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West Central
08-04-11, 09:17
First, I am really pissed, I know a couple of you knew that today earlier already but this is different.The whole time I was reading this Chapter 44 story, one thought was foremost in my mind: Your recommendation carries a lot of weight, here and in other circles. These girls will likely rue the day they made you a target of their game (and I firmly believe that's what they did; not a scam per se, as service was provided, but shenanigans were afoot nonetheless.) They may never fully realize their error, because the clients may continue to come, but what they'll lose is a more-likely-to-repeat, higher-end clientele who values your opinion.

08-04-11, 09:39
., maybe I am one of those asses after all.This is probably way out of line, and I may be shooting myself in the foot for saying it, but man, what gives?

Illap, you got screwed over, messed with, lied to, bait & switched, and all by a woman you had no previous loyalty to, and another you were over kind in reviewing in the past (not to mention now). What gives, man? If you can't be honest with your assessments on here, and tell it like it is, polite or not, then what good are your reviews? I know my bluntness has not been appreciated much on here from some in the past, so I'm certain that I'm "one of those asses", but after reading that entire post of you tripping all over yourself to avoid stating something negative about a couple of women that went out of their way to rip you off not once, but now twice, I'm not so sure you aren't at risk of screwing over the worthy women you truly love, that deserve great reviews from you, because you are proving yourself incapable of telling the honest, brutal truth when things don't go well or go truly wrong. The bad HAS to come out with the good, or all of the good reports are suspect.

And that would be a shame, because on your recommendation in the past I've met a couple of my ATF's. On your recommendation, though, I've also found myself wasting time a couple of times now, and I'm starting to feel like that would have been avoided had you been more forthcoming with relevant intel. Specifically, I very nearly wasted more with Kayla myself, because I've seriously considered seeing her lately, based on your past review which was, by my recollection, glowing and firmly positive and positively lacking in any negatives and the relevant story of how you met. I even asked and speculated and still didn't get the story. I know what I like, what I'm willing to forgive, endure, and so forth, and when I look at reviews, I'm looking for those things that stand out positively and negatively to balance into someone I'm willing to spend my time and donation to see. But after this latest post, and some things in retrospect, I feel like you hold out far too much information in the name of "protecting" the reputation of some of these women that don't, imo, deserve your effort.

Obviously, what you report, review and disclose is completely your choice. It's hardly my place to advice or suggest how you handle yourself, so for overstepping my bounds, I apologize in advance. But it's in my nature to speak brutally honest to those I respect because of that respect and assumption that they can handle it. As you said, you're "a big boy", and I'd just like you know how I'm reading this whole scenario.


08-04-11, 09:49
Ok my friend we need to talk. That was an insane story. It really is time to write a book. This has always been my point with quality over quantity. I can understand the thrill of variety. There are confirmed good or great providers here. You would have been better off seeing Brin again. Or even bowing to Abby. That's for Obama.

We are a small community but valuable. I may need to have an intervention to stop you from dumpster diving. Maybe I need to try Ashley Mad. That has to be safe right?

Stay strong big guy.Just kidding buddy, well kind of, but apparently it was you that kept me from following your own advice, at least on one front, causing me to overstep due to lack of blood in my brain. LOL Seriously thanks, but I am fine, I think retirement will do me well.

08-04-11, 10:35
This is probably way out of line, and I may be shooting myself in the foot for saying it, but man, what gives?

Illap, you got screwed over, messed with, lied to, bait & switched, and all by a woman you had no previous loyalty to, and another you were over kind in reviewing in the past (not to mention now). What gives, man? If you can't be honest with your assessments on here, and tell it like it is, polite or not, then what good are your reviews? I know my bluntness has not been appreciated much on here from some in the past, so I'm certain that I'm "one of those asses", but after reading that entire post of you tripping all over yourself to avoid stating something negative about a couple of women that went out of their way to rip you off not once, but now twice, I'm not so sure you aren't at risk of screwing over the worthy women you truly love, that deserve great reviews from you, because you are proving yourself incapable of telling the honest, brutal truth when things don't go well or go truly wrong. The bad HAS to come out with the good, or all of the good reports are suspect.

And that would be a shame, because on your recommendation in the past I've met a couple of my ATF's. On your recommendation, though, I've also found myself wasting time a couple of times now, and I'm starting to feel like that would have been avoided had you been more forthcoming with relevant intel. Specifically, I very nearly wasted more with Kayla myself, because I've seriously considered seeing her lately, based on your past review which was, by my recollection, glowing and firmly positive and positively lacking in any negatives and the relevant story of how you met. I even asked and speculated and still didn't get the story. I know what I like, what I'm willing to forgive, endure, and so forth, and when I look at reviews, I'm looking for those things that stand out positively and negatively to balance into someone I'm willing to spend my time and donation to see. But after this latest post, and some things in retrospect, I feel like you hold out far too much information in the name of "protecting" the reputation of some of these women that don't, imo, deserve your effort.

Obviously, what you report, review and disclose is completely your choice. It's hardly my place to advice or suggest how you handle yourself, so for overstepping my bounds, I apologize in advance. But it's in my nature to speak brutally honest to those I respect because of that respect and assumption that they can handle it. As you said, you're "a big boy", and I'd just like you know how I'm reading this whole scenario.

TA2I don't think you are being an ass here, and even if you were that wasn't the kind I was speaking of. I am going to reread what I wrote, because I thought I was not being all that nice about it, but I was so pissed off that maybe old habits slip through. It is funny you put it like you did because it occurred to me that I should perhaps stick to a few facts only the first time I see someone, if I say anything at all; it would appear that maybe I should hold all comment and thoughts until after at least a second appt. To see how things average out, and to not say things while basking in the afterglow when I might not be thinking clearly, lack of blood flow and all. Thing is, I did have a good time with Kayla the first time, but because of the situation I was wary and in good control, and it turned out fine. And I have been tempted to call a number of times, but knowing I would not talk to her personally when I did to get the questions I had answered, and her being on a side of town I don't get too often, I let it slide and filled my time else wise, since most of my activity for a good while has been out of the mainstream. It seems often repeats are never as good, although there are those that get better every time you see them. I can't remember if you were one of Sasha's / Yummybunny's fan's but as crazy as I was about her the subsequent trips, although good, never lived up to the first time. And there is one that you and I both reviewed glowingly that almost lost me all credibility with a lot of people that trusted me and had some real friends ready to kick me to the curb. So your points are well taken, some of it is often that different people connect or not at different levels, some is just a question of taste. Most of the guys that saw Kayla on my recommendation seemed to be OK with her, unlike the aforementioned one, but then even some didn't blast me out of deference or friendship.

As with Lyah who I know you didn't like last week, I had a really good time with her, she was in a decent place, was dressed nice and looking good, obviously the girl in the pics, although often times in person they don't live up to the glamor shots, but that is to be expected, I didn't see her again this trip so I have only the one experience to go on and may have had a different experience this time. But I see where you are coming from and will think about it should I decide to not retire.

08-04-11, 10:51

Man. You sort of got what you signed up for, IMO.

Nothing went right about this situation from the get-go and you seemed to keep sticking your little head in the noose.

It seems that you relinquished control on all fronts and expected these young ladies to make sure Daddy had a great time.

As I'm sure you know, this is largely about ground rules. You set them or negotiate them, of which you didn't do in advance in either case. You let THEM set the rules and run the show. Whenever that happens, guess who loses? (the home team).

These ladies both appear to be decent providers, based on other reviews. I simply do not see bait and switch here, only an opportunity that you presented for them to be in control and for them to decide the outcome. When that happens you will be let done 9 out of 10 times. Of course I know that you know all this stuff.

First rule of thumb for me is when things don't go as scripted from the get-go, that is exactly what I do. Get-go (ne). It works every time. I've never had a bad exeperience on the ones that gave me a reason to say see-ya, as you simply leave the way you got there with pocket in tact. Live to love another day.

If I were you, I would re-evaluate what you invited upon yourself here and I would get over this; QUICKLY. Varoom

08-04-11, 10:53
The whole time I was reading this Chapter 44 story, one thought was foremost in my mind: Your recommendation carries a lot of weight, here and in other circles. These girls will likely rue the day they made you a target of their game (and I firmly believe that's what they did; not a scam per se, as service was provided, but shenanigans were afoot nonetheless.) They may never fully realize their error, because the clients may continue to come, but what they'll lose is a more-likely-to-repeat, higher-end clientele who values your opinion.You as always make a good point friend. A couple of additional points; I made mention that I had called Kayla first but wasn't going to see her until I had the chance to check a couple of things out. I got a call while I was with her, she asked if I wanted to take it, I was still dressed, so I looked, and it took me a moment for it to register. I look at her and said the number, and asked isn't' that your phone number? She said it wasn't but I knew better, someone was returning my call to her while I was looking at her. Another bad sign was when I got into the room I could tell she was a little pissed because she basically said someone told her to leave the pool and take the apt on the phone when they called, I got the definite impression she really didn't want to and wanted to stay at the pool, I really wish she would have. She also said that she planned to be on the northside mainly now and often referred to the fact that there were bad things going on with her, don't know if the two things are connected or not.

So it was what it was, and maybe the other post was right in that I wasn't harsh enough, I think part of that was because I made a lot of rookie mistakes and should have been smarter than that and cancelled and walked on the spot, so even though I am pissed and feel I got taken advantage of, I had the control to make the choice and to due a better job of due diligence to make sure what the deal was. As I was told there, when you call a hooker you know you what you are going to get, not my words mid you. Maybe she should have said it's when you don't call them that you are really going to get it.

08-04-11, 11:35
Your story is NOT funny, but man it is! I am laughing (but very quietly and to myself) because it is so damned familiar! I myself have done that slow death spiral, watching myself helplessly lurch from bad to worse like in a Jack Lemon movie and knowing better the whole time. And that's classic addict behavior.

My point here is to buy you a metaphorical beer in sympathy. But this reminds, as in my post about adulation for girls who happily humiliate us, that this is a HOBBY for us but a livelihood for them. Some of them enjoy it and our company to be sure, just like I enjoy many of my clients in my business. But no matter how long their list of guys who bow and scrape and sugar daddies who fill their closets and appointment books, it's proof they need our dollars (but, importantly, not US) to pay their bills this month, every month, and please be snappy about it. It's wrong to expect love, or even acceptance, but basic respect for your time and money should come standard, like we are to respect them as women and people. Or porn stars, either one.

Bad providers. Let's call a spade a spade and move on to chapter 45!

08-04-11, 12:43
(edit delete) First rule of thumb for me is when things don't go as scripted from the get-go, that is exactly what I do. Get-go (edit deleteIt has never failed, the set-up is a precursor for how the appointment will go.

We are also at our weakest right before we knock on the door, when we are under the spell of believing we are about to get laid, when we rationalize. That is the most dangerous time for us.

08-04-11, 12:56
It has never failed, the set-up is a precursor for how the appointment will go.

We are also at our weakest right before we knock on the door, when we are under the spell of believing we are about to get laid, when we rationalize. That is the most dangerous time for us.GC as always hit it right and Varoom you are exactly right, why I took the blame and didn't blast them perhaps as much as TA2 thought I should, I did not do what I know I should have done. And as for getting over it, as a friend told me last night best way to do that is to go right out and get under someone (it was a female)

Tony Verghese
08-04-11, 14:38
Anybody got any info on this one http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/andlt3-exotic-latina-22/4586530



08-04-11, 15:28

She looks great.

Anyone can PM me or answer, I would like to see if they are real. Seem to have reviews on another site.



Tony Verghese
08-04-11, 16:51
I set up an appointment to meet Jenny of Castleton (http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/120-special-incall-castleton-reviewed-busty-blonde-25/4704522)



Appointment scheduled afternoon. I reach location (motel) on time. Knock the door, door opens and gets in.



24 something. 5' 4 " baby faced and curvy (chubby to be more precise ).

Commentary Contd.


She is nervous, I talk about rates (spooks her) ; decides to get comfortable, she has another appointment in 30 minutes. She is starting to rush, Me trying slow down. Her spook point is crossed and she decides to abandon session. Requests me to take money and leave. I try to understand, she is polite but firm on her decision. We shake hands, she opens the door for me and I leave. End of story.



08-04-11, 17:55

She looks great.

Anyone can PM me or answer, I would like to see if they are real. Seem to have reviews on another site.


IRFirst, if you look her up on a popular site, VIP or not, with the some of the words such as The and Exotic and Reviews, you'll find she goes by three names, and the links to her pages show some photos that make the BP versions look about 10 years old. I'm not a VIP there, so I don't know what the reviews state, but starting out with old, inaccurate pics and three different names doesn't encourage me much. But then again, I'm quick to give up on dishonest or even seemingly dishonest providers. I've had my fill of them.


08-04-11, 18:06
I found a review and seems to be a decent provider, I wanted to call her but her ad says she only available till 6 so I haven't got the chance.

08-04-11, 18:11
In retrospect, my post below was pretty harsh. More so than it should have been. My apologies.

As far as YMMV factors and different guys having different experiences, I wasn't referring to that so much. That's to be expected. That to which I was referring is more along the lines of leaving out discrepancies, like potential B&S tactics, photos not matching anywhere close to reality, difficult to confirm what can be expected for donation, etc. The fact that you thought you were being harsh is to my point. You weren't. And I still get the feeling there's more to the story that could be dissuasive to many or at least to those that think like me. We're all big boys as well, and can decipher what we think is acceptable or not a problem for us from honest, complete information. I'm just advocating for getting it all out there, and let the information lead each where it may.

Yes, I'm the Yummy Bunny fan, and my experience was different. She was awesome the first time, and even better the second. I've not been fortunate enough for a third, though it could always mirror your experience, of course. But the bigger issue is that there was nothing sketchy about her or her meeting practices. That seems to have been consistent between us. Same for many other good providers. I honestly have no idea who the other you're talking about is, unless it's the board's UTR sweetheart, T. And again, maybe some haven't enjoyed her performances as much as we, but I've yet to see a report on anything sketchy.

Again, the comments I made below about lack of info have more to do with leaving out the sketchiness. I think you're being far too hard on yourself in assuming the blame. Sure, you forgot some basics that would have helped you avoid it all, but let's not forget that there are plenty of guys here that haven't developed that intuition or instinct yet. Giving them the details of deception would not only help them individually know what to look for and how to avoid bad situations, but also, despite our board being a small bump on the BP customer scene, go at least a little way toward reducing how often this crap is successful for these, well, I'll keep it clean and say,"bad girls".


08-04-11, 19:00
Reviewed, but TGTBT?


She looks great.

Anyone can PM me or answer, I would like to see if they are real. Seem to have reviews on another site.


Reviews indicate some serious discrepancies.

First, if you look her up on a popular site, VIP or not, with the some of the words such as The and Exotic and Reviews, you'll find she goes by three names, and the links to her pages show some photos that make the BP versions look about 10 years old. I'm not a VIP there, so I don't know what the reviews state, but starting out with old, inaccurate pics and three different names doesn't encourage me much. But then again, I'm quick to give up on dishonest or even seemingly dishonest providers. I've had my fill of them.

TA2The girl is Britany Monroe.

08-04-11, 19:34
The girl is Britany Monroe.I saw her years ago and although I enjoyed myself and would consider repeat, she looked older 4 years ago compared to the pics posted yesterday. If it is her, then the closest resembling of the pics is the top one, the white dress pic appears to be BEFORE her boob job from a few years ago.

08-04-11, 19:38
I saw her years ago and although I enjoyed myself and would consider repeat, she looked older 4 years ago compared to the pics posted yesterday. If it is her, then the closest resembling of the pics is the top one, the white dress pic appears to be BEFORE her boob job from a few years ago.That's who the review site I cited below brings up from that phone number. Along with two other names, but seemingly the same woman?

08-05-11, 01:36
Britany? Are you sure?

I saw her years ago and although I enjoyed myself and would consider repeat, she looked older 4 years ago compared to the pics posted yesterday. If it is her, then the closest resembling of the pics is the top one, the white dress pic appears to be BEFORE her boob job from a few years ago.The phone number in http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/simply-hott-blonde-take-a-peek-25/4725030 is a known number for Britany Monroe. That's all I know but I'm sure of that.

Check the large canine place, KY board. 04-29-09, Britany Monroe. She has or has had many other numbers.

08-05-11, 07:16
I saw her years ago and although I enjoyed myself and would consider repeat, she looked older 4 years ago compared to the pics posted yesterday. If it is her, then the closest resembling of the pics is the top one, the white dress pic appears to be BEFORE her boob job from a few years ago.Also, she has an ad of a very hot younger blond, but when I called its her pretending. Since I had spoken to her before, I called her out on that and she said there are 3 girls all here, she's the BOSS. Then she proceeded to talk herself up and how they don't look a s good as HER, how they look better in pictures, etc. When I asked for pictures of the others, she emailed me a link to her website. When I finally told her goodbye, she said I was wasting her time. I agreed.

08-05-11, 07:21

I think I posted a review of this one and said something like,"She has more rules than a wife." Trust me, you didn't miss anything.


08-05-11, 11:01

She looks great.

Anyone can PM me or answer, I would like to see if they are real. Seem to have reviews on another site.


IRIt was obvious to be BM in some of the pics, She is here, says she has other girls with her, which she normally has a stable of sorts so that wouldn't be surprising, but seems to be pushing herself so not sure if they are really here, or were. She is well known and easy to find lots of info and more realistic photos, in terms of age and I guess more recent would be the correct way to put it.

08-05-11, 12:33
Saw Ashley twice both times were great. Awesome personality great body great massage.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/sweet-and-yummy-22ashley-22/4475141You must be her uncle Leroy LOL. Worst "massage" I ever had. She watched TV the entire time. RUN!

08-05-11, 13:17
I set up an appointment to meet Jenny of Castleton (


She is nervous, I talk about rates (spooks her) ; decides to get comfortable, she has another appointment in 30 minutes. She is starting to rush, Me trying slow down. Her spook point is crossed and she decides to abandon session. Requests me to take money and leave. I try to understand, she is polite but firm on her decision. We shake hands, she opens the door for me and I leave. End of story.


TonyJust my IMO, but to me, being stood up is: starting the two-call system, driving to the in-call location, and then either a) not getting the answer to the second call, or be) not getting an answer to the knock on the door.

Once we're in the room with a provider for the first time, it's our job to help them get over being nervous. Discussing rates doesn't sound like a great way to do that, especially if her ad was mentioned on a news report about unregistered escorts. I'd be jittery too, and we all must be ready to get-go (ne) if it doesn't feel right.

As mentioned earlier, I had a dream about Jenny a couple of months ago, and she is real and she is personable, and it wasn't a bad dream. Just not a top-notch experience, nor one I will pursue again. I don't think I'm defending her by any means, just offering my two cents about differences of opinion re: being "stood up".


Fun Freak
08-05-11, 15:53

Not sure if anyone else have met her already. But Indiana Johns saw her last night. She is legit and the pics are real.

Setting up the appointment was a breeze. During the session she was very jovial and easy going. Everything included for $.

PS- She said she'll be around for about a week more.

