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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

12-21-06, 09:30
Called the BBW and MILF, and they really worked well with each other.


06-14-07, 11:30
Just posted this in the Craigslist section, but in hindsight, probably should do so here also. Her photos can be seen with my other report in the Craigslist section.

I'm wondering if anyone has seen Champagne in East Providence, who advertises on CL regularly. Has anyone anything to report, either here or via PM. Sounds too good to be true, but just looking for some intel before I set something up.

Here's her ad:


Reply to: pers-351807411@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-06-14, 1:25AM EDT






* * * *AVAILABLE 8AM ~ 6PM ONLY* * * *

* * * *LOCATED (EX. 22B) PROVIDENCE* * * *

* * * *PHONE # (401)919.5780 ASK FOR CHAMPAGNE* * * *



07-02-07, 19:39
I finally got some free time today, so I called Champagne and set up an appointment with her. She was having a $125/hr FS special until 2:00.
She gave me her address and told me it was a three family house. She also told me to call her when I arrive.

I found the house 10 minutes prior to my appointed time, so I took a few loops around the adjacent blocks, just to scope things out. I only drove past her house once to verify the address. After determining which house it was, I parked across the street a few houses away and called her back. Strange thing, no one answered. I started walking over to the house as I redialed, and same result. It rang about 15 times but nobody picked up. Feeling out of place just standing on the street corner on my phone, I turned and walked back to my car.

After getting into my car I noticed a couple of things that seemed strange. Maybe I was just overly paranoid...

First, a guy in a neighboring yard was watching me and everyone driving by. He was also looking towards Champagne's house.
Secondly, an older heavyset white man in a white tee-shirt came down Champagne's driveway bringing out the trash to the curb. I didn't know if he was a tenant or her Pimp, so I just sat and watched while I redialed her number again. Next he goes to his white SUV parked across the street and gets in it. He sat there watching up & down the street for five minutes or so, with his window half way down.

Finally, he puts his window up and gets out of the car. He walked back up the driveway to the back of the house, and then after a minute or two, came walking back down the driveway with Champagne! They both walked across the street, got in his white SUV and drove off together. She looked as good as her pictures, so at least I know the photos are recent.

All the while, the neighbor is watching them. After they drive off, the neighbor goes into his house. They drove right past me, but I didn't look up at them.

I don't get it. After arriving on time, I called Champagne six times, each time letting the phone ring at least fifteen times. For some strange reason, she never answered. Maybe I'm being overly paranoid, but it seemed to odd for me. I was there on time, called her back like she asked, and she never picked up.

Has anyone ever been to see her? You can't beat her looks and price as far as I'm concerned. I was very disappointed she wouldn't answer the phone after I arrived. I wonder what was going on? Any idea?


07-02-07, 21:13
There was a higher calling...

07-02-07, 22:20
Let me start off by saying, I have used and studied this board for about a year. And finally will start posting. I have been a hobbiest for many years. OK.

I also called at set up a daytime appointment with Champagne. Sounded Great on the phone. Followed her directions to Plainfielf st, and called when I was near her house. I was about 10 minutes early, so waiting. The called about 3 more times over the next 20 minutes, with still no answer. Total waste of tiem, and effort. I would think if her service was a Hot as she looks, we would have read about it. I might try one more time, if I have an hour to waste.


07-03-07, 07:59
There was a higher calling...

Meaning what???

07-03-07, 08:09
Meaning what???I believe what he is referring to is that a better offer came in during the down time between your call and appt. A lot of girls run low cost specials and if nothing better comes down the pike, they go with it. Some cash is better than none at all.

Someone must have called in who pays heavy and she was gone, screw the appt guy.

Similar things have happened to me twice, but, I still don't like the eyes of the neighborhood looking at me. This is why I have a place for outcalls and insist they come to me, and at the incall rate, or forget it.

Hope this helps.

07-03-07, 08:25
He means that between the time Guest123 first talked to her and the time he got there ,
Champagne got an out·call offer for a lot more money , so she just blew G·123 off

07-03-07, 22:24
...Champagne got an out·call offer for a lot more money

So you might think...but you'd be wrong.
Unencumbered by the constraints of reality, your theory would make sense. Unfortunately, the facts don't agree with your hypothesis. For instance, she doesn't do outcall. She's strictly incall.

Add to that the fact that she posts exclusively on CL, and not Eros, TBD, TER, Escortsdotcom or the Phoenix. That being the case, there's no way anyone would contact her from her CL ad and offer more money than she's asking. You cheap bastards are always complaining about the CL prices being ridiculously high. No one here would ever willingly offer more than her posted hourly rate.

It's a day later, and she still hasn't posted since yesterday morning. That's odd for a girl that posts 4 or 5 times a day religiously. For whatever reason, she apparently left Dodge. Maybe she decided to leave for the 4th a little early. Maybe it was a LE scare, who knows. I'll have to ask her if I get a chance to schedule a time to see her next week.

In an unrelated vein, anyone know whatever happened to the girl on escortsdotcom that went by the name SexyElegance? One day her profile just disappeared. She's another one I wanted like to try, but didn't have the opportunity.


07-03-07, 23:49
I guess I should have posted my review here instead of under CL, which I wonder if anyone even reads them there.

Wow I feel like a dope. Not to rewrite my post but sounds like my session. I guess the little head was doing the thinking for me that day, because I actually waited and kept calling. I am maybe thinking the 125 special is really just a way to get guys in.

Maybe the delay tactics cut the session down to a half hour, which is her regular rate for it anyway. Its to bad because she was really nice once things started. Oh well she told me a client had showed up late. Has anyone actually got the full hour special?


07-15-07, 09:48
My ATF·ATF girl , Jo·Elle just settled her latest brush·up with The Law ,
this one for possession of crack cocaine . She was arrested last Oct 6th
.... the wheels of justice grind slowly here in Li'l Rhody

As usual , she got *zero* jail time , just two *more* years of probation and this time ,
100 hours of community service [ I wonder if they'll accept her 'servicing' our Monger
'community' for 100 hours ?? ]

Jo·Elle is having some problems with her 'BFs' [ more on that later ] and her cash flow
... in particular she needs a pile of bucks to pay all her fines so she can get her Driver's
License back

She's also lost a few of her 'regulars' due to a prolonged 'vacation' and so is looking
for some new customers

Count on spending AT LEAST $ for an hour with her

For those of you who have never heard of her , here is something I wrote about
her for a certain magazine writer who recently published a little article on our hobby =

No pictures , but here's a little 'Profile' of my fave girl you
might find useful

Early in our relationship , she dropped her laminated photo·ID
RIPTA free bus pass in my car . From knowing her full name , I was
able to piece together a good bit about her life

Jo·Elle is a beautiful woman . She's 5 ft 10 in tall , has long
naturally wavy light brown hair , and has a high waist / long legs .
She also has a slight "bow·leggedness" , which gives her a gait
that she told me gives men instant sexual thoughts about her when
they see her walk

When I first met her , she was lanky and thin and was an 'A'cup but
in the past year has gained a few pounds which give her some curves
and firm 'B' cup breasts which still pass the 'Pencil Test'

In spite of her good looks , she's never worked as a Stripper
because she's "too shy" .... Not shy enough to not get naked with total
strangers & have sex with them or suck their dicks , but too shy to
gyrate in front of a room of leering men . Women ....

She was born in March , 1967 = she turns 40 yrs old this year but looks
at least a decade younger .

She was raised in Coventry and graduated with honors from Coventry
High School in 1975

The next years are hazy = her first arrest was in Oct 1994 for
driving with a suspended license . She now has *seven* similar
arrests in Li'l Rhody's "Catch & Release" Justice System , and to
this day doesn't possess a valid DL although that doesn't stop her
from driving her friends' cars

She also has two arrests for Solicitation / Loitering for Indecent
Purposes , both in Olneyville ; two Felony arrests for Possession of
Crack Cocaine ; and one for Recieving Stolen Property under $500 .
Her story about that last one is unconvincing and I suspect that
she tried to rip off the daughter of one her 'Sugar Daddies' and
got caught

Eleven arrests in all , and she's never spent even a night in Jail

Her real problems started about eight years ago when she met her
on·again / off·again boy friend , Steven

Steven is a cocaine fiend who's an ex·con and who is in & out of
the ACI for Drug convictions . He also was once arrested by the DEM
for operating a power boat on the Scituate Reservoir — just fishing ,
he claims . He also has arrests for domestic violence , although
Jo·Elle assures me none of the incidents involve her . Steven is
currently in an inpatient rehab center in an effort to stay out of
prison because of his latest arrest for cocaine possession

Steven got Jo·Elle hooked on heroin & crack . Then she started
street·walking to pay for her habits . They have at least one child
together . Jo·Elle has four kids but you'd never guess that by
looking at her . She has perfect , smooth skin with no stretch
marks or tattoos . She's lost custody of all four children , who
are being raised by her brother . She rarely if ever sees any of

Jo·Elle managed to kick the heroin habit after a long period of
taking methadone , but can't seem to kick the crack pipe habit .
She's also an alcoholic , and ironically it's the booze that has
caused her the most trouble in her life . She also smokes at least
a pack of cigarettes a day

She has been diagnosed as being Bi·Polar and takes several psych
meds regularly . Her 'Disorder' landed her a permanent Full
Disabilty Pension from the Social Security Administration . She has
no permanent address and has her checks directly deposited in a
local bank account . She uses a RI ID card and her laminated birth
certificate when she can't use an ATM , or for other times she
needs an ID

She is very intelligent and reads the Providence Journal daily ;
there's always a copy of the day's issue laying around and she is
the best read P4P girl I've ever known

Her prostitution arrests have made her extremely paranoid about
walking the streets , so she got a cell phone and accumulated a
list of Preferred Clients who supplement her disability income

She knows 'The System' perfectly . On the rare occasion she has
nowhere to spend the night , she'll show up at a local Emergency
Room and claim to be suicidal . This gets her a warm bed and three
meals a day until she gets fed up with all the hospital rigamarole
like mandatory Group Therapy sessions . Then she signs herself out

As I've often said = she collects men the way some kids collect
base·ball cards . When a guy takes her in , she'll clean the place
spotless and cook up a storm . One time when I visited her , she
had a pot roast dinner cooking on the stove and a home·made
chocolate cake sitting there she had just baked & frosted

Year 2006 was very hard on Jo·Elle . She spent the entire year
alienating all of her 'Sugar Daddies' . As I wrote before , when she
chases crack cocaine with alcohol , she turns into a Raving Lunatic
which cancels out all of her good qualities in their eyes

Their stories =

"A" is a really nice guy who runs a low rent boarding house favored
by hookers in O·ville . "A" went to the ACI for few months on a
probation violation after he attacked one of his tenants with a
knife . But after he got out , Jo·Elle was no longer welcome there
even though Mrs A [ who I've also met and seems nice enough ]
and Jo·Elle are close friends

"B" lives in Olneyville Towers . He's short , morbidly obese ,
filthy and of very limited intelligence . He also threw her out and
notified the place's management to ban her from the premises . Her
story with him is that he got the crazy idea that because he was
providing her with room & board , she owed him sexual favors in
return . That one may even be true

"C" is an elderly gentleman who is showing the early signs of
dementia . He repeatedly threw her out and then took her back ,
often because she stole from him . After her last rampage , he
tossed her out and changed the locks

C spends a lot of time baby·sitting for his adult daughter's kid .
The daughter *hates* Jo·Elle and promises to have her arrested on
the spot if Jo·Elle ever shows her face on their property . I
suspect the 'stolen property' arrest originated with the daughter

Her latest , and maybe last , benefactor is "D" . D is in his
sixties , retired and fairly wealthy . She'd lived with D
continuously in his apartment since C tossed her . After her
alcohol·fueled screaming generated complaints from the neighbors ,
D decided to 'ease her out' . He arranged for an inpatient rehab
program for her , and personally delivered her there even though
she tried post·poning the day of reckoning

"D" told me he "loves her like a daughter" but can't take it any
more . Jo·Elle told me their relationship is entirely platonic
which may very well be true because D has several serious medical
issues including advanced liver disease . "D" says when she signs
herself out of this place , she can go live with Steven's mother ,
who lives in Greenville . Steven's mother has the couple over
occasionally for dinner , but I can't see that living arrangement
last past her next 'Episode'

I hope she lands on her feet and finds another sucker to take her
in , because she's the best 'lay' I've ever had . Her 'Snapper' ,
as she calls it , is so tight that she can clamp down on a finger
harder than you can squeeze it with your fist

When I confessed that I was 'Addicted' to sex with her , she told
me why , saying =

" Every woman has a different 'pussy feel' , and baby , I'm the Best !! "

Indeed she is .... although it's clear to me that her days as a
'provider' are numbered

Now , before my PM box gets flooded , you guys know The Rules , which I was
forced to establish due to many bad experiences here with sharing digits
[ run a search on my name and the word 'digits' if you want details ] :

If any·one here wants Jo·Elle's number = FIRST You give me one that
actually ends up in a 'date' ... and then I'll provide hers

07-15-07, 11:10
Posted by pz:
"If any·one here wants Jo·Elle's number = FIRST You give me one that
actually ends up in a 'date' ... and then I'll provide hers."

So here's the deal as I see it. You want me to give you a number and if you actually do call and get a date, then you'll provide me with hers. What if the number I send doesn't come up to pz standards?

Kind of one sided I'd say but maybe you can troll along and hook a noob.

I've freely provided digits, and others have freely given them to me without any type of restrictions. WHICH IS THE INTENT OF THIS BOARD per Jackson!

Why don't you just offer her digits via pm? If she's out there, is agreeable to you sharing her info why do you need something in return? In addition you suggest a $ amount. Isn't that normally left between the monger and provider? Or her pimp?

07-15-07, 12:50
Probably the best I ever read.

Thanks for the info.

07-15-07, 19:10
If Jo-Elli was born in 67 did she graduate as an eight year old in 1975?

Should it be 1985 or is she 50??

Just wondering

07-15-07, 19:52
My ATF·ATF girl , Jo·Elle just settled her latest brush·up with The Law, this one for possession of crack cocaine...

If any·one here wants Jo·Elle's number = FIRST You give me one that
actually ends up in a 'date' ... and then I'll provide hers

No thanks. I for one appreciate your extremely gracious offer, but I don't get involved with crack w****s whether they are someone's ATF or not. Personally, I can't imagine one would ever meet my standards or expectations. That being said, your selfless terms make the deal pretty damn appealing though...

I'd love to see a picture of this beauty sometime. I'm sure my imagination just doesn't do her justice. Any chance you'd share a photo of this highly prized love goddess with all of us?

Just wondering


07-15-07, 21:18
Posted by pz:
"If any·one here wants Jo·Elle's number = FIRST You give me one that
actually ends up in a 'date' ... and then I'll provide hers."

So here's the deal as I see it. You want me to give you a number and if you actually do call and get a date, then you'll provide me with hers. What if the number I send doesn't come up to pz standards?

Kind of one sided I'd say but maybe you can troll along and hook a noob.

I've freely provided digits, and others have freely given them to me without any type of restrictions. WHICH IS THE INTENT OF THIS BOARD per Jackson!

Why don't you just offer her digits via pm? If she's out there, is agreeable to you sharing her info why do you need something in return? In addition you suggest a $ amount. Isn't that normally left between the monger and provider? Or her pimp?

Another week, another Psycho-Zombie bizarre post. Who knows, maybe he's pimping for her now? See:

Jo·Elle is having some problems with her 'BFs' [ more on that later ] and her cash flow
... in particular she needs a pile of bucks to pay all her fines so she can get her Driver's License back

She's also lost a few of her 'regulars' due to a prolonged 'vacation' and so is looking for some new customers

Count on spending AT LEAST $ for an hour with her

Well, at least he didn't post a re-post of one of his 2-year old "reviews"!

