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09-24-07, 21:28
Damn you Garthy! You tricked me!

So I head out the other day with Garthy's hot asian in mind. So naturally, I pick up the first asian girl who gives me the look. I was skeptical at first, and it turns out I had every right to be. Not quite what Garthy described. I ended up with Linda (or something like that). Not quite up to par with Garthy's event, and a good bit older too. Bah!

Yup-- Linda's (or whatever her name is du jour) is kinda psycho. Not a bad person, but KINDA PSYCHO. No, she is NOT AT ALL what I described. And, as I said, my Asian girl is in NYC until Wednesday. She is definately not your average SW (and she even answers her phone in NY). If you catch her on the street, more power to ya-- but I suspect she has a few high-paying clients that she relies on. They seem to miss her even when they go away-- in other words, one in particular has already sent for her (if you catch my drift).

Steel-- I know you got the Yankee joke. I also know that you know it has NOTHING to do with that New York team who is almost no fun to root for at all...

I hope Linda at least showered this week.

09-30-07, 22:30
I paid a visit to your fine city last week. Wasnt too bad a scene up there. I had some really old street-info courtesy of Garthy from about a year ago, turned out there's quite a few SW's in your town there. I passed a PR looking SW on the street with some insane tattoos, and I saw a couple of foreign looking girls on Main St. One of them was a knockout. This was in broad daylight too. Kind of reminds me of Waterbury but less Riff-raff around if you know what I mean. Unfortunately I was passing through and couldn't partake but I might have to take another trip up there very soon. Billy

10-02-07, 12:53
I cruised the last couple days, but did not see anything terrific. Last night I did hook up with someone new. Pretty face, but I was unsure of the age & body, but the welcoming smile made me take the chance.

She went by an unusual name. My guess is that she was mid 40's. She was pretty. Italian looking with unbelievably curly, thick, deep brown/black hair. Great natural tits. She told me she was pretty much strapped from putting her kids through college and that the street money was "for her." She denied drug use (and I believe her).

Overall, she was excellent company and her services were extremely good. My only surprise was the unshaven bush with the thickest nest of equally big hair down below. She was quite proud of her little "love nest."

T Relky
10-03-07, 04:28
Even though I cruise the circuit quite often, I rarely pick up anyone because usually the ladies I spot just don’t meet my standards (which, surprisingly, aren’t that high). But tonight I encountered a blast from the past – Kim, a buxom blonde who back in the day was smoking hot. Tonight she looked fine from a distance, especially her amazing breasts, but once she got in the car it quickly became apparent that her time on the street had taken its toll. She reeked of booze and was barely coherent.

Needless to say, she didn’t remember me, even though I was a somewhat regular client. She gave me her tale of woe, something about her boyfriend kicking her out just a few hours before. She seemed eager to lick my balls, but I didn’t want that potentially diseased mouth anywhere near my cock. Just for old time’s sake I figure I’ll do a little Russian with her, then call it a night. She looked so pathetic that I didn’t even mind overpaying. I considered the money more as a charitable donation that a fee for service. Good thing, too, because what a disappointment she was. Once the bra came off I could see her breasts, once perky mounds of perfection, were now just droopy, saggy bags of flesh. And her performance was just as disappointing – she just lay there and even, I suspect, fell asleep for a few minutes. After a while I just gave up, put myself in order, then drove away. That’s when she started hinting around for a tip. I politely told her I’d given her all my cash. Besides, her performance hardly merited a gratuity. I hadn’t even climaxed. Well, now she starts getting a bit snippy, saying she hoped I slept well tonight in my comfy bed while she was out on the street.

She decided to go to the 24-hour McDonalds, where she hoped to take a nap, but on the way there changed her mind and asked me to take her to a convenience store in a very sketchy part of the city to pick up some cigarettes. I reluctantly agreed. As we’re pulling in, Kim says, "Please don’t leave me here. This is a dangerous area. " You think? No sooner than the words were out of her mouth when this shady fellow appears from behind the building, offering her some dubious item. She starts talking smack to the guy, telling him to get the fuck out of there. Now, I’m just a nerdy middle-aged white guy, hardly street-smart, but even I know it’s not wise to antagonize an inner-city drug dealer. The few times I’ve received drug offers on the street, I just politely say no thanks and quickly move on. Well, this guy is clearly pissed off. Then ANOTHER sketchy dude mysteriously appears from the other corner of the building. Now I’m getting nervous. Could this be some kind of setup? I suggest to Kim that perhaps we should get her cigarettes somewhere else. Oh no, she insists. This place has the lowest prices. Great. She’s going to risk her life to save what? 50 cents? Now I’d been in a similar situation a few years back, and that time the working gal I was with knew enough not only not to get out of the car, but not to roll down the windows, and urged me to get the hell out of there. But what does Kim do? She OPENS THE FRIGGIN’ DOOR and climbs out of the car, leaving the door wide open. "Go ahead – now say something smart, " says Mr. Pissed Off Drug Dealer. Kim mumbles, "I’m not trying to be smart. " All I can think of is how I’m going to pull away with the door open if the situation escalates, or if either of the fellow makes a move toward me. Thankfully, Kim shuts the door. I resist the temptation to press the button that will automatically lock all four doors. With the door shut, I can’t really make out what they’re saying, but within, say, 30 seconds the second fellow looks over at me (as I sported what I hoped looked like bored expression of indifference), gives me a viciously "friendly" smile and a wave and says, "Bye bye. " Well, that’s all I needed. I start pulling away, circling around the parking area, while Kim tries scurrying after me. Part of me felt bad abandoning her like that, but I wasn’t about to get jacked because she couldn’t think straight and was taking foolish risks. Plus, even if nothing happened at the convenience store, she had such a pissy attitude that I suspected she still might give me a hard time about getting out of the car or deciding where she wanted to get dropped off. Oh well, live and learn.

10-03-07, 11:51
E Part of me felt bad abandoning her like that, but I wasn’t about to get jacked because she couldn’t think straight and was taking foolish risks. Plus, even if nothing happened at the convenience store, she had such a pissy attitude that I suspected she still might give me a hard time about getting out of the car or deciding where she wanted to get dropped off. Oh well, live and learn.You went above and beyond the call of duty, you were lucky to get out of there with your ass intact.

10-03-07, 20:52
I have heard rumors that Kim was out and about recently. I have not seen her, and from that excellent report, I am glad. She was such a pretty thing and her services were always top notch. She always did have a thing for guys who beat the shit out of her.

I applaud your courage, but would not encourage interacting with Springfield drug dealers. But you know that. Something about the risks that thrill (and hopefully don't kill), right?

I had my fill tonight. Went for the higher end produce. One of my recent favorites has moved to Florida. So I had to try out some new talent. Not SW stuff, alas.

Ironically, I was just writing on the CT board that the hobby is an expensive one. But somehow on nights like tonight it seems worth it.

NENY Troller
10-04-07, 20:48

It's been a long time since I've posted. Please forgive me:) I've been following you boys, but just not participating much. That changed when I had a need to be in Springfield Tuesday night and decided to tour the town.

I saw Chistina walking down Belmont in the early evening. She was dressed nicely and looked quite good from the vehicle. She turned up Locust and we were able to discreetly meet up. She's very clean, early 30's, brown hair, wears cheap but decent smelling perfume and bright red lip gloss. 5'5 no more than 105#, nicely shaved and a nice ass. Tits are floppy because of her smoking habit but she had nice nipples. She’s had a kid but you wouldn’t know it. If she added 10 pounds she would have a great body. Great personality when she's on the good side of her bi-polar syndrome. The bad side isn’t that bad, just a little freaky like most of these girls.

I wanted to take her to my hotel, but she couldn’t be away for more than half an hour without her roommate freaking. I didn’t know what that was all about until I decided she was going to be worth longer than ½ hr. and went and met the roommate. We stopped at the liquor store and got a 6-pack. I’m thinking possible tag team until I met Kimberly. Fat, ugly and drunk would describe the physical side and the bad side of bi-polar would describe the mental side. After convincing her that yes, I’m a nice guy and would bring Christina back in one piece, I left the remainder of the 6-pack with Kimberly and we went on our way. By the way, they kept their place immaculately. No shit lying around whatever. On the way out I got a nice buzz from the boys smoking weed in the lobby. They said something to us but I just ignored them and we went on our way.

Convinced by Christina that we would have a better time if she had a cocktail or two we stopped at another liquor store and got a bottle of some disgustingly sweet liquor she liked. It was worth it.

Back to my room and negotiated 50 dollars for over an hour, plus a pizza to take back for her and Kimberly. By the way, Kimberly is “just a friend who cares”. Not a girlfriend so she says.

She gave a great lap dance while stripping down from her size 2 pants. She was wearing great looking see through lingerie and kept her high heels on. Nice. Went to a cbj but the ones I brought were lubricated and she couldn’t do it that way. Allergic reaction she claimed. We tried the un-lubricated ones she brought but the fit wasn’t right for me. Played around a bit more, smoked a bit o’ weed, and then proceeded to quite a few different positions. She’s flexible.

After hanging out at the hotel for a while talking and fucking around again we headed back to her place. I was really going to get the pizza for them. I had a good time with her and wanted to live up to my end of the bargain. The pizza place was around the corner from their apartment and Christina yelled up to Kimberly that we were getting pizza. She came running down the steps and they ended up in this strange argument. No pizza. Saved me $20.00 bucks!

I might be up that way again soon. There were a few more out that might be worth sampling. If nothing else I’d do her again! I'll just have to yell outside the apartment because neither one of them has a phone.

10-07-07, 09:25
Anyone know which local motels still have short stay rooms available ?

Kelib R
10-08-07, 11:33
Any one know about this one? http://westernmass.craigslist.org/ers/442827920.html

She seems to post ads often but I can never get any response.

Billy Bob
10-10-07, 15:07
I have also tried her with no response. So I figured once was enough and stopped!

10-12-07, 15:52
Visited here today. They tell me they have been at that location for almost 10 years.

I will share my experience via PM with those I know or those who share with me.


T Relky
10-15-07, 05:02
It took me a while – perhaps a bit too long – to find an interesting gal out there tonight. I passed by the usual cast of characters for most of the evening. At one point there was an interesting blonde I’d never seen before with much potential, but she was snapped up before I could inconspicuously swing around a second time. I was just about to give up and call it a night in the wee hours when I spotted a pretty, 25ish-looking brunette, who seemed almost too clean and tidy to be working. But sure enough, she gave me “the look.” I discreetly pulled on to a side street and she gave me a little smile as she hopped into the car. Unfortunately, a waft of cigarette odor also accompanied her. Oh well. What do you expect from a gal off the street?

Anyway, she was prettier from a distance (aren’t they always?) but was still rather cute, with a slightly too big pointy nose, and an accent I couldn’t quite place. Her name, she said, was Lana. She seemed a bit confused when I suggested a titty-fuck, but once I explained the concept, she agreed. She pulled up her shirt to reveal a hot body that surpassed all my expectations: a smooth, flat belly and an extraordinary pair of full C cups with nice pencil-eraser nipples. But it was all downhill from there. First, she didn’t quite exactly come out and say, “OK, let’s get this unpleasantness over with” but her attitude and body language broadcast it clear enough. I tried fondling and sucking on those magnificent mammaries, but she kept interrupting the fun with such mood-diminishing remarks as “You better not cum on me” or “What’s going on? Are you close?” thereby reducing me to a quite flaccid state. For me, her hot body failed to offset her disinterested attitude, with just a hint of contempt. I tried slipping my deflated member between those luscious breasts, and when she moaned a couple times I thought maybe things were looking up. But then she’d give an impatient sigh and just ruin the moment. Eventually I gave up.

Now if you’re the type of guy who gets turned on purely by a chick’s body and not her attitude, then I’d highly recommend her. I suspect she’s new to the streets – her body is still firm and toned, not yet ravaged by drugs and abuse. So get her quick. In fairness to her, she gave no indication of being on drugs, but why the hell else would she be out there? Still, if she improved her attitude just a bit, I’m sure she could make decent bucks as a higher scale Internet provider. Her body was that good.

One footnote: A couple months ago I picked up Shannon, a gorgeous blonde in a black dress, who also at first glance seemed too stunning to be on the street. She had perky B-cups and a GREAT attitude, putting on a nice little show, moaning, talking dirty, etc. She really seemed to take pride in satisfying her client. I haven’t seen her around since. She gave me her digits, and my two recent unsatisfactory encounters have me considering giving her a call.

10-15-07, 19:32
It took me a while – perhaps a bit too long – to find an interesting gal out there tonight. I passed by the usual cast of characters for most of the evening. At one point there was an interesting blonde I’d never seen before with much potential, but she was snapped up before I could inconspicuously swing around a second time. I was just about to give up and call it a night in the wee hours when I spotted a pretty, 25ish-looking brunette, who seemed almost too clean and tidy to be working. But sure enough, she gave me “the look.” I discreetly pulled on to a side street and she gave me a little smile as she hopped into the car. Unfortunately, a waft of cigarette odor also accompanied her. Oh well. What do you expect from a gal off the street?

Anyway, she was prettier from a distance (aren’t they always?) but was still rather cute, with a slightly too big pointy nose, and an accent I couldn’t quite place. Her name, she said, was Lana. She seemed a bit confused when I suggested a titty-fuck, but once I explained the concept, she agreed. She pulled up her shirt to reveal a hot body that surpassed all my expectations: a smooth, flat belly and an extraordinary pair of full C cups with nice pencil-eraser nipples. But it was all downhill from there. First, she didn’t quite exactly come out and say, “OK, let’s get this unpleasantness over with” but her attitude and body language broadcast it clear enough. I tried fondling and sucking on those magnificent mammaries, but she kept interrupting the fun with such mood-diminishing remarks as “You better not cum on me” or “What’s going on? Are you close?” thereby reducing me to a quite flaccid state. For me, her hot body failed to offset her disinterested attitude, with just a hint of contempt. I tried slipping my deflated member between those luscious breasts, and when she moaned a couple times I thought maybe things were looking up. But then she’d give an impatient sigh and just ruin the moment. Eventually I gave up.

Now if you’re the type of guy who gets turned on purely by a chick’s body and not her attitude, then I’d highly recommend her. I suspect she’s new to the streets – her body is still firm and toned, not yet ravaged by drugs and abuse. So get her quick. In fairness to her, she gave no indication of being on drugs, but why the hell else would she be out there? Still, if she improved her attitude just a bit, I’m sure she could make decent bucks as a higher scale Internet provider. Her body was that good.

One footnote: A couple months ago I picked up Shannon, a gorgeous blonde in a black dress, who also at first glance seemed too stunning to be on the street. She had perky B-cups and a GREAT attitude, putting on a nice little show, moaning, talking dirty, etc. She really seemed to take pride in satisfying her client. I haven’t seen her around since. She gave me her digits, and my two recent unsatisfactory encounters have me considering giving her a call.

Good luck with Shannon's digits, my man... Try them and if they work, I will be very surprised.

Lana (if she is who I think she is) is out on occasion. Can provide a very very nice experience. But as always, YMMV (and her moods may change). Still, you probably got a bargain for the price of a lap dance or two!

I cruised the last few nights and saw a lot -- of nothing worthwhile.

10-17-07, 14:24
Visited here today. They tell me they have been at that location for almost 10 years.

I will share my experience via PM with those I know or those who share with me.

ciao.I have not been there is quite some time. I would not expect to be going back unless things have changed some. It was pretty much a hands-off experience. All the zones were no-fly-zones. Not even so much as a LAP dance.

10-18-07, 22:23
It took me a while – perhaps a bit too long – to find an interesting gal out there tonight. I passed by the usual cast of characters for most of the evening. At one point there was an interesting blonde I’d never seen before with much potential, but she was snapped up before I could inconspicuously swing around a second time. I was just about to give up and call it a night in the wee hours when I spotted a pretty, 25ish-looking brunette, who seemed almost too clean and tidy to be working. But sure enough, she gave me “the look.” I discreetly pulled on to a side street and she gave me a little smile as she hopped into the car. Unfortunately, a waft of cigarette odor also accompanied her. Oh well. What do you expect from a gal off the street?

Anyway, she was prettier from a distance (aren’t they always?) but was still rather cute, with a slightly too big pointy nose, and an accent I couldn’t quite place. Her name, she said, was Lana. She seemed a bit confused when I suggested a titty-fuck, but once I explained the concept, she agreed. She pulled up her shirt to reveal a hot body that surpassed all my expectations: a smooth, flat belly and an extraordinary pair of full C cups with nice pencil-eraser nipples. But it was all downhill from there. First, she didn’t quite exactly come out and say, “OK, let’s get this unpleasantness over with” but her attitude and body language broadcast it clear enough. I tried fondling and sucking on those magnificent mammaries, but she kept interrupting the fun with such mood-diminishing remarks as “You better not cum on me” or “What’s going on? Are you close?” thereby reducing me to a quite flaccid state. For me, her hot body failed to offset her disinterested attitude, with just a hint of contempt. I tried slipping my deflated member between those luscious breasts, and when she moaned a couple times I thought maybe things were looking up. But then she’d give an impatient sigh and just ruin the moment. Eventually I gave up.

Now if you’re the type of guy who gets turned on purely by a chick’s body and not her attitude, then I’d highly recommend her. I suspect she’s new to the streets – her body is still firm and toned, not yet ravaged by drugs and abuse. So get her quick. In fairness to her, she gave no indication of being on drugs, but why the hell else would she be out there? Still, if she improved her attitude just a bit, I’m sure she could make decent bucks as a higher scale Internet provider. Her body was that good.

One footnote: A couple months ago I picked up Shannon, a gorgeous blonde in a black dress, who also at first glance seemed too stunning to be on the street. She had perky B-cups and a GREAT attitude, putting on a nice little show, moaning, talking dirty, etc. She really seemed to take pride in satisfying her client. I haven’t seen her around since. She gave me her digits, and my two recent unsatisfactory encounters have me considering giving her a call.

I have been w/ her a couple times, maybe she was in an off mood, I had her twice and both times, lots of fun. She didn't miss a drop, just smiled and swallowed

10-19-07, 08:31
Confirmed a Lana experience. But she is not Lana to me (and I am not going to out her). The experience was FANTASTIC. But nothing like she used to be. Believe it or not, she has put on a few pounds (ans you guys know I love a slim girl). Her tits are still the best on the street. Lana is doing a little too much crack, so where you catch her in her drug cycle probably has a lot to do with her mood and the experience you have. Also, despite her at her worst (high, jonesing for a rock, etc), she is still a very smart and perceptive girl and the more she is stimulated or comfortable, the better your experience will be. Trust me, she an rock your world and do some pretty amazing things with that body of hers.

Yesterday I picked up Christina. Pretty, slim girl. Experience was decent. Best part of Christina is her pretty face. Tits are a bit small and deflated and belly, although slim, has that deflated quality that bums me out. Still, she can suck cock like crazy.

10-19-07, 08:43
I should mention this too -- over the last couple of days I noticed two fairly provocatively dressed SWs, one long blonde hair and caucasian, the other light browned skinned brunette. The body and dress of these two looked pretty kicking from the street. I saw a lot of mongerers doing some stupid road maneuvers to get their attention. At first I was wondering whether they were or were not working as they did not get into any of the vehicles while I watched. Also, the brunette made the "stick the head into the open passenger window move" (which also sets off my alarms). Still, I had to go for a closer look, so I did a little recon on foot. I met up with them at the convenience store that used to be the Lil Peach. I am glad I did the close up look / inspection because THEY AIN'T WOMEN! I am sure they are working. But I can almost guarrantee that there is a pecker under each of their mini skirts.

Just FYI...

Ruff Rider
10-22-07, 07:59
Visited here today. They tell me they have been at that location for almost 10 years.

I will share my experience via PM with those I know or those who share with me.


Maxim lingerie....?, why play secretive with that rip off? That place is an uncomfortable occasional jack shack. No mongers should waste time even walking up the stairs. Nasty, heavily tatooed females from Brooklyn and the Bronx that are too opposed to being touched to be strippers or escorts, in my opinion. Unless you are the kinda of guy that pops when a woman brushes up against you, I would avoid at all costs! Costs?? $$$ for nothing!

10-23-07, 09:42
Maxim lingerie....?, why play secretive with that rip off? That place is an uncomfortable occasional jack shack. No mongers should waste time even walking up the stairs. Nasty, heavily tatooed females from Brooklyn and the Bronx that are too opposed to being touched to be strippers or escorts, in my opinion. Unless you are the kinda of guy that pops when a woman brushes up against you, I would avoid at all costs! Costs?? $$$ for nothing!

For the most part everything RR says is true. The place is a little like 2041 in Meriden. There are extras available, trust me. But it is difficult work to get and VERY costly. Better of with other experiences, no doubt.

10-23-07, 09:46
Looked "long and hard" yesterday for something. Picked up Linda. Very nice older SW, but not my type physically. Tossed her a couple of bucks for a Mickey D's late nite treat and went back to looking. Saw the gruesome two-some again. Look out for them-- not girls but if one of you wants to prove me wrong, post it here. Then I settled for Lana, who was tired and jonesing for rock. She wanted to toke before smoking my pipe, but it was not to be. I am not hanging out at the crack house or taking her to her dealer or having rock in my rig. So, game over for me for the night. The rest of the crowd out was nasty.

10-28-07, 14:32
I saw something interesting on Friday night. I don't want to blow up the exact corner, but as I was going to a friends in FP, just as I got off 91, I usually go thru some "back streets" to get there. There was a REALLY nice looking girl (looked real young, maybe too young if you ask me) with dark hair and eyes just waiting on the corner. Right behind her however was her pimp. There was no way I could have stopped (was on another 'mission'), but because of the location would have been really easy for her to know who and why I would have stopped. I assume she would have hopped right in. There was a perfect place to pull over to have her jump in too. She was certainly worth stopping for, but I would have been watching my back and all sides when I did stop (you never know when you could be being setup for a carjacking). And in that neighborhood, it would be totally possible. I haven't seen anyone here before and normally I wouldn't think of it as a good place since it is a very busy thruway, but the way she looked I doubt she was standing there for long. Sorry if this isn't descriptive (as in location of the exact corner), but I didn't want to make it easy pickings for LE. They usually are parked further down from this exact location and could easily view an 'incident' (another reason to be skeptical). Those who are born blood of Spfld. Probably know exactly where I'm talking about from what little description I did give. If any Senior members are curious and want conformation of the location, feel free to PM. The location is brilliant if you are looking for that "drive-thru" type of pickup. I think her pimp was taking advantage of that too.

10-29-07, 11:33
Last time I was in town, around the end of August, I cruised the street scene. I only saw some nasty looking girls that I wouldn't touch. I can only go based on information from here, since I know the cruise has changed since I lived there years ago.

Anyone willing to PM me some advice would be appreciated. If not I'll have to learn the new hot spots on my own. Which sucks because I am only up there about a week at a time a few times a year.

