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02-20-22, 18:56
There is a difference between right and wrong! Sorry you fail to grasp that!

Having an opinion that it is OK to beat girls is just WRONG! And that makes you a jerk and a Neanderthal! But alas, you want to tell me what to do don't you (stfu)? Pot calling the kettle black!

We'll put you in the classification of those Neanderthals that thinks it is OK to disrespect the girls, beat on them and cheat them. Bet you feel like a "man" when you put down others and / or beat a girl up!

If anyone fails to stand up when something is going down that is wrong that makes them complicit. I'm saying what you propose is wrong. Seems like several other posters agree with this position and only a few, like you think it is OK to beat women.Never did I say it's ok to beat women. Get off you soapbox jerkoff.

02-26-22, 21:14
I saw one of my regulars and she told me she isn't seeing any POC anymore.
I am black btw.

This does not include Asians even though they have color.

The scams, schemes and violence are just too much, and I understand her.

I get tired of these so-called Pimps, crackheads and Retards on the Ave.

They need to Get a JOB. Stop following girls around begging for money.

They are ruining the game for all of us.

02-27-22, 11:30
I saw one of my regulars and she told me she isn't seeing any POC anymore.
I am black btw.

This does not include Asians even though they have color.

The scams, schemes and violence are just too much, and I understand her.

I get tired of these so-called Pimps, crackheads and Retards on the Ave.

They need to Get a JOB. Stop following girls around begging for money.

They are ruining the game for all of us.Did she stop seeing you even though you were a regular? Are you sure this was her decision or do you think it was the decision of a handler?

04-09-22, 09:34
Was just informed that jessica passed last week. Hope she's at peace.If you have some video of her in action. Post it somewhere so she can live on for ever.

04-09-22, 12:54
If you have some video of her in action. Post it somewhere so she can live on for ever.You are one sick person!

What the heck kind of post is that?

04-09-22, 13:35
You are one sick person!

What the heck kind of post is that?Exactly. 99.9% of these women are active addicts. With that being said that is the only reason they are doing what they do. They are someone's mother, daughter, sister or aunt. Have some respect! In case you are not aware mongers are just barely above them on the scale. Even that is questionable.

04-10-22, 22:19
If you have some video of her in action. Post it somewhere so she can live on for ever.Sorry no videos of her, but feel free to post what you have.

04-19-22, 12:31
Anyone can upload a definition there, doesn't make it true. Back in my day, a snow bunny was only a chick who put out for coke or crack (of any race). Judging by the number of ads for snow bunnies who won't see AA, I'm guessing the definition has evolved.Is that the nice thing about the English language, it keeps evolving and changing. When it comes to matter of "slang" or urban usage unless one is a linguist (are you?) understanding these days goes with accepted practice as defined on the 'net. What other source would you suggest?

I note that the definition of snow bunny, as a girl who prefers AA dudes, received 261 up votes vs 53 down votes. So it would seem a LARGE plurality, 83%, is voting for the stated definition. Just because girls misuse language doesn't make them right or wrong. Plenty of misused language in hooker adverts on the net as English Majors they are not!

Also, since anyone "can" upload a definition there how does that discount the subsequent vote, 83% who agreed with what was posted? That's a weak argument to say "anyone can post a definition there" as a claim that it isn't of value. Sigh.

Why don't you post your definition of a "snow bunny" and see how it fairs with voters. Then again you'll prolly sit there all day up-voting your own definition just to prove your point.

04-19-22, 19:14
Different meanings. Where I'm from. Chicks that date black guys are called mud sharks, snow bunnies are coke ******.

Is that the nice thing about the English language, it keeps evolving and changing. When it comes to matter of "slang" or urban usage unless one is a linguist (are you?) understanding these days goes with accepted practice as defined on the 'net. What other source would you suggest?

I note that the definition of snow bunny, as a girl who prefers AA dudes, received 261 up votes vs 53 down votes. So it would seem a LARGE plurality, 83%, is voting for the stated definition. Just because girls misuse language doesn't make them right or wrong. Plenty of misused language in hooker adverts on the net as English Majors they are not!

Also, since anyone "can" upload a definition there how does that discount the subsequent vote, 83% who agreed with what was posted? That's a weak argument to say "anyone can post a definition there" as a claim that it isn't of value. Sigh.

Why don't you post your definition of a "snow bunny" and see how it fairs with voters. Then again you'll prolly sit there all day up-voting your own definition just to prove your point.

04-21-22, 01:54
Different meanings. Where I'm from. Chicks that date black guys are called mud sharks, snow bunnies are coke ******.Yes, and mud shark is actually a pejorative for those that don't know. Mostly racist white / Asian males use that term to categorize white women who date black men.

And snow bunny from what I have known was simply a white girl. Like if you were in the mall with your friends and you saw a hot white girl standing in line in the food court you would say to your bros, "hay look at that snow bunny over there!

Snow was mentioned due to the pigment of skin not drugs. On a side note, one of my favorite white rappers was Snow. His album in 1993 was dope. He legit had the respect from the Jamaican community because of his ability as a white boy to rap in a authentic reggae style over beats. To this day most DJs will play his song "Informer" at a wedding or prom.

04-25-22, 17:46
Perhaps the subtlety of my approach was lost on some. The questions were not real questions at all, but a tongue-in-cheek exercise in response to the suggestions to CJ that it would be a "great idea" to publish a book, complete with photos, and make some extra dough. My point was simply that such a "great idea" might ignore the downside that unwanted publicity might elicit. The questions had nothing to do with the facts of history, why this thread was created, any other type of speculations and certainly nothing about a Monger School. Just saying.Yeah, too subtle. Something to remember when one is posting or texting is that one can't see your body language or facial expressions. So IF one intends humour there are character emojis that can be used or reference made to the joke. But what does that whole line of comments have to do with anything?

IF one were familiar with the history, then there would be no need for tongue-in-cheek comments because of potentially "unwanted publicity. " Me thinks that ship has already sailed. Nuff said.

Maybe we should stick to the mission of the boards, dudes helping dudes find girls. Or of course we can pizz all over each others shoes? I guess that is anybody's choice?

05-13-22, 09:27
You only pay taxes when you sell. Buying and HODLing is always good policy.Ah hem! Looks like some one has stepped up to the bar and drank the Street's Kool-Aide!

Buying and holding CAN be a strategy. However it depends on a number of factors: one's personal psychology, risk tolerance and investing time frame.

Problem is that most people can not tolerate a loss and when they see their "investment" go down, they panic and sell, locking in a loss. Hey sometimes a loss is a good thing if it offsets gains and lowers taxes. But generally one will never go broke taking a profit.

But the problems is all of those people who bought Bitcoin in Feb, Mar & April 2021 now have a 50% loss from their "investment. " So do they hang on or panic at the loss ad sell?

But the key is that how much gain does it take to recover that 50% loss? Most will say the thing needs to go up 50% which is dead wrong. You start with $100 it drops to $50, in order to get back to "even" you need that $50 to DOUBLE (100% gain) to get back to $100. But then one has to look at the TIME it takes to get "back to even!" What else could you have invested in and what kind of return could you have gotten in that time frame?

So would you have been better off selling early on and taking some profit, paying taxes, investing elsewhere and waiting for Bitcoin to put in a bottom before investing again? Or are you going to let your broker and traditional "broker speak" hold your hand through the downturns and console you on your needless portfolio losses?

Oh I know, we tend to bend like a pretzel to avoid paying taxes, but most times that is dumb math.

So yeah, don't think about it, just take the "traditional" common knowledge of the street and Buy and "hold forever"!

05-17-22, 19:44
Did she stop seeing you even though you were a regular? Are you sure this was her decision or do you think it was the decision of a handler?She is Independent.

And I was busting her ass on the regular.

It just came about because Black men, and to a lesser degree Ricans, are just really fkn Violent.
They also scheme to enlist them in their stable of Wh0res.
Right now there's a black guy who has been raping girls on the ave everyday.
He goes out with NO MONEY.
Just a Gun. Gets them in, fks them, and kicks them out in the middle of nowhere.
He is ruining it for everyone, and prolly why VICE is sweeping so hard lately.

So its not all POC, but if you are, you got to prove you arent a Pookie or RayRay.

05-17-22, 19:50
Its come to my attention that many guys arent cleaning themselves before street dates.

I understand many of these women are dirty.

I get it.

There is no reason why YOU shouldn't be clean.

Wash your ass.

YOUR WHOLE ASS. Balls too.

Consider taking time to shave too.

Scrubbing will also clean the grim out of your fingernails.

If you like hitting the ave after work, keep wetpwipes in the car.

05-18-22, 09:12
Its come to my attention that many guys arent cleaning themselves before street dates.

I understand many of these women are dirty.

I get it.

There is no reason why YOU shouldn't be clean.

Wash your ass.

YOUR WHOLE ASS. Balls too.

Consider taking time to shave too.

Scrubbing will also clean the grim out of your fingernails.

If you like hitting the ave after work, keep wetpwipes in the car.Oh come on! SERIOUSLY! We all know they are nothing but sub-human, scum, "less than" junkies and as such they should be grateful I even stop and give them money let alone acknowledge their presence. Sucking my dick just after I had a wet fart is just part of the game, she wants things cleaned up she can whip out a wetones and clean me up. I mean the high end incall girls offer a shower. I am SOOO much better than these girls cause I'm a Wh*remonger so STFU about giving any respect to these things..

If you agree with anything in the above paragraph you need your head examined. ALL girls deserve the respect and kindness you would want others to give to your mother, wife, sister or daughter regardless of their state in life..

Well said RoboPimp.

06-02-22, 13:39
Anyone notice how prices are inflation for a piece of ass lately?

After the economy busts and Gas goes sky high what do you think the outlook will be with these Women?

I already know what will happen with the Markets (Housing, Stocks, Supermarkets).

Will these girls be super cheap?

I'm wondering if a Market correction isn't something we actually need to Pop this bubble.

06-02-22, 15:31
Anyone notice how prices are inflation for a piece of ass lately?

After the economy busts and Gas goes sky high what do you think the outlook will be with these Women?

I already know what will happen with the Markets (Housing, Stocks, Supermarkets).

Will these girls be super cheap?

I'm wondering if a Market correction isn't something we actually need to Pop this bubble.When CL / my Redbook era was around the market was flooded with new talent that wanted to get into the new online escorting business and that drove the prices down.

I remember every time a new gal would hit the scene she would be hot and her donations would list slightly under what all the regulars were so she would get all the business, or at least steer traffic her way. I use to do 2 girl incall BBBJ for 80 more times then I could count in those days.

Now the new talent is going right to only fans. That's the new thing now. Not escorting but making adult content to be sold online. Girls fresh out of college just going right to only fans or some other social media platform and just skipping escorting all together. They can make lots more money and be much safer so the pure escort market isn't getting the fresh new talent other then the newly minted drug users so whoever is escorting now that is half way decent can basically charge outrageous rates because they have no competitors.

J Richard
06-02-22, 16:10
Anyone notice how prices are inflation for a piece of ass lately?

After the economy busts and Gas goes sky high what do you think the outlook will be with these Women?

I already know what will happen with the Markets (Housing, Stocks, Supermarkets).

Will these girls be super cheap?

I'm wondering if a Market correction isn't something we actually need to Pop this bubble.Don't you think the other part of this equation impacting costs is:

- How is it impacting the cost of dope?

- Is it going up or Is it going down with the reports of the increase volume?

06-02-22, 19:55
Anyone notice how prices are inflation for a piece of ass lately?

After the economy busts and Gas goes sky high what do you think the outlook will be with these Women?

I already know what will happen with the Markets (Housing, Stocks, Supermarkets).

Will these girls be super cheap?

I'm wondering if a Market correction isn't something we actually need to Pop this bubble.Actually I am starting to see prices come down a bit already. Seems like plenty of girls are advertising Well under 100 for SS and around 100 HHR and with a little polite asking one can shave a little bit off.

IF more guys would ask about a discount or make part of the fee contingent on performance prices will drop. (I already pay the lower prices) But too many scared, unknowledgeable and lazy mongers out there so devoid of companionship that they will pay "list!

06-04-22, 14:53
Oh come on! SERIOUSLY! We all know they are nothing but sub-human, scum, "less than" junkies and as such they should be grateful I even stop and give them money let alone acknowledge their presence. Sucking my dick just after I had a wet fart is just part of the game, she wants things cleaned up she can whip out a wetones and clean me up. I mean the high end incall girls offer a shower. I am SOOO much better than these girls cause I'm a Wh*remonger so STFU about giving any respect to these things..

If you agree with anything in the above paragraph you need your head examined. ALL girls deserve the respect and kindness you would want others to give to your mother, wife, sister or daughter regardless of their state in life..

Well said RoboPimp.I picked up a chick near somerset. She didn't look too bad. Skinny, tall, maybe a little malnourished but could pass for "normal" in the right light. It was a hot day so I had my ac blasting. The second she got in my car, her smell filled the car and almost knocked me out. I had to abort mission. We didn't even drive an inch. I knew I could proceed with this one the moment she got in.

I tried to cancel but she was persistent. Then she started crying. After some negotiations, she left peacefully with $10. And she was grateful. I did a loop on the ave with my windows rolled down to get the smell out and I see her knocked out under the bridge near Lehigh.

06-04-22, 23:10
I picked up a chick near somerset. She didn't look too bad. Skinny, tall, maybe a little malnourished but could pass for "normal" in the right light. It was a hot day so I had my ac blasting. The second she got in my car, her smell filled the car and almost knocked me out. I had to abort mission. We didn't even drive an inch. I knew I could proceed with this one the moment she got in.

I tried to cancel but she was persistent. Then she started crying. After some negotiations, she left peacefully with $10. And she was grateful. I did a loop on the ave with my windows rolled down to get the smell out and I see her knocked out under the bridge near Lehigh.Nice to see a report from a dude who was able to abort mission without acts of violence toward the girl!

I laughed when I read the part about her crying. Girls know that guys melt, and their "White Knight Syndrome" kicks in when the water works start, so girls use crying as a technique.

Eh, losing $10 isn't idea for most on a tight budget these days, but a baggie of Feny laced with tranquilizer costs about $10 so that tides a girl over and is kinda the base "no thank you" money. I use to carry and hand out Lincolns, $5 as my "get away from trouble girls" but now have upped that to $10. Got to get that fake $$$ roll Gator mentioned as that seems more reliable or better for the truly dangerous / crazy ones.

Well played Amigo!

Stay safe!

06-05-22, 07:22
I picked up a chick near somerset. She didn't look too bad. Skinny, tall, maybe a little malnourished but could pass for "normal" in the right light. It was a hot day so I had my ac blasting. The second she got in my car, her smell filled the car and almost knocked me out. I had to abort mission. We didn't even drive an inch. I knew I could proceed with this one the moment she got in.

I tried to cancel but she was persistent. Then she started crying. After some negotiations, she left peacefully with $10. And she was grateful. I did a loop on the ave with my windows rolled down to get the smell out and I see her knocked out under the bridge near Lehigh.Damn she got you for $10.

Stinky b!tch.

I'm mad that my regular girl Heather was stinking last week.

It smelled like sweat, ass and period blood.

I lied and said I only have $20.

She got mad and got out.

06-05-22, 07:24
My previous post reminds me that a girl had her period in my car.

It stunk so fkn bad!

I didn't notice the blood spot on my seat until I got home.

Her name is Jessica.

I've cleaned it out several times since, but I'm wondering if I should just burn the seat.

06-05-22, 14:16
My previous post reminds me that a girl had her period in my car.

It stunk so fkn bad!

I didn't notice the blood spot on my seat until I got home.

Her name is Jessica.

I've cleaned it out several times since, but I'm wondering if I should just burn the seat.Robo, I've had some red spots I had to deal with. What I have found works extremely well is Resolve It Carpet cleaner. Instructions are on the can so I won't bore you with any of that. Once that is done, use ordinary Dawn dish detergent. Apply it right from the bottle to the stain. Then clean the area with a tough cellulose sponge and clean water. You may need to change out the water 2-3 times. Cleans a multitude of stains and other unwanted traces of adventures. Leave the windows down about an inch or so overnight to get air circulation. Use an entire box of Arm and Hammer baking soda. The next day just vacuum the baking soda out. The seat will look as good as new. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

06-10-22, 13:41
Robo, I've had some red spots I had to deal with. What I have found works extremely well is Resolve It Carpet cleaner. Instructions are on the can so I won't bore you with any of that. Once that is done, use ordinary Dawn dish detergent. Apply it right from the bottle to the stain. Then clean the area with a tough cellulose sponge and clean water. You may need to change out the water 2-3 times. Cleans a multitude of stains and other unwanted traces of adventures. Leave the windows down about an inch or so overnight to get air circulation. Use an entire box of Arm and Hammer baking soda. The next day just vacuum the baking soda out. The seat will look as good as new. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Thanks.

I'm still traumatized.

I haven't been out since.

This was weeks ago.

06-10-22, 13:44
If she says she needs to "cop first", tell her no.

Just do the Car date and leave it at that.

Its just not worth the hassle.

You give her money you will not see her again. And that is the good part.

It could be she is bringing back someone to rob you or worse.

My ex-regular is so far gone now she has to get high every 4 hours or she is sick and in a terrible mood.

She put herself in this Jam because she was completely Sober out of jail a few months ago!

06-10-22, 15:53
If she says she needs to "cop first", tell her no.

Just do the Car date and leave it at that.

Its just not worth the hassle.

You give her money you will not see her again. And that is the good part.

It could be she is bringing back someone to rob you or worse.

My ex-regular is so far gone now she has to get high every 4 hours or she is sick and in a terrible mood.

She put herself in this Jam because she was completely Sober out of jail a few months ago!

Yes Gambling with your life.

The juice is not worth the squeeze.

If she's that sick why is she walking around?

They are always looking for a sucker. You just happened to find her again, she made NO plans to ever see you again.

You are lucky it wasnt a Setup.1. Damn! You are SOOOO encouraging to newbies to the K strolls! LOL. But yeah, can't support "money upfront!"

2. Some dudes gets a idea in da head and dey keep going until de Hobby learns dem otherwise. We'll see how "skills" transfer from area to area? Just sayin'.

3. RE: She put herself in this Jam because she was completely Sober out of jail a few months ago!

Permit me to pizz all over yer shoes on that one! First that is blaming the victim, which is no doubt a common view of the average person who has no clue about addiction, heroine, fenny, etc and how the recovery process works.

Second, just going to detox and "recovery" isn't enough and this is where the treatment / recovery system fails! And no doubt where most people seem to fail in their understanding of things. This isn't like taking your car to the shop, it goes it gets fixed and is out just like new. In this disease the brain gets rewired of sorts and that doesn't get "fixed" in 30-days of detox / rehab. I think the research shows it takes a minimum of 6-months and perhaps as much as a year+ before the damage to the brain is fully "healed. "

Next, you tell addicts in rehab to "change people, places and things." Then they pat them on the head, tell them they are officially clean and "cured" and toss them out into the real world. No money, no job, usually no family as they burned those bridges. So where are they to go but back in the world they came form?

So they probably have a record for stealing or prostituting while on drugs and thus no one wants to hire them. So what do they do? Back to the streets and fucking. Then some dude "helps them out" and offers them some drugs right after he's taken a hit. OR

what seems to be a common theme is most of these people are terrible at dealing with the daily stresses of life, so they "get high" to slip into a nod, to deal with stress or to escape those stresses. BUT WAIT! They were "cured" in a 30-day detox / rehab program! So yeah, years of poor coping skills have been magically erased and they don't need to do drugs. Anytime they get in stress, just drop down there on the sidewalk and meditate, OOOOOOOOOUM! Yeah, that's the ticket!

But the hold fenny and the tranq laced into what these girls are injecting is a terrible foe. It is an extremely HARD thing to shake and get rid of. So rather than blame the victim, we should have some sympathy and work to "fix" the inadequate treatment system! Don't be like the jerks who say they "didn't try hard enough." They were never fixed right in the first place by the "treatment!"

stepping down off of soapbox

4. Whenever I'm detailing cars my go to stuff for general cleaning and stain removal is 303. One step, less work. Just saying.


06-11-22, 15:00
1. Damn! You are SOOOO encouraging to newbies to the K strolls! LOL. But yeah, can't support "money upfront!"

2. Some dudes gets a idea in da head and dey keep going until de Hobby learns dem otherwise. We'll see how "skills" transfer from area to area? Just sayin'.

3. RE: She put herself in this Jam because she was completely Sober out of jail a few months ago!

Permit me to pizz all over yer shoes on that one! First that is blaming the victim, which is no doubt a common view of the average person who has no clue about addiction, heroine, fenny, etc and how the recovery process works.

Second, just going to detox and "recovery" isn't enough and this is where the treatment / recovery system fails! And no doubt where most people seem to fail in their understanding of things. This isn't like taking your car to the shop, it goes it gets fixed and is out just like new. In this disease the brain gets rewired of sorts and that doesn't get "fixed" in 30-days of detox / rehab. I think the research shows it takes a minimum of 6-months and perhaps as much as a year+ before the damage to the brain is fully "healed. "

Next, you tell addicts in rehab to "change people, places and things." Then they pat them on the head, tell them they are officially clean and "cured" and toss them out into the real world. No money, no job, usually no family as they burned those bridges. So where are they to go but back in the world they came form?

So they probably have a record for stealing or prostituting while on drugs and thus no one wants to hire them. So what do they do? Back to the streets and fucking. Then some dude "helps them out" and offers them some drugs right after he's taken a hit. OR

what seems to be a common theme is most of these people are terrible at dealing with the daily stresses of life, so they "get high" to slip into a nod, to deal with stress or to escape those stresses. BUT WAIT! They were "cured" in a 30-day detox / rehab program! So yeah, years of poor coping skills have been magically erased and they don't need to do drugs. Anytime they get in stress, just drop down there on the sidewalk and meditate, OOOOOOOOOUM! Yeah, that's the ticket!

But the hold fenny and the tranq laced into what these girls are injecting is a terrible foe. It is an extremely HARD thing to shake and get rid of. So rather than blame the victim, we should have some sympathy and work to "fix" the inadequate treatment system! Don't be like the jerks who say they "didn't try hard enough." They were never fixed right in the first place by the "treatment!"

stepping down off of soapbox

4. Whenever I'm detailing cars my go to stuff for general cleaning and stain removal is 303. One step, less work. Just saying.

https://www.autogeek.net/303cleanspot.htmlNo one forces these people to get high.

I don't like the leftist term "victim blaming" that has popped up recently.

Saying you are a victim means something happened to you, not something you caused.

You are so far left it cracks me up.

Bleeding heart liberals don't realize you need to be tough for society to run properly.

2- They dont get cured because they arent in jail long enough.
Lefties like you are prolly ok with how quickly criminals and junkies get out of jail.
But, besides being the reason why Philadelphia is becoming Hell on Earth, it is why they continue to be hooked on Narcotics.
You guys keep voting for these Democrat scumbags hellbent on destroying the city.

They need to keep them in jail for long periods of time.
5-10 months for possession isnt helping.
They need 5-10 years at least.
If you are so broken you are sucking dicks to get high you need to be kept until you are sober and fixed.
...but our prisons are full of corrupt COs who bring in drugs and keep these people addicts.
So my plan would never work without the Prisons firing all the COs and hiring better people.
Every CO i meet is a ghetto scumbag.

06-11-22, 21:27
No one forces these people to get high.

2- They dont get cured because they arent in jail long enough.
Lefties like you are prolly ok with how quickly criminals and junkies get out of jail.
But, besides being the reason why Philadelphia is becoming Hell on Earth, it is why they continue to be hooked on Narcotics.
You guys keep voting for these Democrat scumbags hellbent on destroying the city.

They need to keep them in jail for long periods of time.
5-10 months for possession isnt helping.
They need 5-10 years at least.
If you are so broken you are sucking dicks to get high you need to be kept until you are sober and fixed.
.Just because you keep someone isolated and sober doesn't mean shit. Every single addict has a ton of mental baggage and trauma, which is what often led to their using in the first place. If you don't address the mental health, being sober never sticks. They get released from jail to the same environment they couldn't cope with, and start using again. Because being incarcerated is never intended to improve your mental health; it never fixes anyone.

06-12-22, 01:10
Just because you keep someone isolated and sober doesn't mean shit. Every single addict has a ton of mental baggage and trauma, which is what often led to their using in the first place. If you don't address the mental health, being sober never sticks. They get released from jail to the same environment they couldn't cope with, and start using again. Because being incarcerated is never intended to improve your mental health; it never fixes anyone.Incarceration is meant to rehabilitate you, not "fix" you. Rehabilitation puts you on the right path so that you may "fix" yourself in due time. It's up to the individual whether or not they want to partake in the programs / courses offered while in prison to better themselves and have a skill that they can use once they get out.

06-12-22, 12:19
No one forces these people to get high.

I don't like the leftist term "victim blaming" that has popped up recently.

Saying you are a victim means something happened to you, not something you caused.

You are so far left it cracks me up.

Bleeding heart liberals don't realize you need to be tough for society to run properly.

2- They dont get cured because they arent in jail long enough.
Lefties like you are prolly ok with how quickly criminals and junkies get out of jail.
But, besides being the reason why Philadelphia is becoming Hell on Earth, it is why they continue to be hooked on Narcotics.
You guys keep voting for these Democrat scumbags hellbent on destroying the city.

They need to keep them in jail for long periods of time.
5-10 months for possession isnt helping.
They need 5-10 years at least.
If you are so broken you are sucking dicks to get high you need to be kept until you are sober and fixed.
...but our prisons are full of corrupt COs who bring in drugs and keep these people addicts.
So my plan would never work without the Prisons firing all the COs and hiring better people.
Every CO i meet is a ghetto scumbag.LOL! You don't have a clue and just demonstrated an extremely high level of ignorance on this topic!

Not surprised that you had to resort to name calling and put downs to make a point, that is the venue of the uneducated and incapable. See it all of the time on message boards. Mostly a prop oneself up approach, stick to uneducated points of view and be unwilling to see anything from any other perspective but your own. Sad.

As OP noted there is more at work here than meets the eye. If you want to solve the problem one needs to at least be willing to look at other points of view, rather than dismissing them outright.

We could educate you in this topic but unless you show some interest in other views and willingness to learn, it would be a waste of time.

So keep feeding the problem with your money!

06-12-22, 12:30
Incarceration is meant to rehabilitate you, not "fix" you. Rehabilitation puts you on the right path so that you may "fix" yourself in due time. It's up to the individual whether or not they want to partake in the programs / courses offered while in prison to better themselves and have a skill that they can use once they get out.Seriously? You believe incarceration is meant to "rehabilitate" a person? LOL! Incarceration is there to PUNISH people in hopes they won't offend, or at least get them out of society because we are afraid of "those people!

If the drug rehabilitation process is so wonderful then why does it have a 90+ recidivism rate? Sounds like a terrible spend of your tax dollars and insurance premiums! Pumping money into a process that fails 90% of the time, for whatever reason. Would you be happy going to a mechanic that failed to fix the problem 90% of the time? Just keep going back to the same guy and maybe it will get fixed?

