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03-30-17, 08:27
I saw stacy was there day shift Tuesday. Big curvey Crazy girl IMHO, I only like spinners so have never gotten a dance from her.

I saw seraph. Cute brunette spinner. Said she was tired and wanted to go home early. Limited extras in past + Lack of enthusiasm today so no dance with me.

New girl Zendaya wearing a dark green bikini. Wow smoking HOTT. Tipped her on stage but did not get a chance to chat her up about a dance.

Spoke to Andi or Danni. Can't remember which name she said. Really pretty 1/2 Mexican and 1/2 native American. Told me she needed to make a lot of money that day but "I don't speak Spanish and I don't give H**d" so no dance with me. LOL.

Spoke to Ginny. Cuban girl. Short and curvey Offered everything. By then was ready to go home so did not negotiate donation.

03-30-17, 21:46
I heard it is roped off atm. Anyone with any info?

03-30-17, 22:07
I heard it is roped off atm. Anyone with any info?http://www.news4jax.com/news/local/jacksonville/undercover-agents-swarm-wackos-gentlemens-club

Mr Wheels83
03-30-17, 23:12
My timeline says it is closed for Good. Hoping my favorite were okay and didn't get picked up for anything.

Ron In Fla
03-30-17, 23:31
I'm wondering why they needed all those locksmiths? Lockers?

03-31-17, 08:52
I think they shut them down on a minor fire code violation.

Vandelay Ent
03-31-17, 09:07
They do sound alittle pissed.

03-31-17, 09:33
When the hell does a Fire Marshall conduct inspections during the night and when do they bring the police with them. Do we have another Dollhouse happening. If you are wondering what I talking about, for years they spent 100's of thousands of dollars trying to shut them down. Then when the construction be DOT accomplished what the city had spend years and tax payer's dollars trying to do a city council person stated "If we know this was going to happen we could have saved a lot of time and money. ".

03-31-17, 12:31
They do sound alittle pissed.I say weeks.

It will be interesting to see how long the City can drag this out in order to keep them closed. Probably going to need to get a OK from the building department and the fire department before they can re-open. Other city departments may get involved in this process as well. City officials can make this process take weeks as they have done it before. It took Charlie several weeks to get his JEA sewer connection at the new Doll House finished and approved. JEA took weeks to finish a job that should have only taken days.

The bible thumpers that run this city are probably telling their cronies at the building dept. To delay the process as long as they can.

The city obviously had a plan going in. Who brings the fire marshal along on a tits bar raid?

Old School
03-31-17, 13:43
They do sound alittle pissed.

I think they shut them down on a minor fire code violation.Bills need to be paid and they shut down the club, heartless motherfuckers. Now would be a good time to have numbers, give them up MouthHunter. LOL.

As for the minor fire code this was done to a club owner they (LEO) did not like, Fire Marshall shut him down for a wall plug. Nope, there is no fix on the spot.

In other news LEO must have a large vacation budget, they have been very active in Vacation packages. Saw one familiar and one with tats I would like to know, anyone know her, both have FB.

Keep Safe.

03-31-17, 15:42
Bills need to be paid and they shut down the club, heartless motherfuckers. Now would be a good time to have numbers, give them up MouthHunter. LOL.

As for the minor fire code this was done to a club owner they (LEO) did not like, Fire Marshall shut him down for a wall plug. Nope, there is no fix on the spot.

In other news LEO must have a large vacation budget, they have been very active in Vacation packages. Saw one familiar and one with tats I would like to know, anyone know her, both have FB.

Keep Safe.This would happen when I plan on showing up Sunday finally see Paris if anyone knows if she will be working somewhere else can you let me know?

03-31-17, 16:33
They weren't raided because of the fire marshal. It was because of prostitution and selling drugs.


Funny thing is that even in the article, they took the time to clarify what happened. On Top of that, Cocktails was raided not too long ago also. I was getting a dance, and as I was walking out of the VIP, a bunch of officers barged into the place, I just slipped out the front before it got too hectic.

03-31-17, 17:06
That shit was horrible in their big ass sausage party in about 15 girls four decent looking ones. Nighttime will probably bump up a lot. I will see what girls want to do some private work though and let you fuckers know.

03-31-17, 17:28
That shit was horrible in their big ass sausage party in about 15 girls four decent looking ones. Nighttime will probably bump up a lot. I will see what girls want to do some private work though and let you fuckers know.So I guess Wackos is not opening today ah.

03-31-17, 17:31
That shit was horrible in their big ass sausage party in about 15 girls four decent looking ones. Nighttime will probably bump up a lot. I will see what girls want to do some private work though and let you fuckers know.Now THAT is a true monger friend!

03-31-17, 17:44
Just drove by, 2 news crew and 2 police cars at the front door.

03-31-17, 18:01
I'm not believing they didn't send them over there to stuff that place.

03-31-17, 19:26

Just for a word Wackos opening at 9pm tonight, have fun.

03-31-17, 21:41
This is a trick they use all the time to fuck with dance clubs and strip clubs.

Mr Wheels83
04-01-17, 00:36

Just for a word Wackos opening at 9pm tonight, have fun.Great! I was starting to feel depressed LOL.

04-01-17, 09:38

Just for a word Wackos opening at 9pm tonight, have fun.I am surprised that they were able to resolve a fire code violation or violations that quickly. However I doubt that is over but rather just the beginning. Given they wording in the DBPR complaint, the way that references were continually made to Wacko's license I would guess that the state will attempt to take their liquor license and use all of these instances as the reason.

04-01-17, 12:46
My question is now. As perhaps they wanted to plant. "who is next?

Can't see them taking down just one place like Wackos, which will recover pretty quickly.

Member #5648
04-01-17, 13:47
I am surprised that they were able to resolve a fire code violation or violations that quickly. However I doubt that is over but rather just the beginning. Given they wording in the DBPR complaint, the way that references were continually made to Wacko's license I would guess that the state will attempt to take their liquor license and use all of these instances as the reason.Nothing is going to happen to Wacko's liquor license or anything else for that matter. It was just another raid to be in the news that something is being done to combat drugs and prostitution. How many times has Wackos or any other club been raided and then shut down? 0 that I'm aware of, so can anyone name any legitimate club making money that's been raided and shut down? On the good side, new girls to take the place of whomever got arrested! Wish they'd simply arrest all of the FAT GIRLS to restock with toned crackheads?

04-01-17, 14:46
Nothing is going to happen to Wacko's liquor license or anything else for that matter. It was just another raid to be in the news that something is being done to combat drugs and prostitution. How many times has Wackos or any other club been raided and then shut down? 0 that I'm aware of, so can anyone name any legitimate club making money that's been raided and shut down? On the good side, new girls to take the place of whomever got arrested! Wish they'd simply arrest all of the FAT GIRLS to restock with toned crackheads?I hope that you are right, but you are not. JSO does not bring DABT along on a simple strip club raid. Those are the guys that control an establishment's liquor license. Track down the DBRP complaint. It is number 2017002999 and read the first few lines. It says Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco vs. Wackos too Inc. D / B / A Wackos.

The complaint contains 10 charges all containing ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession or consumption of an illegal controlled substance." and ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit lewdness, assignation or prostitution." and finally ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, derive support or maintenance in whole or in part from what is believed to be the earnings or proceeds or prostitution.".

No my friend, this is not your simple strip club raid. This was done after obviously many visits to the club where these reported violations took place. The owner may get off with a hefty fine but I think for sure they are going to try and close the club down or at least take their liquor license from them.

Go to Kevin Clark on Twitter. He is an Action News reported. His Twitter page contains a picture of the complaint.


04-01-17, 14:52
Check this guy's twitter feed. There is a picture of two pages of the complaints in there.


Red Talon
04-01-17, 16:09
Nothing is going to happen to Wacko's liquor license or anything else for that matter. It was just another raid to be in the news that something is being done to combat drugs and prostitution. How many times has Wackos or any other club been raided and then shut down? 0 that I'm aware of, so can anyone name any legitimate club making money that's been raided and shut down? On the good side, new girls to take the place of whomever got arrested! Wish they'd simply arrest all of the FAT GIRLS to restock with toned crackheads?They must be relieved that you are thier attorney / accountant. Seriously, we have no idea what they are doing behind the scene. They may be doing something illegal that no-one is aware of. If the city gets enough pressure from the public (which they are) and this becomes a black eye for the city, they will find a way to make it unprofitable to stay in business. If you think the city is just going to sit back and let this happen, then you have another thing coming. Keep in mind the new police chief likes to set examples. Especially while pension talks are on-going, both the fire and police wants to show the public they are doing a good job.

04-01-17, 18:14
I'm waiting for the videos of the "major city players" who have been customers of the club to be released from Wackos.

Should be interesting.

04-01-17, 18:26
Do we know when the gold club is going to be open again?

04-01-17, 19:41
Do we know when the gold club is going to be open again?Nothing on their Facebook page nor on their website.

Guess we'l have to check with one of the dancers now dancing at Wackos.

04-02-17, 08:58
GM, one dancer told me they planing to open on Monday and yes was a huge mess, also she mention they drop all the charges on one of the girls not Keisha. Anyhow She told me lots of the girls had apply at Sins. Let just hope Wackos opens back up, I went to 4 different places and they were terrible. Good luck to all glad to have a few numbers and been end of the month girls want to make some Money so I have to said the best few VIP I had with out to worry about someone next to you LOL.

Member #5648
04-02-17, 09:37
They must be relieved that you are thier attorney / accountant. Seriously, we have no idea what they are doing behind the scene. They may be doing something illegal that no-one is aware of. If the city gets enough pressure from the public (which they are) and this becomes a black eye for the city, they will find a way to make it unprofitable to stay in business. If you think the city is just going to sit back and let this happen, then you have another thing coming. Keep in mind the new police chief likes to set examples. Especially while pension talks are on-going, both the fire and police wants to show the public they are doing a good job.So you can go to Wackos, Sinsations, Doll House, Gold Club, Solid Gold, Cocktails, SOS or wherever for FS, BJ, HJ, ANAL, TO, WEED, DRUGS, ETC. And yet not any of those clubs has been closed and doors permanently shut due to drugs or prostitution tells you what?

Jax Assman
04-02-17, 11:33
I have to agree that the raid on Wackos was not your average raid. I have seen establishments lose their liquor license when illegal activity occurs on the premises. That activity can even just be drugs. I have seen other adult businesses (no liquor license) that were shut down under nuisance statutes.

Why not the other clubs? Well, we will have to wait and see if they pursue the same tactics elsewhere, but they have already been very aggressive and successful at getting the most notorious massage parlors closed. This may have been part of the reason for there being more activity at the clubs and talk on the boards. I know that I for one rarely went to the clubs when the parlors were providing.

And when I went to the clubs, I typically went to Wackos. Why? Because in my opinion it was the "best" club. I was in there a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday and met Stacey for the first time and I couldn't believe how straight and to-the-point she was. Also, she made no real efforts to even hide the activity once in the booth. My experience there in the past six months or so was that this behavior was not too uncommon. I always left happy. Now, I am not one to be mistaken for one of Jacksonville's finest. I don't have any tattoos on my face or anything like that, but I think most people would correctly surmise that I am not a part of law enforcement, so perhaps that played a small part in the fact that I was approached in such a direct manner. But, my general experience is that when an establishment has become that laissez-faire and the girls are allowed to operate in such a fashion, then it is just a matter of time before it brings on unwanted attention.

04-02-17, 15:23
A dancer had pills and a couple had some grass? Whew feel much safer that this is cleared up. Amusing in that I find myself walking quickly through that lot for the safety of the club LOL.

04-02-17, 16:56
Is Wackos back in action? Has anyone been since the ban?

04-02-17, 19:53
Its still closed. Word is that they tried to reopen last night and were closed. I'm devastated I'm from here but living out of town I make a point about stopping at wackos first thing when I get in town before family or friends. Son of a ***** it better get open soon. Don't need the drugs bring on The bitches. FYI need contact info for tiny Brunnete nikki and minka thanks!

