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07-10-06, 23:27
More of a tiny morsel.Cookyjar,

Damn, you have the ugliest women in Philly or you get all the ugly ones.

Philly Green
07-10-06, 23:33
If your speaking of the tiny little brunette Angie, she's still out there. Talked to her on the phone the other day while waiting for one of her roomates to wake up and come to the phone.

Funny girl in that one session could be great and the next horrible.

Yeah, little brunette Angie, she of the short skirts and high heels.

I couldn't tell you what she trims or doesn't trim, I'm usually just looking for a quick release and not a full session. I just always liked her because her skills were good, and she was just plain nice.

I usually don't see the area until the wee hours of the morning and haven't seen her out there, glad to know she's still around. I wouldn't mind bumping into her again.

Dark Phoenix
07-11-06, 09:45
I’d like to publicly applaud the many gentlemen who have been active on the board since the day Mr. Short & Stumpy left us. You have shared the following credible reports of current providers, and are very worthy of having information shared with you:
phillyewe - Nikki, StephanieI'm sure if you had known that when you dated her, you would've slurped the leftovers right out of her, you [Deleted by Admin]. Further, a few regular members who've posted regurgitations of reviews of SWs such as Nicole who have been reviewed ad nauseam hardly deserve the kudos you're bending over to give. But I'm sure bending over is second nature for someone as [Deleted by Admin]as you seem to be.

Once again you show what a [Deleted by Admin] you are. Taking credit for Stephanie, while as Duke PV has previously acknowledged, that was my discovery, months before your review. In fact, she's recently been quoted as stating she misses me and Davey (although she's been with Davey since), while she hasn't really said she missed the sheepboy who asks about my dick during his dates. Perhaps she finds your [Deleted by Admin] as I do.

Your [Deleted by Admin] review of Nikki (unconfirmed by anyone else and suspect in credibility because of your nonexistent record of posting useful reviews) is as far as I see the first you've ever contributed.

But you're still [Deleted by Admin], aren't you? As if I ever claimed to be anything other than thick. It's your [Deleted by Admin] that's led to this useless exchange, and you've clearly mistaken what you "thought" I "intended" to convey, when it's nothing more than a mistaken supposition by a [Deleted by Admin] with nothing to contribute on his own.

I've already run into girls who have told me what an [Deleted by Admin] you are asking about me. Enough. I think by now you meet the definition of a serial antagonist, you've been reported to Jackson. I'll let him make the determination of who's been of more use to this community, and live with whatever he decides to do. As for continuing to stalk me off the board, I've already asked a few of the girls to take note of the license plate of anyone asking about me ([Deleted by Admin]).

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

Dark Phoenix
07-11-06, 17:12
I appreciate the effort at a truce, but I still don't feel anything was exaggerated. Please look back at my posts, since I don't believe there was EVER anything to indicate anything other than girth, which you have (unsettlingly) confirmed yourself. You may have assumed otherwise, but I'm pretty damn confident there was nothing misleading there. I consider myself (based on feedback) thick, but not extremely long, about 7". Hopefully that will end the discussion. If you read anything else in, I can't be blamed for that any more than you can blame Scorcese for what Hinkley did after watching Taxi Driver.

However, there's never been anything remotely amusing or useful about your constant flaming, and there's no way I buy your innocent protestation to the contrary. My last post before hiatus made it abundantly clear I was NOT amused. So, while it's somewhat of a relief to see you've realized you overstepped your bounds and don't want to face the consequences of your actions, that's no reason to change my position. You should've realized what you were doing before you got a pit bull with subpoena power angry. Trying to make it sound like a big joke now is just lame on your end. I don't buy it. You went too far, you fucked up, and now you realize it and you're backtracking like a baby. "Whaaaaah, Jackson, please don't ban me." (kudos to Artie Lange for the crybaby effect). I don't buy it, and I'm sure nobody else does either.

Let's agree to disagree and leave each other alone. I'd actually prefer it if we could mutually "ignore" one another from here on. The offer I detailed in my last post is still open, just in case it's ever necessary for me to go there. Sorry for not taking you at face value, but this seems very disingenuous to me. As long as there's no reason for me to do anything with the info, I won't. I'm a great believer in the value of insurance; better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

I will, however, stop addressing this situation on the board and will from here on refuse to even respond to or acknowledge flame posts, since there's been too much back and forth of that nature altogether on this once great discussion thread. It's sad to see we no longer put out as much useful info as they do in bumfuck venues like South Bend Indiana.

To paraphrase Sandler, what the hell happened to us????? We have some of the most active strolls in the country, a veritable testament to the extent of poverty, blight and drug abuse in our fair city, and we still have a couple years under John Street to go! His continued leadership or lack thereof can only mean more action will be available in the future, but no, we're too busy up each other's asses to go out and hit the street meat.

My plea to all the newbies who find themselves compelled to critique CJ's photos/posts, both detractors and admirers, is PLEASE GET SOME PUSSY AND TELL US ABOUT IT. We'll judge for ourselves how high your standards are when your dick is hard and you have less than $40 in your pocket. The only "discriminating" mongers I've ever seen on the board are those who don't pick up BSWs. The whole debate reeks of hypocrisy.

I agree that it's long overdue for this forum to return to reviewing providers as opposed to being an ongoing critique of Cookyjar, myself or anyone else who takes the time to share our illicit experiences. I only hope the numerous posters who have been drawn into the overblown CJ fray will follow suit, since the numerous regular members who post nothing but one line flames of CJ's pics are basically a waste of bandwidth. Personal destruction is the M.O. of the GOP, not the monger community as it has existed on this board. And if you're a GOP monger, shame on you, you're clearly going to hell. I thought you guys were supposed to be the moral models for us degenerate liberal sluts....

For my part, I never asked for anything other than the occasional acknowledgement of a good find who provides quality service, which I think I've provided plenty in the past. Stephanie, blond Angie (wherever she may be, snif), Nicole, Starr, Roxanne, Celina, blond Lisa, Jackie and even Cheyenne are among them, and I hope to contribute many more without undue and undeserved criticism. Many a happy monger has blown a load in or on these lovely (and sometimes less than lovely) ladies, and I hope that continues.

In that vein, I will post more details on Christine, but to ensure that her unbelievably tight shaved little box remains so until after she gets simultaneously doublemongered this weekend (a first for this board, I think), I'll hold off til this coming Monday....we'll try to leave something for you!!!

Gimmesex 5
07-11-06, 20:16
I have not posted here in a long time (In case your care) because I have moved to NC for work relocation. I do not regret it at all, the temperature is great, people nice, living cheap but I do miss you all and still monitor this board....sorry if you get mad but please ENOUGH CJ TALK and like BM said, get back to pussy talk (even if I ain't getting any!!!). I just want to say to you all that you have it really good there mongering wise as the pickings down here are horrendous, apparantly from older posts there were a few gems here but the hard push has left the streets either dead or filled with skanks. As BM said (he said allot and some of which I do not agree but whatever) Philly is an example of poverty and failed social programs in a dead city where voters outnumber people over 18, curious math (sorry BM, fun jab honest) that had been out of its hayday since colonial times....very sad it could be nice, look at Boston, roughly same age.

Anyway, stay safe all (I got into a fistfight in Durham) and get back to basics, you all have really good reports, except Hizark that is. Hiazrk, keep on trucking, or whatever it is you do.

07-11-06, 21:30
I will post pictures once the polls have closed. The vote have beed tallied and the results are in.

CookyJarThings seem to be returning to normal, here on good old; USASexGuide - Philadelphia. I am wondering if it's because I've stopped posting pictures or is there another varable.

Not that it matters either way. I have agreed to abide by the poll. I will not post until after the poll is close. I am hoping that everyone on the board votes. (I didn't want to sound like a commercial but I don't know how else to say it.)

Enough of that. I have another issue to bring up for discussion.

I am currently sitting on three sets of pictures, taken recently. Normally I'd be a little concerned about waiting to post them. However, because they are not girls from the K Ave area, I feel less concerned about waiting until the polls close. If they were of K Ave girls, I'd feel obligated to get the information out there fast, as that is where most members hunt. This thought came to me. Hmmmmmm! How many of you are even interested in the other areas?

What about Broadway, in Camden? I find it very interesting. On a good day the stroll is packed. Mostly Crackheads, freaks and druggies, but like anywhere else there's the good and the bad. I have seen some very healthy looking PRs, a few cleanly dressed WSWs and one or two doable BSWs. My questtions are: Does anyone go to Camden? Why? Why not? After all it is right across the bridge and easier to get to then the K, for some of us. One thing for certain, it is a dump. A point to consider is the crime rate. One of the girls I picked up told me it's best not to come after dark. She said the freaks come out at night. I wonder what she meant?

What about other nearby strolls? Where are they? Most nieghborhoods have a small area where pussy can be found. I made a nice find (BSW) in North Philly, off of Broad St, near Poplar St. She had a pleasant enough face on a mighty fine body (young and no kids). I will post her pictures after the freeze.

I did 40th St down to Lancaster Ave. Nothing there but creakheads, not worth my trouble. Oh! I almost forgot. There was one tall PR SW who gave me one hell of a BBBJ. Sorry, no pictures. It was night, after 10pm and my flash could have caused trouble. I didn't get any detail from her. It didn't matter. The point is, there are places other then the Avenue. I hear there are a few spots in South Philly. Maybe I'll ventue out that way the next time I'm in town.

Anyone have reports or review of area's off the beaten track.

(This is where
I'd normally be
posting some
Picures. This
is just a place
holder. Get
your 2 cents
in - vote.)


07-11-06, 21:42

Damn, you have the ugliest women in Philly or you get all the ugly ones.

You gotta be kidding. I have been to San Antonio. The Alamo was nice and I really like the River Walk. That's about it for San Antonio. Oop! I forgot. The Believe it or Not wax thing was cool. Other then a few over priced MexSW - sorry I wasn't impressed. LOL


Houston Fan
07-11-06, 21:53
Gimme, check your PM.

Philly Green
07-11-06, 22:07

Yeah, anyone who can see this message through the ***** fest that still fills this forum. I've mentioned a few times that I found a little play around Frankford and Rawn (rhawn?) and once along 413 in Bristol.

Anyone else get around those spots or something else outside of the main drag?

I know someone talked about Magee ST but I've yet to find anything there.

07-12-06, 01:43

Sheepboy??? Is it a serial stalker/flamer?

Loop Vet
07-12-06, 09:43

who gives a rats ass whether someone is large or not. You found 3 posts in the last year where he imply's he might be large. Big deal and so fucking what? He's obviously thick as your girl confirmed. Average length dicks that are extra thick might appear shorter than they are, but again, why should you even care? He sporadically mentioned it a couple times but doesnt appear to be a braggert about it. You must have deep self-esteem issues.

07-12-06, 11:30
What they need is a flame thread to work out all of this immature shit.

07-12-06, 14:31
BT, you see...thats the immature shit I'm talking about. Because someone busts your balls, you'll leave the playground if they don't leave first? Who the fuk is he to you?

We've all take shit on these boards at somepoint. I've had my share, including some who doubted the veracaity of my reports. Oh well. God bless'em, some aspects of my life is better than fiction. Some unbeleivable shit happens to me that I surely wouldn't beleive if someone else told the tale. When you live your life, its better than every novel written...and only you can tell that tale. I'm not boasting, cause I am as fucked up as the next man on here.

Hell, I even had a stripper from a club I frequent try to bust my balls. She practically put together a profile of me and started trying to "discover" who the fuk I am by asking girls at the club. Meanwhile she attacked me here on these boards, and I suspect on an SC review board. Could have been multiple people though. I don't know or care. Their loss, cause I refuse to give them ammo.

Its all a game.

How do you handle flames...you blast back ONCE if you strongly feel the need. Or you use humor and get over it. In any case, you let it die. You stay your grounds and do your thing. Unless they are paying for the pussy you fuck, they don't have a damn thing to say to you.

Honestly, and I feel safe to say this, one of the last thing anyone wants to hear about...is whether or not your johnson is the large size you claim. Defend it or not, its a lost cause from the damn start.

If he wants to beleive you are thick but short, invite him to send his wife to thoroughly inspect it, measure it with the back of her throat and wipe it clean with her hair.

07-12-06, 18:00
Hello and best wishes to the posters who have been making valuable contributions to the USASexGuide from the City Of Brotherly Love. Hopefully the long timers here will remember the days when the Dog graced (disgraced) these pages with tales of his exploits in the shadows of the L as well as localities near and far.

Even though this old dog seldom indites on these sordid pages, he is quite guilty of professedly following the scene as described by the torchbearers of the present.

So it is with regret that this epigram represents lamentation concerning the present state of this forum.

When the environment on this forum is discouraging rather than encouraging contribution then the forum suffers. When a new poster arrives on the scene making a big splash with a great collection of photographs we must celebrate instead of berate.Those who would denigrate his contributions do disservice to the spirit of this media.

Shame on those who constitute discord on this forum.

Let us instead read these posts with a charity of spirit and a modest skepticism. Share information and discern quietly if we suspect a poster has taken literary license.

When this board led me onto the scene way back in the day, it was the information herein that (with a little mapquest) enabled accelerated participation.

How about we shitcan the irascible confrontation. The members who have made valuable contributions are never diminished by criticism and need not defend themselves.

I go on record as enjoying the postings of CJ and BM and could not care less about how he describes his freakin' joint.

Reserve derision for those who would aspire to subvert the anonymity of this forum.

I am sure nobody gives a flying fuck but that is my $.02. I also wish to apologize in advance to the many quality posters now subjected to my blathering drivel on this topic.


Mike 80
07-12-06, 19:57
How about we shitcan the irascible confrontation. The members who have made valuable contributions are never diminished by criticism and need not defend themselves. I go on record as enjoying the postings of CJ and BM and could not care less about how he describes his freakin' joint. Reserve derision for those who would aspire to subvert the anonymity of this forum.Amen! Those of us who have been around this board for awhile of course know, remember, and respect Old Dog. Newcomers to K or this Philly board are strongly urged to scan a few of his posts for some of the most entertaining, insightful, and best written reports ever posted on USASG. I've been waiting for the old canine to slip his owner's new industrial-strength chain just one more time so we could enjoy some more of his adventures. It's unfortunate it took this latest little crisis on our board to bring him back.

I echo his comments regarding the quality of Philly posters in general. I too am on record as very much enjoying and getting value from CJ and BM's reports. These guys post some fantastic shit. Few cities have regulars who generate so much interest. C'mon, what do you guys want to read....Hizark? I'm sure he'll be happy to add his thoughts here on a daily basis if somebody wants to stop over on the San Diego board and give him a holler.

I'll even add that I think Phillyewe over the course of his relatively few posts has shown that he's a smart, witty guy who can dish it but is not at heart a mean spirited or annoying dork like some we've seen on USASG. Yeah, I'd like to see a few more reports from the frontline by him. Needling (which is really how this all started) works better if you've shown you've got some cred like BM. Unfortunately, it's all gotten out of hand now and become a big, weepy soap opera with CJ and Ed Norton, BM and Phillyewe, etc in starring roles. I think we've got some good actors here, but the script has really taken a turn for the worse. Are we not men here? Let's thicken our skins and drop this storyline fast.

Mike 80
07-12-06, 20:39
Does anyone go to Camden? Why? Why not? CookyJarYes Camden is underrated in my opinion. It is much more ghetto-like than K IMO and is not for the faint of heart. LE presence goes in waves and sometimes can be pretty intense. As for your question about where to post photos of Camden girls, I think you should post them on the Camden (South Jersey) board because that's where you found them. Truth in advertising and all.

As for the recent post by Philly Green regarding other Philly area strolls, yes the Frankford/Ruan area has been quite productive for me over the years. Have picked up several nice gems in that vicinity and even farther up to about Foulkrood (sp?) or so. But I don't really consider that a separate stroll from K. It's all part of the same long stroll that begins at Girard and Front.

07-12-06, 23:10
I hope that the solution of my issue doesn't just mean a relapse to all of that.Ain't gonna happen.

Overtime, in life, you pick-up a few wise sayings. One of my favorite is; Bullshit ain’t nothing. Some times I forget, and get to worrying about some unimportant bullshit that I really don’t have any control over. It’s like farting into the wind – you can’t get away from it – it’s just comes right back at you. And what if you could do something, why bother, it’s going to blow away soon enough? Why waste time and effort over bullshit, it ain’t nothing? Sometime I forget this old saying and get all wrapped up in the bull. Sooner or later I come around, I remember that old favorite saying and the rage subsides – I am back to my senses.

BigtimeMonger, get passes it. It’s not important. It’s bullshit, and Bullshit ain’t nothing. Right?

Keep posting, because that’s real, that’s important. Ignore the Bullshit.

(The same thing could be said for the whole group. Don't get caught up in the bullcrap. Phillyewe, drop it, it's not that important. There are people being unnecessarily butchered in Iraq, the Pope won't let my girl take the pill, the ozone is growing larger as we speak, there is a pure idiot in the White House and ****** are selling pussy on the K - meanwhile your here sweating the Bullshit. Let it go.)


07-12-06, 23:24
...I think you should post them on the Camden (South Jersey) board because that's where you found them. Truth in advertising and all.
I don't Know Mike? Some us think of Camden as a slum of Philly. Guys who live in Philly use the broadway camping grounds and may want to know what's over there.

What about Delaware? I will be visiting Wilmington this weekend. Any ideas?

(I am trying to change the subject family. Lets drop the bullshit. Lets discuss girls, strolls, reviews and pussy.)


07-13-06, 10:21
But this has just gone way too far.That's about the only thing you two have written that everyone can 100% agree with.

Wise men don't argue with fools, for people might not be able to tell the difference.

Dark Phoenix
07-13-06, 12:31
Yeah, it's me, BM. Just felt like a change and saw XMen III this weekend, so it seemed to fit. You'll all understand by the time you finish this post.

Last nite I had the chance to get out early and saw Stephanie (who Davey beat me to earlier in the day....you doggie!) for the usual wonderful FS. She's really got a great disposition and every positive word that's been said about her is true and then some. The only thing that truly breaks my heart is that (1) she's a young girl who really has some promise outside of her current line of work; and (2) she's already confided in me her inner despair at doing this. But she really is nice and it's always great to see her.

We discussed little brunette Angie, and it turns out there's developing news there. She's recently moved out of "the house" and is apparently hooked up with an older guy who's letting her stay at his place. Sounds like she may be coming a little undone, which is sad but not altogether unforeseeable.

I felt like going for round 2 and found brunette Jackie near Cambria. She's a former stripper I've reviewed before. She's still looking good but not nearly what she looked like when she was still dancing. No marks, though, and very clean and generally pretty. This time the BBBJ (for .30) was not nearly as good as last time (which was utterly expert) and she kept doing this thing where she sucked hard on the head and let it go with a loud "pop." While this may have looked/sounded great in a porn movie, it was painful as all hell and I'm surprised I didn't end up lacerated since I was definitely feeling a rough tooth in there. I told her to shitcan the special effects and things got better. Still a spitter though.

She surprised me a little asking me if she could get herself off in my car. Told her to be my guest, and after finding out she was fantasizing about her girlfriend while she was doing herself, I provided some dirty talk as a soundtrack built around that theme. She kept fingering herself til she got off 3 times and I could hear she was really wet. When I let her off she thanked me sincerely and said she was going to "go home and fuck her b***h."

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the report, it's my last. After much thought and careful consideration, I've decided that coming back after hiatus was a mistake, pure and simple. It's really a shame that I could not drum up support among the membership to truly offer a stern rebuke to Phillyewe, who hasn't earned the right to appoint himself credibility cop, lacking in that quality somewhat himself. If his constant stalking on and off the board doesn't meet the definition of serial antagonism I don't know what will. But clearly there's no concensus on the issue, and that proves to me a downward departure in the quality of the membership of late.

I pledged that I would let the outcome of the poll determine my course of action going forward, and even though it's not closed, it's far too close for me to have faith in the population of this board anymore. Who are you, who hide behind your computers unwilling to stand up behind someone who's done nothing but help you in your exploits for years? I pity the parents of any such individuals should they ever need your help or support. The lack of values here is astounding, but I suppose it's just part of the larger course that the country is taking in general. Atavism. Look it up.

The main reason I've decided to leave, though, is that I have recently gotten some considerable insight into Phillyewe. Given our respective situations, I truly do understand why a nice young black kid from a toxic neighborhood driving around in a shitty ugly green minivan would resent a symbol of a predominantly white establishment, as my posts have probably indicated in the past. And yes, I called you "nice", since even the racist SW I spoke to - and who says she doesn't normally date black guys - said you were. Her exact words were that you "don't act like a n*****" but I took that as praise nonetheless, considering the source. You should too, she meant well.

But clearly there are psychological issues you are struggling with, and I think I've just become a figurehead for elements in society you resent. I know you'll deny it, but you probably are too young to really know yourself anyway, so maybe some introspection is in order.

Rather than escalate this or stay on to be the continued object of your derision, I'm going to relieve some of the excessive tension here on the board and bow out. I hope that you resolve your anger, and that you are able to take yourself to a higher plane in the future. Until then, find some other well-off white dude to focus your displaced anger on.

Folks, I've only shared info because I thought we were kindred spirits engaged in a common endeavor. I was incorrect. Almost half of you lack the backbone to take a clear stand and make a choice between someone who assists you in your efforts, and somebody who doesn't. So, to the lesser half of you, the board is yours to turn to shit and you're doing a helluva job. To the seniors I've come to know and love, be safe, productive, happy and above all, free of parasites, especially those pesky sheep.

Res Ipsa Loquitur,

Dark Phoenix f/k/a Bigtime Monger

P.S. Remember to PM me if you've been injured in an accident!

07-13-06, 13:05
snip.. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the report, it's my last. After much thought and careful consideration, I've decided that coming back after hiatus was a mistake, pure and simple. It's really a shame that I could not drum up support among the membership to truly offer a stern rebuke to Phillyewe, who hasn't earned the right to appoint himself credibility cop, lacking in that quality somewhat himself. If his constant stalking on and off the board doesn't meet the definition of serial antagonism I don't know what will. But clearly there's no concensus on the issue, and that proves to me a downward departure in the quality of the membership of late.

I pledged that I would let the outcome of the poll determine my course of action going forward, and even though it's not closed, it's far too close for me to have faith in the population of this board anymore.

This, in a way, brings up something I have been feeling since the day after I started the poll and saw the way the results started changing. I am wondering if Sheepboy/Ed/whatever else he calls himself is reg'ing new names and skewing the results. The sudden swing to all negative votes seems strange to me. I don't know if anyone has a way to see if voters have a history or 0 reports, but I sure would like to know.

07-13-06, 13:42
I don't Know Mike? Some us think of Camden as a slum of Philly. Guys who live in Philly use the broadway camping grounds and may want to know what's over there.

What about Delaware? I will be visiting Wilmington this weekend. Any ideas?

(I am trying to change the subject family. Lets drop the bullshit. Lets discuss girls, strolls, reviews and pussy.)


For Wilmington, check out 13 south of the airport before the 40 split. Also Rte 9 before the ramp to 295.

Gimmesex 5
07-13-06, 17:35

Do not take this as a plea but I will ask you once even though I do not monger in Philly anymore and I will probably be ignored, stay with us. It is simple human nature, people will rub each other the wrong way, plain and simple. Sorry to sound preachy but it is true. Your contributions are excellent, detailed, and enrich me at least. I read your posts and know the SW'S name, looks, performance, where she can found, disposition, etc. Just ignore Phillywe and he should ignore you....come on!!!!


I mentioned Jackie a few weeks ago, she was on the TV show cops, i am sure that is her, and I was with her a couple years ago. She has thick mane of hair and is/was VERY skninny but quite beautiful. She did some good deep sucking. The cops called her mom who was in trenton nj.

Yeah, it's me, BM. Just felt like a change and saw XMen III this weekend, so it seemed to fit. You'll all understand by the time you finish this post.

Last nite I had the chance to get out early and saw Stephanie (who Davey beat me to earlier in the day....you doggie!) for the usual wonderful FS. She's really got a great disposition and every positive word that's been said about her is true and then some. The only thing that truly breaks my heart is that (1) she's a young girl who really has some promise outside of her current line of work; and (2) she's already confided in me her inner despair at doing this. But she really is nice and it's always great to see her.

We discussed little brunette Angie, and it turns out there's developing news there. She's recently moved out of "the house" and is apparently hooked up with an older guy who's letting her stay at his place. Sounds like she may be coming a little undone, which is sad but not altogether unforeseeable.

I felt like going for round 2 and found brunette Jackie near Cambria. She's a former stripper I've reviewed before. She's still looking good but not nearly what she looked like when she was still dancing. No marks, though, and very clean and generally pretty. This time the BBBJ (for .30) was not nearly as good as last time (which was utterly expert) and she kept doing this thing where she sucked hard on the head and let it go with a loud "pop." While this may have looked/sounded great in a porn movie, it was painful as all hell and I'm surprised I didn't end up lacerated since I was definitely feeling a rough tooth in there. I told her to shitcan the special effects and things got better. Still a spitter though.

