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10-03-21, 23:36
Off topic from all the other shit got to see Britney this afternoon. No drama, no sign of any of the other bad things that had been mentioned. BBBJ CFS.

No better feeling then scoring while everything that has been going on is going on.


10-03-21, 23:42
A while ago, someone asked whether anyone had gone to see Natalie since she had her leg amputated. I don't recall ever seeing any replies. Hasn't anyone paid her a visit?

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/im-back/029429572896She was one of my regulars. I've been out of circulation for a while but I m considering giving her a try. I'll let you know if I pull the trigger. She's a good kid.

10-04-21, 00:03
I was nervous about it. But I'm sure that she's having a rough time. She always treated me right, so I reached out and sent her a gift.

A while ago, someone asked whether anyone had gone to see Natalie since she had her leg amputated. I don't recall ever seeing any replies. Hasn't anyone paid her a visit?


10-04-21, 06:02
I have known several women who are in the business and who also engage in low level dealing to help support their habits. And I'm not talking about nun's suspenders, LOL.

They would score several decks of dope from their dealer and then resell them on the street to make some extra money. So I'm sure they get popped from time to time, and so if that happens its not just a possession, its possession with intent to distribute which of course means real jail time, especially if she has a sheet. She might be afraid to rat out a dealer since she knows she will be back on the street at some point, but you can bet your ass the pigs will find it much easier to use her in a sting. And she will not be afraid of retribution from guys like us.

Thats why when you're out in the environment you have to take precautions, even with a known provider, especially if you know that she has a habit.


10-04-21, 08:07
You do not have to remove the battery. Every phone has a location device setting. Turning it off stops the phone from being located. Its basically your gps of the phone.

Turning off a cell phone will not stop it from sending out a location in the case of most phones. It is necessary to remove the battery then the phone has no power to send location data.

10-04-21, 11:42
Just a heads up Tina from lake county is in lake county jail for drugs and soliciting so be careful out there guys.

Cleve Loser
10-04-21, 14:00
And for all of us to keep in mind, newer cars are trackable as well.Everything is trackable. It's just if this unit is actually doing it.

10-04-21, 14:01
You do not have to remove the battery. Every phone has a location device setting. Turning it off stops the phone from being located. Its basically your gps of the phone.Not exactly. Sure no GPS means no exact data but anytime your phone is on its pinging cell towers. Know what towers you ping gives your approximate location which is what LEO uses most of the time.

10-04-21, 14:06
You do not have to remove the battery. Every phone has a location device setting. Turning it off stops the phone from being located. Its basically your gps of the phone.This is incorrect.

I don't know about the battery part, but turning off your location services only does that.

Your phone will still track, but it will do it with WIFI, even if you are not connected to that hotspot. The phone will ping the WIFI, and the WIFI will ping back asking for a password, or to connect if there is no password.

As soon as you are back in a WIFI where you have access (home, work, starbucks if you have saved the login) Google / Apple will upload all the data your phone can send it.

I suppose if you are in the middle of nowhere in the forest your post is true, but if you are in any sort of civilization, it is not the case.

10-04-21, 14:41
I keep reading about the talk about stings and so forth and feel that a lot of you are overdoing it. If you're married, in my opinion you shouldn't be out playing in the first place. If Inwere ever to be involved in a sting a would just keep my mouth shut and let it go at that.

10-04-21, 15:07
I keep reading about the talk about stings and so forth and feel that a lot of you are overdoing it. If you're married, in my opinion you shouldn't be out playing in the first place. If Inwere ever to be involved in a sting a would just keep my mouth shut and let it go at that.I will lead by saying I'm single. I will follow that up by saying its not the stings themselves, its the concept of how they are conducting them, arresting with no evidence. Basically it is a limitation on our freedoms. If they keep doing it the way they are doing I wouldn't be suprised if next, they try to infringe on adults meeting each other for dating on websites and stuff like that. If they start doing that it could ensnare completely innocent people, which in my opinion and the opinion of the courts it already has, as many of the cases are dismissed. Take the time to think about their tactics and how they were in 2014-2016 as to where they are today and you will understand what I'm talking about.

10-04-21, 21:39
Ok, without going into specifics of the what I do I will say that everything outside of how cellphones ping towers in this thread is 100% wrong.

At least for phones made after 2010 ish.

Take an iPhone or Android after that time and turn it off, it's not pinging a damn thing or sending a signal at all. IPhones more than android are anal and security conscious.

The tech to track a phone outside the carrier giving them info all required a warrant, cops on a sting don't have a warrant to just Willy Nilly track X number of guys phones because of human trafficking or prostitution.

I'm not sure what crazy sitcom or conspiracy theory website you got they can track you while your phone is off for these purposes and not terrorism or something on par to it, but stop spreading fake news.

Can the government track your phone while it's off, sure if they have a warrant and your did something very heinous, ie more than human trafficking and prostitution. Like murder or worse type of shit. But is some rando police task force going to have that much juice sitting in a hotel room or stake out house? Nope.

Now, if you get caught by the cops for anything, shut the fuck up, don't talk to them and ask for your attorney. If they ask if they can search your shit, say no. If they stay they will hold you for 72 hours "because they can" they can try it but their higher ups will demand they boot you IF you even end up in a cell in the first place.

9/10 times people get caught up by the cops they self incriminate themselves, just shut the fuck up and use your right to remain silent.

Trust me when I say I have experience in all of this.

Now let's get back to the pussy, there is a media reports thread for all the worrying folks, go out, see some ****** and report back so we know if she's good or not.

That is all.

10-04-21, 22:06
You do not have to remove the battery. Every phone has a location device setting. Turning it off stops the phone from being located. Its basically your gps of the phone.The law requires all cell phones to report your position (within 100 feet I believe) when you call 911. Turning off the location function does not and can not change this.

10-05-21, 05:45
Ok, without going into specifics of the what I do I will say that everything outside of how cellphones ping towers in this thread is 100% wrong.

At least for phones made after 2010 ish.

Take an iPhone or Android after that time and turn it off, it's not pinging a damn thing or sending a signal at all. IPhones more than android are anal and security conscious.

The tech to track a phone outside the carrier giving them info all required a warrant, cops on a sting don't have a warrant to just Willy Nilly track X number of guys phones because of human trafficking or prostitution.

I'm not sure what crazy sitcom or conspiracy theory website you got they can track you while your phone is off for these purposes and not terrorism or something on par to it, but stop spreading fake news.

Can the government track your phone while it's off, sure if they have a warrant and your did something very heinous, ie more than human trafficking and prostitution. Like murder or worse type of shit. But is some rando police task force going to have that much juice sitting in a hotel room or stake out house? Nope.

Now, if you get caught by the cops for anything, shut the fuck up, don't talk to them and ask for your attorney. If they ask if they can search your shit, say no. If they stay they will hold you for 72 hours "because they can" they can try it but their higher ups will demand they boot you IF you even end up in a cell in the first place.

9/10 times people get caught up by the cops they self incriminate themselves, just shut the fuck up and use your right to remain silent.

Trust me when I say I have experience in all of this.

Now let's get back to the pussy, there is a media reports thread for all the worrying folks, go out, see some ****** and report back so we know if she's good or not.

That is all.Great post thanks. Going to find some pussy today! LOL.

10-05-21, 05:46
Ok, without going into specifics of the what I do I will say that everything outside of how cellphones ping towers in this thread is 100% wrong.

At least for phones made after 2010 ish.

Take an iPhone or Android after that time and turn it off, it's not pinging a damn thing or sending a signal at all. IPhones more than android are anal and security conscious.

The tech to track a phone outside the carrier giving them info all required a warrant, cops on a sting don't have a warrant to just Willy Nilly track X number of guys phones because of human trafficking or prostitution.

I'm not sure what crazy sitcom or conspiracy theory website you got they can track you while your phone is off for these purposes and not terrorism or something on par to it, but stop spreading fake news.

Can the government track your phone while it's off, sure if they have a warrant and your did something very heinous, ie more than human trafficking and prostitution. Like murder or worse type of shit. But is some rando police task force going to have that much juice sitting in a hotel room or stake out house? Nope.

Now, if you get caught by the cops for anything, shut the fuck up, don't talk to them and ask for your attorney. If they ask if they can search your shit, say no. If they stay they will hold you for 72 hours "because they can" they can try it but their higher ups will demand they boot you IF you even end up in a cell in the first place.

9/10 times people get caught up by the cops they self incriminate themselves, just shut the fuck up and use your right to remain silent.

Trust me when I say I have experience in all of this.

Now let's get back to the pussy, there is a media reports thread for all the worrying folks, go out, see some ****** and report back so we know if she's good or not.

That is all.Great post thanks. Pussy hunt today LOL.

10-05-21, 06:04
Always appreciate the reports.

Here is my regular, some of you guys waste time and add risk looking for a unicorn.

I accept reality and like big tits.

Have never had a problem setting up a date, on short notice with her.

Tell her "Michigan Weed" sent you.


10-05-21, 06:13
I don't have data to support my statements about tracking except for what I've read over the last years, however I do believe the phones ping even when turned off.

Now, I understand this site is for finding pussy, but I think its important for us to discuss tactics for avoiding problems. Yeah, if you get popped of course the rule is to shut the fuck up and say nothing, but its even better to not get popped in the first place.


Goat Ohio
10-05-21, 06:20
I don't have data to support my statements about tracking except for what I've read over the last years, however I do believe the phones ping even when turned off.

Now, I understand this site is for finding pussy, but I think its important for us to discuss tactics for avoiding problems. Yeah, if you get popped of course the rule is to shut the fuck up and say nothing, but its even better to not get popped in the first place.

Cheech.We need to share dos and don't so we stay out of stings.

I'd like to know if possible what the senior member walked into and how deceived.

Any explanation would be great to help others.

Be safe.


10-05-21, 08:38
I'm not sure if this one is legit or LEO. She asked me what I wanted specifically and how long which raised some red flags. I ended up telling her something came up and I wasn't going to be able to see her that day. I'm don't know if this is related about Elyria councilman getting arrested since they don't give any details or just a coincidence.


https://chroniclet.com/news/276735/elyria-councilman-mark-jessie-arrested-charged-with-soliciting-prostitution/I'm pretty sure this is the ad that Elyria used. I was told an apartment near downtown Elyria when I was texting with them. The newspaper this morning said it was in the 300 block of Washington ave. There is an apartment building in that block. Glad I went with my gut and didn't go there since it wasn't feeling right.

10-05-21, 08:47
There are a few ways to track phones that LE would might use. GPS and Device I'd are the two most likely. If they are spoofing a cell tower (using a stingray) or other tech that logs the actual device I'd, turning off GPS will not help. Any time the phone pings a cell tower it will give away an approximate position. You'd have to switch phones during your shopping trip in order to evade tracking and depending on what apps you used and how they are tracking you, even that might not be fool proof.

I don't have data to support my statements about tracking except for what I've read over the last years, however I do believe the phones ping even when turned off.

Now, I understand this site is for finding pussy, but I think its important for us to discuss tactics for avoiding problems. Yeah, if you get popped of course the rule is to shut the fuck up and say nothing, but its even better to not get popped in the first place.


10-05-21, 09:02
some rando police task force going to have that much juice sitting in a hotel room or stake out house? Nope.I'm no expert, but I will say these are not "random" task forces and even if they are local, and there is nothing preventing an industrious rookie cop from searching the internet and learning that for a few thousand you can make your own stingray and track who ever you want. Most likely they either purchased a system (six figure price tag) or are using a more low-tech tracker. Stingray use has not been reported in Ohio (https://www.aclu.org/issues/privacy-technology/surveillance-technologies/stingray-tracking-devices-whos-got-them) but that doesn't mean they are not using them or that FBI or other task forces that have the tech are not working with local LE. The need for a warrant would be to lookup your identity based on the cell tracking. They can use the tech and track you all day as an "anonymous" monger and get your I'd once they have you in custody.

Either way, you are not Jason borne and if you are in a situation where you are soliciting and being tracked by LE no matter what method they use, you're not going to get out of it.

10-05-21, 09:14
I don't have data to support my statements about tracking except for what I've read over the last years, however I do believe the phones ping even when turned off.

