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  1. #2712
    I usually don't require it, but most have done it voluntarily once we get into a groove. It's usually the woman who asks me what am I going to do about my profile and is checking up on when I last logged in, LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by John G Smith  [View Original Post]
    Just curious how often other guys here ask the SBs to close their profiles.

  2. #2711
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Getting Worse

    Guys. This is not a joke. I thought I had good security and the the crazy ***** got through. She is taking a wrecking ball to my life. And seems to have plenty of time on her hands.

    It may be more than one person. She may be part of a professional con artist team. Not sure yet. Seeing the attorney this morning.

    The risks on this are higher than you can imagine. And I have not even done anything!


  3. #2710
    " JG Smith's UTR girl is a classic Nando 1 right down to the bf in prison. Brother, you do not want a professional criminal in your life."

    Absolutely. I didn't know about the prison bf until the last meet. And if you read my previous post I was already planning to keep her at arm's length. But now yeah I'm totally done with her. I agree I think it's good advice to just completely avoid the Nando1s. Yes it can be easier to score with them, but often times it's short-lived and not worth the drama.

    But I would remind you that divorce and other spousal problems are not the only, or for some of us even the worst, issues a bunny-boiler can cause. There are plenty of stories out there about jobs lost or whole careers ruined by such a crazy getting into the guy's work info and wrecking havoc, too.
    Thanks for the reminder. I often forget about the risks it can cause to a job / career because I run my own business. If a psycho SB tries to call my work, it will just ring the phone on my desk, instead of my cell. I certainly won't be firing myself. And my SO doesn't work, our home number isn't listed, so for me in terms of work things are pretty sealed off and a dead-end for psychos. But obviously this isn't the case for everyone. We all have different areas where we are more vulnerable than others. Back again to the good advice from Hernando to just avoid Nando1s when possible.

    College Athlete SB

    Had our first meeting this weekend. It was basically just a M&G, but it went well. She's smoking hot and even better in person than her pictures. We got along well and when we discussed the "physical" component of the arrangement, she agreed and was on board. This was a relief since I was really trying to tread softly on the subject. We made out in the car and I think there's a good chance our next meeting will be at the FC. But of course you never know for sure until you're in It.

    Also one requirement I had was for her to hide / disable her profile on the SD site. I could tell she was somewhat bummed, but she agreed to it anyway. Has anyone else asked their SB to close their profiles? I'm not kidding myself, I know that if she still wants to keep pursuing other SDs she will find a way. But at minimum it will send her underground and reduce the flow of messages she sends / receives. She has some really good pictures, so if she left her profile up she would just keep getting a good volume of responses daily. I've had two previous semi-long term SB arrangements (+3 months) and in both cases I required the SBs to stop playing the SD field. Whatever they did in their personal life was their business, but I prefer to be the only SD. And you don't necessarily have to pay a lot of money, you just have to find the right girl that you can cover the expenses and have somewhat of a connection. Of course there are still horror stories like Hernando's, so you never truly know. Just curious how often other guys here ask the SBs to close their profiles. I'll probably keep checking every week or so to see if she creates a new account on the current site or other SD sites. If she ends up having another SD it's not the end of the world. I just don't want her talking to 5-6 SD pots daily.

    Got to agree, college (full-time) babies are the best babies. They're relatively stable, especially the 3rd and 4th year students. Yet they're still very sexual because hey, it's college. The only thing is, college babies can range from very affordable to mega-GPS. Even if they already have all the tuition, books, and rent paid for, some still demand an allowance equal to a junior executive. I think that's the tricky part is finding a college SB that is need of some help but still fairly independent.

  4. #2709

    Nando 1, a collection

    This forum is chocked full and I appreciate the wisdom displayed here.

    My HCB is still in the picture. None of the replacement players have paid off yet. There are 3 apparent Nando 1's off SDFM that I am working.

    #1 was scheduled for tonight and blew me off because she's too tired and has to work early tomorrow. Well no shit! I am never too tired for sex or making money. I also noticed she was on line at that very moment. So she is working a better deal. She has GPS and quoted a price per meet (PPM) of $800. I laughed and countered with $$ and she accepted the next day. So here we are today, so I offered to meet just for coffee, a true M&G. She then wanted money for gas and sitter just to meet me. I didn't answer. Scratch one.