But programs offered in prison as a way to fix yourself? LOL! What exact programs are you talking about? Who are they available to? What is the entrance and exclusion criteria?

Look, I get where you are coming from as I use to "think" like that. But being in this hobby got me curious about addiction / heroine and I did some research. What I found shocked the shit out of me and made me change my views. BUT I was willing to change views as that is a sign of growth and maturity and it didn't threaten me. I didn't need to stick to old dogma or uneducated points of view.

06-12-22, 14:54
Incarceration is meant to rehabilitate you, not "fix" you. Rehabilitation puts you on the right path so that you may "fix" yourself in due time. It's up to the individual whether or not they want to partake in the programs / courses offered while in prison to better themselves and have a skill that they can use once they get out.Rehabilitation is getting fixed.

We are talking about broken human Beans.

The purpose of prison is to Rehabilitate.

06-12-22, 15:07
Just because you keep someone isolated and sober doesn't mean shit. Every single addict has a ton of mental baggage and trauma, which is what often led to their using in the first place. If you don't address the mental health, being sober never sticks. They get released from jail to the same environment they couldn't cope with, and start using again. Because being incarcerated is never intended to improve your mental health; it never fixes anyone.There is nothing WE can do to make them address their problems.

They have to want it.

The only real solution is ridiculously long prison sentences for possession.

Got caught with Heroin? 15 years in prison no questions asked.

Got released but you are still retarded and want to get high and got caught again?

50 years in prison.

You'll come out a Great-Grandmother.

Good luck finding dicks to suck at 85 years old.

And to address your other half correct point: they were never truly Sober in these prisons because because are smuggling in drugs.

Because make a lot of money like this.

I wish I could change the system myself and be in charge of investigation corrupt because.

06-12-22, 15:18
Seriously? You believe incarceration is meant to "rehabilitate" a person? LOL! Incarceration is there to PUNISH people in hopes they won't offend, or at least get them out of society because we are afraid of "those people!

If the drug rehabilitation process is so wonderful then why does it have a 90+ recidivism rate? Sounds like a terrible spend of your tax dollars and insurance premiums! Pumping money into a process that fails 90% of the time, for whatever reason. Would you be happy going to a mechanic that failed to fix the problem 90% of the time? Just keep going back to the same guy and maybe it will get fixed?A proper prison system WOULD rehabilitate the person if the shithole cities would abolish bail, and probation!

These 2 things along with ARD ruin society because there is no real deterrent against crime.

These criminals know before they reach prison they will get a hundred ways out of any real jail time.

THAT is why rehabilitation in prison is not working; criminals are geing let go far too early and often.

And you are 100% that pumping money into the current system is a waste. And that is because of corrupt COs and Wardens who are just lining their pockets.

Imagine that Mechanic purposely only halfway fixing your problem. So you need to keep coming back.

Imagine if he could fix it ONE TIME. That is all I'm saying what jail should be.

This is why Federal prison is so damned successful. There is no Bail, ARD and probation there.

You get caught you are doing at least 85% of your time.

06-12-22, 15:33
Rehabilitation is getting fixed.

We are talking about broken human Beans.

The purpose of prison is to Rehabilitate.Not sure why you quoted me when we agreed on the same premise of "the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate" when Shampoo was the one who denied it. Regardless, rehabilitating and "fixing" are definitely not the same as I described the difference in regards to going to prison in my original statement.

Seriously? You believe incarceration is meant to "rehabilitate" a person? LOL! Incarceration is there to PUNISH people in hopes they won't offend, or at least get them out of society because we are afraid of "those people!

If the drug rehabilitation process is so wonderful then why does it have a 90+ recidivism rate? Sounds like a terrible spend of your tax dollars and insurance premiums! Pumping money into a process that fails 90% of the time, for whatever reason. Would you be happy going to a mechanic that failed to fix the problem 90% of the time? Just keep going back to the same guy and maybe it will get fixed?

But programs offered in prison as a way to fix yourself? LOL! What exact programs are you talking about? Who are they available to? What is the entrance and exclusion criteria?

Look, I get where you are coming from as I use to "think" like that. But being in this hobby got me curious about addiction / heroine and I did some research. What I found shocked the shit out of me and made me change my views. BUT I was willing to change views as that is a sign of growth and maturity and it didn't threaten me. I didn't need to stick to old dogma or uneducated points of view.Prison is meant to punish, yes, thank you for stating the obvious. There's a reason why the obvious does not have to be stated, but I guess common sense isn't so common anymore these days. First usage of prison is to punish for wrongs committed so that it *may* help to deter the individual from doing said wrongs ever again. Second usage of prison is to rehabilitate, I. E, because you spent X amount of years in prison, you might lag behind when returning to society. Therefore, while in prison, there are programs and courses established to help hones one ability / skills / whatever talents to make them a useful, productive person in society again when returning to the general public.

Next point of emphasis: there's a difference between "prison rehabilitation" and "drug rehabilitation. " I touched on the former and you are arguing the latter.

06-12-22, 15:42
I'm not sure why Shampoo has a problem with prison being a punishment.

Does he think crime should be awarded?

Prison is supposed to be tough.

"Hey Mr. Drug dealer would you please stop commiting your crimes poisoning the community?

"Excuse me Mr. Murderer, even though you are under arrest we are going to you watch cable TV all day in Prison and talk on cell phones smuggled in by our corrupt because.

Then we are going to release you in 10 months as long as you promise to be a gud boi".

Shampoo, you can't coddle criminals.

Far left liberbal democrat policies have destroyed this city.

These Democrat policies have ruined city life, and have emboldened Criminals.

06-12-22, 19:07
Not sure why you quoted me when we agreed on the same premise of "the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate" when Shampoo was the one who denied it. Regardless, rehabilitating and "fixing" are definitely not the same as I described the difference in regards to going to prison in my original statement.

Prison is meant to punish, yes, thank you for stating the obvious. There's a reason why the obvious does not have to be stated, but I guess common sense isn't so common anymore these days. First usage of prison is to punish for wrongs committed so that it *may* help to deter the individual from doing said wrongs ever again. Second usage of prison is to rehabilitate, I. E, because you spent X amount of years in prison, you might lag behind when returning to society. Therefore, while in prison, there are programs and courses established to help hones one ability / skills / whatever talents to make them a useful, productive person in society again when returning to the general public.

Next point of emphasis: there's a difference between "prison rehabilitation" and "drug rehabilitation. " I touched on the former and you are arguing the latter.No, tell me what are the SPECIFIC programs in our local prisons that rehabilitate people locked up? How many of the population are able to participate? What are the criteria to include a person in the "rehabilitation" and who gets excluded?

If you can answer those questions from a position of facts and not assumptions, we may have common ground to discuss things.

06-12-22, 19:12
I'm not sure why Shampoo has a problem with prison being a punishment.

Does he think crime should be awarded?

Prison is supposed to be tough.

"Hey Mr. Drug dealer would you please stop commiting your crimes poisoning the community?

"Excuse me Mr. Murderer, even though you are under arrest we are going to you watch cable TV all day in Prison and talk on cell phones smuggled in by our corrupt because.

Then we are going to release you in 10 months as long as you promise to be a gud boi".

Shampoo, you can't coddle criminals.

Far left liberbal democrat policies have destroyed this city.

These Democrat policies have ruined city life, and have emboldened Criminals.Hahaha, what is the point of trying to have a conversation with you about facts when all you can do is degenerate the discussion to name calling, make outlandish assumptions of my views and other obfuscate stuff? What does that make you? Enlightened?

It's too bad your view are so narrow as you appear to be a pretty good monger.

06-12-22, 20:07
No, tell me what are the SPECIFIC programs in our local prisons that rehabilitate people locked up? How many of the population are able to participate? What are the criteria to include a person in the "rehabilitation" and who gets excluded?

If you can answer those questions from a position of facts and not assumptions, we may have common ground to discuss things.In the year of 2022, with smart devices at your easy disposal, you want to wait on someone to tell on something on an internet forum rather than simply googling it yourself? Christ almighty.

BTW, they're not assumptions, they're facts. Again, look it up. You can crack a book or take a college class on it too if you want.

06-16-22, 17:27
In response to Frank in the SW thread:

Any "boyfriend" you see on the ave is usually a half-assed Pimp.

Not even Pimps. They are just a guy who is finessing your money from these girls.

Finessing, Strong-arming, or playing the role of Boyfriend.

I just do not understand how anyone can let / make ther girl walk the streets.

It is sick.

06-16-22, 17:32
In the year of 2022, with smart devices at your easy disposal, you want to wait on someone to tell on something on an internet forum rather than simply googling it yourself? Christ almighty.

BTW, they're not assumptions, they're facts. Again, look it up. You can crack a book or take a college class on it too if you want.Also, how would we people that assumably have never been to prison, know which specific programs there are?

I was a CO in a Halfway house and there are programs but I can't remember those shits.

It was a decade ago.

All I know is that criminals get every opportunity in the world to turn their life around.

It fails in cities because Super Left Democrat SOCIALISTS don't make prison hard enough.

Bail, Probation and all these other programs need to be ABOLISHED.

All we need to fix society is ridiculously long prison sentences 100% served.

The deterrent to commit crime would be firmly set in place and cities would become nice places to live.

06-17-22, 17:31
Also, how would we people that assumably have never been to prison, know which specific programs there are?

I was a CO in a Halfway house and there are programs but I can't remember those shits.

It was a decade ago.

All I know is that criminals get every opportunity in the world to turn their life around.

It fails in cities because Super Left Democrat SOCIALISTS don't make prison hard enough.

Bail, Probation and all these other programs need to be ABOLISHED.

All we need to fix society is ridiculously long prison sentences 100% served.

The deterrent to commit crime would be firmly set in place and cities would become nice places to live.Without getting into left vs. Right, generally I agree with you that we are not tough enough on crime in this country. I believe things happen because we tolerate them happening, and part of that tolerance is the ease with which people can offend, escape any serious punishment and quickly reoffend.

However before we get to "ridiculously long prison sentences 100% served", you have to consider that you'd be judging everyone. From the first time offender to the person with a rap sheet thicker than your arm. At the single worst moment of their lives, and making them pay with years and years of confinement for their first mistake.

Sure, there are plenty of people on the streets who shouldn't be there. And I believe firmly in some sort of three strikes system (or two, or four. We don't have to be held to Abner Doubleday's rules here). I think for many crimes (violent or quasi-violent), the more you keep breaking the law the longer and longer your sentence should be, until perhaps you have no chance of ever getting out.

But I'm not comfortable sweeping up every first time offender and whisking them behind bars with hardened criminals.

That's not justice. That's lunacy.

06-18-22, 01:21
In the year of 2022, with smart devices at your easy disposal, you want to wait on someone to tell on something on an internet forum rather than simply googling it yourself? Christ almighty.

BTW, they're not assumptions, they're facts. Again, look it up. You can crack a book or take a college class on it too if you want.LOL! Typical response from a dude who has no clue. If you knew what the programs were you could name them, but instead the 2020's cop out. Google it!

BUt yer diverting the convo. "rehab" for junkies has a failure rate of greater than 90%, Why don't you get all excited that your tax dollars are being wasted on those programs? Or is it ok to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Oh wait! That's the definition of insanity! Well, shit, we can't be insane so instead let's just blame the victims! Sigh.

06-18-22, 12:45
LOL! Typical response from a dude who has no clue. If you knew what the programs were you could name them, but instead the 2020's cop out. Google it!

BUt yer diverting the convo. "rehab" for junkies has a failure rate of greater than 90%, Why don't you get all excited that your tax dollars are being wasted on those programs? Or is it ok to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Oh wait! That's the definition of insanity! Well, shit, we can't be insane so instead let's just blame the victims! Sigh."Typical response from a guy who had no clue. " Like I said, why would I waste my precious time explaining something to a random stranger on the internet in exquisite detail when he can't help himself by just doing a little bit of work. Mind you, it's a little bit of work that would net you most of the answers that you so desperately believe they don't exist. I've studied in this field since 2014, so I know for a fact, via primary source education, that such rehabilitation programs exist.

Word to the wise: don't question someone else's intelligence in a losing effort when it's so clearly everyone vs you in accordance.

06-18-22, 18:35
"Typical response from a guy who had no clue. " Like I said, why would I waste my precious time explaining something to a random stranger on the internet in exquisite detail when he can't help himself by just doing a little bit of work. Mind you, it's a little bit of work that would net you most of the answers that you so desperately believe they don't exist. I've studied in this field since 2014, so I know for a fact, via primary source education, that such rehabilitation programs exist.

Word to the wise: don't question someone else's intelligence in a losing effort when it's so clearly everyone vs you in accordance.Been studying since 2014 and still doesn't know that most drug "rehab" programs have a 90+% recidivism rate? LOL!

Just having a program is one thing, having a program that actually WORKS would be even better!

But hey, it's OK. Easier to blame the victims than hollar for a change to something that works.

06-18-22, 20:25
But hey, it's OK. Easier to blame the victims than hollar for a change to something that works.But yet you sit on your pulpit degrading others for taking advantage of these so called "victims" as you victimize them for paying them for a BJ. Priceless LOL.

06-18-22, 20:37
Been studying since 2014 and still doesn't know that most drug "rehab" programs have a 90+% recidivism rate? LOL!The only thing that's LOL here is the fact that you still can't read. You were told several days ago that the topic is about prison rehabilitation / crime recidivism and not "drug rehab" but yet you still think it's about the latter. This discussion is over until you can prove that you have enough brain cells to engage in stimulating conversations.

Btw, stop lying through your teeth; the "drug rehab" failure/recidivism rate is not at 90%: https://www.legacytreatment.org/blog/rehab-success-rate-statistics/

06-18-22, 23:57
The only thing that's LOL here is the fact that you still can't read. You were told several days ago that the topic is about prison rehabilitation / crime recidivism and not "drug rehab" but yet you still think it's about the latter. This discussion is over until you can prove that you have enough brain cells to engage in stimulating conversations.

Btw, stop lying through your teeth; the "drug rehab" failure/recidivism rate is not at 90%: https://www.legacytreatment.org/blog/rehab-success-rate-statistics/FWIW, the failure rate is not 90%, but it's also nowhere near the high percentages posted on the legacy treatment website.

The data is always subjective in how "success" is measured. The rehab centers measure it in a way that makes their programs look successful. Other studies slant it the other way, as high number get better media attention or more funding. Real numbers are hard to get accurate, as relapsing addicts are not easy people to survey. I have no dog in this fight, but I do know from personal experience that the numbers that counselors are given for 2020/21 is that 40% to 60% of addicts that complete rehab will relapse within 1 year. The number of people that completed rehab and died from overdose within the first year was said to be as high as 8% one year, and that was before fentanyl was a thing.

Speaking to the rehab options in prison: you just have to consider the setting. You literally have a captive audience with nowhere to go. Sure for some people it sticks and they maintain sobriety when they get out, but most people are just passing time. The programs in prison usually have nowhere near the success that other programs do, and even those are a long shot. Very few offer much beyond AA and NA, there simply isn't the staffing for consistent group therapy. At least this is what I get as feedback.

06-19-22, 09:09
FWIW, the failure rate is not 90%, but it's also nowhere near the high percentages posted on the legacy treatment website.

The data is always subjective in how "success" is measured. The rehab centers measure it in a way that makes their programs look successful. Other studies slant it the other way, as high number get better media attention or more funding. Real numbers are hard to get accurate, as relapsing addicts are not easy people to survey. I have no dog in this fight, but I do know from personal experience that the numbers that counselors are given for 2020/21 is that 40% to 60% of addicts that complete rehab will relapse within 1 year. The number of people that completed rehab and died from overdose within the first year was said to be as high as 8% one year, and that was before fentanyl was a thing.

Speaking to the rehab options in prison: you just have to consider the setting. You literally have a captive audience with nowhere to go. Sure for some people it sticks and they maintain sobriety when they get out, but most people are just passing time. The programs in prison usually have nowhere near the success that other programs do, and even those are a long shot. Very few offer much beyond AA and NA, there simply isn't the staffing for consistent group therapy. At least this is what I get as feedback.Exactly! So to say that there are programs out there and thus no one should be an addict is just plain ignorant! Yeah, we want to believe that we as society are doing the right thing to help people, when in fact the programs in general are a terrible failure!

06-19-22, 09:20
But yet you sit on your pulpit degrading others for taking advantage of these so called "victims" as you victimize them for paying them for a BJ. Priceless LOL.Why did you feel the need to jump in a degrade me with your post! Does it make you feel like a BIG MAN to attack others? Geez! You didn't have a dog in this fight, jumping in the way you did doesn't reflect well on you. Just saying.

But lets set the record straight: You can read my posts and see I have a LONG history of standing up for the girls against the dudes who beat these girls, pull their hair or do other acts of violence just to get the out of their car when things don't go as they like.

I don't recall you being at the forefront of defending the girls against acts of violence.

06-20-22, 02:34
Why did you feel the need to jump in a degrade me with your post! Does it make you feel like a BIG MAN to attack others? Geez! You didn't have a dog in this fight, jumping in the way you did doesn't reflect well on you. Just saying.

But lets set the record straight: You can read my posts and see I have a LONG history of standing up for the girls against the dudes who beat these girls, pull their hair or do other acts of violence just to get the out of their car when things don't go as they like.

I don't recall you being at the forefront of defending the girls against acts of violence.Jackals prey on people like you.

06-20-22, 02:41
Without getting into left vs. Right, generally I agree with you that we are not tough enough on crime in this country. I believe things happen because we tolerate them happening, and part of that tolerance is the ease with which people can offend, escape any serious punishment and quickly reoffend.

However before we get to "ridiculously long prison sentences 100% served", you have to consider that you'd be judging everyone. From the first time offender to the person with a rap sheet thicker than your arm. At the single worst moment of their lives, and making them pay with years and years of confinement for their first mistake.

Sure, there are plenty of people on the streets who shouldn't be there. And I believe firmly in some sort of three strikes system (or two, or four. We don't have to be held to Abner Doubleday's rules here). I think for many crimes (violent or quasi-violent), the more you keep breaking the law the longer and longer your sentence should be, until perhaps you have no chance of ever getting out.

But I'm not comfortable sweeping up every first time offender and whisking them behind bars with hardened criminals.

That's not justice. That's lunacy.It is really simple.

Our justice system is too lax, and completly Broken.

I'm not saying 1st time offenders need to get roofed, I mean Probations / Furloughs / Bail / ARD / Community service all need to be Abolished.

You commit a Crime?

Do the time. ALL OF IT.

Come out and you a still a Hardhead?

Get Roofed.

Just like the Federal Prison system.

By the time you get out you are a senior citizen.

That is how it should be.

Crime would dry up and the only criminals left would be the complete radicals.

06-20-22, 14:19
It is really simple.

Our justice system is too lax, and completly Broken.

I'm not saying 1st time offenders need to get roofed, I mean Probations / Furloughs / Bail / ARD / Community service all need to be Abolished.

You commit a Crime?

Do the time. ALL OF IT.

Come out and you a still a Hardhead?

Get Roofed.

Just like the Federal Prison system.

By the time you get out you are a senior citizen.

That is how it should be.

Crime would dry up and the only criminals left would be the complete radicals.I think the reason why I can't get behind your system of justice is because it puts everyone's life on the edge of the knife.

Sure, you'd have to go pretty far out of your way to rob a house or commit true first degree murder (pre-meditated). But your system of justice is dangerously close to what we have in places like Russia or China. And yeah, street crime can be lower there. Singapore too. But look at everything else that comes with it. Do you really want to live in that society? If so, I think Putin and Jinping would welcome your emigrating with open arms. And then you could live in a society where if you make one mistake it's not tolerated, and **poof** - you're never heard from again.

I'm all for an accelerating scale of punishment. If you can't prove you can go out of your way to live a righteous life after making your first mistake, you deserve to go away for a lot longer the second time around. And if you're dumb enough to reoffend after that, yeah, maybe you end up dying in prison.

But I don't think blindly throwing people away after one mistake is the right way to run a society either. America is the land of second chances for a reason, and you have to give people a path back to redemption. At least the first time.

06-25-22, 05:33
I think the reason why I can't get behind your system of justice is because it puts everyone's life on the edge of the knife.

Sure, you'd have to go pretty far out of your way to rob a house or commit true first degree murder (pre-meditated). But your system of justice is dangerously close to what we have in places like Russia or China. And yeah, street crime can be lower there. Singapore too. But look at everything else that comes with it. Do you really want to live in that society? If so, I think Putin and Jinping would welcome your emigrating with open arms. And then you could live in a society where if you make one mistake it's not tolerated, and **poof** - you're never heard from again.

I'm all for an accelerating scale of punishment. If you can't prove you can go out of your way to live a righteous life after making your first mistake, you deserve to go away for a lot longer the second time around. And if you're dumb enough to reoffend after that, yeah, maybe you end up dying in prison.

But I don't think blindly throwing people away after one mistake is the right way to run a society either. America is the land of second chances for a reason, and you have to give people a path back to redemption. At least the first time.See there is your problem: you see these "mistakes" as accidental.

I see them as something done on purpose and only a completley broken person could do.

A criminal is a Criminal. They serve no purpose in society and need to be excavated from it.

You are watching too many movies and TV to think the majority of these criminals can turn their lives around.

From my time as a CO I'd say less than 1% actually do something with their lives after.

It would save the city so much time and money to just Roof them.

06-27-22, 20:38
See there is your problem: you see these "mistakes" as accidental.

I see them as something done on purpose and only a completley broken person could do.

A criminal is a Criminal. They serve no purpose in society and need to be excavated from it.

You are watching too many movies and TV to think the majority of these criminals can turn their lives around.

From my time as a CO I'd say less than 1% actually do something with their lives after.

It would save the city so much time and money to just Roof them.I can understand your outlook now that you've told us you were a CO. Consider that you see a disproportionately terrible part of society and that experience may be introducing some bias into your point of view.

And while I acknowledge that you don't see very many people who are "worth saving" in that if they had a second (or a third or a fourth or a tenth) chance that they would probably squander it. And I'm not saying you're wrong there. Some other people get caught up in the system after they make one bad decision (the "mistake" I refer to in my earlier note) and then get trapped in a vicious cycle.

They commit a crime. They get put into prison. The animals in prison cause the first time offender to have to behave a certain way to survive. That person gets mad at society for having been subjected to that after just his first offense. They eventually get out and now they want revenge. On everyone in polite society. They have no respect for anything you or I have, or our well being. They commit another crime, go back inside and the cycle repeats itself.

You may see those people as irredeemable, but I think if you intervene in their lives in a different way than just locking them up and throwing away the key that some of them can indeed have their lives turned around. If we've seen streetwalkers get clean and live normal lives, I don't see why other people can't do the same thing for themselves.

Part of what would have to happen is they'd have to make reparations to the people they hurt because of their crimes, and I grant you that such a thing isn't always possible or feasible (depending on the crime).

But I just can't get behind giving up on someone the first time they shoplift from a convenience store or try to steal from a big department store to sell those things so they can have things they want or need.

I'm not saying that behavior is right or that it's excusable, but I do think it's redeemable.

Other crimes, maybe not so much.

07-03-22, 10:44
This is beyond morbid. Hard pass. TT.Jeez! Can we have a little humor of fun with things and not have to take everything so serious? Or is the woke culture playing its cancel culture card?

Oh well.

07-03-22, 16:05
I can understand your outlook now that you've told us you were a CO. Consider that you see a disproportionately terrible part of society and that experience may be introducing some bias into your point of view.

And while I acknowledge that you don't see very many people who are "worth saving" in that if they had a second (or a third or a fourth or a tenth) chance that they would probably squander it. And I'm not saying you're wrong there. Some other people get caught up in the system after they make one bad decision (the "mistake" I refer to in my earlier note) and then get trapped in a vicious cycle.

They commit a crime. They get put into prison. The animals in prison cause the first time offender to have to behave a certain way to survive. That person gets mad at society for having been subjected to that after just his first offense. They eventually get out and now they want revenge. On everyone in polite society. They have no respect for anything you or I have, or our well being. They commit another crime, go back inside and the cycle repeats itself.

You may see those people as irredeemable, but I think if you intervene in their lives in a different way than just locking them up and throwing away the key that some of them can indeed have their lives turned around. If we've seen streetwalkers get clean and live normal lives, I don't see why other people can't do the same thing for themselves.

Part of what would have to happen is they'd have to make reparations to the people they hurt because of their crimes, and I grant you that such a thing isn't always possible or feasible (depending on the crime).

But I just can't get behind giving up on someone the first time they shoplift from a convenience store or try to steal from a big department store to sell those things so they can have things they want or need.

I'm not saying that behavior is right or that it's excusable, but I do think it's redeemable.

Other crimes, maybe not so much.No one who goes to jail is a first timer, unless it's a serious crime. No shoplifters are going to prison, especially under Krasner. Every first time offender gets a break whether it's ARD and an expungement or just probation. The only ones in prison today are violent offenders, repeat offenders or big time drug dealers. They don't become animals in prison, they're in prison because they are already animals and cannot behave in polite society.

07-05-22, 13:12
I just made a report on Heather and rate her a 6 even though I loved her body, her face was Average at BEST.

How high of a rating do you need for a girl's face to have her as your girl?

How much does weight matter to you? Would you rather have a super ugly thin girl or a really pretty Fat girl?

What if she has a Super Model face but she is 400 lbs like Tess Holiday?

07-05-22, 13:29
Jeez! Can we have a little humor of fun with things and not have to take everything so serious? Or is the woke culture playing its cancel culture card?

Oh well.How are dead women funny?

07-05-22, 15:29
How are dead women funny?

No one said dead women were funny. I hope that wasn't a typical technique used on threads: changing the subject.

Everybody dies dies, given a long enough time-frame the survival rate is ZERO! It is a fact of life.

But haven't you heard of a "wake?" Seems I remember in some cultures that is a reason to celebrate.

What is wrong with a little jocularity in this space or these threads?

07-05-22, 17:03
No one said dead women were funny. I hope that wasn't a typical technique used on threads: changing the subject.

Everybody dies dies, given a long enough time-frame the survival rate is ZERO! It is a fact of life.

But haven't you heard of a "wake?" Seems I remember in some cultures that is a reason to celebrate.

What is wrong with a little jocularity in this space or these threads?One dude called the dead women thread beyond morbid and you replied what's wrong with a little humor and I replied to that. These are threads, as in they are thread together. I didn't change the subject. A to B to C.

07-05-22, 17:17
One dude called the dead women thread beyond morbid and you replied what's wrong with a little humor and I replied to that. These are threads, as in they are thread together. I didn't change the subject. A to B to C.Oh jeez, got to PARSE things to keep them on track. Nice try in saying A = C. NOT! Threaded together, PUUUUUULEEEEEAZ!

Title of thread was humour, but apparently a few don't have any sense of humor.

The objection was to the title, not dead people or dead women.

Where do you think girls who do drugs and sell their bodies go when they "transition" this world?

