View Full Version : UTR's

10-09-13, 15:13
Many like me have recently been posting about UTR's for two purposes;

1. So that your UTR can get a little extra business w / o being all over Backpage.


2. So that fellow senior members can enjoy some high quality ladies that they normally wouldn't be exposed to.

Hopefully this can be a thread where we clue other senior members in on current UTR's without getting our in-boxes blown up by newbies, scabs, and pic collectors.

Bottom line. If you post here, you are looking to help somebody out.

10-09-13, 15:29
Let me lead off with a UTR that is very dear to me. She doesn't post because she doesn't want to be on that level of being known, but she will be your true loving GFE for the full time you are with her. Call it white night syndrome, but you know there are some girls you feel are special, and she is one of them. Of course there are skinnier girls with bigger boobs, but Ally will look you in the eye during your time in a way that you know she's different. Attached is a pic I took of her today. Serious senior members PM me to get her number.


I Love Massage
10-09-13, 15:36
I love the idea and concept, but I have no idea how that could work in an open forum.

I, like most of you, have a UTR or two or three. I'm sure these ladies would not want to be discussed in an open forum.

What are some thoughts of others?

10-09-13, 17:00
I'm sure these ladies would not want to be discussed in an open forum.

What are some thoughts of others?UTR is " Under The Radar" or in other words ducking being discovered, stealth in a way. Having said that, I am not a member of the Ohio group, but, to answer the question / provide an opinion, here is what I will say.

It is wrong to pass on UTR provider information (including) photographs to anyone out in the open. Perhaps a few guys here can exchange info in PM, that is ok. Otherwise, the UTR provider is no longer a UTR and might as well advertise here if she is not wanting to put up with BP or CL riff raff. Honestly, and from what JTLauderdale posted, he is mixing a low volume provider with a UTR provider.



10-09-13, 20:16
The way I handled it for a UTR babe who I was turned on to by another senior was I asked her if she wanted me to share her info with others. She said yes, so I did, sparingly and in PM so that she would not be overwhelmed. I also asked her to let me know how things went and if that was working out for her. I haven't had any bad report from her regarding that, so I think it's working out for her. Also, no pics. We'll see how it goes.


10-10-13, 04:41
UTR is " Under The Radar" or in other words ducking being discovered, stealth in a way. Having said that, I am not a member of the Ohio group, but, to answer the question / provide an opinion, here is what I will say.

It is wrong to pass on UTR provider information (including) photographs to anyone out in the open. Perhaps a few guys here can exchange info in PM, that is ok. Otherwise, the UTR provider is no longer a UTR and might as well advertise here if she is not wanting to put up with BP or CL riff raff. Honestly, and from what JTLauderdale posted, he is mixing a low volume provider with a UTR provider.


TMJust my two cents,

I have always felt this was a forum to help each other find hookers, escorts or whatever you want to call them for our combined enjoyment and to keep each other apprised of ripoffs and scammers.

Now this may sound mean, but hey it's how I feel.

I think that its awesome when people shoot out the info of these women in this forum publicly because then we can get instant gratification and we don't have to worry about over entitled feeling fellas playing gatekeeper.

I know I get one day a week that I'm really off and I don't want to have to PM you guys and wait on you to finally get a hold of her number to find out she's not available that day or whatever. I'm all about efficiency and speed of service.

We aren't these women's fathers, brothers or anything besides their "customers". So I act as such, they are useful while providing a service, otherwise I'm not interested.

So while I respect your compassion and feel you're trying to be very gentle and decent about this. I find your over compassion to their situation is a hinderance to both them making money and us getting laid.

10-10-13, 10:56
UTR is " Under The Radar" or in other words ducking being discovered, stealth in a way. Having said that, I am not a member of the Ohio group, but, to answer the question / provide an opinion, here is what I will say.

It is wrong to pass on UTR provider information (including) photographs to anyone out in the open. Perhaps a few guys here can exchange info in PM, that is ok. Otherwise, the UTR provider is no longer a UTR and might as well advertise here if she is not wanting to put up with BP or CL riff raff. Honestly, and from what JTLauderdale posted, he is mixing a low volume provider with a UTR provider.


TMMany of us have tried to help out a UTR ATF by posting in "General Reports" something like "senior members PM me for this hot chicks number that does me good.". That way you can do her the favor of only giving her number out to a few people who are interested that you trust. The only reason I have ever done this is because the girl asked if I could refer her to somebody I trusted. My goal with this thread is certainly not to expose anyone who wants to keep their anonymity. I don't recommend anyone directly post a girls number. I would only post a picture, like I did, with the girls permission in order to give others a visual representation.

The purpose of this thread is to keep all the referral topic posts in one thread instead of scattered through "General Reports" and "Escort Reports".

Furthermore, I nearly quit the hobby a few months back because LE got so serious about crackdowns. The quality of the CLE BP is severely diminished, and as of late I've really only been seeing repeats, referrals from senior members, and referrals from UTR's I do know for their friends. I used to love the thrill of breaking in a new BP chick, but any decent ones are rare anymore and it's too risky with the threat of a lurking LE bust. Those of you who chat up your regulars that advertise have probably found that if a girl is out there long enough, they will eventually lure in an undercover and get popped. If they are clean, it's a slap on the wrist and they are right back at it, only a little more paranoid. With this thread I'm also trying streamline a means of turning over rocks to find new chicks.

I feel the idea of the thread is useful. Time will tell if others do as well.

10-10-13, 14:56
Let me lead off with a UTR that is very dear to me. She doesn't post because she doesn't want to be on that level of being known, but she will be your true loving GFE for the full time you are with her. Call it white night syndrome, but you know there are some girls you feel are special, and she is one of them. Of course there are skinnier girls with bigger boobs, but Ally will look you in the eye during your time in a way that you know she's different. Attached is a pic I took of her today. Serious senior members PM me to get her number.

279841Thanks for great intel! Saw her within an hour of getting the number and she was all you claim. Ass to die for and just like a booty-call instead of an appointment.

She did ask me some pointed questions about my appearance before scheduling, so this could be a case of YMMV, but my time was very well spent.

I will not be distributing the number because her and I never discussed it, so please no pm's.

10-12-13, 19:49
I lost track of all my UTRs from a while back but I think this is a genius idea to have this topic. So come on guys, post up some good looking, good performing UTRs for the rest of us to try them out.

I would try that one the other guy put a photo of but it looks like she has a cigarette in her hand which is a no go for me. I understand they do it, but I want to be blissfully ignorant.

10-13-13, 10:33
Maybe only allowing access to these threads by senior members would make it even more so UTR

10-13-13, 11:45
Maybe only allowing access to these threads by senior members would make it even more so UTRIf you want it to be senior members only than don't post anything. Just use the PM. It seems like most members only want it to be senior members. They beat up all the newbies so much that none of them want to post. That's the situation with me. I'm not perfect like some senior members think they are. It's usually not worth the hassle and the bull*t replies to post anything. I'm sure other newbies feel the same way. Constructive criticism is one thing, but personal attacks are uncalled for.

10-13-13, 14:42
Maybe only allowing access to these threads by senior members would make it even more so UTRAs far as I have always understood this forum it's about spreading knowledge not hoarding it for a select few.

Even thought that would technically benefit me to have it setup how you say, it would be silly.

10-13-13, 15:10
Maybe only allowing access to these threads by senior members would make it even more so UTRDon't want the noobs ruining things with our favorite ladies. Which is what will happen sooner or later. Share info with the older, wiser, established, reliable ones.

Ron M
10-13-13, 16:10
I'm all for Sharing a Provider's Info. But from what I've read in other areas, this can be a Bad Idea. Check the Knoxville Tenn. General Reports Section. Seems like when a Good Provider's Info is posted, it's been reported that others have asked the Provider about the guy posting his reviews about her. Definitely Not Cool. So before you post your Provider's Info on this Board, think about the Consequences of what may Happen. You mat lose seeing her in the Future. Just sayin'.

10-13-13, 17:37
Don't want the noobs ruining things with our favorite ladies. Which is what will happen sooner or later. Share info with the older, wiser, established, reliable ones.That is quite an elitist attitude. Let's not forget that just because someone has some odd hundred posts doesn't mean that the guy with twenty isn't a pro mongerer and didn't just find this website.

UTRs tend to be what they are for a few reasons. They either are afraid of getting caught, they have a real life outside of this and don't want their neighbor seeing them at their worst or they are simply too foolish to run their business.

Hell, we offer them a service by getting their names and numbers out in front of people who have the money and the means to fulfill their goals.

So I think there is a few reasons people want to not share:

They are greedy and don't want to take the chance someone else will be railing their plaything.

They think that if they limit the woman's exposure it will make then jump at their beck and call and do more for less. So essential treating them like a flesh light and not a person.

Just my two cents.

Ron M
10-13-13, 18:45
That is quite an elitist attitude. Let's not forget that just because someone has some odd hundred posts doesn't mean that the guy with twenty isn't a pro mongerer and didn't just find this website.

UTRs tend to be what they are for a few reasons. They either are afraid of getting caught, they have a real life outside of this and don't want their neighbor seeing them at their worst or they are simply too foolish to run their business.

Hell, we offer them a service by getting their names and numbers out in front of people who have the money and the means to fulfill their goals.

So I think there is a few reasons people want to not share:

They are greedy and don't want to take the chance someone else will be railing their plaything.

They think that if they limit the woman's exposure it will make then jump at their beck and call and do more for less. So essential treating them like a flesh light and not a person.

