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Yankee Doodle
05-20-18, 23:20
I missed all the reading while site was in limbo, glad it's back. It seemed all the old numbers I had were not connecting! I did the Lockhart Loop and on Pope there was April and another real scabby tall lady. I almost didn't recognize April, she has gotten fat. Turns out she has a place at one of the motels that are long term. Since none of my numbers were working, and rain was dampening all the fun, I went for it. That means a stop at 7-11 for gummy worms and other stuff which she paid for herself. Now she wants 50 marios for a visit but again I was in need. She is nice, no rush, and does good clean-up. But then she pitched a round 2, offered to pose for pictures and begged for more so she could stay in. I tossed her 10 and split, I needed a shower from the smoke and staleness of room. OK in a pinch, but don't want to see her often, as I like petites. Ashley was one that was not answering her number, anybody got an update?. Still the Doodle Yank.

05-21-18, 01:48
Anyone have any current updates on TY TY?

C5.Curious about this as well.

Last I read, she just had another baby, but was still open for business.

If that's the case, I'd like to get a piece of her before she loses the baby weight.

05-21-18, 04:11
My number for Ashley has also gone silent since around the beginning of April. I had just got the number also and was in progress of setting something up when it went silent. Cops and UC have been extra bad trying to shut things down even more than usual from the talk of the girls. One house on rose has been shut down and now they're all in one place but don't see them walking much, could be my times are wrong with looking. Didn't see any new ones come to Lockhart from all the other site shutdowns.

I missed all the reading while site was in limbo, glad it's back. It seemed all the old numbers I had were not connecting! I did the Lockhart Loop and on Pope there was April and another real scabby tall lady. I almost didn't recognize April, she has gotten fat. Turns out she has a place at one of the motels that are long term. Since none of my numbers were working, and rain was dampening all the fun, I went for it. That means a stop at 7-11 for gummy worms and other stuff which she paid for herself. Now she wants 50 marios for a visit but again I was in need. She is nice, no rush, and does good clean-up. But then she pitched a round 2, offered to pose for pictures and begged for more so she could stay in. I tossed her 10 and split, I needed a shower from the smoke and staleness of room. OK in a pinch, but don't want to see her often, as I like petites. Ashley was one that was not answering her number, anybody got an update?. Still the Doodle Yank.

05-21-18, 22:43
I have a few messages for you from our girl Barbie!! I'll PM you.

You should hire me as your secretary brother.

C5.I've been watching her, she appears to be on long term assignment.

05-22-18, 00:58
Curious about this as well.

Last I read, she just had another baby, but was still open for business.

If that's the case, I'd like to get a piece of her before she loses the baby weight.I have had a few dreams with her during the break. Of course all was good. Yes she had the baby a few months back. Still has big titties. She is available for geneva and car dates. She is trying to stay on a good path so she can get her girl back. Pm me for her number.

05-22-18, 14:28
One house on rose has been shut down and now they're all in one place but don't see them walking much, could be my times are wrong with looking. Didn't see any new ones come to Lockhart from all the other site shutdowns.First I would like to say I am glad this site is back up and running again!!

I have also noticed that house is empty now too.

05-22-18, 15:20
First I would like to say I am glad this site is back up and running again!!

I have also noticed that house is empty now too.They all appear to be staying in a house on the other side of OBT on Rose towards Edgewater. I see girls walking towards OBT from that side frequently, never the ones I am looking for mind you but still.

05-22-18, 15:32
They all appear to be staying in a house on the other side of OBT on Rose towards Edgewater. I see girls walking towards OBT from that side frequently, never the ones I am looking for mind you but still.Finding a decent one in Lockhart is about like finding a snowflake in the Sahara. Few and far between. Too bad too, cause there would be business a plenty.

05-22-18, 16:44
Finding a decent one in Lockhart is about like finding a snowflake in the Sahara. Few and far between. Too bad too, cause there would be business a plenty.Becky and Lexi are still there. Difficult to find but still there.

05-22-18, 17:09
Becky and Lexi are still there. Difficult to find but still there.I've said repeatedly that Becky is the most beautiful girl in Lockhart area. TeenLover please buy her a chocolate shake from McDonald's and apologize for your rude behavior towards her.



05-22-18, 17:34
My number for Ashley has also gone silent since around the beginning of April. I had just got the number also and was in progress of setting something up when it went silent. Cops and UC have been extra bad trying to shut things down even more than usual from the talk of the girls. One house on rose has been shut down and now they're all in one place but don't see them walking much, could be my times are wrong with looking. Didn't see any new ones come to Lockhart from all the other site shutdowns.Ashley goes silent a lot and moves around. She actually called me out of the blue last week wanting to meet in Altamonte. Couldn't meet and she went back to Poinciana the last we talked. Of course the number is no good already. Surprised she kept my number. Hope she contacts me again soon. Hopefully some of the guys I gave the old number to was able too have fun with her. Share the details if you did.

05-22-18, 17:38
I swear I have never seen her walking in all my outings. I would buy two chocolate shakes to finally meet her and see what she's like.

I've said repeatedly that Becky is the most beautiful girl in Lockhart area. TeenLover please buy her a chocolate shake from McDonald's and apologize for your rude behavior towards her.



05-22-18, 17:50
I swear I have never seen her walking in all my outings. I would buy two chocolate shakes to finally meet her and see what she's like.Unicorn would probably fit the bill. Her mom walks and is hot as well!! LOL! My buddy M2 has fucked them both. Becky is absolutely gorgeous. I'll dig up a pic and try and post it.


05-23-18, 05:10
BTW thanks for the number again, I was texting her the day of the last raid on the rose house and was going to pick her up from poinciana for a date when I guess she got scared with coming over to Lockhart after she heard of the bust. I was so excited to finally get a chance to meet her as the previous week I had to cancel due to a date I had already set up for a threesome that went to shit. I was so pissed that I canceled with Ashley for the threesome party. If I ever get the chance again come hell or high water I'm going to follow through no matter prior obligations.

Ashley goes silent a lot and moves around. She actually called me out of the blue last week wanting to meet in Altamonte. Couldn't meet and she went back to Poinciana the last we talked. Of course the number is no good already. Surprised she kept my number. Hope she contacts me again soon. Hopefully some of the guys I gave the old number to was able too have fun with her. Share the details if you did.

05-23-18, 05:31
I've said repeatedly that Becky is the most beautiful girl in Lockhart area. TeenLover please buy her a chocolate shake from McDonald's and apologize for your rude behavior towards her.


C5.I'm trying but I haven't seen her out in months. I have had other guys tell me they have seen her so I know she's there. It's my damned job that is cutting into my hunting time.

05-23-18, 08:25
I'm trying but I haven't seen her out in months. I have had other guys tell me they have seen her so I know she's there. It's my damned job that is cutting into my hunting time.Becky's mom is out their during the early afternoon hour's. I would ask the mom about Becky and I'm sure the mom would help us all out. The mom may also want a date though. LOL.


05-23-18, 09:32
First of all glad site is back up. Has Ty changed her number or is her phone off? Was talking with her on a regular basis and now nothing.

05-24-18, 00:06
While the site was down some has changed. My old log in has been blocked, [Deleted by Admin]

If your old user was blocked why is there no other user associated with this email account? Why have you not contacted us to help you get access?

I'm getting rid of this account and you can contact us about your other one. There are too many people making this claim.


05-24-18, 01:23
So I've been having this semi feud with Becky that was born out of misunderstanding. Essentially she is pissed off at me because I never pick her up so we don't make eye contact on the street. A lot of this was because my go to girl was Gina for many years so when I was out, I was looking for her.

Gina is gone now and C5 is helping me see the err of my ways so I decided the next time I see Becky, I'm making the scoop and patching things up. Tonight at about 12:15 am making her way up Rose from Edgewater was the great Becky, in black yoga pants. Those legs and that ass in yoga pants is truly a sigt to behold.

I'm sure you're waiting for my review of Becky's oral skills but here is what happened. First off she was carrying at least two and maybe three duffel bags. I never pick up girls with bags like that, I simply do not know what is in there, is it guns? Drug? Sex toys? I just don't know.

Secondly I was hightailing it out of there because OCSD had set up 6 marked cars along Rose, OBT, Clarcona / Ocoee. 2 of them had cars pulled over and 4 were waiting for their turn. Becky was in full view of 2 of them, I would have driven 50 feet before they would have pulled me over for some bullshit thing.

So, in life timing is everything plus someone please tell Becky not to go out carrying everything she owns with her. My God, she is a pretty girl though.

Be safe.

05-24-18, 04:29
Does anyone know if this time is her normal operating hours? If so please convince her to work lunch and dinner hours instead. She would get a lot more business if she wanted to.

[QUOTE=TeenLover;3802655]Tonight at about 12:15 am making her way up Rose from Edgewater was the great Becky, in black yoga pants.

05-24-18, 07:59
Becky's mom is out their during the early afternoon hour's. I would ask the mom about Becky and I'm sure the mom would help us all out. The mom may also want a date though. LOL.

C5.Becky used to tell me she was her Aunt. .

05-24-18, 08:02
BTW thanks for the number again, I was texting her the day of the last raid on the rose house and was going to pick her up from poinciana for a date when I guess she got scared with coming over to Lockhart after she heard of the bust. I was so excited to finally get a chance to meet her as the previous week I had to cancel due to a date I had already set up for a threesome that went to shit. I was so pissed that I canceled with Ashley for the threesome party. If I ever get the chance again come hell or high water I'm going to follow through no matter prior obligations.Is this the tall blonde skinny young Ashley you speak of? If so I need her digits. I took her to lunch at Winghouse about a year ago and have not heard from her since.

05-24-18, 08:15
I'm not sure if she changed her hair color but it was black in the last photo that I saw. Look at playtime's posts and he posted a photo back a few pages. When I saw her walking she was average height and weight and looked extremely hot.

Is this the tall blonde skinny young Ashley you speak of? If so I need her digits. I took her to lunch at Winghouse about a year ago and have not heard from her since.

05-24-18, 08:23
Becky used to tell me she was her Aunt. .Nope, It I'd indeed mom.


05-24-18, 08:28
So I've been having this semi feud with Becky that was born out of misunderstanding. Essentially she is pissed off at me because I never pick her up so we don't make eye contact on the street. A lot of this was because my go to girl was Gina for many years so when I was out, I was looking for her.

Gina is gone now and C5 is helping me see the err of my ways so I decided the next time I see Becky, I'm making the scoop and patching things up. Tonight at about 12:15 am making her way up Rose from Edgewater was the great Becky, in black yoga pants. Those legs and that ass in yoga pants is truly a sigt to behold.

I'm sure you're waiting for my review of Becky's oral skills but here is what happened. First off she was carrying at least two and maybe three duffel bags. I never pick up girls with bags like that, I simply do not know what is in there, is it guns? Drug? Sex toys? I just don't know.

Secondly I was hightailing it out of there because OCSD had set up 6 marked cars along Rose, OBT, Clarcona / Ocoee. 2 of them had cars pulled over and 4 were waiting for their turn. Becky was in full view of 2 of them, I would have driven 50 feet before they would have pulled me over for some bullshit thing.

So, in life timing is everything plus someone please tell Becky not to go out carrying everything she owns with her. My God, she is a pretty girl though.

Be safe.I agree with you my friend. While I am happy you have decided to let the beautiful Becky suck your cock again, she is not worth you possibly getting busted by uncle. You lived to fight another day and that's all that matters friend. I'm positive Becky will be very happy to have your business again. By the way how is our friend Gina doing lately?


05-24-18, 13:18
They all appear to be staying in a house on the other side of OBT on Rose towards Edgewater. I see girls walking towards OBT from that side frequently, never the ones I am looking for mind you but still.Thanks for the info, yesterday afternoon I went out around 1 ish and headed down Rose to OBT from the north. I saw a skinny white chick walking north on Rose with a guy. I kept driving, and man was it a busy place. Quite a few police and a few walkers.

I decided to head towards BK and to see if I could spot anyone. As I was coming up the back side of BK I spot a blonde walking towards the front of BK, and of course I miss my turn! I quickly move to the right and swing around. Once I finally get positioned where I can make a turn into BK I see her walking a different direction. Now this isn't the easiest area to maneuver a vehicle around, and not knowing which way she is going I'm like fuck it. Head to the first side street, and swing around the front of BK. And she is gone!

