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08-29-09, 19:58

After late Block run on Saturday I decided to hit the loops. It's been while since I've been burned, and I should know better, but I'll put the info out in case it helps one of you.

I picked up Brooke on Ramsey near Scarey St. REALLY nice looking young brunette (early 20's), I would say better than you usually see on the street, nicer than many of the blockettes I had just finished watching. Nice legs, wearing short shorts and a tiny t-shirt with the bare mid-drift thing going on. Pretty face, hair was a little disheveled, but definitely hot. Here goes my first mistake...

I wanted to take her to my usual spot. She says she and her sister have a place close by, and that it's nice and they're the only ones there. I still tried for my spot but she was resistant so I said I'd take a look. She took me to a corner house on W. Lombard. I can't remember the cross street name, but it was on the north side of the street and just east of S. Carey. It may have been Stockton or Carrollton.

Surprisingly, it was not that bad inside. Pretty clean, some decent couches, not that much junk around. This is when she tells me that she needs to go in the back room and give her sister some cash so her sister can go "pick something up" while she and I go upstairs. We argue, I give her a ten as that is a typical "house fee". She still protests that it's not enough, so I give her another twenty. Clearly this was stupid, but the little head was in charge. I also figured I was planning on at least half/half with her so it really wasn't all the cash up front yet, even if it was most.

She seems happy with the thirty and goes to the back and starts banging on a door asking for her sister to come out. I don't really here her sister, but she says her 'sis says she'll be out soon. We wait about five minutes, she offers me a drink, some candy,etc. I decline. She then pokes her head out the front door and starts calling to some people asking where some guy was. I can hear people answering, but can't quite tell what they're saying. She then declares that since her sister hasn't come out that she's gonna go get some weed and will be right back. She closed the door. I'm not liking this at all, sitting alone (possibly) in this house. I only waited about thirty seconds before following her, but she was outta site. I waited a couple of minutes, feeling pretty sure I wouldn't see her again, then decided I'd be better off waiting in my car which was in front of the place.

I decided to give it 10 minutes as I was still hoping to have this little hottie. While I'm sitting there a guy comes out of the house (presumably from upstairs) and asks me to move because he's doing "business" there and it's not good for him to have me sitting in a car out front. He was actually very nice about it. I didn't care, so I move across the street and a couple of houses down.

She actually came back and came right to my car. She said she couldn't find her pharmacist yet, but that she was gonna make good with me and would be back in five minutes. I gave her ten and then cut my losses and rolled. I had better luck in CB shortly after, but that will be a separate post.

So there you have it... my little head ruled and I broke a couple of rules, going to her place and then paying up front. What can I say? Using their spot has only really worked well on a couple of ocassions for me. Most of the time it is a hassle. I often do prepay, at least partially and with a promise of a tip. I've not been burned on that before and I think it puts them at ease, but that's usually when we're already at my location and I'm much more in control of things.

So, watch out for any cute brunette trying to take you to a house in that vicinity. I hated losing thirty, but really much worse things could happen when you go to their spot. It was a good reminder for me.

Monger on!

She has been discussed on here many times and I would say even she knows how infamous she is so much that she has resorted to changing her name to Brooke because we all know Erica is a little pill and everyone should beware. I admit when you roll up on here at 4 am and havn't seen anything good she looks like a mirage in a desert. Spinner body, cute face, etc. But whether she is Erica, Brooke, or whoever she claims to be this girl is trouble and will def. give you the runaround. Her only desire is to get money up front to buy drugs.

I have actually received service from her and know it is possible but trust me its not worth the BS. Just avoid her at all costs and maybe she'll get the message you can't mess around and she will finally realize that no one will ever pick her up unless she gets with the program.


08-29-09, 20:10
Picked up Amber last night. So this is the one everyone's talked about. I admit first impression is good on the looks scale. Very nice tall lean body with nice tits and ass. And face is good except for the many pick marks. Service is good for the BBBJ nice enough technique. But here's my problem with this girl.

She is kind of a pain in the ass. Very bossy, likes to insist on where to go to park, and doesn't take direction well. If you tell her even one thing she gets an attitude with you and thinks you're yelling at her. She's def. got some issues. I just got the impression she really doesn't like doing this which you never want to see because there are ones out there who really try to please.

I know I've found a good one when she starts by saying, "how do you like it" because that tells me she actually cares about satisfying me. This girl actually handed me a napkin and said "here, don't nut in my mouth!" At that moment I really would have kicked her out of the car had she not been as good looking as she was. That is really this girls only redeeming quality. But in my years of experience I'll be honest I'd take great skills and great attitude over looks any day. After all what the hell am I doing this for. If I wanted attitude form a hot chick I would just go to a club and pick up a civilian.

I will never pick her up again.....don't need the attitude. There are plenty of nice providers out there of similar quality looks wise you don't have to put up with that kind of BS for.

Good luck with her if you find her.


08-29-09, 20:24
Now on the opposite side I met Susie last week. Picked her up at S. Carey and Ramsay. This girl is great. 36 yrs. old, doesn't really come from that area, wound up there because her ex is in jail for burglary or something, lost her job in the real estate sector, and prob. has a drug problem, so now she's doing this. But what a sweet girl she is. Very down to earth and pleasant.

Said she used to dance at Camelot about 15 years ago in DC. Decent face not the greatest but I imagine she would look better all made up I'm sure. Nice body very soft smooth skin for a girl her age. Not many marks I could see.

Here's the best part.......she gives probably the best DT BBBJ I've ever had in over 15 years of participating in the is hobby. Prior to meeting her the best BBBJ I ever got was from this amazingly hot blond about 9 years ago who worked at the Flamingo (don't even remember her name.....Heather maybe?? anyone know who I'm talking about? also worked at the PussyCat too?) but she gave the world's best blow job and even used to preface it by telling you "most guys blow their load in about 60 seconds when I suck their dick!". I must be gifted I used to last about 120 seconds! But I digress........

Susie has amazing DT skills, the best I've ever felt hobbying or real world. So if you have the pleasure of meeting her treat her well and consider yourself blessed. It will be a once in a lifetime experience trust me. And remember go with the DT BBBJ........best thing on the menu!


08-30-09, 01:55
Now on the opposite side I met Susie last week. Picked her up at S. Carey and Ramsay. This girl is great. 36 yrs. old, doesn't really come from that area, wound up there because her ex is in jail for burglary or something, lost her job in the real estate sector, and prob. has a drug problem, so now she's doing this. But what a sweet girl she is. Very down to earth and pleasant.

Said she used to dance at Camelot about 15 years ago in DC. Decent face not the greatest but I imagine she would look better all made up I'm sure. Nice body very soft smooth skin for a girl her age. Not many marks I could see.

Here's the best part.......she gives probably the best DT BBBJ I've ever had in over 15 years of participating in the is hobby. Prior to meeting her the best BBBJ I ever got was from this amazingly hot blond about 9 years ago who worked at the Flamingo (don't even remember her name.....Heather maybe?? anyone know who I'm talking about? also worked at the PussyCat too?) but she gave the world's best blow job and even used to preface it by telling you "most guys blow their load in about 60 seconds when I suck their dick!". I must be gifted I used to last about 120 seconds! But I digress........

Susie has amazing DT skills, the best I've ever felt hobbying or real world. So if you have the pleasure of meeting her treat her well and consider yourself blessed. It will be a once in a lifetime experience trust me. And remember go with the DT BBBJ........best thing on the menu!

-LMWas she a auburn like redhead in color? I think I picked her up thursday in the morning she gave a good dt bj I just wish I could've tipped her but the vehicle needed some gas but if we are talking about the same girl then thank the monger gods we were both blessed.

08-30-09, 11:05
I find it interesting he could ID a shot gun in the night.

Rock salt. Isnt that used in shot gun. Sorta harmless. but does the trick.

or maybe a ball, and he missed. lol.

Smiling Fox

I know just enough to be dangerous. LOL.

Now I got this song called Mr. Charlie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-43G_m0gOAg) sung by Ron "Pigpen" McKernan stuck in my head.

I get a little powder, get a little salt, put it in my shotgun, and I go walking out......I'm gonna scare you up and shoot you, 'cause Mr. Charlie told me so

B'More BJ could post a pic of the shot damage to prove he's not BS'ing.

Smiling Fox
08-30-09, 11:36
Dam Balti, you even put the link up so we could all listen to that fine artistic musical presentation. That is just funny as shit.

Well if it was a ball, he'd have a big hole to take a pic of, but if it be salt, maybe a scratch or two, but if it be buckshot,, well he'd probably have lots-a little dents, don't-ya-think.


Smiling Fox

08-30-09, 12:02
Now I got this song called Mr. Charlie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-43G_m0gOAg) sung by Ron "Pigpen" McKernan stuck in my head.

I get a little powder, get a little salt, put it in my shotgun, and I go walking out......I'm gonna scare you up and shoot you, 'cause Mr. Charlie told me so

B'More BJ could post a pic of the shot damage to prove he's not BS'ing.He just wants to fit it! give him a break its funny how all of the newbies have these amazing stories to tell! Personally i could tell if it was a shotgun without seeing it but the sound from a gun like that could also be a desert eagle or a 30/06 or anything else high powered! And he said buckshot was used! If that was the case he would have got hit somewhere,plus if he missed his window how would it have just missed his head? He must have been driving with his head between his legs?

Baltimore Bj
08-30-09, 12:29
Someone tries to leave a simple warning and gets trashed for it. What is wrong with byou people.

In this post I will try better to clarify myself for those who were busy trying to tear apart my post last time.

1. I saw someone coming toward my vehicle carrying something that looked like a gun and I was not staying around to verify (did not know it was a shotgun at first)...verified it was a shotgun after I saw the blast to the back of my vehicle. I know a little about weapons so I know that it was more than likely a 3" 00 Buck and that he was pretty close to me since there were 15 holes in the tailgate in a pattern of about 16".

2. I'm not a newbie. New to this site but been living this lifestyle for about 15 years now. Sometimes people are just in the wrong place and/or with the wrong people at the wrong time.

3. I don't need to post a picture to prove what I am saying. I was simply trying to warn others. If you don't believe me...that's fine. But I do not want pics of my vehicle on here. Besides that wouldn't prove anything anyway (I could photo an old truck after shooting it myself).

All I am saying is just be safe!

This morning, around 4am I picked up an absolutely beautiful young BSW across from the Uhaul on Washington Blvd. She pulled up her top and assured me she was not law enforcement.

We pulled onto a dark side street and parked. I began to feel her breasts when, in the mirror, I noticed a person walking toward the back of my vehicle. He was carrying a shotgun. I started my vehicle and he then started running toward me.

As I drove away he blasted buckshot into my vehicle just missing my window and head by inches.

This is a dangerous life. Be careful.

Joe Hooker
08-30-09, 22:06
This morning, around 4am I picked up an absolutely beautiful young BSW across from the Uhaul on Washington Blvd. She pulled up her top and assured me she was not law enforcement.

We pulled onto a dark side street and parked. I began to feel her breasts when, in the mirror, I noticed a person walking toward the back of my vehicle. He was carrying a shotgun. I started my vehicle and he then started running toward me.

As I drove away he blasted buckshot into my vehicle just missing my window and head by inches.

This is a dangerous life. Be careful.That's pretty dramatic! Any idea who it was and why they did that? I would think 5'O' would have shown up fast for shots fired. Wow!

Im Not Saying
08-31-09, 00:26
Well I find it odd that since I posted my report on N. Haven it has been dead and covered in leo's. I've been hesitant to post on this site and only use it for recog. I had dee tell me 2 weeks ago off wilkens the other nite the "knockers" were asking who I was. I proceeded to drive her to damn near catonsville to park. I haven't ran that loop since. I have seen a total clean up of n. Haven after posting, and not one BSW or WSW since. Now I know what to look for after RTFF and I thank all of you for teaching me, but I will no longer post info openly and only pm with senior members. If you feel the need to delete me for that I understand totally and if I have another incident that makes me paranoid further I will delete it myself.

Have a nice day and good luck!

Dj Hunter
08-31-09, 00:38
So I had to quench my thirst for snatch this evening. Headed out looking for cheap black snatch, so I ventured through the typical strolls where such a dish can be predominantly found, ie Garrison and 25th Street. Garrison had a couple decent looking (at least under the dark) SWs strolling but with cops running up and down the street and mongers in every other car, I decided to run back over to 25th which was dead save for a few hags.

Went Downtown, not too much action but there was one tall, slim BSW wearing glasses walking toward The Block wearing see-through stocking "pants". Hopped out the ride and snagged her, offered .60 for CFS and she accepted. Her story is that she's been tricking on the West Coast (she's originally from Cali), and picked Baltimore as a new tricking spot out of random. We drove to my place while I schooled her as best I could about the Baltimore scene and what she should look out for, basically passing on knowledge from my own experiences and from what other SWs have told me. She was very nice, and thankful for the tips, and showed her appreciation by giving me one hell of a CBJ, full DT and all. Finished with a very physical CG. I was lucky to last almost 10 minutes. I almost didn't want it to end. Got some good feels of that ass in those tight pants before dropping her off again.

She might not be here long so look out for her. It's so refreshing when you snag a nice one that gets into the performance, speaks kindly, and doesn't turn her nose up when offered a certain amount of money. I wish more of these women could be business-minded about this game and offer some competitive prices. I had to play the sidelines for a while because I was so saddled by my finances.

Baltimore Bj
08-31-09, 15:56
I have no idea who they were. It was the first time I had seen her. She was a BSW approx 22 years old. Did not get a look at him (just in the reaer view mirror on a dark road). It was the dead end road that has Ace Uniform but my thoughts are that this duo will try this trick again in another location.

I have talked to a few other girls. They haven't heard anything but they want to "F" her up if I can find out any info for them. Don't ya love your girls try to take care of you? LOL

Not all is bad from this ordeal. The guys at work have given me a new nickname. Buckshot!

That's pretty dramatic! Any idea who it was and why they did that? I would think 5'O' would have shown up fast for shots fired. Wow!

08-31-09, 19:17
Mmmm I don't know, this doesn't sound like Amber to me. It does sound like she looks like the one but I have never had any attitude from her ever. And she has allways finshed the deed with no need for a napkin. I almost wonder if she had a bad vibe from you or something.

Picked up Amber last night. So this is the one everyone's talked about. I admit first impression is good on the looks scale. Very nice tall lean body with nice tits and ass. And face is good except for the many pick marks. Service is good for the BBBJ nice enough technique. But here's my problem with this girl.

She is kind of a pain in the ass. Very bossy, likes to insist on where to go to park, and doesn't take direction well. If you tell her even one thing she gets an attitude with you and thinks you're yelling at her. She's def. Got some issues. I just got the impression she really doesn't like doing this which you never want to see because there are ones out there who really try to please.

I know I've found a good one when she starts by saying, "how do you like it" because that tells me she actually cares about satisfying me. This girl actually handed me a napkin and said "here, don't nut in my mouth! " At that moment I really would have kicked her out of the car had she not been as good looking as she was. That is really this girls only redeeming quality. But in my years of experience I'll be honest I'd take great skills and great attitude over looks any day. After all what the hell am I doing this for. If I wanted attitude form a hot chick I would just go to a club and pick up a civilian.

I will never pick her up again. Don't need the attitude. There are plenty of nice providers out there of similar quality looks wise you don't have to put up with that kind of BS for.

Good luck with her if you find her.


08-31-09, 19:23
So has anyone seen Kathy, someone on here must know her or even seen her once or twice. She is a dark blond WSW about 5'9 on the thick side and had a big ass. I first seen her on Patapsco at the Salvation Army.

Let me know if you know her or even seen her.

Night Lurker
08-31-09, 23:01
Hey there,

I saw your post about Easy (Erica). I used to pick her up a few times a week about 2 years ago when she lived on Norris St off of Ramsay. I moved to VA for awhile and am back now. I called her number and went to her house. It seems she has disappeared. Any idea where and/or what times I might be able to find her? Oh, by the way, you were correct. She is half PR.

I know exactly who you're talking about. I used to pick to her up. Refer to my previous posts.

I heard awhile back that she moved to West Virginia from another SW. I'm not sure how reliable her as a source is but assuming she's been AWOL for some time, she's definitely not in the area.

Happy One
09-01-09, 12:48
Easy is back around again. Saw her on Sunday & she was out last nite on Ramsey. She has gained some weight but looks really healthy.
Amber with blonde hair does get an attitude if she is on crack, not bad when on the H . Her skils are just so so most times even when not high.
Only a few out last nite wilkens area, nothing great. LE has really been hard on everybody lately both girls & mongers. Be carefull, they are looking for any reason to stop you.

Butchers Hill
09-01-09, 14:26
1. you can stream a great Pigpen Mr. Charlie here:


It's track three.

2. Regarding the buckshot report. That's enough to keep me on the east side

3. Regarding increased LEO and decreased SW presence after reporting on a new area, I experienced the same thing with harford road earlier this year. The girls confirmed exactly when the increased LE presence was, and IMO it's the one reason why I won't post a single location other than Conkling & Baltimore. They know about that spot, there's blue light cams all around, and it's still the easiest spot east of city hall to get your dick sucked.

Cops ARE reading this board, and once they see a few reports about a new location, they will be all over it.

09-01-09, 16:31
Just got back from a cruise through CB. LE was everywhere. Two cruisers had stopped around a BSW on Pontiac. At Fairhaven, I drove past one cop as another swooped in on an older WSW. All around 3PM this afternoon.

09-01-09, 23:06
Easy is back around again. Saw her on Sunday & she was out last nite on Ramsey. She has gained some weight but looks really healthy.

Amber with blonde hair does get an attitude if she is on crack, not bad when on the H . Her skils are just so so most times even when not high.I hate to say it, but her return to WW echos a mixed feeling. Parts of me say: Oh No, while other parts say: Oh Yes!

Last encounter was from a week or so ago, with Sheena. What amazes me is that I go back home exhausted after 15 minutes of suction, yet, she is at it again, and again, and .... those girls must have some strong necks.

With all the serious stuff behind, is there anyone desperate enough to pick up that thin BSW who stands by the circle :) I am talking about the one who looks like a retard. It will be super embarrassing to our Baltimore forum if someone posts her photo.

More... A good looking fat one near Monroe and Wilkins, black blouse, newbie ... any feedback?

09-02-09, 08:42
I was out yesterday and seen a lot of LE, I seen other post too saying the same thing. I did think I seen the other Amber yesterday on Ramsey, She is the blonde one and has very nice curves, I didn't pick her up because I think Had picked her up last year around the same spot and think she gave me something extra I didn't pay for But atleast I was able to get rid of it. Not sure 100% if that was the same girl but they look the same.

I haven't seen the Other Amber out in a while too, The dark brown hair long one with the big ta tas. I know when I seen her about a month ago she was going way down hill.

Any one seen Emilly at all? And of course I'm still looking for Cathy but no one has answered back on that one. I still think it would be a good idea to add another part to this as Lost and found section with a sticky of the girls names that stay on top.

09-02-09, 09:55
Two saturdays ago around midnight I went strolling around PP/C and I was looking for a Hispanic SW saw some girls but not quite my cub of tea so I got on the harbor tunnel to B/CB and picked up a nice looking SW by Pontiac and Everett. I only had $14 with me I though I had more at the time but she still gave me a BBBJ with no trouble.

Monday the 24th picked up a PR 28 yo SW named Maria really nice originally from the Bronx did BBBJ for.20 she however does charge an extra.05 if you CIM. But since finding Latin SWs is what I like I probobly will repeat.

09-02-09, 13:09
Not to many pictures going on as there used to on here. I need to start taking some too if I ever find some good ones. I wish I knew about this place about 3 years ago I would of had pictures of Cathy and Dawn and Emilly and a few others. The good ones are hard to find now, Used to be if you wait a few months and go back there would be some new faces, Just wish some of the old ones were still around.

Anyone here know Pebbles?

Virginia Guy
09-02-09, 16:04
37 blonde WSW. not bad looking. probably a solid 6-7 in looks, 9 in attitude. A little flabby skinm but overall doable. She had a place off washington near 95. BBBJCIM with spit for 30. i paid more since she had a safe place vs parking. LE was everywhere. 3:30pm on Wed.

09-03-09, 00:39
Tuesday afternoon I decided to cruise BCB since it had been a while. I made several loops and picked up an old familiar WSW Lana. She has put on weight since the last time I picked her up about a year and a half ago. Ended up going to her place for a CBJ. Her titties and nipples are awsome and her skills have not changed much. Overall decent but nothing to write home about. Standard tuition and I took her to the store to buy her a soft drink.

Later I went up to the PP/C area. I saw a nice blonde hottie in short shorts on 40. Wow. So I pulled in and got some needed fuel. As she walked by I made eye contact and said hi. I put the nozzle back into the pump and drove out. I timed it purfect and turned right on Haven just as she was reaching the corner. She got in and it was Sarah! I have only seen her once and never had a chance to make the p/u.

This Sarah is 5'8 long straight blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. She's not the prettiest girl, but very well put together. A SW 9+ in my estimation. I took her over to my downtown hotel and she quoted me 80/hr. A price at which she would not budge. I figured what the heck. A block p/u would cost the same and she is very near escort quality without the make up and high heels.

When I got her upstairs I was not disappointed when she undressed. She is extremely well put together. Nice long legs and a supple ass. Very nice natural c's which are well proportioned. Her ass is outstanding. Started with a covered french lession which was a bit disappointing due to a sore throat. We moved into a little mish and I was suprised she is trimmed but not shaved. She was not really getting into it so I turned her around for some doggy which worked a little bit better. After a few minutes I laid her flat and went to town on the wonderfully padded buttocks. After I blew a nut she immediately started getting dressed. The whole thing only lasted half an hour. She would have stayed longer, but getting the clothes off again may have been difficult.

Overall it was a decent although a bit disappointing. I would recommend if you can find her because YMMV. However I probably won't repeat because her friend Susan who gives excellent head is much more reasonably priced. You can find these girls in the PP/C usually in the daylight hours.


09-03-09, 03:04
Tuesday afternoon I decided to cruise BCB since it had been a while. I made several loops and picked up an old familiar WSW Lana. She has put on weight since the last time I picked her up about a year and a half ago. Ended up going to her place for a CBJ. Her titties and nipples are awsome and her skills have not changed much. Overall decent but nothing to write home about. Standard tuition and I took her to the store to buy her a soft drink.

Later I went up to the PP/C area. I saw a nice blonde hottie in short shorts on 40. Wow. So I pulled in and got some needed fuel. As she walked by I made eye contact and said hi. I put the nozzle back into the pump and drove out. I timed it purfect and turned right on Haven just as she was reaching the corner. She got in and it was Sarah! I have only seen her once and never had a chance to make the p/u.

This Sarah is 5'8 long straight blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. She's not the prettiest girl, but very well put together. A SW 9+ in my estimation. I took her over to my downtown hotel and she quoted me 80/hr. A price at which she would not budge. I figured what the heck. A block p/u would cost the same and she is very near escort quality without the make up and high heels.

When I got her upstairs I was not disappointed when she undressed. She is extremely well put together. Nice long legs and a supple ass. Very nice natural c's which are well proportioned. Her ass is outstanding. Started with a covered french lession which was a bit disappointing due to a sore throat. We moved into a little mish and I was suprised she is trimmed but not shaved. She was not really getting into it so I turned her around for some doggy which worked a little bit better. After a few minutes I laid her flat and went to town on the wonderfully padded buttocks. After I blew a nut she immediately started getting dressed. The whole thing only lasted half an hour. She would have stayed longer, but getting the clothes off again may have been difficult.

Overall it was a decent although a bit disappointing. I would recommend if you can find her because YMMV. However I probably won't repeat because her friend Susan who gives excellent head is much more reasonably priced. You can find these girls in the PP/C usually in the daylight hours.

PussProwlerAre we thinking of the same girl that used to work the W/W loop, then apparently OD'd a while back?

09-03-09, 03:51
Well was out early Wednesday around 2 a.m. cruised the stroll and got down the ramsey end and who do I see? Ms Easy now I saw reports that she was back and I was shocked that I saw her rode back around and she recognized me after I stopped and put down the widow you see I had my other vehicle and she did'nt notice me at first,but after the stop and she saw my face she jumped in quick fast and in a hurry. We caught up on what was happening with each other. She said the only reason she is back is because her dad is having some problems getting meds that are expensive and not covered by insurance. She said she is staying over in B-more county now. As the conversation went on and her and I exchanged one liners she came back with this one "who would want to pass up easy and miss out on a good time" I agree 100 percent. Negotiated the normal fee for some of the best mic work. She has'nt skipped a beat and it was just as good as I remembered it. I was trying so hard not to let it go because it was splendendilous. held out for as long as I could and then let loose and as usual she took every bit. After the deed was done we talked some more and she told me she won't be out long because once she makes enough money to get things staight with him she's gone because she does'nt want to get caught up around the way and fall into the traps again. So guys if you want to get some mic work from a past winner of SW Idol then you better hurry up because she's going to be gone soon.

Virginia Guy
09-03-09, 14:19
yesterday i binged with four WSW. you talent is better in MD vs VA. Here is the run down;
- Sandy first (see other post)
- Donna blonde 39 yr old WSW BBBJ
- Sue pregnant WSW brunette in 30s
- Jenny blonde WSW (hot) 1/2 and 1/2

i had to band jenny since i could cum with my 4th BJ of the day. I am exhausted. i plan to cruise again tonight. All picked up on wilkens from 3pm - 2am.

