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Brooklyn Boy
12-26-09, 21:01
Hello myfellow mongers,

I have been out of the game for awhile and was wondering if anyone could give me some good spots in the brk/cb areas to check out?

12-27-09, 02:36
Is there a good Notel near the PP loop? When on the WW loop I head down to the TipTop.

12-27-09, 08:12
Is there a good Notel near the PP loop? When on the WW loop I head down to the TipTop.
Rosedale Motel up Rt 40.

12-27-09, 10:11
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

12-27-09, 13:25
a few of you are really special, as i travel around the country continously I have never met some many stupid people in one place, no wonder why all the black guys date all the white women there. BTW, the Ravens suck and are only in the Playoffs from Default, Go Steelers or anyone who plays the Ravens! Your team and people suck there!I hope that you land a job where there are more intelligent people so that you won't have to travel so much. LOL. This forum is no place for your comments; it is nothing to do with its purpose.

Mike Twist
12-27-09, 14:06
Hitting Baltimore this week and would like to find my favorite - Sara, 29, blonde and gorgeous (large) tits.

Can anybody help me?

12-28-09, 18:54
I am new to this site and relatively new to B'more; been here about 2 yrs.

I am definitely a mongerer. I'd am not certain what is being referred to when these abbreviations are used: btw, PP loop, WW loop.

I live near Hampden and have hooked up with Karen. She is everthing that was mentioned in a previous report.

12-29-09, 08:53
Hitting Baltimore this week and would like to find my favorite - Sara, 29, blonde and gorgeous (large) tits.

Can anybody help me?

You can find her in the dessert area of the frozen food section in your local supermarket.

Bad Bad Boy
12-29-09, 09:31
I am new to this site and relatively new to B'more; been here about 2 yrs.

I am definitely a mongerer. I'd am not certain what is being referred to when these abbreviations are used: btw, PP loop, WW loop.


You should check out the Baltimore Lingo - MONGERS vocabulary thread which covers all these abbreviations commonly and locally used. While checking that one. Take a look at Jackson's abbreviations too, located at the top of his page. You would greatly benefit by reading the Mongering Basics thread which provides maps of these loops, LE tactics and dos and don'ts of mongering to keep you safe, and much more information helpful to all hobbyists regardless of your experience level. BBB

PP = Paterson Park WW = Wilkens/Washinton Blvd

Luke Warm69
12-29-09, 10:41
I am looking information on Jackie you know the one that looks like a librarians, slim cutie. In exchange for good intel I will provide you with numbers and discounts of other cute girls in the Brooklyn area. Koren, is a super sexy WSW that lives in Pasadena and beats the block in Brooklyn. I know some of you guys dated her and paid $40-$100, but when I tell her to give you the discount of $20 it will be for 1.5 hours of FS, daty,etc. Trust me! Hurry boys, I need to put my d.i.c.k in Jackie daliy!!

Im Not Saying
12-29-09, 15:18
She is borderline WSW. I reported on her before. She has a cell, answers and texts back. On pills, so shes not to ate up with the "itis". Shes in the northeast/elkton area. She is short, a little chubby, great personality tightest kat I've found on the street. Digits for SENIOR members only. 5 foot 3 130lbs blue eyes dyed dark red hair. Next time I bang her I'll snap a pic.

Body= 6

Attitude= 9 (gfe)

Oral= 8


Overall= 8. No hassles. No bitching. Coherent. Gfe.

12-29-09, 16:21
Damn I watch too much tv, saw on tv last night a show called interventions, they did a profile on a wsw from 2008, who was from West Virginia, but who use to go down to MD and do her business, was a real crack head, cute 24, she use to hang over on Monroe, she pose to be clean now and doing really well, just wondering if anyone else seen that show, or if any of you guys were lucky enough to get a bit of that action, the funny thing about it also in the background as guys were picking her up, you could see the flashing blue lights, when I come through the lights always makes me nervouse, but like everyone else I still try to get a quick stop in and then keep moving, haven't been through the area much lately, only because when I do pass through things seems to be dead and LE seems to be alive and kicking, as always have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.

12-29-09, 18:56
I have mongered for perhaps 35 years, know the streets really well, and have never had LE problems. What I have had is a ton of SW's over the seasons: thin, regular, thick, some white, some of color, bright and classy and dull and (occasionally) wretched, teen to granny, Charles Village to WW to Brooklyn to Pennsylvania Avenue to the downtown run and filtering out to the east and the west; perhaps one new one per month. Call it ten per year.

Do the math.

For the last year or so I've monitored this board, and am most appreciative of the info provided. As well as the pics. But I have yet to post. However, I feel compelled to answer this query about Kristen.

Kristen was not without intelligence, but she was, sadly, a flake. Yet possessed of a very cute face which cannot be captured effectively in pictures, and with a willowy body unsurpassed in all my years of gf's, wives and SW's. The ultimate spinner body. Porn star bod. Movie star bod. Dream bod. Clean and fresh, a wicked little snapper that smelled like a box of candy, nary a track mark, and I promise you on all that's holy that the girl drove you to tears standing naked as Mother Eve in your bedroom. Scrupulously carved. Exquisite. Worthy of worship. (And worship I did, remembering with a smile as I set this down the precision with which her little cunny was fashioned, hairless as an apple, pink as a sunset, a delight to my tongue. A tongue which brought her to a series of delightful spasms, the last of which was engendered with my finger gently inserted in an ass not much bigger than two softballs nestled snugly together.) The last time I had her, I had the sense that she would disappear soon after, and that this was probably, in fact, the last time; an encounter tinged with deep wistfulness on my part, as I realized how unlikely that I'd ever cuddle that perfectly realized a woman again. Well, perfect in the physical sense. And no other.

Still, if you caught her in the right mood. Not geeking, not begging for a loan, not spewing detestable curses at one of the local hoods who'd drawn her ire. She would provide first-class service, pedal to the metal, top drawer, and top to bottom service, lest there be any doubt. BJ delivered with abandon and passion, no stroking of the cock, just the strong pull of her little mouth and tongue; and as for the coupling, I would defy any of you to last much more than three minutes with those slender long legs wrapped around you. As icing, a bit of a moaner, if I recall correctly. A deep kisser, and sensitive all over. Nape, neck, shoulders, belly, tiny unimpeachable nipples, inner thighs. Has anyone ever looked more fetching than young Kristen, lying on her side with her little kitty peeping out and defying you to resist?

Resistance, as they say, was futile.

I had the girl several times, and have been looking, and longing, for her. I have not seen her since last summer (long after the TV show. An appearance, by the way, that she took pride in). My suspicion that the last time was in fact the last time has, sadly, not proven false.

And yet there are others. One, in particular, an adumbration neither poor nor pale. Bridgette, also MIA since about the same time as Kristen, sat near the circle writing poetry in a spiral notebook, and possessed a near comparable body. Bridgette was far the brighter and more affable of the two. A real lady, a sweet kisser, a gentle soul, an inspired conversationalist, but not an easy cummer. Once again, the tongue was the key.

The last time I saw them, I had the opportunity to enjoy them together, but time and circumstance conspired to thwart me. This was early last summer, and while Kristen claimed to have done several doubles with Bridgette, Bridgette said, privately, that Kristen was a wannabe Bridgette-slurper; the most they'd ever done was a mutual titty suck at the feet of some coarse monger who clearly, from her description, did not appreciate the magnitude of his good fortune.

Had digits for both, of course, but as with all SW's, digits are fresh for only so long. Neither phone works now; neither has worked for months. I also have B's email address. And I think I will give it a try right after finishing this! My hungers awaken. But do they ever sleep?

Truly, patient readers, I could go on, but what's the sense? Those two were among the best I've ever experienced.

Gentlemen, a final word: Treat these ladies as ladies, as non-paid dates, and the service you receive, with very few exceptions, will be superb. Just fall a little bit in love with them. Treat them with a gentle and sincere respect, and these love-starved girls will respond. So will you.

What could be more fulfilling?

12-29-09, 20:13
Damn I watch too much tv, saw on tv last night a show called interventions, they did a profile on a WSW from 2008, who was from West Virginia, but who use to go down to MD and do her business, was a real crack head, cute 24, she use to hang over on Monroe, she pose to be clean now and doing really well, just wondering if anyone else seen that show, or if any of you guys were lucky enough to get a bit of that action, the funny thing about it also in the background as guys were picking her up, you could see the flashing blue lights, when I come through the lights always makes me nervouse, but like everyone else I still try to get a quick stop in and then keep moving, haven't been through the area much lately, only because when I do pass through things seems to be dead and LE seems to be alive and kicking, as always have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.I hooked up with her a couple of times the end of 2007, had her number for awhile, she lives in Falling Water, WV not far from Charles Town, I heard when I was down there in the fall of the last year that she was still going down there and relapsed, I haven't heard anything in awhile about her, she was alot of fun and when I met her she was in the beginning of the downhill spiral.


12-29-09, 21:03
I hooked up with Kristen in fall of 2007, she lives in Falling Waters WV, not far from Charles Town, I heard late last year that she had relapsed and had been coming back down there, not long after the Intervention show had aired. She was alot of fun I had her # for awhile but it was shut off. I haven't heard lately if she is still coming down there. I know a couple girls down there maybe I'll try to find out what is going on with her.

Stay safe


12-29-09, 22:40
She is with a member, and has been MIA for the past 6 months.


Damn I watch too much tv, saw on tv last night a show called interventions, they did a profile on a wsw from 2008, who was from West Virginia, but who use to go down to MD and do her business, was a real crack head, cute 24, she use to hang over on Monroe, she pose to be clean now and doing really well, just wondering if anyone else seen that show, or if any of you guys were lucky enough to get a bit of that action, the funny thing about it also in the background as guys were picking her up, you could see the flashing blue lights, when I come through the lights always makes me nervouse, but like everyone else I still try to get a quick stop in and then keep moving, haven't been through the area much lately, only because when I do pass through things seems to be dead and LE seems to be alive and kicking, as always have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.

12-30-09, 00:26
Here is a link to A&E videos, you can find Kristen's video there, this was the first time I saw her video. I hope she is doing well.



Luke Warm69
12-30-09, 01:30
I have Kristen number 304-995- she comes over my home everyother weekend from WV her and Jackie are my regulars but I cannot find Jackie now. Once I put both of them together again it will be sweeter than before. I told you guys I got b*tches for days even mother and daughter teams so PM me for the rest of Kristen's number. Block your phone when you call if your scared you will hear her voice mail or she might answer. The girl works at a dental office 5 days a week in WV. Therefore, please leave all the negitive stressful comments to yourself I'm here to bust nuts with 3x discounts in hand.

12-30-09, 20:19
I have Kristen number 304-995- she comes over my home everyother weekend from WV her and Jackie are my regulars but I cannot find Jackie now. Once I put both of them together again it will be sweeter than before. I told you guys I got b*tches for days even mother and daughter teams so PM me for the rest of Kristen's number. Block your phone when you call if your scared you will hear her voice mail or she might answer. The girl works at a dental office 5 days a week in WV. Therefore, please leave all the negitive stressful comments to yourself I'm here to bust nuts with 3x discounts in hand.Tell her to call the photo guy from the warehouse.

She got crazy Skills!

12-30-09, 20:27
I have Kristen number 304-995- she comes over my home everyother weekend from WV her and Jackie are my regulars but I cannot find Jackie now. Once I put both of them together again it will be sweeter than before. I told you guys I got b*tches for days even mother and daughter teams so PM me for the rest of Kristen's number. Block your phone when you call if your scared you will hear her voice mail or she might answer. The girl works at a dental office 5 days a week in WV. Therefore, please leave all the negitive stressful comments to yourself I'm here to bust nuts with 3x discounts in hand.Kristen is the Best!

12-30-09, 21:53
Just want to add, because some of you guys do live a little on the wild side, in the documentary, it did mention that she has Hep C, just a word to the wise, but like always have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back. Happy New Years to all and I hope next year will be a good year for all, with more post and more action.

12-31-09, 03:22
Hitting Baltimore this week and would like to find my favorite - Sara, 29, blonde and gorgeous (large) tits.

Can anybody help me?If it's Sara from around the WW loop you're seeking, level-headed girl with grey/blue eyes, she's just about gone civilian. I know where she hangs around but it's strictly in a civilian capacity. She's rarely "on the job" any more.

If I see her again I'll tell her people miss her, though. :)

12-31-09, 08:26
I mentioned awhile ago in the MP thread that I was semi-new to the Baltimore area. While I tend to like AMPs for their convenience, I have a thing for thick-to-big SWs. I tend to be fond of BSWs, but race isn't an issue. Any ideas about some big ladies?

Heavy D
12-31-09, 17:45
Picked up Crystal Monday while ducking the street patrols on Wilkens up by the circle. I haven't hit the streets in a while and it was nice to pick up a girl that wasn't craving for a hi. We went to the local notel and she was nice to talk to. She was 28 what she told me and had two kids. Her body was in good shape. She never asked for the money up front and didn't rush at all. It was kind of fun for those rare times.
Heres a few pics below. she had no numbers.
It's been awhile since I've posted street reports but I got tired of all the TS bullshit last year and the TS want a bees this summer. Site seemd to be calm now

Dj Hunter
12-31-09, 18:31
Picked up Crystal Monday while ducking the street patrols on Wilkens up by the circle. I haven't hit the streets in a while and it was nice to pick up a girl that wasn't craving for a hi. We went to the local notel and she was nice to talk to. She was 28 what she told me and had two kids. Her body was in good shape. She never asked for the money up front and didn't rush at all. It was kind of fun for those rare times.
Heres a few pics below. she had no numbers.
It's been awhile since I've posted street reports but I got tired of all the TS bullshit last year and the TS want a bees this summer. Site seemd to be calm now

Not to be a dick (pun intended), but looks like she's got a lot going on around that snatch (and not in a good way)! I hope you ordered all of your services covered!

Amp Guide
12-31-09, 18:44
However. Can anyone explain the idea of the stupid tatoos some of these girls get on them. How would you take that to the beach with your family in the future or to your folks should you find her worth of marrage. Just wondering what that girl was thinking

I am on the west coast. Great job to Cookie and others who contribute also.

Artificial Red
12-31-09, 19:33
However. Can anyone explain the idea of the stupid tatoos some of these girls get on them. How would you take that to the beach with your family in the future or to your folks should you find her worth of marrage. Just wondering what that girl was thinking

"KING" on her thigh, and "Property of YoungSka" sure look like pimp brands to me. I know a former provider from my area who has been clean and out of the trade for several years, but she won't cover her "property of" tattoo out of fear of what would happen if he ever sought her out and he saw his brand defaced.

I really doubt trips to the beach or meeting a man's parents are even blips on the radar when these tats happen.

Peter Johnson
12-31-09, 19:44
However. Can anyone explain the idea of the stupid tatoos some of these girls get on them. How would you take that to the beach with your family in the future or to your folks should you find her worth of marrage. Just wondering what that girl was thinking.

You are talking about chicks who walk the streets and suck dick for a living...why do are surprised that they aren't especially thought out about the future with their tattoos?

Anyway nice pics...she looks a little skanky but is what hits the spot sometimes.

Heavy D
12-31-09, 23:26
Not to be a dick (pun intended), but looks like she's got a lot going on around that snatch (and not in a good way)! I hope you ordered all of your services covered!

I'm always covered and never DATY on street girls. She could have used a shave and her legs to.

And most her tats were boy friend names like this one. "Property of"

01-01-10, 11:23
Not to be a dick (pun intended), but looks like she's got a lot going on around that snatch (and not in a good way)! I hope you ordered all of your services covered!

Also, she looks like she has no.3 on the way as evident from the baby bump she shows in these pictures....



Heavy D
01-01-10, 19:17
A few girls from 2009 baltimore streets

Heavy D
01-01-10, 19:18
A few girls from 2009 baltimore streets

Member #4581
01-02-10, 08:24
It looks like Heavy D has gotten some good inspiration from CookieJar from PHL. To HeavyD, keep the good work and keep those street treats coming!

01-02-10, 14:14
Picked up Shannon today near Cole St. for the second time in about a month. A little thick, great tits. She has been written about before here. Very enthusiastic, loves her job and shows it. She said she has pictures on this site, but I couldn't find them, so I thought I would post some. Would absolutely repeat again. No anal, no swallow, but does catch,and makes the deal worthwhile.

01-02-10, 14:16
I have a lot, but here are a couple more.

01-02-10, 23:58
You're a lucky man - great report and pictures!!

I have a lot, but here are a couple more.

Big Red50
01-03-10, 04:51
A few girls from 2009 baltimore streets

Hey Heavy D:

Thanks for all of the intel and great pics, I could take some photo tips, I cant quite get the light correct in those dingy shit hole notels. LOL

I thought I would add some Angel Pics, she is fine. I have not been able to monger much in Grand Forks ND. Last night the temp was -32degF with the wind chill it was -47degF. Only Civilians have not been able to go native like I did in Jan 2009.

Happy New Year Balmer

Big Red

Heavy D
01-03-10, 13:17
Hey Heavy D:

I could take some photo tips, I cant quite get the light correct in those dingy shit hole notels. LOL

Big RedYea Angle was real nice. I have other pics but she has that scar on her stomach. I think it was a kife wound she told me.

As for pictures you need a camera that has a flash. Room lighting won't come out well. I use a canon power shot elph camera. it's very small fits in your pocket and takes 12.1MP pics. It shoots good for a pocket camera.

The weather here in Baltimore has been cold and windy. But nothing like what your have.

Rizzo 27
01-03-10, 22:10
Cookiejar is a wealth of knowledge and helped me with his reports a ton when I lived in Philly. My New Year's resolution is to hit the streets and contribute more. Senior members have been doing a great job with reports and the photos are a great way to put a face to a name for a guy that doesn't hit the city as often as I should. Be careful out there and stay safe.

01-04-10, 10:46
Who is the blonde?

What part of town/ J

01-04-10, 11:29
Anyone seen Little Nicole?

Lover Bug
01-04-10, 18:53
Anyone seen Little Nicole?I spent some quality time with her on the 29th. She was in exceptional spirits and had a "Wonderful Christmas" . . . "the best [she] had since [she] started getting high. She claims to be clean now and acts it. She seems to be living in a house on 2nd in the BCB area. She keeps a low profile because of all the trouble she has been in in the past and wants to start a "new life" but still needs some money from time-to-time. She has a few sores on her face, but seems clean elsewhere. This is the second time that I had seen her in the past month. Treat her well.

Play safe.

Love Bug

01-04-10, 19:06
Hey Heavy D:

Thanks for all of the intel and great pics, I could take some photo tips, I cant quite get the light correct in those dingy shit hole notels. LOL

I thought I would add some Angel Pics, she is fine. I have not been able to monger much in Grand Forks ND. Last night the temp was -32degF with the wind chill it was -47degF. Only Civilians have not been able to go native like I did in Jan 2009.

