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Member #5121
12-19-15, 11:48
Thread starter for reports relating to SB / SD websites such as Seeking Arrangement.

05-27-16, 14:22
Marteena from Gurnee has a profile on several sugar daddy sites including SA. She's 30 and looking for a SD. I have not seen her and don't plan to, but if any seniors want her number PM me.

"Looking for a NSA arrangement. We meet either weekly or biweekly long term. I just want to pay my rent, live comfortably and meet new people =) I'm serious about this, so I hope you are too. ".

06-02-16, 22:51
I am starting to dip my toes in the SD world. I upgraded my account and started messaging some ladies. So far got some interest. Anyone here got a good pulse on the scene or tips. It looks like the Milwaukee board is active. I might head there since I'm in mke often too.

06-03-16, 10:36
I am starting to dip my toes in the SD world. I upgraded my account and started messaging some ladies. So far got some interest. Anyone here got a good pulse on the scene or tips. It looks like the Milwaukee board is active. I might head there since I'm in mke often too.So one day on the site and I meet a hot 20 something and I head over to her place. The sugar was a little too sweet but wow. On top of that I have two solid leads for some college babes and well see where that is at.

So my initial impression of the gal is she is not a pro. I mean I guess she is in the semipro leagues, but she acted like a civie, the whole getting to know you thing and comfort level. I might have to change my mindset with the SBs. I think they want to see themselves as a nsa with some extra monetary benefits. Must be a psychological distinction in their heads to do the sd / sb thing.

06-06-16, 11:15
So one day on the site and I meet a hot 20 something and I head over to her place. The sugar was a little too sweet but wow. On top of that I have two solid leads for some college babes and well see where that is at.

So my initial impression of the gal is she is not a pro. I mean I guess she is in the semipro leagues, but she acted like a civie, the whole getting to know you thing and comfort level. I might have to change my mindset with the SBs. I think they want to see themselves as a nsa with some extra monetary benefits. Must be a psychological distinction in their heads to do the sd / sb thing.Let me weigh in my $0. 02 here. I've been hitting up the SB scene a lot more than the professionals lately and I've found it to be a gold mine. Yes, it does take a little more work to find the girls with reasonable expectations and are ok with the idea of P4 P (unless you're planning regular meetings with the same girl for a long time, the whole allowance arrangement is just $ down the drain if you ask me). I've run into a couple of pros (and even some retired porn stars) on SA, but I'll agree that most are civvies who view being a SB as being more socially acceptable than a provider.

The biggest benefit, IMHO, with the SBs is the fact that on these dates there has been a much lower chance of clock watching. My usual MO is to meet the SBs for dinner / drinks then head back to someone's place for private time. Rather than a provider's expectation that private time would be an hour or 90 min, the SBs, on more than one occasion, have expected to spend the night. This has usually resulted in a truly GFE experience with multiple rounds and some very pleasant conversation / teasing in between. When they're no clock, there's no pressure. And since many of the girls truly look at this as a real date as opposed to a "date" with a provider, they can be a lot of fun.

As with all arrangements (professional vs. Civilian), the expectations for gifts varies, but I've found that some great experiences can be had with a SB for $$$ - $$ To give you reference, the same experience with a provider would run anywhere from $$ - $$ (again, primarily because of the difference in time expectations between the two groups, as my dates with SBs usually runs at least 2 hours, but has regularly ended up as overnights).

Now, one last bit of advice I have. Most of the SBs come into an arrangement knowing that intimacy is expected. HOWEVER, not all of them do, read some profiles and you'll spot a couple of them who will say that they are not cool with anything physical. I've always made it a point to ask the girls if they are cool with this (as up front as I can be w / o making a girl feel like I intend to just use them). Also, when transitioning from dinner to wherever private time will be, I ask one last time if they are going to be ok if we end up hooking up (remember these girls don't consider themselves pros, so I've found that term to be most acceptable to them). I've had a few say they weren't cool with this while we were still messaging, and only one ever say no when we were getting ready to head out from dinner. While it means that some time and effort were spent in vain, the thought of what might have happened if I hadn't been cautious was motivation enough to playing it safe.

Anyway, just wanted to share my perspective / experience with the SD / SB world. There's a lot to be said for finding a SB and I'm glad I took the plunge.

06-06-16, 20:57
As with all arrangements (professional vs. Civilian), the expectations for gifts varies, but I've found that some great experiences can be had with a SB for $$$ - $$ To give you reference, the same experience with a provider would run anywhere from $$ - $$ (again, primarily because of the difference in time expectations between the two groups, as my dates with SBs usually runs at least 2 hours, but has regularly ended up as overnights).Great advice and wisdom, I will heed carefully. One question, your quote for play above didn't translate well, can you trancribe $ = 1.

On another note I got stood up on my coffee date today. No idea why. Oh well my list just got one shorter.

06-06-16, 21:17
Great advice and wisdom, I will heed carefully. One question, your quote for play above didn't translate well, can you trancribe $ = 1.

On another note I got stood up on my coffee date today. No idea why. Oh well my list just got one shorter.Hey good posts guys. I haven't tried the sugar bowl yet, but have been reading about it in case I want to give it a shot sometime. It's not cheap that's for sure. The best board for finding info is definitely the Richmond, VA board. It is literally several years of posts from different mongers sharing their experiences and expertise. It's a pretty interesting read- I've only been able to go through some of them. It's less about specific reviews and more about general strategy, topics, etc. Cincinnati, Knoxville, Vegas, and L. A I think also have forums to a lesser extent. Cincinnati is different in that they talk about specific gals on there.

Keep the posts coming here though. Chicago will mostly likely be more expensive than Richmond since it's a larger city- but saying that, it sounds like some of these women are delusional in their asking prices from what I've read. They get the Golden P**y syndrome. Unless you're Bill Gates or Donald Trump where money is no object, you have to next them. Sometimes they will cave and email you back and sometimes they won't. Plenty of times it seems like it's watching Pawn Stars where you have to negotiate. And they don't have the leverage- there's way more gals on there than guys willing to invest.

06-07-16, 12:55
Great advice and wisdom, I will heed carefully. One question, your quote for play above didn't translate well, can you trancribe $ = 1.

On another note I got stood up on my coffee date today. No idea why. Oh well my list just got one shorter.Yeah. Sorry about that, the post screwed with my references. My typical SB is 3. $ - 5. $ where as the same service from a pro for similar would be anywhere from 5. $ - 15. $.

06-07-16, 13:03
Hey good posts guys. I haven't tried the sugar bowl yet, but have been reading about it in case I want to give it a shot sometime. It's not cheap that's for sure. The best board for finding info is definitely the Richmond, VA board. It is literally several years of posts from different mongers sharing their experiences and expertise. It's a pretty interesting read- I've only been able to go through some of them. It's less about specific reviews and more about general strategy, topics, etc. Cincinnati, Knoxville, Vegas, and L. A I think also have forums to a lesser extent. Cincinnati is different in that they talk about specific gals on there.

Keep the posts coming here though. Chicago will mostly likely be more expensive than Richmond since it's a larger city- but saying that, it sounds like some of these women are delusional in their asking prices from what I've read. They get the Golden P**y syndrome. Unless you're Bill Gates or Donald Trump where money is no object, you have to next them. Sometimes they will cave and email you back and sometimes they won't. Plenty of times it seems like it's watching Pawn Stars where you have to negotiate. And they don't have the leverage- there's way more gals on there than guys willing to invest.I've met with SBs in several cities that I found on SA. I don't know if I necessarily agree that they expect more here in Chicago. They may ask for more (read as list themselves as looking for High or Practical arrangements), but if you build up a good rapport with them in chat, and they are OK with a gift per meeting rather than an allowance, they tend to be on par with what you'd expect from a pro for a 1 - 2 hour appointment (granted the appointment with the SB will likely be less strict as far as the clock is concerned). The girls tend to go high, assuming they'll end up in an arrangement much like the ones they are seeing on that new show on cable about hobbying, and find the next crusty old multi-millionaire who is willing to leave them 6-figures in his will just for the opportunity to roll around with a 20-something hottie. Give them a few months on the site and they either: a) reassess their expectations, or b) hold out in the hopes of hitting the jackpot.

Best advice I have is to be honest. I'm up-front with the girls about what I can offer (I'm not a multi-millionaire BTW, not by a long shot), so they know they can't expect me to be an ATM. However, the ones who I have met with look at me as a FWB who happens to support them how and when I can, with no illusions of anything more. Like I said in my first post, it's been a great experience.

06-07-16, 19:24
Marteena from Gurnee has a profile on several sugar daddy sites including SA. She's 30 and looking for a SD. I have not seen her and don't plan to, but if any seniors want her number PM me.

"Looking for a NSA arrangement. We meet either weekly or biweekly long term. I just want to pay my rent, live comfortably and meet new people =) I'm serious about this, so I hope you are too. ".So buyer really really beware if you take the plunge with that one.

06-07-16, 22:18
I've met with SBs in several cities that I found on SA. I don't know if I necessarily agree that they expect more here in Chicago. They may ask for more (read as list themselves as looking for High or Practical arrangements), but if you build up a good rapport with them in chat, and they are OK with a gift per meeting rather than an allowance, they tend to be on par with what you'd expect from a pro for a 1 - 2 hour appointment (granted the appointment with the SB will likely be less strict as far as the clock is concerned). The girls tend to go high, assuming they'll end up in an arrangement much like the ones they are seeing on that new show on cable about hobbying, and find the next crusty old multi-millionaire who is willing to leave them 6-figures in his will just for the opportunity to roll around with a 20-something hottie. Give them a few months on the site and they either: a) reassess their expectations, or b) hold out in the hopes of hitting the jackpot.

Best advice I have is to be honest. I'm up-front with the girls about what I can offer (I'm not a multi-millionaire BTW, not by a long shot), so they know they can't expect me to be an ATM. However, the ones who I have met with look at me as a FWB who happens to support them how and when I can, with no illusions of anything more. Like I said in my first post, it's been a great experience.Hey Steam Train, you bring up something interesting that I just took for granted. I filter my searches by expectation level (negotiable and minimal only) so that cuts down my search results. I'm in the same boat where I budget a set amount and the other tiers blow that budget, but it seems you work the SB in those tiers to the 3 $-5 $ range. Hows your experience bringing them down to that level? Any interesting correlations about SBs personality and thier asking tier?

I really like your apporaoch to the bowl, thanks for the guidance!

BTW looking to line up something for later this week. Got a couple on the line, one of which is definitely a step above the semipros (probably more like in the farm system at AA level). Will keep posted.

06-07-16, 22:27
Hey good posts guys. I haven't tried the sugar bowl yet, but have been reading about it in case I want to give it a shot sometime. It's not cheap that's for sure. The best board for finding info is definitely the Richmond, VA board. It is literally several years of posts from different mongers sharing their experiences and expertise. It's a pretty interesting read- I've only been able to go through some of them. It's less about specific reviews and more about general strategy, topics, etc. Cincinnati, Knoxville, Vegas, and L. A I think also have forums to a lesser extent. Cincinnati is different in that they talk about specific gals on there.

Keep the posts coming here though. Chicago will mostly likely be more expensive than Richmond since it's a larger city- but saying that, it sounds like some of these women are delusional in their asking prices from what I've read. They get the Golden P**y syndrome. Unless you're Bill Gates or Donald Trump where money is no object, you have to next them. Sometimes they will cave and email you back and sometimes they won't. Plenty of times it seems like it's watching Pawn Stars where you have to negotiate. And they don't have the leverage- there's way more gals on there than guys willing to invest.Thanks for the Richmond suggestion, I knew about it a year ago when I was wondering about it a year agobut I haven't looked at is since. Your right there is a lot of good game theory going on there. Will definitely keep perusing that board for more tips. As for cost I don't have a ton of data but I am seeing 5 $ as the standard starting point but I think that is negotiable, case in point I got a potential SB down to 3. Speaking of which, I am unsure about discussing handles openly or not. I'm not sure if I like the Cincinnati approach better than the Richmond approach or maybe somewhere in between. Are Sbs aware of this site? Thoughts guys?

Rob Taylor
06-12-16, 14:50
Thanks for the Richmond suggestion, I knew about it a year ago when I was wondering about it a year agobut I haven't looked at is since. Your right there is a lot of good game theory going on there. Will definitely keep perusing that board for more tips. As for cost I don't have a ton of data but I am seeing 5 $ as the standard starting point but I think that is negotiable, case in point I got a potential SB down to 3. Speaking of which, I am unsure about discussing handles openly or not. I'm not sure if I like the Cincinnati approach better than the Richmond approach or maybe somewhere in between. Are Sbs aware of this site? Thoughts guys?Chicago runs about 2 $-5 $but the dates last anywhere from 2-5 hours. So its still way cheaper as far as quality.

06-13-16, 02:10
Chicago runs about 2 $-5 $but the dates last anywhere from 2-5 hours. So its still way cheaper as far as quality.I'm assuming that's just for the gift part. I would assume you'd have to pay for a nice hotel room and possibly drinks / dinner as well, which adds to the total.

06-13-16, 02:14
Thanks for the Richmond suggestion, I knew about it a year ago when I was wondering about it a year agobut I haven't looked at is since. Your right there is a lot of good game theory going on there. Will definitely keep perusing that board for more tips. As for cost I don't have a ton of data but I am seeing 5 $ as the standard starting point but I think that is negotiable, case in point I got a potential SB down to 3. Speaking of which, I am unsure about discussing handles openly or not. I'm not sure if I like the Cincinnati approach better than the Richmond approach or maybe somewhere in between. Are Sbs aware of this site? Thoughts guys?I like the Cincinnati approach where gals are reviewed, but I'm not in the Bowl, so take my preference with a grain of salt. I can see both sides of it.

06-13-16, 10:49
I'm assuming that's just for the gift part. I would assume you'd have to pay for a nice hotel room and possibly drinks / dinner as well, which adds to the total.Yeah you got to factor the FC (stole that from the Richmond forum) costs if you can't / won't bring them home. My SB has her own place so that works in my favor.

One thing I am noticing is that a lot of girls goes radio silent just before the m&g happens. Its frustrating because I get dates / numbers lined up and then nothing. I guess that's part of the sugar bowl.

06-14-16, 02:42
Hey Steam Train, you bring up something interesting that I just took for granted. I filter my searches by expectation level (negotiable and minimal only) so that cuts down my search results. I'm in the same boat where I budget a set amount and the other tiers blow that budget, but it seems you work the SB in those tiers to the 3 $-5 $ range. Hows your experience bringing them down to that level? Any interesting correlations about SBs personality and thier asking tier?

I really like your apporaoch to the bowl, thanks for the guidance!

BTW looking to line up something for later this week. Got a couple on the line, one of which is definitely a step above the semipros (probably more like in the farm system at AA level). Will keep posted.Generally, I haven't had much trouble finding SBs in the range you mentioned. Most of them truly seem to be college students or recent grads who aren't making enough to pay bills and cover their loans. Most of the ones I have met are pretty friendly (it doesn't hurt that I'm not old, but not TOO old) and really treat it like a date than an "arrangement. " At the moment, one of the SBs I've been seeing for a while treats me the way my GFs used to when I was in college. Dates are everything from dinner, movies, sporting events, concerts all ending with private time at whomevers place is closer. I'm almost 100% confident that she doesn't have a regular BF (we're friends on FB and she posts constantly, thankfully she has respected my wishes and doesn't tag / comment about me online) and I do know for a fact she is not seeing any other SDs (nor is she even thinking of turning pro). She's got a pretty decent job, but like the girls who I tend to see, she's just not making ends meet with her regular salary (she will someday, she's a really smart girl). The 4-5 she gets from me helps pay her loans, and she's even told me how guilty she feels as she really doesn't think of it as an arrangement anymore. (That may or may not be BS, but for as long as we've been seeing each other, I'm inclined to believe her).

For me, and what I'm looking for, the SB world has been really great. Don't get me wrong, it took me a while to learn what to look for in messages whether or not the girl: was a pro (or semi-pro), would think of me as just an ATM, or get too clingy and think that I'd be up for anything like a real commitment. The best advice I would give for anyone looking for the same is to send messages the same way you would if you were on a traditional dating site. The ones who won't make it feel like an arrangement won't want to hear you talk about money or gifts in early messages. They want to hear about you, what you do, what you like, what interests you about them (BEST ADVICE I HAVE is DON'T LIE! You don't have to tell them EVERYTHING about you, but don't make shit up, if you want a true SB who doesn't / won't ever consider turning pro think like the government, share the general info, but redact the sensitive details). Tell them the same stuff you'd say to a potential GF as opposed to a pro (I. E. I use my real first name with a SB, as opposed to a nickname that I give to providers). Once I get to know them and look for the signs that she's not triggering any of my aforementioned red-flags I'll ask to meet and then, and only then, will I mention my budget and my expectations (again, DON'T LIE! If they go dark or respond negatively, it was never meant to happen and all I've wasted is the time it took to send a few online messages. And yes, they will go dark, and yes some will stand you up rather than tell you that they think you're too cheap. It's just part of the game. (THough, some of the last minute excuses I got when girls cancelled on me are just plain hilarious.).