07-16-07, 07:56
TO : Bubba261 , Gansett , & Guest123

If you've not inner·rested in my offer , or — more likely — have no digits to exchange ,
then simply ignore it .... and skip the pixel- & bandwidth-wasting Flames , please

In the words of our Fear·less Leader =►


The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Notice that he says "EXCHANGE of information" , which is exactly what my offer is proposing

07-16-07, 22:55
..."EXCHANGE of information", which is exactly what my offer is proposing
No offense, but you don't exchange information. By your own admission, you refuse to post about any girls you see. (If you actually see any)

...I've redacted some stuff because I have a policy of not sharing info...

You admit you've only been with a CL girl once, so you've got nothing of value to offer on that subject;

Hmmmm .... inner·resting
The one and only time I had a 'date' with a CL girl, it was the *worst* mongering experience of my life =►

You admit you've only been to an AMP once, so you have nothing of value to offer on that subject either;

YOKO SPA was located at 1021 Broad St
I had my one & only AMP experience there back in '02...

and you repeatedly whine about someone screwing you over in a digit exchange from long ago.

I'd be "inner-rested" if someone could explain to me what benefit you serve here that directly relates to the exchange of information ...on the subject of finding women for sex. You've got reports on every subject except that.

So far this year you have posted numerous times on each the following boards:
Las Vegas;
Los Angeles;
Sexual Addiction;
DC - All topics;
Police Tactics and Legal Issues;
Jokes and Humorous Stories;
New Haven;
Atlantic City;
Charleston SC;
and of course Jacksonville.
But not one post shares any meaningful information on any girls you've been with. (If you've even been with any, that is)

In the "inner-rest" of brevity, maybe you should stick to only posting your less than informative Year-In-Review post each year, and save some bandwidth for the less selfish members amongst us...
This one's PRICELESS, (meaning it also has no value)

Just like in 2005 ('http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=407066&postcount=236') , I kept a diary on my mongering activities this year.
Because I missed five straight weeks because of some surgery this summer , my 'year' was only 47 weeks long. In that time , I spent $$ 6400 on 61 'Dates' with 22 different women — an average of
one date every 5.4 days

Most of my activities are now with ATFs or in Strip Clubs = why risk a Solicitation arrest when in·door prostitution is totally legal here in Rhode Island ?? My last SW date was in mid·August

I saw seven of the women at least twice , and spent by far the most time and money
on my ATF·ATF girl Jo·Elle , who I saw 31 times

My New Year's Resolution is to take a little break from the hobby and this web site

Wonder how long I'll be able to hold out ?? Addictions *are* hard to break , I realize

Any·wayz = Happy New Years , Peeps !!!
Such a successful year, by your own admission, yet not a single worthwhile review to be shared. Sad.

People in glass houses shouldn't complain about not exchanging information or wasting bandwidth. You're the posterboy for both of those subjects.


07-17-07, 00:00
No offense, but you don't exchange information. By your own admission, you refuse to post about any girls you see. (If you actually see any)

Hey, give the guy a break - he has two hotties he spends lots of time with - Mary Fist and Rosey Palm.

07-17-07, 00:03
[b]Notice that he says "EXCHANGE of information" , which is exactly what my offer is proposing

That's fair. Let's SHARE, not pimp, okay?

Joey Stock
07-25-07, 13:53
Not a report, a question.

CL has some nice lookers, but it's spooky, hard to get info from people on them,

Anyone have this one, let me know what the deal is.



If anyone has a good regular that they can recommend, I'the love to have it, as it is quite treacherous grounds over there, as I imagine many of you have already experienced.

This one never answers the phone, yet she posts a lot, then deletes posts so when you look at a history there isn't a lot of them. Strange, but she's hot if pictures are her, so info would be greatly appreciated on her, or others like her that come highly recommended.

Member #3933
07-26-07, 01:16
Not a report, a question.

CL has some nice lookers, but it's spooky, hard to get info from people on them,

Anyone have this one, let me know what the deal is.



If anyone has a good regular that they can recommend, I'the love to have it, as it is quite treacherous grounds over there, as I imagine many of you have already experienced.

This one never answers the phone, yet she posts a lot, then deletes posts so when you look at a history there isn't a lot of them. Strange, but she's hot if pictures are her, so info would be greatly appreciated on her, or others like her that come highly recommended.I believe I saw her two months ago when she posted as Cindy, hot pics in pink lingerie. These pics are her in her bedroom, I rated her a 7/7, looks good but sort of a "just lays there" girl. If she lives on a street named for a body of water, its Cindy.

Good luck getting a "good regular" from any Seniors, you need to earn some stripes first.

PS - here's a link to a Kyla review on TER http://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/show.asp?id=99727

07-26-07, 15:35
Good luck getting a "good regular" from any Seniors.

Just wondering why you said this. I've been the recipent of many a number from fellow mongers. In turn I have shared the wealth whenever possible.
I posted just last week of digits availible. I recieved a number of inquirys from SENIOR MEMBERS and I believe I replied to each and every one. If I didn't send me another pm, thought I did.

I did not reply to those with 2 posts, sorry, or the other guy with 5 who requested the numbers.

Boils down to proving yourself, lets see what you, the noo-b, comes up with. I'm not sharing with someone who has 2, 5 or even 20 posts until I feel assured his intentions on this board are honorable. :)

Joey Stock
07-26-07, 21:53
Called her tonight, she finally answered, voice was sweet enough, said she was at hotel, $250, "timed hour", everything is covered, many other rules. Opted out, went to City Gas, was provided directions, Jess and others not around, about 6:30 pm, valley, academy, atwells, etc. Possibly a new WSW up at the corner store, waved to me, corner of manton and glenbridge.

Swung around, she was gone. Nothing else out except scarface, nobody has told me the deal there, so no idea, can't pull myself over to go for it, nice body though, but that burn/scar spooks me!

Anyways, a straight wiff for me tonight.

I understand that guy not wanting to share until seeing someone around for a while, I guess that's alright. I just found this place because of RI Monthly, with I knew about it as long as it's been around, been out there years myself, will match wits with anyone on the academy, atwells, valley, manton area, might not know all the SW, but many of them for sure. Will post in SW section also, as this is mainly about it.


P.S. Anyone wanting WSW Stephanie's digits just let me know, even though I have only a few posts, I'll still share.


Member #3933
07-26-07, 23:03
Just wondering why you said this. ....I did not reply to those with 2 posts, sorry, or the other guy with 5 who requested the numbers.
.... I'm not sharing with someone who has 2, 5 or even 20 posts until I feel assured his intentions on this board are honorable. :)Gansett, because Joey Stock is a new member. Like you said. No one will share a number with someone who has just dropped in. No offense meant to seniors.

I'm still trying to guess your mongering vehicle, I keep an eye on who the SWs wave at. I'll get the pattern soon.

07-27-07, 08:24
Do you think really that being a "senior" is preventative measures to know that someone is OK? Seriously - if the LE wanted to catch you bad enough, then they would sit on here, post similar posts in different areas to get their counts up, then become a senior member by paying then set a trap? It isn't hard - but this is more about if you contribute useful info, then you get rewarded, no?

07-27-07, 14:38

At least when dealing with a Sr member you're dealing with someone who at the very least has a track record here. It's not 100% fool proof but IMO better than dealing with a noob with only a handful of posts and no track record.

Most likely that Sr member has shared info and others have used it and sometimes reported back. That builds credibility, at least with me.

MSH sez:"It isn't hard - but this is more about if you contribute useful info, then you get rewarded, no?"

Absolutely! I'm tired of the pm's and posts like this from a guy with a handful, if that many, posts:

"Wow, I just found this board. <inset monger name here> where did you find <insert sw name here>, What's the street name? What time? On the weekend or is she out everyday? What was she wearing? Her hair, long or short? What color? Her build? Any stretch marks? What size fun bags? Where'd you go? What'd you do? BB or CBJ? What'd it cost? Would you go again? Where did you drop her off? What's her digits? Do you know where she lives?" etc,etc,etc.

Then theres the closing:
" I've been mongering x number of years and appreciate your help".

Anyone who has spent anytime at all here reading and driving Prov knows the answers to most of those questions. I'm not going to pass digits to a noob and possible set a sw up for a bust, not going to do it.

Noob's need to spend the time, make their "bones", & get their feet wet. well, maybe not their feet :). Report back success and failures.

Sorry for the length.
If mongering was easy, everybody would be doing it.

07-27-07, 14:49
Long time lurker - second post please be gentle.

Older provider.

All 3 holes open really loves Greek.

Ad is on the PVD CL.

Looks better in person than in the photos.

Not a clock watcher and prices are negotiable.

Joey Stock
07-29-07, 21:12

Just checked her out on CL.

not to bust your chops, but, well, I'll let her post speak for herself, I'm a newbie here and have to behave.


Member #5805
07-30-07, 09:19
Good call out. What you need to learn though is that is probably Januari posting that review. With time you will realize as the rest of us have to just ignore those types of posts.


Just checked her out on CL.

not to bust your chops, but, well, I'll let her post speak for herself, I'm a newbie here and have to behave.


07-30-07, 11:03
Guys please don't trash my handle even before I have started.

I just gave info that I had, use it or not that is up to you.

I really liked her service that's why I posted.

How many times have we had posters talk abt SW's who looked like hell.

As I said she is better than those pictures.

Also where else can you get close to street prices at an incall.


Good call out. What you need to learn though is that is probably Januari posting that review. With time you will realize as the rest of us have to just ignore those types of posts.

07-30-07, 15:20
Does anyone know about Monica from CL? She says that she is Cambodian and her last four digits are 4558. I'd appreciate any info, Thanks. Sailor02

Member #5805
07-30-07, 16:53
Not trying to trash you but your report is posted almost as if an add. Look at some of the other posts in the thread and you can see that the typical report on here does not read like a bot trying to post an ad.

P Austin
07-31-07, 14:49
I found this on my daily web Mongering tour. This guy spends alot of money.



Italian Monkey
08-01-07, 14:49
Well. I usually just do the AMP thing, SW's, and agencies, been trolling CL for like a year, always scared of the stories I read, I replied to a girl who should remain nameless until I hook up with her this satrurday, and see how it goes, any how I do no or she says she is new to this, she has numerous tatoos, from cranston, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, slim, a real looker, looking for 1. 5 a half and 2. For an hour, dosent have a place. Any one talk to her at all? Shes cool with meeting up in a public place before we go back to mine for some fun. What yall think? Don't have her number yet just going back and forth through e-mail. Anticapation is killing me, but thats what I love about this hobby, a fast heart race, butterflys etc. Right? Hmmm. Can't wait will keep yall posted.

Joey Stock
08-01-07, 17:32
If you want, shoot me the link where you found her on CL and I'll do a search for rest of her posts, any reviews on CL or TER, etc. And get back to you.

Usually they post a number, curious why she didn't. Did you ask her for her number? Seems odd, they are always so willing on CL to list a number, very few don't. You might have one that really likes to be as anonomous as she can, or something else.

There is one from fall river that won't provide a picture or her number until you give her a number and she calls you, but she is on the up and up, and is pretty cool.


08-01-07, 21:15
....trolling CL for like a year, always scared of the stories I read, I replied to a girl who should remain nameless until I hook up with her this satrurday, and see how it goes, any how I do no or she says she is new to this, she has numerous tatoos, from cranston, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, slim, a real looker, looking for 1. 5 a half and 2. ...ted.I'm, you can keep your secret until you have put your time and money down. Why bother? My advice would be to post the CL link here and ask if anyone has seen the mystery girl, who knows maybe she's not a mystery. From your description, I hope she is not the infamous Miss Tiffany 401-464-0056 who has haunted Providence (and Boston SS) CL over the past year plus. For me she was a cash and dash, my worst ever escort experience.

08-02-07, 11:45
Well. I usually just do the AMP thing, SW's, and agencies, been trolling CL for like a year, always scared of the stories I read, I replied to a girl who should remain nameless until I hook up with her this satrurday, and see how it goes, any how I do no or she says she is new to this, she has numerous tatoos, from cranston, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, slim, a real looker, looking for 1. 5 a half and 2. For an hour, dosent have a place. Any one talk to her at all? Shes cool with meeting up in a public place before we go back to mine for some fun. What yall think? Don't have her number yet just going back and forth through e-mail. Anticapation is killing me, but thats what I love about this hobby, a fast heart race, butterflys etc. Right? Hmmm. Can't wait will keep yall posted.Be very careful about bringing her to your place. You could be spotted by some one whom you do not want to spot you, she could return at a bad time, could be followed by a friend, etc. I am not saying nobody should bring such a girl home. Just be careful.

Italian Monkey
08-02-07, 16:06
Well she is cool with meeting up at a spot first for a couple of drinks (thats what I offered) then comming back to my place, as for a number she says she has a cell phone but its her only phone right now and she is working on getting another phone for escorting, she says she is new to all this. I don't think she is that girl tiffany, think her name is lynn, any how I would have posted a link but she deletes her ad on the other hand I had recieved some pics heres one of them. I will keep yall posted on how things go, kinda want to get up tonight and not wait for Saturday.

08-02-07, 20:46
Italian Monkey,

I brightened your pic, hope you didn't mind.

Tatoos are a turnoff to me. I get too distracted by them.

08-02-07, 21:40
Hmmm Tats don't bother me. I'd do that. Any info would be appreciated.

Joey Stock
08-04-07, 11:00
That's not the one from Cranston with the 464 #, actually never saw her pic on CL, good luck with her, actually looks like a nice set upstairs, and nice body, let us know, try and grab her digits/contact info for us, I'm sure many here would take the leap.

Just be careful, with so much artwork, always the risk of hep see. And worse, so be careful and covered. : o)

Good luck tonight.

Jack Meov
08-04-07, 14:10
Italian Monkey,

I brightened your pic, hope you didn't mind.

Tatoos are a turnoff to me. I get too distracted by them.Wow too many tats! I've been watching craigslist for a while and never saw this one.

08-05-07, 22:59
I was online today on CL and noticed Champagne was advertising for a 1 hour special at only $125, down from the usual $175 per hour rate. I called her up and set up an appointment. Found her house very easily, and I called her back once I arrived (as directed to).

I was directed to her apartment, walked up to the door and knocked and was then let in. We introduced ourselves and we then adjourned into her bedroom. I paid the $125 and then the fun began. CBJ, leading to a multi-positional performance, (similar to the porn movie she had conveniently playing simultaneously in the bedroom).

Long story short: she's a beautiful, clean girl, with a nice friendly, down-to-earth attitude. She looks as good if not better than her pictures, and that's saying something. We had a nice long 1 hour session in which she ended with the last 10 minutes giving me a nice erotic backrub. She's got a nice set of augmented boobs, and knows how to use them.

The best part is that she offers a reduced rate for repeat clients, of which I plan on becoming. If you are looking for the stereotypical "GFE", she's the "Gold Standard". I can't recommend her high enough. I honestly can't think of a single negative to report about my visit with her, (other than her yapping dog in the other room).

I thoroughly enjoyed it. ...and yes PsychoZero, let me be very clear and succinct about this: when I say it was a superlative experience, that means it was very, very good, so much so I really, really enjoyed it, and I plan on repeating numerous times. (I just want to make certain you understand and don't misquote me yet again.)

Should the opportunity present itself, I recommend calling her during one of her numerous mid-day "specials", which occur every few days. No sense paying $175 when $125 FS specials are available on a regular basis.

Just thought the rest of you would like to know of yet another option available at your disposal. It was a pleasure TOFTT on this one. Glad to be of service and to contribute. That's what it's all about, right PZ?


P Austin
08-05-07, 23:53
Just thought the rest of you would like to know of yet another option available at your disposal. It was a pleasure TOFTT on this one. Glad to be of service and to contribute. That's what it's all about, right PZ?

Guest123And yes a quality report is what it is all about, thanks G.

I have yet to find a good one on CL but will continue to research until I do.

Again Thank You and Peace

08-06-07, 10:14
Question to G123 - Was there any mention of a tip on top of the fee with regards to escorts? Do the girls expect anything extra?