Happy New Year Balmer
Big RedLike to meet the angil, can any1 tell me where i can find her? thanks for ur time.

Best luck to all Happy New year

Green Shadow
01-04-10, 23:23
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was deleted because it was a Completely Pointless Report regarding the arrest/incarceration of a forum member or a person working in the commercial sex business.

If you believe that you absolutely must share arrest and incarceration information with other Forum Members, then please do so via the use the Forum's Private Messaging System.



Lover Bug
01-05-10, 19:58
She paid a visit to Central Booking New Years night for CDS possession after a raid at her boy friends house. She was bonded out on the 2nd. Court in Feb.

GSGuess you can't believe everything you hear. Yes, I knew that already, but she seemed very convincing. I still like her a lot. I guess I btter get my fill between now and then.

Thanks for the info.

Play safe.

Lover Bug

Paul Draycott
01-05-10, 20:20
Does Nichole allways walk around with her mother?. I beleave that her boyfriend lived on pontiac the last time I saw her. I spent some time with her and she had a lovely clean body and nice to be with.

Luke Warm69
01-05-10, 23:31
The new rate is $15 for FS if will all do this we will have control again.

Goood Karma1
01-06-10, 00:42
Does Nichole allways walk around with her mother?. I beleave that her boyfriend lived on pontiac the last time I saw her. I spent some time with her and she had a lovely clean body and nice to be with.I saw her last Thursday on 2nd Street alone.

Goood Karma1
01-06-10, 01:04
Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to follow

Rizzo 27
01-06-10, 01:04
I believe price control is a great idea!! It's one way to let these ladies know who's boss from the jump. Besides, this economy's leaving me broke. If it cost a nickel to take a sh*t, I'd have to throw up!!!!!

Stay Safe.

G Dose
01-06-10, 01:08
Post a few days late, but on Friday afternoon, was in the B/CB area so decided to take a pass, and luck was on my side! It was about time, as I have hit the w/w a few days in a row and came up empty, but anyways prob about a block past the 711 I see a cute young brunette, circled the block, and she was walking the other direction so I stopped and she jumped in. We went for a ride to her spot and down to business. She looks to be about 19 cute brunette with a tight body! I wanted to go in somewhere just to see that body, but we had nowhere to go so I just opted for the car date. Head game was a mere OK. Nothing great. But the body was so hott that I almost didn't mind. Gave standard tuition.

Bobb Sledd
01-06-10, 15:50
Great find...

Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to follow

01-06-10, 15:51
My neighbor said he went down new years eve. He was on Wilkens close to Brunswick, saw Lisa mid 40's brunette walking with a black guy. He circled around the block and the guy and her were not together. He picked her up and went back to her house. Went the an upstairs bedroom, didn't lock the door and the black guy came in with a knife and took his cell phone and the money he had on him, the guy left and of course it was time for him to go since he didn't have any money left.

I know a few other girls down there and said Lisa is good about that, if it's somebody they can take advantage of they will.

Be safe


C L Hunter
01-06-10, 15:55
Just wondering about the pictures. You say you hooked up in a parking garage but in the pictures shes on a bed?

Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to follow

01-06-10, 17:18
Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to follow

Just wondering how big your car is since the pictures contain a futon, tv and walls. looks to me like the pics were taken in a bedroom not in your car.

01-06-10, 17:39
A few girls from 2009 baltimore streetsWho is the blonde, and in what part of town can she be found?

01-06-10, 17:48
Just wondering how big your car is since the pictures contain a futon, tv and walls. looks to me like the pics were taken in a bedroom not in your car.

Bad Karma.....

01-06-10, 19:27
Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to follow

I was about to call B.S. myself when I saw my comrades also point out the problems with the posts vs. pictures. Of course I would love to know where on North Avenue he was getting lunch, since it is not a restaurant mecca by any means. And North Avenue is definitely not a WSW spot, nor would I assume any white girl I saw there was a SW. No, the whole thing does not add up, especially since the train station is so close to North Avenue, if she was around all night (in below freezing weather?) why didn't she walk there, and stay inside where it is relatively warmer? The station is open 24/7. No, sounds like more of S*itbags' made up converting a civilian to sw to gf stories.

Dr. Monger

Heavy D
01-06-10, 20:48
I was about to call B.S. myself when I saw my comrades also point out the problems with the posts vs. pictures. Of course I would love to know where on North Avenue he was getting lunch, since it is not a restaurant mecca by any means. And North Avenue is definitely not a WSW spot, nor would I assume any white girl I saw there was a SW. No, the whole thing does not add up, especially since the train station is so close to North Avenue, if she was around all night (in below freezing weather?) why didn't she walk there, and stay inside where it is relatively warmer? The station is open 24/7. No, sounds like more of S*itbags' made up converting a civilian to sw to gf stories.

Dr. Monger

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the pictures. I was looking for the parking garage he went too, but Nooooo the garage has a bed and breakfast room there.

01-06-10, 20:55
Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to followNo matter where it's posted, it's still BS!

01-06-10, 21:30
Our bogus poster would not have been caught if he had only cropped the pictures properly.

01-06-10, 21:49
Hey my fellow mongers,
I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

Md Curious
01-06-10, 22:10
Our bogus poster would not have been caught if he had only cropped the pictures properly.There's nothing worse than a lying low life, wanna be!!! Just jump in have real fun and be a real man. But maybe they are bogus because they are SHORT on manhood.

01-06-10, 23:08
The new rate is $15 for FS if will all do this we will have control again.

Don't worry, the STD clinic is free.

We wouldn't want you to overpay;)

01-06-10, 23:31
Im in florida, saw the pics and decided to read the report. I must agree with everyone, I call bullshit

Mudslide out

01-07-10, 01:50
Hey my fellow mongers,
I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

That is a great pull RM! Nicely done and great pics. Be safe dude!

01-07-10, 01:53
Our bogus poster would not have been caught if he had only cropped the pictures properly.

You guys are awesome. Always with the BS radar up. Now that is real mongerers looking out for each other. Got to get back to MD soon...

01-07-10, 05:25
Hey my fellow mongers,

I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.Damn Rook I need to hang with you I rode past her and thought she was a civi. You got to have all the but from looking at the pics I know where the spot you took her was and all I can say is "You a bad dude " I wouldn't thought to do that.

C L Hunter
01-07-10, 09:16
Always love the pics RM. I need to make another trip to the big city.

I need to have notel experience with Ashley.

Hey my fellow mongers,

I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

Cleavage Lover
01-07-10, 11:29
Hey my fellow mongers,
Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

Whoa Rook..If you see her again, tell her to cum to Canton, Ohio..we'd Love to have a Big Boobed Babe who loves to BBBJCIM and Swallow here!!
You Rock!!

Cleavage Lover

01-07-10, 20:57
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the pictures. I was looking for the parking garage he went too, but Nooooo the garage has a bed and breakfast room there.Give him a break, maybe he drives a RV.

Old Monger
01-08-10, 00:28
Rookiemonger, you Da Man. Great report, and great pix.

01-08-10, 14:01
Give him a break, maybe he drives a RV.Damn I fell out of my chair that was so funny.

01-08-10, 17:49
Strolled over to Brooklyn to search for Nicole and was told she got nabbed and is in jail.

Some pics of 20 year old reg named Jess.

01-09-10, 09:18
Hello gents have'nt been in here for a minute got alot of catching up to do, so here goes. I don't know if anyone has viewed my general report on Salisbury but this is the second part of my holiday on the Eastern Shore. Like I said in the other report was taking my kids to see my ex and let them stay for the holiday but as my luck would have it my vehicle broke down and just decided to stay. Now moving on it's crazy how thing's is down there I mean the burbs and the strip are like around the corner. Now mind you while I was down there I had no plans on getting my groove on but after getting my vehicle back decided to take an early morning ride through. Saw a couple of bsw's did'nt look appealing to me. Saw some others that looked ok. Then as I was about to say f777 it I came across two sw's walking towards a gas station on route 13. I turned around pulled in and walked as if I was going to get some gas. Got the look from one of them and the hello. I went put a few bills out for gas and then it was on. Pulled out the station rode down caught them around the corner from the local fire station pulled up and hit that'great bmore line"need a ride" they both got in and where both very nice. There names Amy and Sharon, they both said they don't come out much only when they need to pay bills. Did the cop check both were legit. Amy was really legit very nice rack that got the love muscle going. So I go to their place now I know you should'nt do this but this was early morning daylight LE is hot in the area and did'nt want to take any chances, and besides I had my "equalizer" inside my coat pocket. Get inside nice place I must say and negotitations start now I had a choice Amy or Sharon bj for a jack or a threesome with them both getting 2 jacks. I was pressed for time and not only that was not going to take off my coat. So after seeing Amy's lovely tits decided on the bj from her. She startedoff very nice and slow a lot of licking and sucking and then she began to really get into it sucking my dick and then wrapping those lovely tits around it got a little tit fuck in and then she went back to the mic after at least another five minutes popped on her tits and then I watched as she licked my juice off her and swallowed for that I just had to give her a little extra.

01-09-10, 17:26
Now this are nice tits!. I'm going to look for her as soon as I get more time.

Great job!


Strolled over to Brooklyn to search for Nicole and was told she got nabbed and is in jail.

Some pics of 20 year old reg named Jess.

01-10-10, 04:06
Today was dead nothing no where only a few fatty ones.

01-10-10, 12:17
I guess I have come to a crossroads in this hobby. It ain't what it used to be. While diamonds still can be found, I have had nothing but bad experiences since the New Year. I grant that it's my fault -- for going for the low-hanging fruit -- but all I see are desperate, drug-addicted women. One stole from me, another began whining about a tip in the middle of the job -- and then got real angry when I refused to give her another $10. Mind you, I was already paying more than today's going rate.
Perhaps the situation changes with the weather. But at the current time the offerings in Baltimore are abysmal, at least where I go. The wprst part is that both seemed acceptable when I picked them up but the longer they stayed in the car the more erratic they became.

NWIN Monger
01-10-10, 23:14
I had the oppertunity once again to visit the great city of Baltimore and partake in some of the local attractions this weekend. Overall the availability of anything worth stopping for was very slim. I did get lucky with a very nice looking WSW who's name was Ashley. She was about 6' and had a pretty little body on her. She was near Norris and Ramsay. She said she had not been out lately due to the cold, but needed $ for rent. I was glad to help her out by letting her meet my friend Mr. Jackson. She would not swallow, but had very good skills. FS was on the menu, and if I had been prepared, would have partaken (you would think these girls would carry some)
Be safe

Bad Bad Boy
01-11-10, 16:58
I guess I have come to a crossroads in this hobby. It ain't what it used to be. While diamonds still can be found, I have had nothing but bad experiences since the New Year. I grant that it's my fault -- for going for the low-hanging fruit -- but all I see are desperate, drug-addicted women.
Don't get too frustrated with all the low hanging fruit and those that fell to the ground. We have all been there and it makes you appreciate the higher hanging fruit so much more when finding it. A guy has to do whatever it takes to get past the bad times when it happens. Hopefully , you will be able to sample some of the higher hanging and more desirable fruit this spring when the newer ones blossome and become ready for the picking- soft succulent peach with moist fuzz and ready for some pounding. lol You can't miss them. They will be basking in the sun strolling down Wilkens after a long hard winter. Good luck. BBB

01-11-10, 17:42
I had the oppertunity once again to visit the great city of Baltimore and partake in some of the local attractions this weekend. Overall the availability of anything worth stopping for was very slim. I did get lucky with a very nice looking WSW who's name was Ashley. She was about 6' and had a pretty little body on her. She was near Norris and Ramsay. She said she had not been out lately due to the cold, but needed $ for rent. I was glad to help her out by letting her meet my friend Mr. Jackson. She would not swallow, but had very good skills. FS was on the menu, and if I had been prepared, would have partaken (you would think these girls would carry some)

Be safeSome or actually most girls have a rubber with them. And if full service is on your menu and you're unprepared. When you pick the girl up and she asks What you want to do! Ask if she has a rubber first. If she doesn't have it then don't asj for FS. After you've become a regular with some girls they might even let you do it un covered but that's putting yourself on razor Thin Ice.

NWIN Monger
01-11-10, 22:12
Some or actually most girls have a rubber with them. And if full service is on your menu and you're unprepared. When you pick the girl up and she asks What you want to do! Ask if she has a rubber first. If she doesn't have it then don't asj for FS. After you've become a regular with some girls they might even let you do it un covered but that's putting yourself on razor Thin Ice.

It was my fault for not being prepared. I normally stop and pick up a three pack before I head out(then give the 2 left overs to the girl) I would hate my other women to find those accidently. I don't think I could explain that one. As far as uncovered fs NEVER would I think about it(neither should anyone else IMO) way to many risks (don't we take enough already).

01-11-10, 22:41
Hey there my fellow mongers,
Yes,action is VERY slow out there on the loops but they CAN be found. I was out this weekend & was able to do a pickup Fri & sat night.

Friday night I got to the ww loop around 11:30. I 1st did a quick loop on PP/Conkling but nothing was out so I headed to BC/CB. Again it was dead so I proceeded to WW. As I was heading down Washington,just right before the DD,I spotted this older sw with long brown hair,I have seen her before but never took her for a test drive.

I continued to Carey to begin my loop. It wasn't anyone out on my 1st past thru but on my 2nd pass,just past the circle(forget the cross street) but by the bar on Ramsay,spot this cute tiny brunette sw & her friend with a hoodie. Just before I saw them,I spotted le so as I was passing the brunette,I asked her her name & she said Jen. I told her I was gonna loop around because I saw le & she said to meet her down Ramsay towards Carey.

When I made my way around,I spotted her getting into a car,dam! She seemed cute for the brief time I saw her. I then went looking for her friend. I found her on a side street by the circle & pulled over and she gets in.

Said her name was Donna,29 y.o(I think). She had a nice bod,tiny tits. She said she was part Indian,Italian & something else. She used to dance down the block,JB I think she said but was out a few weeks cause of a car accident. She did have her left arm bandaged up,for what that's worth.

We got down to negotiations for a pipe cleaning she quoted .40. I just laughed & countered with my standard rate + tip if she earned it(good service, swallowing etc.). She agreed so we go to my spot.

She seemed like a cool chick,she talked about the block,how dead it's been. She hates the clubs because they take all the money from her selling drinks,anything extra etc.,

We get to my spot & she gets to working. Her skills were pretty good,I was able to play around & let my hands wander. I had inquired about upgrading but she wanted another .20. I declined & jsut let her work the pipes. Her dt skills were good,she paid attention to the twins,good amount of suction. After a few,I erupted & she caught it but wasn't able to swallow.

I told her that it would affect her tip & she apogized,saying she almost barfed!! Oh well,tip was not earned. I would repeat & negotiate for fs but only if it was the going rate,not her rate. She had a tight little bod though,she was about 5'6-130 lbs.

During the drop off,she took forever,putting on her 3 layers of jacket/coats etc., I am going to have these sw be all ready so that when I drop them back off,it is done in 10 sec or less.

Sat night: I headed to WW around 8:00 & right away,I spot Heather-which has been reported on by our buddy PJW before. I will post the pic from their website. Heather gets in & we negotiate the standard for the pipe cleaning with swallow. She says she is one of the best & guys tell her that all the time. I was like.. sure-how many girls say that right??

Well,when we get to my spot,maybe 5 minutes from the pickup,Heather had started on the pipe cleaning & had me ERUPTING in less time than it took us to get there. She swallowed as promised. I was in shock,this gal can really suck. She had a very nice set of tits but with it being dark,I didn't want to bring any attention with the flash.

I will definitely repeat if I see her again. But like I said,it is very slow out on the streets but the sw are there,just be patient & if you come out & don't see anything,take it as a loss for the day & try again another day. Rook.

01-12-10, 08:25
I've been around the WW loop a good amount of years on and off, and this morning I thought I saw a blond SW that many sws tell me takes you to her spot where someone is waiting to kick your ass. Never got a name because I always got this info as we were driving past her. She has real short almost platinum blond hair, it never changes.

Anybody have any advice?

01-12-10, 10:36
Hey my fellow mongers, I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.Where can I find her?

01-12-10, 21:09
Cruised B/CB about 6:30 tonight. I counted about 8 SWs out but of course whenever I pulled around for the pick up the one I wanted was already gone. I decided to call it a night and was headed down Patapsco near Fair Haven when I saw a blonde SW in a red coat. She looked in her early to mid-thirties, pretty face, some junk in the trunk but I was ready to party.

I pulled about 20 feet ahead and she got in. She was pleasant enough to talk to. We went to my spot and gave her the standard fee. She gave a great BBBJCIMWS. Her dt skills are excellent! Her mouth was hot and wet. I face-fucked her until she made it to the creamy center. One of the best I've had. Though I like my girls a little younger and less heavy, I would repeat.

I gave her a Lincoln tip. I asked if she knew Zoe, who I hadn't seen around in a while. She said the health department was looking for her because she had syphillis. She said they tested everyone living with her and they all had it. I don't know about the validity of it but keep it in mind.

Be safe. Happy hunting!

Benchseats Rock
01-12-10, 21:10
Where can I find her?For a newbie you ask alot of questions. Now some things like "What's a RT?" are worth asking... but most of what you're asking for is already in the forum, and in cases like this, in the post you're only reading half of.

So, to help you out a little bit, two quick points.

1. RTFF means Read The Fucking Forum.

This means actually reading it, and paying attention to it. When I'm in a new city I'll sit with a pad and paper while reading the forum and take notes to learn about the area.

2. This is Rookie's post, edited for your convenience. Consider it a lesson in reading comprehension.

Hey my fellow mongers, I am short on time so here's a quick report.

Picked up Kelly

26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

Obviously when you start off in a new forum you're going to have to learn the ropes, and sometimes there is some handholding by the established members to help you on your way. But that doesn't last forever... you have to take some initiative and actually use the resources that are here for you. We are not going to spoon feed you everything you need to get laid, I mean, it's just not that hard.

and if you don't know where the circle is on wilkens is, how about opening a map eh?


01-12-10, 21:22
You saved me the time! 99% of his post is asking ?'s about where such & such is!

Benchseats Rock
01-13-10, 02:02
I've been around the WW loop a good amount of years on and off, and this morning I thought I saw a blond SW that many sws tell me takes you to her spot where someone is waiting to kick your ass. Never got a name because I always got this info as we were driving past her. She has real short almost platinum blond hair, it never changes.

Anybody have any advice?Girls lie about other girls to keep your dollars going to them.

That being said, if you hear the same thing over and over again, maybe its worth listening to.

Think with the big head, and welcome to the forum.