She surprised me a little asking me if she could get herself off in my car. Told her to be my guest, and after finding out she was fantasizing about her girlfriend while she was doing herself, I provided some dirty talk as a soundtrack built around that theme. She kept fingering herself til she got off 3 times and I could hear she was really wet. When I let her off she thanked me sincerely and said she was going to "go home and fuck her b***h."

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the report, it's my last. After much thought and careful consideration, I've decided that coming back after hiatus was a mistake, pure and simple. It's really a shame that I could not drum up support among the membership to truly offer a stern rebuke to Phillyewe, who hasn't earned the right to appoint himself credibility cop, lacking in that quality somewhat himself. If his constant stalking on and off the board doesn't meet the definition of serial antagonism I don't know what will. But clearly there's no concensus on the issue, and that proves to me a downward departure in the quality of the membership of late.

I pledged that I would let the outcome of the poll determine my course of action going forward, and even though it's not closed, it's far too close for me to have faith in the population of this board anymore. Who are you, who hide behind your computers unwilling to stand up behind someone who's done nothing but help you in your exploits for years? I pity the parents of any such individuals should they ever need your help or support. The lack of values here is astounding, but I suppose it's just part of the larger course that the country is taking in general. Atavism. Look it up.

The main reason I've decided to leave, though, is that I have recently gotten some considerable insight into Phillyewe. Given our respective situations, I truly do understand why a nice young black kid from a toxic neighborhood driving around in a shitty ugly green minivan would resent a symbol of a predominantly white establishment, as my posts have probably indicated in the past. And yes, I called you "nice", since even the racist SW I spoke to - and who says she doesn't normally date black guys - said you were. Her exact words were that you "don't act like a n*****" but I took that as praise nonetheless, considering the source. You should too, she meant well.

But clearly there are psychological issues you are struggling with, and I think I've just become a figurehead for elements in society you resent. I know you'll deny it, but you probably are too young to really know yourself anyway, so maybe some introspection is in order.

Rather than escalate this or stay on to be the continued object of your derision, I'm going to relieve some of the excessive tension here on the board and bow out. I hope that you resolve your anger, and that you are able to take yourself to a higher plane in the future. Until then, find some other well-off white dude to focus your displaced anger on.

Folks, I've only shared info because I thought we were kindred spirits engaged in a common endeavor. I was incorrect. Almost half of you lack the backbone to take a clear stand and make a choice between someone who assists you in your efforts, and somebody who doesn't. So, to the lesser half of you, the board is yours to turn to shit and you're doing a helluva job. To the seniors I've come to know and love, be safe, productive, happy and above all, free of parasites, especially those pesky sheep.

Res Ipsa Loquitur,

Dark Phoenix f/k/a Bigtime Monger

P.S. Remember to PM me if you've been injured in an accident!

07-13-06, 18:36

For Wilmington, check out 13 south of the airport before the 40 split. Also Rte 9 before the ramp to 295.Thanks Gadshill. I checked out the Delaware Forum but their give reviews the same ways we do. Like the other person already knowns where he's going.

Your information clears thing up a bit. I should be able to find what I am looking for, now.

I will post a review Monday. Thanks Again.


07-13-06, 21:20
This, in a way, brings up something I have been feeling since the day after I started the poll and saw the way the results started changing. I am wondering if Sheepboy/Ed/whatever else he calls himself is reg'ing new names and skewing the results. The sudden swing to all negative votes seems strange to me. I don't know if anyone has a way to see if voters have a history or 0 reports, but I sure would like to know.I have been wondering the same thing. Can a member vote more then once?

Only, it's a little different in my case - I don't care. Unless it can be proven that the vote has been rigged, I am posting according to the out come.

What does Mr. Jackson have to say on the subject of fair polls.


West Philly
07-13-06, 21:56
Well I'm back in town from a project and I love what Cookiejar is bringing to the table. Oh. I was thinking of releasing the West Philly Monger Report. But it takes time to do and if no one is interested then why do it? But, what the hell I'm releasing it anyway. No here's my 2 cents

1) Becareful about mongering around southwest philly and the badlands. Drug war going on and the shooting is crazy out there.

2) Rumors are flying that the police will start video taping any cars that do round trips in the K. Meaning going in circles, etc. Also some people who live in the area are taking photos. (to send to police or send to the news? )

3) Escort prices will be rising in the next month. Due to gas cost (funny huh) so if you do escorts expect to pay additional 25$ to $50.

4) Cops are back on this board, but they are looking for someone on here not sure who. But my inside guy tells me the guy is a pimp who has warrants? Strange. If I can get more info I will

07-14-06, 07:00
Please add West Philly info. That would be my closest playground and the cost of gas is killing me. I can use the gas as a tax deduction for my line of work but that would be cheating. Add W Philly stuff please.

07-14-06, 07:57
...if no one is interested then why do it?

1) Becareful about mongering around southwest philly and the badlands. Drug war going on and the shooting is crazy out there.Hey West Philly, Keep em coming, I'm interested.

I went through the nieghborhoods a couple of months ago. It was early, around 6:00 in the morning, didn't see much - just a couple of badoff crackdaughters. I came into the city from City Line Ave, though Winfield, up 52nd St, cross Chester Ave, into SouthWest Philly up to Yeadon. I saw a little stuff, but pussy was not my objective on this trip. The K is getting a little to hot, so what's up out your way? I like daylight trips. How bad is SouthWest Philly, during twilight, before dark? I saw a little action near Ellsworth Ave. (not sure of street name).


West Philly
07-14-06, 18:14
hey cookyjar ...southwest in too hot right now ...drug war is heavy ...West Philadelphia as a mongering spot is hit or miss...but it has some advantages:

1) Most of the BSW and WSW are not on the K high...meaning there is not alot of girls taking needles.

2) There are alot of girls who are normal down with the game...on the K the girls are the same and been doing it for years. If you are a professional monger travel to west philly and you can find some prime bSW/or WSW. It takes time and a will power to find the gems ..don't give up.

3) LE is not big in the area...you can drive and take in the sights..vs drivin the K scared out of your wits.

Well here are some disadvantages:

1) Not for non pros - if you never mongered before start at the K and work your way down to west/southwest. The K can sharpen your skills and increase your ability to spot a bsw/wsw.

2) If you are white.... You can tell in those areas if a white guy is from west/southwest by the way they act. If you are white and want to visit the area here are some pointers...
- look the part ..jeans/shirt no go down lookin fancy
- never be scared ...if someone asks you something don't look away square up and eye them down...
- never ever ...talk to someone who says they are a pimp..no pimps work in those areas.
- just blend in ... if you listen to the radio turn it to a oldie station or urban station...don't stick out by stopping every girl ...find a nice spot to park ..get out and comb the area...look for certain things that will indicate potential..trust me no one will bother you they will thank you are LE or one of the hippy white guys who hve moved back to west philadelphia.

3) Finally ... don't get lost ..if you never been to west.sw philly its easy to get lost and turned around ..travel during the day ..get the lay of the land

that's it for now

07-14-06, 19:17
I don't think you can vote more than once...I voted and if I look at that thread again, it says that "You have already voted on this poll"

I suppose that one could create a bunch of new user names and vote once with each, but is it really worth all that trouble?

I'd rather spend my time hunting down SW...or at least reading about it!


Baretta Ri
07-14-06, 23:12
I was just curious about people's negative experiences in the SW hunt.

Anyone care to share stories of interactions with mighty LEO? This is one thing that has always scared me away from stopping when spotting a pro.

The other thing that keeps me away from the SW scene is the fear of catching a little something extra in the process.

Anyone have any war stories or battle scars to share?

07-15-06, 02:23
2) Rumors are flying that the police will start video taping any cars that do round trips in the K. Meaning going in circles, etc. Also some people who live in the area are taking photos. (to send to police or send to the news? )
Let them tape me driving in circles for 2 hours at a time. There is no law aginst driving up and down the same street over and over. Just make sure they don't catch you letting a SW in to your car on tape, then you MAY be screwed.

3) Escort prices will be rising in the next month. Due to gas cost (funny huh) so if you do escorts expect to pay additional 25$ to $50.
Only fair, the call girls have to buy gas too, and most of them drive gulpers.

4) Cops are back on this board, but they are looking for someone on here not sure who. But my inside guy tells me the guy is a pimp who has warrants? Strange. If I can get more info I will
Some cops may read this and other boards for grins and giggles, but they know what is going on out there long before it ever gets reported here.

07-15-06, 02:34
I don't think you can vote more than once...I voted and if I look at that thread again, it says that "You have already voted on this poll"

I suppose that one could create a bunch of new user names and vote once with each, but is it really worth all that trouble?

I'd rather spend my time hunting down SW...or at least reading about it!

Sheepgirl/EdNorton/all the other names it uses, is doing exactly that to skew the results. It's no big chore to reg a new name. It would be nice if the poll software only accepted votes from a poster with more than 1 post, or there was a way for someone (original poster of the poll or a mod) to see all the people that voted so we could check this.

Gimmesex 5
07-15-06, 09:01
Well, there's why this is important if it happens, if a camera catches a "known SW" as they like to say get into your car, then the police have Probable cause to pull you over, harrass, etc, maybe more. The camera would be an unbelievable extra set of eyes for LEO.

Let them tape me driving in circles for 2 hours at a time. There is no law aginst driving up and down the same street over and over. Just make sure they don't catch you letting a SW in to your car on tape, then you MAY be screwed.

Only fair, the call girls have to buy gas too, and most of them drive gulpers.

Some cops may read this and other boards for grins and giggles, but they know what is going on out there long before it ever gets reported here.

07-15-06, 09:36

Originally Posted by West Philly

2) Rumors are flying that the police will start video taping any cars that do round trips in the K. Meaning going in circles, etc. Also some people who live in the area are taking photos. (to send to police or send to the news? )

[QUOTE=clitlicker]Let them tape me driving in circles for 2 hours at a time. There is no law aginst driving up and down the same street over and over. Just make sure they don't catch you letting a SW in to your car on tape, then you MAY be screwed.
[QUOTE]Once again we are in general agreement Ctitlicker. There is one point that I'd like to add. Why don't they snap pictures of the drug dealers, video tape the drug deals, or report the dealers tag numbers to the police or news? The people in the neighborhood know who the dealers are. They are friends, neighbors, and relatives who sell drugs right there on the corners, in the park or from thier cars. I myself have seen any number of drug transactions take place right on the streets. I guess it come down to - most people would rather live next door to a crack house then a whorehouse. Go figure?

In regards to LE On Board. Let them peek. I applaud their effect. There are a lot of real sicko perverts out there. I am talking about guys who prey on the young and foolish. I hope LE captures them all and clip thier balls. The only way to do this is to monitor the internet and hope to be there when a freak pops up.


07-15-06, 16:24
Well, there's why this is important if it happens, if a camera catches a "known SW" as they like to say get into your car, then the police have Probable cause to pull you over, harrass, etc, maybe more. The camera would be an unbelievable extra set of eyes for LEO.

Let them tape me driving in circles for 2 hours at a time. There is no law aginst driving up and down the same street over and over. Just make sure they don't catch you letting a SW in to your car on tape, then you MAY be screwed.

Read my last sentence again.

Benchseats Rock
07-15-06, 19:13
You guys don't even know.

Down here in Baltimore we've got no cruising zones, which are specifically designed to give LE probable cause to yank you over to the side for an interview if you circle for too long, and though it's not on the major loops, BPD assumes that it is as a matter of course. We've also got the eye in the sky blue light special cameras that pan 360 degrees and can telephoto zoom for several blocks and are remotely accessible by LE from their car computers, so if you don't see them out there it means exactly that, not that they aren't around.

As far as why neighbors take pictures of the serial looping mongers and not the drug dealers, it's almost a fair question. The real trick in the answer lies in the fact that mongers won't retaliate by burning the good samaritans out of their houses to enforce a "stop snitching" mentality on the neighborhood they've chosen to use for their own retailing purposes. It's happened a few times down here, I can't think that Philly is much different. Maybe less violent, but not much different.

Enjoy your lack of big brother while it lasts.

Benchseats Rock

Benchseats Rock
07-15-06, 20:36

who gives a rats ass whether someone is large or not. You found 3 posts in the last year where he imply's he might be large. Big deal and so fucking what? He's obviously thick as your girl confirmed. Average length dicks that are extra thick might appear shorter than they are, but again, why should you even care? He sporadically mentioned it a couple times but doesnt appear to be a braggert about it. You must have deep self-esteem issues.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Phillyewe, if you're really that obsessed wth thick cock that you need eyewitness reports to be satisfied, may I humbly suggest that your membership here is yet one more impediment to your getting ever closer to the lightswitch on the other side of the closet door.

Benchseats Rock

Know One
07-15-06, 22:52
I took a trip down to K ave today. All the pictures were taken between 3:30 and 7:30. I saw Gina firtst thing at 3:30 at her normal post. I did see Kate but she was not there until later. (~6pm) I spotted Krista near Castor. At least I am pretty sure it was her. She seemed to have put on some weight. I spotted blond Rachel and CJ's El walking north of the 7-11. There seemed to be almost no LE until about 5 and then it was moderate. There seemed to be a lot of options especially after 6pm as the day cooled a little. The girl in the brown dress was about a block north of the 7-11 and the leggy girl was south of Leigh but seemed like she might be a little strung out.

07-16-06, 00:48

If a lady were willing to go with me for a private encounter in Center city (say 15 & Locust), what hotel can I take her w/o going broke? Any places that rent by the hour? Tx

07-16-06, 05:18
These girls look hot. You guys are lucky in Philly..I just wish we had a good selection of sw's in San Diego. Most of the girls are bsw's and we are lucky to see 1 good looking wsw here. The problem is that this jacks up prices for everyone. Hopefully the action will pick up soon.

07-16-06, 07:07
...The real trick in the answer lies in the fact that mongers won't retaliate by burning the good samaritans out of their houses to enforce a "stop snitching" mentality on the neighborhood...
Benchseats RockWhy me? What am I doing that's so bad?

Here is the funny parts. If I get caught doing what I do, I'd be out of a job the next day, if my employer gets wind of it. My family will disown me. My friends will stop speaking. I'd be a laughing stock, and a outcast. Preachers all over the city will pearch a sermom about me. I'd have to move to another city and start mongering all over again.

On the other hand. If a dealer gets caught, even if he is convicted, (which they seldom are) he serves a couple of months and gets out with the right to whole down any job he can. In Washington DC, our capital city, he can even run for mayor and other official positions. Young kids admirer his big cars. Pretty girls flock to him. They may even make a movie about him. His parents will defend him. Friends and nieghbors borrow money from him. And unless he commits some other larger crime like murder, he'll continue to deal right in the open for many years. (While drug dealers ofter end up killing somebody, how many mongers end up as number 1 on a wanted list.)

Why don't their mothers turn them end. Dad, brother and sister know who they are. Cops know who they are. Everybody with half a brain know who they are. They are the kids driving around in a late model use car, no license or insurence, spinner rims and loud music blasting and no job or means of support. He is the kid buying $3.17 a gal gas like it's water. The car dealers know him well because he always pays cash. His DPA case worker knows him because he still lives at home, has three kids and a girlfriend and mangers to provide for them without ever have been employed.

Meanwhile my misdemeanor has followed me every where I've gone. Years of hard work down the drain, why? Because I let a SW get into my car or someone copied down my tags.

Why do they seem to be so intent on me when there are much bigger fish out there.


Mark Scott
07-16-06, 09:29
These girls look hot. You guys are lucky in Philly..I just wish we had a good selection of sw's in San Diego. Most of the girls are bsw's and we are lucky to see 1 good looking wsw here. The problem is that this jacks up prices for everyone. Hopefully the action will pick up soon.Well I guess you've summed this up and there are definitely no good looking BSW. Your hit was quick, subtle, and the unconscious consensus of many (not all) I'm sure.

Bad Bad Boy
07-16-06, 09:40
I have to admit that I am impressed with what I am seeing from the pictures posted here of the quality of girls (SW's) in Philly.

Thanks to Cookiejar and others who have posted pictures, the overall quality of the girls is impressive. I don't know if the picture are a true representative portrayal of the quality or just the better looking ones being photographed.

Unfortunately, the quality of SW's in neighboring Baltimore, MD. are no where near that quality. Most of the girls are extremely thin and covered with open sores, track marks, and scabs due to a life of drugs. The hygiene of many leave everything to be desired. Once in a while you do find a gem, but after a while on the streets they go down hill very quickly.

Maybe the grass is greener on the other side. You PA guys should count your blessings.


07-16-06, 11:35
I took a trip down to K ave today. All the pictures were taken between 3:30 and 7:30. I saw Gina firtst thing at 3:30 at her normal post. I did see Kate but she was not there until later. (~6pm) I spotted Krista near Castor. At least I am pretty sure it was her. She seemed to have put on some weight. I spotted blond Rachel and CJ's El walking north of the 7-11. There seemed to be almost no LE until about 5 and then it was moderate. There seemed to be a lot of options especially after 6pm as the day cooled a little. The girl in the brown dress was about a block north of the 7-11 and the leggy girl was south of Leigh but seemed like she might be a little strung out.

The girl in the brown dress is hot, hot, hot.

07-16-06, 11:37

If a lady were willing to go with me for a private encounter in Center city (say 15 & Locust), what hotel can I take her w/o going broke? Any places that rent by the hour? Tx

Go to the Carlisle at Broad and Girard. If heading west on Girard cross Broad St. to first light and turn left to next light and left again. The Carlisle is 1/2 block on the left. Only about 15 bucks for an hour.

Not the greatest of neighborhoods, but I could send you to worse. I've always parked there with no problems.

07-16-06, 11:40
I took a trip down to K ave today. All the pictures were taken between 3:30 and 7:30. I saw Gina firtst thing at 3:30 at her normal post. I did see Kate but she was not there until later. (~6pm) I spotted Krista near Castor. At least I am pretty sure it was her. She seemed to have put on some weight. I spotted blond Rachel and CJ's El walking north of the 7-11. There seemed to be almost no LE until about 5 and then it was moderate. There seemed to be a lot of options especially after 6pm as the day cooled a little. The girl in the brown dress was about a block north of the 7-11 and the leggy girl was south of Leigh but seemed like she might be a little strung out.

Was out at the same time you were and must have missed the girl in the light brown dress. Now that is what makes cruising fun. Your correct LE was very light and did see alot of potential out on the streets. Already had something set-up, so didn't participate with any of the findings.

Gimmesex 5
07-16-06, 11:46
Sorry, let me repharase, the police WILL see a SW get into you car (so we would be screwed but not the way we want) once they have cameras if you do anything near the zones where you have to go to get them in the first place. See Benchseats report. Before Philly invests big $ to get cameras, rest assured they will make sure they can do everything legal to stop mongering and will have their bases covered on how they would deal with a.the pull over based on probable cause, b.the arresst or citation. and c. the court appearance and inevitable conviction. Bottom line, mongering will be dealt a massive blow. Sorry but true, no matter what we feel or think as arm chair constitutional lawyers.

Read my last sentence again.

07-16-06, 12:07

If a lady were willing to go with me for a private encounter in Center city (say 15 & Locust), what hotel can I take her w/o going broke? Any places that rent by the hour? Tx

That area is known for 'ladies' with unexpected appendages.

07-16-06, 13:00
No it's not racist,my statement is simply a statement of facts and preference. When there is 9 sw's out and 8 of them are bsw's that is simply a fact pure and simple.

I don't prefer bsw's and I generally dont pay attention to their looks. This again is not racist.

Know One
07-16-06, 13:53
Was out at the same time you were and must have missed the girl in the light brown dress. Now that is what makes cruising fun. Your correct LE was very light and did see alot of potential out on the streets. Already had something set-up, so didn't participate with any of the findings.

I like to have the advance meeting set up too. I do not like to do the cold pick up much. It tends to be a lot more dangerous. I will try a cold meet just to get acquainted but I like to set up a future date. The girl in the brown dress was not out for long but I will get a name if I come across her again.

bad, bad, boy

I am a little selective in who I take pictures of as many may have guessed. There were plenty of women out who I chose not to take pictures of. This area is not really know for a high number of bsw.

Gimmesex 5
07-16-06, 14:00
She looks alot like one named Jessica I use to pick up, the drugs got her hard as I would see her nodding out as she sat for endless hours.She was/is quite beautiful with a fantastic personality and equal service (could really blow).

I remember the first time I picked her up was by the now Walgreens lot on K and Allegheny as she walked by like 3 am and a do-gooder in a Philly Parking authority faltbed truck chased us. When I couldn't loose him I wised up and took multiple turns which caused him to fall behind. We ended up somewhere off Cottman where we f*cked.

I took a trip down to K ave today. All the pictures were taken between 3:30 and 7:30. I saw Gina firtst thing at 3:30 at her normal post. I did see Kate but she was not there until later. (~6pm) I spotted Krista near Castor. At least I am pretty sure it was her. She seemed to have put on some weight. I spotted blond Rachel and CJ's El walking north of the 7-11. There seemed to be almost no LE until about 5 and then it was moderate. There seemed to be a lot of options especially after 6pm as the day cooled a little. The girl in the brown dress was about a block north of the 7-11 and the leggy girl was south of Leigh but seemed like she might be a little strung out.

07-16-06, 15:26
Went out today atound noow for a couple of hours. Sunday never seems to be productive. Picked up a rather somewhat cute girl (maybe a 6 or 7) named Kelly who said she was 28. Drove for a few blocks before I realized how strung out she was. Tried to convince me it was the heat and that she didn't do drugs because she in a program. Not convinced that she would even be able to stay awake I sent her on her way with a few bucks as a enticement to get her out of my car.

Next I stopped for a tall blond at the lower end of K. Damn I really do have to get a pair of glasses. My eyesight just isn't what it used to be. Older probably late 30's with both front teeth missing. Told her I was sorry because I thought she was someone else. Tried to give me a .05 deal but I wasn't interested.

The rest of the time all I saw were maybe 2's & 3's . I have come to the conclusion that Sunday afternoon is not the time to find the sweeties.

07-16-06, 17:54
I definitely would never pick up any "women" in the neighborhood that is affectionately called the Gayborhood. I used to work in town and you would think that it was a good looking woman when you got close and saw she was a he and not so good looking.

07-17-06, 01:20
Go to the Carlisle at Broad and Girard. If heading west on Girard cross Broad St. to first light and turn left to next light and left again. The Carlisle is 1/2 block on the left. Only about 15 bucks for an hour.

Not the greatest of neighborhoods, but I could send you to worse. I've always parked there with no problems.Davey, your directions are right on, but...

The Carlisle is on Poplar St, in the 1400 block, not Broad and Girard.

Your are also right, it is not the greatest of neighborhoods and I would be very careful after dark. (Some of the areas near the K aren't that hot either.) The area is a known stroll, mostly BSW. The quality is very hit and miss. Mostly crackheads, but I have gotten with a few nice girls out looking for rent money. I would be a bit worried about my car during the wee hours of the night. Avoid the area south of Ridge Ave, on 15th St, that's mostly HeShe territory. The Ridge above 22nd St is also a know drug area. And where there's drugs there are girls selling their bodies. The area from 22nd to 33rd is very hit and miss with no set stroll. White mongers beware that far from Broad St, venture after dark at you own risk. There is a stroll on 33rd St, near Diamond, exclusively BSW. The park is off limits after dark, LE hits every parked car with a light. The area off Ridge Ave to the North is also a drug area and you will often find girl walking on their way to the 33rd St stroll. Again, let me warn all of you white mongers with nice cars, who could be mistaken for LE - this area is not for you. Lots of white dudes enter the area looking for drugs and are accepted. Most of the quality BSWs will rush a white monger. They believe white mongers pay better. Start at $20 and only go higher if you most have her. The average crackhead in these drug areas will suck you dick dry, rim you ass empty and clean and polish car you car for $10.

A week ago, on 15th St between Parrish and Poplar, I picked up a young, BSW with a 9 body (a 9 if you like em small and shapely like I do). Her name was Jewel and I did take pictures. She had a firm body, nice butt and small but tender breast. I am going to say her face was about a 5. Others may not agree. (*See Bottom of the SW Scale) Jewel took me to a spot in the nieghborhood, where she gave me a fair to better then fair CBJ and then let me hit it from the back doggie style while she layed on the passengers seat and I stood outside with the door open. When I am in a nieghborhood I know and in my element, I do take some wild chances.

*Bottom of the SW Scale: If you can look at a girl without vomitting, she's a 5, if you keep regurging while covering your eyes when doing her, she's a 4, if you throw-up in her face while poking her, she's a 3, if you Puke and piss in her face at the thought of her giving you a BJ, she is a 2. and if you can't look at her without shitting yourself while passed out in your own slop, she is a 1.


PS: I will post her pictures after the poll results are final.

07-17-06, 01:23
I definitely would never pick up any "women" in the neighborhood that is affectionately called the Gayborhood. I used to work in town and you would think that it was a good looking woman when you got close and saw she was a he and not so good looking.Gayborhood? Never heard of it. Where's the Gayborhood, I wouldn't want to make that mistake?


