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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

01-01-06, 00:00
Thread Starter.

12-31-06, 15:11
Found this on the Baltimore board. Got a real good laugh out of it and had to post it. Have to give kudo's to our mongering buddies just to the south of us for this one.


12-31-06, 16:50
Just a bit of info for all. KAM PM'd wondering where the Carlisle is. Figured I'd post here so all can hear. Head west on Girard Ave and cross Broad St. Go to the next light and make a left, then to the next stop sign and turn left. The Carlisle is on your left. It's a real sleezy motel on a real sleezy street. 15 for the hour, just a sheet, no pillows, doors do lock and a shared bathroom. Also some very interesting characters can be found here, but never had a problem and have been coming here since 1986.
This is a great place to take a girl if you pick them up on the Front Street end of the track. Only about 5 minutes away.

Trav Pokerman
01-01-07, 11:42
I awoke this morning with the idea for what I call the "Cingular Coochie Contactor". I believe phones are made which are marketed for children, which can be used to dial only certain numbers (such as parents or 911). The same concept could to applied for mongering.

These Coochie Contactors could be issued to women of interest, in order to provide method for them to contact mongers, without risking having them run up minutes that mongers pay for. I haven't worked out the monger side, however, other than to buy a cheap phone with pay-as-you-go minutes (e.g., the Motorola products sold at convenience stores).

This would accompish 2 things. It would give providers a way to contact mongers, while not disclosing personal monger telephone number.

This seems like a good opportunity for a street vendor business on the K (the flagship location). Anyone want to discuss franchisee opportunities? We could be the Bill Gates of mongering communications.

01-02-07, 11:26
While walking along Market (around the 2100 block, I think) I came a across an adult establishment that offered a bigger variety than most. Generally adult bookstores seem to draw the gay crowd only, but this one offered "girls, girls, girls" on the second floor, so I thought I would check it out. $5. 00 to get you in and it's a small room with a typical raised dance floor and pole. A girl came out (very thin, attractive, black) and did a little dance. And offered more in a Private room. I said I would have to think about it (she was not my type, plus, I had not been expecting to need extra funds, so I came with meager cash). As I started to leave, I was encouraged by the door man to walk down the row of booths and talk to the girls. "talking is free" he said. So, I did just that. A huge breasted latino caught my eye and beckoned me into her booth. She told me to sit and gave a very animated sales pitch about what I should expect from her. She was pretty in the face, with animated eyes and a nice smile. She was very convincing. I told her I would have to get cash and come back. But I did not. Once the fresh air hit me, my big brain took over and I continuted my evening stroll.

Anyone have any experience there?After reading about this place I thought I'd check it out. I have never been to a places with booths and honestly I wasn't expecting much. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon when I found a parking spot and went inside. I immediately went up to the second floor where the girls are and talked to the guy working the door. Apparently the third floor is a couples only room. On the second floor is a small stage where girls will come and dance for singles or you can go back to the booths. The guy was very nice and told me to go ahead and feel free to talk to the girls to see if I wanted any shows. I was surprised to see that there was probably 5 or 6 girls standing outside the booths all dressed up and friendly. I'd say that all of them were at least a 6.5 and the best was probably a 7.5.

I chose a younger white girl (Sophia) and we dropped into her booth for us to talk. At this point I got the full run down on all the prices and services. She was very open and clear about everything (and looked pretty good) so I decided to stay. Money is deposited into a machine and that starts the timer. I was worried that staring at a clock counting down would ruin the moment, but in the end everything worked out fine.

I gave her a tip, which she said thank you for and then deposited it into the machine. Apparently they still have to split tip money with the house, so that is not so good. When I asked why she didn't just keep it, she pointed to the video camera over my shoulder. Oh well, I always wanted to make my own movies. I'm not from the area, but I got the feeling this would be a good place to meet girls for outside work.

I will certainly go back next time I'm in town and you can PM me for more info on the rate and services.

Big Red50
01-02-07, 17:41
I awoke this morning with the idea for what I call the "Cingular Coochie Contactor". I believe phones are made which are marketed for children, which can be used to dial only certain numbers (such as parents or 911). The same concept could to applied for mongering.

These Coochie Contactors could be issued to women of interest, in order to provide method for them to contact mongers, without risking having them run up minutes that mongers pay for. I haven't worked out the monger side, however, other than to buy a cheap phone with pay-as-you-go minutes (e.g., the Motorola products sold at convenience stores).

This would accompish 2 things. It would give providers a way to contact mongers, while not disclosing personal monger telephone number.

This seems like a good opportunity for a street vendor business on the K (the flagship location). Anyone want to discuss franchisee opportunities? We could be the Bill Gates of mongering communications.Hey Trav Man:

Great minds do think alike.

Here is my post From Baltimore-General Reports from 12/08/6

After having a lengthy discussion with a senior member, I have an innovative communication product for mongering. It is the Hooker Phone(tm). Have you ever gotten digits from a SW and then you call; guess what the phone is not on. She spent her phone money on something else. The Hooker Phone(tm) would charge a nominal charge for the phone say half a jack and be distributed from Farm Stores, 7-11 and crack dealers. Every time a monger calls a Hooker Phone(tm) there is a $2.00 minimum up to $5.00 charge for the call based on the length of call, there is no charge to the Hooker Phone(tm) owner. The monger calling fee could be paid with, credit card, Hooker Phonecard, independence card or quarters in a pay phone. If there is no answer the monger can leave a message to be retrieved later by the Hooker Phone(tm) owner.

An appropriate message might read, meet me at Fulton and Cole, 3 PM Saturday; got blue balls Big Red.

Or Maybe a pager that the SW don't know the number too.

Just trying to help

Big Red

Trav Pokerman
01-02-07, 19:52
This can be a fun place. I have been there only a few times over a period of many years, but have found the girls to be very friendly. The last time I was there, i simply opted for a lap dance. It beats paying a cover at a strip club, then paying for a lap dance.

One tip I have learned is that it pays to talk to all the girls before choosing one. Often, some are less expensive than others. They're essentially independent contractors, so they can set their own prices (presumably within certain limits established by the store).

I certainly recommend Les Gals over Show 'N Tel, which is overpriced and has less friendly (although admittedly more attractive) women.

It's just another option in case you get bored with other resources. It's good to mix it up.

Unfortunately, I tend to visit the city on days/hours when they are not open. I believe they close at 11 most days, and 1 AM Friday & Saturday.

Cephlapod Love
01-04-07, 12:24
After reading about this place I thought I'd check it out. I have never been to a places with booths and honestly I wasn't expecting much.

Next time one might want to offer the lady the chnace to go to the "Couples Theater" on the 3rd floor. Last time I was there with GF in tow, a guy came in with a couple of ladies and proceeded to the back room for some fun. No cameras up there so the menu might not be as limited. I think the netry up there is 12-13 bucks or so.

01-04-07, 20:17
Next time one might want to offer the lady the chnace to go to the "Couples Theater" on the 3rd floor. Last time I was there with GF in tow, a guy came in with a couple of ladies and proceeded to the back room for some fun. No cameras up there so the menu might not be as limited. I think the netry up there is 12-13 bucks or so.This place sounds more and more interesting. Anyone have any experiences upstairs? I'm looking forward to my next trip to the area.

Trav Pokerman
01-07-07, 16:17
I am going to do something now I should have done months ago. I am putting down my trusty Cannon and giving it a rest. Retirement can not be all that bad, beside according to a recent post I could be saving myself two or three thousand a week.

CookyJarCookyJar posted this a few weeks ago.

Forth Ryte
01-09-07, 08:13
I have not posted here for a while but I wanted to check in and tell you guys about somethings that happened in NYC.

There were reports earlier this year involving mongers getting stopped by LE. One or two had a girl in the car, one or two were just circling. These guys were not caught actually DOING anything but LE knew damn well what was up. To intimidate and hassle the monger, these mongers were handed summonses for things that could not possibly stand up in court. But LE knows the guy was still obligated to go to court.

I was one of those guys. Now that my story is over, I can tell my tale with the end results.

I was was handed a summons by "New York's finest" charging me with "intentionally obstructing vehicular traffic." Late one night on a deserted street, I pulled over to talk to a SW. I did nothing, did not pick her up, said nothing incriminating and drove away. Half a block later I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror. They pulled me over and tried to get me to admit that I was trying to solicit the SW. Rule number 1 is NEVER admit to anything. They had no proof I had done anything wrong so they spent about 20 minutes in their squad car deciding what to do. Maybe the SW was really an undercover LE and they went back to listen to the tape. If so, they found I had said nothing about sex or money. Anyway, they got pissed that they hadn't nailed me for soliciting and wrote me up for "disorderly conduct" citing the section of the New York Penal Law that makes it a violation (not even misdemeanor) for intenionally obstructing vehicular traffic. Pretty hard to obstruct vehicular traffic on a deserted street. But, hey, they wanted to teach me a lesson and scare me off.

I went to court to answer the summons. I pleaded not guilty and told the judge what happened (I said, truthfully, that I had stopped to talk to a person on the sidewalk but told him that the street was otherwise deserted). It took less than a minute for the judge to get the point that there was no way I had violated the law. He offered me an ACD (adjournment in contemplation of dismissal -- which would leave me with no record in a few months). I turned that offer down and said I'd rather go to trial and have the police officer come into court and commit perjury. So he dismissed the summons right then and there.

This sounds like justice at first. But it was NYPD tryanny. They were pissed that I was not caught doing anything illegal so they figured they'd teach me a lesson.

That's the story.

My reasons for posting this here was in to add contrast to another post about a similar thing that happened in Philly but with different results. See http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=477086&postcount=1379

Be careful out there, keep your wits about you if you get stopped, admit nothing. But if you DO get a summons, don't just roll over and assume there is nothing you can do.

-- Forth Ryte

01-09-07, 08:33
Forth Ryte!

Thanks for taking time out of your day to write that! That is some AWESOME stuff. Sorry you went through that BULLSHIT! But sounds like you took one for the team and for that you have my personal THANKS!

It's Mongers like Forth Ryte that keep us save and on our toes! I think sometime we forget we are risking a lot when we go out, I know personally I risk more then I would like to admit when I go out mongering. But it's posting like Forth Ryte's that bring me back to my sense's and make's me a little more alert about my surroundings when I'm out.


01-09-07, 11:51
Be careful out there, keep your wits about you if you get stopped, admit nothing. But if you DO get a summons, don't just roll over and assume there is nothing you can do.

-- Forth Ryte

Thanks for fighting the fight for those of us who can't. If I was in your situation I would love to fight like you did but I have one big draw back. Even if I could convince the judge, jury, and entire court room that i was doing nothing wrong, my wife would never buy it.

She would want to know why I was out that late, and who I was speaking to and no mater what my story it would be it would not be convincing enough.

I think that is what they are counting on when they write the violatioin. It's easier for us to just say we got a ticket, pay the fine, and move on rather then explain it to the wife who can smell my BS before I even say it.

Trav Pokerman
01-12-07, 09:40
I wonder how long it will take for the providers to start working the casino.

While there early Sunday morning, I sited 2 young women in the parking lot who may have been working. They were dressed in really short skirts, revealing tops, and stripper-height clear heels.

It's certainly possible that they were just out for a night on the town, considering that they didn't try to get my attention as I walked past them while headed into the casino.

It got me thinking, though, that there SURELY must have to be action to be had there before long.

Here's to hoping that we have to start a Casinos thread, especially as others open in the area.

Let's prove the gambling protesters right by showing them that casinos really DO increase prostitution.

Trav Pokerman
01-13-07, 10:30

Please be careful when taking/posting pics. I couldn't help but notice that much of a car's license plate is part of the pic in this post.

Member #4213
01-13-07, 13:04
Thanks Forth Ryte, for this valuable information, "to be for warned is to be for armed". I wish the report had been posted prior to my problem. Everyone should read this and learn from it. I had to learn the hard way. Everyone be safe out there.
Thanks again Forth Ryte.

I have not posted here for a while but I wanted to check in and tell you guys about somethings that happened in NYC.

There were reports earlier this year involving mongers getting stopped by LE. One or two had a girl in the car, one or two were just circling. These guys were not caught actually DOING anything but LE knew damn well what was up. To intimidate and hassle the monger, these mongers were handed summonses for things that could not possibly stand up in court. But LE knows the guy was still obligated to go to court.

I was one of those guys. Now that my story is over, I can tell my tale with the end results.

I was was handed a summons by "New York's finest" charging me with "intentionally obstructing vehicular traffic." Late one night on a deserted street, I pulled over to talk to a SW. I did nothing, did not pick her up, said nothing incriminating and drove away. Half a block later I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror. They pulled me over and tried to get me to admit that I was trying to solicit the SW. Rule number 1 is NEVER admit to anything. They had no proof I had done anything wrong so they spent about 20 minutes in their squad car deciding what to do. Maybe the SW was really an undercover LE and they went back to listen to the tape. If so, they found I had said nothing about sex or money. Anyway, they got pissed that they hadn't nailed me for soliciting and wrote me up for "disorderly conduct" citing the section of the New York Penal Law that makes it a violation (not even misdemeanor) for intenionally obstructing vehicular traffic. Pretty hard to obstruct vehicular traffic on a deserted street. But, hey, they wanted to teach me a lesson and scare me off.

I went to court to answer the summons. I pleaded not guilty and told the judge what happened (I said, truthfully, that I had stopped to talk to a person on the sidewalk but told him that the street was otherwise deserted). It took less than a minute for the judge to get the point that there was no way I had violated the law. He offered me an ACD (adjournment in contemplation of dismissal -- which would leave me with no record in a few months). I turned that offer down and said I'd rather go to trial and have the police officer come into court and commit perjury. So he dismissed the summons right then and there.

This sounds like justice at first. But it was NYPD tryanny. They were pissed that I was not caught doing anything illegal so they figured they'd teach me a lesson.

That's the story.

My reasons for posting this here was in to add contrast to another post about a similar thing that happened in Philly but with different results. See http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=477086&postcount=1379

Be careful out there, keep your wits about you if you get stopped, admit nothing. But if you DO get a summons, don't just roll over and assume there is nothing you can do.

-- Forth Ryte

West Philly
01-15-07, 23:19
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contained links to a competing Forum.

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but you CANNOT use my forum to start or otherwise promote your own or another Forum. This includes Delphi, Google, or Yahoo groups.

The Forum's policy regarding the posting of links to other websites is clearly stated in the Forum FAQ, but I'll re-state it here for additional clarity:

1. You ARE ENCOURAGED to post links to other websites that are purely informational, meaning websites that provide information in the way of text reports, maps, photos, etc.

2. You MAY NOT post links to other websites that include a forum of any sort, either as a part of the website or with a link to another url with a forum.

3. You MAY post links to other websites that are essentially commercial in nature so long as they do not include pornographic material and do not charge a fee of any sort to view the website. Essentially, this means personal escort websites.

4. You MAY NOT post links to commercial websites that charge a fee of any sort.

If you want to start your own forum, then you can build your traffic the way I did, with hard work and a lot of time.

Senior Members who violate this policy will be downgraded to Regular Membership.

Regular Members who violate this policy will be downgraded to Viewing Membership.

Repeated violations will result in the perpetrator being banned from the Forum.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.



01-21-07, 23:49
Hey guys!

I will be around Philly soon and I am looking fwd to sampling some of the local goods.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a place to stay near the action (K avenue from what I can tell). Otherwise I was thinking of staying at a motel 6 or something of that caliber but hopefully not too far from the action.

I am not all that keen on the car date thing

TIA and thanks for all the reports!


01-22-07, 06:42
Hey guys!

I will be around Philly soon and I am looking fwd to sampling some of the local goods.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a place to stay near the action (K avenue from what I can tell). Otherwise I was thinking of staying at a motel 6 or something of that caliber but hopefully not too far from the action.

I am not all that keen on the car date thing

TIA and thanks for all the reports!


There aren't any hotels that you could leave and walk to the K. Nearest would be to get a room at one of the hotels on the Waterfront. That's only a few minute drive from the action and not too far that the girls will whine or want more money to go their.

01-22-07, 09:05
Try the HJ on RTE1 not to far

Benchseats Rock
01-23-07, 02:40
I know you guys are getting the cameras up your way... I thought I would repost here a newspaper article letting you guys know how effective they've been here - you'll notice that there isn't one violation even close to mongering.
Anyways, just be sure to let your local prosecutor know.


Prosecutors: Stats show blue light cameras not getting results

BALTIMORE - They’ve become an almost ubiquitous symbol of “the other” Baltimore — the blue-light surveillance cameras intended to deter crime on the streets of the city’s toughest neighborhoods.

But the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office says new data they’ve compiled raise serious questions about the effectiveness of the close to 300 pole cameras posted around Baltimore.

The large majority of incidents caught by the cameras are drug crimes, not violent felonies; and arrests generated by the cameras are less likely to result in charges than normal police arrests, according to the first full-year of data about the program.

“This program is costing millions and millions of dollars,” said Margaret Burns, a spokeswoman for Baltimore City State’s Attorney Patricia Jessamy. “When the citizens invest in a public safety initiative, they want to see results.”

Baltimore police officers arrested 1,979 people between Dec. 17, 2005, and Dec. 31, based on video from the pole cameras. But 30 percent of those cases — 599 — didn’t have enough admittable evidence to result in a charge.

That’s higher than the police department’s total 2006 rate of arrests that do not result in charges, which is 21 percent.

Of the 929 surveillance camera cases actually adjudicated in 2006, 43 percent — 399 — resulted in guilty verdicts.

“Do these prosecutorial results support millions of dollars in tax expenditures?” Burns asked. “There will have to be public debate about this.”

But Baltimore police say there’s another — perhaps more important reason — for the cameras: Deterrence.

“Residents love them and so do front-line prosecutors,” said Baltimore police spokesman Matt Jablow, who cites a 16 percent decrease in crime in the areas with surveillance cameras. “The whole gamut of crimes have been solved by these cameras and countless other crimes have not taken place because of these cameras. Can you put a price tag on that? We don’t think so.”

The cameras cost $10 million to install with $3 million coming to the police department’s general fund and the other $7 million paid for between federal homeland security funds and seized money from drug dealers, Jablow said.

Former Baltimore Police Commissioner Ed Norris, who headed up New York City’s installation of cameras in Harlem in the late 1990s, said he believes they are a good idea.

“I think they’re effective and they’ve been proven effective in cities around the country,” he said. “Even if they’re only getting 400 convictions a year, that’s still 400 more than they would get without the cameras.”

At a glance

The State’s Attorney’s Office’s Pole Cameras report shows that the most prominent charge garnered by the cameras are for drug crimes.

In all, the cameras caught 609 drug offenses; 24 charges of trespassing; 21 for illegal cigarettes; 16 for assaults; 12 thefts; seven weapons violations; five each for robberies and burglaries; and three for littering. There was one attempted murder, which prosecutors placed on an inactive court docket.

Source: Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office

Big Red50
01-23-07, 02:51
Hey BSR and Philadelphia Mongers

Look out for blue flashing lights on telephone and light poles, they house Robotic video cameras tied directly to LE in realtime. Yes it is Big Brother 1984. In Baltimore they cost $ 8 million and they protect our infrastructure from terrorism. They do work, there have been no reports of Al Qaeda, Mujahideen, or Hamas tagging Balmer Pussy, our city is protected thank God!

Big Red from Balmer

Trav Pokerman
01-23-07, 09:06
Prosecutors: Stats show blue light cameras not getting results[/b]

“This program is costing millions and millions of dollars,” said Margaret Burns, a spokeswoman for Baltimore City State’s Attorney Patricia Jessamy. “When the citizens invest in a public safety initiative, they want to see results.”

The cameras cost $10 million to install with $3 million coming to the police department’s general fund and the other $7 million paid for between federal homeland security funds and seized money from drug dealers, Jablow said.

In all, the cameras caught 609 drug offenses; ..........and three for littering. Glad they caught those bleepin' litterbugs. Well worth the investment of several million dollars, isn't it?

I wonder how many ARRESTS occurred because of the cameras (i.e., they saw something occurring through monitors, and rushed to make arrests), compared to simply using the cameras to gather evidence. I believe the answer to this significantly determines the effect of the cameras on mongers.

I'm not sure whether the low effectiveness of the cameras is good or bad. There may be a huge push to show higher convictions/arrests directly related to these cameras, so they may increase emphasis on camera monitoring. On the other hand, public outcry may lead to reduction in these expenses. It seems that citizens like them, though, so I doubt they will disappear anytime soon, especially if the millions of dollars relate to the initial expense, and not ongoing maintenance/mongering.

These cameras effect mongers at least indirectly, as the drug arrests may take providers off the street.

01-28-07, 13:08
Looking forward to seeing this on the 31st. I tried something similar with a yahoo group last year, but after zero participation I gave it up. Almost ready to retreat back to a lurking stage as just not enough info seems to be shared, except by just a few of us.

Funny that every time I post about a girl I get about 10 PM's from people with 0 or under 5 posts. I used to belong to an email group with about 10 guys 6 or 7 years ago, we were all active K mongerers and the info we shared was phenomenal. Also we never had to worry about backlash from girls who saw our posts or that we posted their pics for the world to see.

01-29-07, 00:03
I tried checking out the K today and had no results. I saw a couple wsws who returned my looks, but neither looked that enticing.

The one girl who got my attention was waiting in the DD lobby area. I cruised up once and got a coffee, then a hour later when I was back up there she was still in the lobby waiting, watching cars/for the bus. She was about 5'5, 115-ish, long brown hair. Looked to not be an addict and like she was in her late teens/early 20s. I didn't try to initiate anything with her because she looked a bit too clean to be working (not that that would be a bad thing, mind you. This is only my 2nd trip to the K and I'd rather not press my luck until I have a better idea of what's up.) With some girls, it's painfully apparent, with her, I wasn't sure. I only thought the odds were good because. Well, why would you just hang out there on a Sunday night? I've never seen her photo posted here, so I unfortunately had no idea and can't really be much more descriptive than that if anyone has any idea as to who she is. Anyhow, I said Hello,,. She smiled and responded, but kept to herself and didn't invite more conversation so I didn't press the issue. Maybe I'll have the balls next time or I'll think of a better icebreaker.