To your last question about personality at the lower-end of the expectation range. Honestly, I prefer the girls at the lower end. The expensive SBs all think they're going to be given everything just for putting out. I've found the ones with high expectations to be on the stuck-up side with an air of entitlement to them. Maybe if I was a multi-millionaire I wouldn't feel that way about the high-expectation SBs, but in messaging a few of them, I have noticed a pattern. (Who knows, maybe it's because they know from my profile what I make a year and what I'm worth, but I think if that's all a SB looks at, I don't need to spend any time talking to them). The lower expectation girls tend to be more "real" and more often than not, attractive both physically and mentally. The lower-expectation girls don't look at an arrangement as being their "job" like some of the high-end girls do, and that, all things considered, makes all the difference to me.

06-14-16, 02:54
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

Here is the official position of the USASG regarding providers and their feelings about being reviewed.

"We don't give a fuck what they think about it."


So I thought about this and it sounded harsh so let me explain. It's not that we don't care about providers, I have good friends that are hookers. We love hookers here at the USASG. The problem is, you can't let the subject of the reviews dictate the terms of the reviews. That's what started Yelps long slow slide into the nothingness they are becoming. Yelp started letting businesses that paid for ads arrange how their reviews were displayed and let them start taking down reviews they didn't like. Credibility out the window, stock price through the floor, all the good talent left the company.

The USASG has never allowed providers to dictate our terms here and we never will. If some chick tells you, "don't review me" and you don't. That's fine with us. But, and this is a big but, they will never dictate if they have reviews on our forum and any white knight that comes on here saying "she doesn't like having reviews and you should honor that" will get this infraction.

The USASG has always been, always will be, a place for men to talk about women for sex. Anything that tries to inhibit that gets smacked down. Always has, always will. That's what I mean when I say, I don't give a fuck what providers think about our reviews. The best providers associated with this forum don't give a fuck either, they don't give a fuck because they know their reviews will be stellar unless some douche posts a false negative then they still don't give a fuck because they know the majority of guys are smart enough to see through that.

A2 again

08-30-16, 16:35
So I took a break after the last time I saw a SB back in mid-June. It was a new one I found at that time and got a lunch date with her. I made the mistake of agreeing to 500 based on her photos which were good but she ended up being a bit overweight. She was still pretty and DTF. Afterwards I blew her off and never contacted her again.

I took the summer off and decided that maybe back to school time might find some students needing help. I think I am going to refine my tactics based on feedback here and on other forums (like richmond). My biggest problem was negotiating sugar before the actual meetup, but also how to approach. I'll try to share my experiences here. I was thinking of going back to SA, but are there other good sites in Chicago? Also what do you think is the current state of the bowl?

08-30-16, 20:29
So I took a break after the last time I saw a SB back in mid-June. It was a new one I found at that time and got a lunch date with her. I made the mistake of agreeing to 500 based on her photos which were good but she ended up being a bit overweight. She was still pretty and DTF. Afterwards I blew her off and never contacted her again.

I took the summer off and decided that maybe back to school time might find some students needing help. I think I am going to refine my tactics based on feedback here and on other forums (like richmond). My biggest problem was negotiating sugar before the actual meetup, but also how to approach. I'll try to share my experiences here. I was thinking of going back to SA, but are there other good sites in Chicago? Also what do you think is the current state of the bowl?I wish the Chicago thread was more active, cause I entered the bowl for the first time this past June and have been having nothing but fun.

I don't know what to compare it to from before, but I've had some pretty decent success so far this summer.

09-02-16, 09:14
Hey I have checked out WYP since I saw an ad for it in the SA site. I guess they are sister sites. Anyway I signed up but I am not 100% sure I understand the point. I haven't bought credits so I have no idea how much I need to bid. And what is a Bid? Just the price your willing to pay to go on a regular date? Or the price your are paying to go to the FC with? Any experiences? I have 3 winks already and ready to respond but would like to see othr people's feedback. Also do we have to upload a photo to bid? Is that right?

09-02-16, 14:55
Never used it personally, but maybe the Richmond thread will offer more help.

09-02-16, 15:11
Hey I have checked out WYP since I saw an ad for it in the SA site. I guess they are sister sites. Anyway I signed up but I am not 100% sure I understand the point. I haven't bought credits so I have no idea how much I need to bid. And what is a Bid? Just the price your willing to pay to go on a regular date? Or the price your are paying to go to the FC with? Any experiences? I have 3 winks already and ready to respond but would like to see othr people's feedback. Also do we have to upload a photo to bid? Is that right?I have used it a few times. Girls will usually give you a price. No guarantees of things but you can usually tell in messages how things will go. Some just want to go to dinner, but more often they understand what is expected. Usually by the second time you will get something, only happened the first time for me once.

Dr Manhattan
09-03-16, 12:54
Hey I have checked out WYP since I saw an ad for it in the SA site. I guess they are sister sites. Anyway I signed up but I am not 100% sure I understand the point. I haven't bought credits so I have no idea how much I need to bid. And what is a Bid? Just the price your willing to pay to go on a regular date? Or the price your are paying to go to the FC with? Any experiences? I have 3 winks already and ready to respond but would like to see othr people's feedback. Also do we have to upload a photo to bid? Is that right?I still believe it's more economical (and less of a waste of time, which is even more valuable) to message girls on SA, ask to treat them to "coffee," and negotiate on the spot. Paying them to meet for lunch simply adds another middleman to the equation. If a free meal and drinks isn't good enough for face-to-face time, she'll upsell even more egregiously down the road.

09-03-16, 22:49
I still believe it's more economical (and less of a waste of time, which is even more valuable) to message girls on SA, ask to treat them to "coffee," and negotiate on the spot. Paying them to meet for lunch simply adds another middleman to the equation. If a free meal and drinks isn't good enough for face-to-face time, she'll upsell even more egregiously down the road.It's a moot point anyway since I can't get my vanilla one card to process. Funny since I had it work for SA. Anyone had issues with the gift cards?

I'll just stick with SA and do the coffee thing. Having to pay for lunch and the actual lunch itself before we get to step 2: the FC is a bit obnoxious.

09-06-16, 23:24
So it seems SA had an issue with my pre-paid card just like WYP, but I contacted their support site and they responded fairly quickly and got it resolved within a few hours.

So now that I am back I can start messaging and reading messages. I guess you need a photo to do it without a paid upgrade, but I am not putting a photo up there. Besides I am getting plenty of hits on my bare-bones profile. I think they are looking at the net worth and salary fields instead of my one sentence about me section LOL.

Regardless I have been having a good time messaging some SBs. I learned a few lessons from my first stint back in May / June:

1) Beginning of the school year is the time to start. I am noticing more activity now than before. I am getting a ton of bites and I haven't really done much other than view a few profiles.

2) Don't talk money until you meet them. I will not be doing so anymore. I did that before and locked myself into a higher number than I could have gotten away with. For instance the last SB I saw I had locked in at 5 $ before we met. Her pictures were awesome and I found her FB and they corroborated the photos. But once the shirt comes off a little more flab magically appeared. I mean, I'd still hit it at 2-3 $ range but I already locked in at 5. Lesson learned.

3) Have fun and don't force it. I just got done flirting with a college senior in a college town 3 hrs away. Told her if I am in town, I'll look her up. Highly doubt I'll ever be there for any reason and I don't plan on going just for her. But it was still fun to flirt, plus you never know.

Now I just need to figure out a good FC plan!

Al Melrose
09-13-16, 12:07
After reading here, Cincy and Richmond, I jumped in so far only one bite at 500, but mostly nothing. I guess it has only been two days and I should be patient, but mostly dead air or fake Asians contacting me. I hope I don't have to wait until second semester tuition is due! Why do people what to switch to hangout or gmail what is that scam? And what the f is the gagahi scam, looked it up but really no answers on the scam process.

09-13-16, 13:01
After reading here, Cincy and Richmond, I jumped in so far only one bite at 500, but mostly nothing. I guess it has only been two days and I should be patient, but mostly dead air or fake Asians contacting me. I hope I don't have to wait until second semester tuition is due! Why do people what to switch to hangout or gmail what is that scam? And what the f is the gagahi scam, looked it up but really no answers on the scam process.I've been getting some good bites, but it takes a while to get going. I suggest being patient. Was your 500 bite downtown lady? Haha.

Al Melrose
09-13-16, 13:36
I've been getting some good bites, but it takes a while to get going. I suggest being patient. Was your 500 bite downtown lady? Haha.Claimed to be from Mount Prospect, never got a counter offer, so not even sure if serious.

09-13-16, 14:22
Yeah definitely got to be patient. I've had some jump into the FC after the first dinner, and some messaging for a couple weeks before even doing a M&G.

Member #5589
09-13-16, 15:47
How much "real" info do you have to give up to get an account there? One needs, after all, to be discreet.

09-13-16, 17:06
How much "real" info do you have to give up to get an account there? One needs, after all, to be discreet.I put my info that isn't identifying. So salary, ethnicity, city, height, burner phone, I put in truthfully. However I didn't put anything identifying like real name, address, and used pre-paid cards to pay with fake address info. Even zip code can be faked. I didn't even put in a photo but still am getting hits.

09-13-16, 19:31
How much "real" info do you have to give up to get an account there? One needs, after all, to be discreet.Same, physical and salary info are true. I have one overall body / face picture up. And more pics in private. Burner phone and email.

Most SB's prefer to be discreet as well, so it works out pretty well.

Al Melrose
09-17-16, 22:17
So I get a message today asking to text a number if interested in FS for $250. I wonder how many she (if she is legit) sends this message to. Anyone have this before, legit or scam? I still have not completed a transaction. Did have a M&G women did not look like photos. I passed. Got stood up at a M&G, profile taken down. Had a few where we agree to meet and then they stop responding after I propose a place or ask them to pick a place.

09-18-16, 12:16
So I get a message today asking to text a number if interested in FS for $250. I wonder how many she (if she is legit) sends this message to. Anyone have this before, legit or scam? I still have not completed a transaction. Did have a M&G women did not look like photos. I passed. Got stood up at a M&G, profile taken down. Had a few where we agree to meet and then they stop responding after I propose a place or ask them to pick a place.I got the same message yesterday. Can't decide if it's too good to be true!

09-18-16, 15:26
So I get a message today asking to text a number if interested in FS for $250. I wonder how many she (if she is legit) sends this message to. Anyone have this before, legit or scam? I still have not completed a transaction. Did have a M&G women did not look like photos. I passed. Got stood up at a M&G, profile taken down. Had a few where we agree to meet and then they stop responding after I propose a place or ask them to pick a place.Lots of scammers. A legit girl on one of those sites won't send that kind of stuff out (it's against SA's terms and conditions). There are a lot of members who aren't keen on the P4 P approach (and it's technically against the SA terms and conditions). If enough members complain about it, SA has been known to ban female users for suggesting sex for money. Real ones won't be so overt in asking for cash for a date, but rather be provocative in their message and will only bring up $ after you do, or after they've got you interested enough to ask for a M&G. And to your latter point, rather than tell you that you're offering too little, many will set the date and just not show (happened to me a few times).

10-24-16, 00:45
I wish the Chicago thread was more active, cause I entered the bowl for the first time this past June and have been having nothing but fun.

I don't know what to compare it to from before, but I've had some pretty decent success so far this summer.Same here very good success for me as well. Currently with a smoking hot 21 year old. We have a set monthly allowance but have been hanging out 2-3 times a week sometimes so it's well worth it.

Al Melrose
10-28-16, 11:25
Wow, fat chicks sure have a way of hiding the fat in their photos. The last four I met were using real photos, (perhaps old, perhaps just strategically taken) Two were just obese. Had the drinks and / or lunch with three and left. One had gotten me so worked up over messaging that I just rented a notell for a few hours, her top half was not bad so got a BJ. I am doing something wrong, just no action. I am getting just crazy amount thrown out 500-800. Others ask for number to text, text for a bit and disappear. I had one blow you with a text every minute for about an hour and then nothing. I had one who wanted to meet gave me an intersection to meet her, I asked if we would then go to her place, she said can't host how about mine. Sure the overall texting seemed strange. So morning of I get message asking for my address, I tell we are going to hotel, so she asks for that address, may not be explaining correctly, but all seemed like a set-up to be robbed, so I passed. Had one who claimed to be a stripper, told me 300 per date, yes lunch was a date nothing else, I passed. I know my game sucks in real life, did not think it would suck this bad in the bowl. I read about guys getting top notch for 200. I am getting nothing (well I could be getting fat chicks, but not what I am looking for and not one that false advertise).

John HandCock
10-28-16, 13:28
Wow, fat chicks sure have a way of hiding the fat in their photos. The last four I met were using real photos, (perhaps old, perhaps just strategically taken) Two were just obese. Had the drinks and / or lunch with three and left. One had gotten me so worked up over messaging that I just rented a notell for a few hours, her top half was not bad so got a BJ. I am doing something wrong, just no action. I am getting just crazy amount thrown out 500-800. Others ask for number to text, text for a bit and disappear. I had one blow you with a text every minute for about an hour and then nothing. I had one who wanted to meet gave me an intersection to meet her, I asked if we would then go to her place, she said can't host how about mine. Sure the overall texting seemed strange. So morning of I get message asking for my address, I tell we are going to hotel, so she asks for that address, may not be explaining correctly, but all seemed like a set-up to be robbed, so I passed. Had one who claimed to be a stripper, told me 300 per date, yes lunch was a date nothing else, I passed. I know my game sucks in real life, did not think it would suck this bad in the bowl. I read about guys getting top notch for 200. I am getting nothing (well I could be getting fat chicks, but not what I am looking for and not one that false advertise).Even if your game sucks in real life you should get some decent utr or pros on SA. All they care about is the color green. Now your going to have to work on your game if they aren't sex workers even on SA. If there is a bright side some of those fat chicks are pretty freaky LOL.

10-28-16, 13:55
I've been doing pretty well this past month, I've had about 6 or 7 m&g's, all gorgeous. 3 I'm seeing reguarly 200-300 and we easily spend 12+ hours together. Got 3 more m&g's setup to hopefully add to the rotation!

Al Melrose
10-28-16, 16:27
I've been doing pretty well this past month, I've had about 6 or 7 m&g's, all gorgeous. 3 I'm seeing reguarly 200-300 and we easily spend 12+ hours together. Got 3 more m&g's setup to hopefully add to the rotation!Are you just going to brag or give a poor guy some hints? (or leftovers).

10-28-16, 17:30
Are you just going to brag or give a poor guy some hints? (or leftovers).All this is on SA. Normally I wouldn't mind sharing, but SA takes so much effort at times, I'm keeping these to myself. A little patience and nicely worded messages go a long way.

10-28-16, 18:17
Wow, fat chicks sure have a way of hiding the fat in their photos. The last four I met were using real photos, (perhaps old, perhaps just strategically taken) Two were just obese. Had the drinks and / or lunch with three and left. One had gotten me so worked up over messaging that I just rented a notell for a few hours, her top half was not bad so got a BJ. I am doing something wrong, just no action. I am getting just crazy amount thrown out 500-800. Others ask for number to text, text for a bit and disappear. I had one blow you with a text every minute for about an hour and then nothing. I had one who wanted to meet gave me an intersection to meet her, I asked if we would then go to her place, she said can't host how about mine. Sure the overall texting seemed strange. So morning of I get message asking for my address, I tell we are going to hotel, so she asks for that address, may not be explaining correctly, but all seemed like a set-up to be robbed, so I passed. Had one who claimed to be a stripper, told me 300 per date, yes lunch was a date nothing else, I passed. I know my game sucks in real life, did not think it would suck this bad in the bowl. I read about guys getting top notch for 200. I am getting nothing (well I could be getting fat chicks, but not what I am looking for and not one that false advertise).Al,

I'm not sure if you've ever done any true dating sites. But some of the girls I met on there have had some AMAZING Photoshop done to hide the fat. Some of these girls were barely recognizable in real life.

Sorry, not much else to add, but I did get a LOL out of your message.

John HandCock
10-28-16, 19:12
All this is on SA. Normally I wouldn't mind sharing, but SA takes so much effort at times, I'm keeping these to myself. A little patience and nicely worded messages go a long way.Agreed with your last sentence there but I find if your not supporting these girls then they are open for business. If the profile is active your sharing. Takes 30 seconds or less to paste a link and makes stories seem much more credible.

10-29-16, 03:23
Wow, fat chicks sure have a way of hiding the fat in their photos. The last four I met were using real photos, (perhaps old, perhaps just strategically taken) Two were just obese. Had the drinks and / or lunch with three and left. One had gotten me so worked up over messaging that I just rented a notell for a few hours, her top half was not bad so got a BJ. I am doing something wrong, just no action. I am getting just crazy amount thrown out 500-800. Others ask for number to text, text for a bit and disappear. I had one blow you with a text every minute for about an hour and then nothing. I had one who wanted to meet gave me an intersection to meet her, I asked if we would then go to her place, she said can't host how about mine. Sure the overall texting seemed strange. So morning of I get message asking for my address, I tell we are going to hotel, so she asks for that address, may not be explaining correctly, but all seemed like a set-up to be robbed, so I passed. Had one who claimed to be a stripper, told me 300 per date, yes lunch was a date nothing else, I passed. I know my game sucks in real life, did not think it would suck this bad in the bowl. I read about guys getting top notch for 200. I am getting nothing (well I could be getting fat chicks, but not what I am looking for and not one that false advertise).Tell them you've been burned by dudes pretending to be women, so you always video verify before meeting. That way you can skip having to buy drinks for someone you're not into. I do this with craigslist and OK Cupid dates. Saves a lot of hassle. If they refuse? You know they're not legit.