I have to agree that the raid on Wackos was not your average raid. I have seen establishments lose their liquor license when illegal activity occurs on the premises. That activity can even just be drugs. I have seen other adult businesses (no liquor license) that were shut down under nuisance statutes.

Why not the other clubs? Well, we will have to wait and see if they pursue the same tactics elsewhere, but they have already been very aggressive and successful at getting the most notorious massage parlors closed. This may have been part of the reason for there being more activity at the clubs and talk on the boards. I know that I for one rarely went to the clubs when the parlors were providing.

And when I went to the clubs, I typically went to Wackos. Why? Because in my opinion it was the "best" club. I was in there a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday and met Stacey for the first time and I couldn't believe how straight and to-the-point she was. Also, she made no real efforts to even hide the activity once in the booth. My experience there in the past six months or so was that this behavior was not too uncommon. I always left happy. Now, I am not one to be mistaken for one of Jacksonville's finest. I don't have any tattoos on my face or anything like that, but I think most people would correctly surmise that I am not a part of law enforcement, so perhaps that played a small part in the fact that I was approached in such a direct manner. But, my general experience is that when an establishment has become that laissez-faire and the girls are allowed to operate in such a fashion, then it is just a matter of time before it brings on unwanted attention.

Red Talon
04-02-17, 20:50
So you can go to Wackos, Sinsations, Doll House, Gold Club, Solid Gold, Cocktails, SOS or wherever for FS, BJ, HJ, ANAL, TO, WEED, DRUGS, ETC. And yet not any of those clubs has been closed and doors permanently shut due to drugs or prostitution tells you what?Naming places and illegal activities you partake in and I'm the idiot? Not sure why some people insist on putting themselves in harms way and risky behavior. Seriously, I am curious for the reason/thought process as to why guys do this and not worry about raids. Thanks.

04-03-17, 00:18
I'm waiting for the videos of the "major city players" who have been customers of the club to be released from Wackos.

Should be interesting.I think most mongers wouldn't want a video of anything released LOL.

04-03-17, 05:10
I think most mongers wouldn't want a video of anything released LOL.No kidding! Just glad they didn't take DNA samples. I don't even want to think what the "traces" light might show back there!

Just wondering which politician is going to be exposed exposing.

04-03-17, 12:39
Just looking to see if anyone has any contact information for nikki at wackos. Petite brunette, teeth aren't in great shape. She's usually my go to when I go to wackos.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

04-03-17, 13:45
Just looking to see if anyone has any contact information for nikki at wackos. Petite brunette, teeth aren't in great shape. She's usually my go to when I go to wackos.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.http://staugustine.backpage.com/WomenSeekMen/nikki-im-back-in-town-and-im-looking-for-a-real-gentleman-real-age/12702747

04-03-17, 18:26
http://staugustine.backpage.com/WomenSeekMen/nikki-im-back-in-town-and-im-looking-for-a-real-gentleman-real-age/12702747I'll see what I can do sir.

04-03-17, 21:55
http://staugustine.backpage.com/WomenSeekMen/nikki-im-back-in-town-and-im-looking-for-a-real-gentleman-real-age/12702747Not her but I appreciate the effort! It was kind of a longshot when I asked but I figured I would post.

04-04-17, 17:46
Noticed parking lot was full as I came over I95 and emerson. Update please.

04-04-17, 18:24
Noticed parking lot was full as I came over I95 and emerson. Update please.Facebook posting says they are open. Haven't actually gone in, so interested in hearing the scuttlebutt from anyone who spent some quality time there!

04-04-17, 19:25
Does anyone know what's going on with the Gold Club? I was curious so I drove by today hoping to see construction crews busy remodeling the club for reopening. Instead I found the gate locked and a No Tresspassing sign along with notice from the city that the building has been condemned!

04-04-17, 20:58
Does anyone know what's going on with the Gold Club? I was curious so I drove by today hoping to see construction crews busy remodeling the club for reopening. Instead I found the gate locked and a No Tresspassing sign along with notice from the city that the building has been condemned!It has been cleaned out but no remodeling done. I can only imagine that the insurance didn't work out the way Mike would've wanted? Not sure about that but nothing is being done to rebuild. It didn't seem to be making money anyway before the burn so.

Tony Tisdale
04-04-17, 23:51
Noticed parking lot was full as I came over I95 and emerson. Update please.Was there tonight, plenty of attractive girls working.

04-05-17, 15:03
It has been cleaned out but no remodeling done. I can only imagine that the insurance didn't work out the way Mike would've wanted? Not sure about that but nothing is being done to rebuild. It didn't seem to be making money anyway before the burn so.I got it from a girl who worked there, (so take this for what it's worth) that there had been a previous fire in the kitchen. (A test fire as she called it). A few months later the big one came. I'm wondering if this is a sketchy deal and the insurance company isn't ready to fork over money if there are questions about it.

If you ever watched Goodfellas the last thing they do after looting a business for all it's worth is to burn it out. Who knows?

04-05-17, 17:13
Webt by W for my two beers on the way home this afternoon. There were about 10 dancers there. FWIW- One who I see for VIP on occasion told me there was a meeting before work and they were told by management -- No extras in VIP for now.

04-05-17, 18:43
Webt by W for my two beers on the way home this afternoon. There were about 10 dancers there. FWIW- One who I see for VIP on occasion told me there was a meeting before work and they were told by management -- No extras in VIP for now.Same thing was told to me today.

04-06-17, 13:57
Same thing was told to me today.Back open but not back in business.

04-06-17, 16:21
Back open but not back in business.Well, I *did* get offered some takeout, but I declined.

04-06-17, 17:57
Well, I *did* get offered some takeout, but I declined.Are there no extras at wackos anymore?

I have never had a problem with Stacy. I have not see her since she returned and wanted to try her out.

Eve was also reliable. Has she stopped?

04-06-17, 18:14
Are there no extras at wackos anymore?

I have never had a problem with Stacy. I have not see her since she returned and wanted to try her out.

Eve was also reliable. Has she stopped?After the raid, they "Had A Meeting" and were told "No Extras" . Which means that the bouncer is wandering, occasionally flashlighting, from what I was told.

The girls told me that any "looks like giving a BJ" stuff is off for the moment, though I'm sure there are always those that would ignore that new "rule".

One told me that she was just dancing, nothing going on, but because it looked like it could have been, she was, oh, "reminded" that it wasn't acceptable.

And they suspect that at least one LEO is in the club at all times, monitoring things. And some of the girls do have a pretty good sense of LEO. Some don't, certainly, but some can spot 'them before they sit down.

04-06-17, 19:06
We need to make ID cards for extras up there. Only certified mongers can get them and get frequent flyer miles as well. Keeps the girls safe from those bastards and keeps our show straight. Fuck the police!

04-07-17, 10:06
Does anyone know what's going on with the Gold Club? I was curious so I drove by today hoping to see construction crews busy remodeling the club for reopening. Instead I found the gate locked and a No Tresspassing sign along with notice from the city that the building has been condemned!Not sure why it isn't reconstructed already when they always had so many erection specialists working there!

04-07-17, 10:42
Just looking to see if anyone has any contact information for nikki at wackos. Petite brunette, teeth aren't in great shape. She's usually my go to when I go to wackos.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.I second that request please let me know.

04-07-17, 10:58
I second that request please let me know.She was at the club on Wednesday, day shift.

04-07-17, 21:19
Paris is there. Go and get it boys!!

04-07-17, 22:39
Paris is there. Go and get it boys!!MH, is she only doing clubs? No backpage?

04-08-17, 00:05
Paris is there. Go and get it boys!!Drove any good trucks lately?

04-08-17, 01:49
MH, is she only doing clubs? No backpage?Nikki was there today too. Paris blows her out of the water though. Zendayah is one bad ass ***** but no goodies on the menu.

04-08-17, 01:56
Nikki was there today too. Paris blows her out of the water though. Zendayah is one bad ass ***** but no goodies on the menu.I mean hot hot hot! I would love to see her again. Of course, outside the club scene. She had one of the best bodies I've ever seen and very clean to boot!

04-08-17, 22:19
Drove any good trucks lately?Seems to think I'm you CantB1. Not sure why? He sent me a lovely racist private message the other day. I'm white first off you piece of shit and OldSchool can testify to that. I swear these fucktards on here! I'm here to help with pussy getting for us all.

04-09-17, 08:34
Seems to think I'm you CantB1. Not sure why? He sent me a lovely racist private message the other day. I'm white first off you piece of shit and OldSchool can testify to that. I swear these fucktards on here! I'm here to help with pussy getting for us all.I'll testify to the white boy as well, LOL.

04-10-17, 13:40
I stopped by Wackos Saturday and saw Buffy. Blonde, large breasts. I saw her a few weeks ago but didn't have much time. I asked about her here and it seemed like no one knew her then.

I did VIP but no extras to be had. I tried 2 songs. I usually give up after one if it looks like extras are not available.

Does anyone know her?

Are extras available? Normally I would think no, but maybe it's the new Wackos rules.

04-10-17, 15:09
I stopped by Wackos Saturday and saw Buffy. Blonde, large breasts. I saw her a few weeks ago but didn't have much time. I asked about her here and it seemed like no one knew her then.

I did VIP but no extras to be had. I tried 2 songs. I usually give up after one if it looks like extras are not available.

Does anyone know her?

Are extras available? Normally I would think no, but maybe it's the new Wackos rules.I just can't understand why mongers will go into the VIP without knowing what's on the menu. Two songs equal to qv15 mins 60 for most BP hoes. Since the average song is under 4 minutes that stripper made it in half the time for just looking good.

04-10-17, 15:24
I stopped by Wackos Saturday and saw Buffy. Blonde, large breasts. I saw her a few weeks ago but didn't have much time. I asked about her here and it seemed like no one knew her then.

I did VIP but no extras to be had. I tried 2 songs. I usually give up after one if it looks like extras are not available.

Does anyone know her?

Are extras available? Normally I would think no, but maybe it's the new Wackos rules.Not sure what success others have had, but in my experience, pretty much "Extras" are limited at the moment after the"big meeting" after the raid.

Never had the pleasure of Buffy, so can't comment on that.

However, I do get a LOT more T. O. Requests from the dancers now. They got to make a nut making a nut happen, it seems.

04-10-17, 20:37
I just can't understand why mongers will go into the VIP without knowing what's on the menu. Two songs equal to qv15 mins 60 for most BP hoes. Since the average song is under 4 minutes that stripper made it in half the time for just looking good.It's the same concept as the lottery, sometimes you get lucky and hit a jackpot, other times the numbers don't work out for you.

For example, I can't remember her name but there was a chick (talked about a lot on this board) working at wacko's that quit and started just escorting for something crazy af, maybe like 300-500 per hour. Prior to that she was at the club getting it in for the low.

I'm ok getting a test dance or 2 but I'm more of the negotiating TO kind of guy. The strip club gives you a chance to "prescreen" girls vs walking into what could be a fucked up situation or a chick that looks worse than any streetwalker you know, wanting $60 and putting you in a compromising situation.

04-10-17, 21:38
They weren't raided because of the fire marshal. It was because of prostitution and selling drugs.


Funny thing is that even in the article, they took the time to clarify what happened. On Top of that, Cocktails was raided not too long ago also. I was getting a dance, and as I was walking out of the VIP, a bunch of officers barged into the place, I just slipped out the front before it got too hectic.The stripper that was tricking is now at Cocktails.

04-10-17, 21:55
I got a great VIP from the 2 for $50 special at Score with a pretty spinner name Harley. . I think that's her name. Short brown hair with some piercing. That was my first time getting VIP with her. Anyone has any extra or TO with her. She usually stays with her regulars. I think.