    #2 is on deck for tomorrow and she announced that she is a lady and no sex on the first date. So if she shows she will get no $$ and the first date either. I will treat her to dinner. She has not responded to my text about tomorrow's date and I noticed she is also on line right now. No allowance has been discussed yet. She is 21 size 2 with purple hair She is a cute 7/7/8. I like her loving banter so I hope she works out.

    #3 AA hottie from SA 8/8? She blew me off Friday because something "came up". The only thing that should come up is my *well, you know.

    AM pen pal is going nicely, but I do not know if this will ever go beyond the PP stage.

    PF HCB (PF=Present Favorite) Is still there and mtg her Tues nite. I guess I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. She isn't a sex maniac buy I will try to be more patient. Maybe the rose will bloom in time.

  5. #2708

    $ 1 Million advice

    Now more than ever before is there such a concentration of exceptional advice accumulated by many of the masters of the game.

    Newbies pay attention. While you still have to read the entire thread to see the evolution of the techniques and thoughts involved, there is a $million of advice and experience here in the SB game.

    My contribution right now is this. Do not seek Nando 1' s EVER. They are desperate, fickle, larcenous, amoral, unpredictable, inconsistent, and will burn you in a New York minute. SDFM has a higher M to F ratio therefore the competition is greater for men. The girls will open a dialog, flirt, schedule a date, and not show, blow you off, or disappear. They are all about the money only and will upgrade at your expense. Many of the ones who do show are pros, semipros, or truly desperate. JG Smith's UTR girl is a classic Nando 1 right down to the bf in prison. Brother, you do not want a professional criminal in your life.

    Girls in college usually have scholarships or their families are helping them, so they are not desperate. Their work ethic is usually good, they are motivated to succeed, and need some extra help for rent, books, or sundries. I think they are the most reliable SBs as a group. Plus they view sex as a sport much like tennis or racquet ball. Thank you Madonna, Britney, and associates. There are exceptions all up and down the scale and we each have our preferences.

  6. #2707

    This thread is inspirational!

    About two months ago I saw an article about sugar babies and started doing a little research. I posted on my local board asking if anyone had any experience with some of the SD websites. I only got a couple of replies, basically saying that "I heard it was more expensive". I think I share some of the views held on this thread, in that while I am not made of money, I am willing to part with a little premium if the reward is an encounter that surpasses the usual BP meet. I found SD dotcom and created a profile, but did not pay for a membership. I had received a few emails but couldn't answer them. Friday I was scrolling through the main forum page and the title of this thread caught my eye. I read the most recent 5 pages, and was hooked! I spent yesterday and today going through the whole thread from the start. Thanks to all who have provided so much insight into this topic. (It got a little snarky there towards the end in spots, but overall one of the best threads on this board.

    So, yesterday, before I was even through the thread, I activated my profile and sent out a handful of notes (seems that SA is the preferred board on here, if my 3 month profile on SD. Com doesn't pan out I plan to go there next). I work away from home at times and right now I am on a project in a rather rural area in the northeast, so there were not tons of good choices. Initially I was just planning to wait until I get home in a couple of months but I figured I could use this as my minor league assignment, so that when I get back to PHX, I have my "A" game. I already received my first reply, a 32 YO MILF, but I think she thought she was on match. Com, as she said in her email that <gasp men on this site seem to be only interested in sex! I may email back and forth a bit and see if she really is that naive, but I think the odds of a home run in my first AB are low with her. In any event, I have a line in the water (to mix metaphors) and you can't win if you don't play. I look forward to reporting on my learning curve and thanks again for the intel!

  7. #2706

    Fledging Seeking Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Jbl0068  [View Original Post]
    I'm new to the prospect of becoming a SD but I suppose a bit lucky. I already have a potential that wants to meet (I initiated the meet and greet after a couple of days and she was very agreeable). I was hoping to hear some thoughts on giving out numbers and photos as well as any other cautionary advice that any of you feel like passing along. I don't have a significant other so I don't have to worry about that aspect but I would be concerned about the crazies so I want to protect myself. Just so you know, before I get flamed to death, I have been reading the forum and even though I'm not a senior member yet I'm not 12 years old either. I'm just hoping to gain a little extra insight from those who are experienced and would appreciate the help.