08-05-11, 18:05
I pulled my last ad down because somehow it appeared on the news. I'm trying to take some good pictures again and it will be a bit. Bare with me folks. As soon as I have some good ones they will be back in. I would also like everybody to know that Jenny (Southside) and Jenny in Castleton are two different people. I hope that people aren't confusing us. I'm the laid back girl and I pride myself on good reviews. Please please make it be known that I have never had a bad review and don't plan on having one. This other Jenny doesn't seem to care about her reviews. Everybody here has been great to me. I'm currently in the north area because my location on the south needed a break for a bit.

08-05-11, 23:21
I pulled my last ad down because somehow it appeared on the news. I'm trying to take some good pictures again and it will be a bit. Bare with me folks. As soon as I have some good ones they will be back in. I would also like everybody to know that Jenny (Southside) and Jenny in Castleton are two different people. I hope that people aren't confusing us. I'm the laid back girl and I pride myself on good reviews. Please please make it be known that I have never had a bad review and don't plan on having one. This other Jenny doesn't seem to care about her reviews. Everybody here has been great to me. I'm currently in the north area because my location on the south needed a break for a bit.If I'm not mistaken, Jenny123 (Southside Jenny) is the Jenny who has a pic in a pink dress with a camera blocking her face. That pic is no longer on BP but is still on NR. The one whose phone number ends with 4844. Unfortunately, that NR Jenny picked up a negative review that I think was intended for Castleton Jenny whose phone number ends with 8153. It sounds a lot like the story we heard form ILAPP earlier today.

Jenny123, you look and sound like the kind of lady we would like to have as a friend of our little community. The new pic on BP with the black fishnets is, well, inspiring. Let's hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

08-06-11, 02:58
If I'm not mistaken, Jenny123 (Southside Jenny) is the Jenny who has a pic in a pink dress with a camera blocking her face. That pic is no longer on BP but is still on NR. The one whose phone number ends with 4844. Unfortunately, that NR Jenny picked up a negative review that I think was intended for Castleton Jenny whose phone number ends with 8153. It sounds a lot like the story we heard form ILAPP earlier today.

Jenny123, you look and sound like the kind of lady we would like to have as a friend of our little community. The new pic on BP with the black fishnets is, well, inspiring. Let's hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.I called the number in the ad with Jenny in the pink dress and camera in her face, and the girl in the fleabag hotel that I saw looked more like the Jenny in the other ad. At the least, she's much more overweight than her one picture insinuates. I'm not talking chubby. Fat. When I said I was going to pass, she even said "Please tell me it's not because I'm fat."

I think she runs both ads and phone numbers, and Illap's experience with bait & switch with her and Kayla would support that. THAT'S to which I'm calling Bullshit on her post below about different Jennys.


08-06-11, 04:50
I called the number in the ad with Jenny in the pink dress and camera in her face, and the girl in the fleabag hotel that I saw looked more like the Jenny in the other ad. At the least, she's much more overweight than her one picture insinuates. I'm not talking chubby. Fat. When I said I was going to pass, she even said "Please tell me it's not because I'm fat."

I think she runs both ads and phone numbers, and Illap's experience with bait & switch with her and Kayla would support that. THAT'S to which I'm calling Bullshit on her post below about different Jennys.

TA2Been here for many months reading member reviews, but have never posted before now. So, not a senior and won't pretend to be. Have read previous reports asking the same question about the two Jennys. Go back and do the research posted by reputable friends here. Many comments state there are two Jennys; Castleton and Southside. However, southside Jenny has recently moved north and changed her pics; probably for good reason related to recent Superbowl story. She posted that info here earlier today. Have read all good reviews about her, here and elsewhere; not so much for Castleton Jenny. Have not dreamed of either, so what the heck do I know, But, I have dreamed of Kayla who verified to me there are two Jenny's and I believe her, as well as the previous reviews here confirming the fact. Tryinagin2, I believe your BS comment is in error. No disrespect is intended, my friend. Hope none taken.

BTW, concerning earlier reviews concerning the Kayla / Jenny (southside, now northside) saga experienced by another friend here, it happens. And, is the nature of our hobby. I had a late-afternoon hour scheduled with Kayla a while back and ended up as a half because she simply got backed-up. No problem. It's only an issue if we make it one. She was thoughtful, accommodating and I left very satisfied. In fact, I was so satisfied that when I attempted to donate the entire one hour amount, she insisted I keep the difference. That is class, showed respect for me; and I will see her again. Say what we might, but our hobby is their livelihood. It is no wonder they sometimes overbook; accidently or on purpose. It makes sense. Hedging against possible cancellations and no-shows on our part, or possibly getting behind schedule because previous visits run a bit over, might cause unanticipated overlaps. Just a thought, gentlemen. I'm a rookie on this forum, but not in the hobby. I've learned that in the end, none of the BS really matters. It's when we find someone who captures our imagination, even for a a few encounters, it's why we keep coming back.

And if one is looking for a true GFE, try Abby. Every dream has been better than the previous. Total fantasy provider!

08-06-11, 06:03
I have not seen her but did send her an email about her photo on Channel 59. She never responded but of course did not know who I was. She and the southside blond are friends I was told by Irishlad. Not sure of the screening process but did not see the blond because she wanted to see an employment verification and that isn't going to happen with me. I hope the Jenny southside does well and would love to see her if she would PM and give me her screening process. I have heard good things about both ladies. Enjoy the weekend and stay cool. Big Mack / Michael.

PM me if anyone has seen Southside Jenny and let's exchange info.

08-06-11, 10:20
If I'm not mistaken, Jenny123 (Southside Jenny) is the Jenny who has a pic in a pink dress with a camera blocking her face. That pic is no longer on BP but is still on NR. The one whose phone number ends with 4844. Unfortunately, that NR Jenny picked up a negative review that I think was intended for Castleton Jenny whose phone number ends with 8153. It sounds a lot like the story we heard form ILAPP earlier today.

Jenny123, you look and sound like the kind of lady we would like to have as a friend of our little community. The new pic on BP with the black fishnets is, well, inspiring. Let's hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.Hey old friend, we need to hit the old watering hole together soon, my schedule is going to open up some so if you are joining in I intend to spend a little more time out with some of the boys. I am sure for TA2 that there are 2, and this one, Jenny123 is the one I had the issue with the other day. I do believe the one ta saw is the other and from all accounts, heavier one, which is no big deal as long as she represents herself and her size accurately so some of the issues don't arise. There is no doubt that is Jenny123 from the block err I mean south side in the pic you reference because that was the exact scene I saw when I walked in he other day, although I had trouble getting off of a cute cleavage view to appreciate the outfit properly, that and the fact I had to leave. SS jenny123 and I have talked about the problems and what happened since, so although some may think me too nice I may give her the benefit of the doubt that the deal wasn't shady from the start. If I don't quit entirely then maybe in time we will see. I guess I was too nice because she doesn't think she has a bad review yet, when will I learn

08-06-11, 10:58
Jenny123 of USASG and Jenny of Greenwood (phone 4844) are the same (I guess). But there's also Jenny of Castleton (phone 8153). Different girls with different phones (I guess). Not to add to the confusion, but Kara of Terre Haute (phone 0454) has or has had a pic in common with Jenny of Castleton (phone 8153). What that means, I don't know.

Basically, I don't know who saw who and when he did, I don't know who he thought he was seeing.

I hope my post hasn't added to the confusion but we don't want to leave Kara of Terre Haute (phone 0454) out.

08-06-11, 12:15
For curiosity, I searched "jenny" on Indy's BP escort page. Under the phone number (4844) , I found three different pics, none of which look all that similar.




One blond, one brunnette, and one can't tell. Size and body in each look very different to me, and do not match each other. This is the number I called, off the pic of the pink dress, and I know for sure that the woman with the body in the pink dress was not who answered the door and let me in before I passed and left. And it was in Castleton. Although there's no face shown in any pics, the pics in the other ad are much more what her body looked like.



Now, as Illap stated, there's nothing wrong with a big girl if that's both what you want / accept and are expecting. But there's no reasonable expectation of seeing what I saw based on the pic w / the pink dress. None. Reality wasn't close.

Now, I could be all wrong, and apologize if that's the case, but my gut tells me this Jenny, regardless of her past, is not being on the up & up here. I'm convinced and my one attempt was enough to dissuade me from bothering with her or anyone I consider in bed with her any further. So it's no skin off my nose if she wants to continue to clarify or justify or whatever she can to convince others she's worth a visit. It's not for me, and that goes for anyone associated, Kayla, or anyone else. So, again, I call bullshit on her, her explanations, and her claim she's never had a bad review. Mine previously and Illap's make two.


08-06-11, 13:31
Let me continue with this information. The woman in the pink dress is me Jenny of Greenwood. If you watched the special they did on the news the other day they highlighted my photo which in turn spooked me. I removed all of my photos and have resorted back to a photo taken about a year and a half ago. Please understand that the screening process to ensure safety from Uncle Leo is becoming very difficult. I think some of you are very unkind. I think it's wrong to be so unkind. If some of you took a look at yourselves rather than picking on the women that are providing for you, and not coming about your appearance or anything else maybe you would be a tad bit more sympathetic. I did currently move out of Greenwood for a bit until I get a new location. Seems that Uncle Leo is being very difficult these days and it's becoming more and more difficult to screen clients. When I see clients I ensure that the time spent is well worth their money and that they receive everything that they are paying for. Some of you are confused about my reviews. I'm NOT the Jenny associated in Castleton. So call me Jennifer from now on so we can stop all the BS. After providing in Indianapolis for over 2 years and reading all these unkind words from so many of you I'm going to remove myself from this site. I didn't ask for anyone to put me up on the news nor did I ask for any of you to be so unkind. I have so many great clients that are so fantastic, and was trying very hard to be more involved and respond to people however I feel that people are way too unkind up here. With regards to Ilapp I felt terrible about over booking myself which yes I could have called and again I apologize, but thought I would be able to see him at least for a half an hour. I didn't realize that Kayla would treat someone so awful.

Thanks everybody for being so nice to me up here especially Tryinagain2. Please I would be better off if all the posts about me were deleted. I hate the fact that so many of you are so mean especially when I have never said a word about the appearance of any of you.

I treat people with respect no matter the circumstance and would never intentionally write anything mean about anybody.

08-06-11, 15:31
In addition effective Monday I will no longer use the name Jenny or Jennifer. Effective Monday I will be Stacey. That way we will have no further confusion on the Jenny / Jenny issue.

Thanks for everybody's kindness up here the ones that have been so kind. Those of you who aren't kind you know who you are.

08-08-11, 00:39
Unfortunately the closest place that has FS LM I know of is Toledo Ohio. They have 3 in a 20 block radius of each other. They have to pretty hot girls there too. Sorry but Indy just isn't there yet.I've got a Jeep, wanted to tour where the magic happens for awhile now. Looks like I got another reason!

Thanks for the info.

08-08-11, 10:27
In addition effective Monday I will no longer use the name Jenny or Jennifer. Effective Monday I will be Stacey. That way we will have no further confusion on the Jenny / Jenny issue.

Thanks for everybody's kindness up here the ones that have been so kind. Those of you who aren't kind you know who you are.Nothing like a name change to confuse things even more, and fool more guys that didn't catch the change. I love how you play the victim in these defense posts."You're so MEAN!" LOL. Being ripped on is the price you pay for lying and misrepresenting. Deal with it.

There may be some guys confirming your stories, but something just still isn't right. You say you aren't in Castleton, though that's where I and Illap met you after calling the number in your ad. You performed NO screening whatsoever, so that whole line about leo making it tough on you is more made up BS. You did not match the photo or even close, though you looked a lot like the photos in the "other Jenny" ads, and your own multiple ads have photos that don't even match themselves. Something's not right, and your defenses don't pass my smell test. If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, I call bull shit.

But good luck with the name change, Stacey. LOL.


08-08-11, 12:32
Nothing like a name change to confuse things even more, and fool more guys that didn't catch the change. I love how you play the victim in these defense posts."You're so MEAN!" LOL. Being ripped on is the price you pay for lying and misrepresenting. Deal with it.

There may be some guys confirming your stories, but something just still isn't right. You say you aren't in Castleton, though that's where I and Illap met you after calling the number in your ad. You performed NO screening whatsoever, so that whole line about leo making it tough on you is more made up BS. You did not match the photo or even close, though you looked a lot like the photos in the "other Jenny" ads, and your own multiple ads have photos that don't even match themselves. Something's not right, and your defenses don't pass my smell test. If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, I call bull shit.

But good luck with the name change, Stacey. LOL.

TA2Irrespective of all the other stuff, is Jenny123 hot and did she deliver the goods?

08-08-11, 12:35
Has anybody been with her?


08-08-11, 15:43
Has anybody been with her?

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/special-incall-75hr-317-313-7992-21/4435717Grinding and HJ only. Nothing more and nothing less.

08-08-11, 15:43
I saw Lexi recently, although she may have moved on since I don't see any current advertisements for her. We traded text messages and she quoted me 200 for an hour, but then amended it to 250 when I asked about multiple pops. She met me at a side door smoking a cigarette, but fortunately put it out before we went back inside. After we stripped down she started with a HJ and then placed on a cover and hopped on top before I could say anything. I told her I really wanted a BJ, but she said that was not an option since we had started having sex, even between pops. After the first pop she actually made me go into the bathroom and wash off, and then she told me the "rule" for the second pop is that I had 10 minutes to get hard and get started. She's cute except for the tummy from having the kid and was friendly enough, but everything was very mechanical and rushed.


330-559-0198 in Castleton.

Tired making other calls, some didn't pick up the phone or some located to far away and I was too lazy to drive. Lexi picked up the phone and gave me directions to her place in Castleton. Lexi's rates are. 8 for 15 min. For that rate I didn't mind toftt.

She met me outside on a side entrance in a short skirt and tank top. The skirt was nice when following her up the stairs. She is friendly and very sweet. She is the girl in the pic, but she looks younger with lighter hair. About 5'5" with an east coast accent. Got up to her room and we talked a bit getting to know each other. We got undressed and she started with a nice HJ and nipple sucking to get things started. She put a rain coat on and gave a good BJ then we moved to K9. She is tight and her ass looked great. The main event went over 15 min, but she never watched the clock. She if fun and friendly and the rates are great.

Down side: she had a kid and it shows. Her pics are a couple years old prob before the kid.

08-08-11, 17:54
Irrespective of all the other stuff, is Jenny123 hot and did she deliver the goods?Not to me, but I won't say others won't think so. Far too heavy for my tastes. As far as the goods, I can't say. I walked when reality didn't match the ad, as I recommend anyone do every time with anyone. There's no reason to let anyone reap rewards for deception. Think with the right head and you'll avoid a lot of disappointment.


08-08-11, 18:14
Anybody got any info on this one.



TonyI texted her yesterday to determine her rates. She responded and we traded texts throughout the day today. I never did get her to pick up the phone but she did respond to texts and I was able to see her this afternoon. A very nice value at $.2 for the 1/2 as we were both a puddle of sweat by the time we finished. She even stopped during one of our lineup changes to turn up the AC.

She is a tiny little thing with a nice booty and really knows how to work it. She had a great attitude and it was one of my best experiences with a BP lady. I plan on seeing her again.

08-09-11, 11:11
Jenny123 is pm'ing me with threats, blacklists, insults and all sorts of stuff about how everyone on the board hates me, thinks I'm an ass, etc. LOL. Ok, then. Guess I really hit a nerve by calling her out on her sketchiness. Oh, wait, did I say Jenny? I guess it's "Stacey" now.

Watch out for this one guys. She's got high looney potential.


08-09-11, 13:00
I don't hate you cause I don't know you. But I think it is quite annoying that you keep hammering away on her over little or nothing here. You showed up, didn't like what you saw and you moved on; (your perogotive). That really should be pretty much the end of it. Instead there has been constant bickering to try and belittle someone that before you, and the recent issue with someone else. (that really wasn't a problem with her as much as the other provider) , she has had pretty solid reviews. Damn solid to be exact.

So I'm not getting your point, other than you are making an ass out yourself over this, if you cared. While I'm sure you don't, you are dragging someone thru the mud without much cause here. And I'd be curious to know how you would refer to someone that was doing that to another provider, unnecessarily so? It is not a flattering move to say the least, and what goes around comes around.

Jenny123 is pm'ing me with threats, blacklists, insults and all sorts of stuff about how everyone on the board hates me, thinks I'm an ass, etc. LOL. Ok, then. Guess I really hit a nerve by calling her out on her sketchiness. Oh, wait, did I say Jenny? I guess it's "Stacey" now.

Watch out for this one guys. She's got high looney potential.


08-09-11, 13:29
I know what you are saying I have never seen so much drama among a bunch of guys. Just review do not whine or be cruel to the ladies. We know who are worth seeing. Quit pounding on Abby too. You guys need to get a life if you can not just move on if things don't always work out.

Let me continue with this information. The woman in the pink dress is me Jenny of Greenwood. If you watched the special they did on the news the other day they highlighted my photo which in turn spooked me. I removed all of my photos and have resorted back to a photo taken about a year and a half ago. Please understand that the screening process to ensure safety from Uncle Leo is becoming very difficult. I think some of you are very unkind. I think it's wrong to be so unkind. If some of you took a look at yourselves rather than picking on the women that are providing for you, and not coming about your appearance or anything else maybe you would be a tad bit more sympathetic. I did currently move out of Greenwood for a bit until I get a new location. Seems that Uncle Leo is being very difficult these days and it's becoming more and more difficult to screen clients. When I see clients I ensure that the time spent is well worth their money and that they receive everything that they are paying for. Some of you are confused about my reviews. I'm NOT the Jenny associated in Castleton. So call me Jennifer from now on so we can stop all the BS. After providing in Indianapolis for over 2 years and reading all these unkind words from so many of you I'm going to remove myself from this site. I didn't ask for anyone to put me up on the news nor did I ask for any of you to be so unkind. I have so many great clients that are so fantastic, and was trying very hard to be more involved and respond to people however I feel that people are way too unkind up here. With regards to Ilapp I felt terrible about over booking myself which yes I could have called and again I apologize, but thought I would be able to see him at least for a half an hour. I didn't realize that Kayla would treat someone so awful.

Thanks everybody for being so nice to me up here especially Tryinagain2. Please I would be better off if all the posts about me were deleted. I hate the fact that so many of you are so mean especially when I have never said a word about the appearance of any of you.

I treat people with respect no matter the circumstance and would never intentionally write anything mean about anybody.

08-09-11, 14:38
I don't hate you cause I don't know you. But I think it is quite annoying that you keep hammering away on her over little or nothing here. You showed up, didn't like what you saw and you moved on; (your perogotive). That really should be pretty much the end of it. Instead there has been constant bickering to try and belittle someone that before you, and the recent issue with someone else. (that really wasn't a problem with her as much as the other provider) , she has had pretty solid reviews. Damn solid to be exact.

So I'm not getting your point, other than you are making an ass out yourself over this, if you cared. While I'm sure you don't, you are dragging someone thru the mud without much cause here. And I'd be curious to know how you would refer to someone that was doing that to another provider, unnecessarily so? It is not a flattering move to say the least, and what goes around comes around.You won't get it because you haven't seen the PM's from her from the beginning. And you're right that I don't care about my rep here. It is what it is.