04-10-17, 22:38
I got a great VIP from the 2 for $50 special at Score with a pretty spinner name Harley. . I think that's her name. Short brown hair with some piercing. That was my first time getting VIP with her. Anyone has any extra or TO with her. She usually stays with her regulars. I think.From knowing her personally and from the club I can definitely tell you there's no extras available.

04-11-17, 14:33
We need to make ID cards for extras up there. Only certified mongers can get them and get frequent flyer miles as well. Keeps the girls safe from those bastards and keeps our show straight. Fuck the police!I have been saying this.

04-11-17, 16:38
Saturday night. Extras definitely on menu. Perhaps day shift is being reigned in?

04-12-17, 10:57
I got a tip about a girl from Scores giving extras in VIP. I will investigate it today.

04-12-17, 12:14
I got a great VIP from the 2 for $50 special at Score with a pretty spinner name Harley. . I think that's her name. Short brown hair with some piercing. That was my first time getting VIP with her. Anyone has any extra or TO with her. She usually stays with her regulars. I think.She's hot and gives a great dance but forget it she's got a BF. No TO or extra's to be had with this one.

04-13-17, 00:16
Got a dance from Lynn at Sins today. Sexy brunette with a great ass!! No tits to speak of but that's ok by me. Asked about extras and she didn't answer. Kept dancing and let me do FIV. Super wet and tight!! Will try for extras at my next visit!

04-13-17, 13:58
I heard from her cousin nikki. She is working at wackos again.

04-13-17, 19:47
I heard from her cousin nikki. She is working at wackos again.Didn't really check her out but I'm sure she'll be doing the same old things to feed those 6-7 mouths she has to feed.

04-14-17, 17:44
Why the hell do they keep $275 K worth of gold and coins (along with Viagra) inside their safe? SMH. I assume this'll probably get the IRS on their radar.


Bobb Sledd
04-15-17, 04:26
Why the hell do they keep $275 K worth of gold and coins (along with Viagra) inside their safe? SMH. I assume this'll probably get the IRS on their radar.

http://jacksonville.com/news/public-safety/2017-04-14/jacksonville-man-arrested-after-275000-coins-and-cash-stolen-wacko-sI suppose the owner keeps the Viagra around for when he holds auditions. Was the $275K in singles?

04-15-17, 12:31
Anyone have any intel on Ginger? Is there anything on the menu? Had a great dance but she said nothing else was available. Not sure if she said that because it was her first time dancing for me. Also, why does Zendaya have to be so damn fine?!

04-15-17, 15:20
Anyone have any intel on Ginger? Is there anything on the menu? Had a great dance but she said nothing else was available. Not sure if she said that because it was her first time dancing for me. Also, why does Zendaya have to be so damn fine?!Zendaya is fine, but definitely doesn't cross the line. *sigh*.

04-15-17, 15:39
I will be visiting the JAX area for the first time. I see Wacko's looks like the place to go, but it has attracted some LEO attention lately. Is it safe to visit now, or do you recommend another club?

04-15-17, 18:25
Why the hell do they keep $275 K worth of gold and coins (along with Viagra) inside their safe? SMH. I assume this'll probably get the IRS on their radar.

http://jacksonville.com/news/public-safety/2017-04-14/jacksonville-man-arrested-after-275000-coins-and-cash-stolen-wacko-sThe wackos safe heist and subsequent police raid are connected. Real life is better than fiction. LOL.

Bobb Sledd
04-15-17, 18:36
The wackos safe heist and subsequent police raid are connected. Real life is better than fiction. LOL.You do realize "subsequent" means coming after something in time; following. Per the article, the raid occurred almost three weeks before the safe heist. Kindly explain how one had anything to do with the other.

04-15-17, 18:55
You do realize "subsequent" means coming after something in time; following. Per the article, the raid occurred almost three weeks before the safe heist. Kindly explain how one had anything to do with the other.Note: the article says "theft report and arrest". It also says (if you read the whole story) when the safe heist was discovered. March 23rd. Eight days before the raid.

04-15-17, 22:49
Note: the article says "theft report and arrest". It also says (if you read the whole story) when the safe heist was discovered. March 23rd. Eight days before the raid.LOL! Nice attention to detail.

Bobb Sledd
04-16-17, 04:04
Note: the article says "theft report and arrest". It also says (if you read the whole story) when the safe heist was discovered. March 23rd. Eight days before the raid.I stand corrected. Though the article does say the two where not connected. Only your barber knows!

Red Talon
04-16-17, 09:44
You do realize "subsequent" means coming after something in time; following. Per the article, the raid occurred almost three weeks before the safe heist. Kindly explain how one had anything to do with the other.If the theft was reported earlier the attending officers / detectives may have seen something they didn't like and reported if for a follow up investigation. Detectives are usually plain clothes so it may not have sent up flares while they were there and they saw something that caught thier eye.

04-16-17, 12:04
Anyone have any intel on Ginger? Is there anything on the menu? Had a great dance but she said nothing else was available. Not sure if she said that because it was her first time dancing for me. Also, why does Zendaya have to be so damn fine?!Definitely nothing with Ginger. Scores keeps a pretty close eye on the girls, tons of cameras. Your best bet it to get a dancer outside the club (definitely talk to Jenny).

04-18-17, 00:57
I will be visiting the JAX area for the first time. I see Wacko's looks like the place to go, but it has attracted some LEO attention lately. Is it safe to visit now, or do you recommend another club?Go. Its lots of fun. VIP room is open to about anything.

04-18-17, 14:17
Go. Its lots of fun. VIP room is open to about anything.Is wackos back to an open menu? Last I heard they were running a tight ship after the raid.

04-18-17, 17:03
Go. Its lots of fun. VIP room is open to about anything.Thank you for the advice, I'm planning on going tomorrow night.

04-18-17, 18:03
Is wackos back to an open menu? Last I heard they were running a tight ship after the raid.Daytime is flashlights and firings. Not sure about night.

VIP is apparently "coming down" because "fire code".

At least, that's the story among the dancers.

04-18-17, 20:24
Daytime is flashlights and firings. Not sure about night.

VIP is apparently "coming down" because "fire code".

At least, that's the story among the dancers.That really blows but whatever. You only need that room when you can't unload fast enough. LOL.

04-18-17, 20:53
Any Intel on Lolla / cherish any extras?

Member #6455
04-19-17, 08:04
I stopped by Wackos Saturday and saw Buffy. Blonde, large breasts. I saw her a few weeks ago but didn't have much time. I asked about her here and it seemed like no one knew her then.

I did VIP but no extras to be had. I tried 2 songs. I usually give up after one if it looks like extras are not available.

Does anyone know her?

Are extras available? Normally I would think no, but maybe it's the new Wackos rules.I know Buffy really well. She was the first dancer I met at Wackos more than a year ago, and we used to hang out outside the club a lot (she's a clock watcher, unfortunately). Extras are definitely available. Gave me headache relief on my first visit. She might be more cautious now after the raid. I haven't talked to her in a long time because she had a stint at the grey bar hotel for an old warrant for like 8 months, and by then I was out of the hobby. Be cautious around her though. Don't buy any "cleaned up my act" stories. She's a liar and a Walter White fan, but she can take care of you if you've got a headache. I'd offer digits, but I think she has a new number now.

04-19-17, 10:56
Any Intel on Lolla / cherish any extras?Dude. If you look at the top of the page, you'll see a handy link to "Abbreviations".

Scroll down to "RTFF".

Then do so. I know you are new, but the two posts immediately before yours answered your question, before you posted. There are NO extras right now, from ANYONE.

That would include Lolla, Cherish, Hortense, Matilda, Gertrude, and any other names you can come up with.

04-19-17, 12:24
Went to Sinsations last night and Ariel got some new 3 week old Bolt-Ons if that's your sort of thing.

04-19-17, 16:27
Hey, was in JAX a few weeks ago working. I'm from South Florida and I was please with the strip clubs. The Doll House always seemed dead but the few girls that are there are great fun. Had dance with evy or some name like that. Allowed FIV and for tip BBBJ. Could beat that. I must say white chicks are fun. The Cubans in Miami must think there pussy taste like ice cream because they aint putting out these days. Imma visit JAX for sure.

Can't believe how easy these girls are.

Mr Wheels83
04-19-17, 22:32
I stopped by Wackos Saturday and saw Buffy. Blonde, large breasts. I saw her a few weeks ago but didn't have much time. I asked about her here and it seemed like no one knew her then.

I did VIP but no extras to be had. I tried 2 songs. I usually give up after one if it looks like extras are not available.

Does anyone know her?

Are extras available? Normally I would think no, but maybe it's the new Wackos rules.Met her 2 weeks ago. Happy I did!

Mr Wheels83
04-19-17, 22:35
Anybody seen her lately?

Member #5648
04-20-17, 02:52
So, I wanted to know if anyone has had the opportunity to fuck either Allie or Dallas as Dallas has the HOT BODY but I'm not sure whether I should consider fucking Allie as she seems very mechanical about how she dances. Suggestions please?

04-20-17, 10:50
Went to Sinsations last night and Ariel got some new 3 week old Bolt-Ons if that's your sort of thing.Is this the same Ariel from Wackos and Backpage, red headed spinner?

04-20-17, 12:31
Is this the same Ariel from Wackos and Backpage, red headed spinner?No, it's a different one. Dirty blonde hair with a birthmark on her face.

Robert Nsg
04-20-17, 17:06
I hope that you are right, but you are not. JSO does not bring DABT along on a simple strip club raid. Those are the guys that control an establishment's liquor license. Track down the DBRP complaint. It is number 2017002999 and read the first few lines. It says Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco vs. Wackos too Inc. D / B / A Wackos.

The complaint contains 10 charges all containing ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession or consumption of an illegal controlled substance." and ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit lewdness, assignation or prostitution." and finally ". Unlawfully on your licensed premises, derive support or maintenance in whole or in part from what is believed to be the earnings or proceeds or prostitution.".

No my friend, this is not your simple strip club raid. This was done after obviously many visits to the club where these reported violations took place. The owner may get off with a hefty fine but I think for sure they are going to try and close the club down or at least take their liquor license from them.

Go to Kevin Clark on Twitter. He is an Action News reported. His Twitter page contains a picture of the complaint.

https://twitter.com/KevinANjax/status/847831172734472193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wokv.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Foperation-wacking-wacko-ends-with-arrests-for-prostitution-and-drug-charges%2FvJwEcDsFgBrbmiEGvMjQTI%2FOne reason JSO involved DABT and the Fire Marshall is because those agencies can enter the premises and search without a warrant. JSO had a warrant for the dancers, but not really a warrant to search the entire club. These other agencies are regulatory, not strictly law enforcement and have more leeway in searching without having to obtain warrants first. Once items are found, then they can turn them over to other law enforcement agencies for further investigation. It just makes doing these raids much easier and without involving too many other offices like judges and the Clerk of Courts in obtaining so much paperwork in case a mole inside one of those offices tips off a club owner before the raid can happen. Just my 2 cent.

04-20-17, 18:59
Gentlemen of Jacksonville,

Thank you for the suggestion of visiting Wacko's. I had a blast! Better than most of the clubs in Atlanta. I'm not sure if the VIP. Has changed much since the raid, but damn I had a great VIP. Girl named Natalie is fantastic. You are some lucky guys. I'm going to need to find a reason to go visit again.

04-21-17, 09:58
For all of you who are fans, she has now joined the others thereWhich kat?

Old School
04-22-17, 11:49
Visited Wackos after a couple of missed Fridays with MouthHunter. Many regular dancers where nowhere to be seen but a handful remained. There were quite a few new dancers that passed the eye test. Sat with one that recently returned and will only be dancing 1-2 days, she was a cutie with a natural tan had two enjoyable dances and moved on. Nearing the end of day shift had two with Nikki, insert smiley face here. Then the night shift parade started, Susie and the rest of the Hispanics 3-4 with asses to die for, several Gold Club transplants and I guess some night shift regulars all looking awesome. Dorothy is back for a moment, a little thicker than before but still beautiful and a joy to talk and dance with. As for the Gold Club dancers, I only remembered two names Harley and Marley and there was a little cute one with a sexy but, MouthHunter stuck his finger in it. LOL Oh, no porn flicks this trip.

