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03-29-08, 21:35
New to Baltimore.

Any suggestions on good spots for pickup?

Terra Sancta
03-29-08, 21:44
[QUOTE=Baltimonger]WRONG! This is what the ULE who pick the SW's up do. They are looking for the confirmation of sex for money. [QUOTE]This is the scenario I am suggesting:

SW: No, I dont need a ride, I need money.
John: get in [they drive outside the area]
John: Can I touch your tits
SW: After you pay me
John: I thin you are a cop
SW: Here [pulls tits out]
John: Can I touch them
John: Can you touch my little John

There is a term which I would like to start, it is called "Hand-shake Protocol." This protocol is what a John and SW use to confirm the neither is a cop. It consists of:

1. Initial plain language question: are you a cop. We all know that ULE can lie, but this question sets up the tone for the next:

2. Show me you are not a cop. The internt her is to physically demonstrate a behaviour the sworn police officers will not do, especially to avoid an entrapment scenario.

3. John and SW specifically touch each others janitals.

The handshake protocol is followed by is followed by "sealing the deal". Here the John and SW agree to the act, the sum, and the location.

There is also the atiquette part:

1. You drop her off where you picked picked her up from, or in general area.

2. John provides condom

3. John provides top if fully satisfied.

Terra Sancta
03-29-08, 21:47
WRONG! This is what the ULE who pick the SW's up do. They are looking for the confirmation of sex for money. This is the scenario I am suggesting:

SW: No, I dont need a ride, I need money.
John: get in [they drive outside the area]
John: Can I touch your tits
SW: After you pay me
John: I thin you are a cop
SW: Here [pulls tits out]
John: Can I touch them
John: Can you touch my little John

There is a term which I would like to start, it is called "Hand-shake Protocol." This protocol is what a John and SW use to confirm the neither is a cop. It consists of:

1. Initial plain language question: are you a cop. We all know that ULE can lie, but this question sets up the tone for the next:

2. Show me you are not a cop. The internt her is to physically demonstrate a behaviour the sworn police officers will not do, especially to avoid an entrapment scenario.

3. John and SW specifically touch each others janitals.

The handshake protocol is followed by is followed by "sealing the deal". Here the John and SW agree to the act, the sum, and the location.

There is also the atiquette part:

1. You drop her off where you picked picked her up from, or in general area.

2. John provides condom

3. John provides top if fully satisfied.

Terra Sancta
03-29-08, 21:59
Those of us who have had the privilege of meeting with Angela would probably never even think to post her picture due to our affection for. If you are ever fortunate enough to meet her, treat her with respect. She is a total Gem

Baldconan1I was serviced by Angela in the past, and all I can say is that her style kinda like GFE. She keeps eye contact, good conversation. She also reads this forum and knows some of the senior members by their screen name.

She scores 7/10 on a civilian scale, slightly overweight, black hair, loves beer.

She is in the same class as many CraigsList providers who charge $120+ for 30 min. If you are into SWs, she is the best. If you are into CL, she is fine. She is considered a legend by some here because she undersells her services; the 96% of the SWs on Wilkins are skanks.

She needs a hotel room and a cell phone. She never carries a cell phone which makes it hard to find.

03-30-08, 00:04
Super Train,
Here's something you should be made aware of, because you obviously don't know: LE is allowed to lie in any type of sting operation. Lying is probably the most important part of the game. The Supreme Court has upheld this as not being entrapment. Entrapment is when you get someone to engage, or agree to engage in an illegal activity that they otherwise wouldn't do. Whether she is lied to by the cop, or touches his "janitals" (his broom & mop bucket?) is not an entrapment defense. Her intent was to make money having sex with somebody. LE can go as far as their superiors will let them to make an arrest. If this means getting naked, or maybe go as far as engaging in sexual activity, then they can legally do that. I'm not saying it's right, and it's definitely not ethical, but it's done all over the country. I believe if memory serves that New Orleans LE was allowed to have sex with SW's before making the arrest. Fredericksburg, VA LE was having sex in the AMP's several times before making the arrest.

Before the MD court of appeals reversed a lower court's ruling last year, LE could even go as far as to lie to get a warrant or lie in an arrest report; if it was determined that the crime in question was being committed by the arrestee.

03-30-08, 01:08
New to area do not know where to look for any tips and help. Do not know what is WW read a lot also what is Wilkins.

03-30-08, 03:08
New to area do not know where to look for any tips and help. Do not know what is WW read a lot also what is Wilkins.Keep reading. You're off to a good start by recongizing w/w and Wilkins. Read the other threads under Baltimore too.

03-30-08, 09:26
New to area do not know where to look for any tips and help. Do not know what is WW read a lot also what is Wilkins.RTFF! Read The Friendly Forum!

03-30-08, 11:37
New to area do not know where to look for any tips and help. Do not know what is WW read a lot also what is Wilkins.


All of this free and complete information can be daunting; I can imagine that precise instructions and a rehash of pertinant details might serve you better than years of collective mongering advice and wisdom just sitting around for the taking. How rude it is of the senior members to withold that information or to dstribute it in code and abbreviations. The nerve. Newcommers are here all of the time and these selfish fools need to repeat themselves ad nausium so that those who haven't put forth the effort may still benefit from all of the years of experience they've gone through.

So in that spirit, let me send you some of best information on getting good streetwalkers in B-more.

The best place to go, and this applies 24/7 is just off of East Baltimore street. You want to look for Baltimore where it intersects with Gay street and President street; that block also extends to Fayette street. Go there any time and you are bound to find some of Baltimore's finest.

A trick here is to NOT BE SHY. Let them know exactly what you want and what you're willing to pay. The best way to handle this is to talk THROUGH THE WINDOW of your car. That way they know who is calling them and what you want. If not, you may be overlooked for better opportunities.

A few overlooked places are Light Street in Federal Hill; Saint Paul Street up by Hopkins U; and Boston Street in Canton. Make sure you use the same strategy as above - be clear about your intentions. Honk your horn if necessary and circle the block FREQUENTLY. Many of the SWs in these spots are dressed like regular women so you have to be insistant or they won't notice you.

The best ones to find are easy to spot because they're clean and very well dressed; this helps them blend in better but makes it imprerative that you take the lead with your desires. Make sure they tell you if they're on drugs or not. The best ones are honest and if they are using, they're pretty quick to tell you. Hold out for one who isn't on drugs. Frankly, the Fayette street location is best for this but you might find one or two in Fed Hill or Canton. I don't know if I would trust the SWs by Hopkins.

If you find one you like; give her your cell, or better yet your HOME phone number. They won't call unless they have a good deal for you or know of a nice friend that you would like. Don't worry about them calling for frivolous or dangerous reasons (getting out of jail for instance) as doing so viloates the strict code of the streetwalkers and will get them drummed out of the union.

Oh and take a map with you of the area that you are visiting. This way, if you're stopped, you can tell the officer that you were searching for real estate investments. They love that and will most likely just move you along. By the way, if that happens, stick around in the area. At this point LE knows you and your car and since the officer knows your business, he or she will stop paying attention as you're simply perusing properties.

Most of the mongers here are old, grizzley, mean and selfish and would only send you places to find skanks and losers. Don't pay attention to these guys. Let us know of your progress. Hope to hear about your results.

Happy Hunting.

Terra Sancta
03-30-08, 13:33
I believe if memory serves that New Orleans LE was allowed to have sex with SW's before making the arrest. Fredericksburg, VA LE was having sex in the AMP's several times before making the arrest.

I am well aware that it is perfectly acceptable for cops to lie -- if this was not the case, then they will never infiltrate gangs, mafia, etc.

On the other hand, if cops are allowed to engage in sexual activity in order to make an arrest, then nothing would save us from being arrested by a ULE SW.

What we rely on for safety are 2 factors:

1. ULE will not endanger herself by getting into your vehicle.

2. ULE will not entrap you in an obvious manner

So, I am suggesting making sure the 2 factors above are met, first. During this time you assess if she looks like a SW.

My last pickup was very careful and would not talk money, I looked for signs of wear and tear which most SWs have. On some occasions, I have asked the girls to show me whats inside their purse ... they ask me why, I say: a knife, drugs, anything that can get me in trouble.

I also had my one or two moments of glory where I said to myself: I am fuckig this ***** or I am going to jail :)

Stay safe.

03-30-08, 13:58
New to Baltimore.

Any suggestions on good spots for pickup?

Try Donahoo Ford. Where Scotty stacks 'em deep and sells 'em cheap.

Or try Wilkins Pontiac/Buick/GMC

03-30-08, 15:06
Try Donahoo Ford. Where Scotty stacks 'em deep and sells 'em cheap.LOL

Ebdawgg - you're going to hell. Before the rest of us.

Smiling Fox
03-30-08, 16:25

That was classic. Now if bench was around the dude would have a flame up is ass.

And if reds was around omg. Can you imagine mr. Muffy.

Or Robo. And heaven help us from the most high Trash.

Perhaps the guys name is Pa. PUKe


Thanks for the laugh.

Put a smile right back on my face,

Smiling Fox

Terra Sancta
03-30-08, 20:24
New to area do not know where to look for any tips and help. Do not know what is WW read a lot also what is Wilkins.If I only had a $ each time soneone wrote RTFF. When a persons little head (the one between his legs) is in comand, the man cannot RTFF. Then we always read 20 comments about it so each would bolster his status as the authority of prostitution int he B'more area.

Here is a link with map to the 3 places where you find hookers in B'more. Thanks again tot he guy who prepared the map.


03-30-08, 21:08
Thanks for details what is the mystery behind WW found out that there is a Wilkens ave.

03-31-08, 01:57
I drive thru the area on many occasions, but finally indulged the other night. I spied a tall dark-haired, actually well-made up woman walking briskly. I had to make several passes before she finally let on she was walking. It turned out to be Lisa. Dark hair, long legs, and delicious tits! She said she was 39, and she looked it in the face- but no where else! She took her time and gave me a very nice BBBJCIM after letting me suckle her nipples a bit. She was very pleasant and claimed not to be a user. She earns my highest recommendations!

Johnny Stales
03-31-08, 16:39
Had a chance to drive some Balmer tracks today for the first time.

I drove Curtis Bay area on Pataptsco, Fairhaven, Curtis, and some other street but didn't see anything so left quickly.

Went over to the Wilkens area and saw a few possibilities. Interesting to see both black and white dynamic in Baltimore's lower income areas as opposed to DC where the lower income areas are overwhelmingly black. But I digress. The area on Wilkens that seemed to be busiest was Wilkens and Brunswick. The WSW's were noticeable and looked to have lived hard. I saw a couple black girls hanging around that intersection who I couldn't really tell if they were definitely working or not. They were much healthier looking than the white girls and one of the black girls was pretty nice looking. She gave me a prolonged gaze at one pass, but I was still unsure. Next time around they were gone. Also saw a couple other more worn black women who I suspected to be working over in a shopping center area off McHenry.

A couple questions for the locals and I hope you're easy on me:

1) Not knowing where I should park if I happened to pick one up, I was probably planning on parking directly on Wilkens. Bad idea?

2) I have seen something about this mentioned on the forum before, but I saw an attractive black girl at the corner mentioned above doing some sort of pointing to the ground to the passing cars. She wasn't even looking at the cars, just doing some kind of double pointing motion whenever a car would pass. Is this a signal for a ride? Something about civilian taxi's or something? I wanted to stop but I didn't know what she was doing since she didn't really look like a SW but very well could have been. She too caught my gaze but I just kept driving. If this is a signal for a ride, and one happens to stop, what can one expect if they stop for someone?

Thanks fellas.

03-31-08, 16:44
Driving on SCarey early Saturday morning. Saw Darlene. Red hair with nice butt. She hopped in and we went searching for a safe spot. Found a reasonably safe spot. Covered up and did the deed. True redhead. Only downside was that she had that ex jockey skin. I tried not to touch too much. Otherwise than that, a nice girl.

Propilot-over and out.

The Lovemuscle
03-31-08, 17:06
Driving on SCarey early Saturday morning. Saw Darlene. Red hair with nice butt. She hopped in and we went searching for a safe spot. Found a reasonably safe spot. Covered up and did the deed. True redhead. Only downside was that she had that ex jockey skin. I tried not to touch too much. Otherwise than that, a nice girl.

Propilot-over and out.I gotta ask: What's ex jockey skin?

Happy One
03-31-08, 19:19
Meet a nice wsw Fredrick Ave in Irvington. She is a little thick with very
nice breasts, calls herself Beth. We may need to include that area in our
travels. Also saw several bsw right in town area if you can call it that. Actually between the two gas stations in the main store area.
What to do if you get pulled up while picking up wsw. Tell the cop you
saw this pretty girl & you stopped to say hi & see if she need a ride. If he
advises you that you picked up a known prostitute, tell him you are not from
around here, for all you know it could have been his daughter or wife needing
a ride. Im sure he will really enjoy that. LOL
Be safe H O.

Heavy D
03-31-08, 21:31
started out around 4;30 to 5 tonight so I can see the girls in the day.

I hit rt 40 to conklin and saw to heavies and up in age. Down baltimore street and saw nothing. Since I was in the area I tried Kresson St and think I saw a BSW off the side by the one way sign.

Next headed down to CB area Got off the tunnel and headed down Pennington and saw 3 to 4 girls. and one wsw in a skirt which caugh my eye. Cruised up church and down Fairhaven were I saw 2 to 3 more girls. This is the first time I've seen so many girls on the lower end by Elmtree on both streets. Next up the back way thru Washburn to Pontiac and saw nothing Back down Patapsco and saw one or two more. None were to shabby. So I end up with the skirt.

This is where it turns bad as I listened to where she wanted to go and not to where I like to go which is a notel. I don't like the car dates to much. I think here name was Sherry or Terry or something like that. in her 30's. My first mistake was she was taling to much which I knew she was high. Kept telling me about a painting business she owned. Anyway she wanted the money up front which most the good girls don't ask and as soon as I got parked and handed it to her she bolted. I should have taken a picture of her to post on the bard. Next time I see her I'm going to pull up and snap a picture and thell them there fuck. But I let her go as I don't want any attention and mark it down as another lessen learned. She was in a blue jeans short skit if anybody saw her. I did cruse back down the street after I dropped off Mary and saw her on Patapsco walk down the street. She would look over at me when I slowed down and went by.

The good is a ran into this thin blonde in a white jacket. It was Mary. She was 49 and real thin. Whe was a nice girl and nice to talk to. We went to the local notel. and had some fun and some pics. She was a little shy about the pics. but for extra cash they always do.. Her BJ as real nice and is was real nice with her starting off on the boys first. I don't get to many girls going after the boys. Overall she was older and a little on the lean side but her personality was great.

Not sure if I'll post pics on her but I going to try here to get some other up next posting. I think I figured it out well see here soon.

Heavy D
03-31-08, 21:52
OK. Here the first try and if this works I put up some more.

This is Christen from my report last week

Heavy D
03-31-08, 22:11
When I was talking to Mary tonight she told me to stay off Pontiac between the 400 and 500 block. Neighbors are complaining about the girls and LE is looking for guys and girls. She told me LE talks to the girls at times and told them to stay off Pontiac.
It makes sense because I haven't seen any on there and they been out on Patapasco the past couple weeks when I was out the last few times.

Just thought I'd pass this along.

04-01-08, 08:00
I have posted a few times but mainly just read through the reports to see of any new good action. I usually hit the AMPs and CL. Lately CL has been working out finding freebies with regular girls that just want to fuck! This one got back to me and she is looking for a sugar daddy type of relationship which I am open to but she acts like she has been on the streets. So here are her pics she sent me. Enjoy! I alrweady have digits and we have talked. Probably goin to hit either way today but if I hear differently before the little head takes control I may stray eslewhere. Digits are up for trade!

Smiling Fox
04-02-08, 01:09
Took a quick run thru Hamden today.

Actually saw SW's out.

Most where old friends, to old, too skanky.

Saw Connie, my first car pick up.

Then one young lady smiled. Her smile was particuly bright and cheery.

Her name was Gina. Bruenette. Not so cute, more mature looking.

Not to bruised from the street. Had a nasty condition around her fingers tips.

Claimed to be allergic to Nail stuff. But it was sorta gross.

One of the better BJ's. With digits. Wants to hook up, Maybe if she is still alive, and I am too. It could be fun.

I think she thinks she would enjoy it. Her body looked good for 39yo.

Nice firm tits, and a clean pus. She kinda swooned when I touched her. Not faking. Drug of choice, 420 and booze.

Be safe out there

Smiling Fox

04-02-08, 02:48
Last Saturday woke up to go cop the paper and a danish my usual thing when I noticed that the mirror on my vehicle was damaged. Now I 'm pissed off and have to go to the junkyard to get a new one. Anyway on the way decided to make a quick run around carey, ramsey area and see what I could get into, and low and behold I run into neicy who I have seen before. Told me she just came home after three week extended stay at hotel central booking and transfer to AA county for past warrant. After the small talk headed to d's place and negotiated a jack and half to do what they do in rome. Started with the very good BJ as before neicy is very good on the mic as I call it. We went directly into doggie and then I went for the gusto, the eye of the storm. I must admit had no problem getting in and as matter of fact if you had a choice of doing (a) the na-na or (b) the eye of the storm as I call it you might as well just pick all of the above. As stated pounded the eye very good gave her a good smacking of the ass like she likes it and then did the porn star pop on her face. She also put me on with the fact that Angel that who is also around carey and ramsey will get down and do the menage thing.

04-02-08, 03:09
Tuesday morning after getting off work was in the mood for a little fun and got lucky. Now I usually don't head over to pulaski-pp area but after seeing heavy's pics decided to try my luck. Ran into the girl that heavy d posted the pics christian walking down pulaski heading to the no-tel across from sherry's. She was very cautious did the five-o okey doke stuff and she still did'nt trust me, so I had to figure out a way to sample this one. Now gents I will probally get blasted for this but told her that I heard about her from a friend on this website did'nt reveal any name she was suprised and asked what was said all I said was nothing but good things. After that there was my in she gave me the digits told me call her in a few minutes and that we could hook up. Played phone tag with her and then finally got together. Went over the river and through the woods to the no-tel and gents all I can say is that everything Heay D said was on point from her mic work to the fs end it was all on point she really gets into it and enjoys what she does. After that dropped her off at the gas station and will repeat. As I was leaving saw this wsw who was brunette with some huge ta-ta's anyone with some info please let me know. Also will give out digits to senior members who pm.

Sleeping Bag
04-02-08, 05:43
Tuesday morning after getting off work was in the mood for a little fun and got lucky. Now I usually don't head over to pulaski-pp area but after seeing heavy's pics decided to try my luck. Ran into the girl that heavy d posted the pics christian walking down pulaski heading to the no-tel across from sherry's. She was very cautious did the five-o okey doke stuff and she still did'nt trust me, so I had to figure out a way to sample this one. Now gents I will probally get blasted for this but told her that I heard about her from a friend on this website did'nt reveal any name she was suprised and asked what was said all I said was nothing but good things.I usually don't tell girls about this site because to me, this site is the john's equivalent of an escort blackbook. If I were in your shoes, I would have just said something like:

<em>"I've seen you around and heard other guys say good stuff about you. One guy took a picture of you and got me hard..." etc. etc.</em>

Just my 2 cents worth.

Heavy D
04-02-08, 09:27
Sir Dunk, she is staying at the notel you mention. I dropped her off at that location because she said she was done for the night.

Guys Please don't mention this web site to the girls. Last thing we need is them on her finding out what we are saying about them. This is OUR place to stay one step ahead of them. To know the good and bad about them.

I'm here to learn and get better at what I do. I've been here for 6 months just taking it in and learning the ways before my first post. Now I start posting and she finds out it me then I loose my turn at another shot at her.

I've been asked about this forum a few time from the girls. I ALWAYS act like I don't know what they are talking about. I have never ever told them I heard about them from someone else or this board. I just play dumb to them.

The more they know about here, the more they might hold back from us having a good time with them and for other people to have there own pics to post. An example is the girl Sir Dunk posted about. She wanted CL prices when I first met her. I had to play dumb and told her this is all I got. We don't need them raising the price level on us to.

Sir Dunk. Glad you had a great time with her as I did, but didn't expect to be sold out by a senior member.

Heavy D
04-02-08, 10:06
This report is from 2 saturdays ago. Started out around 2 in the afternoon to see if anybody was out at midday. Cruised the PP area. from 40 to Conklin was nothing. right onto Baltimore and nothing so far. After crossing Highland about 3 blocks down I see this burnette walking up that gave me the look. I made a turn on the next side street and waited to see if she would come around the corner and she did. Were riding around and started the LE talk and a little feel touch going on which acted like she liked. Off the local notel. It's nice talking to the girls that aren't high and can actually talk. She up for a little modeling for the extra jackson I always give them for pictures over the standard fee. She a fairly nice girl on a SW scale but a little on the ccl side but not to bad as you will see. Her tits were nice and body showed a little stretch marks from having a kid, but just the typical marks for having a kid not excessive at all. She did have a puffy pussy mound which I like in girls. I don't like girls where the body is fatter than the pussy mound and then it looks sunk in.
She seemed to like the pics taken. Then it off to the cbj which was nice. Next up the fs was great. She was nice and tight and only got thru in the miss position as she was really into it also. Her breathing got hard as all the sudden she got extremely wet before I got off. I felt we were both into it and having a good time. When we were done I had to check the bed for wet spots as I sure felt she squirted on me.
I asked for her digits but she didn't have any. I would repeat in a heart beat if I see her again and hope I do.

Well I'm off today to see my Cl asian amp girls as fs has opened up for me after my 3rd visit. I will be posting about them soon shortly.

Hit Da Flor
04-02-08, 13:51
I was on Haven and turned right onto 40. I came up on the next intersection (Kresson) and off to my right I spotted a walker. Stopped and let her in, First thing out of the mouth was "Are you LE" and she goes for the grab. Right away she starts with "I'm not a SWer I work for an escort service" so the BS flag went up. She didn't look all that or even close to half of that! And if I had to rate her, I'd give her a 2 (Should of looked twice before I let the door open) Anyway, we head down the street. Uturn. Go towards the city. She pulls out her tits and squeezes them. Milk. So for the hell of it I ask how much. She mumbles 100. 00 for everything at her place. No! Didn't go for it. Don't suggest anyone bother with her. She tried getting me for 200. 00! Pass her by if you see her. I don't even remember her name. Shes got tan skin, tits showing, jacket, tan boots, purse, walks 40 east. Can pass for a older blk or hispanic woman/ TS, even. (Yeah it was a bad pick up) About early 40s. Starts right off the bat that shes an escort. Toss her out your ride. Says she has a pimp that follows her.

Picked up Lizzy? Off of Hanover street acouple days ago. But, she had something set up and was waiting for a call. So we were rushing it.

Up around 6th street I spotted a girl who reminded me of someone named Laura but she wouldn't show me her face. Had a hoodie on and was acting like she was slurping a drink from a straw. 90% sure its the one I'm thinking of. If you see that one, stay away also. She likes to pretend shes LE and making a bust. She tried that shit with me untill I took her out of city limits and stopped next to a county car and grabed her arm. She tries to sucker you for all your money. I left her out on Ritchie hwy.

I haven't had to much lucky lately. Has anyone seen Deby?

Terra Sancta
04-02-08, 22:11
My first pass on WW did not net anythng, because there was nothing, except the SW on the stairs by the Circle. One the second pass, I saw Sheena talking to her (brown med hair, 5'5 tall, 150 lb, 27 yo, 8.5/10 body, would be 8/10 face if she fixes her nose and teeth), but overall looked fine.

Me: have not seen you before, or have I?
Sheena: I usually stand on Payson ... I think we dated once
Me: got a place?
Sheena: Dorian!
Me: $30 for you
Sheena: Ok, plus the room
Me: OK

Dorian sitting with his GF onthe couch, he lets us use his own room whch is better than the two others. Sheena takes off her clothes and she has a nice body, about B/C titties. She lays down and spreads her legs as I wear a condom. She is unshaven, but good hygiene.

