I'm trying to come up with some ideas to build my own "Monger Spa Day Package. ".

Imagine you're in the military, and you have a PT test coming up, and you know how you're going to feel later the day of, and the day after.

The spa day can consist of both monger and legit activities. For example:

1. You start your morning with breakfast at the Brick House Diner, or whatever your favorite breakfast joint is.

2. You hit up an AMP, and get any "extras" you might like.

3. You go to the barber and get a haircut.

4. You go to a bar for lunch, and knock back two or three beers.

5. You finish the day with a two-girl special.

This may or may not be how I'd put my "package" together, but I'm just spitballing here.

If you were to put one together, how would it would go for you?