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02-28-24, 11:32
Scammer. Wants virtual and cash.Agreed, scammer. With at least 2 profiles. Here is the other:


02-28-24, 11:51
Guys! This is why we can't have nice things, someone has most likely been blabbing to Carey and now she's on here defending herself. Consider this site like Fight Club.

Now that's not very kind of you. And completely false at that.

02-28-24, 17:52
She was mentioned early this month. I did not contact her. The attached is the entirety of our conversation.That body has more filler than my oversized sectional.

02-28-24, 21:12
Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?

02-29-24, 11:39
Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?Some are game for temporary fun. Doesn't cost anything to find out by asking.

For what its worth. I started doing this when I was making a basic salary but was living in my parents basement at the time. I'm alot further along in my career now and have eclipsed the 6 figure mark but the cost of livivng and what these girls are asking has made this less viable for me but I have other investment goals I'm working on at the moment.

Chicago is a tough market.

02-29-24, 12:36
Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?I only have a mid five figure income and I need very little to be content, as most men do. After living expenses, saving, and 401 k contributions I still have enough left for sugaring, though it doesn't go as far as it used to. I also did well with Ethereum (a cryptocurrency) when it spiked in value a few years ago. I should have bought more than I did.

I have been with a few women who have that kind of profile years ago, and honestly it wasn't very different than the girls who are (usually) more average and straightforward and just want to fuck and relax while I take care of some bills. I'm always good to them, I don't look down on them for what we're doing (after all, I'm half of the equation), nor do I feel like I should fulfill some kind of country club fantasy for them. I don't even want that life for myself lmao. If we get along well and see each other enough, we can go do something fun in town or go out to eat or whatever.

I don't ghost or block. I do tend to space out meets by 2-4 weeks because I like to let energy build up and drain it all into them for a few hours. It makes it more fulfilling for me. But that much time away sometimes makes them upset and they move on looking for someone who wants to meet more often, which of course means more $ for them on a ppm basis.

I think that kind of hot, high maintenance woman we're talking about is probably on instagram more than Seeking now anyways.

Pau Ford
02-29-24, 13:51
Don't pay a lot of attention to what women write in their profiles. Those who talk about how refined and smart they are wouldn't be selling their pussy to the highest bidder if they really were. Those seeking elaborate jet set lifestyles. She's not really interested in going away on vacation with you. These women are just weeding out the average joes. Thats not my type at all. Expensive pussy doesn't mean better more exclusive pussy.

You are by no means the only guy on SA who's budget is very limited. Ask any girl and she'll tell you about the prevalence of low ballers on the site. Guys who want multiple rounds of BBFS and her to host for $200 ppm or will share your "knowledge and mentorship" in lieu of any ppm at all. There's more of these than legit guys.

But your fishing in a pond that is very, very small and shrinking by the day. Even fat / ugly / old chicks are looking for $600 min.

Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?

02-29-24, 15:10
A few of them might actually be buying the site's new branding where it makes itself out to be a high end dating site. But most of them have either had their expectations set by some social media star SBs who constantly brag about what they extract from rich men, or are trying to weed out low ballers and one offs, which I kind of don't blame them for. It's a hard wake up call for many of the girls when they join expecting to be offered sunset cruises with George Clooney and are only being offered nooners in a cheap motel with George Costanza!

Best thing is to know your own parameters and just be up front. I have limited times and locations that work for me, and a definite cap on what a single sexual experience is worth. I can honestly tell the girls that I enjoy repeating with them if the experience is good, so there's usually a good response from prospects who are willing to do ppm for a fair price. But if its clear after a few messages that logistics or funding expectations aren't a match, I move on quickly. I think blocking, etc is juvenile, but if they feel the need to lash out or lecture about their 'worth' I don't hesitate to make further contact impossible.

But I wouldn't be intimidated and try to do a meet and greet with anyone you're on the fence about. If you can disarm a girl in person with a sense of humor and being non threatening you'll be surprised how quickly some are willing to negotiate down from their initial expectations.

Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?

02-29-24, 17:49
Bad comms.



Bad comms the first time and so I deleted her and then somehow we ended up talking again, and she gave me her number again, and then the same thing happened.



She will google search your phone number.

Then troll you and call you names smh, waste of time and a game player.



Tries to sell pics right off the bat, that got her blocked.



Time waster.



Time waster.



Another time waster.



Time waster.



Time waster.



Area code scammer.



Doesn't really sound fun so I stopped comms.



Will ask for 6 one person talked her down to 4 she is dtf, doesn't seem motivated sexually though so I passed.



Expects money to meet and greet. Pass.



Bad comms.



Scammer. Out of state area code but Had an iPhone so it threw me off. But then it was obvious by her VERY broken English and dialect.



Like her headline says: loves playing games apparently. She claims that she wanted to meet up right away Then She gave me a weird phone number, and then no reply was ever received but yet she's still online sending messages.

Finally messages back the next day to setup a meet then she wants gas money. Blocked her after that.



Scammer using someone else's pics. I had another girl message me with the same pics.



Bad comms.


02-29-24, 18:03
A few of them might actually be buying the site's new branding where it makes itself out to be a high end dating site. But most of them have either had their expectations set by some social media star SBs who constantly brag about what they extract from rich men, or are trying to weed out low ballers and one offs, which I kind of don't blame them for. It's a hard wake up call for many of the girls when they join expecting to be offered sunset cruises with George Clooney and are only being offered nooners in a cheap motel with George Costanza!

Best thing is to know your own parameters and just be up front. I have limited times and locations that work for me, and a definite cap on what a single sexual experience is worth. I can honestly tell the girls that I enjoy repeating with them if the experience is good, so there's usually a good response from prospects who are willing to do ppm for a fair price. But if its clear after a few messages that logistics or funding expectations aren't a match, I move on quickly. I think blocking, etc is juvenile, but if they feel the need to lash out or lecture about their 'worth' I don't hesitate to make further contact impossible.

But I wouldn't be intimidated and try to do a meet and greet with anyone you're on the fence about. If you can disarm a girl in person with a sense of humor and being non threatening you'll be surprised how quickly some are willing to negotiate down from their initial expectations.This is an excellent post. Engaging and personality go along way. Of course you have to back that up with $$$ but still, you can more easily negotiate when you have that connection.

02-29-24, 22:44
I thought this was a fascinating conversation and thought I would jump in too. And thought that FafaFooey brought up some good points.

But my approach to Seeking is simple:

1. Yes I click into a profile based on the picture, the age, the location. But I'm also looking for pictures that are actual photographs. So many times pictures look like they are from photo shoots etc. Don't want to look at those. In a weird way you're looking for imperfection in their photos. Because that's the first key that they might be real.

2. I read into their profile. More than anything, a picture might be intriguing, but if there is a blank profile, or a generic one liner. I'll refrain from reaching out. Rather have someone who has put down a few sentences. And I know there is a warm body on the other side. I read through the profile and see if there is a jumping off point. Something to talk about.

3. While my message might have "copy / pasted" elements in it, things like. Frame your message to them so it looks like you're talking to them. Look for what resonates from their profile.

4. When talking to them, I keep it civil. I ask them about what they want, I don't talk about sex, nothing with those acronyms. Hell I don't talk about sex even when I meet them in person. I'll talk about the important stuff like protection and such like that. But NEVER get explicit. I had one girl who initially asked for a crazy high allowance. When I told her that wouldn't work for me, she basically came down on her own accord. Because she enjoyed meeting me, thought I was normal etc.

5. Stick to what you want - I'm not going over 350 for an allowance. I had one girl I met, we had great conversation - she initially wanted $2K a month. Came down to $500 per meet. I was willing to come up to $400 for her. But when she wouldn't budge, neither did I!

Let me ask you all this:

Are some of you only on SA for the sex and could honestly care less about the women? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to treat them like shit by hitting it and quitting it. I fully intend to do my best to treat them with respect. But there are women here with paragraph after paragraph on their personality and intellect, how they want to be treated, how the man should take them golfing, horsebacking, vacations, the moon, etc.

Those profiles, which I'm referring to hot girls only, are intimidating and it's clearly obvious in my situation that I'm not their expectation. Do most of you reach out anyways with only allowance in mind, and not her fantasy?

I've had SA success regardless as money does talk and usually get at least a couple of visits with the woman until it's no longer financially viable for me, meaning I block, ghost, or deactivate.

Anyone here just have a basic income job and not the 6 figure income, or is it just me?

02-29-24, 22:55
Anyone have any luck with cuddle companions? I was looking at Chloecuddles93, but wondering if that site is a waste of time.The session booking process is unpleasant requires you to pay the house cut (40% ! Before you can even have the girl's number. You chat with the girl first on the platform and if you agree to meet, you pay the house. And all payment options are such that cannot be disputed and reversed. If the meet doesn't occur for whatever reason, funds will be used as "credit for the next session". They monitor the chat so no private contact info is exchanged prior to the payment. Seen one girl over there, took her offline of course. Was looking at few others, including Cleo but she must have been on something when I tried to inquire about here approx. Location, so I moved on.

But enough on that nonsense called cuddle companions. Want to get some action? Try cuddle comfort. The more you observe it the more you realize, its an escort site disgusting as a cuddle site (even if that was not the initial intention, it has become such). Be patient. Some of the girls there are true cuddlers. But quite a few are low key SW and women that use this place to get laid, get a nice meal, and make money doing so. They will opportunistically engage is extracurricular activities if they like the client or trust him enough and want to recruit him as a regular. My success rate there is more than 80%. Most of them will book the first session online (to "follow the session booking rules") but will have you book future sessions with them directly to stiff the house. Those who offer the type of cuddle we are looking for will eventually get reported and banned (sometimes by a client, sometimes by another cuddler) but until they do, they make some money, the house makes some money, and everyone plays pretend until the evidence no longer allows them to and they have to can the girl in order to attempt to maintain the platonic face. I will not mention names and will not give out names or numbers.

Be patient. Be nice, be funny and charming. Don't act thirsty, let the girl initiate, it may take 1-2 meets. If worth it. You will find some true GFE partners who will not fake it like a formal SW will, and for much less. Some of the most innocent looking creatures there will let you go hoby buchanon on them I shit you not. Yes I have two dom / sub partners off of there as well. One of them is a solid "9". You're everyday girl that you will never suspect. Daytime job, regular life, clean, no pimp, no drugs.

Good luck.

03-01-24, 06:25
I thought this was a fascinating conversation and thought I would jump in too. And thought that FafaFooey brought up some good points.

But my approach to Seeking is simple:

1. Yes I click into a profile based on the picture, the age, the location. But I'm also looking for pictures that are actual photographs. So many times pictures look like they are from photo shoots etc. Don't want to look at those. In a weird way you're looking for imperfection in their photos. Because that's the first key that they might be real.

2. I read into their profile. More than anything, a picture might be intriguing, but if there is a blank profile, or a generic one liner. I'll refrain from reaching out. Rather have someone who has put down a few sentences. And I know there is a warm body on the other side. I read through the profile and see if there is a jumping off point. Something to talk about.

On photos. If I see a girl of 23 with photos in Dubai, Paris, or other higher end location I scroll by. Normally girls that young aren't traveling to exotic locations on their own dime. I'd guess that's a SD taking them there. If I see a girl sporting Louis Vuitton or Gucci, or sunning on a 140' yacht, same thing. I prefer the GND vibe. I'm not looking to spend my entire portfolio on a piece of azz.

03-01-24, 09:02
There are many fake profiles sending favorites from Colomnia, Venezuala and Phillipines. Completly ingnore those profiles.

I have gotten some out of state womem reach out and say hi and about a quarter of those have been real meets.

Most girls are looking for an allowance straight out the gates and I explicitly tell them I have no issues bellying up at a random restaurant or bar and meet someone. I have recent pictures on my profile, although I admit that I am no Brad Pitt I have had no issues meeting women whom either reach out to me or vice versa.

I aim for 35 and older and this has had more success for me but I am fallible, many profiles are beneath that age I am aiming for. I am in my forties so I am not looking to go skydiving or swim with sharks. I'm just a guy looking to get my dick wet at the end of the day, spend my weekends doing laundry, going to costco and excersize. But I have met with mostly women between 20-35, most 21-25 which is nice but schedules don't always work and they flake, after 2 flaking events, I just don't bother anymore with a profile and move on.

My rates are between 200-500 and 0 if it is a meet and greet but I do cover meal and drinks. But just a meet and greet don't tend to end there, most of the times we take it back to the hotel or their place. My hotel costare covered from points / loyalty membership from credit cards and traveling job that I have.

Oftenly, some will send a request for some cash out of nowhere and I ask them immediately if they are available, then sure, if not I say no. No honey, no money. I negotiate the donation depending on the quality of the girl and time spend together. Have had over nighters or even weekenders for 300-500.

I do not tend to bring them back to my. Place because that caused so many issues in the past for me where one showed up when I was already with someone else who is more of a regular.

I share my personal number only after having a few meets, could be after 1 or 5 meets, depends on the profile. The mature women are less likely to cause problems. I always use Burner app and pay the credits to have a number active. It is cheap, reliable and has a good back end. Googling your # could lead people scammers to your family members, address, work, and just all in all cause an issue. Luckily, I do not have a very actibe social media profiles: facebook, instagram, snapchat, etc. Only friends, work colleagues and family and set to as much privacy as possible. (Mom is still waiting on grandchildrens).

I like my life and want to keep it simple. SA, Bumble, Facebook Dating and Tinder results give me a wide access to women. On top of that, just going to a restaurant or bar is enough.

I will google image search a profile pictures and phone number and sometimes leads to other profiles or at worst an escort site. I do my research and take it from there but escorts aren't at the top of my list. They are strictly business and avoid them. Most of the times druggies or serious safety issues.

That's basically it. Feel like I could write a book and run out of ink.

03-01-24, 10:10
Anyone have any luck with cuddle companions? I was looking at Chloecuddles93, but wondering if that site is a waste of time.She's an escort and has an onlyfans. There was a bad report about here few months ago, mainly complaining about her attitude.

03-01-24, 12:51
Great post and definitely some good additional points.

I totally agree about the photos. Perfectly posed, processed, high quality photos in exotic locations scream fake to me. You wouldn't think a girl who had a recent photo shoot in a Vegas penthouse would now need $20 of gas money cashapped before she can meet, but I guess you never know. A mirror selfie in a messy bedroom is much more suggestive of a real person.

Also agree on keeping explicit talk to a minimum, at least until you're actually behind closed doors. If no other reason, the site seems to be very aggressive about suspending & banning these days. And asking a girl how much for a bunch of bb activities after a few minutes of texting isn't usually going to lead to her compromising on her donations. Like others and I suggested, its better to get her comfortable in public, then negotiate a good rate, and by then you should have a feel if she's adventurous enough for your specific needs, fetishes, etc. Girls are usually a lot more open in a bedroom naked and feeling good than they are in a random text exchange with someone pushing for every detail in advance. If they quote and negotiate a 'menu' right away then they're basically pros or semi pros. Not the worst thing in the world as it can sometimes speed up the process, but then you're not getting the girl next door image.

1. Yes I click into a profile based on the picture, the age, the location. But I'm also looking for pictures that are actual photographs. So many times pictures look like they are from photo shoots etc. Don't want to look at those. In a weird way you're looking for imperfection in their photos. Because that's the first key that they might be real.

4. When talking to them, I keep it civil. I ask them about what they want, I don't talk about sex, nothing with those acronyms. Hell I don't talk about sex even when I meet them in person. I'll talk about the important stuff like protection and such like that. But NEVER get explicit. I had one girl who initially asked for a crazy high allowance. When I told her that wouldn't work for me, she basically came down on her own accord. Because she enjoyed meeting me, thought I was normal etc.

03-01-24, 16:13
Great post and definitely some good additional points.

I totally agree about the photos. Perfectly posed, processed, high quality photos in exotic locations scream fake to me. You wouldn't think a girl who had a recent photo shoot in a Vegas penthouse would now need $20 of gas money cashapped before she can meet, but I guess you never know. A mirror selfie in a messy bedroom is much more suggestive of a real person.

Also agree on keeping explicit talk to a minimum, at least until you're actually behind closed doors. If no other reason, the site seems to be very aggressive about suspending & banning these days. And asking a girl how much for a bunch of bb activities after a few minutes of texting isn't usually going to lead to her compromising on her donations. Like others and I suggested, its better to get her comfortable in public, then negotiate a good rate, and by then you should have a feel if she's adventurous enough for your specific needs, fetishes, etc. Girls are usually a lot more open in a bedroom naked and feeling good than they are in a random text exchange with someone pushing for every detail in advance. If they quote and negotiate a 'menu' right away then they're basically pros or semi pros. Not the worst thing in the world as it can sometimes speed up the process, but then you're not getting the girl next door image.Agreed. I cannot stand the women who are just sooo fake. I might as well go for a cheap prostitute if that's the game they want to play. I am usually around 500 ppm. Because no offense to those who do but anything less than 300 I've learned are not women I want to risk fucking. I would rather have a real person I could genuinely help than just some ***** I wouldn't trust to tell me if she was clean or not. For me it's not just about fucking for me a nice connection goes a long way. So I prefer girls who have been recommended or suggested off here. At least then I know they aren't just a random psycho who will do whatever for a quick buck.

