View Full Version : Std / Sti testing and treatment information and resources

06-10-23, 13:26
This thread topic is to discuss Sti / std treatment resources and testing services.

Please post your information here.


06-10-23, 13:40
This thread topic is to discuss Sti / std treatment resources and testing services.

Please post your information here.

Www.callondoc.comBbing sounds so good but after all that this is all that runs through my head.

Respect to you dare devils.

I contemplate the worst shit even after a CBJ I think I'm allergic to latex.

Best of luck guys.

06-10-23, 14:54
Planned Parenthood works. You will get a lecture.

06-10-23, 19:07
Any one know legit websites to order zpacz and antibiotics without going to a doctor or planned parenthood. I get it, you want to be treated for the right std?

06-11-23, 11:30
Any one know legit websites to order zpacz and antibiotics without going to a doctor or planned parenthood. I get it, you want to be treated for the right std?Any of the over sea ones, just know it takes 4-6 weeks to get them.

06-12-23, 00:23
Just curious since I used to be into the bb thing. Since hsv is very common and transferable, would be a far stretch to say most of us who participated in the hobby have it? I can tell you I do and I've been with most the providers listed on there, not sure when or where I got it, but I stopped once I found out I was positive for hsv.

Mitch Cor
06-12-23, 09:37
Oh man. You know condoms don't prevent transmission of herpes, right? If you're shedding (which can occur without visible outbreak), then you can infect them, and thus. the rest of us. Body slides, ball sucking, etc. Any skin to skin contact.

Shit. Now I'm really worried. How many other people here tested hsv2 positive and are still pooning? Seems like HJ is the only safe option? Fuck.

I always wondered if the asian ladies like Jannylove and others who suddenly go massage only are doing it because they got herp. Would make sense?

Just curious since I used to be into the bb thing. Since hsv is very common and transferable, would be a far stretch to say most of us who participated in the hobby have it? I can tell you I do and I've been with most the providers listed on there, not sure when or where I got it, but I stopped once I found out I was positive for hsv.

06-12-23, 10:00
Oh man. You know condoms don't prevent transmission of herpes, right? If you're shedding (which can occur without visible outbreak), then you can infect them, and thus. the rest of us. Body slides, ball sucking, etc. Any skin to skin contact.

Shit. Now I'm really worried. How many other people here tested hsv2 positive and are still pooning? Seems like HJ is the only safe option? Fuck.

I always wondered if the asian ladies like Jannylove and others who suddenly go massage only are doing it because they got herp. Would make sense?I read in a AMA, on a porn star that hsv is not even part of the test they do for their shoots. And she also said that every porn star pretty much has it. And I'm pretty sure escorts see more John's have less strict testing procedures than pstars right? Hsv1 is a 1 in 4 people, with hsv2 being not far behind.

06-12-23, 11:32
My "go to" for STD testing is STDcheck.com. Their 10 test panel costs $139 and testing is performed at LabCorp locations. They'll notify you of the results via email. You then view the results on their website (see picture) and you can download the actual lab results if you need something official to show to someone.

Mitch Cor
06-19-23, 20:03
Is it truly that prevalent in the community? I just tested and still negative. Whew, but now I'm scared shitless of anything uncovered, given how casually people take it.

How many here have it? And are there providers known to have it? I just saw a report on TNA about LunaLoverlips.

Sounds like to be safe, I'd need to avoid BBBJ AND pussyslides as well. AND even CFS. So. HJ and CBJ only?

06-20-23, 10:09
Is it truly that prevalent in the community? I just tested and still negative. Whew, but now I'm scared shitless of anything uncovered, given how casually people take it.

How many here have it? And are there providers known to have it? I just saw a report on TNA about LunaLoverlips.

Sounds like to be safe, I'd need to avoid BBBJ AND pussyslides as well. AND even CFS. So. HJ and CBJ only?What thread are you referring to, about LLL?

06-20-23, 14:16
Sounds like to be safe, I'd need to avoid BBBJ AND pussyslides as well. AND even CFS. So. HJ and CBJ only?It may help to read this first: https://markmanson.net/std-guide#genital-herpes.

Then this: https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm.

And the more technical https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/herpes.htm.

Then decide what risk level you're comfortable with.