Member #3948
10-29-07, 18:18
I saw something interesting on Friday night. I don't want to blow up the exact corner, but as I was going to a friends in FP, just as I got off 91, I usually go thru some "back streets" to get there. There was a REALLY nice looking girl (looked real young, maybe too young if you ask me) with dark hair and eyes just waiting on the corner. Right behind her however was her pimp. There was no way I could have stopped (was on another 'mission'), but because of the location would have been really easy for her to know who and why I would have stopped. I assume she would have hopped right in. There was a perfect place to pull over to have her jump in too. She was certainly worth stopping for, but I would have been watching my back and all sides when I did stop (you never know when you could be being setup for a carjacking). And in that neighborhood, it would be totally possible. I haven't seen anyone here before and normally I wouldn't think of it as a good place since it is a very busy thruway, but the way she looked I doubt she was standing there for long. Sorry if this isn't descriptive (as in location of the exact corner), but I didn't want to make it easy pickings for LE. They usually are parked further down from this exact location and could easily view an 'incident' (another reason to be skeptical). Those who are born blood of Spfld. Probably know exactly where I'm talking about from what little description I did give. If any Senior members are curious and want conformation of the location, feel free to PM. The location is brilliant if you are looking for that "drive-thru" type of pickup. I think her pimp was taking advantage of that too.

Not being from the area but jelous of all that Springfield has to offer I would give you this advice: Pull ahead about 30 feet from the selected spot. Pick up your cell and while scouting in all the mirriors pretend to make a call. She will walk to you if she was waiting for a ride and by pulling up you spoil the area of attack if there was one waiting...Then again possibly the bad guys knew you would be suspicious and knew that you new that they knew so the only possible safe spot was the one actually by the girl...Dam I am all dizzy now.

Steel Blue

10-30-07, 00:10
I was passing through and saw what looked to be a HSW with a pretty face. Already dressed up for winter. My rig's thermometer was telling me it was 36 degrees outside. I pulled doen a side street ans she got in. Nice Puerto Rican girl. She flashed me her tits. Nice C cups. Okay. We chatted a little in Spanish and she tells me she wants to take me home to her house. I ride around with her talking to her in Spanish. She tells me she is 35yo (nice try-- she must be at least 40). Still, she is really really nice, so for $20 I go to her house. And it is a house. She checks on her kids (sleeping in other rooms), the place is immaculate. Nice.

She gets naked. Well, that is not so nice. A bit too much of a belly and flabby ass for me. She wants to fuck. (of course she does, I am WAY better looking than she is). But I tell her no. She gives good CBJ with hand help, kisses me and licks my chest and stomach. She wants me to dine, but that's not gonna happen.

I let her go for a while, licking, titty fucking, HJ, then I blow my load in her mouth (in the condom in her mouth, really). Then I get dressed, she thanks me and I leave.

Face 8. Tits 7.5, whole package 4, Performance 5.5

But safe, pleasant and $20...

But I can pick girls like her up at a bar for free...

10-30-07, 20:51
Found a WOW girl... I guess it's kharma for me helping out the fat mom...

She is crazy as a loon. No IV drugs. Fucking gorgeous. And you guys know my standards when it comes to gorgeous. Stunning. Really really stunning. Straight beautiful teeth, nice breath, smells a little like fresh-baked bread (no kidding, for real). Absolutley flat tummy with belly ring. Perfect figure for the G-man. Petite, toned, tight, & well manicured.

Too bad about the crazy part, I suppose...

Tuna Seeker
10-31-07, 16:31
They're all crazy man.

Found a WOW girl... I guess it's kharma for me helping out the fat mom.

She is crazy as a loon. No IV drugs. Fucking gorgeous. And you guys know my standards when it comes to gorgeous. Stunning. Really really stunning. Straight beautiful teeth, nice breath, smells a little like fresh-baked bread (no kidding, for real). Absolutley flat tummy with belly ring. Perfect figure for the G-man. Petite, toned, tight, & well manicured.

Too bad about the crazy part, I suppose...

11-01-07, 12:15
They're all crazy man.

Okay-- this one was psychotic.

Picked up an old favorite today. Have not seen her in a while since she was in jail. Tossed her a couple of bucks, but I had to get to work so no sampling. The roadwork in the South End is slowing things down a little.

11-01-07, 23:07
[cut] Still, she is really really nice, so for $20 I go to her house. And it is a house. She checks on her kids (sleeping in other rooms), the place is immaculate. Nice.

She gets naked. Well, that is not so nice. A bit too much of a belly and flabby ass for me. She wants to fuck. (of course she does, I am WAY better looking than she is). But I tell her no. She gives good CBJ with hand help, kisses me and licks my chest and stomach. She wants me to dine, but that's not gonna happen.

I let her go for a while, licking, titty fucking, HJ, then I blow my load in her mouth (in the condom in her mouth, really). Then I get dressed, she thanks me and I leave.

You should never do the deed if there are kids in the house. You go from exposure to a misdemeanor to a felony.

Member #3948
11-02-07, 07:43
You should never do the deed if there are kids in the house. You go from exposure to a misdemeanor to a felony.

Mrs Steel put out last nite while the little blues were all snug in their beds. This morning she cleaned out my wallet before I left for work....

11-02-07, 10:36
You should never do the deed if there are kids in the house. You go from exposure to a misdemeanor to a felony.

Oh the irony. So the kids sleeping safely in bed with mom in the house is worse than taking mom away for a while and leaving the kids unsupervised?

Makes almost as much sense as any other prostitution law...

11-02-07, 15:12
Oh the irony. So the kids sleeping safely in bed with mom in the house is worse than taking mom away for a while and leaving the kids unsupervised?

Makes almost as much sense as any other prostitution law...

I'm not saying the law makes sense. I'm just saying the law is the law and if you were to engage in such a rendezvous for money with kids in the house and you happen to get raided, you not only would be looking at a charge of soliciting but also conspiracy to risk of injury to a minor. The charge would be automatic. And it is a felony in every state.

And of course the mom would be a fool to do so too because not only would she be charged with risk of injury, she would undoubtedly be investigated by the children's protection unit and risk losing custody of her kids. Bad scene all around.

Wolfman Jack
11-05-07, 17:19

Take one for the team and try this place out. :D

Thanks in advance.

11-05-07, 17:44

Take one for the team and try this place out. :D

Thanks in advance.

Did already. Nice massage with hot stone and a facial massage by a portly but pleasant Asian woman who did lot offer extras...

If anyone else had a different experience, let me know. Because it does break the general rule of ALL AMPs offer sex...

11-05-07, 18:00
Hi Garthy,

If I remember correctly the Krista Lee from NH that used to advertise on Craigslist got busted in her motel room a while back. She had driven down to our area with one of her kids and her "boyfriend whatever". I think he was with the kid in a nearby restaurant and the charges were upgraded to something much more serious than she would otherwise have been faced with.

It probably didn't help that he seems to have been a pretty scummy sort with outstanding warrants. She doesn't seem to have made an appearance since that time, too bad since I thought she was a pretty good provider despite a so-so body.

I'm not saying the law makes sense. I'm just saying the law is the law and if you were to engage in such a rendezvous for money with kids in the house and you happen to get raided, you not only would be looking at a charge of soliciting but also conspiracy to risk of injury to a minor. The charge would be automatic. And it is a felony in every state.

And of course the mom would be a fool to do so too because not only would she be charged with risk of injury, she would undoubtedly be investigated by the children's protection unit and risk losing custody of her kids. Bad scene all around.

Cruiser D
11-08-07, 07:17
Oh please, stop it. Any girl who takes a trick home or exposes a kid to that type of shit should lose their kids. How hard up for crack can you be...

Yeah baby, Mom is a cock sucking ho for crack, but try not to be too fucked up for life because of it.

Oh the irony. So the kids sleeping safely in bed with mom in the house is worse than taking mom away for a while and leaving the kids unsupervised?

Makes almost as much sense as any other prostitution law...

11-08-07, 11:23
Found a lovely lovely SW. Way too pretty for a shithole like Springfield. Honestly, I have found a few gems these past few weeks. This one is not a hot as my last little blonde model type. But she is way way hot. Thin, beautiful skin, great flat belly and perfect little ass. Lovely face too. Brilliant blue eyes. Looks A LOT like the pic I am attaching. Could have been her fucking twin sister.

I way overpaid her to relish her body. No anal. Didn't wany it anyway. She is a cuddly love bug this one. A real keeper. We'll see if she keeps our date tomorrow.

Work hard, because there are some sweeties around. BUT LE is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!

Member #3948
11-08-07, 17:18
Found a lovely lovely SW. Way too pretty for a shithole like Springfield. Honestly, I have found a few gems these past few weeks. This one is not a hot as my last little blonde model type. But she is way way hot. Thin, beautiful skin, great flat belly and perfect little ass. Lovely face too. Brilliant blue eyes. Looks A LOT like the pic I am attaching. Could have been her fucking twin sister.

I way overpaid her to relish her body. No anal. Didn't wany it anyway. She is a cuddly love bug this one. A real keeper. We'll see if she keeps our date tomorrow.

Work hard, because there are some sweeties around. BUT LE is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!

I just jerked off yesterday to a picture of Kate Hudson. Found her on the back cover of some magazine. Kinda looked like the picture you posted. Mine only cost me $2.99!

Cruiser I have yet to meet a sw on drugs who has not sold or lost her kids looking for her next high. All hard core sw usually are loosers. It's the ones with kids, who are not on drugs making some extra doorayme to get byand pay the rent. Thoes are the true gems.

Steel Blue

Wolfman Jack
11-09-07, 03:15
Found a lovely lovely SW. Way too pretty for a shithole like Springfield. Honestly, I have found a few gems these past few weeks. This one is not a hot as my last little blonde model type. But she is way way hot. Thin, beautiful skin, great flat belly and perfect little ass. Lovely face too. Brilliant blue eyes. Looks A LOT like the pic I am attaching. Could have been her fucking twin sister.

I way overpaid her to relish her body. No anal. Didn't wany it anyway. She is a cuddly love bug this one. A real keeper. We'll see if she keeps our date tomorrow.

Work hard, because there are some sweeties around. BUT LE is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!

Does she go by the name "Angela" by any chance? :)

11-09-07, 08:47
Does she go by the name "Angela" by any chance? :)
No-- Way prettier than Angela. But Angela was a cutie when she first hit the streets. Then went to hell from crack / heroin. This girl is thin, but not skinny. She has beautiful tits and is good company.

Last I saw Angela she was paranoid and a skeleton and had skin lesions from head to toe.

11-09-07, 21:08
Met up with her again today. She was a little less enthusiastic than yesterday. She definately also has a monkey on her back. So true of so many of the girls. She is hot, though. Today she really wanted to get back to hook up with her dealer / boyfriend / whatever.

Tomorrow I am meeting up with an old favorite who called me. She is not a SW, however, but a (semi?)-retired pro. My wallet is bound to be lighter by Sunday...

11-23-07, 11:41
Was cruising on Tuesday and picked up a WSW on Belmont. I give her the look and she hops in. Quick LE check and we are off. Said her name was Crystal. Took her to my hotel across the bridge. We got to the room and she undresses. Once the bra comes off I see she has a nice set of natural D's. I lay down and she goes to work with a nice BBBJ. Good suction and technique. After a few minutes of that I grabbed the raincoat and went for some doggy. I felt I was getting close to unloading so I had her lay down for some mish where I had a nice view of her tits while I finished. After we got dressed I give her 3 jacksons and brought her back to her car. She wasn't too talkative during the drive there or back, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd rather ride in silence than hear some of these girls stories.

As always YMMV, especially with a SW.

Ratings (SW-adjusted scale)
Face: 7
Body: 9
Attitude: 7
Service: 7

11-26-07, 09:42
I had a date planned with a really hot working women, but like their cell phones, they are just not always reliable. Since I don't wait well, I decided to keep busy. One quick cruise and I found nothing interesting. So I decieded to hit the area Strip clubs. Started at Centerstage. Hit at Keno enough to buy a few drinks. The girls there were less hot than the day shift dancers, so I decided to move on. MG had great looking girls, but it was a little too loud and I did not find the chemistry I was looking for. Off to the 5th Alarm. Probably a bad time to go there, just around closing, and I suspect that the cumulative arrest records of all the people in the place would dwarf Norman Mailer's collected works. Still, the atmosphere was okay and the girls, though not petite, did have a certain sexiness to them. Of course, 5 or 6 drinks in me might have something to do with that. I found who I thought to be the best looking girl and took her in the back for a spin. Long LD with high high mileage. I did not complete as I did not want to stain my very favorite slacks. Got 6 songs worth of dances and and paid for three. Got digits too. Snuck out just prior to closing, just in case any of the gang memebers there decided to start shooting each other in the parking lot.

Then I found a fairly decent looking BSW on Belmont. She had a pretty face, was well spoken and had her own apartment (without kids in it). She promised me the best blow job of my life. I was skepical and I told her so. So, off we went. I told her to completely undress. She looked good in clothing, but was not so hot naked. Aunt Jemima deflated pancake tits, deflated belly and ass to go with them. Not nasty but certainly not nice.

She proceeded with a very respectable BBJ with attention to the boys and an occasional tonguing of my balls, ass, nipples, neck, ears. She worked slow and in a dedicated fashion to maximize my pleasure. No rushing. The 5 - 6 drinks definately kept my cork from popping to fast. She told me she wanted to take my whole load. I told her she could try but probably couldn't. She started to work faster with more suction and fingered my balls and butt until I blew. She really really tried to take it all in, but had to spit the last bit in her sink.

Good to very good BJ. Price was right at $20 plus $5 tip and in a safe location.

Another beautiful night / morning in Springfield...

Big Bobby35
11-29-07, 19:28
Did some recon and didn't score with walkers as many were out, but even more LE. See report on Boston Massage board on both.

Wish I saw reviews earlier of AMP in Belmont area.

Live and learn, but research MORE.

11-30-07, 23:48
I agree that there sure is a lot of attention this past week toward scaring the mongerers. One girl I picked up (but she was a look good from afar girl) had just gotten out of jail and she told me that the cops were busting or scaring the girls. She told me that a friend of hers almost had her arm broken as she was pushed into a car.

I gave her smokes money and tried again. Picking was very slim. I ended up finding a decen enough prior provider at a local watering hole. AS we headed out of town, a cruiser put the lights on and then pulled up along side, flashed the side headlight into the car and the officer gave me the "no no" sign with his finger and then pulled away. It was a big enough hint for me. And, yes, it scared the shit out of me.

Play it cool. Maybe it's and end of the month thing, maybe it's a cold weather thing, maybe it's a pre-Christmas thing. Who knows?

Aski Rn
12-01-07, 02:36
I gave her smokes money and tried again. Picking was very slim. I ended up finding a decen enough prior provider at a local watering hole. AS we headed out of town, a cruiser put the lights on and then pulled up along side, flashed the side headlight into the car and the officer gave me the "no no" sign with his finger and then pulled away. It was a big enough hint for me. And, yes, it scared the shit out of me.

Play it cool. Maybe it's and end of the month thing, maybe it's a cold weather thing, maybe it's a pre-Christmas thing. Who knows?Reason ay be some. May be all. But glad that you are still out here. Any suggestions on what one has to do when caught on the wrong foot :)

12-01-07, 12:21
Decided to TOFTM with a CL add I’ve been watching for a while.
Location: Nice quite street, safe
Pictures: Accurate
Service: Clinical and complete
Smokes: Before & after in separate room, trying to quit
Hygiene: Very clean

Chelsey is very friendly and like to talk. Can be very engaging and is not a clock watcher. Hosts in her home, which is in process of being renovated. She is D&D free and very cautious. Very attentive during the appointment and thorough. I doubt she is 37, if she is, it's been a rough 37 years. For a mature lady, she is sexy and looks to have taken care of her self. No piercing, tattoo and her bushes are nicely trimmed. Her breasts are very impressive, big nips and a real firm hand full. No children, no visible stretch. If you like a mature woman in a safe clean environment, chelsey is the one for you. If your looking for a porn star, don't call.

12-03-07, 09:46
I have reviewed her before and was less impressed than Jpeax seems to have been. But maybe he gets a free BJ for his post, who knows?

Yes she is nice. Yes her incall is a sweet location to meet. But she is pudgy with weird shaped tits and a belly and she oozes nicotine from ever pore and orafice in her body. If you are jonesing for a butt, have her give you mouth to mouth-- it is probably the equivalent of a pack of camel unfiltereds. Her price is negotiable but not cheap ($150 minimum). She will reminisce with you about her Las Vegas Escort days, back during the Kennedy era.

She is okay at best for a specific taste and venue. But I think you can find someone's mom or grandma at the Stop and Shop and save money (especially if there are good deals at the S&S too).

12-03-07, 22:58
I have reviewed her before and was less impressed than Jpeax seems to have been. But maybe he gets a free BJ for his post, who knows?

....Come on, let’s not knock the senior citizens to much. At least she’s taking things in her own hands and not relying on SS, welfare or the Bush administration. I was just trying to give an honest and fair review of a provider I had used. I never said I’d beat a path back to her door. She is definitely past her prime, and is trying to quit smoking and kick her alcohol addiction. She does give a safe low risk service and is easy to make an appointment with, i.e. low demand which can be a plus for some.

12-04-07, 20:50
Come on, let’s not knock the senior citizens to much. At least she’s taking things in her own hands and not relying on SS, welfare or the Bush administration. I was just trying to give an honest and fair review of a provider I had used. I never said I’d beat a path back to her door. She is definitely past her prime, and is trying to quit smoking and kick her alcohol addiction. She does give a safe low risk service and is easy to make an appointment with, i.e. low demand which can be a plus for some.

True enough...

12-06-07, 07:06
I almost had a near disaster yesterday. I dont post here alot but do alot of reading here so I just thought Id pass on a close call. I call the CL ad below which has a lovely pair of tits in the ad posed in a car near a steering wheel. So I call the number and she gave me a .6 price for a basic french lesson. She told me she was at a Burnett Rd Chicopee hotel behind McDonalds. When I was on the phone with her, I heard anther woman talking to someone else on the phone. She told me what time I had called earlier and seemed to have me on some kinda log. I thought it was her just keeping track of callers. So I figured hey why not she looks good Ill try it. She gave me a time to be there and I got into the parkin lot about 15 mins early just to do a drive through. I thank the big guy upstairs I did. When I did the loop through a man did a dash from a car back into one of the rooms. I didn't get a full complete view face on, but I know what I saw was a light blue shirt and his pants had a light blue strip running all the way down the leg. You may say its nothing and Im got paranoid. But to me it looked like a mass trooper. Maybe he wouldn't be involved in sting... Maybe he would. But just be warned it was alittle too suspicious for me. I'd much rather be safe and free then in the clink. The ad she ran was below.

Holiday specials - w4m - 33
Reply to: pers-499776981@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-12-05, 3:29PM EST

Springfield incall call 413-847-1473

12-08-07, 12:51
I almost had a near disaster yesterday. I dont post here alot but do alot of reading here so I just thought Id pass on a close call. I call the CL ad below which has a lovely pair of tits in the ad posed in a car near a steering wheel. So I call the number and she gave me a .6 price for a basic french lesson. She told me she was at a Burnett Rd Chicopee hotel behind McDonalds. When I was on the phone with her, I heard anther woman talking to someone else on the phone. She told me what time I had called earlier and seemed to have me on some kinda log. I thought it was her just keeping track of callers. So I figured hey why not she looks good Ill try it. She gave me a time to be there and I got into the parkin lot about 15 mins early just to do a drive through. I thank the big guy upstairs I did. When I did the loop through a man did a dash from a car back into one of the rooms. I didn't get a full complete view face on, but I know what I saw was a light blue shirt and his pants had a light blue strip running all the way down the leg. You may say its nothing and Im got paranoid. But to me it looked like a mass trooper. Maybe he wouldn't be involved in sting... Maybe he would. But just be warned it was alittle too suspicious for me. I'd much rather be safe and free then in the clink. The ad she ran was below.

Holiday specials - w4m - 33
Reply to: pers-499776981@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-12-05, 3:29PM EST

Springfield incall call 413-847-1473I called them when I was in town a couple weeks ago. Something just seemed off when I talked to them on the phone. They seemed to be prying a bit and wanted to discuss specifics. We set an appointment but I did not go. I wasn't sure if it was just me being paranoid, but something just didn't seem right about them. I ended up cruising for SW's instead.

12-09-07, 02:39
I was cruising and I saw a really hot hispanic girl who I wish was working, but was not. I did my best anyway and followed her discretely into a club. I did talk with her, but the place was just too loud for me and it did not look like I was going to be going home with her anyway... So I hit the road.

I did hook up with someone I knew and whose company I enjoyed. She certainly is a little cutie. She wanted to service me, but I wanted to service her first. Well, when her pants went down, I was overwhelmed with the abhorant odor of BAD PUSSY. Well, that ended that date (at least functionally). Somehow, the odor stayed in my notrils and I did not want to put any part of my near any part of her that was wet and pink. So, we parted on good terms and I was pretty much done for the evening.

But then, I remembered that I have to go to a function in the morning and I did not have a card. So I stop at Walmart at the X. As I park, my phone rings and I shut the engine off and answer it. Just then, my passenger door flies open and a pretty cute blonde street walker dressed like a movie-hooker jumps (JUMPS) into my passenger seat. At first I was scared, because, for all I knew, a mugger with a gun jumped into my car. But I put on the interior light, with a startled look and I see a pretty, well-made up, bottle blonde with a bustier (sp?) showing her cleavage, a faux fur coat open in the front, a black leather hip-hugging skirt and fishnet stockings and black knee-highboots (no shit about the movie-hooker wardrobe). She sees that I was not expecting her to jump in and says to me, "oh, I thought you were someone else." And she is about to get out when a cop parked behind me shines the lights in my car and puts on the red n blues. Shit, shit, shit. But then again, I did not do anything, did I. So I tell the girl (muting my phone), "okay, get out, I am not who you thought I was." "Please, I am broken down and need a jump. Can't you take me down the road?" "No," I tell her. Go ask them." I point to the cop car behind us. She gets out very sheepishly and walks around the car to the front of the store. The cops follow her and one gets out of the vehicle. I unmute my phone and resume my call (but I cut it REALLY short). No cop bothering me, so I pull out and leave, just in time to watch them shakedown the blonde cutie.

Fucked up, huh? I could have been like that kid in "Animal House" when the cheerleader gets ctapulted into his bedroom and said "thank you, God." Instead, I feel shaken up and lucky not to have gotten snagged for being a [unsoliciting] John.

12-09-07, 12:53
Sounds like Springfield LE has your number. 2 interactions with LE in just over a week...

If you ever needed a reason to buy a new car.... :rolleyes:

12-10-07, 10:17
Sounds like Springfield LE has your number. 2 interactions with LE in just over a week...

If you ever needed a reason to buy a new car.... :rolleyes:

I'll have to retire. That was one of the reasons I ditched the last one. Maybe I should go buy a shitty van to have an extra mongercycle...