    The question concerns giving out a cell number. A cell number can be googled to turn up our classified ad selling a washer and dryer and our real first name to go with it. Another question concerns a girl having our real photograph. Our real photograph is false proof she really knows us although we never met. She has the power to cause some future wife pause we must have met last week. How else would she have our photograph? Why would she do it? Because her expectations were not met. Women get mad.

    Jb, start by reading the entire board starting with Post 1. Pay close attention to what happens when we get emotionally involved, when we think exclusivity is consistent with pay for play, when we fail to keep our personal information secure and when she has the power to show up at our work, things such as that. We have the power to hide in the weeds to protect our true selfves and those close to us but when we share our identities we give her power over us. With or without a SO we still have a life and we don't want it known among our circle that we engage in pay for play. Getting caught in an affair is survivable, maybe not to our marriage but survivable at work; getting caught in pay for play is not survivable. Jb, you're coming here at just the right time. The board has gone full circle on a lot of these mitakes showing how things are different when we have hindsight. It's here for the reading starting with Post 1, all free of charge. Note which posts you see yourself in and keep reading to see how they turned out. The bottom line is to learn the need to keep one's powder dry and how to use common sense to do it without exception. Learn this here before you journey out and are a danger to yourself.

    Welcome to the board.

  8. #2705

    On John's comments

    With the exception of whether we're in the "golden age" of the sugar bowl (I personally think the bloom is coming off the rose, thanks to too much publicity and its attendant problems) I agree with all that John says. But I would remind you that divorce and other spousal problems are not the only, or for some of us even the worst, issues a bunny-boiler can cause. There are plenty of stories out there about jobs lost or whole careers ruined by such a crazy getting into the guy's work info and wrecking havoc, too.

    Never forget that, in the end, every single girl you meet doing this is proving by their participation that they are out for #1. Some small but significant number of them will have no scruples in how far they will go for #1, and some of those will have experience at it.

  9. #2704

    Psycho Bowl

    SA is definitely more "high-brow" than SD4M. For starters, SA has blogs which promote "white knight" fantasies, which tends to attract "normal" girls who want a knight in shining armor to take all their troubles away and whisk them away to a large castle. Whereas SD4M, the website design itself is a little more "sleazier" and on the average it tends to attract girls who just want money without all the fairytale fantasies. But it means there's a higher concentration of pros and Nando1s on that site, especially since the girls don't have to pay to be contacted. Ironically though my first psycho came from SA. So they're everywhere.

    It's also why I've cautioned some of our married brothers here to be careful juggling multiple SBs and Pots. If you're juggling 4 or more girls at a time, there's just no way you can keep track of proper alibis and you may miss some early warning signs because you're caught up with too many other SBs / pots. I know it's tempting because frankly we're in the golden-age of the sugar bowl. It's a buyer's market and the HYCB real estate is in much abundance. But putting too much on your plate is a recipe for things to go crashing down sooner rather than later.

    And while I agree, rule #1 is protecting your true identity and rule #2 is to follow rule #1. That said, we have to be realistic and honest with ourselves that in almost any mid to long-term sugar arrangement, the SB will likely find out your true identity. The more stuff you do with your SB, the more likely you'll accidentally leave a bread crumb of your true identity. Just read my post on "vulnerable" areas to get an idea and I still probably missed a bunch of things. So it's all about contingency plans. You need to be able to explain every M&G and every date if your SO questions you hard about it or if someone saw you. If your SB turns psycho, you need to already have your "Plan B" brown envelope, which you put together after the very first meet. Nothing should surprise you even when it does.

    And above all NEVER confess. Never. Women have the instinctual defense mechanism to go into denial even when the bloody truth is staring them in the face. Probably goes back to caveman days so that "Jane" could mentally handle "Jack" putting his saber bone into "Jill","Jan", and the rest of the cave's people. So give her a plausible but vague story that will facilitate her denial. Until the SO and her private eye have the "smoking gun" on you, maintain the allusion. Eight times out of ten the SO will want To believe it even if they have serious doubts.

