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02-02-12, 01:36
Saw two LEO walking into IR tonight-play safe.

Seminole John
02-02-12, 15:55
Checked this place out the other day, here are my notes.

Owners trying for upscale, all nude.

No alcohol.

Four girls were working at about 8:00.

1 smoking hot young brunette. 2 decent looking 30ish blondes, and one chunky Asian girl.

Stage shows were nice and in your face.

One of the blondes offered take out but I declined as she seemed to have a rash on her ass.

Was quoted $25 for dances that were no contact but declined. Better deals available at Lidos.

02-02-12, 20:54
Was hanging in IR. Those two came out the Ohop and walked around when I drive down A1A.Do you know the names of the girls?

H20 Monger
02-04-12, 16:07
Same girls as before?Nope.

They are up at Playmates.

02-06-12, 01:20
Ok, so I decided to check out the Landing Strip for myself. Arrived about 830pm (left by 930pm and went to IR). Greeted by a nice (and cute) doorgirl. Cover $5. Less than I was expecting. Open at 4pm now, close at 2pm. Starting next weekend, they are going to open at 2pm. Go inside, and find about 6 customers and maybe 7 or 8 girls. Girls were mostly white (2 black chicks, no asians) , and age ranged from early 20s to maybe mid / late-30s. One hot young brunette. A decent young skinny blond, though maybe kinda buttaface. A couple used up blondes in their 30s. One of the black chicks was kinda chunky, the other had a bit of a booty and nice rack. Oh and she had really nice, smooth skin, and did I mention a nice rack. (more later)

Club looks pretty nice. Everything looked new that I saw. Didn't use the bathroom, so can't comment. They have a website with pics if you want to see it. (http://www.landingstripcabaret.com/) The stage takes up most of the main room, with a row of seats around the stage, and a few (and I mean too few) chairs against the wall. No tables of any kind anywhere. This is a problem I think. There is also a bar with bar stools, but they face away from the stage (unless you have your back to the bartender).

Private dances in the back room are $25 / song. In the room, there are several small benches against two walls, with a small divider between each bench. So you can't see the people beside you, but you can see them on the opposite wall from you. There was another further back room with loveseats, but that costs even more! Their dance prices are priced high, like the fancy clubs in West Palm or Las Vegas. Way too high for Cocoa Beach IMO. I decided to TOFTT and got dances from two of the girls, since I was there on an exploratory mission anyway. Went for a dance with one of the black chicks (non-chunky one). So while we were chatting at the bar, she asked where I usually go. Told her IR. She says "oh you a naughty boy", as she proceeds to give me a shake. She then mentions that songs are $25 each, or $150/$200 in the VIP. Not sure if that meant 30/60 minutes or what, sorry didn't ask. So about a minute into the song, she asks how much I want to spend. I know right away that it ain't going to be worth it, but I play along. Ask her what she had in mind. She put the question back on me again. So I offered $80, kinda figuring 3 songs. She allowed liberal groping both ways, but nothing more than typical at IR, except she was naked. But the lighting is so low, and her skin was pretty dark, that I couldn't see jack. Anyway, after two songs she stops and thanks me. I'm like, huh, I wanted 3 songs. She said "oh no, that was 2 songs plus tip for good service". Ok whatever. Like I said, $10 songs at IR with the right girls are just as good, maybe better.

So a little later I decided to try out the hot brunette. Same $25 / song, no mention of VIP. But she says right away as song starts "now you be a good boy and behave, this ain't the IR". (previously mentioned going there to her also). I asked her definition of "behave". She said no touching anything but a little on the thighs oK. So $25 and I can't even tough the boobies. No way. One and done.

This place has a serious business model problem. I give them no more than 3 months to live. Here is the problem. Since they don't serve liquor, they need to make their money primarily on door fees, as most won't guzzle down one bottle of water after another like beers. Their door fee is low ($5) , so they need large numbers of customers. But the club is not setup for large volumes, as they don't have the sitting room. There is no place for a group of people to sit, except along the stage. The stage is twice as big as it should be for the size of the room. If they cut it in half, they could add a bunch of tables. There is a lot of wasted space in the back rooms for the private dances, that isn't going to help fill the place with more people. I would say that the back rooms have as much floor space as the main room, and only use a small portion of it for private dances (lots of wasted open floor space). And then on top of that, their dance prices are too high and contact too low (or at least variable between girls).

Anyway, unless things change considerably, I don't see how this place could possibly make it given the way it is setup right now. That doesn't even consider the shit storm that is going to come down on them once of the greyhairs and churchies find out there is a full nude club in Cocoa Beach. The political backlash may be enough to close them by itself. I just can't see CB-ites accepting a nude club in town. Maybe it is on County property. Who knows. Either way, I won't be going back.

02-06-12, 01:27
So after a quick and costly trip to the Landing Strip, I hit IR on my way home. Arrived about 930pm. Cover $10. Place was packed pretty good. Lots of young hotties I had never seen before, though I mostly go Saturday afternoons. Quite a few black chicks, and only a couple asians (Crystal and Asia). Was pretty ghetto feeling in some parts of the club, though not as bad as I have seen it in the past. Maybe too early for them. One thing I really noticed was the high level of IR security. They had one guy out back behind the club, one in the front on the sidewalk, two in the door booth, and two more walking the club. All had little FBI-style earpiece radios. I saw one security guy pull a customer back from a girl on stage as he was tipping her, but I guess he got a bit handsy. Nothing that would have been an issue before, and the girl didn't step back or anything. But the security guy went right up and pulled the guy back. Maybe they were putting on a show for some "special guests"? I didn't stay too long, had a couple beers, got a couple dances from Asia and Crystal. Left happy (not THAT happy . Sickos!) and spent way less than Landing Strip.

02-06-12, 07:57
So after a quick and costly trip to the Landing Strip, I hit IR on my way home. Arrived about 930pm. Cover $10. Place was packed pretty good. Lots of young hotties I had never seen before, though I mostly go Saturday afternoons. Quite a few black chicks, and only a couple asians (Crystal and Asia). Was pretty ghetto feeling in some parts of the club, though not as bad as I have seen it in the past. Maybe too early for them. One thing I really noticed was the high level of IR security. They had one guy out back behind the club, one in the front on the sidewalk, two in the door booth, and two more walking the club. All had little FBI-style earpiece radios. I saw one security guy pull a customer back from a girl on stage as he was tipping her, but I guess he got a bit handsy. Nothing that would have been an issue before, and the girl didn't step back or anything. But the security guy went right up and pulled the guy back. Maybe they were putting on a show for some "special guests"? I didn't stay too long, had a couple beers, got a couple dances from Asia and Crystal. Left happy (not THAT happy . Sickos!) and spent way less than Landing Strip.Who are the them you are talking about. I'd like to know?

02-07-12, 10:19
What exactly is this club?

02-07-12, 12:06
Ok, so I decided to check out the Landing Strip for myself. Arrived about 830pm (left by 930pm and went to IR). . I just can't see CB-ites accepting a nude club in town. Maybe it is on County property. Who knows. Either way, I won't be going back.Outside Cocoa Beach City Limit by more than 1 mile.

02-07-12, 16:43
What exactly is this club?It is like a brothel. 2-3 ladies to chose from. There is a room charge and then a donation for time with the girl. There is a web site, I'll let you find it and also try RTFF, there is info about the club.


Member #5439
02-09-12, 19:54
Got back a little bit ago from a nice time at Lido's with a girl named Justina. Wow what a sweetheart! She was a real joy to be with. If I had one criticism though it is that she is a lipstick wearer and if she likes you, some of it may end up on you. So, be sure to check your face and clothing before you walk out of the place. LOL.

That being said though, Lido's isn't something I can do very often. Particularly for the price. I don't get to the coast very often and when I do, I usually just go to IR. However, in that area, IR had been the only place I have been to and felt like a change of pace. Still haven't haven't been to Cheaters. Wonder if the pricing and the atmosphere there is more like Lido's or more like IR.

02-09-12, 19:57
Got back a little bit ago from a nice time at Lido's with a girl named Justina. Wow what a sweetheart! She was a real joy to be with. If I had one criticism though it is that she is a lipstick wearer and if she likes you, some of it may end up on you. So, be sure to check your face and clothing before you walk out of the place. LOL.

That being said though, Lido's isn't something I can do very often. Particularly for the price. I don't get to the coast very often and when I do, I usually just go to IR. However, in that area, IR had been the only place I have been to and felt like a change of pace. Still haven't haven't been to Cheaters. Wonder if the pricing and the atmosphere there is more like Lido's or more like IR.Prices are same as Lido's, atmosphere and girls same as IR. Cheaters girls do take-out and some are addicted to roxies like girls in IR.

02-14-12, 10:31
Can anyone who has been to the Inner Room in the past few days say whether the crackdown reported below has appeared to continue or has blown over? I've been considering a trip later this week, but if the fun's been chilled for now I can wait.

Out Of Here
02-14-12, 10:50
Can anyone who has been to the Inner Room in the past few days say whether the crackdown reported below has appeared to continue or has blown over? I've been considering a trip later this week, but if the fun's been chilled for now I can wait.I heard thing are the same as they everwhere. Earpieces communication things have been around for a couple of months (Cheaters uses them too). Extra sercurity was added after two different girls were attacked in the parking lot.

02-14-12, 11:07
I was there from 8- close 2/4 Sat. 4-7 2/6 Mon. 6-11 2/8 Wednesday. 6-11 2/10 Fri. 10-CL 6/2 2/11 Sat, and 4-9 2/13 Mon. Saw absolutely no signs of any crackdown. Extras (well, the norm for there) where offered, partaken in, and witnessed all around me. I tend to doubt the credibility of "advance warnings" of LE activity at strip clubs.

Can anyone who has been to the Inner Room in the past few days say whether the crackdown reported below has appeared to continue or has blown over? I've been considering a trip later this week, but if the fun's been chilled for now I can wait.

H20 Monger
02-14-12, 17:57
This afternoon.

Got the usual Tessa grind and grope.

She's just as handy as ever.

Left happy

02-16-12, 13:39
Paid a visit to IR two nights ago kicking off at around 11. Place was busy as usual but atmosphere was laid back with fewer thug types in the place than normal.

While seated at the bar had the only thug type in the place sit down next to me bragging to me and another punter on how he could get us any piece of tail in the place for $.5. I managed to get rid of him and while talking to one of the girls later was told that he wasn't local and none of the ladies knew him.

While getting a few very high millage dances from a hot 21-year-old brunette I was told that the bouncers were coming down really hard on any of the girls being too liberal during the dances. Also, the waitress that goes around the place tattles if she sees anything as well. Still, with a little caution, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Special note! When I left the place at around 2 I noticed two LEO cruisers in the area. One was patrolling behind the IR and it's parking lot, the other was patrolling the surrounding area. They were there for a quite a while so keep your eyes open if you ordered take out.

02-16-12, 13:44
Paid a visit to Vivid late Sunday night at around 11. The place was deader than disco. Maybe 4 girls in the place and no one dancing. One thing I did notice was that the area around the wall is now curtained off and very private.

The girls that were there were paired off with other punters. Had a couple of beers and left.

I was here last year and the place was actually very good. Dance millage depended on the girl since the dance area is very open. No idea if that's still the case today.

02-16-12, 13:48
After striking out at Vivid paid a visit to Bare Assets late on Sunday night. Place was busy with some really young hot spinner types in the place. Of the maybe 12 girls there. 4 were 8+.4 were 6+, and the others not so hot. Most of the hot girls were paired off and the others didn't bother to nag for dances which was nice. Had a few beers and left.

02-16-12, 22:38
Paid a visit to IR two nights ago kicking off at around 11. Place was busy as usual but atmosphere was laid back with fewer thug types in the place than normal.

While seated at the bar had the only thug type in the place sit down next to me bragging to me and another punter on how he could get us any piece of tail in the place for $.5. I managed to get rid of him and while talking to one of the girls later was told that he wasn't local and none of the ladies knew him.

While getting a few very high millage dances from a hot 21-year-old brunette I was told that the bouncers were coming down really hard on any of the girls being too liberal during the dances. Also, the waitress that goes around the place tattles if she sees anything as well. Still, with a little caution, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Special note! When I left the place at around 2 I noticed two LEO cruisers in the area. One was patrolling behind the IR and it's parking lot, the other was patrolling the surrounding area. They were there for a quite a while so keep your eyes open if you ordered take out.The waitresses do not tattle at the IR. They send girls to you or away depending if you're friends w / them.

02-16-12, 22:46
I was there from 8- close 2/4 Sat. 4-7 2/6 Mon. 6-11 2/8 Wednesday. 6-11 2/10 Fri. 10-CL 6/2 2/11 Sat, and 4-9 2/13 Mon. Saw absolutely no signs of any crackdown. Extras (well, the norm for there) where offered, partaken in, and witnessed all around me. I tend to doubt the credibility of "advance warnings" of LE activity at strip clubs.Ross I have favor to ask of you buddy. Can you bring a pillow and blanket and just sleep there? Make sure you have an internet enabled phone so that you can make hourly reports.

On behalf of myself and some IR patrons we really appreciate your devotion to the IR and your reports, almost to the point of obsession. Keep up the random posts w / little useful information. It usually makes me chuckle, and am glad that I'm not you.

02-17-12, 09:45
I am also glad you are not me. I'd hate to be some one that sits around and attacks one or three "dancers" over and over, and continuely goes to a bar where everyone rips me off in a giant barback to owner conspiracy, all the while under the watchful eye of hoards of undercover LE. You know, I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside the IR. Wondering now how long it will be before a ross_fl or similar name pops up and posts when Jason2009 doesn't. And as far as to the point of obsession? Half your posts are bitching about the IR, and it's dancers.

Ross I have favor to ask of you buddy. Can you bring a pillow and blanket and just sleep there? Make sure you have an internet enabled phone so that you can make hourly reports.

On behalf of myself and some IR patrons we really appreciate your devotion to the IR and your reports, almost to the point of obsession. Keep up the random posts w / little useful information. It usually makes me chuckle, and am glad that I'm not you.

02-17-12, 09:53
Now you claim the waitresses are helpful? Why would you claim to still go there if you get ripped off all the time?

Jason2009: Staff including manager, bartender, waitresses, and bouncers are part of this scheme. Beware of this place, it's one big scam.

Jason2009: Once again got shortchanged $10 for a $3 order of coffee by a waitress at IR. She's the one w / long brown hair, might be hispanic, didn't get a name. Gave her a $20 for a $3 dollar

Coffee and she gave be back $7 and took off.

The waitresses do not tattle at the IR. They send girls to you or away depending if you're friends w / them.