Just my two cents.Here's a Novel Idea that worked for me; Find one on your own. Do your own Looking, Research and Investigating. Why depend on others to look for a Provider for you? Seems like people these days are too Lazy to do their own Research. Back in the day before sites like this, we had to do all the Research on our own. Take our chances and hoped everything went well during a Session. There was nobody to ask for info. I'm so used to doing the Research on my own, that's the way I found my Provider. As far as your point of being Greedy, I'm not. My Provider doesn't want her info posted on the Board. So I'm Honoring her Request.

10-13-13, 19:10
Here's a Novel Idea that worked for me; Find one on your own. Do your own Looking, Research and Investigating. Why depend on others to look for a Provider for you? Seems like people these days are too Lazy to do their own Research. Back in the day before sites like this, we had to do all the Research on our own. Take our chances and hoped everything went well during a Session. There was nobody to ask for info. I'm so used to doing the Research on my own, that's the way I found my Provider. As far as your point of being Greedy, I'm not. My Provider doesn't want her info posted on the Board. So I'm Honoring her Request.Fair enough point but where do you do this research? You make it sound like a school project or something we can do at the library.

Ron M
10-13-13, 19:16
Fair enough point but where do you do this research? You make it sound like a school project or something we can do at the library.Google helps A lot. Google the Phone Number in the Ad and see what pops up. She may have posted on other websites besides B. P. Or C. L. Then there's the old tried and true method, just go see her yourself.

10-13-13, 21:40
Google helps A lot. Google the Phone Number in the Ad and see what pops up. She may have posted on other websites besides B. P. Or C. L. Then there's the old tried and true method, just go see her yourself.We're talking about UTR's. There are no ads. Word of mouth is how they get business.

10-14-13, 23:30
We're talking about UTR's. There are no ads. Word of mouth is how they get business.They may have placed an ad a long time ago when they first started or only place one once a year or so and run it for only a day or two just to keep a fresh client base. UTR or not, I always check the number out. I met this one chick while out on the town a couple of years ago and just being curious I googled the number and got a hit for the other site. The hit was a couple of reviews from several years prior and were no way about the chick who gave me the number, unless she started posting when she was 16. Word of mouth is great advertising but they had to start somewhere and had to experiment with different ways of getting their product out there. I'm not saying all the UTR's can be found by googling them but it never hurts to do the search anyway, it's just like a box of chocolate.

Keep Your Powder Dry...c688.

Ron M
10-15-13, 00:07
We're talking about UTR's. There are no ads. Word of mouth is how they get business.The Girl I'm currently seeing does Advertise every so often, but not alot. She gets enough Business even after her Ad is a few months old.

10-15-13, 18:19
I've got three UTR that are semi-retired. One of them I'm hers exclusively. One of them is also Portia. And don't bother PMing me for her digits, you have nothing of equal value! She's even better off the grid. Still a pain in the ass to get ahold off, if that's any consolation.

Ron M
10-15-13, 19:52
And don't bother PMing me for her digits, you have nothing of equal value!Same goes for me. Sorry.

10-15-13, 20:40
I've got three UTR that are semi-retired. One of them I'm hers exclusively. One of them is also Portia. And don't bother PMing me for her digits, you have nothing of equal value! She's even better off the grid. Still a pain in the ass to get ahold off, if that's any consolation.

Same goes for me. Sorry.I think you two are sorta missing the point of this thread. It's to get UTR info out there for members to enjoy themselves and for these hidden gems to gain financial benefits.

This thread doesn't exist to go "I have better toys than you and don't you dare ask to play with them! Neener neener!"

Let's get back in subject.

Ron M
10-15-13, 20:55
I think you two are sorta missing the point of this thread. It's to get UTR info out there for members to enjoy themselves and for these hidden gems to gain financial benefits.

This thread doesn't exist to go "I have better toys than you and don't you dare ask to play with them! Neener neener!"

Let's get back in subject.If my Girl asked me to invite more people into her Inner Circle, I would tell you guys about her. She doesn't want me to post her info on the Board. What am I supposed to do? Go against her request, post her info and get kicked out of her Inner Circle? Guys have been Burned for posting a Provider's Info on the Board. Sorry. I plan on staying out of the Sun.

10-15-13, 21:05
If my Girl asked me to invite more people into her Inner Circle, I would tell you guys about her. She doesn't want me to post her info on the Board. What am I supposed to do? Go against her request, post her info and get kicked out of her Inner Circle? Guys have been Burned for posting a Provider's Info on the Board. Sorry. I plan on staying out of the Sun.No sir, nobody is forcing you to turn you girls info over.

However, you have nothing of merit to post then if you're not.

Look at it this way, if someone makes a post about gay sexual encounters, and I go and start talking about the polar opposite of straight sex, then say, well sorry I'm straight, do you expect me to have sex with guys even though I'm straight??

The gay guys are just going to say, well don't post in the gay sex thread. Same sorta situation here, this isn't story time or a bragging thread about how nice your UTRs are. It is for connecting with UTRs and reviews of UTRs.

10-16-13, 15:14
She's 20 something tall skinny black with a fat ass. Stays on the west side. H $:25 half. $.75 full. All door but the back one. Hard to beat for the lack of headachs alone. Seniors pm.

10-24-13, 10:52
Got a text from Alley from post #2 that she's looking for work today.

From the feedback I got from other senior members, she has not disappointing those I've referred to her.

10-27-13, 01:11
Got a text from Alley from post #2 that she's looking for work today.

From the feedback I got from other senior members, she has not disappointing those I've referred to her.What is her rates, I might toss her this dick if she's reasonable.

04-02-17, 08:13
I was looking through my phone contacts and found Amber, I don't recall where I got her number. Cute little thing so I hit her up and got a reply.

Her number matches social media. Married but husband in prison drug references etc.

Any one have experience good bad or indifferent with her? Lives in Parma. West side, go figure. She seems willing.

04-03-17, 04:55
I was looking through my phone contacts and found Amber, I don't recall where I got her number. Cute little thing so I hit her up and got a reply.

Her number matches social media. Married but husband in prison drug references etc.

Any one have experience good bad or indifferent with her? Lives in Parma. West side, go figure. She seems willing.Need the number. Lots of Ambers.

04-03-17, 15:44
Need the number. Lots of Ambers.I thought I posted a pic, I will try again later # ends in 6930.

04-04-17, 16:11
I thought I posted a pic, I will try again later # ends in 6930.Went and saw her. Very much enjoyed the time.

04-05-17, 18:40
Went and saw her. Very much enjoyed the time.Any pic on her?

04-07-17, 08:45
Any pic on her?Was that recent? Her husband looks like he is out or was it not an issue?

04-07-17, 14:28
[Arrest/Conviction/Incarceration/Release Report deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it was a report regarding an individual who was arrested / charged / awaiting trial / convicted / awaiting sentencing / incarcerated / released / on probation for engaging in commercial sex activities or any other non-violent crime.

I want to say this carefully so no one gets the wrong idea: Posting the names, mugshots, case status, incarceration status and/or the release dates of people who have been arrested for engaging in commercial sex activities is really just helping the police in their efforts to embarrass these people.

Since this website is all about assisting people in obtaining commercial sex services, we don't want to add to the problems of the unfortunate people who have been arrested by publishing their names, mugshots, case status, incarceration status, or release dates.


04-10-17, 09:56
Was that recent? Her husband looks like he is out or was it not an issue?I see it now. Thank you. Facebook was from this time last year. Didn't pay attention to the date. Thank you.

05-12-17, 11:02
Went and saw her. Very much enjoyed the time.What did you pay?

07-10-18, 17:17
Those of you that have UTRs, how did you find them?

Things are looking pretty bleak around here lately and I've always been curious about this.

07-10-18, 20:21
Those of you that have UTRs, how did you find them?

Things are looking pretty bleak around here lately and I've always been curious about this.I've found utr's by going to my local strip club and hanging out a lot. Talking to the girls a lot and making friends and casually bringing up the pay for play idea. Some go for it and they don't ever advertise or do it regularly but like the financial help, if they like you. Yes you have to put in the time and buy a few drinks / dances etc but it can really pay off. I've also taken girls home for free from strip clubs but that's ultra rare and no I'm not some hot guy just an average dude but I'm nice and friendly and try to be funny.

Another way is if you have a regular girl from STG or BP or the old craigslist or whatever, sometimes they'll have a friend who would be willing but doesn't want to advertise.

Also our friends on here sometimes will throw you a bone and give out a UTR's number to those of us who are trusted senior members who actually post helpful information. So make some friends.

07-10-18, 23:42
Those of you that have UTRs, how did you find them?

Things are looking pretty bleak around here lately and I've always been curious about this.I agree with Neostud. I found one at a strip club and she had a few friends, only one of the friends was worth seeing but the point is that's how I did it.

08-05-18, 23:40
That's always worked well for me too. I've always preferred the smaller clubs that I could pop in occasionally and have one or two girls who are always happy to see me because I pay attention to them. Buy them a drink, get a couple dances and always make a point of tipping them on stage. After a few visits I'll ask if they ever do private dances at people's homes. And it goes from there. A great thing about working it this way is that I usually get to know their friends at the club too because they'll usually flop at "our" table when they're bored.

I've found utr's by going to my local strip club and hanging out a lot. Talking to the girls a lot and making friends and casually bringing up the pay for play idea. Some go for it and they don't ever advertise or do it regularly but like the financial help, if they like you. Yes you have to put in the time and buy a few drinks / dances etc but it can really pay off. I've also taken girls home for free from strip clubs but that's ultra rare and no I'm not some hot guy just an average dude but I'm nice and friendly and try to be funny.

Another way is if you have a regular girl from STG or BP or the old craigslist or whatever, sometimes they'll have a friend who would be willing but doesn't want to advertise.

Also our friends on here sometimes will throw you a bone and give out a UTR's number to those of us who are trusted senior members who actually post helpful information. So make some friends.