Right after that a cop tailed me for 3 turns until some idiot thankfully peeled out at a stoplight in front of me got his attention and he stopped following me, so I headed home. LE was all over the place and I didn't feel like hanging around that.

01-29-07, 07:39
I tried checking out the K today and had no results. I saw a couple wsws who returned my looks, but neither looked that enticing.

The one girl who got my attention was waiting in the DD lobby area. I cruised up once and got a coffee, then a hour later when I was back up there she was still in the lobby waiting, watching cars/for the bus. She was about 5'5, 115-ish, long brown hair. Looked to not be an addict and like she was in her late teens/early 20s. I didn't try to initiate anything with her because she looked a bit too clean to be working (not that that would be a bad thing, mind you. This is only my 2nd trip to the K and I'd rather not press my luck until I have a better idea of what's up.) With some girls, it's painfully apparent, with her, I wasn't sure. I only thought the odds were good because. Well, why would you just hang out there on a Sunday night? I've never seen her photo posted here, so I unfortunately had no idea and can't really be much more descriptive than that if anyone has any idea as to who she is. Anyhow, I said Hello,,. She smiled and responded, but kept to herself and didn't invite more conversation so I didn't press the issue. Maybe I'll have the balls next time or I'll think of a better icebreaker.

Right after that a cop tailed me for 3 turns until some idiot thankfully peeled out at a stoplight in front of me got his attention and he stopped following me, so I headed home. LE was all over the place and I didn't feel like hanging around that.Bet you were talking about Kate. She can sometimes make a fixture of herself at DD. If she doesn't know you she is very subtle about the approach.

Used to date her often when she first hit the scene, but stopped a bit over a year ago as her grooming became quite unkempt. Even though I'm into the shaved look on women, a little bush is also sometimes nice if kept right. But the last time I saw her there was hair growing out of the sides of her panties. After that experience I've never had the desire to see her again.

01-29-07, 07:42
Try the HJ on RTE1 not to farPatio is OK for an hour but I'd have to be hard pressed to spend the night there. I've always considered myself lucky not catching any skin irritations from the short amount of time I spent on the beds, but all evening on one of them would be difficult. The Hub on US1 is about the same price and maybe a bit cleaner.

01-29-07, 13:25

I am sorta new to this group but this AM I had a delivery for my job at a place on Hunting Park. So I figured while in the area take a ride on the ave before heading back to the shop. While stopped at the 7-11 stand I noticed a WSW her name karen natural red head standing there on the corner. She told me she only come on the ave about twice a month and thats she wante 25 for a BJ and 50 for fs and was non negotiable but she was worth the 50. First time I had a girl tell me non negotiable is that something you other mongers experience alot? She also gave me her number and tole me to call if I wanted to see her and she was not out there when I go strolling.

Texaco Tim
01-29-07, 22:16
Yep, that was her. I also spotted her Sunday nite. It's funny how she can wait there for the longest time while less attractive girls get picked up off the Ave in a matter of minutes. Like Davey, I stopped seeing her but my reason was of all the ladies that I have met out there, she is the only one without any future plans. I have heard dreams of becoming para-legals, nurses, vets, etc. but I found her lack of ambition to change depressing.

Still in all a very sweet girl, probably the nicest you will find out there. I always feel guilty when she sees me passing her.

02-01-07, 14:30
I am planning on heading down to Rio for Carnival from Feb 17 to the 23rd. I wanted to know if anyone else on this board will be there. I will be going by myself so would look forward to hanging w/ someone from back home that speaks English. Can't bang the hot morenas all day long, need to fill the boredom w/ conversation. PM me or reply on the board.

Sorry about the off topicpost. I will post some pics on the international board when I get back for your viewing pleasure.

Johnny B

02-01-07, 20:30
I was looking at the Baltimore form and found this! LMFAO

Smoker's cock - seeking advice.


Well, I am back after weeks and weeks of travelling with work. So, I will do my part of reporting in now that I am back on the various loops in DC and Baltimore.

So, I am out and spend some time with one of my regular SWs that I called up and enjoyed a great bj. She is a smoker and really has a profound smoker's breath.

I go home and my sig other is there and rather frisky. I take a shower and she proceeds to give a great bj as well. She pulls up and says, "I smell smoke on your pecker" I blush and say something stupid.

I thought the shower would take care of it but it did not. Does anyone have any advice?


02-01-07, 21:16

I am planning on heading down to Rio for Carnival from Feb 17 to the 23rd. I wanted to know if anyone else on this board will be there. I will be going by myself so would look forward to hanging w/ someone from back home that speaks English. Can't bang the hot morenas all day long, need to fill the boredom w/ conversation. PM me or reply on the board.

Sorry about the off topicpost. I will post some pics on the international board when I get back for your viewing pleasure.

Johnny BSure wish I could go along. Unfortunately Feb is a bad month for me to get away. Usually take off most of the month of Dec and week here and there in the Summer. T

02-03-07, 18:07
Are there any mongers that come from Montco to the for SW's?

If so, is anyone from the Ft Washington / Ambler area?

Pm me if yes I got a question for you.

02-05-07, 20:11
I have had three great experiences with my ATF on the K Ave circuit and have to admit that I might be developing certain feelings for her. There are obvious problems to this of course: I'm old enough to be her father (though she is definitely an adult age), she's a user, and she's on the street. As much as I say to myself that I should just enjoy it while the moment lasts and move on because of the futility of the situation, part of me has that "savior" mentality that believes I could help her get her act together, get clean and off the streets. Then I imagine that I could possibly even have a regular, boyfriend-girlfriend normal relationship with her. Pure fantasy I guess. I probably have a better chance at the lottery. She is such a sweet girl though, and I hate the idea of her wasting her young life away the way she currently is doing.

02-05-07, 22:33
I had an ongoing relationship with a girl who sold herself. She even lived with me for a long while. I have gone through the same types of emotions that you are writing about. In her own way she still cares about me and will call from time to time. She convinced me on more than one occasion that she was going to quit the business, but returned to the only life she really knows. She even convinced me that it was OK, for a short period of time.

My justification for us having a relationship was that she would not put a monitary value on our time. When she was ready to go, she would use the analogy that all I wanted was free in house pussy, and she had to pay her bills, even though when she was staying with me she did not have any new bills to pay as I paid for food, etc.

Now when she calls she will tell me that she only needs .4 to stay the night so that she can get something. She also reminds me that she could be making $$$$$ for the night if she worked and that she is foregoing the money because she loves me. I draw the line with her on any exchange of money.

The last time I told her that I just wanted to see her and no sex would be involved and I would not pay her for companionship. She hung up on me. Will I hear from her again, probably, but I had a very different type of relationship with her and I have to draw the line in the sand.

Reading the Detroit board a couple of summers ago while I was in Michigan, I read a great post about the thought process of these girls. In all reality they can not be saved, and certianlly by the likes of us mongors. Enjoy the ride, but do not get attached. They are trained to find your weakness and use it untill they move on.

02-05-07, 22:55
Reading the Detroit board a couple of summers ago while I was in Michigan, I read a great post about the thought process of these girls. In all reality they can not be saved, and certianlly by the likes of us mongors.

What happens to these girls when they get older and lose their looks? Do they just retire and get regular jobs? I almost never see a SW over the age of 40.

02-06-07, 07:50

02-06-07, 07:54
220 for eight must be a cop.

02-08-07, 12:13
Tell her you were out with Monica Lewinsky and she tried a cigar trick on you.

I was looking at the Baltimore form and found this! LMFAO

Smoker's cock - seeking advice.


Well, I am back after weeks and weeks of travelling with work. So, I will do my part of reporting in now that I am back on the various loops in DC and Baltimore.

So, I am out and spend some time with one of my regular SWs that I called up and enjoyed a great bj. She is a smoker and really has a profound smoker's breath.

I go home and my sig other is there and rather frisky. I take a shower and she proceeds to give a great bj as well. She pulls up and says, "I smell smoke on your pecker" I blush and say something stupid.

I thought the shower would take care of it but it did not. Does anyone have any advice?


02-08-07, 20:12
I was on the K this morning and things were slow. Probably becuase it was windy and freezing. I was about to have to be on my way when I saw a great looking girl not far from DD. Her name is Karen, about 5'6" tall and probably 115# with dark brown hair. She had the best body of anyone I have seen for a long long time. She said she normally works as an escort but because she was getting over a cold she had not been going on calls and was behind in her rent. I started with a great bbbj but decided along the way that I just had to hit that shaved kitty. Service was great. I dropped her off back at DD and there was a car there waiting for her with several people in it. My guess is that I just got very lucky to find her. I gave her 3 jacks which is probably $$ less than she normally gets but she seemed happy with it. I will not waste my time looking for her but I certaintly would not drive past her if I ever do see her again.


Bad Bad Boy
02-08-07, 21:58
I have had three great experiences with my ATF on the K Ave circuit and have to admit that I might be developing certain feelings for her.

Clubber and Butchcasidy, it's easy to get involved with these girls and want to help them, BUT DON'T. You are not professionally equipped to help. You will only get emotionally hurt or worse.

These girls know every trick in the book to ply their cons on men with the sole purpose of using the money to buy drugs. Just remember, it's all about drugs, not you. You are nothing more to them than a means to an end.

These girls will also try to get you hooked on drugs too. This way, they get special deals (twofers or reduced prices) from their drug dealers and get you to pay for their drugs as well as yours.

No matter how much you care for some of these girls, they are beyond saving or at least anything you can do to help. Most of these girls will tell you that they want to quit taking drugs, but they can't. They are too deeply hooked.

Be very careful. These gals will do anything to get money to buy their meds. They will steal you blind if given the opportunity, set you up to get robbed, blackmail those who are married men, and the like. They will turn on you in an instant. They don't love you. Most of them look down on mongers as pathetic guys who have to pay to get laid.

It will take nearly a miracle for these girls to quit taking drugs. Usually, they will have to bottom out before seeking help. They will need extensive residential drug treatment, psychological/psychiatric counseling, change in environment and friends, a support group, and a day-to-day battle to stay sober. A sympathetic ear of a monger won't do it.

Be polite and respectful with these girls, but leave it at that. Treat your involvement with them as purely a business transaction and nothing more.


Bad Bad Boy
02-09-07, 19:18
This is a carry-over discussion about the life and death of Anna Nicole Smith on the Streetwalker thread.

It is beyond me why there is so much fascination about Anna Nicole. I just don't get it.

She had no discernable talent or other claim to fame other than appearing in Playboy. Like Paris Hilton, Anna was famous for being famous and constantly craved media attention. I fail to see any positive contribution she made.

Her whole life was a disaster, a moving train wreck. She had a major drug problem which she couldn't shake. I suspect that drugs will eventually be the cause of her death. He son Daniel died of drugs months earlier. Anna was a lawyer's dream with all her litigation.

Anna was an opportunist and gold-digger who married a 90-y/o senile billionaire in hopes of gaining his vast fortune. The outcome is still in litigation. They met when she was a stripper. Was it love? I think not.

While it's sad to hear of anyone that young dying, she brought most of it on due to her destructive behavior and lifestyle. Anna was definitely no saint. I feel sorry for her infant daughter who will grow up without a stable family environment.


02-10-07, 09:30
I have had three great experiences with my ATF on the K Ave circuit and have to admit that I might be developing certain feelings for her

.... part of me has that "savior" mentality that believes I could help her get her act together, get clean and off the streets. Then I imagine that I could possibly even have a regular, boyfriend-girlfriend normal relationship with her

....She is such a sweet girl though, and I hate the idea of her wasting her young life away the way she currently is doing.

The following is a post about why men fall for Thai hookers , but the same principles apply
to all these girls , especially when you compare them to the typical American 'Ladette'


02-12-07, 20:41
Thank you for your insightful comments, Psyberzombie, Bad Bad Boy and Butchcasidy. I do realize that the feelings I have for my ATF and her situation are totally unrealistic, and accept that I cannot save her from herself. Spent Saturday looking for her on the K, with no luck. She had already told me her parents were trying hard to persuade her to get off the streets. Maybe they succeeded? I actually do hope so. Anyway, I found Britney later in the day and had an ok session with her, about .5 for half and half. It was not the same though. I have been debating about getting out of the mongering lifestyle now for awhile, and with my funds becoming less and less available because of a long term financial commitment it just may be time for that. I'll see how I am feeling in the next few weeks and decide then I guess.

Bad Bad Boy
02-12-07, 22:35
Thank you for your insightful comments, Psyberzombie, Bad Bad Boy and Butchcasidy. I do realize that the feelings I have for my ATF and her situation are totally unrealistic, and accept that I cannot save her from herself. I have been debating about getting out of the mongering lifestyle now for awhile, and with my funds becoming less and less available because of a long term financial commitment it just may be time for that. I'll see how I am feeling in the next few weeks and decide then I guess.

Clubber, most of us have experienced what you are going through now. We have been emotionally involved with these girls,too. It hurts, it's painful, and you feel foolish. At some point, you will probably be angry too. Just look at it as one of life's lessons. An education is not cheap.

I went through a similar thing. I offered to help a girl get into drug rehab, provide transportation, store her personal belongings while there, stay with me (at no cost) until she found her own place, help her find a job, and to provide emotional support. She turned my help down. Like you, it hurt to watch her self-destructive behavior and throw her life away, but it was her decision not mine.

You sound like a very decent and caring guy. I wish you the best. Taking a break from mongering, or quitting altogether, might be the best thing for you to have time to get over the pain and to get your priorities straight.

Good luck in what ever you decide.


02-12-07, 22:50

IF you can not get to this Detroit thread from the link, look of Detroit Archive, around July 25 and 26, 2005. There are about three or four posts on this issue of falling for a SW

02-13-07, 14:56
Fellow mongers is there any monger out there willing to show mw the night mongering ropes? I would like to ride with an experienced night monger ! I have the daytime mongering down I think, I have never went mongering after about 5 pm this time of the year anyway because of it getting dark early. So fellow mongers please help me learn the night ropes. get back to me A.S.A.P


Bad Bad Boy
02-15-07, 04:56
So fellow mongers please help me learn the night ropes. get back to me A.S.A.P KAM

KAM, am I missing something here or what? Is this suppose to be a trick question?

Mongering at night to me isn't any different than mongering during the day. you still take the same precautions.

The SW's usually hang out in their same stroll areas, there's no difference in rates, you take a good look at the girl before opening your car door, can use the same spots most of the time to park - if open, and keep your doors locked. In fact, most girls feel more relaxed at night than during the day.

KAM, you need to be more specific as to what your problem(s) are for us to answer.


02-15-07, 07:02
Fellow mongers is there any monger out there willing to show mw the night mongering ropes? I would like to ride with an experienced night monger ! I have the daytime mongering down I think, I have never went mongering after about 5 pm this time of the year anyway because of it getting dark early. So fellow mongers please help me learn the night ropes. get back to me A.S.A.P


There's nothing to learn..just do it. Only problem is sometimes the girls look prettier at a distance in the evening hours so you have to get a better look before they get in your car.

Unless a SW knows someone, most are very leary of getting in a car with two guys and usually won't.

02-15-07, 13:20
You should probably spend some time checking out the area first if you are unfamiliar with the streets. This way you have a better idea if the cops are cracking down and where they can hide.

02-16-07, 10:00
Fellow mongers is there any monger out there willing to show mw the night mongering ropes? .... So fellow mongers please help me learn the night ropes.

You might want to think twice before taking up mongering at night , K·A·M

A few reasons why =

∙ It's much easier for LE or any·one else to tail you , and almost impossible to tell
yer being tailed , at night

· It's easier to explain your presence in a known SW stroll area during the daylight hours .
The Auto Zone isn't open at 3 a.m. and people don't check out real estate in the middle of
the night , so how are you going to explain why yer there when you get pulled over ??

· The vast majority of LE sting ops and vice squad shenanigans happen at night .
Why be out when they are ??

· One advantage of the night is a two·edged sword = it's easier to hide and conceal
yourself at night , but it's also easier for LE & her BF / Pimp to do the same

· One of the best times to pick up SWs is right around sunrise . At this time of year
that's around 7 a.m. , right when the change of shift is occurring down at the local Police HQ

· Night·time is more dangerous for other reasons , too . All the 'bad guys' are out
at night and there are more drivers on the road who are drunk or drugged

· If yer into the Strip Club scene , you'll get better service there during the day
than at night when you have to compete with the bigger crowds

Just my 2 ˘ ... Do what you will , but I personally stick to mongering when the sun is out

02-18-07, 16:15
Here are my 2c, in return.

It's much easier for LE or any·one else to tail you , and almost impossible to tell
yer being tailed , at night
The K is fairly well lit, if your allert, you can tell the type of cars behind you. However, on the off streets you are correct.

It's easier to explain your presence in a known SW stroll area during the daylight hours .
The Auto Zone isn't open at 3 a.m. and people don't check out real estate in the middle of
the night , so how are you going to explain why yer there when you get pulled over ??
First you don't need to give a reason. just tell them your lost, your comming from a friend house, or bar (thou this may get you to walk the line) if you need a real reason the porn shops are often open.

The vast majority of LE sting ops and vice squad shenanigans happen at night .
Why be out when they are ??
they can get you day or night, your should always watch your back.

One advantage of the night is a two·edged sword = it's easier to hide and conceal
yourself at night , but it's also easier for LE & her BF / Pimp to do the same
Same as above.

One of the best times to pick up SWs is right around sunrise . At this time of year
that's around 7 a.m. , right when the change of shift is occurring down at the local Police HQ
I don't see many out at this hour except in AC. but then again my K ave experance is mostly in afternoon and evening.

Night·time is more dangerous for other reasons , too . All the 'bad guys' are out
at night and there are more drivers on the road who are drunk or drugged

If yer into the Strip Club scene , you'll get better service there during the day
than at night when you have to compete with the bigger crowds

This is the only point I agree with 100%. if your into the club seen, check out the reports on Vic in the Newark, NJ board. This is one wierd and risque place.

02-19-07, 14:17
Someone told you it on the corner of lehigh & k ave

Here are my 2c, in return.

The K is fairly well lit, if your allert, you can tell the type of cars behind you. However, on the off streets you are correct.

First you don't need to give a reason. just tell them your lost, your comming from a friend house, or bar (thou this may get you to walk the line) if you need a real reason the porn shops are often open.

they can get you day or night, your should always watch your back.

Same as above.

I don't see many out at this hour except in AC. but then again my K ave experance is mostly in afternoon and evening.


This is the only point I agree with 100%. if your into the club seen, check out the reports on Vic in the Newark, NJ board. This is one wierd and risque place.

03-03-07, 19:39
For those who haven't yet gone into the Adult Bookstore by Somerset St. here are a few pics from the inside.

Hey it's not the Four Seasons but you can fuck here just as well.

1st pic is looking at the TV from the Couch, the other is of the bathroom (bring ur own TP), and the other is of the Couch about 3 ft. in front of the TV. Oh yea you have to bring the pussy with you, not included in the $25 door fee.

03-06-07, 09:56
A month ago I posted asking if anyone was gonna be in Rio so I felt impelled to post something about my trip. I just got back a week ago - will be planning another trip later this year. Just wanted to share some pics of my happiness. All the girls in the post were had all nite for $150 USD or less. Greatest time ever!

Johnny B

03-07-07, 20:54

A month ago I posted asking if anyone was gonna be in Rio so I felt impelled to post something about my trip. I just got back a week ago - will be planning another trip later this year. Just wanted to share some pics of my happiness. All the girls in the post were had all nite for $150 USD or less. Greatest time ever!

Johnny BVery nice picks indeed.

03-09-07, 23:32
You should have posted those pictures in the Rio section and not Philly.

03-10-07, 07:29
You should have posted those pictures in the Rio section and not Philly.

True they are pics of girls from Rio, but from an active member of the Philly Board who was just sharing his vacation pics with us. Actually it's a pretty good idea to let other's know what can be had on vacation in other parts of the world.

I myself often thought of taking a "sex vacation" but never did. Seeing those Rio pics gives me ideas. And 150 for an all-nighter with a hot chica !! Wow !!

03-14-07, 00:45
Spike - I posted those pics on the rio board, the reason I posted them on the Philly board was to see if anyone was interested in taking a group trip later this year, I got a lot of PM's about it and will probably schedule somethin in May or June. the prices are cheaper and the girls are just as HOT!

Davey - as always you are invited.

Johnny B

True they are pics of girls from Rio, but from an active member of the Philly Board who was just sharing his vacation pics with us. Actually it's a pretty good idea to let other's know what can be had on vacation in other parts of the world.

I myself often thought of taking a "sex vacation" but never did. Seeing those Rio pics gives me ideas. And 150 for an all-nighter with a hot chica !! Wow !!

Member #4213
03-17-07, 20:59
Davey and Johnney, I have never been to Rio but I do go to Costa Rica every year and "tota la nochia" is available, don't know if the spelling is correct, it means all night. Like Rio it is about the same price and is closer than Rio. Yet I would like to do a Rio trip some time.

Y Lonen
03-17-07, 23:46

A month ago I posted asking if anyone was gonna be in Rio so I felt impelled to post something about my trip. I just got back a week ago - will be planning another trip later this year. Just wanted to share some pics of my happiness. All the girls in the post were had all nite for $150 USD or less. Greatest time ever!

Johnny BI have been to Rio and lived there for a little while.

It is a great place. Paying $150 USD is way over priced for an all nighter.

You should be paying 150-200 Reals for an all nighter, maybe $250 Reals if she is very good.

03-22-07, 14:34
To anyone who is using CL you may want to check the following news report:



Dam election season, and right wingers......

03-22-07, 18:03
To anyone who is using CL you may want to check the following news report:



Dam election season, and right wingers......

Maybe if they scare some of the overpriced and rip-off crack hoes off of CL they'll come back out on the streets where they belong.