03-01-24, 16:43
PREACH sir! Preach!

I did a test recently comparing premium vs. Diamond. My theory walking into it is that Seeking controls who sees your messages. You might message 100 people on Premium vs. Diamond, but Diamond has a better response rate because Seeking manipulates the messages to show up. There are so many times, my messages will go unread. Could definitely be the volume of people reaching out to a girl. But I had a theory.

The results were interesting. I didn't get a higher response rate to my messages. I got a larger number of girls reaching out to my profile and Liking it. But like so many have pointed out, those were fake profiles or people from Venezuela or Colombia etc. So, you get more attention, but the attention isn't perhaps the attention that leads any where.

This test was done with my basic profile. Where I had no public profile pic, but I had a handful of private pics.

Then I adjusted another variable. I had a full length pic of me. With some pixelating to maintain privacy. Once I made this change. Without Diamond access. Responses flooded in. I attribute this to the fact that women probably get messaged by tons of guys with no profile pic. This one at least gives them some confidence that I"m a warm body. Helps differentiate when they see 10 messages in their inbox, and only a couple have a profile pic showing. (I think the wording of my profile helps a bit as well.).

Couple the profile pic with a brief but personalized intro message, no sex talk in any of my communication. I think its worked great for me!

Also agree on keeping explicit talk to a minimum, at least until you're actually behind closed doors. If no other reason, the site seems to be very aggressive about suspending & banning these days. And asking a girl how much for a bunch of bb activities after a few minutes of texting isn't usually going to lead to her compromising on her donations. Like others and I suggested, its better to get her comfortable in public, then negotiate a good rate, and by then you should have a feel if she's adventurous enough for your specific needs, fetishes, etc. Girls are usually a lot more open in a bedroom naked and feeling good than they are in a random text exchange with someone pushing for every detail in advance. If they quote and negotiate a 'menu' right away then they're basically pros or semi pros. Not the worst thing in the world as it can sometimes speed up the process, but then you're not getting the girl next door image.

03-01-24, 16:46
That's basically it. Feel like I could write a book and run out of ink.I used to blog about my experience on SA. So many memories. I have to say I've met people on Seeking that I would not normally meet in my regular circles. I enjoy that about the whole thing.

On average it takes me about a month of Seeking access to find my next SB. Haven't had to do that for a while now with my current SB (or two!

Not going to lie Its always fun to explore every so often and test the market. See what's out there.

03-01-24, 16:51

A downtown Chicago girl. Any info would be helpful.

03-01-24, 16:59
She has been around for a while. Pics are accurate. When I saw her, insisted on CFS, but BBBJ. It was average. Biggest problem is that she can be flaky and ghost. Tried to meet up with her 2 other times, ghosted me both times so I stopped trying.


A downtown Chicago girl. Any info would be helpful.

03-01-24, 18:49

She reached out to me today, typically a red flag but she's been active since Oct 23 so I took a chance. My guess, she needed some cash today because settling up a time and meet went real quick. Met her at a hotel near River North, walked her up to the room and junior was in her mouth within 45 seconds. The encounter struck me as someone that needed a quick lay, she was into it, and someone that needed a quick buck. No rubber but wouldn't let me finish in the kitty, was very willing to take it all in the mouth and swallow and then go back and clean off extras.

Again, I'm into skinny girls, she's very much got a sexy "runner" type body.

500 but can probably be talked down, I just wasn't in the mood to haggle.Asked to meet for 450 and she got upset.

03-01-24, 19:17
I used to blog about my experience on SA. So many memories. I have to say I've met people on Seeking that I would not normally meet in my regular circles. I enjoy that about the whole thing.

On average it takes me about a month of Seeking access to find my next SB. Haven't had to do that for a while now with my current SB (or two!

Not going to lie Its always fun to explore every so often and test the market. See what's out there.What's your blog name?

03-02-24, 12:50
She has been around for a while. Pics are accurate. When I saw her, insisted on CFS, but BBBJ. It was average. Biggest problem is that she can be flaky and ghost. Tried to meet up with her 2 other times, ghosted me both times so I stopped trying.She's a complete flake. She'll commit the day of and then flake a couple of hours before with excuses that make absolutely no sense (forgot I had to work, etc.).

03-02-24, 22:13
Has anyone seen this one? About to see her next week and wondering if someone else has been seeing her as well?

Thanks guys and can give feedback to anyone interested.


03-03-24, 09:02


Started by matching with her on SA a little while ago. She told me her PPM was 800. Got her down a little but something came up that we did not meet up. We tried to meet a few more times and but I had moved on to the rest of the rotation. A few weeks pass and I see the her ad on STG. I use my burner number to find out her rates, and I am so glad I did not pull the trigger on her just off SA. Saved a lot of money.

After I saw her, I see she has been reviewed on her a few times already. Just a new profile. I have to start doing more research.

I have a couple more girls I want to post but don't want the flood gates to open on them just yet. Happy Hunting!Did anyone meet her yet? Someone reported she asked 800 on SA, while she quotes me 500 on stg. Her 2 girl with an attractive blonde who might be a year or two younger than her and slimmer / smaller rack is 1000 total, 500 each per hour. You might as well do the 2 Girl.

However, she says NO kissing and I bet it's no BBBJ. So what's the point in a 2 girl to what clearly is a setup for mechanical or just sitting there in the room? I have her number from SA but at this point if there's no benefits, might as well report her for escorting through SA complaints.

Other than that, anyone know attractive SA women who do threesome other than Dana who also quoted 1000 if she's still around?

03-03-24, 22:54
Lately I've been coming across TGTBT women thinking I hit the jackpot. I don't blur my pics on the site for a reason, then I end up sending them to the women I'm texting.

I've probably been going back and forth for a couple of days now with one profile that I thought was real and planning for next week, only to say fuck it and use pimeyes.com (free) to see if her face pops up anywhere else. Unfortunately, dozens of other pictures with the same link. Unless pimeyes relies on AI, looks like I've been had. However, because I don't have access to the links, you never truly know because I've seen a couple of real instagram girls appear in Google Reverse search.

Perhaps it's obvious that her profile is AI generator. At least she did me a favor when she specifically asked me 1 day before our meet if I wanted to have "virtual fun" and ever since I said Not until we meet will you receive my coin, silence. Glad I didn't end up driving 2 hours to Chicago, get a $200 hotel room, and have to drive 2 hours back empty handed. This is also why you should plan to meet ASAP rather than wait a whole week or two getting invested.

Another scam I noticed is that a girl may immediately ask me to add her on Telegram. I do the same thing as above: Download her pics whether its on SA or my phone, upload it to Pimeyes from my phone or computer, and see what happens.


03-04-24, 12:07
Perhaps it's obvious that her profile is AI generator. At least she did me a favor when she specifically asked me 1 day before our meet if I wanted to have "virtual fun" and ever since I said Not until we meet will you receive my coin, silence. Glad I didn't end up driving 2 hours to Chicago, get a $200 hotel room, and have to drive 2 hours back empty handed. This is also why you should plan to meet ASAP rather than wait a whole week or two getting invested.I don't think her pics are AI generated. But I am seeing a lot more AI generated profile content. Example:

I'm a warm-hearted and passionate individual who values meaningful connections. I find joy in the simple pleasures of life and believe in the power of laughter to brighten any day. Whether it's exploring new places, sharing deep conversations, or simply enjoying a cozy night in, I appreciate the beauty of genuine connections. My friends often describe me as a kind and caring person, always ready to lend a listening ear or offer a comforting hug. If you're someone who values authenticity, kindness, and a touch of adventure, I'd love to get to know you better.

That above is written by AI. I don't know how I know, but the structure of the writing and the coherence of it--without saying anything too specific--is a giveaway. Another indicator is the use the consistent use of the Oxford comma.

03-04-24, 20:57
I know a girl looking for meets in the NW Indiana are. Young cheerleader type. She needs some help on a regular basis and out of a bad situation. If I was closer and had more time I would be making her my regular and not posting this LOL. Seniors PM for her number. She drives and I think can host too.Looks like she's on scams now. She finally messaged me back saying send her money on cashapp to "verify". The only thing you verify by doing that is that you have less money and no provider LOL.

03-04-24, 23:48
Looks like she's on scams now. She finally messaged me back saying send her money on cashapp to "verify". The only thing you verify by doing that is that you have less money and no provider LOL.Thanks for the info. I did pm him about it and never heard back. Glad I didn't waste my time.

03-05-24, 01:10
Not real. I called her out on her bullshit right away broken English fake pictures didn't even let her get to her scam. Whatever it might be. It's getting annoying. Nine out of 10 girls are scams lately.



Scammer or bad comms.

Just stopped responding out of nowhere.



Same with this one.

Scammer or bad comms.

Just stopped responding out of nowhere.



Pic seller.

I discuss meeting up tonight on the site and I ask her if she wants to meet up TONIGHT then send me her number so then she sends me her number and when I text her after a couple texts, I asked her if she still wants to come over and she says she's virtual only 🤦8205;9794;65039;.



Scammer. Didn't let the convo get far. I simply asked her what city she was in.

Her reply (30 minutes between texts) classic scammer takes LONG time to reply because they are texting others from a computer all across the world. Replies before this were a day apart LOL.

So she replies "Oklahoma ".

And I called her out, and she's like no I'm in Chicago but I'm from Oklahoma.

So I'm like I'm not buying it, send me a pic of you wearing white Sox, cubs, bears, tourist shirt, ANYTHING. And she tries to play hard ass. "I'm not proving nothing to you" LOL.

So I'm like bye felicia.


03-05-24, 01:25
Has anyone seen this one? About to see her next week and wondering if someone else has been seeing her as well?

Thanks guys and can give feedback to anyone interested.

https://members.seeking.com/member/e99224d8-4f7d-4374-948e-06811027fd04Forgot to attach pics.

03-05-24, 02:16
Can anyone attach Last Unicorn private pics?


Also wondering what her 2024 asking price is and experience, not any of the old 2023 behaviors.

03-05-24, 09:45
Forgot to attach pics.Man that doesn't look like the same girl, did you mix up the pictures or did she send those to you?

03-05-24, 10:35
Man that doesn't look like the same girl, did you mix up the pictures or did she send those to you?It's the same girl. We video chatted and it's her. I like her look myself. Hoping it goes well!

03-05-24, 16:31
This one is a time waster. Went to text. In Milwaukee. Talking the trading etc. That looks like a scammer. Asked about my dating status and got angry when I said it's none of her business. Pretty sure she is a fake.


Can't figure this one out. I think she is a scammer too. I keep deleting her and she keeps coming back. Crazy.


This one seems interesting. I'm on text with her. We'll see if she is worth my time.


Trying to connect but comms are spotty.


03-05-24, 16:38
I wonder if SA and the other sites like that are somehow are in some kind of group all together. At least 75 percent of ads are either fake entirely or have some hidden agenda associated with it.

03-05-24, 16:48
I wonder if SA and the other sites like that are somehow are in some kind of group all together. At least 75 percent of ads are either fake entirely or have some hidden agenda associated with it.It's a classic economics problem of supply vs demand. The problem with those sites is they can't really "recruit" people. They basically sit there and wait for girls to join. I'd guess it's either by word of mouth or something. Before a regular girl enters the business, where would she even know about these sites? Once the girls do know about the business, then they see how lucrative it is. If they are hot and willing to put out, they can make white collar management level money, tax free.

On the other hand, mongers are always googling for this kind of stuff already so it's natural there's more customers on the daddy side.

03-05-24, 20:44
It's a classic economics problem of supply vs demand. The problem with those sites is they can't really "recruit" people. They basically sit there and wait for girls to join. I'd guess it's either by word of mouth or something. Before a regular girl enters the business, where would she even know about these sites? Once the girls do know about the business, then they see how lucrative it is. If they are hot and willing to put out, they can make white collar management level money, tax free.

On the other hand, mongers are always googling for this kind of stuff already so it's natural there's more customers on the daddy side.All it takes is one girl to try and report to a few friends and it will spread like wildfire. Trust me on this. I've seen it.

03-05-24, 22:58
Another indicator is the use the consistent use of the Oxford comma.The Oxford comma preservation society.

03-06-24, 00:33
This one seems interesting. I'm on text with her. We'll see if she is worth my time.


BestDJInOhio reported on her, said she was a scammer who said she was from Oklahoma. http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?19231-Arrangement-Reports&p=6815036&viewfull=1#post6815036.

03-06-24, 07:01
400 / hr last December via STG.

Outcalled to my hotel.

BBBJ no dt, cfs, various positions. No rush. Msog. But strict on time. No back door.

Did anyone meet her yet? Someone reported she asked 800 on SA, while she quotes me 500 on stg. Her 2 girl with an attractive blonde who might be a year or two younger than her and slimmer / smaller rack is 1000 total, 500 each per hour. You might as well do the 2 Girl.

However, she says NO kissing and I bet it's no BBBJ. So what's the point in a 2 girl to what clearly is a setup for mechanical or just sitting there in the room? I have her number from SA but at this point if there's no benefits, might as well report her for escorting through SA complaints.

Other than that, anyone know attractive SA women who do threesome other than Dana who also quoted 1000 if she's still around?

03-06-24, 11:40
All it takes is one girl to try and report to a few friends and it will spread like wildfire. Trust me on this. I've seen it.In college there was a sperm bank the advertised in the engineering newspaper looking for guys with high IQs to donate sperm. If they can do that not sure why SA can't advertise their dating site in the local college papers.

03-06-24, 17:04
I have experienced big time GPS from the ladies I have been chatting. Any comments or info, please respond.

1. bratzdoll https://members.seeking.com/member/b1e992ff-b37f-4e87-9673-86e6a720d050. Indicated that 2 k per week would definitely help.

2. sexy teacher 4 you https://members.seeking.com/member/286188a7-04d0-4f95-b4b3-596f99853a64 Looking for 1 k per meet.

3. On the "budget" she can go for $400. https://members.seeking.com/member/83eae0ee-241d-4d87-8781-b3e32791c83c.

4. Wants $300 as a deposit https://members.seeking.com/member/41221354-8923-4633-a90b-5a698e1f7e0c.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.

No more to add at this time.

03-06-24, 18:13
This one is semi-pro. No kissing, CBJ, cfs. 1 pop then leaves. Asks for an uber to and from. Nice body, but I did not enjoy the experience, did not repeat.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.

03-06-24, 18:16
This one is semi-pro. No kissing, CBJ, cfs. 1 pop then leaves. Asks for an uber to and from. Nice body, but I did not enjoy the experience, did not repeat.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.Sounds like my ex wife.

03-06-24, 18:53
This one is semi-pro. No kissing, CBJ, cfs. 1 pop then leaves. Asks for an uber to and from. Nice body, but I did not enjoy the experience, did not repeat.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.Same. Very pro experience. She was 350 or 400 back when I saw her and I didn't repeat for even that rate.

03-06-24, 21:07
In college there was a sperm bank the advertised in the engineering newspaper looking for guys with high IQs to donate sperm. If they can do that not sure why SA can't advertise their dating site in the local college papers.I was seeing a girl at DePaul some 11 years ago. There were hardly any girls from there at the time. She spread the word and it was a free for all after that.

03-08-24, 11:48
Met a hot Asian chick on Facebook poly group. Looks viet baddie. She told me she isn't looking for new relationship since she have a husband and a bf. We chatted and she informed me she knew her bf from seeking. Dude has been getting pussy for free from her the entire time. She said he isn't even that good in bed. Which one of you mofos scamming that naive girl? 😂.

03-08-24, 13:40
I have experienced big time GPS from the ladies I have been chatting. Any comments or info, please respond.

1. bratzdoll https://members.seeking.com/member/b1e992ff-b37f-4e87-9673-86e6a720d050. Indicated that 2 k per week would definitely help.

2. sexy teacher 4 you https://members.seeking.com/member/286188a7-04d0-4f95-b4b3-596f99853a64 Looking for 1 k per meet.

3. On the "budget" she can go for $400. https://members.seeking.com/member/83eae0ee-241d-4d87-8781-b3e32791c83c.

4. Wants $300 as a deposit https://members.seeking.com/member/41221354-8923-4633-a90b-5a698e1f7e0c.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.

