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06-02-03, 02:46
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06-02-03, 19:13

Way cool, Roanoke has a board now. Let's get some reports posted!


Sky Ryder
06-07-03, 17:44
I am just curious how things are going at the 'Angus. I haven't been in a while, but I know that a couple of months ago it had calmed down quite a bit. I miss the days of taking a lady and going to the basement for a fun time. I haven't seen anything much on the street lately as well.....

Just curious if anybody has line on fun to be had in Blacksburg or Radford....you would think with all the coeds that there would be few that needed an earning opportunity.

06-10-03, 00:55
Originally posted by Sky Ryder
Just curious if anybody has line on fun to be had in Blacksburg or Radford....you would think with all the coeds that there would be few that needed an earning opportunity. Sky,

Don't know about coeds, but Chrissy from PPE (recommended) is available for Bluefield anytime that she is not touring. which is most of the time.

Roanoke she is available on Friday (6/13) with at least a 3 hr notice in advance, to schedule call 1-877-469-9209 Donations are $200.00 an hr
Related link: http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/nich8870

Hope this helps,

Sky Ryder
07-12-03, 23:45
How is the "scene" in the "Star City". I will be in town and wanted to find out how the SW action is going. Any other "finds" in the area would appreciated as well.

07-13-03, 07:46
So - is there any street scene whatsoever in Roanoke? Where?

Otis Foxx
07-15-03, 14:01
That night I had a dream.

I don't get out a lot in my hometown and I also try to keep a very low profile and take very few risks, so with that in mind here are my comments.

Roanoke has very little to offer those of us who read this board. There are two stirp clubs that I know of and you can read comments about them, for what they're worth, at stripclublist.com. There is quite a bit of bickering back and forth between dancers, patrons, and management of each. The Black Angus is more to the middle of the city and Gold and Silver is almost to the suburbs. They each are easy to find and get to and they each have decent parking lots. Fairly well lit, but I've always been a little nervous about parking my car for a few hours at either one. The Angus might actually be a little better in that respect with the fence around the lot. I haven't been to Gold and Silver in over a year. The fees are reasonable and the dancers IMHO are fairly attractive with nice personalities. No alcohol whatsoever for patrons here. It's a business and you know that from the start. The girls are approachable and give good couch dances which are closely watched by the management. I had a good conversation with one of the dancers here a few years ago. Of course I had gotten a couple of couch dances from her and tipped her pretty well, but she talked some about the other girls. Some she liked, some she didn't. And some sold dates. She seemed to really dislike that idea and I was having a good time as it was, so I didn't pursue that any further. I've only been to the Black Angus once and that was over two years ago. At the time it was a "know a member to become a member" type of club and I sort of talked my way in one Saturday evening. I think that policy has changed with some new ownership. At the time I went, it was BYOB but I think that has changed to a no alcohol whatsoever policy also. Cover charge was less than Gold and Silver, and couch dances were exchanged for a picture of our seventh president, same as Gold and Silver. I had a great time the evening I went. This place was more like a party with strippers than any strip club I've been to. The girls were on about the same level as Gold and Silver on looks but maybe a bit friendlier. The couch dances were performed one on one behind a closed and latched door. There were fewer restrictions and two of the three dancers performed completely without clothing for me there. Since I was there, the place was raided by the authorities and things may have changed. I know that the management has changed. I exchanged emails back and forth with another punter about prospects in Roanoke a couple of years ago who said he ran into one of the Black Angus girls at another bar one night and talked her into a date for $200.

About six years ago there was a lingerie modeling place on Williamson Road called Shooters 44. The one time I went it was self service and the girl was I'd say a 7 on a 10 scale (non-sw). I pretty sure that place was shut down after a sting operation but I may be wrong on that. I know that it is no longer in business. Another place opened up on Main Street called Intimate Dreams or something like that but it didn't last long. I don't know anything about it other than I remember seeing something about it on the news and questions about its legitimacy as a business. Last year there was a place called Whispers Lingerie near the Black Angus. It had the same self service arrangement as Shooters 44 and the girl I had was maybe a 6. The point was well made that there were definite rules and they would be followed there. In talking with the people who ran the place, they had plans to put in a sort of bar in the downstairs part of the building. But that whole venture didn't last. I don't know of any place like that currently in business in the area.

I think that John Law tries to keep the streets of Roanoke free of solicitors and from what I can tell they do a good job. I suppose that with the relatively low rate of violent crime we have, the police departments can afford to put more resources into vice. If that's the case, so be it. I don't mind not hearing about a murder or armed robbery every other day. In my daytime travels through the city I have seen very little evidence of steet walkers. I don't get out at night much at all, so I can't comment on that. Once a week or so I'll have some errands to run and I usually try to take a route that I think might lead to something. The only times I thought there might be something promising I didn't have time to stop and check it out. Once I had pulled up to a stop sign and a girl, maybe late twenties and about a 8 on a sw scale, asked me if I "wanted to give her a ride, ya know, to the store or something." I really did have to get back to the office so I said "sorry, I can't" and went on. I haven't seen her in that area since. The other time I was turning the corner and saw a girl, maybe early twenties and a solid 8 on a sw scale, who gave me a wave and a smile that seemed a little more than friendly. But I was running late again and didn't stop. Both times were at the corner of Eighth and Patterson. There is a red brick building on that corner which seemed to have more than its share of cars parked along front and curtains drawn for several months. I never knew anything reliable about it so I never stopped to investigate. But a few weeks ago there was a notice on the door and there hasn't been any activity there that I can tell. Maybe one of the other local punters can shed some light on this.

I haven't sampled any of the local escort talent. But I have caught up with a couple of the Carolina girls who visit us every now and then. Good times. By now, you probably know which sites have that type of information so I'll just move on.

There were a couple of postings on one of the WV boards about budget motels. I've been curious about that for some time. Maybe someone else can inform us on that or maybe I can do a little more investigating when I get some time.

I know this was a bit long winded, but I figured that I should contribute something for as much lurking as I've done.

I dunno, maybe it was Utah.

07-19-03, 16:54

Great first post! Best resource I have ever read on the subject of Star City Streets, length is no problem! I will definately home in on Eighth and Patterson next time I venture to, uh, Utah. Keep up the good work!


Otis Foxx
07-21-03, 13:01

Don't get your hopes up too much. I've driven around many of the streets of Roanoke without seeing anything and I've driven by that corner probably a hundred times and only remember those two instances.

07-22-03, 23:53
Originally posted by Otis Foxx
I've driven by that corner probably a hundred times and only remember those two instances. Thx Fox

I know the feeling...


Hondo Lane
08-03-03, 09:20
Near Roanoke, Private Pleasures, Chrissy.

I was not in the mood to drive to DC so I took a chance on seeing Chrissy of Private Pleasures. She was in a hotel near Roanoke. (This was a few months ago) I had seen her sister Monica in Charlottesville some months earlier and had been impressed by her performance. Note: none of these girls are drop dead gorgeous; however, they are good blue collar sort of workers. They know what to do and they do it. And seem to have some fun along the way.

Aside: These girls when you catch up with them perform their duties well. They are; however, not well organized and are often late or no shows. This is not due to malice, it is just that their lives are so screwed up they cannot keep appointments. I suggest that you schedule and then confirm with the agent in the field that she is at the location.

Anyway. Chrissy has gained some weight, about 25 to 30 which changed from from a darling sort of country lass into a somewhat large county lass.

Here is the funny part. She thought that I was LoveLos who has somewhat of a reputation with her sister ? or co-worker. I will not go into the details; however, I feel that I did what I could to keep the Legend alive. Indeed, I tried to set the bar as high as it would go. As any friend would.

In my defense, I tried to tell her that I was not Mr. LL but she did not seem to understand. Chrissy is sort of ditzy, in a charming, make sure you wear your cover, sort of way. After a while I convinced her to stop talking and get to work.

I got a good price, not sw prices, but pretty competitive, so gently negotiate if you are around these ladies. Your reporter in the field, Hondo Lane

P.S. I want to note my appreciate for LoveLos and all the valuable information he has given me thru this forum and otherwise. He is a pioneer who is not afraid to go the extra mile to get intel for his fellow mongers.

Hondo Lane
08-03-03, 09:40

Miya Asia. I saw her several months ago when she came through. Don't miss her. I think it was $$. She is alot of fun and better looking than her pics. She stays at a really nice hotel. Easy access in and out although inse.

She was born in this country and can carry on a conversation about anything. However, I was not really there for chit chat.

She does all the standard stuff, covered. Her dog is probably her best stance for this interviewer. I can't get that stance out of my mind actually. Anyway, I give her a B+. Looks B-, attitude and everything else A. I would see her again for the good of the board.

Your reporter in the field,

Hondo Lane

p.s. Do not use the services in the phone book! I used some about a year ago and they were terrible. I did not think I could fall for the sit in a chair and make yourself happy routine. I did. Do not use the services until you hear differently. I had used them years earlier and was happy. I am not now.

08-06-03, 01:09
Otis, your intel was right on the money. I was cruising thru Roanoke about midnight and decided to check out the streets. I got a little off track and ended up on Campbell & 3rd, which is in the right neighborhood. Around the block to Salem Ave and back out.

Looked down the side streets on my first pass... PAY DIRT! Tall thin BSW about a block away on 7th. Did the loop onto Paterson and she had moved back towards Salem - shit. Took a turn or so and wound up on Rorer & 7th. Another monger passed her (white SUV) and I thought I was beaten, but she didn't get into that car-I think he was negotiating thru the window--if that monger was a reader of this tale, I do appreciate your error. "Triffy" walked over and got in my car without a word.