07-17-06, 01:27
Sorry, let me repharase, the police WILL see a SW get into you car (so we would be screwed but not the way we want) once they have cameras if you do anything near the zones where you have to go to get them in the first place. See Benchseats report. Before Philly invests big $ to get cameras, rest assured they will make sure they can do everything legal to stop mongering and will have their bases covered on how they would deal with a.the pull over based on probable cause, b.the arresst or citation. and c. the court appearance and inevitable conviction. Bottom line, mongering will be dealt a massive blow. Sorry but true, no matter what we feel or think as arm chair constitutional lawyers.

You are talking about the area survalence cameras that will eventually be mounted on light and power poles that are SUPPOSED to be used for actual crime like hold-ups and muggings. I, and I think the original message I was responding to, were talking about cops with hand-held cams in the car.

Mike 80
07-17-06, 05:13
I spotted Krista near Castor. At least I am pretty sure it was her. She seemed to have put on some weight.Excellent pics as usual, Runnow. I would clarify that this is not the Krista we've been reporting on here for at least a couple of years, unless I'm badly mistaken or she has really changed her appearance. The girl you're posting looks familiar but I'm not sure I know who she is.

As for Hizark's latest helpful reminder that he doesn't like BSWs, would you just get the f**k lost, man? Let me suggest we take up a collection and buy Hizark a girl (preferably black) so he can finally bust his cherry. 1000+ posts and zero action.

07-17-06, 07:38

It runs from 11th on the East to 15th on the West, Walnut to the North, and Pine to the South. Drive around 12th Street and you would be surprised at some of the sights that you will happen upon.

07-17-06, 07:51

It runs from 11th on the East to 15th on the West, Walnut to the North, and Pine to the South. Drive around 12th Street and you would be surprised at some of the sights that you will happen upon.Thanks Guy, I know the area. I didn't know the name, Gayborhood. I never go into town to monger. Ya gotta be careful out there.


Know One
07-17-06, 10:19
Excellent pics as usual, Runnow. I would clarify that this is not the Krista we've been reporting on here for at least a couple of years, unless I'm badly mistaken or she has really changed her appearance. The girl you're posting looks familiar but I'm not sure I know who she is.

I am pretty sure you are right Mike. This girl does look familiar. I saw her again yesterday and who ever she is she has not just put on some weight. I think she is pregnant.

07-17-06, 17:24
I am pretty sure you are right Mike. This girl does look familiar. I saw her again yesterday and who ever she is she has not just put on some weight. I think she is pregnant.I agree on her being pregnant, that was my intial feeling. But anyway, here is another sighting.

07-17-06, 20:17
I am pretty sure you are right Mike. This girl does look familiar. I saw her again yesterday and who ever she is she has not just put on some weight. I think she is pregnant.

I forget her name as well. There was info about her in the past. From what I remember, not really good service and supposedly unkempt. If you notice she doesn't seem to get picked up often and never has in the past either.
Not sure if she's pregnant or just jail weight. Have seen her even heavier before.

07-17-06, 23:49
Found Mindy down the other end of K near Lehigh. Cute age 26, 5'4" , 100 or so pounds with long straight dark hair. Mentioned that she was Italian and Hungarian. She took me to her place, gave the older guy sitting in the living room .10. We went upstairs where I received the works. Before leaving I gave her .40 + .10 tip. Service was good, the only drawback was the heat (no air conditioning) and she was sweating like a pig.

07-18-06, 01:08
Picked up Angelina or Angeline near Little Lou's around 11pm.
Black hair, Hot body, Italian WSW.
Got in and imediately tried to adjust the A/C. Strike 1.
Told me the only place that she would go is a hotel room on RT 73 in NJ.
Strike 2. Wanted 60 for head and 150 for both. Strike 3.
Drove back to LL to drop her off. Never saw before. Stay away.

07-18-06, 06:36
I agree on her being pregnant, that was my intial feeling. But anyway, here is another sighting.

Def not Krista, even with weight. Saw that girl again last night. That's just one big belly roll.

07-18-06, 06:39
Picked up Angelina or Angeline near Little Lou's around 11pm.
Black hair, Hot body, Italian WSW.
Got in and imediately tried to adjust the A/C. Strike 1.
Told me the only place that she would go is a hotel room on RT 73 in NJ.
Strike 2. Wanted 60 for head and 150 for both. Strike 3.
Drove back to LL to drop her off. Never saw before. Stay away.

Smart move!! You know you would probably have had a knock at the door about 10 seconds into the session from her boyfriend/pimp or whatever. Not only that but 150 on the ave and 60 for head. Holly shit is she crazy.

07-18-06, 09:58
How active is K during the mid-day on a weekday?

I'm considering a run down, but won't if it ain't worth it.

Mike 80
07-18-06, 12:42
How active is K during the mid-day on a weekday? I'm considering a run down, but won't if it ain't worth it.Tne Ave is almost always worth a visit. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've found it completely dry at any time of the day or night and I'm counting thunderstorms, blizzards, Christmas, LE crackdowns etc. They say nothing stops the U.S. Postal service. Not much stops the action on K either.

Worst case is you'll have to make a couple of cycles or so to find something you want, but that shopping around (long as I know there will be a payoff) is part of the appeal of mongering for me. You should find the selection in the middle of the day on summer weekdays just fine.

07-18-06, 15:11
Quick report, was at K just now 2:00 pm nothing worth picking, hit back to Board CMD, within 4 blocks atleast 6 wsw 1 bsw 1 hsw. Thaings are happening with low LEO.

Jessica, tall wsw, long brown hair.
look 7.5
additude 8
Technique 8
Service recevied: BBJTCM


07-18-06, 15:11
ops this should be on sNJ

07-18-06, 15:39
Quick report, was at K just now 2:00 pm nothing worth picking, hit back to Board CMD, within 4 blocks atleast 6 wsw 1 bsw 1 hsw. Thaings are happening with low LEO.

Jessica, tall wsw, long brown hair.
look 7.5
additude 8
Technique 8
Service recevied: BBJTCM


Thanks for the real-time report

07-18-06, 18:34
Well I saw things different on the K today. There were at least 8 WSW's between the bull car dealer and Alleghany 1 BSW, drove around for about an hour and since I am still paranoid did not try for anything. But alas good fortune struck; I decided to proceed down towards Westmoreland 1 more time and saw a quick moving slim white thing out for a stroll. She went down a small street I went around the corner. When I arrived, there was a monger already working his magic but she saw me and gave me the eye.

I circled again and she jumped right in. Great rack, slim hips, belly button jewelry, straight hair brownish, big green eyes, tasteful tatoos, one of which said Brittney (that was the name she used as well, unless it was her 2 years daughters name) anyway non-drug user clean as you expect on a 100 degree day. Said she is not a regular just wanted to make enough to put food on the table. So we did a quick deal for a BBJB no swallow. Gave me digits as I want to explore pictures with her , she said she gets into that and has an assortment of Lingerie for sessions. I will explore more with her end of next week as I have a friend coming from out of town in the morning.

Well I did ask her why she did not get into the first mongers Van and she told she was very selective and just likes interection with 50ish white males. I qualify as such, lucky me.

07-18-06, 18:37
23 yrs old. Again lucky me!

Texaco Tim
07-18-06, 20:48
Report a little late. No not from April, thats her name. Meet her over the weekend down near DD. Spotted her exiting her car which she parked nearby. Went around the block and there she was standing on the corner. Very pleasent and friendly and cute, abound 5'7" and 115 lbs. Agreed to get a room for an hour for 40 (her opening price, I accepted). Said she is new to the scene but in talking to her she seemed pretty knowledgeable about the Ave. Only down side was she has a habit of picking at her arms, which showed. Nice girl, I would repeat. Got her digits, and discovered it's a land line, no cell to get lost. That's a first!

07-18-06, 21:52
Mark down this date on you calendar. I have finally redeemed myself. At the same time, I have just broken many of the rules in the in the pussy hunters handbook.

Finally, I have undid a great unjust misadventure. I just got back from getting the most extreme BBBJTC, Full Service, Doggie Style fuck, that I've had in years. From whom, you ask? Why from Elenora, who actually goes by the name of Brittany. Talk about GFE. After she got finished with me, I was breaking all the rules.

Rule #1, Don't fall in love with SW.

Not only did I tell her I loved her, but I asked her to marry me.

Rule#2, Don't over pay SW.

We agreed on $20 for pictures and to negotiate sex later. Later we agreed on another $20 for BJ. After she gave up the pussy without further negotiating, I just laid back and gave her my wallet and pleaded, "take what you want, please leave me enough to get home."

Rule #3, Never let a SW see you cry.

I weeped as I let her go back to the K.

For $60 bucks, that's all I had in my wallet (which is rule 4, never carry more then you are willing to lose), Elenora aka Brittany is by far the best I have had on the K. She is the best all around good time I have had all summer.

Not only did she let me take thirty outside pictures, twice the agreed number, but she gave up the most sizzling GFE proformance at a bargain rate.

I believe that my relationship with her is special because of my technic and her personality, YMMV.

I will post the new pictures of Elenora(aka Brittany) as soon as everyone has voted, the polls have closed and the results posted.


PS: How can you guys be missing this Gem?

07-19-06, 08:46
I'd like to remind the membership that the poll is still on going. It is near even. While I still have reservations, I intend to abide by the poll results.

Others are currently posting pictures in the general thread. I am the only one who has elected to wait on the poll. Does everyone understand that the new thread will be for everyone. Why not change the name of the new thread now, so there's no missunderstanding later.


Loop Vet
07-20-06, 09:07
Cookyjar reports without pictures is like Corn Flakes without the milk.

07-20-06, 13:39
Don't let a few babbling jerks affect how you post in here, Cookiejar. Since you've been posting in this Philly thread, I have found a reason to come here more frequently simply because I really enjoy your entertaining and utterly delightful posts. I am not a huge contributor on here, but that doesn't mean I'm not a monerging veteran in Philly. So please keep up the good work. You have many fans here, and I am one of them!

07-20-06, 14:21
If you are interested in seeing how Philadelphia’s finest tracks prostitution, as in prostitution arrests, check out the Philadelphia Neighborhood Information System (NIS) Crime Base at www.cml.upenn.edu/crime.

Under Data View – Maps, chose the map type (I suggest “Standard Deviation” and “10” as the # of Classes. Then select how you want the map structured, i.e. by Councilman District, Police District, Neighborhood, etc. Under Category, select “Other” and hit “Next”. That will bring up “Choose a Data Element”. Scroll down to “2005, Prostitution” and hit “Next’. This will bring up a nice map showing where all the prostitution arrests were made in 2005.

Obviously, where prostitutes are arrested, there must be prostitutes. You all deserve a special thanks for contributing your tax dollars to such a noble cause.

07-20-06, 22:11
Cookyjar reports without pictures is like Corn Flakes without the milk.I think what Loop may have been trying to say is that if you are real hungry and have nothing better to eat then dry corn flakes, that's ok. But it sure would be nice to have some milk to go with the flakes.

At least that's what I hope he's saying. LOL


07-20-06, 22:36
A bit on the thin side. Janie was a nice find. She was sitting on the EL steps at Huntingdon and K ave, around 7:30 or 8:00pm. A cute face on a thin frame. She was clean except for a few needle marks which she concealed well. She was a bit hype but still handled herself well. Good average talents, sexy attitude and I would see her again. She really got into the pictures saying afterwards that she'd had fun. No rush during the BBBJ but she stopped a couple of times to rest. She's a spitter. Looks: around a 7-, if you like the thin girls, which I do. Proformance: maybe a 5 or 6 - I think she was not her regular self. She did calm down a little after the picture part was done. She started to get hype again during the BJ. Because her attitude was nice and we got along great, having a few laughs on the way back - I'd definitely do her again and next time I'd try the pussy.


07-21-06, 00:31
Anyone have a report the girl in Runnow's report in the brown mini?

She looks really good and I'm thinking about returning to the K after a long drought for her, just wanted to see if there was any intel first if she is worth it.

Happy Lenny
07-21-06, 09:00
This is my 1st pic posting, I hope it works.

Did a little recon to see what was out around 7pm Thursday nite. Found girl1 near the DD. She walked down the K and then sat on some doorsteps to pick at her feet near Venango. She said her name was Jody or Lory.

Girl2 walking down K from A - Lehigh. Along the way met girl3 near Cambria. Girl3 had a tatoo on the right side of her neck - chinese characters ( translated means LOVE HURTS ).


Loop Vet
07-21-06, 09:03
lol, yeah Cj, the analogy wasn't great, I just wanted to use that old school Oran Juice Jones line. "That's right, Silly rabbit, tricks are made for kids, don't you know that. You without me is like corn flakes without the milk! This is my world. You're just a squirrel trying to get a nut! Now get on outta here. Scat! Don't touch that coat... "

I just feel that when you post a report where you took pictures during the session, it would be that much better to see the pics with the report. Your reports ar good without the pics, but we're so use to your report-with-pics style of posting.

Photo threads are for old photos or photos with no report.

07-21-06, 09:54
Met and dated Alice whom I think has been mentioned both earlier this month and last year. Strawberry blonde of medium height and build, attractive face; actually the cleanest and most attractive SW I've ever seen on the Ave. Her face reminded me strongly of Dyanna Lauren, which was nice. Friendly, articulate and clean. She is a recovering heroin user. Service and attitude great. No digits but she hangs around with a guy in a wheelchair.


07-21-06, 15:31
Girl3 had a tatoo on the right side of her neck - chinese characters ( translated means LOVE HURTS ).

That's what she THINKS it means , H·L

From the Providence , Rhode Island Board =

She's tall , thin and currently has long wavy magenta red hair . And multiple tattoos , including = a dark blue 'tear·drop' at the corner of her left eye ; 'JORDAN' on her left arm ; another name on her neck ; and a complex Chinese character on the back of her hand

I asked her what it meant and she said it was her kid's "initials" , although how one character could be plural initials apparently hadn't occured to her and I didn't have the heart to tell her it was the Cantonese Chinese character for " Potting Soil "

[ this happens all the time to people who get Asian character tattoos = see http://hanzismatter.com/ ]

07-22-06, 07:51
This is my 1st pic posting, I hope it works.

Did a little recon to see what was out around 7pm Thursday nite. Found girl1 near the DD. She walked down the K and then sat on some doorsteps to pick at her feet near Venango. She said her name was Jody or Lory.

Girl2 walking down K from A - Lehigh. Along the way met girl3 near Cambria. Girl3 had a tatoo on the right side of her neck - chinese characters ( translated means LOVE HURTS ).


Girl one is in fact Jody. Pretty decent gal, O.K. body under the clothes and good unrushed service. Works for Abdul..

Baretta Ri
07-22-06, 08:12
Why me? What am I doing that's so bad?

Here is the funny parts. If I get caught doing what I do, I'd be out of a job the next day, if my employer gets wind of it. My family will disown me. My friends will stop speaking. I'd be a laughing stock, and a outcast. Preachers all over the city will pearch a sermom about me. I'd have to move to another city and start mongering all over again.

Meanwhile my misdemeanor has followed me every where I've gone. Years of hard work down the drain, why? Because I let a SW get into my car or someone copied down my tags.


This is the kind of stuff that I would like to learn more about. I often take the stroll, but am easily scared off at the briefest sighting of Uncle Leo or seemingly attractive ladies heavily marked by their lifestyle. Never considered that the locals would be playing a supporting roll like the old French Underground.

I did pick up one once, long time ago in a galaxy far away, in another city. She practically threw herself into my car at a stoplight and it all happened soo quickly, I didn't have time to get nervous. Wound up being a rewarding experience, but have sticked to the AMP's and MP's since. That works well if the funds are available, but you loose the thrill of the hunt.

I realize that this might be a real downer to the momentum on the board, maybe this would be better handled through PM's or perhaps on a new board all together?

Member #4213
07-22-06, 09:00
Good move Guthrie, I picked her up a while back and got a BBBJ but I did not pay 60. But that was what she wanted. Also she was from NJ and after the deed was done she want to spark up in my car. She has some Tat's and wanted to be called Angel. I don't know if it the same SW but it sure sounds like her and I picked he up around the same place. By the way I will NEVER pick her up again.

Picked up Angelina or Angeline near Little Lou's around 11pm.
Black hair, Hot body, Italian WSW.
Got in and imediately tried to adjust the A/C. Strike 1.
Told me the only place that she would go is a hotel room on RT 73 in NJ.
Strike 2. Wanted 60 for head and 150 for both. Strike 3.
Drove back to LL to drop her off. Never saw before. Stay away.

07-22-06, 19:30
This is the kind of stuff that I would like to learn more about. I often take the stroll, but am easily scared off at the briefest sighting of Uncle Leo or seemingly attractive ladies heavily marked by their lifestyle. Never considered that the locals would be playing a supporting roll like the old French Underground.
One thing about Hungers or mongers, they are a usually willing to pass on advice to newbie’s. I am talking about the one who have been around for awhile. And, if you want to be around, to survive as a hunter, I suggest that you seek out their wisdom. I do.

When hunting on the streets, you’ll get by best if you follow you instincts. If something does not seem right, looks a little too good to be true or just does not feel right – back down and get out of there. Remember, in the wild the hunter does sometimes become the hunted. There are all kinds of elements out there waiting to take you down. No matter how nice a girl may seem or how safe a situation may look, you are the only one looking out for you. Everyone on the streets looks out for number one, first.

LE should be number one on your Beware of List. They are out there doing their job, which is getting home at the end of the shift. Most law enforcement officers would rather deal with rousting a hunter then pulling over a drug dealer. While a dealer would be a better bust, harassing a hunter is safer.

Street girls lie. They don’t want to suck your dick. They don’t want to fuck you. They want your money. The money or their drugs is all that matters. They all will steal or cheat you if given the right opportunity. Their job is to get between you and as many of you dollars as possible. While a smart provider knows it’s best to give good service if she wants return patronage; she will rob you blind if it’s to her advantage. Street Walkers are not to be trusted.

Another thing about SWs. They all carry weapons for protection, usually a make shift knife and most carry drug works. They may even have drugs on them. This is bad for you if you're stopped by LE, it's in your vehicle. I have heard of girls who stuffed their drugs under the car seats and claimed that it belonged to the driver. (Check your car after she leaves, make sure she didn't drop anything during the hump session.)

Besides for LE and the girl SW, there are pimps, boosters, robbers, highwaymen, hustlers, setup artist, the neighbors, Homo SWs, kids and the crazies – all out there trying to wreck your day.

One other thing. If for any reason you don’t feel you can do this, don’t. If you are not confident in what you do, the chances of making mistakes increase. There is no shame in being smart and just continuing to do what you do. I myself am scare to death of going into an AMP. If you decide to try hunting on the streets, go slow, check out the neighborhood first, start with a known regular (a girl you’ve seen out there more then once) and follow you instincts. Stay on the alert, a good hunter will never let his guard down, less he becomes the hunted.

There is an awful lot of pussy out there and it’s fun going after it. There is also a lot of bullshit out there, and it’s no fun dealing with the bullshit. Nobody knows it all, so ask questions and share information. If you need more specific answers, ask specific question, someone will answer.


Mike 80
07-22-06, 22:12
Met and dated Alice whom I think has been mentioned both earlier this month and last year. Strawberry blonde of medium height and build, attractive face; actually the cleanest and most attractive SW I've ever seen on the Ave. Her face reminded me strongly of Dyanna Lauren, which was nice. Friendly, articulate and clean. She is a recovering heroin user. Service and attitude great. No digits but she hangs around with a guy in a wheelchair.GarethOh yes, Alice. DukePV and I had a little exchange about her last year.
I wouldn't mind meeting up w/ her again. Very pleasant, laidback, and definitely facially one of the most attractive girls on the Ave. Was very tan when I met her. DukePV pointed out she was 32, which is several years older than I thought she was. At least last year, she seemed very well preserved for having been through that lifestyle.

07-25-06, 00:20
Monday night you had a good selection along the K. Saw a cute girl with long blond hair sitting on a step 2 blocks from Tioga on K. Looked to be in her 20's. Even in the car I would have never guessed her to be 42yrs old. She looked great, you could tell she takes care of herself. Gave a good BBBJCIM. She was very thankful and very polite. A little older than I like them but she cheerfully got the job done

Texaco Tim
07-25-06, 20:56
Was traveling north on the Ave Sunday nite. Ahead of me was a police cruiser just making his rounds. Spotted a fellow monger pulling up along side of a definite SW. Since all of us were facing north, no one was aware of who was behind them. Was amusing to watch as first the girl, then the guy became aware of what had pulled over behind them. No harm done as both of them quickly went their separate ways with no other action by the police. Seems that they are more into detering then catching anyone. Guys, use your rearview mirrors, and its been said many times "Do not make a pick-up on the K, use a side street."

07-27-06, 00:27
Hey guys, I do not frequent K much anymore but still go about once a month. Last night I was definently in the mood for a bbbjcim so I get to the K. I started about 1am. The area was kind of dead. I was thinking about stopping and turning back near the 7-11 but decided to go further despite my better judgment. Many pigs, marked and unmarked, some highway patrol.

I got down to lehigh saw a pair walking. Picked Dawn, which I think was referenced her before, she looked ok, body was a 6 and face needed some work but also a 6. She says its her first time (yeah right) I guess she was a natural born cock sucker then. $20.00 for the deed in an off spot. I start dropping her back, LE everywhere, I take her back from where I picked her up, and boom, out of no where LE driving by from the opposite directions, sees the SW getting out of my car. It was too late for me to keep driving or sit there and she was already half way out of the car. For some reason I even think the SW waived at them.

Anyway, LE rolls his window and yells "Yo Buddy, your lucky I have these two in the back (two gang bangers in the back seat) or else I would right you a few tickets." Nasty attitude, then drove off. I am not to concerned as the deed was done. I thought ok thats the best you can think of, writing me a few tickets. He had nothing on me to warrant an arrest but it is very likely that the ***** had something on her which would cause me trouble. Anyway, Im worried now thinking he called on the other 200 cops in the area. Im not worried that they would push for a monger charge but I do not need 200 tickets and a couple dates at the lovely Spring Garden Court House. So I go through side streets and get the fuck out of there.

I, out of all people appreciate the hunt, its the most fun but I do not think I have the heart for it anymore. There is too much at risk for me. All I need is my picture in the daily news as a suspected john (innocent till proven guilty huh) and for me to lose my job, house and never be employable (im in a field where background checks are always done), and losing my old lady ( I care for her obviosly but am still a horn dog, Soprano Mentallity, Ill never give up Mongering). I had my share of close encounters, you know, picking up a SW drive down and all of the sudden flashing lights behind me, but never meant for me, they just passed me, but fuck its a rush.

Im usually pretty good in talking myself out of a situation but now that I think about it, its really not worth it anymore for me. I hope Im not alone in this but everytime I get a BBBJ from a SW or whatever ***** (except civilians), I have this thing where when I get home, to rub my area with alcohol and clean it a million times in fear of a STD, herpes. The girls are trash, good for a BBBJCIM but still not worth the risk. I usually doing the deed afterwards.

Ill save up and hit Mexico and Canada for short trips, then Santo Domingo and Brazil for the big ones. BEtter quality women, cheap and legal (or at least tolerated).

Nothing like going to a strip club, getting a BBBJ and having the cocktail waitress waiting on you while your serviced, all for $30US.

Just my rant. The fucking pig worried me, I was sure he called in my vehicle and I would have been pulled over, harrased and ticketed to no end. I guess its not so bad, it could have been worse, they could have caught me with my dick in her mouth.

PS: This cop was a newbie, straight from the academy, trying to make a difference. But its enough for me to say enough is enough. Ive actually seen cops pick up SW, I once picked one up after she was dropped of by the pig.

PSS: Guys be careful of these SW, almost all are on drugs and likely carry some with them, if there in the vehicle with you, you get charged the same. So even if you can convince the pig, if he does a search your f'd. Also you cannot trust these SW, they may give you up to get away. But I know most of you know this already, just sharing. Good luck to all and enjoy the hunt.

07-27-06, 01:24
Picked up a girl named Melissa. Sighted her walking on Lehigh heading for Aramingo. Not too bad. Pleasent, talkitive, actually impressed me with her use of English.

Anyway, she didn't do very much for me. Which isn't a shot on her style, the problem is with me, blasted meds. We went to the WaWa so she could get a soda, and lo and behold, an unmarked car pulls in and two LE get out and walk in after looking right at us as we got out of the car. Were they looking at her? At the car? Both? No idea. Nothing happenned anyway.

Like ThePerson, I enjoy the hunt. The previous day, Monday, was bad. There was a cruiser with two FLE stopping at every corner getting the ladies to move. They also caught a few mongers.

I've also been caught five times, not counting the pullover just for driving around. One girl even had a rock that she tried to hide under a book, which of course they found. The worst thing that happenned was getting yelled at. The cops and I even had a laugh or two at my misfortune. One even threatened to write a thousand dollars worth of tickets if he saw me again. So I spent the next four weeks going down there every night.

Further on. Cookie Jar, I like your pictures. Some of them I would not touch at all, but that is just me. I've never seen any of them myself, but you provide a valuable resource.