09-01-18, 23:34
Look familiar to anyone? Came my way with limited into. Would like info if available.

09-02-18, 10:16
If you find out let us know. Rhat is smoking hot.

Look familiar to anyone? Came my way with limited into. Would like info if available.

09-02-18, 10:18
So I do a google search of image. Says best match is a domestic short haired cat! . Lets hope this pussy is shaved!

Look familiar to anyone? Came my way with limited into. Would like info if available.

09-02-18, 21:52
So I do a google search of image. Says best match is a domestic short haired cat! . Lets hope this pussy is shaved!Haven't found anything searching image on either google or tineye.

11-16-18, 15:55
Look familiar to anyone? Came my way with limited into. Would like info if available.Looks a lot like "Relaxation by Sandra" who advertised on BP and craigslist for a long time. Always seemed like she might offer extras but she makes it clear when you contact her that she's legit and keeps the promise when you show up. Really sexy, but don't expect more than a massage.


11-19-18, 11:02
I'm posting here and in Escorts. I've read all the posts\threads I can find here on this NR gal. I've read some pretty good stuff, and some not-so-good stuff. So I'm asking anew. Does anyone have any experiences with her to report? Especially if you've seen her more than once? Thanks! Post or feel free to PM me.

01-25-20, 10:12
To those of us on the far east side that know Ashley / Brooke. She passed on Jan. 18th. I know I will miss her.

09-22-21, 15:00
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.

09-28-21, 07:55
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.Interested, sent you a PM.

09-28-21, 09:14
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.I sent you a PM.

09-29-21, 08:52
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.Interested. Sent you a pm.

09-29-21, 12:21
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.Is she white? Overall body type or any pictures she would share?

09-30-21, 13:38
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.I'm interested and I sent you a PM.

10-01-21, 09:57
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.Are you going to send us your UTR info? I think several of us have PM'd you. .

10-01-21, 10:19
My UTR, 35 years old, small B cups, nice nips. Always willing to satisfy. Is looking to expand her income with some new players. PM me for number.

Are you going to send us your UTR info? I think several of us have PM'd you. .Milo who posted that is on the Daytona board. Most likely posted on our board by accident.

10-01-21, 10:49
Milo who posted that is on the Daytona board. Most likely posted on our board by accident.Thanks Budd. Like Daytona FL?

10-01-21, 21:32
Thanks Budd. Like Daytona FL?Yes, click on MiloYam profile, you'll see only 1 post in Cleveland.

10-03-21, 10:18
Yes, click on MiloYam profile, you'll see only 1 post in Cleveland.How does one post in the wrong city and state? He is from Daytona Beach, Florida. And how did he not realize after getting pm's he made an error in location and not post the information for his UTR on the Daytona Beach site? LOL!

10-03-21, 11:38
How does one post in the wrong city and state? He is from Daytona Beach, Florida. And how did he not realize after getting pm's he made an error in location and not post the information for his UTR on the Daytona Beach site? LOL!It's easy enough to delete the post yourself if you realize it's wrong. I think that you have 30 minutes to delete it. I've sent a pm to the admin in the past and had a post deleted.

11-13-21, 21:13
Guys. DM me for a nice UTR. 20. Decent body. No fish odor.

White men only.

Dixon Cider
11-14-21, 03:13
Guys. DM me for a nice UTR. 20. Decent body. No fish odor.

White men only.Inbox full.

11-14-21, 07:58
Inbox full.Just cleared it out, my brother. Please try now.

11-18-21, 07:17
Still haven't replied to all the requests, however, it seems most of the requesters are looking for pics or facebook data and like that. She is not doing that.


11-21-21, 10:00
Further on Anna. She doesn't see AA guys. She's not doing pics or selling movies.


11-22-21, 09:43
For those inquiring about Anna: I met Anna and spent almost an hour just talking with her (that's right all we did was talk, MY choice as I actually like to get to know the girls.). She is a super nice gal in kinda a tough spot right now. She is sweet and about as real as they come. She is not really my type so I am not moving forward, but for those wondering, I can vouch for Cheech (as if he needs vouching for LOL) and say if you are looking for someone down to earth, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, Anna may be the right UTR for you.

Just wanted to share my experience!

11-22-21, 11:02
For those inquiring about Anna: I met Anna and spent almost an hour just talking with her (that's right all we did was talk, MY choice as I actually like to get to know the girls.). She is a super nice gal in kinda a tough spot right now. She is sweet and about as real as they come. She is not really my type so I am not moving forward, but for those wondering, I can vouch for Cheech (as if he needs vouching for LOL) and say if you are looking for someone down to earth, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, Anna may be the right UTR for you.

Just wanted to share my experience!I would love to help out but haven't gotten any contact info. She more spinner or "curvy"?

11-22-21, 15:50
For those inquiring about Anna: I met Anna and spent almost an hour just talking with her (that's right all we did was talk, MY choice as I actually like to get to know the girls.). She is a super nice gal in kinda a tough spot right now. She is sweet and about as real as they come. She is not really my type so I am not moving forward, but for those wondering, I can vouch for Cheech (as if he needs vouching for LOL) and say if you are looking for someone down to earth, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, Anna may be the right UTR for you.

Just wanted to share my experience! I too have met her and spent time talking as well. Totally my kinda gal, Cool chick. However , we were supposed to meet again today and Crickets. Oh well thought she was different, maybe something came up like it always does with these girls.

11-22-21, 15:59
For those inquiring about Anna: I met Anna and spent almost an hour just talking with her (that's right all we did was talk, MY choice as I actually like to get to know the girls.). She is a super nice gal in kinda a tough spot right now. She is sweet and about as real as they come. She is not really my type so I am not moving forward, but for those wondering, I can vouch for Cheech (as if he needs vouching for LOL) and say if you are looking for someone down to earth, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, Anna may be the right UTR for you.

Just wanted to share my experience!Thank you for sharing that she could be a therapist because she is good at dialogue. But can you tell us if she is young, old, short, fat, skinny ect.

I already have a therapist, guy friends, a GF that I can have a conversation with. Most of us aren't looking for that anyway.

11-22-21, 17:01
Thank you for sharing that she could be a therapist because she is good at dialogue. But can you tell us if she is young, old, short, fat, skinny ect.

I already have a therapist, guy friends, a GF that I can have a conversation with. Most of us aren't looking for that anyway.I totally agree with you.

11-23-21, 13:25
I too have met her and spent time talking as well. Totally my kinda gal, Cool chick. However , we were supposed to meet again today and Crickets. Oh well thought she was different, maybe something came up like it always does with these girls.She contacted me and appologized, promised to make good, she had a family emergency.

11-23-21, 19:25
For those inquiring about Anna: I met Anna and spent almost an hour just talking with her (that's right all we did was talk, MY choice as I actually like to get to know the girls.). She is a super nice gal in kinda a tough spot right now. She is sweet and about as real as they come. She is not really my type so I am not moving forward, but for those wondering, I can vouch for Cheech (as if he needs vouching for LOL) and say if you are looking for someone down to earth, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, Anna may be the right UTR for you.

Just wanted to share my experience!This guys a white knight. Who makes an appointment, stops at the atm for cash, drives to the location, checks in, she says come on in, he goes in, after all the set up and then says. Oh she's a really sweet kid I wanted to get to know her like all the chicks I pay to fuck. I call bullshit this is not match.com we are in the pursuit of Pusey for hire that's all. It's not "my fair lady". It makes me want to barf.

11-24-21, 07:25
Anna is in Florida for a few days with family. I'll shoot her number to those of you guys who PMed me asking for it in a couple days if I haven't already.

And yes, she is nice and good to talk to, she's been through a lot. For those of you who aren't looking to form a closer relationship with a girl you want to ball, to each their own.


11-24-21, 10:02
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11-24-21, 16:25
So with anna what time did you guys meet her seems I can't get our times to align I know she's in Florida from the several times I've texted her lete know times please so I can see her she's only like 10 min from me thanks guys.

11-25-21, 07:23
It's called respect. Please vomit. I don't really care. You are just jealous I met her and you didn't. She just was not my cup of tea as I'm particular. Doesn't mean someone else will feel the same as me. The reason I posted what I did was to let other members know she has an awesome personality and if Cheech decides to pass on to them her info that she is genuine and sincere and real. Too many girls (including a UTR I met before) are fake and honesntly, bitchy. She was not. She was a delight to talk to. Not all of us are just after " one thing". Besides if I'm trying to find a regular I want to be sure we have chemistry together, even though we both know what we are meeting for. I have had numerous arrangements thru SA. I'd be surprised if you have even had more than one. If you are that desperate you can always use your hand.

Stop making assumptions about me. Grow up and act like the adult I'm assuming you are.

And oh, if this is over 50 words I apologize.#7045.

Mmiikkeessmm Mmiikkeessmm is offline.

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You being told you're an asshole is good enough for me.

11-25-21, 07:29
I ruined my shot about 3 months ago to see her, anyone put in a good word for me today if you have it like that with her? I can't even get her to reply on her IG account I need to stuff a Turkey today badly if you know what a mean ha! DM me with a spinner option or two.

Happy Thanksgiving.

11-25-21, 09:33
My experience over a 45 year history of pay to play is simple. Treat women right and they will give you great pleasure. This doesn't apply to wives or girlfriends. LOL. The caveat I have found to this rule is that when your chemistry doesn't work, the experience will not be what it could be. Every woman has inside her a sex slave. Evolution has made it so. But today's society has done the best it can for hundreds of years to repress that in order to control men.

