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  1. #136

    Looking back on the previous posts

    I was bored tonight and decided to look back on some of the previous posts in this thread. I think that it's funny how a lot of the things that people wrote were just totally wrong; in fact, almost insane. Life in the bubble must really be fun. The economy did not tank, the market performed well, no one came to take your guns and bullets away and I'm still waiting on those FEMA camps to be erected.

    I think that this world would be a better place if people were to open a book and read every now and then. Form your own thoughts and opinions, rather than just regurgitate the crap that you hear on your favorite cable news show; left or right leaning. Come out of the bunker once in awhile and rejoin the hunan race.

  2. 02-24-18 02:29

  3. #135
    Senior Member

    Posts: 285
    The delusions. They burn!

    Quote Originally Posted by CurvyChristina  [View Original Post]

    I see a lot of military clients who enjoy a little pillow talk to help relieve their PTSD as well as voice their personal opinion of what they are being sent to do, currently my worries are this. Now I've never been a conspiracy theorist so please stop me where needed, so far the latest pillow talk is this. Fema camps ordered by Obama, police state and Martial Law.

    I've been sent videos by clients (not releasing that info), where they are working on the camps in Indiana, stating it's an old train station, now surrounded by barbwire, keeping people in not OUT, this one particular solider is telling me Obama wants the homesless rounded up and placed in these camps, he sends pics here and there of what looks like row houses, not really death camps there is plumbing and heating and air I seen units for these long houses, obvious homeless guys helping build things.

    My client says when Obama comes to disarm us he doesn't want us being able to rely on the homeless who would know the "terrain" better then regular civilians, he is said to also fear a lot of vets being homesless assisting us with military knowledge of how they operate when doing things like this, apparently my clients believe Obama will scare us with "Isis" being on us soil to creat a panic of following a martial law for our own safety, I've seen videos from civilians going down the highway using their cell phone to show military convoy and new trucks with lettering (UN) on sides of trucks, they are on back of flat bed big Riggs and right here in ohio. I'm told to stock up on WATER and CAN GOODS an one solider told my husband to BUT BULLETS! ANY bullets! I asked well bullets to guns we don't even own won't do us much good?

    He went into explaining the "barter system" an he said he isn't worried about me spreading the word because the usual american truly believes it will never happen on US SOIL and America will never go for this shit!

    He said shock and awe will be every where!

    So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts?

  4. #134

    Life in the Bubble or is that in the Bunker?

    Just so I'm clear on all this.

    When are all of these things going to take place? I'd like to know where the FEMA camps are going up at, so that I can go and get some pictures. Martial Law and the police state; yep. Any day now. How's life in the bunker these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by CurvyChristina  [View Original Post]

    I see a lot of military clients who enjoy a little pillow talk to help relieve their PTSD as well as voice their personal opinion of what they are being sent to do, currently my worries are this. Now I've never been a conspiracy theorist so please stop me where needed, so far the latest pillow talk is this. Fema camps ordered by Obama, police state and Martial Law.

    I've been sent videos by clients (not releasing that info), where they are working on the camps in Indiana, stating it's an old train station, now surrounded by barbwire, keeping people in not OUT, this one particular solider is telling me Obama wants the homesless rounded up and placed in these camps, he sends pics here and there of what looks like row houses, not really death camps there is plumbing and heating and air I seen units for these long houses, obvious homeless guys helping build things.

    My client says when Obama comes to disarm us he doesn't want us being able to rely on the homeless who would know the "terrain" better then regular civilians, he is said to also fear a lot of vets being homesless assisting us with military knowledge of how they operate when doing things like this, apparently my clients believe Obama will scare us with "Isis" being on us soil to creat a panic of following a martial law for our own safety, I've seen videos from civilians going down the highway using their cell phone to show military convoy and new trucks with lettering (UN) on sides of trucks, they are on back of flat bed big Riggs and right here in ohio. I'm told to stock up on WATER and CAN GOODS an one solider told my husband to BUT BULLETS! ANY bullets! I asked well bullets to guns we don't even own won't do us much good?