And, I also fell for a SW, way back in 1986. And, it worked out very well.

07-27-06, 23:21
I bet every one of us had a story to tell~ shit I might start collecting your dog’s story and write a book about it.

Anyway. I’m stuck here in this shit hole "Raleigh, nc" on a business trip. Can't wait to go back Philly.

Peace out~

Gimmesex 5
07-28-06, 16:43

I just moved down here from NJ....how are you?

I bet every one of us had a story to tell~ shit I might start collecting your dog’s story and write a book about it.

Anyway. I’m stuck here in this shit hole "Raleigh, nc" on a business trip. Can't wait to go back Philly.

Peace out~

07-28-06, 22:38
Dame! sorry to hear that....... and thanks for the pm


I just moved down here from NJ....how are you?

07-28-06, 23:19
Picked up Val tonight up near the DD. 20 years old with a sort of girl next door looking face, but a great body. About 5'5" brown hair brown eyes. Said she has only been around a few weeks. Wanted to do only CBJ, but negotiated $30 for a BBBJ. Really great technique. She was definately a good find, and I would have done FS if I had more time. Got her info and will definately try and set that up.

07-29-06, 01:41
I don't live in Philly anymore so checking out the local spots is always on the agenda. I went mongering on OYR and found a small petite SW. Picked her up and started the negotiations (I love the game). Finally came to an agreement and I'm very excited and then she drops the bomb. She says "you know I'm a trans"something"". Obviosly, my excitement drained like water from a bath tub. I didn't get mad or anything, but I told her she/he had to go. I always feel the girl up while I'm getting serviced and the worse thing that can happen is for me to feel a little more than expected while getting serviced. So my first response was to ask if she meant that she had a D*cK and she replied disgustedly "do it look like I got a penis? ". I really don't understand that part because:

1. If she had no penis, then she must have gotten a sex change and she did't look like the type that could afford it?

2. She was with other streetwalkers so I wonder if they were the same?

3. If she had no penis, why would she tell me, would I have noticed?

4. If I would not notice, how do I know which ones are legit?


Gimmesex 5
07-29-06, 10:36
Don't be sorry, I am very happy here for many reasons as are the sereval dozen NY and NJ transplants that I work with.

Dame! sorry to hear that....... and thanks for the pm

07-30-06, 00:51
I remember when Rich Aka {Rachel,Bianca,Pamela } and Andy{Amy Cali,Amber,} was working at the old Jensenspa on Morrelll Ave and 2061&637 South Street Before all the girls there got sick. The coalition {National Transgender Advocacy Coalition} paid US$16,000 for the operation to have their genitals cut and remoulded into a vagina; now they have breasts and their Adam's apple had also been removed.. All the girls from south street had the operation.They all were male escort when they were on Penn Street. Alot of guys around Philly Play the crying game. Redhead offer 25 cbj have number if needed!! Aka Pebbles

07-30-06, 22:04
Cruised down the K this morning and noticed so many patrol cars just parked around the corners. No sws around except a really ugly he-she hanging around the DD. Disappointing to say the least.

07-31-06, 01:43
I remember when Rich Aka {Rachel,Bianca,Pamela } and Andy{Amy Cali,Amber,} was working at the old Jensenspa on Morrelll Ave and 2061&637 South Street Before all the girls there got sick. The coalition {National Transgender Advocacy Coalition} paid US$16,000 for the operation to have their genitals cut and remoulded into a vagina; now they have breasts and their Adam's apple had also been removed.. All the girls from south street had the operation.They all were male escort when they were on Penn Street. Alot of guys around Philly Play the crying game. Redhead offer 25 cbj have number if needed!! Aka Pebbles
A few yrs ago on TBD there was a rash of claims about these same addresses and claims that the workers were TV/TS and/or had the virus and were pushing BBFS. The claims were always made by unknown posters and the regular known posters considered them bs. I don't know if this is the same poster, but until we know more, I would use loads of Morton's.

08-01-06, 00:00
I visited a couple of out of the way strolls. 40th St in West Philly was a dud. Few SW's, just a couple of dried up crackheads. I was there around 8ish, Friday

Sunday, took a trip to Camden's Broadway. Flo was okay, with an out of sight BJ. Always to the point. Florence was very up front with the condition of her body. After I told her I’d like pictures, she said I wouldn’t want pictures of her. She told me that she had just had twins. She said that her breast and belly was messed up. I am a gentleman, and regardless to what other may think, I care. I didn’t want to just blast her off and kick her to the curb, just like that. I asked her to find a place and let me see what she’s working with. Too let me make the decision. While we drove around looking for a secluded spot, she shows me her personality. It was pleasant; she had a nice attitude and even apologized for wasting my time, before hand. Even after I agreed to take her picture, she seemed reluctant and ashamed. I cut the session short. I was about to give up the twenty that we’d agreed on when she offered up a deal. She suggests that I could have a BJ along with the pictures. Not wanting to further hurt her feelings, I accepted. Girlfriends’ BJ was off the hook, juicy and wet. I could feel her tonsils tossing my dick head left and right. She deep throated, held it and worked her tongue a little, then gagged a bit before sliding up. All things being considered, Flo is alright in my book. She even earned a $10 buck tip.

I will post pictures once the polls have closed. The vote have beed tallied and the results are in.

CookyJarOh, yeah! Flo. (Originally scouted arount July 9th or 10th in Camden. Sorry for the delay - enough said.)

Often we don’t get what we would like, and have to make do with what’s there.

Driving down a bright lit road, checking both review mirrors and side streets for LE as you keep the speed limit, you spot game. She appears suitable. As your hunter instincts take over, you round a corner, still checking all the angles as you pull over. As the girl walks up behind your car, you check her out. Getting a closer look, you take aim. “Get in,” you tell her, as you quickly pull off, still eyeing the environment around you. Driving along, the conversation goes, “You LE? No. You? No, what do you want? A BJ,” and just then the street light turns red. You come to a slow stop. Finally you can turn and take your eyes off the road to see what you’ve got – on shit – she is a real pig.

Now if you have read the original report on Flo you know that’s not what happen in her case. And you also know that her attitude and preformance more then made up for what her body lacked. So what’s the point. The point is that if you are riding down Broadway in Camden, and come across Fro, there should be no surprises when it comes to her looks. That’s what good pictures provide. A bit more ammunition, another weapon in the hunters’ arsenal.

If you are a breast man and you like them big and firm, don’t stop for Flo. On the other hand, if you don’t mind flappers and just want a really decent BJ, halt, Flo is what you’re looking for.

Personally, had I seen pictures of Flo before I picked her up, I wouldn’t have stopped. I like firm breast. Having meant her, and gotten to know her, I’d stopped again. I like nice breast but,I like a good BJ more.

As always, YMMV.


Philly Green
08-01-06, 00:27
Cruised down the K this morning and noticed so many patrol cars just parked around the corners. No sws around except a really ugly he-she hanging around the DD. Disappointing to say the least.Philadelphia PD is moving their forces around so they have more units in high crime areas, a reaction to the soaring murder rate, so I wonder if an increased presence is be the new norm for a while.

I was on the K on Sunday and there was no action to be had.

08-01-06, 01:36
A few yrs ago on TBD there was a rash of claims about these same addresses and claims that the workers were TV/TS and/or had the virus and were pushing BBFS. The claims were always made by unknown posters and the regular known posters considered them bs. I don't know if this is the same poster, but until we know more, I would use loads of Morton's.Not the same poster. I was there when one of their clients beat all of them up there. He was pissed They gave him HIV. I always used a raincoat with them they always offer BBFS. I didn't know they were guys untill the place shut down and saw they were arrested under male names in the paper. Still makes me sick to my stomach

08-01-06, 11:24
You fellas have all the luck! There's a girl on CL right now from around here, Jordyn, check her out. I've seen her 3x now, and every time was better, not like most girls. She and her friend are doing a "round the country" tour, so when your through, kick her back to the Northwest. We could use a little "real deal"!

Stay safe!


Eye Myt
08-01-06, 11:38
Next time ask her if she has lost a lot of weight, she looks like she lost a lot of weightn from her tits and stomach, could crack weight lose, but I believe she lost a lot of weight in a fast period of time.

Any man would be happy with a beer, fishing pole and BJ.

She just had twins..thats two babies at once, just in case you've never heard the term.

Jack Ace
08-01-06, 12:07
I've done a lot of mongering in Camden. I know most of the ****** there.

Cookie, her name is not FLO, its Suzi. She has a tattoo that says so. Besides, I have seen her wrap sheet (careful with her, she has a weapons charge).

She gave me a BJ once, I thought it sucked. I told her to stop and just to forget about it. I think she use to be REALLY fat, that's why she looks so nasty naked.

If you want a good BJ, pick up Janet. Ugly ***** with HUGH choppers, gives great head. My favorite, Sara, is no where to be found. She liked it rough, she was awsome.

08-01-06, 16:45
Met up with Mellisa Monday night. 1 block from Lehigh.
Tall,blond hair. Very light LE. Saw numerous sw up & down.

08-01-06, 21:41
Davey, your directions are right on, but...

The Carlisle is on Poplar St, in the 1400 block, not Broad and Girard.

Your are also right, it is not the greatest of neighborhoods and I would be very careful after dark. (Some of the areas near the K aren't that hot either.) The area is a known stroll, mostly BSW. The quality is very hit and miss. Mostly crackheads, but I have gotten with a few nice girls out looking for rent money. I would be a bit worried about my car during the wee hours of the night. Avoid the area south of Ridge Ave, on 15th St, that's mostly HeShe territory. The Ridge above 22nd St is also a know drug area. And where there's drugs there are girls selling their bodies. The area from 22nd to 33rd is very hit and miss with no set stroll. White mongers beware that far from Broad St, venture after dark at you own risk. There is a stroll on 33rd St, near Diamond, exclusively BSW. The park is off limits after dark, LE hits every parked car with a light. The area off Ridge Ave to the North is also a drug area and you will often find girl walking on their way to the 33rd St stroll. Again, let me warn all of you white mongers with nice cars, who could be mistaken for LE - this area is not for you. Lots of white dudes enter the area looking for drugs and are accepted. Most of the quality BSWs will rush a white monger. They believe white mongers pay better. Start at $20 and only go higher if you most have her. The average crackhead in these drug areas will suck you dick dry, rim you ass empty and clean and polish car you car for $10.

A week ago, on 15th St between Parrish and Poplar, I picked up a young, BSW with a 9 body (a 9 if you like em small and shapely like I do). Her name was Jewel and I did take pictures. She had a firm body, nice butt and small but tender breast. I am going to say her face was about a 5. Others may not agree. Jewel took me to a spot in the nieghborhood, where she gave me a fair to better then fair CBJ and then let me hit it from the back doggie style while she layed on the passengers seat and I stood outside with the door open. When I am in a nieghborhood I know and in my element, I do take some wild chances.


PS: I will post her pictures after the poll results are final.

LE activities around the K has increased. All the more reason to start checking other nearby areas.

Jewel was walking on 15th St, near Poplar St, around the corner from the Carlisle Hotel when our paths crossed. Her face, in my opinion wasn’t that bad – kind of classy artsy – and takes a little getting use to. Her attitude was fair, she seemed a little withdrawn, perhaps tired and not enough of a freaky nature for my taste. Her preformance was okay. She had a nice body, the tight firm type that I like. Her body made up for whatever else she may have lacked. I had to kind of force the action but she was willing once I made the suggestions. Some girls are like that, they like to be led, forced.

Like always YMMV. Who knows, on another day, after a little rest her attitude may perk up? I’d pick her up for a second try.


08-01-06, 21:56
I've done a lot of mongering in Camden. I know most of the ****** there.

Cookie, her name is not FLO, its Suzi. She has a tattoo that says so. Besides, I have seen her wrap sheet (careful with her, she has a weapons charge).

She gave me a BJ once, I thought it sucked. I told her to stop and just to forget about it. I think she use to be REALLY fat, that's why she looks so nasty naked.

If you want a good BJ, pick up Janet. Ugly ***** with HUGH choppers, gives great head. My favorite, Sara, is no where to be found. She liked it rough, she was awsome.No problem, Y Not. I usually don't pay much attention to the girls name. By the end of the session I've more then likely forgotten their name anyway. Most girls use different names on the street (so do I).

Believe me she was really embarass/self-conscious about her body. Maybe that's why my dick got so much attention.

Keep posting on the Camden stroll. With Kensington Ave getting so much added attention from LE, I may need to visit NJ more often.

Thanks for the up date.


08-01-06, 22:24
Not the same poster. I was there when one of their clients beat all of them up there. He was pissed They gave him HIV. I always used a raincoat with them they always offer BBFS. I didn't know they were guys untill the place shut down and saw they were arrested under male names in the paper. Still makes me sick to my stomach

I doubt the transition was complete if you know a guy who contracted HIV. Female-to-male HIV transmission through heterosexual intercourse (not related to IV drug use or anal sex) is extremely rare and may in fact be non-existent (a lot solid research has generally disproven the possibility, although it is impossible to prove a negative).

There are a lot of other reasons to wear protection during sex with a prostitute of any gender, but I couldn't resist chimning in on the BBFS/AIDS issue.

Member #5805
08-01-06, 23:13
Did you use a weedeater to bushwhack through that mess? You are one F-d up dude.

08-01-06, 23:36
This may be a little longwinded but I have no one to talk to about my new clandestine activities.

Last night, I was at CS2 and saw Chanel. Will post about that in the AMP section. Today I took some cash from the ATM to go see Chanel again tonight. NO, I can not afford to go there night after night. Anyway, I will talk about her in the other forum.

I was in the northeast, so I drove down Kensington Ave. Figured I might save some money by finding a girl out here and savor Chanel on another future night. I had no hopes to find an equal to Chanel on the Ave BUT it was quite good tonight. I saw a few girls that had potential. There was one white girl---- petite, early 20's with long full dark curly hair and a tatoo on her shin. I pulled over and she looked at me. We were on oposite sides of the street. Someone more agressive stopped right between us and she got in. Seemed dissapointing at the moment but she probably would not have compared to the girl I wound up with.

It was on Kensington, to be honest I am not sure where, but I am sure below lehigh.

She just turned onto the Ave from a side street when I saw her. Puerto rican. Petite. Daisey dukes. Full lips, shorter curly black hair. Mid or early 20's. I pulled onto a side street and she followed. She asked if I was a cop and claimed she never does this. She needs money for her daughter. I told her to get in and she started to ask how much. I told her to get in. As I was worried about cops. She wanted to know what I wanted and I told her a BJ and she said how much.

"you tell me how much"

"30? "

I readily agreed and we drove off on the search for the secluded spot. She asked if I had a condom. I lied and said no and that you don't need one for a blow job. She didn't respond.

When we finally found a good spot, she went to work and she was great. Wet. Noisey, enthusiastic. She asked me to jerk off into her mouth. As I did that she noisily slobbered on the first inch or two. She looked at me and smiled a wicked smile and said---

"that's the way I want you to do it when you cum in my mouth""

She went to town on it.

"Lick my Balls" I said. She didn't hesitate. She drooled and moaned.

She was sticking her tounge under my balls as far back as she could.

I had been talking dirty to her about how hot she was and how good it felt f**king her pretty face. She seemed to get off on it.

Now I said "if we were at a hotel I would have you lick my ass"

She stopped and bought her head up, smiled a crazy smile, looking into my eyes. I was waiting for her to say that I was a pervert and she would never do that but instead I heard

"You would have to give me extra for that" and still smiling.

"I have never done that before, for anybody. "

I told her we can't do it in the car.

"yes we can, in the back" smiling.

Damn, this girl actually WANTED to lick my ass.

I told her no, and she went back to the blowjob. It was great.

She was moaning in spanish. I asked what it means and she said quiet and sexy "give me that milk"

I held on to her head and began to skull fuck her. I would let go of her head and spank her ass. No resistance, just moaning. She had told me tell her when I was coming before when we started. Now. As it approached, I was seriously fucking her face. I said "it is coming. Swallow and I will give you some more money. " she swallowed willingly. And kept sucking for a while and then licked my balls and then looked in my eyes smiling.

I had originally given her 40 even though she asked for 30 and now I gave her 20 more.

She had no cell phone. She wanted MY number, and seemed very upset that I wouldn't give it to her. She was a little emotional and crazy.

I took her to her mother's house to drop off the money for her daughter and then took her to another place to be dropped off.

Well, maybe one day I will see her again and get the tounge bath. She scared me but she was sexy.

As good as this sounds, Chanel was better last night. See AMP section.

Oh yeah, this girl alternately said her name was carmen. And christina.

Some girls are very good at concealing thier total lack of interest (or even disgust) at having sex with you. Some are good at pretending they enjoy it (chanel again) this girl tonight, did enjoy it.

08-01-06, 23:37
HIV can be spread through BBFS F to M. Countries in southern Africa have HIV rates of 25% or more of the population. Anyone think that all those millions of people are junkies or speaking greek? Vaginal intercourse is not the most efficient way to transmit F to M, but it is possible.

The illusion of safety stems from the low rate of HIV in the US generally. It's about 1 in 300 in the population as a whole, probably 1 in 150 or 200 in the age 15-65 population. The rates are much higher among certain populations -- junkies (20% nationwide are HIV+, closer to 40% in the northeast) and men who have sex with men.

Ask yourself, if every 1,000th airplane flight crashed, killing everybody, would you fly? One in 10,000? 100,000? There are more than 1,000,000 flights for every airliner crash in the US.

I doubt the transition was complete if you know a guy who contracted HIV. Female-to-male HIV transmission through heterosexual intercourse (not related to IV drug use or anal sex) is extremely rare and may in fact be non-existent (a lot solid research has generally disproven the possibility, although it is impossible to prove a negative).

There are a lot of other reasons to wear protection during sex with a prostitute of any gender, but I couldn't resist chimning in on the BBFS/AIDS issue.

08-02-06, 08:03
I made my first two posts last night. Reading them, they sound like porn fiction but I guarantee you, it is not.

I have real mixed feelings about all of this. Many years ago, I had a drug problem. I can feel a very similar pattern. I am getting addicted to this stuff. Just like when you had the best drug connection, you thought it was great but it was also an opportunity to get deeper and deeper, to use more and get more strung out.

That is also true of this stuff. The last two nights were, in all honesty, two of the most intense sexual experiences I have ever had. Now, like an addiction, I keep thinking about it and can't wait for more of the same. Anyway, I am not ready to give it up just yet.

Another thing about my post last night concerning the PR girl Christina or Carmen. I would have to advise any reader to avoid her. I think I would go with her again because it was great, but I would have to say again, she was kind of crazy and I did not feel safe with her. I felt like she was capable of anything. In the end, it seemed she wanted to hang out with me and I was afraid that it was going to be a scene trying to get her out of my car, but it worked out OK. I drove back home with another hardon, regretting that I did not take her to a hotel. What hotels do people recommend in that area for a quick stop?

About the BBBJTCIMWS. I know that theoretically, there is some risk of HIV this way, but from my research, the risk is very very minimal.

08-02-06, 09:08
Did you use a weedeater to bushwhack through that mess? You are one F-d up dude.Yeah, I do actually like a little hair around the hole. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a fresh cut. I like em with natural curls, smooth blonde trim bushy fluff or bald. When it comes to pussy, I like it all.

I guess I am a bit fucked-up, but I don't knock the other guys thing. As long as it does'nt involve kids, rape or hurting someone who doesn't want to be hurt, I say more power to you. Having said that, let me explain - I don't DATY with the ladies of the night (or day). I am not putting down those that do. I'll fuck em, in the face, pussy or ass. They can suck, lick whatever they will, but I don't eat SW pussy. And if you ain't gonna eat it, what's the difference if it has a little hair aound it. Different stokes.


08-02-06, 12:58

A lot of cultural stuff involved in HIV/Africa. It is a custom, for example, that if a husband dies, his brother inherits the wife. So if he/she is infected, it goes around.

Also, South Africa has long had a system of migrant workers in mines. Since they work on 11-month contracts, they rely on prostitutes for sex. So when the guys eventually go home, they infect their wives.

African males do not like condoms. That's another reason for the spread of HIV.

Sam Iam
08-02-06, 13:03
I made my first two posts last night. Reading them, they sound like porn fiction but I guarantee you, it is not.

I have real mixed feelings about all of this. Many years ago, I had a drug problem. I can feel a very similar pattern. I am getting addicted to this stuff. Just like when you had the best drug connection, you thought it was great but it was also an opportunity to get deeper and deeper, to use more and get more strung out.

That is also true of this stuff. The last two nights were, in all honesty, two of the most intense sexual experiences I have ever had. Now, like an addiction, I keep thinking about it and can't wait for more of the same. Anyway, I am not ready to give it up just yet.

Another thing about my post last night concerning the PR girl Christina or Carmen. I would have to advise any reader to avoid her. I think I would go with her again because it was great, but I would have to say again, she was kind of crazy and I did not feel safe with her. I felt like she was capable of anything. In the end, it seemed she wanted to hang out with me and I was afraid that it was going to be a scene trying to get her out of my car, but it worked out OK. I drove back home with another hardon, regretting that I did not take her to a hotel. What hotels do people recommend in that area for a quick stop?

About the BBBJTCIMWS. I know that theoretically, there is some risk of HIV this way, but from my research, the risk is very very minimal.

* The Patio is $25 for one hour, $30 for two hours. Most of the girls can direct you there. Other Philly hotels are more.
* In Bucks the Ace is $15, Old Route 1 near Oxford Valley, and you might get more than one hour, Country Motel in Morrisville is $15 for a hour. From Philly its a 20 min drive and most Philly Girls wanna stay in Philly.
* Best Deal, ask the girl, she usually knows a room she can get for an hour usually an extra $10.

08-02-06, 13:36
I have real mixed feelings about all of this. Many years ago, I had a drug problem. I can feel a very similar pattern. I am getting addicted to this stuff. Just like when you had the best drug connection, you thought it was great but it was also an opportunity to get deeper and deeper, to use more and get more strung out.

I personally really have to control meself. If I could get away with it, I would spend $1000s a week between Stripclubs, AMPs and streetwalkers. It used to be the one time would satisfy me for weeks (with any of the aforementioned three) but I now I am unsatisfied no matter how many -- basically I have to stop when the money runs out or when it becomes too obvious to my wife. But I spend WAY too much and it is like trying to fill an empty well.

It does become addictive fast, and if you have a real propensity for addiction, you should not go down this road.

Gimmesex 5
08-02-06, 17:36
You can yell at me for saying, but sounds like you already are addicted

I personally really have to control meself. If I could get away with it, I would spend $1000s a week between Stripclubs, AMPs and streetwalkers. It used to be the one time would satisfy me for weeks (with any of the aforementioned three) but I now I am unsatisfied no matter how many -- basically I have to stop when the money runs out or when it becomes too obvious to my wife. But I spend WAY too much and it is like trying to fill an empty well.

It does become addictive fast, and if you have a real propensity for addiction, you should not go down this road.

08-02-06, 21:27
You can yell at me for saying, but sounds like you already are addicted

I have thought about it a lot and I really can't deny it. I think you're very likely correct, but I am not sure what it means.

I had resolved to go on the wagon a while ago and did so some time (no hookers, no strippers, not even any porn or jerking off -- just making love to my wife).

To be honest, it was a better standard of living than the rest of the time. But I love the chase and nothing in the world is more exciting then getting my cock in the mouth of some chick I just picked up off the street. But as exciting as it is, it makes me less happy than it used to and I have to question my sanity for not walking away altogether.

08-02-06, 22:08
I am currently sitting on three sets of pictures, taken recently. Normally I'd be a little concerned about waiting to post them. However, because they are not girls from the K Ave area, I feel less concerned about waiting until the polls close. If they were of K Ave girls, I'd feel obligated to get the information out there fast, as that is where most members hunt. This thought came to me. Hmmmmmm! How many of you are even interested in the other areas?

What about Broadway, in Camden? I find it very interesting. On a good day the stroll is packed. Mostly Crackheads, freaks and druggies, but like anywhere else there's the good and the bad. I have seen some very healthy looking PRs, a few cleanly dressed WSWs and one or two doable BSWs. My questions are: Does anyone go to Camden? Why? Why not? After all it is right across the bridge and easier to get to then the K, for some of us. One thing for certain, it is a dump. A point to consider is the crime rate. One of the girls I picked up told me it's best not to come after dark. She said the freaks come out at night. I wonder what she meant?

CookyJarChase was one of the finds from the Camden area. She was very eager to have her picture taken. She gave a fair BBBJ. Nice friendly attitude. On the down side, she seemed a little dingy. Her hygiene was a little suspect. No smell and nothing that a little soap and water won’t have improved. Other then that, there was nothing special about Chase. Would I do her again? Yeah, I guess – if there was nothing better around.


08-02-06, 23:08
HIV can be spread through BBFS F to M. Countries in southern Africa have HIV rates of 25% or more of the population. Anyone think that all those millions of people are junkies or speaking greek? Vaginal intercourse is not the most efficient way to transmit F to M, but it is possible.