Owners, owners and co-owners were present and making management enforce the rules on the floor. Girls cannot take tops off or show boobs. Scolded a Gothic dancer who is awesome on the poll by the way. As she was twirling, twisting and dropping from the pole she removed her top, she was quickly told to put it back on and she did still not miss a move on the pole.

Nothing further to say, no details, etc. The club is still located on Emerson and one wall is missing.

04-23-17, 23:06
Well boys, your inside man at Wackos got got on Friday. That goth girl OldSchool was talking about done had me fooled. She was licking the pole and touching her pussy damn near laid out in a guys lap looking like she was begging for a cock. I snapped her up as soon as I could and took her back. Thinking this was in the bag with no effort. This chic snaps to and is talking about this and that and blah blah blah. Takes her top off and does decent dancing but damn nothing else. Tried to direct the action and was denied. All I could think was I just got fooled by a pro. That was a first for me and the boys were laughing their asses off at what happened. They thought for sure I was going to direct them in next to where I left her. Well at least we all had a good laugh at my expense. There was a major influx of the finest of Gold club girls though albeit not the kind we like but nice to look at and feel on. Pretty sure her name was Zelda.

04-23-17, 23:51
I suppose the owner keeps the Viagra around for when he holds auditions. Was the $275K in singles?I would probably say there were a bundle of $1's. But I doubt $275 K the gold probably took up the majority of the amount in the safe.

The article indicated they found the Viagra but not the $275 K.

Black Jack 22
04-25-17, 09:45
I would probably say there were a bundle of $1's. But I doubt $275 K the gold probably took up the majority of the amount in the safe.

The article indicated they found the Viagra but not the $275 K.Wackos is my fav spot in Jax!

04-25-17, 16:08
Anyone know when the New Solid Gold is supposed to be open?

04-26-17, 14:55
Me and some buddy's are coming up to go to Rockville this weekend and we'd like to see some TnA after. What's the best spot?

04-26-17, 22:26
What's up guys, been a lurker on this site for a long time finally registered. I find myself at Scores during the day a lot lately. I've gotten extras from the black girl with the dreds (not Hershey after the disaster the other day I believe she no longer works there). Also the cute brunette with the wig. Anyone else have any info on who's down for extras there?


04-26-17, 22:34
Been following this site for a while finally got registered so I could post. Been at scores during the day a lot recently. Most posts here seem to be about Wackos. I've gotten extras for reasonable prices from the black girl with dreds (not Hershey) the brunette with the wig and the heavier set blonde with short hair and nipple rings. Sorry for lack of names usually half in bag leaving. I wanted to see if anyone could give me anymore info on who's down for extras there other than them. Thanks.

04-28-17, 22:15
I'm sad to report that another friend / stripper of mine has passed away. Maybe some of you knew her probably not too many as she was on again off again. Went by the name Fancy at the GC and then at Wackos later. Not sure of the circumstances yet but I don't believe she did H. But fuck you never know these days. Please ladies take care of yourselves and stop this heroine bs shit, go back to smaking crack please. Crack will now save your life! I may head to Wackos tonight to drown some sorrows. Stay safe out there.

04-29-17, 07:19
I'm sad to report that another friend / stripper of mine has passed away. Maybe some of you knew her probably not too many as she was on again off again. Went by the name Fancy at the GC and then at Wackos later. Not sure of the circumstances yet but I don't believe she did H. But fuck you never know these days. Please ladies take care of yourselves and stop this heroine bs shit, go back to smaking crack please. Crack will now save your life! I may head to Wackos tonight to drown some sorrows. Stay safe out there.Have a picture?

04-29-17, 12:08
I'm sad to report that another friend / stripper of mine has passed away. Maybe some of you knew her probably not too many as she was on again off again. Went by the name Fancy at the GC and then at Wackos later. Not sure of the circumstances yet but I don't believe she did H. But fuck you never know these days. Please ladies take care of yourselves and stop this heroine bs shit, go back to smaking crack please. Crack will now save your life! I may head to Wackos tonight to drown some sorrows. Stay safe out there.I knew her when she was bartending at the Broken Spoke. Then she started working at gold club. Started down the wrong path. Last I heard she was at the officers club. Then her facebook page went inactive.

It is a sad day.

04-29-17, 12:49
Given the recent activity at Wackos. Plus bored with Scores, Doll house, Sinsations, and club paradise. Last Friday adventured down to Daytona for some new scenery. Ended up at Grandview Live. Arrived at 10 pm. Kind of Dead. By 11 was filling up. Got a basic lap dance form one girl. Don't remember her name. 1 song then done. Then got approached by a second. Same 1 song and done. Could be the worst dance ever. Would probably have stopped there other than when I got the first dance could here the guy and stripper next to me fucking. So a third girl approached we discussed her dancing abilities. Seemed promising. Obtained FS. 4 Grants. Was impressed with the talent and fun had. Her name was Sophie or Sophia. I think she was Native American or had some in her. Kind of thick but nice athletic bod. Did not disappoint. Also had an offer from a Raven but turned her down. She was too skinny for me and kind of pale. Somewhat gothic. So last night went back down to Daytona expecting similar action. Arrived at Grandview at 10:18 pm. Was not impressed. Less quality of girls from prior week. Ended up leaving with no dances. Not thinking straight. Wrong brain took over at this point. Went to Diamond Dolls. Arrived around 1:42 Am. They close at 3 Am. Ran into a girl going by Pixie. She had a friend with her. After buying a few shots they stated that the club was closing soon but they wanted to go back to her place. I was not into it was wanting to be cautious. However, ended up exchanging vehicle info. Followed them to a Days Inn. Ended up providing a excellent dream with 2 girls. 4 Grants each. We stayed up til about 6 or 7 am with on and off fun. Then crashed. Got up at 10. Checked out. Just go back to Jacksonville now. Thought I'd post this out of not having anything else to do this Saturday. Wasted to much money in the last week to do anything else. I guess its back to looking a for good stock picks to support this hobby. Jacksonville has better value but Daytona seems to have better service.

05-01-17, 12:42
Ventured out on Sat. Even though I was not expecting much with the Rockville show going on.

Decided to try Scores since Wackos seems to be operating in a no fun mode. Got there around 8:30 pm and it was indeed dead. I did spot a couple of cuties in attendance but they were so inked up I dismissed them from interest. I still can not understand how a young woman can deface a hot little body by adding trashy tats all over it. Stayed at Scores for about an hour and it never got interesting so I left.

Ventured to Sins to see what was up there. Surprisingly quite a few dancers but not a lot of customers. Looked like Saddonia is back there and she has gotten rather plump. Same for Chase. She has really porked out and is stretching all of those tats. Kayla has resurfaced at Sins and is now going under Bailey. Still has a spinner frame but was chattering a mile a minute. Told me she just got out of the hospital that afternoon and came right to work. Sounded like a crazy story but then you have to consider the source. Offered OTC but I don't know if I would tap that. She did give a good BJ when she was at Wackos though.

Did my normal visit with Ocean. Damn that is one sexy Russian. Spied several new bodies but did not get the names to associate with them. Not a bad evening though.

05-01-17, 14:27
Ventured out on Sat. Even though I was not expecting much with the Rockville show going on.

Decided to try Scores since Wackos seems to be operating in a no fun mode. Not sure about that. I stopped by wackos on Saturday night. Had a good dance with one of the Latin chicks and she seemed game for almost anything. I declined but partake in a few lap dances instead.

05-02-17, 08:53
Not sure about that. I stopped by wackos on Saturday night. Had a good dance with one of the Latin chicks and she seemed game for almost anything. I declined but partake in a few lap dances instead.I am aware of the cuban posse that invaded wackos a while back. The one named Susan totes around way to much silicone for my tastes. She might be doable without the implants but I find them unappealing. The rest of them range between 'no way I am interested' to 'damn that is one fat, ugly broad'. Wide asses full of cellulite and sporting tats do not really interest me in the least.

05-02-17, 19:43
Ventured out on Sat. Even though I was not expecting much with the Rockville show going on.

Decided to try Scores since Wackos seems to be operating in a no fun mode. Got there around 8:30 pm and it was indeed dead. I did spot a couple of cuties in attendance but they were so inked up I dismissed them from interest. I still can not understand how a young woman can deface a hot little body by adding trashy tats all over it. Stayed at Scores for about an hour and it never got interesting so I left.

Ventured to Sins to see what was up there. Surprisingly quite a few dancers but not a lot of customers. Looked like Saddonia is back there and she has gotten rather plump. Same for Chase. She has really porked out and is stretching all of those tats. Kayla has resurfaced at Sins and is now going under Bailey. Still has a spinner frame but was chattering a mile a minute. Told me she just got out of the hospital that afternoon and came right to work. Sounded like a crazy story but then you have to consider the source. Offered OTC but I don't know if I would tap that. She did give a good BJ when she was at Wackos though.

Did my normal visit with Ocean. Damn that is one sexy Russian. Spied several new bodies but did not get the names to associate with them. Not a bad evening though.This one hurts me to watch. A lot of people on here know that I have seen her inside and outside the club for over five years since she turned 18 and talk to her every day.

I thought that 2. 5 years ago when she had a $625 a day heroin habit, was robbing multiple guys a day and weighed 75 pounds that it couldn't get any worse. I was very wrong.

The good news is that she got off the drugs and is up to 105 pounds. Bad news is that she found alcohol and can't control it. She drinks to the point every day where she has absolutely no idea what or who she did the night before and can barely walk. She loses her phone pretty much weekly, gets in fist fights all the time and even lost the dentures I bought her and went without them for a week.

She has been rushed to the hospital so many times in the last two months because of the alcohol and the minute she gets out she goes right to the liquor store. She's been found multiple times unconscious in the middle of the street with no idea how she got there. Also got arrested last month walking Phillips trying to get enough money for a bottle.

It breaks my heart because she's a good kid that just can't find the right path. And unfortunately if something doesn't change pretty quickly, it isn't going to end well.

Tony Tisdale
05-02-17, 19:58
This one hurts me to watch. A lot of people on here know that I have seen her inside and outside the club for over five years since she turned 18 and talk to her every day.

I thought that 2. 5 years ago when she had a $625 a day heroin habit, was robbing multiple guys a day and weighed 75 pounds that it couldn't get any worse. I was very wrong.

The good news is that she got off the drugs and is up to 105 pounds. Bad news is that she found alcohol and can't control it. She drinks to the point every day where she has absolutely no idea what or who she did the night before and can barely walk. She loses her phone pretty much weekly, gets in fist fights all the time and even lost the dentures I bought her and went without them for a week.

She has been rushed to the hospital so many times in the last two months because of the alcohol and the minute she gets out she goes right to the liquor store. She's been found multiple times unconscious in the middle of the street with no idea how she got there. Also got arrested last month walking Phillips trying to get enough money for a bottle.

It breaks my heart because she's a good kid that just can't find the right path. And unfortunately if something doesn't change pretty quickly, it isn't going to end well.At this risk of sounding like the great Captain Obvious, tell her to call AA and don't buy her any more dentures. Ultimately it's her decision. Good luck.


Member #6123
05-02-17, 20:45
Dang I Started seeing Sadonia regularly when she first started 12-13 years ago at Dollhouse and then for about 7 years after that what a beautiful face and ass she had. She reappeared shortly about 3 years ago at Dollhouse looking plump but not fat. She was always a good time back in VIP always left very happy. Both her and Natasha were my favs blew a lot of money on the over the years. If anyone ever get digits for Sadonia I would appreciate it. Does anyone know if Natasha still at DH.