We did the crotch check and she was tall and flat chested, so I did an extra crotch check to make sure she was a she. Good. I decided she was not attractive enough for FS, but she was chatty and friendly and did not appear to be high. We negotiated BBBJTC for $25 but I gave her $30 for good workmanship.

Yes, Virginia, there is SW action in Roanoke. Triffy reports there are a fair number of WSWs running around. For those wishing to research the subject further, I would start the cruise at Campbell & 5th, over to Salem, up to 10th back to Patterson and back down to the start. Expand your search as the neighborhoods warrant - I did not get out of that area in my single-pass home run. Try as early as sunset and late as 2am for prime-time hunting.

Of course, I am making all of this up. None of it is true...


Wow, my 200th post... How time flies...

Hondo, welcome formally to WSG... I was ROFL, Chrissy is a real case, but I wish her well. Thanks for the thanks, I think <ROFL> Post about your exploits this week and call me about that road trip.

BTW - Miya in Roa Thursday August 7th & Friday August 8th.... hmmmmm -LL

08-15-03, 00:07
Amen to SW's in Roanoke in the area you said! Thurs. night between 8:30 & 9, 4 WSW's & the BSW, "Triffy" or Tiffiny, who unfortunately while giving a pretty good BBBJ for $25, somehow managed to get a very good tip out of my money clip in my pocket, which I didn't miss until I got back to my hotel room. I've heard of this happening to other mongers, but this time was my first, so I'll chalk this one up to experience, learn from it, move on to the next one, & warn you other mongers to WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE. She's ugly as sin, but gives a pretty good BBBJ, & unfortunately, will steal you blind while doing it!


08-15-03, 01:03

Thanks for the confirm that I did not just get lucky. Agree on the quality of BBBJ and no thanks to FS. Yep, it is spelled "Triffy", she gave me her number but it wasn't good by the time I posted. Thanks for the timely info as I will be passing thru again soon!

Actually, WATCH OUT FOR ALL OF THEM, they'll all rip you off if you let them... See rule #9 below... For the good of newbies in the Roanoke area, I am going to re-post the best two reports I have seen concerning personal safety in the SW part of the hobby:
Originally posted by Chark in North Carolina > Durham on 08-11-03
The street scene is always hit or miss. Like fishing, sometimes a lot of action, sometimes nothing bites! It is always a very dangerous, and illegal activity you inquire about. You can get busted and worse! Develop your alternate sources so your little head never overules your big one.

Daytime mongering might be less risky, but if you can see, you can be seen. Never cycle through the zones four times in a row! Recon only when you have a hiding place or two already picked out. Make a pass, get some lunch or a snack out of the zone, then make another pass.

Girls are easy to spot when you know what to look for. They will give you a sign, sometimes subtle, sometimes brazen. If you hook, she will get in the car. If she comes to your side of the car, tell her "Sorry, I thought you were someone I know" and then go! Watch "Cops" to see how the suckers get busted!

When she gets in the car, ask her name, then exit the zone immediately. You must be in control and know where you are going. If she is a known SW and you get pulled, have your story and stick to it!

On the way to your spot, she will usually ask the dumb question of are you the police. This is a sure sign that she is a pro because someone told her that police cannot lie or it is entrapment. BS! Police lie all the time!

She will grab your hand and put it on her tittie or kitty, or will give you a honk!

Now you are in business. If she smells, or has obvious sores, or acts real jumpy, pull over and tell her sorry, I made a mistake, please get out! I read about guy told a girl with open sores on her leg he was a cop to get her out!

Don't talk business until you are at your safe place. Then tell her what you want and she will tell you a rate. Read this board for rates! Always counter offer, and only have that amount handy, of course you hid your wallet before cruising, right?

When the deal is done, she will want you to take her somewhere, usually near the place she is gonna spend her earnings. Be friendly but firm and drop her near where you found her. The girls know the play, and all you gotta do is follow your lines!

Every once in a while you will hit on a real gem and the more you learn the more you will know what to do when this luck chances upon you!
Originally posted by NC Hunter in North Carolina > Charlotte on 06-12-03

1. Have a spare set of car keys (just in case some wild SW tries to take your keys to immobolize or blackmail you for whatever reason).

2. Make sure you have Drivers License and vehicle registration, insurance papers in car

3. Lights (including tag lights) and all safety gear (tires, etc.) operational and in good condition. (No need to give LE a reason to stop you)

4. Never go where SW suggests. Pick your own spot prior to picking up your SW. (places to park, hotels, motels, etc.)

5. Never talk money to SW while she is outside your car. Let her get in, ride around and let her feel you up and if you really want to be sure, have her give you a sample (a little head does the trick for me) before cash is offered.

6. LoveLOS suggests not to ride a male in your car. I go a step further and say no more than one SW at a time in your car- even two in the front seat could mean trouble.

7. Paying in advance (per LoveLOS, and I concur) should be avoided. However, when in Atlanta, the SW's all asked for their money the moment they sat in the car. They would not move unless it was in their hand. Go with the local custom on this one. (in a new area MAKE this the local custom! -LoveLOS)

8. Of course no drugs, drug paraphanelia or weapons (on them) allowed in the car.

9. Prior to picking up the SW, ensure all your valuables are locked away- including your wallet. Some of these girls are talented pickpockets.

10. After picking up girl, do whatever manuevers (legal of course) you need to do to ensure you are not being followed.

11. Read the posts for the area and know what to spend and have that amount and that amount only available. Understand the dangers and the particulars of that area. Do a bit of research here on WSG.

12. If LE stops you tell the girl to never admit to illegal behavior regardless of what the cops promise. And you do the same. Get her real name and give yours. Get your story straight before the cops separate you.

13. SW's are liars and are not your girlfriends no matter how nice they may appear.

14. Realize you are a target for crackheads, robbers, murders, etc. and protect yourself accordingly.

15. If a SW won't get out of your car and is causing trouble, you will have to use your judgement. You have three options:

a. physically kick her ass out (then you have to watch your back even more whenever you are cruisin for you now have an enemy)

b. give her $5 to $20 to get rid of her (for "wasting her time")

c. drive up to the nearest LE and tell them you want this woman out of your car (you risk having her attempt to get you both arrested and you also have an enemy)

16. Always, always, keep your head on a swivel and be very, very aware of your surroundings at all times. use your peripheral vision and keep the SW's movements in sight at all times.

These are all things I learned through over 20 years of mongering. I know it seems like a lot but it all is second nature to us veteran mongers. Each monger has his own rules and these are just some of mine. In time, you will develop your own.

Mongering can and is an enjoyable but dangerous hobby but it can be made a bit safer if you adopt some safety rules. I hope mine are a guideline for you newbies. Happy hunting and be safe out there.

NC Hunter (Aooooooooooooooo!!!!) Thanks to the authors,

Hope this Helps!

08-24-03, 10:53
Cruised Roanoke at the wrong time. In the morning, after a working girl has been up all night. Still saw Triffy on Salem Blvd, and although I knew she could suck the chrome off a 57 Chevy, I wanted more bang for the buck as this chick is butt ugly. Did the full route carefully, expanding by a block or two here & there and was about to move on. The I spot Triffy on the street just north of Salem (1 block out of my previous zone) . I was passing and she yelled she would pay me for a ride. I stopped. On the ride, we negotiated $15 BBBJTCCIM, a discount I am not supposed to tell anyone about, so remember, you aren't anyone, you're everyone... Deed was performed to my satisfaction and I dropped her off at what she told me was her house, whatever. She didn't remember me (different vehicle) and told me her name was Tina--guess she changed underwear.

Moved on to North Carolina > Charlotte. Enjoy my post there too.


08-26-03, 01:13
Another Roanoke report...

Cruised the area at a more appropriate time, dusk. On Salem Ave, between 3rd & 4th, I noted an attractive WG girl getting out of a SUV but just got a glimpse and was past before I could get a good look. Note to return to the scene made. It seems these posts may have brought out the mongers. I have never seen so many cars, SUVs and Vans wondering aimlessly around. A minivan pulled up on my ass and made a left from Salem onto tenth and was signalling for another left back down Patterson. I went straight since he was oblivious to the fact I was mongering too. I was concerned he may bag my cutie but wtf, I am not going to do something stupid just to beat a monger who is not watching his surroundings. I came back down a few minutes later and cute girl is gone. I do see that my obvious buddy had indeed picked up a BSW. They were getting out of the area, so if you are reading this, please report so I won't be tempted to... Don't know if you noticed the tail halfway to the parking area, but I doubt it... LOL...

Ten minutes later I noted a reasonable looking WSW on 8th & Patterson. I looped and pulled up beside her from 8th. She asked if she could have a ride home and she would pay me... Sizing her up, about a 6, I thought it would work. She was wearing a white Noah's Ark T-shirt and sweat suit bottoms. On the way the discussion with Melody (I think) got around to payment and we agreed on half & half for $30. She is in her mid 30's I would guess, Floppy C+ tits and a bit of flab in the midsection. I stupidly had only a $50 on me but she assured me she had change. Got to her house and I placed the $50 bill under my shoe until after deed was done. Her oral skills were pathetic, but junior came to attention. However, one look at the pussy, and junior lost all enthusiasm. "NOT IN THERE," said he, and I requested to be finished orally. Now this girl is not skilled. She tried wanking me, her BJ skills were pathetic and she stopped every few seconds to remove "hair" from her mouth. I can guarantee she wasn't down on me far enough to get hair, so it was probably cat fur from the carpet...

She quit after about ten minutes, grabbed the $50 and left the room. Figuring she was going to get a neighbor boy to help her rip me off, I quickly dressed and asked for my change... She got bitchey and had hidden the $50 and was asking me to leave. We both left the house and I announced to all her neighbors that she was a prostitute and a thief.

