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09-30-19, 15:34
My intention for this thread / forum is to discuss performance pills and supplements, such as Viagra, Cialis and other products, like testosterone boosters and such.

10-01-19, 08:47
My intention for this thread / forum is to discuss performance pills and supplements, such as Viagra, Cialis and other products, like testosterone boosters and such.I get Viagra from a compounding pharmacy, they make it and it's like little candy squares that will melt if you leave them in a hit car. 100 mg is $6!

10-01-19, 10:07
I get my Viagra from Mexico. Any pharmacy will sell you generic without a prescription but Walmart has the best prices. I think last I went it was right around $1. 50 per 100 mg pill. No sense buying lower doses, just chop the pill if you want less.

I'd be very interested in T-boosters, I have low T but it's mainly because I drink too much.

10-01-19, 10:57
I get Viagra from a compounding pharmacy, they make it and it's like little candy squares that will melt if you leave them in a hit car. 100 mg is $6!Is it local and is there a minimum amount that you have to buy? Do you have to go with a prescription or do they have a doctor there that you can see?

10-01-19, 12:00
I get my Viagra from Mexico. Any pharmacy will sell you generic without a prescription but Walmart has the best prices. I think last I went it was right around $1. 50 per 100 mg pill. No sense buying lower doses, just chop the pill if you want less.

I'd be very interested in T-boosters, I have low T but it's mainly because I drink too much.The last time I was at the doctor's office, I was complaining about how tired I was. My energy seemed to drop suddenly and I'd just nod off easily, like falling asleep in the chair watching TV or even falling asleep at my desk and just not being able to seem to gather the energy to get up and go to bed.

Once anemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes and sleep apnea were eliminated as possible causes, he told me that my testosterone was low. That was kind of a shock to me, because I'd always thought that based on my drive, my testosterone would be off the charts high. The standard range is 175-781 ng / dl and I'm in the 400's, so it was only slightly low. He suggested testosterone replacement therapy by injection and it was my choice if I wanted to do it.

The thought of testosterone replacement therapy had never occurred to me and after reading about it a bit, I decided not to do it. The possible side effects of it are just too scary for me -among them being hair loss, weight gain, possible heart issues or stroke, increased breast size, reduced testicle size and so on. Seriously? Grow tits and shrink my nuts? Uh, no thanks. Additionally, I read that if you start getting testosterone injections, your body starts to depend on it and reduces your own natural production of it and it's like you become dependent on it. Granted, although these are only possible side effects and since they make Viagra, Cialis and the like, I feel better and more comfortable using those as an alternative.

As I was typing this, I thought I'd mention another popular pill with unexpected and unwanted side effects. Years ago, when I was trying to lose weight, I'd been talking to a friend of mine who was trying to lose weight too, so we both went to the same doctor and each got a prescription for Adipex (generic). Now, if you've never used Adipex, the stuff really works. You get plenty of energy and the weight will drop off fairly easy. On occasion, you'll even forget to eat. That's the upside. The downside, of course, were the possible side effects, which included potential hair loss and impotence.

Unfortunately, after 3 or 4 months of being on Adipex, my hair did start becoming noticeably thinner, but worse, it was extremely difficult to get my dick hard. At best, it got half mast and it was very frustrating, because even that seemed to take some work. To add insult to injury, even at half mast, it took forever to cum, if it happened before I gave up. I asked my friend if he'd been having similar problems and while hair loss wasn't a problem for him, he was experiencing impotence too.

During this time period, I met an escort for an hour (craigslist) and when we started, I told her what was happening, so she understood. Kudos to her, because she was a star performer and really worked hard to get the job done. To be more graphic, there are certain things that make it very easy for me to pop and one of those things is getting a rim job while I jack myself off. There are rim jobs and there are PHENOMENAL rim jobs. I lucked out with this girl, because she did it so well that it felt like my eyes were rolling back in my head and my mind was numbing. Even though it was THAT good and she wasn't a clock watcher, it still took almost the full hour to finally cum.