El Jefe Grande
02-17-12, 21:16
Decided to try out the landing strip.

They were somewhat dubious about the VIP room prices, I think the club is still trying to figure out a price point that everyone can agree on that doesn't turn off the customers.

Private dances are $25.

The VIP room was quoted to me at 15 min for $100 30 min for $150 and 60 min for $300. (who knows when this will change)

The dancers there ran the gambit from cute to trashy (anyone remember 'surfer Amy' from Oasis? New owners mean she is no longer banned from this place)


Well lit all nude club.

Some of the girls are sexy.

Convenient location.


I watched some of my tip money get Hepatitis as I slid it in one girl's panties.

Inconsistent performances (some of the Dancers seem paranoid about the club's old reputation)

Seating arrangement is uncomfortable.

No booze (no shock there)

Not a lot of dancers (if you don't drag someone back for a private dance, expect to see the same 3 or 4 girls rotated up constantly)

Perhaps the most aggressively annoying DJ I've ever heard, which can be nice in the back room because he interrupts the music so much, each song lasts 8 minutes, but if you are hoping to see a dancer "dance" with music to work with. Keep driving.


I went in with no expectations of this club being similar to any other club around, I was hoping this would live or die on its own merits.

I sat and watched one sexy young dancer (Serenity) on stage, cute face, nice body, thick in a sexy way, she was demanding customers sit down in front so she could use them as props (not a bad thing).

While I was watching there were two girls around the bar Amy and an Asian girl I didn't meet. A forth girl walked up and I asked to show me the VIP and explain their pricing (which the cover charge girl couldn't). She explained the prices and adamantly stated no 'funny business' goes on back there. I opted for a 15 min session to try the place out. Cute girl (Katt) looks good naked, dance was more than a little mechanical. She seemed paranoid about contact (I was asking what was appropriate and assuming nothing) and the dances were not very good.

Afterwards, I caught the end of Serenity's set (up again) and got her to drag me back for the same routine.

She was much more responsive and able to at least pretend like she was enjoying herself, she purred and snuggled like a lover without breaking any rules or suggesting anything untoward was available.

It might be worthwhile to give this place another chance, but I think this is the biggest YMMV club around. There is nothing about the club that makes it superior to anywhere else, the only thing that could make it a great spot is if there is a dancer worth making you come here to spend the time. The club also has the potential to be a depressing waste of time and money.

If you are looking for extras I didn't see any suggestion that they are available expect by past reputation of some of the dancers (so if you see a girl that got fired from some other club for extras. They might be available here, who knows).

The Antagonist
02-20-12, 14:03
Paid a visit to IR two nights ago kicking off at around 11. Place was busy as usual but atmosphere was laid back with fewer thug types in the place than normal.

While seated at the bar had the only thug type in the place sit down next to me bragging to me and another punter on how he could get us any piece of tail in the place for $.5. I managed to get rid of him and while talking to one of the girls later was told that he wasn't local and none of the ladies knew him.

While getting a few very high millage dances from a hot 21-year-old brunette I was told that the bouncers were coming down really hard on any of the girls being too liberal during the dances. Also, the waitress that goes around the place tattles if she sees anything as well. Still, with a little caution, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Special note! When I left the place at around 2 I noticed two LEO cruisers in the area. One was patrolling behind the IR and it's parking lot, the other was patrolling the surrounding area. They were there for a quite a while so keep your eyes open if you ordered take out.This review is right on the money right down to the po-po.


The Antagonist
02-20-12, 14:53
Paid a visit to IR two nights ago kicking off at around 11. Place was busy as usual but atmosphere was laid back with fewer thug types in the place than normal.

While seated at the bar had the only thug type in the place sit down next to me bragging to me and another punter on how he could get us any piece of tail in the place for $.5. I managed to get rid of him and while talking to one of the girls later was told that he wasn't local and none of the ladies knew him.

While getting a few very high millage dances from a hot 21-year-old brunette I was told that the bouncers were coming down really hard on any of the girls being too liberal during the dances. Also, the waitress that goes around the place tattles if she sees anything as well. Still, with a little caution, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Special note! When I left the place at around 2 I noticed two LEO cruisers in the area. One was patrolling behind the IR and it's parking lot, the other was patrolling the surrounding area. They were there for a quite a while so keep your eyes open if you ordered take out.Every dancer I got a dance from bitched about how little money they were making and offered me takeout I gave them all my # not one has called I visited about 10 different dancers

02-20-12, 17:34
Every dancer I got a dance from bitched about how little money they were making and offered me takeout I gave them all my # not one has called I visited about 10 different dancersYou got hustled. Some dancers will offer take-out if you dance w / them so they can make money. I've been been through many times.

02-20-12, 18:37
Watch out for Kristen, works both at IR and Lidos. Her hustle is she'll promise you take-out if you dance w / her and buy her drinks. After about six dances or so, she'll excuse herself to go to the bathroom and sneaks out the back. She's a thick blonde w / a big butt about 24 yo.

02-21-12, 20:38
Just throwing a question out there. I've had several dancers call me and ask if I could wire them some money. There's always a sob story behind why they need money desperately.

Is this a common scam used by dancers in Brevard County? I never have of course, but if anyone have a colorful story to tell; by all means share it.

The Worb
02-22-12, 00:28
You got to ask, 'What's in it for me? '

Monger rules dictate that you should only pay after receiving services, never before.

Would it be OK to promise to wire her some money if she gives you some dances at the club or GFE service?

She will probably agree to that.

Just throwing a question out there. I've had several dancers call me and ask if I could wire them some money. There's always a sob story behind why they need money desperately.

Is this a common scam used by dancers in Brevard County? I never have of course, but if anyone have a colorful story to tell; by all means share it.

02-22-12, 03:17
Just throwing a question out there. I've had several dancers call me and ask if I could wire them some money. There's always a sob story behind why they need money desperately.

Is this a common scam used by dancers in Brevard County? I never have of course, but if anyone have a colorful story to tell; by all means share it.Over the holidays I had a bit of extra cash and time to kill, so I was a frequenter out at Tootsys, since it is near my place. After a couple of trips in, one of the younger dancers asked if she could put her number in my phone. As this has never happened to me before, I'm 25, have an inflated opinion of myself, and was quite drunk, I went with it, and proceeded to spend much of the holidays texting, receiving dirty pics, and being talked into "visiting" her at work. She eventually came out for drinks with me at a couple of other beachside spots, but no action still. Finally, just after new years, she sends me some messages about how she's having a rough week, and could really use some cash. At first it was a "loan" to last her til the weekend, and she would "make it worth my time" to come see her to deliver the money. So in my little head, I think I'm finally going to get something a bit beyond the making out and backseat touching. When I was ready to meet up and give it to her, she said,"just meet me at work". So I head up and she ends up just giving me dances for like half an hour, and says "I'll make it even with you this weekend" and winks.

In the end, I never was paid back, and she never mentioned it again. Luckily I was smart enough to just give her half of what she was looking for. Lesson of the day is, don't give bitches money, unless you know EXACTLY what you're signing up for.

The Antagonist
02-22-12, 15:38
You got hustled. Some dancers will offer take-out if you dance w / them so they can make money. I've been been through many times.Buddy none of those young ladies got any more than I was going to give anyway I just found it odd that all of them were using to same line but you brother want to know if its common for a dancer to ask for money now that's funny LOL

02-22-12, 16:33
Over the holidays I had a bit of extra cash and time to kill, so I was a frequenter out at Tootsys, since it is near my place. After a couple of trips in, one of the younger dancers asked if she could put her number in my phone. As this has never happened to me before, I'm 25, have an inflated opinion of myself, and was quite drunk, I went with it, and proceeded to spend much of the holidays texting, receiving dirty pics, and being talked into "visiting" her at work. She eventually came out for drinks with me at a couple of other beachside spots, but no action still. Finally, just after new years, she sends me some messages about how she's having a rough week, and could really use some cash. At first it was a "loan" to last her til the weekend, and she would "make it worth my time" to come see her to deliver the money. So in my little head, I think I'm finally going to get something a bit beyond the making out and backseat touching. When I was ready to meet up and give it to her, she said,"just meet me at work". So I head up and she ends up just giving me dances for like half an hour, and says "I'll make it even with you this weekend" and winks.

In the end, I never was paid back, and she never mentioned it again. Luckily I was smart enough to just give her half of what she was looking for. Lesson of the day is, don't give bitches money, unless you know EXACTLY what you're signing up for.A great lesson. Thanks.

02-22-12, 18:18
A great lesson. Thanks.Wired some biatch at IR before and she had quit. Found her car at another club couple weeks later, she wound up needind a new windshield.

El Jefe Grande
02-22-12, 20:16

In the end, I never was paid back, and she never mentioned it again. Luckily I was smart enough to just give her half of what she was looking for. Lesson of the day is, don't give bitches money, unless you know EXACTLY what you're signing up for.Weird, I swear I met the same girl at Inner Room, Lidos, Cheaters, and Landing Strip. She really gets around.

03-01-12, 23:38
Hey Gents!

I will be back in MLB for business! It only means Inner Room nights for me!

I am looking for advice on good ladies that are currently dancing at the club.

Back a year ago last time I visited, I remember big titties lady Hannah, was pretty hot! Also was offered to hang out out of the club from Harley, Storm, Stacy (fake boobs lady (Hot though) Athena. Who else was on my list! Yeap a Puerto Rican looking girl, she was HOT! Red curly hair, sexy outfit no tits but an ass to die for! She did offer takeout. The hottest girl in the club was a dark skinned young lady, perfect body, Cierra or something like that! Unfortunately never got to hang out with her. Anyway all in all at the IR I found ladies, booze, cigars, and a$$ I had best time of my life!

So I am looking for an awesome repeat! This forum here looks pretty dead. I hope to get some responses. What's the best, any take out options at IR? Anything wild going on? Or is it just not the place it used to be from a year ago! I was just impressed! So what's going on at the IR lately? This forum seems kind of dead / slow as it used to be a year ago!


03-02-12, 16:11
Much better quality takeout is available here.

03-03-12, 20:30
Anyone in particular I should go see. I did go there, and it was okay. I didn't get the same vibe as in the IR. Quality last year was slightly better at Lido's but high mileage dances and OTC at inner room was way better!

I even got a lap dance from one of the bartenders. She was fine and hot! She was from New Jersey I do remember that. But she wasn't the famous Jersey Girl talked about in this forum! Haaaaaaa!

Hot though. Very hot stuff. IR wins hands down. However, This forum used to be much active back in the day. Great source of info. It looks kind of dead. I hope our Brevard Folks still have jobs and time to play at the IR. I remember having a really good dream at the Crown Plaza in Indialantic after a trip to the IR! Hot girl with an awesome ass! BBBJ, Mish, Doggie. And This is the most awesome time, as I put her against the glass door facing my ocean view apt! Looking at the ocean and having fun with that girl has never gone out of my mind. She was from Palm Bay. Hot dreams. But then I woke up and was over!

Anyway. I should be there next week. Anyone in particular? PM me if you like.

Much better quality takeout is available here.

03-04-12, 01:10
Anyone in particular I should go see. I did go there, and it was okay. I didn't get the same vibe as in the IR. Quality last year was slightly better at Lido's but high mileage dances and OTC at inner room was way better!I agree I think IR is better for high mileage dances and extras. As a mattre of fact I just got back from there LOL had a really good time. Extras were offered and taken ITC.

03-04-12, 02:59
Anyone in particular I should go see. I did go there, and it was okay. I didn't get the same vibe as in the IR. Quality last year was slightly better at Lido's but high mileage dances and OTC at inner room was way better!

I even got a lap dance from one of the bartenders. She was fine and hot! She was from New Jersey I do remember that. But she wasn't the famous Jersey Girl talked about in this forum! Haaaaaaa!

Hot though. Very hot stuff. IR wins hands down. However, This forum used to be much active back in the day. Great source of info. It looks kind of dead. I hope our Brevard Folks still have jobs and time to play at the IR. I remember having a really good dream at the Crown Plaza in Indialantic after a trip to the IR! Hot girl with an awesome ass! BBBJ, Mish, Doggie. And This is the most awesome time, as I put her against the glass door facing my ocean view apt! Looking at the ocean and having fun with that girl has never gone out of my mind. She was from Palm Bay. Hot dreams. But then I woke up and was over!

Anyway. I should be there next week. Anyone in particular? PM me if you like.If your looking for a dancing bartender at Lido's try the bald black guy. I'm pretty sure he is gay.

03-04-12, 16:27
Feel free to PM if you don't want to post in open forum.

Much better quality takeout is available here.

03-04-12, 16:57
If your looking for a dancing bartender at Lido's try the bald black guy. I'm pretty sure he is gay.That's horrible advice! . I don't do gay guys. And no I am not interested in dancing bartenders. I am sure the bald black gay guy has his own boyfriend and that's between them. I could care less.

So is Lido's the place to go? Or IR? I got a PM that some of the girls that were at the IR have moved on to Cheaters and Lido's is that true? What's going on in Brevard?

Inner room was just phenomenal. Ten dollar high mileage lap dances, a good sample of women, and you were almost guaranteed a happy ending! So what gives? Any Lido's lady that offers OTC? Or a IR lady?

03-04-12, 17:38
That's horrible advice! .Having contributed nothing to this board, ever, in any city, is it really a surprise that the only advice you are getting is sarcastic in nature?

03-04-12, 17:47
I am visiting. I have only been to Brevard once! And had a blast! Actually I remember reading some of your posts about a year ago. However, you don't need to be a jerk just 'cause I decided to ask some questions!

I'll gladly report after I come back, but jeez. Seems like you haven't got laid in a while! Relax bro! Go to IR next weekend I'll get you some lappies so you can relax!

I am new to all of this and I am just asking questions.

Having contributed nothing to this board, ever, in any city, is it really a surprise that the only advice you are getting is sarcastic in nature?

03-05-12, 06:30
Those kind of comments represent the sophomoric response that will get you nowhere.

I am visiting. I have only been to Brevard once! And had a blast! Actually I remember reading some of your posts about a year ago. However, you don't need to be a jerk just 'cause I decided to ask some questions!

I'll gladly report after I come back, but jeez. Seems like you haven't got laid in a while! Relax bro! Go to IR next weekend I'll get you some lappies so you can relax!

I am new to all of this and I am just asking questions.

03-05-12, 19:42
Mad the journey to IR last night and boy did I have a great time! This tiny little thing dragged me back for a dance [willingly] and asked if I had a dance yet. After some small chit-chat she proceeded to give a really good mileage dance, beyond expectations {senior members may ask for details}. Eventually I needed a drink, and upon sitting back down at the bar petite little blonde asked how I was. Proceeded to venture back for a dance and the club time ended, but the adventure continues. OTC was really fun [no number, just winged it] although the conversation in the club was much more entertaining and less 'needy' or 'whiny'. Then I woke up double refreshed and happy as a clam.