12-16-07, 19:18
Picked her up a few days ago, realized I had forgotten my wallet at home, "Damn", anyone here been with her, I have digits, but don't want to waste my time if anyone has TOFTT,

NENY Troller
12-17-07, 10:09
Picked her up a few days ago, realized I had forgotten my wallet at home, "Damn", anyone here been with her, I have digits, but don't want to waste my time if anyone has TOFTT,


If it's the same Crystal, I picked her up on Belmont between the X and the supermarket on Oakland last Wednesday night between the rain drops. She was well dressed, smelled good, cutish face, maybe 27- 32, 5'5 to 5'7, bleached blond hair, and what appeared to be a decent body on the drive by. She hopped in and after a short inspection I decided that a trip back to my hotel wasn't going to happen with her. Don't get me wrong, if your looking for a quick car date bj she might be fine. However, she had a gut on her that I didn't want to see undressed so I dropped her back off.

There were a few other girls out that night. Most of them down on S. Main and most of them I wouldn't want to be near. There were a few decent ones though but everytime I found one LE showed up close by.

The streets are drying up all over. It makes the hunt that much harder and when you find a good one, much more gratifying.

Cruiser D
12-18-07, 06:53
A cop pulls up behind you puts the lights on and doesn't bother talking to you? Yeah, right.

The cop was either interested in only the girl (free date, money, whatever), she was an entrapment decoy or someone had a really good/bad dream.

She sees that I was not expecting her to jump in and says to me, "oh, I thought you were someone else." And she is about to get out when a cop parked behind me shines the lights in my car and puts on the red n blues. Shit, shit, shit. But then again, I did not do anything, did I. So I tell the girl (muting my phone), "okay, get out, I am not who you thought I was." "Please, I am broken down and need a jump. Can't you take me down the road?" "No," I tell her. Go ask them." I point to the cop car behind us. She gets out very sheepishly and walks around the car to the front of the store. The cops follow her and one gets out of the vehicle. I unmute my phone and resume my call (but I cut it REALLY short). No cop bothering me, so I pull out and leave, just in time to watch them shakedown the blonde cutie.

12-18-07, 10:54
A cop pulls up behind you puts the lights on and doesn't bother talking to you? Yeah, right.

The cop was either interested in only the girl (free date, money, whatever), she was an entrapment decoy or someone had a really good/bad dream.

"The cop was not BOTHERING me:"

COP = noun / subject

WAS = verb

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "WAS NOT BOTHERING")

BOTHERING = Adverb, modifying the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer was not taking direct action against the person represented by the direct object ME. It implies that the LE left him alone.

New Sentence: "The cop did not bother me"

COP = noun / subject

DID NOT = verb / compound negative

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "DID NOT BOTHER")

BOTHER = AdJECTIVE, describes the feeling of / modifies the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer did not have an emotional effect on the person represented by the direct object ME In this example the person represented by ME was a cool cucumber.

I, on the other hand, played it cool, but was shitting in my pants. I figured there was no cause to arrest me, but since it was my second interaction with the SPD within a few weeks, it sure as shit scared me (and I have not cruised since).

I hope this deconstruction of my writing shows that my use of grammar was appropriate. Sorry for any confusion.

Boston Monger
12-18-07, 12:21
she was probably being followed/stalked by LE. She might have seen you as a last resort to get out of dodge. BUT, LE was just too close.

12-18-07, 19:45
Hi all,

I'm new to the area and wondering if a visit to Maxim is worthwhile.

Any feedback on this place?

Wolfman Jack
12-19-07, 03:02
"The cop was not BOTHERING me:"

COP = noun / subject

WAS = verb

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "WAS NOT BOTHERING")

BOTHERING = Adverb, modifying the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer was not taking direct action against the person represented by the direct object ME. It implies that the LE left him alone.

New Sentence: "The cop did not bother me"

COP = noun / subject

DID NOT = verb / compound negative

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "DID NOT BOTHER")

BOTHER = AdJECTIVE, describes the feeling of / modifies the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer did not have an emotional effect on the person represented by the direct object ME In this example the person represented by ME was a cool cucumber.

I, on the other hand, played it cool, but was shitting in my pants. I figured there was no cause to arrest me, but since it was my second interaction with the SPD within a few weeks, it sure as shit scared me (and I have not cruised since).

I hope this deconstruction of my writing shows that my use of grammar was appropriate. Sorry for any confusion.


12-19-07, 10:29
Picked her up a few days ago, realized I had forgotten my wallet at home, "Damn", anyone here been with her, I have digits, but don't want to waste my time if anyone has TOFTT,I saw Crystal while I was in town. Assuming we are talking about the same Crystal. See my previous post, #800 in this thread.


12-19-07, 19:56
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Funny shit, that right there. Keep up the great posts...

However, as a longtime holder of a degree in English, I hereby sentence you to 6 months of tutoring in remedial grammar. Steel will be your instructor.

"The cop was not BOTHERING me:"

COP = noun / subject

WAS = verb

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "WAS NOT BOTHERING")

BOTHERING = Adverb, modifying the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer was not taking direct action against the person represented by the direct object ME. It implies that the LE left him alone.

New Sentence: "The cop did not bother me"

COP = noun / subject

DID NOT = verb / compound negative

ME = pronoun / direct object (of "DID NOT BOTHER")

BOTHER = AdJECTIVE, describes the feeling of / modifies the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer did not have an emotional effect on the person represented by the direct object ME In this example the person represented by ME was a cool cucumber.

I, on the other hand, played it cool, but was shitting in my pants. I figured there was no cause to arrest me, but since it was my second interaction with the SPD within a few weeks, it sure as shit scared me (and I have not cruised since).

I hope this deconstruction of my writing shows that my use of grammar was appropriate. Sorry for any confusion.

12-19-07, 20:15
"The cop was not BOTHERING me:"
COP = noun / subject
WAS = verb
ME = pronoun / direct object (of "WAS NOT BOTHERING")
BOTHERING = Adverb, modifying the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer was not taking direct action against the person represented by the direct object ME. It implies that the LE left him alone.

New Sentence: "The cop did not bother me"

COP = noun / subject
DID NOT = verb / compound negative
ME = pronoun / direct object (of "DID NOT BOTHER")
BOTHER = AdJECTIVE, describes the feeling of / modifies the direct object ME

Interpretation: This sentence states that the police officer did not have an emotional effect on the person represented by the direct object ME In this example the person represented by ME was a cool cucumber.

I, on the other hand, played it cool, but was shitting in my pants. I figured there was no cause to arrest me, but since it was my second interaction with the SPD within a few weeks, it sure as shit scared me (and I have not cruised since).

I hope this deconstruction of my writing shows that my use of grammar was appropriate. Sorry for any confusion.

One question - did the cop annoy you?

12-19-07, 22:44
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Funny shit, that right there. Keep up the great posts...

However, as a longtime holder of a degree in English, I hereby sentence you to 6 months of tutoring in remedial grammar. Steel will be your instructor.

That stings...

Cruiser D
12-20-07, 19:39
Garthy, I think you missed the part of my post that implied you are in Lala land.

People don't lie or expand on the truth on these boards, do they?

Super Ho jumped in your car, the police pull up behind you with the blues on, then super ho jumps out and the cops don't even say a word to you. Yeah, okay. At the very least the cops are going to think you are a john or a pimp.

12-20-07, 20:11
Garthy, I think you missed the part of my post that implied you are in Lala land.

People don't lie or expand on the truth on these boards, do they?

Super Ho jumped in your car, the police pull up behind you with the blues on, then super ho jumps out and the cops don't even say a word to you. Yeah, okay. At the very least the cops are going to think you are a john or a pimp.

Okay-- First I am sure I misunderstood your post (because I thought you were saying that it didn't BOTHER me). But I was too into writing the [erroneous; sorry JMG] grammatical reply.

BUT-- I really don't bullshit. Why would I? I really don't have a need to. But let me explain further.

Here is the scenario. I am driving down Belmont and I pull into the Walgreens. My phone rings. I am parked on the North (Belmont / Sumner)side of the building answering my phone when a girl JUMPS into my car from the passenger side. The police car pulled AROUND Walgreens from the East side (Dickinson Side) and flashes his lights on for a second or two. I get the girl to get out of the car and I do nothing else. She walks (fast) around the West side of Walgreens (by the pharmacy pick-up lane) and the cruiser follows her (lights now off-- he drives behind my car and heads West around the building) leaving me alone. I drive off onto Dickinson and leave.

That's the facts. If it were any other way, you could check the police blotter for Springfield PD and see.

If you have issues with my credibility, you should do your homework.

Dickinson St ...|
____ .............|....{}...[=========]
.................................... me ().........x fleeing girl


12-21-07, 00:11
But I was too into writing the [erroneous; sorry JMG] grammatical reply.

No need to apologize. You may have missed a couple of grammatical points, but the spirit of your post was clear (and f-ing hilarious)...

12-21-07, 09:12
Garthy, I think you missed the part of my post that implied you are in Lala land.

People don't lie or expand on the truth on these boards, do they?

Super Ho jumped in your car, the police pull up behind you with the blues on, then super ho jumps out and the cops don't even say a word to you. Yeah, okay. At the very least the cops are going to think you are a john or a pimp.If they actually witnessed the girl jump in his car in the first place, and jump back out quickly, they might not mess with him. It would seem reasonable that they drew the conclusion that he turned her down, leaving them with nothing on him.

12-23-07, 02:08

Would not BS you! I have seen crazy things like that myself in Springfield.

Springfield is really hot these past few weeks with LE all over the place and plenty of them in unmarked cars and pick-up trucks etc. I also thing most of the girls are on vacation at the new resort in Chicopee.

Stop giving Garthy a hard time and X-mas to everyone.

12-27-07, 09:14
On Belmont, across from the supermarket, I saw a petite, black-asian mix, young & CUTE SW. At first I was not sure if she was working, because she looked too good to be true. She also looked about 18. I looped to see if she was just heading from point A to B or is she was really working. She was looking into each car passing by, my guess is that she was not yet experienced enough to give a competent "look."

This was about 7pm, the streets were pretty crowded with cars. On second pass I pulled into the Belmont Cleaners lot to watch. Honestly, I was too cautious to attempt a pick-up, my alarms were going off telling me "don't do it." Too many cars, too much bad experience lately, too close to the end of the month, too young, too new, too cute... ring! ring! ring!

But I watched her walk up to the corner by Belmont Cleaners, stand there looking at cars and then she walked back toward me. A car flahed her and tooted the horn and turned the corner just opposite from where I was parked. I saw her cross the street and get in. Yup, she was working for sure.

She sure looked cute as can be. Just an FYI from a chicken-shit Garthy...

12-27-07, 09:52
I suppose it is worth mentioning that I noticed that the Chinese Massage Place on Belmont has now changed it's name to "Asian Massage." New, large, hand-painted signs are up. Also, I noticed that the telephone number has disappeared from the window and the mention of "therapeutic" has disappeared too (as did "hot stone" and the few other thing they advertised). Granted, there is no sign saying "hand job" or "full service"

Okay, so I decided to (once again) give this place a look-see. Plus #1 was the new signs. Minus #1 was no buzzer at the door, but again, a plus that the door was locked and I had to knock. Another plus is a mamasan-type girl who answers the door and asks me "you been here before?" This has me thinking that this will be a good experience. I come in and she locks the door. I tell her I have been here before. I ask if there are new owners. She tells me yes-- all new. She says she is from New York and this is her second day (plus). "Massage is sixty for the hour." This time I get no choices of hot stone ot oil or shiatsu (just "sixty for the hour." Another plus?)

She is a very attractive 35-40yo asian women. My guess is that Sarang would have flipped for this girl. Not a young chippie, but very very attractive with a subdued, respectful, I want to please you demeanor. Of course, she could be 50 or so-- one of these fountain-of-youth age-defying asian women.

She tells me the massage is "full body" and promises I "will leave happy," and that it is "good for stress." (plus, plus, plus).

We head into the interior from the front-room. The place is a mess. There are no private rooms, just one curtained off area in the corner with a space heater in the curtained off area. The rest of the place is cluttered with boxes and god-knows what. Fire hazard, all of it...

Into the curtained area we go, She give me a towel and the massage table is clean and neatly made. I get naked. and lay down. I have heard from a previous report that this freaked the masseuse out. Not this girl. She smiled when she came in and saw me naked. (another plus). She gives me the option of "hard or soft" (I choose hard). And she commences the massage.

She is wearing a pair of skin-tight leggings and a loose, green v-neck blouse which is cut low enough to reveal a white sports bra. Pretty, sexy, but not a bikini, that's for sure).

The massage is very hot-- she gives a very good massage, pays attention to my butt (but not my the tailpipe), massages me with her hair, her breath, and multiple times leans way over me to run her breasts across my back. She does this move I run my hand over her very tight and well-shaped ass. She does not stop me.

We get interrupted at least 4 times. Once is by someone knocking. She asks if she can go get the door. I tell her no, but she goes anyway. I worry a little that SPD is at the door. The second time is for the phone. The third time is someone coming in the door into the anteroom (again, I think this might be SPD), she leaves again and returns to tell me that her "boss" stopped by). I tell her that I do not like the interruptions. She tells me she will "make it up to me, honey." By this time I have decided I am making absolutely no gestures of pay-for-play. If it happens, okay, but no suggestion is coming from me. It just seems like I am in the middle of an intersection getting a massage. Interruption #4 is her leaving to the front room again and I hear her talking with "the boss" and him leaving. Great, huh? Nice and relaxing, no?

She returns to me and lights a candle (now I am even more nervous-- remember this place is screaming fire hazard -- So if SPD isn't trying to get me, I get to make the news when the Fire Department pulls me out wrapped in a towel...)

She is now very provovative-- more blowing, hair massaging, running her breasts up and down me... She does the flip and pays a lot of attention to the nipples with her blowing/hair thing. She does play with the boys and is a little surprised when she pulls at my rod and it is not rock hard (not limp either, mind you, just cautiously ready). She gets some oil and starts to rub very gently (I think to see if I am going to object). The phone rings again. "You don't want me to stop?" I say "no." but she gives a couple pulls and then goes to get the phone anyway. I'm done. It's been over an hour already anyway.

She comes back and finds me sitting up and she is horrified. "So sorry, so sorry." I tell her it is okay. She tells me "please not go yet." But I give her a hug and a Jackson and tell her that there were too many interruptions. She wants to help me to get dressed. I politely thank her, but gesture that I can do it myself. She asks me if I will come back. I tell her "maybe." She then writes down her number on a flyer. She tells me I should call and she will make an appointment for me "anytime." She also tells me that she has something for me. She gives me two presents and I get another hug and a kiss on the cheek. (I opened them later -- they were a very nice 3-D scene of a asain village; about 14 x10 inches and HEAVY, and a wooden A-Frame support for the picture).

Bottom line-- I think I would have gotten a manual release, but this place is a mess (in many ways). Massuese was nice (and pretty / older), but the interruptions were intolerable and stressful. No true private room. Definate change in direction, however, as they seem to no longer stress that there services are a form of health care. If they redesign the place, get a shower, throw up some sheet rock and a door, and get a staff, some day I might have a true AMP in my own backyard.

The other option is to call the girl directly and get an off-hours session. That might be interesting.

FYI. Happy Screw Year...

Tuna Seeker
12-28-07, 19:27
Thursday night I decided to take a cruise down belmont and saw 1 b/hsw out, so I passed her by twice did the loop and was about to pick her up but someone beat me to it. Luckily I didn't get there first because 2 cars came out of nowhere and pulled him over right away. I mean I went by mill st a few times and saw nobody lurking so I thought it was safe. Then went by the mobil and saw nothing happening there except for a bsw that was a dead ringer for nell carter so I passed on that. Garthy you are right about LE being out in full force. Didn't want to be in court to start the new year off so I went home.

Might just have to revert back to the 5A and see whats available for TO

12-30-07, 01:42
A lot of girls out an about this Saturday night. At least 3 cute and 1 VERY cute. They all were on the main drag and there was LE and unmarked LE all about. One girl may have been LE as well. I cruised and decided none were worth the risk. But I did chat with a new girl-- smoking hot, long-haired, tiny thin, Puerto-Rican sweetie. Flirted and was very tempted. But there was no way I was risking it tonight. Could not get her digits.

So I went off to one of private stock at her place and we fucked and sucked and made out like teenagers until I popped. Then restarted for a second (more of a dribble than a pop on #2).

Are my street days really over?

12-31-07, 09:13
Found this one and did take a chance. Too cute to be believed. Long haired brunette KNOCKOUT!

Risk level out there is extremely high. I saw a mongerer get pulled over after picking up a girl.

How about Springfield starts communicating by using the board. It seems really stupid to be the only one posting here. Springfield used to have an active forum. I guess everyone moved to CT?

Make it your New Years's resolution to POST!

Tuna Seeker
01-01-08, 16:57
There were alot of ladies out last night. But also alot of LE patrolling too. Finally got a break and took the first available. Picked her up on bay st. Short girl not too thin, around 30ish maybe 25 but I doubt it. She claimed 25. Paid 40 and she came back to my motel. She said she only does this when she needs the money for insurance. She claims to be laid off from mercy hospital where she was a nurse. But anyways she stayed about an hour and a half most of that was her talking about her former job. Then we got down to business. Cbj, I did not dine. I had to put 2 helmets on for this one folks just cuz of the way she was talking (very fast) not a bad lay but she needs to keep quiet, . She says she is usually around there once a month. She was neatly dressed and her hair looked like it was recently done so maybe she was telling the truth.

08 is off to a good start but LE action might keep me away for a few weeks.

Wolfman Jack
01-01-08, 20:30
Found this one and did take a chance. Too cute to be believed. Long haired brunette KNOCKOUT!

Risk level out there is extremely high. I saw a mongerer get pulled over after picking up a girl.

How about Springfield starts communicating by using the board. It seems really stupid to be the only one posting here. Springfield used to have an active forum. I guess everyone moved to CT?

Make it your New Years's resolution to POST!

I'm pretty sure I saw her after the bars got out last night, around 2:30am. We took that way over to 91 and she was walking by the Wendy's on Main St. I had the beer goggles on (or actually the vodka goggles), but she looked not half bad.

01-01-08, 20:55
I'm pretty sure I saw her after the bars got out last night, around 2:30am. We took that way over to 91 and she was walking by the Wendy's on Main St. I had the beer goggles on (or actually the vodka goggles), but she looked not half bad.

If you had the beer goggles on, then this girl was Helen of Troy or Cleopatra. She was fine. Pretty face, dazzling eyes and a rocking hard body with flat, lovely abs and a nicely shaved bush. Looked great naked.

I honestly would not have even attempted a pickup if she were not that smoking. I think I almost almost done with the SW thing. It is way too hot and the girls (in general) are way not. It just seems really fucking stupid to get arrested for picking up a fugly girl who stinks up my car. And they will arrest you these days.

Mind you, I did see a pullover after a pickup last night. I wanted to check the arrest log, but Springfield has pulled that off-line (beats me why). BUT-- there are more crack dealers and heroin dealers out on the streets than I have EVER seen before. I guess no one bothers to try to arrest them. After all, my 95-lb hottie from last night probably could not put up much of a fight and might make for a nice cavity search. The dealers might shoot at LE or run or fight... Besides, SWs are DANGEROUS people...

Wolfie-- I would have bought you New Year's beer... Good to see you reporting in. I'll send your regards to that other pretty brunette we both know.

01-02-08, 00:30
I suppose it is worth mentioning that I noticed that the Chinese Massage Place on Belmont has now changed it's name to "Asian Massage. " New, large, hand-painted signs are up. Also, I noticed that the telephone number has disappeared from the window and the mention of "therapeutic" has disappeared too (as did "hot stone" and the few other thing they advertised). Granted, there is no sign saying "hand job" or "full service"

Okay, so I decided to (once again) give this place a look-see. Plus #1 was the new signs. Minus #1 was no buzzer at the door, but again, a plus that the door was locked and I had to knock. Another plus is a mamasan-type girl who answers the door and asks me "you been here before? " This has me thinking that this will be a good experience. I come in and she locks the door. I tell her I have been here before. I ask if there are new owners. She tells me yes-- all new. She says she is from New York and this is her second day (plus). "Massage is sixty for the hour. " This time I get no choices of hot stone ot oil or shiatsu (just "sixty for the hour. " Another plus? )

She is a very attractive 35-40yo asian women. My guess is that Sarang would have flipped for this girl. Not a young chippie, but very very attractive with a subdued, respectful, I want to please you demeanor. Of course, she could be 50 or so-- one of these fountain-of-youth age-defying asian women.

She tells me the massage is "full body" and promises I "will leave happy, " and that it is "good for stress. " (plus, plus, plus).

We head into the interior from the front-room. The place is a mess. There are no private rooms, just one curtained off area in the corner with a space heater in the curtained off area. The rest of the place is cluttered with boxes and god-knows what. Fire hazard, all of it.

Into the curtained area we go, She give me a towel and the massage table is clean and neatly made. I get naked. And lay down. I have heard from a previous report that this freaked the masseuse out. Not this girl. She smiled when she came in and saw me naked. (another plus). She gives me the option of "hard or soft" (I choose hard). And she commences the massage.

She is wearing a pair of skin-tight leggings and a loose, green v-neck blouse which is cut low enough to reveal a white sports bra. Pretty, sexy, but not a bikini, that's for sure).

The massage is very hot-- she gives a very good massage, pays attention to my butt (but not my the tailpipe), massages me with her hair, her breath, and multiple times leans way over me to run her breasts across my back. She does this move I run my hand over her very tight and well-shaped ass. She does not stop me.

We get interrupted at least 4 times. Once is by someone knocking. She asks if she can go get the door. I tell her no, but she goes anyway. I worry a little that SPD is at the door. The second time is for the phone. The third time is someone coming in the door into the anteroom (again, I think this might be SPD), she leaves again and returns to tell me that her "boss" stopped by). I tell her that I do not like the interruptions. She tells me she will "make it up to me, honey. " By this time I have decided I am making absolutely no gestures of pay-for-play. If it happens, okay, but no suggestion is coming from me. It just seems like I am in the middle of an intersection getting a massage. Interruption #4 is her leaving to the front room again and I hear her talking with "the boss" and him leaving. Great, huh? Nice and relaxing, no?

She returns to me and lights a candle (now I am even more nervous-- remember this place is screaming fire hazard.- So if SPD isn't trying to get me, I get to make the news when the Fire Department pulls me out wrapped in a towel.)

She is now very provovative-- more blowing, hair massaging, running her breasts up and down me. She does the flip and pays a lot of attention to the nipples with her blowing/hair thing. She does play with the boys and is a little surprised when she pulls at my rod and it is not rock hard (not limp either, mind you, just cautiously ready). She gets some oil and starts to rub very gently (I think to see if I am going to object). The phone rings again. "You don't want me to stop? " I say "no. " but she gives a couple pulls and then goes to get the phone anyway. I'm done. It's been over an hour already anyway.

