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12-14-22, 08:23
I hear you man. I'm fortunate that this is my only life. I have no wife and am happily divorced. I'm on SA daily scoping out the hottest new blood. I've got about 10 lined up between $300-$600 ppm. Two cip confirmed and some still working on discussions.

Mainly looking for another hot overnight girl. One that likes to party and a total sub. I know the Unicorn is out there somewhere.

Another month or two and I'll have a full stable and some trades.

FYI. I get a full 10 panel test monthly and bring a plan b pill to be totally safe. A bottle of Prosecco doesn't hurt either.I tried sending you a DM. Your inbox is full.

Bill Underwood
12-14-22, 11:25
I just entered into a monthly arrangement with a 22 year old former track athlete. Half Polish, half German in a total smoke show however, it is new so we will see how it goes. The monthly amount is $2,400 but with the understanding that she might need a couple hundred more some months just for a little extra spending money. We saw each other three out of the last five days and quickly discussed moving from PPM to a monthly as ppm at the rate I was seeing her would have bankrupted me. Like I said, we will see how it goes. As I have recently been interviewing, I also saw another 22-year-old, very artsy, but her ADHD makes time in bed a real handful, although she is down for anything. Costs $450 PPM plus Uber from the city and back which adds another $120 plus if we go out. In addition, I have started to see a 32 year old school teacher who is super cute and a lot of fun but that is also $450 ppm. I like the 32-year-old the most, but it simply becomes a time and cost issue. I have another I see that is also 32 years old, very pretty Polish girl, but sometimes she drinks heavily and her home life is complicated. I have seen her the longest, almost 18 months but infrequent maybe once a month and no longer provide her with any income when we see each other. The last one that I have also seen recently was also for over a year 22 y / o Polish girl and I would give her 400 for the first visit during the week and 300 for the second if there was a second. I have found most are OK with $400 to $500 ppm. Anyone willing to accept less is probably not worth it, nor anyone looking for more would not be any better than what I am finding at that price point.

I recently concluded a seven month arrangement / relationship with a beautiful 26 year old Special Education Teacher. It started at 500 ppm but then we went to a monthly and she wanted to see me often and I did not feel like becoming bankrupt. Also, she understood that if there was no fun time that she was not getting any income for that moment. She was fine with that as sometimes she would just like to come over, hang out, have dinner and watch TV. Eventually we evolved to where I was just paying some of her expenses but eventually she refused to take any money from me as we just ended up dating and she did not want to find a relationship any longer as an arrangement. It ended poorly though as emotionally she could not handle the break up as her family decided to move to Florida, which would mean she would've either had to move in with me, but would lose regular contact with her family and we were too fresh to reasonably make that happen. And when I say it ended badly, I do not mean extreme drama, but we just stopped talking which was disappointing as I was hoping to continue seeing her even in Florida. A little on me, I am 56 but very fit and live alone. Of course finding these girls has required a lot of work I compared to fishing. You have to spend your time sorting through the junk, but there are some diamonds in SA.

Never tried SA but does anyone know what the potential costs can amount to? Sounds like one can strike gold and potentially get a number of meet ups for a couple hundred a month; and no clock. ?

12-14-22, 13:09

Just wanted to check if anyone have experience with her?


Thank you in advance.

12-14-22, 15:19
Curious for those of you who have had an SB and at some point ended it. How'd that go? Because really, that's the key part. Some of you have talked about how great it's going and the money and all that while also saying you know you're going to have to end it. That is the part where it can all go to hell. Because if she isn't ready for the allowance and gifts and all that to end, you could be looking at some major headaches. So, has anyone out here have an extended period with an SB and ended it and if so, how did it go? Really, isn't that why we see escorts and go to parlors, because when it's over it's over and we don't have to concern ourselves with any baggage? I agree that the good parts sound great, I'm just concerned about what the end game will be like and if that may ruin everything before it. But maybe I'm too cynical.If you've been seeing someone for a few months, you ought to have the sort of relationship that you can phone her and tell her you are stopping, and why. These aren't relationships that are made to last, everyone understands that. The only question is when. I did that with all of the people I broke it off with. This is just a part of the respect I gave them that made the arrangement work for me. If I saw someone just once or twice, and it wasn't worth continuing, I don't have any problem just ghosting.

I had seen a young MILF a couple of times, and I didn't think she was into me. No BJ at all and no DFK. She contacted me again, after a gap in time, and I said exactly what the problem was. She said she didn't realize that was what I wanted. Yeah right. However, she was active in pursuing me after that point, and I FCed her Friday. I had a much much better time.

12-14-22, 17:03

Just wanted to check if anyone have experience with her?


Thank you in advance.https://members.seeking.com/member/8c2f366f-c993-4336-8975-9da3502a13f3

12-14-22, 17:55
Curious for those of you who have had an SB and at some point ended it. How'd that go? Because really, that's the key part. Some of you have talked about how great it's going and the money and all that while also saying you know you're going to have to end it. That is the part where it can all go to hell. Because if she isn't ready for the allowance and gifts and all that to end, you could be looking at some major headaches. So, has anyone out here have an extended period with an SB and ended it and if so, how did it go? Really, isn't that why we see escorts and go to parlors, because when it's over it's over and we don't have to concern ourselves with any baggage? I agree that the good parts sound great, I'm just concerned about what the end game will be like and if that may ruin everything before it. But maybe I'm too cynical.I understand your question. While the ladies we meet can be all kinds of nice and fun, they tend to display immaturity or selfishness too. They try to hide it, but I find it comes out eventually. This mixture, in my opinion, can be dangerous for a guy on SA who also has a life (wife). I enter each arrangement thinking about a safe exit. And by that I mean that I set up all facts so that I can disappear at any moment. I use my middle name, which I never use professionally. I tell them I am from a different place than reality. Made up where I was born, grew up, went to school, etc. They don't know my last name either. I use a burner number (of course). I am afraid that someone would want to go scorched earth upon break up. I haven't experienced that yet, but it doesn't mean it can't happen. Most times, you just have a long gap in communication that doesn't link up again.

I had one SB that I saw off and on for almost 5 years (from her being 27-32). She had her issues, but man was she smart, sexy, and just kinky enough. I am pretty sure in real life she likes an older guy. I count myself as lucky because while I am older (58) I am tall, fit, and surprisingly, ladies think I'm pretty good looking. And a larger than average cock with good know how of the female body gives me a plus if we get to play. I love making women cum, over and over. That'll get you plus points every time LOL. But I digress.

Build your exit plan when you start, just in case.

Pau Ford
12-14-22, 18:23
You are over thinking it big time. While you certainly can get attached to someone over time you'd be surprised how quickly anyone can be forgotten. And you can be replaced just as quickly. This applies to both the guys and the girls. Dive back into SA and boom, you've got new pussy (or $$ source if a SB) to replace the old.

I've had a number of arrangements, too many to count, that were a few months to a 2+ years (and counting) and they've all ended fine. 90% of the time things end when someone ghosts. Ghosting sucks but it's very easy, no (or very minimal) drama, and the other person eventually gets the hint and goes away.

Rule #1 - never stick your dick in crazy. If you don't let a crazy chick into your life to begin with you never have to worry about the consequences of fucking her.

Curious for those of you who have had an SB and at some point ended it. How'd that go? Because really, that's the key part. Some of you have talked about how great it's going and the money and all that while also saying you know you're going to have to end it. That is the part where it can all go to hell. Because if she isn't ready for the allowance and gifts and all that to end, you could be looking at some major headaches. So, has anyone out here have an extended period with an SB and ended it and if so, how did it go? Really, isn't that why we see escorts and go to parlors, because when it's over it's over and we don't have to concern ourselves with any baggage? I agree that the good parts sound great, I'm just concerned about what the end game will be like and if that may ruin everything before it. But maybe I'm too cynical.

12-14-22, 19:01
I just entered into a monthly arrangement with a 22 year old former track athlete. Half Polish, half German in a total smoke show however, it is new so we will see how it goes. The monthly amount is $2,400 but with the understanding that she might need a couple hundred more some months just for a little extra spending money. We saw each other three out of the last five days and quickly discussed moving from PPM to a monthly as ppm at the rate I was seeing her would have bankrupted me. Like I said, we will see how it goes. As I have recently been interviewing, I also saw another 22-year-old, very artsy, but her ADHD makes time in bed a real handful, although she is down for anything. Costs $450 PPM plus Uber from the city and back which adds another $120 plus if we go out. In addition, I have started to see a 32 year old school teacher who is super cute and a lot of fun but that is also $450 ppm. I like the 32-year-old the most, but it simply becomes a time and cost issue. I have another I see that is also 32 years old, very pretty Polish girl, but sometimes she drinks heavily and her home life is complicated. I have seen her the longest, almost 18 months but infrequent maybe once a month and no longer provide her with any income when we see each other. The last one that I have also seen recently was also for over a year 22 y / o Polish girl and I would give her 400 for the first visit during the week and 300 for the second if there was a second. I have found most are OK with $400 to $500 ppm. Anyone willing to accept less is probably not worth it, nor anyone looking for more would not be any better than what I am finding at that price point.

I recently concluded a seven month arrangement / relationship with a beautiful 26 year old Special Education Teacher. It started at 500 ppm but then we went to a monthly and she wanted to see me often and I did not feel like becoming bankrupt.Hey man great write up. Couple of things if I read this correctly at one point you were spitting out over 4 gs a month. First off good on you. I make a really good living but no way could I ever find 4 k a month, hell 3 k a month to spit out on the hobby. I couldn't get that much excess spending pass the Warden if I tried. You being single I'm sure plays a huge role in that expenditure. Lastly the more important question. How much "fishing" as you put it did you have to do and was it all on SA? I have to be honest I've had 2 long term arrangements in the past, one just ended a couple months ago and they were both 250 ppm everything goes and I mean everything. I would stack their looks up against any girl on the market. So I say that say it doesn't have to be 400-500 to find quality which is why I'm interested in where you did your fishing the most.

Good write up.

12-14-22, 21:00
Hey man great write up. Couple of things if I read this correctly at one point you were spitting out over 4 gs a month. First off good on you. I make a really good living but no way could I ever find 4 k a month, hell 3 k a month to spit out on the hobby. I couldn't get that much excess spending pass the Warden if I tried. You being single I'm sure plays a huge role in that expenditure. Lastly the more important question. How much "fishing" as you put it did you have to do and was it all on SA? I have to be honest I've had 2 long term arrangements in the past, one just ended a couple months ago and they were both 250 ppm everything goes and I mean everything. I would stack their looks up against any girl on the market. So I say that say it doesn't have to be 400-500 to find quality which is why I'm interested in where you did your fishing the most.

Good write up.It seems like $500 is the target for everyone I talk to. Some will negotiate down, one I'm seeing I agreed to because she is literally a model with my exact body type. There's another I see for $300 that has lasted for over a year. She's got more rules but probably a 7 face on an 8 body. Both girls are 30 yo, the younger ones seem to think they should make more than they deserve but just aren't skilled enough to get it. My 2 $.

12-14-22, 21:06
You are over thinking it big time. While you certainly can get attached to someone over time you'd be surprised how quickly anyone can be forgotten. And you can be replaced just as quickly. This applies to both the guys and the girls. Dive back into SA and boom, you've got new pussy (or $$ source if a SB) to replace the old.

I've had a number of arrangements, too many to count, that were a few months to a 2+ years (and counting) and they've all ended fine. 90% of the time things end when someone ghosts. Ghosting sucks but it's very easy, no (or very minimal) drama, and the other person eventually gets the hint and goes away.

Rule #1 - never stick your dick in crazy. If you don't let a crazy chick into your life to begin with you never have to worry about the consequences of fucking her.He's dropped a good amount of wisdom and I agree on the ghosting. One girl that I connected with very well told me to just ghost if you want to end it. The GenZs ghost without a second thought and it seem like my (GenX) generation has some need to end things elegantly.

Have you read about employees that just stop showing up for work? It's crazy how much this younger generation just moves on. I recommend you learn from them.

Big Penor
12-14-22, 21:58

DTF, 5.

Anyone have the info on her? She seems like an escort.

Pau Ford
12-14-22, 22:58
Had plans to meet. She cancelled at the very last minute with some horseshit excuse. I wasn't going to reschedule but she was pushing pretty hard to meet so we set another meeting time. She ghosted. No call / no show.

Saw her on a different SD site she had different pics than on SA. She looks kinda chubby / dumpy so kind of glad meetings fell through.


DTF, 5.

Anyone have the info on her? She seems like an escort.

12-14-22, 23:28
He's dropped a good amount of wisdom and I agree on the ghosting. One girl that I connected with very well told me to just ghost if you want to end it. The GenZs ghost without a second thought and it seem like my (GenX) generation has some need to end things elegantly.

Have you read about employees that just stop showing up for work? It's crazy how much this younger generation just moves on. I recommend you learn from them.That's a very good point on this generation and ghosting. I'm from the same 'clean break' generation. I'm also at the point in my life where I don't want to work that hard for pussy anymore, so the SB life prolly isn't for me. LOL. Thanks for the info guys.

12-14-22, 23:43
Had plans to meet. She cancelled at the very last minute with some horseshit excuse. I wasn't going to reschedule but she was pushing pretty hard to meet so we set another meeting time. She ghosted. No call / no show.

Saw her on a different SD site she had different pics than on SA. She looks kinda chubby / dumpy so kind of glad meetings fell through.Unless that's your body type, I'm thinking $300-$350 tops. Have you tried to negotiate? A lot of girls start at $500 now. I recently had a $500 that turned into a $300. The girl has to have some worth. If it's not looks, it damn well better be menu.

12-14-22, 23:50
Curious for those of you who have had an SB and at some point ended it. How'd that go? Because really, that's the key part. Some of you have talked about how great it's going and the money and all that while also saying you know you're going to have to end it. That is the part where it can all go to hell. Because if she isn't ready for the allowance and gifts and all that to end, you could be looking at some major headaches. So, has anyone out here have an extended period with an SB and ended it and if so, how did it go? Really, isn't that why we see escorts and go to parlors, because when it's over it's over and we don't have to concern ourselves with any baggage? I agree that the good parts sound great, I'm just concerned about what the end game will be like and if that may ruin everything before it. But maybe I'm too cynical.You should have lots of options to end it from your end if or when it gets to that point. Exactly how depends on the girl. If there's any hint of crazy / clingy ghosting may be the best option. This assumes like the other advice that you used burner contact points and didn't share personal info. If she knows a lot about you and doesn't want to let go, you're in trouble. With a more rational girl, especially if you know she's still playing the field, its probably 'nicer' to at least try an excuse like schedule changes at work, traveling, or even crying poor to give things a cleaner end. That also might leave that girl as a future option if you end up in a dry spell and want to scratch the itch with someone familiar.

I've had the same experience with the girls ending things. Luckily only been ghosted a few times by ones I wasn't that into. I've had a few others tell me they were moving or getting back with SOs from their past lives, and at least they didn't show up right back on the site so those stories seemed credible. The first SA girl I ever connected with I saw on and off for over 2 years and she checked a lot of the boxes for me. All along she told me she was using the money to finish a class and pay off some fines so she could get her license and find a job. I thought it was the usual BS the girls feed us so we feel better about paying for it. But lo and behold she actually used the money to finish a class, pay off fines, and get her license back. She would proudly send me pictures of her grades and receipts, and then she went and got a good job and had no more time to play. I was pretty upset about that one at the time, but it was a lot more positive ending than a lot of arrangements will be.