03-09-12, 21:15
I visited IR not too long ago. Didn't see any girls that I wanted to talk to, that weren't already busy. Was on my third beer, was almost getting ready to go look somewhere else, when this cute little girl came up on stage. Name was Desiree (Not sure if that's how it's spelled. Des Ah Ray.) No one was paying any attention to the stage that night, so I walked up, slipped a five in her g-string, and she was all over me. Eventually took her to the back, very high mileage dance only two songs in. Had her head in my lap most of the time, til I was finished 'dancing', with only a minor extra tip. She gave me some line about how she never usually does anything like that, She just felt a 'connection' to me. Ha.

Florida Perv
03-10-12, 22:11
I visited IR not too long ago. Didn't see any girls that I wanted to talk to, that weren't already busy. Was on my third beer, was almost getting ready to go look somewhere else, when this cute little girl came up on stage. Name was Desiree (Not sure if that's how it's spelled. Des Ah Ray.) No one was paying any attention to the stage that night, so I walked up, slipped a five in her g-string, and she was all over me. Eventually took her to the back, very high mileage dance only two songs in. Had her head in my lap most of the time, til I was finished 'dancing', with only a minor extra tip. She gave me some line about how she never usually does anything like that, She just felt a 'connection' to me. Ha.She gives awesome dances. I had a dance like none other from her just last night!

03-11-12, 13:11
She gives awesome dances. I had a dance like none other from her just last night!I just visited IR the other night for my second time. Managed to meet Desirea (sp?) out of luck more than anything. Was sitting at the bar waiting for something to catch my eye when she approached me and said she would be my "Last dance" of the night. I was intrigued; of course, when I found out she called herself Desirea I was a little more intrigued after having read a review of her on here. The dances were really high mileage and it turned into something I can't say I expected. Lets just say it wasn't only her hand in my lap; although she did get well tipped for her appreciated services. She did give some story about how she felt 'connected' and that she didn't normally do this; of course after handing her the tip. She mentioned that coming back would warrant a discount on that sort of thing (aka. She does this all the time). Only complaint: she tried to mouth kiss me, and the 'tip'. No offense, but I have a disturbingly good idea where that has been and no thanks! With the sob story and the great ending being had I tipped quite well (upon suggestion).

03-11-12, 21:13
Glad my review could be of service. ; o She puts a little work ethic into it, doesn't she? We kept having to stop for waitresses / other patrons sitting down next to us, but she took her time, must have atleast spent an hour, hour and a half just trying to help me out.

Anyone know any other good ones to look out for?

Florida Perv
03-11-12, 23:35
Glad my review could be of service. ; o She puts a little work ethic into it, doesn't she? We kept having to stop for waitresses / other patrons sitting down next to us, but she took her time, must have atleast spent an hour, hour and a half just trying to help me out.

Anyone know any other good ones to look out for?I'd have to recommend April and Pei. They are Thai women and I have a thing for Asians.

03-15-12, 16:47
Went to Inner Room around 2 on Monday. Moderate crowd, good for some privacy. Got several High Mileage dances. Pei, chanel, and tayla. Had a nice time. Offered some ITC for 130 but, I declined. Was actually there to sample Desirae but she wasn't working. Got some digits for chanel though. No sign of drama on my visit.


Out Of Here
03-21-12, 15:20
Stopped by IR. Girls are wearing titty tape (never seen that before). Rumor is that Cheaters got busted last week. Crack down (no pun intntended) at all Cocoa Beach Clubs until things cooldown.

El Jefe Grande
03-24-12, 12:01
Stopped by IR. Girls are wearing titty tape (never seen that before). Rumor is that Cheaters got busted last week. Crack down (no pun intntended) at all Cocoa Beach Clubs until things cooldown.I don't want to say Out of Here is the boy who cried wolf, but every time he decries the draconian state of Cocoa Clubs, someone pops in and mentions "it was business as usual when I was there". Out Of Here, is there a particular time / day you routinely go? Daytime / Nighttime or Weekday / Weekend?

03-24-12, 12:49
Stopped by IR. Girls are wearing titty tape (never seen that before). Rumor is that Cheaters got busted last week. Crack down (no pun intntended) at all Cocoa Beach Clubs until things cooldown.Are you a LEO?

Out Of Here
03-24-12, 16:09
I standby my original post. Last Wednesday afternoon is stopped by IR and girls had on titty tape. Not a big deal but I have never seen it at IR before. I asked two girls about it and the both told me the same "Rumor" about Cheaters. Posted the info here.

As for Jefe Grande, please read my previous posts and post your apology (if your a honest man).

I don't want to say Out of Here is the boy who cried wolf, but every time he decries the draconian state of Cocoa Clubs, someone pops in and mentions "it was business as usual when I was there". Out Of Here, is there a particular time / day you routinely go? Daytime / Nighttime or Weekday / Weekend?

Out Of Here
03-24-12, 16:51
Are you a LEO?Tomkat4848,

Am I the only person that has been to IR this week?

Think about it. Why would girls be wearing titty tape?

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Out Of Here
03-24-12, 17:23
Check out this report I found in the Orlando Forum (old news over there). Like waves on the beach, these things pass by and disappear.

Went to Cocoa today and hit up the big three. It was lame in all the clubs in every aspect. We did get some info from the girls and it wasn't good. It seems with the election year and bike week coming up, there's been a big push to limit the fun in these bars. The girls hit us up with new rules that're strictly enforced. Each club had girls that said girls at the other clubs had been arrested over the last few days. You can guess what the charges were. They said it wasn't just Cocoa, but the other beach towns as well. They also said that the club owners were tipped off that there will be LEO stings conducted in the bars over the next week or so.

It's probably a good time to stick with trusted providers and forget the tittie bar action. If you do go, be careful.

03-24-12, 19:15
I don't want to say Out of Here is the boy who cried wolf, but every time he decries the draconian state of Cocoa Clubs, someone pops in and mentions "it was business as usual when I was there". Out Of Here, is there a particular time / day you routinely go? Daytime / Nighttime or Weekday / Weekend?Tape on tits, two feet on floor and no ITC till spring break is over. Rules are made to be broken.

03-24-12, 21:13
His posts are bogus. After his last one its BBBJ central. For 4 of us now.

Out Of Here
03-25-12, 00:56
Girls were wearing tape. Just like my original post said.

People should stop by IR and see for themselves. Some posts on here are bogus.

His posts are bogus. After his last one its BBBJ central. For 4 of us now.

El Jefe Grande
03-25-12, 08:06
I standby my original post. Last Wednesday afternoon is stopped by IR and girls had on titty tape. Not a big deal but I have never seen it at IR before. I asked two girls about it and the both told me the same "Rumor" about Cheaters. Posted the info here.

As for Jefe Grande, please read my previous posts and post your apology (if your a honest man).I wasn't trying to accuse, just work out how such a wide divergence seemed to show up after your reports. I have a long drive to IR and I don't want to bother if it is a no-fun zone.

I still am curious if there is a time / day routine you are seeing this.

H20 Monger
03-25-12, 08:10
His posts are bogus. After his last one its BBBJ central. For 4 of us now.Make that 5.

Seminole John
03-25-12, 08:53
It's true there are new rules in place. There is still a big difference between day and night shift in enforcement. The girls are going to do what they do

03-26-12, 15:00
Stopped in IR last night and was sadly surprised to see the titty tape. Day 5 as one of the girls said. The dance areas were still very busy but there was a guy checking out the dancers activity. I had a dance with one of the Thai girls, I forget her name and it was pretty tame. Hen I saw Sierra onstage and rushed to see her and tip her while on stage. I asked her to stop by when she was done and she did and I had dances with her. The titty tape doesn't cover her fine ass and she gives some sexy exotic dances. In my opinion she's as hot as a dancer can be. I hope it's not too long til the titty tape goes away as there are a lot of pretty nipples to be seen there.

03-26-12, 17:59
Its an unfortunate thing this time of year Cocoa Beach cracks down on all the bars and clubs at spring break, happens every year. This too shall pass.

Out Of Here
03-26-12, 18:36
IR is still worth the trip. Dances with the good girls have not changed. Other things are temporary.

03-26-12, 19:01
Glad to see that some things don't change, I. E. Extra curricular fun during the day.

Are they requiring pasties 24/7? How has the 2 way contact been since the change to pasties? I'll be heading there Saturday.

It's true there are new rules in place. There is still a big difference between day and night shift in enforcement. The girls are going to do what they do

03-27-12, 10:45
I live in Melbourne, IR is a huge waste of time and money. I know several of the dancers and IR has several poster ids here that give them friendly reviews. They realize how the game works and know this is a great bit of advertising for them. For those of you stupid enough to think you will get BJ (covered or not) or FK from that place, you deserve to loose your money in exchange for blue balls. The fat Filipina Channel is the most worst of the bunch, she should have stopped dancing years ago. They all tell you the same crap,"I am better than this, I have another job, this is just temporary". Ten years later, they are still there.

And so you don't think I am full of crap, go and see for yourself, just don't have any expectations of anything more than a decent tease.

03-27-12, 11:47
Just throwing a question out there. I've had several dancers call me and ask if I could wire them some money. There's always a sob story behind why they need money desperately.

Is this a common scam used by dancers in Brevard County? I never have of course, but if anyone have a colorful story to tell; by all means share it.The pill problem (Roxies to be precise) at the clubs is unbelievable. I know quite a few of the girls both in and out of the clubs and I can say there are some serious addicts. Now that business is slowing with the shuttle program shuttered they are getting pretty creative looking for ways to feed their habit. It's really a shame because they are fun girls but they are caught in the downward spiral.

03-27-12, 12:48
While I will not divulge the extent of the fun I have had, I would not be shocked if the staff at IR have usernames for here. BJ's there, I wouldn't expect, other things, well, have and will probably happen again. Although ITC may have slowed down, OTC is there.

I live in Melbourne, IR is a huge waste of time and money. I know several of the dancers and IR has several poster ids here that give them friendly reviews. They realize how the game works and know this is a great bit of advertising for them. For those of you stupid enough to think you will get BJ (covered or not) or FK from that place, you deserve to loose your money in exchange for blue balls. The fat Filipina Channel is the most worst of the bunch, she should have stopped dancing years ago. They all tell you the same crap,"I am better than this, I have another job, this is just temporary". Ten years later, they are still there.

And so you don't think I am full of crap, go and see for yourself, just don't have any expectations of anything more than a decent tease.

03-27-12, 13:37
I have read alot of reports about this place and plan on visiting it next week while I'm in town and don't like to give reports because I don't want things to ever stop for me but I will come back with an honest report. I do believe BJ's are going on because I don't believe it's not happening in every club some are just more work. I've received extras in almost every club I've been to and I've been to alot, even the other two in your town so I'm sure it's going on. We will see.

Seminole John
03-27-12, 13:47
Hmmm, you say you know dancers at IR, fine. But have you been there? I mean extracurriculars there are pretty open. All you have to do is open your eyes to see it. What I find to be typical is the girls will all say this or that dancer is a w h o re but they are not. Then turn around and nake offers to you even tho they "never do this" and how "you're different" and she "feels a connection" to you. Right. They are all liers I hope you've figured that out by now. What are you dating one of these chicks and believe her when she says nothing happens? Please. Now I know absolutely there are people on this forum from IR. But I would hope the collective statements of numerous people over a prolong period of time will clue you in as to what is available.

I live in Melbourne, IR is a huge waste of time and money. I know several of the dancers and IR has several poster ids here that give them friendly reviews. They realize how the game works and know this is a great bit of advertising for them. For those of you stupid enough to think you will get BJ (covered or not) or FK from that place, you deserve to loose your money in exchange for blue balls. The fat Filipina Channel is the most worst of the bunch, she should have stopped dancing years ago. They all tell you the same crap,"I am better than this, I have another job, this is just temporary". Ten years later, they are still there.

And so you don't think I am full of crap, go and see for yourself, just don't have any expectations of anything more than a decent tease.

03-27-12, 18:02
To all this is my 2 cents, I don't know why all the fuss about the dancers. I dated a girl that danced at IR on the island, she would also go to the beach for extra time, or for special parties. She gave a high mile dance, but did not do extras (and yes I know this for a fact) some of the dancers are just that dancers making money to support themselves. Many yes are on drugs of some kind and some do extras, some right there in the club. But you have to remeber that these girls are there to make money thats there numberone goal. They will tell you ANYTHING you want to hear untill your wallet is empty, there not there to meet you and have a fantisy fling. I think some of you need to just be aware that it is what it is, If your looking to have some conversation with a girl that acts like she's into you. Just remeber its an act. Sure some of the girls do meet a guy they like and such, but thats far and few inbetween. If your expecting to go to the club and get some then thats the first mistake, If you want the sure thing and to get out cheep, then get a SW cheep quick and to the point. And just in advance no I will not devuldge the name of the dancer I dated as that could lead to my identity but for those of you that use to visit IR MI in around 2002 she was tall no tits and danced to country, thats all ill say.

Mudslide out, Be safe and remeber its there job to get your money, there are no rules.

El Jefe Grande
03-27-12, 21:13
Now I know absolutely there are people on this forum from IR.I don't review specific girls from IR on this forum, because I know some of them read (and post) here and I don't have permission to review.

I wouldn't be surprised if I spent about an hour sitting not too far away from John on the bench at IR one Friday afternoon.

03-27-12, 21:40
If 5 of us got one that means 55 people did just this week. Think about it we are the great minority here.

03-27-12, 23:28
Also take into consideration that we are also in the large minority of patrons who go hoping for extras.

If 5 of us got one that means 55 people did just this week. Think about it we are the great minority here.

03-27-12, 23:29
I have had to cut down my visits to IR, but still go occasionally. I have seen Asia there during the evening every time I go, but she is always in street clothes, and not dancing. Does she still dance there?

Out Of Here
03-28-12, 12:42
Recently, I have only seen her doing the waitress thing.

I have had to cut down my visits to IR, but still go occasionally. I have seen Asia there during the evening every time I go, but she is always in street clothes, and not dancing. Does she still dance there?

03-28-12, 22:51
To the guy that asked if I had been there, how would I know if Channel was fat? Been there a few too many times, actually.

03-31-12, 23:30
I checked with a few of the girls at the clubs and they think the pasties are here to stay. I asked if it was just for Spring Break and they said it didn't have anything to do with that. Apparently there was a shooting a few weeks in the back lot and given the other complaints from local businesses, it seems like the city is enforcing the laws on the books. A few girls refused to comply but most had the pasties.