Her coochie felt very warm, moist, and it felt good when she rubbed her legs against me. I lasted a little longer than usual ... overall a very satisfying experice. In all, 20 minutes from the time I picked her up to the time we split.

Folks who are on my phone number exchange list got her digits. Easy, Enjoyable and Economical. The 3E's which count.

Member #4105
04-02-08, 23:15
I have posted a few times but mainly just read through the reports to see of any new good action. I usually hit the AMPs and CL. Lately CL has been working out finding freebies with regular girls that just want to fuck! This one got back to me and she is looking for a sugar daddy type of relationship which I am open to but she acts like she has been on the streets. So here are her pics she sent me. Enjoy! I alrweady have digits and we have talked. Probably goin to hit either way today but if I hear differently before the little head takes control I may stray eslewhere. Digits are up for trade!

This girl sent updated pics to everyone that has contacted her recently. Every monger's email address was in the header. It is amazing how many people emailed her using work email addresses.

People need to exercise a little common sense.

Happy One
04-02-08, 23:28
This girl is a Wilkens girl from Brunswick to Bentlou. I have dated her several
times, goes by Chrissy. Mother & brother thru her out of there house on Wilkens out by Farm store, past KFC. She doesnt have a place to go so she is looking for someone to take her home. Definatley has a dope habit along
with using the pipe. Has very nice skills & cleans up very well. Looks alot
better when has makeup & clean clothes. Oh ya, she likes very expensive cars
and has a license. When sugar daddys run out of money or doesnt take care
of her habbit, you will catch her on the street makin money & buying drugs.
Everybody be carefull H O.

Trav Pokerman
04-02-08, 23:52
This is where it turns bad as I listened to where she wanted to go and not to where I like to go which is a notel. I don't like the car dates to much. I think here name was Sherry or Terry or something like that. in her 30's. My first mistake was she was taling to much which I knew she was high. Kept telling me about a painting business she owned. Anyway she wanted the money up front which most the good girls don't ask and as soon as I got parked and handed it to her she bolted. I should have taken a picture of her to post on the bardI recently reported on this girl under the name Theresa / Teresa. She may be a little older than 30 (early 40s, perhaps? ). She had shoulder-length blond hair when I last saw her. She was hanging on corner just down from 7-11 (toward 4th street from 7-11).

In short, if you pick up a girl who talks about her painting business, get her out of car as soon as possible. Even if she weren't a ripoff artist, the constant talking is enough reason to abandon doing a date with her. She's annoying.

Terra Sancta
04-03-08, 00:46
This girl is a Wilkens girl from Brunswick to Bentlou. I have dated her several times, goes by Chrissy. Mother & brother thru her out of there house on Wilkens out by Farm store, past KFC. She doesnt have a place to go so she is looking for someone to take her home. Definatley has a dope habit along with using the pipe. Has very nice skills & cleans up very well. Looks alot better when has makeup & clean clothes. Oh ya, she likes very expensive cars and has a license. When sugar daddys run out of money or doesnt take care of her habbit, you will catch her on the street makin money & buying drugs. Everybody be carefull H O.For anyone who thinks this girl can be a little wifey for a couple of months, this aint gonna happen. This girl is Wilkens Street hardened. She will get whatever she can. Cost you more than you are getting from her. Steal your belongings.come back after midnight drunk, or high. Call the police on you the minute you try not to let her in, then fuck strangers on your bed when you are out.

I helped out two teen sisters from Spokane Washington who were runaways, many years ago. Got all the pussy I wanted. Was attacked by their new boyfriend. All my valuables disappeared. Then the police comes searching the apt for stolen property (they stole form someone else). They borrow my car and disappears with it. Weeks later I go to Blue Moon strip club, find my car parked behind the place. Guess who was stripping there? Guess how many persons were arrested because she was using a fake ID stating she was over 18? . My friends called me lucky dog until they found out what really happened!

What I was saying? Are you that desperate for a GF/Stready Pussy/GFE/PT Wifey?

PS: and never ever bail out a SW from jail. Your name will show on her record as a Related Person.

04-03-08, 08:01
My provider failed to show up for a date and disappeared, probably having been dragnetted to the LE castle. Saw this nice-looking lady on Poplar Grover near North. She had hiccups, but I thought it was just beer. Said her name is Missy.
Once in a room, Missy reveals a great body with a nice pair of tits. Excellent face and nice hair. Not bad for someone in her late 30s. Says she dances on The Block. It's at that point that things go sour. Can't touch anything, not the bod, not the tits. She starts a lackluster BJ and then says she's in a rush. As if I didn't know it!
All I can think is that she needs to get a fix real bad. If you see her, avoid her.

Happy One
04-03-08, 12:30
As usually, you run your mouth about things you have no clue. Im not
impressed. CL girl I can tell you is not what you described. Keep up the
+great false posts.
H O.

04-03-08, 14:41
Love your report man. Thanks for sharing. Looking at that big ole muff thinking about having her squirt all over is the best. I would loved to have been there when you got through for a second round. They always squirt best after a good f--king. My favorite.

04-03-08, 15:44
As usually, you run your mouth about things you have no clue. Im not impressed. CL girl I can tell you is not what you described. Keep up the
+great false posts.

H O.Am I missing something, or is Happy One calling himself out for making a bogus post?

04-03-08, 18:13
Took a quick run thru Hamden today.

Actually saw SW's out.

Most where old friends, to old, too skanky.

Saw Connie, my first car pick up.

Then one young lady smiled. Her smile was particuly bright and cheery.

Her name was Gina. Bruenette. Not so cute, more mature looking.

Not to bruised from the street. Had a nasty condition around her fingers tips.

Claimed to be allergic to Nail stuff. But it was sorta gross.

One of the better BJ's. With digits. Wants to hook up, Maybe if she is still alive, and I am too. It could be fun.

I think she thinks she would enjoy it. Her body looked good for 39yo.

Nice firm tits, and a clean pus. She kinda swooned when I touched her. Not faking. Drug of choice, 420 and booze.

Be safe out there

Smiling Fox

Too bad you didn't see the young Gina who used to live right there in Hamden with her mother. Does anyone else remember her? Gorgeous young hot girl who actually used to deal on Eros-Baltimore for as much as 400 an hour. But about 4 or 5 years ago could be found on the streets in Hamden. Would do BBBJ awesome for 20. This Gina was young and hot. Really pretty face and great body, tits, ass, this girl had it all.

I used to have her home phone number but lost it over the years. I never hear any reports about her anymore and I don't go to Hamden a lot anymore but I'm pretty sure she has left the area by now.

I hope some of you know the one I mean. She was a one of a kind find a true diamond in the rough. In fact I dare say the hottest SW I've ever picked up in Baltimore in the last 10 years.

Those were the good old days!


04-03-08, 18:16
Also picked up Miranda about 2 days ago on Conkling. This girl gives one of the best BJs ever. Tall, Brunette, decent face but a little marked up but a very sweet person. Very nice and patient and takes her time.

Gives a nice long slow BBJ with no complaining. If anyone meets her treat her well she is a good one and a nice soul.

Says she usually is out at night but I happened to find her out in the morning.


Heavy D
04-03-08, 18:52

I with ya man, I've seen her a couple times. Usually on the corner on Conklin. All I can saw she was a nice tight fuck. Last time with her I had an hour of her time and offered a bonus for a double nut. And she got me up and going for it. It fell good to get a double in less than an hour at my age.

She has a nice thin body a just a little ruff in the face.

She has giving me digit twice but the phone never works.

And be nice to her, she is a nice girl looking for a little fun.

I bet she look like this.

04-03-08, 22:14
Up around 6th street I spotted a girl who reminded me of someone named Laura but she wouldn't show me her face. Had a hoodie on and was acting like she was slurping a drink from a straw. 90% sure its the one I'm thinking of. If you see that one, stay away also. She likes to pretend shes LE and making a bust. She tried that shit with me untill I took her out of city limits and stopped next to a county car and grabed her arm. She tries to sucker you for all your money. I left her out on Ritchie hwy.

I haven't had to much lucky lately. Has anyone seen Deby?[/QUOTE]I ran into that girl Laura a couple weeks after she got in my car I decided not to date her and let her go she then started acting like she was wearing a wire and started talking into her shirt it was comical.but she started demanding money and wouldn't get out I had to actually get out and and pull her out of my car avoid this one.I picked her up on E Baltimore by the park

04-03-08, 22:32
Ran into Sarah on Payson and Wilkens.She had her car parked on Payson.I think this is the first time I have dated her.I have read some reports on her and she is a nice girl gave me a good bj standard Jackson gave her .5 tip would repeat with her.

Happy One
04-03-08, 23:51
No didnt screw up, just decided against fueling the fire of another member.
CL girl was out on Brunswick tonight pitching for the boys for drugs so she
didnt have to date as much. You can pick her up for $30/40 for half & half if
she needs the dinaros. Knows how to suck a dick & does well if you put her on top.
Not a whole lot out tonight on the loop. Brunswick had 4 or 5 hangin around,
only because the boys had there store open. Not much LE out, very quiet.
Be careful always H O.

04-04-08, 01:15
Sir Dunk, she is staying at the notel you mention. I dropped her off at that location because she said she was done for the night.

Guys Please don't mention this web site to the girls. Last thing we need is them on her finding out what we are saying about them. This is OUR place to stay one step ahead of them. To know the good and bad about them.

I'm here to learn and get better at what I do. I've been here for 6 months just taking it in and learning the ways before my first post. Now I start posting and she finds out it me then I loose my turn at another shot at her.

I've been asked about this forum a few time from the girls. I ALWAYS act like I don't know what they are talking about. I have never ever told them I heard about them from someone else or this board. I just play dumb to them.

The more they know about here, the more they might hold back from us having a good time with them and for other people to have there own pics to post. An example is the girl Sir Dunk posted about. She wanted CL prices when I first met her. I had to play dumb and told her this is all I got. We don't need them raising the price level on us to.

Sir Dunk. Glad you had a great time with her as I did, but didn't expect to be sold out by a senior member.First of all heavy I did'nt sell you out. I did'nt even metion your name, second I got that particular girl for the regular rate for fs Yeah I know I should'nt have mentioned the site now that I think about it but you learn from your mistakes.

04-04-08, 02:36
Sir Dunk, she is staying at the notel you mention. I dropped her off at that location because she said she was done for the night.

Guys Please don't mention this web site to the girls. Last thing we need is them on her finding out what we are saying about them. This is OUR place to stay one step ahead of them. To know the good and bad about them.

I'm here to learn and get better at what I do. I've been here for 6 months just taking it in and learning the ways before my first post. Now I start posting and she finds out it me then I loose my turn at another shot at her.

I've been asked about this forum a few time from the girls. I ALWAYS act like I don't know what they are talking about. I have never ever told them I heard about them from someone else or this board. I just play dumb to them.

The more they know about here, the more they might hold back from us having a good time with them and for other people to have there own pics to post. An example is the girl Sir Dunk posted about. She wanted CL prices when I first met her. I had to play dumb and told her this is all I got. We don't need them raising the price level on us to.

Sir Dunk. Glad you had a great time with her as I did, but didn't expect to be sold out by a senior member.First of all I did'nt sell you out I did'nt even mention your name. Second I got her for the same rate that is usually put up for fs. Third I think we learn from our mistakes maybe I should'nt have said anything

04-04-08, 16:11
There is a discussion going on like this in another form http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=3918 about telling sw about this site. Sometimes its good and sometimes its bad.

Heavy D
04-04-08, 16:40

It's no Problem and I know you didn't give out my name. It's just how many times has she posed for photos and she could figure me out. I would guess many aren't paying for a little extra fun.

Hey it was a little fun to get onto a Senior. You know how us newbees get our asses busted all the time. No harm taken I hope.


Reason I don't say anything about the girls about this place. I want to be one step up on them. By inviting them here they can read out stategy ways how we learn not to be riped off by them. Most are drug users and will adapt to some of our ways to deal with them, so they can find other ways to rip us off. There are a few good ones out there. But these girls talk to each other on the street. I have been asked about this fourm a few times from them. One girl started telling me about this site and didn't seem to happy about it. Once I denied knowing about it she seem to calm down.

04-05-08, 10:26

It's no Problem and I know you didn't give out my name. It's just how many times has she posed for photos and she could figure me out. I would guess many aren't paying for a little extra fun.

Hey it was a little fun to get onto a Senior. You know how us newbees get our asses busted all the time. No harm taken I hope.


Reason I don't say anything about the girls about this place. I want to be one step up on them. By inviting them here they can read out stategy ways how we learn not to be riped off by them. Most are drug users and will adapt to some of our ways to deal with them, so they can find other ways to rip us off. There are a few good ones out there. But these girls talk to each other on the street. I have been asked about this fourm a few times from them. One girl started telling me about this site and didn't seem to happy about it. Once I denied knowing about it she seem to calm down.it's all good my brother.

04-05-08, 15:11
Heavy- Nice pics of Miranda. Very inviting poses.

04-05-08, 19:51
I seldom see anything I like these days. Surely there must be a place where I could find a middle-aged MILF who needs what I need. Where is it?

Jimmy Cap
04-05-08, 21:34
Wow, I was thinking about getting a hooker in baltimore but you guys are posting some busted ass pics, I don't think I would fuck some of those girls if iwas blacked out drunk.

Look at those their pussys, it looks bigger then my head

Look at that girls socks they are fucking dirty as shit

I would throwup before fucking some of those girls.

04-05-08, 22:06
That is great, I've been with this girl several times. Your right, She is an excellen fuck. 35 for f/s even took the load in the mouth, wouldn't swallow though, maybe next time. Hope she hasn't changed prices.


I with ya man, I've seen her a couple times. Usually on the corner on Conklin. All I can saw she was a nice tight fuck. Last time with her I had an hour of her time and offered a bonus for a double nut. And she got me up and going for it. It fell good to get a double in less than an hour at my age.

She has a nice thin body a just a little ruff in the face.

She has giving me digit twice but the phone never works.

And be nice to her, she is a nice girl looking for a little fun.

I bet she look like this.

Trav Pokerman
04-06-08, 08:50
Wow, I was thinking about getting a hooker in baltimore but you guys are posting some busted ass pics, I don't think I would fuck some of those girls if iwas blacked out drunk.

Look at those their pussys, it looks bigger then my head

Look at that girls socks they are fucking dirty as shit

I would throwup before fucking some of those girls.If you want clean, then pay $$$ for an escort. SWs work well for quick fixes.

04-07-08, 20:45
Hi all,

I just moved to Baltiomore about a month ago. I'm not new to mongering just this city. I've been reading all the bmore reports through my roomies screen name for a few weeks just to get info on the loops in the area. I recently started driving them to get used to them before I begin mongering. I just wanted to know what notel/motels do you guys suggest around cb or ww? By the way idiot roomie had a run in with LE made a deal through a window so his mongering days are over. I'll be taking over Boodaddy from now on just because I think Boodaddy is funny.

04-07-08, 21:36
First post, read blog occassionally, know the streets & girls well, but indulge seldomly anymore.

The post regarding Gina caught my attention. She was a knockout, dressed sexy, and was safe. On the other hand, she geeked a lot, and could create a tense time. But she was one of the finest I've seen in many years. Don't go up there anymore so don't know if she's around. She doesn't linger on streets, and comes out at very specific times of the day/night. I suspect she's gone out of state.

Don't know rules and lingo, so will keep post short.

Did notice a short haired brunette at Brunswick & Wilkens, wearing blue jeans & white boots. She looked good, but was on phone a lot trying to coordinate and not interested. Anyone know her?

Also wouldn't mind knowing whereabouts of a few girls. Does anyone know whether Michelle from Carey & Seargent is still around? Good girl, little chunky, great skills. There is also a blond that used to hang on Washington & Carey, skinny, very pretty face, a little wild sometimes, pretty sure someone posted photos of her. And last, I keep seeing someone refer to "Niecy." Is this the black woman who used to live w/Chissy on Monroe?

Thanks guys.

Terra Sancta
04-08-08, 02:26
I just moved to Baltiomore about a month ago. I'm not new to mongering just this city. I've been reading all the bmore reports through my roomies screen name for a few weeks just to get info on the loops in the area. I recently started driving them to get used to them before I begin mongering. I just wanted to know what notel/motels do you guys suggest around cb or ww?.Ask the SW, and they will sugest the notel. I ask to go to their place, works for me, sometimes, and it is free. There are few persons who will let you use rooms at their homes for $10/session.

Dont fuck inside your car unless you do it for the thrill; and dont fuck in the dark, ask to see Mr. Pussy to make sure it is in an acceptable condition.

04-08-08, 13:07

I with ya man, I've seen her a couple times. Usually on the corner on Conklin. All I can saw she was a nice tight fuck. Last time with her I had an hour of her time and offered a bonus for a double nut. And she got me up and going for it. It fell good to get a double in less than an hour at my age.

She has a nice thin body a just a little ruff in the face.

She has giving me digit twice but the phone never works.

And be nice to her, she is a nice girl looking for a little fun.

I bet she look like this.I have been working these boards for a couple of weeks now, I travel frequently and I have a lot of SW experience from when I was living in Europe and thought I would pick up the hobby again and try and save some of the money I spend on Eros girls. These pictures change all of that, my god you have to be kidding me. This is the farthest thing from keeping healthy and caring about longevity than you can get. It's always a risk but lets face it these girls are an extremely high risk to your longevity. If you can't afford the Eros girls than I would recomend that you knock em out yourself. Thats good solid advice.

Bjroll John
04-08-08, 22:58
Went out about 8:30pm cruised B/CB found Leah on fairhaven near fred and marggie.She is 32 yo 5'9 140lbs wsw long brown hair which drew me to her.Very pretty 7 on the sw scale.BBBJ for .20 really good a trooper I had popped earlier in the day and it showed.

Would repeat
Anyone notice alot of new faces on W/W not more sw just difference??????/

04-08-08, 23:32
I used to pick up Patty, in B/CB a cpl. of years ago. She had a place 1 block east of 10th St. in the first bolck off of Patapsco. I was just wondering if she is still around, or if anyone has seen her. She always refered to her money maker as her little ATM. House had a Red door and a white gate. Haven't seen her in a while. Just missing her talent.

04-09-08, 02:27
Came up to your fair city Sunday night and hit the loops. I got to the Wilkens loop at about 10:30 or so, and the streets seemed to be crawling with SW's. I figured I would be picky, so I drove around a bit. When I got back to Wilkens, most of them were gone! There were a few left there, though, but 4 times I slowed down to pick one up, got a good look and saw the red blotches/sores on their faces, and proceeded to drive away. Disappointing. I finally decided on one called Jill, who clearly is a user, but seemed clean enough. She said she was 27, was slim, brunette, and was a decent conversationalist. Got 1/2 n 1/2 for .3, which is the only reason I venture up to B'more; the prices just cant be beat. Honestly, though? It is kinda hard trying to find a SW that doesn't look like she'll make your rod fall off. Ah well! I guess we get what we pay for! I probably would not repeat, simply because WSW spinners just aint my cup of tea, usually. She was a trooper, though.


04-09-08, 07:54
I have video in my truck with internet. Would anyone be interested in seeing video of the loops at dif. Times of the day. I travel them allot due to work and it would not be hard to just start recording while driving thru. Just a thought. How would I post the video if so anyway.


04-09-08, 18:24
Went out about 8:30pm cruised B/CB found Leah on fairhaven near fred and marggie.She is 32 yo 5'9 140lbs wsw long brown hair which drew me to her.Very pretty 7 on the sw scale.BBBJ for .20 really good a trooper I had popped earlier in the day and it showed.

Would repeat
Anyone notice alot of new faces on W/W not more sw just difference?Leah is quite a looker. I been with her long ago, no time recently, and probably never will. Continue reading reports on her a few months back.

04-09-08, 19:51
First post here. Used to know both girls, I was the one to buy Bridget (Wilkens Ave) her clit ring in Ocean City about 4 years ago. Read they were both active in the Jan '08 timefame. Any intel if they are OK and their current status. Thanks in advance.


PS: How about blond Pam?

Chrlie Brown
04-10-08, 14:46
I had some time to drive B/CB around noon. Saw the regulars, but noticed some vey hot near Shelby. She was about 5'5 small with a very hot body, looking very good. Did I turn around. only to see her on the sidewalk with two UC in a gray ford, having words with her. They were both gone within 10 min. It was dead after that. Looks like PD is rounding up girls around there. I would watch for reverse stings, this weekend.

Anyone have in intel on the BSW on fairhaven and everett. She has a red streak in her hair.


Old Monger
04-10-08, 18:19
Have looked for Tara several times over the past couple of months at her usual spot during her usual hours, but haven't seen her. Hoping for the best, that she isn't around, because she is clean.

04-10-08, 21:23
I cruised W/W Tuesday night arriving at 12:30am. Saw a few SW's out. One caught my eye and when I was attempting to turn back, LE pulled up to her and started talking with her so I just kept on going. This was at the intersection of wilkens and monroe. I had seen her face alot on prior times. I went down S Carey and came to a stop light and made eye contact with this real skinny WS. She waved and I waved but I felt she was just to skinny for me. I went to Fredrick ave from a previous report. I was in search for a BSW. I saw what I thought was a BS standing on the corner of fredrick and I think bentalou. We made eye contact on my first pass. I went up a ways and turned back. As I came back towards her she started walking up Fredrick with her hand out like she was thumbing but really she was just pointing to the ground. I turned back around and as I came up from behind her walking she was again pointing towards the ground and as I got close her arm went up and she pointed some more. I assumed she was on somethin so I passed. I went back down Ramsay and saw a girl arguing with a black guy. I could hear her yelling, (why are you out here). I turned back around and as she was walking away from him, we made eye contact. I turned at the next street and she walked up and got in. Short white petite 25 year old. Small A cups but a ass that was smooth. Said she had been working the block for 4 years and that ULE trys to catch them in this white caprice or something. She said they always know its ULE from the white car. I had her flash me and she also dropped her pants to show she wasnt LE herself. We went down off monroe in the warehouse area to a alley and got busy. I had her give me a CBJ. I just get this weird vibe about BB that I could catch something so I prefer covered. I gave her the 20 spot with a 10 tip for being cool. She didn't rush and she was cool to answer all my rookie questions. I didn't catch her name but she said she usually works off ramsay. I'd repeat but I only wish she was wearing some tighter jeans. She had on some loosed jeans and loose jacket.

I'm still in search for a BSW spinner type.

04-11-08, 05:21
Went to court early Tuesday and then decided to take the rest of the day to chase some na-na. Headed to the usual spots saw some regulars but wanted something different. Passed by this girl like twice did'nt get any look or nothing. Pick up another chick she said her name was carrie dumped her quick after thinking she was the carrie that rips off people. Came back up and made another pass and finally got the one I wanted or so I thought. Her name is chasity about maybe 24, meat on her bones but had a bad case of acne. Decided the usual for fs 2 jacks. Headed to my man's D house around the corner. And proceded to the getting down. Now she started of with a cbj that at the beginning was looking to be good but was a total let down as she talked more than she sucked. I was like ok maybe once things move into the next phase maybe it will get better. Things started out with some cg and then went into doggie man she talked so much kept asking did I cum yet the whole nine while this was happening I was like let me get this shit over pulled out and proceeded to do my porn star pop into her mouth but get this mouth was open but she caught everything with her hand, by then I was like thinking about deducting but was like let me get out of here will not repeat.

04-11-08, 19:31
Anybody else see Krystal on Wilkens at the circle this afternoon in her dress and white high heels strapped up to her knees? Dressed up a definite 9 on the SW scale. I thought ULE decoy at first, but when I passed her twice, then parked about 5 houses from the Ave. on Mount St. She walked up, hopped in and said "let's get out of here".

Off to a $10 room for BBBJ then CFS. She told me up front it was going to be .6 for it, and I couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, especially considering LE was all over the place, and I hit the loop no more than 2 minutes before the pick up. Her performance was top notch, but her smoker's breath detracted, as well as her belly pouch from weight loss or child birth, or both. She has a very pretty face, and her teeth are perfect.

