. So I also use that as my guide to tipping. I can go any place in town for $150 and get FS. I go in for a massage plus a little extra, I pay accordingly.

Just found this site yesterday. Some good info on it for Hobbist or monger (sp) as you call it on this board.

Happy hunting and ALWAYS stay safe.

08-26-08, 00:54
I been going to AMPs for over 10 years. Never really thought about the girls working there to much. Just would always ask for the new girl and have my fun. About a year ago that all changed. I went to my regular place that I had been going for about 3 years since it opened. I was always treated well there and knew the owner. I asked for the new girl as always. Yo-yo was her handle. I could tell something was different about her. After my session, which was wonderful, she said to me " I don't want to do this anymore". I said something stupid like " You can't quit I need you". The next time I went there she was off but was visiting for the day. She saw me and said she would look for me at the casino where I was staying. I didn't think to much about it, but later that night she saw me and her face lit up. She proceeded to hang out with me for most of the evening until the friends she was riding with had lost their money and wanted to go home. She came back a month later and asked for my cell number. She started calling me and texting me and our friendship began. She told me alot about her life. She came here with her family, but she is the only one who wanted to stay. A friend got her a job at an AMP as cook/cleaning lady. The owner then made her start going with customers against her will. She could speak little english at that time and felt she was trapped. She met a customer who she ended up married to for 5 years, they had a child, he cheated on her with a stripper and she left him. She had only been doing this for about six months again when I met her and the only reason she was doing it was to make enough money to go back to Korea, which she did in December of last year. We were boyfriend / girlfriend for about six months up until she left. I do believe she loves me and her friends tell me she wants to get back with me when she comes back to the USA. As far as money made in 1. 5 months she made 40K of which her cut was 20K. Her goal was to get another 30K in 2 months so she could have enough to get back to Korea. She will not be back until next year, some Visa issues to work out. I told her I would wait for her. Like I said she is the first one in over 10 years that got to me.Thanks for sharing. I always end up talking more than I probably should because I get nervous and I start talking when I get nervous. Last time with this korean girl. We talked after we were done and she mentioned an ex she had and her tone started to get sad. Didn't have much time so she didn't go into much detail. Sometimes I wonder about their story but I guess best not to get involved sometimes. Glad your relationship is working out.

10-28-09, 13:46
When you are brought to your room should you start getting undressed or wait till they tell you to. You always have that short time between when you get in the room and when the girl who is going to give the massage comes?

Should I be undressing then or wait till I am told to?

Ray Alan
10-31-09, 12:52
When you are brought to your room should you start getting undressed or wait till they tell you to. You always have that short time between when you get in the room and when the girl who is going to give the massage comes?

Should I be undressing then or wait till I am told to?The the f'ing forum dude. This thread has answers to all of the questions you could ask.

11-07-09, 11:00
Surprise, different places are different. Just do what feels good for you. If they don't like it they WILL tell you.

When you are brought to your room should you start getting undressed or wait till they tell you to. You always have that short time between when you get in the room and when the girl who is going to give the massage comes?

Should I be undressing then or wait till I am told to?

03-09-10, 16:20
Hello all,

I've been to only one AMP recently and got ripped off majorly. Thanks to this forum I won't be back there anytime soon. I think she sensed I'm new because I'm also quite young (early twenties) compared to most of their clients. She was extremely attractive but also rude and condescending. I like HJ and BJ in general but I was looking for FS. She wanted 5. for it. I talked her down, but in the end only got a HJ for 1.6. If it weren't for this forum I wouldn't have realized how badly I got ripped off!

One question, however, just so I can be prepared:

If I am ever offered BBFS and feel inclined to accept, can I cum inside her? I mean, whats the deal there? I'd hate to leave her a nice big load only to get my balls cut off by security for breaking a bunch of rules, you know?

Thanks in advance!

Chon Maneyo
03-10-10, 07:13
One question, however, just so I can be prepared:

If I am ever offered BBFS and feel inclined to accept, can I cum inside her? I mean, whats the deal there? I'd hate to leave her a nice big load only to get my balls cut off by security for breaking a bunch of rules, you know?

Thanks in advance!If a girl is crazy enough to offer BBFS to a guy she doesn't know, you'd better be intelligent enough to decline said offer because you ain't the only one for whom she's doing it.

As far as busting your nuts inside her goes, she'll let you know beforehand with a, "Honey-ya, no come inside, okay? " Be respectful of this request.

If you become a regular of a girl and develop a relationship, feel free to do whatever you want in a respectful and honorable way. Just be ready to marry her at some point because it will mean she loves you. Arresayo?


03-10-10, 09:49
can I cum inside her? I mean, whats the deal there?Sure, if you don't mind getting the clap. If she barebacks, you know every other Jimmy in the county has left a load of babybatter in her. AMP is the place to use the big head.

03-10-10, 14:26
If I am ever offered BBFS and feel inclined to accept, can I cum inside her? I mean, whats the deal there? I'd hate to leave her a nice big load only to get my balls cut off by security for breaking a bunch of rules, you know?Come on, man. Your first post is to ask about BBFS? Obvious troll!

What "security" is going to know exactly where you dropped your load? You think the girl is going to tell them? "This guy just busted a nut in me - kick his ass!"

You're not going to have to worry about BBFS, as it's not going to be offered to you anytime soon. But if you do manage to find yourself raw and balls-deep inside some girl, I would imagine most girls in that position would expect your nut in their pussy. If not, she will pull away before you cum.

03-10-10, 15:15
Hello all,

If I am ever offered BBFS and feel inclined to accept, can I cum inside her? I mean, whats the deal there? I'd hate to leave her a nice big load only to get my balls cut off by security for breaking a bunch of rules, you know?

Just drop your load.

Better advice is to always wrap up!

T Shell
03-21-10, 13:44
You want to get STD that bad?

Remember if she is offering you BBFS, you are probably the 10th guy, that day, that has been there.

Shit, I don't even fuck 'regular' women I date BB until I know more about them. And they are not working girls who fuck for money.

Why don't you fly to Africa. Fuck all the ****** there for cheap. You don't need to save any money b/c you be dead from AIDS in a couple years.

Use your 'big head' to do your thinking. And keep the little one covered.

03-23-10, 08:36
I dreamt of my first mp experience recently. The girl was very accomodating and gave he without asking me if wanted anything or negotiating tip, etc. She maintained eye conact throughout but a few times looked over towards

My clothes. I assume she was looking for signs of a tip peeking out of my pocket. Nshe couldn't seemit astip was hidden in the pocket, my mistake mayB. Could I assume that she was trying to get idea of what I wanted based on how much money was accidentally exposed. If I'm looking for CBJ or FS would it also be wise to let a condom peek out of the pockets. I know that this is probably being too subtle but if it works unlike it for two reasons: 1. I don't have to solicit anything and she doesn't ask any questions, no wrong done 2. It's more exciting for memif indint have to talk about anything and it just "happens" like things would normally. I'm not a haggler by nature.

Also she left the room to let me dress afterwards. I left the tip on the little table instead of give it to her directly. Is that ok? I also like it because it seems more discreet, less like paying for something.

Aurora Bo
04-28-10, 16:06
I recently was leaving an AMP and a cop was outside in his car, it's quite possible he took down my plate number. I've never heard of anyone getting arrested on anything other than a raid, but I can't help but wonder. Of course, it would be totally useless for them to seek me out now, but I certainly don't need the hassle.

Anyone here with unfortunate experiences?

05-01-10, 06:46
A few months ago I was exiting a AMP here in New Orleans one evening and saw a cop car driving up in the parking lot. The fat cop and his partner just looked at me as I was getting into my car. Nothing ever came of it since I was not caught doing anything. A few days later the AMP got busted. I have never worried much about a raid while being inside of one of these places. They have to catch you with your pants down and the amp girl always locks the door before starting the session so I feel pretty safe.

05-29-10, 17:24
I've been wanting to try out an AMP recently, so today I went to one with a lot of good recommendations that isn't too far from me at all. Problem is, I got kicked out almost as soon as I walked in the door.

Basically, it went like this: she asked if I'd ever been in there before, I said no (probably my first mistake). Then she asked if I was 21, I said I was, and she immediately escorted me out saying, "no, no, no, no, 22! You have to be 22"

I'm pretty positive this is BS. The problem is, I look and act very naive, moral and friendly. Frankly, I look and act exactly like a stereotypical LEO, but not nearly as quick on my feet. Which is a pity, because I was really looking forward to this.

So. Has anyone encountered a problem like this in the past? I mean, I could understand if I at least got to the regular massage part, but was I really so suspicious that they had to kick me out immediately? If I did seem a lot like LE, are they going to blacklist me and never let me in again? Is there any way I'm going to get another shot at this? Should I go ahead and try again in a week or a month and see what happens?

Like I said, I'm very nervous socially and I'm not so quick on my feet, and I can see why these people would immediately assume I'm LE. I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.

Member #4376
05-29-10, 19:52
I've been wanting to try out an AMP recently, so today I went to one with a lot of good recommendations that isn't too far from me at all. Problem is, I got kicked out almost as soon as I walked in the door.


Like I said, I'm very nervous socially and I'm not so quick on my feet, and I can see why these people would immediately assume I'm LE. I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.I call BS. Look at all TWO of this guy's reports. He stinks of LE.

I hope that nobody here is naive enough to offer this guy more information than he could get on his own.

Clinton Bush
05-30-10, 02:54
I've been wanting to try out an AMP recently, so today I went to one with a lot of good recommendations that isn't too far from me at all. Problem is, I got kicked out almost as soon as I walked in the door.

Basically, it went like this: she asked if I'd ever been in there before, I said no (probably my first mistake). Then she asked if I was 21, I said I was, and she immediately escorted me out saying, "no, no, no, no, 22! You have to be 22"

I'm pretty positive this is BS. The problem is, I look and act very naive, moral and friendly. Frankly, I look and act exactly like a stereotypical LEO, but not nearly as quick on my feet. Which is a pity, because I was really looking forward to this.

So. Has anyone encountered a problem like this in the past? I mean, I could understand if I at least got to the regular massage part, but was I really so suspicious that they had to kick me out immediately? If I did seem a lot like LE, are they going to blacklist me and never let me in again? Is there any way I'm going to get another shot at this? Should I go ahead and try again in a week or a month and see what happens?

Like I said, I'm very nervous socially and I'm not so quick on my feet, and I can see why these people would immediately assume I'm LE. I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.

(1) I encountered this problem when I was young. So did many friends
(2) I can't speak for that particular AMP, but if they got a good look at you then yes, you are probably blacklisted. Apparently there was something about you that they didn't like.
(3) It is highly doubtful you will get another shot at that AMP with the current staff. Maybe in a few years, when the current employees leave.
(4) You have an idea of what you did wrong this time. Take that to heart. Make the appropriate changes and move on. Be ready when you move on to another place. Good luck.

ps - Next time tell them you are 22. :)

05-30-10, 04:01
I've been wanting to try out an AMP recently, so today I went to one with a lot of good recommendations that isn't too far from me at all. Problem is, I got kicked out almost as soon as I walked in the door.

Basically, it went like this: she asked if I'd ever been in there before, I said no (probably my first mistake). Then she asked if I was 21, I said I was, and she immediately escorted me out saying, "no, no, no, no, 22! You have to be 22"

I'm pretty positive this is BS. The problem is, I look and act very naive, moral and friendly. Frankly, I look and act exactly like a stereotypical LEO, but not nearly as quick on my feet. Which is a pity, because I was really looking forward to this.