07-05-22, 20:37
Click on "view original post" on my response to you and keep clicking. It's directly threaded together. A to B to C.

Edit - and now you deleted his original post. Consciousness of guilt? Heh. Nice.

Oh jeez, got to PARSE things to keep them on track. Nice try in saying A = C. NOT! Threaded together, PUUUUUULEEEEEAZ!

Title of thread was humour, but apparently a few don't have any sense of humor.

The objection was to the title, not dead people or dead women.

Where do you think girls who do drugs and sell their bodies go when they "transition" this world?

07-11-22, 17:48
If I was just skeptical before, now I am convinced!

So I tossed some shade the way of LoveKPhilly and right away that post got met with a whole bunch of replies from, again, low post count dudes! These "new" dudes are apparently now experts at Mongering in Philly and one should take their word for it just because they said so!

The multitude of response to my post falls under the "me thinks the lady doth protest too much. ".

And the prices are reasonable? Just shows how inexperienced the reviewers are in Philly and the other options available.

Oh sure I have seen top-level independent escorts require screening and two references, but never an agency or a glorified AMP. Providing IRL information about yourself when one is engage in illegal activity is just plain stupid and anyone that falls for that deserves whatever "oh shit!" happens as a result!

I expect more attacks and reasons why I am wrong about LoveKPhilly, because after all it looks like they have a BIG promotional campaign going on on this site with a slew of newly created posters all telling you how great it is!

I mean the place has been around 5 freaking days and already there are a half dozen dudes that have been there, think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and who independently came here to sing its praises?

With this kind of shilling going on, while I was skeptical before, now I wouldn't touch the place with a 10-ft pole!

07-11-22, 18:06
Hey Shampoo, cut the shit and be a man, just go see them for yourself and produce real reports based on your own experience. No matter what you must go through their screening process.

If I was just skeptical before, now I am convinced!

So I tossed some shade the way of LoveKPhilly and right away that post got met with a whole bunch of replies from, again, low post count dudes! These "new" dudes are apparently now experts at Mongering in Philly and one should take their word for it just because they said so!

The multitude of response to my post falls under the "me thinks the lady doth protest too much. ".

And the prices are reasonable? Just shows how inexperienced the reviewers are in Philly and the other options available.

Oh sure I have seen top-level independent escorts require screening and two references, but never an agency or a glorified AMP. Providing IRL information about yourself when one is engage in illegal activity is just plain stupid and anyone that falls for that deserves whatever "oh shit!" happens as a result!

I expect more attacks and reasons why I am wrong about LoveKPhilly, because after all it looks like they have a BIG promotional campaign going on on this site with a slew of newly created posters all telling you how great it is!

07-11-22, 23:50
I haven't see Amanda yet.Is this one guy posting ads as two guys (or more) or two guys posting ads? This can't be real.

07-11-22, 23:54
Just posted something similar in the escort thread. Complete bullshit.

If I was just skeptical before, now I am convinced!

So I tossed some shade the way of LoveKPhilly and right away that post got met with a whole bunch of replies from, again, low post count dudes! These "new" dudes are apparently now experts at Mongering in Philly and one should take their word for it just because they said so!

The multitude of response to my post falls under the "me thinks the lady doth protest too much. ".

And the prices are reasonable? Just shows how inexperienced the reviewers are in Philly and the other options available.

Oh sure I have seen top-level independent escorts require screening and two references, but never an agency or a glorified AMP. Providing IRL information about yourself when one is engage in illegal activity is just plain stupid and anyone that falls for that deserves whatever "oh shit!" happens as a result!

I expect more attacks and reasons why I am wrong about LoveKPhilly, because after all it looks like they have a BIG promotional campaign going on on this site with a slew of newly created posters all telling you how great it is!

I mean the place has been around 5 freaking days and already there are a half dozen dudes that have been there, think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and who independently came here to sing its praises?

With this kind of shilling going on, while I was skeptical before, now I wouldn't touch the place with a 10-ft pole!

07-11-22, 23:57
Hey Shampoo, cut the shit and be a man, just go see them for yourself and produce real reports based on your own experience. No matter what you must go through their screening process.Shampoo has nearly 1600 posts and you have 7. At least half are about the same K agency all you newbies are so desperately shilling. You have ZERO credibility. Yea.

07-12-22, 00:44
Shampoo has nearly 1600 posts and you have 7. At least half are about the same K agency all you newbies are so desperately shilling. You have ZERO credibility. Yea.So what?! Although Shampoo guy has 1600+ posts, which means he has nothing else to do but posting for some hookers and their simps, if he posts none other than some imaginative suspicion, then his credential must be reconsidered, it means nothing! Maybe that's the reason why USASexGuide forums for Asian providers in Philadelphia area are so low and depressed??

07-12-22, 00:58
Shampoo has nearly 1600 posts and you have 7. At least half are about the same K agency all you newbies are so desperately shilling. You have ZERO credibility. Yea.All you guys know that what you guys are promoting is illegal in PA, right? LOL.

07-12-22, 01:17
Is this one guy posting ads as two guys (or more) or two guys posting ads? This can't be real.I feel think like this forum is being taken over by fake accounts.

07-12-22, 01:51
Hey Shampoo, cut the shit and be a man, just go see them for yourself and produce real reports based on your own experience. No matter what you must go through their screening process.I hate how these guys operate.

They use fake pics of girls to hide their identity but expect us to give them all out information. Nuts.

They spam ad websites like skipthegames so that all the ads are flooded with fake ads and now they are invading our forums.

07-12-22, 01:54
Shampoo has nearly 1600 posts and you have 7. At least half are about the same K agency all you newbies are so desperately shilling. You have ZERO credibility. Yea.Wonder what part of NO FUCKING WAY am I giving my personal info to some unknown, untested "agency" was not understood by these posters? Not ratting out any known, respected providers either!

Hmm perhaps this is some group like the old "Exposing Johns" outfit (google it) that is collecting monger info for nefarious purposes?

Then again, perhaps LE has gotten sophisticated and set up it's own "agency" website to snare Mongers to use to flip on other "trafficking agencies?" Hmmm.

Every hear of the FBI setting up false or dummie companies just to suss out certain illegal activities?

So hey, newbies should rush in and sign up with that "agency" right away and don't be surprised when something bad happens: name, number etc. Posted on a website identifying them as hiring prostitutes, or getting a visit from A Special Agent!

I mean if this IS a new and legit business, this approach is backfiring BIG TIME! Yeah, I know one has to defend their reputation online, but this is about the most clumsy and heavy handed example of such. Rather than doing what they wanted to do -attract business, anyone with a brain should now AVOID this place. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot with your opening advertising "campaign!" I guess people running illegal operations aren't the Rocket Scientist of the world?

Hey! SEX TRAFFICKING TASK FORCES - are you paying attention? Hint, hint!

I used the "report post" function of this website, wonder if others did too?

07-12-22, 02:28
Hey big mouth, again again, cut the shit and just go see for yourself! What are you so afraid of?? You will realize how stupid you were.

Wonder what part of NO FUCKING WAY am I giving my personal info to some unknown, untested "agency?" Not ratting out any known, respected providers either!

Hmm perhaps this is some group like the old "Exposing Johns" outfit (google it) that is collecting monger info for nefarious purposes?

Then again, perhaps LE has gotten sophisticated and set up it's own "agency" website to snare Mongers to use to flip on other "trafficking agencies?" Hmmm.

Every hear of the FBI setting up false or dummie companies just to suss out certain illegal activities?

So hey, newbies should rush in and sign up with that "agency" right away and don't be surprised when something bad happens: name, number etc. Posted on a website identifying them as hiring prostitutes, or getting a visit from A Special Agent!

I mean if this IS a new and legit business, this approach is backfiring BIG TIME! Yeah, I know one has to defend their reputation online, but this is about the most clumsy and heavy handed example of such. Rather than doing what they wanted to do -attract business, anyone with a brain should now AVOID this place. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot with your opening advertising "campaign!" I guess people running illegal operations aren't the Rocket Scientist of the world?

Hey! SEX TRAFFICKING TASK FORCES - are you paying attention? Hint, hint!

I used the "report post" function of this website, wonder if others did too?

07-12-22, 06:34
I hate how these guys operate.

They use fake pics of girls to hide their identity but expect us to give them all out information. Nuts.

They spam ad websites like skipthegames so that all the ads are flooded with fake ads and now they are invading our forums.Of course, they don't do anything like this, and I am doing this simply because I am not operating any business! Nuts!

07-12-22, 08:22
I feel think like this forum is being taken over by fake accounts.I tend to agree with you about fake accounts. This being a low-budget forum I doubt they have the technology to filter those accounts. So they live and let live. It's best to place them on the ignore list and never even acknowledge they exist. Attention seekers will find another outlet when they determine they can't get the attention they seek. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

07-12-22, 09:05
I tend to agree with you about fake accounts. This being a low-budget forum I doubt they have the technology to filter those accounts. So they live and let live. It's best to place them on the ignore list and never even acknowledge they exist. Attention seekers will find another outlet when they determine they can't get the attention they seek. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Some of them are labelled as "Shill, ignore my posts" while others are labelled as "regular member".

Was this done by some admin or something?

07-12-22, 10:18
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-12-22, 14:51
Is there anyone that read his forum handle and didn't immediately think "cop"?

"donut lover".

I mean, the irony is built in.

Did anyone actually send their DL picture and some of their other providers as references? Wake up guys, that shit is riskier than anything else discussed here. What do you think they're doing with any of that info? How could anyone take any of what's requested to "make sure you are credible"? GTFO.

07-12-22, 16:53
Is there anyone that read his forum handle and didn't immediately think "cop"?

"donut lover".

I mean, the irony is built in.

Did anyone actually send their DL picture and some of their other providers as references? Wake up guys, that shit is riskier than anything else discussed here. What do you think they're doing with any of that info? How could anyone take any of what's requested to "make sure you are credible"? GTFO.Well Mr Farouk, Forrest would say Pussy Drunk is as Pussy Drunk does. I don't think you and I are the only ones that read into that happy horse shit. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

07-12-22, 20:47
While you guys argue I'm having a ball at the AMPs! Like I said before, I wish I pulled the trigger sooner.

The other night hit the AMP in Chinatown. Made a good selection out of the lineup where all the women were hot. She looked like a 25 year old college student and had a really pretty face and long jet black hair down to her back. Could easily be a model in a advertisement. She smelled good, wore heels, and had zero evidence of any drug use.

After my shower she climbed on top of my body and used me as play-doh while I just zoned out. For the main event since she was on the small side I gave it to her easy. Just a preview. She got bold and even started thowing it back. We both just enjoyed ourselves like we were a new couple. She was all smiles from start to finish and so was I. She was also grateful for the business and I can't wait to see her again. She made sure I had a good time and that I left happy.

The experience is day and night from American escorts to Asian massage parlors. American escorts are cold, rude, controlling, they rush and keep track of time, all of them are hardcore drug addicts, some have questionable hygiene and most are overweight. There is also no consistency with American escorts and any girl halfway decent falls apart or disappears all together in a matter of months either because of drugs or they stop working and move in with a sugar daddy. The last cool regular UTR I had gained about 40 lbs in a matter of a few months, still cute but last time I saw her she was too big now for my taste and from doggie the smell wasn't too pleasant so I don't call anymore.

Also, with the crime in Philadelphia you're now also taking a chance with your life each time you hit the road. If you go anywhere in the northeast or even parts of center city you could be carjacked or shot. It's not worth it.

In Chinatown just park in a well let parking lot and just pay the 10 at the gate / security desk and just walk to your parlor of choice. When you're done you can hop right on the freeway and make it home safely.

07-13-22, 09:27
Can you share which AMP you visited? Did you get the lady's name? Thanks!

While you guys argue I'm having a ball at the AMPs! Like I said before, I wish I pulled the trigger sooner.

The other night hit the AMP in Chinatown. Made a good selection out of the lineup where all the women were hot. She looked like a 25 year old college student and had a really pretty face and long jet black hair down to her back. Could easily be a model in a advertisement. She smelled good, wore heels, and had zero evidence of any drug use.

After my shower she climbed on top of my body and used me as play-doh while I just zoned out. For the main event since she was on the small side I gave it to her easy. Just a preview. She got bold and even started thowing it back. We both just enjoyed ourselves like we were a new couple. She was all smiles from start to finish and so was I. She was also grateful for the business and I can't wait to see her again. She made sure I had a good time and that I left happy.

The experience is day and night from American escorts to Asian massage parlors. American escorts are cold, rude, controlling, they rush and keep track of time, all of them are hardcore drug addicts, some have questionable hygiene and most are overweight. There is also no consistency with American escorts and any girl halfway decent falls apart or disappears all together in a matter of months either because of drugs or they stop working and move in with a sugar daddy. The last cool regular UTR I had gained about 40 lbs in a matter of a few months, still cute but last time I saw her she was too big now for my taste and from doggie the smell wasn't too pleasant so I don't call anymore.

Also, with the crime in Philadelphia you're now also taking a chance with your life each time you hit the road. If you go anywhere in the northeast or even parts of center city you could be carjacked or shot. It's not worth it.

In Chinatown just park in a well let parking lot and just pay the 10 at the gate / security desk and just walk to your parlor of choice. When you're done you can hop right on the freeway and make it home safely.

07-14-22, 13:34
Drug dealers are seriously fkn the game up right now.

Besides being lazy Jobless Fks who most likely live in Grandma's basement they poison the community all for personal gain.

The fast money they make is being spent on sneakers, clothes and ESCORTS.

So now Girls with average looks are getting hundreds a dollars a pop from these Scumbags.

Now they think EVERYONE should pay $300-$400.

I'm a working man, I don't have $400 to waste on 15 minutes of actual fun (where, BTW, I'm doing all the work).

Last week an OLD regular of mine quoted me a new price of $300!

She's older and fatter but wants more money?

I guess people are paying it?

07-14-22, 17:47
Drug dealers are seriously fkn the game up right now.

Besides being lazy Jobless Fks who most likely live in Grandma's basement they poison the community all for personal gain.

The fast money they make is being spent on sneakers, clothes and ESCORTS.

So now Girls with average looks are getting hundreds a dollars a pop from these Scumbags.

Now they think EVERYONE should pay $300-$400.

I'm a working man, I don't have $400 to waste on 15 minutes of actual fun (where, BTW, I'm doing all the work).

Last week an OLD regular of mine quoted me a new price of $300!

She's older and fatter but wants more money?

I guess people are paying it?Dude I hear ya! It's dealers or Simps that just got in the game and don't know what they don't know. But hey with the economy about to go into recession, things will change. When the pool of overpaying guys starts to dry up, girls can lower their price to get the funds they need or go without. If they are fucking drug dealers, they will (if not already) be using and we all know the trajectory that puts a girl on. Soon she'll be sucking dick on the Ave for $20.

Hang in there.

07-14-22, 18:58
Dude I hear ya! It's dealers or Simps that just got in the game and don't know what they don't know. But hey with the economy about to go into recession, things will change. When the pool of overpaying guys starts to dry up, girls can lower their price to get the funds they need or go without. If they are fucking drug dealers, they will (if not already) be using and we all know the trajectory that puts a girl on. Soon she'll be sucking dick on the Ave for $20.

Hang in there.I remember how sweet it was before wh0 res realized how to advertize online.

You could get full service, and a Sleepover with as many pops as you could muster for a Benji.

07-19-22, 20:50
Drug dealers are seriously fkn the game up right now.

Besides being lazy Jobless Fks who most likely live in Grandma's basement they poison the community all for personal gain.

The fast money they make is being spent on sneakers, clothes and ESCORTS.

So now Girls with average looks are getting hundreds a dollars a pop from these Scumbags.Dealers don't pay for escorts. Drug dealers drop money at the stripclubs for fun for sure but in their personal lives they have multiple girlfriends (usually exotic dancers) and that's the extent of where their money goes in terms of women.

When you have 3 pretty girlfriends and women all around the neighborhood trying to be your girlfriend there is no need to see an escort.

I remember this one conversation I had with a retired now straight on the right path drug dealer who told me he use to own a Ferrari and when he would come out of the store sometimes he would find that a random woman left her panties under his windshield wiper blade with their telephone number on it. He actually got so much attention from that car (boob flashing) his girlfriend at the time made him sell it. This was back in the early 90's when a Ferrari was a big deal and a huge status symbol. Again, when women are throwing themselves at you (because typically women ride the coat tails of financially successful men) there is no need to see an escort.

Furthermore, most American escorts are drug addicts and sometimes if a woman is short on funds or just got out of jail escorts will service a dealer in exchange for drugs but its not something both parties want to do. Dealers want the cash first and foremost and escorts rather earn the money elsewhere and buy their own drugs to have some independence from a dealer. But if a dealer needs a BJ he's going to let a few bags go in exchange for service.

That said, it's been talked about on here already it's just a combination of things that are driving the cost up. The old vets are washed up or have died, the new younger generation is skipping escorting all together and going to only fans making adult videos and the fentanyl is a worse drug then heroin which is causing massive amounts of people to have really short sex work careers or they just die outright.

Best bet now is Asian massage parlors by far for full service. All shapes and sizes at the AMP, they're all dressed up sexy and no signs of hard drug use. No bait and switch either what you see is what you get in a safe clean environment.

07-19-22, 23:05
I'm a working man, I don't have $400 to waste on 15 minutes of actual fun (where, BTW, I'm doing all the work).

Last week an OLD regular of mine quoted me a new price of $300!

She's older and fatter but wants more money?

I guess people are paying it?I failed to mention a hard working man shouldn't have any problems getting laid but they have the most trouble because in this day and age a regular hard working man isn't respected. Use to be a mailman was respected, a truck driver was respected or basically any man in a uniform. Not anymore.

I talked to other men about this and we all concluded that American women either hold out for, or discreetly bang no strings attached the rich / famous men and they skip over the regular every day joe blow and go right to the very bottom men of society as they seek fun and excitement within abusive relationships.

This is why America is so messed up and continues to get worse because women chase after the very top and bottom men all while ignoring all the regular men around them who actually want to be fathers, raise a family and put in a honest days work.

If you're an average regular guy with a job making average wages there really isn't a woman for you because you have nothing that entices a woman these days to be with you especially if she has her own money. You simply can't compete. You don't have the money to keep a very pretty woman comfortable and entertained and you don't have the thrill of danger and excitement. You either have to make 200 k at minimum each year or be a total jobless bum willing to commit crimes, use drugs, and be abusive to your lady when needed to be respected and keep her in line. In books of war they say it's better to be feared then loved.

The future of America is a total fatherless society which will plunge society into total chaos. Rich men like Elon M and Nick C will have countless eager pretty women on their knees begging to be apart of their harem and have their babies to escape poverty and the very worse neighborhoods will continue to only grow and expand as the women in those neighborhood's just love to have babies with thugs, drug addicts and jobless bums.

Chuck Marvel
07-25-22, 00:30
I failed to mention a hard working man shouldn't have any problems getting laid but they have the most trouble because in this day and age a regular hard working man isn't respected. Use to be a mailman was respected, a truck driver was respected or basically any man in a uniform. Not anymore.

I talked to other men about this and we all concluded that American women either hold out for, or discreetly bang no strings attached the rich / famous men and they skip over the regular every day joe blow and go right to the very bottom men of society as they seek fun and excitement within abusive relationships.

This is why America is so messed up and continues to get worse because women chase after the very top and bottom men all while ignoring all the regular men around them who actually want to be fathers, raise a family and put in a honest days work.

If you're an average regular guy with a job making average wages there really isn't a woman for you because you have nothing that entices a woman these days to be with you especially if she has her own money. You simply can't compete. You don't have the money to keep a very pretty woman comfortable and entertained and you don't have the thrill of danger and excitement. You either have to make 200 k at minimum each year or be a total jobless bum willing to commit crimes, use drugs, and be abusive to your lady when needed to be respected and keep her in line. In books of war they say it's better to be feared then loved.

The future of America is a total fatherless society which will plunge society into total chaos. Rich men like Elon M and Nick C will have countless eager pretty women on their knees begging to be apart of their harem and have their babies to escape poverty and the very worse neighborhoods will continue to only grow and expand as the women in those neighborhood's just love to have babies with thugs, drug addicts and jobless bums.I think a big contributing factor to the attitudes of ladies today is the internet and social media. Back in the 80's and 90's there were gold diggers, but most of ladies were just looking for a good time with a nice guy. Now days half the ladies in the clubs think it's perfectly ok to be a gold digger. I'm afraid this is the new normal.

Chuck Marvel.

07-26-22, 01:26
I think a big contributing factor to the attitudes of ladies today is the internet and social media. Back in the 80's and 90's there were gold diggers, but most of ladies were just looking for a good time with a nice guy. Now days half the ladies in the clubs think it's perfectly ok to be a gold digger. I'm afraid this is the new normal.

Chuck Marvel.Because of social media every girl thinks she's a model and young people today (not just girls) are spoiled because their parents do everything for them.

Back in the day a girl could be 1 out of 8 children and she had to cook, clean, and look after her brothers and sisters. Young girls back in the day use to bust their butts working at a dinner or maybe she had a factory job. Humble beginnings and tough times seemed to produce people with good work ethic and a toughness that I see lacking in youngsters today.

Now days young people just expect everything to be given to them. They don't want to work for anything.

07-26-22, 16:02
Dealers don't pay for escorts. Drug dealers drop money at the stripclubs for fun for sure but in their personal lives they have multiple girlfriends (usually exotic dancers) and that's the extent of where their money goes in terms of women.

When you have 3 pretty girlfriends and women all around the neighborhood trying to be your girlfriend there is no need to see an escort.

I remember this one conversation I had with a retired now straight on the right path drug dealer who told me he use to own a Ferrari and when he would come out of the store sometimes he would find that a random woman left her panties under his windshield wiper blade with their telephone number on it. He actually got so much attention from that car (boob flashing) his girlfriend at the time made him sell it. This was back in the early 90's when a Ferrari was a big deal and a huge status symbol. Again, when women are throwing themselves at you (because typically women ride the coat tails of financially successful men) there is no need to see an escort.

Furthermore, most American escorts are drug addicts and sometimes if a woman is short on funds or just got out of jail escorts will service a dealer in exchange for drugs but its not something both parties want to do. Dealers want the cash first and foremost and escorts rather earn the money elsewhere and buy their own drugs to have some independence from a dealer. But if a dealer needs a BJ he's going to let a few bags go in exchange for service.

That said, it's been talked about on here already it's just a combination of things that are driving the cost up. The old vets are washed up or have died, the new younger generation is skipping escorting all together and going to only fans making adult videos and the fentanyl is a worse drug then heroin which is causing massive amounts of people to have really short sex work careers or they just die outright.

Best bet now is Asian massage parlors by far for full service. All shapes and sizes at the AMP, they're all dressed up sexy and no signs of hard drug use. No bait and switch either what you see is what you get in a safe clean environment.These day, going through the headaches of dating seems more appealing. Asian massage parlors not worth the price they pushing now. I don't think I would have got my passport and went to DR if this didn't happen so theirs that. Even learning spanish on the side for my future travels. I still dabble a little for a 0. 2 bbj but they have to look clean and healthy. Got too spoiled by what's outside the states.

07-26-22, 16:59
Because of social media every girl thinks she's a model and young people today (not just girls) are spoiled because their parents do everything for them.

Back in the day a girl could be 1 out of 8 children and she had to cook, clean, and look after her brothers and sisters. Young girls back in the day use to bust their butts working at a dinner or maybe she had a factory job. Humble beginnings and tough times seemed to produce people with good work ethic and a toughness that I see lacking in youngsters today.

Now days young people just expect everything to be given to them. They don't want to work for anything.We are all humans and are constantly evolving. It's not because they think they're a model or spoiled. It's because we're all connected now and seeing the best of the best. Back in the day, the baddies were usually known with towns or friend groups, now its known on a world scale. Want to be on top and get mostly anything you want? Be in the top 20%. Whether your a man or women, of course you want to get the best you can get.

Now in terms of laziness, you ever ask yourself why they are the way they are. You ever think that maybe the government needs to give the people a bunch of distraction for their own best interest. The ones who can ignore the constant agenda pushing distractions of media involving Race, Gender, Music, Games, Celebrity Gossip, Drugs, etc. Will rise to the top, make fuck you money, and make their own reality. The ones who don't will get left behind while most of these things are chipping away at their mental health.

One clear example:

Boy Lazy < Boy is raised in area where education is poor and opportunity in low < Boy Raised by independent mother with no clue how men should be raised teaches him how she want men to be; in tune with his emotions < Mother gets full custody of boy due to courts favoring women < Mother divorced father because she made more than him and "felt" he wasnt doing enough as a man even though he works all the time. This resentment caused the father to cheat and the mother to check out emotionally.

I can go on and on. In America, its a black vs white agenda. In the UK, its a Upperclass vs lower class agenda. It's all just different flavors of bullshit to keep people stagnant and in place.

08-09-22, 18:41
These day, going through the headaches of dating seems more appealing. Asian massage parlors not worth the price they pushing now. I don't think I would have got my passport and went to DR if this didn't happen so theirs that. Even learning spanish on the side for my future travels. I still dabble a little for a 0. 2 bbj but they have to look clean and healthy. Got too spoiled by what's outside the states.Been outside the states as well. Had to pick up my jaw from the ground when I saw the window girls in Amsterdam or all the red light district fun to be had in Bangkok.

Thailand is unbelievable. If you want an orgy with 20 beautiful adult women no problem. Blowjob bars, soapy massage parlors, you name it it is there. It's well known in Thailand that older foreigners often kill themselves if they're deported due to depleted funds and their visa time has run out. They rather die in paradise then go back to their respective home countries. RIP to those poor men.

In America (and other western countries like Canada) men are purposely sexually deprived for various reasons. Sexually deprived males become aggressive so they're more likely to become hard criminals to vent frustration, they're more easily persuaded into joining the military just to be a hero and fight a war for a bunch of old rich men and overwhelmingly a horny man will marry a woman on whim not thinking things through which puts his assets in danger of being taken away and sold if later down the line divorce should occur.

08-21-22, 20:05
Been outside the states as well. Had to pick up my jaw from the ground when I saw the window girls in Amsterdam or all the red light district fun to be had in Bangkok.

Thailand is unbelievable. If you want an orgy with 20 beautiful adult women no problem. Blowjob bars, soapy massage parlors, you name it it is there. It's well known in Thailand that older foreigners often kill themselves if they're deported due to depleted funds and their visa time has run out. They rather die in paradise then go back to their respective home countries. RIP to those poor men.

In America (and other western countries like Canada) men are purposely sexually deprived for various reasons. Sexually deprived males become aggressive so they're more likely to become hard criminals to vent frustration, they're more easily persuaded into joining the military just to be a hero and fight a war for a bunch of old rich men and overwhelmingly a horny man will marry a woman on whim not thinking things through which puts his assets in danger of being taken away and sold if later down the line divorce should occur.The Modern American Woman is SHITE.

08-21-22, 20:08
I've been bringing a botte of water out for whichever lady I run into out there lately.

