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  1. #61

    You don't remember / recall

    You sound like Reagan.

    Some of your other points are just gibberish. You need to look more closely and with eyes wide open at what occurred during the Reagan and Bush (GW) terms. Reagan supplied the arms, but he also lied to Congress and the American people regarding the operation. People died due to his actions. That is a fact. Care to comment? Republicans are always at a loss for words when it comes to Iran Contra.

    When was the gas last used on the Kurds? Quit making excuses for bad foreign policy. Hussein had to go is no argument for invading Iraq. It was a war on terror. . right? Based upon your comments, we should have invaded Africa and Syria. People being slaughtered there too. Should we go there too?

    I commend you for your volunteer efforts at the VA.

    By the way, I am a Libertarian.

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    Regan supplied the arms Yes I volunteer for a Veterans Hospital. When Bush left the WH this country had a 5+ trillion debt it is not 17 and climbing. I don't remember Bush circumventing Congress and rewriting laws to fit his wishes. I don't remember Republicans supporting Obama CARE I never heard a house majority republican say before we read a law we have to pass it. I don't remember a president supporting the CIA for spying on Congress. I don't remember Bush drawing a red line then failing to to back it up. I do remember Bush saying there were WMDs in Irag which everyone now says there werent yet thousands of Kurds were killed by poison gas which is a WMD I don't remember Bush targeting groups in the IRS or handing out personal information of theres to the Federal Election Commission a FELONY. I don't remember Iraq being left without a security agreement of forces which Obama did when he pulled out troops and the operative word for 11.7 million people in the USA is ILLEGAL ALIENS. So are those who show up at the border crossing due to the Dream Act. Hussains demise was needed and no war is ever paid for They are absorbed into the national debt. Boehner is rightfully disgusted with a President and his Democrat majority leader TROLL who allows 300+ bills many bipartisan to lay on his desk and will not bring them up for a vote. A man who knocks the Koch brothers for supporting the GOP but forgets about the millions given out by his Buddy Styrer to the Dem party and its candidates I didn't see Boehner take 31000 +dollars and by favors and gifts for his family members then feign surprise when confronted and told that was a violation of the election laws and had to pay it back without apology, or step in on behalf of his unqualified family member in NV to get him a prosecutorial job he was not qualified for but put pressure on the town counsel to put him in. NICE That is politics but to Reid it is lets lie so we can make an issue. Like Pelosi and Obama if you like your doctor, your policy and your hospital you can keep them and his famous OBAMACARE will reduce the average taxpayer premium by 2500 dollars when they are skyrocketing. Or a roll out that still is not completed after a three year construction and almost a trillion dollars to build a faulty roll out with little to no oversight. I don't remember Bush sending illegals to states without notifying city majors or state Governors of it or where they were being sent without coordination of efforts. Answers to your questions are yes to all the below. Obama is a mess and so are Pelosi, Holder, Sebellius Brennan, Reid and Lerner. Watergate was bad and so was Nixon Spying is not the answer but neither is the NSA the CIA the IRS etc. Anymore questions.

  2. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    Regan supplied the arms Yes I volunteer for a Veterans Hospital. When Bush left the WH this country had a 5+ trillion debt it is not 17 and climbing. I don't remember Bush circumventing Congress and rewriting laws to fit his wishes. I don't remember Republicans supporting Obama CARE I never heard a house majority republican say before we read a law we have to pass it. I don't remember a president supporting the CIA for spying on Congress. I don't remember Bush drawing a red line then failing to to back it up. I do remember Bush saying there were WMDs in Irag which everyone now says there werent yet thousands of Kurds were killed by poison gas which is a WMD I don't remember Bush targeting groups in the IRS or handing out personal information of theres to the Federal Election Commission a FELONY. I don't remember Iraq being left without a security agreement of forces which Obama did when he pulled out troops and the operative word for 11.7 million people in the USA is ILLEGAL ALIENS. So are those who show up at the border crossing due to the Dream Act. Hussains demise was needed and no war is ever paid for They are absorbed into the national debt. Boehner is rightfully disgusted with a President and his Democrat majority leader TROLL who allows 300+ bills many bipartisan to lay on his desk and will not bring them up for a vote. A man who knocks the Koch brothers for supporting the GOP but forgets about the millions given out by his Buddy Styrer to the Dem party and its candidates I didn't see Boehner take 31000 +dollars and by favors and gifts for his family members then feign surprise when confronted and told that was a violation of the election laws and had to pay it back without apology, or step in on behalf of his unqualified family member in NV to get him a prosecutorial job he was not qualified for but put pressure on the town counsel to put him in. NICE That is politics but to Reid it is lets lie so we can make an issue. Like Pelosi and Obama if you like your doctor, your policy and your hospital you can keep them and his famous OBAMACARE will reduce the average taxpayer premium by 2500 dollars when they are skyrocketing. Or a roll out that still is not completed after a three year construction and almost a trillion dollars to build a faulty roll out with little to no oversight. I don't remember Bush sending illegals to states without notifying city majors or state Governors of it or where they were being sent without coordination of efforts. Answers to your questions are yes to all the below. Obama is a mess and so are Pelosi, Holder, Sebellius Brennan, Reid and Lerner. Watergate was bad and so was Nixon Spying is not the answer but neither is the NSA the CIA the IRS etc. Anymore questions.
    PM, you are so right on! Unfortunately, most liberals and all Obama fans will only be confused and infuriated by facts. You should never start an intellectual argument with an unarmed man. It's just not fair.

