View Full Version : ED Meds

03-02-24, 15:18
I posted this in the LA Thread but you guys might benefits from this as well.

Hey guys I know I'm going to sound like I'm getting a kickback for posting this but I don't care.

I've been using Viagra for years maybe 15+. I was browsing SM and this ad for Ro Sparks (Roman) popped up. I've seen it several times before but this day I decided to fill out the survey and complete the process.

Like I said I've been using Viagra for many years and I do have a stash of them but I've been disappointed with my results from taking them lately. I either have to take more to get the results I want and suffer the enhanced side effects or take the usual and deal with softness during the performance.

I'm not sure why this is happening but it is. Well a day or two after filling out the survey I received an email from a doctor saying she had approved a prescription for me and my order is on its way. The original email said a few days but it took about a week and a half maybe more.

I was skeptical that this was any better (since it was basically a Viagra and Cialis mix) plus it cost more per pill ($5 for a dose that I could split and use twice vs $12 per dose).

Well it finally arrived yesterday and I tried it.


It only took 15 minutes for it to stay working, usually with the blue pill it takes 45-60 minutes.

I had a harder, firmer election and I could last longer and had more fun without concern of when I was going to lose firmness.

Afterward, I returned back to normal and thought that was it.

I was wrong and today I had another one and was able to go again. I looked at the packaging and it said it works up to 36 hours. The blue pill only works for up to 6 hours although for me it never has.

I didn't get the acid reflux, flushed face, headache I normally get.


I did get the acid reflux today but a mild version of it and that was it. No flush, no headache.

If tastes horrible, the packaging said it was tropical flavor but all I could taste was the Viagra. It took a few minutes to dissolve (you place it under your tongue and said for it to fully dissolve).


The cost per pill might be worth it.

It's a subscription plan, I choose one pill a week so l get a refill every 3 months of 12 pills (1 pill a week).

You can change your plan art any time but it will only ship at the beginning of each quarter as it ships the whole quarters worth (in my case 12).

You can cancel at any time.

I'm happy with the results and I'm excited to see if it's still working tomorrow.

As with anything YMMV.

The link is below, just know I do NOT get anything for sharing this. I'm only letting you know how happy I'm am with the results.


03-03-24, 01:19
Have you tried Cialis? That's what I use. It works best for me the second and third day. Since I'm always tight on funds and have an SO, my mongering is planned way more than it is spontaneous. I take the pill the day before, the next day I'm ready. Whenever. But I do get acid reflux with it. The doctor said that shouldn't happen as often as it does with viagra, but this is my general luck. LOL. I ususally take a pepcid and the acid reflux goes away for the day. Repeat the next day.

I use Good RX, go to a phramacy that is not near my house, and pay cash. But I did need a script from my doctor. If you need to avoid your doctor, see if you can find a cheap clinic, pay cash, get the script, GoodRX, etc.

03-03-24, 03:13
Their website said this is a mixture of both Viagra and Cialis.

Have you tried Cialis? That's what I use. It works best for me the second and third day. Since I'm always tight on funds and have an SO, my mongering is planned way more than it is spontaneous. I take the pill the day before, the next day I'm ready. Whenever. But I do get acid reflux with it. The doctor said that shouldn't happen as often as it does with viagra, but this is my general luck. LOL. I ususally take a pepcid and the acid reflux goes away for the day. Repeat the next day.

I use Good RX, go to a phramacy that is not near my house, and pay cash. But I did need a script from my doctor. If you need to avoid your doctor, see if you can find a cheap clinic, pay cash, get the script, GoodRX, etc.

03-03-24, 18:39
Their website said this is a mixture of both Viagra and Cialis.I get that. My suggestion is try straight Cialis instead of the mixture since Viagra doesn't last as long and has more side effects.

Blak Casper
05-16-24, 19:47
If anyone wants some name brand Levitra 20 MG, I have some 5 for $10 shipped.

I recommend using a pill splitter and cutting them in half.