She comes back and finds me sitting up and she is horrified. "So sorry, so sorry. " I tell her it is okay. She tells me "please not go yet. " But I give her a hug and a Jackson and tell her that there were too many interruptions. She wants to help me to get dressed. I politely thank her, but gesture that I can do it myself. She asks me if I will come back. I tell her "maybe. " She then writes down her number on a flyer. She tells me I should call and she will make an appointment for me "anytime. " She also tells me that she has something for me. She gives me two presents and I get another hug and a kiss on the cheek. (I opened them later.- they were a very nice 3-D scene of a asain village; about 14 x10 inches and HEAVY, and a wooden A-Frame support for the picture).

Bottom line-- I think I would have gotten a manual release, but this place is a mess (in many ways). Massuese was nice (and pretty / older), but the interruptions were intolerable and stressful. No true private room. Definate change in direction, however, as they seem to no longer stress that there services are a form of health care. If they redesign the place, get a shower, throw up some sheet rock and a door, and get a staff, some day I might have a true AMP in my own backyard.

The other option is to call the girl directly and get an off-hours session. That might be interesting.

FYI. Happy Screw Year. So I believe I went to the same place as you on Saturday. There is now another one named Chinese Massage a half block away. Can't believe these will last for long given the atmosphere in Springfield these days.

Anyway, didn't have the same response as you did, though given your description, I believe I saw the same woman. Have to admit that I was nervous as hell, more so than any other time over the last 25 years I have been going to AMPs. But I gave her more than enough signals that I wanted more, and she acknowledged as such when she said that she wanted to do more, but couldn't (there was a mamasan, and another woman there when I went).

But I don't think I will go back. Believe, I wish this was a viable alternative as I hate driving 2. 5 hours to RI for a HE. But the two reasons I probably won't go back are first, the LE issue, and second, I first got a half hour, and when time was up (she set a beeper), she said she wished she could "finish" the massage with my front. So I bit, paid the extra 20, and up front gave her a 40 tip asking if that would be enough to finish. She said yes, gave me a hug, disappeared, came back and proceeded to give me a 30 minute front massage with all kinds of rubbing against me, but wouldn't do anything else. Nice woman, decent looker, but she knew what I was looking for, she took the tip know this, and didn't deliver. Anyone go to the other one yet? God I hate that drive to RI!

Wolfman Jack
01-02-08, 02:27
If you had the beer goggles on, then this girl was Helen of Troy or Cleopatra. She was fine. Pretty face, dazzling eyes and a rocking hard body with flat, lovely abs and a nicely shaved bush. Looked great naked.

I honestly would not have even attempted a pickup if she were not that smoking. I think I almost almost done with the SW thing. It is way too hot and the girls (in general) are way not. It just seems really fucking stupid to get arrested for picking up a fugly girl who stinks up my car. And they will arrest you these days.

Mind you, I did see a pullover after a pickup last night. I wanted to check the arrest log, but Springfield has pulled that off-line (beats me why). BUT-- there are more crack dealers and heroin dealers out on the streets than I have EVER seen before. I guess no one bothers to try to arrest them. After all, my 95-lb hottie from last night probably could not put up much of a fight and might make for a nice cavity search. The dealers might shoot at LE or run or fight... Besides, SWs are DANGEROUS people...

Wolfie-- I would have bought you New Year's beer... Good to see you reporting in. I'll send your regards to that other pretty brunette we both know.

She left me a voicemail Sunday night saying she had an incall in Agawam for a few hours, but unfortunately, I was in the New Haven area and wasn't able to make it up for a chat with her. Keep treating her well G-Man, she's a good egg.

Btw, we were at a bar with a bull, then one named after a chubby feline. I'm sure you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

NENY Troller
01-04-08, 15:22
Damn was it cold last night. So cold it seemed like LE was spending most of the time indoors and not out on the streets. There were a few girls out and you knew if they were out, they were working.

I picked up Salena "Bambina" around 10pm. LSW, average looking, 34 years old, 4' 11", under 100#. She looked like she would be a great spinner. Nice looking ass in her jeans and very small tits. However, once I checked under the shirt and found the recently created stretched out baby flab hanging from her belly I was a bit turned off to say the least. I had her keep her clothes on and settled for a cbj that was about the poorest I've ever had. All hands and she couldn't deep throat a Tootsie Pop. I had her stop after about 3 minutes of wasted time and brought her back to her place. She was nice enough but I would not recommend.

I continued trolling and ended up finding Michelle, another slender girl. She said she was 26 or 28, I can't remember but she looked younger. She's about 5' 7", beautiful brown hair, really cute, real nice slender ass and saggy tits from too many drugs. Her downfalls are the saggy tits, picking her scalp and too much heroin. If she could kick the H habit her deflated tits would be awesome, the picking would stop and she's smart enough to be able to do something with her life. Just like many others, the problem is trying to kick the habit.

Michelle provided a great cbj and didn’t stop until I decide it was time to try out the pussy. I hit it in multiple positions, she was nice and tight, and provided a very good overall experience. On the way back to her stroll we got something to eat and spent a good hour talking about whatever.

Keep it covered and treat her well. She's a nice one.

Garthy, is this the Michelle you were talking about a week ago?


01-04-08, 16:53
Damn was it cold last night. So cold it seemed like LE was spending most of the time indoors and not out on the streets. There were a few girls out and you knew if they were out, they were working.

I picked up Salena "Bambina" around 10pm. LSW, average looking, 34 years old, 4' 11", under 100#. She looked like she would be a great spinner. Nice looking ass in her jeans and very small tits. However, once I checked under the shirt and found the recently created stretched out baby flab hanging from her belly I was a bit turned off to say the least. I had her keep her clothes on and settled for a cbj that was about the poorest I've ever had. All hands and she couldn't deep throat a Tootsie Pop. I had her stop after about 3 minutes of wasted time and brought her back to her place. She was nice enough but I would not recommend.

I continued trolling and ended up finding Michelle, another slender girl. She said she was 26 or 28, I can't remember but she looked younger. She's about 5' 7", beautiful brown hair, really cute, real nice slender ass and saggy tits from too many drugs. Her downfalls are the saggy tits, picking her scalp and too much heroin. If she could kick the H habit her deflated tits would be awesome, the picking would stop and she's smart enough to be able to do something with her life. Just like many others, the problem is trying to kick the habit.

Michelle provided a great cbj and didn’t stop until I decide it was time to try out the pussy. I hit it in multiple positions, she was nice and tight, and provided a very good overall experience. On the way back to her stroll we got something to eat and spent a good hour talking about whatever.

Keep it covered and treat her well. She's a nice one.

Garthy, is this the Michelle you were talking about a week ago?


This could be, but she must have lost 10lbs in the last week for her tits to have been sagging! Bright blue eyes, lovely face & smart sounds like the same girl. The girl I picked up (and have been with a few times before, but infrequently), did not have track marks and did not pick her scalp. Also, her ass was firm-- I spent enough time playing with it. Not flabby at all. She had a few other notable features that I will PM you. I will not be naive and say she did not have a drug problem -- why the hell else would a pretty, smart, conversant girl be on the Springfield streets anyway?

I have seen quite a few go South fast-- Angela, Sarah, Stephanie, and the list goes on and on.

It may be the same girl, but I would have rated her an 8.5 (adjusting for Springfield would bring her up to a 9.5). No way I would have put her as a 7. Also, she puts on quite a show for FS (moaning and sucking my fingers and playing with herself). Did she do that sort of thing? If so, it is the same girl, just on the way down way fast. It can happen when a petite girl drops her body weight too rapidly. If so, she is going to freeze or get even skinnier in this cold spell!

Such a shame if it is her...

NENY Troller
01-05-08, 18:17
It may be the same girl, but I would have rated her an 8.5 (adjusting for Springfield would bring her up to a 9.5). No way I would have put her as a 7. Also, she puts on quite a show for FS (moaning and sucking my fingers and playing with herself). Did she do that sort of thing? If so, it is the same girl, just on the way down way fast. It can happen when a petite girl drops her body weight too rapidly. If so, she is going to freeze or get even skinnier in this cold spell!

Such a shame if it is her...

I agree with you. The girl is top quality for a Springfield SW. My only better experiences in Springfield were with a girl named Gennessee two years ago and a Westfield St. student on Christmas Break named Julie four years ago.

I didn't get the show you described but she sucked and licked the shaft and nut sack with the best of them. She seemed to be enjoying herself and kept asking if I was pleased. BTW, the kitty was unshaven but very soft and wispy. The ass was solid. I saw a lot of it myself and she is of the type that arches her back as much as possible to get her ass up in the air when going doggy style.

A couple of gallons of whole milk would solve saggy tit problem. They are not that bad, just a bit disapointing when youu see the rest of the package.

I may be up that way again next week and I'll keep an eye out for her.


01-07-08, 16:16
Okay-- I had to check myself and went in search of her. NENY is a reliable resource and I trust him. But the discrepency was bothering me so I went in search and I found her.

She has indeed lost some weight and is now very skinny. I am not sure what format you sampled her, NENY, but I decided to do a full check on her. I stand by my initial report. She is a very pretty girl. Tits are small, and indeed they have gotten smaller with her weight loss, but they still hold up against gravity, have no stretch marks on them and are very nice and responsive to the touch. If you want truly saggy tits-- go see the Brazilian in Hartford. No way I would give her a seven. Even now she is still and 8+ (I stand by my 8.5).

As for picking-- no scabs anywhere-- not even in her hair. Indeed there are track marks on her arms, but not a ton. I think she has dry skin. As for the bush-- it is not completely unkempt. She grooms, but does not shave the area between her legs.

She is a very nice Springfield find. I am sure we are talking about the same girl, but she has dropped pounds and she needs to stop the horse (and maybe eat it too).

Lots of mongerers out yesterday. Not too many reporters.

I had a great time with her

01-09-08, 11:02
Okay, I decided to spend some cash at a club last night. I went to my favorite local club (which has a 2 for 1 lap dance special on Tuesday). The mix of girls was below their usual standard, but there were at least 3 gorgeous girls. One of whom happened to be completely crazy too! Must be off her medications or on her own...

She was a ton of fun. It was not my intention to get as many lap dances as I did, but I did. And I guess it could have been worse (without the special), but I don't remember EVER spending over an hour in the LD area before. I got to meet the friendly neighborhood bouncer-dude (he was a good guy and we had brew and chatted afterward. I could write two additon reports (long ones) on: 1) what goes on and with whom in the LD area and 2) what I learned from the bouncer-dude. Alas, some secrets stay with me.

Overall-- REALLY GOOD experience. There is something very cool about a wickedly-sexy, incredibly manic vixen going ape-shit on you...


PS: Why is the Springfield board so dead?

Tuna Seeker
01-09-08, 18:58
I didn't know Teddy b's did 2 for 1 Ld's on tuesday nights? Haha

Okay, I decided to spend some cash at a club last night. I went to my favorite local club (which has a 2 for 1 lap dance special on Tuesday). The mix of girls was below their usual standard, but there were at least 3 gorgeous girls. One of whom happened to be completely crazy too! Must be off her medications or on her own...

She was a ton of fun. It was not my intention to get as many lap dances as I did, but I did. And I guess it could have been worse (without the special), but I don't remember EVER spending over an hour in the LD area before. I got to meet the friendly neighborhood bouncer-dude (he was a good guy and we had brew and chatted afterward. I could write two additon reports (long ones) on: 1) what goes on and with whom in the LD area and 2) what I learned from the bouncer-dude. Alas, some secrets stay with me.

Overall-- REALLY GOOD experience. There is something very cool about a wickedly-sexy, incredibly manic vixen going ape-shit on you...


PS: Why is the Springfield board so dead?

NENY Troller
01-09-08, 21:45
PS: Why is the Springfield board so dead?[/QUOTE]

I have no idea considering there is a fair amount of available talent, good and bad, working in Springfield at any given time. Things have slowed down throughout the Northeast though. However, for the amount of girls working Springfield, you would think there would be more reports.

Myself, I'm only occasionally in your lovely town and I might be a bit choosy. Last night was one of them.

I went looking for Michelle, saw her in her normal area, and by the time I got turned around and checked things out she was gone. I drove around a bit more. I picked up Christina and I quickly remembered her from a while back. She would be a great time if she could get away for a bit. She didn't want to go to a hotel so I took her back to her spot after buying her something to drink. Ended up on Belmont and tried with another monger to get a slow walking, attractive, apparent SW to go for a ride. Subtley of course! I think were were both obvious to each other though. Who was that?

I went around for another tour, saw nothing worth reporting on and headed home.


01-11-08, 22:10
Saw quite a few out there today, including an old pro (who had better be more careful than I saw her being today). I saw a couple of real stupid mongerer tricks too. But why whould I waste any time in her expanding on it? There were plenty of people out today and I bet half of them read this post. But who knows-- maybe they can read, but not write. Or maybe they can't read at all...

01-13-08, 11:51
I would'nt expect much more out of either of these establishments. Have not been to either one, but Garthys' tried twice, the second chance on his part was more than generous given his first report.
Also, theres some kind of licensing issue in Mass., doubt if either one is licensed, so it won't be long before they are both closed one way or another

01-13-08, 12:24
I would'nt expect much more out of either of these establishments. Have not been to either one, but Garthys' tried twice, the second chance on his part was more than generous given his first report.
Also, theres some kind of licensing issue in Mass., doubt if either one is licensed, so it won't be long before they are both closed one way or another

I only know of the one I have been to twice. Where is the second? There is not another that I know of in Springfield.

Enlighten me

Mr Mike1952
01-13-08, 16:21
Has anyone reported on this place? It used to be in Hartford, a long time ago, and I see it is now in Springfield. I looked for a report, but maybe I missed it.


Wolfman Jack
01-13-08, 19:16
Has anyone reported on this place? It used to be in Hartford, a long time ago, and I see it is now in Springfield. I looked for a report, but maybe I missed it.


Just like the one in Hartford years ago, don't waste your time, or money, no action to be had there.

01-13-08, 20:42
Garthy, it is exactly 1 block away from the one you tried twice. They converted the old garage/oil co. place on the corner of Hall & Belmont. Have not gone inside to check it out

01-15-08, 19:56
Garthy, it is exactly 1 block away from the one you tried twice. They converted the old garage/oil co. place on the corner of Hall & Belmont. Have not gone inside to check it out

I can't believe I never saw it. I went in today. It is the same owners as the other place before they turned it over to their cousins / a new owner. Same middle aged female asian masseuse. The facilities are definately nicer. But, I expect the chances of getting extras are slim to none. Besides, with the new Massage laws in CT (well, they are old actually, but they have been rediscovered as of 1/1/08), I expect that Mass will follow soon and these places will disappear soon.

I am waiting for the new "Asian Body Rub" places to open

01-17-08, 10:41
Two Girl Sensual Massage!! Real Girls Looking to Please YOU!! - w4m - 23

Want to relax with a sensual massage?? Come relax with two cuties while in a warm enviroment..lights dimmed, candles, and oils & lotions. Come see why more than half our clients take the drive from Hartford to Chicopee to see us..We are well worth it!! We are the best of both worlds..I'm 23, 5'4, 110lbs, curly blonde hair, hazel eyes, girl next door and young looking. Shes 33, dark hair and eyes, 5'3, 36C and Curvy. No Blocked Calls and being Discreet is a must!!


Available: Weekdays 9:30am-7pm
Weekend Afternoons

Shy?? One Girl Massage Also Available!!


We are not scam or trash. We are REAL Independant girls that are CLEAN & CLASSY!!
***This is from Hartford CL--they post as Christina and Krista on the Worcester CL. Is there any negative history that should prevent a run?


01-18-08, 01:17
This is from Hartford CL--they post as Christina and Krista on the Worcester CL. Is there any negative history that should prevent a run?


G knows the answer for himself. Why don't you go find out, Mr 5 posts?

01-18-08, 09:26
I am driving when I am seeing nice looking girl by the Wendys. Pulling over to her she comes. Looking very sexxy and I am asking her for coming for a ride. Smokey smells from her, which I am not liking in the car, but she so sexxy and pretty that putting up with smelling.

Turning around to getting away from there, I putting a hand on her pusy place, she look and seeing something outside and starting to yell. She is frightening me and yelling out the window loud! She jump out of car and screaming and running away at a negro man in the street who seeing her grabs her and punch her in face! I having to pulling to side to close door and then police everywhere, by me, by her, chasing after negro.

I am giving my papers and being qwiet. Girl is taking away. I am having to stay by road for long time. Having to blow into tube and machine. Then I am getting yelling from police. I am not understand all of what he say.

Was this a stinging of me? Not getting arrested. Not getting ticket. Just getting scared! No more of me for this no matter if very sexxy girl.

Stan Theradish
01-19-08, 08:49
Wow, Borat. Like you not understanding all of what the policeman were yelling, I didn't understand much of your post. But I think I may have learned the following lessons:

1. If you're going to that Wendy's, avoid the sexxy girl and get the Baconator.
2. The appropriate term to use is "negro man."
3. It is less preferable to blow into a tube than to have your tube blown into.
4. Do some looking before you do some leaping.

01-19-08, 16:48
I am driving when I am seeing nice looking girl by the Wendys. Pulling over to her she comes. Looking very sexxy and I am asking her for coming for a ride. Smokey smells from her, which I am not liking in the car, but she so sexxy and pretty that putting up with smelling.

Turning around to getting away from there, I putting a hand on her pusy place, she look and seeing something outside and starting to yell. She is frightening me and yelling out the window loud! She jump out of car and screaming and running away at a negro man in the street who seeing her grabs her and punch her in face! I having to pulling to side to close door and then police everywhere, by me, by her, chasing after negro.

I am giving my papers and being qwiet. Girl is taking away. I am having to stay by road for long time. Having to blow into tube and machine. Then I am getting yelling from police. I am not understand all of what he say.

Was this a stinging of me? Not getting arrested. Not getting ticket. Just getting scared! No more of me for this no matter if very sexxy girl.Don't know if the option was available in your car or not, but for various reasons it's best to lock the doors and windows after a pick-up (no matter what kind) to prevent both unwanted entering, exiting, and screaming out the window. I've had to learn my lessons the hard way, but since getting in the habit of acting like Fort Knox, it has saved my butt NUMEROUS times.

Judging from your story, 'sexxy girl' saw a 'negro' that had 'beat' her during a previous transaction and thought she could call him out on it. You just got caught in the middle. I DOUBT this was a setup. Next time lock the doors and windows and whatever you do don't stop ANYWHERE they ask you to, even just for cigarettes. Otherwise you run the risk of what happened. If your car doesn't have power locks and windows, you should upgrade (if at all possible if you plan on trolling).

Yes, I know, this is kind of obvious info to the seniors, and I don't know how experienced YOU are, but it looks like this incident could have been TOTALLY avoided had you followed the advice of my subject field.

01-19-08, 17:09
doesn't mean that moronic posts are welcome. I hardly ever get to this stroll in the winter, but maybe I'll make a run soon just to try to add something intelligent to the discussion.

hey mr. 6 post 442, are you aware that we can search on your posting history? and is there a reason that you've been in this country for 40 years, but your english has gone downhill since your first waterbury post several years ago? and do you imagine that you've added some value?

or is there something i'm missing?

01-20-08, 00:12
I am breaking a long tradition of NOT responding to G442. I am not even sure WHY I am breaking the tradition... The last posts were retarded (but almost funny in a retarded way). But I do not want to encourage this either.

Was it true? Beats me...

I am regretting the clicking "Submit Report" already.

I have not seen M in a bit. And there were a lot of LE out the last few days. But there were a lot of girls out too. I wasn't going to risk it...

Wolfman Jack
01-20-08, 01:49
I am driving when I am seeing nice looking girl by the Wendys. Pulling over to her she comes. Looking very sexxy and I am asking her for coming for a ride. Smokey smells from her, which I am not liking in the car, but she so sexxy and pretty that putting up with smelling.

Turning around to getting away from there, I putting a hand on her pusy place, she look and seeing something outside and starting to yell. She is frightening me and yelling out the window loud! She jump out of car and screaming and running away at a negro man in the street who seeing her grabs her and punch her in face! I having to pulling to side to close door and then police everywhere, by me, by her, chasing after negro.

I am giving my papers and being qwiet. Girl is taking away. I am having to stay by road for long time. Having to blow into tube and machine. Then I am getting yelling from police. I am not understand all of what he say.

Was this a stinging of me? Not getting arrested. Not getting ticket. Just getting scared! No more of me for this no matter if very sexxy girl.

WOW that's a tough read.

Anyway, up in Spfld today, not much obvious action in the afternoon or early evenings in the usual locations. I did see a few decent looking brunettes, but then again, they could've just been walking from Point A to Point B. Not much Springfield policemen out, but did see one of our State's finest by DD. Since I was in the area, I decided to call one of my old buddies who worked CL for about a week, then decided to venture onto the SC scene. She worked over at the old Teddie B's (what's it called now?) but has since moved onto the 5th Alarm. Of course, she was going to venture down to CT to a club there for the night and invited me to see her there, but at that point I was tired of driving so I just figured I'd go home and watch some DVD's, and stay on the wagon. I fought temptation and came out the victor! :)

By the way, I can't wait until the hoodies fad goes away. I suppose there's a reason they're all hiding their faces, but it makes it tough for us who can't see the goods before getting way too close!

Stan Theradish
01-21-08, 11:54
Came dangerously close to trying the CL ad for two-girl sensual massage in Chicopee, but with no reviews, I have a lot of trepidation. I did call to find out the rates, and it sounded legit, but of course that means SQUAT.

Had at first planned to meet up w/ GothicBBW (see Connecticut classified ad) but she's down w/the strep. Now I'm frittering away my time in front of the computer looking for something tried, tested, and true, but not too far away from MA.

I imagine if anyone's TOFTT, I'd have seen a report, but I have to ask.


01-21-08, 21:57
There are a fair number of girls between Springfield and Hartford who advertise on the escort boards, if you are willing to pay escort dollars. Those I give high marks to include yanna and maxxine in springfield, lia in enfield, lucy and elizabeth in hartford. I believe the charming friends agency has a presence in both cities as well, though you have to be a member to use the service. I have met several girls off cl from the springfield-hartford areas, but none who are advertising currently.

Personally, I think that ordering a "two girl special" from cl earns you a sign from Bill Engvall :-)

Part Timer
01-23-08, 11:57
If your willing to go to Hartford, see Taylor who advertises on CL. Nice girl, Pretty, Great body, Very good service.

Wolfman Jack
01-23-08, 12:22
If your willing to go to Hartford, see Taylor who advertises on CL. Nice girl, Pretty, Great body, Very good service.

PLEASE don't waste your time with that Cee You Next Tuesday. (C*U*N*T)
Her body is flabby, she has a shit load of gawdy tattoos, and a major clockwatcher that if you choose the $150 30 minute option, you're out five minutes beforehand, even if you're still in the process of fucking her. She'll just stop and say, "you're done".

And, it's an assembly line. If you like seeing the next guy that's going to fuck her either waiting in his car outside the motel room, or actually knocking at the door, than Taylors your girl.

