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Thread: Delaware Douchebaggery!

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This blog is moderated by Cephlapod Love
  1. #25

    WAAAAAH! Nothing is OUT! It's too cold! WAAH!

    LOL! Just took a Dale Carnegie Course, so working on my skills to win friends and influence people! (That's a joke Son!)

    Hey guys, have been out at various times and various places and always seem to see something out there. Window shopping in DE isn't straight forward and perhaps I have been at this WAY too long? But with 5 stroll areas to cover there is usually something out on one of them during normal waking hours. Yeah, it varies from time to time. Years ago (many) Rte 9 was a hot spot and mostly the "go to" spot. The the hilltop became happening and MDA grew up, then ULA and at one point The Box was the mentioned hotspot. GPB still is good if that kind of thing & danger are your cup of tea. SO.....the point is that if one is going out at the same time each trip and traveling the same stroll, then as luck might have it, you could be fishing the wrong hole or the wrong time for that hole? Perhaps it would help to mix it up a bit?

    Right now I'd say MDA is a bit light but doable, yet even the girls lament their friends who are in Baylor, a result of the Sept "clean up. " Recently I have scooped Keisha from The Box and reports are that the "ghost" (Lauren) is still around. 4th Street is 4th and usually something to be seen, but not always something anyone wants to hire to wash yer windows. But of recent LA has been most active during my travels. I have seen Amy on about 6 occasions, usually at night and usually after dropping off a regular girl. Amy, IMHO, is a disaster and to be avoided. So all youse should rush out and scoop her, pay her GPS prices and deal with her volatile attitude. But she is there. Also out there is Stacy and Diana, usually after 8 PM.

    Oh and then there is Michelle in her black & red checkerboard. I have scooped her three times in a week. The latest scoop at 11:15 AM today. Have also seen & avoided Ashley (the one with BF following at times) and Vicky / Victoria who is the reincarnation of "Brook the Crook. " Sheet! How are so many girls out & around if NOTHING is out? LOL!

    Oh and the creme de la creme was today I found (again) Ashley (with the blue eyes) on before mentioned "dead zone" MDA at around 11:30 PM. WTF? I thought the streets were clean? On top of that she mentioned about a half-dozen girls she knew who were still walking that stroll and an equal amount who were on vacation or OD'ed.

    So all of that said, I get it. When I first started, I drove the same strolls that others on these threads were posting their scoop / success stories and I never saw a single thing. I was baffled as to what these guys were seeing and what was "the look. " But with time and LOTS of window shopping I started to learn.

    Yeah, it looks easy in the movies, but safe mongering in DE is another story. Also as of recent the game has shifted a bit, it is more subtle. If a girl stands in one place too long she is vulnerable to getting ticketed for loitering or just having a solicitation charge tossed on, because they feel like it. So most are walking. For me it is the way they walk, what they look like, how they are dressed and few other non-verbal clues that I guess have become second nature.

    I drive looking a couple hundred yards ahead and quickly can tell if the figure is M or F and then if the F is a likely candidate.

    If I see a girl waving at cars, too well dressed or standing out from "the norm" I look around for her Uncles. But hard to describe what are the exact clues, but I do know it took a while to get or internalize them. Now they are second nature.

    So if one isn't "seeing" anything out, and one is new, BE PATIENT. This is a skill, just like any other skill that just takes some time to learn and then master. Problem is that rushing into things can be dangerous for a few reasons. So take some time to read some of the history here, find the maps of the locations of the strolls and don't be afraid to ask "how to" questions.

    Shoot, way back when, I learned a heck of a lot from the old timers here. I even remember how green I was when I posted about "observing" a girl on a pay phone at the Gulf Gas Station at 9 & Memorial and asking what were the chances that was a SWer! lol Like I said, takes a bit of time to learn to "see. " LOL!

    All fwiw! Stay safe, monger on, and never stop learning!

  2. #24

    Agreed Ceph

    Agreed Ceph, I always roll with my Samuel Coleridge Book!