I was online today on CL and noticed Champagne was advertising for a 1 hour special at only $125, down from the usual $175 per hour rate. I called her up and set up an appointment. Found her house very easily, and I called her back once I arrived (as directed to).

I was directed to her apartment, walked up to the door and knocked and was then let in. We introduced ourselves and we then adjourned into her bedroom. I paid the $125 and then the fun began. CBJ, leading to a multi-positional performance, (similar to the porn movie she had conveniently playing simultaneously in the bedroom).

Long story short: she's a beautiful, clean girl, with a nice friendly, down-to-earth attitude. She looks as good if not better than her pictures, and that's saying something. We had a nice long 1 hour session in which she ended with the last 10 minutes giving me a nice erotic backrub. She's got a nice set of augmented boobs, and knows how to use them.

The best part is that she offers a reduced rate for repeat clients, of which I plan on becoming. If you are looking for the stereotypical "GFE", she's the "Gold Standard". I can't recommend her high enough. I honestly can't think of a single negative to report about my visit with her, (other than her yapping dog in the other room).

I thoroughly enjoyed it. ...and yes PsychoZero, let me be very clear and succinct about this: when I say it was a superlative experience, that means it was very, very good, so much so I really, really enjoyed it, and I plan on repeating numerous times. (I just want to make certain you understand and don't misquote me yet again.)

Should the opportunity present itself, I recommend calling her during one of her numerous mid-day "specials", which occur every few days. No sense paying $175 when $125 FS specials are available on a regular basis.

Just thought the rest of you would like to know of yet another option available at your disposal. It was a pleasure TOFTT on this one. Glad to be of service and to contribute. That's what it's all about, right PZ?


Joey Stock
08-06-07, 21:12
I'm sure we all know the risks,

Can't hurt to hear again.


08-06-07, 21:55
Question to G123 - Was there any mention of a tip on top of the fee with regards to escorts? Do the girls expect anything extra?

No. A tip was neither mentioned by her nor offered by me. Basically, the way I see it, she sets her own rates for her advertised services. During my time with her, she delivered everything exactly as promised, so she didn't actually provide any services that would have earned a tip.

My whole objective is to find new girls at a reasonable value. Sure, I've spent $300/hr on an escort in the past, but if I can find one that's only charging $125/hr, why would I pay more than what she's asking?

Don't forget, she also stated that repeat clients get an additional discount of $25 on repeat visits. Unfortunately, I neglected to verify if I'd still get the $25 discount on a return visit during her $125 special. If so, that would mean I'd only be paying $100 and hour. That would be sweet. I'd give up going to the AMPs if that were the case.

That's why I recommend everyone only see her when she's advertising an hourly special of $125. If nobody is willing to pay $175 an hour for her, she'll eventually realize that she only has a demand at $125. Eventually she'll lower her regular rate accordingly. It's basic Supply & Demand. Now that we know she's willing to accept $125, why would we ever pay more?


Italian Monkey
08-09-07, 15:51
Well. Heres my report, on the mystery girl from CL. Was suppost to meet up this past Saturday, didn't hear from her until Sunday night (via e-mail), said she lost her internet connection. Ok no problem, I say how about Monday around 6 or 7 pm? She says sure no problem we agree on 630, well at 6pm I get the e-mail that she has to postpone, no reason given, says she is sorry and she will give me her number hates to cancel plans. At this point I'm like this is just tag e-mail like some queer getting his jollys off. Havent heard from her since Monday at 6pm. Sent her a couple e-mails nothing back yet oh well, good ol craigs, it really is hard to find something genuine on there. I've read the forum and seen the reports on Champagne but she is not my taste, I like them white, slim, brunette and shaved. Any how I havent been to see-health latley mayby its time to go. CL bites.

Joey Stock
08-20-07, 11:15
Please, pretty please with sugar on top, someone experience with CL/Escorts take one for the team and see if this is true.. $250 for 3 hrs??

pictures are to die for, almost $75 per hour,
sure sounds to good to be true,
but if a senior experienced vouches for it,
I'm taking the plunge!


Hello PROVIDENCE new here from houston tx - w4m - 22

Reply to: pers-401363428@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-08-20, 10:48AM EDT

Hello guys im crystal here from houston GFE to the fullest. my rates are 250 for 3hrs FIRM no less!!! dont ask... my cell is 936 662 7001 ONLY call when u are available IF u arent available then DONT CALL PERIOD. no txts emails or blkd calls!!!!

Joey Stock
08-20-07, 16:57
So all her posts today are gone, "flagged", not removed by author.

Crazy. All that is left is one person commenting about the $$.


Anyone take one for the team?

Please, pretty please with sugar on top, someone experience with CL/Escorts take one for the team and see if this is true.. $250 for 3 hrs??

pictures are to die for, almost $75 per hour,
sure sounds to good to be true,
but if a senior experienced vouches for it,
I'm taking the plunge!


Hello PROVIDENCE new here from houston tx - w4m - 22

Reply to: pers-401363428@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-08-20, 10:48AM EDT

Hello guys im crystal here from houston GFE to the fullest. my rates are 250 for 3hrs FIRM no less!!! dont ask... my cell is 936 662 7001 ONLY call when u are available IF u arent available then DONT CALL PERIOD. no txts emails or blkd calls!!!!

08-20-07, 20:50
Please, pretty please with sugar on top, someone experience with CL/Escorts take one for the team and see if this is true.. $250 for 3 hrs??

Post is already gone.

08-29-07, 18:32
I was surfing the web today and I was wondering if there were any midget escorts in RI.I think it would be wierd to see or have one any info would be welcomed.

08-31-07, 13:20
I was surfing the web today and I was wondering if there were any midget escorts in RI.I think it would be wierd to see or have one any info would be welcomed.

There was a young lady in South County a few years back who would go down,,,I mean up on you for a few bucks and/or a six pack. She walked on High street by the town hall down to the Peacedale fire station. She also hung around a few of the local bars. She was a well known secret and the cops never bothered her. He77 for all I know she was doing the cops too.

I've since moved so this info is very old, haven't a clue if she's still around or not. I have no contact info. I was told fs was availble and that she was good. I wasn't that screwed up at that point in time to partake, don't know if I would today,,,,:)

Frank J Rizzo
09-03-07, 05:02
Hi All,

This is my first post but I've been lurking for a several months. This report is about an escort named Amanda I found on Craigslist. Her number is 401-359-1881. I could see when she showed up that she was beefier than she advertised. But I was horny and the price wasn't too bad for 3am so I let her in. Big mistake, before she undressed she wanted me to turn the lights down which I was happy to do because her "hour glass" body was very bottom heavy. She claims the pics in the ad are of her but if they are she was about 50 pounds lighter when they where taken. Her big flabby gut was a big turn-off. She gave a very short and mechanical CBJ. DATY was and up-sell which I went for but when I was ready I wanted to do her doggie (so I didn't have to look at that gut) but that was an up-sell. Everything outside of mish ended up being an up-sell. On top of this her cell phone rang about 4 or 5 times and she had to pick it up each time it rang even in the middle of the action. Very disappointing.

URL to her ad:

09-09-07, 21:19
Has anyone seen Mia, from CL, She post Tiny Tight Koean Box, She looks hot!

There has been some scaming in the Warwick area. Is this another one?

Any reviews? Tks

Jack Meov
09-10-07, 19:01
Has anyone seen Mia, from CL, She post Tiny Tight Koean Box, She looks hot!

There has been some scaming in the Warwick area. Is this another one?

Any reviews? TksI've seen her on Boston & Prov CL. The number is Boston area. Havent seen her, but definately noticed her.


Anyone got any info on Victoria?


09-11-07, 12:27
Hey guys,

I'd Love some info in the Dominican Chick?. Any info on her would greatly appreciated as I'll be down in Prov for a few hours this afternoon and tomorrow. Thanks in advance


Jack Meov
09-11-07, 22:22
Hey guys,

I'd Love some info in the Dominican Chick?. Any info on her would greatly appreciated as I'll be down in Prov for a few hours this afternoon and tomorrow. Thanks in advance

http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/419528626.htmlI've seen some bad reviews on CL for her. Not sure if they are true, but saw more than 1, so put it on my no fly list.

09-11-07, 22:24
I've seen her on Boston & Prov CL. The number is Boston area. Havent seen her, but definately noticed her.


Anyone got any info on Victoria?

http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/416051084.htmlI visited her last week. $ for half hour. Nice, clean apartment on dead end street. Victoria has a 10 body and 7 face. Outstanding, all natural, tits. Nice CBJ, Mish and doggie finish. Very accomodating to my requests and pleasant personality. Price seems reasonable.

09-11-07, 22:50
She is walking and working CL if you see her she is a much better value walking. She has dyed her hair blonde.

P Austin
09-12-07, 13:10
Just letting all fellow hobbyists know about one of my ATF for a quickie, Peaches who advertises for senior men on CL. She does prefer the older men 40+, She is a rare find for CL, and has always been fair with me, she runs ad as 35 year old, dark skin. She has a hot body and, her prices are flexible, she ask for .60, for BBBJCIM, and also advertises a special for .40. I believe FS is also available. She is very enthusiastic, friendly and lives in a fairly safe neighborhood on a dead end street. Easy on and easy off the highway. I usually give her about an hours notice. She doesn’t post pictures but she also doesn’t have to, her looks are as great as her attitude.



09-12-07, 21:35
She doesn’t post pictures but she also doesn’t have to, her looks are as great as her attitude.
So how about a detailed description of her then?
I typically don't answer CL ads without a photo that I'm told to be accurate by a reliable source. If she's that good looking, some of us might be interested.


Jack Meov
09-12-07, 22:59
So how about a detailed description of her then?
I typically don't answer CL ads without a photo that I'm told to be accurate by a reliable source. If she's that good looking, some of us might be interested.

Guest123CL listing with no pic is worthless. Heck, half of the ones with pics are scarey. Imagine how bad the ones with no pics could be! Gotta figure half with no pics are for privacy, and half are just plain disgusting.

P Austin
09-13-07, 11:05
More on Peaches, her real name is Melanie she lives on the Pawt. CF boarder. I first got info on her from a long lost senior member Common Man, who seems to have vanished from this board. She advertises as a 35 year old but I think she is more like 40 (I got that info from C M). It is never polite to ask a woman’s age. Her body is very well kept in shape and a small hint of some stretch marks on her abs, she stands about 5’6 I would guess around 130 lbs. small chest maybe a B-cup. She keeps herself shaven; she has no problem with BBBJCIM but goes to cover for FS. I have not tried for any DFK or DATY. I know she really would rather see a man over 40 and not the young guns. As far as her posting pictures she said that she is trying to stay discreet and knows too many people that might know her are on the computer including her kids. I know that most hobbyists myself included have spent more than $.50 on something that turned out totally bad and disappointing. So the chance you take just might be worth the trip. If she was butt ugly believe me I would tell you! I would rate her as a 7 on looks she doesn’t have the typical African American “baby got back” she is more like skinny and clean, her body does not show her age at all. If my memory serves me right I believe she has some younger girls working with her although I have never asked about any of them. I hope this is helpful. IMHO it might be better trusting the word of a fellow hobbyist than one of those CL ads with fake pictures and a pimp in the closet. I have been there and it is no fun at all.


09-13-07, 14:11
I've seen some bad reviews on CL for her. Not sure if they are true, but saw more than 1, so put it on my no fly list.

Shit that's a big dissapointment. Can any anyone confirm this?. Is she working independently or with a pimp? I wanna give it a shot or I just may just TOFFT.

09-13-07, 14:31
Common Man passed her info to me also. We shared info a number of times. Although I haven't had the pleasure another member pm'd me about her and he echos P Austin's comments. So if anybody is inner-rested (hehe) there's at least 2 satisfied customers here.

FWIW, CM was banned.

Phat Bastard
09-13-07, 18:58
I also heard via PM that "Peachy's" was legit, although they said she was about half as attractive as others had said.

But hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you never know.

09-14-07, 13:11
Just letting all fellow hobbyists know about one of my ATF for a quickie, Peaches who advertises for senior men on CL. She does prefer the older men 40+, She is a rare find for CL, and has always been fair with me, she runs ad as 35 year old, dark skin. She has a hot body and, her prices are flexible, she ask for .60, for BBBJCIM, and also advertises a special for .40. I believe FS is also available. She is very enthusiastic, friendly and lives in a fairly safe neighborhood on a dead end street. Easy on and easy off the highway. I usually give her about an hours notice. She doesn’t post pictures but she also doesn’t have to, her looks are as great as her attitude.


http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/416317034.htmlHello there,

I have been lurking for a while and have not posted on this board. I was just cruising CL and realized that P Austin posted the above detail on CL. I did see the link below his post but did not go there.

Don't you think that this a bit more detail than is needed on CL. Hell it would make me a bit nervous to visit in the near future. Just my opinion. Mayeb I'm over cautious. Any comments.

Member #3969
09-22-07, 00:23
Hello fellow hobbyists. I'm new to the board but a veteran hobbyist. Actually stumbled upon this site thru a link when trying to find more info on AMP's in the area. I will be using your advice and experience in that area and will share mine in the area of escorts. I have seen quite a few in the area but i tend to stick with the $$-$$$ ones. Always been a firm believer in you get what you pay for.

Anyways here's Eva's review. Had a very good time and it would've been better if she'd been on time. Being late is a pet peeve of mine. Her pics on Craig's list are accurate. She's a FS GFE who speaks MOST languages (no Greek) and as expected for safety sake all activity is covered. any questions just ask.

I can also pass on other reviews of Jennifer, Madison and etc if anyone wants to know. Luck to all, DJ

09-22-07, 06:52
Hello fellow hobbyists. I'm new to the board but a veteran hobbyist. Actually stumbled upon this site thru a link when trying to find more info on AMP's in the area. I will be using your advice and experience in that area and will share mine in the area of escorts. I have seen quite a few in the area but i tend to stick with the $$-$$$ ones. Always been a firm believer in you get what you pay for.

Anyways here's Eva's review. Had a very good time and it would've been better if she'd been on time. Being late is a pet peeve of mine. Her pics on Craig's list are accurate. She's a FS GFE who speaks MOST languages (no Greek) and as expected for safety sake all activity is covered. any questions just ask.

I can also pass on other reviews of Jennifer, Madison and etc if anyone wants to know. Luck to all, DJYou probably have more experience than me in this area. I have seen a few and not have one I see very frequently, almost exclusively.

One request I would make of you, as well as other mongers, PLEASE, when you give a review (either way) of any provider, always include a picture of them as well. There are presently 2-3 Eva's functioning in PVD, and these girls change their names like (hopefully) their sheets!!!!

Also, please indicate if it was an incall / outcall and your cost for the session.

Truthfully, these are the criteria which all will find helpful, especially the picture.

Thank you so much. I attached pics of two possible Eva's and there were two more, because of the way they were formatted, I could not life them.

I am also presuming you found her off CL? It would be great to tell us where they advertise as well.

P Austin
09-22-07, 13:50
Hello there,

I have been lurking for a while and have not posted on this board. I was just cruising CL and realized that P Austin posted the above detail on CL. I did see the link below his post but did not go there.

Don't you think that this a bit more detail than is needed on CL. Hell it would make me a bit nervous to visit in the near future. Just my opinion. Mayeb I'm over cautious. Any comments.

If you are asking about what I wrote, then scroll down and see that more than one member had asked for a more detailed report. Also on CL there had been some bashing going on, on that board so I told her I would write a good review for her. IMHO just helping out a good provider.


Member #3969
09-22-07, 22:34
I have some interests in some of my other experiences so will share some more. I saw Jennifer a young girl from cumberland several weeks ago. I was one of her very first "dates". Her pics are legit, she was on time and she has a smooth firm hot body. Great ass and smelled good too.

Her driver (boyfriend) waited outside. Easy to talk to and good at what she does. She's FS but not GFE. No kissing at all. No greek either if you're into that. She did give an AWESOME cbj. So good i had to have her stop several times to keep from popping quickly (no multiples allowed). She finished me off with a very fast paced cowgirl. Those young ones can really move.