And if she's 27, I'm 130. She's about 35, and she needs to lose the "college girl" schtick. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that she's not in college, and she's been in this game for over 10 years. She also needs to hide her narcotics and cash from plain view, I easily could've pocketed both when she went to the bathroom, she's not very bright.

01-23-08, 14:12
PLEASE don't waste your time with that Cee You Next Tuesday. (C*U*N*T)
Her body is flabby, she has a shit load of gawdy tattoos, and a major clockwatcher that if you choose the $150 30 minute option, you're out five minutes beforehand, even if you're still in the process of fucking her. She'll just stop and say, "you're done".

And, it's an assembly line. If you like seeing the next guy that's going to fuck her either waiting in his car outside the motel room, or actually knocking at the door, than Taylors your girl.

And if she's 27, I'm 130. She's about 35, and she needs to lose the "college girl" schtick. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that she's not in college, and she's been in this game for over 10 years. She also needs to hide her narcotics and cash from plain view, I easily could've pocketed both when she went to the bathroom, she's not very bright.

I agree. You'll do a lot better with 10 crack who-ares and a pizza. There are a few decent CL girls. Check the Hartford board. If you need something closer to home, try Lia in Enfield, she is not petite, but not a BBW either. At least you'll get what you are paying for. (or, you can support your board-friendly BBW-Goth girl. She gives you what you pay for and is 100% truthful with her advertising)

Aski Rn
01-24-08, 01:59
I am thinking of visiting Anthony's this weekend. Anybody who has been recently to the club, can you please provide some insight on this club? good days to visit, what should be one's expectations, whats on offer, CR experience, if any and mainly comparison to my favorite club - EB.

Appreciate your inputs.


Tuna Seeker
01-24-08, 07:43
Anthonys is not what it used to be. if visiting during the day you will be disappointed by the quality of the girls but they still rate about a 6, but this is where TO can be had or at least extras in the CR . if you go at night be prepared for better quality but not as much chance of TO or extras. Best bet is to go during the day and get 1 dance from each til you find that one who goes the extra mile. i forgot her name but a month ago she had light brown hair, nice natural tits, about 5'3 maybe 100lbs.

Good luck


I am thinking of visiting Anthony's this weekend. Anybody who has been recently to the club, can you please provide some insight on this club? good days to visit, what should be one's expectations, whats on offer, CR experience, if any and mainly comparison to my favorite club - EB.

Appreciate your inputs.


01-24-08, 11:38

If your willing to go to Hartford, see Taylor who advertises on CL. Nice girl, Pretty, Great body, Very good service.


I saw Taylor before when I was in town. Her CL ad is full of bogus information, which is evident the moment she opens the door. If you are too horny and decide to go through with it anyway, she won't be into it and you will be rushed out of there. Within seconds after I popped she was already dressed and waiting by the door to get me out of there.

I guess somehow you had a good time so YMMV, but after my experience I won't be repeating.

01-26-08, 14:28
It HAS been a little while (within the year since I have last been). What I do recall was that it was way too dark in there. I wasn't able to see ANYTHING. I'm talking on a level so ridiculous that it was a safety hazard just walking around! It was early in the afternoon and there were only a few dancers (nothing special). Can't really tell you how it is on the weekends. I'll NEVER forget this place tough. It was the first strip club I ever visited (where else could a kid under drinking age go to look at a set and pus? ) I don't know if it was because it was early in my career and I was young or if the girls were REALLY as gorgeous as I remember. This would have been around 14 years ago. The girls were KILLER. In recent years though, this place hasn't held a candle to the other clubs in the area. I remember seeing special guests there (Nicky Knockers) years ago. Last time I went, I did notice they were advertising an Amateur Night. I never did make it out there to see how it was. Anyone ever been to the Amateur Night at Anthony's? I can't count the times I've been at the Lantern.

Bottom line, I wouldn't expect much, but some guys can make a party out of a prostate exam (you know what I mean.)

I am thinking of visiting Anthony's this weekend. Anybody who has been recently to the club, can you please provide some insight on this club? good days to visit, what should be one's expectations, whats on offer, CR experience, if any and mainly comparison to my favorite club - EB.

Appreciate your inputs.


01-28-08, 08:05
They are cousins, about 10 years apart in age.

Neither girl is drop dead gorgeous but they are not beasts either.

Christina says she is 33 and is neraly a BBW while Krista said she is 23 and on the thin side.

You'll get a 4 hands massage, a BBBJ and HE.

That's about it.

Their prices seem pretty negotiable.

01-28-08, 09:25
They are cousins.

4 hand massage.

BBBJ and HE.

price is somewhat negotiable.

Not centerfold material but otherwise OK.

01-28-08, 21:44
They are cousins, about 10 years apart in age.

Neither girl is drop dead gorgeous but they are not beasts either.

Christina says she is 33 and is neraly a BBW while Krista said she is 23 and on the thin side.

You'll get a 4 hands massage, a BBBJ and HE.

That's about it.

Their prices seem pretty negotiable.

Did you seriously see those girls? If you read further back in the forum you'll see that they have been suspected of being LE or working with LE.

I called them last time I was in town and they asked WAY too many directed questions. It was very suspicious and not discreet at all. They kept asking my name and asking if I ever e-mailed them. They were trying to go into specific details of service over the phone, verified specifics speaking openly over the phone, talked about dollar amounts for each service openly over the phone, etc. Basically all the stuff that would be needed for an arrest they were asking and discussing in plain terms over the phone. Needless to say I was suspicious and did not see them.

Then like a week later a posting came up on here where another monger decided to head over to see them. He arrived a little early, just in time to spot someone in what he thought was a blue uniform. Post was #809 in this thread. They were using a different number then but it is the same girls.

01-29-08, 00:09
As described by Banditdog. But their location is not under the radar of SPD or CPD, so do be careful. But in no way are these girls LE. But they are playing a very risky game.

01-29-08, 08:33
No they are not.

What they are is in fact VERY inexperienced and maybe not to bright.

What I won't do.

01-29-08, 09:18
They are going to either get busted or spreading STDs because of their unsafe practices.

01-29-08, 09:41
As described by Banditdog. But their location is not under the radar of SPD or CPD, so do be careful. But in no way are these girls LE. But they are playing a very risky game.

I concur. Keep your head down...

01-29-08, 11:39
As described by Banditdog. But their location is not under the radar of SPD or CPD, so do be careful. But in no way are these girls LE. But they are playing a very risky game.

Well it is good to know they are not LE. Maybe next time I am in town I will try them out. I stayed away because of the way they asked so many directed questions and spoke about services and fees in such plain terms over the phone. Seemed like a setup for a trap. I figured it was best to stay safe.

How is the BBBJ and do they both get involved in it?

01-30-08, 01:36
I have almost sworn off SW... Well, not really. But my standards have gone way up. So every day I watch and let go many many girls.

But today there was a "gem." 24, blonde, beautiful face, tight, tiny body with a navel ring, a shaved bush and a great, fun attitude.

She told me she would make me cum twice. She made me cum three times and swallowed every load. She was AWESOME.

Thank God one cums around once in a long while. Date is set for tomorrow.

Haverhill Lite
01-31-08, 04:41
I saw that girl. Right after I dropped off Nikki. Almost stopped anyways. I totally should have.

01-31-08, 17:22
I saw that girl. Right after I dropped off Nikki. Almost stopped anyways. I totally should have.

Oh rather DON'T-- That girl is crazy, infected with something and SMELLS!!!

I am hitting my new friend HARD! She is a rock solid hardbody cutie. And man can she fuck like crazy. She does not believe she has finished the job until she makes you cum a second or third time. She would not let me cum inside her (with a condom) because she wanted to swallow my load. I made up for it on the third time we fucked today.

Too bad for you-- Nikki is a 4. This chick is a 8.7 for looks and a 10 for attitude!

01-31-08, 22:15
I recommend staying away for a bit. Today LE was after the SWs, tomorrow the mongerers. That new administration is cleaning up Springfield. Well, not really...

Watch out!


02-01-08, 13:25
I wonder where they will move to next. It won't go away, just a new hot spot will emerge.

02-01-08, 15:15
I wonder where they will move to next. It won't go away, just a new hot spot will emerge.

Maybe Waterbury?


02-02-08, 07:28
Garthy, care to share info on the blonde ? send pm if so

02-02-08, 10:52
She is going to end up in a ditch with the shit she is pulling too. Whatever you do, don't pay her up front. And be sure to watch your crap (as always anyway).

Oh rather DON'T-- That girl is crazy, infected with something and SMELLS!!!

I am hitting my new friend HARD! She is a rock solid hardbody cutie. And man can she fuck like crazy. She does not believe she has finished the job until she makes you cum a second or third time. She would not let me cum inside her (with a condom) because she wanted to swallow my load. I made up for it on the third time we fucked today.

Too bad for you-- Nikki is a 4. This chick is a 8.7 for looks and a 10 for attitude!

02-03-08, 17:53
There about 7 cars and a large roped off area in front of the convenience store in the middle of Blemont.

Maybe it was a shooting.

Be careful out there.

Wolfman Jack
02-09-08, 10:07
There about 7 cars and a large roped off area in front of the convenience store in the middle of Blemont.

Maybe it was a shooting.

Be careful out there.

No, Belmont Sting #2 was on Thursday night, 11 arrested, including mongers.

02-10-08, 01:46
Did the stroll Friday night, seen LE including UCs everywhere. I personally liked the old beat up vic, I wonder who that cop had to piss off to drive that piece of shit?

Stay Safe

02-13-08, 14:51
Greetings my fellow Mongers on the East Coast..
Im traveling to Mass in March for a few weeks on business and will be in the Springfiend Chicopee area for a couple of weeks...So Im looking for any good info on where to find AMP's, Strolls and Under the radar girls (non/semi pros!) out your way..
Also, looking for info on getting a Sox ticket for opening weekend! I'll have a rental and plan on spending some weekend time in Boston..
Looks like LE has been hitting your strolls pretty hard the las few weeks, hopefully that will end before i get there! TIA
Please drop me info by PM

02-21-08, 09:51
There have been no reports for awhile and I will be in town again in a few weeks. Has LE totally shut down the stroll?

02-23-08, 11:42
After all, if we can just fix the problem with sex workers, then America will become a great nation once again.

This board is now heavily surveillanced.

02-24-08, 17:51
There have been no reports for awhile and I will be in town again in a few weeks. Has LE totally shut down the stroll?No, there is plenty out there!

02-25-08, 20:01
Check out the Albany board; especially the latest post by GG

I'm speechless

03-18-08, 21:15
I picked up Linda after shopping in the Vietnamese market. Someone had beaten the living shit out of her. She is no prize, granted, but she has always been crazy and sweet. I have no interest in her wares, but I slipped her a couple Jacksons so that she would get the hell off of the street for a few hours...

I suspect this may have been drug related. She is not telling. But if this was a mongerer-- you are a lowlife asshole. I am looking into it and if this was done by someone in the hobby, the repricussions will be severe. That's not a threat, BTW.

03-18-08, 23:24
As one PM made it clear, I did not explain which SW. Vietnamese girl. Crazy. You know the one. There is only one.

NENY Troller
03-19-08, 16:04
I picked up Linda after shopping in the Vietnamese market. Someone had beaten the living shit out of her. She is no prize, granted, but she has always been crazy and sweet. I have no interest in her wares, but I slipped her a couple Jacksons so that she would get the hell off of the street for a few hours...

I suspect this may have been drug related. She is not telling. But if this was a mongerer-- you are a lowlife asshole. I am looking into it and if this was done by someone in the hobby, the repricussions will be severe. That's not a threat, BTW.I have never understood how anyone guy can beat on a woman no matter what. But then again, my only contact with the street life are the sw's themselves and if I run into trouble with them it always gets solved in a reasonable manner.

Linda never appeared to be a threat to anyone- including other sw's. I hope she can recover.

There have not been many reports in Springfield recently and if last nights trolling was an indication there hasn't been much to report on. This was my first time in the area in over a month. There was a good deal of LE present. They had a full size silver ford van parked in the lot just north of McD's scoping the street. They were gone a half hour after I first passed and a couple of blocks down the street appeared to be an unlucky monger having his vehicle (nice vehicle) loaded onto a flatbed with the monger in cuffs. There were a few girls out on Main and up on Belmont, both new and old faces, but absolutely nothing worth stopping for. Maybe the hotties are waiting for the weather to warm up. I can only hope.

Is mongering in Springfield dead or is everyone up that way observing some strange code of silence?


Tuna Seeker
03-29-08, 18:12
Ok I'm back after a few months off, Springfield has had way too many problems and the risk isn't worth the possible gain, but good news is I found a darling in enfield about a month and a half ago. She's about 19 maybe 20 and a 6/10 maybe a 7. White with redish blonde hair, nice breasts and ass. She is usually out on Thursday and Friday nights. Check around Alden Ave between 10 and midnight.

Pm me for specific details.

04-08-08, 08:12
I finally seeing girl being at Micdonalds. Telling me call her Annjella. Prety and dirty and skiny and smoky. I am thinking liking fuking her. Into the car going are we. She asking for Micdonalds and I thinking smarty telling her later when finishing fuking and suking. She looking scary litle. I am thinking scaring should be me! I no a place she telling me. Out of Micdonalds to right and going not more than blok and Polize! Again! I am yelling and Annjella to being shutting up. She stiking stiks of glazz under my seat! I am never being so scaring. Always being Polize here Springfield! I am hating Springfield! Hating hating hating!

Making us staying long time. Anjella shaking scaring loking. Then polizeman telling me rejjstrashun needing dating. He giving me paper telling me needing showing papers to polize in 1 week. Not being better than old cuntry I am thinking. Polize leaving and Anjella running down street and hating hating hating!

Tuna Seeker
04-09-08, 19:11
I was listening to rock 102 this morning and o'brien spent about 10 minutes talking about picking up chics on craigslist.com. Seems like another resource is blown to shit. Be careful and stay with the tried and true.

04-11-08, 20:42
Could not resist the stunningly lovely, slim, brunette cutie I stumbled across. Reminded me of early Sarah. So, picked her up and spent some quality time with her. All I can say is wow. Now I go back into semi-retirement from the dangerous and (almost) talentless streets of home.

Member #1705
04-14-08, 08:40
I was with my wife Sat about 5 pm had function at Red Rose. I could not believe all the police in the South End. They seemed to be on every corner. We had to go around the block a few times to park and I was waiting to be stopped.

04-14-08, 12:58
I was with my wife Sat about 5 pm had function at Red Rose. I could not believe all the police in the South End. They seemed to be on every corner. We had to go around the block a few times to park and I was waiting to be stopped.

Yeah, I see that too-- but I also still see a crack dealer on almost every corner. So what the fuck are the cops doing exactly? Look again and tell me a different story. They don't pat down or frisk the dealers like they do the girls. It's insane...

T Relky
04-18-08, 04:12
After months of seeing no one out, I stumbled across a relatively cute gal named Missy. Took her for a little drive, and she was pleasant enough, but when she took her shirt off I caught a whiff of some pretty nasty body odor (also her tiny, saggy breasts did nothing to enhance the mood). OK, no way am I going through this. So I pretended to be spooked by the location and said maybe another time. She gave me her digits, but I tossed them. Nice gal, but oooh that smell.

04-18-08, 13:03
After months of seeing no one out, I stumbled across a relatively cute gal named Missy. Took her for a little drive, and she was pleasant enough, but when she took her shirt off I caught a whiff of some pretty nasty body odor (also her tiny, saggy breasts did nothing to enhance the mood). OK, no way am I going through this. So I pretended to be spooked by the location and said maybe another time. She gave me her digits, but I tossed them. Nice gal, but oooh that smell.

LOL-- Missy (if it is the same ol Missy) is just what you described. Dude, she has been at this longer than you! Once she was a very pretty girl. Now she is lucky is she finds a place to shower (obviously). I have been known to toss her a buck or two now and again but NO WAY will I partake in her services.

Live and learn, my man.

PS -- LE knows her all too well. If they saw her getting into your car, she would be taking a trip to Ludlow (where she definitely would get a shower)

04-20-08, 03:59
I live in North Adams, and my trips to the springfield area have been one failure after another, either because there are no girls or LE is everywhere. I have had to resort to escorts, and while they are often a better choice, they are hard on the wallet. Could anyone please give me contact info for any girls or tell me a foolproof way of finding them? Anywhere in the Springfield area or even Pittsfield if there is anything there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

04-21-08, 09:34
I live in North Adams, and my trips to the springfield area have been one failure after another, either because there are no girls or LE is everywhere. I have had to resort to escorts, and while they are often a better choice, they are hard on the wallet. Could anyone please give me contact info for any girls or tell me a foolproof way of finding them? Anywhere in the Springfield area or even Pittsfield if there is anything there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Literally. This is no longer the epitome of Springfield's SW days. There are still girls out there (I found one yesterday who I had not seen in a while and we chatted and caught up on things. She still looked wonderful and she is a real exception to the rule that Springfield hookers do not age well-- they just decay, get put away, or die). Be careful in the city of homes. It is not the SW mecca it once was.

The entire region (if not the country) if striking hard at the working girls and their clients. The reason is clear-- the economy is decimated, the dollar is worthless, the political system is horribly corrupt, drugs are on every street corner in every city, cheap guns can be had everywhere, people are getting lousy education and we are the most ignorant and arrogant country on the planet, oil (a goddamn fuel that we should have been getting away from since 1972) is a fortune, blah blah blah...

and the reason for all of this? Well, who the fuck cares, because the solution is to crack down on SW and mongerers. If only we would all keep our peckers in our pants, marry at 18 and have sex only for procreation, keep a crucifix at home, work and in our car, then America will return to being an Eden.

Duh. Didn't you all know that?


Bill Buxton
04-21-08, 17:12
Literally. This is no longer the epitome of Springfield's SW days. There are still girls out there (I found one yesterday who I had not seen in a while and we chatted and caught up on things. She still looked wonderful and she is a real exception to the rule that Springfield hookers do not age well-- they just decay, get put away, or die). Be careful in the city of homes. It is not the SW mecca it once was.

The entire region (if not the country) if striking hard at the working girls and their clients. The reason is clear-- the economy is decimated, the dollar is worthless, the political system is horribly corrupt, drugs are on every street corner in every city, cheap guns can be had everywhere, people are getting lousy education and we are the most ignorant and arrogant country on the planet, oil (a goddamn fuel that we should have been getting away from since 1972) is a fortune, blah blah blah...

and the reason for all of this? Well, who the fuck cares, because the solution is to crack down on SW and mongerers. If only we would all keep our peckers in our pants, marry at 18 and have sex only for procreation, keep a crucifix at home, work and in our car, then America will return to being an Eden.

Duh. Didn't you all know that?



haha good points.

04-21-08, 17:59

haha good points.

Are you sure you are the same guy who posted this:


I know you agree with me on all points...

04-22-08, 10:37
Literally. This is no longer the epitome of Springfield's SW days. There are still girls out there (I found one yesterday who I had not seen in a while and we chatted and caught up on things. She still looked wonderful and she is a real exception to the rule that Springfield hookers do not age well-- they just decay, get put away, or die). Be careful in the city of homes. It is not the SW mecca it once was.

The entire region (if not the country) if striking hard at the working girls and their clients. The reason is clear-- the economy is decimated, the dollar is worthless, the political system is horribly corrupt, drugs are on every street corner in every city, cheap guns can be had everywhere, people are getting lousy education and we are the most ignorant and arrogant country on the planet, oil (a goddamn fuel that we should have been getting away from since 1972) is a fortune, blah blah blah...

and the reason for all of this? Well, who the fuck cares, because the solution is to crack down on SW and mongerers. If only we would all keep our peckers in our pants, marry at 18 and have sex only for procreation, keep a crucifix at home, work and in our car, then America will return to being an Eden.

Duh. Didn't you all know that?


I was in town recently and I could see all the activity. I was dropping a friend off in the early morning hours near the SW area. There were several drug dealers who have worked the same corners for years just hanging around. You could clearly tell that they had no fear of LE. Just one block away 1 unmarked and 2 marked LE cruisers are harassing a SW. LE being nearby didn't make the dealer move off, it didn't even stop his customers from coming up and buying. It is sad to see Springfield becoming just as bad as DC because LE doesn't want to take on the hard work of going after real criminals.

04-22-08, 20:33
I was in town recently and I could see all the activity. I was dropping a friend off in the early morning hours near the SW area. There were several drug dealers who have worked the same corners for years just hanging around. You could clearly tell that they had no fear of LE. Just one block away 1 unmarked and 2 marked LE cruisers are harassing a SW. LE being nearby didn't make the dealer move off, it didn't even stop his customers from coming up and buying. It is sad to see Springfield becoming just as bad as DC because LE doesn't want to take on the hard work of going after real criminals.

It is so true. Dealers are all over selling their dope right in front of the cops. If you want to watch it occur any hour of any day you can start on the corner of Fremont and Main. There will be a cop in DD and one or two dealers across the street selling to one customer after another. It's fucking insane. And yes, the cops will be all over the girls and leave the dealers be. The citizens of Springfield know it to be true, but it is never mentioned except on
underground boards like this one.

And when you came to visit, who took care of you? ;)

04-23-08, 09:43
It is so true. Dealers are all over selling their dope right in front of the cops. If you want to watch it occur any hour of any day you can start on the corner of Fremont and Main. There will be a cop in DD and one or two dealers across the street selling to one customer after another. It's fucking insane. And yes, the cops will be all over the girls and leave the dealers be. The citizens of Springfield know it to be true, but it is never mentioned except on
underground boards like this one.

And when you came to visit, who took care of you? ;)

You definitely put me up on some good providers. With the heat on the SW loop and the overall lack of quality on CL, I don't know what I would have ended up with. You know I'll point you to some good places if you ever come down my way.

I hope things get better in Springfield by the time I come back later this summer.

04-30-08, 08:46
Let me warn you boys about CL ads (especially those who are located in WSpfld). They will lie to you, upsell you, not provide the services promised and they will call their bouncer / security (and even the cops) on you if you don't leave when they tell you to. They use a fairly sophisticated centralized system with walkie-talkies, multiple cell phones and instantaneous e-mail communication via a computer. I know, it sounds dramatic and like an over-sweeping generalization. This info comes to me from an absolutely reliable source (and I am not one to spread rumors or provide false info).

I went to check it out. In retrospect, it was a kind of stupid thing to do given the source of the intel. But there was at least one or two ads that I figured were legit, so I tried one of those. On the phone she had all the right answers-- independent, 100% real pic of her ("it's me or it's free"), FS, GFE, DFK, sounded sweet and sincere. Price negotiated prior to liason.