It'll always be an easy come, easy go game so keep your guard up personally, financially, and emotionally and don't be surprised by anything.

12-15-22, 09:00
Thanks for the info! Helps a ton!

Big Penor
12-15-22, 10:13
Unless that's your body type, I'm thinking $300-$350 tops. Have you tried to negotiate? A lot of girls start at $500 now. I recently had a $500 that turned into a $300. The girl has to have some worth. If it's not looks, it damn well better be menu.My type is large natural tits and a tone / tight waist (Can be average of slim). Not many women on seeking fit that body type.

I usually don't bother negotiating. I find so few women interesting on Seeking that I don't want to risk losing out on an opportunity.

Pau Ford
12-15-22, 10:28
We hadn't discussed $ yet so I was going in blind. I don't normally go in blind for this very reason reason, it could wind up being a waste of time but she was pushing to meet so I just rolled with it.

No, she's not my body type nor age preference and I would not have paid 500. She comes across super slutty DTF so I was willing to meet and assess things in person but 300 was the number I had in mind all along.

Unless that's your body type, I'm thinking $300-$350 tops. Have you tried to negotiate? A lot of girls start at $500 now. I recently had a $500 that turned into a $300. The girl has to have some worth. If it's not looks, it damn well better be menu.

Had plans to meet. She cancelled at the very last minute with some horseshit excuse. I wasn't going to reschedule but she was pushing pretty hard to meet so we set another meeting time. She ghosted. No call / no show.

Saw her on a different SD site she had different pics than on SA. She looks kinda chubby / dumpy so kind of glad meetings fell through.

12-15-22, 13:35
Curious for those of you who have had an SB and at some point ended it. How'd that go? Because really, that's the key part. Some of you have talked about how great it's going and the money and all that while also saying you know you're going to have to end it. That is the part where it can all go to hell. Because if she isn't ready for the allowance and gifts and all that to end, you could be looking at some major headaches. So, has anyone out here have an extended period with an SB and ended it and if so, how did it go? Really, isn't that why we see escorts and go to parlors, because when it's over it's over and we don't have to concern ourselves with any baggage? I agree that the good parts sound great, I'm just concerned about what the end game will be like and if that may ruin everything before it. But maybe I'm too cynical.I knew that she didn't want a real romantic relationship so I told her that I was in love with her and because I couldn't let that go I was going to have to move on. That made sense to her so I ramped down and moved on. So it depends on the woman and what she wants. But I would think most wouldn't want to marry someone a lot older than them. If they did I'd mention very restrictive prenups, etc so they understood there would be no / limited financial benefit.

12-15-22, 13:43
What's funny is that's the same Dana who has a solo profile on here and many guys have seen her for 300 and bbcip. You can also see the weight gain in her conbo profile as opposed to her solo profile. Sorry, don't have link handy but think it's Danaspa or something.But isn't it $600 for both versus $300 for just Dana? Am I reading that wrong?

Bill Underwood
12-15-22, 16:06
Yes, my being single absolutely has its advantages as I can spend without caring if someone finds out. I have stayed with SA for this and not really tried elsewhere. It is a lot of time filtering through the profiles and staying on top of the conversations. I probably spend an hour a day messaging current prospects and hopefuls. Until I have seen someone 4-5 times, I do not count that as anything regular and they could easily ghost me the next time. Many of the girls too I feel are probably seeing multiple guys in the beginning trying to see who are the best fit for them from a lifestyle and financial standpoint. You are correct though in that at times, I have spent as much as $4,000 a month on this but that was seeing multiple people every week as I weeded out the good from the bad or just was supporting someone that I was spending lots of time with. In the prior arrangement, we would see each other sometimes 4-5 times a week so when you think of it like that, it gets more reasonable although to be honest, we also did not have sex every time as we settled into a more vanilla relationship. With the current arrangement, if it works out, it puts me at $300 each time at most which is a number I am comfortable with and she is willing to come over more often then twice a week, we just understand that that is the expected minimum as we agreed on a monthly. I do not doubt that the girl you are seeing for $250 PPM is as pretty as any of the others as I have found little correlation between price and looks. If anything, the ones that ask for more come across more entitled and flaky. What I have seen, as to be expected is that if the girl lives downtown, expect it to be more, if she lives in the suburbs, more likely less as geographically her options are more limited.

Hey man great write up. Couple of things if I read this correctly at one point you were spitting out over 4 gs a month. First off good on you. I make a really good living but no way could I ever find 4 k a month, hell 3 k a month to spit out on the hobby. I couldn't get that much excess spending pass the Warden if I tried. You being single I'm sure plays a huge role in that expenditure. Lastly the more important question. How much "fishing" as you put it did you have to do and was it all on SA? I have to be honest I've had 2 long term arrangements in the past, one just ended a couple months ago and they were both 250 ppm everything goes and I mean everything. I would stack their looks up against any girl on the market. So I say that say it doesn't have to be 400-500 to find quality which is why I'm interested in where you did your fishing the most.

Good write up.

Bill Underwood
12-15-22, 16:12
Interesting that you say this as that is exactly how mine ended with a 26 y / o last summer. One day she was at the house telling me she loved me and listing all the reasons. Said she wanted to continue the relationship after she moved. The next week, she told me to never call her again as she prepared to move out of state.

He's dropped a good amount of wisdom and I agree on the ghosting. One girl that I connected with very well told me to just ghost if you want to end it. The GenZs ghost without a second thought and it seem like my (GenX) generation has some need to end things elegantly.

Have you read about employees that just stop showing up for work? It's crazy how much this younger generation just moves on. I recommend you learn from them.

12-15-22, 19:10
But isn't it $600 for both versus $300 for just Dana? Am I reading that wrong?Hey man. Not sure Dana will do $300 anymore. She quoted me $500. If anyone is still seeing her at that rate lmk as I have to work on my negotiation skills. I got her for $400 for a few hours 2 weeks ago.

Her and her friend would be asking $1 k.

12-16-22, 02:03
Hey guys. Was conversing with this one tonight and she was way to easy and accomodating. She's in Hanover Park (decent area) living at an Extended Stay. She told me that's where she's LIVING at the moment. I offered $250 with cip included. She jumped on it no questions asked which was concerning.

Def some flags with low price point and where she says she's living. Sounds like one level above a street walker and may be a serious user. A guy forewarned me on a previous inquiry of mine not to see a chick as she was strung out and not worth it. Curious if anyone has seen this one and what their experience was.

I don't stick my raw dick in $250 pussy so curious if I should make an exception. My head is telling me don't but, we now how that can be overridden when we're thinking with the wrong one!


12-16-22, 13:01
Hey guys. Was conversing with this one tonight and she was way to easy and accomodating. She's in Hanover Park (decent area) living at an Extended Stay. She told me that's where she's LIVING at the moment. I offered $250 with cip included. She jumped on it no questions asked which was concerning.

Def some flags with low price point and where she says she's living. Sounds like one level above a street walker and may be a serious user. A guy forewarned me on a previous inquiry of mine not to see a chick as she was strung out and not worth it. Curious if anyone has seen this one and what their experience was.

I don't stick my raw dick in $250 pussy so curious if I should make an exception. My head is telling me don't but, we now how that can be overridden when we're thinking with the wrong one!

https://members.seeking.com/member/193fa06f-239b-45ef-8779-0d737c3fbfd2She looks familiar and its weird because I saw someone that looked like her in that specific area and I thought my encounter was weird because that doesn't happen in HP area. Check your DM hit me back.

12-16-22, 13:04
Yes, my being single absolutely has its advantages as I can spend without caring if someone finds out. I have stayed with SA for this and not really tried elsewhere. It is a lot of time filtering through the profiles and staying on top of the conversations. I probably spend an hour a day messaging current prospects and hopefuls. Until I have seen someone 4-5 times, I do not count that as anything regular and they could easily ghost me the next time. Many of the girls too I feel are probably seeing multiple guys in the beginning trying to see who are the best fit for them from a lifestyle and financial standpoint. You are correct though in that at times, I have spent as much as $4,000 a month on this but that was seeing multiple people every week as I weeded out the good from the bad or just was supporting someone that I was spending lots of time with. In the prior arrangement, we would see each other sometimes 4-5 times a week so when you think of it like that, it gets more reasonable although to be honest, we also did not have sex every time as we settled into a more vanilla relationship. With the current arrangement, if it works out, it puts me at $300 each time at most which is a number I am comfortable with and she is willing to come over more often then twice a week, we just understand that that is the expected minimum as we agreed on a monthly. I do not doubt that the girl you are seeing for $250 PPM is as pretty as any of the others as I have found little correlation between price and looks..Good stuff. Being single has its advantages in the hobby for sure.

12-17-22, 01:30
https://members.seeking.com/member/8c2f366f-c993-4336-8975-9da3502a13f3I've met with her over coffee. Laila. She's 40 ish. Busy mom, newish job. There is MUCH better indian pussy out there. This one is a little plump. A little full of herself.

12-17-22, 17:37
I've met with her over coffee. Laila. She's 40 ish. Busy mom, newish job. There is MUCH better indian pussy out there. This one is a little plump. A little full of herself.Thank you for the feedback. I never tried an Indian pussy, so thinking of giving her a try, but you are right after a conversation with her, she is full of herself.

12-17-22, 20:18
This has the scent of another Nigerian scammer. 19 years old but in her third year of college. 19 years old and working as a bartender.


Get that sex.


12-18-22, 14:59
I know somebody have reported her before, but not able to find her in this thread. Did she changed her username or she created a new account. Any info about her is appreciated.


Thank you.

12-19-22, 11:45
New listing, https://members.seeking.com/messages/inbox/9f246cd3-f8e6-4288-bace-62ec5bf17e18.

12-19-22, 19:20
Link is to your messages.

New listing, https://members.seeking.com/messages/inbox/9f246cd3-f8e6-4288-bace-62ec5bf17e18.

12-20-22, 05:35

I know she is on seeking under a diffrent name but can't find the profile at the moment.


I need to know what to expect when I see her again.

12-20-22, 10:49

This is her current profile. She use to go by Gigi. A little chubby, fun fuck; but not always reliable, she likes to drink.


I know she is on seeking under a diffrent name but can't find the profile at the moment.


I need to know what to expect when I see her again.

12-20-22, 18:34

Even though her tagline is "PLEASE DON'T WASTE MY TIME", our entire conversation was her wasting time. It took over a week before she gave me her number. She asked if I was ok with a quickie and ppm. She then told me she wanted $400 for the quickie. I laughed and said I'd had multi hour arrangements for that and wished her good luck.

12-20-22, 19:11

Even though her tagline is "PLEASE DON'T WASTE MY TIME", our entire conversation was her wasting time. It took over a week before she gave me her number. She asked if I was ok with a quickie and ppm. She then told me she wanted $400 for the quickie. I laughed and said I'd had multi hour arrangements for that and wished her good luck.Currently talking to her. I appreciate your intel. I won't waste a single penny with her. Thanks.

12-20-22, 19:29
Another one asking $50 gas money, before setting up the appointment. I said I will pick you up and she blocked me. Luckily I had copied her profile url.


12-20-22, 21:04
Asking $400 for dinner time. She said my time is valuable and don't want to waste it.


I have no words to describe where SA is heading.

12-20-22, 23:28
Asking $400 for dinner time. She said my time is valuable and don't want to waste it.


I have no words to describe where SA is heading.Currently chatting with her. She told me she would buy me the first drink. No money mentioned. We were scheduled, but she said she got ill the day before we were going to meet. I got the vibe she's bad news. More and more like her appearing every day.

Big Penor
12-20-22, 23:39
Currently chatting with her. She told me she would buy me the first drink. No money mentioned. We were scheduled, but she said she got ill the day before we were going to meet. I got the vibe she's bad news. More and more like her appearing every day.Come on. She's 45. Why even bother?

12-21-22, 09:12
Come on. She's 45. Why even bother?I mostly agree Mr. Penor, partially about the age. Even more when they describe themselves as princess, queen or show pictures in high end designer bags, clothes etc. Big turnoffs. And then the "know my worth" or going on about how valuable their time is. UM, MY time is valuable, otherwise I wouldn't be the giftor and them the giftee. Right?

12-21-22, 10:16
Since your the one with the cash, absolutely.

I mostly agree Mr. Penor, partially about the age. Even more when they describe themselves as princess, queen or show pictures in high end designer bags, clothes etc. Big turnoffs. And then the "know my worth" or going on about how valuable their time is. UM, MY time is valuable, otherwise I wouldn't be the giftor and them the giftee. Right?

12-21-22, 23:29
I know somebody have reported her before, but not able to find her in this thread. Did she changed her username or she created a new account. Any info about her is appreciated.


Thank you.What would you like to know? Just PM me.

12-21-22, 23:34
I know somebody have reported her before, but not able to find her in this thread. Did she changed her username or she created a new account. Any info about her is appreciated.


Thank you.Also I'd be super interested to pull up that previous review. I tried a search too. So if anyone remembers a previous profile.

Pau Ford
12-21-22, 23:54
She's thicker than the pics indicate. Built like a catcher on the girls softball team. Pics are flattering appearance wise (if that's even possible LOL). Not fake or anything, just make her look better than she does in person. She asked for 400 (or maybe even 500?) agreed to $350 but wouldn't go lower. Services all covered / CFS. She was punctual, and is a nice enough girl but I'd probably save your money for something else unless you are super desperate.

I know somebody have reported her before, but not able to find her in this thread. Did she changed her username or she created a new account. Any info about her is appreciated.


Thank you.

Also I'd be super interested to pull up that previous review. I tried a search too. So if anyone remembers a previous profile.

12-22-22, 15:48

Pm is fine also.

12-22-22, 16:33

Jordan is amazing. Girls a pro and super glamorous. I know prefer Milking over AMPs, for sure. Super hot! I can't stress it enough.

12-22-22, 19:12

Pm is fine also.You can fuck fer for free if you take her to dinner and drinks. Just don't let her drink too much or she'll pass out on you.

12-22-22, 21:53

Posting here as it seems the whole link was cut short on his post. Same thing happened to me. Said couldn't meet on the day we agreed to and then when I asked for another time she just stopped responding. At least I didn't waste a trip, but wasted a month or so of chatting through snap.


Waste of time guys. Talked with her / whomever for just over a week and set up a time to meet. Bailed on the first one because she felt bad and thought she my have Covid. Cool, it was early in the day and didn't waste any time or money. Set up for a week later and says she's on her way. Get to the meeting place and have a drink while I wait. She texts me that she's a few min away. 20 min later I go to text her and I'm blocked! Ha ha ha, why? I don't get what the game was? I didn't send a deposit or anything. She didn't get a penny from me. Anyways boys, ignore this one.

12-23-22, 23:54
This lady on SA is an escort, not an SB. 400/ hr. She promises everything covered with BBBJ YMMV because she doesn't CIM.

I asked for PPM and she gave me her straight rate. Decent looking with bolt ons. But for that price you can do better if you search harder. If you want an ez in and out, go for it but some GPS attached.