So. Has anyone encountered a problem like this in the past? I mean, I could understand if I at least got to the regular massage part, but was I really so suspicious that they had to kick me out immediately? If I did seem a lot like LE, are they going to blacklist me and never let me in again? Is there any way I'm going to get another shot at this? Should I go ahead and try again in a week or a month and see what happens?

Like I said, I'm very nervous socially and I'm not so quick on my feet, and I can see why these people would immediately assume I'm LE. I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.
(1) I encountered this problem when I was young. So did many friends

(2) I can't speak for that particular AMP, but if they got a good look at you then yes, you are probably blacklisted. Apparently there was something about you that they didn't like.

(3) It is highly doubtful you will get another shot at that AMP with the current staff. Maybe in a few years, when the current employees leave.

(4) You have an idea of what you did wrong this time. Take that to heart. Make the appropriate changes and move on. Be ready when you move on to another place. Good luck.

Ps. Next time tell them you are 22.I find the best way to gain confidence is in role playing

Try it a couple of times with your sister, mother, partner, or captain, using various scenarios.

The next time you walk in, you'd have some practice and experience for an effective response.

It would also help if you don't drive up to the place in your dad's crown vic.

You may want to consider purchasing a piece of shit pickup truck.

This would also come in handy when you monger the streets.

05-30-10, 19:39
I've been wanting to try out an AMP recently, so today I went to one with a lot of good recommendations that isn't too far from me at all. Problem is, I got kicked out almost as soon as I walked in the door.

Basically, it went like this: she asked if I'd ever been in there before, I said no (probably my first mistake). Then she asked if I was 21, I said I was, and she immediately escorted me out saying, "no, no, no, no, 22! You have to be 22"

I'm pretty positive this is BS. The problem is, I look and act very naive, moral and friendly. Frankly, I look and act exactly like a stereotypical LEO, but not nearly as quick on my feet. Which is a pity, because I was really looking forward to this.

So. Has anyone encountered a problem like this in the past? I mean, I could understand if I at least got to the regular massage part, but was I really so suspicious that they had to kick me out immediately? If I did seem a lot like LE, are they going to blacklist me and never let me in again? Is there any way I'm going to get another shot at this? Should I go ahead and try again in a week or a month and see what happens?

Like I said, I'm very nervous socially and I'm not so quick on my feet, and I can see why these people would immediately assume I'm LE. I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.Yes, this happened to me years ago, when I was 22 years old also. And here's the funny part, I been in there before and got the whole FS thing the very first time. (SC AMP StressAway that is closed down now). I decided to go back the next week and there was a new lady answering the door. She asked me if I was there before and I said yes, I even mentioned the lady I had last time. She pulled the whole "Are you 22 thing" I said yes and she said "You need to be 23, come back next year". I was like WTF and she shut the door in my face. The sad thing about is that I recommended some people from work to go there and the same results happened. I shouldn't worry about that now since I'm older, but every since my first time, I haven't been to one since, still looking for the right one, been reading all this forums, reading about the hit and misses of all these different AMP. I hate to spend money to not get what I want.

05-31-10, 21:28
I call BS. Look at all TWO of this guy's reports. He stinks of LE.

I hope that nobody here is naive enough to offer this guy more information than he could get on his own.Well, the reason I only have two reports is because my only experience with AMPs is getting kicked out of one two days ago. I'm very, very new to this, if you can't tell. But no, I'm just a regular guy looking for the best damn massage available my local area. ;)

Thanks for the advice Clinton Bush. I don't think she got too good a look at me, but only because I was in/out in literally less than thirty seconds. If it's about me looking young (seems like a weird reason to kick people out, if you ask me), guess there's not much I can really do, except try my best to seem totally familiar with the process next time I go. I mean, the worst that happens is I get kicked out again.

And thanks for the anecdote Mike, at least I know I'm not the only one.

06-25-10, 23:02
...I'm pretty positive this is BS...

...Should I go ahead and try again in a week or a month and see what happens?

...I'm just wondering what I can do now to get another shot.
As far as the B.S. about being 22... They just said that to get you out of there. Obviously, you looked like you haven't been there before or you looked like LE or something.

Don't go back to THIS one for at least a few months. Try another place in the area (search your local forum) for other potential locations. I've been to the one you mention and haven't had any problems.

In order to have success at this AMP, get some practice at another AMP. Get the routine down and read my first post in this section from long ago (and all of the other following posts) on how everything goes down.

If you get a chance to go to Las Vegas, they are used to first timers so you don't have to say you've been there before. It's difficult to get FS in a Vegas AMP, but it can be done. Just expect HJ there.

Nightwatchman... good point about not driving the Crown Vic there... I never thought of that one. Stay away from the old Chevy Caprice's too!

Good Luck!


06-30-10, 12:47
I just want to say thank you. I am seriously thinking about trying the AMP experience as I'm travelling the next few months, and really didn't know where to start. This advice, as well as the rest in the thread, are great.

Here are some tips and etiquette for visitors looking for extras in an AMP (Asian Massage Parlor). I'm one who prefers the AMPs to the other mongering options because they seem to provide a safe and relaxing environment. I wanted to share some general information in a number of sections and decided to do it here instead as more people are likely to view it and add on. I hope this can help any newbies to AMPs or jog the memory of AMP experts to dish out some tips of their own.


08-07-11, 23:55
Great Info! I've used these tips to great success. Probably the most important factor is the repeat customer thing. First time out don't expect too much. Just enjoy the massage. Patience pays.

05-31-12, 14:44
Great Info! I've used these tips to great success. Probably the most important factor is the repeat customer thing. First time out don't expect too much. Just enjoy the massage. Patience pays.You can even ask for a business card and have the girl write her name on it. Then, that's proof you've been there before in case the girls change around by the time you visit again.


06-25-12, 14:54
This may be a "just me" thing, but one thing I've learned over the years of visiting MPs is that if you go to a place that actually gives you a massage before the HE, make sure to enjoy the massage portion (if they are good at it, of course) and try not to think too much about getting off. When I first started this crazy game, when I'd visit a place, during the 45 minutes of actual massage, I was just thinking about how to get jerked off. Thus, when the time came, I was still tense and so horny that I would cum extremely quickly. Then I didn't even get to fully enjoy the massage because I couldn't relax nor the HE because it didn't last long.

Learn to relax and just know that you will get stroked at the end (assuming you are at an actual rub and' tug). Give her a few signs along the way, but just enjoy the rub, as well. Most of the time they know what you want at the end.

Obviously, if you go to a FS place where they scratch your back for a few minutes before play, then this doesn't apply.

Just my two cents.

08-24-12, 17:47
So I've been going to AMPs for a while, but the one thing I've never manged to figure out is how to handle the tip. Not the amount, but the actual getting the money part. Most of the girls I've seen want the tip before they go to work, which means I have to get up off the table, find my wallet, pull out the money, count it, and leave it somewhere. This is awkward as hell and really kills the mood. I'd rather not give them the tip as soon they come in since that seems like a good way to get nothing in return, but is there another way to handle it better? Should I keep it with me / next to me while I'm getting the massage? Should I insist she do her work before I get her the money? I'm really not sure what's the best way to do this, any advice would be appreciated.

09-04-12, 23:09
So I've been going to AMPs for a while, but the one thing I've never manged to figure out is how to handle the tip. Not the amount, but the actual getting the money part. Most of the girls I've seen want the tip before they go to work, which means I have to get up off the table, find my wallet, pull out the money, count it, and leave it somewhere. This is awkward as hell and really kills the mood. I'd rather not give them the tip as soon they come in since that seems like a good way to get nothing in return, but is there another way to handle it better? Should I keep it with me / next to me while I'm getting the massage? Should I insist she do her work before I get her the money? I'm really not sure what's the best way to do this, any advice would be appreciated.I've done it a few different ways (NOTE: Prices may vary by locale) :

1) Have the tip ready somewhere convenient. If I plan on negotiating a price, I have that amount in 20s loaded up folded in half. Usually, I tuck it into my shoe, pants pocket, or the little purse they give you. If they negotiate on the flip and want the tip right then and there, you have to get it to them somehow. If it's convenient, you can even tell them "In Shoe" or something so they will get it. I've had them bring me my pants where I fumble for the money. Either way, it's awkward and I understand your concern. Many places still want the money up front, so having it handy is better. If you unsure how successful the negotiation will got, have two stacks of 3 ready. .6 for HJ or 1. 2 for FS. See what they go for. I usually keep a few 20s behind my drivers license just in case the price is higher than I anticipated (but still not overpriced).

2) When paying upfront for service, make it clear you have extra money (Pull out 120 with two bills. Give them the large bill. They bring change. They can add). If they know you have it on you, they still may negotiate on the flip and trust you have the rest. Sometimes, they just trust you have the tip (and I assume some angry owner with a sword will come in if you don't pay up afterwards). If they DO trust you have it, then be true to your word. This is another reason to keep a few 20s behind the drivers license.

3) Negotiate up front. I've done this several times and it was brought up by the girl. I enjoyed the clean and easy transition from massage to extras. No fuss!

4) No negotiating at all. I've had some girls do the flip then massage a bit and start the ending. If that's they case, I usually tip. 4 for their troubles. I would have paid. 6 so I still feel like I got a deal.

Personally, I like the period of exchange as it gets me to relax and not be so ready to explode. It takes some extra time to build me back up again. But it depends on how good the girl is on the flip.


11-28-12, 12:44
Obviously a newbie to the forums but I feel like the LE is heating up in my local AMP's I was wondering if there was a bust during my massage. What should I do? What should I say? And what are the consequences of being there? (New England area) any help from seniors or insight would be great.

12-27-12, 20:57
Obviously a newbie to the forums but I feel like the LE is heating up in my local AMP's I was wondering if there was a bust during my massage. What should I do? What should I say? And what are the consequences of being there? (New England area) any help from seniors or insight would be great. (Standard disclaimer: This is the subjective opinion of one person, it is not in any way intended to be taken as legal advice.)

I'm not familiar with laws in the New England area, but generally speaking it's difficult to charge someone with solicitation at an AMP. In most cases there needs to be a clear and definitive agreement of money for sex in order for the charge to stick. So the bust would pretty much have to occur while you were in negotiations, and the cops would need to have some evidence that this negotiation took place. Even if they bust in while the two of you are having sex (which it would be pretty stupid to keep going while a huge commotion is happening outside the room) the cops will have a hard time proving that you paid for it AND you had the intent to solicit, unless one of you confesses. This is actually how a lot of guys get busted, not because LE had evidence but because either he or the girl he's with said something incriminating. It's possible that you could be charged with indecent exposure or gross lewdness or something similar, but since MPs / spas are areas with some expectation of privacy it becomes more of a grey area. Personally I don't think these charges are very likely, since many legitimate MPs encourage their clients to be naked during the massage so it isn't really unusual.

Again, I don't know the laws in your area so I can't give you any advice about what to do or what the consequences could be. But what I would do if a bust happened while I was getting a massage is the same thing I'd do in any other situation with the police: shut the fuck up. The only thing I would say is "I will not answer any questions until I've spoken with my attorney." No matter what the cops promise and no matter what they threaten me with, I would not say one word until I had a lawyer representing me. You will never convince them to let you go, so the only thing you'll accomplish by talking to cops is giving them more evidence to use against you. (Note that you may be required to identify yourself to police, so check your state law before refusing to tell the cops your name, address, or occupation. And do not, under any circumstances, lie to them.)