Guys, here is where we need to stick together! If you ever pick Melody up (WSW long brown hair, 30's, decent rack under the Tshirt) and especally if she wants to have a lift 'home" to Day street, PLEASE DO the following:
Tell her- "remember the guy your ripped of who came back and took your picture, get the fuck out of my car because we don't tolerate thieves. " She needs a different line of work... FWIW - Her house is located at 350 Day St, two doors down from a fire station. A picture of the property is attached.

Although I was spent from the winch jerking on junior for ten minutes, I was still curious about the pretty girl... Went back to the scene of the first sighting. There she was, leaning over the trunk of a car rummaging. Long bleach white hair to her ass, stunning legs and a bright green miniskirt. WOW. 9+ I was in no condition to approach her but you guys be careful... If you see this chick, be sure she is in your car and driving long before any discussions of monetary exchange for services occurs. She is verry pretty and operating alone and has a car. Smell the bacon?

Fearing my new enemy may have spoken to LE about me after I informed her the photo would be published, I decided to vamoose for a while. Dinner break. Came back in an hour to interview the chick in green or maybe some other walkers who may have intel about her. She was gone. I saw two at 7th and Salem, but one was just butt ugly but the other had broad shoulders, a Kirk Russell dinple in it's chin and a deep voice when it called out for a ride... If that thing was female, which I seriously doubt, it was the ugliest one I have ever seen, bar none. Easily a (-5) on a zero to ten scale... Since the only SW that had a prayer of interesting junior was not to be found in two laps, I decided to pack it in.

Hondo called and we chatted as I was tailing a LE car out of the area. He was heading for his quest for the evening, I told him this tale and his response is that this is all lies and fabrications, none of this really happened. He may well be right, you decide. HEHEHE

BTW-a report is due on the VA > other board within two days my friend...


08-26-03, 08:44
LLOS my friend, you have outdone yourself this time. It's about time that the 'bad' girls in the business are held accountable for their behavior. I consider myself to be a 'nice' monger. I always try to treat the girl with respect. I try to talk a little bit before we get down to business to find out her name and a few details about her so that if LE does pull us over at least I can say I've at least known the girl a little while and have some details about her.

I have found that the best girls, the ones that give the best service, understand this and try to at least carry on a little conversation before getting down to business. The girls that take the time to talk when they first get into your vehicle are usually the ones providing the best service making you want to do repeat business with them. I have also found the opposite to be true. The girls that don't want to talk are usually there to get as much money out of you as possible for the least amount of work. And, money isn't always all they are after, they are usually the ones playing the, if you ride me over here or ride me over there 'first', I will show you a really good time. BULLSHIT!!! Those are the ones that you have to watch out for! Not only do they want your hard earned cash, they want your time too. Well, my time is money too baby, so you are going to have to put our 'before' we go anywhere or you can just get out now. Those are the girls most likely trying to rip you off.

So, LLOS, posting the pic of her house was great! Now if anyone gets taken to this house should tell that girl to get the fuck out! They have been warned, so if they don't tell her to get lost, they deserve what they get!

Take it easy,

NC Hunter
08-28-03, 19:16

On my next adventure to DC, I will make time to stop and look for this infidel who ripped you off, pick her up, kick her ass out and let her know why she is getting her just rewards. You are right, we definitely need to stick together when these provider pretenders do things like this. Better yet, if I am taken to this place, I may suggest some place far off, drop her ass off and make her walk. Peace.

NC Hunter

P.S. I will be sure to post about the incident when it happens

08-30-03, 03:03
Originally posted by NC Hunter
On my next adventure to DC...Hey Hunter & Box, you guys rock.

Next time you go to DC, give me a call!


VA Cruiser
09-01-03, 11:54
I've crusised roanoke for close to 13 years now. I miss the good ole days. Any time day or night you could find someone out. but since LE cracked down some nights it's the pits. On a recent Sat night I saw only about 2 out. Total waste of time and motel room.

LL- Melody we call her the ***** she has it tattooed on her thigh I think. Could never remember her name. Day Ave is where she lived. I would never carry a 50 bill, I've gone to sheetz to break a bill at times.

One chick I've found recently is Alicia or some spelling. She's mixed, not bad looking until she takes her clothes off. Big ass, but one of the best I've had and very energetic. which is strange for a SW. Usually find her around 7th and Rorrer.

The SW action seems to center around 7th and Patterson. Campbell but also goes up to 12th st. Sometimes even Marshall.

7th street between Salem and Norfolk is usually were the TVs and CDs hang out.

Usually the tvs are dressed the best on the street. the real female SW don't dress up.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

09-03-03, 00:23
Originally posted by VA Cruiser
LL- Melody we call her the ***** she has it tattooed on her thigh I think. Could never remember her name. Day Ave is where she lived. I would never carry a 50 bill, I've gone to sheetz to break a bill at times.

Yep, that's the one. I thought it was a $20 till I picked her up then too late. My error.

Thanks for the update on the zones. I have to agree the TVs are where you spotted them. BTW-CDs? thats not in my abrev list... Crack dealers?

Be careful & keep em wet,

09-03-03, 00:50
LoveLos, I thought you knew all<grin> CD = Cross Dresser. How are things? Wet Dreams to you, PWhipped

09-03-03, 02:55
Originally posted by Pwhipped
LoveLos, I thought you knew all<grin> CD = Cross Dresser. How are things? Wet Dreams to you, PWhipped Hey PW!

Thanks for the info! I only know what I learn from you pussy masters! I'm just a newbie here HEHEHE.

Haven't had many dreams lately. Saving my pennies for the L.O.S. later this month! Hard to think of picking up a used lollipop somebody dropped on a street corner when the whole candy store is about to open, If you know what I mean...

Keep em wet,

Fishing 2024
09-15-03, 09:35
Recently, while in the Star City, I had the occasion to check out Salem Ave, Campbell, and Patterson from 7th up to 12th Street. It was about 8:30 PM or so and LE was out and about. I saw a patrol car and made a left following it down Patterson. On my first pass I spotted a BSW and stopped on the 2nd round. She gets in the car and assures me she is not LE by showing me a floppy A/B breast. Says she is Jennifer and asks what I am doing. She tells me she needs $30 to pay her electric bill. Tells me she works at a local restaurant at the Mall. Over to the motel we go. Ask her is she would like to take a shower and she does so. After the shower she becomes real affectionate with a nice BBBJ. I ask her if it is ok to CIM and she says she wants me inside her. With that she rolls on a condom and places me inside. When all is done I take her to her house and let her off. She is tall thin and has a very good attitude/personality. Very accommodating.

On my way back, I decide to ride over to 12th St and as I near the corner where the Sav A Lot is located I spot a very nice looking BW who appears to be dressed for bed. I stop, she gets in, and she smells so good! She says she has just had a bath and is looking to make some money. She assures me she is not LE by putting my hand on her breast and she does a crotch check. I do the same to her and I have to say, she is fine looking. Unfortunately, due to my previous encounter I tell her I’m not into anything, so I circle the block and drop her off. If only I had seen her sooner. She looked great, nice “C” breasts, caramel, and smooth skin. Almost too good to be true! Of course it was dark and I could be mistaken. Her name is Michelle, she says.

All in all, Jennifer was a good choice with her enthusiasm, attitude, and she appears to have a brain and not strung out on drugs. Don't know how Michelle might have been, but she was more attractive than Jennifer was. Attitude goes a long way though and Jennifer had a good one!

I saw two WSW; one was smoking weed when she came to the window, so I passed. Another had a black eye but big boobs. Since she had the black eye, I passed on her, just kept driving. LE was active, so be careful out there, but there was a fair amount of activity in the area.

When I woke up it was time for breakfast, but I had really had pleasant dreams.

09-27-03, 22:38
Does anyone know what the grey "Private Club" building at the corner of 8th and Patterson is?

Fishing 2024
09-29-03, 09:07
Could this be it?


VA Cruiser
10-04-03, 22:14
I personally recommend avoiding Saturday nights. The action is pretty slim. I went down on a Tuesday night recently and the action was much better. Ran into Jennifer who was mentioned in an earlier post. She is nice. Met another BSW who was hot. Didn"t get her name. She was on Marshall near eighth. Course she didn"t seem as cooperative as Jennifer. The action seemed mostly twelth st area. Jennifer said Chapman towards seventeenth st was supposed to be more action. Only saw one BSW out in that area.

Sky Ryder
10-06-03, 21:55
The name of the place is called the Black Angus. They like every other place in Roanoke do not allow achohol. The gals can be friendly and give good dances, but there is no extras a far as I know....

Fishing 2024
10-24-03, 10:29
Jennifer is really a sweet girl. Kinda lean, but the closer to the bone the sweeter the meat!

Hondo Lane
10-25-03, 22:02
Roanoke In a fit of "I need booty" I made a run to Roanoke to see Miya Asia. She has relocated from NC to Richmond and may soon re-locate to Roanoke.

We met at her hotel. I saw her in Roanoke about a year or so ago. She has gained a few pounds; however, it is offset by her enthusiasm. Pretty much GFE even at so late a time as when I showed up. Looks 6, Enthusiasm 9, skills 7.95. BBBJ to start, CBJ, cowgirl, doggie, mish. If you had other positions she was willing to go there. Greek was not offered or discussed.

I was; however, sort of jaded after my recent trip to Downtown to see Maya. 24 and hot beats 37 and not as hot in my book. That said, Miya is a great gal and I enjoyed her alot. LL has probably ruined me by taking me to Downtown. That said, I will probably see Miya Asia again when she is closer to me that D.C.