10-30-16, 09:26
Are you just going to brag or give a poor guy some hints? (or leftovers).200-300 is what most of the beautiful girls want for just m&g for lunch. If there is one jackpot for 300 your winning the lottery to spend 12+ hours. If their profile is active your sharing, FACT.

10-30-16, 12:40
Tell them you've been burned by dudes pretending to be women, so you always video verify before meeting. That way you can skip having to buy drinks for someone you're not into. I do this with craigslist and OK Cupid dates. Saves a lot of hassle. If they refuse? You know they're not legit.I've been using snapchat recently too. Most of these young girls will have it on their phones already, and have no problems taking selfies for you.

11-11-16, 00:01
This girl is really nice and needs help immediately. She needs a thousand by Tuesday to avoid being evicted. She seems open to doing almost everything to make you happy for an ongoing arrangement. If you're an SA member click the link to see her profile.


Ron M
11-25-16, 15:16
There's a court case on People's Court. It involves a guy that signed up on "What's Your Price". He's suing a hot looking 20 something brunette because he shelled out 2500 dollars and didn't get what he wanted, which was Sex. Now he has buyer's remorse and wants his money back. Yeah. Good luck with that.

Ben Spend
11-25-16, 19:29
There's a court case on People's Court. It involves a guy that signed up on "What's Your Price". He's suing a hot looking 20 something brunette because he shelled out 2500 dollars and didn't get what he wanted, which was Sex. Now he has buyer's remorse and wants his money back. Yeah. Good luck with that.Too bad he's not on Judge Judy, she'd bury him. My favorite ***** of all time!

12-05-16, 01:25
Any of you locals have info on this SA girl? I am to meet her Monday night. She goes by BabyCyn.

12-05-16, 19:26
There's a court case on People's Court. It involves a guy that signed up on "What's Your Price". He's suing a hot looking 20 something brunette because he shelled out 2500 dollars and didn't get what he wanted, which was Sex. Now he has buyer's remorse and wants his money back. Yeah. Good luck with that.He should have put her on a payment plan. And, done a repo if it didn't work out.

12-06-16, 00:57
Any of you locals have info on this SA girl? I am to meet her Monday night. She goes by BabyCyn.I had contact with her last May, but we never met up and she flaked out on a M&G. You got to let me know how it goes, that is one nice bod! Have a great time!

12-07-16, 02:41
I had contact with her last May, but we never met up and she flaked out on a M&G. You got to let me know how it goes, that is one nice bod! Have a great time!We did meet up! She came out to Shiller Park from the L. I sent a Uber to pick her up and wow she is perfect. That bod is perfect. She is a nice young gal. After talking with her she is simply tired of SA bullshit and she puts her protective senses on a lot of time. Anyway it went according to how it should be.

12-19-16, 18:45
I had contact with her last May, but we never met up and she flaked out on a M&G. You got to let me know how it goes, that is one nice bod! Have a great time!Have anyone had good luck in SA, I sign up over 2 weeks ago and all I get are Flaked SA girls and scammers, however I just looking at 18-22 years old, slim and / or athletic, so far I had about 5-6 cancel or no show. If anyone have some good meet up or hook up, that is less than 400 please let me know. I am about to give up on this SA site.

12-20-16, 15:41
Have anyone had good luck in SA, I sign up over 2 weeks ago and all I get are Flaked SA girls and scammers, however I just looking at 18-22 years old, slim and / or athletic, so far I had about 5-6 cancel or no show. If anyone have some good meet up or hook up, that is less than 400 please let me know. I am about to give up on this SA site.I had good luck early on last spring / early summer. But I got to tell you that its a little bit of work. I tried getting back into it during the fall, but I really had no time to put into this in order to suceed. I think if you are patient and have good repoire, you can have some good fun. For instance, my buddy Natefarewell bagged a smoking hottie I couldn't get. I got a hit with a gold coast cutie my first night on the site. So your experiences will vary greatly. Report back your experiences.

12-20-16, 16:19
I had good luck early on last spring / early summer. But I got to tell you that its a little bit of work. I tried getting back into it during the fall, but I really had no time to put into this in order to suceed. I think if you are patient and have good repoire, you can have some good fun. For instance, my buddy Natefarewell bagged a smoking hottie I couldn't get. I got a hit with a gold coast cutie my first night on the site. So your experiences will vary greatly. Report back your experiences.I thought if you have the money and a buyer, should be a lots easier to meet SA Hottie. But I guess not, I will keep trying for a few more weeks and see.

12-20-16, 18:27
I had good luck early on last spring / early summer. But I got to tell you that its a little bit of work. I tried getting back into it during the fall, but I really had no time to put into this in order to suceed. I think if you are patient and have good repoire, you can have some good fun. For instance, my buddy Natefarewell bagged a smoking hottie I couldn't get. I got a hit with a gold coast cutie my first night on the site. So your experiences will vary greatly. Report back your experiences.So what is Natefarewell secrets in meeting hot SA college co-ed, would like to know.

12-22-16, 00:14
So what is Natefarewell secrets in meeting hot SA college co-ed, would like to know.All,

I have had a lot of luck on SA. One thing to think is that what one person think is an arrangement may not be to another girl. For every one nice one I have met there have been many bad. No shows, late cancels, not the same as the pics, dinner and not fun. Many of things really. Did not offer enough, schedules don't match. Could go on and on. Just be patient and don't give up. That last hottie did two no shows on me before we met. Just text every now and then and ask how they are doing and talk to them normally. Its really easy to be honest.

12-22-16, 12:20
I thought if you have the money and a buyer, should be a lots easier to meet SA Hottie. But I guess not, I will keep trying for a few more weeks and see.You would think that, but you got to remember that these gals aren't pros (for the most part) so they need to keep that illusion that they are not prostituting themselves. I think they want to be treated like a NSA FwB who gets paid the occasional gift.

12-22-16, 14:50
You would think that, but you got to remember that these gals aren't pros (for the most part) so they need to keep that illusion that they are not prostituting themselves. I think they want to be treated like a NSA FwB who gets paid the occasional gift.Is funny how women define sex for money differently.

12-28-16, 20:15
So what is Natefarewell secrets in meeting hot SA college co-ed, would like to know.I've had a lot of success with arrangements, both locally and nationally when I travel for business (which is quite often). The best advice I can give you is that in the first 3-5 exchanges you should try to figure out if they're open to a "physical" or "intimate" type of arrangement. It's kind of tricky because most sugar babies don't want to hear you say the words "physical" or "intimate", so I try to drive the conversation so that they say it themselves. My opening message is usually a question asking them what they're open to in an arrangement and what they would expect for a per meet allowance. If they say they're open to anything, asking if there's anything in particular that's on or off the table and that should do the trick.

Reading their profile before messaging helps a lot in filtering the SBs that are receptive to an intimate arrangement. Positive signs are if they include FWB, NSA, no strings, casual, no stress, or if their private photos are revealing. Red flags are if they're only looking for an online arrangement, if they expect an allowance for a meet-and-greet coffee date, or if their expectation is above 'Substantial'.

All in all, I much rather prefer arrangements to escorts. Usually the per meet allowance is much less than what you'd pay for escorts, includes GFE, multiple hours, etc. Just like escorting, what you pay for is usually what you get, but you can easily find a nice co-ed for a few hundred per meet if you play your cards right.

12-29-16, 12:49
I've had a lot of success with arrangements, both locally and nationally when I travel for business (which is quite often). The best advice I can give you is that in the first 3-5 exchanges you should try to figure out if they're open to a "physical" or "intimate" type of arrangement. It's kind of tricky because most sugar babies don't want to hear you say the words "physical" or "intimate", so I try to drive the conversation so that they say it themselves. My opening message is usually a question asking them what they're open to in an arrangement and what they would expect for a per meet allowance. If they say they're open to anything, asking if there's anything in particular that's on or off the table and that should do the trick.

Reading their profile before messaging helps a lot in filtering the SBs that are receptive to an intimate arrangement. Positive signs are if they include FWB, NSA, no strings, casual, no stress, or if their private photos are revealing. Red flags are if they're only looking for an online arrangement, if they expect an allowance for a meet-and-greet coffee date, or if their expectation is above 'Substantial'.

All in all, I much rather prefer arrangements to escorts. Usually the per meet allowance is much less than what you'd pay for escorts, includes GFE, multiple hours, etc. Just like escorting, what you pay for is usually what you get, but you can easily find a nice co-ed for a few hundred per meet if you play your cards right.I agree with you on that, the problems is everything agree until the day that we are to meet and the girls back out, flaked or cancel, happen like 3-4 times now, also I am very picky, just want 18-22 slim or athletic college girls that look super hot (I am not into mom, old ladies, fat ladies, drug ladies, ect)(if you going to spend money, why not get the best girls out there), I did had 2 arrangements one is 18 and another is 19 college co-ed both are super hot and they know it, they claim to have 10+ message from SA guy a day so they can pick whoever they want, so they price are 300-400. So you get what you paid for. I had oppertunity with 200 $ girls but they are average (as in older, not really hot) so I pass, for me I rather per more with super hot girls, then paid less with average girls because they don't turn me on, that is mainly my problems.

12-29-16, 13:06
I've had a lot of success with arrangements, both locally and nationally when I travel for business (which is quite often). The best advice I can give you is that in the first 3-5 exchanges you should try to figure out if they're open to a "physical" or "intimate" type of arrangement. It's kind of tricky because most sugar babies don't want to hear you say the words "physical" or "intimate", so I try to drive the conversation so that they say it themselves. My opening message is usually a question asking them what they're open to in an arrangement and what they would expect for a per meet allowance. If they say they're open to anything, asking if there's anything in particular that's on or off the table and that should do the trick.

Reading their profile before messaging helps a lot in filtering the SBs that are receptive to an intimate arrangement. Positive signs are if they include FWB, NSA, no strings, casual, no stress, or if their private photos are revealing. Red flags are if they're only looking for an online arrangement, if they expect an allowance for a meet-and-greet coffee date, or if their expectation is above 'Substantial'.

All in all, I much rather prefer arrangements to escorts. Usually the per meet allowance is much less than what you'd pay for escorts, includes GFE, multiple hours, etc. Just like escorting, what you pay for is usually what you get, but you can easily find a nice co-ed for a few hundred per meet if you play your cards right.I would be interest in something like these.


Or https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/b809490a-001f-4ae0-9e3f-5a76c7af412e.

Or https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/c7b9a4c8-3a50-46d2-812a-cd7b53dba23d.

Or https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/77e58440-c04f-4b7d-84f0-0aa7a2d94feb.

12-29-16, 13:45
I've had a lot of success with arrangements, both locally and nationally when I travel for business (which is quite often). The best advice I can give you is that in the first 3-5 exchanges you should try to figure out if they're open to a "physical" or "intimate" type of arrangement. It's kind of tricky because most sugar babies don't want to hear you say the words "physical" or "intimate", so I try to drive the conversation so that they say it themselves. My opening message is usually a question asking them what they're open to in an arrangement and what they would expect for a per meet allowance. If they say they're open to anything, asking if there's anything in particular that's on or off the table and that should do the trick.

Reading their profile before messaging helps a lot in filtering the SBs that are receptive to an intimate arrangement. Positive signs are if they include FWB, NSA, no strings, casual, no stress, or if their private photos are revealing. Red flags are if they're only looking for an online arrangement, if they expect an allowance for a meet-and-greet coffee date, or if their expectation is above 'Substantial'.

All in all, I much rather prefer arrangements to escorts. Usually the per meet allowance is much less than what you'd pay for escorts, includes GFE, multiple hours, etc. Just like escorting, what you pay for is usually what you get, but you can easily find a nice co-ed for a few hundred per meet if you play your cards right.Another example this girl madi http://www.explicitchicago.com/madi.html whenever is available on BP, she all book up within hours, why is that? Answer because is young and hot, that is kinda my point.

12-29-16, 22:48
Another example this girl madi http://www.explicitchicago.com/madi.html whenever is available on BP, she all book up within hours, why is that? Answer because is young and hot, that is kinda my point.The sugardaddy sites can be frustrating because the women have a large number of horny guys filling their mailbox, and even after they say they will meet you, they are still wading through offers that come in and may find something they think is better. So they change their mind and flake on you. Part of the territory I think.

12-30-16, 15:31
The sugardaddy sites can be frustrating because the women have a large number of horny guys filling their mailbox, and even after they say they will meet you, they are still wading through offers that come in and may find something they think is better. So they change their mind and flake on you. Part of the territory I think.Yea. I agree with you on that, when I join SA site, I was hoping to meet some of the girls like on this website http://www.girlsdoporn.com/page1.php , I believe is possible but turn out to be much more difficult then I thought, I rather paid more for college co-ed hottie, then less for average girls because they do nothing for me.

01-09-17, 21:02
This one was good for a BnG a couple times but went dark on me. Anyone with better luck?

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/messages/8ce960f1-f582-11e5-ba92-14187727e860?mailbox=inboxLink is to your conversation with her, not her profile.

Al Melrose
01-14-17, 19:19

Got a weird vibe from the texts, finally checked number on FB, it was a guy.

Al Melrose
02-23-17, 22:49
About Me.

Literally I just need money, I'm a broke college kid wanting to pay of student loans early and have some spending money for myself.

What I'm Looking for.

We talk, you give me money, I say thank you, and we done. No meet-ups or calls or anything, that's too personal for me.


02-23-17, 23:01
Loves the dirtiest of talk! Don't be a dom poser she is true sub. Loves big dicks and craves it in her ass. 40 years old but is as sexy as any youngster I have ever plugged! Treat her well and treat her like the anal loving cumslut she is!


02-25-17, 10:11
Hey guys. Biggest question is on the allowance concept. Do you pay per month and if so, at the end of the month? Does it fluctuate depending on how often you end up seeing the girl?

I'm trying. To avoid paying upfront and then someone going dark -

02-25-17, 11:16

Got a weird vibe from the texts, finally checked number on FB, it was a guy.Might be a sugar daddy who got the phone service hooked up for her because she had no money or credit for a phone. I have encountered girls who needed help paying phone bills or loading their phone with new money to keep using. PM me her digits and I will check it out for you and report.

Ben Spend
02-25-17, 12:16
Hey guys. Biggest question is on the allowance concept. Do you pay per month and if so, at the end of the month? Does it fluctuate depending on how often you end up seeing the girl?

I'm trying. To avoid paying upfront and then someone going dark -Negotiate! You can get away with it on SA. Request a "per visit" arrangement and if she's not up to snuff move on.

02-25-17, 15:30
Hey guys. Biggest question is on the allowance concept. Do you pay per month and if so, at the end of the month? Does it fluctuate depending on how often you end up seeing the girl?

I'm trying. To avoid paying upfront and then someone going dark -On a per meeting basis only.

02-25-17, 17:04
Negotiate! You can get away with it on SA. Request a "per visit" arrangement and if she's not up to snuff move on.Yeah, trust but verify. If you pay per meet, it's going to feel a lot like an escort, which is something I don't prefer, but you have to get to a certain stage of trusting a girl before you're going to put up the whole month worth. I've done a deal where I negotiate the monthly but also an initial meet sugar, and if after the first time one person doesn't want to continue, that's the end. This is a way to get a maybe little hotter girl than you can afford but don't want to commit big sugar for the long haul. I have advanced girls $ before the exact FC time a few times, and about 50% the girl has ghosted. The one who didn't is my current long-term SB, though. Use your guts. Even w / my regular, I will give her like half her sugar on the 1st and half the next time I see her. But I'm not really ever worried she's going to bail. She wants to 'see where this goes'. Yeah, she's 22, I'm >60 and married. lol

Sam Singer
02-26-17, 00:10
About Me.

Literally I just need money, I'm a broke college kid wanting to pay of student loans early and have some spending money for myself.

What I'm Looking for.

We talk, you give me money, I say thank you, and we done. No meet-ups or calls or anything, that's too personal for me.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/86f96ac9-07fc-4c28-896b-0d2860de61e8'Hey, talk is cheap. Here is a dollar' !

Ron M
02-26-17, 00:14
About Me.

Literally I just need money, I'm a broke college kid wanting to pay of student loans early and have some spending money for myself.

What I'm Looking for.

We talk, you give me money, I say thank you, and we done. No meet-ups or calls or anything, that's too personal for me.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/86f96ac9-07fc-4c28-896b-0d2860de61e8Well at least she's being honest upfront about being a Rip Off. If someone falls for this they deserve to get Ripped Off.

02-26-17, 01:42
Hey guys. Biggest question is on the allowance concept. Do you pay per month and if so, at the end of the month? Does it fluctuate depending on how often you end up seeing the girl?

I'm trying. To avoid paying upfront and then someone going dark -I've never done the arrangements but I've read a lot about it on the Richmond, Virginia forum which has several years of posts. If you have a chance take a look - maybe try the search function too. From what I've read if you pay upfront you're asking to be taken. There are a lot of con artists out there and a lot will flake on a date even before gifts are exchanged. So if you give them an allowance at the beginning of the month I'd suspect many will have little incentive to see you. If they really have a problem with receiving gifts each time tell them you don't have to give them anything if it makes them feel better. As a general rule I wouldn't trust anyone on there. If they have a problem there are others out there ready to take her place.

