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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

01-04-06, 11:15
I finally hit paydirt on 12/25/05. It was on Florida maybe 6 or 8 blocks from the semitary going towards airline in the late morning hours. She said her name was Stephanie. She was about 5' 6" with long dark hair and pretty chubby. Normally I prob. would've passed but it had been so long and I needed some relief. She was friendly enough, but too expensive for what she provided. She was 100 and normally I wouldn't have paid that but again needed some relief. Her covered BJ was not that long or that good and the rest was pretty uninspired as well. If anyone on this board sees her out and about I would recommend not picking her up. On the looks scale she was about a 5.

01-18-06, 15:34
Found a working girl by the name of Tammy in Lake Charles. I was staying at the Days INN near the Casinos and off of the interestate. Watch out for her she'll take your money and run. I was staying at the hotel and she knocked on my door and came in. She had some sad story about not having rent money at the hotel she was staying at, I think it was Lakeview Motel or something like that. I gave her some money and she asked if she got bored later if she could come and hang out later. She should back up about an hour a later and asked if I dated. She wanted more money. While my back was turned she stole money out of my wallet. She wanted a hundred for her services. I told her I already gave her some money and she said we'd work something out. She left and I went to get some more money. She should up about 45 minutes later. She gave FS for about 5-10 minutes and said that she needed to get high to enjoy it and asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint in the room. I declined to smoke in the room but would in the vehicle instead, she said that she would go and get a joint and would be back. She never came back. Beware of her, she likes to play games and comes and goes untill she takes as much money from you as possible.

Anyone know of any other ladies or areas near Lake Charles? Good luck to all and happy hunting.

Member #1892
02-22-06, 15:14
Does anyone monger in North LA?

03-01-06, 17:14
Found a working girl by the name of Tammy in Lake Charles. I was staying at the Days INN near the Casinos and off of the interestate. Watch out for her she'll take your money and run. I was staying at the hotel and she knocked on my door and came in. She had some sad story about not having rent money at the hotel she was staying at, I think it was Lakeview Motel or something like that. I gave her some money and she asked if she got bored later if she could come and hang out later. She should back up about an hour a later and asked if I dated. She wanted more money. While my back was turned she stole money out of my wallet. She wanted a hundred for her services. I told her I already gave her some money and she said we'd work something out. She left and I went to get some more money. She should up about 45 minutes later. She gave FS for about 5-10 minutes and said that she needed to get high to enjoy it and asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint in the room. I declined to smoke in the room but would in the vehicle instead, she said that she would go and get a joint and would be back. She never came back. Beware of her, she likes to play games and comes and goes untill she takes as much money from you as possible.

Anyone know of any other ladies or areas near Lake Charles? Good luck to all and happy hunting.

I'm sorry dude, but you set yourself up to get scammed by this tramp. No one to blame but yourself. Give them an inch, they will take a mile.

Any action in Lake Charles? Will be heading there next week.


03-29-06, 18:51
Well it is official. Lake Chalres is dead. Haven't seen anything since Rita rolled on through. Use to see a little on Broad. Mostly very low quality. Not worth even looking at. If anyone out there have any information on Lake Charles, Lafayette, or Baton Rouge, it would be greatly appreciated.

PC John
05-25-06, 23:18
I used to spend time in and around Monroe a couple of years ago. There was a lot going on there about ten years ago but a new chief of police cut it down to almost nothing.

It used to be good down on DeSaird St from about 6th street to 14th and over on all the numbered streets to Breard Street. Later on it was anywhere from 18th street on Louisville all the way out to Hiway 139. You might see one or two most anytime and especially out across from the university. Hasn't been much though and I haven't been back in two plus years. You might also try Cypress street in West Monroe just across the bridge to 7th street.

Good luck,

Just Another John

05-29-06, 00:13
Anyone know af any action in this area?

06-20-06, 08:27
Long time member/looker. Living in leesville sucks no action at all, will try tonight a few spot that might pan out.

06-27-06, 05:50
I found that Hwy 24 North of 182has a little action. I have seen a few obvious BSW's but they are just not my thing. Night before last I spotted a WSW blond hair slim maybe a 5 on the SW Scale. I looped back to line something up with her for an hour later. She seemed awfully anxious, but I could not take her with me where I needed to go at the time. I set it up and came back in an hour, and she was not there. I checked back maybe every 5 - 10 minutes for 3 times and she didn't show back up. We didn't talk price yet, but I got the feeling she could be had for .15 or .20... If I catch her out again I will let you all know.

I have been spotting a "regular" possibly WSW on 24 South of 182 AND the intracoastal. She looks a little like she might just be homeless. I have spotted her somewhat dressed up like she was up to something. I will report back as to what she turns out to be as soon as I can see her when I don't have company with me.

Are there any Houma Mongers here?

Captain M
09-15-06, 00:48
I was in town for work and made a visit to one of the 2005 posted clubs. I hesitate to be too open, since LE might take advantage.

Nice place, but you better have a pocket full of cash or a cc that you don't mind abusing. The best thing happening here is the VIP and the waitresses. Saw some cuties, some ok girls. The cuties were mainly working what appeared to be their regulars. The dancers varies just as in most clubs, all sizes and attitudes. Some dancers give awesome minute dances if you're into that. Other than the VIP $225 for 1/2 hr(75 room+150 dancer and probably would want a tip), the couch dances are the most expensive of any place I've been. Maybe in a city like NY or Dallas that's ok, but it's a bit tall for me.

12 to get in. Beer 5.75 is almost the price of liquor 6.75. If you try to be a "nice guy" and buy the dancer a drink, get ready for the jacked up "cocktail" $15-$16. The couch dances are $40 each. Mileage available, but the best offer is for the VIP. BJ was offered. I did not partake due to the fact I had limits on the total $. I did not pursue any other options. I've read the possibilities of to-go, I see the potential even though I wasn't offered or make any attempts for such. From what I saw I would be very cautious of what activity is engaged, I get the impression a visit to the DR. may be the next visit.

A little disappointed due to the cost. I may return on another trip, at least I'll be prepared for the sticker shock.

Gotta Luv a purfumed stripper.

09-17-06, 22:14
Was in Lafayette Saturday. Was not really looking, but I saw what appeared to be a WSW on University. She was stumbling down the sidewalk, and she looked high as a kite. The action in Lafayette has been down as of late. I have checkd on Cameron Street with no luck. I have checked near the frontage roads with no luck, and I have checked by the local no tel motels with no luck, can anyone steer me in the right direction.

09-24-06, 15:59
I will be in Baton Rouge on 9-26-06, can anyone lead me to a good location to find something. Last time I went, I could not find anything of interest and settled for that Asia Massage Place just east of the bridge on 190. Would appreciate any hot spot news. I will be staying in Lobdell. I have read a report about one of the gentlemen's clubs there. The question I have, is it any good? Anyway, I will be in the area and any information will be helpful.

10-09-06, 23:13
Well. Lake Charles is still looking dead. I was on Broad Street this evening, and all I saw was an cracked out SW who looked 50. Did not waste my time. Hope others are doing better.

10-14-06, 12:22
Went to Lafayette on a trip back from Baton Rouge, Dead. The two place that I thought I would find something were a bust. Heard that the cops had shut down a lot of the usual haunts. The Treasure Inn on the Frontage Road use to be a virtual ***** house. You could drive by and see girls in the window trying to attract attention. I remember a time before Rita when there were at least 12 to 15 girls hanging out there. The ages ranged from 18 to 40 (at least the ones I had). Anyway, if this place gets back up, or if anyone out there knows of anyother place, please let me know. There was another place on the other side of Evangeline Thru way, but have not seen anything in over a year. I got lucky and picked up a very pretty 19 year old. She was looking for a room so for a favor, I gave her the money to rent one. I miss the days when providers were easy to fine.

