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03-28-05, 22:09
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07-03-07, 17:09
Check out the activity in Austin Indiana. It is located on I-65 about 30 miles north of Louisville and 80 miles south of Indy. There are spots in this town where the amount of WSW acitivity is high. There is good quality too. I will be checking this forum, and if people are checking in I will give reports on activity.

07-03-07, 17:13
I went down rural street today around 2:00 and saw 6 WSW's ages from 25-45. A couple of dogs tried to flag me down, but I stopped and picked up a girl who said her name was Nikki. She was about a 9 on the SW scale, and she had stripper figure. We went to the outskirts of town and for. 2 she said she would give me BBBJCIM. She took her teeth out, and I asked how old she was. She said she was 25 and certainly looked it. Anyway, I had always heard wives tales about toothless BJ's. They certainly are true. I spilt my coffee in record time. Nikki is a regular in the area and doesn't hang with the other girls.

08-06-07, 21:18
Check out the activity in Austin Indiana. It is located on I-65 about 30 miles north of Louisville and 80 miles south of Indy. There are spots in this town where the amount of WSW acitivity is high. There is good quality too. I will be checking this forum, and if people are checking in I will give reports on activity.I'd be interested in hearing some more - there's not a whole lot near the Greenwood area, so extra Southside info would be a nice change of pace.

05-26-08, 11:19
If you want to see something f*cked up "google" your handle. All places and report under that handle will show up. I google some random handle and realized some of you guys use the same handle at many sites. Like cracker crumb trails. I happen to share with a few different people luckily. Use different handles in different sites. Try it and see for yourselves.

Nosferato Fury
08-28-08, 20:44
Your Right.

At first I thought mabe you was wrong , but I went to the end of 725 hits for my handle, and on the last two pages there I was.

What's up with that?

If you want to see something f*cked up "google" your handle. All places and report under that handle will show up. I google some random handle and realized some of you guys use the same handle at many sites. Like cracker crumb trails. I happen to share with a few different people luckily. Use different handles in different sites. Try it and see for yourselves.

Nosferato Fury
08-28-08, 21:00
I've the opportunity for a new job in southern Indiana, but I can't afford the drive so I'll have to live down there through the week & come home on weekends.

What I need to find is a sleeping room In Jeffersonville, or Charlestown.

Does anyone have any idea's, suggestions or contacts.

Also can anyone suggest any FS Amps or massuses in the area.

Pm me with anything.

All help is appreciated

Nickel Nose
08-27-09, 14:59
I needed to be downtown Indy in the early afternoon, so I decided on just a sight-seeing, recon run down E. Wash.

Came onto the street from 465 at the East end. As I passed the Skyline, I glance in, knowing that this is a starting place for many of the girls. BAM! The entire motel parking lot was full of bubble-top Unclemobiles, city and county. As many as a dozen. No other cars in sight at the joint.

I wasn't worried, as I had no plans for the day, just a bit of reccy. But found it curious. Went on down the street, but as you can imagine, saw NO interesting pedestrian traffic. Did see more official presence.

I circled on Keystone over to 10th for a look. Fairly heavy official look there too. No playthings in sight, but cars and barred vans. For curiosity, I went all the way down to Arlington, turned left and looked into Skyline again. Still a motor pool, but quite a bit of roaring in and out.

Turned around and headed back West on Wash. The Uncles were traveling in 3-car convoys, and I saw a couple of places where 3 or 4 were stopped together at the curb, lights flashing. Couldn't tell who they were hassling.

This all at 1 in the afternoon. As it was in the 80s, I hadn't expected to see much, it was just a convenient route to downtown. On the second pass up Wash, I did see a couple of possibles. Even IF I had been inclined to stop in that atmosphere, they didn't look interesting at all.

Could this all be because the motorcycle race is at the Speedway this week?

I mean, THAT kind of presence on a blistering Thursday?

08-30-09, 21:52
I didn't see anything about it in the Indy Star. Doesn't mean much 'cause city reporting isn't what it used to be. The only place to look would be the police blotter for that day. More likely a violent offender on the lose rather than a monger roundup. Actually I have seen more Uncle Leos out near the interstate on E. 10th, than further into town. Probably they like the fast food joints?

Frosted Cake
01-01-10, 21:08
I'm going to fort mccoy/camp douglas Wisconsin area for a couple weeks for work. I'd hate to sit in a hotel room doing nothing. Do any of you well traveled fellows have any suggestions on activities, not nessecarily looking for providers, any place for a good time would be nice.