Ventured out on Sat. Even though I was not expecting much with the Rockville show going on.

Decided to try Scores since Wackos seems to be operating in a no fun mode. Got there around 8:30 pm and it was indeed dead. I did spot a couple of cuties in attendance but they were so inked up I dismissed them from interest. I still can not understand how a young woman can deface a hot little body by adding trashy tats all over it. Stayed at Scores for about an hour and it never got interesting so I left.

Ventured to Sins to see what was up there. Surprisingly quite a few dancers but not a lot of customers. Looked like Saddonia is back there and she has gotten rather plump. Same for Chase. She has really porked out and is stretching all of those tats. Kayla has resurfaced at Sins and is now going under Bailey. Still has a spinner frame but was chattering a mile a minute. Told me she just got out of the hospital that afternoon and came right to work. Sounded like a crazy story but then you have to consider the source. Offered OTC but I don't know if I would tap that. She did give a good BJ when she was at Wackos though.

Did my normal visit with Ocean. Damn that is one sexy Russian. Spied several new bodies but did not get the names to associate with them. Not a bad evening though.

Mr Wheels83
05-02-17, 23:14
Anybody seen her lately?Any sightings?

05-03-17, 07:44
I thought it was Wackos not whack jobs. That girl has fucked half the guys in Duval county but you're going to marry her.You're a special kinda troll. Dude I was there the first day she started at GC. I begged and pleaded with her to not strip and fuck I would be capt. Save a hoe. No dice and then I watched the long spiral downhill. What a shame. She was amazing her first 6 months.

Johnny Drama
05-03-17, 12:28
Has anyone seen Harley there recently. Heard she got fired and wondered if she turned up anywhere else. Or her number would be great.



05-03-17, 12:53
Beers and entertainment report.

Nikki. High but always willing to play.

Devaughn- back to work she says no set schedule. Still talks in riddles so took a pass.

Seraph and roxanne. Both prefer to chat and drink instead of negotiate for extras in VIP.

Violet- up for TO but too needy. Hmu for money 2 x out of the blue.

05-03-17, 21:08
I'm sad to report that another friend / stripper of mine has passed away. Maybe some of you knew her probably not too many as she was on again off again. Went by the name Fancy at the GC and then at Wackos later. Not sure of the circumstances yet but I don't believe she did H. But fuck you never know these days. Please ladies take care of yourselves and stop this heroine bs shit, go back to smaking crack please. Crack will now save your life! I may head to Wackos tonight to drown some sorrows. Stay safe out there.The girl I heard it from called me today and said she saw something on FB that confirmed she was alive and well. Something about a hack into an account. Well at least she's still with us I suppose. These crazy fuckers out here!

05-04-17, 19:50
Dang I Started seeing Sadonia regularly when she first started 12-13 years ago at Dollhouse and then for about 7 years after that what a beautiful face and ass she had. She reappeared shortly about 3 years ago at Dollhouse looking plump but not fat. She was always a good time back in VIP always left very happy. Both her and Natasha were my favs blew a lot of money on the over the years. If anyone ever get digits for Sadonia I would appreciate it. Does anyone know if Natasha still at DH.Everytime I go to the Dollhouse and ask if she is working I'm told she is retired now but her sister in law is working.

05-06-17, 22:57
Cheyenne's daughter "Zoe" started at DH her first day today. Mother and daughter should both be there Sunday night.

05-07-17, 07:21
Went to scores this week day shift. Lots of dancers there. About 15 or so I would guess.

Got the 2 dance for $30 special with gauge. She's pretty but only worth the 2 4 1. Was distracted poor chat session before. I asked about VIP. Says she has to show me can't discuss before hand. We get back there and I'm told there are Lots of rules. Top off on 2nd dance not 1st. No touching except the a cups. Made an effort to see if the rules could be flexable but that just annoyed her. YMMV.

I should have picked Jessie.

05-08-17, 17:07
Cheyenne's daughter "Zoe" started at DH her first day today. Mother and daughter should both be there Sunday night.I will have to go check her out. Is this day or night shift? Any idea if there are extras? Is she hot? Her mom was the shit back at the old DH and GC.

05-09-17, 10:30
She's there on day shift. Yeah, she's attractive and I'm not sure about any extras. I didn't get a chance to get a VIP with her yet so I'm not sure if she learned the ropes yet being she just started.

I will have to go check her out. Is this day or night shift? Any idea if there are extras? Is she hot? Her mom was the shit back at the old DH and GC.

05-09-17, 12:58
White Girl? Name and cost for FS? Is Kandy still working there?To be honest with you. I don't know her stage name only her real name. She use to dance at Wackos a year ago. I normally visit her at Cocktails once a week for our VIP special. Normally spend 80 to 100 tokens.

05-10-17, 11:38
Will be working at the DH this weekend. At least that's what her mom told me yesterday.

05-10-17, 14:33
Cheyenne's daughter "Zoe" started at DH her first day today. Mother and daughter should both be there Sunday night.Bucket list item if circumstances are right.

Thanks in advance.

05-11-17, 11:09
Did wackos evening before heading out of town. Met Susan. Goodness does she work that club. She should be a poster child on how to be a stripper. Couple minutes with each person, accepts rejection and moves on. I've passed on prior visits as she just hit me as too business like but did want a spin. Kinda changed opinion; certainly in for the money but does have a cute friendly vibe given English as second language. Several VIP dances. Got jr at full attention. Love the look but damn. Showed me before and after augmentation pics and I would have loved the naturals even more. Sure they've paid for themselves several times over. Great laps; nothing extra. Leaving for summer and didn't even bother broaching otc. If I thought it was on the table I'd be all over that.

Rick Dugan
05-11-17, 18:52
This one hurts me to watch. A lot of people on here know that I have seen her inside and outside the club for over five years since she turned 18 and talk to her every day.

I thought that 2. 5 years ago when she had a $625 a day heroin habit, was robbing multiple guys a day and weighed 75 pounds that it couldn't get any worse. I was very wrong.

The good news is that she got off the drugs and is up to 105 pounds. Bad news is that she found alcohol and can't control it. She drinks to the point every day where she has absolutely no idea what or who she did the night before and can barely walk. She loses her phone pretty much weekly, gets in fist fights all the time and even lost the dentures I bought her and went without them for a week.

She has been rushed to the hospital so many times in the last two months because of the alcohol and the minute she gets out she goes right to the liquor store. She's been found multiple times unconscious in the middle of the street with no idea how she got there. Also got arrested last month walking Phillips trying to get enough money for a bottle.

It breaks my heart because she's a good kid that just can't find the right path. And unfortunately if something doesn't change pretty quickly, it isn't going to end well.I hear you JD, but truth be told I think you are in the minority on this one as she is just too well known for her various antics and callous disregard for other people. Most recently, some very credible information has surfaced about her which will ensure that I will never go within a mile of her snatch and it is only by dumb luck that I didn't do so in the past. I cannot get into specifics due to posting prohibitions, but anyone who is reading this can PM me for more details.

05-11-17, 19:03
Did wackos evening before heading out of town. Met Susan. Goodness does she work that club. She should be a poster child on how to be a stripper. Couple minutes with each person, accepts rejection and moves on. I've passed on prior visits as she just hit me as too business like but did want a spin. Kinda changed opinion; certainly in for the money but does have a cute friendly vibe given English as second language. Several VIP dances. Got jr at full attention. Love the look but damn. Showed me before and after augmentation pics and I would have loved the naturals even more. Sure they've paid for themselves several times over. Great laps; nothing extra. Leaving for summer and didn't even bother broaching otc. If I thought it was on the table I'd be all over that.Can't seem to edit but that's *me* leaving for summer; not her. She could be a fun project.

Free Balling
05-11-17, 19:30
Can't seem to edit but that's *me* leaving for summer; not her. She could be a fun project.All options used to be on the table and not cheap.

Very straightforward about it.

05-11-17, 21:40
All options used to be on the table and not cheap.

Very straightforward about it.That's what I've read itc but that's not really my thing. Was otc discussed?

05-12-17, 17:38
I was getting a dance at Wackos. . got 2 dances. Then 2nd song finished and 3rd song came on after about no more than 1 minute, I told dancer it's good, I'm finished. . she toke her time to put her clothes back on. Because was nude top. Then when I've to pay, she said it was $90.3 songs. . I told her I only did 2. The ass hole guardsaid was 3 songs. I told him I only did 2. They controlled the place and did not want to make any trouble, my lost but not sure if that's how they figure out how many songs they determine. Advice is appreciated.

Tony Tisdale
05-12-17, 21:54
Then 2nd song finished and 3rd song came on after about no more than 1 minute, I told dancer it's good, I'm finished. So there may have been close to a one minute interval between the end of the second song and the start of the third? That's odd. What were you and the dancer doing during that time? Was the DJ talking during this interval with no song playing? If not then maybe the third song was well underway and you weren't aware of it. Regardless I find your report confusing.

05-13-17, 06:24
So there may have been close to a one minute interval between the end of the second song and the start of the third? That's odd. What were you and the dancer doing during that time? Was the DJ talking during this interval with no song playing? If not then maybe the third song was well underway and you weren't aware of it. Regardless I find your report confusing.It sounds like he was a minute into the 3rd song and called it quits.

05-13-17, 09:13
It sounds like he was a minute into the 3rd song and called it quits.No more than a minute, yes the third song was already playing. Maybe they charge you once the song starts playing. It took another minute for the girl taking her time put on her bra and extra panty and shoe.

05-13-17, 10:14
And to tell me when that's over. If I want another from there then I'll tell them. But usually the girls I like give me a lower song count than I actually get then I tip them better.

05-13-17, 14:35
And to tell me when that's over. If I want another from there then I'll tell them. But usually the girls I like give me a lower song count than I actually get then I tip them better.Best bet is to just pay and walk out of the VIP as soon as the last song you want is over and wait outside or just go back to your seat.

05-13-17, 17:58
And to tell me when that's over. If I want another from there then I'll tell them. But usually the girls I like give me a lower song count than I actually get then I tip them better.I follow the same process until I get comfortable with her. And even that does not guarantee that there are not questions in the end. I also count out loud how many dances we have done. I will usually tell her 'OK, that was one and this will be our second'. And she will more than likely agree with me. I think that if they realize that you are paying attention to them and what they are doing they are less likely to try and miscount songs.

Tony Tisdale
05-13-17, 19:57
No more than a minute, yes the third song was already playing. Maybe they charge you once the song starts playing. It took another minute for the girl taking her time put on her bra and extra panty and shoe.When the DJ starts talking telling the next dancer to get on stage and the next one to be on standby then get up off the bench. Assuming you don't want another song. His voice is your cue. Good luck.

Mr Wheels83
05-13-17, 22:49
All options used to be on the table and not cheap.

Very straightforward about it.When I tried she said no.

05-14-17, 03:23
Stopped by Sunday evening in hopes to catch Zoe and Cheyenne. Didn't see them there. Maybe they left earlier in the day? Hung out anyway and got to know a short brunette by the name of Abby. Or Abbie. Same story about needing money for rent and how I wouldn't regret her dances. Yea heard that before. Anyway get back there and immediately starts grinding hard on jr. So I take her hand and she unbuttons and whips him out for a handshake. I do recall in my dream if she would sing into the mic but she would rather with a cover. No biggie. After somemore handshaking she grinds her kitty all up and down teasing how much she wants it. Boom goes the dynamite and its all over. Not too bad. I may repeat. Just don't like how she states if ill tip her good. Hung out and talked to Allie. Poor girl needs a breath mint or something. There was one hot young thing there. I think it was Envy? Not skinny but just the right thickness (for me at least). She offer any extracurriculars?

BTW, anyone remember Brooke from there? She still out there? Pretty nice fave a while back.

Have fun!