And I will concede that, after seeing the latest "Stacey" ad pic, it's likely her. But 130lbs? I don't think so, and I don't appreciate my time wasted going after misleading representation. Every guy has specific tastes and I don't want to drive all over town lookin for them. I rely on ad descriptions and when they're off that far, I blame the author. And I called her on it, and she didn't like it and got nasty.

I'm done with it, and don't care what else she says.

08-12-11, 00:36
I texted her yesterday to determine her rates. She responded and we traded texts throughout the day today. I never did get her to pick up the phone but she did respond to texts and I was able to see her this afternoon. A very nice value at $.2 for the 1/2 as we were both a puddle of sweat by the time we finished. She even stopped during one of our lineup changes to turn up the AC.

She is a tiny little thing with a nice booty and really knows how to work it. She had a great attitude and it was one of my best experiences with a BP lady. I plan on seeing her again.Setting up an appt. When she sends me a pic of herself without my solicitation, I might add. That's when stuff starts getting strange.

Anybody got any info on this one.



TonyAd pics are of a young Latina. I get a pic of a slender, tanned 30 something blonde with a man made rack and hot pink highlights with her shorts half off. Not bad looking by any stretch, but not even close or the same ethnicity as who I think I'm texting.

I start getting suspicious (go big head over little head!) and ask for her name. It's not Jayla, it's Koryn (sounds like Corrine). I check the number with the BP ad. It's the same. 303 Denver area code. I text and ask her to call me. It's an Indy 317 prefix. I told her I needed to do more homework before I saw her and hung up. Before I did she mentioned something about wanting to get setup on p411 for verification.

So what is going on in this situation? Bait and switch? Both look alright. Someone using a communal phone? Is his a Leo thing? It just seems fishy. Indyguy, which one did you meet with?

08-12-11, 15:23

A few weeks ago, I had the misfortune of being stood up at the door for the first time by a provider who got spooked about me being LEO, but since we have worked that out. One thing however was she sent me a invite to become a member of P411 for a free trial offer. All I had to do was get some references to answer on my behalf and it was all good.

Well I used four non P411 girls and one that was a member of the sight (who was a sweetheart for doing so). Now, P411 contacted me and said the only one they could use was the member provider and instead wanted to know my work information unless I saw another P411 member who would give me a reference.

HELL to the FREAKING NO! Why the hell would they need my work info? But, I could instead pay the $85 bucks and that was cool. Like some LEO a hole wouldn't pay $85 to get info?

I understand the need for the verification process, I just think it was a scam to ask me about where I worked.

Maybe I am wrong.

08-12-11, 15:24
Has anyone had a request from a provider for a texted copy of your drivers license (after references have been checked and verified)? Seems odd to me.

Forgot It
08-12-11, 16:29
Has anyone had a request from a provider for a texted copy of your drivers license (after references have been checked and verified)? Seems odd to me.No I have not. It does seem "odd" as in find someone else.

F / I

08-12-11, 16:32
Has anyone had a request from a provider for a texted copy of your drivers license (after references have been checked and verified)? Seems odd to me.I don't know if identity theft could be committed with a drivers license, but I still wouldn't give it out.

No one has ever asked for mine.

08-12-11, 19:51
Has anyone had a request from a provider for a texted copy of your drivers license (after references have been checked and verified)? Seems odd to me.This makes no sense from the standpoint of verification.

Do not ever give out any personal information. Too easy to be blackmailed.

08-12-11, 20:19
A smart girl will do all of her homework, job, I'd. 2-3 forms of other I'd etc. I won't give it out but I have had it on 3 different occasions for drivers license passport or my boarding pass when I was in NY last month.

This makes no sense from the standpoint of verification.

Do not ever give out any personal information. Too easy to be blackmailed.

08-12-11, 22:53
It just seems fishy. Indyguy, which one did you meet with?The girl I met with was a small latino with long black hair. She was all of 4'10" and probably 120 or less. She was pretty easy to move around. Don't think she was girl in pics because she has ink and pics didn't.

08-13-11, 00:35
There's a new girl on BP who goes by Eva and advertises as fetish friendly. Pics look pretty good (not obviously fake) and TinEye was negative. Anybody have info on this one?

08-13-11, 00:50
Setting up an appt. When she sends me a pic of herself without my solicitation, I might add. That's when stuff starts getting strange.

Ad pics are of a young Latina. I get a pic of a slender, tanned 30 something blonde with a man made rack and hot pink highlights with her shorts half off. Not bad looking by any stretch, but not even close or the same ethnicity as who I think I'm texting.

I start getting suspicious (go big head over little head!) and ask for her name. It's not Jayla, it's Koryn (sounds like Corrine). I check the number with the BP ad. It's the same. 303 Denver area code. I text and ask her to call me. It's an Indy 317 prefix. I told her I needed to do more homework before I saw her and hung up. Before I did she mentioned something about wanting to get setup on p411 for verification.

So what is going on in this situation? Bait and switch? Both look alright. Someone using a communal phone? Is his a Leo thing? It just seems fishy. Indyguy, which one did you meet with?These girls are being managed and screened by somebody else, you are never ever talking to the girl. In fact the girls frequently have no idea what's been said or promised to you. They interchange between the Hispanic, who is much heavier than the one in the pics and Coryn, who is nowhere NEAR 32 years old, I've seen and met her and politely refused. There may be more girls I don't know. Not exactly a scam, but I felt manipulated the whole way through the process. Better to shop elsewhere.

08-13-11, 14:59
There's a new girl on BP who goes by Eva and advertises as fetish friendly. Pics look pretty good (not obviously fake) and TinEye was negative. Anybody have info on this one?I did a report on her. You should be able to search my posts. Or PM me if you wish.

08-13-11, 17:02
Has anyone seen her? :


08-13-11, 20:00
The girl I met with was a small latino with long black hair. She was all of 4'10" and probably 120 or less. She was pretty easy to move around. Don't think she was girl in pics because she has ink and pics didn't.Pretty much confirms what I was wondering. Thanks for the info guys. Mostly I wanted this posted so it's out in the open for everyone to see. Will definitely cast my net elsewhere.

08-13-11, 21:54
Has anyone seen her? :

http://indianapolis.nuvo.net/BodyRubs/simply-stunning-new-brunette-cutie-20/4669355That ad was posted over 3 weeks ago, I doubt it was real to begin with but she's certainly gone from the scene by now. Too bad.

08-13-11, 22:36
Has anyone had a request from a provider for a texted copy of your drivers license (after references have been checked and verified)? Seems odd to me.
This makes no sense from the standpoint of verification.

Do not ever give out any personal information. Too easy to be blackmailed.
A smart girl will do all of her homework, job, I'd. 2-3 forms of other I'd etc. I won't give it out but I have had it on 3 different occasions for drivers license passport or my boarding pass when I was in NY last month.Illiniman11 was asked to show his driver's license.

Brazzelli mentioned a boarding pass when in NY.

A guy showing his a driver's license raises the risk of possible blackmail. But I can see the girl may phone the name to her security in case she is beaten up. I still would not give proof of my real identity.

Brazzelli said he was asked to show his boarding pass from a flight to NY. That is totally different. She wanted to see documentation he had flown in. An LE set-up would not have a boarding pass.

I know a girl in Chicago. She sees no locals due to her LE concern. She only sees businessmen who fly in. Her screening is to see an airline ticket. She uses her gut on other issues, the airline ticket as protection against LE.

08-14-11, 15:19
Had a visit with Aubrey from BP recently, well worth the time and money.

She's definitely the girl in the pictures. For those of you who like a nice ass, but NOT a big body, she is for you. Very sweet, god kisser, mid 20's, no kids, small tits no smoking. She is most excellent at what she does and seemed totally into it mind and body. Nice thing is everything was on the menu, including Greek and cim. For a little extra. I paid 200 for the works. Only negative is the Motel on the Westside is about the worst you can get, though convenient. Aubrey on BP.

Fun Freak
08-14-11, 15:22
There's a new girl on BP who goes by Eva and advertises as fetish friendly. Pics look pretty good (not obviously fake) and TinEye was negative. Anybody have info on this one?Indiana Johns met her couple of times recently. Once at a westside motel and next time at her apartments very close to the motel. The pics are legit. $ gives you FS.

08-14-11, 18:30
Obama is this the 1 you're talking about?

08-14-11, 18:37
Sorry l mist the link.


08-14-11, 18:58
Had a visit with Aubrey from BP recently, well worth the time and money.There are two Aubreys on BP. Are you referring to the one with the 260 area code or the 317 area code?

08-15-11, 05:48
Which one my friend? Can you post a link to her add.


Had a visit with Aubrey from BP recently, well worth the time and money.

She's definitely the girl in the pictures. For those of you who like a nice ass, but NOT a big body, she is for you. Very sweet, god kisser, mid 20's, no kids, small tits no smoking. She is most excellent at what she does and seemed totally into it mind and body. Nice thing is everything was on the menu, including Greek and cim. For a little extra. I paid 200 for the works. Only negative is the Motel on the Westside is about the worst you can get, though convenient. Aubrey on BP.

08-15-11, 08:34


I've searched her number and can't find any reviews on her. Anyone got any info?

08-15-11, 09:16

Any info on her? Thanks

08-15-11, 11:35

Anyone have any info on Tiffany in castleton?

08-15-11, 12:36
I don't but I noticed her ad also. Very hot. Let me know if you TOFTT.



Anyone have any info on Tiffany in castleton?

08-15-11, 13:55
Which one my friend? Can you post a link to her add.

ThanksSo sorry. Didn't know there were 4 up there!


08-15-11, 14:40

Anyone have any info on Tiffany in castleton?No personal info or expereince here. Just trying to help out with some due diligence.

But she must be very new. Registered her profile on SipSap Aug 7th; Ad in BP StL on Aug 12th, Ad Indy BP Aug 15th.

No reviews in StL or Indy usasg.

Tineye negative.

But, it sure would be easy for someone to create the above scenario / profile whether legit or not. Wouldn't it?

I'm just sayin. Beware, take it slow if you go. She is either a genuine new creampuff or (excuse me officer). You decide. Just not enough info to render any opinion, so it would be a total crap shoot; TOFTT. Good luck on it.

08-15-11, 20:57
I don't but I noticed her ad also. Very hot. Let me know if you TOFTT.

ThanksI have met with her and would not recommend. Expensive for what you get. I guess you could say I TOFTT.

08-16-11, 01:35
I did a report on her. You should be able to search my posts. Or PM me if you wish.
Indiana Johns met her couple of times recently. Once at a westside motel and next time at her apartments very close to the motel. The pics are legit. $ gives you FS.Thank you to both!

08-16-11, 09:55
I have met with her and would not recommend. Expensive for what you get. I guess you could say I TOFTT.I tried to call her a couple of times with no answer or call back. I tried some other numbers found on BP, but had the same results. I was looking for something new or maybe bored and wanted to toftt. Anyways I just headed to Jordan's instead and had a great time.

Thanks for all the info.

08-16-11, 16:40

Madison is one of the couple BP girls I did not want to report on too quickly so that I could reflect on all that happened. I did not get the opportunity to see her a second time yet but I did have a friend who used to be a pretty big deal on here before his disappearing act see her so I would have a frame of reference. Guess what, guess I was right after all.

Is she the girl in the pics, although I could see a very good photographer perhaps getting pics of her to look like that, I am sure it isn't. What I am sure of is that the stats and info given is accurate. She is very petite, not long and lean, but not thick or broad either. She is very cute, great dark eyes and nice lips, very nice body. Very exotic looking, but is at the core a good old All-American, small town Hoosier girl, best of both worlds really, seems like quite a sweetheart. Tries very hard to please, and does a nice job of it. She is new but not inexperienced, with time, and a few changes I could see her becoming a local favorite, has certain traits of some of them. She is a bit of a clock watcher, but not rushed or in a bad way, and I understand the program. It is, as with many on BP very possible that the person you speak to on the phone will not be her.

08-17-11, 11:22
I tried to call her a couple of times with no answer or call back. I tried some other numbers found on BP, but had the same results. I was looking for something new or maybe bored and wanted to toftt. Anyways I just headed to Jordan's instead and had a great time.

Thanks for all the info.I have seen Tiffany several times. She is very down to earth. She is a little on the thicker side but is very good at giving a sensual, relaxing massage and a nice HE.

08-17-11, 17:28
Does anyone know Kori Fox? I'm visiting Indy in September, and it's an extended stay. I was hoping to find out some about the girls who catch my attention before I come in.

Here's her ad: http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/smoking-hot-specials-w-kori-fox-21/4343356

I think she's just gorgeous, but when someone looks as good as she does, I want to see if it's TGTBT.

08-17-11, 17:50
Don't waste your time. Bad location dirty smelly crack wh__e.


08-18-11, 14:29
She all over and looks very cute. Has ANYONE seen her yet? Please PM me!

08-18-11, 15:55
Does anyone know Kori Fox? I'm visiting Indy in September, and it's an extended stay. I was hoping to find out some about the girls who catch my attention before I come in.

Here's her ad:


I think she's just gorgeous, but when someone looks as good as she does, I want to see if it's TGTBT.I am looking at this ad and these pics, this has to be the same girl. Plus, I have researched her, and for someone who looks that freaking hot, NOT ONE review anywhere.


Same as this one.

The G Man
08-18-11, 16:26
I was looking at Craigslist and saw somebody I might be interested in going to.


Anybody got any sauce on her?

Feel free to PM.

08-18-11, 16:58
Just curious. Anyone seen the biracial twins?


Did a search on these boards. Nothing came up.

08-18-11, 18:23
Just curious. Anyone seen the biracial twins?


Did a search on these boards. Nothing came up.They have been posting off and on for years but I have never seen any reviews on them? But the post have been going on for a while, even on CL before it blew up.

08-18-11, 19:33
I saw one of them a couple of years back. I went to see them late at their apartment. There was a group of people outside of their apartment that I had to walk by. Then when I got inside their were two other people watching tv inside that I had to walk past (one was her sister ). Massage was ok at best. I left unhappy. I would not recommend. Things might have changed for them though.

Prince Numenor
08-18-11, 21:50
They now live in a house on the westside. When I visited, the house had lots of people in it- basically their friends and family. I also knew their mother- a long term stripper / provider in Indy. The twins are very large, pleasant, not unattractive. The massage from both was very mediocre- lots of oil- no unclothing on their part which frankly I wouldn't have wanted- finish was self service. Cost $ and they wanted a tip which I refused. This all happened about a year ago. I have not been back. There are much better things available.


Just curious. Anyone seen the biracial twins?


Did a search on these boards. Nothing came up.

08-19-11, 08:56
Have not seen her. Was tempted. Saw her profile on Naughty Reviews. She has one review and quess what? Her review was written by the same person as her own profile. Sent a private message to let them know that this was very odd LOL. Never heard back. I would stay away.

She all over and looks very cute. Has ANYONE seen her yet? Please PM me!

08-19-11, 14:29

Any reviews? I've searched by name and phone number.

08-19-11, 17:35
I was bored late last night and decided to check out BP when I stumbled upon this profile:


Pics were all TinEye negative (although that's easy enough to beat) , so I sent her an email. A while later, I received a response:

Hey Sweety. My name is Karmela. I am doing incall in Indianapolis and outcall until Thursday August 25th. Please go to my web site below and make a reservation. I am offering girl friend experience which includes lots of kissing and fucking. I do French kiss and do uncovered blow job if you want. I don't do anal.

I only see clients upon prior reservation for my safety. Its usually 250 for an hr. But I will make it 150 for first time only. Also, if you make the reservation within the next day or two. I will make it 100$ for 1hr. Email me back with the reservation number that you get. Call me only when you are done making a reservation on my site below and with the reservation number that you get. My cell is 703 459 6826, leave me message with your number and reservation number or I won't call back.

PS: Here are some pictures for you.


KarmelaThe link takes you to a fairly generic site. I decided to check out the registration form and they want a credit card to book an appt. As I was bored, I did about 5 mins of investigation:

1. Private WHOIS info for the domain.

2. Operated by "Alreston Investments Limited"

3. They have offices in Cyprus and Panama.

I stopped there as the big head knows when something smells bad. If someone wants to TOFTT, be my guest, but it's not going to be me.

Member #5254
08-19-11, 18:24
Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. :) Those are her most flattering pictures. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.



08-19-11, 18:47
Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.


http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/kaylas-back-with-a-new-number-and-a-new-attitude-32/4794398She was very humble but guarded on what to expect with her. Have been around quite a while and I am one who needs to know what to expect and what exactly GFE means to a lady I want to see. I hate YMMV crap ladies come up with especially when she wants $$ for her time and you can't get a straight answer. I won't be seeing her but then that is just my expectations and since I have what she wants I either get what I want or she doesn't get what I have. No offense meant to the lady but just a fact for me. She is a very beautiful woman though.

08-20-11, 07:13
That's not her in the pic.


Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. Those are her most flattering pictures. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.



08-20-11, 09:35

Any reviews? I've searched by name and phone number.No review, but she is real and legit.

08-20-11, 09:40
No review, but she is real and legit.Wow. Candace looks smoking hott! Would you mind elaborating on her menu (DFK? DATY? BBBJ?) and donation? I tried sending PM, but mailbox is full.



08-20-11, 09:42
Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. Those are her most flattering pictures. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.


http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/kaylas-back-with-a-new-number-and-a-new-attitude-32/4794398Perhaps I underestimated some of the influence reviews here have, but I believe it was mostly do to issues she was having which spilled over into her work, and there were lots of unhappy customers besides me and for lots of reasons different than the ones that upset me, or maybe the same, who knows. I understand her business dropped off hugely and she is trying to reevaluate and get back on track. Wish her luck but highley unlikely it will be with me. I am not so sure that pic isn't her, the breast thing looks right, but she was heavier and softer when I saw her, but an attractive woman none the less.

08-20-11, 09:59
Oh it's been several months now, maybe last winter. That's not her in the pic.

Perhaps I underestimated some of the influence reviews here have, but I believe it was mostly do to issues she was having which spilled over into her work, and there were lots of unhappy customers besides me and for lots of reasons different than the ones that upset me, or maybe the same, who knows. I understand her business dropped off hugely and she is trying to reevaluate and get back on track. Wish her luck but highley unlikely it will be with me. I am not so sure that pic isn't her, the breast thing looks right, but she was heavier and softer when I saw her, but an attractive woman none the less.

08-20-11, 10:08
So, I've been pretty vocal about wanting to take a trip to the local nunnery that's so well recommended here. I don't often have the requested funds for the collection plate, so when I finally came up with it, I was excited to try. But as reported here, it's a frustrating process and I don't appear to be worthy. The thing is, for such a trip, I'd be willing to beg, or I'm obviously willing to make a large donation. However, I view the two as equal, and I'm not comfortable doing both. I'm reminded of the excitement I had after all the work I did to see another local, young favorite last year, only to find the experience far less than expectations. On this experience, I've decided to pass on this particular religious organization.

So, with the funds still in my pocket, a rather new experience entered my thoughts. I began having dreams of Brin on Thursday, and after a few texts / emails, was able to achieve her acceptance through the backchannel verification from another Senior (I owe you big, Illap). Yesterday, I fell into a wonderful dream state by afternoon where I found myself in the arms of a very sweet, sexy young lady and it was intoxicating to say the least. At her request for a review (based, I'm sure on her confidence on how great a time was had) , here's the good, the bad and the ugly.