I got digits, and may use them in a pinch.

I went to Fredrick ave from a previous report. I was in search for a BSW. I saw what I thought was a BS standing on the corner of fredrick and I think bentalou. We made eye contact on my first pass. I went up a ways and turned back. As I came back towards her she started walking up Fredrick with her hand out like she was thumbing but really she was just pointing to the ground. I turned back around and as I came up from behind her walking she was again pointing towards the ground and as I got close her arm went up and she pointed some more. I assumed she was on somethin so I passed

She was trying to get a hack to drive her somewhere. That's what the pointing at the ground is.

SirDrDunk this is the Carrie (Cash-n-Carrie) who rips mongers off:

04-11-08, 19:42
I had a promising encounter in Irvington today. I was driving around lamenting the dearth of pussy, when I saw a black woman near the elementary school on Old Frederick Road. She waved, waved again. I stopped, and got out of the car. I still wasn't sure so I claimed to be lost and asked for directions. She gave them and I said: "You think I can find that place?" She said she would show me, if I brought her back. But before that, she would have to stop at her house to turn the range off.
Back in the car we talked and she said she wanted to make money. And that we could use her place, a nicely rehabbed house. There was nothing ghetto about the place. Nice furniture, clean and spotless.
She said she is 31 and has four children. Some stretch marks verified that, but there was nothing wrong with her body or breasts. $20 for the act which was not the very best but showed some promise.
Afterward, she wanted to be taken to a nearby corner. So it seems that the streets are luring this young woman. I'll be sure to see her again. I am curious.
Incidentally, I used to visit a well-educated woman on the same block. But because of kids, scheduling became a problem. We never talked about it but I got the sense she was in love with ready.

04-12-08, 00:13
While driving around Irvington around 1 p.m. on Friday, I spotted a tall, very dark-skinned woman wearing all black on Frederick Road. Again I was curious. I then saw her with a black guy who just cried out druggie. A second woman then joined them. She was medium height, also wearing all black and turned out to be a beautiful Asian, possibly Thai, or Filipino.
They disappeared into an alley off Yale.

Terra Sancta
04-12-08, 04:15
Hit WW at 2 AM Saturday. Amazing.

Had to wait 20 min for the train to pass on Washington! Saw a beatiful blond under the bridge on S Carey, but someone beat me to her, couple of others (8/10 on SW scale) on Wilkens, but too many mongers.

Finally picked up Krissy, 26 yo, thin blond 8/10, she was by the circle. She said she dances, but her place got busted last night. She has digits but she got robbed. She did not have a place, and I was too drunk to remember where D's place was. So we ended up going for a CBJ for standard tuition.

The girl is pleasant, and she does not have signs of street wear. A-size tits, but soft and clean. Overall a good deal and would repeat, FS.

This time it was different. After I picked up Krissy I almost gave her the $20, so she would leave, beacause I saw better looking SWs.

LE was light, except for the white van. I ran into it face-to-face twice.

04-12-08, 14:13
I met with Krystal on Wilkens the other day. She has a 10+ personality. She was a real pleasure to be with. I saw her in tight jeans a few days prior, and she looked great in them. But the stretch marks turn me off, so I would not repeat. She's great company if you don't mind them.

I ran into Laura on Washburn in CB yesterday. Tiny brunette, 4'10", maybe 90 lbs. Cute face. Looks asomewhat little like Yancey Butler in The Drop Zone movie. We went to her friends house nearby. She was a little germaphobe, and cum-shy. Skills OK, but she rushed me. I might see her again in a pinch.

Happy Mongering!

Trav Pokerman
04-13-08, 10:13
Hit WW at 2 AM Saturday. Amazing.

Had to wait 20 min for the train to pass on Washington!

I was too drunk to remember where D's place was.When I've encountered a train at that intersection, I have turned around and taken another route back to Wilkens. I don't like to waste valuable mongering time.

You were drunk while driving with a SW in your car? Are you insane?

Terra Sancta
04-13-08, 17:28
You were drunk while driving with a SW in your car? Are you insane?I need a couple of beers to get my SW beauty scale calibrated, otherwise I will be looking at SW on a civilian scale. Booze does not let me get as hard, but the lower scale kills desire even more.

I will post a report about my encounter in Chicago ... it got very interesting with the half-white chick.

04-14-08, 19:16
Saw my friend in Irvington today. Sensitive nips, good body. But I realized there is too much potential for drama. Also, she did not come clean about drugs. She claims she only smokes weed. So do I, but I wasn't born yesterday.

Member #4061
04-15-08, 19:31
Saw a couple BSWs out there early Monday evening. One standing out front of Gwynn Oaks Park in the west bound lane. Look like she was in her mid 30's. She had a nice ass on her. Big tall afro on her head. I didn't know they made them that big anymore. On my second pass she was walking down the east bound side. Saw another one right across the Baltimore line on Silver Oak standing next to the telephone pole. Smart gal posting up right on the city line. She was younger maybe 21-22. Good looking chick and built well. Wanted to scoop her up, but I'm not familiar with the area, so I decided to keep my cool, keep my money, and keep my ride. The avenue up to Liberty Heights looks like it's got potential. I saw one cop out, and tons of people walking. Scouted out some parking spots for later use. Busted a you turn and headed back to the county as I had other fish to fry. There were tons of cops on the county side. Seemed like every direction I look there was a cop sitting, driving, pulling someone over, following someone. Not a peaceful environment.

04-16-08, 10:20
I have not had an opportunity to cruise lately so I do not have any juicy details. I actually was out early this morning on the W/W loop but saw nothing but hags. I mean, I wasn't expecting to see Jenna Jamison walking the loop but the girls out were honestly not worth the cash.

This brings me to something that happened a few weeks ago. It was about 3-4 weeks ago and I was on the W/W loop. I was near the intersection of Wilkins and the cross street before Monroe. Can't remember the street. I turn down the street to find what looks like a younger cute SW. I think. Jackpot. So I give her the look and she gives a subtle wave. Here is the thing. This girl is standing DIRECTLY under the flashing blue light. This brings me to my question. Could she really be that stupid or does this sound like a bust? I parked away from her, but she wouldn't move. If she was a SW business must be slow. Maybe she thought her skin looked good with the soft blue light shimmering off her skin.

Anyways, I am disappointed to say I passed.

Johnny Fever35
04-16-08, 13:52
Such nice weather decided to take a little drive. First toured WW area.
There was 1 SW on Washington close to the grocery store. Blonde, older,
a little heavy. Decided to continue the tour. Up cary first turn to the circle.
some activity so decide to loop. Woo!! LE had just stopped what looked to be a fellow monger right before you get to cary from Wilkens. Eyes forward and kept on driving. (At least 2 cars had the monger stopped. And while looping saw another LE.) Backdown Washington just might give a ride
to the SW I saw earlier if she is still there. After you pass 95 saw an ULE
put on the xmas lights on the dash and 3 LE got out of a small black car-
maybe a cougar or something like that not sure what was going on. But
that was close enough to th SW that I decided to pass.

Garrison next nothing on first pass. Hit a couple of back streets. Not much activity and LE was Light in the area.

Took a trip down Gwynn Oaks looked like it might be a promising area.
Saw a couple potentials but not sure if they were working gals or not.
If they don't give any kind of sign or are not watching traffic. It's hard to tell if they are waiting on a bus or just walking somewhere. My last pickup
gave no sign at all and just coolly walked around the corner to where I parked an aked for a ride. Seems like more and more SW'ers are giving
no signals and guess the best approach is to pull around the corner and park.
Although there are the one's that yell but I pass on them.

04-16-08, 14:25
Shelly found on Washington across from park, starts at 10 or 11 PM. Earns a little and then quits.

Definitely a nice pickup.

Peroxide Blond (long straight with dark roots), mid 20s with firm B's and a decent body. Fleshy but not fat.

She's the opposite of good from afar. She actually looks almost scary on the street at night. Get her into a well lit room and she's actually cute. Very clean, though I didn't dine at the Y (no smell and obviously very recently bathed). Her mouth was clean but she hasn't seen a dentist in forever, so I didn't K. (If one of you B'Morons are so inclined this is the type of SW that would benefit from some assistance, such as walking her through the social service system or hooking her up with a dentist or dental program.) She's on disability after aging out of foster care years ago (mom was an addict.)

If I just saw her walking, which I did, I would rate her a 3 or 4. But in the room, even in the car she went up greatly, easily a SW 8.

Standard tuition for half and half .5, BBBJCIM .2. But she wasn't rushed for time and would have stayed as long as I liked.

She's not bright. Probably about a 90 IQ and is doing this for basic survival. According to her she does snort H, but doesn't smoke C or shoot H. Nothing to suggest to the contrary. Absolutely no tracks, marks or scabs (and she's not smart enough to shoot in unnoticeable places if she were shooting).

She's actually a nice girl in a shitty situation working the street as the only way she can to survive.

No great skill but easily worth the money and I would definitely repeat. (Maybe less so after you mongers get to her.)

Digits to established mongers.

Mo Sizlack
04-17-08, 02:00
I usually post on the massage board, but I must admit I have an addiction to driving the loops. I've never picked up but I feel I can spot the potential targets. I have to say its funny cause I also feel I can spot the mongers too. Are we (me) that obvious. I was driving around today as I was killing time before work at Mont park. I saw walkers here and there. I turned on patapsco left off washington and spotted a hottie at the entrance to like an electrician school. I make the turn arounds and so forth, but so do like 5 other cars. Needless to say a little silver car won. I was laughing to myself wondering if this was obvious to all the passers by. As a side note I did se LE enter that school soon after that p/u. Gotta be better things for them to do. Oh well. Please don't light me up in flames. Just talkin here. Be well.

Hugh Jardon
04-17-08, 11:32
Nothing out at all from 7:30-8:30 AM.
Then, at 8:30, the SWer bell rang and they all reported for duty. It was crazy. From 0 to 15, at least, in the space of 10 minutes.
Selected "Ariel", 22, 5'5", nice build, blonde, good teeth, complexion. Not the brightest, but doesn't run her yap incessantly.
Took her to an outdoor location for the first hide-the-salami game of the year in the great outdoors. Tight cooch, doesn't like to be spanked. 2 jacks for the service + a lincoln tip.
I love summer!

04-17-08, 13:03
Nothing out at all from 7:30-8:30 AM.

Then, at 8:30, the SWer bell rang and they all reported for duty. It was crazy. From 0 to 15, at least, in the space of 10 minutes.I noticed this same thing about a month ago. At the time I was wondering if it had to do with kids being out on their way to school. Maybe LE gets tougher with them during that time.

04-17-08, 20:44
Saw Ruthie on Wilkens Ave. tonight. Looks like somebody beat the shit out of her. One of her regulars picked her up with another SW in the car.

LE was crazy from when I got there at 5pm until I picked up a SW at 6:15. I liked doing her doggie, that way I didn't have to see her butterface:D

Charlie Tuna
04-17-08, 23:34
Has anyone run into a WSW named Shannon, from Morrel Park?

Any reviews?

Smiling Fox
04-18-08, 00:07
You want to get picked up by LE, you want to get a complaint from the civilian population. Go ahead and pick up your SW while school kids are on the streets with their mommies! If you want trouble thats a sure fire way to get it. Oh, and the SW's know this. So they don't hang around while the kids are out. Cause LE will arrest them in a heart beat. BOOM!

Smiling Fox

04-18-08, 02:05
I had not street mongered in Balto for several years so I ventured over to the Wilkens area about 10 pm. Noticed blinking blue lights on many utility poles with what possibly looked like cameras, so it appears LEO is monitoring various streets nowadays. Found a decent-looking WSW near St. Benedict's? but something made me suspicious so I declined. Went up and down Wash. Blvd a few times, noticed a hottie blond near Italiano's but by the time I was able to turn around and pursue her she was gone. Went down Patapsco to Curtis Bay only to discover Fairhaven is now a one-way street! Went up an adjacent street then back down Fairhaven but only found a two-skank tag team, neither one meeting minimum standards.

Then went over to 10th street and was flagged down by a very thin BSW, but she was not to my taste either. Back to the Wilkens area and now nobody was out. Thought I'd go back to Curtis Bay one final time and ran into Sue by the Salvation Army. She's 24 and isn't all worn looking like most SW, so got oral for .2. She has decent skills and is looking for regulars. Didn't get digits as I'll be heading out soon.


Larry 56
04-18-08, 11:17
You want to get picked up by LE, you want to get a complaint from the civilian population. Go ahead and pick up your SW while school kids are on the streets with their mommies! If you want trouble thats a sure fire way to get it. Oh, and the SW's know this. So they don't hang around while the kids are out. Cause LE will arrest them in a heart beat. BOOM!

Smiling Fox

....and don't forget to stop in the middle of the steeet and beep your horn a lot. That should do it! :D


04-18-08, 16:37
....and don't forget to stop in the middle of the street and beep your horn a lot. That should do it! :D

Or better yet, go out mongering at 2am drunk as a skunk making out all the SW's to be 8/10, and not being able to remember where to take them to.

I gave my phone # and a little spending money to a hot SW who probably thinks I'm LE or maybe an ax murderer (she won't get in with me), and told her to call me this weekend. She's got good tits & ass and a pretty face. I've been making a point of dropping other SW's off right near her. Now it seems like all the money I've spent getting my car fixed today is going to push it back for another 2 weeks.

Smiling Fox
04-19-08, 02:01
Ok, now your on.

Look, if you want to get the attention of everyone. Get one of those little RV's. Put some neon lights on it. Flashing even better. Something really takey.

Like I need to get laid. Wanted Ladies!

Ah, now we need loud music. No, no, REALLY loud music.

On the hood of the RV, you know where the little emblem goes, like the jaguar, or something, gotta put the flying wings.

(you do have your flying wings don't you, I do.)

Ok, that should just about get you arrested everytime. Oh wait.

You gotta yell out thru a microphone or something.

Really crude rude shit to all the neighbors and SW's.

Yeah that will do it.

Look it just seemed that Meeee didn't have a clue about the kids.

Duh? Then good ole Balti, and Larry gotta chime in. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being drunk at 2 am, LOL. We should go out and have an RT one day.

Hey where is Doc and Robo. And any one heard from BENCH?

Oh, and I see no one reponded to my other post about Alexis Anderson.

Dam! Hot lady responded to a post, smokin blonde wants to come by, one day and take all my money, I am sure. Oh well, if it works out. I will frame this one. Has to be the hottest MILF/sugarbabe to ever respond to anything.

OH, you what, wanna picture, oh, naaaa, not today. This one is deep under the radar, just like all the sugar babes that seem to surf the internet. Picking off the guys that have fat wallets, and are horney. You would have thought the dude in NY, elliot would have found one. Dam, If I could afford $1, 000 babes, I sure as hell wouldn't be going to an agency.

Ok, I'm done tonight,

Be safe out there.

Smiling Fox

Otto Man
04-19-08, 02:16
Found myself in CB early this afternoon not alot to choose from. LE was also unusually scarce. Picked up Cia, long dark hair, 25ish, small firm breasts nice ass, smells nice. Says she usually only goes with her regulars, thought I looked familiar. Oh well her bad memory was my gain, good oral great doggie. Got digits will surely repeat.

04-19-08, 12:33
Get one of those little RV's.Indeed, an RV you say? Like a portable Notel.

Inside all it would need is a king size bed and a decent bathroom with a nice shower. Maybe a flat screen TV and a DVD player for porn and a few hidden cameras here and there.

Find a cool place to park and you could rent it out by the head (pun intended)
You could put a sticker in the window "If this Van's a Rockin, don't bother knockin, just cum on it and join the party" for nominal fee of course.

Moe Moe
04-19-08, 19:45
Was out early 430 Saturday am. Alot of women where out. All BSW. Range from negative trillion to 8 on a scale to 10. I picked up an 8 named Angie. BSW 36 yrs old. Very attractive. Nice body and personality but. She talked to herself. We were riding and she would start saying shit and she would say I did not say nothing. So she kept doing the shit so I decided to play crazy with her. I started saying shit and she thought I was talking to her and I said I did not say nothing. SHe had the nerve to look at me like I was crazy. Like I said really attractrive had new outfit on. Great bjjj loves her hair pulled. Nice ass with tattoos on back. She is about 5'6 slim build hair out like beyonce.

Bjroll John
04-19-08, 21:19
[QUOTE=Jack Meoff2]Indeed, an RV you say? Like a portable Notel.

Well there is a monger that uses a winnabago brown I think maybe a 1979 or so.I laugh everytime I see him in W/W.Because you know exactly what he is there to do and so do the ladies.lol

04-19-08, 22:18
[QUOTE=Jack Meoff2]Indeed, an RV you say? Like a portable Notel.

Well there is a monger that uses a winnabago brown I think maybe a 1979 or so.I laugh everytime I see him in W/W.Because you know exactly what he is there to do and so do the ladies.lol

Nothing nearly as ballsy as rolling around the loops in a Peterbilt or a Kenworth at 6 miles to the gallon of $4 diesel fuel.

I prefer the Ram Van or the Hummer.

Smiling Fox
04-20-08, 01:33
Yes I actually had an astro van, a long time ago, when I started out on the streets. Didn't know the rules. But I wasn't sure where I was going either.

Didn't take me long. After all I am a fox. And I need to hunt successfully to survive. LOL.

Used to go over to Frederick ave, pick up my old friend Maxine. She was kinda short and plump, but ok. I think she just liked to get eaten and fucked.

Any way we would go over to .... and I love this part, we would go over to Paradise Lane. OH yeah a little paradise in the the back of my astro van, on Paradise Lane.

I am thinking of trading my old station wagon in for a stripped out caravan.
I can get them off lease from the P.O.

To hell with the Notel.

Smiling Fox

Member #4061
04-20-08, 02:22
Decided to check out the strolls earlier in the night. CB/B was the first stop. It was still early in the evening, but CB had some a few WSW in FH. I'm pretty sure I saw B/CB Theresa on FH. (Dirty blond hair with lots of red dye in it) She looked pretty good from the street side, but I just got done reading the rip off reports, and decided to pass. Thanks to all who contribute to that Thread. It is of great value. Saw three more two big WSW, and a thick ass brunette in jean shorts. She looked good enough, but the monger in front of me damn near hit a parked car when he saw her. He slowed down to about 8 mph, and could not decide if he wanted to pull over or not. Finally he scooped her. Went up to B, and saw absolutely nothing. Cruised over to WW for a check. Stayed off Wilkens area, and just scoped the low end. Figured with the game there my be something. It was a parking lot out there. I must of hit it at the wrong time. Didn't see anything until I hit the golf course. One WSW with a great ass on her, but she was in a sub prime locale. Headed out toward the avenue, and didn't see much. Oh well. Like I said before; I'm quite rusty and need to get my wits about me.

Night Lurker
04-20-08, 07:00
Ran pass WW at 5am in the morning and saw absolutely nothing until I came up upon this 24y/o cute brunette in a gray hoody about 5'4'' 120lbs. She calls herself Baltimorican because she grew up in Baltimore her whole life and is of Puerto Rican descent. I've read the previous reports of her being the cash and dash or falling asleep type. She was friendly with a nice sense of humor and didn't complain about me finishing early so I guess YMMV with this one. I upgraded from BBBJ to CFS, mish to doggie. After the deed was done, there was cum all over the outside of the condom. She really gets into it.

She has A tits very perky, has a sweet ass, nice, curvy and soft with a shaved kitty. She seemed and smelled clean. On the ride back, she told she used to be stripper and gave me her digits. Oh yeah. Also, she has her "spot" but it's in an alley way with pretty much no where to go if LE happens to pull up behind you so plan accordingly.

SW Scale

Face: 8
Body: 8
Performance: 9

Terra Sancta
04-20-08, 10:07
Or better yet, go out mongering at 2am drunk as a skunk making out all the SW's to be 8/10, and not being able to remember where to take them to.OK, that was me, but I will offer this advice: dont flash your headlights to show a SW you are interested. Your desire will be communicated to everyone in your line of sight.

Sleeping Bag
04-20-08, 17:47
Wow, I was thinking about getting a hooker in baltimore but you guys are posting some busted ass pics, I don't think I would fuck some of those girls if iwas blacked out drunk.

Look at those their pussys, it looks bigger then my head

Look at that girls socks they are fucking dirty as shit

I would throwup before fucking some of those girls.I completely agree with you that she is one nasty skank. But for the price of Balti street, I don't complain. Cali street price is $ for cfs but they got some hot 18-21 SW's. Balti got these 30+ SW's for a fraction of $.

Terra Sancta
04-20-08, 20:58
Few choice, but no time, so picked up Amber on WW at the Circle. She said lets go to a new place instead of D's. The place location was so obvious; more obvious getting in and out with a hooker with people looking at you on the side walk, in an area popular with LE, but I went for it.

The place was 5 stars on a ***** house scale, compared to D's. Even with a sink and a high bed int he room. The bed was close to the wall I could do amber standing up while she was laying down with her feet agains the wall.

For those of you who do not know Amber, she is good looking, expecially when wearing makeup and with high heels. Face and body are 8/10, but attitude at the lowe end of the scale. Her voice was lingerating from all those BBBJ, but she had a condom in her purse.

Her life story in short starts in NY where she met that Israeli dude who sold extacy at rave clubs. She used all kinds of drugs and graduated to Heroin level befor eshe made it to Baltimore. Now she is on the needle exchange program, wasted as usual, she thought it was almost morning, when it was 9 PM. She said she did not sleep in 3 days.

The fuck was good and moist. She even gets into it. Not bad for $30 plus $10 for the room. The bad part is that she begs for more, then asks for rides, then changes her mind about where she wants to go. The sad part is that she was babysitting for someone while doing her thing.

I wanted a quick 20 minute thing but ended up waiting for her to use the restroom, go to McDonalds, go to a place on Monroe before heading back to another place I do not remember where. My hour engagement makes this experience a 5/10 overall.

Sleeping Bag
04-21-08, 19:42
Cruised the usual places. Saw fuglies on PP and CB. Hit Baltimore. Saw a hot hot hot 10/10 young 20ish brown-headed hotty. By the way she was walking, it was hard to tell if she was "walking" or just a civi. She finally stopped at Konk, and it was really funny seeing all the cars and mongers suddenly pull up to her and start hitting on her to get in the car. I mean, 20 cars lined up, all yelling for her to get to their car. Some of the guys even parked and got out and started going after her on foot. She walked away from the guys and the cars, and the foot guys started chasing her on foot.

Well, she was definitely not a walker, but she was definitely a hot looker. She wore hot pink top and tight jeans. Nice set of boobs too.

Compared to her, all the usual WSW were definitely fugly skanks. And what a difference not only she made compared to the usuals, but also what a difference 11am is compared to 11pm. Those skanks sure look decent at 11pm, but at 11am. Wow, it's Halloween in April.

Finally headed back to Wilkens and picked up Rainy/Raina/Reneah/something-like-that. Cute brunette. For usual price, got bbbjcimws. Gave her tip because she had great attitude.

04-22-08, 23:57
Arrived in BCB @ 10pm last night. Made two loops and saw no one but two scary old hags. Moved over to Clixx and cruised there @ 45 minutes with very few prospects and no luck.

I got back to BCB around 11:30 and saw two on Everitt. One was Ariel, and based on a positive report last week and lack of other options I let her in.

She seems to be back in good health. She was energetic and gave a spirited NQNS-CBJ for the usual tuition with a small tip. Just like the times I used to find her last year. Dropped her off back where I found her.


Trav Pokerman
04-23-08, 07:01
Cruised the usual places. Saw fuglies on PP and CB. Hit Baltimore. Saw a hot hot hot 10/10 young 20ish brown-headed hotty. By the way she was walking, it was hard to tell if she was "walking" or just a civi. She finally stopped at Konk, and it was really funny seeing all the cars and mongers suddenly pull up to her and start hitting on her to get in the car. I mean, 20 cars lined up, all yelling for her to get to their car. Some of the guys even parked and got out and started going after her on foot. She walked away from the guys and the cars, and the foot guys started chasing her on foot.This, my friends, is why LE puts pressure on the girls and mongers. For the sake of those involved and mongers elsewhere, they're lucky she didn't get pissed and report the incident.

