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Ho Hunter 328
03-13-12, 18:06
Here's the second batch of pics from Kat's photo shoot yesterday.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

03-13-12, 18:24
Here's the second batch of pics from Kat's photo shoot yesterday.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.When I grow up. Or, er, too late for that now, so, when I come back in another life, I hope I come back as Ho Hunter. Thanks for sharing your great pics with us.

03-13-12, 18:34
ASKET lives in the "dal universe" and visits billy meier, And thats why at age 39 I'm still single, Life on planet earth is super boring, I can only imagine.

How worse it would be if I was married and had a 9 to 5 job. Thanks you ho hunter for the new pictures of kat, she looks super yummy, shit I will give her.

My date of birth and SSI number if she wants it.Ah-ah! Now I get it. Dal universe, Billy Meier. They're here, gents. I've seen'them. Asket've seen'them Billy Meier've seen'them. They here. By the way, care to share your SSN with us too or only with Kat?

03-13-12, 18:55
I know this is off topic, but does anyone know why some posters (Asket, for example) often write their comments with sentences broken up as though they were beginning a new paragraph? Does this format serve some useful purpose that I'm missing? I may be the only one, but I find it extremely distracting and annoyingly (and unnecessarily) difficult to read. Not trying to be offensive; just my 2 cents worth.

Member #4675
03-13-12, 19:02
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

03-13-12, 19:31
I know this is off topic, but does anyone know why some posters (Asket, for example) often write their comments with sentences broken up as though they were beginning a new paragraph? Does this format serve some useful purpose that I'm missing? I may be the only one, but I find it extremely distracting and annoyingly (and unnecessarily) difficult to read. Not trying to be offensive; just my 2 cents worth.Once in awhile a moderator will chime in and mention 'hard returns' are at play. Which I surmise is pressing the enter button and not letting 'word wrap' take it's course. I have seen others say that it's something to do with the way the forum has been programmed to show text and is easily fixable. Search for 'hard returns' and you may find a more suitable answer.

Member #4868
03-13-12, 19:35
This is a hooker forum not grammer school, on that note I suggest you shut the fuck upExcuse me but Santa is a valued contributor who actually writes in complete sentences and structured paragraphs. I completely agree with his post and find your posts unbearably hard to read. I would suggest that you emulate* his posts, or for that matter most others on the board. I will save my condemnation of your stance on giving Kat ANY personal info for a later date.



03-13-12, 19:36
Yes, I'm well aware of the purpose of the forum. I was merely trying to learn if there is a reason for the unusual formatting I described. I've seen a number of posters using this device recently, but I guess I chose the wrong poster to mention as an example, as it is an infrequent occurrence that anyone tells me to "shut the fuck up". I was hoping to avoid coming across as offensive; I believe I mentioned that, specifically. Apparently, I missed my objective. Sorry for any inconvenience to the many readers of the forum.

03-14-12, 00:47
I have not seen the beutiful aliens. Billy meier has spent his entire life trying to teach us the meaning of life and the meaning of death.

It takes 152 years after death to Reincarnate into another body, so live it up while your in this bodyReally? Even I get married I can still live it up? You see, I knew you'd come around.

03-14-12, 12:41
Not to sound like your mom, but if your married then you shouldn't be cheating on your wife, I'm single and would have no problem giving kat.

My real name and whatever else she wanted, Have you been following the "madam" that got busted in new york city? She is being held on 2 million BAIL.

I agree with kat's protocall!It's not my mom I'm concerned about, may she RIP. We're both here for the same reason and you're telling me I shouldn't be cheating? You don't know me or my lifestyle with my SO now do you? What about you? Not saving yourself for marriage huh?

My point was and still is that I'm not giving my personal info out. It's that simple. I also use a pay as you go phone that was bought with cash and minutes are added with cash. Can't come back to me. BTW my real name isn't Gansett either and I doubt yours is Asket. If you're so open why not use your real name here?

Kat has her rules, I have mine. Again it's that simple. There are many here that accept me as I am, it was just that I was traveling thru Mass and wanted a little nighttime detour. Which a member here provided to me, thanks again.

Stressed Out
03-14-12, 12:49
Not to sound like your priest / minister / rabbi / guru (change your guru if it's a guru though) Asket but you shouldn't be using prostitutes especially when you are unmarried because first of all it's illegal and second because you should be saving yourself for that one and only that you're planning to stay faithful to her for the rest of your life.

If I had betting money I would surely bet against it (that you will stay faithful to her for the rest of your life) or if you manage to do that I will surely bet that your future wife would not. Considering the user name you chose which I suppose comes from the word "Asceticism" which calls for "refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth" you should be able to deal with your physical desires, moreover welcome the challenges of that desire so you could conquer them like a true Ascet.

Seriously speaking however, if you'd only knew how many marriages stay together because of wonderful ladies like Kat and others like her who sacrifice their bodies and souls to insure that our male imperfections get an outlet. As far as I'm concerned they all should be commended for it because if it wouldn't be for them many married men that currently use their services would start acquiring mistresses, which means getting into emotionally based relationships on the side. That would definitely make divorce rate, high as it is, sky-rocket. After all that's what women mostly do nowadays. They don't call male escorts, instead they acquire lovers, which means entering into relationships on the side and as a result more often then not leave their families for those extra-curricular activities. What I'm trying to say is with what married mongers do here there is no negative consequence to their families. If they wouldn't do this however, chances are there would be some.

Moreover, I venture to say that if prostitution were to be legalized a lot of cops and lawyers and others involved with law-enforcement establishment would lose their jobs because both crime and the divorce rate would plummet. So in immortal words of an immortal man."legalize it, don't criticize it!" Let's all hold hands and praise the Lord on that! LOL

As for Kat's protocol or my protocol who cares. She establishes her protocol in order to protect herself. Obviously the more she knows the safer she feels. We on the other hand, have an exact opposite goal. The less she knows the safer we fell. Something's got to give and something always gives. Kat asks for more, if she doesn't get it, she weighs if she can do with less in order to still get business. If at any point she starts feeling that business is not worth the risk, she lets business go.

We, on the other hand, do exact opposite. If provider asks questions I give out only what I feel is safe for me to give out. If it hits the threshold that I consider not to be safe I'd let provider go.

Obviously, offer more money to Kat and it may lower her safety threshold, or if I like the provider's looks and / or the way she sounds it may (highly unlikely though but theoretically possible) lower mine too. Each sets up their own safety threshold and lives by it or dies by it and lowers or heightens it depending on circumstance. There is risk involved for both parties here, so both try to minimize it the best they can and see fit. There is no right or wrong.Very well put and I couldn't add anything further. And BTW. At the risk of being told to STFU. Kudos also to Santa66. And at the risk of no one caring. I certainly know who I share info with and who shares it back. SO

Stressed Out
03-14-12, 13:02
Here's the second batch of pics from Kat's photo shoot yesterday.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Here is an another example of the great work that God (or your own version of a creator). Thanks for the updated pics. (I was hoping for my fave of course :( And based on the 152 years previously reported as being needed to be reincannated I guess I only need 97 years to come back as that tree! Of course maybe by then I'll get a chance to see KK.

Member #5013
03-14-12, 14:27
This is a hooker forum not grammer school, on that note I suggest you shut the fuck upI have had my fair share of "run ins" with some of my fellow mongers here. It seems that most of us are a sensitive bunch. Sometimes, I've learnt, a PM works good to give someone a heads up instead of in a forum. However, I realize some people love to bash others and others love a good fight. I hate being the voice of reason.

Can't we just all get along?


Ho Hunter 328
03-14-12, 16:55
Here is an another example of the great work that God (or your own version of a creator). Thanks for the updated pics. (I was hoping for my fave of course :( And based on the 152 years previously reported as being needed to be reincannated I guess I only need 97 years to come back as that tree! Of course maybe by then I'll get a chance to see KK.That tree has seen quite a bit of action over the years, I know I've used that spot for close to ten years now. It's a nice spot, the tree is on a little peninsula that sticks out of a 15' cliff. It provides a nice background for photo shoots in my opinion. I have noticed that the land has been slowly eroding over the years, and more of the tree's roots are exposed every year. I dread the day I show up for a shoot, and the tree has fallen off the cliff. Outdoor shoots aren't the best for your favorite pose. But next time I do a new shoot with Kat, I'll be sure to get a shot for you.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Jack A Dogov
03-14-12, 17:00
Yes, I'm well aware of the purpose of the forum. I was merely trying to learn if there is a reason for the unusual formatting I described. I've seen a number of posters using this device recently, but I guess I chose the wrong poster to mention as an example, as it is an infrequent occurrence that anyone tells me to "shut the fuck up". I was hoping to avoid coming across as offensive; I believe I mentioned that, specifically. Apparently, I missed my objective. Sorry for any inconvenience to the many readers of the forum.There is no need for you to apologize Santa. You did nothing wrong. You merely asked a question and used Asket's post as an example. Asket is the one who should be apologizing to you and to the rest of the forum for his over-reaction to it. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he misread your post or was in a foul mood when he read it.

Stressed Out
03-15-12, 20:07
That tree has seen quite a bit of action over the years, I know I've used that spot for close to ten years now. It's a nice spot, the tree is on a little peninsula that sticks out of a 15' cliff. It provides a nice background for photo shoots in my opinion. I have noticed that the land has been slowly eroding over the years, and more of the tree's roots are exposed every year. I dread the day I show up for a shoot, and the tree has fallen off the cliff. Outdoor shoots aren't the best for your favorite pose. But next time I do a new shoot with Kat, I'll be sure to get a shot for you.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.The roots start showing. Nothing worse. LOL. And I mst admit that we've all 'gone over the cliff' at times. Anyway thanks again for the pics and your right outdoors wouldn't have the same effect. I anxiously await the next edition. SO

Ho Hunter 328
03-16-12, 01:58
Kat's been having me meet up with all of her girls for new pics lately, so tonight I met up with Katie. She kept complaining that she was having a "bad hair day", but it was either now or wait till next week sometime. She does want to meet up again for a shoot by my famous tree one of these days when it's warm enough. I was sure to include a shot just for Stressed Out to make it up to him for not getting one of Kat.

Next up on my list will be either Stacey or Autumn, hopefully this weekend sometime.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Horny As Hell
03-16-12, 07:00
Thanks for the great pics there. WOW, Katie is just adorable. A very cute girl next door type! I'm going to have to go through the effort to see such a cutie. I'll be looking forward to move pics of her. Thanks again and keep up the great work. You're a lucky guy to get to take pics of hotties like that!

Kat's been having me meet up with all of her girls for new pics lately, so tonight I met up with Katie. She kept complaining that she was having a "bad hair day", but it was either now or wait till next week sometime. She does want to meet up again for a shoot by my famous tree one of these days when it's warm enough. I was sure to include a shot just for Stressed Out to make it up to him for not getting one of Kat.

Next up on my list will be either Stacey or Autumn, hopefully this weekend sometime.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Member #4675
03-16-12, 10:33
Kat's been having me meet up with all of her girls for new pics lately, so tonight I met up with Katie. She kept complaining that she was having a "bad hair day", but it was either now or wait till next week sometime. She does want to meet up again for a shoot by my famous tree one of these days when it's warm enough. I was sure to include a shot just for Stressed Out to make it up to him for not getting one of Kat.

Next up on my list will be either Stacey or Autumn, hopefully this weekend sometime.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Katie is a doll, you bring the best out of the girls you shoot, take care ho hunter.

Ho Hunter 328
03-16-12, 15:09
Katie is a doll, you bring the best out of the girls you shoot, take care ho hunter.Thank you, I do what I can. I just wish that more providers would realize the value of actually using a photographer. Too many providers in my opinion would rather just use crappy cell phone pics they take themselves, or have a friend take. Or even worse, they'll just steal pics of someone else. I talk to quite a few providers who express an interest in having me shoot them, but then they seem surprised that I actually expect to be compensated fairly for my time. They can't seem to grasp the concept that most of them will easily make their money back on their first appointment, or how much it will improve their business. That's when they get the attitude that "my phone is ringing, so my current pics are good enough".

Sorry for my little rant, it's just a subject the aggravates me. I don't expect them to "work" for free, why should they expect me to. But as Monty Python used to say, and now for something completely different. Here's Stressed Out's favorite pose from the other direction.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Stressed Out
03-16-12, 16:35
Thank you, I do what I can. I just wish that more providers would realize the value of actually using a photographer. Too many providers in my opinion would rather just use crappy cell phone pics they take themselves, or have a friend take. Or even worse, they'll just steal pics of someone else. I talk to quite a few providers who express an interest in having me shoot them, but then they seem surprised that I actually expect to be compensated fairly for my time. They can't seem to grasp the concept that most of them will easily make their money back on their first appointment, or how much it will improve their business. That's when they get the attitude that "my phone is ringing, so my current pics are good enough".

Sorry for my little rant, it's just a subject the aggravates me. I don't expect them to "work" for free, why should they expect me to. But as Monty Python used to say, and now for something completely different. Here's Stressed Out's favorite pose from the other direction.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.It really is too bad that more girls don't use 'pro' pics for their ads. I'm sure that, as you said, if more did take the time for good quality pics not only would their business increase but I'm sure their sessions would be better since when the guy showed up it wouldn't start as a downer. I mean if I was going to meet a certain lady with 'expectations' that I had built up over time and when I get there I was 'disappointed' then no matter how good it turned out it wouldn't be as good as it could have been.

Now as far as compensation. Just lookng at these beautiful and sexy girls as god intended us to look at them would be enough for me. But then again I'm not a professional photographer with equipment and time to pay for.

And thanks for the pics and my fave pose. It certainly didn't disappoint. For some reason I didn't envision it from the other direction. You have opened my eyes to a whole new world. And obviously thank the young lady for sharing! Be good. SO

03-16-12, 21:02

Great pics but to bad she's not GFE.

You can show all the "spread" shot's you want to suck in all of us you want but when a lady isn't GFE honestly don't waste our time.

I just looked on the RT website and I'd like to know what is "light GFE" that's a new acronym.

Either a lady is GFE or she's not. Everything I've heard about her is that she rushes appointment's and she upsells.

So typical of RT girls.

Kat can say what she wants,"Well if you booked her through us she'd be GFE", that's BS.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of paying good money for less than stellar service.

Just my 2 cents.

Thank you, I do what I can. I just wish that more providers would realize the value of actually using a photographer. Too many providers in my opinion would rather just use crappy cell phone pics they take themselves, or have a friend take. Or even worse, they'll just steal pics of someone else. I talk to quite a few providers who express an interest in having me shoot them, but then they seem surprised that I actually expect to be compensated fairly for my time. They can't seem to grasp the concept that most of them will easily make their money back on their first appointment, or how much it will improve their business. That's when they get the attitude that "my phone is ringing, so my current pics are good enough".

Sorry for my little rant, it's just a subject the aggravates me. I don't expect them to "work" for free, why should they expect me to. But as Monty Python used to say, and now for something completely different. Here's Stressed Out's favorite pose from the other direction.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Ho Hunter 328
03-17-12, 00:51

Great pics but to bad she's not GFE.

You can show all the "spread" shot's you want to suck in all of us you want but when a lady isn't GFE honestly don't waste our time.

I just looked on the RT website and I'd like to know what is "light GFE" that's a new acronym.

Either a lady is GFE or she's not. Everything I've heard about her is that she rushes appointment's and she upsells.

So typical of RT girls.

Kat can say what she wants,"Well if you booked her through us she'd be GFE", that's BS.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of paying good money for less than stellar service.

Just my 2 cents.I believe RSG uses the term "light GFE" as well, although I'm unsure what the actual definition of it is. In Katie's case, I know that she does light kissing, and DATY, but no BBBJ, or DFK. I generally don't post reviews of Kat's girls because my opinion may be biased. But if you want GFE, unrushed, and certainly no up selling, then I strongly suggest you see Alicia, Autumn, Michelle, or Kat herself. I haven't had much experience with Chloe, or Jacki, so I can't really comment on them. So far as I know, all of Kat's girls currently offering incalls are not what I'd consider GFE (and they'll tell you that when booking an appointment if they know that's what you want). So if you want the real RT experience, it has to be an outcall. That's my advice for what it's worth, take it or leave it.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Kit Kat
03-17-12, 07:37
I believe RSG uses the term "light GFE" as well, although I'm unsure what the actual definition of it is. In Katie's case, I know that she does light kissing, and DATY, but no BBBJ, or DFK. I generally don't post reviews of Kat's girls because my opinion may be biased. But if you want GFE, unrushed, and certainly no up selling, then I strongly suggest you see Alicia, Autumn, Michelle, or Kat herself. I haven't had much experience with Chloe, or Jacki, so I can't really comment on them. So far as I know, all of Kat's girls currently offering incalls are not what I'd consider GFE (and they'll tell you that when booking an appointment if they know that's what you want). So if you want the real RT experience, it has to be an outcall. That's my advice for what it's worth, take it or leave it.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Autumn actually has some limited incall availability now, I posted about it last week. So if you're looking for a GFE incall, she's your girl.

Xoxo Kat oxox

03-17-12, 07:43
Thanks for your post.

But I'm a little confused,"So if you want the real RT experience, it has to be an outcall"?

What difference should it make if a lady does an incall or an outcall as to what services she offers, if she's GFE for an outcall I would think she would be the same for an incall?

I believe RSG uses the term "light GFE" as well, although I'm unsure what the actual definition of it is. In Katie's case, I know that she does light kissing, and DATY, but no BBBJ, or DFK. I generally don't post reviews of Kat's girls because my opinion may be biased. But if you want GFE, unrushed, and certainly no up selling, then I strongly suggest you see Alicia, Autumn, Michelle, or Kat herself. I haven't had much experience with Chloe, or Jacki, so I can't really comment on them. So far as I know, all of Kat's girls currently offering incalls are not what I'd consider GFE (and they'll tell you that when booking an appointment if they know that's what you want). So if you want the real RT experience, it has to be an outcall. That's my advice for what it's worth, take it or leave it.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Kit Kat
03-17-12, 08:18

Great pics but to bad she's not GFE.

You can show all the "spread" shot's you want to suck in all of us you want but when a lady isn't GFE honestly don't waste our time.

I just looked on the RT website and I'd like to know what is "light GFE" that's a new acronym.

Either a lady is GFE or she's not. Everything I've heard about her is that she rushes appointment's and she upsells.

So typical of RT girls.

Kat can say what she wants,"Well if you booked her through us she'd be GFE", that's BS.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of paying good money for less than stellar service.

Just my 2 cents.Believe it or not, but there are gentlemen who are not looking for GFE.

As for your other comments, I take great offense, especially from someone who I don't believe has ever actually been a client of ours (please correct me if I'm wrong). If you have a specific issue with one of my girls who you have actually seen yourself, then please tell me, and I'll do what I can to fix it. But please do not make such general statements about girls that you have never met. If you're looking for GFE, please mention that when booking your appointment. If you're trying to schedule with a girl who is not GFE, we'll suggest you see someone else. If you still decide to see her, don't complain you weren't happy because she wasn't GFE. It's like buying a sports car instead of a pickup truck, and then complaining that it can't tow your trailer.

Xoxo Kat oxox

Ho Hunter 328
03-17-12, 08:56
Thanks for your post.

But I'm a little confused,"So if you want the real RT experience, it has to be an outcall"?