First off, verification was pretty simple. There were options and I chose the more discreet, possibly more difficult route, but everything was handled smoothly. Agreed on her incall, and it was a nice, clean, very easy to find location. There's a new level of discretion I won't go into, but although a little disconcerting on the first meeting, I actually found it a great idea for my own dream's safety after further thought.

Second was the promise of an incredible little body that I was instantly drooling over. One would not expect such full, soft and perfect C-cups on such a small, petite frame. I could have spent most of an hour on those alone. But then there are other aspects of her body that are simply too much to pass up. I still can't decide where her body falls in my top five ATF's. I guess the fact that nothing's enhanced gives her an edge none of the others in my fav's possess.

Then there's the performance. Personality wise, think of Kellie Pickler, without the loud, obnoxious behavior. She's a sweet little southern charmer. She is absolutely convincing that she's into me as much as I am her, and I found everything beyond my expectations. Very responsive, eager to ask what I want, and confident enough to tell me what she likes when I asked. I love a road map from a provider.

So then there's the bad and the ugly. Well, the only bad is this particular dream is not one I can afford very often, so I'll have to be stuck with day dreaming about her for awhile. And the ugly, well that's just me, as that's the hardest I've finished in awhile, and I'm glad the lights were low as she looked into my eyes. .


08-20-11, 10:17
I don't have time to do this properly right now so I will fill in the blanks later. I am still sitting on the one report but it looks like she is off the market for right now so I may just bag it all together. However.

I was intrigued by Jenny Southside, now Stacey, in spite of our inauspicious first meeting, and although we had a number of fits and starts trying to get together I finally did see her. I will do a more complete report when I have time, but here is the short version. She is definitely the girl in the grey and pink dresses in the ads, as for the older one in the fishnets, I have not taken the time to compare it after having met her, my gut says it isn't her, but maybe it is at some other time or with some manipulation, but the current ones are accurate nonetheless. She is not a tiny petite girl, but she is not what I would consider big either, she is what she is. With all respect to TA2, she is a little thick, and like myself and most of us, dropping a few pounds might improve our looks. I will say she is a pretty girl, and the blue eyes are special, and although I tend to migrate to the more petite women often, I had no issues at all with her appearance, I found her very sexy and a great girl to talk to and be with. OK, that is out of the way, when it comes to go time she is a blast. She is comfortable in her sexuality, and the girl I think just really loves her job. If I fill in the blanks more later I will expalin how she reminds me a lot of the first time I met one of my absolute ATFs, SS. I reported on Madison the other day, and she is cute and young and has good potential and was a lot of fun, but Jenny, excuse me, Stacey, is the real deal in terms of GFE service. Maybe more visits would be different, but I don't think so. There were some minor irritations but once again in the logistics and not with the time spent together.

08-20-11, 12:33
I scheduled a last minute appointment with Madison on BP. http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/ultimate-satisfaction-brunette-incall-in-greenwood-21/4762438

Verification was simple but don't think it is her in the pics. She is just slightly heavier (not fat but more athletic) and really cute with a great behind but she appeared to be more of a light skinned AA mix than the pictures.

She is not GFE but not bad for the $.4 1/2 hour rate or the $.8 hourly rate if you actually get the hour. I took the hourly rate after asking about multiples but she rushed me out after 30 minutes because the first one took too long.

08-20-11, 13:20
No review, but she is real and legit.I met up with her. Again, I don't like to bash, but I will be honest.

She is really nice, sweet and has a HUGE rack.

That being said, she is a BIG girl from the waist down. If you are into that thing, you will enjoy. Those pics are not of her, not even close.

However, being the sport that I am, she gives quite the inspired BBBJ and uses her top assests in a wonderful TF. That is all I wanted.

Again, sweet, nice and not hideous, just on the big side in the middle and downstairs.

08-21-11, 13:40
I scheduled a last minute appointment with Madison on BP.


Verification was simple but don't think it is her in the pics. She is just slightly heavier (not fat but more athletic) and really cute with a great behind but she appeared to be more of a light skinned AA mix than the pictures.

She is not GFE but not bad for the $.4 1/2 hour rate or the $.8 hourly rate if you actually get the hour. I took the hourly rate after asking about multiples but she rushed me out after 30 minutes because the first one took too long.I guess that is why I so often have a good time, if you have a small penis and get off really really quick things always seem to go better and you get a better rate too. This is a good lesson to learn for newbies.

08-22-11, 08:28
I have seen Tiffany several times. She is very down to earth. She is a little on the thicker side but is very good at giving a sensual, relaxing massage and a nice HE.Sound a little high priced. Unless its nude body to body, she does look cute. Will have to Tort and post back.

08-22-11, 12:06
I too have seen Tiffany. She is a little thicker but very attractive. Very nice 38dds. Good nude body to body with HE.

08-22-11, 12:44
Just curious. Anyone seen the biracial twins?


Did a search on these boards. Nothing came up.I wouldn't waste my time. Not into it at all. Made me feel cold. Not attractive and just an overall waste of time. Save your cash for other pleasures.

08-22-11, 15:48
Have not seen her. Was tempted. Saw her profile on Naughty Reviews. She has one review and quess what? Her review was written by the same person as her own profile. Sent a private message to let them know that this was very odd LOL. Never heard back. I would stay away.She's very tempting. Looks like her reviewer is a monger who possibly got banned from here back in 09. He had a bunch of posts in the AMP forum. I might check her out when my new hoe phone comes in.

Indy Chap
08-22-11, 16:50
Candace is a very nice person, very eager to please. YMMV, but nice BBBJCIM. And quite the rack; 38DDD at least. The physically description from IrishLaddie is fair.

I met up with her. Again, I don't like to bash, but I will be honest.

She is really nice, sweet and has a HUGE rack.

That being said, she is a BIG girl from the waist down. If you are into that thing, you will enjoy. Those pics are not of her, not even close.

However, being the sport that I am, she gives quite the inspired BBBJ and uses her top assests in a wonderful TF. That is all I wanted.

Again, sweet, nice and not hideous, just on the big side in the middle and downstairs.

08-23-11, 03:06
I guess that is why I so often have a good time, if you have a small penis and get off really really quick things always seem to go better and you get a better rate too. This is a good lesson to learn for newbies.I don't know why but I found this to be fuking hilarious. Bravo dude!

08-23-11, 08:05
If that is her I contacted her yesterday and she told me EVERYTHING covered and no dfk. I avoided her like the plague since I am total GFE and nothing covered except the big one in general. If not the same Candace then sorry for my misconception but so many ladies with same or similar handles it is hard to keep track of the scorecard these days. If a different Candace then PM me with particulars and contact. She sounds MAAAAAHVELLLLLLLOUS LOL

08-23-11, 09:42
Have not seen her. Was tempted. Saw her profile on Naughty Reviews. She has one review and quess what? Her review was written by the same person as her own profile. Sent a private message to let them know that this was very odd LOL. Never heard back. I would stay away.That is always curious, and it has kept me on the sideline for a while with at least one that turned out to be the real deal and so much more satisfying than a quick snack, but their set up if the girl hasn't been snagged from a post somewhere by the site it kind of acts like " the you know review" in that you fill in the name, ad and stats to start your review, so possible legit, but would make me think twice. It does seem to be the guy that got booted in a bunch of drama, and it suddenly occurs to me who that drama might have been with, mmmm, also makes me think that a distant connection that was only a odd feeling I got might be more than just imagination. Might also explain why a guy I know got quoted $$$$$ just to see it basically then got a call back that for another $$ he could at least taste it. Now I am going to have to give it some thought, when I started typing all I was going to do was mention the protocol for nr reports. The reviewer has thrown up some new AMP reports on there lately also, and if his profile pic is accurate I would guess some providers might be charging him a higher rate than someone like myself.

08-23-11, 09:49

That's not her in the pic.


Quote Originally Posted by Heritage View Post
Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. Those are her most flattering pictures. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.



She now has a different number, is not using her name at all, and is using a pic that once again, looks breast appropriate, but is probably not her, and definitely not her at this point in time.

08-23-11, 13:43
She now has a different number, is not using her name at all, and is using a pic that once again, looks breast appropriate, but is probably not her, and definitely not her at this point in time.If she was the chick in the new pic, she'd put almost every other provider out of business (assuming she also had the services to match). Since the events that took place with you, the number changes AND false pics, why would anyone want to see her?

08-23-11, 15:45

That's not her in the pic.


Quote Originally Posted by Heritage View Post.

Well, Ilapp's negative report on Kayla must have at least gotten her attention. In her new ad, she basically says she has behaved badly, is sorry, has been humbled, and will be better now. Those are her most flattering pictures. Any takers? Not sure I will repeat for a while.



She now has a different number, is not using her name at all, and is using a pic that once again, looks breast appropriate, but is probably not her, and definitely not her at this point in time.The address does not work. Either you fat fingered it in or it is no long good.

08-23-11, 19:34
I know it's not her in the pic because when I got up to her room (at hotel near airport back in, say December or January I think) , I saw this "fugly" (acronym for well, you know) hag of an older woman, probably in her late-40s. The pic she uses is of a woman who appears to be in her late-20s or early-30s. I told her I left my car running and ran to the elevator. This is what I've been preaching about in regards to backpage. Most of the women on there are scammers. If she returns to backpage, maybe she can come up with a more accurate name, like "Beefer" or "Summer Teeth." Sum are here, sum are there (yes, another acronym).

Now introducing my new walkoff line: It's not a real event until they serve beer.


P. S. That's a slam on all these stupid festivals we're about to see advertised in newspapers and on grocery-store bulletin boards everywhere. Except for the festivals that actually serve boooooze.

The address does not work. Either you fat fingered it in or it is no long good.

08-24-11, 11:58
For the Hoosier mongers out there, go to http://www.tineye.com/ This will help you find out if the providers are using their own pics or someone else. Just enter the BP provider ad or upload the pic to see if it's legit. Hope this helps, stay safe.


08-25-11, 14:29
I saw this ad and was curious.


So I researched and found this posted 2 days ago, don't if it is real, just thought I would share.


08-25-11, 16:29
I saw this ad and was curious.


So I researched and found this posted 2 days ago, don't if it is real, just thought I would share.

http://illinois.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/warning-rip-off-sky-schuamburgs-finest-click-here-19-27/8801853Good find! I wouldn't even risk it.

08-26-11, 11:55
410 708 5069

It came up to two girls Eve / Eva and Kelly The number says Vegas Escorts but 410 area code is off the east coast in the Maryland area. The girl in Indianapolis is blond haired and named Kelly staying up in Castleton area and says she needs a DAAADY on BP. The other girl Eve / Eva is brown haired and much younger and supposedly in Vegas. I would be very leery of this Had contacted Kelly but believe I will pass after doing some research. Watch your backs out there gentlemen. This doesn't pass the smell test for me.

08-26-11, 15:43
I saw this ad and was curious.


So I researched and found this posted 2 days ago, don't if it is real, just thought I would share.

http://illinois.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/warning-rip-off-sky-schuamburgs-finest-click-here-19-27/8801853Nice GOOG work! I keep seeing her pics and she apparently can't be photographed without her tongue hanging out like a retard. I wonder if she thinks that's "hot." If so, someone needs to correct her.

08-26-11, 16:45

Anyone seen her. I emailed her. She seems nice but just covering all bases.

The G Man
08-27-11, 15:08
Since the CL review thread is dead, I'll post this here.

I went to see Kat today. She's not a small woman, and not especially attractive, but she give the best massage I've ever had. I'll definitely be coming back to her when I'm in town again.

She operates out of her apartment in south indy. I didn't feel threatened or anything. .60 for the hour, extra to be had. I walked out for $.10.

If any body has any inquiries, feel free to PM.

08-28-11, 17:52

A few weeks ago, I had the misfortune of being stood up at the door for the first time by a provider who got spooked about me being LEO, but since we have worked that out. One thing however was she sent me a invite to become a member of P411 for a free trial offer. All I had to do was get some references to answer on my behalf and it was all good.

Well I used four non P411 girls and one that was a member of the sight (who was a sweetheart for doing so). Now, P411 contacted me and said the only one they could use was the member provider and instead wanted to know my work information unless I saw another P411 member who would give me a reference.

HELL to the FREAKING NO! Why the hell would they need my work info? But, I could instead pay the $85 bucks and that was cool. Like some LEO a hole wouldn't pay $85 to get info?

I understand the need for the verification process, I just think it was a scam to ask me about where I worked.

Maybe I am wrong.P411 is one of the three well-established verification networks out there (the other two I know of / use are Roomservice2000. Com out of Chicago and Date-Check. Com). It's based in Canada, where the only thing illegal are brothels. It's key security feature is system emails. A lady knows if she gets an email thru the system that the guy making a date request is at least using the system and not just passing along someone else's I'd as his. Nothing's foolproof. Gina keeps on top of things, and if someone gets thru, she takes the necessary steps to keep the rest of us safe. I've been a member for a few years. So many hot providers on P411 (8400+ total listings, more than D-C and RS2K combined, I believe) I could never see them all, LOL (mostly outside of Indiana, but there are a few really good Indy-based girls on there such as Abby / Abra).

Just because you got P411 without a second P411 escort to vouch for you doesn't mean you won't be scrutinized by potential dates. Some require more vouches than others. On Date-Check, some girls will only see "Gold" or "Platinum" level guys, etc.

From the Info page: There are two levels of membership; basic (verified only) and basic plus (verified with at least one "OK"). In the future we may also add a "premier" membership that includes a more thorough background check, for those providers with extra safety and discretion requirements.


08-29-11, 00:24
A way to check if the pics are accurate.

For the Hoosier mongers out there, go to.


This will help you find out if the providers are using their own pics or someone else. Just enter the BP provider ad or upload the pic to see if it's legit. Hope this helps, stay safe.

Jiat2001Suppose a girl in California and a girl in New York are using the same pic they lifted from a girl in Texas. Suppose the girl in Texas is really the girl in front of the camera. Suppose that pic has been on all three sites long enough for Tin Eye to captured them in its inventory. With that said, entering any one of these pics into Tin Eye will / should result in the other two being found. So now we know that three girls have that same pic on their site. But, there is no way Tin Eye can tell us that the girl in Texas is the girl in front of the camera and the California and New York girls are the pirates.

West Central
08-29-11, 07:54
Suppose a girl in California and a girl in New York are using the same pic they lifted from a girl in Texas. Suppose the girl in Texas is really the girl in front of the camera. Suppose that pic has been on all three sites long enough for Tin Eye to captured them in its inventory. With that said, entering any one of these pics into Tin Eye will / should result in the other two being found. So now we know that three girls have that same pic on their site. But, there is no way Tin Eye can tell us that the girl in Texas is the girl in front of the camera and the California and New York girls are the pirates.Theoretically, that could easily happen. In my experience, however, either all the girls are using fake pics (scammers) , the provider has moved to another city (traveling or moving on) , or there is no provider (camgirls).

08-29-11, 09:21
Theoretically, that could easily happen. In my experience, however, either all the girls are using fake pics (scammers) , the provider has moved to another city (traveling or moving on) , or there is no provider (camgirls).We cannot possibly know that all the girls are using fake pics. We weren't there when the pics were taken.

A touring provider is equally as likely to be a victim of a pirate as a girl who does not travel.

A legitimate provider could really be a camgirl using her own pics taken when she was a camgirl. But I agree that pics on a provider's site are more likely fake when Tin Eye finds them on a camgirl's site. It is a matter of my assessment of the probability.

To me one of the more telling signs pics in an ad are fake is when they are blurred and Tin Eye finds unblurred pics elsewhere. The girl who opens the door when we knock is not blurring that face to protect her identity from her family. But this is all an assessment I am making. Tin Eye makes no assessment which is real and which is not. We have to make our own assessment based upon reasonable assumptions. Tin Eye is no better than our assumptions.

08-29-11, 10:02
In case you guys haven't heard, the Search Images function that Google added a couple of months ago has made Tineye effectively obsolete. It does the same thing but DRAMATICALLY better. It finds matches for many pics where Tineye reports none, and gives more info about what it finds, sometimes including the model's name. I've yet to see a pic where Tineye found a match and Google did not.

Its only shortcoming is that add-ons / plug-ins are available only for Firefox and Google Chrome to date. To use it with IE or Safari, you need to right click the image and select Copy Image Address, then go to Google Images, click the little camera icon, paste and hit enter. Just be sure to turn off Safe Search, and ignore the irrelevant "Visually Similar Images".

08-29-11, 13:23
In case you guys haven't heard, the Search Images function that Google added a couple of months ago has made Tineye effectively obsolete. It does the same thing but DRAMATICALLY better. It finds matches for many pics where Tineye reports none, and gives more info about what it finds, sometimes including the model's name. I've yet to see a pic where Tineye found a match and Google did not.

Its only shortcoming is that add-ons / plug-ins are available only for Firefox and Google Chrome to date. To use it with IE or Safari, you need to right click the image and select Copy Image Address, then go to Google Images, click the little camera icon, paste and hit enter. Just be sure to turn off Safe Search, and ignore the irrelevant "Visually Similar Images".Curt, your second paragraph seems to say for IE and Safari where there is copying and pasting going on Google Images is searching the pic's url.

For Firefox and Google Chrome is the Google Image search done of the url or of the pixels?

My understanding is a pic search is much more thorough where done using the pixels. A pixel search will return a positive of a clear face shot even where the "test" pic has the head cropped off because there's enough of the body to trigger a positive using pixels. True? False?

My understand is Tin Eye can do it either way (hence, the left box or the right box). The problem with Tin Eye is Tin Eye's inventory of images to search is extremely small in relation to the number of images on the internet. Tin Eye is searching its inventory of images at that moment, not the internet at that moment. Further, Tin Eye's rate of crawling the internet to add to its inventory on a daily basis is also extremely small in relation to the total images being added to the internet on a daily basis. So Tin Eye falls further behind the internet each day. True? False?


08-29-11, 13:44
Anyone know of her? Info much appreciated.


Fun Freak
08-29-11, 15:59
Don't think they have the google images plugin for FF 6. 0 yet either.

In case you guys haven't heard, the Search Images function that Google added a couple of months ago has made Tineye effectively obsolete. It does the same thing but DRAMATICALLY better. It finds matches for many pics where Tineye reports none, and gives more info about what it finds, sometimes including the model's name. I've yet to see a pic where Tineye found a match and Google did not.

Its only shortcoming is that add-ons / plug-ins are available only for Firefox and Google Chrome to date. To use it with IE or Safari, you need to right click the image and select Copy Image Address, then go to Google Images, click the little camera icon, paste and hit enter. Just be sure to turn off Safe Search, and ignore the irrelevant "Visually Similar Images".

08-29-11, 16:21
In case you guys haven't heard, the Search Images function that Google added a couple of months ago has made Tineye effectively obsolete. It does the same thing but DRAMATICALLY better. It finds matches for many pics where Tineye reports none, and gives more info about what it finds, sometimes including the model's name. I've yet to see a pic where Tineye found a match and Google did not.