Hondo Lane, your reporter in the field,

Stephen Horndog
11-13-03, 23:57
Not much chat from Roanke lately. I live in Charlotte and keep an eye. Roanoke is in striking distance. Terrible street scene in Charlotte, just no white hoes.

11-18-03, 02:02

Enjoying your reports in Charlotte.. Roanoke has some wsw's but not enough to make a special trip to the star city just for that... You are welcome if you're cummin our way...


VA Cruiser
11-27-03, 18:21
I wish Roanoke was like the good old days when i first started cruising the streets. Plus there use to be two different areas to cruise. The action now is better than a year ago I feel. But Sat night still seems the pits. Which is bad since thats the best night for me to cruise. Streets now to cruise are Patterson, Marshall, Chapman. 12th street area is sometimes good.

Member #2066
12-21-03, 14:06
Roanoke used to be fun. I have not been out for the last few months because there has been nothing I been inrested in for awhile. Are there any new wsw out there that are above a 3?

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

VA Cruiser
12-27-03, 21:47
Was down there on Sunday afternoon the 20th for a short period of time. I saw one blonde on 12th st. She said it was dangerous out at night she had gotten robbed the night before by people walking around. So be careful and keep your doors locked. I've found recently that week nights seem better, But even then it can be hit and miss. Good luck.

Road Hunter
01-01-04, 00:35
I am new to cruising in this area so bear with me. Not much happening tonight. Cruised from about 9:30 to 11:15. Saw two working 7th street between Norfolk and Salem. One was a slightly plump BSW and the other was a rather thin WSW with a bleached blonde wig. In the time that I cruised they both got several nibbles but no takers which made me think all was not what it seems to be.

01-07-04, 18:31
was out last night in patterson area from about 7th to 12th...nobody out. then again it was 25 degrees so i don't blame them. this was roughly 9 to 11 pm.

VA Cruiser
01-07-04, 19:03
Road hunter,

Those on 7th were probably TVs not girls. That's their hangout. New Years Eve, found Jennifer BSW and Alisha another BSW out. Both around 12-13th and Chapman. Time was early evening. Alisha looked bad she has Grey's(sp) disease. Her eyes were wild looking. Also blonde named Debbie(?) living in house at corner of 12 and Chapman. Avoid her, she might rip you off. Jennifer said the best areas to cruise is Marshall near the health dept. and also up towards 17th st. Jennifer is a good!

Happy New Year!

Member #2066
01-11-04, 17:32
It is nice to see people talking about Raonoke again. Now if the women would pick up. If there is anybody who has any contacts, please private message me. I'm looking for a 6 or better WSW in Roanoke, not fat.

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Member #2066
01-15-04, 14:12
I found the right time to pick up. I was out yesterday around 3:30 found a wsw Rose about a 6 cbj not to bad but she told me an old friend of mine is back I would like a contact for her if any of you see her her name is Allie she is a hottie. If any of you meet her please get me a number. After I droped her back off It was like the old days at i saw atleast 5 sw one in a short mimi probally a drag did not get look at face was goen when i came around corner.

Big K
01-22-04, 13:51
Hey there is some recent activity on this board so keep it up fellas and you quiet guys speak up. We bash guys on the Atlanta board for popping in and asking where to go and what’s going on without reading the the forum. That’s not exactly what I'm doing just encouraging all to post what they got. Some may be shy or hesitant but just do it! I realize this aint Atlanta and there may not be enough for over 1400 post but share what you got any pm's for info you rather not broadcast is fine too. I may be visiting/relocating so would like to get this board hopping.

There seems to be old info on the Black Angus and the other strip club(s) any updates? Where's the nearest AMP activity?

Member #2066
01-22-04, 15:17
Welcome to Roanoke. It is not as good as it used to. The Black Angues got busted last year I do not know what is going on there now it used to be a wild place. Roanoke is picking up

01-22-04, 17:21
Hello all,

I usually hang out on the Norfolk/Tidewater board but will be visiting Harrisonburg and would like to partake of the local talent. If anyone has any info please get back with me.

Thanks and have fun.

01-22-04, 19:31
There is no AMP scene in Roanoke. None.

Big K
01-23-04, 05:11
Bearmanva just did what aggravates most of us on the Atlanta board that I mentioned in my previous post. He looks new by the number of post he has and I doubt he put any effort into reading any of the previous posted info.

So. I’m really going to miss driving to Jonesboro, south of Atlanta and deciding which of the half dozen or so 24 hour AMPs I should pick from. They’re dozens all over the city that close at 9, 12, 2 or 4am and at least 10 that are open 24/7. Anyway, so for an AMP fan with yellow fever where’s the nearest one located from the star city. I don’t suppose Jerry allows any in his backyard.

01-23-04, 14:33
Actually I would think DC is closer than Atlanta.

Big K
01-25-04, 15:09
I didn't say I was going to visit the AMPs in Atlanta from here but visit them while I'm in Atlanta and will miss them when I leave. C'mon fellas there has got to be something going on nearby. This board is slowing again but I know somebodies out there getting a little sumptin sumptin.

01-26-04, 00:01
The only thing going in Roanoke are SW's and escort services. The area they wander is documented throughout this forum. Mostly low quality SW's with a few transvestites, so watch out. The escort services are hit or miss.

Member #2066
01-26-04, 16:23
Well what is going on the streets in Roanoke this week. I put my experance out there. I do agree there is low quality sw but there are a few out there that are 6+. Roanoke has always low quality but in years past there were some good ones I was reminded of Brandy the other day. I have been visiting Roanoke streets for almost 15 years. I am still looking for the one i mention earlier no contact at all. Tell her it is the guy from the black truck and red car she will rember me.

01-28-04, 04:15
K Man,

Hey dude, recognized you from hotlanta board. Welcome to the land of Virgins. If you are into Amping, as I am, then it will be a four hour drive for you... DC

See my post for the intel on DC amps. You can also start there and read forward for the latest... http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showthread.php?s=&postid=156416#post156416

LE, er, um, BEARmanVA,
Get out a map. The burg is 100 miles from the star city. IF YOU CAN READ, then I suggest you check out my posts in Virgina > Other Areas to find just how fucking misrable the deal is in Harrisonburg... Local talent - ROTFLOL!!! Prove yourself to me, my friend, find some local talent, report it on that board, and you will even receive an apology from the LL for laughing at your dumb ass and acting like LE.


Big K
01-28-04, 23:18
LoveLOS, Yea I'm an amp guy who will be having withdrawel symptoms from yellow fever with no nearby amps for those late night urges. I saw your post on folks with too much damn time on their hands with over 400 post, ha. I think you out did yourself with your DC highlights post. Good job though nice to have all that condensed for easy view.

01-31-04, 03:13

Let me know if you are into evening - night road trips [wink] -- we can take care of those late night urges...

I'll let you know if I get loose in Roa.


Big K
02-05-04, 02:48
Fellas, I'm not really into the sw thing. if nothing else please report on the good escorts and name the bad ones. Who is Miya Asia, is she around? Do the escorts pass through or are they local? What are the local prices? Escorts is hit or miss but by trial and error and duty full reporting we can put the odds in our favor. The idea is to reward the good ones with business and starve out the poor providers. We can all benefit and help each other but must report our findings. I am in GA but may be up with you fellas soon so am interested in the goings ons.

Fishing 2024
02-05-04, 10:21
Miya Asia,


Big K
02-09-04, 13:05
Hey RideNbuy, thanks for the info, any others out there?


02-09-04, 16:11
The best place to check out reviews on local independents is
www.Avenue-X.com or www.avenue-xxx.com. Look in reviews about the escort you are interested in. I have found that most indies do not look like their pictures on the net.

Member #2066
02-10-04, 10:44
Another good place to look is synfulpleasures.com. It is a Virgina Beach area site, but there are a lot of girls who post trips to Roanoke. Also check out Samatha of NC. She tours Roanoke.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

Fishing 2024
02-11-04, 10:13
Samatha of NC is a very beautiful girl. She has enhancements and her upper body is almost fully tattoed.

Member #2066
02-11-04, 18:19
I have not seen her I am disapointed to hear about tatoos. There are a few others that travel to the area on a regular bases. What about any of the local esort age I never tryed them.

Any how anybody been out on the streets who wants to give a report.

02-11-04, 19:20
Does anyone know of and good sw in Roanoke and what times are good look for the black one. As any miya is worth the money

Member #2066
02-12-04, 20:06
I was out the other day around 3PM and saw a cute little black girl around 12 street did not have time to stop.

02-13-04, 19:31

Watch out you a escort that goes buy the name Sandy. She works for aaa escorts, is around 30 brown hair, blue eyes, very cute but what a rip. Stay away.

Does anyone here know anything about amp and here is the nearest one is thats not a rip off.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to fix dozens of simple writing errors including missing punctuation, peculiar punctuation, missing capitalization, multiple periods throughout the text, etc. To avoid delays in future reports, please proof-read your reports before posting them. Please review the Forum's Posting Guidelines (http://www.wsgforum.com/postingguidelines.html) for further information. Thanks!

VA Cruiser
02-15-04, 14:39
Saturday 2/14/04 report:

Usually Saturday nights are dead. But last night wasn't too bad. First got to town around 5 and took a cruise around the block, didn't see anyone out. Since i was hoping for some action I had a room reserved at a motel so I went and checked in. Went back out around 6:30 and saw 4 out. Jennifer and Stormy were at 13th and Chapman. Debbie who you should avoid was outside her place at 12th and Chapman, 1 BSW was out around 12th and Chapman also. When i circled the block Jennifer was gone and Stormy had moverd down to 12th. When she was alone I picked her up. She's a cute blond, small and petite. Used to work under Janice. Later around 10:30 saw 3 more 1 WSW and 2 BSw around 11th and Chapman. I was tired so went back to toom and slept. When leaving town Sunday morning, I saw 1 BSW out on 12th. I was pleased with the action this night.