11-05-06, 03:02
Lake Charles is still dead. Went looking this evening and did not find a thing. Take that back. Did see a very bad looking WSW who looked like she was strung out for a very long time. Broad Street use to be a good place to look, now nothing. Not too much out there these days. Will keep you all posted if I do find anything worth mentioning.

11-22-06, 12:53
After a long dry spell in Lake Charles, I finally found a WSW who was actually acceptable. I would call her a good solid 8 on the looks department. Well, maybe not that high, but I was just excited to see something out there that was below the age of 80 and not completely strung out on crack. Her name was April, and she said she was 20 (very young for Lake Charles). Found her on Bunker Street (haven't seen anything there in a very long time). Short girl. Dark blonde hair. Not fat or skinny. Nice tits. Found a very quiet place and for 60 received very good service. She was very nice, which is why I kind of wondered why she was doing what she was doing. Had I met her in any where else or any other way, I would have been tempted to follow up and get to know her a lot better. But, I was burnt once by a SW who I thought was different. Turns out she was not, and ended up stealing from me. I don't really want to go through that again, but I wish I do would have gotten a way to contact her. She is definitely worth looking for again.

12-12-06, 19:49
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about Monroe? Has anyone heard anything about any"activity" at the Red Door? Now please do not quote me on that but I kinda heard a rumor about it. Anything else about monroe? I never hear anything about it at all?

Thanks for your time guys


12-21-06, 22:27
Went to a club in Carencro the other night. Had a good time. Met a very nice and intelligent girl (go figure). We had a great time (at least I did). Went back last night. Did not find the same girl, but was hassled by a girl wanting to give me a 50 dollar lap dance. For that price she found no takers. Then she came back and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the VIP. At her prices I said no. I had no idea that each individual girl could set her price for lap dances. I was quoted any where from 20 to 50 dollars. What is the deal. Towards the end of the evening, the same girl came back and offered a 30 dollar dance. Had she started at 30 she may have gotten me. I thought I had found a good place, but now I am not sure.

12-29-06, 13:31
Went to a hole in the wall place in Lake Charles. Located on HYW 190. The place was dead as can be. Only two girls working. Bartender was constantly bugging customers to buy over priced drinks for the girls. Only good thing about this place was the 20 dollar lap dances. Girls are not knock outs, but they are not dogs either. Did not try to ask one about extras, although I am sure they can be had. Other than this place the Lake Charles area is dead.

12-29-06, 13:35
Over the Hollidays, I went back to that place in Carencro. I did learn that for a price, you can have full service in the VIP room, although in hind sight, I would not recommend it, because it can be rather expensive. She quoted me a price for VIP which sounded reasonable, but when it was all said and done, it was not really worth it. In the room, she undressed, and did a little dance. She then unzipped my pants, gave me a half-ass blow job, then proceeded to ride. She was rushing me the whole time, telling me that I had to be quick about it. Would not do this again.

Cajun Nole
01-05-07, 21:12

That place in Lake Charles on HWY 90 is called Geaux-Geaux's, and it is terrible. I've been in there a few times, and when there were girls working there, they were 5's. It's always dark as night in there, with the most rediculous lighting. As for extras, I'm pretty sure absolutely anything you want is available, either there or to go.

The guy who runs it looks like Gallagher if he really let himself go, and he is indeed always hustling. I understand that there's a lack of quality girls since Hurricane Rita, but this place was crappy before then.

The Foxy Lady used to be the best place in town, as far as extras went. The girls were definitely not lookers, but they worked hard to earn every dollar they could. Sadly, it is no longer.

01-06-07, 12:58
Cajun Nole,

I agree. The Foxy Lady was a good place. Wasn't fancy, and didn't have drop dead beautiful girls, but it did have personality. No one hustled you to buy drinks. The couple who ran it was very nice. Sometimes I would go just to talk to the bartender, he always had very good stories. Also, I got to know most of the girls without being bugged to buy them drinks every second. Most of them were very nice. I even helped one of them with school work (yes, a stripper who actually really went to school). Also, the private dances were fun. I never tried to get extras there, although I am pretty sure they could have been had there. In my opinion Foxy Ladies is the kind of place that you could go to and relax. I do know that the couple who ran it did leave before the storm and the people who took it over were not as good. I was not impressed, and did not return after I found out that management had changed. Shortly there after, it shut down. Anyway, if I could find a place like Foxy Lady, I would be a regular. I just wish I knew where some of these Foxy Lady girls were so I could get in contact with them.

Anyway, you are right about Geaux Geaux's. I went the other night to check it out again, and I will say this much, if they did not hustle to sell drinks every two seconds and let you sit and hang out, they would be a lot more successful than they are. There was only like 2 customers there, and the bartender could not figure out why. They should really take a lesson from the Old Foxy Lady, and improve the athmosphere of the place.

02-08-07, 22:43
I'm moving to Leesville in a few months. Any usefull information on locations or bars in the area? I remember there being a strip club in town but have no idea if it's any good. Any info at all would be appreciated.

02-17-07, 21:09
I go to Alexandria about 5 times a year and I have never seen any action. I mean nod zip there is one strip joint, but the girls were rough 4-5 maybe. Does anyone know any hookups.



02-18-07, 21:51
The few times I have been to Alexandria, I only know of that one strip club, called Sugar and spice. I have never seen any action.

02-22-07, 23:48
I finally got around to going to the Plantation in Sulphur. I was not sure what to expect, but I did enjoy myself on my first trip, and I went back a few more times. This place has some very nice looking girls. Some are friendly, some are be***hes, and some are just looking for the money. They do have a rather pricey champaigne room (250 for 1/2 an hour). I was curious, so when approached by one of the girls who promised that I would not regret it, I agreed to the terms and paid the price. I was not disappointed with her. I left satisfied. Went back a few more times, and really enjoyed the surroundings. I got to learn which girls are good and which ones are rip 0ff artists. Good place, but expensive.

02-27-07, 20:31
I'm moving to Houma very soon. Any tips or pointers?

04-15-07, 14:29
Went to Desperados near Lafayette the other night. It was a slow night inside the place. I was approached by a black and a white waitress. Both offering me service that they say will make me happy. They are pushing the VIP room. Both tell me that the VIP is better than a lap dance because I can actually do much more with them. I was skeptical. I was in that VIP once before, and was unsatisfied. Well, after a while, I took decided to try one. I was going to go for one of the few dancers they had that night, but she was busy with a group. I took the white waitress on. She was attractive. I would say around 30ish. Had a decent experience. Nothing too great. BBBJ and a standard sitting down position. Was not really what I liked, but guess it would have to do. I really wish that someone would get around the LE and government and find a way to build AMP's in the area. The only one that I know of in the area is on 190 going towards Baton Rouge, and I already reported that it is going down fast. Anyway, if anyone knows of any places or providers in the Baton Rouge, Lafayette, or Lake Charles area, I would love to hear from you.

06-02-07, 14:08

Lake Charles is still dead. This is a warning. Stay away from Geaux Geaux's. This is the biggest rip off joint in the area. The manager is a sleaze. His soul purpose is to push over priced drinks. He gets very offensive when you tell him no. He needs to realize that the reason why his parking lot is always empty is because he has a bad attitude. Also the girls there are ugly as sin. What this guy needs to do is take a lesson from the old Foxy Lady. That was a great place. Friendly staff. Decent girls. Why did Rita have to destroy it. Anyway. That is my rant. Stay away from Geaux Geauxs. If I had the money. I would definitly re-open Foxy Lady. The only other place in the area is the Plantation. Pretty girls but pricy. Anyway. That is the latest I have on Lake Charles.