  3. #59

    Must be a liberal

    Quote Originally Posted by Willow1535  [View Original Post]
    If he were, you might be getting your food from a soup line and living on government cheese. We were headed towards a depression and I don't agree with the way we spent our way out of it, but GW left us in a huge hole. You can refute that. He was not solely the blame, but his was / is culpable. Not one. But two wars that were not paid for or needed. Lives wasted. Where were you when all that was going on? What do you have to say about Boehner and the tactics that he is using? It goes both ways; you just can't see it.
    Regan supplied the arms Yes I volunteer for a Veterans Hospital. When Bush left the WH this country had a 5+ trillion debt it is not 17 and climbing. I don't remember Bush circumventing Congress and rewriting laws to fit his wishes. I don't remember Republicans supporting Obama CARE I never heard a house majority republican say before we read a law we have to pass it. I don't remember a president supporting the CIA for spying on Congress. I don't remember Bush drawing a red line then failing to to back it up. I do remember Bush saying there were WMDs in Irag which everyone now says there werent yet thousands of Kurds were killed by poison gas which is a WMD I don't remember Bush targeting groups in the IRS or handing out personal information of theres to the Federal Election Commission a FELONY. I don't remember Iraq being left without a security agreement of forces which Obama did when he pulled out troops and the operative word for 11.7 million people in the USA is ILLEGAL ALIENS. So are those who show up at the border crossing due to the Dream Act. Hussains demise was needed and no war is ever paid for They are absorbed into the national debt. Boehner is rightfully disgusted with a President and his Democrat majority leader TROLL who allows 300+ bills many bipartisan to lay on his desk and will not bring them up for a vote. A man who knocks the Koch brothers for supporting the GOP but forgets about the millions given out by his Buddy Styrer to the Dem party and its candidates I didn't see Boehner take 31000 +dollars and by favors and gifts for his family members then feign surprise when confronted and told that was a violation of the election laws and had to pay it back without apology, or step in on behalf of his unqualified family member in NV to get him a prosecutorial job he was not qualified for but put pressure on the town counsel to put him in. NICE That is politics but to Reid it is lets lie so we can make an issue. Like Pelosi and Obama if you like your doctor, your policy and your hospital you can keep them and his famous OBAMACARE will reduce the average taxpayer premium by 2500 dollars when they are skyrocketing. Or a roll out that still is not completed after a three year construction and almost a trillion dollars to build a faulty roll out with little to no oversight. I don't remember Bush sending illegals to states without notifying city majors or state Governors of it or where they were being sent without coordination of efforts. Answers to your questions are yes to all the below. Obama is a mess and so are Pelosi, Holder, Sebellius Brennan, Reid and Lerner. Watergate was bad and so was Nixon Spying is not the answer but neither is the NSA the CIA the IRS etc. Anymore questions.

  4. #58

    Thank God!

    If he were, you might be getting your food from a soup line and living on government cheese. We were headed towards a depression and I don't agree with the way we spent our way out of it, but GW left us in a huge hole. You can refute that. He was not solely the blame, but his was / is culpable. Not one. But two wars that were not paid for or needed. Lives wasted. Where were you when all that was going on? What do you have to say about Boehner and the tactics that he is using? It goes both ways; you just can't see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    The current idiot that ignores the constitution and his duties as president by changing laws that effect us our economy and our healthcare is. His two toadies Pelosi and Reid are also up to their ears in screwing us as is BRO Holder and his covering of Obamas a** Also get rid of Brennan the CIA director who spied on our government and lied about it to Congress and Obama says he has complete faith in Brennan REALLY? Ya got to be shitting me on that one also. The man and his posse are one of the worst if not the worst that ever inhabited the WH.

  5. #57

    Extract yourself from the bubble

    A few questions for you mate.

