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Thread: UTR, Non-Pro, SB's

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  1. #1629

    Sexy 30 yo White UTR

    A friend of mine is going to be in cola tomorrow and Saturday morning. No drugs, punctual and just a great gal. Good conversation. I've got no part in helping set stuff up. For details and pics reach out directly at

    You will thank me later.

  2. #1628

    GPS alert. X Risha x

    Says her lowest price is $1,000.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20240220_132601_Chrome.jpg‎  

  3. #1627

    Newbie utr

    I met a new girl who has only recently started posting as far as I can tell. She's attractive, passionate, has reasonable rates and hosts at her home. I'm willing to share more specific info with senior members I have corresponded with before. I'm going to be stingy with this one because there are too many a $$h0 l3's here that fuck things up and she doesn't seem very savvy. And I'd like to keep seeing her. I'll respond to private messages only and if you don't hear back from me. I'm not interested in sharing with you.

  4. #1626

    Can Second This

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFahrenheit  [View Original Post]
    Terrible communicator, even once you get her number. If you did make plans, I wouldn't count on her to follow through.
    I've chatted with her multiple times on SA and by text. She looks like a lot of fun and claims her bjs can cure cancer but good luck actually meeting her. She always seems to disappear at that point in the conversation.

  5. #1625
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDough71  [View Original Post]
    Did you (or anyone else) find out more about this girl? Totally sounds like a lot of fun if she's real and not a robber. Can anyone verify? Thanks.
    Personally I have not. She actually reached out to me over the weekend again. Texted some yesterday and the conversation went pretty much the same as the first time. Towards the end she brought up the friend / protector. I was up front and told her I was happy with my current regular and wasnt taking on anymore at this time. She was nice and understanding so we left it at that.

    With that said, She has been on the site using the same name and number for a couple of months now. If she was robbing people I would hope that the board would have heard about it by now. I could be wrong! I also get the feeling that there is someone else in the shadows that is involved. Nothing in particular just a gut feeling. My biggest concern was with no meet and greet and just meet at hotel and do whatever our thing, Well just didn't seem like she was going to be into it and be more of a dead fish kind of thing.

    If you do decide to move on this one then I would really like to know. She does sound nice over text. Just seems more business like than I prefer.

  6. #1624


    Quote Originally Posted by LexHard  [View Original Post]
    Anyone got any input on this one? Chat quickly went to text and was open to discrete meet at hotel without meet and greet. Then discussion went to her bringing some (Another girl) along for her safety and protection. I asked what her "Protector" was going to do and she quickly said join in. Asked what her allowance was and she replied 300 for both. Uses a 508 are code number. Seems to eager and to good to be true. Anyone got any info on whether she is real or scammer or worse setting guys up to be robbed?

    Did you (or anyone else) find out more about this girl? Totally sounds like a lot of fun if she's real and not a robber. Can anyone verify? Thanks.

  7. #1623


    If anyone can provide info of the site they are using to find UTR? Thanks in advance.

  8. #1622


    Quote Originally Posted by Trek1000  [View Original Post]
    Anybody have info on this one?

    Would love to have some info.

    Communicated with her. She sent some pictures and stuff. Didn't get a chance to meet in person. Not sure if it's really her or someone catfishing. Check out her IG (same name).

  9. #1621


    Terrible communicator, even once you get her number. If you did make plans, I wouldn't count on her to follow through.

    Quote Originally Posted by WillDo4000  [View Original Post]

  10. #1620

  11. #1619


    Anybody have info on this one?

    Would love to have some info.


  12. #1618
    Met her WYP. She wants $400 for a "date".

    She may be amazing in bed but not pretty enough to spend that kind of change on. IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by LVFun  [View Original Post]
    She had a very different ad a couple of years ago, different pictures too. Now looking rougher.

    Anyhow, we were supposed to do a dinner meetup with fun afterward but the day of the meet she went silent. Good luck.

  13. #1617
    Quote Originally Posted by WillDo4000  [View Original Post]
    Anyone ever had the pleasure? I have something setup and wanted to see if she was legit:
    She had a very different ad a couple of years ago, different pictures too. Now looking rougher.

    Anyhow, we were supposed to do a dinner meetup with fun afterward but the day of the meet she went silent. Good luck.

  14. #1616


    Anyone ever had the pleasure? I have something setup and wanted to see if she was legit:

  15. #1615


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