01-13-10, 16:37
Picked Dee up about 12pm near the CVS and headed north on Harford Road. Cute girl, some Hispanic in her from appearance. She directed me to a cemetary on Taylor (which I'd been to before), but she chose what to me was a way to obvious spot. And I said so, but she complained and insisted that it was a good spot. So we proceeded to a BJ, but she just fools around, doesn't have much skills at all and a pretty bad attitude as well. She also complained about touching her tits and constantly reminding you to keep a look out (I not a rookie). Finally got done and headed to drop her off, and she was complaining about where I was leaving her. My rating? Looks: 6 Skills: 2 another time: no way.

01-13-10, 18:42
I've been around the WW loop a good amount of years on and off, and this morning I thought I saw a blond SW that many sws tell me takes you to her spot where someone is waiting to kick your ass. Never got a name because I always got this info as we were driving past her. She has real short almost platinum blond hair, it never changes.

Anybody have any advice?My advice is don't got to a SW's spot ever. If she's not in agreement with you about where to go, kick her ass to the curb.

01-14-10, 21:23

You should of went around ww loop. I was like a kid in the candy shop. All day today the girls was out to play. Many to choose from. I started around 9 am and my last was around 6pm. I started with Ashley she was around Wilkins and Gilmore. She has a broken front tooth now but she did her job well, very clean and good service. Then I saw a heavy set around Wilkens and Payson. Her name was like Alee or Lee young about 22. Large is size will not repeat. Then I pick up Jen from Hampton area at Wilkins and Smallwood. I seen her before and he is very well liked by me. She is great clean and does not complain at all. Ask her any thing and she in for it. After all that I could not go any more but so many girls out today. Some oldies but goodies but still in their twenties. I hope that some of you guys had a chase to play. I believe that I saw about 20 girls out today.

Good luck

01-15-10, 10:19
Best I have seen yet in a long time.

I hope this is a sign of good things to cum this year.

Hey my fellow mongers,

I am short on time so here's a quick report. Picked up Kelly on Wilkens by the circle yesterday. 26 y.o.,from Annapolis,here to feed her habit.

She is more of a bbw with a NICE set of DD tits,great personality but more important-EXCELLENT BBBJTCWS. She swallowed every drop.

I swung by WW again today on lunch to try to catch her but it was dead.
Sorry-no digits. Enjoy. Rook.

01-15-10, 12:57
Has anyone seen Amanda anymore?

You are right, she has an Oktoberfest build, great body, DD chest.

Teeth are super messed up, a shame I could take her to S. Carolina and get them fixed cheap.

Picked up on Washington around 8:30 today. Saw that cute booty from the back, turned right on the circle. Could see she was packing a massive chest on the way to the car.

Offered to go to a place of hers. I never do that, so she said she was down to come to hotel with me.

She was nervous about me the whole time. Did not talk much, simply gestured with smiles and frowns.

Got to TIp Top negotiated for.6 for stay. Got in, took some photos. Went right to the tits, she says they are sensitive. Sucked for some time.

I wanted to shower with her but she said she was cold and had to get back by 9:30.

We played for a while which led to a BBBJ. Migrated to HJ + ball sucking. When ready to blow she rushed to catch it all in her mouth. I was afraid of BBBJ because teeth so messed up, but she actually did excellent job.

Strange, after I blew in her mouth all of a sudden she was comfortable with me. Joked and laughed all the way home, she is from Hampden stays of Washington for work. She said she thought I was a cop and was setting her up for entrapment (I am clean cut and drive a nice car).

Told me to come by where she stays in town.

I liked her alot, will try again.

Really need to hit the butt next time!

Tell me Chico, was the booty as magnificent as it looked! ?

Hope you guys enjoy photos!

Goood Karma1
01-15-10, 17:52
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

One Man
01-15-10, 19:32
I'm not going to flame you, because as we all know, shit happens. That said, as you've now had a day or two to think about it, for the sake of all of us other mongers, have you figured out a clue about what went wrong. Was it the place you chose? Who chose the place, the girl or you? Since she got into the car with you, I'm assuming that you don't think it was the girl. Also, fyi, I suspect a lawyer is going to cost significantly more than $500. The $500 might cover your fines and court costs.

Best of luck to you, and let us all know how it goes. By the way, that's a pretty odd charge ("committing a certain unnatural and perveted sexual practice"). It means that they didn't have enough to charge you with engaging in prostitution, or public indecency. In many states those kind of charges when involving consenting adults have been thrown out. But the cops are probably counting on you not wanting to be embarrassed or not having the money for an extended court fight.

I remain just

One Man

I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening

Member #4338
01-15-10, 19:40
I'm no lawyer but I wouldn't fall on that sword just yet. It seems what they have charged you with may indeed be a felony. This could be a major issue. See this:


I suggest you dig deep and get a lawyer.

Good luck.

01-15-10, 19:40
I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening
If Bill Clinton can get one in the Oval Office and not be charged with that ( he was charged w/lying) Then what is the difference. You can either get a lawyer or do some reserch on the law. But it is different Jurisdiction.

01-15-10, 19:40
I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening

Check your private messages.

01-15-10, 19:55
I'm no lawyer but I wouldn't fall on that sword just yet. It seems what they have charged you with may indeed be a felony. This could be a major issue. See this:


I suggest you dig deep and get a lawyer.

Good luck.

They were declared unconstitutional.

Member #4061
01-15-10, 19:57
I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening

Sorry to hear about your bad luck my friend. Whatever you do! Don't fall on your sword! For the love of God, don't use a public defender. They won't even look at a case like that until the morning of the court date and tell you to plea out for Nolle Prosequi if you're lucky, probation/service if you're not. The DUI shouldn't show up at this date. It's a moving violation and you didn't commit another moving violation unless you were having sex while driving which would include negligence charges. Your attorney is not going to cost nearly as much as a DUI. It's not a complex charge. You'll be in front of the judge for two-three minutes. It should get thrown out due to lack of evidence/witness etc, unless your lady friend was a cop and you stroked little Mizzle in front of her. You might have a problem. Even if that happened, it could still get tossed because you were inside your car and she was an invited guest free to leave at any time. I have heard of cases like that being tossed down south because the lady officer did not tell the man to stop. She actually entrapped him because she was coaxing him to take out his penis. You have to stand tall in court, but it could get tossed. You need a decent attorney. Believe it or not these are tough times for attorneys too, and some come cheap. A fine one might not take it for less than 1,500-1,800; however, you might be surprised.

Good luck,

There is one out of PG named Robert Bonsib. The guy is a beast trial lawyer. Pretty much any charge with the word sex in it, he can beat. Don't know if he would take a small charge like the one your facing, but you would walk as soon as his name hit the case documents. Your name would not appear anywhere after the case(important!). He might cost you 3,200-4,000 though. Whatever attorney you choose, make sure you explain to them you don't want your name showing up anywhere after the trail. Sometimes that's just as bad as a guilty verdict.

There is another lawyer in PG. Richard Arnold seems to handle many of these cases. He has much experience in this area. I'm not sure, but I think he represented a couple of mamas that we know on the circuit.(one in particular that has never been shut down longer than two weeks). His price structure might be reasonable. PM me for the numbers or look them up online. Both attorneys are in Greenbelt.

01-15-10, 20:21
Sorry to hear about your bad luck my friend. Whatever you do! Don't fall on your sword! For the love of God, don't use a public defender. They won't even look at a case like that until the morning of the court date and tell you to plea out for Nolle Prosequi. The DUI shouldn't show up at this date. It's a moving violation and you didn't commit another moving violation unless you were having sex while driving which would include negligence charges. Your attorney is not going to cost nearly as much as a DUI. It's not a complex charge. You'll be in front of the judge for two-three minutes. It should get thrown out due to lack of evidence/witness etc, unless your lady friend was a cop and you stroked little Mizzle in front of her. You might have a problem. Even if that happened, it could still get tossed because you were inside your car and she was an invited guest free to leave at any time. I have heard of cases like that being tossed down south because the lady officer did not tell the man to stop. She actually entrapped him because she was coaxing him to take out his penis. You have to stand tall in court, but it could get tossed. You need a decent attorney. Believe it or not these are tough times for attorneys too, and some come cheap. A fine one might not take it for less than 1,500-1,800; however, you might be surprised.

Good luck,

And they may work out a payment plan for you. Mizzle said fun had started (bbbj) so I doubt she was a cop and if she was it would be thrown out for that. She may have been working w/them though but that still creates issues. How many LEOz were there? One? Two? More? That may tell you whether it was set up. Do think you were spotted on the pick up and tailed??

Benchseats Rock
01-15-10, 22:35
No one is going to flame you... and if they do we will assume that person is Sebastian or his friend.

Check your PM.


I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening

Member #4061
01-15-10, 23:15
Does anyone know if Lawyers accept payment via credit card?

Many will accept credit cards, but you'll be better off setting up a payment plan with them because you won't pay interest or charges.

01-15-10, 23:19
Also do NOT go to trial with her. Have your lawyer get a new trial date where
you will be the defendant not with her as a codefendant. It will be easier on you.

01-15-10, 23:53
Thanks for the responses guys. I really do appreciate it.
The SW was defintely not working with the cops. She got arrested right along with me. The cops tailed me from the pick up and waited till I got settled in. As soon as the action began they sprung into action. It was only two cops (one car).
Does anyone know if Lawyers accept payment via credit card? That may be my only option to afford the type of lawyer I need.
Thanks again for the advice guys, I really do appreciated it.

Sounds like they really did not see actual act, (although they will often lie and say the did) but a Lawyer can grill them a force them to admit they did not actually see the actual event.

01-16-10, 01:47
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.
WOW she looks mighty fine, but it looks like it was BB. A no no with any sw

01-16-10, 02:00
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Saw the phot gallery and had to comment on this chick. She's a hottie! But what was she doing wearing a spaghetti strap in the middle of winter in B-more?

01-16-10, 04:11
I'm not going to flame you, because as we all know, shit happens. That said, as you've now had a day or two to think about it, for the sake of all of us other mongers, have you figured out a clue about what went wrong. Was it the place you chose? Who chose the place, the girl or you? Since she got into the car with you, I'm assuming that you don't think it was the girl. Also, fyi, I suspect a lawyer is going to cost significantly more than $500. The $500 might cover your fines and court costs.

Best of luck to you, and let us all know how it goes. By the way, that's a pretty odd charge ("committing a certain unnatural and perveted sexual practice"). It means that they didn't have enough to charge you with engaging in prostitution, or public indecency. In many states those kind of charges when involving consenting adults have been thrown out. But the cops are probably counting on you not wanting to be embarrassed or not having the money for an extended court fight.

I remain just

One Man

I find the story troubling, as I wonder when Bmore LE started arresting. Or had you crossed into Baltimore County? Though I am no longer in Baltimore, I was on the scene for over 8 years and still find my way back for some action when I can. (As Virginia seems dry as a bone. Grrr.) My worst encounter with LE was I think about 2-3 years ago, behind the Baltimore power plant, you know kinda outta pigstown. They certainly must have spotted me turning down the road as it was completely secluded. But lucky for me, I was still having a chat with the cute WSW, so when they zipped down and hit us with their floods, all they saw was us chatting, to cut a long story short, checked our ID's and set us free. Funny I had given her a Jackson already, and she insisted I get my monies worth so we hunted for new safe ground. I have also had LE pull up on me afterwards when dropping the gals off and just got and earful or a "you were not wearing a seatbelt fine" (a lie of course).

So when did they start hauling guys in? Was it becasue they caught you red handed so to speak? Does anyone know the current law?

Finally, this report will make me reinforce some of my basic laws:

1. I never with very few exceptions pick up a SW with another car behind or in front of me. I have come upon LE using umarked cars so many times a car behind or in front could be unmarked. I don't take chances. Also I do not pick up on main streets, too easy for LE to pull behind.

2. If you mean the circle at Wilkins, then come on man, there are those cameras all over the place, at least two that see that circle very clearly. They may have caught you that way, so I never pick up a SW near or under a camera.

3. After a pick up, if I pass LE, then I either drop her off or we leave the area completely. Many LE seem to know the spots or it seems if you go far enough they loose interest or you cross a county line.

4. I almost never go to the spot suggested by the SW. Sometimes I check it out and most times I say no. In most parts of Bmore that I roam, I have pre-selected spots I chose and consider safe. I have dropped off quite a few due to this spot issue.

5. Finally, be on the look out! I think they could only charge you as they apparrently caught you in the act. if you were zipped up and she clothed, I think it would have ended with a warning / fine or something. On this I may be wrong. Maybe others can give more accurate detail.

6. Oh one more, I check and double check. Men I like to have fun with the SW but its not worth it to have to go to jail or court. 18 hours!!! Gwad!!! So no matter how you want it, check and double check. Or hit CL and get busy.

Thats just my two cents.

01-16-10, 04:12
Hello to all the Senior Members and everyone else.

I have visited the forum for quite a while but only just joined.

01-16-10, 05:02
WOW she looks mighty fine, but it looks like it was BB. A no no with any sw

Why are you assuming that's a SW?

Claimed to have picked her up in the daytime, but pitch black outside, and Hammonds near the SA? Well I guess Hammonds Ferry is, uh, kind of close.

01-16-10, 06:24
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.Man you went in that with out cover.

01-16-10, 06:43
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Nice Try dude. I hope you and your GF had fun taking these pictures. As if there were girls who looked like this walking the streets of Baltimore let alone near the SA.

I think I saw this girl in a Girls Gone Wild video once???

And even if this was real which its not.....your pretty fuckin stupid to BBFS with a Baltimore SW even if she did look like a girl out of Dirty Debutantes central casting.

You should send these pics into Larry Flynt......he might hire her.

Member #3969
01-16-10, 07:09
Ditto, my first thought was damn she's hot then the brain kicks in and you know she's too hot for the street, and then you KNOW she'd charge more than what reported and lastly the time in the post and the apparent time in the pics don't match. I won't even get into the BBFS part. Why can't people just be happy posting REAL occurences instead of trying to fake it and getting caught?

Nice Try dude. I hope you and your GF had fun taking these pictures. As if there were girls who looked like this walking the streets of Baltimore let alone near the SA.

I think I saw this girl in a Girls Gone Wild video once?

And even if this was real which its not.....your pretty fuckin stupid to BBFS with a Baltimore SW even if she did look like a girl out of Dirty Debutantes central casting.

You should send these pics into Larry Flynt......he might hire her.

01-16-10, 07:49
I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.

Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.

I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a BBBJ)

I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.

As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.

Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listeningI'm no Lawyer but let whoever is defendig know this that in 2003 the Supreme court struck down all sodomy laws declaring it unconstitutional so any form of sodomy (BBBJ, Greek, oral, what ever) is NOT illegal and any law in any jurisdiction enforcing it is unconstitutional. FYI if you're not in a notel take find a spot outside the city's jurisdiction W/W and C/PP are near the Baltimore county line, and b/CB are near the AA county line so if you cross into these jurisdictions you're less likely to get caught and the police of those jurisdictions won't be nearly as tough. I often cross into to county when picking up girls and if they don't like it. I'll tell them I'm willing to take my business elsewhere.

01-16-10, 09:02
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Hey Good Karma

Nice photos ....I would figure out a way to keep her. She is far from being street hardened ....:-)



01-16-10, 09:31
Did the cops actually see what they described as "unnatural act"? or did they just see her head popping above your lap? did any of you admit to anything? were your pants/zipper down?

Lets for a minute assume you went in front of a judge and admitted that she was giving you a hand job, then it becomes difficult to stick the actual charge to you (dark, distance, fraction of a second, etc.).

You are lucky it was not a prostitution charge, which sticks more easily under the circumstances. Remember Leah of Patepsco? I believe she got Nolle Perseque for same thing (search last name Patton).

You got good advice on this forum and I hope you keep us posted. Remember to keep your eyes on back mirror at all times while fishing.

Thanks for the responses guys. I really do appreciate it.
The SW was defintely not working with the cops. She got arrested right along with me. The cops tailed me from the pick up and waited till I got settled in. As soon as the action began they sprung into action. It was only two cops (one car).
Does anyone know if Lawyers accept payment via credit card? That may be my only option to afford the type of lawyer I need.
Thanks again for the advice guys, I really do appreciated it.

01-16-10, 10:38
Did the cops actually see what they described as "unnatural act"? or did they just see her head popping above your lap? did any of you admit to anything? were your pants/zipper down?

Lets for a minute assume you went in front of a judge and admitted that she was giving you a hand job, then it becomes difficult to stick the actual charge to you (dark, distance, fraction of a second, etc.).

You are lucky it was not a prostitution charge, which sticks more easily under the circumstances. Remember Leah of Patepsco? I believe she got Nolle Perseque for same thing (search last name Patton).

You got good advice on this forum and I hope you keep us posted. Remember to keep your eyes on back mirror at all times while fishing.

No, Leah got 18 months probation, which she just was arrested for last month for violating:

Charge No: 001Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Statute: CR.3.322Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:6 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 01/14/2009 To: 01/14/2009 Victim Age:
Disposition: GUILTYDisposition Date:04/10/2009
Fine:$100.00Court Costs:$22.50CICF:$35.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$100.00Court Costs:$22.50CICF:$35.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:12/29/2009Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:00Mos:18Days:000
Suspended Term: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000
Credit Time Served: 0041

01-16-10, 11:26
After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.

01-16-10, 12:03
After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.
This explains the spagetti straps on "Karma's" girl. Y'all are having some really nice weather up there.

Member #3969
01-16-10, 12:06
Just wondering why the pics show DAYTIME and on a BOAT when you say you scooped her late last night?? And if it's real and both she and you do BB anal you can just keep the digits as that's way too crazy. I would guess that most guys would turn it down as well. And as for "that great report by Goood Karma" that's as fake as yours is starting to look. Just my .02 cents

After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.

Member #4061
01-16-10, 13:36
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Good post Karma,
Listen I don't know what the story is with the posts and don't much care. Maybe you posted late or whatever, but you have good taste in women. It was a beautiful day out yesterday. Hell, I might have bare backed that too. The risk reward ratio looked low. Such is a mongers life. Anyway, I also recognize that monger mobile. It belongs to a guy who got the scoop on me twice in the late summer on the loops. Nice to finally meet you. I'm not a big flamer, so I won't flame. I just have two comments for you that might help out.
1. photo shop and scrub data off your pictures. There are a lot of wack jobs on this board (you know the lonely goth type)
2. Use the monger stop as a monger stop. Enjoy it man. Again, use the monger stop as a monger stop. It is a welcome oasis. Don't let these spinners pull you into the parking lot, so they can cop down the street. That shit doesn't fly in that area. You are out in the open. It's fairly obvious to the trained eye what you are doing. It's also a good way to lose that ride. They don't need that shit for a notel date, they want it! Those county cops that sit at the line will toss your shit. One searched me for a light out on my license plate last year, and I'm clean as a nun's tit. I didn't consent to the search, but the door was open and in he went. What do you think they will do if they see you with a hot spinner with scratch marks on her face? Yes the car will get tossed, and she will throw that shit under your seat in a heartbeat. If you can't handle her without her belongings, or you're in for a longer date, I suggest you make her keep that shit in her mouth. Watch her put it on her tongue and tell her to swallow before the guy gets out of his car. Good luck Karma.