Master Baggins
12-24-22, 21:07

Has anyone seen her or talked to her? Been chatting with her for a few days, looks really good, has a nice body. Kinda slow on replying, but probably busy due to the holidays. Just wanted to see if anyone has seen her or talked with her. I'll update yall if we are able to set something up. Thanks in advance!

12-25-22, 11:45

Has anyone seen her or talked to her? Been chatting with her for a few days, looks really good, has a nice body. Kinda slow on replying, but probably busy due to the holidays. Just wanted to see if anyone has seen her or talked with her. I'll update yall if we are able to set something up. Thanks in advance!Met her for coffee long ago (yr+?) Her pics were NOTHING like her current self. Didn't go any further / not interested. Suggest asking for a fresh selfie, doubt she'll send one.

12-26-22, 14:55
We been chatting on the site but she is slow to respond but interesting when she does, https://members.seeking.com/member/2c4c3c86-2c55-468c-b532-50d665a342c9

12-26-22, 16:25
Silly question. What is the best pick up line to use to convert the first meetup / date into something private?

I think I have a first timer and that's one challenge. I used the pickup line "We should probably talk in a less noisy place in more private about. Whatever the topic of our conversation was. " during my clubbing days. LOL. It worked but now I am a SD and I don; t want to look silly trying to be that young guy.

I don't want to be an ass and being too explicit about everything in my text/snap and scare her away. The only thing I let her know was to keep 3-4 hours so we can spend some quality time and left it at that. We already discussed PPM and all.

12-26-22, 19:45
Silly question. What is the best pick up line to use to convert the first meetup / date into something private?

I think I have a first timer and that's one challenge. I used the pickup line "We should probably talk in a less noisy place in more private about. Whatever the topic of our conversation was. " during my clubbing days. LOL. It worked but now I am a SD and I don; t want to look silly trying to be that young guy.

I don't want to be an ass and being too explicit about everything in my text/snap and scare her away. The only thing I let her know was to keep 3-4 hours so we can spend some quality time and left it at that. We already discussed PPM and all.But not sure if you're asking how to get them to agree to a meet, or one at a hotel. I personally don't try to hook up on my first meet, but if I were trying and they were not explicitly saying they would, I would get a dayuse hotel nearby and cancel at no cost if you aren't successful or the girl isn't as advertised. It should be a plan either way because until you see her in person you will want an exit plan and the nice thing about SBs is most don't expect to be paid for their time. I said most, those that do aren't worth pursuing.

You also might be overthinking as any girl that has gone through the trouble of setting up a profile already knows what the expectation is. The key is to not make them feel like a pro.

12-26-22, 22:07
This one was ready to meet right away, but got mad when I asked to meet in public first. She is from the westside of the city. I got a bad vibe. Looks like she has a tattoo that says 'Austin' on her chest. Maybe one of you guys can take one for the team.


This one was also pushy to meet. She doesn't understand guys have jobs and keeps begging you to meet her at the last minute. She wanted me to meet her without seeing a picture first. I finally got a picture and she is hideous. She looks like a Jewish crackwhore.


This one just wants to send you the link to her 0nlyfan5. She said she has no interest in meeting guys.


This one is running some type of scam. She wants to video chat for money. The profile had its location in Las Vegas for a few days and apparently Atlanta previously because the profile text says that.


This one thinks she can get $3,000 per month. She is in Hyde Park, doesn't have transportation, and can't host. LOL.


This one wants $1,000 per meet. I'm sure there is some rich dude out there with yellow fever.


Before this one moved to Chicago, she was jumping between cities in the Midwest. I think she is originally from Evansville and stripping. I talked to her when I worked in St. Louis about ten months ago. She wanted 300 and would only allow one SOG. Other guys saw her and reported she was horrible in bed. She had too many rules and was not into sex at all. She was traveling with another girl for awhile and offered 600 for a threesome, but only one SOG.


Get that sex.


12-27-22, 00:44
This lady on SA is an escort, not an SB. 400/ hr. She promises everything covered with BBBJ YMMV because she doesn't CIM.

I asked for PPM and she gave me her straight rate. Decent looking with bolt ons. But for that price you can do better if you search harder. If you want an ez in and out, go for it but some GPS attached.Couldn't find her on SA. Do you have a link?

12-27-22, 10:50
But not sure if you're asking how to get them to agree to a meet, or one at a hotel. I personally don't try to hook up on my first meet, but if I were trying and they were not explicitly saying they would, I would get a dayuse hotel nearby and cancel at no cost if you aren't successful or the girl isn't as advertised. It should be a plan either way because until you see her in person you will want an exit plan and the nice thing about SBs is most don't expect to be paid for their time. I said most, those that do aren't worth pursuing.

You also might be overthinking as any girl that has gone through the trouble of setting up a profile already knows what the expectation is. The key is to not make them feel like a pro.This is actually great advice, to have a place ready in case things go really well but also not appear overly aggressive or pushy. I personally agree with your approach of not getting explicit in initial texts and doing a no expectations meet and greet.

If the M&G goes well and you've already had a good conversation about PPM expectations, it shouldn't feel too awkward to playfully suggest 'I've got time now if you wanted to take this further right away' or something like that. I've kicked myself a few times for not being ready or have cleared more of my schedule and had a girl ask 'do you want to go somewhere now?' as we were wrapping up a coffee meet and greet.

But in general, its a safe assumption that the girls know what this site it all about and you shouldn't have to do a lot of subtle convincing or using pick up lines to move to the next steps. If you're sensing resistance, then flags should go up that the girl's either too flaky to follow through or is getting ready to bombard you with lots of requests for 'help' instead of actually getting together.

12-27-22, 13:45
Hi all,

For reasons that are still unknown to me, SA banned my active and in good standing account that I had when I lived in another city. From what I've read, it seems like they're doing this a lot lately. Anyway, has anyone else tried the forum's advertiser Secret Benefits? I see the pricing structure is a bit odd, but if it's good for the Chicago area I'd be willing to try it. Breaks my heart that I can't see Seeking links posted here anymore LOL.

12-27-22, 13:50
This is actually great advice, to have a place ready in case things go really well but also not appear overly aggressive or pushy. I personally agree with your approach of not getting explicit in initial texts and doing a no expectations meet and greet.

If the M&G goes well and you've already had a good conversation about PPM expectations, it shouldn't feel too awkward to playfully suggest 'I've got time now if you wanted to take this further right away' or something like that. I've kicked myself a few times for not being ready or have cleared more of my schedule and had a girl ask 'do you want to go somewhere now?' as we were wrapping up a coffee meet and greet.

But in general, its a safe assumption that the girls know what this site it all about and you shouldn't have to do a lot of subtle convincing or using pick up lines to move to the next steps. If you're sensing resistance, then flags should go up that the girl's either too flaky to follow through or is getting ready to bombard you with lots of requests for 'help' instead of actually getting together.Great suggestions and I did have a situation earlier with one person bombarding me with messages for help explaining all her life troubles with money. Etc. Honestly, some don't even care about meeting but start asking for some funds to help their situation. I am not hoping it will be the same but who knows, can't tell much with texting. But, I get the message to not be desperate which I am not to jump into next steps but also not be unprepared if the situation demands. The nice thing is that we talked about keeping 3-hours time just in case but I did not go into texting what we do, and left that open. Only talking about different coffee on text at this time. Thank you again.

12-27-22, 20:52
Great suggestions and I did have a situation earlier with one person bombarding me with messages for help explaining all her life troubles with money. Etc. Honestly, some don't even care about meeting but start asking for some funds to help their situation. I am not hoping it will be the same but who knows, can't tell much with texting. But, I get the message to not be desperate which I am not to jump into next steps but also not be unprepared if the situation demands. The nice thing is that we talked about keeping 3-hours time just in case but I did not go into texting what we do, and left that open. Only talking about different coffee on text at this time. Thank you again.Do yourself a favor and block that. If they're asking for money and they haven't even met you, 90% it's a scam. There's even a halfway decent chance the profile isn't real. Worst case you've wasted a few hours of back and forth texting with a dude.

12-28-22, 01:18

This chic messaged me 1 week ago how interesting my profile is, blah blah. I told her that I live in Chicago and she is in Ohio, but next week (now) I'm coming to Ohio for work. She messaged me today and decided to meet half way for both of us about 50 mi drive each. We are planning m & g and she gave me her availability. She hasn't asked for gas money or cashapp and even ignored my comment that I'll reimburse her mileage. She is not a looker but sounds very normal. Yesterday her profile said NYC but now is back to Ohio although she changes it. I can't imagine why a woman will drive 50 mi to meet me at some lame peasant diner. Something feels off.

12-28-22, 14:14
Do yourself a favor and block that. If they're asking for money and they haven't even met you, 90% it's a scam. There's even a halfway decent chance the profile isn't real. Worst case you've wasted a few hours of back and forth texting with a dude.Yep, already done and reported. Etc. Also had a good outing and it was a simple talk over coffee that ended with a nice kiss not initiated by her but did it when I paused looking into her eyes after the good bye hug. None of this may mean much. LOL but there is hope.

12-28-22, 18:56
Yep, already done and reported. Etc. Also had a good outing and it was a simple talk over coffee that ended with a nice kiss not initiated by her but did it when I paused looking into her eyes after the good bye hug. None of this may mean much. LOL but there is hope.Even if you weren't explicit in your intentions, the fact that you kissed her, paid no money and will have another meet (maybe lunch or dinner?) means you'll be banging her in no time. They want the money but want to feel safe. Once that trust is established you'll have lots of fun.

12-28-22, 23:17
Hi all,

For reasons that are still unknown to me, SA banned my active and in good standing account that I had when I lived in another city. From what I've read, it seems like they're doing this a lot lately. Anyway, has anyone else tried the forum's advertiser Secret Benefits? I see the pricing structure is a bit odd, but if it's good for the Chicago area I'd be willing to try it. Breaks my heart that I can't see Seeking links posted here anymore LOL.I'm in the same boat. At least they threw me off when my renew was about to be due.

Found this.


12-29-22, 01:20
Even if you weren't explicit in your intentions, the fact that you kissed her, paid no money and will have another meet (maybe lunch or dinner?) means you'll be banging her in no time. They want the money but want to feel safe. Once that trust is established you'll have lots of fun.I hear ya and I think I am getting the vibe. She paid for her Uber trip one way and did not ask me for anything but she was fine with me dropping her back when I told her I could. She probably felt safe after seeing and talking to me to let me drop her in front of her house. She is here with her parents for holidays or something. We are still snapping not like crazy every 5 minutes, but 2-3 snap chats per day. Again keeping the chats on different topics with no explicit talk. I think she would have said something and took Uber if I asked for something crazy during coffee. LOL.

12-29-22, 02:26
Is there a new promo code before I re-sign up for a month for SA?

12-29-22, 14:31
Can BURN through credits very quickly, much like Secret Benefits.

12-29-22, 16:45
Is there a new promo code before I re-sign up for a month for SA?I noticed that when I signed on with my computer I did not see an ad for a promo code, but when I signed on with my cell phone I got the page to reduce by 20%. It didn't show a code, just an automatic 20% reduction if I reactivated.

Hope this helps.

12-29-22, 18:51
Is there a new promo code before I re-sign up for a month for SA?You could try WB25OFF for 25% off.

Nw Pounder
12-30-22, 13:13
You could try WB25OFF for 25% off.I tried to upgrade using gift card from Walmart (SecureSpend) and Walgreens (Vanilla). Both didn't work. Please suggest which one should I try?

12-30-22, 13:41
Just buy a Visa card from anywhere, that has always worked.

I tried to upgrade using gift card from Walmart (SecureSpend) and Walgreens (Vanilla). Both didn't work. Please suggest which one should I try?

Nw Pounder
12-30-22, 19:03
Just buy a Visa card from anywhere, that has always worked.Thank you. I tried both the cards and it didn't work. Can you please advise where / what card did you buy? I can try the same. Much appreciated.

12-31-22, 00:58
Thank you. I tried both the cards and it didn't work. Can you please advise where / what card did you buy? I can try the same. Much appreciated.This is not trivial as another poster implies. Search for my posts on this topic. I lay it all out.

12-31-22, 11:50
Is there a new promo code before I re-sign up for a month for SA?Don't subscribe the first few days you log in after you create an account. You will eventually get a 20% and then a 30% off offer.

Yung One
12-31-22, 12:21
Don't subscribe the first few days you log in after you create an account. You will eventually get a 20% and then a 30% off offer.Just recovered my account after being suspended about a year for alleged solicitation / ppm bs.

I got the "sale" on the 2nd day. It's been about 3 weeks now, still holding out for the supposed 30% off but I've never seen it. Unless you do 3 months for $77.33, also a good deal. I'm just scared I'll lose my account again if I end my subscription after 1 month. I've heard stories on here about that happening. Funny my account got flagged only after I cancelled my sub.

12-31-22, 15:57
Just recovered my account after being suspended about a year for alleged solicitation / ppm bs.

I got the "sale" on the 2nd day. It's been about 3 weeks now, still holding out for the supposed 30% off but I've never seen it. Unless you do 3 months for $77.33, also a good deal. I'm just scared I'll lose my account again if I end my subscription after 1 month. I've heard stories on here about that happening. Funny my account got flagged only after I cancelled my sub.How did you recover your account?

12-31-22, 15:59
I'm in the same boat. At least they threw me off when my renew was about to be due.

Found this.

https://sugar-daddies.us/top-websitesA women that I'm chatting with sent me a screenshot of her SB inbox. It was filled with generic one line messages from guys, and knowing most of you I have a hard time believing that this would be your initial intro. So I suspect this is how SB works:

Whenever you look at or favorite someone's profile, the system sends a generic intro message to the woman who does not need to pay to read it. This results in her looking at your profile, and they either send a legit message back or at least engage with a favorite.

Meanwhile, you are intrigued because she noticed you and you either pay to send a message or respond to the bs auto note.

I think this is how it works because it is the only way to explain why I get an initial message but no response when I engage. The hit rate on this platform really sucks.

01-02-23, 10:15
On SA anyone partake? No thread for SA on Waukegan board. Pm ok.


01-02-23, 16:20
Ya filthy animals.

Here's my gift to you all: https://members.seeking.com/member/c145a9cc-3185-4263-a048-5a77c979ba3b.

$300 everytime ya'll meet up. She's expressed no time limit. She PREFERS BARE. She's a shorty.

She'll lick your ass and get fucked in the ass too. Might be too good to be true! But its true!

Pau Ford
01-03-23, 11:10
Happy new year fellas, don't say I never hooked you up.

This one joined SA today and man oh man she's a beauty. She's a shorty clocking in at sub 5 foot but she's a good woman so it's all good. Of course you'll need to step up your game to keep her happy. She's got a bakers dozen worth of kids so you can be sure to help them out too.

Idk though. I'm guessing she has shaved a few years off her stated age. She's got at least 65 years of hard miles on her. We're talking decades of marlboro red's and jack daniels on the daily folks.

Was hoping 2023 would be a bounce back year for SA but it's not off to a good start hahaha.


01-03-23, 12:27
I saw this listing for DrLovin https://members.seeking.com/member/fcee5af9-6130-49da-8efe-55217b286c5d.