No more to add at this time.Sexy teacher is on Fetlife hosting GB in the south suburbs.

03-08-24, 13:55
What is her profile name on Fet?

Sexy teacher is on Fetlife hosting GB in the south suburbs.

03-08-24, 14:27

I saw her about 3 weeks ago. I had seen JamesWords report about her from December, about how crazy she was. Another monger in pm said his experience with her was good, no crazy stuff, so I saw her. She seemed cool. BBFS / cip, good body, little baby damage. Nice to talk to. Well I should have listened to JamesWords.

I was supposed to see her again today. She said she got a room at the Comfort Inn by Gurnee Mills for a bachelorette party she would be attending.

We planned the meeting days ago, at first for 9 am today, then she moved it to 10 am. No problem. I arrive at Comfort Inn, I don't see her car. All I remember is it's a black coupe (i think) with a red silhouette woman decal on one of the windows. Texting back and forth right up until I get to her room, number 224. I knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I text her that I'm at the door. No answer. I call her and get an automated "no longer in service" message. I check SA and she's active, green dot next to her name. She has since blocked me, so yes, this seems to be an intentional waste of time, days in the making. I still got the link to her profile copied and pasted first though.

First pic is one she sent me, second is one that was already posted by another monger. Here's the link to a video she sent me, hope it works.


03-08-24, 16:36

I saw her about 3 weeks ago. I had seen JamesWords report about her from December, about how crazy she was. Another monger in pm said his experience with her was good, no crazy stuff, so I saw her. She seemed cool. BBFS / cip, good body, little baby damage. Nice to talk to. Well I should have listened to JamesWords.

I was supposed to see her again today. She said she got a room at the Comfort Inn by Gurnee Mills for a bachelorette party she would be attending.

We planned the meeting days ago, at first for 9 am today, then she moved it to 10 am. No problem. I arrive at Comfort Inn, I don't see her car. All I remember is it's a black coupe (i think) with a red silhouette woman decal on one of the windows. Texting back and forth right up until I get to her room, number 224. I knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I text her that I'm at the door. No answer. I call her and get an automated "no longer in service" message. I check SA and she's active, green dot next to her name. She has since blocked me, so yes, this seems to be an intentional waste of time, days in the making. I still got the link to her profile copied and pasted first though.

First pic is one she sent me, second is one that was already posted by another monger. Here's the link to a video she sent me, hope it works.

https://share.textnow.com/a2afe307-7141-4278-9523-7e4bb5844de7Sounds like she might be worth seeing for a one and done.

03-08-24, 17:10
Met a hot Asian chick on Facebook poly group. Looks viet baddie. She told me she isn't looking for new relationship since she have a husband and a bf. We chatted and she informed me she knew her bf from seeking. Dude has been getting pussy for free from her the entire time. She said he isn't even that good in bed. Which one of you mofos scamming that naive girl?.Pretty sure it's not me LOL.

03-09-24, 00:08
Would any of you guys suspect a girl was a pro or semi pro if she's saying "daddy" and lots of other dirty talk on first intimate date? Kind of threw me off guard as she didn't seem like the type. We went to the movies and dinner for our first date, did another fun activity this week followed by hotel. We are only 11 years apart, so just seemed odd, but I definitely don't mind the dirty talk lol

03-09-24, 10:08
Sounds like she might be worth seeing for a one and done.The first time went well. Good hygiene, communication, tight pussy, minimal baby damage, etc. But between my experience and James, I'd advise keeping your guard up and expectations down.

03-09-24, 11:35
https://share.textnow.com/a2afe307-7141-4278-9523-7e4bb5844de7The link expired, so here's a new one.


03-09-24, 17:01

I saw her about 3 weeks ago. I had seen JamesWords report about her from December, about how crazy she was. Another monger in pm said his experience with her was good, no crazy stuff, so I saw her. She seemed cool. BBFS / cip, good body, little baby damage. Nice to talk to. Well I should have listened to JamesWords.

I was supposed to see her again today. She said she got a room at the Comfort Inn by Gurnee Mills for a bachelorette party she would be attending.

We planned the meeting days ago, at first for 9 am today, then she moved it to 10 am. No problem. I arrive at Comfort Inn, I don't see her car. All I remember is it's a black coupe (i think) with a red silhouette woman decal on one of the windows. Texting back and forth right up until I get to her room, number 224. I knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I text her that I'm at the door. No answer. I call her and get an automated "no longer in service" message. I check SA and she's active, green dot next to her name. She has since blocked me, so yes, this seems to be an intentional waste of time, days in the making. I still got the link to her profile copied and pasted first though.

First pic is one she sent me, second is one that was already posted by another monger. Here's the link to a video she sent me, hope it works.

https://share.textnow.com/a2afe307-7141-4278-9523-7e4bb5844de7Haha your experience wasn't as bad as mine. She sent me a pic with a positive pregnancy test results after. She's not as cute as her pics but decently attractive and allowed bbfscip for a decent price. Was a nice talker. My first sa experience and thought we can keep this going. Nope.

03-09-24, 19:33
Haha your experience wasn't as bad as mine. She sent me a pic with a positive pregnancy test results after. She's not as cute as her pics but decently attractive and allowed bbfscip for a decent price. Was a nice talker. My first sa experience and thought we can keep this going. Nope.It reminds me of the psycho I met on SA who said she knew my name and we had mutual acquaintances and she was going to out me to everyone, just be cause I didn't want to see her again. I mostly stopped using it after that, not worth the stress, easier to pay someone who doesn't give a shit.

Some of these girls have daddy issues, borderline personality shit and so on. Problem is you don't always know until after you unloaded in her puss.

03-10-24, 07:01
Haha your experience wasn't as bad as mine. She sent me a pic with a positive pregnancy test results after. She's not as cute as her pics but decently attractive and allowed bbfscip for a decent price. Was a nice talker. My first sa experience and thought we can keep this going. Nope.The fact that someone so unhinged is in a medical field is pretty unsettling. Then again I've never known a normal woman who was a nurse, EMT, or even a dental assistant.

03-10-24, 12:16
I am talking to this person. https://members.seeking.com/member/e6336b47-1748-4177-8b90-7a89ad857904.

Anyone have any experience with her? Suburbs. Seems ready to meet and DTF but no specifics yet.


03-10-24, 12:44
Have not met her but a few days ago she sent me an initial message with a generic copy / paste with her number. When I inquired as to something specific she didn't reply.

Typically means pro or spam.

Did not pursue.

I am talking to this person. https://members.seeking.com/member/e6336b47-1748-4177-8b90-7a89ad857904.

Anyone have any experience with her? Suburbs. Seems ready to meet and DTF but no specifics yet.


03-10-24, 17:18
I am talking to this person. https://members.seeking.com/member/e6336b47-1748-4177-8b90-7a89ad857904.

Anyone have any experience with her? Suburbs. Seems ready to meet and DTF but no specifics yet.

TIA.I have met her. Def a very nice girl, but quite mild. Very vanilla sex. Met right at my hotel on first meet. Very soft spoken. Not a truly deep kisser. Fun, but haven't gone back for more. Had a kid more recently when I did meet her about a year ago.

03-10-24, 17:23
I have experienced big time GPS from the ladies I have been chatting. Any comments or info, please respond.

5. Looking for $500 can't host (I am thinking about this one. Any info) https://members.seeking.com/member/2e715d9c-4020-472f-b9bc-bcdb9815623c.

No more to add at this time.Saw her a year ago. Def a diff name. Same pix. Had a ton more she sent me. We met. Def pro. Mechanical non GFE performance. 350/ meet. Which was one unenthusiastic nut, then she had to run all the sudden. Pass.

03-10-24, 17:47
Took awhile to get consistent contact, wanted 400, got her a bit lower. Single mom, ready to meet.

Anyone see her before?

https://members.seeking.com/member/029474b3-8099-48b7-ae52-4b817aea2d26So she is a very cool nand dtf chick. We had met about 5 times over a few mos. She hosted some of the time. Has a troubled relationship with her sister and has moved around a bit in last 18 mos. She also claimed to have a bf tht got into her phone and kicked the hornet's nest. Has been MIA from her phone at least to me the last 6 mos. She'd def bigger, but has amazing tits, a talented mouth, and knew how to push my buttons sexually. Miss her.

03-10-24, 17:50
Finally met with Jasmine, intrigued by her height. She is very sweet but trying to convince me that she just got into this scene was laughable. Has a lot of problems that so many of these girls have, and knows how to spin it. I kept it wrapped for a couple rounds. Based on what others have said, I am now waiting for the nickel-and-timing texts to begin.

https://members.seeking.com/member/46be25bc-8d35-4f03-87b8-664c0c743d98She tried convincing me she was in law school. You get that at all?

03-10-24, 18:11
She tried convincing me she was in law school. You get that at all?LOL, I didn't get that, think she said she was a nurse. She also had a large black splotch (on her back, looked scabby, no clue what it was but guessing it evolved from drama.

03-10-24, 19:42
Have not see this before but Seeking is offering a free hour today. I have been on the sideline and used it to check in on a couple of recs.

Pau Ford
03-10-24, 21:03
They did it at least once before that I know of. Maybe 4 months ago. Was good to not have to pay $100 to see the plethora of unread messages from girls that said no more than "hi". "Hey". "How are you". "I'm not on here much send me your WhatsApp". 😂.

Have not see this before but Seeking is offering a free hour today. I have been on the sideline and used it to check in on a couple of recs.

03-10-24, 22:08
Have not see this before but Seeking is offering a free hour today. I have been on the sideline and used it to check in on a couple of recs.The problem is I opened tabs on all the "intel" girls I read on here that I wanted to meet. Then started copy and pasting msgs very fast once I activated the hour. Was impressed with my pace until I got flagged for sending too many msgs too fast. Had to wait 24 hours to send DMs. No bueno for an hour trial. This was hours ago. Tried logging in on my phone and was able to activate another hour just now, still can't send DMs though. UGH,.

03-10-24, 23:26
Haha your experience wasn't as bad as mine. She sent me a pic with a positive pregnancy test results after. She's not as cute as her pics but decently attractive and allowed bbfscip for a decent price. Was a nice talker. My first sa experience and thought we can keep this going. Nope.I know we laugh and joke at these girls but still. You never know? I mean, what are the odds that someone crazy and desperate for cash puts herself on a dating site with "wealthy" gents, claims she's on birth control, let's everyone bbfscip, and get's pregnant?

Just saying. I'd still hit tho.

03-10-24, 23:59
Been busy with travel & work. This is going to be a wall of text / update dump. Name & profile with notes underneath

Supposed to meet someone over the lunch break tomorrow in Schaumburg, waiting on the morning text and a request that is way too high. Not getting my hopes up.

ANH456 - https://members.seeking.com/member/55673219-bb9d-455e-9b9a-24afcf00f349.

Mentions available for late night, messaged on Friday during the day, swapped digits and coordinated to meet up at a bar near her in S / SW burb (she doesn't drink). Height is right, pics are. Kind of accurate. Little bigger in the body than I expected but not fat (I'm no spring chicken). Agreed to 250 before driving down. Somebody else had mentioned, she's great to talk to, we swapped stories and stayed at the bar longer than I expected. Got a room then met over there. Great BBBJ, I don't usually pop from BJ and she had me close once or twice. Mish to the finish.

TinyRedHead27 - Profile no longer active.

She had hit me up, chatted a bit, way too far away in Indiana. Got the need $50 for rent plea, denied. Offered to drive up to me if I covered gas. Told her would give her cash in person. Offered to zoom call and have her masturbate on camera. When she got in room her pictures matched in that it was her, looked like she had put on weight. Had offered to send $5 cash app once on camera, remaining $45 after she cums. Got her name from the cash app, found her socials, she had to "leave the room" and then disconnected.

BrokeBeauty21 - https://members.seeking.com/member/f777659b-9346-4713-b65a-ad1ca3be660b.

Moved to text quick. Initially said she has never met someone then I accidentally texted her instead of someone else and she quoted $400. Pings a few times a week, never met, prob about to block.

Kate - https://members.seeking.com/member/6a4208e1-c3fc-4669-9883-fb1cad846cea.

Never met, quoted $600 over text.

Bonnie - https://members.seeking.com/member/25b55109-d086-4b63-bfcb-78f3c3af7ab7.

Moved to text, quoted $600 and agreed to $500, never met.

Lady Bardot - https://members.seeking.com/member/3cf9afc2-ac02-4d50-b698-cf3c26b6efae.

Guessing a pro or semi, she reached out with more than a "Hey" but generic message. Quoted 5 but agreed to 4. Met up later same night at a bar, had 2 drinks, was flirty and touchy then grabbed a last minute room at Ambiance in Franklin Park. Went over there and solid BBBJ into few positions for BBFS, didn't pop. Mentioned ordering an Uber but looked like was texting friend, couldn't see if was a guy or girl driving. Wouldn't be surprised if she had an ad up somewhere. No repeat.

Molly Cawke - https://members.seeking.com/member/85a06bd7-e35f-4542-84a8-e36408b6fcde.

Out in Carpentersville, just texted. Written out profile but also mentions "not an escort, no ppm first date". Kind of want to test that theory and see how those lips feel. Will report back if we schedule a meet.

Captbecks - https://members.seeking.com/member/c33b0e26-b895-4e76-a372-447fa65b0537.

Swapped few messages, I dropped the ball here. Just texted her again, no specifics to share.

Blonde Barbie - https://members.seeking.com/member/69419ce8-8dc1-413a-9c7f-68f1f1cbf080.

Swapped #'s, few texts but couldn't meet then. Next time I texted I didn't get a reply.

Dulce Amor - https://members.seeking.com/member/8fde3e0f-92b0-4001-847b-4c74692ce4c2.

Swapped #'s, comms can be delayed. Timing hasn't worked and the one time it would have she didn't reply in time.

JustJasmine - https://members.seeking.com/member/46be25bc-8d35-4f03-87b8-664c0c743d98.

Been mentioned here already, quoted 5, didn't want to drive and she couldn't host. Sporadic texting that petered off.

Bbyvamp - https://members.seeking.com/member/2728f4c7-2a41-4bb1-9a23-bf07e3008779.

Met for dinner, I wasn't feeling it. Didn't talk #'s or pursue past the meal.

Tatted Alex - https://members.seeking.com/member/a3d1a703-2503-425f-964a-64646498a407.

Good convo, former (current?) dancer, sounds like has baby daddy / kid stuff going on but doesn't harp / complain on it, it just came up in convo. Met up with a few times, usually at hotel but she hosted once. Pics are accurate, she's hot but no GFE or BBBJ, agreed on 3 for the ppm.

Evil Sweet - https://members.seeking.com/member/2b1b7328-38c1-42d6-b6d6-1b4828b986bb.

Would pay, her pics hit my buttons. Alas, no reply yet.

Rissa - https://members.seeking.com/member/0d332102-7b05-4ec5-9f97-44bf29d18db9.

Anybody met? Wish she would reply to my message, LOL.

I usually favorite people when I don't want to send a message yet, here is that list. Let me know if any intel on these.

Cierratamera - https://members.seeking.com/member/88e1f5ee-fcff-46a9-a517-1341629ec8b6.

Quick search of her username and you can find her.

Elegant Queen - https://members.seeking.com/member/1c53d4c6-cea2-4899-b8ac-eedf763974b8.

Lula - https://members.seeking.com/member/c9969a49-240f-40dd-8b71-c9dba329d15e.

BeeBelle - https://members.seeking.com/member/d2d173d6-ad7d-453d-88c6-f5c8c23e4c0c.

Cowgirlmedic - https://members.seeking.com/member/1f1c21b3-aa04-4f3c-b726-f68ff94dd9eb.

ExclusivelyChloe - https://members.seeking.com/member/fbc368a6-624d-4a40-a728-72de6426daa7.

GoddessRae - https://members.seeking.com/member/8b9d552d-8ac1-4e0a-8ea8-07fe703f79c8.

KiMari - https://members.seeking.com/member/80740084-9362-4f41-ad7e-c2c639719744.

03-11-24, 09:42
Evil Sweet. I have her contact info, never met. She stays in West Town. I'll report back when I have better intel.

Been busy with travel & work. This is going to be a wall of text / update dump. Name & profile with notes underneath

Supposed to meet someone over the lunch break tomorrow in Schaumburg, waiting on the morning text and a request that is way too high. Not getting my hopes up.

ANH456 - https://members.seeking.com/member/55673219-bb9d-455e-9b9a-24afcf00f349.

Mentions available for late night, messaged on Friday during the day, swapped digits and coordinated to meet up at a bar near her in S / SW burb (she doesn't drink). Height is right, pics are. Kind of accurate. Little bigger in the body than I expected but not fat (I'm no spring chicken). Agreed to 250 before driving down. Somebody else had mentioned, she's great to talk to, we swapped stories and stayed at the bar longer than I expected. Got a room then met over there. Great BBBJ, I don't usually pop from BJ and she had me close once or twice. Mish to the finish.