I keep driving and decide to make the big loop. As I am driving on Clarcona a chick walks out on to the sidewalk just as a pass her, long curly hair, brunette. When I looked back she was heading back up the grass to a house, so I just kept going. When I got the light at Rose and OBT I saw another BSW she looked prego. Wearing all black spandex, walking slow. Not my type so I kept going. I figured maybe I could find the brunette again. So I headed back to BK so I swing around. Decided to turn down one of the little roads off Clarcona to see if I could find her. No luck!

But while I was driving around back there, I spot a pink tank top, and a little frame! I turn down National and come across Blonde Lexi! She hops in, we do the checks and intros. She finds a lollipop in my door pocket, asks if she can have it. I say you sure can. We go to a nice spot, we agree on 30 mario tokens. She gets right to business. BBBJ nice and wet mouth too! She just asks for a warning before I release some stress from working hard and traveling. She tells me I can play if I want too, she is clean and smooth, so why not. I am sitting back and enjoying her mouth as much as I can until I just can't hold it back no more! That was worth it, and I will repeat for sure.

05-24-18, 17:56
She is out right now. On rose by clarcona. Had to pass have appointments. Looking sexy. Blue low cut shirt and black tight pants. Get her.

05-24-18, 18:05
She is out right now. On rose by clarcona. Had to pass have appointments. Looking sexy. Blue low cut shirt and black tight pants. Get her.But NO thanks. LOL! That Looney beitch is not worth a nickel.


05-24-18, 18:07
Is this chick still walking?


05-24-18, 18:54
This is for you TeenLover!


05-25-18, 07:08
This is for you TeenLover!

C5.I miss her, could use her right now in fact.

05-25-18, 07:16
Is this chick still walking?

C5.That's Ashley. She still walks. Her Lockhart visits are rare. Mainly stays in Poinciana.

05-25-18, 14:56
But NO thanks. LOL! That Looney beitch is not worth a nickel.

C5.I picked up Sophia by national, and she walked out in the middle of fs and didn't finish. It was literally 5 minutes. Never pay up front with this girl. She reminds me of Tiffany mmmcherries, but tiff is way better. Anyone know what happened to mmmcherries?

05-26-18, 00:18
I picked up Sophia by national, and she walked out in the middle of fs and didn't finish. It was literally 5 minutes. Never pay up front with this girl. She reminds me of Tiffany mmmcherries, but tiff is way better. Anyone know what happened to mmmcherries?Tiffany is still around. She has a new number but her incall is in the villages. Outcall I believe is available as well.

05-26-18, 21:52
Is this chick still walking?

C5.How about her face?

05-28-18, 12:45
How about her face?She didn't want me to include the face but there are full photos of her in the photo section when she had blonde hair.

05-30-18, 01:42
So last night, at about 12:30 am there were.

2 OCSD squads parked in the lot of that business across the street from Cabaret.

3 OCSD squads parked on Clarcona / Ocoee in front of the Lockhart Elks of whatever that is.

7 OCSD squads fully lit up appearing to be invading a house on Rose.

6 OCSD squads parked in the lot of the store next to McD's on Rose and OBT.

That's 18 marked OCSD squad cars within 6 blocks of one another. It would have been a good night to rob a convenience store in another part of town. I've lived in San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, Milwaukee and now Orlando and I have never seen an effort like this to attemot to put a stop to street prostitution. Well maybe Milwaukee.

I realize they are just doing their jobs but come on, I don't live in Orange county but if I did, I would wonder about the allocation of resources in the local Sheriff's Department.

05-30-18, 01:51
So last night, at about 12:30 am there were.

2 OCSD squads parked in the lot of that business across the street from Cabaret.

3 OCSD squads parked on Clarcona / Ocoee in front of the Lockhart Elks of whatever that is.

7 OCSD squads fully lit up appearing to be invading a house on Rose.

6 OCSD squads parked in the lot of the store next to McD's on Rose and OBT.

That's 18 marked OCSD squad cars within 6 blocks of one another. It would have been a good night to rob a convenience store in another part of town. I've lived in San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, Milwaukee and now Orlando and I have never seen an effort like this to attemot to put a stop to street prostitution. Well maybe Milwaukee.

I realize they are just doing their jobs but come on, I don't live in Orange county but if I did, I would wonder about the allocation of resources in the local Sheriff's Department.You are spot on correct my friend. Cops seriously I believe have NOTHING better to do!! They love busting hooker's and John's. It's what they went to the academy for.



05-30-18, 04:40
Was the house the one near edgewater and rose behind the convenience store? If so then that's the last one that I know of in this area that some of the girls stayed at, which means they will scatter all around now and may disappear to other parts.

So last night, at about 12:30 am there were.

2 OCSD squads parked in the lot of that business across the street from Cabaret.

3 OCSD squads parked on Clarcona / Ocoee in front of the Lockhart Elks of whatever that is.

7 OCSD squads fully lit up appearing to be invading a house on Rose.

6 OCSD squads parked in the lot of the store next to McD's on Rose and OBT.

That's 18 marked OCSD squad cars within 6 blocks of one another. It would have been a good night to rob a convenience store in another part of town. I've lived in San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, Milwaukee and now Orlando and I have never seen an effort like this to attemot to put a stop to street prostitution. Well maybe Milwaukee.

I realize they are just doing their jobs but come on, I don't live in Orange county but if I did, I would wonder about the allocation of resources in the local Sheriff's Department.

05-30-18, 07:04
Was the house the one near edgewater and rose behind the convenience store? If so then that's the last one that I know of in this area that some of the girls stayed at, which means they will scatter all around now and may disappear to other parts.The house was the one almost next to the entrance to MC D's on Rose.

05-30-18, 09:50
You are spot on correct my friend. Cops seriously I believe have NOTHING better to do!! They love busting hooker's and John's. It's what they went to the academy for.


C5.It's harassing. They cannot arrest me unless they witness me offering something of value in exchange for a sexual act and how often do they actually witness that? Now if I'm getting a hummer in a parking lot, that's another story probably worse because now you're a registered sex offender.

What they did last night was effective as I got my ass out of there which I believe, was the point of it all. Maybe the honest hard working people of Lockhart are sick of assholes like me cruising their streets at all hours and perhaps they are tired of drugged out women walking around trying to attract me cruising their streets so they took it to the cops, honestly can you blame them?

05-30-18, 10:38
It's harassing. They cannot arrest me unless they witness me offering something of value in exchange for a sexual act and how often do they actually witness that? Now if I'm getting a hummer in a parking lot, that's another story probably worse because now you're a registered sex offender.

What they did last night was effective as I got my ass out of there which I believe, was the point of it all. Maybe the honest hard working people of Lockhart are sick of assholes like me cruising their streets at all hours and perhaps they are tired of drugged out women walking around trying to attract me cruising their streets so they took it to the cops, honestly can you blame them?Whether it's Lockhart or Orlando, Hooker's and John's will be around til the end of time. It's a reason it's called the oldest profession in the world my friend. You're not the ass hole, COP'S are!!


05-30-18, 14:26
This is for you TeenLover!

C5.I've never been lucky enough to pickup any cute one. I think is because my work schedule.

I wish at least one day, only one day, I could ve seen a Becky or Ashley or that gorgeous blonde.

But nothing so far. If someone can be kind enough to share digits of a cute lady.

I would really appreciate it. I even buy you a drink or lunch! Any data is well appreciated.

Thanks guys.


05-30-18, 17:26
Whether it's Lockhart or Orlando, Hooker's and John's will be around til the end of time. It's a reason it's called the oldest profession in the world my friend. You're not the ass hole, COP'S are!!

C5.I really don't want to beat this dead horse further as it's really strayed off topic but here goes. I simply do not understand the level of manpower being thrown at this lately. Clearly I am not an unbiased observer here but still, there really were 18 marked squads in that little neighborhood last night. How many unmarked do you think? I just think it's ridiculous.

05-30-18, 17:59
Didn't someone post in the SW thread or general thread about orange county having a vote on keeping the increased presence to try and curtail these activities. I could have sworn I read that either last week or right when the server came back talking about this very issue. Maybe when other crime gets out of hand because of this extra manpower then they will stop and move on after all the residents see their tax dollars trying for a little while and stop complaining. I do know they were after a specific girl who was put in for domestic violence but wasnt a SW and that's why there were so many right at the house by McDonald's.

I really don't want to beat this dead horse further as it's really strayed off topic but here goes. I simply do not understand the level of manpower being thrown at this lately. Clearly I am not an unbiased observer here but still, there really were 18 marked squads in that little neighborhood last night. How many unmarked do you think? I just think it's ridiculous.

05-31-18, 13:38
Did the loop around lockhart area seen a lot of orange county siting around. Went down rose on the edgewater side orange county had the road just behind the store blocked off so I made my way back to BK and picked up a little spinner she said her name was mary made our way to a safe spot for a little headache relief wasn't to bad would probable see again in a pinch. Got digits for senior members if interested. Be safe orange county really stepping it up.

05-31-18, 17:44
Did the loop around lockhart area seen a lot of orange county siting around. Went down rose on the edgewater side orange county had the road just behind the store blocked off so I made my way back to BK and picked up a little spinner she said her name was mary made our way to a safe spot for a little headache relief wasn't to bad would probable see again in a pinch. Got digits for senior members if interested. Be safe orange county really stepping it up.Was she really tiny with red hair or looked like she had reddish hair?

05-31-18, 18:29
Did the loop around lockhart area seen a lot of orange county siting around. Went down rose on the edgewater side orange county had the road just behind the store blocked off so I made my way back to BK and picked up a little spinner she said her name was mary made our way to a safe spot for a little headache relief wasn't to bad would probable see again in a pinch. Got digits for senior members if interested. Be safe orange county really stepping it up.I haven't heard of a Little Mary sighting in quite some time.

06-01-18, 01:44
Well tonight wasn't a bust. Went to Lockhart had a bad case of a migraine. Saw blonde Lexi out around 1 am. Made the scoop and found a nice spot. Fell asleep and boy the medicine she had for the headache relief was awesome. BBBJ finished deep in her throat. Dropped her near rose. For sure to be careful as oc was parked everywhere. Until next time.

06-01-18, 04:05
Well yesterday was not a good day to be her. She will not be available for some time. Some have had good and some bad experiences with her recently. Luckily I never had her walk out on a date, could be she didn't really want to walk all the way back to Lockhart. She was my first provider that gave up all three holes. Only bad thing with her I ever got was she never could make up her mind and would change thoughts and actions at the drop of a hat, she also used to make one hell of a mess to clean up. Hopefully someone will pony up the cash to get her back out and walking. Sucks because she just got a phone working again which makes pickups so much easier especially with all the increased activity, driving in circles isn't very inconspicuous.

06-01-18, 05:56
Well yesterday was not a good day to be her. She will not be available for some time. Some have had good and some bad experiences with her recently. Luckily I never had her walk out on a date, could be she didn't really want to walk all the way back to Lockhart. She was my first provider that gave up all three holes. Only bad thing with her I ever got was she never could make up her mind and would change thoughts and actions at the drop of a hat, she also used to make one hell of a mess to clean up. Hopefully someone will pony up the cash to get her back out and walking. Sucks because she just got a phone working again which makes pickups so much easier especially with all the increased activity, driving in circles isn't very inconspicuous.She won't be missed my friend. Shitty hooker with a horrible entitled attitude. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving hooker. Stay away from Sophia and save your money fellas.


06-01-18, 09:17
LOL I told you when you said she had a stomach ache while you dated her must have been when I filled her colon up too much and that's why she was complaining so much.

She won't be missed my friend. Shitty hooker with a horrible entitled attitude. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving hooker. Stay away from Sophia and save your money fellas.


06-01-18, 20:56
LOL I told you when you said she had a stomach ache while you dated her must have been when I filled her colon up too much and that's why she was complaining so much.Lmao!! I believe you were right my friend.


Ricky James1
06-04-18, 11:52
Easy pickup with her. She is very petite and thin and definitely good looking in the face. She said she was waiting on another date and only had 10 minutes. I was worried she would rush but she took her time sucking my dick. Great skills! No cum in mouth though. But still a good time. Maybe next time I will see if she takes cum in her pussy. No digits as she said she had her mom's phone. I will repeat.

06-04-18, 17:39
Easy pickup with her. She is very petite and thin and definitely good looking in the face. She said she was waiting on another date and only had 10 minutes. I was worried she would rush but she took her time sucking my dick. Great skills! No cum in mouth though. But still a good time. Maybe next time I will see if she takes cum in her pussy. No digits as she said she had her mom's phone. I will repeat.Rachel is good when she wants to be. She's gotten a lot skinnier due to candy use. Looked much better before with more meat on her. Head game is not bad due to missing front teeth. Pussy is tight. I've tried to CIP with no luck but I'm sure she will with the right price.