H20 Monger
04-01-12, 09:21
Friday afternoon.

Dancers in titty tape, yep.

New rules? Maybe.

My usually very hands on regular girl was reserved,

Said they were watching.

But right next to me in the corner, a guy was getting 2 girl dance,

They took turns, one watching, the other on knees with head bouncing in lap.

So it's still possible.

04-02-12, 18:38
I haven't gone to the IR in a bit. CheCked it out and found NO titties at the titty bar? WTF Shameful situation. I want my titti bacl. Lappies were eehhh. But no titties is an absolute travesty.

Is the titty tape in Lido's and Cheaters as well?

Whats next? Air dances like Orlando or Seattle? Shameful. First the shuttle program dissapears and now the titties are also gone. A sad weekend. Just fucking sad weekend.

04-03-12, 14:04
Dreamed of IR last night, and I didn't see any titty tape. Met up with Desirea again, who was anxious being that it was a slow night. Was a very active dream that lasted a while and left me waking up happy.

04-09-12, 10:47
OK Just got back from my trip to Cocoa Beach. I visited IR the first afternoon while I was there extras were available and the girls I did see did have titty tape on but very little and were you really hard to see. I went to Cheaters that night with the same availabilty and they also had titty tape. I went to Cheaters the rest of the week because I stay at the pier and it's easier for me to get to. I do have phone numbers for seniors to trade from both places and they were very easy to get. Like I said before if you are not getting extras and phone numbers from these girls you are doing something wrong. I even got one of the girls to leave the club and walk to the pier to give a BBBJ. Good luck guys.

04-10-12, 23:45
Congrats. You got a bunch of numbers from the cheap dirty hoe's. Better quality is available just up the road. I've got numbers too if you need them.

OK Just got back from my trip to Cocoa Beach. I visited IR the first afternoon while I was there extras were available and the girls I did see did have titty tape on but very little and were you really hard to see. I went to Cheaters that night with the same availabilty and they also had titty tape. I went to Cheaters the rest of the week because I stay at the pier and it's easier for me to get to. I do have phone numbers for seniors to trade from both places and they were very easy to get. Like I said before if you are not getting extras and phone numbers from these girls you are doing something wrong. I even got one of the girls to leave the club and walk to the pier to give a BBBJ. Good luck guys.

Member #4120
04-11-12, 11:15
Are pasties just at IR and Cheaters? Or at Lido too? I will be heading to Tampa or Palm Beach if this continues.

The Worb
04-11-12, 12:45
Let's keep the conversation civilized and limited to useful information.

Jennass is a new member but on the positive side, is offering to share info.

For my money, them ho's is not cheap. What 'up the road' are you referring to?


Congrats. You got a bunch of numbers from the cheap dirty hoe's. Better quality is available just up the road. I've got numbers too if you need them.

04-11-12, 13:44
The Worb is right, why come back with that kind of comment. I was just trying to confirm what everyone was talking about a couple of weeks ago about if it was available or not. I could care less if I share numbers or not and of course there is always better girls somewhere else so quit chirping and enjoy the game.

The Worb
04-11-12, 19:49

If I do not get useful intel from this site, why would I want to post useful intel on this site?

I can go to any middle school lunchroom and listen to a bunch of bitchy little girls.

Sack up fellas. Help each other out.


The Worb is right, why come back with that kind of comment. I was just trying to confirm what everyone was talking about a couple of weeks ago about if it was available or not. I could care less if I share numbers or not and of course there is always better girls somewhere else so quit chirping and enjoy the game.

04-12-12, 14:09
Hey Worb: Good for you man. Have you noticed, like I have, that it is the guys with virtually no posts who like to criticize others and of course they always have "the greatest I ever had" but they are always "up the road" and they never give you the GPS coordinates for mapquest to get there. Maybe there is some latent fantasy about whipping something out and getting a ruler hidden there that I am missing. We all need to support the newbies and just ignore the JO's who want nothing more than criticize or "blow there own horn" (gee if we could all do that we would not need this forum and would never leave the house.

Newbies. Don't give up and ignore the critics.

Just my 2 cents worth on the soapbox today.

04-13-12, 16:53
I agree with you except I don't think anyone here wants any of Jenass info. That was a pretty smart assy comment. I think he was making a rap lyric possibly.

Congrats? WTF some great head was landed at the pier straight out of the club. Awesome post. Probably a million times hotter than Jenass's woman.

Seminole John
04-17-12, 06:41
Does anyone know what happened to Cody who use to work at IR? Is she dancing at some other club? That's one fine chick who is love to see again.

04-19-12, 21:30
She used to go by Star, or Cassandra and she dances or used to dance.





At the IR. Any info on her?

I saw an ad on backpage posted, it might not be the girl in the pics but it looks like her.

White, long curly redish / brown hair, nice perfect ass, A / B cup tits, looks sort of hispanic, gives great high mileage dances anyone any info?

Is this the girl on the BP Ad?

04-21-12, 16:03
Has anyone seen a girl, kinda of short with nice curves. A big tatoo on her back plus black and bleached blonde hair. Plus she has a English accent and always saying darling?

04-21-12, 16:55
Has anyone seen a girl, kinda of short with nice curves. A big tatoo on her back plus black and bleached blonde hair. Plus she has a English accent and always saying darling?Her name is Caramel. Her accent is Egyptian.

04-21-12, 20:20
She gives excellent lap dances.

Her name is Caramel. Her accent is Egyptian.

04-21-12, 23:21
Her name is Caramel. Her accent is Egyptian.Where does she dance at

04-22-12, 08:08
Inner Room.

Where does she dance at

04-22-12, 09:27
Inner Room.Thanks, I thought she was at cheaters.

04-23-12, 08:09
Her name is Caramel. Her accent is Egyptian.Sure have, she's had several names. The most recent one I know of is FIRED for crack / meth usage in the club. Trust me this one is whacked. And by the way she's not Egyptian either (go figure).

04-23-12, 08:10
Are pasties just at IR and Cheaters? Or at Lido too? I will be heading to Tampa or Palm Beach if this continues.It's election year. It will go away again.

04-23-12, 19:42
Sure have, she's had several names. The most recent one I know of is FIRED for crack / meth usage in the club. Trust me this one is whacked. And by the way she's not Egyptian either (go figure).My bad. Maybe I got the wrong girl. The girl you're talking about changes names, does drugs, gets fired and is whacked. Sounds familiar but I can't place the face. Did she have a little problem at the Sunoco Station the other night and take a ride?

04-24-12, 11:27
My bad. Maybe I got the wrong girl. The girl you're talking about changes names, does drugs, gets fired and is whacked. Sounds familiar but I can't place the face. Did she have a little problem at the Sunoco Station the other night and take a ride?Plus has a big tat on her back black / blond hair, english type accent. Nope don't know about Sunoco. Description matches, maybe there are 2 of them. Ohhh such a bad dream LOL

04-27-12, 08:38
Couple of weeks ago visited if. Got a dance from vera. Horrible, she was wasted. Good looking girl, shouldn't drink so much it affects your attitude. Especially when their personality can win over regulars. Then, I got dances from katerina. Complete 180 degrees difference and attitude. She had drinks, but was on that tipsy level. Not smashed. Dances were very high mileage. I think a pasty fell off, and she made me taste a nipple a few times. Hot girl, hot time.

05-10-12, 21:47
Is the IR still a top club? Is it worth it with the pasties? This forum has no posts since April 27? What in the world is going on? Economy so messed up, people just don't go there? Is it run down? I remember it was going downhill, but I don't think this forum has been this dead in years! What's going on? Any ladies worth seeing? Are pasties finally gone?

Seminole John
05-11-12, 01:02
IR still best bet in area. Pasties still in effect but you can get girls to remove. Summer is slow season at clubs so you'll find girls pretty cooperative now.

Is the IR still a top club? Is it worth it with the pasties? This forum has no posts since April 27? What in the world is going on? Economy so messed up, people just don't go there? Is it run down? I remember it was going downhill, but I don't think this forum has been this dead in years! What's going on? Any ladies worth seeing? Are pasties finally gone?

05-13-12, 13:53
Went to IR last weekend and it was a good time. The girls had tape but the girl that gave me a dance let it fall off and was crazy the whole time. Even got talked to by the manager during one dance. Dances are only 10 also.

05-19-12, 13:57
So me a friend hit IR Friday night. Place was OK. Was my second time there. Both times I left with a friend. No idea what there names were, but does it realyy matter?


05-19-12, 19:25
So me a friend hit IR Friday night. Place was OK. Was my second time there. Both times I left with a friend. No idea what there names were, but does it realyy matter?

EFMWere their names John & Steve?

05-19-12, 22:06
So me a friend hit IR Friday night. Place was OK. Was my second time there. Both times I left with a friend. No idea what there names were, but does it realyy matter?

EFMWow. You are lucky. I don't have any luck during night times. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Out Of Here
05-21-12, 04:14
Heard several stories about average IR girls getting $$$ for OTC.

Are guys really paying that much?

05-21-12, 16:27
I've always managed to get take out from IR late at night from numerous ladies. Obviously they're not going to offer it to you on a silver platter and many of the girls do not partake at all. It can also get quite expensive.

I'm no expert but here are some tips and tricks that work for me:

Get familiar with the girl before you even mention take out! Get a few dances, get her a few drinks and get to know her a bit. This will also give you a chance to get a close look at her. Watch out for track marks and such. By talking with her you'll also get a feel of her crazy level.

During the dances, check out her moves and how far she lets you roam. If things heat up, that's a sure fire indication that more might be on offer.

Be coy about how and when you ask. Make sure no one else is around especially the bouncers or bar staff.

The quieter the night, the better chances you have of getting take out.

Do not expect a girl to leave before closing time especially if there's still a lot of punters in the place.

Going rate for take out can vary from $.5 to $$.5 depending on the night they've had.

DO NOT expect a car date. You'll need to get a room someplace.

Like I said, I'm no expert, but I've usually always left Cocoa Beach with a smile and a lighter pocket.

05-21-12, 18:18
So I have managed a few visits to the IR with a welcome visitor upon leaving. Typically it's $$ for the OTC, but that doesn't include a place, or entertainment during the club visit. My last experience with *Megan, and really skinny blonde that has like no fun-bags was a let down. I will have to get to know them better before doing that again. FYI: keep your phone hidden as they like to ask about making calls.

05-21-12, 19:28
Heard several stories about average IR girls getting $$$ for OTC.

Are guys really paying that much?My last couple of trips to Inner Room at night EVERY girl I danced with offered take out.

On any shift, if a girl knows I'm done dancing with her but I still have a few hundred in my pocket she pretty much steers the conversation in that direction. I don't think I have an unusual amount of skill at getting girls to do that type of thing, it's just common.

$$$ sounds high. $$ sounds a little closer to what the market is dictating.

Out Of Here
05-21-12, 20:39
Thanks for all the posts. I guess some guys are drunk, desperate or pay a "leave right now" price.

05-22-12, 00:11
My last couple of trips to Inner Room at night EVERY girl I danced with offered take out.

On any shift, if a girl knows I'm done dancing with her but I still have a few hundred in my pocket she pretty much steers the conversation in that direction. I don't think I have an unusual amount of skill at getting girls to do that type of thing, it's just common.

$$$ sounds high. $$ sounds a little closer to what the market is dictating.Interesting. It got me curious. I am sure there is no guarantees, but I will try it and report back. Anything for in the name of fun. :)

05-22-12, 10:14
I would say his assessment is reasonably fair. There are definitely plenty of girls at IR who are doing OTC. Hell, plenty doing ITC also.

Interesting. It got me curious. I am sure there is no guarantees, but I will try it and report back. Anything for in the name of fun. :)

The Worb
05-28-12, 19:00
Open Letter to Lamar:

I left the IR last night with a lot of money in my pocket after having a bouncer shine a flashlight in my eyes a couple of times. I did nothing offensive, the dancer lifted her feet off the floor ans that, apparently gets them fined. It ruined my experience. Everybody loses.

I understand if you have regulatory issues to comply with. You need to find a way to enforce rules without ruining my night.

Figure it out or go broke.


BTW, tape was employed inconsistently. What' the point?

05-28-12, 22:48
In re: Open Letter to Lamar,

Lamar, I believe that over the years, you have had a more than reasonable reputation and rapport with your clientele. I know that is true for me, personally.

There are just SOME things that cannot go on in any public place, sale of (illegal) drugs, use of drugs, violence towards women or ANYONE. No weapons of any kind, (Mr. Burgess, are your listening?)

PROSTITUTION? . Well, that may be a much finer line. ITS. A STRIP CLUB, for goodness sake!

Don't let anyone be fooled into thinking that SOME of the things that have always gone on in a STRIP CLUB might be so openly accepted done at the Bingo Hall or at Church. Like Mom said, there's a time and place for everything.

Those of us who submit reports, must necessarily assume that Lamar, and the Cocoa Beach POPO and the church ladies on the city council ALL read these posts here to know what goes on whether or not they choose to go in. If you do not want to see young, busty girls scantily clad doing what they know how to do to get horny old men to tip them, it would be a good idea for you to remain outside or better yet, at home by the fire ringing your hands, and for my sake, praying.

To that end, I dreamed of a trip, to the IR about 900 Saturday night. It was pretty busy but every girl I spoke with said she was not making money. Don't they all?

I got a beer and settled down in a middle row chair to take in the energy of the place. Soon, I was approached by the most annoying "Chase" with the contrived Minnie Mouse voice. She begins with a long narrative about how hot she is, gives the best dances, and tells the dirtiest stories. She goes on to trash each and every other girl whom, according to her are dealing drugs and fucking on the bar. If you listen to her side of it, she's SMART, uses big words like college and homework, If you have not dumped her gently by now, she has some riddles memorized to prove it. RUN! I swear, if I encounter her again I will ask her to please start over in her grown up voice. She did have outdtanding nipples and no tape.

Next, Sheila comes over and commences rubbing my shoulders ans neck. She is an old acquaintance and I always get a few dances from her and move on. Sheila is a 40-something Phillippina, probably one of the few sober and really hard working ladies there. I've gotten a number, but she has never agreed to meet me outside the club in over 7 years.

Then comes Brigit. Skinny. 24' no tits, just nipples. Complains about making a rent deposit tomorrow and nobody's tipping. I know why. I get two dances but she is distracted and is not focusing on me. She got flashlighted by thr rules monkey. I've got to say, it spoiled my time as well. I did not care to spend any more time with her.