TinyRedHead27 - Profile no longer active.

She had hit me up, chatted a bit, way too far away in Indiana. Got the need $50 for rent plea, denied. Offered to drive up to me if I covered gas. Told her would give her cash in person. Offered to zoom call and have her masturbate on camera. When she got in room her pictures matched in that it was her, looked like she had put on weight. Had offered to send $5 cash app once on camera, remaining $45 after she cums. Got her name from the cash app, found her socials, she had to "leave the room" and then disconnected.

BrokeBeauty21 - https://members.seeking.com/member/f777659b-9346-4713-b65a-ad1ca3be660b.

Moved to text quick. Initially said she has never met someone then I accidentally texted her instead of someone else and she quoted $400. Pings a few times a week, never met, prob about to block.

Kate - https://members.seeking.com/member/6a4208e1-c3fc-4669-9883-fb1cad846cea.

Never met, quoted $600 over text.

Bonnie - https://members.seeking.com/member/25b55109-d086-4b63-bfcb-78f3c3af7ab7.

Moved to text, quoted $600 and agreed to $500, never met.

Lady Bardot - https://members.seeking.com/member/3cf9afc2-ac02-4d50-b698-cf3c26b6efae.

Guessing a pro or semi, she reached out with more than a "Hey" but generic message. Quoted 5 but agreed to 4. Met up later same night at a bar, had 2 drinks, was flirty and touchy then grabbed a last minute room at Ambiance in Franklin Park. Went over there and solid BBBJ into few positions for BBFS, didn't pop. Mentioned ordering an Uber but looked like was texting friend, couldn't see if was a guy or girl driving. Wouldn't be surprised if she had an ad up somewhere. No repeat.

Molly Cawke - https://members.seeking.com/member/85a06bd7-e35f-4542-84a8-e36408b6fcde.

Out in Carpentersville, just texted. Written out profile but also mentions "not an escort, no ppm first date". Kind of want to test that theory and see how those lips feel. Will report back if we schedule a meet.

Captbecks - https://members.seeking.com/member/c33b0e26-b895-4e76-a372-447fa65b0537.

Swapped few messages, I dropped the ball here. Just texted her again, no specifics to share.

Blonde Barbie - https://members.seeking.com/member/69419ce8-8dc1-413a-9c7f-68f1f1cbf080.

Swapped #'s, few texts but couldn't meet then. Next time I texted I didn't get a reply.

Dulce Amor - https://members.seeking.com/member/8fde3e0f-92b0-4001-847b-4c74692ce4c2.

Swapped #'s, comms can be delayed. Timing hasn't worked and the one time it would have she didn't reply in time.

JustJasmine - https://members.seeking.com/member/46be25bc-8d35-4f03-87b8-664c0c743d98.

Been mentioned here already, quoted 5, didn't want to drive and she couldn't host. Sporadic texting that petered off.

Bbyvamp - https://members.seeking.com/member/2728f4c7-2a41-4bb1-9a23-bf07e3008779.

Met for dinner, I wasn't feeling it. Didn't talk #'s or pursue past the meal.

Tatted Alex - https://members.seeking.com/member/a3d1a703-2503-425f-964a-64646498a407.

Good convo, former (current?) dancer, sounds like has baby daddy / kid stuff going on but doesn't harp / complain on it, it just came up in convo. Met up with a few times, usually at hotel but she hosted once. Pics are accurate, she's hot but no GFE or BBBJ, agreed on 3 for the ppm.

Evil Sweet - https://members.seeking.com/member/2b1b7328-38c1-42d6-b6d6-1b4828b986bb.

Would pay, her pics hit my buttons. Alas, no reply yet.

Rissa - https://members.seeking.com/member/0d332102-7b05-4ec5-9f97-44bf29d18db9.

Anybody met? Wish she would reply to my message, LOL.

I usually favorite people when I don't want to send a message yet, here is that list. Let me know if any intel on these.

Cierratamera - https://members.seeking.com/member/88e1f5ee-fcff-46a9-a517-1341629ec8b6.

Quick search of her username and you can find her.

Elegant Queen - https://members.seeking.com/member/1c53d4c6-cea2-4899-b8ac-eedf763974b8.

Lula - https://members.seeking.com/member/c9969a49-240f-40dd-8b71-c9dba329d15e.

BeeBelle - https://members.seeking.com/member/d2d173d6-ad7d-453d-88c6-f5c8c23e4c0c.

Cowgirlmedic - https://members.seeking.com/member/1f1c21b3-aa04-4f3c-b726-f68ff94dd9eb.

ExclusivelyChloe - https://members.seeking.com/member/fbc368a6-624d-4a40-a728-72de6426daa7.

GoddessRae - https://members.seeking.com/member/8b9d552d-8ac1-4e0a-8ea8-07fe703f79c8.

KiMari - https://members.seeking.com/member/80740084-9362-4f41-ad7e-c2c639719744.

03-11-24, 10:11
DinChi - https://members.seeking.com/member/6f049aa9-4210-45f4-8791-6580e05c3bda.

Texting. She looks great. Hoping GPS is not a problem here but very doubtful.

PrettyinPink - https://members.seeking.com/member/55aae933-4d53-4cfd-b780-f07d222a90f2.

She looks good and sounds nice. Wonder if the reality is as good as the pictures.

Aldnoah Zero - https://members.seeking.com/member/1b514103-3222-4c9c-853c-301a25fa8f75.

She asked me to go to WhatsApp. For me, that's a sign that you aren't even in the country, so likely a scammer.

Brightbeauty - https://members.seeking.com/member/eebc887b-9120-49d3-98c2-331a88a8bb90.

Pictures look good and initial conversation has been nice. Let's see if it goes anywhere.

DivineGaia - https://members.seeking.com/member/7c9ba64d-5814-4b4b-9d6b-2f75d8177ee1.

Good pics. Nice conversation so far. Any information would be helpful.

Lady Bardot - https://members.seeking.com/member/3cf9afc2-ac02-4d50-b698-cf3c26b6efae.

Seems nice enough. Pictures look very good. Asked for $500. Didn't follow up. I might pay that much if the fun was very good.

If you have any insight on these ladies it would be appreciated.

03-11-24, 10:44
This is one I hope no one gives her GPS. She prices at the right range for the physical quality and not an STG Junkie. Always a good time and I find myself enjoying her time outside of behind closed doors. Just a young good vibes only type of gal.

03-11-24, 11:12
Rip off, takes money and dashes. Staying at a house on Wolf Rd in Melrose Park. She is a scam and ripoff, looks nothing like the pics, I was going to settle for head but she jumped out and I refuse to chase people. Texts from a phone ending in 7384.

03-11-24, 11:45
Have not see this before but Seeking is offering a free hour today. I have been on the sideline and used it to check in on a couple of recs.Last time I managed to get 2 free hours out of it by clicking the link again a few hours later.

03-11-24, 12:31
Rip off, takes money and dashes. Staying at a house on Wolf Rd in Melrose Park. She is a scam and ripoff, looks nothing like the pics, I was going to settle for head but she jumped out and I refuse to chase people. Texts from a phone ending in 7384.Thanks for the heads up. Is her profile already down or still posting?

This is one I hope no one gives her GPS. She prices at the right range for the physical quality and not an STG Junkie. Always a good time and I find myself enjoying her time outside of behind closed doors. Just a young good vibes only type of gal.She had a good personality and was funny, will second this.

03-11-24, 12:32
Lady Bardot - https://members.seeking.com/member/3cf9afc2-ac02-4d50-b698-cf3c26b6efae.

Seems nice enough. Pictures look very good. Asked for $500. Didn't follow up. I might pay that much if the fun was very good.

If you have any insight on these ladies it would be appreciated.Mentioned Below on my list, PM for more details.

03-11-24, 15:44
No sure, she blocked me right away.

Thanks for the heads up. Is her profile already down or still posting?

03-11-24, 16:16
Last time I managed to get 2 free hours out of it by clicking the link again a few hours later.It seems like they didn't put a limit this time. I'm on my 3rd hour right now LOL.

03-11-24, 21:04

Rip off, takes money and dashes. Staying at a house on Wolf Rd in Melrose Park. She is a scam and ripoff, looks nothing like the pics, I was going to settle for head but she jumped out and I refuse to chase people. Texts from a phone ending in 7384.

03-11-24, 22:13
Holy shit!

I just left her place about 90 minutes ago. She said a few weird things. Had me park in her dark ass driveway, came out to car to talk to me. Smelled so bad of cigarettes. Wanted me to put money in her car with her and then go in. Didn't sit well with me. She wanted to put her dog inside, so I told her I was scared of dogs and asked her to put him away first. When she left car and did, I reversed right out of the driveway and bolted. She def looked bigger and older than the pix. Glad I left. Was about to post about it and here it is already.

Rip off, takes money and dashes. Staying at a house on Wolf Rd in Melrose Park. She is a scam and ripoff, looks nothing like the pics, I was going to settle for head but she jumped out and I refuse to chase people. Texts from a phone ending in 7384.

03-12-24, 07:15
I am on a cold streak this fall, hope you guys are having more success.

Tatty Bratty.


Works at Atlantis, wants to meet at the club first, claims a lot of privacy once you get there.

She is definitely "Tatty. " I draw the line at any ink above the neck. Unless she wants to use my money to get "*****" tattooed on her forehead, then I would gladly pay 1 k to bang her as a courtesy for all you gents. Oh, any anyone on SA who wants you to meet her at a club is only just advertising.

03-12-24, 14:36
Would any of you guys suspect a girl was a pro or semi pro if she's saying "daddy" and lots of other dirty talk on first intimate date? Kind of threw me off guard as she didn't seem like the type. We went to the movies and dinner for our first date, did another fun activity this week followed by hotel. We are only 11 years apart, so just seemed odd, but I definitely don't mind the dirty talk lolOn the face, the pros say all that stuff like "baby", "hun", "daddy", etc. But the pros don't want to do movies and other activities. Pros want to bang quick and get the cash. It sounds like she just has daddy issues like most women in the sugar bowl. They grew up without a father or in a broken or abusive family. Some of them have a longing for a strong, older male in their lives to the point of fetishism. I have had approximately eighty sugar relationships, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to two years. Based on conversations and interrogations, only one of those eighty had married parents that were still together.

Get that sex.


03-12-24, 23:20
On the face, the pros say all that stuff like "baby", "hun", "daddy", etc. But the pros don't want to do movies and other activities. Pros want to bang quick and get the cash. It sounds like she just has daddy issues like most women in the sugar bowl. They grew up without a father or in a broken or abusive family. Some of them have a longing for a strong, older male in their lives to the point of fetishism. I have had approximately eighty sugar relationships, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to two years. Based on conversations and interrogations, only one of those eighty had married parents that were still together.

Get that sex.

SDX.Thanks for the input.

Yes, my experience is very similar to yours. I've encountered the same thing with the Labs parents being split. This girl is no exception. Her mom remarried. She goes through the motions with her Dad it seems. Everything goes great with this girl when we see each other. We were intimate for the first time last time we met, and she left relatively soon after sex. It was getting late though and she hates Sunday evenings since it's the end of the weekend. She also isn't great at texting, and rarely seems to want to besides setting up the next date.

I'll see how it goes this week as we are supposed to get, together again.

03-13-24, 07:58
Anyone got intel on Lucy Lu? Not seeing any contact info other than her OF.

https://tryst.link/escort/lu2hot#contact.There's a few with no contact info at all. I don't know if it is an error by Tryst or if the escorts removed it but why run an ad with no way to contact them? Supposedly you can message through Tryst itself but I never tried that and don't know how it works.

03-13-24, 08:11
Any info.


03-13-24, 10:32
It could be a ruse to get people to sign up for her OF.

I've often seen posts where a lady will say the don't feel comfortable messaging unless you signed up.

There's a few with no contact info at all. I don't know if it is an error by Tryst or if the escorts removed it but why run an ad with no way to contact them? Supposedly you can message through Tryst itself but I never tried that and don't know how it works.

Pau Ford
03-13-24, 11:24
Search the forum there's 15-20 posts about her here.

Any info.


03-13-24, 12:54
TheBest4 You. Schaumburg, and Paymeorpaymenomind. Bolingbrook are the same person. Tall Bosnian girl, fit body, nice ass, big fake titties, lots of makeup. Allowed BBFS and asked for me to blow it on the bolt-ons. She has a cool personality, enjoys public play. Damage was 500, I probably won't repeat unless I happen to be down around Bolingbrook and the little head demands I make a pitstop.

03-13-24, 14:54
TheBest4 You. Schaumburg, TopNotch. Chicago.

TheBest4 You. Schaumburg, and Paymeorpaymenomind. Bolingbrook are the same person. Tall Bosnian girl, fit body, nice ass, big fake titties, lots of makeup. Allowed BBFS and asked for me to blow it on the bolt-ons. She has a cool personality, enjoys public play. Damage was 500, I probably won't repeat unless I happen to be down around Bolingbrook and the little head demands I make a pitstop.

03-13-24, 19:18
TheBest4 You. Schaumburghttps://members.seeking.com/member/efefbc91-4a7b-4d59-8af7-6b7604d5fbff

TopNotch. Chicago.https://members.seeking.com/member/efefbc91-4a7b-4d59-8af7-6b7604d5fbff

03-14-24, 01:01
Soooo I saw the last unicorn once a while ago and it's something I should've known but what's good for some does not mean good for all.

First. No BBFS.

Second. No msog.

Third. Maybe because I'm used to fake tits but I wasn't impressed by her tits.

Fourth. Her face, if you look directly into her eyes is attractive, I agree. That doesn't include the her head shape and double chin. Nor the full body tats that are some weird Egyptian Aztec symbols back neck to ass.

Five. No DFK and minimal LFK, bare minimal GFE. Handsy bbj. No daty. No FIV. Shit was DRY.

But wait a second, if I go back to her reviews, she's a "fun fuck". Hmmm. Interesting.

From the moment we met, to the moment I left. Within literally the first 3 minutes of meet, I knew I fucked up. Something was bothering me. I thought it was the radio station because it just kept talking and talking and talking. Was it broken? Then I realized it wasn't the radio, it was her and her ego going back and fourth with each other. Even though she's gone, I can't make her stop talking. Is this what PTSD is?

This is someone so full of themselves. Since when do they let STG girls use SA? You mean to tell me this girl is worth $700 that you all are spending on her? Do know how many traveling escorts I've met who want half of what she's asking for, way attractive, and know how to shut the fuck up and let me respond first to ANY of the topics she's ranting about for 4 hours straight no exaggerating, before telling me how pretty she is and the best?

I'm not disappointed in her, not one bit. It's you all who hyped her up that are too blame. Look, I know she legit has brain damage. But you all? No excuses. Not a single question, statement, name, occupation, regarding me, was said by either of us.

Don't get me wrong. Was she a bad time? No, because I nutted. She's a nice girl with no drug or alcohol use and not involved in organized crime.

750 hundred dollars. I'm going to think about that for a while over the next few days while I'm having better and cheaper sex with Latinas.

03-14-24, 12:40
Soooo I saw the last unicorn once a while ago and it's something I should've known but what's good for some does not mean good for all.

First. No BBFS.

Second. No msog.

Third. Maybe because I'm used to fake tits but I wasn't impressed by her tits.

Fourth. Her face, if you look directly into her eyes is attractive, I agree. That doesn't include the her head shape and double chin. Nor the full body tats that are some weird Egyptian Aztec symbols back neck to ass.

Five. No DFK and minimal LFK, bare minimal GFE. Handsy bbj. No daty. No FIV. Shit was DRY.

But wait a second, if I go back to her reviews, she's a "fun fuck". Hmmm. Interesting.

From the moment we met, to the moment I left. Within literally the first 3 minutes of meet, I knew I fucked up. Something was bothering me. I thought it was the radio station because it just kept talking and talking and talking. Was it broken? Then I realized it wasn't the radio, it was her and her ego going back and fourth with each other. Even though she's gone, I can't make her stop talking. Is this what PTSD is?.Care to link so we know who to avoid?

Troy Akerman
03-14-24, 14:23
I used to bareback her 3 years ago and get multiple pops for three hundo.

Soooo I saw the last unicorn once a while ago and it's something I should've known but what's good for some does not mean good for all.

First. No BBFS.

Second. No msog.

Third. Maybe because I'm used to fake tits but I wasn't impressed by her tits.

Fourth. Her face, if you look directly into her eyes is attractive, I agree. That doesn't include the her head shape and double chin. Nor the full body tats that are some weird Egyptian Aztec symbols back neck to ass.