Now, I understand this site is for finding pussy, but I think its important for us to discuss tactics for avoiding problems. Yeah, if you get popped of course the rule is to shut the fuck up and say nothing, but its even better to not get popped in the first place.

Cheech.It depends on what you mean by "turned off." If a phone is simply turned off by hitting the button to close the screen, it is still on. Apps still work in the background and the phone communicates with towers. If the phone is "powered off," that is a whole different story. If you "power off" shut down the phone, it no longer communicates until you reboot.

10-05-21, 09:21
The law requires all cell phones to report your position (within 100 feet I believe) when you call 911. Turning off the location function does not and can not change this.There is a difference between a cell tower ping and a GPS location. A cell tower ping accuracy will vary greatly, depending on the number of towers and signal strength. Location by the GPS in a phone is completely different, and to do that the GPS function must be turned on.

10-05-21, 11:29
This may help some of you.


But I have seen where your phone can be tracked even when your phone is off no matter what your setting are.

10-05-21, 11:40
This may help some of you.


But I have seen where your phone can be tracked even when your phone is off no matter what your setting are.Just get a faraday bag for your phone if one is this paranoid.

10-05-21, 13:02
Always appreciate the reports.

Here is my regular, some of you guys waste time and add risk looking for a unicorn.

I accept reality and like big tits.

Have never had a problem setting up a date, on short notice with her.

Tell her "Michigan Weed" sent you.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/late-night-speciallets-get-tog/784931350814I second this. Have had a great time with her before.

10-05-21, 15:20
I'm pretty sure this is the ad that Elyria used. I was told an apartment near downtown Elyria when I was texting with them. The newspaper this morning said it was in the 300 block of Washington ave. There is an apartment building in that block. Glad I went with my gut and didn't go there since it wasn't feeling right.I don't think that ad is a setup. A couple of reasons. For one the ad is still up, normally after their sting they delete the ads. Two, there are graphic pics posted which could be construed as entrapment in court so they wouldn't use nudity, and three, stg uses a mega l disclaimer at the bottom so as long as you don't incriminate yourself you should be fine. Plus she even states no le at the bottom of her ad.

10-05-21, 17:10
I don't think that ad is a setup. A couple of reasons. For one the ad is still up, normally after their sting they delete the ads. Two, there are graphic pics posted which could be construed as entrapment in court so they wouldn't use nudity, and three, stg uses a mega l disclaimer at the bottom so as long as you don't incriminate yourself you should be fine. Plus she even states no le at the bottom of her ad.I don't believe the disclaimers mean anything, after all, they are allowed to lie about being LEO. I don't know about the graphic pics. The bottom line is that I'm not going to take the chance. The ad hasn't been reposted since last week.

10-05-21, 17:15
I don't believe the disclaimers mean anything, after all, they are allowed to lie about being LEO. I don't know about the graphic pics. The bottom line is that I'm not going to take the chance.From how I understand is disclaimer = you have to enter the room and make an offer no disclaimer = they can arrest with no evidence and immediately arrest you upon arrival in your car. They can indeed use graphic pics, they just can't post a pic of the woman getting fcked or sucking a dude off. Sometimes they take the sting ads down, sometimes they do not. I too, would not take the chance. we cant really say for sure, but if it wasnt that ad, i havent seen any ads that it could have been. sumosear might have them though if that wasnt the ad.

10-05-21, 18:45
I can 100% guarantee that they can't track you via "legal" court approved means.

What they will do is try and scare you with threats of arrest or detainment to get you to self incriminate.

Just obey their orders but say, "I'm sorry I don't speak to law enforcement without a lawyer present. ".

If they hold you for up to 72 hours, I can almost guarantee they won't even arrest you unless you self incriminate, they will have to explain why they had probable cause to do so in a victimless, your word versus their word, case of prostitution or whatever they charge you with, and they won't be able to because if you're smart you won't talk to them without a lawyer present.

Sure there is tech I can download on my phone to track cellular signals right now, but law enforcement can't use it and disclose the use of such technology without a warrant. Now will the cops try and get you to tell them your type of car? Will they do reverse searches on your phone, sure.

But trust me when I tell you I've been through this, recently too. Showed up, woman was a plant, they tried to get me to admit why I was there, wouldn't talk to them, they got pissed off and told me to get my shit and leave after an hour of trying to get me to talk.

Just keep it non explicit in text messages and in person. You'll be fine, I didn't even miss a day of work because they knew I knew they couldn't do shit. But during that hour I sat in the vehicle, I watched them just two other guys who folded like fucking cards because they threatened throwing the book at them and they admitted they were trying to fuck chicks.

They left in handcuffs I left in my vehicle and had a nice dinner then headed to another provider for the night.

I feel like this is the conspiracy theory side of the forum all the sudden, when guys get popped for fucking ****** they got popped due to lacking the balls to keep their mouth shut and ignore the threats of the police.

They will tell you that they will let you go if you admit it. They will tell you that it's not as big of a deal or a ticketable offense, they will say that they will impound and bold your car as evidence of a crime etc etc.

Just repeat after me, "I don't talk to police without a lawyer present, am I under arrest or detained?" If they say yes, then ask when you'll get a chance to speak with a lawyer and leave it at that. They are on the clock for how long they can hold you when you're asking for legal representation and not admitting shit.

Worse case if you get the most inept police LT in the world you'll spend is 72 hours detained, and I would bet money you won't spend a moment even detained beyond the time they try to frighten you.

10-05-21, 19:02
I'm no expert…

Either way, you are not Jason borne and if you are in a situation where you are soliciting and being tracked by LE no matter what method they use, you're not going to get out of it.I am an expert and yes, if you don't tell them anything you're going to get out of it.

99% of the cases I've seen, the idiot John folded like a paper airplane be sure they were scared and the cops got to them.

I've never seen a single case prosecuted without self admission or a plea deal because of self admission. They aren't going to prosecute these cases and spend the money for the trial when they have nothing on you but text messages asking what a ****** rates are and where she's located.

Cleve Loser
10-05-21, 19:28
I will lead by saying I'm single. I will follow that up by saying its not the stings themselves, its the concept of how they are conducting them, arresting with no evidence. Basically it is a limitation on our freedoms. If they keep doing it the way they are doing I wouldn't be suprised if next, they try to infringe on adults meeting each other for dating on websites and stuff like that. If they start doing that it could ensnare completely innocent people, which in my opinion and the opinion of the courts it already has, as many of the cases are dismissed. Take the time to think about their tactics and how they were in 2014-2016 as to where they are today and you will understand what I'm talking about.Theres not really anything you can do about it. Ofc its a "limitation on our freedoms". But we live in a police state and always have. They can do whatever they want.

10-05-21, 21:18
I can 100% guarantee that they can't track you via "legal" court approved means.

What they will do is try and scare you with threats of arrest or detainment to get you to self incriminate.

Just obey their orders but say, "I'm sorry I don't speak to law enforcement without a lawyer present. ".

If they hold you for up to 72 hours, I can almost guarantee they won't even arrest you unless you self incriminate, they will have to explain why they had probable cause to do so in a victimless, your word versus their word, case of prostitution or whatever they charge you with, and they won't be able to because if you're smart you won't talk to them without a lawyer present.

Sure there is tech I can download on my phone to track cellular signals right now, but law enforcement can't use it and disclose the use of such technology without a warrant. Now will the cops try and get you to tell them your type of car? Will they do reverse searches on your phone, sure.

But trust me when I tell you I've been through this, recently too. Showed up, woman was a plant, they tried to get me to admit why I was there, wouldn't talk to them, they got pissed off and told me to get my shit and leave after an hour of trying to get me to talk.

Just keep it non explicit in text messages and in person. You'll be fine, I didn't even miss a day of work because they knew I knew they couldn't do shit. But during that hour I sat in the vehicle, I watched them just two other guys who folded like fucking cards because they threatened throwing the book at them and they admitted they were trying to fuck chicks.

They left in handcuffs I left in my vehicle and had a nice dinner then headed to another provider for the night.

I feel like this is the conspiracy theory side of the forum all the sudden, when guys get popped for fucking ****** they got popped due to lacking the balls to keep their mouth shut and ignore the threats of the police.

They will tell you that they will let you go if you admit it. They will tell you that it's not as big of a deal or a ticketable offense, they will say that they will impound and bold your car as evidence of a crime etc etc.

Just repeat after me, "I don't talk to police without a lawyer present, am I under arrest or detained?" If they say yes, then ask when you'll get a chance to speak with a lawyer and leave it at that. They are on the clock for how long they can hold you when you're asking for legal representation and not admitting shit.

Worse case if you get the most inept police LT in the world you'll spend is 72 hours detained, and I would bet money you won't spend a moment even detained beyond the time they try to frighten you.For sure keep your mouth shut, they definitely need a warrant for your phones most of all be smart, do your homework if a a ad looks fake it probably is if it to good it probably is. Trust you gut not the little head.

10-05-21, 23:55
I am an expert and yes, if you don't tell them anything you're going to get out of it.

99% of the cases I've seen, the idiot John folded like a paper airplane be sure they were scared and the cops got to them.

I've never seen a single case prosecuted without self admission or a plea deal because of self admission. They aren't going to prosecute these cases and spend the money for the trial when they have nothing on you but text messages asking what a ****** rates are and where she's located.Without a doubt you just posted some of the best information on this board that any monger could ever see. The key is to keep that mentality and always be prepared to handle that level of heat and keep remembering to ask for your attorney at all times while mongering.

10-06-21, 00:19
Always appreciate the reports.

Here is my regular, some of you guys waste time and add risk looking for a unicorn.

I accept reality and like big tits.

Have never had a problem setting up a date, on short notice with her.

Tell her "Michigan Weed" sent you.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/late-night-speciallets-get-tog/784931350814Please no one pay attention to this. I've seen her and it was easily one of the worst and grossest experiences of my hobbying career.

10-06-21, 00:34
Please no one pay attention to this. I've seen her and it was easily one of the worst and grossest experiences of my hobbying career.She does look a little sloppy.

Though I've had some good experiences ruttin around in the slop in my days.

I might check her out just to see, but yeah, not my first choice by any means.

10-06-21, 01:15
Without a doubt you just posted some of the best information on this board that any monger could ever see. The key is to keep that mentality and always be prepared to handle that level of heat and keep remembering to ask for your attorney at all times while mongering.Easier said than done.

When push comes to shove, spilling the beans just happens for most ordinary guys.

Most cops know how to push the right buttons.

10-06-21, 05:33
Please no one pay attention to this. I've seen her and it was easily one of the worst and grossest experiences of my hobbying career.She's up and down, on drugs like the rest of them. Honestly seems to be doing better and working on her game.

The unicorns I had a threesome with this summer, posted briefly yesterday and responded to my text to late.

After I have a second threesome with those 2. I will educate. Your unappreciative asses.

On how to find them.

10-06-21, 09:25
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-06-21, 09:33
She's up and down, on drugs like the rest of them. Honestly seems to be doing better and working on her game.

The unicorns I had a threesome with this summer, posted briefly yesterday and responded to my text to late.

After I have a second threesome with those 2. I will educate. Your unappreciative asses.

On how to find them.HI. I have been looking for a threesome. But so many rip-offs and underperformers out there. I would be interested in learning more about the two you were with. So PM if you want. Thanks.

10-06-21, 10:54
Easier said than done.

When push comes to shove, spilling the beans just happens for most ordinary guys.

Most cops know how to push the right buttons.You're absolutely right, it would be a lot of pressure to handle.

10-06-21, 12:41
Is part of Ohio's sting operation, this is her 5 phone number in 2 months.


10-06-21, 13:39
Is part of Ohio's sting operation, this is her 5 phone number in 2 months.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_e/tasty-and-sweet-irishcream-del/762782553455You need jail time if you would pay for that! 37 yrs old my azz! LOL.

10-06-21, 13:41
Is part of Ohio's sting operation, this is her 5 phone number in 2 months.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_e/tasty-and-sweet-irishcream-del/762782553455Hey Robo this girl is real. I saw her under a different phone number. She stays with some dude who goes outside when you get there. I caught him outside smoking. She posted an ad with him asking for a 3 some with him.