Cutter 436
03-23-07, 01:09
I'm at a great point in my life where I can relocate to a USA city with a warmer winter climate than Philadelphia. Of course, moderately-priced and easily accessible WSWs or HSWs are one of my considerations. By moderately-priced I mean like the prices we have here ($50 FS, $25-30 BJ). By easily-accessible I mean with a stroll like the K with 24/7 availability or a reasonable number of brothel-type houses (not overpriced massage parlors or clubs).

Here's my limited experience:

San Diego - Pricey street sex ($80 FS), but it's near Tiajuana, with bath houses/bars that have numerous and cheap girls

Sarasota - very hard to find SWs, only a few adult book stores with average-looking women who give pricey hand jobs

Atlantic City - good selection of street girls, but brrr, it's cold in winter

Santa Barbara - gorgeous setting, very pricey, but where are the SWs?

San Antonio - affordable, high LE presence, HSWs for sure, but really hot in summer

San Francisco/San Jose - I could take this area just fine, but housing is really expensive. Didn't get a chance to monger

Any suggestions from you well-traveled folks?

You might want to try Quito, Ecuador. Year round temperature is 75-80. There are at least 75 Casas where girls go for $7-15.

Forth Ryte
03-23-07, 06:53
The article shows a perfect example if the hypocritical rationalizations of the morals police.

The article read, in part,
Police said the arrests are part of a crackdown on the growing problem of online prostitution.
"If you're going to try to go onto this website and procure these kind of services, the Philadelphia Police Department is aware of it and were going to make arrests," Chief Insp. Blackburn said.
Authorities said the women who advertise the illicit services online are also putting themselves in a potentially dangerous situation.
"These are girls who are going into an environment which is totally unknown to them. Sometimes these girls are victims and they become the victims of predators," Lt. Green said.

They call it the “problem of online prostitution”. The usual reason for police going after prostitution is that it creates a street problem and attracts unsavory characters and drug use to an area. They also explain that these girls are run and controlled by pimps. Yet, when women find a way to offer sex for sale OFF the streets and WITHOUT pimps, its suddenly called the “problem of online prostitution”without any explanation of why this is any sort of societal problem.

Then, they try to justify their pursuit of online sex by telling us that these girls are going into a potentially dangerous situation and an unknown environment (presumably when they go to meet their customers). First, most of the girls on CL have their own places and (incall) and it is the customer who is taking the risk going wherever he gets told to go. The girls on CL have created an environment that is relatively safe for their business and rarely have to deal with pimps. But the real issue is, is it better that CL be shut down and the girls go back to the streets where they get into cars all day long?

Th truth is that the morals police aren’t trying to protect these girls or their customers. They just cannot accept the idea that anyone ever pay for sex under any circumstances however safe it might be and even if the girl is totally willing and not being forced.

The Canadian model for prostitution laws continues to be the best way. Selling sex is legal. Selling sex in public (streetwalking) is not. Private individual sexually encounters for pay is legal. Brothels are illegal. Pimping (living off the earnings of prostitution) is illegal. The result is that many women offer sex for sale in newspaper ads. Mostly these are clean young attractive women. They are making a choice o earn money this way. They are not driven by drugs or forced by pimps. Prices are lower, the girls are safer, the customers are safer, the girls are cleaner.

Now THAT makes the American puritanical morals police lie awake sweating.

Just my two cents.

-- Forth Ryte

Pottstown Guy
03-23-07, 09:07
To anyone who is using CL you may want to check the following news report:



Dam election season, and right wingers......

Right wingers? I thought the Democrats ran the city. And as far as elections go, it's always election season if they are only 6 months between elections.

03-23-07, 14:11
Right wingers? I thought the Democrats ran the city. And as far as elections go, it's always election season if they are only 6 months between elections.

My Right wing comment had more to due with the tone of the post on CL that I linked to. The poster refered to the postings as "filth". This make me think it is one of the overly active right wing bible thumpers. I admit that It's purely speculation on my part, but that is just my thought. (and consider this... I am a republican, roman catholic).

I wouldn't be shocked if it some anoying house wife just looking for a mission to do. She probally saw her man "look" at a hooker somewhere and has been on the war path ever since...... again just speculation.

Trav Pokerman
03-25-07, 11:13
Brittany's hair shaving must be catching on in the SW world, as I saw a WSW with a shaved head near Castor 7-11 Saturday afternoon. It's a shame that girl's head is shaved, because she would be much cuter with hair.

That being said, I hope it was a personal choice, and not due to a medical condition. I don't think that's the case, though, as it's just shaved, not bald.

03-26-07, 05:40
Brittany's hair shaving must be catching on in the SW world, as I saw a WSW with a shaved head near Castor 7-11 Saturday afternoon. It's a shame that girl's head is shaved, because she would be much cuter with hair.

That being said, I hope it was a personal choice, and not due to a medical condition. I don't think that's the case, though, as it's just shaved, not bald.

There used to be a few girls with that look a few years ago. There was someone from an agency that worked with the cancer society that wanted people to donate their hair and would give them cash for doing so. More than one of the K girls jumped on that for the money.

Dark Phoenix
03-26-07, 14:30
There used to be a few girls with that look a few years ago. There was someone from an agency that worked with the cancer society that wanted people to donate their hair and would give them cash for doing so. More than one of the K girls jumped on that for the money.

Actually, from what I hear there's a guy, a monger, a John, one of us, who's been offering the girls money if he lets them cut their hair down to a crew. I heard this from Andrea, Mary and at least one other girl in the past few months. Not coincidentally, I saw someone offering to be generou$ for the freshly-shorn hair of young women on Craigslist recently, and I'd be willing to bet it's the same guy. A little creepy if you ask me - very Silence of the Lambs.

Texaco Tim
03-26-07, 21:13
I also have heard stories of girls being approached by someone to buy their hair over the last couple of years. Usually he has been successful when the girl is hurting for her meds and is desperate. Talked to one girl a couple of months ago that had done this and she felt terrible afterwards. Living day to day as they do can be pretty sad sometimes.

03-27-07, 03:07
There is a legit org that does collect hair, although they don't pay for it, to use in making wigs for kids having chemo and/or radiation for cancer and loosing their hair because of it. All 3 of my teenage neices have donated twice already. The girls grow their hair as long as they can and then it is cut just above shoulder length and collected for the charity that runs the program.

I guess it could be possible this guy got involved in this somehow, maybe a relative that needed a wig, and he figures that whatever he pays the street girls is a donation to charity or something. Just speculating here, but everything doesn't always have to have a bad motive.

03-27-07, 18:17
They were absolutely everywhere today. Only had time to do two passes and window shop only. Sure wish I could have participated as there were at least 6 different and new girls that I would have wanted.

03-28-07, 20:21
Picked up 4 blocks prior to torresdale right at the bar she walked down the st and behind , I swung picked her up. Prior i did two passes as she was walked down the K and just looked too good to be true. I did a prior search prior to posting this and thought if anyone woul dhave had her by know it would be CJ.

She wsw was wearing blue jeans not pants but not shorts , not sure what they are called; with a black shirt about 5' 7 shoulder length brunette easy 8 on sw scale. This had me very skeptical because she just did not seem too fit the k profile to say the lease. DID anyone see her?

Anyhow right away she ask if i date even bfore i got a chance for her to close the door. we drove up the street and i told her was looking for food. Hit McDonalds she did not want anyhting which i found strange. I asked her if she wanted any mooney for her trouble which she also declined. So does this sounds , hmmmm strange. Anyhow very cool chik we talked on the way back where i dropped her off (same spot as pickup). She told me to be arefull when dropping of as they will cite you on ubstruckting traffic. Anyhow if she is a K girl let me know i will pickup again, but seemed too good to be true.

Ivory Tickler
03-28-07, 23:35
Montevideo in Uruguay also has many brothels where the fees are $7-$10 per half hour.

Barcelona, Spain is a favorite haunt of mine. Many AMPs where the fee is 50 euros per half hour, 75 euros per hour (cum twice).

03-29-07, 09:18
Wow alot to pick from yesterday , I was looking for a certain girls tho and didn't see her so I was just window shopping.

No QUOTA HA ! The LE were everywhere the last couple days how come they are only stopping girls and cars the last week of the month?? What a joke they say they have no QUOTA , I will look anyone in the eye and call them a LIAR !! If they tell me there is no QUOTA ! Godd luck and be safe ! !


Horny Harry
03-29-07, 09:50
...She wsw was wearing blue jeans not pants but not shorts , not sure what they are called; with a black shirt about 5' 7 shoulder length brunette easy 8 on sw scale. This had me very skeptical because she just did not seem too fit the k profile to say the lease...Anyhow if she is a K girl let me know i will pickup again, but seemed too good to be true.I found this 18-month-old post on Leah...same person?

Mike 80
03-29-07, 18:49
Anyhow right away she ask if i date even bfore i got a chance for her to close the door...She told me to be carefull when dropping of as they will cite you on ubstruckting traffic. Anyhow if she is a K girl let me know i will pickup again, but seemed too good to be true.What the hell were you waiting for? :-) Did you want her to draw you a picture? I've never picked this girl up but I don't see anything in your description that sounds even slightly alarming. So what were you thinking she was doing - LE? No way, not taking a ride with you, visiting McD's, etc.

03-29-07, 19:08
Yeah did think she was LE ( I figured too good to be true)

What the hell were you waiting for? :-) Did you want her to draw you a picture? I've never picked this girl up but I don't see anything in your description that sounds even slightly alarming. So what were you thinking she was doing - LE? No way, not taking a ride with you, visiting McD's, etc.

03-29-07, 19:22
You know Mike I'm glad you said something ! I was kinda thinking the same thing? If she gets in your car she wants to see how the shocks are. LOL.


03-29-07, 21:38
So does this sounds , hmmmm strange.

Uh yea very strange that you offered a girl money to drive to McD's with you but not for a BJ.

If LE pulled you two over they would never have believed your story.LoL.!!!

03-29-07, 21:42
Wow alot to pick from yesterday , I was looking for a certain girls tho and didn't see her so I was just window shopping.

No QUOTA HA ! The LE were everywhere the last couple days how come they are only stopping girls and cars the last week of the month?? What a joke they say they have no QUOTA , I will look anyone in the eye and call them a LIAR !! If they tell me there is no QUOTA ! Godd luck and be safe ! !


Hey Kam...tell ya what to do!! Seems that you are a bit paranoid with LE on the ave. Try this as I have more than once. I know how sometimes you can feel that LE is watching or seeing you drive by them.

I have on a few occasions kept a pice of paper and everytime I passed LE or one passed me I wrote down their number. You'll be surprised that you may see 20 cars and maybe only pass or be passed by the same one only a couple of times and most of the others only once over the course of a couple of hours. Give it a try next time.

03-30-07, 08:05
She wsw was wearing blue jeans not pants but not shorts , not sure what they are called....

During World War II , they were called Pedal Pushers

When I was a kid back in the '60s , they were called Clam Diggers

They're back in style and fashionably re·named . These days we call them CAPRIS ('http://www.flashdare.com/images/capris.gif')

Unless , of course , you were referring to CULOTTES ('http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/sa/sara-berman-culottes-by-sara-berman.jpg')

... but nobody wears those any·more = they're so "Nineties"

04-01-07, 00:10
First off, the K was dead. There was no one at DD, 7/11 or any of the other spots. There was 1 girl south of Lehigh, but she looked scary haggard.

The thing that I couldn't believe is that while driving, I saw an unmarked SUV flip on it's police lights and pull a U turn right in the middle of the K. It then drove a half a block down and pulled up next to a guy who was in the process of, but continued to pull over to talk to a girl right on K. I obviously didn't stop and see what happened, but it just goes to show that you shouldn't be an obvious jackass out there.

Although it is good to know that I should ensure that there aren't any black SUVs behind me when mongering.

Horny Harry
04-06-07, 15:03
If you've spent any time in Streetwalker Photos recently, you'll know there's a rumor about that "a certain girl had hepatitis C". No name given. She was alleged to have been in one of CookyJar's photo displays. She is allegedly NOT Mary, who is also rumored to have Hep C.

This is potentially a serious matter to us, and I've decided to look into it. But first some kudos to:
Dark Phoenix - for being upfront about the questionable call he received from Mary's boyfriend alleging the Hep C; and also for sharing some straight info on the disease.
CookyJar - for being tenacious in questioning the identity of the other unnamed girl.
Phillyewe - for not prematurely publicizing the name of the other unnamed girl or the fellow monger who PMed him, since the latter specifically said in the PM he could not verify or be sure the info was even accurate.

How do I know this last tidbit? I received the same PM! Having read CookyJar's recent comments, I sort of feel guilty now for not following up on the rumor then. I honestly don't know the medical status of this unnamed girl, and others of you who received the PM (you know who you are), I hope you'll let me know if you have further information. Until I hear that rumor in any way substantiated, I don't think it's fair to go public with the girl's name or the identity of our fellow monger who graciously went out of his way to alert us (I presume to those who had posted reports on the girl) about the rumor.

I have PMed this good guy fellow monger for any additional info he may have. And I'll hope to hear from you guys who received his alert. In the meantime, I know people who know the girl in question, and I know she is still actively working. So I'll ask around, and though people like to lie about these things, or worse, spread false information about someone they don't like, perhaps a clearer picture will emerge of what disease this girl has or may have had or never had.

Thanks in advance for your help,


04-07-07, 08:30
Phillyewe - for not prematurely publicizing the name of the other unnamed girl or the fellow monger who PMed him, since the latter specifically said in the PM he could not verify or be sure the info was even accurate.

Thanks for your efforts Harry.

I do not agree with you assessment of Phillyewe's conduct during this situation. He should never have let the Genie out of the bottle. At least not to support such a silly point. And once it was out of the bottle he should have shared with the general membership. I never asked for the name of the other member. I do not even want the street name his girl supposedly uses. I would like to know the identity of the girl whose picture I supposedly posted.

I for one do not need anymore enemies on this board. I would like to patch things up with Phillyewe. The issue is mute as far as I am concern.


Horny Harry
04-07-07, 09:07
He should never have let the Genie out of the bottle....The issue is mute as far as I am concern.Moot, even? You've got a point. In fact on reflection, I think I should have stayed publicly quiet unless and until I obtained information one way or the other privately. I'll do so now.

04-07-07, 16:36
Pay no attention to this post! I needed to do it as part of the photo links I describe above.

04-07-07, 18:50
I have created a new thread in the Philadelphia Forum titled Alphabetic Photo Links. It contains an alphabetic list of girls whose pictures have been posted and identified in our report threads.

All you have to do is find a name on the list and click on the link to see her picture. This should come in handy if a girl's name is mentioned in a new report and you want to see what she looks like or confirm her identity. There is one photo per girl, and I tried to choose the one with the clearest shot of her face.

I hope to periodically add names to the list, when photos of additional girls get posted and identified.

To find the Alphabetic Photo Links thread, just go to the Philadelphia Forums page (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=654) and scroll down past the blue dividing line.

04-07-07, 19:10
I have created a new thread in the Philadelphia Forum entitled Alphabetic Photo Links. It may come in handy if you know a girl's name but don't remember what she looks like. I hope to periodically update the list with links to additional photos.

To find the Alphabetic Photo Links thread, just go to the Philadelphia Forums page (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=654) and scroll down below the blue line.

That's incredible...Will there be anyway to post multiple picks of the same girl or just one for each. Can't wait to see how far this list goes

04-07-07, 19:17
That's incredible...Will there be anyway to post multiple picks of the same girl or just one for each. Can't wait to see how far this list goesOne each. It's an index, not a photo show.

I tried to pick photos that showed the face of each provider most clearly. If you know of an existing shot in the forum that you feel is a better one for identifying a particular girl, PM me.

04-08-07, 10:14
Yesterday just totally sucked on both sides of the bridge. Almost nothing at all. Seems like the cops must have done a holiday clean-up as it was like a ghost town out there. Either that or the girls wondered back home for a holiday.l

Anyone else out there last night have any luck? I must have at one point made five or six passes and nothing.

Did she Heather (Abduls girl) on the last pass but looked like she was waiting for someone right outside of her house.

Bad Bad Boy
04-08-07, 21:46
I have created a new thread in the Philadelphia Forum titled Alphabetic Photo Links. It contains an alphabetic list of girls whose pictures have been posted and identified in our report threads.

Duke, I want to congratulate you on your Alphabetic Photo Links thread and thank you for all the time it took to put it together. It is very impressive. I sure hope the other boards do likewise. It will be really nice to be able to place the face with the girl's name in the report, rather than having to depend upon a general narrative description.


Mike 80
04-09-07, 01:56
Welcome back, DukePV. I wondered if we'd seen the last of you. For Philly thread newbies, DukePV has been one of the top, most on-target posters in the Philly thread. Very handy contribution. I looked at all of the pictures and quite a few bring back memories from when I was more active on the Ave. Several of these girls no longer work K but were stars in their time. Hopefully at least some of them got their life together and are onto to better things.

Horny Harry
04-10-07, 17:09
Yesterday just totally sucked on both sides of the bridge. Almost nothing at all. Seems like the cops must have done a holiday clean-up as it was like a ghost town out there. Either that or the girls wondered back home for a holiday.

Anyone else out there last night have any luck? I must have at one point made five or six passes and nothing.Life has a way of balancing things out...when the east coast is slow, the west coast is hot. Our old friend Hizark21 in San Diego, after keeping his readers riveted for an amazing 1,500 posts, appears to have found his holy grail, a facial, for only $60! Is life good, or what.

So where to now, Hizark, DisneyWorld? the K? Apparently not: "Cutting back for awhile, the gas prices are killing me."

04-13-07, 11:45
Several of these girls no longer work K but were stars in their time. Hopefully at least some of them got their life together and are onto to better things.Yes, hopefully. For example, Rachel (brunette), a favorite here for years. I'd love to read a heartwarming story here that she opened up, for example, a successful hair salon in the Northeast. But I guess that would hurt business. :)

I've made a few more entries/changes (marked with an *) to the List.

Scooter Pie
04-14-07, 12:35
Saw a fellow mongerer pick up a 'friend' about 2 blocks away in the opposing lane of traffic (around the car dealer near the K & F park). He then drove away heading towards the KFC, in my direction, with no apparent issues. No LE to be seen.

The guy then takes a smaller side street, and then I see a small, green Toyota corolla turn in after him. This attracted my attention so I slowed to take a closer look at the driver of the Toyota as it turned off the K (Toyota was turning as I passed in opposite lane). Driving the green Corolla was a fully uniformed LE officer (no hat) with a radio in one hand and actively saying something, while driving with the other.

I was tempted to follow, but I didn't want to be around when he called his friends in for the traffic stop.

This Toyota looked like any piece of shit car you see every second on the K and did not have ANY distinguishing marks or hidden lights in the grill or in the windows. So the sole purpose of this vehicle is to pursue and to call in marked LE at the "right time". This is the new potentially dangerous part. I get the feeling that they may even wait til business is being conducted to get stronger evidence, rather than the standard harassment tactics of the past.

Gentlemen be careful, be wary of ANY vehicle that follows at any distance or drives by your 'pit stop' location. GOODLUCK out there.

Trav Pokerman
04-15-07, 12:22
I get the feeling that they may even wait til business is being conducted to get stronger evidence, rather than the standard harassment tactics of the past.

Gentlemen be careful, be wary of ANY vehicle that follows at any distance or drives by your 'pit stop' location. GOODLUCK out there.This is why it's best to do the act outside the city limits, or at least far from the K. Also, it's best to do pickups outside of view of the K.

Mike 80
04-15-07, 21:14
DukePV, my friend, where the heck did you find this photo of "Keri" that you just added to your Alphabetic Photo List thread?


That's her all right. I tried spelling her name every way I could think of (even though I know the right spelling is "Kerri" because it's tattooed on her lower back), but I was not able to find any report with pictures in the archives. Only thing I found were the reports by Davey and I commenting on what a lousy, bad attitude, upselling SW she is. Well now we've got a great shot of her. As you can see she is young and cute enough to get your attention. She hangs out around the Huntingdon station.

Today I drove K in the rain about 6pm. Not much out, just a handful of girls. Only one I recognized was Krista near Venango. On second cycle I came across a small brunette walking with an umbrella along the street around Diamond. Introduced herself as Donna Marie, not sure about the spelling. She looked better up close than from a distance which is always a nice surprise. Has clear, pretty blue eyes and a nice smile. Told a typical sad story about her old man being locked up and how she has to care for her kids. Showed a nice petite body for a 36yo mom. She asked me if I like small or big breasts then said she's got one of each. She wasn't kidding.

Pleasant, friendly woman. I liked her. Gave BBBJCIM for .25. Says she walks from Daughin to Girard but tries not to come out often, just when she really needs the money. No digits.

Mike 80
04-15-07, 22:20
DukePV has clarified that he found Kerri's pics in a 2006 CookyJar post (see "Carrie" link below). Anybody who's done their share of mongering knows how true the words YMMV are. Like real world girlfirends, SWs have their good and bad days and some of them get better with time. Others get worse. Kerri gave Cooky a great date. He described her as GFE, somebody who enjoyed posing, and he got several fine shots. I don't know what's happened in the months since then but I found Kerri to be extremely unlikeable and it didn't seem like it was just a case of a bad day. Despite her young girlish smile in CJ's pictures, Kerri was cold and bossy as hell, all about the money and how much and how quickly she can get it. Performance was about a 1. Maybe she needs to read this review and Cooky's and remember the way she used to do things.


04-15-07, 23:25
....all about the money and how much and how quickly she can get it. Performance was about a 1. Maybe she needs to read this review and Cooky's and remember the way she used to do things.

I picked up this girl a second time about two months ago. She was so bossy, wanted money now, wanted to make a stop. I dropped her off back where I got her. The first meeting was great. But, on our second meeting, I believe she thought she could get over because she knew me.

You just never know what's up with these girls. And of cause, YMMV.


04-15-07, 23:31
[QUOTE=Mike 80] She asked me if I like small or big breasts then said she's got one of each. She wasn't kidding.