Mr Grinch
01-16-10, 13:43
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Damn! Wish she was in Memphis!

01-16-10, 14:05
Hey Mizzle. Follow the advice you heard here: GET A LAWYER and get one that you paid for.

There are a number of good lawyers that can be had for the cost of the court date or a little more. A good lawyer, like one post said, will mean you will spend two or three minutes before a judge. This is a difficult charge for the state to prove. Additionally it is likely that the lawyer you hire will either need a postponement of the trial date or will be smart enough to get one or two; this helps to lessen the chance that the arresting officer or the officer whose name is on the report will show up for court. If the arresting officer doesn't show up you're chances of having the charges dropped are all but sure.

I once saw a lawyer at Eastside District Court get someone acquitted of this charge by agreeing to the statement of facts in the charging document. Once the states attorney accepted that, the lawyer blew huge holes in the charges to the point where the judge laughed at the prosecutor and the defendant was acquitted. The whole thing took about two minutes.

Cops will happily lie on the stand and the judge will be more likely to believe uncle LEO than you. A good defense attorney will catch the officer in the lie or misstep and lessen the chance that the judge will find the testimony credible. The officer's testimony is the best evidence they will have for your case; a good lawyer will nullify that meager shred of evidence against you. Hopefully you didn't say anything so they can't use what you said against you.

The state doesn't use it's top prosecutors for crimes like this at district court. You're likely to get a young inexperienced states attorney who doesn't know the law as well as your seasoned criminal defense attorney. Find someone who's done this before and you'll have no trouble. Someone who has handled drug cases will also likely do a good job.

Get a lawyer. If you get a lawyer, all you'll have is his bill. If you don't get a lawyer, you will likely have a criminal record. Don't jerk around with the legal system. You need good help. Get a good criminal defense attorney. The money that you can't afford now is much less expensive than a criminal record.

01-16-10, 14:10
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.Her outfit looks a little skimpy for the dead of winter?

She must have been freezing.

Alpha D
01-16-10, 14:15
Ladies and Gents and bowlegged ants,
I sit before you to stand behind you,
To tell you something I know nothing about.
This Thursday is Good Friday.
There will be a ladies meeting for men only.
Admission is free, so pay at the door.
There’s plenty of seating so sit on the floor.
As to a recent post, now it is possible to run several loops without getting in your car. And new talent can be seen just about anywhere you are. “Not far” is a relative term, as well as “new here,” “clean,” and “friendly.” One can snort when they laugh. One can negotiate for something they don’t actually receive. Just when did the writer actually go to that local (relative term) industrial park? Most industrial parks experience very little traffic. Ladies usually do take their time and “oral” can mean any number of things. Obviously “perfect c’s” refers to the calm waters of the river and people do shave their cats. Apparently our writer was at lunch and upgraded to the french style green beans which only come with the $40.00 fillet. He was excited not to find any fingers in his lunch and therefore highly recommends this clean establishment for dinner. The converstation was pretty good, the wine had a nice constitution, and the green beans were worth the upgrade. Not sure why a school aged teen would be out of school and hanging around near four adults at a restaurant during the middle of the day.

Fabricated – no doubt.
Enjoy the pics and ignore the trolls.


Who Knows
01-16-10, 14:16
After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.

Wow, I will say she is good looking. I love the pics but, I never knew there was a lake so large you can put a boat on it right there at the stadium. And, your camera takes exceptional pics given it is pitch black at 2am. What model is it?

i'm just sayin'


01-16-10, 15:20
Getting back to reality and real reports...........picked up Christina the other night on Wilkens. This girl is 23 WSW with very long brown hair. Very pretty face. Body is so so......a little chunky but could be overlooked if she didn't have so many marks on her legs and arms. Unfortunately she has many tracks on her body but still overall nice looking girl and again the face is very good with no scabs or pick marks. Looks like a normal pretty college girl in the face. Says shes from Glen Burnie and once attended Anne Arundel Comm. College. Also used to dance on the block for 2 months.

Very nice personality, not high, good conversation. Did notel for about 80 but we hung out for over 2 hours just chilled and got multiple BBBJs. She has excellent DT skills and is very patient and takes her time and never complains.

Overall not a bad experience. Again from the neck up this girl is like an 8 at least. Worth picking up again but I would stick to the BBBJs and just enjoy that young pretty face bobbing up and down your shaft.


Amp Guide
01-16-10, 16:39
hi great find on Gina. wow. Cannot beat that . I would think it was a GF in the shots. Wish she was out there. Take her to a notel and please post some great shots. For the dollars you quoted the girls who are that hot here want alot more .

thanks for sharing

Teabag X
01-16-10, 19:01
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.I don't know where you got these pics BUT, I'm callin BULLSHIT !! No SW is gonna be out in B'more this time of year in spaghetti straps. She's a hottie! BUT. Dressed like that doesn't fit the weather.

Benchseats Rock
01-16-10, 19:57
After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.



01-16-10, 22:14
You say you picked this girl up at 2AM and negotiated pics. Are we suppose to believe that at 2AM, you took pics in the parking lot of the stadium and the sun was shining and while the tide was high and your car mysteriously became a yaught with the waves crashing in? At 2 AM? If you're going to lie, atleast try to make it believable! I'm having a hard time believing that a SENIOR member would try to pull this shit.

Get a clue dude.....he's joking

01-17-10, 00:56
Once upon a time there was a Monger named Trashman....

If only he were here now. Sadly, he is gone. So the rest of you need to wise up.

GOODKARMA1 is a fake! Shocking I know. He is the same dude who posted about picking up a WSW on North Avenue. You know the ones, we all called BS on them at the time, the pictures he posted of the girl doing him in his car, only it looked like the inside of a hotel room? Remember the old saying, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Check his post history. Then look at the photos, the clothing on the girl, and the lack of scars, marks, pimples, etc. It just does not add up.

This guy has gotten not just the Baltimore board, but USASG into a tizzy, because the photos are getting a lot of attention. Need more proof? Six posts, (three of which are identical just different sections of the Baltimore board) and two spectacular finds. Really? Sure a few mongers figured it out, and AACountyman, kudos on the excellent spoof.

It is important to have a critical eye folks. If he had posted that report without the pics, who would have questioned him?...but of course ego would not allow that. I find it sad that even after his post was called B.S., people still congratulated him on his "find". All he found was photos on the web.


Dr. Monger

Member #4061
01-17-10, 02:36
Once upon a time there was a Monger named Trashman....

If only he were here now. Sadly, he is gone. So the rest of you need to wise up.

GOODKARMA1 is a fake! Shocking I know. He is the same dude who posted about picking up a WSW on North avenue. You know, the pictures he posted of the girl doing him in his car, only it looked like the inside of a hotel room? Remember the old saying, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Check his post history. Then look at the photos, the clothing on the girl, and the lack of scars, marks, pimples, etc. It just does not add up.

This guy has gotten not just the Baltimore board, but USASG into a tizzy, because the photos are getting a lot of attention. Need more proof? Six posts, (three of which are identical just different areas of the Baltimore board) and two spectacular finds. Really? Sure a few mongers figured it out, and AACountyman, kudos on the excellent spoof.

It is important to have a critical eye folks. If he had posted that rep[ort without the pics, who would have questioned him?...but of course ego would not allow that. I find it sad that even after his post was called B.S., people still congratulated him on his "find". All he found was photos on the web.


Dr. Monger

You're right Doctor. We need to have a keen sense. I did congratulate him. Until I can check the micro film, or he gets thrown off the site, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. It takes some courage to post reports as well as attach pictures to them at this time. I'm scared to death to post anything because we've got people running around cyber stalking and making threats and what not which complicates things. Anytime a person includes a report with name/location, we have two or three people asking the time,exact location, place, spot, etc. Did the guy screw up the report? Sure he did. Did he mislead people. It looks that way. Maybe the guy had the pics for some time and finally took the time to post. There are too may variables. I find it disturbing that a group of experienced mongers actually thinks that is a model or worse a college co-ed. That chick has stripper with a dope problem(nose) written all over her. In fact, she is dope high in the pics. I find it to be a strange coincidence that W/W had a chick who look similar to her last summer. She did have marks: Her hair was a bit darker; She was 20 lbs lighter; She looked 2 years older(lightly greasy from the streets); She got into a black Audi A8/6 at the monger stop. The guy at the monger stop was mid to late 30s with brown hair. The guy in the pics is mid to late 30s brown hair. Interestingly enough, he knew her well enough to trust her to come back after copping before the notel date. The same guy has cut me off twice on the loops scooping spinners. Apparently we both hold out for spinners. I have seen him on three or four other occasions. Strange how a 40,000 sedan sticks out on W/W.

Anyway, We all have great monger stories. They don't come as frequent as we like sometimes, so we hold on to them. Maybe the guy had the pics on his computer and the stories from years past, and decided to share them, but did not know how without offending anyone or getting flame, so he fabricated parts of the story and changed the times. Is that acceptable. Hell no! Should he be castigated into the well of loneliness and shunned? I don't think so. He might have some good information to share. He did not come here as a cop, activist, or troll looking to cause trouble. He never asked any questions or demanded information. Maybe I'm completely wrong on this one. If I'm wrong, I will eat my words. After all words are cheap, and people aren't.

Good luck to all of you.

- If R:R reads this thread, he could solve this problem by looking at the micro film. My computer is too bogged down and I'm too lazy/ignorant to figure out the program tools, sorry man. I'll break down and get a new pc one day.

01-17-10, 07:28
I saw this pic and had to tell you, I picked up her what looked exackly like this girl about 20 years ago in Miami on US1. I have a poloroid of the girl I was with, I will look for it. Long story short, after our car session, I took her to breakfast, and I had a camera in my car. Same face, body, and very similar clothes. Must have been her mother. Weird!

Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.

Tim P14
01-17-10, 08:53
Aacountyman this is as fake as fake can be. This isn't the place to post your fanatsies. I agree with the picked up at night and the pictures are taken in the daylight and also who took the anal picture? Not you unless your left arm is 8 ft long.

Benchseats Rock
01-17-10, 10:05
Aacountyman this is as fake as fake can be. This isn't the place to post your fanatsies. I agree with the picked up at night and the pictures are taken in the daylight and also who took the anal picture? Not you unless your left arm is 8 ft long.

It's a fucking joke. RTFF.

01-17-10, 10:37
The Trashman took no prisoners; RIP.

Ricky Raccoon
01-17-10, 11:20
Over the last few years I have been a member of this board, I have noticed people post accurate/helpful/useful information, where others post garbage. Now, one can find a gem just like Aacountyman’s posted pictures, a bag of flawless beauty…..lord knows I have found a handful. However, I have NEVER seen a SW or an escort on a damn boat. I have seen everything in charm city, to include the horse pulling the fruit carriage. There are no boats in the middle of the city. Then again, who am I to question the integrity of a senior member?

Bullshit = 1, Accountyman=0

Then there is GooodKarma1. Are you really serious? I strongly believe if it’s too good to be true, it is! But, who am I to question the integrity of another monger? If this is a ploy to gain respect amongst the forum members, it will not work, as you will feel the wrath of the flame gun. Post tangible info. It works. Most of the info anyone posts is verifiable.

Bullshit = 2, GooodKarma1=0

So, on to my post. After a hiatus (and high gas prices) and some recon, last night, I decided to run The Mega Loop: Clix loop to P/P to Dundalk to CB. Clix had nothing to my tastes, so I went on to P/P. Again, nothing to my taste, but monger intuition held me in the area.

So I ran into Lovey, short WSW, red hair, blue/green eyes (it was dark), all bundled up wearing slippers (WTF I asked). Found her on Conkling and Pratt or Claremont. She gave be a story about police raid and she had mail and a key blah blah blah. Found a good location, brand new, as my initial deed location is no good. Negotiated 3 Jacks for BBBJ (yes, price is high but I had a plan). She got undress, and noticed a nice body, B cups, no sags and a nice navel ring. BBBJ was great, but she began the blah blah blah. don’t cum in her mouth. So, negotiated another Jack to upgrade to FS. Proceeded to do the deed, where she complained about my size and blah blah blah. Blew my load on her leg, as she moved when I tried to cum on her tits. I then offered a Hamilton for pics…..f*ck, this chick was all about money (they all are, but this one takes the cake). On the way back, she got on her phone, trying to add minutes. She told the phone reps her name is Nicole. She gave me her ## and I will be calling. Will definitely repeat, next time, in a notel.

looks: 9
attitude: 2
performance: 9

So, onward to the magical castle I call home. Cutting thru Clix on wilkins/catherine, I saw a brunette, long hair with a mole on her face. Too good to be true? Civilian or sw? Lets see. If it’s a civilian, I’ll get her number and date her. Must have passed her three times; there must have been an LE convention at Clix. The third time is a charm, as I stopped and asked if she needed a ride. Bingo.
Mongers and Mongerettes, meet Cristina, a flawless bag of beauty. Brunette, long flowing hair, awesome personality….gorgeous as can be. No pictures, as she said no. On the drive to the deed location, she seemed self-conscious, as she wanted to know if I thought she was beautiful. Um…yeah! Negotiated 3 Jacks for BBBJ and FS. She undressed…..what a perfect specimen. Gorgeous, soft body with no marks. BBBJ was 9.0/10…..FS (cowgirl) was 9.999/10. In the words of John Travolta as Vic Deakins, “I said, Goddamn! What a rush!” Took her back, asking her for ##. Does not have one.

looks: 9.9999
attitude: 10 (trust me, it was perfect)
overall performance: 9.999

The pictures are of Lovey/Nicole. PM me if you know her. No pics of Cristina. If you recognize the description, PM me. Hope the weather remains above 50 and gas prices drop (king of wishful thinking). Once things look financially better, I am going to invest in a "we don't need you name and other identifiable information" phone. That way, I can call and give out my "number".

Ricky R.

One last thing, my pics are real, of a real woman not on a boat. I did Photoshop them, so they can meet the forum’s 640 x 640 requirements.

Benchseats Rock
01-17-10, 11:32
Here is a guide to understand what is happening.

GoodKarma = Lying sack of shit

AACountyman = making fun of him.



01-17-10, 11:43
I usually do the Sun paper & coffee on a Sunday a.m. but reading the board this a.m. is better than the comic section. It is unbelievable that the # of mongers CAN'T tell the difference between BS post & a post making fun of the BS post! Rook.

Ricky Raccoon
01-17-10, 12:14
I received this post from a newbie (I am keeping his name private to prevent him from getting the flame gun):

"I haven't seen any advice (in the forum or newbie archives) about relatively safe locations to stop for fun after a pick-up. This is especially relevant after the guy's post recently that didn't turn out so well."

You guys are breaking my f-ing heart. For all the newbies, here is my advice:


2) Get a map and investigate potential areas (this piece of advice was actually posted a few years back). You can use google maps if you are too cheap to buy a map. If you do not have a computer/map, what the hell are you doing on here?


4) Once you find an area, perform recon during the times you plan to monger


6) DO NOT go to the SW's location. You WILL get robbed/assaulted/killed/raped!!! (this has been posted recently)


All this info I have learned by RTFF. I decided to put it all together, in one posting.

Ricky R.

01-17-10, 12:51
Really? Wow-thanks for clearly that up.

What you failed to realize was that aacountyman's post was making fun of Goood Karma's bs post. You go back & reread the posts & maybe than you will get it! Until than, [Deleted by Admin] & that goes out to the rest of the [Deleted by Admin] who doesn't have a clue which post is legit & which ones are bs!


EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

Ricky Raccoon
01-17-10, 13:06

the flame thrower pointed at the wrong direction. The post should have read "they both should blow smoke up someone else's ass".
My apologies, and the post has been corrected....


01-17-10, 15:19
The lady pictured in Ricky's post seems to have more than a few body sores in critical places. She looks a little too "risky" for FS play.

Mr Sacks
01-17-10, 15:29
Dispite all the posts I have read that there is no quaility walking the streets. I picked up Tessa on Ramsay. I have given Tessa a few rides and contributed to her tuition (standard for a bbbjcim). She is well worth the company. I have her digits. (for the more trusted members)

01-17-10, 16:19
FYI: The 2 guys who got arrested with Leah in AA County both got 3 years probation for trespassing and were fined over $250 each.

01-17-10, 16:24
Thanks to all the folks who got my joke.

See you on the roads (and lakes) of Charm City!

Benchseats Rock
01-17-10, 16:33
FYI: The 2 guys who got arrested with Leah in AA County both got 3 years probation for trespassing and were fined over $250 each.Seems a bit harsh don't it?

01-17-10, 17:34
Seems a bit harsh don't it?Yeah, and not only that they both have VOP court appearances next week. They must have failed to pay or do community service. Leah in the other hand is now free and clear of her charges.

I just wonder where they went to do their thing.

01-17-10, 23:04
You're right Doctor. We need to have a keen sense. I did congratulate him. Until I can check the micro film, or he gets thrown off the site, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. It takes some courage to post reports as well as attach pictures to them at this time. I'm scared to death to post anything because we've got people running around cyber stalking and making threats and what not which complicates things. Anytime a person includes a report with name/location, we have two or three people asking the time,exact location, place, spot, etc. Did the guy screw up the report? Sure he did. Did he mislead people. It looks that way. Maybe the guy had the pics for some time and finally took the time to post. There are too may variables. I find it disturbing that a group of experienced mongers actually thinks that is a model or worse a college co-ed. That chick has stripper with a dope problem(nose) written all over her. In fact, she is dope high in the pics. I find it to be a strange coincidence that W/W had a chick who look similar to her last summer. She did have marks: Her hair was a bit darker; She was 20 lbs lighter; She looked 2 years older(lightly greasy from the streets); She got into a black Audi A8/6 at the monger stop. The guy at the monger stop was mid to late 30s with brown hair. The guy in the pics is mid to late 30s brown hair. Interestingly enough, he knew her well enough to trust her to come back after copping before the notel date. The same guy has cut me off twice on the loops scooping spinners. Apparently we both hold out for spinners. I have seen him on three or four other occasions. Strange how a 40,000 sedan sticks out on W/W.

Anyway, We all have great monger stories. They don't come as frequent as we like sometimes, so we hold on to them. Maybe the guy had the pics on his computer and the stories from years past, and decided to share them, but did not know how without offending anyone or getting flame, so he fabricated parts of the story and changed the times. Is that acceptable. Hell no! Should he be castigated into the well of loneliness and shunned? I don't think so. He might have some good information to share. He did not come here as a cop, activist, or troll looking to cause trouble. He never asked any questions or demanded information. Maybe I'm completely wrong on this one. If I'm wrong, I will eat my words. After all words are cheap, and people aren't.