She lists herself as "slim" and the pictures show you a shapely young lady. Too bad that wasn't the reality.

I had her send me a "selfie" which looked pretty similar to the SA pictures. We texted and agreed on $400. I had to pick her up, but it was last minute so whatever.

It was cold out, so she had on a coat. She looked thick when she walked up, but I thought it would be ok. I was wrong. I check into the hotel and we get to the room.

When she removes her coat, she has about 30 extra pounds wrapped around her midsection. "slim" was a long time ago. No waist at all. She was shaped like a barrel. I was pissed. I hate fake pictures. They either think you will be too "nice" to call them out or they think you are too desperate to care. I am neither. I stopped taking off my shoes, and told her this isn't going to work.

I tried to explain that it doesn't make sense to show pictures that are not accurate, because the guy showing up wants to see that person, not who you are today (different). I told her that if she had accurate pictures, the guy showing up would be excited to see who shows up. But that didn't happen.

Took her back to her place and dropped her off. I lost the cost of the hotel room, but the $400 stayed with me.

Avoid her unless you like big girls. She seemed nice enough, but I can't to big like that.

01-03-23, 13:39
I saw this listing for DrLovin https://members.seeking.com/member/fcee5af9-6130-49da-8efe-55217b286c5d.

She lists herself as "slim" and the pictures show you a shapely young lady. Too bad that wasn't the reality.

I had her send me a "selfie" which looked pretty similar to the SA pictures. We texted and agreed on $400. I had to pick her up, but it was last minute so whatever.

It was cold out, so she had on a coat. She looked thick when she walked up, but I thought it would be ok. I was wrong. I check into the hotel and we get to the room.

When she removes her coat, she has about 30 extra pounds wrapped around her midsection. "slim" was a long time ago. No waist at all. She was shaped like a barrel. I was pissed. I hate fake pictures. They either think you will be too "nice" to call them out or they think you are too desperate to care. I am neither. I stopped taking off my shoes, and told her this isn't going to work.

I tried to explain that it doesn't make sense to show pictures that are not accurate, because the guy showing up wants to see that person, not who you are today (different). I told her that if she had accurate pictures, the guy showing up would be excited to see who shows up. But that didn't happen.

Took her back to her place and dropped her off. I lost the cost of the hotel room, but the $400 stayed with me.

Avoid her unless you like big girls. She seemed nice enough, but I can't to big like that.Kudos to you! I been in the same situation plenty of times (not with her), but never had the courage to call it off, but I wished plenty of times I did.

Thanks for the warning and sorry to hear about your experience.

01-03-23, 14:55
Kudos to you! I been in the same situation plenty of times (not with her), but never had the courage to call it off, but I wished plenty of times I did.

Thanks for the warning and sorry to hear about your experience.This is why I always get a coffee or drink first, I hate misleading photos.

01-04-23, 02:48
Another scammer who wants money up front for a babysitter. This one wasted two weeks smooth talking me before asking for a babysitting fee of $115 prior to meeting up the following day.

She will provide a 623 area code number which made me suspicious from the get go.

She already blocked my account once I denied her babysitting fee.


01-04-23, 12:25
Another scammer who wants money up front for a babysitter. This one wasted two weeks smooth talking me before asking for a babysitting fee of $115 prior to meeting up the following day.

She will provide a 623 area code number which made me suspicious from the get go.

She already blocked my account once I denied her babysitting fee.

https://members.seeking.com/messages/archive/c0d691f8-00af-43c4-aa85-ccdc1184c5b5Yes, she is a scammer. Same experience.

01-04-23, 12:28
This is why I always get a coffee or drink first, I hate misleading photos.But timing was an issue, and frankly, if she was hot, I wanted to get to the deed.

I have been in the escort "hobby" for almost 20 years, so I have had my share of bait and switch. I decided years ago that if I went through with it, I was rewarding bad conduct. So I am not afraid to walk away from a situation like this.

01-04-23, 20:21
Hey fellas,

For those that have a second life, would SB's that list "discretion" in the bio a must? Or are you finding that most on SA kinda understand that already? It seems like a mix. But I feel like women don't list "discretion" often because it may assume they are a pro or something. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Seriously considering dropping some coin to try this out. But don't want to just waste money and time on this.

Also, any advice on apps to use to filter my face if I upload a picture? Do you guys upload your pictures with face in litter or hidden?

01-04-23, 23:29
Hey fellas,

For those that have a second life, would SB's that list "discretion" in the bio a must? Or are you finding that most on SA kinda understand that already? It seems like a mix. But I feel like women don't list "discretion" often because it may assume they are a pro or something. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Seriously considering dropping some coin to try this out. But don't want to just waste money and time on this.

Also, any advice on apps to use to filter my face if I upload a picture? Do you guys upload your pictures with face in litter or hidden?I find using words as filters will be too limiting, but what you could do is eliminate any that use the word "platonic" since most will likely mean it. IMO discretion is a given since none of them want their friends knowing that they are hanging out with an old guy and they sure don't want their peers finding out that they are getting money for sex.

As far as a filter is concerned I put face shots in the hidden photos and show a body shot no face in the public.

To be clear you can save money vs pros but you will most definitely waste time. If that's not something you're willing to do maybe stick with the pros. I personally enjoy the hunt so don't mind spending the time.

01-05-23, 10:31
I find using words as filters will be too limiting, but what you could do is eliminate any that use the word "platonic" since most will likely mean it. IMO discretion is a given since none of them want their friends knowing that they are hanging out with an old guy and they sure don't want their peers finding out that they are getting money for sex.

As far as a filter is concerned I put face shots in the hidden photos and show a body shot no face in the public.

To be clear you can save money vs pros but you will most definitely waste time. If that's not something you're willing to do maybe stick with the pros. I personally enjoy the hunt so don't mind spending the time.You could miss out on a lot by eliminating profiles that have platonic in them, either as a bubble or just in the text. That is, if you are interested in a real SB and not just an UTR escort. The real SBs are appalled by the vast majority of initial messages that are literally just money offers and hotel room #s. They are trying to repel that, and one way to do so is say platonic or no sex in their profile. In the real world, a lot who say 'platonic' understand how the site works, and are down for it.

01-05-23, 12:22
Has anyone met this gal and would like to share any info, here or PM?


01-06-23, 18:30
Has any one actually met her? I have been texting with her but she is not aggressive about meeting like most pros. It has been more friendly chatting than getting down to business.

This lady on SA is an escort, not an SB. 400/ hr. She promises everything covered with BBBJ YMMV because she doesn't CIM.

I asked for PPM and she gave me her straight rate. Decent looking with bolt ons. But for that price you can do better if you search harder. If you want an ez in and out, go for it but some GPS attached.

01-06-23, 18:50
I have a couple times, smart girl with a 'groovy" vibe, loves sex. If you are into really petite girls she loves getting pounded.

Has any one actually met her? I have been texting with her but she is not aggressive about meeting like most pros. It has been more friendly chatting than getting down to business.

01-06-23, 22:53
Has anyone met this Hispanic couple? They stay in Glenview and looking for a 3rd to join them. The wife looks like a thick and curvy chick.


01-07-23, 13:55
Has any one actually met her? I have been texting with her but she is not aggressive about meeting like most pros. It has been more friendly chatting than getting down to business.I haven't been this here but I googled her name and she's on a couple cam sites.

01-07-23, 16:10
I haven't been this here but I googled her name and she's on a couple cam sites.Well, this helped me realize not to partake.

Yung One
01-07-23, 16:36
How did you recover your account?I simply reached out to their support, argued my case and apologized, VOILA! I'm back baby! But did take several weeks for them to reach back out. Hope this helps!


01-07-23, 17:29
A women that I'm chatting with sent me a screenshot of her SB inbox. It was filled with generic one line messages from guys, and knowing most of you I have a hard time believing that this would be your initial intro. So I suspect this is how SB works:

Whenever you look at or favorite someone's profile, the system sends a generic intro message to the woman who does not need to pay to read it. This results in her looking at your profile, and they either send a legit message back or at least engage with a favorite.

Meanwhile, you are intrigued because she noticed you and you either pay to send a message or respond to the bs auto note.

I think this is how it works because it is the only way to explain why I get an initial message but no response when I engage. The hit rate on this platform really sucks.Yeah, don't even try SB. The site is a scam and sent these 1 liner messages from the accounts that may either be dormant or not active. I called out and sent them an email. They refunded and kicked me out of the site. I am good and don't want to waste any more time on it.

01-08-23, 15:04
This one is down to play for 200 per date. She is in the near west suburbs.


This one is down to play for 250. She is more under the radar and seeing a bunch of guys at the same time while cheating on a boyfriend. Doesn't want to kiss or give head.


She is trying to get guys to join her 0nlyfan5. She wants to communicate on Telegram which makes me think she might be outside the US. She claims to be 24 on Seeking, but 19 on 0nlyfan5. She claims to be German, then on t1kt0k she claims to be Australian.


I think this girl is real and lives in the south suburbs; I think I found her social media. She tried telling me she was in another city at the moment and would be home in a week and we should get to know each other in the meantime. Then she started asking for a small amount of money upfront, so I blocked her.


This girl was pretty talkative and said she wanted to meet. Every time we set up a time and place to meet, she goes silent the day of. I think she is just playing fantasy sugar baby like we play fantasy football.


Met this one for a meet and greet. I was just not attracted to her. Too much weight in the midsection. I called my phone from another app and said there was an emergency at work and bailed.


Another time waster. I think she is just bored and uses this for entertainment.


Get that sex.


01-08-23, 16:17

She will provide a 312 area code number and has a legitimate Facebook profile after I did some research on her number. She will tell you anything you want to hear and ghost you at the last possible moment with some bs excuse. Don't waste your time.

01-08-23, 17:37
Jisselle is definitely a time waster. Last summer she blew me off four times. It's a game for her.

This one is down to play for 200 per date. She is in the near west suburbs.


This one is down to play for 250. She is more under the radar and seeing a bunch of guys at the same time while cheating on a boyfriend. Doesn't want to kiss or give head.


She is trying to get guys to join her 0nlyfan5. She wants to communicate on Telegram which makes me think she might be outside the US. She claims to be 24 on Seeking, but 19 on 0nlyfan5. She claims to be German, then on t1kt0k she claims to be Australian.


I think this girl is real and lives in the south suburbs; I think I found her social media. She tried telling me she was in another city at the moment and would be home in a week and we should get to know each other in the meantime. Then she started asking for a small amount of money upfront, so I blocked her.


This girl was pretty talkative and said she wanted to meet. Every time we set up a time and place to meet, she goes silent the day of. I think she is just playing fantasy sugar baby like we play fantasy football.


Met this one for a meet and greet. I was just not attracted to her. Too much weight in the midsection. I called my phone from another app and said there was an emergency at work and bailed.


Another time waster. I think she is just bored and uses this for entertainment.


Get that sex.


01-09-23, 08:04

Mina is a time waster. Multiple meets set only to be cancelled or ghosted.

01-09-23, 08:07

She is a pro. Wants 600/ hr. If her pics are accurate, she is maybe worth half of that IMO.

01-09-23, 11:31
Does anyone have info on Fine, she has been a member since 2019? https://members.seeking.com/member/8a447a27-65bc-4ce5-93d0-fed2e0780194.

01-09-23, 11:55
With this one?


Making small talk but disappears when trying to lock down an offer.

01-09-23, 13:23
This one wants to be spoiled and meet three times before getting physical. She's nice, but please, get a clue.


01-09-23, 14:29
Massive waste of time. Pics are accurate. Would only do a covered BJ, did not want to receive oral, did not want to have sex first but agreed as things progressed; however the sex was not fun.

Deleted the number after she left.


Master Baggins
01-09-23, 15:36

Saw her in the middle of November. Young, 19 yr old with a great body, met for a car date. BBBJ+cim, open to BBFS, has no gag reflex! I literally grabbed her by the back of the head and fucked her throat. Damage around 150-200, follows direction very well. Treat her well guys. Only downside is that she is by the state border just north of Gurnee.

01-09-23, 17:25
Yes agree. She is a freak.

Ya filthy animals.

Here's my gift to you all: https://members.seeking.com/member/c145a9cc-3185-4263-a048-5a77c979ba3b.

$300 everytime ya'll meet up. She's expressed no time limit. She PREFERS BARE. She's a shorty.

She'll lick your ass and get fucked in the ass too. Might be too good to be true! But its true!

01-09-23, 19:04

Saw her in the middle of November. Young, 19 yr old with a great body, met for a car date. BBBJ+cim, open to BBFS, has no gag reflex! I literally grabbed her by the back of the head and fucked her throat. Damage around 150-200, follows direction very well. Treat her well guys. Only downside is that she is by the state border just north of Gurnee.I would make the drive if we could meet. She sounds like fun. Thanks for the heads up!

01-09-23, 19:18
Yes agree. She is a freak.How many of us are riding this train together?

01-09-23, 19:19

Mina is a time waster. Multiple meets set only to be cancelled or ghosted.Had the same thing happen to me twice with her. Then has the nerve to message me again. LOL.

01-10-23, 07:05

Pic seller.

Master Baggins
01-10-23, 10:29
I would make the drive if we could meet. She sounds like fun. Thanks for the heads up!We met at an address she gave me, and drove down the street to a dead end to do the deed. I noticed she hasn't been on seeking since December, she can be difficult to get a hold of sometimes. I basically sent her a message on there with my number to get a hold of me, after 2 weeks I finally get a text from her. But I assure you with this one, patience is worth it! Good luck!

01-10-23, 11:22
Yes agree. She is a freak.She also has a friend that can join. The friend is condoms only. Have not seen the friend personally.

Master Baggins
01-10-23, 13:50

Saw her last week, only had time for a quickie, so we negotiated 200 for a car date BBBJ in Elgin. She's 100% the girl in the pics, nice slim body, cute face. Very talkative, can hold a good convo. Found a place to park and did our business, she gives great head, looking foward to seeing her in the future for some FS. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

01-10-23, 14:17

This one is a dirty bird, although she has kids is a tight spinner. Treat her well. Charges may vary from 200-300 (after a few months she'll see you for 150 if you're ever low on cash.) What I love most about her is her head game, truly unbelievable with the perfect amount of sloppiness and a no gag reflex.

01-10-23, 18:20
Any info of her? She looks like a great deal but I am afraid of new profiles LOL If any of you have info of her, let me know.


01-10-23, 18:56
3 rounds of minimum credits go quickly so you're much better off with the SA monthly model. At least there the scammers are the girls and not the platform. Here's my stats.

More messages than I can count. Funny how every woman is quick to message me but few actually return my response. It's almost like they never sent them? I digress.

That's 45 messages either sent or received.

16 or 17 actually exchanged numbers, about 3 we never exchanged because they admitted that they don't live anywhere near Chicago even though their profile says they do.

Of those 16,2 hit me up for cash almost immediately and were blocked.

2 asked for huge sums and no counter was made.

3 resulted in an in person meet, the rest just ghosted for various reasons.

1 in person later ghosted when I wouldn't agree to give a ppm for casual meets, another is moving in with her baby daddy and wants to start an only fans.

So I have one successful hook up. Not complaining because she's smoking hot and great lay, would probably get 2 x her ppm as a pro.

But this is overall a lousy yield for the work / money.