Its summer and they hop in like they just was out in the Sahara dessert.

Mouf dry AF!

Is there a certain liquid or candy you guys bring with you to get the Modern StreetWalker oiled up?

11-03-22, 12:34
I couldn't find anywhere else to post this that would get views and let me anonymous and get through the censors. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Douche Bag Blog.

Volume 1. 10/15/22.

In this blog I will attempt to document the activities of a group of douche bags. I live across the street from head douchebag who I will call Head db. You see Head db is on home arrest and lives with mommy. So all his db friends hang out on the friggin step. And I your narrator live directly across the street. I smoke and I'm always outside and I get to witness this daily douchebaggery.

You may think that sucks and in general it does. But on occasion I witness such assholery that I get a nice laugh. I hope to document my ups and downs in this space. I have some old stories I'll tell and I'll try to make a daily diary of the dbs.

Tonight all the regular dbs are present. Of course main db. Then bald db the most frequent db. Weasel db because he looks like one. The homeless couple, whistle db and blonde db. Lastly tonight there is bike db.

A short minute on the names. No actual names are used. On the off chance one of these idiots can actually read and stumbles across this blog in their drug addled states it would be obvious who yours truly is. I'm positive they would never figure this naming convention out.

I've known main db forever since I've lived in south Philly my whole life. I'm older by 6 years. I'm 53 so I'm talking about dbs in their mid fucking forties. Main db still lives with his mommy. Even as a young kid I knew he would be main db. Cause main db was NEVER at fault even though he was a little prick in the 80's.

Ok main bd we know as a loser, never had a job, been arrested on many petty crimes, in and out of jail, lives with mommy and sells drugs. This is just the start, there will be more as I write this over time. Bald db may be his cousin since he is allowed in the house. Weasel db should be self explanatory but think of the guy in the last suicide squad movie. Just a little less hair. Bike db always comes on a bike was a big guy but has now gone all fat and walks all bent over for some reason. Of the regulars lastly we have the what I think is the the homeless couple. The dude, whistle db talks and has a whistle like a kind of lisp. Fucking annoying. And his girlfriend, blonde db, a blonde tubby mess with a high pitch voice that makes me want to stick a rag in her mouth.

Tonight weasel db is playing shitty rap music on his phone. I had to get that out since that is a new wrinkle. This may open me up for passive aggressive revenge. I like death metal and I may go out with my speaker and listen to some. It is October after all and I need to make my Halloween playlist!

So besides the fun rap music they are having the usual conversations about who the fuck knows what. I can't understand these Neanderthals and I've lived hear my whole life. Once in a while a kind of get the drift and then I laugh. Cause it is always some story from 20 years ago and they were still dbs then. Or about when they did time for this or that and how long they spent in this jail or that jail. Fucking dbs.

Usually two different conversations at the same frickin time with a blunt thrown in here and there. Surprisingly they normally break up around 10. Probably a curfew set by main dbs mom. Remember he is 47. He is a total waste of life. Trust me I'll share.

I just had a smoke and weasel db is gone and bike db left while I was out there. Yay I'm down to to four dbs!

Unbelievable! They are gathered around a phone looking at something with rap music. A video or some crap. Oh fucking wait. They found a karaoke site. Now whistle db is fucking rapping. You see this is classic shit. Now I'm laughing on my step. Now my annoyance at this shit is a little less watching this friggin spectacle.

Ahhh 9:52 and no dbs.

I hope you enjoyed my initial offering. Let know what you think. If anything writing will at least be cathartic. I expect the daily fucking activities to trail off soon since only bald db can go in the house and it is starting to get cold I'm hoping the dbs stay away. But who the fuck knows? I know I'll be here documenting this crap cause it makes me laugh to do it and I hope someone else gets a kick out of it to.

11-05-22, 16:41
Relate information about south philly street walkers. Spill the beans.

I couldn't find anywhere else to post this that would get views and let me anonymous and get through the censors. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Douche Bag Blog.

Volume 1. 10/15/22.

In this blog I will attempt to document the activities of a group of douche bags. I live across the street from head douchebag who I will call Head db. You see Head db is on home arrest and lives with mommy. So all his db friends hang out on the friggin step. And I your narrator live directly across the street. I smoke and I'm always outside and I get to witness this daily douchebaggery.

You may think that sucks and in general it does. But on occasion I witness such assholery that I get a nice laugh. I hope to document my ups and downs in this space. I have some old stories I'll tell and I'll try to make a daily diary of the dbs.

Tonight all the regular dbs are present. Of course main db. Then bald db the most frequent db. Weasel db because he looks like one. The homeless couple, whistle db and blonde db. Lastly tonight there is bike db.

A short minute on the names. No actual names are used. On the off chance one of these idiots can actually read and stumbles across this blog in their drug addled states it would be obvious who yours truly is. I'm positive they would never figure this naming convention out.

I've known main db forever since I've lived in south Philly my whole life. I'm older by 6 years. I'm 53 so I'm talking about dbs in their mid fucking forties. Main db still lives with his mommy. Even as a young kid I knew he would be main db. Cause main db was NEVER at fault even though he was a little prick in the 80's.

Ok main bd we know as a loser, never had a job, been arrested on many petty crimes, in and out of jail, lives with mommy and sells drugs. This is just the start, there will be more as I write this over time. Bald db may be his cousin since he is allowed in the house. Weasel db should be self explanatory but think of the guy in the last suicide squad movie. Just a little less hair. Bike db always comes on a bike was a big guy but has now gone all fat and walks all bent over for some reason. Of the regulars lastly we have the what I think is the the homeless couple. The dude, whistle db talks and has a whistle like a kind of lisp. Fucking annoying. And his girlfriend, blonde db, a blonde tubby mess with a high pitch voice that makes me want to stick a rag in her mouth.

Tonight weasel db is playing shitty rap music on his phone. I had to get that out since that is a new wrinkle. This may open me up for passive aggressive revenge. I like death metal and I may go out with my speaker and listen to some. It is October after all and I need to make my Halloween playlist!

So besides the fun rap music they are having the usual conversations about who the fuck knows what. I can't understand these Neanderthals and I've lived hear my whole life. Once in a while a kind of get the drift and then I laugh. Cause it is always some story from 20 years ago and they were still dbs then. Or about when they did time for this or that and how long they spent in this jail or that jail. Fucking dbs.

Usually two different conversations at the same frickin time with a blunt thrown in here and there. Surprisingly they normally break up around 10. Probably a curfew set by main dbs mom. Remember he is 47. He is a total waste of life. Trust me I'll share.

I just had a smoke and weasel db is gone and bike db left while I was out there. Yay I'm down to to four dbs!

Unbelievable! They are gathered around a phone looking at something with rap music. A video or some crap. Oh fucking wait. They found a karaoke site. Now whistle db is fucking rapping. You see this is classic shit. Now I'm laughing on my step. Now my annoyance at this shit is a little less watching this friggin spectacle.

Ahhh 9:52 and no dbs.

I hope you enjoyed my initial offering. Let know what you think. If anything writing will at least be cathartic. I expect the daily fucking activities to trail off soon since only bald db can go in the house and it is starting to get cold I'm hoping the dbs stay away. But who the fuck knows? I know I'll be here documenting this crap cause it makes me laugh to do it and I hope someone else gets a kick out of it to.

02-25-23, 13:46
My posts were redacted in the other places I posted because those areas are meant for reviewing the girls.

A Lurker messaged me begging for a number of some chick.

He has 6 posts in about 3 years.

Every one of his posts is begging for numbers.

Now I know damn well he is on here enough to leave reviews and post numbers to trade.

02-25-23, 19:08
My posts were redacted in the other places I posted because those areas are meant for reviewing the girls.

A Lurker messaged me begging for a number of some chick.

He has 6 posts in about 3 years.

Every one of his posts is begging for numbers.

Now I know damn well he is on here enough to leave reviews and post numbers to trade.Hey Robo, those guys are always bothering me too. You could give them the first digit. Tell them they can get two more digits when they get to twenty posts. Then another two digits every ten posts until they have the required ten digits. That way they know you are a nice guy and willing to share if they do their part. Before they know it they will be senior members. So you are actually helping them. Or they can do as you did and take their sorry ass out and find the girl themselves. Be nice and tell them you are open to both scenarios. Also tell them if they want charity they can try the Salvation Army. They help the needy. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

02-26-23, 00:31
Hey Robo, those guys are always bothering me too. You could give them the first digit. Tell them they can get two more digits when they get to twenty posts. Then another two digits every ten posts until they have the required ten digits. That way they know you are a nice guy and willing to share if they do their part. Before they know it they will be senior members. So you are actually helping them. Or they can do as you did and take their sorry ass out and find the girl themselves. Be nice and tell them you are open to both scenarios. Also tell them if they want charity they can try the Salvation Army. They help the needy. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.What is your GD FREAKING PROBLEM? Don't you know that everything on the 'net is supposed to be FREE! No one needs to contribute anything, just ASK and get all the answers you need! Fits perfectly with "fake it until you make it!" No one needs to post reviews or help, just sticking yer hand out is de rigueur for the net. You seem to have some outdated thoughts of the 'net as some kind of community where everyone helps everyone: each person contributes a little & that makes a great body of work? So outdated, so not just about "ME!" and "what I need!"

So if you can tell what I'm saying, you'll understand why I think this was another Gator145 classic line:

Also tell them if they want charity they can try the Salvation Army. They help the needy.

+1 Amigo.

02-26-23, 10:57
What is your GD FREAKING PROBLEM? Don't you know that everything on the 'net is supposed to be FREE! No one needs to contribute anything, just ASK and get all the answers you need! Fits perfectly with "fake it until you make it!" No one needs to post reviews or help, just sticking yer hand out is de rigueur for the net. You seem to have some outdated thoughts of the 'net as some kind of community where everyone helps everyone: each person contributes a little & that makes a great body of work? So outdated, so not just about "ME!" and "what I need!"

So if you can tell what I'm saying, you'll understand why I think this was another Gator145 classic line:

Also tell them if they want charity they can try the Salvation Army. They help the needy.

+1 Amigo.I cracked the fuck up and changed my pants. Shampoo55. You hit that nail on the head. Let's hope you drove it home. The "I can't get no pussy without your help gang" hits me at least three times a week. It's not clear where they think you or I get it if we sit on our asses and beg as they do. My dog doesn't beg like that. I'm sure there has to be a "NEEDY PUSSY HOT LINE". They can Google it and get all the pussy they want.

I'm impressed some think I have this Bag 'O Pussy and just reach in and grab some when I want it then put it back in for next time. I agree I do have my private stash, but if I give that all out I'll need to start over and I become needy too. That is not happening. SMFH over and over.

Do they think we go out and point to the first three or four we see and say you, you and you come lay down I want to talk to you? Never been that easy for me. Not sure about you or others here.

I personally will share what I have with any monger that shows some kind of effort.

I found out a long time ago you share with these one-post wonders and they don't even share how things went. They move on to the next freebie. I do get it. Sometimes it may take hours to find just one worth the effort. Some don't have that kind of time to be out looking. Even those pressed for time make varying contributions. There's a reason they don't have women so they come to us. I had one guy tell me if I gave him some contacts he would return the favor "IF" I ever find myself in Chicago. I thought to myself if I find some Wednesday I'm unable to score pussy in Philly there's no way in hell I drive all the way to Chicago for some phantom pussy. Next, I thought he would ask me to Cash App a deposit. LOL. There are all kinds here. As many scammers here as on STG. For me, it boils down to sharing with those that share with the rest of us. Even if it is Old-Fashioned thoughts of Community. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

02-28-23, 14:21
Hey Robo, those guys are always bothering me too. You could give them the first digit. Tell them they can get two more digits when they get to twenty posts. Then another two digits every ten posts until they have the required ten digits. That way they know you are a nice guy and willing to share if they do their part. Before they know it they will be senior members. So you are actually helping them. Or they can do as you did and take their sorry ass out and find the girl themselves. Be nice and tell them you are open to both scenarios. Also tell them if they want charity they can try the Salvation Army. They help the needy. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.I actually got flagged by posting about it on the last thread he posted in another city.

His name is JohnWick55.

It was labeled as "too argumentative", which I agree, but I'm tired of these lurkers in my inbox.

I know damn well he is here every day but only has 6 posts in 3 years!

02-28-23, 19:21
I actually got flagged by posting about it on the last thread he posted in another city.

His name is JohnWick55.

It was labeled as "too argumentative", which I agree, but I'm tired of these lurkers in my inbox.

I know damn well he is here every day but only has 6 posts in 3 years!You are all spot on with these lazy ass free loaders who are always asking and very rarely sharing anything of value. I am more prolific than many but I still learn a lot from posters who will invest the time and make the effort to share. I think that, generally speaking, the Admin monitors do a very good job on what must be a fairly thankless task to keep the board up and running. Remember several years back (before everything got shifted to the. Nl server), it was a pretty touch and go situation for our community.


02-28-23, 21:03
https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/steffanerby#quickies / a /59474379.

02-28-23, 23:36
[Message to Admin deleted]

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The open Forum is not the appropriate venue to contact the Forum Administration regarding individual questions, complaints or comments about the administration of the Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the administration of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

03-02-23, 12:20
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03-02-23, 12:47

If you ask me for a girl number try to not be a total weirdo.

I have a girl that I see who is not my body type favorite, but she is an excellent performer.

Girls performing like that do not settle for $20.

If I'm exchanging her number, she if a step above a $20 Streetwalker.

If I'm giving her a positive review she is not the average SW.

I understand some of you think a lower price is what gets a better rating.

Also, stop asking for nudes.

That is weird.

A man begging for nudes, is like a woman begging for cashapps.

Don't do it.

03-03-23, 11:56
The reason why I'm pissed is because I referred a guy to one of my favorite chicks and he showed his ass.

Acted like a weirdo asking for nudes then Lowballed her.

(Asking for a face pic is fine. I do that too.).

If you want to lowball Streetwalkers, fine.

Don't do it THROUGH me.

If that is your Modus Operandi, then Meet girls yourself and Lowball.

This is the 2nd time givng out a number has led to a strange interaction.

From now on its not more "Number available for Senior Members".

I'm reserving numbers for the Few.

If I don't recognize your name then tough.

Get your own numbers.

03-04-23, 12:10
The reason why I'm pissed is because I referred a guy to one of my favorite chicks and he showed his ass.
Acted like a weirdo asking for nudes then Lowballed her. If you want to lowball Streetwalkers, fine. Don't do it THROUGH me. If I don't recognize your name then tough.
Get your own numbers.Well said Robo. There's a bunch of needy guys here that do nothing but choke the chicken and cry because they don't know how to get pussy on their own. Many haven't seen pussy since the day they were born. Our fault? I don't think so.

I get it. Low or lack of self-confidence. Fear of being seen fear of rejection etc. We have all dealt with similar issues. We have also all learned from the same issues.

I'm glad you are holding your position of being selective about who you share with. There are some darned good guys here that share what they have, how they got it, and when and where they got it. If the needy gave out half of what they asked for this site would be a lot more active.

It doesn't take a lot to post a girl, a location, and maybe a time of day. Some of the needy just refuse to do that and keep their hand out when it's not wrapped around their micro dicks. They have always been here and I think they always will be. Do what it takes to reap the benefits. The only way to keep them from being that way is to only share with trusted members. I have always said the only person holding themselves back from being a trusted senior member is the person themselves. Keep up the good work Robo. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-04-23, 17:30
The reason why I'm pissed is because I referred a guy to one of my favorite chicks and he showed his ass.

Acted like a weirdo asking for nudes then Lowballed her.

(Asking for a face pic is fine. I do that too.).

If you want to lowball Streetwalkers, fine.

Don't do it THROUGH me.

If that is your Modus Operandi, then Meet girls yourself and Lowball.

This is the 2nd time givng out a number has led to a strange interaction.

From now on its not more "Number available for Senior Members".

I'm reserving numbers for the Few.

If I don't recognize your name then tough.

Get your own numbers.Robo. Sorry that happened to you. That sucks. And to whomever is doing the lowballing -- just stop it. Negotiate a price and then either stick to it or find another provider. It's quite simple. If she won't negotiate, you take her price or you go elsewhere. What is so difficult about this concept?


03-12-23, 22:27
Robo. Sorry that happened to you. That sucks. And to whomever is doing the lowballing -- just stop it. Negotiate a price and then either stick to it or find another provider. It's quite simple. If she won't negotiate, you take her price or you go elsewhere. What is so difficult about this concept?

LD.I just got an update from him.

He says he got there and she wanted $100 for a Beejay.

Which is unheard of.

She told me he offered $20.

So one of them is lying.

Even when I first met her she was charging $30.

And I DO consider her above average in skills, plus she always smells good.

Not the best looking but she is clean.

I have noticed she does lie about things. But that is to be expected from Streetwalkers.

Matter of fact I set up a date with her, and when I arrived I saw her getting in someone car.

She was replying to texts up until the I was a few blocks away.

She maintains to this day that her phone died and she was out there looking for me yadda yadda yadda.

I spun the corner and picked up Crissy. Who surprisingly gave me the 2nd best performance I've had with her.

(BTW why are her fingers so fkd up?

03-13-23, 10:03
I spun the corner and picked up Crissy. Who surprisingly gave me the 2nd best performance I've had with her.

(BTW why are her fingers so fkd up?I asked Chrissy what's going on with the fingers. She told me the drugs did that to her. Guess it doesn't bother her enough to find another hobby. Cause she's out there day in and day out.

I feel bad she's in that situation, between the fingers rotting away and the loser that follows her for drugs like a lost puppy. She's a sweet girl. No drama. I guess for her, life can't get much better. Years ago one would rarely see amputees working the street. Now from the garbage they put in their veins everywhere you look you see them. If they aren't losing hands and fingers they have lost arms and legs. That's a high fucking cover charge for that party. As the great Jim Morrison so eloquently stated, "No one gets out alive. " Only the real seniors will know what that means. Even the living are dead in various areas of the body. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-15-23, 02:16
I asked Chrissy what's going on with the fingers. She told me the drugs did that to her. Guess it doesn't bother her enough to find another hobby. Cause she's out there day in and day out.

I feel bad she's in that situation, between the fingers rotting away and the loser that follows her for drugs like a lost puppy. She's a sweet girl. No drama. I guess for her, life can't get much better. Years ago one would rarely see amputees working the street. Now from the garbage they put in their veins everywhere you look you see them. If they aren't losing hands and fingers they have lost arms and legs. That's a high fucking cover charge for that party. As the great Jim Morrison so eloquently stated, "No one gets out alive. " Only the real seniors will know what that means. Even the living are dead in various areas of the body. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Yea she is sweet. You can tell she'd be beautiful if clean.

I want to give her the $30 she asks for but. Damn I know its going straight to that krusty musty BF of hers.


03-15-23, 13:01
Years ago one would rarely see amputees working the street.It must have been 20 years now, but I remember seeing a girl in a wheelchair with no legs working the Ave. I must have drove past her a few times while looking for other girls. As I kept passing her by, I thought of all the other notches in my belt. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, mom / daughters, sisters, twins, aunts / nieces, midgets, etc, but not a single handicap pickup, so the little head decides to stop. I got her into car, threw the chair in back and it was at that moment I knew I had made a mistake. She smelled so bad from colostomy bag it was awful. One of the worst experiences I ever had, physically and mentally. That was the day I should stopped partaking in the hunt.

03-17-23, 07:59
It must have been 20 years now, but I remember seeing a girl in a wheelchair with no legs working the Ave. I must have drove past her a few times while looking for other girls. As I kept passing her by, I thought of all the other notches in my belt. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, mom / daughters, sisters, twins, aunts / nieces, midgets, etc, but not a single handicap pickup, so the little head decides to stop. I got her into car, threw the chair in back and it was at that moment I knew I had made a mistake. She smelled so bad from colostomy bag it was awful. One of the worst experiences I ever had, physically and mentally. That was the day I should stopped partaking in the hunt.You got a full asian on the ave? I've only had partial Asians on the ave.

Ken Allen
03-17-23, 08:19

If you ask me for a girl number try to not be a total weirdo.

I have a girl that I see who is not my body type favorite, but she is an excellent performer.

Girls performing like that do not settle for $20.

If I'm exchanging her number, she if a step above a $20 Streetwalker.

If I'm giving her a positive review she is not the average SW.

I understand some of you think a lower price is what gets a better rating.

Also, stop asking for nudes.

That is weird.

A man begging for nudes, is like a woman begging for cashapps.

Don't do it.If she's getting picked up on Kensington avenue then she's a $20 steer walker. I've had some of the best bjs in my life on the avenue. For $20.

Don't kid yourself. These are college coeds. They are drug addicts who turn tricks.

You want to overpay that's your choice. But I would never pay more turns 20-30 for anyone in Kensington.

Ken Allen
03-17-23, 08:26
I just got an update from him.

He says he got there and she wanted $100 for a Beejay.

Which is unheard of.

She told me he offered $20.

So one of them is lying.

Even when I first met her she was charging $30.

And I DO consider her above average in skills, plus she always smells good.You're only telling the partial story.

I picked her up and she said YOU told her I would pay $100.

That means one of you is lying cause who the fuck would pay a Kensington SW $100 ?

Seriously WTF?

I offered her $20 and she accepted. She didn't counter with $30.

Why would I pay more than what she was willing to accept?

And for the record she may have been one of your best but not mine.

We all have different preferences. She's a $20 SW.

And I don't know who you were referring to nudes but I never asked for nudes from her.

I don't want to see most of these SW nude.

03-17-23, 09:32
You got a full asian on the ave? I've only had partial Asians on the ave.I have been with Jade and Vanessa both Asians. Excellent performers. I don't think Jade is still around but I see Vanessa out there. Never had a problem with either. There is a good mix for those who take the time to find it. It's not always as easy as just pulling up and saying "get in". It can take hours sometimes to find that needle in the haystack. I understand the problem for many they can't devote the time it takes to search for what they really want. So, they take what they can get and call it a day. That's the luck of the draw. Sometimes we eat the bear and other times the bear eats us. The best thing to get the gems is to never give up the fight and always keep our eyes open. Never can tell when that diamond will be in your sights or maybe standing right next to us. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-17-23, 09:59
I asked Chrissy what's going on with the fingers. She told me the drugs did that to her. Guess it doesn't bother her enough to find another hobby. Cause she's out there day in and day out.

I feel bad she's in that situation, between the fingers rotting away and the loser that follows her for drugs like a lost puppy. She's a sweet girl. No drama. I guess for her, life can't get much better. Years ago one would rarely see amputees working the street. ....This may be the normal for awhile. Tranq as it's called on the street or xylazine is a sedative usually used on large animals. It's mixed with fentanyl to extend the high. The major problem for addicts other than overdoses with fentanyl was that the high doesn't last long enough (or as long as a high from H). People are actually getting to addicted to this new substance and there are no known treatment protocols for the addictions. That and the double wammy of the gaping wounds and rotting flesh makes it such a scourge that the USA Government is trying to ban the import of it from other countries. It's written up in the Inquirer NY Times, and CNN and probably in over 90% of the drugs sold on the Ave.

Stay safe out there!

03-17-23, 11:19
This may be the normal for awhile. Tranq as it's called on the street or xylazine is a sedative usually used on large animals. It's mixed with fentanyl to extend the high. The major problem for addicts other than overdoses with fentanyl was that the high doesn't last long enough (or as long as a high from H). People are actually getting to addicted to this new substance and there are no known treatment protocols for the addictions. That and the double wammy of the gaping wounds and rotting flesh makes it such a scourge that the USA Government is trying to ban the import of it from other countries. It's written up in the Inquirer NY Times, and CNN and probably in over 90% of the drugs sold on the Ave.

Stay safe out there!I agree with your informative post. What many do not realize is another additive is gasoline. That along with battery acid. I encounter many many users in my travels. It's rare now to find one that does not or has not had the wounds of which you speak. It's hard to understand why an addict would know these additives are mixed with the fentanyl and still inject it. Actual heroin is almost a thing of the past. It's not at all easy to find. I was speaking to a monger last night about a mutual acquaintance he has been trying to meet. I saw her and sent him a text that she was around. He drove to the location and she got in the car. They did the date and later he told me she had an unreal odor. Not body odor rather rotting flesh. That's what the additives do. It rots the flesh from the bones out. The animal tranquilizer / xylazine is only a part of the culprit. The cover charge for that party could very realistically be an arm and a leg. I would like to see a ban on the imports of this as it is destroying this generation. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-17-23, 17:20
I agree with your informative post. What many do not realize is another additive is gasoline. That along with battery acid. I encounter many many users in my travels. It's rare now to find one that does not or has not had the wounds of which you speak. It's hard to understand why an addict would know these additives are mixed with the fentanyl and still inject it. Actual heroin is almost a thing of the past. It's not at all easy to find. I was speaking to a monger last night about a mutual acquaintance he has been trying to meet. I saw her and sent him a text that she was around. He drove to the location and she got in the car. They did the date and later he told me she had an unreal odor. Not body odor rather rotting flesh. That's what the additives do. It rots the flesh from the bones out. The animal tranquilizer / xylazine is only a part of the culprit. The cover charge for that party could very realistically be an arm and a leg. I would like to see a ban on the imports of this as it is destroying this generation. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.What kind of sick bastard puts battery acid or gasoline in that junk? I remember hearing years ago about rat poison and just can't wrap my head around that mentality let alone why you would want to kill off your customer base.

03-17-23, 19:31
What kind of sick bastard puts battery acid or gasoline in that junk? I remember hearing years ago about rat poison and just can't wrap my head around that mentality let alone why you would want to kill off your customer base.To answer your question, but I think you already know the answer. The lowlife that mixes the garbage up for sale is the guilty boneheads. They don't really care if their customer base dies taking it. That's because when an addict does die from a bag the other addicts flock to that block thinking they can handle the potency. For the dealers, it comes as a win-win. They view an addict's death from taking their trash as just the cost of doing business. Todays drugs are a loaded gun pointed at every addicts head. Look around, it's just a matter of when the trigger gets pulled.

Years ago when an addict died it was usually because they thought they could fly. The older mongers here will remember those days. Every now and again another would die. Nobody paid much attention. Todays drugs are a totally different story. This fentanyl and xylazine mixture along with whatever else is handy is playing hell with this group of addicts. It doesn't look like the government can do much about it either. The city has pretty much thrown its hands in the air despite what the officials say at the press conferences. This city in particular is outgunned, outmanned outspent and pretty much outsmarted by those that run the drug markets here.

We all see the speeches and hear the promises but little comes of those. Hell, fancy slogans like Nancy Reagans Say No To Drugs did little to effect today's problem.

To be fair I don't know what can be done if anything with this problem. That said I have to sympathize with the city on the quandary they face. We also know this didn't just begin yesterday. The politicians saw their predecessors make bad promises so they decided to do the same. The trickle-down effect hits groups like addicts and prostitutes.

