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  1. #469

    I Totally Agree, Good Treatment !!!!

    Scoundrel, I appreciate your words, and I hope some of the folks out there can learn something. I can tell you some of the girls, have jumbed out of a guys car who will pay her more, just to hope into my car. Sometime it ain't always about money. Then I have had them make the guy stop, so they could tell me to meet them at a spot, and they will be there waiting. I always ask a girl how old she is, and when is her birthday. Just for General Knowledge., I can usually remember their B/D's. I seldom give anuything if they just tell me it is their B/D, and I DON'T know them.

    I just had a GIRL tell me the girls who are ripping off men, and the ones who will steal from you. She also tells me a lot more, which I use to navigate the areas, and to know where and to whom to look for. I get this, because several time after we have finished, I have taken her, and sometime bought her something to eat. Even if it is just to White Castles. Cost me no more than the price of a gallon of gas. She has even left messages on Stings that she sees, and who & where to be aware of. She is the newest, not the only.

    I have met a lot of SW's in this town, but especially out-of-town, who I know, if they were NOT in the business, I would be asking her out for a real date. Even some of the girls at the Strip Clubs. About 2 years ago I dated one of the very few good looking Strippers at the KY, clubs. It started because one of the girls got caught stealing her money, and afterwards I gave her a ride home, because she was short on Taxi money. She is in Mobile,Alabama now, doing well.

    Also, beware because there are most good girls going bad, because many of the ladies we are use to, are having a very rough time, and the enviroment and the situation, are getting to them. Plus they are falling under the influence of a few bad apples. Look at Aleah, I just saw her starting to hang with a bad crowd. She is a nice girl, gone bad, and getting worse. She is NOT the only one, but I have had some of the girls tell me to watch out.

    GooD Judgement is NEVER a Bad thing !

  2. #468

    treat em right!

    I usually post on the Cleveland board but read them all, I felt compelled to post here as the thread was very interesting to me. Word you are a true gentleman and I agree 100% with what you have shared.

    As a hobbyist I have met several girls whom you could tell; that if it was not for extenuating circumstances; they probably would not be in the business, be it supporting kids as a single mother or trying to get on their feet after a bad relationship whatever. The fact is they are providing us a service that we all have our own reasons for seeking.

    There is never an excuse to treat a girl badly that gives you good honest and friendly service. Granted there are a lot of bad ho's that will rob you and in some cases extort you if they had the opportunity but I think that nature is apparent on the first date and if you continue to see these girls you do a disservice to yourself as well as other mongers.......starve the bad ones out of business!

    I had a young girl that I saw for many years as well. She came from a very tough home life and used her skills to support herself and yes along the way also few guy's who took advantage of knowing how to take control of her from a physiological sense.

    She never did drugs to my knowledge and only occasionally smoked a little pot. I never saw her drunk, but most of all I never saw her that she was not upbeat and determined to make our visit very satisfying to myself.

    She was always very clean and well kept, I often would treat her around holidays or her birthday by taking her to the local mall to buy her something nice to wear. This small token of my appreciation often brought tears to her eyes. A few times feeling that she also wanted to do something special for me she suggested that I take her to the grocery store so that we could by what she needed to prepare a fabulous dinner in my home!

    I always promoted to her that she should finish high school and if able continue her education as she was smart as a whip and had a street wise attitude that I really adored.

    To make a long story short she did just that! not long ago a well dressed and very attractive young lady entered my place of business to promote a service that she was seeking accounts. Our eyes met and I extended my hand as she introduced herself; after moving behind closed doors she gave me a kiss on the cheek and with teary eyes thanked me for our friendship.

    She got the account! And I take her to lunch occasionally, she is everything that I knew she could be! She is still single.....guess something’s will still take time to heal. On my birthday we had lunch and then she treated me to a very special session back at my place when I tried to give her some folded spending money she just folded my hand, gave me a nice kiss and went to take a shower.

    This may be a bit long winded for some here and yes it may be very rare but if you start out a bastard you will never know how nice a provider can be.

    You just keep it going Word!


  3. #467


    Was driving through OTR this morning, and saw a BSW standing with a friend on McMillan & Race. She flashed everyone going by a look at her tits. Um, that's too obvious for me, but if anyone else is looking this was at 8:00-ish, and I've seen her out before at that time.

  4. #466
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869

    Missed this forum, Word's test...

    Hope that Jackson gets this board back up to speed. I've missed the reports from around town.

    Been thinking aboutWord's test: offer additional $ for full service without a condom--and run the other way if she agrees.

    Just had a girl ask me if I wanted to use a condom... What a quandry. OF COURSE I wanted to use a condom for FS..