The illusion of safety stems from the low rate of HIV in the US generally. It's about 1 in 300 in the population as a whole, probably 1 in 150 or 200 in the age 15-65 population. The rates are much higher among certain populations -- junkies (20% nationwide are HIV+, closer to 40% in the northeast) and men who have sex with men.

Ask yourself, if every 1,000th airplane flight crashed, killing everybody, would you fly? One in 10,000? 100,000? There are more than 1,000,000 flights for every airliner crash in the US.The way I see it, a condom is the way to prevent HIV 99.99%. I mean, I think HIV virus infects a man by entering the tip of the penis. I could be wrong but I think that's how it enters the male body from the female. But if the tip of the penis is covered, it's virtually impossible for transmission unless the condom breaks. A lot of African males don't like condoms and in poor countries, there is limited access to the drug store to purchase a pack of condoms.

08-02-06, 23:57
Stephanie is the one who led me to this forum. I was with her about two weeks ago and got her number....When we talked afterword, she told me that she had heard that people were talking about her on line. I tried to research that and that led me to this forum.

I had been meaning to call her. Actually, to some of you hardened pros, this may sound like I am a rank amatuer, but I wanted to call her on some night when I had more time and take her to a decent hotel in center city and buy her dinner in a descent restaurant, maybe in olde city. I liked Stephanie and like other posters here, felt bad for her and how strung out she is and what her life is like. I wanted to give her a break from the day to day shit she goes through.

Anyway, I have not had the time to do that in the past two weeks, but after driving on the ave for a while tonight I thought of calling her. Just at that moment she walked by. This was near K&A.

There was heavy LE right there at that time. I circled the block and she was gone. So I called her cell. I waited for her in the parking lot of the walgreen's. She took quite a while to come and showed right before I was going to leave.

We went to the Patio, at my suggestion. This was my first AND my last time there. I am not rich. I am not a snob. But the Patio is just below my standards. I still feel itchy.

The time with Stepanie was good, not great. I just feel bad for her and it is hard to get past that and enjoy the act.

But that was not her fault. She was fine. The only problem is that I want to drive her to a rehab instead of a hotel. I know most or all of them are on drugs, but in Stephanie's case, it gets to me.

Of course, while I waited for her, several pleasing to look at prospects walked by. Maybe I will see them again on another night, but NOT at the Patio.

08-03-06, 08:08
The way I see it, a condom is the way to prevent HIV 99.99%. I mean, I think HIV virus infects a man by entering the tip of the penis. I could be wrong but I think that's how it enters the male body from the female. But if the tip of the penis is covered, it's virtually impossible for transmission unless the condom breaks...

It's more likely that during heterosexual intercourse , the HIV virus enters the male through the moist area under the fore·skin ; being circumsized is protective of F — M transmission =


08-03-06, 13:02
Dog~ I was like you 20 years AGO! get over it.

Stephanie is the one who led me to this forum. I was with her about two weeks ago and got her number....When we talked afterword, she told me that she had heard that people were talking about her on line. I tried to research that and that led me to this forum.

I had been meaning to call her. Actually, to some of you hardened pros, this may sound like I am a rank amatuer, but I wanted to call her on some night when I had more time and take her to a decent hotel in center city and buy her dinner in a descent restaurant, maybe in olde city. I liked Stephanie and like other posters here, felt bad for her and how strung out she is and what her life is like. I wanted to give her a break from the day to day shit she goes through.

Anyway, I have not had the time to do that in the past two weeks, but after driving on the ave for a while tonight I thought of calling her. Just at that moment she walked by. This was near K&A.

There was heavy LE right there at that time. I circled the block and she was gone. So I called her cell. I waited for her in the parking lot of the walgreen's. She took quite a while to come and showed right before I was going to leave.

We went to the Patio, at my suggestion. This was my first AND my last time there. I am not rich. I am not a snob. But the Patio is just below my standards. I still feel itchy.

The time with Stepanie was good, not great. I just feel bad for her and it is hard to get past that and enjoy the act.

But that was not her fault. She was fine. The only problem is that I want to drive her to a rehab instead of a hotel. I know most or all of them are on drugs, but in Stephanie's case, it gets to me.

Of course, while I waited for her, several pleasing to look at prospects walked by. Maybe I will see them again on another night, but NOT at the Patio.

08-03-06, 14:12
Dog~ I was like you 20 years AGO! get over it.

Ya got that right. Start trying to be a savior to these girls and you'll be more fucked up in the head than they are. Hate to say it but we all control our destiny. Like Chevy Chase said in Caddy Shack "the world needs ditch-diggers too"

08-03-06, 14:42
Ya got that right. Start trying to be a savior to these girls and you'll be more fucked up in the head than they are. Hate to say it but we all control our destiny. Like Chevy Chase said in Caddy Shack "the world needs ditch-diggers too"

Reminds me of This Post ('http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=449216&postcount=88') — written in Defense of Wheeling , W.V.'s in·house Genius , Ausse Salt

p.s. = Wish I could claim credit for writing that line , but it was uttered by T.E. Lawrence when a superior officer called him a 'Clown'

The episode is recounted in his auto·biography Seven Pillars of Wisdom ('http://*******.com/opjbu') ; and then again in the classic 1962 movie & winner of 7 Academy Awards [ including Best Picture ] = Lawrence of Arabia

p.s. For Fiend111 =

You need to take this discussion of your 'Addiction' over to The Sexual Addiction Board ('http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=4228')

08-03-06, 19:49
Dog~ I was like you 20 years AGO! get over it.

Well, I knew that would be the reaction, but I put it out there anyway. What the hell, I am human and I can feel.

I am not "in love" with Stephanie. I barely know her.

I have no illusions about saving her.

I guess I should justs stay away from her if she kicks up those kind of issues in me.

Went to see Chanel at CH2 today. Now HER, I could fall in love with.

I will post about it in the MP section although she has been discussed many times.

Zaphod II
08-03-06, 20:38
Ya got that right. Start trying to be a savior to these girls and you'll be more fucked up in the head than they are. Hate to say it but we all control our destiny. Like Chevy Chase said in Caddy Shack "the world needs ditch-diggers too"

While I totaly understand guys "feel" the need to help these girl and feel bad for them, don't, I made the mistake of getting "involved" with with a rather popular girl some 4 years ago, and finally got her out of my life a year ago. Had I not let myself get involved my life might very well be much better than it is now, I wasted so much time and money on her trying to help her reform.

I've said this to myself a million time "all I wanted was a blow job"

Just do what you came to do and go, trust me on this one.

08-03-06, 23:08
Mean while back at the K. One of the really nice things about hunting on Kensington Avenue is the versatility. You name it, they got it on the K. I have been going to the K for a relatively short period of time. I have already cum across everything from Crack heads to club dancers, girl next door types to down right street girl types and my favorites; girls that will do anything to girls who’ll do just about anything. Nellie was one of the, “I ain’t shame to do anything” type.

A very shapely PR, Nellie was walking on the southern end of the k, near Lehigh, at around 10:00am; on a Sunday. As often happens, I spotted her from the rear, walking away, so I could not get a look at the face – but I liked what I saw and took a chance. After the regular chit chat, she took me to a spot down by the river.

As we got to a spot by the river, she’d chosen, we noticed a guy fishing near where she wanted to pose. At first, I wanted to leave. She, bold as you wanna be, walked right up to the guy and asked if he mind our being there. He said it was okay. She stepped back about two feet and started to undress. She wanted to have her picture taken with the river as the background, and said she didn’t mind if he watched. Just about the time she had gotten completely nude she notices that the people on the pier next to where we were had been using binoculars to see the show. She went right on posing. When I heard a group of people approaching with what sounded like kids, I insisted that we move.

We moved to another spot, out of sight of everyone and she started to strip down again. I stopped her. I had enough pictures and all of this voyeurism had gotten me hard as shit. I had her grab whole of a tree, while I pulled down her pants and panties. I fucked her from the rear, while she held on to that tree, peering back over her shoulder. Memories of the old days came back to me. Back then we’d take girls into the alleys or lots where we would fuck them bent over with their clothing down around their knees.

Since my dick was already rock hard, there wasn’t the need or time for a BJ. I wanted to cover up and get it before more people showed up. She was wet and juicy; I do believe she’d gotten hyped up by all the voyeurism as well. The orgasm may have been faked, but I think she really enjoyed the fuck (at least as much as a SW can enjoy being fucked). I believe that you can get some SWs, especially the young one, to feel something if you get their minds off the job and back on sex.

Would I stop for Nellie again? In a heart beat. Next time I’d play more attention to her mouth full of titties. I like small tender little buds, with big nipples that get hard when you suck them.

As always, YMMV.


08-04-06, 07:53
Wasn't there a former president who said the exact same thing?

I've said this to myself a million time "all I wanted was a blow job"

Just do what you came to do and go, trust me on this one.[/QUOTE]

Eye Myt
08-04-06, 11:49
Mean while back at the K. One of the really nice things about hunting on Kensington Avenue is the versatility. You name it, they got it on the K. I have been going to the K for a relatively short period of time. I have already cum across everything from Crack heads to club dancers, girl next door types to down right street girl types and my favorites; girls that will do anything to girls who’ll do just about anything. Nellie was one of the, “I ain’t shame to do anything” type.

A very shapely PR, Nellie was walking on the southern end of the k, near Lehigh, at around 10:00am; on a Sunday. As often happens, I spotted her from the rear, walking away, so I could not get a look at the face – but I liked what I saw and took a chance. After the regular chit chat, she took me to a spot down by the river.

As we got to a spot by the river, she’d chosen, we noticed a guy fishing near where she wanted to pose. At first, I wanted to leave. She, bold as you wanna be, walked right up to the guy and asked if he mind our being there. He said it was okay. She stepped back about two feet and started to undress. She wanted to have her picture taken with the river as the background, and said she didn’t mind if he watched. Just about the time she had gotten completely nude she notices that the people on the pier next to where we were had been using binoculars to see the show. She went right on posing. When I heard a group of people approaching with what sounded like kids, I insisted that we move.

We moved to another spot, out of sight of everyone and she started to strip down again. I stopped her. I had enough pictures and all of this voyeurism had gotten me hard as shit. I had her grab whole of a tree, while I pulled down her pants and panties. I fucked her from the rear, while she held on to that tree, peering back over her shoulder. Memories of the old days came back to me. Back then we’d take girls into the alleys or lots where we would fuck them bent over with their clothing down around their knees.

Since my dick was already rock hard, there wasn’t the need or time for a BJ. I wanted to cover up and get it before more people showed up. She was wet and juicy; I do believe she’d gotten hyped up by all the voyeurism as well. The orgasm may have been faked, but I think she really enjoyed the fuck (at least as much as a SW can enjoy being fucked). I believe that you can get some SWs, especially the young one, to feel something if you get their minds off the job and back on sex.

Would I stop for Nellie again? In a heart beat. Next time I’d play more attention to her mouth full of titties. I like small tender little buds, with big nipples that get hard when you suck them.

As always, YMMV.



Your stuff is getting real boring. I get the impression you are putting together a book to sit on the coffee table in the living room. These "Vanity Fair" and "Vogue" poses are a little out of place for street hookers. But, Have a nice day anyway.

08-04-06, 12:43
Cook you need to change your name to Fruitjar with all the sweet things your posting in the gallery. I Love It. Keep up the good work. First thing I do each day is check the gallery for pictures that you post.
You The Man.

Baldy Cruiser
08-04-06, 23:07

You are amazing. Keep it up my friend!!!!!!!!!!!

Baldy (LuvItReal) Cruiser

Roamin Roman
08-05-06, 03:22

Your stuff is getting real boring. I get the impression you are putting together a book to sit on the coffee table in the living room. These "Vanity Fair" and "Vogue" poses are a little out of place for street hookers. But, Have a nice day anyway.C'mon, dude. Give Cookyjar a break. He posts good stuff, and a hell of a lot more pix than you or I've put up on this forum. If the man wants to chronicle ALL of his adventures and share 'em with the rest of us, that's fine by me (and probably a lot of others on this board). If you're bored with his "body of work" (pun intended), then don't look. As far as the Vanity Fair and Vogue cracks go, I'd say Cookyjar's stuff bears a resemblance to Elmer Batter's work (assuming you know who he was).

Cooky, keep on postin' ! Your stuff rocks.

08-05-06, 08:21
Cook you need to change your name to Fruitjar with all the sweet things your posting in the gallery. I Love It. Keep up the good work. First thing I do each day is check the gallery for pictures that you post.

You The Man.Hmmmmm! Fruitjar, let me think. Sounds a little gay, doesn't it? Thanks, but no thanks - I'll stick with CookyJar - I may be sweet, but not that sweet.


But, I appreciate the sentiment.


08-05-06, 09:20

Your stuff is getting real boring. I get the impression you are putting together a book to sit on the coffee table in the living room. These "Vanity Fair" and "Vogue" poses are a little out of place for street hookers. But, Have a nice day anyway.You’ll get no argument from me. I am just wondering. What would I have to do to satisfy all 137,523 members?

What’s the propose for my pictures? Sure, part of what I am doing is for entertainment. But, I am not trying to be pornographic. You can get porn almost anywhere you go on the internet. Besides, members of this forum have pointed out that pictures of gapping pussys (and like pictures) may attract unwanted attention from perverts who are not actually mongers and provide little in the way of information. Being a pervert myself, I at first took offense, but later adjusted and now I am trying to satisfy that segment of our little group.

Again I ask, what purpose for my pictures? Am I trying to excite, arouse? No. At the least I am attempting to show what’s out there. I do try to show the girls at their better angle. More important, I try to show their attitude. And first and foremost, I take the pictures for me. It is part of my game. I admit, it does get boring sometimes. Doesn’t everything? But, once in a while I come across something new and different which makes it fun again.

Yanking down Nellies' pants and undies was very exciting. Nope, my pictures don’t show that. My pushing up inside her wet pussy while banging against her firm cheeks was even more exciting. Now that would have been a really hot picture. However, even if I could have gotten pictures of that wild scene, it would not have done justice. To have gotten the full effect. It’s like their say – you just had to have been there.


08-05-06, 15:44
You’ll get no argument from me. I am just wondering. What would I have to do to satisfy all 137,523 members?

Pay NO attention to those small·minded nay·sayers who take pot shots at your work , C·j

I've always said there should be another 'Super·Senior' member·ship Category for people like you , Ralph ,
and Amish Made = people who post photos that inform & entertain us... guys who just up·load pix from CL
or pix of random civilian chicks walking ('http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=451058&postcount=676') , wouldn't qualify

Keep up the Good Work , Cookjar !! You have 137,520 members on YOUR side !!

p.s. Too Bad we can't move up the date of your elevation to Senior Member ; but Rules are Rules =


08-05-06, 19:06
Thank U Cookiejar for sharing your adventures & pics.


Seva Lurker
08-05-06, 19:35

I liked Amish Made until I spotted a couple of photos he'd 'borrowed' from someone's web page. Okay, so I found my 'original' in a news group with the copyright line attached, but that caused me to wonder about him.

CJ. I like your work it has a feel of being original. Like PS said, ignore the people who don't appreciate what you are doing.

08-06-06, 14:41
Did a run on K last night from DD to A st. Very quiet,it was quite erie not the street name.

Cookie Jar I too admire your work and encourage you to pursue this till you run out of digital camera space. That never happens so enjoy. However a word of caution. You have shown the make model and color of your wheels so be aware of this, I look for these things as I was in the auto business for some years.

08-06-06, 15:26
CJ, they are getting better and better.

08-06-06, 19:41
Why I enjoy CJ's pics:

They do arouse and excite me. But NOT in a sexual way. To me, they are works of art. It's like cutting edge modern art and some of those shots are striking. Cutting edge brilliant stuff and should be displayed in some kind of a liberal museum.

I would not be surprised a hundred years from now when someone discovers the photos and renders them as works of striking art.

08-06-06, 22:16
Did a run on K last night from DD to A st. Very quiet,it was quite erie not the street name.

Cookie Jar I too admire your work and encourage you to pursue this till you run out of digital camera space. That never happens so enjoy. However a word of caution. You have shown the make model and color of your wheels so be aware of this, I look for these things as I was in the auto business for some years.You're right. I felt kind of dump when I first noted this faux pas in judgment. When I was posting in a site based outside of the area it didn’t matter. The van I was using was kinda generic. I guess I just forgot where I was at for a moment. As luck would have it, I drive another car most of the time and use the one you see in the pictures mostly for sport. I have taken to being extra careful and try to get away from the SWV when even I can. Hopefully LE has better things to do then stop every vehicle that resembles mine. In the mean time, what’s done is done. Beside, maybe I am not me after all, just someone pretending to be me and it’s all a sham to throw LE off.

Thanks for the heads up anyway.


08-07-06, 00:13
Mark down this date on you calendar. I have finally redeemed myself. At the same time, I have just broken many of the rules in the in the pussy hunters handbook.

Finally, I have undid a great unjust misadventure. I just got back from getting the most extreme BBBJTC, Full Service, Doggie Style fuck, that I've had in years. From whom, you ask? Why from Elenora, who actually goes by the name of Britney. Talk about GFE. After she got finished with me, I was breaking all the rules.

Rule #1, Don't fall in love with SW.

Not only did I tell her I loved her, but I asked her to marry me.

Rule#2, Don't over pay SW.

We agreed on $20 for pictures and to negotiate sex later. Later we agreed on another $20 for BJ. After she gave up the pussy without further negotiating, I just laid back and gave her my wallet and pleaded, "take what you want, please leave me enough to get home."

Rule #3, Never let a SW see you cry.

I sobbed as I let her go back to the K.

For $60 bucks, that's all I had in my wallet (which is rule 4, never carry more then you are willing to lose), Elenora aka Britney is by far the best I have had on the K. She is the best all around good time I have had all summer.

Not only did she let me take thirty outside pictures, twice the agreed number, but she gave up the most sizzling GFE proformance at a bargain rate.

I believe that my relationship with her is special because of my technic and her personality, YMMV.

I will post the new pictures of Elenora(aka Britney) as soon as everyone has voted, the polls have closed and the results posted.


PS: How can you guys be missing this Gem?Some might argue that this post on Britney is redundant. That her pictures and a review have been posted and that is enough. So why am I posting a second set of pictures? Why, to show the range of this very talented young girl. And then there is the obvious, over time girls change – especially on the Avenue. Beside, what else am I to do with all of these pictures (we took over thirty pictures on this day alone and that is not counting the ones from the first session).

Other then a slight loss is weight – maybe? Britney has not changed. She is still fine. And for a girl this fine, she is most accommodating. The average girl of this caliber would not be willing to expose herself outside, in broad daylight, and in these surroundings. Hmmmmmm, this may strengthen my hypothesis that posing for tasteful nude shots may arouse something in some SWs.

Dwelling on the subject from another post:

If ever there was a girl I would like to save from the streets, today it would be Britney. Pretty, bright and sexual, damn, what a waste (so to speak – she isn’t wasting anything – she is selling it by the inch). Of cause tomorrow there will be another one, with so many girls out there, there is always another one – either to want to save or to pity. Today it is Britney.


08-07-06, 00:20
Visiting you town for a few, took the K ave stroll. Kelly WSW late30's/40ish, dark hair, pussy could stand a trim. She tried to rush me but I got her to slow down, I was nervous as it was not knowing the area and a safe place to park. BBBJ with a little to much teeth, covered ride to finish. Service was better with the ride, she really put on a good show acting all into it, moaning, talking dirty and sticking her tongue down my throat. Three dimes and a nickle, tipped her another dime for the improved service. Hope to get out one more time but I have a shadow on me, I would hit it again given the chance. Maybe I'll see one of the Cooky man's center folds, I mean damn I would have loved to find his latest star, now that is some quality pussy, later vatos......

08-07-06, 00:52
how did u get these chicks to get all naked? did u pay them? or did u point a gun at them?

08-07-06, 01:06
Nice job Cookyjar your work is very nice. Reminds me of the content I used to shoot.

Member #2128
08-07-06, 02:39
Heya Cookie Jar, loved your report and pix of Nellie. Beautiful strong face...with a whole lotta soul coming at you. Hard body too! Big nip little titties. Damn. You are fearless....keep it up!

You mentioned "the old days" when you used to take 'em back to the lots and alleys and pull down the panties around the knees and grab it from the rear. How old were you? Brings back some memories of my own---back of the bowling alley in the wastelands of NJ.


08-07-06, 10:02
Some might argue that this post on Britney is redundant. That her pictures and a review have been posted and that is enough. So why am I posting a second set of pictures? Why, to show the range of this very talented young girl. And then there is the obvious, over time girls change – especially on the Avenue. Beside, what else am I to do with all of these pictures (we took over thirty pictures on this day alone and that is not counting the ones from the first session).

If ever there was a girl I would like to save from the streets, today it would be Britney. Pretty, bright and sexual, damn, what a waste (so to speak – she isn’t wasting anything – she is selling it by the inch). Of cause tomorrow there will be another one, with so many girls out there, there is always another one – either to want to save or to pity. Today it is Britney.


You have my vote.

08-07-06, 10:20
Britney looks fairly good for a sw. I am constantly amazed by the pictures of the ugly skanks that people post.

08-07-06, 11:24
Britney looks fairly good for a sw. I am constantly amazed by the pictures of the ugly skanks that people post.Britney looks damn good. She is the girl we all use to drool over in high school. Just because she is fucking for money take nothing away from her looks.

And remember, ugly skanks need love to (and for less money). LOL

Thanks for the comment.


Boston Monger
08-07-06, 11:25
If ever there was a girl I would like to save from the streets, today it would be Britney. Pretty, bright and sexual, damn, what a waste (so to speak – she isn’t wasting anything – she is selling it by the inch). Of cause tomorrow there will be another one, with so many girls out there, there is always another one – either to want to save or to pity. Today it is Britney.

I met this one HSW about two years ago up in Lawrence (MA). Cute as a button, 22-23, nice tight body. If I wasn't married, I would of brought her home. She asked me if if I needed a "girlfriend". It was so tempting. I picked her up three times and then she disappeared. About a year later I saw her again on the street. Drugs had taken their toll. She had the attention span of a light post. It was sad.

Most of us have stories like this. I know I could not have changed her, she could only change herself. That's what I tell myself. Sometimes it works.

08-07-06, 11:30
This was Carmen, she was a cute Latina I picked up on a Friday nite on Front near the Ozz. Great BBBJCIM.

Johnny B

08-07-06, 11:33
I am sure a lot of you guys have seen this one, her name is Stephanie. She looks like a find but belivee it or not she has terrible rotting teeth so make sure you use a rubber. Here you go for your viewing pleasure.

Johnny B

08-07-06, 11:44
CJ and JB,

You have posted some pretty nice pics today!! They might have been some of the best looking SWs that I have seen pics of. It is a real sad thing on what happens to people after they get hooked on drugs.....

Baldy Cruiser
08-07-06, 13:45
JohnnyBlazzer & Coookyjar,

GREAT PICS!!!! That Britney's got some great titties. Cookyjar when is your coffee table book coming out. I'll take an autographed one.

Baldy (luvPics) Cruiser

08-07-06, 13:58
Well, as usual CJ's pics are good and interesting, but as for JB's pics, I really am not interested in seeing pics of his dick or any dick for that matter.

08-07-06, 23:45
Well, as usual CJ's pics are good and interesting, but as for JB's pics, I really am not interested in seeing pics of his dick or any dick for that matter.

Thanks Clitlicker, I always value the opinions of the senior board members. I appreciate the recognition. For that matter, I give consideration to the opinions and comments of the entire membership.

A couple of time I attempted the rod in the mouth pictures. I think I posted one here on this thread. Like you, it didn't suit me (and it was my dick I was looking at). So I don't do that particular type of picture. I would like to try taking a few pictures showing my dick entering a girls bottom, but, that will have to wait until I figure how to hold on to the camera while holding on to her hips at the same time. I do experiment with the different type of pictures. I always end up back at the basics, my standards.

After I took a good look at the last pictures of Britney I was slightly impressed with myself. A beautiful street worker standing amidst the old railway ties and the garbage, there has got to be a message there somewhere. What about the tracks fading into the distance behind her, now that's art? Am I (the artist) implying that like the railways, the hoe will soon fade into the memory? Or am I (the artist) saying that provider and monger are like two freights passing - first silence then a lot of noise, followed by silence. Boy! Am I deep or what?

As for BJ's, I try never to knock the other guy for what he does and how he does it. Just as I am doing my thing, BJ has to do his. If his taste differs from mine, what the hack - more power to him. Others may applaud him for what he does, as I applaud his right to do it. However if I might make one suggestion, it would help if he added one or two pictures by which other hunters may recognize the prey. That totals up to eight pictures for him and two for the group. Two pictures that we can use to track down the provider and maybe get a little bit of what he have shown us. I would not mind getting with the PR girl that he pictured. But, how am I to know her unless I am fortunate enough to spot her with her mouth full, giving head on the avenue.


08-08-06, 00:14
Wow, CJ. If I wasn't 8 hours away from Philly... Maybe I need to make a run to AC and stop along the way. LOL

You need to give this one your "ho-phone" number and make her a regular.