Good luck to all of you.

- If R:R reads this thread, he could solve this problem by looking at the micro film. My computer is too bogged down and I'm too lazy/ignorant to figure out the program tools, sorry man. I'll break down and get a new pc one day.

Sorry, your points just don't hold water. A reliable monger would indicate the posts were from a previous pickup. He would not claim that they were from "yesterday". He would not tell an outright lie. Plus, his previous post about North avenue cannot be rescued by any contortion of facts such as you made for his second post. Sorry, his post is an out an out lie.

Dr. Monger

Just Cl
01-18-10, 03:42
Picked a good day to call in "sick". Ran several loops and saw plenty of new talent today. Met Gina off Hammonds not far from SA. Said she is new here. Looked clean and very friendly. Did say she snorted. Negotiated BBBJ for a Jackson and went to local industrial park. Very little traffic there. Gina was unrushed and very skilled at oral. Once I saw the perfect C's and shaved kitty, upgraded to FS for another Jackson plus tip. No digits. Highly reccomend, very clean.



FS. 10

Also saw little Nicole with 2 friends and sugar daddy on 2nd. A gorgeous dirty blond in jeans and a white coat at 2nd and Patapsco. Closer look tells me she should be in school. I pass.

Have fun.I came across the pics from this post and couldn't believe it! I'd pay for a first class ticket to have that chick walkin' here in Chicago.

We have nothing nearly that good on the streets here!

01-18-10, 04:49
Has anyone seen Amanda anymore?

I stopped by her place on Wilkens a few months ago. She came to the door while on a cell phone. Told me she was busy and to come back in 30 minutes and she would be free.

I was too busy to come back, but I would like to see her again.

Her crib is a little to scary to go by. Lots of spooky looking dudes and chicks lurking.

I have not seen her working for a while now.

Drpmd feel free to PM me if you need info on where to find her .

01-18-10, 08:53
Was on the WW loop early this morning around 3. Not an sw, man, civilian, dog or cat was out except this guy lurking around the school. He stared me down every time I passed him, thought he might be PJW but I didnt see a camera. After 30 minutes finally saw this bundled up wsw at Wash Blvd and Carey and took a chance. Decent face, great smooth body with no sores and great legs. Actually had her pull down her jeans to get a look at them. She had these nice lips an actress would be proud of. Clean. Said her name was Melanie. Well since her jeans were undone I started fingering her and she got wet and o'ed right there while I was driving around. Got to my spot and she gave me a great bbbj, one of the best Ive had even from a civilian. Gave her the standard donation, we hadnt even discussed it since I picked her up. Doesnt have a phone, but I gave her my number; will try for digits and pics next time.

01-18-10, 11:15
After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.
This is a porn star. Run them thru TinEye

01-18-10, 15:47
Driving on North Avenue Monday for lunch. Spot a cute WSW circling the block. A little bundled up so hard to tell much. Make another pass and pull over. She reverses direction and circle again. I catch her on the next pass and she asks me where the train station is. She hops in and cute as hell. Got in a fight with her boyfriend last night and he later got in another fight and got locked up. Needs to get to South Carolina. Spent the night on the street and cold, tired and broke. Get us a coffee and donuts and offer to help her. Offer 20 for a BJ and she says she's not like that. Ask her for ID and she shows me two SC college IDs. She's legit, I pegged her wrong. Not an SW. But smart and cute as hell. Tell her I'll take her to train station and good luck. Was thinking I'd give her 10 just to be nice when I dropped her. Then she says okay to the BJ for Jackson. Find the first garage and park. I whip it out and she fondles and rubs. I ask to see her tits. Very small and perky but my eye catches the happy trail. Hits my weak spot. I have a perversion for girls with light body hair. Forgot all about the tits. Unprepared, no cover. Shame on me. Gives BBBJ, more stroking than suction but shes damn hot and certainly not a pro. Give it a 3 but didn't really care. As she leaning over me I'm looking for the tramp stamp. None, she's so clean. I see the blond hairs running down the small of her back to her ass and it drives me wild. I unload in her hand a huge load which she cleans up with the napkins. Write down my digits and tell her to call me before 5 if she has any trouble. Take her to the station and give her an extra Hamilton. What a fox she is. Some guy has a real keeper and he's an ass. More to story but time to get out of work. Pics to followSo all of this in the garage? Yet I see carpet, drywall and a window. My oh my your car is spacious?

01-18-10, 17:33
Mizzle: Spend the money, find the money or something and GET A LAWYER. You really need some good help at this point. Don't delay; DO IT NOW.

Let us all know how it comes out. Good luck.

Someone royally messed up. PJW

01-18-10, 18:21

My suggestion to you is get there real early. Parking at the North Ave. courthouse can be a b!tch to find for the early session.

Actually don't worry too much. This is Baltimore City after all. The worst case scenario would be a PBJ (Alford plea). If the cops ditch court duty, which is most likely to happen, I can't see the judge or prosecution calling them in for something as small as this. I sat in that same court and watched Judge Doory (a former homicide prosecutor) stet a handgun possession charge against a thug with a long rap sheet.

But yes, get a lawyer.

Lots of spooky looking dudes and chicks lurking.

Kind of like this board lately.

Benchseats Rock
01-18-10, 19:29
Kind of like this board lately.Couldn't agree more.

Even if you're not a noob, if I don't know you, or know someone who can vouch for you, I'm not giving up shit about shit.

I don't want my personal info posted on some guys website.

It's not likely to happen either, I might be in Baltimore like a day out of the month and I'm too damn busy with work, and truth be told, AC is easier to get to for me these days.

Between now and whenever though, it will be interesting to see how this PJW thing develops. I'm gonna make some popcorn.

Mizzle, good luck. Read your mail.


01-18-10, 19:47

Sorry to hear about your bad luck my friend. Whatever you do! Don't fall on your sword! For the love of God, don't use a public defender. They won't even look at a case like that until the morning of the court date and tell you to plea out for Nolle Prosequi if you're lucky, probation/service if you're not. The DUI shouldn't show up at this date. It's a moving violation and you didn't commit another moving violation unless you were having sex while driving which would include negligence charges. Your attorney is not going to cost nearly as much as a DUI. It's not a complex charge. You'll be in front of the judge for two-three minutes. It should get thrown out due to lack of evidence/witness etc, unless your lady friend was a cop and you stroked little Mizzle in front of her. You might have a problem. Even if that happened, it could still get tossed because you were inside your car and she was an invited guest free to leave at any time. I have heard of cases like that being tossed down south because the lady officer did not tell the man to stop. She actually entrapped him because she was coaxing him to take out his penis. You have to stand tall in court, but it could get tossed. You need a decent attorney. Believe it or not these are tough times for attorneys too, and some come cheap. A fine one might not take it for less than 1, 500-1, 800; however, you might be surprised.

Good luck,



There is one out of PG named Robert Bonsib. The guy is a beast trial lawyer. Pretty much any charge with the word sex in it, he can beat. Don't know if he would take a small charge like the one your facing, but you would walk as soon as his name hit the case documents. Your name would not appear anywhere after the case(important!). He might cost you 3, 200-4, 000 though. Whatever attorney you choose, make sure you explain to them you don't want your name showing up anywhere after the trail. Sometimes that's just as bad as a guilty verdict.

There is another lawyer in PG. Richard Arnold seems to handle many of these cases. He has much experience in this area. I'm not sure, but I think he represented a couple of mamas that we know on the circuit. (one in particular that has never been shut down longer than two weeks). His price structure might be reasonable. PM me for the numbers or look them up online. Both attorneys are in Greenbelt.To go along the lines of Doctor. Also see if Andy Alperstein is available. He has been around for a while and has a very good reputation in Baltimore.

Best of luck

Johnny Stales
01-18-10, 20:18
Dispite all the posts I have read that there is no quaility walking the streets. I picked up Tessa on Ramsay. I have given Tessa a few rides and contributed to her tuition (standard for a bbbjcim). She is well worth the company. I have her digits. (for the more trusted members)It's pics like that of Tessa that makes a man rethink what he's doing on the streets. The sadness, shame and desperation in her expression is sobering. Apologies for being a downer.

01-18-10, 20:38
It's pics like that of Tessa that makes a man rethink what he's doing on the streets. The sadness, shame and desperation in her expression is sobering. Apologies for being a downer.I was thinking the same thing.


01-18-10, 23:03
The lady pictured in Ricky's post seems to have more than a few body sores in critical places. She looks a little too "risky" for FS play.What you see is a herpes outbreak. Many people mistake it for razor burn, but you can see that there are clearly sores around the labia and the mucosa of the vagina is red and enflamed, not the typical healthy pink.

Member #4061
01-18-10, 23:21
It's pics like that of Tessa that makes a man rethink what he's doing on the streets. The sadness, shame and desperation in her expression is sobering. Apologies for being a downer.

You'd be sad too if you jumped in a car with a 'cop' in the drivers' seat. That's not the look of a women who is about to send in a rent check. She's got the field mug blues. The attitude in the face does not match the post. I wonder who is on the other end of that burner.

Mr. Sacks, are you from that area? You do sound familiar. I appreciate the general offer for her number; however, I personally don't use numbers off this site, and I never will use them. There are plenty of numbers on CL and BP pal. It takes the fun out of everyday living. Take it easy old boy.

The Sarge
01-19-10, 08:03
Looks like Mizzle gave out to much information and the people over at PJW blew his sheet up. Just one more headache the Mizz does not need.

Good luck buddy

01-19-10, 09:22
Yeah, and not only that they both have VOP court appearances next week. They must have failed to pay or do community service. Leah in the other hand is now free and clear of her charges.

I just wonder where they went to do their thing.

Talking of Leah, I spotted her recently on Pennington, gained about 40 pounds, wearing glasses, even talking like grandma. Says she has been clean for 5 month now. She moved to Glen Bernie and has digits. Excellent BJ skills, but not spunky enough for me.

01-19-10, 16:44
What you see is a herpes outbreak. Many people mistake it for razor burn, but you can see that there are clearly sores around the labia and the mucosa of the vagina is red and enflamed, not the typical healthy pink.
Yes, I know what it is. I just wanted to point out that the young lady did NOT look very healthy.

01-19-10, 20:11
i do not want to preach, just give a little advice.

go to notels my friends.

i used to get bbbjs in the car parked behind warehouses, but it is dangerous and not as enjoyable as getting a room.

some inexpensive places are on rt.1, great way to get warmed up in the winter weather.

if you pick up a girl there is nothing illegal.
under cover le generally will not get in your car.

know the girl's name, make sure she knows yours. you cannot be responsible for all of her activities.

the only risk is drugs, if she is carrying you are all going down!
mizzle, i know things are rough now, but they would be worse if your charges included drugs or ****.

other than that, let the hunt begin!


mizzle, let me know if i can help.
i hate to see a brother go down by engaging in a victim-less crime.
especially because i have done the same many times, luck has kept me
from uncle leo's grasp.

Hugh Jardon
01-19-10, 22:12

Really good job.

After that great report by Goood Karma, I decided to check out the loops last night/this morning. Saw this keeper on Sebastian's street around 2AM. I stopped, flashed my lights a couple of times but she would not look at me. So I honked the horn a couple of times and she hopped in.

Drove her to my spot near M&T Bank Stadium and we negotiated .2 for some head and pictures. She was so fine, I upgraded to FS and anal for another .05. She was a trooper and I dropped her off in front of Sebastian's place.

PM me for digits. She said she wants to meet all you guys on this board.

Md Curious
01-19-10, 23:40
Looks like Mizzle gave out to much information and the people over at PJW blew his sheet up. Just one more headache the Mizz does not need.

Good luck buddyIf you click on the comments field.

Its lists his ******* page.

All his info!

Hugh Wang
01-19-10, 23:54
I've been in the same exact situation twice before. First time i just got community service and nothing went on my record, the 2nd i got PBJ with a $150 fine. You dont need to spend any money on a lawer just take the 24 hours of community service that theyre going to offer you and move on. If you need anymore info PM me. Like i said I've been in the same exact situation twice. Sitting in Central was basically the punishment just be glad this wasnt 2001 when you could sit in there 4 days before seeing a commish.

Good luck with everything.

Roamin Roman
01-20-10, 02:42
If R: are reads this thread, he could solve this problem by looking at the micro film. My computer is too bogged down and I'm too lazy/ignorant to figure out the program tools, sorry man. I'll break down and get a new pc one day.Yeah, sometimes RR gets around to reading this forum (though not as often as he should). As Westsideguy has already noted, these pictures were pulled down from a porn site. The photo labeled "G2" shows up in the Greenshades database, which appears to be a Spanish or Italian site. So, in addition to Good Karma's photos looking too good to be true (along with the BBFS), the details in the report didn't match up with what was clearly visible in the photos. Pretty conclusive evidence that (to abbreviate BSR's analysis) GK=LSOS.


PS. Bad karma has the smell of bacon, IMHO.

01-20-10, 16:15
Any mongers know if there is any SW action around Baltimore National Pike, what streets etc.

01-20-10, 16:22
Is there any action on or around Baltimore National Pike.

01-21-10, 01:01
I've been in the same exact situation twice before. First time i just got community service and nothing went on my record, the 2nd i got PBJ with a $150 fine. You dont need to spend any money on a lawer just take the 24 hours of community service that theyre going to offer you and move on. If you need anymore info PM me. Like i said I've been in the same exact situation twice. Sitting in Central was basically the punishment just be glad this wasnt 2001 when you could sit in there 4 days before seeing a commish.

Good luck with everything.I've been in the same situation too, and HW is right with the 24 hrs cs, but he is wrong about having a record. You will have a arrest for prostitution on there. You will have to wait 3 years before you can have it removed. Actually it will take 3 yrs plus 4 months for the paper work to process. If you plan to look for a job in the next 3 1/2 yrs it may be worth the fight.

01-21-10, 03:20
If you click on the comments field.

Its lists his ******* page.

All his info!While going over to South Bmore to take care of a personal matter. I spotted this hot girl jet black hair nice build gave that look. She was on Carey and Washington. Also noticed grey colored Dodge Ram pick-up lights just sitting. Came back around by the school and noticed girl walking towards the gas station. Passed by she gave look again I just kept on going something just was'nt right and I don't know if I was right but as I drove back down Washington the truck turned the corner and stopped by the school. Now I was'nt even trying to do anything but something just was'nt right. Then coming back through that way say plenty of LE with dudes pulled over. My thinking if it looks too good to be true 90% of the time it' 5-0 Moving on to Mizzle's situation find a decent lawyer that specializes in those types of cases. I myself was caught up years ago when I was young and just plain stupid. Was on Patapsco by the flea market noticed this nicely dressed lady flagged me down and I pulled over chatted it up told her I wanted a bj then she tells me to pull into the lot were the storage is located now as I'm turning around next thing I know I see a car pull up and guys screaming let me see your hands and then one actually pulling a gun. At first I thought I was being robbed until I saw one with a badge opening the door and telling me I was under arrest for solicitation of prostitution. Now this is were it's gets crazy I did'nt have any money as they checked my pockets and asked how where you going to get a bj with no money I told them that I was getting ready to pull off and was'nt intending on doing anything I was just trying to get a laugh. Well they were'nt laughing and were deciding whether or not to take me in they left it up to the female and she said take him he wants to be funny then let him laugh in Southern District lockup. Needless to say after talking with my lawyer at court in Southern district she talked the D.A. down from a $150 fine to just court costs and a pbj, but this was under the condition that the charge papers be read in court I forget what it's called but that's what happened to me. Did I like it no I dealt with the embarassment but in the end I had no record. I guess you could call me lucky she explained to me that she told the D.A. that I did'nt have any money and that it was a joke on my part but the officers got angry and still locked me up. So the only advice I can give is get yourself a good lawyer. Now on to the PJW I feel that to put someone's info out like that is totally out of line. I know what we do is what you may call morally incorrect but what gives them the right to display someone's court info. Then talking about going to that particular person's address sitting outside and making comments is totally out of line in my opinion. I mean if they were in the same situation they would want their privacy respected. They would not want someone coming to the front door saying that said individual participated in an unlawful act. Do I respect their right to free speech yes but sometimes people take things to far. I personally think that the gentlemen that runs the website has some other motive other than protecting the neighborhood I don't know what it could be.

Smiling Fox
01-21-10, 09:26
Its the best kept secret ever in BaLtimore. Baltimore national pike, Has more action FOOT 4 FOOT, than any other location in the WORLD<. The quality is all 10's, prices low, and action top flight. OH and no LE. NONE.

SO don't waste any time out there, go to baltimore nationa pike. Get all you can, and get back to us on your results. Yeah.

Yours truely


01-21-10, 13:06
Mizzle. GET A LAWYER. It's worth every penny. There is every possibility that a lawyer can get an acquittal or at worst a MUCH better deal than you could.

Other than expense, I can never understand why anyone would want to navigate the judicial system with out proper help and guidance. Think about it; this one huge thing in your life. A good lawyer probably does several times per month. This is whole new world for you but very familiar territory for a lawyer.

When I think of the things that people blow money and the things they skip I am often confounded. Make no mistake here; a good competent lawyer will make this journey much easier for you.

Find one who will work for the cost of one day in court. I'll bet you can find a good, experienced criminal defense attorney who will represent you at North Avenue for one day, for between $500 and $1000. It may seem like a lot of money but you stand a very good chance of walking out of there that day only having paid for your legal defense.

Think of it this way: would you rather pay a fine and have a guilty conviction and a record (I know PBJ isn't quite the same) or would you rather pay a similar amount and be DONE with the matter.

Get a lawyer. Good luck and tell us what happened.

Hugh Wang
01-21-10, 13:23
I've been in the same situation too, and HW is right with the 24 hrs cs, but he is wrong about having a record. You will have a arrest for prostitution on there. You will have to wait 3 years before you can have it removed. Actually it will take 3 yrs plus 4 months for the paper work to process. If you plan to look for a job in the next 3 1/2 yrs it may be worth the fight.I've been reading the pigtownjohnwatch blog thingy and they plan on showing up to your court date with screenshots of all your posts from here. They also claim that they have talked to the DA, BCPD and judge and are going to try to use you as an example. So please get a Lawyer, this would normally be a quick plea community service type of deal but if this is true you could be looking at a short stay in jail.

01-21-10, 15:12
Hey there my fellow mongers,
Before I start my report,I just want to remind my fellow mongers to be careful in your pick-up,now more than ever. With PJW getting off on recent events & increased LE presence. Always & I mean ALWAYS pay attention when you are driving away after your pickup,check & continue to double check your rearview mirrors to see if anyone is following you. If you notice someone is following you,go to a store/restaurant & drop the gal off.

Let her know that you noticed someone following you & it is better to drop her off than to take the chance of getting busted. Most of these sw's will have some kinda record or be on PBJ so I am sure they do not want any unwanted attention.