She is def the girl from the pictures but she's a mumbler and has a belly if your okay with that. She is probably closer to 45-50.

Her ad doesn't have her name but she said it was Rachel.

I only saw her because my UTR wasn't responding. She gave me a toothy BJ tried to ride me raw, had to tell her just the BJ, then cim and spit. So I guess if your into bb and don't mind the age go for it but that's a 1 and done for me.

10-06-21, 13:46

Ripped me off. Met at her west side location which was a room with no bed. Said she just move in, blah, blah. Got naked and after 30 seconds jumped up and said her bed was being delivered right now. Got dressed. Went out to car. She texted and gave me another address around block. Said we could meet there instead. Texted and said she had let bed people in and was heading over to meet me. Never showed. Whole thing was weird. Actually had my dick in her pussy for a few seconds so why not just finish?

10-06-21, 13:54
HI. I have been looking for a threesome. But so many rip-offs and underperformers out there. I would be interested in learning more about the two you were with. So PM if you want. Thanks.Yo he's probably talking about Mia and Zoey. They are both super hot girls out of a North Royalton apt. They do solos and duos both very attractive slim girls one blond one brunette. They usually post in back to back or a duo ad. Everything is covered unfortunately and your looking at 4.

Mia and Zoey.






Honestly possibly the most attractive duo offer you will get LOL I have only partaken in Mia. I saw Zoey in the other room they are both like the pictures.

Mia had drugs all layed out over her room but was a super nice girl like I said everything is covered but willing to do what I wanted. Only saw her once because I can't stand a condom BJ LOL!

10-06-21, 13:54
Is part of Ohio's sting operation, this is her 5 phone number in 2 months.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_e/tasty-and-sweet-irishcream-del/762782553455What makes you think it's a sting? Most change numbers often. More info please.

10-06-21, 16:19
What makes you think it's a sting? Most change numbers often. More info please.I'm on the fence on this, but I recall there might have been reviews on her. It could have been a similar looking lady however. Most sting ads you can clearly tell the person and background is fake if you look closely. that ad looks like its at a legit motel plus it was posted today. the sting is wrapped up at this point. I def wouldn't go there though.

10-06-21, 20:19
First review; please be kind!

Had the itch and searched a few resources until I came across Snow. Difficult to find trustworthy Lake County providers, so I gave her a shot. Reaching her and confirming an appointment was easy, and she didn't mind that I did so with short notice. Snow lives in a private residence that I'm actually familiar with (I lived down the street from it with a friend when I had a summer off from college). Snow answered the door herself and let me in. Gave a very paranoid vibe that made me nervous; it made me wish she'd have screened me more thoroughly, so she was more at ease.

I immediately started dreaming that we went to the bedroom and disrobed. In this dream, she offered BB services, but since I didn't know her well, I opted for CBJ and Covered Greek. The latter was kind of "meh", but her oral skills were quite good. Completed the journey, then woke up and exited.

Snow is a BBW. She's a little rougher than her pictures indicate, too. But she's a nice girl, got the job done, and was trustworthy. I might repeat, based on desperation — but I would definitely shop around for better, first. Price was $. Maybe .5/10 (based on the oral skills).


https://bit.ly/3iDUUJ2 (URL shortener used to comply with Forum rules regarding phone numbers).


P.S. If there was something lacking in this review, please let me know. Still finding my way here on the Forum!

10-06-21, 20:44
Yo he's probably talking about Mia and Zoey. They are both super hot girls out of a North Royalton apt. They do solos and duos both very attractive slim girls one blond one brunette. They usually post in back to back or a duo ad. Everything is covered unfortunately and your looking at 4.

Mia and Zoey.






Honestly possibly the most attractive duo offer you will get LOL I have only partaken in Mia. I saw Zoey in the other room they are both like the pictures.

Mia had drugs all layed out over her room but was a super nice girl like I said everything is covered but willing to do what I wanted. Only saw her once because I can't stand a condom BJ LOL!Yeah. July, amazing. Zoe took a video, I still have it. All bare.

10-06-21, 23:51
Yeah. July, amazing. Zoe took a video, I still have it. All bare.Upon further review. My unicorns were different, from Cleveland State. And not all drugged out.

They stole those names though.

10-07-21, 00:29
Yeah. July, amazing. Zoe took a video, I still have it. All bare.Damn maybe I need to talk to Zoe next time LOL. Care to share the video?

10-07-21, 05:30
First review; please be kind!

Had the itch and searched a few resources until I came across Snow. Difficult to find trustworthy Lake County providers, so I gave her a shot. Reaching her and confirming an appointment was easy, and she didn't mind that I did so with short notice. Snow lives in a private residence that I'm actually familiar with (I lived down the street from it with a friend when I had a summer off from college). Snow answered the door herself and let me in. Gave a very paranoid vibe that made me nervous; it made me wish she'd have screened me more thoroughly, so she was more at ease.

I immediately started dreaming that we went to the bedroom and disrobed. In this dream, she offered BB services, but since I didn't know her well, I opted for CBJ and Covered Greek. The latter was kind of "meh", but her oral skills were quite good. Completed the journey, then woke up and exited.

Snow is a BBW. She's a little rougher than her pictures indicate, too. But she's a nice girl, got the job done, and was trustworthy. I might repeat, based on desperation but I would definitely shop around for better, first. Price was $. Maybe .5/10 (based on the oral skills).


https://bit.ly/3iDUUJ2 (URL shortener used to comply with Forum rules regarding phone numbers).


P.S. If there was something lacking in this review, please let me know. Still finding my way here on the Forum!Good information yes lake county slim.

Whole east side is, she is to big and rough for me but thanks for the information. Be safe.

10-07-21, 09:20
Anyone? https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/exotic/new-girl-visiting-spray-like/445035399294?__cf_chl_managed_tk__=pmd_Vwfl11mbi7SKY0_3SkLvx34d10_NHTsAlnu_6qJnYEM-1633612720-0-gqNtZGzNA2WjcnBszQhlhttps://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/exotic/new-girl-visiting-spray-like/445035399294?__cf_chl_managed_tk__=pmd_Vwfl11mbi7SKY0_3SkLvx34d10_NHTsAlnu_6qJnYEM-1633612720-0-gqNtZGzNA2WjcnBszQhl.

10-07-21, 09:41
Yeah. July, amazing. Zoe took a video, I still have it. All bare.Would love for you to share video Zoey has a very strict set of rules and IMHO wasn't worth the money she ask. But she is does have a hot little body, if she was to buy an attitude and loosen up a bit she could make a killing being the most sought after provider. But to each there own.

10-07-21, 10:10
Upon further review. My unicorns were different, from Cleveland State. And not all drugged out.

They stole those names though.Confused? So you didn't go raw and film Zoey?

Because from my experience that makes more sense, Zoey has a lot of rules, everything covered, sets timer and is a lousy lay.

10-07-21, 11:03
Just a heads up Tina from lake county is in lake county jail for drugs and soliciting so be careful out there guys.Any details on this one? I've noticed all of the lake county girls have stopped posting.


10-07-21, 11:31
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-07-21, 19:45
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

10-07-21, 21:21
Would love for you to share video Zoey has a very strict set of rules and IMHO wasn't worth the money she ask. But she is does have a hot little body, if she was to buy an attitude and loosen up a bit she could make a killing being the most sought after provider. But to each there own.You're way more experienced in this than I am, but I called Zoey last night with some interest (you're right, the body is amazing) and she was very pleasant. No idea about her rules, but she squashed my Greek request pretty swiftly.

10-07-21, 21:59
Star face tattoo can hold a cell phone, record vid. And give a BBBJ like it was cool.

While dyed cinnamon heart shaped ass juggles your nuts and waits to get railed.

They post very rarely.


Got a date with Hailey tomorrow morning.

Hung out with Cookie from Warren AMP this week.

And a crackhead Akron stripper at oGD.

10-07-21, 23:24
Called her in a pinch and was at her place in 10 min. She looked just like her pics, a bit shorter perhaps, but otherwise, her STG ad is a good representation of what you'll get. The incall leaves much to be desired, as it’s probably the most run down house on the street. I've seen worse, but it's not what I'd call clean, the area felt safe though. Did a QV for 80 and was pleasantly surprised by her service. She seems to get into it. Lots of nice dirty talk and she's enthusiastic. Gave a good BBJ then went in for CFS, doggie, mish, more doggie then took the bag off and finished in her mouth, which she had no problem with. Overall I was pleased. She's a nice girl, who delivers as advertised at a good QV price. I'll repeat.


10-07-21, 23:47
Called her in a pinch and was at her place in 10 min. She looked just like her pics, a bit shorter perhaps, but otherwise, her STG ad is a good representation of what you'll get. The incall leaves much to be desired, as its probably the most run down house on the street. I've seen worse, but it's not what I'd call clean, the area felt safe though. Did a QV for 80 and was pleasantly surprised by her service. She seems to get into it. Lots of nice dirty talk and she's enthusiastic. Gave a good BBJ then went in for CFS, doggie, mish, more doggie then took the bag off and finished in her mouth, which she had no problem with. Overall I was pleased. She's a nice girl, who delivers as advertised at a good QV price. I'll repeat.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/mature-and-sexy/440479201988Thanks for the review, RavensBurg. Maybe an odd question: Can I ask you about her smoking? Does she or the house smell heavily of cigarette smoke? I notice in many of her photos, she's got a cigarette in her mouth. I might want to visit, but I'm pretty sensitive to that smell — and it might put me off.


10-08-21, 03:33
From how I understand is disclaimer = you have to enter the room and make an offer no disclaimer = they can arrest with no evidence and immediately arrest you upon arrival in your car. They can indeed use graphic pics, they just can't post a pic of the woman getting fcked or sucking a dude off. Sometimes they take the sting ads down, sometimes they do not. I too, would not take the chance. we cant really say for sure, but if it wasnt that ad, i havent seen any ads that it could have been. sumosear might have them though if that wasnt the ad.Best thing you can do is text the girl and tell her you are donating for her time only. Nothing sexual. Do you agree? Then usually they always say yes absolutely.

Cops will ignore that and not agree to it. I got caught up in a sting once. I never discussed anything over text or phone or in person. When I touched her outside her shirt cops came in from the ajointing room. My attorney got me out of everything since I did nothing wrong and even though I touched her, it was implied that she was wanting to be touched. Case dropped. Bottom line don't say anything about services, and give them the disclaimer. I never did the disclaimer until after I got caught up in that. Every since everything has been fine.

10-08-21, 06:19
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.


10-08-21, 08:17
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.It's a good idea-collectively, there is a lot of experience here and I am all for helping one another.

10-08-21, 08:32
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.I would contribute to the thread.

10-08-21, 08:35
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.You have my vote.

10-08-21, 08:48
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.Good move.

10-08-21, 08:50
Star face tattoo can hold a cell phone, record vid. And give a BBBJ like it was cool.

While dyed cinnamon heart shaped ass juggles your nuts and waits to get railed.

They post very rarely.


Got a date with Hailey tomorrow morning.

Hung out with Cookie from Warren AMP this week.

And a crackhead Akron stripper at oGD.I'm going to give it a go try the number what the hell.

10-08-21, 09:58

10-08-21, 10:07
I'm going to give it a go try the number what the hell.Good luck, maybe they have gotten better but my experience was pretty sad. They are heavier than those pictures show and neither were very attractive. One was on something (not sure what) and pretty high. I can't remember if one of them had a smelly cooch but I couldn't even blow. Different strokes I guess? I did a report over the Summer.

10-08-21, 11:08
Thanks for the review, RavensBurg. Maybe an odd question: Can I ask you about her smoking? Does she or the house smell heavily of cigarette smoke? I notice in many of her photos, she's got a cigarette in her mouth. I might want to visit, but I'm pretty sensitive to that smell and it might put me off.

JD.I had the same concern. Surprisingly, the place doesn't reek of smoke, at least not while I was there, but I noticed my clothes had a faint smell of cigarettes on the way home.

10-08-21, 13:25
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.Agree with Cheech on a separate thread. Thanks.