Very nice find.


08-08-06, 19:14
First I said, “I’d like to take you picture is that okay?” (I usually start out by trying to make sure the girl isn’t LE.) She said that would be alright. I asked if she’d ever had her pictures taken. She asked, “nude?” I replied, “Sure, is there a problem with that?” “No,” she said. By now, we are heading down and around the corner, nobody is following and I am starting to feel pretty sure that she isn’t LE. I pulled over and started to set some rules. I told her I didn’t pay until we’re finish. She was okay with that. I asked how much did she get for a BJ. She said, “30.” I told her, “ I’ll give you 20 for ten pictures.” She agreed. (I only bring that last part up because it is a ploy that works well for me. After I see the body, and if I feel good about everything, I’ll offer an additional 20 for FS or a BJ. Do the math. That’s a total of 40 bucks, just ten more then her original asking price. 40 is more then 30, but she has done more for it. I usually get just what I wanted and I keep control of the bargaining so I can back off at any point.)Above is an Edited excerpt from a earlier post of mine: I am no longer a "K Ave" virgin - Thankyou Christy.

It shows some of what I do when bargaining with a girl. I am reposting this info because of PM's I have received asking if I pay the girls for posing.

You would be surprised at how little conversation it sometimes takes. Usually the better looking girls are the most willing. It is very rare that I am asked for more then $40 (for pictures and service). Remember, the hunters’ goal is to get the biggest possible bang for his buck and the SW s’ goal is exactly the opposite. Most of the time the girl doesn’t keep count or just lets me get more then the agreed number of pictures. I talk to them, make jokes and try to get them to relax and enjoy the session. My objective is to get a better all around performance at cut rate prices and I find that it is easier to reach that goal if they like me and enjoy the experience. Yes, I have been taken, but most of the time I get more then what I bargained for and end up very satisfied. If I most give more I try to do so in the form of a tip( I don't tip if they ask for one, I want it to appear like I am giving out of the kindness of my heart), it makes me look better/generous. What most mongers don't understand is that if you want good repeat action you have to play the part - just like the girls have to provide top service if they want repeat customers and good reviews. The trick is to play the part without dropping a lot of cash. If you over pay, the girl is likely to think you a easy mark or wimp and attempt to take the upper hand. Here is a good tip to follow: Have a set budget and keep to it. It's all a game and whether you win or lose depends on how you play. It’s not a sport for the timid.


08-08-06, 21:14
I really liked this girls Trinidad accent. Sweet and tender, I first saw Sabrina standing on Old York Road, near Huntingdon Park. I thought she was a civilian waiting for a bus. After I passed her, I realized that no bus runs on that block. So I turned a couple of corners, pulled into the park and motioned to her. As she walked towards me I couldn’t help thinking she looks a little young. Later, like Goldilocks, I was saying - and this one is just right.

Erotic and sexy, Sabrina talks a lot. She lets you know what she likes up front – everything. And she backs up what she says with lots of action. In her soft voice, she looked at me and she said she was going to swallow my dick whole. She did just that. She proceeded to give a BBBJ, deep throat while looking up into my eyes. She swallowed my dick until it disappeared entirely. She held it down, looking up defiantly. When she pulled up she said, “I like hard tang in me mouth.” The accent drove me wild. She equally used her hand and throat, talking to me on the up stoke - drove me wild. She even offered to take it in the ass, only if I’d come inside. Talking to me between gurping down my dick and stoking with her hands, keeping me off balance and aroused. She said she liked the feel of hot sperm in her butt. Sabrina is a very talented young ladies, somebody taught her well. The accent and her freaky nature was too much, I came early during covered FS. I am a sucker for the dirty talk when it’s done right. I especially like her soft demanding moaning and groaning like a teen getting it again and again in the back of daddies car, while their girlfriend is listening in the front street.

Just to clean/clear things up – she said she was 23 years of age, with one kid.

Sabrina was one of the good ones. She is new to the area. She claimed to have lived in New York up until a month ago. Although I did not stop for her, I have seen her twice still walking the same area. Time and situation permitting, I’d certainly seek she out and do her again.

Sabrina is one hot sweet young sexy thing. Should you come across her, try it – I do believe you’ll like it. But, as always I still must remind, YMMV. Don’t think you’re going to get the same kind of service in a routine car date. You need to put in some time with Sabrina to get the full effect.

Old York Road doesn’t even come close to to the action on the K. It does have a few good points and Sabrina is one of them.


Nemo Smith
08-09-06, 16:53
Is the non-asian place on Ludlow still open? I have not been there for a while and have not seen any reports about it? Thanks.

Swing Lo
08-09-06, 20:45
Long time reader, first time poster. Came upon an old friend who I had not seen in months. Italian/Puertorican and built like it. By the way I like em thick.

08-10-06, 00:40
Bianna was about 5 days ago, near Kensington and K St. I saw her turn the coner of K and sit on a step. I did a U turn and we made the eye contact. She was wearing fleece shorts and had long wavy black hair. Petite, early 20's. I thought she was puerto rican. Turned out she is Russian. Got a CBJ. I really don't like the cover, but that was her way. I asked her to lick my balls and she said "I don't lick balls"
Despite that, she was quite good at what she was doing and did not object when i began spanking her cute ass. Also, I liked it when she flipped from the passenger seat and got on her knees on the passenger side.

I would like to run into her again. She was very cute. After a few months clean, she would be beautiful.

I saw Bernadette tonight on the K. She is thin and blonde, maybe 25. Said she was raised in the Northeast, in Parkwood Manor. When I first got married (I am now divorced) I lived in Parkwood. Bernadette was just a little schoolgirl waiting for the bus back then.

I asked how much for a BJ in the car and she left the decision up to me. I usually pay up front but this time I did not. Bernadette gave me a great BBBJTCIMWS. She had no problem licking my balls. I told her to lick under my balls back toward my ass. No problem. I pulled her head up from there by her pony tail and told her to say "fuck my face"

She looked at me confused and said "fuck your face"

Well, maybe not too bright or maybe she was just fucking with me.

Before that, as she licked by balls, I said "Do you swallow, Bernedette?"

She mumbled something that I thought was a negative but I told her as she licked that I would pay her more if she swallowed. I was in heaven. I leaned back and held her head and fucked her face and thought "this is one of the cute girls on medford road that I lusted after way back then."

Well, I was hard as a rock and gagging her a little with each stroke and the end was real good. She swallowed effortlessly. I gave her 50. Yeah, I know she would have been happy with less, but she deserved every penny.

You know, I get a kick out of writing these reports. Kind of gives you a chance to relive and savor it, but I also feel

1) Guilty about the kiss and tell aspect of it.

2) Paranoid that one day these reports will be linked to me and I will be in my bosses office, or worse yet, a courtroom as they stand there with a stack of my reports in thier hand, shaking their head about what a sorry pervert I am.

Oh yeah, I missed one girl that was really hot. Young, black girl with long straightened hair (wig? i don't know...) in heals and a short jeans skirt. She had great legs. someone pulled in front of me and got her. Oh well, maybe next time.

08-10-06, 00:41
Is the non-asian place on Ludlow still open? I have not been there for a while and have not seen any reports about it? Thanks.

Its should still be there, i was there about 2 weeks ago. I remember about 2 years ago I saw this amazingly hot albanian girl with natural d breast at like 3am on a Tuesday. She was amazing, a great time I cant get over. Never saw her again. I miss her.

08-10-06, 19:32
Lisa is another one of those K avenue girls. Not perfect, but then who is? She continued to try and hide her stomach even after I told her it wasn’t necessary. In my opinion, her cute face, plump ass and thick thighs were enough to rate her a 6 or 7 even. Her long blond hair and stubble haired fat pussy didn’t hurt the effect either.

Lisa’s best attribute is her attitude. Nice girl with an excellent BBBJ. Lisa is very friendly but just a little too quiet and shy for my taste. Since we were car dating and I didn’t feel comfortable with the location there was no FS. Lisa was willing to do ½ and ½ plus pictures for $40 bucks, I settled for the pictures and a BBBJ. If we should meet again, I think I’ll try a little doggie style.

I am prepared for some member to suggest that Lisa isn’t the real name of this girl. If she goes by another name post it. What the hall, CookyJar isn’t my real name, either.

As always I must remind the membership, YMMV.


08-10-06, 22:02
I really liked this girls Trinidad accent. Sweet and tender, I first saw Sabrina standing on Old York Road, near Huntingdon Park. I thought she was a civilian waiting for a bus. After I passed her, I realized that no bus runs on that block. So I turned a couple of corners, pulled into the park and motioned to her. As she walked towards me I couldn’t help thinking she looks a little young. Later, like Goldilocks, I was saying - and this one is just right.

Erotic and sexy, Sabrina talks a lot. She lets you know what she likes up front – everything. And she backs up what she says with lots of action. In her soft voice, she looked at me and she said she was going to swallow my dick whole. She did just that. She proceeded to give a BBBJ, deep throat while looking up into my eyes. She swallowed my dick until it disappeared entirely. She held it down, looking up defiantly. When she pulled up she said, “I like hard tang in me mouth.” The accent drove me wild. She equally used her hand and throat, talking to me on the up stoke - drove me wild. She even offered to take it in the ass, only if I’d come inside. Talking to me between gurping down my dick and stoking with her hands, keeping me off balance and aroused. She said she liked the feel of hot sperm in her butt. Sabrina is a very talented young ladies, somebody taught her well. The accent and her freaky nature was too much, I came early during covered FS. I am a sucker for the dirty talk when it’s done right. I especially like her soft demanding moaning and groaning like a teen getting it again and again in the back of daddies car, while their girlfriend is listening in the front street.

Just to clean/clear things up – she said she was 23 years of age, with one kid.

Sabrina was one of the good ones. She is new to the area. She claimed to have lived in New York up until a month ago. Although I did not stop for her, I have seen her twice still walking the same area. Time and situation permitting, I’d certainly seek she out and do her again.

Sabrina is one hot sweet young sexy thing. Should you come across her, try it – I do believe you’ll like it. But, as always I still must remind, YMMV. Don’t think you’re going to get the same kind of service in a routine car date. You need to put in some time with Sabrina to get the full effect.

Old York Road doesn’t even come close to to the action on the K. It does have a few good points and Sabrina is one of them.


A young women, mid twenties I would guess, clear redistribution of fat cells obvious here. Clearly is or was at one time on HIV medications. Notice the cellulose in the thighs and lower abdominal areas, accompanied by no fat, or muscle mass in the upper torso region. Cookie jar, you were exposed to the HIV virus, undoubtedly given your photos and posts, more then once. Best get tested and in the mean time, keep it covered!

Swing Lo
08-10-06, 23:20
Follow up to my previous post. Pics didn't make it last time. Here you go.

Buster Lovedog
08-10-06, 23:40
"clear redistribution of fat cells obvious here. Clearly is or was at one time on HIV medications. Notice the cellulose in the thighs and lower abdominal areas, accompanied by no fat, or muscle mass in the upper torso region".

Question - it looked like she had a flabby lower abdomen, no chance it could be childbirth or a former chubby girl? Can you really tell by looking that she has HIV? I couldn't see the signs. Could you elaborate? It would help us all alot if we knew what to look for


08-11-06, 01:25

Nice photos of Lisa, I would give her an LA 8,

Pix out

08-11-06, 01:28
Lisa is another one of those K avenue girls. Not perfect, but then who is? She continued to try and hide her stomach even after I told her it wasn’t necessary. In my opinion, her cute face, plump ass and thick thighs were enough to rate her a 6 or 7 even. Her long blond hair and stubble haired fat pussy didn’t hurt the effect either.

Lisa’s best attribute is her attitude. Nice girl with an excellent BBBJ. Lisa is very friendly but just a little too quiet and shy for my taste. Since we were car dating and I didn’t feel comfortable with the location there was no FS. Lisa was willing to do ½ and ½ plus pictures for $40 bucks, I settled for the pictures and a BBBJ. If we should meet again, I think I’ll try a little doggie style.

I am prepared for some member to suggest that Lisa isn’t the real name of this girl. If she goes by another name post it. What the hall, CookyJar isn’t my real name, either.

As always I must remind the membership, YMMV.


What a waste! She must be a very nice looking girl. In a short time, she is transformed into a cr*** w****. We really have to get rid of the drugs in this country.

Vegas Black
08-11-06, 10:55
Follow up to my previous post. Pics didn't make it last time. Here you go.

That Girl gots ass!
Tell her to come to Vegas, alot of people here would worship that booty.
Be safe out there.........

08-11-06, 15:42

Now Lisa is my kinda streetwalker. Good One!

08-11-06, 18:46
I was with Bernadette the other night. Bernadette is a thin, tall, blondish girl. She told me to decide the price for a bj. What I got was a bbbjtcimws and it was real good. I would say she is about 25.

Face: 6
Body: 7
Attitude: 9
Service: 9

08-11-06, 19:57
Haven't been there before, where is it?

Its should still be there, i was there about 2 weeks ago. I remember about 2 years ago I saw this amazingly hot albanian girl with natural d breast at like 3am on a Tuesday. She was amazing, a great time I cant get over. Never saw her again. I miss her.

Out For Fun
08-12-06, 03:19
Some might argue that this post on Britney is redundant. That her pictures and a review have been posted and that is enough. So why am I posting a second set of pictures? Why, to show the range of this very talented young girl. And then there is the obvious, over time girls change – especially on the Avenue. Beside, what else am I to do with all of these pictures (we took over thirty pictures on this day alone and that is not counting the ones from the first session).

Other then a slight loss is weight – maybe? Britney has not changed. She is still fine. And for a girl this fine, she is most accommodating. The average girl of this caliber would not be willing to expose herself outside, in broad daylight, and in these surroundings. Hmmmmmm, this may strengthen my hypothesis that posing for tasteful nude shots may arouse something in some SWs.

Dwelling on the subject from another post:

If ever there was a girl I would like to save from the streets, today it would be Britney. Pretty, bright and sexual, damn, what a waste (so to speak – she isn’t wasting anything – she is selling it by the inch). Of cause tomorrow there will be another one, with so many girls out there, there is always another one – either to want to save or to pity. Today it is Britney.


CookyJar you are amazing. Your photos are always great. But this girl is the best yet. She is escort quality plus. Makes me want to fly to Philly today. Keep up the good work.

Benchseats Rock
08-12-06, 09:33
A young women, mid twenties I would guess, clear redistribution of fat cells obvious here. Clearly is or was at one time on HIV medications. Notice the cellulose in the thighs and lower abdominal areas, accompanied by no fat, or muscle mass in the upper torso region. Cookie jar, you were exposed to the HIV virus, undoubtedly given your photos and posts, more then once. Best get tested and in the mean time, keep it covered!

I had no idea that science had developed a visual Elisa panel.
PROBABLY is a word you could have used in there GT: but unless you've got a vial of blood and a centrifuge, you won't convince me unless you can point me to a JAMA article and somehow show us your M.D. I'm not trying to suggest that you're not a doctor or somehow medically educated, but I would suspect any number of things before diagnosing HIV - oh, lets take an obvious choice, ummmm...... ummmmmm..... Heroin?

Benchseats Rock

Arnold Bocklin
08-12-06, 14:15
Hi all,

I'm a newb to this board, sort of -- been lurking for months, but this is my first post.

First and foremost, I have to declare my undying admiration for CJ's work. This man has some serious brass. Not all of his subjects are 10's by a long shot, but I admire his cojones and especially his willingness to share with the community.

I don't make a regular thing of driving the K, but I spend a lot of time in the car there and elsewhere in the city (driving is a large part of my job) so if I'm in the neighborhood I'll dawdle a bit, maybe go around the block if I see something especially choice. Only occasionally -- very occasionally -- will I stop.

One thing I've never seen is a comprehensive listing of ALL the areas of the city one can check the talent. Of course I'm familiar with the K and the area around HP, and also a small section of South Philly and at least three areas in West Philly. I mention them because I'm relatively certain that Leo knows about them already.

But, I'd also like to compare notes on hunting grounds, so to speak. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to best go about it, and if there are any potential problems that might arise from such a collaborative effort?

Another thread I'd be interested in is a discussion of HOW to convince a SW to pose like CJ does -- this is something I've had an interest in.

Thanks to all for their input,


08-12-06, 15:09
I will be in Philly soon and will be staying at the Marriott next to the airport. Whats close by that I should check out. An AMP or good streets to find a sw. Also, how are the strip clubs? Any bonuses with the dancers? I'm from Utah so I'm sure this will be better than home. Thanks for your help. You can PM me if thats easier.

Ed Norton
08-12-06, 15:37
I am prepared for some member to suggest that Lisa isn’t the real name of this girl. If she goes by another name post it. What the hall, CookyJar isn’t my real name, either.Good logic, Cookyjar. We're just having fun here, so why spoil it with the truth.

What the hall.

08-12-06, 20:33
A young women, mid twenties I would guess, clear redistribution of fat cells obvious here. Clearly is or was at one time on HIV medications. Notice the cellulose in the thighs and lower abdominal areas, accompanied by no fat, or muscle mass in the upper torso region. Cookie jar, you were exposed to the HIV virus, undoubtedly given your photos and posts, more then once. Best get tested and in the mean time, keep it covered!

Your diagnosis is a clear case of trying to practice medicine without a license. The concept of fat redistribution when taking protease inhibitors or other HIV meds is still a hypothesis at best. Even better, if you did a differential diagnosis, anorexia, cushing's syndrome, and drug abuse should be high on your list. My opinion: she looks like a skinny chic who eats poorly and abuses drugs. She may or may not be HIV positive or on HIV meds but the pictures don't suggest anything one way or the other.

08-12-06, 21:27
I'm new to this area, and I would like to get off tonight.

Can someone help me with diraction for popular SW area at phili?

I see you all talking about the K ave? Wher is this? And is this the best place?

I will take pic and will report if I will get any.

Thanks in advance!

The Gag

08-12-06, 23:53
A young women, mid twenties I would guess, clear redistribution of fat cells obvious here. Clearly is or was at one time on HIV medications. Notice the cellulose in the thighs and lower abdominal areas, accompanied by no fat, or muscle mass in the upper torso region. Cookie jar, you were exposed to the HIV virus, undoubtedly given your photos and posts, more then once. Best get tested and in the mean time, keep it covered!First of all, let’s stay with what's really important. If you are out there fooling around with girls you are not absolutely sure about, you had better wrap that wrascal. A good strong intact condom is the only way to protect yourself. That is, if you a messing around. Do not kid yourself or anyone else. There is no way to detect an HIV infected person just by their outward appearance. However, if a girl does look like a possible carrier, I say pass, why take the chance.

Secondly, getting checked for HIV is not a bad suggestion. I have been tested twice over the last five years. My most recent test was in December. I was HIV free, I am happy to say. Even though I always wear condoms during intercourse I intend to have myself checked yearly. I do believe that I am at high risk because of the people I hang with, and because I do not believe science has all of the answers. (I say that, because I believe that getting a BBBJ from an HIV infected person has some risk.)

Third, please take note. Clear up which girl you are referring too. The quote is about the black girl, Sabrina and I believe your statement is referring to Lisa a WSW. Someone reading the quote and not having seen the pictures of Lisa might confuse the two and think you are saying the BSW, Sabrina, is the carrier. A person thus mislead might avoid Sabrina, thinking her the carrier, while seeking out Lisa. We wouldn’t want that, would we?


08-13-06, 01:04
I am not posting this because of the review on the girl Sue. I am acknowledging her as what is to be found in and around the area of Wister Ave and Chelton Ave, another out of the way street walker scroll. The area is known for BSWs, Crack abuser types (mostly), of all ages and an assortment of looks. I have on a number of occasions come across girls just out to make rent money working the area and whom I didn’t believe to be on any type of drugs. It is a fairly decent residential area. There may be harden crack heads out before 2am, but after that seems the best hunting time. On the night I picked up Sue there were at least 6 or 7 others in the area.

Sue appeared to be in her mid to late thirties. Dressed nicely, like a civilian out for a late walk on a hot night she turned out to be a let down. After talking me into going to her place, she rushed everything, claiming she expected her daughter home any moment. After she undressed, she covered up her face which was not part of our deal. She said she had changed her mind. She also picked her own poses, while ignoring my suggestions. Sue appeared to be a hustler, out to make a quick buck and not that interested in repeat traffic.

Not being excited by Sue’s attitude I opted to cut my loses and leave. I should point out that of the three girls I stopped; only Sue was willing to have her picture taking. I should also state that I was stopping only the better looking girls, on this occasion.

This, like every other area has its good and bad ones. Sometimes you get a gem, other times a dud. Would I give Sue another try? Nope, I don't think so. Like always, YMMV.


Ed Norton
08-13-06, 08:40
Not being excited by Sue’s attitude I opted to cut my loses and leave. I should point out that of the three girls I stopped; only Sue was willing to have her picture taking. I should also state that I was stopping only the better looking girls, on this occasion.

This, like every other area has its good and bad ones. Sometimes you get a gem, other times a dud. Would I give Sue another try? Nope, I don't think so.Don't despair, Cookyjar. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you.

The important thing is that you are contributing to the mission of this forum: Helping men find women for picture-taking.

08-13-06, 14:33
Please bear with me on this one. I apologize for not posting these pictures in the Philly General thread. As these do not reflex information on a current street walker I am reluctant to post them there. These are pictures of Aaliyah, known on the street as Ali, that were taken two winters ago. I am posting them, and the story that goes with them because of a recent post in the Philly General thread that relates to my situation with Ali. I decided to post this here in this thread because it was the only thread available to the general membership where a story of this type might be received with little objection. I take the subject very serious and welcome comments from all.

After cruising back and forth on Old York Road for about an hour, with no luck, not even one possibility; I spotted her. I was stopped at a light and she gave me that look. It was very cold outside and even wrapped in a thick heavy coat I could tell she was miserable. I pulled over and waited. I had been hunting for so long without a nibble I just motioned for her to get in. She said her name was Aaliyah but everyone called her Ali. As she shivered in the passengers’ seat I covered the basics. I told her I wanted pictures and maybe a little something else. She gave a deep laugh and said something about my being kinky. She agreed on my request, and said something about it should be interesting. (Statements which I would better understand, later.)

When we got to my place, she was still shivering. I told her to sit down and get warm. She sat on the couch with her coat on until I told her she’d get warmer faster if she took the coat off. After she removed the coat she sat back down and I took a quick glance and decided she wasn’t that bad. I fixed coffee, which I had offered her, and we talked about the weather and why a girl like her was out in the cold. After I had come back into the room from the kitchen, I noticed that the shaking had stopped. I gave her the coffee and told her she could undress there in the living room while I got my equipment together.

As I turned to face her and give instructions for the first pose – I was flabbergasted. Ali had more to offer then I had expected and it was bigger then mine.

So now what? Ali asked, “didn’t I know?” “Do you still want to take my picture?” Reluctant and still under shock, I shot a few pictures. I told Ali, “You should tell guys up front, others might not take this as calm as I have.” Ali asked if I wanted a blow job, claiming it to be the best and that I would like it.

That’s my question. What should I have done? What would you do? Before you answer take another look at them big tits. I am not going to say what I did until I hear from a few of you. But I will tell, I am not ashamed and I will explain my thinking.

Pictures are posted in the "Jokes & Humorous" thread under the title: Ali – what would you do.

Forth Ryte
08-13-06, 22:12
I'm sure you've all seen the front page of the Sunday Philly Inquirer. For those who haven't, there was an article about police using the power of their badge to coerce sexual favors from women they pull over for traffic or other infractions. The article mentioned a few local incident and the fact that police brass brush off or fail to investigate most of the complaints.

Next time LE pulls you over to give a morality lecture, keep in mind who's lecturing.

-- Forth Ryte

08-13-06, 23:36
Please bear with me on this one. I apologize for not posting these pictures in the Philly General thread. As these do not reflex information on a current street walker I am reluctant to post them there. These are pictures of Aaliyah, known on the street as Ali, that were taken two winters ago. I am posting them, and the story that goes with them because of a recent post in the Philly General thread that relates to my situation with Ali. I decided to post this here in this thread because it was the only thread available to the general membership where a story of this type might be received with little objection. I take the subject very serious and welcome comments from all.

After cruising back and forth on Old York Road for about an hour, with no luck, not even one possibility; I spotted her. I was stopped at a light and she gave me that look. It was very cold outside and even wrapped in a thick heavy coat I could tell she was miserable. I pulled over and waited. I had been hunting for so long without a nibble I just motioned for her to get in. She said her name was Aaliyah but everyone called her Ali. As she shivered in the passengers’ seat I covered the basics. I told her I wanted pictures and maybe a little something else. She gave a deep laugh and said something about my being kinky. She agreed on my request, and said something about it should be interesting. (Statements which I would better understand, later.)

When we got to my place, she was still shivering. I told her to sit down and get warm. She sat on the couch with her coat on until I told her she’d get warmer faster if she took the coat off. After she removed the coat she sat back down and I took a quick glance and decided she wasn’t that bad. I fixed coffee, which I had offered her, and we talked about the weather and why a girl like her was out in the cold. After I had come back into the room from the kitchen, I noticed that the shaking had stopped. I gave her the coffee and told her she could undress there in the living room while I got my equipment together.