Is it truly that prevalent in the community? I just tested and still negative. Whew, but now I'm scared shitless of anything uncovered, given how casually people take it.Oral HSV 1 is very common. I caught it when I was 13, probably from a funeral I attended where relatives are greeting other relatives (e. G, non-sexually). Outbreaks are infrequent, and seem to be triggered by extreme physical exhaustion (e. G, riding a 1-day Seattle-to-Portland). Onset presents an odd sensation that has been a cue to abstain from any activity for a couple of weeks. I'd been worried that I'd give it to my spouse, but so far (30+ years) that's not happened. 2 is often asymptomatic and people don't know they have it. It's also not among the things tested at Planned Parenthood unless you specifically had a reason. Testing is more effective at least 16 weeks after exposure.

Hope this helps.

06-21-23, 11:35
What thread are you referring to, about LLL?This is the thread, scroll down:


The are two retired accounts posting, Retired-10804 and Retired-10884.

Nampa Boi
06-21-23, 17:35
I have a homie who hobbies locally. Got hsv from BBBJ. He says he does not BBFS (but who knows). Feel bad for him cause his flare ups are severe.

Always gives me pause.

07-02-23, 18:34
HSV isn't your biggest worry.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Nothing here constitutes a guarantee. Also I am a hypochondriac, so the kind of play that would put me at risk is way outside my comfort zone. But I did work in urological sciences for a while.

As Ficus wrote, HSV is very common. About 90% of adults have HSV-1 (the coldsore variant), and around 28% have HSV-2 (considered the STD form.) Both can be spread either way, but both require contact with a lesion (blister, coldsore) or the shed virus from it. Most people who have them, don't know it. The virus is "incurable", but many of the suppressives (Acyclovir, Valcyclovir, etc) keep it in remission well with no side-effects even for very long term use. They also largely eliminate transmission because shedding is needed for transmission, but you won't find a statement to that effect for liability reasons. (That's super-common. We can know that something works but be unwilling to say so because, if we say so, some idiot will fail some stupid way and sue us.).

Although I think you're at a higher risk of shingles when you pass 50 if you've had any of the family. Chickenpox or either HSV. Not checking, just IIRC.

Syphilis is the big deal. You may not know you have it, you can easily spread it, and it can do a lot of damage. And there's a new antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea strain.

Even so, the numbers in the Seattle area are kinda not that scary. https://kingcounty.gov/depts/health/communicable-diseases/hiv-std/patients/epidemiology/~/media/depts/health/communicable-diseases/documents/hivstd/syphilis-report-may-2023.ashx.

07-05-23, 19:43
Although I think you're at a higher risk of shingles when you pass 50 if you've had any of the family. Chickenpox or either HSV. Not checking, just IIRC.I took an infectious disease class a while ago (which makes me the life of the party ha ha). There are several different types of Herpes Virus:

* Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV1) - "oral herpes," though you can get it on your genitals through contact.

* Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV2) - "genital herpes," though you can (rarely) get it on your mouth through contact during a flare-up.

* Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) - more commonly known as chickenpox (same virus as Shingles). Almost everyone born before 1980 has been exposed to it. The virus lies dormant in the nervous system. Most of the time, the immune system deals with it, but immunity wanes as you get older and it can reactivate with a vengeance. Shingles is very unpleasant and can have some long-term (months or longer) severe pain. The good news is there's a vaccine (Shingrix, which replaces Zostavax) that is available to anyone over 50.

* Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) - this strain is responsible for causing mono (that many of us had in high school / college).

* Cytomegalovirus (CMV) - it's estimated that by 40, over half of American adults have this. There are no symptoms. It's creepily like the strategy I used in the phone game "Pandemic" (pre covid, I used to play the pathogen named "Disgruntled Bus Rider") https://medlineplus.gov/cytomegalovirusinfections.html#summary.

08-03-23, 19:09
A single 200 mg dose of Doxycycline helps prevent sexually-transmitted bacterial infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

Here's the link to a more detailed version of this post: http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4227-Safe-Sex-Information-and-Advice&p=6535423.

08-03-23, 19:41
Is it truly that prevalent in the community? I just tested and still negative. Whew, but now I'm scared shitless of anything uncovered, given how casually people take it.

How many here have it? And are there providers known to have it? I just saw a report on TNA about LunaLoverlips.