Lasly, Jess comes along, chats me up, I buy her a drink and we sit there talking about what we like about each dancer. She invites me for some dances and we go. She's not really attuned to what she needs to do to keep me sitting with her and dropping tips. She's just sort od pummeling me with her substantial ass. I can't really get into it so we take a pause. She askss me what I'm doing tomorrow ans vice versa. I get her # and called her today to hang out in a neutral place. I think that we will get to know each other in a mutually beneficial way.

Open Letter to Lamar:

I left the IR last night with a lot of money in my pocket after having a bouncer shine a flashlight in my eyes a couple of times. I did nothing offensive, the dancer lifted her feet off the floor ans that, apparently gets them fined. It ruined my experience. Everybody loses.

I understand if you have regulatory issues to comply with. You need to find a way to enforce rules without ruining my night.

Figure it out or go broke.


BTW, tape was employed inconsistently. What' the point?

05-29-12, 01:36
I stay in Brevard every winter and spend to much time at IR. When the discussion of OTC starts, they all ask for $$$ or $$, but my experience is most will gladly take $. They have the vagina, but you have the cash.

Heard several stories about average IR girls getting $$$ for OTC.

Are guys really paying that much?

The Worb
05-29-12, 06:47
ESPECIALLY since I spent at least $$ getting to that point!

There are lots of better deals thn that. Then you still have to find a meting place. All for an unknown.

I stay in Brevard every winter and spend to much time at IR. When the discussion of OTC starts, they all ask for $$$ or $$, but my experience is most will gladly take $. They have the vagina, but you have the cash.

Out Of Here
05-29-12, 09:26
"Chase" is not only annoying, she is also psychotic. She is only dancer that truly scares me. Everytime I politely decline her dances I think she is going to throw a drink in my face, break a bottle over my head and stab me.

05-29-12, 17:49
"Chase" is not only annoying, she is also psychotic. She is only dancer that truly scares me. Everytime I politely decline her dances I think she is going to throw a drink in my face, break a bottle over my head and stab me.She once said to me after a dance refusal,"my children thank you for helping them starve".

I get the opposite of a boner whenever I hear her voice. Yikes!

05-29-12, 18:41
Thats one reason I don't go any more. Alot of the girls act like be*s if you tell them no. I've had dancers try to get me thrown out for not spending money with them. They seem to forget that we pay a cover to go have a beer and look at their tits, and they tend to forget that we are all attracted to different girls. I have no problem telling them no, if they get mad I don't care! I especially love it when they see you with a girl totally oppisite of them and they give you that stupid look like you lost out. Drama. Way to much drama.


FL Wingman
05-29-12, 22:52
She once said to me after a dance refusal,"my children thank you for helping them starve".

I get the opposite of a boner whenever I hear her voice. Yikes!She tried to overcharge me for a dance once, I refused to give her any money because she did not finish the song. Later I went up and gave her a dollar and told her that is all she is worth, and that was stretching it. She does not bother me anymore.

Out Of Here
05-29-12, 23:20
Last time I declined a dance from her she flipped out and yelled at me but came back 10 minutes later and started talking again. To be nice a offered her a drink. In her shrieking little voice she flips out again "Drinks don't feed my children".

Yes, I have heard the "starving children" line from her many times. She is extra crazy. The incredible nipples are wasted on her.

05-30-12, 17:59
Is Dakota back at IR? Tips on days to find her? I struck out my last two stops, one pre and one post pasties.


05-30-12, 19:43
Short crimped blonde hair? Annoying voice? Brags about college and had planned riddles? Chase!

I loathe her. She is a legend with my friends who hang at IR. We all make fun of her to her face since she told us only "losers who can't get laid hang out here". Ha! She also tried to get me thrown out one night because I told her she was the worst stripper I've ever met. Luckily I'd spent about 2 bills with "rory" (who is great BTW) and she vouched for me. Someone fire this girl!

Last time I declined a dance from her she flipped out and yelled at me but came back 10 minutes later and started talking again. To be nice a offered her a drink. In her shrieking little voice she flips out again "Drinks don't feed my children".

Yes, I have heard the "starving children" line from her many times. She is extra crazy. The incredible nipples are wasted on her.

05-31-12, 22:33
Is Dakota back at IR? Tips on days to find her? I struck out my last two stops, one pre and one post pasties.

ThanksShe's there. Saw not long ago.

06-08-12, 17:51
YOu have to go see hollywood at IR.

She is amazing, intelligent, and gorgeous. I would take her With me.

/she is giving me an OTC discount for writing this.

06-10-12, 10:20
YOu have to go see hollywood at IR.

She is amazing, intelligent, and gorgeous. I would take her With me.

/she is giving me an OTC discount for writing this.I haven't talked to Hollywood in a long time. Nice girl. Always liked her. Sad to see you pimping her out for money. If she's going big time she should advertise for herself.

Hags Joe
06-12-12, 18:01
I saw a review on one of the other sites about "titty tape." What is that? I visitied the area and the club a couple of years ago and had a blast and was planning on returning. Are there pasties now here?


Lord Vitus
06-20-12, 15:17
I love the IR very much I visit there every couple of months to party with some hot girls. The thing that annoys me about some of the girls there is if you get dances from a girl she will start to think she has a claim on you, especially if she knows that you have money to spend. Some of them can get rather catty about it, last summer I was in there and met a super hot tall blonde and we connected very much and I was having fun getting her drunk and groping her. Her friends come over and whisper to her to watch out cause I'm Harley's guy, now I have gotten several dances from Harley and she's ok I guess but I was like WTF? There is no way any girl in there is going to have a claim on me unless we are dating for real, most of the girls are cool about you roaming but some can go psycho on you.

06-20-12, 21:33
With the recent stories of tit tape at IR, it didn't make sense to drive all the way there from palm bay so I made a trip to vivid last Sat night around 11pm. I wasn't expecting much since I had been there a couple times before and I usually left bored, upset and disappointed. But not this time.

There were actually hot GIRLS there. Some of the same regulars, but some pretty hot new ones also. I don't know if there is new management or what, but they have really relaxed the rules and made the place enjoyable. They have this showcase special every 1/2 hr or so where you can get 2 dances for $25 in the VIP room and awesome drink specials like $3 long island, etc. When the showcase came up, all the girls start dancing on the stage, bar, chairs, etc to get attention. I noticed no customers were really getting any dances, so I chose a hot Latina dancer and asked her to give me the special. She did have some body acne but she had a hot ass and nice tits with no titty tape. I had been to the Vivid VIP before and always left disappointed, but this time was different. I was able to explore, touch, grab, kiss tits, basically whatever I wanted. I felt like I was in the IR! (well almost). I was happy and shocked to say the least.

When the next showcase came up, I again went out and grabbed the girl I wanted right away. I chose a tall brown haired, tanned, busty girl. She was beautiful and drunk, just my type of girl! We went to the VIP and again I went exploring and touching everywhere. She didn't stop me so I didn't stop myself. On the 2nd song, I pulled out my buddy for a full contact dance (w / no penetration). I tipped her and gave her an extra tip and she let me know extras were available but not just yet. In between VIP dances, plenty of groping occurred on the floor with other girls.

If the IR is a 10/10, Vivid was a 8/10 on this night! Hopefully, this new Vivid is here to stay. I will be back again this week and will report back with updates.

Jimmie East
06-27-12, 01:01

Glad you posted the time you visited since they are officially "open" at 6pm but in reality girls start dancing after 8:30. 9pm. My experience there wasn't the best but after reading your post will definitely try again at midnight on the weekend. I can say that I have a seen at least two hot dancers and some not so good. The day I went I didn't see any $25 for two special. As always with any dancer YMMV so I guess you got lucky and the dancer was drunk. Drunk dancers are by FAR, the best. Hope you can keep us updated about your vivid ventures.


With the recent stories of tit tape at IR, it didn't make sense to drive all the way there from palm bay so I made a trip to vivid last Sat night around 11pm. I wasn't expecting much since I had been there a couple times before and I usually left bored, upset and disappointed. But not this time.

There were actually hot GIRLS there. Some of the same regulars, but some pretty hot new ones also. I don't know if there is new management or what, but they have really relaxed the rules and made the place enjoyable. They have this showcase special every 1/2 hr or so where you can get 2 dances for $25 in the VIP room and awesome drink specials like $3 long island, etc. When the showcase came up, all the girls start dancing on the stage, bar, chairs, etc to get attention. I noticed no customers were really getting any dances, so I chose a hot Latina dancer and asked her to give me the special. She did have some body acne but she had a hot ass and nice tits with no titty tape. I had been to the Vivid VIP before and always left disappointed, but this time was different. I was able to explore, touch, grab, kiss tits, basically whatever I wanted. I felt like I was in the IR! (well almost). I was happy and shocked to say the least.

When the next showcase came up, I again went out and grabbed the girl I wanted right away. I chose a tall brown haired, tanned, busty girl. She was beautiful and drunk, just my type of girl! We went to the VIP and again I went exploring and touching everywhere. She didn't stop me so I didn't stop myself. On the 2nd song, I pulled out my buddy for a full contact dance (w / no penetration). I tipped her and gave her an extra tip and she let me know extras were available but not just yet. In between VIP dances, plenty of groping occurred on the floor with other girls.

If the IR is a 10/10, Vivid was a 8/10 on this night! Hopefully, this new Vivid is here to stay. I will be back again this week and will report back with updates.

06-27-12, 03:25
Was hanging out last at Wiggles. It was pretty sad. I would think shippers would take some pride in their appearance but instead of sexy outfits you had girls running around in flip flops and one was wearing a t-shirt and cut off shorts. What the hell. I was just about to write this trip off as a lost when it got interesting. None other than Steve Pope's girl Kayla comes in to apply for a job. Well now is have to say its worth a trip over to Merritt Island to check her out, she's a cutie. And if course, fun can be had in Wiggles.

06-27-12, 10:22
Was hanging out last at Wiggles. It was pretty sad. I would think shippers would take some pride in their appearance but instead of sexy outfits you had girls running around in flip flops and one was wearing a t-shirt and cut off shorts. What the hell. I was just about to write this trip off as a lost when it got interesting. None other than Steve Pope's girl Kayla comes in to apply for a job. Well now is have to say its worth a trip over to Merritt Island to check her out, she's a cutie. And if course, fun can be had in Wiggles.You're right. Hanging out at Wiggles is pretty sad.

07-07-12, 14:01
Just curious I never see any reports from landing strip out in cocoa. Used to be called blush. I am not out there often but have had many good times there. They have made it all nude and with that no drinks. The dances are 20 a pop which a bit pricey but usually good millage. Any one else go out there.

The Worb
07-07-12, 15:59
Just curious I never see any reports from landing strip out in cocoa. Used to be called blush. I am not out there often but have had many good times there. They have made it all nude and with that no drinks. The dances are 20 a pop which a bit pricey but usually good millage. Any one else go out there.Have not been there. May try this week. Not optimistic. THere have been some comments on this board to that effect.


El Jefe Grande
07-08-12, 08:03
Have not been there. May try this week. Not optimistic. THere have been some comments on this board to that effect.

WKeep your expectations in check.

I've been a couple times in the past month or so, there has never been alot of girls working the day shifts I've gone, there is generally at least one or two nice looking girls there.

The dances are 'relatively' high mileage but ITC wasn't offered. I've been offered take out and phone numbers every time I've gone.

07-08-12, 08:56
Stop by Bare Assets for first time in a couple of years. The place was packed and felt very cramped. A lot of but-her-face but nothing extraordinary, talent roughly equivalent to Cheaters. High mileage dances, no ITC but numbers freely given.

07-08-12, 18:21
There's a dancer at inner room who goes by Carmel she's also Egyptian. Does she still dance there

07-08-12, 22:41
There's a dancer at inner room who goes by Carmel she's also Egyptian. Does she still dance thereShe hasn't been around recently.

07-09-12, 17:27
I was driving by decided to swing in on sat was early afternoon. A few girls there all where decent. Great conversation had 2 dances very high millage. Could not stay any longer while was dead at that hour the girls where great. Only bad part is I posted earlier 20 a dance its 25 a dance pretty damn pricey.

07-17-12, 16:21
After a failed service attempt went to IR last mon. Not many people seemed laid back. I like laid back. Still had pasties but some were just taking them off. Got dances from Vegas (cute &petite) and Denise (full figured pleaser) nice bolt ons too. Both high mileage. Had some fun and hauled ass. Got a number too Seniors with atleast 1 post (LOL you know what I'm talking about Scott) Can PM me for it.


Out Of Here
07-18-12, 12:19

Glad you posted the time you visited since they are officially "open" at 6pm but in reality girls start dancing after 8:30. 9pm. My experience there wasn't the best but after reading your post will definitely try again at midnight on the weekend. I can say that I have a seen at least two hot dancers and some not so good. The day I went I didn't see any $25 for two special. As always with any dancer YMMV so I guess you got lucky and the dancer was drunk. Drunk dancers are by FAR, the best. Hope you can keep us updated about your vivid ventures.

Jimmie.Never been to Vivid before. Was in the area late last night so I stopped by. Only a few below average girls and the place smelled like mildew / mold. Not worth the time on a weeknight.

Out Of Here
07-18-12, 12:27
Stop by Bare Assets for first time in a couple of years. The place was packed and felt very cramped. A lot of but-her-face but nothing extraordinary, talent roughly equivalent to Cheaters. High mileage dances, no ITC but numbers freely given.Stopped by BA's late last night. Pretty busy for a Tuesday. Dance special seemed good at first but having every girl hassling you for a dance gets old. Plus management was closely monitoring the dances. Kind of kills the fun factor.

07-19-12, 22:16
Stopped in tonight, got a few dances. Pasties are gone now. Lots of young hotties tonight. Got a couple from a hot blonde named Faith. She comes on strong before the dance, but after a couple songs gone by, still less groping than others on first song. Also, she does the old "grab your junk just before the song ends" routine. Makes you think more will be coming, but it wasn't, at least not in 2 songs. Saw Daisy. Mmmm me like Daisy. Always have. Not high mileage dances, but sensual or something.

07-19-12, 23:33
Has anyone figured out that the Positive Inner Room reports are from the staff there? Between the pasties, and aggressive bouncers, you will only get blue balls and cigarette smells. Forget getting any thing resembling a good time. That place is a complete waste of time and money.

07-20-12, 08:22
They'd be better off updating the pics of the ladies on the club website instead of self-promoting on here.

Has anyone figured out that the Positive Inner Room reports are from the staff there? Between the pasties, and aggressive bouncers, you will only get blue balls and cigarette smells. Forget getting any thing resembling a good time. That place is a complete waste of time and money.

07-20-12, 08:41
Surprising. My experience has been that Faith is very 'friendly' and open to extracurriculars. She usually works during the day. If you saw her at night the different security staffs could explain the restricted actions.

