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  1. #106

    I will call you a racist

    Quote Originally Posted by Fulanito28  [View Original Post]
    Nice. The only thing I like more than sex is politics. So is this really a political thread or are people going to call me racist if I say Obama is a piece of shit?
    But only because you single out Obama. Our political system has become a piece of shit, due to all the POS politicians who have created it in their image. Corporations and special interests control everything political in this country. I can't vote anymore because the system will only allow (other) sociopaths to attain any significant federal office. DC is a world of bribery, payoffs, and back room deals. Remember when little Bush (a particularly fragrant POS) and his bankers bullied congress at a "special session" into voting FOR the bailout of banks "too big to fail"? After congress had already voted with a resounding "NO"? Not many do.

    Career politicians, no term limits, unfettered campaign contributions, lobbyists, lack of accountability. These things prohibit fixing the system. It is just too corrupt.

    If they find stolen money in my freezer, I go to jail. When they find it in a politician's freezer, they have a "hearing". Followed by a reception featuring sweet and sour shrimp.

    When Obama leaves office he will be replaced by some POS with different special interests. These creeps will never give up what they have lied, misled, and cheated to obtain. As the great Frank Zappa (who would have made a great president) said in his song "the meek shall inherit nothing":

    You say your life's a bum deal, and you're up against the wall.

    People, you ain't even got no kinda deal at all.

    'because what they do, in Washington.

    They just takes care of number one.

    And number one ain't you.

    You ain't even number two!

  2. #105

    Stockpiling and being prepared, what's next?

    I'm going to write a long response to Christina's question. I'm going to write in on word because its going to be long and hopefully with a lot of info on what I think is coming. Do I have any special qualifications? Well, except for the past having been an insurance agent and stockbroker for 17 years, and having also done a little time some years ago, which gives me both the low and the high, so to speak; my only qualification is knowledge of finance, markets, and the fact that I have no life so I spend a great deal of time reading.

    Hopefully people will read, do a little research, and us mongers and hookers will survive to have some fun, but I don't have a lot of confidence in that.

    More coming.


  3. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by CurvyChristina  [View Original Post]

    So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts?...
    You could say I'm in the industry, I'll leave it at that.

    #1 - I believe it is every able-bodied American's duty to own at least one firearm and have ammunition for it (that's why Japan didn't invade when Pearl Harbor was destroyed, it's also why Switzerland has been able to remain neutral and sovereign). Also, a very minimum of training goes a long way. Remember, farmers beat the largest, most organized military in the world to secure a new nation. We can do it again with the help of the Oath Keepers (google them if you've never heard of them). #2 - Properly purchased & stored ammunition does not go bad and will outlast us all. Other than market spikes, the price of ammunition has never gone down for any length of time. #3 - When you look at US history, FEMA, the Red Cross, etc. Is only a recent development. Until recently, we've not had a government to rely on in times of crisis, now we're completely dependent on it. You should be able to care for yourself and your family for a MINIMUM of 7 days for local disasters (storms, riots, etc.) and 30 days for regional disasters. How many people have a full week's worth of meals in their house WITHOUT power (refrigeration & grid powered electric or gas stove)? Very few, hence near term looting. #4 - Some religions (mainline Mormons, aka Latter Day Saints) require of their membership to have ONE YEAR of food stored for their family. #5 - You have insurance for your car, your house, your health. Why not your ability to eat?

    So, we could all spend a fortune preparing for the "big one" that may never come. What's prudent and will put you ahead of 99% of Americans? Here's my minimum prudent list:

    * One defensive firearm for each able bodied person (yes, some children certainly qualify) and two hundred rounds of ammo for each firearm and at least four magazines or speedloaders for each. Those that can not defend themselves become sheep to the slaughter. * Three days of water (1 gal / person / day) ready to go, properly stored for safety (water does in fact, go bad if stored incorrectly) or frequently rotated. Also the ability to filter and sterilize water for 30 days. * Two weeks of food for the whole family that does not require refrigeration or complex preparation. (You can count on what's in your freezer for one day, what's in your fridge for one day after that usually.) This will keep you outside the riot zone known as box stores. * $400 cash (not in a bank, but CASH in hand, at home), another $100+ in barter-able silver coin, junk or bullion. * A good set of standard hand tools & two sets of quality work wear.