Cajun Nole
06-06-07, 01:03
Cka1234, Geaux Geaux's is perhaps the worst club I've ever been to in my live. I don't know how it stays open. At most there is one girl working, and working is a bit of a stretch. The place exists to get guys to buy $25 drinks for the girl. The owner must own the land and pay no rent and mininal utilities, so his costs are almost nothing.

I've been in there a few times, and never had anything but a terrible experience. I can only imagine this place is still open because it costs nothing to run, and people don't want to drive to Sulphur. To tell the truth, I'd rather drive the hour to Beaumont and go to any of the clubs there than spend any time or money in this dive.

06-06-07, 17:03

You have hit the nail on the head. The worst club in Beaumont is better than anything that Lake Charles has to offer. I may take a page out of your play book and take the ride myself.

06-14-07, 22:15
Been seeing some decent white SW around NE evangline. Keep reading the paper to see if there is a sting OP going down. So far. Nothing. Someone hit me back w/ a pm if they know of anything.

06-18-07, 18:20
Does anyone know of a club on I-20 between Mound and Monroe where SW's can be picked up. Will be in area this weekend. Don't call escorts I leave them along. Usual you can find some just as good on the streets. Any info would be appreciated. PM me.

07-07-07, 01:25
Two nights ago I want to the centerfold next to a few bars, and only one older gal was working the Korean lady behind the bar was better looking but no action to be had that night.

07-08-07, 02:59
Desperado's in Carencro is beginning to look like the place to be in the area. From what I see, all girls in there (Dancers and waitresses) do play for a fee. I think that the secret is to talk to them, and let them bring it up, and then ask for the price...If the price is too high, just let them know that you are not willing to go that high. THey will be back with another offer within a few minutes. Been with 5 girls there (3 dancers and 2 waitresses). Had 3 good experiences, one so so, and one really bad one. Good place to be if you really need a fix.

Cajun Nole
07-10-07, 02:04
What kind of price range do things go for there? Any details would be greatly appreciated.

08-23-07, 13:37
There is a new girl working at the place asked for a dance and all she did was just moved her hips.Did not take off top whatever you do don't go . OH she wares glasses Best bet is next door to spots.

Iva Bigun
08-24-07, 01:55
Will be around the Lake Charles and Crowley areas this coming Saturday night. Thought about going to some of the casinos and see if there was any action to partake in. Was at a casino in Kinder back in 98 and had a great session in the parking lot with a BSW that I met inside.

Anybody know of anything going on? Feel free to PM me if you would prefer.

Iva B.

08-24-07, 18:01
There is nothing that I know of in the Lake Charles area. This area has been dead for years. If you are in the Crowley area, you may want to take the drive to Carencro, LA and hit Desperados. There are always girls there that are willing to provide extras. In Sulphur, you may want to hit the Plantation. A couple of the girls there will play for a price.

08-30-07, 02:58
Got a little useful info for the area. PM for details.

12-18-07, 19:10
Does anyone out there know if anything is happening in Lafayette. The only place that I can think of is Desperado's. It use to be good, but last time I went the girls were asking for way too much. Once upon a time, I had one of the girls phone numbers and saw her outside the club a few times. She has long since moved on. I will be in Lafayette tomorrow evening and if anyone from the area knows of any spots to check out, I would appreciate it very much.

12-26-07, 11:50
I have visited Alexandria three times in the last six months.

On my last trip through, I saw a BSW that I'd have risked a pull over for. Classic ghetto booty and definitely working. She was on McArthur by the old video store. However, I was late for a meeting and couldn't stop.

After that meeting, I made my way north on 167. There at the gas station where BR 167 breaks off to the right were two BSW. I got the look, pulled in, and a 20-something cutie with nice tits jumped in. Called herself Angel. We did the necessary ID checks, and I negotiated a BBBJ for $20.

Talented cocksucker. Slow, sweet, hot, no teeth.

Nice town y'all have there!

01-01-08, 16:29
I've got some info for Leesville that I'll share with senior members. Also, I've heard some rumors about a place in town that I'd like to discuss with some senior members to confirm or deny without making it public just yet.

Don Quixote19
02-26-08, 07:32
Agreed that the action in Alexandria is not much the last few years. Bolton Avenue from Rapides down to Masonic is the most likely but a lot of Leo (the station is right in the middle of the route) and mostly crackhead BSW that obviously wave at the cars. A no-no for me.

It's a bit of a dangerous area at night. Hint. Try Monroe Street off the upper end of Bolton. Sometimes you find some who are not regular SW but it's a very poor area with the projects and some talent who needs food for the kids may decide to let a decent looking troller pick them up.

I had a dream that I ran into Latonya who fit the above profile. Sweet wide hips, great legs and boobs. "My old man and I are arguing. " Went to a local motel and had a great GFE for a couple hours with great FS, BBBJ etc. She was a 6. 5 on a regular scale and 9 on a BSW scale.

I'd appreciate any information on Leesville.

04-02-08, 04:54
Well, this is my first post so here goes. I went trolling through Alex, going on the advice of the prior posts. Once on Bolton I had no problem choosing from 3 or 4 BSWs. All were a little thick for my taste, but I needed a quick release. I chose the cutest, a late 20's girl with a pretty face. She said her name was Deja, and she was from Dallas. I saw a guy, most likely pimp, hanging in the backround. I picked her up, and after following her maze like directions we ended up on a deserted street in front of a boarded house. After exchange of pleasantaries, she asked me to pull my pants Down. I let my erection do the thinking and gave her a .40. She didn't hesitate to give me the best bbbj of my life. Maybe I should switch off of the stick girls in favor of a few fatties. She upselled a CIM midway for another .20 which I coulnt say no. A few minutes later she got what I paid for and spit it out of the car. Frendly girl, but only a 4-5 in looks. A 10 for talent though.

04-04-08, 19:01
I go to Alex alot but my problem with cruzen is i have a big truck the le sure looks at me a lot and its hard to get around there i have been looking for a local for several years but still no luck. I will be there next week ,ill let you guys know if i turn up anything.

06-09-08, 23:44
Don't know if this will help you or not but there is a small truckstop on I49 exit 90 where I witnessed some WSW working a couple of months ago. They were pretty lo key and did not look like the typical cracked out girls. I have passed thru Alexandria quite a bit and never expected any girls over there until that night. I had been there most of the day but did not notice the girls until about 10 that night. Hope this helps.

I go to Alex alot but my problem with cruzen is i have a big truck the le sure looks at me a lot and its hard to get around there i have been looking for a local for several years but still no luck. I will be there next week ,ill let you guys know if i turn up anything.

Don Quixote19
06-20-08, 19:58
Don't know if this will help you or not but there is a small truckstop on I49 exit 90 where I witnessed some WSW working a couple of months ago. They were pretty lo key and did not look like the typical cracked out girls. I have passed thru Alexandria quite a bit and never expected any girls over there until that night. I had been there most of the day but did not notice the girls until about 10 that night. Hope this helps.Schnapple, thanks for the info.

I wondered if that place ever had any "truck stop judys."

I cruised by there a couple nights ago and no action but those girls may just have been passing through and if they weren't cracked out, would not be out there every night anyway.

Did see a new WSW on Bolton up by Monroe. Rather hefty but young, firm and not rode hard and put up wet. The area was crawling with Leo so I didn't risk a pickup ... come to find out earlier in the some kid had pulled a gun on a cop and the cop shot him - that explained Leo.

07-17-08, 21:27
Had a interesting daydream that I stopped by the Pegasus last night. Ran into a dancer on her way out early and offered her a ride. She offered me a private dance at the hotel for $$. Very nice, no rush and very skilled BBBJ to start. Will share name with members who have actually posted. PM for details. Also heard from the owner of centerfolds that a couple of asian women from Houston were coming over to work there.