Stopped in tonight, got a few dances. Pasties are gone now. Lots of young hotties tonight. Got a couple from a hot blonde named Faith. She comes on strong before the dance, but after a couple songs gone by, still less groping than others on first song. Also, she does the old "grab your junk just before the song ends" routine. Makes you think more will be coming, but it wasn't, at least not in 2 songs. Saw Daisy. Mmmm me like Daisy. Always have. Not high mileage dances, but sensual or something.

Out Of Here
07-20-12, 09:45
Flyforfun has 3 posts in the last 3 months, all hating on IR.

Putzy has a wide range of posts across Brevard and Orlando.

The Flyforfun IR Staff Posting Conspiracy Theory is kind of lame.

Has anyone figured out that the Positive Inner Room reports are from the staff there? Between the pasties, and aggressive bouncers, you will only get blue balls and cigarette smells. Forget getting any thing resembling a good time. That place is a complete waste of time and money.

07-20-12, 18:08
Surprising. My experience has been that Faith is very 'friendly' and open to extracurriculars. She usually works during the day. If you saw her at night the different security staffs could explain the restricted actions.Could be the case. I think she was not happy I didn't buy her a drink the instant we sat down. Sorry, but I have a rule against buying a new girl a drink right away. My attitude is be happy I have chosen to spend my hard earned money getting to know you better. Once I know a girl better, like after a couple return visits, I have no problem buying her a drink, and will usually offer it up when the waitress comes round. But I'm not wasting money on some unknown. Same rule applies to regular clubs as well, not just strip clubs. Too many women just want to get free drinks out of you.

07-20-12, 18:14
Flyforfun has 3 posts in the last 3 months, all hating on IR.

Putzy has a wide range of posts across Brevard and Orlando.

The Flyforfun IR Staff Posting Conspiracy Theory is kind of lame.Not sure he was referring to me, since part of my post is positive and part negative, but thanks for the support anyway. Besides, I have doubted some posters on here before too (unfoundedly it seems as Scott has lots of supporters) , so I can't complain if someone is doubting my posts.

Either way, club was hopping and full of young hotties. Oh and did I mention NO MORE PASTIES! Too little time, too litttle money to try them all out, plus get dances from a couple of my regulars. There were a couple I saw that caught my eye that I wished I had met up with. Black girl named Star, smoking hot tight body, and looked like had a fun personality. And white chick named Aubry (I think) , A cups with toned bod, a few tats (nothing crazy). Next time.

07-20-12, 19:41
Stopped by BA the other night. The dances were low mileage, with the typical song-ends-dick-grab. I had another dance with low mileage, decided to quit and was flashed her 'kitty'. I got her a drink thinking that was a sign of something more, and after the drink she simply left. Was getting late so I left too.

07-21-12, 17:15
Which has higher mileage, and which is better if you are looking for takeout?

07-21-12, 17:19
Can Confirm with Putzy's post. NO more pasties. I went last weekend during the day and it was dead, but alot of new faces since I had been in there last. Was told by one stripper that the pasties have been gone for a week (two weeks now) and they are cracking down on girls for weight. They need to crack down on anoying, like that blonde hair banshe that makes your ears bleed every time she talks. Sorry I know she has been talked about before, but I just had to vent.

07-22-12, 16:48
Which has higher mileage, and which is better if you are looking for takeout?Take out available both places. Lidos girls are hotter. High mileage both places. Cheaters girls cheaper and more likely though far from guaranteed to provide ITC action.

07-23-12, 14:49
Take out available both places. Lidos girls are hotter. High mileage both places. Cheaters girls cheaper and more likely though far from guaranteed to provide ITC action.What is the best time if day to go? Sorry I'm new to the whole strip club game. It is kind of intimidating to me.

07-24-12, 18:59
Cheaters and Lidos reminds me of the type of clubs you find in tampa or down south. I love the IR because there is no place like it with the exception of some of the black strip clubs I have been in Atlanta. Alot of the girls are not pros and are a lot more fun to hangout with; not just get dances from. Granted I have not been in Cheaters or Lidos in a while but was never offered ITC, nor would I take it for the lack of privacy. I was offered OTC in those clubs a few times and once just for fun not a donation.

Now after Talking up the IR I went yesterday and it was dead. Alot of the regular stripers that have been around for along time were there, and the few young hot ones seemed to be occupied by friends, or regulars. Had a few dances, but they seemed cautious possiably because of management, or maybe it was my hot pink bicycle shorts and leather mask looking like a homeless Nacho Libra, that scared them.

07-25-12, 01:11
Cheaters and Lidos reminds me of the type of clubs you find in tampa or down south. I love the IR because there is no place like it with the exception of some of the black strip clubs I have been in Atlanta. Alot of the girls are not pros and are a lot more fun to hangout with; not just get dances from. Granted I have not been in Cheaters or Lidos in a while but was never offered ITC, nor would I take it for the lack of privacy. I was offered OTC in those clubs a few times and once just for fun not a donation.

Now after Talking up the IR I went yesterday and it was dead. Alot of the regular stripers that have been around for along time were there, and the few young hot ones seemed to be occupied by friends, or regulars. Had a few dances, but they seemed cautious possiably because of management, or maybe it was my hot pink bicycle shorts and leather mask looking like a homeless Nacho Libra, that scared them.I agree, the IR to me is a lot less cookie cutter strip club and more relaxed.

Though like you say, it can be dead at times, especially during the day, start of the week.

I was there the other day talking with a very sexy, thin latina.

She told me some dudes have paid her $400 for OTC and that some guy went nuts over her and bought her a car a while back.

She's actually a very cool girl and fun. I can see why guys go nutso for her.

I just had fun in the club with her, talking and dancing a bit.

She also told me she targets older guys who appear to have money, she likes sugar daddies.

07-25-12, 17:40
Thanks for the kind comments about my Club.

Stop by and I will buy you a drink.

Leave your pink shorts at home.


Cheaters and Lidos reminds me of the type of clubs you find in tampa or down south. I love the IR because there is no place like it with the exception of some of the black strip clubs I have been in Atlanta. Alot of the girls are not pros and are a lot more fun to hangout with; not just get dances from. Granted I have not been in Cheaters or Lidos in a while but was never offered ITC, nor would I take it for the lack of privacy. I was offered OTC in those clubs a few times and once just for fun not a donation.

Now after Talking up the IR I went yesterday and it was dead. Alot of the regular stripers that have been around for along time were there, and the few young hot ones seemed to be occupied by friends, or regulars. Had a few dances, but they seemed cautious possiably because of management, or maybe it was my hot pink bicycle shorts and leather mask looking like a homeless Nacho Libra, that scared them.

Out Of Here
07-25-12, 21:50
Caught the "Bathroom Attendant" handing out used dirty towels to people. Said something to the manager and he laughed at me. He thought it was funny and said if I had a problem I should leave. I did.

They should put a hot chick in the bathroom. That old men has to go.

07-26-12, 01:29
The old guy in the bathroom Joe is retarded but it's not him you have to worry about. The girls do some nasty shit with those towels. They think it's a big joke.

Caught the "Bathroom Attendant" handing out used dirty towels to people. Said something to the manager and he laughed at me. He thought it was funny and said if I had a problem I should leave. I did.

They should put a hot chick in the bathroom. That old men has to go.

07-26-12, 15:51
Caught the "Bathroom Attendant" handing out used dirty towels to people. Said something to the manager and he laughed at me. He thought it was funny and said if I had a problem I should leave. I did.

They should put a hot chick in the bathroom. That old men has to go.I never knew they had an attendant. I'm fine going alone. Hot chick would be nice. Maybe Lamar will get one for IR.

C Fombarlet
07-31-12, 16:06
Rori was a genuinely nice kid from IR who apparently ran into some problems a while back and had to back off to get herself. Does anyone know how she's doing? Let me know if you see her back at the club.

Thanks in advance.

08-01-12, 09:57
I agree, the IR to me is a lot less cookie cutter strip club and more relaxed.

Though like you say, it can be dead at times, especially during the day, start of the week.

I was there the other day talking with a very sexy, thin latina.

She told me some dudes have paid her $400 for OTC and that some guy went nuts over her and bought her a car a while back.

She's actually a very cool girl and fun. I can see why guys go nutso for her.

I just had fun in the club with her, talking and dancing a bit.

She also told me she targets older guys who appear to have money, she likes sugar daddies.And the car was a Mercedes she's makes a ton of cash.

08-01-12, 10:01
They'd be better off updating the pics of the ladies on the club website instead of self-promoting on here.Jan, Cathy, and Teresa are all still there what else matters?

08-01-12, 10:10
Thanks for the kind comments about my Club.

Stop by and I will buy you a drink.

Leave your pink shorts at home.

LHey Lamar, iv been going to your club for the last 25 years although we don't speak I have had a great time over the years just want to say your club has made life a much more pleasurable in many ways. Thanks! My two fav friends are Jan and Cathy before they became bartenders.

08-02-12, 00:22
Anyone have any info on a dancer who worked at cheaters about 2 years ago who went by the name stephany?

She was tallish and had brown hair with blonde streaks, dark olive skin, maybe latina or mediterranean, long nose, perfect ass. She had an big burn scar on her lower back.

Does she still dance at cheaters? Got her digits last time I was in the area but got the disconnect message when I tried it.

Would love to see her again when I come down to visit Had a ton of fun with her.

08-02-12, 17:03
Just a FYI, I was just passing by Play Mate around 6pm in the Industrial area and it looked like there was a rad. About a doz or more BCS and Cocoa PD out front.

They might had been there for a lap dance, but don't think so.

08-02-12, 19:15
Rori was a genuinely nice kid from IR who apparently ran into some problems a while back and had to back off to get herself. Does anyone know how she's doing? Let me know if you see her back at the club.

Thanks in advance.Rori doing good. Not back yet.

Stud Daddy
08-26-12, 03:03
You older gents stay away from this one. She is not our friend. More excuses than Carter has Peanuts.

A waste of your time and esp. Your money. She has a lovely smile, a cups and skinny as a rail.

08-27-12, 11:14
I know this isn't exactly the purpose of this forum but I wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience. I stopped by one of the local clubs the other day early in the evening. A kind of heavy young blond came up (not my type) , sat down beside me and asked if I wanted some company. I usually try to be nice and said something like "I'm just kicking back having a drink" so they understand that I am not going to get a dance from them.

Ok, to shorten the story, about 15 minutes later I went with her to get a dance. She sat me down and told me to slide forward so I did. Now, when I go clubbing in the afternoon I usually wear sweats and just stash some cash in my pocket- no wallet. I have done this probably, oh. 150 times over the years, a lot of years. She does two dances, I stand up to pay her, no cash in the pocket. Found about $13 on the seat but another $100+ was missing. Of course I start looking and she starts showing me all the places she doesn't have my money stashed in.

I know my money was in my pocket when I got up to walk with her because I checked. Bottom line she get's shorted (maybe) and I am out $100 plus.

Just some added info, I wasn't drinking nor I was I doing any drugs, just straight up sober.

Anyone else have a similar story?

Stud Daddy
08-27-12, 11:33
You older gents stay away from this one. She is not our friend. More excuses than Carter has Peanuts.

A waste of your time and esp. Your money. She has a lovely smile, a cups and skinny as a rail.Also goes by name Electra

08-31-12, 13:39
Just got home and wow what a day. Went to my favorite Cocoa beach club. Said yes to first dance offered by a smoking hott 10. Looked alot like pornstar Jenna Haze with darker hair. By end of dance 1 it was a hands down pants vigorous tug that didn't end till end of song 3. Her hand was a mess. The clubs and beach are dead. Girls are greatly outnumbering the guys and they are in full complaining all the time mode. If you have a few bucks they are more hard up than ever. Got takeout that evening for the cost of 5 cheap dances. It was incredible head followed by half asleep bangin. She was so fine a perfect 10. And thats not on your guys usual scale. Where stretch marks, cheese and see sections still qualify as a 9. No this was a real 10 looked just like Jenna. Totally shaven and petite and very hott face and hair. A very boring person to talk too. Just have her play with you while she's babbling about problems. She's a natural born pleaser and the best deal in the state. Established Member friends pm me for info maybe you can throw me some 411 on another Cocoa girl I can get to know. Ill be repeating with this one often. So hot. So stupid. And self esteem so bad she can't even charge a decent rate. Love it.

09-01-12, 01:54
Been to IR a few times over the last year. I usually just bring cash in my pocket (paranoia.) Last time I went about a 3 months ago with a friend. Got a few hot dances from a very hot brunet. When my time / budget was up I unzipped my board shorts (pocket) to find no cash. She even helped me try to find the cash; I admire the strategy. I was born at night, just not last night. I borrowed $ from my buddy to pay her (she was that good) , but it turned out to be my most expensive trip to IR. (Yes I was sober). My friend, who is more experienced, said that I shouldn't have paid her, but I treasure my anonymity and really just wanted to keep it all quite until I could leave. The girl my buddy had dancing told me that she would talk to a manager because when something like this happens it hurts all the girls (economically). I went back and this little Latina chuck of change ask if I wanted a dance, and I politely said I was waiting for a friend to arrive. She sat behind me and started calling me a homo in Spanish amongst other less than lady like comments. I looked back at her said politely that 'I am not gay. ' She said 'What I'm not allowed to speak Spanish. ' I said you can do whatever you want. I'm picky about who I get dances from and I was feeling rush with la loca behind me chattering so I left. I've been to others locally and IR still is good, just need to get a chastity pocket for cash and crazy repellent cologne for my next trip. Seriously, I'the still go back compared to the others. This is all old info, I'll update again when I get out again. I'm due.

09-01-12, 19:45
Why not post the girls name / club as a public service?

I know this isn't exactly the purpose of this forum but I wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience. I stopped by one of the local clubs the other day early in the evening. A kind of heavy young blond came up (not my type) , sat down beside me and asked if I wanted some company. I usually try to be nice and said something like "I'm just kicking back having a drink" so they understand that I am not going to get a dance from them.

Ok, to shorten the story, about 15 minutes later I went with her to get a dance. She sat me down and told me to slide forward so I did. Now, when I go clubbing in the afternoon I usually wear sweats and just stash some cash in my pocket- no wallet. I have done this probably, oh. 150 times over the years, a lot of years. She does two dances, I stand up to pay her, no cash in the pocket. Found about $13 on the seat but another $100+ was missing. Of course I start looking and she starts showing me all the places she doesn't have my money stashed in.

I know my money was in my pocket when I got up to walk with her because I checked. Bottom line she get's shorted (maybe) and I am out $100 plus.