    Quote Originally Posted by CephlapodLove  [View Original Post]
    The origin of the phrase "poetry reading" comes from this thread:

    The use of the phrase "poetry reading" in that post referred to a person taking a book, kindle, tablet or some other media with words on it and going through the process of reading words (poetry) out load or verbalizing the words on said media. It was suggested that perhaps a young lady reading poetry out loud might be a turn on to some. That is all that was intended. Some type of action that could be legally contracted for and paid for that would NOT infer anything illegal was going on.

    But using "poetry reading" as a euphemism or "code words" for oral sex and talking about money is clearly an illegal act.

    To paraphrase that post:

    The bottom line is that paying for a rubdown, dancing, stripping, poetry reading or some other service is NOT illegal. You can pay a girl to read Emily Dickinson to you if you want, if that heats you up. If you want to talk to all of your potential dates about illegal things that include "sex acts for money," then hey, one would have said what LE needs to be said in order to make an arrest, But if you have an agreement with your date to read poetry to you and have your copy of Emily Dickinson with you then fine; what happens after that was NOT implied or contracted for and thus might be hard to prove was paid for.

    But hey, if one uses "poetry reading" as a euphemism for some form of sex, then they have blurred the lines and left them self open to being charged with illegal activities.

  3. #23

    Bareback Full Service is More Common Than One Thinks

    I see reports of girls, or pictures or videos that demonstrate that a girl engages in BBFS and mongers jump in and are shocked or thinking that a girl has really "fallen" if she does.

    That leaves me shaking my head.

    From my experience, I just assume that any girl who is addicted to anything is offering BBFS. When one is Jonesing and NEEDS their meds, then a girl will do anything to get those meds, which usually means BBFS if requested. Problem with that, IMHO, is that at the point she is Jonesing, she has no control over who she has bareback sex with- she has to take whatever offer that comes along. (MSM, AAs, etc) So from this chair, that adds a huge risk to the equation (my personal evaluation of "risk. ").

    Second, when I am evaluating who to play with and especially who to avoid, I always ask a girl if BBFS is available. Now this is tricky, as it highly depends on the way one asks. Use a judgemental tone or an accusatory style or anything that indicates a preference (hard to not do) and the girl will answer, "NO!" Have had that response ever from girls I know another dude has done BBFS with. So the point is that, when I have asked in the right way, about 75% of girls will agree to BBFS!

    So the point is that in my experience, most girls will play bare without a condom under the "right" conditions. To assume anything less is in my view naive. Don't be shocked when a report, picture or video comes out that shows or states that a girl engages BBFS. Unless one asks, the right way, it is a pretty safe bet she is doing BBFS with others. Again, if a girl is an addict, all bets are off- just assume she does do BBFS with others.

    Now that said, playing with a condom EVERY time is a sure way to drop one's risk of 'catching something' and thus a safer way to play with any girl that does do BBFS with others.

    there are threads on this website that discuss safe sex practices, etc. lots of information has been posted there over the years. Good place to go to start to understand and evaluate "risk." Discussion of BBFS practices are only permitted in those threads, so use them.

  4. #22

    Getting Ripped Off, Cheated or Scammed

    So no one likes getting ripped off, cheated or scammed. It s*cks and especially if one has a week's load on and is hanging a set of blue b*lls. You think you are about to get the relief you need and BAM it happens.

    Yeah, been there done that so have sympathy for others that have that experience.

    But take it as a badge of honor, a step in the learning process of dating, tuition paid to the school of mongering! If one has NEVER been ripped off, cheated, scammed or whatever they don't have much experience in the game. It happens to all of us.