Now for my report,I was off today so I made my stroll starting in PP/Conkling to see who or what was out. It was a total ghosttown so after 2 passes,I head on over to WW loop. There was 1 brunette sw on Carey-I have seen her before but never partaken. She has a huge nose & is about 5'6-skinny with shoulder length brown hair.

There was a blond with dark shades on just past the circle on the side street. I thought it may have been LE cuz she kinda stayed in that one area when I made my way back but on the 3rd time thru,she was gone.

It is also a good idea to not go thru the loop too many times,how ,many times is too many? That would be up to the monger but I would guess 2-3 is good. On my 3rd pass,I was heading to B/CB.

I arrived on B/CB & 1st pass,nothing-zippo. On my way down Patapsco,I spot this HOT looking black/mix gal crossing the street from the courthouse. I beeped & she smiled & gave me a wave. I thought maybe she thought I was someone she knew. I didn't think for a second that she was "working" but was gonna find out.

I met her on a side street & when she spotted me,she came right to my car & hopped in. said her name was Karissma,23 y.o. She had a court date for possession but had the wrong date.

As I am driving away,I told her I was looking for a pipe cleaning with swallow.
She never mentioned the donation but said she doesn't swallow/or cim.
I was like "SHIT"! This little spinner(no more than 100 lbs & I would guess 5'1 or so) was smoking hot. I normally would have dropped the sw off when I hear those dreaded words but I agreed only because she was super cute & there wasn't anything else of her quality/looks out today.

We get to my spot & she starts this AMAZING DT,just the right amount of suction. She paid enough attention to the twin boys & licking up & down my shaft & than DT from the head all the way down. I play with her perky tits & tiny ass. My hand almost just as big as one of her "cheeks"! She is a tiny little thing & would have been great to see her riding me but she declined to upgrade-said she was ina hurry. I lasted maybe 5 minutes & when I was close,her hand took over & she finished me that way-standard donation,no tip.

During the deed she was adament about no pics but I talked her into a few on the way back. I am thinking maybe she would loosen up on 2nd time around but she says she doesn't do "this' all the time. Who knows & who cares. I dropped her off by the 7-11 on Patapsco. I would repeat if I saw her but for fs,sorry-NO DIGITS.

Enjoy the pics & BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS out there! Rook.

Md Curious
01-21-10, 19:18
Hey there my fellow mongers,

Before I start my report,I just want to remind my fellow mongers to be careful in your pick-up,now more than ever. With PJW getting off on recent events & increased LE presence. Always & I mean ALWAYS pay attention when you are driving away after your pickup,check & continue to double check your rearview mirrors to see if anyone is following you. If you notice someone is following you,go to a store/restaurant & drop the gal off.

Let her know that you noticed someone following you & it is better to drop her off than to take the chance of getting busted. Most of these sw's will have some kinda record or be on PBJ so I am sure they do not want any unwanted attention.

Now for my report,I was off today so I made my stroll starting in PP/Conkling to see who or what was out. It was a total ghosttown so after 2 passes,I head on over to WW loop. There was 1 brunette sw on Carey-I have seen her before but never partaken. She has a huge nose & is about 5'6-skinny with shoulder length brown hair.

There was a blond with dark shades on just past the circle on the side street. I thought it may have been LE cuz she kinda stayed in that one area when I made my way back but on the 3rd time thru,she was gone.

It is also a good idea to not go thru the loop too many times,how ,many times is too many? That would be up to the monger but I would guess 2-3 is good. On my 3rd pass,I was heading to B/CB.

I arrived on B/CB & 1st pass,nothing-zippo. On my way down Patapsco,I spot this HOT looking black/mix gal crossing the street from the courthouse. I beeped & she smiled & gave me a wave. I thought maybe she thought I was someone she knew. I didn't think for a second that she was "working" but was gonna find out.

I met her on a side street & when she spotted me,she came right to my car & hopped in. said her name was Karissma,23 y.o. She had a court date for possession but had the wrong date.

As I am driving away,I told her I was looking for a pipe cleaning with swallow.
She never mentioned the donation but said she doesn't swallow/or cim.
I was like "SHIT"! This little spinner(no more than 100 lbs & I would guess 5'1 or so) was smoking hot. I normally would have dropped the sw off when I hear those dreaded words but I agreed only because she was super cute & there wasn't anything else of her quality/looks out today.

We get to my spot & she starts this AMAZING DT,just the right amount of suction. She paid enough attention to the twin boys & licking up & down my shaft & than DT from the head all the way down. I play with her perky tits & tiny ass. My hand almost just as big as one of her "cheeks"! She is a tiny little thing & would have been great to see her riding me but she declined to upgrade-said she was ina hurry. I lasted maybe 5 minutes & when I was close,her hand took over & she finished me that way-standard donation,no tip.

During the deed she was adament about no pics but I talked her into a few on the way back. I am thinking maybe she would loosen up on 2nd time around but she says she doesn't do "this' all the time. Who knows & who cares. I dropped her off by the 7-11 on Patapsco. I would repeat if I saw her but for fs,sorry-NO DIGITS.

Enjoy the pics & BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS out there! Rook.Great find. Her hair maybe different next time. Did you notice the roots were black. That a wig...just part of the disguise pack. I have heard so many girls think they can escape being caught if they are on the lamb , by changing their hair. So memorize faces, concentrating on the lips.

01-21-10, 21:55
The first nominee for Ms Baltimore SW 2010.

01-21-10, 23:25
There are no SWs on Baltimore National Pike, that moniker applying to Route 40 West of the city. Perhaps the poster refers to Pulaski Highway, Route 40. Still the post makes no sense.

01-21-10, 23:27
There are no SWs on Baltimore National Pike, that moniker applying to Route 40 West of the city. Perhaps the poster refers to Pulaski Highway, Route 40. Still the post makes no sense.

I thought he was being sarcastic. Usaully newbies are told to research the threads.

01-21-10, 23:41
I've been reading the pigtownjohnwatch blog thingy and they plan on showing up to your court date with screenshots of all your posts from here. They also claim that they have talked to the DA, BCPD and judge and are going to try to use you as an example. So please get a Lawyer, this would normally be a quick plea community service type of deal but if this is true you could be looking at a short stay in jail.

It will be great to find out the names of Dac72 et. al. They will have to swear in with their real names in court to testify. Then let the information dredging begin.

01-22-10, 00:38
It will be great to find out the names of Dac72 et. al. They will have to swear in with their real names in court to testify. Then let the information dredging begin.

But what would they be testifying to? That Mizzle posts on this website, and has posted about picking up SW's in the past? That he may have posted the details of his arrest here? That men pick up SW's in their neighborhood and they are sick of it?

Sorry PJW, but the system doesn't work that way. They can only be a witness to the actual crime that was committed. The actual charge is perverted practice. They weren't there when it happened, they never even knew it happened until he posted about it here. Since they don't know him personally, they couldn't even be used as character witnesses. Make examples of him and others? Every judge in the city knows that men pick up hookers in Pigtown. They don't make examples of drug dealers and murderers in this city. In this particular case, the PJW'ers have no legal standing to testify, and anything they may state to the judge from the peanut gallery would be both irrelevant and prejudicial.

Happy One
01-22-10, 00:41
With all the discusions about Mizzle, I will enlighten those who will listen to me. He was had by the vice division that works out of no set district. They work all parts of the city at different times, North, East, South & West. First they try to pick up the girl on the street. If she wont go, they wait & watch for someone of us to pickup. They use more than one car to follow you & they will wait for you while you go into a store or someplace to eat. The 1st car will pass you & verifiy the girl is in the car, then go down the road like he was a monger that missed out. The girl may even tell you he tried to pick her up, but she wouldnt go with him for what ever reason. The second will stay behind following you while keeping in touch with the 1st one. They will park down the street from you, get out & one will walk past acting like a resident out for a walk. Once they see you are settled in, they will run up to you with usually 3 of them & order you out. They will ask you to admit what you were doing & that she is a SW. Do not do it, only say your friends, because you are going down town anyway. After they cut you loose the next day, the dicisions begin. Pre trial they will flee bargin unless they no you have a lawyer. If you do, it is a permanent record, even if given PBJ. Spend the $1500.00 to get a good lawyer & have no record when finished. Dont settle for the lawyer that says make deal no matter what because cops lie. Little know fact is if the cop is caught by a good lawyer in a lie, he gets put on a list & his testimony past, present & future is considered not crediable. I hope this will help fellow mongers.

Muff Scout
01-22-10, 01:15
Let me start by saying I wish Mizz the best of luck, God Bless, there but for the grace of God go I.

Agree with BM and Happy 100%.

Spend the money and get yourself a good lawyer.

We need to declare war on these Pigtown assholes.

Maybe we should have a meeting to plan a strategy of attack.

I'm serious.

Am heading down to Pigtown to pick up a Ho to fuck up the ass.

Will report in the AM.

Safe hunting to all.

Muff Scout

Member #4061
01-22-10, 02:46
With all the discusions about Mizzle, I will enlighten those who will listen to me. He was had by the vice division that works out of no set district. They work all parts of the city at different times, North, East, South & West. First they try to pick up the girl on the street. If she wont go, they wait & watch for someone of us to pickup. They use more than one car to follow you & they will wait for you while you go into a store or someplace to eat. The 1st car will pass you & verifiy the girl is in the car, then go down the road like he was a monger that missed out. The girl may even tell you he tried to pick her up, but she wouldnt go with him for what ever reason. The second will stay behind following you while keeping in touch with the 1st one. They will park down the street from you, get out & one will walk past acting like a resident out for a walk. Once they see you are settled in, they will run up to you with usually 3 of them & order you out. They will ask you to admit what you were doing & that she is a SW. Do not do it, only say your friends, because you are going down town anyway. After they cut you loose the next day, the dicisions begin. Pre trial they will flee bargin unless they no you have a lawyer. If you do, it is a permanent record, even if given PBJ. Spend the $1500.00 to get a good lawyer & have no record when finished. Dont settle for the lawyer that says make deal no matter what because cops lie. Little know fact is if the cop is caught by a good lawyer in a lie, he gets put on a list & his testimony past, present & future is considered not crediable. I hope this will help fellow mongers.

Good post Happy One. It's hard to imagine spending that kind of money on a PBJ/misdemeanor or prostitution charge. They usually wait for the drug charge which is why you never make stops. I have seen them operating in this fashion as recently as two weeks ago on the corridor and upper Washington. As you stated in your post, never talk. They will try everything in the book to force you into admitting a felony. They will ask about drugs, sex, what you usually do, don't do. Just shut the hell up and ask for representation. They won't let you go anyway. If you would like to see what the inside of a flex unit vehicle looks like, scroll back three pages and check out the pics. If you know W/W, you know that vehicle.

-Also, It appears Good Karma is a sack of shit. He has not PMed back or posted an explanation. Looks like I was wrong, so I'll eat my words with some Jack. I guess I just wanted it to be true. This winter is killing me in more ways than one. Where is that damn groundhog?

01-22-10, 08:35
I thought he was being sarcastic. Usaully newbies are told to research the threads.
Now that I checked to see who the original poster was, I quite agree. The mighty Smiling Fox himself, our hero, the idol of SWers!
Anyway, this board has taken a strange turn with all the spurious posting.

01-22-10, 20:14
Here's is something to think about. A city sergeant and an SW.

01-22-10, 22:06
You morons! Bring it!

This is us bringing it, b!tch:

The Lovemuscle
01-22-10, 23:56
This is us bringing it, b!tch:

Or we're "bringing it" awfully slow.

20 mins so far on my one download.

Happy HOing anyway,

Roamin Roman
01-23-10, 02:33
Okay, folks, here's the "opt-in" challenge. We're all sorry that Mizzle screwed up and got caught in a bit of a compromising situation. Some have offered him advice regarding the quality of legal counsel he should obtain. But Mizzle seems to be a bit short on personal funds to secure such a lawyer. So, what to do?

I won't tell any of the rest of you all what to do, but it seems to me that I can help a fellow monger out a bit. I don't know Mizzle; I've never met him. But, I'm willing to forgo a visit to my local AMP or SW stroll and send Mizzle a donation to his legal defense fund. The question is: How can one do so anonymously?

Well, guess what? 7-Eleven and other places (like the Post Office) can make a money order that you don't need to put your name on. You just tell them how much you want it for, write in the name of the person who will cash it, and send it to that person or business. Simple, straightforward, and anonymous. And, we all know his address, especially since PJW posted his info for all to C.

Maybe a few folks here will call me crazy, and some might even want to say that he got what he deserves. Whatever. I'm still going to go down to the Post Office tomorrow and get a money order to send him. His court date is 29 January, which gives only a couple days to make an effective donation.

I figure this will also give the guy at PJW something to chew on. He'll probably post it to his website, but so what? He's really going to make fun of folks trying to help a guy who made a mistake? Let the PJW guy have his laugh.

Anyway, that's my challenge. Others here can accept it and join in as they feel moved to do so.


01-23-10, 06:53
Okay, folks, here's the "opt-in" challenge. We're all sorry that Mizzle screwed up and got caught in a bit of a compromising situation. Some have offered him advice regarding the quality of legal counsel he should obtain. But Mizzle seems to be a bit short on personal funds to secure such a lawyer. So, what to do?I have been looking for a way to fight for monger (and sw) rights for years. Australia and New Zealand already have legal street walking, the experiment has been a unanimous success.

Our problem is we never stand together. We simply accept that this is the way things need to be. Make no mistake, we can achieve legal prostitution in MD. Don't believe me? Check out the progress medical marijuana has been making across the country.

I will be dropping $ to Mizzle today, look for Drof in the memo.

Hang tight brother, you have plenty of time to get good representation.

01-23-10, 07:49
]Sorry PJW, but the system doesn't work that way. They can only be a witness to the actual crime that was committed. The actual charge is perverted practice. ............ the PJW'ers have no legal standing to testify, and anything they may state to the judge from the peanut gallery would be both irrelevant and prejudicial.The judge may choose to listen to any party/victim prior to sentencing. This will not sway the judges decision, but will impact the severity of the sentencing.

For all practical reasons, Mizzle is Sabastian himself using a convoluted approach to publicize this arrest. It would be wonderful if we all based testimonies on anonymous blog posts.

Does anyone remember the SW who used to work by the school about a couple of years ago? She would walk with her hair shielding her face on traffic side, then flip her hair to other side when she turns around? she told me that Sabastian picked her up one time pretending to be under cover officer, then agreed to let her go after little penetration. Two weeks later he was threatening to kill her for giving him Herpes. Can I cash in on this little story in court?

Super John
01-23-10, 10:52
What should we call the "War" with PJW?. Pigtown? I got a great idea. Being the Super John that I am, we should all cruise by Sebastian's house on Lower 1200 block of Bayard and give him our show of support in his hobby/War, Give him a BEEP of your horn in your Car or Truck just before you go home on 95 from all the Festivity's in Pigtown/Bmore, there is usually a few Ferrel cats in the area from time to time because of the Lumber Yard, and I have had to beep my horn more than once at times to get one of those wild cats out of the street, right in his area. So I think it might serve more than one purpose? Not to mention the local dope junkie's/crackheads that are wondering around like the night of the living dead at times.

Lets get back to the fun and not so much Drama on this board. Well with the looks of the streets and the quality level its pretty sad so not to much fun to be had, poops pooops and more poops its seems. With the economy like it is I am very surprised there is not Quality like back in 2000-2007, guess this kinda stuff is what we are reduced to when street pickins are slim.

01-23-10, 13:10
This is my latest adventure with Shannon. Still very much worth the standard tuition with a tip. I highly recommend her. She is usually found within a block or so of the circle on Wilkens. Good luck, guys, she's a lot of fun.

Jack Hammer
01-23-10, 20:36
This is my latest adventure with Shannon. Still very much worth the standard tuition with a tip. I highly recommend her. She is usually found within a block or so of the circle on Wilkens. Good luck, guys, she's a lot of fun.She with child?

Kid Tanqueray
01-23-10, 20:59
Just wanted to say hi to everyone, this is my first post and I'm psyched to finally join the forum.

Seems like interesting times around here.


01-23-10, 21:03
That's all ya got? Yawn. Wait until I come to your house/job/court with my camera.Don't expect me in court anytime soon, I have $1700 a month of playtime money. You think I'd be wasting my time with your hood's nasty hoes?

Hugh Wang
01-23-10, 21:44
What should we call the "War" with PJW?. Pigtown? I got a great idea. Being the Super John that I am, we should all cruise by Sebastian's house on Lower 1200 block of Bayard and give him our show of support in his hobby/War, Give him a BEEP of your horn in your Car or Truck just before you go home on 95 from all the Festivity's in Pigtown/Bmore, there is usually a few Ferrel cats in the area from time to time because of the Lumber Yard, and I have had to beep my horn more than once at times to get one of those wild cats out of the street, right in his area. So I think it might serve more than one purpose? Not to mention the local dope junkie's/crackheads that are wondering around like the night of the living dead at times.

Lets get back to the fun and not so much Drama on this board. Well with the looks of the streets and the quality level its pretty sad so not to much fun to be had, poops pooops and more poops its seems. With the economy like it is I am very surprised there is not Quality like back in 2000-2007, guess this kinda stuff is what we are reduced to when street pickins are slim.Please tell me this isnt a serious post

01-24-10, 00:18
This is my latest adventure with Shannon. Still very much worth the standard tuition with a tip. I highly recommend her. She is usually found within a block or so of the circle on Wilkens. Good luck, guys, she's a lot of fun.Yeah she is a lot of fun had her in the ride could have hit yesterday but the sore throat voice she had made me think better did'nt have no cover and even though the mic work is on point passed and if you guys want to know why just pm me for more info.

Muff Scout
01-24-10, 00:49
On Thursday night, I bet a cop friend of mine $20 that I could get mentioned on Sebastian's web site within 24 hours.

It took about 7.

That was too easy.

Now let's all just ignore him.

This too shall pass. History, and despite what people say publicly, society in general is on our side.

Safe hunting and good night to all.


01-24-10, 10:40
Okay, folks, here's the "opt-in" challenge. We're all sorry that Mizzle screwed up and got caught in a bit of a compromising situation. Some have offered him advice regarding the quality of legal counsel he should obtain. But Mizzle seems to be a bit short on personal funds to secure such a lawyer. So, what to do?

I won't tell any of the rest of you all what to do, but it seems to me that I can help a fellow monger out a bit. I don't know Mizzle; I've never met him. But, I'm willing to forgo a visit to my local AMP or SW stroll and send Mizzle a donation to his legal defense fund. The question is: How can one do so anonymously?

Well, guess what? 7-Eleven and other places (like the Post Office) can make a money order that you don't need to put your name on. You just tell them how much you want it for, write in the name of the person who will cash it, and send it to that person or business. Simple, straightforward, and anonymous. And, we all know his address, especially since PJW posted his info for all to C.