05-14-17, 10:43
BTW, anyone remember Brooke from there? She still out there? Pretty nice fave a while back.Brooke was actually in the DH on Sat. Night. She has put on some pounds and I do not find her as attractive as she use to be when she was more of a spinner. She was running was another dancer who is fat. Huge. This dance must come close to 5'-5" and 250 pounds. They went on break together so I wanted to get some dances in before they cam back so I could bolt without having to deal with her. Unfortunately none of the dancers seemed to want to work. Did talk with Envy and was going to see if she wanted to head to the VIP when she got called on stage. She said that she would be back but she never did. Spent the time after her stage work witting on her ass doing nothing. God how I miss the old DH.

Also went to Sin and found more of the same. Lots of dancers but all they seem to want to do is sit and talk with other dancers, work their cell phones or wander back and forth from the dressing room. Left with money in my wallet again. And no Kayla / Bailey sightings. Maybe she has been canned already?

05-14-17, 10:56
I hear you JD, but truth be told I think you are in the minority on this one as she is just too well known for her various antics and callous disregard for other people. Most recently, some very credible information has surfaced about her which will ensure that I will never go within a mile of her snatch and it is only by dumb luck that I didn't do so in the past. I cannot get into specifics due to posting prohibitions, but anyone who is reading this can PM me for more details.Opened up a GFM account & telling some bogus lame ass sobbing story about needing money for much needed dental work & how difficult she's having it because she is unable to smile & living out of hotels. Plenty of layered bullshit she threw down. Sad part is people bought into it & actually donated. Made a up to a certain amount & closed out her GFM account so she had plenty of party money.

It's one thing to screw over Mongers but it's another level to steal from innocent civies. Dude can feel sorry for her all she wants.


05-15-17, 06:21
Was in Hartford, Connecticut recently to visit family and friends. Made the obligatory stops at The Electric Blue strip club in Tolland, Connecticut as well as Minx Cabaret strip club on West Service Road in Hartford (formerly a Gold Club). Next door to Minx is the Luv Boutique which has added a new twist. It has a self-contained private strip club with separate cubicles with doors that actually close and shut. The "parlor" held 3 very sweet, young Girls, and after a tour of the facility, myself and "Pearl", a very attractive brunette 20-ish spinner type went to a meduim-level cubicle that contained a sitting accommodation for two as well as a Video Monitor showing a continuous porn tape. Pearl and I negotiated activity and price for duration of our time together, and I can relate to all that for two Benjis a good time was had by all; meaning Me, Pearl and 'little Herb. I will add that this Girl was and is absolutely gorgeous, very friendly, and she let me know that she does agree on occasion to meet "new friends" after hours. Additional cost included 50 for the House and 10 fee to get through the turnstile. How long this particular establishment will exist in Hartford is anyone's guess, but I am reminded that Hartford is the site of the old "Underwood" strip club. The first all nude club in Hartford that lasted for years and years. My guess is a little "palm grease" is being used for other purposes than the obvious. Herb Visited and Herb Approved.

Member #5648
05-15-17, 15:56
Amazing body and great personality. I had a few dances with her but haven't gotten the chance to see about FS yet. Went there twice this week and she was so busy I had to wait in line to get her into VIP. Anyone out there get FS from her yet and how much did it cost if you did? Tight pussy? Obviously Great tits!

Member #5648
05-15-17, 16:23
I was informed that within the last 30 days, SOS was SOLD and has New Owners! Here we go again! Better Hookers or Same Hookers?

05-15-17, 17:27
Amazing body and great personality. I had a few dances with her but haven't gotten the chance to see about FS yet. Went there twice this week and she was so busy I had to wait in line to get her into VIP. Anyone out there get FS from her yet and how much did it cost if you did? Tight pussy? Obviously Great tits!Daytime or night?

05-15-17, 20:08
Opened up a GFM account & telling some bogus lame ass sobbing story about needing money for much needed dental work & how difficult she's having it because she is unable to smile & living out of hotels. Plenty of layered bullshit she threw down. Sad part is people bought into it & actually donated. Made a up to a certain amount & closed out her GFM account so she had plenty of party money.

It's one thing to screw over Mongers but it's another level to steal from innocent civies. Dude can feel sorry for her all she wants.

PB.Just to be clear, I obviously don't condone anything that she has done. She has robbed literally thousands of men in Jacksonville over the last five years. I am amazed that she has made it through that alone unscathed.

But that doesn't mean that I can't have empathy for someone that I talked to every day. I will probably not do anything with her based on some of her recent activities but that doesn't mean I can't hope she finds a better path. Some people may think what she is going through right now is karma. Maybe it is. I still wish her the best.

05-16-17, 08:16
I was getting a dance at Wackos. . got 2 dances. Then 2nd song finished and 3rd song came on after about no more than 1 minute, I told dancer it's good, I'm finished. . she toke her time to put her clothes back on. Because was nude top. Then when I've to pay, she said it was $90.3 songs. . I told her I only did 2. The ass hole guardsaid was 3 songs. I told him I only did 2. They controlled the place and did not want to make any trouble, my lost but not sure if that's how they figure out how many songs they determine. Advice is appreciated.Same thing happened to me a couple of year ago. It was clearly 2 songs. I even told her up front I just wanted 2 songs. In the end, she said it was 3, and the bouncer said it was three. Paid and left. Fucking thiefs.

05-16-17, 08:42
I hear you JD, but truth be told I think you are in the minority on this one as she is just too well known for her various antics and callous disregard for other people. Most recently, some very credible information has surfaced about her which will ensure that I will never go within a mile of her snatch and it is only by dumb luck that I didn't do so in the past. I cannot get into specifics due to posting prohibitions, but anyone who is reading this can PM me for more details.No exactly sure of whom your referring to but believe it may be Ariel who I was seeing a couple of years ago. There were many reports of her ripping guys off but personally I never had an issue with her and I saw her on a number of occasions. Other than the times her kitty didn't small fresh, a big pet peeve of mine, and her teeth were starting to show signs of serious drug use, I thought her body was smoking hot though I never saw her when she was a skeleton as a few members have described. She was always nice and accommodating with me and I'd see her again but I'm not a frequenter of strip clubs. I was wondering is she still fucking for cash?


05-16-17, 10:50
Fwiw I'd expect that once the song starts you're committed to that song regardless of when quitting. To add on my Susan review we'd gotten back just as a song started and I'd expected her to jump right in. Pleasantly surprised to see her sit and ask if we could start on next song. Learned from experience to carefully track songs- still had issue at scores a few weeks back. Pretty aa girl, great dance exchanged numbers, tentatively talked otc stuff. Clearly four songs and she tries to sell five. Surprised to see the counter side with me; went back and tipped him the fifth song. Girl comes back over to discuss next mtg as if nothing happened but I was through with her LOL.

Between drinking, scamming girls, horned up guys not thinking straight, starting mid song, redressing time afterward, etc it's not surprising this isn't a regular occurrence.

05-16-17, 11:00
Same thing happened to me a couple of year ago. It was clearly 2 songs. I even told her up front I just wanted 2 songs. In the end, she said it was 3, and the bouncer said it was three. Paid and left. Fucking thiefs.I've done the club scene for a long time. Most girls as you walk into the VIP will tell the doorman that they're starting the "next song". That way they know and can keep track of things. The best way is when the song ends tell her you're done, she hops up, you immediately stand up, pay her and agree to meet her at your table. If the door man is doing his job, then he should be keeping track of things.

05-16-17, 21:28
I was informed that within the last 30 days, SOS was SOLD and has New Owners! Here we go again! Better Hookers or Same Hookers?The guy who bought Cocktails a year or 2 back also bought SOS and Centerfolds about a month ago.

05-17-17, 16:13
They've got a new gorgeous blonde super tiny spinner named Mila or Myla. Whatever this girl is amazing looking besides all the tats. Has one on her stomach says Family first or something stupid like that. No kids and one fine ass. Anyway I had to run out because I wasn't driving and the boys had enough of the other thugs and fatties working that night. She said she also works some days. Who knows the scoop on this tasty little unit?

Todd Robinson
05-17-17, 20:23
They've got a new gorgeous blonde super tiny spinner named Mila or Myla. Whatever this girl is amazing looking besides all the tats. Has one on her stomach says Family first or something stupid like that. No kids and one fine ass. Anyway I had to run out because I wasn't driving and the boys had enough of the other thugs and fatties working that night. She said she also works some days. Who knows the scoop on this tasty little unit?Saw her today dayshift at Wackos, hot little ass, my friend took her for a test drive yesterday, nothing special or offered, but that can change. I was unable to get her alone, she was busy hustling. Worth a try this weekend but seems to be popular for now.

05-17-17, 22:28
Saw her today dayshift at Wackos, hot little ass, my friend took her for a test drive yesterday, nothing special or offered, but that can change. I was unable to get her alone, she was busy hustling. Worth a try this weekend but seems to be popular for now.I saw her late this afternoon as well. Very hot and seemed to garner some attention. Was not able to speak with her. As she was dancing. She finished the first two stages and then left the stage and took a guy back into the VIP area. She didn't even dance the third stage -and I was waiting to see her come by.

Sooooo. I sat around a bit. It was pretty slow and then a fine one named Krystal stopped by. We played for a couple of songs in the back. Very nice time was had by all. Extremely smooth boobs and behind. I highly recommend. She has a pretty smoking body on her.

05-18-17, 01:52
I haven't heard you gents talk about Paris who did some BJ porn movies. Is she still around?

05-18-17, 06:22
I rode by DH last night and it looked packed. Like more than it does on the weekends. What gives?

05-18-17, 06:51
I haven't heard you gents talk about Paris who did some BJ porn movies. Is she still around?She posted up a BP ad the other day.

05-18-17, 06:53
I rode by DH last night and it looked packed. Like more than it does on the weekends. What gives?T. P. C. Still in town?

05-18-17, 08:12
I haven't heard you gents talk about Paris who did some BJ porn movies. Is she still around?Randomly at best. I've seen her there days and nights. She keeps popping up on people I may know on FB. I might have to friend her.

05-18-17, 08:36
Went to scores last night. Saw this African American chic, real name Miya. The most amazing ass I have ever experienced. Beautiful face, about 5'7 tall, about 26 years old, very social. Got a couple of games from her, no extras but damn she so good. Very sensual. Does anybody know who I'm talking about? OMG the booty should be worshipped it's so good.

Member #5648
05-18-17, 18:32
T. P. C. Still in town?Envy was extremely busy as she was the Wednesday Night. I was told by a dancer that many customers were waiting their turn to get extras from her as the dancer was upset that she couldn't get those dances because she didn't do extras. Renee was there, Brittany was there, Sami was there, and a few additional dancers. Not many were tipping the dancers on stage as they seemed to be waiting their turn to get VIP dances. Jade is back and very busy as well.

05-19-17, 15:23
I was there wed. Night as well. Bailey (Britney) and Sami don't do extras. Everyone knows about Envy, and I know that Renee does do extras. Not sure about the short blonde, but she does go to the booth to the right so that's probably not a good sign. Been awhile since I hit up Sinsations. How's the talent over there?

Envy was extremely busy as she was the Wednesday Night. I was told by a dancer that many customers were waiting their turn to get extras from her as the dancer was upset that she couldn't get those dances because she didn't do extras. Renee was there, Brittany was there, Sami was there, and a few additional dancers. Not many were tipping the dancers on stage as they seemed to be waiting their turn to get VIP dances. Jade is back and very busy as well.

05-20-17, 08:19
I've gotten a HJ from Sami before not sure if I was just super lucky that day or if she just doesn't do extras for just anybody. I wanted to see Renee but she was busy I guess I will try her another time. Does anyone know if jade and katya do extras there was also a short haired blonde I think her name was either bee bee or Dee Dee I couldn't quite tell.

I was there wed. Night as well. Bailey (Britney) and Sami don't do extras. Everyone knows about Envy, and I know that Renee does do extras. Not sure about the short blonde, but she does go to the booth to the right so that's probably not a good sign. Been awhile since I hit up Sinsations. How's the talent over there?

