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02-22-04, 16:45
Please select "Add New Report" to begin this section.

02-22-04, 17:04
1. Its your money!

2. Never settle for less than you want!

3. Its your money!

4. Never let the fuglies get the better of you, market rate dictates they should be paying you, but they never do. Just walk away.

5. Don't fall in Love ever!!!

6. Learn from other mongers mistakes, we all make them.

7. Never be afraid to walk out of a place cause the selection sucks.

8. Don't fall in love with them, its their job.

9. Its your money!

10. When a friend pays, money is no object. (Its not your money!)

02-22-04, 17:24
Know your pricing. Check it out on this site.

I overpaid so badly my first few times it was pathetic.

Definitely lot easier overseas - this board overcomes problems of language and where to look.

Highly recommend both Russia and Buenos Aires

02-22-04, 17:27
Highly recommend both Russia and Buenos Aires

Whats the flight times from USA and average cost?

Chicago is long way

4 hour flight to Miami - 1 hr stop over 10 hr night flight to BA

NY to Miami is 2.5 hours.

Chicago fare (coach) ~ $900

I see cheaper fares from many other cities.

02-22-04, 17:44
1.Went trolling by foot, ALWAYS scan the area For law enforcement or dangerous activity.If it's too "hot", move on.

2.Keep the prices FAIR so the next guy in line gets his fair shot!

3.Never expect to recive more than what the women has too offer.When she says "anything you want" It's usually bait and switch.


6.Most Importantly,Use you bigger head,NOT the little one.

03-29-04, 13:57
Maybe this has been addressed before, but Ill ask anyways.
Why not post a message with all the little sex acronyms like BBBJ, I know a couple but if anyone knows the rest please post them!!!

BBBJ - bareback blow job
GFE - girl friend experience
CBJ - covered blow job

Joe Zop
03-29-04, 14:16
If you look up at the top in the black bar, you'll see a link called "Terms & Abbreviations" that covers all of the most commonly used ones.

Three X
03-29-04, 14:48
Remember these few commanments!

1. Never tip before service! You will alway get bad service if you do!

2. Remember you are in control you are paying them for service not the other way around! Some girls are lazy and just lay there tell the mama and kick them to the curb.

3. A massage girl always lie!

4. The cute young girl that smile alot are the worse fucks!

5. Koreans provide the best service!

6. You are not their friend!

7. They lie to themselves, their family and you!

8. Never tip first!

9. Never any truth only more lies!

10. What ever age they give you add 10 years to it!

If you want to add more please do so!

Mighty Spearsman
03-29-04, 15:58
Commandment #11: Always read WSG Forum first!

If Bill Clinton had followed this rule, maybe he would have gone to Downtown AMP to get his rocks off rather than get into trouble with Monica.

Seriously, I have always found WSG to be invaluable, to learn where to go, who to look for, who to avoid, how much to pay, etc. This is obvious advice but is still worth stating.

For example, if you're planning to go to an AMP, always check here first to learn the names of the best girls, especially one who is no longer working there. That way, when you go to an AMP and the mamasan asks you "have you been here before?" you can say, "yes, last time I was with Coco (or whatever the name is)" even though you'd never been there before, they'll think that you're a repeat customer. The mamasan will probably reply "sorry, Coco no work here anymore, I find you nice new girl." I can almost guarantee that you'll have a good session.

Commandment #12: The Korean AMP girls who speak little or no English usually provide better service than the Korean who speaks fluent English.

Commandment #13: a variation of JimmyDR's Rule #7 - Never be afraid to walk out of a place halfway through a massage if things are going badly, even though you've already paid the $40 house fee. At vthe worst, you'll be out what you already paid to the house, and there's always a chance that the mamasan will give you a full or partial refund, or else try to make things right somehow by switching to a different girl.

Strong support for MeatMan's Rule #1 and JimmyDR's Rule #7 - don't ever be afraid to just walk away from a potentially-bad or suspicious situation and try again another day. If your gut tells you that something isn't right, then there is probably is something wrong going on, especially on the streets. Go home and beat off, and remember that tomorrow is another day, and that every year there is a new crop of 18 year old girls just waiting for us!


A Respectful Disagreement with Three X - At many (but not all) AMPs, you are usually better off to pay the tip up-front, right after the table shower. Always check first with WSG Forum to find out which AMPs this is true for - for example, at Downtown, Supra and CPHC in Washington, DC, and at Hong Kong and Magic in Waterbury, CT, it is always better to lay 5 jacksons on the table right after the shower, while at New Seoul in Vernon, CT one should always leave a small tip at the end (since it's a HJ-only place).

Reputable places in Houston that have a fixed-price policy (Maria's, Latin Sensation Studio, Lucia's, Escape in Houston, etc.) will require that you pay up front, but screen and train their employees carefully to minimize the chance of a bad session. And in the rare case where you do have a bad session, they will try to rectify any problems you may have afterwards if you let them know that the service was not up to snuff.

03-29-04, 16:30
Remember these few commanments!

1. Never tip before service! You will alway get bad service if you do!

2. Remember you are in control you are paying them for service not the other way around! Some girls are lazy and just lay there tell the mama and kick them to the curb. No tip

3. A massage girl always lie! All the time

4. The cute young girl that smile alot are the worse fucks!

5. Koreans provide the best service!

6. You are not their friend! They hate us.

7. They lie to themselves, their family and you!

8. Never tip first! If at the end they want more, grab your tip and give less.

9. Never any truth only more lies!

10. What ever age they give you add 10 years to it! Sometimes 15-20 more

If you want to add more please do so!

NY Monger
03-29-04, 17:42
Someone much wiser than me, said the First Rule of mongering is- Never get caught. Everything else follows from that.

1. You need to understand the consequences of getting caught by your SO, boss and society. First two are very hard to figure out. Society tells you the rules - go figure it out! If you think you may get caught, and the cost is high for you, this may not be worth it for you. Try collecting stamps!

2. Always scope out where you are and what you're doing - understand local laws and customs. Its usually folks who dont understand local laws and customs who get caught. You're better off wasting a free night, than being caught.

3. Never, repeat, never allow yourself to be the one initiating any law-breaking activity. Ask her what she means - generally, unless you look like the old guys from Dragnet,- the women will clue you in. Simple rule, that most guys dont follow.

4. Followup on secureing your PC, or phone or whatever you're using to communicate. Loose lips sink ships, or hand up divorce papers.

5. Always, have a reason to be whereever you're going. Plausible deniability is key to survival.

6. Don't try to impress SOs, workmates etc with your 'street smarts' - they may think you're cool to know this stuff today, but if you're caught, they'll never believe you didnt know what you were doing.

Please throw in your tips, cause we all benefit from each others info.

03-29-04, 20:23
I originally saw this on the Jacksonville, Florida Board [ Can you believe that there's a Hole Town named after JACKSON ??!!??!! ]

I do not claim to be the author nor do I claim to have followed its wisdom, much to my chagrin.


20 Rules for SW

1. IS SHE? - It ain't like in the movies - at least, not in Da Burgh! They wear ordinary clothes, and are just walking alone, with no bags, or maybe making a phone call at a pay phone (but if you checked, there's no one on the line). Believe it or not, a girl walking alone and without shopping bags on a hobbyist street is almost always a SW.

2. If you aren't sure, come back in a few minutes. Non-pros who happen to be walking are going somewhere, which isn't up and down the same stretch of road. And on hobbyist streets, the local women tend to avoid looking like they might be in business, unless they are!

3. If she is watching traffic, she's probably a SW.

4. If she makes eye contact with you, she's probably a SW.

5. If she then smiles at you, she is a SW. After all, you're just some dude driving by.

6. If she's with a "boyfriend", who disappears when you come around again, he's pimping her. Be careful! Don't unlock the door until she's ready to get in, with him nowhere to be seen! If you follow these rules, you're in control of the situation.

7. THE PICKUP - Pull over at the next parking lot, or around the next corner and park nearby. If you're sure she saw you - smile back at her, dummy! - then feel free to pull further down the block, so it's not so easily observed by LE. She'll casually turn down your block, walk past - and then suddenly walk up to see if you're letting her in. Keep eye contact, keep smiling - invite her in.

8. Lock the other doors! You're in a crime-filled neighborhood!

9. AVOIDING LE STINGS - Do not EVER EVER EVER discuss anything with a girl who isn't seated in your car, except to offer her a ride. THAT'S ALL YOU'RE DOING! IT'S LEGAL! Just being a nice guy... On every board I've seen, LE always tries to make the bust without the F LE risking her ass by getting in. READ THIS RULE AGAIN! IT'S IMPORTANT!

10. This is the perfect time for LE to pull you over for rolling through a stop sign, just to harass your ass. Drive like a preacher! It's an effective way of intimidating we hobbyists, and they'll use any opportunity if they're watching.

11. Make a turn or two before discussing $$, just in case. Watch your rear view - you can bet she will, too! I've never heard of LE getting in the car, with a follower, but better safe than sorry. A known LE trick - she doesn't get in, but directs you to meet her around the corner. Guess who's waiting there, instead of her? If she doesn't get in right away, move on!

12. AVOIDING SCAMS - If you do a car date, and you let her pick the spot (she'll try to direct you), be aware that she may be setting you up for a robbery. Don't settle for her spot - or at least, force her to come up with a second choice. Her boyfriend can't be in two places at once.

13. If you go back to a hotel, and she picked it, be aware that this could be a setup for cash&dash, or her pimp busting in & robbing you.

14. If you go back to her place - are you mad? The "boyfriend busting in mad, waving a gun" scam probably happens a lot - since the victims won't report the robbery, they get by with it, even though the victims know where the robbers are staying!

15. If you go back to your hotel, um, have fun! (OK, that's not a rule. If you go back to your hotel, be discreet so the mgmt doesn't call LE on you.)

16. If you go back to your house - are you really ok with a potentially-addicted SW knowing where you live?

17. WALLET - Do not leave your wallet within her reach. If you think you know a clever spot to hide it, remember that 100's of others have thought of it, too. While you're distracted, her free hand can be working...

18. MONEY - Do not have more in your pocket than you want to spend. She (and your dick) will talk it out of you. If she's really worth an extra few dollars, you can go get it (out of the trunk, the ATM, your other pocket, whatever). Current street rates are 20 for BJ, 40-50 for FS, and you can tip later if you think it's worth it. Remember, it isn't worth it just because you came. She'll always demand a tip, if she thinks it's coming. Many will claim they "usually charge more" - the word on this board is: they don't. But, hey, some of these girls are hard-working, quality-driven providers, even though they're SW (really - I mean it!), and they deserve a break.

19. HUNTING HOURS: They're out at all times, in most weather. I've heard of them walking as early as 4:30am, and well past midnight. They work the lunch hours for guys on lunch, afternoons for guys on early shifts, mornings for guys who'll be late for work, and all through the evening and night. If it's lightly raining, there will be less, but there will be some. Most of these girls are drug addicts; their addiction doesn't have a "M-F, excluding legal holidays" schedule.

20. CFS!!! Carry a condom. Usually, they don't have one (which I think is so fuc*ing stupid, but then, if they had a clue they wouldn't be SW-ing). You don't want to be tempted to skip the cover because that pussy is so fine.

And the freebie: Every time some SW claims "I'm the best! I'm worth more", it really means, "I'm a lame-ass lying lazy talentless junkie!" The good ones don't have to brag; they'll get your return business.