BUT, wouldn't-you-know it, when I arrive, she fit the MO absolutely. I chatted with her politely and dug for intel. I am kind of amazed by what she shared. She was not a homely girl, BTW, but not the girl in the ad either (which she assured me she was). Per her: she would NOT provide FS (but she will imply it on the phone-- and if someone complains, there is an open 2-way radio on at all times in the room and if there is even the hint of trouble, in comes Guido). She asked for $150 on the phone but it was $200 at the door. She promised she was independent, but actually works for a large group based out of Providence RI. I even saw the pimp/driver/bouncer/security guy-- and he is not the kind of guy you would mess with, 6'5" and about 270 (looked like a linebacker). I bowed out without any losses (I am so charming). They use 413 / 860 / 401 phone numbers.

Per my source (who was 100% correct on ALL counts). ANY WSpfld CL ad is being run by the same syndicate. Stay away. Thank Garthy for saving your life / limbs / career / record.

04-30-08, 16:37
Thanks for the intel, Garthy.... Great report. Over and above, my friend...

To all the noobs... Study Garthy's stuff; reports with this kind of info and insight will get you to Senior status faster than a SW can run to her dealer...

05-02-08, 15:39
Hi Guys,

I read Garthy's comments about West Springfield CL. I have to say that I was sketchy about all of the recent ads on the list after months of nothing from West Springfield. Anyway, I got drunk a few weeks ago and decided to call Sandra. She was not the girl in the pic, but was a good looking hispanic girl, mid to late 20's with a nice body (a few tattoos). She was friendly and asked me to try some tequila to be sure I was cool. After that, we had a great session together, BBBJ, FS for the price in the ad. She seemed to be independent since I was there for well over the hour and no phone was ringing or knocking at the door.

Blue Heart
05-02-08, 20:04
Hey guys, forgive me for going back a couple years, but if I could find this chick again that would be fantastic.

Back in 05, I found this chick in the casual encounters section of craigslist, a bbw that called herself Holly. We met twice at the Super 8 (I think) in West Springfield, or maybe Motel 6? It was one of those yellow sign hotels that was behind a bar. Fuck, so long ago. And the last time I saw her was at her home.

Anyone know the chick I'm talking about? She had long black hair, a bit of a pointy nose. Maybe 5'7 and again she was a bbw. She didn't charge much as she said she was just doing it for fun since her husband died.

Anyways, if she's still around, i'd love to know.

05-06-08, 15:12
Hi Blue Heart,

I don't have any news of Holly but since it sounds like you like BBWs I do have some information you might find of interest. Penny (from Maine) is going to be in the area shortly and I found her to give really superb service, although she's not cheap.

She gives about as close to the "Nympho GFE" as I've ever had, for me her shape isn't a plus but her performance is. Before escorting she was into swing parties, if she's not actually having a great time she's up there with the Oscar class actresses.

If you want to see photos ahead of time you can see her at Southern Charms or at her Yahoo group, she also has some reviews on other sites. PM me if you want any more details.

Hey guys, forgive me for going back a couple years, but if I could find this chick again that would be fantastic.

Back in 05, I found this chick in the casual encounters section of craigslist, a bbw that called herself Holly. We met twice at the Super 8 (I think) in West Springfield, or maybe Motel 6? It was one of those yellow sign hotels that was behind a bar. Fuck, so long ago. And the last time I saw her was at her home.

Anyone know the chick I'm talking about? She had long black hair, a bit of a pointy nose. Maybe 5'7 and again she was a bbw. She didn't charge much as she said she was just doing it for fun since her husband died.

Anyways, if she's still around, i'd love to know.

05-06-08, 16:36
I have heard a few reports confirming what I had shared here.

I have to tell you, I have never seen this board so dead. I know the streets are still active (though no longer the SW mecca it once was). Still, there is info to be shared. No one hints at action or comments about anything! No one here even makes any PMs any longer.

I am amazed!

Well, I had a very nice reunion with a Springfield legend. But since I feel more like performing last rites on this board than expending any further energy, I'll just keep the details to myself.

By the way, what is it with the AMPs on Belmont? Oh wait, I know that too...

No need to practice my typing any longer.

05-07-08, 09:36
I agree with Garthy about the CL syndicate. These bitches are up to no good. I checked them out TWICE(!) but left because I had already gotten burned by the ringleader which is the Spanish girl asking you for the money. The most you might get is a rushed HJ.

A good rule is to go to the bathroom before dishing out any loot. If a chick is hiding inside then you need to get out of dodge. This is very risky, however, but then again so is this entire endeavor.

There is also a girl who advertises as a "Brazilian." She looks Spanish too, but you will not get ANYthing you think you might. I saw her when she was a "Romanian" beauty and got burned hard. This time I recognized her and left before any damage happened to me.

The streets and boards seem to be drying up. Maybe this summer the new crop will be out.

Be safe fellas!

Member #1705
05-08-08, 08:52
I gave up on the streets last year. It costs me $250-300 a time now. So I save my pennies and go less often. But Boston has some amazing providers. 18-20 years old and at least 9 if not 10 in looks and GFE performance. NYC too. I spent $200 in NYC at www.easternpleasure.com It's on the west side, safe apartment, beautiful 18-20 year old girls. They help you undress, take you in the shower and wash you all over, dry you and then off to the races in the bedroom. They then dress you when it's time to leave. In Boston Sol'e Rivera and Brianna are gems.

05-08-08, 10:44
I tried one out before Garthy's warning. No problem with FS for $$, however the session was rushed and mediocre, not worth the bucks and I wouldn't repeat.

I agree with Garthy about the CL syndicate. These bitches are up to no good. I checked them out TWICE(!) but left because I had already gotten burned by the ringleader which is the Spanish girl asking you for the money. The most you might get is a rushed HJ.

A good rule is to go to the bathroom before dishing out any loot. If a chick is hiding inside then you need to get out of dodge. This is very risky, however, but then again so is this entire endeavor.

There is also a girl who advertises as a "Brazilian." She looks Spanish too, but you will not get ANYthing you think you might. I saw her when she was a "Romanian" beauty and got burned hard. This time I recognized her and left before any damage happened to me.

The streets and boards seem to be drying up. Maybe this summer the new crop will be out.

Be safe fellas!

05-12-08, 21:41
Found Lauren the other day near the 24 store. WSW, Thin and young looking, big blue eyes, but a mouth full of metal. I caught the look from her and she got in the ride. We took a trip out of town to a safe spot. 0.5 for FS. Nice and tight, although both her cups were less than full. She says she doesn't play often and is from out of state, originally. Judging by her southern drawl, she is probably right. She is very sweet and it seemed like she genuinely liked me. If I wasn't in a hurry I might have spent the whole day with her. I dropped her off at her place back in town. Well, not really HER place, a place belonging to a friend of hers. She offered digits but I neglected to write them down somewhere. I'm sure she'll be back out again, though. Since she is a newbie to the area, she will surely get picked up at some point, although she might get off by a giving a free ride to Leo with her Hummer. I know I'd take it.

Dark shoulder length hair with very fair skin. Treat her nice boys! She is destined for ATF status...

05-14-08, 00:22
Found Lauren the other day near the 24 store. WSW, Thin and young looking, big blue eyes, but a mouth full of metal. I caught the look from her and she got in the ride. We took a trip out of town to a safe spot. 0.5 for FS. Nice and tight, although both her cups were less than full. She says she doesn't play often and is from out of state, originally. Judging by her southern drawl, she is probably right. She is very sweet and it seemed like she genuinely liked me. If I wasn't in a hurry I might have spent the whole day with her. I dropped her off at her place back in town. Well, not really HER place, a place belonging to a friend of hers. She offered digits but I neglected to write them down somewhere. I'm sure she'll be back out again, though. Since she is a newbie to the area, she will surely get picked up at some point, although she might get off by a giving a free ride to Leo with her Hummer. I know I'd take it.

Dark shoulder length hair with very fair skin. Treat her nice boys! She is destined for ATF status...

I wrote about her a few months back. She is a real beauty. One of only a few I would stop for these days. And that little trimmed bush is sooooo tight!

Member #3948
05-15-08, 08:34
I thought everyone up here turned queer or something. This used to be a hot bed of hooker activity. At one point in time I was jelous of you backwoods guys. The grass seemed definately greener up north.

Us city boys have it pretty good at the moment. Mabey all of your poo moved south. There are even a few new street walkers out and about down here. None 12 or 13 years old like the news reports say but a few do look tempting.

G-man let me know next time your gonna visit. I have a special Mocca / Tiffany treat for you to try...

Steel Blue

05-15-08, 19:14
Always appreciated in these parts (whether virtually or not). I was just passing through your neck of the woods. What the fuck is with all the construction on 84 and 684?!? Pain in the ass.

Yes, Springfield is not the place it used to be. Its worse. I even think the citizens preferred to see Jackie's and Sarah's pretty figures rather than the scores of drug dealers and petty thugs who now populate the streets without any fear of LE or repercussions. The saddest time of day is around 2pm when the streets are filled with all of the aforementioned AND with little kids walking back from the school bus stops from their pathetically under-funded and inept Springfield schools. They have to walk right by the dealers doing their trades (and hopefully not see them as role models, since scant few of them will find financial success any other way).

Member #3948
05-16-08, 09:58
Always appreciated in these parts (whether virtually or not). I was just passing through your neck of the woods. What the fuck is with all the construction on 84 and 684? ! ? Pain in the ass.

Yes, Springfield is not the place it used to be. Its worse. I even think the citizens preferred to see Jackie's and Sarah's pretty figures rather than the scores of drug dealers and petty thugs who now populate the streets without any fear of LE or repercussions. The saddest time of day is around 2pm when the streets are filled with all of the aforementioned AND with little kids walking back from the school bus stops from their pathetically under-funded and inept Springfield schools. They have to walk right by the dealers doing their trades (and hopefully not see them as role models, since scant few of them will find financial success any other way). Road construction used to be taken care of with a little payola on the side. The job was done properly and fast. Now-a-days the idiots in the capitol are so scared of someone taking advantage of the system that nothing gets done and it usually goes into significant cost overruns. The 84 project cost the tax payers of CT an extra 25 million and is 3 years overdue. The mob allways took car of things. The government dislikes competition so we pay.

Dam do you know how many BJ's I could get with 25 million.

Steel Blue

Sarang Haeyo
05-16-08, 10:24
Dam do you know how many bj's I could get with 25 million.

Steel BlueThe way you negotiate? Probably about 2.5,000,000.

Tuna Seeker
05-27-08, 18:26
Thinking about getting a massage and I have been seeing this ad on CL alot. But no reviews so far. Not sure what there names are so of course that makes it difficult to find much info on them too. Any info on trusted massage pros who do outcalls would be appreciated. This is something new I thought I'd try so I'm not even sure what rate is ok to pay.

Thanks for any help

Tuna (there's always more fish in the sea)

06-03-08, 23:23
Beware, boys (but then again, it has been as empty in this forum as it is in Brad Pitt's head). The SPD are after you. Tons out about town doing nothing more than picking up girls and harassing mongerers.

Summer breezes beget summer sleezes. They know it and are moving on it.

06-22-08, 09:57
Has anyone ever seen this provider? I have seen her post a lot and was wondering about her. http://westernmass.craigslist.org/ers/727693022.html
Come in out of the heat - w4m

06-22-08, 22:31
That jessica chick is a strange one and her fiance is the tranny elle that posts on the craislist as well. In my opinion, stay away!

Aski Rn
06-24-08, 23:34
Hey guys,

Can someone provide info on Anthony's club? Good time/day to visit? Girls to watch out for? info about extras, CR etc would be helpful :D


06-25-08, 07:38
Same ownership as Marde Gras in Springfield. A little looser atmosphere. But not much. Neighborhood bar drink prices, $20/lap, $50 house fee for "VIP" room. The VIP room is a real dump lately. It looks like it might have been trashed in a fight.

You can get extras. You should expect to pay well for what you get. I. E. Don't be cheap. For the most part, you won't get anything on the "first date. " However, this is a place worth investing some time in. You will get a good ROI.

Recently there has been a lot of turn-over of the dancers and bartenders. Mostly night shifts. There are now some genuine "10s" at the place and the overall average has gone from 5+ to maybe 8+.

I can't recommend anyone in particular there. My likes are probably different than yours. There is plenty of variety and everyone seems to have their price point.

Hey guys,

Can someone provide info on Anthony's club? Good time/day to visit? Girls to watch out for? info about extras, CR etc would be helpful :D


06-27-08, 14:21
Indeed some funky ass shit walking around the neighborhood...

Tuna Seeker
06-29-08, 18:51
Did the trip to springfield today. Didn't see much out until williams street, by the time i was going down that street i was almost in desperate mode. Saw a Wsw, about 120lbs. little chunky but not bad. about 5'4 in height. she flagged me down so i did the check and nobody was around figured what the hell. Turns out she needed a ride to w springfield (red carpet inn) Got there and she asked me to come to her room for a few.

We get into the room and she starts taking off her clothes, well for a girl who is supposed to be 26 she certainly had the saggiest titties i ever saw, stretch marks so bad on her stomach that it looked like a spider web. well i learned my lesson, never pick up anyone on williams street lol. knowing that i wasn't gonna be able to have mr winky perform under those conditions i left the room very quickly. I guess I wasn't as desperate as I thought I was.

Need to get some action soon so if anyone has some reviews on any cl girls please pm me.



06-30-08, 17:34
See? I told you so...

There are a few classic models around and willing, but I am not in the mood for them or for the SW set that Springfield has to offer.

I guess I am just a snob.

Tuna Seeker
06-30-08, 17:45
Well after that episode i'm not checking those streets out for a long time. sticking to take out at EB, and maybe center stage. I like quality and it's just not gonna be seen on the streets too often.

07-05-08, 04:51
Seems like most of the girls are at Camp Chicopee and the SPD are hot & heavy out there. However I did see one of my old favorites the other night Kimberly and I must say she was looking hot, and still does a wonderful job at what she does.

I have never seen Springfield during this time of year with such a lack of girls on it and the ones that are out there I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. What ever happen to Springfield?

Oh well guys be careful out the Leo’s are all over the place !!!

Good Hunting

07-05-08, 14:41
Seems like to me that all the girls are on vacation at Camp Chicopee?

The SPD seems to be everywhere. Where did they get all this money for all these fancy under cover cars they have all over the place? Beware guys they are looking for us.

I did have the great pleasure once again to indulge upon Kimberly the other night. It has been a few months since I have done her. Her skills and talents are still up there and I must say that she did look hot the other night when I did her.

On the other hand I see that Country is back from Camp Chicopee and looking worse then she did before, what she weighs now what about 75 lbs or so? Also I have notice nothing but the worse looking girls I have ever seen on the streets of Springfield. Usually the summer months brings out new talent onto Springfield Streets however not this year. Most of the girls I see out there I would not touch with a 10 foot pole.

Michelle she looks like she keeps getting beat up by her boyfriend and weights about the same as country. Oh well I’ll guess I will just keep looking for the girls and one can only hope that the streets of Springfield comes alive once again real soon.

Where have all the girls gone?

07-06-08, 11:34
Seems like to me that all the girls are on vacation at Camp Chicopee?

The SPD seems to be everywhere. Where did they get all this money for all these fancy under cover cars they have all over the place? Beware guys they are looking for us.

I did have the great pleasure once again to indulge upon Kimberly the other night. It has been a few months since I have done her. Her skills and talents are still up there and I must say that she did look hot the other night when I did her.

On the other hand I see that Country is back from Camp Chicopee and looking worse then she did before, what she weighs now what about 75 lbs or so? Also I have notice nothing but the worse looking girls I have ever seen on the streets of Springfield. Usually the summer months brings out new talent onto Springfield Streets however not this year. Most of the girls I see out there I would not touch with a 10 foot pole.

Michelle she looks like she keeps getting beat up by her boyfriend and weights about the same as country. Oh well I’ll guess I will just keep looking for the girls and one can only hope that the streets of Springfield comes alive once again real soon.

Where have all the girls gone?

Five-Oh has made it too dangerous for SW's and mongers in Springfield right now. Most of the girls are probably either locked up or have found worse ways or supporting themselves.

07-06-08, 20:43
The nifty LE machines have been around for a while. But since they are NOT being used to fight the drugs, guns, murders, corruption, violence, they have to get put to good use somehow.

Please remember that the 75lb Country cannot put up much of a fight against the 245lb (5'8") person that is busting her. You get it, right? After all, the pension is only good if you live to collect it.

It's ironic how hard the push is on prostitution. You don't need me to tell you that females have been using their bodies to procure cash, property and creature comforts for as long as the form itself has existed.

The push against this might be acceptable if it were true on all levels. Males certainly have a disadvantage in fighting this stereotype in divorce and family courts where it is encouraged that the male pay for the female for the sake of her being female. How about advertising? It practically exists on selling the female form. Propagates the very covetous nature and core of prostitution. Ironic, isn't it? It is okay to to sell the sex, just not for sex...

07-16-08, 14:19
Okay-- I cannot be the only one who saw her...

Way up by the X, a tall, extraordinarily thin woman wearing a pink bikini-halter top, exposed LOVELY thin belly with ring, cut off blue shorts pulled up into her ass-crack to expose gorgeous tan-lined butt cheeks-- a huge white hat covering some of her face, long curly, thick jet-black hair and a small patent-leather bag. Walking backward facing traffic waving at male drivers.

So fucking hot I almost crashed into the car in front of me (and I am a very careful driver).

Not a chance in the world that I am stopping for her in bright noon daylight by the X.

It's a joke or a bust or a set-up for Scare Tactics. But no way that this girl is a SW...

Who else saw her?


Wolfman Jack
07-16-08, 17:55
Okay-- I cannot be the only one who saw her...

Way up by the X, a tall, extraordinarily thin woman wearing a pink bikini-halter top, exposed LOVELY thin belly with ring, cut off blue shorts pulled up into her ass-crack to expose gorgeous tan-lined butt cheeks-- a huge white hat covering some of her face, long curly, thick jet-black hair and a small patent-leather bag. Walking backward facing traffic waving at male drivers.

So fucking hot I almost crashed into the car in front of me (and I am a very careful driver).

Not a chance in the world that I am stopping for her in bright noon daylight by the X.

It's a joke or a bust or a set-up for Scare Tactics. But no way that this girl is a SW...

Who else saw her?


Maybe she's a politician running for office? They usually stand on the corner with their signs waving at cars around election time.

07-17-08, 10:49
Although this is my first post, I've been partaking in the hobby for a long time.

I picked up a girl about 4:30 yesterday near the defunct Wendy's. She was one of the better looking girls that I've seen in a long time.- about an 8. About 5'7", black straight hair, thin but not emaciated. I wouldn't have thought she'd be available except for the location and a subtle but definite look. She graduated from North Adams State, and said she was visiting friends. From NYC, she will be returning soon. $30 for a very good BBBJCIM.- great tits.

Wolfman Jack
07-18-08, 20:16
Although this is my first post, I've been partaking in the hobby for a long time.

I picked up a girl about 4:30 yesterday near the defunct Wendy's. She was one of the better looking girls that I've seen in a long time.- about an 8. About 5'7", black straight hair, thin but not emaciated. I wouldn't have thought she'd be available except for the location and a subtle but definite look. She graduated from North Adams State, and said she was visiting friends. From NYC, she will be returning soon. $30 for a very good BBBJCIM.- great tits.

That Wendys is no longer open? Wow, I always prefered them to the MickeyD's down the street.

07-18-08, 20:47
Although this is my first post, I've been partaking in the hobby for a long time.

I picked up a girl about 4:30 yesterday near the defunct Wendy's. She was one of the better looking girls that I've seen in a long time.- about an 8. About 5'7", black straight hair, thin but not emaciated. I wouldn't have thought she'd be available except for the location and a subtle but definite look. She graduated from North Adams State, and said she was visiting friends. From NYC, she will be returning soon. $30 for a very good BBBJCIM.- great tits.

A new post from a new user! Maybe the next generation will arrive (will come?). Thanks for the post. Pretty damn good first post (and not enough info to get the girl in trouble).

I'll throw in a little tidbit (and I hope it gets back to the department too). I was at an event with quite a few of Uncle Leo's relatives. There was a lot of discussion on a few issues. Some was about the problem of almost half of the force being out on long term disability (very interesting sarcasm about this too-- as if they were on easy street and were not coming back becuase of their back pain, hand pain, emotional distress, etc.) and the remaining half having no interest in doing anything that would put them there as well. There was talk about increased presence to clean up the streets (and the worry that there will be a lot of empty properties due to the glut of foreclosed properties. Also Deutsche Bank evidently has purchased a few hundred Springfield properties and has no interest in keeping tenants and is kicking out a ton of people. Lastly, evidently the food bank and the shelters are closing or significantly limiting their hours, so they are anticipating a lot of non-druggies needing to sell their bodies to feed themselves and their kids (and, it seemed clear to me, that they would rather they and their kids starve than be out on the streets in those lovely foreclosed and empty neighborhoods).

Springfield is grand. Welcome to heaven, Ahpprof!

07-19-08, 10:27
They have gotten most of the ladies selling their bodies off the street. They are so dangerous and cause all Springfield's problems. Of course those guys who deal drugs to kids are still on the street. They are not nearly as dangerous and don't cause any problems.

Good ol' Springfield. Busting the least dangerous criminals and leaving the real scumbags on the street.

07-27-08, 20:25
1) A large group of girls were let out of Ludlow this week and are back on the streets.

2) My new friend (Leo) told me that there is a lot of pressure to put the girls right back into Ludlow.

So, either get them while you can or stay the hell away (may be the smarter move)

Just a FYI...

08-02-08, 03:31
I have searched for two days in a row, and have come up with nothing whatsoever.

Garthy if the girls were let out of Camp Ludlow, they must have been sent directly to Camp Chicopee because they are for sure not on the streets of Springfield the only things on the Streets of Springfield are SPD, MSP and the drug dealers of course.

I did see a couple of cum-bags, Nicki is out and about, but God has she gone down the drain. I can remember when she first came to the streets of Springfield and she was hot back then, but see what drugs will do to ya, plus I heard she is now HIV positive as well. Don’t know how true that is but that is what I heard. Michelle well she Michelle still getting beating up by everyone on the Streets of Springfield.

Did see Kimberly, but she was so fucked up I just passed her by, the drugs are really getting to her as well. And God only knows about Country, I can’t believe she is still walking the streets in one piece all 75 pounds of her.

And CL is not any better either, plus some of the girls from the streets are now on CL and now they think they are real pros and want to charge you an arm & leg. Not from me for sure.

Oh well guys good hunting and watch yourself out there LEO all over the place.

John Bear
08-04-08, 10:44
I have been a long time lurker on here and finally had something to post, since I usually spend time with my private “free” stock.

I was in Springfield last night visiting a friend and we ended up at the Gras. After dropping him off I debated on going back to the Gras or looking for a SW. So I cruised some of the streets off Sumner on my back to the Gras. I did not see anything out until I got on Main street near McDonalds. I spotted a WSW, made a U turn further down the road for a second pass. We looked at each other but I kept going, found a side street down the way and headed back down Main. I passed her a third time and pulled over a ways up near a bar and watched the drama unfold between some people, yelling in the car, in the road and then back in the bar.