As I turned to face her and give instructions for the first pose – I was flabbergasted. Ali had more to offer then I had expected and it was bigger then mine.

So now what? Ali asked, “didn’t I know?” “Do you still want to take my picture?” Reluctant and still under shock, I shot a few pictures. I told Ali, “You should tell guys up front, others might not take this as calm as I have.” Ali asked if I wanted a blow job, claiming it to be the best and that I would like it.

That’s my question. What should I have done? What would you do? Before you answer take another look at them big tits. I am not going to say what I did until I hear from a few of you. But I will tell, I am not ashamed and I will explain my thinking.

Pictures are posted in the "Jokes & Humorous" thread under the title: Ali – what would you do.

Is it really a dude. Those tits look to real. Did you get a hummer, then, not my cup of tea but whatever. Id have tossed her/him.

Sam Iam
08-14-06, 00:13
For me I'd follow the advice of Tone Loc as he said " I don´t fool around with no Oscar Meyer weiner
You must be sure that the girl is pure for the funky cold medina."

Seriously, I wouldn't do it. Curious what did you do?

Boston Chang
08-14-06, 02:15
I probably would let him/her blow me, although it had to be a CBJ.

As far as I can tell from the pics, the tits look real. She didn't have a man-ly voice I take?

08-14-06, 09:54
Hi all,

...I don't make a regular thing of driving the K, but I spend a lot of time in the car there and elsewhere in the city (driving is a large part of my job) so if I'm in the neighborhood I'll dawdle a bit, maybe go around the block if I see something especially choice. Only occasionally -- very occasionally -- will I stop.
ArnieYes, LEOs DO spend a lot of time in their car, driving the K and elsewhere in the city. And in fact, if they see something that spot's their fancy, they'll drive around the block and check it out, and perhaps pull over and have a chat.

Nice of you to ask for a complete list of SW areas as well.

Good luck on getting that promotion to sergeant.

08-14-06, 10:32
Nice tits or no tits...that a man wanting to suck your nuts dry. 'Nuff said.

Ed Norton
08-14-06, 15:59
I'm new to this area, and I would like to get off tonight.
Can someone help me with diraction for popular SW area at phili?
I see you all talking about the K ave? Wher is this? And is this the best place?Gagman, the go-to guy here is Officer Arnold Bockman. Arnie spends a lot of time in the car on K ave and elsewhere in the city (driving is a large part of his job). Arnie is familiar with the K and the area around HP, and also a small section of South Philly and at least three areas in West Philly.

So if you need diractions on wher to get off at phili, Arnie's the man. He knows how to spell too.

08-15-06, 00:12
Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.

I cannot believe it. Even Jackson, he pulled my post in the humor section and my pictures. Gotcha, gotcha gotcha… I got all of you. Where are you minds at? You guys are thinking in the gutter, as usually. I have planned to wait at least one more day, and maybe reel in some others, but since I got the big one, Jackson (whom I hope has a good sense of humor), I am posting how I handled the Ali situation today. And I do so while ROFLMBAO.

I declined. Why? Because Ali (short for Aaliyah, like I said) was nine months pregnant and I felt sorry for the little thing (the baby). Her belly was way bigger then mine. I never noticed her condition as it was hidden by her heavy winter coat. I was flabbergasted that a cool ass hunter like myself could have over looked such an obvious condition. Even when I glanced at her sitting on the couch without her coat on, I never noticed because she had her legs crossed and her arms over her stomach and I was looking at her face not her body.

What were you guys thinking? That I, the CookyJar, would let another man touch my bod, Ugh. I don’t play that. Nope, not the kid.

My question was and still is: would you fuck a nine months along, pregnant SW. Sure I’ve done it with pregos. But, this girl was do any minute. I was thinking to myself, shit, this poor kids got it bad enough without me banging up against its’ head. Moms got it out in the cold, probably addicted, and HIV positive – call me a softy – I just couldn’t do it.

I gave her thirty bucks and told her I knew she was going to get something to get high on, but to please get something healthy to eat. She promised she would. We sat and talked for awhile, and then I got this bright idea, so I took some more pictures. This is the second time I pulled it. No telling how many others would have fallen for the gag if Jackson hadn’t yanked it.

Jackson, I hope I didn’t break any real rules. I would never post transvestites pictures or anything like that, you gotta believe me on that. LOL And, I did post it in the humor section.

Hmmmm! Now where should I post this? Humor section? Philly section? Oh! Well?


PS: On a sad note. I have been with Aaliyah since the baby was born. I didn’t ask and she didn’t tell. I know the baby is not with her because I know where she lives. I don’t believe she remembers that day. Girls like Ali must blank things out, how else can they stay sane.

I Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha…I got all of you...except for maybe you over there.

I cannot believe it. Even Jackson, he pulled my post in the Joke & humorous section and my pictures. Gotcha, gotcha gotcha… I got you, and you and you over there...I got you too. Where are you minds at? You guys are thinking in the gutter, as usually. I have planned to wait at least one more day, and maybe reel in some others, but since I got the big one, Jackson (whom I hope has a good sense of humor), I am posting how I handled the Ali situation today. And I do so while ROFLMBAO.

I declined. Why? Because Ali (short for Aaliyah, like I said) was nine months pregnant and I felt sorry for the little thing (the baby). Her belly was way bigger then mine. I never noticed her condition as it was hidden by her heavy winter coat. I was flabbergasted that a cool ass hunter like myself could have over looked such an obvious condition. Even when I glanced at her sitting on the couch without her coat on, I never noticed because she had her legs crossed and her arms over her stomach and I was looking at her face not her body.

What were you guys thinking? That I, the CookyJar, would let another man touch my bod, Ugh. I don’t play that. Nope, not the kid.

My question was and still is: would you fuck a nine months along, pregnant SW. Sure I’ve done it with pregos. But, this girl was do any minute. I was thinking to myself, shit, this poor kids got it bad enough without me banging up against its’ head. Moms got it out in the cold, probably addicted, and HIV positive – call me a softy – I just couldn’t do it.

I gave her thirty bucks and told her I knew she was going to get something to get high on, but to please get something healthy to eat. She promised she would. We sat and talked for awhile, and then I got this bright idea, so I took some more pictures. This is the second time I pulled it. No telling how many others would have fallen for the gag if Jackson hadn’t yanked it.

Jackson, I hope I didn’t break any real rules. I would never post transvestites pictures or anything like that, you gotta believe me on that. LOL And, I did post it in the humor section.

Hmmmm! Now where should I post this? Humor section? Philly section? Oh! Well?


PS: On a sad note. I have been with Aaliyah since the baby was born. I didn’t ask and she didn’t tell. I know the baby is not with her because I know where she lives. I don’t believe she remembers that day. Girls like Ali must blank things out, how else can they stay sane.

PSS: I posted proof positive that Ali (Aaliyah) is a girl in the Jokes and Homorious section. I will post up to date pictures of Aaliyah in the Philly General thread.

08-15-06, 00:29
More proof positive. I took these picture of Aaliyah ealier this year. I wanted to have before, during and after shots of her. I was curious about them breast of hers. I wondered what damage child bearing had done to them.

Our first meeting was maybe three years ago. It was nothing special. Our second meeting, I just told you about. The last was also nothing special as I recall. A so, so BJ is all I have ever gotten from her. I think seeing her big and pregnant, knowing that there is a baby somewhere, has spoiled her for me.

I last saw her this past spring on Old York Road. Somethings don't change.

Would I stop for her again? No! I don't think so. But, remember, YMMV.


PS: The picture, "Aaliyah 12" should be proof enough, Ali is and always was a girl. Still ROFLMBAS.

08-15-06, 10:19
Are you BSing? Where is the pic of her prego?

Loop Vet
08-15-06, 11:29
I thought it was a preggo chick when I saw the pics in the gallery before the post cleared, but was then fooled when I read the story. She does have a manly face. I didnt think her shoulders looked manly though.

I've banged a preggo chick that was ready to burst. Eros pic below when not preggo. It was hot but also a little weird. I couldnt stop thinking I was poking the little bugger. Her stomach was rubbing against mine as she rode. I put my hands on her stomach at one point and got weirded out. She was a friend but I never had the desire to do it again.

08-15-06, 12:39
I banged a preggo chick too but there's a weird first phase to the story and even a post phase encounter. She was a young (18 or 19) busty thing and a semi-pro when we first met. After one car encoutner the next tiem we hooked up it was in my GF's house where I was living at the time (she was gone for the weekend and I had the place to myself).

Weirdness #1 - She informed me "I know this house - I went to high shcool with the girl whose mom owns this house!" oops - that mom was my GF.

Weirdness #2 - I ran into her about a year or too later and she had her own apartmentt no more than a block away from my (now former) GF's house. We headed up to her little place to do the deed and I discovered, under her longand loose winter coat, that she was about 8 months pregnant. We did it doggie on our sides on the bed and I'll have to say it was prettty damn good....

Weirdness #3 - My GF (with whom I remained close and 18
years later am still hooking up with periodically) invites me to be the weekly speaker for a 12 Step meeting at an in-patient rehab where she's on staff part time. I did my talk and afterwards guess who comes up to greet me with open arms and is so happy to see me? Yeah... my little formerly preggo action who 14 years later now has three kids and a bad habit. She still looked pretty sweet but I didn't suggest any get-togethers....

But the there's the hooker who let me suck her tit and it turned out she was lactating. Now THAT'S a surprise!

Mike 80
08-15-06, 13:55
I've only picked up one girl on K all summer (Cheryl who I posted about a couple months ago). The other morning I spotted a decent looking, pretty healthy size, dirty blonde SW around Front and Lehigh. She was passing a skinny brunette who had her hair tied up. I turned the corner, parked and waited for the blonde to walk by. Instead the brunette showed up. It was Erica who Cookyjar posted pics of a while back. As somebody else said about her, Erica is a rare SW who looks cuter up close than from 100 feet. Check out CJs pics as well as his and other mostly positive reviews about her. She's small and you can easily overlook her like I did.

Exactly my favorite body type. Young, tight, lean (but not too lean), small but nice sized breasts, sweet ass, pretty face. A couple big negatives right off the bat however. She's got a bunch of scars on her arm and two sores on her cheek. We drove off and soon she was complaining about getting "sick." Had me feel her neck and it was hot but she was freezing. Didn't take long to realize the real reason. She asked me to crank the heat up to the max and started fidgeting around in her seat like crazy. Legs up in the air, head on the seat. As the car got hotter, she started nodding off, then waking up and babbling. A few things she said did make sense. Said she just ran away from her pimp and wants to go home to NJ. Hates her situation.

I drove her quite a way off the stroll and finally found a safe spot. She was jonesing worse than any SW I've ever been with. She had me turn the AC back on to keep her awake. I usually go BB but decided to cover up this time. Kind of wanted to FS that nice body but the way she was acting and where we were parked, I figured I couldn't take a chance. Tried to cover up but the rubber broke so I went BB. Surprisingly good BBJ. Some DT and ended CIM. By the time I dropped her back off she was pretty much out of it. Could barely crawl out of the car. A few miles away I looked over and saw she'd dropped the money I'd given her on the seat. That's a first for me. If I was closer, I would have gone looking for her because I believe these girls deserve to be treated fairly. But this was a lost cause in more ways than one.

08-15-06, 15:23
Ah, I recognize that one! My dear Pussiyah, so hard to find. See my review (search for Pu). Utterly fantastico.

Loop Vet
08-15-06, 16:36
I will admit, I find Cc to be kind of funny, but what's the frickin point? I mean, is it that Cj bothers him so much that he has to be a parody of him? Why? Jealous? So Cj posts 10 pics; is there something wrong with that? I feel the Cutter has some sort of inferiority complex and is bothered that Cj has such an easy time landing chicks who are willing to take pics, good looking or not. Maybe it's not the pics but the praise Cj gets? I dont get it, but still I'm amused by his posts. I just would hope he's doing it to be humorous and not in spite. Cj's a good dude, Cc, get over it.

Btw, Cj (or Sam Iam), is Sam Iam the same "Sam I Am" that we had over on that msn forum? The guy who would end his posts with something like: SAM the fat ho fucker that I AM.

08-15-06, 17:01
I will admit, I find Cc to be kind of funny, but what's the frickin point? I mean, is it that Cj bothers him so much that he has to be a parody of him? Why? Jealous? So Cj posts 10 pics; is there something wrong with that? I feel the Cutter has some sort of inferiority complex and is bothered that Cj has such an easy time landing chicks who are willing to take pics, good looking or not. Maybe it's not the pics but the praise Cj gets? I dont get it, but still I'm amused by his posts. I just would hope he's doing it to be humorous and not in spite. Cj's a good dude, Cc, get over it.

A brain-dead shithead is and always will be a brain-dead shithead, no matter how many shrinks he sees. CJ posts some of the best info on this board, with good pics so we can tell if we would want to look for the girl - and be able to actually know if it is her instead of just seeing her back. Also, his quality of girl is better than most of the pics from anywhere, just look at some of the skanks posted in other cities.

Boston Apple
08-15-06, 19:45
I will admit, I find Cc to be kind of funny, but what's the frickin point? I mean, is it that Cj bothers him so much that he has to be a parody of him? Why? Jealous? So Cj posts 10 pics; is there something wrong with that? I feel the Cutter has some sort of inferiority complex and is bothered that Cj has such an easy time landing chicks who are willing to take pics, good looking or not. Maybe it's not the pics but the praise Cj gets? I dont get it, but still I'm amused by his posts. I just would hope he's doing it to be humorous and not in spite. Cj's a good dude, Cc, get over it.

Btw, Cj (or Sam Iam), is Sam Iam the same "Sam I Am" that we had over on that msn forum? The guy who would end his posts with something like: SAM the fat ho fucker that I AM.That Cj is actually a mole from the city's tourism board. He posts all these pics of actually decent looking SWs in the hopes of luring flocks of mongers from all over the US and beyond. I know I have considered a road trip down from Boston just to see some of these "sights".

08-15-06, 20:36
Btw, Cj (or Sam Iam), is Sam Iam the same "Sam I Am" that we had over on that msn forum? The guy who would end his posts with something like: SAM the fat ho fucker that I AM.Are you asking if I'm SAM? No! And I don't believe, "Sam I am" is the SAM from the MSN forum. SAM has started up a new WorldGroups forum, it's not the same. The new group is less tolerate now that SAM is the boss.

You must not have remembered Aaliyah from the old MSN forum? I thought you might give it away. I caught alot more guys in the MSN group. I got the feeling that some of them were real mad. They were always bragging about how they could tell a TS a mile away. When I posted the first set of Aaliyah's pictures the MSN brothers rode me pretty hard. They stopped laughing once I showed them the truth.

I got some pretty funny PMs here as well. Unfortunately Jackson pulled the pictures and original post before most of this group had a chance to see them.

Sorry Loop. I'm not SAM and Sam I am, I'm not. It's me CookyJar.


08-15-06, 21:14
...A couple big negatives right off the bat however. She's got a bunch of scars on her arm and two sores on her cheek. We drove off and soon she was complaining about getting "sick." Had me feel her neck and it was hot but she was freezing. Didn't take long to realize the real reason.

Surprisingly good BBJ. Some DT and ended CIM.

If I was closer, I would have gone looking for her because I believe these girls deserve to be treated fairly. But this was a lost cause in more ways than one.So sorry Mike. I checked all of the picture of Erica and none showed any tell tale marks on her arms. Nor did I see any sores. They may be fresh, these girls get beat up pretty fast on the Avenue.

I would probably stop again for her. We both agree, her body was tight, and besides that, I had a pretty good time with her. But, having read you review, I'd toss her at the first nod.


Loop Vet
08-15-06, 23:56
gotcha Cj. I realize my post was misleading, but I didnt think you were SAM. There is a guy who posts on this Philly thread with the handle Sam Iam. Thought maybe they were one in the same but after glancing at his posts I realized they are not.

I didnt check the msn site too often so I must have missed your ruse the first time.

Benchseats Rock
08-16-06, 02:19
I've banged a preggo chick that was ready to burst. Eros pic below when not preggo. It was hot but also a little weird. I couldnt stop thinking I was poking the little bugger. Her stomach was rubbing against mine as she rode. I put my hands on her stomach at one point and got weirded out. She was a friend but I never had the desire to do it again.

Where do you think the dimples come from?

08-16-06, 07:19
Are you BSing? Where is the pic of her prego?Aaliyah pregnant pictures are posted in the "Jokes & Humorous Stories" forum.

The original post was deleted by the Admin. It stated that I was flabbergasted when Ali surprized me with something bigger then mine. I don't know where people got the idea I was talking about a TS. I simply meant she was pregnant and her shomach was bigger then mine.

Just a joke. Something to lighten things up a bit.


08-16-06, 07:35
Is it really a dude. Those tits look to real. Did you get a hummer, then, not my cup of tea but whatever. Id have tossed her/him.I don't think ThePerson was compeletly fooled.

The question remains. Is there a moral issue with fucking a Pregnant SW, especially one in their ninth month? Should I have tossed her? Did I contribute to the kids problems but giving moms money for more drugs? Should I have reported her to the child care authorities? I am a hunter not a predator.


08-16-06, 07:51
I probably would let him/her blow me, although it had to be a CBJ.

As far as I can tell from the pics, the tits look real. She didn't have a man-ly voice I take?Boston Chang,

No offense intented. Men who fuck men are gay. It doesn't matter whose pitching or whose catching.

Once you let another man suck you off, you've crossed over to the other side. It doesn't mean that you don't like women. It means you like some men as well.

Just a warning. Becareful out there.


Ed Norton
08-16-06, 11:34
I am new to this site. The is my first post. Like a lot of others, I am currently looking for a new home. MSN kicked us all out.
When I posted the first set of Aaliyah's pictures the MSN brothers rode me pretty hard....Unfortunately Jackson pulled the pictures and original post before most of this group had a chance to see them.Don't despair, Cookyjar. Just PM us the address of the forum where you post them next.

08-16-06, 14:59
**Found this on CraigsList and this sounds like a nice little sting operation.**

We are each avail. for a release today!!
21 lgt. skinned black female bbw 5'6 40DDD
25 white female 5'8 34B 130 lbs
sorry no pics!!! :(
topless hj - 50 ro$e$
topless covered bj - 80 ro$e$
covered fs - 140 ro$e$

what time you want to stop by
who you want to be with
and what you want to do!!!

We are in fort washington right off rte 309/tp exit 339
Condoms are a must for safety reasons!!!

Silver #1
08-16-06, 20:50
**Found this on CraigsList and this sounds like a nice little sting operation.**

We are each avail. for a release today!!
21 lgt. skinned black female bbw 5'6 40DDD
25 white female 5'8 34B 130 lbs
sorry no pics!!! :(
topless hj - 50 ro$e$
topless covered bj - 80 ro$e$
covered fs - 140 ro$e$

what time you want to stop by
who you want to be with
and what you want to do!!!

We are in fort washington right off rte 309/tp exit 339
Condoms are a must for safety reasons!!!

I visited their incall location about four weeks ago. Had a fair time, but I would not recommend.

08-16-06, 21:59
I visited their incall location about four weeks ago. Had a fair time, but I would not recommend.


Thank you for putting my claim to rest, because after I saw that I would have sworn that LE was up to no good. It is quite rare that a provider would tell you to put in an e-mail what you would like to do and that condoms are a must. In any case, I think this is a problem waiting to happen, especially if LE scans CL for any length of time.

Arnold Bocklin
08-17-06, 00:13
Gagman, the go-to guy here is Officer Arnold Bockman. Arnie spends a lot of time in the car on K ave and elsewhere in the city (driving is a large part of his job). Arnie is familiar with the K and the area around HP, and also a small section of South Philly and at least three areas in West Philly.

So if you need diractions on wher to get off at phili, Arnie's the man. He knows how to spell too.Sigh.

I'm not even sure why I'm trying this, Ed, but I'm still enough of an optimistic idiot that I feel like I have to.

When I first started out online, I learned that the proper protocol when joining any sort of forum was to lurk for a bit, try to get a feel for what it's about, and only then introduce yourself. Give a little qualifying info, and a little something about your goals in joining.

So that's what I did. Perhaps not as succinctly as I would have liked it to come across, but I tried. Maybe if I had lurked a bit longer, you or Barthomer would have given me a little bit of insight on how to pull my schwanz out right here on the board to prove I'm not LE, but I guess I screwed that up, too.

My goal in that initial post was three-fold: 1.) to compliment CookyJar on his many and varied posts; 2.) to subtly qualify myself by trying to quietly let the community know that I was familiar with some of the areas of the city where the hobby can be pursued, and; 3.) see if there was any interest (or if it was even advisable) in putting together some sort of overarching document that attempted to list as many of those neighborhoods as possible.

Looks like some people don't get "subtle".

Probably what convicted me was the fact that I can spell. I'm old enough that such things are still kind of important to me, but I realize that I'm old fashioned in that respect.

I don't want this to turn into another "my dick is big" argument -- I thought that the recent flame war that took place in this forum detracted in a big way from the readability and the valuable content -- so if this doesn't at least get people to tolerate my presence instead of simply passing summary judgement, then I'll slink quietly off into the night and rejoin under another nom de guerre.

But I had to try.


PS -- It's "Bocklin", not "Bockman". Arnold Bocklin, 19th century French painter. Did a lot of nudes of the naiad variety, probably since there weren't any camera phones. Do a quick Google, when you're done at dictionary.com.

08-17-06, 07:19
Probably what convicted me was the fact that I can spell. I'm old enough that such things are still kind of important to me, but I realize that I'm old fashioned in that respect.

...so if this doesn't at least get people to tolerate my presence instead of simply passing summary judgement, then I'll slink quietly off into the night and rejoin under another nom de guerre.

But I had to try.


Stick around Arnie. The way to endear yourself around here is to post. Post useful, interesting or at least tactifully entertaining stuff, like your last post, and nobody will mind if you are LE. (That's a joke Arnie.) LOL

Besides, I can alway use some help with my spelling.


08-17-06, 21:13
A bit on the thin side. Janie was a nice find. She was sitting on the EL steps at Huntingdon and K ave, around 7:30 or 8:00pm. A cute face on a thin frame. She was clean except for a few needle marks which she concealed well. She was a bit hype but still handled herself well. Good average talents, sexy attitude and I would see her again. She really got into the pictures saying afterwards that she'd had fun. No rush during the BBBJ but she stopped a couple of times to rest. She's a spitter. Looks: around a 7-, if you like the thin girls, which I do. Proformance: maybe a 5 or 6 - I think she was not her regular self. She did calm down a little after the picture part was done. She started to get hype again during the BJ. Because her attitude was nice and we got along great, having a few laughs on the way back - I'd definitely do her again and next time I'd try the pussy.

CookyJarI tried to imply in my original post that Janie wasn’t the worst I’ve had and she wasn’t the best. I thought she had a very cute face, as you can see in the close-up pictures I have included. So that members can get the full effect of her cute face and thin body I’ve added a few extra pictures. I have gone to a little extra trouble to show her face because I believe it is an important feature. I personally didn’t mind the thin frame but it didn’t hurt to have those eyes to look into.

In my original post when I said she was clean, I was referring to cleanliness and not drug use. Janie admitted to having a habit and I assumed that was responsible for her being a little hyped at times. I didn’t notice a lot of needle marks. She did try to hide her left arm during the shoot. It does not matter whether I see sighs or not, I always assume that these girls are users.

Janie claimed that she and a girlfriend were on their way into rehab. She also confessed that she’d lost a little weight. In either case I’d sure like to be her first date when she gets back on the streets after putting on a little weight in rehab.

Would I pick her up on a good day? Sure, why not? Her attitude was nice. She really got into the poses and had a good time. She seemed a good natured girl at heart. Yeah, I’d do her a second time. But, as always, YMMV.


08-17-06, 21:26
I asked Janie to give me a post looking back like she was waiting for her boyfriend to slide inside her. This is what she did. Not much ass to get in the way, and a nice shot. This is one of the reason that I'd like to try her again.

Lean and clean, what more can you ask?


Texaco Tim
08-17-06, 21:38
Do not let the few of us who are paranoid of LE get to you. I am sure that there is no street anywhere in or around Philly that has any action going on that LE is unaware of. Come on now, we travel a steet once and spot some possible sw's. Their job is to cruise that area for 8 hours a day, five days a week. Of course they see it out there, it' their turf. To be honest, if they weren't out there on the Ave, no way would I go anywhere near K&A. That would be one scary area without them.

08-17-06, 23:13
Thought I’d celebrate the Phillies taking 3 out of 4 from the Mets. Where better than Kensington Avenue. But first a quickie restaurant review for you. The New Wave Cafe, 2620 E. Allegheny is a stone’s throw from the stroll. The food and the TV channel are Polish. Not for everybody. But the best borscht I’ve ever had. (That's beet soup...you think yech?...no, it’s delicious!) Vodka wasn’t bad either. Now on to more important things...