Eventually, I had enough with Adipex and stopped taking it. I figured I'd rather be a fat guy with a full head of hair and a working dick, as opposed to a bald, skinny guy, who was trying to play pool using a rope. Even after going off of Adipex, it took a good 4-6 months before my dick started working normally and my hair started coming back in.

Paxil was another drug with negative side effects for me. No hair loss and no problem getting hard but it was almost impossible to cum.

Having babbled all of that, I'm interested in hearing about those who've used T-Boosters and how they worked, in addition to other prescription drugs that people have used and experienced negative sexual side effects with.

Hobby Cat 55
10-01-19, 12:59
The last time I was at the doctor's office, I was complaining about how tired I was. My energy seemed to drop suddenly and I'd just nod off easily, like falling asleep in the chair watching TV or even falling asleep at my desk and just not being able to seem to gather the energy to get up and go to bed.

Once anemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes and sleep apnea were eliminated as possible causes, he told me that my testosterone was low. That was kind of a shock to me, because I'd always thought that based on my drive, my testosterone would be off the charts high. The standard range is 175-781 ng / dl and I'm in the 400's, so it was only slightly low. He suggested testosterone replacement therapy by injection and it was my choice if I wanted to do it.

The thought of testosterone replacement therapy had never occurred to me and after reading about it a bit, I decided not to do it. The possible side effects of it are just too scary for me -among them being hair loss, weight gain, possible heart issues or stroke, increased breast size, reduced testicle size and so on. Seriously? Grow tits and shrink my nuts? Uh, no thanks. Additionally, I read that if you start getting testosterone injections, your body starts to depend on it and reduces your own natural production of it and it's like you become dependent on it. Granted, although these are only possible side effects and since they make Viagra, Cialis and the like, I feel better and more comfortable using those as an alternative.

As I was typing this, I thought I'd mention another popular pill with unexpected and unwanted side effects. Years ago, when I was trying to lose weight, I'd been talking to a friend of mine who was trying to lose weight too, so we both went to the same doctor and each got a prescription for Adipex (generic). Now, if you've never used Adipex, the stuff really works. You get plenty of energy and the weight will drop off fairly easy. On occasion, you'll even forget to eat. That's the upside. The downside, of course, were the possible side effects, which included potential hair loss and impotence.

Unfortunately, after 3 or 4 months of being on Adipex, my hair did start becoming noticeably thinner, but worse, it was extremely difficult to get my dick hard. At best, it got half mast and it was very frustrating, because even that seemed to take some work. To add insult to injury, even at half mast, it took forever to cum, if it happened before I gave up. I asked my friend if he'd been having similar problems and while hair loss wasn't a problem for him, he was experiencing impotence too.

During this time period, I met an escort for an hour (craigslist) and when we started, I told her what was happening, so she understood. Kudos to her, because she was a star performer and really worked hard to get the job done. To be more graphic, there are certain things that make it very easy for me to pop and one of those things is getting a rim job while I jack myself off. There are rim jobs and there are PHENOMENAL rim jobs. I lucked out with this girl, because she did it so well that it felt like my eyes were rolling back in my head and my mind was numbing. Even though it was THAT good and she wasn't a clock watcher, it still took almost the full hour to finally cum.

Eventually, I had enough with Adipex and stopped taking it. I figured I'd rather be a fat guy with a full head of hair and a working dick, as opposed to a bald, skinny guy, who was trying to play pool using a rope. Even after going off of Adipex, it took a good 4-6 months before my dick started working normally and my hair started coming back in.

Paxil was another drug with negative side effects for me. No hair loss and no problem getting hard but it was almost impossible to cum.

Having babbled all of that, I'm interested in hearing about those who've used T-Boosters and how they worked, in addition to other prescription drugs that people have used and experienced negative sexual side effects with.Look into Testosterone Pellets. They are put into your butt checks. Last for 4-6 months. Shots / Creams work while you are taking it with side effects. Pellets are plant based and works well. Play safe HC.