04-23-08, 13:23
Sorry for the delay in posting. Was in PP/C and saw Ashley. She really looked good from a distance. Parked and she came over and had a seat in the car. Wow! Ashley is f*cked up! She has a horrendous case of soreisis. From what I saw, she has MANY sores from the top of her head to at least her abdomen. Nasty. Made the excuse that I thought she was someone else. Gave her a couple of dollars for her time and she left quietly. Drove over to CB/B and found Michelle. Nice girl. No visible sores or marks. Went to a notel and had a nice unrushed time. Will repeat if I see her again.

Propilot-over and out.

04-23-08, 19:00
Lots of cops out 2 cars sitting on Haven 1 car on Conkling. Sw walking on 40 near Conkling staying around same area, suspect - looked good from 50 feet, but thats not saying much.

Be safe,


The Sarge
04-23-08, 19:06
Drove around yesterday for a long time looking at fuglies. Then I SW this cute little bruenette with all kinds of lip rings nose rings and a cute little outfit on. Once she got inside. All 5 foot 1 of her she smelled good. This is always a good sign most of these girls do not have the sense to bath enough. But sarah was smelling good. We went to the spot she asked for a quarter to buy a soda. So I agreed. Boy she put the whole bottle in her throat and chugged it all. Didn't even spill one drop. All I can think is that she really must have been thirsty. On the way back I gave her another nickel so she could buy some bubble gum. I figured that she might need it after a large amount of warm soda.

Sarah. 5 foot 1 about 100-115, very small titties, nice smile and cute glasses. I have digits, but I have not tried them out yet.

Good luck all.

A Otay
04-24-08, 16:55
I tried my first SW mongering last Friday night. Having RTFF I planned out a route that took me to Curtis Bay, back up Patapsco to Washington Blvd, across Monroe to Wilkens. I figured I would see something for sure, the temperature was in the 60s. I even red the 22 rules on the home page (they are really helpful). CB was really dead except for people sitting on their front steps and hanging out in front of the bars. Then I went up and down W & W around 3 times. I didn't see anything, nada, nothing..... except around 1:00 AM on Washington in a remote area about a mile SW from Italianos restaurant there was a BSW that was a little heavy. She looked at me but when I turned around and went back, she was gone. So I guess that confirms she was a SW. At least I saw one but I don't think I would have picked her up though since I like thin.

So here is the deal. Would one of you Senior guys give me a ride-along like LE does with civilians. That way I could learn what a real SW looks like and I could learn how to pick up one. I could even learn the most productive places. Clearly I just didn't know what I was looking for because they must have been there. Yea, I guess that ain't going to happen either. Guess I'll just head back to the AMP where I am sure to get something.

04-24-08, 20:45
A Otay,
I'll be nice here and try to give you something. Since you said you went up to Wilkens & Monroe, park on Wilkens Ave. on the south side (the side one block north of Eagle St. It's the same side where a green Jeep Liberty will be parked). Shut off the engine & lights, and wait a little while. SW's will be along in a short time, if they're aren't already there either standing or sitting. A good starter would be black haired Dawn. Not the prettiest in the face, but a pleasant country girl who gives a great BJ for the standard .2.

Lots of cops out 2 cars sitting on Haven 1 car on Conkling. Sw walking on 40 near Conkling staying around same area, suspect - looked good from 50 feet, but thats not saying much.

Be safe,


LE probably just mopping up the mess they had the night before at Haven Place. Read my Strip Club report.

Terra Sancta
04-24-08, 22:29
Wednesday 7 PM on WW, picked up Ashley at the circle.

Someone told me she straightened out and got a job as a witress in Annapolis. Some truth to that. She no longer lives in the area, has a boyfriend, and got a job. But she needed a couple of $ quickly. She was back on WW.

She remembered me, and had to remind me of her name. We were at D's in no time, he got his $10, and she got her $40 and we were in business.

I would give the girl 7/10 for her face on a Civilian scale, at least 8/10 on civilian scale for her body. Her attitude was nice and skills were wonderful.

Here is the story, there was another monger at D's. The door to the room in the middle is broken, so we could see part of the action getting inside. The girl there swollows and starts coughing cum into a napkin.

On another note, this guy in the black Cadi with license place starting wiht a vowel is stopping to chat with hookers on S Carey. I have seen him many times. You need to be careful buddy! Another monger who was wearing a baseball hat also on Wednesday was looking too obvious.

Now, today, Thursday. I made a couple of rounds, this leggy with a coloreful dress and slippers near Pulaski. I thought about picking her up, but did not, dispite the fact that I like leggy chicks.

Also, there was a chick on S Care and Washington on Wednesday. I could not tell if she was black, latina or mix, but she has nice lips. Some monger beat me to her. We need a report to know more about her lower set of lips.

Terra Sancta
04-24-08, 23:00
Would one of you Senior guys give me a ride-along like LE does with civilians. That way I could learn what a real SW looks like and I could learn how to pick up one. I could even learn the most productive places. Clearly I just didn't know what I was looking for because they must have been there. Yea, I guess that ain't going to happen either. Guess I'll just head back to the AMP where I am sure to get something.3 rounds are not sufficinet if you are new to the hobby. Try going 30 rounds and I am sure you will discover 30 SW you overlooked.

I have been doing this for 20+ years -- it is like finding a good fishing spot. Once you find the spot, then it is a matter of selecting your game.

At anytime in good weather, you will find 3-10 SW along the stretch from [washington and S Carey] to [S Carey and Ramsay], to [Ramsay and Wilkens], to [Wilkens and Brunswick]. Get phone numbers and get to know where to find the $10 fuck bed and you will be set.

It usually takes me 10-30 minutes to scout the area, 5 min to securing the bed, 15-25 minutes bed exercise, 5 minutes ride back, 60 min in total, wiht half of for scouting and selection of Ms. Terra Sancta for the next 30 minutes.

Gas is still very cheap compared to what you would pay at AMPs. Use craigslist instead and save. I pay for CL 50% of what I pay for an AMP, and pay SW less than 50% of what I pay CL. It is just one good deal after anotherf. So many hookers, so little time.

04-24-08, 23:04
Greetings GentleMongers

Please do not Flame me, I start out by acknowledging that I let the little head do the thinking, and as so often happens, got burned. Driving up Wilkens towards town at around 5:30 saw a stunning 5'5" or so woman with dark black short hair in heels and a denim mini-skirt suit. When I looked just to admire, I thought I got a response. WTF? This was too good. So around the block and as I come up she comes to the car and gets in. Clean, Sweet smelling, no obvious marks, and she grabs me and says "I love your car" She was like an 8 on the civilian scale, and I'm thinking, "JACKPOT". She asks if I have a place or would I like to use hers, first mistake, I asked about the place and she said it was hers with only an old gay man for a roommate. We get to the house, and go in and up. She kicked off her shoes, and undid the halter under the denim jacket to display nearly perfect natural "C"s. Then she laid back on the bed, and when her skirt rode up, no underwear. Then she said "Can I have some money?" Mistake number 2. I handed her .3 for anticipated full service and she said "get comfortable, I'll just give this $10 to him (roommate). Mistake number 3. She went downstairs, and I heard the front door slam. Right away I knew I had been screwed, and not in a good way. Then the old guy asks if I know where she went, and I said I think I've been played. He said "me too" So I left. He made a half-attempt to get his $10 from me, but didn't argue when I told him I'd already given it to the girl. Drove around for a bit, but did not spot her. Not a total loss, since I hooked up with Mellissa, young shoulder length brownish hair with small "A"s for a pretty good BBBJTCWS for standard plus .1 tip.

Anyway, I always RTTF, and check for pics, and this one has not shown up before that I found. She had claimed that she usually works out Wash BLVD near the dinners.

Just a reminder, ALWAYS follow the rules, and never think with the little head or go to her place. As a reminder, .3 was probably a fairly cheap lesson.

Be safe


04-25-08, 15:47
Has anyone run into a WSW named Shannon, from Morrel Park?

Any reviews?I don't know if this is the same girl but if it is read a previous report of mine and find out that she left me a little gift.

Sleeping Bag
04-27-08, 07:42
What a dead Saturday night/Sunday morning. I thought the walkers would be out, but nope. Hit all the usual spots, and accept for a handful, it was a ghost town. When one did show up, suddenly 10 cars would all beeline to her and one would swoop her up before you can blink.

A Otay
04-27-08, 14:07
I appreciate the responses form Terra Sancta and Baltimonger. I actually did do more than three loops if you count the multiple trips up and down each of the streets. I guess I just expected to see more than the one girl I did see.

So being the intrepid adventurer that I am I went back Friday night for another shot. I did a couple of loops and didn't see anything. There were a couple of maybes but when I went back they were definitely not. I did notice a lot of fellow mongers this time though. Seeing some of them multiple times on the two streets was kind of funny.

So anyway after about three loops and getting late, I had a decent looking girl look at me and then wave. There was even a parking spot on Wilkens 50' from where she was. WTF, when I parked, she jumped right in and said hi. I asked if she wanted a ride and she said she thought I wanted something to fuck. Then she said she was sorry and started to get out. I should tell you that she was high as a kite but pleasant and not bad looking. Her name was Debbie. I asked if she had some place to go and she said not this late but she knew where we could park. So being careful and figuring she was way to stoned to lead me to a trap and I said OK. On the way there was a place that looked quite and dark and we went there. I told her I only wanted a BJ and she asked how much I would pay. I said .2 she said .3 we agreed on .25. Then before she went down on me she said I couldn't cum in her mouth because she didn't want to throw up all over me.....great. After about 45 seconds she asked if she was doing something wrong because I didn't cum yet. I said she was doing fine (she wasn't) but I take a while. Then another 30 seconds and she said her jaw was getting tired. So WTF, I said how about we fuck. When she took her pants down I knew that was a bad idea. The smell was not fresh but was a definite case of yeast infection. So I suggested she just play with my boys and groped her tits and ass and just JO. She really was pleasant, and very apologetic about not doing a good job, but a definite non-repeater. I did break my SW cherry though...sort of.

Terra Sancta
04-27-08, 14:15
Saturday at 9 AM, picked up Lisa on Washingtona nd S Carey.

Lisa is in her late 30s, bimbo, looks 7/10 on SW or better, attitude was OK. I watched her the other day as she walks fast, aimlessly, then changes directions sufddenly while flailing her arms. She wears tennis shoes with short white socks, knew height jeans and a heavy sweater. Curly blond hair, height and weight proportional, but a couple of pounds will push her on the heavy side.

She lost a point once she took her clothes off. Many sores all over, and moles. But pussy was picture perfect. She had spent a couple of minutes in the bathroom before she came in. I hate that.

The place was a row house on the street where she stands most of the time, new purple carpet and fresh paint, no furniture. I think she lives there in the basemenet, but I paid $10 for the room.

Again, good attidue, but no bed ... I laid her on her back while on my knees holding both ankles with my hands while stroking her. At one point I pulled out to make her suck on it, and noticed some blood on the tip of the condom, I did not say anything, and as she tasted her blood she did not say anything either. I finshed it covered in her mouth. I told her that it is disgusting to do this while on her period, but she pretending that she did not know it was that time of the month.

I will not repeat, due to her hygiene issues.

BTW, one SW was robbed at gunpoint on Friday night on Washington and S Carey. Be careful.

Terra Sancta
04-27-08, 17:52
Greetings GentleMongers

Please do not Flame me, I start out by acknowledging that I let the little head do the thinking, and as so often happens, got burned. Driving up Wilkens towards town at around 5:30 saw a stunning 5'5" or so woman with dark black short hair in heels and a denim mini-skirt suit. When I looked just to admire, I thought I got a response. WTF? This was too good. So around the block and as I come up she comes to the car and gets in. Clean, Sweet smelling, no obvious marks, and she grabs me and says "I love your car" She was like an 8 on the civilian scale, and I'm thinking, "JACKPOT". She asks if I have a place or would I like to use hers, first mistake, I asked about the place and she said it was hers with only an old gay man for a roommate. We get to the house, and go in and up. She kicked off her shoes, and undid the halter under the denim jacket to display nearly perfect natural "C"s. Then she laid back on the bed, and when her skirt rode up, no underwear. Then she said "Can I have some money?" Mistake number 2. I handed her .3 for anticipated full service and she said "get comfortable, I'll just give this $10 to him (roommate). Mistake number 3. She went downstairs, and I heard the front door slam. Right away I knew I had been screwed, and not in a good way. Then the old guy asks if I know where she went, and I said I think I've been played. He said "me too" So I left. He made a half-attempt to get his $10 from me, but didn't argue when I told him I'd already given it to the girl. Drove around for a bit, but did not spot her. Not a total loss, since I hooked up with Mellissa, young shoulder length brownish hair with small "A"s for a pretty good BBBJTCWS for standard plus .1 tip.

Anyway, I always RTTF, and check for pics, and this one has not shown up before that I found. She had claimed that she usually works out Wash BLVD near the dinners.

Just a reminder, ALWAYS follow the rules, and never think with the little head or go to her place. As a reminder, .3 was probably a fairly cheap lesson.
I am one of a few who pay upfront. I do not like agressive chicks, I like the timid ones, and that is the reason I have been lucky.

For the room, I pay upfront, to the owner. For the girl, I pay once she starts stripping. I am also a serious mean SOB, good to have that attitude.

04-27-08, 19:23
BTW, one SW was robbed at gunpoint on Friday night on Washington and S Carey. Be careful.
And this is news? The most major issue other than arrest for a SW is getting robbed after a date.

Again, good attidue, but no bed ... I laid her on her back while on my knees holding both ankles with my hands while stroking her. At one point I pulled out to make her suck on it, and noticed some blood on the tip of the condom,
I once had the same issue with Angela, and also with Chrissy (although I think I made her hemorrhage from a 45 minute fuck).

04-27-08, 19:42
I was cruising CB this morning around 7AM. As I was coming down the hill on Fairhaven, I saw four police cars at the end of Fairhaven at Patapsco.

I turned right, crossed Pennington and then left on Curtis. Passed Fairhaven and saw that they had Everett and Cambrai blocked and had Fairhaven blocked to one tight lane.

The police were milling around in the street and I really didn't want to stop and ask what they were doing.

Sleeping Bag
04-27-08, 22:06
I was cruising CB this morning around 7AM. As I was coming down the hill on Fairhaven, I saw four police cars at the end of Fairhaven at Patapsco.

I turned right, crossed Pennington and then left on Curtis. Passed Fairhaven and saw that they had Everett and Cambrai blocked and had Fairhaven blocked to one tight lane.

The police were milling around in the street and I really didn't want to stop and ask what they were doing.5.0 and Fire department were blocking Wilkens also late Sat/early Sun. Not sure what that was about.

Terra Sancta
04-27-08, 22:18
Someone told me she straightened out and got a job as a witress in Annapolis. Some truth to that. She no longer lives in the area, has a boyfriend, and got a job. But she needed a couple of $ quickly. She was back on WW.Sorry to quote myself, but I wanted to remind "Heather Lover" that a SW is always a prostitute.

Ok, so this guy on this forum used to flame anyone who dated Heather. Then Heather would give him details about the Johns, then he would speculate if this John is someone on this forum.

What happened to heather? I have not seen her in a long long time? one monger told me that she got married to this 3 time loose. Any details?

04-27-08, 22:33
Two weeks ago I spotted Corinne, a very nice mid-20s BSW on whatever streets runs to Hilton, between North and Walbrook. She turned out to be unusually pleasant. Said she had just returned from living in Roanoke.
We parked nearby and she showed quite a bit of enthusiasm. I took her home off Dukeland and we made a date for later in the week. I gave my cell number. She never showed up or called. I was quite disappointed because I thought we had a good time together.
Anyhoo, today I drove around in the daytime. Did the W/W, Frederick, Garrison but didn't see anything that I liked. Are there any more westside tracks. I have never had any luck on Patapsco.
I am mostly on the hunt in the daytime.

The Sarge
04-27-08, 23:07
Shane M
Regular Member
Reports: 0 Sarah's Digits


Hi Sarge,

Please forward Sarah;s digits.

Thank you "

Sure I will give them to you right away!

04-28-08, 11:36
Was cruising up wilkins a couple days ago and ran into someone who I thought was girl that I usually hook-up with but to my suprise it was somnone else. Tina is Lisa's sister now Lisa is someone I have previoulsy reported on and had very good encounters with. When I first drove past I thought she was Lisa and was wondering why she did'nt flag me down. After coming back and pulling over I asked her why did'nt you stop me Lisa and she said you got it wrong I'm Tina, Lisa's sister I'm like damn are you twins? She said no. I asked if she fooled around and she said sometimes and that she stays in a house up the street from the post office off of Wilkins. I told her I'd be back in five minutes she said okay she would wait. Now I come back after making a bank run and did'nt see her so I wolud just go on and try to find something else. Then to my suprise I turn down millington and who do I see her. She gets in we go back around to her place on ashton been there before so I was cool with the place. We talked for a minute she said her sister would be mad if she found out I told her I did'nt give a sh**. She then told me about the time her sister screwed her husband. I was like well I'm just keeping it in the family. After the small talk got down to business for the usual tutition Tina is very good "on the mic" as some of my friends say I mean real good. We went into mish and she really gets into it turned her over for my fav the dog and and pulled out and had her suck me off as I did the porn star pop all over her face. Now a few days later I run into Lisa and her niece who I found name is Alicia now I"m guessing this is the Alicia who took a trip at taxpayer's exspense she did tell that she just came home. I take Lisa and her niece to Lisa's place in brooklyn. They take showers handle there business and even took time to eat. Now I'm checking Alicia out and damn she like got a nice ass and did'nt have on any underwear I tell her pull your pants up unless you are trying to show me something. Then Lisa calls me up to the bedroom and then asks me how her sister was I told her pretty good. She asks better than me? I told her pretty good. Lisa then walks over and ask do I want to fu**? I'm like I don't have any dough she said it's ok I know you will treat me right next time. We did the do left and dropped her off around Wilkins. Went home very happy and will have to get the niece Alicia next.

Larry 56
04-28-08, 21:58
Sorry to quote myself, but I wanted to remind "Heather Lover" that a SW is always a prostitute.

Ok, so this guy on this forum used to flame anyone who dated Heather. Then Heather would give him details about the Johns, then he would speculate if this John is someone on this forum.

What happened to heather? I have not seen her in a long long time? one monger told me that she got married to this 3 time loose. Any details?

With the missing teeth? She had a regular who drove a truck and would let her stay at his house for lomg periods of time. I dropped her off at the ER one time as she was geeking so bad. I never heard from her again but saw her frequently in Pigtown not working.


Larry 56
04-28-08, 22:02
I haven't seen any of my old favorites in Pigtown lately. Wilken just has nothing worth paying for. What is going on? LE on the move. Washington Blvd. used to provide some service but no longer unless you like them long in the tooth.


Bjroll John
04-28-08, 22:38
SO let me out and it was time for some fun.PP had two nice looking wsw out but what fun is it to pickup the first thing you see.I love the hunt.Made a pickup at about 9:30pm at SA.Sue is a wsw 24yo rough in the face but not that bad for a sw.Started playing with the radio instantly I hate that.She is 5'6 140lbs brown hair, not a bad body asked for a tip immediately after getting in.A TIP IS FOR SERVICES PREFORMED!!!!Did an okay bbbj for .2 let my hand rome and I was thankful for it.Get it while its hot she is going in to rehab friday.Yeah right.

Look 7
Attitude 7
Performance 6
May repeat but only because she is young and she works an area I like.

04-29-08, 17:56
I saw someone picking up a sw yesterday while driving a $200K vehicle in CB. I was stunned. If you are reading this, please buy a pos vehicle so that you can blend in. Leave the Phantom at home.

Oops! That was me. My bad.

04-29-08, 19:30
Sorry for the delay, but I made it to B'more last Tuesday for a couple of hours. I cruised CB first and didn't see much of anything out - not even LE. There was some drama and what looked like a WSW getting treated by an ambulance crew near Pennington and 10th. Didn't see what happened.

There were a few out on the CLIX Loop, but again no LE. Most of them were kind of old and fuglie, but I finally picked up Melissa near SCarey and Ramsay. She's a tall, slim girl around 30 with long, dark hair. She looked a bit hispanic but with a Baltimore accent. Seemed fresh out of the shower with some baby powder on her smallish breasts. We found a good spot for a CBJ for the usual tuition. Her technique was simply OK. I lasted a while, which seemed to give her an attitude, but not too bad.

She asked me to give her a ride and where she wanted to get out was one of the dead ends south of Eagle (Addison or Fulton?). I felt funny and while the door was open, she started some crap about losing her phone and looking for it. She asked to borrow mine, but I declined. I made sure to keep it in gear, pointed toward the street, and keep an eye out. About that time, a black guy that knew her and seemed to be her pimp came up and started yelling at her. That was enough for me to "eject" her and be on my way. I'm pretty sure that she was either looking for an opportunity to steal something or worse. I make sure I've already rounded up anything worth stealing before I pick up a new friend, so not much risk there.

All in all, acceptable service but probably wouldn't repeat.

Stay Safe,


Terra Sancta
04-29-08, 20:34
With the missing teeth? She had a regular who drove a truck and would let her stay at his house for lomg periods of time. I dropped her off at the ER one time as she was geeking so bad. I never heard from her again but saw her frequently in Pigtown not working.Just a clarification, I met the Heather you are talking about, it is not the same heather I referenced in my posting. The other Heather is 8/10 or better on SW scale, this Heather is a 5/10, 6 at best.

Tuesday 6:30 PM on WW, picked up this chick by the churche (one way street), she was with her SW freind. I asked her 3 times about her name, but I still forgot. She is slim and tall, but lacks tits and curves. Upper front teeth messed up.

I was trying to kill some time before a 7 PM apointment in B'more, so I asked her if she got a place, agreed on $30 for her, for everything. She said (and someone posted that before): I use a gay friend's room, he is gay and old. I immediately remembere someone writing about it on this forum. I asked: how old is he, she said 58. I wanted to kick that ***** in the face because that is about my age .... really old. If I was really old, I would not be running around fucking SW like her ... fucken *****.

Anyway, we drive to this old gay friends house near Brunswich, she speaks something through the door and comes back telling me we have to wait few minutes. So we sit in the car ... I ask her to suck a little to keep me interested, she does for about 3 minutes, then I send her again to check. This time she opens the door, so I lowered my window to hear what is going on, she calls his name several times, but no answer ... at that time I was wondering what was the waiting about!!!!, then she opens the door and signals me to come inside. I asked if he was in, she said no!!! so the fucken ***** wanted to get us for trespassing into someones house, and committing a lewd act on his bed. At that time I lost it and started screaming my head off for wasting my time and placing me at risk. She tried to talk me into going to another place ... and get this, the queer works at the church!!!!

At that time, I am about to drive off, and see 3 homies walking behind the car, she asked for a couple of dollars!!!!, I just snatched the condom off my dick, tossed it out toward her and hit the pedal.

Needless to say I will not repeat. Comes 9 PM, I will be coal mining (hitting it with a black chick) from CraigsList.

Member #4061
04-30-08, 03:44
Nice post J. I'm glad to hear you made it out unscathed. That area had some great no-tells, but I would be leary these days. With the big push in crime control over on McHenry, Lemmon, Pratt, and Ramsay, the stick up men have moved. It's B-more, so they only move a couple of blocks. I've read your some of your posts, and I don't want to sound condescending, but I have some info for you that may help in the future.

First of all, I'm pretty sure your tall Melissa is also Shannon. She is indeed a Baltimore native of Puerto Rican Descent (Her Grandparents are Native as well as her father) She is new to the game. She is also new to hard drugs, unfortunately. Does she still have those nice legs? (Hope So) She will always be a so-so date. When she was in love with a man she was a so-so date, so I don't think much will ever change in that department. Anyway, she has the same story. Hooked up with the man of her dreams, and got a baby. The man of her dreams started hitting the pipe and her name was on all the finances. Bye bye man. Hello huge debt. I suppose at this point she is not trust worthy if she is getting dropped off and leaving the door of the car open. I could be wrong. In my experience, the only times a chick leaves the door open is to cop fast and get a ride, or to rip off someone. In any event it's a pain in the ass, and attracts unwanted attention. Glad you got out.