05-20-17, 13:50
Stopped by paradise a few days ago, starting to get considerably better. It's not likely to knock off a scores or wackos anytime soon for overall good times, but you probably won't regret going there now. First, and I feel this is important to separate them from the other clubs, Paradise has no ugly or fat girls when I went. Their ugliest and fattest girl was maybe an average dancer at wackos and they probably had about 10-15 girls there. The dancers were mixed, with most white girls being slim and most black and spanish girls being thick, the way the world was meant to be. The VIP now has some booths, it was just a chair, but I didn't do a dance so no clue how private it is really.

They also just started opening at 4 and weekdays 4-6 they have free drinks, I think free beer and well drinks.

Not saying it'll blow your mind, just saying it may be a good time to check it out.

Mr Wheels83
05-20-17, 22:29
I've gotten a HJ from Sami before not sure if I was just super lucky that day or if she just doesn't do extras for just anybody. I wanted to see Renee but she was busy I guess I will try her another time. Does anyone know if jade and katya do extras there was also a short haired blonde I think her name was either bee bee or Dee Dee I couldn't quite tell.She's good for a HJ. Is she on days or nights?

Member #5648
05-21-17, 01:05
I've gotten a HJ from Sami before not sure if I was just super lucky that day or if she just doesn't do extras for just anybody. I wanted to see Renee but she was busy I guess I will try her another time. Does anyone know if jade and katya do extras there was also a short haired blonde I think her name was either bee bee or Dee Dee I couldn't quite tell.What EXTRAS does Renee do other than having lotion in her purse? I'll never get from Renee again myself as she's rip off as far as I'm concerned. Allie is trying to be like Envy, but Envy has a great attitude about her, with Allie, she has a "I don't give a fuck" attitude, even when she's fucking you.

05-21-17, 01:38
What EXTRAS does Renee do other than having lotion in her purse? I'll never get from Renee again myself as she's rip off as far as I'm concerned. Allie is trying to be like Envy, but Envy has a great attitude about her, with Allie, she has a "I don't give a fuck" attitude, even when she's fucking you.Allie was one of the worst OTC I ever had. Laid there like a dead fish and her pussy smelled 10 x worse than a dead fish.

05-21-17, 06:59
I was there around 7 and she was already there so I'm not sure if she just showed up or if she was a carryover from daytime.

She's good for a HJ. Is she on days or nights?

05-21-17, 07:06
I guess the only thing is a HJ I've only seen her there twice but then again I just started going to tdh sins was normally my go2 spot but the girls there weren't constant.

What EXTRAS does Renee do other than having lotion in her purse? I'll never get from Renee again myself as she's rip off as far as I'm concerned. Allie is trying to be like Envy, but Envy has a great attitude about her, with Allie, she has a "I don't give a fuck" attitude, even when she's fucking you.

Member #5648
05-21-17, 13:10
I guess the only thing is a HJ I've only seen her there twice but then again I just started going to tdh sins was normally my go2 spot but the girls there weren't constant.I broke rule #1, NEVER PREPAID for anything with those strippers. Renee and I got to the booth and she told me for $100 I could feel her pussy and she would get me off, so I gave her $100 up front. THEN, she gets out a fucking bottle of lotion while I'm pulling out a condom and she starts giving me a HJ and I asked when do I get to feel her pussy. So, she let's me feel her pussy but no FIV and she says put that condom away because you paid for a HJ and not for my pussy.

05-21-17, 13:20
I'm in jacksonville for the weekend. Saturday I hung out all day at Wackos. Where is the best place on Sunday?

My other clubs are usually sins and tdh, but they don't open until 7 - I'll be gone.

05-21-17, 15:49
I just moved to Florida a few months ago and visited Sinsations last week. Fully nude, decent looking girls, and both dances I got allowed full touching of pussy for $25 per song.

Is Wackos about the same as far as offerings? I'm.

Not looking for extras as much as a girl who lets me roam anywhere.

05-23-17, 23:32
Hello gents any one know when Kayla is working? Day s or night s. That girl has game. ! Please pm me. Thanks.

Tony Tisdale
05-24-17, 02:47
I just moved to Florida a few months ago and visited Sinsations last week. Fully nude, decent looking girls, and both dances I got allowed full touching of pussy for $25 per song.

Is Wackos about the same as far as offerings? I'm.

Not looking for extras as much as a girl who lets me roam anywhere.Girl to girl. Ask them beforehand. Simple solution.

05-24-17, 08:30
Hello gents any one know when Kayla is working? Day s or night s. That girl has game. ! Please pm me. Thanks.Yes, Kayla works at Rachel's in Orlando tonite after 7.

Magik Mike
05-24-17, 15:04
Yes, Kayla works at Rachel's in Orlando tonite after 7.She did have game when it came to services mongers like but she also played a lot of game, the stealing game. Here games included skipping out with the donation, taking your wallet, ATM and credit cards, etc. Etc. She got me once on the donation, I saw her after that out of curiosity more than anything else and actually got paid back for the donation she got from me prior, but I was very cautious based on all the reports. She claims she don't steal anymore, but I certainly wouldn't let your guard down and would make sure you only take with you what you are ok losing if you do see her. But I do agree she has some game.


05-24-17, 15:38
She posted up a BP ad the other day.Paris BP post. Do we have a link?

05-24-17, 16:23
She did have game when it came to services mongers like but she also played a lot of game, the stealing game. Here games included skipping out with the donation, taking your wallet, ATM and credit cards, etc. Etc. She got me once on the donation, I saw her after that out of curiosity more than anything else and actually got paid back for the donation she got from me prior, but I was very cautious based on all the reports. She claims she don't steal anymore, but I certainly wouldn't let your guard down and would make sure you only take with you what you are ok losing if you do see her. But I do agree she has some game.

MM.LOL. I made that post up in response to the newbies request for intel. Sorry it got past you. But I'm sure there is a Kayla that moved to Orlando. Being hot enough to work at Rachel's may be another story, though. Those are some high-end HPOA's.

05-24-17, 17:03
Paris BP post. Do we have a link?All you have to do is search Paris on BP and you will see her ad she has a 765 area code.


Magik Mike
05-24-17, 22:53
LOL. I made that post up in response to the newbies request for intel. Sorry it got past you. But I'm sure there is a Kayla that moved to Orlando. Being hot enough to work at Rachel's may be another story, though. Those are some high-end HPOA's.I just assumed it was true based on what I know of her actions here in JAX, it seemed plausible at first read. You got me!


05-25-17, 16:31
Paris BP post. Do we have a link?Pretty sure you're talking about different Parises, Pari? I don't know.

05-25-17, 17:29
So we all talk about the usual spots like Wackos, TDH and Sins. What about the others? LOL. Or maybe right there is the reason we don't talk about them?

Also, where can I satisfy my latina craving? Excluding the cubans at Wackos. And that hot ass Nikki. God! Kinda looking for a spinner type.

05-25-17, 22:21
Does anyone one have Intel when eve is working. She s a cute little spinner.

05-26-17, 07:46
Does anyone one have Intel when eve is working. She s a cute little spinner.2nd post, 2nd request for intel. Try offering some intel for the crowd first, make a contribution or two. Mongers will be a bit more open to give you a handout after. Even though this is just about scheduling, LOL.

05-26-17, 07:55
So we all talk about the usual spots like Wackos, TDH and Sins. What about the others? LOL. Or maybe right there is the reason we don't talk about them?

Also, where can I satisfy my latina craving? Excluding the cubans at Wackos. And that hot ass Nikki. God! Kinda looking for a spinner type.Went to Wackos yesterday and wasn't impressed. All the girls seemed to either have an attitude or were stuck on their regulars. I went to Centerfolds and the girls were nicer. I got a dance from the BBW Chloe and she handled things nicely to get rid of my headache for the cost of a song.

Jax Jedi
05-26-17, 08:29
Went to Wackos yesterday and wasn't impressed. All the girls seemed to either have an attitude or were stuck on their regulars. I went to Centerfolds and the girls were nicer. I got a dance from the BBW Chloe and she handled things nicely to get rid of my headache for the cost of a song.So, how does that even work at centerfolds? The room is wide open and it just seems like there's not an opportunity for any extras. Or has something changed for the dances since I was there one year ago?

05-26-17, 11:31
2nd post, 2nd request for intel. Try offering some intel for the crowd first, make a contribution or two. Mongers will be a bit more open to give you a handout after. Even though this is just about scheduling, LOL."You've got to give a little to get a little". No pun intended. Well maybe a little one. LOL.

05-26-17, 11:34
The place has changed a lot since I was last there. The VIP area is quite secluded in the first booth on the right. The place has a new bar and looks much nicer.

05-27-17, 18:10
Speaking of centerfold has anyone had any luck with the tiny girl there named Sierra?

05-28-17, 12:10
Is Stacy still doing her thing at Wackos?

05-29-17, 01:20
I hit sins and tdh last week. Saw ocean at sins for a decent hand job. It took 5 songs but because she strung it out.

At tdh I saw Cheyenne for a sensual three song hand job.

So either of these offer more than an HJ?

05-29-17, 10:32
Alright, somebody had to have been there for this.

Sounds like a lesser circle of hell.


Drew Park
05-29-17, 11:07

This showed up in a newsfeed. I'm skeptical in that had this really happened one of you guys would have been there and seen it. Which club has a free buffet?

05-29-17, 16:25
Alright, somebody had to have been there for this.

Sounds like a lesser circle of hell.

http://www.borderherald.com/tainted-buffet-jacksonville-strip-club-blamed-severe-diarrhea-incident-stage/First off all these clubs are too fucking cheap to have fried shrimp and ribs on a free buffet. None of the strippers I know know anything about it. None of the clubs I've been shut down and what reporter sticks around and talks to a cleaning crew?? The story is written as a good joke though. And why the hell would they not post the name of the club as a journal of record?

05-29-17, 16:50

This showed up in a newsfeed. I'm skeptical in that had this really happened one of you guys would have been there and seen it. Which club has a free buffet?THE Golden Shower? LMAO, but not to hard!

Old School
05-29-17, 17:03
First off all these clubs are too fucking cheap to have fried shrimp and ribs on a free buffet. None of the strippers I know know anything about it. None of the clubs I've been shut down and what reporter sticks around and talks to a cleaning crew?? The story is written as a good joke though. And why the hell would they not post the name of the club as a journal of record?

THE Golden Shower? LMAO, but not to hard!While this is most likely a joke it is funny as shit, no pun intended. In my time of visiting clubs I have only seen one dancer exiting the VIP pissed because the patron puked in her hair and the occasional Tampon string dangling.

We need a LIKE BUTTON both post above hit it on the nose.


05-29-17, 18:05
First off all these clubs are too fucking cheap to have fried shrimp and ribs on a free buffet. None of the strippers I know know anything about it. None of the clubs I've been shut down and what reporter sticks around and talks to a cleaning crew?? The story is written as a good joke though. And why the hell would they not post the name of the club as a journal of record?Scores was closed today?

05-29-17, 19:23
No sources carry this news other than the Border Herald site, which I've never heard of. I suspect it's pure clickbait. Their "About" tab is suspiciously absent of detail (and their "Cayman Publishing Group" doesn't exist), and their Contact tab just doesn't work. I think it's nothing but fabricated articles with clickbait titles.

It doesn't name the club or cite which agency (if any) closed it down. It doesn't name anyone you can fact-check with. That's not even bad journalism. That's just fiction.


This showed up in a newsfeed. I'm skeptical in that had this really happened one of you guys would have been there and seen it. Which club has a free buffet?