Pleasant, friendly woman. I liked her. QUOTE]

Mike, I picked up a girl this week with a simlar condition. Said her name was blonde. A former escort. She had dyed black hair. Nice body otherwise. Could this be the same girl.


Mike 80
04-16-07, 00:16
Mike, I picked up a girl this week with a simlar condition. Said her name was blonde. A former escort. She had dyed black hair. Nice body otherwise. Could this be the same girl.I've been wrong before but I'm pretty sure it's not the same one. This girl's hair was brunette and not dyed that I could tell. She told me the job she held before her SO's problems got her fired. No mention of having been an escort. Yeah her full C cup combined with a small A or B was interesting.

BTW thanks for more great shots of Cherry (Julie). Nothing better than a petite young redheaded hottie. I'd love to get a piece of that. Out-of-towners who sometimes criticize our SWs as "dried-up," "cracked out" hoes should take a look at this one.

So she even volunteered to toss your salad, huh? Wow.

04-16-07, 00:17
DukePV has clarified that he found Kerri's pics in a 2006 CookyJar post (see "Carrie" link below). Anybody who's done their share of mongering knows how true the words YMMV are. Like real world girlfirends, SWs have their good and bad days and some of them get better with time. Others get worse. Kerri gave Cooky a great date. He described her as GFE, somebody who enjoyed posing, and he got several fine shots. I don't know what's happened in the months since then but I found Kerri to be extremely unlikeable and it didn't seem like it was just a case of a bad day. Despite her young girlish smile in CJ's pictures, Kerri was cold and bossy as hell, all about the money and how much and how quickly she can get it. Performance was about a 1. Maybe she needs to read this review and Cooky's and remember the way she used to do things.


Funny this came up cause on Sat eve I saw Keri (not knowing it was her) and made a turn around the block, a small black car in front of me got their first, saw some small talk and then he went on. Next it was my turn and when I saw her also moved on. Guess we have both had bad experiences with Keri. She lost two potential dates in just 60 seconds.

04-16-07, 00:22
Yes I decided to head out into the rain for a bit today. Not much happening but walking past 7-11 I saw a new sighting. Tall girl, long dark hair seeming to be on a mission to get somewhere. Tailed for a bit and then got her at the bull. Very strong spanish accent, fair looking, not wanting to go to the Patio today I just settled for a BJ. Once I got her shirt up there was a super firm pair of A's with eraser point nipples and only a bit of stubble on the puss. If I see her again I'm gonna have to bone her. Oh yea, damage was 20.

04-16-07, 00:48
I always knew this girl as 'Ivana' when I spent time with her in the Summer of 2005, but it seems many people on this board know her as Avonna. Does anyone know if she is still around and how she is doing?

I started going out to the K in 1996 when I lived in South Jersey. In 1999 I moved to the West Suburbs and in Oct. 2005 I moved to Pittsburgh. Out of all the girls I had been with on the Ave over that period of time, Avonna was the most special. I did something with her that I had never done with a SW vefofre. I started actually dating her. Real dates. Such as movies, dinner, etc. , in the Summer of 2005. I was seriously considering asking her to come to Pittsburgh with me, I almost did, but could not bring myself to do it because she just seemed too unstable for any kind of long-term relationship. I just didn't get the feeling that she would be able to make the lifestyle change I would require for that. She seemed really interested in something beyond the Ave with me, but then after about 2 months, without any warning or explanation, she cut off all contact with me. I figured it was just as well that it ended that way.

Maybe I was deluding myself thinking that what I had with her was anything more than GFE from her end. I really don't think so. There was nothing businesslike about our relationship. True, I picked her up on the Ave. Thats how we first met, but for the rest of 2 months or so I spent with her I never paid a dime beyond the cost of dinner, movie, etc. And we fucked nonstop. She was the best fuck I have ever had on or off the ave.

I still think about her. She made herself a necklace one time and it broke while were in the car. Beads went everywhere. I still have one or two of those beads.

I don't see any recent posts about her. Anbody seen or heard about this girl?

04-16-07, 06:32
I always knew this girl as 'Ivana' when I spent time with her in the Summer of 2005, but it seems many people on this board know her as Avonna. Does anyone know if she is still around and how she is doing?

I started going out to the K in 1996 when I lived in South Jersey. In 1999 I moved to the West Suburbs and in Oct. 2005 I moved to Pittsburgh. Out of all the girls I had been with on the Ave over that period of time, Avonna was the most special. I did something with her that I had never done with a SW vefofre. I started actually dating her. Real dates. Such as movies, dinner, etc. , in the Summer of 2005. I was seriously considering asking her to come to Pittsburgh with me, I almost did, but could not bring myself to do it because she just seemed too unstable for any kind of long-term relationship. I just didn't get the feeling that she would be able to make the lifestyle change I would require for that. She seemed really interested in something beyond the Ave with me, but then after about 2 months, without any warning or explanation, she cut off all contact with me. I figured it was just as well that it ended that way.

Maybe I was deluding myself thinking that what I had with her was anything more than GFE from her end. I really don't think so. There was nothing businesslike about our relationship. True, I picked her up on the Ave. Thats how we first met, but for the rest of 2 months or so I spent with her I never paid a dime beyond the cost of dinner, movie, etc. And we fucked nonstop. She was the best fuck I have ever had on or off the ave.

I still think about her. She made herself a necklace one time and it broke while were in the car. Beads went everywhere. I still have one or two of those beads.

I don't see any recent posts about her. Anbody seen or heard about this girl?

Were you reading this board when you were dating her or cruising the K?

Mike 80
04-16-07, 07:37
I always knew this girl as 'Ivana' when I spent time with her in the Summer of 2005, but it seems many people on this board know her as Avonna. Does anyone know if she is still around and how she is doing?...
I don't see any recent posts about her. Anbody seen or heard about this girl?You might do a search of the archives using either of those spellings. There was lots of discussion about the spelling of her name. The last posts I remember seeing about her reported that other SWs said she was in jail for an extended visit. Think I also remember something about how she might also be in trouble remainng in the U.S. Of course SWs have been known to be unreliable sources, so I'm not sure how much stock I'd put in these rumors.

I was with Avonna a few times myself. She is one of the more interesting SWs I've come across. Entertaining personality, very opinionated, could swear like a trooper. Definitely a case of YMMV. My experiences were all good but she got quite a few bad reports too, mostly for inconsistent hygiene. When she was fresh and dressed right, she could be quite the hottie and a fine performer.

I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone like Avonna. She was majorly pimped out, working all the time, and took pride in being the big producer in her stable. Maybe you really had something going with her, but I have to say that she would be one of the last SWs I could see getting emotionally involved with one her customers. As for the reasons it ended like it did, I am sure her pimp was no fan of her giving away freebies.

04-16-07, 10:04
Was this Ivona Russian? If so and she spelled her name the way I have. She was with youngprettyescorts.com about two years ago. Yes she was very nice to be with. She had a nice body, and the website use to post what look like a younger picture of her. Or maybe it was before the streets got her. Anyway the picture was smoking hot. I also heard she was in Prision over on State Road. That was about two years ago. She use to ride so good, and call me her Russian Bear! LOL

04-16-07, 10:44
Does anybody remember a girl of russian origin who looks a lot LIKE Avonna... who lived right around Tioga for the last 3 months or so that she was there. She looked a lot more like Bianca - almost identical, but her hair was always longer than the picture of Bianca. She disappeared from the ave around December 2006. She spoke of a Sister, and her Mother, and a friend that was going to get her into treatment. Near the end, the track marks on her arms were scary, and she knew it.

I have mixed emotions as to if she is Avonna/Ivana or not. I say this for a few reasons. For one, her hair was longer, thicker and darker than the picture. Granted it could simply have been longer for the 6 month or so period that I spent time with her. She never rushed. She never upsold, accepted what we agreed to with no complaints. Basically, she was fun, GFE (with limits). Also, she didnt shave - top or bottom, which I happen to like (ok I'm from the 70's, sorry if you don't like it).

I sure would like to be able to say hello to her.

04-16-07, 19:14
Found her, this is her picture, no question about it.

Is this Bianca?


I remember also, she had a tattoo of the name "Anastasia" on I believe her left arm.

Mike 80
04-16-07, 19:36
Does anybody remember a girl of russian origin who looks a lot LIKE Avonna... who lived right around Tioga for the last 3 months or so that she was there. She looked a lot more like Bianca - almost identical, but her hair was always longer than the picture of Bianca. She disappeared from the ave around December 2006. She spoke of a Sister, and her Mother, and a friend that was going to get her into treatment. Near the end, the track marks on her arms were scary, and she knew it.

Was this Ivona Russian? If so and she spelled her name the way I have. She was with youngprettyescorts.com about two years ago. Yes she was very nice to be with. She had a nice body, and the website use to post what look like a younger picture of her. Or maybe it was before the streets got her.

Yes, you're both talking about our Avonna. She immigrated from Russia when she was just entering her teens as I recall and, yes, she did live on K with other members of the stable right near the corner of Tioga for awhile. She does look something like Bianca and she was also available for a higher price on youngprettyescorts.com. Seems like she liked to change the way she spelled her name. Check out her pic on the new Philly Photo index thread that DukePV just created. It's not a head shot but shows her nice long dark hair and the sexy kind of skirts and dresses she used to wear. Her clothes brought a touch of class to the Ave.

I just searched the archives and I think I was the first monger to post a review of "Ivana" - the way I thought she spelled her name in 2005. At the time I mentioned having checked the archives and could only find pictures for a girl named Ivona (pretty certain it was from the website) posted by Zaphod II in 2004.

My March 2005 post:

Photos Zaphod II posted in November, 2004:
The photo on the left is "Ivona1.jpg," but frankly I think the one on the right *Joanne.jpg" also looks like her.

Finally, here's one of my all-time favorite, most memorable USASexGuide posts by DukePV from June 2005. I remember it well and hunted it down. I love the humor here, the details about her falling asleep and the incident when he dropped her off. If you want to know what Avonna /Ivana / Ivona is like, here's the best description I've seen:

04-16-07, 20:17
Yes, you're both talking about our Avonna. She immigrated from Russia when she was just entering her teens as I recall and, yes, she did live on K with other members of the stable right near the corner of Tioga for awhile. She does look something like Bianca and she was also available for a higher price on youngprettyescorts.com. Seems like she liked to change the way she spelled her name. Check out her pic on the new Philly Photo index thread that DukePV just created. It's not a head shot but shows her nice long dark hair and the sexy kind of dresses or skirts she used to wear.Mike, Avonna is not the same girl as who I saw. If you can. Pull up the link to the philly girls web site, that pic is the girl I am talking about. I agree on one thing, it's strange these two are so similar. But they are more than obviously not the same girl. Too bad they are both gone now LOL!

Thanks, Nice

04-17-07, 08:19
Were you reading this board when you were dating her or cruising the K?I only discovered this board last week. I was looking for Pittsburgh info and thought I would see what was going on in Philly.

04-17-07, 08:29
Was this Ivona Russian? If so and she spelled her name the way I have. She was with youngprettyescorts.com about two years ago. Yes she was very nice to be with. She had a nice body, and the website use to post what look like a younger picture of her. Or maybe it was before the streets got her. Anyway the picture was smoking hot. I also heard she was in Prision over on State Road. That was about two years ago. She use to ride so good, and call me her Russian Bear! LOLYes she was Ukrainian. She sang a Ukranian song for me once. She said that she used to sing it to her boyfriend in the Ukraine who she was in love with but had to leave when she came to America with her parents. She has a beautiful voice.

And, by the way, her real name is not Ivana. She wrote her real name on a piece of paper for me once. There were 3 or 4 hard-to-pronounce names actually that made up her full name. The only one I remember is her first name. Slava. She asked me to call her Slava and told me that Ivana is only a stage name.

I'm telling you all. This girl really liked me.

Dark Phoenix
04-17-07, 10:22
The girl previously pictured on the youngprettyescorts site is most definitely the same Avonna/Ivonna who used to work the K. She was a very on/off kind of performer with highly variable personal hygiene, but very intelligent and opinionated, had emigrated from the Ukraine, and was a rampant and virulent racist.

She may not have been the girl Niceguy was seeing, but she was the same as the girl on the website, except for the fact that she could be had for a fifth of the asking price posted there when working the street. Same as "Sabrina". Same pimp, that is.

She's also been history for a good while now, and at the approximate time of her disappearance from the K scene there was a post indicating she was going away for a stretch.

The other photo of the chick who "looks like" Ivonna is Bianca. Crappy attitude, crappy service. Haven't seen her in ages out on the Ave, and that's just fine.

Is history class over yet?

04-17-07, 12:22
Please allow me to chime in with confirmation on the subject of our former favorite Ukrainian Brunette. The photo labeled Avona on the YPE website is indeed the famed Avonna, precisely as articulated by esteemed brother Dark Phoenix. Avonna herself commented on the correct spelling, saying "like the cosmetics company with two N's".

That certainly does not mean that one should accept the authenticity of every verbalization uttered by the local citizenry lurking the shadows of the "L".

Anyone caring to dig a bit for more Avonna reports may reference archived postings by some yammering windbag dated 4/11/2005 and 4/26/2005.

Here is a shout out to all the old-timers, as well as the contemporary contributors.

take care,

04-17-07, 18:15
The other photo of the chick who "looks like" Ivonna is Bianca. Crappy attitude, crappy service. Haven't seen her in ages out on the Ave, and that's just fine.

Is history class over yet?Last lesson from "History" class. Just because you get crappy service and crappy attitude from a girl, that doesn't necessarily mean that everybody will. Bianca was always pretty good to me, after the first time at least.

I'd suggest, and this is nothing against you Dark, its in no way an attempt to start a flame war, but how you deal with an SW on a personal level may possibly determine how your service is from them. At least, that may be an explanation for the difference in service. Lesson learned for me.


Dark Phoenix
04-18-07, 16:04
Just because you get crappy service and crappy attitude from a girl, that doesn't necessarily mean that everybody will. Bianca was always pretty good to me, after the first time at least.

I'd suggest, and this is nothing against you Dark, its in no way an attempt to start a flame war, but how you deal with an SW on a personal level may possibly determine how your service is from them. At least, that may be an explanation for the difference in service. Lesson learned for me.


I'm glad Bianca was good to you. YMMV is always the name of this game, but her reviews are frequently negative if you do a search. See for yourself.

The only thing I find offensive is the fact that you basically assume I treated her badly. That's extremely presumptuous. I've voiced the importance of treating SWs with friendliness and dignity enough on here to feel no need to defend myself on that front.

If you had good luck with a SW that was pretty much universally panned here, good for you. Chalk it up to your chemistry. But it's just wrong for you to assume I mistreated her in any way, especially since you have no factual basis for that opinion, or implication or whatever you want to call it.

Of course people will have varying experiences. That's no reason to make any assumptions about me. Obviously, you have a sweet spot for her. That's nice, and kinda cute, coming to the defense of the fair maiden. But if we're going to have a reality check, chivalry is often optional in this context, so relax.

You're free to disagree with me (although you're just encouraging the terrorists if you do) but it's out of line to suggest I'm at fault for her bad attitude with me just because she was nice to you. The only info I have to share on her is IMHO she sucked. Surly, lazy, not friendly at all and not particularly skilled at giving head. Again, all my opinion. That's my only experience with her and my only basis for making any judgment. Based on the first time, I didn't choose to go best of three. The fact that she was otherwise with you doesn't mean she was not a shit with me, nor does it mean I was a shit with her. Here endeth the lecture.

Dark Phoenix
04-18-07, 16:10
You're right, Niceguy. I was talking with one of the regulars on the K recently, and she said she no longer enjoyed being with one of her regulars because he kept asking her to "talk dirty" to him. An alert reader here might easily guess who she's talking about. I guess we have one more girl guilty of providing "crappy service".

This, of course, coming from a total loser with 4 posts, two of which have been deleted by Jackson for "contributing nothing of value". The other two are a fag slam against another member, and a fictional slam against me. How about posting an actual review? Ooops, too late, you've been reported to the moderator again. Say bye byes!

04-18-07, 17:32
I agree with you Dark, in that I have no right to assume you where negative with her. In all honesty, I didn't assume that, although reading back over my post it does sound as if my suggestion of it being a possible explanation did make that assumption. If that makes any sense.

What have I learned? Either we define "crappy" differently, or perhaps YMMV actually is true, one or the other!

So. Back out tonight, hope to have a good story for you tomorrow.

Be careful out there


Dark Phoenix
04-19-07, 14:16
I tried to hit the K today about 11:30 am, but I was only down there a minute when I got a call letting me know of a crisis I had to attend to back at work. So the trip was for recon only.

Interestingly, little visible LE presence. But very few SW either. Saw one heavier set and older WSW about a block north of Allegheny and nothing else until I reached the school bus lot, where I saw a WSW getting out of an SUV, apparently getting dropped off after a date. I turned the corner to check it out since the nice ass caught my eye, and it turned out to be Brittney aka Gia, which was sort of who I suspected. I don't know what happened, but she was crying her eyes out, so bad it almost kept me from recognizing her face. I had to split anyway so I didn't stick around to pick her up or talk, just very wierd.

04-19-07, 20:28
Duke's the man. I only see the ones know wants to pick up when I cruise the Ave. If I would of seen gia, victoria, or any of the prime picks I would of stopped in a heart beat.

Good reporting duke.

Ted E Bear
04-23-07, 01:48
I have a question for the veteran members of K Ave cruising. I have noticed what I believe to be SWs, but I usually see a guy walking slightly behind or at times nearby on a bike. Sometimes I see the SWs talking to the guy. What gives?

04-23-07, 04:35
I have a question for the veteran members of K Ave cruising. I have noticed what I believe to be SWs, but I usually see a guy walking slightly behind or at times nearby on a bike. Sometimes I see the SWs talking to the guy. What gives?
Can you say 'pimp'?

04-23-07, 19:08
I have a question for the veteran members of K Ave cruising. I have noticed what I believe to be SWs, but I usually see a guy walking slightly behind or at times nearby on a bike. Sometimes I see the SWs talking to the guy. What gives?

I have seen where a homely looking sw will walk a short distance ahead of a guy, does not talk to or acknowledge him and keeps a certain distance between themselves. Then I would watch as a car pulls up, the sw gets in, and the guy discreetly slows down to look at the license plate and then quickly turn around and walk the opposite direction. Guess he's just looking out for his ho/girlfriend? They both looked way too ragged to be LE IMHO.

Ted E Bear
04-23-07, 21:19
They both looked way too ragged to be LE IMHO.Or too ragged to look like a pimp. Guess times have changed.

Ed Norton
04-26-07, 22:25
Several of these girls no longer work K but were stars in their time. Hopefully at least some of them got their life together and are onto to better things.I just ran into one former star from South Broad Street who has gotten her life together, it seems. Crystal, who used to hang at Broad and Jackson from about 1998-2004 is now an office manager. She looks great, slimmed down from a brief period of being overweight, and still has that alluring babyface. We were inside a public place, so I didn't want to ask for her number or say anything to embarrass her. But, despite her apparent escape from her prior drug/SW existence, I sure wanted to reconnect!

It's an interesting quandry: part of you wants the nicer girls you've met to move on to better things, but part of you (you know which part) still wants them to be right where they were when you met them.

04-29-07, 08:10
You are so freaking anoying, your constant need for accurate information leads me to believe that you are LE. .

Johnny B

Hmmmmm! Ed, you've never denied either assertion. Are you annoying? Are you LE? Inquiring minds would like to know.


04-29-07, 11:47
...I have to make an admission. I have absolutely no idea what this girls name is. Because of pass conversations and concerns on the Philly board regarding names I have to give notice, I do not know this girls name.

Dog gone it, Ed, I have done it again.

I really have no idea about this girls name. But this should not hamper your attempts at fantasy mongering. After all you only fantasy date Krista, Brittney, and Stephanie (or Angie) girls who have been reported on by other true hunters. After all you would never date Stacey (what's a name) she is new to this forum - I think.


Ed Norton
04-29-07, 17:30
Dog gone it, Ed, I have done it again.

I really have no idea about this girls name.Well, that's unfortunate. But the good thing is that you've communicated this to us, and it sounds like you intend to tell us in the future if the name is not legit. Thanks.

04-29-07, 21:53
Hey CookyJar,

To clear up any misunderstandings, did Shorty give you the name "Blondie", or did you make it up yourself?

Before we move on to general discussion about dating girls with unusual physical conditions, it would be wonderful to hear a commitment from you that in your future posts "proper names", as Trav suggests, will "be provided". It does make a difference to mongers here...please see my recent post as to why. And it makes a difference to your reputation.

Ed Norton

Hey Ed Norton

To clear up any misunderstandings, are any of your reviews real, or did you make them up yourself?

Before we move on to general discussion about dating girls, it would be wonderful to hear a commitment from you that in your future posts usable information, will "be provided". It does make a difference to mongers here...please see my recent post as to why. And it makes a difference to your reputation.


05-01-07, 21:08
Greetings everyone,

Actually, the ISG Forum is a Travel Website, and therefor travel advice such as hotel and restaurant reviews are perfectly acceptable.


JacksonThe above quote was posted on 08-22-06 in the Tijuana forum.

Well, I've taken the liberty that such reviews are also acceptable in the USASG forum and started an Eating near the K Avenue Stroll thread. I'm thinking if such information is located in one spot, it might be of interest both to visitors and locals. So if things are slow out there and you decide to grab a bite to eat, feel free to post your restaurant opinions!

Mike 80
05-02-07, 00:46
After a nice pickup on Broadway in Camden (posted on the S. Jersey board) I thought I'd take a quick stroll down Front/K. I wasn't planning on buying and bottom line is that there wasn't much happening. Tuesday is a vice night and that may have been part of the reason. Also LE had blocked off K from Orleans all the way to Allegheny - not sure why. I did see blond Stephanie near the Huntingdon Station, and that tall, skinny brunette Cooky photographed who always hangs out around Cambria, I believe it is. Besides that there really not much else out, maybe 3 or 4 others. The quantity and quality was better in Camden tonight.