06-04-18, 20:02
Saw Becky walking on Rose with a couple big bags. Hate to say it but I had to pass her up. As much as I like her she is looking rough. Hope she can turn it around soon for her own health.

06-06-18, 13:26
Had to do some business in the area, and so I decided to make the loop for the first time and see who might be available for a quick lunch date. Had lunch at the BK and saw the infamous Geneva for the first time. No activity in the area. After reading the forum for ages, I drove down the obvious locations down Rose, Edgewater, etc. Only potential activity I saw was a brown and pink haired girl in a green tank and black pants on Magnolia Homes near 414, barely able to walk straight. No way I was going to go through the hassle of getting her in and out of my car. Also spotted a heavier blonde girl near 7-11 in 414 and Rose, but she didn't interest me, and so decided to head back to work.

Might make the loop again later this week, possibly at a later hour, but first try was disappointing.

06-07-18, 10:06
Had a dream with Mary, thanks to Rollerball for the digits. She isn't the same little Mary we remember from the area. She's older, spinner with an obvious candy issue. Took her to a spot and did BBBJ. She was a trooper, not much DT but never stopped. Even was fine with my hand on her head. Cimws. Damage was 20 Mario coins. Will repeat.


06-07-18, 14:06
Hola fellas I tried hitting this area last night and it's not lit at all. Can't even tell the gender of the people walking much less if the are sws. I decided instead I went to spa serenity to take care of my need. The lady at the counter looks 45 which I didn't mind but another lady came from the back to give her some paper and she looked even older. I told them I just needed directions to john young and left. I'm almost 40 but if I'm paying I'd prefer younger than myself for this.

06-07-18, 16:31
Tuesday night wanted to dream but didn't feel like going to the trail. So I check the basics rose, edge, and lee. I usually find a few by bombshells but no one seemed to be out. Eventually I decide to just have a drink inside the bar until it close hopefully someone would be out. Around 3 am I seen 3 SWS walking together. They all showed signs of using but I pick the best looking one who had dark red hair, a green top and a long skirt. She hops in, we do the LEO check and park across the street from racetrack on edgewater and start dreaming. The dream started off as a nightmare. Started with BBBJ she could barely get pass the tip before I felt teeth. She would not shut up about her friends and her bf even after I shoved her head on my dick she kept trying to talk. The only thing she said that caught my attention about 5 minutes into the dream was how bad she was horny and wanted to fuck. So I told her the lie I always use is (all I have is big bills on me and I'm not trying to spend that much). Which work out cause she said she wouldn't charge me extra. Who in their right mind would pass on that. So I put on a hat, laid the seat back and moved her into k9 position. To my surprise she was super wet and tight af. Actually had a hard time getting in there. After a few minutes of pushing I was finally balls deep. Thats when the nightmare got better she knew how to move her ass when I was pounding it. Which most girls just lay there and wait for it to be over or try to rush you but she was throwing it back, telling me to pull her hair and choke her. Finished the CFS with my swimmers on her back. Only use 20 tokens for the dream. Did not get a name but she said she usually in forest city or the racetrack on lee.


Head 2/10.

Kitty 11/10.

Would repeat only for the kitty.

I will try to pics next time.


06-07-18, 18:15
Great review but what's her name?

Nvm I saw the last sentence where you didn't get a name my bad. That area has been dead for awhile, hopefully it comes back since the last trap house on rose was shut down. Sucks it was a 3am pickup and not banker hours.

Tuesday night wanted to dream but didn't feel like going to the trail. So I check the basics rose, edge, and lee. I usually find a few by bombshells but no one seemed to be out. Eventually I decide to just have a drink inside the bar until it close hopefully someone would be out. Around 3 am I seen 3 SWS walking together. They all showed signs of using but I pick the best looking one who had dark red hair, a green top and a long skirt. She hops in, we do the LEO check and park across the street from racetrack on edgewater and start dreaming. The dream started off as a nightmare. Started with BBBJ she could barely get pass the tip before I felt teeth. She would not shut up about her friends and her bf even after I shoved her head on my dick she kept trying to talk. The only thing she said that caught my attention about 5 minutes into the dream was how bad she was horny and wanted to fuck. So I told her the lie I always use is (all I have is big bills on me and I'm not trying to spend that much). Which work out cause she said she wouldn't charge me extra. Who in their right mind would pass on that. So I put on a hat, laid the seat back and moved her into k9 position. To my surprise she was super wet and tight af. Actually had a hard time getting in there. After a few minutes of pushing I was finally balls deep. Thats when the nightmare got better she knew how to move her ass when I was pounding it. Which most girls just lay there and wait for it to be over or try to rush you but she was throwing it back, telling me to pull her hair and choke her. Finished the CFS with my swimmers on her back. Only use 20 tokens for the dream. Did not get a name but she said she usually in forest city or the racetrack on lee.


Head 2/10.

Kitty 11/10.

Would repeat only for the kitty.

I will try to pics next time.


06-08-18, 18:30
Where have all the ****** gone? No one in the spots rose, edgewater, micky ds I saw a couple on railroad track next to paint ball I'm sure they will surface soonlets keep each other posted.

06-08-18, 19:47
Where have all the ****** gone? No one in the spots rose, edgewater, micky ds I saw a couple on railroad track next to paint ball I'm sure they will surface soonlets keep each other posted.My experience in Lockhart lately has been the police outnumber the providers 4 to 1. I really don't waste my time there anymore.

06-09-18, 08:30
Last night pick up a decent looking WSW bewtween the 7/11 and rose street no signs of candy. Hard to describe her because idk if she was shy, timid, afraid because I'm a big black guy, or a mix of all 3. You know when a dream starts you do a LEO check. Thats the norm but we did 3 LEO checks. One when she got in, another when we trying to find a spot and last after we find a place to dream. She also talk very low. Like the radio wasnt even on and I still had to lean over just to make out a few words of what she was saying. Something about her and the hospital and something about a cab. I ask her name but for the life of me I couldn't hear her. We droive around for like 15 minutes trying to find a spot where she is comfortable. She picks some side road off of rose street and that's when she did the finale LEO check. Started with BBBJ which was weird af. You know when you about to get head you just lay back and wait for the nice warm wet feeling to touch your head. Well I didn't get that. What I felt for the 1st time was teeth halfway down mini me. She literally had her mouth open as wide as she could. I told her she didn't have to try an dislocate her jaw just to suck dick. Idk what she was thinking cause the next couple minutes she kept doing the same thing unit something in her head switch on because she started to really suck it but she kept stoping every 5 minutes to spit cause she didn't know what to do with it. I tiold her if she keeps stoping we go be here all night and I will have to find another way to finish. She said ok and went back to work. An again in the next couple minutes she stop to spit so I reach over an laid her and the seat back. I ask if she was ok and she said yea just don't cum in her. Kitty wasnt to bad but nothing to jump for joy about. Finshed the dream with BBFS and my swimmers on her thigh and lips. Drop her off over by the railroad tracks. Tried to get a pic but she got really nervous when I touch my phone in the middle of the BBBJ.


Head 5/10 once she really got into it.

Kitty 6/10.

Damage 20 tokens.


06-09-18, 13:00
Did she have blonde curly hair, sometimes up in a bun? There's two that I know of over in that area that act that way with new meets especially with all the UC running around lately. Only one that will do BBFS. Both are very quiet.

Last night pick up a decent looking WSW bewtween the 7/11 and rose street no signs of candy. Hard to describe her because idk if she was shy, timid, afraid because I'm a big black guy, or a mix of all 3. You know when a dream starts you do a LEO check. Thats the norm but we did 3 LEO checks. One when she got in, another when we trying to find a spot and last after we find a place to dream. She also talk very low. Like the radio wasnt even on and I still had to lean over just to make out a few words of what she was saying. Something about her and the hospital and something about a cab. I ask her name but for the life of me I couldn't hear her. We droive around for like 15 minutes trying to find a spot where she is comfortable. She picks some side road off of rose street and that's when she did the finale LEO check. Started with BBBJ which was weird af. You know when you about to get head you just lay back and wait for the nice warm wet feeling to touch your head. Well I didn't get that. What I felt for the 1st time was teeth halfway down mini me. She literally had her mouth open as wide as she could. I told her she didn't have to try an dislocate her jaw just to suck dick. Idk what she was thinking cause the next couple minutes she kept doing the same thing unit something in her head switch on because she started to really suck it but she kept stoping every 5 minutes to spit cause she didn't know what to do with it. I tiold her if she keeps stoping we go be here all night and I will have to find another way to finish. She said ok and went back to work. An again in the next couple minutes she stop to spit so I reach over an laid her and the seat back. I ask if she was ok and she said yea just don't cum in her. Kitty wasnt to bad but nothing to jump for joy about. Finshed the dream with BBFS and my swimmers on her thigh and lips. Drop her off over by the railroad tracks. Tried to get a pic but she got really nervous when I touch my phone in the middle of the BBBJ.


Head 5/10 once she really got into it.

Kitty 6/10.

Damage 20 tokens.


06-09-18, 13:35
Is JJ still sucking' dick in the Lockhart area?


06-09-18, 20:59
Did she have blonde curly hair, sometimes up in a bun? There's two that I know of over in that area that act that way with new meets especially with all the UC running around lately. Only one that will do BBFS. Both are very quiet.Hair was down and she had on a strip shirt greyu boy shorts and green socks no shoes.

06-11-18, 17:40
Is JJ still sucking' dick in the Lockhart area?

TH.Haven't seen this one. Hope she's still around.

06-11-18, 23:53
Uh, by which I mean I got a BBBJ from CJ, not that I did CJ BB. Fuck, let me start again.

Bored and stupid, decided to cruise the Lockhart Triangle, which (say it with me) was basically a ghost town. But once again, just as I was about to call it quits and head for more reliable hunting to the south, I spied a nice pair of legs sprouting from some teeny tiny shorts strutting their way up Rose. Made the scoop, and it turns out to be CJ. Having never seen her before I set up my first encounter request: BBBJ for $30. Yeah I know I am overpaying and ruining it for the rest of you. I am an asshole. Plenty of people can confirm this.

Instead of going to my spot, or one of her spots, she suggested I go to her place, which is off of Clarcona. Always up for adventure, I say why not? We go to her place and get naked, she proceeds to give a fairly standard yet enthusiastic BBBJ. No complaint about the time or trying to rush. Just seemed to get in to her work. Satisfactory CIM finish, spit into her very own personal sink. She gave me digits and encouraged me to use them. By which I am sure she meant distribute them to you dirtbags if you need them.

Did not try to get a picture because I assumed you all already know what she looks like. For those who don't. I am gong to guess middle 30's, tiny spinner physique, possible candy damage? I am no expert, plenty of people can confirm this.

06-12-18, 10:46
Picked her up recently she was all messed out gave a mediocre BBBJ 25 Marios kept picking and picking and picking wooden Weaver face and arms alone scabs everywhere wish I would have ran into blond Lexi she does such a better job! Has anyone seen her out walking lately?

06-12-18, 11:56
Sophia has been on vacation since June 1st and before that she was pretty clear skinned for a heavy user. Blonde Lexi is out every day mostly the later part due to heat. Keep an eye around clarcona and rose.

Picked her up recently she was all messed out gave a mediocre BBBJ 25 Marios kept picking and picking and picking wooden Weaver face and arms alone scabs everywhere wish I would have ran into blond Lexi she does such a better job! Has anyone seen her out walking lately?

06-12-18, 13:42
Sophia has been on vacation since June 1st and before that she was pretty clear skinned for a heavy user. Blonde Lexi is out every day mostly the later part due to head. Keep an eye around clarcona and rose.Blonde Lexi was out last night around 1130. Picked her up at MD. Went to a nice spot and got some great headache relief. Sophia hasn't been around since she has been on vacaction. She usually comes out around 8 ish. Good luck.

06-12-18, 18:36
Uh, by which I mean I got a BBBJ from CJ, not that I did CJ BB. Fuck, let me start again.

Bored and stupid, decided to cruise the Lockhart Triangle, which (say it with me) was basically a ghost town. But once again, just as I was about to call it quits and head for more reliable hunting to the south, I spied a nice pair of legs sprouting from some teeny tiny shorts strutting their way up Rose. Made the scoop, and it turns out to be CJ. Having never seen her before I set up my first encounter request: BBBJ for $30. Yeah I know I am overpaying and ruining it for the rest of you. I am an asshole. Plenty of people can confirm this.