What difference should it make if a lady does an incall or an outcall as to what services she offers, if she's GFE for an outcall I would think she would be the same for an incall?It's not about incall or outcall effecting services, it's about which girls offer GFE and which don't. It just so happens that of Kat's current girls, the GFE ones are all outcall only. In a perfect world, they'd all be GFE. Actually in my perfect world, they'd all be GFE (including BBFS with no chance of STDs or pregnancy) , and paying me. But some people say I suffer from delusions of grandeur. But I digress. Kat is a good friend of mine, and I have a tendency to get all white knight where she's involved, which is why I try to not get involved in these conversations. So I'm going to step back now. I'm sure she'll be turning up soon herself anyway to fill in the details, or correct my statements. I may know more than most, but she doesn't involve me in every detail.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Choir Boy
03-17-12, 09:46
I know I'm in the minority here, but I am somewhat disturbed by these pics. That girl looks to be about college age at most. (If you told me she was in high school, I couldn't dispute it.) So why is such a young girl showing her face in pictures like that on a public message board? Granted, this is not the front page of Yahoo, but it's still a public board. Do her parents care what happens to her? Do her teachers care? Does her family care? Does this girl have anyone in her life who would be concerned if they saw these pics?

03-17-12, 10:05
Never run across that term before on the internet."Light GFE". LOL. Is she petite? Never seen it posted on RSG site, either.

In my opinion, GFE refers to DATY, BBBJ and DFK, since I think we can assume that all the ladies offer CFS.

Once this gets out,"Light GFE" will be used in all the bogus ads on BP. I believe St. Bart defined the term so there would be a standard for the industry, at least in the Boston area. I have copied his post from another BoarD, going back about 10 years or so.

I believe RSG uses the term "light GFE" as well, although I'm unsure what the actual definition of it is. In Katie's case, I know that she does light kissing, and DATY, but no BBBJ, or DFK.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.St. Bart's GFE Scale:

"When I first started hobbying 4 years ago, I was dismayed how the term "GFE" was bandied about. Some ladies that I dated based on reviews were far, far, from GFE. The reviewer, I decided afterwards, was simply using the term to say he had a nice time, which is fine.

BUT, and always recognizing YMMV, I never had a GF that didn't DFK, or allow DATY, or give BBBJ. When these 3 acts come with enthusiastic FS, I define the experience as 100% GFE on the Saint Bart Scale. For every item missing. 10% is deducted. I usually don't like to be specific in a review about the acts I enjoyed. It can unnecessairily put a lady "on the spot" with the next hobbyist."you did ABC for him, so why not me?" That's not fair to her.

So, the SBS has just enough ambiguity to protect her, yet describe my experience. For example, I recently posted a review of Lisa from Eye Candy. She was 70% on the SBS. As I think all know, my ATF Badgirl is 100% on the SBS. Top's Penelope, with me, was 80%GFE, which reflected my YMMV as I've subsequently read others found her to be 90%GFE. IMO, this is usually all the detail required for the reader to get a good idea of the service level, subject to YMMV.

Now, sometimes extras are available that go beyond 100%GFE, and might not be allowed by your civilian GF. The two most common examples are Greek and BBBJTC. Actual CIM. To me whether she spits or swallows, it doesn't matter. These are handled in a review with a "+", or "Plus" for each act. Missy, I've written and many have enjoyed, is famous for her Plus ending. So Missy's 100%GFE+ or 100%GFE Plus. The Plus Missy earns is undefined, but all get the picture. Aussie Amber takes it one Plus further, to what I think of as a PSE. She's 100%GFE++ or 100%GFE Plus, Plus. Again, I think one gets the picture, and doesn't need the actual details. I've had rare dates that actually earned as many as 4 Plusses. More were awarded for spending the night "on the house", and for allowing pictures (hear that Nurse?). I suppose they could also be awarded for actions that don't interest me. B&D, or golden showers, etc.

Real GFs have been delivering GFEs since Adam and Eve. I've simply tried to tie it all together to help hobbyists get the info they need without putting ladies on the spot."

Member #5013
03-17-12, 10:15
I know I'm in the minority here, but I am somewhat disturbed by these pics. That girl looks to be about college age at most. (If you told me she was in high school, I couldn't dispute it.) So why is such a young girl showing her face in pictures like that on a public message board? Granted, this is not the front page of Yahoo, but it's still a public board. Do her parents care what happens to her? Do her teachers care? Does her family care? Does this girl have anyone in her life who would be concerned if they saw these pics?No offense. But the moral dilemma you are having seemed to have happened after you logged in, clicked on the forum and then clicked on the pics. You might want to not watch football if you can't stand men hitting each other. Likewise, don't click on escort reviews if seeing hot young ladies bothers you.

What would her parents think? What would your parents or significant other think if you were paying to touch strange woman? You may want to answer the later first.


03-17-12, 10:56
I found myself looking for a "like" button on Cpcdman's posts. He absolutely nailed it, hit it out of the park. One reason I find myself as a "semi-retired" hobbyist is that I got sick of immature bitchy drug addicts leading me around by the nuts. I've never gotten physically violent toward a woman but I give all of these semi-lying backpage girls, and these other bitches who think theirs is made of gold the hardest figurative ***** slap I can. They're not getting my money.

03-17-12, 11:37

Full GFE.

Light GFE.


Or whatever the modifier around the "GFE"

The things is that by seeing it at their web sites or in their ads, you almost know what you would expect. For some people, they care more about if the girl is "Hot" or not to their standard. For me, I care less about DATY or CBJ or BBBJ, of course it's nicer to have BBBJ than CBJ, but the hotness takes over for the decision.

03-17-12, 13:24
Look, obviously if there is a gray area the providers or their handlers will try to play with it to turn it to their advantage. It's only natural. It's called spinning your business and complaining about it is pointless.

The other acronyms like BBBJ, DFK and the like have no gray area about them. If you want real GFE experience don't ask if she offers GFE, ask if she offers DFK. To me, that's a sign of quality of time you're going to have. Even if you don't like to DFK, if she doesn't offer DFK. Chances are you're going to be singing Domo arigato, Ms. Rob&1086; to After you leave.


Full GFE.

Light GFE.


Or whatever the modifier around the "GFE"

The things is that by seeing it at their web sites or in their ads, you almost know what you would expect. For some people, they care more about if the girl is "Hot" or not to their standard. For me, I care less about DATY or CBJ or BBBJ, of course it's nicer to have BBBJ than CBJ, but the hotness takes over for the decision.

03-17-12, 13:40
I'm 100% with BaconBits here. If they are over 18 we shouldn't be worrying about their parents. People differ, their life paths differ. Some are born president's children, others are born into families and / or end up in such situations when becoming a provider is far from the worst outcome. The fact that Choir Boy may not be able to relate to it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. After all chances are Choir Boy can't relate to being a president's kid too. It doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

It happens trust me and usually it happens when people are between 13 & 20.

I have little doubt that Kat with her apparent organizational skills and diligence checks to make sure that they're all over 18 and unlike us she knows their real names. I wouldn't concern myself with her parents if I'd be you Choir Boy. I'd think of what would she be doing if she hadn't had a body to sell. Think about all the male children that end up in similar situation and don't have that option. I bet you wouldn't want to run into them at night. Chances are, Katie on the other hand is pretty harmless.

And teachers? What teachers?

No offense. But the moral dilemma you are having seemed to have happened after you logged in, clicked on the forum and then clicked on the pics. You might want to not watch football if you can't stand men hitting each other. Likewise, don't click on escort reviews if seeing hot young ladies bothers you.

What would her parents think? What would your parents or significant other think if you were paying to touch strange woman? You may want to answer the later first.


03-17-12, 14:01
No, you're right I haven't seen any of your girls, but I have 2 very good friends who have and I know what they tell me is the truth they have no reason to lie.

The only lady that you represent that was a true GFE experience and a wonderful young lady was Autumn you can read her 2 reviews and most likely figure out who one of my friends is. I will in the very near future make an appointment to see Autumn based on what I've been told but your other ladies that my friends have seen I will pass on.

I guess everyone is looking for something different but for me and the other hobbiest's I know are all looking for GFE.

Believe it or not, but there are gentlemen who are not looking for GFE.

As for your other comments, I take great offense, especially from someone who I don't believe has ever actually been a client of ours (please correct me if I'm wrong). If you have a specific issue with one of my girls who you have actually seen yourself, then please tell me, and I'll do what I can to fix it. But please do not make such general statements about girls that you have never met. If you're looking for GFE, please mention that when booking your appointment. If you're trying to schedule with a girl who is not GFE, we'll suggest you see someone else. If you still decide to see her, don't complain you weren't happy because she wasn't GFE. It's like buying a sports car instead of a pickup truck, and then complaining that it can't tow your trailer.

Xoxo Kat oxox

Stressed Out
03-17-12, 14:36

Great pics but to bad she's not GFE.

You can show all the "spread" shot's you want to suck in all of us you want but when a lady isn't GFE honestly don't waste our time.

I just looked on the RT website and I'd like to know what is "light GFE" that's a new acronym.

Either a lady is GFE or she's not. Everything I've heard about her is that she rushes appointment's and she upsells.

So typical of RT girls.

Kat can say what she wants,"Well if you booked her through us she'd be GFE", that's BS.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of paying good money for less than stellar service.

Just my 2 cents.Hi CpCdMan. As usual appreciate the cents you threw in. I would like to add a disclaimer to what you said though. You said that unless a girl is GFE don't waste our time. And I acknowledge that most are probavbly looking for that. Well I for one am not looking for a lady that is GFE in the literal SBS so the pics and descriptions are not a waste of time to me and I'm sure many others. (and please let's not get into the whole argument about what is and what isn't as I've been through a thousand of them in my 30+ years doing this.) My wishes are simple and maybe it comes with age but I am not a fan of BB anyway. To me covered is certainly fine and doesn't take away from the session. There are many reasons for it including the fact that it is not necessary for me to enjoy the session but simply put I wish to be on the 'safer' side of things. It has nothing to do with the girl but I have known several that were with a 'clean' lady and ended up with a take home. In both cases the lady had been tested very recently and been clean. So anything can happen and is not worth my waiting 3 weeks for something to happen or not.

For me a great session involves a nice massage, kiss and cuddle time (doesn't have to be DFK) , some conversation and a nice climax to a successful ending. It doesn't have to be 'hot, groping, sweaty, fall off the bed sex'. I've actually had a few sesions where it was mostly a 'petting' session and we got lost in it and never got to the ending and it was just as enjoyable as others. (Deb can attest to that. LOL)

Of course the problem is that most of the ladies out there prefer the former style and finding those that like the slower GFE (kiss, cuddle, talk, massage-the things that you do with a girlfriend. But not all things I understand) are few and far between. Again my age is probably showing but I just think there is more to sex than getting in and getting out.

While I do agree with you that we are all sick of paying good money for less than stellar service to me just because she isn't a BB GFE doesn't mean she is providing less than stellar service to MY standards. Yes upselling, shorting time, fake pics. Yes I agree with you.

So the pics for 'non' GFE' ladies aren't a waste of my time and isn't sucking me in. If I like what I see I call and ask if she does do what I like. If yes great if not that's fine too. Besides I do appreciate seeing cute and sexy girls even if I'm not going to go out and see them. Again that's just me appreciating one of god's creations.

Just a few cents from good ole SO. BTW if anyone does know any ladies of the type I mentioned please let me know! SO

03-17-12, 15:00
Reading your post I totally agree with your thought process and what you're looking for with a lady and totally respect what you are looking for in an appointment.

Looking back I should have said don't waste my time I shouldn't speak for everyone just myself.

Obviously every lady is different there are ladies that I see that are what you speak of very laid back and like to take things slow and then there are a couple of ladies I see that are on the wild side. Depending on what I'm looking for in an appointment that is who I'll see.

As for your BB comment I'm not sure what you mean, as far as oral that's what I look for, but for full service I always play safe.

I will say that her pics are very nice and very suggestive, I find that a lady who has pictures that aren't quite as upfront showing all of her assets, that are more suggestive showing what she has but in a subtle way are more to my liking makes me wonder what's underneath! Love to want! LOL!

By the way I sent you a PM.

Have a great weekend!

Hi CpCdMan. As usual appreciate the cents you threw in. I would like to add a disclaimer to what you said though. You said that unless a girl is GFE don't waste our time. And I acknowledge that most are probavbly looking for that. Well I for one am not looking for a lady that is GFE in the literal SBS so the pics and descriptions are not a waste of time to me and I'm sure many others. (and please let's not get into the whole argument about what is and what isn't as I've been through a thousand of them in my 30+ years doing this.) My wishes are simple and maybe it comes with age but I am not a fan of BB anyway. To me covered is certainly fine and doesn't take away from the session. There are many reasons for it including the fact that it is not necessary for me to enjoy the session but simply put I wish to be on the 'safer' side of things. It has nothing to do with the girl but I have known several that were with a 'clean' lady and ended up with a take home. In both cases the lady had been tested very recently and been clean. So anything can happen and is not worth my waiting 3 weeks for something to happen or not.

For me a great session involves a nice massage, kiss and cuddle time (doesn't have to be DFK) , some conversation and a nice climax to a successful ending. It doesn't have to be 'hot, groping, sweaty, fall off the bed sex'. I've actually had a few sesions where it was mostly a 'petting' session and we got lost in it and never got to the ending and it was just as enjoyable as others. (Deb can attest to that. LOL)

Of course the problem is that most of the ladies out there prefer the former style and finding those that like the slower GFE (kiss, cuddle, talk, massage-the things that you do with a girlfriend. But not all things I understand) are few and far between. Again my age is probably showing but I just think there is more to sex than getting in and getting out.

While I do agree with you that we are all sick of paying good money for less than stellar service to me just because she isn't a BB GFE doesn't mean she is providing less than stellar service to MY standards. Yes upselling, shorting time, fake pics. Yes I agree with you.

So the pics for 'non' GFE' ladies aren't a waste of my time and isn't sucking me in. If I like what I see I call and ask if she does do what I like. If yes great if not that's fine too. Besides I do appreciate seeing cute and sexy girls even if I'm not going to go out and see them. Again that's just me appreciating one of god's creations.

Just a few cents from good ole SO. BTW if anyone does know any ladies of the type I mentioned please let me know! SO

03-17-12, 16:55
Reading your post I totally agree with your thought process and what you're looking for with a lady and totally respect what you are looking for in an appointment.

Looking back I should have said don't waste my time I shouldn't speak for everyone just myself.

Obviously every lady is different there are ladies that I see that are what you speak of very laid back and like to take things slow and then there are a couple of ladies I see that are on the wild side. Depending on what I'm looking for in an appointment that is who I'll see.

As for your BB comment I'm not sure what you mean, as far as oral that's what I look for, but for full service I always play safe.I always wonder about the safety of DATY, DFK, BB. Etc. Think about it, from down there and up there. Especially if the provider meet others before you that day, or the days earlier. Is DFK really a good idea? Obviously the lady doesn't care even though she is more at risk, and that's probably why many don't do it. I actually sometimes respect and like that since it could make me safe, or so I think.

Somebody is more in the know may give more insight about this, I hope.

Ho Hunter 328
03-17-12, 21:55
I always wonder about the safety of DATY, DFK, BB. Etc. Think about it, from down there and up there. Especially if the provider meet others before you that day, or the days earlier. Is DFK really a good idea? Obviously the lady doesn't care even though she is more at risk, and that's probably why many don't do it. I actually sometimes respect and like that since it could make me safe, or so I think.

Somebody is more in the know may give more insight about this, I hope.It's kind of like comparing "less-lethal" weapons and firearms. Any time bodily fluids are exchanged there is a risk. Obviously some activities pose more risk than others. It's all about the level of risk you're willing to accept. Some activities are more risky to one party than the other (ie BBBJ or DATY). Most studies show that your main risks in unprotected oral sex include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes. All but herpes are easily cured with antibiotics.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Fly Dangler
03-17-12, 23:25
Most studies show that your main risks in unprotected oral sex include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes. All but herpes are easily cured with antibiotics.There was a time that may have been true, but in the case of gonorrhea that's no longer the case. Up until recently I was involved in epidemiologic investigations involving antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, and it's really starting to get scary.

03-18-12, 00:00
What we're doing here is not safe in general. All of us can get sick as a result of it and get arrested. I realize that it is possible to get venereal disease from kissing. I'm sure that historically worldwide there have been cases when it actually happened but! I've never heard of anybody who have actually got it either from kissing or from oral sex, besides maybe getting a flu. Moreover I never knew anybody who heard of anybody who got a venereal disease from DFK, BBBJ or the like. I also know that it is much more likely to get sick from touching then from kissing. All the skin diseases, crabs, herpes in earlier stages of break out, etc. Does it mean that we should all just stop and find ourselves in the church? Not in a million years.

When you go to the dentist's the fact that they make you sign a form saying that there is miniscule possibility that you can die from a tooth being pulled doesn't mean that there is even a remote possibility of that. It doesn't mean that in a history of humanity it never happened though so there is always that risk.

So let's put all this fear-mongering it in perspective gentlemen.

If you don't like DFK or BBBJ or what have you. Fine, to each his own. You sure will have wider choice of providers. If you want some warmth out of your session however and not just a hole to work on, I'm pretty sure that if provider doesn't do DFK more then likely you won't be getting that warmth too.

There was a time that may have been true, but in the case of gonorrhea that's no longer the case. Up until recently I was involved in epidemiologic investigations involving antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, and it's really starting to get scary.

Ho Hunter 328
03-18-12, 00:51
Moreover I never knew anybody who heard of anybody who got a venereal disease from DFK, BBBJ or the like.I actually did get chlamydia once from a BBBJ, I hadn't engaged in FS with anyone for several months at the time, so the BBBJ was the only way I could have contracted it. But considering that's once in 20 years of mongering, and literally over one thousand different girls, I'd say that's not bad in the grand scheme of things.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Ho Hunter 328
03-18-12, 00:54
There was a time that may have been true, but in the case of gonorrhea that's no longer the case. Up until recently I was involved in epidemiologic investigations involving antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, and it's really starting to get scary.Resistant to all antibiotics, or just the cephalosporins?

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

03-18-12, 02:02
Well, there are more likely scenarios.

First of all, chlamydia can lie dormant in the body for many years causing a low grade infection without symptoms. Second, men can have chlamydia and not know it, and pass the germ without experiencing symptoms themselves.

Yes, technically you can get it from BBBJ but from what understand it's less likely then you having it for quite a while and not feeling it and then all of the sudden it decides to act up, kind of like a cold sore.

I actually did get chlamydia once from a BBBJ, I hadn't engaged in FS with anyone for several months at the time, so the BBBJ was the only way I could have contracted it. But considering that's once in 20 years of mongering, and literally over one thousand different girls, I'd say that's not bad in the grand scheme of things.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

03-18-12, 02:19
A few months back (when I was partaking somewhat frequently) I was fairly sure I had a dreaded Herpes blister on my pene / sack area from a BBBJ as I got it about a week later. Turns out it was only an ingrown hair from manscaping. LOL Whew! Scared me a bit.

I was always curious to know how many mongers here have caught anything from oral. Would like to take a poll.

Personally, I rarely ever DATY a pro for that very reason. Seems to me that is much more risky than receiving BBBJ.

I actually did get chlamydia once from a BBBJ, I hadn't engaged in FS with anyone for several months at the time, so the BBBJ was the only way I could have contracted it. But considering that's once in 20 years of mongering, and literally over one thousand different girls, I'd say that's not bad in the grand scheme of things.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Ho Hunter 328
03-18-12, 02:32
Well, there are more likely scenarios.

First of all, chlamydia can lie dormant in the body for many years causing a low grade infection without symptoms. Second, men can have chlamydia and not know it, and pass the germ without experiencing symptoms themselves.

Yes, technically you can get it from BBBJ but from what understand it's less likely then you having it for quite a while and not feeling it and then all of the sudden it decides to act up, kind of like a cold sore.Possible I suppose. But in this case a particular lady that I had been with called me up the next day to inform me that she just found out that what she had thought was strep throat that she had had for several days, was actually chlamydia. I developed symptoms (ie slight itching and discharge) several days later, was tested positive for it, and received treatment. It may have been a coincidence, but it seems to me that the timing would suggest that I got it from her. But like I said, that's one incident out of four or five "dates" per week for 20 years. So obviously, the odds are in our favor.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Member #5037
03-18-12, 06:43
Because of the current topic. I was wondering, and I'm sure others, is an escort service a better way to go? For instance RT girls are all subcontractors, are they required to submit to STD testing and submit the results to Kat? Or is buyer e.