At this point even if the law catches up to those cutting their garbage with additional garbage such as gasoline, baby powder, rat poison, baking powder, battery acid, etc and they shut that mill down, there's another cockroach coming right behind them. That roach will pick up where the last one left off. That's the dilemma the police are faced with. Sadly the police are treading water on the issue. The proof of that is the increased number of large wounds and lost limbs of the girls working the streets. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-18-23, 19:15
What kind of sick bastard puts battery acid or gasoline in that junk? I remember hearing years ago about rat poison and just can't wrap my head around that mentality let alone why you would want to kill off your customer base.

To answer your question, but I think you already know the answer. The lowlife that mixes the garbage up for sale is the guilty boneheads. They don't really care if their customer base dies taking it. That's because when an addict does die from a bag the other addicts flock to that block thinking they can handle the potency. For the dealers, it comes as a win-win. They view an addict's death from taking their trash as just the cost of doing business. Todays drugs are a loaded gun pointed at every addicts head. Look around, it's just a matter of when the trigger gets pulled.
What Gator145 stated is the truth. Can't tell you how many girls have told me the exact same thing! Once someone OD's on a particular label of "stuff" everyone wants to get their hands on it! I mean if you are medicating, in part, because you want to escape from the world or be in a constant haze, then in a convoluted addicts mind, stronger is better. Yeah, they think they can handle it!

Oh and for those not aware, dealers stamp the "name" of their product on the little blue wax-paper bags the stuff comes in. Brand recognition after all. So when someone OD's on something called "Kill Bill" then many rush to find the Kill Bill stuff! Good for the dealer with increased sales.

Hey it's fucked up logic, but what does anyone expect from those that are mentally impaired by this stuff?

03-19-23, 19:13
What Gator145 stated is the truth. Can't tell you how many girls have told me the exact same thing! Once someone OD's on a particular label of "stuff" everyone wants to get their hands on it! I mean if you are medicating, in part, because you want to escape from the world or be in a constant haze, then in a convoluted addicts mind, stronger is better. Yeah, they think they can handle it!

Oh and for those not aware, dealers stamp the "name" of their product on the little blue wax-paper bags the stuff comes in. Brand recognition after all. So when someone OD's on something called "Kill Bill" then many rush to find the Kill Bill stuff! Good for the dealer with increased sales.

Hey it's fucked up logic, but what does anyone expect from those that are mentally impaired by this stuff?Gator, you are correct. I unfortunately knew the answer. You speak the truth and its a sad time. I thought when someone I knew years ago took a swan dive off a balcony that I had seen it all. Nope, it has only got worse.

Shampoo, I grasp why the dealers do what they do, I just can't in my mind 'get it' and I guess that's a good thing. Its so sad how people don't value human life. All for the money, fame or who knows why.

No Rest for the Wicked as Ozzy Osbourne sung about.

I have been to too many funerals, we have all seen what the drugs do and its unreal that it has become ok for the drug manufactures to hand out pain pills telling everyone- oh don't worry you can't get addicted. Yeah? Tell that to my friend who that is how she started and when the legal route to get pills dried up she went to get her high a different way. We all have seen this and know what the outcome is in most cases, and while not everyone started out with a couple 'Percs' from a friend but many do and it goes from there. This isn't just smoking a bit of weed.

Gator, You speak clearly, eloquently. I wish the politicians would stop all the b. S. Talk and really handle it. Let the chips fall where they may. I remember Nancy Regan and that time. If it was only that simple.

03-20-23, 22:30
I would like to see a ban on the imports of this as it is destroying this generation. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.I think the police chief is done and out of a job by this time next year but I'm guessing some of her subordinates will be trying to impress an incoming administrations this summer! I hope no one thinks there is a quick fix. The problems in Kensington took years to get this bad and lab based products have been like lighter fluid on a fire. What would I do? Hamsterdam! I'm happy to say I survived the game on the ave and it's a game for younger men!

03-22-23, 22:54
I have seen Bunny several times in Philadelphia and will I continue to repeat. She's very pretty, friendly, toned petite body (no more than 98 pounds), sweet and very, very young (certainly under 25). Bunny gave me a warm greeting with a hug, LFK, grope and DFK. She gives a fabulous massage. I will return ASAP. F / B / S / A = 8/8/9/9. I desire nothing more than the Energizer Bunny.

She speaks excellent English. I am always very pleasantly surprised when the door opens and I see Bunny's beautiful face and inviting body. Bunny gave me a warm greeting with a hug, LFK, grope and DFK. Bunny was amazing in bed. Use your imagination. After all the action and being exhausted she gives me a fabulous massage. F / B / S / A = 8/8/9/9.Sock puppet account. Look at posting history.

Sam Katz
03-23-23, 06:51
Sock puppet account. Look at posting history.Nice Catch! By the way, Hello RunnerForSex I mean Bunny!

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

03-23-23, 15:28
Nice Catch! By the way, Hello RunnerForSex I mean Bunny!

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.I am not Bunny. Just a lover of the Energizer Bunny. I have seen her in multiple cities. She is my style. Try it out and see for yourself.

Sam Katz
03-24-23, 22:08
I am not Bunny. Just a lover of the Energizer Bunny. I have seen her in multiple cities. She is my style. Try it out and see for yourself.Umm okay anyone who reads your post history would see that it's obvious. I already thought something was off when I saw you rated her twice but relax! JTerry26 didn't say Bunny is bad and don't see her, I didn't say that either. And what you did wasn't all bad either as long as there's truth to it, same as a restaurant owner posting a review on Yelp / Google. Just saying, the Philly (Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Berks, etc) monger community is big but also small because it's divided up into its own niche. As for the escort scene, I just suggest that you give great unrushed enthusiastic service and things will work itself out naturally! The power of the internet is massive.

Anyways, thanks for the "Try it out and see for yourself" suggestion. Maybe one day I will. I understand you want more $people $ but just give great service like I said and you'll naturally get people coming back for more and word of mouth and good reviews. Just saying.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

03-25-23, 12:36
Sock puppet account. Look at posting history.All you succeeded in doing here was giving his post traction, the way advertising works. When they are reading the forum they will see this but when they drive past the place all they will remember is that a lot of guys were talking about them. The guys who make these sock accounts know that and rely on your guys who are just itching to "call people out" in order to help them advertise.

Why do you think there is a "report post" button on every post?

Nice Catch! By the way, Hello RunnerForSex I mean Bunny!

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

I am not Bunny. Just a lover of the Energizer Bunny. I have seen her in multiple cities. She is my style. Try it out and see for yourself.

Umm okay anyone who reads your post history would see that it's obvious. I already thought something was off when I saw you rated her twice but relax! JTerry26 didn't say Bunny is bad and don't see her, I didn't say that either. And what you did wasn't all bad either as long as there's truth to it, same as a restaurant owner posting a review on Yelp / Google. Just saying, the Philly (Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Berks, etc) monger community is big but also small because it's divided up into its own niche. As for the escort scene, I just suggest that you give great unrushed enthusiastic service and things will work itself out naturally! The power of the internet is massive.

Anyways, thanks for the "Try it out and see for yourself" suggestion. Maybe one day I will. I understand you want more $people $ but just give great service like I said and you'll naturally get people coming back for more and word of mouth and good reviews. Just saying.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

A while back these shills were posting like crazy posting fake reviews. They almost took over. Now it looks like they are trying to come back.Yes, we cut way back on them because guys stopped giving them traction and started reporting them so that we could take care of them. It's not as much fun as "calling them out" but it does work, quoting them 20 times and calling them shills doesn't do anything at all.


03-25-23, 14:06
All you succeeded in doing here was giving his post traction, the way advertising works. When they are reading the forum they will see this but when they drive past the place all they will remember is that a lot of guys were talking about them. The guys who make these sock accounts know that and rely on your guys who are just itching to "call people out" in order to help them advertise.

Why do you think there is a "report post" button on every post?

Yes, we cut way back on them because guys stopped giving them traction and started reporting them so that we could take care of them. It's not as much fun as "calling them out" but it does work, quoting them 20 times and calling them shills doesn't do anything at all.

A2.My apologies. I'll use the report button in the future. My bad.

04-07-23, 00:17

Sham, one day you got to tell me how you get these chicks to fall in line.

04-07-23, 11:14
Some things I don't understand.

Recent posts in De about girls that have what I would call serious health issues. When multiple reports of.

Odor, abscesses and pictures to show same- but guys keep seeing them.

Monger held against his will by a girl and her bf. But guys keep seeing her.

Then there is the new prices. 120 car BJ or 150 in-call BJ.

Are people THAT desperate. What gives?

04-09-23, 10:38
She found this forum.I found this on the sugar forum, seriously who gives a fuck. Some of these "SD's" huge eye roll, forget that even though they think of themselves as "Sugar Babies" they are still sex workers, if the review is good, she should be happy, if it's not who fucking cares because you won't fuck her again and if she's just trying to control you by telling you what you can and cannot do you need to remind her that guys with the money to play in that space are the rare thing not chicks who need to suck dick to pay the rent.


04-09-23, 12:09
Some things I don't understand.

Recent posts in De about girls that have what I would call serious health issues. When multiple reports of.

Odor, abscesses and pictures to show same- but guys keep seeing them.

Monger held against his will by a girl and her bf. But guys keep seeing her.

Then there is the new prices. 120 car BJ or 150 in-call BJ.

Are people THAT desperate. What gives?Just my thoughts, but it seems the sex market has been disrupted since the day that Craigslist and backpage disappeared as reliable sources. In the 80's and 90's, street action ruled. You can find great value everywhere. If you paying 150, you were getting the overnight treatment from a SW. Now days that SW might be on SA when she gets an internet connection for a day or two. The drugs are also just more vicious, so and addict in 2023 looks no where near as healthy as a crack ***** of the 90's. Perfect choices can be hard to find in the bargain aisles!

04-09-23, 21:56
I found this on the sugar forum, seriously who gives a fuck. Some of these "SD's" huge eye roll, forget that even though they think of themselves as "Sugar Babies" they are still sex workers, if the review is good, she should be happy, if it's not who fucking cares because you won't fuck her again and if she's just trying to control you by telling you what you can and cannot do you need to remind her that guys with the money to play in that space are the rare thing not chicks who need to suck dick to pay the rent.

A2.Can I get an amen!?

Ken Allen
04-10-23, 16:28
Can I get an amen!?Agreeed.

Who fucking cares if these women know about this site.

Only burbsmonger cares cause he's got a pole up his ass.

The SBs have FB groups to trade info on how to scam us.

We have USASG to share reviews and scammers.

If anyone is so concerned about this board "leaking" out then you shouldn't be in this hobby.

Chuck Marvel
04-16-23, 11:14

Who fucking cares if these women know about this site.

Only burbsmonger cares cause he's got a pole up his ass.

The SBs have FB groups to trade info on how to scam us.

We have USASG to share reviews and scammers.

If anyone is so concerned about this board "leaking" out then you shouldn't be in this hobby.Is it just me or are only about 10% of the ads on LC real? The vast majority of them seem completely fakie.

Chuck Marvel.

04-16-23, 15:01
Is it just me or are only about 10% of the ads on LC real? The vast majority of them seem completely fakie.

Chuck Marvel.10% is too high in my book, more in 5% or 1 in 20. I think the deposit scam is so rampant that they wouldn't quit as long as they have rubes to send them money for doing nothing. I don't know much about the Listcrawler business model but if the would only ban the deposit seekers, they could be a legitimate website. STG has more real providers but by real I mean ex-SW's that learned that keeping a working phone number means they can charge $120 for what used to be a $25 Blowjob.

04-16-23, 19:35
10% is too high in my book, more in 5% or 1 in 20. I think the deposit scam is so rampant that they wouldn't quit as long as they have rubes to send them money for doing nothing. I don't know much about the Listcrawler business model but if the would only ban the deposit seekers, they could be a legitimate website. STG has more real providers but by real I mean ex-SW's that learned that keeping a working phone number means they can charge $120 for what used to be a $25 Blowjob.Right on! 5% to 10% real posts for LC / EA sounds about right. And yeah, apparently there is a sucker born everyday or this "deposit first" scam stuff wouldn't work. I mean if dudes just getting into the hobby would come here for an education they could avoid mistakes like that. IF LE were so inclined to do stings, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel: dudes calling from their phone registered with their real name, using money apps with their real names and inviting hookers, thieves and drug addicts to their home.

I have noticed that ALL the sites increasingly have fake profiles. On KA I check for out of area area codes, and out of area "registration location", and then for fake pics. Listcrawler / Escort Alligator check for out of area numbers and "borrowed" pics and even now on STG, many more fake posts showing up there.

But also the AMPs seem to advertise on the escorts sites as well as the trafficking schemes with girls from southern hemisphere, Spanish countries as well as a few traveling Asian outfits.

Ken Allen
04-17-23, 16:05
Is it just me or are only about 10% of the ads on LC real? The vast majority of them seem completely fakie.

Chuck Marvel.True. It's horrible. I haven't had a good experience in LC or STG the last year. I've given up on those sites.

I may have to start supplementing my weekly Kensington fix with AMPs. Haven't done those for over a year.

Seeking was my go to but that's also a lot of work and cost to value just isn't there for me.

04-17-23, 23:14
True. It's horrible. I haven't had a good experience in LC or STG the last year. I've given up on those sites.

I may have to start supplementing my weekly Kensington fix with AMPs. Haven't done those for over a year.

Seeking was my go to but that's also a lot of work and cost to value just isn't there for me.I think I asked on the escort board a month or so ago about how real the post were on LC. I've admittedly been out of that game for a bit but couldn't understand why there weren't tons of reviews on this board. The number of 'hot' postings is outrageous. The number of great reviews is ZERO! (or close to it) I find STG a little trashy but there seem to be better review from there, though it does seem to be littered with SW looking for a better rate, maybe they deserve it if they can keep a phone and provide hosting, who knows?

05-24-23, 13:22
I would consider myself a seasoned veteran. I have many regulars out there who go out of their way to see me. I get a long well with all of them.

With that said. I think sometimes you are forced into a situation where violence is your only option. Generally it is best to avoid red flags that lead up to violent situations but sometimes you are forced into it.

Most of the girls out there are at rock bottom. The good ones treat you well if you treat them well and vice versa. But there are some out there that have no problem ripping you off or hurting you for drug money.

There was one time where I had to get violent with someone. She didn't keep her end of the arrangement and I said I wasn't going to take her back. I let her keep the money. She took the money from the beginning but I didn't really want to fight over money, but she was being very unpleasant so I declined to take her back. It was probably just a 5 minute walk. Then she got angry and started attacking me. I'm probably double her size so I easily overpowered her, kicked her out and drove off.

I've been told that I'm much more buffer than the typical monger so even the threat of violence is enough to get rid of most problem girls.

Usually if there is an option to get rid of them for 5-10 dollars, I'd probably take it. I've even given one of my regulars half of what I was going to give her because she looked and smelled very gross and sickly that day.

I think we have disagreed with this in the past. Either you or someone else suggested having some fake bills to throw at them. Personally I'm not a big fan of fake bills. I imagine some mongers would try to rip girls off with fake bills and I'm generally not a fan of the idea of fake bills circulating around. And for me, the money is not a big loss for me. I think it is better for the whole community to squash out the problem girls who make their drug money only ripping mongers off.Yes BeefNoddleSoup, it is no secret that I have advocated and even pounded the table against violence against girls on these forums. That said I appreciate the kind way you approached this topic. Sorry you had a bad experience once.

What I will say, from my perspective, is that ANY agreement to use violence only gives cover to the numbnuts that are inclined toward violence anyway. Why should they change if they can point to someone who says it is OK? It is NOT okay!

But if you think about it, why would any monger turn a misdemeanor charge into a Felony? That is what adding violence to your play book does.

Personally I have never had to resort to violence, and have been in my fair share of scrapes. I always tell the girls, that you win better in the long run using your head & brains than your fists. So IF I ever had resorted to violence I would consider that a failure by me! Failure to be prepared, failure to have alternatives, failure to get out of a situation because I was too lazy to learn different techniques or a failure because I was unwilling to change.

Yes, fake bills is one technique. Sounds like, from VERY experienced monger Gator145, it is very effective for getting a problem girl out of the car. So if it is effective, then why would any monger reject tat tool, er, without having a equivalent replacement? I mean even if one loses the entire date amount (30-60) to insure perd.

One can wish to change the game, teach girls lessons and improve things, but when dealing with drug addled SWs thta likely isn't guna happen. So as mongers, we learn to do our best to avoid and manage conflict & danger. Let the experts deal with the social engineering.

05-25-23, 07:41
Yes BeefNoddleSoup, it is no secret that I have advocated and even pounded the table against violence against girls on these forums. That said I appreciate the kind way you approached this topic. Sorry you had a bad experience once.

What I will say, from my perspective, is that ANY agreement to use violence only gives cover to the numbnuts that are inclined toward violence anyway. Why should they change if they can point to someone who says it is OK? It is NOT okay!

But if you think about it, why would any monger turn a misdemeanor charge into a Felony? That is what adding violence to your play book does.

Personally I have never had to resort to violence, and have been in my fair share of scrapes. I always tell the girls, that you win better in the long run using your head & brains than your fists. So IF I ever had resorted to violence I would consider that a failure by me! Failure to be prepared, failure to have alternatives, failure to get out of a situation because I was too lazy to learn different techniques or a failure because I was unwilling to change.

Yes, fake bills is one technique. Sounds like, from VERY experienced monger Gator145, it is very effective for getting a problem girl out of the car. So if it is effective, then why would any monger reject tat tool, er, without having a equivalent replacement? I mean even if one loses the entire date amount (30-60) to insure perd.

One can wish to change the game, teach girls lessons and improve things, but when dealing with drug addled SWs thta likely isn't guna happen. So as mongers, we learn to do our best to avoid and manage conflict & danger. Let the experts deal with the social engineering.I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Imagine you go to a restaurant and order a burger and they give you a turd in your burger. Then when you complain about it they start punching you. In this situation, it is perfectly reasonable to defend yourself and fight back. This is what some SW do. They don't intend to give any services and just try to get as much money from mongers as possible and some of them aren't afraid to use violence to get their way. In cases where they refuse to leave your car unless you give them money, it's like the restaurant holding you hostage until you give them money. It's best for society if we stand up to these bad actors.

I imagine there are some mongers who are physically unable to get violent. One girl told me about a monger that is disabled. They went to the Carlyle and she had to help him into a wheel chair and push him in. During the act, he was quite impotent so she pretty much just had to do a sensual lap dance.

I had a random thought the other day. I've probably seen hundreds of SW on the ave. If it is a fight to the death using only our bare hands, I think I can take all 100+ all at once. It is really no contest who would win. Therefore I don't use it against them unless the situation calls for it.

Regarding fake bills, I am against it. People on Kensington get killed over using fake bills. I imagine you don't have much of an economics background, but our trust in money is critical for a functioning society. Furthermore, I imagine most mongers who carry fake bills often use it to rip off girls, even those that do a good job.

To each their own. You are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to play the game as you see fit. But for me, there are definitely times in life that call for violence. Additionally, I don't know what your financial situation is like, but I am in a pretty comfortable financial position. I really don't have to resort to using fake bills for anything. If you find it useful then go ahead and do what you do. I am just against it in principle.

05-25-23, 12:00
I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Imagine you go to a restaurant and order a burger and they give you a turd in your burger. Then when you complain about it they start punching you. In this situation, it is perfectly reasonable to defend yourself and fight back. This is what some SW do. They don't intend to give any services and just try to get as much money from mongers as possible and some of them aren't afraid to use violence to get their way. In cases where they refuse to leave your car unless you give them money, it's like the restaurant holding you hostage until you give them money. It's best for society if we stand up to these bad actors.

I imagine there are some mongers who are physically unable to get violent. One girl told me about a monger that is disabled. They went to the Carlyle and she had to help him into a wheel chair and push him in. During the act, he was quite impotent so she pretty much just had to do a sensual lap dance.

I had a random thought the other day. I've probably seen hundreds of SW on the ave. If it is a fight to the death using only our bare hands, I think I can take all 100+ all at once. It is really no contest who would win. Therefore I don't use it against them unless the situation calls for it.

Regarding fake bills, I am against it. People on Kensington get killed over using fake bills. I imagine you don't have much of an economics background, but our trust in money is critical for a functioning society. Furthermore, I imagine most mongers who carry fake bills often use it to rip off girls, even those that do a good job.

To each their own. You are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to play the game as you see fit. But for me, there are definitely times in life that call for violence. Additionally, I don't know what your financial situation is like, but I am in a pretty comfortable financial position. I really don't have to resort to using fake bills for anything. If you find it useful then go ahead and do what you do. I am just against it in principle.Oh wow! I'm blown away that you believe what you wrote! SMH.

IF in yer scenario in the restaurant THEY start punching you, then you document it, call the police and have them arrested for assault / battery AND get an attorney and sue the pants off them. You just won the lottery! But NO! You punch back and YOU risk getting arrested too for assault, or whatever. You just blew your chance to win the lotto! In that example VIOLENCE is a terrible choice to make.

In the example of the girl, tossing her money, is the cost of doing bidness: an occasional loss. So what? You toss her some money to get her out of your car? You avoid being a douche who beats up helpless druggie girls? It happens to all of us. Do we like losing money- NO! But it happens. But thinking that beating the girl up is teaching her a lesson and better for society is just wrong. You ain't gunna change the girls, you ain't improving society. Rather you are degrading it by accepting Violence as the solution!

But I get it, some people are so animalistic and the only way they know how to deal with conflict is violence. That is why we are where we are in society. No more thick skin (sticks & stones), someone "offends" you they need to be "canceled," so pull out a gun & shoot them! I'm justified, I was OFFENDED! Sigh.

You can be against fake bills to rip off girls. I agree with that. So don't use fake bills to rip-off girls! But why can't you have some in your shirt pocket as a back-up plan to get rid of a problem girl? That is a valid technique you COULD use, to avoid Violence! BUT, if one remembers the discussion several months ago, Gator145 and other had several other techniques one could use to get a problem child outof your car. Surely one isn't unwilling to learn something new? Surely one doesn't know it all and can't pick up some new techniques to avoid violence?

Come on man! You're a seasoned monger, you're better than that! We are all always learning & adapting to the game. Me thinks you can learn and adapt too! Find some techniques to avoid violence!

Good luck!

05-25-23, 12:24
Regarding fake bills, I am against it. People on Kensington get killed over using fake bills. I imagine you don't have much of an economics background, but our trust in money is critical for a functioning society. Furthermore, I imagine most mongers who carry fake bills often use it to rip off girls, even those that do a good job.

To each their own. You are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to play the game as you see fit. But for me, there are definitely times in life that call for violence. Additionally, I don't know what your financial situation is like, but I am in a pretty comfortable financial position. I really don't have to resort to using fake bills for anything. If you find it useful then go ahead and do what you do. I am just against it in principle.I have been around for a number of years I know of nobody that has been killed over fake bills. Possibly others here do just not me personally.

I can also say I have never been accused of nor will I ever use them to "rip-off girls" for any reason. "I imagine most mongers who carry fake bills often use it to rip off girls, even those that do a good job". I would say that takes quite an active imagination. I know a lot of mongers and I highly doubt they want to rip-off any of the girls. They want what they went there for then leave.

A wise person once told me it's usually those that insinuate others would do a questionable act because it's something they would do themselves. They've been there and done that. Hmmmm interesting to say the least.

For me personally, I've used them as a safe means to get somebody from my vehicle without having to harm them. Saves me from having to beat up 100 of them. No effort, they do work. No rip-off. Just trying to keep what's mine while I stay buff. It also offers mongers that rather avoid physical confrontation another less risky way to remove others from their vehicle. I have found that the path of least resistance is usually best for all concerned.

I would not categorize Kensington as being "a functioning society". Quite the opposite. A functioning society does not allow the Chaos that is present there. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-25-23, 16:13
Oh wow! I'm blown away that you believe what you wrote! SMH.

IF in yer scenario in the restaurant THEY start punching you, then you document it, call the police and have them arrested for assault / battery AND get an attorney and sue the pants off them. You just won the lottery! But NO! You punch back and YOU risk getting arrested too for assault, or whatever. You just blew your chance to win the lotto! In that example VIOLENCE is a terrible choice to make.

In the example of the girl, tossing her money, is the cost of doing bidness: an occasional loss. So what? You toss her some money to get her out of your car? You avoid being a douche who beats up helpless druggie girls? It happens to all of us. Do we like losing money- NO! But it happens. But thinking that beating the girl up is teaching her a lesson and better for society is just wrong. You ain't gunna change the girls, you ain't improving society. Rather you are degrading it by accepting Violence as the solution!

But I get it, some people are so animalistic and the only way they know how to deal with conflict is violence. That is why we are where we are in society. No more thick skin (sticks & stones), someone "offends" you they need to be "canceled," so pull out a gun & shoot them! I'm justified, I was OFFENDED! Sigh.

You can be against fake bills to rip off girls. I agree with that. So don't use fake bills to rip-off girls! But why can't you have some in your shirt pocket as a back-up plan to get rid of a problem girl? That is a valid technique you COULD use, to avoid Violence! BUT, if one remembers the discussion several months ago, Gator145 and other had several other techniques one could use to get a problem child outof your car. Surely one isn't unwilling to learn something new? Surely one doesn't know it all and can't pick up some new techniques to avoid violence?

Come on man! You're a seasoned monger, you're better than that! We are all always learning & adapting to the game. Me thinks you can learn and adapt too! Find some techniques to avoid violence!

Good luck!Shampoo. In all seriousness, you and I are living in two different worlds. You must have lived a very sheltered life.

In the restaurant example, if you don't fight back you are dead. They are not dumb enough to let you go and so that you can return to sue them.


Here is an example of one person who was put in a situation and couldn't fight back. He died. In this particular case, the victim's family members are lucky that this incident was caught on tape. Most of the time these incidents are not caught on tape. The victim didn't or couldn't fight back and they died and their attackers go on to live another day to victimize others.

Here is another unavoidable situation that I personally went through. I was meeting an escort who I have met several times before. Usually she would work out of a room in a crack house but on that day she had a room in a low budget motel in Jersey. After I boned her, I was returning to my car. Then some dude attacks me from behind and tackles me to the ground. While he was trying to bring me down, I thought he might have had a knife and tried to stab me. Luckily he didn't. We ended up wrestling for a few seconds before he gives up and runs off. My guess is that that guy was a jealous bf who didn't make any money that day stealing from stores. If I didn't fight back, he would have taken my wallet, phone, car keys. I would have been screwed or dead.

What would you do in that situation? My guess is you would no longer be around to preach your pacifist gospel.

Sometimes in life, especially in Philly, we are put into violent situations where we need to fight back or we suffer losses that we can't come back from.

05-25-23, 23:47
I have been around for a number of years I know of nobody that has been killed over fake bills. Possibly others here do just not me personally.Just ask any SW what would happen to them if they get caught using fake bills with a drug dealer. Best case scenario is that get a beating. Worst case, they disappear and you don't hear from them. Typically if someone were to get killed using fake bills, it won't make it on the news. No one would know what happen to them. The only person I am aware of being killed for using fake bills is George Floyd and that is only because there were cameras capturing the whole thing. I am sure people are killed all the time for this reason. People in Kensington have definitely been killed for less.