Five. No DFK and minimal LFK, bare minimal GFE. Handsy bbj. No daty. No FIV. Shit was DRY.

But wait a second, if I go back to her reviews, she's a "fun fuck". Hmmm. Interesting.

From the moment we met, to the moment I left. Within literally the first 3 minutes of meet, I knew I fucked up. Something was bothering me. I thought it was the radio station because it just kept talking and talking and talking. Was it broken? Then I realized it wasn't the radio, it was her and her ego going back and fourth with each other. Even though she's gone, I can't make her stop talking. Is this what PTSD is?

This is someone so full of themselves. Since when do they let STG girls use SA? You mean to tell me this girl is worth $700 that you all are spending on her? Do know how many traveling escorts I've met who want half of what she's asking for, way attractive, and know how to shut the fuck up and let me respond first to ANY of the topics she's ranting about for 4 hours straight no exaggerating, before telling me how pretty she is and the best?

I'm not disappointed in her, not one bit. It's you all who hyped her up that are too blame. Look, I know she legit has brain damage. But you all? No excuses. Not a single question, statement, name, occupation, regarding me, was said by either of us.

Don't get me wrong. Was she a bad time? No, because I nutted. She's a nice girl with no drug or alcohol use and not involved in organized crime.

750 hundred dollars. I'm going to think about that for a while over the next few days while I'm having better and cheaper sex with Latinas..

03-14-24, 16:02
Care to link so we know who to avoid?I mean if you can tolerate all that be my guest. I thought she was high or drunk because the talking was non stop about her problems and views. I said more in my post than I was able to the whole night. She won't see cheapskates anymore (no offense to those since I'm one of them).


03-14-24, 16:06

She's definitely not a $750 girl, even with the site's over-inflation. She used to on there a lot then disappeared for awhile. Few years ago she was bare and I think 300 or 350. Worth it at that price, no way in hell I'd see her for anything for 4.

03-14-24, 16:41

She's definitely not a $750 girl, even with the site's over-inflation. She used to on there a lot then disappeared for awhile. Few years ago she was bare and I think 300 or 350. Worth it at that price, no way in hell I'd see her for anything for 4.Don't let GPS blindside you. I don't think real SB's are wrong to look for a couple grand a month or whatever, but if she's full PPM that's really not much different from escorting so why shouldn't she be compared to the escort market's rates?

Bill Underwood
03-14-24, 17:32
I mean if you can tolerate all that be my guest. I thought she was high or drunk because the talking was non stop about her problems and views. I said more in my post than I was able to the whole night. She won't see cheapskates anymore (no offense to those since I'm one of them).

https://members.seeking.com/member/f9619a66-9fd7-4669-93d3-23ddc1b04de9Pretty Baby was always drunk every time and often on something else. Can't drive or host due to her DUI and having kids so always $180 in Uber as she lives in the middle of nowhere. Couldn't get her to stop talking about random stuff even during the fun moments. Literally would stop what we were doing and start some random topic. Wild mood swings as her ADHD would kick in and blue balled me twice. Kept blowing up my phone in between meets as she would always have "emergencies" for food but had 10 K in the bank supposedly. Will not repeat ever again and I forgive lots of stupid stuff. LOL.


03-14-24, 18:06
This one wants 700 . Um, nope.

I mean really, there is a major disconnect with reality. Nothing against her, and good for her if she can get it, but far more than I expected.


03-14-24, 18:43

https://members.seeking.com/member/efefbc91-4a7b-4d59-8af7-6b7604d5fbffI texted with this one and she seemed really annoying and stuck up. No way I would part with what she wants to have an average time with someone who has a shitty attitude.

03-14-24, 18:50

This one insists on car play for 250 at night. Anyone do it? I tried to bring her over but she really wants to do only carplay. Seems suspicious in that its not as enjoyable as just bringing her over and in the dark, I'd be worried about missing any obvious warning signs that I'd notice elsewhere.

03-14-24, 19:58

This one insists on car play for 250 at night. Anyone do it? I tried to bring her over but she really wants to do only carplay. Seems suspicious in that its not as enjoyable as just bringing her over and in the dark, I'd be worried about missing any obvious warning signs that I'd notice elsewhere.I saw her a couple times a while back. I posted about her. Here's my post. That's what I did with her, 250 to fuck in my car in the parking lot of a lifetime fitness:


Saw her a couple of times. We met up and had sex in my SUV both times in the parking lot. She's the girl in the pics but a little curvier than the pics would lead you to believe. Still not bad though. She never asked for condoms, she's on birth control, so she let me CIP both times.

03-14-24, 20:07

Been talking to this one for a couple days now. She is looking for something discreet and fun. Wants an allowance but says she might be open to ppm. Anyone have any experience with her?

03-14-24, 20:14
Don't let GPS blindside you. I don't think real SB's are wrong to look for a couple grand a month or whatever, but if she's full PPM that's really not much different from escorting so why shouldn't she be compared to the escort market's rates?She's nowhere near as hot as Alena's girls and she's asking for $300 more now. Plus those girls are not train wrecks and offer MSOG. She's not even in the same league. She was good because of the bare, without that, pass.

03-15-24, 03:07
I want to say I have seen her before but I cannot recall exact details. She must have had a different profile as this one is new but remember the tats. We didn't get past our meet and greet. Might have been on another platform and might have been the reason I didn't proceed due to high allowance / ppm.

This one wants 700 . Um, nope.

I mean really, there is a major disconnect with reality. Nothing against her, and good for her if she can get it, but far more than I expected.


03-15-24, 06:46


Pics are her on her best day. 1. 4 qv in a messy room at the Red Roof in AH. Everything covered, thank goodness. Mechanical, boring, not attractive and worse yet, when I finally filled up the bag and pulled out it smelled like I just pulled out of a septic tank, almost puked.

03-15-24, 10:32
Like clockwork crack head Lina is back from whatever rehab or drug binge she's been on. She hit me up wanting to meet. Stay away from this crazy girl unless you like freakouts and dirty ass. Stay safe, Gents.


03-15-24, 19:13

Spoke with her and she wants $500 ppm. I did not pull the trigger. She seems cool. I might double back in a a couple weeks and see her. She stays in Logan square area.


We met and I got a hotel. She looks better in person than pics. A little bigger but if you smaller scale BBW. Her performance was good. No GFE or BBFS. She is wanted $400 gave her $350 for the ppm.


Pic seller.


She reached out to me and normally I am not into Asains, but she seemed easy to please. The pics are her but from a while ago. She has lost weight from the profile picture. She can take a pounding. I ppm 250 and I have seen her a few times. BBJ and CFS.


Met her at a bar. She was late and high. But still pretty enough under the messed up make-up. Took her to my car and she insisted on calling someone to drop something off for her. She is a little much and I don't recommend unless you have experience with harder drug users. Got a BBJ but did not feel comfortable taking her back to my hotel that day. She did not ask for money. Met up with her 2 days later and she was in better shape but with that, she wanted $700 for ppm. YMMV.

Pau Ford
03-15-24, 21:06

She reached out to me and normally I am not into Asains, but she seemed easy to please. The pics are her but from a while ago. She has lost weight from the profile picture. She can take a pounding. I ppm 250 and I have seen her a few times. BBJ and CFS. I remember this one from wayyyyyy back, going back to 2017 or so on SA and even before that on BP. Lived in the Near North, LaSalle and Division I believe and her apt was a pig sty. Printers Row before that.

Anyway. She's a long time pro. Services were covered by she'd let anyone slam the daylights out of her for 300.


Met her at a bar. She was late and high. But still pretty enough under the messed up make-up. Took her to my car and she insisted on calling someone to drop something off for her. She is a little much and I don't recommend unless you have experience with harder drug users. Got a BBJ but did not feel comfortable taking her back to my hotel that day. She did not ask for money. Met up with her 2 days later and she was in better shape but with that, she wanted $700 for ppm. YMMV.Pics look hot, they accurate? Did you take her to pound town on the second meeting? If so how was it?

03-16-24, 10:46

I saw her about 3 weeks ago. I had seen JamesWords report about her from December, about how crazy she was. Another monger in pm said his experience with her was good, no crazy stuff, so I saw her. She seemed cool. BBFS / cip, good body, little baby damage. Nice to talk to. Well I should have listened to JamesWords.

I was supposed to see her again today. She said she got a room at the Comfort Inn by Gurnee Mills for a bachelorette party she would be attending.

We planned the meeting days ago, at first for 9 am today, then she moved it to 10 am. No problem. I arrive at Comfort Inn, I don't see her car. All I remember is it's a black coupe (i think) with a red silhouette woman decal on one of the windows. Texting back and forth right up until I get to her room, number 224. I knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I text her that I'm at the door. No answer. I call her and get an automated "no longer in service" message. I check SA and she's active, green dot next to her name. She has since blocked me, so yes, this seems to be an intentional waste of time, days in the making. I still got the link to her profile copied and pasted first though.

First pic is one she sent me, second is one that was already posted by another monger. Here's the link to a video she sent me, hope it works.

https://share.textnow.com/a2afe307-7141-4278-9523-7e4bb5844de7She's now texting me that her phone abruptly died on her. This doesn't matter even if it were true, because she was responding to me right up until I was at the door of the room she claimed she was in. I reminded her of that, as well as the fact she was active on SA at that time (green dot) and later blocked me that same day. She replied that she deactivated, which is another lie since you guys have viewed her profile since then.

Pathological liar. Anyway, moving on.

03-16-24, 11:48

Spoke with her and she wants $500 ppm. I did not pull the trigger. She seems cool. I might double back in a a couple weeks and see her. She stays in Logan square area.

She never replies to my messages on the website. She is real and if you want to know more about her:


03-16-24, 20:12
If anyone is interested, she is a porn star Scarlett Monroe.


Didn't contact her, wrong area for me, but FYI in case anyone is interested.

Member #6674
03-17-24, 08:02
I don't see much about women on Secret Benefits. Anyone willing to give me a recommendation or two? Happy to return the favor for anyone traveling my direction sometime. Send me a msg if that's better.

03-17-24, 10:10
This is one I hope no one gives her GPS. She prices at the right range for the physical quality and not an STG Junkie. Always a good time and I find myself enjoying her time outside of behind closed doors. Just a young good vibes only type of gal.She told me her last arrangement was 400 and another monger said she wanted 500. A few others have mentioned 200 to 300. That ship might be departing to GPS Land soon.

03-17-24, 11:29
Saw her mid Feb, was 300 the price of admission. Been seeing her on and off for the last 9 months or so about a dozen times. Will hit her up when I can but at the moment got one closer to home which is UTR from Tinder which has been taking care of me pretty good lately and she quit Tinder after meeting. Still lives with mom and dad, 26 year old.

She told me her last arrangement was 400 and another monger said she wanted 500. A few others have mentioned 200 to 300. That ship might be departing to GPS Land soon.

03-17-24, 21:15
Demand wise there are like 8 people raw dogging AHN right now so off course her prices are going up. LOL.

Unrelated, I did chat with that rayraybabez chick and even through text she sounded insufferable.

03-18-24, 00:42
Pretty sure that number may be more than double in just a month even a in a few months back.

She's pretty easy to set up and now finding that more mongers are reaching out knowing her services must raise in price.

Us on SA arent the only ones dropping dough for that pussy. She's got regular guys as well.

Demand wise there are like 8 people raw dogging AHN right now so off course her prices are going up. LOL.

Unrelated, I did chat with that rayraybabez chick and even through text she sounded insufferable.

03-18-24, 15:47
She (or whoever it is) already deleted / deactivated the profile, but here are some pics and screencaps in case it pops up again. Broken English, way too eager to meet, etc. EDIT: Asking for money to top up a prepaid phone. Cashapp tag is bigfootbros22. I don't know what the fuck that's about but whatever.

Marching onward.

03-18-24, 19:24
She's legit. Beautiful lady and FUN! She's indeed very sexual. I will see her again.

Face 9/10.

Body 8/10 kids damage.

Session 10/10.

Chatted with her before. We changed texts and she sent me a few pics, she's hot! PPM 600. I didn't pursue after that. I will only do 600 if they are in their late 20's, no kids and CIP.Are you saying that eventually you did meet her for 600 PPM with CIP (BBFS)? Otherwise why would the session be a 10/10 for CareySoVery?

Contradicting statements.

03-18-24, 21:17
Are you saying that eventually you did meet her for 600 PPM with CIP (BBFS)? Otherwise why would the session be a 10/10 for CareySoVery?

Contradicting statements.Yes, we did end up meeting. 600 ppm, BBFS and cip.

03-18-24, 22:00
Anyone have Rayraybabes details newer than freaking 2020. Haaa.

03-19-24, 04:05
Does anyone know her? She looks familiar and not in a good way. I am currently talking. She seems eager.


Pau Ford
03-19-24, 12:47
She's a thief, will literally steal from you and take off. She's had a couple other profiles that I know of that have been banned by SA but she keeps coming back.

She knows what she's doing too, has things planned and thought out in advance.

Does anyone know her? She looks familiar and not in a good way. I am currently talking. She seems eager.


03-19-24, 12:49
I met her. She's a thief, will literally steal from you and take off. She's had a couple other profiles that I know of that have been banned by SA but she keeps coming back.

She knows what she's doing too, has things planned and thought out in advance.I was just about to text her to meet up today. You saved my ass.

03-19-24, 13:05
She's a thief, will literally steal from you and take off. She's had a couple other profiles that I know of that have been banned by SA but she keeps coming back.

She knows what she's doing too, has things planned and thought out in advance.Thanks for heads up.

03-19-24, 15:52
Anyone have Rayraybabes details newer than freaking 2020. Haaa.Saw her within the last week at her apartment downtown and was very mediocre, can't complain because she hosted for 300 and I nutted but at same time not planning on repeating. So I still haven't seen her private photos but the first couple on her profile that are visible to everyone look nothing like her. Not necessarily a bad thing because I enjoy a thick one here and there. She does have some really nice big naturals and in my opinion she is definitely attractive especially for that price point.

Unfortunately the service was very mechanical. BBJ was above average but she was lacking any enthusiasm during the FS until the end when I stopped fucking and decided to just beat off on her titties. Also happy I wrapped up for FS because her hygiene wasn't the best, not unbearable but definitely didn't smell good. She was a nice girl and I didn't get any shady vibes but if I ever did repeat I would probably just skip the FS and go for BBJ and titty fuck her.

03-19-24, 22:05

Been talking to this one for a couple days now. She is looking for something discreet and fun. Wants an allowance but says she might be open to ppm. Anyone have any experience with her?The beautiful redhead in the pics were not real. They were of a model named Megan Johreisen.

03-20-24, 08:40
Saw her within the last week at her apartment downtown and was very mediocre, can't complain because she hosted for 300 and I nutted but at same time not planning on repeating. So I still haven't seen her private photos but the first couple on her profile that are visible to everyone look nothing like her. Not necessarily a bad thing because I enjoy a thick one here and there. She does have some really nice big naturals and in my opinion she is definitely attractive especially for that price point.

Unfortunately the service was very mechanical. BBJ was above average but she was lacking any enthusiasm during the FS until the end when I stopped fucking and decided to just beat off on her titties. Also happy I wrapped up for FS because her hygiene wasn't the best, not unbearable but definitely didn't smell good. She was a nice girl and I didn't get any shady vibes but if I ever did repeat I would probably just skip the FS and go for BBJ and titty fuck her.Thanks for the info. The fact she is downtown-ish sounds nice too, but the smell doesn't sound very fun.

03-20-24, 19:14
Offered $300 and can host. Sounds good, but I am gun shy since the last broad. Anyone have info.


03-20-24, 22:56
TheBest4 You. Schaumburg, and Paymeorpaymenomind. Bolingbrook are the same person. Tall Bosnian girl, fit body, nice ass, big fake titties, lots of makeup. Allowed BBFS and asked for me to blow it on the bolt-ons. She has a cool personality, enjoys public play. Damage was 500, I probably won't repeat unless I happen to be down around Bolingbrook and the little head demands I make a pitstop.Met her and it was the most expensive QV ever. My hunch is she's a stripper and I wouldn't be surprised if she ever posts on STG or is high volume. BBFS (YMMV) but rushed as she'll verbally tell you to hurry, not into it, turns head away with eyes closed and tells you don't get too close to her. Bring your own condoms, otherwise you might not get any service at all. Face is pretty not a stunner. Lots of exposed pores and probably lip fillers. Lfk for a few seconds not really DFK or tongue.

Another 500 down the drain and I won't repeat. However at least I got to check off a bleached blonde with big fake tits, that I didn't really get to play with out of fear she'll get upset.

03-21-24, 07:30
Take one for the team, report back; p.