    But still hoping for demonstrated low risk for BBBJ.

    T Town Sas--I STILL can't find the post on the Columbus guy who got clap from BBBJ, even with the range of numbered posts you sent me. Got a specific number of the post?

  5. #465

    There is always a few SW that for whatever reason may get/have a crush on you. It happens, and they will never really tell you until they are clean, and out of the business. They do understand that very few men want an SW as his G/F. This aon't like "Pretty Woman" the movie. That crap rarely if ever happens. BUT a crush can appear because you have treated them like a person, with a little respect and kindness. Even ladies who I have refused to give any more money to (especially when asking for a price beyond what I will pay), I have given a tip to, with good service of course, close to my upper limit range ($40-50) total including tip. Next time I got a bargain, at my low limit range. Some of the girl do think business wise.

    I mention this because, later as in months you find out either through the grapevine, or from her roommate of friend, this girl had a crush on you, and never said a word. Often when they do, they really will do it almost for free, so they are giving you a price lower than what they will give anyone else, and you just think she does it for everyone. NOT SO ! You never think someone who has SEX with men for a living, would have FEELINGS, especially for you.

    I found out when I met this Beautiful Bi-Racial girl and at the time she had just turned 18y/o. To this date I have yet to see any one on the streets anywhere to match her. I found out she was abused, malested at a very early age, and went from home to home, around her family. To make a it short, she would come over and stay for at least 2-4 hours and I we would talk, eat, and have sex (alot of SEX). All I ever paid her was $40-50, and we kicked it till she 23, then she moved with her family down South.

    I learned her feeling from, a friend of hers, who I met almost a year after her departure. Even now she looks me up, abd we kick it a few times a year. She is a dancer down south, so she is still in the buz. BUT IT IS ALWAYS FREE NOW ! it doesn't happen often, but a little respect can get a lower rate. It dosn't work much on the Escort Pros, they expect respect, and seldom reduce prices, but will increase service.


  6. #464
    Treating them nicely does work wonders when you happen across them later.

    On a different track, Columbus just ran a 3 day sting where 39 johns and prostitues were busted. For more info, check out the link provided in the Columbus page.

    Also, be conscious of the thought the closer we get to elections and holidays, LE will be out doing more stings. It's part of the patten they have set for themselves.

    Follow the rules and you should be okay.

  7. #463
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869
    WORDUP (etc):

    Besides the importance of protecting ourselves and our female friends from disease, you mentioned something that I believe is very important. TREAT THE GIRLS NICELY. I have never understood it that some guys seem to get off on treating them abusively. Repeatedly, girls have thanked me for treating them like fellow human beings. One of the things I noticed in Costa Rica where prostitution is semilegal (what ever that means), the girls are treated as working girls instead of subhuman. The experience was MUCH more pleasant for both the girl and me than when a girl is clearly pissed off and resentful. Maybe I am just a chump, but aren't we looking for as pleasant an experience as we can get? Let's keep up our side of the bargain. I also agree with negotiating a modest fee up front, and a $5 or $10 tip if you liked what you got.

    Still hoping from feedback from bigbad with the STD problem.

  8. #462

    Get tested. If you still feel a slight burning sensation, then it hasn't gone away. The best thing for you to do is hit the free clinic where the cost for the testing is not as expensive if you had gone to your regular doctor.

    Don't take the chance. Go get tested.

  9. #461
    If you guys check out the Columbus board circa a few weeks ago, you will find a story of a hobbyist that caught gonorrhea from BBBJ. It happens.

  10. #460

    If NO ONE ELSE on this board appreciates your information, advise, and words .... let me say that I do. It is good we repost this kind of information on a regular basis, because, it is the kind of info that can NEVER GROW OLD.

    If you ever listen to some of the SW out there they will tell you, some of the men out there are offering anywhere from $20-50 extra for "NO CONDOM SEX." Only a few of the girls I have seen, have ever said "YES", because who is watching. So, I always make the assumption that they all will do it. I have tested it, and a few have turned down $50 extra, and said "NO" to condomless SEX. These women I see, and have a little more trust in. They are not yet willing to take the risk.

    As for the hardcore SW, then you can only guess. And again "STOP PAYING" big money for service. I get better service for just being nice, than you do for paying a lot. I am no fool, and I have learned my lessons too. So keep the money between $20-40. If she is that good, then tip her, but keep that to $5-10.

    Don't pay for a room that willl cost you more than the girl, find a place that you can use for 15-30 minutes for $5-10. It will allow for a more relaxed time, and better everything.