02-16-04, 03:23
Hello out there,

I see that Miya is coming to Roanoke again. I'm looking inot meeting up with her. Does anyone on the board now how good she is? I hope she is not a rip off like some other escorts in valley.

Fishing 2024
02-16-04, 10:03
Miya is not a ripoff. She is a nice lady. YMMV

Hondo Lane
02-16-04, 13:23
Miya is a good solid performer and has many good reviews. I have seen her twice in Roanoke and enjoyed both visits. For Roanoke she is way better than the local talent that I have found in the agencies, even when they were not rip offs.

Check bigdog to see if any N.C. ladies will be there when you are. Some of the IB girls are pretty good although I cannot vouch for all of them. Best regards, Hondo

Member #2066
02-16-04, 17:08
Va that Stormy is not the little weird girl who also uses the name Julie. She was a real head case. If not im me more info on her. One more time on this one I am still looking for the girl named Allie she is thin alway dress up made up she used to work 12th she also was in a house on Patterson with 3 girls. If any of you find her get me contact info.

Road Hunter
02-17-04, 22:50
Just returned from cruising the star city. Must say that tonight was perhaps the best night weather wise in a couple of week, but I am sad to say not much happening. I was out kind of early from about 8:15 to 9:30 and only saw one small blonde near 13th and chapman. This may have been stormy mentioned in a previous post but not fur sure. She was getting a few nibbles but no takers and once again I was a little worried that all was not well here. So I passed headed out when LE showed up in the area. Maybe I will cruise more later in the week.

02-19-04, 21:45
Big K, have you departed the Atlanta area for good? Storm the blonde hottie from Columbus Ga is now living in Rural Retreat, west of Roa. Don't let LL get you in trouble. He has all the JMU coeds saved all for himself and won't share. He asks when I am coming back to Harrisonburg, I think he wants to know so he can make sure all the girls are hidden when I arrive. LOL I used to live in Harrisonburg. Wet dreams to you, PM if you want. PW

02-20-04, 00:12
No dude, you got it all wrong. I wanted to go HUNTING JMU starving students, and I figured who would be a better hunting partner than the pussy hound from hell...

Congrads on 800 posts, I think...


Big K - If PW won't come to the burg, you are welcome... I'm sure we can each find a little bit of trouble... ;)

02-22-04, 22:54
Have not seen any action on pattsons. What times are the best. I only inrested in cer thin black girls

VA Cruiser
02-29-04, 07:51
If you could figure out the best time to cruise, you could probably guess the winning lotto numbers. Lately most of the action I've seen have been around 12th-13th St. Chapman and Patterson. Sometimes Marshall near the health dept. Stormy used to use the name Janice. Watch out for the blonde who lives at 12th and Chapman. She will usually hang out there but sometimes walks around.

02-29-04, 19:56
VA Cruiser,
When you say 'Watch Out' for the blonde at 12th and Chapman do you mean 'watch out - as in a warning' or 'watch out - as in a good one to pick up'?

Road Hunter
03-03-04, 22:39
The Weather has turned nice and it was a very warm night (3-3-04) and I thought that I would do a little road huntin'. Checked out the area around Champman, Patterson and found absolutly nothing. Cruised from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. and nothing. Ths was a disappointment since I thought the warmer weather might bring out some street talent.

Big K
03-06-04, 22:26
Just got back to Atlanta from my first visit to the star city. I’m not into the sw thing but I did head for the “area” on the other side of the tracks. Don’t know the exact boundaries from around maybe 4th to 13th and Day to Norfolk and I will term that area as: “the bottoms.” I’m not claiming to be an expert but am just reporting my observations and opinions as I encourage y’all to do. Close to around 10:00pm Tue or Wed night saw 2 wsw maybe 1 bsw. Saw the first one 2 or 3 times before I stopped. She looked like a 7 from a distance and about a 5 up close. She had a motel key card and said a room may be available. I had no personal protection so decided to take my chances out in the open. Not sure where we went but a quiet street don’t know and don’t really want to say if I did know. Got out between fence and vehicle she asked 30 but didn’t feel like negotiating so I gave her 25 for a bbbj. Bad experience due to my paranoia and the fact that she pulled off and there I was squirting the ground. She was maybe the one reported in an earlier post maybe 30’ish with the floppy C’s. She did tell me a tale about another girl getting pulled aside recently, beat up and robbed by a few black guys. I did see another earlier and got a pretty good look at her as I did a slow drive by. She may have been a 7 or 8. Saw her pimp 10’ away and looked at his ugly ass too. He shot me back a look as I just stepped on, pursuant to the next stop. The block was dead, yo. Tip for pimps or wanna be’s, if you want your girl to get busy don’t hang out next to her. Do one of you guys drive a taxi? Saw him cruising the area, was going to wave him over and tip him for some info.

03-07-04, 00:33
Congrads on 100posts K

Big K
03-07-04, 05:15
Hey LL, I guess counter congrats on 500 is due.

I think some guy earlier asked about the “members only” joint on 8th and Patterson in the bottoms. Saw some cars parked and a couple of guys hanging in the lot. Does anyone know what the scoop is? Why don’t one of you brave souls go over and investigate and report back.

Big K
03-09-04, 14:20
Damn I just bought a bunch of these in Atlanta for my trip up here. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/fakemillion1.html

Member #2066
03-11-04, 09:25
The members only club is called the Black Angis. It was busted about 3 or 4 years ago for drugs. It is a strip club of sorts. They also busted a lot of people for having drinking. I have not been there for years but go to the door pay the fee and they will let you in.

VA Cruiser
03-13-04, 22:45
I'm saying don't pick up the blonde at 12th and Chapman. She lives in the place on the corner. she ripped off a buddy once. Oldish blonde, name might be Debbie, but not real sure. She will sometimes walk around the blocks.

Big K
03-22-04, 15:43
Was up here last week and did some scouting Tue? In the bottoms when the rain started and of course no go. Wed or Thur around 9:00 saw some of Roanoke’s finest around and of course saw 1 hefty bsw that was heading out of the area and it was a ghost town. Was out one night riding and decided to head home around 11:00. Got lost turned around and headed home back through the bottoms saw 2 skanky wsw’s hangin together. I was in a suspicious vehicle so they got spooked and avoided me.

Was planning on meeting Mia but was working and called late around 7:00. Thought she may be busy but none of you guys got with her so she was on the road back to Richmond. Was only disappointed because I was anticipating my first meet with her

VA Cruiser
03-23-04, 19:31
Sat the 20th. I try not to come down on Saturday, usually not a lot of action. Got to town around 3 saw 2 wsw out around 12th St. Not sure if I had seen them before so was too nervous to try to pick them up. One had streaks in her hair was maybe 5'4". The other was taller dark hair nice ass, wearing black. They were out a long time so I guess they were okay. All total betweem 3 and midnight saw about 6 wsw and 1 bsw. An old one from the past is back out at the house at 8th and Marshall, going under JT was known as Diane before and she ripped me off twice. Hadn't seen her since mid 90s. She looks great but my memory is long. Stormy cute looking blonde finally came out and she's cool. LE on bikes were out several times in the 800 block of Marshall so be warned!

Member #2066
03-26-04, 13:18
She riped me off once then she did show me a good time once. But you are right I have not seen her in years untill the other day she was up behind the healt dept. I am still looking for a girl that was out last summer worked in that apartment on the corner of 8th and patterson. I was told she was out of jail

Member #2066
04-02-04, 12:41
I was out Wed afternoon weather was so so. I took a cuze found a wsw about an 8 everywhere but for Roanoke she was an 11 LOL. Found her on day ave walking her way down to marshall behind the healt dept. Her name was missy said she had a little blond friend. Looking forward to meeting both next week.

VA Cruiser
04-06-04, 17:36
Yes JT aka Diane, showed me a good time but then she also ripped me off twice. She's gotten busted twice in a week and was in jail but is out on bail now. She was like the second wsw I ever did in Roanoke. Actually did her in that house on the corner. Now I would never go with a girl to her place unless it's a motel. Do people remember their 1st? Mine was a Cathy had a place off Williamson Rd for a long time. Little on the plump side but was good.

Member #2066
04-07-04, 08:21
Yea I rember mine. This was in the late 80 early 90 wise and 8 1/2 back when se was hopping Donot rember her name she was a little blond she took me to a apartment building on Day what a time i had LOL anybody else rember theres.

04-09-04, 16:06
Saw a thin, light-skinned black girl at the corner of 12th and Chapman this afternoon. She was about an 8 on the SW scale. Was tempted to stop, but too many thugs hanging out made me uncomfortable. Anyone know anything about this girl?

Fishing 2024
04-10-04, 09:26
Spitfire, possible Jennifer that you saw. I think she wears glasses, but is thin. She has a great attitude and is a fun girl.

Good luck, stay safe!

VA Cruiser
04-10-04, 13:21

That might have been Jennifer. I hate it when the girls are hanging with others. Sometimes the girls talk about guys spending a lot of money, so I wonder what do most people pay? I usually do $50 for 1/2 and 1/2.

Member #2066
04-14-04, 14:49
That seems to be the going rate but I do tip if a good job was done. It is good to have them work for a tip LOL

Hondo Lane
04-14-04, 14:56
I have a lead on an attractive Asian lady,early 20s, not a SW, local to Roanoke in the $200 range. My buddy says she has a 9 body and a 7 face.

I will do a recon and report further. Assuming my buddy is right, which on this topic he always is, is anyone interested in her contact info by PM?