01-11-23, 11:24
I messaged back and forth with this interesting looking ebony Cynn.


When we talk about meeting, she tells me how I would need to wait on anything physical, but that she needs to be compensated for her time, effort, etc. I replied that my time is as valuable as hers, and that I don't give extra (cash) if I'm not getting extra (ass). She replied that her time is in fact more valuable than mine, etc. , etc. LOL.

I told her that we just agree to disagree, because I don't give people money to be in the room. Don't waste your time.

01-11-23, 11:58
Anyone else having issues logging into SA? My computer rebooted over night and now I'm getting an error when I try to log in on my PC. The error I'm getting is "Sorry, we experienced an issue loading this content. " I can log in just fine using my phone, so I'm pretty sure they didn't block my account. Not sure what's going on as I've never seen this before.

Master Baggins
01-11-23, 12:37
Any info of her? She looks like a great deal but I am afraid of new profiles LOL If any of you have info of her, let me know.

https://members.seeking.com/member/e042c711-5f5b-4ab9-90ef-e5f0b50e6bc6She is legit I believe. Sent her a message and got her number, looked it up and got her name, and found her fb profile. Currently talking with her to see what she's looking for.

01-11-23, 13:10
She is legit I believe. Sent her a message and got her number, looked it up and got her name, and found her fb profile. Currently talking with her to see what she's looking for.She's also on WYP.

01-11-23, 13:41
Anyone else having issues logging into SA? My computer rebooted over night and now I'm getting an error when I try to log in on my PC. The error I'm getting is "Sorry, we experienced an issue loading this content. " I can log in just fine using my phone, so I'm pretty sure they didn't block my account. Not sure what's going on as I've never seen this before.Clearing your cache or turning off a vpn worked for me.

01-11-23, 13:44
Clearing your cache or turning off a vpn worked for me.I usually run in Incognito mode, so cache is always cleared. But I apparently had a chrome update and did that. After the relaunch I was able to log back in.

01-11-23, 14:58
I messaged back and forth with this interesting looking ebony Cynn.


When we talk about meeting, she tells me how I would need to wait on anything physical, but that she needs to be compensated for her time, effort, etc. I replied that my time is as valuable as hers, and that I don't give extra (cash) if I'm not getting extra (ass). She replied that her time is in fact more valuable than mine, etc. , etc. LOL.

I told her that we just agree to disagree, because I don't give people money to be in the room. Don't waste your time.She was probably just a scammer but that kind of thinking has just ruined a generation. They all think they're 1 viral tiktoc dance and 100 k IG followers away from becoming a billionaire. No one wants to work just an entire generation of sex workers, scammers and wannabes. I don't have kids but hats off to you guys raising daughters in this crazy world.

01-11-23, 15:13
She was probably just a scammer but that kind of thinking has just ruined a generation. They all think they're 1 viral tiktoc dance and 100 k IG followers away from becoming a billionaire. No one wants to work just an entire generation of sex workers, scammers and wannabes. I don't have kids but hats off to you guys raising daughters in this crazy world.I think that she, and many like her, think they are so smart that if they talk for a while, we won't notice the pivot to a pay for no play proposal. I've been in the hobby, and in arrangements, long enough to quickly and easily show the lines I won't cross. Giving someone money to "be in the room" is one of those lines I won't cross. It kills me when they say, as she literally did, that their time is more valuable than mine. That's only true if I am so desperate for female company that I want to pay you to just be present. I am a fairly good looking, fit, mature guy, with enough game to get sex without the financial dynamic (if I wanted to put in the work, which I don't LOL). So when you come at me as if I should feel privileged to spend even social time with you, I let you know that I'm not that guy.

It would be funny if it wasn't so insulting. Someone who is young and attractive, and in need / want of someone else's money thinks that all they need to do is exist and they will get paid.

Maybe there are guys out there feeding that mentality, but it's not me.

01-11-23, 16:46
I could not find anything about her, maybe we got different numbers LOL.

She is legit I believe. Sent her a message and got her number, looked it up and got her name, and found her fb profile. Currently talking with her to see what she's looking for.

01-11-23, 19:39

LOL said she asks for $300 with half sent upfront. Told her I don't send upfront money cause there are too many scammers out there. She said, ok I understand but how much would you send now so I could to prove I am not a scammer. WTF LMAO!

01-12-23, 11:49
I'm going to that area and I am wondering whether there is fun to be had there. I see on SA that there are ladies in that area. A few look interesting. What would be a good rate for these ladies? It's not Chicago by any stretch, so I am wondering how much it should cost to have some fun.

If you have an experience, please share, publicly or by DM.


01-12-23, 12:57
Asking 2 k per month, do not host and you have to travel near to her place bcoz I think she is a on call nurse or something.

01-12-23, 14:11
I'm going to that area and I am wondering whether there is fun to be had there. I see on SA that there are ladies in that area. A few look interesting. What would be a good rate for these ladies? It's not Chicago by any stretch, so I am wondering how much it should cost to have some fun.

If you have an experience, please share, publicly or by DM.

Thanks.Where did you find your prospects? I go there often and thought there will be an ample supply with the college in town but haven't found anything SA. I found a pro that was recommended for being normal, reasonable and a squirter but haven't tried her yet. She looks big and has a bunch of tats but I have her number if interested.

01-12-23, 18:05
Asking 2 k per month, do not host and you have to travel near to her place bcoz I think she is a on call nurse or something.Sorry, forgot to post the link.


01-12-23, 23:04
Seems dtf says hosting is possible. Pm ok.


01-12-23, 23:27
Where did you find your prospects? I go there often and thought there will be an ample supply with the college in town but haven't found anything SA. I found a pro that was recommended for being normal, reasonable and a squirter but haven't tried her yet. She looks big and has a bunch of tats but I have her number if interested.I see some ladies in the search on SA. I have a few I am talking to, but I'll see if I actually get to see one of them. Here are a couple that look interesting to me:

https://members.seeking.com/member/b36caa1c-e970-49c1-8c06-9a979e81321c Glamourwho. Replied on messages. Asked when I could meet. When I asked what she was doing today I didn't hear back, so we will see.

https://members.seeking.com/member/8c2cd576-788b-4394-8a82-8e31f75c0e5c Ella Doll. Looks good. She replied on messages too, but I haven't gotten anywhere yet.

I also have another one on text. I don't have a link to her because I found her months ago on another trip to Champaign. She texted me out of the blue. She sent me a picture and she looks good. I'm supposed to try to meet her tomorrow evening. We'll see.

I think I saw discussion about the pro you mentioned. There was back and forth about whether she was weighing in at 200,190, or 180 ish. I saw the pictures and she looked good. Also, she sounds like a good time. But I can't do big girls, and I fear if she is too big it will be a waste of time and money.

I'll report back if I have any success.

01-13-23, 13:31
Sorry, forgot to post the link.

https://members.seeking.com/member/3affc714-f6a2-4a8b-a629-87f01a5d929aI contacted her and asked if she would drive an hour to visit and she declined. But she does look hot!

01-13-23, 13:57
She is DTF, very nice, can go to her place but she is much bigger than her photos suggest.

Seems dtf says hosting is possible. Pm ok.


01-13-23, 14:52
Has anyone seen this frisky latina?

She quoted me 400 and she was too eager to meet, sounds sus so maybe one of you saw her and could give some intel?


01-13-23, 16:45
https://members.seeking.com/member/5a76a9a7-80b1-4485-b6cf-2fac7060f66a She favorited me a couple of days ago and we have been chatting off the site. She wants to meet at her apartment in the City, with her boyfriend present. She says it's up to me if I want him to participate or wait in another room. When I asked how long she said, "As long as you need. " She gave me her address and wants 3. Have any of you seen her?

01-14-23, 12:38
Has anyone seen this frisky latina?

She quoted me 400 and she was too eager to meet, sounds sus so maybe one of you saw her and could give some intel?

https://members.seeking.com/member/438f455b-5dc8-4d04-bb15-c6f5fcc39b1aWe traded some texts, she sent photos, wanted 400 and asked if I could meet that day. I put her off. Very interested if any of you have pulled the trigger.

01-14-23, 12:57
Messaging young latina sounds almost TGTBT. Anyone see her yet?


01-14-23, 16:35
Messaging young latina sounds almost TGTBT. Anyone see her yet?

https://members.seeking.com/member/05530b5d-5e93-4659-a073-fd00073b17a7She's got all those verification badges and agreed to meet at the end of the month, with me ubering her to the hotel.

Seems good to me. I'll report back after.

01-15-23, 14:58

I saw her a couple months back. Started talking about meeting pretty instantly wanted 400 for a complete date. Definitely more on the submissive side of things and was up for everything including BBFS but YMMV.

01-15-23, 15:25

Anyone got any info on her? She seems nice so far.

01-15-23, 20:17
Old profile but I could not find any reviews, has anyone seen her?


01-16-23, 08:13

"She" is a time waster. Sets up meets then no-shows.

01-16-23, 10:58
Thank you. I tried both the cards and it didn't work. Can you please advise where / what card did you buy? I can try the same. Much appreciated.Blackhawk network cards only.


01-16-23, 11:03
I'm in the same boat. At least they threw me off when my renew was about to be due.

Found this.

https://sugar-daddies.us/top-websitesSecret Benefits does not work out for many people though as it seems one way street.

01-16-23, 15:09
Another promising gal, looks very familiar but her profile is new, any info?


Nw Pounder
01-16-23, 22:31
Blackhawk network cards only.

https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/zqthzg/anyone_found_a_way_to_use_prepaid_cards_for/Thank you. I got the Amex prepaid card from Jewel and it worked for me.

01-17-23, 11:10
Been talking with her. She's not new to this. Although she doesn't seem. High mileage. She states she has some bad medical conditions she's using this to help pay for. She's very nice through messaging and open. Seems a tad TGTBT to me. She's over an hour from. Me or else I would've tried a meet and greet by now.

Another promising gal, looks very familiar but her profile is new, any info?


01-18-23, 03:00
https://members.seeking.com/member/5a76a9a7-80b1-4485-b6cf-2fac7060f66a She favorited me a couple of days ago and we have been chatting off the site. She wants to meet at her apartment in the City, with her boyfriend present. She says it's up to me if I want him to participate or wait in another room. When I asked how long she said, "As long as you need. " She gave me her address and wants 3. Have any of you seen her?Can share some details over PM. I wouldn't repeat.

01-18-23, 11:53

This lady is nice but I just can't connect with her in conversation. She gets very vague as well in terms of what she's open to. She's late 30's and real. Reminds me of maggie gyllenhaal. She had other pics on SA that were more revealing and he body is very nice. Wants 600. I didn't pursue further.


This one I know is real. Met her almost a decade ago on Craigslist. Only did head back then. I reached back out on SA to her to reminisce. She has aged not so well but she's nice. She has no car currently and in tinley.


I'm a sucker for tits so I've reached out to this lady. She's had several accounts over the last year or so. We keep moving to text and she's very flighty with communication. Hard to set anything up. Also very vague with details. Haven't even been able to get a price due to to sometimes its weeks between texts. But seems nice enough.


This one has been reviewed several times a while back. She contacts me often enough and never remembers. I never met her. But she's pleasant to converse with. Seems high mileage a bit. Always saying she can't afford food and can't find a job.


This one messaged me and I carried on our conversation. She's a self described sex addict and constantly picking up guys from her work or wherever to fuck. Her body isn't good but with just the slightest game you can fuck her. I did not meet her as she's too high mileage to me. But I doubt you even need to bring up money. She will fuck you. I keep talking to her out of boredom but she does a a crazy mental side sometimes. Usually later in the evening. She has a lot of baggage from. Her upbringing.


I'm. A sucker for weirdos and this girl is real nice. Talked plenty through text and was open about things. But she said she's by Gurnee which is over an hour from. Me so I stopped pursuing. I hate when they lost chicago but are actually so far out.


I've messaged with this lady over the past couple years on various different apps / sites. Very flighty with communication and stops responding easily. I keep indulging just to see where it goes like a book missing the next chapter. Then finally saw her on seeking and thought finally! But nope, stopped responding after half a day as well. Shea real though as I have her social.


This one wanted to pay to chat online. Psych major I believe. Pass.

Anyone have any info on this one?


She messaged me a few months back and after a few messages I stopped replying. She just messaged me again and is pursuing me for some odd reason. She gave me her socials and told her life story and we talked about all kinds of things and we actually have alot in common, surprisingly. Seems TGTBT but bow my interest is piqued.

Thanks in advance.

Big Penor
01-18-23, 21:38

She messaged me a few months back and after a few messages I stopped replying. She just messaged me again and is pursuing me for some odd reason. She gave me her socials and told her life story and we talked about all kinds of things and we actually have alot in common, surprisingly. Seems TGTBT but bow my interest is piqued.

Thanks in advance.I think this is another profile of hers: https://members.seeking.com/member/2d88f33a-0c07-4b50-9591-e9b9ab88193c.

01-18-23, 23:36

This lady is nice but I just can't connect with her in conversation. She gets very vague as well in terms of what she's open to. She's late 30's and real. Reminds me of maggie gyllenhaal. She had other pics on SA that were more revealing and he body is very nice. Wants 600. I didn't pursue further.


This one I know is real. Met her almost a decade ago on Craigslist. Only did head back then. I reached back out on SA to her to reminisce. She has aged not so well but she's nice. She has no car currently and in tinley.


I'm a sucker for tits so I've reached out to this lady. She's had several accounts over the last year or so. We keep moving to text and she's very flighty with communication. Hard to set anything up. Also very vague with details. Haven't even been able to get a price due to to sometimes its weeks between texts. But seems nice enough.


This one has been reviewed several times a while back. She contacts me often enough and never remembers. I never met her. But she's pleasant to converse with. Seems high mileage a bit. Always saying she can't afford food and can't find a job.


This one messaged me and I carried on our conversation. She's a self described sex addict and constantly picking up guys from her work or wherever to fuck. Her body isn't good but with just the slightest game you can fuck her. I did not meet her as she's too high mileage to me. But I doubt you even need to bring up money. She will fuck you. I keep talking to her out of boredom but she does a a crazy mental side sometimes. Usually later in the evening. She has a lot of baggage from. Her upbringing.


I'm. A sucker for weirdos and this girl is real nice. Talked plenty through text and was open about things. But she said she's by Gurnee which is over an hour from. Me so I stopped pursuing. I hate when they lost chicago but are actually so far out.


I've messaged with this lady over the past couple years on various different apps / sites. Very flighty with communication and stops responding easily. I keep indulging just to see where it goes like a book missing the next chapter. Then finally saw her on seeking and thought finally! But nope, stopped responding after half a day as well. Shea real though as I have her social.


This one wanted to pay to chat online. Psych major I believe. Pass.

Anyone have any info on this one?


She messaged me a few months back and after a few messages I stopped replying. She just messaged me again and is pursuing me for some odd reason. She gave me her socials and told her life story and we talked about all kinds of things and we actually have alot in common, surprisingly. Seems TGTBT but bow my interest is piqued.

Thanks in advance.#2 has been around for some time. Met her 2 years ago for 250, nice tits, short, fat and got a weird body.

#3 met her 2 years ago as well in Joliet, not worth 200.