John Inv
10-02-19, 19:53
I found an online pharmacy out of India. I get 200 mg pills for about. 90 cent a pill. I usually buy 120 at a time. Now, I know 200 mg is a huge dosage, but I figured I might as well make sure it works. Especially in this hobby.

10-03-19, 12:32
I found an online pharmacy out of India. I get 200 mg pills for about. 90 cent a pill. I usually buy 120 at a time. Now, I know 200 mg is a huge dosage, but I figured I might as well make sure it works. Especially in this hobby.My experiences of the viagra from India (and the Cialis from Canada) are not good at all. Some pills seem completely ineffective, some seem to be a much higher dosage than what is indicated. I want to know that when I'm taking 100 mg that I'm getting 100 mg. A pharmacist friend of mine confirmed the foreign produced medications are not as strictly quality controlled during manufacturing, so there is quite a bit more variability from one pill or one batch to the next.

10-03-19, 17:51
My experiences of the viagra from India (and the Cialis from Canada) are not good at all. Some pills seem completely ineffective, some seem to be a much higher dosage than what is indicated. I want to know that when I'm taking 100 mg that I'm getting 100 mg. A pharmacist friend of mine confirmed the foreign produced medications are not as strictly quality controlled during manufacturing, so there is quite a bit more variability from one pill or one batch to the next.Knowing what Viagra does to blood pressure variations in strength could be dangerous.

John Inv
10-03-19, 21:03
My experiences of the viagra from India (and the Cialis from Canada) are not good at all. Some pills seem completely ineffective, some seem to be a much higher dosage than what is indicated. I want to know that when I'm taking 100 mg that I'm getting 100 mg. A pharmacist friend of mine confirmed the foreign produced medications are not as strictly quality controlled during manufacturing, so there is quite a bit more variability from one pill or one batch to the next.I don't doubt that that may be the case in some instances. What I an tell you is that I haven't had an issue yet. All the pills I have gotten, so far, have worked perfectly. Now, again, I'm no doctor. I'm not sure if the 200 mg is a bad thing for me. But I'm in my mid 40's and before I used these pills, I was starting to have ED big time. These have definitely help solve that issue.

10-06-19, 09:40
I get my Viagra from Mexico. Any pharmacy will sell you generic without a prescription but Walmart has the best prices. I think last I went it was right around $1. 50 per 100 mg pill. No sense buying lower doses, just chop the pill if you want less.

I'd be very interested in T-boosters, I have low T but it's mainly because I drink too much.See it you can get your T tested. Mine was low so doc put me on Androgel. Expensive without insurance but about $10 with insurance. Works amazingly.

Home Grown12
10-17-19, 09:25

Recently saw The Game Changers Movie.

Dives into health of eating, performance and other topics.

Specifically for the fellas with ED or simply want to get harder for longer. 🍆.

ED is a circulation issue and the blue pills assist with blood flow. Eat less meat, less junk food to help lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, lose fat weight. And the circulation would improve in the whole body not just in little man. I started by doing Meatless Mondays. Then it was easy to go meatless on weekends also.


Instead of blue pill, the natural amino acids to help with whole body circulation / nitric oxide:


10-17-19, 09:35
I'll double down on what Home Grown12 just said it is so true. You can also add beats and green leaves to your meals to improve blood circulation.



Recently saw The Game Changers Movie.

Dives into health of eating, performance and other topics.

Specifically for the fellas with ED or simply want to get harder for longer. 🍆.

ED is a circulation issue and the blue pills assist with blood flow. Eat less meat, less junk food to help lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, lose fat weight. And the circulation would improve in the whole body not just in little man. I started by doing Meatless Mondays. Then it was easy to go meatless on weekends also.


Instead of blue pill, the natural amino acids to help with whole body circulation / nitric oxide:


10-17-19, 23:57

Recently saw The Game Changers Movie.