Benchseats Rock
03-30-04, 04:42
MSNBC just aired some reruns from 2001 involving the sex industry. It was a mulit-part series and dealt with porn and several major cities' vice squads as well. I only caught two of the reruns, one focusing on Hollywood Vice and the Other on New Orleans.

In New Orleans the cops can AND WILL get into the car.

In New Orleans the cops will get naked in order to convince you they are the real thing.

In New Orleans the cops will drink beer while on the job.

In New Orleans the cops have follower cars, in car cameras, audio monitors, and brake light tapping signals that you cannot see.

In New Orleans if you dance around the discussion without getting specific enough times they will arrest you anyway and use as evidence your discussions that continually "dance" around the topic and THAT is what demonstrates your intent to a judge.

In New Orleans, the vice squad as of 2001 has a 98% conviction rate.

I can only think that other jurisdictions will be adapting to the N.O.P.D. playbook, so KEEP ON YOUR TOES.
All the rules posted here do work, but kicking her out of the car as quick as you can say bacon ALWAYS works.

Besides, beating off is free, and so is the thrill of the hunt.

I will repost this in the New Orleans forum.

Stay Safe

KC Questor
03-30-04, 07:21
"20. CFS!!! Carry a condom. Usually, they don't have one (which I think is so fuc*ing stupid, but then, if they had a clue they wouldn't be SW-ing). You don't want to be tempted to skip the cover because that pussy is so fine."

They don't carry condoms because if they do get hassled by cops it is hard to explain why a girl would carry lots of condoms around with her. It is easier to explain a man with one for personal use than a SW carrying a professional supply.

05-28-04, 00:46
One issue rarely, perhaps never considered in the WSG is the possibility of finding semi-pros in discos, bars, and strip clubs. These are girls who don't consider themselves professionals but might be convinced by the right "sugar daddy".

I might know about this or it might be a self-delusion. Doesn't matter! I offer it as a potentially useful method in the sexually repressed USA. When that cash-strapped chick you've sweet-talked comes to your hotel room, what are the U.S. Sex Police going to do ? How can they stop this moral transgression ? The poor morons cannot !!

I don't think specific bar info is as useful as the general idea. First, pick the right bar. A "working class" bar or disco is best.

A bar with college students or professionals is less productive; those girls have cash and tend to look for "Mr. Relationship". A strip club is ok too, though the girls tend to be haughty and expensive. I doubt this works if you are totally out of shape physically, though it is fine if you look your age. If a girl 20+ years younger than you comes up to you and asks you for a drink or a dance, it is a VERY GOOD SIGN she is game.

BTW, I was inspired by a comment I overheard in a bar once between a girl and her girlfriend, who said something like "I might have gone with him if he was willing to pay for it, but he wouldn't even buy me a drink". So, the first step is offer them a drink. Smile and be friendly. Don't worry about someone saying "no". If they do, move on. Even if you have good game for your age, many will say no. If one says "yes", be specific about what you want and obey my three rules: 1) good hygiene, 2) polite yet to-the-point, and 3) generous beyond market prices. I know I run contrary to the talk in the WSG about the "importance" of holding to market prices, but my advice is to go less frequently and pay more.

That's my advice. Take it or leave it. Or save your money for a trip outside of the repressed USA. But that takes the challenge out of it.

07-06-04, 07:28
As for condoms, cops consider a hooker carrying one as evidence. this is insane! So what do the hookers do? they almost never have them on hand. This is just WRONG~!


Daddy Lows
07-06-04, 14:11

Go with the flow. Ifin they don't have a condom, get a BBBJTCIM.



Star Lord
07-06-04, 18:24
I had a question. Does LE do stings over the Internet? I had PM someone who had a report saying they were available.

The response I got back mentioned money. That pushed my paranoid button. It seems like discussing prices and services before the gal gets in the car.

How does one protect ones self from a sting in cases such as this?

Rolly Polly
07-09-04, 08:58
I have no experience with an internet sting, but I would say they do have them. Talk money and service and then make the bust at the meeting place.

It's amazing how many mongers loose their heads when pussy is on the line and go for the sting. I feel so bad for the Johns I see getting hit on the street.

Back to internet stings, if you do an "outcall" at your place you are probably safer from stings. I've been weary of "incalls" in the past. I don't use escorts that much anymore, but when I did I made a few contacts in the business and could check things out before putting the call in for service.

Happy mongering.

Yet Another Guy
08-08-04, 10:57
The answer about internet stings is YES.

A buddy of mine got caught up in one 2 years ago, in Quad Cities, on the Illinois side. The police arrested a woman who was using the net to get clients, and rolled over her email account and address book to the police. Incall setup was used.

They are also targeting members of RS2K in Chicago, primarily in the DuPage county area, but also downtown was hit in the last couple of months. It appears from the scuttlebutt that they're trying to go after the owner of that referral service - for what it isn't clear.

08-28-04, 03:16
Hi Guy's,

This might be a dumb question. Forgive me I'm a newbee. I get girls mainly at Tijuana at Adelitas. But how would I go about asking a working girl if she is working or to actually say: I'll pay for services? I've seen some walking the streets of San Diego, i.e. El Cajon Blvd., but am a bit affraid that she might be a LE. I read this section and kinda get the idea but I don't have a car so I'd like to ask the SW to come to my place; I'd hunt in my area of course. I've also seem some escorts or\and working girls on the net which I've responded by e-mail to but they never get back to me. I am not directly saying I'll pay cash for sex. What would be the best way to direct my proposition? The ads on the net do have a phone number to them but I'm CHICKEN-SHIT, hahaha, sorry to call the number. I do appologize for my dumbness. Thanks. I've posted on the TJ section on girls if it helps anyone; or pm me.

Have fun and play safe guys.


09-21-04, 01:41
"doubt this works if you are totally out of shape physically"

I have found one thing to be true, the more money you have the less atractive you need to be!

Good Points, I* am sure it happens everyday, I always heard about the 'dance' clubs in downtown LA but never tried them.

10-23-04, 00:56
Follow-up on my message below from May.

In America it's a big challenge, and very inefficient, but I like a challenge !! Of course I can understand a guy just giving up and taking a flight to the DR or some other exotic location, but consider the pleasures of hunting a semi-pro ! A young woman who doesn't consider herself a full-time prostitute. And there isn't much other choice in my town, as the police are all over the real pros.

I've become more skillful at this in recent years. I don't have the best game and probably look absurd compared to the guy in the Houston section who has posted fascinating stories about dating 10s from strip bars for free. His stories are true even if they are not; but, as I said, I am not that good. I need a little $$$ to take me over the top. Keeping in shape and following the rules I posted previously are useful, however.

The modus operandi I've discovered works basically as follows. You have 2 or 3 favorite bars, they should be "working class". Then, as a clean, polite guy, you ask the girl if she wants a drink. Most girls tell me no, and indeed most nights I strike out and go home, but eventually someone who is in the right category says yes. On occassion, the girl may ask you. Eventually, get a phone number. Lately, I NEVER talk about prices until I call her and arrange a rendezvous. Typical offer is $50 - 80, I don't negotiate. These are good prices compared to hardened outcall pros. And I don't want it free either, even if that would be on offer, as it complicates the affair.

If it seems right, we meet at a hotel, and somtimes even at her apartment. The affair dries up usually in one of 3 ways: Either I get bored after a few months (the usual way), or her cell phone stops working (I take this as a bad sign), or she tells me to stop. A couple times it happened that a girl said she had a "serious" boyfriend and couldn't see me anymore. Fine, I am not trying to compete with guys half my age !

It's the "Last Tango in Paris" experiences I seek. No names, no identity. Just brief and meaningless affairs. But it requires the patience and the deliberation of a spy.

Anything Cool
03-13-05, 02:33
I have always gone to providers who offer incall, however I found one who only does outcall. Is it a bad idea to bring her to my apartment (I'm single and live alone) or should I rent a motel room? Any advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.

03-13-05, 13:19
Anything Cool,

This comes under the same catagory as not paying with a credit card. Don't leave a trail, or as little of one as you can.

You don't want to end up in a little black book that might get confiscated in a bust.


Anything Cool
03-20-05, 23:04
Thank you Robux for the quick reply to my previous question. I have another question and I hope someone has the answer.

There is a massage place advertised in the local paper that I think may offer extras. Rather than go there and possibly be disappointed I thought I would call them to try and get some information.

Do I just ask them outright if they offer extras? What is the best way of getting this information over the phone?

Thanks for the help.

Ausse Salt
03-21-05, 03:06
G'day Mates,

Here's a quick take on some rules. Sit up and pay attention: If you see an adver tisment for an AMP (sports section or phone book) it's a good sign that they do extras. Go for a visit - worst thing, all ya gets is a good massage. Pat the mum on her arse when she leads ya to the shower. Put'er at ease, mate.

Never take a lovy home with ya, find a safe motel -that way she can't steal and don't 'ave your address. Ya can't be too careful. And when stopping to pick up a nipper whose streetwalkin- never discuss anything 'til she gets inside yur car! Too right! Can't tell ya how`many blokes make this mistake. The only thing ya ask out the winda is if she needs a ride. If she's workin LE, chances are she won't get in your car. And if she's a seasoned pro she'll know what ya mean by a ride. FInally, for those punters walkin on foot, you can walk over and talk to the`nipper, if got a smoke on ya, ask her for a light. She'll ask ya for a date right quick.


NC Hunter
04-07-05, 00:20
I have a set of rules I posted on the Charlotte, NC board back in June of 2002 that if adherred to will usually keep you out of trouble. I think every experienced monger have their own set of rules but for the newbie this is a start.


1. Have a spare set of car keys (just in case some wild SW tries to take your keys to immobolize or blackmail you for whatever reason).

2. Make sure you have Drivers License and vehicle registration, insurance papers in car

3. Lights (including tag lights) and all safety gear (tires, etc.) operational and in good condition. (No need to give LE a reason to stop you)

4. Never go where SW suggests. Pick your own spot prior to picking up your SW. (places to park, hotels, motels, etc.)

5. Never talk money to SW while she is outside your car. Let her get in, ride around and let her feel you up and if you really want to be sure, have her give you a sample (a little head does the trick for me) before cash is offered.

6. LoveLOS suggests not to ride a male in your car. I go a step further and say no more than one SW at a time in your car- even two in the front seat could mean trouble.

7. Paying in advance (per LoveLOS, and I concur) should be avoided. However, when in Atlanta, the SW's all asked for their money the moment they sat in the car. They would not move unless it was in their hand. (Is the the norm for all of Atlanta you Atlanta mongers?). Go with the local custom on this one.

8. Of course no drugs, drug paraphanelia or weapons (on them) allowed in the car.

9. Prior to picking up the SW, ensure all your valuables are locked away- including your wallet. Some of these girls are talented pickpockets.

10. After picking up girl, do whatever manuevers (legal of course) you need to do to ensure you are not being followed.

11. Read the posts for the area and know what to spend and have that amount and that amount only available. Understand the dangers and the particulars of that area. Do a bit of research here on WSG.

12. If LE stops you tell the girl to never admit to illegal behavior regardless of what the cops promise. And you do the same. Get her real name and give yours. Get your story straight before the cops separate you.

13. SW's are liars and are not your girlfriends no matter how nice they may appear.

14. Realize you are a target for crackheads, robbers, murderers, etc. and protect yourself accordingly.

15. If a SW won't get out of your car and is causing trouble, you will have to use your judgement. You have three options:

a. physically kick her ass out (then you have to watch your back even more whenever you are cruisin for you now have an enemy)

b. give her $5 to $20 to get rid of her (for "wasting her time")

c. drive up to the nearest LE and tell them you want this woman out of your car (you risk having her attempt to get you both arrested and you also have an enemy)

16. Always, always, keep your head on a swivel and be very, very aware of your surroundings at all times. use your peripheral vision and keep the SW's movements in sight at all times.