Thanks for sharing your talent.

09-03-09, 14:41
Now normally I only stroll through the ww loop as my travels to the other side of town have came up empty because I don't really know the players and need a program. Well things changed for me Wednesday as I lucked up and caught one. Cruised the area twice and saw some skanks and just as I was about to leave after rolling through pennington I came across something decent. Mary is a WSW who I thought was a civi when I passed her on tenth street. She was giving the old thumb out for a ride and I did'nt mind helping her. She got in and the first question, do you party? I was like real non chalant and skated around that question. We did the cop check she lifted her shirt to reveal a nice set of tits I let her feel the love muscle and we where off. Now as you guys know from past reports I'm not really into the car hook-up. So we talked about where this was going to happen and she said she had friend who was a drunk and she charged a dime to use the place. I was like ok but if I did'nt like the spot I'm gone. The house was ok and get this her friend is a big football fan. I told her that I played football and basketball in college back in the day and this chick draws must've got wet because she told me she loves football players and to talk to her when I was done. Not I don't do fatties. Now moving on negtiations started at a jack for 1/2 and 1/2 Mary says she has a job and only comes out to make a quick buck. I kind of believe her because this chick had a blackberry how many SW's you know have a blackberry. Things get started with an ok BJ, now mind you I just had one of the legends of this board easy do me so I guess I was just spoiled from that. Then we get into the the next phase me hitting now the only thing I did'nt like was doing this in the bathroom because it's hard to do your thing because this bathroom was small we finally figured out a position that was best for both of us mish. Mary has a nice na-na not real tight but adequate nice wetness too. She really gets into it too don't know if she was faking and don't really care, but as I was hitting and was coming close stepped back and was about to do the porn star pop Mary begins licking the jewels telling me she wants me to pop on her face I obliged letting off a nice load. After we were done she said next time she'll go to the ho-tel with me because she said she wanted to have some real fun and I won't have to pay yeah right Overall experience was cool got the digits will repeat when some of the regulars girls are'nt available.

09-03-09, 15:54
Was out on Washington a few nights back and ran in a WSW named krstal big mistake. She was chubby and a dogg face order BBBJ. It was the worse one I ever had almost couldn't finish. No CIM was CIH rather have nothing than to have that one.

09-03-09, 16:28
I was wondering if anyone has seen one of my atf's blonde Patty that lives/ed on wilkens up by desoto road?

I haven't seen her in awhile and her number no longer works.


Lover Bug
09-04-09, 07:34
Omfg I just got back from 30 minutes in heaven! I was on the WW loop this AM at 4:30 (don't ask) and I saw a quite nice looking WSW at the traffic circle on Wilkins. There were too many cars around (yes, at 4:30 it was busier than I would have thought) so I decided to go around the block. As I did, I spotted, Jen. Medium height, dirty blond/light brown hair covered with a bandana, stretch top cover her braless small Bs and jeans.

I stopped, and after the obligatory "Are you a.." she suggested a spot. I knew the spot, so I felt comfortable, even though I had to drive to Kenwood Ave.

On the way, she told me that she was stoked because she had gotten all lubed up and used a dildo on her ass that night. She was trying to get to the point where it did not hurt, because she loved anal so much. She did not want to do it, so I thought that this was a ploy to her me hotter--IT DID!

After checking that she had coverage, we went to the spot. We parked. She asked for.45 when finished. I said that I did.40, but would give a tip if happy. She agreed and had her clothes off before I could finish asking where she preferred to do it. She told me to "strip, " so I obeyed. Her phone rang. She answered and said, "I am busy--Goodbye" and turned it off. Extra points for that.

She as on me orally like a fly on honey. WOW, what skill! She said that she liked to have guys play with he ass while she sucked. I obliged! To my suprise, her ass was lubed and extremely cute. Her pussy was shaved and very tight as well.

Before long, I was ready and she put on the cover with her mouth. More points! After a few more oral strokes, he hopped on me in the driver's seat. Yet, more points. She asked, "How can I make this the most fun for you? " Could she earn any more points?

She was appropriately noise, but it seemed genuine. She said that I was rubbing her clit and it was driving her crazy. I was and it did. It was over far too early, because she was far too good and I was far too horny.

When we were getting dressed, she gave me her home, cell, and room mate's digits, but asked not to give them out--sorry. I was waiting for the resume. She said that I could call 24/7, but to give her 20-30 minutes notice. She also said that she loved hotel rooms or private homes better because she could spend more time pleasing the man and that she loved sex (and she really seemed to)! Her other comment was that she was going to continue to play with her ass and that she wanted me to go there if I wanted if we net again, but only after a few more weeks of working up to it.

I dropped her off back off WW and went to work, where I cannot get the stupid grin off of my face. WOW, what a way to start the day!

Play safe.


Green Shadow
09-04-09, 13:27
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was deleted because it was a Completely Pointless Report regarding the arrest/incarceration of a forum member or a person working in the commercial sex business.

If you believe that you absolutely must share arrest and incarceration information with other Forum Members, then please do so via the use the Forum's Private Messaging System.



09-04-09, 21:03
Sounds like you got a keeper there. Is she out only durring that time? Sucks I was up at that time and I even thought, maybe I should see if anyone is out but I thought it would be dead LOL. Try to get some pictures.

Omfg I just got back from 30 minutes in heaven! I was on the WW loop this AM at 4:30 (don't ask) and I saw a quite nice looking WSW at the traffic circle on Wilkins. There were too many cars around (yes, at 4:30 it was busier than I would have thought) so I decided to go around the block. As I did, I spotted, Jen. Medium height, dirty blond/light brown hair covered with a bandana, stretch top cover her braless small Bs and jeans.

I stopped, and after the obligatory "Are you a.." she suggested a spot. I knew the spot, so I felt comfortable, even though I had to drive to Kenwood Ave.

On the way, she told me that she was stoked because she had gotten all lubed up and used a dildo on her ass that night. She was trying to get to the point where it did not hurt, because she loved anal so much. She did not want to do it, so I thought that this was a ploy to her me hotter--IT DID!

After checking that she had coverage, we went to the spot. We parked. She asked for.45 when finished. I said that I did.40, but would give a tip if happy. She agreed and had her clothes off before I could finish asking where she preferred to do it. She told me to "strip, " so I obeyed. Her phone rang. She answered and said, "I am busy--Goodbye" and turned it off. Extra points for that.

She as on me orally like a fly on honey. WOW, what skill! She said that she liked to have guys play with he ass while she sucked. I obliged! To my suprise, her ass was lubed and extremely cute. Her pussy was shaved and very tight as well.

Before long, I was ready and she put on the cover with her mouth. More points! After a few more oral strokes, he hopped on me in the driver's seat. Yet, more points. She asked, "How can I make this the most fun for you? " Could she earn any more points?

She was appropriately noise, but it seemed genuine. She said that I was rubbing her clit and it was driving her crazy. I was and it did. It was over far too early, because she was far too good and I was far too horny.

When we were getting dressed, she gave me her home, cell, and room mate's digits, but asked not to give them out--sorry. I was waiting for the resume. She said that I could call 24/7, but to give her 20-30 minutes notice. She also said that she loved hotel rooms or private homes better because she could spend more time pleasing the man and that she loved sex (and she really seemed to)! Her other comment was that she was going to continue to play with her ass and that she wanted me to go there if I wanted if we net again, but only after a few more weeks of working up to it.

I dropped her off back off WW and went to work, where I cannot get the stupid grin off of my face. WOW, what a way to start the day!

Play safe.


Joe Hooker
09-05-09, 10:27
Started out in WW. Saw what appeared to be a hot-ass BSW on R., but when I came back she was gone. I went down to Wash. and saw a decent looking WSW in Morrell Park at the corner of DeSoto. I pulled over, and she strolled up and hopped in. That's when the drama started; it was nothing but a hassle with this b*tch. I think she said her name was Amber? After seeing her hard 20-22 yr. old body (with only a so-so and somewhat stupid looking face) I suggested we retire to my place, ie. Hooker Central, for a little fun. She agreed, but followed that with the most dreaded words known to mongers: "...but I have to stop at my friends house first". Motherfucker!!! In reality I knew right then that this wasn't going to go well. The hot young 20 somethings are ALWAYS a fucking hassle...you guys know the story. I told myself I would go along with this for about five minutes, and then I would give her the boot. She directed me to an alley behind the last street of row houses on Wilkins directly across from St. Agnes. She twice tried to get me to park, and I twice told her I was going to drive to the end and turn around and by then she should be done and we can go. She gets out then asks if she can use my phone. I said she can use it when she comes back. I go down the alley to a parking lot at the end to turn around and I notice two things: the first thing is a dude who comes out from behind a parked truck and the second is that the hooker, I mean Amber, doesn't go into any house. She merely takes a few steps toward the back of one and stops then turns around. When I pull back up she is already in the alley ready to go claiming her friend wasn't home. Wtf? I am literally paranoid; I mean I take meds for it and everything. However, a set up is a set up, and this was one I believe. Granted I didn't hear her speak or see her gesture to the guy creeping around, but his presence and her actions told me all I needed to know. Remember her previous double insistance that I park? Mr. Hooker made the right call again. At this point she announces that she doesn't think she can go with me as she had needed to get money from her friend. I advised her I am a generous guy, and would certainly help her out with a loan or even a gift when we got back to my place. Her response was that she needed it now. I told her no way at which point she said it wasn't going to work out, a conclusion I had reached long ago. I dumped the little peice of trash back at the corner I found her and went on my way. My next report will detail that merry adventure.

09-05-09, 15:19
Started out in WW. Saw what appeared to be a hot-ass BSW on R., but when I came back she was gone. I went down to Wash. and saw a decent looking WSW in Morrell Park at the corner of DeSoto. I pulled over, and she strolled up and hopped in. That's when the drama started; it was nothing but a hassle with this b*tch. I think she said her name was Amber? After seeing her hard 20-22 yr. old body (with only a so-so and somewhat stupid looking face) I suggested we retire to my place, ie. Hooker Central, for a little fun. She agreed, but followed that with the most dreaded words known to mongers: "...but I have to stop at my friends house first". Motherfucker!!! In reality I knew right then that this wasn't going to go well. The hot young 20 somethings are ALWAYS a fucking hassle...you guys know the story. I told myself I would go along with this for about five minutes, and then I would give her the boot. She directed me to an alley behind the last street of row houses on Wilkins directly across from St. Agnes. She twice tried to get me to park, and I twice told her I was going to drive to the end and turn around and by then she should be done and we can go. She gets out then asks if she can use my phone. I said she can use it when she comes back. I go down the alley to a parking lot at the end to turn around and I notice two things: the first thing is a dude who comes out from behind a parked truck and the second is that the hooker, I mean Amber, doesn't go into any house. She merely takes a few steps toward the back of one and stops then turns around. When I pull back up she is already in the alley ready to go claiming her friend wasn't home. Wtf? I am literally paranoid; I mean I take meds for it and everything. However, a set up is a set up, and this was one I believe. Granted I didn't hear her speak or see her gesture to the guy creeping around, but his presence and her actions told me all I needed to know. Remember her previous double insistance that I park? Mr. Hooker made the right call again. At this point she announces that she doesn't think she can go with me as she had needed to get money from her friend. I advised her I am a generous guy, and would certainly help her out with a loan or even a gift when we got back to my place. Her response was that she needed it now. I told her no way at which point she said it wasn't going to work out, a conclusion I had reached long ago. I dumped the little peice of trash back at the corner I found her and went on my way. My next report will detail that merry adventure.

Check out my report on her......


09-06-09, 00:58
I had the pleasure of making Samantha's acquaintance this evening. She looked so good it smelled of a setup but when I passed through and she hopped in my concerns were put to bed. She has an almost perfect body and is quite tan. I made commend on the tan and she said she was 2 kinds of American Indian and only gets darker once under the sun. We wend to the no-tell and she knows her way around a crotch. Menu was wide open. Takes direction very well and made sure I was satisfied.

Joe Hooker
09-06-09, 12:23
Things went much better for me in B later Friday evening. I found 32 yr. old WSW Shannon who was attractive, intelligent (in conversation, if not in life choices), and a huge improvement over fuck face Amber I had just had dealings with. The only thing with Shannon was she didn't want to come back to Hooker Central with me, instead insisting she knew the perfect place for a car date. I hate car dates. As I said in previous posts, Mr. Hooker is of a paranoid lot, and the idea of sitting out in the open where droves of cops and criminals abound is not my cup of tea. She asked me just to drive there and take a look, and I agreed. It was a decent spot after all, so we got busy. Another car showed up and I started to freak, thinking she had set me up, or it was the knockers. She said "Relax, it's just someone else on a date". Sure enough they pulled over and went quiet. Meanwhile we got back to it, but I was still noiding over the situation. However, I got back into it and we finished up. I took her back and got the digits, etc. All in all, she is pretty decent. She smells good and is pretty, but her body is a little flabby. Oh well. Most importantly, she was all about the business, didn't bring drama, was not playing stupid rip-off games, and actually had some sense, unlike the silly 20 something trollop I had dealt with an hour before. She's a cool girl. I would likely repeat.

09-06-09, 12:37
I had the pleasure of making Samantha's acquaintance this evening. She looked so good it smelled of a setup but when I passed through and she hopped in my concerns were put to bed. She has an almost perfect body and is quite tan. I made commend on the tan and she said she was 2 kinds of American Indian and only gets darker once under the sun. We wend to the no-tell and she knows her way around a crotch. Menu was wide open. Takes direction very well and made sure I was satisfied.

Where did you pick her up? Where is she normally working?


09-06-09, 22:00
I had been taking some time away from mongering but now I am back and happy to say that my first time back I was pleased. I had the pleasure of meeting both girls you guys talk about in here and you absoulutely right. Easy was great to meet meeting my expectations high and above. Seeing as tho my memory is not as good as it use to be I forget the other girls name. I'll describe my time with Easy. Strolled the WW loop. 9.3.09 my limit now is 3 full loops and on my last turn here she is. Long black hair light dark complexion, had to be of spanish orgin. She had a great smile and a great attitude so I was already saluting. Long story short we parked and I received a bbj with cim and no clean up or spit I was so greatful and wanted to make sure this girl stays around. She was top notch. ***** 5 out of 5 stars for Easy. Id like for the fellow mongers to throw out their all time favs. Here are mine in no particular order. Brooke. WSW thin about 22 yr old long hair college girl look about 3 yrs ago before she got bad. (round balt/ haven) she was great 5 stars. Maranda 26 ish before she got bad she was gorgeous. 5 out of five stars. Eyes were hazel and hot deep throat like no other at the time. Saw her recently and she looks like a zombie. Same area tho. Heather. Short blond blue green eyes with great hair face was great at the begining but teeth were busted. Now days there gone. Heather had the best deepthroat skills ever. She liked the sausage deep and caught it all and liked to be filmed doing it. She's def. 5 stars (Wilkins ave are)I remember poping so hard one time my pourage shot out of her nose she was awesome heard she was locked up. There is and still has the title in my book. A queen of deep bbj named sara. She's 5 out of 5 stars and is still around the balt/ haven street area. She was cute too long brown hair. Ok looking young like 28 and gap in her teeth.

More reports to come.

Jay Licsem
09-07-09, 17:59
Hey everyone,

I read this forum just about everyday and have been for a long time. I've posted a couple times, but realize since you're not familiar with me I might not get much of a response. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has seen Brooke (mostly hung around PP/C area) She's about 27, thin, long brown hair, glasses. Last time I saw her was in January.

Any info?

Bad Bad Boy
09-08-09, 09:47
Id like for the fellow mongers to throw out their all time favs. More reports to come.

There are only 4 or 5 SWs that come to mind: MICHELLE, THE JEN, ANGELA, ALICIA,and CRYSTAL. I have written about all of them in great detail over the years, just scroll back a ways for a physical description, their sandbox (location/stroll areas, services provided, plus some little tid bits which I won't repeat here. All of these girls were personable, eager to please and much fun to be with in which we got along fabulously. My preference is a petite girl, small boobs (A or B cups)with perky nips , slender, personable, good hygiene, reasonably attractive, brunette, and who has a kinky/ adventuresome side.

MICHELLE met that description when she "introduced me to the GRAVEYARD PERVERT". This was a guy who hung out at the Lunden Park Cemetery off Wilkins to watch mongers have sex with their SWs. As you know this is a favorite parking spot for mongers to bring their SWs for a car date, if you consented to let him watch, he would roll down his car window and drop 2 $20 bills in appreciation. Michelle and I use to go there a lot. One time he pulled up across from us after we had finished our date and I kinda panic thinking he was an ULE. MICHELLE laughed, told me the story about him, and wanted me to turn around and go back and "audition". I chickened out and didn't want to press my luck. She told me that some monger paid her to watch her pee which she did. MICHELLE also liked doing girl/girl. Only one problem. She needed to do a better job in keeping her cooter clean and fresh smelling, She showed me where her mother was interred there which I indulged her, even though I had no interest. I bought her a bottle of perfume for a Christmas PRESENT , had it gift wrapped. She lit up like a little kid since no one, including her family ever did anything like that for her. Needless to say, she showed me her appreciation in return even though I wasn't expecting anything. Being the big spender, I treated her to Mickey D's a few times. I understand MICHELLE got married, had a kid and moved out of the area.

THE JEN was everyone's favorite of mythical proportions. Always had excellent hygiene, dressed well, and eager to please and to take you to her trick pad on DeSoto, nice looking, cute body, but had a lot of drama going on. Jen had a falling out with the owner of the townhouse where she was staying - he allegedly stole money out of her room, and they got into a shouting match, and she was kicked out in the middle of the night, She had no where to go so she spent the night in the waiting room of the hospital on Wilkins to keep warm. When I would call her for a date, she always met me outside her place sitting on the steps with her legs spread, What a great greeting. It doesn't take much to make me happy. lol I understand she and her bf moved to Silver Spring and hasn't been seen since.

ANGELA, a tall Native American and another favorite, a quiet warm personality, clean, and willing to please. She tried several times to get clean, but couldn't shake her bad drug habit. We got along exceptionally well, I took her out to eat several times and she would return the favor and invite me in her place without charging a house fee.She also dressed up for me once and did a slow strip. Yummy.We went over to Dunkin Donuts one time when she was high and she acted out while 2 uniforms looked on. I dodged a bullet that day. They should have arrested me for stupidity. lol Guess they decided to cut me some slack and figured I was just a guy wanting to bust a nut and was no threat to anyone. ANGELA is very forgetful and constantly loses things. Twice she left her bra in my car which for a married guy can be a killer. At first I thought it was her way to entice you back, but I was wrong. Items left by her and others were returned, except for a crack pipe which was left by another girl was thrown away, rather take the chance of being caught with it and a bowl of crack. Like a dummy I forgot to check my car after a date, a rookie mistake. It's amazing what you find the next morning.when you do. ANGELA's bf and gofer, MIKE,is being supported by her. The guy has serious physical problems, I understand and is a real loser and usually hangs around her most of the time stoned, He's harmless so don't worry when you run into him.

ALICIA is probably my favorite of the litter. I really bonded with her beautiful kitty and firm B cups, with perky nips. Damn, she was a lot of fun when not drugged out. ALICIA is a real trooper and you have to give her credit, I picked her up shortly after her bf beat her up, leaving her with a badly bruised and swollen cheek, split lip, and black eye. She never complained when in a lot of pain and took care of me. I have no respect for girl beaters who ravage a 100 lb. girl for no reason other than he was having a bad day. I hope he gets his in return. Typically these girls return to these abusers rather than kick them to the curb. ALICIA is a real sweet kid, now around 22y/o. I hear she is back on her stroll and has lost her young girl looks thanks to heavy drug usage.

CRYSTAL dressed nicely, but needed better cooter hygiene. I did buy her some kitty care products: bottle of douche, scent killing soap used by bow hunters to kill those odor causing bacteria, tooth paste and brushes, We got caught once while parked in a motel parking lot by the manager and one of his staff. We were in the back seat, she totally nude with legs spread and me with my pants down. He was cool and told us to leave which we did. The biggest problem with CRYSTAL is that she could never stay out of jail.

I always treated these girls respectfully and kindly which paid off many times over and they did likewise. BBB

09-08-09, 19:24
Looking for a petite white pregnant girl - with milk a plus but not a requirement. Into watersports also a plus but again not a requitement.

DATY a must!

Any help appreciated -PM me

Hamlin Esq
09-08-09, 19:25
I know many of you mongers may know the answer, but for those who don't, take three minutes to watch my video blog, before you make a stupid mistake that jeopardizes your freedom.


"B-more" safe, not sorry.

09-08-09, 22:45
Are there photos of these women?

Bad Bad Boy
09-09-09, 07:31
Are there photos of these women?
The only girl I have a picture is of ANGELA, which she took of herself with my cell phone, Since I do not have her permission to post them, I won't do so and violate her privacy. BBB

Bad Bad Boy
09-09-09, 11:07
I HAVE ONLY been with each girl once, not enough to give an accurate review, but they would indeed have that potential to be placed on the favorites list. THEY ARE:

PATTY, a short dirty blond with nice tits and perky nips. PATTY lives near the intersection of Wilkens and DeSoto with her parents and sister, I picked her up during a heavy rainstorm a while back - she was hitchhiking and soaking wet and shivering. As she was taking off her clothes, Patty smiled and asked me what I wanted and liked, she proceeded to drain my WMD of it's poisonous toxins,not spilling a drop and laid back while I PLAYED WITH HER CUTE PUSSY. PATTY is very personable, cute, has a nice figure, great attitude, takes direction well. Afterwards, I dropped her off at her home, Every time I drove past her place, she was sitting on the front porch with her parents and/or bf. Not wishing to cause any problems, I drove past without stopping. She gets very high marks. I understand that her sister is also in the business. Here's your chance for a twofer. lol

DAWN, I met in the APEX adult theater on Broadway in Fells Point. She was there with some monger putting on a show with her cute kitty and nice tits. With her approval I climbed over a row of seats to be next to her and in the process kicked over her large drink an popcorn, I gave her $10 bucks to cover the cost of the mess I made, DAWN let me have free access to her sweet pussy and tits which I did, In the process, she leaned over and gave me a bj, immediately afterwards, she turned around and blew her friend, She mentioned that she lives off Wilkens, near the traffic circle. Damn that girl was friendly with excellent technique.

While I tried to get together with both again it never worked out. I never saw DAWN again after that incredible time.My loss. BBB

09-09-09, 13:10
Yeah Angela was very good, always made sure you were happy and never was in a rush. She did love to strip and she was good too, I haven't seen her around, I know she got out of it for a while then got back into it again, I seen her last year was the last time.

The only girl I have a picture is of ANGELA, which she took of herself with my cell phone, Since I do not have her permission to post them, I won't do so and violate her privacy. BBB

09-09-09, 22:32
I forgot to ask this after my report on my journey to b/cb but at the gas station at ninth street ran into this hottie she was about an 8 period. Knew she got down she getting a hat from the joint asked her if she got down, she said yeah told me her name I think she said her name was brandi. Was with someone but was complaining about said monger. She told me that she lives on hammonds lane that's pretty much it. She was about 5-7 nice weight on her tanned skin dark hair with a couple of tat's on her arm I mean she was fine. Does anyone know who I am talking about?

Member #4061
09-09-09, 22:40
PATTY, a short dirty blond with nice tits and perky nips. PATTY lives near the intersection of Wilkens and DeSoto with her parents and sister, I picked her up during a heavy rainstorm a while back - she was hitchhiking and soaking wet and shivering. As she was taking off her clothes, Patty smiled and asked me what I wanted and liked, she proceeded to drain my WMD of it's poisonous toxins,not spilling a drop and laid back while I PLAYED WITH HER CUTE PUSSY. PATTY is very personable, cute, has a nice figure, great attitude, takes direction well. Afterwards, I dropped her off at her home, Every time I drove past her place, she was sitting on the front porch with her parents and/or bf. Not wishing to cause any problems, I drove past without stopping. She gets very high marks. I understand that her sister is also in the business. Here's your chance for a twofer. lol


Is this the Patty that went to Florida for some time? Is her sister the long haired blond with great man made tits? If these are the same sisters, the hall of fame status runs in the family. The blond haired sister is a pretty good lay. Her name escapes me. Have not seen her in a couple years. I thought she was doing a stint on drug charges. I don't remember her parents ever living there. It seemed to me like an old crack head. Oh well. In this city they are inter-changeable. Thanks for the heads up BBB!

09-10-09, 03:42
I forgot to ask this after my report on my journey to b/cb but at the gas station at ninth street ran into this hottie she was about an 8 period. Knew she got down she getting a hat from the joint asked her if she got down, she said yeah told me her name I think she said her name was brandi. Was with someone but was complaining about said monger. She told me that she lives on hammonds lane that's pretty much it. She was about 5-7 nice weight on her tanned skin dark hair with a couple of tat's on her arm I mean she was fine. Does anyone know who I am talking about?Her name is actually brandi lee! she strolls every now and then! not out too much anymore but is usually in the CB area when i see her! she is actually pretty good and is worth a pickup. sometimes she is a little rushed but most of the time she is ok!

09-10-09, 03:46
Looking for a petite white pregnant girl - with milk a plus but not a requirement. Into watersports also a plus but again not a requitement.