Frank Man
07-21-08, 02:40
Does anyone know where to look in Lafayette right now? I saw some talent today on the north side (Evangeline & Taft area), but am not comfortable stopping until I get some feedback. Also, I went to Deperados recently and was not impressed with the service - looks were strong though.

07-23-08, 20:58
Last week at lunch there were 2 WSW working the gas station on Evangeline a few blocks south of I-10 on the west side of the street. The service station is next to a cheap motel on the service road. I was in the company vehicle, so I couldn't risk being seen with a hooker getting in the truck, so I parked, went inside to by a soft drink and chatted up the ladies as I was walking out.

My hope was that one of them had a room at the adjacent hotel and that we could walk back to their room for a bj or a lunchtime quickie. No such luck on the room and the truck was out of the question (I like my job). Maybe next time I'm in Lafayette.

Both were paranoid that I was a cop, even after seeing me get out of the well known company vehicle! The young blonde is 20ish and has some baby fat on her, but still looks nice and firm. The brunette may be hispanic, has very nice tits and looks to be in her early 30s with some mileage, but still very fuckable.

Does anyone know where to look in Lafayette right now? I saw some talent today on the north side (Evangeline & Taft area), but am not comfortable stopping until I get some feedback. Also, I went to Deperados recently and was not impressed with the service - looks were strong though.

07-28-08, 22:27
I found a sweet little white young thing there by the Air Base Rd truck stop 2 weeks ago. Her name is Krystal and she looks to be in her early twenties and abut 110 pounds with a perfect little ass and nice little titties. She was hanging out near the the truck stop lot and the non-chain motel. She gave me a nice bbbj with totally unrushed covered full service for 50 back in my room. At first she was a little dry, but once we lubed her tight little pussy up, she really took a pounding well and even came shortly before I did.

I have her cell phone number for contributing senior members that are interested.

Don't know if this will help you or not but there is a small truckstop on I49 exit 90 where I witnessed some WSW working a couple of months ago. They were pretty lo key and did not look like the typical cracked out girls. I have passed thru Alexandria quite a bit and never expected any girls over there until that night. I had been there most of the day but did not notice the girls until about 10 that night. Hope this helps.

Don Quixote19
08-02-08, 21:34
I found a sweet little white young thing there by the Air Base Rd truck stop 2 weeks ago. Her name is Krystal and she looks to be in her early twenties and abut 110 pounds with a perfect little ass and nice little titties. She was hanging out near the the truck stop lot and the non-chain motel. She gave me a nice bbbj with totally unrushed covered full service for 50 back in my room. At first she was a little dry, but once we lubed her tight little pussy up, she really took a pounding well and even came shortly before I did.

I have her cell phone number for contributing senior members that are interested.I just got back in from checking it out. No sign of her tonight but I wouldn't expect her to be out all the time.

GT, is she local to Alexandria?

I'm not quite a senior member but I'm an Alexandria local well acquainted for years with the local mongering scene and I'd be very happy to share.

I'd sure appreciate the digits.

Cajun Zex
08-03-08, 23:10
Any extras available with massage services in Lafayette? I have yet to find any, although there are several listings that come up on AreaConnect under a "sensual massage" search.

08-04-08, 17:12
There is nothing in the way of massages or extras in the Lafayette arear. The street sence is hit or miss. Lately it has been more miss than hit.

08-23-08, 10:13
Mr Rmcky,

Before you try to bad mouth me, I must let these fine fellows know, my reviews speak for themselves. Also you may want to mention you got banned from another board for all your threats and paranoid thoughts, not only towards me but to that boards moderator.


08-23-08, 16:43
Mr Rmcky,

Before you try to bad mouth me, I must let these fine fellows know, my reviews speak for themselves. Also you may want to mention you got banned from another board for all your threats and paranoid thoughts, not only towards me but to that boards moderator.


My story, your reviews. At least my story has a little truth to it. My playground here, Sweetie. We're on level ground here, unlike at your playground where you succeeded in getting me banned. Sorry to raise your ire again, but you were the underhanded one, not me. Everything I've had to say is above board and in the open, unlike you, who felt your lies should be behind my back. Listen, I'm not getting into another pissing match with you here. It's obvious you're much better at that than me. Remember, you're a squirter and I'm not. I would suggest you leave what happened at the other board off this one, though. I'm sure you wouldn't understand etiquet at all, but it's usually frowned upon to bring up another board's business. I've been careful not to and think you might be well served doing the same. Additionally, just for the record, it's usually considered bad form for a prostitute to contact a John without them requesting that contact. Now, that's about all I have to say to you. Goodbye!

Don Quixote19
08-24-08, 12:58
New development: There seem to be several interesting WSW around North Bolton in Alexandria.

The bad news is: they seem to congregate in one group around a convenience store with a bunch of street rats. I haven't even tried to make a pickup because of that.

In Alexandria, that type of congregating attracts leo like a flame attracts moths.

08-25-08, 23:01
My story, your reviews. At least my story has a little truth to it. My playground here, Sweetie. We're on level ground here, unlike at your playground where you succeeded in getting me banned. Sorry to raise your ire again, but you were the underhanded one, not me. Everything I've had to say is above board and in the open, unlike you, who felt your lies should be behind my back. Listen, I'm not getting into another pissing match with you here. It's obvious you're much better at that than me. Remember, you're a squirter and I'm not. I would suggest you leave what happened at the other board off this one, though. I'm sure you wouldn't understand etiquet at all, but it's usually frowned upon to bring up another board's business. I've been careful not to and think you might be well served doing the same. Additionally, just for the record, it's usually considered bad form for a prostitute to contact a John without them requesting that contact. Now, that's about all I have to say to you. Goodbye!

I don’t know what exactly was said but I can offer this to the skills of Lexi. The words service with a smile come to mind along with a drenching after effect. If you don’t know what I am talking about I would suggest seeing her in person.

And a side note. More posts equates to more experience which means my playground my rules also.

08-28-08, 19:46
I don’t know what exactly was said but I can offer this to the skills of Lexi. The words service with a smile come to mind along with a drenching after effect. If you don’t know what I am talking about I would suggest seeing her in person.

And a side note. More posts equates to more experience which means my playground my rules also.

I'm so glad you're so wise, especially considering you didn't even bother to ask what the problem was. You're certainly a very valuable senior member with a ton of posts, aren't you?

Well, I guess all of her friends have spoken now. Shame they didn't care to be informed, because none of them asked. I'm glad they think a lot of her, though. Apparently, many do.

I'll guarantee you I didn't do anything, period. Except for sitting in my house minding my own business. She contacted me out of the blue. I didn't know her from Adam. I absolutely never asked anyone to check with her for a reference on me. Hell, I've never even met her, why would I? I haven't attacked her at all in public and I'll guarantee you I haven't done a bad thing, period. Since you like her and don't care to know what she did, I'll just have to respect that. A few people were interested and I did share my story. Not sure if it had an impact or not, but I can't be concerned with that. This is an information sharing site and I shared what happened to me. I even took special care to make it as nice as I could, which was not pleasant for me. I didn't intend to harm her business, but I can guarantee you that you'd be more than concerned at her actions, if they happened to you. I suppose this chapter is closed for now, unless anyone else is interested. If they are, I'll share my story until the interest goes away. The rest of you should enjoy her, because she probably is a good time, if you don't cross her. I really wouldn't know.

09-01-08, 21:44
I'm not taking sides, but I do have a few words of wisdom for Lexilove and Rmcky. Remember, arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics. Even if you win, you'll still look retarded.

09-02-08, 11:15
I'm not taking sides, but I do have a few words of wisdom for Lexilove and Rmcky. Remember, arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics. Even if you win, you'll still look retarded.