Sounds like to be safe, I'd need to avoid BBBJ AND pussyslides as well. AND even CFS. So. HJ and CBJ only?Hate to break it to you but a condom won't save you from contracting herpes. Skin to skin contact when the virus is shedding is the most common way. Usually people are aware when they have an outbreak and sores. However the virus can shed at any time without any signs or symptoms. That goes for HSV1 and 2. Supposedly 1 in 6 have it. It is not a part of the standard screening for STIs. You have to ask to be tested for it. Many people have it and have never had an outbreak. It's kind of like HPV. Many of us 40 or older probably have it as there weren't vaccines available when we grew up like there are now.

08-08-23, 01:25
Hey fellow mongers, after a little pregnancy scare with my SO and feeling totally one-and-done with the one kid I have, I suddenly realized that having little copies of me freely swimming in my junk is just a liability. Getting snipped would be the way to keep my SO happier, my wallet fuller and more generous to the oldest profession of the world, and I can keep filling those UTR pussies on SA without worrying of consequences.

To whomever has done their vasectomy, do you have any recommendations on the best providers of this procedure?

Have you talked to your doctor first, or went straight to Planned Parenthood or similar clinics?

08-09-23, 11:16
Hey fellow mongers, after a little pregnancy scare with my SO and feeling totally one-and-done with the one kid I have, I suddenly realized that having little copies of me freely swimming in my junk is just a liability. Getting snipped would be the way to keep my SO happier, my wallet fuller and more generous to the oldest profession of the world, and I can keep filling those UTR pussies on SA without worrying of consequences.

To whomever has done their vasectomy, do you have any recommendations on the best providers of this procedure?

Have you talked to your doctor first, or went straight to Planned Parenthood or similar clinics?Most urologists can perform vasectomies. If you need a place to start, try your primary doc or James Porter (https://www.swedish.org/doctors/minimally-invasive-urology/wa/seattle/james-porter-1215989546?ls=provider&y_source=1_MTQ2NjQxMjYtNzE1LWxvY2F0aW9uLndlYnNpdGU%3D) or Erik Torgerson (https://www.swedish.org/doctors/minimally-invasive-urology/wa/seattle/erik-torgerson-1972554277?ls=provider&y_source=1_MTQ2NjQxMDYtNzE1LWxvY2F0aW9uLndlYnNpdGU%3D) or top-rated DrSnip (https://drsnip.com/locations/?campaignid=17228765680&adgroupid=139379324049&creative=597459093071&matchtype=e&network=g&device=c&keyword=vasectomy%20near%20me&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5-yn_OvPgAMVZzytBh2KdwqbEBAYASAAEgKJuPD_BwE). There used to be a waiting period for this procedure, so that the patient could consider carefully their choice, but I think nowadays you can do it in a single appointment.

08-09-23, 11:27
Hate to break it to you but a condom won't save you from contracting herpes. Skin to skin contact when the virus is shedding is the most common way. Usually people are aware when they have an outbreak and sores. However the virus can shed at any time without any signs or symptoms. That goes for HSV1 and 2. Supposedly 1 in 6 have it. It is not a part of the standard screening for STIs. You have to ask to be tested for it. Many people have it and have never had an outbreak. It's kind of like HPV. Many of us 40 or older probably have it as there weren't vaccines available when we grew up like there are now.Recommend everyone read the CDC site for themselves. The seroprevalence for HSV1 and HSV2 are vastly different. And then, there are demographic / ethnic / age differences. This could affect your choice of providers.

HSV1 is cold sores and the like. This is not a STI. You can get it from a drinking glass, kissing, etc. About two-thirds of the US population is seropositive for it.

08-09-23, 20:44
Hey fellow mongers, after a little pregnancy scare with my SO and feeling totally one-and-done with the one kid I have, I suddenly realized that having little copies of me freely swimming in my junk is just a liability. Getting snipped would be the way to keep my SO happier, my wallet fuller and more generous to the oldest profession of the world, and I can keep filling those UTR pussies on SA without worrying of consequences.

To whomever has done their vasectomy, do you have any recommendations on the best providers of this procedure?

Have you talked to your doctor first, or went straight to Planned Parenthood or similar clinics?+1 for Eric Torgersen. Scheduled my appointment directly. Operation is outpatient: you'll have to shave (though not baby smooth) prior. Local anesthetic (Novocaine, IIRC) Recovery is an ice bag and ibuprofen, no heavy lifting for at least a couple of weeks. Follow up is you have to have two consecutive samples (taken 60+ days after) with no swimmers and you're good to go. Wish I'd done it sooner. Pretty sure it was all covered by my health insurance. (Thanks, Obama).