03-08-13, 02:21
I took some time off work next week so will finally have a chance to try some day mongering while SO is at work. Really want to try one of the AMP's because I've spent some time in Korea and have always wanted to try a Korean woman. Any suggestions on a good day location with Korean women (and preferably a Korean MS)?

My question though, is once I negotiate a price, do I tip on top of that? Or do I negotiate a total price? And even though this is the AMP thread, does the same apply to an escort? If the price is listed as $$.5 per hour do I add my tip to that? Just don't want to come off as a schmuck if I'm expected to tip but don't!

Semper Fi
04-06-13, 23:56
I took some time off work next week so will finally have a chance to try some day mongering while SO is at work. Really want to try one of the AMP's because I've spent some time in Korea and have always wanted to try a Korean woman. Any suggestions on a good day location with Korean women (and preferably a Korean MS)?

My question though, is once I negotiate a price, do I tip on top of that? Or do I negotiate a total price? And even though this is the AMP thread, does the same apply to an escort? If the price is listed as $$.5 per hour do I add my tip to that? Just don't want to come off as a schmuck if I'm expected to tip but don't!I tip 20% if the massage is OK and the girl has a good attitude. If I get extras the tip will be 30 to 40 percent. I think that most of the real dollars that the girls get are tips. If they take a chance and give you extras. They should be rewarded IMHO.

11-01-13, 20:08
I tip 20% if the massage is OK and the girl has a good attitude. If I get extras the tip will be 30 to 40 percent. I think that most of the real dollars that the girls get are tips. If they take a chance and give you extras. They should be rewarded IMHO.I think the standard is $40 for a hand job and $100 plus for full service. It can be plus or minus, depending on your mood, the girl's mood, and how much you want it compared to your provider. Check out rubmaps.com. This place will give you an idea of what parlors offer happy endings and which ones that do not. If you are into this kind of stuff, you know what I mean.

12-10-13, 16:54
I think the standard is $40 for a hand job and $100 plus for full service. It can be plus or minus, depending on your mood, the girl's mood, and how much you want it compared to your provider. Check out rubmaps.com. This place will give you an idea of what parlors offer happy endings and which ones that do not. If you are into this kind of stuff, you know what I mean.Seems you are only here to place an ad for your site. There are better sites than RM. This one for example.

03-27-14, 11:52
These numbers are what I'm used to, all over the country.

I think the standard is $40 for a hand job and $100 plus for full service. It can be plus or minus, depending on your mood, the girl's mood, and how much you want it compared to your provider. Check out rubmaps.com. This place will give you an idea of what parlors offer happy endings and which ones that do not. If you are into this kind of stuff, you know what I mean.

11-20-14, 09:25
My AMP tips are following.

1. Never give the tip until massage is completed, other wise you could end up with a bad service.

2. Never try to cover yourself with a towel when you lay down to the massage bed, so girl will know that you also know what's going on.

3. If you do not like the girl, ask for the other girl.

Here are also some other good tips, whenever you are choosing a massage parlors: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Erotic_massage.

10-25-15, 21:43
I have a tipping question. If most providers in an area charge. 6 and. 4 is customary for a HJ, and a provider charges. 7, is a. 3 tip okay? Or would the. 4 tip be expected?

Ray Alan
10-26-15, 12:54
I have a tipping question. If most providers in an area charge. 6 and. 4 is customary for a HJ, and a provider charges. 7, is a. 3 tip okay? Or would the. 4 tip be expected?40 is the standard for a HJ. The girls in AMPs usually do not get a piece of the house fee. So you would be short changing the masseuse. If the service is exceptional, or if I get the rare treatment above the HJ in a are &T joint, I always tip proportionally more.

10-26-15, 14:48
40 is the standard for a HJ. The girls in AMPs usually do not get a piece of the house fee. So you would be short changing the masseuse. If the service is exceptional, or if I get the rare treatment above the HJ in a are &T joint, I always tip proportionally more.Thank you for the info. I will make sure to give the full tip.

04-07-16, 21:49
When do you suppose the busiest and quietest times at a MP are? Most of us probably prefer to go when it's not busy. If it's a place with a lot of girls working, I guess the advantage of going at the peak time is that you have a bigger choice of options, since they'll all be working when demand is high.

I usually go on weekends, and rarely in the evening after work. I know a lot of guys on this forum are married and have to sneak in their MP visits, so maybe they do it on lunch breaks or other times they have a cover story.

04-28-16, 11:44
When do you suppose the busiest and quietest times at a MP are? Most of us probably prefer to go when it's not busy. If it's a place with a lot of girls working, I guess the advantage of going at the peak time is that you have a bigger choice of options, since they'll all be working when demand is high.

I usually go on weekends, and rarely in the evening after work. I know a lot of guys on this forum are married and have to sneak in their MP visits, so maybe they do it on lunch breaks or other times they have a cover story.I think peak / off times will vary somewhat with location, or proximity to the client traffic, as well as a bit with the client demographics that any one particular AMP seems to attract. The easier the access for clients, like a downtown or other high traffic area, the more you might see peaks associated with "lunch time" or "right after work. " And that same AMP, if near clients working during the week, might not see a lot of weekend action.

Conversely, an AMP located in a more remote area, like near an airport or industrial area, may see a totally different traffic patters for their peak / off times. Or AMPs attracting more blue-collar / hourly workers (who can't sneak out from work for an hour, or so) will probably be less busy M-F during prime blue-collar shift hours and MORE busy on weekends or evenings.

I can only really speak to the AMP's I've been to, but my FAVORITE is always chocked full of clients on Friday mornings, and the attendants have told me that they're not usually very busy on Sundays. So, there's THAT (for what it's worth). I've quit even trying to go to that place on Friday mornings anymore (even though that is the most convenient time for ME), as the last Friday AM I was there, I had to wait my turn for the Table Shower (like 15 minutes), then the service was cut a little short on the "after-action" massage time (with sincere apologies), and on my exit, with all four rooms occupied (two girls working!) and one guy standing in the front vestibule, I had to exit through the back door so as not to pass another guy! That was the most congested experience I've ever had, but others have been obviously rushed due to "busy time!

Mr. Bill (Tampa / Sarasota, Florida area).

Member #5301
06-05-16, 16:45
Are the prices fo CB different? I have searched with no luck. Also any tips or guides for this place as a first timer?

10-08-16, 22:54
I have a tipping question. If most providers in an area charge. 6 and. 4 is customary for a HJ, and a provider charges. 7, is a. 3 tip okay? Or would the. 4 tip be expected?It's a standard amount, because a lot of girls work on the commission basis, which means they have to pay mama san $ 25-40 a day for the room and if you are their only patient on that day, they won't make anything.

Sir Pringle
01-25-17, 06:58
40 is the standard for a HJ. The girls in AMPs usually do not get a piece of the house fee. So you would be short changing the masseuse. If the service is exceptional, or if I get the rare treatment above the HJ in a are &T joint, I always tip proportionally more.Is the forty a tip for just the HE, or is it broken down into twenty for the massage and twenty for the HE? Just talking a straight up HJ after a standard thirty minute massage.

Ray Alan
01-27-17, 14:48
Is the forty a tip for just the HE, or is it broken down into twenty for the massage and twenty for the HE? Just talking a straight up HJ after a standard thirty minute massage.If the entire tip is going to the girl (which it is) then what does it matter. You are tipping her for her service, you are paying the house for providing the house.

Cephlapod Love
01-28-17, 19:34
Is the forty a tip for just the HE, or is it broken down into twenty for the massage and twenty for the HE? Just talking a straight up HJ after a standard thirty minute massage.There are two fees involved in any AMP visit and a tip.

1) The House Fee. - Usually 60 for the hour. That gets you an hour with the girl and whatever legitimate services that AMP provides: table shower, sauna, rub down, etc. All non-sexual services and all perfectly legal to contract and pay for. Some AMPs might have a lower rate, say 40 for a half-hour. This money goes to the house or AMP.

2) The "Tip" Fee - this is a misnomer as it really is a "fee" for extra services. Those services can be HE, HJ, BJ or FS. Rates vary from city to city and often AMP to AMP, but generally 40 gets the job done for a HJ and 100 brings CFS. You should expect to "negotiate" for these services in the middle of the rub down. Now be careful and in most locations offering money for sex acts is illegal. This money is the girl's money, but some portion she has to kick back to the house, or pay a room & board charge or other fees the house may impose on her. You'll never know and asking about it will make everyone nervous.

Finally there is a "tip"! As OP pointed out this is a service industry and like a waiter you owe them a "tip" for good service. So maybe you toss them an extra 10 for OK service and $40 for outstanding, mind-blowing experience?

So typically it is going to cost you anywhere from 160 to 200 for a FULL experience in an AMP.

_60 - House Fee.
100 - Tip Fee for a FS experience.
160 - minimal "cost" for a full date.
_20 - Standard "tip" for good service.
180 - total cost, nice FS date at AMP.

Good luck!

PS - Oh, and you are new and learning! NOTHING wrong with that at all! DO NOT EVER consider asking rookie questions makes you a "pain in the azz guy!" You aren't. The purpose of these boards is to share that kind of information. We all are new at some point and have to learn somewhere. Some choose to do it by making mistakes and experiencing "teachable moments." I think it makes sense to ask questions and learn that way! It is a heck of alot safer!

01-29-17, 15:05
There are two fees involved in any AMP visit and a tip.


PS - Oh, and you are new and learning! NOTHING wrong with that at all! DO NOT EVER consider asking rookie questions makes you a "pain in the azz guy!" You aren't. The purpose of these boards is to share that kind of information. We all are new at some point and have to learn somewhere. Some choose to do it by making mistakes and experiencing "teachable moments." I think it makes sense to ask questions and learn that way! It is a heck of alot safer!Excellent advice. I also found that just browsing this site for a while taught me stuff I would never have thought to ask about.

On a personal note, I've found that silently flashing a $ bill and a cover (but putting them back in my pocket) BEFORE paying the house fee shows my expectations with excellent results. Any objection (like the provider shaking her head or raising 2 fingers) can be addressed immediately, and it gives you the option to abort and go elsewhere. For me, nothing dampens the mood quite like getting less than I expected, and negotiating mid-stream gives the provider a major advantage since your little head is now on her side.

Cephlapod Love
01-30-17, 10:40
Excellent advice. I also found that just browsing this site for a while taught me stuff I would never have thought to ask about.

On a personal note, I've found that silently flashing a $ bill and a cover (but putting them back in my pocket) BEFORE paying the house fee shows my expectations with excellent results. Any objection (like the provider shaking her head or raising 2 fingers) can be addressed immediately, and it gives you the option to abort and go elsewhere. For me, nothing dampens the mood quite like getting less than I expected, and negotiating mid-stream gives the provider a major advantage since your little head is now on her side.If you are reading AND learning from old posts (history) then you are a rare breed indeed! Don't you know that "history" is boring and useless and there is no point in having to be exposed to it? All that is really important you can learn in 30-seconds from a tweet or reddit post! Forget reading what experienced mongers have left behind, they are probably old and the information is dated and stale! Sigh. I mean really! What would some dude who has been to AMPs numerous times know about anything? (hope you humor cap is set to sarcastic).