What area of town is she in? If close to me, I will meet her asap.

Offered $300 and can host. Sounds good, but I am gun shy since the last broad. Anyone have info.


03-21-24, 07:45
Take one for the team, report back; p.

What area of town is she in? If close to me, I will meet her asap.She told me 300 also. Don't bother. Scammer. She gave an address on and Milwaukee in Logan. I texted that I had arrived and then she asked for deposit before coming up.

03-21-24, 07:47
Low ppm. Gives out txt number from TN real quick. Tries to get you to buy her content.
(Sven tree won) 213-0356

03-21-24, 09:11
Take one for the team, report back; p.

What area of town is she in? If close to me, I will meet her asap.She is on north Sheridan road.

03-21-24, 09:31
Low ppm. Gives out txt number from TN real quick. Tries to get you to buy her content.
(Sven tree won) 213-0356
https://members.seeking.com/member/0576a8df-dd47-457c-9cae-3d0e3720884eI'm free minded (only someone not familiar with the English language says this).

And open for any kind of arrangement or relationship with anyone. Just want to have fun. And stay cool, No Time waster please, (Again, poor use of the English language).

Be straightforward and open.

# comes back as "LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS VOIP number near CAMDEN, TN. ".

03-21-24, 09:33
Take one for the team, report back; p.

What area of town is she in? If close to me, I will meet her asap.Look at her 3rd picture. Where does the belly stop and the tits begin. But if that's you thing?

03-21-24, 13:02

I've seen her a couple times off listcrawler and noticed she created a SA account. Those are her real pics in both SA and LC. She came to my place for a quickie for 250. Standard escort stuff, covered BJ and covered FS. Not sure if she offered extras if you went through SA.


03-21-24, 13:04
Look at her 3rd picture. Where does the belly stop and the tits begin. But if that's you thing?She isn't your typical slender gal that's FS.

See attachment.

03-21-24, 14:50

In Waukegan. Claims she's an insomniac and has a hectic schedule because of it, and loves weed. After talking to her, I can believe both. She can't remember what was discussed shortly beforehand. Inconsistent and incomplete responses. We agreed on a number and what her limits were, a while later she wanted substantially more. Can't host, wants to get a room (on you.) Says she can only do an hour or so. BBFS. Cip if you cover a plan b for her too. It would be over five Benjamins and I won't drop that for one hour.

If those pics are real, she looks great. She just doesn't seem reliable enough, and I'm tired. She is not trans, so I don't know why she has those tags in her profile but whatever.

03-21-24, 16:07
Not sure if she has been reviewed on here but recently saw Latinavixen and overall was a very good experience. I would definitely recommend if you are an Ass guy but downside is no tits. She definitely knows how to use that ass though and has impressive dick riding skills. First messaged her and went straight to text and got to the point very fast. She wanted quick meet and greet so we met for coffee, got good vibes from her and then set up a meet a couple days after. She asked for 350 and I agreed but didn't try to haggle much and YMMV as I consider myself young and not too bad on the eyes. I am considering repeating because she isn't far but if I do I will probably ask for lower price for consistent meets.

So my 2nd favorite characteristic of her behind her ass is her demeanor. She is very chill and down to earth. She will talk if you want but also doesn't pry with any questions about your personal life and also doesn't want to tell you her life story. To be honest that is a double edged sword for me because I do like the crazy psychos in bed but she was also pretty laid back in bed. She performed very well but wasn't pornstar enthusiastic like some of the real crazies.

She told me she has 3 rules. No anal on first meet, bare FS and CIM. Everything else seemed open but also didn't push it too much. She didn't give pro vibes and wasn't worried about the time at all. Started w / DFK then moved to some 69, progressed and hit various positions with no complaints. Finished on her face. Definitely didn't feel like service and I would highly recommend hitting her up if you are in the burbs.


I have been talking to another Latina who says she lives in burbs but would really appreciate any intel, stay safe brothers!!


03-21-24, 19:32
Not worth the trip for me. Thanks.

She is on north Sheridan road.

03-21-24, 19:33
I've seen a lot worse during my STG days. Wouldn't mind giving her a straight dicking.

She isn't your typical slender gal that's FS.

See attachment.

03-21-24, 20:02
I've seen a lot worse during my STG days. Wouldn't mind giving her a straight dicking.She looks pretty good to me.

03-21-24, 20:15

This one wants cashapp up front. No go.

03-21-24, 20:20
https://members.seeking.com/member/2cb95745-de49-469e-ab66-3a64a2188ba5 and there is another I can't find the link for. Both from Argentina, young blonds, will go to whatsapp quickly with a +54 area code. They will send pics (seems like the same girl) but will ask for taxi money up front via WisePay. I don't know for sure its a scam but both girls had the exact same profile content and messages:

"I'm from Argentina, Buenos Aires, a few days ago I arrived here in Chicago.

"Hello, can we go have a drink or a coffee and then if we click we can make an arrangement.

03-21-24, 21:47
Like I said, a lot better than STG girls.

Those handle bars will be good doggystyle.

She looks pretty good to me.

03-22-24, 15:28
Sounds like my type of meet but you linked your message with Latinavixen, not her profile. Is this the right girl?


No info from me on Lilianx, sent an intro message and requested photos.

Not sure if she has been reviewed on here but recently saw Latinavixen and overall was a very good experience. I would definitely recommend if you are an Ass guy but downside is no tits. She definitely knows how to use that ass though and has impressive dick riding skills. First messaged her and went straight to text and got to the point very fast. She wanted quick meet and greet so we met for coffee, got good vibes from her and then set up a meet a couple days after. She asked for 350 and I agreed but didn't try to haggle much and YMMV as I consider myself young and not too bad on the eyes. I am considering repeating because she isn't far but if I do I will probably ask for lower price for consistent meets.

So my 2nd favorite characteristic of her behind her ass is her demeanor. She is very chill and down to earth. She will talk if you want but also doesn't pry with any questions about your personal life and also doesn't want to tell you her life story. To be honest that is a double edged sword for me because I do like the crazy psychos in bed but she was also pretty laid back in bed. She performed very well but wasn't pornstar enthusiastic like some of the real crazies.

She told me she has 3 rules. No anal on first meet, bare FS and CIM. Everything else seemed open but also didn't push it too much. She didn't give pro vibes and wasn't worried about the time at all. Started w / DFK then moved to some 69, progressed and hit various positions with no complaints. Finished on her face. Definitely didn't feel like service and I would highly recommend hitting her up if you are in the burbs.


Bill Underwood
03-22-24, 15:49
Sounds like my type of meet but you linked your message with Latinavixen, not her profile. Is this the right girl?


No info from me on Lilianx, sent an intro message and requested photos.I heard she is 700-800 for a date CFS.

03-22-24, 16:47

Anyone have experience?

03-22-24, 16:56

I'm pretty sure "she" is a scammer. Switches to text and wants to meet quickly. She wants 500 ppm and has conditions. In reverse order, the 3rd condition and deal breaker is for half up front. The 2nd condition is the use of CashApp or PayPal specifically. The first condition is slightly weird. It is that there will be no third parties involved and I will be only one fucking her. Hmmm.

03-22-24, 17:35
I added her on snap and she deleted me like 15 seconds later. Super strange.


I'm pretty sure "she" is a scammer. Switches to text and wants to meet quickly. She wants 500 ppm and has conditions. In reverse order, the 3rd condition and deal breaker is for half up front. The 2nd condition is the use of CashApp or PayPal specifically. The first condition is slightly weird. It is that there will be no third parties involved and I will be only one fucking her. Hmmm.

03-22-24, 17:50
Sounds like my type of meet but you linked your message with Latinavixen, not her profile. Is this the right girl?


No info from me on Lilianx, sent an intro message and requested photos.My bad but yes that is the correct profile. She's a good time bro hope it works out for you as well.

I have been on and off talking to Lilian but she's so hot IMO it feels almost to good to be true so figured I'd at least check to see if anybody has had bad experiences. I will try to set something up and report back. I am a sucker for latinas so if anyone has any good recommendations on SA or anywhere it would be much appreciated! It's Friday let the hunt begin!!

03-22-24, 18:21
I heard she is 700-800 for a date CFS.I matched with her on Tinder and banged her a few times like 6 years ago or so when she was still living in Skokie and before her SA / escorting. She's a cool girl. If she was asking 350 like the other guy said that's a pretty decent deal. Good ass, small tits, fun girl.

She's been listed through Wet and Wild for a couple years though. For the same menu it's going to be cheaper than 7-800 there I'm sure and you wouldn't have to get a room.


03-22-24, 18:40

I reached out to her because I loved her second line. Easy to get in contact with. I picked a place by her house and she showed up on time. We had a good conversation. She laid out that her PPM was $300 and while these are good pics, I was not feeling her in person. I was not feeling her person. I did not get to much sexual energy coming from her. But I am sure she will be a good find for someone else.

She does send more pictures if you ask. Happy Hunting.

03-22-24, 18:44
I matched with her on Tinder and banged her a few times like 6 years ago or so when she was still living in Skokie and before her SA / escorting. She's a cool girl. If she was asking 350 like the other guy said that's a pretty decent deal. Good ass, small tits, fun girl.

She's been listed through Wet and Wild for a couple years though. For the same menu it's going to be cheaper than 7-800 there I'm sure and you wouldn't have to get a room.

https://wetnwildescorts.com/escort/alex-brazilian-fitness-model/She got me, LOL. I was definitely thinking semi pro at most but I guess looking back at it she definitely didn't have a lot of the characteristics that the non pros usually have. Was refreshing to just meet for sex and not have to talk for 30 minutes about shit I have zero interest in.

03-22-24, 19:42
Any info or meets with these profiles?

JESSICA RABBIT. Chicago /27/ Latina -- Intrigued by profile but haven't reached out, any info?


COCKTAIL VIXEN. Chicago /34/ Latina -- Same as above.


TEMPTINGYOU69 - Elk Grove /30/ Latina -- Messaged her, says only available weekday during lunch. Picked a day and gave cell to msg, never heard anything. Anyone met?


MOLLY CAWKE. Carpentersville /25/ White -- Messaging, just want to see those lips, ha.


I matched with her on Tinder and banged her a few times like 6 years ago or so when she was still living in Skokie and before her SA / escorting. She's a cool girl. If she was asking 350 like the other guy said that's a pretty decent deal. Good ass, small tits, fun girl.

She's been listed through Wet and Wild for a couple years though. For the same menu it's going to be cheaper than 7-800 there I'm sure and you wouldn't have to get a room.

https://wetnwildescorts.com/escort/alex-brazilian-fitness-model/Thanks for sharing, nice tie-together (tattoo match).

03-23-24, 09:21
Just throwing out numbers. Say you're meeting a SB for 300, a fair amount you have no problem and you're only in it for the sex. Is it worth it then, every time you see her, to spend an additional 200-400 in food, room, drinks, etc every single time because that's what she wants?

Every single time, when you're only in it for the sex.

03-23-24, 09:41
Every single time, when you're only in it for the sex.Yes because these memories are treasured.

03-23-24, 10:32

Pic seller.

03-23-24, 11:28
So here is my info dump:

1. Zeze Kisses. She texted me. Quickly got down to numbers wants 8. I countered with 4. No luck, but for the fat wallet guys she might be worth it.


2. Waiting4 you. South suburbs, can't host. DTF want 4. Seems norma (not crazy).


3. MeryDay. Looking for info on this one. She seems cool, but I've been wrong lately.


I should have more soon.

Happy hunting gents.

03-23-24, 12:02
Here are a bunch of GPS coupled with CFS that I did not meet.

Bratzdoll - https://members.seeking.com/member/b1e992ff-b37f-4e87-9673-86e6a720d050

1500 cfs no anal.

Barbie - https://members.seeking.com/member/042654fa-40bc-41ff-ae5b-29317b30bebe

1000 cfs no anal.

Wanderlust - https://members.seeking.com/member/95709225-e525-4858-836e-53ff38d78489

Wanted 800, talked down to 700 but wouldn't budge on CFS.

Jordiekat - https://members.seeking.com/member/d6525cde-8f87-40b8-958d-90c87e3de20e

Pic seller, wanted 200 for a single front and rear pic LOL.

Miamifun - https://members.seeking.com/member/e96a41a5-499d-4c85-b7cf-fc7dd37abeb2

This one is from here and visits regularly. Wanted 1300 for CFS and 4000 for bare. No anal but ass play and toys were ok.

MeryDay - https://members.seeking.com/member/02d0bf61-fa14-4578-8418-caf4a33dde0e

Wanted 500 CFS.

03-23-24, 12:41
Just throwing out numbers. Say you're meeting a SB for 300, a fair amount you have no problem and you're only in it for the sex. Is it worth it then, every time you see her, to spend an additional 200-400 in food, room, drinks, etc every single time because that's what she wants?

Every single time, when you're only in it for the sex.Everyone has different preferences but I always make it clear in the first text that I am only interested in a physical relationship. If I want to go out to dinner I'll take my wife. Only expenses I am paying for are sex related. Usually a room because I can't host and rubbers but no more. She can take her PPM and go get herself dinner.

03-23-24, 13:21
MeryDay - https://members.seeking.com/member/02d0bf61-fa14-4578-8418-caf4a33dde0e

Wanted 500 CFS.She quoted me 500 also. CFS and CBJ.

03-23-24, 14:10
Just throwing out numbers. Say you're meeting a SB for 300, a fair amount you have no problem and you're only in it for the sex. Is it worth it then, every time you see her, to spend an additional 200-400 in food, room, drinks, etc every single time because that's what she wants?

Every single time, when you're only in it for the sex.I enjoy a night out, nice dinner, nice jacuzzi suite, etc. But every time is unreasonable. When it comes to he good student or single mother babies, I'd rather give that money to her than a hotel. If she wants this every single time, ask her if she'd rather have $400 in her pocket than $300 and a hotel room.

03-23-24, 16:20
Any info or meets with these profiles?

TEMPTINGYOU69 - Elk Grove /30/ Latina -- Messaged her, says only available weekday during lunch. Picked a day and gave cell to msg, never heard anything. Anyone met?


She used to have a different seeking account. Her screen name was elusivegirl. If you search on that keyword here, you'll fiind some messages about her. She seems like a high volume girl.

03-23-24, 17:03
TEMPTINGYOU69 - Elk Grove /30/ Latina -- Messaged her, says only available weekday during lunch. Picked a day and gave cell to msg, never heard anything. Anyone met?

She used to have a different seeking account. Her screen name was elusivegirl. If you search on that keyword here, you'll fiind some messages about her. She seems like a high volume girl.So I have met her. Def the girl in the pix. Just comes to your room and naked within minutes. Dck in mouth within 3 minutes. Spinner boby but has had kids. Stlll petite. Not reallt GFE or passionate. Mad eme nut. Agreed on 350 for 2 hours or so. Went to bathrooom and then conveniently had ot go back to works. Work in a medical office nearby in Hoffman estates. She was supposed to be done for the day. Thinking she is a wham baam thank you maam dine and dash sort. I never made contact again.

03-23-24, 19:12
So I have met her. Def the girl in the pix. Just comes to your room and naked within minutes. Dck in mouth within 3 minutes. Spinner boby but has had kids. Stlll petite. Not reallt GFE or passionate. Mad eme nut. Agreed on 350 for 2 hours or so. Went to bathrooom and then conveniently had ot go back to works. Work in a medical office nearby in Hoffman estates. She was supposed to be done for the day. Thinking she is a wham baam thank you maam dine and dash sort. I never made contact again.I take it that this experience was far shorter than 2 hours then? I take it that this is pretty much 350 for 1 pop and done in 15-30 minutes?

Bill Underwood
03-24-24, 16:26
Here are a bunch of GPS coupled with CFS that I did not meet.

Barbie - https://members.seeking.com/member/042654fa-40bc-41ff-ae5b-29317b30bebe

1000 cfs no anal.

.Barbie asked me to send her $300 before meeting as she had some emergency but didn't tell me what it was.

03-24-24, 16:30
Waiting4 You likes to meet at a local motel, talks a lot but is fun, 400 cfs, clean as one would expect a cosmetologist to be. She used to go by another profile which has disappeared.

So here is my info dump:

1. Zeze Kisses. She texted me. Quickly got down to numbers wants 8. I countered with 4. No luck, but for the fat wallet guys she might be worth it.


2. Waiting4 you. South suburbs, can't host. DTF want 4. Seems norma (not crazy).


3. MeryDay. Looking for info on this one. She seems cool, but I've been wrong lately.


I should have more soon.

Happy hunting gents.