I can also say I have never been accused of nor will I ever use them to "rip-off girls" for any reason. "I imagine most mongers who carry fake bills often use it to rip off girls, even those that do a good job". I would say that takes quite an active imagination. I know a lot of mongers and I highly doubt they want to rip-off any of the girls. They want what they went there for then leave.If you ask any SW, they will tell you some mongers try to use fake bills on them. You are either in active denial or very delusional.

A wise person once told me it's usually those that insinuate others would do a questionable act because it's something they would do themselves. They've been there and done that. Hmmmm interesting to say the least.You are insinuating that I rip off girls with fake bills? That is rich because I am adamantly against fake bills all together. Or were you talking about yourself. I really don't care what you do. I'm just saying I am against it in principle. If you can't afford real money, then do what you need to do. Just don't lie about it and pretend to be a saint about it.

To any rational person, a monger advocating the use of fake bills seems like he would use it to rip off girls. Reminds me of a SW I picked up recently. She looked like she was in her 50's but she said she was 27. Later she also said she had a 21 year old son. Something is not adding up.

For me personally, I've used them as a safe means to get somebody from my vehicle without having to harm them. Saves me from having to beat up 100 of them. No effort, they do work. No rip-off. Just trying to keep what's mine while I stay buff. It also offers mongers that rather avoid physical confrontation another less risky way to remove others from their vehicle. I have found that the path of least resistance is usually best for all concerned.[Deleted by Admin]

If you advocate beating women for "ripping you off" again I will ban you.


Some monger even rip off good SW with fake bills. I think these guys need a good beating too.

I would not categorize Kensington as being "a functioning society". Quite the opposite. A functioning society does not allow the Chaos that is present there. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.You really are an OL Gator. A senile old gator.

05-26-23, 08:40
You make a lot of baseless assumptions and imagine a lot of out-there scenarios. Yet, you offer no facts to substantiate what you claim except that if a girl uses a fake bill at a dealer her day will probably end rather badly.
"You are insinuating that I rip off girls with fake bills?" Naa you insinuated that by implying others do it.
"To any rational person, a monger advocating the use of fake bills seems like he would use it to rip off girls". Again naw. Things are not always the way they "SEEM" unless we twist them that way. Even so that doesn't mean that's the way things are. Try not to twist suggestions into something it wasn't intended to be. I don't view any monger that flexes his muscles on a website geared toward other men as rational anything. Most men here aren't at all impressed with that macho nonsense. I agree, there are some off-the-wall juiced-up women on the strip. So it's no big accomplishment to beat them.
"SW that rip off mongers need to be taught a lesson. Some times that involves a good beating". We can't teach others with our fists and then in the next breath claim to be rational. The two simply do not go together. Such a shame you wasted all those funds on a promising teaching career and ended up teaching on USASG kicking the asses of doped up prostitutes. Class is out Teach. Are you telling us you aren't better than that? Of course, you are.
"Some monger even rip off good SW with fake bills. I think these guys need a good beating too". You spend way too much time beating and imagining this scenario and that scenario. Maybe that's why you seem so frustrated over this topic. Even the great Muhammad Ali didn't beat everybody. SMH over and over.
You really are an OL Gator. A senile old gator.I'm done. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-27-23, 12:54
Yes BeefNoddleSoup, it is no secret that I have advocated and even pounded the table against violence against girls on these forums. That said I appreciate the kind way you approached this topic. Sorry you had a bad experience once.

What I will say, from my perspective, is that ANY agreement to use violence only gives cover to the numbnuts that are inclined toward violence anyway. Why should they change if they can point to someone who says it is OK? It is NOT okay!

But if you think about it, why would any monger turn a misdemeanor charge into a Felony? That is what adding violence to your play book does.

Personally I have never had to resort to violence, and have been in my fair share of scrapes. I always tell the girls, that you win better in the long run using your head & brains than your fists. So IF I ever had resorted to violence I would consider that a failure by me! Failure to be prepared, failure to have alternatives, failure to get out of a situation because I was too lazy to learn different techniques or a failure because I was unwilling to change..To say to never use violence is very bad advice. Kensington is a very dangerous place. If you are not willing or able to defend yourself, you are in for trouble. Many girls carry knives and other weapons, you should be prepared to defend yourself if things go south. Violence should not the first tool you use, but you should still have it in your toolbox in case the need arises. To suggest anything else is foolish.

I even picked up one girl who said she had a gun in her bag. I didn't believe her because if she had a gun that costs hundreds of dollars, she would not be doing $20 bjs with crusty old mongers like myself.

With that said, there are also other options like finding ways to ditch them and even trying to find an escape.

So, there was an implied threat, but nothing more. And, I had booked a dirt cheap double (60, I think), so it wasn't worth worrying or fighting over such little money.

I had a random thought the other day. I've probably seen hundreds of SW on the ave. If it is a fight to the death using only our bare hands, I think I can take all 100+ all at once. It is really no contest who would win. Therefore I don't use it against them unless the situation calls for it.
I think I can also take 100 SW at once. Most of them are drugged up, nodding off, malnourished, etc. If they were coked up and had knives 3-5 of them could easily take me down.


You got to know when to know when to hold 'them, know when to fold 'them, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

That's just my two cents. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-29-23, 12:34
Just ask any SW what would happen to them if they get caught using fake bills with a drug dealer. Best case scenario is that get a beating. Worst case, they disappear and you don't hear from them. Typically if someone were to get killed using fake bills, it won't make it on the news. No one would know what happen to them. The only person I am aware of being killed for using fake bills is George Floyd and that is only because there were cameras capturing the whole thing. I am sure people are killed all the time for this reason. People in Kensington have definitely been killed for less.

If you ask any SW, they will tell you some mongers try to use fake bills on them. You are either in active denial or very delusional.

You are insinuating that I rip off girls with fake bills? That is rich because I am adamantly against fake bills all together. Or were you talking about yourself. I really don't care what you do. I'm just saying I am against it in principle. If you can't afford real money, then do what you need to do. Just don't lie about it and pretend to be a saint about it.

To any rational person, a monger advocating the use of fake bills seems like he would use it to rip off girls. Reminds me of a SW I picked up recently. She looked like she was in her 50's but she said she was 27. Later she also said she had a 21 year old son. Something is not adding up.

SW that rip off mongers need to be taught a lesson. Some times that involves a good beating.

Some monger even rip off good SW with fake bills. I think these guys need a good beating too.

You really are an OL Gator. A senile old gator.Dude! You really are a piece of work!

Not only do you profess violence against girls and are totally unwilling to learn or adjust your ways, but, unprovoked you committed violence against Gator145!

WTF was that? Gator145 never did anything to you. He's always been a voice of reason around Philly, providing insight, help and humor to those who are learning a need it! So attacking him like you did is uncalled for, out of line and a total douche move!

If you have chased him from these boards, you should be ashamed of yourself! Are you going to take over the roll of advisor to those who make mistakes, are learning or who just need guidance? No one provides insight, help and counsel with a touch of humor as Gator145.

You owe that man an apology!

05-29-23, 12:40
To say to never use violence is very bad advice. Kensington is a very dangerous place. If you are not willing or able to defend yourself, you are in for trouble. Many girls carry knives and other weapons, you should be prepared to defend yourself if things go south. Violence should not the first tool you use, but you should still have it in your toolbox in case the need arises. To suggest anything else is foolish.

I even picked up one girl who said she had a gun in her bag. I didn't believe her because if she had a gun that costs hundreds of dollars, she would not be doing $20 bjs with crusty old mongers like myself.

With that said, there are also other options like finding ways to ditch them and even trying to find an escape.

I think I can also take 100 SW at once. Most of them are drugged up, nodding off, malnourished, etc. If they were coked up and had knives 3-5 of them could easily take me down.


You got to know when to know when to hold 'them, know when to fold 'them, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

That's just my two cents. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.One of the nice things about these threads is that eventually we all can see a dude's true colors. Now we are making a list of the guys who profess violence against women as "ok"!

It is clear that there is a small group that is unwilling to learn (perhaps incapable of earning?) and adjust their style and just settle things with their fists. You can see it in the way they think they have to "fight" on these threads to defend their undefendable position. Oh well, guys like that will eventually end up in the penitentiary when they turn a misdemeanor into a felony.

Just hope the views of these few posters is not the prevailing view and the majority is silent on this topic?

05-29-23, 16:59
One of the nice things about these threads is that eventually we all can see a dude's true colors. Now we are making a list of the guys who profess violence against women as "ok"!

It is clear that there is a small group that is unwilling to learn (perhaps incapable of earning?) and adjust their style and just settle things with their fists. You can see it in the way they think they have to "fight" on these threads to defend their undefendable position. Oh well, guys like that will eventually end up in the penitentiary when they turn a misdemeanor into a felony.

Just hope the views of these few posters is not the prevailing view and the majority is silent on this topic?If you read what he wrote he is not "professing" violence. He is basically saying use it in case the situation calls for it.

05-29-23, 17:02
One of the nice things about these threads is that eventually we all can see a dude's true colors. Now we are making a list of the guys who profess violence against women as "ok"!

It is clear that there is a small group that is unwilling to learn (perhaps incapable of earning?) and adjust their style and just settle things with their fists. You can see it in the way they think they have to "fight" on these threads to defend their undefendable position. Oh well, guys like that will eventually end up in the penitentiary when they turn a misdemeanor into a felony.

Just hope the views of these few posters is not the prevailing view and the majority is silent on this topic?I think the people who express a willingness to commit acts of violence are just on a continuum of behaviors / attitudes rooted in the dehumanization of the women involved. I think most wouldn't commit violence but some (many?) already think of them women as "less than" so are disinclined to speak up.

And "white knight" me, idgaf.

05-29-23, 17:27
Dude! You really are a piece of work!

Not only do you profess violence against girls and are totally unwilling to learn or adjust your ways, but, unprovoked you committed violence against Gator145!

WTF was that? Gator145 never did anything to you. He's always been a voice of reason around Philly, providing insight, help and humor to those who are learning a need it! So attacking him like you did is uncalled for, out of line and a total douche move!

If you have chased him from these boards, you should be ashamed of yourself! Are you going to take over the roll of advisor to those who make mistakes, are learning or who just need guidance? No one provides insight, help and counsel with a touch of humor as Gator145.

You owe that man an apology!Shampoo. You are in serious need of reading lessons. You reply is filled with complete nonsense.

I am against violence against women. But if they are willing to commit violence towards me, I will be prepared to defend myself. I have said this repeatedly. Learn to read!

I never committed violence against Gator. I said mongers who rip off good SW with fake bills deserve a beating. Gator says he doesn't rip off girls with fake bills. I don't see any problem here. Learn to read!

Gator has been commenting in these posts since 2020. You have been here since January of this year. That doesn't sound like he has "always been the voice of reason. " If my innocent comments chased him from this forum, he needs to grow a pair and man up. You need to man up too. Get some thicker skin. But first, learn to read!

This is a community forum. No one man is king. I post here to share my opinions and experience so that others can learn from it. Get off your high horse.

You owe me an apology. But I am man enough not to cry about it. Stop being a baby.

05-29-23, 17:35
One of the nice things about these threads is that eventually we all can see a dude's true colors. Now we are making a list of the guys who profess violence against women as "ok"!

It is clear that there is a small group that is unwilling to learn (perhaps incapable of earning?) and adjust their style and just settle things with their fists. You can see it in the way they think they have to "fight" on these threads to defend their undefendable position. Oh well, guys like that will eventually end up in the penitentiary when they turn a misdemeanor into a felony.

Just hope the views of these few posters is not the prevailing view and the majority is silent on this topic?Shampoo. Please seek help. I am convinced you need some type of mental counseling.

I have a large group of regulars that absolutely love me. I treat them well and they treat me well.

But there are a minority of people I run into that are obvious bad actors in the community. They steal, rip people off, or commit unprovoked violence. I think these people need to be taught that their actions will not be tolerated in the community.

05-29-23, 18:04
Shampoo. Please seek help. I am convinced you need some type of mental counseling.

I have a large group of regulars that absolutely love me. I treat them well and they treat me well.

But there are a minority of people I run into that are obvious bad actors in the community. They steal, rip people off, or commit unprovoked violence. I think these people need to be taught that their actions will not be tolerated in the community.Let me make this clear: Violence against women is wrong. Violence in general is bad. BUT sometimes it is necessary to protect yourself or others. If someone is going to commit violent acts against you or others, it is legally allowed to defend yourself.

I have no idea why shampoo thinks is is NEVER okay to use violence against women under any circumstance.

My guess is that he has some disability and is physically unable to use violence. Or someone from his past (like his mom or sister, etc) was a SW that was a victim of violence. Or he is mentally ill.

05-29-23, 19:19
Gator has been commenting in these posts since 2020. .Dude, Gator has been here way, way longer than 2020. I've been here since 2016 (I think) and Gator had a ton of posts back then, and has given me solid intel and advice. I think the website list post counts and post history when they changed servers to get away from the US. My posts only go back to 2020 also, but I reviewed many women in Philly prior to that.

05-29-23, 20:23
Shampoo. You are in serious need of reading lessons. You reply is filled with complete nonsense.

I am against violence against women. But if they are willing to commit violence towards me, I will be prepared to defend myself. I have said this repeatedly. Learn to read!

I never committed violence against Gator. I said mongers who rip off good SW with fake bills deserve a beating. Gator says he doesn't rip off girls with fake bills. I don't see any problem here. Learn to read!

Gator has been commenting in these posts since 2020. You have been here since January of this year. That doesn't sound like he has "always been the voice of reason. " If my innocent comments chased him from this forum, he needs to grow a pair and man up. You need to man up too. Get some thicker skin. But first, learn to read!

This is a community forum. No one man is king. I post here to share my opinions and experience so that others can learn from it. Get off your high horse.

You owe me an apology. But I am man enough not to cry about it. Stop being a baby.I have called shampoo out a bunch of times for reading someone's post and then twisting their words around. He just did that to you. He does it all the time. Most likely everyone that read your post understood what you meant except for shampoo.

05-29-23, 23:25
Dude, Gator has been here way, way longer than 2020. I've been here since 2016 (I think) and Gator had a ton of posts back then, and has given me solid intel and advice. I think the website list post counts and post history when they changed servers to get away from the US. My posts only go back to 2020 also, but I reviewed many women in Philly prior to that.

Very interesting information. Thanks for sharing. Yours and RedHorse1 confirms what I have said many times before here. The problem is more widespread out there than many wish to admit. It seems a guy can notice the symptoms long before a female can. Then with a girl bouncing from car to car to alley to ten dollar rooms its no wonder it's not a lot worse. I believe it's the whispered epidemic of the strip. MHO. We have all seen a girl get out of one car and minutes later bounce into another car to do the same acts she's been doing all day. So when we slide junior down that throat remember the last guy just dumped there and she hasn't washed, gargled, or rinsed. If she was clean maybe he wasn't and he passed an STD to her then next in line has increased risk of getting it and so on. Once one guy gets it and does a date with a girl she passes it to those she comes in contact with and it multiplies with every contact they have until treated. Treatment does not insulate us from getting it again either. Two different animals. The throat is an ideal breeding spot for bacteria. The "drip" is a bacterial infection as are most STDs. Knowledge is our best defense. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.I am just going by what I can see. This is the earliest one that I can see. It was posted in November 2019. I'll gladly take back my words on how long he has been here if you can show me some evidence.

Posts in this boxing club forum go back to 2015.

I have vague memories seeing his catch phrase over the years, but I don't recall ever getting life changing advice from him.

If you value his input, then please feel free to do whatever he says. I am just here sharing my experience. Sometimes in this hobby, there are people who want to harm or even kill you. Sometimes those people are the girls themselves. I am just warning fellow mongers that they should be prepared to defend themselves if needed. I think this is all common sense and reasonable.

I have no clue why some people are absolutely against this point of view under any circumstance. It is crazy.

05-29-23, 23:52
I am just going by what I can see. This is the earliest one that I can see. It was posted in November 2019. I'll gladly take back my words on how long he has been here if you can show me some evidence.

Posts in this boxing club forum go back to 2015.

I have vague memories seeing his catch phrase over the years, but I don't recall ever getting life changing advice from him.

If you value his input, then please feel free to do whatever he says. I am just here sharing my experience. Sometimes in this hobby, there are people who want to harm or even kill you. Sometimes those people are the girls themselves. I am just warning fellow mongers that they should be prepared to defend themselves if needed. I think this is all common sense and reasonable.

I have no clue why some people are absolutely against this point of view under any circumstance. It is crazy.Upon closer inspection, it looks like the past posts can only be searched back 200 posts. So I'll gladly take back the "since 2020" part but I stand by everything else I wrote.

05-30-23, 10:08
I see since I posted yesterday in response to Noodle, that generated FIVE (5), count them, 5 replies! Three of them targeted at me LOL.

Guess I got under his skin so much he had to reply so much? Never seen a dude get such a raging hard-on for me before! Wow!

What's the famous Shakespearean line?

Methinks the lady doth protest too much LOL.

05-30-23, 10:24
I think the people who express a willingness to commit acts of violence are just on a continuum of behaviors / attitudes rooted in the dehumanization of the women involved. I think most wouldn't commit violence but some (many?) already think of them women as "less than" so are disinclined to speak up.

And "white knight" me, idgaf.Exactly! And thanks for speaking up.

The point I am making is apparently lost on some, sigh. Well I guess God gives everyone different talents?

But what you say is correct, anyone so far on the continuum that "thinks" violence is an option will likely commit violence against women. Shoot perhaps they already beat their wives or girlfriends?

But the subtle point is that, any such attitude of "violence is Okay, in this or that situation" leaves the door open for the believer to resort to violence when they can't think of anything else. It also gives cover to the numbnuts out there, that will read just the first part (violence is okay) and use it to justify their bad actions.

What is sad is the dudes who think violence against druggie girls is OK, and are totally unwilling to learn or adjust to new methods to avoid violence. If there was a sure fire technique to get gorgeous babes in their bed, they'd be willing to learn. But why bother learning in this case?

One Eyed Phil
05-30-23, 10:53
I've never met BeefNoodle before, but am familiar with several girls who do know him. They have nothing but positive things to say and sometimes will even go out of their way to get picked up by him. I trust his advice 1000 X times more than shampoos repetitive diatribes.

05-30-23, 11:37
I see since I posted yesterday in response to Noodle, that generated FIVE (5), count them, 5 replies! Three of them targeted at me LOL.

Guess I got under his skin so much he had to reply so much? Never seen a dude get such a raging hard-on for me before! Wow!

What's the famous Shakespearean line?

Methinks the lady doth protest too much LOL.I think shampoo is a big time loser. He has no fulfillment in his personal life so he makes a million BS posts a day.

05-30-23, 17:04
Shampoo. You are in serious need of reading lessons. You reply is filled with complete nonsense.

I am against violence against women. But if they are willing to commit violence towards me, I will be prepared to defend myself. I have said this repeatedly. Learn to read.Your post.

SW that rip off mongers need to be taught a lesson. Some times that involves a good beating.No mention of violence, only ripping you off. So you're a liar as well as a troll.

Let me try and break down what a real man would do.

Chick rips you off by playing you, no violence: Go to the forum, tell others. Accept the loss.

Chick starts hitting you: 1st question, can she do me damage or can I stop her and protect myself with defense: If it's no, she can't hurt me and yes I can protect myself with defense you do that and go away. If she CAN hurt you (big girl who know how to fight or armed) then fuck yes you can protect yourself, only idiots say "never under any circumstances hit a woman" the last woman I was in a fight with was about 35 years ago, I was running a restaurant and a lesbian couple was making out at the table. Not just kissing, clothing was coming off hands in panties, like they were sexing down at the table. I walked up and politely asked them to stop. The big one (crew cut, flannel shirt, the kind of woman that rolls her own tampons and kick starts her vibrator) was drunk and told me to leave them alone and that I was only doing it because they were gay.

I told her that because they were gay they could move the party to my place when I was off work but if you want to put your hand inside her pussy you have to do it elsewhere.

She took exception to that (we were in Texas after all) and stood up with the intention of violence. She was taller than me, she outweighed me and she was intent on violence, this wasn't slapping so I fucking back kicked her in the solar plexus and finished the turn with an elbow strike to the jaw and dropped her. No questions, no hesitation, no regrets nor second thoughts. She had the intention and ability to damage me, she decided to step in the ring and fuck around and she found out.

If she was standing in front of me today and did the same thing my actions wouldn't change.

That is the only time I've found it necessary to strike a woman since second grade.

So no, men don't beat woman as a rule because it's not fair but I've seen some of the photo's of the women you guys post. If some of those big ones started swinging and I judged them a real and credible threat and there was no clear line of retreat I'd do it again.

Real, credible threat, not because they beat you out of 25 dollars.

Now, can we move past this?


05-30-23, 19:10
I see since I posted yesterday in response to Noodle, that generated FIVE (5), count them, 5 replies! Three of them targeted at me LOL.

Guess I got under his skin so much he had to reply so much? Never seen a dude get such a raging hard-on for me before! Wow!

What's the famous Shakespearean line?

Methinks the lady doth protest too much LOL.In the words of Howard skin you sir are a dope. And man are you getting shit on today or what. You will need lots of shampoo to was the shit out of your hair.

05-30-23, 22:00
Your post.

No mention of violence, only ripping you off. So you're a liar as well as a troll.

Let me try and break down what a real man would do.

Chick rips you off by playing you, no violence: Go to the forum, tell others. Accept the loss.

Chick starts hitting you: 1st question, can she do me damage or can I stop her and protect myself with defense: If it's no, she can't hurt me and yes I can protect myself with defense you do that and go away. If she CAN hurt you (big girl who know how to fight or armed) then fuck yes you can protect yourself, only idiots say "never under any circumstances hit a woman" the last woman I was in a fight with was about 35 years ago, I was running a restaurant and a lesbian couple was making out at the table. Not just kissing, clothing was coming off hands in panties, like they were sexing down at the table. I walked up and politely asked them to stop. The big one (crew cut, flannel shirt, the kind of woman that rolls her own tampons and kick starts her vibrator) was drunk and told me to leave them alone and that I was only doing it because they were gay.

I told her that because they were gay they could move the party to my place when I was off work but if you want to put your hand inside her pussy you have to do it elsewhere.In Philly I've had escorts rob me out of hundreds of dollars. I'm sure she went on to rob several other monger out of hundreds as well. Does that deserve a beating?

In other countries, I had brothels try to hold me hostage and use my credit cards to extort thousands of dollars from me. Lucky for me, they didn't know how credit cards worked and I just called the credit card companies to cancel those charges. Do they require beatings?

Recently I had one girl who refused to get out of the car until she got $60. We didn't even park up. Nothing sexual or physical even happened. She was one block away from where I picked her up. Do I give her $60 or do I stand up to this robbery? For me, $60 is only a small fraction of an hour's work. For others, $60 is more than one day's pay. If I just give her free money, she will continue to do this to others. It just took me getting out of my car and saying she would be thrown out if she doesn't get out for her to run scared. I think I acted reasonably. If it doesn't stop with me, when does her robbery actions stop?

06-01-23, 09:59
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

06-10-23, 12:10
Some of these Internet know it alls get old really quick. Especially when they don't have but 20 or so posts, all of which are complaints, flames and overall cuntiness. None of which provide any useful information. I 'blinked' my eyes and poof it has been ignored. Hopefully that works and yapping Chihuahua is heard no more.

06-10-23, 22:46
Some of these Internet know it alls get old really quick. Especially when they don't have but 20 or so posts, all of which are complaints, flames and overall cuntiness. None of which provide any useful information. I 'blinked' my eyes and poof it has been ignored. Hopefully that works and yapping Chihuahua is heard no more.Hooray the tiny dick barking club is no longer being heard. I receive a banner that its posts are being blocked.

06-12-23, 10:55
I never said she was a streetwalker doing dates. Why'all assumed she's a streetwalker doing dates. I said I met her a month ago. Nothing happened because she wasn't one. Why you think it took a me a month to find her again?

Think about it, why'all be finding and giving out reports on the same street walker every other day. There's 2,525 active member right now and not none of y'all laid eyes on her yet.

You ever seen those speed walking chicks that pays no attention to anybody? That's her. Not all girls out there doing dates. And there's two other speed walking girls I be trying to meet that will never stop for me. One of them gave me the finger like 6 times already but that's not stopping me. Persistent is the key.

And I never told why'all the whole story when I ran into her again. If you knew, why'all would completely think different about her. It's save on my laptop from my dashcam.Oh so you withheld critical info in your initial post, info that would not have led most to assume she was a SW?


Seems like if one withholds key info, they give up the right to get pizzed when others comment? No?

Just saying.

06-12-23, 11:16
Oh so you withheld critical info in your initial post, info that would not have led most to assume she was a SW?


Seems like if one withholds key info, they give up the right to get pizzed when others comment? No?

Just saying.Quit trying to fight everyone just because you have nothing better to do.

06-12-23, 13:21
Quit trying to fight everyone just because you have nothing better to do.What got yer knickers in a twist? Not "fighting" anyone, just commenting on a move that appears to be a douche move.

I posted that and then saw that I had missed several replies, that in essence said what I had posted.

It was a douchebag move by the dude to NOT state she wasn't a SW. And he admitted it too eventually for which I give him props!

I have plenty to do, prolly dated more girls in a week than you do in a month.

http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?21890-Delaware-Douchebaggery!&p=6469338&viewfull=1#post6469338 Post #340.

But I see you are one of my fan club of "haters". Why don't you celebrate others success and encourage those that try to help the newbies?

But hey, if you'd like some wet shoes, I'm happy to accommodate!

06-13-23, 06:26
What got yer knickers in a twist? Not "fighting" anyone, just commenting on a move that appears to be a douche move.

I posted that and then saw that I had missed several replies, that in essence said what I had posted.

It was a douchebag move by the dude to NOT state she wasn't a SW. And he admitted it too eventually for which I give him props!

I have plenty to do, prolly dated more girls in a week than you do in a month.

http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?21890-Delaware-Douchebaggery!&p=6469338&viewfull=1#post6469338 Post #340.

But I see you are one of my fan club of "haters". Why don't you celebrate others success and encourage those that try to help the newbies?

But hey, if you'd like some wet shoes, I'm happy to accommodate!Bruh. You seem to have some personality problems. Maybe take a moment and truly try to look inward and ask yourself why everyone hates you.

Hopefully you can realize what your problem is and maybe become a better you through some honest self reflection.

06-13-23, 13:05
Bruh. You seem to have some personality problems. Maybe take a moment and truly try to look inward and ask yourself why everyone hates you.

Hopefully you can realize what your problem is and maybe become a better you through some honest self reflection.From what I get from DMs doesn't look like "everyone hates you!

Maybe you should look in the mirror and figure out why you have such a hard-on for me? You are the only one hating on me.

06-14-23, 16:51
From what I get from DMs doesn't look like "everyone hates you!