When headed to a new AMP, I often will place the tip fee and a cover on a table or a stand nearby. I am sure the girl sees it as they can spot a greenback at 100 yards! So when the flip comes, I just look at what is on the table, and no words are spoken, but the message communicated. Did have a girl refuse once and give me a hard time telling to go to XYZ (place where several AMPs located) if I wanted that. But hey, figured that was because it was my first visit there. By the third visit in as many weeks, the trick worked and I continued with sessions for several months. Oh and that at a place where posts on the local USASG AMP thread all swore "extras" weren't available at that house! So in that case it paid to have some style and patience.

Good luck!

02-05-17, 21:00
This seems like a good place to ask some questions of the more experienced. I am in a town where most of the AMPs are just trying to lure you in, there are several though that are known to be able to get a HJ. A few have claimed being able to get more out of the deal like pulling the providers pants down and shirt up, BJ or DATY etc. I have been to many parlors in the area and gotten at most a HJ allot of times which were good experiences but I'm craving a little more.

What advice can you give to suggest to the provider you want more than a HJ without getting kicked out. Do you wait to the flip and just ask, start feeling her up, what would you recommend?

Thanks for helping the inexperienced!

Cephlapod Love
02-06-17, 01:33
This seems like a good place to ask some questions of the more experienced. I am in a town where most of the AMPs are just trying to lure you in, there are several though that are known to be able to get a HJ. A few have claimed being able to get more out of the deal like pulling the providers pants down and shirt up, BJ or DATY etc. I have been to many parlors in the area and gotten at most a HJ allot of times which were good experiences but I'm craving a little more.

What advice can you give to suggest to the provider you want more than a HJ without getting kicked out. Do you wait to the flip and just ask, start feeling her up, what would you recommend?

Thanks for helping the inexperienced!This is going to be highly variable. It depends on the AMP, maybe management wants them to be HJ only? Maybe the local LE are vigilant and the AMP is super cautious about providing extras. If a place or girls do not provide FS, one isn't going to be able to get it.

Perhaps one could become "a regular?" One could go for the hh rub and just be polite, try some respectful touching during the rub and see how that is received. If one goes back 3 times in 3 weeks that should make you a regular. Ask for the same girl on the return visits. Then on the 3rd or 4th visit try the Ben and Cover on a nightstand trick. The key is to come off as a nice guy, patient and polite. I think a lot of guys get grabby or insistent (I paid so I'm owed) and that makes the girl cautious until you demonstrate you are different. If you don't get anything on 3rd visit go for the hour next time. At that point if no extras are achieved they aren't available or perhaps one could examine the approach for changes?

Good luck.

Frisky Frank
02-06-17, 22:13
40 is the standard for a HJ. The girls in AMPs usually do not get a piece of the house fee. So you would be short changing the masseuse. If the service is exceptional, or if I get the rare treatment above the HJ in a are &T joint, I always tip proportionally more.Good info! I had no idea.

Frisky Frank
02-06-17, 22:21
Clever trick! Definitely using it next time.

Excellent advice. I also found that just browsing this site for a while taught me stuff I would never have thought to ask about.

On a personal note, I've found that silently flashing a $ bill and a cover (but putting them back in my pocket) BEFORE paying the house fee shows my expectations with excellent results. Any objection (like the provider shaking her head or raising 2 fingers) can be addressed immediately, and it gives you the option to abort and go elsewhere. For me, nothing dampens the mood quite like getting less than I expected, and negotiating mid-stream gives the provider a major advantage since your little head is now on her side.

02-08-17, 10:43
I can only really speak to the AMP's I've been to, but my FAVORITE is always chocked full of clients on Friday mornings, and the attendants have told me that they're not usually very busy on Sundays. So, there's THAT (for what it's worth). I've quit even trying to go to that place on Friday mornings anymore (even though that is the most convenient time for ME), as the last Friday AM I was there, I had to wait my turn for the Table Shower (like 15 minutes), then the service was cut a little short on the "after-action" massage time (with sincere apologies), and on my exit, with all four rooms occupied (two girls working!) and one guy standing in the front vestibule, I had to exit through the back door so as not to pass another guy! That was the most congested experience I've ever had, but others have been obviously rushed due to "busy time!
So, I think you nailed it Mr. Bill.

I originally posed this questions after finding the 'Popular Times' feature on Google Maps. By collecting GPS data from people's phones, they can measure how busy places are at different times. It's a little scary, but also useful information. I first noticed this looking at strip clubs. I saw a pattern between all of them that Monday is actually the slowest night, not Sunday (as I had previously believed). With strip clubs, I like to first go on a busy night to meet a top quality girl, then find out when she works and visit on slow nights to see her after that.

I thought I could apply the same strategy to MPs. A lot of MPs only have one or two girls there and apparently never have enough customers to count on the 'Popular Times' feature. But I saw that the feature does show up for some of the bigger ones, which I've attached some screenshots of.

It confirms what Mr. Bill said about Fridays being the peak. What's the explanation? This must be because a lot of people get paid on Friday and feel like they have money to burn? It looks like Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the best times to go if you want a quiet / unrushed experience.

02-08-17, 12:10
Obviously a newbie to the forums but I feel like the LE is heating up in my local AMP's I was wondering if there was a bust during my massage. What should I do? What should I say? And what are the consequences of being there? (New England area) any help from seniors or insight would be great.Always remember little Bro. You are just getting a (massage because of your bad back)! Nothing more! You have the right to a massage, with, or without your cloths on! You didn't give them the Lic. ,Permit, for the Buss. So you don't know anything about what is going on, or them! I don't like the Cover, money on the table trick, you can get busted for intent, if they bust in on you! Ask if they are holding you? You want a lawyer, keep your mouth shut, "(they are not your friend) ,you just wanted a "good massage for your bad back!" side note: when the big bust came to (Warren, Ohio,) a few years ago on AMPs, didn't hear of one customer getting charged! Drk big head!

Frisky Frank
02-13-17, 10:26
Always remember little Bro. You are just getting a (massage because of your bad back)! Nothing more! You have the right to a massage, with, or without your cloths on! You didn't give them the Lic. ,Permit, for the Buss. So you don't know anything about what is going on, or them! I don't like the Cover, money on the table trick, you can get busted for intent, if they bust in on you! Ask if they are holding you? You want a lawyer, keep your mouth shut, "(they are not your friend) ,you just wanted a "good massage for your bad back!" side note: when the big bust came to (Warren, Ohio,) a few years ago on AMPs, didn't hear of one customer getting charged! Drk big head!Good Info!

02-28-17, 14:44
A tip for new mongers or those trying out a new place:

I've found that paying the house with a $100 bill, regardless of the charge, always makes them a bit friendlier right off the bat. It's more subtle (and safer) than leaving money on a table, since they know you have the change. And it still allows you the option of paying less later if the service is lacking. (Just remember to actually get your change.).

Old City Joe
03-10-17, 10:45
I'm considering getting a 4 hand massage soon.

Any thoughts, tips or tricks?

I'm assuming you tip them both the standard rate (I. E. Double out-of-pocket cost).


Jayce Dragon
04-29-17, 02:11
I'm considering getting a 4 hand massage soon.

Any thoughts, tips or tricks?

I'm assuming you tip them both the standard rate (I. E. Double out-of-pocket cost).

Thanks.Most of the time I do it so the chicks can have someone to talk to. They seem more energetic with 4 hands. Some might try to talk to you.

08-28-17, 10:10
I'm considering getting a 4 hand massage soon.

Any thoughts, tips or tricks?

I'm assuming you tip them both the standard rate (I. E. Double out-of-pocket cost).I'm not sure of the proper rates, but I received a 4 hand massage for one hour at a Vegas AMP (off the beaten path) a few years back. House was $ and I tipped. 4 each which was probably high considering only one handled the goods. The experience was not what I had hoped for and haven't done 4 hands in a while.


09-22-17, 12:12
I love getting Tantra and Nuru massage in New York, I've found a nice cozy and discreet studio downtown Manhattan (not sure if I can post the links here but anyway http://happyandgirls.com) and I love the girls there. They don't just give you a handjob at the end but also give you a great strong relaxing full body massage, prostate and Lingam massage which feels amazing.

As for the spiritual part of the session and generation & movement of the sexual energy. Has anyone experienced something like this while getting the sensual bodywork in New York? If yes, where?

10-04-17, 08:28
I'm considering getting a 4 hand massage soon.

Any thoughts, tips or tricks?

I'm assuming you tip them both the standard rate (I. E. Double out-of-pocket cost).

Thanks.I would not personally recommend a 4 hand massage. I have tried this type of massage many times in Asia. In Bali, I had once 8 hands massage. Basically every time the girls have just been giggling and talking to each other. I have once actually got a decent 4 hand massage in NYC. These girls were Chinese and they did not talk more than few times with each other. However the massage was decent.

You can also find some specific massage techniques from here: http://www.adultwiki.org/wiki/Erotic_massage.

Another good option is Prostate massage. I know this scares most men, but it does not mean that the girl will stick something in to the hole. Most of the time they can just rub at the surrounding areas. I can recommend one place in East Village, NYC where they do this. Same place where I got the decent 4 hand massage.

10-18-17, 22:56
I wouldn't recommend it. Usually a lot of talking and one leaving for reason or another and twice the tip.

02-20-18, 10:37
Long time lurker, first time poster. Just curious if AMP arrests are made outside of the raids? Has anyone ever heard of LEO retroactively making arrests of mongers following raids. It's been 7 months since this place was closed, but was mainly just curious about this as AMPs have been seeing more heat lately.

Jayce Dragon
03-17-18, 05:28
I'm considering getting a 4 hand massage soon.

Any thoughts, tips or tricks?

I'm assuming you tip them both the standard rate (I. E. Double out-of-pocket cost).

Thanks.Just get individual massages first. Get a feel for whose the best then request your top 2. And imagine one girl working the shaft while the other works the balls. Crazy feeling. And if they are good pressing your knots out that's a bonus.

07-03-18, 23:41
Does the time of day effect who you get? I try to go on off hours late morning / early afternoon, but I can't help but get worried that all of the hot girls will be off at those times, would there be a good balance for that in between?

07-06-18, 14:18
Does the time of day effect who you get? I try to go on off hours late morning / early afternoon, but I can't help but get worried that all of the hot girls will be off at those times, would there be a good balance for that in between?Personally, picking the Time of Day for me means go when it's less busy. The quality of talent may or may not be affected. A place with Hot, Young ladies will probably have them all day. A place with mature ladies will probably have the same 2 or 3 all day. Later afternoon and evening is when it picks up with the doorbell ringing every 10 minutes. YMMV at any time with any girl at one of these places.

It's not like the afternoon shift at a strip club.


07-07-18, 14:05
Does the time of day effect who you get? I try to go on off hours late morning / early afternoon, but I can't help but get worried that all of the hot girls will be off at those times, would there be a good balance for that in between?Personally, picking the Time of Day for me means go when it's less busy. The quality of talent may or may not be affected. A place with Hot, Young ladies will probably have them all day. A place with mature ladies will probably have the same 2 or 3 all day. Later afternoon and evening is when it picks up with the doorbell ringing every 10 minutes. YMMV at any time with any girl at one of these places.

It's not like the afternoon shift at a strip club.