DATY a must!

Any help appreciated -PM meI wish I could help you out with that! Try the local health clinic thats where the pregnant girls with milk usually hang out or maybe the supermarket or walmart! I see a lot of pregnant girls with milk there a lot! Milk just squirting everywhere! I was drinking at the water fountain one night while in walmart and this girl just comes out of the bathroom and asked me if I wanted a taste and I said sure! So she just starts squirting all in my mouth right in front of her mother!

Bad Bad Boy
09-10-09, 07:21
Is this the Patty that went to Florida for some time? Is her sister the long haired blond with great man made tits? If these are the same sisters, the hall of fame status runs in the family. The blond haired sister is a pretty good lay. Her name escapes me. Have not seen her in a couple years. I thought she was doing a stint on drug charges. I don't remember her parents ever living there. It seemed to me like an old crack head. Oh well. In this city they are inter-changeable. Thanks for the heads up BBB!
I really don't know if PATTY went to Florida as I was only with her that one time. You may be right about the person who she is living with. I can't remember if she said they were her parents or I just assumed it. I did see PATTY once again on Brunswick, when looking for ALICIA, but another guy got to her first. PATTY sure knows her way around your komodo dragon to please and send you on your way like a happy camper. It was nice to get home without having to use resolve carpet cleaner to clean off the seats and carpet and mask that SW odor. What a very pleasant girl. You are the second person I've heard say good things about PATTY's sister. Fake tits are a turn off for me, but not a screen out factor:) I probably should include sis on my to do list too. BBB.

09-10-09, 09:17
Nope haven't seen her, Sounds like one I would like to see though. You should find her again and give a report. Seems that the times you go out depends on who is out. As some of the SW I haven't seen, I go after work for about 2 hours, lattly having had any luck finding a good one.

I forgot to ask this after my report on my journey to b/cb but at the gas station at ninth street ran into this hottie she was about an 8 period. Knew she got down she getting a hat from the joint asked her if she got down, she said yeah told me her name I think she said her name was brandi. Was with someone but was complaining about said monger. She told me that she lives on hammonds lane that's pretty much it. She was about 5-7 nice weight on her tanned skin dark hair with a couple of tat's on her arm I mean she was fine. Does anyone know who I am talking about?

09-10-09, 13:56
I was looking through old post and seen this one, I think her name is Tiff?

She looks good

09-10-09, 19:46
I forgot to ask this after my report on my journey to b/cb but at the gas station at ninth street ran into this hottie she was about an 8 period. Knew she got down she getting a hat from the joint asked her if she got down, she said yeah told me her name I think she said her name was brandi. Was with someone but was complaining about said monger. She told me that she lives on hammonds lane that's pretty much it. She was about 5-7 nice weight on her tanned skin dark hair with a couple of tat's on her arm I mean she was fine. Does anyone know who I am talking about?

If I am correct this pic should ring a bell for ya.
I had her a few times myself she was pretty good.


09-10-09, 20:05
Does anyone remember Samantha. Beautiful young mixed girl with black hair and wears good make up. Well I saw her again and was knocked off my feet again. We reminsed how we used to hook up when she was really young over 3 yrs ago. She had huge tits then but now she's small and gorgeous. She treated me swell and I did the same for her. I met her at the ww loop area. Hope I see her again soon as she won't be around long. And she will be well missed she jumped to one of my top spots ever.

Take care of her fello mongers.

09-10-09, 22:20
If I am correct this pic should ring a bell for ya.

I had her a few times myself she was pretty good.

B.D.That's her and looked better than the pic right there.

Rod Philderup
09-11-09, 08:26
I really don't know if PATTY went to Florida as I was only with her that one time. You may be right about the person who she is living with. I can't remember if she said they were her parents or I just assumed it. I did see PATTY once again on Brunswick, when looking for ALICIA, but another guy got to her first. PATTY sure knows her way around your komodo dragon to please and send you on your way like a happy camper. It was nice to get home without having to use resolve carpet cleaner to clean off the seats and carpet and mask that SW odor. What a very pleasant girl. You are the second person I've heard say good things about PATTY's sister. Fake tits are a turn off for me, but not a screen out factor. I probably should include sis on my to do list too. BBB.Patty got two years for violation of probation, around the first of this year. Her sister Linda aka Booger, got beat up by her boyfriend acouple of years ago. She was in bad shape in a comma and had several surgeries. She has dark hair now, I see her sitting with her mother on their porch sometimes when I ride by the house on Wilkens near Desoto. I miss Patty too, I knew hear for about ten years.

NWIN Monger
09-11-09, 10:10
I was looking through old post and seen this one, I think her name is Tiff?

She looks goodThe pics of this female entrepreneur show a link for a porn site within the pic. It seems wierd, but just though I would point it out.

09-11-09, 14:57
I know I'm on the look out now lol

If I am correct this pic should ring a bell for ya.

I had her a few times myself she was pretty good.


09-11-09, 14:57
That sucksss.

The pics of this female entrepreneur show a link for a porn site within the pic. It seems wierd, but just though I would point it out.

09-11-09, 15:25
Picked up Lara last night but she wasnt looking as good as she was in this picture toyman59 posted. Looked like she had not took a shower in a couple of days and her cloths were dirty. When I seen the picture I soo wanted to pick her up then when I did have the chance she wasnt looking so good LOL. Her face had broke out with acne and she had a couple of sores on her upper arm, she had me drive her down to brunswick, she said she had to give someone someone money for babysiting, she told me to wait for her but I didn't, I Know I would pick her up again if she looked better and clean like she did in this picture. I know she was high but she did talk sweet and seem very nice, I hope she cleans up some.

Great time.

Wilkens and Mill

09-11-09, 15:31
Haven't been mongering much lately, but I had the urge this week and decided to do some fishing. Went out Sunday night looking in Hampden but came up totally dry. Actually Heidi/Holly/sex fiend was out but she looked awful and on her best day when I first saw her over a year ago she gave one of the worst bj's I've ever had. I pass through Hampden down Falls twice every day and I see her out a lot - the streets have not been kind.

Monday night I hit the PP Conkling and Haven loop but the selection was not to my liking - just fuglies and ccl's, nothing worth the risk. Went out again on Wednesday, same PP, conking, Haven loop and hit pay dirt.

Came across Lexi at Haven and Pulaski - a girl I hooked up with a time or two in the past couple of years. She is 22 and looks younger, pretty face and a spinner. Nice firm body, awesome firm ass and tits. She was wearing clean clothes and had sexy matching bra and thong panties. I would call her a solid 8 on the Baltimore sw scale. If I had more time it would have been a great notel date, as it was I settled for a very 'car date' and a satisfying bj. I spent some time playing with her tits, ass and tight pussy too. All in all it was a great sw experience for a Jackson and a Hamilton tip. No digits, I prefer the thrill of the hunt.

09-11-09, 15:41
Hey KarlHungus,

Thanks for the good report. We can understand the thrill of the hunt.
Glad you had a great time.

Be Safe

Haven't been mongering much lately, but I had the urge this week and decided to do some fishing. Went out Sunday night looking in Hampden but came up totally dry. Actually Heidi/Holly/sex fiend was out but she looked awful and on her best day when I first saw her over a year ago she gave one of the worst BJ's I've ever had. I pass through Hampden down Falls twice every day and I see her out a lot. The streets have not been kind.

Monday night I hit the PP Conkling and Haven loop but the selection was not to my liking. Just fuglies and ccl's, nothing worth the risk. Went out again on Wednesday, same PP, conking, Haven loop and hit pay dirt.

Came across Lexi at Haven and Pulaski. A girl I hooked up with a time or two in the past couple of years. She is 22 and looks younger, pretty face and a spinner. Nice firm body, awesome firm ass and tits. She was wearing clean clothes and had sexy matching bra and thong panties. I would call her a solid 8 on the Baltimore SW scale. If I had more time it would have been a great notel date, as it was I settled for a very 'car date' and a satisfying BJ. I spent some time playing with her tits, ass and tight pussy too. All in all it was a great SW experience for a Jackson and a Hamilton tip. No digits, I prefer the thrill of the hunt.

09-12-09, 10:07
Hit the WW loop in the morning last week. Found one I picked up a few years ago. She still has an innocent look to her. Head was much better than a couple of years ago, she's learned a few things.

Wasn't too much out that morning.



NWIN Monger
09-12-09, 18:15
I recently got back into the mongering business now that I am back in a job that allows me to do alittle bit of travel in the Richmond to B-more area. I went out last night to do a dry run of some of the strolls posted in the forums, I did notice something odd that was a bit confusing in the downtown area. There was people on corners and it appeared they were covertly waveing as cars passed by. I am wondering if they are workers or civi's. Some were guys and some girls. Info would be great. Posts to follow on my hunt night.

Joe Hooker
09-12-09, 22:41
Scooped cute little Tonya in WW tonight. She was a good find. The first worker I saw tonight, and I snatched her right up. There were no hassles with her; she was ready to get straight down. Took her to the place, and had her sample some of my sausage. Surprisingly, I sampled some of her fish; not much, just a little taste. She was good looking and young, and my only complaint was that she didn't seem 100% into it. I think that's just her personality as she does seem naturally quiet and passive. Most girls are pretty impressed, especially with my equipment if not always with my technique. Tonya was quiet and passive the whole time. Oh well. She was a good find and I had a good time.

Bad Bad Boy
09-13-09, 09:30
I recently got back into the mongering business now that I am back in a job that allows me to do alittle bit of travel in the Richmond to B-more area. I went out last night to do a dry run of some of the strolls posted in the forums, I did notice something odd that was a bit confusing in the downtown area. There was people on corners and it appeared they were covertly waveing as cars passed by. I am wondering if they are workers or civi's. Some were guys and some girls. Info would be great. Posts to follow on my hunt night.

The answer is, it could be both civvies and SWs. I have driven past THE GODDESS strip club on Lombard (I believe) when the work shift was changing and there were girls hitchhiking home and sure some were looking to date. The best thing to do is drive past them slowly and make eye contact and keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles that may be following you and/or parked on side streets with people inside. Follow your gut feeling. It's usually best to pull onto a side street. Use caution. If they are working, they will motion to you with a head nod or some other gesture. I avoid those girls who run after your car, or who wave frantically, and shout. I don't want that kind of attention drawn to me. I usually drive part way down the block, pull over and stop, or onto a side street. If the girl is working she will walk to the car and get in. Never conduct business through your window. Drive out of the immediate area and you feel all is ok then go for it. The pick up is the most dangerous part so be careful. BBB

09-13-09, 10:54
The answer is, it could be both civvies and SWs. I have driven past THE GODDESS strip club on Lombard (I believe) when the work shift was changing and there were girls hitchhiking home and sure some were looking to date. The best thing to do is drive past them slowly and make eye contact and keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles that may be following you and/or parked on side streets with people inside. Follow your gut feeling. It's usually best to pull onto a side street. Use caution. If they are working, they will motion to you with a head nod or some other gesture. I avoid those girls who run after your car, or who wave frantically, and shout. I don't want that kind of attention drawn to me. I usually drive part way down the block,pull over and stop, or onto a side street. If the girl is working she will walk to the car and get in. Never conduct business through your window. Drive out of the immediate area and you feel all is ok then go for it. The pick up is the most dangerous part so be careful. BBBSome might be looking for a "hack". In Bmore hacks are usually illegal taxis that roll all around the city. Usually it's one finger pointing down at the ground, like a pull over here motion. I don't play with SW so I won't attempt to give any other insight. I know my friends have always been amazed by the hack situation here.

Bad Bad Boy
09-13-09, 11:29
Some showgirls can be a total PIA (pain-in-the-ass)
if you happen to pick up a showgirl in one of the many strip clubs in Baltimore or on the streets afterwards, be careful, you may not get the ride you are hoping for, I picked up this real gorgeous creature on the streets who just got off work. She looked, dressed, and smelled like a million, but like so many of these girls , she had a major attitude and exalted opinion of herself and her technique. Negotiations were rough as she was demanding top dollar and wouldn't budge. Should have dropped her then. After we agreed, she said she didn't swallow, would not DT, DFK, etc. The bj was rushed and she used CHEATER'S HEAD to rush me along. and tried to upsale me a la carte, at every turn. I got the ride of my life, but not in a positive way. LESSON learned. Time is money to these girls and they are not looking for repeat business, but a quick buck to separate you from as much of your money as possible, The guys who do well with these girl are the ones who frequent the clubs and spend the necessary time and money to cultivate relationships with the bartenders and dancers. We have several members who meet this criteria and score well, I defer to them. I am too damn cheap to take the time and spend the money, I rather spend my money on buying hunting guns and top of the line fishing equipment and guided hunts, Some would say, I have misdirected priorities, but that is me:) BBB

Loop Vet
09-13-09, 13:56
I recently got back into the mongering business now that I am back in a job that allows me to do alittle bit of travel in the Richmond to B-more area. I went out last night to do a dry run of some of the strolls posted in the forums, I did notice something odd that was a bit confusing in the downtown area. There was people on corners and it appeared they were covertly waveing as cars passed by. I am wondering if they are workers or civi's. Some were guys and some girls. Info would be great. Posts to follow on my hunt night.The people doing this were likely looking for a "hack" or unlicensed taxi. Common practice in Baltimore in poorer neighborhoods. They sort of point to the ground as cars pass by. Negotiated fares and/or services. Anybody can be a hack if you felt like negotiating with a stranger and giving them a ride.

Search "hack" in Baltimore (check "reports" at bottom) for more details.

09-13-09, 18:00
Baltimore SW's must be big time Raven's fans because it took forever to find one. I expected the mongers to be home or at the stadium, but not the.girls. After almost 2hrs, I finally ran across Michelle on Wilkens. A 33 y.o.freckle-skin. Face/body ok, good personality, bad teeth (surprise). Says she's married with a 7yr old. We park and got a nice BBBJ. Good skills & patience, never rushed or complained once. Would definitely repeat. Maybe.sample FS next time since she mentioned that she knows a guy who has a room for.ten.

Bad Bad Boy
09-14-09, 09:44
Looking for a petite white pregnant girl - with milk a plus but not a requirement. Into watersports also a plus but again not a requitement.

DATY a must!

Any help appreciated -PM me
I just want to offer you some friendly advice and help you get started here:

The most common mistake new members make is NOT doing their homework first. Some make the mistake by starting off asking a bunch of questions or otherwise being a pain-in-the-ass without first and most importantly reading the Forum, contributing useful information, and establishing your credibility. You will NOT be appreciated if you make this mistake.

You need to read Jackson’s (Forum Administrator) rules of conduct, posting guidelines, FAQ’s, Forum layout, etc. He doesn’t have many rules, but we must follow them. Failure to do so could result in you being banned and/or your posts deleted. Learn how to use the search function, PM other members, submit photos, and the abbreviations.

Most of your questions will be answered in our General or Streetwalker threads, or in the other threads such as MP, strip clubs, and escort services. You should go back and read the past 6 month’s posts to get a feel as to what is going on. Our General thread will give you up-to-date happenings on the various loops, providers and their performance, LE presence and tactics, providers to avoid, and other useful information.

You should also read the Basic Mongering Guide which our members went to a lot of trouble to write for YOUR benefit. The Guide contains extremely useful information and tips on how to monger and stay safe, maps of the various strolls, LE surveillance techniques, SW rates, and much, much more. It makes no difference if you have been mongering for years, you can still glean helpful information. GOOD LUCK and hunting. I hope you take this advice in the spirit it's intended. BBB

As a side note, we do NOT recommend eating street meat (SWs), most have horrible hygiene in which we would have to issue a closepin for your snout:) and A PROTECTIVE SPACE SUITto protect you from STDs. DATY is reserved primarily for gfs, spouses,etc.that you know are clean. BBB

09-14-09, 14:36
I apologize to Jackson and the other members for this divergence from the usual reports, but I thought someone on the Baltimore board should comment on the Acorn prosititute scandal making national news.

For anyone from out of town who might think differently based on the video, unfortunatly girls working in Baltimore don't look like that!

That girl posing as the prostitue in the ACORN video was young, white, hot and dressed like the hookers in Pretty Woman working Sunset Blvd in LA. In other words a dead giveaway fake hooker. She looked like she was wearing a Halloween costume. Even the cops dress the sting hookers down because they know one like that would stick out.

Good advice though, given to the pimp by the ACORN rep advising him on tax avoidance. Train those girls to keep their mouths shut! Hysterical! They should keep their mouths open giving bj's!

NWIN Monger
09-14-09, 16:37
Thanks to all who replied to my previous post. Turns out while doing some more investigation that what I was seeing was indeed people looking for a ride "Hack" as it's called. I never have seen this done before so it was kinda wierd and new. To bad as some of the girls were looking mighty good.

I also intened to do my first Balt. Pickup, but I saw some LE activity that made me decide to do some more learning in the area first. It seemed as though an LE car is on every street. Even more so when I was in the Wilkens area. I also saw some type of bust with LE in a beat up looking white SUV, which really freaked me out. Plain clothed+plain rides+LE= ME SCARED

Thanks for the advice again, maybe I'll feel more comfortable and get lucky tonight.

09-14-09, 18:10
I went down around W/W around noon time saw some girls with potential but not quite what I had in mind. headed to B/CB and saw Winnie a BSW big tits on 6th St we went back to her place for GFE for two jacks got to kiss her get naked and everything definitley will repeat.

09-18-09, 00:26
Just picked up WSW Michelle in front of the church on washington. Now, this was my first actual pickup. We did the cop check, and she immedietly said that she just got jumped and was robbed for.40 in the park. Now, She looked much better from far away. Once she was in my car, the wrinkles and years on the street were obvious. My big head said to drop her off, but I went on. She kept on asking, "You're not going to hurt me, are you? " To which I replied No numerous times. She directed me to an outside area. Now, this being my first time, and having RTFF, I got nervous and decided to drop her off. She told me to just pull over to the side of the road. I put my hand in my pocket to grab.05 for her time, but she freaked out for a second, thinking that it was something else.

She seemed nice (although on something). I feel a bit bad that I was very nervous and quiet, but again, it was my first time actually picking someone up.

All in all, a good learning experience. Hopefully I can find someone that's a little higher on the quality scale.

Are there any seniors I can PM and find out if a certain location is generally regarded as 'safe'? I don't want to post the locations here, but would love to get some experienced feedback. Just Send me a PM or post in here if you don't mind.

Thanks, and stay safe.

Big Red50
09-18-09, 01:02
What is Rule # 1 for USA Sex Guide? Just like Fight Club don’t talk about the Forum!
What is Rule # 2 for USA Sex Guide? Just like Fight Club don’t talk about the Forum, especially to SW’s. See the last time I banged my Hispanic Beauty Angel, I wanted to take some more photos that would better depict her gorgeous 34C tities; however she said no that someone posted her nude photos on some internet site, “What Pricks would do that I proclaim!” Then she asks me Vern (not my real name) did you put my pictures there? “No, Hello No I proclaim” in the most sincere manor, you see I bear believable witness and am a credible liar. Being a successful monger requires credible lying skills. Moral of the story no more photo’s of Angel’s fine body or post of any significant detail because some dumbass member violated Rule # 1 & 2.

Now Big Red just remembered this is a website for MEN looking for sex with WOMEN; therefore I will post my most recent sexual encounter prior to finishing my rant.

Was on the east side by PP, right before Haven Place on Pulaski, I see a fairly decent looking Blonde WSW. She gets in and we do not have to play R U A COP, she gets points for this, says her name is Sarah (I think this is her real name, not to be confused with little sarah). Sitting in the vehicle I can see she has fine tits, this is going to need a notel. In the notel room we negotiated 2 Jacks she undresses, very nice tits 36C’s natural just a little sag to them, full bush looks and smells clean. I just bury my face in those nice tits and tell her she smells good, says she just came out of the shower, hell I can eat this meat. Sarah is 29 years old, 5’-6” 130lbs 36C-24-34 med blonde hair not gorgeous, kind of plain Jane no makeup. We slip onto the bed with a 69, and this girl can suck cock 69DTBBBJNQCIM, she has an O on my face SF must have trained this girl, she drains me and spits. We talk and round 2 Vitamin V really helps us old fucks. DTBBBJ, cover, CG this girl can move all of the appropriate noises and I got to go back to the 69DTBBBJCIM did I say this girl can suck cock. This girl is not the prettiest thing I have had but her skills and attitude are tops. She got a jack tip for the attitude.

Sarah Looks/Body/Attitude/Service 7/8/9/9 If her digits work I will share with trusted Senior Members. Oh yeah when she starts to get dressed I ask to take some photos for my buddy, she says no some asshole posted her photos on the internet. I begin to inquire how the hell did you find out. She says a guy that dated her told her he saw her photos on a web site where guys post info about street hookers, “ The Hell you say” I respond.

Now that I have fulfilled the purpose of this web site with my SW post I can continue my Rant. Now I know LE, escorts, weirdo’s and non-posting members lurk here but not SW’s. See the cost of that laptop is about 80 bags of rock so which one is the SW going to pick, take as long as you like to answer this is multiple choice. Most SW tell themselves they are just doing this until they straighten up or dump the habit. They do not want family and neighbors to know what they do, so why do they SW in front of their house? How the fuck should I know! Now to the Gossiping Dumb Ass Member that cannot follow Rule #1 and 2 for USA Sex Guide Shut the Fuck Up.

Just doing my part

Big Red

09-18-09, 01:13
I experienced something interesting on Haven this afternoon at 2 pm. Not just the girls I found. There was a patrol car pulled over on the southbound side just past the gentleman's club with a radar gun drawn. Luckily I had just dropped off Angie at the Texaco and was rolling at 29 mph.

I got to the area today just after 10 am. After reading some of the most recent reports I figured I would try all of the main strolls. I went to BCB first, and prowled for about half an hour from one end to the other and than back again. Absolutely no signs of action anywhere I looked. So I moved over to the WW loop. I prowled up Washington and Scary and saw nothing at all. Nothing on Ramsay, and only Dawn and some chunky blonde linebacker at the circle. Nothing further south on Wilkens either. So I decided to drive on over to the PPC loop.

I drove all the way across Baltimore from PP to Haven...Nothing! I was about to quit to go get some lunch. Finally after making it all the way back to PP I saw Tiffany. I've picked her up a couple times before. She's a 25 yo WSW 5'8, straight brown hair, slightly big build, and looks like she was been beaten with an ugly stick as a child. She give a decent NQNSBJ slow and not too strong on suction, which what I was in the mood for that early in the day. Standard rate with a decent tip. Today was moving day for her which I verified so I gave her a little extra cash for her troubles. She was greatful. I was amazed that a SW actually had money on her in the morning to make change. That never happens! She does talk a lot, but overall has a good attitude and easy for me to get along with. I'd repeat with similar available alternatives. Nothing negative to complain about with Tiffany.

After that I went to have some lunch.

I went back out around 1:30 and because of my proximity I returned to the PPC loop. After prowling around not very long I found Angie on Pulaski near Sherries. She's 26yo, petite and tan with curly hair. I took her to a good spot out of the neighborhood. At first the way she started out on the CBJ, I thought I was going to be disappointed. But she really hung in there and got better and better through the ten or so minutes she was blowing me. Unfortunately she was on the rag so I couldn't dip into her snatch, but in retrospect, she wasn't in clean clothes so maybe it was best I didn't go there. She does want a bit above standard tuition. I gave her the standard and the rest as a tip after service was complete. I would repeat and would like to get her naked in a shower sometime to she what she looks like with out all the clothes.

I was about to call it a day after dropping her off back on Haven. I saw a patrol car on Pulaski, so I went down Haven. That's when I crossed the radar mentioned earlier. I turn on Conkling to get back to 40, and I saw a fav I hadn't seen in over a year. It was Brooke. She was back in town to make her rent. She's put on quite a bit of weight since I last saw her, and she doesn't have the glasses anymore. She said she's at her normal weight which is 5'7 150#. She has quite a nice big firm ass now, much more in the trunk than in the past. She is actually very fit and takes care of her hygeine. Brooke always provides me with fantastic service although I have yet to get full service from her which is definately something I am looking forward to. Her NQNSDTBJs are just what I crave, and I always give her a jack and a ham for that. I recommend highly if you can find her.

Not a bad three-fer. Hope your prowling is as lucky as mine.


09-18-09, 02:26
Some showgirls can be a total PIA (pain-in-the-ass)
if you happen to pick up a showgirl in one of the many strip clubs in Baltimore or on the streets afterwards, be careful, you may not get the ride you are hoping for, I picked up this real gorgeous creature on the streets who just got off work. She looked, dressed, and smelled like a million, but like so many of these girls , she had a major attitude and exalted opinion of herself and her technique. Negotiations were rough as she was demanding top dollar and wouldn't budge. Should have dropped her then. After we agreed, she said she didn't swallow, would not DT, DFK, etc. The bj was rushed and she used CHEATER'S HEAD to rush me along. and tried to upsale me a la carte, at every turn. I got the ride of my life, but not in a positive way. LESSON learned. Time is money to these girls and they are not looking for repeat business, but a quick buck to separate you from as much of your money as possible, The guys who do well with these girl are the ones who frequent the clubs and spend the necessary time and money to cultivate relationships with the bartenders and dancers. We have several members who meet this criteria and score well, I defer to them. I am too damn cheap to take the time and spend the money, I rather spend my money on buying hunting guns and top of the line fishing equipment and guided hunts, Some would say, I have misdirected priorities, but that is me:) BBB

What club was she from? Sounds like a couple I know.