These are all things I learned through over 20 years of mongering. I know it seems like a lot but it all is second nature to us veteran mongers. Each monger has his own rules and these are just some of mine. In time, you will develop your own.

Mongering can and is an enjoyable but dangerous hobby but it can be made a bit safer if you adopt some safety rules. I hope mine are a guideline for you newbies. Happy hunting and be safe out there.

NC Hunter

NC Hunter
04-07-05, 00:26
I posted a piece on "the look". The look is how a provider looks at you to let you know that she is able and willing, if the price is right. This is a copy of my message from 04/10/2004.

The "LOOK", IMHO, can not be classified as just one gesture but many. It can be as simply the lady locking eyes with yours and she may subtley add a smile, lick her lips or a very quick wave. If she is close enough she may even say "Hi". The ones I avoid are those that shout out at you, wave, jump into the middle of the street drawing unwanted attention to both of you.

The "LOOK" once included the way the lady was dressed but this no longer holds true for it has become a fashion trend for young ladies to dress slutty, but if she has on a bikini or lingerie she is a hooker.

The "LOOK" still includes a woman walking provocatively and I once got the "LOOK" from a provider as she drank a coke from a long stem bottle- she stuck half the bottle down her throat while staring at me. Yeah! I stopped for her! You may see a lady sucking on a piece of candy as if she is sucking a johnson.

IMHO, there is no science to the look. It has more to do with intuition than anything else for a woman can do all the above and not be a hooker.
As long as I have been doing this I still sometimes get crossed signals from what I thought was the "LOOK" but more times than not, I am right. I hope this explanation was not confusing and I hope I answered some of your questions. Other members will add their wisdom and take the advice collectively.

Peace and safe mongering,

NC Hunter

Big A
04-09-05, 23:01
Excellent info NC Hunter. It is valuable information for us newbies.


Call Me Fun
04-12-05, 23:00
This post has been invaluable to me. It is buried in the California > Oceanside so I am posting the link here. I hope it helps some of the newbies out. It sure did me. Hats off to Yogi for posting such valuable advice.


Be safe and sane

Virgil Dan
04-13-05, 16:17
Hey guys, I haven't mongered much or for long and I haven't yet figured out how to accomplish FS in the car. My ride is good sized but has a console in the middle of the front. This works for BJ but not so good when considering FS.

For a BJ I usually hide "in plain sight" in a quiet corner of a parking lot. When her head is down the uninitiated are unlikely to tell what's going on.

The prospect of getting close to naked and giving up the ability to watch all around scares me. So what, or how do you do it? Climb into back seat? Walk in the woods (not in New England in winter)?

Any advice would be great.


Daddy Lows
04-14-05, 16:20

Try using a minivan or SUV. Those cars with the center consoles really suck. They pinch the ribs of the SWs and the resulting BJs are robbed of precision and grace. Seriously, get a beat up truck or van to monger in. Good luck and stay safe.


04-14-05, 23:21

Get yourself a MongerMobile™ specially suited to the hobby. You can pick 'em up cheap at auction or through the classifieds. Something old and spacious, as DL suggested. A rust bucket will blend in with most mongering locals, too, and won't put your main ride at risk. You'll just need liability insurance. It's a throw away vehicle.

Nothing screams MONGER! louder than an obvious suburbanite driving a newer car in the hood late at night.


04-15-05, 19:22

I have definitely been considering this myself. My vehicle sticks out like a sore thumb in the wrong neighborhoods, which on several occasions has gotten some unwanted attention from Uncle LEO. (My pale skin doesn't help either.) I am leaning towards a mini van for the room...perhaps even a service van of some sort. They are always liquidating these at city auctions cheap. They are fairly nondescript, workers need to drive around slow looking for addresses and such. Not to mention plenty of room and privacy in the back! I just worry that if it looks too much like a old worthless work van that the ladies might not be interested in asking for a ride.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All reports generated by this author should be considered works of fiction for entertainment purposes only. None of the events actually occurred.

04-16-05, 02:18
Lincoln Man - it depends on what you look for. I can only speak to Los Angeles and Las Vegas as those are the only places I have mongered.

If you pick up in downtown Vegas or Boulder strip, any POS will do.

Same thing in Los Angeles for Downtown LA, Figueroa, PCH, etc.

However, if you want the hotties that charge $100+ at places like Sunset Bl in Hollywood, many of the sw will not go anywhere close to a POS.

04-17-05, 18:46
Ok, I got a number of a girl named Mercedes in LA. DL from the Los Angeles forum went out with her and I remember he said it cost him 100 bucks and 20 bucks for the room for an hour. Now this was about one month ago. So I call her today and she tells me now it's 250 dollars for one hour. My question is if this is normal or should I negotiate or should I just forget doing her.

04-18-05, 22:46
Ok, I got a number of a girl named Mercedes in LA. DL from the Los Angeles forum went out with her and I remember he said it cost him 100 bucks and 20 bucks for the room for an hour. Now this was about one month ago. So I call her today and she tells me now it's 250 dollars for one hour. My question is if this is normal or should I negotiate or should I just forget doing her.

Ask DL if he knows why she went up that high. He may not have shared the full story about his experience...or she has been getting so many calls that she can use the number to scare away the timid, and attract the worthy suckers.

Beyond him...tell her you read she was $100 and that you are willing to meet half way or no deal at all. Let her know that you are a nice guy and you won't waste her time.

If not, move on. Plenty out there to go around. Hell...its LA right!

04-18-05, 23:00

Sounds like Miss Mercedes has decided to go for the upscale market. The old rates are still available, don't fret. Here in DC there's a bar where the escorts hang out, as well as the pimps and the SWs. The transition she's trying to make will be driven by her perceived value among mongers. That said, she'll have slow nights and days. They all do. If you can't find the bar she hangs at looking for biz, tell her that you were REFERRED to her by one of her other clients and that you're happy to see her when business is slow. Put the ball in her lap. Give her your number. Forget about her. She'll call.

If you don't have a throw away anonymous cash card phone, get one. It will pay for itself with the money you'll save.

Now submit a f'ing field report and get some cred. You, as a newbie, because you've asked here humbly, are being granted special dispensation by us Seniors. I usually tell newbies with only one post to RTFF. Must have caught me in a giving mood. *grumble* :)


T B Prince
04-21-05, 00:36

I'm on my third full size Ford Bronco. The back rests fold down onto the seat cushions and then the entire assembly can be flipped up to rest right in back of the front seats. I have listened to music, and drank champagne with many women, fully naked stretched out in the rear of each of my mongermobiles. If you choose you can easily remove the entire rear seat and leave it at home. All of my mongermobiles have been used and carried only liability insurance. The rear windows are slightly timted so that you can't see inside from a few feet away but you can see very clearly from the inside out. I have never, ever paid for a hotel room when I picked up a street walker. I have tapped ass in every basic position in the rear of my SUV. The carpet must be FULL of DNA.

T B Prince
04-21-05, 23:52
I took some pictures from the inside of my Mongermobile.

Anything Cool
06-16-05, 22:12
I have always visited escorts, I haven't been interested in picking up SWs until tonight.

At E Lake Street and 4th Ave (a popular intersection for SW in Mpls) there was a cutie named China. She asked me if I was a cop and then said that she wasn't a cop. Then she asked me for a date, when I replied no, she said how about a ride. I declined both offers partly due to lack of funds and partly out of fear of getting arrested.

I would really like to go back and find this women. However, based on the above encounter, is it possible that she is an undercover cop? If she was an undercover cop wouldn't she try to get me to discuss specific amounts of money for specific acts? She is the best looking SW I have seen.

06-17-05, 17:05
QUOTE=Anything Cool
"I have always visited escorts, I haven't been interested in picking up SWs until tonight."

That's to bad. Your mileage is a lot better with a SW. Average is 2 jacksons for FS and a single for BJ. Compare that to $ as a starting price for an escort, then the tips. On the other hand, the quality isn't as good.

"At E Lake Street and 4th Ave (a popular intersection for SW in Mpls) there was a cutie named China. She asked me if I was a cop and then said that she wasn't a cop. Then she asked me for a date, when I replied no, she said how about a ride. I declined both offers partly due to lack of funds and partly out of fear of getting arrested."

You should have been fairly safe with the ride. You are in a better position to have her do the show and tell routine. 1) LE won't get in your car 99% of the time. Most cities have a policy against the officers getting into your car, even if they are on a sting. Please keep in mind that some cities don't follow this rule. NEVER begin negotations unless the SW gets into your car. Don't answer any questions unless she gets into your car.
As mongers, we are in a better position to keep ourselvs safer than the SW's. When a SW gets in your car, drive away immediatly. Keep your eyes open and scan for followers. Ask the girl if she is a cop. When she tells you she isn't, ask her to prove it. She should falsh you, or grab your tool. You will in turn touch her as well. Do not for any reason touch her first!
After the above has been completed, discuss services, still not discussing $. At this point, you could ask for a BJ, FS or whatever. If there are no flashing lights behind you, it's a date. Discuss $ then.

"I would really like to go back and find this women. However, based on the above encounter, is it possible that she is an undercover cop? "

See above

"If she was an undercover cop wouldn't she try to get me to discuss specific amounts of money for specific acts? She is the best looking SW I have seen."

Go back and find her. Chances are you will never see her again. Most girls only work long enough to get money to civer a fix, food and room for the day.
Every now and then, a girl that has developed enough regulars, has a slow day and has to resort to hitting the road. These tend to be in a little better condition as well as offering a GFE.

Happy hunting.

Daddy Lows
07-07-05, 18:25
T B Prince,

Props to a master.


07-11-05, 13:57

I don't really know on how many different occassions I have passed on a really cute sw because she was standing with a group or at least a guy, let put the word out that they would get a little more business if they would at least walk away from the guy, this make me really uneasy, so for those of you who pick up with the guy standing there be sure to mention this, for those who don't and pick up girls who are by themselves, be sure to tell them to mention this to their girl friends.

Thanks and lets all be saft and have fun!

11-10-05, 16:37
Does anyone have any personal experiences, good or bad, trying to help a SW escape the street life?

12-04-05, 02:47
Has anyone picked up someone on the street, and sometime while you are fucking her it becomes making love. nd she becomes all you think about is her? Am I simply stupid?

12-06-05, 10:55
Has anyone picked up someone on the street, and sometime while you are fucking her it becomes making love. nd she becomes all you think about is her? Am I simply stupid?

No I have never made love to a hooker, Yes, you are being stupid.

12-14-05, 21:26
You can't save %99.99 of them. Either they are to far gone or they simply don't want to be saved. If they tell you they need help getting out of the life, they are giving you a line of BS or lip service trying to milk you for extra $$. I have been doing this for years and have never met one yet.
I have a regular girl that I have helped out from time to time but always with my eyes open. Give it up, you can't rescue them.

Good Luck.


12-15-05, 07:47
The following is an Article about Thai vs. Farang Women
[ a 'farang' is a foreigner in Thailand — IOW , a Westerner ]

But sub·stitute "Hooker" for "Thai" and "Average American Woman" for "Farang" , and you'll get a good idea about why so many of we Mongers fall for our SW 'girl·friends' =

Farang men often fall madly in love with the first Thai girl they meet – even if she’s a rough street prostitute who doesn’t speak English. Love-sick farang men are queuing up at the altar to tie the knot with their dubious Thai mail-order brides but why don’t farang girls stir their passions in the same way?