Maybe you should look in the mirror and figure out why you have such a hard-on for me? You are the only one hating on me.Seriously bro. You should try to fix whatever is wrong with you. It is not hard to see that everyone hates you. I'm sure people in your personal life hate you too.

Here are just a few of your haters from the past few weeks:

I do not think I am a king. However I think you think you are a king.

HA, HA, HA, HA. The funny thing about all of this is, you really believe everything your saying! You really believe you are the all wise and mighty all knowing God of usasexguide! You really believe your the chosen one of usasexguide just because you have over a thousand posts! All this nonsense means nothing to me. It doesn't impress me at all. I may be new to usasexguide but I'm not new to the game. Let me make that clear. I'm doing very well fishing on my own, and really don't want or need your help on anything. As for my low post count. It's not 15. Its 75! It may be time for your eye exam.

Bruh. You seem to have some personality problems. Maybe take a moment and truly try to look inward and ask yourself why everyone hates you.

Hopefully you can realize what your problem is and maybe become a better you through some honest self reflection.

I've never met BeefNoodle before, but am familiar with several girls who do know him. They have nothing but positive things to say and sometimes will even go out of their way to get picked up by him. I trust his advice 1000 X times more than shampoos repetitive diatribes.

06-15-23, 22:03
He is well intentioned, well informed and very helpful but he can come across as pedantic and preachy and so he rubs people the wrong way. Read his posts and assume good intent and you'll learn.

06-16-23, 07:28
He is well intentioned, well informed and very helpful but he can come across as pedantic and preachy and so he rubs people the wrong way. Read his posts and assume good intent and you'll learn.That is quite a generous take.

I disagree with almost everything you say. Consider what he wrote below. He is pretty much acting like a spoiled child. Not well intentioned. Not well informed. Not helpful. Nothing useful to learn.

I see since I posted yesterday in response to Noodle, that generated FIVE (5), count them, 5 replies! Three of them targeted at me LOL.

Guess I got under his skin so much he had to reply so much? Never seen a dude get such a raging hard-on for me before! Wow!

What's the famous Shakespearean line?

Methinks the lady doth protest too much LOL.

06-16-23, 10:56
That is quite a generous take.

I disagree with almost everything you say. Consider what he wrote below. He is pretty much acting like a spoiled child. Not well intentioned. Not well informed. Not helpful. Nothing useful to learn.Dude! Get a grip this is a FIGHT THREAD! I don't come to Mighty Mick's Boxing Club to be all kumbayah! I come here to bash the idiots that are either too stupid to get the points I m making or too jealous of a guy more experienced than they are. This is the only place one can fight and flame without getting booted. So if you expect your hand to be held and you get a participation trophy in the Fight Thread, you are as Howard Erskin says a complete DOPE!

So you think I'm an idiot because I bash in the bashing section? You want me to lay down and show my belly? SMH! It's OK for other to bash me and I just have to take it because otherwise HankScorpio will judge that I'm' a spoiled child? What planet are you from? That list in LimpNoodle's post is a list of HATERS around here. So you are a hater! Is it OK to be a HATER?

Problem is that today everyone is SO sensitive and when their little feelings get hurt they want to cancel; the other person. I learned so much here, when I came into the hobby and felt a need to pay forward. So yeah, Jterry26 get it, I am trying to help. If the style puts you off then that is YOUR issue. You probably miss a lot of good advice or information because the "style" isn't to your liking? That is just DOPEY! We all can learn from each other. But if you need a kumbayah style to be able to assimilate info, the sigh.

But hey, if you want to consider other options, approaches and LEARN, I think I have something to share.

You want to keep this going? I love flaming the idiots, it's great sport as they get their knickers in a twist and come back with even more DOPEY retorts.

I love giving wet shoes, so you want to continue?

One Eyed Phil
06-16-23, 14:08
This is really important.

Make sure you use a VPN to access this site. If your IP address is exposed, your real identity can be discovered.

I was able to find a photo of shampoo: https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ad_117122705.jpg.

06-16-23, 15:51
Dude! Get a grip this is a I don't come to Mighty Mick's Boxing Club to be all kumbayah! I come here to bash the idiots that are either too stupid to get the points I m making or too jealous of a guy more experienced than they are. This is the only place one can fight and flame without getting booted. So if you expect your hand to be held and you get a participation trophy in the Fight Thread, you are as Howard Erskin says a complete DOPE!

So you think I'm an idiot because I bash in the bashing section? You want me to lay down and show my belly? SMH! It's OK for other to bash me and I just have to take it because otherwise HankScorpio will judge that I'm' a spoiled child? What planet are you from? That list in LimpNoodle's post is a list of HATERS around here. So you are a hater! Is it OK to be a HATER?

Problem is that today everyone is SO sensitive and when their little feelings get hurt they want to cancel; the other person. I learned so much here, when I came into the hobby and felt a need to pay forward. So yeah, Jterry26 get it, I am trying to help. If the style puts you off then that is YOUR issue. You probably miss a lot of good advice or information because the "style" isn't to your liking? That is just DOPEY! We all can learn from each other. But if you need a kumbayah style to be able to assimilate info, the sigh.Shampoo. Seek professional help. You need to see some type of mental help professional and get on some psych meds.

06-17-23, 02:24
Shampoo. Seek professional help. You need to see some type of mental help professional and get on some psych meds.Is that all you gots? That is the oldest lamest retort. How many hours did it take you to think that one up? And that is the best you can do?

This week I banged two AMP girls. XYZabc, the one I took a week ago for some takeout bbfs, she did me for free. R was a typical AMP date, except I skipped the massage and did BoomBoom for the entire hour. Oh and she allowed me to snap a few pics. Did a car date with ASP that was again so hot that we nutted together. Did a car date with SexyGirl that was almost like an indoor date. Did a M&G with a SB that is headed for the FC. And that was a slow week!

What F did you accomplish this week other than wetting my shoes?

Stop being a HATER!

06-17-23, 03:18
Is that all you gots? That is the oldest lamest retort. How many hours did it take you to think that one up? And that is the best you can do?

This week I banged two AMP girls. XYZabc, the one I took a week ago for some takeout bbfs, she did me for free. R was a typical AMP date, except I skipped the massage and did BoomBoom for the entire hour. Oh and she allowed me to snap a few pics. Did a car date with ASP that was again so hot that we nutted together. Did a car date with SexyGirl that was almost like an indoor date. Did a M&G with a SB that is headed for the FC. And that was a slow week!

What F did you accomplish this week other than wetting my shoes?

Stop being a HATER!Wow. Shampoo is really going nuts now. It is really sad.

It is almost as sad as watching kensington addicts blow everything on the drugs they inject in their veins.

06-17-23, 05:56
This is really important.

Make sure you use a VPN to access this site. If your IP address is exposed, your real identity can be discovered.

I was able to find a photo of shampoo: https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ad_117122705.jpg.Hilarious.

06-17-23, 11:54
Wow. Shampoo is really going nuts now. It is really sad.

It is almost as sad as watching kensington addicts blow everything on the drugs they inject in their veins.LOL! Geez, apparently you're not getting any pussy, LimpNoodle and thus need to hate on those that are doing a better job than you?

Maybe if you used yer dick for something other than pizzing on my shoes, you'd be a happier man?

SkankHunt 42
06-17-23, 13:21
LOL! Geez, apparently you're not getting any pussy, LimpNoodle and thus need to hate on those that are doing a better job than you?

Maybe if you used yer dick for something other than pizzing on my shoes, you'd be a happier man?This Shampoo55 is a real piece of work. He doesn't seem to be able to be able to read the room. He doesn't realize that he is the problem and he lashes out at anyone who tries to help him.

I hope he can get the help he needs, but it might be too late for this one.

06-17-23, 22:04
LOL! Geez, apparently you're not getting any pussy, LimpNoodle and thus need to hate on those that are doing a better job than you?

Maybe if you used yer dick for something other than pizzing on my shoes, you'd be a happier man?LOL. Seems like everyone in the Delaware forum hates shampoo (nick named "poo") and ignores so he comes on the philly forum. Sad.


06-20-23, 23:11
Why isn't that happening?

Not going to lie, Sin does bring joy into my life. I don't even go hunting anymore. All we do is just chill in my truck for like 8 hours.

I wished yall can experience it but thats not happening.

Member #6644
06-20-23, 23:15
Why isn't that happening?Cause you ain't Swim101.

06-20-23, 23:30
Cause you ain't Swim101.I can't take it anymore.

Member #6644
06-20-23, 23:33
I can't take it anymore.This is how I feel if Sin don't FaceTime me after 3 hours.

06-21-23, 00:30
Not going to lie, Sin does bring joy into my life. I don't even go hunting anymore. All we do is just chill in my truck for like 8 hours.

I wished yall can experience it but thats not happening.Ngl. She kinda basic bruh.

06-21-23, 02:28
I don't know what your deal is, but the purpose of this forum is for members to share information about which girls to avoid, which girls to see, and their contact info when possible or typical location in order to meet them. It isn't some private chat room for you to gloat about falling in love with some random SW from Kenz. You are doing this forum a disservice and honestly just wasting everyone's time. If you want to just post pics, go to the cookiejar thread.

And also, if this girl needs money, and you can't really help her out, then you are doing her a disservice as well by preventing her from making money from mongers on this board. Honestly it's just selfish all around.

Cause you ain't Swim101.

This is how I feel if Sin don't FaceTime me after 3 hours.

Sam Katz
06-21-23, 13:44
Not going to lie, Sin does bring joy into my life. I don't even go hunting anymore. All we do is just chill in my truck for like 8 hours.

I wished yall can experience it but thats not happening.

I was being very nice giving you props even after the fact of not disclosing important details thinking you were just happy to pull a possible SW (Sam don't like internet conflict on a board where we help each other) but what the hell is wrong with you dude? You literally been bragging about about this chick for so long when nobody cares (if somebody here does care I ask why? I'm genuinely curious) You had several posts talking about this 18 min video that you never posted (why even keep bringing it up then? And stating that these pix will break the internet etc). Please. You gloat non stop about facetiming her and seriously did you even fuck her? I got a feeling you didn't because you facetime her all the time for hours and spend 8 hours in your truck just to chill? Who just chills with a girl in their car for 8 hours? That's a whole work shift. You also said no money was exchanged. WOW! You deserve a Captain Save A Hoe Trophy!. Even though you took her places and paid for her ticket to Florida. Sounds like money was exchanged after all.

But the real question is- what is the point of all this? Low self-esteem? You seek validation and praise from a discussion board to stroke your tiny ego? I gave you props multiple times so don't call me a hater, I even wished you good luck multiple times too so please save the insults.

"I wished yall can experience it but that's not happening"? Okay good for you.

"Cause you ain't Swim101"? What? Don't you got a buddy you can meet who will give you a high five and tell you how awesome you are? Come on man she's not even all that. She's only conventionally attractive (Kensington standards an 8. 5 so outside the SW scene she's a 5. 5 average) Melanie takes the cake for best looking imo but that's just Sams take because she could pass for a normal Temple student as well and I enjoy a nice little spinner. But dude it seems like you're trolling at this point. I'm talking to this hottie FOB chick right now I really am but I bet nobody gives a F about the details though. Weird.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

06-21-23, 14:32
Cause you ain't Swim101.I'm under the impression that this is one of those downs syndrome folks with a government assistance phone. Very proud to have a person talk to him, figured out how the camera works. Special little guy.

Member #6644
06-21-23, 15:03
I was being very nice giving you props even after the fact of not disclosing important details thinking you were just happy to pull a possible SW (Sam don't like internet conflict on a board where we help each other) but what the hell is wrong with you dude? You literally been bragging about about this chick for so long when nobody cares (if somebody here does care I ask why? I'm genuinely curious) You had several posts talking about this 18 min video that you never posted (why even keep bringing it up then? And stating that these pix will break the internet etc). Please. You gloat non stop about facetiming her and seriously did you even fuck her? I got a feeling you didn't because you facetime her all the time for hours and spend 8 hours in your truck just to chill? Who just chills with a girl in their car for 8 hours? That's a whole work shift. You also said no money was exchanged. WOW! You deserve a Captain Save A Hoe Trophy!. Even though you took her places and paid for her ticket to Florida. Sounds like money was exchanged after all.

But the real question is- what is the point of all this? Low self-esteem? You seek validation and praise from a discussion board to stroke your tiny ego? I gave you props multiple times so don't call me a hater, I even wished you good luck multiple times too so please save the insults.

"I wished yall can experience it but that's not happening"? Okay good for you.

"Cause you ain't Swim101"? What? Don't you got a buddy you can meet who will give you a high five and tell you how awesome you are? Come on man she's not even all that. She's only conventionally attractive (Kensington standards an 8. 5 so outside the SW scene she's a 5. 5 average) Melanie takes the cake for best looking imo but that's just Sams take because she could pass for a normal Temple student as well and I enjoy a nice little spinner. But dude it seems like you're trolling at this point. I'm talking to this hottie FOB chick right now I really am but I bet nobody gives a F about the details though. Weird.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.I'm doing all this just for your approval. I wanted to make you proud.

Sam Katz
06-22-23, 07:11
I'm doing all this just for your approval. I wanted to make you proud.You made it to the top. I'm proud of you kid.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

Member #6644
06-22-23, 11:18
You made it to the top. I'm proud of you kid.

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.Thanks. This means a lot to me.

06-26-23, 13:18
LOL. Seems like everyone in the Delaware forum hates shampoo (nick named "poo") and ignores so he comes on the philly forum. Sad.

Lololololol.Sorry, Mr. LimpNoodle, I didn't replied very fast, I've been a bit busy! Here's my last week....and you?

Reconnected with S a hot little AA spinner girl with excellent verbal skills and a tight little inviting snatch.

Took a regular, JD, that usually does care dates to a Notel for a 3-hour romp. Two rounds with this horny gal and she popped 3 times. Later in the week we reconnected for one of our car dates.

Met a drop dead gorgeous, petite, blonde spinner SB for a M&G and ended up in the FC with her. That girl was so horny she came like 6 times and while doing DATY on her she was screaming so loud I thought they'd hear her at the front desk. Two rounds with this beauty! Paid much less than she asked, and likely much less than others would have given for a 9+ girl. But she was happy with it and lined up for a repeat. WOW.

But since I had the room overnight, I ordered some Asian takeout from the gal, TOA, who had provided a nice date and night a couple of weeks ago! Overnights are a perfect GFE situation with all that entails, especially if yer GF is on B / C.

Met a "new" SB off of SB site (J-sb) and turns out it was a babe I had dated off of SA a couple of years ago. Nice enough date, but in comparison to the above, I won't be seeing her again. That said a buddy had offered her 200, I got her to ask for 130 and the date went off at 100 and she was happy with it. The power of negotiating and not just paying "list!

Did a quickie with and a girl that has been a regular for years. Her living situation is getting rougher to the point where its either outcalls to a notel or no datee this one. Her friend B filled in the next day. Darn that girl was horny. She hopped on for some CG after a very nice BBBJ and rode until she popped a couple of times and collapsed on me. Then I flipped her for some doggie and caught her fingering herself as I pounded away. After she repeated her pleasure, I flipped to mish where I stroked her until we popped together!

So yeah, I do have a group of "haters" here and in DE! No worries, I don't need approval from some group of anonymous wh*remongers to make my life complete. Half the haters do that because they are jealous: neither have the skills nor the budget to fuck as much pussy as I do. Then there are the ones that are too slow on the uptake and get mad at others calling them "know it alls!" I can't change any of these dudes, so which one are you?

But I'll toss out an olive branch to you, should you be so inclined. Abe Lincoln once observed: Do I not defeat my enemy when I make him my friend? I'm open if you are as we all can benefit from others experiences. Plus it cuts down on the acrimony on this site. So what say you? Step up to the plate and make a change?

I just like to share what I have learned in the monger game, to hopefully help others learn and avoid bad "experiential learning. " If that pizzes some dudes off. WHATEVAH.

06-26-23, 16:00
Sorry, Mr. LimpNoodle, I didn't replied very fast, I've been a bit busy! Here's my last week....and you?

Reconnected with S a hot little AA spinner girl with excellent verbal skills and a tight little inviting snatch.

Took a regular, JD, that usually does care dates to a Notel for a 3-hour romp. Two rounds with this horny gal and she popped 3 times. Later in the week we reconnected for one of our car dates.

Met a drop dead gorgeous, petite, blonde spinner SB for a M&G and ended up in the FC with her. That girl was so horny she came like 6 times and while doing DATY on her she was screaming so loud I thought they'd hear her at the front desk. Two rounds with this beauty! Paid much less than she asked, and likely much less than others would have given for a 9+ girl. But she was happy with it and lined up for a repeat. WOW.

But since I had the room overnight, I ordered some Asian takeout from the gal, TOA, who had provided a nice date and night a couple of weeks ago! Overnights are a perfect GFE situation with all that entails, especially if yer GF is on B / C..Stop being a child.

06-26-23, 21:18
Stop being a child.And that reply was mature? Thanks for playing. Add another one to the Hater's list. I guess those that can't get enough pussy, have to hate.

Or they just like wet shoes?

How much pussy did you get last week? Why don't you post about that?

06-30-23, 22:31
You should block out her address there kiddo. Not hard at all to figure out.

Not sure if yall noticed. When I crop my images, I crop off anything that can identify me, my ethnicity and the car I'm driving. I'm pretty sure y'all figure out the car I'm be driving by now.I found Sin's home pretty easily.

A little birdy also told me Swim's ethnicity and car.

SMH. Maybe you should exercise more caution.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 22:38
I found Sin's home pretty easily.

A little birdy also told me Swim's ethnicity and car.

SMH. Maybe you should exercise more caution.It going to eventually come back to me. It's a small world. Common sense kicked in a while ago. Trust me you didnt think I would have knew someone here would ask a girl I been with about me?

So you went around and asking girls about me? Don't really care about them girls said about me.

Why should I exercise more caution? I did my best to conceal personal information, address and names. Obviously it wasnt good enough.

Anyways. As I said yesterday, this story was going to end.

Go ahead. Expose me and Sin. Take your glory to shine or another member will.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 22:58
I found Sin's home pretty easily.

A little birdy also told me Swim's ethnicity and car.

SMH. Maybe you should exercise more caution.Well feel free to expose me. But don't expose Sin. That's not fair at all. Another member will eventually expose me or a SW will.

Or you can just do it. Let’s get it over with. Tell everyone what your little birdie said.

06-30-23, 23:01
Go ahead. Expose me and Sin. Take your glory to shine or another member will.I don't think anyone here has any desire to expose anyone.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 23:04
I don't think anyone where has any desire to expose anyone.So why you out there asking people about me? Bro just expose me. You already gave the idea to all another member. Just please leave Sin alone.

Just expose me because I really don't give a fuck. Goddess Melanie will tell you about me and all those other SW that I recorded.

Please post what your little “birdie” said about me.

Tell everyone my ethnicity. Tell everyone my car I’m driving. Tell everyone my skin color. And any other information you have.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 23:05
Where is the pic of you bustin a nut on her face?I can't post more pics now. I'm about to get expose and I don't it to come back and affect her life. If you look back to my prior post, I always stated I posted pics so y’all can enjoy it with me.

Some creep went around finding address and asking SW about me.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 23:18
I don't think anyone here has any desire to expose anyone.But jokes aside you could have slide in my messages and could have told me, I could have creeps randomly showing up at her door. I did not know it was that easy to find her location.

And I can't delete post after a hour.

No one goin to come for me. Ya’ll will come look for Sin.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 23:24
Not going to lie.

It don't sound as bad for me to get exposed.

I will be known for the only person on this site to fuck Sin.

When yall on the ave, picking up these ugly ass bitches, I will drive by and yall will be like that's the dude off usasexguide who fucked Sin with pictures and video proof.

Member #6644
06-30-23, 23:32
Damn nice!

Where's that video? LOL.I can't post anymore. I'm about to get expose.

A senior member went out his way to find the girls I dated and ask them about me.

Member #6644
07-01-23, 06:10
Without commenting on what I may think this relationship is for her, I think this is the clearest sign over what this really is for you.I was just sleepy. I wanted to go home to my own bed. I can't fall asleep nowhere else. I went home, took a nap and woke up missing her.

I think you enjoy the closeness you have with her because being with her is the true GFE. She enjoys having you around, she probably feels really safe with you and as a result, the sex is a lot more fulfilling.I do feel safe around her. We don't judge each other. I'm positive she trust me. I have ED but she does her best to accommodate my needs. I went limp on her multiple times. She's very emotional, caring and sharing person.

But in the end there may not be enough there for you to structure a relationship around this, because you are already getting to the point where you are tired of being around her. And it hasn't really been that long (in calendar days) that you've been involved with herNo I was just sleepy and irked that she wanted her male bestie that I never met to watch us have sex, record it and post it on her OF (censored) page that she going to make.

I was not expecting that until I got outside the house. No heads up, no warning, no nothing. But I'm down for it now. If that what's she wants.

A lot of that is probably in how limited things are around what you are ok doing with her in public. Your world with her is probably pretty small.

Not going to tell you how to run your life or how to structure this relationship with her, but you should be asking yourself some of these questions because I think this is definitely a relationship you want to be having exclusively on your terms, at least at this point.

Unless you're going to bring her home with you and start including her in all facets of your life, which is an entirely different conversation.I'm not ready for this conversation yet but I'm noticed we both adjusted our lifestyle and personality to accommodate both of us. We used to argue often in my truck until she finally convinced me to come inside her house, she made sure I felt safe, she got me comfortable and we stop arguing. I guess sexing and chilling in my car took a toll on us.

In my car, she would take everything off except her panties
At home, same she would take everything off except her panties

Would I wife her? I was never that type of person to claim anyone. I'm just going to keep calling until she blocks me.

Would I keep her around? Yes.

Does she make time for me? Yes.

Do I feel rush? Nope, not at all.

I like the attention we get when we go inside a store. We be getting stares. She's very stylish and attractive.

Would I walk next to Sin all around Kensington? Yes.

Would I walk next to Goddess Melanie all around Kensington? No.

She probably won't meet my family for years. They don't care what's going on with my life.

She's remind me of a best friend, someone I can spend time all day with.

Would I let her do dates? Yes.

Would I give out her contact information? No.

07-01-23, 11:21
Can we just bring it back to talking about SW's. Who's good and who we should avoid.

07-01-23, 12:11
Good luck with your new "girlfriend". Just remember how you met so be careful. The rest of us will continue to monger and review and rate SW's.

I was just sleepy. I wanted to go home to my own bed. I can't fall asleep nowhere else. I went home, took a nap and woke up missing her.
I do feel safe around her. We don't judge each other. I'm positive she trust me. I have ED but she does her best to accommodate my needs. I went limp on her multiple times. She's very emotional, caring and sharing person.

No I was just sleepy and irked that she wanted her male bestie that I never met to watch us have sex, record it and post it on her OF (censored) page that she going to make.

I was not expecting that until I got outside the house. No heads up, no warning, no nothing. But I'm down for it now. If that what's she wants.

I'm not ready for this conversation yet but I'm noticed we both adjusted our lifestyle and personality to accommodate both of us. We used to argue often in my truck until she finally convinced me to come inside her house, she made sure I felt safe, she got me comfortable and we stop arguing. I guess sexing and chilling in my car took a toll on us.

In my car, she would take everything off except her panties
At home, same she would take everything off except her panties

Would I wife her? I was never that type of person to claim anyone. I'm just going to keep calling until she blocks me.

Would I keep her around? Yes.

Does she make time for me? Yes.

Do I feel rush? Nope, not at all.

I like the attention we get when we go inside a store. We be getting stares. She's very stylish and attractive.

Would I walk next to Sin all around Kensington? Yes.

Would I walk next to Goddess Melanie all around Kensington? No.

She probably won't meet my family for years. They don't care what's going on with my life.

She's remind me of a best friend, someone I can spend time all day with.

Would I let her do dates? Yes.

Would I give out her contact information? No.

07-01-23, 12:31
This guy must be delusional in thinking he can turn a hoe in to a housewife type. She's an addict and they will say anything or do anything to get what they want.

Member #6644
07-01-23, 16:18
This guy must be delusional in thinking he can turn a hoe in to a housewife type. She's an addict and they will say anything or do anything to get what they want.I know how to handle one. This not my first rodeo.

07-15-23, 20:54
Watch out for this one. Started messaging with her, exchanged numbers, started talking. She seemed cool, no signs of anything weird, drug use, etc. We set up a date. The night before the day we're supposed to meet she gives me some sob story and says she needs $30. Honestly, I sent it just to see what she would do. Partially I did feel she was legit, but a part of me isn't scared to lose a small amount just to see the full picture. Better than walking into a potentially sketchy situation. So I send the $30.

People like you are part of the problem. I'm not "scared to lose" 30 bucks or even a full PPM, but the scammers are only out there because people like you give them money. No legit SB can't manage to make it to a coffee date without your 30 bucks. Quit feeding the scammers.

07-16-23, 08:36
People like you are part of the problem. I'm not "scared to lose" 30 bucks or even a full PPM, but the scammers are only out there because people like you give them money. No legit SB can't manage to make it to a coffee date without your 30 bucks. Quit feeding the scammers.That's the issue. Dudes don't seem to care. Paying for M&G. Sending money. Paying desperate rates for mid women. Look I push the envelope when doing things. I Emphasize to the girls you want a positive experience that can be repeated. Then don't push the money or you will just be a pro to most of the guys. I don't push the sex either as you come off like some creepy dude. I push on just meeting and going from there.

I don't care if they want 100 to 1000. Even super hot girls that want 500 plus. Can be banging multiple dudes in a day and be more of a pro then the girl who content with a couple Benjamins.. yeah it does take some work. But if everyone stopped throwing money out there and was a little smarter. It would be a lot earlier to find the gems

07-16-23, 13:41
People like you are part of the problem. I'm not "scared to lose" 30 bucks or even a full PPM, but the scammers are only out there because people like you give them money. No legit SB can't manage to make it to a coffee date without your 30 bucks. Quit feeding the scammers.You're way to upset and too quick to place the blame for every scammer on a single hobbyist. I said not being scared to lose $30 was one single factor in my decision to send it. I also clearly stated that everything leading up to that was legit. Furthermore, nowhere in that entire post did I ever say I wasn't scared to lose an entire PPM amount. You literally just made that up.

To top it all off, if I hadn't given her that small amount of money and reported the events afterward, guys on here would be booking dates with her and walking into a potential cash and dash or dangerous situation. Sometimes the best way to weed out a scammer is to prove it and report it to everyone. Thank me for my service and move on.