    He went into explaining the "barter system" an he said he isn't worried about me spreading the word because the usual american truly believes it will never happen on US SOIL and America will never go for this shit!

    He said shock and awe will be every where!

    So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts?

  5. #133

    Still Waiting.

    When is this collapse going to happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by DHammer1228  [View Original Post]
    Ty for the facts was very interesting to read.

  6. #132
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 502

    I share your sentiments

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]

    Therefore, a stock market collapse is almost inevitable and is probably coming soon.

    This collapse will be the beginning of massive problems, so get ready.

    What most people fail to realize is as the dollar erodes the underlying value of real goods rise. So when you see the stock market rising it does not mean all is well, it means the currency is failing. Think of Zimbabwe. When the currency went to zero, the Zimbabwe stock market went through the roof. Why? Because the hard assets were valued relative to the Zimbabwe dollar.

    I have been a long supporter of Ron Paul's and now support Rand as well. But there is little chance Rand will be elected. Only those who understand where the Austrians are coming from understand what is going on.

    But the inevitable collapse always takes longer than thought. Every elected official has the mindset, "not on my watch." Eventually, though, nothing can be done to keep this economy levitated.

  7. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by Willow1535  [View Original Post]
    Still waiting for your doomsday prediction to come true.
    Ty for the facts was very interesting to read.

  8. #130

    Are you out there Nostradamus?

    Still waiting for your doomsday prediction to come true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]
    Hopefully A2 will forgive me the length of this post. Its for those who think things are going well. Things are not.

    Listening to mainstream market commentary on television and reading the financial press leaves one with the impression that the economic recovery is gaining strength and that stock market indexes, at or near all-time highs, will go higher still.

    The litany of market happy talk is impressive. The unemployment rate has dropped to 6. 1%, down about four percentage points from its peak, and is expected to go lower in the months ahead. The economy created about 230,000 jobs per month in the first half of 2014, which brings the increase in jobs to nine million since the economic recovery began in mid-2009.

    Interest rates remain low, which supports high asset valuations in stocks and housing. Inflation is tame and expectations about future inflation are well-anchored. To hear the stock market bulls tell the story, all is right with the world.

    But all is not right. In fact, the fundamentals of the USA Economy are in awful condition and are getting worse. Almost everything about the happy talk story is superficial and falls apart under scrutiny. There is an alternative narrative of bad news that is seldom discussed on mainstream business channels but is well-known to analysts. When these adverse trends are taken into account, one conclusion in inescapable.

    The stock market and economic fundamentals are on a collision course. One or the other will have to swerve. Either the economy will have to improve rapidly and unexpectedly and reverse its fundamental weakness, or inflated stock values are heading for a precipitous fall. The evidence suggests that the latter is more likely.

    The first weak link in the "happy talk" chain is the nature of job creation. For example, it was reported that 288,000 jobs were created in June. But full-time jobs declined by 523,000, while part time jobs increased by about 800,000.

    The widely reported increase in net jobs masked a disastrous loss of full-time jobs offset by a huge increase in part-time jobs. The part-time jobs offer fewer hours, lower pay, and fewer benefits. They may be better than no job at all, but they are not the kind of jobs that will support discretionary consumer spending on which the economy relies for growth.

    This trend in part-time jobs is not new. There are 7. 5 million people working part-time on an involuntary basis compared with about 4. 4 million doing so in 2007. This rise in part-time jobs is expected to continue because it is driven in part by Obamacare, which does not require coverage for part-time workers. Employers are aware of this and simply cut full-time jobs and replace them with part-timers to reduce insurance costs.

    Nor is there any comfort in the declining unemployment rate. Much of the decline is attributable not to job creation but rather to the decline in the number of people looking for work. Once people stop looking for a job, they are no longer technically "unemployed" and the unemployment rate drops even though no job has been found.

