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  1. #1416
    Boston Guy opined:
    >>>Think of all the OT LE could save cutting out undercover late-night details. Send a marked cruiser by every so often making sure things aren't out of control or making things uncomfortable for the civilians.<<<

    Bzzzzttt! Wrong issue. LE (just like everyone else) likes OT. It makes the regular paycheck so much better (heck, you might be able to spend it gambling, buying food, buying liquor OR god forbid a piece of tail). So I don't think that any of us (LE or otherwise) want to give up OT.

    SR Only

  2. #1415
    A simple open letter to the fifth column lurking in this group.

    Ask yourself why prostitution exists... It certainly doesn't have a reason based in higher moral values. Prostitution exists worldwide. In every city, in every nation, women are plying the oldest trade in existance. It's not stopped by the threat of public embarrassment, humiliation, prosecution. It's not stopped by disease or the threats of physical violence. It's not stopped by inclement weather!

    With all of these negative factors, why does prostitution exist? There have to be better jobs... I mean what job can you do 5-10 minutes worth of work with little or no skill, and earn 10-20 dollars? (Geeze... 40-50 dollars an hour?)

    And there never seems to be a lack of customers... Actors, actresses, politicians (aren't they all the same?) businessmen, construction workers, football coaches, teachers, preachers, doctors, and deliverymen all help themselves to these services on a daily basis.

    Why does it exist!? I'll tell you. It's a secret as old as the profession itself...

    Men like sex. Men like sex without an emotional attachment. The three great F's... Find em; F*ck em, Forget em. There's nothing more base than that for a reason. The male of species up and down the animal kingdom have cheap meaningless sex with multiple partners. They don't pray towards Mecca, they don't check the calender before eating fish. They find a female that isn't (or is) willing to bite their heads off and copulate.

    New hobby? Just because 1 in 100,000 encounters might result in an embarrassing newspaper article? I'll bet you that it won't stop for that. AIDS hasn't stopped it yet, and there are millions of people that are so paranoid about it that they won't even swap needles while high... No supply? Snigger. There's always someone in the community that's poorer than the rest, and wants to get [a] head.

    If you want to stop prostitution, I'll tell you how. Make it less profitable to do anything else. Set up free money clinics where potential hookers can get free money for walking in. Provide free busing to the clinic.

    If you did that, 90% of the prostitutes would stop.

    The remainder would still walk the streets because the bus ride is too long.... and a five minute workout in a dark alley would get them money for doing what they enjoy, screwing a male out of hard earned cash.

  3. #1414
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2025
    A few comments.

    1. WSG was compromised by local media ages ago. Nothing new. They just have to be cautious and cite sources of info. She called a chat room for a reason, folks. This is the 4th time I think in recent memory of WSG being singled out for info. Its like they have no other place to go for info. Keep this in mind, folks. They have the forum in their "places to go for info when p4p sex is involved."

    If the story gets large enough, expect their cousins in the broadcast media to jump in with an investigation. That means "excellent" surveillance of the area to build a story...and images are judge, jury, and executioner once broadcasted. All you need is an identifiable car, a reporter running up to your car, a license plate number easily ran against public DMV/ police records, etc...and you have a 5 second spot on the evening news.

    Not trying to scare, but just be careful, folks. This assistant coach getting pinched puts us all in a fuckin' bind.

    Personally...I miss Pagozzi. At least when she went to investigate illicit sex stuff in the area...she participated.

    2. Walking up to someone and offering sex for cash is not entrapment if it is known the person has a previous predilection to commit the same crime. The cops have the burden in this case to prove. Any recorded lingo that shows that you are a regular is NOT a way to handle this if have to face the MAN.

    Not trying to be a smartass, but I figure a word of caution will reap untold rewards for someone.

  4. #1413
    I think Ms. Urbinas better take a good, long look at her own situation before throwing stones and taking pot shots. Her husband is probably a poster on this board. Judging by that little photo of her, there's no way in hell he'd be satisfied with what she's got. I think she's upset that half the SW's out there are better looking that she'll ever dream of being. The last time I saw a face like hers, it had a hook on the end of it. I'm sure her husband, if she's able to scam anyone into marrying something that's as hideous as herself, has made a few passes down Ashley St. himself, only he just hasn't gotten caught, yet.

  5. #1412
    Jeez, that was a harsh article.