08-09-23, 21:47
Recommend everyone read the CDC site for themselves. The seroprevalence for HSV1 and HSV2 are vastly different. And then, there are demographic / ethnic / age differences. This could affect your choice of providers.

HSV1 is cold sores and the like. This is not a STI. You can get it from a drinking glass, kissing, etc. About two-thirds of the US population is seropositive for it.You can get HSV1 in your peepee also. Look at a couple comments below. Let me go read and get information from the CDC who just lied to the entire world for the past 3 years lmao.

08-09-23, 21:55
Hey fellow mongers, after a little pregnancy scare with my SO and feeling totally one-and-done with the one kid I have, I suddenly realized that having little copies of me freely swimming in my junk is just a liability. Getting snipped would be the way to keep my SO happier, my wallet fuller and more generous to the oldest profession of the world, and I can keep filling those UTR pussies on SA without worrying of consequences.

To whomever has done their vasectomy, do you have any recommendations on the best providers of this procedure?

Have you talked to your doctor first, or went straight to Planned Parenthood or similar clinics?Every time this subject comes up, I have to tell my snipping story.

So, I went to a place that only did vasectomies in the you-District (in may no longer be around). I go alone. So, he puts the local anesthetic down there and starts. I feel EVERYTHING, I'm complaining that it hurts so he stops and puts more anesthetic on it and then continues. So, I'm now about in tears, sweating like a pig and telling him it hurts. He said the pain is just in my mind and that he's put the maximum amount of anesthetic that he can on it and that I'm just nervous about the procedure. Then he did the searing. I think I flew so high up in the air that I must have been close to hitting the ceiling and THEN I was truly screaming.

His response? "Well, I guess you're right. The anesthetic isn't working. ".

I was like, "fuck yeah it ain't working. ".

So he says, "we can stop now and try again another day. ".

I said, "I'm never, ever coming back here, so you need to finish it now. ".

So, he called his receptionist in (some hot woman), to hold me down, wipe the sweat and tears off of my face and play nurse. So, I finished the vasectomy with either no anesthetic or it wasn't working. And true to my word. I never went back there at all. I figured if it didn't work, I'm just having more kids.

25 years later, I'm just fine.

08-10-23, 00:20
You can get HSV1 in your peepee also. Look at a couple comments below. Let me go read and get information from the CDC who just lied to the entire world for the past 3 years lmao.Can't tell if you are joking or not. If you aren't going to take the CDC's word for it on this one, I really don't get why you'd care to read the opinions of posters on this site. And, go forth into the world and do it however you will, far be it from me to suggest otherwise.

08-10-23, 03:17
Every time this subject comes up, I have to tell my snipping story.

So, I went to a place that only did vasectomies in the you-District (in may no longer be around). I go alone. So, he puts the local anesthetic down there and starts. I feel EVERYTHING, I'm complaining that it hurts so he stops and puts more anesthetic on it and then continues. So, I'm now about in tears, sweating like a pig and telling him it hurts. He said the pain is just in my mind and that he's put the maximum amount of anesthetic that he can on it and that I'm just nervous about the procedure. Then he did the searing. I think I flew so high up in the air that I must have been close to hitting the ceiling and THEN I was truly screaming.

His response? "Well, I guess you're right. The anesthetic isn't working. ".

I was like, "fuck yeah it ain't working. ".

So he says, "we can stop now and try again another day. ".

I said, "I'm never, ever coming back here, so you need to finish it now. ".

So, he called his receptionist in (some hot woman), to hold me down, wipe the sweat and tears off of my face and play nurse. So, I finished the vasectomy with either no anesthetic or it wasn't working. And true to my word. I never went back there at all. I figured if it didn't work, I'm just having more kids.

25 years later, I'm just fine.Doctor poked my with a needle with the anesthesia, tell me it shouldn't hurt more than a bee sting.

Um, doc, bee stings hurt, especially, I'm sure, if they were stinging me in the fucking balls!

08-14-23, 15:42
A single 200 mg dose of Doxycycline helps prevent sexually-transmitted bacterial infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

Here's the link to a more detailed version of this post: http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4227-Safe-Sex-Information-and-Advice&p=6535423.Good luck getting it though. Where on earth can you get it?

08-14-23, 16:10
Good luck getting it though. Where on earth can you get it?You can get it from online pharmacies like HIMS.

08-20-23, 19:27
Is there anywhere locally to get a same day appointment / test / script?