    1. What have you done with your life for the past 25 years to make your community or country better?

    2. Have you ever voted for someone in a political party that is different from your own?

    3. How has Obamacare negatively impacted your healthcare?

    4. Do you do any volunteer work in your community?

    5. What laws do you pick and choose, on a daily basis to ignore?

    6. Have you ever worked to get a candidate elected and do you vote in every election?

    7. Have you ever heard of Iran Contra or Watergate?

    8. Do you know who supported and provided money and arms to Iraq in the 1980 - 90's?

    Just trying to figure out who I am dealing with.

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    He has violated his oath of office and the CONSTITUTION FACT HE NEEDS TO STOP OR BE put out of office. Harry Reid the troll has helped by holding 340 plus bills from the HOUSE back so they could not be voted on He needs to be kicked out of the SENATE. You can't pick and choose what laws or parts you want to enforce A law professor should know that what part do you not understand?

  6. #56

    Let's try to be civil

    Morons, fucking stupid? Can we articulate a point without the name calling? I should not have called GW the dumbest.

    Let's face it guys. Like them or hate them, they are alot smarter than any of us. These guys have put themselves and families out there only to be ripped apart by partisans on both sides.

    At least they are or were in the game. What are you doing to make a difference? I don't care if you are White, Black, Red, Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, if you stand up and serve this country, you deserve some level respect from everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    Are you really that FUCKING STUPID Anyone who knows the Constitution knows it takes 67 voted in the Senate to find him guilty No where near that The man is guilty of failing to follow his own law and picking and choosing what laws he wants to enforce Without 67 votes in the Senate he is as safe as Mother Teresa in a house full of male nymphos. Learn the Constitution and the parts of it then come back and talk about what you know not what you think you do.

  7. #55

    Let's keep it real.

    Of course you are including GW in that category. Truly one of the dumbest men to ever hold the office, yet somehow found the support of many to serve two terms. Once was enough; you can't explain the second time. I would rather have had someone like McCain or Mitt in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    The current idiot that ignores the constitution and his duties as president by changing laws that effect us our economy and our healthcare is. His two toadies Pelosi and Reid are also up to their ears in screwing us as is BRO Holder and his covering of Obamas a** Also get rid of Brennan the CIA director who spied on our government and lied about it to Congress and Obama says he has complete faith in Brennan REALLY? Ya got to be shitting me on that one also. The man and his posse are one of the worst if not the worst that ever inhabited the WH.

  8. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by ButtHunterII  [View Original Post]
    He has done no such thing. Take a breath and clear your head. If indeed he's done those things, why won't the Republicans (the same people that can't stand him BYW). Started impeachment hearings? BECAUSE HE HASNT BROKEN THE LAW!

    I'm sure you were outraged When Bush chose to delay and change Medicare Part D also.
    And you accuse Reid of obstructionism?

    Pot meet kettle!
    Are you really that FUCKING STUPID Anyone who knows the Constitution knows it takes 67 voted in the Senate to find him guilty No where near that The man is guilty of failing to follow his own law and picking and choosing what laws he wants to enforce Without 67 votes in the Senate he is as safe as Mother Teresa in a house full of male nymphos. Learn the Constitution and the parts of it then come back and talk about what you know not what you think you do.

  9. #53

    The Constitution.

    Asking who knows more about the Constitution is a misleading question. I'm sure Obama, as well as his predecessors know the Constitution backwards and forwards. Probably. The question is rather have they upheld their oath to uphold the Constitution? The answer is no. Virtually no president since before Lincoln has not violated the Constitution. In Obama's case, the minute he decided that he could order the murder of people who had not been tried and convicted by a court of law, he violated his oath, committed murder in the first degree, and at that point, with no other violations needed, qualified for immediate impeachment and criminal charges being filed against him. By the way, there are no excuses for murder.

    And the people just sit back and watch sports and bullshit on TV. The country is doomed.


  10. #52

    Bush is not the President

    Quote Originally Posted by ButtHunterII  [View Original Post]
    See Bush Medicare part the. There's your answer.
    The current idiot that ignores the constitution and his duties as president by changing laws that effect us our economy and our healthcare is. His two toadies Pelosi and Reid are also up to their ears in screwing us as is BRO Holder and his covering of Obamas a** Also get rid of Brennan the CIA director who spied on our government and lied about it to Congress and Obama says he has complete faith in Brennan REALLY? Ya got to be shitting me on that one also. The man and his posse are one of the worst if not the worst that ever inhabited the WH.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    Do either of you think that you know more about the Constitution than a Constitutional Law professor or the President? Yes I do and so do you The President does not have the authority to decide which parts of a law passed by Congress and signed by him to enforce He has changed ACA close to 40 times Not is prerogative to do so by the Constitution He may ask for amendments or a new law with his changes His authority is to ENFORCE the laws. SCOTUS has slapped him twice in Hobby Lobby and Recess Appointments He knows that as long as Dems control the Senate he won't be impeached Takes 2/3 rds to impeach 67 votes and Obama knows that won't happen so he continues to do what he wants to do and waits for someone to take him to SCOTUS. GOD Obama does not play by the CONSTITUTION It does not apply to him. He picks and chooses what laws he wants to enforce and screw everyone else. As a President who is supposedly a trained Constitutional lawyer he leaves much to be desired. JMO.
    See Bush Medicare part the. There's your answer.