10-08-21, 13:58
Thanks for the review, RavensBurg. Maybe an odd question: Can I ask you about her smoking? Does she or the house smell heavily of cigarette smoke? I notice in many of her photos, she's got a cigarette in her mouth. I might want to visit, but I'm pretty sensitive to that smell and it might put me off.

JD.I think I am going to give her a call next week when I am in C for business. What side of town does she work out of and is it private resident or Notel? PM if you want. Thanks!

10-08-21, 15:23
I had the same concern. Surprisingly, the place doesn't reek of smoke, at least not while I was there, but I noticed my clothes had a faint smell of cigarettes on the way home.Thanks for the info, RavensBurg!


Slow Roller
10-08-21, 19:35
https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/come-over-relax-and-chill-for/692904092758She's been talked about on here several times, she's one of those take the money out of the room and angry boyfriend comes in type of girls.

10-08-21, 20:44
https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/come-over-relax-and-chill-for/692904092758She's on ter as Shelly. Someone wrote about her here using the name "older Berry. ".

10-08-21, 22:51
I think I am going to give her a call next week when I am in C for business. What side of town does she work out of and is it private resident or Notel? PM if you want. Thanks!She's on the west side in the West Boulevard neighborhood in a rundown private residence which she shares with others. She lives / hosts in a “finished” attic.

10-09-21, 00:02
Just giving my experience. Once you agree on a meeting price the website will allow you to message the girl after unlocking the message. Cost varies so far I've seen between 5 bucks to 25 bucks it cost me to unlock. You get to speak freely after that and I've been messaging some girls for a bit now.

I got 2 scam requests from girls from out of state it was clearly a scam.

I hooked up with one girl already so site seems legit just got to weed through some fake profiles.

10-09-21, 00:38
I find this girl interesting, but she doesn't give a name to search. So asking you gents if anyone has seen her and has a review or info? I got no reply from a text request for info from her.


10-09-21, 08:36
I find this girl interesting, but she doesn't give a name to search. So asking you gents if anyone has seen her and has a review or info? I got no reply from a text request for info from her.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/who-want-to-hang/011015965994I saw that ad, too. I actually chatted with her for some time via text. I like what I see in the ad, but she lives in Kirtland. Huge red flag for me. Possibly the highest police activity in Lake County, there. Tread lightly, my friend.


10-09-21, 11:16
So I had some time to peruse the ads this morning and found that Clewoman on TRYST is also Kandy on RR. Has anyone seen her? States that a deposit is required, so that is a non starter for me. Her rates dropped from 500 to 300 though.



10-09-21, 11:39
I'm taking a little survey on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the current legal issues in Ohio and ways to defend against the government. I know I could as a senior member just go ahead and open one, but I don't want to use the bandwidth if no one is going to participate. So, lets have a vote, more or less, either here on PMs.


Admin, please chime in with your thoughts.

Cheech.Absolutely, agree that it's a good move!

Cleve Loser
10-09-21, 12:33
She's been talked about on here several times, she's one of those take the money out of the room and angry boyfriend comes in type of girls.She performed for me. Was about what you would expect. Paranoid junkie trying to get it over with. Also, she had about the worst abscess I had ever seen and I do have some experience with those. Looked like a baseball popping out of her arm and needed medical attention. I guess she got it or maybe it healed.

10-09-21, 13:19
Just giving my experience. Once you agree on a meeting price the website will allow you to message the girl after unlocking the message. Cost varies so far I've seen between 5 bucks to 25 bucks it cost me to unlock. You get to speak freely after that and I've been messaging some girls for a bit now.

I got 2 scam requests from girls from out of state it was clearly a scam.

I hooked up with one girl already so site seems legit just got to weed through some fake profiles.Many girls on whatsyourprice just want you to send them money for nothing. I had just reupped my tokens when a girl reported me for explicit talk in private messages when I asked about meeting in person. Site banned me and offered no refund. Many will try the 'can you send me some money right now so I can get lunch' trick. I did meet a couple ladies before I got banned, so it is possible, but it's more scammers than real females.

10-09-21, 13:36
Many girls on whatsyourprice just want you to send them money for nothing. I had just reupped my tokens when a girl reported me for explicit talk in private messages when I asked about meeting in person. Site banned me and offered no refund. Many will try the 'can you send me some money right now so I can get lunch' trick. I did meet a couple ladies before I got banned, so it is possible, but it's more scammers than real females.I am also back on whatsyourprice for the past few months. I had great luck a couple years prior, but this time all I have encountered is fakes and scammers. A lot of the profiles are immediately fake, some seem real until you spent your tokens and can actually talk to them to try to get a basic verification pic. There are very few decent quality ladies on there as you pay your tokens to weed through the rest. I have a feeling my remaining tokens will last about 5 years.

10-09-21, 14:01
Is different on those two ads.

So I had some time to peruse the ads this morning and found that Clewoman on TRYST is also Kandy on RR. Has anyone seen her? States that a deposit is required, so that is a non starter for me. Her rates dropped from 500 to 300 though.



10-09-21, 14:17
Is different on those two ads.Sure is, but the one pic is the same if you look at both ads.

10-09-21, 19:08
When I first most to Cleveland about 6 years ago there was a girl named Desiree that would advertise on the USAG Escort site. She was a larger girl who had a normal job, lived on the far west side (Lorain maybe?) and gave great service. She wasn't easy to get ahold of but was a lot of fun. Anyone know what happened to her or have her current digits? PM is fine.

10-09-21, 21:46
Last I heard she hung it up.

When I first most to Cleveland about 6 years ago there was a girl named Desiree that would advertise on the USAG Escort site. She was a larger girl who had a normal job, lived on the far west side (Lorain maybe?) and gave great service. She wasn't easy to get ahold of but was a lot of fun. Anyone know what happened to her or have her current digits? PM is fine.

10-09-21, 22:53
Or does she have a different number for each ad, so she knows how much to charge?

Sure is, but the one pic is the same if you look at both ads.

10-10-21, 06:51
Or does she have a different number for each ad, so she knows how much to charge?These ads just scream fake to me!! I've goggled both phone numbers and came up with another ad on sugar nights with a different name of Tiffany. I'd text the numbers and get rates and location but it's not worth the effort I for one wouldn't pursue.

10-10-21, 13:04
These ads just scream fake to me!! I've goggled both phone numbers and came up with another ad on sugar nights with a different name of Tiffany. I'd text the numbers and get rates and location but it's not worth the effort I for one wouldn't pursue.OK, so it seems she rubs out of the Edgewater location with Lorilee, and Jett and I can't remember the other woman. She is on RR, TRYST, STG and SA.

Has anyone taken the plunge yet? I TOFTT yesterday and I'm not feeling as adventurous. LOL.




10-10-21, 15:20
This may help some of you.


But I have seen where your phone can be tracked even when your phone is off no matter what your setting are.Thanks for info.

10-10-21, 20:22
OK, so it seems she rubs out of the Edgewater location with Lorilee, and Jett and I can't remember the other woman. She is on RR, TRYST, STG and SA.

Has anyone taken the plunge yet? I TOFTT yesterday and I'm not feeling as adventurous. LOL.



https://cleveland.rubratings.com/248575I texted her and she responded with a bunch of questions, what ad I saw, what did I want to pay, blah blah. Told me 300-500 depends on what I want.

I passed I'd say she is a scammer with great pics and zero reviews.

10-10-21, 21:11
Been seeing her ads for years and finally decided to make an appointment. Agreed upon a time and on my way over she says she's tired and asks if we can push it back 90 min. This was frustrating seeing as I was already halfway there, but I agreed. She looks exactly like her recent pics on STG and she's a very nice girl in person, friendly and a bit of a talker. As for the performance, something felt slightly mechanical about the whole thing. The BBJ wasn't nearly as good as I was expecting for a girl who's been in this game nearly 10 years. I could feel her teeth the entire time. We did some kissing which was nice. DATY garnered little-to-no response from her. CFS including mish and lazy doggie. Mish was just Ok, doggie was much better. She's not super tight, which is saying a lot given that I'm pretty big downstairs. Definitely wouldn't call her GFE. She's a nice girl who is as advertised. I had an ok time, but I won't be back.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/brandi/477749842421I know this is a post from about a month ago but I took the plunge the other night and I have to disagree, I had a great time and IMHO she's better looking in person then even in the ads. Nice and clean as well. got me right in to her apt complex no wait time, good set up nice area. YMMV I suppose, just my $0.02.


10-10-21, 23:58
I know this is a post from about a month ago but I took the plunge the other night and I have to disagree, I had a great time and IMHO she's better looking in person then even in the ads. Nice and clean as well. got me right in to her apt complex no wait time, good set up nice area. YMMV I suppose, just my $0.02.

C92.What she want for 1/2 and for the hour thanks.

10-11-21, 01:50
So I had some time to peruse the ads this morning and found that Clewoman on TRYST is also Kandy on RR. Has anyone seen her? States that a deposit is required, so that is a non starter for me. Her rates dropped from 500 to 300 though.


https://cleveland.rubratings.com/248575Shot a text response a day later asked what city I was in I told her random city to my surprise she was in that city, gave me quote for 2 hrs 380 asked for cash app 100 told her no thanks she said bye, her tryst ad went away.

10-11-21, 07:14

Anyone seen her I'm going this afternoon, I remember seeing something but can't remember what was said. Told me 80/120/180 off Lorain.

Any good bad would be appreciated.

I'll report later just give me a heads up if anything. Be safe.

10-11-21, 07:16

Other pics she had posted.

10-11-21, 08:02
I find this girl interesting, but she doesn't give a name to search. So asking you gents if anyone has seen her and has a review or info? I got no reply from a text request for info from her.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/who-want-to-hang/011015965994I've seen her a couple times for a QV. Nice girl, pics are accurate. Lives with a bunch of other pot heads in Kirtland. Incall seems kinda shady, though. Doesn't have a car. I picked her up, drove around for a bit and dropped her back off. Prices were reasonable, service was ok. Not bad in a pinch, I suppose. No cim though. So I can make for a messy car ride.

10-11-21, 08:35
Shot a text response a day later asked what city I was in I told her random city to my surprise she was in that city, gave me quote for 2 hrs 380 asked for cash app 100 told her no thanks she said bye, her tryst ad went away.Wow, good strategy-I used to get the random messages on fb & ig from people coincidentally in the same city as me. I never thought about that here.

Record Player
10-11-21, 08:52
Is different on those two ads.She is also Tiffany on Sugar Nights.


10-11-21, 11:13
She is also Tiffany on Sugar Nights.

https://ohio.sugarnights.com/escorts/tiffany-216-438-1741She likes posting ads but not sure she really wants to meet? Not certain she is worth 3 bills either.

10-11-21, 13:17
Stay away.Glad I saw your post, almost thought about pulling the trigger.

10-11-21, 14:35
What she want for 1/2 and for the hour thanks.Can't remember but it was 80 qv.

10-12-21, 00:17
I'm going to give it a go try the number what the hell.How did it go!

10-12-21, 00:20
Please no one pay attention to this. I've seen her and it was easily one of the worst and grossest experiences of my hobbying career.Yeah she was pretty rude over texting, so I opted out. Glad I did so from your experience.

10-12-21, 00:25
I don't believe the disclaimers mean anything, after all, they are allowed to lie about being LEO. I don't know about the graphic pics. The bottom line is that I'm not going to take the chance. The ad hasn't been reposted since last week.I'm not a lawyer but I would think that if it came down to it, your attorney could argue that disclaimer and show that you weren't there for any reason that could be construed as illegal, and refer to the disclaimer that you read going into the "sting".

My client wasn't there for any sexual reason, look at the disclaimer!

As long as you haven't said or done anything else to incriminate yourself I would think it could be fuel for your fire, but who knows like I said I'm not an attorney.

10-12-21, 00:39
I constantly see ads from this provider on STG has anyone seen her?

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/buy-one-get-one-free/700984999975Did you ever see her?

10-12-21, 00:50

Can anyone tell me if this allows cream pies or swallows. Thanks in advance.Natalie is a favorite for most although I haven't seen her since her amputation, she does allow bb after she gets to know you, and I believe cip is on the table as well, although not 100 percent about cip.

10-12-21, 05:27
How did it go!Never got a response.