Instead of going to my spot, or one of her spots, she suggested I go to her place, which is off of Clarcona. Always up for adventure, I say why not? We go to her place and get naked, she proceeds to give a fairly standard yet enthusiastic BBBJ. No complaint about the time or trying to rush. Just seemed to get in to her work. Satisfactory CIM finish, spit into her very own personal sink. She gave me digits and encouraged me to use them. By which I am sure she meant distribute them to you dirtbags if you need them.

Did not try to get a picture because I assumed you all already know what she looks like. For those who don't. I am gong to guess middle 30's, tiny spinner physique, possible candy damage? I am no expert, plenty of people can confirm this.Does anyone have any pictures of C J?

06-12-18, 18:53
Blonde Lexi was out last night around 1130. Picked her up at MD. Went to a nice spot and got some great headache relief. Sophia hasn't been around since she has been on vacaction. She usually comes out around 8 ish. Good luck.Blonde Lexi is usually walking around 6:30 pm every day. I see her almost every day at that time.

06-12-18, 22:58
On my way home tonight and checked out the area. Spotted a reddish brunette near family dollar. In a skirt, Kinda a belly, though maybe preggo? I swooped for a pick up because it just rained and she was clearly wet. Took till my 3rd pass and she asked if she could get a ride. Why yes this white willy will give any hoe a ride. In she gets and it's just awkward. Claims to be just tired from walking. Seemed needing candy. Asked to who I know in the area. Well I know I a lot of people in the area, do you need your shitter plunged or a bag of boy? I realized she wasn't healthy and dropped her off at railroad tracks on north rose like she asked.

Then I see a black preggo wearing aviators and I thought to myself. Mmmhhhmmm. Could white Willy get this black gal a little more pregnant? Well I was up for a challenge! Turned out to be too much of a challenge. White Willy chased black preggo from rail road on rose south to the old ajc store or whatever the fuck it was called, into said store, down to palomino and back up rose to beggs and the ***** would only give me the " you want this look". Which I obliged and gave her horny honky wants to fucking make you more pregnant look.

06-13-18, 00:56
Does anyone have any pictures of C J?All the meth making her pick her face. She looks good until you get close. I passed after letting her in my car.

06-13-18, 18:16
I got to tell ya, that shit is freaking hilarious, you should do standup comedy.

On my way home tonight and checked out the area. Spotted a reddish brunette near family dollar. In a skirt, Kinda a belly, though maybe preggo? I swooped for a pick up because it just rained and she was clearly wet. Took till my 3rd pass and she asked if she could get a ride. Why yes this white willy will give any hoe a ride. In she gets and it's just awkward. Claims to be just tired from walking. Seemed needing candy. Asked to who I know in the area. Well I know I a lot of people in the area, do you need your shitter plunged or a bag of boy? I realized she wasn't healthy and dropped her off at railroad tracks on north rose like she asked.

Then I see a black preggo wearing aviators and I thought to myself. Mmmhhhmmm..

06-13-18, 19:27
Just went out after the rain stopped from 6:15 to 7:00 and Lockhart was dead again. Has the loop moved elsewhere now that the rose traps are gone? Are all the girls now walking around late nights only? I'm looking for more than CJ, Lexi, and Anna to only be the ones available in this area. Anyone have better intel please share.

06-14-18, 06:24
I rolled through Rose Avenue round 1030 11 seem like there was several girls out. But it seemed like they had management. So I headed south by the mall and met Hannah tall blonde spinner had a room at the E Lodge.

06-14-18, 09:11
So, the last three times I have rented a room at Geneva for some adult play, the place has been packed. One time, I got the last room.

Damn! Sin sure is profitable.


06-14-18, 11:07
So, the last three times I have rented a room at Geneva for some adult play, the place has been packed. One time, I got the last room.

Damn! Sin sure is profitable.

C3.You have not downloaded the App that allows you to reserve.

YOUR room? C' Mon. Man.

Smiling, Jesse.

06-16-18, 11:49
Have Lexi in return.

06-16-18, 16:10
Have Lexi in return.Sent you a PM.


06-16-18, 16:13
Finally caught one of these Lockhart girls and in the process got my 1st gumjob. I live near this area and haven't found a single one so shoutout to CrLuverGuy for the digits. Picked her up near the bk and she told me all about the recent stings going on here lately. Also told me to avoid Rachel who also walks this area. Normally I don't bother listening to girls when they bad mouth each other but this Rachel chic has been reported here by several of you guys. We get to a spot and she proceeds to give me a below average BBBJ basically staying right at the top with no other action. I told her how I like it and she took care of business licking up and down and showing the boys some love. Always good when they take instruction well. She didn't want her face out there but does have that petite body type that most of yall seem to prefer. While not my preferred body type her attitude, willingness to take instructions, and short distance makes this a repeat for sure.

Negatives? None.

Will Repeat? Yes.

Digits? Available for active and contributing members.

Performance grade? B.


06-16-18, 18:04
Anybody have any intel where all the ladys moved to. Where's the new TRAP?

All I see is a stranglers here and there.

06-16-18, 18:05
When you find out let us all know.

Anybody have any intel where all the ladys moved to. Where's the new TRAP?

All I see is a stranglers here and there.

Yankee Doodle
06-16-18, 20:33
Today (Sat) around 6pm I stopped in and it was nearly empty. There is no APP, younse was pulling my leg. They do take Visa, MC and Disc, I didn't know that. M-S they open at 8 am, Sunday 10 am. Last rental is at 10:30 pm, like all they are 2 hours. There seemed to be several maids cleaning that looked better than anything out on the loop. I wish some of them could help with my headache! I wish there were more places like this, it is well-kept. yd

06-16-18, 21:26
Today (Sat) around 6pm I stopped in and it was nearly empty. There is no APP, younse was pulling my leg. They do take Visa, MC and Disc, I didn't know that. M-S they open at 8 am, Sunday 10 am. Last rental is at 10:30 pm, like all they are 2 hours. There seemed to be several maids cleaning that looked better than anything out on the loop. I wish some of them could help with my headache! I wish there were more places like this, it is well-kept. ydThanks for the info. I was surprised about the app, glad you cleared it up.


06-18-18, 15:23
You have not downloaded the App that allows you to reserve.

YOUR room? C' Mon. Man.

Smiling, Jesse.Well, I do prefer room 20. And there are people on here that know me well enough that they could guess why.

Room 15 has a fun feature and room 11 has the brightest lights. That may not always be a good thing.


06-24-18, 12:50
While in a hurry to get to home Depot cruised the loop seen a curly blonde sitting at abandoned house behind McDonald's on rose turned around and she was gone. Black shorts light colored top. Looked nice.

Orlando Seeker
06-25-18, 07:17
Well, I do prefer room 20. And there are people on here that know me well enough that they could guess why.

Room 15 has a fun feature and room 11 has the brightest lights. That may not always be a good thing.

C3.So I am curious. I've used the stump grinder on a number of occasions but not sure if I have ever had room 15. What's the fun feature there?

06-25-18, 09:31
So I am curious. I've used the stump grinder on a number of occasions but not sure if I have ever had room 15. What's the fun feature there?A 3/4" piece of schedule 40 pipe bolted onto the headboard.


06-26-18, 13:22
While in a hurry to get to home Depot cruised the loop seen a curly blonde sitting at abandoned house behind McDonald's on rose turned around and she was gone. Black shorts light colored top. Looked nice.I saw a blonde with curly hair today, thin build looked good from the road. I didn't have time to stop and par take. She was walking south on 441 on the same side as McD's, not to far from McD's too. I gave her a wave and she waved back.

Hopefully next time I have time to part take and she is out!

06-26-18, 14:41
A 3/4" piece of schedule 40 pipe bolted onto the headboard.

C3.I wonder how often that room is specifically requested and if they hold it in reserve for just that reason. If there are more than a few times it's been occupied and another guest wanted it, you'd think there would be at least another room that had it, too.

It's the sort of special touch that could endear a place like Geneva to select clientele.

06-26-18, 22:26
Nothing seems to be out right now might try again around 1.

07-03-18, 11:30
Found my atf at cvs she was picking up a few things talked for a while said she doesn't hang out in the area has settled down. But she does have a couple of people she still talks to when she needs extra $ . So I talked her in to going to the stump grinder. Had a great time she is a lot thicker but still a good time. Wouldn't give me her digits but took mine. Ask me not to give out her name but hint she ROX my day. Anyone out there does have her didgets I would like to get them. Would like to shoot her a quick text for another go around. Be safe.

07-03-18, 13:24
Whom ever was able to scoop up that Red Head behind McD's please share some details. She had on blue jeans and I like a white t-shirt I think. She looked cute I was going to turn around and scoop her up after she gave me the look back but you beat me to her!

07-03-18, 13:31
Found my atf at cvs she was picking up a few things talked for a while said she doesn't hang out in the area has settled down. But she does have a couple of people she still talks to when she needs extra $ . So I talked her in to going to the stump grinder. Had a great time she is a lot thicker but still a good time. Wouldn't give me her digits but took mine. Ask me not to give out her name but hint she ROX my day. Anyone out there does have her didgets I would like to get them. Would like to shoot her a quick text for another go around. Be safe.Are you talkin' about my go to & ATF Lockhart girl?


07-03-18, 23:06
Are you talkin' about my go to & ATF Lockhart girl?

TH.How did I ever miss that one in Lockhart?

07-04-18, 07:29
Whom ever was able to scoop up that Red Head behind McD's please share some details. She had on blue jeans and I like a white t-shirt I think. She looked cute I was going to turn around and scoop her up after she gave me the look back but you beat me to her!Think that was me. She wouldn't go to the gen. Said she fought w owner. Then said she had cancer. Lost enthusiasm and dropped her off.

07-04-18, 10:02
So yesterday around noon or so, I was out and about in Lockhart. Around the corner of Rose and OBT, I saw a veritable convention of girls. 4 in all within a few dozen yards of each other. One short one with brown hair and a little bit of a butt, a tall thin blonde, and two others. Then later around 1, a shorter thicker blonde who didn't look like a SW at all, rather like a student. Didn't partake but man, was tempting.

Also, yesterday evening around 6, saw the shorter brunette again from a distance.


Yankee Doodle
07-04-18, 17:33
A couple weeks ago TMC posted a pic of Anna in Lockhart, looked good and many thanks for the digits! I dreamed she was exactly what I want. Some of the TV stations have footage of vehicles stopped on the street, and girls getting in, I no longer will do that. I saw a station keep playing video with plate blurred of grey Dodge pick-up. I text, she's available and here's the best way to do this. I park behind Gee- knee- va, and she walks over. We say hello, get a room and ice, (Did you know they have free ice?) I asked if Room 15 or 20 was available, he gave me #9. Oh, well. Number 9, Number 9. It was ok, but no special stuff. As reported, Anna is shy, will follow instructions, got no teeth, no tits, but 2 tubmans and she was good to go for BBBJ and CFS. Then she asked for a ride home to a nice apartment. I told her I wouldn't go to a crack house, and still won't. I don't want to explain what I was doing in the neighborhood in case of a random bullet. I'm not sure how I'd explain the Stump Grinder. I just longer want to be out there somewhere in a "spot" and get put on the spot by those relatives in blue. LOL! I would repeat. If you want to check her out, check first with TittyManCam, he is my go-to guy for all the good info! YD.

07-05-18, 07:32
So does anybody know about this girl Cheyenne?

07-05-18, 09:59
Think that was me. She wouldn't go to the gen. Said she fought w owner. Then said she had cancer. Lost enthusiasm and dropped her off.Damn that sucks, I was hoping for a better report. Thanks for the info.

07-05-18, 10:38
Are you talkin' about my go to & ATF Lockhart girl?

TH.Tats look same but she doesn't look like that anymore. Cleaned up a lot heavier. Do you have her #.

07-05-18, 11:30
Can someone help me, who's worth my time out there in the Lockhart area? Or better yet who should I stay away from? New to the area, need some help.

07-05-18, 12:20
So does anybody know about this girl Cheyenne?Search her name. Quite a few reviews. Used to be smokin' hot, now kinda skinny and lots of scabs and such indicating bad candy. Also, no teeth. That said, I think she is cheap. But apparently can be decent.

Don't take my word. Do a search. Spell it a couple ways to find all the stories.


07-05-18, 12:25
Search her name. Quite a few reviews. Used to be smokin' hot, now kinda skinny and lots of scabs and such indicating bad candy. Also, no teeth. That said, I think she is cheap. But apparently can be decent.