Thinking only of others and never himself.

VA Cruiser
04-15-04, 00:04

That sounds like Miya Asia. She's been mentioned on here before. On her web site she does look pretty hot.

04-15-04, 01:48
Thinking only of others and never himself.Gee Hondo, I didn't think you thought that highly of me... ;)

Actually, I'm not the one with the intel, but word has it that pickins are slim in star city now... A luck Hondo?


Fishing 2024
04-15-04, 13:32
Miya Asia is older than the 20's, but a nice lady nevertheless. Great personality!. She is a former airline attendant.

Sounds like there is another Asian out there?

There are several ladies that visit Roanoke from NC on a fairly regular basis. Some are very nice, but most are >$200.00.

04-15-04, 18:34
Cruised by 12th & Chapman again this afternoon. Saw the same thin, light-skinned black girl that I saw the other day. This time she was relatively alone, so I picked her up.

Turns out you guys were right, she said her name was Jennifer. Very nice, only went for a BJ today, but I'll be back for the rest another day.

Also, there is an escort service listed in the phone book with an address of 405 Campbell. When I drove past that address yesterday, I noticed that it said "Virginia Court Services" on the door. Anyone else think that's a little fishy?

VA Cruiser
04-16-04, 20:47
LE seems to be working, JT aka Diane who hasn't work the streets in years, has been busted 4 times in the last month. I guess she's learning who LE is now the hard way. I say more power to them since she was known back then to rip us nice guys off.

Hondo Lane
04-18-04, 18:20
It is not Miya Asia. I have seen her twice. She is 37; however, she does not look it. This gal is early 20s.

04-18-04, 19:25
Hey Hondo,
Have you checked the asian lady out yet? Is she legit?

Road Hunter
04-23-04, 18:04
When out and cruised from about 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 and found the area around 12th and Champman to be somewhat active. First saw a WSW that looked strung out. She has short reddish hair and was bruised up like someone had beat her pretty good. She was hanging aroundthe Save-A-Stop. A few laps later saw another WSW who as about a 3 or 4 on the SW scale. She was wearing a halter top and shorts and had a huge tattoo on one of her thighs. Made another couple of laps and she was picked up. Was getting ready to call it a night when I saw a BSW on 12th near Salem. I made a couple of laps and stopped for her. After the usual opted for a somewhat hurried BBBJ for President Jackson. She went by the name of Baby Girl and had a large heavy hanging tits.

Still haven't seen Jennifer that everybody has been talking about. May go cruising again later in the week. Still trying to understand the ins and outs of the hobby so any suggestion

VA Cruiser
04-24-04, 23:59
Yes Jennifer is real nice. The in's and out's of Roanoke are any body's guess. Now in the good old days it was great. Girls any time any day, and in almost any weather.
Now, you could spend all night cruising, and see no one, or maybe a dozen. So good luck and keep posting. Jennifer sometimes hang out down around 17th St. and Patterson.

Big K
04-25-04, 17:53
Took a break and about gave up on this board when you guys brought it back to life. Keep it cummin' boys. Anybody able to locate and verify that independant young asian provider talked about will have my eternal gratitude, whatever thats worth, okay how 'bout a finders fee.

Road Hunter, besides basic tips and common sense you doing what you need to do, nothing like OJT to develop that feel you need.

04-25-04, 20:14
Cruised the entire zone for about an hour on the last 3 nights. I didn't see anything I was interested in, most SWs I saw ranged from 2-4 on a 10-point scale. Not my type at all. The areas I cruised were Salem, Rorer, Patterson, Chapman, and 7th - 18th streets.

Hondo Lane
04-25-04, 20:54
I took one for the team last week. I tried to hook up with the Asian lady but she was not working that night.

Since I was in town anyway I took a substitute. I will try for the Asian lady again and will not take a substitute. She was a nice lady but not 24, not petite and not a hottie.

Your reporter in the field.

Member #2066
05-08-04, 11:30
I was out in Roanoke the last few days. I found nothing I would do afraid some of the ugly would rub off LOL. Roanoke has never been knowen for the best looking sw but dam there are some nasty out there. Does anyone have a line on a disent sw I am not talking a 10 I will settle for a 3.

05-12-04, 09:07
Big K, I cannot find Storm's, the little blonde cowgirl, tele number that is Rural Retreat, I have given it out to a couple guys here, so who did I give it to and if you see this, please send it PM to me and to PM to Big K. He does not like me anymore as he thinks I called him a bad boy, but I still love him as a monger brother(grin) Help us out as she is a hottie and has to be REALLY horny being in Rural Retreat Va. Wet dreams to all and to all a good night. PWhipped

Big K
05-13-04, 01:18
Pwhipped my main man, who can ever get upset with you. I thought you were ignoring my pm but see you are trying to respond to my request. I thought Rural Retreat was too far down the road but I’m traveling to lil’ towns up and down the street. Went to Marion last week, good ole bear creek. Went to New Market this week. It’s just too damn quiet up here compared to Atlanta. Saw my first bum today near the airport but he was in cuffs and the cop was holding his cardboard sign. Is that that illegal here?!?!? They’re all over Atl, some of my faves was the guy at 85s, Cheshire br exit putting his sign in the bushes and going home like it was his job. (which it is, some of those guys make good money scamming with the will work for food bit) Another guy hit me up right after a Hardies dr thru. He had a kid with him and said he needed cash cause his kid was hungry. I passed him my bag with the burger and fries (I was keeping the coke I was thirsty) but he said no his kid wanted a pizza. That gave me a good laugh. Even miss being harassed on the way to the Braves game. I was constantly cussing traffic and saying I needed to get out of that damn place esp on 85, 285 and 75 sitting still on a 8-10 lane hwy. Be careful what you wish for—YOU MIGHT GET IT!

All this doesn’t belong here but not much else going on here so I rant and rave. Reminds me of the Tifton bd.

VA Cruiser
05-16-04, 15:40
Saturday night May 15th report. It wasn't like the old days but wasn't too bad. First hit the streets around 5. Didn't see anyone, so went and got my room and then to Hooters for some food. Back out around 7 and later saw a few. A new one was hanging out on 11th between Patterson and Chapman. Blonde, nice looking almost too nice, but I don't think she was LE did see her get picked up and dropped off later. Later she was up around 12th and Chapman. Chapman and 12th was the real hot spot. There were 4 out at one time. Course several guys hanging out there also. I think all total maybe 9-10 were out. One BSW was so skinny would be afraid might break her. I think most would rate around 5 in looks. We found Jennifer at 8th and Marshall. My buddy says he can't believe how tight she is. I finally found a new one named Renite. Seems to be hispanc, she doesn't come out too often. She was the best I've had on the street. She was also on Marshall. Looks wise she was I think a 7, clothes off not . But was really energetic and not in a hurry. Hope to see her again and again.

05-23-04, 22:40
Guys, I know it's dark (usually) when we're out, and I know you want to get a good look at the offerings, but how about keeping your headlights off of high-beam? I'm damn near blind after tonight's pass through the area!

VA Cruiser
05-24-04, 18:06
I very seldom use my high beams. But one thing people need to do is obey the traffic laws. It's a good idea to make sure all your lights are working. You should also be sure and use your turn signals. Don't give LE a reason to stop you. Have fun cruising.

Member #2066
05-25-04, 13:06
It is also a good idea to ware your seatbelt. They will pull you for the minor infraction. Was in Roanoke yesterday saw a blond cuttie a 11 on roaonke scale. more like a 7 on mine LOL she was not to bad did not have time to stop. Just ment with a new black girl out of martinsville she is an excort now sw price a little high but what service very nice body and not a crack *****. I got my hour full. bbbj cim greek and you name it my little fellow has not felt that good in long time. IM me if you want more info.

05-25-04, 19:03
Anyone ever found a girl who calls herself 'Asia'? A buddy of mine says she's a thin, lightskinned BSW.

I've seen someone hanging around 12th and Chapman who fits the description, but I can't get a good look at her face. She keeps a baseball cap pulled down over her face, so I can't see what she looks like. Her body looks good though. Anyone seen her?

VA Cruiser
06-02-04, 23:11
Saturday, May 29th. I was going shopping so of course had to go around the block. I guess it was around 6 saw 2 BSW at 12th and Chapman. Later around 9 saw a good looking white chick on 17th between Patterson and Rorrer. Never seen her before and last time around she was in the back yard talking to another chick sitting on the stoop. I can't say for sure she was a SW or not. I will have to cruise around some other night.

