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07-16-07, 20:18

Hey...when did this place become a Bed & Breakfast? I can't beleive it. Anyone knows the deal about this place?

07-16-07, 21:26
Unless I am very very wrong (and I am not), this is an upscale B&B and has NOTHING to do with sex. I was at this place 2 years ago for a Sunday function and it was fancy as well.

I don't think this is the place you are thinking of. Unless, of course, there is a big secret about this place that you will share with me, Stoner.

07-16-07, 22:48
Garthy, this place has a bit of a history. Not much, but a bit...

I can't exactly remember how I first came to know of them, but found them either in the back of the Hartford Advocate or in and among the Escorts & Massage sections of the Yellow Pages, or both.... mind you, this was well before the USASG as we know it today -- the only reliable info regarding The Hobby was posted on Usenet at the time, and cataloged by the infamous Atta (God rest his soul, wherever he may be). In any case, the definitely catered to a male clientèle in general.

ANYway... I made an appointment, and arrived at the designated hour. Was greeted warmly by Linda and filled out the rather clinical form detailing all my aches and pains (which at the time I thought was cover for the good stuff). Paid the exorbitant house fee ($$.5) that made me think this just HAD to be more than a legit therapeutic massage joint. Got assigned a very young, very tattooed, goth, cute and perky young thing to conduct my "massage."

So, mixed massages there: Ads in adult places, "industry" rates, cute young and therapeutically inexperienced attendants countered with the clinical paperwork.... Hmmmm. What to think of this place?

Well... in the end, the massage in itself was fairly good, but not at all worth the sky-high fees. I let my hands wander during the massage... first to her legs, then to her ass, then to her tits, all with no resistance. Good signs, I thought..... Just as she was wrapping up my massage, my wandering hands were reaching her pussy... and here I found resistance. I inquired about additional services and alas, she said that the most she could offer was a HJ happy ending. Unhappy, considering what I'd paid, I accepted. I pressed ahead and fingered her cooch while she took care of Mr. Johnson....

She got the job done and all, but this was by far the most expensive HJ I've EVER gotten anywhere. Needless to say, I didn't tip, and I never returned.

Anybody else have a story from this place?


07-16-07, 23:28
JMG is right on the money. I pretty much had the same exact experience maybe even three yrs ago by now. I managed to get some stink finger and some HR. Thats all folks. Never went back.

07-16-07, 23:53
JMG is right on the money. I pretty much had the same exact experience maybe even three yrs ago by now. I managed to get some stink finger and some HR. Thats all folks. Never went back.

I think the fact that they mention this on their website:

"Children of any age are welcome with Teddy Bear Hugs and Butterfly Kisses ..."

...disqualifies them as even a high priced R&T, which they used to be.

07-17-07, 12:29
I spoke with locals recently who were pretty adamant that nefarious stuff goes on still. One swore to it that its still a wh-re house like it was 15 years ago. Yet, the place has appeared spruced up. The website is different and very clean and PG, and lady friendly. Linda has even done speaking and teaching engagements in recent years.

I never even knew the place was a B&B of all things! Which makes me wonder and put two plus two together. What would an overnight there get you? Could that be the kicker?

Garthy, several years back I forayed to find info and dug up what JMG and another shared. It was during the end of the haydays, when brick and mortar spots weren't undersiege. Compared to anywhere else, this was the LAST place I'd visit...but it was always helpful to know about. I've known about the place since '99, but just rediscovered it on my way to a regular errand I run. Being the curious man I am, I am always eager to find something different, uncover interesting stuff, and plow the field for all its worth, so to speak. :) A man can always hope!

Unfortunately, not much new to uncover these days...so its time to scrape the barrel a bit for some entertainment.

07-17-07, 22:22
I need to cruise by the place I am thinking of and see if it is the same. I will give a report on my trip when it happens. I may be thinking of someplace else. I am pretty curious, I'll say that.

07-18-07, 07:50

Hey...when did this place become a Bed & Breakfast? I can't beleive it. Anyone knows the deal about this place?

Stoner...You getting senile? Plenty on this, in archives.

JMG hit it on the nose. Acutally hit the jackpot, depends on girl you get.
The owner is a #1 CT! Promises, no delivery. STAY AWAY from this place.

BTW- If she get's you real; name, you'll get promo mailings. Good to show your wify or G/F. :cool: OT

Craven Morehed
07-18-07, 18:46
Stoner...You getting senile? Plenty on this, in archives.

JMG hit it on the nose. Acutally hit the jackpot, depends on girl you get.
The owner is a #1 CT! Promises, no delivery. STAY AWAY from this place.

BTW- If she get's you real; name, you'll get promo mailings. Good to show your wify or G/F. :cool: OT

Crossing VS off the places to visit list. Thks OT

The Novice
07-18-07, 21:50
Stoner...You getting senile? Plenty on this, in archives.

JMG hit it on the nose. Acutally hit the jackpot, depends on girl you get.
The owner is a #1 CT! Promises, no delivery. STAY AWAY from this place.

BTW- If she get's you real; name, you'll get promo mailings. Good to show your wify or G/F. :cool: OT

I must admit that I enjoyed my time at VS. I too saw the ad in the Advocate back in 2002, in fact the same time I saw Lisa's Back Massage in MA. Took the plunge and booked a 30 minute massage for $.5. The session did begin with a fairly detailed medical history.

Took a shower alone, no TS.

Next came a foot bath followed by a foot massage and exfoliation.

Then came the actual massage complete with hot stones. Very skilled massage. I did not attempt any wanderings and nothing was offered. I am sure the abundant christian literature strewn about the greeting room disuaded me. Nonetheless I left completely relaxed and in fact, not the least bit horny. And the 30 min session must have lasted at least 90 minutes from shower to exit for the $.5.

Oh, about the foresight. I did give a false name, but used my office address. I was happily amused when a promo arrived at the office 3 - 4 times a year to "Mr. ******" for the next two years.

As legit massage goes I would definitely return. In fact I am trying to convince the wife to go for our anniversary some year!


08-01-07, 13:41
I first went for a lingerie show, got to be at least 8 years ago. Lots of nice folks, some couples who wanted to try things on, one wife who wanted to model...I was thinking that this was a pretty upscale version of Alpha. My appointment mirrored what others have said: very good massage, wrapped my feet and hands, took care of my neck (which no one gets right, not even LMT), and talked on and on about the scents she was using (on the way out, her husband/boyfriend commented on how much I smelled of lavender). Lots of good massage, but when I turned over for what I thought would be the second course, I got the most expensive HJ I've ever had, and a brief speech on how she only does other things with her husband.

If massage were included, it might be a nice B&B to take a girlfriend/wife.