    As columnist Mort Zuckerman said, "You might as well say that the unemployment rate would be zero if everyone stopped looking for work. " Only 62.8% of Americans participate in the work force today the lowest level since 1978.

    The news gets worse. Not only is labor-force participation low and full-time employment collapsing, but the productivity of those working is now in decline. This decline in productivity is another drag on growth. The reason for it is even more disturbing.

    Productivity is declining because capital expenditures have slowed. Businesses are keeping up with demand by employing part-time workers instead of investing in the plants and equipment needed to make full-time workers more productive.

    Not surprisingly, this triple-whammy of declining full-time jobs, declining productivity, and slowing capital investment means real wages are stagnant. If workers can't make more, they can't spend more without borrowing. Borrowing is more difficult because home equity has not recovered from the 2007 housing crash and lending standards are the most stringent in years. Companies won't invest in equipment if consumers can't spend.

    The result is a death spiral of lower consumption, lower investment, declining productivity, stagnant wages, and underemployment all feeding on each other and making the overall economy weaker. This is the real reason for the shocking 2. 9% decline in first-quarter GDP. It was not the result of "cold weather," which, by the way, happens every winter.

    There are other signs of ill health in labor markets. In a dynamic labor market, net job gains reflect large numbers of new jobs and lost jobs as employees confidently quit their jobs in the expectation of finding new ones.

    But evidence reported by Goldman Sachs and James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute shows that job turnover has declined sharply as employees are extremely reluctant to quit their jobs in an uncertain environment. This tends to lock out the unemployed, who lose job-entry opportunities, and to weaken wage growth as employees lose leverage to demand raises.

    Labor-force participation is unlikely to rise significantly partly because of generous benefits that provide an adequate lifestyle for those out of the labor force. The USA Has more than 50 million people on food stamps, 11 million on disability, and millions more on extended unemployment benefits. Prospective loss of these benefits creates a high hurdle to motivate a return to the workforce.

    The news from abroad is no better. China is slowing precipitously and may be on the brink of a credit collapse. European growth is near zero and even the mighty German economy, the locomotive of Europe, is slowing partly because of weaker demand from Ukraine, Russia, and China.

    Against this backdrop, mainstream voices are beginning to call USA Financial markets a bubble. The New York Times recently featured a front page story with the title, "Welcome to the Everything Boom, or Maybe the Everything Bubble. ".

    The conservative Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland recently warned that stock markets had become "euphoric. " Even Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve, the institution with the worst record for spotting asset bubbles, said that valuations of some securities "appear stretched. ".

    So the conundrum is complete. Stock indexes March to all-time highs. Economic fundamentals fall apart. The two will be reconciled either with a spectacular turnaround in growth or a spectacular collapse in stock prices. The problem is that a turnaround in growth can only come from structural reform, not money printing.

    Structural reform is the job of the White House and Congress, not the Federal Reserve. Since the White House and Congress are barely speaking, no help should be expected from that direction.

    Therefore, a stock market collapse is almost inevitable and is probably coming soon.

    This collapse will be the beginning of massive problems, so get ready.


  9. #129

    Aaron Shwartz

    When I ever I brought up about him around my friends or other people. It is surprising the amount of people who clueless to who he is considering how much impact he has made. Redit, testing for pancreatic cancer, Elizabeth warren. Are just a few words that link I him.

    Here's a great documentary on him.

  10. #128

    The same thing

    Fact is, corporations do make political contributions. We can argue whether the corp makes the contribution directly, or if the president and 5 vp"s get pay raises that allow them to make contributions, or if its direct or to a pac, those things don't matter, because at the end of the game the politicians are bought with the money, and they deliver the taxpayer's money in return one way or another, through war spending, peacetime contracts, bail outs, somehow. The end result is the American public is getting screwed and will be for a long, long time.