Don Quixote 2
08-21-23, 00:20
Good luck getting it though. Where on earth can you get it?https://jasemedical.com/

Have to talk to someone but says it comes from a doctor with paperwork.

08-21-23, 00:28
Is there anywhere locally to get a same day appointment / test / script?Harborview STD clinic. Closed weekends, though.

General resource guide: https://www.kingcounty.gov/STD.

Tests usually take a day or two for results, so you'd want to be up front with your provider if you think you've been exposed so they can preemptively prescribe things.

08-21-23, 09:15
Two things to add:

You should ("if appropriate") preemptively get vaccinations for hepatitis A (spread through food, poop and blood) & B (spread through sexual contact or sharing body fluids). You can do these at nearly any pharmacy and it's probably covered by your insurance. When I got them, it was a two-dose vaccination, the second taken a few months apart. No side effects. (Unlike shingles vax, which was a BAMF.).

Hep A: https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm.

Hep B: https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hbv/bfaq.htm.

Your provider will also tell you this, but each STI has a different incubation period, during which the test is most effective at identifying whether you have it. If you test earlier than the incubation period, you likely need to retest to have greater confidence that you're truly clean. In other words, to reduce the likelihood of an extremely uncomfortable conversation with your significant other..


It's most common to get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia. If your encounter was higher risk, they might add syphilis and HIV testing. They typically will not test for herpes for reasons mentioned elsewhere.

08-30-23, 12:08
especially the ones who are vaccinated for (HSV)To my knowledge, there is not a generally available vaccine for HSV1 or HSV2. It's alluded to in the WHO link you posted, though it's more explicitly said here:


Currently, research to develop vaccines against herpes simplex virus (HSV) and HIV is advancing but not complete.I do agree that no one should want to contract it since it is persistent.

12-01-23, 16:45
For those concerned about the local strip club scare.

12-07-23, 20:09
Looks like you can get same day meds all online, like they do with ED meds now.

Have not use.


12-27-23, 17:53
Looks like you can get same day meds all online, like they do with ED meds now.

Have not use.

https://hellowisp.com/Wonder if its possible to transfer between online pharmacies LOL. Don't have a prescription but I have been looking at amazon pharmacy and seems like a good price.

12-27-23, 21:42
Wonder if its possible to transfer between online pharmacies LOL. Don't have a prescription but I have been looking at amazon pharmacy and seems like a good price.Amazon Pharmacy has, so far, been great. Prices posted online, the non-insurance cost has been less than what I spend for other meds (nothing exotic) with the insurance company's mail order place, and shipping is like Prime, usually overnight. They do check for interactions among the other meds you list (which IMO is important).

01-02-24, 22:16
You can get it from online pharmacies like HIMS.I see that Hims and oncalldoc both provide DoxyPEP treatments, but are both just a two-pill prescription ($22 per pair of pills).

Instead, if you get the $49.99 Chlam+Gono treatment and click the box "I had exposure to STI", and navigate your way through the questionnaire, you get a prescription for 14 pills 100 mg Doxy - 7 PEP doses.

The meds were $12.50 at Rite aid without insurance, and of course the didn't check documents, they only asked for birthdate (which could backfire because they automatically link you to your insurance by default, the safest course if you want to avoid your SO's scrutiny is make sure the identity given to them doesn't have insurance).

In short, less than 10 bucks per fuck.

01-04-24, 22:14
Can't tell if you are joking or not. If you aren't going to take the CDC's word for it on this one, I really don't get why you'd care to read the opinions of posters on this site. And, go forth into the world and do it however you will, far be it from me to suggest otherwise.I was saying that yes, you can get HSV-1 in your genital areas as well, not just your mouth. You can find that information in the CDC website. If they want to read it themselves, here it is. Aight that's it, case closed.


01-04-24, 22:23
As part of regular testing, I tried a new option.

STDCheck.com, which appears to be a vertical for healthlabs.com, offers in-lab collection (in Seattle, through Labcorp or Quest Diagnostics). You can purchase individual tests -- for example the Chlamydia / Gonorrhea combo ($99) -- or opt with the 10-test panel (which adds HIV Type 1 + 2; Hepatitis A, B + C; Herpes 1 + 2, and Syphilis) for $139.

Had complete results in about 24 hours after.