Last gal was a fun fuck, loves cock in her mouth, cip, cim for 300 (a year ago) BAT SHIT CRAZY! Too bad, I think she's hot too.

01-19-23, 14:38


Been texting with this one for over a month. She seems open to everything for 400. Great!

But she has now cancelled 3 times (3 strikes) on the day before or the day of a planned meet!

Just wondering if anyone has seen her and if she is any good?

She has been on SA for 3+ years so someone has sampled her?

Nw Pounder
01-19-23, 15:02

This one messaged me and I carried on our conversation. She's a self described sex addict and constantly picking up guys from her work or wherever to fuck. Her body isn't good but with just the slightest game you can fuck her. I did not meet her as she's too high mileage to me. But I doubt you even need to bring up money. She will fuck you. I keep talking to her out of boredom but she does a a crazy mental side sometimes. Usually later in the evening. She has a lot of baggage from. Her upbringing.

I used to see her regularly years back (8 or 10 may be). She used to be a lot of fun and nice person. Met her a year back, not a good body and TONS of mileage and can get crazy sometimes. She's a sex addict and will do anything, love it in the ass.

01-19-23, 15:46
Was talking with this one and she asked me to send her 30 for gas to come to my place. When I said I don't send money to people I've never met, she stopped texting.


01-19-23, 17:29
Was talking with this one and she asked me to send her 30 for gas to come to my place. When I said I don't send money to people I've never met, she stopped texting.

https://members.seeking.com/member/d9104930-cb7e-4c85-bb28-f92f5b832784Dammit! We're texting now LOL. I'll play along with her and waste her time LOL.

01-19-23, 20:37
Hello, fellow mongers. Coming to Chicago for a conference and using seeking for the first time in awhile due to being stuck at home during the pandemic. Before that shit show, I used Seeking whenever I traveled to NYC and Toronto. My max amount given for an evening would 500 US /700 CAD, but most of time 400 seemed the sweet spot. Everything has dried up with the old contacts and since I never used Seeking in Chicago, thought this would be the perfect board to use. Here's a list of ladies I've made contact with or at least have reached out to. Any help anyone can give me either here or in DMs would be much much appreciated. Of course any meets will be discussed here to share.

Olivia / Cubanqueenbaby.


She had a previous account but she accidently deleted after we made contact and then made this new one. Love those curves and very sexy lips. Solid at 500. Her only rule, only rule was covered everything. Including BJs. At least on first visit since doesn't know me yet. But open to being choked, slapped around, throat fucked, and anal. She loves to have fun in the bedroom. If nothing else pans out for the trip, I'll have to take the plunge.



Made contact and she opened her pics to me. Just my type, and absolutely yummy! Chatted a little on the site and just took it to text. As of this post, still waiting to hear back.



I love this girl's look, hoping she is real and writes back.



Wrote to here yesterday, she checked it today but did not write back yet. Crossing my fingers.

Regina and Dana.


Have not had threesome in a long time so reached out to them. Still waiting for response.



This is one I'm very interested in. Found her IG and damn she's smoking hot. Reached out and waiting.

Again, if anyone has any experience with these ladies and would love to share, please let me know.


01-19-23, 22:07
Hello, fellow mongers. Coming to Chicago for a conference and using seeking for the first time in awhile due to being stuck at home during the pandemic. Before that shit show, I used Seeking whenever I traveled to NYC and Toronto. My max amount given for an evening would 500 US /700 CAD, but most of time 400 seemed the sweet spot. Everything has dried up with the old contacts and since I never used Seeking in Chicago, thought this would be the perfect board to use. Here's a list of ladies I've made contact with or at least have reached out to. Any help anyone can give me either here or in DMs would be much much appreciated. Of course any meets will be discussed here to share.





Regina and Dana.




Thanks.Medusa is easy enough to contact with, but likes to make plans and then go silent and ghost. Multiple times (confirmed with multiple people). Could happen but don't be banking on it.

Violet I've talked to. She's in Palos which isn't too close to the city, so I had let it go, but she re-contacts me out of the blue every so often so she might be eager to actually meet. Never talked money.

FunsizedBarbs I'd tried to talk to years ago and she was always really bad at getting back and communicating.

Dana of "Regina and Dana" is: https://members.seeking.com/member/f882739c-5ad5-4977-9246-e3b22a224be4.

There's lots of info on her if you search that profile. Haven't heard of anyone seeing both of them but there was some synergy in the group pricing.

01-19-23, 22:19
I talked with Dana, she was very willing and open to everything. I think we were at $400, but the problem was she couldn't drive and I did not want to go into the city at the time. At least via text, she had a very pleasing attitude.

Medusa is easy enough to contact with, but likes to make plans and then go silent and ghost. Multiple times (confirmed with multiple people). Could happen but don't be banking on it.

Violet I've talked to. She's in Palos which isn't too close to the city, so I had let it go, but she re-contacts me out of the blue every so often so she might be eager to actually meet. Never talked money.

FunsizedBarbs I'd tried to talk to years ago and she was always really bad at getting back and communicating.

Dana of "Regina and Dana" is: https://members.seeking.com/member/f882739c-5ad5-4977-9246-e3b22a224be4.

There's lots of info on her if you search that profile. Haven't heard of anyone seeing both of them but there was some synergy in the group pricing.

01-19-23, 23:34


Been texting with this one for over a month. She seems open to everything for 400. Great!

But she has now cancelled 3 times (3 strikes) on the day before or the day of a planned meet!

Just wondering if anyone has seen her and if she is any good?

She has been on SA for 3+ years so someone has sampled her?Yup, saw her in Schaumburg, pics aren't deceptive or anything, but doesn't look as good in person. BBFS, BBFA 400, hung around for like 2-2. 5 hours.

01-19-23, 23:36
#2 has been around for some time. Met her 2 years ago for 250, nice tits, short, fat and got a weird body.

#3 met her 2 years ago as well in Joliet, not worth 200.

Last gal was a fun fuck, loves cock in her mouth, cip, cim for 300 (a year ago) BAT SHIT CRAZY! Too bad, I think she's hot too.300 for Last Unicorn? Man inflation is crazy, LOL. She quoted me 600 a couple of months ago.

01-19-23, 23:58
Was talking with this one and she asked me to send her 30 for gas to come to my place. When I said I don't send money to people I've never met, she stopped texting.

https://members.seeking.com/member/d9104930-cb7e-4c85-bb28-f92f5b832784When that's happened to me recently I've done this:

Scammer: My roommate used my car and it's out of gas. I need money to get to you.

Me: Oh no! I'd be happy to send you money how much do you need?

Scammer: $50.

Me: That's it? I'll send you $100 and we'll just subtract it from your allowance when I see you. I was worried you were going to say $1000 or something like that and try to scam me.

Scammer: Do you have cashapp?

Me: No. I can do Venmo, Paypal or Zello.

Scammer: Okay. I have to borrow a friend's info. Just a minute.

Scammer: Okay. It's Odibepe. Topango on Paypal.

Me: Okay! Sending now! (not sending anything).

Me: Did you get it?

Scammer: No.

Me: (watching Netflix) Huh. I got a notice in my email that the funds have been rejected. Did you reject them? I'll send again.

Scammer: I still don't see it. I really want to see you but I need the money!

Me: Me too! Let's try Venmo.

Scammer: Okay. I need to find my cousin's Venmo. It's Jamaal. Arif.

Me: Just sent it! I put a little extra in there for you. .

Scammer: I don't see it! Can you check again.

Me: It says the funds have been accepted! It's Jamaal. Sharif, right?

Scammer: No, it's Jamaal. Arif. Please try again!

Me: Wait a minute! Did you just take $200 from me and pretend to not get it? Is this a scam?

Scammer: No! I promise. I.

Me: (blocks scammer).

F Scott
01-20-23, 10:45
I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this or not, but my account on SA has become fully functional. I'm able to read and send messages, but have not paid to renew. I checked my account and no payment has been made, so I'm trying to message as many babies as possible before I get shut down. Anyone else in this situation?



01-20-23, 13:02
Thank you. I tried both the cards and it didn't work. Can you please advise where / what card did you buy? I can try the same. Much appreciated.Another data point for anyone struggling with payment methods. Just re upgraded with the discount and had a virtual Visa from https://www.giftcards.com/visa-gift-cards work without problems. Bought it for a few bucks over the renewal price, registered with a fake name & address, and entered that info on Seeking.

Not a lot of great prospects, but one problem at a time.

01-20-23, 13:04
Another data point for anyone struggling with payment methods. Just re upgraded with the discount and had a virtual Visa from https://www.giftcards.com/visa-gift-cards work without problems. Bought it for a few bucks over the renewal price, registered with a fake name & address, and entered that info on Seeking.

Not a lot of great prospects, but one problem at a time.So the charge by the website presumably appears on your credit card, right? A good solution for keeping anonymous w / seeking.com, doesn't help those who are hiding activities from a SO.

01-20-23, 13:21
I touched base with this one over the holidays. I was out of town. She just texted me to say she wanted to get together. No discussion of details at all. Has anyone connected with her? Any details you can share?



01-20-23, 13:23
Diamond looks good. Showed up favoriting me. Any information?


I sent NightNurse a note a few days ago. She replied, and I am trying to continue the conversation. Any input would be helpful.


Pau Ford
01-20-23, 14:12
Thats too much effort.

Oh you want me to send you money? Fuck off. Blocked.

Annnnnnd. Scene.

When that's happened to me recently I've done this:

Scammer: My roommate used my car and it's out of gas. I need money to get to you.

Me: Oh no! I'd be happy to send you money how much do you need?

Scammer: $50.

Me: That's it? I'll send you $100 and we'll just subtract it from your allowance when I see you. I was worried you were going to say $1000 or something like that and try to scam me.

Scammer: Do you have cashapp?

Me: No. I can do Venmo, Paypal or Zello.

Scammer: Okay. I have to borrow a friend's info. Just a minute.

Scammer: Okay. It's Odibepe. Topango on Paypal.

Me: Okay! Sending now! (not sending anything).

Me: Did you get it?

Scammer: No.

Me: (watching Netflix) Huh. I got a notice in my email that the funds have been rejected. Did you reject them? I'll send again.

Scammer: I still don't see it. I really want to see you but I need the money!

Me: Me too! Let's try Venmo.

Scammer: Okay. I need to find my cousin's Venmo. It's Jamaal. Arif.

Me: Just sent it! I put a little extra in there for you. .

Scammer: I don't see it! Can you check again.

Me: It says the funds have been accepted! It's Jamaal. Sharif, right?

Scammer: No, it's Jamaal. Arif. Please try again!

Me: Wait a minute! Did you just take $200 from me and pretend to not get it? Is this a scam?

Scammer: No! I promise. I.

Me: (blocks scammer).

01-20-23, 15:02

Anyone ever seen her? Looking for any info.

01-20-23, 15:21
First I will say her profile pic doesn't do her justice. Started chatting with this one and moved to txt messages where she sent additional pics and she has one of those nice, curvy, huge tits, bodies. Talked for a day or two and decided to meet near her area. LOL and then she drops the kill switch statement. "I have been burned in the past so I require half upfront. " Lucking I hadn't sprung for the room or anything yet. Went back and forth where she gave the ole "my word is my bond" and " I promise I will be there if you just send some upfront. " Even said she would send me screenshots of successful arrangements she has had in the past (that was a new one).


01-20-23, 18:17


Didn't even get to text messages. This is what she asked for in 2nd message from her "Are you okay with half now half in cash?

Nope. Blocked.

01-20-23, 18:21
Yes, I saw her when she was only 60% tattoos. Definite freak, very open to everything. Always was running late and smelled like weed. She is not a cuddler or a kisser. It is arrive, wild fuckfest, then she is getting dressed and leaving.


Anyone ever seen her? Looking for any info.

01-20-23, 20:19
Thats too much effort.

Oh you want me to send you money? Fuck off. Blocked.

Annnnnnd. Scene.It takes slightly longer that it took you to type this message. I do it because I'm not lazy. And because it brings me a little happiness to make a scammer less happy.

The losers who run these scams are mostly dudes who need to talk to hundreds--maybe thousands--to find a guy who is dumb enough or desperate enough send money to "get her phone fixed. " When they find a guy who find a guy who seems ready to do it, it might mean they are getting money for the first time in a week. Loss aversion is powerful. It feels worse to have something and lose it than it does to get something you want in the first place.

These guys are used to "fuck you. Blocked. " They see it 100's of times. But make someone think they are getting money and then realize that they have been fooled. It's deflating and makes them feel like they've lost something. It's easy to do and it brings a little light into the world.

01-21-23, 09:32
Yes, I saw her when she was only 60% tattoos. Definite freak, very open to everything. Always was running late and smelled like weed. She is not a cuddler or a kisser. It is arrive, wild fuckfest, then she is getting dressed and leaving.We usually grab some food first. I have seen her a few times and that is the exact same session everytime.

Big Penor
01-21-23, 14:06


She's a top tier SB. If you want to exchange notes, pm me.

Bill Underwood
01-21-23, 23:32
The worst scammer I have ever met. Happened over the summer and just saw her profile pop up. We started to talk and agreed to grab something to eat downtown. To my surprise, she showed. Cute Indian / Pakistan girl with nice breasts She was eager to schedule another date but was really excited for BB so just asked me to get tested first as it had been a few months since before. We made out in the car and I got to play a little before saying goodbye with the understanding that I would get a very comprehensive and expensive test. Then when I got home, she asked me to pay for her test too saying that she could not afford it. So had me ApplePay her friend $700 for the test at the college she claimed to go to. Since we had already met and I got to feel her up, figured it was OK and sent the money. Once I got tested, we made another dinner date, she couldn't come over because she had to see her parents and they were very strict but had time for dinner. Made out in the car again and then she told me that the next time she wanted to stay at the house and do BBCIP. Only one catch, she needed money for an IUD. She showed me that she scheduled the appointment and asked me to pay for it. I made the excuse that I couldn't but would give her the money when I saw her next in cash. Supposedly got it done and met me again. We had a whole evening planned. She came over, but was acting strange and said she needed the cash right away because there was a big fight with her parents over taking the money out and why? Again, conservative Muslim family line. Then, we stopped at a restaurant but excused herself to use the washroom. She then ran out before I realized it and had a friend pick her up. Out almost $2,000 once it was over. I reverse searched the number I had ApplePay'd to and apparently her friend was a scammer who helped rob someone at gunpoint with her boyfriend. I guess it could have been worse but absolutely stung. Be careful out there.


01-22-23, 11:59

Anyone ever seen her? Looking for any info.She's DTF! Cip, BBFS just talks a lot. I used to see her a lot, had multiple fun with her and stopped. She's down for whatever really. Last time I saw her she was covered with more tattoos which is a turnoff for me and also why I stopped seeing her. If that doesn't bother you, you will have a good time.

01-22-23, 12:03
300 for Last Unicorn? Man inflation is crazy, LOL. She quoted me 600 a couple of months ago.This was at the time when she was a "property manager " in Humbolt Park LOL, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't.

All I can do now is enjoy our videos 😫. She hates me apparently.

Bill Underwood
01-22-23, 17:47

Doesn't like to meet in public and I broke my rule and let her come directly to the house. OMG, she is twice the size as the pictures suggest and I paid her to leave the house. Beware unless you like them thick.