NWIN Monger
09-18-09, 10:11
Finally armed with enough info and a decent general layout of some of the Baltimore strolls, I decided that I would take the plunge. While I have been out doing some recon I did see alot of interesting girls and did see some interesting things such as LE with regular looking cars (They sure did blend in)

I decided that due to a previous days experiance watching LE in a plain clothes with an older SUV that the wilkens area would be off limits for me, I just did not feel comfortable doing a pick up with all the known LE presence and with the potential unknown. From Wilkens I decided to once again travel the downtown area and did see a nice WSW that was of my standards, but by the time I got turned around she was gone. So I continued down baltimore St until I got to Haven and then decided to come back on Fayett (sp) St. I saw a few on the way back but nothing of interest. I decided to hit the area of Washington St. And I found a decent looking dark haired WSW near an area that had a few bars. This seemed like the perfect spot for a easy pickup. I ended up picking up a decent looking WSW that said her name was Amy (probably not a real name) I have to say she did look better from afar and now that she was in my vehicle I would vote on just OK. Oh well she was here and I had been doing a lot of planning so what the He-l. After the LE checks and a few questions I decide that since a polite member informed me of a cheap no-tel down the road further that I would head there. She was very compliant and ok with this. Once there the process was very easy, no question, no wierd looks, as if this was a norm. We went to the room and she undressed. I intended on a FS experiance, but after the clothes came off she did have a little bit of the funk smell going on. I decided to pass and just requested a BJCIM she said OK. She did do a great job of cleaning mini me unitl the last drop was gone. When we finished up and left I dropped her off and head to my hotel. Overall a great trip. It was good to be back in the game. Thanks to everyone who helped out.

I did see a real nice young girl leaving a room with an older gent as I was leaving the no-tel. WOW I wish I had her. It made me want to make the no-tel my hunt ground and just settle for sloppy seconds.

Amy (real name) Face 6 Body 5 Attitude 8

09-18-09, 22:40
I apologize to Jackson and the other members for this divergence from the usual reports, but I thought someone on the Baltimore board should comment on the Acorn prosititute scandal making national news.

For anyone from out of town who might think differently based on the video, unfortunatly girls working in Baltimore don't look like that!

That girl posing as the prostitue in the ACORN video was young, white, hot and dressed like the hookers in Pretty Woman working Sunset Blvd in LA. In other words a dead giveaway fake hooker. She looked like she was wearing a Halloween costume. Even the cops dress the sting hookers down because they know one like that would stick out.

Good advice though, given to the pimp by the ACORN rep advising him on tax avoidance. Train those girls to keep their mouths shut! Hysterical! They should keep their mouths open giving bj's!For those who haven't done it, take a look at some youtube videos related to the ACORN prostitution investigation. Very funny. The following URL is a good starter video.



09-19-09, 21:55
Be careful of this one maybe? Anyone know him? he talks of LEA way too much for my like. And how did he recognize LEA if he wasn't already aware of them?If you'll look down at post #3401, he talks about seeing them come out of the vehicle to make some sort of bust. I've stumbled across undercover LE boiling out of unmarked vehicles with "POLICE" emblazoned on their vests or jackets multiple times (or just standing around with some handcuffed dude sitting on the curb), and I'm sure many others here have done the same.

Always take reports you read here with a grain of salt. Some people are big bullshitters, and others are just plain crazy. Eventually, the credible folks will establish themselves; it can happen quickly if a person regularly writes great reports, or it might take quite a while if someone isn't providing a lot of quality information.

09-20-09, 09:26
Are there any seniors I can PM and find out if a certain location is generally regarded as 'safe'? I don't want to post the locations here, but would love to get some experienced feedback. Just Send me a PM or post in here if you don't mind.

Thanks, and stay safe.Just wanted to repost this to get additional feedback.

Member #4061
09-20-09, 13:07
Hooked up with Sarah(blonde 29) yesterday. Decided to go back to the room for a two pop special. All reports are accurate and then some. She has a great rack. She looks/feels good in 69. She moves well on top and gets into it for sure, but she really responds well when she's on her back(soaking wet after three pumps). If you stick with her guys, she will have great o-levels. Did I say this gal's got great tits? She also has a really good v. After a short break, we went for round two. I was skeptical about my cock's potential for round two, but Sarah squashed that concern with her skills. After what felt like 15 minutes of an out of this world bj, red rooster was ready. I was ready to reward Sarah with a deep orgasm for her skills and attitude. Went back to mish again, and she was soaking wet after three pumps. After some time, switched to doggie and gave her the reward. I can't say enough about this gal. Next time, I may attempt three pops. Sarah is trustworthy, and personable. She has a good body, great skills, and good work ethic. She loves what she does and does it well. Will I repeat? Of course I will.

time of day .80 (.10)

-Thanks for the recent post about her Big Red. As soon as she introduced herself, I knew I had to make that right on Pulaski.

Big Red50
09-20-09, 16:03
Hooked up with Sarah(blonde 29) yesterday. Decided to go back to the room for a two pop special. All reports are accurate and then some. She has a great rack. She looks/feels good in 69. She moves well on top and gets into it for sure, but she really responds well when she's on her back(soaking wet after three pumps). If you stick with her guys, she will have great o-levels. Did I say this gal's got great tits? She also has a really good v. After a short break, we went for round two. I was skeptical about my cock's potential for round two, but Sarah squashed that concern with her skills. After what felt like 15 minutes of an out of this world bj, red rooster was ready. I was ready to reward Sarah with a deep orgasm for her skills and attitude. Went back to mish again, and she was soaking wet after three pumps. After some time, switched to doggie and gave her the reward. I can't say enough about this gal. Next time, I may attempt three pops. Sarah is trustworthy, and personable. She has a good body, great skills, and good work ethic. She loves what she does and does it well. Will I repeat? Of course I will.

time of day .80 (.10)

-Thanks for the recent post about her Big Red. As soon as she introduced herself, I knew I had to make that right on Pulaski.

Hello Bmore Slim:
Glad to be of assistance to a felow Monger. Sarah is a good ride.

Just doing my part

Big Red

09-21-09, 07:26
Hello Bmore Slim:

Glad to be of assistance to a felow Monger. Sarah is a good ride.

Just doing my part

Big RedGreat report you guys have digits for her plz send them my way or I have to try my luck on PP loop.

NWIN Monger
09-21-09, 11:01
Let's not to mention he's been a 'member' since 2005 with 20 reports?

Please.Sometimes people have things that happen in there lives that do not readily allow them to partake in our hobby as much as you may like. I don't feel feel I need to go into any details, but other memebers will understand I am sure. BTW If you look most of my posts were in the Chicago/Indiana area where I came from. Thanks for your concern.

Now that I think of it with 4 posts, you may have been one of the vice cops that were inn the white SUV and now I ratted you out? We can play the he is, she is, he said, whatever BS all day. Instead lets use the forum for it's intended use, to share information and learn. If you have any issues feel free to pm me.

09-21-09, 23:37
Early Monday morning I was out washing clothes and afterwards did'nt expect to get a treat. I'm just going to make this short and sweet fellas Ruthie is back! That's right the legend herself is back, and as usual she did'nt dissapoint. After washing my clothes at Westside had a little change left over and decided to treat myself. So I decide to hit Wilkins and riding down towards Monroe that 's when I spotted her of course I turned around and went up one of the side streets. I thought I missed out but she did'nt get into this cab I guess he was trying to get his freak on, anyway she turned the corner and she was walking down wilkins it did'nt take long for her to notice me and she flagged me down. She gets in and we catch on things she told about her stay at rancho baltimore city jail. That when she got out she went to a recovery house and that she went down to florida but could'nt get a job. Now if some of you remember I reported that she was at the bus station and was on her way out of town. Now while all this was happening I look in my mirror and the dude that was driving the cab that tried to pick her up was tailing me. I just stayed calm until he decided to just leave. After that it was trying to find a spot we rode around for about at least 10 mins. Then found a spot down the street from the MTA building pulled up behind this dude who we thought was getting a BJ but was going to work, I know this it's hard to find a spot at 5 am On Monday when people are going to work. Anyway we get on to negotiations the usual a jack for a BJ, now those of you who have had the pleasure of expierienceing Ruthie know you can't go wrong on either end so I settled for the BJ. I mean I would've just hit it because she put weight on and damn she was looking good. We waited until the guy that was parked in front left and went in. Then Ruthie went to work on the mic, and boy she has'nt missed a beat! I mean it was awesome as always. She had her ass up in the air and I was feeling on that nice soft rump I then put my finger in her 2 hole and she really got turned on, so here's a question does Ruthie do anal? Anyway things ended when I popped and she continued to keep going and by that time my damn ears were smoking. She said she will not be around long so guys you better get it while you can because I will going for seconds quick fast and in a hurry.

09-22-09, 08:48
Was cruising W/W on friday and some girls that interested me but decided to keep looking went down to B/CB and it was dead as a doornail the I went to PP/C and I saw a nice Blonde SW on Haven but I kept driving cuz I was hoping to find a LSW a little closer to PP. When I got near PP on Baltimore St I saw a really nice Latina and talked to her unfortunately though she was a not a SW so I got back and looked then I saw Agela on Conkling street nice body except that she's flat chested attitude OK but not perfect did half and half for two jacks might repeat. I think some of you guys may have seen her before

Joe Hooker
09-22-09, 09:14
Hooked up with Chrissy in PP friday night. I had cruised for hours on the west side but it was empty...you wouldn't have known it was friday night. Anyway, she had a place nearby, and it was legit. The place stunk like flipping hell, but her room was ok. Half and half for the usual. Got rave remarks about size and thickness like I usually do. She asked me right before we started how long it had been since I busted a good nut. Told her it had been a week. She talked real dirty which helped hasten completion which I think was her plan. No problem! She was good. She had no phone, but told me I could stop by whenever I wanted. She said if she isn't home then to look for her on her stroll.

09-25-09, 15:43
This is weird. Not many reports at all. I can see why. I made my way down to PP & CB with nothing in sight. Did see Sheena but she is looking rough again. Besides that, is everyone having the same crappy luck as me mongering?

09-25-09, 21:27
For those who haven't done it, take a look at some youtube videos related to the ACORN prostitution investigation. Very funny. The following URL is a good starter video.


HorsetraderWhats so funny about it?

Thats our tax dollars funding those low lifes.

09-26-09, 07:44
I did the PP (correct me if I'm wrong) loop first, saw some action but not as much as the first time I went there, Kristen's and Jewelz number were disconnected (big surprise, right! ), on Wilkens I saw a nice brunette with glasses walking with with a thick blond, but they were being followed by Le (they were going in circles just watching them). I saw le on with bullet proof vest going to a house, I also saw an officer getting out of his patrol car and getting into a very nice yellow ford mustang with black strips (watch out). I roamed around for about 1 hr. But nothing and le was still everywhere, so I decided to do the BC loop (correct me if I'm wrong) and found Shanon on 7th and Patapsco, I also saw a pair of young blond WSW outside a convenience store (I think its name was gene's market or something like that, aroung 9th), too bad shanon was in my car already, anyways, we went to her place not far from there, she did not get into it very much, very lousy BJ, but she did not complaint on the other half, she really took a pounding., she is very tight and I had a little bit of trouble, lucky for me I took my SW pack, I got some lube and things got better, I would repeat only as a back up, normal fee, plus.1 for room, another.1 for being a good sport on the pounding and pics, she is out of minutes but she answers her voice mail, but the voice mail is not her but rather a dude.

On Patapsco, there was le but not as much as on wilkens, around 1st there is a bus stop, and a fenced parking lot, a saw (in my opinion) an undercover WSW late 20s maybe, she kept looking back at two pick up trucks in the parking lot after making a couple loops around the block to see her better, they notice me and when I came back 20 min. Later they were all gone. I also saw a uniformed le in a similar car to a ford fusion, it looked new and was greenish.

I thought of going back to wilkens to look for Kristen or maybe find the famous Nikki (haven't seen her yet), if you guy have any info on these two please let me know I'll return the favor when I can.

09-26-09, 07:50
This might be a little late but I was cruising SA last night. As I circled around, I saw a big van with lots of black men outside standing. Someone motioned gestures and I was like, hmmm. Then I saw an absolute pretty WSW or so I thought but she was with 2 White guys in their 40's. Every time she would look and motion me to stop, the 2 white guys would follow. Looked weird and felt weird. Then it struck me, those guys might be LE poised for a sting! With a van out back for the catch. I decided to leave. Went to W/W, saw a couple of WSW, one was tall and heavy set with a big belly, but I decided not to partake. I saw a lot of other skanks on Ramsey. Nothing to my liking so I went home to hunt for another day.

09-26-09, 09:26
This is weird. Not many reports at all. I can see why. I made my way down to PP & CB with nothing in sight. Did see Sheena but she is looking rough again. Besides that, is everyone having the same crappy luck as me mongering?I have been here for years, I have never seen it so slow.

From CB to Wilkens, there is very little activity.

Did something happen that I don't know about.

With the economy so bad I would have expected increased activity?

09-26-09, 15:57
Was in Baltimore today passing some of my old favorites and I drove the circuit about 30 mintues finally blue ball syndrome came and I just I just had to settle with one. I finally decided to go with the least fugly SW I saw. Did the usual half an half nothing spectacular. BBBJ Mish and fisnished CIM.

What really made me mad was the moment I dropped off the provider I saw this SW 35-40ish decent decent looks, except her short blond hair, but her rack was huge and her body was tight. I knew it was useless picking her up since I just popped, So I started driving back home. It wasn't another block and I saw this college looking girl with black hair, really really cute. So I rolled down the window to give her a whistle, and no kidding, I saw give the sign like she wanted a ride.

Oh well, another day. Some times, I just have to kick myself for being so impatient.

09-26-09, 17:01
This girl is sick be careful.

I did the PP (correct me if I'm wrong) loop first, saw some action but not as much as the first time I went there, Kristen's and Jewelz number were disconnected (big surprise, right! ), on Wilkens I saw a nice brunette with glasses walking with with a thick blond, but they were being followed by Le (they were going in circles just watching them). I saw le on with bullet proof vest going to a house, I also saw an officer getting out of his patrol car and getting into a very nice yellow ford mustang with black strips (watch out). I roamed around for about 1 hr. But nothing and le was still everywhere, so I decided to do the BC loop (correct me if I'm wrong) and found Shanon on 7th and Patapsco, I also saw a pair of young blond WSW outside a convenience store (I think its name was gene's market or something like that, aroung 9th), too bad shanon was in my car already, anyways, we went to her place not far from there, she did not get into it very much, very lousy BJ, but she did not complaint on the other half, she really took a pounding., she is very tight and I had a little bit of trouble, lucky for me I took my SW pack, I got some lube and things got better, I would repeat only as a back up, normal fee, plus.1 for room, another.1 for being a good sport on the pounding and pics, she is out of minutes but she answers her voice mail, but the voice mail is not her but rather a dude.

On Patapsco, there was le but not as much as on wilkens, around 1st there is a bus stop, and a fenced parking lot, a saw (in my opinion) an undercover WSW late 20s maybe, she kept looking back at two pick up trucks in the parking lot after making a couple loops around the block to see her better, they notice me and when I came back 20 min. Later they were all gone. I also saw a uniformed le in a similar car to a ford fusion, it looked new and was greenish.

I thought of going back to wilkens to look for Kristen or maybe find the famous Nikki (haven't seen her yet), if you guy have any info on these two please let me know I'll return the favor when I can.

09-26-09, 18:25
This is weird. Not many reports at all. I can see why. I made my way down to PP & CB with nothing in sight. Did see Sheena but she is looking rough again. Besides that, is everyone having the same crappy luck as me mongering?

Yes, that's why I quit Baltimore. I thought it would've picked up in the summertime.

09-26-09, 22:18
I did the PP (correct me if I'm wrong) loop first, saw some action but not as much as the first time I went there, Kristen's and Jewelz number were disconnected (big surprise, right! ), on Wilkens I saw a nice brunette with glasses walking with with a thick blond, but they were being followed by Le (they were going in circles just watching them). I saw le on with bullet proof vest going to a house, I also saw an officer getting out of his patrol car and getting into a very nice yellow ford mustang with black strips (watch out). I roamed around for about 1 hr. But nothing and le was still everywhere, so I decided to do the BC loop (correct me if I'm wrong) and found Shanon on 7th and Patapsco, I also saw a pair of young blond WSW outside a convenience store (I think its name was gene's market or something like that, aroung 9th), too bad shanon was in my car already, anyways, we went to her place not far from there, she did not get into it very much, very lousy BJ, but she did not complaint on the other half, she really took a pounding., she is very tight and I had a little bit of trouble, lucky for me I took my SW pack, I got some lube and things got better, I would repeat only as a back up, normal fee, plus.1 for room, another.1 for being a good sport on the pounding and pics, she is out of minutes but she answers her voice mail, but the voice mail is not her but rather a dude.

On Patapsco, there was le but not as much as on wilkens, around 1st there is a bus stop, and a fenced parking lot, a saw (in my opinion) an undercover WSW late 20s maybe, she kept looking back at two pick up trucks in the parking lot after making a couple loops around the block to see her better, they notice me and when I came back 20 min. Later they were all gone. I also saw a uniformed le in a similar car to a ford fusion, it looked new and was greenish.

I thought of going back to wilkens to look for Kristen or maybe find the famous Nikki (haven't seen her yet), if you guy have any info on these two please let me know I'll return the favor when I can.Looking at that I would'vepack it in and called it a night.

Dj Hunter
09-27-09, 21:58
OK, this is a BSW that I've been trying to get at for over a year. I've seen her out on a number of occasions during that time, but there was always something hindering me from making the scoop. She likes to stand on Greenmount & 25th, which is a fairly busy intersection, and I rarely see her out late at night anymore. Anyway, I won't lie but her face is fugly. But it's really not about the face with her. She has one of the phattest asses I've seen on any female, SW or civi, ugly or sexy. I confirmed that she's never had kids, so she's maintained a decent stomach and waist. I've gotta say this again: Her ass is phat, I mean dumb phat.

Well, I saw her out on Greenmount around 3pm, but I was on my way somewhere and just hoped she'd be out when I was done. Well, 4 hours later she was out there, so I had to scoop her. She hopped in, asked if I was police, asked me to unzip and whip out my Johnson to which I obliged once I pulled onto a side street. She strapped me up and started giving me a CBJ, but I told her we needed to keep moving. Negotiated .30 and took her back to my place to see if that ass was really as phat as it was looking in those pants. Rushed back here, got her totally undressed and she did NOT disappoint. Her ass was fucking top shelf, actually it could've doubled as a shelf. She started again with the CBJ, but it was that ass that I wanted to get to. Turned her over for some doggy and I accidentally drooled on her ass, that's how excited I was. Suffice to say, I didn't last long. Once she got that ass into motion I knew I wasn't going to win this battle (never wanted to win, anyway!). The rest of her body was OK. Not many scars or marks; she's just a little "out there", likes to suck her thumb a lot, talks in a weird pattern. But damn, was it worth it just to unwrap that.

Didn't get any digits, but if you want an ass like no other, she can be found on that corner. Well fucking worth it.

Joe Hooker
09-28-09, 17:35
Had 2nd and 3rd dates with Tonya from WW. 2nd date was at the notel while the 3rd was at Hooker Central. The only way I could get her back to HC was to get her something. I hate doing that, but I had to have full access to her hot little booty! Once she had her thing I would have mine. If you see her, pick her up. She's down for most things and never complains.

Because I Can
09-29-09, 01:55
Hey guys,

Been awhile, sorry but nothing to report. Took some time off, relocated, only back for a short time. I would comment how it's nice to be back in the game but that would be a lie, I sure miss the action back when.

WW loop has not been good to me at all while shopping the past month or so.

B/CB only slightly better, still nothing worth sharing. A lot of the regulars out who are not worth looking at much less picking up. 2 Fridays in a row shootings ran me out of there though. Big Tit Casey has been seen but would not engage. Would really like to bump into Tasha again.

Saturday I did find a new to me "Angel", chunky blonde with not the typical street look. Claims to be block dancer, blah blah blah. Wants to go back to her place, sorry but not the first time, we find a dark spot. Half way into a decent job it quickly turns sub par as she gives the "I don't catch" routine. What? Now you tell me? Why can't they tell you that when they open the door? Typical fare, wanted more but settled quickly. Would repeat only to try the Full Course if more time was available.

On a side note, does anyone know the club looking chick sometimes out around the 7-11? Not sure if she's latin but has that appearance, thick but not sloppy, was wearing a tight red mini thing. Maybe a civi but have seen her jump into a waiting car twice, both times with Hispanic guys. Other times I have seen her she is with several black guys. Any info would be greatly appreciated, I'm spending too much time thinking about her.

09-29-09, 15:23
Went around W/W earlier today No girls nothing but LE and more LE headed down to B/CB saw one girl that was really ugly and kept looking before I knew more and more LE kept popping up left and right. Headed to PP/C saw a latino woman and conkling sitting outside of her house she had no teeth and was only about a 4 on SW scale so i figured i'd only come back for her if nothing better came up. saw a chubby WSW on Conkling about a 6 on the SW scale. Then I went down Baltimore street and once I was around PP I saw Tiffany 23 yo WSW about a 9.5 or even a 10 on the SW scale of looks I first thought she wasn't a SW til I saw her wave at me the second time around I puled in to a side street then we went into a parking garage near fells point for BBBJ for .20 she claimed she'd normally charge more for going that far but we all know SW"s only say that to jack the rates. attitude was good service was good and looks were great I will most likely repeat if I find her again did not get digits but I will try to next time. I think she may have been reported on here before? am I Wrong?

09-29-09, 23:18
Is it me or is things starting to dry up? Moving along saw easy today on Ramsey with another girl. We chatted it up for a few minutes she told me she was going back to PA. Came down to help her dad and is now going back, wanted to have fun so bad but was sweaty from working out at gym. Anyway says her friend's name is Deseree an o. G. From ramsey as she called her I never seen her before but she looked alright, does anyone have any intel on her?

09-30-09, 08:41
Is it me or is things starting to dry up? Moving along saw easy today on Ramsey with another girl. We chatted it up for a few minutes she told me she was going back to PA. Came down to help her dad and is now going back, wanted to have fun so bad but was sweaty from working out at gym. Anyway says her friend's name is Deseree an o. G. From ramsey as she called her I never seen her before but she looked alright, does anyone have any intel on her?

Deseree is is fine, been with her several times. She used to be wilder a couple of years ago, but seemed to have calmed down. According to her friend Kierra Smith, Desire is HIV+. I stopped dating her for that reason, but every time I see on Ramsay I remember wild times.

09-30-09, 09:14
Unemployed so I've had (plenty) time to cruise, lots of Leo yesterday. At one time around 2PM on different parts of the WW area, two unmarked cars busting some girls, a marked car busting a guy and another marked car busting a couple of guys. Does Leo have an end of month quota to meet or what? They're freindly, they see me frequently and give me a nice smile.

Oh, the unmarked cars were a black mazda 3 and a chevy and one of the undercovers was writing the ticket with his hood on, you couldn't tell him apart from one of the dealers on the corners.

Be careful.

09-30-09, 13:25
Deseree is is fine, been with her several times. She used to be wilder a couple of years ago, but seemed to have calmed down. According to her friend Kierra Smith, Desire is HIV+. I stopped dating her for that reason, but every time I see on Ramsay I remember wild times.Good looking out sub I owe you one.

09-30-09, 21:21
Picked up Nicole at Wilkens/Payson Monday morning. She has kind of curly blonde hair. We drove quite a ways to a safe spot that she recommended, a kind of commercial building but with empty parking lot out near Caton Ave. Great spot! Anyway she gave great bbbj, CIM, and spit. Very nice, no complaints. Didn't talk money at all and I gave her a Jack and a half when finished. Asked to take some pics and she refused.

09-30-09, 21:25
Drove PP on Tuesday afternoon, saw a few but didn't get to them in time. Only saw one old worn-out looking WSW on Wilkens, then went over to Haven Place. Well on my way there I saw 4 or 5 WSW on Haven, all WSW, pretty young and nice looking. Really seemed strange after seeing almost nothing at the other strolls. Anyway, I was in stripper mode now and just passed them by. An hour later when I left HP they were all gone and there was a LEO parked across from the HP parking lot.

10-01-09, 03:39
Rolled through B/CB early in the day spotted one girl wsw with blonde hair and a nice ass something just did'nt feel right so I passed. Then saw another girl she was standing outside a house like a couple of doors down soon as you turn on Fairhaven anyone know about her?

10-01-09, 08:37
But there are some great ones out there.

Dee, super dee duper! A real pro, will repeat.

Pam, Dee in training, good looking girl and easy going, will repeat.

Stefanie, beautiful face and bod, OK service but easy to be with. Will repeat but haven't seen her around.

12 hours of looking and 3 winners, I spent more on gas than the girls.