  11. #459
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869

    I am not an "expert" on STDs, but do a great deal of reading on the subject. Oral transmission IS possible for gonorrhea and syphilis, with the recipient being much more at risk than the guy being "serviced." The risk is considerably lower than intercourse, but I do not know the relative risk. The risk increases with the roughness of the "service" because abraision increases probability of infection. I have never appreciated a rough BJ for that reason. This is the reason I asked what activity the guy with urethritis engaged in. I hope that I am not sorry in the future, but I still enjoy BBBJ because gonorrhea and syphilis are relatively easily treatable (not potentially fatal diseases.)

    HIV is extremely rarely transmitted orally. Studies in gay men in SF demonstrated that it is possible. Again, receiving parties are at risk more than the guy recieving the BJ. To my knowledge (correct me if I am wrong) the number of HIV positives in the US who got it by receiving a BJ can be counted on one or two hands. For better or worse, it is a risk I take. I would NEVER accept a BJ if I had any sore or abrasion on my penis.

    I hope we hear from our friend with the "penis pus." We need to know how he got it, and who his contact(s) was.

    And yes, I would NEVER have intercourse without a condom. Never.

  12. #458

    Please tell us if ORAL SEX can spread the infections, and what is the chance of that happening, especially percentage wise.

    I ask because a vast majority of us use a condom for SEXUAL intercourse, but NOT for a BJ. I always use my own condoms just to be SURE. But I am a BBBJ kind of person myself. That gets me start in a BEST way. Plus I can check out her skills for other times.

    Also, what might be the lapse time between men that might be a safe thing to know so the infection might clear her throat and mouth, or NOT so built up before natral processes take affect. I know of several girl who use to gargle inbetween men just to get rid of the taste, and for throat and mouth protection. I know crackheads ain't doing it, but a lot of part timers are.

    I am NOT asking per se as if you are an Expert, but that someone can answer it and let us know. If that person is yourself, then we all thank you, and if someone else, then we thank them too.


    As for Bigbad, I PM'ed him my opinion. I that was just that an opinion. I hope he does disclose his contacts, so we all can "AVOID" them/her. And if anyone out there is doing the "UNProtected" routine, then you know the answer to that.

    WORD !


  13. #457
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869

    Yes you DO have a bad situation. Sounds like what you have is urethritis--either gonorrhea or "non-specific urethritis," often caused by Chlamydia. Gonorrhea will require more than penicillin, as most strains are resistant these days. Chlamydia is also a little difficult to knock down. My impression is that signs would appear about a week after contact, but it could be as long as three weeks.

    Didn't the doctor take a sample of the discharge for testing? That is a minimun that should be down so you know what you are dealing with.

    IMPORTANT QUESTION: (Please be honest with us)
    What type of unprotected sex did you engage in? These diseases are usually spread by unprotected fucking. Be honest, and you will help others learn how important protection is. Oral sex is less affective as spreading the disease, but we need to know if that is the ONLY way you could have gotten it.

    Finally, please let us know who you have been with in the last 1-3 weeks so we know who to avoid.

    Dealing with your wife. You have to call the shot here. Frankly, I suspect you need to bite the bullet and come clean. Weaving some tall tale may only make it worse. She needs to be tested because both of these diseases can cause pelvic inflamatory disease and cause permanent damage to the female reproductive system, not to mention to any baby she might deliver in that condition.

    Good luck dude. Please reply to these questions for "the benefit of the team."

  14. #456
    Hello all,

    I am caught in a bad situation and need some advice. I fear I have an STD although I am not for sure. I had a milky discharge oozing from down below and some discomfort while urinating. I went to the doctor and they took a urine sample and discovered lots of bacteria in my urine.

    I have had a few encounters recently (2-3) so you can imagine my fear. The doc gave me an antibiotic for a urinary infection (not any STD) and I have been about that for about a week. The milky discharge seems to have stopped as well as the discomfort. Although I do still feel a tingling sensation once in a while from down there.

    I've already decided upon my retirement from the hobby. My fear of course is not only that I have an STD but could have given something to my wife.

    If it turns out I do have one does anyone have any advice for me? Obviously, I will need to have antibiotics and my wife will need to be tested.

    Any advice on how to play it out with my wife? Do I have to come clean? Can I pretend I have no idea how it happened and act shocked?

    Anyone else been in a similar situation?

    Thanks for any input.

  15. #455
    Senior Member

    Posts: 149

    This was a different Erica then.
    I could have pushed for more play, but decided that it wasn't worth the effort. Besides, I had to head back to the office for a meeting.

    I need to pay attention to Word's advice and get my muffler changed (just kidding).

    I need to get back to calling regulars and meeting them somewhere other than OTR. Just like Word said, those numbers don't last very long.


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