Dives into health of eating, performance and other topics.

Specifically for the fellas with ED or simply want to get harder for longer. 🍆.

ED is a circulation issue and the blue pills assist with blood flow. Eat less meat, less junk food to help lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, lose fat weight. And the circulation would improve in the whole body not just in little man. I started by doing Meatless Mondays. Then it was easy to go meatless on weekends also.

Instead of blue pill, the natural amino acids to help with whole body circulation / nitric oxide:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000OEPAI4This movie promotes the vegan agenda of eliminating meat from one's diet entirely. Definitely add more green, leafy vegetables to your diet, and eliminate fatty meats, and reduce your meat intake. But it's not an either-or proposition. Balanced diet is key to good health.

10-22-19, 01:22
This movie promotes the vegan agenda of eliminating meat from one's diet entirely. Definitely add more green, leafy vegetables to your diet, and eliminate fatty meats, and reduce your meat intake. But it's not an either-or proposition. Balanced diet is key to good health.Balanced diet is the key to good health but age plays a factor too. I'm an older guy (not social security older, but older) and still need a boost from time to time. It's a sad situation when you want to give her the high hard one and the trooper is on hiatus.

In regard to diet, I'm within 10 lbs of where I should be, I don't eat fowl of any kind and rarely ever eat pork. When I do eat pork, it's only bacon when I do and not much of that. Beef is a once or month or every six weeks thing for me and I can't eat cheese, sour cream or drink any kind of regular milk (lactose intolerant). Greek and non-fat yogurt are ok for some reason and almond milk is fine. My diet is mostly fruit, yogurt and starches, like noodles, potatoes and rice, along with vegetable sushi varieties (sometimes tuna roll). Regular bread, like sourdough or Hawaiian, is a weakness for me, so I eat the low calorie wheat bread.

BP is spot on with an assist from a very low dose of medication and my cholesterol is quite low as well. LDL standard range is 70-130 mg / dl and I'm at 55.

Now that I've given everything but a stool sample here and although my counter is full of supplements, I did order some beet extract pills and hope they'll help out a bit. Apparently, beet supplements can turn your excrement a different color, so you can eliminate waste festively.

10-24-19, 13:16
Looking for help on a survey.


Completely anonymous just looking for feedback on possible product launch. Ill add an extra half pack on your next order.


12-12-19, 08:15
Hello fellow hobbyists:

I have ran out of my Cialis and am looking to get some to last for about two weeks till my new shipment comes in. Anyone willing to sell me some?

Thanks in advance.

01-01-20, 10:20
Hello fellow hobbyists:

I have ran out of my Cialis and am looking to get some to last for about two weeks till my new shipment comes in. Anyone willing to sell me some?

Thanks in advance.Goodrx.com

$20 online doctor script.

Every pharmacy has WIDELY varied prices with their coupon.

However there is at least two that are only $16 for 30 5 mg generic Cialis. I filled the script the same day. Barely over $1 a pill.

Usually I'm only good for about 1 min but between one of those and a little promescent I was nonstop for 30 min on this poor gal from listcrawler.

01-25-20, 18:29
Not to discount the above, but I have been doing all these for that last decade (I am 49 now) - even before that I, my diet was veggie for 3 to 4 days a week. Meat on couple days a week. Till about few years ago, I had no need for any blue pills and I can go for 30 minute solid hard as rock. However, the last few years it has been a challenge and now I eat meat or chicken maybe once a week. Not sure if it is too much watching porn and hard for 30 sec. I read that watching too much porn does that since the stimuli needs to be higher and higher to maintain the same level. I stopped watching since the early of this year. I so far have not seen any difference but I am persistent to continue. I am looking for natural way to treat ED.

This movie promotes the vegan agenda of eliminating meat from one's diet entirely. Definitely add more green, leafy vegetables to your diet, and eliminate fatty meats, and reduce your meat intake. But it's not an either-or proposition. Balanced diet is key to good health.