Member #5013
03-18-12, 09:05
A few months back (when I was partaking somewhat frequently) I was fairly sure I had a dreaded Herpes blister on my pene / sack area from a BBBJ as I got it about a week later. Turns out it was only an ingrown hair from manscaping. LOL Whew! Scared me a bit.

I was always curious to know how many mongers here have caught anything from oral. Would like to take a poll.

Personally, I rarely ever DATY a pro for that very reason. Seems to me that is much more risky than receiving BBBJ.Maybe we could start a safe sex mongering forum. Like a health and wellness thing. Jackson?


03-18-12, 09:45
I actually did get chlamydia once from a BBBJ, I hadn't engaged in FS with anyone for several months at the time, so the BBBJ was the only way I could have contracted it. But considering that's once in 20 years of mongering, and literally over one thousand different girls, I'd say that's not bad in the grand scheme of things.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Thanks for sharing that story. It seems that no one ever wants to talk about this topic even though it is an important one. When I first started mongering I was scared to my wits about catching something and a few times I thought I did. But testing was always negative.

I like to think I'm more informed about the risks now and much less paranoid, but I wish there were some statistics about infection rates within this sub-culture. Most of the published stats you find are related to the general population.

Jack A Dogov
03-18-12, 10:26
Maybe we could start a safe sex mongering forum. Like a health and wellness thing. Jackson?

BBIs this what you had in mind BaconBits?


Stressed Out
03-18-12, 14:22
Reading your post I totally agree with your thought process and what you're looking for with a lady and totally respect what you are looking for in an appointment.

Looking back I should have said don't waste my time I shouldn't speak for everyone just myself.

Obviously every lady is different there are ladies that I see that are what you speak of very laid back and like to take things slow and then there are a couple of ladies I see that are on the wild side. Depending on what I'm looking for in an appointment that is who I'll see.

As for your BB comment I'm not sure what you mean, as far as oral that's what I look for, but for full service I always play safe.

I will say that her pics are very nice and very suggestive, I find that a lady who has pictures that aren't quite as upfront showing all of her assets, that are more suggestive showing what she has but in a subtle way are more to my liking makes me wonder what's underneath! Love to want! LOL!

By the way I sent you a PM.

Have a great weekend!Geez. I didn't mean to start a 'thread' on safe sex as I know there is a forum here for it. Anyway thanks for the post back sir. It is always interesting to see and indeed causes a pause when you respond to a post and wonder if you are going to get a '***** slap' back! I'm glad it was taken in the context it was written and not a negative post to yours as it certainly was not meant that way. I guess most mongers are looking for the 'wild' side of things and few for the laid back experience.

As you I've had my 'wild' days and ladies since my hobby started back in the late 70's (ouch that hurt). And my BB note was certainly about oral. I will admit I've had several instances of BBFS but that was way back (80's and 90's) before I decided my brain was a useful tool. I was damn lucky back then. My only 'catch' was back in the early 80's when I caught a case of gonnerea from a street walker in Lowell. It was pretty sad too cause I had been looking for this one particular lady for a few months. Every time I saw her she got scooped before I could get to her. Well one night I finally did and got take home.

I also learned last summer that as we gents get older most of us (60% over 50 and 80% over 70) get something called prostitis which is an enargement of the prostrate which can be caused by many things including a UTI or any simple naturaly occuring 'viral or bacterial' germ getting in there. It used to be 'considered' a STD way back years ago until they found out that it can and is usually caused by something other than a STD borne germ. While I'm pretty sure it was once inflamed by a BBBJ I also know that the first time it was just caused by a UTI or another germ. (hadn't seen anyone for months before). It was interesting listening to my urologist explain it to me. He said he sees more than a couple of guys every month that think they have a STD. Tests usually indicate that it isn't and a case of prostitis. Anyway long story short and nd not meant as a educational seminar LOL. I decided that covered was fine with me although I had been inclined to go that way before.

Thanks for the PM. I will certainly 'pursue' at my earliest convenience and once again thanks for the suggestion and I owe you one. And while I agree with you about the 'suggestive' art of pics keeping things 'under wraps' that one pose that our good friend HH send 'my' way does raise my blood pressure a few points and sends me to the showers! I'm sure that the ultimate lady will send me over the edge and to an early grave lol!!! SO

03-18-12, 21:04
I always wonder about the safety of DATY, DFK, BB. Etc. Think about it, from down there and up there. Especially if the provider meet others before you that day, or the days earlier. Is DFK really a good idea? Obviously the lady doesn't care even though she is more at risk, and that's probably why many don't do it. I actually sometimes respect and like that since it could make me safe, or so I think.

Somebody is more in the know may give more insight about this, I hope.I'm new here but was active on a now defucnt board. I have wondered that my self thats why I have stopped seeing other girls and just stick to a couple low volume UTR'S the risk is still there althought not as high as high volume providers but its there. The risk I think is higher for the provider esp if she is GFE (BBBJ cim) but it also depends on who else she see's and who the other guys have been with now I always ask the girl not to invite me over on the same day that she has seen someone else I have to believe what they say some times I do some times I don't but I do ask. Like you said some providers don't care as long as they get paid.

Just my opinion

Fly Dangler
03-19-12, 09:14
Resistant to all antibiotics, or just the cephalosporins?In Asia, especially Japan, we are starting to see strains of gonorrhea resistant to all antibiotics and it's only a matter of time before they reach this country.

03-20-12, 12:55
I'm new here but was active on a now defucnt board. I have wondered that my self thats why I have stopped seeing other girls and just stick to a couple low volume UTR'S the risk is still there althought not as high as high volume providers but its there. The risk I think is higher for the provider esp if she is GFE (BBBJ cim) but it also depends on who else she see's and who the other guys have been with now I always ask the girl not to invite me over on the same day that she has seen someone else I have to believe what they say some times I do some times I don't but I do ask. Like you said some providers don't care as long as they get paid.

Just my opinionI'm not poking at the bear, making fun of anyone, preaching, or a know-it-all. Basing opinions on good information educates. The following is a terrific source of current information and questions answered quickly. How did I find it? A provider had it on her webpage as a link. If it's listed here somewhere else, great. It's an easy to search site.


03-20-12, 15:46
I have been emailing with this provider in the Boston area. Does anyone have any experience with her?



03-20-12, 16:01
In Asia, especially Japan, we are starting to see strains of gonorrhea resistant to all antibiotics and it's only a matter of time before they reach this country.I think they are already here.


03-20-12, 17:00
I wanted to see a lady that I've seen before she told me she wasn't available but a friend of her's Lana was and that I wouldn't be disappointed so I decided to see her.

I met her at a medium priced nice hotel in the Plymouth area for a 1 1/2 hour appointment (350).

Typical 2 call system, great lady, beautiful face, sexy dark brown eyes, body a 7 on a scale to 10.

I'm not going into a blow by blow let's just say everything is on the menu and I had a great time! I will be back.

If you want more details PM me.


03-20-12, 21:49
I have been emailing with this provider in the Boston area. Does anyone have any experience with her?


ThanksI seem to recall positive reviews of her, though I don't remember a name or anything else to search by.

03-20-12, 22:27
I actually did get chlamydia once from a BBBJ, I hadn't engaged in FS with anyone for several months at the time, so the BBBJ was the only way I could have contracted it. But considering that's once in 20 years of mongering, and literally over one thousand different girls, I'd say that's not bad in the grand scheme of things.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Hey HH, you make Wilt the Stilt look like an amateur! LOL!

Stay safe!

03-21-12, 09:42
I have been emailing with this provider in the Boston area. Does anyone have any experience with her?


ThanksSaw her several times 2 to 3 years ago-little heavier than pictures suggest, good attitude and everything on menu-she was only doing outcalls then but apparently does incalls also now.

03-21-12, 11:22
Saw her several times 2 to 3 years ago-little heavier than pictures suggest, good attitude and everything on menu-she was only doing outcalls then but apparently does incalls also now.She is doing incall, although prefers outcall. I may see her next week.

Joe Sixtynine
03-21-12, 12:05
I have been emailing with this provider in the Boston area. Does anyone have any experience with her?


ThanksI took a chance on this one since I do enjoy an older lady and I would say the pictures are not accurate, maybe when she was 35. Seems to me to be over 50 now, her mouth is a little crooked too and kinda slurs her speech. She did get me off but I had to close my eyes and think of someone else, I like mature lady but her boat has sailed.

03-21-12, 13:19
I have known her for years. Seen here at least 3 or 4 times. No better attitude, not a spinner or young gal, but an experience woman with an aim for your pleasure. Not everyones cup of tea, but then again no one is. I would recommend if you enjoy someone of maturity and experience and don't judge by the looks or shape alone!

Saw her several times 2 to 3 years ago-little heavier than pictures suggest, good attitude and everything on menu-she was only doing outcalls then but apparently does incalls also now.

03-21-12, 20:56
I have known her for years. Seen here at least 3 or 4 times. No better attitude, not a spinner or young gal, but an experience woman with an aim for your pleasure. Not everyones cup of tea, but then again no one is. I would recommend if you enjoy someone of maturity and experience and don't judge by the looks or shape alone!Sounds like our friend in Maynard. Tied with north shore deb for #1 in my book.

However, this lady we're talking about is on the steep side. $$ and a half for a "real" hour?

03-22-12, 09:32
Found her on EROS and connected with her on her travel to RI. She is well reveiwed and deservedly so. Pictures are real and she really enjoys her work. An absolute must!

Stressed Out
03-22-12, 13:14
Sounds like our friend in Maynard. Tied with north shore deb for #1 in my book.

However, this lady we're talking about is on the steep side. $$ and a half for a "real" hour?Is there an older lady that is as sweet and good as Deb? Hard to believe!

03-22-12, 16:08
In my opinion, all the older ladies in Jill's stable trump Deb by a large measure. In particular, Nicole, Mia, and Tori.


Is there an older lady that is as sweet and good as Deb? Hard to believe!

Stressed Out
03-22-12, 16:17
In my opinion, all the older ladies in Jill's stable trump Deb by a large measure. In particular, Nicole, Mia, and Tori.

http://roomservicegirls.com/all/models.htmlCould be very well sir! And I do remember there were definitely some 'hot' ones. But I stopped looking at / for them when Jill closed her agency to any new business. I was not a user of them back in the the day as I used TBD before it pretty much disappeared too. Since RSG's has not been mentioned here in months I was under the impression it was still the case. No sence reaching for the beautiful shiny fruit on the branches one can't reach! If I'm mistaken then please let me know or if there is a super secret way to get in please pm me. Good to hear from you again sir! SO

03-22-12, 17:55
I am the originator of this find, and trust me, a loving, trustable gem. Not a spinner, not a pig, not a runway model, but a woman of experience and knowledge with skills and a tender touch to be matched by very few. I have details for only the senior members.

Is there an older lady that is as sweet and good as Deb? Hard to believe!

Ski Boz
03-22-12, 20:20
If I'm mistaken then please let me know or if there is a super secret way to get in please pm me.SO. I believe the new client ban was lifted as of beginning of the year. You should reach out to Jill. Mia is worth a visit.

03-22-12, 22:10
First BP is where alot of girls get started, combined with google and a another site search, you can kinda feel it out, if their a bait and switch, or pimp deal (different pics with same phone, ect.) another site can lead you along the right path, seems to me 150 per 1/2 incall is the low end with 300 being the true quality pro benchmark. Not quite sure how LE gets in on the scene as far as BP / eros / and all the rest go, or what there absolute penetration is. (any comments to this would help) The new law seems draconian, but I think their looking for more of the under age / violent pimp crap with the side benefit of whatever else they stumble on. Beyond another site and some realness here, the other boards don't seem to have any depth. (BTW Hank, spent some time lookin at your SW pics and reports, two thumbs up, way up, LOL). Just a few observations from a not so new, newbie and any comments are way welcome.

Ho Hunter 328
03-24-12, 04:10
I managed to meet up with Brooke today for a photo shoot. We didn't have much time because traffic had made me later than I expected, so we had to rush things a bit. Because of this we couldn't go to the location that I had originally planned, and had to make do with another (less than ideal) spot. We'll be doing another shoot soon in a better location. We did attract some attention though, as we had four news helicopters hovering above us.

Stay safe, and happy hunting

Member #4675
03-24-12, 11:51
I managed to meet up with Brooke today for a photo shoot. We didn't have much time because traffic had made me later than I expected, so we had to rush things a bit. Because of this we couldn't go to the location that I had originally planned, and had to make do with another (less than ideal) spot. We'll be doing another shoot soon in a better location. We did attract some attention though, as we had four news helicopters hovering above us.

Stay safe, and happy huntingLOL, Are you going to be on the local news tonight? Dude thats funny, would have been tragic if she caused the helicopter to crash LOL

Ho Hunter 328
03-24-12, 15:48
Here's a couple more shots of Brooke. It's definitely not my best work, but Kat wanted something asap as the only other pics she had were two years old. Hopefully I'll be doing another shoot with her under better conditions in the next few days.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

03-26-12, 17:39

03-26-12, 20:38
http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6077-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary&p=1411499&viewfull=1#post1411499Well that sounds a little disingenuous. Whats with the poor college student stuff?

Member #5013
03-26-12, 22:00
Well that sounds a little disingenuous. Whats with the poor college student stuff?Can't blame a girl for trying to make a buck I guess. Hope they're all Yankee fans.

Disingenuous? How does the saying go? How can you trust something that bleeds seven days a month and still lives. Or something like that.


Ho Hunter 328
03-26-12, 22:18
LOL, Are you going to be on the local news tonight? Dude thats funny, would have been tragic if she caused the helicopter to crash LOLI doubt it, but I'm certain some tapes were added to a few private collections. They're almost all ex-military pilots, and you know how they can be.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Ho Hunter 328
03-26-12, 22:27
In my ongoing assignment to update everyone's pics at Royal Touch, I hooked up with Stacey today. She also had a new friend with her, Sammy, who's pics will be up by tomorrow. She seems like a nice girl. 18, and her first time working. I'm sure Kat will be posting about her soon.

Stressed Out, I remembered your pose this time.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

PS: No helicopters buzzing about this time.

Kit Kat
03-27-12, 00:48
http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6077-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary&p=1411499&viewfull=1#post1411499Hotels in Midtown Manhattan are pretty pricey as well. I need to cover my traveling expenses as well as make a profit that makes the trip worthwhile. I am a very low volume provider, and have no desire to change that, thus the need for the higher rates when traveling. My research shows that typical rates for that area are $400 to $700 per hour, with a few that are over $1, 000 per hour. So given all of these factors, I think my requested rate is very reasonable.

Xoxo Kat oxox

Ho Hunter 328
03-27-12, 04:45
It was a busy night for me, shot two girls in as many hours. I already posted some new pics of the first one, Stacey, earlier tonight. Here's the second one, Sammy. I'm told that she's never done anything like this before, and she's 18 years old (almost 19). She seems like a nice girl, a little nervous, but that's pretty common for their first shoot. Hopefully next time she'll be a little more relaxed.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Horny As Hell
03-27-12, 06:30
Thanks for the great pics yet again!"Mario" must be proud. I know I would be to have such a young cutie emblazon my moniker on her like that. Damn!

In my ongoing assignment to update everyone's pics at Royal Touch, I hooked up with Stacey today. She also had a new friend with her, Sammy, who's pics will be up by tomorrow. She seems like a nice girl. 18, and her first time working. I'm sure Kat will be posting about her soon.

Devon Aire
03-27-12, 13:00
[QUOTE=Ho Hunter 328; 1411947]In my ongoing assignment to update everyone's pics at Royal Touch, I hooked up with Stacey today. She also had a new friend with her, Sammy, who's pics will be up by tomorrow. She seems like a nice girl. 18, and her first time working. I'm sure Kat will be posting about her soon.


What a gorgeous young lady, with just absolutley fabulous breasts. Ruined by that ridiculous tattoo! Sorry ladies, but IMHO putting a tattoo on your breasts is like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari! I know body art seems to be the "in" thing these days, but please, for your own benefit (and our enjoyment) , leave the ladies unscathed!

Ho Hunter 328
03-27-12, 13:12
Thanks for the great pics yet again!"Mario" must be proud. I know I would be to have such a young cutie emblazon my moniker on her like that. Damn!I asked her about that (she didn't have that tat the first time I did pics of her) , apparently she's not even with that person anymore. The impulsiveness of youth rarely works out well in the long term. She's planning on getting it changed into something else somehow.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

03-27-12, 18:58
In my ongoing assignment to update everyone's pics at Royal Touch, I hooked up with Stacey today. She also had a new friend with her, Sammy, who's pics will be up by tomorrow. She seems like a nice girl. 18, and her first time working. I'm sure Kat will be posting about her soon.What a gorgeous young lady, with just absolutley fabulous breasts. Ruined by that ridiculous tattoo! Sorry ladies, but IMHO putting a tattoo on your breasts is like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari! I know body art seems to be the "in" thing these days, but please, for your own benefit (and our enjoyment) , leave the ladies unscathed!Ladies should take notice. 10% of people may like it, but the rest of men could hate it and you will regret for the rest of your life because it can't be taken off.

03-27-12, 20:01
Hi Kat, are any of your new girls GFE?

Hotels in Midtown Manhattan are pretty pricey as well. I need to cover my traveling expenses as well as make a profit that makes the trip worthwhile. I am a very low volume provider, and have no desire to change that, thus the need for the higher rates when traveling. My research shows that typical rates for that area are $400 to $700 per hour, with a few that are over $1, 000 per hour. So given all of these factors, I think my requested rate is very reasonable.

Xoxo Kat oxox

03-28-12, 10:54

Googled the # and seen previous ads\names, but no reviews. She looks appealing. Have any of you kind gentlemen met her?

Please PM or a reply on board.



L {&10032; } {&10032; } K — &9733; . Sweet and SLOW or ROUGH and WILD FISHNETS & Pumps!.28.

Posted: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 8:27 AM

I'm Sweet, Sensual, sexual, clean, & So much fun!

Our time together will be unrushed as well as.

Relaxing and satisfying as possible.

I'm available at a moment's notice.

I'm definitely worth your time!

I love to give in much as receive!

You'll regret not calling me sooner!


`•. ¸.

¸. •'•¨) •¨)

(¸. • (¸. •' (¸. •¨¯ Molly 617*652*4001.

Poster's age: 28

03-28-12, 11:54
Interest and desire is in the eyes of the beholder, but when 90% of the men are not pleased, or aroused by the sight, it certainly distracts from the business case! Personally, I have frequented two providers in the past that had more than the standard tramp stamp, and only service kept me repeating. Had I know all the tatoos up front, I would have passed merely on that alone. I tell every young person I know, that it costs 10x to remove one, and check to see if you see any CEO's, or Board of Directors or even upper level management with visible tatoos and piercings. Maybe at Newbury comics or the local music store, and always when asking if I want fries with that burger. But rarely in the board room. Just my opinion.

Ladies should take notice. 10% of people may like it, but the rest of men could hate it and you will regret for the rest of your life because it can't be taken off.

Stressed Out
03-28-12, 12:10
In my ongoing assignment to update everyone's pics at Royal Touch, I hooked up with Stacey today. She also had a new friend with her, Sammy, who's pics will be up by tomorrow. She seems like a nice girl. 18, and her first time working. I'm sure Kat will be posting about her soon.