The WSW walked up to my car, opened the door and climbed in. I asked her if she needed a ride, to which she relied “yeah.” As I pulled onto the street I asked her where she was heading to which she replied “anywhere.” She said her name was Michelle, she was about 5-6 smaller body with a belly starting to show, longer brown hair. I would say other than the belly starting, her body was a 6, face a 5. Of course being at the Gras all night tends to throw my ratings out of wack.

She said that she was just trying to make some money. I laughed at her and we did the cop check thing and off we went. I know from reading here to not go where they suggest, but I wanted to hear what she said, so I asked…you know a place to go? She mentions Agawam or West Springfield there are some parking lots. Now I grew up in Springfield so for me to cross the river would be just plain dumb. I started driving up towards Sumner, crossed the X and was driving down side roads looking for a place to pull over. It was nice out, so I asked her about going outside. She was OK with it (as long as it was not too far and I would not ditch her) and headed to place I know in that area.

As for price, she mentioned .3 but I told her .25 and she agreed. As we were driving I was feeling her tits, small A or B cups but nice nipples. We got the spot and walked to a secluded area. I dropped my pants and she got on her knees. In the middle of the bj, I told her I wanted to play with her pussy, so she stood up and dropped her pants. As she was doing this she complained about having to start the bj over again and all this for .25 and I said fine, get back down.

A few minutes later I dropped my load and we got back into the car. I dropped her off back down town and headed home.

Overall, a bbbjcim with spit for .25 technique was good, I did not have the boys out so there was not option for playing there.

08-06-08, 15:29
Walking down Main Street across from the abandoned Wendy's. Looked very nice with shoulder length brown hair and big D-cups tightly contained in her white T-shirt. She gave me the look big time. I did a casual, long turn-around and on the return trip, she was still there (but now over near the spooky corner across from the liquor store). I got the look again.

This was the middle of the day. And there were LE EVERYWHERE. And frankly, I have used up my luck for the week. Plus, on the second inspection run, she looked a tad too clean for the streets of my lovely Springfield.

So, I let her be. I hope someone enjoyed her and that she was not a set-up. Picking up in Springfield (esp in broad daylight on Main Street) seems crazy.

Go play a game-- I've mentioned this one before. It's a lot of fun and you won't get busted!


08-19-08, 18:41
Yes-- it definitely enhances that upscale look in the City of Homes! What a joke! I am sure that the local Realtors must have thought up some great story about how nice it is to have extraordinarily large, empty, chained-together planters on the end of their streets. It gives the crack and heroin dealers something to lean against so their feet don't get tired.

08-21-08, 05:29
If you guys where out early Tuesday morning between the hours of 2:30 to 4:00 AM you will have to agree with me it was like a SW buffet on the streets of good old Springfield, just like the old days.

No matter where you went there was girls all around, I must have counted at least 24 to 28 girls out there. From the good old cum-bags like Michelle, Nicki, Melissa etc to Barbie were all out (BTW old Barbie looked pretty good – considering its Barbie). Up on the Y I met this hot babe coming out of the store and she asked me for a ride, so I said to her hop in.

A new girl I never seen before and her name was Sonya, a hot white chick I would give her about a 7 ½. As you all know I love DATY, however with all the cum-bags out their lately I have not indulged in my favorite sport for sometime, but with this girl I was ready for bush diving.

We went back to my place and we spend over 2 hours with her, this girl really knows her stuff. I asked her for her number but she told me she was only here for a few days from Rochester, NY however if I am ever in Rochester she said look me up. Well I am not going to Rochester just to see her, but who knows if the streets of Springfield get cold again as usually the way they have been who knows. And for her two hours of pure pleasure of bbbjcm and DATY and full service for 2 hrs cost me only $50. 00 bucks, the best fifty bucks I have spent for a while in good old Springfield. Usually I spend 30 to 40 bucks, but this girl was well worth the fifty bucks.

Well good hunting boys. . . . As I said Tuesday morning hunting was great, maybe the high temperature of 78 degrees at 3 in the morning had something to do with it.

08-23-08, 11:49
I was in the Windsor Locks area and scheduled an appointment with Alana. She is an early 30's MILF. She was clean and had a slim body with natural C tits. She seems to keep her body in good shape. She was friendly and talkative. We took care of business then got comfortable. She started with a rubdown of my front side. Then some slow relaxing stroking of my cock and playing with my balls. She did that for a good while. Then she slipped on the raincoat and started an above average CBJ. Once I was getting too close I had her stop so we could get to the main event. She asked me what position I wanted her in. I told her we can start off with CG and go from there. I didn't end up needing another position. She rode me good and hard and let me in deep. It wasn't long before I popped. We relaxed and chatted for awhile before I left. Absolutely no rush and she never looked at the clock. I'll repeat next time I am in the area. May even see her again before I leave if the opportunity presents itself.


Huggy Bear #2
08-26-08, 09:30
Hi. I'm going to set up a meet, in the next few weeks, with this massage ad I found on Craigslist:


and will give a report. Has anyone seen her? I'm anticipating a little heavy and a "5" on the looks scale. Any info, i.e. attitude, looks, massage abilities, would be great.

With AMP's drying up in CT, looking for new safe outlets to get a good massage for my bad back.

Be safe.

08-27-08, 11:28
This girl is a scammer...


This is another ad that uses the same number...


There was a third girl around so there is probably another ad with a fake pic I haven't spotted.

You can read the details in my latest post in the Hartford CL reviews thread.

08-27-08, 18:01
I have posted about the 401 problem in the past...

08-30-08, 07:01
If you see the number 413~222~1349 it is a skanky Latina spinner and her fat Latina pimp (mother?) Want $$ for so called full service which is really an HJ or CBJ at best.

I reviewed this side-show some time ago on TER but the the review must have aged off the database. I just recently noticed that they have been posting adds again: Ads typically appearing in Hartford Cl & Cv, Westernmass Cl, Newhaven Cl & Cv, and sometimes in the Advocate. Actual in-call locations have been typically just south of the Mass border.

Anything else is extra. Pictures in the various CV and CL ads have all been lifted from other ads. Not even a close resemblance to these a$$holes. Save your time, money and petroleum.

08-31-08, 11:57
Yes-- there are a heck of a lot out late night. Almost a 1:1 ratio of cops to SW. And I saw Barbie out too (not so beaten up either, thank goodness).

BUT-- the actual talent level was low (even for Springfield standards) and I was not going to risk it (having recently perused the arrest logs and noticing a trend...)

Nothing worse the risk...

09-02-08, 08:32
Still-- risk level is HIGH!!!

This was a new, thin, pretty BSW who had her own place and who I found pretty far from the beaten path. She was little drunk, would only play safe, had BEAUTIFUL small C breasts and liked to be played with.

Worth the $50 for the time, the safety factor and the fun. A lot on the menu. I got her digits, but I am not sure if she will be doing much of this thing.

09-05-08, 19:05
2 of my favorites have been busted and sent up the river.


But at least Ican still buy crack or heroin or guns at any street corner on Main from State to Belmont to the X.

I love when the little kids get off the school bus and walk right by the dealers doing their trade. God bless Springfield.

Member #3948
09-06-08, 09:24
Any ionfo on this lass? She looks familiar and I may be comming up your way soo though she is posting down my way now????????

Thanks in advance

Steel Blue


09-10-08, 21:01
The streets of Springfield have become an armed camp against us and the SW of Springfield. I wonder what ever happen of due process under the law.

As Garthy has stated many times in this forum “But at least I can still buy crack or heroin or guns at any street corner on Main from State to Belmont to the X.”

How correct he is…………………..but drive by a SW more then once you get pulled over for no reason whatsoever and harassed by the SPD and given the 3rd degree. Who the hell do the SPD think they are? Don’t they know the law that states you must have probably cause to pull someone over for no just reason other then driving by a couple of street walkers a couple of times.

I know if I get pulled over one more damm time by the SPD for no just reason whatsoever other then just driving around I am going to file a civil law suit of harassment against them and the City of Springfield. Enough is enough !!! Got the message SPD?

I do lots of work within Springfield on a daily bases and part of my job is driving around from one place to another and then to get pull over by SPD for no just reason is a bunch of BS from the SPD. Especially since you don’t even have a girl in the car, but they want to bust your balls for no just reason whatsoever.

All the girls in Springfield are scared shit less to walk the streets of Springfield, not because of the pimps, drug dealers or gun dealers but because of the cops themselves. Maybe the cops of Springfield should police themselves and get out there and fight some real crime instead of harassing us poor guys who just want to get laid.

Be careful guys and good hunting !!!

Noir Lecroi
09-22-08, 22:34
Just curious. I saw a couple of post regarding the chinese massage therapy that had moved from the little blue house on belmont. Any info on the establishment in there now? (massage by Jane?)

Stan Theradish
09-26-08, 03:54
Noticed the letters "MASSAGE" having recently been displayed on a glass door on a small plaza in Hadley between Amherst and Northampton. Don't know when the place will open and what's in store for customers, but I'll find out and report back. Just like Geraldo Pervera.

Turbo Man1234
10-03-08, 17:52
Anyone know of a place in the greater Springfield, MA area where one can get a nice, sensual, erotic massage without feeling like he just got infected?

Stan Theradish
10-07-08, 07:03
is not a R&T place. No HR for you. At least, none for me. Paid $54 for an hour. Massage took place in one of three wooden stalls whose walls don't reach the ceiling. Asian tinged muzak played.

The woman was probably mid-forties, generally attractive. The massage seemed to get quite sensual at times. The phone rang halfway through, she answered. Communication/language issues, and she promised to take more than the hour.

I can't disparage the massage--it was relaxing and excellent. But after the foot rub she said, "Finished" and walked out the curtain. I waited a bit, thinking maybe she meant "Finish" and a finish was forthcoming. Nope.

Used the restroom prior to leaving, and got locked in. Yep. I couldn't turn the knob no matter which position the lock was in. We were both trying and finally I got it open. She was standing there with a raised hammer.

Not quite the ending I'd come in hoping for.

Wolfman Jack
10-07-08, 17:20
But they were all disgusting. They were all milling around the usual locations, but nothing I'd ever consider stopping for and letting into my Lamborghini. Around 2pm today. Plenty of LE as well, but they seemed to be just content on driving around.

10-08-08, 13:49
I can't recall who it was that I was having a discussion with concerning the death of AMPs and Asian services here in the CT / MA area... But the discussion ended with my fellow hobbyist insisting that the talent was still out there, but that it had gone independent and underground. (No, it was NOT SH...)

And then comes this ever-recycling question of the pseudo-AMPs that populate the Springfield area (but do not offer extras), and the occasional visitors who post in CL and elsewhere.

So, I decide to try once again a CL ad (for "Cherry"). She sounds nice enough on the phone (and she tells me she has a "lunch special combo.") So, off I go to her location (which I know as a decent notell).

So, let me segue a little back to the Bejing Olympics. Do you recall the unbelievable Chinese beauties who cheered for their their volleyball and beach volleyball teams? Do you recall the lithe, slight, athletic builds of the athletes themselves? Well, behind all those glorious, perfect bodies there had to be somebody's great-grandmother manning the wok. And that's who I got!

Was she pleasant? Yes. Was the massage good? Yes. Did she pay too much attention to my tailpipe (like many a HK girl in the past)? Yes. Did I want her to? No. Did she get naked and fuck the shit out of me? Kinda.

I have to admit, my heart-on wasn't into it. She wanted me to DATY, but I just couldn't bear the thought of putting my mouth on her fifty (or sixty) year old Dim Sum. I had to close my eyes and think of the original "Apple" in order to finish.

She then cleaned me up nicely and continued a nice massage until I felt it was time to go. I earned my keep with this one-- look again at the title of the post (ie, the first letter of each word) and you can see what I did.

I think I am correct, my fellow hobbyist, about the state of things and Asian services in the area.

10-08-08, 16:18
I can't recall who it was that I was having a discussion with concerning the death of AMPs and Asian services here in the CT / MA area... But the discussion ended with my fellow hobbyist insisting that the talent was still out there, but that it had gone independent and underground. (No, it was NOT SH...)

And then comes this ever-recycling question of the pseudo-AMPs that populate the Springfield area (but do not offer extras), and the occasional visitors who post in CL and elsewhere.

So, I decide to try once again a CL ad (for "Cherry"). She sounds nice enough on the phone (and she tells me she has a "lunch special combo.") So, off I go to her location (which I know as a decent notell).

So, let me segue a little back to the Bejing Olympics. Do you recall the unbelievable Chinese beauties who cheered for their their volleyball and beach volleyball teams? Do you recall the lithe, slight, athletic builds of the athletes themselves? Well, behind all those glorious, perfect bodies there had to be somebody's great-grandmother manning the wok. And that's who I got!

Was she pleasant? Yes. Was the massage good? Yes. Did she pay too much attention to my tailpipe (like many a HK girl in the past)? Yes. Did I want her to? No. Did she get naked and fuck the shit out of me? Kinda.

I have to admit, my heart-on wasn't into it. She wanted me to DATY, but I just couldn't bear the thought of putting my mouth on her fifty (or sixty) year old Dim Sum. I had to close my eyes and think of the original "Apple" in order to finish.

She then cleaned me up nicely and continued a nice massage until I felt it was time to go. I earned my keep with this one-- look again at the title of the post (ie, the first letter of each word) and you can see what I did.

I think I am correct, my fellow hobbyist, about the state of things and Asian services in the area.I was going to take the plunge and try her out, thank you so much for posting.

10-08-08, 16:42
I can't recall who it was that I was having a discussion with concerning the death of AMPs and Asian services here in the CT / MA area... But the discussion ended with my fellow hobbyist insisting that the talent was still out there, but that it had gone independent and underground. (No, it was NOT SH...)

And then comes this ever-recycling question of the pseudo-AMPs that populate the Springfield area (but do not offer extras), and the occasional visitors who post in CL and elsewhere.


I think I am correct, my fellow hobbyist, about the state of things and Asian services in the area.Thanks for TOFTT Garthy. I am shocked, shocked, that there seems to be some discrepancy between the photo posted of a lovely 26 year old and the masseuse in question. I guess this means we are more likely to experience the heat death of the universe than meet the Apple from HK when answering this ad.

"hi, *~* I am Apple*~* *~*, 22 years old, I am cute & nice gril*~*.

*Oriental Sweetie-Apple* new here,wating for you & Sensual Massage & ...

Relaxing with Independent Oriental Sweet girl...

peaceful & discreet place...Enjoyable & Pleasure...


Call me, please 888-888-8888 *~*Apple*~*

Location: Natick / cross Natick Mall / on Rt-9 East Bound."

10-08-08, 18:42
I can't recall who it was that I was having a discussion with concerning the death of AMPs and Asian services here in the CT / MA area... But the discussion ended with my fellow hobbyist insisting that the talent was still out there, but that it had gone independent and underground. (No, it was NOT SH...)

And then comes this ever-recycling question of the pseudo-AMPs that populate the Springfield area (but do not offer extras), and the occasional visitors who post in CL and elsewhere.

So, I decide to try once again a CL ad (for "Cherry"). She sounds nice enough on the phone (and she tells me she has a "lunch special combo.") So, off I go to her location (which I know as a decent notell).

So, let me segue a little back to the Bejing Olympics. Do you recall the unbelievable Chinese beauties who cheered for their their volleyball and beach volleyball teams? Do you recall the lithe, slight, athletic builds of the athletes themselves? Well, behind all those glorious, perfect bodies there had to be somebody's great-grandmother manning the wok. And that's who I got!

Was she pleasant? Yes. Was the massage good? Yes. Did she pay too much attention to my tailpipe (like many a HK girl in the past)? Yes. Did I want her to? No. Did she get naked and fuck the shit out of me? Kinda.

I have to admit, my heart-on wasn't into it. She wanted me to DATY, but I just couldn't bear the thought of putting my mouth on her fifty (or sixty) year old Dim Sum. I had to close my eyes and think of the original "Apple" in order to finish.

She then cleaned me up nicely and continued a nice massage until I felt it was time to go. I earned my keep with this one-- look again at the title of the post (ie, the first letter of each word) and you can see what I did.

I think I am correct, my fellow hobbyist, about the state of things and Asian services in the area.I was actually thinking about heading over there myself today, but gratefully other duties called. When I spoke to "Cherry" on the phone, my impression was of a much younger woman. Now I see that the same post is up in Albany.

10-08-08, 23:57
Thanks for TOFTT Garthy. I am shocked, shocked, that there seems to be some discrepancy between the photo posted of a lovely 26 year old and the masseuse in question. I guess this means we are more likely to experience the heat death of the universe than meet the Apple from HK when answering this ad.

"hi, *~* I am Apple*~* *~*, 22 years old, I am cute & nice gril*~*.

*Oriental Sweetie-Apple* new here,wating for you & Sensual Massage & ...

Relaxing with Independent Oriental Sweet girl...

peaceful & discreet place...Enjoyable & Pleasure...


Call me, please 888-888-8888 *~*Apple*~*

Location: Natick / cross Natick Mall / on Rt-9 East Bound."

I have not been with Apple in what,4 years? (maybe 3?) and she was 36 THEN! LOL!

10-10-08, 07:56
This post has less to do with a SW post and more to do with LE. I gave a "friend" (female and young) a ride to a friend's to drop something (legal) off Thursday night. As she gets back into my car an unmarked cruiser sees her entering my car which was legally parked. The cruiser passes and we turn off to a side street.

Well the cruiser circled, then they took a side street. Not done apparently as I recognized the ride tailing me (keeping a distance of 2-3 blocks). This went on for about 16-20 city blocks (no joke) with several turns. Needless to say I minded the speed limit, used turn signals faithfully, and stopped at yellow lights. I thought I lost the tail, dropped off my friend near her mom's, and pulled away as the cruiser comes up on her. I decide to slowly drive off. I found out minutes later they came up onto the side walk and harassed her.

There was nothing going on, neither of us had anything illegal on us, and this was just me giving her a ride. Unfortunately, she did not get a cruiser or badge number as we seriously discussed filing a complaint.

Beware out there. Apparently the SPD believes they are above the law and can willfully stop anyone without probable cause. I am not kidding and I am pissed. It's bad enough my poor car suffers abuse on some of the worst roads I'v ever encountered in any city. Add to this the attitude that civil rights can willfully be ignored by the SPD. Why visit the downtown clubs, bars, and stores if the tax revenue gernerated goes into city departments that clearly exceed their authority?

There is a purpose to my rant other than to vent. If you are cruising out there for SW talent, please be exceptionally careful. Big brother is not only watching, he is ignoring the rules.

10-13-08, 19:19
Springfield has crime watch areas, that gives police more power in those areas tailing, follow, detain, stop, and questioning. You picked her up at night saw a cruiser and tried to evade them by taking several streets. They thought you were trying to loose hthem (they don’t like that it pisses them off). Then you drop her off in a different location down the street from her address that would look as if she did not want you to know where she was going. It must have look like you were picking up a SW or Drugs or both.

This post has less to do with a SW post and more to do with LE. I gave a "friend" (female and young) a ride to a friend's to drop something (legal) off Thursday night. As she gets back into my car an unmarked cruiser sees her entering my car which was legally parked. The cruiser passes and we turn off to a side street.

Well the cruiser circled, then they took a side street. Not done apparently as I recognized the ride tailing me (keeping a distance of 2-3 blocks). This went on for about 16-20 city blocks (no joke) with several turns. Needless to say I minded the speed limit, used turn signals faithfully, and stopped at yellow lights. I thought I lost the tail, dropped off my friend near her mom's, and pulled away as the cruiser comes up on her. I decide to slowly drive off. I found out minutes later they came up onto the side walk and harassed her.

There was nothing going on, neither of us had anything illegal on us, and this was just me giving her a ride. Unfortunately, she did not get a cruiser or badge number as we seriously discussed filing a complaint.

Beware out there. Apparently the SPD believes they are above the law and can willfully stop anyone without probable cause. I am not kidding and I am pissed. It's bad enough my poor car suffers abuse on some of the worst roads I'v ever encountered in any city. Add to this the attitude that civil rights can willfully be ignored by the SPD. Why visit the downtown clubs, bars, and stores if the tax revenue gernerated goes into city departments that clearly exceed their authority?

There is a purpose to my rant other than to vent. If you are cruising out there for SW talent, please be exceptionally careful. Big brother is not only watching, he is ignoring the rules.

Turbo Man1234
10-14-08, 09:14
Spent some time (and money) with "Cherrie" last Friday. I think she must go by the "fruit of the month" name. I would rate her looks as about a 7. Seems like she has been around. I undressed and she asked upfront for her. 8 She wore a sundress and thong. She opened a towel on the bed and spread it out. I thought, great, clean towel. Maybe a premature thought.

I lay down on my stomach and she gave me a decent (not great) massage. Better than some "sensual massage" women who only rub you a bit before the flip and getting down to business. She teased my crack a little, not much, a little disappointing. I asked her to get naked and she had no problem. I pulled her thong down and she allowed me to explore her "inner being" a bit. She flipped me and asked about extras. I asked for a HE and she said it would be another. 8 I told her all I had was. 4 left, and she said OK. She did let me also touch her top (about a B cup) but did not like me kissing them. Her HE technique was very mechanical, and I had to stop her several times to slow down the process. Wanted to get some reasonable time out of her. When I did finish, she cleaned me up, I got dressed and get her her. 4 As I was getting dressed, I watched her fold the towel and put it on the pillow just where it had been when I arrived. So much for a clean towel.

I was disappointed in the experience, and would not go back. Seems like from many of the posts, there are better AMPs out there. I just need to connect.

10-14-08, 11:49
Springfield has crime watch areas, that gives police more power in those areas tailing, follow, detain, stop, and questioning. You picked her up at night saw a cruiser and tried to evade them by taking several streets. They thought you were trying to loose hthem (they don’t like that it pisses them off). Then you drop her off in a different location down the street from her address that would look as if she did not want you to know where she was going. It must have look like you were picking up a SW or Drugs or both.

Stopping someone for no reason is still unconstitutional. Picking up or dropping off a woman who is not a known SW does not give them probable cause.

10-14-08, 16:58
I drove down Main Street at around 4:30pm.

From State to Belmont, I counted 11 DRUG DEALERS!

Yup-- 11. I think that Greg might be correct, but maybe there is a statute on the books that allows for a no-harassing drug dealers on the street corner. That must be it.

Go ahead-- harass the poor women who get rides. Too bad they can't shake down those dealers! Damn it!

Wolfman Jack
10-15-08, 00:28
I drove down Main Street at around 4:30pm.

From State to Belmont, I counted 11 DRUG DEALERS!

Yup-- 11. I think that Greg might be correct, but maybe there is a statute on the books that allows for a no-harassing drug dealers on the street corner. That must be it.

Go ahead-- harass the poor women who get rides. Too bad they can't shake down those dealers! Damn it!