05-04-07, 07:48
Wow was it smokey out last night. Turned on KYW and heard there was a big junk yard fire down towards the Platt Bridge. Gave the ave a bit of an eary look to it.

Well on to other more inportant items. I never was in time to see how it went down, but in the 2 hours I was out last night I saw 3 mongers stopped at Tioga street. In all instances a fairly recent auto, 2-3 squad cars and all 3 times I saw an unrecognizable girl in the back of one of the cars. So not sure if there was a decoy or they were just watching Tioga terminal and waiting for a girl to get picked up. Last vehicle they got was a nice Range Rover. Hope that was none of us here.

Tioga street although at many times with alot of girls hanging around, has always been one of my least favorite places to pick up a girl. There are just way too many places for LE to watch from a distance, and over the years have seen many busts take place there. The other prime spot for LE stakeouts has been at Womrath Park, so be extra carefull in these areas. Although not much has been happening (hooker wise) around Womrath lately take advise that if you do see something hot around there, be real careful.
Womrath Park for many, many years has been a favorite spot for LE stiings. Great visability and away from the heavy traffic areas of the K.

Mike 80
05-04-07, 07:59
Tioga street although at many times with alot of girls hanging around, has always been one of my least favorite places to pick up a girl...The other prime spot for LE stakeouts has been at Womrath Park, so be extra carefull in these areas. Although not much has been happening (hooker wise) around Womrath lately take advise that if you do see something hot around there, be real careful.Although I've certainly made pickups there, Tioga is not my favorite area either for the reasons Davey mentions and also because there a couple of homeowners in that area who sometimes make it their business to try to disrupt and draw attention to our activities.

Womrath Park? I'm trying to think what park you're referring to. Is that the one up past Erie/Torresdale right before the junction of K and Frankford? Or the one on the other side of the street down around Clearfield or theeabouts? Or that big open field on Front (not much of a park) somewhere around Diamond, Berks where the fair is right now and where LE cars sometimes hang out just watching the action?

05-04-07, 09:13
Womrath Park? I'm trying to think what park you're referring to. Is that the one up past Erie/Torresdale right before the junction of K and Frankford?

That's the one...I watched once a few years ago when a sting went on there and within 3 minutes they would have an officer move the car to the little street behind the CVS where there were tow trucks waiting and be back in business ready to bust the next guy. Have seen similar here many times over the years.

05-04-07, 15:18
I've edited the Photo List to include a photo YEAR next to each name. This should help you see at a glance how recently the girl's photo was posted.

Also, by clicking on the year, you can now go directly to the report containing the photo. This will allow viewing comments or any other photos posted by the photographer. Of course, a search on the girl's name is still the most valuable tool to get full details on her.

Someone suggested I put phone numbers by each name. Heh heh. An excellent idea! But as we all know, those cell phones get lost daily, and it would end up being an index of wrong numbers. Besides, half the fun is in the hunt!

05-05-07, 14:31
Thursday night, Friday morning around 3:00am I made a pickup near Cambria
& K. I try not to drive around after 3:00. LE seems to stop cars after 3:00
to see what you are doing there. A wsw who claimed she only ocassionally comes out. Longer redish /blondish hair. 5'9" married w/kids. I forgot her name. We drove to a stop under 95. 1/2 in one LE pulls up. He starts banging on the door for me to open the door. The girl recognizes the cp and tells me "That's officer C.", the last name started with a C.
I get out and he gives me all the bs. He asks me for my keys and mades me
do the "spread" against my car. He threatens to throw my keys up onto 95. The girl is told to get out of the car and to walk over to his car. I'm told to get out of there now. I get into my car and I hear the sw tell the le "I've missed you."

The one personal rule that I broke was to avoid the late late night crusing.

05-05-07, 18:22
Thursday night, Friday morning around 3:00am I made a pickup near Cambria
& K. I try not to drive around after 3:00. LE seems to stop cars after 3:00
to see what you are doing there. A wsw who claimed she only ocassionally comes out. Longer redish /blondish hair. 5'9" married w/kids. I forgot her name. We drove to a stop under 95. 1/2 in one LE pulls up. He starts banging on the door for me to open the door. The girl recognizes the cp and tells me "That's officer C.", the last name started with a C.
I get out and he gives me all the bs. He asks me for my keys and mades me
do the "spread" against my car. He threatens to throw my keys up onto 95. The girl is told to get out of the car and to walk over to his car. I'm told to get out of there now. I get into my car and I hear the sw tell the le "I've missed you."

The one personal rule that I broke was to avoid the late late night crusing.

So seems like the cop was jealous you got to his girl first...That sucks !!

05-06-07, 11:58
I'm told to get out of there now. I get into my car and I hear the sw tell the le "I've missed you."

The one personal rule that I broke was to avoid the late late night crusing.[/QUOTE]

Chaulk it up to experience. I tried going underneath the 95 overpass once for a session but realized that LE cruises past the area once too much for my taste. At least you got let go though.

Mike 80
05-06-07, 12:57
Chaulk it up to experience. I tried going underneath the 95 overpass once for a session but realized that LE cruises past the area once too much for my taste.Now that somebody has mentioned that location specifically (generally I don't like mentioning specific parking spots), I would advise staying away from this once popular place. Before Guthrie's report at least a couple of other mongers have hinted at problems they had there which I confirmed through PMs. I've also had a bit of a close call there too. Yeah it used to be a good spot but clearly LE is well aware of it and now I get too nervous looking around at all the ways LE coulld roll up on me there - or already be in a ULE vehicle nearby, that I can't enjoy what's happening to my dick.

05-12-07, 07:18
Used to be a regular site on the ave but has dissapeared for a while. Saw her yesterday by the bull and she was clearly working. Didn't recognize her at first so went around the block to get a better look. Clearly looked good, lost a few pounds, but already picked up Deanna and wasn't looking for round two.
Nice girl, very accomadating, will do anything you want. Boobs and belly a bit ssaggy though. But if you like girls with meaty pussies she's got that going on!


Kurt Man
05-13-07, 08:54
Hey guys. I need some help on getting some girls for myu friends bachelor party this coming sat night. We need about 3 girls for about 3-4 hrs. We have about 7 guys. If anyone has any places or reliable providers please let me know.

Thanks in advance

Trav Pokerman
05-13-07, 13:52
There are other areas of Philia to pick up SWS, like down in South Philia off of Woodland Ave. Just have to look off the side streets, look anywhere between Island up to 60th street. Take you time, there are some nice and not so nice sws there.I stumbled across this area recently. My mongering senses went off as I saw women who appeared to be doing something other than just hanging out on the street. I was actually just heading out of the city, when I saw one BSW after another. I thought, "this looks like a good area for SWs". Now that I've researched prior posts (see above), it appears that I was correct.

The one was hanging with two guys, and hugging the one, yet she still waved at me. Go figure. The ones I saw were on Woodland, in the blocks around 50th street. It appeared to be an exclusively BSW area.

05-15-07, 17:48
Any one have any luck getting ahold of her. Seems her number is disconnected, not sure if anyone here has updated contact info.

High Pockets
05-15-07, 21:49
...continued from S. Jersey board.
I came up 95, got off at Girard, went across to Front St. Saw nothing on Girard. Turned right onto Front, nothing up to York, then onto the K. Nothing at Letterly, Nothing at Kelly's Korner, nothing at Lehigh. Then I spotted a very young, just out of the shower, brunette walking toward Lehigh. Much too young, so I kept going. I've had some luck with young ones before, but usually they're too much trouble. Kept going; nothing at Allegheny, NOTHING AT THE 7/11!!!! Nothing at Castor. It was now around 4 pm, and I had been out since 1:30, with nothing to show for it. I was stopped at the light at Erie, when I spotted a wsw in denim shorts catty corner at the el entrance. Very, very short blonde hair. When the light turned, I pulled into the dollar store parking lot and parked. She smiled, walked over and got in. I drove away fast, and started the conversation. She called herself Christina; she said she gave away her hair. We started to find a parking place, and I suggested the Patio, and she agreed. She stripped off to reveal a nice tight bod (slight sag up top, but lying down they were perfect). After some cuddling, she did the BBBJ, with both of us kneeling on the bed, I slipped on the raincoat, and we did it doggy, her fave position. With those sweet little moons looking up at me, it didn't take me long to pop. A little cuddle, and we went. Donated .5 to her cause. What a sweetheart, will look for her again.

Age: 25
Face: 8 (one or two teeth gone, nice blue eyes, a true blonde)
Body: 9.5 (slim, tight, nice blonde fuzz)
Personality: 9 (good conversation, good sense of humor)
Technique: 9 (no rush, patient, likes doing BJ DT)

To sum up, I'm very glad I found Christina, otherwise I wouldn't have believed how empty Camden and Philly were on a day, and at a time, when I thought every sw in both cities would be out. Where were they all?

Thanks for putting up with this overlong post, but as I said before, It's been a while.

Watch your backs.


Trav Pokerman
05-26-07, 12:20
While cruising the K in the late evening recently, I am fairly certain that I spotted an LE checkpoint just up from Little Lou's on the K (under the bridge, between Little Lou's & Castor).

There were flashing lights, and I thought I saw LE walking in that area. I turned down a street to avoid it, so I am not certain what was going on. It could have been a DUI checkpoint, or some other type of checkpoint.

Realizing that I could not have justified my presence there, I'm glad I was able to detour around it.

05-27-07, 01:17
While cruising the K in the late evening recently, I am fairly certain that I spotted an LE checkpoint just up from Little Lou's on the K (under the bridge, between Little Lou's & Castor).

There were flashing lights, and I thought I saw LE walking in that area. I turned down a street to avoid it, so I am not certain what was going on. It could have been a DUI checkpoint, or some other type of checkpoint.

Realizing that I could not have justified my presence there, I'm glad I was able to detour around it.

Thats a very common spot for DUI checkpoints. Seen them many times and especially on holiday weekends. Would hate to pass thru one with a s/w and one of the cops recognize her and decided to do a vehicle search. Ouch !

05-28-07, 22:22
Hey West Philly,

Haven't seen a report from West Philly in a while.

I have some business in Southwest Phila and Yeadon this week. Any thing new happening up that way. I was in Yeadon over the weekend. Parts of Yeadon looked like a promising area (lots of decay and drugs). Is there a special area of interest in Yeadon?

Does anyone have current information on West Philly and surrounding areas?


Arnold Bocklin
05-29-07, 10:16
Does anyone have current information on West Philly and surrounding areas?


About the closest I've ever seen in Yeadon was a large-breasted blonde who loved to dance nude in front of her window when she knew that someone was outside.- until the cops got so many complaints that they pretty much forced her to keep her drapes pulled all the time. Shame. I also sat opposite her on a bus out of 69th St. Once, and she flashed me a no-pants spread shot all the way to my stop, but that's another story (I had shorts on and left a mess on the bus seat, I'm afraid. She seemed to approve. In my dream.)

Can't say as I've ever seen much other than that in Yeadon per se (well, there WAS that girl at the gas station at Baltimore Ave and Church Lane some years back who didn't know how to give a HJ. She said.).

But if you head toward Southwest Phila. , Church Lane becomes 70th Street. When you get to Woodland, make a left and you may well see both W- and BSWs at the corner at 68th & Woodland, and around the small cemetary there (high probability area). In fact, check the whole area between 66th and 72nd, and a block either side of Woodland, they tell me.

Going east from Yeadon, 58th Street from Baltimore Ave. To Woodland Ave. Can occasionally be fruitful, especially around 58th & Thomas and the 7-11. I've heard.

The area around 49th & Springfield occasionally has one or two girls out. Occasionally.

Going the other way, if you head north on Cobbs Creek Pkwy. Until it becomes 63rd St. , and then pass Market, check the area from 63rd to 65th, and from Race to Girard. Often a handful of be/WSWs there, pretty much any time of day. Check the little bitty side streets, too (but I'm sure I don't have to tell you that). Another high probability area, they say.

If you get as far up 63rd St. As Lancaster Ave. , turn right and make your way down to 52nd, and make another right. It's been suggested that one check from 52nd east to Paxon St. (1 block up on your left) between Wyalusing and Wesminister. There's also a little no-tell at Paxon & Westminster called "The Blue Moon" or some such.

Also of note.- 43rd to 42nd, Lancaster to Haverford. And, the corner of 40th & Fairmount, just off Lancaster Ave. , is a high probability intersection, I hear.

Don't know what you're doing down our way, CJ.- it ain't your usual haunt, I know, but we're damn proud to have you!

Hope this helps some,


05-30-07, 09:13

Hope this helps some,


Thanks Arnie. This should help alot. Like most true hunters, I like expanding my range.


06-05-07, 19:50
I wish him the best. May we all continue to experience great moments on the Avenue like some of those he shared with us.I second the motion of a thank you to Dark Phoenix. If he does in fact not come back, he will be sorely missed.

I would like to add however, that I have had many years experience on web forums. There is simply something about the anonymity that makes people do these things. When I speak of these things I mean:

1) Slam others in ways they would NEVER do to a person's face, using the cover of the anonymity of the web


2) "Quit" forums only to come back later, which leaves the entire action basically just looking like a big attention getting mechanism to have fun watching the person(s) who slammed you get slammed for running you off.

We will not escape it. Dark will not escape it by quiting this forum if he participates in any others, regardless of the topics.

We are all best off focusing on the topic at hand - that primarily being encounters of the sexual type. He helped us with that. Personlly I hope he reads this and realizes its not worth giving up what is an obvious hobby of his (posting here).

Keep your eyes on the prize.


06-05-07, 20:49
Dark Phoenix is a great poster. Yes, we did have an argument in the past about his penis size but other than that, I really admire him alot. It's a shame a few idiots have to piss him off. But anyways, I wish a lot of luck to him and I hope he comes back. The phoenix shall arise.

Member # 2552
06-05-07, 21:02
Using Ignore Lists (01-23-07)

I just finished responding to more than 100 reported posts, a task that in itself will give anyone a headache, but this particular batch struck me has having an unusually high number of complaints that essentially amounted to one member not liking another member's writing style or report content, which leads me to offer this general suggestion:

If you don't like another Forum Member's reports, then simply add them to your "Ignore List" and you'll never see their reports again.

You can access your personal "Ignore List" under your User CP. Just login, select "User CP" from the top menu bar, then select "Buddy / Ignore Lists" from the left side column.

06-06-07, 16:25
Can anyone help me out im looking for info on the Broad Street girls around Broad n Mifflin. Are any of them worth the effort? are their picsof them here?

06-08-07, 11:48
Took a long trip down to theK. in search of the great pics but cameup shy of that. Did see alot of girls out though. One trip down I seen at least 8 then spun around and came back to see maybe 1 or 2...its actually fun (with the exception of thinking about gas prices) to ride up and down in search of finding one better than the last or stand pat on what you found. After about 5 trips back and forth I thought d jott down my findings, which looking at the scribble today I cant even remember what every one looked like so here goes nothing Im sure. One girl Ive tried to run into at a red light about 7,924 times was a bleached blonde with what looked like alot of makeup but looked pretty anyway. She wore a black sleeveless shrt and had a tat on the upper eft arm. She just looked straight ahead the entire time not making contact with anyone but Im sure she was working.
Then there was this one with black straight hair in a pony tail I think, wearing a half shirt that was blue, open toed shoes, tight dark jeans and had a tat in the middle lower back. She hung out down near the BP around Verango is it?
Same area I kept seeing a blonde not shy about making eye contact. She was wearing a loose white top and had saggie titties but nice ass in a short pair of blue shorts. I actual drove around for her and was one car too late....damn green suv.
Another girl I seen a few trips was this dark curly haired woman wearing a red shirt that was tied in the front showing a lil belly. She walked up and down with an indian guy in a silk shirt.
Another down that end was someone wearing a green sweatshirt (in this weather?) with tight tight small black shorts. Blonde hair but a wethered face. I passed by her at least 12 times....the last time she was standing facing the small park down by BP. She was hunched over sort of with her leg up on part of the fance to show off a bony ass.....what made it interesting was how she knew the shorts were gulped by her small ass showing her ass cheeks...she might as well wore a thing right there. She was ugly but that look alone made me pull over by the park. She walked down, got in and off we went. BBBJTCOF. She was very compliant wth other small requests that I asked for even though I knew it wasnt going to be as fun as I hoped for.lol..
Seen a bunch of others as well ...one which I hope was working. A long haired auburn maybe brown latina. From behind she was a 9 with perfect legs and those slutty strappy heels that wound around her her calves. HOT back skirt. From the front I could see what kept her from being a 10 from car distance....a belly.....yet still hot. She was near Cambria an a few trips.

06-08-07, 12:14
bleached blonde with what looked like alot of makeup but looked pretty anyway. She wore a black sleeveless shrt and had a tat on the upper eft arm. She just looked straight ahead the entire time not making contact with anyone but Im sure she was working.

To me that sounds like Kerri from Abdul's stable, She needs a dose of personally and now the disclaimer YMMV.


Horny Harry
06-10-07, 13:20
To me that sounds like Kerri from Abdul's stableI often deliver oats to Abdul's stable (heh heh), and there never was a filly named Kerri there. On the contrary, from what I've read here, she's too ornery to be corraled!

Arnold Bocklin
06-10-07, 15:40
Can anyone help me out im looking for info on the Broad Street girls around Broad n Mifflin. Are any of them worth the effort? are their picsof them here?

Can't say if there are any pics available, but South Broad just ain't what it used to be. Time was just about every corner from about Ellsworth down to Mifflin had a girl working the corner, usually of pretty good quality (7-8).

Still, after midnight there's quite often a girl at Broad & Mifflin, but the quality seems to vary. There is often a girl or two in the vicinity of Moore and/or Morris, or that little street in between (on the west side), occasionally even during the day.

There's almost ALWAYS a BSW at the northwest corner of Broad & Tasker.

Going south of Snyder, it used to be you could always count on a WSW at the NW corner of Broad and Ritner, but alas, this has dwindled off to only once in a long while.


Arnold Bocklin
06-10-07, 16:03
As I thought more about south Broad Street and South Philly in general, I became aware that I would be remiss in my responsibility to my fellow mongers if I didn't at least _mention_ the area around 8th and Wolf. There are SWs working there almost all the time (except during opening/closing of the nearby school, which is just good business sense). Quality varies from not-too-bad to downright scary.

If time permits, also check Snyder between 8th and Broad -- you can sometimes see a girl making her way from 8th up to (or back from) the more heavily-travelled Broad. Must be nice to be able to walk to work.

If I may be permitted to reminisce a bit, I was once fortunate enough to meet a real cutie at 8th and Wolf, a sharp-looking girl with long black hair and the most _adorable_ little blue sun dress. She got in the car and immediately pulled it up all the way up to reveal absolutely nothing underneath. She started to tell me about how much she enjoyed doing herself with a banana, and apparently got so caught up in the story she started doing herself manually right then and there, before we even had a chance to discuss business. Upon completion of business, she insisted I finish HER off by hand. This girl loved her work. She just LOVED it.

Needless to say, it was one of the premier experiences in my hobbying career, one I chose to repeat three or four times over the next couple of weeks. But suddenly one night she was gone, never to be seen again. After four years, I still miss her, still think about her, and still don't know her name.


Arnold Bocklin
06-10-07, 17:36
As I thought more about south Broad Street and South Philly in general, I became aware that I would be remiss...

(Note to thread purists: if my supplemental report on South Philly immediately below seems kind of disjointed and out of order, your perception is correct. It *is* out of order, kind of.

Hotinsphilly asked a couple of days ago about South Broad Street and I responded. That response has not appeared on the board yet. The post immediately below THIS one was an afterthought to that post, but it appeared immediately. Go figure.

Hopefully my ORIGINAL post about South Broad will appear on Monday, at which point it will all make sense. Maybe.)


Sorry for the confusion,

Horny Harry
06-10-07, 18:12
Hotinsphilly asked a couple of days ago about South Broad Street and I responded. That response has not appeared on the board yet. The post immediately below THIS one was an afterthought to that post, but it appeared immediately. Go figure.LOL. I just DID figure...you reached Senior status in the middle of your multiple posts. All will be in order and will make sense as soon as your Regular status posts (#24 & before) get through the review process. From now on you get to see your posts immediately. Congratulations!

06-10-07, 19:37
I did make a mistake her name is Krista not kerri. Never the less she still needs a dose of personality.


06-10-07, 20:50
From now on you get to see your posts immediately. Congratulations!

I was told by jackson that even though I was a Sr. Member that my posts still had to be reveiwed befor they would be posted ? I posted one about 1 hour ago and it still isn't on the board yet


06-10-07, 23:58
Started out on Broadway for the first time. I just drove up and down a few times checking out the lay of the land which after I got comfortable, I liked it. I like the fact that a sw can be found in the middle of nowhere so I can see plenty far behind me and in front too to see if its safe. Of course the best one Ive seen was the very first girl I seen 3 or 4 blocks into the drive.
Ended up heading over to the K..
Again, the first girl ve seen, sitting at the 7/11 with blonde pig tails and belly shirt....actually I wasnt even on the K yet. drove around and she was gone. Seen a few girls down on front st.. One Ive seen about 40 times, mainly making out with her bf/pimp each time was a shoulder lengthed red head, denim skirt and red top wearing tinted glasses.
There was this one girl who I tried for a few times without success...she looked like she might have been spanish, had black curly hair and a defined jawline but had a nice smile each pass.
Comming back I seen this one who had shoulder length blonde hair and I think braces. Looped around and found her down Oakdale (oneway st of course) with another girl giving a wave. I looped around seen her getting in a truck one car ahead of me....this girl looked great from the glimse I seen. I stayed out for another 5 hours hoping to see her but didnt.
I seen a couple that looked like the short haired jackie. One of the two had a tat on the left side of the neck. Another I kept passing @ Norris and almost gave into due to being out so long was this red/auburn hair woman. (almost purple hair). She had a sucked in face, tat on her left ankle and was wearing a pink top and white strapped flats.
Then there was this.......whatever it is. I thought it was a little chubby boy at first then noticed that the chubby person had saggy small titties. It was a girl.....very odd shaped and weird.......just weird.
On my last loop down the K, or at least the 17th time I said it was the last loop I seen a few new girls.....all looking good. Where did these girls come from? It was if as soon as the clock strikes 8pm, the 1st string comes out. Met Yana who was wearing a pink BeBe shirt and tight jeans w/flip flops. Said she worked at LudLow prior to it being busted. She is a long blonded hair russian. 24 yo with a really nice body (fake tits if ya like that).
She asks for 50 but I pulled out 32 and asked if that was ok and she said yes. Very hard to understand once she gets going but very nice and clean, at east when I met her. Got her number and will set something up for the future. Anyone ever seen her?