10-12-21, 16:24
Anyone seen this Brooke? She has a two girl special I was thinking about trying but her friend is better looking. Wonder if anyone had any experience with either.


10-12-21, 16:40
Anyone seen this Brooke? She has a two girl special I was thinking about trying but her friend is better looking. Wonder if anyone had any experience with either.

https://megapersonals.eu/public/post_detail/18384074She had been reported as a scammer in other reports.

10-12-21, 17:13
Natalie is a favorite for most although I haven't seen her since her amputation, she does allow bb after she gets to know you, and I believe cip is on the table as well, although not 100 percent about cip.Only chick on my bucket list I never got to see. Can't even really get a response.

10-12-21, 20:00
Too many activities in the list.


10-13-21, 06:43
https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/specials-until-10-only-216-2/391991008333 Anyone, found a few Megans on search but none matched this one.

10-13-21, 07:21
https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/specials-until-10-only-216-2/391991008333 Anyone, found a few Megans on search but none matched this one.Pics are accurate, decent body and nice girl. Lacking skills. Weak oral and everything covered. But she was very nice.

10-13-21, 09:32
https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/specials-until-10-only-216-2/391991008333 Anyone, found a few Megans on search but none matched this one.She's in the massage section first couple are for her if you search her name.

10-13-21, 10:22
She's in the massage section first couple are for her if you search her name.Thanks, you saved me the cost of admission. Totally lost now that cougar and Tara are gone. Tried all of the others (Adrianna, Caroline, Miasa) and none can compare.

10-13-21, 12:17
Thanks, you saved me the cost of admission. Totally lost now that cougar and Tara are gone. Tried all of the others (Adrianna, Caroline, Miasa) and none can compare.This one here just popped up. Looks interesting but the price of admission is a little much!


10-13-21, 15:29
Anyone have any info on this one? Seems a bit TGTBT, and the incall is near the airport.


PS - Here's another that looks TGTBT..


10-13-21, 16:18
Anyone have any info on this one? Seems a bit TGTBT, and the incall is near the airport.


PS - Here's another that looks TGTBT..

https://megapersonals.eu/public/post_detail/18310874Come on these are both totally fake!

10-13-21, 17:22
Anyone have any info on this one? Seems a bit TGTBT, and the incall is near the airport.


PS - Here's another that looks TGTBT..

https://megapersonals.eu/public/post_detail/18310874Please tell me you are just having a laugh. Did you read the text or just look at the pictures?

10-13-21, 17:50
I spent time with Hailey yesterday. I never, ever fail to have a great time with her. Respect her boundaries, don't text stupid shit (anything explicit) and don't be cheap. Given the abundance of users and unreliable providers, Hailey is more than worth what she asks.

10-13-21, 18:02
Please tell me you are just having a laugh. Did you read the text or just look at the pictures?From looking at his posts he hasn't really seen anybody or contributed any info if he has. Just asking has anyone any intel on this one etc. It's time to put the work in and report back your experience, do your research it's been discussed all over this board how to go about it. Spoon feeding is not allowed 🚫.

10-13-21, 18:45
Natalie is a favorite for most although I haven't seen her since her amputation, she does allow bb after she gets to know you, and I believe cip is on the table as well, although not 100 percent about cip.Wait amputation?

10-13-21, 20:32
Wait amputation?I think it was discussed earlier, actually a kind of ruffled some feathers. Members calling other members insensitive. LOL. Surprised you missed it.

10-13-21, 21:13
That's the only thing that was left out of this one. Lmao.

Anyone have any info on this one? Seems a bit TGTBT, and the incall is near the airport.


PS - Here's another that looks TGTBT..


10-14-21, 09:35
I spent time with Hailey yesterday. I never, ever fail to have a great time with her. Respect her boundaries, don't text stupid shit (anything explicit) and don't be cheap. Given the abundance of users and unreliable providers, Hailey is more than worth what she asks.Yeah, me too, I have seen her for years and she is great. She is in Lake County now for a couple of days so I am going to try to see her soon.

10-14-21, 10:29
Lots of suspect Beachwood ads today I'd be careful.


Tried her slow response and went dark I'll give it another try. Any information. Be safe.

10-14-21, 11:17
Lots of suspect Beachwood ads today I'd be careful.


Tried her slow response and went dark I'll give it another try. Any information. Be safe.Saw her once. It was OK. She wasn't super attractive but I've seen worse. She was really friendly, good BBBJ, has a huge ass, and was cheap. I'd repeat if she was closer.

Member #6470
10-14-21, 12:40
Yeah, me too, I have seen her for years and she is great. She is in Lake County now for a couple of days so I am going to try to see her soon.Link to her ad?

Member #6192
10-14-21, 13:34
This one here just popped up. Looks interesting but the price of admission is a little much!

https://cleveland.rubratings.com/233915If anyone does see her, I'd love to see a report. Last one in Pittsburgh is almost 2 yes ago.

10-14-21, 16:54
If anyone does see her, I'd love to see a report. Last one in Pittsburgh is almost 2 yes ago.She usually post on eros and bounces between pittsburgh and here. I haven't had the chance as other said some older reviews. I believe limited menu from what I recall.

10-14-21, 19:46
Has anyone been able to get a hold of Phoenix, I been trying with no luck??

10-14-21, 23:53
Her pictures don't do her justice. She is much scarcer in person. I have no idea where all those glowing reviews are coming from. Probably should have left, but thinking with the little head, and the girl is just trying to make a living. Couldn't copy the link it Amber Lynn on list crawler.

10-15-21, 00:10
Her pictures don't do her justice. She is much scarcer in person. I have no idea where all those glowing reviews are coming from. Probably should have left, but thinking with the little head, and the girl is just trying to make a living. Couldn't copy the link it Amber Lynn on list crawler.Is this who you're referring to? Also, What do you mean by "scarcer?" Did you mean to type "scarier?" Her fat ass is tempting. A Textbook butterface.


10-15-21, 00:14
Has anyone been able to get a hold of Phoenix, I been trying with no luck??Who are you taking about? If you're referring to the Akron girl who also goes by Onyx, there's some recent buzz about her in the Akron forum.


10-15-21, 00:16
Has anyone been able to get a hold of Phoenix, I been trying with no luck??Was texting with her tonight she is down south New Pilly.

10-15-21, 03:05
Members calling other members insensitiveGee, I can't imagine why...

10-15-21, 06:45
Link to her ad?https://tryst.link/escort/haileyblaise1

10-15-21, 07:59
Link to her ad?Hailey https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/good-morning-gentlemenlake-cou/948823138801.

10-15-21, 09:06
Anyone seen this Brooke? She has a two girl special I was thinking about trying but her friend is better looking. Wonder if anyone had any experience with either.

https://megapersonals.eu/public/post_detail/18384074Tried to view the ad and *POOF* just like that it's gone!

Apparently it was TGTBT.

10-15-21, 09:21
Seen this new girl and was feelin it so I decided to toftt.

Well that was a mistake LOL.

I went to see her and her friend, no donation was ever discussed, but if you do decide to see them, it's not worth more than $60 each for a short visit.

I was expecting something low key but not like I got. Setup was simple and thru text. They were available right away. Was told they just got out of the shower and we're going to be fully naked when I arrived. Both of those were a lie. I her there and Incall is in the basement of a west side home. Both girls are fives, one may have been a six. One girl had baby damage and saggy titts, she was the most willing, the other was kinda jaded and business like.

No bed, only a couch, and I hear someone walking around upstairs so I just wanted to get in and out. Had them both do a double BBBJ. Was completely uninspired and a rush, then after a couple minutes, I bent the cuter one over standing up and was going to fvck her from behind but she insisted on putting it in. Then she couldn't get it in, she turned around and sat on the couch and spread her legs to put me in an awkward position. I pumped as quick as I could then got out of there. No towels or anything to clean up with. Bad experience, but I got what I came for. Gave them each 60 and they were okay with that, didn't try to upcharge or negotiate. I knew these girls weren't getting more than that, and if they felt they were worth more, I would have walked out immediately.

So there you have it, if you need something quick cheap, uncomfortable and dirty then try them out for a short stay.

If not steer clear.


10-15-21, 13:13
Seen this new girl and was feelin it so I decided to toftt.

Well that was a mistake LOL.

I went to see her and her friend, no donation was ever discussed, but if you do decide to see them, it's not worth more than $60 each for a short visit.

I was expecting something low key but not like I got. Setup was simple and thru text. They were available right away. Was told they just got out of the shower and we're going to be fully naked when I arrived. Both of those were a lie. I her there and Incall is in the basement of a west side home. Both girls are fives, one may have been a six. One girl had baby damage and saggy titts, she was the most willing, the other was kinda jaded and business like.

No bed, only a couch, and I hear someone walking around upstairs so I just wanted to get in and out. Had them both do a double BBBJ. Was completely uninspired and a rush, then after a couple minutes, I bent the cuter one over standing up and was going to fvck her from behind but she insisted on putting it in. Then she couldn't get it in, she turned around and sat on the couch and spread her legs to put me in an awkward position. I pumped as quick as I could then got out of there. No towels or anything to clean up with. Bad experience, but I got what I came for. Gave them each 60 and they were okay with that, didn't try to upcharge or negotiate. I knew these girls weren't getting more than that, and if they felt they were worth more, I would have walked out immediately.

So there you have it, if you need something quick cheap, uncomfortable and dirty then try them out for a short stay.

If not steer clear.

https://independent.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/68576196This has turn around and walk away ASAP written all over it. You've learned your lesson and thanks for the update but your comments of cheap, uncomfortable and dirty is a line I won't cross. She's only been posting for about 2 weeks so I would have passed but Cleveland really is losing at this so called hobby we call fun.

10-15-21, 15:05
Tried to view the ad and *POOF* just like that it's gone!

Apparently it was TGTBT.She's been reviewed as a thief before.

10-16-21, 18:40
She usually post on eros and bounces between pittsburgh and here. I haven't had the chance as other said some older reviews. I believe limited menu from what I recall.Tried reaching out to her 2 x but no response. From what I can gather he only, will report back if I meet up and its decent.

10-17-21, 00:41
Is this who you're referring to? Also, What do you mean by "scarcer?" Did you mean to type "scarier?" Her fat ass is tempting. A Textbook butterface.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/68573582Yes this is her and yes I meant scarier. Damn autocorrect.

10-17-21, 09:39
Yes this is her and yes I meant scarier. Damn autocorrect.Aside from looks how did it go with her? Could definitely be tempted to do doggy with her.

10-17-21, 09:47
This has turn around and walk away ASAP written all over it. You've learned your lesson and thanks for the update but your comments of cheap, uncomfortable and dirty is a line I won't cross. She's only been posting for about 2 weeks so I would have passed but Cleveland really is losing at this so called hobby we call fun.Yes you're absolutely right. I did attempt to walk away by acting as if I left the donation in the car on accident (gotten out of situations like that before) but as I was going to leave the cash fell out of my pocket when I grabbed my cell phone and the one girl is like there it is! Smh.

10-17-21, 09:59
Didn't see anything recent on her so I figured I would post my experience.


Wasn't too difficult to setup, house sits behind another house (west side style house). I get there and she's waiting at the door, let's me in and we do the cop check and go upstairs. She instructs me that we will be using this bed and so I get comfortable and so does she. She starts out by teasing with her finger nails from my legs to my neck. Then her phone goes off and she replies (only time she replied during the visit). She they gets to the good stuff devouring my cock, and all the way down her throat with no gag reflex. This went on for another 10 minutes or so until I had to have her. I told her to lay down on her back and get her pussy wet. Teased her a little with my cock then slowly let it slide it. She was kinda tight but not too bad. She thru her legs up in the air so I could go deeper and she complained about my size being too big (sure she does that with every one) but away I went. She seemed to get into it as well. Eye contact and sensual touches. Was a good time.

May repeat again, definitely worth a visit. The price is right and she performs. Body has a couple of minor flaws but nothing that can't be overlooked.

10-17-21, 10:58
Didn't see anything recent on her so I figured I would post my experience.