    But when it happens, accept it as part of the "education" that goes into this skill. Oh yeah, many think it is just getting laid and there is no skill or learning needed. Sigh. But to be a little snowflake and b*tch all over the place about one's bad experience just has me shaking my head. Most of the time that I had a bad experience, I was able to look back and see a place where I went wrong, missed a clue or messed up following "the rules". But hey, I only got there when I swallowed my pride and took an honest look at myself and how I played the game. Yeah, I had to admit I made a mistake, try to find it and then remember that mistake so that I could learn and grow from it. Keeping the pain of the mistake up front motivated me to not make it again.

    I have dealt with many of the girls that have been complained about and have either had no experience (took a pass) or had no troubles. Oh sure I can see where the troubles could exist, but haven't had any problems. No, I'm not some super monger, have no Vulcan mind tricks, have no special Jedi Force in my favor, just a dude who has experienced a lot of situations and learned from them. I guess for me I have become some what of a nice-guy "hard azz"? Was talking about the industry with a girl the other day and she volunteered that she would never try XYZ with me as she could tell that I wouldn't put up with it. She said I seemed very "street!" That really set me back! Me? F'in "street?" No f'in way! I grew up so white bread that tofu eating, whole-wheat vegans cross over to the other side of the street when they see me walking down the sidewalk. But I don't purse a date when trouble starts to appear. No, I don't try to "turn things" to my favor or manipulate her or bend her to my will or any of that ego satisfying stuff. I just walk away.

    But the "street" comment did shake me to where I looked back at things. How did I get here and "where" am I? I guess I'll say this. I never monger with a HUGE set of blue b*lls, or at least always make certain that the BIG head is in charge before the little head gets its satisfaction. I have surfed all over CL, BP, Eros and other sites for girls. I guess I have gotten to the place where I know what I want, what my limits are, what I will put up with, what I won't do and how I want to play the game. Can't tell you how many dates I turn away, walk away from or just stop pursuing when I see rules being broken, girls unwilling to cooperate or giving attitude up front. If one isn't willing to or able to dump a girl at the first sign of trouble, then one is in trouble from the get go.

    Shoot the other day I scooped a girl off Upper LA, made the appropriate actions for safety and then got into a discussion of the Poetry I wanted her to read. Right away she expressed a dislike for Shakespeare so I pulled the car over, stopped and offered for her to exit. Suddenly, The Baird was her favorite poet. But without a firm willingness to end our budding relationship she would not have adjusted. Also, if I had been half-hearted in my stance, she would have sensed it and then she would not back down AND would have taken a free UPPER-hand in the relationship. Also, if she had balked again at any of the other particulars, then I would have dropped her off! I guess I grew a backbone at some point in this game, as being firm like that doesn't bother me anymore.

    Then again, perhaps I've just become an azzhole? I guess for me "playing games" with a girl just insures some "games" come back to me and who needs that?

    As far as giving a girl money up front for promised reductions on future dates? PULEEEEEZ! Just know that any money you give a girl, especially that which goes to a girl that is medicated is lost funds. Forget about "fairness" or what is right, etc. These girls live in world that is not of their control. Heroine is a terrible foe that grips a soul and doesn't let go, even in spite of an occasional "detox. " But then again, I get it. Been there and done that too! I think there is something in Males DNA that naturally makes them inclined to be a "white knight. " Perhaps culturally or some way we are socialized, we like to be the "hero" - ride in on a White Horse and save the day? I know early on I was that way. But in the long run, doing that is the wrong move and the "reward" you want to get for the "hero move" isn't there and isn't coming. So if you front money, do it out of kindness and sympathy, not because you think it will provide future benefits.

    I use to b / c with a monger who got ripped off by a SWer he had developed into a regular date. First time it happened I told him to move on to Plan B. He didn't. She made a bunch of promises and he went back. Over a period of time the dude got ripped off by this girl 6-times and kept going back! Yeah, I know. Pretty extreme. But if you had something really good going with a girl, just how many times would you let her stiff you? I know, it is a pain to find one great enough to be a regular (one who really rocks your world each & every time), so one can be willing to ignore an occasional "bad behavior. ".