West Central
02-11-10, 10:11
If you want to see something f*cked up "google" your handle. All places and report under that handle will show up. I google some random handle and realized some of you guys use the same handle at many sites. Like cracker crumb trails. I happen to share with a few different people luckily. Use different handles in different sites. Try it and see for yourselves.

That's exactly why I'm "West Central". Good luck googling that :)

02-11-10, 10:21
I'll be dammed. Never thought about that! Duh.

So much for sites that you have to log into. But I guess that anyone can look at the forum without logging in!

If you want to see something f*cked up "google" your handle. All places and report under that handle will show up. I google some random handle and realized some of you guys use the same handle at many sites. Like cracker crumb trails. I happen to share with a few different people luckily. Use different handles in different sites. Try it and see for yourselves.

02-11-10, 14:30
If you want to see something f*cked up "google" your handle. All places and report under that handle will show up. I google some random handle and realized some of you guys use the same handle at many sites. Like cracker crumb trails. I happen to share with a few different people luckily. Use different handles in different sites. Try it and see for yourselves.Galere,

a coterie of undesirable people

Synonyms: rogue's gallery

I can live with that.

03-20-10, 21:02
I am no expert on Tin Eye, http://www.tineye.com. What follows is self-taught from doing a little reading, from using Tin Eye and thinking about what Tin Eye was telling me and what it is incapable of telling me. Comments by others are welcome.

Tin Eye, according to what Tin Eye says about itself, searches images in the Tin Eye inventory, not images on the internet. While Tin Eye has an extraordinary number of images and that number is constantly expanding (currently 1.4 billion), it is small in relation to the internet. Simply from the standpoint of probability “Tin Eye Negative” will be the search result more times than not, and that does not mean the test pic does not appear on the internet. It means the test pic does not appear in Tin Eye’s inventory.

Here is how to perform a Tin Eye search:

Step 1: Select a pic of the girl you want to check out and that will be our “test pic” for Tin Eye purposes. Keep in mind what is being evaluated is (i) the URL of our test pic and (ii) the girl’s name and contact information found where our test pic was found.

Step 2: Right click on “Properties” or “View Image Information.” If the box presents different options, look in the box to find the URL of our test pic and copy it. At this point I think it should always end with the extension “.jpg”.

Step 3: Go to http://www.tineye.com and paste the URL in the box on the right.

The result will be other places in Tin Eye’s inventory where the URL of our test pic is found (a situation I call the search being “Tin Eye Positive”) or “0 Results” (which I call “Tin Eye Negative.”)

Step 4A: If Tin Eye returns a hit on the URL and the name and contact information are the same as our test pic then we can say Tin Eye found the same girl at a different URL in the inventory of Tin Eye. We assume the girl is the same girl in both places because a different girl would use different contact information. But this does NOT mean the girl behind our test pic looks like our test pic.

Step 4B: If Tin Eye returns a hit on the URL with different contact information associated with our test pic several interpretations are possible. It will be hard to tell which interpretation is the correct one.

(1) Maybe the same girl is employing a second identity to establish two different levels of donation for advertising to different markets. She may be dropping her donation to advertise on CL without jeopardizing her standing in a higher market where she is already known under our test pic. This still does NOT mean she looks like our test pic.

(2) Maybe the girl behind our test pic is pirating the girl with different contact information.

(3) Maybe the girl with different contact information is the pirate of the girl behind our test pic.

(4) Maybe a third girl we don’t know about is the pirate of one or the other. We would not know about the third girl if the URL of her use of the pic she pirated is not in Tin Eye’s inventory.

In other words, Tin Eye will NOT tell us which girl is the pirate, and Tin Eye will NOT tell us if any girl looks like any pic.

Second, identifying the likely pirate requires a consideration of the nature of the site Tin Eye found in Tin Eye’s inventory. This is more art than science. The best use I have found is where Tin Eye identifies an internet modeling site, porn site, catalog site and the like, particularly a site in a foreign country. This increases the odds that the girl behind our test pic is the pirate and got her pic there. So run her other pics through Tin Eye.

Other than this, I think Tin Eye Positive is totally useless and actually harmful because with these limitations not understood Tin Eye Positive can cause us to conclude it means something.