Its only shortcoming is that add-ons / plug-ins are available only for Firefox and Google Chrome to date. To use it with IE or Safari, you need to right click the image and select Copy Image Address, then go to Google Images, click the little camera icon, paste and hit enter. Just be sure to turn off Safe Search, and ignore the irrelevant "Visually Similar Images".Thanks for the tip. The first image I tried it worked.

08-29-11, 20:01
Curt, your second paragraph seems to say for IE and Safari where there is copying and pasting going on Google Images is searching the pic's url.

For Firefox and Google Chrome is the Google Image search done of the url or of the pixels?

My understanding is a pic search is much more thorough where done using the pixels. A pixel search will return a positive of a clear face shot even where the "test" pic has the head cropped off because there's enough of the body to trigger a positive using pixels. True? False?

My understand is Tin Eye can do it either way (hence, the left box or the right box). The problem with Tin Eye is Tin Eye's inventory of images to search is extremely small in relation to the number of images on the internet. Tin Eye is searching its inventory of images at that moment, not the internet at that moment. Further, Tin Eye's rate of crawling the internet to add to its inventory on a daily basis is also extremely small in relation to the total images being added to the internet on a daily basis. So Tin Eye falls further behind the internet each day. True? False?

Thanks.Google also gives you a choice of pasting the pic's URL or uploading a file. I'm no expert on how they work under the hood, but I assume that with an URL, both sites still analyze the pixels in an image. It's simply a different way of telling them what image to analyze and find a match for.

And I really don't know what accounts for Google's superior results-whether it has a better search and compare algorithm or a better inventory. One thing I have noticed is that Google often finds images from other escort ads, something Tineye never seemed to do.

The ultimate would be for Google to combine reverse image search with the phone number searches hobbyists do to check out ads, and put it all together in one easy add-on / plug-in. HookerCheck (tm)! Except that might take all the fun out of it.

Johnny Z
08-29-11, 20:13
P411 is one of the three well-established verification networks out there (the other two I know of / use are Roomservice2000. Com out of Chicago and Date-Check. Com). It's based in Canada, where the only thing illegal are brothels. It's key security feature is system emails. A lady knows if she gets an email thru the system that the guy making a date request is at least using the system and not just passing along someone else's I'd as his. Nothing's foolproof. Gina keeps on top of things, and if someone gets thru, she takes the necessary steps to keep the rest of us safe. I've been a member for a few years. So many hot providers on P411 (8400+ total listings, more than D-C and RS2K combined, I believe) I could never see them all, LOL (mostly outside of Indiana, but there are a few really good Indy-based girls on there such as Abby / Abra).

Just because you got P411 without a second P411 escort to vouch for you doesn't mean you won't be scrutinized by potential dates. Some require more vouches than others. On Date-Check, some girls will only see "Gold" or "Platinum" level guys, etc.

From the Info page: There are two levels of membership; basic (verified only) and basic plus (verified with at least one "OK"). In the future we may also add a "premier" membership that includes a more thorough background check, for those providers with extra safety and discretion requirements.

HammerNice summary of the P411 system, Mr. H. I echo your endorsement, and will add a couple comments.

One is that I started out establishing my hobby identity by using P411, and although it started a bit slow (I still needed to build up some references from the ladies) , I felt it was better to send my info to Canada, to an established agency with a reputation, than to try to prove my identity to some local girl who might or might not be totally stable. Oh, have I come to realize what a wise choice that was. Separate hobby I'd, with a separate hobby phone, those are two basics. P411 also claims to get rid of your verification info once they have finished, and that makes sense to me. Why would they want all that, in case someone did manage to get their records? It is not how their business works.

The other point is that I really don't have a basis to compare with Date Check or RS2000, but on the other hand, I've never seen the need to use those. Practically speaking, and lady who is savvy enough to set up a listing on one tends to have one on all 3 verification services, but especially P411 since it is free to them and and it is the largest.

So in my opinion it is worth the cost, even in Indy where in truth very few local ladies use it. Then again, we don't have a very large "legitimate" pool to begin with.

BTW, nice to see you post again Mr Hammer. Now that I've been around a while, I'm getting to be like you. I keep up with the boards but don't post so much. And I definitely try to stay out of the drama.

Indy's Mike Hammer. An enigma lurking in the shadows.

08-29-11, 22:23
I'm new to the area, but I am a long time hobbyist. While checking out the local talent I kept coming back to Stacy in that little grey dress. So, despite the incomprehensible argument that has been going on about her, I trusted my gut and saw her this weekend. I'm glad I did! She is solid and she's an experienced pro that has got the GFE down to a science. I read some reviews on NR and just added my own. She is the girl in the picture and looks great. I'the guess she's about 25 to 30 years old, has some curves but it very firm and sexy. She had the skills to pay the bills, and knew how to cater to my needs. I'll say the same thing I did on NR, as far the the YMMV aspect. All girls treat all guys differently. Two people may be really into each other, or they may not. Even with these girls, if a dirtball walks in acting like a jack ass, then the menu will probably change and the level of service as well. If you take a shower brush your teeth and act like a gentleman, you are much more likely to have a better experience. I have read the more experienced posters on here giving this exact advice to newbies, over and over. So as always just my humble opinion.



08-29-11, 23:51
I've used P411 for since 2006, and I have absolutely no complaints. The references seem to be really portable (I've used it in Colorado, Florida, Washington D. C, Ohio, and Indiana) , and the ladies seem to be very cooperative when it comes to giving approvals. I've never had a problem requesting an appointment or getting in contact with the ladies.

The site is easy to use, accurate, and extremely well maintained.


08-30-11, 12:04
I will never put info of that nature one a server like theirs. Reason being, I don't want Lulsec or Anonymous to have fun with that info tied to that site. Google those names if you don't know who they are. They are major hacking groups and P411 is a site that would be the type they would hack and spread the info everywhere.

08-30-11, 15:18
I will never put info of that nature one a server like theirs. Reason being, I don't want Lulsec or Anonymous to have fun with that info tied to that site. Google those names if you don't know who they are. They are major hacking groups and P411 is a site that would be the type they would hack and spread the info everywhere.+1 for Osirusss. Bottom line. It's the internet."no one knows you're a dog on the internet." Until you submit the verification your a dog! These may be valuable services, run by great people, with good security, today. Who knows who will control it tomorrow, or what there opinions and motives may be, or if the resources and willpower will be there to keep it safe. Nothing is 100% safe if it's a target. Whether it's the hackers, Uncle LEO, or your wife's attorney with a Ben Franklin for a server admin, if they want it bad enough, they'll get it. Guaranteed!

There are basically three variables. Would there be anyone who would want the information you provide, now or in the future? Would you even care if it got out in this way? How valuable and necessary is what you get in exchange? In my personal case: yes, no, and not enough. Then I have to take what that leaves me with. If you answered "not really, don't care, and hell yes!", those are great answers too.

Just fertilizer for thought.


08-30-11, 15:26
Summary (I'm long winded) : I called, we arranged, I showed up, she did not, she wouldn't answer her phone, I wasted precious time. Hope you do not.


I noticed the ad on BP last Friday for Sweet T, and thought "this has got to be TGTBT." but really wanted it to be good. Started doing homework, and convinced myself to give it a shot. Tried to get ahold of her, but no return call. No sweat. Monday, more searching revealed she appears to be traveling with a Brandy, Kendra, and maybe another. Ads show up in same cities at same times, etc. Saw reviews on Brandy as well. Called Sweet T, and she answered right away. She asked if I could get together now. She was by old airport, and I said it would take 30-45 min to get there from where I was. I planned for a two-hour meet, moved my afternoon sched around, and was on the way. I get to the area discussed, and call. No pick up. No return call. Ok, maybe she's busy, it's not like we synchronized watches. Wait, try again, still no luck. Three calls in 45 min, no answer. (she never did call back). Well, it's not my first day at this and I know what to expect from BP. Still have cash and time. Moving on, I try calling both of the other girls she seems to be traveling with, figuring they were in the same area and might be ready to fit me in. No answers there either. No call backs. Nothing. Unfortunately, now there's no time to make plans with the other ladies I WAS going to call before I saw this one! Determined to spend some of my money, I settled for a trip to an AMP just up the way, and at least the story had a Happy Ending. (More on that in the appropriate thread).

In all, a BIG waste of time. Just posting to save others the time. If anyone actually saw this lady, and had a great experience, Please let me know. Otherwise, I guess it's just another game poorly played.

Be safe.


08-30-11, 15:31
I am getting back to the norm and posting things on here about encounters with women. A novel idea.

Jayla is a sweetheart and rocked my lunch hour today.


Texting was ok for contact, when I got there, GOOD TO GO! Muy Caliente.

May be an old pic of her, but she does have some ink. But she is curvy but POW!

I need a nap.

08-31-11, 10:52
Google also gives you a choice of pasting the pic's URL or uploading a file. I'm no expert on how they work under the hood, but I assume that with an URL, both sites still analyze the pixels in an image. It's simply a different way of telling them what image to analyze and find a match for.

And I really don't know what accounts for Google's superior results-whether it has a better search and compare algorithm or a better inventory. One thing I have noticed is that Google often finds images from other escort ads, something Tineye never seemed to do.

The ultimate would be for Google to combine reverse image search with the phone number searches hobbyists do to check out ads, and put it all together in one easy add-on / plug-in. HookerCheck (tm)! Except that might take all the fun out of it.I have been using the google option for a while now. Tineye was great and is still functional, but unless there was something I didn't get, it gave limited results, and the way it's searches operated made it possible for those smart enough ways to elude its detection protocols. That would explain why known images would not always return a positive result. Google will often give too many results to filter, especially if you use an all image size search of your pic. Much like one I was curious about last week, one where I got a chuckle because a guy on NR posted a review that said it was the girl in the pics, which would have been quite a blessing if he were to be believed, but due to the fact that tineye returned 25 hits and google image found 2780 sites with the pic made me doubt what he said a little. And by the way, ECI actually had your hooker check concept in action and for a while it seemed to work really well, It cross reffed phone #s mail addy's pics and websites and would put them together in one report, was great to see one number with 20 different ads or one address with a ton of phone #s, but lately it seems to not be functioning well and quit compiling for this area months ago.

08-31-11, 15:43

I have been a busy boy. I love the ad, had to check this one out.


Well, she is the girl in the pic. Her ink is covered however, but she is a complete SPINNER.

Cute, tan, not an ounce of fat on her. Tiny Tiny but very cute.

I will repeat. Nice incall as well.

08-31-11, 16:23
I don't recall ever seeing any posts about Chanel here and just a few old ones on the MP thread. If anyone has any recent experience with her or more information to share, I would certainly appreciate it. The ad is always intriguing.


PM if you prefer.


08-31-11, 16:36
First of all, read what I am not saying. I'm not saying your comment is at all invalid. What I am saying is it's a less "profitable" approach for anarchist groups to make headlines: a bunch of relatively unknown people are "outed" for frequenting commercial women.

Sure, they could go after a P411 / DC / RS2K, but who would they get, and what would that do for them. Elliot Spitzer, for example, probably isn't a member of any of those orgs, I'm guessing. He doesn't have to be. If Tiger Woods wants girls, I am guessing he doesn't need P411. He probably got his girls word of mouth. All the major players get their freak on through UTR networks. That's the way it's always been and always will be. Not that a "public" agency wasn't involved. They usually are, barring UTR indy girls, but often, those girls work on the side thru agencies too, or vice versa.

+1 for Osirusss. Bottom line. It's the internet."no one knows you're a dog on the internet." Until you submit the verification your a dog! These may be valuable services, run by great people, with good security, today. Who knows who will control it tomorrow, or what there opinions and motives may be, or if the resources and willpower will be there to keep it safe. Nothing is 100% safe if it's a target. Whether it's the hackers, Uncle LEO, or your wife's attorney with a Ben Franklin for a server admin, if they want it bad enough, they'll get it. Guaranteed!

There are basically three variables. Would there be anyone who would want the information you provide, now or in the future? Would you even care if it got out in this way? How valuable and necessary is what you get in exchange? In my personal case: yes, no, and not enough. Then I have to take what that leaves me with. If you answered "not really, don't care, and hell yes!", those are great answers too.

Just fertilizer for thought.


09-01-11, 06:23

I have been a busy boy. I love the ad, had to check this one out.


Well, she is the girl in the pic. Her ink is covered however, but she is a complete SPINNER.

Cute, tan, not an ounce of fat on her. Tiny Tiny but very cute.

I will repeat. Nice incall as well.Can you give us some indications of price range? Nothing in the ad about that. PM if you prefer.

09-01-11, 08:37


I have been a busy boy. I love the ad, had to check this one out.


Well, she is the girl in the pic. Her ink is covered however, but she is a complete SPINNER.


Cute, tan, not an ounce of fat on her. Tiny Tiny but very cute.

I will repeat. Nice incall as well.Really? 2780 site hits and its her in the pic? Good timing

Member #6276
09-01-11, 09:51
I called once, left a message, and didn't get a callback. So, I moved on.

I don't recall ever seeing any posts about Chanel here and just a few old ones on the MP thread. If anyone has any recent experience with her or more information to share, I would certainly appreciate it. The ad is always intriguing.


PM if you prefer.


09-01-11, 11:45

Really? 2780 site hits and its her in the pic? Good timingIf it aint her in the pic, it is damn close.

She has long blonde hair, cute.

Maybe be her before the ink

09-01-11, 16:00
Can you give us some indications of price range? Nothing in the ad about that. PM if you prefer.Looks almost TGTBT. I would be interested in price as well. Definitely looks like someone I would like to visit.

09-01-11, 16:43
If it aint her in the pic, it is damn close.

She has long blonde hair, cute.

Maybe be her before the inkMaybe this will help out, both pictures found here:


Member #5194
09-02-11, 00:25
I don't post a lot so figured I'd start contributing more. Saw aubree about a week ago. Pretty sure she is the girl in the pic. Nice ass. Good rates 100 hh. A little mechanical. Def not GFE. But good body. Overall I left happy.


09-02-11, 15:56
I called this chick before I got Amy the Spinner on the phone.


She answered, we were talking, then all of a sudden, she hangs up and then won't answer.

Second one I didn't get to call was:


Anyone want to share info?

09-02-11, 16:21
Summary. Scheduling and getting to the room was very bad, she was cute and friendly but not the pic, the service was good and good value, some things weirded me out, I would not repeat for free. Only one experience, so YMMV greatly.

Saw Madison on the south side a few weeks ago. First I'll say that the service was pretty good once we got to it. She was friendly, clean, and all-in-all, a good deal. She certainly was not the girl in the pic (don't even think a good photographer could do that with out great photoshop skills) , but overall not too disappointing.

Now the rest of the story. The scheduling etc was a mess, left me hanging a long time. When I was very close, she had a reason for me to wait ten, then park. Then, I'm in the lot, it's only a few more, a few more, and I was parked out side WAY too long. I should have bolted, but little head won and I didn't feel too exposed really, and I was too invested time wise to quit just yet. She apologized the right amount, said she would make it up to me upstairs (which she didn't follow through on) , and I let it go. Hell, I get myself into time disasters from time to time, so I empathized. Again, once we got comfortable, the part I came for went pretty well.

There was another aspect of the meeting that made me very uncomfortable that I don't wish to discuss here. I will say her ads disappeared on backpage the following day, and I wondered about what I didn't know for a few days. I hoped I wouldn't find out.

Anyway, I didn't do a review at first because the good and the bad and the what I didn't really know left me at a "slightly below neutral" point. I knew others here had reported good things, so I figured it was a fluke, and she had probably moved on to another town anyway.

So. Why am I posting this now? I just saw her ad pop back up in Castleton instead of Gwood. I googled the number and followed a few threads with reviews that didn't exist when I saw her. The one at the ER, about room service, was Exactly the same line I got (only I think I waited longer). I'll ignore a sheduling problem, but not when it is frequent and with similar excuses. I thought now might be a good time to share.

Please be safe while you have fun,


09-02-11, 18:08
Maybe this will help out, both pictures found here:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/krissydream/After having a dream with Amy earlier today, I can say undoubtedly that the girl in the pictures is NOT her. 'Amy' (the real one that is) is cute, has a very thin body, and is quite toned. Well worth the donation, and may repeat. However, without question the girl in the picture is 'hotter' than 'Amy'. The girl's in the pictures assets are also much larger than that of 'Amy'.

There may be some resemblence of 'Amy' and the girl in the pics in the face, but on my hotness scale the girl in the pictures is ridiculous hot, whereas Amy was cute.

PM me if you want additional details.

09-02-11, 18:37
Maybe this will help out, both pictures found here:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/krissydream/OK, I went just to see for myself. Laddie, I am old and nearly blind and didn't wear my glasses, and trust me, she ain't close to the pics. Or the description in the measurement area particularly. She is 32 A if she is that. That being said, she is cute, tiny, little spinner. Sweet little Brin J says she is 96. 5 lbs recently, and Amy is much smaller in every single dimension than Brin. Amy is well traveled and been around these parts before, she has reviews in other places I hear. Really a nice girl, so nice and sharp on the phone I was beginning to wonder if something was amiss and the spidey sense was going strong due to phone noises, beeps, plugging in and the like. But that was all about nothing. Tiny body, shows signs might have been a little bigger at some point. Very small but, to me at least, really nice little breasts, well defined six pack when put to some exertion, cute face, guessing a little older than stated, but all in all a fun time. CBJ which I am about to the point of just not going if it's that way anymore, seemed very reticent to kiss, back door off limits and the hourly rate is really a till you pop rate, but at a buck and a half about what you would expect. Not GFE, but willing to play pretty much anyway you want and no complaints or rushing.

09-02-11, 21:28
I will just get to the point here.

First, Sky is an incredibly beautiful woman and extremely charming.

I have seen her three time in the past week or so. That is how beautiful and charming she really is.

Not once have I run into any issue with her what-so-ever.

If you don't see this woman you are truly missing out on something special. Enjoy. If you have the opportunity.

09-02-11, 21:58
I will just get to the point here.

First, Sky is an incredibly beautiful woman and extremely charming.

I have seen her three time in the past week or so. That is how beautiful and charming she really is.

Not once have I run into any issue with her what-so-ever.

If you don't see this woman you are truly missing out on something special. Enjoy. If you have the opportunity.

09-02-11, 23:52
Can't seem to find anything searching for this one:


09-03-11, 01:39
I will just get to the point here.

First, Sky is an incredibly beautiful woman and extremely charming.

I have seen her three time in the past week or so. That is how beautiful and charming she really is.

Not once have I run into any issue with her what-so-ever.

If you don't see this woman you are truly missing out on something special. Enjoy. If you have the opportunity.You and your posts appear out of no where about the same time she does and then within a few minutes of each other you post 3 times in her favor. Just sayin.

09-03-11, 08:49
Gents. Had an appointment set with Eva. Here is her link.


We spoke on the phone, she knew I was getting a room, she said she was on the way and then. Surprise! She stopped answering her phone. She never showed up and she never explained why.

Tim P14
09-03-11, 10:31
You and your posts appear out of no where about the same time she does and then within a few minutes of each other you post 3 times in her favor. Just sayin.My thoughts exactly.