Be safe- Peace


04-30-08, 11:09
I cruised the W/W last night. Seen a few ladies out but nuthin caught my eye. At the corner of S Carey and Washington blvd there was a set of girls being pimped out by a black dude. Both chicks were a little heavier then I like but they looked almost like civilians. They kept calling out and waving as cars past. Another chick in the same area not sure if shes black or what but she was trying her hardest to get picked up but couldn't get anybody too. Not the prettiest. I strolled down Fredrick Ave and had 2 different black chicks yelling for me to stop for them at 2 different times. They didn't look to pretty so I passed. At the corner of wilkens and monroe I came up on a chick that had her hair pulled up. Asked if she needed a ride and she said, no. I need money. It was the same girl I had posted on before. I just drove off and called it a night. Nuthin really caught my eye Tuesday night.

So what does that mean when someones pointing to the ground? A hack? I've read the forum and I can't seem to find out what that means. Whats a hack? Haha

Rizzo 27
04-30-08, 11:46
Ha! That is too fucking funny. That's my first time hearing that.

04-30-08, 17:40
Sorry about the late post. Was passing through the Dundalk ave area Monday evening. Spotted a blonde by the Mickey D's. Looked very healthy. I wasn't even out looking, but I said WTF. Picked her up and the first thing she says when she gets in is "know where I can get reddy". No, I replied. She says thats cool, we can continue. She's about a 7 SW scale, named little. We ended up not doing anything since she needed her fix. She mentioned she was waiting for someone that was suppossed to be by in like 10 minutes. Told her I'd come back through later. She says she'd be around. This was like 8pm. Went back through around 11, and saw her. She remembered who I was. She says she's been smoking crack for 2 years. Honestly, I couldn't tell. Like I said earlier, healthy body, nice tits, ass, skin. Went to a spot and got the pipe cleaning done for the standard. I wanted to tip but had no more small bills. She didn't seem to worry either, as she was trying to get back to her fix. Rubbing her ass with a nice thong, I wanted more. When I dropped her off, I said, I'd be back in a little. She said cool. Little's about 5'6", 130 or so. Sure she's into getting that fix, but she's not to hyper, and does a great job. Catch & spit.

Went back through around 12, she's not in site. I cruised back down to the other side of Holabird. Nothing going on. After burning roughly $5. 50 in petro, I decided to head back to the nest. Wow, I see a different blonde on Dundalk ave by Holabird. Not sure if she was a SW, I was a bit hesitant, but I thought I recognized her from a while back so I stopped. Sure I remembered her. She didn't remember me. Claims to be a blockette, and that she was just out making a few extra. Very believable being how she was dressed and her body. I not sure of the name she gave me, its a regular name, and I don't want to put her out there like that, so I won't mention. She told me about the club prices, but she was well aware that I could not go for that. Got half&half for standard X 2 + tip. Wow does this one have a body on her. Did it doggy, then mish, back to doggy. Probably one of the wettest I've had for a while. As I came down the stretch, I pulled off the protecto, and let loose on her ass. At the time she did not have a phone, but I gave her the number to my burner. I sure hope she calls. This one, another blonde, great body, abdut an 9sw 7civi.

What really topped off the night, was seeing Uncle Sam's contribution in my checking account the next morning.

Be safe,

PS: I'm frequently in the Dundalk/Highlandtown area. To save a few gallons, I've limited my travels. I do read, and by what I see, nothing too special has been going on on the other side of the tunnel. Or maybe its just not being talked about. I've only read about the regulars. Hopefully, I'll get down that way soon.

04-30-08, 18:18
Back from a hobby hiatus I have been running some of my old loops, hitting Hampden and the Patterson Park - Conkling - Baltimore Street run. A couple of reports:

Gina in Hampden: I have known Gina for a couple of years now and she is holding up reasonably well, although she has gotten thinner and her tits are smaller than they were last year. Anyway, I posted about her months back, she gives an enthusiastic bbjtcim and she swallows! Great freshly saved pussy and decent grapefruit sized tits. Picked her up Monday around 8 pm - Still a great personality and a fun pick up. I seem to bump into Gina in Hampden whether I am looking or not on the HHH between 5 and 10 pm. She wants 1 1/2 jacks - you shrewd negotiators could probably get that down to 1 jack but I am a softy so I shell out the extra 1/2 jack. I'd rate Gina a 6 on my Baltimore SW scale.

Candy on Haven: Hot blonde bombshell, about 30 with big natural tits and a volluptous body. Candy is a bleached blonde with a penchant for trashy lingerie. I found her right across from the Haven (RIP BCPD) on Sunday around 7:00 pm. She is a biog girl, lots of meat on her and I didn't bother getting her story, suffice it to say she is a solid 8 on the Baltimore SW scale. Again, 1 1/2 jacks for cbjtcim - she didn't offer BB and it didn't bother me at all. Her oral skills were such that the first time I was with her Iw as done in less than a minute. I repeated yesterday and lasted 3 so maybe by next time I can hold out 5 minutes! Anyway, I had a long talk with her and everything is on the table with her once she knows you. She mentioned a room she is renting but it sketches me out (see report three) I have digits for her but will probably only share with SR members. Candy is a pretty sweet treat.

Kathy on Haven - Saved the worst for last. This is one of those where at some point I actually said out loud 'What the fuck am I doing messing around with people like this?' Here's what happened - I picked Kathy up on Haven maybe three weeks ago. She is a slightly built but not CCL brunette. The day I picked her up she was sporting a mean shiner, which she said she got from a bunch of stick up kids who robbed her and whacked her with a brick. Anyway, she invited me back to her house which was in the neighborhood behind the 7-11 across from the Gentleman’s Gold Club on Pulaski. I was just thinking BJ but something about Kathy's mannerisms made me feel comfortable and she had a decent body, I would put her at a 6 on the Baltimore SW scale. So i agreed to go back to her place, sounded perfect she lives alone, there will be no one there, and we can take our time and be comfortable. So we go back to an extremely shitty little house, and all works out well, and truly no one else is there. Just for the record I ended up doing 50/50 + Asian for $60, which I considered a pretty good deal. So I repeated with her the following week - same deal, everything goes smoothly. Then came last Sunday. I called and set up the time I would arrive. We agreed and I called her when I was five minutes away to confirm. She ends up having me pick her up at the Shell station off Pulaski. My spidey sense is tingling and after driving the couple of miles back to her place we are going past some guy walking on the sidewalk who is carrying what looks like a two by four. Kathy roles down the window and says something to the guy about not getting the washing machine from her place, and telling him to come back and fix it tomorrow. Now I'm no genius but this was smelling fishy. We pull up to her place and she is flapping her gums trying to explain that the guy is a neighborhood mr fixit blah blah blah. In my sideview mirror I see mr fixit walking up the sidewalk on the passenger side. I see him fish in his pocket and pull out a pocket knife that he unfolds as he approached the passenger door. He takes a step off the sidewalk toward the passenger door and I floor it and peel away. Kathy starts crying she had nothing to do with him, this and that, didn't know what was going on. I drive to the end of the street, tell her she can get out of the car here or take a ride to central booking with me. She jumps out and I drive away. Close call, no harm or foul, but another close call. You can't trust these girls, they associate with the scum of the universe and with the economy getting worse, that scum can become even worse - desperate scum. Ten minutes later I met Candy on Haven. Instant Karma.

Hungus out.

Tha X Facta
04-30-08, 19:15
So what does that mean when someones pointing to the ground? A hack? I've read the forum and I can't seem to find out what that means. Whats a hack? Haha[/QUOTE]

A hack is a cab/taxi; Pointing at the ground is flagging or hailing a cab. I her case flagging or hailing a John!

Tha X Facta,
Via DC

04-30-08, 20:34
So what does that mean when someones pointing to the ground? A hack? I've read the forum and I can't seem to find out what that means. Whats a hack? Haha
CowboysFan, I remember that going on when I was riding around in Baltimore a fews years back. I didn't know what it meant then either. I found some 2005 Archived Reports on this. My guess is that it still means the same thing now.

Originally Posted by Larry 56
Yeah, what is that hand thing? I've never seen that anywhere else.

Larry!: I believe that is the signal that someone is looking for a "hack"... which is basically like an unofficial taxi. You negotiate where you want to go and how much you will pay to get there. I suspect this is also used as an excuse for drug dealers and SW's to make possible contacts.

Flagging a ride
Originally Posted by Clix:

An extremely nice looking proportionally excellent dirty blonde, "classy" if you will, just past DeSoto was doing the "pointing the hand down" fort of hitchiking thing done in the City.

In Baltimore City, pointing the hand down is used to flag a "hack" or unlicensed cab. There are hundreds of guys driving their wrecks around Baltimore hacking. Usually their fees are lower than a standard taxi and they will go into neighborhoods that many legit taxis boycott. Many can be found looking for fares at the grocery store.

Pointing the hand in the air means that you want a real taxi.

Point your thumb out means that the hooker is especially desperate and generally not desireable.

05-02-08, 00:00
It was a tough afternoon prowling between 4:00 - 5:30 at the Clixx and BCB loops. But finally I found one at 6th around 5:30pm. Short, large ass, lots of ink with long curly brown hair. She had a two part name that escapes me. Something like Britney Ann, or Lisa Lee. Anyway she is an expert with the hoover-manuver. I asked her if she has a vacuum implanted in her throat. A little weird, but a nice enough girl, patient too. I would repeat.

Later in the evening about 9:30 I found blonde Tina near PP. She has a dynamite chunky butt and long nipples. Also gives a fantastic CBJ with super suction. Very strong neck! She actually gave me change when I gave her more than she asked for. Wow, bet that's the first and last time that ever happens!

Overall, LE presence was moderate to heavy on all three loops I prowled today.


05-02-08, 01:00
She actually gave me change when I gave her more than she asked for. Wow, bet that's the first and last time that ever happens!Been around for about 8 years or so. It didn't take me long to realize these girls carry no cash registers. My rookie mistake, I bargained a real gem down to $30 on one of my first experiences. The only problem, I gave her a Grant, I guess expecting change. It was a great time, so I didn't complain. Like I said though, rookie mistake. These days, I carry nothing but 5 and 10's, maybe a 20 or so. "Exact Change Only".

05-02-08, 01:29
I was out Monday night around 1am. Tons of cute girls on wilkens but couldn't get in position, they were all hanging on the corners and wouldn't budge. Finally got a cute short one to start towards me and then some girl yelled from across the street and 4 wsw cross over to her. I left a few minutes later the same girl is waving at me again. LE was heavy and all the girls were acting strange so I gave up and left. It was a shame too because there were at least 8 that were 8 on the civy scale. And these girls were clearly working. I didn't get a string vibe, the girls all seemed to be as worried about LE as me.

Oriole Mon
05-02-08, 23:39
I happened along Chrissy down close to the circle. She was pleasant, tried to up sale, which always pisses me off. Her performance was quite good. It was an akward time of day and we had to do a rolling hummer. She did gargle for a tip. 5 looks, 7 perf, 5 attitude (only beacuse of upsale, otherwise OK). She was close to getting sick or I would have went for another option.


05-03-08, 04:08
I forgot to mention, on Monday I went to cbc after ww and was about to pickup this really cute black chic. I was circling back around to get her and while I was at the light so one pulled into to lot next to the 7-11. She went and got in the car I passed by about 30 minutes later and 2 cop cars had him surrounded. The guy was in the passager seat like he was getting stuff from the glove box, I couldn't tell were the girl was. I'm thinking that was a sting. Even if the guy didn't know better to park in the same lot cops park in the girl would have. She did look too good to be true, tight spinner filling out her shirt and jeans just right. Her hair was staight, shoulder lenght and light colored.

I did pick up what I thought was a cute young thing wearing tight black shorts and blonde hair up in a pony tail, but when she got in she turned out to be a cute young things grand mother blatent false advertisement. Shit faced drunk and smelled like a brewery. She was though to get out of the car I offered her $5 for her time but she wouldn't leave, so I drove off and told her I taking her to PA. As we started leaving cbc she finally got out. She was down to. 2 for full service. Sorry "was a babe 40 years ago" not interested.

05-03-08, 21:01
I picked up a real gem named Amber near Carey St. on Ramsay last night. A full 8/10 on a real world scale (14/10 on the SW scale) with nice C/D cups which do not sag whatsoever. The service was excellent (CFS), and the attitude was good. I got digits from her, and plan on hitting her up again soon.

Larry, I thought Pigtown yesterday had an excellent selection. Unfortunately Ashley is now locked up.

Terra Sancta
05-03-08, 22:52
Picked up Crystal yesterday, by the church on WW and something-wood street. Tallish, dressed in Pink jum suite. Bad teeth, 6/10 on SW scale. Negotiated $30 and went to Dorian's.

Pussy was little dry and stinky; ankles had track marks, all over. Did a quickie, without even touching her, full rubber seperation between us, then used the entire GermX bottle. Will not repeat.

I picked up a real gem named Amber near Carey St. on Ramsay last night. A full 8/10 on a real world scale (14/10 on the SW scale) with nice D cups which do not sag whatsoever. The service was excellent (CFS), and the attitude was good. I got digits from her, and plan on hitting her up again soon.Amber is an old timer, I met her first time about 8 months ago; I am surprized you have just met her. I hope we are talking about the same Amber, real nice when dressed up and wearing makeup. She has real bad attitude when on drugs. Her voice lingerates bad when high. Her pussy lips are heavy around her clit ... are we talking about same one?

Larry, I thought Pigtown yesterday had an excellent selection. Unfortunately Ashley is now locked up.I dated her about 10 days ago, when did she get locked up? she told me she was back to make $200 then go to her regular job!!! I would rate her 7/10 on civilian scale, body 8/10 on civ. scale ... how would you rate her? lets calibrate.

05-04-08, 10:50
Amber is an old timer, I met her first time about 8 months ago; I am surprized you have just met her. I hope we are talking about the same Amber, real nice when dressed up and wearing makeup. She has real bad attitude when on drugs. Her voice lingerates bad when high. Her pussy lips are heavy around her clit ... are we talking about same one? Curly brown hair. She had a great attitude the other day. She was dressed real nice, just got out of the shower, and didn't seem high. She looks like she might have recently gotten out of the clink, because her natural ta-ta's were definitely fillered out.

Maybe I just missed her before, but then again I've only been back out picking up for a few months after a long hiatus.

I dated her about 10 days ago, when did she get locked up? she told me she was back to make $200 then go to her regular job!!! I would rate her 7/10 on civilian scale, body 8/10 on civ. scale ... how would you rate her? lets calibrate.If we're talking about the same one, lives in the house with the real estate sign on the stair railing, she's fat ugly Mary's sister (imagine that), I'd rate her about the same (8/10 on the Mobtown SW scale, 6.5 on the Glen Burnie scale). I think her bedroom skills in the FS dept. need a lot of work.

I was told by a couple of Pigtowners while I was out footmongering that she was in jail.

Could a few of you guys please pick up Dawn on Wilkens by Payson. I pains me to see her out there for hours on end. The BJ service is real good, but I wouldn't go for the FS (she has an odor). I don't want to have to feel guilty and pick her up, just to pick her up.

I notice the registered sex offender Paul Diven who lives at 2012 Wilkens is now with the frail looking SW with the very short black hair. Be careful, Paul was having unprotected sex with a SW he knew was HIV+ (Kim Knight, Missy's sister, also HIV+). Maybe that is Kim, and she has changed her look. She just got out on bail a couple weeks ago.

Will they please get the Dunkin Donuts reopened?!!! The LE presence is killing us.

What's with all the preggo SW's on Wilkens? Defective condoms? Is pregnant the new CCL? Down Robux! Heel!

Terra Sancta
05-04-08, 12:32
Curly brown hair. She had a great attitude the other day. She was dressed real nice, just got out of the shower, and didn't seem high. She looks like she might have recently gotten out of the clink, because her natural ta-ta's were definitely fillered out.

Maybe I just missed her before, but then again I've only been back out picking up for a few months after a long hiatus. Yes, we are talking about the same Amber, often wears a hat. You cannot miss her abundance of pussy lips above the clitoris -- This chick needs to be circumcised.

I agree, she is great FS, but asks for tips, for rides, then changes her mind about where she wants to go. The big WARNING: dont pick her up if she seems to be high, she is a totally different person, gets nasty. She can also get careless about where to park.

I think she is relativly new to the trade, because she still got the good ta-ta's and fine skin on the face; often wears a wool hat.

I posted something about her history in NY and introduction to drugs by an Israeli drug pin (used to distribute extacy in Rave clubs in NYC).

05-04-08, 15:13
I saw Amber a few months ago and she looked so good I thought she was LE so I passed on her. Then I asked about her on here and found out she was for real...I hope I can meet up with her before the streets do a number on her.

Larry 56
05-04-08, 16:33
Larry, I thought Pigtown yesterday had an excellent selection. Unfortunately Ashley is now locked up.

Too bad about that! She is in my personal top five of all time. The men in her life haven't helped but she is good people.


Member #4338
05-04-08, 19:47
I forgot to mention, on Monday I went to cbc after ww and was about to pickup this really cute black chic. I was circling back around to get her and while I was at the light so one pulled into to lot next to the 7-11. She went and got in the car I passed by about 30 minutes later and 2 cop cars had him surrounded. The guy was in the passager seat like he was getting stuff from the glove box, I couldn't tell were the girl was. I'm thinking that was a sting. Even if the guy didn't know better to park in the same lot cops park in the girl would have. She did look too good to be true, tight spinner filling out her shirt and jeans just right. Her hair was staight, shoulder lenght and light colored.

I saw this girl on Sunday morning along with two of her "minders" by the 7-11. The guys were in plain cloths riding bicycles. She is definitely a hot item...just make sure you don't get burned by trying to pick her up.

Terra Sancta
05-04-08, 21:43
Picked up EZ on Ramsay this afternoon. I has FS in mind but she did not impress me once she was in the car. I asked if she got a place, it turned out to be very close to Ramsay, on that one-way street. Her place was clean, no furniture. She said she pays $700 in rent. I asked her to strip so I can come faster, she did, no tits. I actually wanted to check her out for possible FS, but again, I went for the CBJ.

I CBJ I got was exceptional. She was using the hand more than the mouth at the end, but I also wanted to finish because it lasted too long. She did not stop when I came, and contnued for another 20 strokes or so, which was appreciated.

She said she needed the $20 to do a BBQ with her father who lives across the street.


This section was added the next day:

Kudos Easy, the effects of a superp BJ were felt the next day. Buns were sore and dick felt cool wet all day. This girl did not slow down for 15 continous minutes, keeping the rhythem. Frankly I did not think I was going to cum, because I have had 2 cookies the 2 days before, but with er persistence, I knew Mr. Happy was in for a real treat.

05-05-08, 13:35
Woke up Sunday morning in the mood to release some frustration so I decided to go out on a stroll. Hit the spots on the loop and carey and ramsey etc. Made a decision that I would make one more trip through if nothing was out then I would hit the other side of town. On the way back up wilkins spotted someone that at first I thought she was a civi, because the way she was dressed but came back to make sure and was glad I did. Peggy had just came home from a 58 day stay at b-more's exclusive home for SW's "the bookings"(central booking for those who don't know) She looked real good in a black dress carried herself real well that's why I thought she was a civi. She got in had a very nice attitude and is very pleasant. We talked for a minute about different things and headed around to a house on bentalou. I had been there before with strawberry so I knew the place was cool as matter of fact strawberry was there. Went into the upstairs room. Negotiations was then started and agreeded to 2 jacks for fs. Peggy is into taking her time I noticed as nothing was rushed she is into lite kissing and hugging this was kind of like a gfe to me. She has very good oral skills with a little dt very good suction and rhytmn. Like I said nothing was rushed and after a very good licking from her she just bent over and told she likes it from behind I was like Yes! Just the way I like it. Went at from behind for who knows how long she really got into it and came twice as I got close she would slow me down. This continued on until I could'nt hold out anymore and did my "porn star pop" on her back and ass and even got a little extra head after. She has no phone could'nt get any digits but believe me she is definitely on my repeat list.

Trav Pokerman
05-05-08, 22:44
On the way back up wilkins spotted someone that at first I thought she was a civi, because the way she was dressed but came back to make sure and was glad I did. Peggy had just came home from a 58 day stay at b-more's exclusive home for SW's "the bookings"(central booking for those who don't know)Is Peggy in her 40s? I was with a girl named Peggy recently, and really enjoyed our time together. As she rode me on my driver's seat, my car was rocking, and I thought it may even roll down the hill. One of the best street dates ever. I was unable to locate her in the following weeks, though.

05-06-08, 07:17
Is Peggy in her 40s? I was with a girl named Peggy recently, and really enjoyed our time together. As she rode me on my driver's seat, my car was rocking, and I thought it may even roll down the hill. One of the best street dates ever. I was unable to locate her in the following weeks, though.If she has black and a nice firm ass then that is the one!

05-07-08, 11:07
Picked up Gina off Falls yesterday. She was wearing shorts and was fresh from the shower with her dirty blonde hair pulled back. I have been hooking up with her for maybe two years and she has gone from a slightly chunky girl who gave great head to a relatively thin girl who gives great head! Nice valencia orange sized tits with no wrinkles or sag, great smooth skin, nice firm ass and a tight shaved pussy make her the cream of the Hamden crop at the moment. Gina has a warm, sunny personality and is holding up pretty well despite what must be a big league habit based on how often I see her working. Yesterday paid a jack and a hook for bbbjtcimws - I have done FS with her in the past, she has a great pussy although she is a no anal no asian girl.

Hugh Jardon
05-07-08, 13:11
Skank city out all morning. Late morning, found "Laura" at 5th and Patapsco, dressed in full blown 'ho wear. I like that in a 'ho sometimes.
She's small ~5', 100 lbs, brown hair, small titties, 26 years old, lots of ink. Took her to an outdoor location which she recognized since she showed it to me ~3 years ago. I had forgotten till she reminded me.
Had her on her knees in front of me for a good BBBJTC. She wanted $30, told her $20 was it. Lots of rules, no DT, gave her a good spank to shut her up.
Nice looking girl, semi-intelligent, performance sucked.

05-07-08, 16:22
Found two SW's last week worth reporting on, and I have the digits for seniors if interested.

Linda, a larger WSW. Picked up on Wash., but she lives off of Ritchie Hwy. 5'6" or so, shoulder length brown hair, and all natural below and above. Overall a nice lady supplementing her WalMart check. Good kisser, good BBBJWS. She gave me working digits and I met her next at her house, wich looks crappy on the outside but is quite nice inside. This time, FS w/ A, (she says I was her first, and neither of us enjoyed it so finished with BBBJ. Will probably repeat. She is a little large, and has some belly skin flaps like from pregnancies or extreme weight loss.

Zoe, a cute little brown haired spinner scooped up on Patapsco near Fairhaven. Did the BBBJWS in car, she has nice little tits, and seemed fairly normal. Got the digits but haven't tried them yet.

Happy mongering


05-08-08, 02:16
picked up a girl named Wanda the other day on Fairhaven. This girl is a 41 wsw with so so looks but actually not a bad body for someone her age. Smooth skin on her ass and legs.

Gives amazing head. Nice personality as well.

C L Hunter
05-08-08, 07:21
I was just wondering why none of you take pictures of the girls you pick up? One of my favorite things about this site is seeing the goods from the stories told on here.

Terra Sancta
05-08-08, 18:42
I was just wondering why none of you take pictures of the girls you pick up? One of my favorite things about this site is seeing the goods from the stories told on here.Can you start the trend?

C L Hunter
05-09-08, 09:38
Can you start the trend?I already did. The only SW I picked up in Baltimore I was too nervous to take pictures since I had no idea where a safe place was. I've even asked for some notel info here which nobody would enlighten me on. So I've only taken pics of girls in Hagerstown & CL girls.