-USTraveller.My experience has been the same as USTraveller reported above, and I also try to shoot for the days and times that I think my favorite spot is likely to be LESS busy. I would also say that, in my experience, local markets are going to vary slightly, so what you have in Manhattan-NYC may be slightly different than local practices in Philly, or Tampa, or Dallas, or LA, etc. What seems to be most common is that MOST AMPs staff their talent from open to close, so whoever is there in the morning is probably also there in the evening. As USTraveller stated, it's not like "shift change" at a club, or even the "shift change" at many AMERICAN "service shops" (where private FS sessions may (or may not) take place).

Further, since MOST Asian MP's, that I've been to, bring their talent in, the girls are likely also there 7 days a week through their rotation period. Rotation periods vary by AMP or even by market, but it would be common for AMPs to rotate their staff anywhere from every few weeks to a couple of months. There may be a week where any given girl takes a short vacation to have some personal time, and then returns to the same location to resume work. There are also those smaller AMPs that ALWAYS have the same girls there, as they are either owner-operators, or otherwise permanently stationed at one location. This may be more common in a market like Manhattan-NYC, where I suspect there is sufficient customer demand to justify simply retaining talent for longer periods, or even permanently (although I really have no idea what the NYC market is like). What I DO know is that in my local Florida market, I've seen a number of AMP's that rotate their talent in from NYC, although I think it's mostly from Queens, or other boroughs, as well as from LA. I interpret this as an indicator that NYC and SoCal must have the MOST talent available to serve as hubs of talent-pools (purely a guess).

07-14-18, 15:39
My experience has been the same as USTraveller reported above, and I also try to shoot for the days and times that I think my favorite spot is likely to be LESS busy. I would also say that, in my experience, local markets are going to vary slightly, so what you have in Manhattan-NYC may be slightly different than local practices in Philly, or Tampa, or Dallas, or LA, etc. What seems to be most common is that MOST AMPs staff their talent from open to close, so whoever is there in the morning is probably also there in the evening. As USTraveller stated, it's not like "shift change" at a club, or even the "shift change" at many AMERICAN "service shops" (where private FS sessions may (or may not) take place).

Further, since MOST Asian MP's, that I've been to, bring their talent in, the girls are likely also there 7 days a week through their rotation period. Rotation periods vary by AMP or even by market, but it would be common for AMPs to rotate their staff anywhere from every few weeks to a couple of months. There may be a week where any given girl takes a short vacation to have some personal time, and then returns to the same location to resume work. There are also those smaller AMPs that ALWAYS have the same girls there, as they are either owner-operators, or otherwise permanently stationed at one location. This may be more common in a market like Manhattan-NYC, where I suspect there is sufficient customer demand to justify simply retaining talent for longer periods, or even permanently (although I really have no idea what the NYC market is like). What I DO know is that in my local Florida market, I've seen a number of AMP's that rotate their talent in from NYC, although I think it's mostly from Queens, or other boroughs, as well as from LA. I interpret this as an indicator that NYC and SoCal must have the MOST talent available to serve as hubs of talent-pools (purely a guess).I agree with most of what you've written.

It's very rare to find a massage parlor staffed by indentured labor and today's therapists can move around freely from town to town. We often talk about the "rotation" of women. If the "boss" owns more than 1 massage parlor, a girl may be asked to change locations to cover a shortage or for other reasons. Like American labor, the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. A girl in Waco, Texas may tell her friend in Toledo, Ohio that she is making a lot of money. The girl in Toledo hops on a plane and goes to Texas. The boss in Toledo then advertises the job opening on Chinese social media and recruits a new therapist. It's really that simple.

When a boss advertises a job opening, the ad describes the shop, the policies, and often specifies age requirements. Some shops want older or married women and some will only hire young women. Some spas strictly monitor the girls and some don't. Even at the most legit massage parlors, a girl may choose to offer extras when alone with a customer that she trusts. Most of the women come here to see America and massage is a way to finance their adventures. They often travel to cities like New York or Chicago in order to visit the Embassy or a Consulate to maintain their Visas, work permits, etc. They also prefer Chinese doctors and other professionals located in or near Chinatown.

I've also found that women don't work shifts at the massage parlors. The women that open in the morning also closes the store at night. They eat, sleep, and clean between customers. At night they go to an employer provided apartment or sleep at the massage parlor. They can afford there own apartment but they don't want to be tied down to a location. This way they can leave or travel on a whim.

I have frequented massage parlors in many cities over many years. A modern AMP is a privately owned small business that does not want trouble and is not part of a secret Chinese criminal organization that forces girls to provide sex acts. This may exist (perhaps in a big city), but it is rare and not the normal neighborhood AMP. A totally legit massage parlor will occasionally have employees that break policy and offer extras. Some massage parlors are a sure thing but visiting a new place and not knowing how the massage will end can be part of the fun.

Max Effort
07-14-18, 15:52
I usually like to pick off hours and off days. I don't go the week after a majority of people get their paycheck. I try to stick with after they open or a couple hours after lunchtime. I usually stay away during evening. Just my opinion. If it's a 2 person operation, you might have a chance of getting boring service because it is almost the end of their workday and they just want it over with. Haha. Not true in larger cities where they probably have staggered schedules, but that is my thought process. So basically I think anything after 430 pm is a no go for me. Maybe 7 pm on a Tuesday is the latest. This could also change if you become a regular at the small shop. You might get extra benefits once you get to know mama.

09-08-18, 22:04
This was a great thread for a newbie. Lots of good info! Thanks all!

In regards to the 4 hands, I got upsold on one of these in BKK and I enjoyed it. I really think it's YMMV depending on the girls you get just like with normal massages. I think to make it worth it, you should do 1. 5 hours or 2 hours, got to go 3 times. But then again, never had 4 hands for an hour, so take it as it is.

Also, is tantric massage the same as prostate? I'm really curious as I heard prostate massages take you to a whole 'nother level!

Iamme Iam
09-24-18, 20:02
The hints for newbies are very helpful, and I agree with them. I have a few hints myself. Obviously the more times you visit, the better the service can become, but, like a prior monger mentioned, there are limits or rules at different AMPs. Some allow clothes off with a HJ, others only UTC or OTC, I won't put up with that stuff more than 2 visits myself. If FS is available, then my experience may help, I call a regular for an appointment to visit an hour before opening hour. This allows the girls to be more open to what you want to do, the regular you get to know, if she offers FS, will of course say,'Only for you" , or something similar. Another observation from FS visits, during regular hours, (even when working alone) the girls tend to be quiet, and ask you to be quiet. Is this because the AMP computer has a microphone and a camera? Maybe, what I have found is, an early visit will bring out the wild woman sometimes. I see 2 woman regularly, both make a great deal more noise when we are DATY or FS, also if they like you, the "only you" comment can come out when you attempt BBFS, both the ladies I see don't say no, they seem to enjoy the experience more. (sometimes they fake an orgasm, sometimes you can feel them yourself.

The other comment, for a visit to a new (FS) place, when they say "$60 for hour" hand then the $60, and then place $100 and a condom down so they can see it. The girls will either say no, and you take the money back, or agree.

Max Effort
09-28-18, 18:21
Another observation from FS visits, during regular hours, (even when working alone) the girls tend to be quiet, and ask you to be quiet. Is this because the AMP computer has a microphone and a camera? Maybe, what I have found is, an early visit will bring out the wild woman sometimes.I'm glad you brought up the quiet part. I have considered they might have a listening device to make sure a customer isn't being a complete jackass. More often than not, I thought the quiet part was due to neighboring businesses and thin walls. Haha. I'm still bad at forgetting the quiet part. When I go to a place I haven't been before, I keep talking at the start of the session to gauge what our communication level is. I always end up overdoing it and eventually get the finger to my lips followed by a SHHHHHHHHHH. Haha.

Hugh Japenis
10-03-18, 14:43
How do you guys get these girls to do any sort of prostate massage? Every time I have asked they faked not understanding English well enough to know that I want a finger in my bum!

11-15-18, 21:16
First time poster. Wasn't sure where to post this, so decided to put it here. Relatively new to the hobby, and picked out an AMP about an hour away from where I live. Been there a handful of times, very pleased with service as I keep going back for a lady who does a fantastic job.

Problem comes in is I am VERY concerned about one thing: whether or not I am being serviced by a trafficked person. I really have no way to know, and if that's the case, I don't want any part of it. The place I frequent has raised some questions. Like the girls working 7 days a week and possibly living at the AMP. Then again I saw the post further down the page which discusses rotation schedules and such, but even if a girl is rotated, can she not still be a trafficking victim? Now on the flip side, the girls there compete for customers (which would mean they are getting the dollars they earn), have cell phones (which seems unlikely for a sex slave), and seem rather pleasant. But I don't know, am I being paranoid or not?

The FBI has upped its targeting of sex-trafficking exponentially, and massage parlors a major focus, which means that anything that even remotely smells like sex-trafficking is likely going to wind up a federal bust, not just local cops driving to drive out an unsightly business. Being part of federal bust of sex-trafficking. Even if innocent. Is more of a deterrent than just getting caught in one during a bust by local cops, questioned, and let go.

Not trying to frighten but the massage parlors in my area are getting busted more frequently. Any commentary would be appreciated, especially if anybody else has been having these concerns lately.

Iamme Iam
12-14-18, 14:38
There are a few questions for you to consider. Is your favorite AMP girl a local? Usually they are from Flushing, Queens, NY. If you ask where they are from, most of the woman will answer Korea or China. But if you ask if they are living in Flushing,(or have relatives there) then you have an idea that they are safe and making pretty decent (non taxed) income. I have hobbyied in much of the country, I have never felt that an AMP woman was there against their will, they are usually driven by need for money (for their family) Ask another question: Where do you go on vacation? If China, then they have a green card (and passport) and travel both ways without issue. Many girls live at the AMP while they are there for a few weeks. The MMS may stay longer times, but most have families they support and want cash and time to visit. The trafficking mantra is used by Feminists to get around there hypocrisy about woman's "Choice" but the Feminists only mean abortion, not right to "sell" their bodies for cash. Rhode Island had (non illegal) prostitution as long as it was indoors, until about 5 years ago. They corrected a law, and that shut down many AMPs. The fight by the Feminists to shut dowm the AMPs did its real job, shut down the AMPs but didn't stop any trafficking, because the woman are middle income workers, and their "Choice" is to sell their services. I am sure there are quite a few cases of sex trafficking each year, but in AMPs, doubt that amounts to more than a dozen cases yearly. Now, how does Bill Clinton get around these laws? By traveling to his BFF's private island, where anything goes. https://nypost.com/2016/10/09/the-sex-slave-scandal-that-exposed-pedophile-billionaire-jeffrey-epstein/.

First time poster. Wasn't sure where to post this, so decided to put it here. Relatively new to the hobby, and picked out an AMP about an hour away from where I live. Been there a handful of times, very pleased with service as I keep going back for a lady who does a fantastic job.

Problem comes in is I am VERY concerned about one thing: whether or not I am being serviced by a trafficked person. I really have no way to know, and if that's the case, I don't want any part of it. The place I frequent has raised some questions. Like the girls working 7 days a week and possibly living at the AMP. Then again I saw the post further down the page which discusses rotation schedules and such, but even if a girl is rotated, can she not still be a trafficking victim? Now on the flip side, the girls there compete for customers (which would mean they are getting the dollars they earn), have cell phones (which seems unlikely for a sex slave), and seem rather pleasant. But I don't know, am I being paranoid or not?