I selected the 10-test panel. It wanted me to pick a lab for collection, so I chose a nearby LabCorp. I set up an account on the portal and how they can contact me (options: portal only, text, email, leave voice mail). Then came the checkout, where they will try to upsell you. Those upsells include:

* Partial results notification for $29 - they will notify you as preliminary things come in. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* HIV RNA Early Detection for $120. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* DoxyPEP prescription for $49 - Doxycycline Post-exposure Prophylaxis is a two-pill regimen that you can take to reduce the risk of three bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) after unprotected (v,o,a) sex. The CDC is evaluating it (more here: https://npin.cdc.gov/). You will need to complete a questionnaire affirming you had unprotected sex to justify the meds.

* Discount on other health tests offered by healthlabs.com -- lipids, CBC, testosterone, vitamin deficiencies, etc. Since I needed to do another test, I added it.

Once done, they will email you PDF intake form (s), one for the STI tests and one for everything else. For the STI tests, they provide information on the incubation periods. Testing too soon may yield a false negative, meaning you'll need to retest to be sure..

Those are:

* Chlamydia 1-5 days.

* Gonorrhea 2-6 days.

* Syphilis 3-6 weeks.

* Hepatitis A 2-7 weeks (you can also be vaccinated against Hep A).

* Hepatitis B 3-6 weeks (you can also be vaccinated against Hep B).

* Hepatitis C 8-9 weeks.

* Herpes 1 & 2 4-6 weeks.

* HIV 4th Generation 2-3 weeks.

* HIV RNA 9-11 days.

Only preparation was to not pee for at least 60 minutes before visiting the test center. They advise you that you do not need to show ID or provide insurance information at the lab (since you are essentially prepaid).

I was a walk-in at Labcorp, where they had some kiosks to scan the code on the top of the form. I forgot which form I scanned, but the lady at the desk was aware that I had a couple and I was given the option to do both at the same time (which is what I wanted). Wait time was about 10 minutes.

Blood draw was quick and painless. I was then given a cup to pee in. (Guys: wipe your wiener with an alcohol wipe, let it evaporate, pee a little bit into the toilet, then fill the cup about 1/4th without your junk touching the cup). Affix cap, and put in the cubby they have for these.

01-08-24, 13:17
Where'd you get those stats for the incubation period for the STI's? Everything I have googled says its much longer especially for chlamydia / Gonorrhea. Curious what the correct incubation period is.

As part of regular testing, I tried a new option.

STDCheck.com, which appears to be a vertical for healthlabs.com, offers in-lab collection (in Seattle, through Labcorp or Quest Diagnostics). You can purchase individual tests -- for example the Chlamydia / Gonorrhea combo ($99) -- or opt with the 10-test panel (which adds HIV Type 1 + 2; Hepatitis A, B + C; Herpes 1 + 2, and Syphilis) for $139.

Had complete results in about 24 hours after.

I selected the 10-test panel. It wanted me to pick a lab for collection, so I chose a nearby LabCorp. I set up an account on the portal and how they can contact me (options: portal only, text, email, leave voice mail). Then came the checkout, where they will try to upsell you. Those upsells include:

* Partial results notification for $29 - they will notify you as preliminary things come in. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* HIV RNA Early Detection for $120. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* DoxyPEP prescription for $49 - Doxycycline Post-exposure Prophylaxis is a two-pill regimen that you can take to reduce the risk of three bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) after unprotected (v,o,a) sex. The CDC is evaluating it (more here: https://npin.cdc.gov/). You will need to complete a questionnaire affirming you had unprotected sex to justify the meds..

01-08-24, 19:16
Where'd you get those stats for the incubation period for the STI's? Everything I have googled says its much longer especially for chlamydia / Gonorrhea. Curious what the correct incubation period is.The incubation numbers were supplied in the automated email that they sent with the confirmation. They do seem a little low, but are within the same relative magnitude as ones I found elsewhere. (See attached).


02-15-24, 17:42
Since others will have this question (thanks, PMer) you can pay for STDCheck with gift cards. This is mentioned on their payment page:


02-17-24, 17:48
As part of regular testing, I tried a new option.

STDCheck.com, which appears to be a vertical for healthlabs.com, offers in-lab collection (in Seattle, through Labcorp or Quest Diagnostics). You can purchase individual tests -- for example the Chlamydia / Gonorrhea combo ($99) -- or opt with the 10-test panel (which adds HIV Type 1 + 2; Hepatitis A, B + C; Herpes 1 + 2, and Syphilis) for $139.

Had complete results in about 24 hours after.