05-09-08, 14:33
I have been meaning to re-post these for awhile, so here you go Vadar. Now go take some of your own!(OK, now I see you have posted a bunch, so I take it back!)

This is Pam, formerly of Hampden. She called me a few weeks back to tell me she was working Wilkins now, so maybe some of you will see her on the Clix loop. She was a go to for me Jan - March of this year before things went south with her roommate and landlord causing her to relocate from the Hampden area. As you can see by the pics, she was not bad looking for a Baltimore SW. What you can't see is that she really gave a great, all out effort especially once I became a regular. She was up for anything, gave great head, loved to lick the balls and introduced me to the pleasures of asian (rim jobs). Had several hour long sessions with her where I would use all three inputs and cum multiple times. Never paid more than $80 with tip. Anyway, Pam was great while she was around.

Terra Sancta
05-09-08, 20:00
This is Pam, formerly of Hampden. She called me a few weeks back to tell me she was working Wilkins now, so maybe some of you will see her on the Clix loop. She was a go to for me Jan. March of this year before things went south with her roommate and landlord causing her to relocate from the Hampden area. As you can see by the pics, she was not bad looking for a Baltimore SW. What you can't see is that she really gave a great, all out effort especially once I became a regular. She was up for anything, gave great head, loved to lick the balls and introduced me to the pleasures of asian (rim jobs). Had several hour long sessions with her where I would use all three inputs and cum multiple times. Never paid more than $80 with tip. Anyway, Pam was great while she was around. If I am not mistaken, this is the one who have been on Wilkens as described in one of my recent trips. Wears shorts or short skirt, good figure, late 30s or early 40s. There were not takers, so I stayed away too.

05-09-08, 20:44
Yep, I saw her today on Wilkens & Payson, but didn't pick her up. I pulled around the corner onto Wilkens, parked, and fell asleep for a couple of hours. I also saw her last weekend too. I wanted to pick her up, but 2 colorful males and a female in a car were harassing her, trying to get her to go with them.

05-09-08, 23:02
Which is my only mongering area. I found out from drinking at Sid's Bar that a couple of bars in the area have been robbed at gunpoint in the past month in that area. They're typical robberies: casually done; cash only, maybe a cell phone; nobody harmed. However, they're still robberies, and they're hitting the primary cash-generating street businesses, so this is why cops have been extra-vigilant.

05-09-08, 23:07
Ran pass WW at 5am in the morning and saw absolutely nothing until I came up upon this 24y/o cute brunette in a gray hoody about 5'4'' 120lbs. She calls herself Baltimorican because she grew up in Baltimore her whole life and is of Puerto Rican descent. I've read the previous reports of her being the cash and dash or falling asleep type. She was friendly with a nice sense of humor and didn't complain about me finishing early so I guess YMMV with this one....On the ride back, she told she used to be stripper and gave me her digits. Oh yeah. Also, she has her "spot" but it's in an alley way with pretty much no where to go if LE happens to pull up behind you so plan accordingly.Yeah, she lost that place. It's right off Ramsey, right? Yeah, that place got boarded up. Use a notel with her; she IS worth the trouble. Girl needs to fix up and get a phone!

05-10-08, 06:34
Went out around six and ran into Lisa up on wilkins. This is the same Lisa that I previously reported on as being Alicia's aunt. Rode past her twice playing games like I was'nt going to pick her up. Asked about Alicia she told me she had'nt seen her. Asked about her sister she said she was back in West Virginia at court. Went down wilkins to her new digs across from a couple of those wannabe car dealers. I knew I could'nt get a freebie this time so I gave up the usual tuition for fs. We went upstairs and she says "she has to do her thing" I hate when these girls have to do their sh** before the fun and games. So she smokes her butter and gave me some info on the girl who got shot at brunswick. She told me that the person who did the shooting asked for the cigarette and that she said no and some more words were exchanged and then the girl says the "N" word to the shooter and that's when it happened. After that little chat we got down to business. Lisa's oral is pretty decent but compared to her sister it's could be a little better. I normally don't daty with SW's but with her I have a few times because she always takes care of herself. We were up in the room at least an hour or more as we both did the oral thing and then I proceded to hit it mish and the usual doggie as she came at least two times while I hit it from the back pulled out and did the porn star pop on her tits. Lisa told me she just moved to brooklyn and comes over to wilkins makes her money gets her "stuff" and leaves she is looking for regulars and gave me her digits for like the 100th time but I did'nt save them in my phone this time but next time I see her will get and definitely pass them on to fellow members.

Heavy D
05-10-08, 12:11
Made a pass around C/B, Clix looop and Conkling around 1pm yesterday and saw no one out. Then made a pass around 5pm and saw 4 on Conkling and Baltimore over the next couple passes. One was nice but I was heading the wrong direction and gone of a pass a few minutes later. Le was light both time.

At around 7 to 8 I hit C/B and saw 3 or 4 out then up past the SA towards the Hess station I saw one. Not bad, but was gone after the turn around.

At Washington and Bayard there was this real fine looking girl. But she was to good to believe and there was 2 marked LE up on the corner and a guy setting at the other corner. I stayed way from her but man was she nice. I had a felling it was her boy friend on the corner as he was sitting around back packs and luggage. but the 2 LE just made me stay away. There where a couple up on Wilkens and a couple on Carey.

I ended up picking up Mary for the first time. Didn't know her until I picked her up. I wanted to get a notel but she said she had a room for 10. We go over to the room and give 10 to her mother of all people. Once in the room it was a dump. We talked prices and with pictures. So I gave her the money for pictures first and would give her the rest after the other. But that wasn't going to happen. So anyway I take a few pictures and then she starts rushing me to get on with it. So after the pictures I walked out and said fuck this place. She wanted me to do her in a bathroom. You have to be kidding me. So I got a few pics and that's all but I kept my money. After being burnt a few times. I'm not giving out no money till afterwards, if they don't like it to bad. It sure felt good to walk out on some one with my money still in my pocket.
I would never pic her up as she started all the rushing bullshit and her place was nasty. I would stay away.

Oh last night LE was everywhere between 7 and 8. I saw at least 6 cars on the corner of Wilkens and Addison, Then the 2 on Washington. One was on CArey just setting on a off street. And another 5 or 6 on Carey and Pratt

Here's a few pictures,

Love Master
05-10-08, 15:58
I was out on the hunt yesterday, cruising the normal spots Wilkens, Ramsey S. Carey and Washington. Saw a couple of skanky WSW around 4 to 5 pm. On what would have been my last time around I spotted this cute HSW on the corner of S. Carey and Ramsey, she was talking to a driver in a tow truck, so I thought she was going to be picked up. I drove by her a second time and she gave me the wave, turn the corner and she get's in.

I start driving away, and we do the whole touch and fell are you a cop thing. We decide to go to notel. On the way there she keeps talking and talking. Basically tells me her whole life story in the 10 minutes it takes to get to the notel.

We go in the room and she askes me what I would like, so I say FS. And she says OK for. 4. She starts undressing and she is wearing these black see-through spanky panties. Once I see those I turn rock hard. We get on the bed and she starts with a very nice BBBJ for about 10 minutes, and the proceeded to CFS in mish postion. Flipped her over and finished in doggie.

I drove her back to Ramsey street and drop her off, got her digits, didn't try them yet. Any members who wants them let me know.

Here is the 411 on Diamond. Her real name is Casandra, she is 5' 4" 135 lbs 20 y. O. 1/2 black 1/2 white. She has a 6 y. O. Daughther. She doesn't have a man in her life right now. She loves to f**k. Has hairy pussy, and nice B cup titties. Has a nice round soft ass. The only bad side about her is that she does lie about her drug addiction. She is a IV drug user, so wrap it before you tap it.

Face 7 Body 7 Personality 8 BJ 7 FS 7 Overall 7

I would not repeat just because she is an IV drug. YMMV

Love Master
05-10-08, 16:03
Does anybody know of some good hunting grounds in the Baltimore area? I already checked out Wilkens, Washington, S. Carey and Ramsey.

Terra Sancta
05-10-08, 21:54
Around 7 PM on Wilkens and Pulaski I saw this way too good looking white chick with her BF, decided to make a second pass because she was too good looking to pass. She was in my car in no time, an 8.5/10 on a civilian scale.

Her name was Nikkie, early 30s, 5'7", 130 lb, real good looking, beautiful teeth and smile, nice makeup, dressed well, carrying a shopping bag and a flower.

We went to D's, where another monger was really banging the shit out of some *****. We used the inside room.

Her attitude was great, but she has nasty bruises from injecting heroin on her thighs. She would not even drop her pants all the way (because of the bruises), and asked to do doggie style, which was fine with me. Her upper body looked great, small ta-tas, but nice.

She said she lives in Brooklyn and has not been dating since last Valentine's day. She is currently in a heroin treatment program. Nice pretty intelligent girl. She game me digits and an address.

I found two references to her, the 1st is from today, and the other, appears to be her, from 2006. Current feedback about her is appreciated.

At Washington and Bayard there was this real fine looking girl. But she was to good to believe and there was 2 marked LE up on the corner and a guy setting at the other corner. I stayed way from her but man was she nice. I had a felling it was her boy friend on the corner as he was sitting around back packs and luggage. but the 2 LE just made me stay away.
My former cutie, Nikki, looks like death now, after ~6 months on the dope. A damn shame, but what are you going to do?

05-10-08, 23:40
I notice the registered sex offender Paul Diven who lives at 2012 Wilkens is now with the frail looking SW with the very short black hair. Be careful, Paul was having unprotected sex with a SW he knew was HIV+ (Kim Knight, Missy's sister, also HIV+). Maybe that is Kim, and she has changed her look. She just got out on bail a couple weeks ago.I think that is Kim, I was with Strawberry last weekend and we saw her and she said she was "real sick, full blown AIDS" I think she said her name was Kim but I'm not 100% sure. She was trying to get me to pick her up, but looked like a guy at a quick glance.

05-11-08, 05:17
I was driving around late tonight. Nothing but mongers at ww. Went to cbc, pickings were slim there too. Ended up picking up Amy. 30 something, long brown hair, looked about 4 months prego, I didn't ask. Went for the bbbjcim. It was ok nothing great. I wore her out and ended up jerking off in her mouth, which I don't mind doing if I know they really tried to finish me off properly.

I took some video but it didn't come out to good. It was dependent on the night vision on my camera so you don't see alot of her face but you can see the action and hear her. The was a 2nd one were she was working hard for her money, but the night vision light wasn't lighting up the scene so I didn't bother toupload it. Sorry for the so so quailty. Hope to have better in the future.


05-11-08, 06:13
After cruising around DC and finding nothing at about 12:30am Sunday morning, I decided to venture up to B'more. Saw mainly WSW's out at Wilkens, and finally decided to pink up Shelly; WSW, thick thighs, wouldn't be too bad lookin if she got off the pipe. We did the standard 1/2 n 1/2 for 0.3, although the bj was weak. Would probably repeat in a desparate situation.


C L Hunter
05-11-08, 09:30
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

I have been meaning to re-post these for awhile, so here you go Vadar. Now go take some of your own!(OK, now I see you have posted a bunch, so I take it back!)

This is Pam, formerly of Hampden. She called me a few weeks back to tell me she was working Wilkins now, so maybe some of you will see her on the Clix loop. She was a go to for me Jan - March of this year before things went south with her roommate and landlord causing her to relocate from the Hampden area. As you can see by the pics, she was not bad looking for a Baltimore SW. What you can't see is that she really gave a great, all out effort especially once I became a regular. She was up for anything, gave great head, loved to lick the balls and introduced me to the pleasures of asian (rim jobs). Had several hour long sessions with her where I would use all three inputs and cum multiple times. Never paid more than $80 with tip. Anyway, Pam was great while she was around.

05-11-08, 13:24
I think that is Kim, I was with Strawberry last weekend and we saw her and she said she was "real sick, full blown AIDS" I think she said her name was Kim but I'm not 100% sure. She was trying to get me to pick her up, but looked like a guy at a quick glance.

Last I heard, Missy had full blown AIDS too. She may have died since. They got it from their mom who shared needles with them. Mom killed herself later.

I've had 6 dates in the last 2 days:1 FS, 5 bbbj, but have yet to get a nut from any of these SW's (Dawn, Victoria, The skank with the big tits by the U-Haul, Robin, and Ashley from Ostend- avoid, unless you like geeky paranoid SW's, who blew me in her bathroom. I think it's the pills I'm on.

At Washington and Bayard there was this real fine looking girl. But she was to good to believe and there was 2 marked LE up on the corner and a guy setting at the other corner. I stayed way from her but man was she nice. I had a felling it was her boy friend on the corner as he was sitting around back packs and luggage. but the 2 LE just made me stay away. There where a couple up on Wilkens and a couple on Carey.
There are marked LE cars parked there a lot of times, but they're empty, and the LEO's are usually hanging out in the bar/restaurant (Carroll Station?). There is a state trooper car near there a lot too, but I think it's because he lives there.

05-11-08, 15:18
Seen Tara yestreday on scarry st. she is now a prago. due at end of July.

Stil great head with tea bagging.

Jack Luskin
05-11-08, 17:26
Your favorite Angela Nieman is Hiv positive too. She got it from her boyfriend Mike. Mike used to be blond chunky Shannons boyfriend and she has it.

Rev. Roberts

05-12-08, 18:33
Your favorite Angela Nieman is Hiv positive too. She got it from her boyfriend Mike. Mike used to be blond chunky Shannons boyfriend and she has it.

Rev. Roberts

Balt'more has the highest aids rate of any city in the US. I don't give a fuck what people do but a monger should at least know what he's getting into.

Terra Sancta
05-13-08, 01:51
Balt'more has the highest aids rate of any city in the US. I don't give a fuck what people do but a monger should at least know what he's getting into.Fact is 75% of Baltimore SWs are HIV+. Most SWs I have been with do not carry condoms. Most mongers on this board still do BBBJ. There are SWs spreading HIV, and there are mongers spreading it too.

Back in the 70's I dated bartenders, waitresses and a couple of Go Go dancers, now you asked any SW, she will tell you she's been a waitress, bartender, or a dancer, on and off, so YES, we took risks then, but the risks now is of different magnitude.

Mongering basics have to change. I have always talked about the $50 ***** who is not a skank; but I think the bad economy pinched the pockets of mongers too.

Night Lurker
05-13-08, 02:34
Chapter 1

I went out hunting on the WW loop after the rain cleared up a little bit at about 11 pm. Immediately as I got there, I saw one SW on Cath. St but decided to pass it up because it's no fun picking up the first and I like more of the idea of "treasure hunting. " I proceeded on the loop and saw one decent brunette but some monger had already beat me to it when I came back around.

Chapter 2

After that, the strip went pretty dead for almost half an hour and I was about to call it a night. As I was leaving, who do I see? Erica aka Easy standing on r**say st. Talking to some dudes but as I was passing her we eyed each other down so I went up a couple blocks to do a U-ey. I picked her up and we began the usual small talk as I headed down on ***ey to make a left on W to go to some spot I had in mind. The last spot, her "spot" which I had mentioned in my previous report was kind of sketchy, a one way street with one exit. So anyways, off I go on W and I am being tailed by a brown van with only one headlight on. Erica doesn't notice it but I note this in the back of my head in case something were to arise. What I had planned? I don't know.

Chapter 3

I read different things on this forum pertaining to the SW murdered for a cigarette so in our little small talk, I asked her about the recent shootings and she clarified that the SW "had a G (1K) on her" and the media covered up the incident with the cigarette story. Why? Possibly the media wanting to make a story more of story I don't know. Still not a good reason to kill but this is what she said. All of a sudden in the midst of our conversation, there was an intervention on W. My ears jumped as I heard the initial sirens blaring through my eardrum. With my undivided attention, I saw Erica through the side of my eyes almost jumping half way out her seat as I glanced at the rearview mirror. A van with sirens starting to pull over. No. It was sirens flashing through the van to make it appear like it had sirens. Phew. In that split second, my heart felt like it just nutted. And to my right, Erica holding onto her chest, breathing heavy, and seemingly so, she looked as if she was geeking.

Chapter 4

To calm our nerves a bit, we leave the area and come back several minutes later to look for a place. Every street, intersection, alley way just looked sketchy to me at that point and I should have followed my gut instinct which was to go home. It was just too "hot" tonight I thought but my other half insisted me to keep going by saying "You made it this far. " How I hate that other half.

Eventually, I found a little alley/street with row homes and cars parked to the left and right. I parked behind a car, turned off the ignition. I asked her for half/half for. 40. As she was giving be a CBJ, I played with her clit and her smooth curvy ass (her best asset). Then laid her down on the passenger seat while I thrusted her mish and then flipped her over for some doggie. Only 15 minutes into it total, I must have been really H. I kept wanting to shoot so I pulled back couple times to play with her clit and then something just told me to just "fuck it and just shoot. " So I just shot.

Chapter 5

Shortlived it was. Around the corner at the last second, I saw beams of an head light getting larger and brighter and with only few seconds to act, I duck to only see a cop slowly creeping into the alley I was in. At this point, I was assure that my duck wasn't low enough as Erica had her knees on the passenger seat with her face pummeled on the head rest with me straddling on top of her. There was no way I could have gotten low enough with me on top of her. The cop moved about 30 feet ahead of us and stopped for a couple seconds to only slowly fade away. We quickly dressed in a matter of seconds to GTFO there. I pulled away from the alley to get back to W &? Intersection to drop her off. And no BS, another cop at the intersection in which I said "cop! " only to see Erica immediately crawl up into a ball on the floor rest giggling which was kind of cute btw (the seat was already pulled way back).

I dropped her off and quickly removed myself from the scene. I am lucky tonight and the scares tonight made myself want to document this not only to provide amusement and intel to you guys but also to serve as a doctrine for myself to reflect and pinpoint my own mistakes. For one, it's a mistake to park somewhere without proper cover. Others, I'll learn later and for now, maybe you guys could help me pinpoint other mistakes I haven't caught yet. Well it's kind of late now. Take care all and be safe out there on the streets. Ciao.

Night Lurker
05-13-08, 02:40
Drew a picture of the scenario.

Terra Sancta
05-13-08, 04:22
OK, she is back, with all her charm and beauty. I guess she left that guy Dave -- must have been really in love. Here are her pix, in the attached post:


Around 7 PM on Wilkens and Pulaski I saw this way too good looking white chick with her BF, decided to make a second pass because she was too good looking to pass. She was in my car in no time, an 8.5/10 on a civilian scale.

Her name was Nikkie, early 30s, 5'7", 130 lb, real good looking, beautiful teeth and smile, nice makeup, dressed well, carrying a shopping bag and a flower.

We went to D's, where another monger was really banging the shit out of some *****. We used the inside room.

Her attitude was great, but she has nasty bruises from injecting heroin on her thighs. She would not even drop her pants all the way (because of the bruises), and asked to do doggie style, which was fine with me. Her upper body looked great, small ta-tas, but nice.

She said she lives in Brooklyn and has not been dating since last Valentine's day. She is currently in a heroin treatment program. Nice pretty intelligent girl. She game me digits and an address.

I found two references to her, the 1st is from today, and the other, appears to be her, from 2006. Current feedback about her is appreciated.

05-13-08, 10:47
Wow, pretty depressing stuff about the HIV - my two cents is saftey first, always assume the girl you are with is positive and wrap it carefully.

Anyway, found myself on the east side of town on Saturday afternoon and decided to pass through PP and out Baltimore to the Conkling - Pulaski - Haven loop. There were some ho's out, passed on a couple of CCL and stone faced pug uglies before I saw Linda walking up Conkling. Blonde with a lot of gray mid to late 40's with a wrinkly but not unpleasant face, Linda was wearing a short jean mini-skirt and a sleeveless top that showed off a big pair of tits. Her legs looked pretty damn good in the skirt, definatley not skinny or marked up. We made eye contact and in she went.

Close up she looked pretty clean and had some meat on her so I don't know what kind of habit she has, but whatever it is it hasn't destroyed her yet. Maybe she is just hitting the pipe or smoking H. Anyway, Linda was a better than average date, I was kicking myself for not bringing a camera (next time Darth!)

We ended up hitting the Deluxe for a $40 3 hour room and I negotiated a no holes barred session with two pops for 5 Jacksons. I know, a little pricey but I got my moneys worth! She delivered a very good, unhurried BJ, plenty of ball and ass licking and she was a fun fuck, thick in the right places and not marked up by needles and sores. We took a 10 minute break and then went back to BJ and then anal. She was nice and tight but experienced enough that she handled it and seemed to enjoy - I know I did! After coming a second time I was done and we cleaned up and left the hotel about an hour after checking in.

She was a little long in the tooth, definitely not a sweet young thing, but an accommodating and enthusiastic fuck on a Saturday afternoon in Charm City.

Hugh Jardon
05-13-08, 15:44
Nothing of any quality out at all during the morning.
Picked up Maressa(sp?), 30 yo, small, slim, acne scars, goofy reddish hair cut short. Pleasant enough, seemed semi-smart.
Went to an outdoor location where she wanted $30 for BBBJ. Where are these SWers getting the idea that they're going to get $30? Told her it's $20. She decided to go for it and got to work. So-so skills, didn't take instruction, bitched about doing it for $20 the whole time. Finished and I took her back. No tip. Would not repeat.

05-13-08, 15:58
Fact is 75% of Baltimore SWs are HIV+. Most SWs I have been with do not carry condoms.

Would you stop talking out of your ass? The most conservative estimate for the HIV rate among Baltimore prostitutes was 30% in an article posted a few months back in The Sun. That is the most conservative estimate. A couple of years ago, there was an article in the local section of the paper about a needle exchange program. When they performed HIV test on the willing participants, the HIV rate among those who participated was like 5%. The HIV rate on the strolls is probably between 15-20%.

05-13-08, 16:56
Fact is 75% of Baltimore SWs are HIV+. Most SWs I have been with do not carry condoms. Most mongers on this board still do BBBJ. There are SWs spreading HIV, and there are mongers spreading it too.

Back in the 70's I dated bartenders, waitresses and a couple of Go Go dancers, now you asked any SW, she will tell you she's been a waitress, bartender, or a dancer, on and off, so YES, we took risks then, but the risks now is of different magnitude.

Mongering basics have to change. I have always talked about the $50 ***** who is not a skank; but I think the bad economy pinched the pockets of mongers too.

75%? whoa. That means I've definitely done one with AIDs. Glad I used a raincoat.

05-13-08, 17:29
Sure there is a needle exchange program, but recently Hampden had theirs dropped due to lack of participation.

Whatever the percentage is: 5%, 15%, 75%; you and I have to pay for them when they get sick, and it costs a hell of a lot more than the price to give them needles, cookers, water, cotton, alcohol wipes, and condoms. All these items come on the needle exchange van on Monroe St. by Wilkens Ave. 2 times a week.

Most of the SW's I've been with DO carry condoms. Maybe you were acting like a dick towards them, and they wanted to give you a special gift in return.

BBBJ is almost impossible to transmit HIV female to male. The virus has to infect T cells, and they do not exist near the surface of your skin. Your dick would have to be severely cut open for that to happen. The CDC has followed up on numerous cases of straight men claiming to get HIV from a BBBJ, but in virtually every case, it turned out the guy was using IV drugs, or was getting it in the rump from another man, but lying about it.

Drew a picture of the scenario.
That's just too fucking hilarious!

You were about 2 blocks from at least 3 different houses you could've used ($10 each) right where you picked her up at.

05-13-08, 18:37
Whatever the percentage is: 5%, 15%, 75%; you and I have to pay for them when they get sick, and it costs a hell of a lot more than the price to give them needles, cookers, water, cotton, alcohol wipes, and condoms. All these items come on the needle exchange van on Monroe St. by Wilkens Ave. 2 times a week.

Yeah that is the service I was referring to. The Sun did a story on this not too long ago, and the people who run the needle exchange van performed HIV tests on those who used their services and found the HIV rate to be around 5%. This was after rounding up tons of needle users for purposes of the article. Of course this is an underestimate, but it means the HIV rate is probably around 15%. Nowhere near 75%. Those are African prostitute-like numbers.