Society has created a situation where the wife essentially has you by the balls, or at least by the wallet, and so has caused her to have entitlement by law. Great example is, if you marry a good looking girl, and she gives you a couple kids, then becomes a fat sloppy ***** who doesn't want to fuck and who you wouldn't want to fuck anyway, the divorce will cost you half of what you have, and most likely half of whatever you manage to come up with in the future as long as your kids are in school.

You can't go to the judge and say, "Your Honor, she's so pig ugly I wouldn't fuck her with YOUR dick," he's just going to laugh and screw you up the ass. And, if the judge is a woman, she's going to do everything she can to REALLY fuck you.

The hooker, on the other hand, as long as she has not gotten GPS, will give you pleasure on demand in return for compensation, and if the chemistry is there and you treat them right, they will bob on your cock and ream your ass and take your cum on their faces with a great smile.


11-25-21, 10:28
I ruined my shot about 3 months ago to see her, anyone put in a good word for me today if you have it like that with her? I can't even get her to reply on her IG account I need to stuff a Turkey today badly if you know what a mean ha! DM me with a spinner option or two.

Happy Thanksgiving.You'd probably be better off asking in the escorts forum since Jade isn't utr.

Dixon Cider
11-25-21, 12:27
My experience over a 45 year history of pay to play is simple. Treat women right and they will give you great pleasure. This doesn't apply to wives or girlfriends. LOL. The caveat I have found to this rule is that when your chemistry doesn't work, the experience will not be what it could be. Every woman has inside her a sex slave. Evolution has made it so. But today's society has done the best it can for hundreds of years to repress that in order to control men.

Society has created a situation where the wife essentially has you by the balls, or at least by the wallet, and so has caused her to have entitlement by law. Great example is, if you marry a good looking girl, and she gives you a couple kids, then becomes a fat sloppy ***** who doesn't want to fuck and who you wouldn't want to fuck anyway, the divorce will cost you half of what you have, and most likely half of whatever you manage to come up with in the future as long as your kids are in school.

You can't go to the judge and say, "Your Honor, she's so pig ugly I wouldn't fuck her with YOUR dick," he's just going to laugh and screw you up the ass. And, if the judge is a woman, she's going to do everything she can to REALLY fuck you.

The hooker, on the other hand, as long as she has not gotten GPS, will give you pleasure on demand in return for compensation, and if the chemistry is there and you treat them right, they will bob on your cock and ream your ass and take your cum on their faces with a great smile.

Cheech.We really need a like button, great post Cheech!

11-25-21, 12:58
My experience over a 45 year history of pay to play is simple. Treat women right and they will give you great pleasure. This doesn't apply to wives or girlfriends. LOL. The caveat I have found to this rule is that when your chemistry doesn't work, the experience will not be what it could be. Every woman has inside her a sex slave. Evolution has made it so. But today's society has done the best it can for hundreds of years to repress that in order to control men.

Society has created a situation where the wife essentially has you by the balls, or at least by the wallet, and so has caused her to have entitlement by law. Great example is, if you marry a good looking girl, and she gives you a couple kids, then becomes a fat sloppy ***** who doesn't want to fuck and who you wouldn't want to fuck anyway, the divorce will cost you half of what you have, and most likely half of whatever you manage to come up with in the future as long as your kids are in school.

You can't go to the judge and say, "Your Honor, she's so pig ugly I wouldn't fuck her with YOUR dick," he's just going to laugh and screw you up the ass. And, if the judge is a woman, she's going to do everything she can to REALLY fuck you.

The hooker, on the other hand, as long as she has not gotten GPS, will give you pleasure on demand in return for compensation, and if the chemistry is there and you treat them right, they will bob on your cock and ream your ass and take your cum on their faces with a great smile.

Cheech.Wonderful post as always brother Cheech. Spot on about treating these women right, it goes a long way and the majority of the ladies appreciate it in my experience. As a guy who turns 30 in a few months, with a decade of experience in the hobby, I'm so glad I stumbled upon the hobby early in life and have the ability to share my expertise and read all of my brothers on here's expertise as well instead of being stupid and getting involved with the wrong woman in my 20's. After COVID and the stupid house bill 431 engaging in prostitution law change happened I realized the elite were starting to take more and more of our freedoms away and I started going all out in the hobby. 2021 has been my best year to date, I've probably dropped 10000 on the hobby and have no regrets. I've had alot of sexy women for far less then a divorce attorney would cost, tons of wild stories thrown in with a few near death experiences, and my life is intact as a result, no alimony, hardly any debt, can still have a life with the special woman of my choice if I decide to do so being in a far better position entering my 30's. Its no wonder the elites try to keep our hobby illegal, if it was, divorce attorneys and many other professions would be out of business and men and womens lives would be better. Of course they don't want that for us.

11-26-21, 10:25
And that's the truth! Well said, Cheech.

My experience over a 45 year history of pay to play is simple. Treat women right and they will give you great pleasure. This doesn't apply to wives or girlfriends. LOL. The caveat I have found to this rule is that when your chemistry doesn't work, the experience will not be what it could be. Every woman has inside her a sex slave. Evolution has made it so. But today's society has done the best it can for hundreds of years to repress that in order to control men.

Society has created a situation where the wife essentially has you by the balls, or at least by the wallet, and so has caused her to have entitlement by law. Great example is, if you marry a good looking girl, and she gives you a couple kids, then becomes a fat sloppy ***** who doesn't want to fuck and who you wouldn't want to fuck anyway, the divorce will cost you half of what you have, and most likely half of whatever you manage to come up with in the future as long as your kids are in school.

You can't go to the judge and say, "Your Honor, she's so pig ugly I wouldn't fuck her with YOUR dick," he's just going to laugh and screw you up the ass. And, if the judge is a woman, she's going to do everything she can to REALLY fuck you.

The hooker, on the other hand, as long as she has not gotten GPS, will give you pleasure on demand in return for compensation, and if the chemistry is there and you treat them right, they will bob on your cock and ream your ass and take your cum on their faces with a great smile.


11-28-21, 11:19
Thanks for your comments Gentlemen, I appreciate them.

By the way, one guy PMed me asking for Anna's number with a "read receipt" attached to his request. I never reply to those for any reason. I can't imagine any good reason for someone to ask for a read receipt.


12-01-21, 07:36
To the guy who gave me Christina's number, sorry I forget who sent it to me because I deleted a lot of messages, but the girl is whacko. PM me if you want to know more.


12-01-21, 11:30
To the guy who gave me Christina's number, sorry I forget who sent it to me because I deleted a lot of messages, but the girl is whacko. PM me if you want to know more.

Cheech.That sucks Cheech

12-06-21, 04:56
I have a UTR that I haven't been able to visit a lot lately. She said she was cool with me sharing her info.

My UTR is 29 blond hair (she's always dying it something different though) she does use but its never been an issue with our dates she's probably around 110 lbs short, and does not post ads.

I'd really like trades if any one has a UTR looking to expand their portfolio a bit. If you have a trade PM me a picture and ill send one back. I will also be checking post history. I've been seeing her for about 2 years so I want to make sure she's in good hands.

Anyway just PM big fan of trades if available.

12-14-21, 12:06
Anyone hear from anna seen her twice in lake county recently had a great time with her now just crickets had set up toeet her Monday but never responded back after initial setting up of date.

12-14-21, 17:47
Anyone hear from anna seen her twice in lake county recently had a great time with her now just crickets had set up toeet her Monday but never responded back after initial setting up of date.I've seen her 4 times. First time was great with great BJ and BBFS. Didn't finish, but it was my fault with meds and age. Went back the next night and all the rules had changed. No cim, no sex without the cover. Totally threw the mood off. Saw her before she went to Florida, but as a friend. When she came back, saw her for what would be the last time. You get hot and bothered with her, she'll start to guide your dick into her pussy, then stop you for the cover. Nice girl, but I fronted her some money while she was in Florida and she said I tried to play her when it came to pay up for last visit. Only talking 50 bucks, but the comment did it for me.

12-14-21, 17:52
I've seen her 4 times. First time was great with great BJ and BBFS. Didn't finish, but it was my fault with meds and age. Went back the next night and all the rules had changed. No cim, no sex without the cover. Totally threw the mood off. Saw her before she went to Florida, but as a friend. When she came back, saw her for what would be the last time. You get hot and bothered with her, she'll start to guide your dick into her pussy, then stop you for the cover. Nice girl, but I fronted her some money while she was in Florida and she said I tried to play her when it came to pay up for last visit. Only talking 50 bucks, but the comment did it for me.Same with me.

1st time was great!! One of best dates ever!

2nd was good, but rushed.

3rd was rushed & she was on something which ruined the entire date.

12-14-21, 18:33
I saw her last week she was fun but she said she's looking for a job. Seemed a bit rushed out the door though don't like that.

Anyone hear from anna seen her twice in lake county recently had a great time with her now just crickets had set up toeet her Monday but never responded back after initial setting up of date.

12-14-21, 19:39
Saw her 5 times.

1st and 2nd visit was kind of rushed because we talked alot BBJ CFS vids.

3rd visit total GFE BBJ BBFS and was talking about not seeing anyone else, just wanted to see me because she really liked me (uh huh sure) said she was sleeping over but changed her mind. Texts and calls everyday like a gf, she even asked me to dinner (4th visit) and wanted to pay, I wouldn't let her pay of coarse.

5th last Saturday visit showed up hours late GFE BBJ BBFS complained about smoke, wasnt the same anna, said she was getting sick. Then crickets the 3 days, I'm thinking she fell off the wagon, I hope I'm wrong, kinda fell for her BS oh well.
From what im seeing on here, she lied , she told me she hadnt seen anyone since 2 saturdays ago our 3rd visit

12-15-21, 12:25
Well fuck it I guess they come and they go.

12-15-21, 13:10
Saw her 5 times.