02-26-17, 10:15
I've never done the arrangements but I've read a lot about it on the Richmond, Virginia forum which has several years of posts. If you have a chance take a look - maybe try the search function too. From what I've read if you pay upfront you're asking to be taken. There are a lot of con artists out there and a lot will flake on a date even before gifts are exchanged. So if you give them an allowance at the beginning of the month I'd suspect many will have little incentive to see you. If they really have a problem with receiving gifts each time tell them you don't have to give them anything if it makes them feel better. As a general rule I wouldn't trust anyone on there. If they have a problem there are others out there ready to take her place.Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Will post some of my experiences soon as I have done 2 M&G and 2 coming up this week. It's interesting to see the differences in approach from each of the four women thus far.

03-04-17, 03:26
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Will post some of my experiences soon as I have done 2 M&G and 2 coming up this week. It's interesting to see the differences in approach from each of the four women thus far.So far so good with SA. There are some horny women on there that are non-pros. One just left my house - 24 yr old college student. Very cute. Very sexual.

Another girl is begging to come over late tomorrow and is willing to drive 1 hr plus.

The key for me has been engaging with each person. A little goes a long way based on the stories I hear from the women. Does take effort but the payoff seems worth it versus BP. I enjoy the chase and uncovering a couple gems thus far.

03-04-17, 10:54
So far so good with SA. There are some horny women on there that are non-pros. One just left my house - 24 yr old college student. Very cute. Very sexual.

Another girl is begging to come over late tomorrow and is willing to drive 1 hr plus.

The key for me has been engaging with each person. A little goes a long way based on the stories I hear from the women. Does take effort but the payoff seems worth it versus BP. I enjoy the chase and uncovering a couple gems thus far.I would be hesitant to invite anyone over- at least right away. The general consensus from what I've read is to meet at a public place. Grab coffee or a drink and, if the mood should strike, go to a hotel.

Al Melrose
03-04-17, 11:09
So far so good with SA. There are some horny women on there that are non-pros. One just left my house - 24 yr old college student. Very cute. Very sexual.

Another girl is begging to come over late tomorrow and is willing to drive 1 hr plus.

The key for me has been engaging with each person. A little goes a long way based on the stories I hear from the women. Does take effort but the payoff seems worth it versus BP. I enjoy the chase and uncovering a couple gems thus far.At least half of the the ones who say they are college students are not. Some of the pros know how to pretend they are non-pro's. SA does attract a different type of pro. But enjoy the ride.

03-04-17, 11:23
Mature comment to take seriously.

At least half of the the ones who say they are college students are not. Some of the pros know how to pretend they are non-pro's. SA does attract a different type of pro. But enjoy the ride.

03-04-17, 14:43
Mature comment to take seriously.Very much appreciate those comments. I'm sure exceptional acting is part of the game.

03-04-17, 16:13
At least half of the the ones who say they are college students are not. Some of the pros know how to pretend they are non-pro's. SA does attract a different type of pro. But enjoy the ride.Could be, but I'd hazard a guess you don't have a statistically significant sample. Just the point that it is a possibility. And what's your definition.

03-04-17, 18:45
At least half of the the ones who say they are college students are not. Some of the pros know how to pretend they are non-pro's. SA does attract a different type of pro. But enjoy the ride.Back many years ago, I had an account on AFF. Most of the women I met through it were 'bag cases' (put a bag over their heads before even thinking about sex) or worse, but every once in a while, a pro would pop up. That's were I hooked up with the infamous Nikki, the provider who got stripped of her law license for hooking while being a lawyer. Odds are, any site like that is going to draw it's fair share of pros who know there are more ponds to fish in than BP and Eros.

03-05-17, 10:57
Hey guys, just joined the SA site and been getting some decent hits. Only question is, what's with the upgrade to read? Everytime when I get a request for that, convo ends? Any tips and suggestions is appreciated! Thanks.

Member #5589
03-05-17, 14:57
Hey guys, just joined the SA site and been getting some decent hits. Only question is, what's with the upgrade to read? Everytime when I get a request for that, convo ends? Any tips and suggestions is appreciated! Thanks.You need to pay up the $80. Look-but-don't-touch until then.

Head First
03-05-17, 15:50
Back many years ago, I had an account on AFF. Most of the women I met through it were 'bag cases' (put a bag over their heads before even thinking about sex) or worse, but every once in a while, a pro would pop up. That's were I hooked up with the infamous Nikki, the provider who got stripped of her law license for hooking while being a lawyer. Odds are, any site like that is going to draw it's fair share of pros who know there are more ponds to fish in than BP and Eros.Whatever happened to Nikki? You'd think with all her expenses, (college, enhancement surgery, lawyers fees) that she would've dabbled back into the biz by now. Granted it would have to be in super stealth mode but I got the feeling she's the type that would reconsider it at some point.

What a shame for that body and beauty to be just sitting in limbo.

If you're reading this Nikki, pm me for some really really discrete fun. btw, I got a new camera.

03-06-17, 00:19
Whatever happened to Nikki? You'd think with all her expenses, (college, enhancement surgery, lawyers fees) that she would've dabbled back into the biz by now. Granted it would have to be in super stealth mode but I got the feeling she's the type that would reconsider it at some point.

What a shame for that body and beauty to be just sitting in limbo.

If you're reading this Nikki, pm me for some really really discrete fun. btw, I got a new camera.Given that her law license was just suspended, not fully revoked, it might be that she's grown some sense and is staying out of the business in hopes of getting back her license. I couldn't believe she was stupid enough to keep hooking after she got her practice started. Oh well, my experience with her was that she was interested in making my visits enjoyable when I first started seeing her, but then got less and less interested in whether I was enjoying myself. So if she's dumb enough to be working again, I won't be going back.

03-08-17, 19:40
Been actively doing the SA thing for a few years now. It is hit and miss but the hits can be amazing. This one is a good time!


No beating around the Bush, which she has for those who are into that. Covers are optional too, she will ask but no follow up once the action heats up.

On a side note has anyone been able to meetup with Pepperland27? Her profile is down again so I can't post the link. She is a cutie! Messaged a few times but she seems to disappear and now it feels like a mission to meet her, LOL.

03-09-17, 01:27
Been actively doing the SA thing for a few years now. It is hit and miss but the hits can be amazing. This one is a good time!


No beating around the Bush, which she has for those who are into that. Covers are optional too, she will ask but no follow up once the action heats up.

On a side note has anyone been able to meetup with Pepperland27? Her profile is down again so I can't post the link. She is a cutie! Messaged a few times but she seems to disappear and now it feels like a mission to meet her, LOL.PM the damage on your bushy friend. Definitely interesting.

Speaking of which I am back on SA. I have some nibbles and a M&G set up for next week. Will let you all know what comes of it.

03-09-17, 05:44
PM the damage on your bushy friend. Definitely interesting.

Speaking of which I am back on SA. I have some nibbles and a M&G set up for next week. Will let you all know what comes of it.So after all the fuss about SA, I have decided to give it one more try. Kill me now LOL.

03-09-17, 16:44
So after all the fuss about SA, I have decided to give it one more try. Kill me now LOL.Has been a good few days for my first time on SA. Had a crazy time wth a 29 yr old squirter from the northside of Chicago and also a 21 yr old co-ed that came over a last night for some late night fun. Some work up front has helped bring the negotiations back to reality and to value levels in my opinion given the open menus and full on GFE experience. Third meet tomorrow with a third girl who I did two visits with at just the cost of dinner and she is ready to get the fun started.

All in all. Much better experience than BP without a doubt.

03-09-17, 16:50
How much cash have you forked over?

Has been a good few days for my first time on SA. Had a crazy time wth a 29 yr old squirter from the northside of Chicago and also a 21 yr old co-ed that came over a last night for some late night fun. Some work up front has helped bring the negotiations back to reality and to value levels in my opinion given the open menus and full on GFE experience. Third meet tomorrow with a third girl who I did two visits with at just the cost of dinner and she is ready to get the fun started.

All in all. Much better experience than BP without a doubt.

03-09-17, 16:56
Has been a good few days for my first time on SA. Had a crazy time wth a 29 yr old squirter from the northside of Chicago and also a 21 yr old co-ed that came over a last night for some late night fun. Some work up front has helped bring the negotiations back to reality and to value levels in my opinion given the open menus and full on GFE experience. Third meet tomorrow with a third girl who I did two visits with at just the cost of dinner and she is ready to get the fun started.

All in all. Much better experience than BP without a doubt.Just finally upgraded and I've gotten 2 hits so far w phone calls and scheduling meets. The 1 hopefully today hot 21 yr old from city.

So far seems to be good but We'll see how this all plays out. Almost seems like this is the college girls BP.

03-09-17, 18:24
How much cash have you forked over?In it for 350 total right now - but a decent amount of time texting and sweet talking.

03-09-17, 21:39
In it for 350 total right now - but a decent amount of time texting and sweet talking.Whats the normal rate so far you've seen with girls. I had a good meeting just a little while ago from one. Got right to the point spent a good 2 hours with her and few pops all for $200. Great time either she's a great actor or she just loves sex. So far just this first experience SA paid off.

03-09-17, 23:59
Whats the normal rate so far you've seen with girls. I had a good meeting just a little while ago from one. Got right to the point spent a good 2 hours with her and few pops all for $200. Great time either she's a great actor or she just loves sex. So far just this first experience SA paid off.Were you able to get in contact and meet pretty quickly once you upgraded? Thinking about upgrading.

03-10-17, 00:03
Whats the normal rate so far you've seen with girls. I had a good meeting just a little while ago from one. Got right to the point spent a good 2 hours with her and few pops all for $200. Great time either she's a great actor or she just loves sex. So far just this first experience SA paid off.Has been all over the map. I steer clear of the ones that indicate in their profile anything beyond negotiable. I'm good at negotiating especially after putting in some basic texting effort and showing genuine interest in them as a person. If they are a non-pro I think this approach works extremely well.

03-10-17, 01:05
So after all the fuss about SA, I have decided to give it one more try. Kill me now LOL.Good luck brother! Fortune favors the bold.

03-10-17, 08:47
Do you have to upgrade to Premium to see all the messages? Or is there a way to get around this?

Ben Spend
03-10-17, 10:38
Do you have to upgrade to Premium to see all the messages? Or is there a way to get around this?Upgrade is necessary.

Member #5589
03-10-17, 11:24
Do you have to upgrade to Premium to see all the messages? Or is there a way to get around this?They're not giving anything away. You'll have no chance to contact anyone there without a paid membership even though you might be able to see someone saying "hi" to you.

03-10-17, 13:32
Were you able to get in contact and meet pretty quickly once you upgraded? Thinking about upgrading.Yeah I got 2 calls and 1 meet set up within 2 hours then a meet with one few hours later. Another girl just texted me little bit ago about meeting next week.

Whats worked best so far for me and gotten fast responses is just being straight forward. Once they agree then negotiate allowance for meet.

03-11-17, 23:53
Yeah I got 2 calls and 1 meet set up within 2 hours then a meet with one few hours later. Another girl just texted me little bit ago about meeting next week.

Whats worked best so far for me and gotten fast responses is just being straight forward. Once they agree then negotiate allowance for meet.Okay thanks for sharing about your experience. If I upgrade, I'll report back on how it goes.

03-12-17, 11:41
Got a nice visit from my coed this morning that I mentioned in an earlier post. Two hours of fun and nothing spent. She texted saying she woke up really horny and could she come over. Who I am to say no! .

A little effort seems to go a long way in turning these "arrangements" into FWB -.

03-15-17, 16:07
Has been all over the map. I steer clear of the ones that indicate in their profile anything beyond negotiable. I'm good at negotiating especially after putting in some basic texting effort and showing genuine interest in them as a person. If they are a non-pro I think this approach works extremely well.I think its worth opening up beyond just negotiable. They are all really negotiable, and SBs with higher prices listed probably have less inquiries. There is a little lower hit rate, but opens up a few more opportunities.

03-15-17, 17:49
Seems like this forum would be a perfect way to get around the premium account requirement of SA. We can exchange information about past experience and private message contact info if possible. With that said, has anyone seen or spoke to the following: https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/d6704c28-9d12-4e71-97c9-2cd277fe97e0.

Seems way too good to be true.

03-15-17, 22:01
I think its worth opening up beyond just negotiable. They are all really negotiable, and SBs with higher prices listed probably have less inquiries. There is a little lower hit rate, but opens up a few more opportunities.I can see that perspective. This was my first experience so I opted to play the low end. At this point, all.

Three of the girls I met are FWB aside from buying dinner or drinks here or there. Fine by me. For the fun they offer and variety, it's still far more cost effective Than BP.

03-16-17, 00:27
Seems like this forum would be a perfect way to get around the premium account requirement of SA. We can exchange information about past experience and private message contact info if possible. With that said, has anyone seen or spoke to the following: https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/d6704c28-9d12-4e71-97c9-2cd277fe97e0.

Seems way too good to be true.Profile seems to be gone.

As for passing along private info, got to remember we aren't dealing with pros here (for the most part), so its kind of tough to pass a number along and expect to be sucessful. Only way I see that working is if she is a freak or you ask her if you can pass out her info to other SD friends.

03-16-17, 13:52
Profile seems to be gone.

As for passing along private info, got to remember we aren't dealing with pros here (for the most part), so its kind of tough to pass a number along and expect to be sucessful. Only way I see that working is if she is a freak or you ask her if you can pass out her info to other SD friends.Yeah, but if they are truly "seeking arrangements" it's not like they wouldn't want to broaden their scope. I'm just saying this site is great because it allows us to be open and everyone benefits.

03-17-17, 19:33
Yeah I got 2 calls and 1 meet set up within 2 hours then a meet with one few hours later. Another girl just texted me little bit ago about meeting next week.

Whats worked best so far for me and gotten fast responses is just being straight forward. Once they agree then negotiate allowance for meet.I joined earlier this week and been talking to like 6-8 girls, it probable helps I'm younger than most people on the site. Scheduled a meet for tomorrow and planning on doing some meet and greets in the next week as well. I'll report back if I have any luck with any of them.

03-19-17, 21:28
I have been a member of S. A. for a few years now off and on. I think we can share which profiles are worth pursuing. Then guys can decide for themselves. I've had some great experiences and others that think their pussy is golden and unreal expectations, At least for the majority of us. I've also had others try to sell videos, pics, etc. We can also share our techniques. I have searched for massage and have met a few who I have then seen for massage that I did not see advertised anywhere else. I was searching Friday and met someone that I will be seeing Tuesday. I found another girl and we were meeting in a motel in an hour. Neither of these girls even asked for a pic since I don't have one on the site! Tomorrow I have a meet and greet for lunch with a girl I've been talking to for a while. I think by sharing, we could at least eliminate some of the time wasters! Any ideas?

03-21-17, 16:02
I've on and off of SA for a few years now. Like I assume most of you do, my M. O. Is to sign up for a month and get enough contacts to last me a while and then deactivate my account when my membership expires. And I'm sure like most of you, I find SA a much better "bang for the buck" than seeing traditional providers.

I recently signed up again after taking a break for almost a year and started getting messages from a couple of profiles from Chicago even though I'm based in Milwaukee.

This one seems like a hot Latina MILF from her FB and instagram profile. She's eager to see me in Milwaukee for $$. Wondering if anyone has any experience with her? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/f46257c3-c45a-4e9d-b8e7-e9bf932f74e9.

And this is a 2 girl profile and the number links back to one of the girls through FB. They seemed a bit too pro for me but are also willing to come up to Milwaukee to visit for $$ for both of them. I doubt I'll see them because of how "pro" they seem (and I'm cheap) but I'm still chatting with them. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/69b235b9-5ec6-468c-b9f7-2b2ec4e4d80c.

03-21-17, 16:41
My bad. It's $$ for each girl on the two girl profile. So a total of $$ for both. And here's a butt pick of the latina because who doesn't like butts?

I've on and off of SA for a few years now. Like I assume most of you do, my M. O. Is to sign up for a month and get enough contacts to last me a while and then deactivate my account when my membership expires. And I'm sure like most of you, I find SA a much better "bang for the buck" than seeing traditional providers.

I recently signed up again after taking a break for almost a year and started getting messages from a couple of profiles from Chicago even though I'm based in Milwaukee.

This one seems like a hot Latina MILF from her FB and instagram profile. She's eager to see me in Milwaukee for $$. Wondering if anyone has any experience with her? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/f46257c3-c45a-4e9d-b8e7-e9bf932f74e9.

And this is a 2 girl profile and the number links back to one of the girls through FB. They seemed a bit too pro for me but are also willing to come up to Milwaukee to visit for $$ for both of them. I doubt I'll see them because of how "pro" they seem (and I'm cheap) but I'm still chatting with them. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/69b235b9-5ec6-468c-b9f7-2b2ec4e4d80c.

Ben Spend
03-21-17, 18:19
I've on and off of SA for a few years now. Like I assume most of you do, my M. O. Is to sign up for a month and get enough contacts to last me a while and then deactivate my account when my membership expires. And I'm sure like most of you, I find SA a much better "bang for the buck" than seeing traditional providers.