03-24-24, 20:45
This was an interesting one. I thought surely some of the reports I'd read had to be off base a bit. As we were messaging she was usually quick to respond, well written, and pretty normal. She's all about meeting, makes it pretty easy, and doesn't seem to bring any drama with her, aside from on thing. Apparently she's always hammered! She got lost in the lobby despite very clear directions, and I'm frankly surprised we didn't have complaints because of how loud she was. And it had nothing to do with sex! That said, if you can deal with that, he pics are perfectly accurate and she's all about some good sex. It's just not for me.

The hunt continues.


03-24-24, 21:02
Looked at her profile and we had chatted back in January right before I headed out of town and timing didn't work. Reached back out for Friday late night, was initially going to get a room. Decided to go with a car date BJ. Coordinated via text on where to meet. I parked and she walked over to my car (wearing PJ pants & a hoodie so no comment on curvier than pics). First time meeting so chatted for a few, started to LFK then she went down for BBBJ. She had good technique and I left happy. I felt like we vibed & she seemed cool / chill, will probably repeat.

Current username is SeductiveGeek.


This one insists on car play for 250 at night. Anyone do it? I tried to bring her over but she really wants to do only carplay. Seems suspicious in that its not as enjoyable as just bringing her over and in the dark, I'd be worried about missing any obvious warning signs that I'd notice elsewhere.Old username was HilariousDiva.

I saw her a couple times a while back. I posted about her. Here's my post. That's what I did with her, 250 to fuck in my car in the parking lot of a lifetime fitness:


Saw her a couple of times. We met up and had sex in my SUV both times in the parking lot. She's the girl in the pics but a little curvier than the pics would lead you to believe. Still not bad though. She never asked for condoms, she's on birth control, so she let me CIP both times.

03-24-24, 21:16
Looked at her profile and we had chatted back in January right before I headed out of town and timing didn't work. Reached back out for Friday late night, was initially going to get a room. Decided to go with a car date BJ. Coordinated via text on where to meet. I parked and she walked over to my car (wearing PJ pants & a hoodie so no comment on curvier than pics). First time meeting so chatted for a few, started to LFK then she went down for BBBJ. She had good technique and I left happy. I felt like we vibed & she seemed cool / chill, will probably repeat.

Current username is SeductiveGeek.

Old username was HilariousDiva.I tried to see her but she insisted on a car date. If I could have her over, I think it would be worth it, but $$ . 5 for a car BJ is not worth it for me. Plus, it looks like she lists her age as 20, but with all those tattoos, I got to think she is more like 22-25?

03-25-24, 09:02
This one wants 4 K a month. Great pictures but really? https://members.seeking.com/member/151a2493-7975-47b3-9115-8ae00a33a998.

This one is here as an escort in Chicago. I wonder what she asks on SA? https://members.seeking.com/member/151c7c80-7fdd-4d51-ad01-a70d8e41362a.


This one says she's down to meet as soon as I send a note. I smell fake here. https://members.seeking.com/member/bfe28b47-68a0-4b45-8c17-49600173517e.

03-25-24, 09:32
Just throwing out numbers. Say you're meeting a SB for 300, a fair amount you have no problem and you're only in it for the sex. Is it worth it then, every time you see her, to spend an additional 200-400 in food, room, drinks, etc every single time because that's what she wants?

Every single time, when you're only in it for the sex.These "relationships" are between a quick in an out for cash and a real gf imo. So what I was told by that pro in river north the guys that use her service did not want to invest the time and money into an everyday relationship. So her tricks were in many cases well to do downtown types or suburbanites trying to play like a ladies player. 4 or 5 bills for an hour of mechanical sex is pretty much the going rate in that arena. The drinks, food, gifts etc is more if anything for her to feel like she is not doing this as a sex for money gig. It's all a mind game of course though who doesn't want to feel loved? I mean I am 72 years of age. A hot model in her 20's is going to want several thousand per meeting to be with me. I don't kid myself that it is all for the love and liking me. Also they to want to be wined, dined prior to be 69 d.

03-25-24, 12:32
Anyone ever meet up with a really cute 22 year old Hispanic / indigenous girl, 5'3"-5'-4", brown long brown hair, slim, young body, big 420 smoker, that works downtown? I saw her profile recently but it's been deactivated. We were talking about meeting up near her work in River North, but lost contact. I think her name started with "L". Any info, would love to trade for something similar.

03-25-24, 17:38
Waiting4 You likes to meet at a local motel, talks a lot but is fun, 400 cfs, clean as one would expect a cosmetologist to be. She used to go by another profile which has disappeared.What is her body like? Hard to tell from the pics.

03-25-24, 17:55
There's a rash of 1-3 day old profiles, all wanting to whatsapp or telegram. Most use images of Instagram models etc. Some can't be reverse found since google now limits personal image searching or some other bs. And ALL want money upfront while prob being somewhere in effin China. I don't even bother unless the profile is at least a month old, and even then most are scammers.

Was on a business trip recently and oh boy what a difference SA is in another big city. Countless girls wanting to go out for drinks and fun afterwards. And pricing too, most agreed to 3-4. For every no I got I had 2 other candidates lined up every effin day.

Supply and demand no doubt. We chitown mongers are apparently awfully desperate.

Al Melrose
03-25-24, 19:15
There's a rash of 1-3 day old profiles, all wanting to whatsapp or telegram. Most use images of Instagram models etc. Some can't be reverse found since google now limits personal image searching or some other bs. And ALL want money upfront while prob being somewhere in effin China. I don't even bother unless the profile is at least a month old, and even then most are scammers.

Was on a business trip recently and oh boy what a difference SA is in another big city. Countless girls wanting to go out for drinks and fun afterwards. And pricing too, most agreed to 3-4. For every no I got I had 2 other candidates lined up every effin day.

Supply and demand no doubt. We chitown mongers are apparently awfully desperate.Where was this? I could use a vacation.

F Scott
03-25-24, 19:25
Where was this? I could use a vacation.Same here! I used to have clients in Asheville NC a few years ago, and I would go down there for one week a month. I had fantastic luck and tons of great memories. Those mountain hippies just loved to fuck, and had the stamina and kinkiness to match!

I've done a lot of road sugaring since then, but nothing quite matched Asheville!



Pau Ford
03-25-24, 19:54
I noticed the same thing too some cities are just so different than Chicago. Dallas has always been fantastic, could have a dinner / lunch + hotel fun with a hottie or MILF every day without any hassles. Nobody angrily responds "I'm not an escort 😡 " or asks for deposit or has out of control GPS, etc They are either interested in talking or just say thanks but no thanks.

Was on a business trip recently and oh boy what a difference SA is in another big city. Countless girls wanting to go out for drinks and fun afterwards. And pricing too, most agreed to 3-4. For every no I got I had 2 other candidates lined up every effin day.

Supply and demand no doubt. We chitown mongers are apparently awfully desperate.

03-25-24, 20:21
Anyone have luck with this Columbian?


She apparently met one guy so far from SA, but didn't have luck with him. I'm always hesitant on Columbian women.

03-25-24, 21:42
Anyone have luck with this Columbian?


She apparently met one guy so far from SA, but didn't have luck with him. I'm always hesitant on Columbian women.No colombian would spell Colombia as Columbia. This is more of the same few days old shit scam profile some Chinese spam farm is running these days.

03-25-24, 21:54
No colombian would spell Colombia as Columbia. This is more of the same few days old shit scam profile some Chinese spam farm is running these days.We are supposed to meet Wednesday so we will see. That's a good catch.

It could possibly be spell checker as mine keeps spelling it Columbia

03-26-24, 06:20
Anyone have luck with this Columbian?


She apparently met one guy so far from SA, but didn't have luck with him. I'm always hesitant on Columbian women.That whole story about her friends experience with SA is just weird to me.

03-26-24, 06:25

"I'm looking to go on compensated dates, I am available for dinner M-Th to get to know you. I will need to FaceTime before, just to be sure neither of us are wasting our time. If this is something you'd be interested in, please share your number. Mwah".

She want's to interview me. Yeah, I'm good.

03-26-24, 06:33
Seems like I have all the female population of Phillipines, Colombia and Venezuela after my baby yogurt.

GPS is ridiculous with women now asking 500 ppm or over or thousands of dollars allowance a month without any liability on their part.

Those that seem legit are flakey and unreliable.

Going back to Tinder, Hinge, FB dating and bellying up at the bar 8 (.

03-26-24, 10:45
You linked to your messages.


"I'm looking to go on compensated dates, I am available for dinner M-Th to get to know you. I will need to FaceTime before, just to be sure neither of us are wasting our time. If this is something you'd be interested in, please share your number. Mwah".

She want's to interview me. Yeah, I'm good.

03-26-24, 10:55
You linked to your messages.Must be this one cause she sent me the exact same message. Chinese spammer. 1-2 day old profile.


03-26-24, 11:10
I'm thinking the same. It's such a colossal waste of time and money. Too many bots and crazies. If it's not someone from out of the country trying to scam me then it's someone who thinks I should pay employment wages to spend a little time.

Seems like I have all the female population of Phillipines, Colombia and Venezuela after my baby yogurt.

GPS is ridiculous with women now asking 500 ppm or over or thousands of dollars allowance a month without any liability on their part.

Those that seem legit are flakey and unreliable.

Going back to Tinder, Hinge, FB dating and bellying up at the bar 8 (.

03-26-24, 15:56

Anyone got intel on this one? Gives off pro vibes so not quite sure about her yet. Planning to meet up later this week.

Pau Ford
03-26-24, 17:52
Remember her being discussed a while back. Different profile but pics were the same (and more pics with that same brick loft bedroom).

Link was provided in that discussion to her escort listing with an agency using those same / similar pics but I can't recall which agency.


Anyone got intel on this one? Gives off pro vibes so not quite sure about her yet. Planning to meet up later this week.

03-26-24, 22:43
To most shallow girl in SA goes to.


Any of you know her?

03-27-24, 00:57
I've road sugared alot over the past 5 years or so.

Chicago is the worse place. I've had very little luck considering its a big metro area.

03-27-24, 03:50

Any one try? Something about that neck tattoo tells me that she is a young girl who is totally dtf and probably looking to get demolished if she is real.

03-27-24, 07:26
Must be this one cause she sent me the exact same message. Chinese spammer. 1-2 day old profile.

https://members.seeking.com/member/2f0af66d-7406-4b0d-a3cc-e22758ab1c4bThat's the one. I didn't even reply.

03-27-24, 08:03
There's a rash of 1-3 day old profiles, all wanting to whatsapp or telegram. Most use images of Instagram models etc. Some can't be reverse found since google now limits personal image searching or some other bs. And ALL want money upfront while prob being somewhere in effin China. I don't even bother unless the profile is at least a month old, and even then most are scammers.

Was on a business trip recently and oh boy what a difference SA is in another big city. Countless girls wanting to go out for drinks and fun afterwards. And pricing too, most agreed to 3-4. For every no I got I had 2 other candidates lined up every effin day.

Supply and demand no doubt. We chitown mongers are apparently awfully desperate.My bad. Apparently it's not Chinese but effin nigerians. Still, on average we must be dumb as fuck cause they all seem to be in Chicago.

Pau Ford
03-27-24, 09:05
Care to elaborate on why this girl gets the crown for the queen of shallow?

To most shallow girl in SA goes to.


Any of you know her?

Bill Underwood
03-27-24, 13:08
Care to elaborate on why this girl gets the crown for the queen of shallow?Been on the site since 2019, have to suggest she is pro caliber at this point.

Pau Ford
03-28-24, 09:39
You can't draw conclusions like that based on join date.

A lot of girls actually ARE pro's but they create new profiles every couple months. You can't conclude a pro is now a non pro just b / c join date was 2 months ago. A lot of girls joined years ago but never really did anything with the site. Then they came back years later and logged back in. Join date is 5 years ago but they've never met a single person on the site, def not a pro.

So take join date with a grain of salt its not usually an accurate barometer.

Been on the site since 2019, have to suggest she is pro caliber at this point.

03-29-24, 09:18
She has been around for a while. Pics are accurate. When I saw her, insisted on CFS, but BBBJ. It was average. Biggest problem is that she can be flaky and ghost. Tried to meet up with her 2 other times, ghosted me both times so I stopped trying.Trying to find her previous profile and read a bit more. Anyone?


03-29-24, 11:12

In Waukegan. Claims she's an insomniac and has a hectic schedule because of it, and loves weed. After talking to her, I can believe both. She can't remember what was discussed shortly beforehand. Inconsistent and incomplete responses. We agreed on a number and what her limits were, a while later she wanted substantially more. Can't host, wants to get a room (on you.) Says she can only do an hour or so. BBFS. Cip if you cover a plan b for her too. It would be over five Benjamins and I won't drop that for one hour.

If those pics are real, she looks great. She just doesn't seem reliable enough, and I'm tired. She is not trans, so I don't know why she has those tags in her profile but whatever.I ended up seeing her after she decided she was ok coming to my place and for a lower rate. Ended up paying her to leave. She is nice enough, but a disaster in progress. Can't focus. She has several habits, openly admitted she's on Seeking to fund those habits. She was on her phone messaging guys on the site, scheduling meetings, etc. Had 2 more lined up after me. She's higher volume than Spinal Tap. Showed me a bad bruise which she claimed was caused by another guy on SA beating her in a BDSM scenario which went too far and he wouldn't stop.

A serendipitous robo call gave me an out. I pretended it was an urgent work problem. She was cool with it and I gave her something for her time and sent her on her way. Avoid.

03-29-24, 12:51
I ended up seeing her after she decided she was ok coming to my place and for a lower rate. Ended up paying her to leave. She is nice enough, but a disaster in progress. Can't focus. She has several habits, openly admitted she's on Seeking to fund those habits. She was on her phone messaging guys on the site, scheduling meetings, etc. Had 2 more lined up after me. She's higher volume than Spinal Tap. Showed me a bad bruise which she claimed was caused by another guy on SA beating her in a BDSM scenario which went too far and he wouldn't stop.

A serendipitous robo call gave me an out. I pretended it was an urgent work problem. She was cool with it and I gave her something for her time and sent her on her way. Avoid.Hey, thanks for the review! I've been messaging with her on snapchat. Was planning on seeing her but I might pass, not looking to see someone so high volume.

03-29-24, 14:53
I take it that this experience was far shorter than 2 hours then? I take it that this is pretty much 350 for 1 pop and done in 15-30 minutes?Think she was gone within 30 minutes. Maybe it was me and YMMV? I've no plans to find out. This was about a year ago.

03-29-24, 15:19
We are supposed to meet Wednesday so we will see. That's a good catch.

It could possibly be spell checker as mine keeps spelling it ColumbiaHow did it go?

03-29-24, 18:25
Thought I saw a report on her before but the search turned nothing.

Anyone know what her activities are like behind closed doors?


03-29-24, 18:40
I notice a trend. Typically when a woman classifies her ethnicity as "Mixed", she is anything but. When you see the photo (usually only one) the only mixture you see is between blond and blond. Also see a lot of fake profiles with "divorce" in the status. I think they anticipate most guys will include "mixed" in the search, maybe also divorced. When I see blond hair "mixed" I keep scrolling.

Happy hunting!

03-29-24, 18:48
Do you guys put things like net worth over 100 million and annual salary over 1 million to score more hits and more attention on Seeking?

03-29-24, 21:56
Absolutely not. First of all, most women won't believe that level of numbers and those who would are too stupid to have sex with anyways (at least for me). I put up a fairly accurate representation of my salary and net worth. This way women who want $2 K PPM would not respond, and I would not have to waste time talking to someone who has a well-developed GPS. Self-selection is good, saves time, gets to the point. Although I imagine that if you put that your salary is 50 K and net worth is negative, that might turn some people off.

Do you guys put things like net worth over 100 million and annual salary over 1 million to score more hits and more attention on Seeking?

03-30-24, 17:44
Do you guys put things like net worth over 100 million and annual salary over 1 million to score more hits and more attention on Seeking?There's no point in that, they would quickly and easily figure out it's a lie. I'm honest about my numbers. If it means more rejection, fine. I wouldn't be missing out on much anyway considering how the scene is now.

And if I did have 8 or 9 figures in the bank, I sure as shit would not be trawling Seeking for women. At that level, Seeking would look like how the worst of STG looks to us.

03-30-24, 18:21
In need of some advice, has anyone successfully reconnected with an old SB? I was seeing someone great for a few months a little over year ago, everything was going well we would meet every other week for a few hours. Was really everything I could ask for in a SB. We would normally meet on a given day but eventually one of us had a conflict (can't remember if it was me or her) so we skipped our normal date. We never really talked outside of when we were together and confirm we were still good to meet on a given day. A week or two later I impulsively decided I was spending too much time and money on Seeking and decided to quit, so I deleted my seeking account and burner. Didn't send any kind of text to let her know which in retrospect was dumb. Well a year later and I've dipped my toes back in the game. She had originally deleted her account as well but recently saw she has a new one. How does one go about reconnecting? I don't have any identifying pictures in my profile and of course use a fake name in my profile so even if she stumbles across my profile she probably won't know it is me. Should I just message her on the site and try and explain who I am and ask if she wants to start seeing each other again? Or I still have her number (real number not a burner) so I could skip the site completely and shoot her a text asking if she'd be interested. I feel like that could come off a little weird though and again I was using a burner before so it's not like she would have my contact saved so I'd have to explain who I am. Any advice from more seasoned veterans would be appreciated so I don't screw up this opportunity.