1st and 2nd visit was kind of rushed because we talked alot BBJ CFS vids.

3rd visit total GFE BBJ BBFS and was talking about not seeing anyone else, just wanted to see me because she really liked me (uh huh sure) said she was sleeping over but changed her mind. Texts and calls everyday like a gf, she even asked me to dinner (4th visit) and wanted to pay, I wouldn't let her pay of coarse.

5th last Saturday visit showed up hours late GFE BBJ BBFS complained about smoke, wasnt the same anna, said she was getting sick. Then crickets the 3 days, I'm thinking she fell off the wagon, I hope I'm wrong, kinda fell for her BS oh well.
From what im seeing on here, she lied , she told me she hadnt seen anyone since 2 saturdays ago our 3rd visitI think everyone has heard it at least once that they are the best and the girl is going to quit seeing other guys. Most girls will say anything to keep the money coming in.

12-15-21, 13:22
I think everyone has heard it at least once that they are the best and the girl is going to quit seeing other guys. Most girls will say anything to keep the money coming in.She got me with it. Pretty good actress. With all the visits posted here, plus others at 200 a shot, she's probably doing ok money wise. For now..

12-16-21, 07:20
Like most girls, Anna has her side of the story. I will say she has issues with child care and her probably soon to be ex wife. Yes, she is bi.

And, I'm not looking to get into he said, she said. I will say, though, that she told me that someone keyed her car, and also she was having issues with one of us who is AA, that was harassing her on the phone and also having friends harass her on the phone. It has since stopped I'm told.

Also guys, remember this is fantasy. The girls arn't going to be your one and only. They are in this for the money, like we are in this for the sex. You are buying a gf for whatever time you spend. They are not going to be exclusive unless you are supporting them, think 4 grand a month or better, or you are supporting them AND they are living with you.

Trick is to enjoy the dream then get back to real life.


12-16-21, 15:08
Like most girls, Anna has her side of the story. I will say she has issues with child care and her probably soon to be ex wife. Yes, she is bi.

And, I'm not looking to get into he said, she said. I will say, though, that she told me that someone keyed her car, and also she was having issues with one of us who is AA, that was harassing her on the phone and also having friends harass her on the phone. It has since stopped I'm told.

Also guys, remember this is fantasy. The girls arn't going to be your one and only. They are in this for the money, like we are in this for the sex. You are buying a gf for whatever time you spend. They are not going to be exclusive unless you are supporting them, think 4 grand a month or better, or you are supporting them AND they are living with you.

Trick is to enjoy the dream then get back to real life.

Cheech.You are correct, I kinda got caught up in the fantasy. BTW she showed me her car, and it looks like someone took a knife and stabbed the door. Thats why I was worried when she didn't answer.

12-16-21, 15:37
Seen Anna yesterday I myself have had no problem with her what so ever my opinion she a great woman can perform excellent and is hot as hell like I say my opinion but cheech you are so right this is a business not a relationship.

12-18-21, 08:36
Yeah, the business with the car worries me. She's not sure who did it, and it does look stabbed. Fortunately I live close enough that I can be there in a couple minutes if she has a problem.


12-18-21, 10:06
Yeah, the business with the car worries me. She's not sure who did it, and it does look stabbed. Fortunately I live close enough that I can be there in a couple minutes if she has a problem..Where do I apply for her number.

12-18-21, 14:15
Yeah, the business with the car worries me. She's not sure who did it, and it does look stabbed. Fortunately I live close enough that I can be there in a couple minutes if she has a problem.

Cheech.It sounds like there's an insinuation that one of us punctured her tire? She was a nice girl and a mostly fun time, but her pussy wasn't that great for revenge type of shit. Have her report it to the Police. I'm sure the apartment building has cameras.

12-18-21, 14:45
It sounds like there's an insinuation that one of us punctured her tire? She was a nice girl and a mostly fun time, but her pussy wasn't that great for revenge type of shit. Have her report it to the Police. I'm sure the apartment building has cameras.Really not a good idea to randomly report it to the police as then with Ohio's new vendetta against escorts they could turn on her and look into what she may or may not be doing. In a situation like that better if someone has a good cop friend who isn't a dirty cop that won't do something like that to notify them then pick out of a box of chocolates by calling and getting a random officer. Or just keep it on the streets. Never a good idea to talk to police even in this scenario, their goal is to create charges, if that means they can create charges on the person calling for help they will absolutely do it.

Cleve Loser
12-18-21, 15:42
Where do I apply for her number.Same. I can trade. PM me.

12-18-21, 15:47
Really not a good idea to randomly report it to the police as then with Ohio's new vendetta against escorts they could turn on her and look into what she may or may not be doing. In a situation like that better if someone has a good cop friend who isn't a dirty cop that won't do something like that to notify them then pick out of a box of chocolates by calling and getting a random officer. Or just keep it on the streets. Never a good idea to talk to police even in this scenario, their goal is to create charges, if that means they can create charges on the person calling for help they will absolutely do it.Well, I guess that's her problem then. Somebody slashed her tire and it's being brought here. How the hell would we know which car was hers anyway?

12-19-21, 10:15
That's too bad that this happened. I've always had good experiences with her. I can't imagine her doing something worthy of being treated this way. If she wasn't nearly an hour away, I'd probably see her 5 or 6 times a month. Hopefully it wasn't actually vandalized, and it was just from road debris or a curb.

12-20-21, 06:54
Her car door was stabbed with some kind of knife or something. An intentional act by some asshole. I doubt and hope it wasn't one of us guys, I'm sure it was some asshole in the neighborhood.


01-02-22, 12:12
Finally met with Anna last week (thanks Cheech). It's a drive for me as I'm on the far west side & she's on the Far East. Her apartment is very nice, clean, modern. Used the rest room, a little small talk and into her nice bedroom. Clean, soft, Queen bed.

All options available including BBBJ BBFS fiv fia etc. She wants to moan a bit about life but I'm not her boyfriend but I got to tell you I do like her will def repeat. 9 stars.

*Not her pic but almost identical body type, add some tats.

01-03-22, 16:38
Finally met with Anna last week (thanks Cheech). It's a drive for me as I'm on the far west side & she's on the Far East. Her apartment is very nice, clean, modern. Used the rest room, a little small talk and into her nice bedroom. Clean, soft, Queen bed.

All options available including BBBJ BBFS fiv fia etc. She wants to moan a bit about life but I'm not her boyfriend but I got to tell you I do like her will def repeat. 9 stars.

*Not her pic but almost identical body type, add some tats.Is she interested in meeting new people?

01-22-22, 08:42
Hey guys, I'm hopefully heading to Florida for 10 days or so end of Feb. I'm looking for a unicorn (young, spinner, non-addict) UTR who would like an all expenses paid fishing, treasure hunting trip to Florida in exchange for her frequent and kind attention to an old fuck like myself. I am not, repeat am not, going to Disney World or amusement parks. Girls got to be over 21, hopefully under 35 although there is some wiggle room there. Over 21 so we can hit a bar, but I can do over 18 and have a couple drinks privately.

I realize I'm probably having delusions thinking there is such a thing but one never knows unless one asks. And, if you do know such a unicorn and give me her digits, please let her know that you did and that I will be calling or texting.



01-25-22, 11:01
Hey guys, I'm hopefully heading to Florida for 10 days or so end of Feb. I'm looking for a unicorn (young, spinner, non-addict) UTR who would like an all expenses paid fishing, treasure hunting trip to Florida in exchange for her frequent and kind attention to an old fuck like myself. I am not, repeat am not, going to Disney World or amusement parks. Girls got to be over 21, hopefully under 35 although there is some wiggle room there. Over 21 so we can hit a bar, but I can do over 18 and have a couple drinks privately.

I realize I'm probably having delusions thinking there is such a thing but one never knows unless one asks. And, if you do know such a unicorn and give me her digits, please let her know that you did and that I will be calling or texting.


Cheech.Sent a pm lmk you received.

Tom Mubbles
01-25-22, 12:51
Finally met with Anna last week (thanks Cheech). It's a drive for me as I'm on the far west side & she's on the Far East. Her apartment is very nice, clean, modern. Used the rest room, a little small talk and into her nice bedroom. Clean, soft, Queen bed.

All options available including BBBJ BBFS fiv fia etc. She wants to moan a bit about life but I'm not her boyfriend but I got to tell you I do like her will def repeat. 9 stars.

*Not her pic but almost identical body type, add some tats.Is she interested in seeing new people?

Member #6470
02-23-22, 08:32
Finally met with Anna last week (thanks Cheech). It's a drive for me as I'm on the far west side & she's on the Far East. Her apartment is very nice, clean, modern. Used the rest room, a little small talk and into her nice bedroom. Clean, soft, Queen bed.

All options available including BBBJ BBFS fiv fia etc. She wants to moan a bit about life but I'm not her boyfriend but I got to tell you I do like her will def repeat. 9 stars.

*Not her pic but almost identical body type, add some tats.Her clit isn't that big, it's much nicer than that. (Thanks, Cheech).

02-24-22, 06:33
Her clit isn't that big, it's much nicer than that. (Thanks, Cheech).Didn't know she was still active. Thought she went back with her wife LOL.

02-27-22, 12:24
Hello gents,

I will be visiting your fine city in a few weeks and wanted to know if there are any must see UTR'S or even quality pros or sugar babies. Very open to body type as long as the attitude is in the right place. Prefer someone that really gets into it!

Thanks in advance.

If I can help anybody in their visit to Columbus feel free to PM me!

03-13-22, 21:58
Annas back.

03-14-22, 02:09
Someone hit with anna number please, I've asked a few guys including cheech and get nowhere, thought this was a help your fellow brother kinda Community LOL.