    First off, nobody in their right mind would have a SW say $10 and not have warning bells go off in their head. Why not just wear a flashing neon sign that says undercover cop? On that count alone, I would agree that Vaughn fell into the classic trap of letting the little head think for the big head.

    But even then, there's some problems.

    According to the article, this Carl Jones character and a friend were walking down the street when they were approached by the undercover but said that's not their cup of tea. Now isn't that entrapment? If YOU approach them, that's solicitation, but being approached by THEM is a whole other ball of wax. If I was Vaughn's lawyer, I'd get a subpoena on Jones and his friend so fast it'd make their heads spin. This bust has loophole city all over it.

    And yeah, perhaps some partake of what most would consider an unsavory activity. Those who do have their reasons for being out there. But Urbinas should have dug back a little further on the board and seen the reaction to when one of the regular SWs was beaten by a john and how many were quite upset and hoping to catch the b@st@rd and give him a beat-down he'd never forget. It's easy to paint people on this board with one big brush, but it's also sloppy journalism as well. But putting a human face on this story wouldn't sell many papers, would it?

    And poor Ms Urbinas. She must have been so proud of herself for finding this board, but then saw that things aren't as racy as she thought. She doesn't know the difference between a chat room or a bulletin board either. What a big disappointment.

    I second SR Only. If Urbinas wanted a real story, she should look into the profession and why it's still going strong instead of heaping tired platitudes and headline-grabbing cheapshots.

    And if LE was really smart, they would know they can never stop this, but might just want to keep it contained to a certain time and area and be upfront about it. Think of all the OT LE could save cutting out undercover late-night details. Send a marked cruiser by every so often making sure things aren't out of control or making things uncomfortable for the civilians.

  6. #1411
    "Sex and a name sell papers (TV, radio, etc., too)"

    Your absolutely right SR. It even made the RI/ NBC TV News.

    I pity that poor SOB. And he didn't even get some.

  7. #1410
    FWIW, her column isn't bad. I read it every so often. Reporters gotta report. If nothing else, she dug deep enough to find WSG.

    But maybe a newer story (for Ubinas) to consider: that the world's oldest profession, still is. A name getting caught isn't going to change things. People just go underground. Look at Al Qaeda, they have disappeared (actually in a paper today [The Courant?] they said Al Qaeda is recruiting in Latin America, oh joy). The heat went on them and they go into hiding, deeper than they were before.

    Sex and a name sell papers (TV, radio, etc., too)

    Gordon, maybe you should change your screen name to "John J. Zakarian."


  8. #1409
    I make one spelling error and this moron is all over me for it. I suggest we do a little digging into this righteous *****'s past and see what skeletons we can pull out of her closet.....,1,7744849.column?coll=hc-headlines-local

    Coach's Secret A Foul Bounce
    August 22, 2004

    The guys playing basketball at Sigourney Square Park were clearly amused by news of a celebrity's arrest down the block on Ashley Street. Between shots, they observed it was crazy for UConn assistant basketball coach Clyde Vaughan to blow his job for a $10 quickie.

    Good one, I told them.

    Vaughan was one of more than a dozen people arrested in a mid-afternoon prostitution sting last week, accused of offering to pay an undercover police officer for her services. Things must be a little slow on campus right now.

    Hope the discount rate was worth it, one ballplayer joked, considering it'll likely cost Vaughan his reputation, not to mention half of everything if his wife isn't of the Vanessa Bryant variety.

    The women across the street, trying to catch a breeze on their porches, were notably less amused: "Serves him right," said one.

    "And with a wife and kids," tsked tsked her companion.

    True, this street attracts people with dirty habits, Greta Thomas says. But it's also the place she raised her children, including the reigning Mrs. Connecticut. She sends her granddaughter to her car to get a magazine with her daughter's picture in it and leans deep into her chair with pride.

    "Just doesn't make sense why someone with so much would give it up for something like that," she says. May not make sense, but people with more to lose have done even more stupid things. Hugh Grant, Eddie Murphy. Though, wasn't he just helping a transvestite in distress?

    Carl Jones, a UConn alum who waited for a bus outside the Ashley Cafe, admitted things got kind of dull when he was a student there in the '70s. But he always managed to find legal ways to keep himself busy.

    He can't wait to hear Vaughan's excuse. Neither can I.

    The truth is there's nothing new about people trying to keep secrets slinking into a city to do their thing; most of the other men arrested with Vaughan were from out of town, too. But with anonymity comes stupidity, Jones says.