Don't take my word. Do a search. Spell it a couple ways to find all the stories.

C3.She used to be model pretty except her front teeth were out. She was not very good performance wise though.

07-05-18, 14:16
So does anybody know about this girl Cheyenne?Yes She smells BAD or she did the one time I gave here a ride.

07-05-18, 19:16
Latest word I heard was that she has a sugar daddy out in winter garden. I haven't seen her around in a long time but I also don't see many of the regulars out because they don't start until late night because of the heat. I did a video with her once and was to ashamed to bother editing or posting any of it. Scabs and picking all over. Not worth the free bandwidth to upload those. I didn't even bother to save them on my computer from my phone.

Yes She smells BAD or she did the one time I gave here a ride.

07-06-18, 09:32
Latest word I heard was that she has a sugar daddy out in winter garden. I haven't seen her around in a long time but I also don't see many of the regulars out because they don't start until late night because of the heat. I did a video with her once and was to ashamed to bother editing or posting any of it. Scabs and picking all over. Not worth the free bandwidth to upload those. I didn't even bother to save them on my computer from my phone.She has a sugar daddy? Maybe 4 years ago when she was 19 and really hot (Except her teeth) but not now. That's more of a Nutrisweet daddy at best.

07-06-18, 10:04
Nutrisweet is still to high class, let's call him high fructose corn syrup daddy.

She has a sugar daddy? Maybe 4 years ago when she was 19 and really hot (Except her teeth) but not now. That's more of a Nutrisweet daddy at best.

07-06-18, 12:19
Nutrisweet is still to high class, let's call him high fructose corn syrup daddy.OK, so I had a friend off of Lee Road told me about her. But from what I'm understanding from you guys I need to stay the hell away from her!

Johns Schlong1
07-06-18, 13:04
Lockhart has been dry lately the few hours I can search. Have had to tag Amber a couple of times. Good thing is, that she likes it broke off in her ass. Have latest digits if anyone is interested. Damage was 60 Mario for BBBJ, front and rear islands.

07-06-18, 13:42
Search her name. Quite a few reviews. Used to be smokin' hot, now kinda skinny and lots of scabs and such indicating bad candy. Also, no teeth. That said, I think she is cheap. But apparently can be decent.

Don't take my word. Do a search. Spell it a couple ways to find all the stories.

C3.From all that I'm seeing on here you speak the truth, and nothing but the truth C3. I appreciate any suggestions you can throw my way, possibly could help me from wasting my time. Any pics by any chance, It would help me in finding who I need to fine. I see there's a couple of Lockhart gurus on here, you being one of them.

07-06-18, 15:33
IF any one is out be on the look out, I was just out there and saw 3-4 cars parked and more on the way. Couldn't tell what was going on. They were standing in the grass area behind the cars near the fence. Say a blonde slightly strawberry blonde by the bus stop. Looked good from far, the closer I got I think she was putting caladryl lotion on her scabs? I'm going to try to upload a photo.

07-06-18, 16:19
IF any one is out be on the look out, I was just out there and saw 3-4 cars parked and more on the way. Couldn't tell what was going on. They were standing in the grass area behind the cars near the fence. Say a blonde slightly strawberry blonde by the bus stop. Looked good from far, the closer I got I think she was putting caladryl lotion on her scabs? I'm going to try to upload a photo.That looks kind of like Becky's Aunt / mother. Steer away from that.

07-06-18, 16:21
That's actually Anna and she doesn't have the scabs that some have. The cops were there for a domestic disturbance / fight.

That looks kind of like Becky's Aunt / mother. Steer away from that.

07-07-18, 03:16
From all that I'm seeing on here you speak the truth, and nothing but the truth C3. I appreciate any suggestions you can throw my way, possibly could help me from wasting my time. Any pics by any chance, It would help me in finding who I need to fine. I see there's a couple of Lockhart gurus on here, you being one of them.I agree with the rest of the comments about the candy consequences, teeth absent and scabs. I dreamed that I saw her one afternoon about two months ago, by the paint ball place. She does look good from a far because her petite frame. I can believe that she probably was a hottie before, but no more my friend. I picked her up, drove to a safe place but I kinda got turned off after seeing her up close and talking to her. We talked for a little while and nothing happened, I dropped her off by the gas station on Roses and the Edgy water. I have not been in the area lately but probably I will drive sometime hoping to dream again but with a decent looking gal. Stay safe!


07-07-18, 11:28
Anyone have her digits? Never got.

That's actually Anna and she doesn't have the scabs that some have. The cops were there for a domestic disturbance / fight.

07-07-18, 13:00
From all that I'm seeing on here you speak the truth, and nothing but the truth C3. I appreciate any suggestions you can throw my way, possibly could help me from wasting my time. Any pics by any chance, It would help me in finding who I need to fine. I see there's a couple of Lockhart gurus on here, you being one of them.I am not a Lockhart guru, by any means. I am a regular at Geneva, but mostly meeting civilians. I have known a few hybrid ladies in that area but a couple of them have died and a couple others have moved away. I just know that girl because she has been there forever and more than once has run after me thinking my u turn out of Geneva is somehow me making the turn for her. I imagine once upon a time she was gorgeous but the candy screwed up her mouth, made her skinny and screwed up her skin. Is she 23? Maybe. But she could pass for 40.

Poster child for "Just say no!”

OK. So here is my take on things. Once upon a time there was a trailer park on East Colonial that produced a plethora of very cute young meth heads that provided as close to drive through service as anyone could hope for. When the MBI raider that place it has never returned. Even the few really cute girls that escaped have drifted off. We all thought it might come back. It didnt. There have been some cute red neck girls in Lockhart. Now, with several raids on the houses the only thing left are chicks like this one and the occasional cute young thing. The sheriff is relentless. I have been hastled just sitting in a parking lot checking email on my laptop.

The closest thing to real SW action on this town is HoBT. And doesnt have anything like it used to. The few times I drive through that area it looks like girls from a refugee camp. I read some guy comparing South OBT to Tijuana. That is dilusional.


07-07-18, 13:06
I am not a Lockhart guru, by any means. I am a regular at Geneva, but mostly meeting civilians. I have known a few hybrid ladies in that area but a couple of them have died and a couple others have moved away. I just know that girl because she has been there forever and more than once has run after me thinking my u turn out of Geneva is somehow me making the turn for her. I imagine once upon a time she was gorgeous but the candy screwed up her mouth, made her skinny and screwed up her skin. Is she 23? Maybe. But she could pass for 40.

Poster child for "Just say no!

C3.No disrespect C3. I really appreciate the help, just new to the area and try not to waste my time. Thank you!

07-07-18, 19:07
The closest thing to real SW action on this town is HoBT. And doesnt have anything like it used to. The few times I drive through that area it looks like girls from a refugee camp. I read some guy comparing South OBT to Tijuana. That is dilusional.

C3.Agree 100%.


07-07-18, 19:17
I had a dream with her months ago. After quickly assessing that only a BBBJ was the best menu choice, that was plenty fine for me. We had a civil convo while driving to a spot and when we got there, I was very pleased she took direction very well. She maintained a steady, medium-paced bob up and down action while playing the flute. No jackhammer, no falling asleep at the wheel. Her CIMWS was worthy of 25 marios. That's it. Given her scab infestation, I didn't want FS or anything else.

Whoever said she is enjoying sugar baby status or is being white knighted by an alleged sugar daddy, whatever.


07-07-18, 19:24
Agree 100%.

EEG.Paradise Trail is truly what amazing dreams are made of!


07-08-18, 17:46
Anybody seen Puerto Rican Jenn? I can trade tyler's number for her number.

07-08-18, 21:39
Anyone seen that LOSER TY TY? LOL.


07-09-18, 17:33
Anyone seen that LOSER TY TY? LOL.

C5.Working a real job Steak and Shake.

07-09-18, 17:41
That's actually Anna and she doesn't have the scabs that some have. The cops were there for a domestic disturbance / fight.I also confirm that is Anna in the photo. No scabs. If you like a gum job then she's your girl.

07-09-18, 17:50
Working a real job Steak and Shake.Good for her. Maybe I can score a 2 for 1 shake from her. As long as it's between 2 and 5 on weekdays of course.

07-09-18, 17:52
I had a dream with her months ago. After quickly assessing that only a BBBJ was the best menu choice, that was plenty fine for me. We had a civil convo while driving to a spot and when we got there, I was very pleased she took direction very well. She maintained a steady, medium-paced bob up and down action while playing the flute. No jackhammer, no falling asleep at the wheel. Her CIMWS was worthy of 25 marios. That's it. Given her scab infestation, I didn't want FS or anything else.

Whoever said she is enjoying sugar baby status or is being white knighted by an alleged sugar daddy, whatever.

EEG.I actually saw Cheyenne walking this past Saturday. I didn't recognize her as she gained weight and didn't notice scabs like before. You could see then a mile away. I was going to pick her up until I did a double take and realized who it was. Compared to what she looked like before she looks a lot better. She may get some action now. Although I can't get passed the teeth. For her to look like that she had to be living somewhere. Didn't last long. Wish her sister was still walking as she was much better and has all her teeth.

07-09-18, 18:04
Saw Shay back in the area last week coming out of the woods. She's tall skinny brunette / amber color hair. Not bad but depends if you get her while high on candy or not. Better when she's not. May go by a different name now.

07-09-18, 22:50
Saw Shay back in the area last week coming out of the woods. She's tall skinny brunette / amber color hair. Not bad but depends if you get her while high on candy or not. Better when she's not. May go by a different name now.I ran into just a few weeks ago. I didn't pick her up but she says she is off drugs and gained 15 pounds. It did look good on her.

07-10-18, 04:36
Man I dated her back in October of last year over off of Aloha and edgewater and afterwards I thought she might have been a post op because of the small 5' shadow and looked like an Adam's apple and she was really tall. She had all the right parts and smells but just kinda weirded me out a little. This was when she was on heavy candy though. Never saw her around again but I didn't go looking either.

Saw Shay back in the area last week coming out of the woods. She's tall skinny brunette / amber color hair. Not bad but depends if you get her while high on candy or not. Better when she's not. May go by a different name now.

07-11-18, 20:49
IF any one is out be on the look out, I was just out there and saw 3-4 cars parked and more on the way. Couldn't tell what was going on. They were standing in the grass area behind the cars near the fence. Say a blonde slightly strawberry blonde by the bus stop. Looked good from far, the closer I got I think she was putting caladryl lotion on her scabs? I'm going to try to upload a photo.That chicks name is Amber. Met her online like 6 years ago and we used to hookup.

07-11-18, 20:53
IF any one is out be on the look out, I was just out there and saw 3-4 cars parked and more on the way. Couldn't tell what was going on. They were standing in the grass area behind the cars near the fence. Say a blonde slightly strawberry blonde by the bus stop. Looked good from far, the closer I got I think she was putting caladryl lotion on her scabs? I'm going to try to upload a photo.Well her real name is Amber.

07-11-18, 22:50
There is a half Asian half black looking scortching hot girl in front of the BK right now. She's talking to a lot of cars but never gets in one. Weird.

She's tall, long black hair short denim shorts, great ass and legs wearing glasses. She keeps walking between the BK and the mall next to the Geneva, never anywhere else. I have seen her talk to maybe 10 different cars but never gets in. This is a way too good to be true situation, I think the cops overdid it with their bait.

07-12-18, 05:01
They came out Tuesday for a sting on the girls so I wouldn't put it past them to try this the next day. Almost got Anna on that one but she said something didn't feel right and she backed out before getting in the truck turned around to walk away and saw a truck load of deputies laughing at her. I'm surprised that many guys talked through their window and followed the rules about not talking about the date before she got in. Hot chick like that and the little brain takes over and the rules go out the window forgotten.

There is a half Asian half black looking scortching hot girl in front of the BK right now. She's talking to a lot of cars but never gets in one. Weird.

She's tall, long black hair short denim shorts, great ass and legs wearing glasses. She keeps walking between the BK and the mall next to the Geneva, never anywhere else. I have seen her talk to maybe 10 different cars but never gets in. This is a way too good to be true situation, I think the cops overdid it with their bait.

07-17-18, 11:00
Saw a thin SW walking on Rose next to mcd's with a crew cut around the sides and pony tail on top. Said she goes by Kat. I've seen her walking before but never picked her up until now. Said she was hot and thirsty. Told her I have a protein shake ready. She sucked every drop with no LEO check or talk of donation. Gave 20 and dropped her off by the mart on the other side of the railroad tracks.