The FBI has upped its targeting of sex-trafficking exponentially, and massage parlors a major focus, which means that anything that even remotely smells like sex-trafficking is likely going to wind up a federal bust, not just local cops driving to drive out an unsightly business. Being part of federal bust of sex-trafficking. Even if innocent. Is more of a deterrent than just getting caught in one during a bust by local cops, questioned, and let go.

Not trying to frighten but the massage parlors in my area are getting busted more frequently. Any commentary would be appreciated, especially if anybody else has been having these concerns lately.

12-18-18, 00:46
Hey, when I call up and tell them I saw the ads, they all go dumb and says 'I don't know what you talking about'.

So I need a tip on how to call, what to say, how to lead their girls out from corner and get me rubbed. What's a good trick or magic word to get a firm appointment?

MD Bellamy
12-18-18, 22:54
Hey, when I call up and tell them I saw the ads, they all go dumb and says 'I don't know what you talking about'.

So I need a tip on how to call, what to say, how to lead their girls out from corner and get me rubbed. What's a good trick or magic word to get a firm appointment?My guess is you're asking for too much information. I've booked an appointment only once, and then was bumped when I arrived. I just show up and have had a virtual 100% acceptance rate. Unless you're a long distance away, an appointment is unnecessary. If you turn to leave then, for them, that is money walking out the door!

Bottom line: Don't book, just go! Or, if you feel you must book, limit yourself to referring to the time and duration of the appointment.

01-03-19, 15:44
Hey, when I call up and tell them I saw the ads, they all go dumb and says 'I don't know what you talking about'.

So I need a tip on how to call, what to say, how to lead their girls out from corner and get me rubbed. What's a good trick or magic word to get a firm appointment?I agree with MD Bellamy. Been doing this for a long time and never called to make an appointment or ask questions. Even if you made an appointment, and someone shows up 10 minutes before your appointment time, you're going to be bumped. I have heard of people making an appointment with a certain provider, then they show up and that provider is unavailable. Seems like a waste of time plus there's a record of it. Walk ins are always welcome. YMMV of course.


01-06-19, 05:02
How do you guys get these girls to do any sort of prostate massage? Every time I have asked they faked not understanding English well enough to know that I want a finger in my bum!Some will but it's very rare. A lot of reviews will claim it just because the RA put in 1" of finger. That's not a PM. In San Jose I've heard of 3 that will do it and I plan on investigating soon.

Hobby Cat 55
01-10-19, 12:05
The hints for newbies are very helpful, and I agree with them. I have a few hints myself. Obviously the more times you visit, the better the service can become, but, like a prior monger mentioned, there are limits or rules at different AMPs. Some allow clothes off with a HJ, others only UTC or OTC, I won't put up with that stuff more than 2 visits myself. If FS is available, then my experience may help, I call a regular for an appointment to visit an hour before opening hour. This allows the girls to be more open to what you want to do, the regular you get to know, if she offers FS, will of course say,'Only for you" , or something similar. Another observation from FS visits, during regular hours, (even when working alone) the girls tend to be quiet, and ask you to be quiet. Is this because the AMP computer has a microphone and a camera? Maybe, what I have found is, an early visit will bring out the wild woman sometimes. I see 2 woman regularly, both make a great deal more noise when we are DATY or FS, also if they like you, the "only you" comment can come out when you attempt BBFS, both the ladies I see don't say no, they seem to enjoy the experience more. (sometimes they fake an orgasm, sometimes you can feel them yourself.

The other comment, for a visit to a new (FS) place, when they say "$60 for hour" hand then the $60, and then place $100 and a condom down so they can see it. The girls will either say no, and you take the money back, or agree.Put a $ down and condom on top. Well played Sir, Well played! First time I heard this one but it leaves no doubt about it. Play safe HC55.

01-12-19, 15:28
How long do why'all typically last? I'm pretty new to the AMPs scene, compared to some of why'all, so maybe I still fantasize a bit much which makes me pop quicker. But I want to be able to enjoy it longer. Most of the places I've gone to don't start teasing until near the end, which is good. One time (3rd or 4th visit to an AMP) the lady start teasing about 15 minutes in, then focused just on rubbing my butt, with lots of grazes, and I actually popped face down. It was embarrassing. It's not so bad anymore, but if there's a decent amount of teasing, then on the flip I can be done in a few pumps.

I could take care of myself a couple hours before going in, but then it doesn't feel as good either. Anyone have this problem? Any thoughts?

01-17-19, 22:48
Been lurking for a while trying to find this very topic. Thank you!

There are two fees involved in any AMP visit and a tip.

1) The House Fee. - Usually 60 for the hour. That gets you an hour with the girl and whatever legitimate services that AMP provides: table shower, sauna, rub down, etc. All non-sexual services and all perfectly legal to contract and pay for. Some AMPs might have a lower rate, say 40 for a half-hour. This money goes to the house or AMP.

2) The "Tip" Fee - this is a misnomer as it really is a "fee" for extra services. Those services can be HE, HJ, BJ or FS. Rates vary from city to city and often AMP to AMP, but generally 40 gets the job done for a HJ and 100 brings CFS. You should expect to "negotiate" for these services in the middle of the rub down. Now be careful and in most locations offering money for sex acts is illegal. This money is the girl's money, but some portion she has to kick back to the house, or pay a room & board charge or other fees the house may impose on her. You'll never know and asking about it will make everyone nervous.

Finally there is a "tip"! As OP pointed out this is a service industry and like a waiter you owe them a "tip" for good service. So maybe you toss them an extra 10 for OK service and $40 for outstanding, mind-blowing experience?

So typically it is going to cost you anywhere from 160 to 200 for a FULL experience in an AMP.

_60 - House Fee.
100 - Tip Fee for a FS experience.
160 - minimal "cost" for a full date.
_20 - Standard "tip" for good service.
180 - total cost, nice FS date at AMP.

Good luck!

PS - Oh, and you are new and learning! NOTHING wrong with that at all! DO NOT EVER consider asking rookie questions makes you a "pain in the azz guy!" You aren't. The purpose of these boards is to share that kind of information. We all are new at some point and have to learn somewhere. Some choose to do it by making mistakes and experiencing "teachable moments." I think it makes sense to ask questions and learn that way! It is a heck of alot safer!

Hugh Japenis
01-18-19, 17:55
How do you all reckon I get some fingers down under from these asian girls? I have tried, but some of them seem reluctant. I always shower and clean myself immediately before hand. And all I want is to be on all 4's with a finger in the bum.

Iamme Iam
02-11-19, 21:14
How do you all reckon I get some fingers down under from these asian girls? I have tried, but some of them seem reluctant. I always shower and clean myself immediately before hand. And all I want is to be on all 4's with a finger in the bum.Question, are you laying flat on front or back when you want prostate work? If so, try Always going on your knees, if the back is taking too long, or you want to move things along, get up on all 4's. If the ass isn't touched, encourage that, if they do, tell them "inside OK", they may get a glove, or just a greasy finger. The other option for an alternative position is to kneel on the table when the HJ starts, this position has 2 benefits, your L hand is perfectly in place to go on the ass, either bare or inside pants (sometimes they won't let the pants go down, but you won't know unless you try) the right hand is also in the perfect place for playing with either breast, again, topless or the usual stupid, shirt and bra up, but still attached. If you draw out the finish, beyond the normal few minutes, an ability us older guys have, then they will frequently allow more flexibility to get you done and out. I also always say "I will finish faster if I can see". Just my thoughts, but I have found I am fairly successful at FS with AMP woman.

Hugh Japenis
02-18-19, 16:05
Question, are you laying flat on front or back when you want prostate work? If so, try Always going on your knees, if the back is taking too long, or you want to move things along, get up on all 4's. If the ass isn't touched, encourage that, if they do, tell them "inside OK", they may get a glove, or just a greasy finger. The other option for an alternative position is to kneel on the table when the HJ starts, this position has 2 benefits, your L hand is perfectly in place to go on the ass, either bare or inside pants (sometimes they won't let the pants go down, but you won't know unless you try) the right hand is also in the perfect place for playing with either breast, again, topless or the usual stupid, shirt and bra up, but still attached. If you draw out the finish, beyond the normal few minutes, an ability us older guys have, then they will frequently allow more flexibility to get you done and out. I also always say "I will finish faster if I can see". Just my thoughts, but I have found I am fairly successful at FS with AMP woman.So I took this advice and just got back from one of my regular spots. HOLY HELL! So I decided to show her by moaning when she was getting close to my ass crack that I was enjoying it, so I kept sort of creeping up onto all fours. She got the idea when she was doing the regular hand action and massaging my taint, but when I said "in" she put a finger in and finished me that way. She pretty much stopped using her hand to finish me and used just her finger (with very spare light touching from the other hand). I almost passed out I came so hard. I was going to try and double down that time, but I was just flat out milked dry!

04-11-19, 16:38
So I took this advice and just got back from one of my regular spots. HOLY HELL! So I decided to show her by moaning when she was getting close to my ass crack that I was enjoying it, so I kept sort of creeping up onto all fours. She got the idea when she was doing the regular hand action and massaging my taint, but when I said "in" she put a finger in and finished me that way. She pretty much stopped using her hand to finish me and used just her finger (with very spare light touching from the other hand). I almost passed out I came so hard. I was going to try and double down that time, but I was just flat out milked dry!What state / city is that place? Thanks.

04-15-19, 02:38
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04-24-19, 17:28
Any tips for getting the greasy oily feeling washed off? Not sure what the different places use, but sometimes it washes of pretty easily, other times several washes and I can still feel it the next day. Even worse when it's very aromatic.

Iamme Iam
04-24-19, 17:49
There are several choices, if the AMP offers a TS, you can take the shower afterwards. Also, simply saying no to the question of oil, or say cream oil, or nothing. If you are going for a massage and a Happy Ending, then you might want an oil, then how about stopping at the gym on the way home? Or get home, take a shower immediately, (may not always work, if wife is already home) I usually don't go with any product that smells, they will always let you smell it first, if it smells strong, someone will notice it. The usual procedure is a towel drying before the flip, but, even afterwards, there still can be leftover oil, so not always the best choice. Now, if you are going for a Happy Ending with a massage, then ask for soft, they will know what you want, and that a massage isn't your first requirement. Myself, I tend to see regulars, who know what I like, and its normally a FS visit, so, I skip my gym visit that morning, go for the massage, (my appointment is 1 hour before opening time) then I clean off at the gym, or go home and shower first thing.

Any tips for getting the greasy oily feeling washed off? Not sure what the different places use, but sometimes it washes of pretty easily, other times several washes and I can still feel it the next day. Even worse when it's very aromatic.

Shogun Hua
05-01-19, 23:10
If you can get some good information off this site, I will call ahead and see if the girl I want is there. That way if you show up and you don't like the girl at the door, you can ask for your back up.

Hugh Japenis
05-03-19, 16:11
So I followed your walls advice and went back to the same place as before. However, I called that morning and scheduled for 90 minutes (of which I only used half, and you'll see why later).

I arrived and got the same masseuse as last time and let her massage me without oil for what seemed forever, and she was just going through the motions of a 60 minute massage but for 1.5 times longer. She grabbed the oil and I said my leg needed some more attention. She said "you have long time, do that already?" To which I nodded yes. She did soft touch to get me on all fours and asked if I wanted to turn over, which I said "this way" - she quickly asked if she needed a glove remember I like a P spot massage.