Yes, you're absolutely right. Sorry to have fallen into her trap again. I should have simply stated the facts and ignored anything her or her friends had to say. She seems to think her reputation will carry her and anything anyone else says will be taken as BS. I sincerely hope she's wrong.

At any rate, the fact still remains that she and her friends posted someone's personal information on an escort blacklist site saying that person was a known LE collaborator. That person happens to be me. I don't know any of these people and they certainly don't know a thing about me. None of us have ever met and never will. Unfortunately, I don't have any way of correcting this BS, since the site is only open to escorts, so I'm sure it will live there for posterity. I just want others to know and understand just what this person is capable of, if she feels she's been crossed.

I didn't set out to cross her, but did fall into her sick trap and did just that. She started this whole thing and all I did was call her hand, so I guess she felt I just had to pay the price. I notice she doesn't have much to say now that the facts have been stated in the open. I wish I had done that to begin with and simply ignored the responses. Unfortunately, she does seem to push my buttons. I've learned a valuable lesson, though. She never was worth arguing with and I'll try not to do it any more, however I will continue to defend myself should she come back with more BS. If I look like a clown, so be it. I'm sure I've looked like worse.

Don Quixote19
09-17-08, 08:15
Guys, she'll be in Lafayette a few more days, I think.

Definitely the ultimate GFE - well worth the benjamin twice.

Of course, I dreamed it all up.


09-18-08, 13:15
Guys, she'll be in Lafayette a few more days, I think.

Definitely the ultimate GFE - well worth the benjamin twice.

Of course, I dreamed it all up.

http://lafayette.craigslist.org/ers/841011919.htmlI wonder if she will make a stop in BR?

09-20-08, 19:49
I was in Alex this afternoon and decided to check out Bolton. Saw one WSW in front of the dollar store trying to wave people down. Also I stopped for gas and a coke and had a girl approach me, wink and ask for a ride. Since she looked too young, I declined. Drove past the truckers hotel off exit 90 and saw a few possibles, but didn't have time to check them out.

I've had a few take out offers from some dancers at the strip club in Leesville. A word of warning, be cautious with a dancer named Shanti. She's nice, but tries to hustle $40 tips extra per dance. All she does is a crappy handjob for a few mins. And keep an eye on who the bouncer is watching the booths. Some don't pay attention at all, and some will watch you like a hawk. Depending on who the bouncer is, you could get some high milage dances.

Also have encountered a few women at Reflections who give high milage dances, with extras available from a few. But since they aren't the best looking in town, and dances are $60 per song, I don't reccomend it unless you really need to get your rocks off.

And that's about all I have for now. Anyone had any luck in Leesville? I know that there has to be some action, just haven't had luck finding it.

10-26-08, 18:47
Gonna go do a little gambling next weekend. Are there any good night spots for some play.

Place Holder for Name Change
10-29-08, 09:46
Sorry for the multiple posts, It did not post for a while, so I thought it didnt go thru.

11-20-08, 15:46
I will be in Sliddell/LaCombe area next week. Any info on black, white, asian or latino women would be helpful.

Nully Nill
12-09-08, 20:20
I'm trying to find some amps around but have found nothing. This website usually has it all but maybe someone can direct me to some info. Pms are welcome.

Mason Tazz
03-31-09, 19:49
Sorry but don't know where to post these but need some info on sw in Lake Charles where and wat time about. I'm originaly from corpus christi tx. Here around the Louisiana area cause of work any info or phone #s would be greatly appriciated.

04-01-09, 19:42
There is absolutely nothing in Lake Charles. Broad Street use to be your best bet to find some very low level crackwhores. Now that is even gone. Because of recent a busts, craigslist is not a good source. The only strip bar is the Plantation in Sulphur. That is very hit or miss. Charge $300 for VIP with no touching. Not a good deal.

Happy hunting

Mason Tazz
04-03-09, 02:13
Thanks for info ck.

If you ever find your self in Corpus Christi Tx.

Let me know.

04-13-09, 22:00
I was in the Pegasus the other night trying to find a dancer willing for some after hours fun (there are a few). I noticed that alot of dancers were pushing to go into the VIP area behind the bar. I know how hard it is to get a good high milage lap dance in the booths (unless you bribe the bouncers), but was wondering if anyone had an experience worth sharing in the VIP. There were a few 'dancers' that were providing extras at Reflections, but things have seemed to have dried up lately. Anybody else have any good information to share on the area?

Also, anybody been around Alexandria lately?

04-26-09, 19:21
Moving to Natchez soon for a one year work contract. Could I get some help to find a Provider and or AMP Girls in this area?

05-31-09, 18:34
I have arrived in Natchez. No AMP that I can find so far. Help me out guyz.

07-02-09, 00:05
Will be in Lafaette next month and need info as to what is going on in that area.

PM me or post here.


Teabag X
07-25-09, 09:07
I'm gonna be stuck in Lafayette for a couple of days and need some intertainment.

Anybody got a line on a petite white, spanish, or mixed girl in that area?

I'm hoping so ! My brothers, I hand you a project. Help a trucker get laid!

07-27-09, 13:42
I believe that I may have found a woman in Baker who is interested on plentyofish.com
Working on a rondezvous now.
Slim pickings around Natchez/Vidalia unless you drove to Jackson or Baton Rouge. Hattieburg seems to have a good AMP called Kings but that is a bit far.
Even locals here say they never heard of any providers working Natchez or Vidalia.

08-17-09, 14:53
Found a provider on TER in BTR. Took a Sunday stroll. A good time was had by all. e mail for details or check out TER Angie in 225 area code.

08-24-09, 14:08
Got an e mail from Angie today. Seems her computer was on the fritz.

08-29-09, 17:29
Found Gloria on AFF. E mailed her and set up an outcall. She came to my place for multiples. Late thirties, bit heavy. Not that exciting but I bonked her twice in the hour. $.6 total.

09-05-09, 11:08
OMG, Gloria just knocked on my door. She did not check her message where I told her I was not going to be available today. Anyway she was looking good fresh from the shower and ready for action. It was hard to pass on but I sent her on her way. You can find her info on AFF search 39120 W/I 25 miles. Gloria. If you have a love nest she will deliver with no upcharge for travel. MSOG, bbbjcim, $.6 no rush.

09-06-09, 17:49
Had Gloria from AFF come back today. Same as the first encounter except somehow better. She was a little more relaxed. Multi "O"s MSOG, bbbj. Pretty good skills. $.5 for the hour+ entertainment. Not a clock watcher.

09-06-09, 20:02
There is a good hunt over at the I-90 Motel; I have been twice and had a pretty good time with two young ladies who room together.

Go to the Motel and ask for 'the girls' and you should be hooked up.

Well worth it - I have been two times and counting.Just wondering if you could give us a few more details on these ladies. body types, age, race, etc

Don Quixote19
09-08-09, 21:07
Hello fellow mongerers.

It's been awhile since I posted; not much going on in central Louisiana.

However, I'm in Lafayette this week for my job and thought I'd share. They have me put up in a hotel in the Pinhook area so after work I thought I'd get out and scout around. I heard Lafayette has been dead the last few years as far as SW action.

I was surprised.

Just for the hell of it I headed for old times' sake to my old haunt from the early nineties--Cameron off University.

I saw one black SW a little on the heavy side but nice body--6-7 on a SW scale. Saw a nice WSW; spinner, dark hair and eyes and she gave me the "look." Further up University I saw a blonde WSW with nice long hair, nice body but looked rode hard in the face.

I did not try a pickup. In this hotel, I'd have to walk right by the front desk and even a nicer looking SW is pretty obvious in that setting. I guess I'm getting more cautious as I'm getting older; I just don't pick up many SW these days.

But I wanted to share for you guys that are interested. In a brief troll, I saw 3 SW definitely doable. So maybe the SW action in Laffy isn't as bad as some say.