Just some added info, I wasn't drinking nor I was I doing any drugs, just straight up sober.

Anyone else have a similar story?

Orl Woodpecker
09-02-12, 23:49
Been to IR a few times over the last year. I usually just bring cash in my pocket (paranoia.) Last time I went about a 3 months ago with a friend. Got a few hot dances from a very hot brunet. When my time / budget was up I unzipped my board shorts (pocket) to find no cash.She must have been hot. Hot enough to distract you to the point she was able to unzip your pocket, take your cash, and zip the pocket without your knowledge. I've had dances from some pretty hot women there, but haven't suffered your fate.

09-04-12, 14:43
Why not post the girls name / club as a public service?If I had remembered her name I would have.

As I said, she wasn't really my type, so when she sat down I didn't pay much attention to what she had to say.

09-09-12, 11:13
Why not post the girls name / club as a public service?There use to be a red head girl who went blonde who was was well known for picking pockets she worked there a few years ago then left maybe she is back! Always stay aware to where your money is.

Lord Vitus
09-12-12, 01:37
I have had girls at the IR try to pickpocket me but I stay very aware of my money in any strip club, I lately discovered to good way to avoid it. Instead of underwear I buy some thin cotton shorts made for leisure wear and wear them instead, they come with pockets so I put my regular pants on over them and they feel like boxers. So I have two inner pockets and two outer pockets. I keep the smaller bills in the outer pockets for tipping and drinks, and the big bills and keys I keep in the inner pockets on a clip. So if a girl does pick me she's usually going to just get a bunch of $1 and not the big score, and I NEVER bring my wallet into a club.

09-12-12, 13:16
I have had girls at the IR try to pickpocket me but I stay very aware of my money in any strip club, I lately discovered to good way to avoid it. Instead of underwear I buy some thin cotton shorts made for leisure wear and wear them instead, they come with pockets so I put my regular pants on over them and they feel like boxers. So I have two inner pockets and two outer pockets. I keep the smaller bills in the outer pockets for tipping and drinks, and the big bills and keys I keep in the inner pockets on a clip. So if a girl does pick me she's usually going to just get a bunch of $1 and not the big score, and I NEVER bring my wallet into a club.On the other hand:

Recently in the IR, daytime shift girl found a wallet with approx $2000 in it.

Amazingly enough, she turned it in.

Lamar announced it to the crowd, from the stage.

The girl received a nice reward from the lucky guy who had retrieved his lost wallet.

My bet is that most girls there at the IR are not pick pockets, but of course there are some.

Also, most girls may not have returned that $2000 wallet, but at least one did.

Ps. Who goes into a titty bar with $2000? Hmmmm

09-12-12, 16:08
I am glad she did turn it in. I am sure there would be some dancers and customers who would not have done that. I tip

My hat. Glad Lamar made that announcement from the stage. Everyone needed to hear and see to believe it. It is the nature of the beast to always be alert when playing and be aware of your situation.

On the other hand:

Recently in the IR, daytime shift girl found a wallet with approx $2000 in it.

Amazingly enough, she turned it in.

Lamar announced it to the crowd, from the stage.

The girl received a nice reward from the lucky guy who had retrieved his lost wallet.

My bet is that most girls there at the IR are not pick pockets, but of course there are some.

Also, most girls may not have returned that $2000 wallet, but at least one did.

Ps. Who goes into a titty bar with $2000? Hmmmm

09-12-12, 21:06
I have had girls at the IR try to pickpocket me but I stay very aware of my money in any strip club, I lately discovered to good way to avoid it. Instead of underwear I buy some thin cotton shorts made for leisure wear and wear them instead, they come with pockets so I put my regular pants on over them and they feel like boxers. So I have two inner pockets and two outer pockets. I keep the smaller bills in the outer pockets for tipping and drinks, and the big bills and keys I keep in the inner pockets on a clip. So if a girl does pick me she's usually going to just get a bunch of $1 and not the big score, and I NEVER bring my wallet into a club.You wear pants and underwear to a strip club? Rock some loose shorts commando style. You'll thank me later.

BTW, I always bring my wallet. Figure why not. No down side that I can see. Plus, it makes it more difficult to pick my pocket, since she would have to get the wallet out first, then take the money out of it, then put it back in pocket. Much easier just to pull some loose bills from a pocket. In 20+ years of hitting strip clubs, never had an issue with pickpockets or losing money.

09-16-12, 20:42
Clear your pm's.

Out Of Here
09-19-12, 00:33
Cops hassled them last night about straddle dances and titty tape. Management cracking down on girls. Dances are lame.

Out Of Here
09-21-12, 07:52
Stopped by IR last night. Everything was OK until a got "chased" out.

09-21-12, 17:55
Stopped by IR last night. Everything was OK until a got "chased" out.Oh god, the voice is burned into my head.

09-21-12, 19:10
Stopped by IR last night. Everything was OK until a got "chased" out.What happenend?

09-21-12, 19:24
Oh god, the voice is burned into my head.LOL.

I this the girl with the short curly blonde hair who's obnoxious?

09-21-12, 20:48
People seem to be unanimous about that.

Oh god, the voice is burned into my head.

09-24-12, 09:23
Stopped by IR last night. Everything was OK until a got "chased" out.That girl. Uh. Lady, is a total pain in the ass. I have had the misfortune of trying to politely "shoo" her along on a number of occasions. She always has a snide remark when she realizes she is not going to be able to whine her way into your wallet.

I am thinking that next time, I may not have the patience to be polite anymore.

Seminole John
09-24-12, 10:34
I've noticed at clubs all around that more and hotter girls are doing more things for less money than in the past.

These are great times if you're a monger with a little cash on hand.

09-24-12, 19:55
Too bad the downside is less monger-money to spend. .

That and I get mauled by a couple of the girls at IR (my club of choice) the instant I walk through the door. One of these days I am just going to have to tell them to leave me the fuck alone until I come talk to you.

I've noticed at clubs all around that more and hotter girls are doing more things for less money than in the past.

These are great times if you're a monger with a little cash on hand.

09-24-12, 23:18
I won't say that I haven't enjoyed the economic downturn in some regards. I don't mind a girl that I have had dances from in the past coming up and giving me a quick hello, talk a few minutes and then see if I want to get a dance. Come back later and be pleasant. The flip side is that the last time I went, one girl who I had never seen swarmed me, then gave me an attitude when I told her that I just got there and wasn't ready for any dances yet.

Too bad the downside is less monger-money to spend. .

That and I get mauled by a couple of the girls at IR (my club of choice) the instant I walk through the door. One of these days I am just going to have to tell them to leave me the fuck alone until I come talk to you.

09-25-12, 09:18
I thought they got rid of the titty tape? At least, when I've been to Lidos and IR recently no one was wearing it.

Cops hassled them last night about straddle dances and titty tape. Management cracking down on girls. Dances are lame.

09-25-12, 09:20
OMG. The girl with the muffin top. I've been abused by her a number of times, she comes over and starts telling me how smart and intelligent she is, and how guys will kill to have just a conversation with her. And that she's not some mindless bimbo that will do anything for $$. I almost wanted to tell her, well. Those are the girls I am looking for!


I this the girl with the short curly blonde hair who's obnoxious?

The Worb
09-25-12, 11:36
For THAT one, I am recommending MOUTH TAPE!


OMG. The girl with the muffin top. I've been abused by her a number of times, she comes over and starts telling me how smart and intelligent she is, and how guys will kill to have just a conversation with her. And that she's not some mindless bimbo that will do anything for $$. I almost wanted to tell her, well. Those are the girls I am looking for!

Vino 7373
09-26-12, 14:28
I know this is an odd post. My buddy went to IR last week. It was the only strip club he visited. The very next day, he woke up sick as a dog.

I went to IR yesterday. It was the only club I went to. Today (Tuesday) I woke up with a high fever and feeling like shit. I saw my Doc this afternoon and I'll be OK. It is weird that both my buddy and I got sick on the very next day after visiting IR. Maybe there's something else running around there besides loose women.

I posted this on the Orlando Forum in the Strip Club Thread. Already one other monger has said that he felt shitty for several days after visiting IR. Sore throats seem to be the major complaint but fever has been mentioned also.

VS seems to think there may be something going on with the AC. Perhaps a virus or bacteria living in the ducts.

Anybody else had problems after visiting IR?

09-26-12, 21:57
I doubt its anything serious, brevard has a nasty flu going around right now. All those girls giving all those kisses on the cheek and touching and all that, I'm not surprised everyone is not sick after a visit to any strip club.

Out Of Here
09-27-12, 08:22
I know this is an odd post. My buddy went to IR last week. It was the only strip club he visited. The very next day, he woke up sick as a dog.

I went to IR yesterday. It was the only club I went to. Today (Tuesday) I woke up with a high fever and feeling like shit. I saw my Doc this afternoon and I'll be OK. It is weird that both my buddy and I got sick on the very next day after visiting IR. Maybe there's something else running around there besides loose women.

I posted this on the Orlando Forum in the Strip Club Thread. Already one other monger has said that he felt shitty for several days after visiting IR. Sore throats seem to be the major complaint but fever has been mentioned also.

VS seems to think there may be something going on with the AC. Perhaps a virus or bacteria living in the ducts.

Anybody else had problems after visiting IR?Exposed myself to Inner Room Air for several hours last night, in the interest of science. Besides getting very drunk no adverse effects were noted. However, years of exposure may have rendered me immune.

Side Note: I don't have allergies but the air / smoke in all the Cocoa Beach Clubs kills my sinuses (almost feels like a hangover the next day). One Clartin D when I get home does wonders.

FL Wingman
09-27-12, 17:21
I know this is an odd post. My buddy went to IR last week. It was the only strip club he visited. The very next day, he woke up sick as a dog.

I went to IR yesterday. It was the only club I went to. Today (Tuesday) I woke up with a high fever and feeling like shit. I saw my Doc this afternoon and I'll be OK. It is weird that both my buddy and I got sick on the very next day after visiting IR. Maybe there's something else running around there besides loose women.

I posted this on the Orlando Forum in the Strip Club Thread. Already one other monger has said that he felt shitty for several days after visiting IR. Sore throats seem to be the major complaint but fever has been mentioned also.

VS seems to think there may be something going on with the AC. Perhaps a virus or bacteria living in the ducts.

Anybody else had problems after visiting IR?I was there yesterday and I feel fine today. Most colds and flu's have a gestation period that is longer than 24 hours so I do not think you got your bug at the club. However, the smoke in the air there may have caused your immune system to weaken so the bug you were fighting got the leap on you.

Hope you feel better

09-28-12, 11:18
All of us are in there sucking on the same titties. It is like kissing everybody at the mall or licking the doorknob at the gas station, LOL. I do not see a lot of the girls wiping down their nipples after private dances. What is surprisng is that we do not get sick more often!

I was there yesterday and I feel fine today. Most colds and flu's have a gestation period that is longer than 24 hours so I do not think you got your bug at the club. However, the smoke in the air there may have caused your immune system to weaken so the bug you were fighting got the leap on you.

Hope you feel better

FL Wingman
09-28-12, 22:06
All of us are in there sucking on the same titties. It is like kissing everybody at the mall or licking the doorknob at the gas station, LOL. I do not see a lot of the girls wiping down their nipples after private dances. What is surprisng is that we do not get sick more often!I make mine go in back and take a shower. LOL

09-29-12, 18:53
All of us are in there sucking on the same titties. It is like kissing everybody at the mall or licking the doorknob at the gas station, LOL. I do not see a lot of the girls wiping down their nipples after private dances. What is surprisng is that we do not get sick more often!Being a partaker of mixed drinks, perhaps the fact that my rum & coke has about the same alcohol content as Listerine helps. That first double even moreso.

10-01-12, 13:29
Being a partaker of mixed drinks, perhaps the fact that my rum & coke has about the same alcohol content as Listerine helps. That first double even moreso.When the bartender asks what you want for your free shot, tell her penicillin. It works for me!

10-01-12, 21:31
Went to IR last night, and so far I am not sick. .

After some dances by a couple regular girls, I met a new girl (to me at least) who I hope to see again soon. Her name is Kimberly. Petite latina girl with natural breasts. She gives excellent lap dances. Looking forward to next weekend.

Saw another girl, tall young brunette named Marly (or Mara not sure, was noisy when MC announced her name). Very nice tone body with super nice natural B-cups. Wanted to get some dances, but when she came back out from her set on stage, another girl was hassling me for a dance, and I missed my opportunity. Any word on this girl? She stands out (literally) from most of the other girls there, as I would rate her an easy 8/10 (didn't get a close look at her face, just from the chair along the rail in front of the DJ booth) , where most in there are a 6 or 7 at best. And I'm talking real world, model quality here. I would put her in Playboy (or preferably Hustler) in a heartbeat.

Out Of Here
10-02-12, 20:23
Went to IR last night, and so far I am not sick. .

After some dances by a couple regular girls, I met a new girl (to me at least) who I hope to see again soon. Her name is Kimberly. Petite latina girl with natural breasts. She gives excellent lap dances. Looking forward to next weekend.

Saw another girl, tall young brunette named Marly (or Mara not sure, was noisy when MC announced her name). Very nice tone body with super nice natural B-cups. Wanted to get some dances, but when she came back out from her set on stage, another girl was hassling me for a dance, and I missed my opportunity. Any word on this girl? She stands out (literally) from most of the other girls there, as I would rate her an easy 8/10 (didn't get a close look at her face, just from the chair along the rail in front of the DJ booth) , where most in there are a 6 or 7 at best. And I'm talking real world, model quality here. I would put her in Playboy (or preferably Hustler) in a heartbeat.I think Marly is correct. Only got a dance from her once. It was ok. Her long legs provide extra special knee action but that was it.

Parker Ave
10-04-12, 01:46
Spent way to much money. Got dances from 7 dancers. Hottest was September, kinkiest was Music. Also sampled Jullette (huge fakes) some blond with natural tits (she was good) , Kiesha, Butterscotch, a sexy skinny dancer with lip piercings, and another black chick. Had a great time.

10-09-12, 20:10
Stopped by the IR around 3pm on Saturday. Met a new to me girl named Solo. Petite, toned, tight stomach, brunette Italian, really super nice perky A-cups. (I like small perky tits, what can I say). Spoke with a bit of an accent. Several larger tattoos on her back. Ran into her after getting some dances from a couple regular girls. Too bad. I could easily have blown my wad just on her. Very friendly girl. Lots of mutual attention. I will definitely get dances from her again. She said she works days, as often as she can.

Saw Jersey walking around. She was looking pretty good, like the longer hair. I have not seen her for a long time, as I usually don't go in during the week in daytime. First time I have seen her on Saturday, though I also haven't been going as regular as I used to, so maybe this is not new. Didn't get a chance for a dance, as she was tied up most of the time.