Member #4197
10-01-09, 11:10
I did the PP (correct me if I'm wrong) loop first, saw some action but not as much as the first time I went there, Kristen's and Jewelz number were disconnected (big surprise, right! ), on Wilkens I saw a nice brunette with glasses walking with with a thick blond, but they were being followed by Le (they were going in circles just watching them). I saw le on with bullet proof vest going to a house, I also saw an officer getting out of his patrol car and getting into a very nice yellow ford mustang with black strips (watch out). I roamed around for about 1 hr. But nothing and le was still everywhere, so I decided to do the BC loop (correct me if I'm wrong) and found Shanon on 7th and Patapsco, I also saw a pair of young blond WSW outside a convenience store (I think its name was gene's market or something like that, aroung 9th), too bad shanon was in my car already, anyways, we went to her place not far from there, she did not get into it very much, very lousy BJ, but she did not complaint on the other half, she really took a pounding., she is very tight and I had a little bit of trouble, lucky for me I took my SW pack, I got some lube and things got better, I would repeat only as a back up, normal fee, plus.1 for room, another.1 for being a good sport on the pounding and pics, she is out of minutes but she answers her voice mail, but the voice mail is not her but rather a dude.

On Patapsco, there was le but not as much as on wilkens, around 1st there is a bus stop, and a fenced parking lot, a saw (in my opinion) an undercover WSW late 20s maybe, she kept looking back at two pick up trucks in the parking lot after making a couple loops around the block to see her better, they notice me and when I came back 20 min. Later they were all gone. I also saw a uniformed le in a similar car to a ford fusion, it looked new and was greenish.

I thought of going back to wilkens to look for Kristen or maybe find the famous Nikki (haven't seen her yet), if you guy have any info on these two please let me know I'll return the favor when I can.If anyone has any way to get digits for this Shanon please PM me. I know this girl, used to work with her 12 years ago when she was 19. I'd like to call her and see if I can help help. This is not B.S. She used to work in a Club called the Red Raven in Fairless Hills PA. Her name is Jen.

Love To Monger
10-02-09, 01:25
Met a blonde Shannon the other day vicinity of 8th and Patapsco. Not this redhead below. Very nice. Very goood service. 5'6", dirty blonde, average build, ample bottom, champange glass tits. Guessing about 25yo. Have digits for seniors.

Joe Hooker
10-02-09, 13:42
Met a blonde Shannon the other day vicinity of 8th and Patapsco. Not this redhead below. Very nice. Very goood service. 5'6", dirty blonde, average build, ample bottom, champange glass tits. Guessing about 25yo. Have digits for seniors.This sound like the Shannon I know. I met her in the same spot about a month ago and reported it. Yeah, she was decent. I have her number as well.

One Man
10-04-09, 17:01
I drove around WW early this morning (between 2:30 and 4:30). I made several loops and didn't see much. Saw one thin blonde (?) girl on S. Carey, but when she approached my car, she had a badly scarred face, so I passed. Later I saw another dark-haired skinny girl, but after I went around the block, she was gone. I didn't see any on on Wilkins or on Washington. I had been down to the block earlier and didn't hook up with anyone there either.

One Man

10-04-09, 17:48
There are getting to be a lot of names. Weather there real or fake is to be seen. Well id like to see more pictures of these hot ones. Because as you all know. The fantasy of the story is much hotter that way. If it is anomousy that your protecting. Go on your picasa acout and blurr the faces so its not as clear. By the way anyone seen heather. Short blond blue eyes amazing dT skills she has no gag. Many a nite she lubed me deep one time she wouldn't stop and let's just say she had to blow her nose. And she wasn't even sick.

10-05-09, 02:04
I am looking for a girl named Amy. She was a short girl, maybe in her early 20's. She has nipple rings, and a clit ring. I met her a few times over on Fairhaven, but she said that she is also in the Severna Park area. She is friends with Zoe (or it might be zoey, from Fairhaven/Brooklyn). I need her number, she was the best streetwalker I have ever come in contact with and haven't seen her in a while, and forgot to get her number. Help me out.

NWIN Monger
10-05-09, 11:30
I was out and about Sat. Night in the Baltimore area and was on the prowl in the Wilkens area checking out some scenery. I had very good luck my first run through. It was about midnight and I say a chubby blonde girl near the corner of Wilkens and Monroe. I got a slight wave to know she was working and I circled the area just to check for any LE activiy. I then came back by her and parked and waited around the corner on a back street from Monroe she came around and jumped in. She saw I was nervous (I don't spend alot of time in Baltimore mongering so it's still fresh and a little scary) and told me she wondered if I was ever going to pick her up since in all I circled twice before stopping. She was a chubby white girl with what looked like a dirty blonde/light brown hair. She said her name was Rhea (sp? )

We drove to my new fav. Notel down Washington. We agreed on our terms and I opted for just a little check up for my head. I must be getting sick because after my checkup my little head coughed all over her face. Overall only a jackson for a very good checkup.

I was on my way back down Washington to drop her off at her spot when I started to see a incresed # of LE cars and made a deal to just drop her off at a gas station on Washington in exchange for a meeting with a good friend of mine Mr. Hamilton.

Be safe

10-05-09, 20:49
Well id like to see more pictures of these hot ones. Because as you all know. And I would like a pony. How about you post some pictures, or shut up.

Member #4338
10-05-09, 21:13
And I would like a pony. How about you post some pictures, or shut up.

When will these guys ever learn? First they post asking dumb questions with no history and now they are demanding pictures when they have posted none. Talk about delusional.

10-06-09, 01:24
I started on Wilkens around 7:30pm, there was little activity, lots of blue flashing lights, I am guessing these are the cameras. Everybody was with their pimp (the girls did not look good enough to be Le, but you never know), there was a wsw long dark hair on the circle, I was tempted but decided to keep on going to the Block (see report, I got pretty lucky!). After the block I went back to wilkens, again almost nothing, next I went to Patapsco, Lots of Le, I did not see anything neither but on my second loop, there was a nicely dressed mature wsw, she had a beautiful little butt, I think the guy behind me picked her up, she was a little too obvious for me (blond hair up to her shoulder and a light blue mini skirt/dress), so if one of you got her let me know. I was ready to leave, but decided to give one last loop, I turn on 12st, went couple blocks down and saw Leah, wsw in her 20s, she looked very clean, I stopped, she came in, had really nice set of sisters (maybe Ds), she did not say anything for some time, and I really thought she was le, I kept looking back to see if anybody was following, after I got a little comfortable I decided to go for bbbj ws, normal fee, she wasn't the best but there was good sucktion, she went at it for almost 15 min and still nothing, I decided to do it myself and when I was just about - she finished me off. She said she had a place, and there are also cheap motels on washington that rent by the hour. I have her digits, I will see her again but this time she will be the first one and go to her room.

If you guys know which motel she was talking about can you give me the name and their rate.

Be safe,


10-06-09, 06:25
Saw Melissa Saturday on Wilkens, and picked her up.

Not worth the trouble or money, lousy work, bad attitude.

Don't waste your money.

Casey Homes
10-06-09, 16:34
Picked up a brunette outside sitting on the steps of Haven Place, from a distance she looked cute, but when she got in the car all i could think of was how to get her out. Clothes clearly had not been washed recently, teath were beginning to turn yellow, then to top it off, when I asked to see her goods down below she told me it was that time of the month, but she'd give me a hell of time with a bj. I gave her 20 told her i just wanted to feel the titties and kicked her out.

Rookie lessson learned --- Apparently this rookie needs to keep his doors locked until he has fully surveilled the merchandise.

10-06-09, 16:42
Strolling around 9:00 PM Sunday night. Saw nothing at all in the loop on PP then went up to CB. Nothing there either. Finally, when I was about to tuck tail and go home, saw Shannon. 5ft 4, long blnd hair, decent body (little saggy from being used up), decent in the face. Decided for BBJ while driving on 695. Good suction and worked decently but a little toooooo much teeth for my liking. She worked for about 20 minutes and finally caught and spit. No complaints so gave her.1 extra with standard.

Side note. Does the night time seem really dead now a days? A few years back, night time was the best time for some mongering but now, it's bare everywhere.

10-06-09, 17:16
I have been a dedicated fan for many years of the Patterson Park and Conkling areas, but I think that I will begin venturing out into other areas. I have suffered through the dry spells in that area, because every now and then, I would find a chick with low mileage. Those times are few and far between now though and I am tired of repeatedly seeing the same old skanks out there.

10-06-09, 18:45
I saw a dude driving in the vicinity of Conkling and Haven last night with one headlight out. I doubt that anyone in here would be that stupid, but just in case, I decided to post. No need to draw unnecessary LE attention. Speaking of which, watch out for what could be LE on Haven, just up from the Dunkin Donuts. My LE radar was going off on my first drive by when I saw this chick and my suspicions were confirmed on my second drive by when I saw her chatting to someone on the driver side of the car. I got out of there, so I do not know if the dude got busted.

10-07-09, 18:41
Erica sometimes goes by Melissa.

If she was about 5'6" with brown hair and seems a little slow it amy be her and she is trouble.

Saw Melissa Saturday on Wilkens, and picked her up.

Not worth the trouble or money, lousy work, bad attitude.

Don't waste your money.

10-08-09, 13:14
Is it me or have the sw population dwindled?

I've hit the loop and other places and it seems like ghost towns.

All I see is mad le every where.

Joe Hooker
10-08-09, 17:01
Yes, it has been quite dead.

What gives?

10-08-09, 17:41
Is it me or have the sw population dwindled?

I've hit the loop and other places and it seems like ghost towns.

All I see is mad le every where.I have been on the scene for years. I have never seen things this slow. I go from b/cb to the ww loop to 40 east to pp, everything is dead. Last week it took me hours to find some chick I really did not like. Things have got to improve. I would have thought the bad economy would make SW activity increase?

10-08-09, 19:58
Hi All:

Cruised CB about 5:30 am And saw two older SWs but didn't bite. I decided to check out WB and Ramsey. I drove for nearly 40 minutes and didn't see anything worth stopping for.

I made a last trip to CB and saw an SW making her way to the usual pick up areas. She was still a few blocks away. She looked familiar. I made a second pass and saw it was thin Nikki with the pretty face and the long hair. Alright! I'd been looking for her for awhile.

I rolled down my window and called out her name. "Nikki, I thought that was you." She got in. The last time I'd seen her she was very thin, almost bony. Looks like she gained about 20 pounds but she was still thin. She said she was able to eat regularly now. She even had a hoagie with her.

We drove to a safe spot where she gave me a BBBJCIM w/spit. She's got a great technique. A lot of licking, dt and sucking. She coaxed my juices to the bursting point then drained me dry. While she worked me, I worked her with my finger. She got very wet. Her ass is still a little thin but the play action was worth it. She's clean and my finger smelled great. I gave her.3 with a tip. While She gave me her digits.

Now that Cia is semi-retired. Nikki could easily fill in for her. She's not out that much, she works a day job cleaning houses, but it's a great time if you can find her. Next time, I'll see if she'll let me take some pics.

Have fun and be safe.

Member #4061
10-08-09, 20:48
Is it me or have the sw population dwindled?

I've hit the loop and other places and it seems like ghost towns.

All I see is mad le every where.

I agree. It's been dead for weeks! We have had some beautiful weather this month and no increase.

Maybe they all got 'jobs' with Americorps... Nothing says lovin like double dippin on subsidies.

10-09-09, 08:04
A good dream:

Sunday I left the Patasco flea market and got to the CVS or walgreens and saw two white females on the pay phone on side the building. I circled the block to check them out as they could have just been regular women using the phone. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed they were barely dressed and one waved at me. I parked near them and got out to go in the store. One came over and asked for a dollar change.

she introduced her self as summer and said she was out trying to earn some money. She told me she will either be there at that store or at the salvation army store down the street. I left and came back and picked her up. Parked down the road and got services for 25.

Seva Lurker
10-09-09, 13:22
Looks like I'll be in Baltimore this evening and would like to check out the street scene.

I've figured out some of the locale abbreviations

WW is Washington/Wilkens
PP is Patterson Park

But I am having difficulty figuring out


Any info is greatly appreciated.

My only complaint about local usage, but then I do it here at home, so I shouldn't really complain.

10-09-09, 14:22
Looks like I'll be in Baltimore this evening and would like to check out the street scene.

I've figured out some of the locale abbreviations

WW is Washington/Wilkens
PP is Patterson Park

But I am having difficulty figuring out


Any info is greatly appreciated.

My only complaint about local usage, but then I do it here at home, so I shouldn't really complain.Always happy to help out an established out of town monger.

CB - Curtiss Bay.
WB - Not a common abbreviation. Perhaps Washington Boulevard

We've got some special threads in Baltimore that you may want to check out. Also, the top level abbreviation list has some local Baltimore lingo. Look at the bottom of the Baltimore page for available topics. Being from out of town is a little like being a newbie. I monger in many cities and feel that way every time I visit a new town.


10-09-09, 19:59
Read an interesting post from our friends over at PJW. Apparently they ran a "sting" recently in which they baited mongers near Ward and Washington and then handed 'em a note suggesting that their tags were being photographed and handed over to LE for a letter home.

A couple of questions:

1) Is this true and how obvious was the set-up? He claims there's been no traffic lately (and last time I drove through for work I'd agree) so why weren't spider senses tingling if there's a lone chick on a corner?

2) At what point is providing the police with tag numbers for tersely worded "Dear John" letters illegal? I know that the street is a public place so he can take the pictures, but to involve the police (for this letter home to strike fear, it'd have to be coming from Vice or mention prostitution, no?) seems a bit...libelous?

10-10-09, 09:26
Who is the asian looking girl working WW area always wears sunglasses and has hugh tits.Every time I circle block she is gone.

Also has anybody seen Angelica 1/2 Filipino a little thick but a great bbbj girl

10-10-09, 19:39
Man, had 2 great excursions in the last 2 days right at the york rd. And belv area. One was a tall thin BSW fresh from va a couple months so she says, great CBJ and bang for.20 I gave a tip because she was clean and pretty good. Look for tall lightskin, small titts and ass from va the other one was last night same spot. The spot has been jumping lately! Chubby brownskin chick from atlanta, deep southern accent! CBJ out of this world. They both gave numbers so I will repeat. Pm for better details.

Seva Lurker
10-10-09, 21:43
I'd like to thank those folks who either posted a response here or PMd me with info.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to take advantage of the help. By the time I finally arrived, around 1:30, I was too tired to go exploring. Did try to hit the WW area before I left this morning, but it started raining. Figured no one would be out a 9 AM, especially on a rainy day. So I just left.

Maybe glad that I did. Heard some traffic news about something going on in the downtown today with many streets blocked off and lots of cops to point the way around.

One day I'll make it so I can actually 'monger' a bit.

10-11-09, 06:48
A good dream:

Sunday I left the Patasco flea market and got to the CVS or walgreens and saw two white females on the pay phone on side the building. I circled the block to check them out as they could have just been regular women using the phone. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed they were barely dressed and one waved at me. I parked near them and got out to go in the store. One came over and asked for a dollar change.

she introduced her self as summer and said she was out trying to earn some money. She told me she will either be there at that store or at the salvation army store down the street. I left and came back and picked her up. Parked down the road and got services for 25.I had the occasion to meet Summer last week. Not the prettiest girl ever, but great BBBJ with no rushing at all. Everything is on the menu. She came to my house, and was open to pics, deep throat, swallow, facial, anal, whatever was requested. I had all but anal for $40, gave an additional tip. Absolutely will repeat. BTW, I know I should never bring a SW to my house, but sometimes it feels OK.

10-11-09, 12:25
Hello all,

I just found this great site but I've been lurking the last 3 days. This is my virgin post, first of many I hope. Anyway anyone know Shana? Last I heard she was in Hagerstown. Anyone ever pick her up?

10-11-09, 19:45
I had some extra time before a blind date lol and picked up a pretty wsw walking along Wash Blvd acoss from the MTA. She was wearing these short green gym shorts. Said her name was Shannon and had shortish blond hair. A little dirty but didnt smell and carried wet wipes. Got her to my place and she gave me a spirited bbbj. She said she wanted to hang out and called me three times in week, but I couldnt meet her. Anyone see her? And how do you feel about taking sws to the crib as I live a mile away.

10-11-09, 20:26
Who is the asian looking girl working WW area always wears sunglasses and has hugh tits.Every time I circle block she is gone.

Also has anybody seen Angelica 1/2 Filipino a little thick but a great bbbj girlAngelica from BCB? I can't remeber her name, but I remember she is half Filipino. I saw her a few months ago, she said she was not coming out much anymore, she has alot of kids. She was having problems with her rent, I think she has a sugar daddy. She is a little thick, but huge tits. Very good personality, good all around.

Member #4061
10-11-09, 22:02
I know I should never bring a SW to my house, but sometimes it feels OK.It sure does Cls. It sure does. Just make sure you don't live within walking distance, or you'll be sorry, trust me. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Have not seen much lately. Another fairly dead night tonight.

C/PP I did spot what looked like a newbie SW on the east side earlier in the night. She looked like she was in her mid to late 20s. She has long curly dirty blonde hair. She's got a great set of tits, thin waist and a nice ass. She was wearing those tight thin latina jeans that hugged her ass perfectly. She looks like a ton of fun. She might be part latina, or just a round faced white chick. I can't be sure. Unfortunately, the guy right in front of me snagged her as soon as we saw her. If you're reading this man, and you don't feel like writing a report, pm me, please! We need to bring this one to attention.

Happy One
10-11-09, 22:14
Welcome aboard Rkim, but dont be asking questions like that. Anybody here with any sense not knowing you will not tell you anything about a special person. No flame thrower yet, RTFF.

Member #4061
10-11-09, 22:28
Who is the asian looking girl working WW area always wears sunglasses and has hugh tits.Every time I circle block she is gone.

Also has anybody seen Angelica 1/2 Filipino a little thick but a great bbbj girlBe careful Ballfame! The one at the lower end of W/W is a TS. It has hugh fake tits. I also saw another possible Asian at the upper end last week near you-Haul. It was much younger than the pigtown Asian and looked lady like from afar. Almost made the scoop, but the lower part of the body did not look right. It was far too skinny compared with the top part of the body. Clear sign to me that is a TS. It's like I have stated before. If you see an Asian SW in Baltimore, 98% of the time it's going to be a TS. They have asian features due to their race mixing and plastic surgery. Be careful or you might get a big surprise, pardon the pun.

Never met any Angelicas, so I can't comment on her.

Stay safe and have fun.

10-11-09, 22:50
Okay, thanks Happy One. I'll count on senior members like you to let me know when I make a mistake.

10-12-09, 00:06
2) At what point is providing the police with tag numbers for tersely worded "Dear John" letters illegal? I know that the street is a public place so he can take the pictures, but to involve the police (for this letter home to strike fear, it'd have to be coming from Vice or mention prostitution, no?) seems a bit...libelous?I'm not a lawyer, so don't take this as legal advice. I'm just some random dude writing something on a website, so use your own common sense. That said...

Truth is a major part of defamation law. There is a "false light" provision, but I'm betting they will word their letters pretty carefully. They're not trying to establish solid enough proof to charge you with solicitation -- they're trying to make your wife file for divorce or your boss fire you. If the letter says something like, "A vehicle with tags registered to Steve Stiffpecker was photographed driving repeatedly through a part of Pigtown regarded as a likely place to pick up hookers, at ten minutes after midnight on September 23; the driver was handed a 'stop cruising' flyer by our undercover community activist, and we've got pictures of that, too", and it's addressed to whoever is listed in any number of public records as married to the luckless Steve... well, Steve better have a good divorce lawyer. Nobody comes out of a messy divorce happy, and it's usually very damned expensive. If you think you can stand in front of a judge and claim that it isn't *proof*, when he's deciding whether you owe this person half of your worldly goods... well, it's not a gamble I'd care to make.

If you can prove that their photographic evidence is wrong (i.e. switched tags), *then* you might have grounds for some sort of legal action, especially if they've gotten aggressive with their attempts to go after you. Let's face it, though -- it's almost never going to be seriously mistaken, as good cameras aren't hard to come by. Do you really want to bet that they didn't get your picture?

Frankly, if they're this serious about cleaning up their neighborhood, I'm willing to go cruise somewhere else. I thought they'd have flamed out by now, and I'm still not sure they won't do so in the next year or so. Given that they haven't done so yet, I'm fine with moving on to a nearby area -- I don't think I've had any real luck around Washington & Carey since around 2005, anyway.

10-12-09, 01:32
Went on a cruise to see if there was anything to get into, boy it's getting bad hit the ww loop empty til I got down near monroe. After that going towards carey and ramsey, man le everywhere had a dude pulled over went down to turn on carey and they had another car pulled over down that end. Hit b/cb empty too nothing poppin but le had two cars pulled over. Headed back towards ww and on carey another car was pulled over made the turn on ramsey headed towards wilkins few girls strawberry, redhead dawn from around brunswick. Been there done them was'nt ineterested. As I'm heading home across catherine towards baltimore see a multitude of le had some dudes pulled over and on the sidewalk after all that my mission was aborted and I just said f888k it I'm gone. My question is this what is going on? Can anybody answer that one.

Paper Pusher
10-12-09, 02:30
I am a long time lurker, haven't actively enjoyed the hobby for 10 years. This is when I got married. Things are about to change at home so I went out to my long lost hobby. Ten years ago WW was good pickens. I started on WW loop and except for some guys sitting on stoops, the street were bare. With one exception. As I made the turn at scary and Wash I saw someone wave. I couldn't see too well and it was cold so she was wearing a big coat. I went around the block to scope out the situation and to meet on the side street. Once she got to the door it appeared to be a a light skinned BSW. Her face and twins appeared to be clear of anything gross. So I let her in. I pulled away, not to linger around. She started to play are you a cop? I started to have major trouble understanding anything she said. She did introduce herself as Patricia. This is when I started to get a better look at her. She seem snaggle toothed, with a large round flat faced head. All in all, it was making my little man run for cover. A little too manly for me.(I don't go that way) I figured better to be safe than sorry. I pulled to the curb as she was telling me she had a place. I replied I thought you just wanted a ride because it is cold. She said my pimp is behind you which I knew was BS. I had been watching for tails. Then she said "You got to pay me" I told her I was giving her a ride and if she wasn't getting out I would happily take her to the Southern District Police station and let them settle it. She thought I was BSing her so I said you had your chance to leave. Then I started to pull of the curb. She quickly changed her mind and asked to be dropped at the corner. Which I did. Meanwhile I passed a dirty blond WSW on scary that I passed before the dump off. After the dump off I tried to circle the block to find her and she was gone. I made another loop before moving to CB which was also barren. I wrapped it up around 11pm.


Re: Posting TV/TS advisories

Greetings everyone,

I am aware that the vast majority of references to transvestites or transsexuals are legitimate attempts to warn other fellow members about how easy it is to accidentally pickup transvestites or transsexuals, etc. However, past discussions in the Forum has repeatedly demonstrated that the subject simply cannot be discussed intelligently, in any form or for any reason, without being misinterpreted and without starting flame wars.

Please do not post information about or references to transvestites or transsexuals in the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.


10-12-09, 09:01
Speaking of tags: The town cops down here where I live (Bowie), are using special license plate scanners linked directly to the MVA, and have been pulling over literally hundreds of people over the last month. They are scanning for stolen, dead, and anything else wrong with the tag, as well as stolen vehicles, uninsured vehicles, and a bunch of other things. It's only a matter of time until Baltimore LE does the same thing.

10-12-09, 15:29
I am a long time lurker, haven't actively enjoyed the hobby for 10 years. This is when I got married. Things are about to change at home so I went out to my long lost hobby. Ten years ago WW was good pickens. I started on WW loop and except for some guys sitting on stoops, the street were bare. With one exception. As I made the turn at scary and Wash I saw someone wave. I couldn't see too well and it was cold so she was wearing a big coat. I went around the block to scope out the situation and to meet on the side street. Once she got to the door it appeared to be a a light skinned BSW. Her face and twins appeared to be clear of anything gross. So I let her in. I pulled away, not to linger around. She started to play are you a cop? I started to have major trouble understanding anything she said. She did introduce herself as Patricia. This is when I started to get a better look at her. She seem snaggle toothed, with a large round flat faced head. All in all, it was making my little man run for cover. A little too manly for me.(I don't go that way) I figured better to be safe than sorry. I pulled to the curb as she was telling me she had a place. I replied I thought you just wanted a ride because it is cold. She said my pimp is behind you which I knew was BS. I had been watching for tails. Then she said "You got to pay me" I told her I was giving her a ride and if she wasn't getting out I would happily take her to the Southern District Police station and let them settle it. She thought I was BSing her so I said you had your chance to leave. Then I started to pull of the curb. She quickly changed her mind and asked to be dropped at the corner. Which I did. Meanwhile I passed a dirty blond WSW on scary that I passed before the dump off. After the dump off I tried to circle the block to find her and she was gone. I made another loop before moving to CB which was also barren. I wrapped it up around 11pm.LOL Great post, been there done that. Ive had to literelly shove them out the door before.

10-12-09, 15:32
Speaking of tags: The town cops down here where I live (Bowie), are using special license plate scanners linked directly to the MVA, and have been pulling over literally hundreds of people over the last month. They are scanning for stolen, dead, and anything else wrong with the tag, as well as stolen vehicles, uninsured vehicles, and a bunch of other things. It's only a matter of time until Baltimore LE does the same thing.They have those in MD now ? Ive seen them in Canada, not good. They can scan thousands of plates an hour. They can drive thru a parking lot and without stopping scan every plate they pass on both sides of the patrol car.