07-17-18, 19:32
Hey clear your inbox. Trying to pm you.

07-17-18, 20:05
Hey clear your inbox. Trying to pm you.Done. Hit me up.

07-19-18, 09:05
Saw Becky walking on Rose with a couple big bags. Hate to say it but I had to pass her up. As much as I like her she is looking rough. Hope she can turn it around soon for her own health.Unfortunately, she recently passed.

Damn shame.

Way too young.

Yankee Doodle
07-19-18, 10:02
So I see Anna on the loop, and we go to a nice spot to do the wild thing. Now she suddenly has to keep her bra on for FS. WTF? Last time it fell to the floor, now she lowers it for nipple play, but has to keep it latched. No I'm not mistaken, I'm old but not senile yet. Yet. Listen, she has nothing there, what is smaller than an A cup? Itty-bitty-titty for sure, I think that is a training bra she wears, but this is an unexpected development. I've had 'them where they were ginormos and used a bra to keep them from putting their eyes out, but not Anna. She doesn't show candy use, says she doesn't, but skinny as a rail and no teeth. Could she just be nuts? Possible removal from standard rotation. She didn't want to talk about the string mentioned here.

They came out Tuesday for a sting on the girls so I wouldn't put it past them to try this the next day. Almost got Anna on that one but she said something didn't feel right and she backed out before getting in the truck turned around to walk away and saw a truck load of deputies laughing at her. I'm surprised that many guys talked through their window and followed the rules about not talking about the date before she got in. Hot chick like that and the little brain takes over and the rules go out the window forgotten.

07-19-18, 13:01
Heard the same. She was such a sweet person. May she RIP.

Unfortunately, she recently passed.

Damn shame.

Way too young.

07-19-18, 14:15
Unfortunately, she recently passed.

Damn shame.

Way too young.Very sad if true, I believe she had 3 kids, I searched and searched, didn't come up and I know her real full name, strange.

North West Wind
07-25-18, 01:49
Hooked up with Cheyenne today. The last time I saw her she was pretty rough looking and pretty out of it. Today she was the healthiest looking I have ever seen her. Nice BJ.

07-25-18, 10:16
Glad you posted about her. Couple weeks ago I posted that she looked ok and gained weight. Good to have confirmation. I may grab her before she goes downhill again.

Hooked up with Cheyenne today. The last time I saw her she was pretty rough looking and pretty out of it. Today she was the healthiest looking I have ever seen her. Nice BJ.

07-25-18, 16:11
Glad you posted about her. Couple weeks ago I posted that she looked ok and gained weight. Good to have confirmation. I may grab her before she goes downhill again.This is what she used to look like.

07-25-18, 16:47
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was driving down the trail. I had a headache and was in need of some headache relief. Not many options to choose from but I saw a WSW by McDonald's but couldn't tell how she looked. Kept on driving when I spot a cute BSW walking by Geneva. Turned around and drove up to her and asked if she needed a ride. She said she did and we drove down to a secluded spot. Cute thin and looked in her 20's. Nice round ass and nice sized tits. She definitely was very open and gave a nice wet dtbbbj while I had my FIA and FIP. She did not complain and let me push her head all the way down. Was at it for a while and she actually made me pop twice. She got into it and I would definitely repeat. She gained 20 tokens and I got digits. Then I woke up from the dream.

07-25-18, 17:29
Wow. What a difference.

This is what she used to look like.

North West Wind
07-25-18, 21:05
This is what she used to look like.Pepperidge Farms remembers.

07-25-18, 21:37
This is what she used to look like.I'm assuming she doesn't look like that now TL?


07-26-18, 14:50
I had some running around to do this morning and was in a big hurry. While I was out I saw a cute BSW, black hair lexi, another chick talking to a dude behind MCDonalds. I also saw another white chick walking down Rose from the paint ball side. Later on in the afternoon when I had time I decided to go out and find me someone. When I was driving down Rose I saw the cute BSW and blonde lexi. I picked up blonde lexi and we headed to a nice spot so I could get some of that wet BBBJ that she gives so good! I asked her who is the other girl she was with, she said her name is Dee, and she is a good girl. 30 mario coins later I am relaxed and happy as can be. I am hoping next time I can scoop up black hair lexi!

07-26-18, 17:55
She's back. Had the chance to scoop her up. Gained a little weight in the right places in my opinion. Looking sexy as usual. Gave a good wet BBBJ. Then hit it K9 while grabbing her plump ass. Good stress relief into the cover. Glad she's back in the area. No digits but said she's working on it.

07-26-18, 19:29
I'm assuming she doesn't look like that now TL?

C5.No she does not but up to a couple of years ago she did except no front teeth.

07-27-18, 21:08
Well thanks to a senior member was able to get Anna's number. Luckliy she was at the bus stop when I texted and saw her responding. Picked her up nice body. Got to a secure place and went to town. It was a okay BBBJCIMWS. If I am in a bind will repeat.

07-30-18, 06:34
Was browsing the area and found Lexi and her dirty blonde roommate Leah I think at the bus stop. They seemed distraught so I picked them both up and we drove around discussing options. Well 2 seconds in I realize Lexi was too fucked up and something that whacking her out and decided that was safe situation to be in with the 3 of us in the truck. So I took them both back to there chalet off of Rose and evidently they were distraught over a fight with their landlord so we got the hell out of there and cooled off at 7-11. Leah was in a little bit better shape so ditched Lexi at 7-11 and drive around for a while until Leah and I found a spot. . 3 slurpees got my willie slurped on for a few minutes then I laid her down in my front bench seat, legs propped up on dash and head rest and pounded that bald kitten in missionary for a few more minutes until the slurpee fountain was all pumped out. Damn I felt better. Dropped Leah back at 7-11.

07-30-18, 12:16
Was cruising Lockhart trap, saw a small BSW past McD at the Citgo. Scooped her up, said her name was Dee, really sweet not sketchy like some of the girls on the trail. Started with a slow BBBJ, semi DT, while I slipped my 2 fingers in that wet pu $$, took directions well. After a little while I told her to climb on top for BBCG, finished in k9. Sweet girl, will repeat. Was quoted for. 8 but told her no and paid. 6.

07-30-18, 23:52
Was cumming home from a 2 round trip on sobt and found Leah. Thought let's give this a try. Picked her up and off to my spot. BBBJ for a few minutes and was lack luster, maybe because Willy wouldn't respond. After the ass play and BJ I had:30 prior it was no wonder. Dropped her off at the boy house with 8 McNuggets.

07-31-18, 00:34
She's back. Had the chance to scoop her up. Gained a little weight in the right places in my opinion. Looking sexy as usual. Gave a good wet BBBJ. Then hit it K9 while grabbing her plump ass. Good stress relief into the cover. Glad she's back in the area. No digits but said she's working on it.After Tracy on Sunday she's the last girl on my bucket list as of now. This is not my pic but anyone who knows me already knows I don't mind a little weight gain from the way she looks here. I actually prefer them on the thicker side. Great find.


07-31-18, 09:33
She's back. Had the chance to scoop her up. Gained a little weight in the right places in my opinion. Looking sexy as usual. Gave a good wet BBBJ. Then hit it K9 while grabbing her plump ass. Good stress relief into the cover. Glad she's back in the area. No digits but said she's working on it.

After Tracy on Sunday she's the last girl on my bucket list as of now. This is not my pic but anyone who knows me already knows I don't mind a little weight gain from the way she looks here. I actually prefer them on the thicker side. Great find.

TMC.She's gorgeous is there a time she's usually out? Been there a few times and haven't found anything worth picking up. Also how much weight has she gained? I'm a big fan of TMC but I prefer them thinner LOL.

07-31-18, 18:13
In a dream, I saw a short, moderately curvy, not fat or bbw by any stretch, just not SW skinny, walking down rose past the pain ball area. Didn't think it was anyone we have mentioned but I have never met Sophia. This girl had glasses. Any advice or identification?

07-31-18, 18:18
Sophia has distinct long black hair. She's also not bbw and not a spinner, she's just right and haven't seen her with glasses.

In a dream, I saw a short, moderately curvy, not fat or bbw by any stretch, just not SW skinny, walking down rose past the pain ball area. Didn't think it was anyone we have mentioned but I have never met Sophia. This girl had glasses. Any advice or identification?

07-31-18, 22:57
Well all this talk about Sophia being back I decided to head out and look for her. Plus I had a nasty headache. Left around 930 tonight and drove to LH. Low and behold found her right away. Must of been my lucky night. Picked her up at MD. Caught up on the way to my spot. She was looking good and the weight looks great on her. Parked and fell asleep. Boy oh boy have I missed her medicine. DT nice wet and before you know it BBBJCIMWS. Didn't take long at all. Woke up from my dream and my headache was gone. Sure have missed her. No phone but will look for her again. Glad she is back.

08-01-18, 11:34
Sophia has distinct long black hair. She's also not bbw and not a spinner, she's just right and haven't seen her with glasses.I agree on just right, smaller than a bbw but bigger than a spinner is exactly my type.

Well all this talk about Sophia being back I decided to head out and look for her. Plus I had a nasty headache. Left around 930 tonight and drove to LH. Low and behold found her right away. Must of been my lucky night. Picked her up at MD. Caught up on the way to my spot. She was looking good and the weight looks great on her. Parked and fell asleep. Boy oh boy have I missed her medicine. DT nice wet and before you know it BBBJCIMWS. Didn't take long at all. Woke up from my dream and my headache was gone. Sure have missed her. No phone but will look for her again. Glad she is back.Great timing on your part, last 2 times I was out there she wasn't. I'll try making a loop or 2 through the MD and BK parking lots as well instead of just staying on the main street.


08-01-18, 13:58
Nice. Sounds like you got her on a good day. Performs great on those days. She can be in left field when high as a kite.

Well all this talk about Sophia being back I decided to head out and look for her. Plus I had a nasty headache. Left around 930 tonight and drove to LH. Low and behold found her right away. Must of been my lucky night. Picked her up at MD. Caught up on the way to my spot. She was looking good and the weight looks great on her. Parked and fell asleep. Boy oh boy have I missed her medicine. DT nice wet and before you know it BBBJCIMWS. Didn't take long at all. Woke up from my dream and my headache was gone. Sure have missed her. No phone but will look for her again. Glad she is back.

08-02-18, 01:58
About 1 pm I approached Lockhart territory from north Rose by rr tracks and I saw our finest "no longer here to serve and protect" way down on the railroad tracks and thought that should flush a few hookers out. Sure enough I found Desiree in a black top and denim shorts and despite our very rocky past I picked her up. I had white willy the JR fucker already out when she got in so she took a small "and I do mean small, (as this fuck packs like a hamster)" small handful and says how do ya do shit monger fucker. And we went off to Geneva. Once I paid the door fee Desiree was very appreciative that I rescued her from the "we don't serve and protect" fuckers. She thanked me with a very nice sloppy wet BBBJ. A few minutes later I coaxed her into some head over heels FS, she asked that I pulled out but my coaxing was so good I filled her up with day old semen. She acted upset but. 50 on the table and she forgot about it.

08-03-18, 07:52
About 1 pm I approached Lockhart territory from north Rose by rr tracks and I saw our finest "no longer here to serve and protect" way down on the railroad tracks and thought that should flush a few hookers out. Sure enough I found Desiree in a black top and denim shorts and despite our very rocky past I picked her up. I had white willy the JR fucker already out when she got in so she took a small "and I do mean small, (as this fuck packs like a hamster)" small handful and says how do ya do shit monger fucker. And we went off to Geneva. Once I paid the door fee Desiree was very appreciative that I rescued her from the "we don't serve and protect" fuckers. She thanked me with a very nice sloppy wet BBBJ. A few minutes later I coaxed her into some head over heels FS, she asked that I pulled out but my coaxing was so good I filled her up with day old semen. She acted upset but. 50 on the table and she forgot about it.What does she look like I seen a kinda taller blonde over that way.

08-03-18, 11:23
I was in hurry the other day to get home so I couldn't partake. I saw a skinny WSW wearing almost nothing, little blue top and little black shorts. Looked kinda like she was headed to the gym for a workout.

Anyone pick her up or know whom I am talking about that might have more details to share. Thanks.

08-03-18, 12:19
Last night I dreamed I rolled through Lockhart around 1 am. Saw about 3 girls walking around but didn't partake.