In short, Tin Eye is not a smoking gun no matter what it returns. Tin Eye is an imperfect tool that raises more questions than it is capable of answering and because of that it is over-sold in my opinion. If we see Escort A and Escort B and afterward we visit their sites, if Escort A is using Escort B’s picture we can tell that with high confidence or even certainty, but Tin Eye cannot replicate that situation or even come close. All Tin Eye can do is give us an assumed indication of piracy when it identifies an internet modeling site, etc.

I hope the above helps. Other ideas are welcome.

West Central
03-21-10, 11:52
Right off the bat, I'll simply state that you've done well in your research, and this is a good guide for those that want to begin using TinEye among other tools to protect themselves. Nice work.

Step 2: ...it should always end with the extension “.jpg”.

Not necessarily. Though the vast majority of internet images are in .JPG format, many are also .BMP, .PNG, .GIF, .TIF, or one of many other image formats.

The result will be other places in Tin Eye’s inventory where the URL of our test pic is found (a situation I call the search being “Tin Eye Positive”) or “0 Results” (which I call “Tin Eye Negative.”)

I just want to clear this up a bit. What TinEye does is crawl the internet, much like Google does. Where Google "reads" the text on webpages, catalogs it, and compares it against your search terms, TinEye crawls until it finds a picture, reads the pixels in the picture, and catalogs that particular series of pixels. It actually does an amazingly good job of this; I can crop or resize an image and TinEye will still find it. There is a simple way to defeat TinEye's technology, which I will not divulge here in hopes that unscrupulous providers will be slower in discovering it.

Step 4B

It could also be (and in my experience is very likely) a fat man living in his mother's basement running an elaborate scam to get your money in his pocket.

I'm inherently suspicious of most people, especially those in the sex for money business. If it looks like a girl on CL/BP is scamming, she probably is. If it looks like a service is faking pictures, they probably are. If there's a camgirl on CL needing money for baby diapers, or a Russian bride needing money for her ailing mother, it's a fat man in the basement.

I conclusion, I agree with and appreciate your research and the time you put in to publishing it for us. I simply see the glass as half empty when I get a match, rather than half full.


03-25-10, 15:38

You better not have been sleeping with my man.

He already got one of the escorts pregant and he neglects to see his son. He was seeing an escort instead of watching the birth of his only son. I have been married 16 years and have two kids by him. He has many screen names. I knew he had the escorts but now he is on dating sites and here. Goes by many diff screen names.

I am giving yours to the copsAny ideas? Sinec I am not an escort, I guess I can forget about the kid issue, but I guess I better be careful when desperate housewives.


05-27-10, 20:30
Home page > Site Administration > Banned Users Hall of Shame is an absolute riot. I go there when I need a good laugh. It never disappoints.

It is what the title indicates, various handles banned for various transgressions, most often for fighting, having multiple handles, often times for being really stupid and of course, insulting the webmaster (Honorable Jackson) occasionally. In other words, being an asshole.

it can happen for not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence if done often enough, especially in combination with other faults, like TYPING IN ALL BLOCK CAPS WHICH THE WEBMASTER (HONORABLE JACKSON) DOES NOT LIKE i suppose not using a period after a sentence especially when combined with other sins of the post Jackson does not appreciate posters not starting a new paragraph so maybe it's time for a new paragraph.

If anybody wants a good read, it is the Banned Users Hall of Shame.


Greetings everyone,

With all due respect to Golfcart, members are not now and never have been banned for disregarding the Forum's Posting Guidelines regarding the use of generally accepted capitalization and punctuation conventions.

They just never achieve unmoderated status.



06-14-10, 18:29
Home page > Site Administration > Banned Users Hall of Shame is an absolute riot. I go there when I need a good laugh. It never disappoints.

It is what the title indicates, various handles banned for various transgressions, most often for fighting, having multiple handles, often times for being really stupid and of course, insulting the webmaster (Honorable Jackson) occasionally. In other words, being an asshole.

it can happen for not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence if done often enough, especially in combination with other faults, like TYPING IN ALL BLOCK CAPS WHICH THE WEBMASTER (HONORABLE JACKSON) DOES NOT LIKE i suppose not using a period after a sentence especially when combined with other sins of the post Jackson does not appreciate posters not starting a new paragraph so maybe it's time for a new paragraph.

If anybody wants a good read, it is the Banned Users Hall of Shame.I took your advice and what a hoot! My favorite was a pretty recent one banning I Feltersnatch. I couldn't stop laughing!