I recently signed up again after taking a break for almost a year and started getting messages from a couple of profiles from Chicago even though I'm based in Milwaukee.

This one seems like a hot Latina MILF from her FB and instagram profile. She's eager to see me in Milwaukee for $$. Wondering if anyone has any experience with her? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/f46257c3-c45a-4e9d-b8e7-e9bf932f74e9.

And this is a 2 girl profile and the number links back to one of the girls through FB. They seemed a bit too pro for me but are also willing to come up to Milwaukee to visit for $$ for both of them. I doubt I'll see them because of how "pro" they seem (and I'm cheap) but I'm still chatting with them. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/69b235b9-5ec6-468c-b9f7-2b2ec4e4d80c.The Latina came back de-activated. The 2 girl I communicated with and supposedly are willing to split up and do 1 on 1 but they never got back to a request for a meet and greet so I moved on.

Al Melrose
03-22-17, 00:36
I've on and off of SA for a few years now. Like I assume most of you do, my M. O. Is to sign up for a month and get enough contacts to last me a while and then deactivate my account when my membership expires. And I'm sure like most of you, I find SA a much better "bang for the buck" than seeing traditional providers.

I recently signed up again after taking a break for almost a year and started getting messages from a couple of profiles from Chicago even though I'm based in Milwaukee.

This one seems like a hot Latina MILF from her FB and instagram profile. She's eager to see me in Milwaukee for $$. Wondering if anyone has any experience with her? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/f46257c3-c45a-4e9d-b8e7-e9bf932f74e9.

And this is a 2 girl profile and the number links back to one of the girls through FB. They seemed a bit too pro for me but are also willing to come up to Milwaukee to visit for $$ for both of them. I doubt I'll see them because of how "pro" they seem (and I'm cheap) but I'm still chatting with them. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them? https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/69b235b9-5ec6-468c-b9f7-2b2ec4e4d80c.The two girl sends me texts all the time. I have never met them, the pics she sent me, showed that they both seem a bit too large for me. But right away it was let's meet at a hotel, so yes more of a pro approach.

03-22-17, 13:25
Thanks for replies. Sucks about the Latina deactivating her account. She had a great body for a 30 yr old MILF. She hasn't replied to my texts from yesterday so I assume she's taking a break from the sight. The two girls weren't interested in getting food or drinks. Indicated they wanted to get straight to the action. I usually like to make an evening of it, at least the first time I meet a SB.

The two girl sends me texts all the time. I have never met them, the pics she sent me, showed that they both seem a bit too large for me. But right away it was let's meet at a hotel, so yes more of a pro approach.

Al Melrose
03-22-17, 14:25
Thanks for replies. Sucks about the Latina deactivating her account. She had a great body for a 30 yr old MILF. She hasn't replied to my texts from yesterday so I assume she's taking a break from the sight. The two girls weren't interested in getting food or drinks. Indicated they wanted to get straight to the action. I usually like to make an evening of it, at least the first time I meet a SB.Do you remember the Latina's SA name? My experience with the Latinas has been pictures are usually much better than in person. Yes real pics, but taken to hide the fat.

Toe Knee
03-22-17, 15:06
So, I signed up for AS last night and just got home from a 3+ hour fuck session with a very pretty 18 yo AA BBW. She's just a normal girl living with her grandma and it only set me back the motel plus 60 for her. Very good time.

03-22-17, 21:34
It was LatinGoddess22.

I know what you mean. I've experienced that in the past with other Latinas.

Do you remember the Latina's SA name? My experience with the Latinas has been pictures are usually much better than in person. Yes real pics, but taken to hide the fat.

Hobby Lover
03-22-17, 22:54
What is the monthly cost of Seeking Arrangements? That sounds cool to do sometime down the road.

I just realized that I have ooodles of credits with Ashley Madison and I heard that is an avenue. I was on when married but only looked around my age. I know it was a ton of bots but I had luck mainly because I wasn't looking for the young hottie. I'll give that a go.

03-23-17, 00:32
$80 per month for men, it's free for women.

What is the monthly cost of Seeking Arrangements? That sounds cool to do sometime down the road.

I just realized that I have ooodles of credits with Ashley Madison and I heard that is an avenue. I was on when married but only looked around my age. I know it was a ton of bots but I had luck mainly because I wasn't looking for the young hottie. I'll give that a go.

03-23-17, 14:36
I tried a handful, CL, Ashley Madison, Fling, AFF & AFFx. All been pretty disappointing, AM probably the best until the breach. Is the overall consensus here that SA is the best of the bunch?

03-24-17, 10:04
Thanks for replies. Sucks about the Latina deactivating her account. She had a great body for a 30 yr old MILF. She hasn't replied to my texts from yesterday so I assume she's taking a break from the sight. The two girls weren't interested in getting food or drinks. Indicated they wanted to get straight to the action. I usually like to make an evening of it, at least the first time I meet a SB.I'd be willing to bet everything I own that the 2 girls will just rip you off with no action at all.

03-24-17, 13:15
Perhaps, but my spidey sense is pretty good. The only time I've been ripped off was back when I first joined up way way back in 2012. And of course it was a BP girl that was on SA. That was before it was easy to find their FB and IG accounts (maybe even before instagram?) so it wasn't as easy to tell what type of vibe they had. I posted about it on HoH, I think you used to be a member of HoH?

I'd be willing to bet everything I own that the 2 girls will just rip you off with no action at all.

Ben Spend
03-24-17, 19:03
I'd be willing to bet everything I own that the 2 girls will just rip you off with no action at all.The brunette (Kat) claims she would do 1 on 1, after further texting. I'm still not buying it. Not until someone does a report. Pics indicate BBW.

03-25-17, 00:47
$80 per month for men, it's free for women.They want $80/ month now? Hell, when I had an account there about five years ago, it was half that and after three months of nothing meetings and women with GPS, I gave it up as wasted money.

Toe Knee
03-25-17, 11:14
They want $80/ month now? Hell, when I had an account there about five years ago, it was half that and after three months of nothing meetings and women with GPS, I gave it up as wasted money.I've been a paying member since 4 days and I've had a very successful time so far. I won't be going on another month but I am very happy. My standards aren't astronomical and my budget is very modest so I am very happy with the women I'm getting. I'm going to busy for at least a few months if not a year. I don't know how I'm going to juggle them all.

03-25-17, 12:39
The brunette (Kat) claims she would do 1 on 1, after further texting. I'm still not buying it. Not until someone does a report. Pics indicate BBW.I had contact with the blonde and almost pulled the trigger but I had a better offer that night. She told me 170 per person with her friend. She even sent me a photo of the two of them kissing. I even checked out the number she gave me and it linked back to a legit FB profile where I could get better look. They are chubbsters indeed. And that is part of the reason I backed out. But if your into a 3 some or 240+hotel, you might have fun. I didn't get the rip-off vibe from them, but don't take my word.

Hobby Lover
03-25-17, 13:08
I love it in Ashley Madison where you put your height and weight and body type.


190 pounds.

Shapely Toned.


Nothing wrong with 5'2 190# I've certainly dated women that size, but don't say you are "shapely toned".

Toe Knee
03-25-17, 20:37
Ashley Madison Is AM still a thing? I'd love to meet a local married woman and that's what AM's promise was. But, it seemed to be mostly bots and scammers and then the hack happened. Is it still like that or is finding local married women possible there?

Al Melrose
03-31-17, 01:11
Saw this on the Richmond site. Guy busted for for having sex with 14 year old he met on SA.


03-31-17, 23:37
Saw this on the Richmond site. Guy busted for for having sex with 14 year old he met on SA.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/53-year-old-used-sugar-daddy-website-to-meet-teen-for-sex-prosecutors-say/2017/03/29/ca6bc3da-148d-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html?utm_term=.415dc10bf067Back when I had a profile on SA, I was sent a message by someone who's profile info said they were 19. I messaged them back and after a couple of go-around, they sent me a message saying they were 14 and asking if I wanted to meet them for sex. Said no in no uncertain terms, then reported them to SA staff. Wasn't sure if they were for-real, or somebody trolling for perverts, and did not want to find out the hard way.

Hobby Lover
04-03-17, 10:52
Is AM still a thing? I'd love to meet a local married woman and that's what AM's promise was. But, it seemed to be mostly bots and scammers and then the hack happened. Is it still like that or is finding local married women possible there?I wouldn't spend money on AM but I have gotten action there. Both pay and civvies.

There are scammers on AM but some also legit. Basically if a profile pic is of a hot woman I assume she is a scammer. If its someone ugly then it may be real.

As for P2 P my assumption is if their status is single she is looking for play.

Was chatting and texting with a woman who said she was 18. However there were so many red flags I wouldn't want to go through with it.

1) She asked if she could bring her kid.

2) She was on 47th street near the redline, she wanted to be picked up and brought back to my place.

3) I suggessted that we go to a motel that I looked up and she said "they ask for I'd and I don't have one".

4) She said she knew a safe place near where she lived. That safe place was an alley.

For many many reasons I passed on that.

If you are on AM her profile name is AngelaTray.

04-04-17, 18:31
Can anyone please send me some negotiable numbers? I don't want to pay the 80 to log into this darn site. I'm looking for the older blonde too LOL.

04-05-17, 03:32
LOL I got hit by their texts as well. Although, when I tried to do a civi date first she told me that she doesn't like to go to public places like a club or restaurant. She also said that she would only meet me along with her friend and not alone. I was not comfortable going straight to the FC with two UTRs without knowing them before. Also, my spidey senses cautioned me that one of them could rip you off while her partner is keeping you occupied. Several years ago, even before I knew this site, I wanted a quick release and in a whim I called a provider from BP to my hotel room. But she surprised me showing up along with another ugly looking partner. And, she was trying to convince me that for additional $ she can guarantee more fun and I can fuck them both together. If the partner was reasonably attractive my little head would have perhaps agreed but as she looked like a heavy druggie I refused to let her in. But then provider was like OK if you can give me the money now I can ask her to go eat while we fuck. So I give the money. The partner takes it and leaves. Provider gets me fully undressed and slowly works my cock for couple minutes. Then her phone goes off and she is like oh the car key is with me I need to go give it to my friend. Even as I was trying to register what she was saying there was this big banging on the door. I get tensed and still naked look thru the keyhole it was her weird partner. I tell the provider to give the key and get back. She opens the door and tries to walk away. Within couple seconds I realize what's happening and I chase her in the corridor just holding a towel to my waist. I even manage to grab her shirt collar and it rips as she pulls herself away from me. LOL. Then she shrieked so fucking loud "Get the fuck off me. Someone call the Cops!" drawing attention and giving an impression that I was harassing her. Then my big head takes over and quietly retreat back to the room. I was freaked out like hell. It was my very first attempt using BP. LOL. And, I guess that scar is so deep that I'm still suspect of these 2 girl dates especially those that you meet for the first time. Did anyone meet these SA girls yet? What are your impressions?

The two girl sends me texts all the time. I have never met them, the pics she sent me, showed that they both seem a bit too large for me. But right away it was let's meet at a hotel, so yes more of a pro approach.

04-11-17, 19:12
I found that very few of them were interested in short / one night arrangements. These are girls who want $1000 for a night, or even $100 just to go to dinner with you, and nothing else. The few I found who were interested in shorter arrangements couldn't host, lived in BFE, or in one case, I went over to her place, and she had a dog who apparently likes to bite people, so I BTFO of there; I've been bitten a couple times by dogs, it's not my particular fetish. The best offer I got was from a cute chubby girl who said she'd spend the weekend with me for $1500, in a hotel I was paying for, plus meals, plus shopping trips, plus who knows what else she wanted.

So, unless you have $1K to spend for a night, or want to pay a moderately attractive woman $1500 for a weekend (plus expenses), SA probably isn't for you.

04-11-17, 20:43
No thanks.

I found that very few of them were interested in short / one night arrangements. These are girls who want $1000 for a night, or even $100 just to go to dinner with you, and nothing else. The few I found who were interested in shorter arrangements couldn't host, lived in BFE, or in one case, I went over to her place, and she had a dog who apparently likes to bite people, so I BTFO of there; I've been bitten a couple times by dogs, it's not my particular fetish. The best offer I got was from a cute chubby girl who said she'd spend the weekend with me for $1500, in a hotel I was paying for, plus meals, plus shopping trips, plus who knows what else she wanted.

So, unless you have $1K to spend for a night, or want to pay a moderately attractive woman $1500 for a weekend (plus expenses), SA probably isn't for you.

04-11-17, 22:46
I found that very few of them were interested in short / one night arrangements. These are girls who want $1000 for a night, or even $100 just to go to dinner with you, and nothing else. The few I found who were interested in shorter arrangements couldn't host, lived in BFE, or in one case, I went over to her place, and she had a dog who apparently likes to bite people, so I BTFO of there; I've been bitten a couple times by dogs, it's not my particular fetish. The best offer I got was from a cute chubby girl who said she'd spend the weekend with me for $1500, in a hotel I was paying for, plus meals, plus shopping trips, plus who knows what else she wanted.

So, unless you have $1K to spend for a night, or want to pay a moderately attractive woman $1500 for a weekend (plus expenses), SA probably isn't for you.Totally agree with what you are saying, not worth the time or money. But if money isn't a thing to you, go for it. For the most part people still post their real picture at least.

04-13-17, 10:22
I found that very few of them were interested in short / one night arrangements. These are girls who want $1000 for a night, or even $100 just to go to dinner with you, and nothing else. The few I found who were interested in shorter arrangements couldn't host, lived in BFE, or in one case, I went over to her place, and she had a dog who apparently likes to bite people, so I BTFO of there; I've been bitten a couple times by dogs, it's not my particular fetish. The best offer I got was from a cute chubby girl who said she'd spend the weekend with me for $1500, in a hotel I was paying for, plus meals, plus shopping trips, plus who knows what else she wanted.

So, unless you have $1K to spend for a night, or want to pay a moderately attractive woman $1500 for a weekend (plus expenses), SA probably isn't for you.The highest price I was told was $500 per week. I've talked to plenty of girls who do per visit aarengments for around 150-300. Don't just go for super model looking chicks and the price may come down a bit. Plus my profile is ver blank don't post your income or they will expect you to pay higher prices I'm sure. I'm not the greatest lookin dude but I haven't had a problem finding girls between 18-25. I've even had to back off the site a bit because I found more than I could handle for the time. Good luck tho just keep up the search. I tell them all right away what I'm looking for per visit for around said price. Don't give up I've had more fun on this site than w most BP providers.

04-13-17, 14:05
Totally agree with what you are saying, not worth the time or money. But if money isn't a thing to you, go for it. For the most part people still post their real picture at least.I also agree, if you want something hot like 18-22 college coed, will cost you 300+ per hour or more, (I know some guys claim they get it for 100-150 but really what do the girl really look like? I really don't believe a super hot college coed going to have sex with an old guy for 100-150, (why if she is really hot she can make double). The one thing I like about SA is that the girls can said no to you. Because of it is make SA interesting (also strip club OTC (out the club) get the stripper to hotel for sex is also interesting game because she can said no, so sometime the fun part is playing the game or the hunt, you may or may not get a prize. Either way will cost you. Wish I was 20 years younger and back to college and play the college bar / club game again but that was over a long time ago.

04-13-17, 17:51
I found that very few of them were interested in short / one night arrangements. These are girls who want $1000 for a night, or even $100 just to go to dinner with you, and nothing else. The few I found who were interested in shorter arrangements couldn't host, lived in BFE, or in one case, I went over to her place, and she had a dog who apparently likes to bite people, so I BTFO of there; I've been bitten a couple times by dogs, it's not my particular fetish. The best offer I got was from a cute chubby girl who said she'd spend the weekend with me for $1500, in a hotel I was paying for, plus meals, plus shopping trips, plus who knows what else she wanted.

So, unless you have $1K to spend for a night, or want to pay a moderately attractive woman $1500 for a weekend (plus expenses), SA probably isn't for you.Yeah, not sure what your approach is but, I've been using SA off and on since last summer and have had nothing but fun on it. The most I've ever paid was 600 for an overnight, and even after that I was seeing her for 300 afterwards. SA definitely requires a little more work, but the payoff is so much better then BP.

04-14-17, 10:31
Yeah, not sure what your approach is but, I've been using SA off and on since last summer and have had nothing but fun on it. The most I've ever paid was 600 for an overnight, and even after that I was seeing her for 300 afterwards. SA definitely requires a little more work, but the payoff is so much better then BP.The way I see it, SA ladies come in all shape, size, color and age. Base on what you want, if you want level 1 ladies (28+ age, few extra pound, curvy, few kids, you can get it for less 200 per hour), level II average girls (25+ age, ave weight and size and shape, maybe one kids, not that hot, you can get it for 200-300 per hour), level III super hot college coed (18-22 young, tight and tone, size 1, tan cheerleader type, they want 350+ or more, more often then not they want to be your arm candy (just hand out without sex for money, which is BS). Many guys on here said they get it for 100 or 150, what do the girls really look like?