05-29-17, 21:50
Sooooo. I sat around a bit. It was pretty slow and then a fine one named Krystal stopped by. We played for a couple of songs in the back. Very nice time was had by all. Extremely smooth boobs and behind. I highly recommend. She has a pretty smoking body on her.I see Krystal (I always thought it was with a "C", but who really knows) fairly often, but only test-driven once. It was early on in her time there--probably a year or two ago, and I think we went almost two full dances before she pulled her tits out. I'm not sure if things have changed much, but this was just way too low mileage for me, so I've never tried her again. Normally, I'm a sucker for huge tits like that, but I haven't been able to pull the trigger again. Am I missing out?

05-30-17, 12:07
Who was there if this is not and which club was it?


Not sure if this should be in the Media section or here so I posted it here.

05-30-17, 13:47
No sources carry this news other than the Border Herald site, which I've never heard of. I suspect it's pure clickbait. Their "About" tab is suspiciously absent of detail (and their "Cayman Publishing Group" doesn't exist), and their Contact tab just doesn't work. I think it's nothing but fabricated articles with clickbait titles.

It doesn't name the club or cite which agency (if any) closed it down. It doesn't name anyone you can fact-check with. That's not even bad journalism. That's just fiction.This article reminded me of a review from amazon:


Drew Park
05-30-17, 15:15
Who was there if this is not and which club was it?


Not sure if this should be in the Media section or here so I posted it here.I'm guessing you did NOT read the half dozen or more posts about this on this very page? Jeez. Pay attention people.

05-30-17, 23:12
I'm guessing you did NOT read the half dozen or more posts about this on this very page? Jeez. Pay attention people.No I didn't. I frequent this site but I don't live here and read every post. I apologize if that is a prerequisite. I live in ATL and read those pages more since it's my local jaunt. I just thought I'd share here since I lived in JAX for 12 years. I guess I should read every post in the JAX threads so I don't accidentally share something that was shared before. I get with it and "pay attention". My bad.

05-31-17, 11:38
Haven't been in a while. Is it back like it was a few months ago or better luck at TDH or Sins now during the day? Thinking about making a lunch run.

06-03-17, 19:41
Essentially the couches to the left just below the window and next to the emergency exit works. The bouncers just simply ignore you when you're getting a dance.

So, how does that even work at centerfolds? The room is wide open and it just seems like there's not an opportunity for any extras. Or has something changed for the dances since I was there one year ago?

06-04-17, 13:28
I heard another girl was was carried away by an ambulance from wackos last night. Anybody know what happened?

06-05-17, 00:06
Stacy holding court, very light crowd. New to me girls who actually came up & conversed. Enjoyed the convo from an older Russian and hot Hispanic, and would have from the cute blond spinner who caught my eye. Did not test any out but would likely. Does anyone else think the "new" Beth resembles a young Liz?

06-05-17, 16:44
Stacy holding court, very light crowd. New to me girls who actually came up & conversed. Enjoyed the convo from an older Russian and hot Hispanic, and would have from the cute blond spinner who caught my eye. Did not test any out but would likely. Does anyone else think the "new" Beth resembles a young Liz?Went to Wackos last week. Dayshift had couple of dances with the Russian, fiv is allowed. She was extremely wet and tight. Not sure if full is available, I didn't ask. She said she used to be a doctor in Russia.

06-05-17, 20:03
Holy shit what is she doing? Anyway on a better note, I rolled into centerfold today and WTF happened there?? They have made that place decent. A couple of cute spinners working too. Britney and Kendal who has any info on those girls? Didn't stick around too long but the place looks great and I didn't get shot at. Might be a new haunt of mine.

06-05-17, 21:00
Holy shit what is she doing? Anyway on a better note, I rolled into centerfold today and WTF happened there?? They have made that place decent. A couple of cute spinners working too. Britney and Kendal who has any info on those girls? Didn't stick around too long but the place looks great and I didn't get shot at. Might be a new haunt of mine.Poni hasnt done the SC scene in a very very long time. Felt I outgrew them & most times I would leave w / blue balls & broke. The last TOs I've ever done was in Baton Rouge LA & Seattle WA. Those were my haydays.

Well last Friday I got invited to go to Wackos by a very well known Monger of the board. (Came w / another seasoned Monger but I won't mention who bcuz he likes to keep a low pro). Surprised about the invite bcuz we are two different types of Mongers. Guess he was showing me his world & the playground he plays in. I'm glad he did.

I was blown away by what he reigned in. Impressed indeed bcuz as I was sittin there like a fish out of water, these hot strippers were cumming to him one by one throughout their dance rotation. It almost felt like theyre were waitin their turn on his dick. LOL. Playin it cool, I was actually in awe w / the hotties who either just came up & sat in his lap or just bee-lined in his direction. Out of my game in this scene, what was goin on next to me, made me feel green of both experience & envy.

There's a little more that went on which basically was us having a good time (well him more than me, LOL) & having some good laughs. Myself & my other Monger bud left a little early while our host stayed & played w / some fine asses (literally. LOL).

My other bud had a date lined up (that's why he left) & me- well I just went home w / blue balls. LOL. 😝.



06-06-17, 08:01
Holy shit what is she doing? Anyway on a better note, I rolled into centerfold today and WTF happened there?? They have made that place decent. A couple of cute spinners working too. Britney and Kendal who has any info on those girls? Didn't stick around too long but the place looks great and I didn't get shot at. Might be a new haunt of mine.And the VIP has walls now!

06-06-17, 10:14
I hit Scores Monday around 5:00 for a sandwich and hopefully some dessert. I wasn't disappointed.

The lovely Lotus was dancing but unfortunately she stayed busy. I dropped a few bucks at the stage while waiting for my food and before long I had company, a thick blonde with big, gorgeous tits. She had on a wig and glasses that gave her a vibe like Bernadette from Big Bang Theory. What can I say? Nerd hot turns my crank. We chatted a bit and then it was off to the VIP. She didn't offer a full dessert menu but I returned to my table with my sweet tooth satisfied.

While I was waiting to pay the tab this tall AA drink of water sat down and introduced herself as Butterfly. We only talked for a minute but it was clear she's a player. Not my usual type but I might just look her up next time.

I had a great time as usual. Some guys might bag on Scores but it's been my go-to club for a long time. The new VIP layout is private enough to play in, and I've picked up more takeout there over the years than from Taco Bell. Your mileage may vary, some assembly required, batteries not included, and if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours try hanging out in better clubs.

Hunt safely, gentlemen (and the rest of you, too).

06-06-17, 12:39
Poni hasnt done the SC scene in a very very long time. Felt I outgrew them & most times I would leave w / blue balls & broke. The last TOs I've ever done was in Baton Rouge LA & Seattle WA. Those were my haydays.

Well last Friday I got invited to go to Wackos by a very well known Monger of the board. (Came w / another seasoned Monger but I won't mention who bcuz he likes to keep a low pro). Surprised about the invite bcuz we are two different types of Mongers. Guess he was showing me his world & the playground he plays in. I'm glad he did.

I was blown away by what he reigned in. Impressed indeed bcuz as I was sittin there like a fish out of water, these hot strippers were cumming to him one by one throughout their dance rotation. It almost felt like theyre were waitin their turn on his dick. LOL. Playin it cool, I was actually in awe w / the hotties who either just came up & sat in his lap or just bee-lined in his direction. Out of my game in this scene, what was goin on next to me, made me feel green of both experience & envy.

There's a little more that went on which basically was us having a good time (well him more than me, LOL) & having some good laughs. Myself & my other Monger bud left a little early while our host stayed & played w / some fine asses (literally. LOL).

My other bud had a date lined up (that's why he left) & me- well I just went home w / blue balls. LOL. 😝.


-PB.I was there earlier hanging out with him for the show too. Must have just missed you.

06-07-17, 00:23
I was there earlier hanging out with him for the show too. Must have just missed you.Maybe I'll see ya there next time. Maybe I won't leave w / blue balls. LOL.


06-07-17, 09:10
I usually go to Wackos and haven't been to TDH in a while where Katya was a lot of fun. Haven't checked out Wackos since the raid as I heard it's not back to the prior greatness. Anyways, went in during a weekday around lunch and China (Chyna?) came right up. We chatted for a while and she was quite handsy. We went and got a dance and as agreed, she had the little guy out for a mic check the first song and finished with the hand. All around good experience.

Member #5648
06-07-17, 10:51
So, finally got a dance or 2 or 3 from Sami. The more she dances the more you get to touch and she has a great pussy, though haven't gotten the chance to dip my stick into her vag yet. Anyone gotten the chance to fuck her in VIP and in whatever mood she was in what did she charge? Really HOT BODY, but.

Member #5648
06-07-17, 10:55
Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?

06-07-17, 10:59
What was the charge sir.

I usually go to Wackos and haven't been to TDH in a while where Katya was a lot of fun. Haven't checked out Wackos since the raid as I heard it's not back to the prior greatness. Anyways, went in during a weekday around lunch and China (Chyna?) came right up. We chatted for a while and she was quite handsy. We went and got a dance and as agreed, she had the little guy out for a mic check the first song and finished with the hand. All around good experience.

06-07-17, 11:08
Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?I know this isn't extremely helpful, but I've personally never heard of her and I'm there a few times a week, I could possibly know her by face but it doesn't sound familiar.

06-07-17, 11:23

There are a few reviews on her in the Sugar Baby section. She has a profile on SeekingArrangement.com.

Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?

06-07-17, 16:19
Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?Did VIP and she will take good care of you. Also did via sa and for three bens will readily meet otc.

06-07-17, 19:09
Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?I have been with Seonna a few times at wackos and have talked a bit otc through SA. She is real and fun. Will definitely take care of you in VIP. I have not partaken OTC although she asks quite a bit.

Member #5648
06-07-17, 21:19
I have been with Seonna a few times at wackos and have talked a bit otc through SA. She is real and fun. Will definitely take care of you in VIP. I have not partaken OTC although she asks quite a bit.So we're talking about a WHITE girl around 22 yo?

Member #5648
06-07-17, 21:23
Wow, did I hear correctly that Katya is now giving BJ instead of just HJ? Now that she's not squirting MILK I lost interest as it was really COOL to see her squirting. Oh the other hand, I wouldn't mind 1 bit trying out her sucking skills! Does she swallow?

06-07-17, 21:30
Found this girl online and she told me that she dances at Wackos and says she will take care of me in VIP. Anyone had the opportunity to VIP with her and is a a good vagina or just a prick tease or scammer?Not sure what she does in back. But she seems to do a good number of dances. Usually means they eat dick.

06-07-17, 23:25
So we're talking about a WHITE girl around 22 yo?When I first met her she had just turned 19, should be 20 now.

06-08-17, 00:02
Not sure what she does in back. But she seems to do a good number of dances. Usually means they eat dick.Fwiw she's very active on Snapchat.

06-08-17, 01:09
By any chance?

Fwiw she's very active on Snapchat.

06-08-17, 01:21
I don't frequent the clubs but her social media seems like she's more 'tease' than 'please'.

Tip Em All
06-08-17, 03:58
So, finally got a dance or 2 or 3 from Sami. The more she dances the more you get to touch and she has a great pussy, though haven't gotten the chance to dip my stick into her vag yet. Anyone gotten the chance to fuck her in VIP and in whatever mood she was in what did she charge? Really HOT BODY, but.Saw her Sunday. She waitresses and dances she I'd very nice looks and personality be careful management keeps a tight eye on her trying to keep in line interupted my dance twice real mood killer.

06-08-17, 09:39
By any chance?That's her. Although somewhat unflattering. Hundreds of selfies on instagram. No doubt as to what one is getting appearance wise LOL.

06-08-17, 16:45
Any intel on this one work mostly days.

06-09-17, 09:32
Has anyone seen Barbie at wackos? Hot blonde and skinny. Usually works nights but haven't seen her in awhile. I heard she does extras in the back. Anyone tried it out?

06-09-17, 10:15
I don't frequent the clubs but her social media seems like she's more 'tease' than 'please'.I don't think so.

I ran across her at bottoms up any idea if she is still working their?