    The recent stories by many of the members here have reminded us that this is a dangerous game, especially if you're married. Just by looking at this forum you can see a great percentage of sugar daddies will get exposed to their SO within the first 18 months of getting into the Bowl. The risk of exposure is just so much higher compared to seeing escorts and going to AMPs. For example the last meeting with my Backseat SB, she left her under shirt in my car. Even though it was dark, thankfully I caught it that night when I did a quick final checkup because my SO used my car the next morning without my knowledge.

    If you have a marriage that you really value and care about, then maybe getting in to the Sugar Bowl isn't the best idea. If you just need to bang a hot girl every now and then for variety, escorts / AMPs are FAR less riskier toward your marriage (assuming you avoid LEO, which honestly isn't that hard if you're smart). As someone mentioned already, SBs are for those that need a little bit of a personal connection or "human" touch with their sex. But it comes at a price.

    As for me, I wouldn't be overly distraught if my wife found out and wanted a divorce. I have some issues with her and I've basically thrown in the towel. It doesn't mean I'm not super careful concealing my identity and also insuring my escapades don't give her reason to raise questions. But I can handle the end game if ultimately I get caught and exposed. My marriage is simply not as good as some of you guys, so I'm willing to put it at the mercy of the risks of the sugar bowl. But after all the recent stories here of psychos, we should all reassess what exactly are we trying to get from the sugar bowl and if it's worth the risks. I'd say budget SDs and streetwalker mongers are probably the highest risks of exposure in the Hobbyist world.

  10. #2703
    My crazy was from SD4Me. Maybe it has something to do with that fact that you don't have to pay to be contacted. On Sdaddie dot com, everyone one has to pay to send and receive emails. So that may cut down on some of the riff-raff. I think SA is the same unless you are a proven college baby (via emails address).


    Quote Originally Posted by F Scott  [View Original Post]
    These are some truly hair-raising stories here, my friends, and certainly cautionary tales for us all. Without going back and reading all the lead-up, is there a common thread that binds all the crazy babies together? Didn't you all meet them on SD4M? It may be just my personal prejudice, but in the Chicago area, the babies on that site are, for the most part, lower rent than the ones on SA. I'd just be curious to know where they have come from.

    Revvo, I hope the shit bypasses your fan, my brother. I agree with Tigg, however, don't hand your wife the goods on your extracurricular activities. I was involved in a trial as a witness many years ago, and the lawyer who was prepping me gave me this bit of advice: don't say a single word more than you have to; there is no sense in doing the other side's work for them. If your wife is going to nail you, she will do it on her own, with our without your help.

    Good luck, my friend!


  11. #2702

    Fledging Seeking Advice

    I'm new to the prospect of becoming a SD but I suppose a bit lucky. I already have a potential that wants to meet (I initiated the meet and greet after a couple of days and she was very agreeable). I was hoping to hear some thoughts on giving out numbers and photos as well as any other cautionary advice that any of you feel like passing along. I don't have a significant other so I don't have to worry about that aspect but I would be concerned about the crazies so I want to protect myself. Just so you know, before I get flamed to death, I have been reading the forum and even though I'm not a senior member yet I'm not 12 years old either. I'm just hoping to gain a little extra insight from those who are experienced and would appreciate the help.


  12. #2701
    Quote Originally Posted by F Scott  [View Original Post]
    These are some truly hair-raising stories here, my friends, and certainly cautionary tales for us all. Without going back and reading all the lead-up, is there a common thread that binds all the crazy babies together? Didn't you all meet them on SD4M? It may be just my personal prejudice, but in the Chicago area, the babies on that site are, for the most part, lower rent than the ones on SA. I'd just be curious to know where they have come from.

    Revvo, I hope the shit bypasses your fan, my brother. I agree with Tigg, however, don't hand your wife the goods on your extracurricular activities. I was involved in a trial as a witness many years ago, and the lawyer who was prepping me gave me this bit of advice: don't say a single word more than you have to; there is no sense in doing the other side's work for them. If your wife is going to nail you, she will do it on her own, with our without your help.

    Good luck, my friend!

