View Full Version : Erotic Review discussion

03-14-20, 11:11
I've been a member on here for awhile now and am still unsure if this is allowed so I apologize if it isn't.

But, if it is, I thought it would be nice to have a discussion board to share anything regarding erotic review. I only recently found out how it is open for use, where I did start one up. I have no idea what my username and people was for my old account (4 years ago or so).

Anyone care to share their input on if they're using it and how it's been? I love the search system and being able to search based on validity of a provider with ratings and such.


03-14-20, 16:05
Keep in mind many of the reviews are made up so guys can get free membership.

03-15-20, 04:34
Keep in mind many of the reviews are made up so guys can get free membership.I used to worry about the same thing. Trust me. But I knew a guy who tried on 2 occasions to write up fake reviews and he got denied both times. I don't know what their review process is, but there must be one cause he actually had a solid line of bullshit.

ER was helpful to me when I lived in Columbus, to where it was my go to and always worked with knowing who to go to and who to stay away from.

Just wish there was an organized system on the boards where it is based on name of provider so people don't feel the need to ask all the time about providers. I know it's hard to find certain providers and I don't mind people asking, but there could at least be a "STAY AWAY" from board for the ones that moderators / admin have verified through multiple members reports that a provider is a scam, switch and bait, etc.

03-15-20, 07:47
Jagg is totally correct with his comment. I was a long time member and even paid the premium. I know for a fact there are bogus reports on there just as noted by Jagg Guys will post reviews so they can get VIP access, read some reviews and then just mimic them to continue the VIP access. One of the last things I remember was a review of one of my ATF that had been DOA / OD for at least a couple of months. Take what is posted on there at your own risk.

03-16-20, 18:44
I've had legitimate reviews denied. LOL I'm not saying it's worthless, just don't accept everything as being true.

Tom Mubbles
03-17-20, 07:23
Twice I've tried to submit a very detailed, true review, only to be denied because the provider used STG as her only advertisement. After that I just gave up. The site used to be a great resource.