10-10-12, 08:56
What do you guys drop per dance at the IR?

10-10-12, 17:26
At inneroom the club sets the dance at 7 but I do and I think most do 10, I've heard that other places like bare assets and tootsies and cheaters set it at 20, personally don't know, haven't been to cheaters in many years and the one time I did go, I did not dance.

Ms out

10-10-12, 19:39
What do you guys drop per dance at the IR?The girls charge what they want, either 10 or 20 a dance. Most that charge 20 are not any better than those that do it for 10; exceptions do exist.

Out Of Here
10-10-12, 22:26
Never more than $10. Often tip more for good service.

What do you guys drop per dance at the IR?

10-12-12, 07:12
Never more than $10. Often tip more for good service.Tech speaking the dances at the inner room have always been $8 with a $2 tip its ten. Most people don't know this my 20 plus years of going there its always been $8.

Member #5439
10-12-12, 23:21
Checked out cheaters last Saturday. Ehhh. It was okay. Wanted to see what it was like since I've never been in there before. Barely walked in the door before a girl named Keely was all over me. Not that I minded it that much but I generally like to relax, drink a beer, and scope the place out a little. Keely wasn't too bad. A little thicker than most of the other girls but still pretty cute. Did buy a couple of dances from her. There seemed to be an implication of takeout that very evening but it never came to fruition. Not sure what happened since she was the one that brought up OTC activities. Unless her game is implying OTC is available but not delivering. Oh well.

Lord Vitus
10-14-12, 19:23
Stopped by the IR around 3pm on Saturday. Met a new to me girl named Solo. Petite, toned, tight stomach, brunette Italian, really super nice perky A-cups. (I like small perky tits, what can I say). Spoke with a bit of an accent. Several larger tattoos on her back. Ran into her after getting some dances from a couple regular girls. Too bad. I could easily have blown my wad just on her. Very friendly girl. Lots of mutual attention. I will definitely get dances from her again. She said she works days, as often as she can.I have gotten dances from Solo a few times at the IR, she is really nice and very sensual in her dances. Never tried to get takeout from her or anything, its pretty hot to listen to her talk in Itailian!

10-16-12, 17:19
Just happened to be in cocoa to day for work and decided to stop by IR for a few lunch time beers. Talked to a few girls at the bar, Morgan, Hollywood and one other. Was actually eyeing Jersey but she was with a few other guys. While talking to the girls who kept sitting next to me, made eye contact with Solo (didn't know her name then). Finally the girls took the hint and left. Then when I wasn't looking, Solo landed in my lap. Woo Hoo was I happy! Spent a few minutes at the end of the bar before she asked if we could switch seats. After switching seats, she had more room to dance! And I'll tell you what, I was getting better dances right at the bar then you can get at most places! Very touchy feeely, loved it. So after a few more beers, off to the private dance. Got 3 dances from Solo up there and they were definatley good. However I've had dances from Jersey up there that were better. Now jersey was actually right next to us and I couldn't help but look over there a few times. Wish I had the funds and time to stay a while and get a few from Jersey. Maybe next time. I also had a little intel on some possible take out from a fellow USG member, but due to funds and timing I didn't try this time. Thanks for the info anyway. Hopefully I can get over ther more often, there's not much fun to be had here in Orlando.


10-18-12, 20:29
Tech speaking the dances at the inner room have always been $8 with a $2 tip its ten. Most people don't know this my 20 plus years of going there its always been $8.Dances are $10. Only thing eight bucks will get you is a punch in the teeth.

10-19-12, 18:48
Dances are $10. Only thing eight bucks will get you is a punch in the teeth.Well after 20 years I still have all my teeth! My money I'm not so sure about they took that. LOL

11-12-12, 14:05
Wandered into ir last week. Met one of my asain friends. Had some drinks, and chit chat. Went to sit for fun. Dances started, her top came off, sweet, sweet tits. I guess they're no longer worried about titty tape? Dances were good. Dance a little, sit and chat a little. During both, my friend's hand kept wondering in my pants. Was getting me hot and horned up. Didn't release (I didn't want the mess) , maybe nxt time. When I had my fill, bid my friend adieu. Had a great time. Left there headed to sunrise for my innagurral visit.

12-03-12, 19:15
Back in Brevard for a week and that means 6 nights at the Inner Room. Got lots of great high mileage dances (fingers got wet) 4 nights but the two other times YMMV. Don't know what was going on but there is certainly high turnover with the girls. Few work both weekdays and weekends and some work only two or three hours a day so I seldom saw the same girls two days in a row. Nevertheless my Sunday visit was the redeeming virtue of the week when I found a gorgeous spinner who does OTC. Saw her the next day at the Cocoa Beach Hilton and we had a great two hours for only $150. Of course I brought wine and paid for her babysitter but it was a delightful way to end the week.

By the way, I suppose this should be posted somewhere else but I had made an appointment with "Fancy" from BP but got cold feet with all the latest LE action so I cancelled. That very evening I met my OTC girl at IR. Anybody have experience with Fancy? Please PM if you have anything to say about her, good or not. Thanks.

12-04-12, 04:55
Wow, I would be will to put down $150 for 2hrs LOL. Did you ever get a number? I would be down for it.

Back in Brevard for a week and that means 6 nights at the Inner Room. Got lots of great high mileage dances (fingers got wet) 4 nights but the two other times YMMV. Don't know what was going on but there is certainly high turnover with the girls. Few work both weekdays and weekends and some work only two or three hours a day so I seldom saw the same girls two days in a row. Nevertheless my Sunday visit was the redeeming virtue of the week when I found a gorgeous spinner who does OTC. Saw her the next day at the Cocoa Beach Hilton and we had a great two hours for only $150. Of course I brought wine and paid for her babysitter but it was a delightful way to end the week.

By the way, I suppose this should be posted somewhere else but I had made an appointment with "Fancy" from BP but got cold feet with all the latest LE action so I cancelled. That very evening I met my OTC girl at IR. Anybody have experience with Fancy? Please PM if you have anything to say about her, good or not. Thanks.

12-05-12, 09:54
Back in Brevard for a week and that means 6 nights at the Inner Room. Got lots of great high mileage dances (fingers got wet) 4 nights but the two other times YMMV. Don't know what was going on but there is certainly high turnover with the girls. Few work both weekdays and weekends and some work only two or three hours a day so I seldom saw the same girls two days in a row. Nevertheless my Sunday visit was the redeeming virtue of the week when I found a gorgeous spinner who does OTC. Saw her the next day at the Cocoa Beach Hilton and we had a great two hours for only $150. Of course I brought wine and paid for her babysitter but it was a delightful way to end the week.

By the way, I suppose this should be posted somewhere else but I had made an appointment with "Fancy" from BP but got cold feet with all the latest LE action so I cancelled. That very evening I met my OTC girl at IR. Anybody have experience with Fancy? Please PM if you have anything to say about her, good or not. Thanks.Wowww-this Sounds like heaven on earth but did you get a first name or any info that the average monger can pursue.

12-12-12, 01:45
Several people telling me Casey Anthony was at Inner Room this weekend. Can anyone confirm?

12-13-12, 19:27
Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?

12-13-12, 23:56
Relax my friend. Things could be alot worse. She likes to party and things do get kind of out of control but keep a close eye but don't get too over the top about things. She likes to part just like you did but she is just fine.

Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?

12-14-12, 01:02
Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?She's been known for BBFS for a while now. Unfortunately, you only have time and testing to tell you what happens now.

Sorry to hear about it. I know all about drunken lapses in judgement. Keep your fingers crossed. The worst of the STD's (HIV) aren't quite as easily spread from female to male.

12-14-12, 01:05
Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?I think the best thing to do to put your mind at ease is to go get tested. Then after that I would probably try not to do that anymore.

Big Poppa II
12-14-12, 18:46
I stopped by the place last Monday night and spent about an hour. Sat by the chairs near the stage but none of the girls approached me or even looked at me. Do you think they were suspicious? I read that activities go on and I was looking forward to participate. I saw them pay a lot of attention to the guys at the bar, one of them was not even wearing a top. Should I sit at the bar next time?

Thanks for all the info. BP

12-14-12, 20:21
Bizzarely, I was at the IR Friday night, and although I was preoccupied with Raven, I did notice a customer that looked a lot like Casey Anthony, so much I even made a note of it to myself. Rumor has it she is living at Ocean Woods in Cape Canaveral.

Several people telling me Casey Anthony was at Inner Room this weekend. Can anyone confirm?

12-16-12, 11:34
I took my annual Christmas trip to the IR last week and man did I strike gold. I walked in and a very big tall blonde was on stage. (she went by the name of Christy) She called me over, put her hand down my pants and told me she wanted to lick my ass and swallow my load. Well those are magic words for me and I met her for a dance and we discussed options. As I was staying the night at a local hotel she offered room service for 150. 00 so I said sure. After a few drinks I had to give her 30. 00 to bribe the DJ so she wouldn't be missed and she met me in my car out front.

She came out after a few minutes, she jumped in the car and back to my hotel we went. We showered together making sure everything was clean, we then went to the bed and she did was she said she would do. I was very happy and drove her back to IR, best Christmas present I have had in a while.

BTW, the front door on the street side is now locked, you must enter thru the back door in the parking lot. They should put up a sign telling people this, at first I thought the place was closed as I parked in the street and tried to enter the front door. While I was waiting out front for her in my car a saw a few guys come up and try the front door and then walk away, they also thought the place was closed.

12-16-12, 16:08
Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?You need to get STD workup ASAP. Get yourself to the doctor's office. According to aids. Gov you should have probably started antiretroviral meds within 72 hours of your exposure. Go to the health department if you are embarrassed but don't sit there and feel sorry for yourself.

12-17-12, 21:24
You need to get STD workup ASAP. Get yourself to the doctor's office. According to aids. Gov you should have probably started antiretroviral meds within 72 hours of your exposure. Go to the health department if you are embarrassed but don't sit there and feel sorry for yourself.Yes, get tested. But let's keep things in perspective. He's more likely to win the lottery than to catch HIV from that one particular exposure. I'd be more worried about the clap!

12-18-12, 08:20
I am heading south for the winter and I was wondering if IR is safe to go to on New Years Eve?

12-18-12, 11:11
IMO the Inner Room is always safe. Once, just once, I had a very late night problem with a couple of idiots, and the bouncers were right there, made sure everything was ok, and at close, walked out with me to my car.

I am heading south for the winter and I was wondering if IR is safe to go to on New Years Eve?

12-19-12, 12:49
This is my first time posting. So here goes. I stopped by IR yesterday. There was a gorgeous blonde. Marilyn Monroe type. I waited to ask her for a dance but was interrupted by another girl. By the time I had passed on her numerous advances of this one I noticed she was gone. Like I said tall blonde with D cups. Does the description ring a bell and if so what is her name?

Thank you,


12-21-12, 18:49
I am heading south for the winter and I was wondering if IR is safe to go to on New Years Eve?Whats to be afriad of?

12-21-12, 18:55
Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?Its to early to get tested the aintie bodies won't show up for at least three months more like six to a year. You got alot of worrying to do. Jersey's been with over thirty Thousand men so in away you slept with all them and all those who slept with them and so on. That might ad up to the million mark. Thats alot of dongs!

12-22-12, 10:41
I took my annual Christmas trip to the IR last week and man did I strike gold. I walked in and a very big tall blonde was on stage. (she went by the name of Christy) She called me over, put her hand down my pants and told me she wanted to lick my ass and swallow my load. Well those are magic words for me and I met her for a dance and we discussed options. As I was staying the night at a local hotel she offered room service for 150. 00 so I said sure. After a few drinks I had to give her 30. 00 to bribe the DJ so she wouldn't be missed and she met me in my car out front.

She came out after a few minutes, she jumped in the car and back to my hotel we went. We showered together making sure everything was clean, we then went to the bed and she did was she said she would do. I was very happy and drove her back to IR, best Christmas present I have had in a while.

BTW, the front door on the street side is now locked, you must enter thru the back door in the parking lot. They should put up a sign telling people this, at first I thought the place was closed as I parked in the street and tried to enter the front door. While I was waiting out front for her in my car a saw a few guys come up and try the front door and then walk away, they also thought the place was closed.Thanks for the info about the door thing! Did you get the christy schulde? Does she work days or nights, saturdays? Get a number?

12-23-12, 08:35
Originally Posted by Funonthebeach [View Original Post]

Saw jersey at inner room today, things got a little out of control and ended up getting BBFS.

I'm terrified now and hoping a member knows if I have anything to worry about. Yes I'm an idiot, was drunk.

And not thinking. Anyone know her well?

Here is a link for testing, they have a DNA test that's for less than 6 months, no cheap. Good luck.


12-26-12, 01:12
So a couple of Saturdays ago I stopped in. Was prob about 6pm. Saw 2 Asians working. Wasn't able to get their attention; they were w customers. Anyone know who they are? R they fun? Any info is appreciated, thanks.

12-26-12, 10:23
So a couple of Saturdays ago I stopped in. Was prob about 6pm. Saw 2 Asians working. Wasn't able to get their attention; they were w customers. Anyone know who they are? R they fun? Any info is appreciated, thanks.Younger cute girl was probably London. She worked at Cheaters under a different name. Had a super hot body. She's not fat but has put on weight. A lot of guys fall in love with her so I don't think she has to work very hard if you know what I mean.

Middle aged girl with big fake boobs worked at BA. Don't know her.

Old as dirty women came with the place but I can't remember her name.

Master Diver
12-29-12, 19:21
Not all so many girls, Faith her real name, but the bolt-ons were not, not a bad looking tall blonde. Yesterday saw her get a guy primed, then she brought in a friend for a quick HJ. Jersey was there in a long black dress. She really looks good for her age, got tits, got ass, got know how. She looks as healthy as ever. I was early. 3-5. Have fun but play safe.

01-06-13, 15:04
Been pretty dead. Lots of desperate girls.

01-07-13, 00:54
Been pretty dead. Lots of desperate girls.Desperate is good for the Hobbyist, right? We are a patriotic force, singlehandly trying to reverse the economic disadvantage of women who find themselves in less than desirable circumstances. We ought to get a damn medal!

01-07-13, 08:02
I never fail to live up my duties. You we should be able to right that money off as a charitable deduction.

Been pretty dead. Lots of desperate girls.

01-07-13, 21:22
Desperate is good for the Hobbyist, right? We are a patriotic force, singlehandly trying to reverse the economic disadvantage of women who find themselves in less than desirable circumstances. We ought to get a damn medal!LOL I love this post!