I selected the 10-test panel. It wanted me to pick a lab for collection, so I chose a nearby LabCorp. I set up an account on the portal and how they can contact me (options: portal only, text, email, leave voice mail). Then came the checkout, where they will try to upsell you. Those upsells include:

* Partial results notification for $29 - they will notify you as preliminary things come in. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* HIV RNA Early Detection for $120. Since this was routine testing, I opted against it.

* DoxyPEP prescription for $49 - Doxycycline Post-exposure Prophylaxis is a two-pill regimen that you can take to reduce the risk of three bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) after unprotected (v,o,a) sex. The CDC is evaluating it (more here: https://npin.cdc.gov/). You will need to complete a questionnaire affirming you had unprotected sex to justify the meds.

* Discount on other health tests offered by healthlabs.com -- lipids, CBC, testosterone, vitamin deficiencies, etc. Since I needed to do another test, I added it.

Once done, they will email you PDF intake form (s), one for the STI tests and one for everything else. For the STI tests, they provide information on the incubation periods. Testing too soon may yield a false negative, meaning you'll need to retest to be sure..

Those are:

* Chlamydia 1-5 days.

* Gonorrhea 2-6 days.

* Syphilis 3-6 weeks.

* Hepatitis A 2-7 weeks (you can also be vaccinated against Hep A).

* Hepatitis B 3-6 weeks (you can also be vaccinated against Hep B).

* Hepatitis C 8-9 weeks.

* Herpes 1 & 2 4-6 weeks.

* HIV 4th Generation 2-3 weeks.

* HIV RNA 9-11 days.

Only preparation was to not pee for at least 60 minutes before visiting the test center. They advise you that you do not need to show ID or provide insurance information at the lab (since you are essentially prepaid).

I was a walk-in at Labcorp, where they had some kiosks to scan the code on the top of the form. I forgot which form I scanned, but the lady at the desk was aware that I had a couple and I was given the option to do both at the same time (which is what I wanted). Wait time was about 10 minutes.

Blood draw was quick and painless. I was then given a cup to pee in. (Guys: wipe your wiener with an alcohol wipe, let it evaporate, pee a little bit into the toilet, then fill the cup about 1/4th without your junk touching the cup). Affix cap, and put in the cubby they have for these.This is why I get a full panel done every 6-8 weeks.

02-20-24, 16:14
I just got my result back from my first time of doing at-home testing. I ordered from tbd. Health and went with the 9 panel test -- I think it's their most comprehensive. Link here - https://www.tbd.health/products/the-mvp.

Some positive.

- Super discreet. Came in unmarked shipping packaging. If you saw the package you would have no idea what it was.

- Easy to use and shipping was quick (and free) both ways.

- Result came back quickly.


- No cash payment option. I ended up using paypal so it wasn't on my credit card, but for those of you who want fully anonymous it's not an option -- unless you get creative.

Overall a good experience and one I will use more often since I don't always have a lot of time during the day to get to a lab.

03-11-24, 12:00
Any one know legit websites to order zpacz and antibiotics without going to a doctor or planned parenthood. I get it, you want to be treated for the right std?I had a good source for these, but it seems like all the legit US based places have dried up because of some crackdown by the FDA. Does anyone know a legit overseas pharm to order them from?

06-13-24, 18:42
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting unsubstantiated reports claiming that another person is afflicted with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, this limitation being necessary because a disturbing number of these reports are less than genuine.

STD allegations are not permitted in the forum at any time EXCEPT when substantiated by links to internet-accessible public records.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

06-14-24, 02:55
If someone has a source, I bet they could make a lot of money on this site.

I had a good source for these, but it seems like all the legit US based places have dried up because of some crackdown by the FDA. Does anyone know a legit overseas pharm to order them from?

06-14-24, 14:11
If someone has a source, I bet they could make a lot of money on this site.I got mine off a site like goodRX but I don't remember the site been a few month.

06-14-24, 19:11
If someone has a source, I bet they could make a lot of money on this site.The main thing that you need is to get an RX that is not linked to your true name. This is possible legally, there's a loophole I found in the oncalldoc website, was able to get a sufficient amount of doxycycline for a STI treatment without dropping my driving license. Then you go to any pharmacy and the only ask DOB, they don't check I'd since it's not opioids or controlled substances, it's just us mongers shooting loads in naked pussies. No insurance, no family doctor, no bills in your mailbox.