Maybe a few folks here will call me crazy, and some might even want to say that he got what he deserves. Whatever. I'm still going to go down to the Post Office tomorrow and get a money order to send him. His court date is 29 January, which gives only a couple days to make an effective donation.

I figure this will also give the guy at PJW something to chew on. He'll probably post it to his website, but so what? He's really going to make fun of folks trying to help a guy who made a mistake? Let the PJW guy have his laugh.

Anyway, that's my challenge. Others here can accept it and join in as they feel moved to do so.

I take no exception to the suggestions presented by Roamin Roman on behalf of Mizzle.
I do however, wonder about Mizzle.
Many people have suggested attorneys as did I in a PM (absolutely no logic in posting attorney's names openly - their reputation is part of their ammunition in the battlefield of politics and litigation). However, I never received a thank you or a response from Mizzle. Further, he seemed to appear on the radar (handful of posts) and drop off rather quickly. Maybe he is in contact with you all via PM and that may be good.
Bottom line is he has a choice - go into debt to secure the best representation to vastly improve his chance to protect his future (dismissal or PBJ or reduced charge) or play cheap and get something potentially permanent on his record. I urge Mizzle to CONSULT the attorneys I suggested who I assure everyone have the best "ammunition" to secure favorable outcome and consider discussing with them options for payment.

That being said I am glad some on this board like Roamin have considered Mizzle's plight and offered suggestions and alternatives. I hope he beats this thing and can move forward, it aint the end of the world but you must minimize the potential fallout in the future. GET A TOP NOTCH ATTORNEY

01-24-10, 11:29
She with child?No., just a little thick.

01-25-10, 10:04
Hey my fellow mongers,
I just wanted to share the pics of the infamous "Cash-N-Carrie" I spotted her on Wilkins yesterday afternoon. She has gotten FATTER since the summer. AVOID at all cost!!

It was pretty dead but did spot a decent blond & a really hot looking brunette on Payton & Wilkens. The blond was talking to Dawn sitting on the steps & the brunette was handing on the corner but didn't budge when a monger stopped for her.

I wasn't sure what she was doing but that corner is very risky for any pickups so I passed. I than headed to B/CB,picked up 23 y.o Ashley on Pontiac but she asked for .40 for her donation,than went to .30.

She had piss poor attitude so I dropped her off. There were a few out in Pontiac,Bianna was on 2nd & Pontiac I believe but she was all strung out when I stopped to briefly talk to her. The other brunette that was out was ok but decided to head out & try PP/Conkling.

There was a few out but maybe on a scale of 1-2!! I spotted this HOT ass bsw on RT.40 by the KFC all decked out in high heels & black spandex-ish outfit. But when I made the uturn @ the DD,some monger had scooped her up. She reminded me of the sw in DC,I haven't seen any sw that well dressed in the BMore area in awhile.

Hey Clixxx-in your response to Mizzle. I am sure with what he's dealing with:maybe he is overwhelmed & haven't had the chance to respond to you. I wouldn't take in personal. I am sure he is grateful for all the support he ha received.

I did manage to get a MILF'S phone # @ a local strip club,I am supposed to hook up with her on Tues. I will report back any success stories & if I can pass on the #,I will surely do so. NEWBIES: That DOESN'T mean to PM me for her # today!! Rook.

Smiling Fox
01-25-10, 11:20
Cash and Carrie is still alive. Amazing.

Its like when I see Dawne on the street in Hamden.

OMG she is still alive. Her house is supposed to be torn down. But she is still alive. I said the same thing when I saw Christy out a while back. OMG. She is still alive.

Or every time I see Farley out on Resterstown Road. OMG she is still alive.

Smiling Fox

01-25-10, 13:09
This is my latest adventure with Shannon. Still very much worth the standard tuition with a tip. I highly recommend her. She is usually found within a block or so of the circle on Wilkens. Good luck, guys, she's a lot of fun.Very much like her! Just the right size. Hope to run into her sometime soon.

Hugh Wang
01-25-10, 17:33
Hey Clixxx-in your response to Mizzle. I am sure with what he's dealing with: maybe he is overwhelmed & haven't had the chance to respond to you. I wouldn't take in personal. I am sure he is grateful for all the support he ha received.

I did manage to get a MILF'S phone # at a local strip club, I am supposed to hook up with her on Tues. I will report back any success stories & if I can pass on the #, I will surely do so. NEWBIES: That DOESN'T mean to PM me for her # today! Rook.It appears Mizzle has deleted his account so I doubt he'll be responding to anyone. Mizzles legal problems reminded me of my own that I would like to share. Both of these storys took place in the early 2000s and are the typical results that happen when you don't think with the right head

First time was on an early summer morning I was driving down my normal strip, something just didn't seem right. All the lights were out and I didn't recognize any of the SWs that were out there. Now mind you I'm only 1 month into my mongering career but I should have still known better. Halfway down the block I see this BSW with huge titts, I'm talking EEE just busting out of her shirt. So I spin around the block and pull over next to her. By that time my little head had completely taken over and it never registered that she kept glancing back in this dark corner the entire time. So thiking with my little head again I just blurt out "I'll give you 20 for some _____". Next thing I know she opens the door and out of the corner comes some white chick screaming and yelling to distract me. From the other side comes 2 police officers who promptly arrest me. So I get taken to central, my car gets towed and I lose all valuables that were in it because they left it unlocked while it sat in the impound lot. So I spent over $700 not to get a BBJ, extremely stupid on my part and I deserved everything I got for not thinking correctly. I was released without bail, nothing went on my record I just had to pay a fine and some community service

The second occurance was on a Sunday morning at about 6-7am. I had been driving around for hours trying to find something worth picking up, that should have been a sign right there that I needed to go back in. So I finally find one and pick her up right after the peak of this big hill. As shes getting into the car a squad car comes over the hill to witness the SW getting in. Thinking with the little guy once again like a moron I didn't tell the SW to get out and go home, I continued with my journey. What I did next was even dumber, I let the SW pick the spot. As soon as we parked the police car came up behind us and blocked us in. Now I'm thinking well I didn't do anything wrong YET so the most she could do is give me a hitch hiker citation. I guess the officer, female, was on her period that day because she fabricated some story about how she saw us actually having sex. So now its back down to central booking again and another 16 hours wasted and just like last time they went through my car and picked it clean. The court date comes up and I have no choice but to take a PBJ because it was my word along with a known SW whos been in and out many of times vs the officer. I get a fine of 190 and a glitch on my permanent record. Even though I was lied on I deserved every bit of what I got because I should have let her stupid ass out the second I saw that officer drive by.

After all this happend about 10 years ago I still monger the same amount, I'm just wayyyyy more careful now. I never pick up a SW on the first pass I always circle around once or twice, I always get a room or drive 10 mins away from where she was picked up from and I have a mute button for hte little head now. Luckily for me I wasnt married so the lockups didn't affect my personal life, I wish Mizzle the best and hope everyone is a little more careful now after his situation.

Dj Hunter
01-25-10, 18:24
Hey my fellow mongers,
I just wanted to share the pics of the infamous "Cash-N-Carrie" I spotted her on Wilkins yesterday afternoon. She has gotten FATTER since the summer. AVOID at all cost!!

It was pretty dead but did spot a decent blond & a really hot looking brunette on Payton & Wilkens. The blond was talking to Dawn sitting on the steps & the brunette was handing on the corner but didn't budge when a monger stopped for her.

I wasn't sure what she was doing but that corner is very risky for any pickups so I passed. I than headed to B/CB,picked up 23 y.o Ashley on Pontiac but she asked for .40 for her donation,than went to .30.

She had piss poor attitude so I dropped her off. There were a few out in Pontiac,Bianna was on 2nd & Pontiac I believe but she was all strung out when I stopped to briefly talk to her. The other brunette that was out was ok but decided to head out & try PP/Conkling.

There was a few out but maybe on a scale of 1-2!! I spotted this HOT ass bsw on RT.40 by the KFC all decked out in high heels & black spandex-ish outfit. But when I made the uturn @ the DD,some monger had scooped her up. She reminded me of the sw in DC,I haven't seen any sw that well dressed in the BMore area in awhile.

Hey Clixxx-in your response to Mizzle. I am sure with what he's dealing with:maybe he is overwhelmed & haven't had the chance to respond to you. I wouldn't take in personal. I am sure he is grateful for all the support he ha received.

I did manage to get a MILF'S phone # @ a local strip club,I am supposed to hook up with her on Tues. I will report back any success stories & if I can pass on the #,I will surely do so. NEWBIES: That DOESN'T mean to PM me for her # today!! Rook.

Hmmm, that BSW sounds delicious! Wish I had some monger bucks to go out, but unfortunately my finances are sidetracked. This past weekend was probably good weather for the Downtown scene to come alive. You wanna see some well dressed BSWs? Go Downtown on a Friday or Saturday night. It's been my loop of choice (when it's active) for over a year now.

01-25-10, 19:54
I used to do the DC stroll about 8+ years ago & the girls were like a buffet line-mostly 7-10's on the sw scale,sometimes traffic would be backed up from the "johns" looking at the goods.

I remember picking up a hot-ass wsw,she looked like Alyssa Milano,was able to get fs for 100. The average for a pipe cleanning was .40 but the gals were much hotter than the gals here in Bmore.

But yes-the bs I saw the other day was SMOKIN hot. If the lucky monger that picked her up is a member on here,I would love to hear how that session went.

Cash-N-Carrie, this ripoff douche is like those horror movie guys(Freddie,Jason etc.), she must have multiple lives. I believe someone said that she spent some time in the concrete motel,maybe that explains the "plumpness"! I know over the summer I had vowed to take her ass to some far away place & leave her there but when I saw her up close-she was plain SCARY!! lol. I may have to put my fear behind me & still go for it,I would love to see the look in her face when I leave her in Glen Burnie somewhere!


01-25-10, 23:38
Last week. Picked up Erin on Falls near 38th, 38 years old, a bit chunky, but with surprisingly firm DD's. Excellent oral skills, with tounge and DT, standard tuition. A definate repeat.

So, about 13 years ago, I am on lunch break, carrying around a sizable amount of money from work that was being used for a special project.

Picked up Carrie and you know the rest of the story. Bottom line, is of course instead of going back and explaining to my boss how I managed to lose $500. 00 to a SW, I went to my bank, and sheepishly replaced the money, all the while hoping that she would buy so much coke and H with my money, that she would od.

So here we are over a decade later and she is still going strong. It was an expensive but valuable lesson. I agree, she truly must have 9 lives.

01-26-10, 00:17
Hey my fellow mongers,

I just wanted to share the pics of the infamous "Cash-N-Carrie" I spotted her on Wilkins yesterday afternoon. She has gotten FATTER since the summer. AVOID at all cost!!

It was pretty dead but did spot a decent blond & a really hot looking brunette on Payton & Wilkens. The blond was talking to Dawn sitting on the steps & the brunette was handing on the corner but didn't budge when a monger stopped for her.

I wasn't sure what she was doing but that corner is very risky for any pickups so I passed. I than headed to B/CB,picked up 23 y.o Ashley on Pontiac but she asked for .40 for her donation,than went to .30.

She had piss poor attitude so I dropped her off. There were a few out in Pontiac,Bianna was on 2nd & Pontiac I believe but she was all strung out when I stopped to briefly talk to her. The other brunette that was out was ok but decided to head out & try PP/Conkling.

There was a few out but maybe on a scale of 1-2!! I spotted this HOT ass bsw on RT.40 by the KFC all decked out in high heels & black spandex-ish outfit. But when I made the uturn @ the DD,some monger had scooped her up. She reminded me of the sw in DC,I haven't seen any sw that well dressed in the BMore area in awhile.

Hey Clixxx-in your response to Mizzle. I am sure with what he's dealing with:maybe he is overwhelmed & haven't had the chance to respond to you. I wouldn't take in personal. I am sure he is grateful for all the support he ha received.

I did manage to get a MILF'S phone # @ a local strip club,I am supposed to hook up with her on Tues. I will report back any success stories & if I can pass on the #,I will surely do so. NEWBIES: That DOESN'T mean to PM me for her # today!! Rook.Yeah I saw here today with that same outfit on just looked at her and kept going.

01-26-10, 13:32
I met her on a side street & when she spotted me,she came right to my car & hopped in. said her name was Karissma,23 y.o. She had a court date for possession but had the wrong date.

As I am driving away,I told her I was looking for a pipe cleaning with swallow.
She never mentioned the donation but said she doesn't swallow/or cim.
I was like "SHIT"! This little spinner(no more than 100 lbs & I would guess 5'1 or so) was smoking hot. I normally would have dropped the sw off when I hear those dreaded words but I agreed only because she was super cute & there wasn't anything else of her quality/looks out today.

We get to my spot & she starts this AMAZING DT,just the right amount of suction. She paid enough attention to the twin boys & licking up & down my shaft & than DT from the head all the way down. I play with her perky tits & tiny ass. My hand almost just as big as one of her "cheeks"! She is a tiny little thing & would have been great to see her riding me but she declined to upgrade-said she was ina hurry. I lasted maybe 5 minutes & when I was close,her hand took over & she finished me that way-standard donation,no tip.

During the deed she was adament about no pics but I talked her into a few on the way back. I am thinking maybe she would loosen up on 2nd time around but she says she doesn't do "this' all the time. Who knows & who cares. I dropped her off by the 7-11 on Patapsco. I would repeat if I saw her but for fs,sorry-NO DIGITS.

Enjoy the pics & BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS out there! Rook.[/QUOTE]

She can be a lot of fun, try the ride sometime..........


Dj Hunter
01-26-10, 18:31
Yeah I saw here today with that same outfit on just looked at her and kept going.

Was she looking good? If she was lightskinned, it could be one of two BSWs whom I had experiences with in the past and they both aren't worth it. But they both look good when dressed up.

01-26-10, 22:53
Hey there my fellow mongers,
I was able to hookup with my MILF today-WHAT A LET DOWN!! I was so looking forward to this visit but her skills were just downright horrible.
She starts off with one of the WORST pipe cleaning jobs ever-WAY TOO MUCH teeth. I told her and she tried her best but after a minute or two,I put the cover on & had her ride me cg.

Her Kitty was ok,but there was just too much excess fat,I am not sure if she was heavy recently & lost alot of weight or what but it was a BIG turnoff. I saw a little of the excess skin in the club but she was slick,she kept her top on but just rolled it down far enough to show her tits.

I guess for being 40 y.o,she was doable but I will not be repeating. We never discussed donations so on the way back,I asked her what was fair. She replied 100! I was thinking to myself "YEAH-RIGHT". I countered with .60 & she was happy with that.

She is a very nice gal,don't get me wrong. No digits,she only meets guys on her terms,meaning that she meets guys beforehand-and she goes from there. Her own judgement of the guy,the kinda vibe she gets from them etc.,

Here is the one pic I was able to take,she didn't want anymore. Enjoy. Rook.

Love To Monger
01-27-10, 13:08
Let me tell you about Rene. Found her walking on Ramsey. About 3 or 4 blocks north of the circle. 5'5, mid length black hair. A well kept girl. Nothing foul about her this day. Looked young and pretty. Had her eyes made up with black mascara and highlighted with blue eye shadow.

She explained her only limit was bondage. No problem there. Talked about half and half. She offered 50. As long as time was enthusiastic that was ok with me.

Upon arrival at my place she revealed a smoking hot body. Little breast sag suggested she may be around 26. Face looked about 21. B cups with perky dime sized nipples, erect near a quarter inch. Petite woman.

She sucked like a champ. Attention to twins. Offered rim. DFK. Fucked like a porn star. She mounted a reverse cowgirl that showed her ass in a fine light. She saved a horse this day by riding this cowboy. Arms a swinging and hooting. Good fun. Upgrade to anal for 20. She didn't even flintch. Grabed her lube and remounted. If I thoought it was PSE before it was PSE+++ from here on out. Dirty talk. Fill me up, gimme all that nut, work that ass.

All in all 70 for a full 45 min of romper room fun. No digits. phone stolen, broke, whatever. Hopes to have a phone. We'll see.


01-27-10, 18:52
Hey guys,
Sorry I have been so silent, but considering my legal situation, it's best I remain so.
However, I do want to let you guys know what I have been through. MY stupidity has basically ruined my life.
Everyone is aware what happened to me. After it happenend, I thought the 18 hours in Central Booking was the worst part of the whole experience. I spent 18 hours in Baltimore City jail! For those of you that haven't been there, it's easily 20x worse than you can imagine. I will never do anything to end up there again, I can promise you that. But...that wasn't the worst part. After I got out, I had to come to grips with my situation and fork over, literally, thousands of dollars to a lawyer. I still don't know the outcome of that, but I'm hoping it will be wiped off my record. However ... that is not the worst part. Hands down, the worst part of what I did has been because of the folks at PJW. Their free "publicity" of my mistake has cost me dearly.
There are guys who think what I did is a "victimless crime". I used to think the same thing. But, it's not true. There is YOU and THE GIRL. And there is even the NEIGHBORHOOD that you are hurting. But I never thought of those as "victims" ... Wait till you are met by your loved one.... who heard about what you did on PJW. When you see the girl in your life absolutely crushed, heartbroken, and never ever able to trust you again ... than you'll know who the victim is in this. That's something time in jail, or a lawyer, or anything, can't fix.
I know you guys are going to call me a traitor, a sell out, a narc, or whatever. But I can't stress to you enough that you need to stop doing what you are doing in their area. The PJW guys are thorough, calculating, and persistent. I really don't want to be a 'martyr' for this cause, but that's what I feel I've become. Give it up guys. Move elsewhere. Do whatever you got to do, but stay out of PigTown. That's my only advice.
Thanks for listening

Member #3969
01-27-10, 19:35
It's reports like this that keep a lot of us always looking for someone new and always trying to find another gem. When you finally do it makes all the time and gas spent worthwhile. Thanks for sharing.

Let me tell you about Rene. Found her walking on Ramsey. About 3 or 4 blocks north of the circle. 5'5, mid length black hair. A well kept girl. Nothing foul about her this day. Looked young and pretty. Had her eyes made up with black mascara and highlighted with blue eye shadow.

She explained her only limit was bondage. No problem there. Talked about half and half. She offered 50. As long as time was enthusiastic that was ok with me.

Upon arrival at my place she revealed a smoking hot body. Little breast sag suggested she may be around 26. Face looked about 21. B cups with perky dime sized nipples, erect near a quarter inch. Petite woman.

She sucked like a champ. Attention to twins. Offered rim. DFK. Fucked like a porn star. She mounted a reverse cowgirl that showed her ass in a fine light. She saved a horse this day by riding this cowboy. Arms a swinging and hooting. Good fun. Upgrade to anal for 20. She didn't even flintch. Grabed her lube and remounted. If I thoought it was PSE before it was PSE+++ from here on out. Dirty talk. Fill me up, give me all that nut, work that ass.