Greetings everyone,

With all due respect to Golfcart, members are not now and never have been banned for disregarding the Forum's Posting Guidelines regarding the use of generally accepted capitalization and punctuation conventions.

They just never achieve unmoderated status.



07-09-10, 09:44
Want to contact her, but no info. Anyone have any info on her?


07-09-10, 21:58
I took your advice and what a hoot! My favorite was a pretty recent one banning I Feltersnatch. I couldn't stop laughing!


Greetings everyone,

With all due respect to Golfcart, members are not now and never have been banned for disregarding the Forum's Posting Guidelines regarding the use of generally accepted capitalization and punctuation conventions.

They just never achieve unmoderated status.



Only minutes ago did I discover Jackson’s post-script and I am beside myself. Being cited by Jackson, an honor better than being cited in court; certainly better than being cited into court. What follows is the only example of not using a period at the conclusion of a sentence I can find:

Reason: Requesting information on finding shemales, and for not knowing how to use a period at the end of a sentence.

Found at:

The period bit was, no doubt, tongue-in-cheek. I do love Banned Users Hall of Shame.

09-08-10, 13:39
It appears advertising for some of the girls is here:


10-03-10, 10:11
It appears I'll be spending some time along the IN-MI stateline in the near future. Anyone have any entertainment suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.

Evansville Man
10-12-10, 09:13
It appears I'll be spending some time along the IN-MI stateline in the near future. Anyone have any entertainment suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.I can't say how "good" it is, but the Kendallville Health Spa (on "Thomas Road" I think? Might be something to look in to, if it's even still around. Sorry I can't be more help.

10-15-10, 01:51
I can't say how "good" it is, but the Kendallville Health Spa (on "Thomas Road" I think? Might be something to look in to, if it's even still around. Sorry I can't be more help.Thanks I'll look into that and report if I find anything.

09-09-11, 09:39
Note the emphasis on patrons.


B Beall
09-18-11, 10:03
Note the emphasis on patrons.

http://tribstar.com/news/x803547294/Attorney-general-to-turn-up-heat-on-sex-trade-patronsSome of us who're old enough remember that the two groups most convinced the country was being overrun by Satanists and baby sacrificers in the 80s and 90s were the backwoods religious maniacs and law enforcement.

Some tax-exempt, Bronze Age superstition-promoting, licensed-begging operation out of Texas has found a willing ear with Hoosier LE, filling them full of tales of fourteen-year-old sex slaves jamming the streets of Big D last year for Super Bowl weekend. Didn't happen, of course (else the story would'a been splashed all over the nightly news) , but the truth has nothing to do with these operations. Hell, it was 40 degrees there, remember? Any Texan exposed to that for two minutes died of hypothermia.

And, again, what exactly does Gen. Zoeller plan to do? Crowd the courts with Class A misdemeanor beefs? Make solicitation a capital offense, and put up gibbets on Maryland Street? Troll for all the company presidents, corporate boardroom functionaries, and broadcast sponsors who'll be in town? That'll impress the NFL. Maybe he oughta stick with helping enforce our cowardly ticket-scalping ordinance the Free Marketeers of the City-County Council enacted because Paul Tagliabue called 'them to heel.

Meanwhile, play safe. As always. If you don't have enough brains to survive Super Bowl weekend, you're not going to make it through the other 51 each year.

08-20-12, 10:03
I've been through Gary traveling before and know there is a LOT of SW activity and yet it's not in the Indiana list of towns. Just wondering why.

08-24-12, 08:37
I've been through Gary traveling before and know there is a LOT of SW activity and yet it's not in the Indiana list of towns. Just wondering why.It is listed in NW Indiana section. Covers all the region area.

08-16-13, 17:39
I tried posting this in the Indiana other areas section but haven't gotten a response. I began talking to a gal from back page and she said she needed 4 dozen roses. Today I tried to clarify and asked if she wanted fifty, but she said 48 would do. I cannot imagine she only wants $48. Am I missing something? Should I just ask if she really wants $48?

08-17-13, 09:10
I tried posting this in the Indiana other areas section but haven't gotten a response. I began talking to a gal from back page and she said she needed 4 dozen roses. Today I tried to clarify and asked if she wanted fifty, but she said 48 would do. I cannot imagine she only wants $48. Am I missing something? Should I just ask if she really wants $48?Perhaps X 10

09-04-13, 15:15
Perhaps X 10Probably running a 40 dollar short stay (15min) top only

10-25-13, 13:14
Escorts should help hobbyists and other escorts with references checks. Escorts should verify reviews on profiles helpful screening and refernces process. Thank you!