Ahh, the stainded glass at Mercy Hospital on Stafford St. was removed, that explains why all the drug dealers went from praying to the virgin Mary to reclaiming their street corners on Main. I guess it really was just mildew as none of them have converted to the way of the Lord. :rolleyes:

10-15-08, 13:18
Ahh, the stainded glass at Mercy Hospital on Stafford St. was removed, that explains why all the drug dealers went from praying to the virgin Mary to reclaiming their street corners on Main. I guess it really was just mildew as none of them have converted to the way of the Lord. :rolleyes:

I stayed in that room. It's cum stains!

Turbo Man1234
10-15-08, 13:29
Anybody have any feedback on Krista in Springfield? She has a post in CL practically every day. Says she is 5' 4", 110 pounds of fun and excitement, sexy hazel eyes and a tight petite body and has a nice ass.

I almost connected with her a couple of weeks ago but ran out of time waiting to join up with her.

Any feedback would be appreciated. I will be in Springfield this coming Friday and might be in need of a release.

Anybody have suggestions? You can PM me too.


10-15-08, 18:29
Anybody have any feedback on Krista in Springfield? She has a post in CL practically every day. Says she is 5' 4", 110 pounds of fun and excitement, sexy hazel eyes and a tight petite body and has a nice ass.

I almost connected with her a couple of weeks ago but ran out of time waiting to join up with her.

Any feedback would be appreciated. I will be in Springfield this coming Friday and might be in need of a release.

Anybody have suggestions? You can PM me too.


She has been written about here before. Nothing special at all. Used to work with another girl, but now is solo and has a manager and a website. She is kinda a butterface-- nicer body than face by far.

I was (I believe) one of the first (if not the first) to get full service from her, quite a while back. But now all is on the menu. She may rush you a bit. She is certainly not 100% reliable when she schedules appointments and, IMHO, not that great an experience.

I think I described her on the CT board a while back-- something to the effect that going to her was like having sex with a retarded person.

Just my opinion-- been there and done that too much. YMMV

10-16-08, 00:18
Has anyone seen anything going on over the bridge in W Spfld?

I figured since it was so close to Springfield something has to be going on there.

10-16-08, 00:47
I also had fs back when she was with that other girl, and I agree with Garthy's opinion. I was never really rushing to get back with her b/c, again, she stacked appts. way to close together to the point where mongerers were very nearly running into each other. Her female partner did not add to the session's ambiance despite what seemed to be both of their best efforts.

There really aren't that many good CL girls in this area IMHO. There is better luck in the Hartford area but be prepared to pay by way of gas and loot. This game can be pretty expensive and you don't always get what you pay for.

One I've been curious about and haven't tried yet is Noel. Any info on her?

One of my latest favorites is Sandra, when she's around. The streets have completely dried up for me, though I still keep an eye out. What's wandering out there these days is diseased or decrepit or just too pathetic, so I haven't been partaking.

Another good one is Crystal, Italo-Dominican. She is a tall amazonian, not thin nor fat, just healthy looking and feeling. We've hung out at least twice

The last really good looking girl I met was the one mentioned on the Casino mongering board around Independence day. That girl was amazingly hot, but pricey and rushed.

There was also Candy from NH, who had a super tite snapper and quite a few tats.

Recently I headed down to Meriden to check out this hot young blondie at her hotel. She was 5'9", with blonde hair and the firmest mosting amazing natural rack I've ever had the pleasure of picking. It turns out that my instincts about her being in the first trimester were true. She was only 19 and seemed to be a true blonde.

My new ATF is a new CL girl who seems to be in a bad situation. Maybe not exactly more than any of the other ones, but I at least know the details of her life to know that she is pretty much locked into this life she has. I am actually thinking about setting her up with a mistress pad. Has anyone else with a need for discretion done this yet? It would really get her out of a bad situation and help the economy, if you think about it. Her pimp has got her shook.

As for Uncleo, he's everywhere and anywhere. I haven't seen him tho, so there hasn't been any relation of these dreams and fantasies to him or his friends. Not that I would anyway, thank you very much. My dreams and opinions belong to me. ;)

Be safe fellas!

Wm Costigian
10-16-08, 07:28
It's nice to see some activity on this board. Would like to include more info on CL or advocate girls or strip club reports. My take Krista, many reviews. Tend to be so-so. Noel, have you seen the webpage? Also interested in Jenna or Vanessa. Maxin lingerie, visited many years ago, no extrs major upsell. Mardi Gras has the best girls but I. Ve never hit paydirt. Anthonys in SH, Magic Lantern in Monson, or Electric Blue in N Ct are more liberal.

Wm Costigian
10-16-08, 08:01
Sorry forgot to mention. She used to dance in a local club, her pics are legit, I have no personnal experience. From Holyoke.

Tuna Seeker
10-16-08, 22:01
Someone told me about both of them awhile back and although foolishly I didn't listen but I learned a valuable lesson. He was right on the money in describing her and he has already replied to your post. I just wanted to let you know you should take his review seriously. I bow to the master.

She has been written about here before. Nothing special at all. Used to work with another girl, but now is solo and has a manager and a website. She is kinda a butterface-- nicer body than face by far.

I was (I believe) one of the first (if not the first) to get full service from her, quite a while back. But now all is on the menu. She may rush you a bit. She is certainly not 100% reliable when she schedules appointments and, IMHO, not that great an experience.

I think I described her on the CT board a while back-- something to the effect that going to her was like having sex with a retarded person.

Just my opinion-- been there and done that too much. YMMV

10-17-08, 09:54
A reprint of my original review: (for you, Turbo..)

"She's OKAY. Flakey. Face kinda like Sarah Jessica Parker (but without the sexiness). Thin, with tiny (almost absent nipples). I have known her a long time. She is good for when all else fails and you just need to drop that load in a safe environment (and that certainly is a useful niche!) She's better solo than she was with her ex-partner. And yes-- she is really wanting regular, upscale clients. But she does not have the appeal of other upscale providers.

Garthy (bragging here) was the first to deflower her for cash... Like I said, I have known her a while.

BUT-- you really don't get a stellar experience. As her nuttiness (which I can understand Kingadard interpreting as sweetness) sometimes makes her seem a little retarded-- and that ever so slight feeling (that I am banging a retard for money) takes the experience down quite a few notches.

No, I would not describe her as passionate or a GFE. She is a nice experience. She is also a safe. So, I know that counts for a lot; but she is nowhere even close to being a top tier experience. (I think I gave similar feedback to Steel prior to his sampling of her)

But what the hell do I know anyway? YMMV "

Turbo Man1234
10-18-08, 08:12
Met yesterday with someone from CL. Can't remember her name, but her email responses say "Sadie". She said she could not host and had shitty transportation so could I pick her up and go somewhere. I met her at a gas station. She looked like she was on drugs and smelled from heavy liquor.

Drove to a sleezy motel (hotel cost me. 4) where she stripped to bra and panties and asked for her money, $

She told me no oral on her, no kissing (she seemed sick anyway so that did not bother me) and that she had forgotten condoms. She said she does not do FS or BBBJ as she does not want to catch anything. Neither do I. I laid on my stomach and she climbed on top, where she took off her bra. I reached around and took off her panties. I had not brought condoms so we just rolled around, I played with her and she gave me a decent HJ. I had to take her hand off the general a few times to delay the inevitable.

Her looks were a 6, tits a wonderful 9. Probably a 34C. Very nice and firm. I popped on them. It was great.

Cleaned up and took off. But first dropping her off to meet someone.

Pretty wierd.

10-19-08, 14:27

I want to applaud you for hanging in there with the experience and not crying about the, uh, shortcomings.

I've been out of active hobbying for awhile-your missive was the catalyst to go a-hunting again. Never stopped lurking here though, heh heh.

You've reminded me (and all of us) of many valuable things:

1) Bring your own rubbers.

2) No special trips for dope

I have broken both of those more than I want to admit-someone else can fingerwag-but the trick is to do better next time.

Lotsa killing going on here in Springfield-be careful around the chemically impaired, bud!


P.S..expensive TO is available at all three SC in spfld. I got hit three for three the other day (I am too poor-my busted nut is not worth $$)

Wolfman Jack
10-20-08, 11:15
Spent some time there on Sunday, had a few dances with a slim (really skinny) blonde, hair down to her shoulders, looks like she's 18 but claims she's 28 living in Wilbraham with 3 kids and one that isn't hers. I don't think I ever got her name actually. She has a tattoo on her ring finger, she claims she's divorced, but who knows. She also will try to claim her ex's brother is sitting at the bar and that she owes him $100, and he's there to collect from her. Total BS, she's trying to get you to give her that cash, in addition to whatever you owe her for lap dances. I didn't buy into the bullshit, she gave a crappy lap dance, and talks way too much. Works during the day on Monday/Wed/Friday, and the occasional Sunday when she needs the money.

Go with Candace, skinny brunette with longer hair and great ass, at least she doesn't talk your ear off, and knows the purpose of a lap dance.

10-20-08, 18:02
Another good CL provider in this time of drought is Lia, she usually operates just across the state line in the Enfield. She is quite chatty on a lot of subjects, I enjoy talking and listening to her but others might not.


I also had fs back when she was with that other girl, and I agree with Garthy's opinion. I was never really rushing to get back with her b/c, again, she stacked appts. way to close together to the point where mongerers were very nearly running into each other. Her female partner did not add to the session's ambiance despite what seemed to be both of their best efforts.

There really aren't that many good CL girls in this area IMHO. There is better luck in the Hartford area but be prepared to pay by way of gas and loot. This game can be pretty expensive and you don't always get what you pay for.

One I've been curious about and haven't tried yet is Noel. Any info on her?

One of my latest favorites is Sandra, when she's around. The streets have completely dried up for me, though I still keep an eye out. What's wandering out there these days is diseased or decrepit or just too pathetic, so I haven't been partaking.

Another good one is Crystal, Italo-Dominican. She is a tall amazonian, not thin nor fat, just healthy looking and feeling. We've hung out at least twice

The last really good looking girl I met was the one mentioned on the Casino mongering board around Independence day. That girl was amazingly hot, but pricey and rushed.

There was also Candy from NH, who had a super tite snapper and quite a few tats.

Recently I headed down to Meriden to check out this hot young blondie at her hotel. She was 5'9", with blonde hair and the firmest mosting amazing natural rack I've ever had the pleasure of picking. It turns out that my instincts about her being in the first trimester were true. She was only 19 and seemed to be a true blonde.

My new ATF is a new CL girl who seems to be in a bad situation. Maybe not exactly more than any of the other ones, but I at least know the details of her life to know that she is pretty much locked into this life she has. I am actually thinking about setting her up with a mistress pad. Has anyone else with a need for discretion done this yet? It would really get her out of a bad situation and help the economy, if you think about it. Her pimp has got her shook.

As for Uncleo, he's everywhere and anywhere. I haven't seen him tho, so there hasn't been any relation of these dreams and fantasies to him or his friends. Not that I would anyway, thank you very much. My dreams and opinions belong to me. ;)

Be safe fellas!

Drivin for Fun
10-21-08, 10:23
I visited one of the advertised places, because sometimes I just want to a good rub. I drive about 40K a year and my back gets sore. Anyway, I got a nice TS, a good rub, and...well, details for any interested members with more than a few posts. Yes, it was 1.2 all told, but got the full hour. I will go back at some point, because as I said, sometimes I just like the pampering.


Ruff Rider
10-22-08, 05:05
Wolfman, her name is Heather. The story of $100 was just her thinly veiled way for her to offer to do whatever you want for 100. BBFS was within your grasp! Not that you'd want to pay 100 for it though. She is 28, and a mess of social and chemical issues.

Spent some time there on Sunday, had a few dances with a slim (really skinny) blonde, hair down to her shoulders, looks like she's 18 but claims she's 28 living in Wilbraham with 3 kids and one that isn't hers. I don't think I ever got her name actually. She has a tattoo on her ring finger, she claims she's divorced, but who knows. She also will try to claim her ex's brother is sitting at the bar and that she owes him $100, and he's there to collect from her. Total BS, she's trying to get you to give her that cash, in addition to whatever you owe her for lap dances. I didn't buy into the bullshit, she gave a crappy lap dance, and talks way too much. Works during the day on Monday/Wed/Friday, and the occasional Sunday when she needs the money.

Go with Candace, skinny brunette with longer hair and great ass, at least she doesn't talk your ear off, and knows the purpose of a lap dance.

10-22-08, 17:35
Another good CL provider in this time of drought is Lia, she usually operates just across the state line in the Enfield. She is quite chatty on a lot of subjects, I enjoy talking and listening to her but others might not.


No no no no no no no no no...

I am sure she is a nice person, but she is too fat and her pussy SMELLS AWFUL!

Dude, you must be joking. She asks for $200 and she is worth $40.

Wolfman Jack
10-22-08, 17:41
Wolfman, her name is Heather. The story of $100 was just her thinly veiled way for her to offer to do whatever you want for 100. BBFS was within your grasp! Not that you'd want to pay 100 for it though. She is 28, and a mess of social and chemical issues.

I really didn't get that vibe from her whatsoever. Unless that guy was her pimp, she could've easily came out and said so instead of talking in circles. I still believe she was just trying to get more money out of me instead of offering services in a vague way, since I had hinted about them and she just continued to talk about everything under the sun.

Or maybe I'm just nieve to their new way of their solicitation tactics, lol.

10-22-08, 19:22
I really didn't get that vibe from her whatsoever. Unless that guy was her pimp, she could've easily came out and said so instead of talking in circles. I still believe she was just trying to get more money out of me instead of offering services in a vague way, since I had hinted about them and she just continued to talk about everything under the sun.

Or maybe I'm just nieve to their new way of their solicitation tactics, lol.
The first time I got extras from Heather was probably about 5-6 years ago. It was probably the 3rd or 4th time I had gotten a dance from her. She would never come out and say she did extras. I was pretty horny one day and took a chance on her with a CR at MG. Once she got that money, she was VERY agressive. I did repeat, but she may actually be a bit too agressive for my liking. That combined with her hustle to always get more and more dances and $$ from me is a turnoff, so I have avoided for a while now. She can have a bad attitude if you see other girls or if you don't get dances from her or if something isn't going her way. In my opinion, the few moments of fun I had with her years ago haven't been worth the hassle I still get to this day. I may still get the occasional LD, but thats it for me and Heather.

Wm Costigian
10-25-08, 07:36
There was a Heather from Wilbaham picked up on sw charges last night, according to the newspaper>

10-25-08, 17:38
There was a Heather from Wilbaham picked up on sw charges last night, according to the newspaper>
I saw that too and saw the pictures. Different girl, unless she really REALLY let herself go in a week.

10-26-08, 22:32
Wish I had a nice HJ from a hottie at the former skin spot. She had hoop nipple rings. She left me to roam so I did. She was nice and wet. FS would have been sweet but I was looking for quickness.

Ah well.

Spanish light skined chick.

3 and a half jacks.

Quick for an ace in the hole.

10-30-08, 14:28
Met yesterday with someone from CL. Can't remember her name, but her email responses say "Sadie". She said she could not host and had shitty transportation so could I pick her up and go somewhere. I met her at a gas station. She looked like she was on drugs and smelled from heavy liquor.

Drove to a sleezy motel (hotel cost me. 4) where she stripped to bra and panties and asked for her money, $

She told me no oral on her, no kissing (she seemed sick anyway so that did not bother me) and that she had forgotten condoms. She said she does not do FS or BBBJ as she does not want to catch anything. Neither do I. I laid on my stomach and she climbed on top, where she took off her bra. I reached around and took off her panties. I had not brought condoms so we just rolled around, I played with her and she gave me a decent HJ. I had to take her hand off the general a few times to delay the inevitable.

Her looks were a 6, tits a wonderful 9. Probably a 34C. Very nice and firm. I popped on them. It was great.

Cleaned up and took off. But first dropping her off to meet someone.

Pretty wierd.So I to am trying to seeing this girl. Making a many to calls and harder to understanding.

I am to meeting her on the St James street by the CVS and when I am metting her she is not getting into car. I knowing she not knowing I cop! No one ever thinking that!

She looking all sick with the AIDS too. MAybe drugging. Smelling BAD!

So fucking mad because she is one looking death and she not to go with fine man like me? ! ? And who is the guy watching? Pimping? Stealing? I am not knowing but I to am not the crazy here!

So fucking angry I am being at this BICH!

It should being me thrwoeing her to street and telling she I am not to getting AIDS or robbed!

Wolfman Jack
10-31-08, 09:17
So I to am trying to seeing this girl. Making a many to calls and harder to understanding.

I am to meeting her on the St James street by the CVS and when I am metting her she is not getting into car. I knowing she not knowing I cop! No one ever thinking that!

She looking all sick with the AIDS too. MAybe drugging. Smelling BAD!

So fucking mad because she is one looking death and she not to go with fine man like me? ! ? And who is the guy watching? Pimping? Stealing? I am not knowing but I to am not the crazy here!

So fucking angry I am being at this BICH!

It should being me thrwoeing her to street and telling she I am not to getting AIDS or robbed!


Anyway, you should be thanking her, not mad at her, for not getting into your car if you suspect she has some sort of disease. I really don't understand (besides being utterly confused by the grammar) the point of your post. Are you upset that you wasted a little gas and time to meet her and she thought you might have been a cop? It's happened to us all buddy, and it's going to happen to you again. Calm down.

10-31-08, 09:45
So I to am trying to seeing this girl. Making a many to calls and harder to understanding.

I am to meeting her on the St James street by the CVS and when I am metting her she is not getting into car. I knowing she not knowing I cop! No one ever thinking that!

She looking all sick with the AIDS too. MAybe drugging. Smelling BAD!

So fucking mad because she is one looking death and she not to go with fine man like me? ! ? And who is the guy watching? Pimping? Stealing? I am not knowing but I to am not the crazy here!

So fucking angry I am being at this BICH!

It should being me thrwoeing her to street and telling she I am not to getting AIDS or robbed!

Let me start by saying that post had some awful grammar and spelling.

As for what was said, that is a part of mongering. Sometimes you have wasted trips. Sometimes the girl is not what you expect. Sometimes there are other things going on that don't seem right. It was probably better she didn't get into the car. From what you are saying about the girl and what was going on, I wouldn't have let her in the car even if she tried. I would have just cut my losses and left. Part of mongering is recognizing a bad situation and avoiding it.

10-31-08, 11:38
So I to am trying to seeing this girl. Making a many to calls and harder to understanding.

I am to meeting her on the St James street by the CVS and when I am metting her she is not getting into car. I knowing she not knowing I cop! No one ever thinking that!

She looking all sick with the AIDS too. MAybe drugging. Smelling BAD!

So fucking mad because she is one looking death and she not to go with fine man like me? ! ? And who is the guy watching? Pimping? Stealing? I am not knowing but I to am not the crazy here!

So fucking angry I am being at this BICH!

It should being me thrwoeing her to street and telling she I am not to getting AIDS or robbed!Dude,

WTF language are you speaking? "me no speaka good engrish." Maybe she couldn't unerstand wtf you were trying to say, god knows I barely could. And who TF picks up a street urchin like that anyways? UR mad that she wouldn't get into ur car? I mad at you for TRYING to get her into your car.


Wolfman Jack
10-31-08, 18:52
I've actually seen Sadie at least on 5 occasions, the last time being close to a year ago now. She always used to allow kissing, and BBBJ, until at some point a little over a year ago she started doing "shows" with her boyfriend/pimp that she managed to hook up with. Then all of a sudden she got morals. Unfortunately, you could see her downward spiral coming from a mile away. She's staying at cheap hotels and was doing incall from her smoke-filled room last year too. Garthy and I saw her at her prime, now she's no better than a SW. It's a shame too because she is a very nice girl with a decent brain in her head. :(

11-01-08, 09:46
I've actually seen Sadie at least on 5 occasions, the last time being close to a year ago now. She always used to allow kissing, and BBBJ, until at some point a little over a year ago she started doing "shows" with her boyfriend/pimp that she managed to hook up with. Then all of a sudden she got morals. Unfortunately, you could see her downward spiral coming from a mile away. She's staying at cheap hotels and was doing incall from her smoke-filled room last year too. Garthy and I saw her at her prime, now she's no better than a SW. It's a shame too because she is a very nice girl with a decent brain in her head. :(

I agree it is a shame because she seemed smarter than to let some dude bring her down like that.

I saw Sadie once about a year ago. She had recently gotten together with her boyfriend so she wouldn't BBBJ or kiss. Other than that she was still a good time. She was still very cute and her body was still in good shape. I have not seen her since as I have heard she looks bad and her service is not so good anymore either.

11-02-08, 13:37
I agree it is a shame because she seemed smarter than to let some dude bring her down like that.

I saw Sadie once about a year ago. She had recently gotten together with her boyfriend so she wouldn't BBBJ or kiss. Other than that she was still a good time. She was still very cute and her body was still in good shape. I have not seen her since as I have heard she looks bad and her service is not so good anymore either.

This is probably the same Sadie I saw several times, the description fits. I saw her about 4 times over the past year, almost each time at some seedy dive. I never saw her before the BF/pimp; too bad, because she has a decent body for a petite woman.

I've seen some of her ads (same pic) but those have been intermittent (sp). Oh well...good luck to her.

11-02-08, 21:47
What happened to the Mardi Gras? It used to be such a great club. I visited it last night and for the third time in a year confirmed the same thing. There are only 3 or 4 girls at a time on the stage, most of them keep at least some of their clothes on, they expect $2 tips instead of $1 (if you only give them $1, you're lucky to see tits), there are about 25 girls walking around the stage looking for lap dance customers and there was even a fat girl dancing on stage. The girls give a very brief show, then move on to the next guy. They end up standing around not even dancing because no one has tips up for them. I for one watch how a girl dances for someone before I put a tip up. If they just give a brief take-the-tip show then I don't waste my money. I think most guys are happy to tip for a nice show, but not for nothing. Don't these girls understand this?

The old Mardi Gras always had a stage full of totally nude, gorgeous, friendly girls who would bury your face between their legs. You really got your money's worth. And the girls made a fortune on stage. Everyone was tipping and everyone was happy. The girls were very friendly and made you feel welcome.

Why do they keep their clothes on now? Was the club busted or warned or something?

Is there a good club in the Springfield area any more?

Turbo Man1234
11-03-08, 17:36
Last Friday I spent some time with enchantrixoxo......www.*******.com/kundalinicandy

She is an interesting person. Very into Vegan and Tantra. Couldn't even wear my leather jacket into her room. Had to leave it in my car. First she had me shower (alone) while she put a new sheet on the bed. Nice touch.

Then she did some tantra spiritual things with me, while I stood there naked and she was behind me. She did reach around and say Hi to the general and the boys, though. Even gave them both a lick and a suck. Nice. I massaged her pussy and boy was she wet.

Eventually we ended up on the bed, both naked, while she fondled and played. It was nice. No options of anything further were seen. She even had a problem with "penetration" of a finger. She ended up with a nice HE and then showered together. She did a nice job washing me all over.

She is a pleasant person, fun, personable. Fairly nice looking with a rather large appleass. Up top she is a small C. It was a pleasant experience, although not the best I have had.