04-20-17, 22:05
The way I see it, SA ladies come in all shape, size, color and age. Base on what you want, if you want level 1 ladies (28+ age, few extra pound, curvy, few kids, you can get it for less 200 per hour), level II average girls (25+ age, ave weight and size and shape, maybe one kids, not that hot, you can get it for 200-300 per hour), level III super hot college coed (18-22 young, tight and tone, size 1, tan cheerleader type, they want 350+ or more, more often then not they want to be your arm candy (just hand out without sex for money, which is BS). Many guys on here said they get it for 100 or 150, what do the girls really look like?I recently tried out SA and again your mileage may vary but I'm in my 30's in good shape, I mainly tried messaging girls 25 and under. Like Pal5600 said, they come in all shapes and sizes, and with different expectations. I have also met for 100-300 and there are plenty who'll be okay with that range. It really depends on the girl since some are really new to the site and they're not pros. I think being nice and making a connection can go a long way, although things don't always pan out. It can be hit or miss but that's part of the fun. In a month, I was able to have fun with 4 but could've met double that if I wanted to. Generally speaking though, there is correlation between $ expected and hotness.

04-21-17, 11:35
I recently tried out SA and again your mileage may vary but I'm in my 30's in good shape, I mainly tried messaging girls 25 and under. Like Pal5600 said, they come in all shapes and sizes, and with different expectations. I have also met for 100-300 and there are plenty who'll be okay with that range. It really depends on the girl since some are really new to the site and they're not pros. I think being nice and making a connection can go a long way, although things don't always pan out. It can be hit or miss but that's part of the fun. In a month, I was able to have fun with 4 but could've met double that if I wanted to. Generally speaking though, there is correlation between $ expected and hotness.Yea, just put it this way. If you want a Ferrari at a toyota corolla price, it could happen if you are extremely lucky, but more often then not, Farrari will cost you at Farrari pricing, that is how I see it. Funny many guys on here will tell you their toyota Corolla is a Farrari, I think not.

Ron M
04-21-17, 14:31
Yea, just put it this way. If you want a Ferrari at a toyota corolla price, it could happen if you are extremely lucky, but more often then not, Farrari will cost you at Farrari pricing, that is how I see it. Funny many guys on here will tell you their toyota Corolla is a Farrari, I think not.From what I've been reading in this thread these girls know what's up. They may not be Pros as we know them. But they pretty much charge what they're worth. Although sometimes they'll charge Ferrari prices even though they're really worth the price of a Toyota Corolla.

04-22-17, 13:10
From what I've been reading in this thread these girls know what's up. They may not be Pros as we know them. But they pretty much charge what they're worth. Although sometimes they'll charge Ferrari prices even though they're really worth the price of a Toyota Corolla.Yeah true, these are average SA ladies with GPS, in a wonderful / perfect world guys can get a Ferrari for Toyota Corolla price but not in SA world.

05-01-17, 19:57
Yeah true, these are average SA ladies with GPS, in a wonderful / perfect world guys can get a Ferrari for Toyota Corolla price but not in SA world.Most are pretty extreme with their expectations, even though they put the lowest or second lowest level they ask for well above that. Those I just delete.

05-09-17, 14:48
I've had pretty good luck with the sugardaddyforme site. There are always the ones who think they have solid gold pussies, but there are reasonable (150-250) meetings to be had. Reasonably good looking is available in that price range and some have excellent skills. Best of all, they weren't clock watchers. My favorites were a 35 year old Mom looking for daytime fun, a hot 29 year old Big breasted Filipino who liked to bang before work, a 22 year old Latina uber driver who I took to a cubs game and 2 hours of fucking after the game, and an Indian coed looking to make tuition money. It's even better when you meet them when they are new, and not jaded by some bad experiences. Many of the young ones don't know what to expect at first but make great efforts to please. I usually invite them out to lunch or a drink, it makes the business arrangement much easier. I never talk business in email or chat. My latest conquest is a mid 20's hottie who also happens to be a waitress I have lusted after at a local restaurant. All of these would be mortified if I gave out their info or outed them with their links, they think their activities are top secret. But rest assured, there is fun to be had.

Ben Spend
05-09-17, 17:36
I've had pretty good luck with the sugardaddyforme site. There are always the ones who think they have solid gold pussies, but there are reasonable (150-250) meetings to be had. Reasonably good looking is available in that price range and some have excellent skills. Best of all, they weren't clock watchers. My favorites were a 35 year old Mom looking for daytime fun, a hot 29 year old Big breasted Filipino who liked to bang before work, a 22 year old Latina uber driver who I took to a cubs game and 2 hours of fucking after the game, and an Indian coed looking to make tuition money. It's even better when you meet them when they are new, and not jaded by some bad experiences. Many of the young ones don't know what to expect at first but make great efforts to please. I usually invite them out to lunch or a drink, it makes the business arrangement much easier. I never talk business in email or chat. My latest conquest is a mid 20's hottie who also happens to be a waitress I have lusted after at a local restaurant. All of these would be mortified if I gave out their info or outed them with their links, they think their activities are top secret. But rest assured, there is fun to be had.But what's their price to message? How's the selection compared to SA?

05-10-17, 09:45
But what's their price to message? How's the selection compared to SA?The monthly cost is 55 with unlimited messaging, however I met all of these through the free trial period or by the ladies' purchase. When the ladies sign up, they get three days free or if they pay for their membership you can message them. I signed up for the trial, met two of them in three days and cancelled before my payment was due. I would email the ladies and give them my email and encourage them to contact me through email. After you sign up for the trial (they take your credit card but don't charge), and cancel before the three days, they send you an invite for another 30 day free trial.

Al Melrose
05-19-17, 19:19
There are so many fakes on SA, but every now and then, one makes me laugh.

Claims to be a virgin, but likes to be dominated in bed. The end of school has brought a flood of newbies to the Chicago search. (I am not getting any actual meetings but more reading pleasure, I am in an SA slump, might be time for a fat chick).


05-20-17, 12:14
There are so many fakes on SA, but every now and then, one makes me laugh.

Claims to be a virgin, but likes to be dominated in bed. The end of school has brought a flood of newbies to the Chicago search. (I am not getting any actual meetings but more reading pleasure, I am in an SA slump, might be time for a fat chick).

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/96a89393-9736-4c8a-80c7-c606b230e653That profile contacted me yesterday asking how many times a month I was looking to meet up. So many contradictions in that profile from the profile text to the contrast between the pics and stats.

Al Melrose
05-20-17, 22:55

05-21-17, 11:31
Hello friends!

I am coming to Chicago for a few days on business. I travel throughout the country and I have some amazing SA finds in other cities, but nothing for Chicago.

I'd be grateful for some local advice. In exchange, I have pics and videos to share of some amazing SA encounters, along with details and information on dozens of fantastic, uninhibited, insatiable non-pros on SA throughout the country.

Thanks very much!

05-22-17, 12:42
I'm I looking in the wrong placss or is Chicago the only major city w / arrangement report section.

05-22-17, 15:10
So I got a text on my burner phone that I was put on this site. So its not a big deal since it's a burner but I checked it out and it has one of my private SA photos on it. So it must have been someone a) I shared my number with and b) shared my private photo with. I am not happy about it but since the photo is the only thing that ties me to it (my fake name and number is a burner). I think I will leave it alone and just thope my photo is just another photo in the sea of millions of other photos.

Any advice / experiences on how to proceed? Use my tale as a cautionary one.

edit: The other annoying thing is i have to get a new number which means losing any cred i have with my standard haunts/hos. Almost like starting from scratch

05-22-17, 22:37
So I got a text on my burner phone that I was put on this site. So its not a big deal since it's a burner but I checked it out and it has one of my private SA photos on it. So it must have been someone a) I shared my number with and b) shared my private photo with. I am not happy about it but since the photo is the only thing that ties me to it (my fake name and number is a burner). I think I will leave it alone and just thope my photo is just another photo in the sea of millions of other photos.

Any advice / experiences on how to proceed? Use my tale as a cautionary one.

edit: The other annoying thing is i have to get a new number which means losing any cred i have with my standard haunts/hos. Almost like starting from scratchI would caution others to remove EXIF data from any pic prior to sharing it with strangers online. The data contains a gold mine of information. It should be assumed but do not use pics that are already shared with other social media accounts since it doesn't take much effort to tie them to real identities due to image searches.

05-22-17, 23:09
I would caution others to remove EXIF data from any pic prior to sharing it with strangers online. The data contains a gold mine of information. It should be assumed but do not use pics that are already shared with other social media accounts since it doesn't take much effort to tie them to real identities due to image searches.Thank God I decided to not use the same or similar photo for my linked in profile!

Al Melrose
05-23-17, 10:23
So I got a text on my burner phone that I was put on this site. So its not a big deal since it's a burner but I checked it out and it has one of my private SA photos on it. So it must have been someone a) I shared my number with and b) shared my private photo with. I am not happy about it but since the photo is the only thing that ties me to it (my fake name and number is a burner). I think I will leave it alone and just thope my photo is just another photo in the sea of millions of other photos.

Any advice / experiences on how to proceed? Use my tale as a cautionary one.

edit: The other annoying thing is i have to get a new number which means losing any cred i have with my standard haunts/hos. Almost like starting from scratchI got those messages a few months ago. I was using a google voice number, the texts stopped and I never changed my number. The predator site seems to be a scam to get one to pay $ to get removed from it. I am not worrying about it any more.

05-23-17, 12:26
I would caution others to remove EXIF data from any pic prior to sharing it with strangers online. The data contains a gold mine of information. It should be assumed but do not use pics that are already shared with other social media accounts since it doesn't take much effort to tie them to real identities due to image searches.I looked at the pic I have on SA in the private section. It's EXIF data is just the color space and XY dimensions. That's no risk, right? I made it by taking a real camera pic through a number of different apps and formats. When I get pics from girls, I always look in the photo info, b / c if they took them (selfies w / a smart phone), sometimes there is GPS data too. What is the risk to me w / mine?

Member #5589
05-23-17, 12:34
I looked at the pic I have on SA in the private section. It's EXIF data is just the color space and XY dimensions. That's no risk, right? I made it by taking a real camera pic through a number of different apps and formats. When I get pics from girls, I always look in the photo info, b / c if they took them (selfies w / a smart phone), sometimes there is GPS data too. What is the risk to me w / mine?By the time a pic moves through all the apps, sites, etc. , you won't see anything useful (I. E. Location) left.

Occasionally, someone will send me a pic directly from a smartphone (with "Location" set to "on" and I can see practically into her room using the map coordinates on a Google Map display. Except for phone-to-phone pic sending, I'd say there's a 0% chance of exposing anything "public. ".

05-23-17, 21:41

Had a number of dussuions over email. Has major GPS issues.

Rude and demanding.

Al Melrose
05-23-17, 22:57

Had a number of dussuions over email. Has major GPS issues.

Rude and demanding.Your link went to conversation not SB, so we can't see her.

05-24-17, 00:08
Your link went to conversation not SB, so we can't see her.Sorry. Apparently she blocked me.

So told her more than once I can only play during the daytime. Gave her several dates. She wasn't reading my emails. Kept complaining Was weird about arrangement.

Told me I was insulting her. (GPS).

Finally got snotty ww me and said I wasn't serious and not to contact her again.

Goes by sugar and rain.

Ben Spend
05-24-17, 08:47
Sorry. Apparently she blocked me.

So told her more than once I can only play during the daytime. Gave her several dates. She wasn't reading my emails. Kept complaining Was weird about arrangement.

Told me I was insulting her. (GPS).

Finally got snotty ww me and said I wasn't serious and not to contact her again.

Goes by sugar and rain.Claims she just started this but I recall her being on BP or CL years ago. Says her s / o has cancer and has to pay the mortgage. There is a reason she doesn't have a face pic! Met for coffee, she wanted 300 I countered with 200 firm and she reluctantly accepted. She followed me back to my place and then promptly bailed once she got inside. Had to block her, phone and SA. She tried to apologize I won't tolerate that behavior. And some of those pics are either photo shopped or old.


05-24-17, 12:29
Claims she just started this but I recall her being on BP or CL years ago. Says her s / o has cancer and has to pay the mortgage. There is a reason she doesn't have a face pic! Met for coffee, she wanted 300 I countered with 200 firm and she reluctantly accepted. She followed me back to my place and then promptly bailed once she got inside. Had to block her, phone and SA. She tried to apologize I won't tolerate that behavior. And some of those pics are either photo shopped or old.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/374dcae8-ecc9-48ec-9c84-74fb172fc833Ben so sorry to hear. Ya she was demanding and Flaky at the same time I kept asking myself why am I bothering we her she want even nice on email.

Live and learn.

Ben Spend
05-24-17, 15:03
Ben so sorry to hear. Ya she was demanding and Flaky at the same time I kept asking myself why am I bothering we her she want even nice on email.

Live and learn.Only good thing in this she bailed before I gave her the donation. The donation only comes when they take their clothes off. Ensures there is no hasty exit.

Ron M
05-26-17, 22:26
Only good thing in this she bailed before I gave her the donation. The donation only comes when they take their clothes off. Ensures there is no hasty exit.I pay the donation after we're done playing.

05-27-17, 01:04
Well this profile is a little scary.


05-27-17, 01:09
By the time a pic moves through all the apps, sites, etc. , you won't see anything useful (I. E. Location) left.

Occasionally, someone will send me a pic directly from a smartphone (with "Location" set to "on" and I can see practically into her room using the map coordinates on a Google Map display. Except for phone-to-phone pic sending, I'd say there's a 0% chance of exposing anything "public. ".Just be careful when sharing photos via text, I usually just direct them to my private photos until we meet.

05-27-17, 08:46
Well this profile is a little scary.


Scary! What kind of art is she studying.

05-29-17, 03:42
I'm not sure what it is with you guys, but seeking arrangement is not a good place to find a one night stand. Congrats to anyone who has though. This is actually where I find the vast majority of my consistent girls, but that might have something to do with the fact that I make $300,000+ per year at my job, and it keeps me far too busy to have any desire for a normal relationship. The fact that some of you are bitching about a $100 ish per month account fee tells me you do not belong on that website, and it's people like you that scare girls off of it. Either be ready for girls to expect $500+ per week from you, or just don't bother at all. You can absolutely find good fuck buddies on SA, but try just a little bit to come off as a normal guy and not some whacko like most of you do.

Ben Spend
05-31-17, 07:22
I'm not sure what it is with you guys, but seeking arrangement is not a good place to find a one night stand. Congrats to anyone who has though. This is actually where I find the vast majority of my consistent girls, but that might have something to do with the fact that I make $300,000+ per year at my job, and it keeps me far too busy to have any desire for a normal relationship. The fact that some of you are bitching about a $100 ish per month account fee tells me you do not belong on that website, and it's people like you that scare girls off of it. Either be ready for girls to expect $500+ per week from you, or just don't bother at all. You can absolutely find good fuck buddies on SA, but try just a little bit to come off as a normal guy and not some whacko like most of you do.SA is just another marketplace where providers who like to call themselves "sugar babies" can go. If you choose to overpay these "sugar babies" that's on you. My ability to negotiate with these free market gals is hampered by your willingness to throw money around. Sorry, it's not your personal provider country club.

07-17-17, 11:38
Is seems to me that about 80 percent of the college age ladies I meet on SA is open to BBFS and CIP, I was wondering if other have similar results.

07-18-17, 12:13
Is seems to me that about 80 percent of the college age ladies I meet on SA is open to BBFS and CIP, I was wondering if other have similar results.I'm shooting at about 50-60%. I find the curvier they are the more open to BB they are. I am usually seeing girls in the 300-400 range. Is that what you are seeing?

Member #5589
07-18-17, 20:36

At least this should be a sure thing.

07-19-17, 20:32
I'm shooting at about 50-60%. I find the curvier they are the more open to BB they are. I am usually seeing girls in the 300-400 range. Is that what you are seeing?300-400 is a standard range for good looking college girls, other maybe cheaper but not as hot. Yeah most of the time these college girls don't even carry or have condom with them.

07-21-17, 08:56
I'm I looking in the wrong placss or is Chicago the only major city w / arrangement report section.INdianapolis has Sa reports too.

07-27-17, 14:51
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.


Ron M
07-27-17, 15:08
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.

https://seekingarrangement.com/member/e4b9a6c1-f555-4254-a278-e96c87ef42a3All porn stars struggle with money after their porn career is over. Her wiki page says she's 29. She's too old for porn now. Then they turn to escorting. She's probably out of most monger's price range. Including mine. Shame she couldn't save some of her porn career money.

07-27-17, 16:42
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.

https://seekingarrangement.com/member/e4b9a6c1-f555-4254-a278-e96c87ef42a3Made contact, we'll see where it goes. Haha.

07-27-17, 20:45
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.

https://seekingarrangement.com/member/e4b9a6c1-f555-4254-a278-e96c87ef42a3What kind of donation is she looking for?

07-27-17, 22:38
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.

https://seekingarrangement.com/member/e4b9a6c1-f555-4254-a278-e96c87ef42a3Couldn't find her post on SA.

07-27-17, 23:50
Couldn't find her post on SA.She took her profile down after 1 day.

07-28-17, 10:21
She took her profile down after 1 day.This morning. She may have deactivated it for a day because of too many messages or who knows why. It was back up and she was online around 8:00 ish.