10-12-09, 17:38
They have those in MD now ? Ive seen them in Canada, not good. They can scan thousands of plates an hour. They can drive thru a parking lot and without stopping scan every plate they pass on both sides of the patrol car.

Here's a story about them being used in Calvert County:

At Thursday's checkpoint, along with checking drivers, police utilized a new automated license plate reader that runs the tag numbers into a Maryland Vehicle Administration database to see if the vehicle's registration is listed as suspended or stolen.

"It's the very first time that we used that," Ruel said. During the checkpoint, 2,280 license plates were scanned with troopers citing four suspended tags, 19 vehicle emissions inspection program suspensions and five MSP tag pickup orders, as well as 17 suspended driver's licenses, according to a press release.

The license plate reader will also provide information about the owner of the vehicle, but "we don't' know if the owner is driving," Ruel said.

10-12-09, 20:22
I arrived at around 5pm looking for a last chance BJ from someone before I headed home. I went to ww and saw quite a few out. I drove around looking for someone appealing but I saw none. I went to B/CB and picked up Brandi or Brenda. I should have kicked her out from what I read of her in these pages. Went to a motel but she started with the sad story, was rushing, complaining and what not. She gave me a good enough BBBJ and after we were done, got out of the room in a hurry. What a freak! I had the room for 3 hours so I wne tout looking for another one but there really was no one else. I called it a night and took off hoping for a better lay next time. I was warned but now I am warning. Spend your money somewhere else.

Shadow Mon
10-12-09, 21:41
Although this is my first post here, i have been lurking for some time. Iv been cruising all around but there are LE everywhere!! Does anyone have a clue why they are cracking down so hard?? Iv been looking for this beautiful SW. Goes by Amber with long brunette hair and green eyes. She has a perfect body. Wrinkle free, smells delicious and perky everything. Haven't been able to get her out of my mind for some time ever since i first picked her up while hacking.

Anyways, thanks for all the heads up and ill try to return the favors.

Reverend Jay
10-13-09, 00:10
Here's a story about them being used in Calvert County:

At Thursday's checkpoint, along with checking drivers, police utilized a new automated license plate reader that runs the tag numbers into a Maryland Vehicle Administration database to see if the vehicle's registration is listed as suspended or stolen.

"It's the very first time that we used that," Ruel said. During the checkpoint, 2,280 license plates were scanned with troopers citing four suspended tags, 19 vehicle emissions inspection program suspensions and five MSP tag pickup orders, as well as 17 suspended driver's licenses, according to a press release.

The license plate reader will also provide information about the owner of the vehicle, but "we don't' know if the owner is driving," Ruel said.This of course will lead to scanning passing plates into a database in heavy SW areas and arrive at a number of "How many times certain cars have passed by in a given period of time". From there, the pulling over begins in earnest. Scary possibilities.

Tha X Facta
10-13-09, 23:31
Had to drop a friend off in Aberdeen this weekend; figured on the way back I would stop by B-moe.
Did'nt wana stray too far from the tunnel, so I strolled the Conkling/Haven area. Dead...Nada...Zilch!
Decided to fill up my tank on Pulaski hwy and head back to DC. Noticed a young lady walking past; my monger senses went off like a Richter scale!

The pick up: I wave her over and ask: "Where can I find a room for a couple of hours?"
Wha.... I repeat myself. She points down Pulaski hwy and gives directions.
I finish pumping gas, and get in the ride. She stands there.......looking like a doe in head lights.
I calmly ask: "You gonna get in or what"? She smiles and hops in the ride. Her name is Kellie.

Negotiations: At the notel Kellie asks for .4, I counter with .25 and pics; with incentives based on performance.

Description: Kellie is 21 bout 5'6" 125, tits kinda saggy. Ass??? Slim, but oh so soft!
A few strech marks......but doable.

The Events: Kellie started with a lackluster cbj. After a few verbal directions, it built up to a crescendo and L'il man fell right in succession....... Blam; it was ova.
Cleaned up and grabbed the digicam. She was camera shy, Snap....snap....snap; the sight from the view finder awakened a groggy L'il man. He's ready for round two!
Grabbed another condom and handed it to Kellie.

What about my incentive......my bonus?

I took Linc and Jack off the night stand, reached in my pocket and replaced them with Grant. Kellie has a bigger smile this time! I lay back and she Rides L'il man like a wild broncho, spins around and continues the ride. She was wet as hell, but at the same time the pussy was nice and snug!
Did a flip and to hit it doggy. Ass up high, back arched, with her chest and face laying on the bed. I pulled her back so I could stand. The last thing I remember was Kellie making a gulping sound and stuffing pillows under her stomach for leverage. BLAM :eek: Surprised the shit outta me!
The 2nd explosion was just as strong as the first!

After Care: Kellie went to the bathroom to freshen up. She comes out with a warm face towel, slides off the cover and wipes me clean!

Conclusion: Dropped off Kelly at the pick up point. She waves, I toot the horn and off I go to 7-11 for a bottle 5-hour ENERGY to carry me back to DC.

Shouts go out to Kellie and the City of Baltimore for A-1 class service!
{P.S. In the next to last pic kellie is admiring her self in the ceiling mirror}

X in X out
via DC

Buster Face
10-14-09, 00:05
Here is a perfect iPhone app for letting others know of provider locations: displayed on a map along with a text description. Perfect for us!


Someone in Bmore is already using it.

Naughty Noops
10-14-09, 00:43
Hi all,

I'm new to the hobby. I've reading all the veterans posts for a few weeks now getting as much info on the do's and don't, locations, and girls to look for, etc for a few weeks now and I'm ready to make my first run. Just had a quick question can anyone suggest notels for cb and ww? Hopefully I'll have something worthy to post by the end of this week.


Bunch Honey
10-14-09, 04:29
Great report X Facta.

Thank you

10-14-09, 04:59
Well after my 2 wtf? Reports got lucky Monday caught laura on wilkins got a quick BJ for just a hamilton. It was okay popped on her face and in her mouth. Now on to an update if you guys don't know alicia is now getting three hot's at state exspense, I don't think she'll be coming home soon because she up on an attempted murder charge. Darlene the one who gave me the nice birthday gift is also gone she got caught up and also has a vop hanging on her. So I guess that answers part of my wtf? I guess the commish is telling his cronies to crack down on the SW's thinking that's going to solve the problem, all that's going to do is increase it because when some of these girls get out they're gonna come right back.

10-14-09, 07:45
I started cruising B/CB about 0530 but too many LE parked on the corners. I had a run in with one LE months ago who said he would be looking for me if he saw my car again. He stopped me for a bad headlight near the bus stop on Patapsco and began lecturing me on why I should not be in this area and does my wife know where I am.

I didn't want to put up with the drama again so drove to b-more. There were a few girls out but none that I wanted to stop for. I saw young Brittany but her BJ skills are terrible and her mumbling worse. I didn't want to deal with that so early in the morning.

On my last pass before heading to work I saw a girl with possibilities on Wilkens and Pulaski but she kept covering her face so it was hard to tell. I looped around and she ran to my car at the stop light. She was dirty-blonde, not too thin, a pretty face so I let her in.

She was friendly enough but kept singing into the silences. We got to my spot and she gave a decent BBBJ. It was one of those mornings when I just couldn't pop. She gave it a valiant effort but I finally called it off. She felt good but couldn't finish the deed. I gave her.2 with.05 for her tuition fund.

If I'd had more time I would have gone FS. She had a nice clean ass and a wet box. Definitely would try again. I'd give her an 8 for looks and a 6 for performance with a 7 for personality.

10-14-09, 12:21
Hey there my fellow mongers,
I got the chance to monger on Monday afternoon I picked up Leah on Wilkens & Monroe(actually-the side street just past Monroe where the usually sw hang out. I had dated Leah before,probably a good year ago but Leah still remembered me from our previous dates.

We went to a secluded spot & negotiated a pipe cleaning but was able to roam and feel. About 10 minutes into the deed,I asked Leah to take off her pants so I could better evaluate her bod. leah has a very nice bod for a sw. I didn't notice any track marks on her & she didn't smell of any BO so I decided to upgrade. We renegotiate the fee-(standard) & put the cover on.

I started with doggy because I wanted to watch that beautiful ass as I pounded her tight box. I asked about door #2 but she declined,I may have to work on that one. After a few,we switched to mish & as I entered her-she kinda grimaced. I am not large by any means so I am not sure if it is from lacked of fs or what but I went about it slowly & increasing my speed.

Leah became really wet & seem to enjoy it & I eventually blew my gasket after about 10 minutes. Leahs cooter was almost good enough to daty but I always am careful about daty on street meat.

Overall,a very good date-Leah was happy with her donation,didn't ask for a tip. I would repeat next time & try to open door # 2. My mongering is still far from frequent but it was good to spot a good find. Enjoy the pics my fellow mongers. Rook.

Sorry,no contacts on Leah.

Naughty Noops
10-14-09, 14:01
Hi all,

I'm new to the hobby. I've been reading the senior members reports and driving the loops for a few weeks now. I think I'm ready to make my first run. Before I get out there can anyone suggest some notels for cb and ww? Hopefully I can start contributing with some informative posts soon.


Happy One
10-14-09, 14:45
Rookie, be real carefull with her, as she is confirmed HIV positive. My sources are strong & knowing who she stayed with for awhile reafirms the fact.
I used to date her severak years ago when she was at the block. Nice girl with exellent skills, its a shame.

10-14-09, 15:19
Hey Happy,
Thanks for the update. That is a shame. She seems like a real nice gal. Rook.

10-14-09, 18:53
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-14-09, 18:54
Had to drop a friend off in Aberdeen this weekend; figured on the way back I would stop by B-moe.

Did'nt wana stray too far from the tunnel, so I strolled the Conkling/Haven area. Dead...Nada...Zilch!

Decided to fill up my tank on Pulaski hwy and head back to DC. Noticed a young lady walking past; my monger senses went off like a Richter scale!

The pick up: I wave her over and ask: "Where can I find a room for a couple of hours?"

Wha.... I repeat myself. She points down Pulaski hwy and gives directions.

I finish pumping gas, and get in the ride. She stands there.......looking like a doe in head lights.

I calmly ask: "You gonna get in or what"? She smiles and hops in the ride. Her name is Kellie.

Negotiations: At the notel Kellie asks for .4, I counter with .25 and pics; with incentives based on performance.

Description: Kellie is 21 bout 5'6" 125, tits kinda saggy. Ass??? Slim, but oh so soft!
A few strech marks......but doable.

The Events: Kellie started with a lackluster cbj. After a few verbal directions, it built up to a crescendo and L'il man fell right in succession....... Blam; it was ova.

Cleaned up and grabbed the digicam. She was camera shy, Snap....snap....snap; the sight from the view finder awakened a groggy L'il man. He's ready for round two!
Grabbed another condom and handed it to Kellie.

What about my incentive......my bonus?

I took Linc and Jack off the night stand, reached in my pocket and replaced them with Grant. Kellie has a bigger smile this time! I lay back and she Rides L'il man like a wild broncho, spins around and continues the ride. She was wet as hell, but at the same time the pussy was nice and snug!

Did a flip and to hit it doggy. Ass up high, back arched, with her chest and face laying on the bed. I pulled her back so I could stand. The last thing I remember was Kellie making a gulping sound and stuffing pillows under her stomach for leverage. BLAM :eek: Surprised the shit outta me!
The 2nd explosion was just as strong as the first!

After Care: Kellie went to the bathroom to freshen up. She comes out with a warm face towel, slides off the cover and wipes me clean!

Conclusion: Dropped off Kelly at the pick up point. She waves, I toot the horn and off I go to 7-11 for a bottle 5-hour ENERGY to carry me back to DC.

Shouts go out to Kellie and the City of Baltimore for A-1 class service!
{P.S. In the next to last pic kellie is admiring her self in the ceiling mirror}

X in X out

via DCI am voting for X, monger of the century.

He consistantly deliverys the highest quality reports.

10-14-09, 22:42
Dead, Dead, Dead. B/CB and W/W. It's getting so bad that I'm not even seeing the skanks anymore!

That being said I did find a 21 y. O. WSW on Plum between Curtis and Pennington last Saturday at around 0100. Her name was Crystal, 5' 4" 135lbs., dirty blonde hair, cute and quiet. She gets in and we are headed to my spot and she does the "R you a cop? " thing puts her hand down my pants. So I flip the question to her and she takes my hand and puts it up her sweatshirt. Now keep in mind, I'm not expecting anything it's late and dark and a sweatshirt doesn't really show off someones true physique but as my hand goes up her shirt I realize that this chick has got an unbelievable rack and a sheer bra. They are at least 38DD however due to the recent drought my ability to properly calibrate size could be off. It turns out that she is pregnant, so in addition to the uberjugs she has fantastic nips. Anyway as we are headed to my spot she says she has a place, I ask her who she lives with and she says "It's just me". I take my chances and go back to her place which is quite nice and she lives with her grandmother but she is in the hospital currently.

Unfortunately I mistook her quietness as shyness when in actuality it's just bitchiness. Just as I get comfortable on the family room couch right away it starts with the "You have to pay me first". "I'm not gonna take my shirt off till you pay me." Then it's "don't touch my nipples too much". Followed by a lousy BBBJ which was mostly her cheating with her hand. Anytime I gave her a suggestion, her bitchiness would go way up, she was totally not into it. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I just said "sit back let me play with your tits and I'll finish myself off" and I did. I didn't get her number for obvious reasons however now I slightly regret it because I would love to play with those chesticles again.


Member #4061
10-14-09, 23:19
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-15-09, 00:26
Hey BSlim,
I don't let post from people like trailerpark trash FAGSTER bother me, his wife/sister always tell him his is the biggest so it's not his fault!! I am comfortable with my tool that the good man gave me. Thanks though for the support. Rook.

10-15-09, 13:07
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-15-09, 14:33
Re: Dragster

Terra Sancta back? More ignore list fodder.

Tha X Facta
10-15-09, 16:30
I am voting for X, monger of the century.

He consistantly deliverys the highest quality reports.
Awww....shucks,:o thanks for your nomination and vote.

10-15-09, 23:59
Hey all,

I am visiting Baltimore this weekend I used to live there, but I want to for a little bit of sw, I dont really want to go to the block so I was wondering if anyone could pm me with a good area, that is still active thanks.

Old Dirty
10-16-09, 00:05
I was on my way home today after haveing a few drinks with some friends. Wasn't really thinking about geting my monger urge filled until I came across Joni on Resiterstown rd. I was very surprised she was standing on the sidewalk looking to catch a ride. I drove past swung back around and picked her up. I got her in the car negotiated.30 for FS and pics. I was surprised she agreed so quickly. We went to the notel and off to work she went. She started with CBJ which was pretty decent. I was in a rush because I had to meet family at home so I went straight to canine. Joni was very into it, seems like she really enjoyed the pounding I was laying on that ass. Since I was in a rushed I had her finish off with bbbjcif. Joni was very receptive and was open to everything I suggested. Would definitely repeat. Attached are some photos. Enjoy. Would definitely repeat. Have digits for senior members.



Personality- Outstanding

10-16-09, 05:03
I was on my way home today after haveing a few drinks with some friends. Wasn't really thinking about geting my monger urge filled until I came across Joni on Resiterstown rd. I was very surprised she was standing on the sidewalk looking to catch a ride. I drove past swung back around and picked her up. I got her in the car negotiated.30 for FS and pics. I was surprised she agreed so quickly. We went to the notel and off to work she went. She started with CBJ which was pretty decent. I was in a rush because I had to meet family at home so I went straight to canine. Joni was very into it, seems like she really enjoyed the pounding I was laying on that ass. Since I was in a rushed I had her finish off with bbbjcif. Joni was very receptive and was open to everything I suggested. Would definitely repeat. Attached are some photos. Enjoy. Would definitely repeat. Have digits for senior members.



Personality- OutstandingShe looks great! On what part of Reisterstown Rd. did you find her? Very nice pics, BTW. Good job.

Oriole Mon
10-16-09, 09:07
A quick stroll down his post history shows a tell tell story of combative posts. This guy gives out about as much useful and accurate information as a Whitehouse Press Sec. Didn't we have one of these jerks around about a year ago? Do him the best thing you can do, just put him on the ignore list.


10-16-09, 10:05
Wasn't really thinking about geting my monger urge filled until I came across Joni on Resiterstown rd. I was very surprised she was standing on the sidewalk looking to catch a ride. Nice post. Haven't read about much action on Reisterstown Rd.

Any more info that you can share on the whereabouts? Feel free to pm.

10-17-09, 05:25
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Paper Pusher
10-17-09, 20:33
I am a long time lurker, haven't actively enjoyed the hobby for 10 years. This is when I got married. Things are about to change at home so I went out to my long lost hobby. Ten years ago WW was good pickens. I started on WW loop and except for some guys sitting on stoops, the street were bare. With one exception. As I made the turn at scary and Wash I saw someone wave. I couldn't see too well and it was cold so she was wearing a big coat. I went around the block to scope out the situation and to meet on the side street. Once she got to the door it appeared to be a a light skinned BSW. Her face and twins appeared to be clear of anything gross. So I let her in. I pulled away, not to linger around. She started to play are you a cop? I started to have major trouble understanding anything she said. She did introduce herself as Patricia. This is when I started to get a better look at her. She seem snaggle toothed, with a large round flat faced head. All in all, it was making my little man run for cover. A little too manly for me.(I don't go that way) I figured better to be safe than sorry. I pulled to the curb as she was telling me she had a place. I replied I thought you just wanted a ride because it is cold. She said my pimp is behind you which I knew was BS. I had been watching for tails. Then she said "You got to pay me" I told her I was giving her a ride and if she wasn't getting out I would happily take her to the Southern District Police station and let them settle it. She thought I was BSing her so I said you had your chance to leave. Then I started to pull of the curb. She quickly changed her mind and asked to be dropped at the corner. Which I did. Meanwhile I passed a dirty blond WSW on scary that I passed before the dump off. After the dump off I tried to circle the block to find her and she was gone. I made another loop before moving to CB which was also barren. I wrapped it up around 11pm.


Re: Posting TV/TS advisories

Greetings everyone,

I am aware that the vast majority of references to transvestites or transsexuals are legitimate attempts to warn other fellow members about how easy it is to accidentally pickup transvestites or transsexuals, etc. However, past discussions in the Forum has repeatedly demonstrated that the subject simply cannot be discussed intelligently, in any form or for any reason, without being misinterpreted and without starting flame wars.

Please do not post information about or references to transvestites or transsexuals in the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

JacksonSorry Jackson

I'm not looking to start trouble. Got it, loud and clear.

Paper Pusher

10-18-09, 11:31
Anyone seen Amber in a while? Doesn't look like she is locked up but I haven't seen her in at least 2 months.

10-18-09, 14:07
Hey there my fellow mongers,
I had the chance to cruise WW/CB. I didn't see much out & the ones that were out were just too fulgy for my taste. After about 30 minutes of cruising in both areas & headed down to Conkling.

The sw pickings have been hit & miss on Conkling but after 2 passes thru I spot a cute brunette on Conkling just pass the bp station. I didn't think she was a sw because she appeared very clean,nice jeans & shirt. As I passed,I got the "glance",not too obvious but enough for me to circle back & luckily she was still there.

I pulled over to a side street & she hops on it. She says her name is Stacy,20 years old and is from Hagerstown. She was trying to make some dough for her habit. I didn't inquire any farther,she must be very new to the game because I didn't see any marks at all,she smelled great & her clothes were clean.

We negoatiated a standard tuition for a pipe cleaning with sw. She says she doesn't like swallowing but I informed her if she wanted a tip than she must complete the task as required. She agreed & started to give me a helluva pipe cleaning,I almost popped 5 minutes into the deed but I asked her if I could examine her beautiful tattas. I have to say that these are the top set of beauties or the top 3 I have come across. As I was kissing & fondling those tattas,she was very responsive & said that her nips are very sensitive.

I could have played with them all day but after a few,I inquire about fs but she/I didn't have any cover so we went back to the pipe cleaning. Stacy's dt skills were amazing & she did this thing with her tongue on my tool that just felt amazing. After maybe 10 minutes,( I was trying to hold off but at the same time I wanted to erupt in this beauty's mouth) I exploded & as promised-she caught & swallowed my whole load without any difficulty.

Stacy doesn't have any contact info unfortunately but I will definitely be on the lookout for her,about 5'8"-shoulder length hair. Enjoy the pic & be careful out there. LE wasn't abundant but I saw enough of them. Rook.

10-18-09, 20:16
Hey there my fellow mongers,
I had the chance to cruise WW/CB. I didn't see much out & the ones that were out were just too fulgy for my taste. After about 30 minutes of cruising in both areas & headed down to Conkling.

The sw pickings have been hit & miss on Conkling but after 2 passes thru I spot a cute brunette on Conkling just pass the bp station. I didn't think she was a sw because she appeared very clean,nice jeans & shirt. As I passed,I got the "glance",not too obvious but enough for me to circle back & luckily she was still there.

I pulled over to a side street & she hops on it. She says her name is Stacy,20 years old and is from Hagerstown. She was trying to make some dough for her habit. I didn't inquire any farther,she must be very new to the game because I didn't see any marks at all,she smelled great & her clothes were clean.

We negoatiated a standard tuition for a pipe cleaning with sw. She says she doesn't like swallowing but I informed her if she wanted a tip than she must complete the task as required. She agreed & started to give me a helluva pipe cleaning,I almost popped 5 minutes into the deed but I asked her if I could examine her beautiful tattas. I have to say that these are the top set of beauties or the top 3 I have come across. As I was kissing & fondling those tattas,she was very responsive & said that her nips are very sensitive.

I could have played with them all day but after a few,I inquire about fs but she/I didn't have any cover so we went back to the pipe cleaning. Stacy's dt skills were amazing & she did this thing with her tongue on my tool that just felt amazing. After maybe 10 minutes,( I was trying to hold off but at the same time I wanted to erupt in this beauty's mouth) I exploded & as promised-she caught & swallowed my whole load without any difficulty.

Stacy doesn't have any contact info unfortunately but I will definitely be on the lookout for her,about 5'8"-shoulder length hair. Enjoy the pic & be careful out there. LE wasn't abundant but I saw enough of them. Rook.

Nice find Rookiemonger. That is what I love about Baltimore. So often the ladies from other parts come to Baltimore on an infrequent basis just to make some quick cash and the lovely part is that their not hooked bad or dirty so they dont even look like SWs as you noted. It is the look that is so critical. I dont get out much these days but damn, you got my interest piqued to do so! Thanks for the good report.

10-18-09, 22:03
Can someone please tell me the best streets to cruise inorder to find some SW. I am not from baltimore so I don't understand the abrevations.

10-19-09, 02:06
I am not familiar with Baltimore either, but search the forum for Wilkens and Patapsco, those are the main to streets and there are tons of reports on them. Also, if you search the pictures section there are two pics of the loops.


Can someone please tell me the best streets to cruise inorder to find some SW. I am not from baltimore so I don't understand the abrevations.

10-19-09, 02:44
Hey there my fellow mongers,

I had the chance to cruise WW/CB. I didn't see much out & the ones that were out were just too fulgy for my taste. After about 30 minutes of cruising in both areas & headed down to Conkling.

The sw pickings have been hit & miss on Conkling but after 2 passes thru I spot a cute brunette on Conkling just pass the bp station. I didn't think she was a sw because she appeared very clean,nice jeans & shirt. As I passed,I got the "glance",not too obvious but enough for me to circle back & luckily she was still there.

I pulled over to a side street & she hops on it. She says her name is Stacy,20 years old and is from Hagerstown. She was trying to make some dough for her habit. I didn't inquire any farther,she must be very new to the game because I didn't see any marks at all,she smelled great & her clothes were clean.

We negoatiated a standard tuition for a pipe cleaning with sw. She says she doesn't like swallowing but I informed her if she wanted a tip than she must complete the task as required. She agreed & started to give me a helluva pipe cleaning,I almost popped 5 minutes into the deed but I asked her if I could examine her beautiful tattas. I have to say that these are the top set of beauties or the top 3 I have come across. As I was kissing & fondling those tattas,she was very responsive & said that her nips are very sensitive.

I could have played with them all day but after a few,I inquire about fs but she/I didn't have any cover so we went back to the pipe cleaning. Stacy's dt skills were amazing & she did this thing with her tongue on my tool that just felt amazing. After maybe 10 minutes,( I was trying to hold off but at the same time I wanted to erupt in this beauty's mouth) I exploded & as promised-she caught & swallowed my whole load without any difficulty.

Stacy doesn't have any contact info unfortunately but I will definitely be on the lookout for her,about 5'8"-shoulder length hair. Enjoy the pic & be careful out there. LE wasn't abundant but I saw enough of them. Rook.I am not trying to call you out but you found this in 38 degree rainy weather?

10-19-09, 06:18
Can someone please tell me the best streets to cruise inorder to find some SW. I am not from baltimore so I don't understand the abrevations.

Just repeat your screen name to yourself. That is the answer.

10-19-09, 11:06
For Real.

Only one post and asking that?

Just repeat your screen name to yourself. That is the answer.

10-20-09, 08:04
I am not trying to call you out but you found this in 38 degree rainy weather?
I can back him on that she was out on thurday in the same area

10-20-09, 08:59
I have found gems when it's snowing & freezing out. I don't think sw's habit depends on the weather/time of day etc. Rook.