01-22-23, 18:01
She's DTF! Cip, BBFS just talks a lot. I used to see her a lot, had multiple fun with her and stopped. She's down for whatever really. Last time I saw her she was covered with more tattoos which is a turnoff for me and also why I stopped seeing her. If that doesn't bother you, you will have a good time.What did she want for a meet? Or better yet what did she get?

Bill Underwood
01-22-23, 19:49
Never got to price because she insists you have to drive to her town in Hickory Hills. As she put it, "Since I don't charge, I don't drive." I had offered to meet her at a nice restaurant in Oak Brook which was in between for us and that was a no go. I couldn't help feeling that at 38 y / o, she had a little GPS.


01-23-23, 00:34
I had been talking to a NIU student for a couple weeks, and we agreed to meet up. I tracked the pictures to an actual student and found all her social media. I had some business to take care of out in Dekalb, so we set a time to meet. She gave me an address to an apartment building close to the campus. I was kind of leery to meet someone right at their place, but she claimed to not have transportation. I parked in the back of the building and tried calling her to let her know I was there. No response. I soon get a text to go inside the building and go to a certain door. I think this person had a vantage point of the front of the apartment building and never even saw me go inside or leave. I think they were expecting me to be out front because they kept asking where I was at. Then, I get questioned about the allowance, and I am told to cashapp the allowance to her before she will open the door. At this point, I know it is a scam and immediately drive off. Two minutes later, I tried calling again with no answer. I text and say I am an old guy who doesn't even have a cashapp account, so why even waste the time to pull this scam?

I'm pretty sure it was some young guy from the college who was pulling the scam. He had probably known this particular female student in real life because he had sent nude videos and risque photos of her, not just the ones on social media. I am actually thinking of contacting the actual girl on social media and letting her know that there is a guy pretending to be her on Seeking and scamming people. She might know who it is if I drop the location of the apartment and say it is someone she had shared a particular masturbation video with.

I lost about an hour of my time. The scammer came up empty. The profile already must have gotten reported on Seeking, as I don't see it anymore. I contacted cashapp and gave them the username of the account that was scamming people, but they probably could care less.

Get that sex.


F Scott
01-23-23, 13:11
Several days ago, I logged on to SA and found that my account was active, and I could both read and send messages as well as view profiles. I checked my sugar email and saw that SA had processed a payment for a 30 day upgrade, but the amount charged was zero! Has anyone else experienced this?

Of course I am taking full advantage of this possible error, since I don't know how long it will last, but so far have only gotten to the chatting stage with several SBs, including this one, who moved straight to laying out the menu with prices. $600 ppm for a couple of hours of "fun" in the hotel of my choosing, and paying!


I have not responded, since I don't want to draw undue attention to my account and possible get banned. She is hot, for sure, but that's too rich for my blood, and she sounds like a pro, or at least a hard egg.

I'll continue to share links and intel, but I'm being way more selective in who I contact than in years past.



01-23-23, 13:37
I hope you reported her on SA. At least make her go through the trouble of having to make a new profile.

The worst scammer I have ever met. Happened over the summer and just saw her profile pop up. We started to talk and agreed to grab something to eat downtown. To my surprise, she showed. Cute Indian / Pakistan girl with nice breasts She was eager to schedule another date but was really excited for BB so just asked me to get tested first as it had been a few months since before. We made out in the car and I got to play a little before saying goodbye with the understanding that I would get a very comprehensive and expensive test. Then when I got home, she asked me to pay for her test too saying that she could not afford it. So had me ApplePay her friend $700 for the test at the college she claimed to go to. Since we had already met and I got to feel her up, figured it was OK and sent the money. Once I got tested, we made another dinner date, she couldn't come over because she had to see her parents and they were very strict but had time for dinner. Made out in the car again and then she told me that the next time she wanted to stay at the house and do BBCIP. Only one catch, she needed money for an IUD. She showed me that she scheduled the appointment and asked me to pay for it. I made the excuse that I couldn't but would give her the money when I saw her next in cash. Supposedly got it done and met me again. We had a whole evening planned. She came over, but was acting strange and said she needed the cash right away because there was a big fight with her parents over taking the money out and why? Again, conservative Muslim family line. Then, we stopped at a restaurant but excused herself to use the washroom. She then ran out before I realized it and had a friend pick her up. Out almost $2,000 once it was over. I reverse searched the number I had ApplePay'd to and apparently her friend was a scammer who helped rob someone at gunpoint with her boyfriend. I guess it could have been worse but absolutely stung. Be careful out there.


01-23-23, 18:47
Has anyone seen this before? Message from previously unknown number (burner) demanding money or they will send info to all family, blah, blah. However, interesting enough, they claim that they know who I am, but never mention a single actual fact. Has anyone seen this before?

Bill Underwood
01-23-23, 21:20
Has anyone seen this before? Message from previously unknown number (burner) demanding money or they will send info to all family, blah, blah. However, interesting enough, they claim that they know who I am, but never mention a single actual fact. Has anyone seen this before?I had something similar happen. Essentially they did a reverse lookup on the number. The first time it happened, they did a reverse search on the burner number which gave them nothing but the previous guys info. The second time, they got my real info as I did a Google Video chat with the girl and they looked up my websites and social media threatening to screw me over if I did not pay. I just laughed and said my friends would laugh about it if it came out. Be careful before giving out identifying info out there especially if you are married. Thankfully that does not apply to me.

Bill Underwood
01-23-23, 21:22
I hope you reported her on SA. At least make her go through the trouble of having to make a new profile.Figured it would be too hard to explain the scam and she could just say she changed her mind after taking the money. Better that she keeps the old profile and I just warn you guys.

Bill Underwood
01-23-23, 21:26
I had been talking to a NIU student for a couple weeks, and we agreed to meet up. I tracked the pictures to an actual student and found all her social media. I had some business to take care of out in Dekalb, so we set a time to meet. She gave me an address to an apartment building close to the campus. I was kind of leery to meet someone right at their place, but she claimed to not have transportation. I parked in the back of the building and tried calling her to let her know I was there. No response. I soon get a text to go inside the building and go to a certain door. I think this person had a vantage point of the front of the apartment building and never even saw me go inside or leave. I think they were expecting me to be out front because they kept asking where I was at. Then, I get questioned about the allowance, and I am told to cashapp the allowance to her before she will open the door. At this point, I know it is a scam and immediately drive off. Two minutes later, I tried calling again with no answer. I text and say I am an old guy who doesn't even have a cashapp account, so why even waste the time to pull this scam?

I'm pretty sure it was some young guy from the college who was pulling the scam. He had probably known this particular female student in real life because he had sent nude videos and risque photos of her, not just the ones on social media. I am actually thinking of contacting the actual girl on social media and letting her know that there is a guy pretending to be her on Seeking and scamming people. She might know who it is if I drop the location of the apartment and say it is someone she had shared a particular masturbation video with..It isn't by chance MissPrincess73? Been talking to her for a while now. She too wants me to drive to DeKalb and has not asked about the allowance.

Pau Ford
01-24-23, 00:10
Yeah it pops up now and then. Fake accounts you messaged with get your number and use that to run some kind of scam, this extortion thing being one of them. Haven't heard of any of them actually following through on it so just ignore it. Don't even reply, just block and forget it ever happened.

Has anyone seen this before? Message from previously unknown number (burner) demanding money or they will send info to all family, blah, blah. However, interesting enough, they claim that they know who I am, but never mention a single actual fact. Has anyone seen this before?

01-24-23, 01:17
The worst scammer I have ever met. Happened over the summer and just saw her profile pop up. We started to talk and agreed to grab something to eat downtown. To my surprise, she showed. Cute Indian / Pakistan girl with nice breasts She was eager to schedule another date but was really excited for BB so just asked me to get tested first as it had been a few months since before. We made out in the car and I got to play a little before saying goodbye with the understanding that I would get a very comprehensive and expensive test. Then when I got home, she asked me to pay for her test too saying that she could not afford it. So had me ApplePay her friend $700 for the test at the college she claimed to go to. Since we had already met and I got to feel her up, figured it was OK and sent the money. Once I got tested, we made another dinner date, she couldn't come over because she had to see her parents and they were very strict but had time for dinner. Made out in the car again and then she told me that the next time she wanted to stay at the house and do BBCIP. Only one catch, she needed money for an IUD. She showed me that she scheduled the appointment and asked me to pay for it. I made the excuse that I couldn't but would give her the money when I saw her next in cash. Supposedly got it done and met me again. We had a whole evening planned. She came over, but was acting strange and said she needed the cash right away because there was a big fight with her parents over taking the money out and why? Again, conservative Muslim family line. Then, we stopped at a restaurant but excused herself to use the washroom. She then ran out before I realized it and had a friend pick her up. Out almost $2,000 once it was over. I reverse searched the number I had ApplePay'd to and apparently her friend was a scammer who helped rob someone at gunpoint with her boyfriend. I guess it could have been worse but absolutely stung. Be careful out there.

https://members.seeking.com/member/e8b2cc9e-af92-4b30-9dc5-48d0ce65527fWho would pay $700 for test? Have you done test before? You got money to spend she got brains to lure you into a trap. Atleast you got some car fun.

Bill Underwood
01-24-23, 02:38
Who would pay $700 for test? Have you done test before? You got money to spend she got brains to lure you into a trap. Atleast you got some car fun.Actually priced it out for everything she wanted tested on both of us. The total was correct per Quest Diagnostics.

01-24-23, 12:32

Anyone ever seen her? Looking for any info.I've seen her a few times. Place is a mess and has a cat if your ok with that. She talks a lot about her kids and how she likes to do cam shows. She's a freak and loves sex. She will let you BBFS with cip. Only down side is that she does have a sticky cooter. She has a great body with man mades.

01-24-23, 16:03
Actually priced it out for everything she wanted tested on both of us. The total was correct per Quest Diagnostics.My full panel is $130.

01-24-23, 17:08
Has anyone seen this before? Message from previously unknown number (burner) demanding money or they will send info to all family, blah, blah. However, interesting enough, they claim that they know who I am, but never mention a single actual fact. Has anyone seen this before?Have gotten something kinda similar. I'll have to go through my phone and find the conversation.

01-24-23, 17:09
Don't PM me for numbers.

Freespirit. Nice girl, great body, 400 bbfscip.


Grace94 - nice girl, comes across as paranoid and scared people will find out she's on Seeking, never bailed on me though, 400 BBFS.


01-24-23, 18:44
Anyone had the pleasure? Any info? She is asking something in the 4's and want s to meet in hotels only.


F Scott
01-24-23, 19:12
Anyone had the pleasure? Any info? She is asking something in the 4's and want s to meet in hotels only.

https://members.seeking.com/member/1caa56ec-ce48-41e5-aedb-3d52e5016d9cIf she is the same baby I met many years ago, she talks a great game, but when it comes down to actual fucking, she is a starfish, and a dead one at that. She's had multiple profiles, always using the same photos, but with different names. When I saw her she was living in the Blue condo building in East Lake Shore in a studio with a jaw-dropping view north over the river and apparently all the way to Door County, and it really was almost all I could do to keep my mind on the task at hand.

Suffice it to say that I did not repeat, and would not recommend. Self-serve will get you the same, and you'll have saved $400+.



F Scott
01-24-23, 19:17
Is there someone out there who would take pity on a poor, ancient dinosaur and be willing to walk me through, step by step, the pros and cons of Google Voice and how to set it up, etc?

We could do it by PM or in person, (I'll buy drinks), but I need experienced guidance to make sure I am not leaving any flank exposed, so to speak.

I would be eternally grateful. Paying for these burner phones is getting tiresome!


01-24-23, 19:38
Have gotten something kinda similar. I'll have to go through my phone and find the conversation.I've had something similar happen to me on Seeking. I just blocked them and moved on. Nothing ever happened. I believe they were from out of the country.

01-24-23, 21:07
Is there someone out there who would take pity on a poor, ancient dinosaur and be willing to walk me through, step by step, the pros and cons of Google Voice and how to set it up, etc?

We could do it by PM or in person, (I'll buy drinks), but I need experienced guidance to make sure I am not leaving any flank exposed, so to speak.

I would be eternally grateful. Paying for these burner phones is getting tiresome!

Scott.GV is intimately tied to your Gmail account, so if you're in the Android / Google ecosphere, and you're using the same gmail for your phone / Google Voice / Pay etc, I'd make a separate Gmail just for your GV, or use the talkatone or textfree apps for burner texting / calling numbers. None of these 3 will allow for high res longform vids if you're so lucky to get sent one. Also if using textfree, avoid using a VPN, got my account banned because of that.

01-24-23, 21:42
Is there someone out there who would take pity on a poor, ancient dinosaur and be willing to walk me through, step by step, the pros and cons of Google Voice and how to set it up, etc?

We could do it by PM or in person, (I'll buy drinks), but I need experienced guidance to make sure I am not leaving any flank exposed, so to speak.

I would be eternally grateful. Paying for these burner phones is getting tiresome!

Scott.Scott! From one veteran to another, I'd be happy to help. An efficient communication means is essential.

However, I do use GV, but I also have a burner. Perhaps you want to know also about my very economical way to do that. TracFone.

01-25-23, 00:21
Insists on money upfront. Will even go so far as to give you a "hotel" to meet at but says she won't give the room number until you cashapp her the cash. LOL says she can only do cashapp cause handling real cash is unsafe.


Troy Akerman
01-25-23, 00:22
I fucked her 4-5 times. He was always kinda crazy in a bipolar kinda way but her tits are great.

This was at the time when she was a "property manager " in Humbolt Park LOL, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't.

All I can do now is enjoy our videos 😫. She hates me apparently..

01-25-23, 00:43

Anyone ever seen her? Looking for any info.She's Samantha's friend. Did a threesome long ago. She and Samantha have been with all of chitown LOL. Sex was meh, she was usually high af. Fake loud moaning was a big turn off. Best HJ I've gotten tho but that was last resort to cum.

01-25-23, 00:52
300 for Last Unicorn? Man inflation is crazy, LOL. She quoted me 600 a couple of months ago.She used her real phone w me so found her real name easily. Googling her name showed she was stabbed by her roommate and took the guy to court and jail long ago. Said she had mental episodes after that. Can't blame her. She looked hot but too unstable so did not partake.

Pau Ford
01-25-23, 00:54
Thats odd. I saw her, she drove herself to my place and I'm a long way from Hickory Hills. Maybe she's having car problems but driving wasnt an issue for her.

Anyway you didn't miss a whole lot. She's not GPS but she severely disappoints looks wise from those pics she's got posted. Those pics have to be the most filtered / edited pics in existence she does not look that hot at all in person. She doesn't shut the fuck up either. Don't get her started on her cats or she'll yap forever. All covered, mechanical, she's like an old school backpage girl in her approach. She's like a girl from the wrong side of the tracks and has been doing this (pay for play) long before SA (by her own admission).

She's pestered me to meet up again but I've declined, by no means is she repeat material.

Never got to price because she insists you have to drive to her town in Hickory Hills. As she put it, "Since I don't charge, I don't drive." I had offered to meet her at a nice restaurant in Oak Brook which was in between for us and that was a no go. I couldn't help feeling that at 38 y / o, she had a little GPS.