Stressed Out, I remembered your pose this time.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

PS: No helicopters buzzing about this time.Thanks HH for the pics and for the special pose. I dare anyone to debate me that it isn't the most sensuous pose going LOL. Of course Stacey makes it even better with the most perfect set of breasts and nipples I've seen in ages. My apologies to those I've said that about before. And yes the tatoo does take away from the visual (I'm not a tat person myself) but I'm guessing when you are together with her you won't even notice it. And I will admit that it got me off the couch and gave a call to see what area her incall was. Hopefully they will get back to me soon! SO

Stressed Out
03-28-12, 13:44
I'm not poking at the bear, making fun of anyone, preaching, or a know-it-all. Basing opinions on good information educates. The following is a terrific source of current information and questions answered quickly. How did I find it? A provider had it on her webpage as a link. If it's listed here somewhere else, great. It's an easy to search site.

http://perb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?38-Health-InformationI don't really want to continue this on this thread and I posted it on the general thread also but since this was discussed here I figured I would add this link. This was not found by me but was sent to me by Debbie who is a provider who posts here on the escort ad link. She asked me to check it out and post it if I thought it was worthwhile. I think it is one of the best and easiest to read and understand. So pardon me for continuing the thread. SO.


03-28-12, 14:07
Here is a very clear & concise chart that indicates potential risks. Obviously, there is some debate going on as to risks.


I don't really want to continue this on this thread and I posted it on the general thread also but since this was discussed here I figured I would add this link. This was not found by me but was sent to me by Debbie who is a provider who posts here on the escort ad link. She asked me to check it out and post it if I thought it was worthwhile. I think it is one of the best and easiest to read and understand. So pardon me for continuing the thread. SO.


03-28-12, 15:28
Here is a very clear & concise chart that indicates potential risks. Obviously, there is some debate going on as to risks.

http://sfcityclinic.org/stdbasics/stdchart.aspGentlemen, at the risk of attracting to myself the wrath of the uncontrolled freedom of information group could you please move health-related topics out of Escort reports section to General Reports or some other section. Knowing the howtos of venereal diseases hardly qualifies as a report about the pros and cons of a particular escort (s).

03-29-12, 18:31
Hi Kat, are any of your new girls GFE?Check out their web site, GFE is quoted on Michelle, I know from experience that Katie isn't however even light GFE or at least she wasnt when she independent so take that for what it is

Amp Slave
04-02-12, 20:28
Interest and desire is in the eyes of the beholder, but when 90% of the men are not pleased, or aroused by the sight, it certainly distracts from the business case! Personally, I have frequented two providers in the past that had more than the standard tramp stamp, and only service kept me repeating. Had I know all the tatoos up front, I would have passed merely on that alone. I tell every young person I know, that it costs 10x to remove one, and check to see if you see any CEO's, or Board of Directors or even upper level management with visible tatoos and piercings. Maybe at Newbury comics or the local music store, and always when asking if I want fries with that burger. But rarely in the board room. Just my opinion.I also have to turn away girls with too many tats and if she is a smoker which is a deal breaker no matter how good she looks. It is like licking an ash tray.

04-06-12, 15:57
I'm looking for a pregnant escort (6+ months) or someone who has recently given birth and is lactating. Anyone have any info? Thanks!

04-09-12, 08:36
I'm looking for a pregnant escort (6+ months) or someone who has recently given birth and is lactating. Anyone have any info? Thanks!Aaliyah in the 'burg is carrying. She has reviews on another site that seem OK but I don't have VIP so I could see details.


04-14-12, 13:15
Tess is back though on the d/l & is looking to connect with some old friends.

In her words she says she is definitely in need of some dick!

This woman talks so frigging nasty & dirty & if you've seen her before you know what I mean.

Our schedules haven't worked out but it's just a matter of time before we connect again.

If you've seen her before & would like her number PM me.

Have fun stay safe.

Donkie Luv
04-18-12, 01:32
I'm coming to town on business for a few days at the end of this month. Anyone recommend a good outcall escort that will take a newbie with no references? Hoping to avoid the hassel and unpleasant surprises of BP providers.

Stressed Out
04-18-12, 14:11
Tess is back though on the the / l & is looking to connect with some old friends.

In her words she says she is definitely in need of some dick!

This woman talks so frigging nasty & dirty & if you've seen her before you know what I mean.

Our schedules haven't worked out but it's just a matter of time before we connect again.

If you've seen her before & would like her number PM me.

Have fun stay safe.Now Tess could write a book about her adventures. Hopefully she is back on the right track and will stay around for a bit. As you can tell from the pics she has some of the nicest nipples around. And she certainly knew what to do with a dick even when she wasn't in the mood. I can't even imagine what she could do with / to you when she was craving some! What a hell of a ride that would be.

Hard Rain
04-18-12, 17:15
Does anyone have an info on this much advertised multi-named mature provider? Thanks for helping out a visitor.

Phone: 978-944-2400.


Member #4675
04-18-12, 19:25
Does anyone have an info on this much advertised multi-named mature provider? Thanks for helping out a visitor.

Phone: 978-944-2400.

http://boston.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/have-a-fling-with-fabulous-mature-femme-fatale-fancy-46/18622299I booked a Appt with Tess for a 1 hour massage, I know you guys won't believe me but she gave me a 3 hour massage, By the way this was 3 years ago.

She did not do full service, (at least with me anyways) And she did not take off her top or panty's. She is super talkative.

Come to think of it we were talking about anderson cooper and his show on CNN, She gave me a killler slow hand job, bringing me to the brink Then.

Backing off, after a while of doing this I exploded ala peter north, highly reccomend her, don't know why I didn't go back, she was old but still attractive

04-19-12, 12:03
OK I'm confused. Are we saying that the "massage only" Tess is the same person as the "down and dirty" Tess from a few posts down?

I booked a Appt with Tess for a 1 hour massage, I know you guys won't believe me but she gave me a 3 hour massage, By the way this was 3 years ago.

She did not do full service, (at least with me anyways) And she did not take off her top or panty's. She is super talkative.

Come to think of it we were talking about anderson cooper and his show on CNN, She gave me a killler slow hand job, bringing me to the brink Then.

Backing off, after a while of doing this I exploded ala peter north, highly reccomend her, don't know why I didn't go back, she was old but still attractive

04-19-12, 16:40
OK I'm confused. Are we saying that the "massage only" Tess is the same person as the "down and dirty" Tess from a few posts down?They are two different woman.

The Tess i am speaking of in post #4347 is not the same Tess that Hard Rain asked about in post #4350.

Phone numbers & locations are different.

Can't say what MO Tess does or doesn't do as I've never seen her.

D&D Tess does FS, that & more to be sure, she is also not advertising on any site that I'm aware of.

To those that I shared her info with, please ask Tess if it's ok to share her contact info before doing so, we nor she would want LE showing up at the location.

You can do a search on this thread for Tess & find her pictures & reviews, for anyone that's interested.

Have fun stay safe

Member #4675
04-19-12, 18:55
OK I'm confused. Are we saying that the "massage only" Tess is the same person as the "down and dirty" Tess from a few posts down?Http://boston.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/tess-an-intoxicating-intriguing-mature-temptress-46/3693607

This is tess that I seen, She brags about how "in shape she is" LOL she is in good shape for her age, but found that a little odd

Member #4868
04-24-12, 15:37
This girl looks real hot and was hoping for some intel. She seems to have consistant web presence but I cannot find any reviews. Any help would be appreciated.


I'm the and kinky dOLL you have been looking for!


I truley LOVE spending time with RESPECTFUL Men, I will make your experience something you'll NEVER forget.

Anita 610 931 3128

04-25-12, 00:33
As an infrequent visitor to Boston, I tried to increase my odds of success through research here and on other boards.

My search led me to agencies here. Generally I prefer indys, but only a few stood out, and they seemed to favor IC vs. OC.

So I set up an appointment with Holli at After Dark via email based on four potentials. Only one was available, so the choice seemed to have been made for me.

Reviewed the remarks made elsewhere, and hoped the others reporting were not overly generous in their praise or Jeanine.

Holli's gauntlet was trying, but I finally cleared it an hour before the visit was proposed.

Jeanine was a few minutes early, with updates from Holli-very professional.

Jeannie appeared, and although I was initially disappointed with the studied casual appearance vs. My requested preference in dress, my concern vanished in an instant.

Before me was a Boston accented native, a friendly, engaging, woman, not just a girl. Little did I suspect what a delight the next hour would bring.

Talkative, yes, but only for the briefest of minutes. Affectionate, urgent, passionate, so sexy and skilled sums up my experience. She certainly exceeded my expectations.

Picture that lustful bartender with a sheik short hair cut and you'll get the picture. I would have never dreamed I'd cavort with such a woman.

Treat her with sensitivity and care, and your rewards will be memorable.

For the locals, I'm not a shill, just pleasantly surprised by your local talent. The tab is higher than I find elsewhere, but if this is an typical example, well worth it.

We'll see what other talent is on tap here if time permits.

04-25-12, 00:52
As an infrequent visitor to Boston, I tried to increase my odds of success through research here and on other boards.

My search led me to agencies here. Generally I prefer indys, but only a few stood out, and they seemed to favor IC vs. OC.

So I set up an appointment with Holli at After Dark via email based on four potentials. Only one was available, so the choice seemed to have been made for me. Reviewed the remarks made elsewhere, and hoped the others reporting were not overly generous in their praise or Jeanine.

Holli's gauntlet was trying, but I finally cleared it an hour before the visit was proposed.

Jeanine was a few minutes early, with updates from Holli-very professional.

Jeannie appeared, and although I was initially disappointed with the studied casual appearance vs. My requested preference in dress, my concern vanished in an instant.

Before me was a Boston accented native, a friendly, engaging, woman, not just a girl. Little did I suspect what a delight the next hour would bring.

Talkative, yes, but only for the briefest of minutes. Affectionate, urgent, passionate, so sexy and skilled sums up my experience. She certainly exceeded my expectations.

Picture that lustful bartender with a sheik short hair cut and you'll get the picture. I would have never dreamed I'd cavort with such a woman.

Treat her with sensitivity and care, and your rewards will be memorable.

For the locals, I'm not a shill, just pleasantly surprised by your local talent. The tab is higher than I find elsewhere, but if this is an typical example, well worth it.

We'll see what other talent is on tap here if time permits.

Member #4063
04-25-12, 09:13
They are one of the best in Boston, been around for a good amount of time and Holly is great to deal with. Women are always GFE and fun to be with. I have seen a good number of her ladies and never been disappointed.


As an infrequent visitor to Boston, I tried to increase my odds of success through research here and on other boards.

My search led me to agencies here. Generally I prefer indys, but only a few stood out, and they seemed to favor IC vs. OC.

So I set up an appointment with Holli at After Dark via email based on four potentials. Only one was available, so the choice seemed to have been made for me. Reviewed the remarks made elsewhere, and hoped the others reporting were not overly generous in their praise or Jeanine.

Holli's gauntlet was trying, but I finally cleared it an hour before the visit was proposed.

Jeanine was a few minutes early, with updates from Holli-very professional.

Jeannie appeared, and although I was initially disappointed with the studied casual appearance vs. My requested preference in dress, my concern vanished in an instant.

Before me was a Boston accented native, a friendly, engaging, woman, not just a girl. Little did I suspect what a delight the next hour would bring.

Talkative, yes, but only for the briefest of minutes. Affectionate, urgent, passionate, so sexy and skilled sums up my experience. She certainly exceeded my expectations.

Picture that lustful bartender with a sheik short hair cut and you'll get the picture. I would have never dreamed I'd cavort with such a woman.

Treat her with sensitivity and care, and your rewards will be memorable.

For the locals, I'm not a shill, just pleasantly surprised by your local talent. The tab is higher than I find elsewhere, but if this is an typical example, well worth it.

We'll see what other talent is on tap here if time permits.

04-25-12, 17:23
I had seen her ads for over a week, had try 2 other times to set up an appt. But our schedules were not lining up. Finally on Monday night we were both available for an 1 hr appt (each time she had been very pleasant on the phone). (3 call system) She gave me an exit # off highway and when I got close, I got an address but was asked to wait? She called back 10 mins later and said the door was broken and she would meet me at it. I waited near door for like 5 min and got nervous. Went back to truck and she called. Came out to the truck and met me! WOW she was far hotter in person. The pics are her but she looks better. Very petite.

Johana had on a very nice / sexy skirt+top+jacket. I DID NOT LIKE THE HOTEL SET UP and shared this with her to which she was very apologetic and understanding. When we got back to the room she made me feel comfortable, made me a coffee and in general had a great attitude!

Even had the dress the pics were taken in.

Johana is a definitely worth a repeat.

As I continue to learn the do's and don'ts of hobbying I have realized that details are not so good for our providers so understanding DFK, DAY and BBBJ all make up what essentially a GFE = so all girl start at 100% and if there are extras (greek etc.) then 10 points for each. = ie all of the above is 110%GFE. For each of the normal 3 that are missing 10 points is deducted.

Johana is 80%GFE but extremely hot and can really pour it on verbaly if you encourage it. Very nice.

Oraly the skilled could be improved but I am still recovering from surgery and some of the meds seem to be causing issues (may be I am starting to need the blue pill?). About half way thru the 1hr (always use the whole hr) little guy ran into trouble and she was somewhat accommodating. Telling me to take my time not to worry, moving, wiggling and working it, showing off all that wonderful hotness. There did not seem to be issue with any positions. I did get the finish!

Can't wait for the whole recovering thing to be over, cause this one I want to give a hard, solid stiffy with-out any half time = (. Johana was great and will repeat.

Mind you this is not an AMP out RI But very pleasant $.45 for 1/2 and $.75 for whole.

Duration (in minutes) : 60 Min.

Total 180.

Tip expected? : No.

Amount tipped (in $) : 5.


Incall / outcall: Incall.

Hygiene: Average.

On time: No.

Representative photos: Yes.

Delivered as promised: Yes.

Session Services Used.

Full no rush session: Yes.

Session Ratings.









Here is a link.


Happy hunting.


04-25-12, 19:39
Hey guys,

I'm a new guy here, trying out this hobby. If it's not too much to ask, would someone please fill me in on the terminology and maybe a few contacts on where to start?


Member #5037
04-26-12, 01:23
I had seen her ads for over a week, had try 2 other times to set up an appt. But our schedules were not lining up. Finally on Monday night we were both available for an 1 hr appt (each time she had been very pleasant on the phone). (3 call system) She gave me an exit # off highway and when I got close, I got an address...Nice report Southwick, right to the point. Not bad for a newbie who's first post started out a couple a week's ago "I hate to ask", you certainely stepped up to the plate.

04-26-12, 16:10
I recently met Sarah for an hour and she is a Brazilian girl whose age is listed as 30 but has a very pretty and young-looking face. Her pics are accurate and recent, except for the fact that she now has some blonde highlights in her hair. She has implants but they are very well done and natural-looking.

She has a very pretty smile and sweet personality and aims to please. As good a GFE experience as anyone at RS.

Sorry for the short write-up, but there's not a lot more to say except "will repeat."

04-26-12, 16:22
"Ebony Princess," "Chocolate Thunder,"- I think we've all seen he ads on BP. I've seen Candice three times now and will be going back again in the future. Her pics are accurate and, if you like some serious junk in the trunk, there's no better. She loves to get massaged and DATY'd. One curious thing is that she never takes her socks off.

The third time I saw Candice, she was sipping vodka but not drunk. About halfway through the session her sometimes companion, Millie, got to the hotel and asked if it was OK to come up and wait in the living room part of the suite. I was curious to meet her and see if she could join in the fun. Millie is a shorter and somewhat younger version of Candice in terms of body type. In terms of personality, her youthfulness makes her a bit shy but she readily takes advice and direction from her mentor Candice.

Long story short, we got Millie involved in the fun for a little extra consideration and I learned about Candice's bi- and voyeuristic interests in the process.

100 HH / 200 HR with a little more for Millie to join in about halfway through the session.

Fred Brophy
04-28-12, 20:27
"Ebony Princess," "Chocolate Thunder,"- I think we've all seen he ads on BP. I've seen Candice three times now and will be going back again in the future. Her pics are accurate and, if you like some serious junk in the trunk, there's no better. She loves to get massaged and DATY'd. One curious thing is that she never takes her socks off.

The third time I saw Candice, she was sipping vodka but not drunk. About halfway through the session her sometimes companion, Millie, got to the hotel and asked if it was OK to come up and wait in the living room part of the suite. I was curious to meet her and see if she could join in the fun. Millie is a shorter and somewhat younger version of Candice in terms of body type. In terms of personality, her youthfulness makes her a bit shy but she readily takes advice and direction from her mentor Candice.

Long story short, we got Millie involved in the fun for a little extra consideration and I learned about Candice's bi- and voyeuristic interests in the process.

100 HH / 200 HR with a little more for Millie to join in about halfway through the session.I have bot met Millie, but have seen Candice 3 or 4 times; I completely agree with your post.


Eugene West
04-30-12, 07:02
I recently met Sarah for an hour and she is a Brazilian girl whose age is listed as 30 but has a very pretty and young-looking face. Her pics are accurate and recent, except for the fact that she now has some blonde highlights in her hair. She has implants but they are very well done and natural-looking.

She has a very pretty smile and sweet personality and aims to please. As good a GFE experience as anyone at RS.

Sorry for the short write-up, but there's not a lot more to say except "will repeat."Agreed- I saw Sarah last summer when she first came to RSG. She was delicious.

04-30-12, 09:06
We were all "a new guy" once. Read the forum on a regular basis. Read the FAQ and click on the Abbreviations link on top of this page. Use the urban dictionary and google. TOFTT and report back.

Good luck and welcome to the forum,


Hey guys,

I'm a new guy here, trying out this hobby. If it's not too much to ask, would someone please fill me in on the terminology and maybe a few contacts on where to start?


Member #4920
04-30-12, 19:58
Good to see Candice get some good press. I've seen her a couple of times and she is very nice and down to earth. And agreed. She loves DATY. You could do worse than spend some time with her.

I have bot met Millie, but have seen Candice 3 or 4 times; I completely agree with your post.


05-02-12, 13:47
This is the 2nd time I'm seeing this chick. I have a feeling I will end up becoming her 'regular. ' Got her number from one of the mongers as part of the UTR number exchange program that has been instituted by one of the UTR number exchange committees that have been spring up lately like mushrooms in the fall, obviously UTR. The hobbyist that gave me with her info said he didn't mind if I write a review and Marie herself also gave her go ahead.

What a babe! Cute, body to die for, nice ass, tits. 34Bs-Cs, hard enough and sensitive too. Dark hair past shoulder length. Somewhat exotic looking. All that in addition to voice that you want singing you lullabies and an attitude and upbeat personality that you can only dream of in a wife or a girl-friend. Not bad, huh? 5'2'-5'3. ' Always seems to be in a good mood. The package is college educated and is 28 years old. Doesn't smoke, no drugs. Definitely not a clock watcher. No rough staff but open to suggestions. If you wonder if she'the do something – you should voice it before you come chances are there'the be a green light. Deeply (somewhat) UTR. Hardly ever advertises, almost never on backpage.

There is a certain class about this woman. Met me in a nice black nighty first time around, wore the same but red colored for our second meeting. Not a cheap-looking staff too. For our second meeting I brought something to 'garnish' her with, she giggled and said that there is something in her wardrobe that would compliment it perfectly and that she wears it for her 'meetings' from time to time. If I continue to see her she says, eventually I'the be seeing it. Clean, smells good. Meets you with nice long DFK. Tongue relaxed – little bit of nipping, little bit of frenching, then it's BBBJ that keeps on going and going – she says she's BJ fanatic – then it's off to any way you want it. God, I miss those love motels though. Those who've been there know what I'm talking about. Marie brings some toys with her sometimes and if you wish to make her feel good – you will, because she knows how to make herself feel good with your help. If you're not sure how to go about it, don't worry, let Marie guide you. Well read – fun conversation. Lives out of state, spends two-three days per week here on weekdays. Mostly rents a place on South Shore but sometimes does come into town.