Do be careful out there. I understand Leo is pretty active down here.

Hot 4x4
09-15-09, 07:40
Broad street is out, dangerous with Leo and Barney. Try 4th and 6th Avenues running south off of Broad. Between broad and Hwy 90 is a convenience store, worth watching. Spotted 20 something crossing the Hwy 14 from the store heading west on side street. I made the block, she hopped in without question and right a way asked what I wanted. Got the full booty for 20. She had to fairly new to the business, but I got what I wanted. Definitely would do her again, have to give her an 8 on looks and 5 on service. She needs to learn to blow.

On 6th Ave, picked up an older lady she claimed to be 42, but had a nice shape. She told me she had some kind of cancer. She was friendly and could be a great girl friend. She was definitely not a pro and just down on her luck. I had full service about 6 times before she disappeared. Have not seen her on the street nor at the house she was living in. Her name is Karen.

09-24-09, 18:54
Anyone popping Gloria from AFF except me. $150 FS, MSOG, BBBJCIM outcall only. Any other new girl info from 39120 would be nice.

11-01-09, 17:01
Does anyone have any experience with Christy who advertises on CL? She is the only one posting services. She requires that you register on an agency site which requires a $1.00 contribution to receive the Providers telephone number. Christy replies by e mail and answers all questions (without registration) but will not take an appoinment without the registration. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll register and go ahead with the 2.5 hr drive to see her. Any intel would be greatly appreciated.

11-02-09, 08:21
Does anyone have any experience with Christy who advertises on CL? She is the only one posting services. She requires that you register on an agency site which requires a $1.00 contribution to receive the Providers telephone number. Christy replies by e mail and answers all questions (without registration) but will not take an appoinment without the registration. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll register and go ahead with the 2.5 hr drive to see her. Any intel would be greatly appreciated.

My experience with providers that require you to join something is that they are a scam, plain and simple. If you are weak enough to do what she says, watch your cc bill for recurring charges to some worthless porn site. That's usually the game they play and, I'll be willing to wager you won't ever meet anyone. Real providers won't ever ask you to join anything. They may ask that you get processed by a website, such as escorts 411 for verification, but you can usually work around that, if you try. As long as you have good references to offer, that should be sufficient. Let us know how this works out for you, though, because that info will help someone else keep from getting scammed.

11-08-09, 12:40
CKY, You were 100% right about this. Never did get a reply to any more e mails after I refused to register on the escort site.

My experience with providers that require you to join something is that they are a scam, plain and simple. If you are weak enough to do what she says, watch your cc bill for recurring charges to some worthless porn site. That's usually the game they play and, I'll be willing to wager you won't ever meet anyone. Real providers won't ever ask you to join anything. They may ask that you get processed by a website, such as escorts 411 for verification, but you can usually work around that, if you try. As long as you have good references to offer, that should be sufficient. Let us know how this works out for you, though, because that info will help someone else keep from getting scammed.

11-08-09, 12:49
Had another outcall from Gloria yesterday. Same great service same great price. She is on surgardaddy dot com now and has a girl friend in town who is also a provider. Search 71373 inside 10 miles. Senior members contact Pepe for details. BTW, her computer has crashed so not possible to set appt online at this tiime from the SD site.

12-16-09, 19:53
What's an average price for a BJ AND BJCIM? Came across this hoe that wanted $ for BJ and $.7 for CIM.

Seems a little steep.

12-19-09, 18:27
She is advertising on AFF again as sugrbaby4you. I contacted her but wants an appointment for both her and her friend Traci at $.5 each. Guess the are living about 35 miles away and they are outcall only. I would like to try out Traci since I have been with Gloria several times.

Tumbling Dice8
01-02-10, 17:11
Sorry if you've already seen this on the Baton Rouge board but I'm trying to do my best to keep others here from repeating my mistake. I just want to put out a warning to hobbyists in the Central and Eastern Louisiana area to avoid a group of girls from the southwestern MS/Baton Rouge, LA area. There are about 4 girls in the group: "Savanna", "Missy", "Rammie"/"Barefoot Annie" and "Lil Bit"/"Lil Taylor".

I visited "Savanna" and "Missy" in their hotel room in southwestern Mississippi and came away feeling robbed (not literally but figuratively). They advertise on competing sites in both the Mississippi sections and the Baton Rouge sections and travel both areas. If you want more info, feel free to PM as I have plenty I can say on this group (particularly Savanna and Missy).

My review from the MS board is linked below:


01-11-10, 23:23
There has been some sw action on Verone st off of MLK. Unfortunately, things have dried up the past 2 months. As far as the strip clubs, a few girls at Pegasus offer take out, but are asking way too much for a donation. Ive heard some good things about the VIP rooms, but I haven't had a chance to try. Anyone else out there got any info worth sharing? Word is that Reflections is starting to pick up. The annoying girl Dom has moved to pink lady and the other two reg girls quit. So hopefully the new blood will not be so uptight.

AllNite Rider
01-12-10, 10:01
I have been watching this board for some time and have not seen anyone posting about the SW action over on the Westbank. Everyone keeps saying things are dried up.....WRONG!!! I don't live over here but I am in town about once a month on business and have always seen anywhere from 2-8 girls working over there. Now don't get me to lying about the locations.......I can't even say half of the street names much less spell them. All I can tell you is that 4th street on the west side of the canal, along the westbank exspressway and all the little side streets that lead inbetween the two. Also the motel called Sieara I think is the name. There have always been at least 3 or 4 girls hanging around there. Most look like rock climers but most all SW's are these days. On the other side of the tunnel, along the exspressway, there is a Mickey D's. The cross street there always has something on it and also look under the expressway in the parking lots. I think it is where you can park and catch the bus. There is usually one or two sitting on a bench there or walking between the feeder lanes. Next time I am there I will try to write some of the street names down for you guys...............Now get out there and post something!!!!!!

01-16-10, 04:11
I am back in the area after going home for the holidays. My work has brought me back to the same area , so I have decided to share a little info on this town. It may surprise many that SW's can be found in little towns. I have worked in this area for just over a year and I must confess that even when I strike out in New Orleans I can ride the stroll here and hook up with something. During my time here I have hooked up with at least10 or 11 different sw's and even picked up one girl early one morning who was fighting with her old man and wanted to come stay with me. After the deed I told her I had to get to work and would meet her that afternoon, but never saw her again. Some of the SW's have been 7's and 8's, but most are 5's. New ones seem to come and go. I have hooked uP with a few that I only saw out there once, and 2 or 3 that I've seen but never hooked up with and then never see them again. Of course, I have seen a few that I won't hook up with. SO anyway, for the most part there seems to be about 5 that are always there. Some times you can find one on airline early in the morning or late at night around one of the bars as you come into LaPlace from New Orleans. But, the most reliable place is on river road. Be sure to take the turn and follow the levee. And be sure to go all the way to Reserve, cause there are a few that stay down that way, including 2 BSW's that are way above average. So I hope this helps anyone who may be out in this. Area. I just always have an eye out of the signs, and I have had real good luck in a lot of small towns just like these.

Be safe out there!

01-23-10, 18:00
Gloria has returned to Vidalia. Lowered her outcall rate to $.0. Contact for details.