Back then her rate was $$+ since then i did call back ( was thinking of trying some new positions with her) but no response. I have also seen some recent bad reviews saying she's now upselling. True or not i don't know but watch it i guess. Happy playing to all.

09-24-07, 17:29
FWIW, CM was banned.

Didn't know CM was banned. Maybe I missed something.

Member #5805
09-24-07, 20:21
Didn't know CM was banned. Maybe I missed something.
It was never reported by Jackson. If he was it is a shame that he would get banned and other usless posters get to hang around

09-25-07, 06:45
I am sure he didn't get banned, he just got tired of useless petty commments attacking him and felt why bother... now i'm puttting words in his mouth, but I will bet $ I'm right.

09-25-07, 09:07
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. Cm & I pm'd quite a few times with info. I asked about him to another monger who I know we both pm'd and I was told he was banned/quit/whatever.
Guess I should have been more clear in my statement.

09-26-07, 17:19
In response to my own question about Frankee, I TOFTT with Frankee the other day. I had a little extra time and happened to be in the Rhode Island area, so I figured what the hell.
I called and left a message, and she promptly called back. She said she charges $200 per an hour of FS. It's a bit steep, but I liked the description and the busty photos she posted. (It's amazing how the right software can enhance an otherwise poor quality photo.)

She uses a "friends" apartment in a mixed use commercial/residentail building in Cumberland. Not the best of apartments, but it serves the purpose. Unfortunately there's no bed, so we did it on the living room couch.
Strike One!

When she got undressed, it was apparent that the photos were a bit dated. She's added a few pounds, and her 36DD boobs were rather droopy. They may have been 36DD at one point in time, but not any more.
Strike Two!

While the services were good, it was one pop and Time is up.
Strike Three!

For what she's charging, I expected a lot more.
I certainly won't be back. I'm sticking with Champagne for now on. No comparison in quality or price. And with Champagne you get the full hour. Add to that the fact that Champagne runs specials for $125 an hour, and gives a $25 discount on return visits, Champagne wins hands down.

I just thought you'd want to know and save yourself a mediocre experiece at best. If Frankee dropped her prices to something much more reasonable, it might be a different story, but as it is, I recommend you go elsewhere.


Member #3969
09-26-07, 18:19
Saw Ginger today. Only took 1/2 hr as i'm finally starting to realize that most of these "ladies" charge for an hour but either split sooner or string it out long enough that you don't get any multi's. Some are starting to prohibit 1/2 hr appt's and only offer an hour to counter this.

Easy to set up appt with, pics are legit. To me IMO she might look a little bit older but still looks fine. Pretty good service (cbj & fs) and as expected everything was covered. I'm the type to want it that way anyways.

I'm still looking for someone who's good enough to keep as a regular. Some are nice but a bit pricey. I saw one on the net who charges $1K hr with a 4hr minimum. Now that better be the best in the history of the world to be that expensive.

Going to try to set up with jenny or heather next. Will let you know.

09-26-07, 21:53
In response to my own question about Frankee, I TOFTT with Frankee the other day. I had a little extra time and happened to be in the Rhode Island area, so I figured what the hell.

I called and left a message, and she promptly called back. She said she charges $200 per an hour of FS. It's a bit steep, but I liked the description and the busty photos she posted. (It's amazing how the right software can enhance an otherwise poor quality photo.)

She uses a "friends" apartment in a mixed use commercial/residentail building in Cumberland. Not the best of apartments, but it serves the purpose. Unfortunately there's no bed, so we did it on the living room couch.

Strike One!

When she got undressed, it was apparent that the photos were a bit dated. She's added a few pounds, and her 36DD boobs were rather droopy. They may have been 36DD at one point in time, but not any more.

Strike Two!

While the services were good, it was one pop and Time is up.

Strike Three!

For what she's charging, I expected a lot more.

I certainly won't be back. I'm sticking with Champagne for now on. No comparison in quality or price. And with Champagne you get the full hour. Add to that the fact that Champagne runs specials for $125 an hour, and gives a $25 discount on return visits, Champagne wins hands down.

I just thought you'd want to know and save yourself a mediocre experiece at best. If Frankee dropped her prices to something much more reasonable, it might be a different story, but as it is, I recommend you go elsewhere.

Guest123Thanks for the great description. I hope you are a good source of accurate info. I am looking foward to seeing Champagne soon and I appreciate your thumbs up. Her ads are definitely the best and if she truly delivers, I think it will be a fun time. Thanks again.

FYI, I saw Victoria at 458-7065 and had a good experience. Awesome tits. She had a friend Alicia whi would join in for the right price. Safe, clean location on dead end street in Prov, near Branch Ave.

Phat Bastard
09-27-07, 06:37
I am sure he didn't get banned, he just got tired of useless petty commments attacking him and felt why bother... now i'm puttting words in his mouth, but I will bet $ I'm right.

Check his name, it says "retired".

He's still here though, just not under that name.

09-27-07, 07:03
I hope you are a good source of accurate info. Excuse me??? If you RTFF you'd already know.
I hope your future posts are more informative...


09-27-07, 07:37
I've seen some bad reviews on CL for her. Not sure if they are true, but saw more than 1, so put it on my no fly list.


Can't find the reviews. Can anyone else confirm that she's bad and should be avoided?

Member #3969
09-27-07, 19:56
You probably have more experience than me in this area. I have seen a few and not have one I see very frequently, almost exclusively.

One request I would make of you, as well as other mongers, PLEASE, when you give a review (either way) of any provider, always include a picture of them as well. There are presently 2-3 Eva's functioning in PVD, and these girls change their names like (hopefully) their sheets!!!!

Also, please indicate if it was an incall / outcall and your cost for the session.

Truthfully, these are the criteria which all will find helpful, especially the picture.

Thank you so much. I attached pics of two possible Eva's and there were two more, because of the way they were formatted, I could not life them.

I am also presuming you found her off CL? It would be great to tell us where they advertise as well.Daddyslookin, thanks for the info. Like i first posted I'm new here and I'm still learning the ettiquette, lingo and "rules" per se. I will try to do as you wrote in the future. I just now went back to the older posts to see your reply. As for Eva, the first pic was the one i saw. I understand that names can overlap and that they change them also.

I'm still learning the "technique" for adding pics to the postings. In reference to any experiences i list they will all be considered "outcall" as i am much more comfortable having them come to me and being more in charge of the situation. Have heard way too many horror stories from bad incalls.

That is also what generally keeps me from the SW action. I vividly recall a local radio dj being busted by LE and paraded on tv, in the newspapers and etc. I REALLY don't need that kind of attention. If anyone ever has any questions or advice feel free to pm me.

09-28-07, 08:39
Unless you're rich and famous or have a high profile job, like the dj, your chances of making the front page and being on the 6 o'clock news are almost nil.

Not to say it couldn't happen but we're really small potatos. We could and more than likely would end up on the Police Blotter section of the paper which in itself is bad enough.

The streets aren't the safest place but with a little common sense very enjoyable. The best defense is a good offense. Keep your wits, don't go gaa-gaa over a new good looking sw'er, jacking up in traffic and making u turns on elmwood. Keep your car inspection valid, make sure all your lights/signals work. Use your turn signals, STOP at stop signs, don't try to make it before a light turns red. Don't speed or go too slow with your head on a swivel looking down each side street. Don't give them a easy way to stop you.

About the best advice with a sw'er is to always go to your place, not hers.

Keep reading the forum, not just Prov but all over. Lots of good free advice and it generally applies to everywhere.

Frank J Rizzo
09-28-07, 17:25
Hi All,

This is my first post but I've been lurking for a several months. This report is about an escort named Amanda I found on Craigslist. Her number is 401-359-1881. I could see when she showed up that she was beefier than she advertised. But I was horny and the price wasn't too bad for 3am so I let her in. Big mistake, before she undressed she wanted me to turn the lights down which I was happy to do because her "hour glass" body was very bottom heavy. She claims the pics in the ad are of her but if they are she was about 50 pounds lighter when they where taken. Her big flabby gut was a big turn-off. She gave a very short and mechanical CBJ. DATY was and up-sell which I went for but when I was ready I wanted to do her doggie (so I didn't have to look at that gut) but that was an up-sell. Everything outside of mish ended up being an up-sell. On top of this her cell phone rang about 4 or 5 times and she had to pick it up each time it rang even in the middle of the action. Very disappointing.

URL to her ad:
http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/412529345.htmlI discovered some additional info regarding Allison who I previously posted about a couple weeks ago. As it turns out this girl has a couple aliases and uses 3 different phone numbers. I suspect she is doing this to hide from bad reviews. Each of her ads has also uses different pics. Here are the specifics:

Aliases: Alli, Allison and Amanda
Phone numbers: 401-623-6628, 401-359-1881 she also was posting with a couple other girls with the number 401-473-3506, but I think they dumped her because she's been getting a lot of bad press.

Good Hunting!


The Antagonist
10-01-07, 23:22
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


The Antagonist
10-01-07, 23:38
How about this chick


Night Cruiser
10-02-07, 03:11
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


Not quite sure but I think she used to work out of Tewksbury, MA. I haven't seen her an add from that provider since last year. She used to post saying that she was a college student etc. etc.... She was a greek (looked very Mediterranean too) queen and had huge tits. I forgot what name she went by. If anyone wants to chime in..... NC

Phat Bastard
10-02-07, 06:32
How about this chick


I've seen her ads a bunch of times but I've only seen that pic.

I'd get a better pic before laying down any cash.

Phat Bastard
10-02-07, 06:35
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


She modeled under the name Dolly Arafat.
Google that for images and it'll either hook you or turn you away:)

Skill-wise I have no idea how she is but her tits are crooked, which turned me away....I know, I know, not a good reason:)

Vid samples;

10-02-07, 07:41
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


Hey antagonist - this chick posted in CT for a while. Most of the reports read - look out! Some type of scammer - weird ads on her part. "I need an apartment - I need a car" I'd stay away. Good luck

Wamm Bamm
10-02-07, 08:54
Hey antagonist - this chick posted in CT for a while. Most of the reports read - look out! Some type of scammer - weird ads on her part. "I need an apartment - I need a car" I'd stay away. Good luckIf you type her name in the CL exotic search you can get some history on this honey. Has had some of her movie porn pics on here before. Gives nice facials.

10-02-07, 11:48
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


Hey. I went ahead and went to the PRVIDENCE CL and punched in the last 4 digits of her number.

You will find a 09-09 posting saying that someone is posting her number and that she is massage only. She aslo mentions to look for her pics in GENT magazine.

Jack Meov
10-02-07, 20:18
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?

http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/437550002.htmlSee's legit. Lots of good ratings.

Minor CL war, which has ended? But don't let that get in your way.

The Antagonist
10-02-07, 23:30
Thanks for the feed back has anybody accually partaken in this ladys favors with breasts like that one for u guys has to have first hand experience.

Phat Bastard
10-03-07, 05:46
Thanks for the feed back has anybody accually partaken in this ladys favors with breasts like that one for u guys has to have first hand experience.

I noticed that you've also been seeking info in the Boston section and it's good that you're looking in Providence too. One thing RI has over Mass is that exchanging sex for money indoors is legal due to a loophole, which is a great reason to monger here, especially since it's a short drive from Boston. In RI, you don't have to worry about walking into a sting or having LE break your door down. Keep that in mind when you actually arrive and get set up for your fun.

Another thing to think about is a brothel/strip joint called Cheaters. In there, you can get dancers to take you into a private booth and get services for 100-150 plus a 35 house fee for 15 minutes. Yeah, it's damned expensive but it's sometimes better than driving around aimlessly looking for SW's and can be better than an outcall since you can actually choose who you're going in with instead of relying on a pic and possibly getting a bait and switch.

If you do that, make sure to check the strip club section here for more info, especially on who makes promises they don't keep.

10-04-07, 08:43
Does anyone know f this is a real offer, or if this what she (and most importantly) it looks like?

Jamie - 19
Reply to: pers-439590760@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-10-04, 12:34AM EDT

Playmate ready to rub your whole body from top to bottom.
I have a little girl p**** so indulge now,


Member #3969
10-04-07, 16:38
Saw Tarah today. I'm not going to post any pics as she's pretty well known and has her own webpage (fullservicegfe). If you check her out there you'll get everything. She's not a young teeny bopper but gives a nice relaxed GFE. I chose her today on a whim really. Saw that she was in town (she travels all over so check her schedule) and available and that she gives back rubs too.

Went to her incall at the marriott. The room was candle lit with nice soft music and a nice atmosphere overall. Her pics and descriptions are very accurate! Spent a bit chit chatting, then undressed each other for a nice full body rub/massage. She encourages you to roam too! After the flip got a decent BBBJ which progressed to covered FS in several positions.

She's NOT a clock watcher. I had only planned on 1/2 hr but it ended up well over due to talking before and after. No mention of any other money either. I will be more than happy to see her again as you get a good value for your Money. Also, multiples are definitely allowed which is always a good thing. I also liked the southern accent. If you're looking for a decent GFE for a good price you can't go wrong.

10-04-07, 19:51
Does anyone know f this is a real offer, or if this what she (and most importantly) it looks like?I just happened to see your posting and this is the exact same pic of a provider that claims it is her in New Orleans, LA. So one of these providers is using a stolen pic. See her posting on CL.


Hope this helps.

Phat Bastard
10-05-07, 06:30
Cuming up from Florida on vaca whats the deal with chick is she for real anyboby know?


Apparently she's been involved in a little petty drama on CL lately so make sure that if you call her, you get the right number. Keep in mind that she was using the number the new ads say isn't her, back in August.

New ad:

guys im so sorry about all the confusion with my stalker posting fake adds with my picture. i am ONLY making appointments with hobbyists who email me with your phone number.


Also 401 954 4332 is NOT ME!!!!!
Someone is pretending to be me and send my potential customers on a dead end trip.


Old ad:

Hi there,
I will be available again tomorrow after 1 pm. Please save my phone number and call me tomorrow. My phone number is 401 954 4332 Dollie xoxoxo rates are 300 1 hr or 200 half hr recent test results available upon request


Boston Eater
10-10-07, 07:44
Saw Tarah today. I'm not going to post any pics as she's pretty well known and has her own webpage (fullservicegfe). If you check her out there you'll get everything. She's not a young teeny bopper but gives a nice relaxed GFE. I chose her today on a whim really. Saw that she was in town (she travels all over so check her schedule) and available and that she gives back rubs too.

Went to her incall at the marriott. The room was candle lit with nice soft music and a nice atmosphere overall. Her pics and descriptions are very accurate! Spent a bit chit chatting, then undressed each other for a nice full body rub/massage. She encourages you to roam too! After the flip got a decent BBBJ which progressed to covered FS in several positions.

She's NOT a clock watcher. I had only planned on 1/2 hr but it ended up well over due to talking before and after. No mention of any other money either. I will be more than happy to see her again as you get a good value for your Money. Also, multiples are definitely allowed which is always a good thing. I also liked the southern accent. If you're looking for a decent GFE for a good price you can't go wrong.

yes, she was a regular at Roomservicegirls for quite a while and is very well reviewed on TER and TBD. She went indy earlier this year.

10-10-07, 18:34
Is that the correct web site and she charges you for the service? Just want to check on tastes and I guess I should ask what your rating of her is on a scale of 1 to 10 (as they rate on merb??)

The Griz
10-10-07, 19:54
Is that the correct web site and she charges you for the service? I thought the same thing; frightening.

10-10-07, 20:31
Dito on that one man.

Member #3969
10-10-07, 22:15
Is that the correct web site and she charges you for the service? Just want to check on tastes and I guess I should ask what your rating of her is on a scale of 1 to 10 (as they rate on merb??)If you're asking about Tarah she has quite a lot of reviews on both TER and *********. She mostly gets 6's to 7's for ratings. Like i first posted, she's very real. Pics are accurate and up to date. Her prices quoted are accurate and she gives very good service.