  11. #127

    The media is the problem!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anderson74  [View Original Post]
    The Citizens United case did no such thing. Corporations cannot contribute directly to a campaign. The case was about contributing to a PAC, and even more specifically, to one that created a movie about Hillary Clinton. It was considered campaigning or electioneering. However, regardless, the ruling did not permit companies to contribute, as a company, directly to candidates. When you hear about companies contributing in the news, what they're really talking about are the highly paid heads of the companies and who they contribute to. It's said in a way to make it sound like it's money from the company as an entity that contributed rather than the individuals within the company.
    The Media has got to the point that you can take what they say with a grain of salt! Giving there personal opinion, Telling half truths or down right lying to get there political views out there as facts is pathetic!

  12. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Swami222  [View Original Post]
    And since the supreme court (even the highest court is corrupt) ruled that corporations can contribute to campaigns as if they were just ordinary citizens, the ones with the most money are certified patsies who do what they are told.
    The Citizens United case did no such thing. Corporations cannot contribute directly to a campaign. The case was about contributing to a PAC, and even more specifically, to one that created a movie about Hillary Clinton. It was considered campaigning or electioneering. However, regardless, the ruling did not permit companies to contribute, as a company, directly to candidates. When you hear about companies contributing in the news, what they're really talking about are the highly paid heads of the companies and who they contribute to. It's said in a way to make it sound like it's money from the company as an entity that contributed rather than the individuals within the company.

  13. #125

    I'm not saying anyone is nuts but.

    That's not a real thing. You could say I used to be the industry, and what you're describing is simply not real. The lunacy about getting assistance and training from homeless vets is what gives it away more than anything. It's never a bad idea to be prepared, but the UN takeover bit has been fully debunked more times than I could count.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurvyChristina  [View Original Post]

    I see a lot of military clients who enjoy a little pillow talk to help relieve their PTSD as well as voice their personal opinion of what they are being sent to do, currently my worries are this. Now I've never been a conspiracy theorist so please stop me where needed, so far the latest pillow talk is this. Fema camps ordered by Obama, police state and Martial Law.

    I've been sent videos by clients (not releasing that info), where they are working on the camps in Indiana, stating it's an old train station, now surrounded by barbwire, keeping people in not OUT, this one particular solider is telling me Obama wants the homesless rounded up and placed in these camps, he sends pics here and there of what looks like row houses, not really death camps there is plumbing and heating and air I seen units for these long houses, obvious homeless guys helping build things.

    My client says when Obama comes to disarm us he doesn't want us being able to rely on the homeless who would know the "terrain" better then regular civilians, he is said to also fear a lot of vets being homesless assisting us with military knowledge of how they operate when doing things like this, apparently my clients believe Obama will scare us with "Isis" being on us soil to creat a panic of following a martial law for our own safety, I've seen videos from civilians going down the highway using their cell phone to show military convoy and new trucks with lettering (UN) on sides of trucks, they are on back of flat bed big Riggs and right here in ohio. I'm told to stock up on WATER and CAN GOODS an one solider told my husband to BUT BULLETS! ANY bullets! I asked well bullets to guns we don't even own won't do us much good?

    He went into explaining the "barter system" an he said he isn't worried about me spreading the word because the usual american truly believes it will never happen on US SOIL and America will never go for this shit!

    He said shock and awe will be every where!

    So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts?

  14. #124
    That last post was not meant to go in the "politics" thread, and I Have no idea how it got here. It was a response to a comment in the "rants" and referred to Larry Craig, the "wide stance guy" who served on the House Ethics Committee, and rallied for harsher punishments against a fellow representative who was involved in a gay sex scandal, before being caught trolling for cock in an airport bathroom.

  15. #123

    Sounds like a Republican Senator

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazdas2001  [View Original Post]
    I really don't want my donations supporting a providers habit. Larry.
    Hey why'all, just going to go ahead pay this here girl for sex, but I somehow feel that it's wrong for her to spend that money on something illegal.

    That's fucking funny as hell to me.

  16. #122

    I will not vote

    I refuse to legitimize the travesty our system has become.

    I already knew Mitch Mcconnell would win. The game is rigged. And I am not going to play.

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