So maybe I'm the only one who has this issue, but I don't really like to partake as much at night. I like to be able to tell who I'm pulling up to, what she looks like, etc. And at night I just don't want to take the chance. Maybe my eyes are bad.

08-03-18, 13:34
Last night I dreamed I rolled through Lockhart around 1 am. Saw about 3 girls walking around but didn't partake.

So maybe I'm the only one who has this issue, but I don't really like to partake as much at night. I like to be able to tell who I'm pulling up to, what she looks like, etc. And at night I just don't want to take the chance. Maybe my eyes are bad.That area has gets so dark at night.

08-03-18, 14:27
Last night I dreamed I rolled through Lockhart around 1 am. Saw about 3 girls walking around but didn't partake.

So maybe I'm the only one who has this issue, but I don't really like to partake as much at night. I like to be able to tell who I'm pulling up to, what she looks like, etc. And at night I just don't want to take the chance. Maybe my eyes are bad.It's a toss-up. The problem with the day is it's hotter than hell, and the hygiene of some of these girls isn't the greatest to begin with. Not to mention it's going to be hot in the vehicle, as well, even with the A / C blowing full blast.

But if you're headed to a spot with a shower where they can get fresh, anyway, or when the temps are cooler, daytime is definitely a better time.

08-04-18, 08:35
Last night I dreamed I rolled through Lockhart around 1 am. Saw about 3 girls walking around but didn't partake.

So maybe I'm the only one who has this issue, but I don't really like to partake as much at night. I like to be able to tell who I'm pulling up to, what she looks like, etc. And at night I just don't want to take the chance. Maybe my eyes are bad.I feel the same about night so I do not do it, as I want to see the girl plus I can see uncle better in daytime over night. Been this way for 30 years plus. To add to it if you do a car date you would be safer in the daytime.

08-04-18, 17:51
I feel the same about night so I do not do it, as I want to see the girl plus I can see uncle better in daytime over night. Been this way for 30 years plus. To add to it if you do a car date you would be safer in the daytime.I try not to car date in the daylight, only when absolutely necessary.

08-05-18, 02:12
Sorry for the late report, but I dreamed Friday afternoon before work that I met up with Sophia by the sonoco. Went to a shady spot, and she was definitely a bit out of it, very lethargic. Didn't matter with performance though. BBBJ with spit. Fantastic as advertised.


08-05-18, 10:13
Saw Rachel yesterday the same girl as many times before. No problems will see again.

08-05-18, 10:51
Just don't let your guard down even after seeing her so many times, because that's when she will rip you off without any problems, even if it doesn't make much fiscal sense towards the long term.

Saw Rachel yesterday the same girl as many times before. No problems will see again.

08-06-18, 20:47
What does she look like I seen a kinda taller blonde over that way.Surely you know her. Stayed for years at the crack house on 2nd off of edgewater. She's lost about 80 pounds as her weight goes like a jack rabbit on steroids. She's got record for drugs and maybe prostitution, look her up.

08-08-18, 13:33
I have been all over the area for the better part of the last 2 weeks and I can't find shit. I have hunted at 1 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM even 11 PM. NOTHING. The BK AND McD used to be sure things, now zippo. I have even been up and down Edgewater all the way to Lee and come up with squat. I have even tried the side roads like Rose ave. And nothing?

Have the girls moved on to a new area and I am unaware of it? Is anyone else having any luck finding anyone? The only girl I have seen in 2 weeks of looking got scooped by a monger right in front of me. UGH.

There is 1 girl that hangs out at the bus stop infant of SS massage parlor but she never partakes in fun (or at least with me). Any info would be great. Thanks fellow mongers.

08-08-18, 13:41
I have been all over the area for the better part of the last 2 weeks and I can't find shit. I have hunted at 1 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM even 11 PM. NOTHING. The BK AND McD used to be sure things, now zippo. I have even been up and down Edgewater all the way to Lee and come up with squat. I have even tried the side roads like Rose ave. And nothing?

Have the girls moved on to a new area and I am unaware of it? Is anyone else having any luck finding anyone? The only girl I have seen in 2 weeks of looking got scooped by a monger right in front of me. UGH.

There is 1 girl that hangs out at the bus stop infant of SS massage parlor but she never partakes in fun (or at least with me). Any info would be great. Thanks fellow mongers.Been dead for months. Take my advice, make the 15 minute drive South on OBT from Lockhart and you will find the buffet.

08-08-18, 18:45
Surely you know her. Stayed for years at the crack house on 2nd off of edgewater. She's lost about 80 pounds as her weight goes like a jack rabbit on steroids. She's got record for drugs and maybe prostitution, look her up.Saw her a month ago. Kept dropping her candy in my car, then digging around to find it. Miserable, rushed service. Then I made the mistake of agreeing to take her to McD's. Waited in the drive-up line for a fucking hour while she nodded off on my dash. Wanted the change and I said, "Hell, no! Finally got rid of her down the street, only to discover that she'd stolen a nice, small flashlight when she was digging around trying to pick up the candy she kept dropping.

Caught up with her a couple weeks ago in the usual area near Rose and asked her about my flashlight. She tried to claim she picked it up 'by mistake'. That's a good one, stealing 'by mistake'. She's a big DNPU.

08-09-18, 06:22
Hello guys, been on here awhile and learning the area. This morning around 4:30 am I was driving down between McDons and BK, and saw a strawberry blonde girl over by Vatican, any intel?

08-09-18, 14:06
Hello guys, been on here awhile and learning the area. This morning around 4:30 am I was driving down between McDons and BK, and saw a strawberry blonde girl over by Vatican, any intel?I think we need some more detail. From your description it could be Kristen Bell but I find that unlikely.

08-09-18, 14:51
I think we need some more detail. From your description it could be Kristen Bell but I find that unlikely.Could be Tori.

08-09-18, 20:57
Could be Tori.I haven't seen Tori around for a long time. She is another example of a really cute girl 2 years ago.

08-10-18, 02:22
Saw a brunette walking tonight around 1 am, but didn't partake. Could have been Sophia.

Also the last couple of days I've seen a skinny blonde who was walking on the Clarcona side of Rose. Didn't partake because of heading to work. This was around 3 or 4 pm.


08-10-18, 08:40
I haven't seen Tori around for a long time. She is another example of a really cute girl 2 years ago.Yep. I saw her about 2 weeks ago at the Racetrac on Edgewater. I was walking in and she called me from the drivers seat of a car she was driving. Made a little small talk. She sounded good but definitely looked a little rough.

08-10-18, 12:30
I think we need some more detail. From your description it could be Kristen Bell but I find that unlikely.Strawberry blonde hair past the shoulders, 5'7" around 120 lbs. Seen her a few times on the corner of Vatican or Pope, right by the little gas station. Even have seen her sitting at the bus stop in front of the gas station. Hopefully that is a little better description. Thank you guys for the response.

08-10-18, 13:32
Strawberry blonde hair past the shoulders, 5'7" around 120 lbs. Seen her a few times on the corner of Vatican or Pope, right by the little gas station. Even have seen her sitting at the bus stop in front of the gas station. Hopefully that is a little better description. Thank you guys for the response.Really nice body, not bad looking. I have never dated her but I have seen her. I think she lurks on Vatican between OBT and National.

08-10-18, 14:58
Strawberry blonde hair past the shoulders, 5'7" around 120 lbs. Seen her a few times on the corner of Vatican or Pope, right by the little gas station. Even have seen her sitting at the bus stop in front of the gas station. Hopefully that is a little better description. Thank you guys for the response.Sounds like Anna, every time I see her she is at the bus stop. She has some really nice looking legs, must be from all the walking! I haven't scooped her up yet but I will one day.

08-10-18, 15:09
I went out to get some errands done and low and behold it was raining real good. I took a chance and headed over to the loop to see if the rain would let up and sure enough it did. As I was driving by Anna's spot I see this petite little cutie walking away from the bus stop. I made a quick you-turn and as I approached her she turned and waved, I nodded back to her. Pulled over and scooped her up. She said her name was Rachel. We did a quick LEO check, chatted on the way to her spot at the moms house. Parked under the car port hopped in back seat, got a nice BBBJ. Had some problems with the little guy but she was a trooper and stuck it out till the end. Luckily I had a towel handy, she didn't want me to CIM. She said she has digits and would share. But I forgot to ask. Stupid me. 30 ding dongs, and would repeat!

08-10-18, 16:07
Strawberry blonde hair past the shoulders, 5'7" around 120 lbs. Seen her a few times on the corner of Vatican or Pope, right by the little gas station. Even have seen her sitting at the bus stop in front of the gas station. Hopefully that is a little better description. Thank you guys for the response.If she has the perfect hair, has way nice looking hair in any standard, she could be Anna (26-28 years old). She don't normally approach you and she is very cautious. You may need to make the first move to get her to notice you.

08-10-18, 17:44
Yep. I saw her about 2 weeks ago at the Racetrac on Edgewater. I was walking in and she called me from the drivers seat of a car she was driving. Made a little small talk. She sounded good but definitely looked a little rough.Tori was driving. A car? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

08-13-18, 13:33
Sounds like Anna, every time I see her she is at the bus stop. She has some really nice looking legs, must be from all the walking! I haven't scooped her up yet but I will one day.Picked her up on Saturday afternoon. Real nice legs and ass. $30 for FS. Pros she has an amazing ass to grab while hitting doggy style. Cons she has horrible rotten teeth and the BBBJ was weak. Sweet girl that doesn't complain and she's fun for a quick pump and dump. Will repeat again when in the area.

08-14-18, 03:02
Is Lacey still working in the area? I used to see her all the time before I went to Texas for a year, and now that I'm back in central Florida I am finding all of my regulars are ghosts.

08-14-18, 09:33

They're out there right strolling around the 'water's edge'.

Just saw a cute, young brunette with grey sweatpants. And an older looking blonde with shorts. Busted a you-ey for a better look and the younger one was scooped up. No time to partake. Had to keep on going. Funny how there were about 2-3 mongers turning into those side streets going for the kill. LOL.

Be safe boys.


08-14-18, 13:51
Is Lacey still working in the area? I used to see her all the time before I went to Texas for a year, and now that I'm back in central Florida I am finding all of my regulars are ghosts.If she's still providing it's utr I haven't seen her in 6 months.

08-14-18, 14:16
If she has the perfect hair, has way nice looking hair in any standard, she could be Anna (26-28 years old). She don't normally approach you and she is very cautious. You may need to make the first move to get her to notice you.I believe you are correct sir. Very stand offish, and does not make any moves at all. I will give it a shot tomorrow, and let you guys know. Thank you for the intel.

08-14-18, 22:05
If she's still providing it's utr I haven't seen her in 6 months.She's been a regular favorite or mine who has never said no. I've done some fucking vile things to her but a few Jackson's made everything all right. About 9-12 moths ago she fell off the grid after a bust. Then about 2 months ago I seen her 3 times, once at the beaten down trail going into woods south of Wawa which I tried my hardest to flush her out and she knew it was me, then twice I saw her in plain day light behind the vet on edge water and forest city. She was way tore up and looking ruff. I would've still fucked her but I wouldn't recommend average ***** monger to fuck her.

08-15-18, 14:17
I drive through this area often for G rated reasons, and I almost always see at least one or two out walking at morning and evening rush hour. Most often, it's a blonde and a slightly thick brunette. Today there was an unusually good looking busty brunette walking with an older woman.

I've also seen a couple girls out for a stroll on OBT in and a little north of downtown Apopka, including one tattooed blonde who looked pretty good, at least at 40 mph.

Does anyone know what happened to Kim, the cute blonde I used to see around Lockhart?

08-16-18, 21:58

Was just now trolling the area as time allowed me to. Saw a good 4 to 5 between the McD and the paintball joint. Hard to get a good look this time of night but 2 for sure were cuties. All of a sudden, there was heavy popo presence. Got a little spooked and dipped out. A few blocks down the road realized it was just a state cop escort for large construction beams and equipment. Phew!

Nonetheless, did notice that county cruisers were trolling also and tailing cars in the area.

Watch your back out there boys.

The area is not dead.

Still hoping to find that unicorn Sophia.


08-17-18, 13:19
Well your going to have to wait a long time to find her again. She's back on vacation, probably for a good amount of time sipping margaritas.


Was just now trolling the area as time allowed me to. Saw a good 4 to 5 between the McD and the paintball joint. Hard to get a good look this time of night but 2 for sure were cuties. All of a sudden, there was heavy popo presence. Got a little spooked and dipped out. A few blocks down the road realized it was just a state cop escort for large construction beams and equipment. Phew!

