View Full Version : Golden Touch

08-13-21, 14:11
Drive by last night. Lots of soft blue lights in the windows. Never read a report on it. Open?

08-15-21, 08:40
Reputable place, as far as I know. And if it is the same owner / massage therapist, middle aged white woman who I know. Not sure if it is a full service salon. Doesn't look like it from the google reviews.

https://www.google.com/search?q=golden+touch+massage&rlz=1 C1 CHZN_enUS937 US937&oq=golden+touch+massage&aqs=chrome. 69 i57 j46 i175 i199 i512 l2 j0 i512 j46 i175 i199 i512.5480 j0 j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.