09-03-11, 19:45
My thoughts exactly.I called her today after seeing some traffic in her favor. I guess it was either self-posts or a naive White Knight. She was short and curt on the phone. If someone is like that on the phone, I'm certainly not going to give them the chance to be rude to me in person. I am starting to understand why Brin and Abby and a couple other ladies charge what they do, and why we will pay it. They are pleasant and gracious and demand to be treated like the ladies they are, which brings out only the best in us. After my experience with a few BP'ers of late. I will simply save up and enjoy my time with a true lady. Nuff said.

09-04-11, 03:34
Has anyone had any dreams of Shelly? I have been checking out her adds for a while now, but am not sure? She did post with Abbigale, and I have seen lots of negative reviews on her, but can't find any on Shelly. This is a link to her add.


09-04-11, 12:07
You and your posts appear out of no where about the same time she does and then within a few minutes of each other you post 3 times in her favor. Just sayin.No, I am not sure what you are saying here. Someone posted a Warning about her on BP. You took that and made the following statement 'Ripoff alert has been posted on BP a couple of days ago for this gal and her friend, Sky. Supposedly (not verified) the hobbyist was robbed and harassed. ' The key words in your statement are 'not verified'. After seeing this girl three times I felt it was necessary to verify her authenticity and let everyone else know that she is the real thing. This girl is sweet and sincere and this forum allows me to state that for others to see and read and if they want for others to enjoy her company like I have. Trust me, if you don't see this girl you are really missing out on something. If you think I have some other motive here you are sadly mistaken. I am looking out for my interests and fellow hobbyists interests as well. Just saying.

09-04-11, 12:29
So I have used all the normal search methods and came up short. These 2 are sharing a hotel in castleton, and offered a 2 girl package. Anyone have experience or TGTBT?



09-04-11, 15:19
Has anyone had any dreams of Shelly? I have been checking out her adds for a while now, but am not sure? She did post with Abbigale, and I have seen lots of negative reviews on her, but can't find any on Shelly. This is a link to her add.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hey-im-shelly-mature-curvy-beautiful-you-cant-miss-out-247-35/4523818Who are friends of Abigail. I wouldn't see any woman who is friends of Abigail as she is a low service woman.


09-05-11, 00:01
Gents. Had an appointment set with Eva. Here is her link.


We spoke on the phone, she knew I was getting a room, she said she was on the way and then. Surprise! She stopped answering her phone. She never showed up and she never explained why.The number used in that ad has had a variety of different girls, names and pics associated with it for a long time and ytpically has had problematic circumstances.

09-05-11, 00:19
No, I am not sure what you are saying here. Someone posted a Warning about her on BP. You took that and made the following statement 'Ripoff alert has been posted on BP a couple of days ago for this gal and her friend, Sky. Supposedly (not verified) the hobbyist was robbed and harassed. ' The key words in your statement are 'not verified'. After seeing this girl three times I felt it was necessary to verify her authenticity and let everyone else know that she is the real thing. This girl is sweet and sincere and this forum allows me to state that for others to see and read and if they want for others to enjoy her company like I have. Trust me, if you don't see this girl you are really missing out on something. If you think I have some other motive here you are sadly mistaken. I am looking out for my interests and fellow hobbyists interests as well. Just saying.I was very attracted by her posts and was hoping to have seen her myself, but when I saw the negative post on another site I coudn't ignore it. After having been giving the benefit of the doubt to new providers and new ads for a few years I've been more disappointed then I have been pleased. I rely on these forums for useful info that can save me my life (personal well being) , money and time. Most of the valuable posts don't come as the very first post from an unknown new member. To me it seems either white knighting or else fabricating and possibly setting me up. I welcome you here and hope that if you continue posting and then your contributions will grow in value.

09-05-11, 23:16
Long time member but 1st time poster. I've dug and dug and no one ever reviews the BDSM type girls it seems.

Anyone have any experience with any of these women? I'm getting a little tired of the same old same old in this category.




09-06-11, 08:56
Long time member but 1st time poster. I've dug and dug and no one ever reviews the BDSM type girls it seems.

Anyone have any experience with any of these women? I'm getting a little tired of the same old same old in this category.



http://indianapolis.backpage.com/Domination/mariahs-house-of-fetish-and-dommination-27/3447206I'm not interested myself, and figure that there may not be that many interested in that type of service, so you don't get reviews. Not putting it down, just not my thing.

But I'll say this. If Mariah is 27, then she must have started when she was 16 or 17, because she's been around more than 10 years, by my recollection. Back when I met her, it was just an uninspired massage and HJ ending, and I never repeated. But I'm pretty sure she was mid-20's back then, making her mid-thirties now. As far as what she offers now, I can't say, but starting out on a 5-10 year discrepancy in her description wouldn't give me any warm and fuzzies about any other promises she makes. I've little or no tolerance for ad dishonesty myself. Just my 2¢.


09-06-11, 11:24

Anyone have any experience with Lauren:

:. •:. •BEAUTY•:. •OF•:. •YOUR•:. •DREAMS:. :••:. •:.

Are you ready for a MEMORABLE time? Then stop here and let me give you my special touch. I'm more than sure I can send you away with a SMILE. So lets have a nice time today or tonight. Treat yourself to an exotic beauty. Who provides top quality entertainment. I am a SWEET & SEXY HOTTIE with a CURVY BODY. Ready to play! A perfect companion to fill that need.

I'm just a phone call away: Lauren.

(317) 222-8384

Poster's age: 22.

• Location: Indianapolis. 86th & ditch Road

09-06-11, 14:18
[QUOTE=Tryinagain2; 1271335]But I'll say this. If Mariah is 27, then she must have started when she was 16 or 17, because she's been around more than 10 years, by my recollection. Back when I met her, it was just an uninspired massage and HJ ending, and I never repeated. But I'm pretty sure she was mid-20's back then, making her mid-thirties now. As far as what she offers now, I can't say, but starting out on a 5-10 year discrepancy in her description wouldn't give me any warm and fuzzies about any other promises she makes. I've little or no tolerance for ad dishonesty myself. Just my 2¢.[TA2]

I met with Mariah last week for a body to body massage. She does look to be mid 20's to 30. Her massage experience is by far better than any AMP and any other independents. I was ready to call her the next day to schedule my next appointment. She is an intelligent and educated lady to boot. I was going to refrain from putting her name on this board, but felt like she deserved to viewed in a positive manner on here. She did mention the domination / fetish appointments. Those are just what they imply. She does not offer FS in any type of session, but the massage ending was very unique and one of the best.

09-06-11, 15:32
No, I am not sure what you are saying here. Someone posted a Warning about her on BP. You took that and made the following statement 'Ripoff alert has been posted on BP a couple of days ago for this gal and her friend, Sky. Supposedly (not verified) the hobbyist was robbed and harassed. ' The key words in your statement are 'not verified'. After seeing this girl three times I felt it was necessary to verify her authenticity and let everyone else know that she is the real thing. This girl is sweet and sincere and this forum allows me to state that for others to see and read and if they want for others to enjoy her company like I have. Trust me, if you don't see this girl you are really missing out on something. If you think I have some other motive here you are sadly mistaken. I am looking out for my interests and fellow hobbyists interests as well. Just saying.Seriously, you even write like her. If you're not, my apologies, but I'm not taking your word at this point, on this point or any other. Maybe you could pass this on when you have your next awesome encounter with her. Offer really inciting discounts or other draw to senior members, then let them tell the tale. Call it a promotional expense. Businesses use this tool all the time. When I see guys with hundreds of posts, whose reviews I've validated on my own in the past, tell me to ignore the bad press, I MIGHT ignore it. Besides, if you're not her, or haven't been tight with her for a long time, how do YOU know these are bogus. If I'm wrong about heeding the warnings, I pay a price by missing out on an great time. If things DO go wrong, people get robbed, maced, beaten, stabbed, or worse. Are you REALLY so sure she's all sweet and sincere and safe, that you'll personally vouch for her. Would you be willing to face the music if we listen to you and things get ugly? If so, you'll prove to me this is all just a lack of good judgment on your part (but I'll grant you can say your piece). If not, move on.

Just more piece of my worthless advice: If this is a game, go play with yourself. If this is real, and you're just excited to participate with the board, you might want to abandon this account and start over. Just said.


BTW. Sorry to the forum if this is in bad taste. Seniors PM me if I should be sensitive.

09-06-11, 16:26
No, I am not sure what you are saying here. Someone posted a Warning about her on BP. You took that and made the following statement 'Ripoff alert has been posted on BP a couple of days ago for this gal and her friend, Sky. Supposedly (not verified) the hobbyist was robbed and harassed. ' The key words in your statement are 'not verified'. After seeing this girl three times I felt it was necessary to verify her authenticity and let everyone else know that she is the real thing. This girl is sweet and sincere and this forum allows me to state that for others to see and read and if they want for others to enjoy her company like I have. Trust me, if you don't see this girl you are really missing out on something. If you think I have some other motive here you are sadly mistaken. I am looking out for my interests and fellow hobbyists interests as well. Just saying.Sorry man or Maam, I'm just not buying it.

Dagon Debaer
09-06-11, 19:30
So I have used all the normal search methods and came up short. These 2 are sharing a hotel in castleton, and offered a 2 girl package. Anyone have experience or TGTBT?


http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/i-want-u-just-made-18-18/4864243Found myself tempted here too. Tried to call, but no answer. Any word?

09-06-11, 20:02
Maybe I need an experienced backpage provider to explain this to me. Why do you or your services accept calls from us hobbyists, agree to meet, have us drive all the way across town and THEN not answer any more calls? I don't get it! It can't be good for business. Or is business SO good you have them lined up at the door!

Gentlemen, If you want to give Leeah a try, do so when you have time and gasoline to waste!


You should be able to deduce how last night went for me. I guess, on the bright side, I still have my donation in my pocket!

Happy Hunting.


09-07-11, 07:37
Maybe I need an experienced backpage provider to explain this to me. Why do you or your services accept calls from us hobbyists, agree to meet, have us drive all the way across town and THEN not answer any more calls? I don't get it! It can't be good for business. Or is business SO good you have them lined up at the door!

Gentlemen, If you want to give Leeah a try, do so when you have time and gasoline to waste!


You should be able to deduce how last night went for me. I guess, on the bright side, I still have my donation in my pocket!

Happy Hunting.

DanielThis is true no only of new ladies but some who have been around a while. You contact them, they contact you. You exchange information then POOF they are gone. This is a business and some ladies want you now and forget we have jobs during the day. When you say you can't come until this evening, exit stage left. Stay with the ladies who work with you if you work. Give them options and the good ones will give you options. Don't be too upset if they don't get back to you. Remember there are a ton of providers and we have what they want and vice versa. When one moves away look for another that you like. Stick with proven ladies If not sure about a lady ask the forum.

Good luck in your hunting.

09-07-11, 09:02
OK, this girl's been on BP for about a month. I'm sure Somebody has taken a shot at this. Called her once when she first got here. I think I woke her up, and our schedules didn't match up. Since, I've been hot / cold. Spidey sense tells me to leave it alone, but Damn, in the new pic's those eye's are just sucking me in.

If anyone has actually spent time with her, please push me one way or the other (legit, real pics, etc) so I can get off this fence! (So many other fine choices right now. But damn!)




09-07-11, 11:09
Maybe I need an experienced backpage provider to explain this to me. Why do you or your services accept calls from us hobbyists, agree to meet, have us drive all the way across town and THEN not answer any more calls? I don't get it! It can't be good for business. Or is business SO good you have them lined up at the door!

Gentlemen, If you want to give Leeah a try, do so when you have time and gasoline to waste!


You should be able to deduce how last night went for me. I guess, on the bright side, I still have my donation in my pocket!

Happy Hunting.

DanielI saw Leeah posting here and didn't take the time to warn the board, so I have to take the blame for wasting your time. She was posting for months in the Cbus, OH BP and I tried her a month+ ago. No showed me after a long conversation on the phone. There are others reporting the same thing. I don't know what's going on there, but she was begging me for a review before we even met, then no-showed me. So, I gave her the requested review on the Cbus, OH BP Review board. Do a search, or just look through the last couple of pages on that board.

She may be hot and tempting, but there's something not right there. I suspect the pics aren't real either, but that's just a gut feeling.


09-07-11, 13:04
The tag line was just a last second thought since the thread has had some discussion about prime beef, filet, McDonalds, White Castle and Hostess snack cakes. I was not even going to post this because I thought she was going to be gone shortly after I saw her and before I would get around to posting, but it hasn't turned out that way. And with al the discussion figured I should throw in.

I saw Sky (e) shortly after she got to town. I had had an unfortunate experience the day before and was spending a Sunday afternoon shopping and figured I would call one of the many options near the mall, for something quick. Always a bad reason to go looking. Actually had called 3 or 4 but she was the only one who was available immediately and I had called her a couple days earlier when she had landed to check her out and figured why not. Stupid 4 call system to cover 2 blocks and one turn but whatever. Get to the room, almost booked because a couple of the 4 calls had to be made repeatedly to get through. She answered the door in mismatched bra and panties, footies and flipflops, said she was in the middle of doing laundry. Not all bad though, a cute young girl isn't ever too bad to see when in bra and panties even if it is less than seductive. She is the girl in the pics, cuter than most of them, maybe it is a photo style she and her partner like but the distorted angles and perspective of their shots certainly doesn't do her any favors. Shorter and smaller than would have thought. A little high and thick waisted but over all small, with really cute tits and ass. Spent number of minutes pulling hair into tighter and tighter tail, not really stalling but seems out of place. Hotel was busy and active so not worried about the problems somebody in IL was blasting about. On my first call I had talked rates and she had a special, so I was very specific and asked the rules for the special and did it mean less services rendered, and the reply was that the only difference was that it was one time and done, I didn't have much time so that was cool. BJ was covered and rather mechanical. No hand, just some slight straight up and down, looked like that wasn't going to get the job done if we stayed with that, and playing with her cute tits and cute little snatch was doing more for me than the lackluster BJ. So I told her to hop on, I wasn't going to waste valuable time exploring her and figured CG was going to be good, watching those nice breasts bouncing up and down and then I would get her to RCG and seeing that cute ass and pussy working up and down would get the job done and I would be on my way. Wrong. Said she doesn't do that, get's her sweating or something. Oh well, figured mish and dog would work too so had her lay down. She went old school and spit in her hand to lube up and in it went. Cute and tight and warm. Pretty much just layed there, threw her legs in the air and grunted on each thrust. Got the cute tits to bouncing and was thinking would work, went to kiss the nips and got the stop sign. Was told nip sucking was an extra, as was DATY, and who knows what else, it was pretty obvious that kissing was probably never on the menu. I did ask if they were included in a longer date and she stuttered but said they were eventually, so maybe, maybe not but can't say for sure. At that point decided just needed to finish and get on with my day, so that is what I did. She does like clean, or didn't like me whichever, but went right to washing up, gave me plenty of wipes and then we went back in the living room to share plenty of hand sanitizer (while Jersey Shore droned on as it had the entire time I was there). Not saying the cleanliness thing is bad, always a good idea.

So, cute girl pretty much, not particularly sensual or skilled, definitely nice enough, and in the end, functional. In keeping with the food allegories, it would be best listed as junk food, somewhat filling but not satisfying, she did hit me up this past week to see if I wanted to stop by again, (unsolicited) and if the service was more I might, she's young and has some nice parts, but I was hungry for more than a bag of pork rinds, needed more subsistence than light and airy

09-07-11, 13:08
I saw Leeah posting here and didn't take the time to warn the board, so I have to take the blame for wasting your time. She was posting for months in the Cbus, OH BP and I tried her a month+ ago. No showed me after a long conversation on the phone. There are others reporting the same thing. I don't know what's going on there, but she was begging me for a review before we even met, then no-showed me. So, I gave her the requested review on the Cbus, OH BP Review board. Do a search, or just look through the last couple of pages on that board.

She may be hot and tempting, but there's something not right there. I suspect the pics aren't real either, but that's just a gut feeling.

TA2I saw her a few weeks ago. Not the same girl but a cute blond instead. Not bad in the looks and attitude but, alas, the rulebook came out. No kissing, no DATY, no flesh to flesh contact of any kind. If I could levitate over her while we fucked that would be preferred. I thanked her for her time and gave her the space she needed.

09-07-11, 15:40
Sky(e)Did she have her tongue hanging out when you banged her? She does it in all of her pics and looks like a retard. I hope that's not her best attempt at being seductive.

While she may be young, she seems kinda busted to me. Glad someone else TOFTT. Great report!

09-07-11, 17:49
Just had a dream about sky.


She is definitely the girl in the pictures. She is pretty hot probably around 21. After the standard well not so standard 4 or 5 call system, Sky met me at the door of her hotel room in a.

Pink fishnet outfit revealing her luscious ta tas. I agree to the hourly rate, $$ but should have gone for something shorter and cheaper. After getting naked, she proceeded with a pretty good CBJ. Fondled those titties and rubbed her smooth legs while she worked her magic. After about 5 or 6 minutes, we proceeded to mish. When I bend down to kiss her neck hoping to work my way to kiss those boobies, she told me that wasn't allowed. I was very surprised, having paid that much to be told I couldn't nibble those nipples. She pretty much just laid there with her hands in the air to the side, careful not to give anything that would resemble an embrace or caress. After a few minutes I blew in the bag and we went to the bathroom to clean up a little. I talked to her about her reviews on another site and this site. I was very honest with her and told her that her services did not justify $$. Didn't seem to care but for round 2 at least she let me kiss those boobies. I wasn't able to nut again, blame it on age, but it might of had something to do with the feeling that she was just ready for me to be out of there. I don't anticipate being back in indinapolis anytime soon, but if I were I think I'd give someone else a try. Looks = 7+, Performance = 5, def not GFE

09-08-11, 10:40
They do look yummy don't they? Here's one thing I did notice as I was browsing BP. Her 9/7 ad has a pic from this gal, Sarah, in it.


Equally yummy, but there is at least a collaboration going on or possibly something more?

Not as helpful as a review I know, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Happy Hunting!


OK, this girl's been on BP for about a month. I'm sure Somebody has taken a shot at this. Called her once when she first got here. I think I woke her up, and our schedules didn't match up. Since, I've been hot / cold. Spidey sense tells me to leave it alone, but Damn, in the new pic's those eye's are just sucking me in.

If anyone has actually spent time with her, please push me one way or the other (legit, real pics, etc) so I can get off this fence! (So many other fine choices right now. But damn!)




09-08-11, 12:11
They do look yummy don't they? Here's one thing I did notice as I was browsing BP. Her 9/7 ad has a pic from this gal, Sarah, in it.


Equally yummy, but there is at least a collaboration going on or possibly something more?

Not as helpful as a review I know, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Happy Hunting!

RedYup, there was some pic swapping between these two, a few times, and I'm pretty sure it's neither of them. That said, those same pics were used in Champagne's adds in other cities months ago (google the ph # in her oldest BP Indy ads). At the time, her name was Alexus. Now Alexus is a thick AA girl that seems to have been traveling with her, and is also in Indy. They were in same cities at same times before here, and did see an add or two for them together. I finally made up my mind to go find out for myself today, but my work schedule is really interfering with my hobbies.