Wasn't too difficult to setup, house sits behind another house (west side style house). I get there and she's waiting at the door, let's me in and we do the cop check and go upstairs. She instructs me that we will be using this bed and so I get comfortable and so does she. She starts out by teasing with her finger nails from my legs to my neck. Then her phone goes off and she replies (only time she replied during the visit). She they gets to the good stuff devouring my cock, and all the way down her throat with no gag reflex. This went on for another 10 minutes or so until I had to have her. I told her to lay down on her back and get her pussy wet. Teased her a little with my cock then slowly let it slide it. She was kinda tight but not too bad. She thru her legs up in the air so I could go deeper and she complained about my size being too big (sure she does that with every one) but away I went. She seemed to get into it as well. Eye contact and sensual touches. Was a good time.

May repeat again, definitely worth a visit. The price is right and she performs. Body has a couple of minor flaws but nothing that can't be overlooked.She wasnt in a basement apartment? Thats where I saw her last time haven't repeated because someone pulled in after we finished up as I was leaving and I got out of there ASAP. I may see her again. What was the damage? Saw her in March for a franklin. post 10674 actually has my full review regarding the scenario that happened when i went.

10-17-21, 13:41
She wasnt in a basement apartment? Thats where I saw her last time haven't repeated because someone pulled in after we finished up as I was leaving and I got out of there ASAP. I may see her again. What was the damage? Saw her in March for a franklin. post 10674 actually has my full review regarding the scenario that happened when i went.She moved to her new incall in the last couple months. She claims to have the whole house to herself. Shes No longer in the basement apartment on west boulevard. Her new incall definitely feels safer, although its a little sketchy how its set back behind another house.

10-17-21, 14:09
Aside from looks how did it go with her? Could definitely be tempted to do doggy with her.I saw her about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Just did a qv. She got me hard, and then got in the position she's always in in her ads. Her face may be a bit scary, but her ass looks great and her pussy feels great.

10-17-21, 16:31
She moved to her new incall in the last couple months. She claims to have the whole house to herself. Shes No longer in the basement apartment on west boulevard. Her new incall definitely feels safer, although its a little sketchy how its set back behind another house.What part of town? Thanks!

10-17-21, 16:53
She wasnt in a basement apartment? Thats where I saw her last time haven't repeated because someone pulled in after we finished up as I was leaving and I got out of there ASAP. I may see her again. What was the damage? Saw her in March for a franklin. post 10674 actually has my full review regarding the scenario that happened when i went.No it was a full house, nice decorated. We went upstairs, she said not to turn the light on because her neighbors can see everything so we left the door open so the hall light gave us light to see. I felt comfortable. Two beds in the room, one she sleeps on and the other is for smashing.

10-17-21, 16:55
She moved to her new incall in the last couple months. She claims to have the whole house to herself. Shes No longer in the basement apartment on west boulevard. Her new incall definitely feels safer, although its a little sketchy how its set back behind another house.That's just how west side houses are. My aunt lives in a setup like that where the house is in the back. Lots of other houses are like that on the west side.

10-18-21, 09:05

Does anyone have any intel on this cutie?

10-18-21, 10:03

Does anyone have any intel on this cutie?She used to go by Diamond and I think those reviews are unfavorable. I have never been but I am interested. Rate is 300 from what I remember being quoted. Let us know if you make the jump.

10-18-21, 15:42
So, with the recent crackdown on mongers, I wanted to be sure to go with a verified provider. Toni B fits the bill in that regard. Hooking up with her was something of a challenge though, finally the 3rd try was successful. As an older fellow, I don't expect all women I see to be Playboy centerfold material. So Toni is a mature lady and as you can see in her pics she tends to heavy make up which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but she is a petite sexy lady who really aims to please! She is very flexible so can do a lot of interesting positions than a lot of women can't. She met me at the door wrapped in a towel which came off pretty quickly, some playful rubs and body slides brought me to attention and I enjoyed my time very much. Yes, her texts are just like she talks, a puzzle to understand, but who understands women anyway? Worth a visit, She asks $ and I gave her a tip.

10-18-21, 18:10

Does anyone have any intel on this cutie?I was texting with her recently and she was pretty rude IMO. And I did t ask anything out of the ordinary. YMMV but her rudeness was a turn off for me. I passed.

10-18-21, 18:13
So, with the recent crackdown on mongers, I wanted to be sure to go with a verified provider. Toni B fits the bill in that regard. Hooking up with her was something of a challenge though, finally the 3rd try was successful. As an older fellow, I don't expect all women I see to be Playboy centerfold material. So Toni is a mature lady and as you can see in her pics she tends to heavy make up which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but she is a petite sexy lady who really aims to please! She is very flexible so can do a lot of interesting positions than a lot of women can't. She met me at the door wrapped in a towel which came off pretty quickly, some playful rubs and body slides brought me to attention and I enjoyed my time very much. Yes, her texts are just like she talks, a puzzle to understand, but who understands women anyway? Worth a visit, She asks $ and I gave her a tip.Yup. If you can get past the sometimes indecipherable texts, Toni is great. I think part of the issue is she tries to get back to everyone who texts and may be overwhelmed at times.

10-19-21, 08:06
I was texting with her recently and she was pretty rude IMO. And I did t ask anything out of the ordinary. YMMV but her rudeness was a turn off for me. I passed.I've been chatting with her and she agreed to meet me when I'm in town but my hesitation is she didn't ask for any kind of screening info.

10-19-21, 12:18
I've been chatting with her and she agreed to meet me when I'm in town but my hesitation is she didn't ask for any kind of screening info.I also am concerned with little or no screening which seems to correlate with desperation (less screening, more desperate).

10-19-21, 14:24
Guys, this is embarrassing. I accidentally creampied my mother. I went to the glory hole, you all know the one. Well, ***** is giving me head, and not very good. Anyhow, because my dick is so big, she lines her **** up to the glory hole and has me fuck her. Anyhow, the next morning I'm having coffee in mom's kitchen (which is convenient for me since I live in her basement) and she tells me she was working the glory hole that shift.

I feel like Oedipus man.

10-19-21, 18:07
I also am concerned with little or no screening which seems to correlate with desperation (less screening, more desperate).I actually prefer no screening as it leaves less of a paper trail. I'm not sending a face pic, and I sure never would dream of sending my linkedin drivers license or anything like that. I've had a few lucky flukes with some real high end providers / pornstars where I got to bang them and haven't had to screen much. Some of those meets have taken me a few attempts on different burner numbers to work my magic though. Most I've ever done for verification is sent a provider a pic of a nearby gas station that they wanted when I got close.

10-19-21, 18:19
I actually prefer no screening as it leaves less of a paper trail. I'm not sending a face pic, and I sure never would dream of sending my linkedin drivers license or anything like that. I've had a few lucky flukes with some real high end providers / pornstars where I haven't had to screen much. Some of those meets have taken me a few attempts on different burner numbers to work my magic though. Most I've ever done for verification is sent a provider a pic of a nearby gas station that they wanted when I got close.Lake County Leslie requested a face pic a while back. So did Carmella / Chloe who was on tryst who I guess retired. (I don't know what happened with Leslie. She texted me over the summer and didn't reply when I responded.).

I was very new to this when I first contacted Leslie and rightly or wrongly, sent a non-descript photo. With Carmella, I don't know what I hit on one of her photos but it showed the location her photo was taken which at that time was within a couple of miles of me.

10-19-21, 19:39
I actually prefer no screening as it leaves less of a paper trail. I'm not sending a face pic, and I sure never would dream of sending my linkedin drivers license or anything like that. I've had a few lucky flukes with some real high end providers / pornstars where I got to bang them and haven't had to screen much. Some of those meets have taken me a few attempts on different burner numbers to work my magic though. Most I've ever done for verification is sent a provider a pic of a nearby gas station that they wanted when I got close.I agree, but she is on EROS and some guys think that is enough. My concern is her attitude. If that is off, the whole session is a bust.

10-19-21, 20:38
So, with the recent crackdown on mongers, I wanted to be sure to go with a verified provider. Toni B fits the bill in that regard. Hooking up with her was something of a challenge though, finally the 3rd try was successful. As an older fellow, I don't expect all women I see to be Playboy centerfold material. So Toni is a mature lady and as you can see in her pics she tends to heavy make up which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but she is a petite sexy lady who really aims to please! She is very flexible so can do a lot of interesting positions than a lot of women can't. She met me at the door wrapped in a towel which came off pretty quickly, some playful rubs and body slides brought me to attention and I enjoyed my time very much. Yes, her texts are just like she talks, a puzzle to understand, but who understands women anyway? Worth a visit, She asks $ and I gave her a tip.After giving it much thought I have to agree with Lugerdog. I threw in the towel on her a while back because of all the hassle to get to see her. After finding out the lack of any decent women out there, the hassle is worth it, and the 100 + tip is more than reasonable for the service provided. I will be seeing her again.

Member #6470
10-20-21, 11:08

Anyone have info on this one in the Mayfield area?

10-20-21, 13:13
I'm sorry she treated that way and anyone on these boards, I can take advice with a grain of salt. She has never once treated me bad and she's always had the same menu in place since I met her years ago. I don't go back and look at members posts on here because 90 percent of John's are disrespectful to most of the woman they meet. Maybe if most would actually have manners and not ask for explicit over the phone they'd have more luck. It's hard to find providers out there that have a decent incall, all of their teeth, and isn't covered in track marks like some junkie. Hailey is clean, pretty, and always answers the phone. You don't find that often these days. For that I'd put up with a little bull shit. It's well worth it when you know the provider won't ghost you or leave you hanging.I saw Hailey over the weekend and it was, as usual, great! Once we agree on a time, everything goes smoothly, no last minute changes, cancellations or ghosting. And, unlike some providers, she turns off her phone when we are together so our time together is in fact, our time together. Finally, no interruptions, drama, drugs or baggage. She is terrific!

10-20-21, 17:13
I saw Hailey over the weekend and it was, as usual, great! Once we agree on a time, everything goes smoothly, no last minute changes, cancellations or ghosting. And, unlike some providers, she turns off her phone when we are together so our time together is in fact, our time together. Finally, no interruptions, drama, drugs or baggage. She is terrific!I've also had good experiences with Hailey. I know some men have problems with her attitude-I have seen her dozens of times at her home as well as a few hotels when she goes east and we have established a mutual trust. Treat her well (no explicit or aggressive communication), read the ads and don't ask for items not on the menu and she is amazing, treat her poorly, well, it isn't going to go very well and I don't blame her one bit.

10-21-21, 07:24

Anyone have info on this one in the Mayfield area?Never seen her. She used to run ads with the same photos a couple of years ago but was always hard to get ahold of. I've tried contacting her a couple of times now that she's back but I've never received a reply.

10-21-21, 14:22

My recollection is that this girl is either a rip off or not worth a visit. Not sure if my recollection is correct. Anyone know if she is a reputable provider or not?

Ditch Digger
10-21-21, 18:11

My recollection is that this girl is either a rip off or not worth a visit. Not sure if my recollection is correct. Anyone know if she is a reputable provider or not?Reports of robbery.

10-21-21, 20:01

My recollection is that this girl is either a rip off or not worth a visit. Not sure if my recollection is correct. Anyone know if she is a reputable provider or not?I hope that's not real geez talk about ugly.

10-22-21, 01:18
I saw Hailey over the weekend and it was, as usual, great! Once we agree on a time, everything goes smoothly, no last minute changes, cancellations or ghosting. And, unlike some providers, she turns off her phone when we are together so our time together is in fact, our time together. Finally, no interruptions, drama, drugs or baggage. She is terrific!Do you have a link for hailey?

10-22-21, 01:19
So, with the recent crackdown on mongers, I wanted to be sure to go with a verified provider. Toni B fits the bill in that regard. Hooking up with her was something of a challenge though, finally the 3rd try was successful. As an older fellow, I don't expect all women I see to be Playboy centerfold material. So Toni is a mature lady and as you can see in her pics she tends to heavy make up which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but she is a petite sexy lady who really aims to please! She is very flexible so can do a lot of interesting positions than a lot of women can't. She met me at the door wrapped in a towel which came off pretty quickly, some playful rubs and body slides brought me to attention and I enjoyed my time very much. Yes, her texts are just like she talks, a puzzle to understand, but who understands women anyway? Worth a visit, She asks $ and I gave her a tip.Does she have an active page ad?