With that written, Baltimonger is right, which is usually the scenario. Safe hunting everyone.

Terra Sancta
05-13-08, 20:22
Yeah that is the service I was referring to. The Sun did a story on this not too long ago, and the people who run the needle exchange van performed HIV tests on those who used their services and found the HIV rate to be around 5%. This was after rounding up tons of needle users for purposes of the article. Of course this is an underestimate, but it means the HIV rate is probably around 15%. Nowhere near 75%. Those are African prostitute-like numbers.

With that written, Baltimonger is right, which is usually the scenario. Safe hunting everyone.Here are some numbers I have compiled for percentage of HIV+ infecxted prostitutes:

Baltimore 75% ties with Uganda
Central America 20%
Thailand 26+
Nevada (licensed) 1%
US Avg call girls 1%

Lets not forget that Baltiore has a very high civilian HIV+ rate, and the area we are talking about is a ghetto, add to that the skanky condition of most girls.

Baltimonger is right about HIV attacking T-cells, but all you need is 1 virus in your blood stream to get convinced.

Then you talk about needle exchange program, yeah, all girls tell you they are taking part of the program, then they cannot produce a single needle.

Next time yu are with your favorit SW, ask her to show you the lesion she gets behind her lips from sucking dick, and those lesions bleed.

I am sadened by some mongers trying to lead others into unsage practices. The scenario I think of is someone got it, and trying to give bad advice so others join him. Cover up, be safe, no regrets.

Terra Sancta
05-13-08, 20:47
I dropped her off and quickly removed myself from the scene. I am lucky tonight and the scares tonight made myself want to document this not only to provide amusement and intel to you guys but also to serve as a doctrine for myself to reflect and pinpoint my own mistakes. For one, it's a mistake to park somewhere without proper cover. Others, I'll learn later and for now, maybe you guys could help me pinpoint other mistakes I haven't caught yet. Well it's kind of late now. Take care all and be safe out there on the streets. Ciao.Sounds like you do it for the adrinalin rush .. the thrill of the hunt ... if not, get a $10 room. I prefer not to be interuupted, therefore, I use the following techniques:

1. Park on a one-way street, at the very end of it. This way you only keep your eyes on the back mirror.

2. Park in between 2 vehicles if possible, but not next to a house.

3. Learn to drive while getting a BJ.

4. Tint your windows to the maximum legal limit.

5. Use a Sun Shield, park between 2 cars in a crowded parking lot.

6. Re-connect your brake lights through a switch, so you can turn your headlights off, brake lights off ... when parking in residential areas at night (they will hear your car, then not be able to locate which one when they look out of the windows).

7. Get a VW beetle and remove the passanger seat, you will have plenty of fuck space.

Someone can list 3 more advices.

05-13-08, 21:19
Drew a picture of the scenario.

Best thing in these forums for a great while! I love the fucking stick figures.

05-13-08, 22:47
Others, I'll learn later and for now, maybe you guys could help me pinpoint other mistakes I haven't caught yet. Well it's kind of late now. Take care all and be safe out there on the streets. Ciao.I'm by no means a seasoned pro but I would say, for a car date, get the hell out of dodge and into the county with the girl where there is less LE presences.

Larry 56
05-14-08, 04:26
I'm by no means a seasoned pro but I would say, for a car date, get the hell out of dodge and into the county with the girl where there is less LE presences.

Yes, the city is no place for a car date and even then I wouldn't advise it. Spend the money on a no-tell so that you both can relax.

A car date in the loops is just asking for trouble IMHO. The neighbors don't deserve a front row seat and remember with the summer months kids will be up later in the evening and around all day. Be cheap and you'll be 'invited' to spend an evening at Central Booking.

Going into a house in the neighborhoods is an easy way to get ripped off. If you like that then hit one of the $10 houses. I have been held up in those once in a while over the years. If I go in now, I bring my gun. That is something the BFs understand.


05-14-08, 20:11
Going into a house in the neighborhoods is an easy way to get ripped off. If you like that then hit one of the $10 houses. I have been held up in those once in a while over the years. If I go in now, I bring my gun. That is something the BFs understand.


The 3 houses I mentioned are D's, little cute Shannon's, and the place I went with Amber. There are no BF's there. Look at the bright side, if there's nobody else out, you could hit Shannon's and date her.

05-14-08, 22:39
Here are some numbers I have compiled for percentage of HIV+ infecxted prostitutes:

Baltimore 75% ties with Uganda
Central America 20%
Thailand 26+
Nevada (licensed) 1%
US Avg call girls 1%

Lets not forget that Baltiore has a very high civilian HIV+ rate, and the area we are talking about is a ghetto, add to that the skanky condition of most girls.

Baltimonger is right about HIV attacking T-cells, but all you need is 1 virus in your blood stream to get convinced.

Then you talk about needle exchange program, yeah, all girls tell you they are taking part of the program, then they cannot produce a single needle.

Next time yu are with your favorit SW, ask her to show you the lesion she gets behind her lips from sucking dick, and those lesions bleed.

I am sadened by some mongers trying to lead others into unsage practices. The scenario I think of is someone got it, and trying to give bad advice so others join him. Cover up, be safe, no regrets.

What? I've never engaged in any BBFS practices at all. In fact, I only monger about 20 times a year total. I just hate it when people throw out numbers that have no factual basis. If 75% of Baltimore SWs are HIV+, show me where you got this number. We had an article in the Sun that interviewed health workers who put the number at most at 30%. And that was a very conservative estimate in an article that wanted to SCARE people. If 75% of these women working the streets had HIV, there would be A LOT more media attention. Its just not true.

Terra Sancta
05-14-08, 23:58
What? I've never engaged in any BBFS practices at all. In fact, I only monger about 20 times a year total. I just hate it when people throw out numbers that have no factual basis. If 75% of Baltimore SWs are HIV+, show me where you got this number. We had an article in the Sun that interviewed health workers who put the number at most at 30%. And that was a very conservative estimate in an article that wanted to SCARE people. If 75% of these women working the streets had HIV, there would be A LOT more media attention. Its just not true.The paper was published by Johns Hopkins, titled "Externalizing Behaviors among Children of HIV Seropositive Former and Current Drug Users: Parent Support Network Factors as Social Ecological Risks."

The paper references a study from 1989 (less than 10 years after discovery of AIDS). It states that 75% of Baltimore prostitutes who are intravenous drug users are HIV+.

In the future, you can request reference politely, without being an ass. Apparently, you are the kind of person who will not believe he is HIV+ unless your blood turns green.

It was pouring rain in Seattle few weeks ago when I asked a friend why he was not carrying an umbrella. He said there was only a 10% chance of rain that day. Many of us buy lottery tickets to get a slimmer chance of winning the jackpot ... with your brains, you will win the Wilkens Special.

The agony of HIV is serious -- dont become a statistic. Wear rubber.

Terra Sancta
05-15-08, 01:01
Most of the SW's I've been with DO carry condoms. Maybe you were acting like a dick towards them, and they wanted to give you a special gift in return.Sws get condoms for free from the YANA Center on Pratt St. They go through condoms like popcorn, doing several clients a day. So obviously, a SW who cannot afford a cell phone, or a hamburger, or for that. Her fix for the day. Is not going to buy more condoms first, because she is so concerned abut HIV, above all things.

There are SW who charge more, and clients who pay more for unprotected sex. If a SW asks you to wear a condom, then she views you as a skank.

BBBJ is almost impossible to transmit HIV female to male. The virus has to infect T cells, and they do not exist near the surface of your skin. Your dick would have to be severely cut open for that to happen. T-Cells are present everywhere in blood, even in the vessels nearest to the surface. This is also why people get infected from vaginal sex. SWs do not have the best dental care, so a SW with bleeding gums is infectious.

Take for example snorting cocaine, where the crystals have to settle on the surface of your sinuses, then get absorbed, make it to your blood stream, then to your brain -- in seconds. A virus can also get into your blood stream, unless yur dick is fortified. With all due respect, even posting a million reports on this forum does not make you immune.

If you add up all the diseases and chances a man can get from a BBBJ, the answer is obvious. Promoting BBBJ is wrong.

05-15-08, 09:41
If you add up all the diseases and chances a man can get from a BBBJ, the answer is obvious. Promoting BBBJ is wrong.I agree, however the point remains--female to male transmission of HIV is virtually unheard of (and largely the same holds for male to female, the digestive tract is extremely hostile to the virus). Sure gonorrhea and HPV and herpes and such will happily pass themselves along that way, but HIV doesn't. Important distinction.

Condoms remain the way to travel.

I once met someone who worked for JHU, getting a doctorate in pathology or some such and was working in Sub-Saharan Africa. She'd forgotten more about HIV than most of us will ever know, and will confirm what others have said--the risk from oral sex is minimal, essentially non-existant barring a farfetched set of conditions (guys, don't get BBBJ from bloody gummed hos while you have an open sore or gash on your wankie).

C L Hunter
05-15-08, 10:26
It's not hard to find out information. Just google HIV POSITIVE BALTIMORE


AIDS Cases Reported during 1/1/05-12/31/05

Maryland had the third highest annual AIDS case report rate of any state in 2005 (28.5 cases per 100,000 population) and Baltimore-Towson had the second highest rate of any metropolitan area in 2005 (40.4 cases per 100,000 population). The national rate in 2005 was 14.0 cases per 100,000 population.

Ranking by AIDS case report rate, 2005*
Rank Metropolitan Area Number Rate**

1 Miami, FL 2,435 44.9
2 Baltimore-Towson, MD 1,074 40.4
3 Memphis, TN-MS-AR 420 33.3
4 New York, NY-NJ-PA 6,150 32.8
5 Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA 1,587 32.3
6 Baton Rouge, LA 225 30.7
7 New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner, LA 400 30.3
8 San Juan-Caguas-Guaynabo, PR 746 28.9
9 Orlando, FL 551 28.5
10 Jackson, MS 142 27.2

05-15-08, 12:54
The paper was published by Johns Hopkins, titled "Externalizing Behaviors among Children of HIV Seropositive Former and Current Drug Users: Parent Support Network Factors as Social Ecological Risks."

The paper references a study from 1989 (less than 10 years after discovery of AIDS). It states that 75% of Baltimore prostitutes who are intravenous drug users are HIV+.

In the future, you can request reference politely, without being an ass. Apparently, you are the kind of person who will not believe he is HIV+ unless your blood turns green.

It was pouring rain in Seattle few weeks ago when I asked a friend why he was not carrying an umbrella. He said there was only a 10% chance of rain that day. Many of us buy lottery tickets to get a slimmer chance of winning the jackpot ... with your brains, you will win the Wilkens Special.

The agony of HIV is serious -- dont become a statistic. Wear rubber.

What are you talking about man? You are such an idiot. I'm not trying to claim that the HIV rate is so low that people don't have to wear rubbers. I hardly come out here and I always use a rubber for sex. I'm just calling you out for giving out false information on a board that is for the exchange of accurate information.

Because I'm questioning what this fool is saying, he's running around here making false and idiotic assumptions about my life. Just great.

You are obviously having reading comprehension problems. In fact, the article you cited only said that 75% of reported AIDS cases in Baltimore involved IV drug users. That includes males and females. It said nothing about prostitution, smart guy. If you put the number at about 50% male, 50% female, that would lead you to about 32.5% of the cases being from female IV drug users. Or another way to look at it would be to say that of the females who had HIV during this study, 75% of them were IV drug users. If you think this statement leads to the conclusion that 75% of prostitutes are HIV positive, you need to take a class on statistics and how to interpret them.

05-15-08, 15:32
A cruise in the Hampden area around sundown on Tuesday revealed Lauri, who was walking alone by the bar. She is petite with dirty bonde hair and missing a few choppers, I would rate her a solid 5 on the B'more SW scale. She gets extra points ffor a nice set of titties and for not being CCL. I would guess her age at 40. She was wearing blue jeans and a halter top with a leather jacket; what a difference a couple of days makes to the weather here, it was probably 30 degrees colder that evening.

Anyway, Lauri gave a pretty good CBJ that lasted about 6 or 7 minutes without complaint or pause. One of my pet peeves is when the girl starts sighing and getting frustrated after a couple of minutes, so I give Lauri extra points for patience. She said that she lives in the area and knew April, another local who I had been hooking up with until recently. Didn't ask for digitis because I figured she was average, and you can always get average. One jack for the BJ with a $3 tip for good service.

Also, had the old Murphy's Law for mongers kick in - right after I dropped off Lauri a saw a much younger, maybe 25 year-old SW that I had never seen before with dark curly hair. We made eye contact and I would say there is about a 95% chance she was looking for a date. I looked for the mystery brunette yesterday but to no avail.

Terra Sancta
05-15-08, 18:27
In fact, the article you cited only said that 75% of reported AIDS cases in Baltimore involved IV drug users. That includes males and females. It said nothing about prostitution, smart guy. If you put the number at about 50% male, 50% female, that would lead you to about 32.5% of the cases being from female IV drug users. Or another way to look at it would be to say that of the females who had HIV during this study, 75% of them were IV drug users. If you think this statement leads to the conclusion that 75% of prostitutes are HIV positive, you need to take a class on statistics and how to interpret them.Again: The paper references a study from 1989 (less than 10 years after discovery of AIDS). It states that 75% of Baltimore prostitutes who are intravenous drug users are HIV+.

Now: My assumption that all SW are IV drug users maybe inaccurate, BUT, the study was from 1989 when the number of HIV cases were less, therefore, the percentage now is higher, and IV drug use now is higher, so that brings the %HIV+ higher. I am not a statistician or a doctor, but I can tell you for sure: any SW you date is more likely HIV+ than not.

After the fact, statistics does not mean anything.

05-15-08, 20:10
There's lies, damn lies, and statistics. The paper Amjad Terra Train cited was written before the needle exchange program was founded. HIV infections among IV drug users has steadily declined among this group since. The vast majority of new infections and previously diagnosed cases is among Blacks. They represent more than 3 quarters of all the cases in both categories.

He also obviously has no idea how hard it is to re-use a needle that's already been used to shoot heroin and/or cocaine. You have to mix the blood with the drugs in the syringe. The result: A clot forms in the needle after, or sometimes during the initial use. There are a number of people who sell new needles on the loop. Some of these are diabetics who don't need all the needles they get. They go for $2.

This is a picture of the HIV virus from Wikipedia:

So if you ask a SW to open her mouth, and you see a circle of tulips with 2 green snakes with a red ball inside of a timing chain, RUN!

Terra Sancta
05-15-08, 20:48
So if you ask a SW to open her mouth, and you see a circle of tulips with 2 green snakes with a red ball inside of a timing chain, RUN!The mouth sores are actually another symptom of AIDS. Google: mouth ulcers and AIDS.

He also obviously has no idea how hard it is to re-use a needle that's already been used to shoot heroin and/or cocaine.Yet, needles are shared every day, just refill and shoot instantly.

You insist that HIV is near impossible to spread through BBBJ (which I call unprotected sex), then same argument when we are discussing used needles.

Larry 56
05-15-08, 23:38
There are a number of people who sell new needles on the loop. Some of these are diabetics who don't need all the needles they get. They go for $2.

Our girls will only use them when they can't find anything else. I am diabetic and my regulars would hit me up for needles for them and 'their friends' all of the time.

It is quite hard to use a needle more than once as I have run out more than once in my life and the needle is not set up to be used more than once even if you could find a way to keep it perfectly clean which is impossible, of course. (nice sentence structure, eh???) ;)


Tony Terrific
05-16-08, 16:32
I came into the city for lunch today. Hit Wilkins, Washington, PP and Conklin.
Saw may 5 that I would not touch with stick and a few that looked OK but they disappeared as I turned around. Guess the rain kept them at bay.

05-16-08, 16:44
The mouth sores are actually another symptom of AIDS. Google: mouth ulcers and AIDS.

Yet, needles are shared every day, just refill and shoot instantly.

You insist that HIV is near impossible to spread through BBBJ (which I call unprotected sex), then same argument when we are discussing used needles.

I won't argue the finer points but I've read a gazillion times the transmission rate for AIDs to a man from BBBJ is very low to non-existent.

One thing everyone can agree on is that if you are going to ride bare back, at the very least, understand the high risk you are taking! People still die from that shit and when you're dead you can't monger! (When I die throw a dead hooker in the coffin with me. I'll give it a try.)

05-16-08, 18:57
My recent mongering has been mostly drive by spottings of CBU streetwalkers and preferring to be with my regular girlfriend. But she travels out of town frequently and I can't seem to go more than about 48 hours without companionship. Such was the case for the last 3 days. Early this afternoon I prepared my mongering bag and headed out to the loops.

Didn't spot much of interest on the Clix loop or PP/C areas, but as soon as I got to CB I spotted Terri on one of the side streets near our standard loop. WSW who says she never comes out but sure seemed experienced to me. I had never spotted her before. She is about 5'6"/150 with nice (but short) brunette hair. You can best recognize her by her dark hair which is brushed forward to give that "in her face" look. She is probably about 35.

I coax her to follow me around on corner and then stop just around the next. That maneuver makes me feel that nobody can see her where I first spotted her and the scoop location. She hops in with a big smile and says "I'm Terri, can you give me a ride to Jessup?" I agreed and headed down the street. In about a half mile she says she needs money and wanted to have fun. Negociated .4 for FS in a notel. Once in the room she asked if she could take a shower and suggested that I join her for an extra Jackson, I gave half that. Lots of foreplay in the shower which progressed to the bed. Lots of positions. Service was excellent, made me feel real special. She told me up front that she doesn't speak Greek and that was fine with me. In the end I gave her three Jacks plus about .4 for the room. Yea, I know I overpaid. I don't mind paying for service this good.

After the hotel she actually wanted me to take her to Jessup, just like she asked when she first got in the car. Dropped her at one of the small plazas and she immediately walked around the back where I couldn't see her

No digits, but I recommend her to all mongers who spot her. She is a little heavier than I normally scoop but the body is almost firm. Tits (C) are only slightly droopy and I spotted no needle tracks. Face was probably an 8 on the SW scale (6 on the civilian scale). Skin wasn't clear but I didn't spot any sores or rashes. She had some nasty bruises on her legs.

Regarding the raincoat issue, she didn't have any but told me up front that I needed to provide it.


Ray the Hunter
05-16-08, 22:08
Our girls will only use them when they can't find anything else. I am diabetic and my regulars would hit me up for needles for them and 'their friends' all of the time.

It is quite hard to use a needle more than once as I have run out more than once in my life and the needle is not set up to be used more than once even if you could find a way to keep it perfectly clean which is impossible, of course. (nice sentence structure, eh???) ;)

A hypodermic needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body. The diameter of the needle is indicated by the needle gauge. Various needle lengths are available for any given gauge. Disposable needles are embedded in a plastic or aluminium hub that attaches to the syringe barrel by means of a press-fit (Luer-Slip™) or twist-on (Luer-Lok™) fitting. Needles in common medical use range from 7 gauge (the largest) to 33 (the smallest) on the Stubs scale

Sometimes I would get a few cards of (10) 17 to 21 gage needles and some syringes and give them to some of the SW that I was with the most often. They were not use to this type of needles, one said that it scared the crap out of her Most would use the single use Diabetic needle and syringe.

One drug store would sell the Diabetic needle and syringe 10 for $3.50 now they do not carry them and another carry the needles that are to short for drug use.

05-16-08, 22:36
The mouth sores are actually another symptom of AIDS. Google: mouth ulcers and AIDS.
You completely missed the joke I was making.

Yet, needles are shared every day, just refill and shoot instantly.
Obviously you've never REALLY been around junkies, and definitely never lived with any. You know how long it takes most of them to do a single shot? I've seen them up all night long working on getting a measly 50 bucks worth into them; when you combine collapsed veins, clotting blood, paper-thin 28 gauge needles, and the cut of the dope which many times turns it into an almost putty-like substance in the needle. The real transmitter of viruses from one to another is not the needle, it's the WATER. This especially happens when shooting cocaine by itself. Cocaine, unlike heroin, does not have to be cooked to liquefy it. So it becomes somebody else's dirty water, no heat to sterilize it, and BINGO! transmission is complete. This is why the needle exchange van gives out small bottles of sterile water as well as new cookers. Not to mention a shitload of free condoms.

You insist that HIV is near impossible to spread through BBBJ (which I call unprotected sex), then same argument when we are discussing used needles.Not it isn't. A needle and a BJ are not remotely the same. According to the stats supplied in the HIV Wikipedia article culled from an expert source: The male receiving a BBBJ from an HIV infected partner has an infection rate of 0.5 per 10,000 instances. That would mean on average 20,000 BBBJ's from an HIV positive person to get HIV.

One drug store would sell the Diabetic needle and syringe 10 for $3.50 now they do not carry them and another carry the needles that are to short for drug use.
Try some big box stores like K & Wal Marts. You can get a nice box of100 cc, 28-29 gauge, 1/2 inch long needles (the kind preferred by discriminating jockeys everywhere) priced anywhere from $12 to $25 for a box of 100. The WalMart ones are real nice. Individually wrapped so there's no doubt it's never been used. I tell them they are for my diabetic dog.

05-17-08, 12:10
I bounced from PP/C to B/CB to W/W and back to B/CB from 10 - 11:30 last night and saw one skank.

05-19-08, 00:00
That would mean on average 20,000 BBBJ's from an HIV positive person to get HIV.

20,000 BBBJs? Hell, that's worth dying for!

05-19-08, 03:14
Went down to w/w around 1am. Place was empty. I saw 2 cops on foot and Brunswick checking out a car. When I came by 50 minutes later it was 5 cop cars and the car they were looking at was up on a rollback. I saw a nice pair of jeans walking down the street on Carey and made the pickup. Her name is Shannon (there are at least 2 ni that area I think). She's about 5'6 146lbs (she told me - said her normal weight is 175lbs) 146 looks good on her. She'd been having a rough day, cops haressing her, fell off a two story roof (I didn't inquire how) she was a little scrapped and bruised up from that and walking with a limp.

Went for the bbbj at .2 she talked herself down from .3 LOL so I agreed for .2 Good suction and DT, took directions well, didn't complain, and took a rather large load like a champ. She's a spitter! I'm ok with that as long as they don't pull away while I'm still flowing. I should have gone for fs but didn't. I will next time. Attitude was real good, no complaining, didn't ask for tuition upfront, and very friendly.

No video because it was too dark but the flash was working well. Her face is much prettier straight on then from the profile, but I didn't get a pic. It was so dark the screen on my camera was black so I didn't know what I was getting a pic of. She was cool about it saying to take all I wanted, but with having to use the flash I kept to a only a few.

05-19-08, 12:23
Who says PP is dead? Picked up London off Baltimore street around Montford at 7pm on Saturday. White girl, age 36 with a big rack and shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, she was well spoken and a good find. We made eye contact and after a round of are you a cop we were under way. Here is the really great part, she has an apartment in the area that is furnished and tidy and she lives alone. She gave me a great strip show in her bedroom showing off her surgically enhanced 36 DD's (former dancer, she knew all the moves) then proceeded to a covered BJ and on into FS. We did missionary where she put her legs up next to my head and she was a very good lay with a nice shaved kitty. Paid 3 jacks gladly and got digits. When I repeat I will bring my camera.

The Main Man
05-19-08, 15:19
A cruise in the Hampden area around sundown on Tuesday revealed Lauri, who was walking alone by the bar. She is petite with dirty bonde hair and missing a few choppers, I would rate her a solid 5 on the B'more SW scale. She gets extra points ffor a nice set of titties and for not being CCL. I would guess her age at 40. She was wearing blue jeans and a halter top with a leather jacket; what a difference a couple of days makes to the weather here, it was probably 30 degrees colder that evening.

Anyway, Lauri gave a pretty good CBJ that lasted about 6 or 7 minutes without complaint or pause. One of my pet peeves is when the girl starts sighing and getting frustrated after a couple of minutes, so I give Lauri extra points for patience. She said that she lives in the area and knew April, another local who I had been hooking up with until recently. Didn't ask for digitis because I figured she was average, and you can always get average. One jack for the BJ with a $3 tip for good service.