06-11-07, 09:59
As I thought more about south Broad Street and South Philly in general, I became aware that I would be remiss in my responsibility to my fellow mongers if I didn't at least _mention_ the area around 8th and Wolf. There are SWs working there almost all the time (except during opening/closing of the nearby school, which is just good business sense). Quality varies from not-too-bad to downright scary.

If time permits, also check Snyder between 8th and Broad -- you can sometimes see a girl making her way from 8th up to (or back from) the more heavily-travelled Broad. Must be nice to be able to walk to work.

If I may be permitted to reminisce a bit, I was once fortunate enough to meet a real cutie at 8th and Wolf, a sharp-looking girl with long black hair and the most _adorable_ little blue sun dress. She got in the car and immediately pulled it up all the way up to reveal absolutely nothing underneath. She started to tell me about how much she enjoyed doing herself with a banana, and apparently got so caught up in the story she started doing herself manually right then and there, before we even had a chance to discuss business. Upon completion of business, she insisted I finish HER off by hand. This girl loved her work. She just LOVED it.

Needless to say, it was one of the premier experiences in my hobbying career, one I chose to repeat three or four times over the next couple of weeks. But suddenly one night she was gone, never to be seen again. After four years, I still miss her, still think about her, and still don't know her name.


ArnieI concur the findings on 8th and Wolf are accurate. Last week I parked my car nearby and decided to pop my bicycle out of my car and do a re-con of the area. Quite a perspective from a bike. It was a fun ride but all it was a re-con mission only. Will return to area when schools are closed for more fascinating encounter of the monger kind.

06-11-07, 15:07
So what happened to Alhabetic Photo list? Was that a product of a recently retired senior monger and the list went with him?The list is alive and well. To reach it anytime, go to the Philadelphia Forums page (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=654) and scroll down below the horizontal blue line to the Alphabetic Photo Links thread.

Yes, it was the product of a senior monger, but he hasn't retired! :)

The photo list has been periodically updated, most recently on May 9, 2007, and the current version always contains all previous names plus the updates. Thus the old lists were unnecessary, and the administrator was kind enough to remove them recently at my request. Now those previous lists of names won't clog up your screen when you do a search.

There will be a minor update soon. Feel free to PM me with any changes or missing names.

West Philly
06-11-07, 19:14
Well I'm back after a break up with my girlfriend and here is my report/tips for mongering in West Philadelphia.

Top spots in 2007:

1) 52nd and Westminster

Bus Routes: 52 bus (which runs down n52nd street)
30 bus ( runs down haverford )

Stores: Stocked with condoms, water, and smokes
- Store at the corner at 52nd and Westminster
- Chinese store at 52nd and Funston street

Cop traffic: heavy at times between 10 and 2am

The review: The women here are hit or miss but there is a 5'8 120 pound 21 year black girl with a nice ass and rock hard stomach that walks there once in a while (you can find her also at 55th and Vine). The hotel the Blue Moon is there and is a nice place to take a SW for a all nighter. The rooms are clean for a place like that and has cable. There is a parking lot with video cams so cars are never stolen. The girls in the area range from 18 to 42 , but as I said it is hit or miss. Try scouting the first time to get use of the area and have escape routes in case you are tagged by cops. This area is not heavy in drugs so there is a small amount of drug dealers, but you can find a gem here if you scout the area well.

Final stats: A good start for a newcomer to mongering in West Philly if you are white and pulled over just say you were visting friends up on 47th and pine. Since alot of white folks are moving back to University City. Also, take a walk during the day to get a lay of the land ..dress like a construction worker so you don't stick out (shirt, jeans, boots/sneaks)

- Blow job ($10 - 20)
- Full service ($20 - $40)
- Full service / nut in face ($30 - $60)
- Full service bust more than one nut ($40 - $75)
- Full service no protection (becareful the girls even the pretty ones will screw without protection if you have the dough if you are crazy here are the prices..from talking to my friend who tells me what they go for ($40 - $100)

Final score: ***1/2 out of *****

Here is the first west philadelphia review for 6-11-07 the next review will come this week for 43rd and lancaster and a special review of the girls of university city on craigslist.

06-11-07, 22:37
I tried that and I cannot see it anymore. What your telling me is where it always was but there is nothing below the blue line.

The list is alive and well. To reach it anytime, go to the Philadelphia Forums page (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=654) and scroll down below the horizontal blue line to the Alphabetic Photo Links thread.

Yes, it was the product of a senior monger, but he hasn't retired! :)

The photo list has been periodically updated, most recently on May 9, 2007, and the current version always contains all previous names plus the updates. Thus the old lists were unnecessary, and the administrator was kind enough to remove them recently at my request. Now those previous lists of names won't clog up your screen when you do a search.

There will be a minor update soon. Feel free to PM me with any changes or missing names.

06-12-07, 11:32
I tried that and I cannot see it anymore. What your telling me is where it always was but there is nothing below the blue line.Very interesting, Nivramb. I checked around, and finally discovered the probable reason why nothing is showing below your blue line: we are allowed to specify a time period from which to display threads. Threads older than the age we specify will not be shown!

Here's the fix:
1) At the top of your screen click on User CP
2) Click on Edit Options under the Control Panel on the left
3) Scroll down to Thread Display Options, where you'll see "Default Thread Age Cut Off".
4) From the drop-down menu, choose "Show all threads" (or another time period that goes back before the last update on 5/9/07)
5) Click on Save Changes at the bottom, and go back to the Philadelphia Forums page. You should now see the Alphabetic Photo Links

Let me know if this doesn't work.

06-12-07, 22:59
Thank you I will try that, however I found another way as well. Below the blue line was a temporary fix to show older reports.

Very interesting, Nivramb. I checked around, and finally discovered the probable reason why nothing is showing below your blue line: we are allowed to specify a time period from which to display threads. Threads older than the age we specify will not be shown!

Here's the fix:
1) At the top of your screen click on User CP
2) Click on Edit Options under the Control Panel on the left
3) Scroll down to Thread Display Options, where you'll see "Default Thread Age Cut Off".
4) From the drop-down menu, you can choose "Show all threads" (or another time period that goes back before the last update on 5/9/07)
5) Click on Save Changes at the bottom, and go back to the Philadelphia Forums page. You should now see the Alphabetic Photo Links

Let me know if this doesn't work.

Phila Dog
06-13-07, 09:55
What is up with the old Forum movie theater at 22nd and Market Street? It seems like it has been there forever. Does anyone actually go in there? I mean, when you can get porn on your computer or on DVD, why do we need a movie theater showing it? Maybe I'm missing something. Anyone have any thoughts on this place, been there?


Phila Dog
06-13-07, 15:44
Has anyone been to the Forum recently? What's the story there?

Trav Pokerman
06-13-07, 19:30
What is up with the old Forum movie theater at 22nd and Market Street? It seems like it has been there forever. Does anyone actually go in there? I mean, when you can get porn on your computer or on DVD, why do we need a movie theater showing it? Maybe I'm missing something. Anyone have any thoughts on this place, been there?

PDYou can't get BJs from other guys while alone at home surfing the 'net.

Ted E Bear
06-13-07, 22:05
The list is alive and well. To reach it anytime, go to the Philadelphia Forums page (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=654) and scroll down below the horizontal blue line to the Alphabetic Photo Links thread.

Yes, it was the product of a senior monger, but he hasn't retired! :)

The photo list has been periodically updated, most recently on May 9, 2007, and the current version always contains all previous names plus the updates. Thus the old lists were unnecessary, and the administrator was kind enough to remove them recently at my request. Now those previous lists of names won't clog up your screen when you do a search.

There will be a minor update soon. Feel free to PM me with any changes or missing names.Duke,

Can you put together a similiar photo list for Camden on the South Jersey site?

06-15-07, 08:56
You can't get BJs from other guys while alone at home surfing the 'net.

I thought that was the spot at the intersection of kensington and frankford aves? It's been f-ing ages since I've been in the forum (22nd and market) but I never got the impression that it switched orientation...but again, it's been ages.

Phila Dog
06-15-07, 09:50
They definitely show straight movies, but I guess there's still a lot of man on man action based on previous post.

06-15-07, 12:09

Can you put together a similiar photo list for Camden on the South Jersey site?I'm not sure my heart would be in it, since I don't cruise there.

As you know, you can go to the Photo Gallery and use the Sort by Location feature, selecting Forum Name in the dropdown menu. The problem is, after the sort is done, you have to click through the entire alphabetic list of USA forums, 10 pages at a time, until you reach your forum.

I just went through that tedious process, so as a temporary aid to save you time, just click on the links below to go directly to the South Jersey photos, and you can then page forward or backward through the thumbnails. There are only 5 pages, and the photos are in order by date. Links to accompanying reports are included.

First Page of South Jersey photos (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php?sortby=4&fid=&page=1052)

Last Page of South Jersey photos (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php?sortby=4&fid=&page=1056)

Added on 6/16/07: I notice that as pictures from other forums have been added to the Gallery, South Jersey's photos have been pushed back to another page. Oh well, at least these two links still get you close! Just page forward to reach the beginning or end of the South Jersey collection.

Ted E Bear
06-15-07, 21:18
I just went through that tedious process, so as a temporary aid to save you time, just click on the links below to go directly to the South Jersey photos, and you can then page forward or backward through the thumbnails. There are only 5 pages, and the photos are in order by date. Links to accompanying reports are included.

First Page of South Jersey photos (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php?sortby=4&fid=&page=1052)

Last Page of South Jersey photos (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php?sortby=4&fid=&page=1056)Duke,

Thanks for your efforts in making it easier to at least page through the Camden photos. I think the Philly list is such a help, if I can figure it out, I might attempt to put together one for Camden.

Thanks for the reply and help.


07-06-07, 17:05
Now that hopefully I got ur attention, beware of the bike cops. There were 3 working real hard today at Kensington and Sedgley. From there they had a view of Lil Lou's and to Castor Ave. As soon as they would see a car pull over they would haul ass on there bikes. Saw one car towed today, a couple other mongers get tickets and all the girls taken away.

We usually aren't on the look-out for bicycles when we are making the pick-up and neither were the guys and gals today either. I'd say they were there for most of the afternoon and then headed to Somerset to round up the troops and clean the streets. Very effective as the sw population was scared off pretty good today.

Oh yea, I only knew one girl that was taken in today and that was Angie, who CJ recently posted pics of. To the monger in the Dodge Pick-Up who got caught pulling over for her, ya got lucky dude. After they sent you on your way the cuffed and removed Angie from the ave.

Phila Dog
07-11-07, 15:02
Anyone know of any movie theaters in the Philadelphia area, South Jersey included, where they show straight pornos? Other than the Forum at 22nd and Market? FYI, the Art Holiday closed down.

Mt Smooth
07-12-07, 14:32
Anyone know anything about this? Is next to 1812, RIGHT next door - all american. Stumbled in drunk about 1 month ago, but it seemed a bit shady though the girls were very nice.

07-13-07, 00:35
P Dog:

The bookstore has both a straight and gay theater which is almost next door to the forum.

Charlie's Dream on Passyunk has 2 small theaters.

I believe that the Berlin News and Red Barn across the bridge in Jersey have one as well. I believe they are across the street from one another.

07-13-07, 12:39
Not quite sure this is the right thread, but there didn't seem to be a Phily CL list and Jersey seems to use Philly CL. Anyways, based on her numerous posts to CL, figured I would give her a try. Standard two call system and she lives about 20 minutes from the airport. Her CL ad mentions a franklin for a massage which seemed okay. Anyways, got there, and she invites me in and takes me to the bedroom. Get comfortable and she mentions it is that time of month. So she leaves her bottoms on and proceeds with the massage. About 5 minutes in, asks for the flip. Then lots of lube and proceeds to really work at it extremely quickly. During the process, got her to at least show the kitty and it was pretty natural. Unlike shaved in some of the pics. In addition, not as much tan and way more thing than the pictures. After completion, I get up and ask how much and she says it will be an extra $. 5 because it is after 5 pm. Guess I landed on a golf course with prices based on time. Anyways, didn't argue but would not recommend the service. Then again YMMV. Not quite sure how to post the pics on the CL ad, but here is the link.


Deep Pleaser
07-14-07, 16:59
Anyone know anything about this? Is next to 1812, RIGHT next door - all american. Stumbled in drunk about 1 month ago, but it seemed a bit shady though the girls were very nice.I heard thru a reliable source this one has Russian providers, while all the others on Ludlow are Asian.


Burbs Monger
07-15-07, 10:32
1816 goes by several other names, it is an american mp where fs is still available. Most first timers will not get that much but on f/u visits the full menu is on the board.

Their are russian, american, black, hispanic. Typical line up is 4-6 girls. Depending on the girl, tipping runs anywhere from 1.6 to 2.0 for fs. I usually find that only 1 girl is worth wild.

Sessions are short and they usually want you done in a half hour. There are rooms downstairs and upstairs. I usually take the upstairs are there is more privacy and the rooms are bigger.

Good luck and be safe

07-15-07, 12:49
0800 Nada other than stuff I would not want in my car.

I saw a passable one on my way to the K, south on York, gave me the look but when I swung back she was engaged in giving directions to another motorist.

07-26-07, 21:44
Explored that way looking for some Bbooty. Saw a couple that got my attention but in the car it was a bad. Johnsing. Scene. Passed.

I am getting ready to try Cambden. Hopefully I will not run into trouble.


The T
08-01-07, 23:03
Went to the K tonight.

Went to Allg & K. Then about .6 mi south.

Wasn't sure who was who or what was what.

So I parked and walked past north past the train stop.

I was really scared.

Finally ducked into an adult video store as a safe haven.

Sign on door said "no abcd". What the heck does that mean?

Spotted one girl from the photos but she seemed to be hanging out with two guys already.

OK, so what is safe and what is not. I'm a n00b

Deep Pleaser
08-02-07, 09:39
Bad News,

According to Chester County Press, and msnbc, both Touch of Asia and Sun Accupressure in Exton were under police observation for 7 to 8 months, with cameras 24/7.

Tuesday, July 31 they and all customers were busted.

Apparently, the LE is alot sticter on the Main Line....ToA ONLY gave a massage and HJ (once they got to know you)...nothing else was on the menu. I'm not sure about Sun, from the posts I've read in the forums.



Forth Ryte
08-05-07, 18:35
Long time since I've posted but last night I had a compelling reason to get to Philly and, naturally, that meant an opportunity to cruise the K. I arrived just as it was getting dark but, fortunatley, I've cruised up and down a number of time in the daylight so I knew a bit about the layout and I have RTFFed so many times that I knew where to look.

Bottom line: Saw much, got to get nothing in the course of a couple of hours. I was confounded at every turn as you will see.

There were quite few out. A couple of BSWs but mostly WSWs. Most decent, a few skanks. But every time I passed someone I wanted to try to get into my car, I lost out. First, there were the ones that got picked up as soon as i spotted them. Then there were the few who did not make eye contact -- I am sure they were working, I suspect it was that they don't recognize me. But there were other opportunities that I missed because I tried to circle back to get them (I knew not to make U-turnes on the K - its an invite to get pulled over) but when I tried to circle, I was confounded at every turn. My meaning: In most cities, if you want to circle a block, you make a series of rights or lefts to go once around the block and get back to where you were. But in the area of the K, many, many streets are one way and they don't make it easy to just go "around" the block. Sometimes I had to go three or four streets just to find a place to turn (several streets in a row are one way the WRONG way) then, when I did, finally get to make my turn, again I had to go ANOTHER three or four streets to find a place to turn again. I think I once went half a mile out of my way trying to get back to an SW I'd passed. Now do you think they wait around for me to figure out how to get back to them? NO!

I never, never pull over to pick someone up the first time I see her unless she is someone I recognize. I need to pass a girl at least twice to be sure she is a) working and b) as good looking on the second slow pass as she seemd to be on the first, fast pass.

Oh, another observation, there were a number of girls who were clearly working but were standing just too damn close to their man. Another personal rule: Don't stop for a girl who is with a guy. If she is right next to a guy, he is either a) trouble or b) her boyfriend and she isn't working.

So, do you K regulars have any advice (that would be advice from a regular K to a Special K) as to how to "circle" smoothly?

-- Forth Ryte

08-05-07, 19:41
Forth Ryte,

The problem you are bringing up is one I have encountered many many times. I've gotten to the point where I know the streets East of K really well, they run parallel to the avenue (Emerald and Jasper are the first two). Those are probably the ones you encountered, because you end up having to go 3 blocks each way with at least a block or two in between for a turn around which means 7-8 blocks minimum and the girls are usually gone.

This is a general rule, not a guarantee, but it works 90% of the time. If you are traveling TOWARDS the city (south) on the K, the best way to make a you-ey is to turn Right (West). If traveling away from the city (North) then make that a LEFT turn instead of right. The streets that direction are less prone to being one way for 2-3 streets in a row like those to the East. Now, thats not always the case mind you. Down past Front they turn into one-ways again but at least its the streets leading TO the K, not the ones going parallel.

Part of the problem is also that Kensington, along with Front, is one of the streets that run through the city at an angle as opposed to the square block design of the early city. That leads to a bunch of triangular intersections that also slow you down.

In time, you will get a feel for where to try to turn around and where not to. Trust me.

Hope that helps.


Ho Lover1
08-08-07, 00:49
Will be in town in late September to party. Can someone tell me if there is any decent budget motels on the K or in the surrounding area.

08-18-07, 13:27
No matter what, I post whatever I run into. If I take the picture, I post it. Why? I know I don't have to, but it is all part of the game. The good, the Bad and the Ugly. It is all part of the educational process. How else do we learn but from our mistakes.

CookyJarYou really should write a book one day.

Mike 80
08-19-07, 11:14
Just saw my AC mongering buddy Forth Ryte's question from early August. It's crazy the way you learn to master the streets of towns you monger in a lot. My knowledge of my own neighborhood streets is probably one-tenth of the knowledge I have of AC and Philly stroll streets.

I think Niceguy3's 's advice about turning West rather than East to do a you-ey is good even though I often don't follow it. For K newbies, a problem turning West is that some of the streets seem to run even more at an angle to K which takes a while to learn.

I still turn East much more than I turn West, but he's right that by turning West at least you avoid streets like Jasper and Emerald which run parallel to K and are one way. So if you're trying to do a you-ey in the other direction you're usually talking about a multi-minute operation, and time means lost pussy. It's really bad trying to turn south in the stretch from Lehigh to where K and Front meet. I'm guessing this might have been the situation where you say you ended up having to go 1/2 mile to turn around. In that area, there are 3-4 consecutive streets running parallel to K that all run the same way. You have to go all the way up to Coral to turn south. In that section what I do if want to turn south is actually first turn north on Jasper and take one of the one-ways that get you back to K. Another thing I'd do is concentrate on memorizing the location of the streets that do run both ways coming East off K (Pike, Buckius - a handy little 2-way street that looks like a 1-way, Castor, Sedgely, M, Venango, Tioga, Ontario, Westmoreland are the ones running south from Erie/Torresdale to Allegheny. I'll often turn on one of these streets and look for a driveway or parking lot to spin around in. At the very least, knowing where these 2-ways are and the distance between them helps you decide your best route.

Below Allegheny down to Somerset I would generally take Niceguy's advice and turn West when you want to circle around. The two places on the stroll where you-eys are relatively straightforward are on Front to the south and on Frankford on the north end. On Front I almost always turn west (hmm, is it still west at that point or more south or southwest? - I need my compass or map), go one block up to Howard which is a one-way runnng parallel to Front and just circle around to the next street heading back to the Ave. For the most part the direction of the one-ways alternates in that area so it's a quick maneuver. Same thing on Frankford. The direction of the side street one-ways mostly alternate so a quick spin around the block is easy.

Trav Pokerman
08-20-07, 18:34
The stroll had quite the variety Saturday afternoon. Immediately upon hitting the loop, I saw several viable candidates. I made 3 attempts for a pickup with one girl, but 2 times she wasn't paying attention, and the other attempt seemed to be a sure thing. I saw her walking on a side street (parallel to the K), with a few empty spots just ahead of her. I thought, "great. This is a sure thing". Pulled into one of the spots just before she got there. She looked at me, but kept walking. I know she was working. HSW with blonde/brown long curly hair, just south of DD. It sadly was not meant to be.

I saw another option on Castor, and looped around for a pickup. She was gone by the time I got around. While taking a break to create my next plan, a BBW (pretty face with dark hair, but HUGE ass) approached me. I passed. Across the street, I spotted a civilian-looking beauty with squarish glasses and beautiful dark curly hair. She was soon headed in my direction from behind my parked car, and I thought, "great. This is going to be fun". Then. KABOOMM! Another monger in a nicer vehicle than mine pulls up behind me and gives her a ride. All as I watched in my mirrors. You lucky bastard.

Further down the stroll, I spotted a cute little spinner blonde. Immediately after that, I spotted a mid-weight short strawberry blonde. I was determined to do a pickup with one of these girls. That came to an end when the reddish-haired girl shouted to the blonde something to the effect of "hey. Hey. Yeah, you <name inaudible, as windows were closed .come here". In an irritated tone. Looked like someone was about to get her ass kicked by a fellow SW. I was unable to do a pickup as a result of this.

I came across another WSW near the flat tire place on Front. Well, first just off of Front on a side street. But didn't know she was SW until made another loop and got closer look. A little later, she was just hanging by pay phone with guy. I had to pass as a result. On first sighting, thought it was Shorty, but I don't think it was her.