This is a very nice lady. Whoever I end up providing her info to, please be very nice to her. We have to cherish and protect those who cherish us.

PM with whatever other question or for contact info. Only those that I already exchanged info with or no-risk seniors, I. E. Those that have been posting here or on similar forums / boards for a little while now and have been posting reviews that don't smell of ads, hatchet jobs, LE, etc or have not Been making comments that expose severe need for anger management counseling, excessively aggressive behavior or propensity for freaking out.I'd like to attach the photo to accompany this my earlier report. I took some tattoos off just to be on the safe side. Don't worry about her face, the face is fine. To me, one got to have a really unique taste in women in order to not to like Marie's face. Just as I thought I did become somewhat of a regular. Many PMed me for her info. Did anyone actually go and see her?

05-02-12, 22:15
I take your word for it Nrlmus, but with a body like that who cares about the face? Wow!

I'd like to attach the photo to accompany this my earlier report. I took some tattoos off just to be on the safe side. Don't worry about her face, the face is fine. To me, one got to have a really unique taste in women in order to not to like Marie's face. Just as I thought I did become somewhat of a regular. Many PMed me for her info. Did anyone actually go and see her?

Buck Cock
05-03-12, 02:07
Said she's coming to Boston next week, quoted 14hun I told her good luck. Good dam I'm I Jewish?

Ho Hunter 328
05-03-12, 02:58
Said she's coming to Boston next week, quoted 14hun I told her good luck. Good dam I'm I Jewish?Not really surprising for a known porn star. Back with Sarah Blake was still escorting, she was asking $2500 an hour.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

05-03-12, 13:48
Not really surprising for a known porn star. Back with Sarah Blake was still escorting, she was asking $2500 an hour.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.It is times like these when I am reminded of the words of my sage uncle.

At the end of the day, when you turn them upside down they're all the same.

05-03-12, 19:12
I'd like to attach the photo to accompany this my earlier report. I took some tattoos off just to be on the safe side. Don't worry about her face, the face is fine. To me, one got to have a really unique taste in women in order to not to like Marie's face. Just as I thought I did become somewhat of a regular. Many PMed me for her info. Did anyone actually go and see her?Hey can you clear your inbox!

Tried to PM you.


Member #4194
05-04-12, 12:19
I've been an active hobbyist but never posted to this board much. I am on my quest becoming an active member on this board.

Here's a report on Nadi who I met recently (in fact the second time. First was some time last year)

Here is her ad:


She is the girl in the pics and follows the regular 2 call system. I called from my work place and got an appt for later that day. Went to the mid range hotel and met her in a nice and sexy robe. She has a big pair of boobs and likes to take it slow and sensual. Something I am a fan of.

Spent a slow fun filled hour with CBJ, Mish, Doggy, Greek and LFK for a damage of $$.5

Stressed Out
05-04-12, 16:01
I've been an active hobbyist but never posted to this board much. I am on my quest becoming an active member on this board.

Here's a report on Nadi who I met recently (in fact the second time. First was some time last year)

Here is her ad:


She is the girl in the pics and follows the regular 2 call system. I called from my work place and got an appt for later that day. Went to the mid range hotel and met her in a nice and sexy robe. She has a big pair of boobs and likes to take it slow and sensual. Something I am a fan of.

Spent a slow fun filled hour with CBJ, Mish, Doggy, Greek and LFK for a damage of $$.5Thanks for the report. I'd see her just for he glasses. You know the ole saying about a girl in glasses. Bet she'd play a great librarian!

05-06-12, 06:30
Since I like older providers decided to try Deb. It was easy to arrange the rendezvous, traded a few emails then phone. Was directed to a run down apartment building in a North Shore town. First impressions, she on the heavy side but sometimes personality trumps all & hers was pleasant and bubbly. The pictures on her site & ads are definitely 10+ years old. Other reports are accurate, has a cat which is a major issue with me, hard to explain to wife coming home with clothes completely covered with kitty hair. Apartment was cluttered and filthy but as always the little head decided. Some chat then time to get more comfortable. Laid on the cat hair covered futon and got an OK BBBJ to start. She executed the one speed (fast) no-hands technique. When I was ready slapped on a raincoat and she got on top. Did cowgirl for 10 minutes or so the asked to do mish. Here's where it went south. Ready to start mish I was hit with a stomach churning odor and Junior withered like a daisy on a cold day. I've spent some time on tuna boats and this odor from her was nauseous how couldn't she notice? Took off raincoat & asked for BBBJ finish, couldn't believe she'd put that in her mouth with that odor on it. Managed to finish, get dressed in my cat hair covered clothes, small talk and exit stage left! Will not repeat. 1/2 hour $.20.

05-06-12, 13:50
Sounds like you caught her on a bad day. My experiences, and those of others, have been better.

Since I like older providers decided to try Deb. It was easy to arrange the rendezvous, traded a few emails then phone. Was directed to a run down apartment building in a North Shore town. First impressions, she on the heavy side but sometimes personality trumps all & hers was pleasant and bubbly. The pictures on her site & ads are definitely 10+ years old. Other reports are accurate, has a cat which is a major issue with me, hard to explain to wife coming home with clothes completely covered with kitty hair. Apartment was cluttered and filthy but as always the little head decided. Some chat then time to get more comfortable. Laid on the cat hair covered futon and got an OK BBBJ to start. She executed the one speed (fast) no-hands technique. When I was ready slapped on a raincoat and she got on top. Did cowgirl for 10 minutes or so the asked to do mish. Here's where it went south. Ready to start mish I was hit with a stomach churning odor and Junior withered like a daisy on a cold day. I've spent some time on tuna boats and this odor from her was nauseous how couldn't she notice? Took off raincoat & asked for BBBJ finish, couldn't believe she'd put that in her mouth with that odor on it. Managed to finish, get dressed in my cat hair covered clothes, small talk and exit stage left! Will not repeat. 1/2 hour $.20.

Member #5013
05-06-12, 20:31
Since I like older providers decided to try Deb. It was easy to arrange the rendezvous, traded a few emails then phone. Was directed to a run down apartment building in a North Shore town. First impressions, she on the heavy side but sometimes personality trumps all & hers was pleasant and bubbly. The pictures on her site & ads are definitely 10+ years old. Other reports are accurate, has a cat which is a major issue with me, hard to explain to wife coming home with clothes completely covered with kitty hair. Apartment was cluttered and filthy but as always the little head decided. Some chat then time to get more comfortable. Laid on the cat hair covered futon and got an OK BBBJ to start. She executed the one speed (fast) no-hands technique. When I was ready slapped on a raincoat and she got on top. Did cowgirl for 10 minutes or so the asked to do mish. Here's where it went south. Ready to start mish I was hit with a stomach churning odor and Junior withered like a daisy on a cold day. I've spent some time on tuna boats and this odor from her was nauseous how couldn't she notice? Took off raincoat & asked for BBBJ finish, couldn't believe she'd put that in her mouth with that odor on it. Managed to finish, get dressed in my cat hair covered clothes, small talk and exit stage left! Will not repeat. 1/2 hour $.20.Okay. I'm not saying anything. Alright two things.

1) I told u so. Minus the smelly puss. That's a new reason to avoid.

2) Sorry for your loss of smell and $120.


05-07-12, 08:05
Well I don't know what to say. I just don't get why I have so many regulars. If you had told me how you felt I'd never take your money. The pics are from the summer of 2010, but I just don't wear make up when I meet guys. I will just start wearing it I suppose. Maybe I need yet again more botox and laser? I just got that done. I don't like anyone coming to my apt. I hate that place. It's so hard to keep clean with the cats and all. I just had it professionally cleaned yet again. I have been hosting in hotels and I do warn guys about the place when they come over. No one will be over again until I move. I'm 15 lbs heavier than my pics and would like to get new one's taken. I started organic today and have been going to the gym. Wish me luck! I will check out the pussy and go to the doctors BTW. I don't know why the pussy stinks, since I shower daily. I'm so tired lately with the full time social work job and so bummed out about it. One of my clients has alzheimers and she's going down hill fast. And I took on recently volunteering at a food shelf. I'm taking some time off though soon. Please contact me about the money and how I can give it back to you two. I never meant anyone harm or a bad experience. Peace! Debbie

05-09-12, 12:51
The title says it all and if your pussy stinks as bad as the reviewer said showering won't do it how about a little vinger and water flush!

Well I don't know what to say. I just don't get why I have so many regulars. If you had told me how you felt I'd never take your money. The pics are from the summer of 2010, but I just don't wear make up when I meet guys. I will just start wearing it I suppose. Maybe I need yet again more botox and laser? I just got that done. I don't like anyone coming to my apt. I hate that place. It's so hard to keep clean with the cats and all. I just had it professionally cleaned yet again. I have been hosting in hotels and I do warn guys about the place when they come over. No one will be over again until I move. I'm 15 lbs heavier than my pics and would like to get new one's taken. I started organic today and have been going to the gym. Wish me luck! I will check out the pussy and go to the doctors BTW. I don't know why the pussy stinks, since I shower daily. I'm so tired lately with the full time social work job and so bummed out about it. One of my clients has alzheimers and she's going down hill fast. And I took on recently volunteering at a food shelf. I'm taking some time off though soon. Please contact me about the money and how I can give it back to you two. I never meant anyone harm or a bad experience. Peace! Debbie

05-09-12, 12:52
I've been seeing her post for a little while now and she has a smokin body just wondering if anyone has seen her?


05-09-12, 14:16
Anyone had any experience with her? Trolled through various sites and this forum but don't see any reference to her.


Hags Joe
05-09-12, 15:20
Well I don't know what to say. I just don't get why I have so many regulars. If you had told me how you felt I'd never take your money. The pics are from the summer of 2010, but I just don't wear make up when I meet guys. I will just start wearing it I suppose. Maybe I need yet again more botox and laser? I just got that done. I don't like anyone coming to my apt. I hate that place. It's so hard to keep clean with the cats and all. I just had it professionally cleaned yet again. I have been hosting in hotels and I do warn guys about the place when they come over. No one will be over again until I move. I'm 15 lbs heavier than my pics and would like to get new one's taken. I started organic today and have been going to the gym. Wish me luck! I will check out the pussy and go to the doctors BTW. I don't know why the pussy stinks, since I shower daily. I'm so tired lately with the full time social work job and so bummed out about it. One of my clients has alzheimers and she's going down hill fast. And I took on recently volunteering at a food shelf. I'm taking some time off though soon. Please contact me about the money and how I can give it back to you two. I never meant anyone harm or a bad experience. Peace! DebbieMany customers would prefer that providers shower after each and every session. (and after a workout as well).

Member #4772
05-10-12, 07:46
Anyone had any experience with her? Trolled through various sites and this forum but don't see any reference to her.

http://boston.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/blonde-gorgeous-and-sexy-31/19964451Her PICS are fake

05-10-12, 21:18
He wrote me an email after or date telling me what a wonderful time he had. Called me cute, sweetheart. He asked if he could come back, which was fine with me. What wasn't find was that he wanted to hook up "free wifi" on my computer. I just got rid of a virus, as someone hacked into my email and I didn't want anyone messing with it. He got upset with me, then he wrote a neg review.Last fall on another board I did a review of her after the bad reviews in sept that she claimed were false and got removed it was talked about here My review was very close to Rexxbreafs but instead of Bubbly I said weird and spacy and the room was littered with Med bottles. She sent me e-mails very nasty and threats when I posted on general & regional board she would post nasty remarks.

In December she made a fool of herself on regional and general board where providers and reviewers told her to get out of the business End result the Mod told her to hang herself.

Most of her reviews were so-so She started writing self reviews single reviewer they were removed. Posted reviews of other providers poor scores and her high.

End result she wes delisted and banished Very bad Deb.

1. Yes pictures are old.

2. You list your age as 40 more like mid 50s.

3. Botox laser only goes so far at your age.

4. Shower once a day Eww.

5. Smelly pussy Yeast infection or worse.

6. Apartment or hotel room is still a mess per friends who have seen you.

Your BP posts say make your nite sizzle more like a fizzle.

Some on here like you but you attack people who speak up and give a fair review

Mongers take a second look.

Would I see you no way at any price I have a feeling all the bad reviews were correct.


05-11-12, 08:15
I've never done anything to harm anyone. And I didn't write a self review. I asked the other board to take off my reviews. Even though they were good I read where LE can use the information in court. I agree the place is small with the cats and I don't host there anymore. I'm moving BTW to a bigger place. I do shower BTW LOL. But I do need to lose weight. I hate it. And those pics are from 2010 not over 10 years old. I have a lot of regulars. I don't see what the benefit is to bashing women, or anyone as sweet as myself? Also the other board, it started with me questioning verification practices. But I have my own way now to verify. I just think it was a bit extreme for the the other board crew to tell me to kill myself with a rope! What's the point? And I now get hate emails which really sucks! What's the point of that? Tell me why do you think guys see me over and over again? Because my pussy stinks? LMAO Now I'm letting it go and not coming on here any longer. It's too depressing.

Amp Slave
05-11-12, 11:47
He wrote me an email after or date telling me what a wonderful time he had. Called me cute, sweetheart. He asked if he could come back, which was fine with me. What wasn't find was that he wanted to hook up "free wifi" on my computer. I just got rid of a virus, as someone hacked into my email and I didn't want anyone messing with it. He got upset with me, then he wrote a neg review.Always beware of Greeks bearing free wifi!

05-12-12, 10:02
I'm getting some serious emails like this from the posts. Also that they will say I do drugs and spread that on the net, and call the police? Can anyone comment on how I should deal with it? It's scary. I have already offered to refund anyone. If that's not good enough, if I use the money that was paid to me for services and donate it to the foodbank charity I'm volunteering for? I don't know what else to do. What should I do? I certainly don't want anyone coming to my place looking for me to hit me or slash my tires. Seriously? Are you guys serious about these emails?

Kit Kat
05-12-12, 14:36
I'm getting some serious emails like this from the posts. Also that they will say I do drugs and spread that on the net, and call the police? Can anyone comment on how I should deal with it? It's scary. I have already offered to refund anyone. If that's not good enough, if I use the money that was paid to me for services and donate it to the foodbank charity I'm volunteering for? I don't know what else to do. What should I do? I certainly don't want anyone coming to my place looking for me to hit me or slash my tires. Seriously? Are you guys serious about these emails?Psychos and stalkers were the reason I had to stop offering in calls a few years ago. I even had to move, because they would just show up knocking on my door if I wasn't answering my phone. For me, hotels weren't an option as I only see one client per day, so I just had to switch to out calls only. Maybe you should do the same.

I don't know you, so I won't comment on anything else that's been said. But in my experience, and that of a few other girls I know, offering in calls from your home always turns out to be a bad idea.

Xoxo Kat oxoX

05-13-12, 16:41
I've never done anything to harm anyone. And I didn't write a self review. I asked the other board to take off my reviews. Even though they were good I read where LE can use the information in court. I agree the place is small with the cats and I don't host there anymore. I'm moving BTW to a bigger place. I do shower BTW LOL. But I do need to lose weight. I hate it. And those pics are from 2010 not over 10 years old. I have a lot of regulars. I don't see what the benefit is to bashing women, or anyone as sweet as myself? Also the other board, it started with me questioning verification practices. But I have my own way now to verify. I just think it was a bit extreme for the the other board crew to tell me to kill myself with a rope! What's the point? And I now get hate emails which really sucks! What's the point of that? Tell me why do you think guys see me over and over again? Because my pussy stinks? LMAO Now I'm letting it go and not coming on here any longer. It's too depressing.This is not a bash but the truth all your Boston posts and gerneral board posts are still up on that board under the same handle as here. You seem to avoid the truth and turn to HELP ME I'm being bashed. But it you who are fooling us. As fore the hate notes that you getting that should not be. This board is for reports some good some bad each to his one. This is a reviewers board not a free for all as you have made it.

05-13-12, 23:18
Does any one know anything about the girls AT tempu. Com

Looking for info for a bachelor party.


Member #4194
05-14-12, 05:49
Does any one know anything about the girls AT tempu. Com.

Looking for info for a bachelor party.

ThanksHave met Ashley from Tempu almost a year back. She was a young Chinese spinner. Not sure about anyone else there.

05-14-12, 06:50
About a what a client said and you guys told me to hang myself. Everyone on here can read it. I don't care if anyone reads it, it's fine. And Anthony BTW I couldn't have pmed you like you said, because I don't have VIP access. I was talking to a gf about this and she said that the only problem you have Debbie is you have trouble keeping your mouth shut. LOL.

05-14-12, 06:54
No has taken me up on my offer yet.

05-14-12, 12:10
No has taken me up on my offer yet.Take the money and invest it in your meds. You are a total train wreck.

Stressed Out
05-14-12, 17:49
Psychos and stalkers were the reason I had to stop offering in calls a few years ago. I even had to move, because they would just show up knocking on my door if I wasn't answering my phone. For me, hotels weren't an option as I only see one client per day, so I just had to switch to out calls only. Maybe you should do the same.

I don't know you, so I won't comment on anything else that's been said. But in my experience, and that of a few other girls I know, offering in calls from your home always turns out to be a bad idea.

Xoxo Kat oxoXThanks Kat for the comments and the insight about the incalls. Hopefully she will take your advice although she certainly hasn't taken any of mine this weekend. Sometimes you do have to put your hands up in the air and scream. I saw Deb both in hobbying and again for a lunch or two a couple of times about a year ago. We both consider each other a little more than 'business associates' and acquaintances. While I won't get into anything about the reviews written since I obviously wasn't there and find no reason to doubt them publically I can say that the times I saw her I found her to be a nice woman and certainly of clean hygene. You can believe me or not I don't really care. Her place on the other hand not so much which is what can happens with cat and working a few jobs. Again that was a year ago and MY experience although I wouldn't have any expectations that it had changed dramatically. Again my reason for not seeing her was more financial and her place is quite a haul for me and not anything else. Like everyone else Deb has her issues which she will probably certainly agree with. One of which is she tends to open her mouth when she should keep quiet. Like at least one other on this board she doesn't care that a lot of guys here want the providers to keep their legs and mouths open and not say a peep especially when they have been 'wronged' (rightly or wrongly). When one takes exception to something I (SO) says they speak up. The same is not expected to happen when it happens to a provider. And when it does happen it is like a race to see who can beat them to a pulp first and best. (think Deanna S for one). That was the gist of the other forum BS which one can certainly argue didn't belong here.

My main reason for responding to this though is to tell you the disgust that I feel right now about some of the 'gents' in this hobby. Now we all know that there are some assholes out there but once again this has resulted in pointing out how many there actually are. And I'm not talking about the cheap pricks or those who don't treat the ladies with the respect they deserve. (and they do believe it or not) Deb forwarded to me some of the BP responses she got over the past week. Besides the disgusting language and lack of respect from some of the responders the more than veiled threats to do her harm, do harm to her property, show up at her place and threats to turn her in to LE (like those writing the replies are virgins to the law) go way beyond human decency. This was also the case of some of the phone calls received. Now we know that most of it is BS but with the idiots in the world one never knows. And sadly many referenced the thread here on USA. While I am pretty confident that it isn't with those I converse with myself here (or my sense of judgement is way off) it is still pretty disappointing. I've been doing this for 35 years and what I read and heard is hard to digest. I have written bad reviews on some but never have 'piled' on or resorted to the kind of garbage I read. As long as it was just a case of a bad day or bad karma (not stealing or rip-offs) things usually worked out (mostly better) with a future visit or phone call. While Deb, Deanna and other providers may occasionally deserve a bad review they are still ladies that don't deserve the kind of crap that went on. Maybe it is time to hang this up rather than be 'acquainted' with some those in this hobby. Times have changed and I'm not sure I want to change with them.