Nonetheless, did notice that county cruisers were trolling also and tailing cars in the area.

Watch your back out there boys.

The area is not dead.

Still hoping to find that unicorn Sophia.


08-17-18, 13:55
Well your going to have to wait a long time to find her again. She's back on vacation, probably for a good amount of time sipping margaritas.She's literally the last girl on my bucket list. Well on to the classifieds for me (or sticking with regulars) as I haven't been seeing anything new worth picking up lately. Anna is the most visible one in that area. Thanks for the update.


08-17-18, 15:49

Was just now trolling the area as time allowed me to. Saw a good 4 to 5 between the McD and the paintball joint. Hard to get a good look this time of night but 2 for sure were cuties. All of a sudden, there was heavy popo presence. Got a little spooked and dipped out. A few blocks down the road realized it was just a state cop escort for large construction beams and equipment. Phew!

Nonetheless, did notice that county cruisers were trolling also and tailing cars in the area.

Watch your back out there boys.

The area is not dead.

Still hoping to find that unicorn Sophia.

ElRey.This area is close to where Sophia lived recently. She lived at a place driving from the McD and passing by the the paintball event place but before the gas station.

08-17-18, 23:57
I have been searching for my all time favorite Miranda since she got off vacation anyone seen or know if her whereabouts.

08-18-18, 00:34
I have been searching for my all time favorite Miranda since she got off vacation anyone seen or know if her whereabouts.Not been able to find her either.

08-18-18, 13:03
Anyone got any Intel on a new girl Tiffany in Lockhart? Saw her in the dark last night but was occupied and didn't get a chance to meet her. She's a tall dark brunette spinner that looked alright from what I could tell. She was with Desiree about 10:30 last night.

08-18-18, 14:18
Anyone got any Intel on a new girl Tiffany in Lockhart? Saw her in the dark last night but was occupied and didn't get a chance to meet her. She's a tall dark brunette spinner that looked alright from what I could tell. She was with Desiree about 10:30 last night.Is this her.

08-18-18, 15:27
Is this her.Does she have digits to contact.

08-19-18, 02:48
Well your going to have to wait a long time to find her again. She's back on vacation, probably for a good amount of time sipping margaritas.What a shame Sophia the Unicorn is on vacation. Guess I'll just keep hope alive for that one. Thanks for keeping us in the know.


08-19-18, 07:47
Is Lacey still working in the area? I used to see her all the time before I went to Texas for a year, and now that I'm back in central Florida I am finding all of my regulars are ghosts.I used to see her too very frequently, she has been away for about 18 months after a short stint in Jail.

08-19-18, 10:40
Scooped Shay last night she is a trooper played the flute a good half hour then road head to her drop off.

Nortel Jones
08-19-18, 22:34
Sorry if this is against forum rules, but if anyone was zipping down I4, lee road, edgewater out claracona and back down 441 after midnight in a grey performance sleigh, you might want to check your tail lights. I'm really surprised you didn't get stopped. Peace out!

08-20-18, 00:03
Does she have digits to contact.Why? She's a hard pass.

08-20-18, 05:06
I bumped into pregnant Crissy. Watched her get into someone's van off Rose and immediately the driver backs into the car behind him. Watched them yell at each other for a few minutes before the van took off. Driver said there was no damage so she didn't care that he left. A few minutes later I saw her by the paintball on Rose. Picked her up and found a spot for a average BBBJ. At the end she lifted her head and spit. Made a bit of a mess. I threw her a Jackson and she insisted I take her digits and we 'do more' before she pops in 3 weeks.

Happy hunting.


08-20-18, 08:57
I saw Hannah a while back in Apopka. She is an awesome provider and awesome perspon. She has been out of sight for almost a year.

Anyone know her whereabouts?

08-20-18, 10:06
Saw a girl sitting on the side curb of Sunoco at the intersection of Rose and edgewater, it appears she lives in the area because she had a hard time walking, found out she is an older lady with great long blond hair, nice face and no sign of candy, full set of nice teeth. She is from New England and had a sexy as hell voice, gave an incredible blow job without any negotiation, which I like. Her pussy is shaved and appears tight, but I did not try it out, bring plenty of lube for this one and you should be fine, the only negative is she had lots of loose skin, not sure if it was her age or she lost a lot of weight, we never talked about it but she appears trust worthy and clean and needs some help, I am sure for the price of a pair of shoes she will give you an excellent BJ!

08-21-18, 12:52
Hooked up with Lockhart Leah years ago. When she was red haired. At the crime scene she said, " I'm goin' to give you the Best BJ you ever had " . " You will always remember me " . And she didn't lie! BEST BBBJ EVER in Lockhart! Phenomenal! Yeah, I'll always remember Lockhart Leah!


08-21-18, 21:42
Got her a week or so ago me and a couple friends had a little party and we all came. In her mouth.

08-22-18, 06:55
Got her a week or so ago me and a couple friends had a little party and we all came. In her mouth.Where did you find her always wanted a o. G. Ginger.

08-22-18, 08:34
Got her a week or so ago me and a couple friends had a little party and we all came. In her mouth.Nice! Monger on!

I need to visit your town.

08-22-18, 13:12
Had one girl talk about hanging out with her just the other day trying to score so she should be back around the usual lanes.

Not been able to find her either.

08-22-18, 17:29
Good to know she's back. Now I need to find her.

Got her a week or so ago me and a couple friends had a little party and we all came. In her mouth.

08-23-18, 14:31
Saw a SW yesterday on Claracona trying to get to Rose. She was a wreck! She literally couldn't walk a couple steps without almost falling down. She was walking with her eyes closed stumbling around. She was so hopped up that she didn't even take off the band around her arm. She might as well wave the white flag in front of the popo. I've never seen her before. Maybe one of you knows who this is. Please share.

08-23-18, 16:42
Looks like Desiree to me.

Saw a SW yesterday on Claracona trying to get to Rose. She was a wreck! She literally couldn't walk a couple steps without almost falling down. She was walking with her eyes closed stumbling around. She was so hopped up that she didn't even take off the band around her arm. She might as well wave the white flag in front of the popo. I've never seen her before. Maybe one of you knows who this is. Please share.

08-23-18, 16:58
Saw a SW yesterday on Claracona trying to get to Rose. She was a wreck! She literally couldn't walk a couple steps without almost falling down. She was walking with her eyes closed stumbling around. She was so hopped up that she didn't even take off the band around her arm. She might as well wave the white flag in front of the popo. I've never seen her before. Maybe one of you knows who this is. Please share.Definitely Desiree. Same shirt and look from when I dated her two weeks ago.

08-23-18, 17:59
Saw a SW yesterday on Claracona trying to get to Rose. She was a wreck! She literally couldn't walk a couple steps without almost falling down. She was walking with her eyes closed stumbling around. She was so hopped up that she didn't even take off the band around her arm. She might as well wave the white flag in front of the popo. I've never seen her before. Maybe one of you knows who this is. Please share.Not a bad looking SW at all.


08-23-18, 20:51
Met Brittany at WaWa on the corner of edgewater and forest city, she is a thirty something spinner, 5'2", 90 lbs. Long brunette hair, and scars all over her body. She also had a sore on the left side of her lips that will probably be there for a few weeks. Says she has a house on a corner of two streets, which is just an abandoned house, do not go there. Wanted money up front, Nope, put the money on the dash. She takes off her pants and put them on the dash, says lets do it in the front seat, asks if she could put the money in her pocket, well its still on the dash, so ok, then after a minute of BBJ she ask me if I wanted to go in the house, I forgot about the money being in her pocket and stupidly said yes, that was my fourth mistake, she takes off never to be seen again And management came by soon after, but I took off with my tail between my legs. Drove my car home and took two showers! She lives in the area off forest city road by citgo and wallgreens, nothing but trouble!

08-24-18, 00:44
Saw a SW yesterday on Claracona trying to get to Rose. She was a wreck! She literally couldn't walk a couple steps without almost falling down. She was walking with her eyes closed stumbling around. She was so hopped up that she didn't even take off the band around her arm. She might as well wave the white flag in front of the popo. I've never seen her before. Maybe one of you knows who this is. Please share.Looks like Desire.

08-24-18, 18:07
Had one girl talk about hanging out with her just the other day trying to score so she should be back around the usual lanes.It to bad you don't have the right timing as it always dead when I go to Lockhart area these days. LOL to bad she can't maintain a number.

08-25-18, 14:34
Was out getting materials to fix broke water line cruised the Lockhart Lee circle saw a blonde WSW crossing over from old trailer park to the Habib store couldn't get pic or partake because of waterline.

08-25-18, 20:36
Is this her tring to post pix.

08-27-18, 17:32
Good to know. I'll grab her when she's able to walk straight with eyes open.

Looks like Desiree to me.

08-27-18, 18:04
Might want to grab a pair of prescription glasses instead, that or keep your eyes closed and drink until you can't walk straight.

Good to know. I'll grab her when she's able to walk straight with eyes open.

08-28-18, 09:48
Is it just me? Is my timing just bad? Or should I go further south on the trail, away from this Lockhart area? Anybody seeing anything good? Well, won't give up! Still going to hunt!

08-28-18, 13:27
Might want to grab a pair of prescription glasses instead, that or keep your eyes closed and drink until you can't walk straight.I saw her the other day come walking out the wooded area over by Rose and 441 with some dude, she looked like a mess again. Just now I was out hunting and on my way down
Rose there was a couple LEO SUV's and a couple fire trucks. They were all over near the weeded right next to 441, I couldn't see who they talking too.

I also think I just missed Tori. Havnet seen her in person only the pics you guys post. The red head I saw today passed me up for another monger that was making a you turn for her.

08-28-18, 13:51
Is it just me? Is my timing just bad? Or should I go further south on the trail, away from this Lockhart area? Anybody seeing anything good? Well, won't give up! Still going to hunt!I haven't seen a girl in Lockhart worth picking up in a long time. I recommend pointing your car South for 15 minutes or so, start paying attention when a Wendy's appears on your right.

08-28-18, 14:58
Met up with Rachel last week at her house off Rose. Didn't get number. Anyone have it?

08-29-18, 08:44
I haven't seen a girl in Lockhart worth picking up in a long time. I recommend pointing your car South for 15 minutes or so, start paying attention when a Wendy's appears on your right.Thanks for the direction.

08-30-18, 16:45
Saw 5 streetwalkers up and down OBT and one Orange County.

Ricky James1
08-30-18, 17:27
If you find her let me know!! Hopefully she isn't dead like so many others.

I saw Hannah a while back in Apopka. She is an awesome provider and awesome perspon. She has been out of sight for almost a year.

Anyone know her whereabouts?

08-30-18, 17:52
I was headed back to Longwood from Apopka and saw Tiffany on Sheeler and 9th in Apopka. Just a bit after a rain fall so she was looking for a nice dry place to lay her head. After LE check we drove to a safe spot, climbed into the back of the SUV and she rested her head on my lap for a quick nap. Unfortunately my little chubby got in the way of her mouth, and what a talented mouth it is. I wanted a full service menu so off came the pants and the hot dog went into the bun. It was such a tight warm and talented bun that my dream sequence ended quickly! No digits. 40 pieces of relish.

08-30-18, 19:10
Saw 5 streetwalkers up and down OBT and one Orange County.How did the Orange County look?

09-05-18, 06:34
Last night about 9 they were all over OBT made a Second Sweep and they were all gone however there was three walking at 5:30 this morning.

09-07-18, 18:30
Looking for both any info.

09-08-18, 11:26
Working a real job Steak and Shake.Such a nice picture of the two young girls in a really poor area. Becky is so pretty. Too bad Becky passed away. Rip Becky.

09-08-18, 18:20
Such a nice picture of the two young girls in a really poor area. Becky is so pretty. Too bad Becky passed away. Rip Becky.They actually went to high school together.

09-10-18, 07:28
I made a few passes through Lockhart yesterday Leah was out Raquel was out three or four other ones but there was a whole lot of LEO my Spidey Sense kept going off I ended up getting pulled over on a side street so I went home.

09-10-18, 07:39
What was their excuse for pulling you over and did they try to tell you to quit looking for SW's. What time was this?

I made a few passes through Lockhart yesterday Leah was out Raquel was out three or four other ones but there was a whole lot of LEO my Spidey Sense kept going off I ended up getting pulled over on a side street so I went home.

09-10-18, 10:16
He claimed I did not use my turn signal and said I was driving in a suspicious manner by taking side streets ask me what I was doing I told him window shopping.