Happy One
10-20-09, 19:14
Saw a wsw corner of Payson & Wilkens that intrested me, as she was not one of the regulars out there. She has redish brown hair, about 5'4, was wearing baggy clothes so thought I would take a chance. She gets in & we go to a quite spot then asked what I wanted. Told her see what she looked like, a BJ & then FS. She then tells me she wants 60.00 I said no, thats what she gets. I told her 40.00, then she says well no less than 50.00. I said Ill take you back then she agreed. What a disapointment when she took her clothes off. Very deflated breasts, only large nipples still remained. Did not want kitty played with so went to BJ. Lack luster ability, so switched to FS.
Another disapointment, didnt allow full penetration & just layed there to boot.
She is about 26/28 yrs old, would not try again, would not recommend.

Did meet a girl named Ashlley this week. She is about 5'2 120lbs, very cute sexy look. Sheprovided above average BJ & excellent FS. She really tries to please. She was on SCarey street, normal 40.00 charges, will repeat for sure.
Hope this post is on a positive note for everyones help, just wish we could see more constructive posts that tell area, apperance & quality of service.
Good luck hunting

10-20-09, 20:20
Went for a drive early evening Sunday. Several girls on Wilkins & Payson that seemed to be quite interesting (all white) that were looking good but as soon as I turned around, they were gone. Went down to CB and found a Puerto Rican (? ) SW named Teresa (goes by Tree). Kinda cute, 5 ft 4, slightly thick, tanned skin, black & blonde hair pulled back, maybe b. See cups. Played the cop check game and off we went. Usually get BJ while driving on the highway so once she started, it didn't take long. I usually can last from oral for about 20. 30 minutes but damn. She could work the head and DT and licked it like a lollipop, and massaged the beanie babies. I blasted in about 10 minutes and it was well worth the.2 and gave.05 tip. Got the digits and will be calling her again.

Member #4559
10-20-09, 21:30
Good evening all, hope everyone is well so here is why I am posting and yes I am a woman. I live in M. P. I've lived here a long time raised my kids here. Here is why I'm posting. Guys every woman walking on W. Blvd isn't a lady of the evening and some of us really get offended when you think we are I've asked myself do I look like a hooker? I don't think I do I'm actually clean and healthy I've been approached when walking my kids to school, an older man actually stopped in the middle of the bridge and tried to settle on a price he looked old enough to be my grandfather his first question to me was do the drapes and carpet match? I'm a redhead. Gentlemen I know you all have urges and I know that many women are out there to meet those needs I'm just not one of them I have never asked or looked at any man in a way that would suggest I'm on the take.

Thanks and be safe.


Greetings Serjiluvya,

Okay, you had your say, but that's it.

Anything more from you on this subject will be deleted.


Dj Hunter
10-20-09, 22:23
Either late last month or earlier this month, I reported about Charlene who sometimes hangs around 25th & Greenmount. Scoped her out for over a year before I made my first scoop. As I mentioned before, her ass is a freaking novelty. If you know of a bigger, firmer ass in Baltimore, please let me know because I have not encountered it yet. For $25 I got to play with this marvelous ass again. And I didn't even want to hit it. Oh, no, I just wanted to marvel at it, handjob while she clapped her ass in my face and then finish all over that beautiful behind. For the low, low, price, I got my wish. It's a good thing she's not aware of the true value of the asset (pun intended) she has back there, because she could easily charge a heck of a lot more just for us to see that legendary ass naked.

She hasn't been out much, but nowadays I see her out between 3-4pm when she is out. You can't miss her. Always at the same intersection, ugly face but big dick-sucking lips, impressively round and firm ass. Once you get to know her she's nice and pretty honest in fact. Not out to waste any time, just all about getting money. She's really paranoid, though, and pretty ditzy. I have her digits but don't know if I should share them. Anyway, to anyone who finds her, I will personally buy you a beer of your choice from the club of your choice down on the Block should you be able to verify a better ass anywhere in this city!

10-21-09, 01:56
Saw an undercover SW on the corner of 6TH and patapsco and 5TH and patapsco Saturday and Sunday night! About 5'2" blond hair, about 40-45 years old wearing a beige trench coat! Beware!

Hugh Wang
10-21-09, 08:20
Either late last month or earlier this month, I reported about Charlene who sometimes hangs around 25th & Greenmount. Scoped her out for over a year before I made my first scoop. As I mentioned before, her ass is a freaking novelty. If you know of a bigger, firmer ass in Baltimore, please let me know because I have not encountered it yet. For $25 I got to play with this marvelous ass again. And I didn't even want to hit it. Oh, no, I just wanted to marvel at it, handjob while she clapped her ass in my face and then finish all over that beautiful behind. For the low, low, price, I got my wish. It's a good thing she's not aware of the true value of the asset (pun intended) she has back there, because she could easily charge a heck of a lot more just for us to see that legendary ass naked.

She hasn't been out much, but nowadays I see her out between 3-4pm when she is out. You can't miss her. Always at the same intersection, ugly face but big dick-sucking lips, impressively round and firm ass. Once you get to know her she's nice and pretty honest in fact. Not out to waste any time, just all about getting money. She's really paranoid, though, and pretty ditzy. I have her digits but don't know if I should share them. Anyway, to anyone who finds her, I will personally buy you a beer of your choice from the club of your choice down on the Block should you be able to verify a better ass anywhere in this city!Years ago I had her before and DJ is right on point. Her ass is huge! Just try not to look at her face. When I had her in 06 she was all cracked out, it was one of the worst SW experiences I've ever had. Thats still in the back of my mind so I refuse to pick her up again. But it looks like shes sobered up since and just comes out every now again on the Greenmount strip starting from 29th street down to North avenue.

10-21-09, 08:54
Went out yesterday in PP at 1. A few nice looking ladies and then on Conk. Paula. Bleach blonde, tight jeans and high heels. Catching everyone's attention, I parked and she walked up and got right in. She looked great. Went to the Juice notel and she got to work, not great but what a looker.

3 nice ladies out yesterday, more today!

WW seems empty, I heard from a lady that LE told her they've been hitting hard in WW for the past 2-3 weeks, trying a quick cleanup. Be safe.

10-21-09, 09:09
Hey Dirt,

Some people posted the question and I'm sure many people PM'ed you. I did the latter with no reply. Help your RR Hobby brothers out (we could all save some gas) and Joni too, where about on RR did you find this lovely? PMing would definitely be best.


I was on my way home today after haveing a few drinks with some friends. Wasn't really thinking about geting my monger urge filled until I came across Joni on Resiterstown rd. I was very surprised she was standing on the sidewalk looking to catch a ride. I drove past swung back around and picked her up. I got her in the car negotiated.30 for FS and pics. I was surprised she agreed so quickly. We went to the notel and off to work she went. She started with CBJ which was pretty decent. I was in a rush because I had to meet family at home so I went straight to canine. Joni was very into it, seems like she really enjoyed the pounding I was laying on that ass. Since I was in a rushed I had her finish off with bbbjcif. Joni was very receptive and was open to everything I suggested. Would definitely repeat. Attached are some photos. Enjoy. Would definitely repeat. Have digits for senior members.



Personality- Outstanding

10-21-09, 09:33

Posting after some time was mongering in the area but haven't got a chance to post. Went to hunt on Monday took the Washington st and start driving north saw a WSW south of the bridge 40+ decided to pass it was close to 4 pm look deserted I continue on pass under 95 and than turn toward Wilkens saw a tall Whit girl made she was to good to be SW I tried to make a eye contact but she walked on. And I continue driving saw south saw a petite WSW wearing red shirt around the circle but she was on other side. I did saw 3-4 police cars on my way south and 2-3 old SW who you will be scare to even touch. Thought that was it but than "MR Junior" appealed for another trip on wilkens. I took a you turn and start driving north came close to circle and saw that girl with red top again made the eye contact, she nodded, I pulled to a side street. She came and ask how are you doing I ask are you looking for a ride she said ya and got in the car. We did the standard no cop check and she guided me to her safe spot. I would gave her 7 for the face boobs were bit saggy she went to work for standard fee, had good technique it was BBBJ with swallow. Got her digits and drop her back to pigs town area. 8 for service will repeat.

10-21-09, 13:01
Either late last month or earlier this month, I reported about Charlene who sometimes hangs around 25th & Greenmount. Scoped her out for over a year before I made my first scoop. As I mentioned before, her ass is a freaking novelty. If you know of a bigger, firmer ass in Baltimore, please let me know because I have not encountered it yet. For $25 I got to play with this marvelous ass again. And I didn't even want to hit it. Oh, no, I just wanted to marvel at it, handjob while she clapped her ass in my face and then finish all over that beautiful behind. For the low, low, price, I got my wish. It's a good thing she's not aware of the true value of the asset (pun intended) she has back there, because she could easily charge a heck of a lot more just for us to see that legendary ass naked.

She hasn't been out much, but nowadays I see her out between 3-4pm when she is out. You can't miss her. Always at the same intersection, ugly face but big dick-sucking lips, impressively round and firm ass. Once you get to know her she's nice and pretty honest in fact. Not out to waste any time, just all about getting money. She's really paranoid, though, and pretty ditzy. I have her digits but don't know if I should share them. Anyway, to anyone who finds her, I will personally buy you a beer of your choice from the club of your choice down on the Block should you be able to verify a better ass anywhere in this city! DJ is she dark skinned? I have a long time chick I see every now and again that fits the description, insane body but face is (whew) she's so phat it doesn't matter. Very curious if its the same girl, because if there are two of them in the area. Wow!

10-21-09, 13:57
A nice ass is hard to find. Anyone remember Cathy?? she used to hang out near the SA on patapsco. She wasnt ugly either. Med dark blond hair and a very nice Ass.

Either late last month or earlier this month, I reported about Charlene who sometimes hangs around 25th & Greenmount. Scoped her out for over a year before I made my first scoop. As I mentioned before, her ass is a freaking novelty. If you know of a bigger, firmer ass in Baltimore, please let me know because I have not encountered it yet. For $25 I got to play with this marvelous ass again. And I didn't even want to hit it. Oh, no, I just wanted to marvel at it, handjob while she clapped her ass in my face and then finish all over that beautiful behind. For the low, low, price, I got my wish. It's a good thing she's not aware of the true value of the asset (pun intended) she has back there, because she could easily charge a heck of a lot more just for us to see that legendary ass naked.

She hasn't been out much, but nowadays I see her out between 3-4pm when she is out. You can't miss her. Always at the same intersection, ugly face but big dick-sucking lips, impressively round and firm ass. Once you get to know her she's nice and pretty honest in fact. Not out to waste any time, just all about getting money. She's really paranoid, though, and pretty ditzy. I have her digits but don't know if I should share them. Anyway, to anyone who finds her, I will personally buy you a beer of your choice from the club of your choice down on the Block should you be able to verify a better ass anywhere in this city!

10-21-09, 16:31
Guys jsut wondering what happend to Falls Road Gina? What happend to falls road in general. I remember gina as a very kind person who gave me the best PS quality head.

Dj Hunter
10-21-09, 19:25
DJ is she dark skinned? I have a long time chick I see every now and again that fits the description, insane body but face is (whew) she's so phat it doesn't matter. Very curious if its the same girl, because if there are two of them in the area. Wow!

Can't be two in the same area, can there?? She is dark skinned. Talks with a sorta high pitch voice. She's in her early 30s. Killer ass, firm as a fukkin basketball. Could possibly be the same chick.

Green Shadow
10-21-09, 21:26
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was deleted because it was a Completely Pointless Report regarding the arrest/incarceration of a forum member or a person working in the commercial sex business.

If you believe that you absolutely must share arrest and incarceration information with other Forum Members, then please do so via the use the Forum's Private Messaging System.



NWIN Monger
10-21-09, 22:47
I was in the Baltimore area for some business earlier this week and was really swamped with work so no time for cruising until last night. I got out early around 5pm or so and decided to do some strolling and check out what Baltimore had to offer this time around. I was cruising Wilkens and the Carey St. Area and I saw those guys from that website that is anti monger (I don't know if I can post it, but it is pigtown john watch) I was on the look out for them since there tactics are IMO a little dirty, and I was politely informed of there existance. I decided not to hang out near there anymore and decided to check out the Washington St. Scene. Not much out over that way and I was getting tired from being up early with meeting decided to just call it a day. Overall it was interesting to see those guys out on Carey St. They definetly did not seem very discret about being out there. Normal people don't have handfuls of flyers, cameras, and video recorders. Maybe I was mistaken in my connection of these people and the website owners, but I'm not taking any chances. Be careful out there.

Charm City
10-22-09, 19:24
Anyone seen Amber in a while? Doesn't look like she is locked up but I haven't seen her in at least 2 months.Amber is not locked up, she's actually gone home and is doing VERY well, she's cleaned up and is no longer walking the streets or involved in drugs. She's putting the pieces of her life back together.

10-23-09, 02:23
I saw Leah three times this summer. The first was a car date with BBBJ and cover FS while playing with those big boobs. I had a good time and no problems with her.
The second time I found her, I took her to my room so I could play longer and fell safer than the car date. Started out with BBBJ and some boob playing then cover mish for awhile. I asked if I could finish doggie and she starts complaining that she can't because she hurt her back. Will I start hitting it mish again and I just could not pop and she is getting dry now. She didn't even tell me she was getting dry. I asked her while I was getting my lube and she said yes. We start mish again and she's like are you done yet. I told her I was really looking forward to do doggie with her, all the while still pounding her mish. Finally, she gives in and says ok. I could tell she was ready to go by now. I pound her a few minutes doggie and pop. We got ready and I gave her .6 since I had her for an good hour. Heck, her whole attitude changed then and she even got be a soda from the store.
The third time I saw her I decided not to take her to my room and I was just going to get a BJ because I didn't want to hear any complaining. Well I got to hear her complain anyway about it being hot and can I turn the air on. On that night it was not that hot. The BBBJWCIM was just ok. I said to myself that I will not pick her up again and so far I have not.

10-23-09, 02:57
I picked up a nice slim dark hair wsw with tats and man made double c's off Patapsco awhile back. I took her to my room for BBBJ and covered mish. Those nips were close to an good inch on her. She said her name was Jovonna and even spelled it for me. When in town I have been looking for her but had no luck.
Does anyone know of Jovonna or where she might be?

I hope to get back to BM soon and keep my post up to date.

10-23-09, 08:20
Sorry to hear that, I believe that if they really want to fix their neighborhood they should take pictures and hand flyers to the drug dealers, they know who they are, and they post it in their blog, Have you heard of RICO?. It has always been impressive to me how well this guys know the girls, anyways their site is also a good resource for info on sw.


I was in the Baltimore area for some business earlier this week and was really swamped with work so no time for cruising until last night. I got out early around 5pm or so and decided to do some strolling and check out what Baltimore had to offer this time around. I was cruising Wilkens and the Carey St. Area and I saw those guys from that website that is anti monger (I don't know if I can post it, but it is pigtown john watch) I was on the look out for them since there tactics are IMO a little dirty, and I was politely informed of there existance. I decided not to hang out near there anymore and decided to check out the Washington St. Scene. Not much out over that way and I was getting tired from being up early with meeting decided to just call it a day. Overall it was interesting to see those guys out on Carey St. They definetly did not seem very discret about being out there. Normal people don't have handfuls of flyers, cameras, and video recorders. Maybe I was mistaken in my connection of these people and the website owners, but I'm not taking any chances. Be careful out there.

Happy One
10-23-09, 12:24
Jovana went into rehab couple months ago, havent seen her since. She was good at what she did.

Be carefull with Leah, confirmed HIV. Kim & both Shannons also HIV positive.
Word to wise suficent?

NWIN Monger
10-23-09, 16:02
It's funny how you mention RICO and how well they know these ladies in the same sentance. It is impressive how well they know these women. I have never known a SW as well as they seem to know all of them, heck they know more about them than I have past girlsfriends. Maybe we should hand out flyers to them and take there pictures and post them here.

The drug dealer comment also holds alot of truth, in the end these girls are not out there to get christmas shopping money. 99.9% of them have some habit to feed. Not all but most do. The dealers are the problem, not us. They DO know who they are, but chose to look the other way. Personel safety, kickbacks, information. Who knows why these guys don't consintrate on the guys selling crack to children near a playgroud.

IMO they are very easy to spot if your careful, I just hope everyone knows about them and are careful.

Sorry to hear that, I believe that if they really want to fix their neighborhood they should take pictures and hand flyers to the drug dealers, they know who they are, and they post it in their blog, Have you heard of RICO?. It has always been impressive to me how well this guys know the girls, anyways their site is also a good resource for info on sw.


10-23-09, 23:34
I found Bridgette this week on Bentalou St.
She's back on after 60 clean days.
She no longer hangs with the same crowd down on the circle.
Service was weaker this time than in the past but she still looks marvelous! Ended up gettin finished off by her roommate Nicki. I'll pick her up again at least one more time to see if she can redeem herself.


Hugh Wang
10-24-09, 13:42
I was in the Baltimore area for some business earlier this week and was really swamped with work so no time for cruising until last night. I got out early around 5pm or so and decided to do some strolling and check out what Baltimore had to offer this time around. I was cruising Wilkens and the Carey St. Area and I saw those guys from that website that is anti monger (I don't know if I can post it, but it is pigtown john watch) I was on the look out for them since there tactics are IMO a little dirty, and I was politely informed of there existance. I decided not to hang out near there anymore and decided to check out the Washington St. Scene. Not much out over that way and I was getting tired from being up early with meeting decided to just call it a day. Overall it was interesting to see those guys out on Carey St. They definetly did not seem very discret about being out there. Normal people don't have handfuls of flyers, cameras, and video recorders. Maybe I was mistaken in my connection of these people and the website owners, but I'm not taking any chances. Be careful out there.http://pigtownjohnwatch.********.com/

I love the guy who's taking advantage of sick, desperate, addicted women accusing us of using "dirty tactics". Not sure what's dirty about filming on a public street and handing out fliers...or what reasonable expectation of privacy a guy picking up a street prostitute drug addict in a residential neighborhood has for unfettered access to his sick hobby. But that's good for a laugh.

By the way, that was you in that DC tagged black Dodge Caliber last night, wasn't it? Nothing says "I rented a car so my wife thinks I'm on a business trip and won't get a dear john letter from the BPD...even though BPD can and does just ask the rental car company for the identifying information on the renter so I'm just wasting the $50 a day I spend on the rental instead of just finding a full service escort on Craigslist like a grownup would do" like renting a Dodge Caliber from the local rent-a-klunker.

I'm sure as they fight to stave off financial meltdown and eventual liquidation the executives at the Chrysler organization are glad to know their mini-SUVs are the monger rental of choice.

Posted by Sebastian-PG

10-24-09, 18:47
I just wanted to say something to mongers and the gentleman who is running Pigtown John watch. I believe he goes by Sebastian. First, when I was mongering, I never went to Pigtown to pick up a SW. I always prefered Garrison Blvd. Anyway, I remenber about ten years ago (maybe more) I was mongering on Garrison and I stopped to talk to a SW at Garrison and Fernhill. It was summer and action was very heavy, SW's everywhere. I heard these guys, standing out on their porch, heckling loudly, "Don't pay for no death" and "Don't bring that shit around here". Well, most of the SW's and mongers were not detered. I, however, tucked tail and pulled off and picked up a SW further down Garrison. But, as anyone can tell you who mongers on Garrison, the SW's outlasted the hecklers, I don't know if they moved or what, but as I said that was over ten years ago. I say to mongers that there is always more than one game in town and the smart monger will run when it gets hot, so as not to be burned. The heat will subside in Pigtown, for the same reason that it did on Garrison. And this brings me to what I have to say to Sebastian. You will never get rid of the prostitutes in your area unless you get rid of the drugs in the area. It goes hand in hand. This is why the hecklers were not successful and why you will not be.

Prostitutes are going to hang near where they can get the drug of the choice. The drug dealers are going to stay in an area where they know they can be successful. Why are they successful there? Because most of the residents are too afraid to take steps against them, as they should be. Many dealers pay off the police to stay off their backs. So why run to the police about what the dealers are doing? Besides, many of them also carry guns, as if you didn't know. In addition, many residents don't want the dealers out. That's right. These dealers are family and friends of these residents. They are also spending their drug money on renting in the area and at your local bars, supermarkets, carryouts, etc. Their money lines more than just their pocket. It is the lifeblood of the region. Also remember that if the street level vendor in any sale of goods operation is wiped out, the big money suppliers are wiped out. This can't be allowed to happen because their money helps line the pockets of your local politicians. I doubt very much, Sebastian, if you ever went after the drug dealers in your area. I'm not telling you that you should. I am a homeowner and a parent and despite the fact that I don't see anything wrong with the exchange of money for sex, I would not like to see that type of thing right outside of my front door or outside of my children's school. But, I am telling you this, unless you have big business behind what you are doing, or a community of influential residents with money, you are doomed to fail. Money makes the world go around, and drug money keeps Baltimore running. As I said when I first joined, I found out about this forum from reading Pigtown John watch. It's entertaining. But the only lasting difference that you can make as an individual or a small collection of individuals is in moving.


Tha X Facta
10-25-09, 16:02
Pondering my last trip to B-moe and time spent with Kellie;
I decided again to head north to release/unload my inhibitions, worrys and tensions.

Settled in a room, hit the road and spent all of 10 minuits mongering.
Pulled in a BK parking lot and waited as my prey walked by on Pulaski hwy @ high noon.

Weopon of choice: Two flashes of the head lights; stuns'em every time.
She automatically walks to the ride and hops inside. Her name is Amy.

Amy: You ain't no cop is you?
I reach over and tell her to put my hand where my eyes can't see.

Off to the notel we go!

Negotiations: Amy asks for .4. I offer .2, she's reluctant.
Quickly, I counter with a CEO compensation package for extraordinary effort.
In a cool street vernacular, she smiles and says: A'ight.......a'ight.
But you betta not try and fck me!


Description: When I first saw Amy she was wearing a baggy silver nylon jogging suit and sipping on a coke.
Instinctively, I knew she was good to go.
Twenty three yrs old, standing 5'2" ,bout 125, and a nice, and I mean a nice round ass!
The pic's don't do too much justice, but believe me, the ass was nice. Tits were so so.

The Events: I stood as Amy sat on the bed and started off with a nice firm bj.
She read my body language like a novel.
Just right.......not too fast.......not too slow.
Ten minutes in, Amy must've sensed a tremor, cause she went throat deep on me.
Gagged once, and went deep again; she reached around, grabbed my ass to pull me in deeper. A deep throat eruption!

The Dilemma: Will she choke or will she swallow? :eek:

Utterly amazed, I asked:How in the "HELL" did you do that without choking?
"I don't like the taste; so this way it bypasses the tastebuds, straight down the gullet."

She washed the residual down with a swig of coke.
Whoa............A win win situation!

After a few pic's and a little conversation, L'il man was semi alert. I offer .3 for fs.

In her suave street dialect, she licks L'il man, and says: Om'ma put this L'il dude in a coma!

"Yea right........whateva" :cool:

Following a few more tongue lashings, L'il man dons a helmet, and he's ready for battle!
Face down ass up, I commence Taxing that round ass like the U.S. Government.

Now I'm chasing Amy, as she slowly starts to crawl around the bed with me in tow, making whimpering sounds like a baby.
I had to stop her crawling, cause I could'nt get locked in like I wanted.

So I flipped her over on her back, to get redialed back into the pussy.
Locked her legs on my bicep's and went for broke!

In a raspy voice; that street jargon comes out again:
Git that pussy.......yeeaah, thas'it, git that shit!

Get all'a that muhh-fckin pussy!
Uh huh....Uh huh........yea, thas'it....shit'chea.....that muh-fckn pussy's good, ain't it!

At the same time, she's making this circular grinding motion with her hips.
I squeezed my eyes shut so tight.............I could hear church bells ringing!
Arrrrrgh.......arrrrgh......arrrgh; it's a done deal, L'il man is reduced to a limp noodle.

"I told'ya......I told'ya! That L'il dude is comatose!" :p

Fuck it, I tip Amy .1 for a grand total of .6 and give her Big Props!

Conclusion: This was the best combination of Head "n" Pussy I've had to date!
Hell, I'm 2 for 2 in Charm City. I'm startin to like this place!

X in X out

Via DC

10-25-09, 20:03
Now that was one hell of a report!

10-26-09, 19:54
This is a late report. After unsuccessfuly driving through WW I went up to CB. Pretty dead and plenty of LEO everywhere in WW and CB. I was about to give up when I met Shannon. Opted to go to the notell.4 was agreed for half and half with a cim. No drama and enthuseastic performance. Got digits and dropped her off where I found her.

Happy One
10-26-09, 20:20
Beware, BSW, sits at bus stop Wilkens & Monroe, wearing dark blue hoodie. All you see is eyes, nose & mouth when you see her waive to you. She gets in & asks if you want blow job & do you have a place to go. Will ask for the money up front & when you say no, she will tell you its against the law to pickup a minor & maybe she should call the police. I told her its a nice game shes playing & would she like me to call the police for her. She declined & asked to be dropped off at the bus stop. Be careful out there.

Hank Black
10-27-09, 17:08
Nice pusssy shots X Facta.