Thai girls and farang girls could hardly be more different. Put simply, Thai girls are family-orientated and farang girls are increasingly career-orientated. In America, 44% of women aged 15 to 44 have chosen to remain childless and the trend is gathering pace. It’s easy to understand their point of view because, as men, we’ve always pursued our ambitions.

Farang girls enjoy opportunities that their Thai sisters can only dream about. In many ways, life in the West has never been better but it doesn’t seem to have translated into greater human happiness. We are witnessing an epidemic of relationship breakdown. Western men and women seem increasingly ill-matched and unhappy. Statistics reveal that dissatisfied western wives are divorcing their husbands in ever-increasing numbers and they can’t seem to find suitable replacements either. Does this mean that we farang fellas are all useless?

No, of course it doesn’t and I’m going to explain why. Despite the far-reaching changes in western society, the underlying attitudes of men and women remain broadly the same. Men still have a provider mentality and women still have an entitlement mentality. Men have always been attracted by youth and beauty and women have always been attracted by wealth and status. Inevitably, the mismatch between our utopian aspirations and the situation on the ground has created problems.

For the sake of his self-esteem, a man needs to be the breadwinner. Taking on the domestic role makes him feel like a failure. Women, on the other hand, feel uncomfortable in the role of provider. A woman would quickly lose respect for any man who appeared to be living off her. Women still feel entitled to a partner more successful than themselves. Consequently, the more successful a woman becomes, the harder it is to find someone suitable.

On the face of it, men are more easily satisfied. All a man needs is a girl who is cute and kind-hearted. Career status is unimportant – it’s her personal qualities that count. He needs to be her protector and hero. A brash career-orientated woman will never excite a man’s passion. If she’s pretty, he might humour her for long enough to get into her pants but a long-term relationship is unlikely to succeed.

Women who don’t touch a guy’s heart but who have soaring expectations are never going to find husbands. Men seeking unconditional love and respect from aggressive ladettes are never going to find wives. As a result, more people than ever are living lonely single lives between brief affairs. Throughout the western world, we are seeing explosive growth in the number of single person households. In the UK, for example, census data reveals that the number of single person households grew by 14% between 1991 and 2001. An unhappy world of selfish people living alone is now becoming reality.

Returning to the original question, I think that many farang men fall madly in love with a random Thai bar girl because they’ve never met a truly feminine woman before. Men feel a deep need to care for these needy fallen angels and to receive affection in return. Even when the affection is insincere, the compulsion is so great that few farang guys can resist. Thai girls play the role perfectly. They wield a power over men that their farang sisters have forgotten how to use.

12-27-05, 05:35
I have to agree with this. I have mongered for a long time...over a decade..and quickly figured out that the girls doing this can't/won't be saved. Closest I have ever come is convincing one girl to leave...go back to her family...do something else. She actually covered up a huge ass tatoo with the name of her pimp, with something else. I don't know for sure where she went, but after reading a recent news article about a home/shelter for ex-ho's, I am pretty sure she is there.

Another one, I was able to convince to leave an abusive f--- of a boyfried. I should note that this girl is extremely hot...she could easily go into any of the Barely Legal type flicks....and most likely could pull in $100K-150K a year working as a stripper. Every friend I have shown her pic to thinks she is gorgeous. Unfortunately, instead of making this reasonable easy money for herself, she hooked up with another abusive f---.

I always think its too bad when a girl who can pull herself out of a screwed up situation fails to do so. But I'm far past the point of believing there is something I can do about it.

You can't save %99.99 of them. Either they are to far gone or they simply don't want to be saved. If they tell you they need help getting out of the life, they are giving you a line of BS or lip service trying to milk you for extra $$. I have been doing this for years and have never met one yet.
I have a regular girl that I have helped out from time to time but always with my eyes open. Give it up, you can't rescue them.

Good Luck.


12-27-05, 17:42
Tried on several occasions and more or less succeeded in two, although neither of those girls were what I would consider profesional SWs. The first was the first SW I picked up, a college girl on vaction with a friend in Florida they had gotten stuck in the sand while on driving on the beach and wrecked the transmission in their car. Not wanting to call home and ask for $$$ from parents (who had thought they could not take care of thmeselves on the trip) they deecied to pay for it by doing tricks. The hotel they wer ataying at in Dyatona was in an area where they had been mistaken for SWs on several occasions. I offered to pay the one I found her 1/2 of the repair if she would be my GF for a week and she agreed. Relationship lasted for ~8 months or so until her folks found out how we met.

Couple of others tried to no avail. One girl I met who was not into drugs, liked showing her good teeth o prove it and had lost her job, she could not ask parents for help, since her dad's employer had just gone belly up. She hated what she was doing, had been abducted and tied up for several days once (there are some sick bastards out there) claimed to like me, but would not take up my offer to come stay with me until she could things back in order since I would not also take her girlfriend who was an addict at the same time. Last I heard of her was that she had started using drugs to help her deal with life on the steets so I suspect she is now trapped.

The other I tried helping came to stay with me for a few days and decided to go back since she could not get over the alure of crack, one of the few rules I had for her if she stayed with me.

The last I am currently living with- reports on her are on the Rockford IL board.

Most of the girls I have met are too into crack and have found that the lure of relatively aeasy money on the street wins out over a regualr job, where crack use would be frowned upon.

Does anyone have any personal experiences, good or bad, trying to help a SW escape the street life?

Atl Lost Soul
12-29-05, 17:56
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. Please post reports consisting primarily of a commercial nature and/or reports with a link or links to commercial websites in the Classified Advertisement section of the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

03-14-06, 20:43
This may not be the best place to post this, but I am not able to start a new thread.

I am just wandering how many of my fellow "hunters" "clean" their gun before going out to hunt for beaver?

If I'm paying for it (this is discussed and debated alot on this board), I expect the lady to have to work a little for her fee.

Twenty Bucks
04-30-06, 22:49
I am just wandering how many of my fellow "hunters" "clean" their gun before going out to hunt for beaver?Pardon my apparent ignorance, but what exactly do you mean? like "cleaning the pipes", as in masturbating before you go, or actual hygeine?

05-01-06, 19:03
Pardon my apparent ignorance, but what exactly do you mean? like "cleaning the pipes", as in masturbating before you go, or actual hygeine?Yes I was refering to masturbating. There are alot of discussions on this board about paying the lowest price possible, but it seems like alot of the working ladies start asking if I'm close after a few minutes of "work". I was just wondering if maybe my fellow mougers are getting all worked up looking for ass(I will admit that the hunt can be the best part of our hobby), that they are not able to enjoy the bump&grind for more than a few minutes? If I am going to pay $40-160 depending on the situation, I want to last as long as possible.

Dakota Guy
05-03-06, 21:14
This may not be the best place to post this, but I am not able to start a new thread.

I am just wandering how many of my fellow "hunters" "clean" their gun before going out to hunt for beaver?

If I'm paying for it (this is discussed and debated alot on this board), I expect the lady to have to work a little for her fee.If I'm going out hunting I always shower before I head out. I also tend to shave around the pubic area a bit. I don't cut it all but I try to trim and keep it short and neat. I think the BJ's are better since they don't end up with a bunch of hair in their mouths. Also I tend to go out in loose fitting shorts witout underware. Thats what I do!

09-10-06, 23:00
I've searched the forums top to bottom, including the legal/LE ones, and read all the MP posts in one city. Bottom line is, I can't find info on MP busts. If you could direct me to one or answer the question, I'll appreciate it!

I'm wondering what the legal standard is to arrest someone in an MP. No doubt police often arrest people even if they don't have proof (or even evidence) for conviction. When it comes to MPs etc, getting your picture in the papers is worse than being charged. So when they bust a place, do they arrest everyone inside? Or only if they have something else on you? I guess it's in the interest of a provider not to admit to anything but what's the risk of one ratting you out?

09-24-06, 11:41
Several years ago there was a large city-wide bust of MP's where I live. I followed the subsequent preceedings in the paper, and it was evident that many mongers were indeed arrested. They were also used to testify against the MP's. The fates of the mongers were never published, except that they were busted at the parlor during the raids.

Daty Man
09-24-06, 14:00
I've searched the forums top to bottom, including the legal/LE ones, and read all the MP posts in one city. Bottom line is, I can't find info on MP busts. If you could direct me to one or answer the question, I'll appreciate it!

I'm wondering what the legal standard is to arrest someone in an MP. No doubt police often arrest people even if they don't have proof (or even evidence) for conviction. When it comes to MPs etc, getting your picture in the papers is worse than being charged. So when they bust a place, do they arrest everyone inside? Or only if they have something else on you? I guess it's in the interest of a provider not to admit to anything but what's the risk of one ratting you out?The elements of solicitation for prostitution is an offer of a fee for sex. Sex, as defined in most states' prostitution laws, is touching another person for the purpose of sexual gratification. By that logic, if you wash the feet of foot fetishist who gets off on it, that's sex. I doubt it's applied that strictly, but it's possible.

Guys caught up in a massage parlor bust are checked for warrants and stuff and then almost always let go. Of course, if the guy's holding substances or has warrants out, that's a whole separate problem, but otherwise few guys are arrested. I actually saw a story about a hispanic whorehouse in New Jersey somewhere that the cops busted; two guys were arrested after they refused to leave the premises. Evolution at work, I guess.

I've never heard of a provider ratting a client out that way; it's hardly in her interest, is it?

Double Nickle
11-12-06, 09:17
This may not be the best place to post this, but I am not able to start a new thread.

I am just wandering how many of my fellow "hunters" "clean" their gun before going out to hunt for beaver?

If I'm paying for it (this is discussed and debated alot on this board), I expect the lady to have to work a little for her fee.It might be a good idea for a person with premature ejaculation to "spank the monkey" a la the Cameron Diaz/Ben Stiller movie There's Something about Mary before a session with a provider. Some providers will offer "multiple pops" though. Some will give you a kick-ass massage after you come. Others will just just say "you're done, bye" even if only 15 minutes of 60 you've paid for have elapsed. Some providers will themselves let you know over the internet by website or otherwise that they provide multiple pops. The USA SexGuide postings will generally indicate if multiple pops are available. I believe there are also lotions, etc. to make you last longer.

In my case, I have "retarded ejaculation" verging on "ejaculatory incompetence." These are technical terms straight from a sexual surrogate program I went to. I always need a hand finish and the provider and myself always need to work hard for successful completion of the mission. I do have a lot of fun though.

Double Nickle
11-12-06, 09:50
If I'm going out hunting I always shower before I head out. I also tend to shave around the pubic area a bit. I don't cut it all but I try to trim and keep it short and neat. I think the BJ's are better since they don't end up with a bunch of hair in their mouths. Also I tend to go out in loose fitting shorts witout underware. Thats what I do!Excite may not be the right word. Agitate? Disturb? Anyway, at one of my early visits to an asian massage parlor as opposed to an american one I figured I was pretty presentable. I'd had a shower that morning or the night before. And I was going to get a table shower anyway. My clothes were fresh, or nearly so. And I was going to get naked anyway. I went to the late and much lamented Hong Kong in Waterbury, Connecticut. The mamasan provides me with Suzie who on a scale of 1 to 10 is, like, an 11. She is tall and young with big firm round natural boobs, possibly the best I've ever seen in the flesh. But she seems very troubled. She leaves the room and talks to the mamasan. She comes back and gingerly picks up my track shoes and carries them outside the door. This is not to let others know that the massage room was occupied. I do lots of walking. My feet get hot and sweat. I had worn my most comfortable shoes, the ones I almost lived in. I'm afraid they were a bit fragrant. OK they probably smelled like a dead skunk but I didn't think about it at the time. Korean women are extremely fastidious about cleanliness. You can believe I got scrubbed down really good at the table shower. She made me use mouthwash. She set up a fan to air out the premises. If you want a clean, hygenic, safe sex conscious provider, go Korean. They may spoil you so that you lose interest in American women though. By the way, now I always shower just before leaving for an asian massage parlor, even though I always get the table shower too. And I've very conscious of my shoes.