All in all 70 for a full 45 min of romper room fun. No digits. Phone stolen, broke, whatever. Hopes to have a phone. We'll C.


The Lovemuscle
01-27-10, 19:41
I made a trip up north to the old homestead this weekend and was eager to try the local SW scene after being in the sunny south for a bit.<P>

After trying without success, a couple of numbers shared by members of this board, I hit the stroll on fairhaven on Sunday. First thing I saw was Amy, 30 yo spinner wearing a bra that I believe was a double A with a tuck in it. However the little blonde hopped into the car and seemed to have a good attitude, so off to Tim's we sped. Settled on standard tuition for FS and although her oral skills were great, she seemed to lose interest once we swung into the game of hide the salami. A couple of positions didn't get any better response so i suggested that she finish up "doing what she does best". back to those active lips and the job was done in short order.

I think if I repeated, it would be for oral only.

Happy HOing,

Dj Hunter
01-27-10, 21:27
Hey guys,

Sorry I have been so silent, but considering my legal situation, it's best I remain so.

However, I do want to let you guys know what I have been through. MY stupidity has basically ruined my life.

Everyone is aware what happened to me. After it happenend, I thought the 18 hours in Central Booking was the worst part of the whole experience. I spent 18 hours in Baltimore City jail! For those of you that haven't been there, it's easily 20x worse than you can imagine. I will never do anything to end up there again, I can promise you that. But. That wasn't the worst part. After I got out, I had to come to grips with my situation and fork over, literally, thousands of dollars to a lawyer. I still don't know the outcome of that, but I'm hoping it will be wiped off my record. However. That is not the worst part. Hands down, the worst part of what I did has been because of the folks at PJW. Their free "publicity" of my mistake has cost me dearly.

There are guys who think what I did is a "victimless crime". I used to think the same thing. But, it's not true. There is YOU and THE GIRL. And there is even the NEIGHBORHOOD that you are hurting. But I never thought of those as "victims". Wait till you are met by your loved one. Who heard about what you did on PJW. When you see the girl in your life absolutely crushed, heartbroken, and never ever able to trust you again. Than you'll know who the victim is in this. That's something time in jail, or a lawyer, or anything, can't fix.

I know you guys are going to call me a traitor, a sell out, a narc, or whatever. But I can't stress to you enough that you need to stop doing what you are doing in their area. The PJW guys are thorough, calculating, and persistent. I really don't want to be a 'martyr' for this cause, but that's what I feel I've become. Give it up guys. Move elsewhere. Do whatever you got to do, but stay out of PigTown. That's my only advice.

Thanks for listening


Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry to hear about your trip to Eager St. None of us want to end up there, believe me. It's funny how such things can serve as a wake up call, and finally override the logic of the little head for good. I'm sure most of us here (those of us with significant others and/or close family) share the same sentiments. We don't realize who we're hurting, and in the midst of our selfishness, could care less. It's not until something major happens that we snap out of it.

Personally, I don't go to Pigtown. Too far away. I understand PJW's mission, agree or not. Prostitution, especially knowing the cause, hurts a neighborhood. It really brings nothing good to a community. I don't buy the rationalization that "its been an 'industry' that's kept women in Pigtown employed for years" as an acceptable excuse for it to be there. I wouldn't want my kids seeing those women degrading themselves each day.

That said, yes I'm a hypocrite. I've done my fair share of shopping in other neighborhoods. I'm single with no kids, so if they moved closer to my area, hey fine! But I think of my nieces and nephews, and I wouldn't want them seeing this type of stuff on their way to school. And no, just because it's been a Pigtown problem for decades does not mean that people who move there are supposed to accept it and keep their mouths shut for the sake of us mongers. Still, I will at least agree that PJW takes things a little too far. Posting your info on their site, threatening to come do your door and "rat you out", sounds less like something someone with their community in mind would do, and more like something someone who just wants to see some drama unfold would do. We all know that prostitution cannot be removed without first eliminating the drugs; unfortunately we are easy targets.

Sorry to hear all that you've been through. Maybe this was your wake-up call to quit the game. I think you should listen. We all can learn something from this.

01-27-10, 21:37
A good speech before court. I have been there and done that but, he lives to close to the area and will repeat after about 2 months after court. If, not earlier. First time his dick get hard, he will be think about a girl. Most of us has many girls cell numbers and will met up that way for awhile. Then, he start street sweeping again. When you start you can not stop.

01-27-10, 22:11
Hey guys,
Sorry I have been so silent, but considering my legal situation, it's best I remain so.......

Back in the days when I used to get BJs while driving, then bought a van, then discovered Tim's and other notels. Back in the days, my fav ho used to stand under s street light, occasionally flashing tits, now she has an iPhone. I even get text messages from another ho who I no longer date. The game has changed, we need to keep up.

My suggestion to keep up to network closely only with those you trust. Exchange phone numbers only with those you trust. Pickup only those you trust, and kiss them in place you trust.

I picked up Dee, the redhead and went to Tim's. She has hot legs, good attitude, good skills, but nasty sore on her left? hand. Doggie was great, but having came earlier in the day, I just could not come or stay erect. I credit her for sucking on my limp member for 5 minutes before she also gave up. I do not know why I wasted $50, but she reminded me of my first GF, a redhead who gave me a cherry as a gift.

I quoted Mizzle to give him a good advice: Ask your lawyer about Judicial Diversion. The judge may agree to it if you attend Sex Addicts anonymous, or some other program. Good luck.

01-28-10, 06:42
Let me tell you about Rene. Found her walking on Ramsey. About 3 or 4 blocks north of the circle. 5'5, mid length black hair. A well kept girl. Nothing foul about her this day. Looked young and pretty. Had her eyes made up with black mascara and highlighted with blue eye shadow.

She explained her only limit was bondage. No problem there. Talked about half and half. She offered 50. As long as time was enthusiastic that was ok with me.

Upon arrival at my place she revealed a smoking hot body. Little breast sag suggested she may be around 26. Face looked about 21. Be cups with perky dime sized nipples, erect near a quarter inch. Petite woman.

She sucked like a champ. Attention to twins. Offered rim. DFK. Fucked like a porn star. She mounted a reverse cowgirl that showed her ass in a fine light. She saved a horse this day by riding this cowboy. Arms a swinging and hooting. Good fun. Upgrade to anal for 20. She didn't even flintch. Grabed her lube and remounted. If I thoought it was PSE before it was PSE+++ from here on out. Dirty talk. Fill me up, give me all that nut, work that ass.

All in all 70 for a full 45 min of romper room fun. No digits. Phone stolen, broke, whatever. Hopes to have a phone. We'll C.

L T Mdid she have a tat on her back if she did then you had one hell of a time look up a couple of past reports of mine on her and oh yeah I did'nt know she did greek now that I do the sky's the limit.

01-28-10, 06:44
Was she looking good? If she was lightskinned, it could be one of two BSWs whom I had experiences with in the past and they both aren't worth it. But they both look good when dressed up.No she a wsw and a bunch of trouble just stay away from her.

Smiling Fox
01-28-10, 09:15
We have been hear a long time. Discussing this, well, activity.

You know there was a show on TV a lot of years ago. His famous line was something like If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
Well mizzel I am sorry about your plight, Ya shouldnt be playing if you cant take it.

Now I have to admit the 18hrs doesnt thrill me at all. Being made public, I would prefer to keep my activies reasonable quite. Well I am seeing MATURE women that I would never get a chance to probably. Some of the most beautiful MATURE women around. Willing and able, Enthusiastic and pleasurable.
I am having the time of my life. And when its over, well, I will probably be dying, a lonely old man. Done and gone. As my friend said on his death bed, It was a great run, wouldnt change a thing. And if any one knows that quote you know who I am.

You all would just wish you could meet some of the fine willing wonderful thrilling MATURE women that I have had the fortune to share some very exciting, rewarding time together with. And I will bet that you have memories of the same. Bravo.......
Best of luck to you Mizzel. and to any of the others that get nabbed. You have entered the crowd of supporting the oldest proffession, duh?
In this Feminized society, you are a target.

So be safe out there.

Smiling Fox ;}

Happy One
01-28-10, 13:39
I aree with the fox 100%. I also spent a nite at the city hotel, but for the women I have had the pleasure to spend time with it was well worth it in retrospect. There is some really beautifull women with extremely good skills out there to enjoy. Good luck & be carefull is the word & be especially street wise. If you cant run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

01-29-10, 17:37
Mizzle will get a slap on the wrist.

Guys, I'd be careful who you pick up. I've seen PJW mention more than once that minors are out there. In fact, they are posting that there are questionable pictures here. If what they say is true, someone is in a much worse position than Mizzle.

Yes, it's the post by Good Karma with the photos labeled Cori. These were purposely posted by someone whose trying to be a saboteur of this website.

I already alerted Jackson about him/her.

01-29-10, 21:21
"I cannot do anything for less than fifty bucks" sums it up, and concludes it all for this new attractive SW by the circle on WW. That was around 6 PM, and I had to wait behind three cars for my turn to hear this, each hearing the same statement and driving off. Good luck!

Not sure if it is Roxi or Roxanne, but these days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night. Bundled up with a large hat, but sure looked attractive. I will spend that $50 on her when I have a couple of hours to spare, not a drive by BJ.

Anyone cares to share notes about her?

Happy One
01-29-10, 23:49
There is 2 Roxies that come out. One has a well weathered face, the other is out of Harford county. The one out of Harford has blonde hair & filled out & dresses very nice. The other dresses sloppy, genrally in baggy clothes. The one that dresses well is well worth the 50. I would love to catch up with her again. She used to be one of my favorites when she was on the street. Last I heard she had a baby & got clean, but would come out to get money close to home or the WW when she wanted a blast. I dont think you will catch her to often in the area. By the way, she is very computor literate & reads this forum.

Love To Monger
01-30-10, 21:50
did she have a tat on her back if she did then you had one hell of a time look up a couple of past reports of mine on her and oh yeah I did'nt know she did greek now that I do the sky's the limit.

Looked through all your posts. Nice body of work.

So many tats so little time. Yea she had some tats. But I was so involved with the action I have a hard time remembering exactly where they were. Must have been one on her back. One pretty tat on her left leg as well. She was a performer that night. Still remember how she dismounted, lubed up, and remounted with enthusiasum. Wow.


Luke Warm69
01-30-10, 23:17
Sorry guys I have been busy. I will tell Amy to such you dry daily. I will paid the bill for 7 days just for the number of Jackie. Its a keep your cash week. The first one to give me the number of Jackie wins. Jackie the girl that looks like a librarian.

I will even take care of PJW for you guys. To beat him you just have to thinK, label him then it all over. Three lawyers to stay on his ass, dry up all his cash and he is gone. Did it before do it again, lol.

Get at me boys.

01-31-10, 21:58
Amber did not look well at all today entering her favorit bar on Ramsey and Calhoun. It has been a long while since she messaged my pickle, but she was in no shape to allow her to touch it with a 10 yard stick today. Something was wrong .... major.

My rankings of hos range from Jem Find to Cum Bucket, she has been all over the scale. For the sake of the good times, I hope she gets well. She was with a white dude, seems to have gained few pounds in the ass and thighs, but "avoid me" virtually painted on her forehead.

Not a happy moment in mongering -- no selection, as in winter time.

I am low on digits, would appreciate some in WW area. Thanks in advance.

Happy One
01-31-10, 23:16
Luke Warm, Iam board what do you have to trade that I already havent tried yet? I do have what you asked about, but has to be real special as she is right?

Luke Warm69
02-01-10, 00:56
Luke Warm, Iam board what do you have to trade that I already havent tried yet? I do have what you asked about, but has to be real special as she is right?Yes, I understand. I have a SW named Jasmine. I know you did not date her. She is sexy, nice ass does not walk the streets 22 years old. Very very very clean and cheap. Texts me like crazy hoping I will help her find dates, but I like to keep her broke. You will have the number and get her for free (3-5 times) I will cut the check. Jasmine will be ready anytime your ready. Trust Me! I cannot give everyone her number but for you happy-One its on. After, you F*ck her she knows I will pay. The deal is made.

02-01-10, 01:44
Yes, I understand. I have a SW named Jasmine. I know you did not date her. She is sexy, nice ass does not walk the streets 22 years old. Very very very clean and cheap. Texts me like crazy hoping I will help her find dates, but I like to keep her broke. You will have the number and get her for free (3-5 times) I will cut the check. Jasmine will be ready anytime your ready. Trust Me! I cannot give everyone her number but for you happy-One its on. After, you F*ck her she knows I will pay. The deal is made.Listen to him, he has referred me to a few ladies and it has worked out for the best.

02-01-10, 01:45
I always see a bunch of photos on this site. I am very grateful for that, helps me put faces to reports when I am on a stroll. However, I was wondering how do you get them to allow photos. I have asked a few times and always get turned down.

02-01-10, 02:02
I made a trip up north to the old homestead this weekend and was eager to try the local SW scene after being in the sunny south for a bit.<P>

After trying without success, a couple of numbers shared by members of this board, I hit the stroll on fairhaven on Sunday. First thing I saw was Amy, 30 yo spinner wearing a bra that I believe was a double A with a tuck in it. However the little blonde hopped into the car and seemed to have a good attitude, so off to Tim's we sped. Settled on standard tuition for FS and although her oral skills were great, she seemed to lose interest once we swung into the game of hide the salami. A couple of positions didn't get any better response so i suggested that she finish up "doing what she does best". back to those active lips and the job was done in short order.

I think if I repeated, it would be for oral only.

Happy HOing,

LMI have met up with Amy a bunch of times, just call her and she's ready. I have always had great experiences with her, however sometimes the fs seems uncooperative. However, the bj is one of the best I have received.

C L Hunter
02-01-10, 08:36
I made the journey to the beautiful streets of the W/W loop over the weekend to see Ashley. I had to waste some time till she was ready so I did a few loops with some decent looking girls out and about.

Finally met up with Ashley and off to the notel we went. She is so f'ing hot. 5'9" 120 lbs sexy long black hair. Yummy. Poor girl doesn't deserve this life, but oh well. She has amazing skills and she kept getting me so damn close with oral that I had to put on the cover and have more fun. Didn't take much as she felt so tight and amazing. Boom. Wish I had more money to keep her with me longer. Alas I didn't so I took her home.

I'll call her up again when I get the chance to make the trip. She doesn't walk the streets much and works off her phone.

02-01-10, 09:01
Susan has been around off and on for a few years, most recently she was living on Balt. St. She has been tossed from there and now living "in between" places. A few years back she would often be seen with her friend Ashley, who had a good body but a nose you could stand under in a rain storm.

Anyway, saw Susan on Conkling with her new friend Sara, made the scoop and off we went to the notel.

Susan has always been a fine provider. Blond, A-B size t's, always focused on her work and found her to be no different today. Sara has brown hair, a very nice body with full, firm B's. Her oral skills were ok, her participation in the FS was very good for a while but she lacked much of an attention span. And, afterwards, she tried to get an addition donation on top of an already generous starting point, and then pouted when I said no. Also, she was a "car messer", touching things, moving things, etc. I hate that.

Overall, not a bad experience. I will return to Susan, as I have off and on in the past. Sara's nice body will tempt me again, I'm just not sure about the attitude.

Happy One
02-01-10, 13:45
C L Hunter, picked up Ashley on Ramsey & Gilmore asked why she was out & was told nobody called her. On the way to go play, she gets a call & sets up another date for when we are done. After we are done on the way back & getting more minutes, she gets 2 more calls to set up dates. She is a very busy girl isnt she?" Did she tell you 20 minutes or about an hour? This shit is funny no matter who you are.

Norm Gerd
02-01-10, 18:59

It makes one wonder what acting on behalf of means.

02-02-10, 12:21
They dont make any sense. They say, for us to use craigslist instead of looking around ww loop. What is the difference. Doing the same thing. Buying pussy. The girls on craigslist ask for more money for the same thing.

C L Hunter
02-02-10, 14:08
C L Hunter, picked up Ashley on Ramsey & Gilmore asked why she was out & was told nobody called her. On the way to go play, she gets a call & sets up another date for when we are done. After we are done on the way back & getting more minutes, she gets 2 more calls to set up dates. She is a very busy girl isnt she?" Did she tell you 20 minutes or about an hour? This shit is funny no matter who you are.She told me 15 minutes and it was more like 45 minutes.

Johnny Stales
02-02-10, 15:00
They dont make any sense. They say, for us to use craigslist instead of looking around ww loop. What is the difference. Doing the same thing. Buying pussy. The girls on craigslist ask for more money for the same thing.It makes perfect sense to me, and it is not the same thing. One is done privately behind closed doors while the other is done publicly in a community where families live. SWs walking their streets, Johns circling their neighborhood, illicit sex being performed in their alleys and parking lots, condoms being thrown on their sidewalks, pedestrians being stalked, etc. Please don't try to justify what we do and discredit what they are trying to do. I do not blame them for trying to clean up their neighborhood.

02-02-10, 15:11
It makes perfect sense to me, and it is not the same thing. One is done privately behind closed doors while the other is done publicly in a community where families live. SWs walking their streets, Johns circling their neighborhood, illicit sex being performed in their alleys and parking lots, condoms being thrown on their sidewalks, pedestrians being stalked, etc. Please don't try to justify what we do and discredit what they are trying to do. I do not blame them for trying to clean up their neighborhood.I don't blame the BJW people either. What if the "action" was done elsewhere? Would the BJW people be so upset if the "pickups were in their area, but not the "deed"?

Just wondering.

02-02-10, 15:27
It makes perfect sense to me, and it is not the same thing. One is done privately behind closed doors while the other is done publicly in a community where families live. SWs walking their streets, Johns circling their neighborhood, illicit sex being performed in their alleys and parking lots, condoms being thrown on their sidewalks, pedestrians being stalked, etc. Please don't try to justify what we do and discredit what they are trying to do. I do not blame them for trying to clean up their neighborhood.Not, all of us do not play on the streets or allys, I would think most of the play time will be behind close doors in a house, hotel, motel, shack, or a garage.

02-02-10, 15:51
I seen that pjw had a comment from my posting. I do have a rental in the pigtown area and 2 rentals on wilkens. I did live in each house when I fixed them up. Then rented them out. The only promblem that I have is the drug dealers. They think that they own the neighborhood. Th SW promblem is so same to that you over look it. I all way said, If you get the drug dealers and the little hoppers out that the SW will follow them.

Happy One
02-02-10, 18:42
Sorry C L , I am an old dog & was enjoying her to the fullest. She is like the energizer bunny & keeps going & going & going. Great BJ & put her on top & let her do her thing. Those that have indulged Know what I am talking about. I have been blessed the past couple weeks with some nice company.