    But the point is, no matter how good your intentions, how nice of a guy you are, how well you treat a girl, you let her take advantage of you once and you now have "sucker" tattooed to your forehead as far as she is concerned.

    I NEVER have a girl blowing up my phone asking for money: 1) I use GV so it is isolated and never bothersome as I only deal with it when I wish and 2) I don't play those games- I just tell them NO! No wishy-washy "maybe," just a firm & polite NO! After a couple of tries, they quit trying and they go blow up one of you guys' phones! Saying NO! Has never hurt me from getting a date with them. Ever. So I don't let them victimize me or tell them if they do they are done (and mean it!

    So from this chair, me thinks it is all about how one plays the game. It can be done, it does take some time & learning, but if a dolt like me can get there, you can too!

    Good Luck Mongering!

  5. #21

    Calling Out a Provider or I Expect too Much

    I expect too much:

    * I expect a girl to respond to a text message sooner than 12-minutes, AFTER we have already started texting back & forth.

    * I expect a girl to NOT blow up and get all huffy while we are texting.

    * I expect she isn't going to flat out lie to me: "I paid for automatic reposting" when posting on CL Causal Encounters.

    * I expect a girl ought to have a modicum of "customer service" skills while texting as a prelude to "customer service" when reading T. S. Elliot.

    (302) 400-5049.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wilmington_411.png‎   Idiot Girl.jpg‎  

  6. #20

    Poetry Reading is NOT a Euphanism

    The origin of the phrase "poetry reading" comes from this thread:

    The use of the phrase "poetry reading" in that post referred to a person taking a book, kindle, tablet or some other media with words on it and going through the process of reading words (poetry) out load or verbalizing the words on said media. It was suggested that perhaps a young lady reading poetry out loud might be a turn on to some. That is all that was intended. Some type of action that could be legally contracted for and paid for that would NOT infer anything illegal was going on.

    But using "poetry reading" as a euphemism or "code words" for oral sex and talking about money is clearly an illegal act.

    To paraphrase that post:

    The bottom line is that paying for a rubdown, dancing, stripping, poetry reading or some other service is NOT illegal. You can pay a girl to read Emily Dickinson to you if you want, if that heats you up. If you want to talk to all of your potential dates about illegal things that include "sex acts for money," then hey, one would have said what LE needs to be said in order to make an arrest, But if you have an agreement with your date to read poetry to you and have your copy of Emily Dickinson with you then fine; what happens after that was NOT implied or contracted for and thus might be hard to prove was paid for.

    But hey, if one uses "poetry reading" as a euphemism for some form of sex, then they have blurred the lines and left them self open to being charged with illegal activities.

  7. #19

    EPM. Well Worth It

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer21  [View Original Post]
    I'm sure you guys have heard of Exotic Philly Models (google it if not) in Philly. It houses some very fine ladies (accurateish photoshopish photos on their site). Of course, most of them have gone through surgery but aesthetically. For 250 it is a great deal. This is considering the 160-180 range for FS at most parlors here. Multiple pops are allowed (maybe 2 max. But between two showers and 2 pops, there isn't time for much more in a 60 min session) and I've never tipped beyond the initial rate. This is just a heads up because even Philly can be a hit or miss when visiting those regular parlors. From my experience, the hit rate of getting a younger lady is higher. But the shape and size is variable. I could probably group most of my DE encounters into a more consistent range.

    If you guys haven't heard of it, BBBJ is on the menu and P2 P can be had as well. Depending on your comfort level of activities, be proactive because it happens so quick you don't even know until it is too late.

    Of course, the problem is the drive. 45 minutes isn't bad, but the total round trip ends up being about 3 hours plus parking annoyances.
    While working in Philly this was by far my favorite, while on the high end it is a place everyone should experience at least once. Follow the reviews on the Philly board and you may just wind up going for a visit.