10-26-13, 11:56
Hobbyists and escorts let send cops on wild goose chase and waste time / resources. Let start fighting back. Instead of letting cops win. Escorts got to eat. Hobbyists need safe / fun times. Thanks!

10-26-13, 15:59
Hobbyists and escorts let send cops on wild goose chase and waste time / resources. Let start fighting back. Instead of letting cops win. Escorts got to eat. Hobbyists need safe / fun times. Thanks!No reason to battle cops. I was just talking out of my ass. Thanks!

10-28-13, 09:58
Escorts should help hobbyists and other escorts with references checks. Escorts should verify reviews on profiles helpful screening and refernces process. Thank you!Here another good point. Escorts require references but won't lift finger to return favor.

11-14-13, 21:59
Looking for a girl who may be working in the Richmond area, she has some very distinctive tats. Was friends with Alex, please PM me if you have her contact info.

01-15-14, 21:32
Never mind.Never mind.

02-23-14, 12:07
[Deleted by Admin]

Don't come on the board and tell guys what to do. You may of course share your requests.


03-08-14, 18:09
I brought Robyn, I think of Gary In., down here to Dallas a few years ago to enjoy the pleasures of the area.

She was somehow affiliated with "CT"; anyhow, I would like to get ahold of her again.

Can any one help me with this? Thank you in advance. Oh, moderator, if I have incorrectly posted this please let me know. Correct or not, I mean to find her.


11-26-14, 05:48
Hey! I'm new on here and was just wondering if anyone is around the southern Indiana area. Like Clarksville to Columbus?

Sir LanceLicksalot
01-11-15, 11:30
Ladies, are you looking for discrete, erotic and AFFORDABLE professional photos for your ads?

Then let me be your resource. With over 12 years of experience doing professional photos that are internet friendly and that show you in a manner that will positively affect your business.

I am not just a hobbyist with a camera. I am an award winning cinematographer who also does still work. My photos are erotic and not sleazy. They are professionally lit, shot with new start of the art equipment. Each finished photo is sized so that your perspective customers can really see who you are, not just some little thumbnail. Each shoot is unique, I don't just shoot the same shot over and over.

Please visit my website for an insight into my work and rates: http://michaelursanphotography.entertainersites.com/.


12-16-15, 08:30
Ladies, are you looking for discrete, erotic and AFFORDABLE professional photos for your ads?

Then let me be your resource. With over 12 years of experience doing professional photos that are internet friendly and that show you in a manner that will positively affect your business.

I am not just a hobbyist with a camera. I am an award winning cinematographer who also does still work. My photos are erotic and not sleazy. They are professionally lit, shot with new start of the art equipment. Each finished photo is sized so that your perspective customers can really see who you are, not just some little thumbnail. Each shoot is unique, I don't just shoot the same shot over and over.

Please visit my website for an insight into my work and rates: http://michaelursanphotography.entertainersites.com/.

360502In this business escorts always need to keep photos updated on marketing advertising. Thank you for heads up on your business and website.

02-02-16, 12:48
"I do NOT understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal? Why is it illegal to sell something that's perfectly legal to give away for free? George Carlin.

That, to me, is the simplest, and one of the most logical cases ever presented in favor of the hobby. But unless we get, at the very least, a Libertarian governor elected, probably not going to happen. I'm going to present my arguments anyway.

I'm NOT going to use the argument "You're not going to stop it, so you might as well make it legal. " While that's true, you're not going to stop homicides from happening either, and I don't think any rational person wants that legalized!

Tossing moral arguments and my own internal conflict about it aside, I'm going to start off with a potentially surprising fact.

1) It's nature.

Not just human nature, it's NATURE. Google "sexual favors among animals" and I think you'll find the results most interesting.

2) I believe there would be a significant decrease in SWs forced into the trade. I know there are many who make a conscious decision to go into it. But let's not kid ourselves, some are forced. Some don't feel like they have any other choice. I really couldn't enjoy my time with someone if I knew one of these cases to be the latter. It's usually in the back of my mind.

3) The decrease of human trafficking.

While I'm all for decriminalization or legalization, I am totally against human trafficking (as anyone should be) and underage people being forced into the sex trade. (see point 2) Of course, it will still happen as there would still be a depraved customer base for it. But maybe, just maybe, there would be less of it.