07-28-17, 10:28
I'm I looking in the wrong placss or is Chicago the only major city w / arrangement report section.If you look on the Madison and Milwaukee pages there are Arrangement Blogs on the bottom section.

07-28-17, 10:57
Would also love to know. Almost certainly out of my range but I'm curious!!

What kind of donation is she looking for?

07-28-17, 13:35
I'm I looking in the wrong placss or is Chicago the only major city w / arrangement report section.Richmond, VA has the biggest thread. Other cities include L. A. , Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Knoxville, Jacksonville I believe maybe Atlanta too not sure? There might be others- Richmond is by far the biggest thread even though it's not a major city.

08-02-17, 23:34
Hey guys. I've recently jumped into the Seeking Arrangement world and I see a ton of potential. My question, however, is do you find it possible to conceal your real identity from these girls? The biggest risk, to me, is one of these 25 year old girls growing vindictive and causing problems for me if they learn my real name / address, etc.

What say you. Do you use an alias even after meeting?

08-03-17, 11:31
Got back on SA again. Noticed most girls $ went up but not much more around avg provider price. $300-$400 but they're smoking hot. I've even gotten a few girls that hit me up looking to meet. 2 girls 22 yr old from Canada last night $250 each they wanted Lolla tickets for the weekend.

Funny Money
08-03-17, 13:18
Richmond, VA has the biggest thread. Other cities include L. A. , Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Knoxville, Jacksonville I believe maybe Atlanta too not sure? There might be others- Richmond is by far the biggest thread even though it's not a major city.Baltimore has one.

Rocket Dork
08-03-17, 13:30
Hey guys. I've recently jumped into the Seeking Arrangement world and I see a ton of potential. My question, however, is do you find it possible to conceal your real identity from these girls? The biggest risk, to me, is one of these 25 year old girls growing vindictive and causing problems for me if they learn my real name / address, etc.

What say you. Do you use an alias even after meeting?I never use my real name. Rocket Dork.

08-03-17, 19:32
I never use my real name. Rocket Dork.Never ever communicate with a provider using your real name, email address or phone number.

08-09-17, 14:17
So. Anyone had any luck with that site? I have. Tried to start new thread but no luck.

08-12-17, 14:49
Is seems to me that about 80 percent of the college age ladies I meet on SA is open to BBFS and CIP, I was wondering if other have similar results.The percentage gets higher in second rounds or second meetings, where in my opinion it reaches 95%.

08-14-17, 12:35
Here's one I was chatting with. In the first response, she tells me she expects 10,000 per month and has all kinds of restrictions on how many times she will meet per month and that dates can be no longer than 3 or 4 hours. I told her for that kind of jingle, she is going to have to be on call 24 hours a day, which pissed her off. I guess I should have expected a high self-worth based on her rating her body type athletic, but to me the pictures look average. Apparently there are no takers yet because she is online constantly.



08-14-17, 14:08
Here's one I was chatting with. In the first response, she tells me she expects 10,000 per month and has all kinds of restrictions on how many times she will meet per month and that dates can be no longer than 3 or 4 hours. I told her for that kind of jingle, she is going to have to be on call 24 hours a day, which pissed her off. I guess I should have expected a high self-worth based on her rating her body type athletic, but to me the pictures look average. Apparently there are no takers yet because she is online constantly.


SDX.For $10 k. I'd get bored of her. Better to spread the love LOL.

And your right she has to be like a Dr. 24 hr on call.

08-16-17, 01:01
Search for username YummyMadison on SA. She's a hot girl in her mid 20's and she's about 7 months pregnant. She wants $400 per visit. I haven't seen her. She's in Joliet. Don't try to negotiate. She will block you.

08-17-17, 00:42
Sweet Little Girl, very nice.

She Will take your money and run away, Probably play with boyfriend or relative.


08-17-17, 11:26
Sweet Little Girl, very nice.

She Will take your money and run away, Probably play with boyfriend or relative.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/6d6b50bb-182c-49da-8670-5b3b5b6b8784To SA. I forget where it is but you can report them for a wide range of things in the list and if appropriate they will get rid of the profile.

08-17-17, 12:40
Sweet Little Girl, very nice.

She Will take your money and run away, Probably play with boyfriend or relative.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/6d6b50bb-182c-49da-8670-5b3b5b6b8784I met her, and she is a scammer. She will hit you up with sob stories about being homeless, not having any gasoline, autistic family member, laid off, etc. She and her lesbian girlfriends are actually drug addicts. They do cocaine, pot, pills, and even have bruises on their arms from shooting up heroin. She is a lesbian and has her lover's name tattooed on her. They are in the Naperville-Montgomery area. Please report her and avoid at all costs.


08-17-17, 14:57
Anyone with intel?


Seems legit.

08-18-17, 22:47
Sweet Little Girl, very nice.

She Will take your money and run away, Probably play with boyfriend or relative.

https://www.seekingarrangement.com/member/6d6b50bb-182c-49da-8670-5b3b5b6b8784Did you report her to the website. There are methods to report these woman for inapproprite activity.

08-19-17, 00:49
Former pornstar Lexi Belle signed up to SA today. She's living in Chicago and says she's struggling. She used to be one of my favorites.

https://seekingarrangement.com/member/e4b9a6c1-f555-4254-a278-e96c87ef42a3The way the profile is written, explicitly stating that she's struggling for cash despite what she posts on Twitter and IG. The fact that her profile keeps going up and coming down, and most recently, when the profile returned all of her photos were removed. It just sends up red flags.

That didn't stop me, however from making contact out of morbid curiosity. She responded and something definitely seems off. All of the messages from her were short, 5 words or less, and she was VERY quick (first message in fact) to jump right into the prospect of P4 P. On top of that, when I asked her about a donation, she dropped a number that was shockingly low (as in, BP girl range rather than Escort or Agency Girl range). I realize that the "desperate" claims in the profile might make a low-ball offer to spend time with a legend of the porn industry plausible, but spidey-sense says something ain't right here.

Even if she was using SA to try to avoid damaging her image in "the industry," by overtly offering up escort services, using the stage name that everyone recognizes you by makes that less likely, since SOMEONE who works in the industry is eventually going to hear about this.

Combine that with the fact that her Twitter feed is littered with posts about where she's going to be feature dancing next, or what scene she just filmed suggest that the situation isn't dire enough to make me think that BP girl rates are something we could expect from the Lexi Belle. Yes, I know, she's not likely being paid tons of money to dance on a Friday and Saturday in a different city every weekend, and she might only shoot one or two scenes a month, but it, again, doesn't seem to line up with the told in the profile.

Top that all off with her post on IG today about someone pretending to be her on Facebook and trying to scam people and it just starts to add up to suggest that the profile on SA is NOT one of our favorite porn stars. If anyone has info that suggests the contrary, I'd welcome hearing it, but for now, I'm on the side of "too good to be true, so it mustn't be. ".

Be safe.

08-24-17, 19:40
Sweet Little Girl, very nice.

She Will take your money and run away, Probably play with boyfriend or relative.


Did you report her to the website. There are methods to report these woman for inapproprite activity.

I met her, and she is a scammer. She will hit you up with sob stories about being homeless, not having any gasoline, autistic family member, laid off, etc. She and her lesbian girlfriends are actually drug addicts. They do cocaine, pot, pills, and even have bruises on their arms from shooting up heroin. She is a lesbian and has her lover's name tattooed on her. They are in the Naperville-Montgomery area. Please report her and avoid at all costs.

SDX.Now they are also using the lesbo girlfriend's profile which is Lilhallie1994. She has a big tattoo on the right side of her neck. They have been very active the last couple days; they must be having narcotic withdrawal.



Al Melrose
08-27-17, 23:32
Now they are also using the lesbo girlfriend's profile which is Lilhallie1994. She has a big tattoo on the right side of her neck. They have been very active the last couple days; they must be having narcotic withdrawal.


SDXI'm not a current paying member, so I can't read it, but Lilhallie1994 sent me a message. Contemplating if I should jump back in, but not seeing much to lure me back. When I search other cities I usually get a decent amount that view me and then a decent amount that reply. Nowadays very small percent in Chicago even view If I view them. Changed jobs and just don't have the time I had before to invest in this. It took a pretty decent amount of time. Plus I got scammed by my last one, so I soured a bit.

Ben Spend
08-28-17, 08:32
I'm not a current paying member, so I can't read it, but Lilhallie1994 sent me a message. Contemplating if I should jump back in, but not seeing much to lure me back. When I search other cities I usually get a decent amount that view me and then a decent amount that reply. Nowadays very small percent in Chicago even view If I view them. Changed jobs and just don't have the time I had before to invest in this. It took a pretty decent amount of time. Plus I got scammed by my last one, so I soured a bit.Same situation. I have 14 unread messages. Even tough I have the time now would rather go for the pros. Get in, get out and no baggage. Never a problem with unwanted texts and requests for help on the rent.

Ron M
08-28-17, 10:26
I'm not a current paying member, so I can't read it, but Lilhallie1994 sent me a message. Contemplating if I should jump back in, but not seeing much to lure me back. When I search other cities I usually get a decent amount that view me and then a decent amount that reply. Nowadays very small percent in Chicago even view If I view them. Changed jobs and just don't have the time I had before to invest in this. It took a pretty decent amount of time. Plus I got scammed by my last one, so I soured a bit.How did you get scammed?

Al Melrose
08-28-17, 14:37
How did you get scammed?Met her two times. They sex was great. She had requested a monthly allowance initially, but I said I had to wait and did pay per date. She had a student loan overdue, so I figured first two times were great, I'll prepay for the month (I know I know).

All of a sudden sex is no longer part of the deal, since she claims to now feels guilty about cheating on her bf however we can still go out on my dime. Went out twice more thinking perhaps she will change mind. I get the hint, I was played. Yes, stupidity on my part to prepay, but I thought I read her well enough.

Ron M
08-28-17, 15:03
Met her two times. They sex was great. She had requested a monthly allowance initially, but I said I had to wait and did pay per date. She had a student loan overdue, so I figured first two times were great, I'll prepay for the month (I know I know).

All of a sudden sex is no longer part of the deal, since she claims to now feels guilty about cheating on her bf however we can still go out on my dime. Went out twice more thinking perhaps she will change mind. I get the hint, I was played. Yes, stupidity on my part to prepay, but I thought I read her well enough.I never ever pay upfront when I play. I pay after playtime is over. Take this as a lesson learned. I'll bet now you'll never pay upfront again.

Member #5589
09-20-17, 14:36

"Send $ & see what happens".

Uh huh. . .

Ben Spend
09-20-17, 16:46

"Send $ & see what happens".

Uh huh. . ."I'm looking for a intelligent man" Maybe not so much!

09-26-17, 18:46
Just signed up for SA a few days ago, already had my first meet. 200 $, 20 years old college cutie, just came over to my place, banged, then left. No luck with BBFS. Already got two more this week. So far pretty happy with this site.

I do run into the GPS you guys are talking about, girls asking 500-1 k sign unseen and no promise of action. Oddly enough the young college girls are the ones much more willing to do 200 per meet, I feel like they still would be down if it was even lower. Then again I'm pretty young so idk if that has something to do with it. In general though, these girls are much less hardened, got my first meetup to cum 3 times in the first half hour by eating her out and fingering. Most pros would let you eat for 5 min then want to get you off and out the door fast as possible.

If it keeps going on like this I'm renewing for 6 months for sure!

09-26-17, 21:05
After reading some of these posts on SA, I was thinking of signing up to the site. But I am wondering usually how fast do the girls respond.

09-27-17, 20:34
Some tips I'd like to share, since I've been getting a few PM's about it. Here's what's worked for me. GRANTED I've been on this site for a grand total of 4 days, so this can definitely be refined (and I'd love tips on others on how to improve my game) but this has gotten me two hookups so far with 20 yr old college cuties, for 200, and literally maybe 10 messages traded on SA, and 10 texts offline before they were at my door.

I can't really speak what profile pic works, as I just used a photo I found on google (preferably one that's hard to reverse image search) that more or less looks like me. I think what's more important is wording your profile. You can exaggerate your net worth and income a bit, just to get bites, but the wording I use and seem to get pinged a lot with is "looking for something casual and to spoil the right sugar baby" or something like that. Basically baiting the hook here.

As for being the initiator: I find it doesn't matter if they are verified or premium, or w / e. Actually, I stay away from the verified because they seem like people who've been on the site a long time so will be picky, rude, and command a really high price, aka golden pussy syndrome. I find that if you message girls who are't 10's, more like girl next door pretty, and have photos that are obviously not professionally done, and maybe been on the site less than a month (new member section is a gold mine) you get almost 100% response rate and they are super flexible with the amount.

Be upfront and tell them what you are looking for. I say I'm looking for a no strings attached, purely physical, per meet allowance arrangement, and if they are ok with that ask them how much. If it's high I say I do 200 for first dates, again stressing that I like to get physical immediately. Don't be pushy, just tell them that's what you're looking for, and if its not ok, no hard feelings. There's nothing to be gained by gaming these girls, why would you want to waste time on someone who isn't going to put out day 1 anyways?.

If they are ok with that I move to texting and jump right to asking when they are free. The key here is be ready to close immediately. I think having your own place and an open schedule works a lot here, as if you hesitate or make vague plans, they are going to think you're going to ghost them (and can you blame them) and will stop responding. If you can confirm a time and place in under 10 text messages, that's ideal.

And that's all there is to it. No games, no salesmanship, just be up front and direct, but not pushy, needy, or bullying. This is a transaction (at least for me). Just like any other transaction be professional, respectful, and keep your word. You will stick out like CRAZY to these girls as the ones I've talked to have been constantly flaked on, ghosted, or straight up not paid. That and there are so many young girls on the site and so little guys with ACTUAL money (and by money I mean as little as 200, you'd be surprsied at guys who can't scrape that up), that you can literally copy paste a template of your pitch and spam it to 100 girls no problem, because you're going to end up with more girls responding than you have time for.

Using this I've closed on two girls in 4 days, have literally 8 girls in queue, and tons more I've eliminated on my side for either being not too attractive, or too far away.

The quality of the girls is so much higher here than BP. Their attitude is great, they are into sex, and will spent 3-4 hours with you for the cost of one hour with some dirty needle user. I'll keep you guys updated but so far, so good.

Eric Lex
09-27-17, 22:30
Some tips I'd like to share, since I've been getting a few PM's about it. Here's what's worked for me. GRANTED I've been on this site for a grand total of 4 days, so this can definitely be refined (and I'd love tips on others on how to improve my game) but this has gotten me two hookups so far with 20 yr old college cuties, for 200, and literally maybe 10 messages traded on SA, and 10 texts offline before they were at my door.

I can't really speak what profile pic works, as I just used a photo I found on google (preferably one that's hard to reverse image search) that more or less looks like me. I think what's more important is wording your profile. You can exaggerate your net worth and income a bit, just to get bites, but the wording I use and seem to get pinged a lot with is "looking for something casual and to spoil the right sugar baby" or something like that. Basically baiting the hook here.

As for being the initiator: I find it doesn't matter if they are verified or premium, or w / e. Actually, I stay away from the verified because they seem like people who've been on the site a long time so will be picky, rude, and command a really high price, aka golden pussy syndrome. I find that if you message girls who are't 10's, more like girl next door pretty, and have photos that are obviously not professionally done, and maybe been on the site less than a month (new member section is a gold mine) you get almost 100% response rate and they are super flexible with the amount.

Be upfront and tell them what you are looking for. I say I'm looking for a no strings attached, purely physical, per meet allowance arrangement, and if they are ok with that ask them how much. If it's high I say I do 200 for first dates, again stressing that I like to get physical immediately. Don't be pushy, just tell them that's what you're looking for, and if its not ok, no hard feelings. There's nothing to be gained by gaming these girls, why would you want to waste time on someone who isn't going to put out day 1 anyways?.

If they are ok with that I move to texting and jump right to asking when they are free. The key here is be ready to close immediately. I think having your own place and an open schedule works a lot here, as if you hesitate or make vague plans, they are going to think you're going to ghost them (and can you blame them) and will stop responding. If you can confirm a time and place in under 10 text messages, that's ideal.

And that's all there is to it. No games, no salesmanship, just be up front and direct, but not pushy, needy, or bullying. This is a transaction (at least for me). Just like any other transaction be professional, respectful, and keep your word. You will stick out like CRAZY to these girls as the ones I've talked to have been constantly flaked on, ghosted, or straight up not paid. That and there are so many young girls on the site and so little guys with ACTUAL money (and by money I mean as little as 200, you'd be surprsied at guys who can't scrape that up), that you can literally copy paste a template of your pitch and spam it to 100 girls no problem, because you're going to end up with more girls responding than you have time for.

Using this I've closed on two girls in 4 days, have literally 8 girls in queue, and tons more I've eliminated on my side for either being not too attractive, or too far away.

The quality of the girls is so much higher here than BP. Their attitude is great, they are into sex, and will spent 3-4 hours with you for the cost of one hour with some dirty needle user. I'll keep you guys updated but so far, so good.Thank you for taking the time to share this very useful information. I've been looking into setting up an account, and honestly, this definitely helps me with the decision and key moves. I'll be sure to post my experiences as soon as I start meeting a lady or 2!

09-27-17, 22:47
I just started SA today, I used Jabronis technique it has been going quite well, some really do have GPS, but need to take your time. I am hoping for my first meetup this weekend.