Now, up until this point, I had been edging myself for about 4 or 5 days so I was ready to go. I told her she could do two, maybe three times since we had so much time. However, I severely, severely underestimated her skill. She took instructions in a great way and picked up on every time I got close. For a solid 20 to 25 minutes she gently milked my prostate with softly touch my member. I think she could tell I couldn't take it anymore and pressed down hard on my p spot, and gave me a few solid strokes. Whew, what a mess. I pretty much couldn't even stay on all four anymore. She wanted to massage me for a few more minutes, and I told her I had to go she flipped me over and got one more quick one out of me, she said "wow, you have lots!" So I guess she was pleased.

Now I just need to work on how much I need to pay to get a quick in and out type scenario (15 minutes). Has anyone tried this?

05-16-19, 00:17
Wow. That sounds amazing. I've been trying to get some prostate attention, but have been unsuccessful. I finally had one older gal to finger my ass, but perhaps it was the language barrier or she just wasn't aware about how to stimulate the prostate, but she just basically went straight in and out, no forward pressure on the prostate. I think next time I'll try edging for a few days, and see if I can get her to only use a finger, nothing on the shaft, maybe she'll get the picture. Or I'll try another place.

07-06-19, 08:08
Thank you to everyone here for the savy advice. I spent a couple of hours reading this entire board, then walked into an AMP for the first time yesterday after scouting the parking lot to make sure I wouldn't be interrupting someone else. It was an awesome experience. Very easy and no awkwardness. I followed alot of advice here: smile and be friendly, pay the house fee but flash some extra cash so she could see it, put the "tip" conspicuously on the table, time it just right so that she was walking back in the room as I was taking off my boxers so that she could see I was comfortable being naked with her, etc. Didn't have to negotiate or anything. She just went right to work and was very playful and affectionate throughout. Lots of teasing and great finish. Best HJ I've ever had. I had no idea it would be so easy.

10-18-19, 07:30
What's the going rate these days for HJ at an AMP?

Hobby Cat 55
10-20-19, 14:16
What's the going rate these days for HJ at an AMP?$40 to most. $60 to some. So $40-$60. Play safe HC.

Iamme Iam
03-24-20, 17:05
If there was only one rule for the newbie to this hobby:

"I spent a couple of hours reading this entire board".

Well done, and glad you had a good time, keep up to date on the area's you live near, or travel to, via this forum and use others suggestions of where to go.

"I followed a lot of advice here: smile and be friendly, pay the house fee but flash some extra cash so she could see it, put the "tip" conspicuously on the table, time it just right so that she was walking back in the room as I was taking off my boxers so that she could see I was comfortable being naked with her, etc. ".

Again, you followed the easiest and best suggestions for a successful hobby trip, the only other suggestions, if you don't ask, you won't get. Rarely can you get FS on a first visit to an AMP, but if the place has a well known history, your behavior can get you FS even on a first trip. Don't forget, many of these AMP woman have limited English speaking ability, but, a condom and cash sends exactly the message you might want to send.

03-26-20, 22:02
If there was only one rule for the newbie to this hobby:

"I spent a couple of hours reading this entire board".

Well done, and glad you had a good time, keep up to date on the area's you live near, or travel to, via this forum and use others suggestions of where to go.

"I followed a lot of advice here: smile and be friendly, pay the house fee but flash some extra cash so she could see it, put the "tip" conspicuously on the table, time it just right so that she was walking back in the room as I was taking off my boxers so that she could see I was comfortable being naked with her, etc. ".

Again, you followed the easiest and best suggestions for a successful hobby trip, the only other suggestions, if you don't ask, you won't get. Rarely can you get FS on a first visit to an AMP, but if the place has a well known history, your behavior can get you FS even on a first trip. Don't forget, many of these AMP woman have limited English speaking ability, but, a condom and cash sends exactly the message you might want to sendThis is awesome advice for anyone. You can't do enough research! This is a great forum. I read it for years before realizing it was free to join. Your research will help you not to make costly mistakes. Mistakes can be monetary, time or find yourself in a bad situation. Let the provider see you naked, they will trust you more. When they ask "what you want ", say "everything". If your looking for FS. Long story short. Research and learn the hobby.

05-16-20, 11:23
What's the going rate these days for HJ at an AMP?Depends are your area and the place it seems.

L1 - $40-$60.

L2 - $80-$120.

L3 - $140-$200.

Course each lady is different too.

08-27-20, 10:03
Where I live in new england, most MPs have 1-3 girls working. Typically there is one massage room for each girl, plus sometimes an extra where a customer can be taken to wait out of sight if the doorbell rings while all the girls are busy.

Some of the (recently closed) Korean spas in Pawtucket were larger and busier and may have had 4 or 5 women working at a time. The largest physically in New England that I'm aware of is Sunshine in New Haven. It operates on both floors of a two story house with a fairly large parking lot. It's difficult to know exactly how many girls could work there, but I would guess it had capacity for at least 5.

Outside of NE I've been to a couple pretty big places. One was 76 Spa in Warren, Ohio. That was in a large plaza on the side of the interstate with a strip club and a restaurant. It's been years since I was there, but I would guess there were as many as 10 ladies on staff. The other was a no-name massage place in Las Vegas. It was totally dead but was in a large office with more than a dozen rooms. I don't think it was close to being used at capacity though and probably had only 3 or 4 women working.

If I had to guess the location of the largest spa in the country, I'd say somewhere in Florida. Naples, Tampa, Ft. Meyers, etc. I've never been, but I understand that is like the capital of MPs because of all the retirement / vacation money /.

12-19-20, 11:12
Hi all, new member to this forum but not new to hobby. Just wondering range of HJ's and Oral at AMP's? Seems like going rate in Denver is $50 and $100, respectively. Thoughts?

09-18-21, 14:11
Been around here a while and just now saw this guide, spend most of my time in my local forum.

Lots of tips here that can be very useful. Biggest thing would be to typically be a repeat customer and things get better and better over time. My experience the best was the one I was a regular at years ago the massages became cheaper and cheaper and the service became better and better. As far as first time, the best was in New Orleans on Canal. Was an amazing experience in which she treated me like I'd been there over and over. Maybe being in my 40's now is a reason that things have gotten better in these places.

10-22-21, 11:55
Been around here a while and just now saw this guide, spend most of my time in my local forum.

Lots of tips here that can be very useful. Biggest thing would be to typically be a repeat customer and things get better and better over time. My experience the best was the one I was a regular at years ago the massages became cheaper and cheaper and the service became better and better. As far as first time, the best was in New Orleans on Canal. Was an amazing experience in which she treated me like I'd been there over and over. Maybe being in my 40's now is a reason that things have gotten better in these places.That very much depends on the location / region. A lot of places cycle the women (either for bad reasons or just because they are basically contractors) which is why it seems like half the threads here and at certain other sites are "Oh, that is Lucy from ABC". If you are a regular at ABC Massage for ten years but it is more or less new staff every month then. Yeah.

That said, definitely be kind and considerate and you might get lucky and Lucy at XYZ realizes she knows you from ABC last year and you get that same experience.

10-27-21, 11:19
A tip that I would like to throw out there so you look like you're experienced.

I try to make the towel as useless as possible. They hand it to me and tell me to undress. Typically there are two things that could be next, 1 - you make the walk to the table shower. 2 - you get on the table so she can get started.

For the TS walk, I won't wrap myself. I will usually walk with it up against my thigh or I will sometimes cover junior for this walk. After the shower and walk back, I will do the same.

When on the table, if it's my option I will either just lay it beside me or kind of half lay it down around my knee. Sometime they will cover you and sometimes they won't.

I feel like this works to let them know this isn't your first rodeo.

*With this said, you also have to do what she asks / tells you to do. If she ask you to wrap or cover up you need to do that. I will do these and see where it goes. She will either say something or she won't. Always be respectful of the lady!

Iamme Iam
01-09-22, 19:33
. Now I just need to work on how much I need to pay to get a quick in and out type scenario (15 minutes). Has anyone tried this?Was reviewing older posts, and thought I should respond to this question. There are places that have less than 30 minute massages, I haven't been in more than a year, but there was a K shop in Astoria, Queens, NYC that had a sign outside and offered a $20 twenty minute massage. I guess that would work for most guys on a lunch break, 10 minutes of un / dressing and the rest for a HJ. That place was a curtainonly, and didn't seem to offer more than a HJ. I did push the limits of OTC, with a chunky Korean lady once there with her shirt all the way up, and bra pushed off to side.

03-31-22, 23:52
It seems like everywhere is either a FS joint or a they do both but they resent you for not spending the money for a FS. In other states I've lived in there are joints where you can get a simple 1 hour massage with a HE. Is that a thing in Tacoma, or has the market completely dried up for that kind of thing?

04-09-22, 17:32
Hi all, new member to this forum but not new to hobby. Just wondering range of HJ's and Oral at AMP's? Seems like going rate in Denver is $50 and $100, respectively. Thoughts?As this is a generic forum and the answer will vary quite a bit by State / City you might want to check in the Denver forum http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/forumdisplay.php?351-Denver.

Johnny Shakes
07-02-22, 06:51
What is AMP.

Iamme Iam
07-03-22, 20:43
What is AMP.http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/custompages.php?pageid=Abbreviations

Iamme Iam
07-18-22, 14:54
Was getting a rub in a Chinese AMP, and she was on the phone, I hadn't thought about sharing with everyone that the words we use in the USA to stall, like umm, is the "and" word in Mandarin.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrsWp07BwVk A funny India- Canadian stand up comedian, who speaks fluent Mandarin and describes a trip to Beijing. Enjoy. This word usage is completely unrelated to the frequency that AMPs state no AA's, I always felt the AA men are pushing the concept that they have the biggest cocks.

07-21-22, 12:54
OK guys, How clean is the clean-up towel? Is it ever washed?

09-22-22, 21:00
OK guys, How clean is the clean-up towel? Is it ever washed?I wouldn't go crazy wiping your face with it and rubbing it in your eyes, but just think of the logistics: The easiest way to make a hot towel is to soak it in water and toss it in the microwave briefly. While the towel probably isn't getting heated up enough to fully disinfect it (mostly because it would then hurt like hell to use), it is likely on the order of washing your hands with non / cheap antibacterial soap.

And keep in mind that the providers handle the same towels and use them to wipe off the oil from the massage and any shit or dirt on your body before letting you fuck them. Why would they want to cover the body that will be rubbing up against them in dried up semen and ball sweat?

Its similar to the logic behind "They are refilling water bottles and giving you the ones they use to douche". Mostly that is based on paranoia and misogyny and would involve the providers putting a lot more effort in than just ordering a few cases of water a week from amazon.

12-29-22, 11:03
How much, if any, grooming you all do before a potential TUMA visit?

Ray Alan
12-31-22, 10:19
How much, if any, grooming you all do before a potential TUMA visit?I just make sure I poop before the visit and wash really really well before I head out. I have never had this treatment without a gloved hand.

02-23-23, 14:31
I'd go to Meis on Pacific around 40th. Suki is a gorgeous little 20 something with amazing orange size tits and tight little holes she doesn't let you in. Very enthusiastic HJ though. If you only want a HJ she's your gal.

It seems like everywhere is either a FS joint or a they do both but they resent you for not spending the money for a FS. In other states I've lived in there are joints where you can get a simple 1 hour massage with a HE. Is that a thing in Tacoma, or has the market completely dried up for that kind of thing?

03-13-23, 20:34
I am trying to see if I can take the pump and ring to AMP for more mileage. Any comments or suggestions!