4) This relates to points 2 and 3: It would free up LE to catch real criminals. How much extra time would they have on their hands if they weren't arranging so many stings? For the record, I'm all for stings involving those trying to obtain favors from underage people. But I'm fine with two people of consenting age who mutually agree to spend some time with each other. By the way, the highest percentage of SW clientele is many major cities is cops. I don't mean LE looking to make a bust, I mean off-duty cops actively engaging in the hobby. I've actually known a couple of cops who, though they don't participate, happen to agree with decriminalization of the hobby.

5) That brings me from cops to crime for the next point: It would make it safer people on BOTH sides.

How many times have you been robbed in this hobby? Twice for me. The 1st time was only for 150 bucks, and I learned the 1st rule about answering ads on craigslist: DON'T ANSWER ADS ON CRAIGSLIST! (That's the rule I've set for myself, anyway). The last time was for $580 and some electronic equipment. I did NOT see that one coming as I thought I could trust the provider. Now, there are only two in the entire state if Indiana that I trust. One in Ft. Wayne and one in Indy. I'm very hesitant to see anybody new. (Sasha the redhead is tempting).

But, I'm getting off track. How many times does a cash and dash happen every day in Indiana? How many times per hour does it happen across the country?

On the flip side, there are hobbyist who rob providers or worse (I believe there was a recent case of this in Indy). Now matter who does what to who, we're all screwed (in the not fun way) because we can't go to the authorities lest we implicate ourselves.

6: Revenue!

So, suppose sex work was to be regulated and taxed. How much extra revenue would that bring in for the state? Maybe they could afford to stop repaving roads with that god-awful chip and seal! Ditto for marijuana. I never have, and never will use it (2nd hand smoke at rock concerts doesn't count) but I'm okay with legalizing it. I've seen people who can handle it just fine, and I've seen people who probably shouldn't have a caffeinated soda!

7: It's safer than picking up people in bars.

I'm not talking about your BP or CG advertisers. I'm talking about SWs who actually conduct their business professionally. Someone outside of the hobby might not think there's a difference, we know better, right? (The aforementioned only two that I trust definitely fall into the professional business category.).

You are actually at a lower risk of contracting an STD from a (professional) sex worker than from a member of the public. I know there are some out there that offer FSBB. And to that, it's only fitting that I close this with George Carlin again, screaming in my head "Why would you do that?

You forgot to put in the part from Amnesty International.


02-05-16, 13:27
You forgot to put in the part from Amnesty International.

A2I wasn't even thinking about that. But I have read it and obviously, some of that is swirling around in my subconscious. This was more of a stream-of-thought rant from my own experiences and viewpoints.

02-17-16, 14:25
Independent on the side and are doing "dates" out of the area Has anyone males heard anything about that. DT is usually a FAUX escort agency of the "good kind" but they promise the moon and deliver ZILCH If anyone has heard of any of their ladies working independent PM please. I used them twice back in the day and lost my money once and the girl who came through like a champ got fired and disappeared. Agencies have all but disappeared in Indiana except the out of twoners who come through with ladies. Thanks for reading.

04-24-16, 06:05
Never really Felt the need for A Hobby Phone but I am re thinking the subject!

What is everybody else using? Cheapest? And the company that don't need a lot of info?

05-02-16, 19:55
Never really Felt the need for A Hobby Phone but I am re thinking the subject!

What is everybody else using? Cheapest? And the company that don't need a lot of info?But they have upgrade the plans, that are causing problems I have heard.


06-11-16, 14:11
Hello guys I'm from Chicago area. Just wondering if there are any threads on sun aura resort. Can anyone point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it thanks.

07-18-16, 21:34
Does anyone kno of a good phone number search? For the type of information we are looking for?


Stay safe!

07-20-16, 15:45
Finally check off my bucket list. Sounds like it's on the decline since its heyday in the late 90's. Basically an outdoor strip club where you can take photos but no lap dancing once a year. About 2-3 dozen women contestants, about a dozen audience members and vendors are nude, a a bunch of buff guy contestants. Maybe 3 guys were 8-9's and a few were 6-8's IMO. Others were just not worth taking photos of. See attached. Hugh Heffner, Ron Jeremy, some other "celebrities" I don't know. Maybe other things going on after 5 pm but I wasn't invited. The rest of the year, a nudest resort. Nice folks, friendly place. Got rained out the 2nd morning but warmed up after noon.