03-14-22, 05:55
Anna apparently has a bf and now limited availability. I'll ask her if she is interested in new clients.


Tom Mubbles
03-14-22, 06:53
I'd be interested as well.

03-14-22, 09:26
Someone hit with anna number please, I've asked a few guys including cheech and get nowhere, thought this was a help your fellow brother kinda Community LOL.You definitely thought wrong about that idea. LOL!

Member #6192
03-28-22, 10:26
Anna apparently has a bf and now limited availability. I'll ask her if she is interested in new clients.

Cheech.Is Anna east side? If so I won't bother asking for info. But if she's west side and looking for new clients please lmk.

03-28-22, 11:40
Is Anna east side? If so I won't bother asking for info. But if she's west side and looking for new clients please lmk.I was told east side a while ago. That's the main reason I haven't seen her. I'm far west side.

03-29-22, 07:56
Finally met with Anna last week (thanks Cheech). It's a drive for me as I'm on the far west side & she's on the Far East. Her apartment is very nice, clean, modern. Used the rest room, a little small talk and into her nice bedroom. Clean, soft, Queen bed.

All options available including BBBJ BBFS fiv fia etc. She wants to moan a bit about life but I'm not her boyfriend but I got to tell you I do like her will def repeat. 9 stars.

*Not her pic but almost identical body type, add some tats.Tats would not be a drawback as a body as fantastic as the one in that photo is perfect. Far East side is but a short drive to spend quality time with a woman that possesses such a body in my opinion. I would consider myself fortunate to meet such a woman and one with the hunger is all that more unique. Hoping to hear she remains interested in limited engagements despite a current BF.

03-29-22, 09:09
Tats would not be a drawback as a body as fantastic as the one in that photo is perfect. Far East side is but a short drive to spend quality time with a woman that possesses such a body in my opinion. I would consider myself fortunate to meet such a woman and one with the hunger is all that more unique. Hoping to hear she remains interested in limited engagements despite a current BF.IMO she is all that. She gained a little weight all in the right places. A little hard to get ahold of, but is my ATF, just saw her yesterday.

Member #6470
03-29-22, 09:10
Is Anna east side? If so I won't bother asking for info. But if she's west side and looking for new clients please lmk.Willoughby. North near Lakeshore. Close to Mentor. Nice safe clean area. Apartment Complex. She's a good time.

Member #6192
04-24-22, 23:10
If any sr. Members have a trusty west side UTR looking for another regular I'd be interested in finding out. I don't have any trades or anything, just a guy looking for low key fun with a sane, DDF woman. Send a pm if anyone has anything that meets that description. Thanks.

06-13-22, 02:34
Anna apparently has a bf and now limited availability. I'll ask her if she is interested in new clients.

Cheech.If she is I would be interested in the number please. ☺65039;.

06-13-22, 14:52
If she is I would be interested in the number please. ☺65039;.She is. Little flaky though.

06-24-22, 19:59
Anna is looking for someone who has tech skills to help her get set up on a webcam site. If any of you guys are interested and have seen her before, PM me the name she knows you by and I'll pass along the info. She got a new number and has her old contact list back.


Member #6266
06-28-22, 13:31
If any sr. Members have a trusty west side UTR looking for another regular I'd be interested in finding out. I don't have any trades or anything, just a guy looking for low key fun with a sane, DDF woman. Send a pm if anyone has anything that meets that description. Thanks.I'm not this dude, but I'm looking for something similar. I need a UTR on the west side (hopefully west of Lakewood). I'm still fairly new to NE Ohio, and I'm struggling to find anything nearby. Each time I venture out and cruise, nothing. I'd love to find a nice UTR that I can see regularly or semi-regularly. If you know of anyone or have any suggestions, please PM. Thanks!

06-29-22, 12:23
I'm not this dude, but I'm looking for something similar. I need a UTR on the west side (hopefully west of Lakewood). I'm still fairly new to NE Ohio, and I'm struggling to find anything nearby. Each time I venture out and cruise, nothing. I'd love to find a nice UTR that I can see regularly or semi-regularly. If you know of anyone or have any suggestions, please PM. Thanks!Yeah, join the club. .

06-29-22, 13:34
Yeah, join the club. .Nothing on the west side, especially Lorain county. All the ads for out here are either scams, or the same old worn girls.

06-29-22, 16:01
Nothing on the west side, especially Lorain county. All the ads for out here are either scams, or the same old worn girls.I meant a smiley face after my post, didn't mean to sound harsh at all.

It's just really hard to find someone UTR and nice. I've only found it on SA. I do get bored with the same ones though. Haven't found anyone new in awhile.

07-07-22, 00:20
. . . . I need a UTR on the west side (hopefully west of Lakewood). I'm still fairly new to NE Ohio, and I'm struggling to find anything nearby. Each time I venture out and cruise, nothing. I'd love to find a nice UTR that I can see regularly or semi-regularly. If you know of anyone or have any suggestions, please PM. Thanks!Everyone "needs a UTR. ".

Problem is that providers are "UTR" for a reason.

Once they're widely revealed, they're no longer "UTR. ".

In fact, may simply disappear because of the increased attention.

Continue your struggle.

It's always pluck from the reports, then trial and error.

Wandering the wilderness eventually comes to an end if you persist.

Then you'll have your own UTR.

Member #6266
07-07-22, 11:46
Everyone "needs a UTR. ".

Problem is that providers are "UTR" for a reason.

Once they're widely revealed, they're no longer "UTR. ".

In fact, may simply disappear because of the increased attention.

Continue your struggle.

It's always pluck from the reports, then trial and error.

Wandering the wilderness eventually comes to an end if you persist.

Then you'll have your own UTR.Thanks. Yep, I figured that would be the response I'd hear from others on here. Oh well, the search goes on. Good luck too.

07-08-22, 23:40
Anna is looking for someone who has tech skills to help her get set up on a webcam site. If any of you guys are interested and have seen her before, PM me the name she knows you by and I'll pass along the info. She got a new number and has her old contact list back.

Cheech.Just seeing this now.

Do you know if Anna still needs tech help?

I can DEF help her.

Could you share her new # in a DM?

07-20-22, 15:01
Nothing on the west side, especially Lorain county. All the ads for out here are either scams, or the same old worn girls.I sure agree with you about the lack of providers in Lorain County, UTR or otherwise. I've just been looking for an independent provider who does massage with some extras. I'm still looking.

07-26-22, 06:50
For those of you who are interested, Anna will be available Wednesday during the day.


09-03-22, 09:47
Anna has new digits, 440xxxx943. She's needing cash, running special at $160/ hour.


10-09-22, 08:34
Found another on a message board. Bigger girl, had arranged for a massage and BJ. She is definitely a bigger girl, seems like her guy is aware but no problem there. Picked her up, no incall. Had her for a couple hours for 125, totally a YMMV. She gave a great massage with a super edged HJ. Talked with her about BJ, and more. Said we could hang out again, flat fee.

She is in the Brooklyn area, I told her I may give number to a friend, so maybe 1 or 2 of you.

Info available to seniors.

10-23-22, 01:07
Anna has new digits, 440xxxx943. She's needing cash, running special at $160/ hour.

Cheech.Can I get her number? She's right up the road from where I work.

10-27-22, 06:05
Well guys, Anna actually got a good regular job, finally. She's still taking clients this weekend because her son is at a sitters, but she may slow down quite a bit after that. If you want to see her go for it, PM me if you need her digits.


11-08-22, 07:39
Anna has new digits. Seniors PM me if you want 'them.


11-08-22, 10:55
Anna has new digits. Seniors PM me if you want 'them.

Cheech.She is using a new name and posting on Tryst Link. She has really gotten carried away with what she wants, and a few days ago had posted that ridiculous shower picture. I sent her a text stating that was done in poor taste and haven't heard from her in days. I'm beginning to think she is not happy with her new job and wants to try to make it as an escort.

11-09-22, 22:04
She is using a new name and posting on Tryst Link. She has really gotten carried away with what she wants, and a few days ago had posted that ridiculous shower picture. I sent her a text stating that was done in poor taste and haven't heard from her in days. I'm beginning to think she is not happy with her new job and wants to try to make it as an escort.I mean to tell her she did something in poor taste seems interesting. Granted I did not see the shower thing but even still she is on * and is also advertising as an escort. What do you expect? It's kinda what they do. They don't date or anything. They gain more clients. Poor taste is in the eye of the beholder.

If you look to have someone like her remain low profile, you can't. She offeres too much of what Cleveland does not have.

11-30-22, 01:09
I know a woman that hasn't posted anywhere for a long while. She is looking for some additional clients. She is 29 white, pretty and fun to be around. HHR $200 Hr $300. She usually stays at a 3 star or better for incall. She normally stays in Elyria. If you are serious about meeting and looking for a break from all the BS out there, she will be a good fit for you. Any additional information, you can pm me for.

11-30-22, 09:16
I know a woman that hasn't posted anywhere for a long while. She is looking for some additional clients. She is 29 white, pretty and fun to be around. HHR $200 Hr $300. She usually stays at a 3 star or better for incall. She normally stays in Elyria. If you are serious about meeting and looking for a break from all the BS out there, she will be a good fit for you. Any additional information, you can pm me for.If she didn't have gps, I'd be interested in a regular in the Elyria area. Is she firm on those rates?

11-30-22, 11:47
If she didn't have gps, I'd be interested in a regular in the Elyria area. Is she firm on those rates?She is firm on those rates.

12-03-22, 15:47
I know a woman that hasn't posted anywhere for a long while. She is looking for some additional clients. She is 29 white, pretty and fun to be around. HHR $200 Hr $300. She usually stays at a 3 star or better for incall. She normally stays in Elyria. If you are serious about meeting and looking for a break from all the BS out there, she will be a good fit for you. Any additional information, you can pm me for.OrkBoy- PM sent about her.