  12. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    He has violated his oath of office and the CONSTITUTION FACT HE NEEDS TO STOP OR BE put out of office. Harry Reid the troll has helped by holding 340 plus bills from the HOUSE back so they could not be voted on He needs to be kicked out of the SENATE. You can't pick and choose what laws or parts you want to enforce A law professor should know that what part do you not understand?
    He has done no such thing. Take a breath and clear your head. If indeed he's done those things, why won't the Republicans (the same people that can't stand him BYW). Started impeachment hearings? BECAUSE HE HASNT BROKEN THE LAW!

    I'm sure you were outraged When Bush chose to delay and change Medicare Part D also.
    And you accuse Reid of obstructionism?

    Pot meet kettle!

  13. #49

    Not an opinion

    Quote Originally Posted by Willow1535  [View Original Post]
    It is an opinion!
    He has violated his oath of office and the CONSTITUTION FACT HE NEEDS TO STOP OR BE put out of office. Harry Reid the troll has helped by holding 340 plus bills from the HOUSE back so they could not be voted on He needs to be kicked out of the SENATE. You can't pick and choose what laws or parts you want to enforce A law professor should know that what part do you not understand?

  14. #48

    I'll give you that. .

    It is an opinion!

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    Do either of you think that you know more about the Constitution than a Constitutional Law professor or the President? Yes I do and so do you The President does not have the authority to decide which parts of a law passed by Congress and signed by him to enforce He has changed ACA close to 40 times Not is prerogative to do so by the Constitution He may ask for amendments or a new law with his changes His authority is to ENFORCE the laws. SCOTUS has slapped him twice in Hobby Lobby and Recess Appointments He knows that as long as Dems control the Senate he won't be impeached Takes 2/3 rds to impeach 67 votes and Obama knows that won't happen so he continues to do what he wants to do and waits for someone to take him to SCOTUS. GOD Obama does not play by the CONSTITUTION It does not apply to him. He picks and chooses what laws he wants to enforce and screw everyone else. As a President who is supposedly a trained Constitutional lawyer he leaves much to be desired. JMO.

  15. #47

    Yes we do and so do you Willow

    Quote Originally Posted by Willow1535  [View Original Post]
    Are we trying to be funny here or are we looking for serious comments and feed back. If we are looking for humor and the normal bs that is typically shared, then yes; his comments were good. They probably riled up the rank and file and made him feel good about himself for a short time.

    If we are trying to be serious, can either one of you provide any intelligent responses to the following questions:

    What did Obama or Emanuel do to contribute to the high murder rate in Chicago?

    Do either of you think that you know more about the Constitution than a Constitutional Law professor or the President?

    Are you suggesting that Bush had no culpability in the meltdown of the economy and the housing bubble?

    Do you understand the basics of the Stock Market?

    Just sayin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Willow1535  [View Original Post]
    Are we trying to be funny here or are we looking for serious comments and feed back. If we are looking for humor and the normal bs that is typically shared, then yes; his comments were good. They probably riled up the rank and file and made him feel good about himself for a short time.

    If we are trying to be serious, can either one of you provide any intelligent responses to the following questions:

    What did Obama or Emanuel do to contribute to the high murder rate in Chicago?

    Do either of you think that you know more about the Constitution than a Constitutional Law professor or the President?

    Are you suggesting that Bush had no culpability in the meltdown of the economy and the housing bubble?

    Do you understand the basics of the Stock Market?

    Just sayin.
    Do either of you think that you know more about the Constitution than a Constitutional Law professor or the President? Yes I do and so do you The President does not have the authority to decide which parts of a law passed by Congress and signed by him to enforce He has changed ACA close to 40 times Not is prerogative to do so by the Constitution He may ask for amendments or a new law with his changes His authority is to ENFORCE the laws. SCOTUS has slapped him twice in Hobby Lobby and Recess Appointments He knows that as long as Dems control the Senate he won't be impeached Takes 2/3 rds to impeach 67 votes and Obama knows that won't happen so he continues to do what he wants to do and waits for someone to take him to SCOTUS. GOD Obama does not play by the CONSTITUTION It does not apply to him. He picks and chooses what laws he wants to enforce and screw everyone else. As a President who is supposedly a trained Constitutional lawyer he leaves much to be desired. JMO.

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