Stay safe,


09-08-11, 13:19
Did she have her tongue hanging out when you banged her? She does it in all of her pics and looks like a retard. I hope that's not her best attempt at being seductive.

While she may be young, she seems kinda busted to me. Glad someone else TOFTT. Great report!That concept has been discussed here before, something about the tongue and the duck lips thing seems to be in vogue with a younger population. I don't find it sexy or attractive but I guess someone does.

09-08-11, 17:03
Yup, there was some pic swapping between these two, a few times, and I'm pretty sure it's neither of them. That said, those same pics were used in Champagne's adds in other cities months ago (google the ph # in her oldest BP Indy ads). At the time, her name was Alexus. Now Alexus is a thick AA girl that seems to have been traveling with her, and is also in Indy. They were in same cities at same times before here, and did see an add or two for them together. I finally made up my mind to go find out for myself today, but my work schedule is really interfering with my hobbies.

Stay safe,

CleanFunSuch as this one that just popped up.


B Mac
09-08-11, 21:04
After looking at the Krissydream pics from the earlier posts I had to go see Amy even though posters said she didn't look as good. Well they were right, she is cute with a tiny little body but not near the pics. It was easy to set up the appt and not a bad deal for $.5. She did kiss and was receptive. Not GFE but it was decent. CBJ which was good but how good can covered be? Anyway thats my first post!

09-08-11, 21:48
Yup, there was some pic swapping between these two, a few times, and I'm pretty sure it's neither of them. That said, those same pics were used in Champagne's adds in other cities months ago (google the ph # in her oldest BP Indy ads). At the time, her name was Alexus. Now Alexus is a thick AA girl that seems to have been traveling with her, and is also in Indy. They were in same cities at same times before here, and did see an add or two for them together. I finally made up my mind to go find out for myself today, but my work schedule is really interfering with my hobbies.

Stay safe,

CleanFunNice, let us know how it goes. If she even looks kinda Like those pics, I'd be on that like white on rice. Those eyes + oral = OMFG.


09-09-11, 08:33
Pretty much just as my last report here went up a sweet and really hot provider friend texted me to ask why I continued to plunge into the murky dark container that BP tends to be when she was always there for me with just a quick call. That is a good question for another time, the flip answer being why not, the true answer in regards to her something not in a place to share, and the answer I gave that sometimes you feel compelled to search for diamonds in a field of coal, sift for gold in a river of sand. I have stumbled into some really good ones, Yummy Bunny for instance, and recently Stacy, the logistical nightmare but excellent GFE. Farrah may not be a true precious stone, but she is rather valuable none the less.

The age old BP question, is it the girl in the pics. Absolutely, although she seems much thinner in real life. She shows signs of having been heavier at some point, for whatever reason, and has a bit of a self image issue with it, but she shouldn't. Very pretty girl, with a soft but absolutely lovely body, to me at least. I have often thought, normally occurring to me if I find myself in the middle of a Wal-Mart, that retailers should require some sort of a license before selling lycra, spandex, leggings and other skin tight clothing, because they just aren't meant for so many that wear them. Not Farrah, she answered the door in a lace top showing a great shape and really attractive small breasts, with certain parts protruding through the webbing; and a pair of tight leggings detailing nice thin legs and a great little ass. OK, thats it I'm done. Kidding. She has various rules and limits, some of which vary by time taken. She is used to working in other areas so her verification is sort of old school, somewhat problematic perhaps, she is pretty much GFE depending on how you approach the menu, there was one thing missing which in some ways is a problem for me, but due to certain circumstances in our time together I will have to see if that might change on our next date, and I do plan on another. She does try very hard to please and really seems to want to make sure you are happy, and appears that regulars will be rewarded. She is booked very heavily, but I think it is safe to say that she is here to stay for the most part so no great need to rush in to see her. She may not be a diamond exactly, but more than a cubic zirconia for sure, though pretty much priced as one.

09-09-11, 12:14
I came across this ad on BP http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/y_o_u_r-d_r_e_a_m_-s_e_x_y_-m_i_l_f-32/3754787

Well she is a porn star Dylan Ryder featured in many movies and I am big fan of her.

Do anyone have an idea about her? Or the ad is some kind of bullshit?

09-09-11, 12:48
I came across this ad on BP.


Well she is a porn star Dylan Ryder featured in many movies and I am big fan of her.

Do anyone have an idea about her? Or the ad is some kind of bullshit?You must be mistaken. Her ad says her name is "Lisa"

09-09-11, 13:21
You must be mistaken. Her ad says her name is "Lisa"But the pics are off Dylan Ryder.

09-09-11, 14:07
But the pics are off Dylan Ryder.And here I thought it was Mindy Main. LOL. At any rate, it sure isn't "Lisa." Hope no one calls this chick expecting to see the girl in the pics.

09-09-11, 17:52
Pretty much just as my last report here went up a sweet and really hot provider friend texted me to ask why I continued to plunge into the murky dark container that BP tends to be when she was always there for me with just a quick call. That is a good question for another time, the flip answer being why not, the true answer in regards to her something not in a place to share, and the answer I gave that sometimes you feel compelled to search for diamonds in a field of coal, sift for gold in a river of sand. I have stumbled into some really good ones, Yummy Bunny for instance, and recently Stacy, the logistical nightmare but excellent GFE. Farrah may not be a true precious stone, but she is rather valuable none the less.

The age old BP question, is it the girl in the pics. Absolutely, although she seems much thinner in real life. She shows signs of having been heavier at some point, for whatever reason, and has a bit of a self image issue with it, but she shouldn't. Very pretty girl, with a soft but absolutely lovely body, to me at least. I have often thought, normally occurring to me if I find myself in the middle of a Wal-Mart, that retailers should require some sort of a license before selling lycra, spandex, leggings and other skin tight clothing, because they just aren't meant for so many that wear them. Not Farrah, she answered the door in a lace top showing a great shape and really attractive small breasts, with certain parts protruding through the webbing; and a pair of tight leggings detailing nice thin legs and a great little ass. OK, thats it I'm done. Kidding. She has various rules and limits, some of which vary by time taken. She is used to working in other areas so her verification is sort of old school, somewhat problematic perhaps, she is pretty much GFE depending on how you approach the menu, there was one thing missing which in some ways is a problem for me, but due to certain circumstances in our time together I will have to see if that might change on our next date, and I do plan on another. She does try very hard to please and really seems to want to make sure you are happy, and appears that regulars will be rewarded. She is booked very heavily, but I think it is safe to say that she is here to stay for the most part so no great need to rush in to see her. She may not be a diamond exactly, but more than a cubic zirconia for sure, though pretty much priced as one.I also had a recent dream with Farrah and I agree with Ilapp's report. The pics are real, easy to tell by the tattoo on the arm. Farrah just moved back from CA, she also spent time in AZ and NY. Appointment was easy to set up, just the standard two call. Verification was just as Ilapp described. She was very guarded during our first meeting I wouldn't quite call my dream GFE but she does give an excellent CBJ. After we talked a little bit after about her travels and her plans for setting up shop in Indiana. Sexy and sweet provider.

09-09-11, 22:50

I set up appointment with Sara for a massage. Sara and Greta share a house together. I did meet Greta on my way back to Sara's room. Greta looks like the pictures, Sara's looks a little like her pictures. She is very skinny, mid 30's, small chest. She gets fully nude and sits on you when giving massage. After 5 minutes each side, she went on to do a French rub down, although she left no evidence.

09-10-11, 00:13

I set up appointment with Sara for a massage. Sara and Greta share a house together. I did meet Greta on my way back to Sara's room. Greta looks like the pictures, Sara's looks a little like her pictures. She is very skinny, mid 30's, small chest. She gets fully nude and sits on you when giving massage. After 5 minutes each side, she went on to do a French rub down, although she left no evidence.Wondered if FS or GFE available with Sara? Anyone know.


09-10-11, 06:00
Wondered if FS or GFE available with Sara? Anyone know.

HammerhammerContacted Greta about a month back and FS is available with her and I would imagine with Sarah / Sara? Also as they both have offered duos in the past. Greta even offered a trip to the Isles but gentleness was a must Haven't been able to contact her since all those other web site ladies have been satiating the boards with their crap posts. Will be seeing Greta in the near future and Sara also since she doesn't leave "evidence" wonderful quality in a lady, so if anyone does or has seen either in their dreams PM me about your dream for either lady.

Hope this helps

09-10-11, 09:18
Nice, let us know how it goes. If she even looks kinda Like those pics, I'd be on that like white on rice. Those eyes + oral = OMFG.

RedAgreed. I'd love to know about either of the girls.

09-10-11, 15:09
Tiffany on BP who advertizes as BBW 44DD. Is just that. Also tho she is an awesome provider who will accomdate what you want. I enjoy seeing her.

09-10-11, 17:22
Tiffany on BP who advertizes as BBW 44DD. Is just that. Also tho she is an awesome provider who will accomdate what you want. I enjoy seeing her.Just saw her today. Very nice and good conversation. Price might have been a little much for a HE, but it was very skilled

09-10-11, 21:40
Tiffany on BP who advertizes as BBW 44DD. Is just that. Also tho she is an awesome provider who will accomdate what you want. I enjoy seeing her.Yeah, the other girl she is with at times (sweetandsexyaquarius back in the times of e. Com) is more fickle and moody.

Tiffany is great fun

09-11-11, 11:52
Yeah, the other girl she is with at times (sweetandsexyaquarius back in the times of e. Com) is more fickle and moody.

Tiffany is great funDoes she do anything besides just a hand job whie topless? I have read thats thats her whole menu.

09-11-11, 18:10
Does she do anything besides just a hand job whie topless? I have read thats thats her whole menu.Tiffany1967 on BP is a BBW and 44dd. The other adverstizes as Tiffany. I would not go with her, expensive and get little.

09-11-11, 19:22
Fellow mongers here's one bad experience that you can avoid.

Up sell, Cash and dash, Photos are not her's. Got big pouch.

Arrived late, collected money and didn't even allow to touch her.

Loss $.50. Gain nothing. Posts about good time but it's all scam.

Goes on BP as

Sexy playmate*sexy playmate. 24.


Happy and safe mongering

09-11-11, 22:30
Tiffany1967 on BP is a BBW and 44dd. The other adverstizes as Tiffany. I would not go with her, expensive and get little.Yeah it is a bit pricey for what you get, but I have paid the exact same at an AMP for the exact same service. Only difference is, Tiffany can actually hold a conversation in english, and honestly the actual massage was very relaxing.

09-12-11, 12:58
Thanks all,

I was getting confused between these the two below:




The second, whith the huge boobs, seems fun. But I'm looking for more if I make the trip to a hotel room.

Any info on the younger one? Is she legit?



09-12-11, 16:20
Just wondering has anyone gone to see her? Her ad really caught my eye.


Ricky Suerte
09-12-11, 19:57
Yup, there was some pic swapping between these two, a few times, and I'm pretty sure it's neither of them. That said, those same pics were used in Champagne's adds in other cities months ago (google the ph # in her oldest BP Indy ads). At the time, her name was Alexus. Now Alexus is a thick AA girl that seems to have been traveling with her, and is also in Indy. They were in same cities at same times before here, and did see an add or two for them together. I finally made up my mind to go find out for myself today, but my work schedule is really interfering with my hobbies.

Stay safe,

CleanFunI'm in Phoenix, AZ and was doing some checking into Champagne and Sarah. I came upon this thread from your fine city. Sarah was using the name Legacy in Arizona. Their recent AZ ad said "last night in town." Anyways, I thought I would vistit. I called, got a location and went to their motel. I called from the parking lot and Legacy asked if I had condoms on me. That threw up a red flag. Then I saw a marked police SUV in the parking lot of the motel next door. It may not have been there because of these girls but I wasn't going to take any chances. I was probably just paranoid but, better safe than sorry. In AZ, the sheriff will make you stay in a tent, wear striped clothing, and eat green bologna.

Sorry, not a real report but, just more information to throw in there.

09-12-11, 21:55
Thanks all,

I was getting confused between these the two below:




The second, whith the huge boobs, seems fun. But I'm looking for more if I make the trip to a hotel room.

Any info on the younger one? Is she legit?


BobNo Info on the younger one first time I have seen the ad. Now, however there are three to confuse us. Tiffany, Tiffany and Tiffany1967. The young one I know nothing. The next youngest save your money. 1967 will take care of your needs, YMMV

09-13-11, 11:24
I've seen her ads on and off, and the pics seem almost TGTBT, has anyone partaken? Feel free to reply or pm!


09-13-11, 16:36
Ran accross this add just wondering if anyone knows anything about her good or bad I'd appreciate it!


09-14-11, 07:42
Any reviews on this young lady looks good, but I'm curious if anyone knows anything good or bad!


09-14-11, 12:59
Do you have a link to her ad?

Appreciate the discussion of ATF's and advice going on in response to my question. I don't get back into town...

09-14-11, 16:25
I've seen her ads on and off, and the pics seem almost TGTBT, has anyone partaken? Feel free to reply or pm!

http://indiana.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/blue-eyed-blonde-lets-have-some-fun-today-30/3736868Tried to PM, but box was full.

Haven't seen her, but following her adds as well. You may have already noticed it, but her number is only a digit off from one used by the little blonde spinner, Amy, that's gotten some discussion here lately. I've noticed a string of consecutive #'s in diff ads and figured this must be a booking services or an agency. To me this isn't good or bad, just thought I'd pass it along in case it means something to you. Maybe others can illuminate more.

Be safe, and hope you have some Good Clean Fun!

09-14-11, 17:36
Kortney has been around for a long time. I've not seen her, but I believe she used to go by "Kelly Kourtney".

I've seen her ads on and off, and the pics seem almost TGTBT, has anyone partaken? Feel free to reply or pm!


Member #5194
09-14-11, 21:11
Saw Amy last week. Not very hard to find, although a little paranoid on the phone. 120 for hh. Semi GFE. (kissing ). She is a tiny little thing. Pretty sexy. May not be the the girl in the pic but she is close enough. Also nice, smart, worth the 120 will repeat.

09-14-11, 23:18
Kortney has been around for a long time. I've not seen her, but I believe she used to go by "Kelly Kourtney".I have seen Kelly Kourtney (or Courtney; can't remember for sure how she spelled it) numerous times and these pictures are NOT her.

09-15-11, 09:03
Do you have a link to her ad?You will see her online, but you will not find an ad of any sort for her.

Can't anyone say now that I won't help a new guy out. Good thing you post in Indy where we have a kinder and gentler disposition, just like our sports and political media, because in a few neighboring metropolises you might have been handed some lunch by now.

09-15-11, 09:12
I have seen Kelly Kourtney (or Courtney; can't remember for sure how she spelled it) numerous times and these pictures are NOT her.I haven't checked the number, but no way the pics are of Kelly Courteny, who was just a whole bunch of fun. I saw her a number of times from MPs and then edot days. She was great fun, short with a great rack, very curvy and sexy woman. I haven't inquired about this one because I had an intuition who it might be but I think now I might be wrong, although I still have a suspicion about the ad and who might be involved. Call and check her out, we need more reports and info. Some of these girls on BP are absolutely booked, and it feels like if it wasn't for just a couple of us no one here is seeing any of them, there is a big world out there and lots of guys are active, but apparently not guys on here.

09-15-11, 09:40
I haven't checked the number, but no way the pics are of Kelly Courteny, who was just a whole bunch of fun. I saw her a number of times from MPs and then edot days. She was great fun, short with a great rack, very curvy and sexy woman. I haven't inquired about this one because I had an intuition who it might be but I think now I might be wrong, although I still have a suspicion about the ad and who might be involved. Call and check her out, we need more reports and info. Some of these girls on BP are absolutely booked, and it feels like if it wasn't for just a couple of us no one here is seeing any of them, there is a big world out there and lots of guys are active, but apparently not guys on here.I've seen Kelly too, and you're correct she is a blast. I did check the numbers because I am actually setting up an appointment with Kelly Courtney today or tomorrow. The phone numbers are different, so it is a different girl.

09-15-11, 10:36
Kortney has been around for a long time. I've not seen her, but I believe she used to go by "Kelly Kourtney".I have visited Kelly a few times myself although it has been over a year since my last visit. The face looks very different in the pictures. I noticed today that the ad for Kortney now claims she is also Kelly Kourtney. Guess she reads this forum. The girl is these pics does look very hot as is Kelly, but without seeing her in person, I don't believe they are the same.

09-15-11, 10:59
I've seen Kelly too, and you're correct she is a blast. I did check the numbers because I am actually setting up an appointment with Kelly Courtney today or tomorrow. The phone numbers are different, so it is a different girl.Apparently the ad is for our old fave, Kelly Kourtney, and it is not the number I have but by looking at her latest post for the ad in question I take it someone told her there were questions if it was her or not.

09-15-11, 11:14
Apparently the ad is for our old fave, Kelly Kourtney, and it is not the number I have but by looking at her latest post for the ad in question I take it someone told her there were questions if it was her or not.I first saw some ads containing her pics a few weeks ago. I Googled the number and saw there were ads in different cities by different girls. I contacted Kelly and she verified they were indeed her (new). She's involved in a new venture, but without her permission, I can't say more than that. I'll ask her to post here or allow me to share more info.

Her activity will be picking up so for those that haven't had the pleasure of her company, you're missing out! She's insanely gorgeous inside and out. BY FAR one of the most amazing women I know!

09-15-11, 11:40

Hmmmnn. I met Lyah today. I was pretty excited to meet her based on photos and your past review of her. I've never had a black provider, and find only a few attractive to me at all (just personal taste). I thought her pictures were hot, but when I met her, the glam factor was just too much difference from reality. I ended up passing. I realize I'm just too damn picky, but if the attraction isn't there for me, I'd rather just politely leave. I felt bad, because she was very professional throughout the arrangements, and very sweet, but seemed pretty irritated, maybe even insulted. I don't know how to negate the insult in that situation, so I just told her there was nothing wrong, I just wasn't feeling it. Oh well.

Struck out a second time, believe it or not, in the same hotel just a few minutes later. I called Jenny. 5'6/125 lbs, but when I walked in she was more like 5'8' and 180lbs. I'm sorry, but if I showed up with. 8 when I agreed to $.40, she'd be quite irritated too. A little exaggeration on the description is assumed, but that's beyond reasonable. When I told her I'd have to pass, she asked why and had the nerve to say,"And please tell me it's not because I'm fat." Well, it was, so what's she expect me to say to that? LOL. I just said, sorry and left.

I've been emailing the YummyBunny latina spinner goddess and have some bad news. She says she doesn't work anymore unless she really needs the money. Her ads in Detroit are down, and she's not planning any travel. She didn't rule out a future visit to Indy, but it doesn't look good. I'm working on getting a super cute, almost waif from Ohio to come visit here. I've seen her a few times over there and she's one of my ATF's, aside from some of the agency all stars I saw from MC when they were around. She has some friends too, so a trip seems possible. Will keep you updated.

Where's a picky monger that likes thin young women, good attitudes and cute faces supposed to go these days? I'm too picky for my own good, I know, but my funds are limited and I'm not throwing them away at someone I wouldn't normally pickup for free.