12-04-22, 23:29
Out of curiosity how many of you use protection with your UTR? I had a UTR for about 2. 5 years and the last year she let me have at it bare skin. She had gotten serious with a boyfriend so thing have pretty much dried up with our rendezvous. Now that I'm back in the market for another UTR I'm wondering if bare skin is a thing other people push for?

12-05-22, 12:43
Willoughby. North near Lakeshore. Close to Mentor. Nice safe clean area. Apartment Complex. She's a good time.I'd be interested in a good UTR east side as well. Sent PM if she is open to new.

12-06-22, 19:35
I'd be interested in a good UTR east side as well. Sent PM if she is open to new.As said before she's on Tryst, not UTR.

Goat Ohio
12-07-22, 07:03
I'd be interested in a good UTR east side as well. Sent PM if she is open to new.What name does she go by on Tryst?

12-07-22, 12:24
Can anyone tell me or PM me what name Anna goes by on tryst?

12-07-22, 16:22
Can anyone tell me or PM me what name Anna goes by on tryst?She has changed everything and now wants 400 to meet. Seems way to steep for me.

12-07-22, 18:18
She has changed everything and now wants 400 to meet. Seems way to steep for me.Not seeing anything regarding Naty-Barbie on Tryst.

12-09-22, 14:18
Not seeing anything regarding Naty-Barbie on Tryst.https://tryst.link/escort/naty

12-10-22, 10:53
https://tryst.link/escort/natyNot sure why I haven't seen this posted recently, but I have seen it in the past. Thank you!

Member #6192
12-12-22, 14:50
I know a woman that hasn't posted anywhere for a long while. She is looking for some additional clients. She is 29 white, pretty and fun to be around. HHR $200 Hr $300. She usually stays at a 3 star or better for incall. She normally stays in Elyria. If you are serious about meeting and looking for a break from all the BS out there, she will be a good fit for you. Any additional information, you can pm me for.Has anyone visited with OrkBoys UTR yet? I haven't seen a report so was wondering.

12-12-22, 15:53
Has anyone visited with OrkBoys UTR yet? I haven't seen a report so was wondering.I messaged him asking for their contact info and crickets.

12-12-22, 15:56
Has anyone visited with OrkBoys UTR yet? I haven't seen a report so was wondering.Asked her for a couple verification pix and she just responded that she is available right now but only for an hour so I didn't have time to get to her. She ignored the pic request a few more times so I bailed.

Member #6192
12-12-22, 17:27
Asked her for a couple verification pix and she just responded that she is available right now but only for an hour so I didn't have time to get to her. She ignored the pic request a few more times so I bailed.She didn't send you any pics at all or no face pics?

Money Manziel
12-12-22, 21:44
She didn't send you any pics at all or no face pics?Yea she won't send face. But sent body and I wasn't impressed at all. I passed. I think she's trying to hide the fact that she's a little chunky. May be nice but not my body type.

12-12-22, 23:14

She's not shy about how great she is. Wants 200 for 30, but was willing to give me 150 so I could see what all the hype was about. Daty, cim, and kissing was back to original 200. Two words: fuck that.

12-12-22, 23:41
Thinking about meeting Anna, can someone inbox me about her services? $400 is kind of steep, I'm wondering what all comes with the package. I only payed my other UTR 200 and she let me do everything.

12-13-22, 07:15
If any of you guys knows a UTR that would be interested in spending a week and a half in Florida taking care of an old geezer, I'm looking for a girl to take with me in March. 20 - 35 or so, slim, no rules. I'll pay all expenses and she'll have a great time fishing, treasure hunting, laying on the beach and taking care of me.


12-13-22, 09:29

She's not shy about how great she is. Wants 200 for 30, but was willing to give me 150 so I could see what all the hype was about. Daty, cim, and kissing was back to original 200. Two words: fuck that.Guess she's not utr anymore if she's running ads. She doesn't look like anything special in those pics to justify paying the amounts she wants/

Member #6192
12-13-22, 11:01
Guess she's not utr anymore if she's running ads. She doesn't look like anything special in those pics to justify paying the amounts she wants/You took all the word out of my mouth Rafter. Probably going to pass at that price and no UTR. Thanks though to Ork for trying.

Money Manziel
12-13-22, 20:30
Thinking about meeting Anna, can someone inbox me about her services? $400 is kind of steep, I'm wondering what all comes with the package. I only payed my other UTR 200 and she let me do everything.Absolutely not worth 400.150-200 was fair. I wish girls knew that they all aren't equal. Can count on one hand the amount I'd give 400 to and still have fingers left over.

12-13-22, 22:38
Absolutely not worth 400.150-200 was fair. I wish girls knew that they all aren't equal. Can count on one hand the amount I'd give 400 to and still have fingers left over.Absolutely agree with Money on this one. Anna is white trash personified.

He's also right about the 400 level. There's only one girl who's my ATF who I'd drop that kind of money on. Unfortunately, that bridge is burned. Spent a lot of time with her back in the Spring and still miss our time together.

12-14-22, 01:17
1[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-14-22, 15:46
Yea she won't send face. But sent body and I wasn't impressed at all. I passed. I think she's trying to hide the fact that she's a little chunky. May be nice but not my body type.Won't send anything is bad sign same response. Ad taken down it seems.

12-14-22, 18:45
If any of you guys knows a UTR that would be interested in spending a week and a half in Florida taking care of an old geezer, I'm looking for a girl to take with me in March. 20 - 35 or so, slim, no rules. I'll pay all expenses and she'll have a great time fishing, treasure hunting, laying on the beach and taking care of me.

Cheech.You seem to know Anna pretty well, maybe you should ask her. I know a cute young AA girl that might be willing to take you up on a deal like that.

12-15-22, 02:59
She seemed like a beach girl to me!

If any of you guys knows a UTR that would be interested in spending a week and a half in Florida taking care of an old geezer, I'm looking for a girl to take with me in March. 20 - 35 or so, slim, no rules. I'll pay all expenses and she'll have a great time fishing, treasure hunting, laying on the beach and taking care of me.


12-15-22, 07:25
You seem to know Anna pretty well, maybe you should ask her. I know a cute young AA girl that might be willing to take you up on a deal like that.Yeah, I've known Anna for a long long time, friend of the family so too close to take. Some guy gave her a grand for an hour last week.

Fuzzy, give me the skinny on that AA girl if she's slim, I'll contact her.


01-10-23, 07:52
Absolutely agree with Money on this one. Anna is white trash personified.

He's also right about the 400 level. There's only one girl who's my ATF who I'd drop that kind of money on. Unfortunately, that bridge is burned. Spent a lot of time with her back in the Spring and still miss our time together.Is Anna still working?

01-11-23, 08:24
Is Anna still working?Seriously don't waste your time, lesbian that hates cock and like others have said, is a trash.

Member #6470
01-11-23, 13:32
Seriously don't waste your time, lesbian that hates cock and like others have said, is a trash.Funny, she seemed to like the D when I saw her.

01-11-23, 14:57
Funny, she seemed to like the D when I saw her.She's a good time. Logistics are good with her. Super nice incall. Performance can vary, probably with mood and what's going on in life. Knows what to do with a man. 200 price was right in my opinion. Would not pay 400, but I have no doubt she will keep getting work at 400. Many lesbian do this with men. Don't think that is her issue. Would not call her trash. Nice girl IMHO. Nice looking though I would have liked to see her 10 years ago. I would recommend. Though 200 vs. 400 makes a difference to me, I think she can charge 400 and get it.

01-11-23, 17:49
Funny, she seemed to like the D when I saw her.I don't know if she's a lesbian or not. She is probably pretending to enjoy it and get the guy done as quick as possible so she can move on to other things. There are a lot of dancers that are lesbian and have girlfriends, but you would never know that the way they dance and talk to guys at the strip clubs. It's all a job to them and about making money even if they don't get into it.

01-13-23, 06:42
I don't know if she's a lesbian or not. She is probably pretending to enjoy it and get the guy done as quick as possible so she can move on to other things. There are a lot of dancers that are lesbian and have girlfriends, but you would never know that the way they dance and talk to guys at the strip clubs. It's all a job to them and about making money even if they don't get into it.I remember her now. I saw her once about a year ago. She had a small apartment on the northeast side of town. She had to deal with a kid which she ran out and dropped off at her uncle's home while I waited in the parking lot. She's got a slim decent body. The sex was ok but nothing great.

I remember she was into pot, and she was constantly puffing on some kind of vaping gizmo.

I do remember her telling me about her "wife", who at the time she was separated with.

Back then, I decided not to repeat but given the state of providers in our area, I may have to reconsider that.

Monky Eye
01-13-23, 13:05
You seem to know Anna pretty well, maybe you should ask her. I know a cute young AA girl that might be willing to take you up on a deal like that.Would you share the info on the young UTR AA girl to a guy visiting Cleveland looking for some fun and love the AA girls?

Monky Eye.

01-16-23, 22:30
Gentleman I hope all is well. I am looking for a masseuse that offers a standard release or a french release. I have one provider that I've been going to for a while, but variety is the spice of life.

DM me if have any info.

Cheer and thanks.

01-17-23, 16:26
Gentleman I hope all is well. I am looking for a masseuse that offers a standard release or a french release. I have one provider that I've been going to for a while, but variety is the spice of life.

DM me if have any info.

Cheer and thanks.What's a French release?

01-28-23, 17:05
What's a French release?I may be incorrect, but I think its titty fuck.

01-28-23, 17:09
I may be incorrect, but I think its titty fuck.You are way off!