Like Dakota Guy I like to go in loose shorts without underwear. It is less laundry. I don't like binding clothing. It is quicker and easier to remove when getting naked. And it feels better when the providers grope your crotch through your clothing. I don't get this often now (I got it all the time at King Sauna in Waterbury) but I love it when it happens.

Double Nickle

Double Nickle
11-12-06, 11:55
Thank you Robux for the quick reply to my previous question. I have another question and I hope someone has the answer.

There is a massage place advertised in the local paper that I think may offer extras. Rather than go there and possibly be disappointed I thought I would call them to try and get some information.

Do I just ask them outright if they offer extras? What is the best way of getting this information over the phone?

Thanks for the help.Don't expect a massage parlor to tell you that they do happy endings over the phone. You can ask. If they are totally offended and slam the phone down on the hook then there is a very good chance they are "legit." Legit is generally used in the USASG forums to indicate that a happy ending is not provided. Personally I consider any massage parlor that provides any sort of massage to be legitimate.

There are other tip-offs. Ask if you can choose the girl, or what are the ages and physical characteristics of the girls. They may huffily respond "We're not that kind of place." Ask if they do erotic, sensual, prostate, relaxation, stress relief, topless or tantric massage. A "legit" place will at best probably only offer massage for relaxation or stress relief. A happy ending place will often use these last two terms as euphemisms for hand relief. Do they have a table shower? If so they will usually wash your nuts and cock and later usually get your rocks off. Oh yeah, ask if they have female masseuses, especially if a man answers the phone.

Realize that if you call from your unblocked home phone they might get your name, number and address. If the parlor ever gets raided the police will take that information.

Double Nickle

Double Nickle
11-12-06, 12:18
17. WALLET - Do not leave your wallet within her reach. If you think you know a clever spot to hide it, remember that 100's of others have thought of it, too. While you're distracted, her free hand can be working... I have been to many Korean Massage Parlors and have never had a theft problem. I no longer worry about leaving my wallet in an unlocked unattended room. Other posters report the same. The only exception I've heard of is at a Honolulu AMP where the thief was a caucasian girl working there.

On the other hand expect a Korean girl to lie about her age and ethnicity. I went to a Philadelphia AMP immediately (the same night) after the August raids. I initially thought all the Korean places had shut down. "Are you Chinese?" "Yes." I afterwards found that her name, Miko, was Korean and not Chinese.

Double Nickle

Double Nickle
11-12-06, 12:48
Remember these few commanments!

10. What ever age they give you add 10 years to it!Elsewhere I've seen 15, or 15-20. I use the median and call this "The 15 Year Rule." Add 15 years to the age they tell you or the age they look. They actually do look 15 years younger than their real age. Some attribute this to a Korean or Asian "anti-aging gene." On the other hand it may be that they take good care of their bodies, or possibly it is the beneficial effects of plentiful sex.

The now closed Happy Spa in Waterbury was the only one of the 10 AMPs there in a regular house rather than a commercial building. My first time there a skinny and attractive 30 something girl opened the door for me. Right after closing the door she flashed me a tit. It was small, but I liked the gesture. She had the magic touch and got me so hard during the table shower that I was still at full attention when sitting in the sauna afterwards. The mamasan, Sunny, popped in the sauna and admired it up close. I got a great, skilled, enthusiastic massage and extras. But I was puzzled because she twice referred to masseuse ages. She mentioned young girls at other Waterbury spas. And she wondered if I would have liked a younger girl better. I say, "Huh? What do you mean? You're young. I'm 54 [then] - you've got to be younger than me [thinking to myself: way younger]." Silence. "Well, aren't you?" Silence. I left it at that figuring she didn't want to get into a conversation that might have her admitting to the ripe old age of 37 or such.

When they raided all 10 Waterbury AMPs early summer this year they had photos, names, and ages of the arrested women. Everybody was flabbergasted to find they were pretty much 40s to 60s. Were they all mamasans? Apparently not. Son of a gun. That babe at Happy probably actually was older than me.

Double Nickle

Double Nickle
12-01-06, 13:11
G'day Mates,

As a wizenhium intellectuial, I sometime have mates & lovvys send to me letters & notes. They all want the fair-dinkum advice on the "parlementrey proceedures" about how to ask fer tips & secrets 'round the forums.

It surely seem such that the heavy patchell are mostly yer so-called "New-bees" and young joeys in the woods who ask the most questions.

### Salty's Rules fer New-bees #### by salty


1. Dont be a New-bee & ask fer exact areas fer where the lovvys are working. Read-up all the previous posts fer the last monthe or so. That surely give you the good street-areas & the names and looks ov some lovvys.

I surely almost chunder me soup when I see a new bloke post-on "Hello, I'm new here. Where all the good lovvys hideing?"

2. Dont ask for lovvy ring-up numbers ov the telephones if yer a New-bee and dont have any posts. Blokes might think yer a uncovered cobber fer crikey sake!

3. Dont come 'round tryin to barney (fight) with all the good mates. Try to use only youre best Sunday manners and courtly customs 'round here.

Because THAT is what seperates we intellectuials from the seedy common man. Too right!

### Salty

And some other ov you good mates like P. Zomber might have other rules also.I love this guy's posts - and his advice is excellent too. Besides PsyberZombie some other Great Monger Masters are Mighty Spearsman and TrashMan. There are others whose names escape me right this second.

Double Nickle

Benchseats Rock
12-07-06, 23:20
I love this guy's posts - and his advice is excellent too. Besides PsyberZombie some other Great Monger Masters are Mighty Spearsman and TrashMan. There are others whose names escape me right this second.

Double Nickle

Sadly, Trashman is no longer with us. May peace be upon him.

El Seeker
01-24-07, 04:40
Help! Need To find a porn forum

It's a longshot. I need to know a forum to go to, where I can find out who a girl in a group of pictures is. The pictures are from a past website, probably amateur, and there are thousands upon thousands by now, but someone may be able to direct me to the actual movie they are from. Does anyone know of this kind of porn forum, where I can post these pics and get results?

04-19-07, 18:44
Just got back from a stay in St. Johns New Foundland. Went to a massage parlor named Hush. It was very nice. I had a girl named Taylor. Very nice looking. 22 yrs. old and pierced nips. It was 200 bucks american for a CBJ but very worth it. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but for any of you international travelers you may want to give them a try if you are ever up north.

Double Nickle
04-20-07, 12:36
Just got back from a stay in St. Johns New Foundland. Went to a massage parlor named Hush. It was very nice. I had a girl named Taylor. Very nice looking. 22 yrs. old and pierced nips. It was 200 bucks american for a CBJ but very worth it. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but for any of you international travelers you may want to give them a try if you are ever up north.
The appropriate place to post is really the other site by Jackson, founder of this forum, the USA SexGuide. Jackson's The International Sex Guide is accessible by clicking the top banner or going to the home page.

But, hey, thanks, I enjoyed reading the report and I do hope to make it to Canada in the near future.

Chuck Carr Jr
04-21-07, 10:45
Have a question that I am hoping some of the senior members may be able to answer. I have come to the understanding that senior refers to level of contribution here not old age as in Senior Citizen. Although I think a few of you may be since I have seen references to things some of you have done that occured before my parents met. I am a relative newbie to this forum but not as I find it has been termed here this "hobby". I signed up here just over a couple months ago.

I have not been bugging people who have written reports for contact info, since in my opinion they do not know me. I suspect it will be hard for me to build a good rep here since I will not be a frequent contributor in any one area. I do travel a lot for my job and it is often a year or so before I get bak to an area I was in. I have noticed most guys report in the area that they live or frequent, or at least a couple thye live near. There is no place near my home, that I have found to pick up girls. My lack of reading anything about my area on here leads me to believe there is nothing I have missed.

I have made a few reports. Based on others I have read I would have found them useful or at least interesting in the areas I have been lately. I got at least one compliment. I've also asked a couple questions on the board about place I went to but forgot where it was. Learned that it is no longer with us. I have discovered that I do get PMs after making reports. Last time I was on here I got several asking for the phone number of a girl I picked up, which I said I had gotten. I have seen things where a guy says in his report he will give contact info to senior members. Neither of these guys was a senior member according to their profile they had been members here for longer than I one 3 years another almost 5. Neither had posted a SINGLE report. Is it proper for me to not give them info? I have gotten a couple questions from guys who have made reports, a couple of senior members and one regular member. These I answered to the best of my ability.

I suspect that the guys who do not make any reports will not read this and post a reply saying "Hey dude share with everyone" I would however like input from guys who are frequent contributors and may often find themselves in the same situation.

04-26-07, 15:02

I have been a member for only a short time also. I wouldn't worry about not building a rep in one forum or area. It is easy to do a search for a members previous posts to determine if the poster is a legitimate mongerer or some jack off who is wasting everyone time. I do a couple of things. First and foremost RTFF in whatever area I am traveling to. You should be able to figure out who the serious contributors are. The second thing that I do is get in the game. I will either follow a recommendation from here or strike out on my own and TOFTT. I don't ask a lot of questions either. I figure if I don't know it I will figure it out or it just isn't worth my effort. Lazy I guess. Once you have a rep, I would think that it would be easier to get answers to questions. Thirdly, I will post a report that hopefully will give others intel on. Whatever. As far as answering pm's, I play it by ear. If that person is a serious contributor or someone who has reported some good intel in the past, I'll go ahead and answer them. If it is a person who just asks questions or has not posted anything of value, I will ignore them. From one regular to another I hope this helps.

Eagle out

Random Dream
06-26-07, 03:35
Weird title I know but this question made me think a little about my past experiances.

Basicly I met this girl by picking her up, the thing is I never ever ended up paying the girl for anything whatsoever, she became this clingy ultra girlfriend that really put me off ease. I was transformed to a mild regular civilian into basicly a pimp in a matter of days.

How this happened was quite confusing she gave me free full service the night I picked her up and her phone number. I had no real intentions on "dating" the girl but she was very attractive and seemed somewhat sane back a year ago when this all first happened. Only met with her and had this whole "relationship" evolve into what it was because I randomly saw her on my way home from work the day after and picked her up.

Night went by smoothly we basicly "made love" fairly soon than it got kinda weird she instantly fell in "love" with me, and we kinda became best friends. She would tell me all about her past like about her mom being a trick up north and her rich Street Walking professional younger sister who has a room and all this money and how she is broke and has nothing.

Kinda sob storyish, well this girl had a serious crack addiction and a little love of stealing from every store we went to. I swore up and down I was gonna goto fucking prison that first night becuase I had a car full of SW, and I was acting driver for them dropping them off at crack dens and dealers house and even some johns waiting at local gas station parking lots and shit. Also the flow of money they where providing me was a nice bonus. Ended up seeing this girl and taking her to movies and whatnot and kinda liking her.