The next day, late at night during the rain, I spotted little SW activity (but lots of LE). I attempted a pickup, but saw too many LE in the area.

On both my daytime & nighttime strolls, I spotted LE cruisers at the Farmer's Market lot a few blocks up from Girard, on Front. The daytime cruisers were parked in open area. The nighttime spotting was of a cruiser sitting a little behind the weeds, further back. He had his parking lights on. If they ever sit where the nighttime LE was sitting without lights, we may be in for unwanted excitement. My point. Be careful about cruising too many times past that spot.

I've seen no posts about Cookie (HSW found on southern end of Front). I've played with her several times, and have found her to be a decent date. Has anyone else had positive experiences with her?

Horny Harry
09-13-07, 15:52
Came across this video series about the K. Since there are so many references to the K in our reports here, and out-of-towners may not be familiar with its atmosphere (and in-towners may enjoy the portrait), here is a link (http://undertheel.********.com/) to it.

Mr. Moderator, I understand you normally don't condone external links, but this is definitely not a competitive site. It simply gives a flavor of a downtrodden neighborhood in our city, and thus provides a context for all of us to better appreciate the great reports here.

09-13-07, 22:28
Came across this video series about the K. Since there are so many references to the K in our reports here, and out-of-towners may not be familiar with its atmosphere (and in-towners may enjoy the portrait), here is a link (http://undertheel.********.com/) to it.

Mr. Moderator, I understand you normally don't condone external links, but this is definitely not a competitive site. It simply gives a flavor of a downtrodden neighborhood in our city, and thus provides a context for all of us to better appreciate the great reports here.

WoW !! Great link. Never saw that before. Funny all the people you recognize out there.

09-15-07, 22:31
Forgot to says thanks for the help the other day !!! I definetely owe ya a coffee at the DD now. Talk to ya in a couple of weeks. Thanks again !!

T Shirt
09-17-07, 19:10
Forgot to says thanks for the help the other day !!! I definetely owe ya a coffee at the DD now. Talk to ya in a couple of weeks. Thanks again !!Glad I could help.


T Shirt
09-19-07, 14:53
Uh, would you two like to get a private room together?I think this was one member thanking another for some help out there with a sw. If you don't have a clue and can't contribute something then stfu!


Jimmy Ali
09-26-07, 21:36
The place sucks. Bunch of fags spanking and listening to each other. i had to leave after 5 min.

Now right down the street is a booth place. Franklin gets you a Nice HJ and clean up.

Has anyone been to the Forum recently? What's the story there?

Trav Pokerman
10-02-07, 22:51
A SW recently told me that some SWs have been assisting LE with busting mongers. Specifically, she said, "In addition to asking if a girl is a cop, you should ask her if she's assisting the police with stings". I asked if that's been an issue, and she said that it has been occurring.

This may or may not be true, as we know that SWs may not always be truthful. I'm airing on the side of caution, and being extra careful.

10-03-07, 05:43
A SW recently told me that some SWs have been assisting LE with busting mongers. Specifically, she said, "In addition to asking if a girl is a cop, you should ask her if she's assisting the police with stings". I asked if that's been an issue, and she said that it has been occurring.

This may or may not be true, as we know that SWs may not always be truthful. I'm airing on the side of caution, and being extra careful.

If so that's a new one to me. I've been around long enough to see all the clea-up operations on the ave. The original operation sunrise back in 87 all most worked. I actually remember a time when I gave up on the ave cause there just weren't any girls out anymore. But that was also the heyday of crackhouses, so just had to visit them for the girls. Actually more fun, more dangerous but alot cheaper. Anyone else from this board ever go to them??

10-03-07, 05:46
Probably the 4th or 5th time I've seen her over the last 6 months. Have to put her in the top 5 for best looking girls on the ave. About 5'5, blonde streaked hair and a great bod and attitude to go with it. This is another one of those girls you wish you could be successful in removing from the ave.

High Pockets
10-03-07, 18:55
Monday eve, about 6 or 6:30, picked up Cookie at K and Castor. About 5'3", with shortish, reddish hair, brown eyes (I think), slim. Couldn't go to the notel, as she said she had the rag on. Drove to her first spot: Target parking lot. Not for me, I hate parking lots, so we found another spot off of Richmond St. She said her standard donation is .3, and "I won't go lower than .25.", which is fine with me, since I only go .2 + tip. She got the job done quickly, but nicely, as she has no teeth, or at least she didn't that night. I had to hold her butt outside her jeans, as she had a sweater tied around her waist. Nice firm B-cups. Took her back to near Frankford and Tioga. Said she isn't out very much, but I'd look for her again. Anyone else had the pleasure?

This is my first on the K in many moons, I usually go to Broadway these days (and nights).


10-03-07, 20:01
Drove to her first spot: Target parking lot. Not for me, I hate parking lots

Smart move..not sure about Target but Home Depot has security cameras scanning the lot and security "WILL" come out and interupt you with your pants down.

10-04-07, 21:00
Are there pictures of Star somewhere?

10-04-07, 21:23
Are there pictures of Star somewhere?

Unfortunately no. Tried but she wasn't up for any photos. Said she really hopes not to be out here forever and doesn't want anything following her back into a normal life. Will that happen...hope so, but odds are really against the girls who have fell this far down the ladder already.

Its Secret
10-09-07, 16:29
So the K west of Lehigh (along with a shit load of other areas) is available on Street view now. Depending on what time of day they shot it, might catch some action on there.

South St area was shot sometime before 7/4/07.

10-13-07, 14:17
So the K west of Lehigh (along with a shit load of other areas) is available on Street view now. Depending on what time of day they shot it, might catch some action on there.

South St area was shot sometime before 7/4/07.

Oh shoot...Just found Huntington Station and across the street in the normal location is a sw'er. Can't get it clear enough to see who it is, but standing by the curb with the classic plastic bag is enough of an M.O. for me. Can't wait till it get's a bit further up. Now how do they do that. Are there cameras on the streets now. Cause under the EL is sure isn't via satellite?

10-14-07, 18:10
O.K. I have personal experience with being ripped of by Nicole when she first came out here years ago and stayed away from her, although have been tempted on more than one occasion. A couple years ago I picked up Lori and after not agreeing on a price (about a block later) she became nutty and I literally had to throw her out of the car after she insisted I give her 20 bucks for her time or she was going to start screaming. Oh she was screaming alright when her ass hit the pavement..LoL...

So now over the years I've talked with many mongers who over time have also had negative experiences with these two girls. By the way they are sisters. I don't always repeat everything I hear on the streets on this forum, but someone I personally know was ripped of by Nicole on Friday night and got a call from someone who has been a long time customer of Lori get into a similar situation as I did with her. He said she just started freaking out, screaming out the window and going nuts rummaging thru his car. He said it happened so quick he was shocked. Finally not wanting to get pulled over with her just going off the deep end in his car he gave her 15 dollars just to get her out.

Watch out for these two girls..nothing but trouble. I know some have had favorable reports in the past, but once a thief always a theif. Or in the case of Lori, once a nut always a nut.

I attached pics (from the photo thread) just so you know which girls I'm talking about.

Don Bats
10-14-07, 19:26
Is this just a bullsh** site?

Under casual encounters, looks like people just trying to get you to go to another website. Has anyone ever scored on this? please PM me if you have any info.

10-15-07, 10:31
Thanks for the heads up. I almost stopped for them a couple times but for what ever reason I never hooked up glad now I haven't and now I won't waste my time.


Zaphod II
10-16-07, 00:36
Well I will agree with you in the point I don't believe these 2 sister are entirely stable. That especially goes for Lori, she is just plain miserable. Dated her once and never again. Nicole, well yea, she ripped me off once too years ago.

We since made up, even took her too my house in the burbs for a night, no problems actually had a fun time. BUT, she is all over the place depending on her habit at the time, won't say stay away, but will say proceed with caution. If your not the adventurous type, yea you might want to pass on that.


Mike 80
10-16-07, 01:01
Well I will agree with you in the point I don't believe these 2 sister are entirely stable. That especially goes for Lori, she is just plain miserable. Dated her once and never again. Nicole, well yea, she ripped me off once too years ago. I've never dated Lori but based on these reports she certainly sounds like one to avoid. I'm sorry to hear the bad reports about Nicole though. That's unfortunate. She's certainly got it within her to provide excellent service. My few experiences w/ her have been all good, but you guys are right that there have now been too many bad reports on her to ignore. No doubt she's another one who can be completely unreliable and a slave to her habit but I always thought of her as more playful and mischeveous than outright bad. But ripping guys off, that is completely unacceptable. Thanks Davey for posting their pics so everyone can avoid and boycott them.

10-16-07, 02:39
While I'm surprised to hear she's ripping people off I'm not shocked with this type of news. Not from her per say as I've had nothing but great experiences from her as recently as two weeks ago. Having said that a favorite of many on here Jennifer Lynn ripped me of for a small fortune! I also thought she was a sweetheart and could be trusted. Unfortunately as most of us realize the drugs can and usually do turn any of the" great ones" into thieves and sometimes worse. Thanks for the heads up, will proceed with caution!

10-16-07, 20:55
I live in the NE and the area I live in doesnt have any SW activity. Anyway, for the last 2 days, while driving home, I notices this younger girl who looks like a typical SW from K & A though I am not sure. She gives the look as if shes working but cant be sure for some reason. Also she seems kind of young. If she was on K & A. I would have picked her up in a heart beat. Its the second day I have seen her, if I see her again, I plan on stopping for her. Was a bit concerned and was hoping for some advise. I normally frequent K & A and no what to do, she definetly does not look like LE, about a 9 out of 10 in my books but I put her at 18, she definetly has the look and gives the look of a SW, thats for sure. Im home about 5pm so if she is working, she probably is just leaving to go to work. Anyone aware of the person I maybe speaking of.

10-17-07, 09:16
I live in the NE and the area I live in doesnt have any SW activity. Anyway, for the last 2 days, while driving home, I notices this younger girl who looks like a typical SW from K & A though I am not sure. She gives the look as if shes working but cant be sure for some reason. Also she seems kind of young. If she was on K & A. I would have picked her up in a heart beat. Its the second day I have seen her, if I see her again, I plan on stopping for her. Was a bit concerned and was hoping for some advise. I normally frequent K & A and no what to do, she definetly does not look like LE, about a 9 out of 10 in my books but I put her at 18, she definetly has the look and gives the look of a SW, thats for sure. Im home about 5pm so if she is working, she probably is just leaving to go to work. Anyone aware of the person I maybe speaking of.Sounds like you may need to do as the title says, Check her ID!

Trav Pokerman
10-17-07, 11:12
I live in the NE and the area I live in doesnt have any SW activity. Anyway, for the last 2 days, while driving home, I notices this younger girl who looks like a typical SW from K & A though I am not sure. She gives the look as if shes working but cant be sure for some reason. Also she seems kind of young. If she was on K & A. I would have picked her up in a heart beat. Its the second day I have seen her, if I see her again, I plan on stopping for her. Was a bit concerned and was hoping for some advise. I normally frequent K & A and no what to do, she definetly does not look like LE, about a 9 out of 10 in my books but I put her at 18, she definetly has the look and gives the look of a SW, thats for sure. Im home about 5pm so if she is working, she probably is just leaving to go to work. Anyone aware of the person I maybe speaking of.I would treat this like any other potential SW. Do a little recon, perhaps by stopping at a spot where she will be walking past you, or get out of your car and walk past her.

10-17-07, 19:56
Thanks for the responses. I would rather not provide the details of the location only because I previously indicated it was close to my residence but its in the NE, close to the blvd but past cottman. She is thin, has a back side, white, with brown hair,, she was wearing a blue hoodie and it was about 70 degrees out. I tried looking for her today about the same time I previously saw here and same area, didnt see her.

Next time, Ill try to park and walk, thats good advise. As for ID, never tried to ask for ID from anyone and I would think that anyone would be reluctant to do so or provide it though.

10-17-07, 21:11
Oh shoot...Just found Huntington Station and across the street in the normal location is a sw'er. Can't get it clear enough to see who it is, but standing by the curb with the classic plastic bag is enough of an M.O. for me. Can't wait till it get's a bit further up. Now how do they do that. Are there cameras on the streets now. Cause under the EL is sure isn't via satellite?


Google teamed w/ a company called Immesrive Media. IM mounts a 11-camera contraption on top of their vehicle as they drive in order to capture the 360-degree view you get on Google Maps. They drove all through the streets of philly to provide what you see. It is not updated daily and it is not accessed via satellite, there is a separate satellite view for that.

Johnny B

Zaphod II
10-20-07, 11:37
Well, after years of no problems I finally got stopped by Philly's finest. The kicker is I wasn't even mongering.

Had one of my friends in the car, and yes she is a k girl, but like at said at the time it was totally legit, we had been hanging out talking and was going to take her home, but she wanted to see if her BF was down at the EL station at K&A or not so we swing by, he's not there, ok we just head for her house.

Next thing I know there's a paddy wagon behind me pulling me over. So we do the usual, license, registration, yadda yadda, now we play 20 questions. As I said we are actually good friends so we know things like each others last names and where we live and so on....

So all said and done, they run her record, fortunately for her (and me) no warrants, but the usual BS "have you ever been arrested" WTF you just ran her ID through the f'ing computer you know she has.

Anyway, after 20 minutes I get a bullshit traffic citation for not signaling when I turned for 117 bucks. And we all know if "she" had not been in the car they probably would never had bothered stopping me. Anyone who has ever driven down there know it's the wild wild west. Guys pulling up on your right then blowing through red lights, cars with limo tint on all 4 windows, U turns...etc it's a free for all with the traffic laws. But god forbid I have someone in my car who way be a prostitute, call the national guard.

Just proves to me that profiling is alive and well in the philly law enforcement scene.

Moral of this story, when on the K drive like Joe fucking Citizen.

Sorry for rant guys

10-20-07, 12:18
Sorry for rant guysNo need to be sorry. It's a good warning, and I can relate (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=318026&highlight=narcotics#post318026). The intersection at K & A needs to be carefully and properly negotiated. Even if you enter the intersection on green, it is such a long intersection and the lights are not timed properly, so you risk being in it when the light has turned red. Fortunately they have now installed digital timers that tell you how many seconds before the light will change.

I went to court and the ticket was thrown out. (I'll never know why. Either because the judge could tell it was a narcotics cop giving out a questionable traffic ticket or because I was overly polite to the judge.) If you can take 1/2 day off from work, maybe you can get that $117 back. It's a crap shoot.

Mike 80
10-20-07, 12:33
Well, after years of no problems I finally got stopped by Philly's finest. The kicker is I wasn't even mongering. ....Anyway, after 20 minutes I get a bullshit traffic citation for not signaling when I turned for 117 bucks....Just proves to me that profiling is alive and well in the philly law enforcement scene....Moral of this story, when on the K drive like Joe fucking Citizen.Well said and good advice. I've had a couple of similar bogus stops in other cities, one for a "reckless" lane change when all I did was merge onto a freeway and into the traffic lanes. And of course there's the old standby that you've got a defective light like the "critical" one that illuminates your license plate. All part of a monger's preparation I guess. Make sure your paperwork is in order. Buckle your seatbelt or buckle it behind you. Stop on yellow. Come to a stop at stop signs. Signal when turning. Avoid u-turns. And if you've got a SW in your car, the importance of these things becomes magnified. Not that it guarantees anything but when I do have a SW in the car I spend as little time on the main stroll itself as possible.

10-20-07, 14:48
And if you've got a SW in your car, the importance of these things becomes magnified. Not that it guaranteees anything but when I do have a SW in the car I spend as little time on the main stroll itself as possible.

That is so true. With a girl in the car try staying off of the ave as much as possible. Too easy for a cop sitting at the corner to see a girl he recognizes and pull you over. I try getting out of "Dodge" as quickly as I can once I make a pick-up. Also the streets around Somerset and Cambria are other areas to get away from as quickly as possible if you have a sw'er in your car.

Remember cops will follow the path of least resistance. We are an easy target and they don't have to fear having a gun put in there face. If they chase down the crazy people driving on the ave, their risk is greater. The news media wonders why crime has gotten so out of hand, if the cops just went after the real problems consistently maybe they could make a dent in the crime rate the city has. But until "Phillies Finest Assholes" stop going after dumb stuff that's never going to happen.

Zaphod II
10-20-07, 22:30
Buckle your seatbelt or buckle it behind you.

Now that you say that, I guess I can thank my luck stars they didn't fine me for that too, as neither one of us was wearing one.

Duke, I actually considered fighting it, but the more I think about it in a time vs. money vs. aggravation kinda way, and I hate to say this cause this is what they want you to say, I'd rather just pay the f'ing thing and call it day. I really hate giving in like that but the odds of beating are 50/50 at best.

Well on a good note my friend felt bad I got the ticket looking for her BF and gave me a freebie on the way home so, that helps a bit.

Thanks for the tips guys


Sam Iam
10-21-07, 00:12
Now that you say that, I guess I can thank my luck stars they didn't fine me for that too, as neither one of us was wearing one.

Duke, I actually considered fighting it, but the more I think about it in a time vs. money vs. aggravation kinda way, and I hate to say this cause this is what they want you to say, I'd rather just pay the f'ing thing and call it day. I really hate giving in like that but the odds of beating are 50/50 at best.

Well on a good note my friend felt bad I got the ticket looking for her BF and gave me a freebie on the way home so, that helps a bit.

Thanks for the tips guys



A few things, 1- You may want to fight it even if you don't win you can avoid points on your license and insurance surcharges. 2- her looking for her bf might have been a drug run and you may have been lucky. Think about it twice in the future if she got drugs off some guy and had it in your car you could have been screwed. Its your choice but think about the risk. Just my 2 cents worth.

10-21-07, 01:59

Next thing I know there's a paddy wagon behind me pulling me over. So we do the usual, license, registration, yadda yadda, now we play 20 questions. As I said we are actually good friends so we know things like each others last names and where we live and so on....

So all said and done, they run her record, fortunately for her (and me) no warrants, but the usual BS "have you ever been arrested" WTF you just ran her ID through the f'ing computer you know she has.

Anyway, after 20 minutes I get a bullshit traffic citation for not signaling when I turned for 117 bucks. And we all know if "she" had not been in the car they probably would never had bothered stopping me. Anyone who has ever driven down there know it's the wild wild west. Guys pulling up on your right then blowing through red lights, cars with limo tint on all 4 windows, U turns...etc it's a free for all with the traffic laws. But god forbid I have someone in my car who way be a prostitute, call the national guard.


2- her looking for her bf might have been a drug run and you may have been lucky. Think about it twice in the future if she got drugs off some guy and had it in your car you could have been screwed. Its your choice but think about the risk...

Not trying to stir any shit, or start a debate here, but keep these Rights in mind:

Association with criminals, by proximity, conversation, or companionship is insufficient to support Probable Cause to arrest. < US v Munoz, 738 F.Supp 800, (1990) >

It is not a crime simply to travel with, even knowingly, someone who is carrying drugs. < US v Teffera, 985 F2d 1082 (1993) >

Mere presence/association with a possessor of contraband is insufficient to establish possession on my part. < US v Garcia, 983 F2d 1160 (1993) >

Even if a guest in your vehicle has drugs on them, you cannot be held responsible. Of course, if they hide them in your car, ie, they are not physically on their person, then that is a different story.

I may refuse to provide the police ID or information. < US v Brown 731 F2d 1491 (1984); Moya v US, 761 F2d 322 (1985); Brown v Texas, 443v US 47 (1979) >

Officer's questions must relate to the purpose of the the stop, or detention of the driver is unreasonable. < US v Barahona, 990 F2d (1993) >

Of course, always use your best judgment when dealing with Uncle LEO, and do your best to end the encounter ASAP.


NOTE:I am not an attorney, and this is not legal advise.

Member #4581
10-21-07, 16:19
I get to Philly quite a bit and stay at the Airport Towers. My usual stomping grounds are South Broad and 7th/Oregon. Everyone talks about the K but I can't find the friggin' avenue. Help a guy out and let me know how to get there.

10-21-07, 17:15
I get to Philly quite a bit and stay at the Airport Towers. My usual stomping grounds are South Broad and 7th/Oregon. Everyone talks about the K but I can't find the friggin' avenue. Help a guy out and let me know how to get there.Go to South Broad and turn right (south). Go nearly to the end, past the stadiums on your left, and look for signs to Interstate 95 NORTH. Take I-95 north to the Allegheny Avenue exit (next one after the Girard Avenue exit). You'll need to take a couple of left turns to get to Allegheny Avenue. Turn right on Allegheny (west) and go 1 mile to Kensington Avenue...you can't miss it...there's an elevated train track.

The action lately has been south of this intersection, and you can drive all the way (1 mile) to Girard Avenue to seek it. This would be a left turn from Allegheny onto Kensington (the K), which is illegal. Don't risk it, but rather drive on a bit and do a creative U-turn on Allegheny back to the K, and then make a right. Follow the el tracks all the way...there is a bend to the left onto Front Street, and you should then follow Front to Girard.

There is also some action if you take a right turn from Allegheny onto the K and go north, all the way up to Erie-Torresdale Avenue. Again, you will be under the el tracks all the way. If you turn right on Torresdale, you can take a break at the famous Dunkin Donuts 1/2 block on the right. (Famous for what? Creative graffiti in the unisex bathroom, brunette Kate and blonde Gina, good coffee, and maybe a glimpse of Davey1965 chatting up one of his 5,648 girl friends ;))

Good luck, and we look forward to your report.

Zaphod II
10-21-07, 21:11
Not trying to stir any shit, or start a debate here, but keep these Rights in mind:

Association with criminals, by proximity, conversation, or companionship is insufficient to support Probable Cause to arrest. < US v Munoz, 738 F.Supp 800, (1990) >

It is not a crime simply to travel with, even knowingly, someone who is carrying drugs. < US v Teffera, 985 F2d 1082 (1993) >

Mere presence/association with a possessor of contraband is insufficient to establish possession on my part. < US v Garcia, 983 F2d 1160 (1993) >

Even if a guest in your vehicle has drugs on them, you cannot be held responsible. Of course, if they hide them in your car, ie, they are not physically on their person, then that is a different story.