10-22-21, 05:44
Does she have an active page ad?https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/pssssst-now-u-can-ask-forok-b/427753110855

10-22-21, 05:47
Do you have a link for hailey?https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/other/good-afternoon-handsome-cum-g/771460499593

10-22-21, 09:46
Does she have an active page ad?This should give you some idea LOL (reading her message makes my head hurt LOL). But otherwise she is cool and gives good value for $$.


10-22-21, 09:58
Do you have a link for hailey?Found it! Is there no way that a user can delete their post?

Ditch Digger
10-22-21, 11:41
Does anyone remembers A cute little escort named Tina who worked out of motel in North Olmstead.

She had a tiger mask she wore had a whip and wore black pants and top.

If you have any info please private message me Thanks Ditch Digger.

She just disappeared.

Ditch Digger
10-22-21, 12:56
Does anyone know a cute blond named Tina who worked out of a motel in North Olmstead?

She would dress up in a Tiger lady costume with a whip.

She just disappeared.

If anyone has any info on her whereabouts could you please private message me.

Thanks Ditch Digger.

10-22-21, 17:08

Worried it might be sting.

Beechwood and Independence is known for that right?

Slow Roller
10-22-21, 19:25

Worried it might be sting.

Beechwood and Independence is known for that right?A good way to start to get info on a provider is by googling their phone #.

Slow Roller
10-22-21, 19:27
I hope that's not real geez talk about ugly.She's been reported as both.

Slow Roller
10-22-21, 19:28

My recollection is that this girl is either a rip off or not worth a visit. Not sure if my recollection is correct. Anyone know if she is a reputable provider or not?She's been reported as both.

10-23-21, 11:04
Empty your in box. Then let me know so can send what you asked for.

Member #6470
10-23-21, 12:27

Anyone partake or have any info on this one?

Not much out here on the eastside.

10-23-21, 14:32

I'm not at all sure about this, but she looks like an Olmsted Falls cop I dealt with a while back. I'm probably wrong, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Finish Insider
10-23-21, 15:08
Saw her in Elyria 2 yrs ago, but with this recent ad of hers. Smh 2 syringes in full view.


10-23-21, 17:25

I'm not at all sure about this, but she looks like an Olmsted Falls cop I dealt with a while back. I'm probably wrong, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.Interesting. I figured it was a "revenge" ad submitted by a jilted bf or something.

10-23-21, 22:06

Anyone partake or have any info on this one?

Not much out here on the eastside.I think that's Lillath, pics are ancient and service is horrible. My opinion!

10-24-21, 13:46
I think that's Lillath, pics are ancient and service is horrible. My opinion!That is definitely NOT Lilith.

10-24-21, 15:29

Worried it might be sting.

Beechwood and Independence is known for that right?Googled her number seen plenty of ads clear back to 2018 on several sites. Let me know what ya find. I may want to see what up.

10-24-21, 15:42
That is definitely NOT Lilith.https://sumosear.ch/images/webpage/sexy-juicy-rubdown-adult-time-day/37285847


10-24-21, 16:30

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/indiana/ftwayne/59126536That is a new Lilith to me. The old Akron Lilith was who I was thinking about. Sorry about the bad info.


10-24-21, 18:00
That is a new Lilith to me. The old Akron Lilith was who I was thinking about. Sorry about the bad info.

https://akron-canton.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/lilithlexi-always-a-good-time/952104933884Gets a little confusing with the duplicate or similar names these girls use. I think Lillath is originally from Indiana, has been hanging around in Ohio for awhile. I saw her in Mansfield probably a year ago. Pics are old, she's does nothing but complain, and does not provide all the services she advertises. She's been discussed on here before. I at least did her hard doggy and dumped a load in her, but never again.

10-25-21, 15:09
Any feedback on Allie Mae in Warrensville? Legit?


10-25-21, 15:17

Saw her the other day as. Said house behind a house and she met me at the door, place was clean. Her face was much cuter than I expected, nice skin, body was ok looks like she was a bigger girl that lost wait definitely a fupa and some saggy stuff. She can definitely suck a cock. Not beauty skils but who does. Basically let me face fuck her ended up blowing my load in her mouth, 100 I may go again didn't feel a connection she seems to want to control everything I like to have my way. Very cool chick tho.

Biggest problem was the smoke smell it clings to yaand that's trouble for us non smokers lucky my job is dirty so I always have clothes to change into. Anyhow probably a 6 out of 10 I'll give it one more Benjamin in a week or so and see how it is. Be safe.

10-25-21, 19:41

Saw her the other day as. Said house behind a house and she met me at the door, place was clean. Her face was much cuter than I expected, nice skin, body was ok looks like she was a bigger girl that lost wait definitely a fupa and some saggy stuff. She can definitely suck a cock. Not beauty skils but who does. Basically let me face fuck her ended up blowing my load in her mouth, 100 I may go again didn't feel a connection she seems to want to control everything I like to have my way. Very cool chick tho.

Biggest problem was the smoke smell it clings to yaand that's trouble for us non smokers lucky my job is dirty so I always have clothes to change into. Anyhow probably a 6 out of 10 I'll give it one more Benjamin in a week or so and see how it is. Be safe.

Basically the same experience I’ve had with her on a number of occasions. Sometimes she’s seemed more into it than others. This reminds me. What's going on with Beauty? I've been trying to reach her since summer with no luck. I was a regular at one point so I know she has my number saved. Any news?

10-25-21, 20:26
Any feedback on Allie Mae in Warrensville? Legit?

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69158070Saw her awhile ago. It was meh. Nothing special not horrible.

10-25-21, 20:36
Basically the same experience Ive had with her on a number of occasions. Sometimes shes seemed more into it than others. This reminds me. What's going on with Beauty? I've been trying to reach her since summer with no luck. I was a regular at one point so I know she has my number saved. Any news?Beauty had some type of work done on her was out of commission, she said back at it in November.

Yes I'll give maleena another go but was just ok, but not much better out there now. Be safe.

10-26-21, 12:43
Basically the same experience Ive had with her on a number of occasions. Sometimes shes seemed more into it than others. This reminds me. What's going on with Beauty? I've been trying to reach her since summer with no luck. I was a regular at one point so I know she has my number saved. Any news?What about Greek anyone take a trip there with her?

10-26-21, 12:53
Saw her in Elyria 2 yrs ago, but with this recent ad of hers. Smh 2 syringes in full view.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69053705#.Wow just wow! I know a lot of these girls are doing shit. Including shooting up. But for f-sake when its that obvious you got to take a step back and say mmm don't think so. IMO.

10-26-21, 14:43
Saw her in Elyria 2 yrs ago, but with this recent ad of hers. Smh 2 syringes in full view.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69053705#.I saw that too, it's one of the things I like to check out with the pictures that are posted, what's laying around in the room, and what's visible from the reflection in the mirror. You see either this kinda thing, paraphernalia or substances. Or many times more often, just a general amount of filth and mess.

10-26-21, 18:26

Has anyone had a double session with her and younger red head over by Fox Run area WilloughB? The above provider just played with toy. Wasn't into her at all when I got there. Even with all the head game reviews. But the person hosting at end of long fence and around pool was a delight. Didn't get digits or a name. The provider seems to only know what's happening at the moment. This was a month ago on travel that way.

Any Dreams of that?

10-26-21, 19:48
I saw that too, it's one of the things I like to check out with the pictures that are posted, what's laying around in the room, and what's visible from the reflection in the mirror. You see either this kinda thing, paraphernalia or substances. Or many times more often, just a general amount of filth and mess.I wouldn't see her just for the fact that the motel she is staying at is a complete pig sty. Been that way for years. I don't think anybody but ****** stay there.

10-27-21, 08:31
Saw her in Elyria 2 yrs ago, but with this recent ad of hers. Smh 2 syringes in full view.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69053705#.I saw her last summer. She was a one and done for me. Mainly just laid there or bent over. Didn't even try to pretend to get into it.

10-27-21, 09:44
Hailey is on the eastside for a few days and I saw her last evening. I sound like a broken record but if you treat her with respect and don't try to discount her donation or cross her boundaries, she is amazing!


10-27-21, 11:13
Saw her awhile ago. It was meh. Nothing special not horrible.Saw her last night at her incall. Really sweet girl, has a girl roommate who stayed in the bathroom. Motel is a dump, but the room was nice and cozy. She had one of those projection things that illuminates the ceiling with stars in the sky. Had her do a BJ and with slight guidance, it was really good. CIM finish and took it all without stopping. Good time.

10-27-21, 15:04
Hailey is on the eastside for a few days and I saw her last evening. I sound like a broken record but if you treat her with respect and don't try to discount her donation or cross her boundaries, she is amazing!

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/good-morning-gentlemenback-in/541431251964I was wondering if she actually does not see anybody under the age of 40. Such a shame cause I would be all over her.

10-27-21, 16:09
I was wondering if she actually does not see anybody under the age of 40. Such a shame cause I would be all over her.I don't actually know-I passed 40 in the 1990's so it has never been a concern for me. We probably talked about it during my initial screening a while back but I don't remember anymore.

10-27-21, 16:15
Has any 1 seen Alexia lately? I know she has bad reviews previously I'm kinda hoping they magically get better? LOL I know wishful thinking LMK.


10-28-21, 12:12
I had seen this ad.


For some time and was in town for the night traveling and as luck would have it was about five minutes max from the intersection she lists in her ad. So we texted and decided to meet at 10:30. I text back and tell her I am there where should I go and she says I need some time I just ran out to eat. So I wait about 15 minutes and then tell her to forget it. I go back to my hotel and about an hour later she texts and asks if I am ready. If I hadn't been so close I would have skipped the whole thing. I love how they post "lets skip the games" yet there's all this BS just to meet. She finally lets me know which motel and says she'll come to the side door. Then it's the *other* side door. Then 10 minutes later she finally shows up and lets me in. At this point some of it becomes clear. While she is super sweet, she is like the Tasmanian Devil on crack the whole time. Talking 100 miles an hour and bouncing all over the room from place to place. I never felt unsafe, but man there was zero mood unless your mood is hypergenic ADHD. She says she doesn't drink or do drugs. Can you imagine that on top of this she said? She just chain smoked and drank soda the whole time. The experience was okay. So crazy it was hard to settle down and enjoy. YMMV but for me I just wasn't in to it. She asked for the money first which I started to balk at after everything else but then she said she just wanted to see it I could throw it on the table and it did just sit there until I left. She seemed very honest. Just a tornado of a person.

10-28-21, 12:26
Has any 1 seen Alexia lately? I know she has bad reviews previously I'm kinda hoping they magically get better? LOL I know wishful thinking LMK.

https://cleveland.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/lets-have-some-fun-im-real-an/764819291148Saw her once about a year ago, arrived, put donation on a desk took off my clothes while she did. Her body was all bruised up and disgusting! Picked up my cash, got dressed and left. Gave her 20 for her trouble but she was just gross.

She was nice tho if that matters?

10-28-21, 14:11
I had seen this ad.


For some time and was in town for the night traveling and as luck would have it was about five minutes max from the intersection she lists in her ad. So we texted and decided to meet at 10:30. I text back and tell her I am there where should I go and she says I need some time I just ran out to eat. So I wait about 15 minutes and then tell her to forget it. I go back to my hotel and about an hour later she texts and asks if I am ready. If I hadn't been so close I would have skipped the whole thing. I love how they post "lets skip the games" yet there's all this BS just to meet. She finally lets me know which motel and says she'll come to the side door. Then it's the *other* side door. Then 10 minutes later she finally shows up and lets me in. At this point some of it becomes clear. While she is super sweet, she is like the Tasmanian Devil on crack the whole time. Talking 100 miles an hour and bouncing all over the room from place to place. I never felt unsafe, but man there was zero mood unless your mood is hypergenic ADHD. She says she doesn't drink or do drugs. Can you imagine that on top of this she said? She just chain smoked and drank soda the whole time. The experience was okay. So crazy it was hard to settle down and enjoy. YMMV but for me I just wasn't in to it. She asked for the money first which I started to balk at after everything else but then she said she just wanted to see it I could throw it on the table and it did just sit there until I left. She seemed very honest. Just a tornado of a person.Sounds about right for her, she is pretty honest and is a true pro, but very busy and I'm sure has a lot of heat around her, I did a post a day or two ago about one of her "co-workers" she was sharing a room with, possibly giving a fellow member an unwanted gift that may have required a trip to the doctor to clear up, also she had quiet a past in the business which has been documented, if you would like to have any deeper info send me a message.