10-27-09, 19:05
Pondering my last trip to B-moe and time spent with Kellie;

I decided again to head north to release/unload my inhibitions, worrys and tensions.

Settled in a room, hit the road and spent all of 10 minuits mongering.

Pulled in a BK parking lot and waited as my prey walked by on Pulaski hwy at high noon.

Weopon of choice: Two flashes of the head lights; stuns'them every time.

She automatically walks to the ride and hops inside. Her name is Amy. Amy: You ain't no cop is you?

I reach over and tell her to put my hand where my eyes can't see. Off to the notel we go! Negotiations: Amy asks for.4. I offer.2, she's reluctant.

Quickly, I counter with a CEO compensation package for extraordinary effort.

In a cool street vernacular, she smiles and says: A'ight. A'ight. But you betta not try and fck me! Huh.: confused: Description: When I first saw Amy she was wearing a baggy silver nylon jogging suit and sipping on a coke.

Instinctively, I knew she was good to go.

Twenty three yrs old, standing 5'2", bout 125, and a nice, and I mean a nice round ass!

The pic's don't do too much justice, but believe me, the ass was nice. Tits were so so.

The Events: I stood as Amy sat on the bed and started off with a nice firm BJ.

She read my body language like a novel.

Just right. Not too fast. Not too slow.

Ten minutes in, Amy must've sensed a tremor, cause she went throat deep on me. Gagged once, and went deep again; she reached around, grabbed my ass to pull me in deeper. A deep throat eruption! The Dilemma: Will she choke or will she swallow? . Utterly amazed, I asked: How in the "HELL" did you do that without choking? "I don't like the taste; so this way it bypasses the tastebuds, straight down the gullet."

She washed the residual down with a swig of coke.

Whoa. A win win situation! After a few pic's and a little conversation, L'il man was semi alert. I offer.3 for FS. In her suave street dialect, she licks L'il man, and says: Om'ma put this L'il dude in a coma! "Yea right. Whateva": cool: Following a few more tongue lashings, L'il man dons a helmet, and he's ready for battle!

Face down ass up, I commence Taxing that round ass like the USA Government.

Now I'm chasing Amy, as she slowly starts to crawl around the bed with me in tow, making whimpering sounds like a baby.

I had to stop her crawling, cause I could'nt get locked in like I wanted.

So I flipped her over on her back, to get redialed back into the pussy.

Locked her legs on my bicep's and went for broke! In a raspy voice; that street jargon comes out again:

Git that pussy. Yeeaah, thas'it, git that shit!

Get all'a that muhh-fckin pussy!

Uh huh. Uh huh. Yea, thas'it. Shit'chea. That muh-fckn pussy's good, ain't it!

At the same time, she's making this circular grinding motion with her hips.

I squeezed my eyes shut so tight. I could hear church bells ringing!

Arrrrrgh.arrrrgh.arrrgh; it's a done deal, L'il man is reduced to a limp noodle.

"I told'ya. I told'ya! That L'il dude is comatose! ".

Fuck it, I tip Amy .1 for a grand total of .6 and give her Big Props! Conclusion: This was the best combination of Head "n" Pussy I've had to date! Hell, I'm 2 for 2 in Charm City. I'm startin to like this place! X in X out Via DCI am starting a fund to pay for X's mongering.

The deal is to pay for X's gas and hotel so that he can be focused solely on monger reporting.

Think about it, if X has to work a day job there will be less reporting for us.

If we can pay X's living expenses and mongering budget we will get an in depth low down on the whole region.

This shit is simply too good!

10-27-09, 23:56
Picked up Shay on Wilkens. Wow this girl is sexy for a Bmore SW. Real sweet girl and normal looking and totally NOT what you normally see in Bmore. Tall Blonde, no visible marks, very pretty face, nice body, a little thick but very sexy overall.

Says she lives elsewhere not in Baltimore so I guess that would explain it. I love the ones who come down here from Anne Arundel, Carroll, and other neighboring counties to work the streets occasionally. They are usually a lot cleaner then the natives as they don't have to live on the tough streets of West Baltimore.

Girls like Shay are diamonds in the rough. Its amazing you can get any service of your choice from a girl who looks like her for the same prices as the typical crack ho.

A real treat if you find her.


Tha X Facta
10-28-09, 18:15
I am starting a fund to pay for X's mongering.
The deal is to pay for X's gas and hotel so that he can be focused solely on monger reporting.
Think about it, if X has to work a day job there will be less reporting for us.
If we can pay X's living expenses and mongering budget we will get an in depth low down on the whole region.
This shit is simply too good!

Now thats a damn good proposition Drofnalb !!

I was thinking more along the lines of recieving a stipend from the Grand Poobah's of the FOP.

As much as they like to troll this "Nation Wide" forum of ours; why there's no better organization to subsidize this mission.
Also get a few fellow mongers to contribute; you know the ones: "The deep pocket Mongerers" (You know who you are!) ;)

Please contribute to:
Dubya dubya dubyaDotX in X out/Via DCDotnut

PayPal only

I confirm and represent that I am 18 years of age or older (and am not considered to be a minor in my state of residence) and that I am not located in a community or local jurisdiction where accepting funds for reporting purposes and explicit activities are prohibited by any law.

X in X out
Via DC

10-28-09, 23:03
Went out looking for a quick hitter and found one of the old girls from carey and ramsey. Shannon is pretty cool girl kind of thick very talkative but has the nicest set of ta-ta's and man are they soft. Scooped her up on ramsey she told me she stays in the house alot now with some dude only comes out once in awhile and only goes with dudes she knows. Must've been my lucky day went around the corner to this empty building now mind you I don't usually do this but I said f88k it I'll do anything once. We got inside and negoatiated a BJ for a jack. Man her skills still on point. After a good ten minutes I did my porn star pop on those lovely ta-ta's

10-29-09, 03:09
Picked up Shay on Wilkens. Wow this girl is sexy for a Bmore SW. Real sweet girl and normal looking and totally NOT what you normally see in Bmore. Tall Blonde, no visible marks, very pretty face, nice body, a little thick but very sexy overall.

Says she lives elsewhere not in Baltimore so I guess that would explain it. I love the ones who come down here from Anne Arundel, Carroll, and other neighboring counties to work the streets occasionally. They are usually a lot cleaner then the natives as they don't have to live on the tough streets of West Baltimore.

Girls like Shay are diamonds in the rough. Its amazing you can get any service of your choice from a girl who looks like her for the same prices as the typical crack ho.

A real treat if you find her.

You are right on target. Those finds make the hobbying worthwhile.

10-29-09, 06:31
Went out looking for a quick hitter and found one of the old girls from carey and ramsey. Shannon is pretty cool girl kind of thick very talkative but has the nicest set of ta-ta's and man are they soft. Scooped her up on ramsey she told me she stays in the house alot now with some dude only comes out once in awhile and only goes with dudes she knows. Must've been my lucky day went around the corner to this empty building now mind you I don't usually do this but I said f88k it I'll do anything once. We got inside and negoatiated a BJ for a jack. Man her skills still on point. After a good ten minutes I did my porn star pop on those lovely ta-ta'sIf this Shannon is the slightly heavy girl with very short blonde hair and as you said huge boobs, I also had the occasion to meet up with her last week in about the same area. She really knows what she is doing with a d**k, and apparently loves doing it. Will absolutely see her again. Got digits, haven't tried them yet. She told me at the time there were no minutes on her phone, but she was getting them that day. (We'll see, huh?)

10-29-09, 12:34
On Wednesday evening I was scooping a BSW from the East side of 2nd near Cambria. She opened the passenger door but didn't quickly get in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a thug rushing to the passenger door from behind. I drove off without incident, but almost hit another car with my open passenger door.

It happened too quickly to describe the thug. The BSW was a bit taller than most, slender but not CCL, she had longer hair on one side of her face than the other. I'm not sure that the SW and thug were working together or if the thug was working alone. I didn't stick around to see what happened next.

This is something that I've worried about for years, it just never happened until now. Always be sure to scoop where you can quickly pull forward without hitting anything.

10-29-09, 17:26
Was out mongering late last Saturday night around 02:30 or 03:00 Sunday morning, I really didn't expect to see anything with the way things have been recently but hit up B/CB and found my old friend Tre, very cute mixed girl who I have dated several times for at least the last 3 years. I think she's around 23 y. O. Curly dark brown/black hair, 5' 3", 135lbs. Which is a lot heavier than she used to be. Picked her up on Patapsco 2 blocks up from Fairhaven and off to my spot. Tata's are ok but nothing to write home about, great ass though. BBBJ for standard tuition with an Abe tip, tried DT several times, she had a much better performance than last time I recall. She's a nice girl, sometimes slightly bitchy depending on how much sleep/dope she has had. Have digits and will repeat.


10-29-09, 20:40
Checked out the downtown scene earlier this week. Even the rain couldn't keep these girls off the block. Pickings were slim though. And alot of girls had "company" with them. Pulled up to what I thought were two petite chicks (figured I would try something new, I like em thick) only to see a girl with adult teeth still growing in and one that looked no older than 14. Not going to knock you if this is your thing but I definetly steer clear of the jail bait.

Ran into a fat chick with huge tits; immediate turn off. She jumps into the car smelling like the cheap perfume that fat chicks wear. No ass, a must if you are a big girl. And wanted 125 tuition. WTF? I could go to any bar in town and pick up better.
Saw the loud mouth chick from my last Bmore report; didn't even waste my time with that one. There wasn't nothing much else out there. Top it off, my two favorite clubs for takeout are closed down.

On the plus side, lacy duval is going to be at norma jean's next week. Hell yeah, I'm soooo there

10-30-09, 02:58
So I am stuck up north for month helping a friend of mine get his business up. I figured, why not check some of the CL/BP posts for up here. The closest area captured on either CL/BP is Delaware, so I screen some posts. Sure enough I spot a pic of a semi-cute blonde that I recognized from somewhere (just didn't know where at the time). The post displays (3) pics, (2) of which appeared to be real (face and chest shot) and (1) that was professionally done and appeared to be a fake eye cather (and I found out it definitely was not of her)

I call her up and ask for the details. She was going by the name of sunny. Her number was not saved in my phone, so I believe it to be a coincidene. I get to Elkton and find her motel. She opens the door and I finally knew where I've seen her. She used to pedal up and done Wilkens 1 year ago and went by the names Sara (h) and Tracy. Back then she was all doped up, and would a trick for just about anything. She was also much thinner, but after two kids it all caught back up with her now. She didn't recognize me, but she thought she remembered my truck. I told her I recognized her from Baltimore and she told me she thought she remembered me. I asked her where she has been and she informs me that she has been all over the place trying to obtain help from various clinics and shelters in MD, PA, NJ and DE. She knew she was getting clean when she gained so much weight so quickly when the shelters 'forced-fed' her during her recovery. Now she couldn't look down and see her toes. She smokes like crazy though (as most recovering addicts do), about 2 packs a day, which was very apparent by her ash tray on the table which sported about a full pack of used butts. She now resides between Bear DE and Elkton MD, posting on backpage alot.

Her posts asked $100 or $150. I told her I was just checking the place out for LE before actually sporting the money. She told me she was in a hurry and asked if I had any cash on me. I told her yes, $.6, but I wanted f/s and I'd go get more. She told me that would be good enough for a quick. Back in baltimore, although she was a herion fiend, she provided great gfe skills before pulling a trick. Today however, I had to pass. As we shedded our clothings, I laid into the bed and she started kissing my nipples and working her way up. Her breath was almost a smog of 2nd hand smoke, and the smell was 2x as bad. I told her that I too was in a semi-hurry and would have to do the GFE another time. She gave me a quick CBJ before getting on all fours. I fucking grabbed her hips and thrusted myself in. The best part of her weight gain, besides providing a little more to grab, had to be her fucking ta tas. She was sporting Cs in baltimore and now she was definitely in the DD if not E range. These girls were massive, and my NBA sized hands could hardy fit get around them. I love real tits, when they are firm around the nipple and soft near the chest, the perfect squeeze in my mind. I fucking squeezed those girls as I rocked her very wet pussy. She started to lay down on the bed and I quickly corrected her posture, pulling her up towards me so I could get a better grip her girls. About 15 min in she asked if she should get on top and do some work because she had to leave soon. I sized her up and decided I might be squished. So w/out saying a word, I flipped her and threw her on the bed and pounded her mish until I exploded. She quickly cleaned me up as I continued to hold and suck on her girls (I felt like an infant attached to those things.- it's been a while since I've been with a girl with a nice set tits).

Face 8-9
Body 5 (definitely not the one she posted)
Tits 9-10 (yeah, those girls are the second image alright)
Attitude 9
Skills 7-8

Would definitely repeat. She notes that she plans to stay away from baltimore, having some bad ex's in town that would get her hooked again quickly. She does not plan on moving away from DE/MD line for now.

So if any of you guys miss this girl and were wondering where she ran off to, check DE posts for Elkton/Bear

10-31-09, 03:55
So I am stuck up north for month helping a friend of mine get his business up. I figured, why not check some of the CL/BP posts for up here. The closest area captured on either CL/BP is Delaware, so I screen some posts. Sure enough I spot a pic of a semi-cute blonde that I recognized from somewhere (just didn't know where at the time). The post displays (3) pics, (2) of which appeared to be real (face and chest shot) and (1) that was professionally done and appeared to be a fake eye cather (and I found out it definitely was not of her)

I call her up and ask for the details. She was going by the name of sunny. Her number was not saved in my phone, so I believe it to be a coincidene. I get to Elkton and find her motel. She opens the door and I finally knew where I've seen her. She used to pedal up and done Wilkens 1 year ago and went by the names Sara (h) and Tracy. Back then she was all doped up, and would a trick for just about anything. She was also much thinner, but after two kids it all caught back up with her now. She didn't recognize me, but she thought she remembered my truck. I told her I recognized her from Baltimore and she told me she thought she remembered me. I asked her where she has been and she informs me that she has been all over the place trying to obtain help from various clinics and shelters in MD, PA, NJ and DE. She knew she was getting clean when she gained so much weight so quickly when the shelters 'forced-fed' her during her recovery. Now she couldn't look down and see her toes. She smokes like crazy though (as most recovering addicts do), about 2 packs a day, which was very apparent by her ash tray on the table which sported about a full pack of used butts. She now resides between Bear DE and Elkton MD, posting on backpage alot.

Her posts asked $100 or $150. I told her I was just checking the place out for LE before actually sporting the money. She told me she was in a hurry and asked if I had any cash on me. I told her yes, $.6, but I wanted f/s and I'd go get more. She told me that would be good enough for a quick. Back in baltimore, although she was a herion fiend, she provided great gfe skills before pulling a trick. Today however, I had to pass. As we shedded our clothings, I laid into the bed and she started kissing my nipples and working her way up. Her breath was almost a smog of 2nd hand smoke, and the smell was 2x as bad. I told her that I too was in a semi-hurry and would have to do the GFE another time. She gave me a quick CBJ before getting on all fours. I fucking grabbed her hips and thrusted myself in. The best part of her weight gain, besides providing a little more to grab, had to be her fucking ta tas. She was sporting Cs in baltimore and now she was definitely in the DD if not E range. These girls were massive, and my NBA sized hands could hardy fit get around them. I love real tits, when they are firm around the nipple and soft near the chest, the perfect squeeze in my mind. I fucking squeezed those girls as I rocked her very wet pussy. She started to lay down on the bed and I quickly corrected her posture, pulling her up towards me so I could get a better grip her girls. About 15 min in she asked if she should get on top and do some work because she had to leave soon. I sized her up and decided I might be squished. So w/out saying a word, I flipped her and threw her on the bed and pounded her mish until I exploded. She quickly cleaned me up as I continued to hold and suck on her girls (I felt like an infant attached to those things.- it's been a while since I've been with a girl with a nice set tits).

Face 8-9
Body 5 (definitely not the one she posted)
Tits 9-10 (yeah, those girls are the second image alright)
Attitude 9
Skills 7-8

Would definitely repeat. She notes that she plans to stay away from baltimore, having some bad ex's in town that would get her hooked again quickly. She does not plan on moving away from DE/MD line for now.

So if any of you guys miss this girl and were wondering where she ran off to, check DE posts for Elkton/BearAnd this is in sw reports because?

10-31-09, 04:43
Been mongering for about 1 year, been a member for a while now (you guys taught me everything I kno), first post tho, now I don't leave my zone because of too many LE encounters, including last night cop tailed me for a couple blocks behind patapsco in brooklyn, so I stay away from now on, and I don't like the wilkens area at all, tried garrison because I know the area and people very well but almost picked up a switch hitter. And thats a no-no for me, so I usually stick to patapsco by the carroll gas and the apartments up to washingon by the sausage shop and the market but is it me or is that area drying up, I have not seen nothing but cars looking for the same thing I am.

10-31-09, 04:50
Been mongering for about 1 year, been a member for a while now (you guys taught me everything I kno), first post tho, now I don't leave my zone because of too many LE encounters, including last night cop tailed me for a couple blocks behind patapsco in brooklyn, so I stay away from now on, and I don't like the wilkens area at all, tried garrison because I know the area and people very well but almost picked up a switch hitter. And thats a no-no for me, so I usually stick to Patapsco by the Carroll gas and the apartments up to washingon by the sausage shop and the market but is it me or is that area drying up, I have not seen nothing but cars looking for the same thing I am.

10-31-09, 07:16
Melinda called me last saturday and gave me her digits, she said to just ask for her, so it may not be hers, she was wsw that I found on the block, but said she was a dancer, around 40 nice body and butt, no complaining and good skills.

ps. It seems I reached the 200 message limit sometime ago, so if you send me a message and I did not get it, I'm sorry. I cleaned my inbox so now I have plenty of space.


Sleeping Bag
10-31-09, 07:56
Well, in case anybody was wondering why I hadn't posted anything in a long time, it's because the recession hit me last year. Lost the job, couldn't afford the car payments and insurance, lived off of savings for a year (glad I listened to mom's nags about the importance of saving).

Now I got a new job and a new car. Took a cruise last night after work. Felt great visiting the familiar places again. But not a single SW last night. Except for 1 really dried up skeleton on WW, it was a ghost town in all the usual places. Eventually, drove home with a happy spirit that I got $ coming in again and a new car, but mr. happy wasn't.


10-31-09, 16:39
On Wednesday evening I was scooping a BSW from the East side of 2nd near Cambria. She opened the passenger door but didn't quickly get in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a thug rushing to the passenger door from behind. I drove off without incident, but almost hit another car with my open passenger door.

It happened too quickly to describe the thug. The BSW was a bit taller than most, slender but not CCL, she had longer hair on one side of her face than the other. I'm not sure that the SW and thug were working together or if the thug was working alone. I didn't stick around to see what happened next.

This is something that I've worried about for years, it just never happened until now. Always be sure to scoop where you can quickly pull forward without hitting anything.
WOW. Thanks for the information cause one must be careful on many levels

10-31-09, 21:36
Glad to see your 'spidey sense' was alert and you got the best of the situation. It just goes to show you that Mongoring is dangerous (not just from what you can pick up when you aren't using protection) and we all just have to be alert.

I too keep an eye on my mirrors when picking up SWs. If I can't see ~10 ft beyond my car in all directions, I always keep moving to a spot where I can. The ***** can come to me if she wants the buck, not the other way around. And if there are any shadow figures following the chick, grab your shit and run.

Be safe fellow mongors.

On Wednesday evening I was scooping a BSW from the East side of 2nd near Cambria. She opened the passenger door but didn't quickly get in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a thug rushing to the passenger door from behind. I drove off without incident, but almost hit another car with my open passenger door.

It happened too quickly to describe the thug. The BSW was a bit taller than most, slender but not CCL, she had longer hair on one side of her face than the other. I'm not sure that the SW and thug were working together or if the thug was working alone. I didn't stick around to see what happened next.

This is something that I've worried about for years, it just never happened until now. Always be sure to scoop where you can quickly pull forward without hitting anything.

10-31-09, 23:15
I apologize to all the legit members for carrying this on, however, I am in a crappy mood after dropping $4000 in the casinos this week and this a**hole has rubbed me the wrong way.

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The Forum itself is not the place to post your personal complaints about the management of The Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the management of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

11-01-09, 11:21
...I too keep an eye on my mirrors when picking up SWs...Yes, watch your mirrors but remember the passenger door mirror is useless as soon as that door opens (the whole area behind the right side of your car becomes a blind spot). Keep your head on a swivel, your transmission in drive, and plenty of space to pull forward at any time.

11-01-09, 18:56
There are alot of things about this hobby that never fail to amaze me.

All summer mongering has been slow in Baltimore.

I go out early morning or late night in great weather expecting girls, no results for weeks.

Well it has been raining for a long time now, this morning was no different.

I say to myself what the hell, I start my journey.

Low and behold girls everywhere today, who would have thought rain would bring out the girls.

Met Alexis, I small 25 year old WSW with round booty.

Nice enough girl, intelligent speaking. On meth program. Had a fancy phone which she used for texting.

We negotiate $100 for hotel stay. I was ready to tax that fat butt. Get to Tiptop in Elkridge, no one at the window. Go to econolodge, they say they are full from last night.

Said fuck it, and headed back to balto. Went behind somewhere on Patapsco where she gave an Awesome BBBJ. Slurpy no teeth. She asked me not to cum in her mouth. But she really gave me a BBBJ better than I have had in sometime.

I warned her when I got ready to blow, and let her finish with HJ.

I blew like a volcano, a testament to the quality of her job.

She says she usually does not walk, has regulars.

If you want her # shoot me a PM.

I apologize for the low quality photos. I guess those will improve with practice.

11-01-09, 22:04
Picked up Amanda near the circle but made a couple of laps around the block before the scoop because she looked a little too clean. Usually, by the time I get back someone else has beat me to the punch but I'm cautious if I don't recognize the face. We've all done it. Sounds kinda sad, as if I'm looking for bottom of the barrel SW's but guys...you know sometimes you wonder if the girl is a civilian or worse, part of an undercover sting. I mean really, how many SW's have an Ipod & clean clothes. So she gets in and DAMN!...she has some big ones. They're poppin outta the shirt...and soooo soft. She knows a spot we can go to right on Wilkens for ten. Was gonna just get a BJ in the car but since we had some privacy I wanted it all. BJ was just OK but she made up for it with the doggystyle FS. This has to be the TIGHEST box on the W/W. Consider that she's 29, has 3 kids, AND is a SW, there's no way I expected a snug fit like that. WOW! Didn't take long. A few minutes later I'm a very happy man. Would definitely recommend/repeat. Nice personality, only negative are the fucked up teeth. If she was perfect probably wouldn't be on W/W.


11-02-09, 01:35
This Sunday I arrived in Baltimore just in time for the clear weather. I decided to try my luck at BCB. No luck at all.

I cruised over to WW and found Melissa. We drove out to the county and she delivered a good CBJ for a Jackson. I dropped her back at the circle. Good effort and worth picking up. Despite the bad skin I would repeat. After this I saw a lot of LE in the area and decided to head back to BCB. It was void of any SW activity so I bagged and decided to head up to PP.

As I drove across Baltimore Av, I saw a CCL redhead and an angry looking brunette alongside the park. Decided against both and headed up to Haven. There, I saw a slightly overweight rough looking brunette up there...not for me. I circled back around drove down Conkling and didn't see anything out. I went back up Highland to Pulaski. Outside Sherri's a 40ish platinum blonde with blue eyes was flagging down traffic. She stepped in my lane in front of my car and her eyes rolled up like she was very drunk. Too old and too wasted for me. I drove on, but I was curious so I circled around again. She was still there and I pulled into the gas station and went out on foot to get a closer look. She was very wasted and was yelling assorted words at passing cars and at me.

There was a black F150 with blacked out windows parked beside Sherri's. The window was rolled down and inside was a uniformed LEO talking on a phone. I kept on walking back to my prowler and decided to leave the area pronto.

Back to WW. On the way back I decided to have a look at the block. Nothing to see. When I got back to Ramsey I saw a decent looking and cleanly dressed sw that looked low milage. After two attempts she finally walked over and got in the prowler-mobile. Renee 29yo brunette. Very good NQNSCBJ for a jackson. I would repeat. She told me a story about a dark blue Hyundai busting sw's on Washington last week.

After I drove her back to the area when I saw a tall blonde walking around. I picked up Rhonda. What a treat! This girl is extremely enthusiastic. Just about a PS experience. If you can find her she's comes highly recommended!

Overall a good start to November. Careful out there. Seems the strolls are crawling with marked and unmarked LEOs parked in funny and unexpected places.


11-02-09, 01:51

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-03-09, 01:17

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-03-09, 13:02
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

11-04-09, 10:06
Checked out WW yesterday at noon, no action except for some busts. Scarey and Wilkens. SA spotted a WSW in skin tight brown sweats, close up had face marks but great bod. Didn't "need a ride". Went to CB, great looking blonde that catches the bus everyday around 1PM, across from the Royal Farms on Pat., 5', 100lbs, tight white vneck tshirt, great bod. Sad she's not working.? A couple of BSW's down the road. No Stephanie, nothing else going on.

Dee phone going to VM, Pam no minutes.

Maybe an AMP today.

11-04-09, 12:16
Anyone on here work for Giant Food in the Glen Burnie area?

I have a question about someone that works there.

Luke Warm69
11-04-09, 12:55
Can you say discounts!