07-16-23, 15:40
If you guys go the BBFS route just remember to proceed with caution fellas! My buddy caught the Herp while out in Thailand being a drunken horny monger which was a huge part of a nasty divorce when he got back yea no need to share the details. But Thailand is not exactly clean and well organized like AMPs here but still we all know the risks even with LEO. Just wanted to let ya'll know incase you don't (I know the mongers that's been around a while all know) that these AMP girls tells you they get tested every week or few weeks monthly whatever. Unfortunately they don't and it's a lie. I know this for a fact through my time in the AMP game) I wish they would get tested weekly now that things went bare though but it is what it is. I just asked the girl I know right now and she replied "don't I need to have health insurance or be a citizen?" Sigh. Not knowing it's free in most states and in Philly as well so I'm guessing they don't know and just don't bother because she said her roommates said the same thing and get tested usually when they go back to Korea for a bit before leaving again to come back to work in the states.

Happy Hunting Everybody!

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.The incidence rate of HSV-2 is nearly 16% in women ages 14-49 in the USA. And with an estimate of 87% infected have no clinical diagnosis. So what are the risks of catching HSV-2 infection in that girl you pick up at the bar last night? Or a girl you are dating?

How common is genital herpes?

Genital herpes infection is common in the United States. CDC estimated that there were 572,000 new genital herpes infections in the United States in a single year.1 Nationwide, 11.9 % of persons aged 14 to 49 years have HSV-2 infection (12.1% when adjusted for age).2 However, the prevalence of genital herpes infection is higher than that because an increasing number of genital herpes infections are caused by HSV-1. 3 Oral HSV-1 infection is typically acquired in childhood; because the prevalence of oral HSV-1 infection has declined in recent decades, people may have become more susceptible to contracting a genital herpes infection from HSV-1. 4

HSV-2 infection is more common among women than among men; the percentages of those infected during 2015-2016 were 15.9% versus 8.2% respectively, among 14 to 49 year olds. (2) This is possibly because genital infection is more easily transmitted from men to women than from women to men during penile-vaginal sex. (5) HSV-2 infection is more common among non-Hispanic blacks (34.6%) than among non-Hispanic whites (8.1%). (2) A previous analysis found that these disparities, exist even among persons with similar numbers of lifetime sexual partners. Most infected persons may be unaware of their infection; in the United States, an estimated 87.4% of 14 to 49 year olds infected with HSV-2 have never received a clinical diagnosis. 6

The age-adjusted percentage of persons in the United States infected with HSV-2 decreased from 18.0% in 19992000 to 12.1% in 2015-2016. (2)


Genital Herpes Transmission Risk by Gender

About 12% of people aged 14 to 49 in the United States (around 18 million) have genital herpes. The risk of genital herpes can differ depending on gender and sexual orientation.

The following are relevant findings pertaining to genital herpes transmission risk: (3)

* Women are more likely to have genital herpes. This might be because it is easier for the virus to transmit from a man to a woman via penile-vaginal sex. (1)
* About 16% of women aged 14 to 49 have genital herpes.
* For men aged 14 to 49, the rate of genital herpes is about 8%.
* The rate of genital herpes among men who have sex with men is about 16% to 28%, depending on ethnicity. Rates are higher among nonwhite men, and studies say this is likely because of less access to health care and higher poverty rates.4
* Rates of herpes transmission were lower among gay women (about 2% to 7%) than among bisexual women (about 15% to 17%) (5)


That said, there is are NO STDs out there, that with medical attention, will KILL you! All are either treatable or manageable as chronic conditions.

But I get it, most people get their education on STDs from less than credible sources and allow fear and uncertainty to rule their thought / decision making process.

Most recent Philly statistics table. Note rates are in # per 100,000. So a reported number 1,234 is really 1. 234%.


Burbs Monger
07-16-23, 18:00
I don't believe your assessment is correct. Once a red flag goes up, doesn't matter if it is beginning, middle, or towards the end, the scammer is exposed. Not a lot of red flags are as big as asking for a deposit. Those mongers that choose to RTFF will see the lady asked for a deposit and is a scammer. I don't need to know that she asked and then RECEIVED the deposit to not talk with her. One red flag is enough for me to say next.

You fed the habit and positively reinforced it and made the scam profitable to her. You are definitely part of the few who ruin it for the many. Not trying to pick a fight, just giving my opinion and politely asking to not feed the habits of scammers. It does a disservice to the board.

Be Safe.

You're way to upset and too quick to place the blame for every scammer on a single hobbyist. I said not being scared to lose $30 was one single factor in my decision to send it. I also clearly stated that everything leading up to that was legit. Furthermore, nowhere in that entire post did I ever say I wasn't scared to lose an entire PPM amount. You literally just made that up.

To top it all off, if I hadn't given her that small amount of money and reported the events afterward, guys on here would be booking dates with her and walking into a potential cash and dash or dangerous situation. Sometimes the best way to weed out a scammer is to prove it and report it to everyone. Thank me for my service and move on.

07-16-23, 20:01
You're way to upset and too quick to place the blame for every scammer on a single hobbyist. It slowly adds up though. Even if they get 1 person, that means they will get another and continue to scam.

I said not being scared to lose $30 was one single factor in my decision to send it.But that's the factor that matters to them and perpetuates it happening over and over. In essence, it's the only factor that ACTUALLY matters.

To top it all off, if I hadn't given her that small amount of money and reported the events afterward, guys on here would be booking dates with her and walking into a potential cash and dash or dangerous situation. Sometimes the best way to weed out a scammer is to prove it and report it to everyone. Thank me for my service and move on.All you had to do was report that she wanted the 30 for a sob story before even meeting and other people could have made their own decisions on what. You encouraging scammers like this isn't a "service".

07-16-23, 21:35
You're way to upset and too quick to place the blame for every scammer on a single hobbyist. I said not being scared to lose $30 was one single factor in my decision to send it. I also clearly stated that everything leading up to that was legit. Furthermore, nowhere in that entire post did I ever say I wasn't scared to lose an entire PPM amount. You literally just made that up.

To top it all off, if I hadn't given her that small amount of money and reported the events afterward, guys on here would be booking dates with her and walking into a potential cash and dash or dangerous situation. Sometimes the best way to weed out a scammer is to prove it and report it to everyone. Thank me for my service and move on.You're obviously not very bright so I'll try to use small words for you.

No one blamed you for "every scammer. " I pointed out that if there weren't idiots out there handing out money to these scammers, then they'd be wasting their time and they wouldn't be there bothering the rest of us.

I also didn't say that *you* weren't afraid to losea PPM. I would imagine that someone of your intelligence makes minimum wage, so I wouldn't expect you to be able to waste that kind of money. I said that I am not afraid of losing a PPM. What I don't like losing is time, and so I would really appreciate it if people like you would just sit and home and jerk off without handing money to scammers who clog up Seeking thinking the rest of us might be as dumb as you.

And, no, you didn't do "service" for the rest of us, because the rest of us aren't retarded enough to send money to some dude in China pretending to be a woman.

Maybe you should try learning from someone who actually knows how to do this and you might actually get something for your money.

07-16-23, 22:26
You're obviously not very bright so I'll try to use small words for you.

No one blamed you for "every scammer. " I pointed out that if there weren't idiots out there handing out money to these scammers, then they'd be wasting their time and they wouldn't be there bothering the rest of us.

I also didn't say that *you* weren't afraid to losea PPM. I would imagine that someone of your intelligence makes minimum wage, so I wouldn't expect you to be able to waste that kind of money. I said that I am not afraid of losing a PPM. What I don't like losing is time, and so I would really appreciate it if people like you would just sit and home and jerk off without handing money to scammers who clog up Seeking thinking the rest of us might be as dumb as you.

And, no, you didn't do "service" for the rest of us, because the rest of us aren't retarded enough to send money to some dude in China pretending to be a woman.I wasn't responding to the idea that someone giving a scammer money might make them hang around. That's common sense. I admitted it was a mistake immediately, that was the point of the post. My reply was to your smug and overly reactive response. Once again, smug, angry, overly reactive, and zero clue what the fuck you're talking about.

Let's get facts straight. The girl was real, we exchanged voice messages for days. Once again, I mentioned that everything appeared above board in my original post. Furthermore, she came back crying, lying, and attempting to salvage the situation because she saw my bank account balance. Doesn't sound like minimum wage to me, but it does sound like there were multiple parts of my post you didn't have the ability to read. Meanwhile, everyone else is a retard apparently.

I'm open to learning from anyone who knows what they're talking about, not once did I ever say I wasn't. My point was I made the mistake, I owned it, and posted it as a warning. Your ONLY point was to be an angry, smug, condescending cocksucker. You literally said not one thing everyone here wasn't already aware of. You taught absolutely zero lessons.

A few more facts: I don't give a shit about losing a PPM. That doesn't mean I risk it unnecessarily. That sounds like the action of a retard. You can clearly tell by my proficiency in English that your comments about how much smarter you are were completely unhinged from reality. You think you're in some special class of people who understand the value of time over money, some special club where nobody else is privy to this sacred knowledge?? LOL. That's weird, you think exchanging 4 texts and then blocking someone costs more time than setting up a meet, going to a location, and having your money stolen. Not sure how math works in your universe. Good day, Sir.

07-17-23, 22:20
LOL $30. I'd be infinitely more bugged at lost time and points.

07-18-23, 08:00
As you said with modern Rx, overcoming isn't the issue. I imagine divorce is worse then the disease itself.

The incidence rate of HSV-2 is nearly 16% in women ages 14-49 in the USA. And with an estimate of 87% infected have no clinical diagnosis. So what are the risks of catching HSV-2 infection in that girl you pick up at the bar last night? Or a girl you are dating?

[I]How common is genital herpes?

Genital herpes infection is common in the United States. CDC estimated that there were 572,000 new genital herpes infections in the United States in a single year.1 Nationwide, 11.9 % of persons aged 14 to 49 years have HSV-2 infection (12.1% when adjusted for age).2 However, the prevalence of genital herpes infection is higher than that because an increasing number of genital herpes infections are caused by HSV-1.

Sam Katz
07-19-23, 02:32
As you said with modern Rx, overcoming isn't the issue. I imagine divorce is worse then the disease itself.The divorce was very ugly I remember and my buddy ONLY got tested by sheer luck. He met some Americans at the bar and bought some real Viagras off them since everything in the country was fake and one of the guys told him he should get tested if he was over around a certain area because he got it there himself. There was a huge 0% chance of my friend getting tested if not for meeting them guys. Nobody thinks they going to get it and tons don't even know they do have it.

He eventually would've gave the herp to his wife and yeah. The ugliness would've multiplied 1000 fold. He's now dating a woman with the same problem but still Shampoos research stats are pretty scary. 16% of women 14-49? Yeesh! That's why I hope AMPs all don't start offering the rawdog special but it is what it is and green always wins at the end especially with Korean businesses. It's a dirty game and even back in the day a popular AMP was shut down due to another AMP struggling to get any clients. That one shill thought he knew it all until what Sam said exactly happened.

Anyhoe, thanks for the stats Shampoo, and it is ignorance and denial. The few times I went raw with an AMP girl and regular girls I also thought nothing of it and had no thought of getting tested whatsoever. It's crazy to know if a girl is seeing 100 mongers and DATY and they are all bareback bears statistically in time all it takes is one bad fish. Yikes! But everyone here are grown ups and make decisions all knowing the risks.

The monger once said "Even a jimmyhat can't save you from the herp!

Happy and Safe Hunting Guys!

Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

08-08-23, 13:51
Beauty's subjective. While I would certainly prefer for her to offer a lower rate, I like giant tits like hers and she's not super ugly or anything. At least not on the outside. Just because you don't want to spend that much doesn't mean I won't or can't. I'd rather her than many of the addicts or ex-addicts from STG and so on. The extra money is in the comfort knowing she's not some druggie that's going to mug or rob me.

Yeah I did.

My question was if anyone meet up or if she even follows through on appointments.

She has a booking form and I filled it and had texted her as well. No I wasn't "entitled" or "controlling" Are you sure you're guessing? Cause that "I could be 100% off" doesn't do anything make you look like less of a presumptuous.

Nope. This isn't the SB / SD forums. When escorts, especially the ones that want to be very professional, and she has a twitter / site / tryst and PD ads, do this they obviously wouldn't want to lose a potential client especially since you know so many guys flake out or change their minds when deposits come into play. Least she can do is let someone know she's booked but would like to meet on a separate trip. She even on her own ads says "if same day, try to book before X time" and I'm not even looking for same day or can wait. It's gone way past that.

Who negotiates with escorts on eros / tryst? That's just begging to get ignored. Either you can or you can't. I don't go around pestering women who want 7 $$ because I know that's not a realistic transaction for me. My strategy isn't to look like a cheapskate.

So you literally just contradicted your own last sentence. Why negotiate if it's her prerogative and already on her site / ad?

The issue isn't haggling or anything. I just don't get a reply for essentially zero reason after multiple trips to this area (she's from Pittsburgh it seems) despite fulfilling her requests of using her booking form or an email asking if I filled it out wrong and to hopefully clarify for a meet, because, you know, that's literally her instructions.

Wow. What words of wisdom. Congrats on discovering what literally every other guy on here has found out as well.

Yeah, don't come in here accusing me of being controlling and acting condescending then try to cap it off with that fake cordialness. Kick rocks.OMFG! A line by line "defense" of your post based on my comments? SERIOUSLY?

I was only trying to help and you let some comments on a Prostitution website get your knickers all in a twist such that you had to defend your anon moniker?

But hey, from your defensiveness and approach on your response it sure is clear that you have some sort of "personality" traits. They came out in your reply to me, so no doubt a girl who is use to dealing with dudes everyday, all day, picked up on it too!

Good luck with that!

Yeah, you are a douchebag!

Jim Croce would love you. As you are a slow learner.

You don't tug on Superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger

Enjoy your wet shoes!

08-09-23, 00:49
There's really no point arguing with shampoo. He just repeats his nonsense over and over. And starts fights with everyone.

He's from delaware but everyone on the delaware forum hate him. He uses the philly forum to talk about bs but I don't think he even mongers in philly. I have not seen any evidence that he does anything in philly.Thank you HeadFullofNoodles! I knew I could count on you to be my No. 1 HATER! I just don't get why you don't give up, don't you have enough wet shoes already?

Your premise is WAY off. Not EVERYONE hates me, only those with low IQs that get jealous of someone more vocal than they.

But hey, if you really wanted to shut me up, perhaps you would take over helping the HUGE number of newbies that are starting to post here. Oh wait! You aren't capable!

So keep on hating and having a continued 'hard-on' for me. You must be partly Homosexual!

08-09-23, 05:26
Thank you HeadFullofNoodles! I knew I could count on you to be my No. 1 HATER! I just don't get why you don't give up, don't you have enough wet shoes already?

Your premise is WAY off. Not EVERYONE hates me, only those with low IQs that get jealous of someone more vocal than they.

But hey, if you really wanted to shut me up, perhaps you would take over helping the HUGE number of newbies that are starting to post here. Oh wait! You aren't capable!

So keep on hating and having a continued 'hard-on' for me. You must be partly Homosexual!I am your number 1 hater. Then there are hundreds after me. Please go away!

08-11-23, 12:35
I am your number 1 hater. Then there are hundreds after me. Please go away!Well Gee, Golly, Gosh Whilickers! SOOOOO Sorry your panties got all in a twist! Being a hater is on you!

But apparently yer a model for Howerd Erskin's "Dope!" Waaaaay too stupid to easily make me "go away" by putting me on your ignore list! LOL!

Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll provide you a "how to" do that. That way you won't have to hate, get a hard-on for another guy (faggot) and just generally be a Putz!

But what is SOOO freaking funny is that way TOO many guys get all bent out of shape over STYLE of posts! WTF! This is Philly and yer offended by "in-yer-face" style? Maybe you should move to the Mid-West where you can sing Kumbyah on the boards, give each other participation trophies and do soft things like give standing ovations to struggling ball-players as "encouragement!"

Got to love these fucking mental midgets!

08-13-23, 21:15
Wow. Shampoo55 is old AF. No wonder he is a cranky pile of shit. Hopefully he kicks the bucket soon so we don't need to read his bullshit.

Geez, here we go again! Numbnuts bashing again!

You wouldn't have to read my "bullshit" if you were smart enough to put me on your ignore list! But apparently you are too stupid to be able to do that. You and Hank!

But you are the kind of guy who wants to whine and complain about things and never do anything about it.

Come on buddy, step up to the plate, "be a man" and add me to your ignore list! You want help figuring it out?

Just don't know about a guy that walks around with a hard-on for another guy all of the time.

08-15-23, 16:42
I didn't read all the rules from this site.

I just use common sense. I also use a separate cell. So, there are no pay apps or what's app or telegram. Honestly, if I miss my chance BC of it, so be it. But I had those apps in the very beginning, and none of the girls were legit. Just time wasters trying to pull money out without meeting. But I have never sent anyone money I haven't met. That's really a no-brainer.

Now, these girls text you for a day or two trying to be sweet, and then they say hey do you think you can send me something, or do you mind buying some pics? I never pay for pics either. Hell, when I meet the girls and have a good time. The second meeting they are usually fine taking some pics anyway. Without any extra payment.

So you guys sending money, before meeting are seriously some stupid people. I guarantee that most of you stupid idiots are texting guys that are pretending to be girls, the guy is sending you pics that he got free off the internet. Please people be smart. Because the scammers seem to be everywhere now and trying all types of tactics. I never seen it this bad. Also some scammers seem to be local. BC they will say something about the area. .There will be scammers regardless. I got one bltch that wanted to hop on to snapchat right away and I fking hate snapchat but I had to get her to verify she was real. She did. Was the person in the pics. Still wanted me to cash app her money for "gas so she could get to work. " Nope. Told her off. And then I had one that I had already seen before a few times. All she wanted was just 40 because her mom died. What a scumbag. Using the deceased relative to manipulate people. Because you don't want to be that jerk who guessed wrong when it ACTUALLY DID happen and a family member passed and now you look like a paranoid dick. And she said she'd take it out of the next meet so it wasn't like I was giving extra.

08-15-23, 18:53
Geez, here we go again! Numbnuts bashing again!

You wouldn't have to read my "bullshit" if you were smart enough to put me on your ignore list! But apparently you are too stupid to be able to do that. You and Hank!

But you are the kind of guy who wants to whine and complain about things and never do anything about it.

Come on buddy, step up to the plate, "be a man" and add me to your ignore list! You want help figuring it out?

Just don't know about a guy that walks around with a hard-on for another guy all of the time.The ignore list does nothing!

08-16-23, 08:29
And then I had one that I had already seen before a few times. All she wanted was just 40 because her mom died. What a scumbag. Using the deceased relative to manipulate people. Because you don't want to be that jerk who guessed wrong when it ACTUALLY DID happen and a family member passed and now you look like a paranoid dick. And she said she'd take it out of the next meet so it wasn't like I was giving extra.I don't know if you actually read what I wrote. I said I never send money to someone I NEVER met. Look I am not trying be rude. But you are not very bright to even send money to someone you have only met for a short time. WHY?? Because you open the door for the girl to cry to you about needing money all the time. SO I JUST SAY I don't HAVE CASH APPS. If the girl wants a little extra. I say sure when we neet again. . But there is always a price. Lets take some hot pics. Let go for two rounds etc.

As these girls put a price on themselves. But you go ahead and send money to the girls (guys). Even if you did met them. Let know how it works out. LOL.

08-17-23, 18:07
I don't know if you actually read what I wrote. I said I never send money to someone I NEVER met. Look I am not trying be rude. But you are not very bright to even send money to someone you have only met for a short time. WHY?? Because you open the door for the girl to cry to you about needing money all the time. SO I JUST SAY I don't HAVE CASH APPS. If the girl wants a little extra. I say sure when we neet again. . But there is always a price. Lets take some hot pics. Let go for two rounds etc.

As these girls put a price on themselves. But you go ahead and send money to the girls (guys). Even if you did met them. Let know how it works out. LOL.Are people always this stupid on here?? Just because I said "you" doesn't mean I was talking to 'you,' JDRedbull, directly. I wrote you as in "general person that does the following" you.

Here read it again, I edited it for clarification since you didn't seem to get it.

And then I had one that I had already seen before a few times. All she wanted was just 40 because her mom died. What a scumbag. Using the deceased relative to manipulate people. Because no one wants to be that jerk who guessed wrong when it ACTUALLY DID happen and a family member passed and now they're left looking like a paranoid dick. And she said she'd take it out of the next meet so it wasn't like I was giving extra.

And if you did know I wasn't address you directly, WTF are you getting defensive for? None of that applied to you.

08-17-23, 23:12
Are people always this stupid on here?? Just because I said "you" doesn't mean I was talking to 'you,' JDRedbull, directly. I wrote you as in "general person that does the following" you.

You a it again, I edited it for clarification since you didn't seem to get it.

And then I had one that I had already seen before a few times. All she wanted was just 40 because her mom died. What a scumbag. Using the deceased relative to manipulate people. Because no one wants to be that jerk who guessed wrong when it ACTUALLY DID happen and a family member passed and now they're left looking like a paranoid dick. And she said she'd take it out of the next meet so it wasn't like I was giving extra.

And if you did know I wasn't address you directly, WTF are you getting defensive for? None of that applied to you.You made a direct comment on my post. I am trying to enlighten you. So you are not taken advantage of. But it's obvious you are too smart for me.

I already can see what kind of person you are. Some snarky ass who is butt hurt because you are the type that gets taken advantage of. If you make a comment on my post and you say some stupid shit. I will break it apart to tell you why you are opening up yourself to be taken advantage of. If you don't want any help. To see that. Don't make a comment on my post. Thank you.

08-18-23, 02:00
You made a direct comment on my post.Everyone is usually making direct comments on everybody's posts on here. Doesn't mean that what is being said in that specific comment is what they are doing or accusing the other person being directly replied to, imbecile.

I am trying to enlighten you.First of all, save it for someone who cares, and 2nd of all, I wouldn't go around trying to enlighten people when you're lacking reading comprehension to figure out what someone is saying. Or when. You type like. This because you're too lazy. To proofread your Speech-To-Text and you leave in. A period after every time you pause lazy ass.

So you are not taken advantage of.So. You can go back in time and get me my 40 dollars back? No?

But it's obvious you are too smart for me.I'd imagine a lot more people than just myself are too smart for you.

I already can see what kind of person you are.By all means Freud. Let's hear it.

Some snarky ass who is butt hurt because you are the type that gets taken advantage of. If you make a comment on my post and you say some stupid shit. I will break it apart to tell you why you are opening up yourself to be taken advantage of.You mean like how I already literally admitted in my own post that I was taking a risk cash apping $40 to someone for a pretty suspicious but ultimately delicate situation that could be taken advantage of? Congrats, You're the first person I've met to have hindsighted-hindsight.

If you don't want any help. To see that. Don't make a comment on my post. Thank you.No help needed. You're just backpedaling that you didn't realize I wasn't talking about you directly so you need to now double down like a moron desperately grasping at whatever you can to try to make it seem like you're "enlightened" on here when literally everyone knows to not to send money to people they don't know yet. Thanks for your contribution.

08-18-23, 17:01
Look I actually been trying to be nice. But this is the kind of guy you are. Some bitchass dude.

First. I don't know you. You contact me for a chick's number. I told you to get yourself and her name and where to find her. You say some silly b1 tch shit to me and block me like the fucking the b1 tch you are.

You cry about some scammer chick in one of your post. The girls a fucking scammer. You are fucking dumber than a box of rocks. This fucking chick even contacted me asking for car payment money. About a month ago. I told her I don't know you. I am not some dumb gullible dude. So I block her and she makes a new profile. But Apparently you that fucking gullible dude. Didn't you give her 500 for a massage?. Lmfas. Nuff said. 🤣.

09-07-23, 19:45
Lately she's been pressuring with certain questions.Bruh if she's not for the streets. We don't care LOL. We're not trying to see updates on a SW that you wifed up LOL.

09-08-23, 09:03
Bruh if she's not for the streets. We don't care LOL. We're not trying to see updates on a SW that you wifed up LOL.Right, sounds like you cuffing a SW Swim, since that's the case and you don't want to share, I think you don't need to keep updating us on her. Do not think anybody really cares, I could be wrong. Haha.

Hunter Jay
09-08-23, 15:13
Right, sounds like you cuffing a SW Swim, since that's the case and you don't want to share, I think you don't need to keep updating us on her. Do not think anybody really cares, I could be wrong. Haha.You're not wrong if the update on a chick is not a benefit for other members on the forum no one will care and ignore the post but constantly posting updates and not sharing info will piss some members off. I always share info if I have any info good info save lives and prevent fellow mongers from getting into a bad situations just my opinion.

09-08-23, 17:14
Right, sounds like you cuffing a SW Swim, since that's the case and you don't want to share, I think you don't need to keep updating us on her. Do not think anybody really cares, I could be wrong. Haha.I am convinced that he is just a very dedicated troll. #1 rule of Internet forums is "don't feed the trolls". All of these responses are just want he wants. He's is purposefully obtuse, he's trying to get any reaction, the stronger the better, and it doesn't matter one whit how negative it is.

09-11-23, 08:51
Haven't seen posts from cookie in awhile, anyone know if he is ok?

I couldn't resist, though I should have....

Cookie apparently ran off with SuperEloquent and they set up a Monger Bar in Thailand and are raking in MILLIONS!

only those with some knowledge of history will get that one!

Nah, Gator is the resident expert on Cookie. Perhaps he'll give the real history?

09-11-23, 12:02
Hopefully you guys appreciate these pics I be uploading.I'm just going to assume we all look like this after that statement.

09-11-23, 13:42
Funny, but so very true.

09-11-23, 23:10
Hopefully you guys appreciate these pics I be uploading.Who is she?

09-12-23, 00:01
Who is she?
I'm just going to assume we all look like this after that statement.Dude. Don't encourage him.

She is just some chick that that monger wifed up. Most people who regularly follow this page are sick of him and his BS. She is not available for any services. IMO I think she is pretty mid but he likes to brag about it and newbies on this page get suckered into supporting his BS in hopes to score with this chick but he does not share.

People made a separate thread for him to post his BS but he still likes to post his BS here.

I would also add that I think he has some type of mental illness. For some reason, he likes to post pictures of her I'd information, her home, her SS card, etc. He even has a pic posted of the two of them. But he blocked out his own face for some reason. It is pretty easy to see what he looks like from that info. I would say he is also very below average. IMO.

09-12-23, 12:45
Who is she?RTFT The history here is your friend and teacher. Fwiw.

09-17-23, 19:45
There is so much wrong with this I have no idea where to begin. Gator lost his touch. He has been on the decline for years. Smh.OMG! Seriously. Dude is jealous of Gator! That's the only reason for striking out like that. No specifics just an attack.

Plus, self admitted to being dumber than a box-o-rocks as he has no idea where to begin. Do I need to outline things for you? Genius!

Aren't you the dude who constantly pounds the table to justify beating up the girls out there when you don't get your way?

Point is that there are A LOT of dues out there that need an "education" into "how to" monger. It is easier, cheaper and safer to learn through the experience of others, but it seems many prefer to get arrested, ripped off or guns shoved up their azz as a way to learn.

Yer just jealous that someone else is teaching and you aren't the King of Philly Mongering. Gator has a message many need to hear, if you don't like it why don't you try teaching instead of being a basher troll?

Let's go! More wet shoes coming for you!