07-22-16, 01:49
Finally check off my bucket list. Sounds like it's on the decline since its heyday in the late 90's. Basically an outdoor strip club where you can take photos but no lap dancing once a year. About 2-3 dozen women contestants, about a dozen audience members and vendors are nude, a a bunch of buff guy contestants. Maybe 3 guys were 8-9's and a few were 6-8's IMO. Others were just not worth taking photos of. See attached. Hugh Heffner, Ron Jeremy, some other "celebrities" I don't know. Maybe other things going on after 5 pm but I wasn't invited. The rest of the year, a nudest resort. Nice folks, friendly place. Got rained out the 2nd morning but warmed up after noon.Sorry, I meant "Gals" not "guys" were 8-9's.

10-27-16, 13:22
Never really Felt the need for A Hobby Phone but I am re thinking the subject!

What is everybody else using? Cheapest? And the company that don't need a lot of info?Prepaid phones at your local retail stores. I have one when I'm done with the business. I'm going to destroy it.

12-09-16, 00:56
Prepaid phones at your local retail stores. I have one when I'm done with the business. I'm going to destroy it.Wouldn't go anywhere without. First, do you want to receive unwanted calls or messages? When business is slow, escorts look through their history and try to drum up business from old calls. Two, have you ever been busy and have someone else in the room pick up your phone and look at your favorites? Then you have never gone to the bathroom or had a threesome. Three are you sure you can't be traced by an escort who wants to blackmail? Four, does anyone you know have access to your phone and might stumble upon an old message?

I have had an escort threaten to blackmail me but try to find me if I have a burn phone and purchase all the minutes with cash.

I also take a monger wallet. No I'd or credit cards. I do keep some old prepaid cards to make it look like something is in the wallet. I also keep an extra $50 so if I am robbed they get something and don't beat me up. I have had to force myself out of a room twice. One of the times, I had a gun pulled and the "boyfriend" wanted a picture of my drivers license (he got my burn wallet with no I'd and while he was busy looking at the dead prepaid cards I walked out). I can still hear him saying "hey there is nothing in here" as I walked out (try that with a gun pointed at your back).

I also take off all jewelry.

If you are out there enough, sooner or later something is going to happen. Losing a burn phone, burn wallet and $50.00 is better than losing the alternative. Cheap insurance and you can rest a lot easier.

12-09-16, 00:57
Prepaid phones at your local retail stores. I have one when I'm done with the business. I'm going to destroy it.Wouldn't go anywhere without. First, do you want to receive unwanted calls or messages? When business is slow, escorts look through their history and try to drum up business from old calls. Two, have you ever been busy and have someone else in the room pick up your phone and look at your favorites? Then you have never gone to the bathroom or had a threesome. Three are you sure you can't be traced by an escort who wants to blackmail? Four, does anyone you know have access to your phone and might stumble upon an old message?

I have had an escort threaten to blackmail me but try to find me if I have a burn phone and purchase all the minutes with cash.

I also take a monger wallet. No I'd or credit cards. I do keep some old prepaid cards to make it look like something is in the wallet. I also keep an extra $50 so if I am robbed they get something and don't beat me up. I have had to force myself out of a room twice. One of the times, I had a gun pulled and the "boyfriend" wanted a picture of my drivers license (he got my burn wallet with no I'd and while he was busy looking at the dead prepaid cards I walked out). I can still hear him saying "hey there is nothing in here" as I walked out (try that with a gun pointed at your back).

12-13-16, 15:39
Wouldn't go anywhere without. First, do you want to receive unwanted calls or messages? When business is slow, escorts look through their history and try to drum up business from old calls. Two, have you ever been busy and have someone else in the room pick up your phone and look at your favorites? Then you have never gone to the bathroom or had a threesome. Three are you sure you can't be traced by an escort who wants to blackmail? Four, does anyone you know have access to your phone and might stumble upon an old message?

I have had an escort threaten to blackmail me but try to find me if I have a burn phone and purchase all the minutes with cash.

I also take a monger wallet. No I'd or credit cards. I do keep some old prepaid cards to make it look like something is in the wallet. I also keep an extra $50 so if I am robbed they get something and don't beat me up. I have had to force myself out of a room twice. One of the times, I had a gun pulled and the "boyfriend" wanted a picture of my drivers license (he got my burn wallet with no I'd and while he was busy looking at the dead prepaid cards I walked out). I can still hear him saying "hey there is nothing in here" as I walked out (try that with a gun pointed at your back).That's f* up escort want to blackmail client. Someone picking up your phone to look at your favorites. Escorts that have phone history I hope that doesn't fall in wrong hands. I purchase my minutes with cash. I delete everything off my phone. Happy holidays!