09-29-17, 10:59
I have found (and I will think you will find) the new / cute college girls will want to meet up in person (coffee shop or bar) first. Once you pass the eyeball test and are somewhere funny and charming to them, you then schedule an inside the bedroom date (as I put it). This has been my secret to success to getting the panties to drop on some of the hottest 18-21 year old college girls you could ever hope for. And yes, 200 seems to be just fine with them.

Some tips I'd like to share, since I've been getting a few PM's about it. Here's what's worked for me. GRANTED I've been on this site for a grand total of 4 days, so this can definitely be refined (and I'd love tips on others on how to improve my game) but this has gotten me two hookups so far with 20 yr old college cuties, for 200, and literally maybe 10 messages traded on SA, and 10 texts offline before they were at my door.

I can't really speak what profile pic works, as I just used a photo I found on google (preferably one that's hard to reverse image search) that more or less looks like me. I think what's more important is wording your profile. You can exaggerate your net worth and income a bit, just to get bites, but the wording I use and seem to get pinged a lot with is "looking for something casual and to spoil the right sugar baby" or something like that. Basically baiting the hook here.

As for being the initiator: I find it doesn't matter if they are verified or premium, or w / e. Actually, I stay away from the verified because they seem like people who've been on the site a long time so will be picky, rude, and command a really high price, aka golden pussy syndrome. I find that if you message girls who are't 10's, more like girl next door pretty, and have photos that are obviously not professionally done, and maybe been on the site less than a month (new member section is a gold mine) you get almost 100% response rate and they are super flexible with the amount.

Be upfront and tell them what you are looking for. I say I'm looking for a no strings attached, purely physical, per meet allowance arrangement, and if they are ok with that ask them how much. If it's high I say I do 200 for first dates, again stressing that I like to get physical immediately. Don't be pushy, just tell them that's what you're looking for, and if its not ok, no hard feelings. There's nothing to be gained by gaming these girls, why would you want to waste time on someone who isn't going to put out day 1 anyways?.

If they are ok with that I move to texting and jump right to asking when they are free. The key here is be ready to close immediately. I think having your own place and an open schedule works a lot here, as if you hesitate or make vague plans, they are going to think you're going to ghost them (and can you blame them) and will stop responding. If you can confirm a time and place in under 10 text messages, that's ideal.

And that's all there is to it. No games, no salesmanship, just be up front and direct, but not pushy, needy, or bullying. This is a transaction (at least for me). Just like any other transaction be professional, respectful, and keep your word. You will stick out like CRAZY to these girls as the ones I've talked to have been constantly flaked on, ghosted, or straight up not paid. That and there are so many young girls on the site and so little guys with ACTUAL money (and by money I mean as little as 200, you'd be surprsied at guys who can't scrape that up), that you can literally copy paste a template of your pitch and spam it to 100 girls no problem, because you're going to end up with more girls responding than you have time for.

Using this I've closed on two girls in 4 days, have literally 8 girls in queue, and tons more I've eliminated on my side for either being not too attractive, or too far away.

The quality of the girls is so much higher here than BP. Their attitude is great, they are into sex, and will spent 3-4 hours with you for the cost of one hour with some dirty needle user. I'll keep you guys updated but so far, so good.

Pau Ford
09-29-17, 17:20
I have found (and I will think you will find) the new / cute college girls will want to meet up in person (coffee shop or bar) first. Once you pass the eyeball test and are somewhere funny and charming to them, you then schedule an inside the bedroom date (as I put it). This has been my secret to success to getting the panties to drop on some of the hottest 18-21 year old college girls you could ever hope for. And yes, 200 seems to be just fine with them.I'm not seeing any $200 girls. I tried offering in that range and it never sticks. $300 was the lowest, $400 seems to be the norm they want. Think I'm fishing in the wrong pond of 21-24 year olds rather than under 21. Being in my late 40's I felt a little odd going after a teenager but maybe worth a try. Or perhaps lower my standards?

09-29-17, 18:17
I have found (and I will think you will find) the new / cute college girls will want to meet up in person (coffee shop or bar) first. Once you pass the eyeball test and are somewhere funny and charming to them, you then schedule an inside the bedroom date (as I put it). This has been my secret to success to getting the panties to drop on some of the hottest 18-21 year old college girls you could ever hope for. And yes, 200 seems to be just fine with them.I had the same success also. Since March I've meet around 8 girls although I've had aome flake on me too. Haven't paid more than 250.200 is the norm for the younger girls. 6 out of the 8 I've bb and cip. Just talking normal to them and not bieng a creep or weirdo shoyld be fine. For me personally, I get asked why I'm on there because I'm pretty young and not bad looking! LOL!

10-10-17, 21:40
Watch out for this one and her friend in the Wicker Park area. I messaged her for a while and everything seemed fine and I was getting excited to meet them. She has a girlfriend in her pics who can join in (if you ever get to that point). It seems like a hustle they're trying to pull.

She told me they want a monthly allowance, which was surprisingly reasonable, but they want HALF of the monthly allowance UPFRONT on the first meeting. And nothing happens the first meeting. Just a meeting at a coffee shop with her girlfriend while you hand them half the allowance. Then schedule another meet in the future to play. Yeah, right.

She said they do it like this because they have been scammed in the past. Plus, she said most Daddies don't expect sex on the first date.


SA Username: Laurenbbygrl.

10-11-17, 15:01
Watch out for this one and her friend in the Wicker Park area. I messaged her for a while and everything seemed fine and I was getting excited to meet them. She has a girlfriend in her pics who can join in (if you ever get to that point). It seems like a hustle they're trying to pull.

She told me they want a monthly allowance, which was surprisingly reasonable, but they want HALF of the monthly allowance UPFRONT on the first meeting. And nothing happens the first meeting. Just a meeting at a coffee shop with her girlfriend while you hand them half the allowance. Then schedule another meet in the future to play. Yeah, right.

She said they do it like this because they have been scammed in the past. Plus, she said most Daddies don't expect sex on the first date.


SA Username: Laurenbbygrl.You're right. I always expect sex on first date. Especially if I'm paying for it. It's not like we're a church group. Haha.

10-13-17, 22:01
So this girl wants guys to take her on a shopping sprees and / or send her money, but she gives nothing in return. She is delusional.


About Me

Hi Sugar Daddies! Looking for someone to take me on a shopping spree just moved here and would love some new clothes and shoes! Not interested in sex or physical touch but would be for shopping out in the city! Before all meet ups, I will make a request, to make sure that you are being truthful and that I can trust you. Please do not contact me if you are not willing to fulfill this request up front before meeting in person. Thanks!

What I'm Looking For

Just graduated from college and would love to meet a great guy who could provide some assistance with my student loans! I'm also looking for an awesome guy to meet who would be interested in either sending me money to go on a shopping spree or to take me on one! Before all meet ups, I will make a request, to make sure that you are being truthful and that I can trust you. Please do not contact me if you are not willing to fulfill this request up front before meeting in person. Thanks!

10-14-17, 13:14
But she's in Brazil though. LOL.


Ron M
10-16-17, 00:01
So this girl wants guys to take her on a shopping sprees and / or send her money, but she gives nothing in return. She is delusional.


About Me

Hi Sugar Daddies! Looking for someone to take me on a shopping spree just moved here and would love some new clothes and shoes! Not interested in sex or physical touch but would be for shopping out in the city! Before all meet ups, I will make a request, to make sure that you are being truthful and that I can trust you. Please do not contact me if you are not willing to fulfill this request up front before meeting in person. Thanks!

What I'm Looking For

Just graduated from college and would love to meet a great guy who could provide some assistance with my student loans! I'm also looking for an awesome guy to meet who would be interested in either sending me money to go on a shopping spree or to take me on one! Before all meet ups, I will make a request, to make sure that you are being truthful and that I can trust you. Please do not contact me if you are not willing to fulfill this request up front before meeting in person. Thanks!At least traditional providers are willing to play to earn their money.

Member #5589
10-17-17, 18:54

Not merely bad or non-existent service, but worse. I messaged with her months ago and am fortunate I never scheduled. Keeps popping up with different profiles.

10-23-17, 03:31
Any experience with these?



Both seem too good to be true.

10-23-17, 04:17
Any experience with these?



Both seem too good to be true.Looked at them both and yeah probably.

10-23-17, 04:28

Not merely bad or non-existent service, but worse. I messaged with her months ago and am fortunate I never scheduled. Keeps popping up with different profiles.6.

She just popped up again! LOL!

10-25-17, 11:15

What about her?

10-27-17, 06:51
I've been texting with her, too. No mention of a monthly allowance, upfront or otherwise. But she knows that I am only visiting for a week. My plan is to have her meet me at my hotel bar for a drink, then if she joins me upstairs great. If not, I get to sleep.

Watch out for this one and her friend in the Wicker Park area. I messaged her for a while and everything seemed fine and I was getting excited to meet them. She has a girlfriend in her pics who can join in (if you ever get to that point). It seems like a hustle they're trying to pull.

She told me they want a monthly allowance, which was surprisingly reasonable, but they want HALF of the monthly allowance UPFRONT on the first meeting. And nothing happens the first meeting. Just a meeting at a coffee shop with her girlfriend while you hand them half the allowance. Then schedule another meet in the future to play. Yeah, right.

She said they do it like this because they have been scammed in the past. Plus, she said most Daddies don't expect sex on the first date.


SA Username: Laurenbbygrl.

10-27-17, 15:53
I was texting with her also last week. She and her gf were willing to take the train up to Milwaukee and spend the night with me for $400. I didn't take it too seriously because they seemed too agreeable on everything I demanded, but I played along because stranger things have happened. Finally, they wanted me to paypal half the money to them. I said I never send money in advance. Conversation ended after that.

I've been texting with her, too. No mention of a monthly allowance, upfront or otherwise. But she knows that I am only visiting for a week. My plan is to have her meet me at my hotel bar for a drink, then if she joins me upstairs great. If not, I get to sleep.

10-27-17, 15:59
Good for you. I hope no one would be that dumb and send money in advance.

I was texting with her also last week. She and her gf were willing to take the train up to Milwaukee and spend the night with me for $400. I didn't take it too seriously because they seemed too agreeable on everything I demanded, but I played along because stranger things have happened. Finally, they wanted me to paypal half the money to them. I said I never send money in advance. Conversation ended after that.

10-27-17, 16:24
I was chatting with this girl on there, and I could tell she was not telling the truth about something. I was persistent enough with her tho, that I finally caught her in a lie and she confessed. She then facetimed with me, and told me how she and her friends scammed guys from the site. (basically one would have a pic up, they would use friends pics, bait the guy into sexting, and then try to extort them for money, claiming they sent a message to a minor) She said it worked pretty well in her bored months in college, and would have a friend of hers (male) act as a police officer / detective, and call from another number. In any event, she was nice enough to at least let me know what some of them were doing on there.

So just a heads up for a scam some might not see coming a bit.

Al Melrose
10-27-17, 20:11
I was on SA a while ago, started to be too much work for too little success. Got back on a couple weeks ago, wow, things have gone downhill (at least for me, maybe I need to change things up).

More TS's, more girls with blank or min profiles, more flakes, ghosting, etc. I have only met one person and she wanted me to buy a bunch of clothes at the mall and perhaps at another date we would get together. I told her, I would pass on the splendid opportunity, plus a good 50 pounds heavier than pics. Told me she had a previous SD you who did not expect any sex. Was suppose to meet one today for dinner. She initially asked for 600 per once a week meeting. I replied 250, she stated fine. I get a text today asking if I will pay before dinner, I say no, so she asks after dinner, I say after we spend time together. She tells me that is not part of the arrangement WTF is going on. I did an email from SA with a discount, perhaps business is hurting, I am not renewing. I know my game sucks, but not this bad.

10-28-17, 02:20
I was chatting with this girl on there, and I could tell she was not telling the truth about something. I was persistent enough with her tho, that I finally caught her in a lie and she confessed. She then facetimed with me, and told me how she and her friends scammed guys from the site. (basically one would have a pic up, they would use friends pics, bait the guy into sexting, and then try to extort them for money, claiming they sent a message to a minor) She said it worked pretty well in her bored months in college, and would have a friend of hers (male) act as a police officer / detective, and call from another number. In any event, she was nice enough to at least let me know what some of them were doing on there.

So just a heads up for a scam some might not see coming a bit.If anyone tries to extort you for money I'd respond them that's blackmail and is a felony with fines and jail time.

John HandCock
10-28-17, 06:04
[Deleted by Admin]

This isn't a courtroom, you are not Perry Mason and you have no need to cross examine guys about their posts.
If you think somebody is full of shit just put them on your ignore list (he is now) and move on. There is ZERO reason to do ever do this.


Al Bundy78
10-28-17, 08:59
I was on SA a while ago, started to be too much work for too little success. Got back on a couple weeks ago, wow, things have gone downhill (at least for me, maybe I need to change things up).

More TS's, more girls with blank or min profiles, more flakes, ghosting, etc. I have only met one person and she wanted me to buy a bunch of clothes at the mall and perhaps at another date we would get together. I told her, I would pass on the splendid opportunity, plus a good 50 pounds heavier than pics. Told me she had a previous SD you who did not expect any sex. Was suppose to meet one today for dinner. She initially asked for 600 per once a week meeting. I replied 250, she stated fine. I get a text today asking if I will pay before dinner, I say no, so she asks after dinner, I say after we spend time together. She tells me that is not part of the arrangement WTF is going on. I did an email from SA with a discount, perhaps business is hurting, I am not renewing. I know my game sucks, but not this bad.Sounds like GPS.

10-28-17, 12:39
If anyone tries to extort you for money I'd respond them that's blackmail and is a felony with fines and jail time.Was just sharing as it may help others if they run across this scam. The police are aware of it happening at other dating sites like pof and match. While this person was actually living in the surrounding area, some of this type scam are a team of people no where near the area, sometimes out of country.

10-28-17, 14:02
There's a current promo code 33HALLOWEEN for 33% off any subscription, expires on 10/31, so now would be a good time to join as this is the first time I've ever seen a promo code offered.

10-28-17, 14:03
Was very open about what she provides. $$$ per hour $$ overnight.


10-28-17, 19:05
Also very open about her arrangement. $$.


Would appreciate messages privately for other info.

Al Melrose
11-01-17, 14:50
Seeing way too many platonic or just crazy wants.


About Me.

I am 19 years old. I come from a big family and I'm a bit of a tomboy. I love figure skating and french fries and sushi! I also love dying my hair crazy colors! So if you don't care for blue or purple hair it probably won't workI am 14 weeks pregnant.

What I'm Looking For.

I'm looking for an old fashioned sugar daddy. Not the ones that want to turn me into a prostitute, but the ones that actually want to get to know me and care about me. I live in Joliet in my own apartment, working full time and trying to keep up with bills while saving enough to take college classes when I can afford it. I would really like an allowance to help out with those things so if you are willing to do that please send me a msg. **I have a boyfriend and am not looking for anything sexual** please don't msg me if you're looking for sex or anything physical. I'm not a prostitute. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

11-02-17, 07:43
Wow. This is just deluded.

Seeing way too many platonic or just crazy wants.


About Me.

I am 19 years old. I come from a big family and I'm a bit of a tomboy. I love figure skating and french fries and sushi! I also love dying my hair crazy colors! So if you don't care for blue or purple hair it probably won't workI am 14 weeks pregnant.

What I'm Looking For.

I'm looking for an old fashioned sugar daddy. Not the ones that want to turn me into a prostitute, but the ones that actually want to get to know me and care about me. I live in Joliet in my own apartment, working full time and trying to keep up with bills while saving enough to take college classes when I can afford it. I would really like an allowance to help out with those things so if you are willing to do that please send me a msg. **I have a boyfriend and am not looking for anything sexual** please don't msg me if you're looking for sex or anything physical. I'm not a prostitute. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

11-02-17, 16:59
Seeing way too many platonic or just crazy wants.


About Me.

I am 19 years old. I come from a big family and I'm a bit of a tomboy. I love figure skating and french fries and sushi! I also love dying my hair crazy colors! So if you don't care for blue or purple hair it probably won't workI am 14 weeks pregnant.

What I'm Looking For.

I'm looking for an old fashioned sugar daddy. Not the ones that want to turn me into a prostitute, but the ones that actually want to get to know me and care about me. I live in Joliet in my own apartment, working full time and trying to keep up with bills while saving enough to take college classes when I can afford it. I would really like an allowance to help out with those things so if you are willing to do that please send me a msg. **I have a boyfriend and am not looking for anything sexual** please don't msg me if you're looking for sex or anything physical. I'm not a prostitute. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!She has been around a long time, even before she got pregnant. I guess she has not gotten any takers!

I sent her a message a while back: "Do you really expect to find a sugar daddy who is going to support you and your deadbeat boyfriend and for nothing in return? You should only let the guys with a steady income to dump sperm between your legs!"


11-02-17, 17:51
She has been around a long time, even before she got pregnant. I guess she has not gotten any takers!

I sent her a message a while back: "Do you really expect to find a sugar daddy who is going to support you and your deadbeat boyfriend and for nothing in return? You should only let the guys with a steady income to dump sperm between your legs!"

SDX.LOL! You savage asf!