I took alot of time of work and acted as a follower for her when she was on the streets to ensure nothing bad happened to her on her jobs and whatnot. She started to act real weird after a few weeks and was trying to live with me and all this other bullshit that I was not down for. Considering I went from a monger to a pimp was enough for me. I ended up wrecking my car slightly after this whole revalation because some dipshit ran right into me because he was looking at my girl on the side of the road (I was parked) and was not paying attention to the road or parked vehicles.

Without a vehicle I told her I could not be doing this shit anymore and she was pissed off and told me to get the car fixed so she can be safe and what not, granted I made enough money to buy another vehicle from the cashflow of work and my girl, but I ended up "breaking up" with her and went undercover and laid low to avoid her for awhile (changed phone numbers, vehicle etc.)

Saw her a number of months after the "breakup" and picked her up she was extremely happy to see me and we went for a drive. But she was way over her limit at this time in her life, her crack addiction drove her into complete insanity and I could not handle it, she wanted to be with me again that night and I dropped her off one last time and never saw the girl again.

My little 1 month excursion from real life into street life was a good thing for me though I have gathered so much knowledge about Minneapolis and its streets. But this in itself makes me extremely paranoid as recently I have been having real bad experiances on the streets lately. Like my experiance with a tinted window caddilac halting me in an intersection and peeling out for no reason. And various other foleys that I don't have time to explain out here.

So a word of advice is never get involved with a street walker no matter what, and never fall in love with her or in my case never let her fall in love with you. And you can never save them, if they are on the streets in wintertime just for some crack or whatever what the hell is a regular guy gonna do? For sure money aint gonna heal the girl from the addiction and all the added mental problems she most likely will have inhereted already.

Does anyone have any personal experiences, good or bad, trying to help a SW escape the street life?

Trav Pokerman
08-15-07, 20:10
So a word of advice is never get involved with a street walker no matter what, and never fall in love with her or in my case never let her fall in love with you. And you can never save them, if they are on the streets in wintertime just for some crack or whatever what the hell is a regular guy gonna do? For sure money aint gonna heal the girl from the addiction and all the added mental problems she most likely will have inhereted already.Repeat after me: "It's all about the drugs" (as commonly stated by Baltimore monger Larry).

I've also developed feelings stronger than basic monger/SW interaction, and have had to remind myself that it would never work.

Baby Taboongau
01-06-08, 14:47
Repeat after me: "It's all about the drugs" (as commonly stated by Baltimore monger Larry).

I've also developed feelings stronger than basic monger/SW interaction, and have had to remind myself that it would never work.Drugs is habit that is hard to get out of.

01-07-08, 18:56
Is it common for an escort on CL to require online identity verification. She says it will come off the donation for the encounter but I'm afraid it's a scam.

01-27-08, 20:08
There was a post by a member who had some information & pic about a SW comfort pack he or someone had made up. I think it's a good idea, but can't find the post to save my life. If anyone knows where it is, please post the link.

01-27-08, 23:11
There was a post by a member who had some information & pic about a SW comfort pack he or someone had made up. I think it's a good idea, but can't find the post to save my life. If anyone knows where it is, please post the link.

That would be the post made by Glenn61, last year(2007) post#773 in the Florida-Miami-StreetWalkers message area. Here's a link:


(Sorry if it doesn't work, I'm not sure how to link directly to the message)

04-10-08, 04:38
I know the general advice on this forum is to avoid pimps and their types like the plague, but has anyone ever used a pimp to request a certain type of girl? It seems that instead of just pushing your luck night after night it would be nice to have someone (be it SW or pimp) specifically feeding you girls that fit your type for a finder's fee. Providing you phone # etc... Of course all this done through a pre paid phone with no real connection to me of course.
I'd like any opinions on this. If you've done this before how did it work out. If you can see obvious dangers, let me know. This isn't something I'm jumping to do, but simply something I would like more information about. The more the merrier.

04-10-08, 05:31
I know the general advice on this forum is to avoid pimps and their types like the plague, but has anyone ever used a pimp to request a certain type of girl? It seems that instead of just pushing your luck night after night it would be nice to have someone (be it SW or pimp) specifically feeding you girls that fit your type for a finder's fee. Providing you phone # etc... Of course all this done through a pre paid phone with no real connection to me of course.

I'd like any opinions on this. If you've done this before how did it work out. If you can see obvious dangers, let me know. This isn't something I'm jumping to do, but simply something I would like more information about. The more the merrier.You looking to get in trouble here! First of all you are letting a third person know when and where you are going to meet someone else. You can either get robbed there or you can be followed and get caught with your pants down in a wide array of scams. The risk of getting set-up is high. Miss quote of price(he said/ she said) by both the girl and pimp are common. Theirs is a proffession not known for honesty and fair bussiness practices. Other then that you miss the hunt. Be safe and smart

06-18-08, 22:33
I am new to all this and just wanted to see if someone would give me an explanation of what should be included in these.


06-23-08, 18:52
In a gfe you would find kissing, bbbj's, maybe a bit of dining at the Y, ending with full service usually in the missionary position. In pse, you would find deep thoating, slapping around on the ass, fucking in several positions with lots of thrusting, maybe a bit of greek though not at all required for pse, ending with you ejaculating on her face or tits. The gfe experience usually is fairly quiet, the pse not. The reality is that both are the extremes of the sport and most dates fall somewhere in between.

I hope that helps.

I am new to all this and just wanted to see if someone would give me an explanation of what should be included in these.


07-02-08, 13:28
Guys, we need help, ISG has been blocked in Shanghai, possibly all of China, anybody know a workaround. Tried to pm Jackson but he doesn't accept pm.



Hi Fuzimiao,

First, you can always use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page of all my forums to contact me at any time.

Second, this is right off the ISG Forum's home page:

Anonymous Proxy Servers




07-07-08, 04:53
I'm still fairly new to this site, although I have had some AMP's experiences and these forums are rock solid. When driving to a couple of these AMP's I noticed that a lot of them are in strip malls with curtains or some glass like film on the outside windows to protect the waiting areas. As well as when entering, the premise I usually see a door, with a one way glass mirror and a door bell ringer near the glass. Through many of your multiple wealth of knowledge of what to look for.

What advice can you give us rookies to give us some general things to look for to tell if the "spa" is a legitament one or the ones that give extras? Either when doing a quick drive by in a car, or when entering the spa.

Daring Eyes 75
09-14-08, 12:49
I've read the 22 rules of SW and have it down. My problem is in getting the ladie atgtention. It seems like people are saying they look at you and you nod or some such thing, but all the SW I see have their heads straight forward as they are walking. They are not looking at traffic at all. And when I pull around into the next parking lot, they still don't look over. I don't want to honk or call out to make a scene but it seems like that's what you have to do? Any advicea? Are these people I'm thinking are SW really not?

A John
09-14-08, 20:18
I've read the 22 rules of SW and have it down. My problem is in getting the ladie atgtention. It seems like people are saying they look at you and you nod or some such thing,

Are these people I'm thinking are SW really not?

SW`ers I`ve always seen their heads are on a move or have a cell phone stuck in their ear or hand.

12-10-08, 00:19
I'm still fairly new to this site, although I have had some AMP's experiences and these forums are rock solid. When driving to a couple of these AMP's I noticed that a lot of them are in strip malls with curtains or some glass like film on the outside windows to protect the waiting areas. As well as when entering, the premise I usually see a door, with a one way glass mirror and a door bell ringer near the glass. Through many of your multiple wealth of knowledge of what to look for.

What advice can you give us rookies to give us some general things to look for to tell if the "spa" is a legitament one or the ones that give extras? Either when doing a quick drive by in a car, or when entering the spa.

Find the local independent entertainment weekly newspaper for your town.

IE, Austin Chronicle, Dallas Observer, Tulsa Urban Weekly.

The ads in the back with a coupon are almost always at places you are interested in.

In my experience, the "legit" or "aboveboard" places generally do not have 20-year olds in advertisements.

The legit/aboveboard places I enjoy do NOT have one-way glass or mirrored covering on the windows. What do they have to hide?

If the place has a corridor with a window and you have to go through a 2nd door...you are in business. That extra door/window is set up to provide an extra challenge to LEO. By the time the hostess gets to the door they have had a chance to sned a signal for all to get legit in the rooms.

12-10-08, 00:45
If the place has a corridor with a window and you have to go through a 2nd door...you are in business. That extra door/window is set up to provide an extra challenge to LEO. By the time the hostess gets to the door they have had a chance to sned a signal for all to get legit in the rooms.It has also been my experience that if there is a box of Kleenex tissues visible in the room, you can at least expect an HJ. This is true even if the tissues are never used and when they will clean you up with a towel.

12-28-08, 00:13
It has also been my experience that if there is a box of Kleenex tissues visible in the room, you can at least expect an HJ. This is true even if the tissues are never used and when they will clean you up with a towel.

Very good.

I am tempted to add that if the hostess/person at the front door reeks of smoke you are in luck. For some reason, the legit/no extra joints don't have smokers. Not that I've experienced.

One-way mirrored glass is a good bet also.

Hell On Wls
02-02-09, 14:40
I have just come across the term Lurker and would like to know the meaning. I did check the USA terms and Abbreviations the term was not in there. Please let me know. Thanks

Blue Crusher
02-07-09, 14:05
I have just come across the term Lurker and would like to know the meaning. I did check the USA terms and Abbreviations the term was not in there. Please let me know. ThanksSomeone in the background that is just looking not participating.

Like a lurker in a chat room is not chatting just gathering information.

Hell On Wls
02-08-09, 11:40
Thanks, I thought it was something like that.

04-19-09, 08:09
I am currently in China for work. Apparently, the gov't here blocks access to the International site that partners with this one. Does anyone have any ideas on how to access the International Sex Guide from China?

Any help would be appreciated!

12-20-09, 22:52
I am currently in China for work. Apparently, the gov't here blocks access to the International site that partners with this one. Does anyone have any ideas on how to access the International Sex Guide from China?

Any help would be appreciated!Configure your browser with a good anon proxie from a country other than China.

That should get you where you want to go.

Iamme Iam
01-11-10, 16:48
I have been in cities with no preplaning, and have had to use either a hotel doorman or the phone book. (I travel at the spur of the moment for work occasionaly). I don't know for certain, but I think its safe to assume if an AMP offers a table shower (TS) then there is more than likely some extras available. Even if you only get a straight massage, at least the TS is worth the trip. The one AMP secret I have is: never skip a TS. Its enjoyable, and the girl will feel safer because she knows you're clean. Also when you are on your stomach, lift up when she is in the correct area, sends a message, and when you flip, if you are hard, you'll know how she will treat you in the massage, if she plays with you in the shower, you're gold, if she avoids it, then just take a nap and don't expect anything extra, if it comes, great. So give a call to Asian sounding massage places, ask hours,(if they are open past 9pm, good sign) and ask if they offer a TS, another good sign. And, have fun.

I'm still fairly new to this site, although I have had some AMP's experiences and these forums are rock solid. When driving to a couple of these AMP's I noticed that a lot of them are in strip malls with curtains or some glass like film on the outside windows to protect the waiting areas. As well as when entering, the premise I usually see a door, with a one way glass mirror and a door bell ringer near the glass. Through many of your multiple wealth of knowledge of what to look for.

What advice can you give us rookies to give us some general things to look for to tell if the "spa" is a legitament one or the ones that give extras? Either when doing a quick drive by in a car, or when entering the spa.