  8. #18
    I'm sure you guys have heard of Exotic Philly Models (google it if not) in Philly. It houses some very fine ladies (accurateish photoshopish photos on their site). Of course, most of them have gone through surgery but aesthetically. For 250 it is a great deal. This is considering the 160-180 range for FS at most parlors here. Multiple pops are allowed (maybe 2 max. But between two showers and 2 pops, there isn't time for much more in a 60 min session) and I've never tipped beyond the initial rate. This is just a heads up because even Philly can be a hit or miss when visiting those regular parlors. From my experience, the hit rate of getting a younger lady is higher. But the shape and size is variable. I could probably group most of my DE encounters into a more consistent range.

    If you guys haven't heard of it, BBBJ is on the menu and P2 P can be had as well. Depending on your comfort level of activities, be proactive because it happens so quick you don't even know until it is too late.

    Of course, the problem is the drive. 45 minutes isn't bad, but the total round trip ends up being about 3 hours plus parking annoyances.

  9. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by GioBeYourBody  [View Original Post]
    Thank you Jers and Explorer for your responses and link, respectively. I have found this genre of mongering to be the most disappointing of them all for Delaware. With SW's, you obviously know what you're getting right on the spot. With BP esc's, you can usually find enough reviews to make a sound decision. But with these AMP ads, unless you head up to Philly, chances are your provider is going to be a prune grandmother servicing you, but the ads are of a ripe flower.
    Yeah. I don't even bother with AMPs in DE at the moment. There's too many mediocre places, and even if you stumble across a decent girl she'll be gone the next week.

    For my AMP itch, I hit up DaDaDa in SNJ. Even if they aren't spring chickens, they all have great bodies and the TS and ST are better than most other places.

  10. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jersjay  [View Original Post]
    There's a place in Elkton just across the Newark border that uses real pics. It's been a while since I've went there, but I the girls in the ad at the time were the ones that I saw. The girls from before seemed to have nicer bodies than the current lineup.
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer21  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, I think the one in Elkton / Newark near that Wawa uses real pics. Crystal Spa up in Wilmington used to use real pics but their new girls aren't on the website but some of the old girls are on the site (but most of them aren't available any more). I think the one that labels themselves as Sand's Spa on Maryland Ave uses real pics. I also believe the video shot by the spot at 201. S Maryland is the real girl.

    Other than that, you are completely correct. Most of these spots advertise with fake pics and hags answer the door.
    Thank you Jers and Explorer for your responses and link, respectively. I have found this genre of mongering to be the most disappointing of them all for Delaware. With SW's, you obviously know what you're getting right on the spot. With BP esc's, you can usually find enough reviews to make a sound decision. But with these AMP ads, unless you head up to Philly, chances are your provider is going to be a prune grandmother servicing you, but the ads are of a ripe flower.

  11. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by GioBeYourBody  [View Original Post]
    If this is the wrong thread for a general B&C, by all means relocate it to the proper forum. So, can anyone here actually claim that they have ever seen a massage provider, AT A PARLOR, who was accurately pictured in an ad? The flooding of AMP ad's with these pics of the HOTTEST asian women on the planet is just simply redundant. And quite frankly, annoying af! Pictured is a 21 yr old dime piece. In reality, a 45 yr old grocery bagger. Look, I'm not saying that they're not still good at providing the service, but come! On! Maaaan! 4 out of every 5 ads on BP is of a "Grand Opening" for an AMP with pictures of women (highly airbrushed) who have never even stepped foot in this country, none the less in Delaware.

    So in all seriousness, Can anyone verify a single AMP ad in Delaware that has used a legitimate / accurate picture of their providers?

    Complaint, done. For now.
    Yeah, I think the one in Elkton / Newark near that Wawa uses real pics. Crystal Spa up in Wilmington used to use real pics but their new girls aren't on the website but some of the old girls are on the site (but most of them aren't available any more). I think the one that labels themselves as Sand's Spa on Maryland Ave uses real pics. I also believe the video shot by the spot at 201. S Maryland is the real girl.

    Other than that, you are completely correct. Most of these spots advertise with fake pics and hags answer the door.