    He and a friend were walking down the street one night when a woman approached them. He was clear to point out that he doesn't partake in such activities, but if he did, he knew she wasn't the one.

    "Her hair was too nice," he said.

    Even the handful of sleazeballs who post to what might be described as a degenerates' chat room figured it out. "Noticed at the Ashley Cafe a white girl, 30's, wearing a slinky dress," one Wolfman Jack noted on shortly after Vaughan was arrested. "That immeadiately caught my attention that something wasn't right."

    Poor spelling is the most endearing attribute these guys share. What a pathetic bunch - they make sex as erotic as dealing in used auto parts. The high point for some of these losers seems to be bargaining down a desperate junkie. This from a Jammin Joe: "I am a shrewd business man, refuse to pay over $20." Amazing what you can do with an MBA ...

    Last week's arrests seem to have quieted things down a bit. "Maybe it is time to find a new hobby," a GordonFreeman mused on the site. But that advice is too late for Vaughan.

    The public relations folks at the school said they are looking into the matter, among other things "gathering and assessing information on the situation," which translates to damage control.

    Among the things to consider: How do you send this guy into a family's home where he's trying to persuade parents to trust him with their 18-year-old kid?

    Folks on Ashley Street don't think Vaughan has much to worry about. Somehow, he'll bounce back, they predict. It's the neighborhood's bounce that concerns them.

    Helen Ubiņas' column appears Thursdays and Sundays. She can be reached at


  9. #1408
    Haven't been to Kahoots in East Hartford in quite awhile. I wasn't going to have a lap dance because of the inflated prices but couldn't resist my favorite dancer Ronnie who is back after about a year and a half. Great personality, fantastic LD, YMMV.

    They seem to have few top quality dancers on Friday but they also had a few that could lose some pounds. Liked the privacy in the LD area. Still think $30 is inflated for a dance unless you know what you're getting before hand.

  10. #1407
    Hi Guys,

    I have really enjoyed readying about the street action in HFD. I have been out of the area for a while and looking for a quick fix. I am familiar with a number of the streets you mention, but what is "DP"? Help a brother out, please.

  11. #1406

    Sorry man, you might be the only one I'm trusting. I have two from the advocate that i have been with. PM me. Unfortunately, that's it for me. Only if you're interested and it might not be too interesting for you. l8r

  12. #1405
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2025 one's hitting the advocate, eh?

  13. #1404

    I find it amazing that seven guys got busted by this sting. Is it really so hard to avoid? I wonder how they (LE) do this. I've seen stings on COPS and other LE tv shows. In most cases the guys get screwed (or not, rather) when the girl gets into the vehicle and they make the "deal" immediately or when she is hanging at the window and not in the vehicle yet. So, the best way to avoid being trapped is to NOT discuss a $ exchange at the location where one meets the SW.

    As I recently posted in "General Information," I think the best way to avoid the chance of LE pouncing with handcuffs is to wait until you're down the road apiece - a mile or so, around a few turns, several blocks away. Until you are comfortably away from the area where surveillance may be set up (and you're sure that you're not being followed by an unmarked LE vehicle), it's best to stick to small talk, skirtiung around the issue. If she's a legitimate SW, she knows why you picked her up. Without discussing $, perhaps set her at ease by saying you've never seen her out there before, letting her know you're a "regular."

    My mind goes back to the eps of COPS and so one where mongerers get busted. They always look so shocked - like they have no clue what's going on. Perhaps that is the problem.

    The best advice is to KEEP ALERT!

    Thanks for the info WJ - best to be extra careful these months before election!



  14. #1403
    Like Wolfman Jack, I too had the pleasure of spending time with Jenniferllast night. I picked her up around 3am near Edwards. We went back to my place. It is a shame that she was beaten like that. I don't know what is wrong with people. I have spent a few evenings with Jenn and have found her to be delightful. Great body better personality. Anyway I dropped .60 for a little half and half which lasted until sunrise. I let her crash at my place before dropping her off in the morning. She told me she is working on getting a cell phone so she won't have to work the streets so much.. we'll keep ya posted.


  15. #1402
    It is unfortunate that any guys and girls got busted yesterday. Hopefully no fellow active WSG'ers were among the victims. I cruised that area last night but things were quiet. Maybe it is time to find a new hobby (or at least keep in indoors).

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