    Additional thoughts:

    Cities will be hit hardest should this kind of thing occur. It won't, but being prepared has never hurt anyone. I HIGHLY DOUBT it as there are enough gun-totin' patriots out there that are willing to die to preserve our way of life. There are enough cops and military who believe this as well (Oath Keepers) and there are plenty others who aren't willing to die to enforce someone else's beliefs against the Constitution. I firmly believe that Obama hates America and what it stood for (yes, past tense) and is doing his best to erode that. Groundwork was laid two generations ago and more fundamental work is being laid now that a generation or two from now, we will be a nanny state. If there is to be martial law in the US, it will have to be by a foreign army, or UN based army. Leaders at the top of the armed services have been being weeded out with questions surrounding the firing on US civilians.

    I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I a right-wing nut job. But I do have my eyes open.

    Be prudent, but enjoy yourself. Living in fear is no way to live, so get to where you feel comfortable and pay attention. If you would like more information, I'd be happy to point you in some good directions.

  4. #103

    Re: Scary Stuff

    I find it kind of hard to believe Obama's doing much of anything at this point. Looks to me like he's biding time until he can leave office and start collecting $100 K per speech. I guess it sucks when your signature legislation (the Unaffordable Care Act) is so bad that even liberals can't stand him anymore.

    The person who scares me is Hillary. I can definitely see Nurse Wretched building facilities for a whole bunch of us. Heaven forbid she gets anywhere near the Oval Office because if she does, the USA Is definitely toast then.

  5. #102

    Scary stuff I'm hearing


    I see a lot of military clients who enjoy a little pillow talk to help relieve their PTSD as well as voice their personal opinion of what they are being sent to do, currently my worries are this. Now I've never been a conspiracy theorist so please stop me where needed, so far the latest pillow talk is this. Fema camps ordered by Obama, police state and Martial Law.

    I've been sent videos by clients (not releasing that info), where they are working on the camps in Indiana, stating it's an old train station, now surrounded by barbwire, keeping people in not OUT, this one particular solider is telling me Obama wants the homesless rounded up and placed in these camps, he sends pics here and there of what looks like row houses, not really death camps there is plumbing and heating and air I seen units for these long houses, obvious homeless guys helping build things.

    My client says when Obama comes to disarm us he doesn't want us being able to rely on the homeless who would know the "terrain" better then regular civilians, he is said to also fear a lot of vets being homesless assisting us with military knowledge of how they operate when doing things like this, apparently my clients believe Obama will scare us with "Isis" being on us soil to creat a panic of following a martial law for our own safety, I've seen videos from civilians going down the highway using their cell phone to show military convoy and new trucks with lettering (UN) on sides of trucks, they are on back of flat bed big Riggs and right here in ohio. I'm told to stock up on WATER and CAN GOODS an one solider told my husband to BUT BULLETS! ANY bullets! I asked well bullets to guns we don't even own won't do us much good?

    He went into explaining the "barter system" an he said he isn't worried about me spreading the word because the usual american truly believes it will never happen on US SOIL and America will never go for this shit!

    He said shock and awe will be every where!

    So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts?

  6. #101


    Nice. The only thing I like more than sex is politics. So is this really a political thread or are people going to call me racist if I say Obama is a piece of shit?

  7. #100

    Political thread

    This particular thread is for political discussions. It's difficult, though, because the subject causes so much inflammation. If there was a way to make people use references to facts that can be posted in their argument and then verified by the reader, it would be easier to keep conversations civil. Unfortunately, its difficult to get people to do that, for one thing, and for another most people don't have a clue as to what's going on. I mean us mongers and the wonderful women who take care of our needs are more aware of things dealing with the police and so on, because we are more exposed to that arena and it is good for us to know how to handle ourselves, but the vast majority, and I do mean vast, haven't a clue of what's going on.

    Good day.


  8. #99

    Do providers get to vote?

    If We the girls have a say so?

    Although I'd live to yell YES POLITICS PLEASE! But I know this forum is here for other reasons, maybe just another thread can help because I'll be honest, if I prepare any more for Marshall Law, they will run an episode of dooms day peppers at my house! I'd love to pick brains on this, I don't know about the other girls clients but myself I have a TON of soldiers that scare me to death! I don't know who or what to believe and thank goodness for those clients who provide me with OPEN communication on the phone and through text because Every-time another of my soldiers pass through I hear more scary info, I usually just pass the info around within my soldiers circle an believe only what they majority agree on, but if we had an open thread of men I could share info with, I'd love that!

    But NOT on here because I like these threads just as is, and if the guys here talk politics so passionately like my soldiers do, I can see this forum being taken completely over in a short time with that topic.