Happy Pantss
02-05-10, 21:58
Review: Lafayette (Baton Rouge), Louisana Backpages -- Jessica Stelly
Date: 8:30 P.M., Tuesday, 02-02-2010
Provider: Jessica Stelly
E-mail: stellyjessica@yahoo.com
Phone or Pager: (337) 351-5130
City: Lafayette (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
State: Louisana
Area / Address: Layfayette outcall hotel (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
Appointment Type: Massage
Provider Category: Escort
Activities: Handjob and CBJ only but CFS available
Session Length Scheduled: 1.00 hour
Total Paid: 100.00
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? Yes
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: blond hair, neck length, straight, part in middle
Age: 23
Race: Cauasian
Perfume/Fragrance: Natural, smoke
Where did you hear about this provider? Lafayette & Baton Rouge Backpages
Provider`s Body: A cup, slim with three kids, pink sweater & jeans, braces
Would you recommend this Provider to others? No

After she got to my room, she spend 30 minutes texting and phoning her sister and other clients before she proceeded. During the first 30 minutes while she was texting and phoning her clients and sister, I asked her, "How was business?" She told me she needed the money to support her kids, and she wanted to quit to find a different job. Thus, I feel a little pity for her. I asked her if she was okay to proceed, and she stated, "Yes." When I told her to proceed with the massage, and she refused due to time constraint and threaten me, I felt ripped off, angry, and loss pity for her.

I had scheduled a one hour massage only for 100.00 via e-mail the day before at my hotel, but when she got to the hotel, she told me that she does not have one hour to give me a massage, so I told her that I do not want to cheat her out of her money. Therefore, I asked her to leave. She told me she needed the money to support her three kids, and she threaten to call the police if I do not pay her for coming over, so I agreed on a CBJ for 100.00 instead of the one hour massage.

While she was giving me a CBJ, she asked me to be quiet while she was on speakerphone with her boyfriend who is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She would lay her phone on my lower abdomen while talking to her boyfriend on speakerphone telling him how much she misses him while simultaneously giving me a CBJ. I am surprise he did not hear the suckling noises.

She gave a terrible CBJ and handjob. She spend 5 minutes on a handjob and 5 minutes on a CBJ, while asking me mutiple times, "Having I cum yet?" Unfortunately, I could not ejacuate. I asked her to get naked, but she refused to take off her pushup bra because she stated that it hurts to put it back on. After 10 minutes of CBJ and handjobs, I still could not ejacuate, so I asked her to ride me, but she stated that she was not a "Ho," so she will not have CFS. However, after another 5 minutes have past without being able to ejacuate, she told me that if I pay her another 100.00 that she will have CFS. Thus, she is a "Ho" for more money, but I refused. After another 5 minutes, she gave up and left.

While she was getting dress to leave, I told her that I do not like her rushed bad service. Moreover, I told her that it is better to have 10 repeat clients than 100 non repeat clients, however, she told me out of all her clients that I am the only client who was not satisfied with her perform. Since this is her only source of income, I do not want to give her a bad review that would affect her income. Thus, I will not repeat my services with her, but maybe someone else might have a better time. Hence, your mileage may vary.

This girl is young and native. She has been in the business for a while, but she does not know how to schedule and balance her three kids while working. She should have used a separate work phone, e-mail address, and burr out her pictures. I hope people in her community or her boyfriend does not recognize her.

Don Quixote19
02-10-10, 20:42
HP, thanks for the heads up.

Money is too hard to come by in this economy.

I'd seen this ad on BP.

This young lady will get none of my money and I will spread the word.

Review: Lafayette (Baton Rouge), Louisana Backpages -- Jessica Stelly
Date: 8:30 P.M., Tuesday, 02-02-2010
Provider: Jessica Stelly
E-mail: stellyjessica@yahoo.com
Phone or Pager: (337) 351-5130
City: Lafayette (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
State: Louisana
Area / Address: Layfayette outcall hotel (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
Appointment Type: Massage
Provider Category: Escort
Activities: Handjob and CBJ only but CFS available
Session Length Scheduled: 1.00 hour
Total Paid: 100.00
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? Yes
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: blond hair, neck length, straight, part in middle
Age: 23
Race: Cauasian
Perfume/Fragrance: Natural, smoke
Where did you hear about this provider? Lafayette & Baton Rouge Backpages
Provider`s Body: A cup, slim with three kids, pink sweater & jeans, braces
Would you recommend this Provider to others? No

After she got to my room, she spend 30 minutes texting and phoning her sister and other clients before she proceeded. During the first 30 minutes while she was texting and phoning her clients and sister, I asked her, "How was business?" She told me she needed the money to support her kids, and she wanted to quit to find a different job. Thus, I feel a little pity for her. I asked her if she was okay to proceed, and she stated, "Yes." When I told her to proceed with the massage, and she refused due to time constraint and threaten me, I felt ripped off, angry, and loss pity for her.

I had scheduled a one hour massage only for 100.00 via e-mail the day before at my hotel, but when she got to the hotel, she told me that she does not have one hour to give me a massage, so I told her that I do not want to cheat her out of her money. Therefore, I asked her to leave. She told me she needed the money to support her three kids, and she threaten to call the police if I do not pay her for coming over, so I agreed on a CBJ for 100.00 instead of the one hour massage.

While she was giving me a CBJ, she asked me to be quiet while she was on speakerphone with her boyfriend who is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She would lay her phone on my lower abdomen while talking to her boyfriend on speakerphone telling him how much she misses him while simultaneously giving me a CBJ. I am surprise he did not hear the suckling noises.

She gave a terrible CBJ and handjob. She spend 5 minutes on a handjob and 5 minutes on a CBJ, while asking me mutiple times, "Having I cum yet?" Unfortunately, I could not ejacuate. I asked her to get naked, but she refused to take off her pushup bra because she stated that it hurts to put it back on. After 10 minutes of CBJ and handjobs, I still could not ejacuate, so I asked her to ride me, but she stated that she was not a "Ho," so she will not have CFS. However, after another 5 minutes have past without being able to ejacuate, she told me that if I pay her another 100.00 that she will have CFS. Thus, she is a "Ho" for more money, but I refused. After another 5 minutes, she gave up and left.

While she was getting dress to leave, I told her that I do not like her rushed bad service. Moreover, I told her that it is better to have 10 repeat clients than 100 non repeat clients, however, she told me out of all her clients that I am the only client who was not satisfied with her perform. Since this is her only source of income, I do not want to give her a bad review that would affect her income. Thus, I will not repeat my services with her, but maybe someone else might have a better time. Hence, your mileage may vary.

This girl is young and native. She has been in the business for a while, but she does not know how to schedule and balance her three kids while working. She should have used a separate work phone, e-mail address, and burr out her pictures. I hope people in her community or her boyfriend does not recognize her.

03-16-10, 19:00
Had my first dream couple days ago.

Unfortunately with this same provider. Was also NOT happy.

Customer service was very poor. Quality was very poor as well. Overall just a bad dream.

Review: Lafayette (Baton Rouge), Louisana Backpages -- Jessica Stelly
Date: 8:30 P.M., Tuesday, 02-02-2010
Provider: Jessica Stelly
E-mail: stellyjessica@yahoo.com
Phone or Pager: (337) 351-5130
City: Lafayette (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
State: Louisana
Area / Address: Layfayette outcall hotel (Available in Baton Rouge upon request)
Appointment Type: Massage
Provider Category: Escort
Activities: Handjob and CBJ only but CFS available
Session Length Scheduled: 1.00 hour
Total Paid: 100.00
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? Yes
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: blond hair, neck length, straight, part in middle
Age: 23
Race: Cauasian
Perfume/Fragrance: Natural, smoke
Where did you hear about this provider? Lafayette & Baton Rouge Backpages
Provider`s Body: A cup, slim with three kids, pink sweater & jeans, braces
Would you recommend this Provider to others? No

After she got to my room, she spend 30 minutes texting and phoning her sister and other clients before she proceeded. During the first 30 minutes while she was texting and phoning her clients and sister, I asked her, "How was business?" She told me she needed the money to support her kids, and she wanted to quit to find a different job. Thus, I feel a little pity for her. I asked her if she was okay to proceed, and she stated, "Yes." When I told her to proceed with the massage, and she refused due to time constraint and threaten me, I felt ripped off, angry, and loss pity for her.