  12. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by GioBeYourBody  [View Original Post]
    If this is the wrong thread for a general B&C, by all means relocate it to the proper forum. So, can anyone here actually claim that they have ever seen a massage provider, AT A PARLOR, who was accurately pictured in an ad? The flooding of AMP ad's with these pics of the HOTTEST asian women on the planet is just simply redundant. And quite frankly, annoying af! Pictured is a 21 yr old dime piece. In reality, a 45 yr old grocery bagger. Look, I'm not saying that they're not still good at providing the service, but come! On! Maaaan! 4 out of every 5 ads on BP is of a "Grand Opening" for an AMP with pictures of women (highly airbrushed) who have never even stepped foot in this country, none the less in Delaware.

    So in all seriousness, Can anyone verify a single AMP ad in Delaware that has used a legitimate / accurate picture of their providers?

    Complaint, done. For now.
    There's a place in Elkton just across the Newark border that uses real pics. It's been a while since I've went there, but I the girls in the ad at the time were the ones that I saw. The girls from before seemed to have nicer bodies than the current lineup.

  13. #13

    AMP Ad's Rant

    If this is the wrong thread for a general B&C, by all means relocate it to the proper forum. So, can anyone here actually claim that they have ever seen a massage provider, AT A PARLOR, who was accurately pictured in an ad? The flooding of AMP ad's with these pics of the HOTTEST asian women on the planet is just simply redundant. And quite frankly, annoying af! Pictured is a 21 yr old dime piece. In reality, a 45 yr old grocery bagger. Look, I'm not saying that they're not still good at providing the service, but come! On! Maaaan! 4 out of every 5 ads on BP is of a "Grand Opening" for an AMP with pictures of women (highly airbrushed) who have never even stepped foot in this country, none the less in Delaware.

    So in all seriousness, Can anyone verify a single AMP ad in Delaware that has used a legitimate / accurate picture of their providers?

    Complaint, done. For now.

  14. #12

    REALLY? You want me to Share just because your a Senior?

    Been getting requests to share contact info for girls I have seen & posted about. It is amazing how many dudes feel "entitled" to contact info. So here is an open letter to one of those that contacted me. The guility party should get the message, but it serves as a "guide" to others- hopefully!

    Hey XYZ987,

    My apologies, but you are getting my less charitable side dude to recent events.

    1) While you're a senior, most of your posts are down in Charm City and no posts in DE. How's that help the DE cause?.

    2) Your last post was over 6-months ago and only 6 in all of 2016, only two could be considered "reports" on dates, and those only in reply to others. What? You thought I wouldn't check?.

    3) You didn't even bother to offer up anything to share. SERIOUSLY? Not even a common courtesy? WOW!.

    4) And this is the killer. One of your fellow Balto posters got the girl's number and beat her out of money! One bad apple spoils it for the whole bunch!.

    So why should I help you out? What is in it for me? Huh? You contribute nothing in the area that would be useful to me, you are not really an active poster and you didn't even have the courtesy to offer up something in trade. WHAT? Just because you are a Sr member makes you "entitled" to a handout? REALLY?

    I'm just sayin'.


  15. #11

    The party is over!

    I have a good one for the douchebaggery report. It seems Uncle LEO paid the Claymont crew a visit today. Didn't catch them but were at the desk with pictures asking questions. This is what happens when posters go stupid. Instead of short and to-the-point, someone started bragging and giving WAY too much detail- Exact location, pricing, physical acts, etc. It says at the bottom no exact address or you will be banned. He didn't give the room number, but gave evreything else. Got busy tooting his own horn and lost his f-ing mind. I guess he thought he was logged into Penthouse Forum. When they confronted him, he said he didn't feel it was that exact. It was cryptic, but a second grader could have figured it out. Now, they aren't seeing anybody and are going into hiding for a while. They really can't afford that.

    To the monger who tipped them off this morning, thanks! It was a close call.

    Rant over,


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