You will not have to worry about upselling or being ripped off. It's a good value for your $$. I had a nice time with her and will do so again. Now if you ever able to find a nice young tight hottie to provide the same service at those prices that would be an accomplishment! If anyone ever does please tell me.

Stressed Out
10-11-07, 17:43
that used to have a website of www.barebodyrub.com or www.southernladygfe.com only back then she was a pretty good looking redhead. Had the short hair and was rated very highly. I couldn't get to the website from work so I can't check. SO

If you're asking about Tarah she has quite a lot of reviews on both TER and *********. She mostly gets 6's to 7's for ratings. Like i first posted, she's very real. Pics are accurate and up to date. Her prices quoted are accurate and she gives very good service.

You will not have to worry about upselling or being ripped off. It's a good value for your $$. I had a nice time with her and will do so again. Now if you ever able to find a nice young tight hottie to provide the same service at those prices that would be an accomplishment! If anyone ever does please tell me.

10-11-07, 20:14
I heard someone once say you pay a woman not for sex, but to leave. If you pay the highly rated one, you should leave immediately after paying. Sorry, just my 2 cents. Goto a bar, and buy a hefty young girl lots of drinks. You will not be sorry the next day - and it will be very real!

Wamm Bamm
10-12-07, 07:05
I heard someone once say you pay a woman not for sex, but to leave. If you pay the highly rated one, you should leave immediately after paying. Sorry, just my 2 cents. Goto a bar, and buy a hefty young girl lots of drinks. You will not be sorry the next day - and it will be very real!Been there done that. No strings attached, no hang over, no guilt, great service from the right escort who works it the way you want. That my friend is "real" enough for me.

10-14-07, 09:39
I got to find an in call that is clean, safe and regular around Providence, maybe a single mom whose kids are in school daytime. Don't want to hook up with those CL losers. Any suggestions?

10-21-07, 00:27
I'm looking for some info about a girl name Monica. You can find her at erosboston.com. I think she's kinda new in this area, but her description says she's been working at some clubs all over New England.

10-26-07, 00:47
How do you know which craigslist ads are real and which are just posting fake pictures? It seems like there are SO many options that are good. Which makes me have lots of doubts.

Thanks for helpin out a newbie.

King Rich
10-27-07, 22:01
The last time I tried this type of post I was shouted down, slammed, flamed, and thrown under the bus! But it DID generate quite a bit of useful information exchange for those who were interested. So, in the words of our former President, "Here we go again! "

I have some recent intel about BBFS providers in RI. Three new ones I have barebacked since my last post--all quite attractive BBFSTC (cum-in-pussy) MILFS. Two of them are reviewed on one of the big national escort boards, but all are local. And all blondes, as it turns out! But of course, I'm ALWAYS looking for more! So, if you want to trade intel on girls who will fuck bareback, please send me a PM. Although I'd be glad to comment on specifics of performance and generalities about this topic on the public board, I will provide names and contact info ONLY by backchannel.

I just have ONE rule: You MUST send me the name and contact info for at least one girl with whom you have done BBFS (or BBgreek). Any race, age (over 18 of course), or shape. (Within reason, please--no circus freaks! ) Then, I'll share with you all I know. The reason for this is that some guys have used this type of information for malicious purposes that hurts us as well as the girls.

Stripclub experiences (as long as they include BBFS) also count if you can supply accurrate data about how to find them. So please PM me and show me yours--then I'll show you mine!

Cruiser D
10-30-07, 05:58
KR, you are just a mining troll. Not that I am the least bit interested in a ho that does BB. But why don't you post your information first and then I'll send you mine.

You are full of shit.

10-30-07, 11:24
Do you have a death wish? BBFS is bad enough but BBGreek? Be easier to run out in front of a semi on 95. You'll end up with the same result but with at least with the semi it'll be quick.

Regarding your method of sharing info, in your words:

"I just have ONE rule: You MUST send me the name and contact info for at least one girl with whom you have done BBFS (or BBgreek)." and " So please PM me and show me yours--then I'll show you mine!"

That's not the way it works. Just wondering, would you happen to be related to a guy who has his own "special" posting area here??

10-30-07, 20:21
KR ... You are full of shit.Please do not feed the troll.

10-30-07, 21:42
KR, you are just a mining troll. Not that I am the least bit interested in a ho that does BB. But why don't you post your information first and then I'll send you mine.

You are full of shit.

I just want him to post the names of the bbfs'ers he's done so we know who to avoid in the future.

11-01-07, 21:08
...post the names of the bbfs'ers he's done so we know who to avoid in the future.
Just a hunch, but I'm guessing that is exactly what he is hoping for. It's entirely possible that for some sick, perverse reason he wants to make public the names of some provider(s) who he "claims" offers bb services, in the hope that everyone begins avoiding them out of fear. Posting any names he provides might only help him achieve his goal, whatever that may be.

There's no way of knowing if he's being truthful or not. It could be a vendetta of some sort, or maybe he's a pimp who is looking to take over the market by smearing other providers. Either way, I don't buy what he's selling. Look at his post history. There's not much there to suggest he's actually a legitimate monger. His posts are pretty much limited to Cheaters girls that have already been reported on numerous occassions.

Just my two cents worth.


Boston Guy 57
11-01-07, 21:45
The last time I tried this type of post I was shouted down, slammed, flamed, and thrown under the bus! But it DID generate quite a bit of useful information exchange for those who were interested. So, in the words of our former President, "Here we go again! "

Doesn't appear that things have changed much eh?

11-06-07, 11:53
The last time I tried this type of post I was shouted down, slammed, flamed, and thrown under the bus! But it DID generate quite a bit of useful information exchange for those who were interested. So, in the words of our former President, "Here we go again! "

I have some recent intel about BBFS providers in RI. Three new ones I have barebacked since my last post--all quite attractive BBFSTC (cum-in-pussy) MILFS. Two of them are reviewed on one of the big national escort boards, but all are local. And all blondes, as it turns out! But of course, I'm ALWAYS looking for more! So, if you want to trade intel on girls who will fuck bareback, please send me a PM. Although I'd be glad to comment on specifics of performance and generalities about this topic on the public board, I will provide names and contact info ONLY by backchannel.

I just have ONE rule: You MUST send me the name and contact info for at least one girl with whom you have done BBFS (or BBgreek). Any race, age (over 18 of course), or shape. (Within reason, please--no circus freaks! ) Then, I'll share with you all I know. The reason for this is that some guys have used this type of information for malicious purposes that hurts us as well as the girls.

Stripclub experiences (as long as they include BBFS) also count if you can supply accurrate data about how to find them. So please PM me and show me yours--then I'll show you mine!

This ass is trying to discredit our hobby and our friends' profession as unsafe. The overwhelming majority of suppliers and consumers in this industry practice safety. Epidemics and outbreaks come not from the activity of members and providers, who are mostly well-versed in prevention, but from the ignorant. Your efforts to eliminate our activities will fail as they have throughout history. Those you keep in the dark will inevitably suffer the very thing you are trying to stifle, you dick head.

11-13-07, 00:45
Ok hopefully this is the spot for this. I spoke to Rhonda tonight on one of the free gab lines. She was looking to hook up with a hobbiest. She said she is off Branch Ave. Just wondering if anyone has seen or dealt with her. Info appreciated.

12-26-07, 13:55
Carmen from CL (6905) is exactly as advertised. Her pictures are definitely her and recent. She is short and thick, but not fat. Everything is safe. Recommended.

RH Treller
12-28-07, 12:19
Lori, 10p Thursday night, on Plainfield.

Blonde wsw, not bad looking but a little rough around the edges.

Lousy service. Will not repeat. She offered her digits which I declined.

12-28-07, 13:33
Lousy service. Will not repeat. She offered her digits which I declined.When you decline the digits...they get the message.

01-01-08, 22:53
Gentlemen, I was wondering if anyone has been with "Brooke" that advertises on CL? Somehow I haven't noticed her ads until now, and she's been advertising for at least a few months.

Here is her current ad, and the two photos she posts. I've enhanced them somewhat so you can get a better view:

************BROOKE(774)259-7947 ANYTIME ************

Please let me know if she's worthwhile. I haven't called to inquire about her rates or services yet. Anyone know anything about her services? I'll likely TOFTT with this one, but some advanced intel would be appreciated.


01-05-08, 16:31
Anyone have the chance to meet Destiny from CL?

01-09-08, 17:37
Does anyone know this provider? I have not met her yet, but have been going back and forth online.

Checking for her reputation among the mongers.

P Austin
01-12-08, 14:18
Okay so I might not want to admit this but I did hook up with Arianna from CL. She is a "BBW". She usually post about once a day during the week and says she has about 3 to 4 dates a week. Her incall is on the first floor in CF (about as safe as CF gets). I called her and she answered setting something up with in 30 minutes. She has a real great attitude and is very friendly. She is definitely on the heavy side, cute face, and her place was fairly clean. On to the good stuff, I went for the FS, GFE, full contact and she started with a very enthusiastic bbbj with some great bls. We eventually went to covered CG. As her directions to her place took me by a Dunkin I asked her if she wanted a coffee so after completion we sat on the bed and drank our coffee. With some prompting she began to rub lotion on my legs and then she proceeded to give me another bbbj no cim. So over all if a BBW could be your thing then she is clean (not a hint of Body odor), very friendly, safe, and not a clock watcher. $.2 for more than an hour.



P Austin
01-12-08, 14:23
Does anyone know this provider? I have not met her yet, but have been going back and forth online.

Checking for her reputation among the mongers.

I checked through all of CL and could not find her ad. Maybe a URL or a name and I could do some more research, and see what I come up with. Other than that I don't know her.


01-16-08, 15:27
I have also seen her ad on CL. She looks like she would give me the fuck of my life

Gentlemen, I was wondering if anyone has been with "Brooke" that advertises on CL? Somehow I haven't noticed her ads until now, and she's been advertising for at least a few months.

Here is her current ad, and the two photos she posts. I've enhanced them somewhat so you can get a better view:

************BROOKE(774)259-7947 ANYTIME ************

Please let me know if she's worthwhile. I haven't called to inquire about her rates or services yet. Anyone know anything about her services? I'll likely TOFTT with this one, but some advanced intel would be appreciated.


01-16-08, 18:07
She's received a couple of bad reviews. Some highlights were "dirty","smells"and noninterest.

01-17-08, 00:37
my understanding is that prostitution is legal in rhode island (except for streets). i am considering visiting ri. i can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. my questions are:

1. if i travel to ri for hiring a provider in ri, am i violating any mann act or travel act?

2. if i travel to ri and hire a provider who is in boston or some other part of the country to come for an outcall, do i violate prostitution law of ma (or of the state where she is coming from as she is crossing state lines)? or do i violate mann act or travel act in this case?

3. if i go to an amp in ri and an **** girl is working there, or the amp does not have a license to operate or a girl is locked in and being forced to work there, do i violate any ri laws for visiting/getting served in the amp?

4. anyone has any updates on prostituion law in ri, are there any changes that have occured or is it still legal as of today?

answer to any of these questions will be very appreciated.

thanks a bunch in advance.


01-17-08, 10:49
My understanding is that prostitution is legal in Rhode Island (except for streets). I am considering visiting RI. I can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. My questions are:

I'd love to give you legal advice, but I'm not a lawyer, even if I were I don't have a license to practice in Rhode Island, even if I did you're not my client, and ... well ... the stakes are too high!

But keep on trolling, dude, you're doing fine so far.


Member #5805
01-17-08, 11:32
My understanding is that prostitution is legal in Rhode Island (except for streets). I am considering visiting RI. I can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. My questions are:

Thanks a bunch in advance.



With all of that worrying you probably won't be able to get it up. You would probably be better of just renting some porn and taking care of yourself.

01-17-08, 11:39

others will no doubt weigh-in on this, but here is my response:

1) you're asking very specific questions which should be addressed to an actual criminal law attorney if you are that concerned, however, common sense dictates you will not be prosecuted for traveling to ri, and none of the reputable amps are going to have **** workers

2) suffice to say that your chances of getting into a legal jam by patronizing any of the establishments discussed on this board (cheaters, downtown, central health, etc); it is also highly unlikely that you will run into any problems going to a private incall service

3) the laws have not been changed -- the proposed legislation has not moved forward. the legality of it all has been discussed on this board and those for neighboring areas, but the more accurate description is that the act of exchanging sex for money in a private area has been decriminalized through legal precedent, however solicitation and running a house of prostitution is still illegal. thus it is not that prostitution is legal per se, but that there is white space where it is not explicitly illegal.

my understanding is that prostitution is legal in rhode island (except for streets). i am considering visiting ri. i can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. my questions are:

1. if i travel to ri for hiring a provider in ri, am i violating any mann act or travel act?

2. if i travel to ri and hire a provider who is in boston or some other part of the country to come for an outcall, do i violate prostitution law of ma (or of the state where she is coming from as she is crossing state lines)? or do i violate mann act or travel act in this case?

3. if i go to an amp in ri and an **** girl is working there, or the amp does not have a license to operate or a girl is locked in and being forced to work there, do i violate any ri laws for visiting/getting served in the amp?

4. anyone has any updates on prostituion law in ri, are there any changes that have occured or is it still legal as of today?

answer to any of these questions will be very appreciated.

thanks a bunch in advance.


Phat Bastard
01-17-08, 12:10
my understanding is that prostitution is legal in rhode island (except for streets). i am considering visiting ri. i can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. my questions are:

1. if i travel to ri for hiring a provider in ri, am i violating any mann act or travel act?

2. if i travel to ri and hire a provider who is in boston or some other part of the country to come for an outcall, do i violate prostitution law of ma (or of the state where she is coming from as she is crossing state lines)? or do i violate mann act or travel act in this case?

3. if i go to an amp in ri and an **** girl is working there, or the amp does not have a license to operate or a girl is locked in and being forced to work there, do i violate any ri laws for visiting/getting served in the amp?

4. anyone has any updates on prostituion law in ri, are there any changes that have occured or is it still legal as of today?

answer to any of these questions will be very appreciated.

thanks a bunch in advance.


deja, just go, you'll be fine. the loophole still exists and the establishment would get into trouble not you, except maybe if she's ****.

and if she looks ****, use your big head and stay the fuck away from her.

01-17-08, 22:04
if i go to an amp in ri and an **** girl is working there,

deja, just go, you'll be fine. the loophole still exists and the establishment would get into trouble not you, except maybe if she's ****.

and if she looks ****, use your big head and stay the fuck away from her.

with all due respect to the wonderful ladies who have brought so many of us so much pleasure in rhode island's many amps -- if any of them are even under the age of 25, i would be astounded (maybe making an exception for some of the rare chinese, but not for the standard koreans).

as to under 18, or even under 21...no way; not these days, anyway.

01-17-08, 23:47
Thanks for answering my questions: especially to "webdog" and "phat Bastard".

Appreciate your replies.

01-18-08, 17:09
I think she is the same one that ran tons of ads on the Worcester CL board with her PR boyfriend, doing doubles or alone. Lot of negative info, they disappeared for a bit. Not sure where they landed. Hope that helps.

Does anyone know this provider? I have not met her yet, but have been going back and forth online.

Checking for her reputation among the mongers.

01-20-08, 14:34
the mann and travel acts are federal laws and ri law wouldn't make any difference. the mann act would be for pimps moving women over state lines and the travel act may be enforceable against the pro but not the john. i don't think its being used like that you'd have read about it somewhere if it was.

the amps kind of scare me. i always think the worst and wouldn't want to be there during a raid. its not like they are a secret and some have been busted before by the feds but i'm really not sure why. just my luck to be there during something like that though.

my understanding is that prostitution is legal in rhode island (except for streets). i am considering visiting ri. i can not afford to be in legal problems as stakes are too high. my questions are:

1. if i travel to ri for hiring a provider in ri, am i violating any mann act or travel act?

2. if i travel to ri and hire a provider who is in boston or some other part of the country to come for an outcall, do i violate prostitution law of ma (or of the state where she is coming from as she is crossing state lines)? or do i violate mann act or travel act in this case?