Kit Kat
05-14-12, 18:22
Maybe it is time to hang this up rather than be 'acquainted' with some those in this hobby. Times have changed and I'm not sure I want to change with them.I think the anonymity of the internet in general, and especially in regards to this hobby, are mainly to blame for the way some people act. But I'm happy to say that there are still quite a few gentlemen out there, and here, who know how to treat a lady.

Thanks for being one of them.

Xoxo Kat oxoX

05-14-12, 20:07
I'd like to attach the photo to accompany this my earlier report. I took some tattoos off just to be on the safe side. Don't worry about her face, the face is fine. To me, one got to have a really unique taste in women in order to not to like Marie's face. Just as I thought I did become somewhat of a regular. Many PMed me for her info. Did anyone actually go and see her?I would like to have info about her.


05-14-12, 20:47
She's offered to forward me some of it too. Hey, some guys are really tough mo fos behind a computer keyboard.

My main reason for responding to this though is to tell you the disgust that I feel right now about some of the 'gents' in this hobby. Now we all know that there are some assholes out there but once again this has resulted in pointing out how many there actually are. And I'm not talking about the cheap pricks or those who don't treat the ladies with the respect they deserve. (and they do believe it or not) Deb forwarded to me some of the BP responses she got over the past week. Besides the disgusting language and lack of respect from some of the responders the more than veiled threats to do her harm, do harm to her property, show up at her place and threats to turn her in to LE (like those writing the replies are virgins to the law) go way beyond human decency. This was also the case of some of the phone calls received. Now we know that most of it is BS but with the idiots in the world one never knows. And sadly many referenced the thread here on USA. While I am pretty confident that it isn't with those I converse with myself here (or my sense of judgement is way off) it is still pretty disappointing. I've been doing this for 35 years and what I read and heard is hard to digest. I have written bad reviews on some but never have 'piled' on or resorted to the kind of garbage I read. As long as it was just a case of a bad day or bad karma (not stealing or rip-offs) things usually worked out (mostly better) with a future visit or phone call. While Deb, Deanna and other providers may occasionally deserve a bad review they are still ladies that don't deserve the kind of crap that went on. Maybe it is time to hang this up rather than be 'acquainted' with some those in this hobby. Times have changed and I'm not sure I want to change with them.

Member #5013
05-15-12, 06:17
Thanks Kat for the comments and the insight about the incalls. Hopefully she will take your advice although she certainly hasn't taken any of mine this weekend. Sometimes you do have to put your hands up in the air and scream. I saw Deb both in hobbying and again for a lunch or two a couple of times about a year ago. We both consider each other a little more than 'business associates' and acquaintances. While I won't get into anything about the reviews written since I obviously wasn't there and find no reason to doubt them publically I can say that the times I saw her I found her to be a nice woman and certainly of clean hygene. You can believe me or not I don't really care. Her place on the other hand not so much which is what can happens with cat and working a few jobs. Again that was a year ago and MY experience although I wouldn't have any expectations that it had changed dramatically. Again my reason for not seeing her was more financial and her place is quite a haul for me and not anything else. Like everyone else Deb has her issues which she will probably certainly agree with. One of which is she tends to open her mouth when she should keep quiet. Like at least one other on this board she doesn't care that a lot of guys here want the providers to keep their legs and mouths open and not say a peep especially when they have been 'wronged' (rightly or wrongly). When one takes exception to something I (SO) says they speak up. The same is not expected to happen when it happens to a provider. And when it does happen it is like a race to see who can beat them to a pulp first and best. (think Deanna S for one). That was the gist of the other forum BS which one can certainly argue didn't belong here.

My main reason for responding to this though is to tell you the disgust that I feel right now about some of the 'gents' in this hobby. Now we all know that there are some assholes out there but once again this has resulted in pointing out how many there actually are. And I'm not talking about the cheap pricks or those who don't treat the ladies with the respect they deserve. (and they do believe it or not) Deb forwarded to me some of the BP responses she got over the past week. Besides the disgusting language and lack of respect from some of the responders the more than veiled threats to do her harm, do harm to her property, show up at her place and threats to turn her in to LE (like those writing the replies are virgins to the law) go way beyond human decency. This was also the case of some of the phone calls received. Now we know that most of it is BS but with the idiots in the world one never knows. And sadly many referenced the thread here on USA. While I am pretty confident that it isn't with those I converse with myself here (or my sense of judgement is way off) it is still pretty disappointing. I've been doing this for 35 years and what I read and heard is hard to digest. I have written bad reviews on some but never have 'piled' on or resorted to the kind of garbage I read. As long as it was just a case of a bad day or bad karma (not stealing or rip-offs) things usually worked out (mostly better) with a future visit or phone call. While Deb, Deanna and other providers may occasionally deserve a bad review they are still ladies that don't deserve the kind of crap that went on. Maybe it is time to hang this up rather than be 'acquainted' with some those in this hobby. Times have changed and I'm not sure I want to change with them.With all due respect to my fellow hobbyists, especially the seniors, this drama is what ensues each time there is any sort of negativity in a review towards Deb. I thought this was a site to review providers. All this back and forth bantering, accusations, chest pumping, side taking and veiled threats are getting us nowhere. Can we please get back to reviewing ladies?


05-15-12, 08:39
Take the money and invest it in your meds. You are a total train wreck.I will need tranquilizer's to deal with you, and definitely will invest in them! Hopefully since you won't take the money you will also stop calling me.

05-15-12, 15:41
I think the anonymity of the internet in general, and especially in regards to this hobby, are mainly to blame for the way some people act. But I'm happy to say that there are still quite a few gentlemen out there, and here, who know how to treat a lady.

Thanks for being one of them.

Xoxo Kat oxoXFor a couple of hours and still is.

Stressed Out
05-15-12, 16:01
With all due respect to my fellow hobbyists, especially the seniors, this drama is what ensues each time there is any sort of negativity in a review towards Deb. I thought this was a site to review providers. All this back and forth bantering, accusations, chest pumping, side taking and veiled threats are getting us nowhere. Can we please get back to reviewing ladies?

BBBB. Yes this is a review site and no this doesn't only happen with reviews of Deb. It has happened on many occasions with different providers. As I mentioned Deanna was one and as KK mentioned she had to move due to some of the 'gents' behavior and there were others. And TBH this isn't about Deb but about the behavior of some of those out here in this community. It obviously happens in replies to ads, phone calls and even in some of the reviews posted here. Maybe just maybe some will realize that their behavior isn't what is expected by the providers and the rest of us hobbiests. We can hope anyhow.

And you know what. I really don't give a rat's ass. First of all this board isn't busy enough (2 reviews in 2 weeks) that we can't take a few posts out to comment on an escort / reviews and etiquette and second of all when YOU have been a member and contributer for as long as I have I will gladly let you have the floor to let off steam when something pisses you off.

Of course I couldn't help notice that you got into the very act with which you are complaining of in post 4378 when you took a shot at Deb yourself and chest pumped "I told you so" and even back in Sept 11 you wrote a review of Deb and then in several subsequent posts complained about texts/posts from her which I believe counts as bantering, accusations, side taking ect. And it was all on THIS escort forum which you say should be just for reviews.

BTW......thanks KK for the kind words and compliment. You are one who hasn't been afraid to get involved even when potshots are taken. While some may see this as a negative and treading on 'their' turf I see this as a positive that should enhance our experiences and help us see the 'other' side of the tracks. SO

Member #5013
05-15-12, 18:47
BB. Yes this is a review site and no this doesn't only happen with reviews of Deb. It has happened on many occasions with different providers. As I mentioned Deanna was one and as KK mentioned she had to move due to some of the 'gents' behavior and there were others. And TBH this isn't about Deb but about the behavior of some of those out here in this community. It obviously happens in replies to ads, phone calls and even in some of the reviews posted here. Maybe just maybe some will realize that their behavior isn't what is expected by the providers and the rest of us hobbiests. We can hope anyhow.

And you know what. I really don't give a rat's ass. First of all this board isn't busy enough (2 reviews in 2 weeks) that we can't take a few posts out to comment on an escort / reviews and etiquette and second of all when YOU have been a member and contributer for as long as I have I will gladly let you have the floor to let off steam when something pisses you off.

Of course I couldn't help notice that you got into the very act with which you are complaining of in post 4378 when you took a shot at Deb yourself and chest pumped "I told you so" and even back in Sept 11 you wrote a review of Deb and then in several subsequent posts complained about texts / posts from her which I believe counts as bantering, accusations, side taking ect. And it was all on THIS escort forum which you say should be just for reviews.

BTW. Thanks KK for the kind words and compliment. You are one who hasn't been afraid to get involved even when potshots are taken. While some may see this as a negative and treading on 'their' turf I see this as a positive that should enhance our experiences and help us see the 'other' side of the tracks. SOI stand by my reviews. You seem to be a little personally involved with this whole thing concerning Deb. My self esteem doesn't come from a prostitutes approval. I may have flamed the review by Anthony(BTW-chest pumping is different) For that I was wrong.

Member #4675
05-15-12, 20:42
Danm this forum has turned into the Jerry Springer show: Good entertainment when your bored

05-16-12, 10:53
This is my first post so if I am in the wrong section for this I'm sorry! The girl from this ad on BP who is going by the name Samantha! I remember seeing those pics on the New Hampshire BP board and the reports were saying there were ripped off. I know the pictures are the same but the name and is different. I am also not sure about the number. I did get busted by LEO for stealing a puppy from a pet store so this may be a sting. Nether the less it could be the same girl, it could be a different girl using the pictures. Just basically giving the heads up and be careful.

D_A_N_G_E_R_O_ U_S_L_Y * ¯* A_D_D_i_ C_T_I_N_Specials All DaY. 22.

Hi Guys I'm Samatha Your Favorite Girl Around!

I'm A Fun, Freaky An Beautiful Classy Girl With Appeal&9733;

I Love To party, Have A Good Time An Keep Your Toes Curling. Want to Sneak Away This Morning An Feel These Nice Lips Give Me A Call. 100%REAL PICS100%Forget The REst an Come See The Best! SATISFACTION GAURANTEED!

&9733; 857-312-0299&9733;


Poster's age: 22.

• Location: North Shore, my place {danvers}

Member #5013
05-16-12, 13:49
Danm this forum has turned into the Jerry Springer show: Good entertainment when your boredLOL. My man Asket. You are correct sir. I was going to start a thread and call it "keyboard fight club".


05-16-12, 15:07
It does seem like more and more guy's are treating women like animals rather than the people they are, what the hell is wrong with society today. With out the ladies that provide this service we would have nothing or we would have to devote a crap load of time (that I don't have) to finding a lady that would meet our needs; we would be extremely fustrated.

Thanks Kat for the comments and the insight about the incalls. Hopefully she will take your advice although she certainly hasn't taken any of mine this weekend. Sometimes you do have to put your hands up in the air and scream. I saw Deb both in hobbying and again for a lunch or two a couple of times about a year ago. We both consider each other a little more than 'business associates' and acquaintances. While I won't get into anything about the reviews written since I obviously wasn't there and find no reason to doubt them publically I can say that the times I saw her I found her to be a nice woman and certainly of clean hygene. You can believe me or not I don't really care. Her place on the other hand not so much which is what can happens with cat and working a few jobs. Again that was a year ago and MY experience although I wouldn't have any expectations that it had changed dramatically. Again my reason for not seeing her was more financial and her place is quite a haul for me and not anything else. Like everyone else Deb has her issues which she will probably certainly agree with. One of which is she tends to open her mouth when she should keep quiet. Like at least one other on this board she doesn't care that a lot of guys here want the providers to keep their legs and mouths open and not say a peep especially when they have been 'wronged' (rightly or wrongly). When one takes exception to something I (SO) says they speak up. The same is not expected to happen when it happens to a provider. And when it does happen it is like a race to see who can beat them to a pulp first and best. (think Deanna S for one). That was the gist of the other forum BS which one can certainly argue didn't belong here.

My main reason for responding to this though is to tell you the disgust that I feel right now about some of the 'gents' in this hobby. Now we all know that there are some assholes out there but once again this has resulted in pointing out how many there actually are. And I'm not talking about the cheap pricks or those who don't treat the ladies with the respect they deserve. (and they do believe it or not) Deb forwarded to me some of the BP responses she got over the past week. Besides the disgusting language and lack of respect from some of the responders the more than veiled threats to do her harm, do harm to her property, show up at her place and threats to turn her in to LE (like those writing the replies are virgins to the law) go way beyond human decency. This was also the case of some of the phone calls received. Now we know that most of it is BS but with the idiots in the world one never knows. And sadly many referenced the thread here on USA. While I am pretty confident that it isn't with those I converse with myself here (or my sense of judgement is way off) it is still pretty disappointing. I've been doing this for 35 years and what I read and heard is hard to digest. I have written bad reviews on some but never have 'piled' on or resorted to the kind of garbage I read. As long as it was just a case of a bad day or bad karma (not stealing or rip-offs) things usually worked out (mostly better) with a future visit or phone call. While Deb, Deanna and other providers may occasionally deserve a bad review they are still ladies that don't deserve the kind of crap that went on. Maybe it is time to hang this up rather than be 'acquainted' with some those in this hobby. Times have changed and I'm not sure I want to change with them.

05-16-12, 15:52
"I did get busted by LEO for stealing a puppy from a pet store so this may be a sting."

What does that have to do with the rest of your post? What did you intend to mean by that statment?

Flashback? Bad acid?

Are you actually suggesting that because you have been arrested for breaking the law, you now have a 6th sense or intuition about what posts may be made by the POlice?

Thank you for giving us the warning.

This is my first post so if I am in the wrong section for this I'm sorry! The girl from this ad on BP who is going by the name Samantha! I remember seeing those pics on the New Hampshire BP board and the reports were saying they were ripped off. I know the pictures are the same but the name and # is different. I am also not sure about the number. I did get busted by LEO for stealing a puppy from a pet store so this may be a sting. Never the less it could be the same girl, it could be a different girl using the pictures. Just basically giving the heads up and be careful.

05-16-12, 16:09
"I did get busted by LEO for stealing a puppy from a pet store so this may be a sting."

What does that have to do with the rest of your post? What did you intend to mean by that statment?

Flashback? Bad acid?

Are you actually suggesting that because you have been arrested for breaking the law, you now have a 6th sense or intuition about what posts may be made by the POlice?

Thank you for giving us the warning.Oops what I meant was I know she got arrested for stealing a puppy or the girl that use to use those pics. I have seen the girl once and it was awful service major up seller. She was all coked out too, and her kid was in the other room. She lived in a crappy trailer park in NH when I saw her. And it was 2 doors down from the LEO station. My whole point to this was a warning that she may be trouble because she may have flipped and maybe working with LE.

05-16-12, 16:41
"I did get busted by LEO for stealing a puppy from a pet store so this may be a sting."

What does that have to do with the rest of your post? What did you intend to mean by that statment?

Flashback? Bad acid?

Are you actually suggesting that because you have been arrested for breaking the law, you now have a 6th sense or intuition about what posts may be made by the POlice?

Thank you for giving us the warning.That was confusing. It sounded like stealing a puppy was his credentials. I always appreciate someone trying to give a heads up though but the puppy thing was out of left field. Lmao

05-16-12, 17:11
That was confusing. It sounded like stealing a puppy was his credentials. I always appreciate someone trying to give a heads up though but the puppy thing was out of left field. LmaoYah sorry forgot to take my ADDS today. LOL

Ho Hunter 328
05-16-12, 22:37
I finally managed to meet up with Alicia again, apparently you guys have been keeping her very busy since her return. I didn't have time for a full shoot as I had to meet her in between appointments today at her incall. She doesn't do incalls often though, so I couldn't afford to wait until she wasn't so busy as she was in desperate need of new pics (her last shoot was almost a year ago). So here's a few shots I managed to get in the 15 minutes or so that I had. I didn't even have time to set up my lights today, so I apologize for the quality. Hopefully next time I'll have more time and can do it up right.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Member #4675
05-17-12, 08:41
Ho hunter, thanks for the updated pictures, Wonder if she ever did an adult film? Still waiting for kat to get verified, she would be the first of her girls that I want to see.

05-17-12, 11:11
I finally managed to meet up with Alicia again, apparently you guys have been keeping her very busy since her return. I didn't have time for a full shoot as I had to meet her in between appointments today at her incall. She doesn't do incalls often though, so I couldn't afford to wait until she wasn't so busy as she was in desperate need of new pics (her last shoot was almost a year ago). So here's a few shots I managed to get in the 15 minutes or so that I had. I didn't even have time to set up my lights today, so I apologize for the quality. Hopefully next time I'll have more time and can do it up right.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.She is such a sweetheart. I saw her only once over a year ago but every time I get a couple extra dollars I call Royal Touch to see if she is doing incall. I almost got to see her like 3 weeks ago but she checked in just a few minutes later than I could wait and she was in Quincy, when I was hoping she was near Brockton. I will keep at it though. Damn, I wish I called yesterday. I didn't know she was doing incall. Sweet Alicia, I will see you soon. LOL

Kit Kat
05-17-12, 15:28
She is such a sweetheart. I saw her only once over a year ago but every time I get a couple extra dollars I call Royal Touch to see if she is doing incall. I almost got to see her like 3 weeks ago but she checked in just a few minutes later than I could wait and she was in Quincy, when I was hoping she was near Brockton. I will keep at it though. Damn, I wish I called yesterday. I didn't know she was doing incall. Sweet Alicia, I will see you soon. LOLUnfortunately, I don't get much more than a few hours notice of when and where she'll be doing incalls. 90% of the time when she's offering incalls it's because one of her regulars who gets a room to see her, allows her to keep the room afterwards to see other clients. As such, I receive very little advance notice, and have no say over times of availability and location. It's kind of frustrating because many times I'll have had clients asking about her incall availability just hours before. In addition by the time I find out, it's generally too late to advertise.

Xoxo Kat oxoX.

Ps: Thanks HH for rushing out to snap a few pics. I'll make it up to you.

05-17-12, 20:59
I finally managed to meet up with Alicia again, apparently you guys have been keeping her very busy since her return. I didn't have time for a full shoot as I had to meet her in between appointments today at her incall. She doesn't do incalls often though, so I couldn't afford to wait until she wasn't so busy as she was in desperate need of new pics (her last shoot was almost a year ago). So here's a few shots I managed to get in the 15 minutes or so that I had. I didn't even have time to set up my lights today, so I apologize for the quality. Hopefully next time I'll have more time and can do it up right.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.That girl is FIRE! If she ever started doing incalls, I'd go broke.

05-18-12, 09:15
Does anyone remember this lady, just wondering whatever happened that she disappeared off the scene.


Stressed Out
05-18-12, 16:56
I finally managed to meet up with Alicia again, apparently you guys have been keeping her very busy since her return. I didn't have time for a full shoot as I had to meet her in between appointments today at her incall. She doesn't do incalls often though, so I couldn't afford to wait until she wasn't so busy as she was in desperate need of new pics (her last shoot was almost a year ago). So here's a few shots I managed to get in the 15 minutes or so that I had. I didn't even have time to set up my lights today, so I apologize for the quality. Hopefully next time I'll have more time and can do it up right.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Are those the real color of her eyes. The blue is beautiful and striking. Although that can be said for the rest of her too!

Ho Hunter 328
05-18-12, 21:07
They're a blue / green depending on the lighting and what she's wearing.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Member #4772
05-19-12, 18:42
Does anyone remember this lady, just wondering whatever happened that she disappeared off the scene.

http://boston.********.com/Escorts/great-prices-great-attitude-and-great-service-cant-beat-that/17312I believe she retiered from what I've heard

05-20-12, 08:25
She seems to have been driven way UTR by a stalker:


Does anyone remember this lady, just wondering whatever happened that she disappeared off the scene.