  9. #98

    Cock sucking is a wonderful skill if you find the right woman

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]
    Lets just fuck the hot female ones and leave the rest alone.


    P.S. Admin, I've been impressed by your erudition lately, seems we have solidly educated company.


    Except your autocorrect sometimes irritates me.
    Jenna of Dayton and Rachel Myles are two of the best around and both love to bring forth the wellspring of life and make good use of it when it arrives. Jenna loves to talk dirty to you if you ask her two and that enhances the feelings I also understand FF is a great cock sucker and I am looking forward to trying out Leah without teeth and I understand she throws a great gum job with finish.

  10. #97


    Lets just fuck the hot female ones and leave the rest alone.


    P.S. Admin, I've been impressed by your erudition lately, seems we have solidly educated company.


    Except your autocorrect sometimes irritates me.

  11. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    Fuck all those cocksuckers.
    Let's don't and say we did.

  12. #95

    Posts: 4936

    Two different guys

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post] Doesn't quite jibe with this link So who is right?
    John Adams the man was an intensely religious person and the country was probably well served because of it. John Adams when speaking as the President, for the United States as a country, understood that his personal religious convictions had no place in determining the policy of the country. Since he helped found it, he knew it was a nation of laws, not a theocracy.

    What was written about Jefferson was correct, that amended bible is still in the Library of Congress. He pretty much invented the concept of searching for the "Historic Jesus." I have no issues with politicians whose ideas and sensibilities are informed with a Judeo Christian orientation. I have a massive issue with politicians who think their Judeo Christian concepts should be the foundation of law. Specifically because they like to cherry pick those ideas. If not, why the fuck isn't pork against the law. Why aren't those fucks calling for the stoning of Mark Sanford? He was an adulterer and the bible is pretty clear on that. Newt has been married like 100 times, stone that fucker as well.

    It's the hypocrisy of those fucks that piss me off. 60% divorce rate among strait people but somehow gays getting married is going to undermine the family? 50% of all people (yes chicks as well) have affairs but women can't sell pussy because it will have a negative effect on society. Fuck all those cocksuckers.

  13. #94

    Founders' religion

    0 ver 95% of the signers of the declaration of independence belonged nominally to one of 3 religions (Episcopalean- Church of England: Presbyterian. Church of Scotland: or Unitarian) 2 were Quakers and only 1 (Charles Carroll from Maryland) was Catholic.

    Thomas Jefferson and ben Franklin were both strong Deists who believed that proof of God came solely from observation of the natural world and rejected religious beliefs directed from the highrer authorities of any church.

    Thomas Jefferson rewrote the new testament as to remove any references to miracles and the resurrection since he believed them to be fantasies created for the weak minded to believe.

    They were all decendants of English / Scottish ancestry and were therefore all well aware of the problems / genocide associated with state sponsored religions and wanted nothing to do with them.

    So Endeth the lesson.

    Res Ipsa.

  14. #93

    Cheech say it ain't so!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]
    Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. The problem is the same whenever people with strong religious view get into power, they attempt by whatever means they can to force their religious views on everyone. This leads to things like STONING WOMEN FOR ADULTERY and BEHEADING CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. And I might catch some flak for this, but the worst offenders are the Muslims. At least in modern times.

    I personally do not believe in god, or gods, or any of the other omnipotent, omnipresent, or omnibenevolent beings that supposedly exist. All fairy tales. I support your right to believe in fairy tales, however, as long as you don't try to shove them down my throat.

    Besides, all those beings are too busy watching children starve and die from disease to be concerned about us. Too busy watching thousands of people die in wars, vaporized by atomic bombs, starved to death.

    You don't believe in Olympus? Zeus, Apollo, Aphroditey, Hera, LOL.

  15. #92

    Freedom of religion

    Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. The problem is the same whenever people with strong religious view get into power, they attempt by whatever means they can to force their religious views on everyone. This leads to things like STONING WOMEN FOR ADULTERY and BEHEADING CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. And I might catch some flak for this, but the worst offenders are the Muslims. At least in modern times.

    I personally do not believe in god, or gods, or any of the other omnipotent, omnipresent, or omnibenevolent beings that supposedly exist. All fairy tales. I support your right to believe in fairy tales, however, as long as you don't try to shove them down my throat.

    Besides, all those beings are too busy watching children starve and die from disease to be concerned about us. Too busy watching thousands of people die in wars, vaporized by atomic bombs, starved to death.


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