Bill Underwood
01-25-23, 17:30
Thats odd. I saw her, she drove herself to my place and I'm a long way from Hickory Hills. Maybe she's having car problems but driving wasnt an issue for her.

Anyway you didn't miss a whole lot. She's not GPS but she severely disappoints looks wise from those pics she's got posted. Those pics have to be the most filtered / edited pics in existence she does not look that hot at all in person. She doesn't shut the fuck up either. Don't get her started on her cats or she'll yap forever. All covered, mechanical, she's like an old school backpage girl in her approach. She's like a girl from the wrong side of the tracks and has been doing this (pay for play) long before SA (by her own admission).

She's pestered me to meet up again but I've declined, by no means is she repeat material.You are right. The pics are great. While I normally do not try too hard with someone in their late 30's, I almost did but after hearing about your experience, glad I did not.

Bill Underwood
01-25-23, 17:45
She has had several profiles before. I saw her maybe 15 months ago. I think this is the 4th that I recall. On the plus side, she is very hot if you like blonde spinners. However, a little bit of a head case. Was very specific that she would only be over for a couple hours and the allowance was $1,000. BB no CIP. I know, before I get the lecture from all of you I was new and not that much different than the cost of one of the agency girls when you think about it. Had a great time with her and figured I would see her again a few weeks later. This time, BBCIP but as we relaxed after the first time, I tried to talk to her and asked about her prior arrangements to gauge how this might go if she were to be a regular item. She flaked out, decided she wanted to leave early and compromised on half the rate. Got a few random text messages afterwards asking if she could come over with a friend to do a little strip tease but then when I agreed, she backed out. Another time asked if I would by her a $5,000 purse. Obviously that was a no. Finally just said it was not going to work out and she has refused to book anything since.

Bill Underwood
01-25-23, 18:12

Total pro. Wants $400 for two hours, no limit on pops, BBBJ but Covered FS.


Wants money before meeting.


Insisted on $100 just for the meet and greet and broke my own rule in giving it to her. That was November. Still talking but keeps saying she is too busy with work. Might see her Sunday but she is still not sure if she wants to move forward beyond a meal although not asking for more money and if she asks while we eat, that will be a no go.

01-25-23, 19:27
Finally just said it was not going to work out and she has refused to book anything since.Ah, Karli. I know her, my friend dated her good friend on and off. Super high maintenance and a bit crazy, not too bad though. Super hot; I don't imagine her being a negotiator down below much what she offered you. She had / has an only fans with some porn stuff, it's like youlovekk or something like that. She has some girl / girl stuff with my buddy's ex on there too. Kinda surprised she's on there, but kind of not.

01-25-23, 21:21
Won't see a married dude.


01-25-23, 21:33
Have link to profile? That link goes to your messages (which we can't access).

Won't see a married dude.


01-25-23, 22:07
She has had several profiles before. I saw her maybe 15 months ago. I think this is the 4th that I recall. On the plus side, she is very hot if you like blonde spinners. However, a little bit of a head case. Was very specific that she would only be over for a couple hours and the allowance was $1,000. BB no CIP. I know, before I get the lecture from all of you I was new and not that much different than the cost of one of the agency girls when you think about it. Had a great time with her and figured I would see her again a few weeks later. This time, BBCIP but as we relaxed after the first time, I tried to talk to her and asked about her prior arrangements to gauge how this might go if she were to be a regular item. She flaked out, decided she wanted to leave early and compromised on half the rate. Got a few random text messages afterwards asking if she could come over with a friend to do a little strip tease but then when I agreed, she backed out. Another time asked if I would by her a $5,000 purse. Obviously that was a no. Finally just said it was not going to work out and she has refused to book anything since.All because you wouldn't buy her a $5 k purse! So now I know the reason it wasn't going to work out!! Yes she is hot, however for $5 k I could get a name model and have bragging rights to boot! These gps c*nts never stop!

Bill Underwood
01-25-23, 23:27
Ah, Karli. I know her, my friend dated her good friend on and off. Super high maintenance and a bit crazy, not too bad though. Super hot; I don't imagine her being a negotiator down below much what she offered you. She had / has an only fans with some porn stuff, it's like youlovekk or something like that. She has some girl / girl stuff with my buddy's ex on there too. Kinda surprised she's on there, but kind of not.Yes, she talked about her and also I think she bartended at some private men's club. She was moving closer to the city when we talked last. I agree with you, not super crazy but as I asked her an easy question about her prior arrangements, she just flaked out and said she wanted to go. Showed up in some amazing lingerie so as much as I cringe at $1,000, she did everything right all the way including dressing cute for the time. Just weird how she told me only two hours and didn't want to go anywhere for dinner or anything but then later complained how we did not go anywhere and just hung out at the house.

01-25-23, 23:57
Have link to profile? That link goes to your messages (which we can't access).Oops. Already blocked her, can't grab the link now. This is her profile pic, name was peachy-something.

01-26-23, 10:45
Oops. Already blocked her, can't grab the link now. This is her profile pic, name was peachy-something.PerkyPeach.


01-26-23, 10:51
Oops. Already blocked her, can't grab the link now. This is her profile pic, name was peachy-something.https://members.seeking.com/member/c86aa474-4226-49a4-ba1d-07b6063fe4c0

01-26-23, 11:06
Hey guys,

Looking for any leads / info / experience with the following ladies who have been on SA for a couple of years.









Thanks for any help.

Bill Underwood
01-26-23, 15:18
https://members.seeking.com/member/c86aa474-4226-49a4-ba1d-07b6063fe4c0I think she must be a pro because she is always on the app for some time now.

01-26-23, 15:19
She has had several profiles before. I saw her maybe 15 months ago. I think this is the 4th that I recall. On the plus side, she is very hot if you like blonde spinners. However, a little bit of a head case. Was very specific that she would only be over for a couple hours and the allowance was $1,000. BB no CIP. I know, before I get the lecture from all of you I was new and not that much different than the cost of one of the agency girls when you think about it. Had a great time with her and figured I would see her again a few weeks later. This time, BBCIP but as we relaxed after the first time, I tried to talk to her and asked about her prior arrangements to gauge how this might go if she were to be a regular item. She flaked out, decided she wanted to leave early and compromised on half the rate. Got a few random text messages afterwards asking if she could come over with a friend to do a little strip tease but then when I agreed, she backed out. Another time asked if I would by her a $5,000 purse. Obviously that was a no. Finally just said it was not going to work out and she has refused to book anything since.She replied to a couple Craigslist ads I posted, what feels like 10 years ago. She had been kicked out of her parent's house for some reason and was trying to make some money. She seemed high maintenance and crazy then. I've seen her pop up somewhere every year since. I'm shocked she's not a dancer in Vegas or a hostess at a sex club in Brunai or something like that.

01-27-23, 01:16
She used her real phone w me so found her real name easily. Googling her name showed she was stabbed by her roommate and took the guy to court and jail long ago. Said she had mental episodes after that. Can't blame her. She looked hot but too unstable so did not partake.Tried her but she was a total waste of fucking time. Came over and started talking about how she doesn't sell her body for money and all this preachy shit. Don't even bother.

01-27-23, 02:42
Anything on her?

She quoted me 500 and nothing less LOL Is she worth it or? Maybe someone had an experience with her.


01-27-23, 09:19

01-27-23, 10:00
Anything on her?

She quoted me 500 and nothing less LOL Is she worth it or? Maybe someone had an experience with her.

https://members.seeking.com/member/65c332f3-459d-423e-a3c4-f91bf0717b45She's been around FOREVER, and had probably 50 different accounts. She's also 41. Not worth 500 imo.

F Scott
01-27-23, 11:12
Anybody have any info on this one?


Thank you,


01-27-23, 11:13
Anything on her?

She quoted me 500 and nothing less LOL Is she worth it or? Maybe someone had an experience with her.

https://members.seeking.com/member/65c332f3-459d-423e-a3c4-f91bf0717b45She's real. I met her for a drink, but never closed the deal and we never talked $$.

I thought she was sexy and far younger than 41 as someone else mentioned. She thought it was weird that I was married, but was open to it. I think it's weird that girl are surprised that guys on Seeking are married.

01-27-23, 11:37
Medusa is easy enough to contact with, but likes to make plans and then go silent and ghost. Multiple times (confirmed with multiple people). Could happen but don't be banking on it.



I can back this up myself. Was supposed to meet her on Wednsday. Good communication right up until the "I'm 4 minutes away" and then nothing. Poof. Pix are hot and she was DTF for MSOG for 400.

Oh well.

01-27-23, 11:42
I got to say I regretted joining 5 minutes after doing it. Have talk to many women in the last week and I have had more than a few state that most the women on here don't know their worth. Then, she quotes me 500 PPM the first few times and then 800 FWB if we hit it off. About 98% of the women I have spoke with quote $500+. Clearly they don't know you can get a well reviewed 9 that will do everything for under 400.

I'll finish out my month, but I am done with this site. Will post some intel on some of my chats. I have been blocking aplenty, but will contribute nonetheless.

01-27-23, 11:48
She's real. I met her for a drink, but never closed the deal and we never talked $$.

I thought she was sexy and far younger than 41 as someone else mentioned. She thought it was weird that I was married, but was open to it. I think it's weird that girl are surprised that guys on Seeking are married.She's 41. I matched with her on Tinder. She has the wrong age on there too but her profile admits she's 41. Had drinks at Summer House, wasn't into her and didn't pursue.

01-27-23, 11:49


I can back this up myself. Was supposed to meet her on Wednsday. Good communication right up until the "I'm 4 minutes away" and then nothing. Poof. Pix are hot and she was DTF for MSOG for 400.

Oh well.4th person I've heard this from now. No idea what her deal is. Just likes wasting people's time?

01-27-23, 12:51

Recently have either reached out to or been contacted by a few dreams on SA. But literally their second message is almost word for word exactly the same which is essentially asking for some other way to contact me. Just wondering is it isnsome type of scam or maybe an agency.

Pau Ford
01-27-23, 13:11
They are just going to attempt to get money from you. Usually selling pics / vids.


Recently have either reached out to or been contacted by a few dreams on SA. But literally their second message is almost word for word exactly the same which is essentially asking for some other way to contact me. Just wondering is it isnsome type of scam or maybe an agency.

01-27-23, 13:16
4th person I've heard this from now. No idea what her deal is. Just likes wasting people's time?We set up a meeting. Day of, messages were going good and as I'm on my way, she goes silent.

Nw Pounder
01-27-23, 13:43
They are just going to attempt to get money from you. Usually selling pics / vids.Yes, I got the same experience with few asking for my number. Saying hello / hi in the first message, after I respond ask my no. Blocked me right away. No one has reached out to me yet. I think they are doing something with the number. I do have a GV and so I'm not worried. Be careful out there, do not share unless you gain some confidence!

Bill Underwood
01-27-23, 13:58
She reached out to me and told me that she wants $600 per meet. I did not even bother to negotiate as she isn't my type for that kind of money.

01-27-23, 15:29
She's 41. I matched with her on Tinder. She has the wrong age on there too but her profile admits she's 41. Had drinks at Summer House, wasn't into her and didn't pursue.I have her instagram username. She looks young and always share pics of her travel. Apparently, she is only interested in Caucasian man.

01-27-23, 15:31
SA is getting bad with tons of fake profiles. There are a bunch of new profiles in the last 48 hours from Thurston Woods Wisc and Grasslyn Manor Wisc. From what I have observed lately probably more than 75% of new profiles are fake. I get tons of favorites and messages from Asians all over the US. They all look similar. I just ignore. I have had success with SA and have met some gems. But it's getting harder and harder weeding out all the fakes and finding the legit ones.

01-27-23, 16:11
A healthy number of inquires on this thread are about girls who have been members for less than a week. Though every reliable SB needs to start somewhere, I would say the majority of new girls are scammers who need to constantly create new profiles. Be aware of this tool and try not to focus so much on the new "girls", will most likely waste your time.

01-27-23, 18:01
Anybody have any info on this one?


Thank you,

Scott.Writes in full sentences with proper punctuation and spelling. Plus, she likes old men. Please let us know if you connect.

Pau Ford
01-27-23, 18:18
She's real. Smoking hot too if you get to see her private pics she's very pretty. Talked to her 6 months ago. Can't remember the specifics but recall that she was just major league expensive.

Writes in full sentences with proper punctuation and spelling. Plus, she likes old men. Please let us know if you connect.

Anybody have any info on this one?


Thank you,


01-27-23, 18:26
I got to say I regretted joining 5 minutes after doing it. Have talk to many women in the last week and I have had more than a few state that most the women on here don't know their worth. Then, she quotes me 500 PPM the first few times and then 800 FWB if we hit it off. About 98% of the women I have spoke with quote $500+. Clearly they don't know you can get a well reviewed 9 that will do everything for under 400.

I'll finish out my month, but I am done with this site. Will post some intel on some of my chats. I have been blocking aplenty, but will contribute nonetheless.You treat women like an escort, you get escort pricing. As if you are the worst looking / smelling man on the internet. If you want to take the trouble to get some rapport w / a chick and meet her in person before you ever broach the idea of pay for play, you can do significantly better. The girl might actually find she likes you and / or find you attractive, and would perhaps even enjoy banging you, and so you get the discount. If you just want to cut to the chase, well, you are the type of guy SA wants to get rid of. You'll get them shut down because of FOSTA / SESTA, so there will be an event they can identify to ban you.

01-28-23, 08:44
I think she must be a pro because she is always on the app for some time now.Seen her listings on Tryst.

01-28-23, 09:32
Seen her listings on Tryst.Interesting! What's her Tryst link?

01-28-23, 10:09
Interesting! What's her Tryst link?

This would be my guess as to who he is talking about based on the name. Unfortunately, I don't think they are the same.

01-28-23, 10:56

Wants $300 cfs by Ohare.


Wants you to come see her dance at strip club (old pink monkey downtown) before discussing any details. Probably just trying to drum up business.


Complete time waster.


Wants $450. Travels all over the suburbs for work she says. Not sure if pro or is being honest.


This one is a pro. She's on P411 and wants 500 an hour. Cfs.

Bill Underwood
01-28-23, 18:22
She's real. Smoking hot too if you get to see her private pics she's very pretty. Talked to her 6 months ago. Can't remember the specifics but recall that she was just major league expensive.I talked to her too like 6 months ago. Can't remember the rate she quoted but I want to say it was like 700-800. Her pics suggest she is pretty but just couldn't justify that much.

01-28-23, 22:28
Another game player. Not serious about meeting.


She claims she usually gets 600 to 1000 per date. She said she is luxury and would go no lower than 500. Found out she had an 0nlyfan5 at one point, but it got abandoned when no one subscribed. Doesn't look very good with makeup and is hideous without it. Typical millennial sugar baby with a big ego.


This one is down to play for 250. I did not find her very attractive. She has had several profiles over the years. I'm sure some of you have hit it.


Saw this one a couple years ago. I was able to negotiate her down to 400. She was good in bed and had a nice body, but she was too bossy like a lot of black women.


She seems like a really nice girl. We talked a lot, but whenever I suggested meeting up, she has an excuse. She claims to always be working, even at night and on the weekend. I'm kind of thinking she is just on the website to be entertained. Too bad.


Get that sex.