I had scheduled a one hour massage only for 100.00 via e-mail the day before at my hotel, but when she got to the hotel, she told me that she does not have one hour to give me a massage, so I told her that I do not want to cheat her out of her money. Therefore, I asked her to leave. She told me she needed the money to support her three kids, and she threaten to call the police if I do not pay her for coming over, so I agreed on a CBJ for 100.00 instead of the one hour massage.

While she was giving me a CBJ, she asked me to be quiet while she was on speakerphone with her boyfriend who is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She would lay her phone on my lower abdomen while talking to her boyfriend on speakerphone telling him how much she misses him while simultaneously giving me a CBJ. I am surprise he did not hear the suckling noises.

She gave a terrible CBJ and handjob. She spend 5 minutes on a handjob and 5 minutes on a CBJ, while asking me mutiple times, "Having I cum yet?" Unfortunately, I could not ejacuate. I asked her to get naked, but she refused to take off her pushup bra because she stated that it hurts to put it back on. After 10 minutes of CBJ and handjobs, I still could not ejacuate, so I asked her to ride me, but she stated that she was not a "Ho," so she will not have CFS. However, after another 5 minutes have past without being able to ejacuate, she told me that if I pay her another 100.00 that she will have CFS. Thus, she is a "Ho" for more money, but I refused. After another 5 minutes, she gave up and left.

While she was getting dress to leave, I told her that I do not like her rushed bad service. Moreover, I told her that it is better to have 10 repeat clients than 100 non repeat clients, however, she told me out of all her clients that I am the only client who was not satisfied with her perform. Since this is her only source of income, I do not want to give her a bad review that would affect her income. Thus, I will not repeat my services with her, but maybe someone else might have a better time. Hence, your mileage may vary.

This girl is young and native. She has been in the business for a while, but she does not know how to schedule and balance her three kids while working. She should have used a separate work phone, e-mail address, and burr out her pictures. I hope people in her community or her boyfriend does not recognize her.

03-30-10, 15:35
Has anyone had a dream with Brittany Vuitton in Baton Rouge. If so do you recommend.

04-09-10, 17:51
Had my first dream couple days ago.

Unfortunately with this same provider. Was also NOT happy.

Customer service was very poor. Quality was very poor as well. Overall just a bad dream.This gal came to my residence once and did the same thing as the other reports. She is a rip off. Bad deal.

07-19-10, 14:10
Headed to Baton Rouge and was going to be near the Gold Club, any reviews or thoughts about this place?

07-19-10, 23:15
Headed to Baton Rouge and was going to be near the Gold Club, any reviews or thoughts about this place?

This is the upscale joint in town. Higher end women with visiting curcuit performers.

Private dances in some of the other clubs can be a litle more fulfilling.

Should have been posted on the Baton Rouge Thread.....

08-03-10, 10:51
I am in town for about a week. I look on his site all the time at home.
This area down here must not know about this site.
You are correct this site is dead down here.
You also said to ask a regular about the streets you only gave out the first letter of. Do not find any regulars to ask.
Good luck to you

10-23-10, 04:13
Will be in the Ruston / Monroe area for business.

Any good spots or Stripclubs to visit while in the area?

Please let me know.

11-14-10, 00:04
I was down in N. Louisiana over last wknd.

After a night of hangin out with friends decided to head to Shreve on my own. With GPS. I was about 45 mins away.

Did a quick search and found ALL areas for hunting.

I mustve covered the entire city from Bossier to Shreve and did not find ANYONE out. I hunted from 1130pm. 2 am.

Just Uncle LEO.

Alls I ended up with was a What-A-Burger on Jewella and a long ride back.

It is unbelievable that there is just nothing over there. Not even the stripclubs were open. It was a Sunday night.

What is going on in North Louisiana that everytime I am there I cannot enjoy a good adventure?

Someone help

11-14-10, 16:07

I lived down there in Natchez 16 monhs. There is absolutly nothing available in that area. I found a provider in Vidalia on AFF, Gloria, sometime during my stay there. I met her at Bowies and explained the deal and she accepted. She came over to my apt a few times but then moved to Houston. I went to weekend in Houston once while I was there. Met Gloria's GF in my hotel and knocked off a couple asain girls at L'Amour and another place I do not remember. Went back to Houston a few more times and did two pop service with Jenny at the Three Leaves Spa on FM1960. 4.11 Vietnamese with hugh natural tits. Just fabulous! Everytime I go through Houston I take an early flight and leave late for Alexandria so I can go see Jenny.

She can really do the ACG and cums along the way a few times. Fabulous BBBJCIM second pop as well.

Let me know if you find anything down there as I will be going back.

I was down in N. Louisiana over last wknd.

After a night of hangin out with friends decided to head to Shreve on my own. With GPS. I was about 45 mins away.

Did a quick search and found ALL areas for hunting.

I mustve covered the entire city from Bossier to Shreve and did not find ANYONE out. I hunted from 1130pm. 2 am.

Just Uncle LEO.

Alls I ended up with was a What-A-Burger on Jewella and a long ride back.

It is unbelievable that there is just nothing over there. Not even the stripclubs were open. It was a Sunday night.

What is going on in North Louisiana that everytime I am there I cannot enjoy a good adventure?

Someone help

11-15-10, 20:40
Looking for something anyone got info or another place or board to find?

11-22-10, 14:14
Looking for something anyone got info or another place or board to find?I used AFF while I was living there. That is the only one I found there.


12-19-10, 01:15
I found several BSW on Stoner and one older WSW.

03-22-11, 14:16
Moving to Natchez again in August. I'll be living near downtown. I'll be looking for a reliable provider. Anyone know such a person?


04-02-11, 13:49
Gloria is coming back to Vidalia next month. She has sent me a ne email addy on Yahoo. She is outcall only, half Korean, ans is BBBJCIM, msog, vocal and multi orgasmic, $.5 for the hour. Senior members write to me for the e mail addy if you wish.

I'll be coming back to Natchez in the fall to partake.


04-19-11, 10:06

She passed through yalls town and with some luck one of you boys got up with her. Just a shot in the dark for som DD.

She seems to keep the # and name consistant. She hits the smaller towns and avoids the NO, BHMs ATLs.

If I get a call back. I'may go have me a date. The photos are just down my alley.


And looks like you boys need a jump start for this thread. I'll post the pics for entertainment value! LOL TIA

Maxim V
04-19-11, 13:43
Any action here, UTR or anywhere?

04-25-11, 11:27
Traci and Gloria are coming back to Vidalia next month. She has sent me a ne email addy on Yahoo. She is outcall only, half Korean, and is BBBJCIM, msog, vocal and multi orgasmic, $.5 for the hour. Senior members write to me for the e mail addy if you wish. Traci is SWF and the same service as Gloria. Digits available.


05-15-11, 23:01
Gloria and Julie have returned to Vidalia for a month. Out call only. Seniors PM me for details to contact.


08-23-11, 23:46
All of these have been included in the forum so lets definitely keep some posts coming in Louisiana.

The Moderator has heard our requests and decided to do it for us.

We now have to do our part and posts some good info in these cities as support.

Take a look for yourselves.


01-09-12, 14:43
Out there looking for any SW action in Gonzales, Prairieville, Sorrento, St. Gabriel areas. Seen some have had luck on the River Road in Reserve. Anything going upriver?

11-09-17, 06:07
Any action here, UTR or anywhere?Try Broad St. From Enterprise to Gerstner.

08-23-20, 01:48
Driving into Alex tonight on business, I saw a bare light bulb on a telephone pole and it reminded me of The Spot outside of Opelousas in the late 70's. Good times were had by all back then. Life just ain't the same these days.