3. if i go to an amp in ri and an **** girl is working there, or the amp does not have a license to operate or a girl is locked in and being forced to work there, do i violate any ri laws for visiting/getting served in the amp?

4. anyone has any updates on prostituion law in ri, are there any changes that have occured or is it still legal as of today?

answer to any of these questions will be very appreciated.

thanks a bunch in advance.


01-24-08, 12:51

Boston P A
01-25-08, 14:09
http://www.projo.com/massachusetts/content/SEEKSEX23_01-23-08_NE8N9J1_v13.250b865.htmlNote that this occurred in Massachusetts, not Rhode Island.

01-25-08, 18:17

Keep it indoors and in RI. Stay away from the motels in MA. Mass is under a vision quest of some sort for pros.

Note that this occurred in Massachusetts, not Rhode Island.

01-25-08, 21:37
Stay in RI to be safe.

IF you read the article, escorts were called to a motel in Massachusetts, where prostitution is illegal.

So, do it in RI. Call from an area 401 phone, to a 401 phone and meet in a RI address.

01-30-08, 18:16
Saw Wren for the first time, she did a great BBBJ CIM and allowed DATY. Also wanted a second go around. Good deal at $$.

Stressed Out
02-02-08, 19:45
I have noticed ads for a very beautiful mature woman named Ashley on CL for the last few weeks. (Her digits end in 0586) Being in my thirties I have been looking for a 'mature. woman to have fun with for a while and Ashley has a great body and is quite good looking. I wonder if anyone has met her recently and can give a thumbs up. (or down) I appreciate you help in advance. Thanks SO

02-03-08, 10:58
I have noticed ads for a very beautiful mature woman named Ashley on CL for the last few weeks. (Her digits end in 0586) Being in my thirties I have been looking for a 'mature. woman to have fun with for a while and Ashley has a great body and is quite good looking. I wonder if anyone has met her recently and can give a thumbs up. (or down) I appreciate you help in advance. Thanks SOI met Ashley a couple months ago, and she's the real deal. I'd wager she's a little older than she lets on, probably early 50's, but the bod is still in decent shape, and she's a real eager provider.

Definitely worth the $.5 donation, especially when compared to the other "talent" on CL these days.

Member #3969
02-03-08, 17:05
I have noticed ads for a very beautiful mature woman named Ashley on CL for the last few weeks. (Her digits end in 0586) Being in my thirties I have been looking for a 'mature. woman to have fun with for a while and Ashley has a great body and is quite good looking. I wonder if anyone has met her recently and can give a thumbs up. (or down) I appreciate you help in advance. Thanks SOSO, I have NOT seen her since just before xmas but will pass on my experience with her. Ashley is a total GFE. Was easy enough setting up the meet. Since she came to me (her husband dropped her off) i don't know about her incalls. She was on time and the pics are accurate. Her only drawback is her age but since you know that and want that it shouldn't be a problem. The rates were reasonable and the service was above average. Multiples were not only allowed but encouraged. Not a clock watcher and you'll get the full amount of time. If you want more detail or have any questions feel free to pm me. good luck

02-09-08, 01:35
Does anyone have any info on Veronica on CL? Last digits are 3742.


02-12-08, 15:50
Anybody have any info on Ania Moore? Shes listed on CL and looks hot.

02-17-08, 20:47
http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/577423869.html looks very promising:

Who out there has had a long day? wouldnt you love to relieve some tension? thats what im here for...RELAXATION...i give great massages and so much more!!!
I am always discreet and always on time. I love pampering and pleasing all of my friends. Will you be my naughty friend!

I can be your little secret ! You will love the way you feel with me !

Ce-Ce: 401!!369!!8941 Anyone with info or shall I investigate myself?

02-18-08, 01:31
Don't know anything personally but several reviews on CL (for what those are worth) all say that she rushes.

02-18-08, 15:20
Don't know anything personally but several reviews on CL (for what those are worth) all say that she rushes.
Well I went, and I wouldn't say I found that to be the case, but YMMV most likely depending on when you visit. CFS-MP for 1.5 up front. I'd rate her an 8 on the escort scale. I'd say she's slightly thinner than she looks in the picture, breasts are real but not as firm as indicated. She has a large dog that didn't bother to get up for my visit and ignored us the entire time (so don't worry about it). Upscale location, parking could be an issue depending on time of day. I would definitely repeat. She complained about getting CL-flagged repeatedly by competition. Claims to be a former dancer and looks it, age could be anywhere from 27-33. The hair is a definite dye job, but don't let it put you off. Best non-asian FS I've had in a while, I was just getting really tired of asian.

02-21-08, 11:56
Any intel on Angie? Would be much appreciated!



02-22-08, 13:30
"Any intel on Angie? Would be much appreciated!"

I think this is a better picture of her. She only posted this once. It SEEMS like it could be her. The screenshot shows the same number. I haven't tried her out. Maybe someone can verify whether this is really her in the same blue dress.

02-23-08, 00:02
Any intel on Angie? Would be much appreciated!


ARGWell, I can shed some light on her.

First of all, neither picture, IMO, is her. However, she is better quality cute and is taller than the 5-11 quoted. I am 6-2 and looked at her eye to eye.

She came to my place last Saturday for $100 and I did her again today, at her place, same $100.

She is kinda strange (shy about her naked body). Nice tits (c's) and nice snatch. Same both times, DATY (clean and fresh) and a BJ. She is around 20 and she gave me her business card today. She has on the card Hollywood girls and her number. She mentioned that she works with others.

Now, she lives on Union Ave in a complete dump (I am sure that this shocks you all) and had the oven on and door open to warm the place up today. YIKES.

Anyway, she is a bit of a space cadet, but, a C note does the trick, 1/2 hr and she does watch the clock a little. Hope you enjoy it on the futon.

Hope that this helps

Loco Smith
02-23-08, 03:02
Anyone remember Mia and her sister from CL?

Mike #1
02-27-08, 13:34
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?

02-27-08, 14:33
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?Not my type.

02-27-08, 17:22
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?This one is a good one, I have been to see her several times, nice BBBJ, she also likes daty. I have never try her greek experience. Let me know if youdo.

02-27-08, 18:49
I met Ashley a couple months ago, and she's the real deal. I'd wager she's a little older than she lets on, probably early 50's, but the bod is still in decent shape, and she's a real eager provider.

Definitely worth the $.5 donation, especially when compared to the other "talent" on CL these days.Though there are plenty of photos featuring Ashley's body, can anyone tell me something about her face?

Youngish-looking? Mature-hot? Pleasant? Inner beauty shining through? None of the above?


02-28-08, 00:39
Has anyone ever been with Roxanne, the sexy Asian on Atwells Avenue? She hasn't been posting as often lately but unlike most of the ladies posting she at least has a whole bunch of different pics of herself. Someone once mentioned that she has a pimp always hanging around.

Any info would be appreciated.

Boston Eater
02-28-08, 09:55
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?

hey Mike. did you try her ? It looks like she pulled her ad already, as she's no longer on CL so i have no way of reaching her now.

let us know, please

Shredded House
02-28-08, 18:42
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?I had this one a while back and she was very friendly. Didn't watch the clock or rush your time. Let you do whatever you wanted for the money except kissing on the mouth. The only complaint was that the room smelled of wet dog.

02-28-08, 20:55

When this one first started posting on the SE MA CL someone kept posting she was LE but thats stopped and this same photo/ad is on Prov, Bos and still on SEMA CL for a couple of months now. I know CL is a crapshoot but every once in awhile something peaks my interest.

Anyone tried or even called?

02-28-08, 21:10
saw latin girl nancy, she is near the DD on west ave. everything coverd even the BJ , I dont care for CBJ. does have a very hot body though. I would not repeat. also saw dominic craigslist girl Destiny, she is a total ripoff. again everything coverd and tries to upsell. weird thing is she had her kid in the next room supposedly sleeping "very strange". She is on Sisson off of Atwells.

Save your $ and dont bother. another one I saw was Janari in some flea bag motel in Attleboro. showed up at the room and Homie the pimp was there with some other thug and a younger girl who she said was her sister. She kicked them out of the room so she could perform her duty. I shot my gue quick and got the hell out of there. They are living in the hotel and its for sale and condemed she said.LOL crazy world

03-06-08, 08:25
Hello to all!,

I am new here but have been in the "business" for many many years in this area. I just found this website and think it is fantastic.

I figured I would contribute right out of the box and continue to do so often because I have picked up alot of good tips here allready. To make it simple and short I have listed recent girls I have seen and rated them. If anyone has a need for further info just shout out and I will be glad to provide!


Champagne - Craigslist - $100 HH - Looks 6 - Body 7 - Service 5
Ashley (mature) Craigslist -$150 FH - Looks 4 - Body 5 - Service 9
Evee - Craigslist - $150 HH - Looks 6 - Body 7 - Service 7
Yung-AMP -Broad St - $200 FH - Looks 6 - Body 7- Service 10++
Judy - AMP - Central Falls-$200 FH - Looks 5 - Body 5 -Service 8
Dee - Chatline -Pawt. - $50BBBJ - Looks 4 - Body 5 - Service 8
Lynnee - W.Warwick Chat $100HH - Looks 2- Body 2 -Service 3
Stoney- N.Prov Chatline - $100HH - Looks 4 - Body 4 - Service 5
Rhonda- Prov. Chatline - $40HH - Looks 1- Body 1 -Service-1
Jenn Craigslist -Visits area - $250FH - Looks 8 - Body 8- Service 2
Tiffany Hart - Craigs -Visits - $180FH - Looks 8 - Body 8 - Service 8

Now the above ratings are based only on my personal opinion of each. As we all know everyone has there own opinion and experiences and may beg to differ with my opinions. Hope this helps!

03-08-08, 12:52
http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/577423869.html looks very promising:

Anyone with info or shall I investigate myself?Anyone try this out yet? Looks very interesting.


03-08-08, 14:41
Went to check and Ce-Ce link already flagged for removal!

That was quick!

03-09-08, 11:48
Saw the chubby girl refered to by Italian monkey recentley. She works out of a hotel thats right off the highway. Was so-so but everything has to be covered even for a BJ. Would not really recomend. Told me she gad seen five guys before I showed up. The place is a fuck factory.

03-10-08, 07:02
Went to check and Ce-Ce link already flagged for removal!

That was quick!Search for "Ce-Ce".

She in on there often.


03-10-08, 14:47
Anyone try this out yet? Looks very interesting.

DevUm, gee I wonder if anyone has tried her yet? Hmmm. I dunno, maybe try reading the forum? There's a review on the next stinking page!

Italian Monkey
03-10-08, 17:54
Saw the chubby girl refered to by Italian monkey recentley. She works out of a hotel thats right off the highway. Was so-so but everything has to be covered even for a BJ. Would not really recomend. Told me she gad seen five guys before I showed up. The place is a fuck factory.Sorry for the horrible experience, I had met her when she started off the chat line around like 6 months ago. She was off Branch Ave. At the time and she had done the bbbjcim for like .5 I wouldn't pay to F**K her at all, I like em slim, But at the time she did do good sucking, and I needed a bj. It really is all down hill after they start, they learn and become wise to the game. ANd it become just a cum and go situation, No care or sympathy in our feeling in trying to make us feel good, ya know? But the chat line is a good place to find the beginers. ONce again sorry oli.

03-10-08, 18:43
Anybody have any info on Ania Moore? Shes listed on CL and looks hot.If this is the same post/person I was checking out she says she is "eastern Indian" or is it more like "western"

Have not been with any hot eastern Indian ladies.

03-16-08, 02:17
Posting on Boston Eros but state RI availability:






Most interested in Lourdes and Sky.


Phat Bastard
03-16-08, 13:05
Posting on Boston Eros but state RI availability:






Most interested in Lourdes and Sky.


Just FYI, Lourdes pictures, even on her site, are of Kerry Marie from SCORE.

03-18-08, 19:49
Any info on Brooke?


03-19-08, 18:39
any info on brooke?


any info? yes - a little math. according to her ad she's 36 and has 20 years experience! beside being an **** worker at one time, 20 years is a lot of tire wear!

03-20-08, 02:34
I'd love to give you legal advice, but I'm not a lawyer, even if I were I don't have a license to practice in Rhode Island, even if I did you're not my client, and ... well ... the stakes are too high!

But keep on trolling, dude, you're doing fine so far.

VCI am not this guy's lawyer, but basically if you bring somebody across state lines for the deed, you open up the Mann act as a possibility.

03-24-08, 16:15
Normally just a strip club guy because it seems to be the safest way to get it done. However I was thinking of trying something new. I was on CL and came across this one, she appears new, any reviews would be helpful.


03-24-08, 19:04
... I was on CL and came across this one, she appears new, any reviews would be helpful.
Reviews I've seen were between bad and indifferent, but YMMV. Haven't checked for myself.

John Small
03-28-08, 15:22
Hi Guys,

Newbie and this site is great. Wanted to know if anyone could share any knowledge of Wren. She looks cute and posts everywhere that she pretty much does "everything" and some reviews I've read have been good and bad. So if anyone has any info for a newbie I'd really appreciate it. She looks pretty heavy but she says she's just thick. Really want to know if it's worth the $$.5 Thanks.....



John Small
03-28-08, 15:54
I was online today on CL and noticed Champagne was advertising for a 1 hour special at only $125, down from the usual $175 per hour rate. I called her up and set up an appointment. Found her house very easily, and I called her back once I arrived (as directed to).

I was directed to her apartment, walked up to the door and knocked and was then let in. We introduced ourselves and we then adjourned into her bedroom. I paid the $125 and then the fun began. CBJ, leading to a multi-positional performance, (similar to the porn movie she had conveniently playing simultaneously in the bedroom).

Long story short: she's a beautiful, clean girl, with a nice friendly, down-to-earth attitude. She looks as good if not better than her pictures, and that's saying something. We had a nice long 1 hour session in which she ended with the last 10 minutes giving me a nice erotic backrub. She's got a nice set of augmented boobs, and knows how to use them.

The best part is that she offers a reduced rate for repeat clients, of which I plan on becoming. If you are looking for the stereotypical "GFE", she's the "Gold Standard". I can't recommend her high enough. I honestly can't think of a single negative to report about my visit with her, (other than her yapping dog in the other room).

I thoroughly enjoyed it. ...and yes PsychoZero, let me be very clear and succinct about this: when I say it was a superlative experience, that means it was very, very good, so much so I really, really enjoyed it, and I plan on repeating numerous times. (I just want to make certain you understand and don't misquote me yet again.)

Should the opportunity present itself, I recommend calling her during one of her numerous mid-day "specials", which occur every few days. No sense paying $175 when $125 FS specials are available on a regular basis.

Just thought the rest of you would like to know of yet another option available at your disposal. It was a pleasure TOFTT on this one. Glad to be of service and to contribute. That's what it's all about, right PZ?

Guest123Is this girl really as good as you say? I really want to hook up with her but keep seeing in posts that the neighborhood is very shady. If I do see the $125 FS special I will take advantage of it but want to make sure its safe before heading to this area.

And also. Is it a 'pop' and go with her or does she allow multi's because everywhere I have searched for a review I can't find much at all on what her EXTRA'S and services are. I believe someone said 'everything' is covered so if you can give me some insight to this that would be great.



Stressed Out
03-28-08, 22:01
Hi Guys,

Newbie and this site is great. Wanted to know if anyone could share any knowledge of Wren. She looks cute and posts everywhere that she pretty much does "everything" and some reviews I've read have been good and bad. So if anyone has any info for a newbie I'd really appreciate it. She looks pretty heavy but she says she's just thick. Really want to know if it's worth the $$.5 Thanks.....



I actually had been interested in seeing Wren a while ago. She is friends with another lady that I see on a regular basis. She has a new web site which is pretty good but I saw that her price went from 2.0 to 2.75. I decided to skip her since for that donation you can get a Bella Donna girl or another agency girl who is a 10.

Iamme Iam
03-29-08, 09:40

I posted recently on her and Jules...just put it into the RI general forum. They aren't just Providence girls.