Stay safe and be wise.

Shogun Hua
03-20-23, 20:56
I am trying to see if I can take the pump and ring to AMP for more mileage. Any comments or suggestions!

Stay safe and be wise.I'd only try this with a provider that you have lots of history with and where you guys can speak the same language clearly. Typically they want you out of there as soon as possible, so getting more mileage, may not be their plan.

04-08-23, 09:27
I'll just say this is hypothetical ya know? Is it normal for a first time visit for the massage therapist to make out with you and not discuss anything?

05-03-23, 05:33
I'll just say this is hypothetical ya know? Is it normal for a first time visit for the massage therapist to make out with you and not discuss anything?God you're lucky.

06-07-23, 11:08
When do you think is the best time to visit an AMP? When do you think they are the least busiest? I just hate interruptions. Seems all the reviews are when they visit in the afternoon or evening. Wondering about mid mornings.

Iamme Iam
06-07-23, 17:30
When do you think is the best time to visit an AMP? When do you think they are the least busiest? I just hate interruptions. Seems all the reviews are when they visit in the afternoon or evening. Wondering about mid mornings.I would suggest it depends on what type of level of service you are looking for. I have a local rotation for FS visits, in those cases I either arrive at opening time or within an hour. Why? Because of DATY, I don't want to depend on the woman doing a perfect job cleaning themselves. In the past, I had a few women who offered more than FS, and I would call the day before, and arrive 1 hour before opening. That was so I could shower with the lady (only a few table shower AMPs in my area) and enjoy all the services they offered. BBFS is frequently available, but there are more than a few factors to get you to that point, sometimes its just cash, in NYC / NJ it is available for $50-$100 extra. Sometimes a regular gets extra's like BBFS, although it's rare to get a decent BBBJ in the AMPs, I have gotten good ones, but few are really skilled. None of the ladies have offered Greek, but I have gotten that a few times, because of years of visiting those women.

If you are looking for a straight Happy Ending HJ, well anytime will work, but better not to go if there are more than a few cars in the parking lot, I hate waiting, or having an old MMS type start and then another woman takes over.

If you are looking to establish a friendship type relationship, then see if the woman will trade phone numbers, I get calls regularly from a few AMPs when they are slow and they are looking for clients. Another suggestion for a good visit is to learn a few words, if Chinese Shay-Shay is thanks, Nee How and say the womans name is a great way to start a visit. Same goes for Korean ladies, even a few words gets you noticed, and remembered. Don't be afraid to tell a few things about yourself, career, family, kids, etc. I visited a local AMP and the woman was a return for 10 days to fill in due to medical issues by the MMS, she recognized me, remembered my career and a family fact about Asia. She wasted no time getting down to fun, said she hadn't enjoyed sex in some time, and said, "no condom, don't tell the MMS". Use caution here about reviews that may help them identify you, could find yourself banned (happened to me with one woman, for 2 years, I mentioned she had the longest nipples locally, she took offense) . If you are single, let them know, and don't be afraid to ask if you like a woman if she wants to go out for a meal on their day / part of a day off. I see a Korean woman regularly, she asks questions about my wife almost every visit, she wants to feel like I am not "cheating"? I have mentioned my wife is out of state a few times and the AMP K woman has gone way beyond her HJ only spa. She doesn't provide FS or BJs so, no condoms, so, I was thrilled when she uses her mouth and "worship" might be applicable to her services. She allowed me to do DATY once, but then disclosed she doesn't enjoy sex. Her partner follows the HJ rules, but recently allowed pants off and FIV and said she had an orgasm. Other questions, let me know, sorry for the diatribe.

06-12-23, 10:40
When do you think is the best time to visit an AMP? When do you think they are the least busiest? I just hate interruptions. Seems all the reviews are when they visit in the afternoon or evening. Wondering about mid mornings.No idea how the other person turned this into a discussion of how much he loves to raw dog it but.

Obviously not an exhaustive search. But between my experiences and those of a few buddies who also do the AMP thing:

Assuming "normal" 08000-2200 hours, the first hour or two is a mad house of all the people who want to be first because of Reasons. Yes, you are probably going to be swapping trace amounts of spit with other dudes if you are slobbering all over her. But understand that (unless you are going to a place next to a shipping container) these women are human beings and don't like being soaked in cum and spit all day. And just how much sex smells. If these women were really as dirty as people think they are by mid morning: You would smell it. Wipes and showers are very regular. And if you are the kind of person who is obsessed with bareback: soap and water don't clean off aids.

Late 11 to probably 13 are also a mess because it is people looking to have a quickie on their lunch break because they don't realize people can smell the cum and oil on them for the rest of the day.

And then any time after 18 seem to also be a rush as people just grabbed dinner and are looking for some fun before they go home.

Personally? I usually only go to an AMP on my day off. So I shoot for late 10 or 14-15 as that works out well for running errands and then heading home for a quick shower.

That said, when I have been on travel I have had really good luck going between 16 and 18. Ghost town, my pick of providers, and no rush or interruptions. Chatting with a few of the friendlier providers, that seems to be pretty normal. My working theory is that is when everyone is driving around and locals are extra wary of someone recognizing them entering or leaving.

07-31-23, 17:50
I've read various threads, various versions of asking how to assess risk.

Thought I might offer some wisdom, and 2 stories, after years of mongering:

1. Years ago a bay area joint got pinched, owner had been videotaping sessions for years. Rumors flew big names would be implicated, nothing came of it other than a period of crazy headlines. Only direct experience I'm aware of taping in rooms, but smartphones make anything possible.

On that note I'm seeing more what appear to be actual footage of sessions posted on porn sites. My advice. Don't. Not worth risk to you or the ladies finding out. And if it's posted, they will.

2. I simply walked up early evening to a regular, long standing mid size city place on a main street just shuttered. Cop rolls up, asked what I was doing, demanded my I'd. Simply told him I read it was closed in the papers, wanted to see for myself. After detaining me 15-20 minutes let me go.

The risk is slim, but I always warn to stay away before / during high profile events (national elections, golf tournaments). It's amateur hour and rookies get popped. It's not the 'what. ' It's all about 'when.'

In those slim moments, there are no rules. I've seen and read some crazy stuff happen.

Stay safe. Happy hunting.

09-29-23, 13:14
Sometimes I'll fins a place that has a phone number and address, but says nothing about walk-ins. I have been to a couple places that do advertise walk-ins welcome, but also provide a phone number. The place nearby, the phones don't even work, so I was wondering is it standard practice to call ahead? Or is it only if they say nothing about walk-ins?

Shogun Hua
10-10-23, 00:31
Sometimes I'll fins a place that has a phone number and address, but says nothing about walk-ins. I have been to a couple places that do advertise walk-ins welcome, but also provide a phone number. The place nearby, the phones don't even work, so I was wondering is it standard practice to call ahead? Or is it only if they say nothing about walk-ins?Unless you know the therapist, are a repeat customer and have their personal PH# they might hold your appointment. I find that even if you make an appointment with the Mamasan, they won't hold it. Its typically first come, first serve. Typically I only call ahead to find out who is working. If you have a name of a potential good provider. I ask to see if they are working, hopefully they are. When you are let in, I find out the name of that person. If you don't like them, ask for the one you called about. Good luck!

07-31-24, 12:15
I haven't been partaking much over the past couple years. Getting old, getting expensive. Some thing.

Anyways, had really bad back pain after a work trip and searched for anything that seemed legit. Found a place nearby that had over 100 reviews, from many women, all positive. Searched on all the websites for it, and all seemed to indicate they were legit and no funny business, just good massage. So I decided to go.

Table had a sheet on it you're supposed to get under and everything. I was very well covered. Massage was good. Then about halfway through she started the legs and glutes. Her finders were running deep into my crack. No way it wasn't intentional, a long with some grazing of the boys. I opened up, and her fingers and grazing got more. Then she finished my legs, and had me flip. On my back she started a neck massage, then chest, and then belly massage. I got super hard, I'm sure she saw it. Then she massaged the upper thighs, again grazing the boys. I slightly rubbed her leg when she was next to me, and flexed my penis a bit, but nothing happened.

Not sure if she was intentionally teasing, or she was trying to gauge interest. At the end she whispered her name on my ear and said to see her next time. But that's it.

What would you have done.

Ray Alan
08-01-24, 22:32
What would you have done.I would have taken her hand, squeezed it gently and whispered back, "I'm from out of town, there won't be a next time. I will take care of you if you take care of me sweet heart".

08-03-24, 12:00
What would you have done.Probably nothing. If I am getting a real massage because of aches and pains I am doing it through my insurance and that paper trail is not one I am going to risk.

And, for what it is worth, I dated a legit masseuse in my early 20's and have gotten a decent number of real massages over the years from guys and gals. People get hard and a lot of the "she is totally saying she wants to fuck me" is just part of the massage. You have muscles in your ass and a real massage is going to get close to the fun bits (even if it is just moving the sheet). That is WHY the naughty massage LEO dance is like that. And plenty of legit lower tier masseuses (the ones who work out of shopping malls and don't take insurance) will definitely lead people along.

That said: I have been to a few of the neon sign naughty parlors that do the "Not on the first visit" thing. That is almost always either a newbie who doesn't really want to do anything (and you should respect that) or a policy of the parlor and a way to lead people along. Handie on the second, blowie on the third, and then you have a new provider and are back to just getting a handjob but if you come back often enough we'll totally remember your face and give you what you want. Or they'll let you know that you can pay for them to go topless and you to masturbate.

If spreading my legs when she is working my ass, gently stroking her leg (if she puts it near enough my hand), and giving a dick flex and some eye movements on the flip aren't enough? Then I am not getting a happy ending and will look for a different place next time. Because if a provider is willing to get you off, they will. A handjob is just as illegal as full service by the time the cop finishes writing their story. All that multi-visit testing is just a way to milk people for more money. Rather than the other kind of milking.

08-03-24, 22:36
Probably nothing. If I am getting a real massage because of aches and pains I am doing it through my insurance and that paper trail is not one I am going to risk.

And, for what it is worth, I dated a legit masseuse in my early 20's and have gotten a decent number of real massages over the years from guys and gals. People get hard and a lot of the "she is totally saying she wants to fuck me" is just part of the massage. You have muscles in your ass and a real massage is going to get close to the fun bits (even if it is just moving the sheet). That is WHY the naughty massage LEO dance is like that. And plenty of legit lower tier masseuses (the ones who work out of shopping malls and don't take insurance) will definitely lead people along.

That said: I have been to a few of the neon sign naughty parlors that do the "Not on the first visit" thing. That is almost always either a newbie who doesn't really want to do anything (and you should respect that) or a policy of the parlor and a way to lead people along. Handie on the second, blowie on the third, and then you have a new provider and are back to just getting a handjob but if you come back often enough we'll totally remember your face and give you what you want. Or they'll let you know that you can pay for them to go topless and you to masturbate.

If spreading my legs when she is working my ass, gently stroking her leg (if she puts it near enough my hand), and giving a dick flex and some eye movements on the flip aren't enough? Then I am not getting a happy ending and will look for a different place next time. Because if a provider is willing to get you off, they will. A handjob is just as illegal as full service by the time the cop finishes writing their story. All that multi-visit testing is just a way to milk people for more money. Rather than the other kind of milking.Yeah, fair points. Though those fingers sliding in my crack were definitely a tease, nothing therapeutic. But yeah, I guess not worth risking it.