I may refuse to provide the police ID or information. < US v Brown 731 F2d 1491 (1984); Moya v US, 761 F2d 322 (1985); Brown v Texas, 443v US 47 (1979) >

Officer's questions must relate to the purpose of the the stop, or detention of the driver is unreasonable. < US v Barahona, 990 F2d (1993) >

Of course, always use your best judgment when dealing with Uncle LEO, and do your best to end the encounter ASAP.


NOTE:I am not an attorney, and this is not legal advise.

Not at all Wallie, in fact you make a good point, the reason for the stop as I was told by the officer was "failure to signal prior to turning". Now keeping that in mind the other officer on the other side of the vehicle asked my friend for her ID and begins questioning her about what were doing there, what was my name, and so on, none of which has anything whatsoever to do with the traffic stop. She has no drugs on her, I know this for a fact, nor does she do drugs any longer.

The points you lay out are absolutely true, and perhaps if I pointed all that out to the Judge I may actually stand a chance of having to whole damn thing thrown out, but I would guess she would have to appear in court as well as a witness to this.

My sense of principal really compels me to want to fight it, but if I lose I believe I would incurred court costs on top of everything and somehow it just does not seem worth the trouble.

But you guys really make some good points, again that is why I raise the profiling issue. What I failed to say before was the officer who stopped me did so AFTER he pulled up next to me on the right at the light, waited for me to go then got back behind me again and flipped on the lights.

Anyway, lets just put this to bed. Thanks all for the posts.


Forth Ryte
11-04-07, 23:00
After another visit to “the K”, I want to share my observations.

It was a nice Sunday afternoon. The weather was no longer summery but not cold yet either. I drove up and down the strip for hours from noonish till after dark. Looking, observing. I saw easily two dozen SWs in total. Some I saw only once, many others were out for a long time or were out a few times over the course of the afternoon.

The K is a stroll unlike the others I have visited.

These were all younger white girls. Very few were 30 or older. Mostly they were average looking with just a few skanks here and there. No body piercing was evident and no tattoos either except on one. A few were really cute young things (no kids, mind you, but youthful). There were SWs out at all hours that I was there although there were more after dusk. If you know how to spot an SW, you know what I mean that they were all passively available. Only one or two actively waved or spoke to me before I stopped and rolled down my window. On the K, it seemed to me that every one I talked to was pleasant. They were here and there but almost never more than two together. No obvious pimps around.

Now here is what struck me. I also know NYC and Atlantic City. There are major differences in how they dress and act. On the K they are in street clothes. No miniskirts, no hot pants, no “fuck me” boots. Only one or two were in tight jeans. Many wore sweat pants and sweat shirts.

In NYC (where there is no longer any real stroll left) back in the days when they were out there, the SWs often clustered together, pimps hug out within a few feet, they were mostly BSWs and almost everyone was dressed as an obvious hooker. Many were dolled up and drop dead gorgeous. There was never any doubt what they were up to on the street. They not only dressed the part, but they were actively waving, hailing, even blocking traffic. Many showed so much skin that it was like a strip show just to drive those strolls.
In AC, (again, in the past year, the AC stroll has all but disappeared) they used to cluster and dressed the part, there were at least equally as many WSWs as BSWs but no waving or stopping traffic. They just made themselves very obvious and available.

Now, price is another major difference.
In NYC, they asked more than I’d spend for dinner with drinks in a high-end restaurant. And they were nasty to boot. Few were affordable except in the outer boros where the less attractive ones hung out.
I’m not as familiar with AC prices, but I can tell you they were very negotiable. On the K you can get anything you want for the price of, well, how do we put this? You can fill their tank for less than it costs to fill your tank these days. In fact, it seems you can about name your own price (within reason).

So here's the UP-side. The K is still a very active stroll with a lot of variety and bargain basement pricing with WSWs who do not seems like they hate you. But, to me, the DOWN-side is that it doesn’t LOOK like a stroll. DAMN!! I miss the strip shows that used to be on the streets of NYC and AC. But, then, maybe that is why NYC and AC are gone. If its obvious, it gets attention and gets swept away. Whereas you can drive the K for hours and, if you don’t know what you are looking at, you won’t even see it.

– Forth Ryte

11-05-07, 19:47
Well I've been going to the Patio for a long, long time now and never a problem inside outside or with any of my vehicles parked in the area. Always felt safe around there. Until yesterday.....

Spent a nice time with one of my favorite girls there and when we were leaving I caught out of the corner of my eye LE in the suuth bound lane of US1 pacing us as we walked toward the car. At first glance thought it was my imagination, but then I saw him looking dead at us. Just about then I told my date to walk past my car until he was out of site. Just as we did that we lost site of his vehicle traveling north, so we quickly got into my vehicle. As soon as the passenger door closed and I went around to get in, I saw the cruiser making a u-turn thru the center grass median. At that point I told my date to not ask questions and to walk down C street and I'd pick her up.

Just as she walked away the cruiser slowed down near my parked car, looked at me and then made a right on the little street before the Patio. I started my car, went to Boudinot and hung a right to go around the block, once on C street I found my date walking and pulled into a parking spot. As soon as this happened he again pulled next to me, my date realizing what was happening just kept walking. I then went to the little store on the corner and grabbed a Pepsi. Coming out I called my date and told her to just keep walking and I would catch up with her in a few blocks. Well made a right on US1 north, down to Whitaker and next thing you know I almost got rammed by one patrol car and other came and blocked me in. (Jeez I must be dangerous..LoL) The cop came to my window and asked for my paperwork and what I was doing in the Patio. Told him I wasn't in the Patio but visiting a local and coming back to my car. We went back and forth on this one a few times and then they asked if I would consent to a vehicle search. Having nothing to hide and wanting to get out of there I said yes. They then asked me to sit in the back of the cruiser and about that time a paddy wagon comes along. For about 15 minutes they went through my car, found nothing, came back and told me I could leave. While getting back in my car the second officer on the scene motioned me to roll down my window and said we're watching that place..

Now on another note I didn't mention from last week, I went to the Patio with a girl who spent more time running around the hotel pissing the front desk guy off than in the room with me. What was she doing ? Uh can you say buying dope from a room upstairs and then some rock from someone else downstairs. So maybe there is some drug trade going on there and when they didn't nail me with a girl, they may have thought I was going there for a buy.

Either way be careful on rendevous to the Patio.

I always used say that if I was a cop I could just hang outside the Patio and make all kinds of drug busts and warrant busts. But on the other hand, I also thought that even though the use of the Patio is well known, I figured LE always left it alnone figuring, bettter to have the hookers in motels than dropping condoms on peoples sidewalks. Hope this doesn't become a trend with Phila LE, watching the Patio.

Have to find some new local houses to go to instead. Used to know of a few but like everything else in the area, things change.

11-06-07, 17:55
Davey... I've been out of country (indonesia) for almost a year and just return to philly area last week and will be here for at lease a few months before my company sent me back out again. Anyway, first thing is to check out the scene in K and cmd and found your disturbing news on patio. that's going on men..??!!

I've been getting royal VIP treatment at Jarkata every other day for the same street price!! $50-60 for 3-4 hours session. But once a while I misses the good old USA white meat.

Maybe one day I can organized a monger trip to Indonesia with you fellow hobbies.

Sam Iam
11-06-07, 21:16
Well I've been going to the Patio for a long, long time now and never a problem inside outside or with any of my vehicles parked in the area. Always felt safe around there. Until yesterday.....

Spent a nice time with one of my favorite girls there and when we were leaving I caught out of the corner of my eye LE in the suuth bound lane of US1 pacing us as we walked toward the car. At first glance thought it was my imagination, but then I saw him looking dead at us. Just about then I told my date to walk past my car until he was out of site. Just as we did that we lost site of his vehicle traveling north, so we quickly got into my vehicle. As soon as the passenger door closed and I went around to get in, I saw the cruiser making a u-turn thru the center grass median. At that point I told my date to not ask questions and to walk down C street and I'd pick her up.

Just as she walked away the cruiser slowed down near my parked car, looked at me and then made a right on the little street before the Patio. I started my car, went to Boudinot and hung a right to go around the block, once on C street I found my date walking and pulled into a parking spot. As soon as this happened he again pulled next to me, my date realizing what was happening just kept walking. I then went to the little store on the corner and grabbed a Pepsi. Coming out I called my date and told her to just keep walking and I would catch up with her in a few blocks. Well made a right on US1 north, down to Whitaker and next thing you know I almost got rammed by one patrol car and other came and blocked me in. (Jeez I must be dangerous..LoL) The cop came to my window and asked for my paperwork and what I was doing in the Patio. Told him I wasn't in the Patio but visiting a local and coming back to my car. We went back and forth on this one a few times and then they asked if I would consent to a vehicle search. Having nothing to hide and wanting to get out of there I said yes. They then asked me to sit in the back of the cruiser and about that time a paddy wagon comes along. For about 15 minutes they went through my car, found nothing, came back and told me I could leave. While getting back in my car the second officer on the scene motioned me to roll down my window and said we're watching that place..

Now on another note I didn't mention from last week, I went to the Patio with a girl who spent more time running around the hotel pissing the front desk guy off than in the room with me. What was she doing ? Uh can you say buying dope from a room upstairs and then some rock from someone else downstairs. So maybe there is some drug trade going on there and when they didn't nail me with a girl, they may have thought I was going there for a buy.

Either way be careful on rendevous to the Patio.

I always used say that if I was a cop I could just hang outside the Patio and make all kinds of drug busts and warrant busts. But on the other hand, I also thought that even though the use of the Patio is well known, I figured LE always left it alnone figuring, bettter to have the hookers in motels than dropping condoms on peoples sidewalks. Hope this doesn't become a trend with Phila LE, watching the Patio.

Have to find some new local houses to go to instead. Used to know of a few but like everything else in the area, things change.

Thanks for the heads up, what is scary is that once I had a woman in my car who I knew and we used to hit a similar motel. I thought she didn't have anything on her and one day, the morning after we had been out, I found a rock on the floor of my car. It was almost under the seat. good thing no one else saw it. Anytime we do this one has to keep their heads up and be alert, glad your ok. Be Safe

11-06-07, 23:02
Well I've been going to the Patio for a long, long time now and never a problem inside outside or with any of my vehicles parked in the area. Always felt safe around there. Until yesterday. I was just at the Patio the other day with a date, the place was full, so we sat in my car on the side street next to the place waiting for a room to get unoccupied, and damned if I didn't experience a sudden and eerie feeling about how precariously exposed I was and that LE could really fuck with denizens of the Patio if they were duly motivated.

Just as this feeling struck me, like some sort of creepy synchronicity, a PPD cruiser slowly passed on the inner northbound lane of the Roosevelt, and I'm thinking--no, hoping--this shit doesn't escalate and ruin my chance to get some ass. Moreover, this girl I was with had a prior prostie charge, so it wasn't like I could lie and say she and I were just a couple of goody-two-shoe civilians having a cheap quickie assignation at this fleabag notel. Furthermore, it occured to me my date could be holding contraband of the sort that could make things a bit dicey. Luckily, the cruiser kept going and didn't stop. I'm not the sort to panic, but I must admit I calculated every move I could possibly make had the cruiser stopped and rousted me and my date.

And here that feeling of paranoia was justified by grand master monger Davey1965's experience a few days after mine. Of course, Davey was as cool as they come and handled it all like the grand master he is!

I hadn't frequented the Patio in nearly two years prior to last Saturday, and as some of you know from a previous post I have been skittish about mongering in general, so this really makes my paranoia even more intense.

I do not recall anyone ever reporting they were rousted at the Patio or Carlyle prior to Davey1965's post. Is this true or have I been remiss in RTFF?

11-07-07, 07:10
I do not recall anyone ever reporting they were rousted at the Patio or Carlyle prior to Davey1965's post. Is this true or have I been remiss in RTFF?Never rousted at either place, and I've used both for many years. But I did observe a couple who had exited the Patio being stopped and questioned by the Philadelphia Police in this (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=457732&highlight=floppy+patio#post457732) 2006 report. I fled the scene. In retrospect, I think the girl being questioned was Jewels (of luscious tits and crazy hats fame), so if you see her you can ask what line of questioning the police used.

Although rousting would be a nightmare for all of us, the odds of its happening are low. I think we're all in agreement here that the cops are after drugs, not johns.

Bull Cucksnc
11-07-07, 14:16
On the K you can get anything you want for the price of, well, how do we put this? You can fill their tank for less than it costs to fill your tank these days. In fact, it seems you can about name your own price (within reason).

– Forth RyteI am not familiar with mongering in either NYC or AC. I can tell you the reason things are so cheap in Philly. The price of crack has dropped to around 5 a rock and H is also around 10 a shot. Like you I have been in situations where 10 has gotten me everything I could ask for. As for the dress, the only SW that dress like SW in Philly are usually dudes in drag or naive LE.

11-10-07, 16:43
Yep, the only place I've come across nowadays that offers the show you used to get in NYC and AC is around the K-street area in DC (admittedly it's been a while..).

When I first saw it it freaked me out because it was like within walking distance of the goddam white house. Everyone knew what was going on it was so public, LE would occasionally half-heartedly flush out a congested street and chase the 'rats' away by turning on their lights and sirens once an hour or so just to disperse everyone but they wouldnt hang about, they would leave and everything would just start back up again.

Those shows were good but they were propper pimp and ho shows, which generally meant rushed and bitchy providers.

The 'K' with it's 'street casual' style makes it tricky to figure out who's working and who's a civilian most time, especially if you are new and dont know any of the girls but that has it's pluses and minuses.

I used to love NYC but it just got to be crazy expensive, and you could only find 'true gratification' by venturing into the 'underground' but that also got expensive (whole lotta fun though) and eventually chased out of town and unreliable. A couple years ago it was easier and cheaper to get a square chick than a working girl. Alas, this game never stays the same.

Philly had a decent underground scene for a short while a few years back but I think that has also petered out...

Man will someone bring back the 'hotel parties', the 'blow and jerk you bars' (who remembers studio5 or paid a visit to the 'red door'?), the 'stinky finger' strip club where you could take your dick out and get a wonderfully grimey couch dance'...alas for the days of yore..

After another visit to “the K”, I want to share my observations.

It was a nice Sunday afternoon. The weather was no longer summery but not cold yet either. I drove up and down the strip for hours from noonish till after dark. Looking, observing. I saw easily two dozen SWs in total. Some I saw only once, many others were out for a long time or were out a few times over the course of the afternoon.

The K is a stroll unlike the others I have visited.

These were all younger white girls. Very few were 30 or older. Mostly they were average looking with just a few skanks here and there. No body piercing was evident and no tattoos either except on one. A few were really cute young things (no kids, mind you, but youthful). There were SWs out at all hours that I was there although there were more after dusk. If you know how to spot an SW, you know what I mean that they were all passively available. Only one or two actively waved or spoke to me before I stopped and rolled down my window. On the K, it seemed to me that every one I talked to was pleasant. They were here and there but almost never more than two together. No obvious pimps around.

Now here is what struck me. I also know NYC and Atlantic City. There are major differences in how they dress and act. On the K they are in street clothes. No miniskirts, no hot pants, no “fuck me” boots. Only one or two were in tight jeans. Many wore sweat pants and sweat shirts.

In NYC (where there is no longer any real stroll left) back in the days when they were out there, the SWs often clustered together, pimps hug out within a few feet, they were mostly BSWs and almost everyone was dressed as an obvious hooker. Many were dolled up and drop dead gorgeous. There was never any doubt what they were up to on the street. They not only dressed the part, but they were actively waving, hailing, even blocking traffic. Many showed so much skin that it was like a strip show just to drive those strolls.
In AC, (again, in the past year, the AC stroll has all but disappeared) they used to cluster and dressed the part, there were at least equally as many WSWs as BSWs but no waving or stopping traffic. They just made themselves very obvious and available.

Now, price is another major difference.
In NYC, they asked more than I’d spend for dinner with drinks in a high-end restaurant. And they were nasty to boot. Few were affordable except in the outer boros where the less attractive ones hung out.
I’m not as familiar with AC prices, but I can tell you they were very negotiable. On the K you can get anything you want for the price of, well, how do we put this? You can fill their tank for less than it costs to fill your tank these days. In fact, it seems you can about name your own price (within reason).

So here's the UP-side. The K is still a very active stroll with a lot of variety and bargain basement pricing with WSWs who do not seems like they hate you. But, to me, the DOWN-side is that it doesn’t LOOK like a stroll. DAMN!! I miss the strip shows that used to be on the streets of NYC and AC. But, then, maybe that is why NYC and AC are gone. If its obvious, it gets attention and gets swept away. Whereas you can drive the K for hours and, if you don’t know what you are looking at, you won’t even see it.

– Forth Ryte

11-10-07, 21:38
, the 'stinky finger' strip club where you could take your dick out and get a wonderfully grimey couch dance'...alas for the days of yore..
Try Cheeks, the tents are pretty much like that.

11-12-07, 18:39
Try Cheeks, the tents are pretty much like that.

Cheeks?? Please elaborate, I've never heard of 'Cheeks' or am I missing something?

Sam Iam
11-12-07, 21:01
Cheeks?? Please elaborate, I've never heard of 'Cheeks' or am I missing something?

Cheeks is a club in NJ, on route 38, just past 206. It is a bit of a hike but it is ok. Similar to the playhouse lots of brazilian women there.

11-12-07, 22:35
Cheeks is a club in NJ, on route 38, just past 206. It is a bit of a hike but it is ok. Similar to the playhouse lots of brazilian women there.
Correct mostly, but they took the cameras out of the tents so it's back to more like PH was 5 yrs ago.

11-17-07, 13:28
Visited the K tuesday night on and off from around 5:30 to 9:00.
There was not much activity, either way. I did make a visit to penns port & cheerleaders during the strech. The 2d time ever in penns port. There was some nice pussy in there dancing up close. A very laid back atmosphere.
Back to the K when I spotted the fairly new girl with the wire rim glasses.
Blond and skinny. I saw her a couple of times before, but I passed. She was across from the bull dealer when she got in. Originally wanted 40,then down to 35. Finally she grumpbled 30 is ok. She looked skanky & smelly up close in the car. She wanted something from me to prove I wasn't a cop and asked for .25 cents? I gave that to her but I was not feeling it with her.

I drove around the block and dropped her off and told her I just wasn't comfortable with her and told her here is another .25 cents and get out. I did notice an LE car pull up to her as soon as she got out. I don't know if LE was following me or her but the girl was skanky and I was glad to get rid of her.

She told me her name was Tracey and you see her out at night.

One last cruise before the way home and I ran into Stephanie and off to the Patio. Dependable and 1 out of 2 wasn't bad.

Sam Iam
11-17-07, 20:43
Correct mostly, but they took the cameras out of the tents so it's back to more like PH was 5 yrs ago.

I haerd this place was busted and some awful pics in papers of the girls mostly Brazilians. Anyone hear of this?

11-17-07, 23:10
I haerd this place was busted and some awful pics in papers of the girls mostly Brazilians. Anyone hear of this?
I saw that on SCL with a list of names (real, not club) and ages. All 6 were Br - 1 legal and 5 illegal - and charged with prostitution. Wasn't totally clear if they were to be turned over to ICE and shipped out but most likely they will. The clb is still open and going by the last 2 times this happened mileage will be down for unknown customers for a while, but will still be better than most other places. In a couple of weeks to a month it should be back to normal, especially with x-mas coming and the need of more cash.

11-18-07, 11:12
Back to the K when I spotted the fairly new girl with the wire rim glasses.
Blond and skinny. I saw her a couple of times before, but I passed. She was across from the bull dealer when she got in. Originally wanted 40,then down to 35. Finally she grumpbled 30 is ok. She looked skanky & smelly up close in the car. She wanted something from me to prove I wasn't a cop and asked for .25 cents? I gave that to her but I was not feeling it with her.

I drove around the block and dropped her off and told her I just wasn't comfortable with her and told her here is another .25 cents and get out. I did notice an LE car pull up to her as soon as she got out. I don't know if LE was following me or her but the girl was skanky and I was glad to get rid of her.

She told me her name was Tracey and you see her out at night.

I had a similar situation with Tracey myself. By the way she is on of Abdul's girls. Saw her walking and when she went in the 7-11 at E&T, I waited outside.

Here's a wuick play by play:
Me: Hey what's up
Her: You dating
Me: You go to the Patio
Her: sure
Me: how bout fs
Her: can we talk in the car
Me: before we get in the car and waste each others time do you
shave or are you hairy. Cause if you hairy I'm not interested and
I don't want to waste my time or yours.
Her: I'd rather not say anything outside
Me: OK lets go

Now for in the car..

Her: how much do you want to spend
Me: how about 50
Her: I usually get between 60-300
Me: well the 60 is a bit more realistic if you give great service
Me: You never answer my question, are you hairy or shaved
Her: I don't like to talk about things like that, you'll find out when I
take my clothes of.

This banter went back and forth as I started to head back to the 7-11. Also during this time I started noticing she didn't really smell that great and really wanted to end this ordeal.

Me: OK, here's the deal, we are at a red light and you either tell me if you
shave or get out, if we get back to the Patio and you have a jungle I'm
leaving you there with no money. If feel this is a simple question and if
you can't answer you need to get out.
Her: Well I used to shave but haven't for a few months and it is quite hairy.
Me: Why didn't you tell me this before, I asked you point blank before getting
in the car and made my intentions clear to you.
Her: Could you give me 20 for my time that you wasted.
Me: Listen you stupid moron, I think it was you who wasted my time by
playing games, so you need to just get out.
Her: Well you have to give me something before I get out.
Me: The light is going to change green soon. You can either get out now,
or I'm going to turn right down that little street and throw you out.

At this point I started turning the corner and she said OK, just let me out, but could you give me a few buck anyway. When I said no she counter offered all the was down to 25 cents. Finally I told her to just shut up and get out.