05-21-12, 10:37
Does anyone remember this lady, just wondering whatever happened that she disappeared off the scene.

http://boston.********.com/Escorts/great-prices-great-attitude-and-great-service-cant-beat-that/17312Thats a hot pic. She seems like a keeper

05-21-12, 10:39
[QUOTE=Kit Kat; 1450046]Unfortunately, I don't get much more than a few hours notice of when and where she'll be doing incalls. 90% of the time when she's offering incalls it's because one of her regulars who gets a room to see her, allows her to keep the room afterwards to see other clients.

Xoxo Kat oxoX.

I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. I'm sure the timing will work out for me to see her again one of these days.

05-26-12, 14:35
I finally managed to meet up with Alicia [Post Heading Royal Touch] Stay safe, and happy hunting.Just wondering if the business card reference to RT in the below Boston Herald article today, even though it refers to a guy as well as women, is one in the same. I edited out the names and towns people lived in, because it is not appropriate to leave them in for the poor people.


3 charged in prostitution ring.

Three Boston men accused as the masterminds behind what police called a lucrative Charlestown drug and prostitution ring used Section 8 housing as the headquarters for their drug den and after-hours sex-for-a-fee parties, according to reports.

Officers believe [the people] used the two-story house on the Somerville border as a base for drug deals and prostitution, according to police reports. Boston's Human Trafficking Unit seized computers from the home and police said an investigation into possible sexual exploitation is ongoing.

A Boston police SWAT team stormed the Cambridge Street house about 5 a. M. Thursday with a 'no knock' search warrant and detectives said they found 14 people inside, including some in various stages of undress, three Centerfold strip club workers and a woman cops believed to be linked to an adult escort service ad.

The landlord told police he had leased the place to [a person] and another person since 2009 as a Section 8 home with the government subsidizing the majority of the $1, 200 rent and Horsley paying $200 per month, according to police reports. Officers suspect [the person] was taking part in the illegal operations and allowed the activity to take place in the home.

During the raid, police seized sex toys and costumes, cocaine, heroin, syringes, prescription pills, a drug ledger, more than $2, 800 and a police scanner.

Officers also found a 'Charlestown Madness' after-hours party flier in a second-floor bathroom, according to reports. The flier promised 'enough girls to go around' in street slang and advertised a $5 cover charge, according to reports.

Police seized from [a person] suspected prostitution business cards touting, 'Where woman will treat you like a king. And royal touch escorts. '

[A person] was charged with two counts of possession with intent to distribute a Class A drug and possession with intent to distribute Class B drugs. [Some persons] face charges for possession with intent to distribute class B drugs.

Police also charged [2 women], on drug charges.

All six pleaded not guilty at their arraignments yesterday.

[A person] was also arrested at the house on an outstanding warrant for a motor vehicle violation.

Ho Hunter 328
05-26-12, 15:34
Just wondering if the business card reference to RT in the below Boston Herald article today, even though it refers to a guy as well as women, is one in the same. I edited out the names and towns people lived in, because it is not appropriate to leave them in for the poor people.I just called Kat and spoke with her about this. It was the first she'd heard about it, and she said she'd look into it. I have no idea who that guy in the picture is, but the girl in the background may be Jazmine.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

05-26-12, 16:42
I just called Kat and spoke with her about this. It was the first she'd heard about it, and she said she'd look into it. I have no idea who that guy in the picture is, but the girl in the background may be Jazmine.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.That is not the name listed but they all use different names you know.

Kit Kat
05-26-12, 17:49
As some of you have noted in the past, there are a few girls I work with who also advertise independently as well. It seems that one of them somehow got caught up in this raid, and had some of my business cards on her at the time. That would be the extent of any involvement that Royal Touch had with this fiasco. Unfortunately, this is still enough to bring some unwanted attention from Uncle Leo. As a result, we will not be accepting any new clients until further notice. The girl in question, and a few others who are close friends of hers (who may, or may not, have been involved) , have been removed from our website. Some other changes will also be implemented in the very near future.

I apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause, but it is unavoidable at this point.

Xoxo Kat oxoX

05-27-12, 01:14
As some of you have noted in the past, there are a few girls I work with who also advertise independently as well. It seems that one of them somehow got caught up in this raid, and had some of my business cards on her at the time. That would be the extent of any involvement that Royal Touch had with this fiasco. Unfortunately, this is still enough to bring some unwanted attention from Uncle Leo. As a result, we will not be accepting any new clients until further notice. The girl in question, and a few others who are close friends of hers (who may, or may not, have been involved) , have been removed from our website. Some other changes will also be implemented in the very near future.

I apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause, but it is unavoidable at this point.

Xoxo Kat oxoXGood luck Kit Kat. I see that your site is already down. Yep, safety first. Many of us, even those who have never been your clients still have some serious respect for you, enjoy reading much of what you write here and wish you nothing but the best in these dark times of our Cotton Mather reincarnate, Martha Coakley. I heard a local legend once that on his deathbed Cotton Mather professed that one day he is to return to the Colony in a form of woman in order to re-punish the sinners. I think there is little doubt that this day is already behind us. 58 years ago in Lee, Mass, a female child was born and Cotton Mather again walked the earth.

Member #4675
05-27-12, 09:26
Kat emailed you but it got returned, too bad your girls made bad decisions.

PM me or email me if things cool down.

Stressed Out
05-27-12, 12:29
Good luck Kit Kat. I see that your site is already down. Yep, safety first. Many of us, even those who have never been your clients still have some serious respect for you, enjoy reading much of what you write here and wish you nothing but the best in these dark times of our Cotton Mather reincarnate, Martha Coakley. I heard a local legend once that on his deathbed Cotton Mather professed that one day he is to return to the Colony in a form of woman in order to re-punish the sinners. I think there is little doubt that this day is already behind us. 58 years ago in Lee, Mass, a female child was born and Cotton Mather again walked the earth.Kat. I certainly echo the words written by N. Please be safe as we don't want to lose another one that we respect in this business. As you have rightly said in the past you can't control what some of the girls do especially given some of their ages and lack of maturity. It is too bad that they aren't satisified with waht they have in a somewhat controlled situation and enter one that is certainly open for trouble. We look forward to seeing you back as soon as Martha stops making headlines. Be safe and be back soon. J

Jon Gris
05-27-12, 16:48
Sadly this witch hunt by the AG is probably going to get worse before its going to get better. Hopefully everyone is cautious and thngs will calm down in time.

05-29-12, 09:14
I was thinking of who my favorite girls over the past couple years are based on looks, attitude and GFE. Has anyone tried India out of Walpole. She is ebony and fine. She has a BMW, a real job and family, and great rates. She doesn't have incall though. She is on backpage sometimes and the pictures don't do her any justice. She gives a covered BJ for. 6 and FS for hundo. Best BJ covered or uncovered I ever had. Incredible sex. She will do it in your car or van if you find a good enough place. Cassandra out of the Cape and Walpole sometimes is great too. She is back after a layoff. She is young and hispanic. Friends with Nikki who advertises on BP. She will send you a pic by text. She's real cute, nice and has a great pu*why. I personally like Jackie sometimes works at RT but can be found on BP. Although she isn't GFE and hit or miss with rushing but even when she is rushing she gives you great service. Also Jackie has the best body, especially tits that I've seen. And if she is comfortable with you she will give you a great rate. Alicia from RT is my ATF. Just saw her once but I'll never forget it.

05-29-12, 09:59
Saw this lady (Backpage ad) last week. Very nice, clean pretty young girl, polite and smelled great. Everything covered and pretty damn good BJ. No enthusiasm whatsoever in the actual act so I just popped quick and left. Damage was $. Bottom line is if you want a short time for minimal bucks with a pretty Hispanic girl in an incredibly clean environment, go for it. If you are looking for anything beyond a mechanical finish, then go elsewhere.

Iamme Iam
05-29-12, 14:11
Saw this lady (Backpage ad) last week. Very nice, clean pretty young girl, polite and smelled great. Everything covered and pretty damn good BJ. No enthusiasm whatsoever in the actual act so I just popped quick and left. Damage was $. Bottom line is if you want a short time for minimal bucks with a pretty Hispanic girl in an incredibly clean environment, go for it. If you are looking for anything beyond a mechanical finish, then go elsewhere.I looked at your 3 postings, good job, no questions first. It appears you RTFF before you started posting. Keep up the good job.

05-29-12, 15:27
Saw this lady (Backpage ad) last week. Very nice, clean pretty young girl, polite and smelled great. Everything covered and pretty damn good BJ. No enthusiasm whatsoever in the actual act so I just popped quick and left. Damage was $. Bottom line is if you want a short time for minimal bucks with a pretty Hispanic girl in an incredibly clean environment, go for it. If you are looking for anything beyond a mechanical finish, then go elsewhere.She popped right off the page she is so cute. Whats the damage (minimal bucks?) I still don't know how to read the codes for how much. Sorry.

05-29-12, 16:59
She popped right off the page she is so cute. Whats the damage (minimal bucks?) I still don't know how to read the codes for how much. Sorry.I'm not necessarily raising doubt with the review but I would think twice. There are many postings by the same user with many different pics for "Isabella".

05-29-12, 19:17
She popped right off the page she is so cute. Whats the damage (minimal bucks?) I still don't know how to read the codes for how much. Sorry.She stole money out of my wallet and than made a scene when I mentioned to her that my wallet had been emptied out,

also works out of a filthy apartment in Brocton.

05-29-12, 21:11
Your first mistake was having money in your wallet, never, ever bring your wallet and no less have money in it if you do.

Lesson learned hopefully.

She stole money out of my wallet and than made a scene when I mentioned to her that my wallet had been emptied out,

Also works out of a filthy apartment in Brocton.

05-30-12, 08:30
Someone (maybe you?) just posted on backpage in the last few days that they were scammed by Jackie as well. They did not give details.


She stole money out of my wallet and than made a scene when I mentioned to her that my wallet had been emptied out,

Also works out of a filthy apartment in Brocton.

05-30-12, 08:44
I'm not necessarily raising doubt with the review but I would think twice. There are many postings by the same user with many different pics for "Isabella".Because when a girl as I said "Pops off the page" like that. Its usually because they are so cute it seems TGTBT. But since the guy did a good review on her and didn't mention fake pics it made me think they were real.

05-30-12, 08:51
[QUOTE=Pubb69; 1458348]She stole money out of my wallet and than made a scene when I mentioned to her that my wallet had been emptied out,

She works sometimes for Royal Touch (but mostly on her own.) and her blurred out pic was right on the page. I've heard a few times that she has a sticky finger problem so you need to cover your bases if you see her. I've seen her 6 or 7 times but not in the last at least 4 months. She texts me all the time about her 2 girl specials but I have moved on to greener pastures. LOL. Someone warned me about her before I saw her before so I knew not to give her a chance to rob me.

05-30-12, 08:59
I personally like Jackie sometimes works at RT but can be found on BP. Although she isn't GFE and hit or miss with rushing but even when she is rushing she gives you great service. Also Jackie has the best body, especially tits that I've seen. And if she is comfortable with you she will give you a great rate.

"added info"
Just to add (obviously too late for a couple people) that although Jackie never robbed me. She is a legit kleptomaniac. Off her neighbors who they considered themselves friends with her she stole whatever wasnt nailed down. Like toothpaste. Whitening strips. Makeup. All as she was hanging out with them for months. Then she would flip out when she was confronted.

05-30-12, 13:21
I'm not necessarily raising doubt with the review but I would think twice. There are many postings by the same user with many different pics for "Isabella".This one in Lynn was legit, a tall Latin girl who matched the BP picture. Here's the link:


05-30-12, 15:37
This one in Lynn was legit, a tall Latin girl who matched the BP picture. Here's the link:

http://boston.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hot-new-mexican-cubana-girl-ready-for-fun-23/5231873I hope the review is legit and the pics too, be / see she is hot. Would like to get more reviews however. Sorry unzipped but you do not have many reviews or any significant details. Maybe that will change.

05-30-12, 22:33
This one in Lynn was legit, a tall Latin girl who matched the BP picture. Here's the link:

http://boston.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hot-new-mexican-cubana-girl-ready-for-fun-23/5231873Got a hit on the picture on tineye. Phony photo, no posts or previous reviews, I would not give a lot of credence to the post.

Ho Hunter 328
05-31-12, 08:58
Here's a couple shots from my last two shoots. More to follow...

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

05-31-12, 09:34
[QUOTE=Ho Hunter 328; 1459613]Here's a couple shots from my last two shoots. More to follow.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Seeing Alicia makes me tingle all over / LOL

05-31-12, 11:08
Freya and Nix? New agency coming up with new stage names for the ladies?

Here's a couple shots from my last two shoots. More to follow.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

05-31-12, 13:13
Most likely with what happened with one of Kat's girls last over the weekend they decided to change their stage names.

Smart move on their part.

Freya and Nix? New agency coming up with new stage names for the ladies?

Nyx GG
05-31-12, 18:39
Most likely with what happened with one of Kat's girls last over the weekend they decided to change their stage names.

Smart move on their part.I've also taken the opportunity to drop some other potential liabilities.

Freya and Nix? New agency coming up with new stage names for the ladies?Nix (and Nixie) are water spirits in German / Scandinavian mythology, similar to mermaids. Nyx is the Greek goddess of the night.

Xoxo Nyx oxox.

Goddess of the Night

Member #5013
05-31-12, 20:08
Got a himell on the picture on tineye. Phony photo, no posts or previous reviews, I would not give a lot of credence to the post.The original post was Hispanic young girl, clean, safe environment in Lynn.

That smells of a fakey on so many levels. LOL.


05-31-12, 22:13
Got a hit on the picture on tineye. Phony photo, no posts or previous reviews, I would not give a lot of credence to the post.Yea Google turns up quite a bit also. A few FB profiles and this site has a whole gallery.


Shame she is damn hot!

Ho Hunter 328
06-01-12, 06:07
Here's a few more from my last shoot. It's always a pleasure working with her, she's just a natural in front of the camera.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Ho Hunter 328
06-01-12, 06:15
Here's a few more of the lovely Nyx. Next up on my 'to do list' are Pandora and Luna. Hopefully I'll catch up with one of them today or tomorrow.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

06-01-12, 07:59
Yea Google turns up quite a bit also. A few FB profiles and this site has a whole gallery.


Shame she is damn hot!So why doesn't unzipped get off this board as obviously an insider or rip off artist.

06-01-12, 09:16
Great pics, got to love those puffy nipples!

Here's a few more from my last shoot. It's always a pleasure working with her, she's just a natural in front of the camera.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

06-01-12, 10:03
Just a thought:

The word "legit" means nothing in this forum. In AMP terms it might mean you left unhappy. In BP terms it might mean the pictures are real or maybe the service is real. For clarity sake the word is short for "legitimate" and that has a definition including "Conforming to the law or to rules".

Really confusing in the context of this forum, can we agree?


This one in Lynn was legit, a tall Latin girl who matched the BP picture. Here's the link:


Joe Fish
06-01-12, 11:52
Just a thought:

The word "legit" means nothing in this forum. In AMP terms it might mean you left unhappy. In BP terms it might mean the pictures are real or maybe the service is real. For clarity sake the word is short for "legitimate" and that has a definition including "Conforming to the law or to rules".

Really confusing in the context of this forum, can we agree?

ARG.I feel like I'm in 9th grade again. Seriously, who wouldn't understand what 'legit' means? Thanks for the English lesson though. Have a great weekend, all!

Ho Hunter 328
06-01-12, 14:00
Just a thought:

The word "legit" means nothing in this forum. In AMP terms it might mean you left unhappy. In BP terms it might mean the pictures are real or maybe the service is real. For clarity sake the word is short for "legitimate" and that has a definition including "Conforming to the law or to rules".

Really confusing in the context of this forum, can we agree?

ARG.I think you're better off using the urban dictionary definition of "legit" in the context of this forum.


1. A modern synonym for words such as "cool," "ill," "tight," or "dope." Used to describe a noun that is of a particularly excellent quality. The slang use of this term is slowly but steadily increasing in popularity.

2. Authentic.

3. Real.

4. Seriously.

Good thing I learned to speak Ebonics fluently in a previous job. But for those who are more language impaired, here's an English to Ebonics Translator (they also have an Android app).

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

LB Prowl
06-01-12, 15:08
Here's a few more from my last shoot. It's always a pleasure working with her, she's just a natural in front of the camera.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Is Freya still with RT? If not, any contact info?

Stressed Out
06-01-12, 17:04
I've also taken the opportunity to drop some other potential liabilities.

Nix (and Nixie) are water spirits in German / Scandinavian mythology, similar to mermaids. Nyx is the Greek goddess of the night.

Xoxo Nyx oxox.

Goddess of the NightAhh Goddess of the night. Of the day. Anytime! The name may change but the beauty certainly still remains. Be safe my dear xoxo

NYX was the goddess of the night, one of the ancient Protogenoi (first-born elemental gods). In the cosmogony of Hesiod she was born of Air (Khaos), and breeding with Darkness (Erebos) produced Light (Aither) and Day (Hemera), first components of the primeval universe. Alone, she spawned a brood of dark spirits, including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.

Nyx was a primeval goddess usually represented as simply the substance of night: a veil of dark veil of mist drawn forth from the underworld which blotted out the light of Aither (shining upper atmosphere). Her opposite number was Hemera (Day), who scattered the mists of night, or Eos, the goddess of the dawn.
Homer (Il. xiv. 259, &c.) calls her the subduer of gods and men, and relates that Zeus himself stood in awe of her.In ancient art Nyx was portrayed as a either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with an aureole of dark mist.

Stressed Out
06-01-12, 17:21
Here's a few more of the lovely Nyx. Next up on my 'to do list' are Pandora and Luna. Hopefully I'll catch up with one of them today or tomorrow.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.You know LOL. Especially of the lovely and sexy NYX. SO

Stressed Out
06-01-12, 17:23
Just a thought:

The word "legit" means nothing in this forum. In AMP terms it might mean you left unhappy. In BP terms it might mean the pictures are real or maybe the service is real. For clarity sake the word is short for "legitimate" and that has a definition including "Conforming to the law or to rules".

Really confusing in the context of this forum, can we agree?

ARG.Simply put in our little world Legit equals Blue Balls or DSB (deadly sperm back-up)

06-03-12, 01:56
I too liked her & never had problems with her, saw her for 10 mo's, tho she was full of drama even tho she claimed not to be & lied about almost everything LOL & was always texting me to come see her (was a bit of a pia with this). However lately she has been with another girl & she has been acting strangely. I think she is heading down the wrong path with this girl & I will no longer be seeing her as a result. Too bad, awesome body & could flip her in any position I wanted.

06-03-12, 11:37
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on who I should try and see today? I have been looking but not sure about anything yet. Anyone have any suggestions. I just want to find someone good that is not going to rob me. Anyways if anyone has any suggestions let me know here or by PM.


And stay safe!

06-04-12, 10:38
Is either the same girl in the pics or damn close. The only difference I could see was the hair color as it was darker in person. I gave an honest review and you can do whatever you want with it. I never checked for matches on any other site because I didn't think I had to. Obviously, you more experienced folks out there would think to do that so if I misled any of you, I apologize. The facts in my post were real even if she was using a (similar) picture to herself. For what reason, I have no idea.

Ho Hunter 328
06-10-12, 22:36
I finally managed to hook up with Pandora after she had to cancel on me several times. My lighting was a bit off because the location had some limitations. I had wanted to do the shoot outside, but it was too late by the time I met up with her. But Nyx has been on my ass about getting pics of Pandora, so I couldn't afford to wait for another day. I'll have to do another shoot once I have time. Now I just need to hook up with Luna.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

06-11-12, 08:02
I too liked her & never had problems with her, saw her for 10 mo's, tho she was full of drama even tho she claimed not to be & lied about almost everything LOL & was always texting me to come see her (was a bit of a pia with this). However lately she has been with another girl & she has been acting strangely. I think she is heading down the wrong path with this girl & I will no longer be seeing her as a result. Too bad, awesome body & could flip her in any position I wanted.I have seen Jacki 4 times.