I was in the mood for someone new, but would probably pick up Stephanie or Angie if I saw them. LE presence was high on this Thursday evening at about 8:30, but I proceeded up the Avenue to DD on my mission. On the little street just south of Torresdale (Pike) I spotted a really cute small blonde...yum. The car swerved around and pulled over. I guess I was the one swerving, but I don’t remember cause I was so busy leering. She pointed down to the cross street (Jasper). Woohoo! I made the left turn. Over to the car she came. One of the best-looking WSWs I’ve seen out there all summer.

She said her name was Brittney and in her rather pleasant voice she quickly agreed to $50 at the Patio. She didn’t try to drive the price up or quote any rules. I was really psyched now and spent the entire drive complimenting her blonde straight hair (streaked with red), blue eyes, small mouth & nose, kind of an Italian peaches & cream complexion, and short slender figure. She seemed genuinely pleased by my verbal drooling.

They were doing paving or something on the outside lane of the Boulevard in front of the Patio, so parking needed to be on a side street. Then the guy at the Patio desk said we had to wait 10 minutes. After about 5 minutes, an older gentleman and a short brunette with a black floppy hat came walking out. She pulled her hat down so low I couldn’t tell if I knew her.

In the room Brittney showed me her very nice slender 20 year-old body. No marks, save a tattoo with her (2 yr-old) son’s name on the left upper arm and one with two eyes on her upper posterior. Cropped pussy hair and B-cups, not upright but not droopy. Slender ass. Nicely curved legs.

She did a nice CBJ to start things off. Good technique. Urged on by my vodka, I quickly said let’s go for it and we did. Very enjoyable and very highly recommended.

And now a word of caution. As we came out of the Patio, two cop cars were pulled into the side street next to it. The girl in the floppy hat and her friend had been stopped. Brittney said she heard the cops were targeting the Patio. Fortunately we were parked two blocks away and were able to go to our car unimpeded. Neither of us could figure out what grounds the cops had for the stop, since it was after the fact. In any event, be careful over there, guys.

Brittney mentioned that it’s just as close to go over to Jersey (Betsy Ross Bridge) to the Riviera. She said it was only $35 a night there, but didn’t know their hourly rate. Anybody have any 411 on that place?

After a relaxing ride back (with no cops following) she asked to be dropped off at home. Imagine my surprise when home turned out to be Stephanie and Angie’s place! Abdul (their pimp) has found yet another winner!

P.S. Brittney has also been positively reviewed here by Nivramb.

Arnold Bocklin
08-17-06, 23:57
Stick around Arnie. The way to endear yourself around here is to post. Post useful, interesting or at least tactifully entertaining stuff, like your last post, and nobody will mind if you are LE. (That's a joke Arnie.) LOL

Besides, I can alway use some help with my spelling.

CookyJarThanks for the note. As far as nobody minding if I were LE, well, I'm kind of torn over whether I'd _want_ to be LE or not -- if I were, then I probably wouldn't have had to spend nearly an entire day in Traffic Court a couple of months ago.

I tend to head out in the late evening/early AM, and back in April I picked up a raft of tickets in two stops over a two-week period. One stop was just off the Avenue of the Arts, and to my mind was an obvious bulls**t stop -- failure to stop for a stop sign, not wearing a seat belt, and not having my current insurance card. I DID stop. I did NOT have a seat belt on (mea culpa). I did NOT have a current insurance card, but had the previous nine years' worth in the glove compartment -- I'd just neglected to put the most recent in the car when it arrived a couple weeks earlier. All told, something like $615 in fines.

The second stop was on the K about nine days later, by one of the El stations. The night owl shuttle was picking up a number of passengers, so I passed it and got pulled over. That ticket was $120, for "improper passing". What if it were a trolley car? A trash truck? What if it weren't the wee small hours of the morning?

Anyway, I spent a day in Traffic Court at 8th and Spring Garden (current insurance card in hand), and managed to get all of it back except the seat belt thing, plus some of the costs. All told, I think it cost me about $160, plus whatever I would have made had I been working that day. Fortunately, I'm self-employed so my schedule has some flex. Also, there were no points handed out.

If I were LE, I probably wouldn't have problems like this, right? (I'd just be on the front page of the Sunday Inquirer. :)

But the REAL moral of the story is (once again) to be careful out there. Just being even a little bit careless while in the wrong place at the wrong time will definitely attract the wrong kind of attention.


PS -- Don't worry about your spelling. Just keep doing what you do!

Philly Green
08-18-06, 00:11

I'm not even sure why I'm trying this, Ed, but I'm still enough of an optimistic idiot that I feel like I have to.And he comes out swinging.

Welcome aboard Arnie.

As someone who isn't brand new here but isn't a frequent poster I just wanted to say I understand you putting your toes in the water. Don't sweat the negative responses, anytime a group of people are given the chance to speak freely, you always get a "special" few in the crowd.

Now, can someone please talk about the girls of the K again?


08-18-06, 00:32
Saw her on K ave next to the drug store. Really skinny. Offer Bbj for 30. Have her number if you need it

08-18-06, 06:13

It is obvious to me that at one time Janie must have been a complete knockout. I definitely agree with you about her face. 25lbs and no habit would do wonders for this girl. Great pics and keep up the good work.


08-18-06, 09:40
I tried to imply in my original post that Janie wasn’t the worst I’ve had and she wasn’t the best. I thought she had a very cute face, as you can see in the close-up pictures I have included. So that members can get the full effect of her cute face and thin body I’ve added a few extra pictures. I have gone to a little extra trouble to show her face because I believe it is an important feature. I personally didn’t mind the thin frame but it didn’t hurt to have those eyes to look into.


Thank for the post. It is sad to see a young girl in this state. She must be pretty before she got into drugs. She is kind of young too.

Ed Norton
08-18-06, 16:05
Lean and clean, what more can you ask?OK, I'll ask for more: how about Pretty and Perky?

Obviously many guys have no problem with your hit parade of substandard white women. I do. And when you ask questions of the membership like the one above, I'm within forum standards to answer them.

To be sure, there are others besides me who think of retching when they see your women, like the guys who recently said:
"It is sad to see a young girl in this state"
"The latest looks like a poster child for aids"
"This girl she is sickly and sad looking"

But obviously MANY folks like looking at this stuff, especially those out-of-towners who don't know K&A from ABC. So keep it up, Cookyjar. You've got an audience. You're portraying pathetic local stuff that is real and current and therefore you are within the boundaries of the forum's goals.

If you are unable or unwilling to find attractive WSWs, and insist on using up Jackson's bandwidth by posting SEVENTEEN photos of the same piece of trash, then I would submit you have a problem.

Anyway, thanks for asking my opinion. I'll be happy to respond to any further questions.

08-18-06, 19:28
She said her name was Brittney and in her rather pleasant voice she quickly agreed to $50 at the Patio. She didn’t try to drive the price up or quote any rules. I was really psyched now and spent the entire drive complimenting her blonde straight hair (streaked with red), blue eyes, small mouth & nose, kind of an Italian peaches & cream complexion, and short slender figure. She seemed genuinely pleased by my verbal drooling.

They were doing paving or something on the outside lane of the Boulevard in front of the Patio, so parking needed to be on a side street. Then the guy at the Patio desk said we had to wait 10 minutes. After about 5 minutes, an older gentleman and a short brunette with a black floppy hat came walking out. She pulled her hat down so low I couldn’t tell if I knew her.

In the room Brittney showed me her very nice slender 20 year-old body. No marks, save a tattoo with her (2 yr-old) son’s name on the left upper arm and one with two eyes on her upper posterior. Cropped pussy hair and B-cups, not upright but not droopy. Slender ass. Nicely curved legs.

She did a nice CBJ to start things off. Good technique. Urged on by my vodka, I quickly said let’s go for it and we did. Very enjoyable and very highly recommended.

Brittney is a cute one. Really has the "I don't belong out here look". I saw her when she was only out for about 2 weeks and she told me in another week she'd be back home and off the streets. Sad to say it rarely happens. I just hope Cookeyjar can get some pics of her before she looks like some of the other photos he posts.

I've seen her probably 5 or 6 times and even offered to anty up the cash she said she was trying to put together to get out. Well the cash is still in my pocket and she on the streets, so guess we'll be seeing more of her for a while.

Iva Bigun
08-18-06, 22:12
I asked Janie to give me a post looking back like she was waiting for her boyfriend to slide inside her. This is what she did. Not much ass to get in the way, and a nice shot. This is one of the reason that I'd like to try her again.

Lean and clean, what more can you ask?

CookyJarClean? No offense there CJ, but that chick looks like the pipe has got her...in a really bad grip, I might add. I've been mongering for over 20 years. That chick's got something bad wrong with her. Just look at the tint of her skin... looks like walking death.

08-19-06, 00:18
Found the same girl in the same location as DukePV reviewed a few days ago.

Didn't get to see his post until after the fact. She is the cute girl that has been mentioned and looked like she had a nice 20 year old body under her clothes. Wish I had opted for the Patio, instead we took a drive to her parking place and settled on a bbbj for .4 Good technique but somewhat rushed. She said she was nervous doing it in the car. The other thing that I really dislike is when the girl pulls away at the most crucial moment and creates a big mess all over the steering wheel and seat of the car.

She offered her digits but I didnt follow up on taking them. I would repeat, however this time it would be at the Patio.

08-19-06, 08:31
Clean? No offense there CJ, but that chick looks like the pipe has got her...in a really bad grip, I might add. I've been mongering for over 20 years. That chick's got something bad wrong with her. Just look at the tint of her skin... looks like walking death.No offense take. Iva.

It may not look like it, but I am a little selective in the girls I pick-up. Some of you may have noticed that I have not posted any really fat girls. Nor have I posted any of the grungy, dirty types with matted hair and grimy skin that you so often see on the Avenue. Obviously old girls who have gotten way pass their prime are also neglected by me. I rarely pick up heavy girls, dirty ladies or old woman because they lack personal appeal. I would stop for one of these types if they have some quality that warranted notice. Like in the case of Diane, who I would not have picked-up except for what appeared to be rather large breast.

So I must qualify a former statement that I show what out there. The true is that I am selective and try to show what is out there within reason. I am sorry, if a girl appears like she might have a smell, it does not matter what else she may have going on, I am not stopping.

I must remind the membership, I am not a photographer at some top notch gentlemen’s magazine with a flock of eager girls wanting their picture shown in a national publication. I drive down a public street seeking out girls willing to pose for a price. I have no way of screening the prospects I come across. I do not have a lot of opportunity to pick and choose. But, if I do pick a girl up and she lets me take her picture, I will post it. I could file away the pictures that raise objections. In most cases I do take more then the ten pictures that I normally post. I try to post the pictures that are most suitable and interesting.

When I first saw Janie sitting there she appeared to be a reasonable prospect. Later as she sat in my car with that cute face and cleanly dressed (meaning she had no smell) I could not discern any reason to kick her out. It was not until we were well into things and she had undressed that I saw her thin frame. At that point I am taking the pictures, regardless. And I truly did not think that she was too different from lots of other girls I see on the K. The perfect body is rear on the K.

As for skin tint? I am a black guy. Many different skin types and shades are the norm for us. If there is a problem with Janies skin color, please school me. Maybe it is just the differences in our monitors and there adjustments, but I can not see anything wrong with her skin tint.

I never take offense to constructive comments. Keep them coming. I welcome them. But, please remember: These are not pictures of my girl. They are basically strangers. And I do use condoms and recommend that everyone take the same precautions. Just about every girl on Kensington Avenue is on drugs of one type or another. Even those girls not on drug and who appear fat and healthy may carry disease.

All of this I am sure you already knew, Iva. I am passing this info on to those who have questions, concerns and suggestions, whether posted here or in a PM.


Zaphod II
08-19-06, 15:38
Found the same girl in the same location as DukePV reviewed a few days ago.

Didn't get to see his post until after the fact. She is the cute girl that has been mentioned and looked like she had a nice 20 year old body under her clothes. Wish I had opted for the Patio, instead we took a drive to her parking place and settled on a bbbj for .4 Good technique but somewhat rushed. She said she was nervous doing it in the car. The other thing that I really dislike is when the girl pulls away at the most crucial moment and creates a big mess all over the steering wheel and seat of the car.

She offered her digits but I didnt follow up on taking them. I would repeat, however this time it would be at the Patio.

Ditto, met up with Brittney on a Friday night 2 weeks ago. She is very hot for a K girl so on that point I give a thumbs up. Asked for the same .4 donation that I agreed to reluctantly just because of her looks.

While she does the deed, you would have thought she was trying to set some kind of speed record for a BBBJ the way she raced through it.

All in all would try again but I think I'll opt for FS option next time, BTW she also states she does not do FS in cars.

08-19-06, 15:56
As for skin tint? I am a black guy. Many different skin types and shades are the norm for us. If there is a problem with Janies skin color, please school me. Maybe it is just the differences in our monitors and there adjustments, but I can not see anything wrong with her skin tint.
Just a quick comment about skin tone -- Janie is obviously fair-skinned (note the freckles) and probably doesn't tan well. Add to that the nature of her life (streetwalking by night, drug use, crashing by day), and the use of flash at close range while taking the pix, you won't see the most flattering skin tones. Given my pale complection and the fact I'm rarely out in the sun without a shirt on, I doubt I'd look any better.


08-20-06, 08:39
LeLee was a very interesting girl. Right from the start she showed a real interest in having her pictures taking. I ended up with over 60 pictures. Most of the poses were selected by LeLee. I let her have a free hand selecting where and how she posed. Some of the pictures she took cannot be shown because of the props she used. I will post LeLee with one of her props in a second group of pictures that I will post later. LeLee said she usually comes out at night. I found her on Old York Road near Erie Avenue, at around 10am.

LeLee did more then pose for pictures. She provided me with a nice BBBJ. She did a lot of sucking and licking. With her legs up high and spread wide she gave up some nice MISH. By the time we got around to my favorite position, doggie style, she said she was tired and let me do all the work. I could not argue with her, we had been together maybe two hours.

Except for the excessive makeup, I thought LeLee was kind of cute. Her small maybe 5’6” frame was to my liking. Her firm full round bottom was definitely a plus. And, her shapely legs did not hurt either. Of cause it would have been better if her bosom had had more weight and lift. No needle marks, so let us assume that crack is her preferred drug. Yet, she did not seem in a hurry to leave and get a hit, so she must not have been too bad off.

I know somebody is going to comment on her hairy bush. Well! Some of us like hairy stuff. I do, as long as it is clean. Besides, I am not eating it, I am fucking it. So go ahead, make your comments, get your laughs – it is not going to change anything – I am not going to shave her pussy. If one of you would like to do the honors, let me know. I will give her your Barber shop number next time I see her.

After all the pictures and time sent together, I only gave LeLee $40 bucks, which did include tip. It was one on them really hot days and I believe she was enjoying the air conditioning.

Would I date her again? Maybe. I am not sure. She had a nice attitude, nice enough face and body, and a fair work ethic. I think it was a personality thing, ours just did not mix. I cannot put my finger on any particular reason, but I did not feel she was a good GFE. Maybe it was me, because, she did do everything that I asked of her. After all you cannot expect fireworks every time, can you?


08-20-06, 10:20

You are on the money with your comments. I have been very critical of CJ picks of subjects, but after seeing all that he has posted here, I have to say he is portraying what is out there. If that is what is on the streets, then be it. The girls he photograps, although may not be pretty, but they are great posers. My only advice to CJ is to use a flash diffuser or even bounce the flash while taking these pictures. It brings out better skin tone and also soften the shadows caused by the flash of his camera.

Another caution for CJ. Looks like you are taking these girls to your pad. Watch out ...I have heard of many cases where the girl brings her manager and his friends at a later date to rob the place. Just a word of caution.



P.S. Looking at all of this, I would love to spend a couple of weeks there and take as many pictures of the working girls there....Then write a book. Do you think I will get busted by LE if I did that ?

08-20-06, 19:20

The girls he photograps, although may not be pretty...Sure, if you are seeking a wife, a long term relationship or someone to show off to moms, the family or the fellows - you might want to do your search elsewhere and not here among the girls I post. But, if you are just in the mood to have your dick sucked, try out that new supply of viagra, or just get you freak on - there may be something here for you.

There are better sources out there, that is for sure. But, I still do not understand what all the complaining is about. Whenever I check out the Photo Gallery I see any number of girls pictured fully clothed, walking down an Avenue, somewhere. If you removed the clothing from some of the girls pictured in the Photo Gallery, I am willing to bet that some of them will have bodies’ similar, if not worst then the girls I post. If you could turn these girls around and get a glance at their faces, I bet you will discover that a few of them look like shit. How about this? Some of the girls pictures presented fully clothed in these forums, walking away from the camera, may not be providers.

On the other hand, the pictures I post, that are so often complained about, are all of providers. Does anybody depute that? They may not be top models, but they are out there. And more important (to me anyway), what you see is what you get. I am giving you a look at what is beneath the wrapper, inside the box, under the hood.

I know that some of you are dealing with these girls, even the black ones. I see guys both black and white out there picking these same girls up. Not all of them may be posting on this site. But, I do not believe that every guy on this site, in this forum, only picks up Dymes or 10s. Where are all of these fine women? I drive the same streets. Either I am blind or I am by passing the 10s, 8s and 7s to pickup only the trashy types. (By the way - the trashy types sometimes give better service, and that is a fact.)

I think that part of the problem maybe that most guys on this site would rather date only WSWs and seem to comment more often on the WSWs. I have noted that girls like Janie get a larger raise/reaction then, let us say, a girl like Sabrina. I do not think there was one post directed as a reply to Sabrina. This does not bother me. We all have our preferences. Myself, I like the Hi Yellow girls or the nicely tan ones (and for some reason, the blond ones - maybe it is because of all of the Dumb blond girl jokes).

From the start I said I was an equal opportunity hunter. Because I am black (and it's my camera) there is bound to be a slight slant towards BSWers, in the skin tones of the girls I present. This is bound to happen for any number of reasons, one of which is that some WSW's on the K will not date blacks - go figure.

Like I said none of this bothers me. What bothers me is that many of you seem to think that I have some control over the looks of the girls I post. Like these are my girls or something. They are strangers. I do not mind individual comments on an individual girl. Janie was thin, sickly looking and I did not mind guys pointing that or things like that out. Prehaps, I have not noticed that she was thin, I certainly did not notice her skin tint problem. Tell me if you think a individual girl is ugly. That type of comment is welcomed, and it is your opinion. What bugs me are general comments like,” The girls he photograps, ....may not be pretty." That sounds like they are somehow my girls. They are not my girls.

On the other hand, keep posting - what the fuck - who cares?

Oh, yeah! Thanks for the suggestions, TM. I am aware of many different lighting techniques. Back in the good old days I used camera filters, diffusers, lights bouncing, light handlers, dodging, Burning techniques, flares, flash globes/filters, along with various developing systems and more to get a desired effect. But for this, my trusty standard camera flash will have to do.


Peter Johnson
08-20-06, 21:14
I asked Janie to give me a post looking back like she was waiting for her boyfriend to slide inside her. This is what she did. Not much ass to get in the way, and a nice shot. This is one of the reason that I'd like to try her again.

Lean and clean, what more can you ask?


Damn, she does have a very sexy face and those titties are still nice. Put 15 more lbs on her and she's be really stunning, but still looks good.

And I'm in awe of CookyJar's excellent work on here. He should just ignore any of you losers who criticize his choices, because you are just jealous...or maybe only partly heterosexual if you don't understand why some of us love pussy, however "imperfect" sometimes.

Ed Norton
08-20-06, 23:56
Damn, she does have a damn sexy face and those titties are still nice.Yes, Peter, we are proud of our women here in Philadelphia and of our chronicler Cookyjar.

But Peter, you need to help us out here. Eight out of Ten pictures our chronicler most recently showed us were of a girl's ass cheeks and asshole. You know, the asshole, or rectum, from which people take a shit. As you know, those holes smell pretty bad and in fact are the body part that most people use to insult other people. In other words, as the photos well show, they're a disgusting place that people wipe daily but don't really need to look at for sexual purposes.

So Peter, in your post you showed your appreciation of the face and titties of a woman, which are natural sexual attractants. Thus your opinion of the asshole pictures will be valuable to other readers here:

• Do you think that showing off a woman's ass and shithole helps men find women for sex?
• Do you agree that a person posting a picture of an asshole is in no way attracted to assholes in general, for example those of his own sex?

Please answer YES to both questions. Otherwise we could be in danger of violating forum principles, and we would lose a widely acclaimed contributer to our forum here in the City of, um, Brotherly Love.

08-20-06, 23:59
What bugs me are general comments like,” The girls he photograps, ....may not be pretty." That sounds like they are somehow my girls. They are not my girls.

But if you had any kind of game they could be your girls.

Peter Johnson
08-21-06, 01:01
I posted this elsewhere, but you guys seem very knowledgable, so I thought I'd you too.

Is the LE check when the SW grabs your crotch and flashes her tittie for you to grab or do they sometimes just show their bra and in these cases, are you allowed to look at their tittie?

So how is this LE check usually initiated? Does the SW just do it as soon as she gets into the car or do you need to say something to initiate it?

And do all SWs do it and more importantly, do you mess with any SWs who don't do it and risk that they are LE?

Finally, have there been any cases where female LE will grab your crotch or flash their bra and then still arrest you?

Sorry if any of these are dumb questions, but they must be asked...Thanks..

08-21-06, 02:29
No reason to feel embarased about asking newbie questions. After all it's better than getting arrested by some decoy.

Just follow some basic rules such as don't negotiate unless she gets in. Do the check and drive a good distance on empty streets to make sure you are not being followed.

After the sw gets in I drive away and I ask if I can grab her. The sw will grab your dick or ask you to show it. I use the term grab because you are not implicating yourself. If you say can I touch your tit then if the sw is a decoy then it's possible that the term can be used as probable cause for criminal intent to solicit arrest.

You should always do the check. I have never met a sw will refuse to do the check.

No female decoy wants to be touched. Sometimes male vice decoys will do this because after all it's free fun.

Arnold Bocklin
08-21-06, 05:26
Took a ride on the K Sunday night (actually Monday morning), starting all the way down at Front & Thompson and continuing up to Frankford Hospital, and then all the way back again. On this night, I was amazed at the number of decent-looking ladies out for a stroll.

Mostly WSW's on this night, with a smattering of LSW's and only a couple of BSW's. Far more interesting than the quantity, though, was the unusual *quality* of talent, IMHO. There were quite a few I'd rate at 6 or 7, and even one 8+ in the vicinity of Margaret-Orthodox -- a far cry from the often sub-par offerings that are usually available. Hopefully it's a trend that'll continue.

I didn't partake -- being the ch*ckensh*t that I am, I only stop once in maybe 10 outings -- and it was probably just as well, because it seemed that right around 4:00 AM on my back leg, somebody threw the 'LE switch' -- all of a sudden, there were marked units all over the place, just sort of "hanging out" at Little Lou's, at the 7-11, at Somerset, the bend at Front, and so on.

They didn't seem to be aggressively chasing the SW's -- it was more like they were just showing the flag at strategic locations, as it were. What struck me as odd was that it was like they all just 'appeared' at once.

Concerted effort, or paranoia on my part? You make the call.

08-21-06, 09:38
Finally, have there been any cases where female LE will grab your crotch or flash their bra and then still arrest you?

Thats THE most important question. The answer is, yes, in some jurisdictions they can and have. In some jurisdictions, male decoys have gone so far as to completion. Never read about this with a female decoy.

Truth be told, the LE check is a myth, a misnomer. That myth will get you in jail.

Its all built out of the idea that police can't entrap you in any illegal scheme. So they can't coerce you to do something, or initiate something which is illegal. The truth is, they can.

The police can't formulate a plan, plant the idea in your head, and then instigate/coerce/harass you to do the plan, just to prosecute you. But if you have any inclination to do the plan and do it...thats your ass, and you now need a clever attorney to clean it up.

Just to frame it how far they can go...a LEO, in a drug sting, could inhale a volume of marijuana in your presence, just to prosecute you for doing the same.

If you expose your genetalia in your car during a sting, but bail for any numerous reasons...you -could- get snatched for indecent exposure.

Now, I do remember reading a case where a sting can't verbally coerce you. Meaning, the lady can't walk up and same dumb shit like "Please give me $50 for sex, or I will blow my f'n head off." Also, they (the male decoy) aren't allowed to use excessive amounts of money.

Finally, the best way to protect yourself is with and around money. Never talk money, never offer money, don't even imply money. The police could jump the gun a bit and snatch you, but they are waiting for P4P solicitation. I'll say it again...never, ever, talk money.

08-21-06, 09:51
I agree exposing yourself is a risk. So it's always better to drive away and then do the check. If I know the sw is working then I will do the check parked. Finally always wait until drive away until you discuss the price.

Peter Johnson
08-21-06, 10:40
Finally, the best way to protect yourself is with and around money. Never talk money, never offer money, don't even imply money. The police could jump the gun a bit and snatch you, but they are waiting for P4P solicitation. I'll say it again...never, ever, talk money.

I don't understand what you are saying... you have to talk money at some point though, so at what point do you do so?