10-28-21, 15:17
What about Greek anyone take a trip there with her?Requires making appointment day in advance. Then the hassle of coordinating again. She's really not into it.

10-28-21, 15:18
Sent me a text saying that she was now in Wickliffe, didn't say where tho.

Slow Roller
10-28-21, 19:26
This is what a possible sting looks like.


Slow Roller
10-28-21, 19:38
This is what a possible sting looks like.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69344505Maybe not, just contacted her with my burner and she said nothing under 200, if it was a sting they would go a lot less.

10-28-21, 23:19
Look at the picture of her in the black negligee, where her hips are twice as wide as her shoulders, and her arms look like a Stretch Armstrong commercial. LOL.

Maybe not, just contacted her with my burner and she said nothing under 200, if it was a sting they would go a lot less.

10-29-21, 08:50
This is what a possible sting looks like.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69344505Some combination of those pics have been used in ads for over a month so far. I didn't image search the pics because they are obviously fake and wasn't going to waste my time.

10-29-21, 11:01
Some combination of those pics have been used in ads for over a month so far. I didn't image search the pics because they are obviously fake and wasn't going to waste my time.I"ve seen her before pre COViD, the tattoo is unforgettable. She was just OK and too expensive. how bout a little more than just posting "possible sting" do a little research first.


10-29-21, 12:37
This is what a possible sting looks like.

https://escortalligator.com.listcrawler.eu/post/escorts/usa/ohio/cleveland/69344505The reality is that many of the ladies, especially if they have drug habits, have the potential to flip and / or be part of a sting which for me is why if you meet anyone who isn't a drug user, appreciate that relationship.

10-29-21, 13:23
Some combination of those pics have been used in ads for over a month so far. I didn't image search the pics because they are obviously fake and wasn't going to waste my time.If I could interrupt for just a second this is actually what a sting looks like.

10-29-21, 19:23
Sent me a text saying that she was now in Wickliffe, didn't say where tho.Sent me another text this eve asking me to post that she might like some company since she's moved. She is at the hotel off of 90 at 84. Don't remember name tho. I think it might be the (Fairfax)?

10-29-21, 20:12
Looks like a great picture.


Big Stig 860
10-30-21, 01:46
Saw her once about a year ago, arrived, put donation on a desk took off my clothes while she did. Her body was all bruised up and disgusting! Picked up my cash, got dressed and left. Gave her 20 for her trouble but she was just gross.

She was nice tho if that matters?Saw her last spring, was a cool girl, came to me for outcall. Warned me ahead of time about her limp. Think she might have been disabled, didn't notice any bruises. I'd see her again next time in town. Just my experience.

10-31-21, 09:00
Blossom is advertising an all nighter for nine Benjis and it seems too good to be true if her photos are real?

I tried texting her and asking if she allows full access to her mouth and pussy the entire night and she didn't really say no but didn't say yes. She just said "I'll have to charge more if you want all that but we'll need to discuss it further."

She takes a long time to respond to texts. And her number is Miami based so I can't get a fix on her. She might be real, but my feelers tell me she's just another Cash App ROB kinda girl?

Anyone seen her?


10-31-21, 15:52
Blossom is advertising an all nighter for nine Benjis and it seems too good to be true if her photos are real?

I tried texting her and asking if she allows full access to her mouth and pussy the entire night and she didn't really say no but didn't say yes. She just said "I'll have to charge more if you want all that but we'll need to discuss it further."

She takes a long time to respond to texts. And her number is Miami based so I can't get a fix on her. She might be real, but my feelers tell me she's just another Cash App ROB kinda girl?

Anyone seen her?

https://www.eros.com/ohio/files/2397327.htm?cat=3852I haven't seen her but my experience is that an all-nighter is more like a slumber party or it means access at the beginning of the night but that is it. "All access all night" is a different and much higher price and it merits discussion prior to scheduling or at least prior to paying so disappointment is avoided.

10-31-21, 22:25
Doing a meet and greet with an SA girl tomorrow. It's at her apartment, so I'm prepared for more than a M&G. This is my first SA girl, any warnings or advice?

Thanks in advance.

11-01-21, 02:09
Doing a meet and greet with an SA girl tomorrow. It's at her apartment, so I'm prepared for more than a M&G. This is my first SA girl, any warnings or advice?

Thanks in advance.Better to post this in the SA section.

11-01-21, 06:01
Blossom is advertising an all nighter for nine Benjis and it seems too good to be true if her photos are real?

I tried texting her and asking if she allows full access to her mouth and pussy the entire night and she didn't really say no but didn't say yes. She just said "I'll have to charge more if you want all that but we'll need to discuss it further."

She takes a long time to respond to texts. And her number is Miami based so I can't get a fix on her. She might be real, but my feelers tell me she's just another Cash App ROB kinda girl?

Anyone seen her?

https://www.eros.com/ohio/files/2397327.htm?cat=3852Remember this is a business arrangement. Its always best to be clear on both sides as to what is expected. From both parties. So explain to her in a respectful and polite way what you want.

Now remember, if you haven't had experience with her and can't find reviews then you don't in fact know if she's real, a scammer, or a sting. So its difficult to explain what you expect and to be frank, quite risky, on the phone or text.

The pic is very attractive. So what I suggest is meeting her for coffee or a drink before you discuss all that stuff on the phone. Remember we live in difficult and changing times. I submit that for the kind of loot she's asking, its not at all unreasonable to ask for a dinner date or coffee date before you make a commitment, and if she refuses that is a tip off that something is fishy, and I'm not talking about her tight little quim. LOL


11-01-21, 09:40
Doing a meet and greet with an SA girl tomorrow. It's at her apartment, so I'm prepared for more than a M&G. This is my first SA girl, any warnings or advice?

Thanks in advance.My recommendation, as tempting as it is to meet her at her apartment, is to first meet her for coffee or drinks to be sure you are comfortable with her and no red flags go off in your head. There last thing you want to do is show up at her apartment and end up getting robbed. I usually get a good feel for someone when I meet them in public. Also that way you can be assured that the pics she sent you are really her, or at least a good representation. I have had a couple m&g when the girl is barely (and I'm being kind here) like all the pics they sent me, or the pics are like 5 years or 50 lbs ago. Better to be safe than sorry with SA girls. Odds are, unless she is a pro, she is going to want to see you again if you hit it off so there is no reason to rush. Think with big head not small. IMO.

11-01-21, 09:52
My recommendation, as tempting as it is to meet her at her apartment, is to first meet her for coffee or drinks to be sure you are comfortable with her and no red flags go off in your head. There last thing you want to do is show up at her apartment and end up getting robbed. I usually get a good feel for someone when I meet them in public. Also that way you can be assured that the pics she sent you are really her, or at least a good representation. I have had a couple m&g when the girl is barely (and I'm being kind here) like all the pics they sent me, or the pics are like 5 years or 50 lbs ago. Better to be safe than sorry with SA girls. Odds are, unless she is a pro, she is going to want to see you again if you hit it off so there is no reason to rush. Think with big head not small. IMO.With the illegal arrests and bait and switch tactics, meeting in public at a bar is honestly the only way I'm going about things anymore. Unless its a veteran provider that myself and all of us here have already seen, in which case I'm still using extreme caution and walking into it prepared for the worst.

11-01-21, 10:26
I haven't seen her but my experience is that an all-nighter is more like a slumber party or it means access at the beginning of the night but that is it. "All access all night" is a different and much higher price and it merits discussion prior to scheduling or at least prior to paying so disappointment is avoided.Yeah I think an all nighter at that price is a bait and switch. So maybe I get a BBBJ and CFS and then she puts on the PJs and sleeps in a different bed? She gives no details about her hotel room but I bet it's a two double bed and not a single king size.

So basically I'm paying six smackers for the privilege of a cute chick sleeping in the same room as me but I can't touch her while we sleep?

Man, these girls must take a course in this marketing stuff because it's really slick!

11-01-21, 10:30
Remember this is a business arrangement. Its always best to be clear on both sides as to what is expected. From both parties. So explain to her in a respectful and polite way what you want.

Now remember, if you haven't had experience with her and can't find reviews then you don't in fact know if she's real, a scammer, or a sting. So its difficult to explain what you expect and to be frank, quite risky, on the phone or text.

The pic is very attractive. So what I suggest is meeting her for coffee or a drink before you discuss all that stuff on the phone. Remember we live in difficult and changing times. I submit that for the kind of loot she's asking, its not at all unreasonable to ask for a dinner date or coffee date before you make a commitment, and if she refuses that is a tip off that something is fishy, and I'm not talking about her tight little quim.Yeah those are all good ideas. She seems very limited on her text replies which is not giving me any confidence about what I'm expecting for the all nighter. She's too vague about details and that is never a good sign.

I think a meetup at Starbucks is the perfect way to get a Spidey sense on whether she's legit and can deliver the goods. If she refuses, then I know I outed another scammer and we can all be happy to hold on to our duckets.

Titty Banger
11-01-21, 12:44
Just wanted to give a heads up, I had to create a new user name. I have posted reviews in the past on escorts, strip clubs and AMP's. I spend more time lurking than posting.

11-01-21, 15:32
Blossom is advertising an all nighter for nine Benjis and it seems too good to be true if her photos are real?

I tried texting her and asking if she allows full access to her mouth and pussy the entire night and she didn't really say no but didn't say yes. She just said "I'll have to charge more if you want all that but we'll need to discuss it further."

She takes a long time to respond to texts. And her number is Miami based so I can't get a fix on her. She might be real, but my feelers tell me she's just another Cash App ROB kinda girl?

Anyone seen her?

https://www.eros.com/ohio/files/2397327.htm?cat=3852Why on earth would you go straight for an all night event if you have never met? Seems a bit aggressive. If she does not look like her pics or has a shitty attitude, you will have wasted a lot of cash. Do an hr and report back if it was worth it.

11-01-21, 16:39
Why on earth would you go straight for an all night event if you have never met? Seems a bit aggressive. If she does not look like her pics or has a shitty attitude, you will have wasted a lot of cash. Do an hr and report back if it was worth it.She was advertising under a different name last yr, I don't recall the name but believe the reviews were not good.

11-01-21, 17:45
Just wanted to give a heads up, I had to create a new user name. I have posted reviews in the past on escorts, strip clubs and AMP's. I spend more time lurking than posting.What was your old user name?

11-01-21, 17:49
She was advertising under a different name last yr, I don't recall the name but believe the reviews were not good.She went by Diamond last year. I agree, brand recognition being everything in this business, and she burnt it for a new name? May be a good idea to pass? Or take one for the team, but only an hr.

11-01-21, 19:02

I know this place has gotten bad reviews, but it's in a convenient location for me so I thought I'd give it a try anyway. They were busy, even on a weekday afternoon. I had to wait a few minutes at first. And I ended up getting shorted on time. But the girl I got was young and cute, and very good, so I left with a smile on my face. Cost the same as most any other AMP.

11-01-21, 20:32

This broad has been in town for the last four days for at least three weeks. Looks suspect, has anyone reached out?

11-02-21, 05:42

This broad has been in town for the last four days for at least three weeks. Looks suspect, has anyone reached out?I did was looking for a good BBBJ so I texted her for a car date first she was very sketchy on her location and wanted 120 no way I'm paying that for a car BJ. I looked at her Instagram. I'd guess she looks older and rougher than the pics. I passed.

11-02-21, 10:59

I know this place has gotten bad reviews, but it's in a convenient location for me so I thought I'd give it a try anyway. They were busy, even on a weekday afternoon. I had to wait a few minutes at first. And I ended up getting shorted on time. But the girl I got was young and cute, and very good, so I left with a smile on my face. Cost the same as most any other AMP.I've always had a good experience there. Never been busy for me. I've always been the only one there so that's kind of interesting. Maybe my prior reviews sparked some traffic.