03-30-08, 22:40
Is this girl really as good as you say? No, I made the whole thing up just for shits and giggles...
Why don't you visit her and find out for yourself? As I stated in my numerous Champagne posts, she doesn't rush you out the door, you get the full hour. If you ask for a second pop, I'm sure she'd be happy to accomodate, especially if you treat her properly.

Let us know how your visit goes.


03-31-08, 18:47
Hi Guys,

Newbie and this site is great. Wanted to know if anyone could share any knowledge of Wren. She looks cute and posts everywhere that she pretty much does "everything" and some reviews I've read have been good and bad. So if anyone has any info for a newbie I'd really appreciate it. She looks pretty heavy but she says she's just thick. Really want to know if it's worth the $$.5 Thanks.....


JKShe was an A for me service-wise. Friendly and smarter than your typical escort. Great GFE. She has a little bit of a Lucy Lawless thing going, but she gives a good BBBJ and CFS. I don't do greek, so YMMV in that dept. The tits are real, and there's some stretch marks on the tummy (hence the baby fat tag). She's not real thick though, but it depends on your definition. I would say she's in the 130-140 range. She is a smoker, but doesn't do it during the session. I don't like her choice in cigs though. A little on the expensive side, but she makes up for it with the service.

04-01-08, 14:57
Yesterday I paid a visit to this young lady. She posts fairly regularly on CL, e.g. http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/626508121.html .

Her incall location was an apartment in North Providence, which apparantly is the apartment of a friend of hers who is also a practitioner of the world's oldest profession.

Tiffany herself was quite attractive. Her pics are quite real and accurate. She answered the door dressed in casual clothes.

The room we did the deed in was badly lit and pretty bare. Mattress-on-the-floor set-up, which is understandable with this sort of career I suppose. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means. One sort of wierd thing was that there were two parakeets in a cage in the room, which she talked about quite a bit.

The room did smell like smoke and there was a half-full ashtray at hand, although Tiffany didn't smoke at all in front of me, even when I lit up. So I suppose that's a negative if you don't smoke.

On to the nitty-gritty. It had been quite a while since I'd had any action, so I finished about five minutes into a CBJ. Damn. I had paid $200 for an hour, and she refunded me $60 since I wasn't even with her for the half-hour. I told her I was willing and able to go again if she'd let me have the whole hour, but she wasn't interested and insisted I take the $60 back, which was pretty nice of her considering she could have just kept it and shown me out, although I still would have preferred staying longer.

Overall, I would probably see her again. And hopefully make it last a bit longer next time!

Stressed Out
04-03-08, 16:44
I'm looking for a any info on a redhead named Ana from North Providence. She says she is 25 and has long red hair and hazel eyes. The ad usually says Sexy and Beautiful. Her pic shows her in black on a bed. Her contact is **96. She looks quite nice and I love redheads so I'd like to pay her a visit but thought I'd put her name out there for someone who had experience her. Hoping for a good report! Thanks SO

04-07-08, 05:53
This one posts for incalls in Prov/Pawt line, Oakhill section. Seems to only post from time to time, maybe non-pro indepenent. Rare for CL. Even offers Greek! Hope to try her soon, and share my experiences. Til then any reviews?Anyone have any more info on her? Name, digits, rates?

Haven't seen her on CL lately.

04-08-08, 02:07
Just wondering if anyone has a report on an escort named Eva? She posts almost every day and her last 4 digits are 2269. She also had another number ending with 8879. Any info would be appreciated.

04-08-08, 08:46
OK, looking to see if anyone besides guest has seen her? I have read all and wondered if any other long timers have taken the cl plunge with her? Prefer PM with your take on whether it is worth it or not?

John Small
04-08-08, 13:47
Anyone have any more info on her? Name, digits, rates?

Haven't seen her on CL lately.I have 'seen' her once, her rates and services looked great so decided to indulge since she lives very close to where I live. She's very good at what she does but is very 'athletic' if that's what you're into. Almost a bit manly if you will, not the true feminine type. Extremely strong woman and does offer a nice trip to greece.

Spent a 1/2hr with her and left a bit winded as she will do everything in the book if she's into you. Not too much kissing but started with a nice bbbj, covered up and went to the fs, many different positions, into greece for a few minutes before the pop. Didn't rush either, pretty down to earth and cool. Keep in mind that this chick is a maniac with her SEX SWING as well. Fun time for $.7 but I think I'd rather stick with the more feminine ones next time.

There are plenty of pics of her and a face shot on these forums so you can see her beforehand. She posts on CL as well.

Let us know if you give it a go!


04-09-08, 18:35
I have 'seen' her once, her rates and services looked great so decided to indulge since she lives very close to where I live. She's very good at what she does but is very 'athletic' if that's what you're into. Almost a bit manly if you will, not the true feminine type. Extremely strong woman and does offer a nice trip to greece.

Spent a 1/2hr with her and left a bit winded as she will do everything in the book if she's into you. Not too much kissing but started with a nice bbbj, covered up and went to the fs, many different positions, into greece for a few minutes before the pop. Didn't rush either, pretty down to earth and cool. Keep in mind that this chick is a maniac with her SEX SWING as well. Fun time for $.7 but I think I'd rather stick with the more feminine ones next time.

There are plenty of pics of her and a face shot on these forums so you can see her beforehand. She posts on CL as well.

Let us know if you give it a go!

JohnSounds interesting, haven't ever used a sex swing before. Sounds like a fun fuck if you're in shape and don't mind the manliness.

Haven't seen her on CL lately, but I'll keep my eye out. Thanks for the report!

04-11-08, 00:52
I'm looking for a any info on a redhead named Ana from North Providence. She says she is 25 and has long red hair and hazel eyes. The ad usually says Sexy and Beautiful. Her pic shows her in black on a bed. Her contact is **96. She looks quite nice and I love redheads so I'd like to pay her a visit but thought I'd put her name out there for someone who had experience her. Hoping for a good report! Thanks SOI am planning on paying Ana a visit tomorrow afternoon as long as she's available...I'm not 100%though I called the number tonight and it went straight to voicemail but said she'd be available tomorrow.

If I am succesful I will give the lowdown.

Stressed Out
04-11-08, 13:24
I am planning on paying Ana a visit tomorrow afternoon as long as she's available...I'm not 100%though I called the number tonight and it went straight to voicemail but said she'd be available tomorrow.

If I am succesful I will give the lowdown.

thanks man...I appreciate your taking one. I definitely like the looks of her and would like to visit but being from Ma I don't really hear the scuttlebutt that is always around. I'm hoping for a positive so I can visit next week. SO

04-11-08, 14:15
Has anyone ever tried the backpage.com I just found it and it is sort of like craigslist, it just seems a little smaller and more unknown. Just wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with that site or if it is basically a craigslist rip off/duplicate?

Stressed Out
04-11-08, 21:05
Has anyone ever tried the backpage.com I just found it and it is sort of like craigslist, it just seems a little smaller and more unknown. Just wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with that site or if it is basically a craigslist rip off/duplicate?

The backpage site is otherwise known as the Weekly Dig which is a weekly newspaper like the Phoenix. They relented to pressure and took their adult ads out of the paper and moved it to the website. I have seen several of the ladies on the site over the months without any issues. SO

04-12-08, 13:59
thanks man...I appreciate your taking one. I definitely like the looks of her and would like to visit but being from Ma I don't really hear the scuttlebutt that is always around. I'm hoping for a positive so I can visit next week. SOI cruised down from Ma to see Ana..of course I fucked myself timewise so I really didn't have time to mess around and chitchat and get a real feel for what was on the menu. I only had time for a 30min session.

Her apartment was easy to find, maybe 2 miles off 95, which is good because I know shit about Providence.

I'd say from the pics on CL she looks chubbier in person, not fat but she's got a little gut. Tits are about a Bcup...one problem is she's got a 70's muff mama bush. I haven't seen a bush like that since the early 90's when I was in high school.

So I slipped her the donation and off came the clothes and onto the bed. Definitely not GFE, of course I didn't ask I just wanted to bust a nut.

She started with a light HJ to get the boys ready...then to CBJ, which I must say she is very good at. I roamed with my hands little down her back towards her ass but she kind of turned a little making the reach a little harder, I don't know if she did it on purpose or what but like I said I had no time to investigate.

So she hops on for a little cowgirl, a nice tight pussy which was pleasant, but the whole time she's looking to the side with her eyes closed.

She asks me if I want to get on top and I did. I'm pounding away in mish for awhile and she's squealing a bit and I'm about to flip her over for some doggie and she wraps her right leg around my left kind of locking me in, which I was a big fan of so I grabbed her left and put it up on my shoulder and went in for the finish..

Cleaned up, talked for a couple of minutes and out the door I went.

She seemed like a real nice girl. She was kind of cute. I think she's only available from 9-2 and I saw a room with some spiderman sheets so from my incredible powers of deduction I came the conclusion that she's just a single mom paying the bills while little Johnny is at school and her performance fit that to a T.

If I happen to be near Providence with some time to kill I might try again and explore more possibilities with her because the price is low and at worst I can just get a nice BJ.

Sorry for the rambling on but that's how I roll sometimes.

If you've got a specific question just post it and I'll provide the details.

04-12-08, 21:46
I have read this material with interest and checked CL this evening. There are 2 Ana's on there. One is 20 and the other is 25. Unfortunately, BOTH have different telephone numbers ending in -96.

Sorry, gotta ask, which one? The 20yo looks smoking hot, and the 25 yo looks, well, just kinda looks.


I cruised down from Ma to see Ana..of course I fucked myself timewise so I really didn't have time to mess around and chitchat and get a real feel for what was on the menu. I only had time for a 30min session.

Her apartment was easy to find, maybe 2 miles off 95, which is good because I know shit about Providence.

I'd say from the pics on CL she looks chubbier in person, not fat but she's got a little gut. Tits are about a Bcup...one problem is she's got a 70's muff mama bush. I haven't seen a bush like that since the early 90's when I was in high school.

So I slipped her the donation and off came the clothes and onto the bed. Definitely not GFE, of course I didn't ask I just wanted to bust a nut.

She started with a light HJ to get the boys ready...then to CBJ, which I must say she is very good at. I roamed with my hands little down her back towards her ass but she kind of turned a little making the reach a little harder, I don't know if she did it on purpose or what but like I said I had no time to investigate.

So she hops on for a little cowgirl, a nice tight pussy which was pleasant, but the whole time she's looking to the side with her eyes closed.

She asks me if I want to get on top and I did. I'm pounding away in mish for awhile and she's squealing a bit and I'm about to flip her over for some doggie and she wraps her right leg around my left kind of locking me in, which I was a big fan of so I grabbed her left and put it up on my shoulder and went in for the finish..

Cleaned up, talked for a couple of minutes and out the door I went.

She seemed like a real nice girl. She was kind of cute. I think she's only available from 9-2 and I saw a room with some spiderman sheets so from my incredible powers of deduction I came the conclusion that she's just a single mom paying the bills while little Johnny is at school and her performance fit that to a T.

If I happen to be near Providence with some time to kill I might try again and explore more possibilities with her because the price is low and at worst I can just get a nice BJ.

Sorry for the rambling on but that's how I roll sometimes.

If you've got a specific question just post it and I'll provide the details.

04-13-08, 00:43
A few critical comments if I can....

I only had time for a 30min session.

You want "GFE" in a 30 minute session?

she's got a 70's muff mama bush. I haven't seen a bush like that since the early 90's when I was in high school.

So which is it, the '70s or the '90s?

Wamm Bamm
04-13-08, 10:23
Be careful with those thick bushes. Something my be lurking in the brush.

Stressed Out
04-13-08, 13:19
I have read this material with interest and checked CL this evening. There are 2 Ana's on there. One is 20 and the other is 25. Unfortunately, BOTH have different telephone numbers ending in -96.

Sorry, gotta ask, which one? The 20yo looks smoking hot, and the 25 yo looks, well, just kinda looks.


I saw the 20 year old one also but I was inquiring about the 25 year old redhead. Something about redheads gets me going I guess. And the natural bush makes it a definite visit for me. (whether 70's or 90's) I wish I knew of more 'natural bush' girls out there. I'd make it a point to move them to the top of my list! I'll report on how much 'gfe' I get in my hour visit. SO

04-13-08, 13:26
A few critical comments if I can....

You want "GFE" in a 30 minute session?

So which is it, the '70s or the '90s?I wasn't saying I wanted GFE, I was saying the vibe I was getting was that it wasn't an option.

And as for the bush it was hairy. I think the point was obvious. But since it is so important for you to know I've never seen an actual 70's bush so I guess it's and early 90's muff mama bush.

04-16-08, 19:22
Weird experiece that I will never forget. Left K2U at woonsocket and this Hot girl asked me if I can drive her home and states she will make it worth my wild. Weird part: she only lives 3 mins from club & just startin "workin" and needs to buiild clients.

Check her out. 66 vose st 2nd floor. Hell of a time. Names steph.

04-16-08, 19:32
Weird experiece that I will never forget. Left K2U at woonsocket and this Hot girl asked me if I can drive her home and states she will make it worth my wild.

Weird part: she only lives 3 mins from club & just startin "workin" and needs to buiild clients.

Check her out. 66 vose st 2nd floor. Hell of a time. Names steph.

Member #5805
04-17-08, 08:09
Weird experiece that I will never forget. Left K2U at woonsocket and this Hot girl asked me if I can drive her home and states she will make it worth my wild. Weird part: she only lives 3 mins from club & just startin "workin" and needs to buiild clients.

Check her out. 66 vose st 2nd floor. Hell of a time. Names steph.

Should we just go up and knock on the door? WTF

True Hobbiest
04-17-08, 10:13
Come..we all know better Chylde...Chylde"ish" is more like it. But then again,mmmm we can only hope.

Play safe and stay safe,

John Small
04-17-08, 11:15
Weird experiece that I will never forget. Left K2U at woonsocket and this Hot girl asked me if I can drive her home and states she will make it worth my wild.

Weird part: she only lives 3 mins from club & just startin "workin" and needs to buiild clients.

Check her out. 66 vose st 2nd floor. Hell of a time. Names steph.This guy can't be serious. I would think he'd give a phone number, not the "mailing" address!! jeez. Are we really supposed to stop by and knock on the door? The guy never posted a thing here and drops this.

04-17-08, 15:45
Team. I just cashed my income tax check. I think I am going to see Steph at the address listed in the earlier threads. I will be sure to leave my wallet on my car seat with my cell phone. And leave the doors unlocked as well.

Is this guy for real?

04-17-08, 21:38
Check her out...Hell of a time. Names steph.
If she goes by "Steph" why is the photo called "Brandy"?
This photo was obviously taken in a hotel room, and not not an apartment. Funny, you didn't mention taking her to a hotel, and why would you if she asked you to drive her to her apartment?

That post is pure BS. He's likely either her pimp or has an issue with her.
Oh yeah, one last thing: the phrase is ...Make it worth your "WHILE" not "wild".


04-17-08, 22:28
If she goes by "Steph" why is the photo called "Brandy"?
This photo was obviously taken in a hotel room, and not not an apartment. Funny, you didn't mention taking her to a hotel, and why would you if she asked you to drive her to her apartment?

That post is pure BS. He's likely either her pimp or has an issue with her.
Oh yeah, one last thing: the phrase is ...Make it worth your "WHILE" not "wild".


More likely he has an issue with her. Right, that is definitely a hotel room (I think I stayed in that room once! sorry, lame joke)

The scumbag just gave her address on a sexually related website, I pity the poor girl with the number of guys who will knock on her door looking to get laid. If any of the "normal" people here ever get their hands on "Chylde", he's toast. You know, he really picked a great handle - he most definitely IS a "chylde" [child]

04-18-08, 09:32
Team. I just cashed my income tax check. I think I am going to see Steph at the address listed in the earlier threads. I will be sure to leave my wallet on my car seat with my cell phone. And leave the doors unlocked as well.