09-15-11, 16:20
Any help would be appreciated. I know I am newer to the forum but I have only had experiences in the AMP side of things and wanting to venture into something more. I am looking for a FS provider or something along there. Since I have not done this before I am wondering who everyone might recommend that would be good for a first timer? I am not up on all the lingo and how things go so I don't want to offend any of the ladies or make them think I am an uncle or something. I am not that picky I guess but would like someone on the smaller side and someone to help show me the ropes. I just don't want to get into a bad situation. Thanks in advance and thanks to those who have responded to me in previous post.

Be Safe

09-15-11, 16:40
I first saw some ads containing her pics a few weeks ago. I Googled the number and saw there were ads in different cities by different girls. I contacted Kelly and she verified they were indeed her (new). She's involved in a new venture, but without her permission, I can't say more than that. I'll ask her to post here or allow me to share more info.

Her activity will be picking up so for those that haven't had the pleasure of her company, you're missing out! She's insanely gorgeous inside and out. BY FAR one of the most amazing women I know!I may stand corrected. I saw this ad on BP:


These are NOT the pics I was referring to and that was not the number. She also never spelled the "Courtney" part with a K. I've contacted Kelly and will share what I find out.

09-15-11, 17:26
I'm apologizing if I came off wrong or screeched anyone out I'm not trying to at all! I've gotten so good advice from a couple of the senior members and I think I've been pointed in the right direction! Thanks to those who helped sorry to anyone I pissed off it wasn't my intentions I'll defiantly change it up a bit and I'll come back with a decent contribution next time!

Sorry yall

09-17-11, 21:35
I had a dream that I saw latina Jayla. In my dream, she was very friendly and pleasant. I don't think the pics are her (as others have mentioned) , but reasonably close. Maybe only about 15-20Ibs heavier. Perfect face, smile, and teeth. She was running about 15 mins, but that was forgivable. It would of been $.2 for hhr of BBBJ and cfs, but it ended at BBBJ / cimws. I definitely think msog would have been in the works, but I had time restraints on my end.

I must warn, though, that she implied (thru some convo) the nqns will depend on your hygiene / grooming. YMMV, so definitely don't schedule with that sole expectation, but know that it's a possible menu item for some.

She has a great attitude. I will definitely be repeating.

09-19-11, 12:58
I had a dream that I saw latina Jayla. In my dream, she was very friendly and pleasant. I don't think the pics are her (as others have mentioned) , but reasonably close. Maybe only about 15-20Ibs heavier. Perfect face, smile, and teeth. She was running about 15 mins, but that was forgivable. It would of been $.2 for hhr of BBBJ and cfs, but it ended at BBBJ / cimws. I definitely think msog would have been in the works, but I had time restraints on my end.

I must warn, though, that she implied (thru some convo) the nqns will depend on your hygiene / grooming. YMMV, so definitely don't schedule with that sole expectation, but know that it's a possible menu item for some.

She has a great attitude. I will definitely be repeating.I too have experienced her and YES MSOG is available. I did one hour with her a cbout a month ago. She did the full BBBJ / cimws gave me be out 5 to recoop then she went at it again to provide covered full service. I highly recommend her. She works with another girl out of the same room and both were great.

09-19-11, 13:29
Saw her the other day. Her ads are with Greta. Very easy to set up a meeting, almost too easy. Anyway, found the location and she was dressed in heels and sexy outfit. Sara us very friendly and got right to business. Massage was actually pretty good, sat on back nude while massaging for 5 minutes or so, same on the flip. Asked what I wanted and all except cowgirl on menu. Great time and value! Cons are the place is filthy and Sara is almost too skinny. Greta appears meatier, but to each his own. Probably won't repeat due to distance and the conditions of her place.

09-20-11, 14:17
I first saw some ads containing her pics a few weeks ago. I Googled the number and saw there were ads in different cities by different girls. I contacted Kelly and she verified they were indeed her (new). She's involved in a new venture, but without her permission, I can't say more than that. I'll ask her to post here or allow me to share more info.

Her activity will be picking up so for those that haven't had the pleasure of her company, you're missing out! She's insanely gorgeous inside and out. BY FAR one of the most amazing women I know!I'm a big fan. She has always been one of my ATF and in terms of consistently being worth your time and money, I can think of none better. Obviously tastes may vary, but I like abundant cleavage, big blue eyes, and a smile that makes you feel like a drink of water on a hot day.

09-21-11, 16:45
I've seen Kelly too, and you're correct she is a blast. I did check the numbers because I am actually setting up an appointment with Kelly Courtney today or tomorrow. The phone numbers are different, so it is a different girl.I would agree with that as well. I'm 99% positive that the pictures in that BP ad are not of the Kelly Courtney that I've seen several times dating back to 2005. Phone number in that ad is also different than the one I have for Kelly Courtney and the one I have is valid as of a few weeks ago. I've also never known her to advertise on BP. And one more thing that makes me suspicious is the fact that I never recall her spelling Courtney with a "K".

09-22-11, 04:26
I would agree with that as well. I'm 99% positive that the pictures in that BP ad are not of the Kelly Courtney that I've seen several times dating back to 2005. Phone number in that ad is also different than the one I have for Kelly Courtney and the one I have is valid as of a few weeks ago. I've also never known her to advertise on BP. And one more thing that makes me suspicious is the fact that I never recall her spelling Courtney with a "K".On another note. I txted her at the number I've always called her at several hours ago and never heard anything back. Last two numbers are 58, for those of you who have been in contact with her for the past several years. I won't post anything more than that here, but feel free to msg me, if you've been a long time patron of KC.

09-22-11, 08:29
I would agree with that as well. I'm 99% positive that the pictures in that BP ad are not of the Kelly Courtney that I've seen several times dating back to 2005. Phone number in that ad is also different than the one I have for Kelly Courtney and the one I have is valid as of a few weeks ago. I've also never known her to advertise on BP. And one more thing that makes me suspicious is the fact that I never recall her spelling Courtney with a "K".I see she hasnt posted since last Friday, I am intrigued to say the least. I have seen some great reviews about the Kelly Courtney, if this is her, I am all in.

09-22-11, 12:55
I would agree with that as well. I'm 99% positive that the pictures in that BP ad are not of the Kelly Courtney that I've seen several times dating back to 2005. Phone number in that ad is also different than the one I have for Kelly Courtney and the one I have is valid as of a few weeks ago. I've also never known her to advertise on BP. And one more thing that makes me suspicious is the fact that I never recall her spelling Courtney with a "K".Actually, all that's true.

09-22-11, 12:59

Do any one have info about her?

09-22-11, 13:15
Actually, all that's true.Not necessarily. A few weeks ago there were some new pics of her on BP. The number used was an out if state number. I spoke with her and she confirmed that she has a new venture and knew her pics were in use. These new pics and ads are not her though, so the timing is "interesting." Outside of that, everything stated is accurate.

I see she hasnt posted since last Friday, I am intrigued to say the least. I have seen some great reviews about the Kelly Courtney, if this is her, I am all in.As you can see by the interest and comments, she's one of the best! Unfortunately, those pics are NOT her (I'm 100% certain).

On another note. I txted her at the number I've always called her at several hours ago and never heard anything back. Last two numbers are 58, for those of you who have been in contact with her for the past several years. I won't post anything more than that here, but feel free to msg me, if you've been a long time patron of KC.I spoke with her on that number and can confirm it's active.

09-23-11, 09:19
Ok, doing some traveling to a small market, I had limited access to reviews and research, and there weren't a lot of options anyway (small market) , so made some cold calls to BP ads after a very disappointing trip to a strip bar (damn, I can't seem to find a decent club out of state!). Contacted several with no answer, no return, finally getting in touch with one. The specific ad doesn't matter because I'm sure this scam will move fast from photo to photo, number to number and detail to detail. The photos were hot, alerting my TGTBT alarms, but realistic enough to give it a try.

Now here's where this chick was brilliant. She wasn't that nice on the phone. Came off as an arrogant, over confident, take-it-or-leave provider demanding a little more than others and plainly stating,"I'm worth it." Very convincing, as the over-easy-to-deal-with girls are often disappointing, right? Well, her last demand was where it got interesting. She wouldn't accept cash because she offered full service, was new to the biz, and didn't want to get into trouble. The alternative: A MoneyPak card from Walmart."That's the only way to see me." So, there was a Walmart close to my hotel, I said what the hell, and I ran out and got one, calling her as I left to let her know. Then she played the victim, stating she'd had guys give her empty cards before, so she needed me to give her the code on my RECEIPT just so she could verify it. I said no way. She insisted that she could only get the cash from the card with the number under the scratch off area on the CARD itself, but my mind was made up. No way I was risking giving money away over the phone with a money card program I didn't fully understand. So things went South really fast and the possibility of hooking up with this hottie was over. Got back to my hotel, scratched off the area on the card to get the number, and no surprise! It's the same as the number on the receipt. I got online, followed the simple instructions and in minutes the $200 was off the card and into my Paypal account which I then transferred into my bank account. Had I given her the number over the phone, it would have been in hers even faster, I'm sure. Can't help pointing out that Walmart is a bit guilty of making this whole system confusing enough to the newbie to allow such a scam to work. Rat bastards.

Now, again, this girl was smooth. She even called back one more time to guilt me, saying she'd spent all this time getting ready for me, and now she thinks I'm full of shit, that I never even bought a card to begin with, all very victimish, rather than completely belligerent. I could see where the little head would win out easily and screw the big head's thinking with this one. So, since I hadn't heard of this scam, and with my own surprise at how close I was to falling for it, I thought I'd warn others. Hang up on anyone asking for a prepaid card or anything of the sort. I should have known better, but for lack of anything else, I gave it a try, and fortunately, held on to my funds. But I'm betting there are others who fell for this shit.


Prince Numenor
09-23-11, 10:04
Excellent, excellent information! Thank you very much "Tryinagain2". This post is exactly what this forum should be all about. Aren't the little darlings getting creative though! I wonder who figured this one out and we (us horny men) are such targets.


Ok, doing some traveling to a small market, I had limited access to reviews and research, and there weren't a lot of options anyway (small market) , so made some cold calls to BP ads after a very disappointing trip to a strip bar (damn, I can't seem to find a decent club out of state!). Contacted several with no answer, no return, finally getting in touch with one. The specific ad doesn't matter because I'm sure this scam will move fast from photo to photo, number to number and detail to detail. The photos were hot, alerting my TGTBT alarms, but realistic enough to give it a try.

Now here's where this chick was brilliant. She wasn't that nice on the phone. Came off as an arrogant, over confident, take-it-or-leave provider demanding a little more than others and plainly stating,"I'm worth it." Very convincing, as the over-easy-to-deal-with girls are often disappointing, right? Well, her last demand was where it got interesting. She wouldn't accept cash because she offered full service, was new to the biz, and didn't want to get into trouble. The alternative: A MoneyPak card from Walmart."That's the only way to see me." So, there was a Walmart close to my hotel, I said what the hell, and I ran out and got one, calling her as I left to let her know. Then she played the victim, stating she'd had guys give her empty cards before, so she needed me to give her the code on my RECEIPT just so she could verify it. I said no way. She insisted that she could only get the cash from the card with the number under the scratch off area on the CARD itself, but my mind was made up. No way I was risking giving money away over the phone with a money card program I didn't fully understand. So things went South really fast and the possibility of hooking up with this hottie was over. Got back to my hotel, scratched off the area on the card to get the number, and no surprise! It's the same as the number on the receipt. I got online, followed the simple instructions and in minutes the $200 was off the card and into my Paypal account which I then transferred into my bank account. Had I given her the number over the phone, it would have been in hers even faster, I'm sure. Can't help pointing out that Walmart is a bit guilty of making this whole system confusing enough to the newbie to allow such a scam to work. Rat bastards.

Now, again, this girl was smooth. She even called back one more time to guilt me, saying she'd spent all this time getting ready for me, and now she thinks I'm full of shit, that I never even bought a card to begin with, all very victimish, rather than completely belligerent. I could see where the little head would win out easily and screw the big head's thinking with this one. So, since I hadn't heard of this scam, and with my own surprise at how close I was to falling for it, I thought I'd warn others. Hang up on anyone asking for a prepaid card or anything of the sort. I should have known better, but for lack of anything else, I gave it a try, and fortunately, held on to my funds. But I'm betting there are others who fell for this shit.


09-23-11, 11:39

After making multiple calls to different provides only one called me back in a reasonable amount of time. Her name is Eva and she is the girl in the pictures. Kind of looks like Emma Stone with her hair and all. She is dolled up in the picture. She apologized for the place they choose due to most places being booked. Def one of the worst motels / hotels in the Castleton area. Went with the 30min option, I was in a hurry. We got comfortable and had some small talk. She is 20 and works with a couple other girls. Very nice and sweet. I think she was nervous which made me nervous for some reason. I think with a couple more visits it could be better. CBJ and FS was nice. IF she is more GFE I will keep her in my rotation.

09-23-11, 13:37
She is one hot spinner, here til tomorrow am. Good luck!

West Central
09-23-11, 16:40
So, since I hadn't heard of this scam, and with my own surprise at how close I was to falling for it, I thought I'd warn others. Hang up on anyone asking for a prepaid card or anything of the sort. I should have known better, but for lack of anything else, I gave it a try, and fortunately, held on to my funds. But I'm betting there are others who fell for this shit.


I've been hearing about the Green Dot scams since 2004 or so, but it definitely bears repeating. As long as we get word out to as many mongers as possible, more men will save their money and more scammers will have to get a real job.

09-23-11, 17:52

I've been hearing about the Green Dot scams since 2004 or so, but it definitely bears repeating. As long as we get word out to as many mongers as possible, more men will save their money and more scammers will have to get a real job.The problem I had, and almost fell for, is that she convincingly only wanted the number on the receipt, not the card. With the damn same number on the receipt one uses to transfer the money, anyone could fall for it. Hell, you don't even NEED the card. That's completely unnecessary. Like I said, little head was screaming at me to give her the innocent number off the paper, so he could get inside what he clearly saw in the ads. Damn little head. He's dumber and dumber every day. Good think the big head told him to go screw himself and shut up. He wasn't getting in anyway.


09-23-11, 20:20

After making multiple calls to different provides only one called me back in a reasonable amount of time. Her name is Eva and she is the girl in the pictures. Kind of looks like Emma Stone with her hair and all. She is dolled up in the picture. She apologized for the place they choose due to most places being booked. Def one of the worst motels / hotels in the Castleton area. Went with the 30min option, I was in a hurry. We got comfortable and had some small talk. She is 20 and works with a couple other girls. Very nice and sweet. I think she was nervous which made me nervous for some reason. I think with a couple more visits it could be better. CBJ and FS was nice. IF she is more GFE I will keep her in my rotation.She doesn't look "ebony" at all, but she says she is a "hot ebony beauty" in her ad. ?

09-24-11, 00:12
Not necessarily. A few weeks ago there were some new pics of her on BP. The number used was an out if state number. I spoke with her and she confirmed that she has a new venture and knew her pics were in use. These new pics and ads are not her though, so the timing is "interesting." Outside of that, everything stated is accurate.

As you can see by the interest and comments, she's one of the best! Unfortunately, those pics are NOT her (I'm 100% certain).

I spoke with her on that number and can confirm it's active.Not sure it ends my confusion. I txted her at the number I've had for five years with no response. Emailed her at the relaxwith. Com email address that she has had forever and no response. Haven't tried to call her,

Because I'm out of town and don't want to waste her time, when I can't schedule an appointment. I don't know anything about the new business venture that someone made a comment about, but I am curious to know what is.

Going on.

09-24-11, 02:30
Now this some very good info. I remember about 2 months ago a group of nice provider were visiting. I had good Intel that they were real and some members from here. I did do the card and I called and gave them the number. Now this girls were legit but you have to wonder how many are not. Now I know how they did it. I got there and then she told me she did not need the card anymore, I always wonder.

Ok, doing some traveling to a small market, I had limited access to reviews and research, and there weren't a lot of options anyway (small market) , so made some cold calls to BP ads after a very disappointing trip to a strip bar (damn, I can't seem to find a decent club out of state!). Contacted several with no answer, no return, finally getting in touch with one. The specific ad doesn't matter because I'm sure this scam will move fast from photo to photo, number to number and detail to detail. The photos were hot, alerting my TGTBT alarms, but realistic enough to give it a try.

Now here's where this chick was brilliant. She wasn't that nice on the phone. Came off as an arrogant, over confident, take-it-or-leave provider demanding a little more than others and plainly stating,"I'm worth it." Very convincing, as the over-easy-to-deal-with girls are often disappointing, right? Well, her last demand was where it got interesting. She wouldn't accept cash because she offered full service, was new to the biz, and didn't want to get into trouble. The alternative: A MoneyPak card from Walmart."That's the only way to see me." So, there was a Walmart close to my hotel, I said what the hell, and I ran out and got one, calling her as I left to let her know. Then she played the victim, stating she'd had guys give her empty cards before, so she needed me to give her the code on my RECEIPT just so she could verify it. I said no way. She insisted that she could only get the cash from the card with the number under the scratch off area on the CARD itself, but my mind was made up. No way I was risking giving money away over the phone with a money card program I didn't fully understand. So things went South really fast and the possibility of hooking up with this hottie was over. Got back to my hotel, scratched off the area on the card to get the number, and no surprise! It's the same as the number on the receipt. I got online, followed the simple instructions and in minutes the $200 was off the card and into my Paypal account which I then transferred into my bank account. Had I given her the number over the phone, it would have been in hers even faster, I'm sure. Can't help pointing out that Walmart is a bit guilty of making this whole system confusing enough to the newbie to allow such a scam to work. Rat bastards.

Now, again, this girl was smooth. She even called back one more time to guilt me, saying she'd spent all this time getting ready for me, and now she thinks I'm full of shit, that I never even bought a card to begin with, all very victimish, rather than completely belligerent. I could see where the little head would win out easily and screw the big head's thinking with this one. So, since I hadn't heard of this scam, and with my own surprise at how close I was to falling for it, I thought I'd warn others. Hang up on anyone asking for a prepaid card or anything of the sort. I should have known better, but for lack of anything else, I gave it a try, and fortunately, held on to my funds. But I'm betting there are others who fell for this shit.


09-24-11, 12:19
Any info on this one, advertising on BP?


West Central
09-24-11, 23:07
The problem I had, and almost fell for, is that she convincingly only wanted the number on the receipt, not the card. With the damn same number on the receipt one uses to transfer the money, anyone could fall for it. Hell, you don't even NEED the card. That's completely unnecessary. Like I said, little head was screaming at me to give her the innocent number off the paper, so he could get inside what he clearly saw in the ads. Damn little head. He's dumber and dumber every day. Good think the big head told him to go screw himself and shut up. He wasn't getting in anyway.

TA2I completely agree, it's a pretty stupid for them to put the number on the receipt. Opens the door for scammers.

09-25-11, 10:03
Any info on this one, advertising on BP?

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/time-to-come-and-play-blonde-bombshell-32/4811089But maybe it isn't that easy, probably is though There has been tons written on here about her, myself both good and bad and by many others. The search should pull the name, the number you might use for other sites is new. I have not seen or heard any reports the last few weeks since she has supposedly turned over a new leaf.

09-25-11, 14:02

Any info would help thanks.