02-16-10, 23:10
Been lurking on this for a while now.

It seems the standards are the following:

FS: $ + rate for hh or 1h
HJ: .4 + rate for hh or 1h

Any standards for:

CBJ only?

TS only?

I think it's important know so no one screws with the local market rates. Any opinions out there?

09-25-11, 22:54
It looks like I'm about to be divorced and return to the hobby for awhile. I see I will need a burner phone. All the girls have retired so I have no references. How far do they go on background checks? I was going to sign up for p411 or date-check, can you just give the provider your account # there or do you need more? I'm not real comfortable with a lot of people calling my work. I'm planning on just sticking with one provider once I find the right one. The problem is the one I'm interested in requires a provider reference & service reference. Any ideas or help?

09-19-12, 19:49
Recently divorced and have decided to indulge myself a little bit. I've read my local forum pretty thoroughly and know which girls are relatively high quality and fairly safe.

My problem is what to do about the whole Verification thing. I work on a contractual basis. I don't have an "employer" per se. I don't mind showing an I'd as long as my address is covered. I've got a phone number that's safe to use. But I don't have the required employer for the girl or verification service to call. Any advice on how to get around this? The only providers I've ever dreamt with were in another country and were years ago so no luck there.

Long story short, I have plenty of money, how do I get them to take the money?

09-20-12, 16:43
Recently divorced and have decided to indulge myself a little bit. I've read my local forum pretty thoroughly and know which girls are relatively high quality and fairly safe.

My problem is what to do about the whole Verification thing. I work on a contractual basis. I don't have an "employer" per se. I don't mind showing an I'd as long as my address is covered. I've got a phone number that's safe to use. But I don't have the required employer for the girl or verification service to call. Any advice on how to get around this? The only providers I've ever dreamt with were in another country and were years ago so no luck there.

Long story short, I have plenty of money, how do I get them to take the money?Avoid the verification thing at all costs. It is usually a scam. This profession depends on privacy and the woman expects it as much as the guys do. If they are asking for your employer, they are not worth dealing with. I would recommend purchasing a pay as you go phone for all calls or using a pay phone. Assume that if you make a call, the number is being recorded. Before cheap cell phones, I only called on pay phones. Today, I have a cheap phone purchased at a local mini market type store with cash and paid for a phone card at a second place with cash. It is the only phone I use for this and I don't use it for anything else. I can always find a provider using one of the many venues for it, my favorite is Back Page, and use the phone only for that. If they want me to go through a verification process such as employers or giving some service my credit card, I thank them nicely and then move onto the next person. There are plenty of providers out there and I never compromise my security or identity. I recommend you do the same.

09-20-12, 23:26
I wondered about the girls that have these large websites with tons of photos and such. I probably should have known they were TGTBT. Thanks! I hope to have my crap together enough to be posting my first real report in a weekend or two!

The Chauffeur
07-12-13, 22:42
[quote=max999; 397184]does anyone have any personal experiences, good or bad, trying to help a sw escape the street

**** runaway looked very out of place on the track. scooped her up. pimp had met her at the greyhound station. after several weeks finally got her to call her mother. she sent her a bus ticket. she called later that year to wish me a happy birthday. back in high school, back with old boyfriend, back to her pre-runaway life. how? she was brand new out. 2nd night. once the drugs get them it's usually too late. most hoz are hoz, with rare exceptions.

09-26-13, 14:24
Why do some of the ladies have pimps? Does the presence of a pimp always mean the lady is on drugs or, for some other reason, is not in control? Or do they perform.

A role of value to the lady?


Shotgun Jimmy
10-01-13, 20:54
Alright guys, newbie here, a few questions.

1. I was wondering if an outcall to your place of residence is always a bad idea? Can it be done safely?

Follow up: should you always be using motels? Exceptions?

2. Motel etiquette: how to NOT make it look like what it is.


10-02-13, 17:11
I personally would never do an outcall to my house or apartment. The problem with all escort type venues is that they probably keep some sort of record even if you don't think they do. Do you want your house address or even phone number a part of that. If you do the transaction to a hotel or motel in cash from a prepaid phone number, it is much harder to have it linked back to yourself. Look in the Maine forums about a year or so ago about a "exercise" place that was raided and then the johns who could be identified were arrested with the names made public. You don't want that.

Motel etiquette is the same as it would be if you were not using it as a hobby. Check into the hotel with two people using cash if possible. It is a normal thing to do. Often they want to see a driver's license so be prepared to show it.


Alright guys, newbie here, a few questions.

1. I was wondering if an outcall to your place of residence is always a bad idea? Can it be done safely?

Follow up: should you always be using motels? Exceptions?

2. Motel etiquette: how to NOT make it look like what it is.


12-19-13, 10:31
Is it common for an escort on CL to require online identity verification. She says it will come off the donation for the encounter but I'm afraid it's a scam.I have had the same thing asked of me and I assume it is scam. Does anyone here know for sure? The girl in question seems to be TGTBT anyway, but damn I want it to not be a scam!

SouthernGent 1
02-20-14, 23:58
I recently came across a provider that seemed legit from her pics, phone number (no hits and Tineye or google) and our text communication. We discussed donation via text and that wants to verify me via a webcam show for $25 and that once verified, the $25 will come off of the outcall cost. Has anyone come across this? I am waiting for her to get back to me as I could not meet up earlier when she was available. I am not sure how she will want me to pay for the webcam sow "verification" but I want to be mindful that it could be a scam to get my CC info.

Any of you long-timers ever heard of this?

02-24-14, 19:39
I recently came across a provider that seemed legit from her pics, phone number (no hits and Tineye or google) and our text communication. We discussed donation via text and that wants to verify me via a webcam show for $25 and that once verified, the $25 will come off of the outcall cost. Has anyone come across this? I am waiting for her to get back to me as I could not meet up earlier when she was available. I am not sure how she will want me to pay for the webcam sow "verification" but I want to be mindful that it could be a scam to get my CC info.

Any of you long-timers ever heard of this?It is a scam. They get you to put some money up front and then you never hear from them again. If you are going to do this, just pay for a webcam show. It is more satisfying.

02-24-14, 23:19
It is a scam. They get you to put some money up front and then you never hear from them again. If you are going to do this, just pay for a webcam show. It is more satisfying.Any time a provider asks for "verification" it's just a way to scam you for money or to get an email address or CC number or something like that. I can assure you that $25 will disappear. And there will be no future sessions. Never give a provider money upfront for any future promises. Most are drug addicts and are looking for funds. That's why I never give any provider my phone number. I don't want calls looking for money and believe me that will happen sooner or later.

03-20-14, 22:30
I am an elite hobbyist, I love escorts really. There are many escort providers like bckpage.com , theroticreview.com but I found this new website hiddenmeetings.com very helpful for my convenience. It was diff. From others, simple and less complicated sit. Very good site. I recommend it to other hobbyist as well.

05-01-14, 15:32
So I have a date set up with a girl from BP. I have googled her # and email and only got other ads of hers. I have used tineye and nothing came up. She has been posting several times per week since December. After exchanging several emails and setting up a date (I did ask if she offered GFE and in a seperate email got a donation amount) she gave me her address and apt #. She seems legit and the apt is a legit add (I drove by) She sent me a couple additional pics (I told her to give me a thumbs up) she does not have any reviews but said she is a college student and only sees a limited # of people.

My question is, is there anything else I should be checking for / doing before I see her. Mostly nervoud about le.

05-17-14, 17:27
Any time a provider asks for "verification" it's just a way to scam you for money or to get an email address or CC number or something like that. I can assure you that $25 will disappear. And there will be no future sessions. Never give a provider money upfront for any future promises. Most are drug addicts and are looking for funds. That's why I never give any provider my phone number. I don't want calls looking for money and believe me that will happen sooner or later.I agree that they will try calling to setup their next date if they need their next drug fix. Since a lot of provides will not take Private Calls buy a burner phone. Give them the number but don't setup or use the voicemail. I keep mine in the car (hidden from wife) and it's turned off unless I am using it to call out to setup a meeting.

05-17-14, 17:31
So I have a date set up with a girl from BP. I have googled her # and email and only got other ads of hers. I have used tineye and nothing came up. She has been posting several times per week since December. After exchanging several emails and setting up a date (I did ask if she offered GFE and in a seperate email got a donation amount) she gave me her address and apt #. She seems legit and the apt is a legit add (I drove by) She sent me a couple additional pics (I told her to give me a thumbs up) she does not have any reviews but said she is a college student and only sees a limited # of people.

My question is, is there anything else I should be checking for / doing before I see her. Mostly nervoud about le.Let them mention services first otherwise you can have discussion in person after the customary "cop check" (touching each other). I would rather waste my time with leaving a provider wanting $200 for a no touch HJ than get to meet the local cops.

06-29-14, 12:19
I have a question for more experienced guys.

I live in São Paulo, Brazil and I 've been frequently traveling to the U. S since last year. Every time I am in the U. S (specially Vegas) I am tempted to get myself some company but I never do. I am to afraid of getting arrested.

The thing is. Here in Brazil I 'go out on dates' a lot. But in the U. S I'm a visitor. I read that, if arrested they can keep me from entering the U. S and I cannot afford to have that happen to me since most of my visits are on business.

So may you guys have any advice on how to avoid arrest when using Backpage and when getting company in hotel bars in Vegas.

Any advice from you guys will be much appreciated.

I can't speak for anybody else, but it doesn't sound like the risk is worth the reward to me. I live in Argentina and I know how awesome Brasilenas are, why risk going to jail and losing your job for a hamburger when you have steak waiting back home?


07-04-14, 01:37
Hi all. As you might have noticed, I don't have many posts here yet. I guess I'm what you might call an amateur monger. I've lurked around her for a while, but only recently worked up the courage to go into a massage parlor and get the full package. In fact, so far I've only patronized one parlor, and I've stuck with the same masseuse every time, specifically calling to make appointments with her. Silly? I know, but what can I say? She's hot and she knows how to work my cock. I really like her. And as a repeat customer I'm hoping to work my way up to FS soon enough. But more on that later. Of course I'm going to try to find other women for variety but in the meantime, since it's still fresh in my heard, here's my advice for would-be mongers going at it for the first time:

First of all, RESEARCH. Before I made my first visit, I looked around the internet for reviews and advice. Eventually, I narrowed in on a relatively small selection of local MPs. Granted, going in I had some specific criteria, but I ultimately managed to find a masseuse who sounded up my alley, confirmed that she did in fact do HE, and found out her average price. Were all the reviews flattering? Not necessarily, but it least it gave me some idea of hat to expect going in. I was more than happy with the results. I walked in off the street with no appointment and, luckily she managed to squeeze me in on my first time.

I don't know if I would necessarily recommend doing that. If I had had the foresight (and courage) to make an appointment, at the very least I suspect I could have gotten a longer massage. Just something for you novice mongers to keep in mind. Also, I would recommend investing in a prepaid mobile phone if you plan on mongering. It helps to keep your work and. Pleasure contacts from getting mixed, and its especially helpful if you have a suspicious wife / girlfriend / SO. Of course, as I said, my preferred (and so far only) masseuse already knows me. I'm sure she recognizes my number at this point, even if its not my REAL number. Remember to register it from a generic e-mail address too, and not to leave it around where suspicious people can find it.