03-30-24, 18:32
Do you guys put things like net worth over 100 million and annual salary over 1 million to score more hits and more attention on Seeking?I used to mess around with that and one not-too-smart girl asked if that was really what I make. Perhaps I'm better looking / don't give myself enough credit LMAO.

03-30-24, 18:52
My subscription is expiring so thought I'd share couple thoughts from what I saw this time.

I got this message from a SB after asking for a verif selfie: 'I'll just meet someone that doesn't ask me for specific pics like if you wan'na go get a drink and meet me cool but I'm not playing a stupid picture game when there ten other guys on my line' Yup. That says it all. Add the massive number of fake accounts cropping up and that's why this is now an effin waste of time.

Tons of gals are doing this just for the money. As in get it done and run. I mean fk for the first time couldn't even get hard as there was just zero interest shown. Just paid her to leave after that haha.

You won't find anyone for 4 $ anymore. At least nobody decent you'd want to be seen in public with. Even at 5$ and promising to do this 2x a week someone cancelled last minute. Mind you we're talking 1k a week / 4k a month. But a higher bidder showed up no doubt. And I was throwing in bar hopping and drinks at the fanciest west loop places. Again it's all about the $, they couldn't care less about drinks or truly knowing someone and become regulars.

03-30-24, 19:09
Soooo I saw the last unicorn once a while ago and it's something I should've known but what's good for some does not mean good for all.

First. No BBFS.

Second. No msog.

Third. Maybe because I'm used to fake tits but I wasn't impressed by her tits.

Fourth. Her face, if you look directly into her eyes is attractive, I agree. That doesn't include the her head shape and double chin. Nor the full body tats that are some weird Egyptian Aztec symbols back neck to ass.

Five. No DFK and minimal LFK, bare minimal GFE. Handsy bbj. No daty. No FIV. Shit was DRY.

But wait a second, if I go back to her reviews, she's a "fun fuck". Hmmm. Interesting.

From the moment we met, to the moment I left. Within literally the first 3 minutes of meet, I knew I fucked up. Something was bothering me. I thought it was the radio station because it just kept talking and talking and talking. Was it broken? Then I realized it wasn't the radio, it was her and her ego going back and fourth with each other. Even though she's gone, I can't make her stop talking. Is this what PTSD is?

This is someone so full of themselves. Since when do they let STG girls use SA? You mean to tell me this girl is worth $700 that you all are spending on her? Do know how many traveling escorts I've met who want half of what she's asking for, way attractive, and know how to shut the fuck up and let me respond first to ANY of the topics she's ranting about for 4 hours straight no exaggerating, before telling me how pretty she is and the best?

I'm not disappointed in her, not one bit. It's you all who hyped her up that are too blame. Look, I know she legit has brain damage. But you all? No excuses. Not a single question, statement, name, occupation, regarding me, was said by either of us.

Don't get me wrong. Was she a bad time? No, because I nutted. She's a nice girl with no drug or alcohol use and not involved in organized crime.

750 hundred dollars. I'm going to think about that for a while over the next few days while I'm having better and cheaper sex with Latinas.Yeah no effin way she's worth that. Maybe 4 $ if she hosts which she can LOL. Any more and one is better off going agency. But I'll say your negotiation skills suck. Can't blame anyone for asking 700+. Do you pay that to other gals? If you do sounds to me you're part of the problem the scene sucks now. Let's just say I got her for quite a bit less. She shared what her day jobs are and honestly she's just trying to survive out there.

And yeah she's not that pretty and quite thicker in real life. But fun fuck she was. Few drinks and having her begging me to eat her out while spread out all by herself and getting her dripping wet was golden. Plenty of FIV and DFK occured. But I agree I won't repeat either. While I like skinny to curvy latinas she's outside that window. Obv your experience was way diff than mine.

Thanks to your report I knew to not let her talk much or get carried away. FFS we even went into politics and I was able to salvage the situation.

Bill Underwood
03-30-24, 19:53
Been talking to her for a while in Schaumburg was pretty aggressive about meeting, blew her off a few times. Now she stopped responding.

https://members.seeking.com/member/f8651831-6697-471b-9fe1-91ae4466fbabDid you ever end up seeing her?

03-31-24, 07:53
Wants 500. Meet first. Can't host.

So 500+ potentially upto 200 dinner and drinks+ a good hilton or marriott hotel 150-200. Nearly 1 k just to fuck some 44 year old? Immediately blocked her and moved. Decided to spend that 1 k at the casino and ended up with free drinks, more money in my pocket, and a decent night by myself.

Thought I saw a report on her before but the search turned nothing.

Anyone know what her activities are like behind closed doors?


03-31-24, 07:59
Wants 500. Meet first. Can't host.

So 500+ potentially upto 200 dinner and drinks+ a good hilton or marriott hotel 150-200. Nearly 1 k just to fuck some 44 year old? Immediately blocked her and moved. Decided to spend that 1 k at the casino and ended up with free drinks, more money in my pocket, and a decent night by myself.She's been mentioned under different name here, I recognize the pictures.

03-31-24, 15:14
My subscription is expiring so thought I'd share couple thoughts from what I saw this time.

I got this message from a SB after asking for a verif selfie: 'I'll just meet someone that doesn't ask me for specific pics like if you wan'na go get a drink and meet me cool but I'm not playing a stupid picture game when there ten other guys on my line' Yup. That says it all. Add the massive number of fake accounts cropping up and that's why this is now an effin waste of time.

Tons of gals are doing this just for the money. As in get it done and run. I mean fk for the first time couldn't even get hard as there was just zero interest shown. Just paid her to leave after that haha.

You won't find anyone for 4 $ anymore. At least nobody decent you'd want to be seen in public with. Even at 5$ and promising to do this 2x a week someone cancelled last minute. Mind you we're talking 1k a week / 4k a month. But a higher bidder showed up no doubt. And I was throwing in bar hopping and drinks at the fanciest west loop places. Again it's all about the $, they couldn't care less about drinks or truly knowing someone and become regulars.Been two years since I bailed and I come to this section periodically and am always reminded why I'm not on there anymore.

04-01-24, 01:34
She looks very familiar for some reason. Anyone has any experience with the girl in the picture? Thanks.

04-01-24, 08:34
Soooo I saw the last unicorn once a while ago and it's something I should've known but what's good for some does not mean good for all.

First. No BBFS.

Second. No msog.

Third. Maybe because I'm used to fake tits but I wasn't impressed by her tits.

Fourth. Her face, if you look directly into her eyes is attractive, I agree. That doesn't include the her head shape and double chin. Nor the full body tats that are some weird Egyptian Aztec symbols back neck to ass.

Five. No DFK and minimal LFK, bare minimal GFE. Handsy bbj. No daty. No FIV. Shit was DRY.

But wait a second, if I go back to her reviews, she's a "fun fuck". Hmmm. Interesting.

From the moment we met, to the moment I left. Within literally the first 3 minutes of meet, I knew I fucked up. Something was bothering me. I thought it was the radio station because it just kept talking and talking and talking. Was it broken? Then I realized it wasn't the radio, it was her and her ego going back and fourth with each other. Even though she's gone, I can't make her stop talking. Is this what PTSD is?

This is someone so full of themselves. Since when do they let STG girls use SA? You mean to tell me this girl is worth $700 that you all are spending on her? Do know how many traveling escorts I've met who want half of what she's asking for, way attractive, and know how to shut the fuck up and let me respond first to ANY of the topics she's ranting about for 4 hours straight no exaggerating, before telling me how pretty she is and the best?

I'm not disappointed in her, not one bit. It's you all who hyped her up that are too blame. Look, I know she legit has brain damage. But you all? No excuses. Not a single question, statement, name, occupation, regarding me, was said by either of us.

Don't get me wrong. Was she a bad time? No, because I nutted. She's a nice girl with no drug or alcohol use and not involved in organized crime.

750 hundred dollars. I'm going to think about that for a while over the next few days while I'm having better and cheaper sex with Latinas.I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I used to see her 2 years ago for 350, multiple rounds and open menu. Despite of her craziness, I did see her more often than I should. It was always a great time. She's been around and SA is sort of her main income, she's probably getting tired of the game and becoming for mechanical.

04-01-24, 08:41
In need of some advice, has anyone successfully reconnected with an old SB? I was seeing someone great for a few months a little over year ago, everything was going well we would meet every other week for a few hours. Was really everything I could ask for in a SB. We would normally meet on a given day but eventually one of us had a conflict (can't remember if it was me or her) so we skipped our normal date. We never really talked outside of when we were together and confirm we were still good to meet on a given day. A week or two later I impulsively decided I was spending too much time and money on Seeking and decided to quit, so I deleted my seeking account and burner. Didn't send any kind of text to let her know which in retrospect was dumb. Well a year later and I've dipped my toes back in the game. She had originally deleted her account as well but recently saw she has a new one. How does one go about reconnecting? I don't have any identifying pictures in my profile and of course use a fake name in my profile so even if she stumbles across my profile she probably won't know it is me. Should I just message her on the site and try and explain who I am and ask if she wants to start seeing each other again? Or I still have her number (real number not a burner) so I could skip the site completely and shoot her a text asking if she'd be interested. I feel like that could come off a little weird though and again I was using a burner before so it's not like she would have my contact saved so I'd have to explain who I am. Any advice from more seasoned veterans would be appreciated so I don't screw up this opportunity.I reconnected with my SB after a year. I texted her directly, reintroduced myself and explained I had some personal family stuff going on at the time. She remembered who I was and was chill about everything, after all, she and I did have a good time together in the past. We've been hanging consistently for months now.

04-01-24, 09:18
This one reached out to me and quickly moved to text messaging. Says she is in the north Chicago area. Hasn't yet talked details, but I'm still not sure all above board. Curious if anyone else has seen her.



04-01-24, 12:06
She looks very familiar for some reason. Anyone has any experience with the girl in the picture? Thanks.She responded to an SB personal I posted on Craigslist in 2011 when she was 18 or 19. I never met her but in 2012 she was posting on Backpage as the escort Water Nympho. I had her Facebook info for some reason and she was just a very typical college get at Depaul or something like that who had normal friends and did normal school stuff. I believe was probably just an actual nympho. Must be in her 30's now.

04-01-24, 14:52
Deleted her profile photo but sent me this one.

This one reached out to me and quickly moved to text messaging. Says she is in the north Chicago area. Hasn't yet talked details, but I'm still not sure all above board. Curious if anyone else has seen her.



Bill Underwood
04-01-24, 17:20
Did you ever end up seeing her?Nice girl but not as pretty in person. From Colombia but not as pretty as I expected and a little wider too. Asked for 400 but I passed.

04-01-24, 19:30
She responded to an SB personal I posted on Craigslist in 2011 when she was 18 or 19. I never met her but in 2012 she was posting on Backpage as the escort Water Nympho. I had her Facebook info for some reason and she was just a very typical college get at Depaul or something like that who had normal friends and did normal school stuff. I believe was probably just an actual nympho. Must be in her 30's now.Thanks for the info.

04-01-24, 19:55
She responded to an SB personal I posted on Craigslist in 2011 when she was 18 or 19. I never met her but in 2012 she was posting on Backpage as the escort Water Nympho. I had her Facebook info for some reason and she was just a very typical college get at Depaul or something like that who had normal friends and did normal school stuff. I believe was probably just an actual nympho. Must be in her 30's now.She was on BP / CL for sure and 2012 is right.

She was a great fuck.

04-01-24, 20:48
Can anybody recommend any Arab, Persian, or Middle Eastern ladies? Anyone with a sort of Arabian princess, harem kind of look?

04-01-24, 21:05
Can anybody recommend any Arab, Persian, or Middle Eastern ladies? Anyone with a sort of Arabian princess, harem kind of look?Hard to fins but damn she was kitten.

04-02-24, 00:56
Any details on Daisy.

I'll be seeing her on Thursday.


04-02-24, 02:00
She looks very familiar for some reason. Anyone has any experience with the girl in the picture? Thanks.Where did you find the picture? I want to see her too.

04-02-24, 09:00
Couldn't time to translate tag line.


04-02-24, 11:26
Any details on Daisy.

I'll be seeing her on Thursday.

https://members.seeking.com/member/caf14941-6c47-4360-85a6-9e9dd38665e0Profile was deleted.

04-02-24, 11:33
Profile was deleted.Still showing daisy777.

04-02-24, 12:10
Went to text quickly and carried on a conversation most of the day yesterday. She sent some photos. Then she is asking for money and I say no, so she blocks me. I don't have a link for her but don't waste a minute of your time.

04-02-24, 12:20
Went to text quickly and carried on a conversation most of the day yesterday. She sent some photos. Then she is asking for money and I say no, so she blocks me. I don't have a link for her but don't waste a minute of your time.Exact same experience. Seemed very legit. Planned to meet next week. Then money request, then block. So much BS on there. I don't even get it.

04-02-24, 15:37
Went to text real fast. Reverse image search drew a blank. Anyone encounter her?



04-02-24, 22:44
Haven't met her personally, but I can swear I've seen her photo before on SA. So my guess is that it's not her first profile.

Went to text real fast. Reverse image search drew a blank. Anyone encounter her?



Bill Underwood
04-03-24, 00:23
Went to text real fast. Reverse image search drew a blank. Anyone encounter her?


TIA.Seen these pics before. Never met her.

Bill Underwood
04-03-24, 00:34
Still showing daisy777.Profile is still up.

04-03-24, 06:55
Haven't met her personally, but I can swear I've seen her photo before on SA. So my guess is that it's not her first profile.I remember the picture with the blue halter top. It's at least five years old.

04-03-24, 07:44
Haven't met her personally, but I can swear I've seen her photo before on SA. So my guess is that it's not her first profile.She's definitely been talked about before. Word was "IF" you could get her to commit she was fun, but slight GPS and communication was for shit and was flaky when about to meet up.

04-03-24, 07:46
Went to text real fast. Reverse image search drew a blank. Anyone encounter her?


TIA.She did have another account, can't recall prior name tho. I met with her a few times about a year ago now and always had a fun time. Stopped seeing her because I lucked out on another Latina hottie.

04-03-24, 09:11
Guys, feels like we hit the jackpot. Mia Khlafa joined SA.


04-03-24, 10:24
She's definitely been talked about before. Word was "IF" you could get her to commit she was fun, but slight GPS and communication was for shit and was flaky when about to meet up.Thanks for the intel. I'll post if I have any luck pinning her down.

04-03-24, 11:09
Guys, feels like we hit the jackpot. Mia Khlafa joined SA.

https://members.seeking.com/member/5b07bf0d-256d-418a-ba13-c73b3560c625In South Milwaukee, no less.

Member #6601
04-03-24, 15:27
Guys, feels like we hit the jackpot. Mia Khlafa joined SA.

https://members.seeking.com/member/5b07bf0d-256d-418a-ba13-c73b3560c625LOL I think there was a post about a hobbyist searching for a middle eastern provider. Maybe we should point him towards Mia from South Milwaukee.

04-03-24, 15:39
Finally connected with her. Arranged to meet at a public place. Pics are probably old. She is not slim, but also not curvy. She is somewhere in between. We agreed to head over to her place (she hosts). Before we got started she asked if I had a condom. I told her I didn't but we don't have to have intercourse then. I make it clear that I won't penetrate. We started to get busy (she starts a BBBJ) and I move on top of her but did not try to f*%k and suddenly she pulls back saying she is not feeling comfortable with this situation and anyway she has to get ready for work soon. The latter part is BS; she was clear when we arranged our meeting when she had to go to work. But its her prerogative. I told her its okay and we didn't need to have penetration. I could see she was not comfortable. So I said I was sorry this didn't work out and I got dressed. She said we can meet again when we had a condom. Its not her first rodeo and probably not her first one this week. You'd think she kept a stash of rubbers in the house. Either way, its was a weird encounter. Although we agreed upon $$$ for our meeting and not much really happened, I still gave her $100 for getting out of the house to meet me in public. I will not meet her again. Hope someone has better luck with her than me. YMMV.

Thanks for the intel. I'll post if I have any luck pinning her down.

04-03-24, 19:42
Wouldn't send a confirmation selfie. Blocked and moved on.