Bronze Hornet
06-08-04, 17:14
On June 7th I had some business in the Roanoke area requiring an overnight stay. I checked through a few websites and found that Cody of NC (http://www.FYIfiles.com/codiewild.htm) and Virginia (http://www.virginiadc.com) were in town. I called both numbers as their pictures are very enticing and whichever called first I’d try to set up an appointment. Virginia called first and an 11:00 a.m. appointment was made. She was located in an easy to find mid-level hotel in Roanoke. I arrived on time and she answered wearing the red and black negligee she is modeling on her site. We spent a couple of minutes on small talk and moved on to the bed room where I placed an envelope containing $$ + .25$ as requested. I did not like the price and she was not willing to negotiate and since I am doing recon it was a necessary use of resources. Virginia is a voluptuous, 5 foot tall very attractive, blonde haired, light skinned African American woman.. She measures approximately 36D-24-36, weighs about 120, brown eyes and lovely oiled skin. She is about 30 years old and the only marks off the body was a little to much finish in the hips but still very sensual. Covered and uncovered French were performed, as well as mish, doggie and very few others and all were done mechanically until a forcefully earned completion. She appeared very nervous during the act and I asked why several times with a non-responsive answer. Afterwards I asked her what made her comfortable. She said that she was a sadist and that GFE was not her favorite. I told her that without DFK, she needs to remove GFE from her website. She said that she did not know exactly what GFE was but everyone else was using it and what should she change it to. I told her to just leave it out and be honest. She asked why Virginia men were afraid of pain unlike DC, NY and PA men. I told her larger cities were target rich zones for those with those tendencies but sex to most men generally means pleasure and pain generally is a by product of fighting or an accident. I also told her most men liked little nibbles around the nipple and neck. Since I was in recon mode I told her let’s give that a try. All of a sudden, her mechanical attitude became this warm and bubbly person who liked to dispense pain. In an excited voice, Virginia asked me to give her a “safety word” and it could not be “stop” or “ouch”. I settled on “Dammit!!” and asked that she not remove any body part with her teeth. She began seductively nibbling one nipple while both tweaking the other and stroking my member with her hands. She then bit down and I said “OUCH”, this chick became increasingly more bubbly saying”ohhhh, did that hurt?” and continued her routine until I said “Dammit!!!” within seconds. She marveled at my redness and went to the other nipple. I decided to say ouch whether it hurt or not, I did and she glowed, not realizing I faked it. She proceeded and I faked my safety word to finish this torture. She then proceeded to oil herself and perform one of the best Russians I have ever head to completion with an amazing change of attitude. She cleaned me up; I showered and prepared to leave. She then asked me what men wanted as she had very few return clients. I told her that her attitude did not match her presentation at the start and that, regardless of how pretty one is, is offensive to most as we men take it personally. I told her she initially gives off the vibes she does not like what she is doing and that possibly does not like men. Most men will not pay to be made to feel that way. I told her that this was a fantasy and her part was to keep the fantasy peaked or go into another business. She told me she has friends that drink to get in the bubbly mood and he has to find another way. I also told her that as attractive as she is, that her fee was too high and it would be in her best interest to drop it at least 0.5$. She said she would think about that. I told her that until she got her attitude to the proper level she may need to so she could attract more of us monger bargain hunters and at least get some business. I also told her she had pretty stiff competition that was at or beneath her donation requirement but were better known and had glowing reviews. In conclusion, part 1 of my visit was scored a 3 out of 10, part 2 of that same visit was a strong 8 out of 10. She has potential to be a great provider and I would visit her again but not at the same price I paid this visit.


This is just a suggestion, so please don't take it the wrong way.

I appreciate the details in your report, but I know from experience that a lot of people find it very difficult to read a report that is written as one long block of text. It's kind of like trying to eat an entire steak in one bite.

I know how this happens: You're banging away at the keyboard, putting your thoughts into the report as fast as you can write them. However, if you could hit the return key every few sentences while you're writing, and thus break your report into smaller paragraphs, your report would be much easier to read, which would certainly be appreciated by your fellow Forum Members.



Fishing 2024
06-09-04, 14:28
Cody is a hot little thing, and bigger with the new enhancements. She is a wild ride. She can be seen for $175 through an agency in Greensboro.

VA Cruiser
07-07-04, 18:59
Sat. July 3rd. My buddy and I took a quick cruise of the area around 2pm. We say 1 bsw and 2 wsw. 1 wsw on 12th was hot looking and young looking. We weren't sure if we had seen her before or not. She was hanging out with a guy. Later 5 pm or so we saw only 1 wsw.

07-27-04, 14:22
Some friends of mine took me to a private club with bovine overtones. We were there Friday 7/23 from 2:30 to closing time at 4am.

I found definate possibilities for extra curricular activities there. For Roanoke residents, its definately worth checking out for the $10 cover charge. The entertainers are the wildest dancers I have ever encountered, and worth checking out just for that reason alone.

I would advise going a few times and let them become familiar with your face before propositioning them. Its a small city, and I get the feeling everyone there knows everyone. I was with someone who is a regular.

I didn't partake in the invitation b/c I was with three other guys and an hour away from home without a ride. Besides they all know I'm married and don't know I'm a hobbyist!

Good Luck and happy mongering in 'noke.


Fun In Virginia
07-28-04, 16:29
Has anyone ever met Jenna, a GFE in Roanoke? http://hometown.aol.com/RoanokeEscort4U/

She sent me a couple of pictures and she looks OUTSTANDING!

Just wondering if anyone had a report of her.

Wild and Woody
07-30-04, 22:21
Hey fun,

I think I WANT to know her. Care to share those pics?

VA Cruiser
07-30-04, 23:19
Article in the Roanoke Times on Thursday July. LE did a sting operation on Day Ave 800 block. Article states there was a full blown brothel in operation there. All total 11 arrests for prosititution. LE used men to bust the women then put out women as decoys to catch the men. My advice if in doubt about the woman, drive away.

Have fun but be safe.

Fishing 2024
07-31-04, 09:17

Fun In Virginia
08-02-04, 16:41

Yes, that is the pic Jenna sent me (one of them). She looks great, has anyone tried her services?

08-04-04, 19:14
Big K and all, Storm called me, has no phone yet, she has moved back to Columbus Ga. Will find her on my next visit.

She has a sister in Rural Retreat so she will return for visits, she is a little hottie and you guys need to have her when she returns, I will post when she tells me she is coming back to Va for a visit.

Iam heading to the outskirts of Danville Va this Fri and Sat night, any help to a fellow monger on a incall or better yet a outcall who wants to visit a race track and fuck for a while?(grin) Danville/Milton NC, thanks, Wet dreams to all, PW

BTW, Ride , that little hottie looks fine, fine, fine!!

08-04-04, 19:21
Dayammm, I just scanned 6 pages, not one person except me logged in. Where are you guys, fucking something I hope(grin)

Wet dreams, PW

08-04-04, 23:43
Hey PW, every board I go to I seem to come across you:)

Anyway guys, I'll be heading to the Roanoke area for several weeks and am looking for some interesting fun while there. I will definitly RTFF, but haven't seen a great deal yet. Any info would be greatly appreciated, PM's are okay.

Never have gotten the chance to see Storm yet PW, let me know if she will be back in the next few weeks.

08-06-04, 22:20
As usual, I go to hotlanta and you come fucking everything in sight in VA... Hope to catch you on Mon in Ga. Thanks for the good word with you know who. I'll let you know how it goes.

PM to Hondo or Bronzy for some intel on Roanoke action, tell him I sent you.

Keep it wet, my friend.

08-08-04, 21:56
Cruised thru the zone tonight. Didn't see a lot of action, but I did see one BSW with the craziest eyes. I'm not quite sure how to describe them. I was going to stop but a guy was hanging out with her about 5 feet away. I don't stop when others are hanging around.

08-12-04, 02:37
Zone was absolutely zero activity on Fri night... Oh well....

VA Cruiser
08-14-04, 12:14

The girl with the crazy eyes was probably Alisha, she has Grays syndrome? I think the name. I'm a bit late on a report for July 31st evening. I saw Jennifer and another WSW out on 12th. I know Jennifer got arrested later and iI think the other one also. I saw a lot more action over on Marshall. There were 2 WSW out and I even saw them at 6am on Sunday. I ran into a nee girl named Chasity she was over on Ferdinand and Day area. She was with another I think she called Pam. She was cute and petit. She's new to the scene. I saw a BSW out who's real hot, I can't remember her name. She seemed to have something to do and was walking on 8th and went to a place on Day. I didn't see her any more after that. I will probably check it out again soon.

VA Cruiser
08-21-04, 10:07
Saturday, August 14th report. We got to roanoke around 5 pm. We saw one WSW out around Mountain Ave and Highland Ave. close to the park. Didn't see much else for awhile so decided to eat. We also decided to check out the old cruising area and was surprised to find one down at 3rd and Campbell near the parking lot. We haven't seen one in that area in years. After dinner we saw a few more out mostly around Marshall and 8th. Left town around 9:30.

Good luck and have fun!

VA Cruiser
08-30-04, 21:14
Sunday the 22nd report. We decided to hit the gun show at the civic center and of course had to cruise the blocks. We didn't stay too long. We saw all total 2 WSW and 1 BSW out on Marshall in the 800 block. One of the WSW was over on Day Ave for awhile. Basically this was around 2 and then around 5 pm. Have fun out there.

08-30-04, 22:41
Monday night, Aug 23rd, I was in Roanoke for business and decided to see what I could find.

At 12:10am I pulled into the parking lot of the adult novelty store at 2211 Williamson Rd. Roanoke, VA, only to find it closed. I was not looking for a companion tonight, but just another block up Williamson Rd was a gal that wanted to show me the skills she had learned playing the flute. After showing her a picture of the seventh president, I dreamed that she could play the flute very well and I was happy with the climatic conclusion of her performance. I believe the artist named was Michelle, she was in her forties, had a small chest but with stiff and long headlights, was completely hairless below the neck and smelled good.

Happy hunting and Keep it safe.

09-14-04, 14:34
Is It just my imagination or have things gone to the rigamortus state ine Roanoke. Wow. Did the recent hurricanes blow all the activity up North?

09-16-04, 20:23
Was in Roanoke Monday and peeked around several of the strolling areas without much success. Checked out Patterson and several parallell streets from 3rd to 12th streets. Did the loops at 4, 5, 6 and 8 PM. Very little happening until dark.

The several prospects that were worth picking up wouldn't get in cause they thought I was a cop, so they said. And there were a couple good looking bsw around Patterson and 13th to 12th.

I did some recon around 5th and Elm at the Cstore. Seemed to be a lot of people walking around. Ended up picking up a bsw on 5th and Patterson, took her back to the room. She kept saying some non sw stuff like "you want me to put that in my mouth" and "you said nothing kinking and that's kinky" crap.