Anyway, my first massage went about as you'd expect. When she led me to the massage room, I quickly got undressed, and I made sure to "accidentally" let her see my package before taking the towel and lying down. She didn't give any objections at the time, which I SHOULD have taken as an obvious sign. English obviously wasn't her first language, but we made some small talk while she started. I'm sure she could sense I was nervous, but thankfully I didn't give off a LEO vibe. Part way through, she started to really rub my back and shoulders, not so subtly letting her boobs brush against me. Again, might be interpreted as an accident, but looking back it should have been an obvious sign she was game.

As she worked her way down my back, I took a little more initiative and started to groan and move my fingers. I know people are of mixed opinion on this sort of this, some viewing it as too forward (and possibly off putting if the woman doesn't offer HE) but she's the one who had to move her. And move she did. As I fiddled my fingers, she positioned herself so that they were rubbing against her thigh. After what felt like a minute or so of this, seeing as how she offered no resistance, I slowly moved my fingers towards her kitty. She didn't say anything, but after a few seconds of this, she moved around to the other side and started massaging my arm. To be honest, I was a little afraid that I had crossed a line and blown my chance for a HE, but thankfully she moved back within my reach, grabbed my right hand and moved it onto her kitty herself! Now that was hot!

We continued the small talk when she flipped me over, it being a little better as I could see her face (and, perhaps equally importantly, her fine ass body). She worked her way down my body, letting my towel fall aside as she rubbed my thighs. By this point, my cock with absolutely throbbing. She didn't say anything about it, carefully working her hands around it as she massaged my inner thigh. She also made sure to keep her kitty within reach of my toes, as if to continue tempting me. At the very end she asked if I wanted extras. I sort of tried to play coy here, but she let me know what was on the menu, and I was more than happy to take advantage of it. She took off her top, gave me a HJ and let my hands wander. Very nice breasts, and an even better ass. A little sucking on her tits too. I didn't do any kitty play that time, but pretty much it was everything you would have expected. Maybe a little more.

The only other piece of advice I would offer is to be calm. Your provider will probably be as nervous as you are, if not more so. Like I said before, thankfully I didn't give off a LEO vibe. I'm kinda out-of-shape (though looking to remedy that), have facial hair and. Well. Don't dress like a cop. I got lucky but I still got questions. Nothing too overt, but things like "what brings you here," and "where did you hear about us?" She DID ask if I had been there before, and I was honest. I said no. It didn't seem to be a problem. I get the feeling that she was probing me to find out if I was up to anything. Well, anything other than trying to get a release. Afterwards it was great. I paid her, gave her a tip, and was on my merry way. And that's pretty much my story. Hope it helps guys.

Also, don't feel any shame about it. I certainly didn't. It was a pleasant experience. A tad expensive maybe, but then its also not a daily occurrence either. Going in, my first time, I was a little nervous, a little afraid, but afterwards I was giddy and light-headed. I felt damned good about it. Hell, she gave me a better handjob than I ever got from any of my girlfriends. That alone was worthwhile.

11-08-14, 07:21
I didn't see a separate thread, so I'll post here. Thanks for having the different lists on the top page.

In addition to providing good guidance for several situations, it saved me from getting caught by something I was not expecting.

After a date with a SW, I was checking the passenger area for hairs, crack pipes,. When my face was at the floor board, a suddenly got the scent of a women's perfume. I started sniffing around the seat, and realized the smell transferred from the SW's crotch! My sense of smell is not so good, but my SO is part bloodhound. She would have caught the scent and I would have had no explanation.

Thanks to the Rules of mongering, I was able to use Febreze to clean the whole inside of the car.

In case any of this is useful to anyone else, here are some other little things I've picked up:

Bacterial hand wipes.

Clearing out your GPS Recent places history.

Clear out recent phone calls, if you're not using a burner phone. It's still probably not a bad idea even then.

To keep reviews straight, I just started sorting them by name in Excel. Each tab has a recent ad, link, reviews. The file is hidden in a TrueCrypt dummy file.

11-11-14, 23:42
I have a question for more experienced guys.

I live in So Paulo, Brazil and I 've been frequently traveling to the U. S since last year. Every time I am in the U. S (specially Vegas) I am tempted to get myself some company but I never do. I am to afraid of getting arrested.

The thing is. Here in Brazil I 'go out on dates' a lot. But in the U. S I'm a visitor. I read that, if arrested they can keep me from entering the U. S and I cannot afford to have that happen to me since most of my visits are on business.

So may you guys have any advice on how to avoid arrest when using Backpage and when getting company in hotel bars in Vegas.

Any advice from you guys will be much appreciated.

I can't speak for anybody else, but it doesn't sound like the risk is worth the reward to me. I live in Argentina and I know how awesome Brasilenas are, why risk going to jail and losing your job for a hamburger when you have steak waiting back home?

A2Bon dia don BrazilianGuy! I love Brazil and brazilian women. The thong and the Brazilian bikini wax weren't bad things either.

I've had luck by looking for BP girls with multiple reviews on this site, with at least 1 review from more senior posters. It limits the options at first, but for me, this is OK. I'm starting to build a data base by name and reviews.

Also take a look at the rules of mongering.


You'll also want to to do an LE or LEO check. I've seen several different comments, but generally it ranges on some form of contact before any discussion of the activity (sex,.) comes up.

Here's another good link for reference:


Have fun in Vegas.

11-28-14, 00:36
Is there a site like this for Canada? Heading to Toronto in a few weeks.

Seek and ye shall find;



02-05-15, 07:09
[Deleted by Admin]

Fucking Spammers

02-13-15, 08:33
Is there a site like this for Canada? Heading to Toronto in a few weeks.

Seek and ye shall find;


A2Two really good ones are Montreal Escort Review Board and the Toronto Escort Review Board. Things are changing a bit north of the border, but Montreal has the hottest girls in North America. Makes Vegas look like a zoo!

05-19-16, 14:18
I have a question for more experienced guys.

I live in So Paulo, Brazil and I 've been frequently traveling to the U. S since last year. Every time I am in the U. S (specially Vegas) I am tempted to get myself some company but I never do. I am to afraid of getting arrested.

The thing is. Here in Brazil I 'go out on dates' a lot. But in the U. S I'm a visitor. I read that, if arrested they can keep me from entering the U. S and I cannot afford to have that happen to me since most of my visits are on business.

So may you guys have any advice on how to avoid arrest when using Backpage and when getting company in hotel bars in Vegas.

Any advice from you guys will be much appreciated.

I can't speak for anybody else, but it doesn't sound like the risk is worth the reward to me. I live in Argentina and I know how awesome Brasilenas are, why risk going to jail and losing your job for a hamburger when you have steak waiting back home?

A2Nothing is 100% safe in Vegas- I mean you're probably okay, but I agree with the moderator probably not worth the risk. However, prostitution is legal in Nevada outside of Clark County (Vegas is located in Clark County). Why it's not legal in Vegas is beyond me, but that's the way they want it. So if you want to go and play it 100% safe that's the way to do it. I've never been to them when I visited, but the closest ones are about an hour away in Pahrump, Nevada. I think two of them are called Chicken Ranch and Sheri's Ranch. From what I've read there's lot of negotiation with the gals (don't go by the prices on their menu- always negotiate). They used to be very expensive, but given the internet and the competition from there you should be able to talk down their price. They have a limo that will pick you up at your Vegas hotel and drive you back for free + tip the driver, but it might cost more with the gals. I read if you use a cab or their limo the gals have less room to negotiate.

If you want to risk it and don't feel like going to Pahrump- you're probably okay but there's always that small chance that you could get in trouble. Vegas knows how it's bread is buttered. If they have a bunch of stings no one will go there so I wouldn't think they'd want that to happen, but if you do try for an escort in Vegas make sure she's well reviewed. I saw a gal who gave me a nice backrub- her name is Mia she was great. Didn't offer FS and I didn't care. Also, me and my buddy were hit on by some working gals- I doubt they were cops since they came up to us. You can usually tell a casino girl escort from a non escort gal- if they're by themselves at a slot or at video poker or walking near the hotel, dressed nice, and they give you "the look". We didn't pursue even though they were hot- he was married and I didn't want to risk catching a std from full service. Another thing- I would stick to independent providers over a service. A lot of escort services are terrible in Vegas from what I've read.

Another option are the strip clubs. They're really expensive but man it's awesome. So many beautiful women- it's unreal- like heaven. Spearmint Rhino is amazing- very pricey but if money is no object check it out. The place gets packed on the weekend nights.

Whatever you decide- there's a lot more info in the Vegas forums on this. Good luck!

01-30-18, 18:55
I know this thread is kinda old, but since I'm new to the forums I can't make my own threads yet so I figured I'd find a "newbie" thread and post there. So I'm basically brand new to this whole escort thing. I've had my own lady once while overseas, but none in murica. Right now I've got my eyes on a few, but of course this screening thing is important. My question is, do these ladies actually look up your info for the screening? I'm pretty hesitant to put my work information and what not.

01-30-18, 19:28
Sorry for the double post, just another quickie question for a newbie here. Thoughts on bringing and outcall to your residence? The lady I'm trying to book is pretty popular and has very good reviews from TER and she does both incall and outcall and I would highly prefer outcall to my place as my first time. Is the fact that she has good reviews (but none indicate outcall to personal residence) and good indication that it would be OK to bring her to my place?

12-06-18, 08:22
Ok, possibly wrong thread to post in, if so, I apologize. Conference in Vegas in February. I am wanting to find some action while I am in town. I am seeing escorts, websites, strip clubs, street girls, asian massage parlors, and now latina houses? This is a first for me until I came to this site so kudos guys for giving up the good info. I have a few questions.

Which sites can I trust?

Where do I find list of Latina houses?

Should I worry about getting rolled, robbed?

Do the strip clubs have girls working out of them?

Prices that are listed on websites for the girls. Is that just to meet and then whatever they do is extra on top of that price?

Can I get actual penetration sex with a girl that is not nasty for under 300?

Are the pics generally the same girls?

Should I have them come to hotel or go to their place?

Any recommendations for tiny asian / latina with nice no-fat ass?

12-15-18, 16:53
Guys all I want is a simple assure when making appts with massage parlors. When I ask how old their girls are, they go 'I don't know' and when I mention I saw your shop in ad, they go 'I don't understand'. When I ask if they have more than massage they go 'no we don't do that', and when I walk in to them they all go 'oh we so busy'. What are the tips and tricks to get just quick extra service during general massage?

John B Tipton
01-13-19, 11:45
Guys all I want is a simple assure when making appts with massage parlors. When I ask how old their girls are, they go 'I don't know' ... When I ask if they have more than massage they go 'no we don't do that' ...It's impolite to ask a lady her age. It's unwise for them to answer your second question, which you would understand if you had RTFF.

A recent post on the St. Louis Massage Parlor Reports page by BeachBoy58 shows what an approach opposite from yours can do.


02-23-19, 03:26
Two really good ones are Montreal Escort Review Board and the Toronto Escort Review Board. Things are changing a bit north of the border, but Montreal has the hottest girls in North America. Makes Vegas look like a zoo!Yes, use TERB for Toronto. I came from there. Great resource. Scene in Canada is much better than it is here. More transparency and generally safer.

06-04-24, 11:27
Hello everyone, I've seen a term used when referring to massage "the menu is open" or "fully open menu" what does that mean I didn't find it in the abbreviation section. I have an idea but I would like to be sure l.

07-29-24, 23:23
Hello everyone, I've seen a term used when referring to massage "the menu is open" or "fully open menu" what does that mean I didn't find it in the abbreviation section. I have an idea but I would like to be sure l.This means that the therapist offers a variety of modalities. This can range from light touch and deep tissue, to hot stones and back walking.