Also, had the old Murphy's Law for mongers kick in - right after I dropped off Lauri a saw a much younger, maybe 25 year-old SW that I had never seen before with dark curly hair. We made eye contact and I would say there is about a 95% chance she was looking for a date. I looked for the mystery brunette yesterday but to no avail.I picked up Lauri this afternoon by the Falls Rd/83 interchange. Karl's assessment is spot on. She had on jeans and a white t-shirt underneath a jean jacket. The titties looked nice in the t-shirt, so I aksed why the jacket. She said that she is always cold--it was about 70 outside. Most SWs try to make it look like they have a bigger rack, the jacket makes hers look smaller, which isn't too business savvy given that it is her best attribute. I too would give her a 5-6 on the SW scale.

I had a nice BBBJTC for a jack. It wasn't rushed and she left her tits out so I could play while she sucked. I would enjoy trying FS with her. She is a definite repeat, especially given the quality/variety of talent that is usually around Hampden.

I saw someone with curly dark hair, about shoulder length walking down Union toward the Pepsi plant who I think may be Karl's brunette. I swung around for a second pass, but didn't get the look (though there was a mom and kids walking right behind her). I think there is a good possibility she may be an SW though. From what I saw (in the daytime) she was a solid 7 or 8 on the SW scale.

The Main Man

05-19-08, 19:13
Well Cum Fountain, I think someone finally found your London.

Also, had the old Murphy's Law for mongers kick in - right after I dropped off Lauri a saw a much younger, maybe 25 year-old SW that I had never seen before with dark curly hair.
We all need to write congress and get that damned law repealed!

05-19-08, 19:23
Went down to w/w around 1am. Place was empty. I saw 2 cops on foot and Brunswick checking out a car. When I came by 50 minutes later it was 5 cop cars and the car they were looking at was up on a rollback. I saw a nice pair of jeans walking down the street on Carey and made the pickup. Her name is Shannon (there are at least 2 ni that area I think). She's about 5'6 146lbs (she told me - said her normal weight is 175lbs) 146 looks good on her. She'd been having a rough day, cops haressing her, fell off a two story roof (I didn't inquire how) she was a little scrapped and bruised up from that and walking with a limp.

Went for the bbbj at .2 she talked herself down from .3 LOL so I agreed for .2 Good suction and DT, took directions well, didn't complain, and took a rather large load like a champ. She's a spitter! I'm ok with that as long as they don't pull away while I'm still flowing. I should have gone for fs but didn't. I will next time. Attitude was real good, no complaining, didn't ask for tuition upfront, and very friendly.

No video because it was too dark but the flash was working well. Her face is much prettier straight on then from the profile, but I didn't get a pic. It was so dark the screen on my camera was black so I didn't know what I was getting a pic of. She was cool about it saying to take all I wanted, but with having to use the flash I kept to a only a few.

I've been with her a couple of times. She does have a cute face, nice tits. No sores or scabs that I've seen. She gave me the "I usually get thirty" line also, but takes less. Good attitude.

I've noticed two SW on Ramsey by Woodyear that seem new to me. One has short brunette hair and the other has long blond hair. I always see them together. The blond looked nice until I got close, she had three or four big sores/scbas on her face that scared me away. I think she said her name was katie.

Sleeping Bag
05-20-08, 14:56
With the sunshine a few days ago, the hot young senioritas were out. Dressed in very short shorts and tight t's, the civi girls were strutting their stuff.

Drove through the usual spots. It's amazing how during the winter, the usual spots are practically dead of all terrain lifeforms except the SW's. But when the sunny, bright, warm days come, the streets are packed with families. Little kids running and playing on the sidewalks and streets. It's hard to imagine that they are the same sidewalks and streets the SW's strut on.

Well, with all the families and kids out, and all the civi girls looking hot, the SW's were hiding or moved elsewhere. Cruised for some time, and nothing. But as the sun went down and the families went back in, the freaks came out. Compared to the hot daytime civi girls, these freaks were nasty. Many freaks were out at night, but Mr. Happy wasn't interested in any of them.

After almost giving up and calling it quits, lo and behold, a young SW hottie was found. Signs of "wear & tear" were obvious, however, from all the "use & abuse." She said she was 18, but I'm thinking that if she's 18, she must have started sooner because for 18, she didnt' look like a noob.

All-in-all, Mr. Happy rose to the occasion. BBBJCIMWS. She said she was in the "cycle." So I didn't want to venture in the FS.

Attitude: 7/10. Looks: 7/10. Performance: 7/10. Face: 7/10.

05-21-08, 03:53
Had to go to court early Tuesday morning on a bulls$$$ traffic violation. Afterwards decided to treat myself so hit the loops. Ran into someone highly spoke of. I ran into Pam that our esteemed member karlhungus gave a very favorable review on. Now as I came down wilkins I noticed this women walking with a dude who I thought was in the bf/pimp mode so at first was going to pass but then looked at her face and noticed who she was. Came back made the pick up and then made conversation and that's when I figured out she was the Pam from hampdenthat karl was talking about, but she told me her name was katie. I said whatever we headed to a little spot off of wilkins and got a very good BJ for a jack and a half hammie tip was well worth it and if I catch her again will upgrade to fs she does'nt have a phone anymore as her phone and things were stolen frome her when she was robbed.

05-22-08, 03:45
Went down to WW today, it was early and not a lot of girls out. I was giving up and on my way out when I saw a brunette with some promise so I came back around and picked up Ruby. Loked better from a far, but had a cute profile which is all I see during a BJ so I went for it. She smelled nice and clean, she was a little fucked up but not too bad, more or less in a good mood. Went for the BBBJCIM for. 2 and a. 05 tip for pic's. She's got a good attiude, no complaining, decent skills. I prefer more suction but other than that she's a real go getter on the cock. I tried to slow her down at one point but she just couldn't help herslef. It was refreshing to have a girl that seemed to really enjoy a cock in the mouth. It was daylight so I got some good video.

She kept talking about her sister Julie (sister-in-law it turns out). She was trying to call her and wake her up. "She was suppose to come out and suck dick with me today". I could help from laughing. Ruby said they do 3-somes. I'd repeat for a BJ, but not sure about fs, she's got a bit of a belly on her and was wearing 2 thick bras (I felt cheated), baby worn b-cups that looked like large C's in the shirt, her ass was nice and squeezeable but I didn't have her drop'them to take a look I just let my hands roam as she was laying flat across the seats. I'd like to see what the sister looks like, maybe go for a 2-headed bbbjcof. I did get digits jsut for that reason.


C L Hunter
05-23-08, 08:54
Meee gettin' on with the camera. Good stuff, dude. Looks like I need to make a trip to B'more

Larry 56
05-24-08, 01:54
Went down to WW today, it was early and not a lot of girls out. I was giving up and on my way out when I saw a brunette with some promise so I came back around and picked up Ruby. Loked better from a far, but had a cute profile which is all I see during a BJ so I went for it. She smelled nice and clean, she was a little fucked up but not too bad, more or less in a good mood. Went for the BBBJCIM for. 2 and a. 05 tip for pic's. She's got a good attiude, no complaining, decent skills. I prefer more suction but other than that she's a real go getter on the cock. I tried to slow her down at one point but she just couldn't help herslef. It was refreshing to have a girl that seemed to really enjoy a cock in the mouth. It was daylight so I got some good video.

She kept talking about her sister Julie (sister-in-law it turns out). She was trying to call her and wake her up. "She was suppose to come out and suck dick with me today". I could help from laughing. Ruby said they do 3-somes. I'd repeat for a BJ, but not sure about fs, she's got a bit of a belly on her and was wearing 2 thick bras (I felt cheated), baby worn b-cups that looked like large C's in the shirt, her ass was nice and squeezeable but I didn't have her drop'them to take a look I just let my hands roam as she was laying flat across the seats. I'd like to see what the sister looks like, maybe go for a 2-headed bbbjcof. I did get digits jsut for that reason.


I can't tell if that our old buddy, Ruby. She loved to work in pairs and and it was usually worth it when she was in the 'correct' mood. Pigtown normally for her but I can't see if that could be her from the photos. Being a jockey, she would be single minded at times but I did enjoy my time with her. She started getting arrested often but I usually found her in the early AM on the stroll.


K.J., what do you think??

Sex Addict69
05-24-08, 02:00
I downloaded the movie but all i get is sound without video. I downloaded an avi codec but that didn't work. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

Went down to WW today, it was early and not a lot of girls out. I was giving up and on my way out when I saw a brunette with some promise so I came back around and picked up Ruby. Loked better from a far, but had a cute profile which is all I see during a BJ so I went for it. She smelled nice and clean, she was a little fucked up but not too bad, more or less in a good mood. Went for the BBBJCIM for. 2 and a. 05 tip for pic's. She's got a good attiude, no complaining, decent skills. I prefer more suction but other than that she's a real go getter on the cock. I tried to slow her down at one point but she just couldn't help herslef. It was refreshing to have a girl that seemed to really enjoy a cock in the mouth. It was daylight so I got some good video.

She kept talking about her sister Julie (sister-in-law it turns out). She was trying to call her and wake her up. "She was suppose to come out and suck dick with me today". I could help from laughing. Ruby said they do 3-somes. I'd repeat for a BJ, but not sure about fs, she's got a bit of a belly on her and was wearing 2 thick bras (I felt cheated), baby worn b-cups that looked like large C's in the shirt, her ass was nice and squeezeable but I didn't have her drop'them to take a look I just let my hands roam as she was laying flat across the seats. I'd like to see what the sister looks like, maybe go for a 2-headed bbbjcof. I did get digits jsut for that reason.


05-24-08, 02:40
I can't tell if that our old buddy, Ruby. She loved to work in pairs and and it was usually worth it when she was in the 'correct' mood. Pigtown normally for her but I can't see if that could be her from the photos. Being a jockey, she would be single minded at times but I did enjoy my time with her. She started getting arrested often but I usually found her in the early AM on the stroll.


K.J., what do you think??Ell she only has about 4 teeth if that helps ID her. LOL usually people are ID by dental records but I've never heard f IDing by a lack of dental.

05-24-08, 18:46
I picked up Cia last night, haven't seen her sice she was prego. Her tits were smaller and her ass was a bit bigger then before but she can still give great head. I donated twenty to her kids college fund, well worth it.


05-24-08, 19:02
I can't tell if that our old buddy, Ruby. She loved to work in pairs and and it was usually worth it when she was in the 'correct' mood. Pigtown normally for her but I can't see if that could be her from the photos. Being a jockey, she would be single minded at times but I did enjoy my time with her. She started getting arrested often but I usually found her in the early AM on the stroll.


K.J., what do you think??

I only got sound of the vid, but 4 teeth, that sounds like the Ruby we know. Been hitting the pipe a lot too over the past few years, hence the West Virginia grin. She once offered to yank an uncooperative SW out of my car in front of Busy Bee for a small donation.

Otto Man
05-25-08, 04:42
I picked up Cia last night, haven't seen her sice she was prego. Her tits were smaller and her ass was a bit bigger then before but she can still give great head. I donated twenty to her kids college fund, well worth it.

B.D.Cia is def. worth the upgrade to FS, though she refuses to shave her kitty. suppose to be getting her own place soon so no more shady parking lots or old lady apartments.

05-25-08, 07:03
I only got sound of the vid, but 4 teeth, that sounds like the Ruby we know. Been hitting the pipe a lot too over the past few years, hence the West Virginia grin. She once offered to yank an uncooperative SW out of my car in front of Busy Bee for a small donation.

I'm pretty sure I saw Ruby at SCarey & Washington last week. Her hair was dyed slightly off blond, sort of strawberry blond.

05-25-08, 20:31
Called Mandy today after work went for fs. great head for beginers with mish to complation.Will call her next time work lets out early.

Larry 56
05-25-08, 21:37
I only got sound of the vid, but 4 teeth, that sounds like the Ruby we know. Been hitting the pipe a lot too over the past few years, hence the West Virginia grin. She once offered to yank an uncooperative SW out of my car in front of Busy Bee for a small donation.

The pipe will def. mess up your teeth. She's a jockey though hence the early morning sightings. She can be very loyal to mongers though you must be careful not to trust any of them too much.


05-25-08, 23:01
The pipe will def. mess up your teeth. She's a jockey though hence the early morning sightings. She can be very loyal to mongers though you must be careful not to trust any of them too much.


She has a couple of strange things on her record. A recent set of traffic citations in Westminster (shouldn't it be Northwestminster?), busted for prostitution by a female LEO (and found guilty no less), and a guilty plea in the city to CDS possession back in February that netted her all of 1 month + 9 days in jail.

I had a fat nasty skank banging on my driver's side window and begging for me to pick her up at the light at Wilkens & Monroe today. No F'ing way!

I heard on www.scanbaltimore.com LE running the plate of a monger who picked up a SW on Falls Rd. tonight around 6:45. Some guy in a red Mercedes.

Larry 56
05-26-08, 03:09
She has a couple of strange things on her record. A recent set of traffic citations in Westminster (shouldn't it be Northwestminster?), busted for prostitution by a female LEO (and found guilty no less), and a guilty plea in the city to CDS possession back in February that netted her all of 1 month + 9 days in jail.

I had a fat nasty skank banging on my driver's side window and begging for me to pick her up at the light at Wilkens & Monroe today. No F'ing way!

I heard on www.scanbaltimore.com LE running the plate of a monger who picked up a SW on Falls Rd. tonight around 6:45. Some guy in a red Mercedes.

Ruby likes two-somes and getting high. Makes me uneasy.


Terra Sancta
05-26-08, 21:28
Not much of anything on WW. I have been out of the SW scene for the past 3 weeks getting my business records together. Been scheduling encounters with a couple of SW using cell phone. Also spent 3 sessions with Ebony and Star in Columbia (not bad $120 for 20 for both together).

Picked up Amber, she was staying at uncle LEOs for the past 12 days. Took her to my spot and fucked the shit out of her for $30.

On the way back, saw this attractive black chick in a banana yellow dress, not sure if was SW-ing, but surely looked very attractive. There was a police van on SCarey, just sitting there watching traffic.

This site is turning into a discussion forum. Not getting much value there. I guess mongers got hit by gas prices :)

05-26-08, 22:06
Driving on Wilkens yesterday I saw what looked to be a cute younger girl walking down Carey. I sped up and made the grab with a girl named Mary just under the bridge. Said she was 22. She has brown hair with red highlights, 7 face, 9 body, and great legs. As we get to my spot she tells me that she usually comes out just as she is getting really sick. She says she wants me to hurry since she might throw up, then proceeds to pick at a splinter in her sock for 10 minutes. I wanted FS, and she says she is too sick to do BJ. So I finish (nothing special), and take her back. On the way back she DOES get sick. I pulled over just in time. Her head was sticking out of my car door for 5 minutes, next to some people having a barbeque (how unlucky for them, LOL). She wasn't good company, was too fussy, and didn't focus on me hardly at all. Granted, she was sick. But I don't think I'll repeat.

Mandy on the other hand is GREAT company. Excellent conversation, and wonderful personality. I hooked up with her a few times. Her body was a 9. 5 when I met her three months ago, awesome breasts, also great legs, perfect arse. But she is losing a lot of weight. With all the weight she's lost, her assets are dwindling rapidly. OK face, really good to great skills, and she will do more than most girls (will go hoochie to mouth since she is Bisexual). She's very hot in bed. If she gains weight, I'll continue to see her.

I accidentially picked up Erica on Wilkens one dark night. I have always passed on her, since she was skeletal for many years. She's gained weight, and looks much better, but her belly concerns me. Her abdomen looks swollen, and I'm thinking she may have caught Hepatitis, and has a swollen liver. She's been working for 10 years, or so someone said in a previous report (I thought she was too young for that). So it's quite possible. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw my two cents in on her. I plan to avoid.

So one thumbs down, one thumbs up, and the last one thumbs down on this report.

Larry 56
05-27-08, 06:08
This site is turning into a discussion forum. Not getting much value there. I guess mongers got hit by gas prices :)

I haven't seen anything out there worth reporting. As I said before, I plan a detailed 'mission' this week but the girls are just getting too crazy for me. LE has been heavy in the usual spots from what I observed.


Larry 56
05-27-08, 06:17
Mandy on the other hand is GREAT company. Excellent conversation, and wonderful personality. I hooked up with her a few times. Her body was a 9. 5 when I met her three months ago, awesome breasts, also great legs, perfect arse. But she is losing a lot of weight. With all the weight she's lost, her assets are dwindling rapidly. OK face, really good to great skills, and she will do more than most girls (will go hoochie to mouth since she is Bisexual). She's very hot in bed. If she gains weight, I'll continue to see her.

Ah, what makes you think that she will GAIN WEIGHT in her chosen profession? If she is on the pipe, she will lose a ton of weight FAST. When I smoked I lost threee pant sizes in less than three weeks npot even trying.

You rarely eat when on the pipe hence why you see girls become ccl. They tend to eat a bit more if they are a jockey but not by much.


Green Shadow
05-27-08, 06:58
Sunday afternoon was crusing BCB and saw this cute blond at 4th and Pontiac. Had seen her a few days before but I missed her. Made the pickup and in the car looked even better that on the street. Doesn't happen often. Her name is Carrie, 29 yo about 110, A cups perfect shaved kitty. Does not look like a user but is. Body looks like a 21 yo. She has been in the area about a month.

Went to my place and got down to action. She aims to please and also enjoys her work very much. Also very easy to carry on a meaningful conversation with. Almost a GFE. Will definately repeat. Has numbers and most of the time she relies on the phone. Standard fee for BBBJ and CFS.

A keeper,


The Main Man
05-27-08, 14:40

I had a lunch date with Hampden Carol today. There were a number of girls out--Nicole, Maggie, etc.--but I have had good experiences with Carol. Not to mention the facts that she has the best tits on the Hampden stroll.

She had gained a little wait, so she was a bit chubby, and commented and how much larger her tits are. That's what 60 days in jail will do, I guess. She is about 45 or so with very short blondish-brown hair. A 6 or 7 on the SW scale.

I picked her up for a nice BBBJ. She let my hands roam freely, even on her nicely shaved kitty. Gave her a jack when finished. A definite repeat and worth upgrading to FS.

The Main Man

Heavy D
05-27-08, 17:20
Was out Saturday afternoon and ran into Kitty in pigtown. Off to the local notel. She mid 30's petite thin with brown hair. She was real laid back , in no rush and could hold a conversation. In fact we were in the notel for 3 hours. She started off with a nice CBJ when some FS. What was neat was she could pulse her pussy muscles while I was going at it.
She siad she normaly is a night person and that's when you can find her. I would repeat do to the fact she can have a conversation and was a nice fuck.

05-29-08, 14:05
Hi all,

I wanted to see if anyone knows much about this. I love going to baltimore, used to come quite regularly, now with gas prices I haven't gone as much.

Anyways, I've heard this on two occasions now, not necessarily reliable, but I heard that the city is looking into getting biometrics for their camera system. Granted this seems a little over the top for the city, but it isn't really too far fetched. In europe they use it everywhere, even small cities (we would consider towns) have it. They use the cameras that they have to create a digital copy of your face, doesn't even have to be perfect pictures, and the computer uses spacial imaging to record you, and put you into a database. It is almost like a fingerprint, as people have different facial feature spacing. Anyways, Other countries use it quite regularly, I figured that it was only a matter of time before it got to the states.

Don't know how familiar you all are with the cameras that they have up near baltimore st. But if they are like the ones that a friend of mine used to install, they are very powerful. Just imagine a camcorder that has a 20x optical zoom on it. That would be more than sufficient to get facial measurements.

If you do a search for biometrics facial recognition read some of the stuff.

Hopefully someone here has some more information on this. I do remember seeing on a discovery channel once, where police in London would database everyone who went into the redlight district. And it is legal there. So you can only imagine what they do when we try to pick up girls (which is technically illegal) here.

Old Monger
05-29-08, 15:52
Not necessarily illegal to pick up girls, what is illegal is a solicitation for a sexual or lewd act in exchange for money. Your broader point that these things could be used to humiliate or even prosecute 'mongers is well-taken. We ought to be careful, as no one wants Uncle LEO to have our faces in his files. Thanks for the post.

05-29-08, 16:21
Drove through B/CB and found Stephanie. Pretty nice looking, long brown hair and best of all a tounge ring and she used it well. She took me back to her place, a house that she shares with other girls. There were about 4 or 5 other girls there, none of them with guys. This house is in a very busy area, these girls are smart, (which they are probably not) ,they will lay low when they are at the location. I will give the location to trusted senior members because it will save lots of gas...

Terra Sancta
05-29-08, 22:49
Not necessarily illegal to pick up girls, what is illegal is a solicitation for a sexual or lewd act in exchange for money. Your broader point that these things could be used to humiliate or even prosecute 'mongers is well-taken. We ought to be careful, as no one wants Uncle LEO to have our faces in his files. Thanks for the post.I have to disagree with you because there are laws where you can be prosecuted for Loitering for the Purpose of Soliciting (something like that). If you beacan a known prostitute, for example, that is grounds for soliciting.

As someone put it: you will be arrested, your arrest records become public, you go to jail, then the DA dismisses the charges during trial. By that time, you paid over $1000, your image tarnished, etc. Etc.

As for the biometrics recognition cameras, the software is very sophisticated, but requires proper positioning, resolution, etc, etc. Just wear a baseball cab and sun shades

You see, if LE was so serious about this, then they will arrest the girls. After all, they are all well known.

05-30-08, 08:33
Yeah, I have heard that you can get in trouble for just picking up a girl on certain streets that have been considered as prostitution area. The girls were saying that le can pick them up for just "hanging out" on the street if they are known prostitutes. Likewise mongers can be stopped for picking up known prostitutes under the same conditions. Luckily I have never had that happen, but now a days, it seems like playing russian roulette with all the increase of LE. It seems like it has gotten a lot heavier out there.

I have to disagree with you because there are laws where you can be prosecuted for Loitering for the Purpose of Soliciting (something like that). If you beacan a known prostitute, for example, that is grounds for soliciting.

As someone put it: you will be arrested, your arrest records become public, you go to jail, then the DA dismisses the charges during trial. By that time, you paid over $1000, your image tarnished, etc. Etc.

As for the biometrics recognition cameras, the software is very sophisticated, but requires proper positioning, resolution, etc, etc. Just wear a baseball cab and sun shades

You see, if LE was so serious about this, then they will arrest the girls. After all, they are all well known.

Oriole Mon
05-30-08, 09:16
Picked up Zoe last night. Real nice girl with a great personality. She has brown hair and brown eyes, 36 C, 5 7 120 lbs. We found a spot and she got to work. Great DT and tongue work, caught but dropped the deposit outside. Looks are at a 7, attitude 10, pref 9. Claims to not do greek and I did not have time for 1\2 and 1\2. I have digits for those I know. Standard tuition applies.


Larry 56
05-30-08, 11:19
Yeah, I have heard that you can get in trouble for just picking up a girl on certain streets that have been considered as prostitution area. The girls were saying that le can pick them up for just "hanging out" on the street if they are known prostitutes. Likewise mongers can be stopped for picking up known prostitutes under the same conditions. Luckily I have never had that happen, but now a days, it seems like playing russian roulette with all the increase of LE. It seems like it has gotten a lot heavier out there.

You are assuming that LE follows the law in Baltimore. Many of them don't follow the law and are told that by their supervisors that they don't need to follow the law.

As I said, we are not a high prioritry as long as we don't become the issue. Drive around the block a dozen times, honk your horn, do a U turn and stop in the middle of trafffic and you will be the isuue.


Larry 56
05-30-08, 11:20
You see, if LE was so serious about this, then they will arrest the girls. After all, they are all well known.



05-30-08, 20:08
The Rainbow Bar on Ostend Street, one block north of Washington Street in Pigtown, got robbed two days ago. Nobody got hurt, but it's still a friggin' robbery. So, if you see an increased LE street presence around the 'town, you know why.