She does keep texting me to come see her, even after I asked her to remove my number from her "Mass-Texting"

I asked about the 2 girl special, but couldn't connect.

The last time we spoke, she was begging me to see her as she was desperate for rent money or something.

Will probably avoid if it's getting too dramatic.

06-11-12, 09:24
I was in Boston on a work trip. On my last night in town I went for dinner and drinks and got completely messed up. I was back at my hotel smoking in my bathroom. I was looking online to find some agencies found one called Ellite, I called them and asked for an asian girl and prices. She asked my hotel room and name which I gave her. I told her I would think about it and call back if interested as was quoted 600 for 4 hours.

15 minutes later there is a knock at the door. I'm shitting myself thinking it security as I'm smoking in my non smoking room. I look through the peephole and see this super cute asian girl. I would say 5' with see tits, great ass, great face and smile. All up an easy 9. 0. She came in we chatted a little had a couple of drinks, sorted out the money.

She was wearing a tight short all in one mini dress. We started kissing and ended up on the bed. I lifted her skirt and she was wearing a cute white thong. As we kissed I started fingering her and she was really wet. She laid me back on the bed took off my pants and boxers and stared with a great BBBJ. After about 10 minutes I started kissing her and moved on top took off her kickers but left her dress on. Did some nice DATY and gave her a rimm job, then moved up and started kissing her again. My cock was rubbing against her pussy so I put a condom on.

We fucked for about 20 minutes then kissed and fucked some more and did this for about 2 hours. After a while I took a break from fucking and took the condom off. I was spooning her in the bed and we stared kissing again. I was really hard and my cock was pushed up against her pussy from behind, She reached back and gently placed my cock on her pussy then pulled me in. My cock slipped in. I lost all control and started pumping away. She was really into it and the sheets were very wet by this point. I fucked her really hard and fast and was pulling her hair wile I did it. I finally came deep in her.

We chilled for a bit and then she left. I recently got checked up as it was a coupe of months ago and all is well. A stupid thing to do but very hard to say no in that situation. I don'think she did it all the time but there was a definite attraction and she was new to the game.

06-11-12, 13:54
I have seen Jacki 4 times.

She does keep texting me to come see her, even after I asked her to remove my number from her "Mass-Texting"

I asked about the 2 girl special, but couldn't connect.

The last time we spoke, she was begging me to see her as she was desperate for rent money or something.

Will probably avoid if it's getting too dramatic.She seems to have disappeared the last few weeks, you did not miss anything with the "2 girl special", I plan on keeping my distance if she resurfaces anytime soon.

06-11-12, 14:21
I have seen Jacki 4 times.

She does keep texting me to come see her, even after I asked her to remove my number from her "Mass-Texting"

I asked about the 2 girl special, but couldn't connect.

The last time we spoke, she was begging me to see her as she was desperate for rent money or something.

Will probably avoid if it's getting too dramatic.I hve almost the same story with her. Great Sex too but not worth possible drama

06-11-12, 15:55
I saw this girl last week, She lives in an apartment complex right by two Lynn schools so if you decide to see her, you may want to avoid a two or three o'clock appointment. Her pics on Backpage look incredible and they are supposed to be real pics but this is not the case with her. The photo girl resembles this one but the actual girl is a bit thicker and a different look than the photo. That said the actual escort was attractive and she had a very cute putty tat. In fact I wanted to DATY but I had the 1- afternoon special so unless I shelled out more that wasn't an option. No GFE or taking her time. She got right to the CBJ and finished with a rough HR. Ouch! Way too rushed. I really didn't feel comfortable so maybe she'll learn as time goes on. On the plus side she seemed pleasant enough with a sweet voice but just too businesslike for my taste and I have a feeling she is new at this and may improve. I could be wrong but she doesn't have the typical hard ass attitude of most other "businesslike" providers. Hopefully she'll get to be more patient with time.

06-12-12, 08:27
[QUOTE=SouthShoreGuy2; 1457885]I was thinking of who my favorite girls over the past couple years are based on looks, attitude and GFE. Cassandra out of the Cape and Walpole sometimes is great. She is back after a layoff. She is young and hispanic. Friends with Nikki who advertises on BP. She will send you a pic by text. She's real cute, nice and has a great pu*ssy.

Hey guys. Cassandra is down the Cape and she is a keeper. Some of you have been PM'and me about her info and I've responded. I've been telling you to reach her through Nikki on BP. I have her direct number that she has never posted but she told me not to give it out. But she texted me yesterday and asked me to come down to the Cape. And that she would make it "worth the drive". I told her I couldn't but that I have some friends down the Cape that would like to see her. She gave me permission to give them her direct number. She also said to have my friends let her know that you heard of her through me. So, if your interested. Pm me and I may be able to give you her number.

06-12-12, 16:18
Looking for the tiniest of spinners out there, hoping you fellas can help. I'm talking under 5'.95lbs, the smaller the better. Stacy on Prov BP fits the bill, but my AMP visits have come up short, prob bcuz its hard to get a full lineup late at night. Sooo, anyone know any legit providers bordering on dwarf status, either BP or AMP?

Thanks, be safe!

Member #4675
06-12-12, 22:26

Ok I have a very weird story to tell you guys, I'm at a gas station and I see a very hot girl, I decide to strike up a conversation with her, I go on to ask her if she is a model? She says yea I've done modeling and been in some magazines, Ok so I ask her I would love for her to pose next to my car And would pay her, She says yea sure, gives me her phone number, also calls my cell phone so her number is on my phone.

So I thought she was just being nice, called her 3 times and she will not pick up. Fast forward to today, I'm browing eros guide and low and behold the girl I met at the gas station looks 100 percent like this girl "NIKKI FOX" advertising on eros, Called up the phone number she has advertised and left her a message explaining to her what I'm typing here, So far no call back, Googled her name and phone number and nothing, Just out of curiosity I wonder if this is the girl at the gas station.

If any one has seen her please reply or pm me, I do the best with you guys to post real reviews when I see a new girl

Ho Hunter 328
06-13-12, 00:23
Looking for the tiniest of spinners out there, hoping you fellas can help. I'm talking under 5'.95lbs, the smaller the better. Stacy on Prov BP fits the bill, but my AMP visits have come up short, prob bcuz its hard to get a full lineup late at night. Sooo, anyone know any legit providers bordering on dwarf status, either BP or AMP?

Thanks, be safe!I used to know a girl who was 4'10 and weighed 85 pounds. She was a lot of fun to play sit and spin with. Sadly I haven't heard from her in over a year now.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

06-13-12, 08:33
[QUOTE=Ho Hunter 328; 1469802]I used to know a girl who was 4'10 and weighed 85 pounds. She was a lot of fun to play sit and spin with. Sadly I haven't heard from her in over a year now.

I finally figured out what spinner is. I want one now. LOL

06-13-12, 09:06

Ok I have a very weird story to tell you guys, I'm at a gas station and I see a very hot girl, I decide to strike up a conversation with her, I go on to ask her if she is a model? She says yea I've done modeling and been in some magazines, Ok so I ask her I would love for her to pose next to my car And would pay her, She says yea sure, gives me her phone number, also calls my cell phone so her number is on my phone.

So I thought she was just being nice, called her 3 times and she will not pick up. Fast forward to today, I'm browing eros guide and low and behold the girl I met at the gas station looks 100 percent like this girl "NIKKI FOX" advertising on eros, Called up the phone number she has advertised and left her a message explaining to her what I'm typing here, So far no call back, Googled her name and phone number and nothing, Just out of curiosity I wonder if this is the girl at the gas station.

If any one has seen her please reply or pm me, I do the best with you guys to post real reviews when I see a new girl1. I hope your car actually is cool. If you said this while standing next to a Camry, it just wouldn't work LOL.

2. Assuming she did intend to meet up with you, in the real world what you did is NOT how you handle a chick after getting her number. Don't call three times in a short period of time. Call once, a day or two later, leave a message. If no return call, maybe call once more after another couple days...then give up. You can't ring a "real" chick three times in a rowif she doesn't answer, or she'll assume you're psycho. Protocal is different in the real world than it is when mongering. I hope those three calls weren't all on the same night.....

3. If Nikki Fox is in fact her, which I doubt, your leaving her a voicemail on her work phone talking about this makes you look even more psycho.

Sorry to sound critical, just wanted to give you some (hopefully) helpful thoughts.

06-13-12, 09:46
[QUOTE=Ho Hunter 328; 1469802]I used to know a girl who was 4'10 and weighed 85 pounds. She was a lot of fun to play sit and spin with. Sadly I haven't heard from her in over a year now.

I finally figured out what spinner is. I want one now. LOLLmfao!

Member #4675
06-13-12, 10:58
1. I hope your car actually is cool. If you said this while standing next to a Camry, it just wouldn't work LOL.

2. Assuming she did intend to meet up with you, in the real world what you did is NOT how you handle a chick after getting her number. Don't call three times in a short period of time. Call once, a day or two later, leave a message. If no return call, maybe call once more after another couple days. Then give up. You can't ring a "real" chick three times in a rowif she doesn't answer, or she'll assume you're psycho. Protocal is different in the real world than it is when mongering. I hope those three calls weren't all on the same night.

3. If Nikki Fox is in fact her, which I doubt, your leaving her a voicemail on her work phone talking about this makes you look even more psycho.

Sorry to sound critical, just wanted to give you some (hopefully) helpful thoughts.Yes I've met real girls and know how to handle myself, I have never scared a girl away, And she was the one that sat there and talked to me for a good 5 minutes, Even saying how nice my car was, As far as me calling her I spread it out over 2 to 3 days, and now I deleted her number from my cell phone, I know its one in a million chance nikki fox is her, But then again she looks just like her, I can't forget her eyes, and that last picture I know its her.

06-13-12, 12:43
Just wondering if some others have notice that there is a lack of good looking black women posting. The ones that I have seen do not do it for me at all. The one sthat I have seen back in the day were of mixed race and were attractive.

06-13-12, 12:46
Just wondering if some others have notice that there is a lack of good looking black women posting. The ones that I have seen do not do it for me at all. The one sthat I have seen back in the day were of mixed race and were attractive.Lack of Good looking Black women

Just wondering if some others have notice that there is a lack of good looking black women posting. The ones that I have seen posting do not do it for me at all. The ones that I have seen back in the day were of mixed race and were attractive.

Walls World
06-13-12, 16:35
Just read on wmur.com that 12 were arrested for prostitution.girls were from Nashua & Manchester nh.

I'm including the link, has anyone seen these girls before?


Be safe out there!

06-13-12, 17:05
I used to know a girl who was 4'10 and weighed 85 pounds. She was a lot of fun to play sit and spin with. Sadly I haven't heard from her in over a year now.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Damn! She sounds perfect. See'mon, I know they are out there, where are they hiding? Anyone?

Stressed Out
06-13-12, 17:10
I finally managed to hook up with Pandora after she had to cancel on me several times. My lighting was a bit off because the location had some limitations. I had wanted to do the shoot outside, but it was too late by the time I met up with her. But Nyx has been on my ass about getting pics of Pandora, so I couldn't afford to wait for another day. I'll have to do another shoot once I have time. Now I just need to hook up with Luna.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Now HH. Why on earth would you complain about having the sweet, beautiful, sex and incredibly built Nyx on your ass? Not to mention that it was to take pics of another beautiful and sexy lady. Certainly sounds like a dream come true to me (and yes I refrained from the tacky other spelling).

Ho Hunter 328
06-13-12, 17:53
Now HH. Why on earth would you complain about having the sweet, beautiful, sex and incredibly built Nyx on your ass? Not to mention that it was to take pics of another beautiful and sexy lady. Certainly sounds like a dream come true to me (and yes I refrained from the tacky other spelling).I'm just saying the shoot could have gone better. A good percentage of the pics were unusable because of a shadow that was cast across her face. Still trying to figure out where it was coming from because I didn't notice it at all while shooting. I also caught a few orb artifacts as well in a lot of the shots. Which was strange because I'd expect something like that from a compact point and shoot camera, but not from a dslr with my lighting setup. Oh well, another excuse to get her in front of my camera again I suppose.

I'm not sure when I'll be shooting Luna, I guess Nyx has been having trouble reaching her the last few days.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

Member #4675
06-13-12, 20:30
I'm just saying the shoot could have gone better. A good percentage of the pics were unusable because of a shadow that was cast across her face. Still trying to figure out where it was coming from because I didn't notice it at all while shooting. I also caught a few orb artifacts as well in a lot of the shots. Which was strange because I'd expect something like that from a compact point and shoot camera, but not from a dslr with my lighting setup. Oh well, another excuse to get her in front of my camera again I suppose.

I'm not sure when I'll be shooting Luna, I guess Nyx has been having trouble reaching her the last few days.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.Orb artifacts? Danm sounds like an episode of "My ghost story" Yo I'm just playin with you. Look forward to more girls.

Ho Hunter 328
06-13-12, 22:45
Orb artifacts? Danm sounds like an episode of "My ghost story" Yo I'm just playin with you. Look forward to more girls.It's caused by light reflecting off of dust particles, pollen, or water droplets in the air outside of the plane of focus, which causes them to become distorted and causes a halo like effect. The usually appear as white, or semi-transparent, circles, sometimes with purple fringing or other chromatic aberrations. It happens most often when the light source (eg flash) is close to, and inline with, the camera lens. While I was using an on camera strobe as one of my light sources, it was bounced off of the ceiling and walls, which should have greatly minimized (if not eliminated) the potential for this to occur. It was not consistent, which would rule out the likelihood of dust on my lens or sensor. The shadow however is more of a puzzle, so maybe it was "paranormal activity". Or maybe it was just a strange reflection off of one of the mirrors in the room (there were two) , or the flatscreen tv. I'd say that's probably more likely.

There's your photography lesson for the day, remember to cover any mirrors when bouncing your strobes off of walls.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

06-14-12, 08:49
[QUOTE=Walls World; 1470331]Just read on wmur. Com that 12 were arrested for prostitution. Girls were from Nashua & Manchester nh.



06-14-12, 09:48
I got a great tip from a senior member on this board about Marie. After reading his review and the private msg he sent me I scraped up the very reasonable fee $. And rushed over to see her. I am glad I did. She met me at the door with a very pretty face and nice and sweet smile. The first thing she did was give me a nice open mouth soft kiss that gave me instant wood. She then told me to grab her ass because she likes that. I obliged and she said I passed the cop test. I told her that was the best test I've ever taken. I spent the next couple minutes kissing and touching her while telling her how pretty and hot she was. We got undressed and she asked me what I like. I said pretty much everything but love oral. She liked to hear that because come to find out, she loves oral too. I started out with DATY. She is shaved and tight. She loved it. At one point she asked me if I could let her just grind on my face. FANTASTIC! She then asked if I like 69."ABSOLUTELY" was my response. I spent the next 10 minutes with her yummy ass in my face and I was dining at the Y and A. Incredible! She then said."don't cum. I want to play with you more". So she then got out of the 69 position and I laid back while she gave me an most expertly performed BBBJ I had in a while. It was soft, slow, and she gave attention to the boys. I then said we better get the condom because I was getting close and wanted to have sex. She put on the condom and got on top. She insisted that I grab her ass as hard as I could and pull her down onto me. She said grabbing her ass hard really turns her on. I was loving every minute of it. We then finished doggie. Which was so hot because I got to squeeze her ass so hard and the harder I pushed the louder she moaned. I said I was going to cum and she said."cum anywhere you want, I want to see it". So I came on her ass as she watched. Very Hot.

06-14-12, 11:17
I got a great tip from a senior member on this board about Marie. After reading his review and the private msg he sent me I scraped up the very reasonable fee $. And rushed over to see her. I am glad I did. She met me at the door with a very pretty face and nice and sweet smile. The first thing she did was give me a nice open mouth soft kiss that gave me instant wood. She then told me to grab her ass because she likes that. I obliged and she said I passed the cop test. I told her that was the best test I've ever taken. I spent the next couple minutes kissing and touching her while telling her how pretty and hot she was. We got undressed and she asked me what I like. I said pretty much everything but love oral. She liked to hear that because come to find out, she loves oral too. I started out with DATY. She is shaved and tight. She loved it. At one point she asked me if I could let her just grind on my face. FANTASTIC! She then asked if I like 69."ABSOLUTELY" was my response. I spent the next 10 minutes with her yummy ass in my face and I was dining at the Y and A. Incredible! She then said."don't cum. I want to play with you more". So she then got out of the 69 position and I laid back while she gave me an most expertly performed BBBJ I had in a while. It was soft, slow, and she gave attention to the boys. I then said we better get the condom because I was getting close and wanted to have sex. She put on the condom and got on top. She insisted that I grab her ass as hard as I could and pull her down onto me. She said grabbing her ass hard really turns her on. I was loving every minute of it. We then finished doggie. Which was so hot because I got to squeeze her ass so hard and the harder I pushed the louder she moaned. I said I was going to cum and she said."cum anywhere you want, I want to see it". So I came on her ass as she watched. Very Hot.I remember seeing a Marie that kind of sounds like what you are describing. Was she a brunette? Do you know if she use to advertise on Craigslist? There is a Marie that I use to see from time to time on the south shore that was amazing and I don't' know where she went. I am hoping this is her. Could you give me a description or if you have a picture, you can PM me this if you want. I am just curious if it is here because If it is I would like to catch up with her.


06-14-12, 13:47
[QUOTE=Mojo1016; 1471001]I remember seeing a Marie that kind of sounds like what you are describing. Was she a brunette? Do you know if she use to advertise on Craigslist? There is a Marie that I use to see from time to time on the south shore that was amazing and I don't' know where she went. I am hoping this is her. Could you give me a description or if you have a picture, you can PM me this if you want. I am just curious if it is here because If it is I would like to catch up with her.

Hi Mojo. Search this site. Nrimus did a review (and a pic) She has an italian looking face and I here that she's from out of state and comes into town sparingly. No problem. I will send out her info if Nrimus says I can because it was his UTR and we swapped info.

06-14-12, 14:57
[QUOTE=Walls World; 1470331]Just read on wmur. Com that 12 were arrested for prostitution. Girls were from Nashua & Manchester nh.


+News&ith=6.That will probably do Nashua in for a while.

Richie B
06-15-12, 12:42
The RSG site has been down since yesterday evening. I wonder if there are problems. That would be too bad. They have been very dependable.

Smoke Screen
06-15-12, 16:10
I'm looking for any info on a black girl who advertises in Boston Body rubs section. I can't upload the ad but the title is Nude Massage By Petite Black Girl. No phone, email only, there are three pics with her face blurred out. Anyone have anything good or bad about her?

Member #4868
06-15-12, 19:27
The RSG site has been down since yesterday evening. I wonder if there are problems. That would be too bad. They have been very dependable.Check ThE otheR board as there is chatter. Possibly shut down, possibly by choice.

06-15-12, 21:00
Check ThE otheR board as there is chatter. Possibly shut down, possibly by choice.Mia from RSG is in a brand new ad today on ThE otheR board. The in-parentheses phrase which follows her name in the ad: "Mia (formerly of RSG)". Going to try to connect tomorrow. Will see what happens.

06-16-12, 09:59
Mia from RSG is in a brand new ad today on ThE otheR board. The in-parentheses phrase which follows her name in the ad: "Mia (formerly of RSG)". Going to try to connect tomorrow. Will see what happens.Looks like RSG is no longer. Too bad, wish Jill might have transferred the business to one of her girls. For me, it was great to have availability outside of the city. Also liked the section of the web site indicating who was in that day.

Didn't see Mia's ad on other board. Saw her not long ago, older in age but not in body. Hope you like large breasts!

06-16-12, 22:41
Mia from RSG is in a brand new ad today on ThE otheR board. The in-parentheses phrase which follows her name in the ad: "Mia (formerly of RSG)". Going to try to connect tomorrow. Will see what happens.Let us know!