    I used to be on SA and SD4me at the same time and then I switched to SD4me exclusively when I saw a lot of the same girls were on both. (As it costs them nothing to join.) SA is geared to promote the SB at a higher level of compensation due to thier ridiculous drop down bar suggesting how much compensation they think they deserve per month. And there are less girls (less competition). The super hotties on SD4me are less than the average girls on SA due to their higher expectations. I am in L. A. Can't speak for anywhere else. But it's a buyers market in most areas of the country as far as I can tell. And can only get better over time as the acceptability of this lifestyle to the young girls is growing at a dramatic rate. And not to get political, but if the current government trend of job creation continues to push only the lowest paying jobs as a way out of the recession this can only help the SD side of the equation.

    In my industry (to go unnamed) as the margins have fallen due in large part to government over regulation, healthcare fears and higher taxes, many people have been layed off (especially women under 30) hiring has stalled and everyones pay has been cut. This not only increases the desperation of the girls but also has limited the ability of the hobbyist to budget the larger amounts spent just a few short years ago.

    I remember going to industry conventions where guys would drop 5k in one night in a strip club. That would be unthinkable today.

  13. #2700

    Yes they are all psychos

    Or have the potential to turn psycho in a nonosecond. My SO has always told me women are far more dangerous than I could ever imagine.

    I posted last summer about how thankful I was to have resisted the urge to entertain a few that I thought I knew well enough to trust.

    Turns out in each case it would have been a huge mistake and I'd probably still be uneasy if a passing car slowed.

    So different from when my original sb would move in for days at a time when I was home alone, although in retrospect that could have turned ugly and she did " out " me and identify me to several of her friends, so they they knew me but I didn't know them. Very uncomfortable if you are well known in what can become a small town.

    My general life philosophy has been to trust people until they give you a reason not to. I have suspended that in the sugar bowl.

    Not to be judgemental, I'm out here too, but just the fact that they are out here tells you there is some dysfunction and I don't even want to imagine what could be lurking just below the surface.

    So, unfortunately if you learn anything in reading this thread, protecting your true identity should be rule # 1, and rule 2 is see rule 1.

    Difficult when the goal is to establish intimacy and engage in intimate acts that are enhanced by that intimacy.

  14. #2699
    Quote Originally Posted by Revvo  [View Original Post]
    Well the crazy * has called my wife back at her work now. Wife was not there but called me to asked me about her. She gave wife two different names already. I asked wife who is it Kimberly or Elissa?

    Wife said she does not know. Just left a message with receptionist that she needed to talk to her about Revvo. I said I don't know who it is never heard of either. Don't you think it is strange that there are two different names? She said she does not know.

    I can tell she is suspicious. Asked me if there is anything she should know. I said no very nonchalantly. I asked her if she was going to call crazy * back. She said I don't know should I. I said I don't know.

    That is where it is at now.

    She is getting closer. 90% chance shit will hit the fan. I think I have found the one smart crazy criminal on the planet. I am fucked.

    Keep the narrative focused on the lost credit card and your dinner with clients. Suggest that card might have been lost (or stolen) in the restaurant, and that this crazy * is probably just lashing out at anyone connected with the person she was soliciting at the table. She or her pimp probably searched the internet for your name and are hoping to scam you or your wife. Don't make too detailed a narrative (since more details provide more points that can be checked, or more points where you can create a conflicting story), but make sure all points in your narrative are consistent.


  15. #2698

    Is there a common trait here?

    These are some truly hair-raising stories here, my friends, and certainly cautionary tales for us all. Without going back and reading all the lead-up, is there a common thread that binds all the crazy babies together? Didn't you all meet them on SD4M? It may be just my personal prejudice, but in the Chicago area, the babies on that site are, for the most part, lower rent than the ones on SA. I'd just be curious to know where they have come from.

    Revvo, I hope the shit bypasses your fan, my brother. I agree with Tigg, however, don't hand your wife the goods on your extracurricular activities. I was involved in a trial as a witness many years ago, and the lawyer who was prepping me gave me this bit of advice: don't say a single word more than you have to; there is no sense in doing the other side's work for them. If your wife is going to nail you, she will do it on her own, with our without your help.

    Good luck, my friend!


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