07-15-17, 10:11
But they have upgrade the plans, that are causing problems I have heard.

-G.I use that app it's very useful.

10-28-18, 00:34
Any bars around still run the lingerie shows? Heard at one point there might have been a few in IL that were pretty good contact.

Post or PM. Either is fine.

Thanks in advance.

12-25-18, 06:54
WOW what a woman I get there a little small talk then down to business woohoo.

She's sexy as hell an xtra here and there but the energy she has damn.

I haven't been that winded since my high school days. And wants me back again soon.

I haven't made through the whole circuit yet.

And I plan on seeing her again, anybody have tips or favorites on other girls.

03-23-19, 00:57
I have seen L1 and uncle a lot. Looked at all the forums and FAQ. What does those 2 mean?

03-26-19, 08:20
I have seen L1 and uncle a lot. Looked at all the forums and FAQ. What does those 2 mean?Uncle is law enforcement, LE. I'm going to guess that L1 is same. I'm not sure the origin of Uncle. Also, the other phrases for spending time in jail are things like. "spending time with her least favorite uncle" or "staying at the grey bar hotel".


03-26-19, 21:56
Uncle is law enforcement, LE. I'm going to guess that L1 is same. I'm not sure the origin of Uncle. Also, the other phrases for spending time in jail are things like. "spending time with her least favorite uncle" or "staying at the grey bar hotel".

Geezer.Uncle is short for 'Uncle LEO (law enforcement officer)' and is derived from Seinfeld's somewhat oily and irritating 'Uncle LEO'.

04-30-19, 16:07
Any leads on possible recreation in French Lick area?

05-18-19, 20:45
I have seen L1 and uncle a lot. Looked at all the forums and FAQ. What does those 2 mean?L1 means "handjob".

Uncle means law enforcement.

07-05-20, 13:21
Anyone know of any providers in the Greencastle or Cloverdale areas? Or maybe a good AMP in those areas? Thanks For Your Help.

Nelson Muntz
08-11-20, 00:29
Anyone know of any providers in the Greencastle or Cloverdale areas? Or maybe a good AMP in those areas? Thanks For Your Help.Sorry I can't help you. I may be going there myself soon. If I hear of anything, I'll let you know. I would appreciate the same. I am a senior on here in the North west Indiana are. If you come up here I have a few recommendations.


10-13-20, 20:26
Anyone have in recs for a petite black provider in NW region?

06-28-21, 15:57
Hello friends from Indiana!

First off I will preface this with if you need any info from the Madison area let me know.

Secondly, I will be in the area next week near Merrillville, Indiana and am not sure what the closest city to that is on STG. If someone could please point me to the correct city or maybe even some trusted providers I would be forever grateful for your time and if you are ever in the Madison area I can give out info as well. Hope to hear from some of you soon!



Nelson Muntz
07-30-21, 15:39
Hello friends from Indiana!

First off I will preface this with if you need any info from the Madison area let me know.

Secondly, I will be in the area next week near Merrillville, Indiana and am not sure what the closest city to that is on STG. If someone could please point me to the correct city or maybe even some trusted providers I would be forever grateful for your time and if you are ever in the Madison area I can give out info as well. Hope to hear from some of you soon!


RM.Probably the best way to find out who's active is to visit the Northwest Indiana escort, street walkers, etc, etc, This girls change with the wind around here, not very reliable. I have one that has always been reliable, but need more. My go to gal is in Lansing, IL right across the border. Usually $200 half an hour.

10-21-21, 10:09
If anyone knows of an escort that is pregnant & is in Jackson county let me know I have been wanting to find 1 for a reasonable price.

Newark Guy
11-08-21, 23:38
Will be coming through I-90 Monday / Tuesday sometime. Curious if there are any truck stops or areas of interest I could kill some time in. Will be coming from Madison, WI nd heading to highland heights, OH.

Johnny Shakes
06-02-22, 06:29
What the means of I 90?

10-30-22, 09:45
Are there recommended methods to optimize privacy when activating a new Tracfone? Upgraded antiquated Tracfone.

Duck-Duck-Go search generated few results other than the standard Tracfone establishing an online account etc.

Appreciate any insights and tips.