Is this guy for real?

How many times do we have to say this? LOCK your car and put the keys on top of the left front tire. Sheesh.

04-18-08, 14:33
I saw the 20 year old one also but I was inquiring about the 25 year old redhead. Something about redheads gets me going I guess. And the natural bush makes it a definite visit for me. (whether 70's or 90's) I wish I knew of more 'natural bush' girls out there. I'd make it a point to move them to the top of my list! I'll report on how much 'gfe' I get in my hour visit. SOI would be interested to know her as well. Specifically how much 'gfe' you get and if you get multiple pops for an hour's time.

The Duke
04-18-08, 15:50
she advertises as the girl with huge boobs

"401 954 433two


available now!!! "

Wamm Bamm
04-18-08, 18:31
I have not bumped into this honey myself yet, but I have read repeatedly where she is the very best. At $$$ let us know.

04-18-08, 18:50
she advertises as the girl with huge boobs

"401 954 433two


available now!!! "

If that's her in the picture, she certainly can't be accused of false advertising!

04-18-08, 18:53
Though there are plenty of photos featuring Ashley's body, can anyone tell me something about her face?

Youngish-looking? Mature-hot? Pleasant? Inner beauty shining through? None of the above?

ThanksHer face is kind of compact. It shows a little age (wrinkles, etc. but not too bad). The worst part is she had some thick peach fuzz on her lip. It was a bit of a turnoff for me. Also not visible from the photos is the huge scar that runs up the center of her chest. Her breasts are amazing, especially for 50+. Same for her butt. Droopage is definitely at a minimum with her. Her pussy is shaved and while not asian tight, it's a nice fit IMHO. There are definitely some looks issues, I would give her a 4/10 +/- 2 depending on your standards.

As for service, it's a solid A in my book. True enthusiastic GFE. DFK, BBBJ, CFS, multiple pops. I left a lot of the decision making to her and she definitely likes her BJs. I did feel a little rushed through an hour session, but it wasn't like she clock-watched or that I was still workin it at the 60 minute mark. But if you're into 3+ pops in an hour session you might want to make that clear up front. Other than that, she's friendly, and a little more gentle than your typical CL escort, which isn't a bad thing in my mind ... a nice change of pace actually.

Would I repeat? I'm not sure yet. It depends on my mood. If I really am craving a mature experience, she is at the top of my list.

04-19-08, 00:53
I've been with Dolly and she is definitely everything she advertises. She is in a couple of the nudie magazines and also does some stripping in CT and also in Spfld, MA. Only thing I didn't like was her phone rang every 15 minutes and it was somebody checking up on her. I met her at the Marriot in Providence.

She also has been in some porn flicks. Friendly girl, pretty and definitely a good time, just wished she shut off her phone.

The Duke
04-19-08, 13:19
I've been with Dolly and she is definitely everything she advertises. She is in a couple of the nudie magazines and also does some stripping in CT and also in Spfld, MA. Only thing I didn't like was her phone rang every 15 minutes and it was somebody checking up on her. I met her at the Marriot in Providence.

She also has been in some porn flicks. Friendly girl, pretty and definitely a good time, just wished she shut off her phone.

Thanks for the info, just wondering if she's gfe/multiples and bbbj. wouldn't mind checking her rack first at one of those clubs first. pm for the info if you could. thanks

04-22-08, 16:52
OK, I'm up a creek without a paddle of late with no numbers nada...

So I've been perusing CL to find out if any thing fits my fancy. Anyone tried x4639? My guess is that while a real nice ass, that it might be an in/out and definitely not the quality of what makes one a regular.

Many thanks (as always).


John Small
04-23-08, 11:11
OK, I'm up a creek without a paddle of late with no numbers nada...

So I've been perusing CL to find out if any thing fits my fancy. Anyone tried x4639? My guess is that while a real nice ass, that it might be an in/out and definitely not the quality of what makes one a regular.

Many thanks (as always).

MSYJust for your info, CL is notorious for wierd things. This x4639 seems to post a different name and different number every day. She goes by Kristina x1413, Linda x4639, Unknown x0235, says she's 20 one day then 22 another. You really can't tell with these girls but IMHO I'd stay away.


As we all know when they post different names, numbers, ages there has to be something up......bad service, bate & switch, std, pimp, etc...who knows. But I was checking her posts out because I was thinking of TOFFT but like I've stated just seems a bit shady.

Hope this helps,


04-23-08, 17:17
I searched quickly but did not find the other posts. My gut said it was a schill posting much like a guy fishes. When you show up it will not be ANYTHING close to the cellulite free legs shown in the picture.

Thanks for confirming this. To whomever posted that ad - nice pict, just want the real thing directly!

Member #5073
05-03-08, 13:42
I can't find anything on this one.

Anybody have any experience?


Mike #1
05-05-08, 10:32
I can't find anything on this one.

Anybody have any experience?


Heard bad things about her (fake pics, upselling, lots of rules), but haven't seen her myself. I wouldn't bother, I'm sure you can find better.

05-10-08, 11:06
OK, still pondering cl advertisers....

anyone ever see Kristy? http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/659171587.html

Here is the ad...


05-10-08, 20:22
OK, still pondering cl advertisers....
anyone ever see Kristy? http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/659171587.html
MSH, no sorry I haven't. As a matter of fact, I don't recall ever seeing her ad before. Her last post was last weekend. Should you happen to call (and/or visit) her, I'd be interested in learning what her age is and what her rates/services includes.


05-13-08, 15:25
OK, called as I was curious. Didn't sound that good so I passed. I accidently called the number back and got disconnected. Tried again, same result. Finally connected and she said "you are ringing this phone off the hook, never call this number again". Well - considering the two dropped calls (one did not even ring) and then the resulting lecture - I do not recommend as she has an attitude!

Kinda funny really.

05-13-08, 15:39
Had some time this afternoon and reviewed today's assortment of misfits on CL.

I DID met with this beast like 1.5 years ago. Pic is not her and she is heavy, a mess, and the queen of upsellers.

I would not do her with one of your dicks, and I do not believe that YMMV.

05-13-08, 15:42
Met this one as well. I did Angie twice, once at my place and once at her's (dump in Silver Lake on Webster).

She has a nice body and I doubt the pic is actually her. She enjoys receiving DATY and is a real clock watcher, but presents a value. Offer her lower than her stated rates as she will accept it.

05-13-08, 15:44
I have been looking at this for a while and it seems hot. I did call and was quoted $200 for the hour and was looking for lower.

Is she good looking and worth the cash? How low will she go? In general, is she a good time with a good attitude?

As always, assistance is appreciated.

Member #5805
05-14-08, 23:35
I have met with Angie as well. She is alot of fun, has a pretty killer body.
Everything covered no BB. She did not watch the clock with me but her handler kept text messaging close to time. Must have been upstairs or across the street.

Met this one as well. I did Angie twice, once at my place and once at her's (dump in Silver Lake on Webster).

She has a nice body and I doubt the pic is actually her. She enjoys receiving DATY and is a real clock watcher, but presents a value. Offer her lower than her stated rates as she will accept it.

Phat Bastard
05-15-08, 07:02
DL, any chance you could just copy, paste and upload a pic?

05-15-08, 08:01
DL, any chance you could just copy, paste and upload a pic?Nope. Prefer the pdf method. Gets the written word and picture on one page just as it appears. If you don't have Acrobat reader (and its hard to imagine a computer which did not come off of the assembly line without it already being installed at the factory), you can download it for nothing.

Tired of the dead end links and don't have time to copy, paste, save picture as, browse and upload. One printing and link does the trick. Thanks for asking though.

Phat Bastard
05-16-08, 00:09
Nope. Prefer the pdf method. Gets the written word and picture on one page just as it appears. If you don't have Acrobat reader (and its hard to imagine a computer which did not come off of the assembly line without it already being installed at the factory), you can download it for nothing.

Tired of the dead end links and don't have time to copy, paste, save picture as, browse and upload. One printing and link does the trick. Thanks for asking though.

It was an honest question. No need to get offended.

05-16-08, 22:00
Tired of the dead end links...
Agreed, I think it is safe to say that we all are.

By the way, I called "Sally" who advertises on CL Boston under "South Shore/Attleboro". Sally is actually located in Wareham, so I made an appointment with Allison (on the MA/RI line) for a one hour massage and oral ending. Massage was lame but had a great extended ending. She's very good with her mouth, and knows how to prolong the bj.
She's a bit older (late 30's, early 40's I'd say) which I don't mind, but unfortunately she's got small sagging boobs. They were much bigger at one point in time, but that was long ago. Her apartment is in Pawtucket and was very clean and tidy. She had nice soft music playing and had candles lit throughout the apartment.
She used oil for the massage, and offered a nice shower with clean towels afterwards. All in all I left quite happy and satisfied, and may likely repeat, if only for the convenience. The hour cost $150, and I'm guessing F/S would have been available for the asking.

I think next time I'm near the Cape I'll make an appointment with Sally and see if she's any better.


05-24-08, 01:46
Has anyone seen this one? Brittney.

I've noticed her on CL alot and am very tempted to give it a shot but first I figured I'd check around her if anyone had the experience already.

Her number is 282-0182

05-27-08, 08:14
Has anyone seen this one? Brittney.

I've noticed her on CL alot and am very tempted to give it a shot but first I figured I'd check around her if anyone had the experience already.

Her number is 282-0182Saw her about a month or so ago. Nice enough girl. Pic is somewhat accurate, though she has a noticable gut and is not in fantastic shape. Not fat by any means, but definitely could stand to lose 15 or so. All in the gut. Cute face though. Apartment is in kind of a tough area and reeked of smoke. There will be another provider and a mean looking dog there. I had no issues and felt safe once in the bedroom.

Again, nice enough girl and is legit and tries to please and seemed to get into it a bit. All covered. I would not necessarily repeat, but for the $150 I suppose she gets the job done. Just nothing to write home about. And pretty standard CL fare.

Member #5805
05-30-08, 04:58
Met up with this one last night.
The picture is her and recent. She has a great body and is alot of fun. Did 1/2 hr. session with greek. 150 h/hr. with extra for greek.

No clock watching no upsell. She has some friends in town with her that were available to join your fun.

Phat Bastard
05-30-08, 08:12
Met up with this one last night.
The picture is her and recent. She has a great body and is alot of fun. Did 1/2 hr. session with greek. 150 h/hr. with extra for greek.

No clock watching no upsell. She has some friends in town with her that were available to join your fun.

Too bad these things are so hit and miss.

I thought of calling her too but then I read this review from some guy in NH that wasn't all that thrilled with her.


BE CAREFUL - "ExXxOTiC¯•★•¯CLaSSy¯•★•¯ PRoViDeR" - of This One - m4w - 50 (nh)

She will try to upsell before she does anything else and once you have handed over the $'s the sales pitch begins - along with ALL her rules! Definitely NOT a GFE and EVERYTHING is covered. Definitely wants you in and out of there as soon as she can.

There are a LOT better providers out there than this one.

Her ad.


•★•¯ExXxOTiC¯•★•¯CLaSSy¯•★•¯ PRoViDeR¯•★• - 22 (in&out)

So if you're looking to have a good time give me a call and I'm on my way.
No emails/text/blocked calls
Ariel 702//283//5013

Now after reading your review, I might just give her a try after all:)

Member #5805
05-30-08, 08:18
Too bad these things are so hit and miss.

I thought of calling her too but then I read this review from some guy in NH that wasn't all that thrilled with her.

Now after reading your review, I might just give her a try after all:)

It is amazing how ymmv, there was no rushing at all, I actually sat around after for a bit and chatted with her about her travels..... I almost set an appointment for this evening and may call later to do so. I'd like to spend some time with her friend from Kentucky.

Boston Vagrant
06-01-08, 12:28
Too bad these things are so hit and miss.

Now after reading your review, I might just give her a try after all:)

I'm at foxwoods was lookin for a provider / pickings suck but I saw this:


In case its gone.

Re: the only girl who will make you happy- Ariel - w4m (ct)
Reply to: pers-703297721@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-01, 9:18AM EDT

I met her. Very enticing and inviting on the phone and at first contact BUT 10 minutes into the session she says she's having her period and therefore is limited in what she can offer. I decide thats unnacceptable and should have been brought up earlier, get dressed to leave and politely ask for some cash back. Which is refused as a ridiculous request. Bad Scene. Totally disappointing waste of time and money for a Hassle instead of a good time.

06-09-08, 11:08
First we had the rules:
No kissing
No touching nipples of any sort
No touching pussy
No girl on top
No BB anything

Looked for reviews of Angie a while back, finally some got posted and they are mixed. I just wanted to check out her body with my own eyes and hands and, in that respect, I'm glad I did! I met at her incall location, atypical 4 call system for directions and parking. She was 16 minutes late to her own place!. Her place is not much to speak of, not clean or attractive, smelled of smoke, bed/couch sucked. But what a body!!! Service was disappointing, here's why.... she claims she is shy and avoids eye contact. I tried to warm her up and was rebuffed with, "you ask too many questions." No warm up, no affection, not much skill. We both strip, I offered to help her (no), asked her to help me, no...I can see this is a bad start!
Once naked she starts yanking me with her hand like a manual well pump, nothing sensual, just yanking...I couldn't take much of that and asked to use her lube, that helped substantially and then asked for a bj....on with the cover and got some just okay action for 2 minutes and she says thats it and lies on her back waiting for me to enter. This part was good, her pussy felt great and she was responsive verbally which seemed genuine but her head was turned away the whole time and although I was fully stimulated and had to slow down to avoid coming too easily, it was less than I expected. Then she adds another rule, no doggie. I give up...I go for what actually was an enjoyable finish in missionary and leave. Would love to suck on her fabulous tits, ass and pussy but can't handle her emotional distance/disconnect. Will not return.

06-12-08, 14:48
Have made contact with her a few times in the past and now tells me she lives near Academy in Providence. Looking for $100?

Anybody know her?

06-14-08, 01:08
First time poster here,

Has anyone had experience with Ashley? A thin redhead who has been posting on craigslist on and offf for a couple of years. She looks a little spaced out in her pic but something intrigues me about here.

Any feedback would be appreciated

John Small
06-14-08, 09:41
First time poster here,

Has anyone had experience with Ashley? A thin redhead who has been posting on craigslist on and offf for a couple of years. She looks a little spaced out in her pic but something intrigues me about here.

Any feedback would be appreciatedUm. A link to the Ashley you are talking about would help. There are quite a few Ashley's on CL. If it's the Ashley I'm thinking it is I hear she has THE disease. But a link to her post would be great so we know exactly who you are referring to.


Hw Johnny
06-14-08, 16:35
Hi Everyone.

Having a "thing" for redheads, I decided to see Heather, aka Heatherlyn.

Price was right ($1.5 for .5 hour), but too many negatives to make me really happy (no bbbj, 1 pop only, no touch/lick pu$$y), fake tits, fake moaning.

On the plus side, it is her in the picture, and she's a nice conversationalist. Location is east prov.

Given the distance I had to drive, I don't think I will repeat.

06-15-08, 04:01
Um. A link to the Ashley you are talking about would help. There are quite a few Ashley's on CL. If it's the Ashley I'm thinking it is I hear she has THE disease. But a link to her post would be great so we know exactly who you are referring to.

JSIs this the girl? I went to see her before back in September 2007. She was pudgier then. Not fat, just pudgier, and you could certainly make out a BIT of gut.

It was an OK apartment, except she said she was moving out to colorado at the time, so everything looked like it was in disarray. She was an ok experience.

I remember I had FS for $100. She didn't seem to clockwatch, but then again, I lasted about 10 mins...I was just really needing it then.

Her only rule was she wouldn't go girl on top. I've thought about going back to see her. But I prefer trying a new one every time. I think she use to work with roxanne. I think she has a kid too.

Let us know us know if she's returned to the same thiness as you see in the original picture. If she is back to being that thin, I will DEFINITELY go and see her again. Hope this help.

06-15-08, 04:11
i accidentally double posted on the forums