01-28-23, 17:29
You are way off!If you know what it is, why don't you just tell us.

01-28-23, 18:19
What's a French release?Urban dictionary says it's this. When a chick shoves her finger up a guys ass and massages the prostate while he is cummin during a blowjob.

01-29-23, 15:26
He fellas I know it's an ask but I had to come back to the cleveland area for some family matters that need attending too, Iv been gone for about 10 years. I'm 40 in goodish shape and looking for someone nice who's hopefully not s junky for s nice evening with.

PM is fine if anyone has someone they could share some info with hopefully someone who likes longer meetings and less rules the better but you know LOL.

01-29-23, 20:15
I may be incorrect, but I think its titty fuck.That is Russian.

I see the urban dictionary description below, but he could very well.

Mean a BJ, French as in French kissing, kissing=mouth so some people call it that. But I have no idea what he meant as we see there are other possibilities.

And ad far as UTR's go. I'm all ears and I haven't been gone for 10 years. It's dry out here. I can't take it anymore.

01-30-23, 15:30
That is Russian.

I see the urban dictionary description below, but he could very well.

Mean a BJ, French as in French kissing, kissing=mouth so some people call it that. But I have no idea what he meant as we see there are other possibilities.

And ad far as UTR's go. I'm all ears and I haven't been gone for 10 years. It's dry out here. I can't take it anymore.Yeah Iv been hunting for about a month for who to spend some dreaming time with since I k we I had to come up. Seems almost as bad as Savannah is.

And the tryst girls I'm interested either left before my free days, or don't arrive tilll I go back to the south.

02-09-23, 16:03
I find them all the time, as I posted in the massage area. I have had luck with all sorts of places that folks build profiles and post messages. Reddit, Snap, Insta, and many other places. Many times it's them posting stuff like "lost job" need help etc. Many of them have my number, and they will often reach out and say, how about another massage or whatever. Typically I pay in the 60-100 range for an hour+.

Let me say that these ladies only do this super part time, don't advertise and I really believe they do not see any others.

Also, just because I'm posting this and it is mainly due to the number of recent requests I've had from those with less than 5 total posts. You need to contribute before others will share with you.

I'm out.

04-03-23, 00:02
Anyone have a UTR they might consider sharing their information. I've been looking for a regular hookup girl since mine has gone on to a relationship. It's been over a year and I'm really having a hard time finding a new friend. It's crazy how one just falls into your lap when you’re not looking, but when you’re searching high and low it's nothing but crickets. Bonus if she has her tubes tied and will entertain bare…

04-26-23, 21:54
Looking for a cute little black spinner, anyone got any leads?

05-17-23, 12:51
I know this isn't most peoples cup of tea, but does anyone know of any UTRs who allow BBFS and are clean enough where DATY is not unpleasant? My last UTR flaked on me a while back.

05-26-23, 06:26
Anna asked me if I could post a note, she would like her client who is an attorney to contact her. PM me for her digits if you don't have them.


05-27-23, 03:09
Anna asked me if I could post a note, she would like her client who is an attorney to contact her. PM me for her digits if you don't have them.

Cheech.Well, I'm not an attorney but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express a few years bak, and I think I still got some mojo left. I can put digits and a pic to good use if you think she's worth the drive from Youngstown. LOL.

05-28-23, 08:51
She needs a lawyer because her car was a Kia, and it was stolen from the car dealers lot while it was there for repairs. I'm not sure if she still needs representation but she would like to chat with him.


05-29-23, 13:56
She needs a lawyer because her car was a Kia, and it was stolen from the car dealers lot while it was there for repairs. I'm not sure if she still needs representation but she would like to chat with him.

Cheech.I would think that the car dealer should be held responsible.

05-30-23, 06:43
They are taking care of it.


07-21-23, 18:48
Lost my UTR a while back, I'm looking for a regular hookup does anyone have any numbers you can throw my way. I'll even consider reimbursement to you for a good lead that follows through.

07-22-23, 14:47
Anna is available today. PM me for her number if you don't have the newest one starting with 549.


07-24-23, 21:51
So I saw Anna for the first time this past weekend. I was not at all disappointed with service. She is a hot little spinner type chick which I love. $400 was a little high but definitely worth it considering some of the garbage out there. I will definitely repeat, she let me do things I don't think she lets other people do.

Money Manziel
07-26-23, 16:48
So I saw Anna for the first time this past weekend. I was not at all disappointed with service. She is a hot little spinner type chick which I love. $400 was a little high but definitely worth it considering some of the garbage out there. I will definitely repeat, she let me do things I don't think she lets other people do.LOL she lets everyone do that. Don't feel special. I've done everything possible with her LOL.

08-17-23, 12:18
What does she look like? Does anyone have a pic they can share? DM if you have any details. Might be interested in seeing her.

LOL she lets everyone do that. Don't feel special. I've done everything possible with her LOL.

09-16-23, 09:27
Anyone hear from her??

09-16-23, 20:41
Her clientele is now very limited, she's working a regular job and making a real good living.


11-03-23, 19:56
She needs a lawyer because her car was a Kia, and it was stolen from the car dealers lot while it was there for repairs. I'm not sure if she still needs representation but she would like to chat with him.

Cheech.She's probably out of luck unfortunately. There's a huge class action that was recently settled against Hyundai and Kia because their cars can basically be started with a USB key stick. Had one stolen myself. They knew about it and didn't fix it. Google Kia boys. There's tons of youtube videos on how to jack them fast.

12-29-23, 12:52
Anyone every catch Raine Yasmine? She's on and off P411, pricey but worth it.

12-29-23, 13:37
Anyone every catch Raine Yasmine? She's on and off P411, pricey but worth it.Google says she is a NYC pro- Not quite a UTR.


12-29-23, 20:56
Google says she is a NYC pro- Not quite a UTR.

https://www.gfemonkey.com/profiles/raine-yasmine-elite-companion-all-natural-beauty-highly-rated-on-ter-and-tob/56f1a8bd221e53a52e8b458cGfemonkey? That site is at best unreliable and inaccurate. I'd consider her UTR as she is not actively advertising and only occasionally pops up on P411.

02-06-24, 18:25
There's this girl I have seen a few times who is trying to bounce back from a bad situation. I told her I would try to help her out. Seniors only, she has limited availability Weds, Thurs and Friday this week as she doesn’t live in Cleveland and has to drive more than an hour to get here. She doesn't do this for a living, so she isn't jaded. She's super cool, and very kinky. You name it she's into it. Damage is $$$ she's into bb also but it's $$$$ if you cip, otherwise you have to pull out. Senior members with more than 300 posts only. Send a dm.

02-07-24, 12:27
Check out tryst you will find her there always a great time.

02-07-24, 13:53
Check out tryst for her link she's aleays a great time.

02-08-24, 12:53
Need a CLE UTR since I'm working up here so much. I have a Canton UTR that is willing to see someone new if anyone wants to trade #'s.

03-18-24, 07:45
So guys, Britt is available and looking for some new friends. I spent some quality time with her Sunday night and I got to tell you she is hot. About 5'8" I guess, nice toned body, loves to please. $$ for the hour. I gave her some special lotion for her nice firm titties. Dined at the "why" for a bit, she paid good attention to Rod and the boys as well. Now, lets see if I can upload a pic.

I'll provide a number thru DM to senior members only. Also, I don't think she will entertain AA guys.

03-19-24, 07:32
So guys, Britt is available and looking for some new friends. I spent some quality time with her Sunday night and I got to tell you she is hot. About 5'8" I guess, nice toned body, loves to please. $$ for the hour. I gave her some special lotion for her nice firm titties. Dined at the "why" for a bit, she paid good attention to Rod and the boys as well. Now, lets see if I can upload a pic.

I'll provide a number thru DM to senior members only. Also, I don't think she will entertain AA guys.I would suggest to go read the Akron escort board. A lot of what I think is pertinent information being posted about her.

06-20-24, 02:42
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.

Tonto Monger
06-20-24, 13:13
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.First rule of fight club is there is no fight club.

06-20-24, 13:39
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.Can someone PM me her info please?.and what's she's all about. Someone posted on the Akron board about her and Brittany in the same post and it was unclear who they were speaking about. Last I looked they still didn't clarify. I have no desire to see Brittany.

06-20-24, 14:00
Can someone PM me her info please?.and what's she's all about. Someone posted on the Akron board about her and Brittany in the same post and it was unclear who they were speaking about. Last I looked they still didn't clarify. I have no desire to see Brittany.Anna has been discussed a lot in this board.

06-20-24, 14:57
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.You showed an escort this board and wonder why guys don't want to share info on here about their meets? Come on man, this is really not the place to share info with providers. Please tell me you don't make a habit of this with the women you see. Good gawd man.

06-20-24, 17:26
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.Can you share the link to her ad? Or her contact info?

06-20-24, 18:52
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.She definitely knows about this board for years LOL.

06-20-24, 21:59
Just saw her yesterday in Mentor. All the reviews were correct.

She didn't know she even had reviews so I showed her this board and she was so excited about all the positive reviews and was genuinely happy with them.

Treat her well as we should keep this gem around us.She knew about this board 2 years ago when I used to see her all the time.

06-22-24, 23:31
You showed an escort this board and wonder why guys don't want to share info on here about their meets? Come on man, this is really not the place to share info with providers. Please tell me you don't make a habit of this with the women you see. Good gawd man.This was the first time I shared info about this board with a provider. Good point and I'll keep it to ourselves sir!

07-03-24, 21:07
ISO older provider 50 to 60. Prefer somewhat good shape. Thin to medium build.

07-04-24, 05:36
ISO older provider 50 to 60. Prefer somewhat good shape. Thin to medium build.Plenty of those on STG.