Frankly, I was disappointed. Thought Roanoke offered Yankees a little R and R when we venture down in your territory. Must say that the food in Roanoke was excellent as always.

All is well in PAland

09-20-04, 02:57

Sorry that Roanoke performed to the standards which this board has so often portrayed. It sucks. You're right, the food is good. Now you know why I go north.

I came up '0' on two tours of the stroll two different nights a week ago. Ended up at the Black and Gold Club. $10 "membership" + $5 entry. No alcohol. Not full nude and not Baltimore. Highlight was an arousing grinder of a lap dance.


Big K
09-20-04, 11:39
I was out over the weekend too and the cops must have done a pretty job of cleaning up because there's not a whole lot left. They may be trying a new tactic now that the ho's are sparse. I saw several of you pulled over, they may be harassing bucks now that the does were run off.

Have not been contributing to this board, frankly because this town is DEAD! That’s probably more of a reason for all of us to share the rare tidbits and scattered reports of maybes. I been holding out but will post the few crumbs of info I have gathered.

Member #2613
09-20-04, 20:01
Hey Fellas!

I be in VA harrison in about 2 weeks any good cls in the area please advice. I am coming from ny and wount want to paty by my self.


Big K
09-21-04, 10:10
If you are referring to Harrissonburg than that is in other areas and lots of luck. If you're talking about the star city let me be the first to say, RTFF (for the uninitiated it's Read The Fucking or Frickin Forum)

Hugh Jardon
09-21-04, 12:56
Is that English you're speaking?

09-22-04, 23:27
Big K,

this is a sex board, so it's "Fucking" not "Frickin" :) -LL

Fishing 2024
09-25-04, 09:16
Police crack down on prostitution


It's a business people in Old South West Roanoke know about and don't want to become known for.

Tricia Wilson: On an everyday basis, you know it's constant prostitution, we've had instances where women have come on the side of the house, they're pulling their pants down.

Not far away from where kids play. Now police are walking the streets too.

Police busted 23 people during a sting on Wednesday and Thursday.

Undercover male cops targeted female prostitutes and female cops disguised as prostitutes picked up men looking for sex.

Neighbor: I'm afraid to walk down my street at night.

You might think prostitution heats up when the sun goes down, but police tell us lunch time is actually the busiest time. The exchange typically takes place in a car or an alley and lasts about 15 minutes for 20 to 50 dollars.

Police say some of the people they arrested are repeat offenders and they warn, they too will make repeat visits until the streets are clear and safe in Old South West.

VA Cruiser
09-25-04, 10:14
Article in the paper and on the news Friday night, said LE conducted a sting operation on Wed. and Thurs., arrested 23 people. On the news they reported police have made 116 arrests since July. I think thats charges not people. Several probably had more than one arrest. They went after the girls and after the johns. Here's some of the article from the newspaper. Eight females were arrested on prostitution charges and 15 males were arrested on solicitation charges as part of the vice squad's two-day operation, Capt. Rusty Ross said. The operation, for which male officers posed as clients and female officers posed as prostitutes, focused on Southwest Roanoke streets and not on a particular house, he said. Many of the arrests took place on Day, Marshall, Patterson and Chapman avenues, Ross said. Several residents of those streets had called police to complain that prostitution was taking place in their neighborhoods. So be real careful out there and good luck.

VA Cruiser
10-02-04, 13:47
I know there's a lot of girls who work the streets, so I decided to check it out. I went down on saturday the 25th. We didn't see much out for awhile. LE was in the area around 8:30, so we took a break and went downtown and walked around some. We went back to the area around 10 and we saw all total around 8 BSW and 2 WSW. They were all gone shortly and didn't see any much more out. They were mostly around 12-13th Street and Chapman. One real hot BSW kept walking around she had on a real hot black outfit. Roanoke is still alive, but you can never figure out when you might find some out. Just be careful it's not LE. Even asking them if they are isn't a safeguard.

Good luck and happy cruising.

Sky Ryder
10-14-04, 15:43
Well you would think that after traveling the world and mongering in many states I would know better. I guess it just takes a reminder every once in a while. Last week I called one of the services in the paper, called Exceptional elegance or something similar. The phone person "Faith" gives me the line up and suggest that I see "Ivey", I agree and find an acceptable location.
Ivy is suppose to be new, and maybe she was but when she walks in the room, we take care of the financial end and then she starts with, " I will do a strip show and self masturbation, but if you want me to use a large toy it will be extra. You may not touch me and I won't touch you, yada...yada...yada. At this point I stop her and call the service and tell them I am cancelling the session and tell them that there is a BIG misunderstanding. Well Faith tells me that since the time has started I owe the full amount, I tell her it has been less than five minutes and no way. I see that Ivy is getting nervous to her credit she tells them that she will not charge me the full amount. Then she starts telling me that she doesn't know what I expected , but this is not the first time she has had a problem with men being upset with her service( or lack thereof). I tell her that she needs to make it ver clear BEFORE she arrives that there is no touching and that to ask for a tip from just a dance is a major marketing faux pas.

She is indignant that I think she will have sex for me in exchange for money and only $150, and we could both go to jail. I Tell her that I would never pay for sex, but her attitude towards physical intimacy lead me to believe that she was not as open minded as one would have thought. She told me that I was just turning her words around and I tell her to leave. As I opened the door a "girl" I think, was jsut ready to knock. She (it) was from the service and was coming to check up on the ladies safety, then Ivey starts making a small scene in the parking lot about how I wanted her to have sex for money and she wouldn't do it.....etc.

Well it gets better.....the owner ( Faith) calls me back and apologizes and suggest that I see her and tells me she understands and that she only see regulars and charges more, but she want me to be happy and to make up for the earlier problem, I say Okay.
She show up and is cute, about a 6 and after exchanging a reduced amount she starts to dance... and I say fine, but lets talk about doing a "pole" dance, she says she wants to get to know me better......this is the point that I realize that I have just been had by a real pro...not once but twice..in the same day.

Well I continued to try and work towards an acceptable ending, but it is not to happen, she tells me she is sorry, but she wants to know me better and we will see what develops. I tell her that the only thing that is going to develop is that I will spend a few minutes on the internet advising my fellow mongers to aviod this place at all costs, or call them up and ask if it is only a dance show, at least that way they will use up a few cell phone minutes!

I guess I can chalk this up to real monovision!

10-25-04, 18:50
Was in your city this weekend, hit up a wsw near 12th and Chapman, Jamie, older in her 40's or so she looked. Bleach blond with black streaks she had a goth look and saggy tits. Anyway bbbjcim for three dimes, well twenty five but I threw the extra nickle for her tossing my salad. She wanted a ride but I just put her out where I picked her up, LE was around when I dropped her off so I left the area pronto. Thanks for the goodtime Roanoke, your hootchies can suck some dick...

10-28-04, 23:53
on 12th, near the intersection with Chapman. I've seen her working off-duty, in uniform, during the holidays in local stores.

Ice Tea
11-13-04, 19:51
Did the run from 5th to 14th Salam to Day ZERO happening.. I did see two LE's running around dureing my run of 8,10,11,12,1,ans 2. There was one girl out talking to a guy in a black car looked hot but don't think she was working. If anyone know of anything I'd love to know about it. I'm new to the area.

Hondo Lane
11-29-04, 23:41
I have a gal in Roanoke but need a second girl, bi, to play. Does anyone have any suggestions. I appreciate the help. Hondo

VA Cruiser
12-11-04, 20:20
I hadn't been able to login recently since I couldn't remember my password, and hotmail wasn't letting me get a password from the site. But I finally was able to reset it. I went down on the Friday after Thanksgivings, got there around 5, I immediately saw 5 WSW out. They were in different areas, some in the Patterson, and 12th area, some on Marshall, and Day, in the 700-800 area. I picked up one who's name I can't remember now. She wasn't too bad. She said some guy got beat up on Marshall, so that might have explained the high LE presense. LE could have been over staffed and bored too. I stopped cruising early since they were so many out. I think all total between 5-9 I saw maybe 8 different girls out.

VA Cruiser
12-11-04, 20:30
I hear the girl who goes by JT is up to her old tricks of ripping off johns. She is attractice. I think the last time I saw her she had shoulder length brown hair, nice figure. I think she hangs out around Marshall and 8th. Of course she might move around also. A good tip is never give the girl any money until it's time. She sometimes have a story about paying a babysitter or something and might even leave a purse with you but really not much in the purse. Her name is Janice and years ago she worked under Diane. So be careful out there!

Fishing 2024
12-16-04, 09:44
Chapman and 11th. Anyone know about a girl named Asia in the house with a fence on the corner? She looks young, said she was 24 but looks younger to me. Nicest tits I've seen in a while. Says she will work for $25.00.

Bronze Hornet
12-16-04, 14:32
Visited Roanoke on December 8, 2004 and contacted Jenna of Roanokeescort.net. Her pre-negotiated donation was $$.

When this 85 lb, well proportioned (for her size), tanned, blonde hair, brown eye cutie walked in I was not unhappy about the dollars as the anticipation properties of the little head took over all senses and moved forward with definite intentions.

Rules were no DFK, no Greek and no CIM.

BBBJ was way above average as was her total body. CG, reverse CG mish and several other acrobatics were experimented with this easy to handle package and double rings with no major interest by her in meeting a time clock regimen displayed.

Her stated siize does suggest a waif but she is a scaled down model of a voluptuous woman - not to small and not fragile.

She is a young 24 with a few tattoos but none that diminished her sensuality.

She is a definite keeper but is only available after 9 pm most nights due to her day job.

Her email contact is available by PM to notable and known brethren mongers.